#augh i could add more but these are getting so long
padmestrilogy · 26 days
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darth maul and padme amidala: discarded pawns
iain mccraig on doing concept art for the phantom menace / wookieepedia / james dillon / star wars tales volume 6 / paul mcdonald
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fernacular · 5 months
pls talk more abt the stupid art trend of only drawing neutral faced white women no matter what its something that has been eating away at me as i see the community of artists growing ever more. it frustrates me so much cause like??? is that really the extent of your creativity? some... nameless attractive woman?
I'm really not an art historian or even an extremely analytical person, so take all I'm about to say with a grain of salt, it truly is just my off-the-cuff assumptions.
First of all I wanna clarify I don't think painting a pretty girl for the sake of painting a pretty girl is inherently creatively bankrupt, I'd be a hypocrite if I said that. Plus there are many many examples of artists having a POINT when choosing that subject matter and I don't wanna be throwing them under the bus. If you know a Pretty Girl(tm) piece of art that you think actually has a message that is enhanced by the usage of that sort of face, assume I'm not talking about them.
What really bugs me is the sheer prevalence of it EVERYWHERE and how incredibly unexamined it often gets from both the artists themselves and the audience observing.
because here's the thing, I'm pretty sure I know why they're choosing a perfume-ad-type woman as their subject. Over a very very long time that specific type of face has become the Neutral Beautiful Subject in art. A: it's a human face, which our monkey brains immediately respond to. Humans see a human face, we instinctual pay attention, that's just kinda how we work. B: it's a young unblemished face with no indications of personality or personal agency or identity that could impact the viewer's attraction, and it is assumed the viewer finds the face attractive. C: It's a white feminine face/form that has an extremely long and complicated history that I won't be able to adequately layout here (again, not a historian) but is firmly entrenched in western society as being, of all the bodies, the most synonymous with beauty and art.
So from the artist's perspective, this is a very very useful subject matter because we, as an audience, have been trained not to read into it as the Neutral Beautiful Subject Matter. The assumption is that we will like looking at it, but it won't distract too much from what else the artist is doing, the technical skill they're putting in or the unusual medium or whatEVER it is they wanna flex. That specific face is visual shorthand for beauty, and we're not intended to read into it beyond that.
But that's, like.... bullshit?
It's BULLshit that we are supposed to just accept that face as the neutral symbol of beauty. It's not neutral!!!! It's EXTREMELY political!!!!!! When you make that face the subject matter of your art with NO indication that we are supposed to take ANYthing else away from it, then you, as an artist, are in fact making a statement that you are seemingly completely unaware that you are making.
All SORTS of very very heavy social things go into that seemingly passive face. The dehumanization, sexualization, and commodification of women. The deification of white femininity. The fear of age, of disability, of injury, of sexuality outside man-attracted-to-woman. The very idea that all of this could in any way, in any universe, be considered neutral.
And I don't think all the artists who create using this kind of face are rubbing their hands together going "nyehehehe, today I will support a lot of heinous cultural bullshit for profit nyehehehehe" Most of them just aren't looking at it past face value. Again, it's a useful device. It's largely popular, it will get you views and attention and as an artist myself I fucking GET IT man. I want money too. I have rent too.
But i'm just... tired. I'm tired of it.
I'm tired of how unquestioned it gets. Of how much it's rewarded.
I don't have anything else to add, I don't know how to fix any of it, just, augh.
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cult-of-the-eye · 6 months
MAG 86 here we goooo
Ok so I actually listened to this like a few days ago but I never got round to looking at the transcript but HERE I AM
God this is the blanket never did anything one
He says tucked in so fucking menacingly like Jesus Christ man
I can't get that one post out of my head that says how Tim was the furthest from being taken by the Eye cause he keeps tripping up on pronunciations and stuff in statements that other archival staff wouldnt honestly it's such a genius take
Oh shit this is getting really long I'll add in a read more
God I love how he's rebelling in every sense, he's doing the bare minimum, he's literally warning people away from it
It's kind of interesting the way he always thought the statement stuff was stupid but in the whole of season one and a lot of season two he managed to hide his distaste pretty well, like even when he lashed out at Jon about the Prentiss incident, he still didn't say that the statements were stupid, but he's saying it behind his back - maybe some part of him knew that Jon needed the statements to work and some part of him still felt for him enough to not point that out
He's kinda dramatic with it as well but I feel like in more of a self aware way than jon
You can feel his distaste honestly the statement just sounds wrong coming from him, which is interesting cause I didn't think that about when Martin did it
So he's mad at the fact that he put effort into a job that he wasn't even that comfortable with in the first place and now he's trapped in? Not about the monsters??
Jesus Christ Tim being a bit of a dick to melanie
HE BLAMES MARTIN????? Damn bro you weren't there how could you tell he didn't do it properly??
I think he's mad at himself for not being there and deflecting it on to martin
She likes that it's quiet!!! That's cute
Martin's not big on change AH neurodivergent vibes
All the archival staff are literally queer and neurodivergent you can't change my mind
Also the fact that he thinks that's the biggest reason why martin doesn't want Melanie around, not the Horrors and the same reason as Tim
I think Tim is refusing to think that Martin might see the situation in the same way as him because if he does then it means Tim's way of dealing might not be the best way and that's an unacceptable thought to him
Suspicious and resentful - my man is self aware I think he knows the way his path is going (hurtling towards destruction) but is too stuck shaking his fist at god to try and get out or he's sort of known his whole life that this is where he was supposed to end up, a terrible fate created by his own two hands that dug their own way down to rock bottom and he's just so tired of trying to do anything about it that he's just accepted it
Wow seeing firsthand the effects of the stranger, the way neither Tim nor Melanie can remember the real Sasha, but Tim has to live with the fact that he didn't notice and Melanie has to live with the fact that she did, but can't prove it
Oh I wonder why he left the tape running? I'd think he would've forgotten to turn it off but if so I feel like he'd have that shocked moment of remembering which he didn't
Maybe he wanted proof of the conversation? Maybe it was a warning to anyone listening to the tapes? See firsthand how terrible it is at the Magnus Institute so you don't work here? I dunno
Ha I had to ask my lovely mutual @melandrops to explain what a marker was
Oh god honestly this statement fucked me up I completely understand why people hate it I hate it
I was so scared of the dark as a kid and the idea of being reduced to that state of lack of awareness and vulnerability is actually terrifying
Also the dude dying in the blanket???? Ew ew ew
Love the fact that tma doesn't just go with a oh shit I forgot a torch so it was pitch black kinda horror but the I brought a torch, I even brought spare batteries but it still did nothing which in my opinion is even scarier
Oh god her whispering the blanket never did anything that was horrifying
Melanie was actually so good at giving the statement girl really got into it
I was also talking to @melandrops about archivist!Melanie cause I think that would be really interesting... she'd definitely bring a more proactive vibe to the role...
It's interesting to think that Melanie and Jon hated each other at first sort of because they're so alike? It's like the we are made of the same stuff (derogatory)
Love how she just checks out the dead guy
The way she's denying it even though she's literally had paranormal experiences before that's so Jon core she would be a great archivist
Oh shit I just realised he's labelled as Archivist...when did that happen??
That's so funny he's like bitch maybe I do have reason to kill you
Hmm nice touch of Melanie being like do you guys not want me cause I'm a girl?? Is this misogyny??? Good guess but unfortunately it's worse
It's quite nice that Jon's trying to save her even though the meetings about helping him and her quitting would mean he'd lose the one informant he might have in the institute
Shot in the leg by a ghost in India????
Ha Tim hates you and Martin's probably being watched
Love how Tim's hatred for Jon is so visceral and known that they don't even bother watching him
I bet Elias would delight in knowing about Martin's little crush on Jon and how Jon actually hated him in season one and then how their relationship progresses he'd thrive on the drama and the angst the little bastard
Ok ok it's good that he's on the right track, he guesses it was elias
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chloecherrysip · 1 year
Saw your 'Mario has PTSD too' post and I love it. The idea of him trying to pretend that everything is fine for Luigi is just so... augh. I love this trope of a character botteling up their feelings for the sake of others until they can't anymore. May I add a little something? Mario also had a near death experience from getting exploded from the rainbow road and then being eaten by an eel. So I guess he would have PTSD from this too
(Referring to this post!)
Thanks!! It really gets to me too. I just think Mario is very much wrapped up in being The Strong One, The One Who Protects And Makes Things All Right and Can Be Leaned On, and he WANTS to be that post-movie more than anything because goodness knows Luigi needs it (not even just from a mental perspective, but physical too, considering the poor thing hardly slept or got any food/water for what seemed like multiple days!) but there's also his own exhaustion and the dawning realization of how close things were, how his brother could have very easily died if one little thing happened differently, and the guilt, so much GUILT for essentially being the reason all this happened - it's a lot!! And then the guilt would compound once he starts to slip and knows that Luigi can probably tell, and he doesn't want to make him MORE worried when his little brother's already going through his own struggles, so that just makes him try HARDER to seem Totally Normal and Fine and In Control, and it's not a good cycle. :( (But it doesn't take too long before the inevitable breakdown and the brothers getting to cry it out together. Sometimes you just need to do some messy crying and hugging to feel better!!!!)
And yeah, I think that makes sense! Mario didn't have a cakewalk of a time either, that's for sure, even if there were some nice/peaceful moments in his journey. I saw in one fic someone theorize that maybe loud sounds would instantly make him shift into danger mode and being really on edge because of the blue shell for a little while, and I think that makes sense. And man, the eel stuff really does get more disturbing the more you think about it!! DK and Mario sniping at each other is funny, but I still really wish that scene had been given a little more room to breathe and resonate as a stronger, sadder Darkest Moment in the movie. Especially the line "at least your brother's not gonna die because of you!" which is heavy stuff, man! Mario's clearly angry and upset and feels like the situation is all his fault and he's never going to see Luigi again (heck, he'll never see the rest of his family or his home again either) and he tried so hard but he's finally reached a truly hopeless state where he just wants to wallow in how he's let everyone down and be left alone, which is rare for him. It's a brief moment, but a rough one for sure.
(And maybe once it's all over, he closes his eyes and sometimes still sees himself there, wet and cold and broken down, and there's a moment of blind panic where he's convinced he's imagined everything that happened past that point and he's about to be digested and die down here at the bottom of the ocean, with the horrible certainty that Luigi's dead too, that his brother died alone and scared all because of his stupidity, and he can't breathe, he can't BREATHE - and then he wakes up/comes back to the moment and it's all okay, he knows rationally that it's okay now but he still can't fully calm down because what if NEXT TIME.....)
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yoinkschief · 2 hours
What’s your general HCs for the fellas ? (Identity, race, sexuality etc)
Whooaagh, that's gonna be a long list, I have a ton of like small headcanons for them that mean like absolutely nothing, but I'll try to keep it to a simple list
Just quickly though:
I HC them all to be generally around 27/28 and in their late 30's/early 40's during WTFuture/in the future,, there was no real way to put that in a good list with them lol
And they're all best friends - just cause they're a group of people doesn't mean they only get to have one bestie yk, they're all super close
Also Ellsworld is canon alongside Eddsworld, they co-exist with each other
Tom - Mixed Race (Black/Irish from his mom, White/American-Hawaiian from his father - Trans Masc-Nonbinary (AMAB) He/They/(sometimes)It (It/Its depends on who it is) - Bisexual (massive masculine lean) (worst taste in men EVER) - Styles his hair to look like his fathers (otherwise his hair is usually textured around the 3's,,, like 3A/3B) - Very pear shaped like his father, and hairy too lol, the alcohol certainly doesn't help with that - Wears reading glasses (later this turns into him genuinely needing a prescription,, another thing he gets from his father - he looks very similar to his mother in terms of facial features and skin tone, but has a lot of his father's aspects) - Fear of eye contact (has gotten a lot better about it now that he's an adult, but still struggles with it with people he does not like/does not know) - Autistic - 5'5" (the shortest of the ensemble) - Works at a diner while part-timing music independently - "Monster" form is man made and extremely painful to turn into (there is no way he could control it,,, in some iterations of my headcanons like in different stories there are ways that he can have like a pact with it,,, like in my Mattsworld AU (WHICH I NEED TO POST ABOUT AUGH) he's "controlled" it a bit by making a deal with it,,, of what I haven't quite figured out yet oof) - Has quite a few tattoos on him,,, (Polynesian shark teeth on his left upper arm, cyan colored harpoon tattoos on his left side, a pinup mermaid girl on his right side, and the Nordic rune for "Wolf" on his right outer thigh) - Also he inherited his anger issues from his father as well, forgot to add that earlier with the list of things he's inherited from his old man lol - Momma's boy (/affectionately, not like he can't do anything without his mom, moreso like he really loves her a lot and obviously they're very close since they both lost Tom's father that day so for a while they were all the other had to remember him by) - Tamara is his cousin from his mother's side of the family - His first friend was Edd - His mother died when he was in highschool - father when he was in elementary, it really hit him hard (it was just before his senior year and had he not done so well the years prior he would've failed HS because of it) - Diesss ???? It's like the whole "OMG they killed Kenny" bit more than anything - like if I had to describe it, he has the Loony Toons death curse, where he dies on screen but in the next panel he's fine cause no one can actually die on a kid's show, yk ? - Tons of piercings,, mostly on his face but also in other places on his body too, though it's more like two other places other than his face area - Loves Ska music obviously, but also punk and rock, thinks artists like Destroy Boys, GRLWood,
Edd - British,,, and probably has some Italian in him somewhere, y'know like family rumors/talk of like "well I'm 1/4 Italian" or "your some odd greats grandma was Italian" that kinda thing,,, not quite sure, not curious enough to care to get some DNA test kit - Homophobic (/j) Gay, man kisser, masculine hug enjoyer, he holds hands with other boysss - On the AroAce spectrum, not really a hard no on either, just more of something he doesn't think about on a day to day basis nor really care about unless the thought is put in his head - Moles scattered across his body (not many, just one or two here and there - and none that are particularly bad or harmful) - Wears reading glasses (more specifically blue light glasses cause he's looking at a screen all day every day) - The only one of the gang that doesn't have any genuine mental disorder,,, he's got his problems sure but he's neurotypical through and through - His problems being main character and plot armor - More seriously though he has a raging hero/savior complex that gets him into a lot of trouble at times - 6' even, second tallest of the group - Very apple shaped,,, when I draw him I think very round thoughts if that makes sense - Had a major emo phase in highschool,,, he kinda snapped out of it during Senior year, or rather the summer leading up to it, but man it was wretched LOL - A child of divorce (they still made it work for him - it wasn't like they fought or it was a domestic abuse thing, they just fell out of love with each other and couldn't stand being in the same house anymore, but they love Edd so they made it work for him the best they could) - Works as an animator - professionally and freelancing ! Hard fucking order but he LOVES they process of creating art, seeing the end result is so gratifying to him and being able to see all the love and attention he put into it - Has a Youtube channel where sometimes he reviews animated movies/shows/shorts - he doesn't update it a lot, it's like a "if I feel like it" cause he only does Youtube as a hobby and as a place to hold his animation portfolio - His first friend was Matt, they've been friends since like diapers - REALLY really good friends with Tord - doesn't really know why but they are like bound by the hip - He's only got ear gauges - he doesn't try and stretch them a ton like Tom does, he's fine with just normal sized gauges that don't stretch his lobes all that much - Has a VERY BROAD music taste, anything from Lemon Demon to Oingo Boingo, to PinkPantheress, to Joey Valence & Brae, to Weird Al,,, anything under the rainbow of music genres he's probably heard one song from each - PowerEdd is canon still !! Not the superhero, but the powers he and Eduardo now suffer with lol,, but they're not really potent, his body chemistry is just kinda fucky now cause of it,,, bro glows in blacklight and sometimes just in general
Matt - British/French,,, basically he's incredibly white - Pansexual (he used to also be GenderFluid in my headcanons,,, but in the past year or so I've decided against it - he's more of just a guy who likes makeup and to wear dresses more than anything else) - Ginger with freckles, they cover his body in splotches mostly, but he's got a few individual ones here and there on his body as well (they've clustered around his face, hands, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees and like two separate patches on his back) - His hairstyle has changed so much with me over the years and it's my own damn fault lol, I don't draw him enough but that most comes with the "I don't wanna draw him wrong" thing but if I don't ever draw him how will I draw him right ?? It's a cycle is what it is - The only one with prescription glasses since middle school - he just wears contacts instead, he HATES how he looks in glasses - his parents had him get LASIK surgery to correct his vision,,, since then - His personal account where no one (except like the gang) knows it's him is very unhinged, he says some devious shit on there (it's a public Twitter account) - Also Autistic, but in a DRASTICALLY different way than Tom is, they're like opposite sides of the spectrum (Tom doesn't mask often, Matt masks like all day every day, Tom can't make eye contact, Matt makes intense eye contact, that kinda thing yk,,, even despite the fact they both have texture issues they have very different issues with textures - also Tom was very early diagnosed and Matt only got diagnosed after Tom kept pestering him to do so) - He's some kind of narcissist, just haven't been able to really pin point it down yet,, I need to do some more research on it - this could change in the future because of that so this is like a maybe canon - His father left him when he was very young like maybe 5-8 range, and his mother married his step father WAY too soon after, him and Matilda is his step sister (He HATED her at first, she tried to be very kind to him cause they're the same age and everything, and this is the first time she's had a sibling, but every time Matt looked at her all he could see was his father leaving him,,, it took until after college for them to actually grow closer as siblings and friends) -6'1" just an inch above Edd - Edd was his first friend - they've been through thick and thin together, they comforted each other when both their parents divorced, so obviously they've got a bit of a trauma bond through that, and are really the only ones who understand that kind of issue - at least in their eyes - Twink. Through and through. Despite being partially French he's got very back luck with growing hair on his body, and when he does it's thin and very lightly colored - Works as a model and "social media influencer",,, basically he's a walking propaganda poster - Has earrings, mostly wears a lot of gold - Doesn't like listening to music often,,, this hurts me to write as someone who can't NOT listen to music, but he just doesn't have a music taste,, I've mentioned before how he listens to some female rappers and other song artists like Mitski and Girl in Red, but that's only because he's listened to them on like the radio or had someone else recommend them to him, he doesn't actively listen/search for music - Still a vampire,,, er, really just half vampire ?? I'd like to think they lads did a séance of some sort on him and for the most part it worked but like Edd his chemistry is still a little fucked cause of it, y'know ? Like he's still got pointed ears and teeth, can't really do much about that, and a BIG craving for red meat and the like, but he can survive without a constant need for blood, and his skin was already sensitive to the sun anyway so there's nothing really new there
Tord - Just a Norwegian fool - Trans Masculine (AFAB) He/Him - Bisexual (with a MASSIVE fem lean,,, he IS the bad taste in men) - His hair ? Yeah that's natural - he's got some WICKED cowlicks,,, when he was younger his mom would try to brush them back to make him look more normal, but even when his hair was longer it didn't really do much for him - ADHD haver, VERY late diagnosis and still doesn't really believe it, but that's a whole lot to do with misinformation of negative dumb jargon shoved down his throat - Narcissistic Personality TRAITS, not the disorder, but TRAITS of the disorder (as in he doesn't actively have the mind set and intentions of people with NPD, but he does have the mannerisms and habits of one,, but that's because of how he was raised by two Narcissists - it's a damn miracle he doesn't have the disorder, but either way he's gotta go to therapy about it,,, and he will,,,,,, eventually,,,,,,,,, after you drag him there by his hair but I mean he'll be there) - Tattoos on him as well (Left shoulder to a half sleeve of a snake, tramp stamp of Ouroboros, and between his shoulder blades beneath the back of his neck is Jason Voorhees' mask) - Can not regulate or understand his emotions,,, the only way he really knows how to deal with intense emotions of any kind is through very physical and aggressive means,, it's why him and Tom get into so many spats, but mostly cause Tom doesn't put up with his bullshit as someone who is very good at reading and understanding his own and others' emotions - Bro's got a very broad chest,, he's like incredibly male passing, even before having gone on Testosterone - Redditor. Sorry I don't make the rules except I do and he's a Redditor. - Also has an Instagram account and it's all thirst traps,,, and I'm torn between how much interaction he'd get on them,,, like I wanna say he gets none because he's a damn loser weebcell dorklord, but I've also seen how EW fandom craves him and that makes me think that this would be no different, ykwim ?,, sigh,, realistically speaking he would get a lot of interaction with his posts and I hate that for him I hope something bad happens to him - Technically Tom was his first friend (??) in the sense that Tom was the first person he met in highschool and was the one he talked to the most during then,, at least when Tom's life was stable, it gets kinda iffy after Tom's mom died and that's where the first part of their rift really started - But him and Edd and SUPER close, despite Tom being his first friend, Edd and him just click REALLY well - Has a similar death thing like Tom, except his is more of like the anime death curse - if he dies off screen, no the fuck he did not, he is coming back as the villain - LOVES Twenty One Pilots, favorite band of all time, usually he's not a die hard for a lot of things, but TOP is one of them, he also likes poprock/poppunk, things like that, think like Imagine Dragons and Mindless Self Indulgence (YES THEY'RE TERRIBLE I KNOW, LOOK AT WHO'S LISTENING TO THEM AND GET BACK TO ME ABOUT IT) but he also listens to hyperpop like S3RL and Machine Girl, but that's just cause of all the base it usually has - that's like background music for him to work to
That's pretty much all I can think of off the top of my head of just general thoughts for them,,, I'm sure I could think of more specific ones but then we'd be here all day
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ratcandy · 5 months
hi hello hi!! i just finished bingereading cogr and i hope you don't mind if i yell into your inbox about your fic lol
SO FIRST OF ALL. i never expected i would get so attached to zote. but now i am! i will never get the neglect achievement after reading this. but i can't even be mad it's so good
i have to say that it's a really, REALLY good example of how to add depth to a normally unlikable character! like by the end zote is still at least a bit of a bastard, but after knowing how horribly literally everything in his life has gone you can't help but feel bad for him and hope things start looking up.
plus, it provides an explanation for why he's Like That. genuinely if he got therapy to work through his multitude of issues he'd probably be, like, 10x nicer about everything.
also while i did read the tags, i can't say i expected it to be THAT dark, mostly because i was thinking "it's a fic about zote being a nosk it can't be THAT bad." but nope! this man is suicidally depressed and by the end he's barely even trying to hide it. i don't mind though, it's DELICIOUS angst
OH and the format of the fic, where it's presented as zote talking to Someone Else, is absolutely GENIUS for this fic. genuinely this choice makes the fic so much better. i mean ok to start off i normally hate first-person pov in fanfiction but this sort of format i like. HOWEVER that's not my main point here
this structure lets zote's personality really shine through. if it wasn't filtered like this, first of all everything would be revealed way too quickly but also the writing would lose all of its character and emotion. plus the tangents and mid-sentences corrections, the way he corrects and interrupts himself...it's all BECAUSE of how this fic is framed. i just...aaah!! i don't know how to FULLY express how much i love the way cogr is framed. just know that i think it was a perfect choice on every possible level
OH I JUST REMEMBERED!! it makes the ending possible, and holy shit the ending. it's SUCH a gutpunch to realize he's all alone, talking to nobody, and then he just...keeps on talking. i am still reeling from it as i type this ask. bravo i think this is one of the best endings to a fic i've seen, especially for a sad ending
other things i've noticed!! first of all, there is excellent use of zote's unreliable narrating for foreshadowing, as well as wonderful callbacks and parallels!! i don't remember everything 100% since i was admittedly reading pretty quickly but from what i DO remember, i'm pretty sure i could go through cogr and find a TON of good stuff like this.
one thing i noticed in particular, the way he based himself off of vessels...DELICIOUS parallels there. i don't remember everything like i said but i'm pretty sure zote says some stuff about how it was dangerous to express emotions in the nosk den? stuff like that makes the way zote chose to disguise himself as a vessel just...augh. perfection 10/10
i also LIVE for your nosk lore and worldbuilding. i don't have much to say about this i just really like worldbuilding and this is quality
i also decided to read the trivia doc and first of all. the yikes ending would have been...i want to say cruel but honestly i'm more inclined to say tragic? although cogr is already a tragedy...ooh that would be interesting analysis, although i don't really have fully formed thoughts on it yet
ON A LIGHTER NOTE, the au in the trivia doc with zote AND two siblings?? it's one of the only ways that this whole mess could go happily (although that's to be expected of a hollow knight thing tbh), and i am rotating it in my mind.
ANYWAY that's all i have to say!! or well it isn't but it's all i can think of and actually communicate understandably lol. anyway cogr is a 10/10 fic and i will be thinking about it for the rest of my life
I am deVOURING this I . HOUGH. Big long ask about my big long fic I must consume it so vigorously. my TTEEETH are ripping INTO THIS
OK !! 1: GOOD That you're attached to Zote now!!!!! I love hearing that I've dragged people into Hell unimaginable!!!! Fuck yeaH!!!
AND 2: hhoughHHHhhgouh ;s;;;;; hhhhg;sh. This ask is so nice I am smiling so much and giggling and kicking my feet. also the hdgKJH "It can't be THAT dark!" hdgkJH YEAH. IT. Tends to blindside people from what I've heard!!!!!!
Hhoguhhh ;;; I wish I could respond in a more cohesive manner but I am jus. Gushing . Thank youuu thank you so much I'm so normal about getting complimented
ALSO YOU DRAWING THE PARALLEL BETWEEN HIS DIGUISE BEING A VESSEL .... I kid you not I Out Loud just went YES!!! and started clapping and hooting and hollering because i"m so normal especially when my Funny Symbolism gets noticed dhKSHDGKLHG
AS for whether CoGR counts as an honest Tragedy ... obviously I would DEVOUR any analysis on it BUT From My perspective. I go with a Maaaybe ? Since tragedies are like. The downfall is brought about by the protagonist's own actions. And like. Yes! But also ? but also Sort of! I'm not sure!!!!!!
AND SIBLINGS AU YES!!!!!! That one has been developed a bit more since that trivia doc thing!!!!! I'll tag the siblings au tag in the. Tags, an u can go through what we had for it!!!!! It is indeed the only happy version of the story (with some inevitable angst still sprinkled in of course) but!! YEA!! Bronze (Zote's brother) and Silva (Zote's sister) are my beloveds for all time
OK I'm normal now. I'm so normal.Yep. Thumbsup emoji THANK YOU SO much for this ask I .will be returning to it frequently I'm sure. just so I can go EEE and flail my arms around and rip my teeth into it <33333333
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eirian · 2 months
p sure i mentioned this in a different ramble post but auuughhh. im wayyyy to impatient with one way dream LOL. i keep expecting it to be like mirrors and just Happen Very Quickly but with mirrors i was so obsessed w making ocs to the point of where the story very easily fell into place. but with owd, my oc creation process is very slow--i havent even DESIGNED some of the MAIN CAST... augh
i just really really really wanna start one way dream's comic. and while i could just go ahead and start it by calling it done irt story length and just make a sequel or something, or add onto it later, im just like. idk. i feel weird not having a Full Story planned out. WHICH IS ALSO A THING I KINDA WANNA GET OVER bc i KNOW sonic's (and a lot of other comics') story was not COMPLETELY planned out from the beginning. its gone on too long for that to be a thing. so i could just, keep the comic perpetually open, honestly
the problem with that though, and the reason why i dont feel like i can do it, is because i have certain character arcs that Do End. like, nocturne's and heolstor's for example. thatd be like if they just ended dr. eggman's and shadow's stories. the series would be over!!!
so i feel like i want to bulk up the story a BIT more before i can make the comic real. but...also...i want to do the comic so bad LOL so i dont know what to do. rahhh rahhhhh
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Florida has been an. Entire thing. So I haven’t really replied! But!! I appreciate all of them SO much! So while I can’t get to all of them, I’m replying to a few now! @benanazauce @angelbitezzz
(Sorry this is long, guys. Obviously you’re not obligated to respond to this or anything, the @s are just so you see this, if you want to.)
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(In reference to this post) YEAH PONCHOS! Also THANK YOU, the sprites are tons of fun but a LOT of work bc I can’t just be satisfied with a set number of expressions, I keep making more/modifying existing ones, so now I’ve got like 100 just for Asteri. (Gaster has slightly less, but still an absolutely ridiculous number.) It’s amazing and hellish simultaneously. I really need to sit down and just streamline it, but… ugh. Maybe I will on the flight home tonight. But I’m really glad you like the sprites! I work hard on them! And I want to make them look even better.
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(In response to this post) AJSJDJDNDJ YOU HONKED
Peak compliment, honestly. I thought it was pretty funny myself but I’m glad you found it “humerus” as well XD
Gaster framing it “as the kids say” like he’s never used the phrase “deal with it” before just to add onto the humor. He’s fun to make fun of because he either leans really hard into the joke and turns it back on you (like here, or the end of this post where Alphys makes fun of him for being old), or it’s a trauma button. (I love putting him in situations 💙)
Speaking of that post where Alphys makes fun of him for being old—
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I’M GLAD THE POST WASN’T TOO LONG AUGH IT REALLY GOT AWAY FROM ME! But Gaster is just. So prone to long answers.
But yeeeessss they absolutely describe each other >:3c
And yeah I. Actually haven’t 100% decided how old Gaster is, mostly bc I don’t… have the entire timeline worked out yet 😅 So his age is ambiguous beyond “at least 300, probably more.” It’d be really freaking funny if he’s older than Gerson, but he’s probably not. But what better way to turn the joke around, eh? He and Alphys teasing each other is so important to me. Alphys deserves to have people she’s comfortable around~
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(On this post.) SHE ABSOLUTELY COACHES HIM ON FLIRTING TECHNIQUES! At least once he admits to himself and possibly her that he has feelings for Asteri. That hasn’t happened in the canon of the fic yet but I decided that since the ask blog is for fun above anything else, we could pretend that both Gaster and Asteri have already started to recognize their feelings. (They’re just both oblivious to each other. That part is canon.)
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AAAAAAAAA I got a lot of really positive response to this post!!! Yessss, unconditional love is a BIG part of Gaster’s character, and is associated with his integrity! He is so full of love for others that it— well, that’s a spoiler ;) But know that while— as I said way back whenever— this story is self-indulgent first and lore-accurate second and therefore ignores the existence of Deltarune and all the Gaster lore that goes with that, I have never been the same since I read this post by dimeadozencows, and it has majorly influenced how I write ⁂ Gaster.
Also, yes! I wrote that like that (semi-) intentionally! He lists these things he finds appealing in people, and then says “Like Asteri.” Technically he’s saying that “Just as Asteri likes [this thing I’m about to say], so do I,”but it does sound like he’s saying that all those things he finds himself drawn to are things he sees in her, doesn’t it? -u-
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Regarding this post Thank you!! So happy you like hearing about her!! Yeah, Asteri’s a nerd for historical usages of language, and how it affects/affected social order and culture.
I also thought it’d be really freaking funny if she’s enamored with how Froggits talk bc it’s literally just “ribbit” (or, that’s what the game tells us, anyway… but more on the veracity of the game dialogue another time.)
Anyway AAAAAA thank you guys for all the nice tags!! I appreciate them immensely!! I will probably respond to them less frequently going forward, bc Life, but I always read them and they make me SO happy!!
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fishedeyelenz · 10 months
*sniffles* the…..*sobbing* the gentle ask…..*wipes nose on sleeve* ugh with Billy I just…*cries into hands*
Hnnnng oh Billy….how I long to be gentle with him!! I’m a very meek person, I’m very slow and cautious….so, I’m very good at being gentle, not to mention I bloody love being gentle and soft! And there’s this thing I want to do with Billy SO SO SO SO BADLY!!! Okay so, growing up and stuff, my mama would hold us or my cousins and she would just gently ever so softly, run her fingers all over our faces to soothe us and to help us fall asleep, she rub her finger up our nose bridge and follow our eyebrows and then barely run her fingers down our face and it’s like a spell lol. And even now, I’m twenty four, but she still does that to me when I’m in the hospital and having a rough go of it (I’m in the hospital a lot lol) and it’s just….TERRIBLY nice.
I desperately long to do that to Billy!!! I just wanna…slowly, and quietly, and warmly, just get cozy in bed with him, I want to make him feel safe, and I would just happily run my fingers in his face, and I would hope it would just, make him melt, like a kitten when you start to pet them and they close their eyes and lean into it and start purring!! I think one of the reasons I would love to do that with him, is cause I love animals terribly, I love being very soft and slow, and winning their trust, and it’s so pure and sweet when they feel safe around you, and Billy reminds me of that, like a feral scared animal used to kids running after him and kicking him for fun, like he didn’t even know it was possibly a human could touch him without hurting him, let alone so sweetly and lovingly and now he’s purring and feels utterly at peace and follows you cause now he’s addicted!! I mean, isn’t that just the sweetest? Isn’t that the most gentle of things? A soul trusting you so, feeling at home with you, unashamed of affection? I mean…..*starts crying again* ooooooooooogghh
(sorry for replying so late, was revising and editing a fic of mine. thank you for your patience anon)
MY MOTHER DID THAT TO ME TOO WHEN I WAS VERY LITTLE, THE FUCK!!!! I think Billy would love having someone doing that to him, to get to be so vulnerable with someone. Of course, it would take a long time for the partner to get to that point, as you said, he never knew such kindness and fear of other people still takes over him frequently... but when he gets to that point, gets in those moods, as you perfectly put it, he would be addicted. He would want nothing more then your touch and your soothing and just augh!!! so soft! and ofc he would purr.... cat boy.
I imagine it would take months of you two knowing each other for you to do this, and in the comfort of your bedroom you would soothe him after a very hard day, his face illuminated by lamplight. And he would start breaking down after a few caresses, but if you tried to pull away, he would grab your hand and put it back to his face, whispering and mumbling and whimpering for more. And like that, till he falls asleep.
There isn't really that much more I can add, you put it perfectly in your ask, and it made me very soft when I read it <3 Sorry to hear about your stints at the hospital, I truly wish you all the luck and health. And truly, human connection as you described, is just what everyone needs, even fucked up attic men </3 I'm glad you have someone to comfort you <3
Thank you for sending in the ask, and good luck to you!!
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ink-flavored · 3 months
💖⛈️🙌🎁 for the sex and kink writers questions :3
thank u! <33 after a long day of airplane i am excited to relax and talk about sex. as you do.
💖 What’s your favorite part about writing sex scenes?
I love how much subtle meaning you can pack into sex scenes and teach your audience about the characters without them even realizing it. I guess you could say this about any kind of writing, but writing sex is fun for me because it's often pulling double- or even triple-duty as eroticism, characterization, and/or a theme of the story. It's sexy on the surface, and you can enjoy it like that and nothing else, but (at least the way I write sex) there's always another layer you can peel back to enjoy it on a deeper (haha) level. It rules. And metaphors make sex even more sexy tbh
⛈️ What’s the most difficult part about writing sex for you?
I always get way too in my head about it. I am always over-thinking the positions, or trying to come up with new ways to say "thrust", or counting how many times I say "cock" or something. It's not a big deal, but I make it a big deal.
Really, it's the "how to describe this repetitive action in a sexy way for the 5th time" that slows me down. I'm working on it by not describing everything so closely, but I am unfortunately in love with describing everything very closely.
🙌 What is, in your opinion, the best sex scene you’ve ever written? Best is subjective here—sexiest, most emotional, well-written, etc. It means anything you want it to mean!
Man, this is a tough one. I feel like every time I write a sex scene I get better at it, but there are definitely ones I like better than others. But also I like them for different reasons. augh why did I add this question
At time of writing, I am going to choose the Body Writing prompt from Kinktober 2023. Not only because I was excited to write it, and I think I did a good job, but because I think the things they write on each other, and how they react, are pretty demonstrative of their relationship. But tbh I could have chosen any of the Kinktober prompts, I really enjoyed doing that challenge. I think it's going to help me when I write the plot-relevant sex in the book.
🎁 If you could give one piece of advice about writing sex and/or kink to your fellow writers, what would it be?
A lot of people, I feel, worry that writing sex is something Different from writing other things, or it requires an Inherent Skill. It isn't and it doesn't. You can just write sex. It's just another kind of scene you can write, like fight scenes or compelling character drama. Sure, your first try won't be as good as people who've been writing sex for 10+ years. Maybe it's hard to get across the hotness in your head into words on the page at first. The only way you can improve that is practice.
And! Bonus advice! You can just write things you think are hot! I know I had a whole rant about how sex scenes can be meaningful and metaphorical, but they don't have to be! Do whatever you want forever!
[try out my sex & kink writing ask game]
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brown-little-robin · 3 months
Writers Truth & Dare asks:
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately 
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
hi thank you!! nice questions!
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
I consistently adore fics where people who are bad at being functional human beings but (critically) just good enough at functioning that they fly under the radar for a while—have to learn what "living" and even "thriving" look like. Preferably with messy breakdowns and even messier rebuilding processes. Who would write it best? AUGH, I have multiple favorite authors and can't honestly choose just one, BUT. @phantomrose96 is doing like. THE absolute exemplary job of a longfic with a core theme of healing, to me, in A Breach of Trust. (if you're seeing this, sorry for tagging you in a post that's mostly about me. I talk about ABoT regularly and I thought I'd tag you this time. ok love your work bye)
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
I'm on spring break!! I get to be with my family for five days!
Slowly but surely, I'm learning Japanese, and it's giving me SO much enrichment you have no idea. not only does it make anime and manga way more interesting, it's also just...... such a complex language and culture to try to immerse myself in. I could work on this for a lifetime and never master it. what a gift.
I'm in a creative writing: worldbuilding class and it's fabulous. I get to make powerpoints about the bureaucracy of portal spirit travel as homework. incredible
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Hmmmmm, that's hard...... the most esoteric might be the symbolic meanings of different colors and patterns of koi! Black represents fatherhood + masculinity and red represents motherhood + femininity, in case you were wondering :}
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
ohhhhhhhh man ok I must preface this with: I love all of them. But for me, in terms of sheer "yay!!" emotions, it's a three-way tie between:
incoherent screaming and/or emojis
intellectual/thematic analysis of one or more specific moments from the chapter
and the rare but extraordinarily powerful "hey your fic made me go get diagnosed with something so uhhhhh thanks I guess"
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
well. not to get too personal, but—I've been trying to be nicer to myself by not making every day into a "failure" versus "success" scenario. It's a stupid long, hard process to unlearn that, because that was a coping mechanism that got me through a lot of teenage and young adult years, but I'm working on it. and it feels better, if less clear-cut, to do things out of love or joy or even logic than out of.... the kind of desperate, shameful... survival mentality, of thinking every day HAS to be categorized into a success or a failure.
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
I never do these games but for you, Rebekah, I'll do it. here goes.
ok I've written on my current wip but I'm not comfortable sharing because the writing is Not Settled Enough Yet. so you'll just have to trust me <3
Still taking asks from this list! but if I get another rollerblades I make no promises lol
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thewriterowl · 11 months
Now for the hard question: in your top 10 movie franchises list add in ALL of the Star Wars and Lord of the Rings movies in order of favorites.
Oh you have to ask the hard questions! Ok, let me see...in order for Star Wars:
Empire Strikes Back -- it is just such a good movie with some iconic Luke looks and Daddy-Son moments. It's so good and him with grandpa-Yoda is so cute. I also love how we see this lead up into Luke's change of perspective with everything.
Return of the Jedi -- Also great Luke and Daddy-Son moments. I think it barely inches over New Hope simply because I got to see it again on the 40th re-release in theaters and I was feral over how Luke looked. Also, loved the fighting scenes and we get Lando. I also happen to love the Ewoks.
New Hope -- May actually be in second place once RoJ-theater release gives me peace (need another few months). But this Luke is just so pure and whiny and I want to put him in my pocket forever and ever and ever. (let me throw this Luke at Din omg)
Revenge of the Sith -- UGH just UGH so god. Anakin is so hot in this and so messed up and this lead up is just fantastic and wonderful and absolutely tragic.
Rogue One -- I mean, how could I not adore this? It is absolutely AMAZING. Just heartbreaking with amazing graphics, awesome characters, and is only getting better thanks to the Andor series.
The Force Awakens -- Honestly, I adored this movie so much. It wasn't perfect, it needed more Luke and the original trio, but it had so much potential. I just thought it was leading up to something amazing and the memes Mark gave us after left me excited and laughing for a long time.
The Phantom Menace -- Part of this is spite-love for young Anakin and Jar Jar Binks; both deserve better. But honestly, I have rewatched this a few times recently and was all "this is actually great? why the hate?"
Attack of the Clones -- Honestly, I need to rewatch this again. It's just here cause I haven't rewatched it in a while and i don't know why. We get Jango! We get the Clones! Baby Boba! The SAND-QUOTE! Obi-Wan's mullet! The lead up to the Clone War series! Badass Yoda! Yeah, gotta do a re-watch.
Solo -- Again, i actually really enjoyed the movie. It wasn't the best but it wasn't bad. Honestly, there were just some weird choices for some story movements and character interactions but other than that? It was good. I need to rewatch it honestly.
The Last Jedi -- I hate, hate, hate what they did to my Luke. If they were going to go this route with him I'd understand 100% because it would make sense for him to to have so much PTSD and just be burnt out and so hurt (still, i think we have enough of this and deserve older heroes that are still full of hope and silly and are kind). But the execution and how he is made to be a loser is just wrong. There were also some other scenes and interactions that were "uh...no?" but the fight scenes were great, Po was great, I loved Rose, I loved Finn's story and realization. It was just really wonky, disjointed from what we were getting before, and I will keep my head-cannon Luke in my claws.
The Rise of Skywalker -- I...didn't like it. I saw it twice and actually checked the time till I could go home often (only have done that with like two other movies). It was so awkward, the dialogue was poor, the actors seemed done, there was so many random new stories thrown in at last second, characters were thrown away, "Palpatine somehow returned?" like...what??? It was just lame. Such a lame, lame ending. The OT-trio and the new trio deserved so much better. It needs a re-do.
Now for the Lord of the Rings!:
The Fellowship of the Ring -- Even though it wasn't the most action packed, what it sparked, how good it was...just AUGH perfection. I adore this movie so much.
The Two Towers -- Incredible, amazing, also perfect. Great action, all the characters are given their due-time (with Legolas making faces). I love it.
Return of the King -- AMAZING ENDING. The wraps up is just...the moments of suffering and the release. The HAPPINESS. How ever gets what they deserve (tho RIP Boromir) just adore it so much.
The Desolation of Smaug -- PERFECT. Except for maybe some off CGI, this movie was amazing. So much Bagginshield, the intense cliffhanger, the Arkenstone....it was so good. I adored this movie so much!
An Unexpected Journey -- I adore Bilbo. I love him so much. And how this opened up Bagginshield just how could I not adore it??
Battle of the Five Armies -- I didn't like it the first time I watched it. But a few more times I was "huh, actually, it's not bad!" It honestly should've been loads better. There were so many wonky decisions and everything that happened did not feel like it met up with the end of a trilogy. But the end....how everyone survived! Can you believe that there was absolutely NO HEARTBREAK WHAT'SO'EVER??
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twiggyart6 · 3 months
collecting short funny things to write under fanart of characters you really love
please feel free to add more thank you :3
(this is long as shit be prepared)
looking at them
my friend :)
I can't believe this
brain blasted
what a little freak
do you even care
be so fucking for real
your kidding
what a weirdo
a wonderous creature
consider this
from my personal collection
what the
I'm so normal
I'm not normal
why are they like that
evil swag
I'm gonna frow up
yeah this is pretty cool
pretty fucked up dog
have you seen this?
my beautiful princess
I'm ill
oh good heavens!
my son. he has every disease
this shit aint nothin to me man
I laurve them
just a little bit. as a treat
tell them to stop
me when I GET you
the psychic worm (wohwohwohwohw)
good lord
cuteness aggression towards them
what the fuck ever
im feeling something
me when the
im fucking serious
love it when they appear
its becoming unhealthy
go white boy go!
your never gonna believe this
worst guy ive ever seen
their just so ... drawable
sorry guys
i saw it in a dream
she is very gorgeous to me!
i see them when i close my eyes
my little scrungle
be so fucking for real
i can do whatever i want
my baby girl
my little kitty meow meow
they've done something to me
i gotta get outa here
my favorite white man
full of joy a whimsy
going cray cray!
heyy gurl wasup
she is beuty she is grace
aaaaanything could happen
just like me fr
its time
divine retribution
so was foretold in the prophecy
their so ... woah
god. fucking. damn.
they understand me
you are not immune to propaganda
Explodes character with mind
Forgive me
I would tell them my most depraved thoughts
for the win!
my treasure my beloved
oh yeah woo yeah
thats it thats the post
this above all else
had to get it out of my system
you absolute baby buffoon
but make it epic
dont question it
gay baby jail
mwah <3
i want to make them into bread
no guys you don't get it
i got nervous
every fuckin time man
[puts face in hands and groans loudly]
no way
take a deep breath
stupid little bow wow
cringeposting once again
abandon society, embrace insanity
god has let me draw another day
had to do it
changed my brain chemistry
so the thing is-
im going to make you so girlfail
pathetic wet cat
their neat idk
or something like that
i have the disease and its terminal
shrimply amazing!
hits you with the beam
smile :)
send help
oh hi didn't see you there
no i will not elaborate
the creature is demonic in nature
i think there's something wrong with them
i think there's something wrong with me
its fine
woah woah woah
do you even realize what you've done
very cool
do you see my vision
whatever the fuck this is called
the strugler
oh i got you dont worry
nobody move
character on the brain always and forever
#1 hater
funny you should say that
nature is healing
imagine a guy. now imagine them again
ooo mama
get drawn idiot
get obsessed over idiot
if only they were real
post this character instantly
your honor i need them
ive got some notes
A juicy morsel
I want to push them down the stairs
They wouldn’t dare
(Eyes wide and mouth frothing) yeah!
my beautiful wife <3
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dead-rabbit-comics · 1 year
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washed and finished. this is the main bit in twill and the main reason i was weaving this piece. bottom left is fresh off the loom, all other pictures are of the finished cloth.
originally the goal was to weave a pattern sampler, both to see what i can do with my table loom both in terms of weave structures and with two colours. i also just wanted to plan and weave a fabric that felt right from a yarn i liked. i then remembered i didn't like the feeling of weaving on the table loom, sold it and readjusted the plans for my floor loom.
augh, it's so special to me for so many reasons so i want to put something here. this is a milestone. i'm just going to list up the most important bits for future reference as briefly as possible :)
started planning 3.11.2021 finished 9.1.2023 warp length 8m, prepared in 3 parts 8 ends per cm, 378 ends total 7 colour sequences in both warp and weft per weave structure 4 plain weave variations, 7 twills in the main bit plus some extra experimentation based on a book** as well as a tiny double weave bit 52 picks per colour sequence for the plain weave, 48 for the twills so 539 squares (rectangles really) in total and no two the same! (343 twill, 196 plain weave) mostly listing this because those are some nice numbers c:
first time:
winding a warp with this many ends
planning for a structurally sound fabric based on a specific yarn
beaming a warp on my floor loom
keeping notes this complete and updating them when i changed things
planning and mapping out a draft using weavepoint demo version
using floating selvages (poorly)
weaving twills on the floor loom*
*yes, you can weave unbalanced twills on an old-school counter-balance loom. no, you probably don't want to. balanced twills however 👌 no problem
keeping a roll of paper on the weaving to take notes is inconvenient but comes in handy when you need to vent your frustration. i probably won't bother again except for when sampling though.
measuring instead of counting threads to know when to switch = golden
switching colour sequence mid weave pattern and keeping the weave pattern going is a no-no i will never plan for this again, i don't care if it disrupts the order of things, change the plan, don't do it, it is so unbelievably annoying, please
also maybe scale it down next time? or don't. but uh, it was a lot of firsts on a fairly long warp, changing something every ten minutes of weaving. maybe next time try being more compassionate with future self.
in case i do another pattern sampler, i'd add a third color to border and define the different areas in both warp and weft. i will not make it 8 meters long.
**the book is amazing. however, i only understand what she was writing about when/after weaving it, so i have no choice but to work through anything i want to learn
mis-matching the beat of colour sequence and weave sequence is both irritating and fun. what i mean by this is e.g. having a colour repeat of four steps and a weave repeat of six.
loom is set-up for finer yarns, because the beautiful heddles are fixed on the shafts, you need to put some thought and effort into spacing out the warp.
the weavepoint demo version only letting you save as jpeg is fucking frustrating but understandable since their 60 day free trial period turned out to be a forever free trial period
selvages are a complete mess
the beginning is very slanted, must've had major tension issues without noticing
sides still bubbling up, despite best efforts
just. resist. the temptation of overfilling your fucking bobbins i beg you. resist! (set up a permanent bobbin winding station)
ropes holding peitschenstäbe cut into beams - should switch to cloth
need to make/find a glossary for german, swiss-german, french and english translations of weaving terms
should've weighed yarn cones in beginning and now so i could get an estimate of what's doable with the rest. oh well.
wind warp in even number of sections next time to make beaming easier
also (this is embarrassing) the raddle opens you fool.
so far so good!
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bluewillowedart · 1 year
hi :) can you talk about anything related to prsk you have been thinking about lately. literally anything even if it's 15 paragraphs about an au in your head or disecting a character or just a little headcanon i Will read it. also what's the flag in your pfp?
hello :)
ohhhbhh goodness theres so much i could talk about oh god oh god.
but first - the flag in my pfp is the agender flag but the colors were picked from touyas sdsc trained card! ((you can pick the aromantic and agender flags from them and it makes me so happy hehe))
but now. jun insanity moment time. ((warning. this may be long))
uhmm idk how much i will end up putting here since. im not the best with words but. magical girl au with the gamer quartet.
i just think. pink leader emu would be so fun,, im drawing a lot of dynamic and design philosophies from precure so thats where that decision came from. the cute tiney girl with the big ass hammer being the leader is so amusing to me listen. Listen.
also the progression of who joins the team is emu -> nene -> akito -> touya
i really like the idea of touya being the more. almost aloof one whos hesitant to join the team and would prefer to work alone. that sort of concept but not exactly if you will hehe. there is an interval between nene joining compared to akito and touya. the latter two are somewhat close to precure's late cure concept. slightly.
emu and nene are established as close friends from the beginning in the au anyways so that lends itself to make the dynamic easy to build from. im still trying to figure out how to fill the void in how this blends akito and touya with this starting duo. but i like to think that touya got his powers even before akito but. kept it a secret from him (which he wish he didnt have to but you know). so when the two found out abt each other having powers. just. woah?!?!? spiderman pointing meme or smth ig.
i also should add the designs for them in general was drawn from that cutesy space/cyber aes along with very vaguely. sea slugs.
its been referenced and shown on one of my posts but their partners. emu -> crocodile, nene -> owl, akito -> wolf, touya -> panda. all based off of the animals they chose in close game offline :) they are silly little friends and the team has to pretend theyre little plushies to avert suspicions hfdjs
and similarly for their weapons. emu -> big fucking hammer. nene -> laser sniper. akito -> serraded knives. touya -> thats a secret ;)
TBH touya is an interesting chara in this au very mysterious very funky. he is super powerful but doesnt have full control over his powers yet. i will leave it at that. augh.
they have to fight off the forces that are created from the build up of negative feelings drawn from sekais that are able to phase into the real world. these said feelings are ones that have gone haywire and all. for the most part the team can use their cellphones to detect these. monsters. and fight them. they typically arent seen by the normal eye but there are some who are so powerful that can override that.
overall this au diverges from canon and theres a handful of things drawn from said canon that ive altered for the sake of this au making sense but. its my silly au i get to make the silly rules and it means so much to me aaadhjksaaaaaaa
there is also a pkmn au that keeps going in and out of my head. and my bf and i created a team for touya. milotic, miraidon, ceruledge, lucario, corviknight, decidueye. this au doesnt have a lot to it as of rn but also. emu with tinkaton. its so necessary. that mon is Meant for emu. oh yeah and akito has amarouge to compliment touya. hehe. yeas.
i have. more aus. but theyre not super developed enough for me to talk extensively abt them but they sure exist in my head.
PLEASE do continue to pick at my brain for the magical girl au tho i love that one so badly hfusjkd
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shsl-fander · 2 years
Lake House~Prinxiety
Pairing: Roman/Virgil,romantic prinxiety
Summary: Roman and Virgil arrive at Roman's lake house and spend the way in the water
Au: Human, College
Tw: Yelling
A soft breeze swept over the treetops, cooling the familiar area as Roman exhaled, closing his eyes as the clear smell of nature really sunk in. "See Jd-lightful? This is what I'm talking about!" he remarked blinking his eyes open again. "Oh my gosh peck, I haven't been here since I was a kid!"
Virgil scoffed, a short snort escaping him, "Please Roman you are so dramatic ya know that right? How can you be appreciating nature this much when you literally brought so much from home its insane," he commented, shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets.
Though, to Virgil's dismay Roman's attitude had not changed in the slightest. "Just because we're in Maine does NOT mean a prince does not have to slay!", Roman argued in counter.
Virgil tensed the moment an arm was wrapped around him, scooting himself closer to Roman, soon though he relaxed once again. "Lemme guess? You want to skip actually getting relaxed and go right to the water?" he teased raising an eyebrow.
Roman just grinned, a stupidly charming Princey grin. One that replayed rapidly in Virgil's mind, and god he hated it. He hated how loveable Roman was, how much Virgil went weak in the knees and melted in his presence.
Roman rushed towards the lake, dragging Virgil close behind him squeezing his hand as he did so. "Oh come on! We're here to go in the water are we not?" he exclaims in defense. Roman slipped his shirt off before tossing it on a nearby chair, "plus It's still light out," he adds, though he wasn't entirely sure Virgil was still paying attention.
Virgil was paying attention to Roman...just not exactly to his words. He blinked, cursing at himself for staring at Roman but he couldn't help it, he was so pretty and he rarely saw him with his shirt off and all that dumb prince training actually payed off and AUGH.
Roman froze, gazing at his boyfriend for a moment before a smile just tugged at the corners of his lips. He stepped closer towards the other, his head angled at a slight tilt. "Distracted or something my dark daydream?" he cooed, reaching forward to ruffle Virgil's soft, fluffed up hair.
Virgil stammered, his eyes widening as a blush just spread through his entire face like a fire. Virgil inhaled, his breath hitching and he could feel the heat rising in his cheeks, he just knew he was red. He groaned, glancing away from Roman, "oh shut your mouth-" he mumbled all he could muster.
However despite Virgil's attempts Roman wouldn't quit, which of course made Virgil's feelings grow. He grumbled, Roman's soft light hum hovering right above his ear. "God," he whispered, "you are so lucky I love you," Virgil huffed before playfully shoving his boyfriend away from him.
Roman gasped, stumbling backwards as to play further into the dramatics. "I can very easily push you in the water emo," he reminded the other. Roman then glared in front of him, before leaping towards the water with a loud splash.
Virgil yelped, the water flying through the air as it seemed to grow, and before Virgil could rush away-
He was drenched in a splash. "Alright Princey, is this what you wanted?" he asked sighing as he mindlessly threw his hoodie next to Roman's shirt.
Though, even Virgil couldn't be upset for long omce his eyes found there way towards Roman once again. He glanced up, meeting Roman's gaze which came with his glimmering eyes and eager smile. Wow , he was adorable.
Roman's face somehow lit up even more, the shimmer in his eyes increasing. "Come on Gerad-Gay! It'll be fun just come in the water with me," he offered reaching his hand up to the dock.
Though, the moment Virgil's hand even grazed Roman's his feet were lifted off the ground as he was dragged towards the water. Virgil squeaked, tumbling into the water.
Virgil growled, glaring up at Roman as he shook his head, drip of water flying out of his hair. "Jesus FUCKING christ Ro!" he yelled, flipping water into his face. "You're lucky I love you."
Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil, peppering kisses over his face before he whispered a reply, "I know I'm lucky, and I love you too," he cooed. "However, your shirt is absolutely soaked-"
"Roman you just want to see me without a shirt."
The two spent the night laughing, splashing and yelping in the water together. Just the two of them alone, only accompanied by the starry night sky and quiet rustling of the wind.
Word Count: 797
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