#autistic communications
aimlesspoet · 13 days
a bottom-tier autistic experience is being told throughout your entire childhood that you are just an overthinker when it comes to social situations and later finding out that your friends did, in fact, hate being around you and tried to communicate that through weird little hints
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cafeblossomss · 5 months
the most helpful thing i have ever seen from neurodivergent internet spaces is “THERE ARE OTHER TIMES OF DAY TO BRUSH YOUR TEETH”. this has genuinely saved me from executive dysfunction spirals so many times.
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
all your stuffed animals love you. they're not sad if they're in a box, or on the floor, or not held/played with as much. they understand. they know that you might need another stuffie more, or that you don't have enough space. they're just happy to be with you, and if you ever give them away, they'll be happy there too. stuffies are for comfort. they understand. they love you too. it's okay.
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bathask · 4 months
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Google Bard拡張機能extensions公開。日本でもGemini Proは英語のみ。自閉症スペクトラムASD擬態カモフラージュ過緊張高不安,部材受け渡しでコミュニケーション発生ストレスか筋肉強張り血行滞り腰痛や筋肉痛も。大人の発達障害アスペルガー/自閉スペクトラム症のA型事業所帰宅後iOS17.2.1アップデート
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bli-o · 5 months
hey autistic people who get overwhelmed by large groups or noise or conversation or etc etc etc you’re not evil for wanting to leave a family gathering. just so you know.
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autismwithoutpremium · 7 months
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Just a thought
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fallenstarcat · 16 days
sometimes i feel like people forget autism is a disability. and that’s not a bad thing! i’m all for disability acceptance, im proud of my disabilities. but i feel like we forget autism can hurt.
it hurts that i have to put more time and energy into socializing than others.
it hurts when i need to move so bad, usually cause im overwhelmed by either my surroundings or emotions, that i thrash and hurt myself.
it hurts that i cant be in places that are too loud or too bright, which on bad days can be as simple as a small, quiet noise or dim lights.
it hurts that i struggle to tell when im hungry, thirsty, tired, etc. so i can’t properly take care of myself. it doesn’t help my insomnia and i get very nauseas and get UTIs.
i 100% believe in autism acceptance. i don’t want a cure. but i also want us the acknowledge that it can hurt. it doesn’t mean my entire life will hurt, but some parts will. and i want a community where we can see both sides, see the hurt, and celebrate it anyway.
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simplymisty · 1 month
do you guys ever get annoyed that like. we have bodily needs.
like, sure, I don't mind eating a lil snack or drinking something tasty, BUT it annoys me that I have to do that in order to live.
like, I can't have little treats all the time, no, I have to eat regular meals, because otherwise the body will get upset. and most of the times, the body will also get upset if you eat something in particular, because it's dramatic like that
I like sweet fizzy drinks, but I gotta drink way more than I would like to in order to stay hydrated. and best way to do so is to drink water & that does NOT spark joy, the flavor usually is off, boring and annoying. not to mention if you drink enough, you gotta go to the bathroom so often, such an annoyance
like. do you guys get me.
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z4g-3us · 1 year
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i think ppl will enjoy these so im sharing the experience of studying a tbh creature in the wild.... fascinating creatur.......
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flamboyantinsomniac · 9 months
Weighted blankets aren't enough I need to be crushed in a hydraulic press
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canenotabeltofunction · 7 months
Autistic People: There are multiple things making common, low volume noises at one time. It is too much noise at once and if I don’t cover my ears I’m going to have a meltdown.
Also Autistic People: If I can’t feel my music vibrating my sinuses then it’s NOT LOUD ENOUGH
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autisticdreamdrop · 11 months
hyperverbal autistic ✅️ valid
fully verbal autistic ✅️ valid
verbal autsitic with verbal loss ✅️ valid
semiverbal autistic ✅️ valid
nonverbal autistic ✅️ valid
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crayonurchin · 4 months
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First art of the new year is all about re-structuring your internal monologue.
In my early 20s I was working full time in London with many social commitments and a variety of hustles and side projects.
In my later mid 20s I cater to many sensory and social drain needs I have and indulge in special interests while respecting my lower energy reserves and celebrating my different way of processing the world.
Did I get more autistic? Nah. I got less fake.
[Art description: Three panels showing figures on a black background. Long descriptions follow.
1. A drawing of OP as a person with hip-length hair and a dress standing sadly with her hands clapsed together in front of her. She is coloured a muted rainbow gradient. Behind her, two pairs of nondescript figures chat while smiling. White text says, ‘I’m getting more and more autistic the older I get.’ 2. OP’s colours are brighter, and her expression looks happier. Crayon-like scribbles have crossed out the text from the previous panel. 3. OP’s colours are vibrant, and she balances on one leg and throws her arms out as she dances. The text above has changed to say, ‘I’m becoming more and more myself the older I get.’ \End descriptions]
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aromanticduck · 2 years
If neurotypicals are so good at picking up hints, why do they never seem to notice you leaning away when they try to touch you?
[Edit: From now on, anyone who wants to reply with some variation of 'they just don't care' must first donate £10 to a respected autism charity.
It's not even that you're wrong exactly, I'm just sick of seeing the same response regurgitated like it's something I can't possibly have thought of myself.]
[Edit 2: No more reblogs actually. If you screenshot this to reupload it I will break into your house and clean your toilet with your toothbrush.
Retyping it in your own words and making your own post is fine.]
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willtheweirdrat · 9 months
"Ableds shouldn't baby talk disabled people cause it's infantilizing" and "Some disabled people need things to be explained to them in an easier to understand way" are thoughts that CAN and SHOULD co-exist.
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meowtismz · 6 months
Remember that if talk or type weird all ok
Remember that if not low support need all ok
Remember that if not level 1 autism all ok
Remember that if nonverbal or semiverbal all ok
Remember that if cognitive function low all ok
Remember thay if dysfunctional all ok
Remember that if "more debilitating autism" all ok
Remember that disability ALWAYS debilitate one thing or another, if have "less accepted" autism still valid and deserving of love respect help
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