#artifact seeker
kurogamu · 1 month
Slay Enemies for Artifacts - Artifact Seeker Gameplay
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beaulesbian · 1 year
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They may call it a Summer palace, but it’s actually three different structures joined together. The cathedral is at the top. No way in there except from the palace itself. Below that, the whole place is a maze of secret passages, easy to get lost in. And it’s all built atop a sealed temple to the Old Gods.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 7 months
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Lore Seeker
Each volume contains wonders.
Artist: Jason Felix TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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hezuart · 2 years
Cool video!
I could clearly tell that you are a fan giving a well thought-out critique.
It feels like this show has a lot more plot holes than people care to admit.
I kinda want to vent about some other problems about this show.
I really wonder sometimes why this show makes the human characters so unbelievably dumb and a bunch of assholes. I get that this is a comedy show to some extent, but it gets really annoying for a number of reasons.
It makes it extremely easy for Blitzo and the gang to kill them.
It makes the human world feel too similar to hell.
They keep telling us that , at the very least, it is illegal for demons to cause too much damage and chaos in the human world. However, IMP are able to run around killing whoever they want without any problems from demon authorities. They made a big deal about those human agents being able to find evidence of them killing people. Yet, we have not seen the agents again. It becomes hard to believe IMP are technically running an illegal business when there are no consequences to their actions. It is all very confusing. Thank you for listening and have a nice day!
It's pretty wild that people don't think I'm a fan of Viv's stuff simply because I critique it. I actually got my Hazbin Hotel halloween themed mug in the mail the other day! I was so excited waiting for that all month, hehe <3
I guess I can't blame people for being confused, since the only two Helluva Boss videos I've made are of heavy critiques. But that's because I was enjoying season 1 and didn't have anything to really say!
Yeah, the humans are definitely made to be awful and stupid to help you bond with the hell demon main characters who are also awful people, just not as awful as the humans so you don't care who they kill! : )
To be fair, on your second point, Hell is getting overpopulated, but I've talked about how that doesn't make a lot of sense considering its poor structure and lore set up through Helluva Boss.
yeah, see, they set that up in the Truth Seekers episode really well. There's evidence on the human side that could get leaked to the demon side that would get Stolas and IMP in a FCK ton of trouble, however, most humans have the Invader Zim blindness, so apart from the conspiracy theorist government, they don't have to worry about anyone else. But the demon government could really get Stolas in trouble. I was so hyped at that ending, but now I fear they won't follow through with the hype. I fear when it comes down to it, the problem will be solved easily, or they manage to keep it under wraps somehow. I really hope that won't be the case, but seeing how Helluva Boss has been going so far, I'm starting to lose faith in it sadly.
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devouredreaper · 2 months
We managed to survive the court fight, the princess of the autumn court is now Titania. And now we're approaching our actual objective being in the Feywild- armed with a spell to put a nightmare dragon back in its cage
Also the fact Ofelia trusts 6 with her life is baffling
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beemochi-art · 1 month
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Air commander! Leader of the seeker! And second in command of the decepticons! By far he is the most talented flyer of all the cons. All these decorations sure bumps up his ego, which cause him to go barking up the wrong tree. He’s got a scar on his face to remind him of each failed attempt at dominance.
Decorate that.
In the beginning he knew Megatron and they looked out for each other. Megatron trusted him and viewed him as a friend. But when Starscream had his lil seeklet something clicked in his brain. Starscream began scheming for more power. He started holding his family closest to him and pushing away the rest. He wanted the best for them and was tired of seeing them pushed into battle like common soldiers, they are not common to him. He couldn’t imagine Slipstream being hurt.
One day on the battlefield, Megatron was trapped in a crashing ship. Megatron desperately called out for his friend. Starscream looked him in the eyes and left him. As second in command he would be air to the the throne, he enjoyed it for a while thinking Megatron was dead and his family being the ones to boss everyone around. Knowing that his bitlit wouldn’t have to face battle like a commoner but instead like a commander.
Until of course Megatron came back. Starscream was challenged. He fought and lost badly. Megatron was highly emotional and almost killed him. Slipstream was deeply traumatized by seeing this. She’s scared of him.
Starscream is still second in command. It’s hard to tell what Megatron is thinking.
I wanted to make her a girl cause why not. She’s an ass, but what seekers isn’t??
She’s gorgeous and she knows it. She’s constantly flashing her stuff. (Honestly a big ego and being a narcissist is standard seeker behavior.) she has a crush on Thundercracker and has been trying to court him for years. (To her courting is being annoying and mean and accusing him of being a perv.)
She’s constantly picking fights with the rest of the seekers. But she’s nice to Slipstream. (She’s like the the sassy auntie.)
He stoic and doesn’t talk to much, he the strongest out of the seeker. He’s also the biggest. He pretty much lets the rest of the seekers walk all over him. However he’ll sometimes put his foot down with Starscream and Skywarp (mostly skywarp.) he reminds them that he could crush their heads with his bare hands.
However he loves the two girls. He recognizes Novastorm is flirting with him. He mostly is just dead pan only because she makes him nervous. She gets away with everything.
Slipstream he sometimes pretends she’s his own. He gets her gifts and when she was very little he actually broke his silent streak and begged starscream to hold her. Slipstream could yell at him to move and he’ll do it fast. He lets her get away with too much.
The youngest, the smallest, and has the most to prove. She exudes teenage angst. Most soldiers are surprised she screams at the second command the way she does.
She is Starscream’s daughter. Even tho she can be a mean, hurtful little shit, she loves her dad. She hates seeing him hurt. Tho she’s not super affectionate (Starscream isn’t either.) he knows she loves him. And the rest of the seekers (not skywarp). They are her family. The rest of the seekers feel the same way (still not skywarp.) they’ve known her since she was small and looked after her when Starscream couldn’t.
The seekers resident psycho. Skywarp has a very special power that makes him crazy! I’m sure we all know what it is. He doesn’t care about anyone. Surprisingly a goof tho, doesn’t help his scary appearance.
He has an artifact in his helm that lets him warp. He’s a killer and likes to hunt. He intentionally antagonizes his fellow soldiers. And he will make anyone suffer when they are weakest. He see Slipstream as the weakest.
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anistarrose · 1 month
I was going to make a post saying "Lucretia told everyone the truth there were seven Grand Relics instead of covering her ass and saying there were six because she's a storyteller, and six sounds objectively less cool than seven," but then I thought about it and actually, if you look at the timeline, I think this was probably a very pragmatic or at least tactically safe decision on her part?
When Lucretia founds the Bureau, Junior hasn't been born yet. Lucretia obviously doesn't even know Junior will be born someday. So once she inoculates Bureau members with Fisher — a necessity to staffing the Bureau in the first place — Lucretia can't keep any more secrets from them, with only one Voidfish at her disposal. And crucially, while Lucretia is the Bureau's primary source of info on the "Red Robes," basically all her recruits lived through the Relic Wars.
Upon inoculation, they'll all presumably remember at least some details about the Grand Relics. Obviously no one but Lucretia would know anywhere near everything about each Relic and their properties, not least of all because of a high eyewitness fatality rate, but part of the reason the wars were so deadly was because word of the Relics spread. Everyone in the world knew a few things about them.
So, if Lucretia were to tell her recruits: "oh, don't worry, there's only six terrible artifacts we need to destroy, tee hee!" then it's very possible that assorted Bureau members — especially Seekers, for whom looking into the Relics is literally their job — could start comparing memories amongst themselves, and put together that there was a seventh, leaving Lucretia with no option but to admit that she lied. If I recall correctly, the podcast never explicitly indicates what/how much damage the Bulwark Staff did to the world — but I find it hard to believe that it didn't do anything an inoculated person could later find record of or remember. (There's an admittedly good fanfic premise, though, in Lucretia leaving her Relic in someone's care to make it stationary, like how Magnus gave the Chalice to Jack, or how Barry is theorized to have given the Bell to the Wonderland twins.)
I digress, but the point is, Lucretia may have necessitated a lot of little lies for her future self by admitting there were seven Relics, but trying to winnow it down to six could've easily bit her in the ass, and she was definitely smart enough to realize that. She acted accordingly at the time.
And by the time Junior comes around, then of course she could theoretically use them to erase the Bulwark Staff from her employees' minds — but by then, she's been hiding the Staff under everyone's noses for about a year, and no one has gotten suspicious. So if it's working, why change it? She's no doubt also smart enough to reserve Junior's power for emergencies only — even if people forget information, they can still retain the feeling they're forgetting something. With people planetside, that's one thing — but with her employees on the moon, from whom she needs unshakeable trust?Probably not worth it.
Overall, a it's deceptively rational decision on Lucretia's part, honestly. And also, seven Grand Relics still sounds way more badass than just six.
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theminecraftbee · 9 months
so. useless information until the world download comes out, of course, but i think i have an idea of what i would consider the "good" spending strategy for earlygame decked out 2 (so like, before you can reliably finish medium runs, and before you can reliably buy uncommon/rare cards from the shop).
buy ember seeker WHENEVER YOU CAN. the only time you don't buy ember seeker when you have nine embers is if you have ten embers, and you don't have a victory tome yet for the current week. otherwise, buy an ember seeker! it's VITAL to have the plus embers in your deck in order to snowball in the earlygame, since none of the artifacts on their own give very many embers.
treasure hunter and stability are both your next priority. hazard is by far the more dangerous of the two negative stats, so getting more hazard block is good. treasure, meanwhile, will be necessary to get to level 2 faster, so a good amount of those won't hurt you, they just aren't as required as ember seeker since treasure also drops on a timer.
sneak is fine if it's all you can afford, but you can avoid clank by sneaking, and clank on its own isn't actually to kill you typically. some hermits can even manage to dodge the vexes, and they only come out bit by bit at max clank. you still WANT clank block, so getting sneaks when you can afford it isn't bad, especially given that treasure and embers both stop dropping at max clank. however, you can afford to generate a lot more clank than you can hazard, so i probably rate this lowest in order of importance of the common cards.
moment of clarity is fine if it's literally all you can afford, but also if you're planning on loading your next run up with embers, moment of clarity DOES provide two of those, ethereal or not. it's not a dead buy! it's just earlygame you don't have much of a deck yet.
this is all very in-line with tango's pricing on the cards so i don't think any of this is a surprise. what MAY be a surprise is that i actually don't know if saving up crowns for more frozen shards is actually the strat early-game.
i mean, you CAN save up for more frozen shards, but they're the most expensive item in the crown shop, and there's another item that is much less expensive that, in the early game, i think gives you more value for your crowns and will get you more rewards in the long run than saving up for another shard, and that's buying "pay to win" when it's available.
'pay to win' is an ethereal card that adds 10 frost embers. so yes, it's an ethereal for three crowns, but 10 frost embers is more than one shard will get you the vast majority of the time if you're still running easy runs of the dungeon, so that trade-off in bang for your buck seems REALLY WORTH IT TO ME.
it's even MORE worth it when you consider that, early on, frost embers to build up your deck are KING. so personally i think the hermits are SUPER undervaluing spending their crowns on THAT SPECIFIC CARD at the moment.
so those are like... just my thoughts so far on the deck-building meta for the earlygame! this is meant to, once again, be my guide for BEFORE you can start affording the more interesting cards. once you can do that, i'm pretty sure almost all of those cards are worth it, and you can really start customizing. but early on, frost embers! get your frost embers!
(i'm curious to see if my meta thoughts are right.)
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enpr-ss · 9 months
Etho “I suck at parkour” Slab nailing the lava area while being chased by ravager and vexes.
“What is this garbage!” One of my favorite Etho catchphrases.
Sir how did you get up there. And of course your strategy is to camp even when Tango changed it to stop you from doing that. Dies and immediately does a level 1 treasure run. Peak Etho.
HE’S SO GREEDY!! “Can we get four more embers” dude you want 25 embers on a level 1 medium run? Man is delusional. I CANT BELIEVE HE GOT AWAY WITH IT!!! BRO. Tango must have been fuming. Etho has some frost ember loss aversion here lol.
“I am not going to be greedy…. I’m going to get my crowns and get out…..You would treasure hunter me just before I leave.” THE DUNGEON IS TROLLING HIM SO HARD. the sheer petulance in his voice, the slight shakes in his mouse => excellent storytelling
His strategy is solid. And of course he’s the first one to figure out the spider passage, with its high risk and rewards. Of course he likes it. LOL ONLY 21 FE ARTIFACT WHAT A SCAM HAHA. He doesn’t even care about getting out on a “worthless” run. This guy. He’s always one short.
“That means we’re going to get a great artifact, the best one ever.” Gets a 23 Artifact. “I’m going back to medium! This is baloney, man!” LOL GET SCAMMED.
Silk Road is such a good name for the spider passage.
HE GOT ETHO WALLED AGAIN HAHAHA. but he loot and scoots on by the ravager. Plot armor. “Happy tunnel leads to misery bridge” LOL TRUE
28 COINS! HE KEEPS GETTING TROLLED BY THE DUNGEON. SPEAKS IT INTO EXISTENCE. “Even if I get an uncommon card here” gets the lowest uncommon card. Even Cub and Tango are counting his dings LOL.
He needs more pockets to stuff all of his treasure in! “Oh we gotta need to leave” ember pops up behind him. The shaky cam, the sneak card playing all too late, no clank block… the dungeon wants him to stay in SO BAD! It’s even getting sneaky about it. 39 COINS! “Tango doesn’t need to know about this.” Tango sighs.
Man will nearly die to clank and hazard multiple times and still refuse to buy blockers. And then the other hermits gleefully reporting his dings.
“Eleven! Oh my god this is just getting ridiculous” -Cub
with the last indignant “thirteen!” before the cut
“I’m not running hard after I fail until I build up my deck” buys frost seeker and treasure cards and tomes instead of blockers.
I cannot believe he got a refund. He deserved that ravager fair and square. That’s favoritism. Tango just wants to see Etho suffer in Hard (same). And Cub and Jevin joining the peanut (heh) gallery to heckle him along. And Cub coming in strong on the trolling right on the get go.
“What’s your run success rate Tango, huh?” ETHO TRASH TALKING BACK!! Trolling his audience with greedy plays LOL.
His greed kills him so much.
Dude that etho wall jumpscared me too! He unstuck that ravager what a pro.
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intplayboy · 2 months
if you wish to be part of the tag list, complete the form.
summary: in an era where the royal family denounces all magic, as one of the few remaining witches, you hide your powers. though you try to lead a normal life, only the seven accepting men make you feel truly understood. yet, what destiny awaits when you must reveal your true identity?
genre: supernatural/magic au | medieval-modern fusion fantasy au | F2L (more like idiots to lovers, honestly) | moderate? angst | action | romance | fluff | hint of crack
pairing: royal soldiers bts ot7 x female witch reader (high royal commander!kim namjoon, high royal soldier!kim namjoon, high royal soldier!min yoongi, royal assassin!jung hoseok, royal assassin!park jimin, elite warrior!kim taehyung, elite warrior!jeon jungkook)
warnings: mentions of violence, blood, death, slight mentions of SA, disgusting misogyny, witchcraft, slight gore, and swearing.
permanent tag list: @taolucha, @exfolitae, @namjoonswaifu, @rinkud, @queenlouie18, @btsgangleader @m0v3m3ntsblog, @nicholedobre-blog, @bjoriis, @princess-sunshyn, @han-aaaaa, @ejspencer14, @skyys-universe, @thvslvt, @dustyinkpages, @savagemickey03, @aynbookworm, @loveforred, @jwonz, @ghostlyworld, @wagtte, @louisaqueen, @meepsters-world, @carolina-thiell, @svnbangtansworld, @deepestfacedevil
(the tags that are strikethrough could not be tagged)
word count: 19,398
drabble masterpost | masterlist | character boards | prologue | part 1 | part 2 [finale] | alternate ending
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Present day...
In the narrow, cobblestone-laden alleyways of the bustling city, the rhythmic echo of boots pounding against the ground resonates. "Stop, right there!" A man, accompanied by a cadre of others, bellows, their pursuit propelled by an intensity matched only by the pulsing rhythm of your heart. The reminiscence of childhood escapades emerges, an unexpected thrill as you find yourself once more in the precarious position of the pursued, the very spirit of adventure coursing through your veins.
The impetus for this impromptu race stems from the audacious act of liberating an artifact from the clutches of a pledgemart—an establishment known for its shrewd dealings. Your attempt to negotiate a fair price met with obstinacy from the working men within, who sought to exploit you. Frustration simmered, and in a feigned surrender, you declared your departure. Unbeknownst to them, the pilfered artifact nestled discreetly within your sleeve.
As you strolled away with feigned nonchalance, a sudden shout marked their discovery of the missing item. The chase unfolded with a symphony of footsteps and frantic exclamations, your nimble form weaving through the labyrinthine alleyways, adeptly evading both pursuers and obstacles. Yet, as the village streets blurred around you, the relentless pursuit eventually cornered you in a dimly lit cul-de-sac.
"If I didn't know better, I'd reckon you for the famed Mystrogue that's been the talk of our beloved city—renowned seeker and pilferer, and quite proficient at it, if I may add. But I beg to differ, considering you're but a young lass, and such feats would seem nigh impossible for someone of your ilk," one of the men quipped, suspicion and amusement intertwining in his words.
Breathless, you retort, "Your presumptions matter not. I suggest you release me if you value your well-being."
Laughter erupts among the men, a cacophony of disbelief reverberating through the alley. Unfazed, you tighten your grip on the concealed artifact, bracing yourself for the impending confrontation.
As the men lunge forward with an unexpected assault, your nimble reflexes engage. Swiftly eluding the initial blow, you counter with a series of well-aimed strikes, showcasing your prowess in hand-to-hand combat. The alley transforms into a makeshift battleground—a dance between evasion and retaliation.
Despite your impressive display, the sheer numbers eventually overwhelm you. A firm grip seizes you from behind, restraining your movements. The leader, a grizzled man with a scarred visage, steps forward, his voice dripping with menace. "For your audacious theft, girl, we'll have no choice but to sever your thieving hands. A fitting punishment for those who dare defy the order of this city."
The threat hangs in the air, heavy and ominous. A sense of desperation creeps in as you struggle against your captors, but their hold remains unyielding. The narrow alley now feels like a prison, the walls closing in as the leader pronounces your dire fate.
"You're naught but a common thief, and this city won't abide such defiance. Ready yourself for the consequences of your actions," he declares, his words resonating with finality.
As the blade descends towards your restrained hands, a commanding voice resonates through the alley. "Enough!"
The men freeze, turning to the source of the interruption. The figure emerging from the shadows is none other than Namjoon, his presence demanding attention. His eyes bore into the leader, a silent warning. Soon, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jin appear alongside Namjoon in this narrow alleyway bathed in the sunny glow of mid-morning.
Your brow furrows slightly. Where are the other three? You wondered.
Namjoon's gaze remains locked with the defiant leader of the men. "Release her, and you may yet escape unscathed."
The men exchange glances, their hesitation evident, but their pride and greed prevail. With a signal from their leader, they tighten their grip on you, defiance etched on their faces.
"We don't answer to the likes of you," the leader spits, a malevolent grin stretching across his face. "She stole from us, and we'll be the ones to dispense justice."
Namjoon's hand twitches, signaling the others to prepare for what seems inevitable. The air grows thick with tension as the two factions face off, each refusing to yield.
Meanwhile, your mind races, desperately seeking an escape from this perilous situation. The cold steel of the blade hovers menacingly close to your hands, restrained and vulnerable. The men surrounding you exchange menacing glances, relishing the impending punishment they intend to deliver.
Suddenly, Hoseok steps forward. His eyes, sharp and calculating, survey the alley with a hint of disdain. "Do you truly believe you can challenge us, you fools? Do you even know who we are?"
The men scoff, dismissing Hoseok's words as mere bravado. The atmosphere crackles with anticipation as the standoff reaches its climax.
Namjoon's patience wears thin. "Last chance. Release her, or face the consequences."
The men hesitate, realizing the gravity of the situation. Yet, the leader, fueled by arrogance, signals for the attack. But Namjoon and the others remain still and calm, for the anticipated assault never comes. Perplexed, the leader turns around to be met with Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin holding their respective blade weapons at the necks of the erstwhile captors.
"As you were saying," Taehyung muses, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Now, before I was rudely interrupted, you shall desist from troubling this young woman. Do you understand?" Namjoon's eyes darken, fixing upon all four men.
"How dare—" The leader begins to retort defiantly, but Yoongi's swift and undetected actions interrupt him with a sword blade against his neck.
"You wish to defy the orders of the royal family's protectors?" Yoongi intones with a menacing glare.
The man gulps and shakes his head, his bravado replaced by a flicker of fear. "N-no, of course not."
He shifts his gaze back to Namjoon. "Pray accept my humble apologies, my lords. I was unaware this woman was in association with you."
Namjoon approaches, his expression unwavering. "Leave. Consider yourselves fortunate that you still draw breath. Speak not a word of this woman or this encounter, lest you wish dire consequences."
The men, recognizing the futility of further resistance, slink away, leaving behind the echoes of their defeated pride.
With Jimin and Jungkook the ones closest to you, Jimin turns to you, concern etching his features. "Are you hurt, Y/N?"
Your hands throbbed from the ordeal, but you managed a nod of assurance. "I'm fine. Thanks to all of you."
"Then what's this, beneath your shoulder?" Jungkook's brow arches in suspicion, pointing at a bloody cut on your upper arm, presumably from the knife one of the men used on you during the brief skirmish.
You chuckle sheepishly. "Oh, it's nothing... I insist..."
"It's not nothing if you're bleeding, Y/N," Jimin insists. "Come, let's find a place where we can tend to that wound."
With your arm gently supported by Jimin, the group maneuvers through the winding alleyways. The village hums with life around you as the bright hues of the sunlight filter through the labyrinthine streets.
Namjoon's voice resonates, breaking the silence enveloping the group. "This isn't the first instance we've found ourselves intervening on your behalf, Y/N."
A glance of gratitude is cast toward him. "I appreciate your assistance, truly. How did you come upon me, may I inquire?"
Hoseok chuckles. "Perchance because we followed the trail of trouble that seemed to linger on our path leading to you, whether it be your penchant for adventure or your knack for stumbling upon turmoil."
You playfully roll your eyes. "Har har, very humorous, Hoseok."
As the group emerges onto a broader thoroughfare, Taehyung points toward a discreet apothecary nestled between two grander establishments. "That should be a suitable place to address your wound."
The bell above the apothecary's door chimes as you enter, greeted by the scent of various herbs and medicinal potions. The shopkeeper, a wizened figure with spectacles perched on the tip of his nose, looks up from his work. "How may I assist you?"
"We need something to clean and dress this wound," Jimin explains, revealing the extent of the injury.
The apothecary, noticing the wounded state, gestures for you to sit at a small wooden table. "Please, have a seat, young miss. I'll prepare a salve for that cut."
As you settle, Seokjin says. "No, but in all earnestness, Y/N. This has occurred far too frequently. Why do you consistently find yourself embroiled in such trivial affairs? If you find yourself in need of aid or finances, you are well aware that you can turn to us, are you not?"
Your gaze averts. "Well, there is a valid reason for this particular escapade."
Taehyung who is leaning against a nearby shelf, adopting an air of nonchalance. "So, what was the object of this daring escapade, anyway?"
You hesitate for a moment, retrieving the invaluable artifact, revealing it to be a delicate piece of parchment. But this seemingly, "ordinary paper" is none other than a secondary copy of the Kingdom's map, stretching far beyond the borders of your realm into neighboring lands and forbidden mountains rumored to be teeming with magical creatures. The mere existence of such beings has become the stuff of myth since the banishment of magic and its practitioners. How this hidden treasure found its way into the hands of the pledgemarts remains a mystery.
"So, are you insinuating that you risked life and limb for this antiquated map?" Jungkook's brow arched skeptically as he surveyed the document in your hands.
"And pray tell, what makes it so significant, Y/N, that you'd stake your well-being for it?" Jin's tone was dry, though lacking any true malice.
With a measured exhale, you prepared to justify your actions, "It's not merely an old map, if you must know, Jungkook. Do you wonder why it fetched such a high price? Because the original resides within the palace, accessible only to the royal family. Its value lies not only in its rarity but in the history it encapsulates, a history tied to these lands and the events of ages past."
"And what need have you for such a rare relic?" Namjoon inquires, his gaze piercing.
Your gaze shifted momentarily in contemplation before fixing back on him, voice lowered, "May we discuss this elsewhere, please?"
Namjoon nodded, and amidst exchanged glances among your friends, the apothecary completed the mending of your wound, securing a bandage. "Take heed, and tread carefully. Mishaps have a way of finding those who seek them," he advised, sliding a jar of salve towards you. "This should aid in the healing, young miss. Apply it generously."
"Thank you," you murmur gratefully, accepting the remedies.
Jimin, ever the considerate one, inquires about payment, but the apothecary waves it off with a dismissive gesture. "Consider it a token of gratitude for safeguarding our city. The Royal Protectors are always welcome here."
As your group emerges back into the sunlight, Namjoon's gaze settles upon you with a mix of concern and admonishment. "Y/N, you must grasp the consequences of your actions. We cannot always be there to extricate you from every predicament."
"I understand, Namjoon. Truly, I do," you respond earnestly, the weight of your choices settling upon your shoulders.
Hoseok interjects, his tone lightening the mood with a touch of levity. "Nevertheless, trouble seems to have a knack for finding you, or perhaps it's the other way around."
You shoot him a playful glare, a smile playing at the corners of your lips. "Is that your professional opinion, Doctor Hoseok?"
Taehyung, ever the embodiment of carefree spirit, suggests a reprieve. "Shall we indulge in some refreshments? It seems an opportune moment for respite."
"An excellent suggestion. Let us adjourn to my humble abode; I have procured a new selection of teas and treats to share," you offer with a smile.
Jungkook, always quick with a jest, couldn't resist a tease. "New, you say? One must wonder if you've liberated these goods as well..."
You narrow your gaze at him, playfully threatening pursuit as he dodges away. "Come back here, you scamp!"
"Not this time. I used my own funds!" You protest.
"Ah, you say 'this time'? It implies a previous act of pilfering," he counters, evading your lighthearted chase.
"Did not!" You argue.
"Did too." He laughs.
The older six of your group watched fondly as you engaged in playful banter. Despite the drastic difference in social status—your commoner background juxtaposed with their high royal standing—the dynamics of your group remained unchanged. Grateful for the enduring camaraderie, you all continued to revel in the playful interactions that had characterized your friendship.
Back at your cottage, you promptly prepared tea, unveiling your new collection bought with hard-earned money, refuting Jungkook's absurd accusation.
As the fragrant steam rises from the teapot, Hoseok leans forward, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. "Now that we're away from prying ears, Y/N, do tell us why you risked life and limb for that ancient map?"
A weighty sigh escapes your lips; this day, you knew, would inevitably arrive. For the better part of six auroas, you've meticulously laid the groundwork for the moment when you'd disclose your clandestine plans. However, the apprehension gnaws at you, as you grapple with the delicate task of revealing your intentions without causing undue distress to your closest companions.
You understand the impracticality of divulging the whole truth, the veritable reason behind your meticulous planning and subsequent departure from the kingdom. Since the prohibition of magic and the persecution of its wielders, you've been forced to exist in the shadows, concealing your abilities beneath the guise of a commoner.
Your sorcery, a gift passed down through generations, necessitates discretion, especially given the escalating civil unrest in the villages. The imminent arrival of the royal military elite for inquisitions looms over your head like a guillotine. Your nascent mastery of magic is fragile, and an encounter with the inquisitors could shatter the fragile control you've gained.
Recollections of your mother's tales, of covens of witches secluded in the northern realms, lingered in your mind. Legends spoke of their veiled existence, untouched by the meddling hands of humans for lumiras. Your intent was not only a self-indulgent quest for heritage and mastery of your magic but also a calculated move to shield your companions from the impending storm. The military elite, unrelenting in their pursuit, would not hesitate to accuse your friends of collusion, painting them as conspirators in your occult escapades.
"I have intentions of departing the kingdom," you proclaimed, your words resolute, yet tinged with a palpable sorrow. The die was cast, and there could be no retracing of steps.
The room held its breath in suspended animation. Seven pairs of eyes, frozen in astonishment, betrayed the collective disbelief at your revelation. A dissonant shatter punctuated the silence, and your gaze snapped to the fallen tea cup near Jimin, the first to react to your momentous disclosure.
"Oh no! Are you unharmed, Jimin? Allow me to clean this up for you." Hastily procuring a cloth and a dustpan, you endeavored to remedy the scattered shards.
"No, don't, Y/N. You might injure yourself," Jimin implored, breaking through the haze of shock.
A nervous smile adorned your countenance. "It is quite alright, Jimin. I—" A sudden pang interrupted your words, a small cut on your index finger oozing droplets of crimson.
Jimin, ever the caring soul, intervenes, "Y/N, let me tend to your wound."
Yet, it is not Jimin's hands that cradle yours; it is Yoongi's firm grip that takes hold. "Why subject yourself to needless harm when assistance is readily available?" he admonishes, attending to your minor injury with practiced efficiency.
Jin interjects, "Now, kindly resume elucidating the rationale behind this momentous decision of yours."
Resuming your seat at the table, a sigh escapes your lips, laden with the weight of impending revelation. "The kingdom has been steeped in turmoil since the prohibition of magic. I find myself no longer desirous of confining my existence within these walls."
Your utterance reverberates in the hallowed silence, and the gravity of your decision begins to unfurl. However, the disclosure is only partially accurate; the depths of your motivation remain veiled, a necessary smoke screen to shield your dear friends from the harsh reality of your supernatural lineage.
"And how long has this plan been festering in the recesses of your mind?" Jimin questioned, concern etched upon his face.
Shame colors you as you avert your gaze. "Several auroas, I believe."
"Several auroas?! And you saw fit to withhold such momentous plans from us?" Jimin's incredulity is mirrored on the faces of the others, a collective expression of dismay.
"I assure you, my departure is not imminent," you assert in an attempt to assuage their apprehension. "I am still in the contemplative stage."
"In the contemplative stage?" Jimin echoes with palpable frustration. "Pray, how is it that you arrived at such a life-altering decision without deigning to inform us?"
The room simmers with a tension borne of unspoken emotions and uncharted territories. The burden of deception weighs heavily on your shoulders, but the alternative—laying bare the intricate web of magical intrigue and peril—seems too great a cost to impose upon your friends.
Attempting to quell the rising tension, Hoseok intervenes. "Let us temper our emotions. Y/N may have more to expound upon. Is that not so?"
Nodding hesitantly, you affirm, "Indeed, I do. My desire extends beyond the simplicity of a commoner's life within these walls. I yearn to explore, to contribute in ways that transcend the mundane. To achieve this, I must venture beyond our borders."
Jimin's incredulous gaze narrows. "Embarking on such a perilous expedition is no trifling matter. Why, then, did you not summon us to accompany you?"
"Because precisely that — it is perilous. I harbor no desire to subject you to the dangers beyond our borders. It would be unjust to sacrifice your cherished positions for the uncertainties that lie ahead," you explain, your eyes pleading for their understanding.
Jin wears a sorrowful expression. "You underestimate the strength of our bonds, Y/N. To think we would prioritize our positions over your well-being wounds me deeply."
The room falls into a somber silence, the weight of unspoken emotions hanging heavily.
Jimin leans back, "While your intentions may be noble, it remains a considerable deviation from our collective path. Decisions of such magnitude necessitate collective contemplation."
Taehyung, who has been pensively silent, finally speaks, "But what of the dangers you might face alone? Surely, we could lend our strength, provide a united front against the perils that await beyond our borders."
Your heart swells with gratitude for their concern, yet the specter of potential consequences restrains you. "I appreciate your offer, Taehyung, but the dangers I face are mine to endure. To embroil you in these uncertainties is a burden I cannot bear."
Hoseok suggests, "Before definitive decisions are made, let us collectively explore the details of your plan. Knowledge dispels fear, and perhaps together, we can devise a strategy that mitigates the dangers you envision."
"Perhaps we can delve into that matter at a later time. As I mentioned earlier, I don't intend to depart any time soon," you declare.
A hushed silence ensues before you continue, your eyes flitting between each concerned face. "However, there's something else I must impart—a reminder of sorts. I am to return to Valoris once more, and I shall be absent for two duskars." Your words captured by their ears, inciting incredulity once more, eliciting groans and sighs from the group.
(Duskar: a combination of "Dusk" and "Star," Duskar represents both day and night. It acknowledges the importance of celestial transitions and the balance between light and darkness.)
"Pray, tell me you jest, Y/N," Jin articulates with a mixture of incredulity and exasperation, his demeanor embodying the very essence of patience tried. "What compels you to return there yet again?"
"You know well the reason. There is a family in dire need of aid. They teeter on the brink of survival—had I not stumbled upon them, who knows what fate would have befallen them," you protest, a pout forming on your lips.
"Y/N, whilst your benevolence knows no bounds—a trait most admirable, I must urge caution. One cannot ascertain if their plight is as dire as you perceive it to be," Jin responds.
"Do you not find it rather suspicious that after years of barrenness, a family suddenly emerges in such desolate environs?" He counters.
Your eyes sweep over the assembly, prompting a sheepish smile from you as you rub your neck. "I understand it may seem peculiar, but circumstances unravel in curious ways. And I've pledged to aid them, I cannot turn my back on that commitment."
Taehyung, his brow furrowed, interjects, "Y/N, it's been a while since you started assisting this family. May I inquire about the nature of their situation? How did you chance upon them in such desolate surroundings?"
A nostalgic smile graces your lips as you recount the serendipitous encounter. "Whilst exploring the outskirts of Valoris, I happened upon a decrepit cottage. Within its dilapidated walls dwelled a family—a mother, a father, and a young girl. Their existence was a struggle against the elements, barely sustaining themselves. It tugged at my heart, and I couldn't stand idly by."
Jungkook, leaning on his hand, adds, "As Jin has pointed out—not to dispute your compassion, Y/N, but these are challenging times. We must be cautious of unforeseen consequences."
You nod appreciatively at Jungkook's counsel. "I acknowledge the risks, Jungkook. Yet, my conscience compels me to aid those in need."
Namjoon, tilting his head in amusement, chimes in, "Then you wouldn't mind if one of us accompanies you on this mission of mercy?"
"No—! I mean, they're not fond of strangers," you hastily reason.
Namjoon raised his brow skeptically. "They welcomed you warmly, it seems."
"I'm but a small woman; they assumed I posed no threat. Yet, it still required effort to convince them of my harmlessness to them. I just don't want to frighten them off, and if they learn that I've divulged their existence to you all, they'll be afraid," you explain.
Jimin, dryly, responds, "That doesn't ease our concerns, Y/N."
"Listen—" you begin, exhaling softly. "As you rightly pointed out, I have undertaken this task for some time now. I am well-versed in such matters. Trust me, I shall be fine. I give you my word."
The room remains enveloped in contemplative silence before Yoongi, who had been quietly observing, finally speaks up. "If you're so resolute, Y/N, why not let one of us accompany you? It'd ease our minds, and we could lend a hand if need be."
You consider his suggestion, realizing the merit in his words. "I appreciate the concern, but I fear introducing others might disturb the delicate balance I've established with the family. They're wary, and I don't wish to jeopardize the trust I've built."
Seokjin, arms crossed, raises an eyebrow. "Trust, Y/N? How can you trust a family you just stumbled upon in the desolation of Valoris?"
A solemn expression crosses your face as you respond, "Trust is earned, Jin. And over time, they've come to trust me. I've proven my sincerity through actions, not just words."
Jin sighs in reluctant understanding, "Very well, Y/N. But you must promise to exercise caution. Valoris is not a place to be taken lightly."
Your gaze meets each of theirs, a vow implicit in your eyes. "I promise, Jin. I'll tread carefully, and I'll be back before you know it."
With a collective exhale, the tension in the room eases slightly, though an undercurrent of concern lingers. Your friends exchanging glances that spoke volumes of their internal debates. It was clear they harbored reservations, yet your determination seemed to quell the immediate protests.
Namjoon, assuming the role of the tacit leader amongst your circle, spoke with a measured tone, “Like Jin has said, we implore you to remain vigilant and communicate with us at the first sign of distress."
"Your safety is paramount, not just to us, but to those you seek to aid. An unforeseen mishap would not only imperil you but potentially them as well," Jimin adds, the weight of his gaze impressing upon you the gravity of his words.
You nod, the warmth of their concern enveloping you like a comforting embrace. "I am truly blessed to have such steadfast companions. I shall endeavor to proceed with the utmost caution and keep you apprised of my whereabouts and well-being."
A sudden burst of joviality erupts as Hoseok, with a spirited clap of his hands, attempts to dispel the tension. "By the way, whilst we're gathered, might we engage in discourse concerning the choice of furnishings that adorn your abode in recent days?"
The unexpected comment elicits snickers and playful smiles, particularly from the younger three among your seven male friends. Your countenance scrunches as you defend your taste, "Hey—what's amiss with it? I find that it imparts character to my humble abode."
"Oh, character she says..." Taehyung playfully rolls his eyes, accompanying his expression with a hearty snicker.
"Yes," you protest with a spirited defense. "There is merit in uniqueness."
"Is there, though?" Jungkook chimes in with a teasing smirk.
You playfully brandish your teaspoon at Jungkook. "Do not reckon I've forgotten the earlier banter."
Jungkook raises his hands in mock surrender, "Merely suggesting that Hoseok may have a point."
You huff, "I believe the issue lies not in my embellishments, but rather in the judgment of you four."
Abruptly, you turn your gaze to Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi. "What's your stance on my domicile embellishments? Do you deem them peculiar?"
Namjoon and Jin avert their gazes expeditiously. "Not peculiar, per se, but room for improvement, mayhaps."
Your mouth agape in incredulity, you shift your eyes to Yoongi, who, in nonchalance, utters, "I would counsel against seeking my perspective."
"You gentlemen are unkind; my choice of furnishings are perfectly adequate." You cross your arms with a defeated pout.
Amidst the snickers and amusement of the others, Yoongi breaks the sounds of teasing with unexpected words, "I find your choice of furnishings quite acceptable. They mirror the essence of your beautiful personality, a sentiment often overlooked. It reflects your warm perspective on the external world despite the adversities it has thrust upon you."
A moment of frozen silence follows Yoongi's unexpected words. His usual reserve, both in language and demeanor, makes such an expression of sentiment all the more noteworthy. Your eyes shimmer with appreciation, acknowledging his unusual display of affection.
"Oh, thank you, Yoongi. I had faith in your understanding." Moved by gratitude, you rise from your seat, traversing the table to where Yoongi sits, offering him an embrace.
The others observe this scene with amusement, witnessing Yoongi's stoic countenance in the face of your affectionate display. Yet, beneath the facade, there's an undeniable enjoyment that the astute onlookers can discern.
A twinge of envy courses through the younger trio. "Had it been one of us embracing you, you'd have protested vehemently," Jimin declares, crossing his arms with a playful smirk.
Taehyung joins in, grinning, "Shall we test this theory with our own embraces?"
"Do not test my patience." Yoongi warns, maintaining his composure even as you continue to hug him with unwavering enthusiasm.
"Oh, tread carefully, Y/N; you may inadvertently become the thief of our affections, and then we'll be seven lovers no more," Jin jests, playing along.
"Rest assured, my dear friends," you assure with a laugh, relinquishing Yoongi from your hold and retaking your seat opposite him. "I harbor no intentions of dismantling your polyamorous entanglements. Your relationships with one another are almost as precious to me as my individual friendships with each of you."
"Yet," you muse, "I cannot deny a flicker of envy."
Curiosity dances in Jin's eyes as he tilts his head. "For what reason, may I ask?"
"You all share a love so profound, a bond so unbreakable. I, on the contrary, find myself lacking in that department. I often ponder when the fates shall decree it my turn to discover someone who will cherish me as deeply as you all cherish one another."
Hoseok smiles, his gaze gentle. "Do not lose hope, dear Y/N. In due time, you shall encounter someone worthy of your affection, and they of yours."
"Thank you, Hobi," you respond gratefully. "Until then, I shall cherish the love and friendship we share."
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As you approach the outskirts of Valoris, the quaint cottage comes into view, nestled amidst a thicket of gnarled trees and overgrown foliage. The air is thick with the scent of earth and wildflowers, a serene tranquility enveloping the surroundings. With each step, anticipation swells within you, mingled with a sense of familiarity and warmth at the thought of reuniting with the family you've come to know.
Pushing open the creaking gate, you make your way down the winding path, the crunch of gravel beneath your boots a comforting rhythm. The cottage stands before you, its timeworn facade bathed in the golden hues of the setting sun, casting long shadows across the worn wooden porch.
With a soft knock, you announce your arrival, the sound echoing through the quietude of the evening. Moments pass before the door creaks open, revealing the figure of the mother, Esmae is her name, her weary eyes brightening at the sight of you.
"Y/N, you've returned," she murmurs, a smile dancing upon her lips as she steps aside, bidding you entry into the cozy embrace of their abode.
Within, the hearth crackles cheerfully, casting a soft radiance upon the modest surroundings. Jakub, the father, sits by the fire, his calloused hands cradling a steaming cup of tea, while a young girl occupies herself with a worn-out doll in the corner, her laughter a melody that fills the room.
"Yes, and I've brought provisions," you announce, brandishing a basket brimming with necessities.
"Y/N, it's a pleasure to see you once more. Thank you kindly for returning," Jakub greets, his voice laced with warmth as he gestures for you to join them.
The little one, Talia, clutching her tattered companion, peeks out from behind her father's chair, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Y/N, you've come back," she exclaims, a glimmer of delight piercing through the solemnity of their surroundings.
"I made a promise, did I not?" you respond, lowering yourself to meet the child's gaze. "And who might this be?" you inquire, motioning to the doll.
The girl beamed, holding the doll up for inspection. "This is Bonnie. She's my friend."
You couldn't help but smile at the simplicity of the bond between the girl and her tattered companion. "Bonnie is a lovely name for a lovely friend," you remarked.
Seated around the hearth, you regale the family with tales of your adventures since your last visit, their rapt attention hanging on your every word. Particularly Talia, who captivates you with her innocent musings and boundless curiosity.
She listens eagerly as you recount stories from distant lands, dreams that stretch beyond the confines of Valoris. Her eyes shimmer with wonder, momentarily eclipsing the harsh realities of their existence.
Over the past two days, you seamlessly integrate into their daily rhythm. The modest cottage, though weathered by time, brims with love and mirth.
At the first morning, you join the family in their chores, and tending to the modest garden that sustains them. Come afternoon, you explore the surrounding countryside together, wandering along meandering paths and discovering hidden glens, nature's beauty a constant wellspring of marvel and solace.
As night descends, you gather once more around the hearth, the flames casting dancing shadows upon the walls as you share stories and dreams beneath the canopy of stars.
With each passing moment, you find yourself further entwined in the fabric of their lives. Jin's cautionary words linger in the recesses of your mind, yet the genuine warmth of Esmae, Jakub, and Talia dispels any lingering doubts. The simplicity of their existence, juxtaposed against the enigmatic backdrop of Valoris, weaves a tapestry of contrasts that ensnares your soul.
As the sun paints the sky in hues of rose and gold on the second morning, you find yourself engaged in makeshift breakfast preparations with Esmae.
The aroma of a humble yet heartfelt meal permeates the air. "Thank you, Y/N, for bringing brightness into our humble dwelling," Esmae expresses, her eyes shimmering with a blend of gratitude and weariness.
"It's the least I can do," you reply, flipping a slice of bread on the makeshift griddle. "You've welcomed me into your fold, and I am grateful for the chance to be of service."
Throughout the ensuing hours, you assist Jakub in fortifying the cottage, bolstering its timeworn structure against the relentless march of time. Each nail driven into place feels like a vow, a pledge to shore up the foundation upon which this family's aspirations rest.
Later in the day, Talia extends an invitation to explore the outskirts of Valoris. "Mother, father, may Y/N accompany us as we frolic amidst the woods?" she asks with innocent exuberance.
"I see no reason why not," Esmae smiles down at Talia.
"Please, Y/N, ensure her safety," Jakub instructs you, to which you readily assent.
With her tiny hand clasped in yours, you embark on an adventure, uncovering hidden nooks and crannies as Talia regales you with tales of imaginary exploits. You play along, transforming mundane rocks into treasures and the rustling leaves into whispers of ancient lore.
Suddenly struck by inspiration, you yearn to reveal to Talia the enchanting wonders of the world, the magic that lies beyond the confines of Valoris. "Would you care to witness something truly enchanting?" you propose.
"Enchanting? Like magic?" Talia's eyes sparkle with anticipation.
You nod, a smile playing upon your lips. "Precisely so. But we must exercise discretion—recall what I've mentioned earlier."
She nods eagerly, awaiting the magical spectacle you promise. "What sort of enchantment do you possess, Y/N?"
Surveying your surroundings, your gaze alights upon a bedraggled bush of withering white flowers amidst the barren landscape. Therein lies your canvas for displaying your magical prowess.
"Come, follow me right here. You see these withering flowers," you point, and Talia gazes at them with curiosity. "What about it?"
"Watch—" With a flourish, you draw a deep breath and extend your hands over the bush, a glowing aura of dark blue magical energy emanating from the palms of your hands. You perform a cupping motion, turning your palms up and pushing your hands upward.
Through these motions, you coax the wilting flowers to life, their petals unfurling and blossoming into resplendent bloom under your arcane influence.
At the magical transformation, Talia's eyes brighten in amazement. "Wow! That was amazing!"
"Does that mean you're a witch, Miss Y/N?" she curiously wonders aloud.
You chuckle softly, nodding with pride. "Indeed, it does."
"Now, would you like a flower of your own?" you ask.
She nods with enthusiasm. "Yes, please!"
With a graceful gesture, you pluck a flower from the bush, cradling it delicately between your thumb and forefinger. Once again, you motion cast your magic, hand hovering over the white flower. "Here, I've enchanted the flower only for you, so that it may never wither away and may serve as a token of protection for you as long as you wear it."
With a radiant smile, you tuck the flower behind her ear, eliciting a giggle of delight from the child. "Thank you, miss Y/N!"
"Of course, little one." You smiled. "Now, let us return to the cottage; your parents must be awaiting our return. The dusk is upon us."
As the final night of your sojourn unfolded, the glow of the hearth waned, casting a flickering dance upon the walls of the cottage. Jakub, his countenance tinged with gravity, began to speak, "Y/N, Valoris has a knack for ensnaring those who dwell within its confines. Your benevolence, however, has been a guiding light, yet we must impress upon you the importance of discretion. Valoris harbors a history shrouded in shadows. Our family has found refuge here, shielded from prying eyes. The consequences would be dire if our existence were laid bare."
Meeting his gaze, an unspoken understanding passed between you. "I hold in high regard the sanctity of your privacy, Jakub. Your secret remains safe with me."
Esmae, her eyes reflecting a blend of relief and trepidation, nodded in gratitude. "Y/N, you've ushered a glimmer of hope into our lives. We are forever indebted to you."
In humility, you shook your head, but a moment of pause followed. Just as you had disclosed your plans to Jin, Jungkook, Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Namjoon, you felt compelled to share it with Esmae and Jakub, as well.
Ensuring Talia lay in peaceful slumber, you returned your attention to the couple. "There is something I must share with you both."
Regret tinged your words as you confessed, "I harbor intentions of departing this kingdom, venturing beyond our borders."
To your surprise, instead of immediate reservations similar to your seven companions, their countenances displayed understanding and acceptance. "We understand," they echoed in unison.
"Pentaraegis is becoming increasingly perilous for you," Esmae sighed. "Though we reside on the outskirts, we are aware of the unrest brewing in the capital villages, and the royal family's eagerness to deploy their elite military unit for impending inquisitions. They merely await the faintest pretext to dispatch them."
A solemn nod conveyed your acknowledgment. "However, my departure is not imminent. I do not plan on it being permanent; Though, I am uncertain of the duration I will be absent..."
Jakub's calloused hand gently alighted upon your shoulder, halting your words. "Do not worry, Y/N. We understand, truly."
His kind eyes shifted to Esmae, who offered a content nod, and then returned to you. "You have bestowed upon us more than words can convey. In times of adversity, remember our home is always open to you."
Moved by their sincerity, you managed a teary smile. "It has been an honor to be acquainted with your family. I shall carry the tales of Valoris with me, returning whenever the opportunity arises."
As the conversation lingered in the twilight hours, Jakub's demeanor softened further. "Y/N, you carry a uniqueness that transcends the bounds of this realm. Your departure, whenever it may be, is a testament to your adventurous spirit. May the winds of fate guide you, and may the memories here remain etched in your heart."
On the following morning your preparations to depart drew the family to the entrance of their quaint cottage. Talia clutched your hand, her eyes reflecting unspoken sentiments. "Will you return, Y/N?" she inquired, her voice carrying a delicate vulnerability that tugged at your heart.
Bending at the knee to level with her, you replied, "I promise, Talia. I'll return whenever I can."
Standing, you exchanged glances with Esmae and Jakub. "Thank you for allowing me to form such bonds with you."
With a gentle upturn of their lips, they responded, "No, thank you, for your persistent kindness, Y/N."
Before your departure, Esmae presented a gift, aware of your loss and the absence of tangible memories of your parents. "I may not stand in your mother's stead, nor can I supplant her memory, but as one mother to another, accept this handmade garment. May it bring warmth on chilly nights."
With eyes filled with emotion, you received the blue cloth garment with delicate care. "It may not be perfection, but—" Esmae began, only to be interrupted by your heartfelt interjection. "It is absolute perfection."
"Thank you," you uttered, your vision blurred by tears of joy, as you enveloped her in an embrace, met with equal fervor. In a whisper, she conveyed her parting wish. "May your travels be marked by safety."
As you retraced your steps through the makeshift cobblestone pathway of Valoris, a profound sense of fulfillment and connection accompanied you. The bonds formed over those two duskars surpassed mere acts of kindness; they transcended the boundaries of secrecy and solitude.
As you approached the entrance of the capital village, a congregation of your companions awaited your return, their countenances a medley of curiosity and concern. A mirthful grin adorned your lips as you beheld their gathering.
Taehyung, with alacrity, snapped his head up upon noticing your approach. "Y/N—! Our princess has graced us with her presence!" His stride towards you mirrored that of a child rushing into the embrace of a long-lost parent.
A melodious giggle escaped your lips as you welcomed his theatrics, allowing him to enfold you in a lavish hug, twirling you about as his arms encircled you.
"Greetings, Taehyung." Laughter lingered as he gently set you down.
The others promptly joined the reunion, hastening toward you. Jimin was the first by your side. "You cannot fathom how preoccupied my mind was with your well-being, though your absence was but brief."
You chuckled, "You need not have worried, Jimin. I have returned unharmed."
He playfully rolled his eyes. "Indeed, we are indebted to the heavens for that."
"I suspect Jimin may suffer from separation anxiety during your impromptu sojourns," Jungkook jestingly interjected.
Jimin feigned a frowning glare. "That is an unfounded accusation!"
Jin, joining the playful banter, added with a smile, "If memory serves me right, Jimin, you were so consumed with worry over Y/N that you sought solace on her couch, claiming it to be the 'closest' you could feel to her in her absence."
A warm blush tinged Jimin's cheeks at the revelation of his clandestine actions during your absence. You shared a laugh over the unexpected disclosure. "Pay no mind to them, Y/N. They simply fail to value you as much as I do."
Taehyung scoffs in mock offense. "Absurd! We cherish Y/N as deeply as you do."
"Indeed, for instance—" Jungkook declared, seizing you suddenly and hoisting you onto his shoulder. You emitted a squeal in response to the abrupt maneuver. With effortless strength and athleticism, he sprinted away.
"Hey—!" Jimin and Taehyung exclaimed in unison, wearing matching pouts.
"Jungkook—! Exercise caution with her!" Jin admonished, giving chase along with the others, his worry akin to a parent scolding their wayward progeny.
As the impromptu race unfolded, the quaint charm of the capital village painted a picturesque scene. Cobblestone streets served as the stage for your lively pursuit, resonating with laughter and jests that danced through the air.
Jungkook's agile strides effortlessly carried you along, his grasp firm yet gentle. The verdant surroundings blurred as he skillfully navigated the thoroughfare, the sun casting a warm, golden hue upon your spirited procession.
"Jungkook, you impetuous scoundrel! Release our friend this instant!" Jin's voice rang out, a mix of concern and amusement evident in his tone.
Jungkook's laughter echoed as he expertly weaved through the labyrinthine alleys. Before long, you all found yourselves in a bustling market square, where stalls overflowed with an assortment of wares. The townsfolk watched with bemusement, their daily routines momentarily interrupted by the eccentricity of your reunion.
Jin, panting slightly as he caught up, spoke between breaths, "You rascal certainly know how to stir up a commotion."
"Well, pardon the commotion, good sir," Jungkook quipped, his grin mischievous as ever. "We merely seek to enliven these dreary streets."
Hoseok, now catching up, adds with a smile. "Ah, the mirth of our reunion! It rivals the finest tales spun by bards in the village square!"
Hoseok, catching up, joined in with a smile. "Ah, the joy of our reunion! It rivals the most captivating tales spun by village bards!"
As the excitement settled, you all found respite in a charming courtyard adorned with vibrant flora and aged benches. Seated amidst this tranquil setting, Jin playfully chided Jungkook, his words tinged with affectionate reproach. "A lively reunion indeed, my dear Jungkook, but let us not forget propriety.”
Jungkook bowed in jest. "My apologies, Jin. The fervor of the moment overcame me."
Amidst the bustle, a quaint tavern caught our eye, its warm glow and enticing aroma beckoning like a siren's song. With enthusiasm, Hoseok proposed a venture into this inviting establishment, a suggestion met with unanimous agreement.
The rustic charm of the tavern enveloped you all, as the eight of you settled at a sturdy wooden table. Jin, ever the gentleman, pulled out your seat with gallant courtesy, earning a nod of gratitude as you took your place.
"Welcome, how may I serve you all?" inquired the server as she approached your table.
Jin turned to the server with a courteous smile. "For our party, might we partake in your specialty, the main dish of the emberis? And as we are humbly celebrating our friend's return," he gestured towards you, "perhaps a pint of cider for the lady, and only for her." A playful wink accompanied his words, causing your face to drop in shock.
(Emberis symbolizes the sparks of activity and intensity within a week. It reflects the dynamic nature of each seven-day period.)
Your expression falters in surprise. "Jin—such extravagance is unwarranted. I've only been away for two duskars. And what about the rest of you? Surely you have as much right to partake in libations."
Hoseok shakes his head with a smile, interjecting, "You forget, dear Y/N, that we are sworn to protect. Though off duty now, we must remain vigilant, especially in the company of our lady."
You concede with a playful huff. "If you all insist..." Then, a sudden realization strikes you. "But what of the expense? It could prove quite burdensome."
Jin places a reassuring hand on your shoulder, his smile gentle. "Do not fret, Y/N. We shall cover the cost. To us, the price is naught compared to the joyous occasion we share together."
At last, the server returns, presenting your cider beside you and placing a plate of food before the party of eight. "Thank you," Jin acknowledges with a slight bow.
"So, Y/N—how fared your time with the kin in Valoris?" Jin inquires as he serves himself a portion.
"It was truly sentimental," you begin, recounting simple yet bonding activities with Esmae, Jakub, and Talia. You omitted the part where you demonstrated your magical abilities to Talia but conveyed that your stay was a joyous time well spent.
"That's heartening to hear, Y/N," Namjoon remarked. "It appears you forged a beautiful bond with this small family."
A small, appreciative smile graced your face. "Indeed, and I'm grateful. They've taught me the beauty of simplicity, despite my yearning for more spontaneous and adventurous pursuits."
"I'm pleased they treated you well," Jimin added, smiling.
"Yes, and I must—" Before you can continue, a morsel of food is swiftly deposited into your mouth. Your eyes widen slightly in response to the unexpected gesture, darting from the hand that fed you to the composed countenance of Yoongi.
"You mustn't neglect sustenance," Yoongi stated matter-of-factly, his actions eliciting laughter from the others gathered around the table.
Meanwhile, on the outskirts of Valoris, young Talia stumbles upon a small note near her makeshift bed, left there in secret by you. With curiosity piqued, she unfolds the paper, reading your handwriting: "To my dear Talia, in my absence, should you find yourself missing me, I've left something to remind you of our bond. Guard it closely and share our secret with no one. Return to the spot where I bestowed upon you your special flower. There, you'll witness a wondrous sight that will always be there."
With excitement dancing in her eyes, Talia tucks the note away and hurries on her tiny feet to the place where you displayed your magical abilities. And there, she discovers a marvel. What was once a barren expanse now blooms with vibrant wildflowers. She gasps in wonder, her wide eyes drinking in the enchanting scene.
Back in the capital village, surrounded by your seven male companions. In all candor, your spirits, elevated beyond the ordinary by the liberal consumption of fermented libations, have led you to a state of inebriation. This amusing spectacle, much to the delight and mild concern of your companions, finds you atop a tavern table, engaging in a spirited dance amidst the company of four gentlemen seated below.
"By the heavens, Y/N, have a care!" Jin exclaims, his voice a harmonious blend of amusement and apprehension. "You'll topple over if you're not mindful."
You wave off his concern with a drunken grin, swaying precariously on the table. "Nonsense, Jin! I'm as steady as a ship in harbor." The tavern's patrons find themselves captivated, drawn to the infectious mirth of your spontaneous performance.
Namjoon, with a bemused shake of his head, counters, "You seem more akin to a ship ensnared by the fury of a storm, if I may be so bold."
Hoseok leaned in, a smile playing on his lips. "It seems our dear Y/N has become the centerpiece of the duskar's entertainment."
Jimin, unable to contain his laughter, adds, "Who could have anticipated such a delightful twist to our celebration?"
Yoongi, the embodiment of composure, observes with a raised brow. "Well, I must confess, this is not the typical mid-duskar I envisioned."
Taehyung, playing along with the revelry, clapped his hands, urging you on. "Encore, Y/N! Let the spirit of festivity direct your movements!"
Jin, with a broad grin, concurs, "Indeed, she has wholeheartedly surrendered to the spirits of the occasion."
Your laughter cascades through the tavern as you daringly attempt a spin, nearly losing your footing. Jungkook extends a hand to steady you, a grin adorning his features. "Careful now, Y/N. A tumble at this juncture would certainly stir quite the commotion."
Yet, their words of caution fall on deaf ears, your heart and soul enraptured by the euphoria of the moment. Intoxicated by both companionship and cider, your impromptu dance continues, filling the midday air with laughter and cheer.
Jungkook, turning his attention back to his six lovers, a smirk playing on his lips at your antics, suggests, "Perchance we ought to ensure she partakes of some sustenance, alongside copious amounts of water to mitigate the effects of her indulgence."
Jimin, catching the sentiment with a nod and a smile, adds. "Indeed, for her diminutive stature seems overly susceptible to the intoxicating effects."
"Yet one cannot deny the entertainment derived from the spectacle," Taehyung remarks with a nonchalant shrug.
A pause ensues before Hoseok ventures, "Pardon my interruption, but may I pose a query?"
"What is it, my love?" Jin responds.
"It has just occurred to me, have we neglected to inform Y/N about the masquerade ball set to occur in two duskars hence? Or has that detail escaped our collective remembrance?"
(duskar represents both day and night. It acknowledges the importance of celestial transitions and the balance between light and darkness.)
A series of awkward exchanges followed, confirming Hoseok's suspicion—that indeed, the event had slipped their minds. A collective sigh of mild frustration escaped him.
Jungkook playfully admonishes Jimin with a swat. "I was under the impression you had already informed her!"
Jimin, momentarily taken aback, retorts with a pout, "Indeed not! The responsibility was Taehyung's, as he was the most vocally enthusiastic about her attendance."
Taehyung, caught off guard, protests, "I beg your pardon! Namjoon advised it was premature for such disclosures, fearing it might dismay her."
All eyes then pivot to Namjoon, who, caught in the crossfire, adopts a stance of mock surrender. "Well—that was a concern of emberises past. I had assumed the matter would have been addressed by now."
Amidst this exchange, Yoongi, whose observance often goes unnoticed, glances towards the table, only to find your absence—and the departure of the four gentlemen as well. His protective instincts trigger, eyes slightly widening, for that could only mean one thing, and it's not a favorable one.
While the others continued their debate, oblivious to your absence, Yoongi attempted to interject. "Gentlemen..."
"Gentlemen..." His efforts to capture their attention were drowned out by the cacophony of their discussion.
Driven by a growing sense of urgency, Yoongi's patience waned, and he raised his voice, "Gentlemen! If you would but notice, our lady is conspicuously absent, and conveniently, so are the four gentlemen!"
The sudden revelation forces the boisterous banter to a halt as the six other men turn their attention to the now vacant table where you once danced. Panic seizes their expressions.
"Where is she?" Jin's voice betrays a mix of concern and urgency.
"She was right there a moment ago!" Hoseok scans the surroundings, his eyes widening with realization.
Jungkook, still attempting to locate you, mumbles, "This is why we shouldn't have let her drink so much."
Jimin looks around frantically, "She can't have gone far. Let's split up and find her."
The seven men scatter in different directions, anxiety clutching at them like an invisible vice. They interrogate patrons and innkeepers, desperately seeking clues about your whereabouts.
Meanwhile, you find yourself in a secluded alley, guided by four gentlemen who lured you away from the revelry. The initial thrill of the impromptu dance fades into confusion as you grapple to comprehend the situation.
"Where are you leading me?" you inquire, a blend of curiosity and unease in your voice.
The lead gentleman, adorned in a fine waistcoat and top hat, smirks. "To a realm where merriment and revelry know no bounds, my dear. A concealed treasure for the privileged few."
The others exchange sly glances, and a sinking feeling settles in as the desolate alley grows more ominous.
Back with your companions, the search intensifies. Jungkook's voice pierces through the tension. "Over here! I found something."
The group converges on Jungkook, who points to a discarded ribbon, a familiar one that once adorned your hair. Anxiety deepens as the realization of potential harm sets in.
"We must find her," Namjoon declares with determination. "Split up and scour every nook and cranny. She can't be far."
The group disperses once more, urgency and concern now replacing the initial joyous atmosphere.
In the hidden gem the gentlemen led you to, a dimly lit haven unfolds with plush furnishings and an air of opulence. The four men encircle you, their intentions growing increasingly apparent.
"Welcome to the Fable Flame," the lead gentleman declares, his smirk widening. "A sanctuary for those seeking pleasures beyond the ordinary."
Your eyes widen with realization, fear and defiance flickering in your gaze. "I did not choose this. Release me!"
The other three men exchange predatory glances, and your attempts to retreat prove futile within the confines of the room.
Back in the bustling capital village, the seven men comb through the streets, their worry escalating. Yoongi, with determination etched on his face, spots a torn piece of fabric on a nearby fence—an unmistakable fragment of your dress.
His heart races as he follows the trail, the search taking a dark turn, the situation growing more dire.
Within the dimly lit chamber, the four men forcefully press you against an ornate bed. The lead gentleman, a sinister smirk etched on his face, handles you with a roughness that sends shivers down your spine. "Resist as you may, my dear, but soon, you'll find solace in surrender."
"P-Please, no—" Your plea barely escapes your lips, swallowed by the heavy air of despair.
Driven by urgency, your companions scour the area fervently, the tattered fabric guiding them to a dilapidated structure.
Yoongi, a resolute figure at the forefront, senses impending danger. "This way," he murmurs, his voice a whisper against the backdrop of doom.
Cautiously, the group ventures into the building, senses alert to the ominous silence. Each creak of the floorboards, each rustle of fabric, echoes with foreboding. As they navigate labyrinthine corridors, a distant door groans open, revealing a chamber steeped in darkness.
Pushing the door ajar, Yoongi's eyes widen—a macabre tableau unfolds within. You, pinned like a sacrificial lamb, beneath the sinister gaze of the lead gentleman and his cohorts. Tension crackles in the air, thick with the scent of fear and defiance.
A moment of silence ensues as the captors take stock of the intruders. The lead gentleman's smirk widens, a predatory glint in his eyes. "Ah, latecomers to the party. How quaint."
Yoongi's gaze hardens, his resolve unyielding. "Release her. Now."
The lead gentleman's grip tightens on your chin, his touch invasive and possessive. "And why would I do that? She's rather enjoying herself, wouldn't you agree?"
Your glassy eyes, wide with terror. "I beg of you, help me..."
Yoongi, accompanied by Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook, refrained from uttering a single word. An unbridled rage burned within them, propelling them forward into an imminent clash with the three assailants.
Simultaneously, as the skirmish erupted, the chief antagonist, maintaining his grip on you, surveyed the unfolding brawl with malevolent intent. His eyes gleamed with malice, and then, shifting his gaze toward you, he declared, "Do you reckon you can elude me with ease? I beg to differ."
With a sudden flourish, he extracted a gleaming blade from his boot, discreetly seizing you by the hair and hauling you off the bed, dragging you into the center of the room. "That's enough!"
Seizing the moment, he pressed the knife against your neck, eliciting a collective pause from your seven companions and the three adversaries. "Any further trouble, and I'll slit her throat without a second thought."
Jungkook moved to intervene, but Namjoon swiftly halted him. "Hold."
"But Namjoon—" Jungkook protested, only to be silenced by a raised hand, signifying a steadfast refusal.
"Listen to him," the captor jeered, grinning spitefully.
"Release her, and there will be no further altercation," Namjoon asserted.
The captor chuckled darkly. "Can't a man enjoy himself a bit first? You lot are men, too, aren't you? Surely, you understand the value of personal pleasures."
"There's a disparity between being merely a man and a true gentleman. The former lacks honor, much like yourself. As gentlemen, we comprehend the significance of consent, a virtue conspicuously absent in your demeanor," Hoseok retorted with a seething tone.
The captor's eyes narrowed at Hoseok's words before abruptly turning his attention back to you. "Come now, my dear, prove to these 'gentlemen' that you welcomed this."
Your silence seemed to irritate him further. The blade traced a perilous path from your neck downward, nearing the delicate contours of your breasts.
Yet, before he could proceed further, a cry of pain erupted as he fell to the ground, a double-ended knife embedded in his shoulder. Your gaze shifted to Jimin, his hand still outstretched from the throw, his eyes ablaze with fury.
Turning toward the remaining captors, Jimin questioned, "Who among you wishes to follow suit?"
Fear flickered across the faces of the trio, their heads shaking vehemently. "Leave, or I'll kill you myself," Jimin commanded, prompting the men to hastily flee.
Empowered by the turn of events, you found strength in your legs, hastening towards your seven guardians. Jimin extended his arms, enveloping you protectively. His nose nestled atop your head, a palpable sigh of relief escaping him.
Yoongi advanced towards the wounded miscreant with a demeanor that brooked no argument. "Should you ever lay a hand on a woman in such a manner again, I shall personally hunt you down and dismantle you limb from limb. Understand?" 
The captor nodded fervently, his attempts to suppress his whimpers of pain were futile, as his quivering lip gave away his torment.
Without a flicker of emotion, Yoongi then seized the hilt of the double-ended blade, a cruel reminder of the violence just passed.
With a swift, unyielding yank, he liberated the weapon from flesh, crimson torrents cascading from the gaping wound, staining his hands and the ground beneath him. His face remained a mask of impassive justice, marred only by the flecks of blood that adorned his features like macabre war paint.
Posthaste, Yoongi returned to where you stood, with a gentleness that belied the stern resolve of his previous actions, he divested himself of his royal soldier's coat and placed it upon your shoulders, a protective mantle to shield you from the unusual chill of atmosphere and the ordeal you had endured.
He then turned to Jimin, extending the reclaimed weapon with a nod, "Let us return home." Yoongi declared, his tone now softened.
Back at your humble abode, your companions gallantly escorted you home, forming a protective cocoon around you even upon crossing the threshold. Jimin's strong arms encircled you, a fortress of reassurance.
Not a single word needed to be uttered, for the unspoken understanding prevailed amongst your close-knit group. Jungkook, swift and decisive, took the lead, his movements within your sanctuary as natural as if he were navigating his own domain, seeking flint and steel to kindle a warming blaze in the hearth.
Hoseok hastened to your kitchen, concocting a soothing blend of chamomile and peppermint for a rejuvenating tea. Jin, his hands deftly moving in the manner of an experienced caretaker, joined Hoseok in preparing a basin of cool water, a washcloth, and a small bar of soap, ready to tenderly cleanse away the remnants of the late afternoon’s turmoil. Following suit, Yoongi ventured into the kitchen, presumably to whip up a modest repast that would serve to counteract the intoxicating remnants coursing through you.
As for Taehyung, he proceeded into your bedroom, searching for fresh attire and, albeit awkwardly, extracting your more intimate garments. Their intent on ministering to your well-being, they choreographed their efforts with finesse.
Jimin and Namjoon, however, maintained their steadfast vigil by your side, their protective presence lingering even in the absence of immediate peril. Presently, Taehyung emerged from the sanctity of your bedchamber, announcing with a gentle timbre, “I have your attire prepared for you, Y/N.”
Gazing up at him, a weariness from spirits evident in your eyes, you expressed gratitude, "Thank you, Tae."
Acknowledging your thanks with a nod and a smile, he beckoned, “Come along, now.”
Jimin effortlessly lifted you in his arms, carrying you with bridal grace towards the sanctuary of your bedchamber, with Jin trailing close behind, the basin and its accouterments in hand.
“Before we proceed to clothe you anew, let us first tend to cleansing, shall we?” Jin suggested, his tone one of gentle insistence.
Your response was a weary nod, an assent given as Jimin tenderly deposited you upon your bed. Jin, with delicate precision, moved a portion of your clothing aside to begin the cleansing process. Yet, in an unforeseen twist, you impulsively divested yourself of the garment entirely, sending a ripple of astonishment through Jimin, Taehyung, and Jin, their eyes widening in unison.
Jimin and Taehyung, in a chivalrous retreat, averted their gaze, while Jin, startled, lifted his eyes heavenward, engendering a collective symphony of awkward coughs. A warm flush brushed their cheeks as they realized you had inadvertently exposed yourself. Perhaps, in the closeness of your bond, you had grown accustomed to their presence, regardless of your activities or location.
Namjoon entered the room at that moment, intending to convey updates. However, his eyes widened as he grasped the awkward tableau before him. "Oh—!" Hastily, he turned away, a mirrored action of respect.
Your reaction time, slowed by alcohol, eventually processed their collective retreat. "Why? Is there something amiss with my appearance?" you queried with a subtle pout, oblivious to your own actions.
Jin cleared his throat, attempting to dispel the awkwardness. “N-no! Far from it...” He continued his ministrations without letting his gaze stray to more intimate areas.
Your gaze lifted abruptly, questioning Jin directly, "Am I not beautiful?"
Without premeditation, Jin met your gaze, sincerity softening his features. “No, you are the most enchanting woman my eyes have beheld. No other can compare."
"He speaks true," Taehyung and Jimin murmured in agreement.
Interrupting the moment, Namjoon interjected, “Indeed—apologies for my intrusion. I merely wished to inform you that Jungkook has kindled the fire, Hoseok has concocted the tea, and Yoongi is nearly done preparing a modest yet nourishing repast for you. Freshen up at your pace; we'll be waiting outside."
Namjoon directed a pointed gaze at Jimin and Taehyung, a silent command hanging in the air. “I said, we shall all convene outside. Shall we, gentlemen?” Namjoon emphasized, his message finally registering with the duo.
“Awh, do we truly have to—” Taehyung began to whine, cut short by Namjoon seizing him by the collar and dragging him outside, while Jimin followed without protest. And with a closing door, a semblance of privacy returned.
In the wake of those moments, Jin gracefully exited your chamber, allowing you the privacy to don your fresh attire. The burly gentleman then reentered the kitchen, deftly disposing of the soiled water, and briefly refreshing the washcloth before reinstating the small basin and soap to their rightful places.
Just then, Jin catches a redolence wafting from the viands that Yoongi is diligently culminating, adroitly depositing the contents into an intricately carved wooden bowl. "Oooh, that aroma is quite delightful..."
"Is that pottage you've concocted, Yoongi dear?" Jin inquires, casting a discerning glance as Yoongi continues to ladle the savory mixture into the receptacle, to which Yoongi grunts affirmatively in response.
"How did you acquire the meat for it?" Jin asks, a tad taken aback by the presence of poultry within.
"Leftovers from her pots," Yoongi tersely responds, prompting Jin to nod in comprehension with a soft 'ah' escaping his lips.
Subsequently, the gathering reconvened in the living room, ensconced by the warmth of your fireplace. Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin repose upon the floor adjacent to the central coffee table, while Hoseok and Namjoon grace the solitary sofa chairs flanking the table. Jin settled on one end of the three-seater couch, and Yoongi adorns the tray on the table, featuring the potation prepared by Hoseok and the delectable pottage.
Moments later, you emerged from your quarters, resplendent in the attire previously selected by Taehyung. Jungkook, ever the gallant escort, offered his arm, guiding you towards the couch where the tea and Yoongi's culinary creation awaited.
Observing the tray's contents, your eyes traverse the assembly—Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook, Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jin. "Thank you for attending to my well-being."
Warm smiles were exchanged. "Anything for you," they chorused.
Leaning forward, Jin extended an offer, "Would you care for some pottage? You needn't consume it all, but it might aid your recovery, along with the tea."
"Absolutely, I could never decline sustenance crafted by Lord Yoongi," you chuckled, injecting a touch of levity into the atmosphere despite the recent perilous events.
Jin commences assisting you, offering spoonfuls of pottage and elevating the teacup to your lips with finesse. Meanwhile, the others lounge, engaged in casual conversations as if the now early evening were ordinary.
You lapse into momentary silence, contemplative of recent occurrences. Without premeditation, you articulate your ruminations aloud. "We must put an end to such establishments. None should endure such cruelty."
A collective pause ensued, truth be told, they anticipate such sentiments from you, cognizant of your altruistic nature despite enduring adversity. Jin, wearing a serene smile, interjected, "We shall address that in due course. For now, our primary concern is your well-being."
As Jin brought the spoon to your lips, you swallowed the contents, falling momentarily silent before another thought found its voice. "I just remembered something I forgot to inquire about."
All eyes turned toward you. "What is it, Y/N?"
After a momentary hesitation, you muster the courage to voice your inquiry. "Um... I happened upon a handbill in the capital village mentioning a masquerade ball scheduled in two duskars… I am intrigued and wondered if you all are aware of it."
A measure of astonishment registers on their visages, realizing they had intended to extend an invitation emberises ago but had inadvertently overlooked it, fearing you might eschew the prospect. Now, with your inquiry, a sense of relief washes over them, empowering them to broach the subject.
Hoseok's eyes illuminate with enthusiasm. "That sounds like an excellent proposition!"
"Truly?" You sheepishly smiled, Hoseok nodding enthusiastically. However, your countenance shifted, "Yet, I lack an appropriate gown for such an occasion."
Jin dismisses the concern with a wave of his hand. "Nonsense, Y/N. Have you forgotten the company you keep?" A trace of playful arrogance graces his countenance. "I shall summon the finest tailors to craft a gown that befits your beauty."
"Would you truly do that, Jinnie?" you asked, your eyes alight with gratitude.
"Of course!" he affirmed, as Jimin added, "And fear not, Y/N. Your beauty transcends attire; you shall outshine every woman present at the ball."
"Thank you, Jimin," you murmured shyly. "So, would you all be willing to accompany me?"
Collective nods affirm your query, prompting a grateful smile from you. "I am filled with anticipation! It shall be my first ball. Thank you!"
Fatigue abruptly descends upon you, manifesting in a yawn. The attentive septet takes notice, Jin, seated beside you, gently placing the bowl and spoon aside. "Are you weary?"
You nod in acknowledgment. Hoseok rises. "I shall stow away the dishes."
Jin inquires, "Would you prefer to retire to your chamber for repose, Y/N?" You wearily shake your head. "No, I would rather remain here. Sleep among you all, if that's acceptable."
Jin smiles warmly. "More than acceptable. Come, recline upon me." He nudges you gently, prompting you to rest your head upon his lap, your feet propped upon the couch.
Unseen by you, Jungkook promptly fetched a blanket, draping it over you with care. You adjust yourself for comfort. "Apologies, I realize it is still early evening—"
"It understandable. The exertions from your journey on foot from Valoris earlier this morn, coupled with the spirited dancing at the tavern until the, shall we say, 'mishap' we encountered, surely have wearied you," Taehyung interjects with a chuckle.
"Rest, Y/N. You are deserving of it," Namjoon advises.
Before long, you succumbed to slumber, a serene quietude enveloped the chamber, broken only by the gentle cadence of your breathing, a testament to the peaceful slumber you had found.
"So, are we to dismiss Yoongi's earlier allusion to Y/N as 'our lady'?" Taehyung pondered aloud, his posture relaxed, hands clasped behind his head in a gesture of casual reflection.
The inquiry lingered, casting a shared exchange of glances among the septet, each harboring individual musings on the matter. Yoongi, a man of sparse words, appeared unperturbed by the collective gaze. Yet, a faint amusement flickered across his visage, betraying his stoic exterior.
A playful smirk danced upon Jungkook's lips. "Indeed, we all took note. Might this signify an evolving affection for our esteemed Y/N, dear Yoongi?"
A momentary tension draped the room, only to be dispelled by Yoongi's scoff. "Absurdity. I merely acknowledged her rightful standing among us."
Jungkook's brows arched mischievously. "'Rightful standing,' you say? Be cautious, Yoongi, your words reveal more than you may intend."
"It seems to me," Namjoon interjected with a sly grin, "that we've all discerned a certain... tenderness in Yoongi's address. A sentiment perhaps deeper than he admits."
Jimin, unable to resist joining the banter, shared his insight with a cunning smile. "It is a rare occasion indeed for Yoongi to bestow such a title upon anyone. It does carry a significance, does it not?"
Attempting to steer the conversation away from the burgeoning speculation, Yoongi retorted, "Your interpretations far exceed the bounds of reason. Let us rather concentrate on her welfare and the impending masquerade."
Taehyung leaned in, his expression one of impish delight. "Yet, 'our lady' carries a resonance, does it not? A phrase befitting someone of special regard, not merely a companion."
Jungkook rejoined the conversation with a gleam of mischief, "Mayhap Yoongi's affections have indeed been kindled by our fair Y/N."
Jimin added with a grin, "Well, she is quite captivating. Who wouldn't be enchanted by her?" His gaze then tenderly fell upon you, a warmth evident in his eyes.
This display of affection did not escape the notice of the others. Despite the complex web of their polyamory relationship, no shadow of envy or malcontent marred their feelings towards each other's evident fondness for you, a phenomenon that baffled them yet remained unquestioned.
Hoseok voiced his reflections, his gaze affectionate as he watched you. "Indeed... Our companionship with her, spanning from the innocence of childhood to the cusp of adulthood, has always been a wellspring of mutual care and affection."
Jin, with a gentle demeanor, softly brushed away the errant strands of hair veiling your face, tucking them behind your ear with a tenderness that spoke volumes. "If only she comprehended the depth of her significance to us,” he whispered, more to himself than to the others.
Namjoon, less obvious but still captivated, stared at you. "I believe she perceives it, on some level... she must."
"And I am certain she reciprocates the sentiment," he added.
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Two duskars had elapsed, and at last, the eve of the grand ball had arrived. Jin, true to his word, had summoned one of the most esteemed tailors in the kingdom to create a gown for you, meticulously taking your measurements and ensuring the attire aligned with your desires. A bespoke mask was also crafted, intended to complement the elegance of your gown for the impending masquerade.
Admittedly, the experience of being measured was a novel one, with an array of hands adjusting and clothing pins perilously close to your skin. Despite the initial discomfort, the attention bestowed upon you instilled a sense of importance, marking your initiation into the realm of pampering. Jin and, unsurprisingly, Hoseok collaborated to orchestrate a comprehensive makeover. In the fleeting hours leading up to the ball, skilled artisans in makeup and hairdressing dedicated themselves to enhancing your allure. Finally, adorned in your custom gown, the transformation was complete.
The transformation was, without a shadow of a doubt, breathtaking. Though you remained unaware of the extent of your beauty, the moment of reveal was imminent. Descending the staircase of Jin's opulent abode, where preparations for the masquerade had been made, you were about to present yourself to the collective gaze of Jungkook, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi. They awaited at the foot of the stairs, each garbed in suits of exquisite craftsmanship, their attire reflecting their noble status within the kingdom yet tailored for this special occasion.
The moment your presence graced the final steps, their faces mirrored an awe that rendered them momentarily speechless.
Dressed in a dark blue ball gown, its sleeves adorned with delicate lace and gems that sparkled like stars, you became the focal point of their admiration. The atmosphere hung thick with admiration as your eyes met theirs, and a subtle nervousness crept in, amplified by their prolonged silence. "Is something amiss?" you nervously inquired.
"Do I not appear well in this attire?" you added.
"No!" they exclaimed in unison, their initial shock breaking into a cacophony of reassurances.
Taehyung cleared his throat awkwardly. "Certainly not, Lady Y/N. You're resplendent."
"Arguably the most stunning vision to grace our lives," Jungkook gently interjected.
You looked away, bashfully dismissing their compliments. "Oh, you're all merely attempting to flatter me. I can't possibly—"
"No flattery intended, Y/N," Jin interjected. "You truly are beautiful."
"In any attire, you radiate beauty, but tonight, it's truly exceptional," Jimin stumbled over his words, his gaze unwavering. Enchanted by your presence, all seven pairs of eyes remained fixated on you.
Namjoon took a decisive step forward, capturing your attention as he extended his hand, a silent request for your company. "Shall we make our way to the ball? A full night awaits us."
With a smile, you acquiesced, "We shall."
The grand ballroom, adorned in lavish splendor, embraced the seven of you as you entered. The melodic strains of a waltz commenced, enticing you into the dance with Namjoon. His authoritative yet gentle demeanor guided your steps, immersing you in the graceful whirl of the ballroom. Amidst the elegant rotations, conversation flowed effortlessly like a gentle stream.
"Your gown exudes the regal elegance of a bygone era," Namjoon remarked, his charming smile captivating your gaze.
"You're too gracious," you replied, returning his smile. "It seems I owe you all my deepest gratitude for this enchanting evening."
Namjoon's laughter resonated through the dance, "The pleasure is ours, fair Y/N. Your radiance illuminates this soirée."
As the waltz concluded, Hoseok approached, eager to share a dance. His movements exuded buoyancy, mirroring his exuberant spirit. "May I say, you're a vision, Y/N. A testament to tonight's splendors."
Chuckling, you responded, "I owe this transformation to the skilled hands of many, including yours and Jin’s, Hoseok."
His grin widened. "A collaborative effort to enhance the innate beauty you possess, my lady."
Following suit was Jungkook, his dance exuding youthful vitality. "You resemble a character from a fairy tale, Y/N. A modern-day Cinderella."
"Such flattering comparisons," you chuckled, "but this fairy tale boasts seven charming princes."
Jungkook's laughter echoed. "I am honored to be counted among them, fair maiden."
As the dance with Jungkook concluded, Taehyung approached with a mischievous glint in his eye. "I must confess, Y/N, your beauty leaves us speechless. A rare occurrence, I assure you."
You grinned. "I suppose I should consider it a triumph, then."
Taehyung twirled you in an elaborate spin. "Indeed. A triumph of grace and beauty."
Yoongi then led the subsequent dance with effortless elegance. "You've added an enchanting touch to this gathering, Y/N. A night that shall be etched in memory."
"I am honored to be part of such a memorable occasion," you replied, matching his graceful movements.
Jimin, the final dance partner, led with a flair for the dramatic, whisking you into an energetic dance. "You've captivated us all, Y/N. A true siren amidst this sea of revelry."
Blushing, you playfully retorted, "You exaggerate, Jimin. The enchantment is mutual, I assure you."
A brief breathy chuckle escaped Jimin's lips as he gently swayed you to the music, letting a comfortable silence envelop both of you for a moment. Then, his eyes met yours, a hint of solemnity in his gaze. "Y/N, there's something I wish to express."
You hummed softly, directing your attention to him. "What is it, Jimin?"
He held your gaze, his expression earnest. "I wish to offer my gratitude."
Perplexed, you tilted your head slightly. "Gratitude? For what?"
"At that lake, in our youth, when we casted our wishes," he explained, a fond smile playing on his lips.
You chuckled softly, recalling the memory. "You mean the 'magical' lake escapade?"
Jimin nodded, his smile widening. "Indeed. Your wish, amidst our materialistic desires, was simple yet profound. It shaped our journey in ways we hadn't realized until now."
"You hesitated to voice it initially, but I'm glad you found the courage to do so because it's likely the reason I find myself content where I am now. And it's because we're all together... And I like to think you played a significant role in making that happen. That's why I want to express my gratitude."
You smiled at his sentiment, gently releasing your hand from his to tenderly cup his cheek. "There's no need to thank me, Jimin. It wasn't solely my doing, but the collective effort of all of us. It's a great blessing that our friendship has endured through the years until now. And I hope fervently that it continues indefinitely, just as I wished."
Jimin leaned into your touch. "Well, considering how the wishes of myself and the other gentlemen seem to have come to fruition, I have no doubt yours will remain steadfast."
Returning to your dance position, you closed the distance between you and Jimin, resting your head against his shoulder as you swayed to the music. "Thank you, Jimin. And thank you for remaining my friend despite the disparity in our social standings."
"Nonsense. Our social status shouldn't dictate our friendship nor divide us," he insisted.
As the night progressed, the ballroom was filled with laughter, music, and the rustle of elegant gowns, enveloping the atmosphere. Eventually, you excused yourself to refresh, your throat parched from the laughter and conversation. Approaching the refreshment table, your hand hovered over a glass when a smooth yet unfamiliar voice interrupted.
"Such beauty should never be left unattended, even in a room filled with admirers," the stranger remarked, his tone laden with compliments as his eyes appraised you.
You offered a polite smile, unsure of his intentions. "Thank you, sir. The evening has been most enjoyable," you replied, trying to maintain the courteous yet distant demeanor taught to you for such encounters.
"But surely, it could be improved with the right company," he persisted, stepping closer in a manner that reduced the distance between you. His words were designed to charm, yet they began to weave a web of discomfort around you.
"The company I keep is of my choosing, and it has been most delightful thus far," you countered, your tone firm yet polite, hoping to convey your lack of interest in prolonging this interaction.
Undeterred, the stranger continued, "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Sir Alan, and I must say, your beauty has captivated my every sense."
You nodded in acknowledgment. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sir Alan. I am Y/N."
He extended a gloved hand, adorned with rings that caught the light. "Might I have the honor of this dance, dear Lady? The night is young, and a moment with you is a treasure."
Politely declining, you explained, "I appreciate the offer, sir, but I must return to the festivities."
Undeterred, he insisted, "Just one dance, my lady. I promise it will be a memory to cherish."
Reluctantly, you acquiesced, allowing yourself to be led back onto the dance floor. As the music enveloped you, the stranger's conversation veered toward increasingly personal topics. His compliments escalated, each word designed to captivate and charm. Sir Alan skillfully prolonged the conversation, feeling uncomfortable, you attempted to gracefully disengage, only to find yourself guided toward the secluded gardens, away from prying eyes.
Amidst the moonlit flora, the stranger's intentions became clearer. "Lady Y/N, a night like this deserves to be savored in private. Away from the prying eyes of the crowd, don't you think?"
Your stomach twisted with unease as you struggled to maintain composure. "I am grateful for your company, sir, but I must return to my friends."
A grin adorned his face, concealing a more sinister motive. "Why hasten, my lady? The night is yet youthful, and so are we. Let us venture further into the gardens together, free from the shackles of society."
A sense of alarm tingled at the edges of your consciousness. Politely but firmly, you asserted, "I appreciate your company, but I must insist on returning to the ballroom. My absence may arouse suspicion, and I would not wish to cause any distress."
Undeterred, the stranger persisted, "Why subject yourself to the mundane when an adventure beckons? A stroll amidst the moonlit gardens, a dance beneath the stars—does that not sound infinitely more alluring?"
Struggling against the mounting unease, you firmly declared, "I appreciate the offer, but I must decline. My place is with my companions."
His demeanor shifted, revealing a more assertive side. "My lady, do not be hasty in dismissing the potential for a night of unparalleled delight. Embrace the possibilities, for in the gardens, secrets unfold, and desires are realized."
A chill ran down your spine as his words hung in the air. Determined to extricate yourself from this unsettling encounter, you mustered the strength to firmly assert, "I thank you for the dance, Sir, but I must return to the ballroom."
As you turned to leave, the stranger's grip tightened, his tone taking on a darker hue. "Lady Y/N, the night is full of mysteries, and in the gardens, secrets are shared. Would you not yearn for a tale untold, a moment unrestrained?"
Alarmed, you managed to free yourself from his grasp, hastily retreating back to the ballroom. The warmth and familiarity of the dance floor welcomed you, a stark contrast to the disconcerting encounter in the moonlit gardens.
Unbeknownst to you, the night held further surprises, and the echoes of that encounter lingered, casting a shadow over the revelry. Stepping back into the ballroom, the familiar countenances of Jin, Jungkook, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Namjoon, and Yoongi greeted you. Their expressions ranged from curiosity to concern, noting your brief absence.
Namjoon, ever astute, observed your return. "Lady Y/N, you have returned! How fared your brief respite?"
Smiling, you replied, "It was an intriguing interlude, to say the least. Sir Alan proves to be quite the charismatic conversationalist."
Jin raised an eyebrow, his noble bearing intact. "Sir Alan, you say? I trust his charm did not overstep its bounds."
You assured them, "Nothing of the sort, Jin. Merely persistent, but I managed to gracefully extricate myself.”
The assembly of gentlemen before you shared a look amongst themselves, a silent pact forming to address any untoward advances. "He has not brought harm to you in any way, has he?" the collective concern in their voices was palpable.
You shook your head, mustering a small smile. “Thankfully, no. I am unharmed.”
Hoseok interjected, seeking to dispel any lingering unease within you. “Well, it gladdens me to hear of your well-being. Now, might we turn our attention to Jungkook's lamentable inability to engage in the simplest of social exchanges without resorting to awkwardness?""
Jungkook, mortified at being the subject of jest, protested in a tone laden with embarrassment. "Must you fault me for my reticence in the company of others beyond our intimate circle?" His words, though tinged with self-deprecation, only served to endear him further to the group, inciting a chorus of snickers and teasing smiles.
As the night waned, the gentlemen gathered around, exchanging words of encouragement, reminiscing about childhood memories, and relishing each other’s company.
As the final notes of the music wafted through the air and the ballroom began to empty, you found yourself waiting outside the grand entrance staircase alone, while Namjoon and Jin went to fetch the quadravicar, Jungkook and Taehyung piled plates with leftovers despite Jin’s reprimands, and Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok excused themselves to the bathroom.
It was then, amidst the solitude, that you felt a gentle tap, a discreet summons that turned you to face the ever-persistent Sir Alan. His approach was measured, his gaze alight with an unmistakable admiration.
"Lady Y/N, the evening's end could not pass without me bestowing upon you the accolades your magnificent aura so rightly deserves. Might I have the honor of accompanying you to your quadravicar?" he proposed, his bow imbued with a blend of earnestness and anticipation.
While gratitude tinged your response, caution tempered your words. "Your offer is received with gratitude, Sir Alan, however, my companions have already made provisions for my departure."
His gaze briefly flitted about, seeking, perhaps, confirmation of your words before returning to meet your own. "But as I observe, your companions seem momentarily absent. Pray, allow me the privilege of extending my company a while longer.”
His sudden grasp upon your wrist, though not forceful, was unexpected, prompting a startled response from you. "Sir Alan—"
Before you could articulate your refusal, a familiar presence interposed itself between you and potential impropriety. "And to what destination do you presume to escort my lady?" Hoseok's voice, firm and unyielding, forced Sir Alan's hand to release its hold.
Taken aback, Sir Alan stammered, his composure momentarily faltering in the face of Hoseok's authoritative stance. "O-Oh! Lord Hoseok, I—"
Yet, it was not Hoseok alone who stood in defense; Yoongi and Jimin too had materialized, forming a united front. Jimin, his tone laden with an earnest gravity, pressed for an answer. "We would be most obliged if you would enlighten us, Sir Alan. Your persistence is unwelcome, and it is evident that she has declined your company."
Sir Alan, sensing the gravity of the situation and the unyielded gaze of your companions, chose his words with a care previously unexercised. "Gentlemen, my intentions were naught but to offer the lady a courteous companionship in the absence of her party.”
Hoseok, unwavering, retorted, "Courtesy does not involve disregarding a lady's wishes. Lady Y/N has made her intentions clear, and your company is not desired. Now, I suggest you depart before matters escalate."
Sir Alan chuckles, trying to defend himself. “It seems, however, that my actions were misjudged, and for that, I tender my sincerest apologies."
It was then, amidst the burgeoning tension, that Namjoon and Jin returned, their timely arrival adding to the formidable presence of your companions. With the quadravicar ready and your friends united in their defense, Sir Alan's intentions, however benign he claimed, were deemed unsuitable.
Namjoon, with a diplomatic grace, addressed Sir Alan, "Your intentions, while perhaps noble in your eyes, have trespassed the boundaries of decorum. We thank you for your interest, but Lady Y/N is well accounted for."
Sir Alan, sensing the seriousness of the situation, released a conciliatory sigh. "Apologies, Lady Y/N, Lords Hoseok, Jimin, Yoongi, Jin and Namjoon. I meant no harm. If my presence is unwanted, I shall take my leave." With that, he withdrew, leaving you in the comforting circle of your friends.
The tension that had momentarily clouded the evening dissipated as quickly as it had appeared, leaving behind a sense of unity and protectiveness among you and your companions. Hoseok, breaking the silence, offered a light-hearted quip to restore the evening's jovial atmosphere. "Well, I dare say we've navigated that encounter with the poise of seasoned diplomats. Shall we consider it an adventure to regale in future gatherings?"
Laughter, light and unburdened, filled the air, reaffirming the bonds that tethered your spirits together. Jimin, with a smirk playing on his lips, added, "Indeed, it appears our little assembly can handle more than just casual soirees and diplomatic parleys. We're quite the formidable cohort when the occasion demands."
With spirits buoyed and hearts alight, you made your passage to the quadravicar. The episode with Sir Alan had not tainted the evening's festivity; rather, it had underscored the profound depth of allegiance and affection that defined your relationship with your companions.
Jungkook and Taehyung, the mischievous duo, were the last to clamber into the quadravicar, burdened with an assortment of laden boxes. All eyes turned to them, bemused by their conspicuous cargo.
Jin's gaze flickered between the boxes and the pair before he seized their ears with a swift pinch. "You scoundrels! Did I not explicitly instruct you against overindulgence? Have you no shame?"
The two offenders, wearing expressions of mock innocence, pout in response to Jin's reproach. "But Jin, the offerings were too delectable to resist! Surely even you would have succumbed to temptation!"
"And need I remind you, it was Taehyung's idea in the first place!" Jungkook interjected, attempting to wriggle free from Jin's grasp.
"Outrageous! Yes, I proposed the notion, but didn't you conveniently omitted the fact that you were the one weary of our customary fare back home?" Taehyung defended himself, a hint of indignation in his tone.
"Excuse me?!" Jin exclaimed, aghast. "Ingrates, the pair of you!"
As the quadravicar ambled away from the venue, the celestial canopy above seemed to sparkle with added brilliance, mirroring the mirth that filled the quadravicar as it resounded with laughter and good-natured banter.
"Say, Y/N," Jimin's voice breaks through the jovial atmosphere, his gaze warm and imploring, “would you mind if we all spent the night at your abode? It's been an age since we had a slumber party like in our youth," Jimin chimed in, his eyes sparkling with youthful enthusiasm.
"Of course, you are all welcome under my roof," you replied warmly.
And so, as the quadravicar grinds to a halt outside your humble abode, the final act of the evening unfolds. Stepping out into the crisp night air, the echoes of laughter linger like a sweet refrain, a testament to the enduring bonds that unite your circle of friends.
Entering your quaint abode, the warmth enveloped you like a comforting embrace. You busied yourself in the kitchen, preparing for the morning's repast, ensuring that all would be ready when dawn broke.
Meanwhile, your companions, weary from the night's revelry, began their preparations for slumber. Each found a spot to lay their heads, the weariness of the day gradually giving way to the embrace of sleep. Blankets are unfurled, pillows fluffed, and whispered conversations drift lazily through the air.
As the hour grows late and the weariness of the duskar begins to take its toll, your companions one by one succumb to the embrace of sleep. Soon, the room is filled with the soft symphony of gentle snores, a harmonious testament to the peace that reigns within.
Yet, as the night wears on and the world outside slumbers, you find yourself restless, your mind abuzz with thoughts of the duskar's events. Unable to quiet your thoughts, you rise from your bed and slip silently into the kitchen, intent on preparing a pot of tea to greet the dawn.
The soft clink of china and the faint rustle of linens filled the quietude as you busied yourself in the kitchen, ensuring that everything would be in order for the forthcoming day. Lost in thought, you scarcely noticed the passage of time until a sudden rap at the front door shattered the stillness, jolting you from your reverie.
With a furrowed brow, you approached the door, curiosity mingling with a hint of trepidation as you peered through the peephole, then cautiously opening your door ajar. "Who goes there?" you called out, your voice echoing in the stillness of the night.
"Miss Y/N..." comes a timid yet recognizable voice, causing you to lower your gaze, finally laying eyes on the familiar figure standing outside your threshold.
Your eyes widen in recognition as you realize it's the young Thalia from the outskirts of Valoris. "Thalia! Heavens, what brings you here at such a late hour?"
"More importantly, how did you come here unaccompanied?" you query with urgency.
"I cannot rightly say, Miss. It's as though my feet had a will of their own, leading me to your abode," Thalia responds, her tearful gaze meeting yours, giving you pause as you sense all is not well.
You swing the door open wider, dropping to one knee to meet her eye level. "What’s the matter, little one?"
"It's my mother and father— they're in trouble," Thalia blurts out between hiccups.
Your brows furrow with concern and confusion. "Explain, Thalia. What do you mean they’re in trouble?”
The little girl breaks into fresh tears. “It's all my doing-!”
Thalia recounts the events leading to her arrival at your doorstep. She had been playing near the glade where you performed your magic of the wildflowers, when she caught sight of the approaching guards. Instinctively, she hid, but it seemed her presence had already drawn their attention to the area.
Your face softened into one of sadness and concern for Thalia; you knew precisely why those scavenger guards were now scouring the vicinity. The wildflowers in bloom, coaxed forth by your supernatural abilities, undoubtedly aroused deep suspicion—wildflowers in the waning days of autumn were anything but ordinary... Unless magic was at play.
Indeed, those scavenger guards weren't after this small family; they were after you, the witch, although none of them knew it. In all honesty, it wasn't Thalia's fault; the blame lay squarely with you.
You had brought this calamity upon them, and now you had to make it right. It was unjust that they should suffer for your actions. Foolish of you; you should have known that wildflowers at this time of year would raise eyebrows. Yet, what gnawed at your mind was the presence of scavenger guards in that area to begin with. The royal family typically cared little for the outlying dwellings of the kingdom.
But regardless, that was immaterial now. What mattered was helping Thalia and her parents, whatever the cost. You met Thalia's gaze once more. "It’s okay Thalia. Come, we must hasten to your parents."
Together, you and Thalia set forth into the night, the weight of responsibility heavy upon your shoulders.
As you traverse the moonlit streets, Thalia explains, "It was as if they sensed something amiss," her voice quivering with anxiety. "They spoke of reporting their findings to higher authorities, and I knew then that trouble loomed."
Your heart sinks at her words. You had hoped to keep your abilities concealed, to avoid drawing unwanted attention from the authorities. Yet, here you are, thrust into a situation where secrecy is no longer an option.
As you near the outskirts of Valoris, a sense of foreboding settles over you. The air is thick with tension, and the distant sounds of commotion send a shiver down your spine. Thalia clutches your hand tightly, her eyes wide with fear. Finally, you reach the outskirts, where Thalia's family resides in a modest cottage nestled amidst the trees.
"We must tread carefully," you murmur, casting a wary glance around.
Together, you both drew closer to the source of the disturbance. The scene that greets you is one of chaos and despair. Thalia's parents stand outside their home, surrounded by a group of menacing guards clad in scavenger attire. Their expressions are grim, and you can sense the fear radiating from them.
"We are not the ones you seek, and there are no wielders of magic among us!" Jakub protests, shielding his wife with his own frame. Esmae peers cautiously from behind Jakub, her eyes darting warily over the group of scavengers.
"Then, mayhaps a demonstration would be in order to test the veracity of your claim?" a scavenger guard sneers, a sinister grin stretching across his face. He gestures to one of his comrades, who produces a gleaming metal implement, sharpened to a deadly point.
The guard brandishes the weapon, its surface glinting ominously. "This, my friends, is pure iron. For ages, we've used such tools to unearth those who would dare to consort with the dark arts," he declares, advancing menacingly towards the couple. "And if your words hold true, you'd have no objections to a simple test with the lady beside you, hmm?"
Without hesitation, you step forward, Thalia at your side. "What is the meaning of this intrusion?" you demand, your voice a steady beacon amidst the swirling tempest within.
The leader of the guards fixes you with a steely gaze. "By orders of the Crown, we're here to investigate reports of illicit sorcery in this vicinity," he explains, his tone brooking no dissent.
You swallow hard, the weight of their accusation heavy upon you. Yet, you refuse to be cowed by fear. "And what evidence have you to support such allegations?" you challenge, your voice ringing with defiance.
"We've received credible witness of a sorcery skulking about these parts," he retorts. "Wildflowers blooming in the dead of winter near your dwelling—a curious coincidence, don't you think?"
You scoff at the notion. "The presence of wildflowers proves nothing. How does it incriminate any of us?"
"Are you jesting, miss?" He lets out a derisive chuckle. "Wildflowers during the inaugurate of winter—a clear sign of unnatural meddling."
You glare back, your resolve unyielding. "Your ignorance is matched only by your arrogance."
His gaze shifts to Thalia, who trembles behind you. "I remember you, child," he says, his eyes boring into hers.
You instinctively draw Thalia closer, shielding her from his invasive scrutiny. "Leave her be. She's but a child, innocent in all this."
The situation echoes with eerie familiarity, a haunting reminder of events long past. Memories of a darker time flood your mind, your fists clenching involuntarily at your sides. Yet, before the past can fully consume you, a sudden movement jolts you back to the present.
The scavenger guards seize Thalia, wrenching her from your protective embrace. Her cry of protest pierces the air, a stark reminder of the innocence threatened by their accusations. "No—!"
"This child, seen near the enchanted glade, her presence far too convenient. It lends credence to the suspicion that she and the rest of you harbor secrets—perhaps even the girl herself," the leader asserts, his grip on Thalia tightening as he brandishes the iron implement.
As Thalia struggles against his grasp, her tearful pleas tug at your heartstrings. "Mama, Papa—!"
The guards' harsh grip restrains both Jakub and Esmae, their faces etched with a mixture of fear and desperation. You too find yourself held back, unnoticed amidst the chaos unfolding before you. Anguish wells within you as Thalia's cries echo in the air, the weight of injustice bearing down upon you like a suffocating shroud.
In the face of such injustice, you refuse to remain passive. With a surge of determination, you confront the leader of the guards, your voice ringing with conviction. "Release her this instant. You have no right to subject her to such cruelty!”
The leader meets your gaze, his expression unyielding. "She is a potential threat, as are all who consort with forbidden arts. Our duty is to safeguard the realm from such dangers."
You shake your head, incredulous at his callous disregard for innocence. "You mistake innocence for guilt, blinded by your own paranoia. That girl is no sorceress, nor are any of us."
The guard's grip tightens on Thalia's arm, a grim determination etched upon his features. “We shall see.” Witnessing Thalia’s distress, a surge of emotion welled within you, a turbulent mix of fear and sorrow igniting flashes behind your eyes.
“Mother!” you wail, your eyes welling up with tears as you approach, desperate to render aid, though the gravity of the situation seems beyond your young capabilities.
With a weakening hand, she touched your cheek. “You are strong, my love. The power within you, it will guide you. Embrace it, and remember, I will always be a part of you.” Her voice wavered but held an underlying strength.
"No—!" you cry out, a surge of strength welling up within you. With a sudden burst of power, a telekinetic wave emanates from you, propelling the men restraining you, Jakub and Esmae backward, caught off guard by your unexpected display of magic.
Turning your attention to the man still clutching Thalia, you demand, "Release the girl, and perhaps I shall spare you."
Though a flicker of fear dances in his eyes, the man's pride wins out as he presses the sharp iron weapon against Thalia's delicate neck, causing you to falter momentarily. "Take another step, and this child's life is forfeit…”
Your jaw tightens as you lock gazes with him, taking in the tears glistening in Thalia's eyes. "You would spill innocent blood for what? Recognition? Power?"
"Think yourself righteous, do you?" You challenged, goading him further. His response was swift and violent, the blade biting into Thalia's flesh, drawing forth a crimson stain.
With a pained whimper, Thalia's cry pierces the air, prompting you to act swiftly. "I said, release her!" In a moment of desperation, another telekinetic force, resembling a transparent blade, hurtles toward the man, slicing through flesh and bone with a sickening squelch. Blood sprays in a gruesome arc as his head is violently wrenched from his shoulders.
The scene freezes in horror as the man's severed head tumbles to the ground, blood gushing from the stump of his neck. His lifeless body collapses in a heap, limbs twitching involuntarily. Thalia, freed from his grasp, rushes into her parents' embrace with a relieved cry, their arms wrapping around her protectively amidst the carnage.
Yet, as the realization of your actions sinks in, a sense of dread washes over you. You have taken a life—a man with ties to the royal family. Panic grips you as you comprehend the magnitude of your deed; you are now a fugitive, hunted by those in power.
A gentle hand upon your shoulder shattered the silence, drawing you from your reverie. "You must flee," Jakub's voice, steady and resolute, cut through the turmoil of your thoughts.
"J-Jakub—" Your words stumbled forth, eyes wide with uncertainty. "This is my doing, my fault."
With a reassuring touch, Jakub met your gaze. "No, child, you acted to protect us, to shield us from harm," he reassured you, though his expression betrayed a deeper concern. "Yet now, you are imperiled. Once these men awaken, they will summon the might of the royal court to hunt you down."
"Jakub speaks the truth," Esmae interjected, her voice tinged with urgency. "As a witch revealed, you are no longer safe within these walls. You must flee, and swiftly."
"But what of you?" Worry creased your brow as you considered their fate.
"Fret not for us," Esmae replied, her tone firm yet gentle. "We possess little to bind us here, and Jakub has devised a plan for just such an eventuality. It is time for you to enact your own escape, to leave Pentaraegis behind."
You nod, the urgency of the situation dawning upon you. "I have the map," you confirm, prompting Esmae to continue. "Then make haste. The dawn approaches, and time grows short."
As you prepare to depart, a pang of sorrow grips your heart, and you turn to embrace Jakub, Esmae, and Thalia. "I am grateful, and deeply sorry," you murmur.
Jakub offered a reassuring smile. "There is no need for apologies, child. It is time you prioritized your own well-being."
"How will I find you?” you ask, your voice tinged with uncertainty.
"If the fates be kind," Esmae replies with a chuckle, "our paths shall cross once more."
With a final embrace, you bid them farewell, tears glistening in your eyes as you turn and hasten back to the capital village.
Now returned to the capital village, you dash through its narrow streets with head bowed, the first light of dawn peeking over the horizon, a reminder that time is now of the essence. Navigating with practiced ease, you finally reach your modest home, your pulse racing with anticipation and anxiety.
Upon entering, the door slams shut behind you with an unintended force, startling your seven companions from their slumber. Yet, you pay it no heed, urgency propelling you to your chamber to pack essentials for your impending flight from the kingdom walls, now that the royal court will soon be in pursuit.
Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jin, sprawled out on the floor under a blanket before the fireplace, are the first to awaken, their expressions a mix of surprise and confusion at the abrupt noise. Taehyung and Jimin, nestled on the living room couch, soon follow suit, while Jungkook and Yoongi, curled up in adjacent chairs, groggily come to attention.
"What in blazes..." Jungkook mutters, his voice thick with sleep.
Taehyung stretches with a groan and a yawn. "Goodness, what hour is it?"
"An early one, evidently," Jimin mumbles, still half-asleep as the group begins to stir.
After gathering meager provisions, you hasten to the kitchen, your mind consumed with urgency, disregarding your companions' awakening.
Jungkook's weary eyes catch your passage from room to kitchen. "Y/N, what a sight to behold, you being the first to rise."
Jin perks up. "What's this? Y/N up before us? Could it be you're preparing breakfast, dear Y/N?" He jests, still half-asleep.
Your friends' banter falls on deaf ears as you continue your frenzied movements around the kitchen. However, their curiosity is piqued when you suddenly retrieve something from beneath the couch—a worn map you had secreted away days earlier, signaling to them that something is amiss.
"Hey, what's the rush?" Jin questions, rising from his seat as you dart past him.
"And at such an ungodly hour," Yoongi grumbles, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
You pay their inquiries no heed, unfurling the map upon the table with trembling hands, your focus unwavering, you mutter to yourself, searching for your intended destination. Jin and Jungkook approach, Jin seizing your shoulders.
"Y/N, talk to us," Jin implores, his grip gentle yet firm. "What's going on?"
Your gaze meets Jin's, momentarily clouded with distraction before refocusing. "I must depart the kingdom at once."
Jin's hands fell from your shoulders like startled birds taking flight, the air thick with tension as you made your startling revelation. Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, and Taehyung sprang up from their seats, while Yoongi's eyes snapped open, his expression a blend of disbelief and concern.
"I...I'm sorry," you stumbled over the words, the weight of their collective gaze pressing down on you. "But it's imperative."
Hoseok advanced, his voice tinged with incredulity and urgency. "This is abrupt, Y/N. Just days ago, you spoke of leaving, but now, you're insisting on immediate departure? What on earth is happening?"
Regret tugged at your conscience as you attempted to dismiss Hoseok's query, reaching to roll up the map. But before you could stow it away, a firm grip seized your wrist, arresting your movements. Jungkook's voice sliced through the air, unexpectedly grave. "No, you cannot simply brush us aside, Y/N. We are your closest confidants, and your actions are deeply concerning. Please, elucidate."
With a hesitant glance at Jungkook's earnest countenance, you relented, turning back to face your companions. "I have committed...an unspeakable act. The royal court will pursue me for it, and I cannot afford to linger."
Jin's voice was measured as he pressed for clarity. "What have you done?"
A lump formed in your throat as you swallowed hard. "I… I intervened in a skirmish involving the small family in Valoris and scavengers' guards. They were ambushed, and I had to step in."
Namjoon's voice, steady yet tinged with worry, drew closer as he took a step forward. "And how did you intervene?"
"It was a dire moment," you confessed, a shiver rippling down your spine. "A man threatened the life of the young girl, and I had no choice but to stop him... permanently."
A heavy silence hung in the air as you continued, the gravity of your admission sinking in. "I took a life... And now, I must flee."
With a determined tug and eyes brimming with unshed tears, you freed your wrist from Jungkook's grasp, packing away the map. Jimin's voice pierced the silence, his concern palpable in his tone. "But where will you go?"
A bittersweet smile played at the corners of your lips as you met Jimin's gaze. "I cannot disclose it. I fear if I do, you will follow, and I cannot bear to see you imperiled on my behalf. Please, trust me when I say it is for the best."
"Best for whom, precisely?" Jungkook's voice cut through, his frustration simmering beneath the surface.
"For all of you!" you exclaimed, your voice quivering with emotion. "If you accompany me, you will be endangered as well."
Jin exhaled heavily, disbelief etched on his features. "Surely there must be another solution, Y/N. We cannot fathom your departure."
Jimin's frustration bubbled over, his voice rising slightly. "Is it truly beyond comprehension that we harbor deep care for you? We have stood by your side for years, and now, you expect us to let you face this alone?"
Meeting his gaze, you feel the weight of his words pressing down on you. "I know, and I'm sorry. But I can't involve any of you."
"But we're already involved," Namjoon interjects, his voice calm but resolute. "We refuse to let you face it unaccompanied."
"But this is different," you argue, your voice pleading. "I can't risk your safety and positions for my sake."
"Damn it Y/N, why must you be so obstinate?" Taehyung burst forth, his frustration evident. "You incessantly speak of our standings within the royal court. Have you not comprehended a word Jimin has uttered? You are cherished amongst us, and we would go to great lengths for you. Why must you continually bring up such arguments? It vexes me beyond measure."
"Because-! Look at me, look at all of you—" Your voice wavers as you pause, sweeping your gaze across your seven companions. "It's not just your positions I'm concerned about, but your lives. I am but a common lady, and all of you... you all have futures, bright and promising, with or without me."
Hoseok's typically sunny demeanor darkens, a glint of frustration in his eyes. "Mind your words, Y/N."
You whirl toward him, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. "Am I mistaken?! You have each other! I cannot impose upon you to forsake such opulence and happiness because of my errors. It would be unjust."
"No, what's unfair is you leaving!" Yoongi's voice slices through the tension, catching you off guard.
Tears prick at the corners of your eyes. "I'm trying to protect you!"
"You're tearing us apart!" Hoseok's voice rings out, laden with anguish.
"Consider your actions, Y/N," Taehyung advances towards you, his voice tinged with urgency.
"No— you must all think. Reason with yourselves, what do you believe the royal court will decree when they discover their most esteemed and valiant soldiers, their staunch defenders, have turned their backs on them for the sake of a mere commoner like myself—especially one guilty of such a grievous offense! Let me tell you, they shall come for you all, branding you criminals for aiding me or simply for being my friends! Thus, I am performing a service by departing and severing all ties with you!"
"I can't bear to watch you make such a reckless decision!" Taehyung’s voice cracked with emotion.
"You are being selfish, Y/N!" Jungkook's words pierce through the chaos.
"Selfish? Look at yourselves! You are blinded by your loyalty!" you retort, your voice shaking with emotion. "I am doing what is best for all of us!"
Namjoon steps forward, his expression a mixture of determination and concern. "But what about what we want? We want you safe, Y/N. We want you here with us."
"And I want the same for you!" you cried out, your heart heavy with the weight of your decision. "But I can't risk your lives for mine. I will not."
"But we're not cowards, Y/N!" Jungkook's voice resonated with indignation. "We've fought battles together, faced adversity. Do you truly think we'd abandon you now?"
"You misunderstand," you whispered, anguish lacing your words. "This isn't cowardice, it's prudence. I cannot drag you into this turmoil."
"Turmoil or not, we stand with you," Jin asserts, his voice unwavering.
"But at what cost?" you whispered, tears now freely streaming down your cheeks. "I can't bear to see you suffer for my mistakes."
"Your mistakes are our mistakes," Hoseok interjects, his voice tinged with sorrow. "We share in your burdens, Y/N. That is what friendship entails."
You shook your head, their loyalty almost unbearable. "But you have futures, dreams. I can't be the anchor that weighs you down."
"Anchor or not, we refuse to let you drown," Namjoon stated firmly, his gaze unwavering. "You're a part of us, Y/N. We won't abandon you."
"Yet by staying, you risk everything," you argued, desperation seeping into your voice. "Your reputations, your safety—all for a mere commoner like me."
"We're not swayed by titles or status," Hoseok declared, determination echoing in his voice. "We stand by those we love, societal constraints be damned."
Taehyung scoffed, frustration evident. "You spoke as though we're pawns in your game. But we're comrades, bound by loyalty and friendship."
"And yet, you would cast us aside like worn-out garments," Jin added, his voice tinged with hurt.
A flicker of anguish danced in your eyes as you surveyed your friends, the weight of your decision heavy upon your shoulders. "I'm not casting you aside. I'm trying to protect you."
"By abandoning us?!" Jimin's voice cracked, pleading for understanding.
"By preventing you from sharing my fate," you countered, your voice trembling with emotion.
"But we are willing to face whatever comes our way," Jin interjected.
"And what about us?" Taehyung's voice wavered, searching for solace.
"You'll continue without me," you whispered, resignation heavy in your words.
"Without our friend? Our confidante?" Yoongi's voice was disbelieving.
"You're more than a friend," Taehyung's gazes at you. "You're family."
In the midst of the turmoil, Jimin clenches his fists at his sides, anguish wrapped in his cry. "I can't lose you, Y/N!"
Frozen, caught in a whirlwind of emotions, his sob broke through your defenses. In that instant, arguments melted away, replaced by the ache of love and loss.
Without a word, Jimin rushed forward, enveloping you in a tight embrace. His tears mingled with yours, a silent testament to the depth of your bond. Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, you found solace in the arms of your dearest friend.
Silence descended, heavy with tension, as Jin stepped forward, joining the embrace. "We may not understand your reasons," he murmured, his voice choked with emotion, "but we'll stand by you, no matter what."
"And family stands together, no matter the odds," Hoseok added, his tone resolute.
"But what if standing together only leads to ruin?" you countered, your voice choked with emotion.
"Then we shall face that ruin together," Namjoon affirms.
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A/N: heyy <3333, you've finally reached the end. i apologize for its unnecessary length. this part aimed to spotlight the friendship between Y/N (you, the reader) and the boys, from childhood (as in the intro) to adulthood. and wanted to included minor intimate scenes to lay the groundwork for the slow-burn trope and scenes leading up to Y/N's departure from the kingdom. i hope you enjoyed it and can follow the plot thus far. have a good night/day wherever you are! <3333
part 2 will be coming soon!!
drabble masterpost | masterlist | character boards | prologue | part 1 | part 2 [finale] | alternate ending
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aifanfictions · 8 months
write a love story about (y/n) and Alastor from Hazbin Hotel
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Love Unbound: A Hellish Romance
In the tumultuous and ever-chaotic realm of Hell, where demons reveled in mayhem, and the unexpected was the norm, an extraordinary love story was destined to unfold. (Y/N), a spirited and adventurous human who had inexplicably found themselves in this nightmarish underworld, was on the brink of a whirlwind adventure. Little did they know, their heart was about to be captured by none other than Alastor, the infamous Radio Demon.
(Y/N) had always been a bit of a thrill-seeker, and being trapped in Hell was the ultimate adventure. They had navigated through the treacherous streets, forming unlikely alliances with demons of all shapes and sizes, and even dodging the clutches of terrifying creatures. But it was one fateful day when they stumbled upon the Hazbin Hotel, a dilapidated establishment run by the ever-optimistic Charlie, that their life took a truly bizarre turn.
Alastor, the enigmatic and unpredictable Radio Demon, was a frequent guest at the Hazbin Hotel. He was notorious for his twisted sense of humor, his love for vintage radio shows, and his uncanny ability to turn chaos into a symphony of mayhem. He was drawn to (Y/N) like a moth to a flame, intrigued by their fearless spirit and their talent for causing chaos wherever they went.
One evening, as (Y/N) and Alastor found themselves alone in the hotel's eccentric library, a mischievous glint sparkled in the demon's eyes. He decided to put on a show that would win (Y/N)'s heart in his own unique way.
"Darling, have you ever heard the tale of the Madcap Magician and the Daring Adventurer?" Alastor inquired with a sly smile, producing an old, dusty tome from the shelves.
(Y/N) was intrigued. "No, I can't say I have. Is it something you'd like to share with me?"
With a dramatic flourish, Alastor began to read from the book, his voice transforming the library into a stage. He conjured vivid images with his words, making the characters come to life. As the story unfolded, (Y/N) found themselves captivated, swept away by Alastor's storytelling prowess.
As the last words of the story echoed through the room, (Y/N) couldn't help but applaud. "That was incredible! I've never heard a story told like that before."
Alastor chuckled, his radio-like grin widening. "Ah, my dear (Y/N), I have a knack for making even the mundane seem extraordinary."
Their adventures together continued, and Alastor's craziness never ceased to amaze (Y/N). He took them on wild escapades through the unpredictable landscape of Hell, from crashing a demonic tea party to organizing a circus of misfit demons.
One evening, while they were stargazing on the roof of the Hazbin Hotel, Alastor turned to (Y/N) with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Darling, would you care to dance with the stars?"
Before (Y/N) could respond, Alastor snapped his fingers, and suddenly, the stars themselves came to life, swirling and dancing around them. They waltzed among the constellations, their laughter filling the Hellish night.
Their love was as crazy and imaginative as their adventures, filled with laughter, chaos, and an undeniable connection. (Y/N) had found their partner in madness, and Alastor had found someone who could match his eccentricity.
But their love story was not without its challenges. Hell was a place of constant turmoil, and danger lurked around every corner. Yet, (Y/N) and Alastor faced it all together, their love growing stronger with each trial they endured.
One particularly daring adventure involved infiltrating the lair of the fearsome Overlords, a group of powerful demons who ruled over Hell with an iron fist. With Alastor's cunning and (Y/N)'s bravery, they managed to outwit the Overlords and escape with a valuable artifact that could reshape the balance of power in Hell.
As they stood victorious, (Y/N) and Alastor shared a passionate kiss amidst the chaos. It was a kiss that defied the very laws of Hell, a kiss that symbolized their unbreakable bond.
Their love story continued to evolve, marked by countless adventures and moments of pure, unadulterated madness. Together, they explored the depths of Hell, from the fiery pits to the twisted forests, uncovering secrets and forging alliances with demons of all kinds.
They even decided to try their hand at opening a new business in Hell, a radio station called "Radio Havoc," where Alastor would spin his devilish tunes and (Y/N) would provide the chaos-inducing commentary. It quickly became a hit among the demonic denizens of Hell, earning them a legion of devoted listeners.
But even amidst all the chaos and mayhem, (Y/N) and Alastor found moments of quiet and intimacy. They would steal away to hidden corners of the Hazbin Hotel, where they could simply be together, away from the madness of Hell. These moments were filled with tenderness and affection, a reminder that their love was as real as anything else in this surreal world.
As time passed, (Y/N) and Alastor's love story became legendary in Hell, a tale of two souls who defied the odds and found love in the most unexpected of places. They became a symbol of hope and inspiration for all those who believed that even in the darkest of places, love could flourish.
In the ever-chaotic world of Hell, (Y/N) and Alastor's love story was a symphony of madness, a dance of demons, and an adventure of a lifetime. And as they held each other under the fiery stars, they knew that in Hell, they had found their own peculiar heaven, where love was as wild and unpredictable as the realm itself.
NOTE! This story was generated by OpenAI
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jadegretz · 3 days
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Lara Croft: Treasure Seeker's Grace by Jade Gretz
Lara Croft navigated the dense Cambodian jungle with the practiced ease of a panther. Mosquitoes buzzed in her ears, a constant high-pitched whine against the symphony of chirping insects and the guttural croaking of unseen amphibians. Sweat trickled down her forehead, leaving a salty trail under her wide-brimmed hat.
Her quest had led her to a remote temple complex, shrouded in legend and lost to time. Deciphering cryptic carvings on a stolen relic had pointed her here, promising an artifact of immense power: the Mask of Angkor.
The air grew stagnant and heavy as Lara ventured deeper into the overgrown ruins. Carvings depicting nightmarish creatures, their bodies twisted and grotesque, adorned the lichen-covered stones. An unsettling silence had settled over the complex, broken only by the rasping of her boots on crumbling steps.
Reaching the central temple, she found its grand entrance sealed shut by a massive stone door, intricately carved with interlocking serpents. The inscription above, in an archaic Khmer dialect, spoke of an offering to awaken the dormant guardians.
Lara scanned the crumbling courtyard, her eyes landing on a pedestal holding five ornate chalices. Each chalice gleamed with a different hue – obsidian black, fiery crimson, jade green, sapphire blue, and a pale, spectral white. A sixth chalice, fractured and tarnished, lay abandoned at the pedestal's foot.
An ancient legend, whispered amongst tomb raiders, came rushing back to Lara. The five Jewels of Angkor, imbued with elemental power, were the keys to accessing the Mask. But according to the whispers, wielding them came with a heavy price.
Hesitation gnawed at Lara. Her instincts screamed caution, urging her to turn back. But the thrill of the hunt, the promise of an artifact of unparalleled power, held her captive. With a deep breath, she reached into her backpack and retrieved the final jewel – the Obsidian Tear, stolen from a ruthless collector weeks prior.
As she placed the chalice on the pedestal, a tremor shook the ground. The stone door groaned, groaning open with an earspli …(see the rest of the story at deviantart.com/jadegretzAI). For more supergirl, chun li, batgirl, tifa, lara croft, wonder woman, rogue and much more, please visit my page at www.deviantart.com/jadegretzai - Thanks for your support :)
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romione-trope-fest · 3 months
Whiskey on Rounds
Fic Title: Whiskey on Rounds
Author Name: Be11atrixthestrange
Selected Trope: OOTP Missing Moment
Brief Summary: Ron and Hermione skive off prefect rounds.
Word Count: 1661
Rating: General
The sound of Hermione’s footsteps stumbling down the stairs functioned as an alarm for Ron, who was deep into his astronomy textbook. It was a relatively uneventful Wednesday night for the fifth years. Hermione had, of course, finished her schoolwork early, while Harry sat brooding on one of the armchairs pretending to study. As usual, Ron was on his own again, and burying himself into his homework was better than getting his head bitten off by their easily-angered best friend. 
Without a second thought, Ron slammed his textbook closed when Hermione appeared at his table. 
“Ready for rounds?”
“Yes,” he said, then added under his breath, “Thank Merlin.”
“I heard that,” grumbled Harry from his chair. 
“Sorry mate,” said Ron apologetically. “I’ll see you later.”
As predicted, Harry didn’t answer. The pair had just gotten into an argument about nothing in particular, which was extra frustrating because it couldn’t be fixed. Ron was either not angry enough about something, or too optimistic about something else. Honestly, he didn’t actually know. He just needed a break. Ron turned toward Hermione who shrugged, and the pair turned and left through the portrait hole. 
“He’s being such an arse right now,” said Ron, as soon as the portrait door closed behind them. 
“Ron. Don’t swear.”
“You know I’m not wrong, though.”
Hermione didn’t protest, as Ron had expected. The pair had talked about this before. Ever since Voldemort had returned at the end of their fourth year, and Harry had that dreadful experience in the graveyard, things had just been off with him. They complained about it in private, but Ron knew they were both just worried for him. Honestly, this year it felt like they were his parents, constantly fretting about keeping him safe, happy, and out of trouble. Not that any of their efforts mattered. 
The pair trotted through the corridors toward the east wing, where they usually began rounds, but before they reached their destination, Hermione darted down an unfamiliar corridor. 
“Hermione, where are you going?”
“Follow me,” she said, reaching for his arm and tugging him alongside her. 
“We usually start rounds in the—”
Hermione tugged a confused Ron down a winding corridor, past their classrooms and up a few staircases until they came into a more familiar hallway on the seventh floor, one that they had spent a significant amount of time in with Harry and company, but never alone.
“What are we doing with the Room of Requirement?” “Just wait,” said Hermione, her voice jittery with excitement. 
She paced the blank wall across from the Barnabas the Barmy tapestry three times. “We need a place to skive off rounds.”
Ron’s jaw dropped. Skive off rounds? Hermione would never. “Hermione, are you serious?”
She didn’t answer his question, and instead, stared intently at the wall until the door to the Room of Requirement appeared. “Let’s go!”
Ron shook his head as if to wake himself up from a dream. When nothing changed, he grinned and followed after her through another corridor, this one just recently built by the Room of Requirement itself. After a short walk through the dark, candle lit hallway, the pair emerged into what looked like a miniature, dimly lit cocktail lounge. There was a fully stocked bar in the corner, a couple of chaise lounges, and what appeared to be a muggle jukebox, which Ron only knew because it was one of his dad’s favorite artifacts. 
“This is not what I was expecting, but I’ll take it!” said Hermione. 
Ron stared at the bar. Normally, they’d have to head into Hogsmeade to get a drink, and even then they were only allowed butterbeer at their age. Even if Hermione wasn’t expecting it, Ron knew the Room of Requirement always conjured up not what the seeker expected, but what they truly needed. Maybe what Ron and Hermione needed was a drink. “Are we really doing this?”
As if to answer his question indirectly, Hermione trotted over to the bar and began perusing the selection of drinks before reaching for a bottle of firewhiskey. 
Firewhiskey, of all things. 
“Want some?” she asked. 
Ron stared at her, his mouth agape. “Who are you, and what have you done with Hermione?”
Hermione whisked around to look at him, one eyebrow raised. “Is that a yes or a no?”
“Obviously it’s a yes.”
Ron watched as Hermione fiddled with the muggle jukebox with one hand, the other clutching a glass of firewhiskey and tonic water. “I don’t really know any of these songs, but that’s okay.”
Ron wouldn’t have been much help. He also didn’t know of any muggle songs, and the jukebox in his dad’s shed had been broken for as long as Ron could remember. He sat on one of the chaise lounges and sipped away at his own drink, some strange concoction thought up by Hermione. It was tasty, sure, and Ron could tell there was a fair bit of alcohol content. He could already feel his guard coming down with each sip. Some unfamiliar music filled the room as Hermione turned and approached him before plopping down onto the other lounge. At that moment, Ron found himself wishing the Room of Requirement provided what the seekers wanted, not needed, because then there’d be a single sofa instead of two separate chairs. Then Hermione would have to sit next to him. Maybe that was the room’s way of telling him something. 
“If we get in trouble for this, I’ll take the blame, okay?” said Hermione. 
Funnily enough, the thought of getting in trouble had hardly crossed Ron’s mind. Maybe he should have been more concerned about that. Would a professor even believe this was Hermione’s idea? Probably not, but it wasn’t worth arguing about.
“So really, what brought this on?”
Hermione shrugged. “Aren’t you stressed out?”
She didn’t have to clarify why. Ron knew she wasn’t referring to homework, classes, or prefect duties, but to their mutual best friend. 
“Is this how you manage stress now?” asked Ron. “Because I could get used to this.”
Hermione laughed. “No, but I just wanted to have a good time with a friend.” 
What a welcome distraction. “Been a bit hard lately.” 
“Yeah,” said Hermione before taking another sip of her drink. 
Ron swirled his drink around in his glass. “You don’t think McGonagall will notice?”
“Us missing one day of rounds? No.”
Ron raised an eyebrow at her. “You seem so sure. Since when are you a rule-breaker?”
“I’m not a rule-breaker, Ron. That’s how I get away with breaking the rules.”
“That doesn’t make sense.”
“Sure it does. Think about it. If a tree falls in the Forbidden Forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”
Ron couldn’t help but laugh at her ridiculous analogy. Was that another one of those dumb muggle sayings? “What the bloody hell does that mean?”
“It’s not that I don’t break rules. It’s that I don’t get caught.”
He stared back at her, his eyes wide. Everything he thought he knew about Hermione swirled in his head like a cloud of contradictions. Hermione, the girl who thought the worst thing one could be was expelled, not killed. The one who would pull all-nighters to finish an assignment, would always be back in the common room before curfew, and would deduct house points from Gryffindor for her very own uniform violations. That was the same girl skipping rounds and drinking firewhiskey in the Room of Requirement? 
And yet, she was also the girl who illicitly brewed polyjuice potion in second year. She set Snape’s robes on fire, talked back to teachers, snuck into the forbidden forest, and blackmailed Rita Skeeter. Maybe he gave her too much credit. Or maybe not enough. 
“Have you ever had firewhiskey before?” asked Ron. He couldn’t remember ever seeing it with his own eyes. 
“And where did you get it?”
Hermione blushed. “I confiscated it from your brothers.”
“Fred and George?”
“Last month,” said Hermione with a nod and a giggle.
Ron burst out laughing. “Do they know you drank it?”
“No and don’t you dare tell them!”
Hermione’s bounding laugh was a welcome and contagious sound, and Ron couldn’t help but follow suit. It had been a while since they’d laughed like this without worrying about being too loud and disturbing their best friend from his homework. Or his recent brooding. In fact, Ron couldn’t remember the last time he and Hermione were alone together guilt-free. Besides prefect rounds, maybe it was this past summer? 
There was a marked difference between the two ever since the Yule Ball incident, when Ron’s feelings about their friendship became all too clear. It wasn’t that he liked Hermione like that, but that it wasn’t off the table. And her going to the ball with Krum made it seem like certain things weren’t possible anymore. But, now Krum was no longer in the picture, and Ron was sitting in the Room of Requirement with Hermione, drinking firewhiskey instead of doing rounds. Maybe things weren’t quite as off the table as he thought. 
“I like this side of you,” said Ron. A lot, he wanted to add, but he stopped himself before he could come on too strong. 
“Well don’t get used to it,” said Hermione. “This is a one time thing.”
“Sure it is,” said Ron. “Wait until Harry hears about this.”
Hermione stifled a giggle with another sip of her firewhiskey. “He wouldn’t believe you, you know.”
Deep down, Ron knew that was true. No one would believe Hermione skived off rounds and whisked him into the Room of Requirement to drink instead. It was completely absurd. Little miss rule follower, or at least that’s what everyone else thought. 
“That’s fine, I’ll keep this Hermione to myself.”
Maybe he really was the only one who got to see this side of her. Honestly, that wasn’t the worst thing in the world. 
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rhythmroute · 1 year
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artifact seekers
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gotstabbedbyapen · 6 months
What do you think Hyacinthus’ personality is? At first I kinda theorized he acted very similar to Patroclus but that’s like… repetitive 😭
Then I kind of made him the likable arrogant prince but i’m still not sure. Wonder what your take is
I'm so sorry for the late reply! I was on vacation away from home on the weekend 😅
Now that I'm back, you will receive a brief evolution of my view on Hyacinthus! Thanks for asking because I've been mean to talk about it for a while.
Like many people, when I first learned the myth of Hyacinthus, I imagined him as a mellow fellow: kind but shy and insecure because his boyfriend is a god. He's also a sad boi who doesn't believe he deserves Apollo. You know, the typical bottom/uke in every Yaoi media (or at least the ones I watched)
But soon, I got tired of the “boo hoo, they are out of my league” trope. I've been eating blank planks for too long, and now I want some flavor for Hyacinthus! So, I began to experiment with other possibilities to develop his characterization.
The first thing I assigned to Hyacinthus is that he is a curious soul for two reasons. One, I like the version where Hyacinthus' mother is the History Muse Clio. His mother inspired his love for reading books (Clio's sacred artifact) and his passion for learning new things. Two, I want Hyapollo to have a God of Knowledge x Curious Human dynamic, where Apollo falls in love with Hyacinthus because of his inquisitiveness.
Second, Hyacinthus is athletic and social as he grew up as a Spartan prince. Hyacinthus was trained with his siblings since childhood and mentored by Apollo later on. This special education helped shape his skills in combat and phrases.
Remember my HC about Clio being his mother? With his mother's poetic genes in him, Hyacinthus is a social butterfly. His charm isn't just in his beauty but in how he enraptures people in conversations. He is also a flirt and enjoys teasing Apollo. This guy is shameless, straightforward, and knows exactly what he is doing.
However, if you get on his nerves, Hyacinthus will not hesitate to roast you verbally. “Laconic phrases” are Sparta's signature way of rebutting. Hyacinthus isn't violent, but his comebacks can be 100% intentionally brutal, which means your face won't be physically damaged, but you can't save it in any way.
Third, I won't say Hyacinthus is arrogant because humility and discipline are some of the defining aspects of the Spartans. But I believe he has a strong sense of national pride. He loves and is proud of Sparta and will not take it lightly if you bad-mouthed his homeland. Whether or not he will kick you down a bottomless pit depends on how much you degrade his kingdom's image.
So there you have it. My take on Hyacinthus is that he is a knowledge seeker, quite outspoken, and has squirrel-like energy.
Of course, this is still a rough draft. I'm still trying to pin down a concrete personality and character development for our prince in future fanfics, and I'm always open to new character traits for Hyacinthus!
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Got any fluff pieces for the sparkling kids in there? Taking place after the whole "we consent to using the artifact" thing, though. Maybe Miko snuggling up with Prime and her brothers after a long day?
Heck yeah! Another excuse to write for my favorite AU! Fluff coming right up lovely anon!
Growth and Zoomies
The sparklings are exhausting to handle, but normally manageable. But of course nothing remains static with three very different sparklings in the base. Optimus really should have expected his once human charges to grow like weeds, but with the stress of everything it ended up sneaking up on him.
He woke up one day to Miko going absolutely nuts in base, running and gliding from point A to B, rubbing against everything, screaming for attention, and overall being far more demanding than usual. No bot in base had any clue what was going on, and so Optimus took one for the team and went to the only other semi-reliable mech who might have an answer. And so he called up Starscream with promises of having one on one time with Miko in exchange for his help regarding the issue, as long as the base's location remained secret of course. The seeker happily agreed to the terms and within the hour he was brought to base to take a look at Miko.
His first response at seeing Miko trying to gnaw on Ratchet's finals was to laugh hysterically, much to the displeasure of the medic and most of the team before he finally composed himself and got around to explaining. After a quick lesson from Starscream, Optimus and the team were made aware of the fact that Miko's behavior stemmed from the fact that she was growing. Young flight frames become highly active during phases of growth to burn off excess energy while their frames reformat. They were also warned that she would start shedding and become incredibly clingy for anywhere from a week to a month. Of course they hardly had any time to process what they had been taught before Starscream was off playing Uncle to Miko.
Still the team managed. Optimus dealt with the insanity of Miko's "zoomies" as Smokescreen called them, constantly tolerating her crawling all over his frame and leaping from anything and everything. Meanwhile Ratchet and the team took care of Raf and Jack to the best of their abilities while picking up Miko's shed armor. Miko was tended to with increadible care due to her vulnerable state and Optimus carried her around as best he was able to keep her need for attention sated. Extra energon scouting trips also had to be made but it was all within acceptable parameters... until Jack started showing signs of growth too.
Thankfully there was no need to call another Decepticon for information as Optimus was well acquainted with war frame growth conditions and symptoms. However Optimus did have to end up requisitioning Ultra Magnus's aid to get a very much paranoid and almost feral Jack into a nest before he would calm down. He then stayed curled up around Jack for several hours, humming to him and overall keeping him calm. War frames tend to go a little berserk when growing due to how vulnerable they are during the transition, that with their plating falling off left and right to make way for new armor. As such there was no way Optimus could leave Jack alone, lest he go on a rampage fighting everyone and likely harming himself in the process.
Everything was fine for a while. Jack stayed with Optimus in his berthroom with Rafael while Miko played nearby. But soon enough their growth picked up a notch, leading their already heightened instincts to crawl to a new level of sensitivity. Jack NEEDED Optimus with him at all times, more specifically he needed to feel Optimus physically and through the bond between them. That alone was exhausting to maintain, but combined with Miko's need to play and shed her armor through activity... it led to issues.
Miko needed attention and care, but Jack also needed to feel protected and secure. Miko wanted to move and play, but Jack wanted to remain in a safe location away from prying optics with his Sire. Not to mention Rafael still needed to be kept near Optimus at all times to keep the Caretaker-sparkling bond strong. The team could only do so much for Optimus and the sparklings, with Bumblebee and Smokescreen babysitting Miko as much as they were able to give Optimus time with Jack. Arcee made valiant efforts to give Jack the sense of protection he desired but he would only remain calm in her hold for so long before he needed Optimus again. And Ratchet did try to take on the burden Rafael came with as best he was able, but nothing can beat the care of a Primary Caretaker.
It was not even three days into Miko and Jack's growth spurts that Rafael joined in as well, very nearly causing Optimus to have a nervous breakdown due to stress. He may or may not have had to shove the sparkling onto the team for a while despite the protests of his little ones to go have a silent meltdown by himself for a while, but that is neither confirmed or denied. Whatever the case, Rafael's own requirements soon became evident.
He needed to be exposed to Optimus's spark to properly imprint on him and begin truly undergoing his first major reformat. That alone would have been easy enough to handle if Rafael was Optimus's only sparkling. He could have just taken a week off and hidden away with Rafael taking care to only show his sacred source of life to his sparkling. But no, he also had to handle two other sparklings who needed directly opposing kinds of attention and care. In the end, Optimus ended up just laying around in a makeshift nest with his chassis parted slightly to give Rafael the spark signature he needed to bond. That way Miko could still play and Jack could feel secure with Optimus keeping him protected behind a small mountain of soft metals and fluffy blankets.
It was simply put, hellish for everyone involved. Optimus couldn't move more than two feet away without Jack panicking or stay still for too long lest Miko start screaming. All while having to keep the team at a distance so that he could still maintain some form of privacy with his spark being partially exposed. But by the end of what was dubbed "The Week of Trial" by the team, the sparklings were finally settled, each exhausted and free of most of their armor, leaving their soft protoform visible. Optimus, being practically dead on his pedes, fell into deep recharge as soon as Miko calmed enough to join him. Jack and Rafael had no qualms against this and soon enough the whole family was recharging in one big pile.
The team came by to check on them after it had been quiet for too long and were unable to stop the smiles that grew on their faces as they saw the wholesome scene. Smokescreen and Bumblebee quietly joined the cuddle pile and relished in the comfort of their family as well. Meanwhile Arcee and Ratchet not so subtly took about a thousand pictures to go into their very much secret (or so they like to think) file devoted entirely to capturing wholesome moments like the one playing out before them. Ultra Magnus just nodded at finally seeing the little family resting and moved to guard the door so that they wouldn't be disturbed. Bulkhead and Wheeljack weren't even allowed in the room as they were sure to wake up the slumbering pile of bots. June came in and watched with mixed sorrow and awe at seeing her son be so comfortable with Optimus but also more peaceful than she had ever seen him when he was human.
Despite the ups and downs of raising Jack, Miko, and Rafael, the team and Optimus wouldn't have it any other way.
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