#at least they would be like. lotr socks. but still. socks.
mondfahrt · 2 years
i'm thinking about using a gift card i got for my birthday to get socks because i really need new socks. i fucking hate being an adult, please get me socks for christmas.
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The Arcana Mini-HCs: Brainrot's Masterlist
The first 100
M6 reacting to drummer!MC
When MC's familiar was a gift from Lucio
M6 as cartoon comedy tropes
M6 and Guardians of the Galaxy
M6 opening jars
M6 sneezing
M6 and cinema snacks
M6 uncontrollably laughing
When M6 break something
M6 as wet cats
M6 attachment styles
Wearing M6's clothes
Seeing their plushies
When MC falls asleep weird
When MC has a loud nose
M6's least favorite foods
M6 as funny dogs
When M6 mistake someone else for MC
Reading MC's poetry about them
When MC has a sparrow familiar
M6 with lipstick prints
M6 being chased by a goose
Calling the M6 "babygirl"
When MC has a massive bat familiar
M6 doing the ice bucket challenge
M6's nicknames for their kids
M6 responding to "guess what? I love you!"
M6 when a sheep tries to ram them
When MC has a tiny dragon familiar
When MC doesn't know their limits
When MC's familiar wants M6's attention too
When MC is on anesthetic
When MC has a lion familiar
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
When MC has a sheep familiar
Trading familiars with the M6
When MC has a thick accent
M6 getting sunburnt
When M6's kid uses MC's nickname for them
MC with a horse familiar
"Excuse me, they asked for NO pickles!"
When MC makes a "deez nuts" joke
M6 as soda brands
MC dragging the M6 mushroom hunting
When a kid shares TMI with the M6
When MC briefly becomes a lobster
M6's sleeping positions
M6's vacation impulse buys
When MC cracks their joints
When MC gets hyper before bed
MC with nocturnal cleaning habits
M6 as socks
MC giving M6 one of their inventions
MC baking for M6
M6 sitting habits
When MC is scared of goats
When MC and M6 have close birthdays
When MC and M6 speak different languages
When MC is allergic to M6's familiars
M6 bathing their familiars
M6 finding out that MC is Lucio's younger sibling
When MC gets migraines
M6 with an MC with vitiligo
When MC faints on a hot day
When the familiars become human for a day
When MC looks scary but is a sweetheart
M6 with a blind MC
M6 with a fainting MC
M6 with a sleepy MC who can’t sleep
M6 body swap
When MC sunburns easily
M6 when MC gets lost in a library
When MC gets drunk and vibes in the rain
When MC imitates the M6’s familiars
When MC collects vacuums
When MC is always prepared
M6 when MC narrates their life like a documentary
With a plague beetle familiar
M6 and more quotes
When MC moves a lot in their sleep
M6 in hot weather
M6 on “Candy or Not”
M6 being their child’s first word
When MC asks for a lawyer
M6 go ghost hunting
LOTR marathon with M6
When MC doesn’t listen to M6’s warning
When MC holds onto M6 in their sleep
M6 in a horror movie
When MC likes to climb trees
M6 celebrating Halloween
M6 with an “act now, think later” MC
When MC has selective mutism
M6 using canes
MC picking up M6's habits
M6 helping MC with their "childish" fears
MC asking for a kiss after a bad day
When MC is great with kids
M6 playing Among Us
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cutiecatsub · 1 year
Favorite books? Also, I have to ask: hottest classics take? 😹
(And the right answer was socks. At least in my own autistic brain lol)
Oh dear. I don’t really know if it counts as a hot take but I feel like we don’t talk about Northanger Abbey enough. It’s my second fave Austen and I feel like most people kinda skip over it. Or maybe that Wealth of Nations is kinda dumb to still be working off of. See that would have been controversial at my high school but I don’t think would be that much in the world at large. 😂
As for all-time favorites…Skulduggery Pleasant series by Derek Landy, LOTR, Austen, PJO, Les Mis, anything by Marie Brennan, Ender’s Game/Speaker for the Dead, Scarlet Pimpernel, I was a huge fan of redwall as a kid. I was a big N D Wilson fan and I maintain he’s a great writer but he is very much a fundie and I’m sure his works are far more riddled with him and his dad’s bullshit than I remember. It’s been a minute since I read it. Definitely can’t recommend anyone read and OH MY GOD DO NOT BUY HIS SHIT. Don’t even google him tbh it’s noooot worth going down the rabbit hole.
Going back further I was Way Too Into the Nancy drew/Trixie belden/hardy boys books too. There’s a lot more but I’m high and typing is hard 😆
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aelaer · 4 years
Animal au! (Can be shifter etc): Tony is a ferret (or tiger), Stephen would be a saltwater crocodile.
For those MCU fans also familiar with more obscure LOTR lore, this could be considered a birthday gift :P
Anyway, my serious fics haven't been writing themselves for the last three weeks or so, and this is the oldest fic prompt I have in my ask box. And uh, yeah, I don't think I can do a serious take on this. So silly/fun it is. No idea if the original prompter is still around (I think ask is from the summer), but here is my take on it!
(assume alternate first meeting in this fic)
Magical Mishap
Chars: Stephen, Tony (and FRIDAY)
Length: 1500 words
Rating: Gen
I'm going to kill you, Stephen Strange's furious voice blast through his head and wow, that was weird.
Tony opened his mouth automatically to retort, but all that came out was this weird chirp-like sound. He wrinkled his nose (and he could see it now, that was intriguing) and instead thought towards Stephen. I thought you had an oath of some sort, Doc. He'd only met the doctor-turned-wizard a few times, but the killing discussion had come early on (life of a superhero and all).
Funny enough, Stephen growled—as in, he was thinking at him and actually growled, deep and low and it was the most fucking terrifying thing he had ever heard—it's very hard to remember my oath when my mind's being slammed by the instincts of a goddamn alligator smelling the fresh meat of a rodent!
Crocodile, Tony thought back at him as he scurried up the table leg and well out of reach of Stephen's incredibly horrific line of teeth. And ferrets are part of the weasel family.
Stephen growled at him again and Tony's little ferret heart started thumping in instinctive terror. I told you not to touch anything! Anything! came from the sorcerer-turned-crocodile.
I didn't know that included the books! he shot back.
It included the books! The croc snapped his teeth, then he heard Stephen sigh in his head. I don't know when Wong or anyone will happen upon my study again, and frankly put, I'm not sure how long we can wait before animal instincts override proper thought and I decide just to eat you. We need to reverse this now.
Tony looked around from the table for a good shelf to jump to. I could just remain out of reach until someone comes around; that shelf's rather high. Could ferrets make that jump? He had no idea, but it was worth a shot. He was feeling rather jittery and it looked like a fun jump.
Not willing to take that risk, was Stephen's terse answer. Here, we can do this. Can you still read?
He looked around the desk until he found something in English. Seems so. His glasses connected to FRIDAY were on the ground with the rest of his clothes. At least they were still intact; Stephen's normal clothes were completely destroyed, and the Cloak was curled up by a hearth near the foyer and nowhere near this room. Maybe it could have helped.
He wondered what FRIDAY was seeing. Was FRIDAY alerting anyone? The only person Tony had any phone number info for in this weird group was Stephen at this time, and that had been a hard enough nut to crack. Still, after this he would make it a point to get Wong's number.
That shelf looked really interesting. He wanted to jump to it.
Tony Stark! rang loudly through his head and he blinked and peered at the reptile.
No need to shout, he grumbled.
I called you three times, was Stephen's answer. I need you to concentrate and try to remain in the human part of you. What is the page number in the book you just read?
The page numbers weren't in an alphabet he knew. He missed FRIDAY. Uh, it looks like a sideways six and eight.
Seventy-four, Stephen said. Okay. Now I need you to shove the book off the table.
It turned out that pushing a four-pound book when one weighed only three pounds was incredibly difficult. Still, he managed it, and the volume went to the floor with a heavy thump.
Stephen somehow managed to turn the book the right side up with his snout, but that's where his dexterity ended. I can't get to the right page. I need you to come down and turn it to the correct page.
His little ferret heart started pounding in fear again. Are you crazy? Tony snapped. You just said you were fighting against the want to eat me!
And that will only get worse the longer this continues! he retorted. Look, I'll back away as much as I can. Stephen, to his credit, did, but there was only so much room a ten-foot crocodile could back up in his study.
Tony sighed in his head. Yeah, okay. Fine. Don't move, or I'm going to the shelves to wait for Wong or another one of your wizard buddies.
Sorcerers. Another growl went through the room.
Don't do that, either! He scurried off the table and to the book. It turned out that ferret paws were nowhere near as useful for page turning as human hands, but they were a far cry better than what crocs had.
His animal instincts were going absolutely insane with the call of danger as he flipped through the pages as fast as he could. Tony stilled when Stephen shifted, but he didn't move his feet, so Tony remained on the floor flipping and flipping until he saw the sideways six and eight again.
He fled to the shelves and jumped and scrambled up until he was on top of the bookcase. Okay, I'm good! Tony called down.
Stephen sighed. You might regret your position. He walked back to the book.
I'm further from the crocodile and I absolutely don't regret it, Tony retorted. It was nice up here. Ooh, could he jump to the table from here? No, wait, that was against what he accomplished climbing up here in the first place. Stupid weasel brain.
I don't think I can say words aloud like this, Stephen mused to himself. I haven't done silent spellcasting of this sort, but I believe I can manage it.
There was then a heavy silence and in about fifteen seconds Tony began to feel the same weird shift he felt when he was turned into a ferret.
Then he realized just how infuriatingly right Stephen was when his three pound body turned into a 170 pound body and the bookcase was having absolutely none of it. It toppled over, spilling him and all of its books onto the carpet.
"Ow," Tony moaned.
"I did tell you so," said the very annoying wizard. 
Tony frowned in his direction, which only increased as he realized something. "Hey, how come you have clothes on already? I thought they were all ruined, Hulk-style." He started pushing the books aside to see if his clothes managed to avoid the bookcase, at least.
"Magic," was the very annoying answer, but Stephen did magic the bookcase back into its position so Tony didn't have to pull it up, at least. "Oh, found your glasses."
"Gimme," he gestured, and they were floated over. "You there, FRIDAY?" he asked.
"I'm here, boss."
"See the whole thing?"
"Yes, boss. I'm afraid I had no sort of protocol for dealing with this sort of situation. Should I have called one of the Avengers?"
Tony found his clothing after several more books were moved by he and Stephen. "Uh, no, no, you were right to wait to assess the situation for a few minutes." He shimmied on his boxers, then pants as Stephen politely pretended he didn't exist, public locker-room style, as he sent all his books back to the fallen shelves in whatever categorization he had going. "Next time, we're gonna have a phone number of another wizard—"
"—sorcerer to call in case of magical mishap." He shot a look at Stephen. "Seriously, in case you do more work with us beyond this consulting you've agreed to, we'd want a number in case you're hurt, anyway."
Stephen sighed, but acquiesced with, "Fine. I'll see if Wong agrees to it."
Tony nodded and pulled his shirt over his head. "Oh, and FRI, delete all footage of the incident." No one needed to see him like that. Especially that ending.
"Yes boss."
Stephen frowned at him. "You're recording?"
"I record everything with these glasses."
The frown deepened. "Don't expect it to work in here for all future visits."
Tony now frowned. "I can stop it when you ask. There's no need to be an asshole about it."
"And you didn't need to be a douchebag who secretly records things," Stephen retorted lightly, still sorting his books.
"My glasses aren't very secretive. You've heard me talk at FRIDAY before." He sat down and pulled on his socks, then shoes. "I figured you knew."
"People don't normally record their whole life."
"Have you never been on YouTube or something?"
Stephen sighed. "You're really irritating."
"That makes two of us," Tony retorted, but he threw the wizard—sorcerer—a bone. "I'll cut the recording. There, done." He leaned back in the seat. "And I won't look inside any books anymore. Lesson learned."
Another sigh, but Stephen stacked the remaining books that needed sorting in a pile (with magic, of course) and took a seat at his desk, across from where Tony sat. "I'm tempted to never let you in here again, if this is how visits are going to be." But he was summoning some sort of drink, two cups, and actions spoke louder than words in Tony's world.
"I'll be better behaved next time," he replied, tone overly serious. "But moving on: like I told you, I found something that I think is more in your field than mine."
As he gave Stephen the small puzzle box with weird energy vibes, and saw the man's face light up in fascination and intense concentration, Tony figured that despite their differences (and similarities), that he could, in the end, potentially really get along with Stephen Strange.
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feynavaley · 4 years
50 Questions
I took this from @mandelene, thanks for the open invitation!
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush? Light brown. (It’s a wooden hairbrush.)
2. Name a food you never ever eat. Well... I’m quite a picky eater but I generally try everything if I’m pressed (even though I end up not liking it). I won’t eat very spicy food though, I don’t have a good tolerance for it. Another food I used to enjoy but now I can’t even stand the smell of anymore – and even less I would eat – is almond paste. (Long story short, I came up with something – maybe labyrinthitis – that made me awfully nauseous and dizzy for a few days. I would throw up any time I even just stood up, I couldn’t eat anything. But my roommate had on her desk and almond paste cake, which has a very strong smell. Since I constantly smelled it while feeling so sick, now that’s what I associate that smell and taste with.)
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? Generally, too cold. I handle being cold better than I handle being hot, though.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Translating from English to Italian some stuff my dad needs for work. (He doesn’t understand/speak English.)
5. What is your favourite candy bar? Kinder Bueno, Tronky, and Bounty.
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? No.
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “No, I haven’t seen your glasses. Are you sure you didn’t leave them upstairs?” to my mother.
8. What is your favourite ice cream? If it’s good, Pistachio. It’s very hard to get right, though. Not many ice cream parlours can prepare it well, they tend to make it too sweet.
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? Water.
10. Do you like your wallet? Yes. Actually, I have two – one is a big red one where I keep basically everything, the other is blue and small and I just put in there a few banknotes and coins and the cards I need, changing them every time. I like both of them.
11. What was the last thing you ate? Chicken breast and salad for dinner.
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Nope. I’ve been confined home for almost one month and a half. 😅
13. The last sporting event you watched? I don’t know. I’m not a fan of sports so I don’t watch anything spontaneously. I only watch something if I’m with somebody who wants to watch it, but I don’t remember when the last time was.
14. What is your favourite flavour of popcorn? Uhh... there are different flavours of popcorns? I only know one... 😅 I’m not a great fan, though.
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? An aunt of mine. (My mother’s youngest sister.)
16. Ever go camping? Yes and no. I’ve never gone with a tent in the wild or anything – however, my grandparents used to own a trailer that they kept in a fancy camping location/trailer park by the seaside. When I was a child, I would spend the entire three months of summer break there. I don’t know if it counts as camping, though. After growing older, my sister and I would sleep in a tent instead of the trailer (because the trailer was too small for everybody), but it was still in that fancy campsite which I don’t know how much can count.
17. Do you take vitamins? No.
18. Do you go to church every Sunday? Yes. I mean, not right now, clearly (all the Churches are closed due to Covid-19 lockdown) but I would go under normal circumstances.
19. Do you have a tan? No. And it’s very hard for me to get one, anyway. I’m as white as a person can possibly be. 😅 (I’m paler than an actual albino person I know at work. I wish I were kidding. 😓)
20. Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza? I prefer pizza. Very stereotypical, I know. 😅 (I’m talking about real Italian pizza, though.)
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw? Generally not.
22. What colour socks do you usually wear? White or black.
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? Depends on where I am and what the speed limit is. I respect the 50 km/h limit inside the cities and towns, but the 30 km/h that can be often found... yeah. 😅 (I’ve never met a driver who respected it, though.) If I’m out of the city and on a straight street across the countryside, I respect the 70 km/h limit but I tend to go faster if there’s a 50 km/h one. (Unless I know there’s an autovelox.) I’ve never gone above the 90 km/h limit, either – actually, I tend to go more around 80–85 km/h on those streets. I should probably also mention that I never drive much above the speed limit, though.
24. What terrifies you? Failure. Hurting or even just disappointing or upsetting other people. On the irrational side, I’m highly arachnophobic and I’m terrified of dogs.(Because I was attacked by a freaking SAINT BERNARD. Luckily, it just got my sweater, but it was completely mauled by the time somebody managed to get it back so... It also turned out I’m mildly allergic though, so me not staying around dogs is probably for the best anyway.)
25. Look to your left, what do you see? I actually don’t know how it’s called in English. I have a sloped wooden roof covering the left side of my bedroom, and I see it along with the skylight.
26. What chore do you hate most? Washing the dishes. Our sink is at a height that forces me to bend in an awkward way and makes my back ache if I have to wash more than a couple of dishes.
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? “OMG what is that person saying?? 😭” I’m not a native English speaker so strong non-standard accents always throw me off a bit, at least at first. 😅 I need a few minutes to get used to them.
28. What’s your favourite soda? Citron soda (I don’t know the brand. It was one my great-grandparents used to have in small glass bottles, it tasted amazing and was so refreshing...), Fanta, or Coke Zero. I don’t drink soda often, though.
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive? I go in. I think there’s only one place with a drive-through in my hometown. 
30. What is your favourite number? For some reason, I’ve always liked the numbers 3 and 11. They aren’t my lucky numbers or anything, I just like them. (Actually, thinking about it, I know why I like the number 11... In German, it’s ‘elf’, and I started taking German around the period I was obsessed with LoTR... 😅)
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? My mother.
32. Favourite cut of beef? I hardly ever eat beef (I eat meat about every other day, but it’s generally chicken or turkey breast), I don’t have a preference.
33. Last song you listened to? This one. (You’re welcome.)
34. Last book you read? Fire and Blood by George R.R. Martin.
35. Favourite day of the week? Saturday.
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? Yes, but only the Italian one (that is missing J, K, X, Y, W). I tend to mix up some letters in the English one. 😅
37. How do you like your coffee? Plain espresso.
38. Favourite pair of shoes? My ankle-height black converse.
39. The time you normally get up? Since the lockdown started, between 8:30–9. I’ve been having trouble sleeping so I’m always tired in the morning.
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunset, the colours are gorgeous. Sunrise is still beautiful and so it’s the atmosphere, but the colours tend to be fainter.
41. How many blankets on your bed? One, at the moment.
42. Describe your kitchen plates. Kind of square, white with blue and yellow stylized flowers in the corners.
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment? Quite empty. We’re due a grocery run.
44. Do you have a favourite alcoholic drink? No, I don’t like any alcoholic drink. For some reason, I don’t like the taste of alcohol. (And there’s probably something genetic here as it’s also true for my sister, my father, and other relatives from my father’s side.)
45. Do you play cards? Technically, I know a few games but I’m not really good at them and I don’t play often.
46. What colour is your car? I use my mother’s car and it’s dark blue. We also have a dark grey car (belonging to my father) but I’ve never used it because it’s very big (you can go up to 7 seats), I wouldn’t feel comfortable with driving it, let alone parking.
47. Can you change a tire? No.
48. Your favourite state? I’ve never been anywhere in the US so I can’t say.
49. Favourite job you’ve had? The current one. The pay is very low so I’ll have to leave it as soon as I find something better, but I love these children so much. 😭
50. How did you get your biggest scar? I actually don’t have any big scar... I have several small ones. The biggest one is probably on my arm, from when I leaned against the toaster to unplug it and got this long, thin burn. 😅
I tag anybody who feels like doing this! And please tag me back, I’d love to read your answers! 😊
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phonaesthemes · 4 years
a list of asks
@padawanyugi tagged me in this, but Tumblr decided to eat any notification that I got tagged, so I’m glad I saw it on my dash because I like filling these things out. Thanks for tagging me! I may have typed A Lot.
Favorites: What types of books do you enjoy? Tell about what you’ve read recently (Or maybe about a book you hated recently!)I like spec-fic and sci-fi, although less “hard” science fiction, and I also enjoy fantasy. I read a lot of YA even though I’m in my 30s just because it seems easy to find a story I want to read and I’m not usually in the mood for dense prose.
I’ve been rereading the Wheel of Time series since it’s getting an Amazon TV show; it was my first non-LOTR fantasy series and I love it to death, warts and all, although I love joking about the weak points with other people who’ve read it. I think the last other thing I read was A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue, which was a queer YA historical fiction, and it was a lot of fun. I wish I’d had access to all these queer stories when I was an actual teenager, but better late than never.
What types of music do you like to listen to? Share five songs from your music library. I really do like a bit of everything, although I gravitate towards certain genres more often depending on the season or time of day, so I’m going to cheat and pick 5 per season. Summer for me is lots of peppy pop (pride playlists!), punk and rock and punk-adjacent stuff, just upbeat stuff in general. -Weekender, by The Royal They -Break My Heart, by Dua Lipa -Toutes les femmes savent danser, by Loud -Ruby Soho, by Rancid -Womanarchist, by Bad Cop, Bad Cop
In the fall, my inner goth kid craves darkwave, goth rock, dramatic folk, roots rock, and also anything that reminds me of Halloween. -Iuka, by the Secret Sisters -Bela Lugosi’s Dead, by Bauhaus -How’s It Gonna End, by Tom Waits -Under the Milky Way, by The Church -I Put a Spell on You, by Screamin’ Jay Hawkins I could go on about the Christmas music I like at length (Boney M’s Christmas album slaps, ngl) but I’ll just skip that and say that I listen to more classical and piano pieces in the winter. I’m terrible at remembering names, so artists only: -Ludovico Einaudi -Chopin -Debussy -Saint-Saëns -Dvořák And in spring I’m usually just depressed af and listen to whatever. -FML, by K.Flay -Weird Part of the Night, by Louis Cole -Juodaan Viinaa, by Korpiklaani -P.O.H.U.I., by Carla’s Dreams -Marryuna, by Baker Boy
Do you have a show or movie that you can just put on anytime and it’s your comfort? Definitely Star Trek. I’ve rewatched the various iterations (except TOS) so many times. Also Mean Girls and Bring It On, idk why.
Do you have a favorite dessert? Tiramisu or creme brulée! Or macarons. I don’t eat dessert really unless I’m at a restaurant.
Do you have a favorite cold drink? Sparkling water, hands down.
Do you have a favorite game? The hours I have put into the SIms in my lifetime is probably shameful, although I haven’t played in a while. Don’t Starve is another contender for hours played, but I am also really fond everything by Amanita Design
Do you have a favorite part of your self care/beauty/health routine? I haven’t been doing it much lately since I’ve been dealing with some uncertain health issues with my joints (actually have a rheumatologist appointment later today), but savasana after a long yoga workout is borderline ecstasy.
Do you have a favorite type of take-out food? Indian for sure.
What’s your favorite type of exercise/physical activity? I have a love-hate relationship with running. I don’t actually love it but I love how I feel after. I really enjoy yoga. I love playing in the water at the beach, bodyboarding and swimming.
Pick between: (you choose the context)
Cook or bake? (I love cooking A Lot)
Space or ocean? (Hard to pick, but I grew up by the ocean and it’s 100% my happy place)
Chocolate or vanilla?
City or suburb or rural? (I grew up in an isolated rural village and I miss the quiet and the slower pace of life, but I do not miss the lack of amenities and opportunities, or the smalltown gossip. I also don’t drive bc of epilepsy, so I’m fucked as far as transport in rural settings.)
Past or future?
Shower in the morning or evening?
Mac/Apple or PC/Android? (Linux in general!)
Sing or dance?  (I don’t have an amazing voice but I can carry a tune without it being painful, and I love singing along with songs.)
Get up early or sleep in? (I actually love sleeping in but with two kids, early morning is my only time to myself, so I wake up before 6 most days AGGH.)
Shoes, socks, or bare feet? (Hate socks. I’m barefoot at home all year round.)
Marker, crayon, or pencil? Pen!
Tea, coffee, or hot chocolate? (Coffee in the morning, tea later on.)
Random questions:
Have you ever had any pets? (Had dogs and a cat as a kid, and as an adult I’ve had betta fish and cats, and I have a cat currently.)
What is your academic background/job field? I did my undergrad in linguistics, and I am currently a stay-at-home dad lol. I do freelance editing and transcription on the side. I don’t think I’ll ever work in my field bc I really don’t have the energy to go to grad school.
What’s something random that you’re into (even if you aren’t good at it)? I signed up for a Cape Breton step dancing class in university and I loved it.
Are you good at putting away your clean laundry right away? It depends on the day, but generally yes. Mine and everyone else’s. When I lived alone? Absolutely not.
What’s one of your pet peeves? Someone trying to have a conversation with me when they have the radio or TV on. I can’t follow what you’re saying if someone else is speaking! I hate having that stuff on as background noise in general.
What’s something you’re pretty good at? I’m a great cook.
What’s the most recent nice thing you bought for yourself? A new conditioner ig? lol
Can you sew? I can mend a small tear or sew on a button, but it’s been years since I did more than that.
What’s a chore you hate (or a chore you enjoy)? I hate vacuuming so much. So much. Maybe if I had a better vaccuum cleaner I wouldn’t mind it, but I just feel like I’m fighting with the stupid thing, getting caught up on its own cords, caught on furniture, can’t quiiiite reach a spot... HATE IT. I like shoveling snow sometimes, though.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself. I am 20 years older than my youngest sibling, and five minutes younger than my “oldest” sibling.
Never have I ever... Gone fishing, even though I’m from a fishing community.
What extracurriculars did/do you do in school? In high school, I played trumpet in band until the band got dissolved from lack of funding. I played soccer one year, was in a play another year. We had an art club for like a semester that I was in. In university the first time round, I did step dancing and intramural hide and seek  Second time around, I was in the linguistics club to help with assignments. (We were very much encouraged to work in pairs or groups for a lot of different classes. The only thing was that you did need to list your group members on the assignment so the prof knew who you worked with. My first morphology class in particular, we had a whole homework club where a huge portion of the class got together to work through assignments and help each other understand, and the prof would quite often show up. </tangent>
Deeper questions:
How’s your quarantine/last few months been? The cabin fever was really bad before the weather warmed up. I struggle with seasonal depression every spring, and it’s gotten much worse since we moved to Edmonton because of how long the winters are. (Snow from September to May/June? Fucccck.) It’s frankly horrifying to look at what’s going on in the US, but even though we have far fewer cases here, I’m really anxious that we’ll see another wave soon. Otherwise, I think I’ve adjusted. Home-schooling, hand-sanitizing, social distancing, masks...All feels kind of normal now, which should maybe concern me.
What do you think of human nature/society/etc.? I am like the least philosophical person you will meet so I don’t think I really have many thoughts.
What’s something you are insecure about? Writing my L2 if a native speaker is gonna read it.
What do you think is the meaning of life/reason that humans exist in the universe? I don’t think there is one, and that doesn’t bother me.
Do you think you’re better (whatever that means to you) than you used to be? Definitely. My adolescence and early adulthood was rough. I was dealing with a lot of trauma, untreated bipolar disorder, and I self-harmed for a very long time. I could not imagine making it to 30, let alone being stable and happy. I actively avoided thinking about the future because it made me spiral. But I was lucky enough to get help, consistent help from a doctor I clicked with, and it made a world of difference. I think younger me would be disappointed at how mundane my life is, but I’m thrilled to be boring because boring means no life-upending mood episodes. I have a happy partnership and two delightful kids and I couldn’t ask for more.
What are your thoughts on religion? I’m not religious and my own experience being raised in the Catholic church was frankly traumatic, but I know that it’s a source of comfort and community for many others and I think that’s awesome for them.
Do you think that there are aliens out there? I think so, although I think that we may not even know what other kinds of life to look for and may not recognize it even if we find it.
What’s something that’s been on your mind recently? We’re moving cross-country in less than a month (driving, no less, nearly 5000 km) and I still have so much to do to get ready aosjdoajdoasijdoaijsd
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blankdblank · 5 years
Be My Baby - Thorin Request
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Requested by @deepestfirefun :D
Tags –
All –
@himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @alishlieb, @jogregor, @armitageadoration, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @lilith15000, @marvels-ghost, @catthefearless, @imjusthereforthereads, @c-s-stars
Hobbit/LotR – @abiwim, @jotink78
x Thorin – @evyiione, @deepestfirefun, @queenoferebor
Do you know remix – Enrique Iglesias
Be my baby – Ariana Grande
Taps landed on the steering wheel of your run down Winnebago now coated in dirt and mud after your latest trip out to the latest set of x games you had competed in. True your bike had finally given out and you had to drive off alone with only the assurance that your cousin would meet you out in Nevada for the next competition after he had fixed it up. From a long line of so called daredevils you had nearly lost it all, all but a few relatives, all of your stable property leaving you just your bike and the RV you were now driving in hoped of using that winning pot to help set down roots somewhere.
Do you know?
Do you know?
Do you know?
 Mouthing along to the music you reached through the rolled down window to slip your bill into the slot on the console for the car wash you were in line for. Around a curve you drove rolling up your window again while the tires settled into the mechanisms in the track to move you along. Under the sound of the first rinse you sang and swayed along ignoring the grin on the man along the wall adjusting a hose shaking his head through his chuckles at your elated mood in the run down vehicle.
 Do you know what it feels like
Loving someone that's in a rush to throw you away?
Do you know, do you know, do you know, do ya?
Do you know what it feels like
To be the last one to know the lock on the door has changed
Do you know, do you know, do you know, do ya?
 Noodles lowered to start scrubbing the vehicle as you paused in your swaying at a high pitched whine making your lips purse.
 If birds flying south is a sign of changes
At least you can predict this every year
Love, you never know the minute it ends suddenly
I can't get it to speak
Maybe finding all the things it took to save us
I could fix the pain that bleeds inside of me
Look in your eyes to see something about me
I'm standing on the edge and I don't know what else to give
 Before you could turn down the music your eyes widened at the concrete blocks on the wall bursting towards you along with a wall of water behind them. Without the window shattering you were drenched in water and thrown from your seat when your seat belt gave out sending you strangely enough into a roll across wet tall grass. Panting through the thunderous race of your heartbeat you stood open mouthed at the two story miniature house on metal axels in place of your rv. The metal shingles coating it in a familiar rusted sky blue on the upper half with a mostly rusted layer with flecks of silver similar to the split shades your rv bore.
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Cluelessly you stood in the grass brushing your sky blue hair out of your face as your silvery blue eyes lit up in a flash of lightning. It was in the ripple of thunder after your head turned at the frightened whinny of a horse on your left making you dart back to the steps leading to the porch on your reshaped mobile home. A blast of light erupted and you blinked through the black spots in your eyes that locked onto a familiar face. With a finger extended at the grey cloaked man under his grey protective hat you stated, “I know you.”
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A smirk eased onto his face and you drew in a breath of air ready to call him out as the man from inside the car wash only to be thrown into the grass again at a blow to your back. Face first on the grass you rolled over seeing in the light from the old man’s staff the unmanned stick ready to hit you again making you raise your feet as the line of ponies with curious yet armored men stopped behind the drenched man curling farther under his cloak with eyes exposed to keep watching you. “Make it stop!”
The grey cloaked man stated, “You have to grab it.” The stick kept pushing against the soles of your feet until you reached up taking hold of it only to have it whip you up to your feet to land in an unsteady wobble.
Panting again you eyed the squirming stick darting from side to side between shivers making you say, “Stop it, stop it!” You looked up to the grey cloaked man, “Make it stop! Why is it doing this?”
He chuckled and dismounted from his horse extending his staff closer to you revealing your now figure hugging soaked black sweater and blue jeans partially sun and dirt stained over your worn boots. “It shall stop on its own. It has waited a long time for its master.” His eyes scanned over you, “I am Gandalf the Grey.”
You nodded and stated, “Baloo.”
He nodded with a chuckle, “Yes, clearly you are a Blue Wizard, however, your name Miss?”
“I go by Baloo. B-a-l-double o.”
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The armored raven haired man behind him asked lowly near to a growl, “What sort of meaning could that name hold?”
“It, it means Bear in Hindi.”
He raised a brow as his bald friend behind him asked, “You fancy yourself as fierce as a bear?”
Your brows furrowed, “Um, no, it’s from a book.”
A younger man among them asked, “What sort of book?”
“A children’s book.”
The first man asked in an amused tone, “You named yourself after a character in a children’s book?”
The young man asked, “What is the book about?”
Wetting your lips you shifted your weight on your feet, “It’s, there’s this boy who gets lost as a toddler, his village is attacked by a tiger. A pack of wolves take him in and there’s a panther and a bear,”
The first man filled in, “Baloo?”
You nodded, “They teach him how to protect himself in the jungle when they hear the tiger is coming after him.”
The bald man’s eyes traveled to your mobile home asking, “You lost your steeds?”
You shook your head, “Didn’t have any.” Your eyes moved to Gandalf again as he stated, “Saruman did mention I would be sent a pupil.”
The first man urged his pony nearer to the man standing level with him saying lowly, “We have urgent matters to attend to, we cannot wait for you to attend to your pupil.”
Gandalf grinned, “Absolutely, I agree entirely,” he nodded, “She is coming with us.” The man’s expression dropped after hungrily taking in your figure in your soaked clothes as you smoothed your long absurdly colored hair out of your face again to wind over your shoulder in hopes to keep it in line. “Thorin, surely you and your kin could not mean to leave this young woman alone and unarmed in the wild. In a storm like this no less!”
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Thorin sighed deeply near to a rumbling growl as he looked you over again only to focus his eyes on the multicolored peacefully trotting bear silhouette on your hand filled with a starry night sky and black trees around a familiar peak filling the raised ear on the bear exposed on the back of your hand when your sleeve slid down as you combed your fingers through your hair. That marker he took as a sign you were meant to join them earning a curt nod form him. Wetting his lips he turned his head stating, “Dwalin, let’s get Minty hooked up,” his eyes turned to the cloak hidden man whose head popped out revealing his leaf shaped ears, “Myrtle as well Bilbo.”
Bilbo hopped down and scampered over to your side hiding under his cloak again as Thorin, Dwalin and the two dark haired men joined in on removing the bags and saddles of the pair onto your porch to hook them into the front of the wagon in the two provided holsters. After climbing back onto their ponies with Gandalf’s insistence your wagon was enchanted not to trouble the ponies with their weight you guided Bilbo onto your porch. The jingle of your key ring on your belt loop drew their eyes as you found the right key and unlocked the door. A squeak left you as you eyed the apparent thirty by thirty foot dwelling inside, each detain intricately designed in paneled cherry wood with matching built in couches along the wall and a pull down table near the kitchen to add extra prep surfaces with a set of steps over the bathroom door leading to where you assumed your bed was moved to.
It all lit up on its own revealing glowing crystal filled lanterns along the walls. The firm tug of the wagon as Myrtle and Minty took their first steps had you and Bilbo staggering inside. With a sigh you closed the door behind you and pulled off your boots leaving them on the mat by the door beside the still chittering stick on your path to the sink asking, “Bilbo?”
He nodded and followed you a bit farther inside, “Yes, Miss Baloo. Thank you for letting me ride with you. I can’t stand the cold wet.”
You nodded, “Well you’re free to change in the bath.” His eyes followed your finger to the door under the stairs and he nodded collecting his bag as you mumbled, “I guess I’ll check upstairs.”
Bilbo paused asking, “Is there anything dangerous up there?”
You shook your head giving him a small smile, “No, just, it didn’t look like this before. Still learning it all.” Making him nod and go to change with a stunned gasp of his own at the size of the place and full bathtub inside while you trotted up the steps. A full bedroom with another bath closed off inside the vast library with books you knew as yours with a great deal of odd old books and scrolls you had no idea where they came from.
Your bedroom held a wardrobe and a dresser you found new jeans and a warm sweater inside to pull over dry underwear and knee high socks hanging your wet clothes in the bath you towel dried and combed your hair you pulled up into a high bun on your way back down the stairs. Down there you put on your kettle, the soft start of a whistle died as you took it off the stove just as Bilbo peeked out in time to hear you ask, “Tea or cocoa?”
With a grin he scurried into the kitchen eyeing your quaint mismatch colored set of mugs in the same style, “Tea, please.” You flashed him a smile and set a teabag in his mug and pointed him to the fridge for milk if he needed it as you scooped out some cocoa powder you added the hot water to with marshmallows to follow after giving it a stir. Mugs in hand you moved to the couches with some cheese and crackers you pulled out on a tray for you both.
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“So, where exactly are we headed?” cheerfully as his feet warmed by the vents under the couch fed from the enchanted heater in the corner he filled you in and until dinner you shared more about your lives to one another then stepped back out onto the covered porch while the men stared at the poles extending for a cover for the ponies with tarps around the edges with metal panels rippling around the doorway for them to enter through with slots for their saddles and bridles. Dismounted the men left their ponies along with Gandalf’s horse inside their holding pen and at your invitation they entered the front door timidly then felt their mouths drop open at how large it was.
With their boots left on the large row of mats popping up for them they went off in pairs to your bath and the one under the stairs only to grow into larger groups at sharing the room to change sooner. Once dried they exited the baths to see you setting out plates through a pointing head count for the proper amount to serve out the large amount of pasta and veggies you had cooked for them on the way making them instantly appreciate your place already on the journey. Warm, dry and fully fed the now named group of Dwarves all set out their bedrolls after ensuring the metal shutters were locked on the windows when you locked the door and made your way upstairs passing Ori in his curious inspection of your collection alongside Bilbo on the way to bed.
A few months now you had been traveling with the company and once again it was pouring outside leaving you seated on your front porch staring at the backs of the grumbling Dwarves refusing to wait out the worsening storm. For all his promises Gandalf spent very little time with the company leaving you to pour over your notes in the gifted books and scrolls alone trying to make them out. Only a single assurance from Gandalf was given to you, as a Blue Wizard your strength lies in water.
Aimlessly you sung to yourself softly under the thundering storm.
 If you know how to be my lover
Maybe you can be my baby
Hold me close under the covers
Kiss me boy and drive me crazy
 Be my, be my, be my
Be my, be my baby
Be my, be my, be my
Baby, and drive me crazy
 If you know how to treat me
You know how to touch me
Baby then you'll get the chance
The chance to love me
It's obvious I want to be into you
But it all depends on all the things you do
'Cause babe I promise, I promise
If you keep it real with me
Be honest, be honest
You can get anything you want
That you want babe
Just show me everything I need to see
I'll give you anything boy
 The sounding of the oven timer ended your song and signaled the men to halt their ponies for the night. Through the meal you sat beside Thorin noticing his hand fidgeting with the still damp patch of hair at the base of his neck between insisted continuations of the struggling conversation he started a few weeks prior to share your lives and interests with one another. Again you laid out in bed hearing Thorin on the floor in the library sharing a story from his people easing your drifting off in a hope to have him tangled into your dreams somehow.
Sunlight filtered in through the opening slots on the windows making you grumble and shift your head away from it only to feel something tap your face. With another grumble you furrowed your brows grumbling again at what you believed to be Bilbo having snuck onto the empty half of your bed again in an early morning stretch. But another tap later your eye cracked open to be followed by the other at the raven haired toddler flattening his face against your cheek in a tap of his forehead to yours. In a soft sing songy voice it said, “Baloo Bear.”
Sitting up you mumbled to yourself, “There is a baby in my bed…” On your feet you stood asking on you path to the door, “Who put a baby in my bed?” The whine from the bed made you turn to see the toddler easing down feet first on his stomach off your bed onto a pillow he pushed down to teeter after you.
Leaning down you raised him up to your hip feeling him snuggle against your side with a content hum. Down the stairs you went spotting the Dwarves shifting onto their feet in early stretches and you asked, “Alright, which one of you snuck in a baby?”
All eyes turned to you before they glanced at Gimli, who had just caught up with you a few days prior after sneaking away from his over protective and now very pregnant mother, who raised his hands shaking his head, “Don’t look at me!”
“Ok, well whoever did I am not going to be holding Thorin back from giving you,” you glanced around, “Where is Thorin?”
The toddler giggled tapping your nose with his palm he then covered his mouth with smiling up at you, “Silly Baloo!”
Peering down at Toddler Thorin you mumbled, “Oh no.”
Your lips parted and Dwalin moved closer peering over your shoulder from the couch behind you then turned to Ori, “Have you been reading those scrolls aloud again, Ori?”
He shook his head and said, “Not since Oin’s horn was turned into a quail.”
Dwalin caught your eye saying, “That’s Thorin alright.”
Lowly you replied, “Great.”
After a glance at the tattoo on your hand Thorin raised his hands faking clawed scratches through a far from intimidating, “Grr.” You couldn’t help but giggle at the bright blue eyes on the adorably bearded boy with short curls to his large ears that stuck out adorably bearing smaller versions of his former piercings.
Gloin, “Well, naught to do now but wait till Gandalf returns to us to shift him back again.”
You nodded then turned as Bilbo yawned entering the room smiling as he asked, “Who wants tea?” His grin dropped to a curious scowl, “Who brought the baby?”
Dwalin led the way that day as you stayed inside with Gimli and Thorin, the fiery haired Dwarf chose to remain with you as to tend to the nappies, himself fully aware of his need to learn with his impending sibling on the way, along with the clear knowledge of the King’s affection for you sealing the fact he would never recover knowing you had handled it. Once cleaned he always raced back to you, climbing into your lap always asking to be sung to, played with or simply snuggled as his little fingers worked mismanaged braids into the ends of your hair he never got enough contact with.
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Two days he clung to you giddily as your expression settled into a smile in his peaceful moments lulling him into a deeper awed gaze in your arms. Not all was cheery however as when Fili claimed hold of his Uncle Kili was soon behind, and at the news from Gimli earlier that had sent him into a sour mood at Dis’ expecting as well, his irritations at no longer being the baby brought out his callous side. From upstairs in your shower you heard a shrill cry stirring a groan from you. Rapidly you dried and tugged on your fresh clothes with towel over your shoulder to tend to your dripping hair after seeing what nonsense Kili had stirred up now.
At the bottom of the stairs you found Thorin trying to climb up the third step mid sob while the elders grouped around Kili, you lowered raising toddler Thorin from his seated position reaching up for you. Wiping his cheeks dry you asked, “He took my Craorkned.”
You raised a brow then turned to Kili at the end of the little arm’s accusatory pointed finger, “Did you take his,”
Thorin repeated, “Craorkned.”
You nodded and Kili stepped out of the crowd, “He’s a child what use of a dagger does he have?! I will return it when he is older!”
Rolling your eyes you stated, “Kili,”
He shook his head, “No!” Crossing his arms and turning to this side.
Thorin again began to pout and sniffle through tears rolling down his cheeks, “Kili you made your Uncle cry!”
He glanced at you under furrowed brows, “He is a child!”
“You are both acting like children! And I only have patience for the sole child among us right now, who is most certainly not you!” His mouth fell open on your approach with hand extended, “Give me the dagger.”
He shook his head stepping away from you, “No!”
“Kili, so help me I will call my stick.” His eyes darted to the eagerly hopping stick in the corner waiting for your daily attempt at another simple incantation. You accepted the dagger in your free palm and then you stated, “Honestly Kili, your parents will still love you even with the young one, even more so most likely, you will be the sane one over them.” His brow inched up, “I had twelve siblings and we had five cousins staying with us in our home, trust me, 2nd out of three isn’t that awful, try sharing a cot with triplets.” You turned away holding the dagger out of Thorin’s reach making him squeak only to fall silent at your saying, “Hold on.”
He watched as you folded the dagger into a thick scarf softening the jagged edges of the hilt and sheath before you went to put him down for his nap snuggling with his prized hidden protection freeing you to dry your hair and practice your next incantation.
Another storm was not far behind and as you were readying to shut the metal shutters after convincing the men it was close to dinner time and you should try and wait it out through the night they all settled in handling dinner as you tried to find a book upstairs. Downstairs again you narrowed your eyes at the suspicion you held knowing Thorin would have already come up after you by now urging you to check after him. The sea of Dwarves were mingling around the prepping dinner as you did a head count then noticed the front door open. “Thorin!”  The name split the conversation as you darted barefoot through the door only to find a line of disposed clothes and heard giggles distantly from the King at the river’s edge making mud pies completely nude.
On the grass your feet settled and your hands somehow found themselves into your Mother’s set position locked on your hips, “Thorin Durin!” His head popped up and seeing the line of Dwarves after you holding his clothes and a fresh nappie for him. In a flash he rolled through the puddle of mud and climbed to his feet faster than you thought possible sending you and the young Durins after him like some awkward chicken chase from back home. Bit his little legs led to big mistakes in maneuvering and you were the one to cut him off and raise him in your arms freeing his giggles as he squirmed in your grip.
“Now, what have I caught here?”
Fili shrugged at your glance at him, “Tiny boar perhaps?”
Kili nudged his elbow, “Nah, got to be a wild gopher.”
Thorin giggled saying, “It’s me?”
You let out a gasp, “No, it can’t be. Could there possibly be a King under all that mud?”
He giggled as you carried him to the river’s edge and stepped inside feeling a small shift once you did, but the job seemed easy enough so you stood waist deep lowering the boy in to sit on your propped up knee. Giggles filled the air as the Dwarves swooned watching your gentle process easing their worries about the woman they had hoped to someday be their Queen and mother to their future heirs. Leaning Thorin back you ruffled your fingers through his curls mentally wishing grown Thorin would allow you to play with his hair so easily, only to feel the water sinking around you making you turn to say, “Storms dropping the river, let’s-,” your sentence broke as a wall of water slammed into your back sending you both down the river against the shouts and race of the company behind you.
Painfully your ride came to an end at the curve in the river not too far down where you stupidly tried to keep your head from slamming into the rocks so you tried to use your feet as a bumper. It worked, somewhat, a pop was felt as you could feel the warmth spreading around the painful sting of a gash along the bottom of your feet. Before your head could break the surface you were scooped up in a firm set of arms coughing up water as your arms eased around the stranger’s curiously bare shoulders.
A turn of your head your eyes fell on Thorin and a far softer expression laced with concern as he peered down at your blood trail dripping from one of your feet to the other. “You’re back..”
Instantly those same aged bright blue eyes locked on you and you wished nothing more than to kiss the man that had kept you from drowning and thrashing against the rocks again, “You are bleeding.” His head turned to the Dwarves racing towards you both shouting your names on his path out of the water, at the edge though he paused at your hug around his neck and kiss on his neck.
Muffled into the beard at the base of his jaw you thanked him, “I am so glad you’re back.” Inching a hint of a smile onto his face on the path back to the waiting wagon with the Dwarves fawning over your injured self, all silently confirming their previously arranged upon vote of not bringing up the change unless the King had.
Fully mended and dried you accepted your meal which curiously enough, instead of on your lap or at your side Thorin spent the entire time across the room beside Balin and Dwalin in a mumbled conversation while fidgeting his fingers with the hem of his long shirt. It wasn’t until bedtime that you found yourself near the King, who was suddenly at your side scooping you up to carry you to bed again. Gently you were eased down and lowly he grumbled, “Good night” then motioned to pull away and leave.
At your fingers landing on his arm you turned his head by saying, “That is not how we say good night.” A near pleading glance from him at his trying to pass your usual tradition of accepting his kiss each night was cut short as you were already a breath away from his lips leaving him time to close his eyes and lean in as your lips met his. Fingers eased through his beard, just barely, triggering a surge of tingles through his body at the timid touch when the kiss was breaking. With pouted lips he sat for a moment slowly retracting them as your eyes scanned over his face to say, “I understand if you’d rather not discuss it, but I do have to say,” dryly he swallowed at your continuing, “You are going to have some gorgeous children should they take after you.”
A sheepish grin eased onto his face in his rise to his feet at your laying back, “Mahal willing.”
He turned to head to the door hearing you say, “Don’t go and leave it all up to the big guy,” making him glance back at you in the doorway, “Don’t be afraid to go sprinting after her but naked coated in mud if that’s the only chance to claim your Queen.” A smirk eased onto his lips as he nodded his head.
“I will let you sleep, Baloo.”
With a grin you playfully say, “I’m halfway expecting to wake with you in my bed in the morning.”
Lowly he asks, “Is that an invitation?”
You grin, “I don’t know, is it?” Giggling to yourself as you eased under the covers and laid out flat under them settling in as the lights dimmed.
His brows furrow curiously as he grumbles, “That is no help.” Turning away he went to fetch his bedroll stealing a glance at Ori reading a story aloud from your collection of books deemed safe to do so on his way down the stairs. 
Again he casually climbed the steps grinning as he remembered sliding up and down them in his constant chase after a chance to be close to you. Atop the steps his night in your arms flashed back to his mind stirring that same hunger to be with you, feeling you against him through the night and having a chance to steal a good morning kiss was all the more tempting as your words to abandon his fear replayed in his mind. 
Already he could hear your settled breathing as you drifted off, so he moved to the bed leaving his bedroll at the edge of it and eased across the mattress which dipped heavily under him shifting you right into his chest the nearer he drew. A dart of his tongue wet his dried lips in his arm easing across your middle that slowly added its full weight in his head nuzzling against the back of yours that triggered a grin on your face that settled into place while his fingers laced with yours and he hummed lowly, “Sleep well, Baloo.”
“You too Kingy.” The nickname inched a smirk onto his lips as he snuggled closer to you with a deep content sigh you could barely hear over the clattering of hail outside that completely covered the sound of a trio of trolls passing by exclaiming loudly at the painful stings. Only realizing too late what the effects of having crossed the line of pebbles you had set up around the camp had triggered in them. 
An altogether startling surprise that drew a scream from the first Dwarf on the early morning perimeter scan snapping your eyes open as Thorin stole a peck on your cheek and dashed downstairs ax in hand ready to protect you and his kin only to halt on the porch by the still trembling Ori at the statues he saw in painfully coiled positions. However Bilbo was left behind to tend to you as Trolls meant gold and with that Thorin’s grin grew int a full smile at the first hint of a worthy trinket for his future Queen.
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myvalzpival · 5 years
“Elfs and Friends” Masterpost
“Elfs and Friends” from the LotR LCG game, as described by me and @1pen1knife:
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LEGOLAS: here to fuck you up. doesn’t have many friends, but doesn’t care, he’s an independent woman goddamnit. suddenly turned emo for some reason. but you only act as if the black hair bothered you. you love it. is stuck in a group with two dwarves. the suffering is real.
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CELEBORN: everything you know about the movie Legolas. he watches and he knows. sneaky bitch. always negative because he likes being positively surprised. has 6 younger brothers who ruin his life but he loves them. cannot sing or dance. falls from every horse he tries to mount.
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OROPHIN: name sounds like a drug. will end your suffering with one well-aimed kick in the head. voice way too low for his appearance. his greasy hair still looks better than yours. can sing beautifully, but only my chemical romance. “it’s not a phase, mom! i’ve been like this for the past 1000 years, ugh why can’t you understand!!!!”. throws himself first into every battle to finally die, always comes back victorious and disappointed.
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ERESTOR: can speak any language you can think of except for French. knows a lot of things, but his rhetoric abilities are - 58. knows a lot of swearwords and screams them out during battle just to confuse everybody. can crush a can on his head, but nobody believes him.
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HALDIR: a true fren. always there when you need him. seriously, he just suddenly emerges behind you and you are creeped out. thinks he has no friends, but everyone loves him. looks like he might cry any second, but will bash your skull in with no mercy. wishes a good morning to his horse the first thing in the morning.
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ZELDA: the one straight friend who’s just trying to fit in. not the strongest, but trying his best. a good friend at any times. doesn’t understand why he can’t pet a balrog when he sees one. always learning and appreciative of advice. constantly muttering “so dumb! why are you so dumb!” to himself when he messes up. great at starting fires.
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GALDOR: the concerned mom. has a strong will but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get fucked up every time. does not drink and brings all his drunk friends to their homes on his own back. great storyteller, especially for children. always has at least one useful advice for you. is always right, but you realize that when it’s too late.
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GILDOR: has anyone said ‘sexual tension’??? probably Galdor’s bratty younger brother idk. will pin you down just for the lolz. puffy sleeves for l i f e. probably better with a sword than with a bow, he likes to get close and personal if you know what i mean. fabulous dancer. has read one (1) book in his life and it was a comic book.
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IMLADRIS: *william osman’s voice* CARETAKEEEEEER! definitely drawn by a different author, but everyone pretends they don’t see it. takes care of frickin’ everyone all the time because McHenamarth keeps starting motherfucking fires. taken for granted by everyone, hardly ever hears a thank you. has an emotional support afghan hound.
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GLORFINDEL: goldielocks in an armor. will smite your grandma if he gets the order to do so. pretty much a god, his attack should be anywhere between 7 and 500. young and ‘straight’ yeah right. changes from a puppy to a beast in 0,2 seconds. has his lucky socks that he wore when defeating the balrog.
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ELROND: the good twin. not exactly h o t, but could be your dad so you don’t mind. wise and a good dad. also incredibly stupid and the worst dad ever. there’s no in between. likes long walks on the beach. sung in a choir as a child but never had the chance to fine-tune his talent.
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ERESTOR: “what the fuck, Karen?” has zero fighting skills, but goes into battle anways because he looks scary and can scream very loud. doesn’t like telling people what to do, but everyone else is a fucking idiot so he has to. loves his wife more than anything, she’s super supportive. also his wife would probably choke a bear with bare hands, as opposed to him. likes soups.
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ELROHIR: has kind of a blank look on his face, but that’s just because “I will survive” is playig in his head at all times. always wears armor. overequipped. if you need a knife, he’s your man. ran with scissors as a child. hair gets tangled very easily. sings only in the shower.
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NORTHERN TRACKER: probably called Francis. not gay, but a good ally. rarely talks, but when he does, it’s pure gold. knows a lot of secrets and won’t hesitate to use them against you. has a small daughter with whom he plays dress up all the time. would die for his friends. touched a dragon once. always knows where you’re going. 
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LÓRIEN GUIDE: hates social interacion, lives in the woods. apparently walks so much his feet disappeared. looks a little ratty, but in a good way. the one person hobbits never hear comming. best friends with Francis, they met in jail. pretty much invisible, but when he arrives to a town and gets washed and fixed, every man and woman falls for him. he doesn’t get the clues tho. freezes upon seeing a beautigul man.
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BERAVOR: the lesbian queen we don’t deserve. will crush your skull, either with her hands or her thighs. “pretty good for a girl” is the last thing you’ll ever say. sings like an angel, talks like a miner. can speak with birds. Sauron would let her peg him.
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illgiveyouahint · 5 years
what are movies of your childhood that you think have shaped the way you think/ made such a big impression and impact on you? (typing this out, i realize that this is a big question. i was just thinking about it and im really curious on your answers)
Hello anon :)
First of all, thank you so much for your question. As you know I love talking about movies so no question is a big question for me :D It will probably be a big answer so I'll put it under the cut
The first thing you need to understand is that we didn't have a television for a lot of my childhood or at least not continuously had a television so my childhood wasn't as influenced by movies as you'd think. Like most of Disney movies, for example, I've seen in my late teens. But I think there are few films that have influenced me maybe. 
The first one and this is gonna sound weird but it's true was Spice World. Ever since I was a little child me and my best friend would love Spice Girls and we would play pretend we're them and always fight over who gets to be who and big part of that was the image of the Spice Girls we got from that dumb movie. So like whoever was Baby would constantly have lollipop in her mouth, sporty had to be sporty, victoria would constantly do the thing with her hand etc. You get the picture. But besides play pretending the reason why this movie influenced me is that it kinda helped develop the kind of characters me and my friend would later create either in our own writing or in our plays with barbie dolls, paper dolls or sims or whatever and also characters we would gravitate towards. There would always be this crazy colorful girl who's all over the place. We had Tereza as our barbie doll who was always too busy for men and would have this bag that fitted everything in it to the point that it was ridiculous, there was julča who always had to have some orange, yellow red or green on her, there was the character in one of our stories, who I think was also named julča if I remember correctly, who had big pink inflatable door instead of normal ones, there was the dumb telenovela named kachorra about a girl who talks to her colorful sock. Most of these characters didn't have time for no men and were seen as quirky by the others. Idk what to tell you but somehow I feel like our fascination with all these characters go back to the fact we watched Spice World when we were like 5.
There is of course HP. Though I've read the books before the movies came out I do remember that when the first movie came out I loved Snape's introduction and how he enters the room with that monologue and then I would put on my mother's bathrobe and would dramatically reenact the scene over and over again. 
Then there is LOTR. Though I'd say that with Lord of the Rings, which I also read before the movies, I think it's kind of merging with Xena, the warrior princess. 'Cause you see when I was little I used to love Xena, the Warrior Princess (and Power Rangers and S Club 7 tv show but that's not relevant to the story) and I would always play pretend that I'm Gabrielle (no I did not know there's heavy gay subtext at the time) but then when LOTR came out it morfed into me pretending to be this mix of Arwen and Aragorn. Like I'd still be a woman and an elf but I would also be a Ranger and would run around the garden with my wooden sword and bow and arrows or just a stick and play pretend. I think I was always drawn to these fantasy warrior women.
So see a lot of my movies are connected to my childhood games for obvious reasons. It's hard to think which movies have influenced me/shaped me because it was so long ago that it feels like I've literally always been like that you know? Like was there a particular movie that taught me kindness or something? I don't think so. It's also hard to think back on it because I think that I didn't understand a lot of films I watched with my parents and only got the message much later. But mainly like I said we didn't a television for a lot of my childhood so books and radio have been my primary storytelling device and I think those have shaped me more than films in my childhood. I didn't really start to be into movies until the rise of the internet tbh so probably not until I was like 16.
The rest of the movies that influenced me/made an impression on me were films I saw when I was a bit older. Like I remember that after seeing School of Rock when I was like 12 I became really interested in classic rock and music in general and tried to learn a couple of instruments. I remember our teacher showing us Thirteen and since our classmate/my friend was actually on drugs at the time the movie really affected me 'cause it felt like it was very much about her life. Brokeback Mountain was essentially my introduction to gay films and had a lasting impact on me. Both of these films we watched with our cool teacher during PE in 8th grade or so, so I must have been like 13-14. 
So yeah I didn't really get to watch a lot of films when I was a child and most of them have only influenced me on the surface level of what kind of games I would play and which scenes I would reenact with my friend. It's probably not as interesting answer as you'd hoped for but I hope it's satisfying for you any way. And once again thank you so much for asking and I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day
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snazzysickly · 5 years
Writer Questionnaire
Yo my girl @self-indulgent-authorship got my back to make me feel less alone
Short stories, novels, or poems?
Not to be mean or anything, but I hate poems, I don’t mind reading them, but I cannot for the life of me write them. I prefer short stories, noting too long for me, or else I’ll feel burnt out. 
What genre do you prefer reading?
To be honest I’ll read almost anything as long as it’s got a good story. Though, if I had to chose, it would be historical fiction or horror, those are the most exciting to me. But I don’t mind some fantasy from time to time. 
What genre do you prefer writing?
Hmmm...I honesty don’t know. Probably mystery/crime or action. I love to keep people guessing, which is why I love writing the crime scenes in Remark so much! I love thinking of ways on how people can die! 
Are you a planner or a write-as-I-go kind of person?
Both? I mean you have to have the backbone of the story while you’re writing or the story will fall apart, but while writing the ideas just come to me. Sometimes, if I’m stuck on a scene, I’ll take a couple of minutes to plan things out. Other than that, I just write what comes to mind.
What music do you listen to while writing?
Recently I revisited the Undertale soundtrack and found the music was still a bop, so I’ve been using that, but I used to just put on my playlist for everything I did (just a bunch of TOP, P!ATD, and FOB music) sometime I still need music with lyrics in it to help me write.
Fave books/movies?
Uhh so I have a lot, so I’m just doing the ones that came to my mind first
Cuckoo Song by Frances Hardinge (one of my favorite books of all time)
Finding Zasha by Randi Barro (If you love dogs and history, read this book!!)
The Secret Of Laurel Oaks by Lois Ruby ( I love every book she wrote! This is where my love for historical fiction came from, and I got to met her in person!)
Princess bride 
All of the lotr/hobbit movies
Captain America the Winter Soldier
Wreck it Ralph
Any and all Disney movies
Any current WIPs?
Yes, right now I am making Remark part 8, but nothing else I am working on. I have ideas for later fics, but nothing in the works. I really don’t like having more than one writing project at a time.
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you, what would your standard outfit be?
Well I am an artist and I’ve drawn myself before, so I’ll just describe it for you. A red sweater tucked into black high waisted jeans, long mismatching socks, large black glasses, and galaxy converses I painted. 
Create a character description for yourself:
Lazy sassy bitch with so much sarcasm that it gets me in trouble.
Do you like incorporating people you actually know into your writing?
No, not my writing, but with my art, all my main ocs that I draw all the time are just little snippets of my personality.
Are you kill-happy with characters?
No I’m not, thought I’m not afraid to kill a character to lead the story ;)
Coffee or tea while writing?
TEA. I don’t drink coffee anyway, but tea is still so much better. I just had some a couple hours ago to celebrate getting to 4000 words in part 8. My favorite tea is jasmine if you’re wondering.
Slow or fast writer?
Slow, I never learned to type fast in elementary school and my lack of wanting to learn didn’t help either, but I make do with what I got.
Where/who/what do you find inspiration from?
Mostly just from myself, but the occasional photo can help from time to time. Other people’s fics can really help me as well.
If you were put into a fantasy world, what would you be?
I really hope I’m the really badass yet likable antihero. I don’t want to do what’s right. I’d mostly fuck around with the fantasy world and find flaws in it.
Most fave book cliche? Least fave book cliche?
I don’t think I have any book clichés that is my favorite. If done right, clichés can been fun to read and entertaining, but most of the time clichés are written poorly, so here are some of the ones I hate!
Dumbass or abusive parents
Undiscovered Powers
The shy sweet teenage girl
‘I came back to life’ character
Mary sue
Love triangle 
Fave scenes to write?
I think I already answered this (crime scenes)
Most productive time of day for writing?
Usually around 5 and 6pm, or 11pm to midnight. I can really work at any time but the mornings. I can not work in the morning. Not happening, nope. Not ever.
Reason for writing?
Because I really do enjoy it. I always thought I couldn’t write and that my writing skills sucked ass, but I had this idea and a urge to write this idea that suck with my for a couple of weeks, finally I decided I would write this idea so I can get this urge to write away. That idea was Remark, and look how far it brought me. 
I’m gonna tag people that I’ve taken notice of and people I love
@tropfenlady @rhyanoke @shadows-echoes @wayward-lucifer @evas-wig-is-happily-touring 
and anyone else that wants to do this!!
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mahou-furbies · 6 years
The Caster Chronicles character design ranking (Silva)
Other rankings:
Ignus - Terra - Aes
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Ichika Asaba Kiberia Yosha
Not really feeling this one, somehow the star motif just doesn’t work with this colour scheme or the forest theme for me. Like if this was midnight blue and pink I’d probably enjoy it a lot more. And while I do like the stars on her socks, the dotted line feels out of place. Otherwise no problem and I love the super poofy detached sleeves. 5/10.
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Nahoko Tosaka Forre Mellow
Such fresh vibrant colours! Looks like a forest goddess. Somehow her dress makes me think of pumpkins, and there’s just the right amount of plant decoratio- wait, what is up with her top? That looks super uncomfortable... Damn, I was going to give this a 10 but that really doesn’t work with me. So 8/10?
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Niina Nagasato Stella
Loving the colours on this one too. Warm and welcoming, would be happy to run into her if lost in a forest at night. The similar creases in the headpiece, shirt and dress give consistency, and the similar patterns repeat through the outfit (notice how the frill of her bloomers has the leaf shape from her veil). Without the veil I would probably call this a little plain, but those leaf thingies change everything. Now there’s just the correct amount of detail in the space between boring and overdesigned. Add some lush leaves for a nice earthy finish. 10/10.
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You Chitose Ran Berfield
The character looks like someone who might annoy me a lot, but the design is super cute and at least fits her apparent personality. Animal ears hoodie is already a cute idea, but with mismatched patterned ears too? All the stitches and torn edges add to the rustic adventurey look and the short sporty jacket, shorts and suspenders finish the image. There’s not a lot of typical magical girl elements (ribbons, frills etc) going on, but there are still enough little details to keep this from being boring. With that wheat she could be a harvest goddess in training.
Also bonus for cute grass sheep familiars (they could be gen 1 pokemon!) which fit well with the beautifully designed shepherd’s staff. 10/10.
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Sayuri Shiratori Lily Verde
A pretty basic flower fairy. I like the glittery petal like skirt and the tiny lace patterns. And the way the top of the dress is actually two asymmetrical parts is nice (notice how the right side is pink), but the pose is a bit unfortunate since this detail is mostly lost behind her arms. But other than that I don’t find that this one has much going on. 5/10.
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Saya Udagawa Sweet Pea
Yet another great design, this forest type definitely seems to work well for me. Lily of the valley is one of my favourite flowers so she gets a nice head start from that, and the way the flowers are used as bells, skirt shape and shoes is nicely consistent but not on-the-nose (like just putting flowers everywhere would be an easy but pretty boring solution). The pea-pod like “ears” give a cute forest fairy look but are unique and not just yet another generic bunny ears, and the long hood makes me think of elves (the gnome kind, not the lotr kind). Ultimately a cute little design with lots of interesting details that go well together and nothing stupid about it. Add a good colour palette, cute little cape and layered hood, some frills and ribbons, and you’re done. Or maybe the hair is a bit too messy and in the way, but it’s not too bad. 10/10
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Haruka Yanase Chain of Hearts
Alright, can you please put a shirt on? I try not to whine about this on every entry, I know that there are women who like to dress in a revealing sexy way, but at least I expect it to fit the character’s personality. Like if the character seems like a confident or provocative type it’s easier to assume they enjoy or don’t mind the fact that people are going to notice their chest in an outfit like this, but the pose and expression on this character don’t exactly convey a personality like that to me and it just feels like the author just wanted to draw some boobs. And I just checked her bio and it says she’s shy, so the outfit choice feels even less believable (though to be fair I didn’t check the description for any of the other characters so I guess I shouldn’t hold it against her either, but in the end the description only validated what I interpreted from the picture.)
But anyway in the end I really can’t ignore the collar here, like is anyone going to say that the first thing that caught their attention were the boots? Cute hairstyle and I dig the petal shapes at the edge of her detached sleeves, but that is all. 1/10.
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Hirari Sakota Nadeshiko
Annd another one of these. Only magic is holding that dress up. Anyway moving on, the hexagonal pattern on that... cape thingy is pretty but it bothers me that I don’t quite understand how it works. And her super long hair gets lost behind the billowy cape, and the stripe on her socks is really weird. Weapons are nice and magical but I’d like to know what they actually are, like does she collect wands or are those arrows or what? And like with the previous one I just can’t ignore that the dress is a few millimetres away from being nswf so let’s say 3/10 for the beautiful pattern.
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Rinko Kanesaki Roseria Bell
This one is just bizarre. I super dig the stitched rounded edges on the dress, the different colours and patterns work well together and there’s just the right amount of flowers, but why the weird see-through cone shape? Everything else about the dress is so rustic but then there’s this super plastic feel of the dress. And the top hat feels out of place too. 
I really want to like this one, but I can’t get over it, the dress is just too dumb and it dominates the whole outfit. And is that a cape or is that a scarf? 3/10. 
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Waka Koujya Solol Baton
The wing sleeves are a fun idea, but there’s really nothing else going on with this one. Like remove them and it’s mostly just an anime marching band uniform with weird hair. So the whole idea feels a bit wasted here. And there’s nothing else to do with air or flying here either so they feel just out of place. 4/10.
Silva average: 5,9
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livixbobbiex · 6 years
Tag meme... thing
This like never happens but I’m procrastinating right now so hi, I’m doing the thing IG. Thanks @tenacioussheepalpaca for tagging me!
How tall are you? 5′5 ish, which means I’m still ‘short’ but I can lean on a lot of people
What color are your eyes? It really depends on the lighting, I’d usually say green (if I look in a mirror) but they look kinda grey sometimes (mostly in photos) 
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You be the judge idk (may have thrown in the last one to show off about my eyeliner skill)
Do you wear contacts and/or glasses? I do have glasses (short sighted), but I only really bother to wear them at cinemas and stuff. My sight doesn’t give me too much issue.
Do you wear braces? Nah, and I never have. 
What is your fashion style? If Dan Howell was poor. For real though, it’s usually monotone or just pure black. Leather jackets, grey trainers, low cut top to display the one asset I have etc. There’s usually at least one or two items of anime merch, whether it’s socks, my hat, flat out cosplay... 
How old are you? 18, though I rarely the act like it. 
Do you have any siblings? I actually have four sisters (only one related by blood though), and I love them all. 
What school/college do you go to? Currently, I don’t, because I had no idea what I wanted to be come graduating. However, I sorted my shit out, and I’ll be studying for a Japanese degree at University of Leeds come this September. 
What kind of student are you? That annoying kid who puts in zero effort throughout the entire school year, writes fanfic in lessons, never hands in essays - and yet knocks it out the last few weeks to literally get the top grade in the year anyway. Other than that, basically always the one with the hand up READY for lesson contribution. 
What are your favorite subjects? In school my favourite was Spanish, but that was because we literally had the BEST teacher ever, she was super cool and motivating. Although I didn’t continue with the subject, I AM doing a language degree, so... success? My actual favourite in terms of content would be English though, mainly because it had plenty of opportunity for analysis, debate, and discussion. 
What are your favorite movies? I always find this kind of question hard to answer, I’d probably say The Kingsman because it does comedy right, the typical animated classics (*cough* Mulan), musicals, nerdy shit like Star Wars and LOTR. Chronicles of Narnia are my favourite Christmas movies. 
What are your favorite pastimes? Other than procrastinating my life away with random youtube videos? And, the obvious, writing? Probably researching cool shit, puzzles, strategy video games. I just really like learning stuff. Definitely music. 
Do you have any regrets? Aside from every time I’ve been drunk, most of my regrets are people based. Like, I appreciate you learn a lot from every person you interact with, but there are a few people out there I wish I could undo all time and effort put into, people who really didn’t deserve that level of love and faith from me.  
What is your dream job? I’m still not sure. Right now, I want to translate anime (because I bitch about translations I disagree with all the time honestly). I’m not settled on it though, I might go into something more diplomacy based (Interpreting etc.).  
Would you like to get married? I’m one of those bitter ‘marriage is just a piece of paper’ people. Basically, I don’t think it’s necessary to live a happy and fulfilling life, but if any future partner wanted to get married, I’d happily go for it.  
Do you want kids? how many? Not sure. I love kids, but writing 100k words of pregnancy drama fanfic (plus the 4k word birth chapter) has kind of put me off the idea :’) If I don’t end up having any of my own, I’ll definitely foster or adopt some.   
How many countries have you visited? All of the UK minus Northern Ireland, the UAE, France, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Greece. I’m desperate to go to more, though.  
What was your scariest dream? When I was five or something, I used to have a recurring nightmare. Nothing happened exactly, I used to just get out of bed and walk towards the bedroom door, and wake up before I got there. The ominous doom of whatever was on the other side used to freak me out, honestly.  
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other? Nope. Whenever people try I tend to freak out and reject them :’)
Put your playlist on shuffle and without skipping list the first 15 songs
Ho Hey - The Lumineers Battle Cry - Imagine Dragons (great writing music btw)  Paranoid - Black Sabbath  Black Magic - Little Mix  Guren No Yumiya - Linked Horizon (aka Attack On Titan OP 1)  In The Hall Of The Mountain King - Grieg (classical piece, that Halloween sounding one that Alton Towers use as a theme tune)  Chapel of Love - The Dixie Cups  Who Do You Love - Marianas Trench  Ready To Go - Panic! At The Disco  Nearly Witches - Panic! At The Disco (best song on Vices and Virtues fight me) 21 Guns - Green Day  All The Boys - Panic! At The Disco  National Anthem - Lana Del Rey  Disorder - Joy Division Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood  
(I hooked you all up with youtube links)
I don’t really have that many people to tag, so I’m leaving it open to all my followers to do this! If you see this from my blog, please let me know, I love reading this kind of thing about people :D 
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merigreenleaf · 6 years
21 Questions Game
I was tagged by @rainbow-pages a while back. I'm so hopelessly slow at tag games, but I love getting tagged and do eventually get to them. :) This is long, so I’ll put some under a read more link.
Rules: tag 5 or more other writers. If you aren’t tagged, feel free to use these questions anyway and consider yourself tagged! 1. Short stories, novels, or poems? I probably should say novels because that's the whole reason I'm writing these dorks, but I tend to have more fun writing short stories about them than working on the actual books. Poetry definitely is not my cup of tea. 2. What genre do you prefer reading? I mostly stick to fantasy and the occasional scifi. I really should branch out more, but honestly I don't read often enough as it is. 3. What genre do you prefer writing? Fantasy is the only thing I've ever written, usually it's humor/lighthearted and it's always lgbt+. There's just so much freedom that comes with writing fantasy that I can't imagine writing anything else. Plus I really love magic. ;) 4. Are you a planner or a write-as-I-go kind of person? *looks over at the pile of notebooks, binders, and planners* Definitely a planner. I need to have at least some idea of where a story is going in advance or else I have trouble moving forward with it. 5. What music do you listen to while writing? I need silence when I write, so generally there's just some white noise in the background. 6. Fave books/movies? Books: The Hobbit and Lotr, the Discworld series, anything by Tamora Pierce (I love Tortal and the Circle books equally) Movies: I really don't watch movies... I guess I'll say LotR (but NOT The Hobbit ones- those were a travesty) and How to Train Your Dragon 7. Any current WIPs? I'm always working on my "Unexpected Inspiration" series in some way, either the books or short stories about the characters. It's lgbt+ comedic/lighthearted fantasy about artists and carnival performers. It's super fun to write. :D 8. If someone were to make a cartoon out of you, what would your standard outfit be? Oh gosh, probably something really boring. I live in baggy cargo pants, NaNoWriMo tshirts, hoodies or plaid shirts, and doc martens. Basically I grew up in the 90s and never developed a fashion sense past that lol. 9. Create a character description for yourself: 5'4" with the short person complex where I refuse to believe that I'm short. Typical nonbinary haircut with one long side and the rest shaved short, sometimes fun colors but currently just brown. Blue-green eyes behind green glasses. The aforementioned outfit currently in black and grey but with fun Halloween socks. because heck yeah cute ghosties year round. Usually holding a flow prop, most often a wand or a juggling ball, and is frequently trying to pry flow prop away from a ridiculously hyper and fluffy cat. Spends time writing about dorks and daydreaming about writing those dorks. Loves summer and sunlight and warmth, despises winter and cold weather and dreary days.
10. Do you like incorporating people you actually know into your writing? Nope. I've never had a desire to write about real people or base a character on a real person. If it happens, it's entirely by accident, but mostly my dorks are just themselves. 11. Are you kill-happy with characters? Nope, not at all. I haven't killed a single one. Well except kinda sorta that one time, but he got better! 12. Dream job? I'm in my mid-30s and I still don't know. What I really want most is to share my stories with the world, so probably it's to be a published author. 13. Coffee or tea while writing? Usually just water, but I'll drink herbal teas, too. I can't have caffeine. 14. Slow or fast writer? Hahahahaha... *bangs head against wall* So so very slow. I've been working on the first book in this series for four years. Granted I've been doing a lot of other series stuff in the meantime, but I'm definitely not a fast writer at all. 15. Where/who/what do you find inspiration from? Well, this series is about artists and a big part of that is because I've spent a lot of my life doing different types of art/crafts. And learning flow arts definitely keeps me inspired to write my carnival performers. I'll get inspiration here and there from books or whatever, but otherwise I get most of my inspiration to write from going for walks with my husband and talking out ideas. 16. If you were put into a fantasy world, what would you be? The one I'm writing? I'd want to be one of the artists with magic, definitely. I'm just not sure if I'd rather be a Wordweaver (since I'm a writer) or a Threadweaver (because my favorite craft is crochet). If it was a fantasy world in general I'd love to be some sort of wood elf. I love nature and trees and plants. 17. Most fave book cliche? Least fave book cliche? Favorites: Found family. Is that a cliche? I love when characters who don't really fit in anywhere else find each other and would do anything for each other. Least favorite: I'm keeping @rainbow-pages love triangles answer. I think this is one of the reasons polyamory is a big thing in my series lol 18. Fave places to write: At the park on a nice warm sunny day. That failing (mostly when it's winter) I'll take my couch on a sunny day with the sunlight streaming through the window. You can probably see a pattern here- I seem to be most productive when it’s a bright day. 19. Fave scenes to write? I alternate between silly and sappy and I honestly don't know what I like better. I love adorable romantic scenes but I also love writing ridiculous antics. 20. Most productive time of day for writing? Usually late in the evening, which kind of sucks because I have bad insomnia that isn't helped by staying up late or working on things late. I get the most done at once and it flows better if it's late, but often I have to write during the day. Which works other than being distracted by a hundred other things I could be doing lol. 21. Reason for writing: Partly for myself and partly for others. I love the idea of creating characters and worlds and then sort of living in them as I write them, but I also really love the idea of writing stories for people who would like something happy to read- like I want so much to put a smile on someone's face. And I want to give lgbt+ representation because it's something I personally would want to see in a book because it would have helped me when I was younger and it'll hopefully help others see themselves in characters who are in a happy story. Basically I want to be a positive force, I guess? I have no idea who’s done this since I’m two months late with it. If you’ve already done this or don’t want to, feel free to ignore the tag, and if you haven’t done it and want to and aren’t tagged, go ahead! @lynnafred @the-gay-hufflepuff @theguildedtypewriter @alittle-writer @dragonscanbeplantstoo @madmooninc  @shadow-maker
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captainofthefallen · 6 years
30 questions
@rannadylin tagged me like a million years ago and I’ve got an hour to kill so here we go 
RULES: answer 30 questions and tag 10 blogs you are contractually obligated to know
Nicknames: Claire Bear, Clur, Madison yelling MROW really loudly is sometimes a substitute for my name... I’m sure I’m forgetting some but that’s all that’s coming to mind
Gender/pronouns: she/her Star sign: Virgo Height:  5′8″ Time:  3:40 pm Birthday: September 14 Favorite bands: Two Steps from Hell, Pentatonix, Gordon Goodwin’s Big Phat Band Favorite solo artist: I’m not sure I really have one? I do like Lindsey Stirling a lot tho Song stuck in your head: The Dragon Thrashed and Wailed from the Pillars of Eternity soundtrack (because I’ve been listening to episode 39 of the CR podcast) Last movie you watched?:  I think it was called the Fourth Phase or something like that? Was about snowboarding Last show?: S2E10 of Miraculous Ladybug
Why did you create your blog?: I’m not even sure I remember. I am recalling something about @aglimpsofthestars being responsible though What do you post?: Lots of Critical Role, SWTOR, Obsidian games (mostly Pillars), some Stargate, Star Wars (kotor in particular), Lucifer, and a bunch of other random miscellaneous things Last thing you googled?: astronomy internships in Boulder, because this apartment is fine as hell and if I stay here over the summer I can extend my lease on it Other blogs: nope, just me. Alllllll my random interests shoved into an amalgamation of weirdness. Kudos to my followers you put up with plenty AO3: Yep Do you get asks?: Not much, and mostly from @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels and a few others How did you get the idea for your URL?: Not really sure, it just came into my head one day and I was like ‘that’s cool let’s see if it’s available’ and it was! I follow: 44 (because I like to be able to get back to where I was before) Followers: just hit 250 Average hours of sleep: Try to get 7-8, doesn’t always work Lucky number: I was always #4 when I used to play volleyball, does that count? Instruments: Mostly singing these days (I’m in choir and a vocal jazz ensemble) but I also play flute, saxophone, and have taught myself a bit of piano What are you wearing?: Slytherin t-shirt, jeans, and socks from the Melanzana store (if you like awesome looking comfortable fleece hoodies look them up they’re great if a little expensive) Dream job: It varies. Probably something in astronomy outreach or education, but I’ve considered video game writing and park rangering and if it was anything resembling a stable career I would consider raft guiding but alas Dream trip: New Zealand. For the LotR stuff obviously but they also have some great rafting and apparently if you guide on the Arkansas (which is the river I guide on) you get some major street cred Favorite food: all food. Food is amazing. Except Brussels sprouts. People keep telling me they’re good if they’re cooked right but I’ve tried them at least four times and apparently they’ve never been cooked right. Seriously. I ate sheep guts once and they were delicious. I ate a cow brain taco once and it was okay but a little bland. But Brussels sprouts are gross.  Significant other?:  No Last book I read: Still currently reading The Storm Before the Storm: The Beginning of the End of the Roman Republic by Mike Duncan. Also all my textbooks.  Top 3 fictional universes: Middle-earth, Star Wars... torn between Eora and Terratus (Tyranny), but I’ll probably have to go with Eora since I kind of just wrecked Terratus a little bit 
Tagging: I’m not sure I know ten people, and some of you may have been tagged already (also no pressure if you don’t want to) but @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels, @khirsahle, @nightingaletrash, @dancer4813, @devilishlyoperatic, @queen-scribbles, @shimmer-like-agirl, and I’m sure I’m forgetting someone so if anyone else feels like it consider yourself tagged by me!
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kissandra-pentagasp · 6 years
i was tagged by @tauntaun-rider so, well, here we go, i guess
RULES answer 30 questions and tag 10 people [which, sorry, but i’m not gonna do bc i don’t wanna put anyone on the spot, however if any of you want to do this then please feel free =)]
Nicknames - Lily, or some people call me Bek
Gender/pronouns - ?????ehn??
Star sign - Libra
Height - 5′5″ish
Time - 3:14 PM
Birthday - October 7th
Favourite bands - Fall Out Boy, Paramore, Panic! at the Disco, Of Monsters and Men, July Talk
Favourite solo artists - Florence + the Machine, Hozier, Halsey, ZZ Ward. i listen to so many different people and bands tho, just go through my Music tag
Songs stuck in your head - i’m watching Bill Nye Saves the World rn, so nothing, but earlier it was Hold Me Tight Or Don’t by Fall Out Boy
Last movie you watched - The Shape of Water! my sister and i just went to see it the other night bc it came to one of the theatres near us
Last show - Bill Nye Saves the World, currently
Why you created your blog - my sister had an account and i was curious so i made one too, and, like, six+ years later, here we are!
What you post - Video games, various media, some politics, a lot of animals, idk i have a lot of interests and they all just get shoved here
Last thing you googled - i’m not sure, honestly
Other blogs - @sidebeau is really the only one, which is a inspo blog filled with artwork or photos that remind me of some of my characters
Ao3 - Wandering_Moon, i don’t post much there tho? i never get comments, so
Do you get asks? - A few, not often tho
How did you get the idea for your URL? - it’s just Cassandra Pentaghast, but punny, i guess?
I follow - 212 people, some of those have probs deleted tho, i really need to go through it and check
Followers? - 519
Average hours of sleep - honestly, it varies so much. i LIKE to get about 9-10 hours, but some days i get 12+ and others i only get 3 or 4
Lucky number - 3 or 7
Instruments - i can still play hot cross buns on the recorder, if that counts lol, and i’m p sure i still know at least the C-scale on the piano/keyboard
What are you wearing? - sweatpants, a star wars tank, and a plaid shirt. plus, you know, socks and underwear
Dream job - Actress
Dream trip - I’d absolutely love to go to Austria to see where my Grandpa lived and, just the country in general
Favourite food - Lasagna, i think
Significant other - i’m not seeing anyone, no. i’m too sick, and i live with my parents, neither of which is conducive to dating
Last book i read - so i haven’t been able to read for a while, but i did get a book for Christmas that i’m going to try to get through, so i’m gonna cheat a bit for this one and list that, which is The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
Top 3 fictional universes - oh gosh. so Harry Potter has to be here, just because of the influence it had on teenage-me but i don’t know what to include for the other two? both Star Wars and Star Trek are up there, Tortall might be fun, much as i was never into LotR if i could be a Hobbit i abso-fucking-lutely would, uhm... Dragon Age sounds cool, for the most part, same with Mass Effect. there’s just too fucking many to choose from!
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@that-elf-from-smirkwood​ tagged me for this
Are you named after anyone? Luke
When was the last time you cried? No idea
Do you like your handwriting? ehhh
What’s your favorite lunch meat? ham
Do you have kids? No :/
If you were a different person, would you be friends with you? yeah
Do you use sarcasm? Of course not!
Do you still have your tonsils? yes
Would you bungee jump? no
What’s your favorite cereal? Uhh reece’s puffs
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Neither of my pairs of shoes have laces
Do you think you are a strong person? Strong enough
What’s your favorite ice cream? Butter pecan
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Uhh outfit
What’s your least favorite physical thing about yourself? Could stand to lose some weight
What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now? Blue jeans and teal and grey striped socks
What are you listening to right now? Watching Daredevil
If you were a crayon what color would you be? I have no idea
Favorite smell? Diesel. Idunno
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone with? Probably my grandpa?
Favorite sport to watch? I hate watching sports. Rather play
Hair color? dark
Eye color? Green I think
Do you wear contacts? Nope
Favorite food? Pork tenderloin stuffed with bacon and havarti cheese
Scary movie or comedy? Uhh neither tbh, but probably comedy
Last movie you watched? don’t remember
What color shirt are you wearing? Dark blue
Summer or Winter? W I N T E R
Hugs or kisses? can’t go wrong with either
Book you’re currently reading? LotR
Who do you miss right now? @wantapeachofme
What’s on your mouse pad? don’t use one
What’s the last TV program you watched? Daredevil
What’s the best sound? music
Rolling Stone or the Beatles? neither
What’s the furthest you’ve ever traveled? Myrtle Beach, SC
Do you have a special talent? Uhhh Idunno
Where were you born? Missouri
I tag @trashcanbees and whoever might like to do this
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