#back in the realm of geniuses
If you want to know about your gifts, talents and skills you should check out your sidereal chart as each planet holds a lot of detail on the mind-spirit-body connection. It shows a lot of your personal power from each planet and sign and how they all fully come together to make you, you.
Capricorns are naturals at the occult. They hold a lot of deep knowledge about how this world works and they express the duality of it very well. Most think that capricorns are built on just the law and while they are, they know that their are rules that can be broken. Capricorns are an interesting bunch, they know just how to be successful in anything that they do. Getting closer to the higher ups because they just that 'it' factor of being the boss. They dont 'kiss ass' per say, they just know how to play the game. And another thing about the game, capricorns know thats what we live in. So to play the game, they learn to become the chess master.
5th house scorpios can make anything interesting in this house. Games with them can be slightly taboo. Could have a lot of sex partners. hidden secrets around children, their love life and the type of games they like to play. An observation ive seen with scorpio 5th housers is that BDSM and weird kinks/cosplay could be a thing.
5th house uranus will have some pretty interesting kids. Will Smith has this placement for example. People with this placement are gonna have to understand that their children are going to be a totally different version of them and thats okay. Unique individuals, they can create fun and new games for people. You could be the next person to make a new board game or something a long those lines. Video games? New toys? Theres a business mindset here that needs to be touched on with these placement holders. You guys can really create new, whimsical worlds for people to enjoy!
Neptune in the 8th, spiritual realms open up to these individuals. They do not sleep. No I mean literally, their dreams take them to new dimensions all the time and they come back finding out new information from these worlds. Even their waking life is like a dream, connecting it all together. May be prone to getting psychosis due to the consistent stimulation to their third eye. Its a wild ride for these kids, if you have a friend with this placement gon' head and check on them.
10th house Saturns & Jupiter placements have self mastery written all in their chart. Whatever it is they came out to do its been done before in many other lives. If you believe in past lives, then im talking to you.
10 house jupiter individuals are natural geniuses finding their way through life. They focus heavy on community and love to learn more about how they can help them, what they can bring to the table etc.
Mars in the 8th house is a strong placement for jealousy to occur. These individuals know what they want when they want it. Highly passionate in nature, they most create a routine where their energy can be tapped into on a daily or they'll suffer burn out. Or worse, become a sex maniac. All your energy can not go to sex, it has to go to something that sustain you. Whats your purpose? goals? get into it. thats where most of it HAS to go to.
Venus 6th house need routine to be in order. Some chaos here and there but not too much in your day to day. Your minds needs to follow your passions and purpose in order to feel stable. Focus on something that makes you pay close attention to detail. Something that forces you to take your time.
People with this placement normally have the cutest pets :) and they get the most compliments all of the time.
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skitterjitter · 17 days
I don't think Dr Veritas Ratio currently wants to be a member of the Genius Society. he almost certainly wanted to join their ranks when he was younger, but at some point that changed
members of the Genius Society view themselves as different from the average person, they're often secretive about their work, or outright hermits. the Nous Temple requires a key get in, and once you do, you don't come back out
this is entirely counter to Dr Ratio's stated beliefs and actions. his character details outright say: "Firmly believing that intellect and creativity are not confined to geniuses, he seeks to distribute knowledge to the entire universe to cure the persistent disease named ignorance."
he calls himself a Mundanite, clearly placing him within the same level as your average, everyday person. he's doing it deliberately, because he wants to be part of general society, unlike those of the Genius Society. he's recognizing and acknowledging the effort most people have to put in to be smart
his lightcone Baptism of Pure Thought shows him in an intimate and vulnerable setting, vastly different from what we see in Ruan Mei's Past Self In Mirror or Herta's The Birth Of The Self
Dr Ratio is a professor, his second character story says: "According to statistics, Ratio has taught 52 courses during his tenure. The courses, known to be harsh and challenging, have a completion rate of no more than 3%. Almost all the students who made it to the end have become experts in certain fields." he's not looking for quantity but quality in those he allows to pass, but it also doesn't seem like he intentionally bars people from taking his classes, they're just difficult and demanding
he's also a member of the Intelligensia Guild, and he's worked on public projects like the anti-planetary weapon that got him noticed by the IPC, so despite his distaste for fools and stupidity, he's still working within the realm of the average person
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vbsvartalf · 2 years
Audio Drama Sunday, 12/4/22
Yesterday was a long, big, busy Sunday, filled with some amazing audio dramas that I must share with all of you.
Dead Air, by Realm Media (created by Gwenda Bond) - If you like the true crime genre of podcasts, then a fictional version might just be up your alley. It's suspenseful, emotional, and filled with dark, dry humor. I've been devouring it recently, stopping just short of binging the entire thing in a single setting. I'm not a true crime fan, but I'm still hooked. If you liked Arden, I think you'll like this show.
Greater Boston, by Alexander Danner and Jeff Van Dreason - Humor, surrealism, quiet drama are all at the heart of Greater Boston. I know it's been around for a while and has a huge fandom but I'm excited that I get to experience this show for the first time six years after it started. Once I finish, I have a feeling I'll start the series over again without missing a beat.
A Ninth World Journal, by David S. Dear - The ultimate actual play turned audio drama, A Ninth World Journal episodes might be short but they are packed to the gills with content and keep you guessing as to what is going to happen next. David S. Dear is a fantastic narrator I've heard on several other shows at this point and it's wonderful to see him shine as the star.
Exoplanetary, by C. Christopher Heart - Managing to weave half a dozen sci-fi stories together in a nonlinear fashion without getting things too confusing is no easy task, but Exoplanetary as not only done just that, but thrived at it and keeps me coming back for new stories and new angles. It's filled with heart and emotion that stay with you long after the episodes is finished. From robotic love to colonialism to time travel, this show has it all.
Among the Stars and Bones, by Ungodly Hour Productions - Technically this will be my third listen but each time I get something more out of it, I feel more for the characters and understand their motivations. Telling a story from 8 or 9 limited viewpoints is a great way to employ the unreliable narrator, or as it happens, 8 or 9 unreliable narrators. I've seen recently that they are casting for season 2 and I cannot contain my excitement!
Old Gods of Appalachia, by DeepNerd Media - Folk horror, when done right, is better than any subgenre of any genre of literature, bar none. I will live and die on this hill. Old Gods does folk horror the right way. There's mood and atmosphere, a sense of place and a sense of dread. The show will have you jumping at shadows and creepy noises down by the creek at the witching hour.
The Town Whispers, by Cole Weavers - While similar to Old Gods of Appalachia, The Town Whispers takes cosmic horror and turns it up to 11 alongside all the folk horror that creeps around the edges of the Fort. The story telling is sharp and a sense of doom and dread purvey every word Mr. Weavers speaks. It's beautiful and chilling and leaves me needing more.
Malevolent, by Harlan Guthrie - It's a simple premise, guy wakes up unable to see with a creepy voice in his head that is not his own. Oh also there's a dead body, also there are monsters running around, oh also lots of creepy books, oh also it's set in the heart of Lovecraft Country. What could go wrong? I'm late to the party on the fandom for this show but as I work through the episodes I see why the fandom has exploded Hannibal style all over Tumblr.
Hi Nay, by Motzi Dapul - What if the Magnus Archives were less focused on Eurocentric monsters and fears and entities? What if there was a less organized group of people going after them? What if all of it was recorded lo-fi and given a health dose of Filipino folklore? Well, you'd have Hi Nay and you'd sweep the internets with a new, obsession worthy podcast that teaches as much as it entertains. Also they are working on getting 1000 subs on Youtube so get on that people!
The Kingmaker Histories, by Meg Molloy Tuten - Made by the same geniuses that brought us Less is Morgue, this audio drama gives us a glimpse at a steampunk world filled with magic. I enjoyed the first episode immensely. The acting, the script, the sound design are all top notch. Have to say I love this Ariadne character, she seems nice.
Moonbase Theta, Out, by D.J. Sylvis - Dystopian futures, corrupt governments, sinister warnings about the moon. Sounds like a typical day in 2022, right? Moonbase Theta, Out was and is ahead of its time in terms of storytelling, narratives, and characters. It's really a who's who in the world of audio drama with "famous" voices popping in and out to voice characters that will make you do the Leo pointing meme at least twice and episode.
WOE.BEGONE, by Dylan Griggs - Part surrealist sci-fi, part existential horror, WOE.BEGONE is a show that makes me want to run away screaming whilst at the same time binging more and more episodes. How deep does this creepy, deadly game go? What is the point of it all? Will Mike just be able to relax and have a nice time? I need to know!!!
And 195, by Guendalina Cilli - I just found out about this audio drama yesterday and I'm already a fan. I'm a runner with a bad sense of direction myself so the basis of the show is very, very familiar to me (aside from getting lost in other dimensions, that's not familiar but you never know in these days).
We Fix Space Junk, by Battle Bird Productions - Dystopian space dramas are a trope for a reason, but We Fix Space Junk manages to avoid the pitfalls and enjoy all the benefits of said trope. It's fresh, fun, and exciting. I've decided it was time for a re-listen to see what things I missed out on in the beginning that are integral parts of the show by the end. I'm already having a blast!
Care & Feeding of Werewolves, by Brenna Anderson-Dowd - What if True Blood were a sitcom, but far better than the sum of those two parts? What if it were funny and informative, silly and meaningful? You'd have Care & Feeding of Werewolves and you'd enjoy every single episode of this weird little show, and I do mean that endearingly. If it weren't weird, it wouldn't be nearly as fun.
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zerokissingbooth · 22 days
rant under cut ab dr ratio
i know we don't know much about his actual personal life just yet, but it feels less like earning nous' gaze is earned by intelligence but rather drive to your field. your passion willing to push the boundaries of what's known- ruan mei as an example.
until ratio does something worthwhile like idk, preventing the mass extinction of sentient inorganic life in hopes of stopping an egopowered supercomputer (screwllum vs emperor rupert i) or continued to actively reject the genius society despite MULTIPLE INVITATIONS (ruan mei) or having mass intellect, developing the simulated universe from an OUTSIDE LOCATION and being acknowledged as insanely smart but refusing to actually use it (stephen lloyd) he won't ever be acknowledged by nous.
it isn't a matter of humanity, empathy, or anything like that- hell there's still genius members we haven't met because they're all various levels of too invested in their work, introverted/anti-social, or something else that has nothing to do with morality.
dr ratio's prime drive outside of spreading knowledge is spreading himself outwards. he has ego, he actually put an entire space station in danger just to try and prove a point. like why hasn't anyone talked about that? dr ratio putting the station in crisis just to stick his nose up at a small group of people-- two of them not actually caring at all, by the way. the entire conflict of the space station issue with dr ratio's introduction was entirely focused on ratio and screwllum.
and you cannot say ratio has empathy-- he makes his students cry without care, his class has an insanely low graduation rate, he's quick to insult first due to his own admitted bias before actually listening to someone (see: ratio actively insulting aventurine's race and lack of intelligence first). he refuses to debate people because he automatically declares himself a winner. his entire philosophy of 'spreading knowledge and curing ignorance' is counteracting his own actions with how harsh and refusing he is to accommodate to students. even if students that do graduate out of the 3% become experts... that is an insanely low number for a guy who taught 52 courses.
and we know why some of the geniuses are the way they are or why they seem less empathetic. like ruan mei's trauma with the death of her parents and the failure to keep family promises (seen in chara stories 1 and 2) caused her to spiral hardcore into trying to bring them back and nearly broke the biology of the abundance on her planet. she didn't eat until needed, didn't sleep, she was literally in a daze working.
or screwllum! while we don't know much we know that not only does he hate any mechanical constructs that follow rupert i's orders (which are to destroy organic life) he is utterly fascinated and enchanted by life. his own invitation by nous to join the society actively prevented the IPC from wiping out all mechanical lifeforms, further prevented due to his own intervention.
ratio is insanely fascinating, but he is not as empathetic as it seems. he's rational, logical and a jackass; knowledge and being able to carry a title is first to him, with how narrow of a birth he has within education. many degrees he has, but they're ranging from philosophy, mathematics, biology, and whatever- nothing within the realm of history, the arts, languages or literature. an argument could be made here that ratio specifically values mathematics and sciences above other aspects of knowledge, leaning into his bias, but that's just me.
"but his note to aventurine!" was a note explaining how he had an answer to aventurine's previous question. acheron had more of an impact on aventurine's almost-death in the dreamscape which makes sense, seeing as her entire thing is with nihility and death. it doesn't surprise me he figured it out, as he is a philosopher.
"what is death in a dream?" is a great philosophy question and would've been a treat for him to pick at and solve.
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underfaller · 11 months
Chapter 8: η
Pairing: dottore x angel!reader
Summary: You are a Heavenly Messenger from Celestia that’s been captured by a mysterious Doctor
CW: cockwarming
Word count: 3.9k
A/N: Update came early. Still getting used to new posting schedule.
You’re back in the main lab. It’s honestly a bit of a relief;you were starting to go stir crazy stuck in that bed for so long. You feel better now-- much more than last week.  Dottore notes that your wings are healing properly. You can tell. You no longer wince in pain when you move. Plus, you’re no longer ridden with that awful fever that made it difficult to even think. Yes, things are back to normal.  
Well, close to normal. 
You began teaching Dottore the language of Khaenri'ah almost immediately, just as promised. It is more difficult than you initially thought. Knowing something is one thing, but conceptualizing it and teaching it to someone-- especially when that someone is like the Doctor-- is insanely stressful and a bit tedious. Still, you try your best. It was all you could do with such limited teaching skills and resources. The Doctor insists you give him a lesson every night, no matter how busy you two are. Dottore is surprisingly eager to learn. Such resolve makes him slightly more open to your lessons-- a relief considering how unbearably arrogant and stubborn the man usually is. 
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When you aren’t pulling your hair out trying to teach your enemy a dead language or cleaning the ever messy lab (When you first returned, it was absolutely filthy as if he’d waited for you to do all his cleaning. That bastard.), you were translating the journal. 
The journal. Despite your self loathing, you know you are quite intelligent. You are certainly well read considering how you spent all those years alone in Celestia’s libraries. So even if it takes you a bit, you understand what you’re inscribing. With that, the more you translate, the more uneasy you become. These ancient pages are stained with blasphemy. To create life is a privilege solely bestowed upon the gods, yet here you are, the secrets of such powers on the table in front of you. A mere mortal knowing such information is irresponsible at best and catastrophic at worst. The author of this journal certainly knew that. Their delight in such a revelation is apparent in between passages and intricate diagrams. Whoever this Rhinedottir was… they were certainly a threat to the gods. Perhaps even Celestia itself. 
Though you can’t help but notice such similar personalities between this mysterious author and the Doctor you now served. 
Even with your apprehension, you translate the old book dutifully. You know that giving such knowledge to Dottore is unwise, but you still do your job. You shift in your seat, feeling the bandages in your feathers press against your wings. 
Yes, a little bit of blasphemy was better than a whole lot of pain. 
But there is something else. Perhaps you did not want to admit it, but you can not help but feel a bit curious about the words you read. You are a bit ashamed that such forbidden knowledge is even a bit tantalizing to you, but you’ve always been interested in mortals. Even now, after such horrific experiences with one, you can’t help but still have a morbid desire to learn more about this mortal realm. 
And to be able to create a mortal being… Well, it was difficult to not be a little interested. 
“Khaenri'ah was absolutely magnificent. Such a shame such scientific geniuses were struck down by Celestia.” 
Dottore is standing over you, no doubt reading your latest translations over your shoulder. He did so often. The Doctor doesn’t even hide his eagerness to read whatever you copy. You glance at his surprisingly clean gloves. You are fortunate. Usually, Dottore’s experiments are much more visceral; however, today, it seems you will not have to clean the back of your chair that he grips of bloodstains. You raise an eyebrow, looking at Dottore. 
“That is not what I read,” You say, doubtfully. “Under my impression, Khaenri'ah destroyed itself with forbidden knowledge. The gods had nothing to do with its destruction.”
Dottore tilts his head, interested. “And where did you get that information?”
“In Celestia. It is mentioned in their history books.”
“Is that so?” Dottore contemplates. His tone is genuinely curious, but a mocking smile twitches on his lips. “That is quite ludicrous. You cannot believe everything you read. Especially when it is so obviously disinformation.” 
You furrow your brows, setting your pen down. You swivel in your chair, facing him. 
“What do you mean?”
“Well, long ago, an entire kingdom vanished into nothingness,” Dottore waves his hand, gesticulating as he explains to you. “Their technology, their history, everything they had built over centuries… Poof! Wiped away by Celestia. An entire country cursed by the gods. Their only fault was that they didn't receive divine approval. Not only did they create the most advanced tech of their time, they did so without the frivolous gods' help. It's no surprise that such a civilization succeeds even the most advanced modern cities of Teyvat. People nowadays are much too fearful to innovate.”
You are silent. This is not the history you knew. You were taught that Khaenri'ah was a lowly country, one that did not warrant such accolations. However, they’d foolishly tapped into forbidden knowledge, corrupting themselves and threatening to spread such a disease to the neighboring countries of Teyvat. It was only then that Celestia had no choice but to destroy Khaenri'ah. This is the cautionary tale that you learned when you were young. This is what you’ve trusted to be correct. 
So why is the Doctor’s version of events so different? 
Dottore smirks at you. Your confusion and inner turmoil is apparent on your face. He continues. 
“Therefore, you are very incorrect, darling. It wasn’t knowledge that killed Khaenri'ah but the arrogance of the gods. The same ones that made you.”
You hang your head, deep in thought as you ponder this news but you soon raise your chin again, judging the Doctor with skepticism as you cross your arms. 
“But why should I believe you? You are certainly not an honest man. For all I know, you could simply be making all this up.”
That is always a possibility. This Doctor is a liar. 
Dottore scoffs, shaking his head. 
“You’re right. However, being part of the Fatui is proof in itself. After all, Khaenri'ah’s destruction was the catalyst for the creation of the Fatui.” He states. “Plus, I have no reason to lie to you.”
Dottore grins darkly as he adds.
“Your gods, on the other hand, they have quite the motivation to. It’s no surprise they would teach such blatant propaganda. If their dear messengers knew the truth of their beloved deities, they would most certainly cut ties with such tyrants.”
You accepted Celestia’s version of history because that was your only truth. Now it is being disputed and you did not know who to believe. Your head pounds as you take in this new information. Despite your initial doubt, you are more inclined to trust Dottore’s version. When you think back to your past readings, you realize there were quite a few gaping holes, as if what was written were half-baked lies. 
“Wouldn’t you have gone against Celestia sooner if you knew how much they hid from you?” Dottore prods. 
“I…” You say, looking uneasy. “I don’t know.” 
Would I have? If I knew the extent of their lies would I have forsaken my creators so easily? What about my comrades?
What about Rider?
Dottore shrugs. 
“I suppose there is no use pondering over such hypotheticals,” Dottore says before pointing to the text you are translating. “Also you mistranslated this part. It says that serum must be injected into the vessel’s iris, not pupil.” 
You twirl back around, reading where his finger rests before giving Dottore an incredulous look. 
“That is… incorrect, Doctor. The character for ‘pupil’ is this,” You delicately write it on the edge of the paper. “I explained before that many words have characters for them instead of being spelled out and a lot are extremely similar to one another. This is one of them.”
Dottore is silent before a scowling. “Well I wouldn’t know that if I wasn’t taught that particular character, would I?”
“Actually I did teach that,” You narrow your eyes, unamused by his accusatory tone. “You were very adamant about learning the characters and spellings of body and medical terminology right off the bat. I even wrote them out for you for future reference and studying.” 
Dottore shrugs once more, trying to play off his error with nonchalance. You can tell, however, that he was a bit annoyed. He didn’t like being wrong. 
“Hmph, if I did make such a simple mistake, then you are a dismal teacher.”
You take offense to that. 
“Actually, it is you who is an awful student. Always acting as if you know everything when you know nothing!” You snap, rubbing your temples. “Simple mistake? Perhaps this language is simply too difficult for you.”
Dottore stiffens. A stark silence fills the lab and you instantly realize your very, very poor choice of words. You immediately try to backpedal. 
“I apo-” 
Dottore doesn’t even give you a chance to finish your apology, scooping you up in swift motion. 
“Hey! What are you-”
Dottore carries you to his own desk, your translated journal in hand. Wordlessly, he throws the book onto the wooden surface and places you on the ground. You stand with your back towards him. Dottore sits on the office chair. Your breathing quicklens as you hear him unbuckling his belt. 
At first, you’re nervous the Doctor is going to fuck you right there in the lab as a punishment, but he doesn’t. Dottore slips your panties from under your dress. The thin piece of clothing is abandoned on the cold floor as he lifts you up once more. You make a small noise of protest which he ignores. Instead, Dottore rests you on his exposed lap. As your cunt envelopes his half hard cock, you give a surprised squeak at the sudden penetration. It does not hurt, but sitting like this, your legs wrapped around the Doctor’s waist, bent over the arms of the chair was nothing short of uncomfortable. As he presses your chest against his, you can’t help but feel the blood rush to your cheeks. 
“Doctor, what are you doing?” You look up at him quizzically, but he instantly pushes your head down, back against his chest. He picks up the journal while shuffling through some papers on his desk. You realize they are the notes you wrote for him to study. 
“I’m studying since I am such an awful student.” 
“You know I am not talking about that! I meant this,” You wiggle your legs, struggling futilely to escape. 
“I’m punishing you.” 
“For what?” You shoot, glaring back at him.
Dottore looks down at you, his mask’s sharp beak almost poking your face because of your proximity. 
“Because you simply cannot shut your mouth. I am simply reminding you of your place-” 
“My place?” You interrupt, anger lining your words. 
“Yes. I will not tolerate such insolence from my own assistant.” Dottore states. That obnoxious smirk is still etched on his face. Despite his obvious displeasure, he is calm. He knows he’s in control, after all. “Don’t worry. I’ll let you go as soon as I’m finished studying. If you’re as good a teacher as you believe, then it won’t take me long to understand this, hm?” 
You can feel your face flush bright red now. 
“Augh! You…! You are-” 
“Careful darling. Your words only seem to get you into more trouble,” Dottore warns. “Now, shush. You’re distracting me.” 
You have no choice but to sit there, stewing in your indignation. You can feel his cock hardening in you. You clench your teeth, realizing this sadist is getting off to your discomfort and anger. 
That pervert. 
Though you were initially relieved that he would not be fucking you over his own desk, you soon realize this is much more tortuous than sex. As your cunt hugs his member, your juices slowly slick the walls as you become more aroused. The experience is much more pleasurable for you than you cared to admit. You can feel every throb and twitch as it reverberates throughout your hole. However, the lack of movement leaves you feeling frustrated as your nether regions yearn for him to thrust in and out of you. 
You blush once again realizing how turned on this was making you. 
How shameful. How am I being aroused by something this debauched? 
You once again regret another outburst towards Dottore. You simply couldn’t help it. The man is insufferable. He knows how to get on your nerves and purposely did so. 
You have to wonder if he does so simply to have an excuse to punish you like this. 
You try to distract yourself. Your mind drifts back to the topic of Khaenri'ah. You wonder what else in the recesses of your mind is incorrect. If the Doctor was truly correct, then it is certainly a slap in the face to be so brazenly lied to. You once again feel a twinge of bitterness towards the divine. You always prided yourself in being well informed. Now, you aren’t even sure you can say that. 
It’s then that you, against your better judgment, open your mouth again to speak. Though, this time, no insults are hurled. 
“I would like to make a deal with you, Doctor.”
Dottore lets out a small laugh. 
“You are hardly in a position for such things, my little birdie.” 
“Perhaps. But will you at least hear me out?”
“Hmm… I suppose.”
His cock twitches in you, sending a shiver up your spine. You whine softly against the crook of his neck, shifting yourself to perhaps gain a little bit of friction. Dottore instantly grabs a hold of your waist, keeping you firmly in place. 
“Oh no you don’t,” Dottore chuckles. 
You take a shaky breath.
“I would like you to teach me in return for my own tutorings.”
Dottore looks down at you. A curious smile plays on his lips as he sets down the journal. 
“Interesting. That is quite a different request than I thought you’d have. And what could you possibly want to learn about?”
You clench your hands around Dottore’s shoulders, trying not to let out a pathetic mewl as he leans back, the motion causing his cock to press further into you. 
Focus. Stop thinking of such things and focus. 
“Everything. Everything about this mortal realm.”
Dottore laughs, tilting his head once more. 
“My darling, are you perhaps more curious about my work than you let on?”
“No… it’s not that. I despise what you do and your… methods of discovery. But after what you told me of Khaenri'ah, I probably know less about this world than I think. I want to know the truth of things, that is all.”
He clicks his tongue. 
“Come now, dear. You must admit that my methods are much more effective than others-- especially in regards to your goal of verity,” Dottore muses. “You couldn’t handle the truth anyways. Someone with as faint of heart as yours would simply shatter.” 
Is that what he believes? That I am too weak for knowledge? That I’m only good for cleaning his messes and being used like a toy? Does he only see me as a fool?
But I am a fool. A gullible fool, at that. 
But I do not want to be an ignorant one.
You clench your fists.  
“Then so be it.  However, I will not continue to parrot Celestia’s lies. I want to know the truth of this world. No matter the cost.” 
Dottore is a bit taken aback by your conviction, so much so that he lifts you up and sets you back down upon the floor. You feel your heart sink to your aching cunt as you bite back another noise of protest-- this time because you wanted to stay on his lap. You don’t dare say anything, instead straightening your dress as you stand. Your legs are a bit shaky from sitting in such an awkward position. 
Dottore gives you a toothy grin. 
“Really? Heh, heh. I suppose I can take you up on such a deal then.” 
He continues. 
“You’ve actually amused me, little birdie. I’ll end your punishment early because of it,” Dottore returns back to the papers on his desk. “You’re dismissed. Get some rest. Tomorrow, I will explain more ‘truths’ to you.”
“Wait, you’re not going to…” You ask, slightly confused. You were under the impression that he would fuck you after such foreplay. You could feel an almost unbearable knot in your lower stomach as your body yearned for a release. 
Dottore glances at you, smirking. 
“To what, my dear birdie?” 
That son of a bitch. 
This is the actual punishment. 
You huff, shaking your head. 
“Nothing,” You mutter. You put your panties back on with a defeated sigh. You see the corners of his mouth twitch. He knows he’s triumphant this time… as usual. 
As you walk to your room, you feel a bit uneasy about your deal with the Doctor. 
Did I make the correct choice? 
After all, wasn’t it curiosity that killed the cat? 
But you cannot die. So you might as well live with the truth. 
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You are awoken by loud footsteps outside your door. As you sleepily rub your eyes and sit up a bit, you make out fragments of a conversation.
“My matters are mine alone. You should learn not to stick your wings in other’s business,” The Doctor chides. 
“My Dear Second,” An unfamiliar, yet serene voice says. “It is my business considering who is beyond that door.” 
“Do not-”
The door swings open, revealing a stranger and a rather irate Dottore. He lets out an exasperated groan, shaking his head. 
The stranger pays him no mind, instead focusing wholly on you. 
“So it is true. You are one of the ten,” Her voice is a lovely dulcet. “Hello darling.” 
The woman wears a large cloak over a simple white dress. Her eyes are covered by a criss cross satin bow that matches her dress. Out of her pinkish streaked hair peeks tiny, snowy wings. She gazes at you through her makeshift mask, a small smile growing on her lips as she takes you in.
She approaches you. Her movements are graceful, yet succinct. As you gaze into her purple eyes, you notice they are dotted with golden specks as if the entire night sky is encapsulated in those irises. Your eyes widen as your heart skips a beat. Your memory is fuzzy, but you know this woman from over a hundred years ago. 
After all, she was there when you were created. 
“You…you are the first Messenger.” 
The winged woman giggles.
“I am surprised you remember me, especially in this form, but that title died with my former name. You may now call me Columbina. The Damslette. The Third Harbinger.” 
She is like the Doctor. 
How could a messenger join the ranks of the Fatui and become a Harbinger no less? You do not remember much of the first Messenger. You were much too young. You only know that she left fairly quickly after your creation with the Second and was not seen again. 
You have so many questions but as you open your mouth, she presses a single finger over your lips, shushing you instantly. Columbina turns towards Dottore.
“Tell me, what will Pierro say when he learns you’ve decided to keep one of our enemies as a pet?” 
Dottore crosses his arms. 
“Go ahead and tell him. It cannot be worse than letting one join our highest ranks,” Dottore looks pointedly at the Damslette. She laughs aloud. It is the exact opposite of the Doctor’s laugh, resonating in your ears like a string of silver bells dangling in the wind.
“Touché. Though I thought he specifically said for you to get rid of it.”
Dottore scoffs. It is clear that he dislikes Columbina. However, he seems to respect her enough to hold a conversation with her. 
“The Jester merely said to intercept Celestia’s message. That was the Tsaritsa’s orders-- and that is what I did.”
Columbina’s wings flutter slightly. She responds in a lofty voice. 
“Hmph. I suppose that is one way of comprehending such words. You’ve grown soft, Doctor.”
“Your jokes never seem to improve, Columbina,” Dottore responds. “Besides, you of all individuals should know that someone like her cannot be killed.”
Columbina’s smile widens. “I suppose that is correct for a mere mortal like yourself, but she knows that she can , in fact, perish.”  
Columbina turns towards you. You tilt your head, confused as your mind races. What did she mean that you can perish? For all you know, you are doomed to walk this mortal realm for eternity. That is the curse of immortality. That is the curse of being one from Celestia. 
She quickly realizes your cluelessness and looks at you with sympathy. 
“My, my. You really don’t know? Celestia must have learned to not give secrets to its little pawns so easily, then,” Columbina giggles as she twirls her hair. 
Another lie from Celestia?
“Well, little one, I will explain to you what your creators did not. We as beings of the immortal realm are infallible to death by all means except one…And that one is by the hands of another being of Celestia.” 
Columbina leans closer, her eyes boring into the very recesses of your soul. 
“And do you know what that means?”
You continue to gaze at her, but quickly look away. Her eyes are much too intense, it’s unnerving. You shake your head. 
“It means,” Columbina whispers in your ear. “That I am a threat to you. And you to me.”
You flinch, moving away from the former messenger. Her smile seems much less friendly as she utters these words. It’s then that you notice the small dagger sheathed at her waist. It is almost identical to the one you departed Celestia with. The same one you fought Dottore with that first, fateful meeting in the snow. The only difference is the handle, which is a soft white instead of gray. Your eyes move from the weapon back to Columbina. 
“Wouldn’t it be easier to kill me, then?” You ask, shakily. 
Did you want to die that badly? 
You cannot answer that. 
Columbina is shocked at your bluntness. However, that shock is quickly hidden by another melodic laugh. She pats your head, ruffling your hair a bit. 
“It would. But I’d prefer not to get my hands dirty.”
Columbina smiles once more. 
“So we should be friends, no?” 
With that, the Damslette gets up, whirling on her heels as she walks away. The Doctor is standing beside the open door, eager for the Harbinger to leave. However, before she does, you ask the one question that weighs heavily on your chest. 
“Were you also abandoned by Celestia?”
Columbina turns around, pursuing her lips as she ponders such a ridiculous question. 
“Abandoned? They wouldn’t dream of abandoning me,” Columbina states, her purple eyes twinkling. “No, I cut ties with Celestia on my own accord. After all, you’d be a fool not to.”
The two leave. You sit in bed alone in the dark. You grip your bedsheets, inhaling deeply. 
I made the correct choice. Past chapters here
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awesomerextyphoon · 6 months
Realm Discoveries While Hangry
Summary: Ife's not herself while hangry, especially on a mission. Luckily, this one worked out for the best.
Pairing: Slight Steve Rogers x Black!Alien Warrior Princess OFC Ifekerenma aka Ife
Characters: Natasha, Steve, Ifekerenma, Nick Fury, OFCs, mentions of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner
Rating: 18 + / Mature
Word Count: 1.9K
Warnings: Dark Comedy Bordering on Absurdity, Ife being a Badass Glutton, Some Violence, Some Fluff
A/N: This is the start of something a little different. I want to make some short stories that will tie back into the main series whenever I'm between chapters. I'm still working on the main series and the next chapter will be published before the end of 2023. Thanks to @firefly-graphics for the dividers!
Main Masterlist
Series Masterlist
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What was with these supposed 'geniuses' always wanting to rule the world?
The amount of hubris one needed to go through with it never ceased to amaze Natasha. This week's version wanted revenge on the science community for calling him 'stupid' and 'crazy' over his theories on creating titan fauna and megaflora.
Someone, please shoot me.
If Nat had a dollar each time she heard some version of the 'Why I must hold the world hostage' speech, she'd be able to bribe Tony to let her control the music for mission trips.
Steve wished they would drop the speeches already. He just hoped Ife was almost done with the power cells so they could drop the charade and go home.
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"Now! Watch as I claim what's rightfully mine!" the mad scientist finally finished his speech by pressing the detonation button, but nothing happened.
" What's happening? Why isn't working?!"He pressed the button another three times to no effect, "Why aren't the missiles firing?!"
The mad scientist was about to radio his henchmen outside of the main chamber when he heard bullets pouring like rain outside the hangar followed by frantic shouts from his men.
"What on Earth is going on out there?" He wondered as he carefully made his way to the entrance, only for a downright beastly roar frightening nearly everyone into silence.
"What the" A soft knock at the hangar doors broke his concentration.
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Ife was pissed.
She FINALLY had some decent food after not getting a chance to refuel after expending her energy reserves from her last mission, but it was barely a morsel. It took no time to devour all of the titan fauna the henchmen unleashed on her, unaware those were inferior albeit still tasty versions of food from her homeworld. She even found some yummy megaflora.
It was a bummer Ife was famished. She would've prepared them better to bring out their flavors.
Another tank shell bounced off of her.
When will these fools learn that this is pointless? Conventional Earth weapons are nothing to her. Well, at least the energy from their artillery aided with digestion. Also, the power cells were tasty; they had a refreshing tropical fruity taste with notes of mint.
Now the scientist refused to open up, even after she knocked, "Guess I'll have to let myself in."
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The scientist tried his best to steel himself, only for the two-meter thick air hangar doors and part of the solid stone walls to rip off like cheap wrapping paper.
His eyes almost bugged out of their sockets at the intruder — a tall woman — casually lifting both doors in one hand and a 250-ton tank in the other. The woman turned to two tied-up Avengers, smiled, and threw both items 1500 meters away with a flick of her wrists.
"Hi, Captain, Black Widow. How's it going?"
"Can't complain," Steve answered.
"Why haven't you escaped yet? It would've taken you two seconds to get out," Ife queried rubbing her growling tummy. Her telltale sign of hunger.
"We were waiting for you," Nat retorted while raising an eyebrow.
This will be fun.
"What happened to your comms link?"
"Well…I was preoccupied."
"With what?"
The woman's eyes brightened, "I found some yummy food not unlike Avlenia, but they barely did anything for me. I ate everything the goons unleashed and then some, but I'm still hungry! Which sucks cuz I wasn't able to properly prepare them-"
That can't be right.
That chamber housed hundreds of exotic beasts and flora with a combined weight of 312.5 THOUSAND TONS!! There was no way a single person could eat one of those behemoths, let alone all of them.
"Huh?" Ife finally noticed the scientist and his remaining goons.
"Do you have any more? I'm STARVING!"
"No one should eat one of those beasts, let alone all of them!"
Ife raised an annoyed eyebrow. "Maybe not possible for humans, but, "she strolled towards the scientist and started unzipping her combat suit, "that was only a snack for me, and it left me hungry for more."
The scientist cried out in horror when a belly 3x the size of an exercise ball surged forth.
How is she moving?! His eyes darted over to her comrades but found them lightly chuckling with the spy sporting a smirk.
"So, do you have any more food? Don't leave me in suspense."
The monster rolled her eyes at the rude man's silence, "So you still don't believe me. Okay. Let's see. One of the beasts was this large six-legged alligator…"
She started listing the various beasts and megaflora that were now digesting in her rapidly shrinking belly.
Galala Gator: 90 tons each, Ox Chicken: 15 tons each, Giant Turkey: 75 tons each, Volcano Weathercock: 10 tons each, Five-Tailed Giant Eagle: 45 tons each, Demon Devil Serpent:100 tons each, Elephantsaurus: 125 tons each, and so on.
Every 'food item' this monster blithely listed horrified everyone besides her teammates who were trying not to laugh. Each of these specimens took elite teams to capture; several men died in the process.
Yet this Eldritch Being glutted all of their hard-won gains as a 'pitiful snack'!
"How? How is this possible?" The devastated scientist barely choked out a whisper as her enormous belly was nearly flat.
Unfortunately, the monster's sharp ears heard the whisper, "All of those delicious beasts, flora, and the energy from the power cells barely made a dent! Tell me where you got this bounty! I'm Starving!"
As if to make her point, the monster turned her head towards the hole she made and let out a near-deafening roar of a belch demolishing what was left of the wall and pushing back all of the remaining men and tanks outside.
What is this monstrosity?!
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"Shit!" Not only did the wimp not answer Ife's question, but now he's slumped on the floor.
"He's out cold, Ife."
"I can see that, Nat. All I wanted was some more food!"
"Fine. But you know he didn't make them from scratch. He had to have gotten from somewhere."
Some of the stronger-nerved goons were able to recover from Ife's Roar, "Damn, that woman's scary!"
"Nah, man. She's a monster in human skin."
"Which is a shame, too. She's fucking hot!"
"I know, right?! Wouldn't mind going a few rounds with her."
Steve scowled as he marched up to six of the trash-talking goons inside one of the still intact tanks, ripped off the tank's hatch, and yanked four of them by their collars."I'm only gonna say this once. Never, and I mean never, say that crap about my team. Especially the 'abomination', got it?" his voice never rising above a calm, measured tone.
Steve felt he needed to drive this home, "Yes, what?"
"Yes, Sir!"
Nat rolled her eyes at Ife's bashful body posture at Steve defending her. They weren't fooling anyone.
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Ife was able to pick up the scent of more delectable beasts and flew off to satisfy her voracious appetite. The scent came from a fortified bunker not far from the main base. She ripped off the building by the foundation in her haste to fill her hunger void.
It led her to a heavily fortified manmade cavern with a huge portal at the opposite end of the entrance and containment units housing even more of the delectable beasts lining the sides.
She licked her lips in excitement but stopped when she got a good look at the animals. That craven of a scientist is lucky she's too hungry to revisit him.
"I should probably tell Nat and Steve."
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Nat peered into the last unlocked containment unit. She found a giant garden snake-like creature that seemed to take a liking to her. Its scales were the color of twilight at its height. She wondered if-
"You should name her."
Nat nearly swiveled her head, "What?"
"She likes you. You should name her."
"How can you tell?"
"I just know," Ife shrugged.
"Hmm. How about сумерки (Sumerki: twilight)?"
The snake affectionately rubbed her head against the reinforced glass containment wall.
"See? She loves it!"
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Sumerki was the last beast on this side of the portal and was about to pass through but turned and playfully poked Ife's midsection.
"You want me to come with you?" The snake nodded.
Ife turned back to Steve and Nat, "Umm, can I-" her stomach roared asking the question for her.
"It's alright, Ife. You can go, but don't be long." Steve rubbed his hand behind his head. Neither of them wanted to deal with a hangry Ife.
Ife flew into his warm embrace, "Thank you so much!" She kissed both his cheeks, "I promise to document everything I see!"
When will those lovable dorks admit they love each other?
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It wasn't long before Ife and Sumerki came back smiling and sporting enormous food bellies. Ife sped off before she could say anything. The next thing they heard was a five-minute sonic roar of a belch causing mini-tremors and cracks forming on the ground.
Sounds of her epic belch were heard 15km away.
They were glad that the scientist was stationed in the middle of nowhere.
Ife flew back into Steve's arms, "Thanks again!" Ife smiled as Steve returned the hug.
Both Natasha and Sumerki shook their heads wearing the same expression.
Ife pulled out her tablet and personal interface, "Okay, so my hunch was right and this place is incredibly vast. I was only able to explore .25% of the place."
Even Natasha was taken aback by the amount of information Ife had, "Just how big is this place?"
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"So this new 'realm' is called Guloxity?"
Fury turned the last page of Ife's extensive report. He had a laugh at her devouring over 300K tons of food and was still famished.
The whole team had a laugh riot. Tony even joked about how much he'd save on grocery bills—even though she provides most of her food. It's the least he could do since he blackmailed her into joining the team.
Thanks to her, SHIELD has access to a new realm. Plus the snake she and Natasha befriended has been a delight. However, he did wonder how Ife and her friends were able to create a habitat and a size modulator so quickly.
"Do you find the terms agreeable?" Aliza looked back at Fury's desk. The deal stipulates that any findings and all findings SHIELD makes involving the new realm must be free and open to the public. This means that all patents and research can not be owned by any single nation or corporation including Stark Industries.
Banner had consoled Stark when he read out the terms.
No matter. Fury had his best people on this new venture. Even managed to rope in Banner and Dr. Cho. Ife was able to recreate the unique energy signature from the mad scientist's power cells as a source of renewable energy.
In the end, he was glad it worked out.
Now what's this about Ife showcasing new dishes based on what she found in Guloxity?
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Taglist: @jobean12-blog @lookiamtrying @angrythingstarlight @gotnofucks @saiyanprincessswanie @navybrat817 @plaid-shirtsandvibranium-arms @idorkish @sgt-seabass
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
You and 🦩anon are both geniuses and I just need to add that the lyric "dead and cold, a story told/by those he trusted, those he loved, and those who then moved on" applied to recently fishbowled Dream? UNBELIEVABLY painful, no notes.
(But also then Hob can be like "moved on???? I waited for you for 133 years wtf????" And Dream can have the revelation that no, not everyone moved on 🥹)
AHHH agreed (here’s the first post about the count of monte cristo)!! I recommend everyone go listen to the song because the way the singer performs the “and those who then moved on” part is absolutely spine tingling.
I love the idea of Hob being like “but I didn’t?? I literally bought a pub and waited so that we’d have somewhere to meet on the off-chance that you’d come back??” And Dream (still sore from the fact that his subjects in the dreaming abandoned the realm) is forced to confront the fact that he is loved and cherished by someone. He has to come out of the emo slump for a minute and acknowledge that Hob didn’t abandon him and probably never will.
Of course he’s still entitled to feel terribly depressed but. Maybe Death was right. Hob was pleased to see him. Hob waited. Maybe the world isn’t such a terrible place after all?
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Heya! Just found your blog and absolutely adore your style :>
I wanted to see if I could get a little blurb about my experience with my three beloved limited 5 stars, tartaglia, ganyu, and kazuha.
Childe was my first limited 5 star, I played his story quest during his second rerun and fell in love! I immediately started pulling like mad, and at somewhere between 75-77 the star turned gold, and I won my first ever 50/50. He’s still probably my favorite but I’m bias as a tartaglia simp.
Now call me a fortune teller, but I had a feeling I wouldn’t be lucky again (my sisters and I are on a streak of 6 lost 50/50s, 3 of which are mine ejnentnt) and so I looked through the list of characters and immediately fell in love with ganyu and kazuha, I started saving, I did one ten pull a banner to get 4 stars and stopped at 70 pity. I had 100 wishes saved by ganyus banner, it took every single one, but there she was. After 170 wishes, my second limited 5 star.
Now at this point I was worried, I didn’t have many primos to grind in the world and at the time people where saying that kazuha was coming every version. A lot of theses happened, I saved some wishes, went on a genshin hiatus, came back, saved some more. Until there I was, kazuhas banner, with enough to guarantee him, and then he came home. (And then I lost the 50/50 for his weapon LOLLLLLL don’t do what I do it’s a scam)
Tbh I’m at an impasse in terms of wishing, I just don’t feel the need atm, I have the characters I’ve wanted from the beginning, I’ve won, my dearest darlings all came home.
Feel free to ignore if you don’t want to or if I broke any rules, but if you decided to write anything for it I’d greatly appreciate it!
Well that only took a minor eternity. IM SOOO SORRY BBY! I kept rewriting it over and over because I wanted it to be as good as I could make it, and I’m still not entirely satisfied with it, but I’ve made you wait too long already so bleeeehhh 🥲 Again, I’m so so sooo sorry for the wait!
The Three
The stars of Teyvat were not set. Each moved and sailed throughout the heavens on its own course, adrift in the cosmic seas of stardust.
Teyvat’s people, as a result, looked to the stars for signs of your will. For you did not walk the realm they did, no, you were beyond it, beyond their skies, beyond their world. There were many whom sought to interpret the stars; albeit not everyone achieved success in the matter. Some were talented enough to catch brief glimpses, quick flashes of the secrets that the astral bodies kept locked away, though these geniuses were very few in number.
It had been chaos when the first star fell from the night sky. But as more days and nights passed, more stars came from the heavens to the earth below. The shining blue lights were a true blessing to witness, but it had been the first purple star that had fallen that was the key to understanding the events.
The violet light had reached a young lady in Mondstadt, a hard worker with strong will and stronger eagerness to please. The moment she touched the light, it had been as though a warmth had filled her body, and she could practically feel power pulsing from the Geo Vision adorning her clothes.
Noelle had been the first of many to receive one of these ‘purple stars’.
But there were others who had received a different color of star. Three individuals who had been given a fragment of power from you far greater than what was contained in the violet stars.
The first had encountered the astral blessing in secret, although he did not hide the blessing he had received.
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He was known by many names.
The 11th of the Fatui Harbingers.
But he had one title that he held most precious of all, even above his own name.
Your First.
It had been him who had received the shooting star that seemed to turn the night sky to day with its light. He might not have been the first to feel your presence, but he had been first to feel it’s full extent, to feel your care.
Traveling with you was always exciting. Not a moment went by that he found himself bored. No matter what duties he received, it was simply a fact that the moment he felt you call, anything that Childe was working on would be left until later.
He adored journeys with you.
He adored being with you.
Ajax well and truly adored you.
The second had been blessed one busy evening, the passerby struck with awe and wonder, albeit much to her embarrassment. Unlike the first, she did not flaunt the gift you’d bestowed upon her; no, she was far too humble to brag.
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Not a day went by where Ganyu did not thank you for your blessing. She was as dutiful about it as the many tasks she carried out daily. And yet for all her work, despite how seriously she took it, at your call, she’d drop it all in an instant. You were her top priority. In all things, she worked as if every duty was given to her by you.
As time went by you’d never notice how the supply of mora and experience never ran dry. And who’d ever suspect sweet passive Ganyu to be behind the matter? After all, her kind took no pleasure in battle. But Ganyu sought no glory or joy in battle, no she sought only to aid you. As much as the modern people of Liyue might respect her secretary skills, Ganyu was a survivor of the Archon Wars. She was far from weak, something that made it easy to conquer the many leylines that were scattered throughout the land. She might not have access to this ‘resin’ she’d heard you speak of, but she could still gather a bit of the resources before they disappear.
Her love language was acts of service, and when it came to you, Ganyu would give you her everything.
The Third had received your blessing whilst seeking refuge from past hardship. They spoke of it to no one, though your presence radiated from them, telling any who would feel that this was one of your Chosen, and though he said nothing, those who bore witness did not share his silence.
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Kazuha had wasted no time during his flight from Inazuma. Joining the crew of the Alcor had provided him with the companionship he had wanted, though it could never replace his dear friend. When Beidou had given the order to set sail for Inazuma once again, he’d been slightly surprised. But upon hearing the reason, he couldn’t help but feel a spark of excitement appear in him. He might not have been able to prevent his friend’s fate, but he had been granted the opportunity to aid in the abolition of the Vision Hunt Decree. He may have lost some of his faith in the divine after the actions of the Raiden Shogun, but he couldn’t deny that in that moment, he has wondered if you had granted him this opportunity.
The approach to Tenshukaku had been nerve wracking, yet he pushed through nonetheless. The sight of the traveler leaving the courtyard had been reassuring, at least until he could see the shaken expression on the outlander’s face. Paimon was by their side as usual, visibly fearful and slightly trembling. Dark clouds cover the skies, violet lightning streaking through the heavens. The pressure was near crushing. When the Shogun appeared, blade drawn, it was as though he was there in the past once more, helpless to save his companion from her Divine Punishment.
Not this time.
He moved without thought, drawing his blade and clashing it with the archon’s own, violet sparks flying through the air, the Masterless Vision of his dear friend blazing into purple light, and for a few seconds he faltered.
A brilliant golden light burst from the heavens, parting the dark clouds and blazing towards the earth.
When the light crashed into his form, it was as though he was filled with a energy not felt in the months since losing his friend. He knew the presence immediately.
The eyes of the Shogun widened in shock as her blade was forced backwards, appalled that this human had gained your favor over her. Kazuha was blown backwards, and was left stunned for a moment. The rest of the events that followed had been a blur, and for a while he half believed that it had all been in his head. But the lingering feeling of your warmth was undeniable.
Kazuha knew that as one of the Alcor’s crew, he would not always be able to come when you called, so needless to say, both he and the rest of the crew had been quite surprised when the ronin vanished, only to appear again hours later, claiming to have been to the mainland. After several times this became something they simply accepted. Each time he would return, he’d bring back something to the crew, and Beidou jokingly said she ought to put him to work as a messenger.
You’d never notice how you never seemed to run out of ingredients and regional specialties, but rest assured, the Kaedahara was diligent about insuring he collected whatever helpful things he came across during his journeys.
He might not always be the most available, but if you should call on him, Kazuha Kaedahara will doubtless answer.
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traincat · 1 year
yeah from what I've heard (I don't have the guts to actually read it) that's what's going on right now other than him fighting other heroes and paul still being a mystery
I'm going to marathon through what I've missed at some point, I'm just trying to get up the urge to care. (I got big back into Fire Emblem so I can't even rely on "this series is the main fiction love of my life and I have to do this" right now.) Most of what I've "read" from the past few issues are pages floating around twitter, and they've all been kind of outraged on the PeterMJ developments, which, like, I get, because they suck, but they've been sucking the whole series now so you'd think I'd hear more about Peter stealing tech from other heroes so he can give it to Norman to build stuff for him??
And I'm not addressing anything directly because again I haven't like actually read it yet and I don't want to be part of the comic book misinformation network, even accidentally, but I did read like at least the first half of what's out of this run and the Norman thing was the biggest deal for me. I can theoretically deal with everyone hating Peter for not established reasons or Peter and MJ having badly contrived relationship drama or Mystery Kids or Ben Reilly Evil Again (Take Two) or Peter not working at the Bugle because Marvel hates me personally or even Peter and Flash reuniting totally off page. What I can't handle is the Norman Was Shot With a Good Ray and Now Everyone Feels Sooooo Bad For Him Because He's Such a Nice Guy (He's Actively Falling Apart Because He's Gonna be Evil Again Ooh) apology hour. I can't handle Peter being willing to put his trust in Norman, whether or not Norman had the evil sucked right out of his soul and lobbed at a clone of Ashley Kafka or not. And I can't handle the downplaying of Peter's kills in favor of Norman's. It's always really weird to me when writers are like "Norman is more of a genius than Peter." Norman is more ruthless than Peter. Norman cares about far less than Peter. Establishing Norman as smarter than Peter flips the script in a really weird way (as opposed to characters like Doc Ock or the Jackal, who are established geniuses) that sort of puts them on this uneven footing. It seems to buy into the myth of the super rich guy as inherently smarter than everyone else, and it's not really present in Norman's original story (his introduction up to his death in ASM #122). Like this is a guy who Goblin'd himself because he blew up a bunch of chemicals in his own face. Even if he said he could build me a super suit, if I had anywhere in the realm of the "rewiring a toaster" skill set, I'd be like, cool thanks I'll do it myself. Which is what Peter should be doing, because the core of Peter's character should be a frightening amount of independence. He shouldn't be relying on Norman for a job or a super suit or subway fare. Good Norman or no, Norman helping to rescue MJ or no, Peter should be telling him to go fuck himself in every panel. It's just a basic characterization issue at this point. And this doesn't have to apply directly to whatever is or isn't going on in the past few issues because it applies to the whole run. (I did read the first few issues of Gold Goblin, which were at least an attempt at nuance with Norman, but between Liz trusting Norman and "Gold Goblin" sounding like the ultimate antisemitic dog whistle, I haven't gotten up the will to finish it yet.)
I think I'm also just like burnt out after two uniquely bad runs in a row. Like Slott was bad, but I was pretty used to the specific ways in which he was bad, and occasionally he busts out a good enough scene that it kind of gets you excited again. Spencer and Wells' runs have both had this deeply unpleasant undercurrent to them (Kindred, whatever's going on with Wells revisiting the plotline he wrote with the blizzard from the early days of Brand New Day) that just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But to say anything more specific I would, you know, actually have to read it.
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itsavgbltpta · 3 months
Should You Watch Undead Murder Farce?
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(Japanese title: Undead Girl Murder Farce)
A Brief Summary
In an alternate universe where demons and monsters still exist, one half-oni is living out his days in a fight club, just waiting to die.  That is, until a genius detective manages to catch his eye.  With promises of extending his life in an exchange to end her immortal one, the two pair up - along with the detective’s maid who happens to be handy with a rifle.  The trio solves some mysteries in Japan before going global, searching for the man who wronged them both and meeting some familiar literary figures along the way.
With so many scheming people together - friend and foe - it’s a battle of who can out-think and out-detective each other in order to win the day.
So, should you watch the anime?
To be fair, I have a predilection for media (shows, books, whatever) where geniuses keep trying to out-do each other.  I love a person with a plan that’s thinking 30 steps ahead in 5D chess.  And this show is abundant with that character type.  I also like it when a show can keep me on my toes.  Undead Murder Farce kept up a lot of mystery throughout, which also makes it kind of hard to talk about in fear of spoiling things.
The season is made up of several arcs, each 2-3 episode arc involving a specific mystery to be solved.  There is also a general mystery tying things together and giving reasons for our characters to come together.  Our detective trio often clashes with an organization made up of supernatural beings, sometime works alongside vigilantes, and tend to end up meeting a whole lot of interesting folk.
I was a bit skeptical when the show made a change from the Japanese setting to Merry Olde England, and also wary for our detective hero party to suddenly be in the realm of probably the most well known detective in all fiction, but this show managed to pull it off.  Sherlock didn’t steal the show.  Lupin may have. ;)
One of my least favorite characters in Undead Murder Farce is the maid body-guard.  She didn’t seem to have much point in the plot-line besides being sullen and getting into certain… situations… but you know what, I bet there are people who really like her and those situations, so I’m not upset, lol.
The animation is really nice and action sequences flow well.  I am a fan of the character design so that gets a win from me, but I know that’s always a subjective thing.  But if you like any of the faces you see in the image for this article, then you’ll be good to go.
I have to mention the absolute banger of an OP this anime has as well.  It gave me big K-Pop vibes (in a good way).  I did a little digging and the group that performs the OP is part of the K-Pop world, so I guess that vibe makes sense.  It’s a song I can easily recall even half a year later (which is kind of a rarity with the amount of anime I watch), and it sparked joy every week.
For me, characters are a big part of what makes me enjoy a story, so what kind of characters does Undead Murder Farce have jam-packed within each mystery-solving episode?
A slightly perverted and laid-back Rakugo-styled half-oni experiment that can put up a mean fight with a smile always on his face (Tsugaru).
An immortal genius looking for someone to end said immortality - oh and also looking for her body as she’s currently just a very intelligent head in a cage (Aya Rindou).
A military-esque maid who can keep up with the monsters around her, though she also somehow ends up in rather sapphic situations (Shizuku).
A gentleman thief that’s always a few steps ahead of his detective opponents and tends to add a dramatic flourish to all he does (Arsene Lupin).
The big detective himself, full of snark and confident that he is the alpha detective in Europe, despite the supernatural competition (Sherlock Holmes).
The epitome of a polished lady who isn’t afraid to show off her assets and also sink her teeth - quite literally - into anyone who gets in her way (Carmilla).
Plus a whole heaping of other figures from literature and supernatural origins, including the mother-fucking Phantom of the Opera.  Just because.  
I skipped on a few key spoiler characters as this anime is all about mystery, and who am I to give it away?
Where does it rate on my personal scale?
S: I will buy it at full price (unless it’s released by Aniplex USA, because fuck their pricing).
->A: I will buy it on sale sometime down the line.
B: I had fun watching it, but don’t need to own it.
C: It’s not my cup of tea, but wasn’t awful.
D: Dropped it.
X: Finished it out of spite, but did not enjoy it.
Undead Murder Farce was a lot of fun to watch, so it gets an A ranking from me.  It was probably my favorite anime of the summer 2023 season, and the show I most looked forward to watching every week.  While some mysteries were solved in the 12 episodes that aired, we’re still missing a resolution for the over-arching plot lines.  I very much hope we get a season 2!
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juria9090 · 2 years
Isekai : Infinite Realm edition
Note : I accidentally deleted this work
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I will explain now Brace yourselves. Alright. Vlad, Jack and Maddie's work on a project during their college years actually work and do not explore on Vlad's face. Their research is to prove the existence of alternative dimension.
A fight between them rift apart their frienship. Vlad is the one to leave them. Jack was heartbroken.
The Fenton family is a successful family known to be a renown family full with geniuses.
Both children are out hnder so much pressure and it takes a toll on them. They both have to mature fast. They have to take care of themselves. No one else. Jazz here is absent in Danny's life most of the time so their relationship is not great neither is his relationship with his parents since they favour Jazz more. Jazz does love Danny but she love how her parents paid attention to her
The incident happened and this time the members of Fenton family were there to see Danny being ripped apart into a portal as the portal open on him. All of them are left with heavy guilt and no corpse to bury.
Danny is isekai into another dimension called Infinite Realm and the people there heard his scream. It haunted them for years.
He was reborn as baby in a noble household. He actually have great magical powers but it cannot be detected. The couple did not care, they were waiting for a child for a long time and now they have been blessed with one even though his magical signature is weak.
The people of Infinite Realm are dimensional traveller. Danny may travel when he us stronger but he can't travel into his original dimension where he died. He really can't. Everytime he tried to step into it he is transported back into Infinite Realm. He could only watch and interact using the window portal.
You know, typical isekai thing. Yes. Baby Danny have the mind of a 14 years old traumatized sad boy.
Don't worry he have a happy family that greatly cares for him.
The rouges are there but they aren't ghost. Magical people with true magical powers.
You know what is hilarious. Danny's blue eyes and black hair self is dubbed as Phantom beecause he wore his appearance from the time he died and usually found disappearing whenever someone tried to catch a glimpse of him. Dead but alive kid in that form ain't having a good time and have to wear leg brace so he can walk comfortably. He made the leg brace himself.
Danny can shift into two form for now. His past self and current self. Current self have great health but he still favours his past self because it feels like himself.
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Sun Conjunct Uranus:
Cosmic Curators Of The Sky
The aliens of the planet have finally come down from the ethereal planes through air and lightening. These wonderful creations know the ways of the universe, and have come down to teach us how to be a direct communicator of the source. These sky babies know the realms that they belong to, and are certainly aware at a young age that rebellion will be the only benefit that this world can give.
When society tries to tear them down, they pull them self back up and allow the lightening strike to create a powerful vibration that can be heard for many days, decades and centuries. These beings know how to be the first to do it, and even if you dont think they're on to something. You'll soon regret it down the line.
These babes know the universe all to well, so they are able to pick up on frequencies years before it becomes well know.
The Godmothers, Godfathers & Godtheys of the zodiac, they are hear showing us the way to the promise land. One thing is for certain with Sun/Uranus individuals is that they are always going to be who they are even if their misunderstood. They dont care if you dont like them. They dont care if you dont find them funny or great. They know who they are and they will rebel from the norm. Because its not who they arm.
As soon as something becomes to popular it loses its taste buds. This is because their aware when something becomes waaaay too popular, it looses its value. Society takes out all the goodness that was in something right before it comes too mainstream and evidently looses its flavor. So its on to the next with these individuals. They no longer care to be apart of something that was once pure gold, because society has a way of sucking out the pure energy.
This is who they are, gold. the purest gold. But they went through hell to keep it, others dont like them because their too different. However this proves to be some sort of subconscious jealousy they are caring, but with all Uranian individual, their light stays shining because they allow themselves to real and be who they are no matter what.
Their connection to source shows them that their inner genius is connected to having eureka moments or what I call brain blasts (thanks, jimmy neutron). They are too good with connecting to the mind that they create some of the wildest things that nobody couldnt of possibly thought of. Always challenging themselves to be more, do more, they will eventually come up with something just out of the blue. Traveling through unknown doorways into the psyche, ignoring the rules and going in with their own formula to the point they create their own blue print. Geniuses, man.
Its okay for you to have those moment where you feel bat shit crazy, having to hold your head up after having all these erratic thoughts/notions playing in your mind. this is how you create though, a lot of times you have to get into the groove of making something and pushing those thoughts out while doing it. This is how you transmute the energy thus creating something wild and new in the process. You're not all that crazy. Your mind goes into different waves of expressing yourself and is trying to tell you to wake up and create. Think bigger and higher when it comes to your mental state, its not always leading you astray. Its taking you to the path thats unknown to you because thats your life story. You dont know where this journey is leading but you must allow yourself to grow in it, then you evolve you'll realize this journey is not for everyone because its the path that keeps people from the reality they were born into. You transform society through the art of the mind, you play by your rules and create traditions out of them in the process. We need you because we need to be shown multiple realities and not just the 3d reality where everything is the same.
You teach us this, and we are grateful to have you cosmic beings. Prepare to be taking up to outer space, you know just where you're going, even if you dont know it.
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aquaquadrant · 1 year
Do you think dr atlas would think that the overworld is a copy of hels like back in the day when people thought the sun revolved around the earth when it was the opposite would dr atlas or any of the other inhabitants of hels question that
ooh good question! so for atlas himself, he’s got a pretty good understanding of what exactly hels is. he understands that it’s an infinite world made from the combination of two realms, a nether and an overworld. he also understands that there are other worlds beyond hels, ones that likely are not made from combined realms. this was discovered by patho (hels!etho) doing some hardcore technical analysis on biome data (i don’t know enough about actual minecraft data to give a proper explanation, just know it involved a lot of math).
patho’s theory is widely accepted by hels players as truth, after several other technical geniuses did experiments that supported his findings. and at this point it’s basically considered scientific law within the redstoner/technical community. however, there are definitely hels players who don’t believe in the theory and think hels is the only world that exists, and don’t believe in a larger universe. and of course, any player who hasn’t yet heard of the theory would have no idea there was more out there than hels.
outside of hels, players learn about the existence of other worlds through their communicators, which give them access to the multinet (sort of an in-universe version of youtube). but hels players are cut off from the multinet and never gain the ability to travel between worlds (except, of course, for a few rare extraordinary circumstances). so the differences in how players from hels view the universe is definitely interesting to think about!
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zorkaya-moved · 5 months
I see Elysia as the Aeon of Origin similar to how Etro acts in the FFXIII trilogy: a goddess who bleeds for the worlds, for the lives. As Elysia has been written out as Jesus in HI3 and her having a thorn crown bestowed upon her? Oh, yeah, Aeon of Origin bleeds for the lives of others but she cannot reach out to them, not in her present state.
She is the Mother, The Daughter and the Holy spirit in this case. But she cannot reach out to the lives herself - alone - not anymore, because she sacrificed her physical presence to break the worlds free of the predetermined fate that Aponia could see, granting the repeated history a chance to change and for people to choose for themselves, to fight for what they believe in.
I say that it's the same with the galaxy, Aeon of Origin's ascending affected the whole Imaginary Tree. It branched out histories, worlds, timelines, and more, which made Terminus see countless endings because there were now countless beginnings created. Thus, there was no fully predetermined path and there were CHOICES to reach certain paths/endings.
As an Aeon of Origin, Elysia as of the moment is weaker because she lost connection to many of the worlds by bringing Zarina as her Emanator from Earth. Right now, she (Aeon of Origin) needs the Apostles of Origin to reconnect her to lives, to dreams, to those who wish to fight against despair and who wish to do everything they can to ensure the salvation of their world/home/themselves. However, Elysia didn't have the capability to do it on her own without her own Emanator and she couldn't find anyone who would be able to fit that role until Zarina's reconnection with her through the Elysian Realm's core. Thanks to that, Aeon of Origin now had her own Emanator that could move the reconnection to the worlds, especially with the 'reincarnation/return of Akivili' (or the Astral Express).
And as the Emenator of Origin, Zarina possesses the blessing of Origin which protects her and she also meets with the most important people within the worlds to plant the seeds of Origin. It is the reason for her acting 'behind Astral Express' back' while approaching the figures of importance and granting them knowledge of the Origin's design/wish. Cue her meeting with Bronya, with General Jing Yuan and Fu Xuan, and later on with Sunday on Penacony.
Intelligentsia Guild is fully aware of the Origin but only that it represents 'Life' and that it cannot be reached by anyone aside from its Apostles. How many Apostles there are, how many followers of Origin there are, and more questions remain unknown. The problem with the path of Origin is that it remains largely untouched and unknown, because every person may be connected to Origin in some way or another. Origin represents life and the beginning, the wish to protect what is important and the desire to fight for what is beautiful in this world. Certain 'geniuses' even thought that Aeon of Beauty and Aeon of Origin were the same people, but the Knights of Beauty will deny that claim as will many others.
Many Aeons are charmed by the Aeon of Origin and certain Aeons show protectiveness over her, which is attributed to her natural charisma and her being the daughter of the Imaginary Tree altogether. Only those who oppose life and desire for the full destruction of worlds as a whole do not like her and wish for her demise. The opposing side believes that to truly destroy everything, they must reach the Origin and kill her to stop the cycle of beginnings and ends. And to reach Origin, they must force her out of her domain to protect the last haven of life she wishes to nurture as the Origin.
The Path of Origin - for many - is considered a myth, a story to tell others about how life connects all living beings and how life loves all who fight for what is beautiful in this world. However, many followers of the Origin exist across the worlds without believing in the Aeon herself. As long as they wish to fight, to protect, and to love? They are already beloved by the Aeon of Origin. The selfless, all-loving Aeon.
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wonderingduke · 9 months
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( Curious starter prompt from @vigos-journal " Why are you asking all of this if you know it, anyway? " ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vittorio studied the spread-out notes of the Pustla’s flower and similar fauna he’s taken over the years and ones Vigo has taken as well. The table was a mess but for the two geniuses, it was plenty organized. He sighed as he brushed back his curly hair which has grown longer over the months he could put it up in pony tail at this point if he wished.
“I just…..to be frank I haven’t really dealt with the yearly Blight cycle for a long time Vigo…well as a “normal” survivor. I mostly held out in my protected tower or I was too busy traveling the realms to notice or care about it for the past couple decades.” Vittorio was obviously a little nervous being put on the “front” lines of possible infection or harm from the blight this year. Especially with that hooded “Alchemist” around who seems to enjoy causing trouble and dabbling into the darker side of the occult with blight.
“Soooo…..if any of us DOES get infected…it eventually goes away right? These blighted killers and…..” Vittorio castes a weary eye to a page of notes taken by Vigo of the rare cases where survivors become blighted.
“...Survivors return to their normal selves once it runs its course. Is there any way we can maybe try and develop something in time to increase resistance or even a temporary vaccine of sorts to prevent any infections that best we can? Or are we truly at the mercy of fate?” He knows if their was hope Vigo would have already roped him in with helping or administrating it. Still, he can't help but ask- to put that hope in the air of the impossible task of fighting something like the blight off.
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sepublic · 1 year
            You guys have technically already met Magmint before, heard of him, seen him, even gotten a glimpse into his general personality; But here’s your official introduction to this silly, goofy, actually dangerous nerd!
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         The Escapee with the most Just Some Guy energy, of course even Magmint is a little bit. Messed up. Sometimes chill, sometimes obsessive and neurotic. He’s a short little guy, a member of the Lava Lith species. It should be noted that Lava Lith is a misnomer; These guys are actually soft, almost gelatinous beings with hardened clusters scattered all over their body. Their red-orange bioluminescence and ability to super-heat their bodies as a defense mechanism gives Lava Liths the appearance of rock and lava, but they aren’t actually made of the stuff, even if they do live amongst it.
         Magmint is short and diminutive by his species’ standards, and was naturally picked on by his peers for this. A total nerd and bookworm, he was the kid who did others’ homework, was roped into their schemes, and got into trouble alongside them for it. Magmint eventually left his home to pursue a college education and become highly learned, becoming interested in the field of automaton engineering. With a bit of magic and resources, Magmint pioneered an innovation he dubbed ‘Phasor tech’, using it to create all manner of devices to assist him at a moment’s notice.
         With his Phasor tech, Magmint was taken much more seriously, far less of a pushover and able to fight back. He became a freelance engineer, helping a wide variety of clientele on building various devices and bringing them to life, with some jobs much more dubious than others… Still, it paid well, so Magmint didn’t question it!
         In his free time, Magmint dabbled in some personal ideas and side projects, some taken more seriously than others, others more a vague idea he entertained. One of these was for a grid of devices that, when inserted into subterranean magma flows, could create a volcano in that spot, one whose eruptions would be under the total control of the grid’s user.
         Magmint saw it as a way to develop real estate for Lava Liths and other volcanically-inclined species, restore dead volcanoes and the ecosystems they once supported in the Monster Realm, that sort of thing; Imagine all of the volcanic ash that could be used to help farming! But Magmint’s genius had caught the attention of the enigmatic Phantom Alliance, who looked for pioneers and geniuses such as Magmint. Thanks to their spies, the Phantom Alliance learned of Magmint’s projects without his knowledge, and one leader took particular interest in his volcano creation grid.
         This leader, Golar, targeted Magmint as a candidate and potential recruit for the Phantom Alliance, and a perfect pawn to bring about an unprecedented soul harvest. Operating mostly through liaisons and other discrete methods, Golar approached Magmint with a bold plan; He had seen his plans for a volcanic creation grid (don’t ask how), and Golar believed Magmint thought too little with such an idea. Instead of creating a few volcanoes here or there, why create any at all, when you can merely threaten everyone with the creation of countless?
         Golar wanted to take over the world with this grid; Or one of them, in the Shining Void. The planet’s mantle was ideal to host a volcanic creation grid on a global scale, built right under everyone’s noses beneath the crust; Being a Lava Lith, Magmint was suited to extreme temperatures, and knew how to build equipment that could handle them.
         Golar suggested that Magmint build a global version of his grid within the planet’s mantle, each device located at a major city or some other key site. When his grid was ready, Magmint could announce his demands to the world; Subjugation, resources, worship, whatever he wanted! If people refused, Magmint could activate his entire grid, setting off a global chain of eruptions that would drown civilization in molten lava and ash. To prove he was serious, Magmint could erupt one volcano in a safe, fairly removed spot; And likewise, he could also show off the original, benevolent applications of his grid, in order to make people more accepting of the new arrangement!
         Magmint found the pressure of taking over an entire world, all eyes on him, to be a bit much; So Golar offered to be the face for him, while Magmint acted as the muscle and brains that actually made the logistics possible. Much more at ease and thinking of how he could strong arm the world into a better place, while actually making it better with the original function of his VCG, Magmint naively agreed.
         Exactly as Golar planned, Magmint built a global network of his VCG, implanting devices under key geopolitical locations and cities. As he did, a lone Wayvren caught wind of the plot, and began to investigate into unusual criminal activity…
         Magmint and Golar’s literally underground operation was discovered, and Wayvren confronted them. But as Magmint fought Wayvren, both were horrified to see Golar activate the entire VCG without any prompting or warning to the civilizations on the surface. Confused, Magmint wondered if Golar made some mistake, misunderstood how the VCG worked; Why would Golar just choose to kill everyone, without at least getting something from them first?!
         At this point, Golar revealed his true intentions to Magmint; He didn’t want to rule the world, because most of the world was comprised of useless idiots and fodder. Such a goal pursued quantity over quality, which was not his true aim… Instead, he just needed to kill as many people as possible. Why? Golar wouldn’t specify that, he didn’t consider neither Magmint nor Wayvren worthy enough to explain himself to, they wouldn’t understand so there was no point trying and giving them the valuable knowledge.
         But his job was done, and he fled the scene. Magmint panicked; He hadn’t planned to actually destroy the world! Just threaten everyone who lived there to listen to him, and he’d still be helpful with his VCG too! Golar didn’t even bother to negotiate or announce what was cooking underneath everyone’s feet, he just went for it, no demands or anything.
         That said, he DID intend to take over the world regardless, so while his actual goal wasn’t as bad as what really happened, even if he didn’t mean this, even if Magmint WAS duped to some extent… He was still a villain for going along with it anyway, and what pretenses he was under were pretty immoral. After Wayvren helped Magmint stop the VCG to prevent any more damage from occurring, they nevertheless pointed out to the diminutive Lava Lith that he needed to face justice and atone for his crimes, and/or work to undo the damage.
         Magmint, paranoid about being executed by the vengeful masses, decided he’d rather just skedaddle back to the Monster Realm, since only he, Golar, and Wayvren really knew about his involvement; And only Wayvren cared to report it to the wider public, if necessary. In which case… Well, Magmint realized Wayvren was a witness, apologized for having to kill them, and then tried to kill them.
         But it’s Wayvren, so of course they won and defeated Magmint. By this point however, they recognized that maybe Magmint had a point; Even if he revealed what he did to the masses, they would demand his execution, no negotiation about it. And Magmint was too paranoid to listen; He’d do anything to break free and escape to the Monster Realm, but even there, bounties might follow the Lava Lith.
         Wayvren looked outside; Even if Magmint had halted the eruption of his VCG, that didn’t stop the lava that did emerge from burning everything in its wake. There was nothing any of them could do about this, really… So in the end, Wayvren sort of conceded to Magmint’s argument, deciding he had a point about how endangered his life was.
         Wayvren decided to imprison Magmint in the Tower of Tears; Like others trapped there, Wayvren reasoned that with enough time, society would forget about them, and magic and technology would innovate to a point where many problems deemed unsolvable could be handled. Wayvren figured that with Magmint, generations would pass and the personal impact of Magmint’s VCG would lessen, until Magmint could finally emerge safe and sound, and not have to worry about anyone from that generation, or the generations after, who would still bear a grudge and want him dead.
         Maybe then, Wayvren could talk to a calmer Magmint, and the two could collaborate on making the world a better place, diverting Magmint’s genius to much more productive things, as he initially intended. But when Wayvren brought the idea up, as he expected, Magmint was horrified at the thought of being cryogenically frozen and removed from his time, so once again Wayvren had to make the choice for him.
         Magmint was transported to the Tower of Tears, frozen and preserved. His nightmares ranged in intensity; Some more mundane, just his childhood of being bullied for being a diminutive bookworm. Others were far more terrifying; An entire world, millions of people, calling and raging for Magmint’s execution as they all burned before his very eyes, incredibly injured but still alive and still very angry.
         When the Tower of Tears was destroyed by Wayvren’s fallen sibling, Magmint wanted nothing to do with any of this, only to find himself roped into Azayle’s schemes. She had a very charismatic plan, one seeking power and control. You’d think Magmint would’ve learned his lesson by now, but maybe a part of him DID realize he had a taste for conquest, after the incident…
         Plus, Wayvren was right; Nobody remembered him now! Or even knew about Magmint’s involvement to begin with. He basically got away with it, and yet Magmint felt resigned to his life as a criminal and villain, feeling as if it couldn’t be undone. Magmint seemed destined to get into trouble, so he may as well embrace it on his own terms. Granted, it may not have been his terms entirely… Azayle MAY have used his magic to basically remove Magmint’s heart without killing him, and then held onto it so she could hold the Lava Lith’s life hostage to control him.
         I’m not sure if I’ll write that bit in, or if Magmint agreed, and THEN Azayle did that as ‘coverage’. Maybe a part of Magmint naively hoped that THIS plan with Azayle would actually work out this time, as intended, and Magmint would use the leverage and stake he held as one of Azayle’s teammates to do the good he wanted. But this was Magmint, who was never particularly moral in the first place, even if he wasn’t needlessly sadistic, either… Maybe he discovered something twisted about himself that he finally admitted. Even if that part wasn’t so dark as to commit mass genocide, it was still dark regardless.
         In the end, Magmint went along with Azayle’s crazy plans, often finding himself working with Nykon the Lightning Dragon, an incredibly surly, spiteful, and aggressive individual. Like many of her victims, Magmint found Nykon to be a bit much, and the two would build up a Good Cop, Bad Cop dynamic. While Nykon reveled in torturing people not just physically but emotionally, Magmint would be perturbed by the whole sight and remark as such, prompting Nykon to tell him to can it. And Magmint… wouldn’t actually do much about it in the end.
         Yeah. Magmint is one of the more reasonable Escapees, at least on the surface. But at his core, he’s still kind of messed up too, otherwise he wouldn’t be here in the first place. A Good Cop is still a Cop by the end of the day.
         Magmint acts as a more rational buffer to Nykon, often having to point her back to their mission, sometimes keeping her in line, rather than the other way around. He more openly fears Azayle than the rest, even if they all do, technically, so Azayle can count on him to stay in line and follow orders, and remind people to do so.
         Compared to Nykon, Magmint might seem like the voice of reason, someone you could talk to, the less evil one; He’s a pretty silly, goofy little guy, and not obsessed with the theatrics of aggression or dominance like the rest. But he’s still a mostly willing accessory to murder and conquest, and while he has some loftier ideas about improving the world with his inventions, he doesn’t have THAT many qualms about killing people, as it turns out.
         Even if Magmint seems like the beleaguered, mistreated loser of the group, don’t underestimate him; He’s technically killed more people than every other Escapee combined! He can be a dingus sometimes, but Magmint is still incredibly clever, and was deemed a genius for good reason; That’s why Golar and Azayle both sought him out.
         …That’s Magmint! He’s rather chill and down-to-earth, someone you can actually imagine doing hobbies with, despite his elemental associations; Magmint has the Only Sane Person role amongst his group and really most of the Escapees… Except, Magmint kind of isn’t so sane himself, he’s kind of messed up too and there are moments where that becomes apparent. You kind of feel bad for him, but also kind of don’t, because he still IS to blame for a lot of horrible things.
         It’d be easy to underestimate Magmint as a meek dingus, a total nerd, but he can be pretty snappy and is often the one saving you from your own trouble. He’s still a capable supervillain in his own right, it’s just not as obvious when he’s paired next to more blatantly evil and theatrical teammates, and reacts more like a normal person would to the insanity around him.
         But there’s a certain practicality to Magmint that others don’t possess, which doesn’t waste itself on tasteless violence and cruelty when it isn’t necessary, but when it is, Magmint makes the most of it. He isn’t as arrogant or brash as his teammates and that caution makes him a better survivor, though that isn’t to say Magmint doesn’t have a little bit of pride over his intelligence, not entirely undeserved.
         While others are more content to take the big spotlight and come up with the grand ideas, Magmint is the dude who actually figures out how to make these insane plans work, the unsung contributor; He’s more comfortable hiding in the backseat, enjoying about as much of the spoils, with almost none of the uncomfortable spotlight and attention brought to him. The Meek will inherit the Earth and all that, but Magmint is just fine, and arguably more dangerous, being the humble guy in the back… He’s used to being a lackey if you think about it.
         I’ve already brought up the powers inherent to Magmint himself; He’s soft with hardened clusters over his body, punching those spots is like punching a rock. Likewise, Magmint’s flexibility allows him to roll with some pretty hard blows and forces that would kill an ordinary human, which has led to a humorous incident in which Magmint was sent ricocheting off of multiple surfaces in a room once. Beyond that, he doesn’t have a whole lot of strength, but was never his specialty anyhow.
         (How does Magmint eat? He just… slides stuff into the area below his eyes, as it’s absorbed by the gelatinous part of him, like a cell eating things. You can even hear an audible crunch from within his face once Magmint’s food goes past his membrane.)
         Magmint’s REAL talent comes from his engineering skills, which culminate in his Phasor tech; An enormous swathe of bronze parts, machinery, and tech that he’s charged with Phasor energy and magic. From his control chair (also made of Phasor tech), Magmint can coordinate these various parts into a flying, swirling swarm, and build whatever he desires, Phasor energy doing everything to power his spells and machinations. That’s what Automatons are in the GEverse, after all; The perfect fusion of magic and technology!
         Magmint can construct all manner of floating constructs and devices, whatever he needs, from claws and clamps, to rolling vehicles, drills, lasers, etc. His imagination is the only limit, and it’s a very boundless imagination. He can even create interdimensional portals using his Phasor tech, which gives Magmint convenient access to Azayle’s pocket dimension, without having to rely on her own spells or creations. This just plays into Magmint’s role as someone who might seem easy to bully and belittle, even by Azayle, but she ultimately values him as one of the most important members of her team, someone she truly needs to get this done; Other Escapees, she could sacrifice, but not Magmint.
         Magmint’s own hover chair, while made of Phasor tech, is not so robust, acting more as a controller for him to interface with his pile of parts. It’s got controls on the armrests, and can flip out a keyboard for more advanced commands. The cannons on either side can spew fire, lava, or Phasor bombs. The rotor blades at the top spew fire, why? I’m… actually not sure. I know the Doylist reasons, it’s because it looks cool and completes Magmint’s fire imagery.
         I like to think one of the Watsonian reasons is that it warms Magmint; As a Lava Lith, he’s meant for volcanic climates, so anything below that must be pretty cold to him. And a rotor spinning over his head would just cool Magmint down even more, hence the addition of these flames when they activate; It counteracts any fanning by keeping Magmint nice and toasty! And maybe they can be used to generate a brief vortex of fire, why not? Could be for intimidation and to keep people at bay with the high temperatures, too.
         (If you remember my original drawing of Magmint, I went for actual flames as the rotor blades, because cartoon physics. This was entirely unplanned, but I like how the actual rotors and their exhaust vents still kinda resemble the ‘inner flame’ that a lot of fire is drawn with, to contrast with the outline of actual fire they spew.)
         The hover chair itself isn’t much, it’s a controller with movement and some basic protection; Magmint’s swarm of Phasor tech is where it’s at, and by the end of the day, it’s a bunch of flying metal. Even if Magmint didn’t build anything with his wide array of parts, he could always pelt you to death with them, and some parts are already sharp enough to act as blades! His power is all in his mind and what he’s invented, but he has no latent powers to himself; Again, the most Just Some Guy energy. If you knocked Magmint off of his chair and away from his controller, his Phasor tech is unlikely to help if not already built into something that could function on its own.
         But again! He’s a durable guy who can take a lot of punishment thanks to how soft he is, and Magmint can cause serious third-degree burns by heating up. He’s even got a little laser dagger on hand to protect himself with! And Magmint doesn’t just have to build one device at a time; Depending on how many pieces each one takes, he can build multiple robots to attack you with, or combine every part with his hover chair into a giant mecha! In terms of personality and powers, Magmint is the guy who seems like a pushover at his core, until you get there and are horrifically burned, and realize just how dangerous Magmint actually is, and in what way.
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