#ayo x aneka x reader
The Angels Brought Me Back to My Loves
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"Can you run it back for me one more time?" You asked the young boy sitting across from you.
His name was Diego, and his loyalty to you was undying and unwavering. You don't remember doing anything to earn such devotion. But that was the problem, wasn't it. You didn't remember a single thing when you woke up from a six month coma.
Not your name.
Not your profession.
Not your powers, which seemed to be dormant since you awakened. Considering you haven't been unable to summon even a spark of electricity. No matter how many times Diego and the other kids tried to motivate you.
Not any friends, family, or significant others you might have.
You couldn't remember a single thing about your life, and the only information Diego could provide you with was. The brave and daring chronicles that began with you breaking into an evil scientist's base of operations to rescue them. And ended with you taking down their number one solider with the power to move the earth itself.
You were pretty sure he exaggerated certain parts of the story, but you never tired of hearing it. Hoping it would somehow help restore a memory or two. If you were lucky enough, all of your memories would come back.
He recounted the story again, breaking down every single detail. No matter how big or small, even throwing in little things he had forgotten about. Or just didn't think were that important watching you carefully. To see if any of it was doing any good and brought a memory out.
But nope, there was no surge of images flashing through your mind. Like you hoped for, you listened with intent, but nothing came back. It was pointless just like the last seven times.
You expected him to grow frustrated at some point with repeating the same tale over and over. He never did, though. Instead, Diego got to his feet to walk crouch down beside where your head was buried in your hands. He placed a comforting hand on your knee and said the same words over.
"Don't worry Avenger, we'll get there somehow or someway. I can feel it."
And there it was that one word that did seem to resonate with something. Deep buried inside of you, the key to bringing it all out. But as soon as you tried to grasp it. It vanished out of your reach.
Avenger the one word that meant everything to you. Whenever someone spoke it or referred to you with it. Your heart beat a little faster. It meant something. There was purpose behind the title, and it was the one thing that you focused on. You might not remember who you were and what your life was. But you were sure of one thing, and it was going to have to be enough for now.
You were an Avenger.
Two Months Later
The rest of the story goes as follows after the three kids lugged you back to the small town. The townspeople became worried the evil scientist would return to take vengeance upon them, and this time you would be in no condition to stop them. With that fear lurking in the back they came to the decision it was best to flee while they had the chance. The only problem being getting you back to the Avengers.
Reaching out to the Avengers was no easy task like it used to be back when the team was actually put together, and had their own system of answering distress calls. Things never really got back to normal after the Avengers disbanded over the Sokovia Accords, and the aftermath of the Battle of Thanos just made things worse. The remaining heroes were scattered and really just doing their own thing these days. If countries outside of the U.S. wanted to get in contact with an Avenger for help. They were forced to go through the government and sometimes the letters were just thrown in random pile by an agent. And it wouldn't be handed off to an Avenger until one of you came by looking for an assignment, or when Sam would go there to pick up all the Avenger mail.
The townspeople didn't have the luxury of waiting around for months for the Avengers to come to the rescue this time. So they took you with them into hiding, and a few weeks later they found an abandoned village to settle into and call home. While Chloe's healing powers might've been enough to bring you back to life. The little girl wasn't strong enough to heal your injury completely, so the small team of doctors, and one surgeon had to work around the clock to keep you alive. Apparently you had coded at least two more times, but they were able to resuscitate you.
When you finally woke up from your six-month coma the entire village rejoiced. Even though you were suffering a serious case of memory loss they were just happy to see you awake, and moving. Although the moving thing was limited to just lifting your arms and turning your head by yourself. A few weeks went by before you were able to ditch the wheelchair, and even then you still had to use a cane to walk.
During it all, Diego was a Godsend staying by your side through it all, and constantly challenging you to push yourself to get better and better everyday. When you were at your lowest wanting nothing more than just to give up. You were still waiting for the day where he finally gave up, and moved on with his life. The other two kids and his mother laughed whenever you made a comment about him growing tired of you one day. All of them insisted Diego looked up to way too much, and felt in your debt even if he had saved your life. Oh and then there was the other reason you had to keep trying no matter how pointless it all seemed. Kai and Chloe neither of them were from this country instead both were relying on you to get them home back to their families. The most frustrating thing about recovering your memories is how random ones pushed their way to the surface caused by the smallest hint of familiarity. The scent of your favorite food hitting your nostrils as you limped past a random home. Suddenly you were sitting at a circular table stuffing your face with a sandwich, so messy the meat inside was falling out onto the wrapper below. The person next to you with his head propped up on his own fist took the time to chastise you from such sloppy mannerisms.
Diego convincing you to spar with him one day, a friendly practice fight ending with him pinned face down to the ground. Your knee digging into his back, and his arm wretched upward at a painful angle. The sparring session was all fun and games until you pulled some lethal move the boy had no chance of dodging from muscle memory.
But while those occurrences had you wishing for your memory to come back. It was one memory in particular that left you longing for the feeling of it long after it was gone. It happened on a hot and humid day the rising temperatures so dangerous not even Diego was willing to risk the heat stroke to get you out of the house. But what the heat in his home so much worse was his mother's decision to bake some goodies. The activity had both you and him seeking solace at the neighbor's house. A nice family who were familiar with you for they were the ones to house you for the duration of your mission.
Once the pastries were done and cooled off his mother was kind enough to drop some off to both of you with a wide smile. While making a comment about the two of you leaving her to suffer in a hot kitchen alone like a servant. Diego planted a kiss on his mother's forehead before shoving the sugary cake in his mouth. You took a tentative bite, savoring the rich and sweet flavor as the white powdery sugar coated your tongue and sides of your mouth. Diego pointed at the mess with a chuckle, and in that moment another person's laughter flooded your brain along with an unfamiliar voice referring to you with a tone of endearment. Both voices belonged to that of a different woman, but your body had the same reaction regardless. Your heart started beating a little faster as your grip on the funnel cake loosened so much. It fell from your fingertips to the floor while you did your best to hold onto the fleeting sounds that had already faded away back to the deep crevices of your mind. Where all your memories were awaiting for you to find a way to unlock them. You grew so desperate to summon those voices again you didn't think twice about eating another sweet, but nothing happened.
No soft laughter this time, or woman calling you something other than your name. But the way she said it told you whatever the word stood for. It wasn't anything bad but the opposite if anything she said in such a loving way you yearned to her say it again. You needed to hear her say it again the way you needed air to live. This was the first memory to hint there was someone out there thinking you were dead. Someone who saw you as the most important person in the world. Someone who's entire world fell apart when you didn't come back from the mission. Someone who might still be waiting for you to come home holding out hope that despite the fact. Its been more than eight months since you disappeared somehow you were still out there. And you were with newfound determination to make it back to them no matter what.
Another week passed filled with more random memories coming out of blue triggered by the simplest of actions, or anything related to smell or taste. One of them did do some good helping you remember your name finally.
Thanks to the physical therapy Diego put together with the help of the doctors. You were able to get rid of the cane and was back to walking on your own without any assistance. This encouraged both of you to start taking your training a bit more serious hoping to get your powers to come back out. But unfortunately any attempt to use summon your powers failed no matter what the two of you tried. The danger tactic failed. The believe in yourself and go for it speech got you nowhere. Even you touching a faulty wire hoping the connection would spark something did nothing. The frustration over the lack of progress continued to build to you finally hit your breaking day. You stormed off right in the middle of a session with Diego.
The kid let all the random items floating high up in the air waiting to be shot down by your electricity fall back to the ground. He called out your name begging you to come back, you were tired mentally and physically. Not wanting to let the kid down, but knowing if you pushed yourself any harder for the day only to come up empty-handed. Would lead to a inevitable meltdown that neither of you would escape from unscathed from. You kept going not sparing him another glance.
Eventually nightfall came bringing quite the thunderstorm along with it, and while most of the townspeople let the sound of the pounding rain with the rumbling thunder lull them into a deep slumber. One determined little kid did the opposite, sneaking out of his home to make the journey to yours. The storm was so powerful you weren't able to tell the difference between the knocking at your door, and the raindrops slamming into the roof. It was his familiar disgruntled yelling that made it possible for you to distinguish the difference finally, and then you were dragging yourself out of your warm and cozy bed to. Yank the door open and drag the young boy into your home with a firm hand on the back of his neck.
"Diego what the hell are you doing outside? Did you not see the mini hurricane raging on out there?" You scolded him throwing in a smack upside his head for good measure.
The action didn't faze or kill his mood in the slightest. He looked up at you with a massive grin plastered on his face. "Yeah and do you know what that means?" He countered your question with one of his own.
The tone of excitement in his voice bewildered you just as much as his presence here. "Usually it would be a great night of sleep for normal people."
Diego shook his head. "Well you're not exactly normal and this is your chance."
"My chance to what? You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
He groaned, rolling his eyes as if it should be obvious. "This is the perfect opportunity to reawaken your powers. A thunderstorm like this means giant lightning bolts if you get struck by one. It could be the jumpstart they've needed to come out all this time."
Now you understood his excitement. the process of trying to your electricity powers to activate again hadn't been easy, and ended in failure more than once. The most you were able to do these past couple of weeks was generate a few sparks in the palm of your hands. "Didn't we already try that?" You reminded him thinking back to the faulty wire he had you touch. The only thing it accomplished was a brief flickering of lights in the house while you were hit with a tiny jolt of power. It was very anti-climatic and kind of embarrassing if you would say so yourself.
"Oh come on, comparing that tiny shock to a lightning bolt is like comparing a candlelit flame to a raging inferno." Diego scoffed following you into the living room where you flicked on the switch. "If anything can give your powers that jumpstart its this" he insisted almost pleading at this point.
Even if you wanted to argue with the kid it wasn't possible while you might not be able to summon or generate electricity beyond a few playful sparks. You could still feel the hum of it, and how it powered every little thing in the village. But tonight everyone had their electronics turned off in fear of a attracting a stray lightning bolt. So the hairs on the back of your neck shouldn't have been standing up the way they were, and the powerful hum that had your entire body tingling with anticipation should've been way less stronger. Instead it was one of the strongest pulls of electrifying power that you felt since waking up. Your body craved it more than anything so what were you waiting for?
"What if it doesn't work? What if it fails like everything else?" You asked aloud realizing it was the fear of failure holding you back. The fear that you were going to stuck like this forever.
"It won't" Diego exclaimed with nothing but confidence.
"You don't know that it won't" You argued unsure.
Diego stared at you with disbelief and for the first time since you woke up. He looked at you with disappointment, releasing a huff in frustration. "It doesn't matter y/n its worth the risk" he said, standing his ground with his hands placed on his hip.
"Damn it y/n if you're not willing to do it for yourself then do it for whoever has you walking around here like a lovesick puppy. They have to be worth it, right?" Diego pressed you even more when you didn't answer fast enough for his liking. His comment at the end got your attention as your head snapped upward with your eyes zeroing in on him.
He held up his hands to keep you calm. "I've noticed a change in your behavior since that day my mom baked those funnel cakes. I don't know what memory it brought up, but I know whatever it was you've been trying kinda hard to make it come back. The key to unlocking your memories might be connected to your powers y/n."
It turns out Diego was more determined to help you get your powers back to full strength than you knew. The kid had a plan just in case this exact opportunity ever presented itself. He already scoped out the area finding the perfect vantage point for you to try and call down a lightning bolt. The strong winds and blinding rain slowed the two of you down on your way, but about forty minutes later. You stood perched on the edge of the cliff with quite the view below of a wider and more dense forest. But tonight in this raging storm the trees before were bent from the force of the gales. Leaves were ripped free from the branches swirling throughout the air. Some of them forming a tornado of leaves it created a haunting sight.
Your eyes drifted up to focus on the darkened sky that casted nothing but shadows upon the land. Every now and then it lit up with a flash of lightning, and with every bolt you felt your heart pull towards it. Diego stayed back hiding behind the trees hoping it would shield him for the wrath of the storm. It didn't matter if the lightning bolt did splinter them you weren't going to let anything happen to him. Either this plan was going to work or you were going to shocked with enough bolts to put you back in a coma.
You took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly preparing your mind and body. The lightning bolt shouldn't be able to hurt you, but then again you couldn't be to sure of your immunity with the majority of your abilities laying dormant inside of you. But it wasn't fear that you felt as the hairs on the back of your neck stood up, or when your hair started to frizz. You were filled with excitement and a sense of impatience as if this is exactly what your body had been craving. This was going to work. It had too.
Deep down inside the connection was still there buzzing with a low hum. A bolt of lightning shot from the sky grazing the forest below, and you were sure the strike took a tree down. Another one followed not too far behind, and the only difference was this one was a bit closer. It was as if the storm felt your presence and was challenging you to tame it. It raged on with the winds picking up greater speeds your hair flowing behind you, and your jacket along with your shirt was lifted from your body letting the cool air hit your skin. The rain started coming down a little harder, clouding your vision. The storm had turned into a ferocious beast intent to knock you down, but you stood your ground. Planting your feet on the edge of the cliff determined to not give it a single inch. The elements weren't going to bend to your will.
Good thing that wasn't your intention because you knew all too well some power just couldn't be tamed. Instead you wanted to become one with it again, and with you let out an agonized cry spill out of your mouth. A plea you were so desperately hoping would be answered. Digging deep down inside you searched for your power urging no commanding it to come back to you. Lightning flashed in the sky overtaking you with its strength. Teasing you with how close you were to colliding with it. You felt a small surge of electricity and sparks of it began to dance in your fingertips. Grabbing a hold of that power you refused to let it go. Expanding your connection to it focusing on the immense source of power in the sky above.
A white hot bolt of lightning shot from the sky colliding with your body. This time lighting you and the ground beneath your feet up as well. For a solid two seconds your were encased in a tomb of three hundred million volts. Diego watched from the distance amazed but still fearing for your well-being. Your body wasn't convulsing or anything, but instead remained still. He continued to hang back in the safety of the trees honoring his promise to you. To not get involved no matter what, and to not attempt to pull you out of the pathway of the lightning. This was his plan after all.
And it was working because yes for a mere second you were in unimaginative pain. It felt as if the volts of electricity was seeping into your skin, worming a path throughout your entire body to destroy you from the inside. Then the pain faded away and you became more alive since waking you from the coma. When the surge hit your brain the flush of memories hit way too fast dropping you to your knees. As you watched your entire life playback like a movie, only for it to stop short. You growled in frustration trying to push more power to the circuits in your brain to summon the rest, but the lightning bolt had served its purpose, and seemed to just evaporate into thin air.
The once brown and rocky ground you were standing on was now charred black. A circle of small flames danced around your form, and the sound of Diego calling your name reached your ears.
You lifted your upper body upright remaining on your knees taking deep breaths in and out. Sparks of blue electricity were now crackling around your entire body. Your powers were no longer dormant, and now you had the majority of your memories back.
It worked.
"Do you really have to go right now?" Diego asked, hovering by the entrance to your bedroom watching you stuff what few belongings you possessed into a duffle bag.The two of you returned from the journey into the mountains not too long ago, and the night was still young. It was going to be at least another three to four hours before sunrise, and while it would've been more ideal to wait until then to depart from the village. You found yourself unable to wait any longer to get back to your life, and your friends. No your family because while none of them weren't related to you by blood.
The bond you shared with the Avengers was an unbreakable one, and you knew without a doubt that Sam and Bucky spent the past eight months. Blaming themselves for your disappearance, and presumed death, especially Sam considering this was exactly the type of mission. He would've done everything in his power to convince you not to go on alone. Oh and that was another thing while the lightning bolt managed to restore your powers somewhat, and awaken the majority of your memories. Not all of them had returned, and there were still blank spaces you needed to fill.
The people in this village had your gratitude and you would be forever in their debt, especially Diego's, but if you were going to get back to full strength, and recover all of your memories. It was time to go back home no matter how hard it might be to say goodbye.
"Yeah kiddo, the faster I get a move on the faster I get back home plus I need to make a quick stop on the way." You told him slinging the duffle bag over your shoulder, the action caused a burst of agony to shot through your body. Somehow you managed to mask it with a tight smile, not wanting to give him anymore ammo to convince you to stay.
"Fine but just promise me one thing" he said, straightening his body to make himself look taller.
You quirked an eyebrow at him with a grin. "Yeah go ahead."
"One day when the Avengers are like looking for new prospects to join the team. You'll remember me, and come back." Diego said, trying to keep his usual confidence, but you noticed the worry in his eyes. Worry that you were going to move on with your life, and forget he ever existed.
"Awww Diego" You chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Of course I'm coming back for you, and I promise its not going to be like twenty years from now or something. It'll be soon after all I still got to get Kai and Chloe back home."
"And what about the bad guys?" "I wouldn't worry too much about them the Avengers probably took care of them sometime after I disappeared."
Eight Months Earlier.
The alert didn't come from you instead it came from Wakanda.
The crazy thing about it was Sam had been thinking about sending Bucky in after you to just to make sure everything was going smoothly. The super solider finally got Valentina off his back, agreeing to join her little anti-Avenger squad. As long as she promised not to interfere with his life, or more like personal vendettas. There were still plenty of names on his list that he planned on crossing off.Just as Sam reached for his cell phone to reach out to him, the giant screen sitting in front of him came to life on its own. On the other side of the screen was a face he knew all too well, and she didn't look happy. Nor did she have her usual calm and focused demeanor about her.
He could see the distress on her face and was on his feet in seconds. "Ayo what's wrong?"
"Y/N do you know her location?"
"Not exactly she's on a mission in Costa Rica." He answered, a sense of dread coming over him.
"I'm sending you her coordinates now, we need you to get moving at once. You can reach her faster than we can" Ayo replied.
Sam threw his hand out to get her to pause before hanging on. "Do you want to tell me what's going on?"
"She's in danger" was the only thing she would tell him before hanging on.
A few hours later the part of forest where your kimoyo beads were still pinging from was swarming with a small team of government agents led by Sam and Bucky. Ayo and Aneka touched down just thirty minutes after them accompanied by Okoye and Shuri the Black Panther herself. Together it didn't take them long to search the area, and the only trace they could find of you was the beads. Laying in a puddle of water with a large pool of dried up blood next to it, and no one needed a DNA test to know who it belonged to.
A few feet away was the body of a large male, and his injuries told a story. They just wished he was still breathing so he could tell them what happened to you. Your body was nowhere to be found, but with the amount of blood loss you suffered. There was no way you could've gotten far on foot, so everyone scoured the surrounding area and beyond in hopes of finding at least. A sign of what might've become of you, but they had no such luck. After failing in the search for you, Sam and Bucky turned their sights on the guys you were sent to take care of. Locating the main base of operations wasn't hard at all with being only a few miles away from your final location. Ayo and Shuri tagged along with them just in cased any of the soldiers were left.
Between the Black Panther, The General of the Dora Milaje, A super solider with a vibranium arm, and Captain American armed with wings, and the ionic vibranium shield. It took literally no time at all to make quick work of the small army of goons armed with machine guns. The man in charge was in trying to sneak out the back, and disappear into the depths of the rainforest. Instead the door was ripped from its hinges when he reached it, and before he could turn around to go back the way he came.
A shiny black metal arm with lines of gold running down its length reached out to take a fistful of his shirt. Bucky lifted him off the ground, and carried him back into the building. Where he proceeded to slam him into a wall. One, two, three times, and on the last one his head connected with hard material. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and suddenly his vibranium arm disconnected from his body. He stepped back as it fell to the floor at his feet along with the near unconscious man.
"What the hell Ayo?" He growled already knowing who was responsible.
She came up to stand beside him with nothing but disdain in her eyes for the man below. "You weren't restraining yourself" was her explanation.
It took all of five seconds to pry the metal arm off the short and stocky man. Sam hauled him to his feet by his white lab coat, and half-drug him to a random office. Where he was tossed into a office chair the momentum sent it spinning out of control. Until it slammed into the wall, and turned over dumping him back on the floor.
"For Bast's sake can you two not be so rough. We need him conscious if we're going to question on y/n's wherabouts" Shuri scolded the Avenger.
Sam and Bucky grunted out a fake apology. Shuri went over to help the leader back to his feet with a firm grim on his forearm. She led him back over to the chair that Ayo had picked up from the floor waiting on the side with handcuffs. As soon as he was seated and his hands were secured to the arms of the chair. Bucky threw a bucket of cold water on him drenching his entire body.
"Ahhh" he gasped shooting up from his slumping. His eyes widened and his hands strained against the bonds when he tried to wipe the water off his face. A second later he started to realize just what kind of predicament he was in. When his eyes settled on Shuri positioned in front of him in her signature Black Panther suit. The mask was still covering face to set the tone, and evoke more fear into him. Ayo stood on her right side just a few inches behind her with death grip on her spear. If looks could kill the man would drop dead in an instant from the way she glowered.
Bucky sat perched on top of a desk closer to the door with Sam leaning back against. Arms crossed over his chest deciding it was best to let the Wakandans handle the interrogation. The rage built inside of him was too strong for him to trust himself to question the man responsible for your disappearance. Especially considering the thing fueling his anger was the thought that all of this was his fault. You would've never been put in this position if he had just listened to his instincts. In the first place and waited until Bucky returned from dealing with Valentina to give you the mission. Instead he let you go alone and now you were gone.
"Where is she?" Shuri asked her voice so calm it was eerie.
"Where's who Princess? You're going to have to be a little more specific." The man said letting just a drop of sarcasm seep into his voice. It earned him a blow to the jaw courtesy of Ayo with such speed. He didn't even realize he'd been struck until the stars cleared, and he spat blood onto the floor.
"The Avenger who was sent here to bring your operation down" Ayo seethed.
A knowing look came over him and there was no way for him to hide it. When grin stretched across his face to match the pure delight in his eyes. Shuri moved with inhuman speed to encase her General in her arms, and pull her back.
"Lula Ayo lula cinga ngesithandwa sakho" She whispered into the enraged warrior's ear.
"I assumed your Avenger was successful in her mission, and would've returned to you by now. You're telling me she hasn't?" He asked out of curiosity and disbelief.
"No she hasn't and her last coordinates puts her about a mile or two away from this place. We went there but there was no sign of her only some dead burly dude." Sam explained walking forward to take over as Shuri took Ayo out of the room.
"Ahhh so she did kill project Earth" the man said his tone emotionless as he shrugged his shoulders. "I figure as much when he didn't return after I sent him after her and my other subjects."
Sam glanced over his shoulder to see Bucky's eyebrow twitch, and he sighed wishing the guy knew how to hold his tongue. No doubt he was referring to the missing kids. He stepped out of the way knowing his strength didn't even come close to matching the super solider. Whenever his eyes darkened the way they were now, and he moved nearly matching Shuri's pace. He wrapped his human hand around the man's throat, and squeezed until it got to the point that every time the man tried to gasp for air. The end result was him choking even harder.
"Those subjects have names and so did that man who died for your heartless endeavors. They were human beings and you stole their life away from them." Bucky snarled dropping to one knee so he could make eye contact with terrified scientist. "The least you can do is remember their names. When this is over I'm going to make sure you know every single last one of them." It wasn't a threat but a promise.
The interrogation went on for a full two hours with Okoye coming in, and taking over after the first hour was up. She had years of experience under her belt witnessing some of the most proven methods to get someone to talk. She had no sympathy for this man, and saw no need to show him an ounce of mercy. But once it became obvious he knew nothing of your whereabouts, and had no useful information on the abandoned town.
Okoye broke the news to everyone and called the interrogation a waste of time to keep it going. Of course Ayo and Aneka who were holding onto breads crumbs of hope right now argued.
"He is lying let me speak with him" Aneka demanded stalking towards the door.
Both Sam and Okoye blocked her path, but he hung back letting the former General attempt to calm her fellow Midnight Angel down.
"Aneka brute force will not work I've tried both manipulation, and torture. He just doesn't know" Okoye insisted.
"He's a demented man who used people as test subjects to give them powers. He would've saw y/n as the perfect specimen." Aneka argued.
"Maybe but that doesn't change the fact she's an Avenger which makes her liability to someone like me." The man's voice came from the doorway. His hand were now cuffed behind his back, and even though there were no tell-tell signs of physical torture. His face twisted in pain when Bucky forced him to continue to humble along beside him. Bruises were littered around his face from the few blows he suffered early-on coupled with the strangulation.
"In case you didn't notice my operation was built off subtlety. I targeted a small town with little to no police force, and hidden away from civilization. I knew no one would come rushing to these people's rescue, and the few kids who I did have brought to me from other countries were low-risk. Runaways with parents who gave up on them a long time ago, and children from a broken home. That's how I stayed off the radar taking an Avenger captive would put on the map, and it wasn't worth it. I ordered project Earth-arghhhh" his speech was cut off in a painful groan.
Bucky had tightened his grip on his shoulder past the point of being just uncomfortable.
"Todd I ordered Todd Jenkins to kill her" he cried in distress. Bucky loosened his hold with a death stare. "His orders were to kill her and bring the kids back. You can torture me all you want by my story won't change."
When no one else opened their mouth to argue Bucky moved along shoving the scientist forward. Aneka turned back to Ayo searching for answers neither of them had. If you weren't taken captive then why were you. Both of them replayed your last words to them in their head having memorized the message by now. And how defeated you sound the horrible coughs mixed in with your words. You were on the verge of death, and the last update Griot gave them on your vitals was anything but good.
He told them you had sustained fatal injuries, and he lost a pulse about five minutes after you sent the message. And that was another mystery why did you take your kimoyo beads off. Aneka had found the beads lying in a puddle of water with tiny drops of dried blood on them. Her heart filled with dread at the sight of them not being on your wrist. You'd never just take them off none of this was making sense.
"Someone had to move her right? She wouldn't of gotten that far in her condition" Aneka said. Her and Ayo returned to the spot where your last fight took place. Bucky took charge in removing Todd's body, so the area was empty now surrounded by trees, and the noises of various animals creating a symphony.
"Maybe an animal got to her" Ayo suggested hating the words as they left her mouth. She hated what the theory implied, and it earned her a glare from her lover.
"You're suggesting a predator took her for dinner, but left behind the man the size of a bull in one piece." Aneka scoffed turning around to walk away.
Ayo caught her by the wrist making her pause. A single tear slipped free rolling down her cheek. The others were still combing through the town, and the forest looking for any sign of what could possibly happened to you. But at this point most of your friends had accepted a dark and ugly truth about your fate. No one wanted to say it aloud though especially Ayo herself, but eventually they were going to have to call the search off. Eventually they were going to have to return back to Wakanda, and resume their daily life. The country needed the Black Panther and its protectors right now more than ever.
Sam was going to have to hold a press conference as well, and speak on your behalf. He knew he could only put it off for so long you were more dedicated to the cause of the Avengers than any other hero. After the aftermath of the final showdown with Thanos unlike others who either went on a break, retired altogether, or went back to their own purpose. Your disappearance was going to be noticed and felt all across the world.
There was going to be tears, memorials, flowers, heartbreaking goodbyes, and three funerals. A public one for the world you fought so hard to keep safe. A private one for your friends who had become family at this point. A secret one for Ayo and Aneka as a piece of them were going to die along with you. The second they were able to admit the truth.
You was gone forever.
Stop One: Clint's Farmhouse
All the down time that came with being a retired Avenger must have been paying off. Because the house along with the barn had some major upgrades between now, and the last you'd been here. When Clint brought the Avengers to his home to lay low and hide from the aftermath of the second showdown with Ultron. You were overcome with a wave of guilt after realizing that had been more than a decade ago. It piled on top of the gut feeling you were already feeling since the majority of your memories returned.
The large two-story home had what looked like a fresh new coat of paint, and the porch was larger more open with a white swinging bench. A set of rocking chairs were aligned along the rest of the space. A flowerbed was blooming with daisies and lilies all around the front of the house mixing in nicely with the perfect cut grass. You got the feeling most of this was Laura's touch with Clint doing the heavy duty work.
"There we go Katie alright sweetheart just do what she did." A familiar voice said. Drawing your attention to the right side of the yard with a considerable distance from the house.
Clint was losing his edge not sensing your presence right away you decided. As you resumed walking in his direction where the archer was holding a archery class from the looks of it. With two younger girls in attendance one of them you recognized as a much older Lila, but the other tall and dark-haired girl's identity was a complete mystery. She was the first one to notice your approaching your figure her grip on the bow in her hand tightening. While the other one inched towards the quiver of arrows resting on her back. For a second you thought she was going too take the shot, but once you got a bit closer. Her grip on the bow loosened till it fell from her fingertips to the soft grass below. As both of her hands flew up to cover gaping mouth. She made the connection.
Clint on the other hand was too busy correcting Lila's aim to pay either you or her any attention. The dark haired girl reached out to smack Clint on the shoulder in repeatedly. A ghost of a smirk appeared on your face as you watched him glance over his shoulder too snap at her. Time slowed down as Lila released her hold on the drawstring letting the arrow fly towards the wooden target board. In the same instant Clint finally turned around too see what the other girl was making a commotion about. You paused your advance a few feet away, and the two of you locked eyes. Tears flooded his vision in a matter of seconds.
The arrow struck the center of the target board embedding itself. Lila let out a cry of joy jumping up and down clapping her hands together. Clint closed the short distance with one long stride too sweep you off your feet, and into his warm embrace.
"You're alive" he breathed into your ear. "Its really you I'm holding you."
"Yeah Clint its me back from the dead" You reassured him with your arms constricted around his neck. He held you tighter if it was even possible, almost like he was afraid. You'd disappear into thin air if he let go for even a second. The two of stayed like that for what seemed like forever. You weren't going to rush him knowing that while seeing you alive after believing you had perished was a big relief for him. At the same time his brain and heart needed time to process this. But after five minutes or so Clint finally pulled back to get a good look at your face. His thumbs rubbing soothing circles into both of your cheeks.
"I thought I lost you" he whispered.
"You almost did" you replied. Eight months ago you would've said never to that statement, but now you knew all too well how fragile life truly was now.
Clint introduced you to the dark-haired girl. Her name was Kate Bishop and she was definitely a fan. Unable to contain her excitement finally getting the opportunity to officially meet you. Of course she wished it was under better circumstances. You went on to repeat the same tearful emotional reunion with Laura and the kids. Afterwards once the sun had set, dinner had been survived, and everybody was tucked into bed.
You and Clint were finally able to sneak away from the farm. The archer telling you there was something special he wanted to see you. The two of piled into an old school red pickup truck to go on the twenty-minute drive.
"You're really going all out on the whole rancher lifestyle huh." You joked tapping the outside of the passenger door letting your arm hangout the open window.
"Hey be gentle with my baby, and don't mock her." He chided you softly. I'm going to be teahcing Cooper how to drive in this in just a few more months you know" His tone grew softer as his eyes did when he continued. Clint couldn't wait for that day. His family meant the world to him.
The night sky was lit up with thousands of bright stars a sight you presented that much living in a big city. It reminded you of those nights spent in the village sometimes training with Diego. You wondered if the young boy was back home moping around because of your absence, but then buried such thoughts. He was probably working harder than ever preparing for the day you returned to make him a honorary Avenger. The thought made you chuckle a little bit as you followed Clint into a wooded area.
"Are you going to tell me where we're going? You asked eyes scanning the tall and skinny trees that were too thin to hide any real threats. Although you were still on high alert, while you weren't going to admit it. This expedition did trigger some bad memories some that were still buried.
"Don't worry we're almost there." He told you reaching out behind to take your hand into his giving it a gentle squeeze. Clint knew PTSD when he saw and heard it so the change in pitch of your voice was a sign he couldn't miss.
Not even two minutes later Clint pushed back some brush blocking his path, and pulled you ahead of him. It It led to a wide circle clearing that had obviously been cleaned up by someone. The grass that didn't manage to grow out here in the dirt was cut evenly. The ground was clear of all sticks, pine needles, rocks, or anything else that would take away the aesthetic. On the edge of clearing were three tombstones setup a few feet apart from each other.
You let out a gasp realizing what this place was. His whole little private cemetery for his fellow Avengers who were now deceased.
"It might sound crazy but I needed my whole spot to visit them, and just be with them in private. Sometimes to talk or feel some sort of connection other times to have a good cry."
It didn't sound crazy at all when Tony and Natasha died. One had public funeral while the other had a private one. You understood why Tony's was the televised event with only the heroes, and his family allowed to attend in person. But it still felt weird having the cameras there and you found yourself holding back the ugly cry because of it. Not to mention it was practically impossible to visit his grave later on, and get some alone time in with him.
You and Clint walked over to the tombstones. Of course you already predicted two of them belonged to your fallen friends, and you had a feeling who the last one belonged too. And indeed your name was engraved into the top of the gravestone. The other two had a few specks of dirt on them, and some vines shaping around them. He wasted no time in dusting the dirt off, and ripping the vines away. Your gravestone still fairly new and was in perfect condition.
"While I'm not upset you choose to pay me a visit first y/n. I do have to ask why?" Clint finally asked the burning question.
The one you were kind of hoping wouldn't be brought up. Because now things were about to get real for you.
"How did you do it Clint?" You asked lifting your head to stare up at the sky. "How did you walk away from the Avengers? This life fighting the good fight, for the greater good that's all we've ever known." You had this feeling in the pit of your stomach that before you left for the mission. That costed nearly costed you your life had costed something way more important. And it only got worse when you watched Clint interact with his family today.
"It wasn't easy y/n but ultimately I came to the conclusion that my family was important, and I owed it to them to start being there a hundred percent of the time. Instead of giving barely thirty percent of me."
You lowered your head to look at him in the eyes. "But what changed because you didn't give up the hero life until after Ultron. You had a family before that."
"I almost died if it wasn't for Pietro I wouldn't be here y/n, or are you forgetting?"
You shook your head that was one memory embedded deep withing your brain. The look of devastation in Wanda's eyes when Vision swooped in with her in his arms.
Clint took a seat on the a patch of grass, and patted the spot beside him. You did the same but got even more comfortable laying down on your stomach.
"Later on it really hit that if Pietro wasn't as fast as he was. I would've died and my baby boy was going to be born into a world never knowing his father. Nathaniel would've only had the stories told to him by Lila and Cooper. The pictures Laura kept around the house to know what I look like, and that's if she were able to keep them up. If the sight of her dead husband didn't destroy her all over again. That's if the kids hold onto their memories of me instead of burying them in their attempt to deal with the grief. I realized then I couldn't do it anymore the Avenger life wasn't for me anymore. Because the thought of dying to save the world, and leaving my family alone. It broke me y/n it became my biggest fear."
His words resonated with you now more than they would've if you asked him. All those years ago when you had the same question for him, and you understood it.
He could see you were through your own little dilemma, and decided to switch the focus onto you. "They came here you know."
"Who?" You asked a little too fast sitting up on your knees.
"Your lovers asking me if they were any safe houses in that particular area where you went missing. That you would go hideout to wait for help. I gave them the location of all known places I thought you would go. They love you y/n" Clint said.
They so there was more than one someone in your life, and you still couldn't remember either one of them. Yet you could somehow feel the effect of their love. "I feel like I love them too, and I think I screwed up big time."
Clint shrugged his shoulders. "You probably did you suck at relationships almost as bad as Nat did."
"Shut up" you shot back crawling forward to shove him backward. He recovered with a heartfelt chuckle as you settled in beside him. "When fighting is all you ever known its hard to imagine a life without. Its harder to imagine giving up that life for something like love. I know that better that anyone y/n." He said after a minute or so of silence as the two just gazed up at the stars.
"Love, peace, family those are foreign concepts to people like us" Clint continued. "We don't think its in the cards for our life even if we crave it more than anything. And when we do find it there's this fear its not going to workout. That's the thing that keeps you from walking away. You're afraid your little paradise will fall apart the second you go all in, and you'll be right back to fighting."
He paused to turn his head towards you. An emotion on his face you couldn't exactly place. "But when its real y/n its worth it. God the real thing is worth everything." he said unable to hold back the tears. He cried for you. Knowing you almost died because you refused to take a chance upon love.
"I know it is Clint but being an Avenger is in my blood too. I still want to fight to protect that very same love." You argued feeling horrible at the disappointment that washed over his face at your response.
"That's the adrenaline talking and now that you survived a near-death experience. No you actually came back from the dead its going to be ten times worse" He commented in exasperation. As if he were talking to a toddler who never learned his lesson when it came to touching a hot surface.
"Clint I-" you tried to defend yourself, but he held up a hand cutting you off.
"I use to be just like you y/n in case you're forgetting. People have two different responses when they have a brush with deal. He held up one finger. "One it spooks them and reminds them just how precious life is. Most of us know its the most fragile thing in the world because we take the lives of others on a daily basis. But we survive the majority of those situations until one day death comes knocking. Laura walked away from Shield long before I did for that very reason."
Your eyebrows shot upward as you let out a slight gasp in surprise. No one ever really knew why she decided to turn her back on being agent for the white picket fence life. All there was rumors and assumptions.
Clint put up a second finger. " Two it makes you even more reckless because now you feel invincible. You start to wonder just how far can you truly go, and not die. You start to tempt fate." He fixed with stern gaze before continuing. The way a brother would to his sister dating the wrong type of guy. "Fate gave you a second chance at life y/n don't take it for granted, and don't tempt it again."
"I don't think it was fate that brought me back Clint. I think it was the Angels." You replied the hymn replaying in your head from right before you succumbed to your injuries.
"Well thank them and be more careful with your decisions. They might not do it again."
With that the discussion came to an end. Clint knew you was going to hit the road again soon. After all the entire world believed you were dead you needed to clear the air on that. Plus you still had about a few months worth of memories to recover, and you knew exactly who could help you with that. He did tell you if you need another perspective on giving up on the life of an Avenger to talk to Scott Lang. Another retired hero and father who still resided San Francisco, California. It was out of the way of your original destination, but why not you decided. It gave you more time to avoid a major scolding from Sam.
Stop Two: San Francisco
Scott had the same reaction to seeing you turn up on his doorstep, but unlike Clint who shed tears for you with no shame. The former thief turned hero put on a tough guy act only exerting happiness. You felt his tears soak your shirt when he hugged you laughing. When Scott pulled back complaining of allergy season. But when you asked him the same question his usual goofy and happy demeanor was replaced with a hardened face. His eyes as serious as you ever saw them.
"Well for one its not like I asked for this life. I was basically tricked into by Hank who set me up."
"Maybe you shouldn't have broke into his home" You quipped playing along with his joke. Even though it technically was true unlike you and Clint. Scott never signed up for this instead a serious of weird circumstances brought him into this life. But he was more than eager to help Captain America fight during the Sokovia Accords era.
"From day one I got accepted this because I thought it would make me a better man. A better father to Cassie, and it did until it didn't eventually being a hero drove us apart."
You didn't know if he was talking about getting stuck in the Quantum Realm as a result of Hope, Hank, and Janet being a victim of the Blip, or him being locked up after getting captured by the cops. Steve came for him but he did have to plead out for his limited freedom.
"Time is the one thing you can't get back once you lose it. I missed out on so much of her life in prison. Then Thanos cost me another five years, and I couldn't even be upset the way I wanted to. Because me getting trapped in the Quantum realm was the key point to saving the world." Scott sounded genuinely angry about it.
"Death isn't something you can usually reverse once its done. That's it you're gone, and the person is only left with memories. After we defeated Thanos I retired because all I ever wanted was to be able to spend time with my family, and I was losing out on all that putting my life in danger for what."
You raised an eyebrow at his last statement. Saving the world was no small feat.
"Calm down" Scott said immediately when you opened your mouth. "What I mean is there will always be guys like Yellowjacket running around you know."
You frowned. "Who and what is a Yellowjacket?"
"He was my first nemeses I took him down by myself" He stated a bit proud. "You know the small guys there never going to stop showing up. No matter how many of them I take down one will always replace the last. But time with my daughter isn't something I can get back y/n, and those precious moments I missed out on I can't go back and experience them. So I don't care if she's in her teenage rebel phase, and giving me hell. I want to be there for all of it and more. If another Thanos comes along I got your back, but until then I'm retired."
You see now why Clint told you to talk to Scott. The way he put it couldn't be argued with you lost out on almost nine months of your life. And those nine months were frustrating as you tried to piece it all back together.
"Plus there will always be guys like us too you know" he added in bumping your shoulder with his own. "Last I heard Sam had found some pretty good prospects for his new official Avenger squad. The world will always have heroes to count on."
Stop Three: New York
"So Tony created this thing to restore your memory." You mused studying the contraption before with interest and worry.
"Yeah back when I was on the run and Steve started looking for me. Apparently he wanted to help, but said he was no help in playing detective, and did't have the time to hunt down another 80-year old virgin. So he designed this instead" Bucky explained holding a circular crown-like object. You figured it was supposed to go on your head.
"And this was before he found you murdered his parents right?" You winced realizing there was probably a better way to ask that question.
Bucky shot you a dirty look before letting a small smile grace his face. "You're lucky you just came back from the dead y/n" he said running a hand through his hair. Which had grown out a bit more since the last time you'd seen him. Nearly the same length back during the first battle with Thanos. You wondered if it was on purpose or was a result of him grieving your supposed death.
"Yes he finished long before the Accords came into play around the time he and Bruce started working on Ultron" he reassured you.
"And you're sure he didn't modify this thing to erase memories after finding out the truth about his folks." You continued to press on.
"Y/N" Bucky snapped in irritation. "You're making me start to wonder why I missed you in the first place."
"Okay first of all ouch" You feigned like his comment actually hurt your feelings. When in reality it did the opposite amusing you at the most. "Second I gotta make sure Tony could hold a grudge, or are you forgetting?"
Bucky didn't need you to finish the statement to know exactly what grudge you were talking about. The one caused when Steve chose Bucky over Tony, and the two heroes went on to not speak to each other for years. Even when the world needed the Avengers to reassemble at full strength. Tony was still hesitant to make the call.
"I don't think he did" Bucky admitted sheepishly. It was a possibility he never considered until now.
"Did you ever use yourself?"
"Why not?"
The majority of my memories came back naturally overtime, plus the museum dedicated to Steve really helped."
"But did you ever get all of them back?"
"No but I got the important ones back and that was all that mattered in my opinion." Bucky told you his tone apologetic. He knew that wasn't the answer you were looking for. You wanted him to tell you with a little more time the rest of your memories would just come back. But in reality this machine was your best bet to get them back in a timely manner, and possibly in general.
"Do you think its worth it? Bucky asked when you remained silent.
You nodded. "I have to remember them. I need to remember them. They're worth it." The ghost of the memories haunted you way too much. A laugh here. A smell there. You needed to remember all those moments again. It was the only way you were ever going to feel complete again. You spent your entire life thinking love was never going to find you, but then it did. And you screwed up in a big way, and how were you suppose to fix things. If you couldn't remember them, let alone your last moment with them.
"Alright then let's do this" Bucky encouraged you clapping you on the shoulder.
He helped you get hooked up in the lounging chair which was surprisingly comfortable. Despite how intimidating it looked, and proceeded to place the metal round thing around your head. It fit perfectly, and then Bucky pressed the only red button on the control panel. At first nothing happened you just laid there with the thing connected to your brain. Then the machine roared to life lighting up with power. For once you were grateful your control over your powers hadn't returned fully. Because if it. had this machine might be in pieces as your brain was hit with a surge.
It was nothing you could handle but this surge hit you with one purpose, to find the wiring in your brain in charge of your memories. And when it did the floodgates were open your body spasmed as a tidal wave of images slammed into your head. You gripped the arm rests in a death grip. It didn't hurt but the feeling was equally unpleasant, and your stomach began to do flips as you tried to keep up with everything. Then it was over as quickly as it began and you leaned over to the side throw your lunch back up.
Bucky hung back with a disgusted look on his face watching you rip yourself free with a groan.
"Can it Barnes I know you want to laugh" You grumbled climbing out of the chair.
He ignored your comment only focused on the end results. "Did it work?"
You held your stomach making sure nothing else was going to come back up. Once you were sure the puking was a one and done side effect. You answered him.
"Ayo and Aneka are going to kill me aren't they?"
Bucky pulled you into a bone-crushing hug with a cheer.
Two Hours Later
All they wanted was to spend more time with you. Your loves only wanted you to be safe and sound to proceed with caution. Maybe Ayo went about discussing it in the wrong way, and maybe you should've stayed to listen when Aneka wanted to work things out. Instead of storming out like a angry teenager and going on a dangerous mission alone. There truly was no maybe about the later you were wrong, and it cost you basically nine months with them. Not to mention all the grief, pain, and guilt your death has put them through. Had they found a way to heal from losing you? Did it cause the two of them to fall apart? You knew Aneka was partially upset with Ayo for pushing the topic. That morning while she went out to get breakfast.
The only way to fix things was to confront them meaning it was finally time for you to make your last stop in Wakanda. If Sam ever let you go.
"Sam seriously you've hugged me like seven times, and lectured me for a whole thirty minutes. I need to get going" You pleaded.
He had called your name making you stop in your haste to reach the hangar. Where a quinjet was waiting for you fueled up and ready to go. "I know but there's one more thing I wanted to run by you before you go."
"What is it?" You asked dialing back the attitude. Your interest had been peaked.
"I know you're feeling some type of way I found new recruits for the next Avengers lineup without consulting you. But in my defense you never stuck around long enough to hear me out. You were always trying to be one woman army. It was impossible for you notice the potential in heroes on the rise."
As much as you wanted to argue with his observation. You knew it was true thinking back to your conservation with Scott.
"Just remember in the future the world isn't going to fall to pieces if you take just a small break." He told you as parting words.
"Go on" You demanded.
"You know Clint got Kate as an apprentice, but he's not really in this business anymore. Scott's kid is pretty passionate about the superhero stuff. Rumor has it Cassie never lets him hear the end of it about his early retirement. I got this kid named Eli who's grandfather was a super solider. It turns out he might've passed on the serum to his grandson, and now I'm the only keeping the government off his back. Then Dr.Strange-"
"Have all of us been taking in younger and stray heroes?" You exclaimed cutting him off at Doctor Strange. The arrogant sorcerer was the last person you thought would take on the responsibility of being a mentor.
"You got one too."
Yeah there's a kid named Diego back in that village. He's telekinetic and got a lot of heart. I don't know about Chloe and Kai let them get settled in with their families again."
"Cool well I was just thinking with all these young heroes on the rise. The next generation of Avengers is shaping up nicely, but the only problem is they're going to need. Someone to show them the ropes, and prepare them for this life. They're going to need a real teacher you know....." Sam let his voice trail off staring at you with hope filled eyes.
You picked up on what he was putting down and held back laughter. "You want me to teach them."
"No its just an idea and I don't know Clint called so I know you're on the fence about the superhero life. So I was just offering a healthy alternative. You don't have to run off on missions all the time, but you're still in the game."
It was more than an idea at this point, but you needed time to think on it. Your main focus right now was getting back to Ayo and Aneka. "Ask me when I get back" you told him.
Sam nodded failing at suppressing the grin forming on his face. Both of you knew it would be a while before you returned, and with that you were free to go.
Last and Final Stop: Wakanda
Night had fallen when your quinjet entered Wakandan airspace. No doubt their security systems picked up on your aircraft the second it crossed the border. One of the tribes was monitoring your travel route right now to make sure you moved on to another country. So you knew when you landed in a field near the rhinos habitat. It was only a matter of time before someone came.
You just hoped a certain warrior in a blue vibranium suit found you first. Was she even on patrol tonight your tried to practice exactly what you were to say to them. But any planned speech vanished from your memory when you picked up on the slightest of movements behind you. A soft whoosh sound filled the air the wild too silent for her to keep her mask fading away quiet.
"I don't know who you are but you've made a grave mistake coming here" Aneka warned you in a low and dangerous tone.
Your heart started to beat a little faster and it was a miracle you didn't drop to your knees to beg for forgiveness. Instead you somehow found your voice and replied. "Well I would've use the front door but I knew I wouldn't make it that far, and my last entrance didn't end too well for me. So I decided to take this approach this time."
Her breath hitched as she came to an abrupt stop when you started speaking. Aneka was silent for a long time so long you were beginning to worry. You made a silent prayer that your girlfriend didn't blast you, or bury her spear in your abdomen. You were still healing after all.
You slowly turned around peeling off the hood to reveal your face.
"Stop moving I demand you cease all movement at once" Aneka demanded. But her orders fell flat as her voice lacked any authority, or seriousness. She sounded hopeful and unsure. A hundred thoughts were running through her brain at the moment, but it all came to an end when her confused eyes met your soft ones brimming with tears.
"Hey Aneka" You greeted her softly throwing in a quick wave. Her entire world came crashing again when her name left your mouth. Here you were her lover. Her heart. Her everything standing before her when you were supposed to be long and gone. Aneka and Ayo attended your funeral nine months go. They grieved you. It took all their strength and endurance to keep going with each other after your untimely demise. For the longest time Ayo blamed herself for your fate, and at first Aneka did nothing to reassure her it was anything but her fault.
In all honesty for a while Aneka did blame Ayo needing someone to blame, and take her anger out other than you. Because you were gone and the opportunity to yell at you for being so stupid and reckless was never gong to come. She didn't want to admit you had played a hand in your own death. Aneka wanted to be angry at the world but not you.
Until now in this very moment and you saw all the different emotions overtake her features. Pure shock at first followed by disbelief as she opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came out. Then anger and her before she could stop herself her fist slammed into your gut. Agony tore through your stomach as she struck the fatal injury that was still in the healing process. You let out a cry hunching over to hug your stomach as the pain spread everywhere else.
"I guess I deserved that' you wheezed lifting your head to glance up at her.
Aneka's mouth dropped as it finally hit her you were indeed real, and not some illusion her brain conjured up. It had happened many times in the past couple of months with her dreams. They were so vivid and real whenever she woke from them. Ayo had to remind her you were gone and wasn't coming back. She relived your death every single time breaking down in her lover's arms.
'Y/N" she said your name like a prayer. You stood up straight again ignoring the lingering pain. There was only an inch of space left between your bodies now, and it still felt like she was miles away. You wanted to wrap your arms around her, and kiss her deeply. But it wouldn't be fair to her after everything she'd been through. You had to let her decide the pace of things.
"You're alive" Aneka whimpered a hand hovering over your cheek wanting to caress you. But she hesitated out of fear you would disappear again. You leaned into the hand nuzzling it.
"Its me Aneka I promise this is real."
"You promised me that forever and it never was" she shot back.
"Whatever I have to do to convince you name it. I'll do it" you told her.
"Kiss me like you mean it, and don't ever stop. Please don't ever stop" she begged. Just like that your willpower was gone and you granted her wish closing the distance to press your lips to hers. The kiss ignited something in both of you, and then Aneka started going down.
You followed her on the way down to ground not letting her lips disconnect from yours for even a second. She leaned back into a laid position, and you hovered over her. Lips sealed together in a dance of desperation, and love. She moaned into the kiss coiling her arms around your body like a snake pulling your ontop of hers fully. Your hands rested on either side of her head.
"Tell me you're real" Aneka murmured against your lips.
"I'm real" you assured her.
She pulled back. "Tell me something only you would know."
"When you first me you insisted we were meant to be together even though you weren't suppose to yet. Because I still hadn't warmed up to Ayo yet." You said thinking it back to the early stages of your relationship with them. How you held a grudge against Ayo for flipping you over her shoulder onto the hard cold floor in the lab. "You also offered to give me a butt massage that day to make up for what Ayo did" you threw in for good measure."
"My love its really you" Aneka whispered guiding your head into the crook of her neck. So she could bury her face into your shoulder breathing in your scent. "I'm never letting you go again. I will handcuff the two of us together if I have too."
You chuckled pecking her shoulder. She shivered at the feel of your lips on her body tightening her hold on your hips.
"Aneka are you here? Answer me sithandwa sam" Another familiar voice spoke up only a few feet away. Her footsteps approaching fast and you lifted your head right as Ayo appeared over the two of you. She must have not gotten a good look at your face, because her hand reached out to grip the back of your neck in a tight grip.
Ayo hauled you to her feet with vengeance because the General hadn't known anything else since your death. She took out her anger on her enemies at any given opportunity. You deserved her wrath as much as Aneka's, but the utter hatred in her eyes terrified. Your injury wouldn't survive a blow from her especially if she didn't recognize you.
"Ayo no don't" Aneka cried out in alarm on her feet in flash yanking you out of harm's way with an arm secured around your waist.
"Why are protecting the intruder? Have you lost your mind?" Ayo went off but her eyes settled on you, and just like Aneka. The General went through a multitude of emotions, but she came to her senses quicker. Because she knew her eyes weren't deceiving her with the way her lover stood protectively in front of you.
"Stand aside Aneka let me see her" Ayo said a bit breathless. Aneka listened stepping to the side. Tears pricked at her eyes as she opened her mouth to say something, but a sob ripped itself free from her throat.
"How?" she whispered launching herself forward and you caught her body in your arms ignoring the pain once again. Ayo didn't care how truly she was just happy to see you alive. She was happy to be able to touch you again, and wanted nothing more than to take you home. Crawl into bed with you sandwiched between her and Aneka falling asleep together. She wanted morning to come to wake up with you sprawled out before her in some weird position. Ayo wanted to wake up to you to make sure this really wasn't a dream.
For now she'd accept resting in your arms. Eventually Aneka hugged both of you, and the three of you stayed like that for a very long time.
The Next Day
"Its her alright DNA doesn't lie that's our y/n." Shuri announced to everyone waiting around in her private office in the lab. You were still outside resting on the sand table fast asleep. You had been in go mode for the past couple of days, and exhaustion finally caught up to you.
"She is a bit malnourished and out of shape, but other than that she's relatively healthy besides that nasty abdomen injury. I'm assuming that's the one that took her out. Whoever healed her did the best they could, but it'll cause lingeirng problems if not taken care of properly. She'll need probably need physical therapy as well-" Shuri was rambling now while her hands shook.
Nakia was the one to waltz over placing her hand over the tablet in her hand. Shuri looked up at her ready to protest. "Y/N is alive and well you can turn off doctor and scientist mode for five seconds sister.
"I'm fine" Shuri insisted.
"Come here" Nakia told her opening her arms wide for the Princess to step into them. She released a shaky breath keeping the sobs at bay unlike. Okoye who broke down at sight of Ayo and Aneka walking through the doors last night with you in tow. That's when the tests began.
The rest of the day was a bit blur as you slept through most of it. Ayo would move you to a bed in the infirmary after a while. Where her and Aneka took turns cuddling with you. Neither wanted you to be out of there sight for to you long, so later on when evening came and you were finally awake. They hovered on the balcony below where you could see them while talking with Shuri.
The Princess had requested your audience, and who were you to even think about turning her down.
"I will take care of your injury, and Okoye will be in charge of your phsyical therapy to get you back to full strength. If you want her too" Shuri said staring out at the Golden City. The sight never got old as you followed her gaze.
"I'm sensing a but" You pushed her.
"On the condition you promise us you attempt to run off on any missions. Until you're cleared by both me and Shuri" Okoye declared walking up the three steps to the balcony. She gave you a brief hug.
"So no more Avenger stuff until you two say so basically."
"Yes for you and their sakes" Shuri answered jerking her chin towards Ayo and Aneka. The two women stood side-by-side to each other shoulders pressed together. You wouldn't be surprised if they had some ear tech to eavesdrop.
"When I told them not to break my favorite American's heart. The same went for you as well you know" Okoye stated taking up position on your other side. She leaned forward on the edge of the balcony.
"What's it going to be y/n?" Shuri asked trying to keep the hint of fear out her voice. You could say and she'd still heal you not being able to leave in pain, and there was plenty of other heroes capable of helping you recover.
"Guys I can barely throw a decent punch, and I'm at the baby stages of controlling powers again. My death hit reset on everything I wasn't going on a mission anytime soon regardless, so hell yeah I accept your terms" You finally said.
Both of them let out a sigh of relief causing you to laugh. Shuri let you go to be with your girlfriends, and when you attempted to leapt down from a story up. Just to give them a heart attack Okoye reminded you she could make physical therapy absolutely unbearable. You disappeared with an apology taking the elevator.
Ayo and Aneka were finally able to take you home again. Leading you to the bedroom and you took everything in. Nothing had changed even the alarm clock you fried while in bed with them remained on the nightstand.
"Hey we have something for you by the way" Aneka said.
You sat down on the bed. "You guys didn't have to get me gifts. My birthday didn't pass, and we still have two months before Christmas."
"No its something that already belonged to you. An item that would've made finding you a whole lot easier saving us all this time and grief. Ayo said walking into the room with a small black box in her hand.
You knew instantly what she was referring to, and let out a nervous chuckle. She sat on your left and Aneka on the right. The box was placed in your lap.
"You can do honor of opening it."
It was your kimoyo beads.
For the first time since getting you back neither of them looked too happy. You slid them back onto your wrist and the bracelet came to life lighting up with a chirp.
"Y/N it is good to have you back" Griot greeted you.
"How did you lose them in the first place? Aneka finally asked.
"Its a long story" You told them.
"We have time" Ayo replied.
You grinned in happiness knowing you were right where you belong. You glanced over your shoulder to catch the sight of two lone stars in sky by themselves through the window. You thanked the Angels for bringing you back to your loves deciding that y'all did have time.
All the time in the world because you weren't going anywhere for a long time.
Tag List: @kofforever @darkwitch192 @deliciousfestsalad @unsatisfiedanddisappointed @mbakuetshurisprincess @justariellove @purple-nugget @shuris3leg @riribabymomma @wandas-nose-scrunch @ceaseanddecease @someobliviousgirl @marsfunzon22 @urfavvmiyahh @chatitajens @greek-freak101 @takeyaki @naslt @princesscharmingnoir @kiwiana145 @como731 @unsatisfiedanddisappointed @sopaintercrown @sweettea32 @alistair-mooncrest
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ppawmpkin · 1 year
Petty Jealously
A lil note: Y’all honestly, this is just something short and kinda fluff-ish. It’s Ayo being her usually unbelievably fine and serious self and Aneka being her unbelievably fine and light hearted self. I ain’t never written a poly relationship, but I love this as a thing. Definitely about to write more of them and the reader.
Black Fem Reader x Ayo x Aneka
“She shouldn’t be so close to him.” Ayo said, causing her lover to laugh at her sudden distress over the man that was only engaging in harmless small talk with you. She couldn’t have been more serious, staring holes into the innocent man’s head for almost the majority of the time he had started talking to you. Poor him. In utter confusion, wondering why the woman across the room looked as if she was seconds away from bashing his head in, which wasn’t far from her actual thoughts.
“She’s having fun, my love. You’re acting as if they are all on eachother, then I would get involved but it’s all innocent. Just two people having a good time.” Aneka said, being the more calmer of the two, she found no harm in the simple conversation. As long as the man didn’t cross any boundaries or disrespect your relationship, she found it less of a thing to even dwell on. Ayo huffed, eyes still staring at you both, clearly the woman wasn’t to keen on letting it go.
“Well, while you are doing that, I’m going to go dance with Nakia.” Aneka said, making her exit off into the crowd, leaving the woman to continue her antics.
You could feel her, the intensity of her gaze was unmatched and even from across the room her presence loomed over you as a cloud would. Here she goes again. You thought, rolling your eyes. To think that she would even have that thought on her mind, it irritated you to the bone. You decide on ignoring her, not wanting her dislike of your little associate to ruin the night.
“Is everything alright?” The man asked, face twisted in concern at your sudden absence from the conversation.
You nodded slightly, flaunting a smile at him for his reassurance. He smiled back at you, a little too hard for her liking. “I was just saying that you look great tonight.” He complimented, eyes grazing over your assemble, from your head to your toes. Of course she had caught this, eyes widening at the man’s boldness. He seemingly had no regard for his life, looking at you in such ways while both of your lovers were in proximity. Who did he think he was?
“Aw thank you, you’re not too bad yourself.” You said laughing softly as you said the words. He laughed with you, clearly flustering at your praise of his appearance. You noticed, but you didn’t pay it any mind. As long as he kept it strictly friendly, you couldn’t be bothered. Ayo wouldn’t have blamed him, if it were on different circumstances, there was no doubt that you were absolutely stunning and the fact that you had made two of the most finest women of the nation fall for you only added to that fact.
But you were theirs, all theirs. His petty crush on you would have to soon seize or else she would help him do so. “Would you like to dance?” He asked, a hopeful gleam in his expression as he held his hand out, ready to take yours. The hope he felt was short lived, quickly snuffed out by the soon appearance of an woman behind you who was seething with visible anger.
“No, she wouldn’t.” She answered, showing a smile, one that instead of warmth showed an expression of warning toward the man. He quickly took heed, something that she admired, he knew his odds and choose not to cross those bounds. He nodded swiftly and turned to walk away but, not before you had gave him an apology for your girlfriends behavior.
“I was going to say no, Ayo.” You said, turning around to meet her only to be greeted by an self assuring smirk on her lips, seemingly content with her actions. She didn’t know how much longer she could suffice watching him and you, so you could only bet how happy she was when he extended the invitation to dance to you, cause she would be the one to turn him down.
“Well, I did, problem?” She asked, practically daring you to retort at her. You were until Aneka appeared, looking knowingly between the both of you. “Lemme guess, she got jealous and came over here to make herself known?” She asked, crossing her arms as an offended Ayo scoffed at her words. She wasn’t that predictable, atleast she didn’t think she was but you both knew her like the palms of your hands, especially Aneka, being with her longer than you had.
“Exactly that.” You said, coercing an amused laugh from her. She sighed, pressing a kiss on your cheek as you both waited for your lover to explain themselves. “He had a little crush on her, I had to do something or else he would’ve had his hopes up.” She said, shrugging her shoulders. You rolled your eyes as Aneka hummed in intrigue, finger tapping her chin.
“A crush?” She said, raising an eyebrow. She found cute, he could never have you but, the mere thought tickled her to her core. She looked forward to hearing Ayo’s telling of the tale whilst you dreaded it, knowing that the car ride home would be the longest of your life. Between Ayo’s dramatics and Anekas teasing, you were in for one hell of a ride with the both of them. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
A/N This ain’t the finest of quality at all, but I wanted to write something about my loves since they are so underrated. I will be writing more on them too. Including some smut, cause I need that in my life. I love you guys and happy late new year, I wish y’all nothing but peace and love fr fr if you do read this. 🫶🏾💕
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bestfriend491 · 1 year
Just went through all my favourite Wakanda Women x Reader tags, and wow. It's been hella dry. 😭
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I mean Okoye, Nakia, Ramonda, Aneka, Ayo, ALL of it. Barely 10 new works combined 😔
I'm sure yall are just itching for new content. 🤭
How have you all been? What's it been like not having things to read? 😭, I wanna know.
Also, do ya'll re-read fics?
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iinkonde · 1 year
Xhosa translations
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I remember mentioning helping with those, so this is me trying. It's so hard reading these amazing stories and then in the middle of the journey being accidentally sworn at. Sometimes translation engines don't do the best job at translating.
So this is me trying to help those who will take the help. I'll write down the most common mistranslations I stumble upon ever so often.
Because most if not all the times some words in Xhosa do not exist in English and visa versa, or there's no translation that would make sense I'm offering some alternatives.
English to Xhosa translation of words, phrases
Greetings - Molo (singular) Molweni (plural)
How are you - Unjani (singular) Ninjani (plural)
My - yami, wami
Baby - Bhabha, Sthandwa
A baby - Usana
My love - Sthandwa sami, Bambo'lwami
Wife - Mfazi
Bride - Umtshakazi (singular) and abatshakazi (plural )
Husband - Myeni
King - Kumkani
Queen - Kumkanikazi
Prince - Nkosana
Princess - Nkosazana
General - Jikelele
Are you okay? - Uphilile?.
What's wrong? - Yintoni/Intoni ingxakhi
You're a lair - Uli menemene.
You're lying - Uyaxoka
How - Njani
Now - Ngoku
Your majesty - Ngangamsha
My girl - Ntomb'am
Girl - intombi, intombazana (singular) Izintombi, amantombazana (plural)
Boy - ikhwenkwe (singular) amakhwenkwe (plural)
Mother - Mama
Father - Baba, Tata
Aunt - Makazi
Uncle - Malume
Sister - sisi, dade
Brother - Mkhuluwe
Grandmother - Makhulu
Grandfather - utata'mkhulu
Roses - iirozi
You're beautiful - Awusemhle
Yes - Ewe
No - Hhayi
My person - Mtuwam
Your beauty renders me speechless - Ubuhle bakho bundigqiba amazwi
This will be all for now. I can't think of any more, these were just the basics and ones I see in most stories. Feel free to add phrases or sentences for me to translate for you. Reblog and share if you found this helpful. Thanks. Bye!
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xblackreader · 1 year
Th’eobrama Cacao (sweet like koko)🤎
attuma x okoye (18+)
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At first, it was a joke. A joke at her expense, but just friendly jesting nonetheless.
Riri started calling Okoye “Koko” the moment she stopped being afraid of her and it sorta caught on, especially Mbaku saw how deeply she’d blush and become upset. Attuma noticed too but she was just so cute pouting…
so attuma loves calling her koko. when he’s teasing her. when she is acting stuffy. when he just wants to see how her eyes widen and her cheeks puff up and her nose scrunches.
“Come to me, Koko.” He calls her softly when the small group of friends and allies are gathered for drinks and conversation. They’re a few hours in and Okoye was never a heavy drinker, but she could hold her liquor. Riri was nearly incapacitated and Ayo was gone, her brow furrowed even in sleep as she snuggled up to her adoring wife.
Attuma notices she’s a bit tipsy and He holds his arms out to her, so she may slide into her designated spot on his lap comfortably. She moves to join him, but freezes when she registers what he called her. Her nose scrunching wonderfully, exactly like he loved. Like a feisty bunny rabbit.
“Attuma! No, not you too!” She smacked him on his shoulder, pretty hard actually, but he continued to smile at her, placing a kiss on her wrist when she got close enough.
“Ko’oj,” Her boyfriend pulled her by her hand onto his strong thigh, while Shuri gagged from the corner, immaturely. “You are as sweet as a cacao bean and refined to perfection like cocoa, it’s fitting… Koko.” He ran his hands over her waist and back, making her relax against her will. His hands… magical but evil things.
Aneka snorted, rolling her eyes from her spot glued to Ayo’s side, “cacao is very bitter sometimes though.”
Shuri took this time to speak up, “And so it fits her! Sweet, and yet bitter!” Shuri hissed at her older sister when she threw one of her shoes at the black pantheress.
“The demon herself! It fits like a poem!” M’Baku threw in, landing a hefty slap from laughter into Ku’kul’kan’s back, who glared but shrugged it off. Namora and Riri had the decency to pretend not to laugh. Another shoe flew on that direction; their sweet “Koko” being the culprit.
Okoye glared at them, and then at her boyfriend who dared to let out a small snicker, his inhibitions down from the alcoholic beverages being served.
He cleared his throat and held her close, smiling when she continued to throw curses at him and his bloodline, which would soon be hers but whatever. “She is Koko, not cacao.”
“I am Okoye! You will fear me!” M’baku guffawed and her shoe, this time, did not miss his head.
Some days,
She tries to retaliate by calling him “Tuna” to make him mad… let’s just say, he finds it amusing, so it doesn’t work.
Attuma smirks so proudly when she calls him such, having been used to her calling him a “shark” before they we’re officially courting. He can take a joke and brush it off.
When they’re alone however…
Enjoy the rest here... edited and fully revised
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shurishoe · 1 year
Request: Shuri x Reader but with Ayo and Ankeka as y/n parents
Pairing: Shuri x Reader, Ayo x Aneka
Summary: You’ve been bestfriends with Shuri for years, as you form a crush on her your parents start to notice and unfortunately so does Shuri.
You find yourself laying on your bed, a small hum leaving your lips as you listened to a song on a playlist that Shuri had made for you when you were younger. You couldn’t help but run your hands through your hair as you thought about her, the song made your mind wander. Wander into places it shouldn’t have been, like the feeling of her lips on your neck or your waist in her hands. Shuri had been on your mind so much recently and you couldn’t figure out why, your mothers knew why though.
Your thoughts were interrupted when the Kimoyo beads on your wrist started to buzz, you tried to ignore them and drift back into your thoughts but the buzzing only got stronger. A small sigh left your lips as you answered the call, A holographic Shuri popped up out of nowhere. Her curly hair perfectly lined her face and her lips were “Y/n!” Shuri called “Oh oh sorry yeah?” You mumbled, “are you listening to me?” She asked and you nodded quickly “of course” you gave a small smile and she rolled her eyes “I need you to come to the lab, I have something I wanna show you” she chuckled “all right I’ll be there soon,” you said as you pushed yourself out of bed and hung up on her.
You got dressed as made your way out of the room, Ayo and Aneka were home because they both had night duty at the palace tonight. “hi ma, Hi mama” you greeted as they both nodded “Morning Hun” Aneka smiled. “where are you off to now?” Ayo asked making you roll your eyes playfully “I’m going to see the princess, she’s requested me at her lab” you revealed making Ayo smirk and Aneka smile “Alright, go now. Don’t keep Your princess waiting” Ayo teased as you huffed and made your way out of your house towards the palace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ when you reached the palace the Dora brought you inside and down to Shuri’s lab, your eyes locked on her the moment you stepped in. A mischievous smirk laid on her face as she turned around and approached you “Shuri I know that look, I’m not testing any weapons” you tried to protest but she simply smiled “Well as your princess, I say you have to test them for me” she pulled the princess card which made you roll your eyes
“I’m not my mothers Shuri” you defended but she shrugged and handed you the spear. “Please sithandwa” she begging “no Shuri” you whined as you turned and started to walk away “Then awnser my question please” she asked making you raise a brow “What’s your question?” You responded “How long have you liked me?” The question struck you like a wave of water, panic flowing through your body as she spun you around to face her and pushed you against a lab table “What are you talking about?” You mumbled as your face grew red “How long have you liked me” she asked again “S- Shuri! This is unprofessional ” You whined “Awnser me” she spoke again “A year” you confessed as a smirk crept onto her face “I like you too y/n” she mumbled “Shuri” you whispered as she moved her lips closer to yours. After a moment your lips were pushed together, a whine left your mouth as her tongue entered it. Her hands traveled down your waist and yours rested on her shoulders, when she pulled away you both looked at eachother. “I love you y/n” she whispered
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nzia-writes · 1 year
•{ Our Ends Meet}•
Sums: The chieftain of a wakandan village receives a visitor who bears unsettling news. Takes place a day before the Infinity War
Interact please and thank you.
(Pls excuse the spaces below. I’m not sure why it automatically formats that way!)
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(I am obsessed)
Children are the temples of our Mother Earth. A logic that isn’t vastly accepted, but it is a logic you nurture and follow as tradition. Like Baba Abdu said the moment a child would exit the womb: “The youth are of rich blood, praise them as such.”
“Keep your body straight. Eyes on the middle of the target.” You straighten little Eshile’s posture and readjust the bow and arrow tangled between his small fingers. His comrades shoot their arrows with not much struggle to his right and his left. He is discouraged, nervous even, for his lack of coordination.
“Whatever time is best.” You provide him the space to meditate on his decisions. His arrow trembles and beads of sweat roll down his head as the sweltering summer heat and the pressures of the target weigh in on him. Your eyes are taken off of him but for a second before you see two arrows tear through the target. Bullseye.
Everyone is shocked. You are spilling with merit. “Oh! Son, that was great!”
Eshile gulps largely. “That was not me.”
Everyone turns around. There standing on the back porch with a bow in her possession is General Okoye. She remains positioned, aiming high. What an arrogant entrance. This is not the time nor the place. She knows of the rules and yet she still smiles as the children take their respective bows. Little Eshile is frozen in his spot. Your eyes lower to his pants leg. It is gradually growing darker in color, dampening. He is pissing. Okoye’s face has fallen and she stares in concern. You were sure her intentions were pure but the damage has already been made.
“Session is over, kids. Go rest at the play stations. Cooking class is next, hm?”
“Yes, Nana!” They scamper off.
“Son,” you crouch eye level with Eshile. He is not all there but enough of him is there to be reeled back in. Cradling his face gently, you speak to him with the gentle, kind tone he so deserves in the moment. He is back in seconds, still shooken, but he is back. “Now go to Yumaja. She will help you with your clothing, yes?”
“Y-Yes,” he stutters.
“I love you. Now run along.” He doesn’t pay much mind to the smooch delivered to his cheek.
He catches another look at the concerned warrior lingering on the porch before darting off. You then adjust your spectacles, summoning a holographic screen to swipe across. You hit the disable button and the targets begin to diminish before your eyes.
“Nana,” You mock. “Soon I will wear snow-white hair and trot with swollen feet.” You send over your shoulder as you click on a programmed button to fabricate your activity for the next day. Always act ahead of time.
Okoye speaks from where she stands. “Why is there so much haste to age? Last week you were fifty, today you are sixty. Is old age a kink of yours?”
“Ah, cut it out. No kink shaming,” you joke. “Time moves much too fast. It’s only right that I question where it goes.“
“I assume, your beauty. You look younger every time I see your face in those headlines.” She leans against the back door, looking as commanding, and soft as ever.
None of that. Her flattery will not make you move. You will make her move. You pick up a bow and adjust the leather quiver draped over your shoulder. By the time you step onto the first step of the porch, three arrows are sent flying at Okoye. They land near her fingers. Her eyes widen. “Whaat?! You take joy in attempted murder now?”
Your fingers grip her jaw, moving her toward you. “Don’t ever scare my children again. You owe little Eshile an apology.” You cast a simmering glare before passing into your home with her in tow. She was not meaning to instill fear, she was trying to give the children some motivation, for they were struggling with their aim. “It was already in my mind to apologize the moment I saw his face, my love. I am sorry to you as well.”
“I’m sure you are. Leave your spear outside.”
“Do you seriously think I would be bold enough to bring a spear in your holy home? You would wave sage in my face and chant your tongues.”
“You are still going to be cleansed. You have provoked fear around here. I’m sure the demons are not too far away. Maybe you are one of them. My bald headed demon,” you joke.
“Haha, hilarious,” she waves you off.
As you share light conversation with her down your home’s luxurious halls, explaining new historic additions, you stumble upon the living room. The news cast catches your ear. “The King has not announced when the evacuation will be initiated, but this will be of no ease for Wakanda. Danger is on the horizon brothers and sisters— You power the tv off. The news channel invites envious spirits into the home. There will be none of that.
“Hmm,” you hum. Okoye stands slightly tense. You assume she knows something about this evacuation fiasco. Maybe that is why she chose to show her presence without warning. You are about to find out. Before she can open her mouth, you tell her to keep her explanations to herself, to follow you to the kitchen. She sighs but does as so.
The kitchen smells of citrus and curry spices. A beam of light welcomes itself inside and spreads throughout. “Get over here.” You help Okoye to a seat at the table. You then pour her a cup of warm golden milk. It has been her favorite since the honeymoon days. It surprised you quite a bit. You assumed she would be the flashy wine type but she has never forgotten where she comes from.
“Now, what I saw yesterday, I didn’t expect it to come this soon,” you say.
Okoye perks up. “What did you see?”
“I had a premonition.” You join her at the oak table.
Your intuition is one that has been passed down your lineage, gifted with the eye of the wise. Okoye is always enamored by the accuracy of your predictions. Especially those of her triumphs as one of the Dora.
As she awaits your commentary, she interlocks her fingers with yours.
Soon enough, you speak. “During my meditation at the Temple, I saw it. Fire. War. Death. Anguish. All of it befalling The Golden City”
“My love, that had to take a toll on you? You have taken your bath?”
Premonitions depletes one of their energy. Legend says that the mind alternates between the spiritual realm and the time realm, communicating with spirits of many motives. The ancestors have dipped themselves in the mother lake to cleanse themselves, and you have remained committed to tradition.
“Nevermind that. Is this what you came to tell me?”
“I am not alright then.”
Okoye exhales. “I came to see my lover first. The news comes second.”
“Okoye, what is going on?”
She pauses momentarily. “There is a war. The Avengers say it is assumed to be one of mass destruction. One that can only be fought on resistant land.”
Of course it is another war. War has left Wakanda sick. Hardship after hardship. All rooted in the name of fear.
Your chair creaks as you lean back. “Another land for them to destroy? What is of the Black Panther these days? Fighting amongst the Americans. There is always war with them. Bast help us, we cannot withstand another.”
“We are stronger than you think, my love.”
“Wakanda is precious as much as it is strong. It is no nation to be spared. Our culture. Our fruitful history. Does it not hold meaning to you?!”
Okoye sips gracefully. A moment of silence gathers as she allows you to calm yourself. She keeps her voice low as she speaks once more. “This threat is far too great for pride. I am talking about mass extinction. Half the universe gone with a snap of fingers. My love, If this man, this thanos, retrieves what he so seeks, I may never see you again. You may never see me again. Eshile too.”
Your grip on her hand tightens. A life without those that you love? That is a life stripped from meaning. That is suffering. “I see.” You take deep anxious breaths. “I apologize I was just—“
“Concerned, I know.” Okoye is by your side now. “And that is okay. We will be okay.” Her embrace is warm. It catapults you to a state of mind that has less fear and more love. Your muscles ease with it, eyes sliding shut.
“You are shaking like Bambi,” she snickers, kissing your cheek.
You smack her arms. “Well my heart has dropped out of my ass! What do you expect when you tell me I may cease to exist in hours’ time!”
“Mmm. I expect you to stand on your two feet—to raise your chin up high and come with me so we can cherish the time that may count as our last. This is not our first rodeo.”
“That was different. If it is not seeing the ones I love again…well…I am not a warrior.
“A warrior is great for not only their skill in combat, but for their desire to keep fighting. You have so much fight in you. Do not think otherwise.”
“Sweet words that I will not believe. I ran from a wasp the other day and did more damage to my hair than those aunties at the ceremonial reunions.”
Okoye laughs aloud.
“Why do you not mourn the possibility of Wakanda’s end, my love?” You run a thumb across her cheek.
“When you risk your life day after day, the end is all you think about.”
“That is suffering.”
“Not when you have made peace with it.”
You let that marinate. It is disheartening as much as it is honorable. “How long before evacuation?”
“We start by morning. Not much time.”
“We have worked with less. Pack your things. We will head to our ritual sight after I give the children my farewells. They have been retiring early as of late.” You stand from the chair and Okoye stands with you.
“We can bake these nasty curry patties of yours and bring them along as well.”
You point an accusing finger at her. “You only call them nasty because you secretly love them.”
“I do,” she snags a piece from the pile of previously made patties. A squeal fills the room as the flavor hits her from all angles. So giddy for food that is ‘nasty.’ “This one needs a little lemon.” She hoards the cupboards in search of your kettle of sun-dried lemons.
You scoff. “Whatever. I will be back.” Once outside in the beaming heat of Birnin Azzaria, you slide between busy bodies as they tote vases and market food, sandals kicking up red dust. The odds are forever stacked against you.
The temple of Azzaria stands atop a forested mountain, foreseeing the Burnin Azzaria. The sky has eased over and glows a rebellious orange. So soft and delicate on the skin. So pungent you can taste the earthy aromas on your tongue. Colored dots paint your face and Okoye’s. Beadwork is splayed across your chests. And your locs are freed from your turban.
During this time of the day, the sun meets the waters and the gods bestow enchantment, thus bringing a rise to sexual prowess. And well…you and Okoye have chosen to harvest it.
“That’s it, sthandwa. Let it slide down your throat,” Okoye husks.
Your bodies are bare to the brisk winds and the call of Mother Earth. Ritual candles encircle your united bodies, smoke slithering from the wicks, bringing forth The Wakening; in which the soul has been freed. Yours has soared, clutching and melding with Okoye’s as you share your body. You feel a pull in the chest. Toe curling pleasure. Precious moans.
Okoye has her feet planted on either side of your face, heatedly swirling her hips, riding until she should see her ending. You provide a balance of dominance by gripping her ass to guide her up and down your long pink tongue while allowing her freedom to grind on her own. Your groans travel to her toes as you work overtime to consume and consume, to allow your bodies this energetic exchange.
“Yes,” she pants. “Yes, yes, yesss.” Her toned stomach flexes as she sputters and grinds faster. Her vulva blooms like tulips in the peak of spring. Glistens like sticky nectar were smeared on it, sweetening and hydrating your slackened jaws to the likes of heaven. You spit and suck on her pretty folds, savoring all of her. Goodness. Stars are what she sees behind her eyelids and euphoria is what she feels recoiling in her abdomen.
“Oh my….you are being so good for me, so good.”
An orgasmic pressure orbs down south. You both know it’s coming, so it is only fair to usher it in faster. You flick and suck her clit rapidly, pussy juice sprinkling upon its home. She gasps aloud, “Too much. Fuck.” Then she pauses and slightly raises from your mouth.
“You are running now? What did I tell you about that, hm?” You send a mean smack to her ass.
“Wait. Just wait.” Her fingers inch down to spread plump lips, cocoa-brown folds glistening beneath the kiss of the sun. “Mmmh,” she sucks in her bottom lip as she slides her fingers inside, pumping slowly, juices rolling down her thighs in beads. She does it for your pleasure and her own. This may be the last time your divine connection will be explored. It is best to make it last.
“Let me taste, my love. I need you.”
“You will have me,” she whispers. She then slides her creamy coated fingers against your elongated tongue. You suck her off nastily, tasting the sweet musky flavor of her depths. She has always tasted the best, and has always given it the best. You will never leave. Ever.
You chase her fingers as she retracts and she cannot help but chuckle. “You are something else.”
But she loves it beyond saying.
She slides them in her own mouth next, moaning as it melts on her tongue. Then she’s back to putting that pussy all in your mouth. This time she leans back at an angle for an easier ride. It pays off beautifully. You devour her whole until her thighs vibrate into silk. She holds your head still and grinds desperately, walls pulsing to the beat of hollow drums. “Uhhnn. I’m…I’m…mmmh.”
She finishes off, letting her rivers gush in your mouth. Unable to contain the overwhelming shocks, she crawls off the length of your face and melts into empty space next to you. Her sheen chest heaves and her hand becomes trapped between her clenched thighs. Face crinkled in euphoria. Spine arched. Singing cries of fulfillment. You aren’t sure she’s met herself until she relaxes her legs and opens her eyes.
“Who told you to do that to me?”
“You ask? I will deliver.” You lean in, kissing her slow and deep. She flicks your tongue with her own and you both fall victim to a game of rolling your tongues around. Saliva and ripe juices are swapped, moans and giggles becoming the only sound left of the sexual escapades. Final pecks are given as she pulls away. Her angelic gaze penetrates yours.
“I love you,” you whisper.
“I love you and everything there is to know about you. I still have much to discover in this complex mind of yours. So much.”
“You will.”
A moment of stillness grasps your heartstrings. There is the possibility of everything ending. But there is also the possibility of everything continuing. Be that as it may, the universe and the world will march on in this timeline. There is still so much to experience with what remains.
You and Okoye agree on tending to the platters of food on the gigantic plush. You first blow out the ritual candles and cover yourselves in thin woolen blankets. You end up seated across her lap, feasting your eyes on the brilliant city lights as they sprawl across the skyline. The Maglev levitation train and the hover cars glide in the dim sky soundlessly. The moon has now risen on its feet. The spirits with it.
“Your coconut rice and prime rib reminds me of Nomble,” she chews the meal before her.
“I have the touch of the garden god then, yes?”
“I guess,” she gives her infamous side-eye. “I believe you would be a great addition to the Training Facility’s chef crew. On our days of battle, we have these humongous feasts. It is happening right now as we speak.”
You swallow the savory meal that is your vegetable medley and seasoned soy. “Well there is no need for the feast when you have it right here.”
“With the woman I love,” she pecks your lips, sweet as can be.
“Here. I want you to keep this.” You remove your beaded adornment from your neck and carefully attach it to Okoye’s. A piece of you is what she will carry with her in battle to remind her that she serves, not in vain, but in purpose and honor.
Doing it all for love.
“Fight well tomorrow, do you hear me? Help save this universe.”
Okoye chuckles. Your love is one she will always remember, no matter what fate she will meet by morning. “Is there anyone in Wakanda of any match to me combat-wise? If not the Black Panther?”
“Craziest thing I’ve heard since Aneka last told me she manhandled Ayo.”
“I’m telling you, the girl has some nerve.”
“Mmmh. Well I know you have yet to manhandle me.”
That was a bold lie. A bold bold bold lie. But lies are fun to tell. And if this is the last lie you tell, might as well go out with a banger.
“Is that a challenge, my love?”
“Whatever you are going to give, I want it.” You shrug off her lap to rest your plate on the side.
Okoye will not let that challenge fly. She sets her dish to the side and brings you in by the throat. You both fall back in giggles. Maybe fall into another round of love-making? Maybe sit beneath the belts of stars to chat and share your life’s aspirations one hundred times over? Whichever may fit the moment, there will be a well-known shared love. What comes with this shared love is the feeling, the utter appreciation, that death is not the end.
End note: I like to write sex. That is the sentence of the day. 😁
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riribabymomma · 1 year
Kill Bill
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Paring:toxic!letitia x blk fem!reader
I kept running but no matter how much I ran, I got nowhere. No exit no nothing. It was like a maze. I could hear her crazy ass in the distance dragging that 20 inch machete she called Richie.
"Sthandwa.....Ndicela ungandishiyi" She said in that deep husky voice that I used to love
Me and Letitia had been married for 5 years she proposed at this beautiful restaurant. All of my friends were there we met in college.
That was until she started to kill people I loved One By One.
She had this thing were she only wanted me to be with her 24/7 all day everyday.
All this time I thought someone else were killing them and it was her the crazy part about it was she comforted me about it was there she was my shoulder to cry on
I followed her one night in my friends car and made sure I stayed far away so she wouldn't see me ��she ended up going to an abandoned warehouse she got out of the car and pulled out a machete from her car making sure no one was looking
Seconds later i heard dreadful screams from a woman but not just any woman it was my mother
I got out the car running inside the warehouse but it was too late she was dead.
Now I am here running trying to get away from this crazy bitch
After about a month, I saw on the news of an abandoned warehouse that had been set on fire and burned down to ashes. The location of the warehouse instantly let me know that it must've been Her.
7 months had passed and I had been making new friends. We decided to go to this new club where the owner was a woman. A new change. I knew feminists definitely partied there.
I was having way too many drinks when I heard my friends saying how the owner was hitting on me.
My vision was too blurry for me to see what the owner actually looked like but I followed her after we danced and talked about whatever. All I remember was getting into a car then blacking out.
I had woken up no too long ago in a wedding dress a white dress.
And now here I was, still trying to escape. She still sees us as being engaged and now we're supposed to marry. My god this woman is crazy.
I took a sharp a right turn only to meet a dead end. I was about to turn back when I saw her walking towards me grinning, showing off her pearly whites. Fuck.
She was walking dramatically slow
Her makeup was done with a flower crown on her head. She had on this beautiful white suit that was supposed to be her wedding suit I guess.
She towered over me  
"Why'd you leave me and Richie Y/n... I waited for you. I waited so long for you, and yet you never returned for me. Did I do something wrong?" She asked me in a soft voice.
"I'm sorry Tish... I just, had to take a break I guess. But look we're together now." I said trying to sound confident.
I stayed silent. I didn't wanna say the wrong thing in case if it might trigger her or something.
Letitia dropped the machete and started kissing me again. She was shoving her tongue down my throat forcefully.
She slid her hands up my dress but i grabbed her wrist to stop her
She pulled back confused, "What? You don't want to make love to me? Am I not beautiful? Am I not enough?"
"No Tish it's not that. I just, I want to take it slow you know. We did just get back together."
She nodded and we both stood up
"You know where the bathroom is?" I asked patting down my dress a bit.
Letitia chuckled. She started laughing. She was laughing hysterically at this point.
"Y-you think I'm dumb?!" She said in between her laugh. She was full on laughing putting her hand on her chest and all.
"Please don't try the fucking bathroom excuse with me. What? You're gonna ask me where the bathroom is, I tell you, and you try to escape? I'm not a child Y/n. You can't leave. Not now not ever. Matter fact you're dying with me." Tish’s face instantly went cold as if a new persona took over.
As she was leaning down picking up the machete, I pushed her as hard as I could and I began running again.
I just realized that my dumbass didn't even pick up the machete. I was panicking.
Fuck fuck fuck! There's literally no where I can get out.
One more turn and she stood there with a machete.
I tried to run but my dress was pulled back slamming me into the wall.
She tried to stab the machete into me but I ducked down and the machete went through the wall.
Next thing I know she punched my face knocking me down.
She tried to get on top but I kicked her face making her fall down
I got on top of Letitia choking her. I choked her the hardest I could
Her face was slowly puffing up and getting red when I felt a pocket knife being stabbed into my left thigh.
"Fuck!" I yelled out in pain and held my left thigh.
She pushed me off of her coughing trying to regain her breath.
I tried getting up but she knocked me down grabbing out the knife from my thigh as well.
"Shit!" I cried out from the agonizing pain.
Right as she was about to stab me again with the knife, I backhand slapped the fuck out of her making her slam into the wall.
I got up and tried my best to run with me covering up the deep gash from my thigh.
My heart rate got higher. I looked behind to see her charging at me.
I tried running faster but that was obviously no use when I felt another stab to my shoulder.
She rolled me over getting on top about to stab me again when I grabbed her hands.
I used all my strength to turn the knife towards her and with one powerful push, the knife plunged into her collar bone.
I scrambled up and continued to run a bit but I felt Letitia coming from behind me again.
I could feel her getting closer to me
All I felt was her turning me around with full force and pushing me up against the wall.
I saw the machete go through me coming out out my chest.
She had also been stabbed since she had pressed herself against me.
Blood poring out of our mouths not being able to speak
Welp. I guess she won.
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marvelfemslashweek · 1 year
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Marvel Femslash Week 2023
Do you love femslash? Do you love Marvel? Then this is the event for you! During this fanweek you will receive 2 prompts per day to inspire your creations.
The Marvel Femslash Week is taking place 22 May - 28 May, 2023.
All Marvel femslash ships are welcome, canon or not. We also welcome reader inserts.
You can find the rest of our rules here:
Our prompts will be announced very soon! We hope you are as excited as we are. If you want to share this event, we would be super grateful!
@trackmarvel @marvel-events-central
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inacalling · 1 year
created: 3.1.2023
last updated: 5.1.2023
Send in requests for the character already listed (if you do have a character in mind that is not listed downbelow you can always ask)
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okoye x reader
Dumb enough
status: started
origin: me
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ayo x reader
Stranger in my home
status: started
origin: me
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ayo x aneka x reader
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ramonda x reader
Meet you in the headlights
status: writing (teaser posted)
origin: requested
I know you
status: started
origin: requested
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I Have Overprotective Girlfriends
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You don't remember being knocked unconscious one minute you were taking down agents left to right. Hitting them with electric shocks, a blow to the head with your baton, and just good old-fashioned punch or kick to the face. The next thing you knew you were waking up tied to a chair with metal wire wrapped around your arms and legs. The bindings were definitely going to leave marks with the way they dug into your skin.
You let out a groan lifting your head to take in your surroundings only for a fist to slam right into right cheek. Your head snapped to the left as the bruised cheek exploded with pain.
"Hey boss the Avenger is finally awake" an unfamiliar gruff voice said.
You looked up to see a man with a large frame and a bald head dressed in a forest green T-shirt, dark pants, and combat boots. Standing in front of you with his arms crossed over chest. He regarded you with a sneer.
"Easy with the shots buddy I got overprotective girlfriends" You warned him. It earned you a blow to the stomach making you hunch over as the breath left your lungs.
A low chuckle came from behind along with approaching footsteps. "A battered face should be the least of your concerns Sparky."
"Wow really clever nickname I've only heard it a few hundred times" You gasped in a raspy voice still bent over trying to get your breathing right again. Of course the comment just caused the henchmen to attack again.
Black spots filled your vision when the back of your head made contact with the cemented floor with a sickening crunch. Your mind went blank as pain took over, and for a second you nearly lost consciousness again. The burly man had kicked you right in the chin so hard your chair went flying backward to the floor.
"Got anything else to say" The henchmen asked appearing in your line of vision cracking his knuckles.
You kept your mouth shut this time had already taken too much damage. If you were going to find a way out of this the little strength you had left needed to be preserved.
He nodded his head in satisfaction and proceeded to lift the chair to stand you upright again. His boss was waiting locking eyes with you as soon as you were facing forward again. A short stocky man with a mop of dark brown hair, and a matching goatee. He wore a dark green-white striped suit. It was as if he stepped out of some bad old gangsters movie.
You fought off the urge to grin at the getup, and cursed yourself for getting bested by the likes of this man.
"Now that you're in a listening mood let's discuss terms" The man said.
You pretended to listen to his demands but you didn't really need to. For you already knew what he wanted and the second he got in. His promise to let you live would go out the window like they always did with bad guys. He had every intention on killing you knowing you would come for him. Once you were free and all of this would end with him and his men in jail.
The metal binds on your wrist wasn't giving or loosening no matter how much you twisted your wrists. The familiar power of electricity running through your veins wasn't present. Which could only mean one thing they put some type of power damper on you. Your neck was collar free so maybe it was something smaller.
Worry started to settle in when the burly man took his boss's spot again. This was a solo mission so none of your fellow Avengers were coming to the rescue any time soon. You could take a beating but that didn't mean you wanted to.
More of his henchmen had poured of rooms you couldn't see, and started to surround you. Some were equipped with weapons from brass knuckles to chains even a few knives.
This was going to get bad if you didn't come up with a plan soon, but then a chirping noise filled the air. One you recognized all too well and your heart was overcome with joy. The chirping of the kimoyo beads were your salvation. The bracelet weren't on your wrist but resting on a brown table a few feet behind the burly man. He was looking back eyes zeroing in on the beads.
"What did you just do?" He demanded to know turning back to you. Eyes filled with rage with a hint of fear behind them.
"I have no idea what you're talking about buddy." You played dumb with a smirk shrugging your shoulders. He struck you in the nose knocking your head back.
"I'm not going to ask again"
"And I'm not going to tell you again watch the face I have overprotective girlfriends." You replied grinning despite the agony and blood running from your nose to your lips.
"You had your chan-" His words were cut off as the warehouse was thrown into darkness. Immediately a terrified scream came from your left but it was cut off just as fast. More yelps filled the air around you along with the distinct sound of steel clashing against steel. Sparks lighting up the surrounding area a few times. Giving you and the burly man a few glimpses of what was going on.
Two black streaks weaved through the warehouse taking down henchmen after henchmen. A flash of gold and silver here and there accompanied with the view of a sharp point of a spear. The burly man began to hyperventilate whirling around trying to anticipate. When the intruders were going to come for him. After two minutes the lights came back on welcoming him too. The sight of Ayo and Aneka standing on either side of you spears resting at their side. Neither of them looked too happy. The bodies of his comrades laid scattered on the floor unconscious, and his boss was slumped against the wall with his hands locked in a pair of heavy duty handcuffs.
"My love would you be so kindly to tell us who marked up your beautiful face? Ayo asked. Her tone was dangerously calm.
"The idiot standing in front of us" You answered with no hesitation. Not hiding the glee you were feeling at all.
"Wait I give up" The burly man pleaded holding up his hands while backing away. "Okay I surrender you win."
Ayo raised an eyebrow "there will be no surrendering for you."
Aneka laid her spear on the floor and crouched down behind you, and started working on freeing your hands. The burly man saw his chance whirling around to run.
Ayo let out a tsk sound stalking forward. He never stood a chance and a few seconds later. His cries of agony reached your ears.
"She's not going to kill him is she?" You asked Aneka almost feeling sorry for him. She had worked you completely free by now, and was examining the extent of your injuries.
"No Ayo knows how to show restraint even when she doesn't want to." Aneka told you pulling a handkerchief from somewhere in her armor. She pressed it to your still bleeding noise.
"Its why she went after him instead of me" she added fury in her eyes.
Your eyes widened in surprise at the comment wondering if the wailing man was truly better off in Ayo's hands than Aneka's. From the sound of his ongoing screams maybe not.
You leaned back in the chair letting your body relax as Aneka continued to take care of your injuries.
It was his own fault after all you had warned him.
Tag List: @unsatisfiedanddisappointed @purple-nugget @kofforever @greek-freak101 @alistair-mooncrest @zhanylai @aiden-presscott @deliciousfestsalad @laurensmabel1 @letitias-fav @unreasonablysapphic @abbyeliza28 @zayswriting @inmyheadimobsessed @shinsousliya @justariellove @takeyaki @chaz-tish
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bestfriend491 · 1 year
Love your work 🫶🏾
😭🤍 Thank you, love, but at this point, I've decided not to waste yalls time. You need this content as in ASAP!
So, what do YOU 😃 want me to work on tomorrow: Use the wip section on my masterlist as a reference so you know what you're picking 😅
If you wanna suggest something else from the list then feel free 😁
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iinkonde · 1 year
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Hii! It’s me, again. Greet me as I greet you:). Today I’ll be listing the very few pet names, phrases of endearment kwasha kwacima… that I know. It’s Valentimes asibe happy sibe merry.
ps: Don’t hold your breath I’m not good at this.
Xhosa and Zulu translated to English(barely)
Sphalaphala sam = My pretty one
Phakade lam = My forever
Soka lami = My partner
Izinyanya zivumile = The ancreators have agreed
Impilo yami ngeke ibe lutho ngaphandle kwakho = My life would be nothing without you
Inhliziyo yami eyakho, uthando lwami lungangolwandle = My heart is yours. My love for you is greater than the ocean/ ocean deep
Mandibon’ ubuhle bakho ikhanda livele lidume = Your beauty makes my head spin
Ngiyocaca naye = I’m going to marry them/him/her
Noma bengathini wena ungowami = Nevermind the naysayers you’re mine.
Inhliziyo yami ishaya kancane mangizwa izwi lakho = My heart beats settles when I hear your voice
Thandiwe = Beloved
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nexusnyx · 1 year
OMG can I request a shuri x reader where reader gets hurt but refuses to worry shuri with it until one day it just gets unbearable. Idk I just nee dthe fluff fr
→ soft and sweet
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⚠️ Mentions violence and injuries, no spoilers. | 🏷️Hurt/comfort, fluff. [2.9k]
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"Should you be back in my lab so soon?"
Her voice makes everything still, and not even Ayo's eyes so firmly set on you matter. Every muscle in your body is frozen, as always.
"Your majesty," you nod, and watch as Shuri makes her way inside. "I'm sorry. I know you said don't be back so soon—"
"And yet, here you are," Shuri interrupts. In under five seconds inside the room, her presence has commanded everything—from your prognosis projected from your beads into thin air, to the aura of command that so far, belonged to Okoye sitting in the corner with her legs crossed. "What was it this time?"
"Reckless abandon and, what I suspect, the desire to see a certain—" Okoye starts, only to be interrupted by you.
"Improvements." Your heart rate betrays you in the back, but Shuri's eyes are on you. "Ayo mentioned improvements. I'm always curious."
"You don't have to be curious and injured to come here," Shuri shrugs. "You're the youngest Dora in training Okoye's ever recruited. I trust you not to break things or touch anything in the lab you shouldn't."
It's not the things I'm worried about.
"Let's take a look at you." Shuri's words make you nod, solemn and tongue-tied.
As straightforward as ever. Ayo clears her throat, and says, "As I was saying, Your Highness, our dear sunshine over there thinks she's still in the ballrooms sometimes."
As straightforward as ever. Ayo clears her throat, and says, "As I was saying, Your Highness, our dear sunshine over there thinks she's still in the ballrooms sometimes."
"Ah," Okoye smacks her teeth. "You're just upset she injured herself after managing that move."
Ayo scoffs, turning around with her mouth wide open. "She almost stabbed Aneka."
"Almost being the keyword," Okoye retorts, sending you a smile that turns sour in two seconds. With her eyes set on you, her eyebrows pierce together. "Never do that again without telling me first that you'll be trying your... dance-y moves."
"Ah. So that's what it was?" Shuri asks, and you have to blink away from her eyes to be able to answer.
"Just trying out new things," you answer.
"Your 'new thing' made you dislocate your shoulder, clavicle and—Bast, how are you just sitting there?" she turns around sharply to the other Dora in the room. "How is she not knocked out in pain?"
"Drugged," both of them answer at the same time.
Your nod comes a beat too slow, and Shuri registers as she turns back to you.
"Yup." They definitely gave you something on the way in. "I am a-okay."
For the first time ever, you hear it.
Shuri laughs.
The sound freezes you again—it spells all the cells in your body, caught under an immediate trance. You only heard it before a couple of times, under different circumstances.
Under different times.
Times when Shuri was still Princess, and not Panther. Times when she had witty remarks, cheeky smiles, and middle fingers to offer to anyone willing and asking for it.
Bygones; or so you thought.
A quick, military sweep of the room — a surprising feat for your altered mind — shows you're not the only one surprised by the sudden burst of laughter.
Only two seconds of it, but the first one is enough to almost shock you back into sobriety, and the second has enough room for your heart to break. Ayo and Okoye share a look, and the amount of sadness that pours between pokes between your ribs.
Then, the laugh ends, and the moment was unfortunately too short for you to enjoy it.
"A-okay," Shuri mutters, chuckling. "You sounded like Ross for a second."
"The coloziner?" you shriek.
Shuri smiles at you, and damn it—"The one and only," she replies with a smirk. Her expert hand sends all your files flying, and she gestures for someone outside the room's glass walls. "I'm glad you're under medication already, 'cause I'm pretty sure this is about to hurt."
"Doras feel no pain," Okoye sneers.
Both you and Ayo nod in agreement. "No pain."
"Really?" One of Shuri's eyebrows goes up. "So if I do this—," she pokes the tip of her finger right against your clavicle and smiles when you wince. "Ah. I thought you felt no pain?" the sarcasm drips from her just like her damn clothes.
Why does she always look so good? "That was mean," you whisper. No whine comes out of you, because Okoye trained you better than that.
Shuri's smile widens as the doctor walks in, and she stands still in front of you for a moment. "Just a reminder that you're still human." Something else trembles beneath the surface of her words, and it compels you to look into her eyes. "One about to be part of the most well-trained and skilled army in the world, but a human, nonetheless. Please be more careful."
Please. The knot that grows in your throat out of nowhere is hard to swallow. "I will, my Queen."
"I saw you here not two weeks ago," she goes on. You can feel the doctor's hands starting to roam on your arms, and Ayo excuses herself with a quick 'we'll wait outside for you'. "I meant what I said. If you want to look at designs, just drop by."
"And bother you while you work?" you scoff in laughter. "I wouldn't dare to assume my time's that precious."
"Ouch," the thump of Shuri hitting both hands against her chest makes you look up—her hands placed over where her heart is, and her face set in a theatrical look of pain makes you feel so stupid and gone. You wanted her to smile like that all the time, preferably because of something you did or said. "And here I was, thinking my spar companion was at least a friend."
A friend.
You bite down on the cry of pain when the Doctor puts something back into place, and offer Shuri the best smile you can at the moment. "I was here thinking I was just the miserable, unlucky girl who Okoye wanted you to have as a punching bag."
Shuri cackles again. "Right. The prodigal punching bag who's been keeping me on my toes outside the suit, you mean?"
The lessons — twice a week, by the riverside, at dusk — are somewhat of a dream.
"How can I keep you on your toes if I don't end up here every now and then?" you gesture with your head around the lab, and Shuri's mirth is gone from her eyes.
"You're more creative than this," her tone is scolding. "Aneka took it easy on you. I don't want to see you coming back worse because you tried something on Ayo and she severed something that might never be replaced."
You nod at that. "I'll be more careful, your Highness."
Shuri opens and closes her mouth once, then nods at you. Whatever she wanted to say is left aside as she nods towards Vance, then leaves the room with Griot speaking on her shoulder.
You'll see her in two days.
It'll twist your insides as much as it does every time.
"Girl," Dr. Vance snorts, and you groan.
"Shut up."
"Good Bast, Shuri is blind."
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The promise works, if only for a little while.
It's hard not hurting yourself when life does that by itself, so easily, and so often, too. It's hard to stay away from something that's a part of your road, and unfortunately for you and everyone around, bruises and aches were a part of you for as long as you were alive.
For a few weeks, the purples on your bodies and the grunts that come out of you come, for the most part, from your training sessions with her.
Black Panther.
Shuri is as deadly without the suit nowadays as she is with it, but as a woman of science, her training was nowhere as intense as a warrior.
You were training for six years before she took the mantle, and now, graduation is on the horizon.
"Eyes forward," Shuri whispers, right before she attacks.
The glint of purple and black paints your skies too, because of her.
It's so hard to focus when she smiles.
'Do not think I haven't noticed how poor your focus is when she's on-field, child.' Okoye, once reinstated as General, took you back under her personal wing. 'If that goes on, you will never graduate.'
It works, the slap on the face.
Fighting Shuri becomes easier once it's resignified to fighting for her, and the bruises come less often.
There's your graduation.
A whole new line of Dora Milajes—and you're one of the sixteen.
Shuri dances on the stones of the waterfall, and you think happiness is the only thing that looks more fitting than the mantle on her.
"Now I'll never see you around my lab again," Shuri jokes in the middle of the celebration party.
She found you with a drink in hand talking quietly with Nakia in a corner, speaking in hushed tones about trips around the world if you ever managed to take a vacation, and Nakie excused herself as soon as Shuri arrived.
It made you feel suffocated.
She had on traditional fighting clothes, and even the smooth, cold drink was going down in hard gulps. "Don't worry, I'll find a way."
"Yeah, it's called taking my invitation."
"I've been there," you argue with her, trying to fight a smile. "I went to see the new suits. And the improvements to the spear."
Shuri shakes her head. "Okoye's request."
"I went there two weeks ago to pick up the gadgets and stayed for hours. I'm pretty sure I got in the way of your work and made you arrive late for a UN meeting."
Shuri smiles as she shakes her head again. "The pick up was Ayo taking advantage of you. The meeting—," she tilts her neck. "I didn't want to go anyway. You just gave me a good excuse to show up fashionably late."
"I heard you made a scene."
"It's a thing we Wakandas too once outside our nation. You'll find out soon enough," she leans against the counter, and you almost take a step back because your brain alarms go off—
too close, too pretty, she smells so good, oh Bast please send me a light and I'll do all my morning prayers, I swear—
"'m not sure the General's keen on letting any of us new girls go out any time soon."
"I'll ask for my friend to be my escort as a personal favor, how about that?" Shuri wiggles one eyebrow.
Cool, you think. "I think you're above playing favorites," you chuckle.
"Then you don't know me very well," she whispers, smile turning into a grin. "See? That's why I'm bringing you along."
"We'll see about that, your Highness."
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Being hurt is part of the job, but not a part Shuri is fond of, you discover.
Each time you shrug off the shrapnels of savages attacking your nation or the swollen bumps around your body, her face loses every inch of that easiness it had.
Shuri demands you to slow it down, to take it easier, to—"stop jumping head first in front of things! Are you out of your mind? You're not a human shield!"
To which Okoye fights back with, "My Queen, with all due respect, that is exactly our duty. To you, and to Wakanda. We are your defense. She was just doing her job this time and, doing it well, may I add."
"Her spear's not a shield, General. Something that, may I remind you, all of you have in your uniforms. Shields! So she doesn't end up like this!"
It's only when she raises her voice that you notice.
Shuri's chest panting.
"General—," you start, but as always, Okoye's a step ahead.
"Your Highness," her tone is gentle. It's the same tone you've heard her speaking with the kids, and sometimes, you. "I'll be back in an hour to check on her and my other two girls. And then we'll discuss the attack. Is that ok?"
"It is. You may go, General," Shuri nods to her.
And then, you two are alone.
And it hits you. "Panther," you whisper.
Shuri shakes her head, pacing around the room. "I'm thinking, give me a second." You doubt a single thought could be formed after the day you two had, but if one person in the world could have them, it'd be her. "It has the be something I'm missing—a breach, a—a bug. Something."
You see the way she rubs her hands together and try again. "Shuri."
After more than a year of working closely together, it's one of the few times you've used her name, and it works the same as the others:
Everything else stops, and Shuri turns to you.
Her posture relaxes as if someone pulled a pin.
"I'm sorry," you tell her. She's still in her Panther suit, and it's all you can get out. The lab is pitch black dark except for the glimmer of the machines that are turned on, and as she steps closer, you hear the stupid announcement of your vitals monitor alerting of your heartbeat rising, and shit.
Shit, shit, shit.
As blind as she can be, Shuri is not deaf.
"Why are you sorry?" she asks.
The sounds grow louder because she only stops when her legs touch the side of the bed, and you have nowhere to hide your nervousness. "I told you I'd be more careful and..."
"You weren't."
"No," you look away from the sewing pattern of the suit and try to find a thought that doesn't involve the way you can still feel the air humming around her. "And you seem... worried."
It's like a hiss.
You look back at her, and Shuri runs one of her hands over her face.
She exhales loudly, and when her eyes find yours, your mouth runs dry.
"You jumped," she whispers at you—out loud, like a confession. As if you weren't there, and she somehow can't believe that. "Right in front of me."
You did, and you would again, and she knows that. You nod, unsure of what to answer, if you even could answer. Unsure if you would be able to no matter how much you wished to.
"Your eyes were on that thing, and I know you heard the drop, but..." there was no time for her to reach it. "I had to," you finish, and the little smile that forms on your face seems to do it for her.
Something snaps inside Shuri because her whole face loses its composure, and both of her hands come up to cup your face, alerting to what must be the entire building that you're on the cliff, hanging over and looking down at a heart attack.
"Never. Do that. Again." Her palms are sweaty on your cheeks. When she speaks, Shuri's bottom lip trembles, and all you can think is—
I'm blind too.
"I have to," you repeat a little dumbly.
Shuri laughs, right in your face. It sounds like disbelief, and her hands grip you tighter, and you have to bite back a whine at how much you enjoy the force of that hold. "You're going to kill me if you do that again. Did you know that? Griot informed me. Griot said, 'My Queen, I'm obliged to inform that your heart has reached concerning rates', as if I didn't fucking know, as if—as if—," her chest moves up and down faster again, and you do something you never thought you'd have the guts to—
You hold her back.
It's surreal to feel the texture of the suit underneath your hands, but what's even crazier is the notion that she's under it.
"Breathe," you whisper to her.
"I can't—" she exhales shakily, and you plunge forward with your gut.
When her hands cupped your face, you tuned out everything around. The embarrassing heart rate, the machine noises; anything not Shuri didn't matter, and when her breathing comes out in raggedy tries, your lips reach forward before you realize what it is you're doing.
When you do realize it, both of you are caught under it.
It's a spell, you think.
Attraction. Love.
It's white noise and being submerged underwater all the same time—it's the feeling of her soft, delicate lips on yours, and the way you can feel her pulling in a deep breath before she whispers, "Bast..." and leans forward again.
Whatever it is that keeps you tied to her, you embrace it. Magnetism, gravity, electricity—it must be a little bit of each, all thrown into the bowl like the best recipe in the world, and the result is there,
on her lips, and the taste of her kiss.
Bast, indeed.
You'll never let go of the bruises if this is where they land you in.
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xblackreader · 1 year
Talokanda Social media AU
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Namor/Ku’kul’kan - @fuckthesurface - bio: #MakeTheOceanGreatAgain #LLMama🕊️ #BurnTheSurface • him
Okoye - @baldheadeddemon - bio: Rhino Mama, Former Dora, Current Midnight Angel #ForWakanda ❤️ • she/her
Attuma - @no1okoyefanhusband (formerly @greatsharkrider) - bio: Taken 6/23/28 by @baldheadeddemon 😍🤞🏽❤️💙🦈👩🏾‍🦲👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 #liikiktalokan
Aneka - @anekalovesayo2 - bio: professional lesbian and wife worshipper ❤️‍🔥 @ayolovesaneka (first page got hacked) • she/her
M’Baku - @mbaku.da.gorilla - bio: 🦍🔥💯🙏🏾 Glory To Hanuman!!!
Namora - @thebaddestfish (formerly @namora68925) - bio: Liikik Talokan 👐🏽 she/her
Riri Williams/iron heart - @riritheestallion (formerly: RiRiTheScienceGyal… she thought it was cringe after a while) bio: check out the link in my bio to support my journey! #ToBeYoungGiftedAndBlack • she/her
Shuri - @shuriudaku - #LLT 🕊️🖤 #LLMommy 💗👸🏾 not that active • she/her
Ayo - @ayolovesaneka - bio: Dora Milaje #WakandaForever 💪🏾 account is managed by @anekalovesayo2 🧡
N’dajaka/Erik - @killmonger86 - bio: yea I’m dead bitch what about it? #BlackLivesMatter #Anarchy
W’kabi - @wkabiofbordertribe3 - bio: @baldheadeddemon please come back unblock me pls
Anyone else??? 👀👀🖤
119 notes · View notes
quintessencewrites · 1 year
Vanish pt. 2
ShuRiri x Wakandan! fem! reader
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“Aneka, you will lead this mission.
General,” the word comes off her tongue like a tease, knowing she’s driving a spear through Okoye’s heart. “Fall back.”
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Warnings: ANGST! Explicit language, some violence, toxic!Shuri, mentions of blood, mentions of death.
Word Count: 4.3k+
Tags: @yvxmpire @zestgodtj @k3nn3dyxo @mlmilani @letitias-fav @doms-fav @sweetalittleselfish-honey @g4yforu @widowmakker @becauseimswagman1 @zayswriting @inmyheadimobsessed @laurensmabel1 @malltake12 @msudaku @faeriah-thv @fetchyourlife @mbakuetshurisprincess @sinsikoxo @honey-teaaaaaaaa @rxcently @pinkcorns @takeyaki @yamsthoughts @thethickerside @0hshoot1tsl4ni @shurisbathwater @shurismainbxtch @luvrzhearts @sadfreakx @shuri-my-love @justariellove @heartsforjojo @blackgirlfariy @tuesdaylovesu @chocoflagcutii @taiiunknown @zhanylai @ziayamikaelson @verachii @taiiunknown @beautybyfire @soearthquakequeen @remwritess @pinkwright @jenlouvre @letitiasleftfoot @christinabae
A/N: This is too good, yall! I wasn't originally gonna do a part 2, but then I got to writing and by the time I finished part one, the ideas for a sequel got to flowing. Translations are in the text. As always, ENJOY <3
Vanish Pt. 1 here
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A moment of silence passed. 
Riri stood frozen in place, shocked at her own words, knowing she didn’t mean them.
Shuri sobbed on her knees, silently pleading for Bast to not take another person out of her life. 
Hell, even Griot was quiet, not announcing your departure as he was programmed to do.
“What are you waiting for?” Shuri stood and approached Riri so quickly, the smaller girl flinched. “Why are you standing here? Go after her!”
“Shuri, I-”
“Go get her!” The Queen growled, voice cracking as she begged. 
Riri’s mouth opened and closed, her brain working double time for anything to say. “She-I didn’t-”
Her responses weren’t quick enough to extinguish Shuri’s anger. The Black Panther lifted Riri’s entire workstation in one hand and threw the table and all its contents. 
Iron Heart ducked, praying the impact of the desk wouldn’t take her head off. It didn't; it hadn’t even hit her, instead crashing to the wall mere inches away from her body. 
“Shuri, what the fu-”
But Shuri was already on her way out of the lab, ignoring Riri and shouting orders, “Griot!”
“Yes, My Queen?”
“Do I have any visuals on y/n’s location?”
“No, My Queen. Queen Y/n has abandoned her kimoyo bracelet here in the lab.”
“What about her earrings?”
“Left behind in your bedroom, Queen Shuri.”
“FUCK,” the explicit echoed in the lab, causing Riri to retreat into herself. 
“Griot, summon Nakia, Okoye, Ayo, and Aneka. I need all hands for this mission. Tell them to meet me in the throne room.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
“Wait,” Riri called out, grimacing at how small her voice suddenly sounded. “What can I do?”
The doors to the lab’s entrance parted, letting Shuri leave without so much as opening her mouth to address Riri. The only sound then was that of dainty metal coming in contact with the steel floors.
Riri approached the door slowly to investigate what Shuri had left behind. 
It was her wedding band.
“What is this about, My Queen?” Okoye asked, being the first to enter the throne room. Ayo and Aneka followed closely behind, their spears drawn at an unknown attacker. 
Nakia was absent. 
Shuri’s eyes were still puddled with tears and the anger radiating from her produced a heat the other girls could feel as soon as they approached. 
Aneka looked down at Shuri’s hand, eyes searching for the wedding ring that never left it. Of course, it wasn’t there. 
“Y/n is gone. We need to bring her back.”
“Gone?” Okoye mimicked. “Gone where? Who has taken her? What are we up against?”
“Sh-she left. She left us. Left behind her beads, even the earrings and her-”
“Her wedding band…” Aneka finished. “But, where is yours?”
Shuri looked down at her bare finger, unable to speak. 
“My Queen,” Okoye started gently. “With all due respect, you are asking me to convene my army and explain to them our threat… Are your relationship issues?”
The Queen rose from her throne, so slowly, it gave Okoye ample time to retract her words; her steps shaking the mostly empty room.
“I am asking you to convene your army, General,” the words came out hot, burning Okoye to the core, even causing the couple standing behind her to wince. 
“To ensure the safety and safe return of your Queen.”
“Shuri, she took her band off,” Okoye was a brave soul, not backing down. 
“She is still your Queen! Regardless of the ring she wears. Mine is off, does that not make me your Queen, Okoye?”
“It’s not the same, Princess, and you know-”
“Queen.” Shuri’s thin body is shaking with the rage that fills it. She looks away from Okoye, even past Ayo to her friend Aneka. 
“Aneka, you will lead this mission. General,” the word comes off her tongue like a tease, knowing she’s driving a spear through Okoye’s heart. “Fall back.”
The General’s eyes are wide but she nods at the command. Aneka steps forward, poised tall, and in stance. “Yes, My Queen.”
She offers a small smile to the royal, a sad, knowing one, but Shuri doesn’t return it. “Find y/n. I don’t care what it takes; resources, money, you have it all. Ensure she is safe. Br-” her voice finally breaks and the tears descend her cheeks. “Bring her home to me.”
“My Queen,” Ayo offers slowly. “What-what if she does not wish to return?” 
Shuri’s chest retracts, all the air leaving her body. She hadn’t considered that; you not wanting to come home, not to Riri, nor even to her. 
“I said bring her home.”
The command came out in a whisper, the Queen no longer being able to talk at a volume above that. 
The Wakandan warriors brought their arms across their chest and back down, saluting their Queen before leaving the room. Only Aneka lingered. 
When it was just the two of them, she rushed to Shuri, pulling her into a hug she clearly needed. “What happened?”
Shuri’s sobs swept her feet from under her and she fell to the floor, still arm-in-arm with her friend. 
“She left us, Aneka. Sh-she left me.”
Shame rushed through the royal’s veins. “We-” she paused a beat, deciding herself unable to speak on Riri’s behalf. “I,” she corrected. “I haven’t been very supportive lately. I broke many promises. I let my work in the lab and with Riri take precedence and she felt forgotten… I even forgot her birthday…”
Aneka gasped “My Queen…”
Shuri nodded. “I’d been distracted. I let that get in the way, and now she’s gone.”
Aneka took Shuri’s left, ringless hand in her own. “That explains why she left her ring behind, but my Shuri, where is yours?”
A sinful scoff left Shuri’s lips “Probably still in the lab with Ri-Miss Williams, where I left it.”
“Miss Williams? Shuri, my dear friend, what is going on?”
Shuri is silent.
Aneka sighs “So when we bring y/n home, My Queen, will she be returning to you and Miss Williams?”
“No,” Shuri stands, tapping her necklace twice and allowing the Black Panther mask to swallow her face. “Just me.”
It’s been weeks.
Three weeks since the search for you began.
Shuri stormed into the lab, mask retracting as she entered.
“Queen Shuri has arrived.”
Riri’s head shot up from her new workstation; she hadn’t seen Shuri in days. She rarely came home anymore, spending days and nights looking for you and coming up short each time.
“Griot!” the agitated queen bellowed.
“Yes, My Queen?”
“Have we any updates via satellite? Has y/n been seen anywhere?”
“Unfortunately not, My Queen.”
Shuri’s shoulders slumped, weighing heavy with another defeat. “What about Nakia?”
“I’m afraid not, My Queen.”
“Bast!” Shuri allowed herself a second to rest her head in her hands before starting to mask up again.
“Wait!” Riri called out, approaching the Queen. “Wait, Shuri, let me help. Please, I want to find her too; I wanna know she's safe just as bad as you do.”
The Black Panther’s posture stiffened, though she didn’t speak. Riri tried again “Y-You don’t have Nakia. You need an extra pair of hands. I can help.”
Shuri laughed, an evil-sounding chuckle coming from her. “I do not need your help.” She approached Riri. “I would not even be searching for her, had you been able to hold your stupid tongue, hm?”
Riri cringed at the words Shuri spoke but didn’t shy away. “I want to help. She’s just as much my wife as she is yours, and I miss her.”
Shuri shook her head, but never let her eyes leave Riri’s face. “She is not. She will not be. When she comes home, she will be coming home to me. Damned to you.”
That rocked Riri to her core. “Shuri, come on, you don’t mean that.”
“I mean it. I mean it in the same way you meant it when you called her the forgotten wife.”
The smaller girl grimaced when her words were thrown back at her. She had been thinking over those words for weeks; losing sleep over how she spoke to you. 
Before she could utter another word, Shuri left, leaving Riri where she stood, but not before the Queen noticed something that tugged at her stoned heart, only slightly.
Riri was still wearing her wedding ring.
Two weeks since Nakia returned.
“Queen Shuri, you are being summoned to the throne room.”
Shuri lifted her head, not realizing she’d dozed off in the Talon Fighter while on patrol. “Summoned? By who?” The girl asked, rubbing sleep from her eyes.
“Nakia of The River Tribe,” Griot responded. 
“Nakia? She is in the throne room? At the palace?”
“Yes, My Queen.”
“Griot, return me at once.”
“Yes, My Queen.”
Moments later, Shuri crashed through the doors to the sacred room. Nakia stood on the furthest side of the room, glancing sadly out the windows. The sight of her fueled the Queen’s anger. “Where the hell have you been?!”
The former spy didn’t even attempt a fake smile. “Hello to you too, sister,” she stated smoothly, turning to face the vexed royal.
“Where is she, Nakia?”
“She is safe. That is all you need to know; it is all that she requested I share with you.”
Shuri approached her brother’s lover with claws drawn. “Nakia, Bast help you, where is she?”
“Oy? Am I to tell you? Y/n came to me, crying, your majesty. She told me her wives wanted her no longer. Rejection from one partner hurts, can you imagine that from two partners?”
The Queen couldn’t speak; The warrior continued.
“I watched, as the two of you fell out of love with her. Prioritized each other over her. You didn’t even attend the school’s opening. We’d worked on that for years, Shuri. And her birthday?” she scoffed. “You were supposed to be better than that.”
Nakia closed the gap between her and Shuri, grabbing her claw-clad hands. “You must have forgotten. You’ve forgotten who you spent your childhood with. Who grew up alongside you,” she tapped Shuri’s temple as if to bring the memories to the forefront. “You seem to have trouble recalling who was there for you when Baba died. When T’Challa died. All before Miss Riri even came into the picture.”
Shuri’s head fell, shame a feeling she was all too familiar with these days. “I had forgotten. I am trying to fix it,” she whispered, recollections of the two of you flooding her. “But I can not fix it if I do not know where she is.”
Her eyes climbed to the smaller girl’s hopeful, begging, but when Nakia closed her lips tight and shook her head, Shuri’s anger reignited. 
“Demethi wena (Damn you), Nakia!”
“Yehlisa umoya, sisi (Calm down, sister). Uzofika ekhaya xa sele elugile (She will come home when she is ready)-”
“Hayi, hayi (No, no)! Ndiyamdinga (I need her). Ndiyamdinga ekhaya ngoku (I need her home now)!”
“Uya kuba nethamsanqa ukuba angafika ekhaya (You will be lucky if she comes home at all)!”
Shuri spun, Nakia’s words recoiling against her. “Intoni (What)?”
When Nakia looks away, rather than speaking, Shuri marches toward her. “INTONI (WHAT)?!” she repeats.
She takes Nakia’s face in her hands, roughly. A line of scarlet flashes from Nakia’s cheek, where Shuri’s claw is digging, but neither girl moves. “Wena (You)-” the Queen croaks. “Wena undincedile ukumkanikazi wam ukuba andisindise (You have helped my queen escape me for good)?”
“Hayi, sisi (No, sister). Ndamncedisa wahmba ade alunge (I helped her leave until she is ready).”
Shuri extends her arm, throwing Nakia forcefully into the window. The thud of her sister’s body does nothing to calm her. Nakia is barely on her feet when Shuri speaks. “Hamba (Leave). Kwaye ungabuyi ade abuye umkam (And do not return until my wife does).”
The River Tribe Warrior is shocked. “Shuri, uthini (What are you saying)?”
The Queen’s lips curl around her next words. “ Elubhacweni (Exile).”
Nakia crumbles. “Sisi, ndiyacela (Sister, please). Likhaya lam eli (This is my home).” 
“Was this your home when you missed my brother’s last days? His funeral? Was it your home when you hid my nephew from me for six years, the same way you hide my wife now?” Shuri questioned, switching tongues.
“Shuri, oko akufani (That is not the same)! It was my home when I saved you and your lover’s asses from Namor! When I risked my life, though I had a son to live for. It was my home when I laid there,” Nakia pointed to the now repaired spot on the throne room floor, the events of Queen Ramonda’s death no longer staining the place. “Resuscitating your wife! Trying to save umama (mama)!”
“Lishiye ibhotwe lam, Nakia (Leave my palace, Nakia).”
One week since Riri started her own search for you.
Shuri wasn’t speaking to her, ordering Okoye, Ayo, and Aneka to do the same. Riri’s communication was cut off, even Griot subjecting her to silence.
One night, she decided enough was enough. She hadn’t been able to sleep since you left and she was growing tired of being left in the dark. 
If anyone needed to find you, it was Riri. She needed to be the one to locate you and retract her vile words. There wouldn’t be an apology great enough, but she sure would try. 
So Iron Heart suited up and quietly left the palace. She didn’t bother removing her kimoyo beads, knowing Shuri was no longer keeping track of her. The realization stung, but it was well-deserved. She let her frustrations get to her and that Chicago attitude and pride presented themselves.
The words spilled from her big mouth before she had time to realize what she was saying. Riri was just as hurt as you were; feeling as though the love she and Shuri showed you were going unappreciated. Their time dedicated to the lab, their sleepless nights, and their repeat failures were just to keep you safe. 
“C’mon baby, where’d you go?” Riri spoke lowly to no one, navigating the suit towards Haiti. It’d be a dumb place for you to hide; Shuri would have surely checked there already. 
And of course, you weren’t there.
The following day, Riri searched the States. You had no reason to be in America, but that’s exactly why you’d seek refuge there. Again, her search came up short. 
Today, Riri was ready to give up. She’d spent many days, many hours looking for you all alone. If Shuri and her team hadn’t found you yet, surely Riri wouldn’t all by her lonesome. 
She sauntered through the village, sadness dragging in each of her steps. “Uxolo (Excuse us)!” children’s voices called as they ran across her path. Riri stopped short, avoiding running the tikes down. “Oh, um, sorry!” the girl spoke, understanding their simple word, yet still not knowing how to respond in their language. 
One child, a young girl whose hair was adorned in barrettes, turned to give Riri a wave. When she skipped back to her group of friends, she spoke “Yiza, khawuleza (Come, hurry)! Utitshala Y/n ndiza kubuya namhlanje (Teacher Y/n is to return today).”
Riri understood not a single word from the girl’s sentence as they disappeared into your school. None except your name. So she followed. 
“Uh, excuse me,” she called once she entered the building, searching desperately for an adult. “Uxolo (Excuse me)?”
“Hello, Your Majesty,” a tall gentleman spoke up, approaching the short royal.
Riri cringed, her royal title sounding foreign to her these days. “Mholweni (Hello), um, hi.”
“What can we do for you? We are very blessed to be acquainted with your presence, though we were not expecting you.”
“Yeah, um, I-” Riri stuttered, unable to form a sentence, the words scrambling around her mind too fast for her lips to keep up.
“My wife,” she finally choked out. “My wife, Y/n. Is she here?”
The older man’s eyes were saddened. “No, Your Majesty. She is not set to come back today.”
“Please,” Riri was close to tears as she begged. “Um, ndiyacela (please). I heard the children mention her name. I just-” The tears flowed. “I just want to know she’s safe.”
The man must’ve felt some pity for the lonely queen, crying in his hallway, pleading. A genuine chuckle released from his chest. “Your Xhosa is not very good.” His words shocked Riri and for the first time in weeks, she laughed a real, hearty laugh. “No, it’s not,” she sniffled.
“But you are trying.”
Her head bobs as she nods a confirmation to his words.
He sighs, grabbing Riri’s hands and pulling her out of reach of passing ears. “Your majesty, tonight the school is having an event. A banquet; to raise money for the Haiti institution. The Queen has promised her return for the event. She will be here then.”
More tears flow from the small girl’s pretty brown eyes. Her queen would be back, tonight. 
Did Shuri know?
With a gentle squeeze, the fellow started to leave. “Wait,” Riri called. “Enkosi, mhlekazi (Thank you, sir). What is your name?”
“Emmanuel, Your Majesty.”
“Thank you, Emmanuel.”
Riri raced back to the palace on foot, too excited to wait for the Talon Fighter, though it would have been quicker. She sprinted into the throne room, hopeful that Shuri would be there. 
She was, with Aneka. “Kufuneka sijonge iHaiti kwakhona (We need to check Haiti again).  Ndiyazi Nakia umfihle apho (I know Nakia is hiding her there).”
“I found her!” Riri interrupts.
Aneka turns to the girl first, then back to her queen, who refuses to look up. “Aneka, sishiye (Leave us). Enkosi, mhlobo (Thank you, friend).”
With a nod and a salute, Aneka leaves the throne room, leaving the two queens who haven’t spoken in days. 
“Shuri, baby, I found her.”
“Where is she?” the panther asks, still not making eye contact.
“She’ll be here tonight,” Riri takes slow, careful steps to Shuri, unable to gauge her emotions and not wanting to set her off. “The school’s having a fundraiser. She’ll be here.”
Shuri glances at her wife “How do you know this?”
“I went to the school.”
With a bite of her lip and a swift nod, Shuri dismisses Riri. “Thank you for the information. You may leave.”
“Leave? Shuri, what the hell do you mean leave?”
A deep, impatient sigh is brought forth by the Queen. “I know you know what leave means.”
“Nah, to hell with that, Shuri! I’m not leaving. I’m the one who gave you the intel. Imma be there with you. I’m a part of this mission now. I should have been from the start.”
Shuri steps closer to Riri, seemingly to intimidate her, though the girl doesn’t appear scared. “A mission that would have never come to pass had you not said what you did.”
Riri’s heart thumps hard in her chest. “And I’m trying to make up for it, Shuri. How am I supposed to apologize if you keep shutting me out?”
The question is rhetorical; Ri keeps talking. “You not entirely innocent in this either. You broke promises too. Ignored her just as much as I did. You,” she stabs a finger into Shuri’s armorless chest. “Forgot her birthday too, princess. Your shit stink too, Shuri. So forget that shit; y/n is my wife. That’s my girl and I been missing her heavy. So I’m coming tonight.”
A smirk sneaks its way across Shuri’s face. “There you go with that mouth again.”
“Yeah, here I go with my mouth again, a mouth I don’t know how to close and a mouth that don’t know how to hold its tongue. That’s why y’all was supposed to do it for me.”
Shuri shakes her head, frizzy curls swaying across her face. A bright smile, her first in weeks stretches her lips. “Alright, let’s bring our girl home.”
The night comes quickly and as present as you’re trying to appear at your function, anxiety is running through you. Being home brings forth a mix of emotions; excitement for the banquet, and familiarity at the faces you’ve missed. And worry that somehow word of the event that you swore your staff to secrecy over hadn’t remained confidential during your absence. 
Nakia was at your side, acting as both a friend and a bodyguard. “You did not have to come,” you spoke to her. “I didn’t need protection. The queens; they will not hurt me. Shuri will be more upset at your presence than mine.”
The small scar on her cheek marked evidence of Shuri’s anger in the passing weeks. You’d apologized repeatedly to your dear friend, but she didn’t blame you. “Your wife has a temper. She always has. I’ll be fine, she just needs some time to calm down.”
Her eyes move towards the entrance of the school as the doors part and Aneka, along with Ayo and Okoye precede your wives. “Speaking of the queens…”
Hayi, akukho ndlela imbi (No, no fucking way). When you turn, the breath escapes you. Shuri and Riri. The Black Panther and Iron Heart. Their eyes locked intensely on you.
You look around at your staff, wondering which one had loose lips. “Nakia,” Shuri greeted when they approached. Nakia stays silent and Shuri continues. “I owe you an apology, for our disagreement those weeks ago. I am sorry, sisi.” To you, she switches tongues as she asks “Ikumkani wam (My queen), singathetha (can we talk)?” with an outstretched hand.
No, your heart screams, but your movements betray you. Placing your palm in hers, you allow Her Majesty to guide you outside, where the Royal Talon Fighter awaits, with Riri in tow.
None of you speak until the ship’s doors were encapsulated, providing all the privacy in the world. When they did, it was you to break the silence. A loud slap echoed in everyone’s ears, your hand coming in contact with Riri’s cheek. Breathing hard, you voiced “I’ve been waiting to do that for weeks. Sorry, Riri, I didn’t find a bitch to give your wishes of luck to.”
Shuri stood, slightly amused until her cheek was the next to be assaulted. “And you. You’re lucky I’m not skilled with any weapons for the way you returned my Nakia to me. Her face bloody, her ribs broken. What the hell is wrong with you?”
Though her face stung, Riri’s ears perked up. “Your Nakia?”
Shuri stared at you, her brain wondering the same. 
“Put your petty jealousy to rest. It has been three weeks, do the two of you really think so little of me to find another lover in that short time, especially one who is so close to you, Shuri? We’ve known Nakia since we were kids.”
Shuri nods, clearing her head, and starts to open her mouth, but Riri beats her to it. She comes at you fast, throwing her arms around you so tightly, it steals your breaths. “I’m sorry, ma. I’m so fucking sorry.” The tears are already spilling down her cheeks. “I don’t know how I could have said those things to you.”
You unwrap her hold on you. “You said them because you meant them.”
Riri’s head shakes furiously. “I didn’t, y/n, my love. I swear I didn’t.”
Her eyes are swimming with sincerity and it breaks the cement that had formed around your heart. You grab her face. “You swear?”
She leans into your touch. “I will spend the rest of my life showing you I didn’t mean it, ma.”
You nod slowly. “You know I owe you more than just a slap, right? For speaking to me like I’m some bitch on the streets and not your wife of four years?”
A tiny smile crosses Riri’s features. “Let me suit up and you can take all the shots you want at me.”
“Uh, uh. You don’t get the suit.”
Your words bring a laugh from the small girl, one that passes onto you. 
Shuri stands back, hands in her pocket, just watching. She’s silently wiping her own tears, but when you finally look upon her, she takes it as an in. 
“Yiza apha, usana (Come here, baby).” 
You obey, releasing Riri from your hold as you glide over to your queen. She pulls you in by your waist, holding your body tightly against hers. “Uyakhumbula xa ndivuma iimvakalelo zam ngawe (Do you remember when I confessed my feelings for you)?”
Your head bobs. “We were children; only about 12 years old.”
“Ewe, kukanikazi wam (Yes, my queen). And what did you tell me?”
A giggle escapes you as you recall. “Nditshate, ukuba uyandithanda (Marry me if you love me).”
Shuri shares your laughter. “Ewe, nkosazana (Yes, princess). Bendikuxelele ukuba ndizakwenza kamsinya kangangoko ndinako (I told you I would as soon as I could).” 
“Kwaye wenze (And you did).”
“Nda (I did).”
The tears in Shuri’s eyes threaten to spill over. “I made that promise to you at 12 years old, and I kept it. However, for some reason, at our grown age, I made promises to you weeks ago that I did not keep.”
Your head drops just as the tears do, unable to look your wife in her face. Shuri’s having none of that though, gently grabbing your chin and pulling your gazes back into unison.
“Uxolo, sthandwa (I’m sorry, my love). Ndingu (I am). I’ve been slacking, but I won’t continue to. Please, come home. Ukukukhanya kwan (You are my light), and my world has been so dark these past few days. I can not bare it anymore.” 
Her words crack any further hardening of your heart. “Ewe, sthandwa (Yes, my love). I’ll come home.”
Shuri buries her head in your neck, kissing and crying, “Enkosi,” repeating from her lips. Riri stands back, weeping harder at the display before her. You reach your hand out to her, “Yiza, ntombazana sisidenge.”
Riri stands still, eyebrows raised, brown, hopeful eyes piercing your own loving ones. “Translate?”
“Come here, silly girl.”
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