#asexual and aromantic rep
unravelingthepages · 2 years
Loveless- Why it's my new comfort read
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Hi! Loveless by Alice Oseman is a masterpiece. I laughed and cried and LOVED the characters and their story. It has much needed asexual and aromantic rep with a lot of LGBTQ+ characters in general too!
Before I continue with my review, a little update: I’ve been on a reading binge for the past week and have read 4 books that made me feel so much- angry, happy, sad, you name it. (I’ll be reviewing all 4 so stay tuned!) Reading binges for me usually happen when I feel overwhelmed with life and I need to escape reality for a bit:) Definitely not a healthy coping method but it seems to work?? So, anyways, if my review seems a bit muddled, it’s probably because this was the first book of my reading binge lol.
The Plot
It was all sinking in. I’d never had a crush on anyone. No boys, no girls, not a single person I had ever met. What did that mean?
Georgia has never been in love, never kissed anyone, never even had a crush – but as a fanfic-obsessed romantic she’s sure she’ll find her person one day.
As she starts university with her best friends, Pip and Jason, in a whole new town far from home, Georgia’s ready to find romance, and with her outgoing roommate on her side and a place in the Shakespeare Society, her ‘teenage dream’ is in sight.
But when her romance plan wreaks havoc amongst her friends, Georgia ends up in her own comedy of errors, and she starts to question why love seems so easy for other people but not for her. With new terms thrown at her – asexual, aromantic – Georgia is more uncertain about her feelings than ever.
Is she destined to remain loveless? Or has she been looking for the wrong thing all along?
Why you should read this book
The emotions you’ll feel! I can promise you’ll feel frustrated, helpless, sad, sympathetic but also incredibly happy, joyous and proud of the characters and where they’ve come!! I actually cried with happiness as the end lol.
This is such a beautiful story of friendship and platonic true love that I will recommend it to anyone and everyone. It deals with such important themes, of course, most importantly the theme of coming to terms with and accepting your sexuality.
A great plot and amazing characters coupled with hilarious moments and emotional ones that were balanced perfectly take this book right at the top of my favorites list. Which is to say, I loved it so much.
I think this is one of those reads that’ll hit differently every time you re-read it at different stages in your life and that makes me so excited to re-read it sometime in the future. I really hope you’ll give this book a chance, because oh my god, it deserves all the hype it can get and more.
I hope you’ll love the characters as much as I did. Especially Sunil, I just want to give him a hug. I definitely think his story needs to be finished so @aliceoseman if you’re reading this- please? **pleading puppy dog eyes
purchase this read: https://amzn.to/3DbUqEO [this is an associate link]
hey (with the intention of going on cute bookstore dates)
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labcoated-lunacy · 2 months
eroticism of the machine this, eroticism of the machine that. what about the AROMANTICISM of the machine. what about the electric comfort of looking at a beautiful turbine engine and knowing that it is just like you. what about the urge to cut open your chest to prove your heart is made of wires and your ribs are made of steel. what about that
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fallenrain40 · 3 months
the MORE aphobia i see in fandoms, the more annoyingly in-your-face aroace i'm going to get. i aint gonna sit back and let aroace get erased, aphobia is literally just repackaged homophobia.
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agrebel18 · 11 months
saw someone on here the other day say that we don’t need aromantic and asexual representation in media because that’s a “sanitized” identity like BITCH WHAT????? IF YOU CAN ONLY SEE ASPEC PEOPLE AS CHILDREN THAT IS A YOU PROBLEM.
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viveela · 3 months
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It must be weird to live so long that an integral part of himself is now accepted, he'll need more time to get there too
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shmaroace · 9 months
"we need more aroace characters" actually we need more aro characters. like just aro because every time a character is aroace the aro part of their identity is conveniently forgotten
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yourlocalcourtfool · 4 months
All the people erasing ace and aro rep because "asexual people can have sex"' and "aromatic people can want romantic relationships" is giving the same vibes as "they just haven't met the right person yet" or "I can change them"
(Quick edit: I want to make it clear that I do support ace and aro specs I just hate non-aroace specs who are just aroace being erased)
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shitpostingkats · 5 months
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When I tell you I fucking sobbed my eyes out.
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mossy-aro · 1 year
me: only portraying aspec characters as robots/aliens is harmful representation because it reinforces the idea that aro/acespec people are emotionless, cold, and less than human for not experiencing attraction
also me when i see a robot character actually experiencing attraction: GRRRRR give me back my emotionless asexual aromantic ‘doesn’t understand basic human emotions’ robot rep u fucking bastards!!! 😡
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roseredsnow · 13 days
This is your week till Acolyte reminder that Vernestra Rwoh
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Is canonically aroace and she was been confirmed aroace since 2021 by her main writer Justina Ireland, the tweet doesn't work for me but the article and a link
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Please do not ship her, you can have any other characters in Acolyte and any of the at least 13 confirmed sapphic characters in the High Republic, let us have our rep for once.
Edit: Forgot to include the word aromantic was also used in the character encyclopedia.
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redysetdare · 9 months
It's all "you guys need to understand how SUBTEXT and CODING are usually the only confirmation of representation queer people get in media especially in older media" but once that subtext and coding is used to say a character might be aro or ace coded/have aro/ace subtext then suddenly it's not a valid way to claim representation. Then it's only "headcanon" or "not confirmed" like do you all hear yourselves? It'd be so much easier to say you hate aro/ace ppl at this rate!
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maerhiya · 3 months
in regards to the constant dismissal of his aroace identity, i hate it when alastor 'fans' say and use the excuse: "he's fictional, he won't get offended."
like, you're right, but it can and will offend us.
when you see yourself being represented on screen, of course you'd feel enthusiastic about it — representation allows individuals to see themselves reflected in the media they consume, validating their identities and experiences. but when so many people take that representation and decide to disregard and discard it, it is so fucking frustrating. we finally have another character to be part of the tiny amount of representation we have, but then people don't even care about how much it means to us? like yeah, alastor won't get offended because he's not real, but it frustrates and annoys us. do you realize that it's also technically invalidating the aroace community? that you're invalidating our feelings? imagine feeling like you're finally being seen because your orientation is finally being represented in media, and people just decide to blatantly ignore, discard, and invalidate it.
media has such a powerful influence on real life, representation being a prevalent factor of it. there are numerous posts that dictate how people went to watch a movie/show or read a book just because a character depicts their identity in it — obviously, being represented is an incredibly uplifting and validating experience.
which is why seeing an aroace character in a popular show is so meaningful to us because we live in a world where romance and sex are literally everywhere and prioritized above all else. (and it's pretty obvious that alastor's on the repulsed end of the spectrum, but even if he wasn't, at least make an effort to acknowledge his sexuality instead of continuing to portray him as allo; aroace folks can be in relationships but it's not going to be the same thing with allos' experiences.)
any and every representation matters, but why does that seem to stop at people under the aroace spectrum? like y'all can't even let us appreciate the scraps of representation we have. we barely have any, so are we really that dramatic for being upset at how people easily disregard and dismiss our identities that are being depicted on screen just like that? is it truly wrong of us to want to defend and maintain the little representation we have?
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luzsadventures · 11 months
coming straight from my three page long notes app essay I wrote at 4am after seeing the barbie movie, some thoughts on why barbie is definitely aroace, and why that means the world to me tbh:
barbie not wanting to be with ken is so important. she never has to explain herself. she’s just not interested. and that’s okay. she’s never shamed or ostracized because she’s not interested in ken. it's not played for jokes. there’s never even a moment of “well, maybe barbie will have a realization that ken's been there all along and they'll end up together”. nope, there’s never any expectation. and it’s not even in a girlboss feminism, “she doesn’t need a man” kind of way. she just doesn’t want that, and the movie respects that. the movie respects what she wants, which is something we don't see much when it comes to aroace rep (or like most rep when it comes to women tbh).
barbie also turns down ken in a way that makes it clear that she's just not interested. there's no hesitation or sugar coating to it. we see this in the "girls night" scene in front of the dreamhouse, when barbie says simply, she doesn't want ken there. even later on when she turns him down in ways that are a little nicer, she's still very firm in her decision. time and time again we see barbie knowing what she wants and asserting it. we live in a world where when turning down men women always feel the need to be nice about it and "let them down easy" either out of being polite or sometimes as a safety precaution. regardless, to see barbie be able to be firm in her decisions is so empowering.
I love how this subverts expectations, bc we know ken is (supposed to be) barbie’s boyfriend. she’s everything and he’s just ken (although we can get into the nuances of that statement some other time). that is the role ken has always played. so to have that subverted, to make it clear to begin with that barbie is not really all that into ken is such a nice change.
this is also SO important because barbie is a beacon of “stereotypical” femininity, and has also been historically sexualized. so the fact that the movie lets her be feminine and girly but she can still not be interested in ken is amazing. she is still allowed to be herself, and her femininity is neither tied to, nor does it detract from her want to not be with ken. the movie said girls can be feminine without being tied to male attention !! girls can be feminine just bc its fun !!
I can talk about this for hours it’s so genuinely healing for me. I doubt many others picked up on it, hell idk that this all was intentional, but I loved it <3
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avitha · 11 months
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bizarreaizen · 11 months
me when i found out that netflix and chill was a sexual thing: ⊙-⊙ /gen
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micaathogwarts · 11 months
Ace Barbie Ace Barbie Ace Barbie
Just saw the Movie and Barbie is so clearly an asexual (and maybe aro) icon!
-Margot Robbie herself in an interview stated that Barbie does NOT feel attractiom cause she is a doll, she lack organs so...
-But it the movie other dolls still feel have romantic, if not sexual (Weird Barbie remarks about stereotypical Barbie's Ken), feeling. So it is just her trait!
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