#ask answered 🌸
confectionarymaddy · 6 months
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fluffy-ami · 10 months
May I request lee!Kunikida or Ango? If not, just go for any bsd character you like most <3
Have a wonderful day/night! <3
.......you will get both 🫵🏻 (i love u), I'll just post them separately and tag you once I'm done with my little Ango doodle! Have this for now✨🌸
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✨silly doodles silly doodles silly doodles✨ I am so normal about them I swear- (click for slightly better quality lol)
(Milestone ☁️ Top 5 Favourite Fandoms + Recently added) Requests are still open! 🌟
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oikasugayama · 5 months
saw your post and here :)
ig either hcs or a Drabble would work but how abt Dazai with a s/o who owns a dog and how he would react since he hates dogs. Maybe he would warm up to that dog :)
(he probs wouldn’t ever admit it if he did)
-🌸 anon
omg i was just looking at my dog thinking i wanted him to be in something bc he's so sweet and cheers me up sdfkjsgjs
headcanons: Dazai w a girlfriend who has a small dog!!
Dazai would be so annoyed to find out someone he was dating had a dog. He'd immediately think of something large and in your face and smelly and loud, but when he meets his partner's dog and it's just this little bitty thing that sits there and looks at him and sniffs him for a second before turning back to its owner, he's a little surprised!!
he watches his girlfriend pick the small dog up and hug it and carry it into the kitchen to give it some food and water, and the dog's tail is just wagging and it's chilling in her arms until she puts it down, then it does its own thing while dazai gets his gf's attention again.
when they're hanging out on the couch and the dog walks into the room, dazai is afraid it's gonna start barking at him or trying to sit on him or something, but it picks up a little toy and starts playing and rolling around, and he hates that it looks cute, it's very similar to a cat given how small it is and how it tosses its toy up in the air and plays with it
then it runs over and struggles to hop up onto the couch which gives dazai the ick, but she just coos and picks the dog up and it settles itself on the couch tucked against her leg and she pets it idly while chatting with dazai about the movie theyre watching
eventually it will get curious and climb across her lap to sniff dazai some more, and when he looks at it and says "what does it want?" it wags its tail just bc it's excited that he talked.
"he wants to say hi to you" you coo, holding your dog up on his back legs so it can get a better look at dazai's face. dazai gives it a weird look but knows he shouldn't be mean, so he holds one finger out to the dog, and the dog sniffs it and wags his tail.
"it didn't lick me."
"he doesn't really do that."
"i thought that was like... a thing that dogs do."
"not mine. he's just my little friend."
she hugs the dog and it wiggles around and growls just a little and squirms out of her arms and jumps down onto the ground and he's playing with his toy all hyper again.
"that not a dog" dazai says after watching it for a while.
"huh? yes it is."
"no dogs are awful. but that's... it's fine."
"aww, do you like him :D <3 do you wanna pet him <3<3<3?????"
"no -.-"
dazai absolutely does warm up to the dog after seeing it a few times but he does still dislike every other dog and sometimes has days where he doesnt want to go to his gf's place bc he doesnt want to get dog hair all over him.
he likes the dog mostly bc he can see how much his gf loves it and how much it loves her, the two of them are basically inseparable when they're at home so it doesn't actually bother him or beg for his attention and he never has to take care of it.
he'll pet it and even once sneaks it a treat but only when his gf isn't in the room <3
Bonus: my small dog and my old lady cat 🧡
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sparkbeast20 · 1 month
Saw this on Twitter. Had to make sure you saw it, because, well :]
They actually reblog with my tweet lol
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Welcome to the Hollyberry Kingdom!
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mama mia~ here we go again~ my my how could i forget you~ You know the drill! I've done this three times now I'd hope you would at least- I won't bother linking back to my main for this one, I'm lazy today :'D
Anyway! This is an rp and ask blog for Hollyberry Cookie and Snapdragon Cookie! And as customary, there are bonus dumbasses included!
[Bonus Muses!] - Wildberry Cookie - Royal Margarine Cookie (+ Buttercream) - Tarte Tatin Cookie - Pitaya Dragon Cookie
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dreamkidddream · 10 months
🌻morning glory: what is their favorite form of physical affection?
🌻honeysuckle: if their s/o was hurt, what would they do?
For Mammon please -////-
It has been TOO 👏🏾 LONG 👏🏾 since I wrote abt our first man- reader is gender neutral!
Plant Ask Game 🌸! *open!
🌻 Morning Glory: what is their favorite form of physical affection?
Kisses- Mammon loves your kisses. Don’t get me wrong, he loves holding and touching you too- but it’s just something about your lips on his that makes his mind go blank. Whether it’s on his cheeks before you leave, on his forehead as he’s dozing off, or even when you pepper them over his face to reassure him- he loves it all.
They’re just so soft, and it gives him a momentary high that even the casino can’t give him- not to mention that it makes him feel so weak. He wants to feel embarrassed with how needy he gets with, but the more your lips press against his, the less he cares. The heat growing on his face is very noticeable, but it’s obvious that he doesn’t mind with how much he keeps leaning in. It’s hard to snap out of his daze after your lips leave his- that’s just the type of effect that you have on him (which he’s not complaining about one bit).
If you ever want to find a way to distract or shut Mammon up, this is the most effective way. But be ready to give all of your undivided attention to him- we all know he’s greedy, and one kiss isn’t enough for him.
🌻 Honeysuckle: if their s/o was hurt, what would they do?
If you were hurt by something small (ie. A paper cut), Mammon’s already scolding you for not being careful. He’s complaining about always having to watch over you since you’re so careless while placing the bandaid on your injured finger (which we know he doesn’t mean- but he still chokes when you thank him and ask him to kiss it better lol).
If you were hurt by something serious, his first priority would be to get you away from whatever (or whoever) hurt you- he knows first hand how fragile humans are, how fragile you are- he’s already whisked you away from the threat, hands roaming and eyes scanning all over your form. He’s staying calm on the outside, but inside he’s trying not to panic. If you’re conscious, he feels a huge weight lift off of him- if you’re unconscious, he’s panicking and already has you in arms, flying to anyone who could help- whether it’s his brothers, Solomon or Lord Diavolo himself- repeating that you’re gonna be okay even if his hands are trembling.
It was already hard to leave your side before, but now he’s really not leaving. Mammon is practically your second shadow, from when you wake up to when you go to sleep, he’s right there. He’s trying to do everything for you so you don’t have to it, not willing to take the risk of you getting hurt again (you have to convince Mammon that you can move on your own without him carrying you everywhere).
It takes some time before Mammon (somewhat) eases off of you, but he’s still on guard just in case (not that he minds being with you anyway).
As far as taking care of whatever/whoever left you in this state, he’s already working on that…
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idyllic-affections · 6 months
i can't STANDDDD the abyss sibling. in my case, it's lumine. anyway i can't stand her. imagine your sibling chasing after you, pushing themselves to their limits JUST to find you--to find answers about you because they love and miss you more than anyone else--and when you finally decide you will see them again, what the fuck do you say? NOTHING OF VALUE?????? and you just go on your way, acting like you don't give a fuck????? when that's literally your only family, you walk away without reassuring that you do care for them and it's just that you have your hands tied or... fucking SOME explanation for why you won't talk??????? the abyss twin does not care about the other at all i swear. like imagine making your allegedly "beloved" sibling stretch themselves so impossibly thin just to find you instead of using your words and, idk, talking to them???? i would just stop looking for them at that point fuck that. anyway this is just a pet peeve about the genshin storyline. it's so annoying.
(i am not an only child btw. i do have an older sister.)
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farcillesbian · 5 months
zevbian → farcillesbian
changing my url for now while I'm in a big dunmeshi mood again :3
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mjtheartist04 · 1 month
This but make it GenRika👀⁉️
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I can now ramble a tiny bit about the little thought that has been on my mind FOR MONTHS👏👏👏
Rika has a tiny garden of bonsai trees…each are gifted by her one and only💜 all sorts of shapes and colors, beautifully decorating their estate🥺…Genya even teaches her how to properly take care of them!😭💜💜💜
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onigiri-studies · 22 days
Heyy ! Where R U from? I'm argentine. Our spanish is quite harsh to understand hehe
Hey! ✨ I'm from the Balkan region. I still haven't started to study Spanish. I hope it's easier than Hungarian, I once tried to study that language and it was an epic fail lol.
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robo-milky · 1 year
For second year Chocle, how will she be able to meet first year Chocle?
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In a scenario if they can meet, SY!Cloche would probably be transported into Cloche’s timeline via Dark Mirror hijinks. (Maybe it could be SY!Cloche messing around with magical items to go back to her world or prevent the eye incident from happening- Would be interesting if that played out.)
If you mean in a less literal sense… I’d imagine SY!Cloche feeling ashamed to face her younger self and do everything she can to warn Cloche of the “Eye Incident”. A part of me can also see SY!Cloche resenting Cloche and brooding about how she took everything for granted.
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boiling-potato · 7 months
Hey trickster! What’s your opinion about Raafa?? 😉
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Hmmm sus anon 🤨📸
Raafa belongs to @naciela
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kosmicfeelings · 5 months
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Do you like sharks?? :0
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zeherili-ankhein · 9 days
Who is vasant?
Omgg thanks for asking 🥹
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He's the God of Spring and Flowers in Hindu Mythology. He always roams with Kamdev and Rati (the God of Love and his consort the Goddess of Lust) basically third wheeling them – so we came to the conclusion he is the God of third wheeling too.
There isn't enough texts about him actually so here in Tumblr we created a cult in his name... “The Cult of Rituraj Vasant 🌷🌸🌹🌺🌻🌼🏵️💐🥀🪷🪻”
From what I've found out, he's called Rituraj which literally means the King of Seasons. So ofcourse conclusion he's the King of seasons too.
Here's more info
Other than that every lore about him is created on Tumblr only.. do ask @h0bg0blin-meat to know more about him. He's the one who started this Vasant propaganda first.
See this posts - Cult Rituals, Vasant goes ham with flowers, Vasant and Krishna platonic headcanon, Vasant in Ramayan, Kamadev and Vasant and everything under the vasant tag to get to know him more..
There's even an rp blog for him @flower-boi
There are a lot of other blogs too that talk about Vasant as much as I do, check out those too (sorry for not tagging everyone)
And join the cult :)
All Hail Rituraj Vasant
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pixlokita · 6 months
Why do people like ggy? I don't like what it does to Gregory's characterization and how it makes Vanny pointless.
he’s just 👉👈 so sillay ! But that’s ok if you don’t like it :’> everyone has something they like and dislike >> just focus on what you like tbh
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serendipminie · 7 days
rae may be chronically cooking but i think we should scan you for the condition as well minie smh
How come sgkdgskdgsksdfk
...Now I'm terrified, what do you mean..?
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