gaysonlyocean · 7 months
Speak my child. Speak your truth. (The OCs)
so first off run down of my main oc stories, then the loose ocs i have running about
so! my main story out of everything is ashstone!! my silly lil metaphor for trauma and isolation i adore it so much, basically fucked up mountain based off the highlands and islands and everyones mentally ill on it And Good God There;s Beasts
next we have the one i havent worked on in a while cause i had to give it a major renovation and its. still unnamed sobs and goes by the working title "experiment gang" cause that was the joke name for the main characters but anyway five human experiment guys with superpowers become the worst found siblings ever and try to explode the government
and last main one rn is helmine!! fucked up selkie story cause i needed something more than ashstone to process some shit, a 23 year old selkie finds out ai is in fact a selkie and forces ais friends to come along on a murder quest to find ais sealskin, things go wrong!
one of my more iconic ones is lazarus, he DID have a story to go with him but i dont like it anymore, i still like him though
basically hes got a bunch of fucked up superpowers that genuinely hurt to use but he does it anyway even though hes been told not to
hes like 49 and hes a whore and keeps doing body horror shit unprompted for fun
been thinking about neopronounsing him but nothing quite feels like him
another fun oc i have a care about a lot is gwendolyn sloughton!! gwen for short, shes so fucked up
basically her whole thing is shes got some subconscious reality altering power, shes not even aware of it cause shes grown up with it, so like for example for her 12th birthday she Really wanted a dog but her parents couldnt afford one at the time but when she came home from school there was a dog waiting for her out of nowhere
unfortunately shes not a good person!! so it turned from innocent things to "i wonder what it would be like to watch someone get hit by a car" and shit, and low and behold it happens
she also kills people in her 20s cause she can get away with it due to this, its really fun to write especially cause other people around her can pick up on things being changed around her but she has no idea
MOVING ON FROM GWENS MURDER PALACE!!! we now have ribs my beloved
hes a werecrocodile!! and theyve kinda grown up completely feral in the middle of nowhere about it
also has a lot of scars and even missing half their left hand from doing crocodile things and fighting with others
hes another bitch who originally had a story but i dont remember anyones name in it but basically he accidentally got kidnapped and now theres a werecroc lost in the big city, surely nothing will go wrong
last one im thinking about rn is almyra!!
shes a funky lil sentient dimension that Believes shes the ghost of a woman who died in like 1904, in reality she was there before the woman [the real almyra] was even born its just when she was murdered things got worse
she thinks shes just haunting the house almyra died in, shes not, shes taken over a entire town and her reach is still growing
a lot of people go missing cause of her and she doesnt even realise it
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glisteningreverie · 4 months
I offer to you all
Elf drawings
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Also a Hippogriff because I Said So
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sayrielle · 2 years
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❤️ 🩸
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naosoudevoces · 11 months
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Os holofotes cintilantes e o som dos aplausos ecoavam pelo salão luxuoso enquanto Argon adentrava o baile. O terno impecável tinha a cor azul petróleo para homenagear o distrito de sua origem, mesmo que aquele não fosse um desfile de tributos. Fazia muitos anos, inclusive, que havia sido um, e se antes suas aparições eram sobre sobrevivência, naquela noite era sobre manipulação. Sentia os olhares curiosos, mesmo não sendo um novato na extravagante Capital, conforme transitava pelo salão, fazendo questão de conceder sorrisos cativantes para aqueles com quem seu olhar cruzava. Muitos ainda se referiam a ele como o garoto do mar, mas isso não significava que não desejavam sua presença. Pelo contrário, sua companhia era esperada mesmo por convidados ricos e influentes, que buscavam algum tipo de prazer, benefício, através dele. Tomando para si uma taça de champanhe, acostumado com toda a pompa e ostentação, ele estabeleceu-se próximo de uma pilastra, não levando muito tempo para ser abordado por um patrocinador. O homem mantinha um caso com um estilista, mesmo sendo casado com uma mulher de muitas posses. Se isso se tornasse escândalo após o outro negar algum favor para Argon, não seria ele quem espalharia o boato. Claro que não. ❛ Essa é uma noite para divertimento, senhor Bellroot. Não falemos de negócio. ❜ Esnobou, mesmo que todas as noites fossem de negócio para ele, desvencilhando-se do homem quando reconheceu uma silhueta feminina na multidão. Seus passos eram confiantes e o sorriso, sedutor, conforme aproximava-se. Já havia a visto em alguns outro eventos, embora fosse de seu conhecimento boatos de que ela desgostava daquilo tudo. E isso, sobretudo, o intrigava. ❛ Posso te oferecer uma bebida, distrito seis? Elas tendem a deixar tudo mais... suportável. ❜ Ofereceu a taça que havia subtraído de um garçom no caminho, parando ao lado da garota. Algo na postura dela, ou nos boatos que a circundavam, o fazia lembrar-se de seus verdadeiros propósitos.
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vicklvndia · 11 months
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Nome: Argon Morel Ashstone.
Idade: 30 anos.
Ocupação: vitorioso.
Orientação: Heterossexual.
Verse: jogos vorazes.
Origem: distrito 04.
FC: Regé-Jean Page.
Status: Fechado para plots.
˛ ⠀ ⋆ ⠀ ✶ ⠀ ⠀ ៹  Pinterest. ⊱
Você deve saber de pessoas que fazem sua fama, sua fortuna e sua vida a partir da miséria de outras. Durante todos os tempos, por todas as terras e até nos mares essa ânsia pela ascensão tem aparecido. E é por conta disso que a família Ashstone goza de um pequeno privilégio hoje em dia. Muitas gerações antes de Argon, diz-se que antes mesmo da primeira rebelião e dos dias sombrios, a família lucrou com a venda de peixes de maneira baixa. Construíram barragens ao longo do rio, de forma que beneficiasse principalmente o espaço que era do uso dos Ashstone, tornando-se famosos pelos peixes de água doce. Claro que com a rebelião perderam um pouco disso, mas já haviam estabelecido seu nome, sua fama e sua marca tanto dentro do distrito 04 quanto fora.
Argon nasceu anos depois da guinada dos Ashstone, sob o sol cintilante do meio-dia em pleno verão. Poderiam não ser uma família de muitas posses e o sonho de sua mãe de morar na Capital estar distante, contudo, ele sempre enxergou os privilégios que possuíam em relação aos seus vizinhos. Enquanto uns passavam fome, eram presos por furto ou morriam tentando nadar em mar aberto em busca de algum peixe valioso para vender, ele podia preocupar-se com a escola e aprender a nadar. Foi assim que tornou-se um exímio nadador, e sua habilidade unido ao seu charme e carisma, tornaram-no um dos atletas mais promissores de seu distrito. e poderia ter se tornado um, caso não fosse selecionado como tributo dos Jogos Vorazes.
Não lembra-se de um dia onde sua mãe havia chorado tanto quanto naquele, quando seu nome fora anunciado como tributo masculino do distrito quatro. Em verdade, os gritos de agonia dela o assombram até hoje, tanto quanto os horrores que vivenciou na arena. Sua destreza no combate e sua capacidade de se adaptar rapidamente ao ambiente foram elementos cruciais para sua sobrevivência. Ele se tornou um dos tributos mais formidáveis, conquistando aliados e patrocinadores com sua personalidade carismática. Se mostrou também como não apenas um lutador habilidoso, mas também um estrategista inteligente. Ele usava sua aparência atraente e seu carisma para manipular as situações a seu favor, ganhando apoio e recursos vitais na arena. Mas isso chamou a atenção do Presidente Snow eventualmente. 
A fama e o sucesso nos Jogos Vorazes trouxeram uma vida repleta de luxo e conforto para Argon e sua família. Ele se tornou uma figura proeminente nos círculos da elite da Capital, e encontrou uma moeda muito valiosa em seu meio: segredos, com a qual começou a negociar, o que o fez envolver-se em situações complicadas e mesmo perigosas. No entanto, era apenas uma forma de lidar com os traumas da arena, e havia entendido rápido que ninguém realmente vence os jogos, eles apenas sobrevivem à eles.
Não muito distante de sua origem humilde, Argon disfarça sua insatisfação com sistema (mesmo fazendo parte do meio da pirâmide agora), indo à festas e rindo com os aristocratas. É nesse momento que capta informações interessantes e as usa, eventualmente, para auxiliar os menos privilegiados. 
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callsignbaphomet · 24 days
Lovey Dovey OC Prompt Thingy!
(01) Is your OC in love? If so, with whom, and for how long?
♥ Oracle: Yes! Very much in love with Angelus. He's been in love with him for over 100 years and counting.
♥ Fallout: Yes, he is, he’s pretty much head over heels in love with Angelus. Several months now. Third time he met up with him he really fell hard for him.
♥ Skyrim: Yes! And if you guessed with Angelus you’d be correct. For him it was pretty much love at first sight tbh.
(02) Does another OC love your OC? If so, whom, and does your OC know?
♥ Oracle: I wouldn't say he's in love with him but Mason is crushing really hard on him. Like haaaaaaaaard! Yeah, Jelani knows he has a crush on him but he doesn't know just how bad it is.
♥ Fallout: No. He pretty much keeps to himself and doesn't interact much with other people.
♥ Skyrim: Not really, no.
(03) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC loves?
♥ Oracle: If they're apart for whatever reason be it due to work, visiting family or some type of chore they send each other links to songs so they can listen to them at the same time while they chat. During full moons Jelani accompanies Angelus and other werewolves but after successfully hunting both Jelani and Angelus just walk the wooded areas of Ashstone in their perspective shifted forms until dawn. Then both take human form again and go for some breakfast and coffee (iced coffee for Jelani ‘cause he doesn't like hot drinks) at a nearby diner.
♥ Fallout: A little into the wooded area of Egret there is a tent and a campfire and Jelani loves spending time there since it’s quiet, peaceful and it’s close enough to the river that he can listen to it but not too close to freak Angelus out. Angelus knows this is his favorite spot so he often times brings in a lot of snacks and takes Jelani there, especially when he’s having a bad day, and both spend some time out there just enjoying each other’s company.
♥ Skyrim: Angelus has pretty much turned his entire life to almost nocturnal because of Jelani so at sundown Angelus goes with Jela to feed and they spend some time in the woods wandering and taking in each other’s company.
(04) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC hates?
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: Honestly, no. Anything that is done out of love and care he appreciates a lot. Even if it’s something that isn’t to his taste he’ll still appreciate it because someone actually thought to do something nice to and for him and he appreciates every little gesture.
(05) What is the most romantic thing your OC has done for someone else?
♥ Oracle: So this was after the Chris situation. After Angelus recovered, physically, Jelani just dropped everything, took a month off and left with Angelus to a cabin in Nova Scotia because he knows Valp really loves it there. They spent a month up there just taking in nature and each other in complete peace and quiet.
♥ Fallout: Angelus has a wrist watch that belonged to the old merc he grew up with since he was a kid and it’s the only thing he has to remember him by but the battery on it died long ago and one of the gears was out of place. Jela took it to a guy he knew from when he worked as a guard for a caravan for a few weeks when he first got to Boston and had it fixed to the point where it looked brand new. He gave it to him and taught him how to tell the time correctly. He never takes it off.
♥ Skyrim: It took months of searching, bribes, and he spent about 75% of the gold he had saved up for emergencies but eventually Jelani found the thief that had stolen Angelus’s ring that belonged to his mother and on Angelus’s birthday he gave it to him. Needless to say, that elf cried all night long. That ring is the only thing he had to remember his mother by and when it was stolen he was devastated and didn’t think he’d ever see it again.
(06) What is the most romantic thing that has been done for your OC?
♥ Oracle: Uh…this is kind of ugly but before he got together with Angelus Jela had a boyfriend that was a pretty abusive piece of shit. Started small and escalated, he wore him down to the point where he could pretty much do anything to him and get away with it + this was during a time where something happened and he was pretty vulnerable and the guy took full advantage. The others found out and intervened so when Jela decided to break it off shit got violent…REALLY VIOLENT. He got obsessive and wouldn’t let Jela break up with him so he pretty much beat the shit out of him to the point of him breaking one of Jela’s arms and followed that up with other shit. He was completely unresponsive for two weeks. After that he told Loke what happened so Loke, Angelus and Trevor found the ex and let’s just say there was barely anything left to bury. Angelus stayed with Jela who pretty much secluded himself to the bed and didn’t leave except to shower. He just slept. He barely ate, didn’t get out of bed, was a crying mess and didn’t say anything though he didn’t have to. He and Angelus have a very good level of understanding and communication that both understand without the need to verbally communicate sometimes. Angelus dealt with everything while Jela was in that state, he wouldn’t let anyone except for Loke go near him. He was basically his own personal guard dog for weeks until he started talking again and then slowly moving. Jelani had long been in love with him but this just solidified his feelings for him and that was the same year Angelus confessed to Jelani that he was in love with him and the rest is history.
♥ Fallout: It was that day that he had that massive breakdown. Even after Jelani told Angelus everything that had been done to him and everything he went through and even after seeing all he did to himself he still stayed beside him. He remembers Angelus sitting him down at Power Noodles and getting some food for him, himself and for Dagny and sitting in silence. He was so thankful he didn’t ask about the cuts and scars all over his arms and even after everything he stayed over and even kept him company at night after he asked and didn’t try anything even though he was very well aware that Angelus wanted to. That’s pretty much the day he fell in love with him.
♥ Skyrim: Angelus fought off a horde of vampire hunters by himself after they had stopped to verify if Jelani was a vampire (there had been a growing number of checkpoints in the area). When out in public he usually uses a powerful enchanted necklace that conceals any and all visual signs of vampirism. He’s usually pretty chill when confronted but this time he was dealing with some very rowdy hunters and a fight broke out and the necklace was snatched from him and the illusion spell wore off. He tried fighting them back but they were carrying silver weapons and they almost killed him but Angelus intervened and managed to kill the group and brought him back home just in time. He spent every minute beside him until he recovered.
(07) How successful is your OC at flirting with others?
♥ Oracle: Pretty successful.
♥ Fallout: He used to be before that particular event happened.
♥ Skyrim: Not at all, he doesn’t actually even try to be honest.
(08) What is your OC’s dream marriage proposal?
♥ Oracle: I’m gonna be honest, he always thought/knew he was the one that would be doing the proposing which in fact is how it happened.
♥ Fallout, Skyrim: Something very intimate and private. He’s not one for attention and displays. As long as it’s honest and he can see that there was thought put into it he’s more than happy.
(09) What is your OC’s favorite small way to show their love?
♥ Oracle: Checking in on a loved one. Sometimes it’s the small things that mean way more than some grand gesture. Plus it opens up so that if someone needs to talk about something they can.
♥ Fallout: Hugs. For almost a year he hated the feeling of someone else touching him, even if the person meant no harm, he was automatically repulsed by the feeling of someone else touching him. To him it felt like being poked with hot needles over and over again and after he met Angelus and he respected his boundaries and asked if he could touch him he started to let his guard down around him, then eventually with other people. Angelus is constantly hugging him but he makes sure it’s okay to do so first so that really helped him get over his phobia of being touched.
♥ Skyrim: Little indirect touches. Like both him and Angelus are sitting close and their shoulders are touching, or both are lying in bed and one has a leg on the other’s leg, a momentary touch as they move around the manor or anywhere they’re at, somehow both ending up in each other’s arms in the middle of the night as they sleep.
(10) What is your OC’s favorite big way to show their love?
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: Honestly? Sex. Yes, it can be trivial but when it’s with someone he cares about it takes on an entirely different meaning especially when it involves a lot of complex emotions. The act of being completely exposed with someone he cares about in his most vulnerable state is pretty big. Not to mention there are a lot of acts he will only do/have done on/to him that take a lot of trust. The more out there practices that he allows someone else to do to him are because he 100% trusts that person and trusts them not to intentionally hurt him.
(11) What do others love most about your OC?
(I’m assuming it’s other characters ‘cause if it’s actual people I’m shit outta luck with this OC)
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: First of all, his loyalty to people. Even if you fucked him over he’ll help ‘cause it’s just the right thing to do and he can be a bit petty but not that petty. He’ll gladly put his own life on the line to help someone else, even if he barely knows the person or like I said fucked him over he will. He’s selfless to a fault. He’s always the first to volunteer to help out no matter how small or huge the problem is. He’s always clear and precise about his intentions and makes sure others are comfortable. I know I talk up a storm about how overprotective Loke is but the truth is Jelani is just as overprotective, maybe even more due to his inability to cope with people he cares about dying. If it’s a choice between him dying and someone else dying it’s a no brainer for him he’ll always pick the former. He’s like a walking cheerleader, he’ll always cheer you on and be 100% supportive of anything you wanna do or try out. He’ll put his own needs aside to help someone else with anything. He’ll be honest and offer any help you need but he’ll find that perfect balance between sugar-coating something and being truthful ‘cause honestly sometimes we need someone in our lives that’s straight with us without being an asshole about it and he’s that friend. He’d rather see the good in others before being full of pessimism but he isn’t a naive idiot either. He’s super chill to be around, if you wanna just sit in silence he’s totally up for that, if you wanna drive around listening to music he’s all for it, if you wanna be a total jackass he’s up for that too. When you’re feeling down in the dumps he will absolutely show up to your place, clean everything from top to bottom, make sure you drink water and will make you several meals so you can just focus on feeling better and will text every few hours to make sure you’re okay, eating and drinking water. Did I mention that he’s a teddy bear of a person that just loves to help and see others thrive and be happy already?
(12) What do you love most about your OC?
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: Dude, at the risk of sounding like a jackass…of all the OCs I’ve ever come up with he’s the one I’m most proud of, the one I’m most enamored with. And at the risk of making someone reading this cringe hard he’s equal parts me. All of my OCs have parts of me in ‘em but Jelani and Angelus are me in so many ways. They’re past versions of me, they’ve evolved and changed with me, they’re both better versions of me. Both of them are versions of myself I wish I had the strength and courage to be. I live vicariously through both of them. In every aspect. Jelani means the entire world to me, there’s a reason he’s the “mascot”, the default for every video game you can create a character in. I learned and corrected so many horrible writing and world building mistakes with and through him. This man lives in my head 24/7 and has helped me in ways I don’t even dare say outloud and I love everything about him.
(13) How does your OC show their love to those that are not their partner(s)?
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: By helping as much as he can with anything he can. Even if he can’t do it himself he’ll find some way to make sure someone gets the help they need. Even if he’s going through shit he’ll find some way to set his own shit aside to help someone. He’ll try his hardest to be there for someone that needs it.
(14) Does your OC have any romantic traditions?
♥ Oracle: He makes sure to make some time so that he and Angelus can get away for a month. As much as he loves his friends and family he’s constantly surrounded by them and his place always has people over which makes it a little hard to have some privacy as a married couple. So every so often, depending on things, he’ll take his husband and both will just go away, just the two of them for a month. He makes sure to make time for his family, his friends, his job and you can be damn sure he’s gonna make time for his husband and gods help you if you disturb his time with his husband. Anniversaries are always planned out weeks or even months ahead and he kinda tends to go overboard with them but it’s fine ‘cause Angelus loves every second of it and they get to have a lovely day together.
♥ Fallout: He and Angelus have only been together for around four months so there isn’t really much time to develop traditions per say. However, before going to bed they like to go on the roof and watch the stars, if the weather permits, for a while.
♥ Skyrim: Angelus likes to take a nap during the day so that when Jelani wakes up at sundown he can go with him to feed. It started when vampire hunter patrols became almost a plague but Angelus has kept up with it.
(15) What is your OC’s favorite type of Valentine’s Day candy?
♥ Oracle: Those cute little milk chocolates in the shape of hearts. He just thinks they’re really cute.
♥ Fallout: There’s an older lady in the Murkwater settlement that bakes cakes in the shape of a cute heart. Jelani walked over and got two of them, gave one to Angelus and both ate their little cakes after dinner while watching the night sky and drinking Nuka-Starlight (mix of quantum and cherry).
♥ Skyrim: …he can’t eat candy anymore…HOWEVER, Angelus has bought several heart shaped bottles and fills them with blood infused with different sweet flavors like honey, sugar and others.
(16) What is your OC’s ideal first date?
♥ Oracle: Honestly? Like really, really honestly? Take him to a bookstore, let him just manifest himself and watch him spend an ungodly amount on books he’ll go through in less than four months and then take him out for sushi and he’s all yours.
♥ Fallout: He likes exploring ruins so take him to a ruin. The older the better.
♥ Skyrim: Take him out for a stroll near a meadow or a river or lake, hiking up a mountain, visit a grove or a clearing, a forest–anything involving nature.
(17) Could your OC fall in love with someone they’ve never met in person?
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: Sure, why not?
(18) Does your OC have a “type”?
♥ Oracle: Oh, yeah. Werewolves! And the more femme the better.
♥ Fallout, Skyrim: Honestly no.
(19) How highly does your OC value love (platonic, romantic, or otherwise)?
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: Love is very high up there. It's seriously important. It fuels so much and can even be the one thing to help you come back from even the worst and darkest of places. At least that's how he sees it.
(20) How does your OC feel about public displays of affection?
♥ Oracle: He's 100% up for it. The way he sees it, if the straights can feel safe doing it then so can he.
♥ Fallout: He's actually okay with it. He can be a little reserved but as time passes he relaxes more.
♥ Skyrim: He's a bit shy but he's fine with it.
(21) Does your OC believe in love at first sight?
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: Yes, he does.
(22) How often does your OC read romantic literature?
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: Never. It’s really not his thing.
(23) What is your OC’s favorite nice thing to do for themselves?
♥ Oracle: Stay at home, read a book while Angelus lies on him while they cuddle each other.
♥ Fallout: Going out to the camp around a warm fire, resting his head on Angelus’s lap as he scratches his head while he reads a book out loud so Angelus can hear it.
♥ Skyrim: Falling asleep on Angelus's arms.
(24) How does your OC determine that they’re attracted to someone?
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: If he spends more than 10 to 15 minutes thinking about that person then he's already interested.
(25) Does your OC believe in soulmates?
♥ Oracle, Fallout, Skyrim: Yes, he does! He absolutely does and he loves the entire idea of it. It’s so comforting to him to see it, feel it and experience it.
(26) Is your OC ever the first to say “I love you”?
♥ Oracle: Most of the time. Yeah. However, with Angelus it was different. It was actually Angelus who said it. He’d been dying to say it for well over 100 years but he didn't think he was interested in him so he never did.
♥ Fallout: Not usually. However, it was kinda different with Angelus. The first time they had sex he’d been having a lot of different feelings about him, plus he was feeling extremely vulnerable and sensitive. Mix that with the fact that he felt safe enough with him to have sex with him so in the heat of the moment he blurted it out. He got really flustered after he said it but as usual Angelus was very sweet and caring not to mention relieved ‘cause he’d been dying to say it but he didn't wanna pressure him.
♥ Skyrim: No, he’s a little too shy to be the first to say it.
(27) How does your OC typically spend their Valentine’s Day?
♥ Oracle: They do a little something different each year. Either something big and extravagant or something a little simple. Regardless of what they do, the point is to be together.
♥ Fallout: What I mentioned a few questions back. Jela gets the two little cakes, mixes some Nuka-Starlight and after dinner watch the stars as they eat the cakes, drink the soda and spend the night together.
♥ Skyrim: Angelus wakes him up with breakfast in bed. The cute bottles I mentioned before. They spend a few hours in bed. Then when the sun goes down they head down to a meadow where they have a little picnic by moonlight.
(28) What is something unconventional that your OC thinks is romantic?
♥ Oracle: Okay, so this is Jelani's most favorite thing. Ever! The apartment has three rooms: main, guest and a third they turned into the gaming room. All the consoles, obnoxiously giant tvs, pcs and such are in there. What else is in there? A corner reserved for Angelus's drawing stuff. His tablets, laptop, inks, pencils–everything he uses is there. There's also a big ol’ bean bag. Whenever the mood strikes him to draw he goes there so Jelani takes a book or two with him, pushes the bean bag next to him, sits and reads. Both of them are just doing their own thing without saying a single word to each other, somehow finding a way to touch one another and just being in each other's company.
♥ Fallout: Jela’s been teaching Angelus how to read and write as well as managing firearms. This lends itself for some bonding time that both of them really enjoy.
♥ Skyrim: So Loke has a garden where he grows some pretty rare herbs, roots and plants and in a corner of said garden he has some flowers that were his parents’s favorites as a way to keep their memory alive. But sometimes he’s so busy he barely has time to tend to the garden and a lot of those plants and herbs die. So Jelani has taken to bringing them back to life. What's the point of being a necromancer if you don't put it to good use? Angelus found out and has taken to helping Jelani in tending to the garden. It's kind of a thing they do and bond over while trying their best not to get caught.
(29) What is your OC’s favorite love song?
♥ Oracle: I don't know any love songs. I am being so serious right now, I really can't think of any. This ain't on the character, it's on me lol.
♥ Fallout: One More Tomorrow. It’s corny as shit and sappy and he knows it but after he had a massive break down and asked Angelus to sleep with him (as in keep him company, not as in fucking) the first song he heard the next morning was that one and for the first time he really listened to the lyrics and the first person he saw that morning was obviously Angelus and since then that song is like very soothing.
♥ Skyrim: N/A (there aren’t any songs outside of Ragnar the Red and The Dovahhkin Comes. How am I supposed to work with that??????)
(30) What is your OC’s favorite romantic movie?
♥ Oracle: Oh, no, no that’s not his thing but if I was to say something I guess you could say “The Fountain”.
♥ Fallout, Skyrim: N/A
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tigris-types · 6 months
So I'm not against the end of the episode when Ashston gets the shard, but after hearing Delilah ask for more power, and knowing Laudna has some fire magic as well, what if Laudna/Delilah got the shard? What would that timeline look like?
In fact what would the shard do to the others? What would they look like?
I've seen some cool art of Ashton, but I'm curious about the others if they got the shard.
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unpassive-viewer · 3 months
The Marvels (Spoilers)
Hello again my friends, today I'm watching The Marvels. I actually really like the first one, but phase 4 Marvel has been so disappointing that I'm not going into this with high hopes. Let's get into it.
Man, these new Marvel films are like multi-million dollar cartoon episodes. Same amount of exposition, same amount of world building, same basic scripts. I don't like it. I really wish they would attempt a little actual narrative construction instead of minutes-long fight and flying scenes. The stories are so bizarre because most of the villains have valid gripes, but the narratives are so half-baked that I'm pretty sure I couldn't tell you what they are by the time the movie is over. The villain was SO BORING and her wig looked like plastic Barbie hair. I feel like actually bad for Zawe Ashston, there was nothing she could do for that script.
Other than that, I have a few thoughts:
The CG is so corny. I've never seen a film that looked so much like it was filmed exclusively in front of green screens. It's dystopian - can you imagine having to go to work every day and channel emotions into some lines where you're the only one in front of the camera and there's no real environment to set the tone? Gross
The cartoon animation in the beginning is not giving "Into the Spiderverse", it's giving low budget kids movie.
I do still really like Samuel L Jackson as Fury. He's good comedic relief. I wish they'd let him swear.
I am having trouble with the fact that they have cross-universe travel, but not working telecoms for characters that are close to one another.
The switching places while fighting was really cool. I think it's the only "new" thing this movie really had to offer.
Kamala was the lifeblood of this movie. Her fight choreography and lines were the best out of anyone on the cast. Also, I knew Iman Vellani was Canadian as soon as she said "what're we doing?" when they met Fury on the space station again. It was so cute.
The fact that they had a montage of what must have been like... two hours of training? Guys. Come on. This is worse than Percy Jackson getting two days to train before recovering the master bolt.
Bro WHY is Park Seo-Joon in this movie?????
Verdict: the first third wasn't great, but I actually didn't hate it. The end made me gag though. Like Marvel can we fucking chill out with the new teams. You spent 1/3 of the movie explaining why all these characters are here and now you're going to make me deal with more packed-in exposition in the next one???????? Give me a BREAK. I don't want new dimensions, I want you to explain this one better!!
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vellichor-virgo · 1 year
manuscript search lxxi
wow! it has been quite a while since i did a tag game! but i am making good on my promise to reenter writeblr, so here is one from @dontjudgemeimawriter . thanks for tagging me!
my words are position, safe, request, & cover, and my excerpts are all from ND-related pieces :)
position (from absinthe; CW for sexual innuendo)
(for context, Maia begins by asking where Pollux got the alcohol they’re drinking)
“Where the hell did you get this from, Poll?” 
[ ] “I made a new friend. Some emissary’s son. He was… very generous.”
[ ] Iliana arches a brow at Pollux, pointedly eyeing his mussed hair and his shirt, unbuttoned to his chest. “Easily convinced, more likely.”
Pollux’s grin widens. [ ] “It’s not my fault I’m as charming as I am handsome.”
“Harlot,” Maia mutters, drawing a laugh from me.
Pollux jabs a finger toward me. “You, Lady Celena, are not in a position to mock me.” He points between Iliana and me. “Did you think nobody noticed that mark on your neck? The one that happens to be the exact shade of red Ashstone paints her lips?” 
safe (from ND v0):
I could leave, I muse to myself. Avoid the guards and sneak away in the night, when no one would notice me. Find somewhere in the city to stay for a time. Find some way to make a living. Speak to no one, let no one learn my name. Leave for somewhere else every few months.
It would be tiring and lonely and difficult, but I would be safe. Everyone would be safe. 
request (from ND v0):
“Are we going to the library?” I ask with surprise.
Cait nods. “It is where his Highness requested you meet him, my lady.”
Odd. But, considering the rare light that filled Prince Aedan’s face when we spoke of the library this morning, not entirely out of character for him. Has he recognized my love of books, just as I recognized his? Perhaps he thought I would be more comfortable speaking to him there than in the grand throne room.
I wonder if the crown prince’s thoughtfulness will ever stop taking me by surprise.
cover (from ND v0):
Although I have no idea what any of this means, a sudden desperation seizes me, so intense it swallows me whole. My grip on the book tightens, fingertips digging into both covers until they ache.
“I want to know.” My voice is startlingly loud in the heavy silence and dusky light, carrying over the sounds of the storm. It feels as though I am the only person in the world, as though everyone else has dissolved into darkness and thunder. “I need to know. Please, please—”
i’m very out of practice with tagging people, but i shall tag @akindofmagictoo @rose-bookblood @cream-and-tea @sleepy-night-child and anyone else who would like to join in :)
new words: friend, dusk, odd, sneak
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namenerdery · 8 months
Boys with interesting names born in Ohio between 2016-2020 [A & B]
Able Bo Huckleberry
Abrym Scott Lee
Acheron-Styxx Midnight
Ackzel Sebastian
A'Draco Princeton Lee
Aerieyon Ronell
Aether Lemoyne Fredrick
Aexis Spade
Ahkilleiz Brayden Michael
Ahliver-Klarence Archellus Darrell
Ajaxiel Manuel
Alcides Ernesto
Alduin Dova Rebel
Allegiance Waylyn
Alucard Phoenix
A'Manifest Lance-Allen
Amay'Zen Michael-Jeremiah
Amazing Success
America Chain
Amzyre Lee
Anakin Skywalker Jude
Annex Zane
Anthem Rey
Antigonus Mordecai
Aragorn William
Arcade William-Deuel
Arcadian River Croskey
Arcangel Adrian
Arcturus Aurelius
Arixcyn Graham
Arkham Eternal
Arston Owen
Artist Anthony
Artorias James
Ascendance Haven Emanualle
Ashston Silas
Asmodia Daeva
Astonish Montrel
Astraeus Scout
Atlantis Desean
Awesome Chase
Axcell Leonardo
Axxell Michael David
Azireian Xylon-Uriah
Azure Walker
Baelfyre Erebus Rayze
Baizden Crew
Ballad Nox
Bandit Rogue
Baxlyn Bo
Bentrix Freddy
Bison Buckingham
Bjorn Dracarys
Blayzden Michael
Blu The Great
Bogartt Burke-Lee
Bonder Clinton
Bonzi Stardust
Boomer Zeppelin
Bradleeh Thomas
Braiyzden Allan Dvon
Branch Canyon
Braven Noble
Brayker Owen Allister
Braylex Garrett
Brazedyn Lane
Brazen Rowdy
Breaker Maximus
Breauxdy Kenneth
Brick Owen
Brilliance Benevolence Amore
Broczen William
Broker Maddox
Broncs Douglas
Broxson Blaine
Bruh Elias
Buddy Dean
Bugatti James
Buster Nicholas
Butch Robert
Buzzy Sebastian
0 notes
gaysonlyocean · 6 months
shitty ass joke summaries of my original stories cause i just named two of them
Ashstone - several people make poor life decisions and are surprised when it backfires on them
still unnamed story from 2019 - worlds worst found siblings decide to take down the government
Helmine - "i decided im gonna kill someone to cope with my trauma and im making it your problem too"
Something Is Wrong With Gwendolyn Sloughton - imagine if the malicious cosmic horror threatening your reality was a 20 year old photography student who likes horoscopes too much and wears cunty outfits
Breathing Inside Phastasmagoria - "surely if i dont tell my friends and sister what im really doing it will be fine! why is it so dark all of a sudden"
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aaaaagaronia · 2 years
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commission for @gaysonlyocean !!
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sayrielle · 2 years
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A new character appears! Her name is Anwyn Ashstone, and she is perhaps haunted by many ghosts. I look forward to finally getting to play a Phantom Rogue in an upcoming 5E game!
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hawkberryart · 6 years
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BIG FILE omg but lookie old art :’D
1. Rosethorn and Bumblepaw. Rose is Hawkberry’s grandfather on his dad’s side. He’s a quiet thoughtful tom who likes spend his time in peace and doing his job. Bumblepaw is a young apprentice he befriended not long after his warrior ceremony. Bumble suffered from being shy and having no friends. They two made a good hunting team.
2. Ambertongue :3 A very very big she-kitty with a somewhat harsh look on life. Does have a deep caring side she shows to her family.
3. Goldenfeather. Mad cat of Valleyclan wayyy back when (two mad cats before snakeleaf and 3 before Hawky) A flirtatious tom cat. Has no interest in getting a mate but does love to get attention and cuddles ;333 Had a little crush on amber for a long time but is quite happy as friends.
4. One day Rose and Bumble go out for a walk, not paying too much attention to the dark clouds above them. The storm hits while they're far from camp and in the harsh rain, they lose their way and end up near Streamclan. A small of patrol cats attack, nervous from rogue cats who have been hanging around lately. Rosethorn strikes back instantly, mind on little Bumblepaw and his protection. The Stream cats do pull back when they notice and help them along the river towards their camp. On the way though, Bumble slips on the wet rocks and from the wind and hits his head. Rose gets him home but it's far too late. The cat here is his mother, snarling at Rose for 'killing' her son. The tom should have known, she said. Rose agreed with her, feeling the guilt and grief.
5. Amber talking to Rose in order to help him back on his feet. They two grew close over the following moons and Amber finally popped that question (rose was too chicken :p )
6. !! Ashstone! Hawkberry’s dad yay. Ash had a very good close relationship to his parents and was a happy guy :D
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staysuki · 3 years
[final] out of my league | k.sm fic
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➼ genre: fluff, angst, enemies to lovers (sorta) ➼ warnings: major themes of bullying, suggestiveness ➼ disclaimer: this does not reflect the real life personalities of the Stray Kids members that will appear in this fic ➼ word count: 4.3k ➼ pairing: popular girl!reader x nerd!seungmin ➼ setting: first year college
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You have a plan.
It was finally time to face your past after realizing that you can't just move on and bury it like dirt. You didn't even know why you thought you could get away with such a thing.
But as you stand in front of the Kim household, your feet felt planted on the concrete, unable to move from your spot. Your finger retreating back and forth from trying to ring the doorbell and then just backing away in fear.
With the help of Jisung, you were able to track down their address (definitely not creepy at all), and you drove two hours back to your hometown so you could ask for forgiveness to the girl that you had hurt.
You bought flowers and gifts, though you knew that these were all empty materialistic things that wouldn't offset the horrible thing that you did.
Nonetheless, you put on a brave face as you rung the doorbell, waiting for someone to answer the door. You knew the Seungmin was still in university, Jisung said so.
What if their parents open the door? Do they know about me? Would they chase me away?
Worries plagued your thoughts but they all dissipated once you saw a familiar face greet you by the door. Although new worries sprung up once you saw her crestfallen face at the sight of you.
"H-hi." You awkwardly greeted, not knowing what to say as you looked at everywhere but her dead eyes. "Ummm... I got you these..."
She slightly nodded at you as she received the gifts you had bought, putting it down on a nearby desk before turning back at you at the door.
"Can I help you?" Yuna asked, trying to be brave but one could easily tell that she's a bit apprehensive in this whole situation.
"I wanted to apologize for all of the things I've done to you in the past. I know that I can keep giving you these gifts but none of them will ever fill the hole that I left in your heart. There's no excuse for my behavior, I was jealous and intimidated by you because you were such an amazing girl and seeing you in school made me realize that being popular was the only thing I had going on for me. I wasn't kind nor was I smart nor talented. I felt threatened that you would outshine me one day.." You said and you see her just watch you speak. Biting your cheek, you realized something in the back of your head.
The reason why you didn't like Felix as much was because he reminded you of Yuna. Bright, cheerful, extremely kind, and talented. You figured you owed two people an apology today.
You heard her sigh and you finally picked up the courage to look her in the eye. She seemed dejected, like she just gave up on who she was years ago. "I-I don't know if I can forgive you."
You sucked in a breath but nodded, "I know, I understand and your feelings are totally valid. I'm not doing this for me I'm—"
"—Doing this because of my brother."
You stopped in your tracks.
"Am I right?" She half-heartedly laughed and you mustered the best denial you could do.
"N-no— I mean, that's part of it? But not in the way that you think— It's just that I know I'm a horrible person, there's no denying that but you guys are not. And realizing the damage that I've done, I wanted to make it right, not for me, but for the both of you— because you guys don't deserve that, you don't deserve the things I've put you through. I know it's not gonna be an overnight fix but I'm prepared to come back here everyday just to ask for your forgiveness."
"You don't need to do that. I just— I appreciate this all, really, I do. But umm, I'd much prefer it if you guys just left me alone. I personally don't want to be reminded of this whole situation anymore."
You nodded, though feeling dejected, you know that you should follow her words. But that doesn't mean you're giving up.
Just because you can't show your face here anymore doesn't mean that there's nothing you could do to show remorse.
You just need another plan. But first, to someone who you also owe an apology too.
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"I'm really glad you took up my offer, y/n. I hope you're not too tired from the drive?" Felix sat in front of you, two cups of coffee on your table as you both basked in silence at a quaint coffee shop near your university.
When you had gotten back from Seungmin's house, you figured you didn't want to lost the momentum so you immediately called Felix over to meet you.
"No, no, I'm good." You answered him, biting your lip as you tried to figure out how to tell him what's been bothering you.
A gentle hand being placed on top of yours pulled you out of your thoughts, making you look up at Felix's soft eyes that seems to be cradling you with his warm gaze. "What's wrong, y/n?"
"You don't have to be nervous. I know you didn't call me here for the date that I asked you out on, yes?" He said, your eyes widened at his perceptiveness, making a mental note that nothing gets past Lee Felix.
"I-I'm sorry.."
"You don't have to apologize for not liking me back, y/n—"
"No! It's not that, I mean... I'm currently not in the mental state to worry about that but that's not just what I'm sorry for. I want you to know how much of a terrible human being I am."
You recounted the days of your past, telling him what kind of person you were back in high school. You told him about Yuna and Seungmin, you told him about how you destroyed a piece of them.
"So that's why you've been down. The thing that happened during the experiment, that's when you found out, right?" You nodded at him as he just drew slow circles at your hand, an action that made you calm down in effect.
"That's why I hated you at first. I thought I was just jealous that you were taking Jisung away from me but today I realized that it's because you remind me so much of Yuna. You're both amazing and being around you makes me realize how shitty I am in comparison."
"Y/n, you're not shitty." He urged you to look at his gentle eyes, holding you with a certain fondness that you don't think you deserve. "I'm not taking Jisung away from you because there's nobody that could replace you. There's so many things great about you and your past shouldn't hold you back from shining as a person. You just need to make things right."
"But I don't know how to do that." You answer back, burying your face in your palm, taking deep breaths as you try to hold back tears from falling.
"It's going to be okay. Best apologies come out of love." Felix said with a certain hint of knowing in his voice. Although you didn't quite get it, you just offered a nod while you wracked your brain as to what he meant.
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"Y/n's steps to forgiveness—" Jisung read out the words on your journal, his eyes trailing over the entirety of the page as he read through your plans.
"Think this is gonna work?"
He shrugged, pursing his lips in thought. "Worth a shot, isn't it?"
You nodded vigorously, clenching your teeth in nervousness. "And if they don't like it based on this first step then I could always just stop."
"What about your's and Seungmin's project?"
"It's due in a week but I can just ask for an extension or I don't know, I'll cross that bridge when I get there."
"Typical y/n studying fashion, great to see you haven't changed." He teased and you just smacked him on the arm.
"Hey! The situation is different this time, give me a break, ugh."
You started the gears for your plan, putting it in motion as you scoured the internet for the things you needed.
For the first day, you sent them two tickets to a theatrical show with ballet. You thought about sending a letter but you opted out of it, not wanting to overwhelm Yuna.
For the second day, you sent her a care package of her favorite snacks (as told by Jisung who somehow knows everyone's favorites) as well as a few copies of great literature.
For the third day, you sent them two tickets to a dance competition. You also realize that there always seems to be some sort of event going on, you made a mental note to go to one yourself.
On the fourth day, you receive a knock on your dorm room at eight in the morning, before you could even have the chance to send the next gift.
"Jisung~! It's too early—" You whined as you dragged yourself off the bed, heading towards the assault on your door. Your gut was trying to tell you something but with your early morning daze, you weren't able to pin what it was.
"Jisung, you idiot—"
Ah, that was what's bothering you. Jisung never knocked, he had his own key. This was not Jisung.
"Can you stop harassing my sister?"
Your jaw dropped, seeing Seungmin so early in the morning, hearing the venom drip out of his mouth, you couldn't think of words to say.
"U-umm— does she not like it...?"
"We do not like it. You're not gonna get her forgiveness by flooding her with meaningless gifts."
You sighed, nodding along, you weren't really in the mood to entertain Seungmin. "I'll leave you alone." You said, stifling back a yawn as you closed the door in his face, catching the way his eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.
You eyed the music festival tickets sitting on your kitchen counter— whelp, you suppose that's going to someone else now.
But you weren't going to give up.
You still had a final hail mary.
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Going back to high school was never in your plan, but this was your last ditch effort at making things right. Thankfully, it was already summer vacation for your high school so the only ones at school are faculty members, kids with bad academic standpoints, AND kids with good academic standpoints.
You prayed to some deity that Yuna would be somewhere in between so that you don't get caught in your plans.
Archives, you just needed access to the school archives and you'll be golden.
"Ms. Y/n! Surprised to see you here!" You immediately plastered a bright expression, the stretch of a bright smile painted on your face as you were greeted by your old homeroom teacher.
"Ah, you know, just visiting and also, stuff."
"College treating you right?"
You just nodded, not having time for the pleasantries.
"Well, what can I do for you, y/n? I don't suppose you came here just to check in on some old folks eh?"
You sucked in a breath, hoping you don't get kicked out for what you're going to ask for. "Actually, sir, I do have one favor..."
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Once again, you look at the Kim's household in front of you, yet this time you were still inside your car, shifting uncomfortable in the driver's seat as you fiddled with the flash drive with your fingers, nervousness permeating on your veins.
The reason for that? Because you see Seungmin's car in the driveway. You cringed, maybe you were being too harrassing, making him have to drive all the way from university just so he could watch over her.
He's a good brother, you thought, but not exactly what you needed right now. You had to give this file to Yuna and then you'll stop for good.
A knocking on your car window pulled you out of your thoughts and once again, you see the familiar frown on a grumpy face.
"I thought you were going to leave us alone." Seungmin greeted right when you pull your car window down.
"Just one last thing, please? Just give this—"
"No more gifts."
"It's not a gift, I swear!" You held the flash drive in front of his face.
He eyed the small device suspiciously so you grabbed his hand, forcing it down to his palm.
"Please." You looked up at him, eyes filled with every emotion in the book as you poured all of your feelings into that one word. While you had his attention, you also slipped a letter alongside it before rolling your windows up again, hoping to take advantage of his momentary stun.
"Yah!" When he pulled himself out of his thoughts, it was too late. You were now stepping on the gas, leaving Seungmin alone in front of his house, a flash drive and a letter in his hands.
Now you just hope he won't throw it away in the gutter.
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It's the final day of the week, also known as the reckoning— because it was the day before the last day of the school's semester. Students running around the campus to do last minute remedial projects or doing whatever dirty work their professor told them to do for the smallest chance of a grade boost.
Meanwhile you've been staring in front of your laptop for who knows how long now, waiting for some sort of update. With everything that's been going on, you didn't know how to approach Seungmin about the project so you figured you'd just ask for a deadline extension. But no matter how many times you tried to type one out, you just couldn't come up with the correct wording. Batting your eyelashes as you say please doesn't really translate well in text.
One thing could also be possible: Seungmin went behind your back to pass his own project. You remember him saying the very first day that he already wrote something, perhaps he left you out to fend for your own— or perhaps this was one of his ways of punishing you. Because there was no way that you'll be able to whip up a completely new project within the span of less than 48 hours without the proper research.
You shook your head, putting your trust in Seungmin. He wouldn't be so cruel as to—
Your track of thoughts stopped as a new email appeared on your screen— one from Seungmin.
"The project?" You wondered, clicking on the email to find a singular document attached entitled 'cw001' which was the course code for your creative writing class. Professional as ever, Kim Seungmin.
As you opened the word document, you skimmed through the outline of the format, seeing an empty spot on the last page dedicated for your own comprehension of the task.
"So he didn't ditch me after all.." you muttered as you went back to the top of the page, starting to read through the paper.
Your breath stopped as you took in the contents of your project.
Forgiveness. Redemption.
Although it is not a new accomplishment in general, this paper details a specific situation in our lives that we had to face.
It is something that may not be defined as something that brings about intense bliss, to face the hideousness of our pasts, but putting the knot to an end is something that brings peace and contentment— and isn't happiness something that differs from person to person?
You scanned through the entire project, taking in Seungmin's words before bolting out the door, making your way through the streets of the residential area of the campus with one destination in mind.
You sent a silent sorry in your head for Jisung, apologizing for using their dorm key without both of the room owners' consent, especially since Jisung just made you hold on to the extra key in case he loses his own, not so you could barge in without consent. Although your bestfriend personally wouldn't mind it since he does the same to you, he worries about his roommate.
But you've always been an act first apologize later type of person, so when you cracked the door open to their dorm, you took a deep breath as you stepped in. You didn't think Jisung would be out so you just went straight for Seungmin's instead, giving the polite courtesy of a knock before immediately opening it.
A sudden sense of deja vu filled your body as you once again see him preoccupied on his desk, headphones probably on max volume. You felt bad creeping up on him, even more so when he jumped from his seat when he felt your touch.
"For fuck's sake—" he cursed, throwing his headphones off before glaring at you. "What are you doing here?!"
You looked down at him as he adjusted himself back to a comfortable sitting position, trying to distract your eyes from letting the waterworks out, "Y-you forgive me?"
He rolled his eyes, attempting to swivel his chair away from facing you but you held onto the armrest, trying to stop him. But in a moment of weakness, you just ended up being dragged by the motion, accidentally stumbling and falling right on his lap.
"S-sorry—" you were about to stand but an arm being placed on top of your own lap stopped you from doing so.
Your faces were inches apart as you were settled on Seungmin's lap, his other hand going up to gently wipe the tears that you didn't know had escaped.
"You know, when Yuna kept telling me about the girl who ruined her passions, I definitely wasn't expecting a stuttering mess of a clumsy woman."
Your face heated up at the proximity and the feeling of his body so close to yours but you tried your best to focus on his words although your head was already like putty that melted on his touch.
"I-I'm sorry..?" You worded, not entirely sure where he's getting at but you stayed put. You see the ghost of a smirk as you notice the subtle upturn of his lips, you didn't miss the way his face was now just a mere breath away from yours.
"I'm such a bad brother, aren't I?" He mindlessly whispered between your shared breaths, his eyes no longer on your face but on your lips.
You closed your eyes in anticipation, feeling the ghost of a touch invading your senses.
"Seungmiiiin?" One moment you were enveloped by his warmth and then now you find yourself smack dab on the cold floor, the shock even stopping you from reacting as you see Yuna like a deer in the headlights standing on Seungmin's door. "Oh... did I interrupt something?"
"No!" Both you and Seungmin said in unison, sparing a glance at each other before you picked yourself up from the floor.
"I should probably go—"
"You can stay.." Yuna said, but she kept her eyes on her brother's face, expression unreadable.
"What are you doing here, Yuna." The girl rolled her eyes at her brother's strict tone.
"I had Jisung drive me up here secretly so I could see you both!" She greeted cheerfully, stepping inside the room as she gave a side hug to her brother. You just stood at the side dumbfoundedly, not knowing how to act in this situation until Yuna turns to you.
"You can stop now."
Your face fell, suddenly being reminded of how Seungmin told you stop harassing Yuna. Did she drive all the way up here to say the same thing to you?
"I forgive you—"
Your eyes widened in surprise, about to say something but she continued.
"—kinda. Well, it'll take a while but I don't hate you as much anymore."
You let her continue speaking.
"But I know what you were trying to do. Trying to make me see what I casted away, trying to get me to open up to my passions. At first, I was still closed off about it but when you sent me the files of documentations of my old activities, it was really eye opening. Getting to see my old self back in high school. Hell, I didn't even know that most of those got filmed and saved but I'm happy that it did. The letter as well— you somehow got the teachers to comment what they thought about me. Seeing them compliment me but then wonder what had happened, I suppose it made me realize that I shouldn't've lost myself because of one person."
You just nodded, listening to her solemnly.
"But I'm trying to be okay now, and I don't think you should let me get in the way of whatever is happening here. I don't think you're a bad brother at all, Seungmin. You can't help who you like." You have to admit, you weren't able to catch the last sentence but you did see her nudge Seungmin with her foot, her older brother just swatting it away as he tried to cover the small pink from his cheeks.
"She timed that entrance, by the way! The little devil!" You hear Jisung's voice as he peeked his head through the door.
You see Seungmin's expression morph into shock at her sister's mischief. "Okay, that's it, I'm driving you home."
"But I wanted to see the university—"
"Nope, we're going."
Seungmin pushed Yuna and Jisung out of his room before grabbing a few keys, sparing you a glance. "I may have lied about her not liking the gifts." He said before leaving you on your toes.
You watch the siblings scuffle their way out of the dorm and you were just left there dazed until Jisung pulled you out of your thoughts.
"Dude, you good?" You nodded absentmindedly.
"I have no idea what just happened." You confessed.
"Me neither, but it seems like things are looking good, yeah?"
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You left their dorm with peace in your heart although paired with a certain confusion. You didn't want to act daft but you didn't want to jump to conclusions either. Perhaps everything was just a weird case of coincidences, there was no way that Kim Seungmin was just about to kiss you, right?
You laughed it off as you settled yourself back to your desk, finishing the last bits of your paper before submitting it to your professor.
You hadn't noticed the ache on your shoulders from leaning down on your laptop for so long, the act of typing always making you tune out the world until a set of knocks made you sit upright in shock.
"It couldn't be....?" You muttered as your mind immediately thought of Seungmin.
You opened your door, greeted by the sight of your landlady.
"Sorry to bother your evening, y/n, just wanted to deliver this month's bill—"
"Oh, of course!" You took the bill from her hands, bowing politely, waiting for her to walk away before you closed the door.
You laughed at yourself for even thinking that it could be Seungmin but you waved it off as you heard another set of knocks, you weren't even three steps away from the door yet.
"Yes, miss—?" You greeted, expecting your landlady who might've just forgotten to say something. But what you didn't expect was the man who you had been hoping to see.
"Oh.. my landlady was just here a couple of seconds ago."
Seungmin's eyebrows shot up in curiosity, "Something wrong with your room?"
"Ah no, she just sent me what I owe." You waved the bill with your hand, following it with his eyes, a knowing smile permeates his face.
"Well, I also came here for that."
You tilted your head in confusion, "My... bill?"
He stepped closer, letting himself in your dorm, almost making you stumble backward but a strong arm wrapped itself around your waist, supporting your figure.
"I believe I owe you something as well."
This time he didn't hesitate to dive down, connecting your lips with his. The kiss was soft and filled with unwavering emotions, making heat travel down your entire body as you melted in his touch. You held onto his arms as he deepened the action, guiding you along his lead.
If you were to look at Seungmin, you definitely wouldn't've expected him to be so good at kissing, but the way he led the movement with such dominance sent tingles down your spine, not even noticing that he had already led you further in your dorm, the door closing shut behind him while you indulged in the softness of his lips, gliding smoothly with yours.
You both broke the kiss for a moment's breath, heaving from the intenseness of the moment as you both just stood with each other on your arms, your eyes staring intently at each other.
"What..?" Ok, maybe you weren't the most coherent person in the world— but you'd rather blame Kim Seungmin for momentarily stealing all of your senses.
He laughed at your disposition, leading you to your couch, finding yourself on his lap once again, but this time, he was the one who led you to it. "You're surprisingly obedient."
You pouted at his teasing, feeling too shy with his boldness. "Well I didn't expect you to be such a ladykiller either."
He shook his head, gently tucking strays of hair behind your ear. "Just to you— I may or may not have had my eyes on you since the start of our first year in uni. Just my luck to find out that you were also the same girl Yuna was talking about."
"I'm sorry."
"We'll get past it. How could I stay mad at you?" He whispered, once again connecting your lips with his as he pulled you in by your neck.
"How are you so good at this?" You worded breathlessly as you both came up for air, feeling your heart almost bursting out of your chest.
"Well, I didn't want to be too out of your league." He shrugged, making you gasp.
"I thought I was out of yours!"
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a/n: thank you for staying throughout this entire series! i'm going to be honest and say that i feel like i was a bit overambitious with this one, halfway through i sort of lost the motivation to continue but i just sucked it up and did my best to end it. that being said, i'm not super happy with this one but i'll make up for it with my next seungmin fic. i feel like this might be sent back to the dungeon, idk. but thank you for everyone who took their time to read it, i always appreciate reading feedback so don't be shy to shoot a comment or an anon!
taglist: @healinghyunjin ​ @ellshells3 @softforqiankun @hyunjun-jpeg @suspixious
couldn’t tag: @stay4eight @devoidimagines
mastertag: @leagreenly @geniejunn @90s-belladonna
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lonely-dog-draws · 4 years
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