#Venti in lingerie is gonna be in my head for a bit
sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
nsfw idea !! (not valentines themed but it doesnt contradict)
what if you had a human disguise like venti does?
unlike your real selves, the bard and "you" aren't in a relationship yet...
you are drinking with venti on the church rooftop looking down at the statue and you say smth like
"why he kinda,,,, have you seen how they draw him in the fairy tale picture books DAMN his squishy thighs small waist blah blah blah"
and he becomes so red 😭😭😭 you pretend that you only just realized
"... venti?"
anyway you tell him that you need to go and he follows you just as you intended ❤️ he follows you in the church, almost crying...
until you playfully look him in the eyes, lacy lingerie perfectly showing off your thighs and tummy ❤️❤️❤️
usually he was below you, just your toy and nothing more, but tonight you were his to indulge in ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I mean his waist though, I get it. Idk who designed that statue but they made up for covering him completely by making his waist so,,, that
It's so funny cause I have two completely different fantasies that both share the same 'talking about Barbatos in front of Venti while pretending you don't know it's him', and one is where you just excessively praise and compliment to make him flustered, like the above example, and the other is to just diss the hell out of him (in a lighthearted way of course) because I could see exactly how that would play out
I mean he'd go along with it and find the entire thing incredibly amusing, probably thinking he has an upper hand because he thinks if you ever knew who he actually was, you'd be mortified, and that's funny to him
But, little does he know, as soon as he off-handedly reveals who he actually is, expecting to provoke a reaction, you get to reply with "I know" and a deadpan expression
Idk I think I'd be funny
Back on topic— sex in a church hell yeah, lacy lingerie double hell yeah, though my one critique is that Venti should also be in lacy lingerie cause... yeah.....
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kaebedom-me · 3 years
We believe in Cheaya supremacy 😖😩🥵 Can I have some wedding headcanon plz🥺
Pplspls,, im os fuckong sofft.... Chaeya wedding I'm,,, thnak you so so os much fot requesting this I'm gomma cry
Chaeya wedding...... I-
Childe's the one that proposes bet
Kaeya.. It takes a while for him to answer, i don't see him immediately accepting the proposal immediately even if they head over heels deeply in love with each other
Cuz Kaeya thinks he has issues and honestly why would someone as influential and spectacular and gorgeous as Childe?? want??? to marry him???????
I also think they're pretty communicative people? Like sure Childe's the type to spring up proposals out of no where
Especially during like a fight with a really strong opponent w Kaeya he just "marry me" out of no where
He's the type to do that, yes, but he also is pretty in tuned w Kaeya so he knows Kaeya might want to talk about it too
Like after a really nice date or smth? Or after a very sweet knock the air out of your lungs sex he just kinda softly asks if he can propose to Kaeya
They'll talk about it and it'll be awhile before Kaeya says yes to being proposed to?
Then Childe will propose uwu and even then it'll be a Soft™ proposal done in private or where its just the two of them
Okokok before i get carried away here's the actual wedding hcs because I'm trailing off to proposal hcs
[eyes emoji]
They would probably have a spring wedding
The weather isn't too cold or hot
Childe!! Wants a big wedding the biggest!!!!!! Everyone's invited!!! His getting married to the most beautiful man in Teyvat!! Everyone needs to know!!!
But Kaeya would prefer a smaller wedding with only close friends and family umu
They settle for a semi small wedding
Everyone important to them is there and they (childe) sent out a couple of extra invitations for people he thinks he'd like to see
His entire immediate family is there because he loves them sm and what's to share the special day w them
I feel also like they'd hold the wedding either somewhere really obscure or somewhere easy for everyone to get to
It's cute cuz Childe wants a really obscure place where it's super pretty very romantic and memorable? But Kaeya's like??? How are all your guests going to come then
Childe no think only putting a ring on Kaeya and kissing him to seal the marriage contract no Thoughts
Zhongli being like the priest-ish guy he's there to do the marriage contract ok
Venti provides entertainment
I want this to be few years down the line when everything is settled AU where everything works out fine, no one dies, and everything great. A happy ending because its what Chaeya deSERVES.
I- Kaeya in a wedding dress Kaeya in a wedding dress Kaeya in a wedding dress KaeyA iN a WEdING DReSS KAEYA IN A WEDDING DRESS
Yeah, Kaeya would totes rock a wedding dressing. Like bonus if Childe wants to see him in a wedding dress too?
They'd prolly have like a mixed tradition wedding like it's not as traditional. Something between Mondstadt and Snezhnayan tradition uwu
Diluc is here too,, they're brothers again kinda plS I JUST WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY IT'S A HAPPY DAY
I think it'd be nice if Diluc was the one walking Kaeya down the aisle? Hhh and they're talking softly because they haven't been talking for awhile
Diluc a little like reluctant because he didn't judge if it were like a fling or smth but your whole life????
But honestly it's just cuz Diluc's a little unsure what the marriage will entail? Like if Kaeya's gonna move away now or he'll be too devoted to spend time (even if it annoys the hell out of him) with him
And Kaeya before reaching where Childe is reassures Diluc. Because he knows, he knows how anxious Diluc is under that cool exterior just,,,,
Maybe they share a little hug,,, just tells him everything's still going to be the same, he's just got a ring on his finger now,, pls I'm so fucking soFt
Childe 1000% cries when he sees Kaeya walking down the aisle ok like how can he be so lucky to not only woo him but also have him for the rest of his life?
He cries sm Zhongli has to pull him aside for a bit to get him composed
Kaeya cries a little too ok tf he's just umu didn't think anyone would be this into him? Like he didn't think he'd have have someone to be with for the rest of his life that loves him for him even when he's not sure who he really is i-
Their vows to each other are going to be fucking cutest ok people are gonna get touched
I think their kiss when they sign the marriage contract-
I don't want to say like marriage thingy whatever the actual tradition is because i think it's so cute that they do a whole contract w the God (former) of contracts like- shut up I'm in my feels ok let me have this
So they kiss to seal the contract and its not going to be a long kiss even though they're both so horny and sketchy no
It's going to uncharacteristically sweet and chaste. They spend most of them time looking into each other's eyes than kissing
The after party like a dinner or smth where everyone just vibes is lit tho
There's so much alcohol so much because Childe spoils his bf- 🥺🥺 husband (fuCK I'm so emotional)
Venti's about to drink to the next century
Kaeya changes to a suit after cuz wedding dress do be stuffy so
There's like fun games for everyone, good food and music! Lots of dancing and laughter a great time
And he's so handsome in the suit too!????? Childe tears up again how is this man his husband tf
You'd think Kaeya's gonna get black out drunk and Childe's gonna start fights for fun but no they're uncharacteristically soft ok just let them take in everything and that they're husbands
Plspls them chilling in the corner of the room watching everyone and they're sorta just cuddle up and holding hands fingers tracing over their wedding rings
Lumine and Aether has to be the one to tell them to go dance and enjoy the wedding party they planned
Them being called out HAHAHA you can be soft for the rest of you life but you only get one (1) wedding like go???
They end up dancing and drinking til they're a little tipsy too just over all a good time uwu
I know y'all are really here for spicy hcs so i will provide some
Wedding night sex is a guarantee
Kaeya prepped cute white lingerie already
It's also honestly surprisingly sweet? Them just taking their time with each other and lots of loving kisses and tender touches
A lot of compliments and praise from Childe to Kaeya and Kaeya being equally as soft
He's telling Childe how much he loves him and how grateful he is for him, how happy he feels
Also Childe 100% wants Kaeya to call him his husband during
Bonus if its "my husband"
Childe calls him "my wife" or "my husband" in Snezhnayan
Kaeya laughs at him because Childe's still a little possessive even though they're bound by a contract now when Childe sucks a hickey onto Kaeya's ring finger
Childe's like pouting because of it but Kaeya bites hard enough to scar Childe's ring finger in return because lowkey Kaeya's possessive too
They're just,,, soft right now ok do noT SEpErATe
They'll go at it for like a good few hours or if they're extra Soft™ they'll only have rough sex again in like 3 - 5 business days
Them just basking in each other's love after like wow this is real and they're here w each other
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Chapter Eight- Of Latte’s and Lingerie
For those of you who are interested, I posted my concept art for the red piece from the last chapter. If you got back to chapter seven there’s a link. If you don’t feel like going back and looking for it, you can find it here
Here’s the previous seven chapters for those of you who are interested
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
@catsssmeow @toodaloo-kangaroo
When Adrien went to bed he was still texting Marinette. He started to pay a little more attention to the way he worded things. Maybe he was being a little flirty. Adrien sighed as he stared at his phone.
Did he really even know what flirty was? Nino was right, he hadn’t really been interested in anyone since high school, and even then it had been a halfhearted crush. Kagami was one of his only friends aside from Chloe and they’d spent a lot of time together. She was his first kiss. But it wasn’t long after they’d started dating that Adrien realized his feelings for her were no where near as strong as her feelings for him. So, he broke it off. They of course, stayed friends but Adrien could tell he’d hurt his friend. It was never really the same after that.
Adrien supposed that was why he never really tried too hard to get the attention of women. He was always so focused on making friends, he kind of let the idea of romance slip away.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
So who’s your dad? You keep telling me about how your dad is connected to the fashion world. Maybe I know him?
Coffee Buddy
Um, it’s a surprise. I’ll tell you after the show
The last thing he needed was to ruin a perfectly good friendship by telling her that his dad was her boss.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
All right fine, keep your secrets. I’m going to  bed. I don’t want to be late to work again. Are we still on for coffee tomorrow?
Adrien smiled softly.
Coffee Buddy
Yup! Good night Marinette, see you tomorrow.
Marinette really did plan to go to bed. But the racing of her heart and the pride she felt when she thought about how smoothly she was able to talk to the Hot Guy, kept her awake for hours. It was nearly two in the morning when she fell asleep. As Alya would say, she had it bad.
Miraculously, Marinette managed to get up on time the next morning. Even more miraculous however was the amazing mood she was in. Today would be a good day. She would go to work (and seeing as she was not in charge of running the upcoming show she would be free to start on yet another project and forget about the horror that would be Fruit of Passion), go to Dunn’s, talk to the Hot Guy, and come home for a self care night, complete with a bubble bath, candles, and a Jagged Stone record. Today was going to be a good day.
“Mari, I got your pieces for the show back today, I want you to try on the red piece so we can make sure it fits correctly. I know it’s your size but I want to ensure its flattering you in every way.Every detail matters.”
Marinette really thought it was gonna be a good day.
“Mari I’m almost impressed how well it fits you,” Audrey mused. Meanwhile, Marinette was blushing in the corner of the room trying very hard not to succumb to the instinct to cover herself. Audrey moved closer.
“You know these straps almost make it hard to tell how flat chested you are.” Marinette resented that.
“You know, I was under the impression that models were supposed to have perfect bodies. Full chests, toned stomachs, tan skin,” Marinette spat. Audrey rolled her eyes.
“Well luckily for you, we’re attempting to rebrand for the general public. Showing off average body types has become more widely accepted. Besides, that red does wonders for your pale skin. No one is going to be searching for your six pack.” Marinette groaned.
“If you’re really worried about it, you’re welcome to go to the gym,” Audrey said offhandedly. Marinette recoiled. She hated the gym. The sweat, the pain, the yelling, the stupid pictures. She’d much rather sit at home watching trashy television and sipping wine on the couch.
“No!!!!” Marinette screeched. She stared at the sign on the front door, mouth open.
“Oh man, I saw the sign that they would be doing renovations soon, I didn’t realize it was today, sorry Marinette.” Marinette turned around to see the Hot Guy standing behind her.
“You mean… they had a sign?” Marinette felt stupid. How hadn’t she noticed. She was only here nearly every day of the week.
“Yeah its been up for about a month now. I hadn’t really paid much attention to it though.” Marinette glanced back at the door.
“But…. Coffee…” Marinette said, defeated. The Hot Guy laughed.
“We could always go somewhere else! I still want to hang out. What about Starbucks?” The Hot Guy sounded a little desperate. Maybe he was desperately in need of coffee too. Marinette sighed.
“Yeah lets go there, hopefully they aren’t crowded.”
Starbucks was definitely crowded. Nearly filled to the brim with people.
“It doesn’t look like there’s anywhere to sit,” Hot Guy said, glancing around. Marinette bit her lip.
“Um this might sound lame but we could always take our drinks back to Dunn’s and sit outside? I mean, if you aren’t busy. I know that’s a lot of time to drive back and forth.”
Hot Guy laughed.
“Sounds kind of scandalous, like cheating in your own house. I’m down if you are Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Marinette nearly swooned. The gleam in Hot Guy’s eye when he said it, the low sultry tone. She really had it bad.
“Haha, yeah well I’m gonna order…” she said awkwardly. Hot Guy smiled.
“Just tell me what you want. I’ll grab both of our drinks. Just sit tight.” Marinette gaped at him.
“Oh, uh thank you. Let me hand you some cash…” Hot Guy was shaking his head before she finished.
“Don’t worry about it, consider it thanks for letting me crash your pity party at Dunn’s the other day.”
Adrien kinda wanted to kick himself. Crash your pity party? What an asshole thing to say. Luckily Marinette somehow didn’t seem to mind.
“Oh, thank you. Just get me an iced cocoa cloud macchiato.” Adrien smiled at her.
“No problem. I’ll be right back.” He walked over to the coffee line and waited patiently. Thankfully, even though the line had been long, the baristas moved efficiently.
“What can I get for you?” The barista looked dead inside. Circles under her eyes, a flat tone to her voice. Adrien was a little thrown. Starbucks had a very different atmosphere than Dunn’s.
“Oh, uh let me get a large mocha frappe and a large iced cocoa cloud… thing.”
“So a venti mocha frappuccino and a venti iced cocoa cloud macchiato?” Adrien blushed a little. He felt stupid in a place like this.
“Um, sure.”
“What’s the name?”
“Adrien.” The barista wrote quickly on the side of the cup.
“Your total is $10.29,” she grumbled. Adrien fished in his wallet for some cash.
“Here.” The barista counted his money and handed him the change.
“It’ll be out shortly,” she said. Adrien thought breifly that she kind of reminded him of a dead fish.
“Right,” he said quietly. He made his way back to Marinette.
“Well, it should be out in a bit,” he said cheerfully. No need to complain about how much he really did not like this establishment.
She smiled back at him. Adrien stared at her for a moment, as though for the first time. She really was pretty. She was mixed, that much was evident, even if you didn’t know her last name. She had fair skin and beautiful silk black hair. Her thick lashes brushed her cheeks when she smiled and her monolid eyes were a very astounding deep blue. He could see why Nino had such a big crush on her. She was beautiful.
“I’ve got a mocha frappucino and iced cocoa cloud macchiato for Aiden?”
Marinette jumped for a moment at the loud call of the barista.
“I guess that’s us,” Hot Guy grumbled, turning back to counter. Marinette immediately felt relief. Aiden. So that was his name. She can’t believe she hadn’t thought about that before. Listening for the call of the coffee. She immediately changed his contact name in her phone. Alya would be proud.
When Aiden came back, she smiled at him.
“So Aiden…” She trailed off. She hadn’t really thought of what to say, she had just wanted to try his name out. She was a little put off by the roll of his eyes.
“Oh whatever, you know that’s not really my name.” Marinette froze and laughed awkwardly.
“Ha, yeah… well I think I’m just gonna have to call you that from now on,” she said mechanically. ‘Aiden’ laughed.
“Oh no, don’t tell me this is a thing now,” he said. Marinette pulled up her phone and showed him his new contact.
“Yeah, it’s too late. That’s your new name,” she said.
“Alright, well I guess that’s just part of making new frineds. They always find cruel and unusual ways of making fun of you. Come on Mari, lets go back to Dunn’s.” Mari followed closely behind him and facepalmed. How the hell did she get stuck in these ridiculous situations?
Thanks for reading! I actually edited for once but if there’s any typos that you notice please let me know, I accept feedback of all kinds! Also I did another concept art for Marinette playing with the idea of her aged up with monolids. It isn’t really how I picture her but it was fun to draw! It’s here if you wanna see
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