#avatar next gen
minunqi · 27 days
I hear you ship Aang and On ji. Got any headcanons of the two?
I haven’t revisited atla in a minute- so I have no headcanons to offer- however! I went back through my 2020 atla obsession’s sketches and cleaned some stuff up a bit! So, here’s aangji and their children!!!!
1- aangji and lil Nyima
2- pregnant On Ji and curious Momo
3- teen Nyima
4- older On Ji
5- aangji babies have spotted something
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meowsgirldrawing · 4 months
Tough Week (Papa Mammon-Obey Me)
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Mammon being a good papa basically.
Word Count: 1,865
Mentions of other kids, slight poly of MC but can be interpreted as whatever wanted. Mentions of GN MC but gets called Mom
Other kids for reference- Here
Masterlist- Here
AO3 Link- Here
Varya can feel her eye twitch, her knuckles ache from how hard she grips her cane. Her siblings all tease her in their own ways for having one at 26 but at this point, it’s her only lifeline with how utterly chaotic her siblings can be.
It's been a tough week..
Varya can feel her eye twitch, her knuckles ache from how hard she grips her cane. Her siblings all tease her in their own ways for having one at 26 but at this point, it’s her only lifeline with how utterly chaotic her siblings can be. 
It’s been a tough week.
First she finds out River and Ryder pulled Rhomb into some pranks, thus getting them all detention with her having to attend a basic hearing on their collective punishment. And on top of having to make one on the spot herself to appease Lucifer. “You’re the oldest, you have to keep them in line.” Thankfully Rhomb will be graduating soon, otherwise she might lose another decade on her life.
Adding to that, the next day she had to look for a missing Quinn, only to find him in one of the worst sets of town in the Lust ring, just ending a motorcycle race. It wouldn’t be so bad if she ended up walking in on him in a scuffle with one of the other bikers, them pissed they got beat by one of the Avatars’ kids. She’s usually fine with her siblings taking on their own battles, they need tough skin in Devildom anyway. But they just had to waste her time more by the biker making a lewd comment about her right in front of her dear, protective, little brother. 
Yeah, another punishment had to be made on the spot.
The day after that had her in the human realm with her calmer parent, MC and the youngest, Frankie. After some negotiations as usual about the human realm sending more exchange students to Devildom as per Lord Diavolo’s request, she was dragged to a party per Frankie’s request. She never minds parties, not really. Her father brought her to many in the Fall when she was around 18ish. 
Yet, her content mood went to downright sour as she noticed some human punk making too many moves on her younger sister. The men in her life were always respectful, save for some flirting in front of her and her siblings with their ‘mother’. So you can imagine how many seconds she was close to revealing her demon form. Thankfully Frankie wasn’t allowed to drink yet, because many drunk teens went on booing her, calling her names like ‘prude’ or ‘old woman’ as she yanked her sister out of the house and into her silver ride. 
Frankie’s apology hug did help lesson the headache that night but still.
Many similar instances occur for the rest of the week. The twins pulling more pranks. Ending up in an awkward position as Lucifer and Satan fought about a mundane thing. Lilly and Diavolo’s heir forcing her into an improve shopping trip despite wanting 5 minutes to herself. Having to make up more punishments when she could care less of what her siblings do for this once. And even when she got some time to herself, she had to deal with some low-life demons undermining her desperately at the casino. Unfortunately leading her to teach them why she’s considered the strongest, most powerful spawn of the Lords of Devildom. 
She’s had a tough week, and she needs a break.
Ignoring another phone call from Lucifer, Varya stuffs her DDD into her skirt pocket, slides her cane out of the passenger seat it was previously thrown carelessly into, and opens up her silver ride. 
It snaps shut with a harsh bang, and her heels click against the concrete as she makes her way to the building. Workers under her father wave or call greetings to her, used to her occasional visits, and she waves back, perhaps a bit more shortly than the wontoned. Her everyday smile a-tad tight more straight.
Through an elevator ride and passing several doors, she makes her way to the main office. Her father’s office. 
She hears his voice, deduces he’s either in a meeting or chatting up the phone by his tone, and knocks before sliding in and hanging on the side. Before she would hang outside, but right now, she needs to see him sooner.
Her back rests on the wall, her smile tight and as patient as she can make it.
“Yeah, well demand is comin’ soon with tha season so we need ta get goin’, Shilk.” Mammon’s nails tap on the desk, his wedding ring glinting in the forever red and purplish hues that filter in the giant glass. He looks up from his hard look into the client chair before him and nods his greeting. Varya bows her head lightly, her long, white hair falling over her shoulder.
“Ok, ok. I got it. I’ll have tha data send ta ya by the end of the week. Just make it snappy, Shilk.” His words pushy, but his tone a touch playful. He ends the call with a short bye, see ya later, before spinning towards his kid with a growing grin. 
“ Lil Treasure!” He smirks, “Long time no see, eh? Miss yer old man much?”
“Please.” Her eyes roll, playing his game as easy as pie. “I only came to check up on you, Mother wanted to come see you earlier this week but the exchange program discussions continues to keep them on Earth.” 
He hums, he misses his human too. Behind continuous operations of his ever-growing business and working behind the scenes for RAD, he’s barely had time to see them or their daughter. Speaking of…
“I heard you overtook a new territory this week!” He laughs, carefree as a demon can when talking about territory wars and power growth. It’s been a hot minute for himself to do so, but you don’t even have to look at the older demon to know he’s very damn proud his kid is just about following in his boots. Or Heels in her matter.
“Varya Morningstar- Daughter of Greed- overtakes the Newbon territory in a matter of 2 days, all with a winning smile present.” He recalls the headline he saw, whistling at the end.
 “Someone must’ve pissed you off.” Her eyes squint and join her smirk at his snicker.
“Well, I suppose when someone stares at your upper chest area a little too much while simultaneously telling you that betting your worth is the utmost impossible, it can be noted as irritating.” Her sharp canines shine. 
“That’s my girl!” He cheers, wondering closer. “Don’t let anyone tell you shit, yer my kid after all!”
Varya’s expression doesn’t fall but Mammon still notices anyway, “I hope I could always do so..yet it seems only Lucifer could continue to do so.”
A flash of understanding comes across his face as his head tilts. He doesn’t come across as pitiful, she may be his daughter but she was raised around the Avatar of Pride, but his hand comes to her shoulder, his brow sad/solemnly amused. “He’s really wailing into ya, aint he?”
“As if dealing with my siblings isn’t enough cannon fodder.” Her smile stays up as her shoulders tense, “I understand I am the eldest, but I can’t control every action they make. I haven’t a clue as to why he expects the opposite.”
“That’s Lucifer for ya, kiddo.” His thumb rubs light circles into her half-jacket. “Always wants people on their best behavior, even tried havin’ yer mom help out but they ended up just indulging in us more times than many.”
“But they are all of age now.” It’s rare to see his kid so upset, for years she always had a vacant expression on her face, and it wasn’t until she became older did she start having a smile everywhere, even when she was as pissed as an unsatisfied tyrant. It was her tool against fellow demons, what helped her use her ability as the eldest spawn of the 7 Lords of Devildom and rise to power on her own. People can’t tell how or what she plans, feels, anything. 
But Mammon knows, possibly the only one after his human that does. 
She’s had a tough week.
And now the cracks are finally making their way to the surface. Her smile is tight, no joy present. 
“Frankie may be in her mid teens, but she is old enough and smart enough to know how to handle herself!” Her voice wavers, not loud, at the end. “Why….why must I be the one to keep their un-needed leash? Why must I be turnin’ and throwin’ what I need to do for the day to the wind just to stop some silly prank the boys wanna do? They’ll learn why not to do it, right?”
She breathes, usually blue eyes flaring gold for a second. 
She turns silent then lifts to pinch her brow. “Apologies, Father, I came to take a breather but not to-”
Now he acts, now he wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her into his chest. “Oh shut it. Yer tired and you got a right to rant.” She tries to push back, not allowing such a ‘weak’ moment but Mammon doesn’t let her. If anything, he pulls her tighter, hand on her head, carding his fingers into her ponytail with a snicker. 
“Shushshushshush” His fingers emaphzie his motion, twirling strands or two, messing it from it’s pristine, soft and straight line down her back. “My baby needs a break-”
“Father!” Her cheeks flush, claws digging into his jacket. Her eyes, one closed from being squished into his chest, beat wide at the door. A tinge of fear stomachs. “The door-”
“It’s locked.” He huffs, his blue iris rolling, and he hooks his chin on her head, “Just breathe and hug yer old man, will ya? It’s awkward with yer hands all dangling like they are now.”
Theres a moment pausing the scene, her staring at the door, the more demonic side of her yelling at her to push him and off an leave! He’s useless! To go back to her newly established territory and start working again. Demons don’t cry!
Then there’s the small human part of her, tiny and hidden away, only meant for rare moments. Rare moments like this one..
She takes in a breath, sharp and cold numbing. 
Then melts. 
Her body goes from straight, rigid, awkwardly tight in Mammon’s hold to a full damn puddle, swift and flashing from one to the other like the transition between 5 year old her holding her 1st little brother for the first time of many to the 26 year old self who’s constantly being batted every which way and that, all while holding her greatest, carefully constructed weapon up high for everyone to see.
Even that falls too, especially that. Her smile drifts until the expensive jacket Mammon adorns wipes it away and welcomes her spilling tears instead.
Mammon has a smile that isn’t full of joy but still as kind, pressing a small kiss to her matching hair and planting his cheek into it. He sways them back and forth as Varya silently unravels, hands clutching his back, claws digging deep but thankfully not tearing.
Varya’s had a tough week. But at least she has her dad’s hugs to break that fall.
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neteyammeowmeow · 5 months
I just wanted to share some of my bloydkids doodles from last year, their designs are different now and they don’t look like these anymore, I’m not sure when I’ll actually draw them or if I will even… This looks so silly billy now…
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chirithy564 · 8 months
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The Mighty Warrior and the clumsy Keyblade Wielder 💙💙
Here’s my silly Kingdom hearts and Avatar crossover ship I have…
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kabishkat19 · 6 months
Will you be doing next gens from live action disney films like James Cameron's Avatar? If so I would love to see your take on next gen kids of Lo'ak and Tsireya in the future <3
That’s actually so interesting, I might have to have a seperate section of NextGen that’s purely live action Disney films (Highschool musical, Camp rock, etc.)
I’ve a long list of options that I’ll have people vote on once I’ve completed a series … which will be happening soon👀
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Disabled Characters Showdown Round 4 Matchups
Barbara Gordon vs. Edward Elric
Clint Barton vs. Toph Beifong
Eileen Leahy vs. Finn Mertens
Hiccup vs. Katniss Everdeen
Geordi La Forge vs. Kaz Brekker
Toothless vs. Entrapta
Frodo vs. Amaya
Ambrosius Goldenloin vs. Lord Blackheart
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morning · 2 years
hi, tags! i’d love to get back into writing, so i’m hoping to find some new writing partners! i’m currently only interested in fandom plots. the fandoms i’m interested in are stranger things, grishaverse, the hunger games, harry potter (i do not support jkr), buffy: the vampire slayer (i do not support joss whedon), avatar: the last airbender, and star wars. i will write on tumblr or discord. if you’re interested, just like this, and i’ll reach out! please be 21+. thanks!
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xxl1ghtxx · 8 months
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salty-medley · 10 months
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Is that a next next next gen? Yes it is.
Firebender great-granddaughter of Vachir joined the Yuyan archers , metal bender great-grandson of Ogodei in the RC police and...
New OC incoming, the last of the bunch, the descendant of Mongke, a non bender in the United forces.
You know what they said, "Some friendships are so strong, they can even transcend lifetimes" ? Well, looks like it works for the descendants of villains too.
First picture from the comic Sokka the avatar ( this one is really fun and you can read it for free online)
NOTE: I forget the tatoo, update later
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redlipsanddaydreams · 5 months
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fixtionkin · 5 months
Hey idk what to put here tho so I guess I will just tell you who I kin!
Noodle(Gorillaz band)
Mai(next gen)
Toothless(how to train your dragon)
Gwen stacy (all spider-man media)
Sasha waybright (amphibia)
Man this is more than I realized 💀
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voxmilia · 8 months
Fates is such a weird game for ships and I will never shade anyone for shipping what they want or just doing a min-max stat thing but like
God the walking on eggshells that I personally do to avoid stuff that makes me feel squicked sucks
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a-queer-gender · 10 months
I live again
Have my next-gen atla avatar oc, Jia Zheng
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I haven't seen much of atla or lok but I wanted to make smth
She's adorable, I love her
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lost-in-lamentation · 6 months
💉🌧 - sick fic, rain.
lucifer × gen!reader. fluff.
warnings: lucifer gets sick, kind of collapses, nothing serious.
content: on a rainy day, lucifer lends you his umbrella. he discovers the consequences later.
back to the 500 follower event: here.
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lucifer has always been prepared for anything. even the rainy days, which are scarce in the devildom to begin with.
the rain continuously pelts against the windows of his office in RAD, rattling the frames as it fights to keep the inside world dry. quietly, lucifer overlooks the proposed curriculum for a new devildom mathematics class as you scribble away on your own assignments. the demon enjoys these moments, when neither of you can be bothered by anyone from a specific set of individuals. but the rain is only getting worse, and lucifer needs to prioritise.
“MC, are you done your work?”
you stretch your arms above your head, a soft yawn escaping you as you nod your head. “just about. should we head back?”
“yes. the rain may only get worse if we wait any longer.” lucifer hears you hum in agreement and begins to pack his own things away. the papers rustle as he slides them into a folder; a gentle sound compared to how it continues to rumble outside. he tells you he’ll wait at the front doors for you, grabbing the umbrella he keeps just in case from the shelf. you don’t take long to finish, but when you run up to meet him, lucifer can’t help but notice the way you’ve draped your uniform jacket over your head. “do i want to ask what you’re doing?”
“well…” shifting your weight from side to side, lucifer can tell you’re debating your options. “i don’t have an umbrella.” the avatar of pride shoots you an incredulous look, causing you to stutter. “look, i- it barely rains down here! you can’t just expect me to have an umbrella at the ready!”
all of a sudden, you’re pouting at lucifer, and he is at a loss for words. he scans you carefully, releasing a resigned sigh as he holds his umbrella out to you. “we’ve wasted enough time.”
you shake your jacket into its original place as you take the umbrella. “what about you?”
“i would prefer if you were protected from the rain.”
“you’ll get sick if you walk in the rain.”
“nonsense. that only applies to humans.”
lucifer learns it does not apply to only humans.
three days later, beel is knocking quietly at your door, reporting that lucifer has not been seen for the last 24 hours. you suppress a cheeky grin, promising the concerned twin that you would go and check on the eldest. you pad down the hallway in almost complete silence, the carpeted floor doing well to muffle your footsteps. your knuckles rap softly against lucifer’s door, but before you can get a response, the door creaks open by itself.
“lucifer?” you whisper into the pitch black room, waiting for your vision to adjust to the darkness as you shut the door behind you. “lucifer, where in diavolo’s name are you?” you hiss in feigned annoyance, pulling your d.d.d. out of your pocket to use the screen as a flashlight. finally, you see him; sitting on the ground, propped up against the couch rather than on the couch itself. despite the lack of lighting, you can tell that his hair is dishevelled, and his breathing comes out erratic instead of steady. carefully, you shuffle to his side, pocketing your phone so that you have both your hands free. your fingers are gentle as you brush the stray hairs out of his face, and your hands, cold to the touch, have lucifer leaning into you for a fraction of a second. “you’re burning up…”
instantly, pride returns. lucifer pulls away from you, eyes wide as he struggles to gain his bearings. “MC, my room is not one where you can come and go when you’d like,” he rasps, pulling himself up while he pretends he wasn’t just unconscious on the ground. “leave before i curse you.” the demon forces himself to his feet, face twisted in concentration as he tries not to tremble where he stands.
you straighten your back to stand next to him, arms held out in front of you in the event that lucifer fails to continue to stay upright. “you don’t look like you can curse anyone like this, lucifer.”
the air turns hot from his displeasure. “regardless, there is no reason for you to be in here.” lucifer can only manage a step before a migraine takes a hold of him. there are claws digging into his skin and a chasm splits his head in two, forcing him to his knees.
“lucifer!” you’re at his side in an instant, pulling his hands away from his head and gathering him into your arms. he gives in to you right away, his body weight pressing on you as the strength is sapped from him. his breathing, you notice, is jagged; he can barely take one full breath without it being interrupted. “lucifer, you need to lie down.” with much effort, you slide closer to the couch, counting yourself down mentally before pushing him up onto the cushions. when he groans at the movement, you can’t help but shush him softly, carding your fingers through his already mussed hair. you keep it up for a few minutes, waiting until his breathing evens out to slip away. but the eldest brother, sharp as always, calls out to you before you can leave.
you never thought you’d hate to hear lucifer so weak. “i’ll be right back, okay?” in record time, you run down to the kitchen to get him some water, as well as a spare rag just in case. by the time you return, lucifer is already sitting back up, dazed eyes lighting up ever so slightly when you appear in front of him. “didn’t i tell you to lie d-”
“don’t leave me.” you inhale sharply, attention snapping back from the things you gathered to the sick demon on the couch. “i won’t know what to do if you leave.”
carefully, you set your things down on the coffee table behind you. “i would never leave you, lucifer.”
“you just did.”
“i went to get you water,” you say in a low voice, reaching behind and grabbing the water bottle for him to see. “here.” lucifer waits for you to unscrew the cap before extending his hand to take it, but you shake your head ‘no’ and bring it to his lips for him. “your hands are shaking too much.”
luckily, a sick lucifer is much more agreeable than a regular lucifer, and he accepts without complaint. you watch as he slowly comes to his senses, cheeks flushed a scarlet red from both embarrassment and his sudden fever. “i’m sorry, MC. i am not myself.”
you give him a sigh, gazing at him with such stark affection that lucifer thinks he’s hallucinating again. “get some sleep then. i’ll make some food for when you wake up.”
lucifer says nothing, but instead wraps his fingers around your wrist weakly. “don’t leave.” he pauses, and you feel his grip tighten. “please,” he whispers; he begs.
unmoving, your eyes flicker from his hand on your wrist to his face. lucifer lowers his head, unwilling to return your gaze. behind you, the clock ticks rhythmically, counting the seconds that lucifer has been waiting for a response. of course, you resign, turning yourself around to sit on the edge of the couch. you swing your legs up onto the cushions, leaning back onto the arm rest so that you’re angled upwards. once you find yourself comfortable, you pull lucifer towards you, letting his head rest against your shoulder as more of his weight falls onto you. although his temperature still runs high, it’s lower than what it was when you first found him. the best thing now, you decide, is to hold him close.
you can hear the gentle patter of rain against the windows, a reminder of what landed you in this situation in the first place. but now, with lucifer peacefully dozing off in your embrace, you can’t help but think that you might never buy an umbrella at all.
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a/n: .... hi guys
reblogs are really appreciated (´ω`) ♡
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decolonize-the-left · 6 months
When are we going to talk about how gen z and alpha growing up with lifelong access to tech didn't make them good with technology, it made them bad with people.
A lot of people, when Leave the World Behind was released, related to the youngest character. The daughter who's only priority and desire was to watch the Friends finale as the adults around her were crippled with anxiety about politics, current events, and the very real possibility a war was happening.
One of her most hard-hitting lines was about wanting nothing but the smallest of comforts in a world that guaranteed you none. So if she was gonna die, she was gonna die watching Friends.
She had little to no empathy for her parents or the rest world, which is key to her character's behavior throughout the movie.
"yes, okay the internet is out and there's a blackout and flamingos are in the pool in the USA, and you're terrified, but can you just please fix the TV for me?"
And yeah, I do think it was the damn phones. Because what she's doing isn't all that different from what a LOT of Americans and Gen Z are doing right now while genocides happen.
It's not that different from what a lot of us do. See something awful on our phone and at some point put the phone down like we didn't. Instead we make dinner, do laundry, go to work.
It's our routine.
But gen z and alpha were born into that climate, unlike the rest of us. They didn't grow up seeing the internet be built. They didn't grow up with friends who created forums or sites or were constantly finding new ones. All that already existed. The internet doesn't have secret corners to hide in anymore. Just shadowy ones you really shouldn't wander into.
The work that needed to be done was already done or being done by someone else. Markets and sites were already saturated. If I want to Google something right now, I know for a fact that someone already posted sources and a webpage for it, too.
So much was simply Provided to them. They're so used to the idea of Unknown Others solving problems for them.
Why would they make the effort to solve anything themselves when experience has shown they just have to Google it. Or that it probably already exists. And what difference would They make anyway?
Afterall they themselves are just another Unknown Other in someone else's life, aren't they? Someone nobody thinks about again after their avatar scrolls by.
Is it really that far of a stretch to say that doing this everyday or even just seeing it happen everyday has had material and tangible effects on us as a society?
That it's resulted in a generation of kids who not only undervalue themselves but the impact they are capable of having on their society. Who have resigned to simply Existing within the world instead of trying to thrive in it?
Can we talk about how millennials saying "the next generation will handle it" was nothing but entitlement? We wanted to stop fighting and tried to pass the torch onto a generation that hadn't even graduated high school yet.
And we made things worse by doing that. If we can refuse to fight for them, why would they fight for anyone else? And when parents hand their kids an iPad and send them off to occupy themselves why would they look for human connections?
We taught them not to.
The internet was and is the only consistent thing Gen Z and alpha has had that did not expect anything of them.
And now most of us would be content to doomscroll in the apocalypse in the name of our "mental health"
We've all seen the memes and jokes about it, don't backpedal now. Like I said, a lot of people saw Rose in that movie and made #me & #same posts.
Few would get up and try to cause the change to change anything. Which, in that movie and IRL is how change is made. Real people getting up and working together. Someone doing the work nobody else wants to because someone has to.
But what happens when you grew up thinking someone else was always gonna do it for you anyway?
And that if they didn't, that you were the least qualified because the internet is Full of people more capable than you, right?
The world is full of people more capable than you. Your phone told you that, didn't it? So there's no point in you doing anything.
Is there?
People need people, in case you forgot. People need you, in case you forgot.
You're not an Unknown Other in my phone. You are person, in case you forgot.
My tribe has this saying that I know is shared with other natives "be a good ancestor"
A reminder that not only are we the product of the people who came before us, but the people after us will be products of us and our choices, too. That time is linear and goes forward and that how we spend that time matters. Not just for us, but for every single person who will come after us.
A reminder that even though we may be one person in a very long line, we are never ever without the power to change our future. That we have a responsibility to our community and family to use the time we are given for good. A reminder that the life I have isnt just for me. It's for a we.
That I am not just some Unknown Other. I'm a community member, I'm a person, and as such I owe it to my community to be better and demand better for them.
I think a lot of people need that lesson.
You're not an Unknown Other that nobody thinks about. Youre a community member and I actually think about you all the time.
I think about everyone who has resigned to doomerism all the time and I wish y'all would wake up. You're like the depressed cousin on the couch who naps too much and this is me trying to snap you out of it again.
Wake up.
You're loved and valued and people need you. Get up. Be a good ancestor.
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chaethewriter · 1 year
You're my type.
Jack Champion x reader
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In which Jack talks about his celebrity crush, leaving you with your own thoughts.
A/N: rushed this in between my work, enjoy this lowkey terribly written thing <3
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"Probably Margot Robbie if she was younger and single you know. I would be like, hey you wanna go.." with Avatar 2 releasing in the cinemas, the interviews with the next gen cast were hitting the charts. Trending on all platforms as they were the face of the upcoming movies. This also meant that their fanbase would skyrocket. Especially Jack's. And you couldn't blame them. Your boyfriend of almost a year was young and handsome, of course he would get the attention. And well deserved. With the amount of focus on Jack, clips about him went viral. And you got across one of those clips.
Probably Margot Robbie if she was younger and single you know. I would be like, hey you wanna go..
You watched a tiktok on your for you page of your boyfriend going on about his crush on Margot Robbie. And she was pretty, beautiful even. But there were these thoughts at the back of your mind.
Was that his type?
Were you even his type?
Margot Robbie was every boy's dream: blonde long hair that sat on her shoulders and those blue eyes that lit up the room. You threw your phone next to you, screen facing downwards as you rested your back against the soft duvet. You gazed at the ceiling, eventually touching your forehead with both of your hands as this was such a stupid situation. You were supposed to meet up with him today, and you couldn't let this entire situation decide how today was about to go.
You had an hour to get ready, both mentally and physically, as you had to get your shit together. He loves you. He chose you. Hell, he made the first move. His celebrity crush shouldn't define who he dates.
But your celebrity crushes are usually the people who you're attracted to right?
Shut up.
You changed into your date outfit, which was harder than usual, because you wanted to look extra pretty for him. Clothes scattered around the room, covering your floor as you dug into your closet. Eventually, you found something pretty. An outfit you had always felt pretty in when you wore it. But once you looked in the mirror, all your confidence fell to your feet.
Was this how he loved you?
Dark hair flowing past your neck with dark eyes staring down someone's soul. Your skin the center of attention in your transparent room. In front of that same mirror, you had done your makeup. Something lightweight, concealer hiding the spots you were insecure about. Eyeliner at the outer corners of your eyes with kohl, as well as your waterline. Applying a brownish lipstick on your lips, because anything shade lighter than that you hated on your lips.
Downstairs, you sat on the couch. Your father at the dinner table with your mother in the kitchen. Your legs bounced as you tried to forget about his words.
Probably Margot Robbie if she was younger and single, you know..
Would he have dated someone who looked like her instead, if he were to meet her right now?
He wouldn't right?
What if he felt attracted to her, what then?
Too lost in your thoughts, the knocking on the front door remained unanswered. "Open the door, I think it's your white boyfriend." Your father had yelled from the dinner table, not looking up from his phone. The volume of his tone kicked you right out of your thoughts. You got up from your seat, your knees buckling as you walked towards the door. "Hii baby!" His smile reached his eyes as he immediately pulled you in a tight hug, his nose burying into your hair as he slightly bended over. This could almost make you forget about your worries. Almost.
You were short, to say the least. You just reached his chest as he was incredibly tall for his age. You were the average height for your people, but for Westerners, it would seem incredibly short.
"Hi, love." You stood on your tippy toes with your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him down to you to press a kiss against his rosy lips. Butterflies tickled your stomach as his plump lips pressed against yours. He was the one to pull away first, gazing into your eyes with his nose scrunched up, "You look so pretty, baby. All that for me?" You could feel your cheek warm up and as a response you broke eye contact with him.
He smiled at you, your shy demeanor so cute to him. Behind you, a lot of movement occurred. It made Jack look up, coming face to face with your father.
"As-salamu alaykum, sir." His American accent obvious as he spoke. This time, it was his turn for a blush to creep onto his cheeks. You have been together for almost a year, but he still had yet to win over your father's heart.
"Wa-Alaikum-Salaam. She's home by 7pm without tears. Bring her home. Have fun." Your father was extremely stern, his words extremely to the point. Yet, he always made sure to end his speech on a good note.
"Of course, sir! I will get her home safe and sound!" While holding him in your arms, you felt him stiff in your hold. It made you giggle. Your 6'1 "foot boyfriend shaking in his shoes in the presence of your much shorter father.
You had greeted your father in a rush, pulling your boyfriend with you as the two of you headed towards his car. He had opened the door for you, "get in, milady." You chuckled at his little acts of service, thanking him as you sat down on the passenger's seat. Jack walked to the other side of his car and took a seat next to you, "Where to, pretty?" His hand was already resting against your thigh, awaiting your answer. Dates with Jack were always unexpected. It was always where the moment took the both of you.
"Mall?" You shuddered as his fingers ran against your skin, the thin material of your pants not offering much cover. "Sure thing, whatever my girl wants."
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The ride was quiet, your fingers playing with his free hand as you gazed outside the window. He treated you so well. So why were you feeling like this?
"What's up, pretty?" He noticed your unusual behavior. Of course you did. How couldn't he? He was by your side from your highest to your lowest, he basically knew almost everything about you.
You bit your bottom lip as you pulled at his skin, "nothing."
A lie.
Once again, silence filled the car with the radio playing as a background noise. Should you just tell him? Now? Before it could ruin your date?
"Tell me?" He put his car in park once he found an empty place in the parking lot, pushing his seat back for enough space between him and the steering wheel. To pull you by the arms onto his lap. You were facing him now, completely stunned with this action.
"Tell me, pretty girl." He pressed a kiss against your nose, his hands on your waist to keep you secure, "what's wrong?"
Communication was important.
It was the key.
"Promise you won't get mad?" You played with his shirt as you spoke, your gaze locked on the necklace lying against his collarbone. The pendant wad a pretty pink rose quartz, shaped into a heart. You remembered gifting him it as a way to hint your feelings to him. The color didn't match the color palette of his outfit, but he still wore it around his neck, almost proudly.
"You're thinking too hard with that pretty little brain of yours. I'm sure I won't get angry with you, babe."
"Uhm, okay." You took a breath, your fingers now tracing the cord of the necklace, "am I your type?"
It made you look up at him, your eyes wide as you awaited an answer from him. A smile made its way on his face, immediately leaning down to press a firm kiss against your lips, "of course you are, why are you asking?"
"The interview, you uhm," you tried to gather your words in a sentence that would make sense and Jack gave you all the time you needed. His hands rubbing your back reassuringly as he watched you intently.
"You said you would shoot your shot with Margot Robbie."
Jack had opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off, "I don't look like her. So you know, I thought—" this time, he cut you off with a deep kiss. A tender one, one that held so much meaning. Passion. Love. One of his hands traveled towards your cheek, caressing it as he deepened the kiss. Your hands stayed at his chest, clutching onto his shirt.
He had pulled away from the kiss to gasp for air, "I love you." He breathed out against your lips, "I love all of you." He continued, pressing a kiss against the tip of your nose, "I love this."
A kiss against your eyelid.
"I love this."
A kiss against your cheek.
"I love this."
Your forehead.
"I love this."
Your lips.
"And I love this."
"I'm so different from her, look at me! I'm—"
"Beautiful." He finished your sentence with lovesick eyes. "You're beautiful."
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liked by justy/n, misstrinitybliss and 308k others
jackchampion me when she's the one having my last name @ justy/n
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justy/n ily ily ily🫶
-> jackchampion love you❤️
justy/n bold caption!
-> jackchampion watch it happen, I will manifest it🌕
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