#are a lot of lovely comments on there that i simply cannot respond to bc . yeah)
ria-starstruck · 1 year
i accidentally started writing hollow knight fic
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redrocketpanda · 7 months
20 Q's for Fic Writers
Thanks @spacejammie-eimmajecaps fren for the tag :3
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
I currently have 12! 11 from this year, and 1 published in 2014
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
78, 238! (75, 322 from this year)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I mainly write for Haikyuu, My Hero Academia and Bluelock, but have also published for BG3 + Buddy Daddies. And I have some JJK in the wips
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 
Just the Way You Like It (kngr, bllk): 150 Miri's First Swimming Lesson (buddy daddies): 133 Cater to You (kngr, bllk): 116 Interlude: The Senses of You (kazurei, buddy daddies): 113 Strategies for Play (bokuakakuroiwa, haikyuu): 85
I am still a baby writer but I hold all of my little kudos to my heart very fondly
5. Do you respond to comments?
Most of the time I will respond, yes!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oooh... I don't know that I write angsty endings. Usually it's angst all the way till the end. Maybe Interlude: The Senses of You as although there's comfort at the end there's also lots of crying? I think overall it's my most angsty fic as well
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmmm... most of them have happy endings so idk... maybe Strategies for Play bc Kuroo's "masterplan" worked and it ends post great sex with everyone cuddling in bed being super cute?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope, not ever received hate on my fics but I have received hate about my fics on here (the Astarion one)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Most of what I write tends to be smut lmao. And I guess all kinds but usually with some kind of bdsm/kink dynamics to them? 4 of my published fics are smut (cater to you, he was made to be broken, strategies for play, and the miya atsumu humilation show), and an additional 1 has some sexual content in it (just watch me). My more "risque" content is currently languishing in my wips waiting to be finished (yeah i'm looking at you inumaki/itadori/sukuna fic)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Yes, but none of them have been published yet LMAO. I can't tell you about one of them that'll be published soon for the They Were Roommates big bang, but I did/do have a bluelock/D&D cross over that's probably the "craziest" one (and also SO much fun to plan). Deep in my wips I also have a BokuAka Greek Mythology AU and sketches for a Haikyuu/Dirty Dancing AU
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Hope not!
12. There was no question 12 so I'll make one up myself: What's the longest you've ever spent working on one fic? And the shortest?
LMAO. I love this because who made this one up? idk! If we're going by published fics then The Miya Atsumu Humiliation Show took me from May to October 2023 (5 months), and I've been working on my TWRRMs bang fic since May (currently 6 months). I've also been planning/writing Fire On the Horizon since Jan 2023!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've co-created a fic, as in coming up with the idea with another person, and I've also co-created in the sense of working with beta readers for bang fics. I've not co-written anything yet though, but I would love to!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Nooo... what a cruel question. I'll give you my top 5 bc I simply cannot choose: krbk (kirishima/bakugou), stsg (gojo/geto), skts (sakusa/atsumu), bkak (bokuto/akaashi), bokuroo (bokuto/kuroo)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
gods. So many of them tbh... I might one day muster the will to finish he was made to be broken. I want to finish the kunichi (kunigami/raichi) one but idk if I will ever get round to it. And the bllk/D&D one would take a lot of work, but maybe if/when I get back into bllk that'd help
16. What are your writing strengths?
I always struggle with this question bc I have really bad writing insecurities but recently I've been able to conclude that I think I'm reasonably good at comedic writing (people tend to find my fics quite funny), emotive writing (I make people cry/feel Emotions, even if said people don't usually when reading fics), and descriptive writing (I get lots of compliments that people can visualise exactly what I've described)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
idk if it's a "true" weakness but I'm always paranoid that my dialogue is weak as balls. I also don't have much experience with writing long fic, and thus also character + plot development, but this is something I wanna work on. Oh, the biggest one is probs confidence in myself though!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it sounds like a cool idea if it works within the context!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Hahaha so technically I think the first fandom I ever wrote for was Spyro the Dragon when I was like... 6 or 7. On Ao3 though it was Harry Potter in 2014. When I returned to writing in 2022, the first one was My Hero Academia
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Oooooooooh. I think my favourite is Strategies for Play. I adored writing it and it was the easiest one I've ever written. Plus writing Bokuto/Akaashi/Kuroo/Iwaizumi dynamics was *chefs kiss*. Otherwise, the [redacted] TWRMMs bang fic I'm writing at the moment is one I've had lots of fun with and am excited to share (very, very soon!) Just Watch Me is also one of my favourites bc krbk my beloveds and it's the one that brought me back to fic writing so its v dear to my heart Tagging some of my fave writery friends as I'd love to read their answers, but join in too if ya want!: @mari-writes, @mooifyourecows, @axreliono, @ciunasboinin, @howlsmovinglibrary
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boolger · 2 months
i was tagged by the sweet @rosieblogstuff !!<3 anyone who wants to answer this too, consider this your tag 🫡💖
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 53! Somehow, haha. Once I'm done w thesis, it will grow for sure!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
608,326 words! 😳 i stresswrite
3. What fandoms do you write for?
right now its only Macgyver(2016) and Call of Duty! I've made a marvel crossover, but not anything else. Once I'm done with uni and actually have the time to write and see shows without feeling like I should be doing other stuff, I will definitely write for more! I want to write something for stuff like Knives out, Phantom of the Opera, Star wars -- but mainly a ton of Macgyver and call of duty, lol
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? well, they've changed quite recently, since i jumped headfirst into the COD fandom and was welcomed very nicely! So, right now, theyre:
Adventures of 141's bunny (1,502 kudos😳😳)- Call of Duty
Mami's omega (448 kudos) - Call of Duty
The Heron Club (363 kudos) - Call of Duty
Warm water (150 kudos) - Macgyver
A pregnant night (144 kudos) - Macgyver
Im very grateful for each single kudos !!💖🥰
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, or I try now! It was easier when I was only in the macgyver fandom, since it is much smaller, but now in the Call of Duty fandom, i'm afraid I simply cannot keep up! So if I don’t reply to your comment, I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be rude or anything!👉👈
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
phew, that is one good question, because I honestly don't know. I have a tendency to end things either happy and hopeful like, or dark and like, with the vibe of things just being uncertain but not necersarily angsty? Lmk if im wrong lmao. I think the closest is in A dog needs a garden, but then again, its not really angsty - at least not to the characters. just... dark.🤷‍♀️
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hm. I mean, in my two fics Sir and his good boy and my baby’s got a gun (that I struggle to read myself now bc while I do have a soft spot for them, I hate my writing lol.) I make poor Mac go through a lot of shit, and they both end up on a happy or hopeful note- so those two, I guess? For now, heh.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
mmm, not really. When I do get some questionable comments, I either just answer in a jokingly manner or ignore it. I think I've only deleted one comment, lol. 💀
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
hah, YES. what don't I write. Despite being ace and not really being interested in sex irl, I sure do write a lot of smutty smut. I mostly write kinky stuff, a lot of BDSM ones. A lot of darker stuff too. I mean, out of 53 fics I think maybe 13 ish of them doesn’t have smut in them? So yeah, I write a bunch of smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Well, I've only written three (so far) lol. Two of them was just... Angus Macgyver and Jack Dalton having a threesome with a character from a different fandom, LMAO. I've written them having a threesome with Bucky Barnes from marvel and then one with Simon Ghost Riley from Call of Duty. The craziest one technically isn’t a crossover lmao, more just the fact that I made twilight vampires canon in a Macgyver fic I wrote once 💀😂 it’s called this is the skin of a killer, Jack and yes, I find it funny and stupid myself.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not, lol. So no, at least not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Uh, no, again, not that I know of, lmao.👀
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Mmm, not technically, no. I don't talk often with a lot of fanfic writers, (im shy and idk how to become friends with people) but I do have 2 wonderful sweet friends I met through the macgyver fandom, whom i'm very grateful for and love lots. (They adopted my imposter ass who hadn’t even seen the show) They have managed to deal w my annoying ass for like... almost 2 years, I think and somehow isn't scared away yet. So, what I was going with that is, no, i've not co-written anything, but they do spar a lot with me and we discuss ideas and such, hehe. They've def helped me with a lot of fics.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
That is one good question that I honestly don't know the answer of. I'm pretty open to most ships, as long as they're written well in the fic or the show. (and legal. and not *ncest or pseudo *ncest.)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
don't call me out like this, I have a lot of WIPS. But honestly? Probably Wet footprints on the wooden floor (Macgyver). A part of me wants to, but its been like 1,5year or so, i think. At this point I would probably just delete it, then rewrite the entire thing and post it again, lol, because I do like the concept.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I don't know, actually. I like to think I write somewhat interesting plots whenever I'm trying not to just write pure smut. But eh, idk. I think I have an okay sense of humor too? but I am also biased.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Weird sentences! English isn't my first language, Danish is! and the structure of a sentence can be very different in Danish, so sometimes my English sentences ends up weird bc they're translated, lol. I'm working on it and I have definitely become better ver since writing my first fanfic, lol.🤷‍♀️
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I like to read it, but I struggle with writing it! It's hard, especially when you dont speak a certain language. I sometimes go with google translate, but I've tried just writing it like this when its in another language, lol. so ye, fun but hard.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Eh, i mean, I wrote a fanfic or two when I was like 15 or something, but I cannot, for the life of me, remember what for. probably marvel or twilight or something😂
If we go with the boolger account time-line, then it's Macgyver!
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
don't make me choose between my babies. So I shall cheat the system and mention some of my fav.
The many deaths of a phoenix(macgyver), since I like the plot ideas lol, even though I feel stuck with it atm.
Lovers in the garden of Eden (macgyver) (dead dove dont eat) which is def fucked up, not the worst kind I've written but still. It has a special place in my dark, f'ed up heart. 🖤
Do you think I'm broken? (macgyver) bc I tried to voice a lot of my own gender struggles through it lol.
and finally, i am a lil proud of So long as I'm your favorite toy(COD) heh.
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sappynapper · 3 years
could I ask for romantic headcannons of the feral boys (separately) with their s/o giving them lots of kisses and telling them how pretty they are?
not sure if you mean reader telling them they’re pretty or them telling reader so i’m doing both!! bc yessss! they are all so pretty! i hope they know 😌
(buuut i haven’t included quackity bc i couldn’t think of ideas for him sorrryyyy)
ccs included: dream, sapnap, george, karl
being affectionate with them hcs
dream loves praise. we know this
ultimate dog boy dream scenario: he’s like a puppy being told he’s a good boy when you compliment him
gets very eager and attentive
he’ll give you the biggest heart eyes as you run your fingers through his hair, gushing about how cute his freckles are, how pretty the colour of his eyes is, how much you like the sound of his voice
he’ll pull you into his lap sometimes, as if to keep you there and make sure you keep going, just enjoying the attention from you
nothing makes him happier than getting compliments from you bc you’re his favourite person so it means more to him to get your approval
it’s also the only thing that never fails to cheer him up
on days when nothings going to plan and he just feels like he can’t do anything right, he’ll crawl into your arms and ask for some love
you can feel his shoulders relax and his smile against your collar bone as you press kisses into his hair and tell him how wonderful you think he is
and bc it’s so important to him, he’s very proactive about giving you the same kind of attention
well, sometimes he’ll get distracted by work and spend hours at a time holed up in his office
but when he IS with you he’s all over you
he’s sort of intense about it actually
he’ll rub his hands up and down your sides as he leans in close to your ear to tell you how gorgeous you are in a low voice
it’s like he’s really trying to convince you of what he’s saying
and when you’re cuddled up together in bed or on the sofa watching tv he cannot keep his lips off your skin
constant kisses on your cheek, on your nose, on the shell of your ear
anywhere he can reach bc he loves every inch of you and needs you to know 😌
doesn’t always know how to respond when you lather on the praise but absolutely adores affection from you in all forms
lots of blushing and playful “stoopppp”s when you tell him how handsome he is
(he definitely doesn’t actually want you to stop)
loves loves loves when you cover his face in kisses. also when you hold his hand and do the lil thumb thing? like he’s actually in heaven
can’t get over how soft your lips and hands are??
he’s pretty sure you’re an angel
thing is he doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do with himself so he usually just gives you affection back but more lol
go big or go home right?
if you give him a lil kiss he’ll grab you round the waist and squeeze you so tight that your feet leave the floor, all while smothering your face in kisses
you have to tell him to put you down between giggles or he’ll just keep going 😌
when he compliments you it’s usually loud, and very enthusiastic
lots of “DAMN BABY YOU LOOK SO GOOD TODAY” and you’re just like “..🧍‍♂️thank you”
he jokes around with that kind of thing bc he gets a little shy about serious romance stuff
but sometimes, just to make sure you know he’s for real, he’ll tell you how much you mean to him very quietly and firmly, although usually looking down at your intertwined hands while he says it
and when you really need it he will hold you to his chest so securely you swear you’ve never felt so safe and loved in your life
mans is not outwardly very physically affectionate
when you snuggle into him and press a few kisses along his jaw he'll usually just smile and carry on with editing or whatever he's working on
and if you compliment him (which you do a lot ofc, pretty privilege and all that) mostly he'll just brush you off with a laugh or makes a joke
you'd never know how much he actually appreciates the affection you give him, and how much he thinks about those soft moments when you're away from each other
for him it's more about the reassurance that you love him, that you want to spend time with him, that he makes you happy. it's kinda like you're telling him he's doing a good job at being your boyfriend lol
he's generally pretty reserved about being affectionate towards you but there are certain times when his guard lowers enough that a little of that suppressed tenderness slips out
when he's really tired he always reaches for you, pulling you into his chest and holding you close like you're his personal teddy bear
he blames the fog of tiredness in his brain for the gentle, open-mouthed kisses he trails across your shoulders and the whispered confessions of his adoration of you
and there's something about the simple, domestic sight of you when you're fresh out of the shower and you've slipped on one of his shirts to sleep in at the end of a long day
he can never take his eyes off you in those moments
the quiet mutter of "you look really pretty" might seem like a throw away comment from someone else, but you know George is always sincere in these things and it never fails to warm you through to hear him say it
karl was made for this request oml
physical affection is this man’s bread and butter
every moment he is not either giving or receiving kisses from you is a moment wasted and cuddling is simply his preferred state of being
he just feels so relaxed and content when you’re tangled up together under a blanket in front of the tv
it’s the best part of his day
in fact he barely even thinks about it when you take his hand or peck his cheek etc, it’s just natural
it’s when you’re not touching him that he notices
he gets all pouty and forlorn when you’re not around or you’re denying him kisses for whatever reason
if possible he will simply take matters into his own hands when he feels like he isn’t getting enough cuddles from you (which is all times when you are not currently cuddling him)
he WILL wrap his arms around you at any and every opportunity (threat)
you thought you were busy doing something? sike! you are actually in his arms
the compliments are also pretty much constant
you get told you look pretty every day at least three times
he always notices new clothes or when you try something different with your hair or make up and hypes you up so much
you complimenting him is another story though
he goes so red when you say sweet things to him and hides his face in his hands
baby boy can’t handle it but it’s just the cutest thing to witness so definitely don’t stop
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elysianslove · 4 years
cheering you up ; haikyuu boys
synopsis; different ways the haikyuu boys care for you and cheer you up when you’re sad
pairings; karasuno x reader, nekoma x reader, aoba johsai x reader, fukurodani x reader, shiratorizawa x reader, inarizaki x reader
genre; fluff
warnings; none probably a bunch of mistakes lmfao
note; i had to repost this like 3 times rip. anyways, im sorry for not adding inarizaki on my last one jbshds but they’re here now!!
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karasuno ━━
sugawara koshi; i definitely think he's so in tune with you, and your emotions. he learns your cues very well, and knows every little thing about you that there is to learn. if you're having a bad day, he'll notice right away. he won't comment on it though. all he'll do is these little things to try to cheer you up, but it's going to be very subtle. he'll let u rest ur head on his shoulder, run his fingers through ur hair. he'll sneakily buy u ur favorite snack. doesn't bring anything up until you do. ends the day with cuddles and a chick flick.
sawamura daichi; he notices but he doesn't really know how to react. not because he doesn't know what to do, but because he doesn't want to trigger you or deepen your sadness in any way. he's very careful with you. if it's something throughout the day, he's very quiet and tender with you, just silently lets you rest your head against his chest and rubs your back/arm tenderly. as you're walking home he asks if you want to talk about it, and reminds you that it's good to, but it's also okay if you don't want to.
nishinoya yuu; not a single sad moment with mr noya here. seriously you cannot breathe. ok but in all honesty, when you're sad. he's sad. sends you memes, and you'll be laughing at them with tears streaming down your face because you don't really know what you're feeling anymore. he does a lot of tiktok trends with you, any of the couple ones. grabs your faces and ,,, smooch all over. until you have no choice but to laugh. if you want to cry even more, he'll watch the notebook and the vow a thousand times over, and be a sobbing mess next to you. just don't tell the guys okay? <3
kageyama tobio; he's so.   bad. at this please help him. like he can tell ur sad, bc he's v good at reading people. but like. what the fuck is he supposed to do. anyways. when u two get to be alone and he kinda notices how quiet you are, he just nudges you slightly, and pulls you to him. it's easier to talk to you, he's calmer, when he can't directly look at you. when he feels you start to shake in his arms, feels the wet tears down your cheeks as you start to sob in his arms, his heart kinda breaks. all he can do is hold you, but it's what you need. and he'll listen too, if that's what you need as well.
tsukishima kei; i think he notices, but doesn't bring it up at all. the way he goes about it is he'll tease you to try and bring a smile on your face. because this is tsukki, and you know him well enough, you know the truth behind his jabs, enough to appreciate them. if it doesn't work, he'll just start to make fun of people in front of you, pointing random people out with you and just being like "wanna bet on what's making their relationship fall apart" this sadist i stg. like suga, he subtly makes you feel better until you yourself approach him about whatever's upsetting. actually gives 10/10 advice bc he's v honest.
asahi azumane; he's so empathetic oh my god bruh. notices immediately. "baby what's got u so upset" w a big pout on his face and when u just mumble "nothin" so low he barely catches it and instead throw yourself into his arms, he gives you a big, certified asahi bear hug. doesn't leave your side at all. constantly mutters sweet nothings and encouragements. if you do the bare minimum like make it through class he'll meet you after and be all "im so proud of my pretty baby". cuddles all day. all night. he's not very good at advice but he is the best listener !!! so attentive and you'll feel a huge weight lifted.
tanaka ryunosuke; "aight who do i need to jump" type beat. u love him so much though. that one sentence and sentiment already has you feeling better. immediately hugs you so tight, borderline suffocating you. "wanna ditch school". 100% willing to do so. he doesn't really know whether to approach it with distracting you or facing the obstacle head-on, but he finds a middle ground. eats your feelings out with you. saeko pulls out the embarrassing ryu pictures and suddenly you don't know why you were ever sad.
hinata shoyo; is really oblivious for a bit tbh. when he first meets you at the start of the day and his hyperactive self is greeted by your duller, sadder self, he doesn't think much of it. it's when you don't react to him or interact with him the way you usually would that he starts to notice you being off. he's actually super straightforward about it, and approaches you with some of your favorite snack that he bribed ukai to give him for free and just "wanna tell me whats up, baby?" he's so, so easy to talk to. immediately you're venting. and he listens to intently, gives stupidly good advice. it's like such simple approaches to your problem but?? it works. anyways you love him.
yamaguchi tadashi; will be super worried about what he could do to make it better, and kinda just tries to feed you as much positive energy as he can. once he's comfortable with people, he becomes really chatty, so i see him talking your ear off with the biggest smile on his face that you have no choice but to kind of ? mimic it? he just radiates goodness and sweetness that it shifts your own energy. he on some witchcraft shit on god. anyways when he walks you home or something, he'll just stop for a min and avoid your eyes when he says "ik u dont feel the best, but i dont want you to have to hide that from me, okay?" stan tadashi <3
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nekoma ━━
kuroo tetsurō; drops everything. i mean it. i genuinely think kuroo would be such a good boyfriend that he'll sense it and text u as ur getting ready for school and be like "are u sad i feel like ur sad". you dont really wanna worry him and you'll just reassure him ur fine but he's already at your front door in — not his school uniform. insists the two of you take the day off saying "its fine babe im super smart". you two will spend the whole day just simply existing, talking when needed, he listens to you if you vent, and tries to come up with as many options of solutions for you so you don't feel weighed down. he'll make sure you eat even if you don't have an appetite, and will try to make u do something productive bc in a lotta cases, it could help you feel a lil better yk :)
kozume kenma; i pretend i do not see it — kozume kenma (2020). jbwjwks im jk. he's like tsukki in the sense that he will never address it, and he doesn't outwardly approach you about it. if it's just an off day for you, and you also happen to not have school, you'll go over to his house, hoping to feel a little bit better when you see him. "can i have a kiss, sunshine" to which he responds "why." you just go "im sad" and he gives u a big smooch. he'll have you lay on his lap while he plays his games, occasionally just sneaking in a peak at you to make sure you're okay. he'll ask if you wanna play to get your mind off things for a while. eventually, when things wind down a bit, he'll just mutter "yk i love you, yeah?" and that lights up your world hehe
haiba lev; as soon as he notices you're sad he just ☹️. he picks out a small flower and as soon as he sees you, he just tucks it by your ear, and smile so brightly and youll just be like "oh my god lev please stop being so cute". he won't really know what to do tbh, but the way he's so lost makes it so heartwarming and it honestly cheers you up all on its own. he just. "would a kiss make it better" and if you nod he'll just start kissing all over your face so softly, until he finally kisses your lips. when he pulls away he asks "again?" with a cute smile and if you nod he'll just kiss you over and over again. very simple way of cheering you up, and very foolproof tbh.
yaku morisuke; i think throughout the day, he might pester you a little bit about telling him what was wrong, but after you keep insisting you're fine, he relents, and decides that maybe giving you your own time and space to open up to him is better. he tries not to act differently in that sense, but he finds himself being a little more soft spoken, and gentler with you. i just had this image flash in my brain of you resting your head on a desk, head turned to the right, and then yaku comes and sits to your right, putting his head on the desk and facing you. and just. "hi :)" your heart melts. he kisses your forehead softly and tells you you're wonderful, in case you've forgotten. if, or when, you do open up to him, he'll be very eager to listen, and ready to fight off whoever upset you.
yamamoto taketora; this man is angry. like properly. "who the FUCK put a frown on my baby's face. speak the fuck up. i won't hurt you. ill just mutilate you." if you tell him that it's no one, and that you're just upset, he'll be so confused but he'll just nod and be like "okay. okay. do you want a hug?" and he'll hug you so tight. he'll admit that he doesn't like seeing you like this, and that he'll do anything to make it better. at first he's very cautious, but then he just lightbulb moment and as soon as you get home he'll be like "karaoke night babyyyyy" and then. no more sad.
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aoba johsai ━━
oikawa tōru; very. perceptive. he greets you normally, even if he notices something's off, because he won't want to worsen anything. you meet him right before he has practice after school, and he'll just cup your face, lifting them to brush at your hair, and you just sigh. "my baby's had a long day, yeah?" he'll be very gentle and careful with you, i'm sure. he gives you a kiss, smiling softly into it, and reassuring you that you're much too strong to let a single bad day destroy you like this. he meets you later that night with a lotta ice cream and you two just binge watch any reality show you could find, shit talking the actors together. he himself is terrible at talking about his feelings this dumbass >:( so he understands if you don't want to yk? will encourage u to vent it out though. expect terrible, makes no sense advice
iwaizumi hajime; he kinda like. gets mad? when you continue to be upset and not speak about it? he's not mad at you! he's just. mad. this is iwa okay. anyways. he won't bring it up mostly, only being slightly more affectionate, especially in his hand holding, which is super gentle already as it is. when he invites you over, that's when he actually starts to talk to you about it. he lets you know that there's nothing worse than seeing you like this and not knowing what to do, and that he wants you to be able to talk to him. about anything. even if you think it's stupid. he'll listen, and tell you that it's not stupid if it's making you upset. he cooks for you <33333 then bakes with you <33333 you feel a lot lighter at the end of the night tbh
hanamaki takahiro; (he's so annoying i love him). as soon as he sees you upset he makes it his mission throughout the day to cheer you up in any possible way. spams your phone while you're class with ten thousand wholesome memes. sends you pick up lines. when he meets you in between classes he just yells out "how's my favorite person in the entire world!" and kisses you so wholly in the middle of the school hallway lmfao. while he's walking you home, takes a longer route and purposely, he passes by your favorite store/bakery/ice cream parlor. buys u ur favorite, and pretends to be shocked when you give him a piece. late at night, he'll facetime you, wondering how you're feeling, asking if you needed to talk about it. whether you do or you don't, you two will fall asleep facetiming.
matsukawa issei; the minute he sees you he's like "whats wrong". no hi or anything. he has like this frown on his face, which seems off bc it's rare to see a frown on issei's face, and he just tucks your chin in his palm gently and stares at your pout. "you good, baby?" he can tell you're not, but he wants you to be able to tell him on your own. sticks by your side the entire day, and nobody really mentions it. he talks to you as if it were a normal day, but his voice has a softer edge. he's not distracting you, per se. he's more, talking to fill the space while giving you your own space to think. once you're alone, he'll just drag you to the nearest comfy surface, flop down, and pull you on top of him. if you even try to resist or ask whats going on he'll just "nap and cuddles first." and when u sleep a lil bit of ur sadness away, he'll just let you talk it out as he continues to hold you <333
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fukurodani ━━
bokuto kōtarō; just as empathetic as asahi, if not more. he really does feel it all with you. yk sympathy pains that partners get when women get contractions? bokuto is that partner. with bokuto, i feel like he'd never make you feel like you couldn't just straight up text him "im sad" and feel bad about it. if you ever do that, he'll immediately call, not even bothering with a text. if he can't come over, he stays with you until you've cried your heart out and then laughing until you can't breathe. if he can go over, he smothers you with love. repeatedly says "you know i love you, yeah? you know how grateful i am for you?" and in between kisses "im so lucky. so, so lucky."
akaashi keiji; i feel like as soon as akaashi notices you're down, or you're slightly off, he just grabs your hand and squeezes, forcing you to stop spacing out and focus on him for a second. if you're with a lot of people around you, he'll lean close to you and ask if you wanna go home. he'll be so soft and gentle and understanding, making up some excuse on the spot on why the two of you have to leave. if you're alone, he'll grab your hand and kind of tug you towards him, silently asking you to come into his arms, where you yourself know you feel safest. as soon as you're in the comfort of your home together, he'll like run you a bath and slip into it with you, just holding you until the water grows cold and the droplets on your skin are from your own tears. he'll wait it out, just holding you as reassurance, then make sure nothing's stopping you from spilling everything to him.
konoha akinori; when he first notices, he kinda deflates. like. who would wanna see their s/o like that? his smile is gentler when he greets you, and he's so soft with you. he grabs a pen and lifts your palm up, quickly scribbling down in his unique handwriting "i love you :) <3" on your skin, whispering for you not to wash it off until the end of the day. it is weirdly motivating tbh. as soon as the two of you are alone, he says it to you, face to face, an expected look on his face as if to ask "you know that, yeah?". puts on a movie to tune out the rest of the world, and holds you close to him as it drags on. he'll give advice if you're asking for it, but he's a better listener than anything else.
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shiratorizawa ━━
ushijima wakatoshi; does not notice. in all honesty, he expects you to approach him whenever you have an issue or if you're upset. he's kinda like ? so confused when you're so down and really unresponsive, until he starts to notice how touchy you are. like you're leaning more into his touch, holding onto his hand like it's your lifeline, stealing his vbc jacket because it smells like him. is very straightforward, and will just ask you if you're okay as he walks/drives you home. kinda just stops in front of your house and presses a kiss to your forehead, then pulling you into a hug. "please don't be upset." he won't tell you that it kills him, but you can sense the unsaid words. he urges you to keep his jacket when he notices how safe it makes you feel. greets you the next morning with a new cactus in a pot hehe.
semi eita; is very cuddly once he notices. you'll sit at a table in school and he'll be sitting next to you, but he just pulls you into him and lets you rest your head on his chest, mumbling softly into your hair "i know you're sad and it's okay." he doesn't say anything else, just holds you there with a few kisses in between until he has to let go. late at night, if your thoughts are still keeping you up, he'll be up too, worrying, and will text you at 3 am if u wanna sneak out to meet him. takes you to the park and lays on the grass with you, picking out stars and constellations in the sky, with a soft soundtrack playing from his phone next to the two of you. he makes you feel secure enough to be sad even if you have all the blessings in the world, and makes sure you know that he'll always be there for you, even at 3 in the morning.
satori tendō; cheers you up by making you forget literally everything. replaces the sadness in your brain with just pure serotonin in any way he can think of. he'll take you to an amusement park, get ice cream with you, take you to the carnival in town, to the park, to the beach, to the pool, take you up to his house's rooftop. literally anything. and then he'll say something like "life's too short to spend it being sad over anything, darling." he's so understanding, and if you're frustrated or something he'll tell you to let it out by like wrestling him or some shit. exhausts you so much and you're filled to the brim with dopamine. he makes sure you're always happy, never seeing a dull moment in your relationship with him.
goshiki tsutomu; freaks out. plain and simple lmfao. but once he like grounds himself, he just softly comes up to you and asks you if you wanna talk about it, or if there's anything he can do. if yes, he'll break his leg running to go do it. if no, he'll just sit with you in silence, leaning over to hold your hand, talking to you about volleyball and his aspirations and how well he's improving. he's better at distracting you than helping you face your issues, mainly because he stresses out about giving the wrong advice or somehow making you sadder. he'll take a lot of pictures of you together on snapchat random filters to try and cheer you up, then later on in the night he'll send them to you and be like "look how cute we are ugh what a power couple" i love this dorkhabsjsks
shirabu kenjirō; i think he definitely notices, but keeps it to himself. he’d maybe think he’s imagining things and that you’re okay, so he’d go about his day normally. he doesn’t see you after school, and that’s when he puts two and two together and realizes yeah maybe you are sad. so he texts you, and texts you, and texts you, and gets no reply, so he just. comes over. unannounced. uninvited. just straight vibes. he’s already ordered your favorite take out, and already settling in bed with you under the cover with the lights dimmed and some chick flick playing in the background. gives the b e s t advice because he’s so blunt. like he will tell you if you’re overreacting, but you’re still his s/o, so he’d like wince as he says it. that’s all the sympathy you’re getting <3 but his bluntness will shock you into laughing hehe
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inarizaki ━━
miya atsumu; usually, with atsumu, you’re always experiencing loud days. your relationship is all fun and flirty and suave and cool. but when he notices you’re sad, he goes quiet. like. eerily so. immediately pulls you aside somewhere private if you’re at a public place like school or something, and with his hands in yours he asks you if you’re okay. yk that thing where ur on the verge of tears and someone asks you if you’re okay and you just burst. yeah <3. his heart absolutely breaks and he just pulls you into a hug, resting your head on his chest and wrapping his arms around your neck. he just holds you there, even if you’re missing class/your friends are worried. he’ll stay with you until your tears have dried up, until you yourself let go.
miya osamu; i don’t see osamu as someone that loves pda. i feel like he’d be a more lowkey kinda guy. but if you’re sad, that gets thrown out the window. he doesn’t really in the moment, and won’t think too much when he pulls you close to his side and just wraps an arm around your waist/shoulder. yeah he’ll get looks but he can feel you trembling and shaking from holding back tears so yk, priorities. he’ll definitely stress eat with you. takes you literally anywhere and feeds you as you rant to him with tears streaming down your face and he’s just nodding sympathetically as he stuffs your mouth one bite after the other. romance is beautiful
suna rinatarō; when he notices you’re sad, his first response is alright what the fuck who messed up. he immediately blames someone else, and if he’s right, he’ll only get really agitated. just giving everyone the side eye from where you can’t see as he walks the two of you, your hand in his tight. if it’s not someone specific, he’ll just hum thoughtfully and then nod, before pulling you away somewhere private and just sitting you down and saying “talk.” very, very good listener. i can’t stress this enough. as you’re speaking he’s already thinking of a million different ways to help you solve your problem. walks with you as he traces your hands and just quietly tells you all the solutions.
aran ojiro; oh my god as a boyfriend he ticks all the boxes. he’s great at communicating, always satisfies your needs, is trustworthy and trusts you. the list goes on. immediately knows when you’re off/sad, and just smiles softly as he takes your hand, kissing your knuckles and saying, “let’s go home, yeah?” at home, he makes you some calming tea, probably pulls out some cookies or brownies or biscuits (that HE made but we’re not gonna get into that) and just listens as you talk, whether it’s about why you’re sad or just in general. gives you honest advice, but also a lil biased bc he loves you hehe <3
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Din’s lack of agency in Season 2
re: this post (which I won’t add onto bc it’s way too long already), I think the second season of The Mandalorian is partially to blame for the widespread fandom perception that Din is an idiot or is incapable of making informed and intelligent decisions, because a persistent issue with S2 was his total lack of agency.
specifically, when there were cameos from other SW characters, overwhelmingly what happened was that Din immediately became the most ignorant person in the room. Almost all of Chapter 11 is Bo-Katan telling him basic facts about Mandalore and his own covert, which he should actually know about, and the fact that he doesn’t is extremely bizarre. he doesn’t know who Children of the Watch are, he doesn’t challenge Bo-Katan on basically anything she says about Mandalorian identity (aside from his one “there is only Way; the Way of the Mandalore” comment), and he doesn’t provide anything to the conversation about Mandalore, the Darksaber, or his own covert aside from being a confused lamppost for Bo-Katan to explain shit to.
this is a bit more understandable with Ahsoka in Chapter 13, since she has information he’s specifically been seeking out - which is information about the Jedi. I think she’s actually the only character in the season where Din being reactive in conversation is actually a good thing, because the story has established that he doesn’t know anything about the Jedi, and Ahsoka’s knowledge allows the audience to learn more about Grogu (most importantly his name). this positions the audience on equal footing with Din, and we discover things about the baby at the same time that he does, which then directly leads to them becoming closer (see him chuckling about the baby reacting to his name being spoken aloud in the beginning of Chapter 14).
this also happens with Boba Fett (albeit to a much lesser extent). In Chapter 14, after Grogu is taken and Din is picking through the wreckage of his ship, all he says to Bobs is “the child is gone”, and Boba is the one to express a call to action, promising him to get the kid back from the Empire. had Boba not done that, Din would presumably still be stranded on Tython because he does not ask Boba for help at all, and his attitude is one of complete and utter defeat. you could make the argument that he’s simply grieving the dual loss of his ship and the kid (which is a valid response and I think that is a good explanation in a vacuum), but within the broader context of S2, it feels weirdly immobilising to me. Din is a person who is prone to action and solving problems - that exact instinct has been the main driver of the plot, whether it’s because he’s saving a town of villagers or rescuing the kid from the Empire. to see him be perpetually on his back foot in conversation to such an extent that the main driver of the plot is other characters suggesting solutions is a very weird turn of events.
and then finally, which is probably the most egregious example in the season, is Chapter 16. for two entire seasons we’ve seen Din care for Grogu, respond to his needs, and grow closer with him. he’s certainly had stumbling blocks to overcome along the way (the two big ones being finding a way to keep the kid safe while working, and breaking out of his protective emotional shell and opening up to the baby), but Din is positioned as the best authority on what Grogu wants and needs. a lot of these things are small (such as him saying “I know you’re hungry” to him in Chapter 11, or picking him up when he’s scared various times throughout Chapter 10), but in Chapter 13, Ahsoka hammers home how integral Din is to the baby’s life. she says explicitly that the baby loves him and thinks of him as a father, and Grogu refuses to demonstrate his Force abilities unless Din is leading the training exercise. Chapter 13 ends with Ahsoka telling him that she cannot train Grogu precisely because of how close they are - Din is established as the best candidate to raise the baby, even if he isn’t Force-sensitive or doesn’t know a lot about Jedi training. this is echoed by various other characters throughout the show, and is even established as early as Chapter 4 - Din tries to leave the baby with people he believes would be better at raising the kid and keeping him safe, and the episode ends with him and Cara having to defend the town from a hunter coming to capture the kid. whenever Din tries to leave the kid with someone else (such as Peli in Chapter 5, or Kuiil in Chapter 7), something bad happens and he has to get the kid back. the tag line of S2 is a great summary of this: “wherever I go, he goes”. Even if Din doesn’t have all the answers to the kid’s abilities, or might even need community support to raise him, he is still ultimately the best person to care for the kid. It’s the entire reason he gets his signet in Season 1!
when Luke enters the room at the end of Chapter 16, he undoes all of that narrative work with a single dialogue exchange:
Din: he doesn’t want to go with you.
Luke: he wants your permission.
immediately, Luke has become a greater authority on the baby’s wants, needs, and emotional state than Din, despite not even being properly introduced to Grogu. it’s not an issue in and of itself that a Jedi would know more about certain aspects of Grogu’s internal thoughts and feelings, since that is completely understandable and already established with someone like Ahsoka, but for Din to be dismissed so quickly as a knowledgeable parental figure is extremely shitty! they could have easily put Din and Luke on a level playing field and let them have a conversation about the baby and what’s best for him, and even have Luke be the middle man to facilitate that communication (again, similar to Ahsoka in Chapter 13), but all that happens is Luke disagrees with Din about Grogu’s feelings and Din immediately accepts this and hands the kid off. it’s just such a complete disservice to his agency as a character and reduces him to little more than a ferryman who carries the kid around from planet to planet, going up to people to explain shit to him even when he should know what they’re talking about.
this post has already gone on too long but my overall point is that Din’s role in his own show has taken a major backseat in S2 in service of other characters stealing the spotlight. in the first season he was confident in his own knowledge and experience in the world, and even gave the audience little hints that he knew things we didn’t (see his comment about the baby being a “strand cast” in Chapter 7, or his explanation of Mando identity to Cara and Greef in Chapter 8). to turn him into a guy who needs everything explained to him is an absolutely baffling narrative decision that weakens the protagonist of the show and primes the audience to not trust the shit that he says because of how often he is established as ignorant or incorrect during conversations with other characters. I truly hope S3 either gives us a legitimate reason for why he seems so ignorant in S2 or course-corrects for that error, because his character is all the weaker for it.
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youssefguedira · 2 years
tagged by @regina-del-cielo, thank you!!!!
how many works do you have on ao3?
what's your total ao3 word count?
how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
one (1) fandom and that is, unsurprisingly, the old guard
are there any new fandoms you want to write for?
if motoe counts as a fandom then yes? but im not really writing that as part of a fandom i'm writing it for me specifically. also i suppose you could count it as a tog-related fandom
what are your top five fics by kudos?
1 - Pandora's Box
2 - i fall and stumble towards the light
3 - tell him while i can
4 - red ribbon
5 - if it's true and i lost my way
which of your fics do you want more attention for?
probably deep in the woods? i feel like that one was pretty good (and my longest oneshot so far) but it didn't seem to do as well as some of my shorter/older stuff
do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i do try, but i'm. not always particularly good at it, mostly because i never really know what to say and worry about sounding like a broken record so sometimes i just don't. i do read and appreciate them i'm just not very good at talking sometimes
what sort of thing do you normally write?
i've got at least three au longfics going at the moment and more that i've planned/thought about but haven't written so. i write a lot of aus. i also like angst and hurt/comfort because it's fun to write
what's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
a lot of my febuwhump fics had fairly angsty endings just bc you know. that's what the event was about. i can't really pick out a single one though
what's a fic that pushed you out of your comfort zone?
pretty much anything that involves kissing or the like. i am almost never happy with those scenes ever. so again no specific one
do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
i have not written one yet but someday i will write my incredibly self indulgent post-movie una questione privata / motoe crossover
have you ever had a fic translated?
not that i know of!
have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes but it was a while ago
what's a wip that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
can't think of any! i do intend on finishing all my wips it just might take a billion years (apologies to anyone still reading certain dark things)
what are you currently working on?
the absolute monstrosity that is my iron maiden joe fic. it may be slow going but it is going?
what are your writing strengths?
i am... not particularly sure tbh. though when i'm creating an au based on a pre-existing piece of media (see: star wars au, princess bride au) i try to mix plot points so the story isn't completely predictable. also i think i do dialogue well or at least i hope i do
what are your writing weaknesses?
cannot write romantic / kissing scenes in a way i'm happy with ever. also huge anxiety when it comes to posting certain things and perhaps a little too much dependence on validation from people
what was the first fandom you wrote for? most recent?
the old guard and the old guard
what's your favourite fic you've written?
both princess bride and star wars au are up there bc i love the concepts for both of them! also anything i've written for zelda au. and certain parts of iron maiden joe
what fic are you most proud of?
i do not know tbh. but probably all three of the fics in the then and now series simply because i have a lot of feelings about the old guard as children. and again some parts of iron maiden joe
tagging: @non-un-topo @lazynbored @even-after-a-millennia @quiquimora and anyone else who wants to!
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areyougonnabe · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions!
tagged by @palamedessextus !!! thank u i love to procrastinate on writing by writing about writing
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
110 on my main account (+ 4 on my sneaky sock for Crimes™ lol)
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
614,551 on my main account which is. hm. a lot
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
obvi the main ones are the terror (50 fics) and good omens (35 fics). beyond that: TMA, the OA, doctor who, LOST, red dwarf, what we do in the shadows, the aubreyad, legends of tomorrow, banished, MCU, bbc ghosts, jeeves & wooster, russian doll, true detective, twin peaks, fleabag, & it's always sunny.
so technically 19, but wow a LOT of those are because i am a fiend for crossovers. (true detective x red dwarf... twin peaks x hannibal... the OA x lost.... russian doll x doctor who...) and many of the others were one-offs for yuletide. i'm pretty monofannish when it comes to writing!
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
lol they're all going to be for good omens... let's see
1. "it's a new craze" - the podcast fic. imho this fic is the definition of "The Claw," a.k.a. the phenomenon that sees some fics plucked out from the fray to become super popular. i'm not denying that it's good! i still think it's pretty clever! but its popularity was probably as much a function of timing as of quality
2. "what a way to make a living" - the uber driver fic. honestly still pretty proud of this one, it flows well and is structurally interesting and genuinely very funny and the perfect length. i had a blast in good omens fandom writing comedic fic, this one
3. "dearly departed" - another one i'm still very happy with. my first ever finished multi-chapter fic & the story that proved to me i could sustain a plot and original characters and also that people would actually enjoy it. so a pretty big deal!
4. "blame it on my juice, baby!" - the fake love potion one. i wrote this fic while delirious with horrible fever cooped up in a tiny council flat airbnb bedroom in london. i think it's still pretty strong although since writing it i've developed a severe aversion to the "meddling friend engineers a get-together" trope in fic & so cringe a bit when i read it back, lmao
5. "greatest hits" - the one with the original songs! the songs are still good.... the fic is ehhhhhhh i guess.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i don't respond to comments on most of my gomens fic anymore because 🤷‍♀️ but i do try to reply to everything i get on my terror fic/smaller fandom stories! my replies are usually very lame but i do like to take the time to thank people for reading.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i usually don't write angsty endings because i'm a weenie BUT the one exception is probably my terror/TMA crossover which cannot be said to end well by any means lol
7) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
dearly departed has a very lovely ending... i will also plug my OA fic heat rises which is GREAT and has a GREAT ending and nobody read it because nobody watched the OA. i'm fine it's fine
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
as mentioned above, yes, compulsively... award for craziest simply has to go to It's Always Sunny In Another Dimension which is, yes, an IASIP x OA crossover. i apologize for nothing
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
not that i can recall, [bubbe voice] tenks gad!!!
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
i do i do.... when i first picked up fic writing again after college i thought smut would forever totally beyond me but after some very kind encouragement from friends i tried my hand at it & was off to the races.
i would not say i am an expert at it by any means but i have a lot of fun with it, & people seem to generally appreciate it, so i will keep going!
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
also no, phew
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, a bunch of my gomens fics have been translated into chinese and russian, which is so so super cool!
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yuh, i had a few legendary cowrites in GO! the slow show metafic with cherry @fremulon and the shitscript crossover extravaganza with hallie @kalelraejepsen !!! both tremendously fun experiences
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
that is a very tough one. if you go by my ao3 bookmarks it's aziraphale/crowley, which might be true still tbh... but i dunno. maybe ten/rose because that shit never leaves you.
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
in terms of fic i already started posting, there's my one terror WIP with amnesiac tozer that i swear i WILL finish one day... and same goes for my good omens music & lyrics AU, which i fully expect to pick back up and finish off when i inevitably return to the fandom for series 2.
as far as stuff that never made it out of drafts, i started a hodgson-centric fic a few weeks ago that i got like 4k into before realizing i need to seriously refine my approach. so hopefully after exe fest i will get around to that!
16) What are your writing strengths?
well i am funny. so i've got that going for me. other than that ummmm i don't know. i don't think of myself as a particularly good or strong writer bc i really am just here for a laff. i think i can turn a phrase well and get the most out of imagery; i'm good at coming up with compelling story concepts and weird gimmicks, i guess?
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
i fundamentally don't know or understand how People Actually Act And Feel so i have a hard time getting realistic or interesting reactions and conflicts out of characters. my plots (when my stories have them at all) are very powered by external events, i wouldn't call myself a character-driven writer by any means. for the same reasons i struggle with voice and dialogue beyond superficial signposting via vocabulary/syntax. also, sustaining a long story/finding enough Stuff To Happen to fill it up/having the patience to keep writing... is something i need to work on for sure.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i'm a lame american who only speaks english so honestly i don't really have thoughts!
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
i distinctly remember hand-writing in my notebook two or three pages worth of a story about what happened to the main precog in "minority report" after watching the movie when i was like seven. the first fandom i actually wrote fic for and posted it online was probably doctor who circa 2010 ish? but my warrior cats RP career predates that by a few years and i did a LOT of writing there. oh warriorsforest39 dot proboards dot com you are missed....
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
tagging folks :))) @laissezferre @titleleaf @theburialofstrawberries @girdedheraround @flanneryoconnorfanfiction @wreathedwith if u want!!
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bringingglory · 3 years
thank you so much for the tags @hanamuri @fullmetalscullyy @megthemighty @nightofnyx8 @tsaritsa !
How many works do you have on AO3? 11! some are botw, one is tdiapt, some are fma, and some are haikyuu! i mostly just write for whatever im interested in at the moment/whichever fandom inspiration strikes for
What's your total AO3 word count? 101,939
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Keep Your Friends Closer But Your Enemies Closer - T: ahhhh my miraculous ladybug fic! ive literally been working on her for FOREVER and i swear to god im going to finish it, i literally know how i want to end it and i know all the events leading up to it. hell, i even have a vague idea of what i want to happen in the middle, i just need to know what order the middle stuff happens in and also i just have to write it. It's an AU where Ladybug and Chat Noir are actually enemies but then Chat Noir accidentally befriends Marinette and then drama etc etc etc.
rain - G: first zelink fic babey! set Pre-Calamity and basically link and zelda get stuck in a cave because of the rain and there's just a lot of quiet pining, etc etc.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Oikawa - T: HAHAHA this was a crack fic inspired by my roommate but then i forgot it was supposed to be a crack fic while writing it and there are accidentally real emotions alkjdfalksdf but anyway it was very fun to write lmao. it was based off this meme and basically it's an AU where Oikawa is Spider-Man and Iwaizumi doesn't know but they still like hang out and stuff. It's a lot of fun, or at least I think it is, haha.
stolen moments - T: first royai fic!!! just a series of "stolen moments" (mic drop) where roy and riza like cant be together but yknow, they try. lots of pining. etc
a secret weapon of sorts - T: 5+1 edwin fic inspired by the Simple People OVA where instead of ed giving winry earrings to get out of trouble, he gives her kisses.
Do you reply to comments, why or why not? Yes! I try really hard to!!! Sometimes I get overwhelmed and I don't respond to comments for a while, but I absolutely do my best to when I remember because I feel like it's my way of saying "thank you" for them reading my fics in the first place, haha.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? Uhhhhh, sleepless I guess? But it's more open-ended/not explicitly positive more than anything, though even then I feel like I've got a hint of hope in there. alkjdfhalsdk idk man I just, I can't write *pure* angst, there's gotta be some light, and thus I could never end anything angstily
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending? LMAO most of my fics??? I guess??? bc despite being an anxious piece of shit, I am an optimist by heart
Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one you've ever written? When I was younger! Idk, I guess the Rise of the Brave Frozen Tangled Dragons fandom??? if anyone remembers what that is lmao
Have you ever received hate on a fic? Not exactly? Maybe some weird comments on KYFCBYEC but even then, it wasn't that often.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? No no no no no no no no. I am telling you, I physically cannot write smut. I don't think I actually have the capacity. Absolute fucking kudos to every single smut writer out there bc it truly is an art form capturing that intimacy and emotion and etc, but I literally get flustered from writing mildly detailed kiss scenes. If I ever wrote smut, I would burst into flames on the spot.
Actually lies, I technically wrote smut once, but it was at the request of my roommates and they wanted me to write a crack smut fic of Y/N x our uni's mascot and I wrote that thing in like 3 hours with so many silly memes to keep myself sane (not like other girls, tongues battled for dominance, etc), did not edit it, and because it was so, like, not serious, I was actually able to get through it. But even then, when I wrote "thrusting" I literally had to put my laptop down for 20 minutes.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Nope!
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not yet! Someone commented on Your Friendly Neighborhood Oikawa and asked if they could translate it and I said yes! They haven't gotten around to it yet, but I would love to see it if they do!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not yet!
What’s your all-time favourite ship? Bro it changes day to day. You can't ask me this lmao. The current ship I'm most fixated on is Iwaoi, but I wouldn't say they're my all-time favorite.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? I'm not answering this energy. On god, I'm going to finish things. I want to.
What are your writing strengths? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh very good question lmao. I don't really like thinking about "strengths" in my writing bc who am I to say? akjdslakfjdf idk, instead, I'm just gonna say some things I like/try to do in my writing, which are: conversational prose/having a lot of voice in the narration, I try to add humor wherever I can, and recently I've gotten better and metaphors and describing things bc I picked up writing poetry a year ago!
What are your writing weaknesses? hmmm, a thing I dislike about my writing/the writing process is that I'm slow to publish things and slow to finish things because I'm such a messy first drafter and I also take forever to edit. I would like to uhhhhh get things out faster. Also I tend to repeat myself a lot bc I forget the details of things I write sometimes lmao.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? Hmmm, I dunno, I guess I don't have any strong thoughts? The only other language I know is Mandarin but even then, I suck ass at that, so I'll prolly never write dialogue in another language simply bc I like to try to portray things semi-realistically and I don't think I have a good enough grasp on any other language the same way I do in English to produce authentic enough dialogue.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Fablehaven I guess? But Idk I was in fourth grade an didn't even know what fandom was yet. Rise of the Guardians, maybe?
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
AHHHH idk??? maybe hold your hand out in the dark because i really experimented with my writing on that one and im sort of proud of the result, just like the fact that i wanted to try something new and it turned out alright. that or Sunset Wheeling which is an iwaoi fic where they just skate, and like it's prolly one of the most self-indulgent things i've ever written because it's silly and they just. skate. but aljdfalsjd idk i loved it and i churned it out in 6 days and it was a lot of fun lol
ahhh a bunch of people have been tagged already, so sorry if im tagging you again, but for now im just gonna tag @niconiconina @notkorras @thatisadamnfinecupofcoffee @firewoodfigs and anyone else who wants do it!
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unintentionalgenius · 3 years
ok @ongreenergrasses tagged me to do this and that's how I know we're made for each other bc tagging me in things is my love language
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 20, but 13 of those shouldn't count because they're Sherlock and I am not that person anymore
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? ok I had hopes that there was some way to do this besides doing, you know, math. but. it's 169,674
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?  shockingly, #1 is Death and John Watson; or, Five Times John Watson Met Death and the One Time He Died at 615 kudos. If you'd asked me what was going to top this list I never in a million years would have said this one. I might have to re-read this now.
What I would have said actually comes in at #2, the (almost complete, dear g-d I'm so close) Come then, and be broken at 376 kudos.
#3 my beloved, my eldest daughter of a fic, Put Away Childish Things at 223.
#4 is astoundingly another Sherlock fic, this one creatively titled Five Times John Woke Up to Sherlock and One Time He Didn't (it's not bullying if it's past me I'm making fun of, right?).
#5 is a tie, with 60 kudos each, but they're part of the same series: A Great Man and Something Like Beginning, from my Sherlock kidfic (and incidentally how i met Hayls in the first place!).
I'm really committed to preserving my ~journey~ as a writer, but the outsized prevalence of Sherlock fic on my profile is making me question that decision. I feel like it's false advertising for who I am as a person now. 😅
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to! It might not be in a timely fashion, and honestly sometimes I feel weird about it, but I do go through and answer a few at a time when I have a few minutes.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? I refuse to re-read the Sherlock fic just to confirm, but I think Childish Things wins by a landslide anyway. Fic where John or Sherlock died was a dime a dozen back in the day whereas "[a genderswapped] stiles helps peter kill her best friend" is still a very particular, unique twist of the knife.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? this is probably going to be that Sherlock kidfic verse!
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written? I absolutely do not write crossovers. No offense to anyone who does, but I simply do not understand the appeal.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? It was less about the fic and more about the fact that I pointed out 911 has some copaganda elements via a fic's tags, but yes.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind? I now, as of literally the most recent chapter of the most recent work I posted, have to admit that I do technically write smut. It's super cerebral, feely smut, but you do read two people having sex, so like. guilty.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don't think I have written any fics worth stealing but if it's happened I don't know about it
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? nope!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? nope! I have co-written things in Real Life and I honestly don't think I have anyone that I would want to write fic with like that. HOWEVER I do have a beloved sounding board in @ragequilt
13. What’s your all time favorite ship? i literally cannot answer this, there is no way I can say decisively
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? I had this fic from when the first of the new star wars movies came out where everyone thinks poe is dead, so finn has to become a person on his own, essentially, rather than being taught/hand-held by poe which I felt like I was seeing a lot in fic. The whole thing was epistolary, a diary that finn's therapist had him start keeping, which he then started writing to Poe. That's pretty firmly abandoned at this point, but it still haunts me and I wish I had finished it.
15. What are your writing strengths? Hayls once told me I'm really good at dialogue, and I actually think that's true. I'm also pretty good at atmosphere, I think, though no one has ever said exactly that. I do think I'm good at characterization, and that for me is really tied to how I do dialogue. I would honestly accept any commentary anyone wants to offer on the subject, though
16. What are your writing weaknesses? PLOT. not like, emotional arcs or a character's journey or whatever but. the ticky little nuts and bolts of how we get from a to z, especially when it requires a tight plot of external action. I always think about myself as (to quote @ragequilt here) someone who writes hurt/comfort, not casefic, and this is why. I'm rarely interested in writing the finer details of a mystery or an extravagant plot full of courtly intrigue. I'm probably bad at other things, too, but this is the one that stands out like a glaring neon sign to me.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I think in almost every case it's not necessary UNLESS it's being done for effect - that is, if I intentionally want the reader not to know what's said. Otherwise, I'm just going to put the switch to french/spanish/hebrew/arabic/mandarin in the narration. One exception to this for me, which is really just a sub-clause under the "only for effect" rule, is when I'm writing canonically bilingual characters who would employ words or phrases in both their languages in the same sentence. Some of this is characterization - Eddie Diaz speaks Spanish or Spanglish around his family; someone writing me wouldn't be writing me properly if they didn't write the Hebrew/Yiddish/English patois that I speak in Jewish spaces. I don't want my writing to read like the over-translated subtitles you sometimes see where loan words are translated, thereby rendering the subtitles actually less intelligible. It's a delicate balance and I wouldn't guarantee I get it write all the time, especially when it comes to not othering a character I'm writing. (also @ hayls I am one of those people who always/almost always says Hashem instead of g-d 😂 for me it's a way of making sure people don't think I'm talking about Christian God™️) You will notice, though, that I do have a tipping point implicitly delineated here - if someone is speaking another language for whole sentences, I'm just going to put that in the narration; single words or phrases will be written as spoken.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Sherlock (womp womp)
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? I've never written Destiel fic, and while at this point you might be wondering what on earth there is left to say via fic about that pairing, I have a lil thing bubbling around in my brain about bodily autonomy vs. trauma vs. helping someone not suffer from their trauma while violating whatever the brain equivalent is of bodily autonomy.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? whyyyy would you ask someone this, it's like asking someone to pick a favorite child. the answer will change tomorrow, but right now I think it's the still-WIP sequel to Childish Things, A Twisted Thing Cannot Be Made Straight. It's got fun witchy!Stiles, buckets of angst but also lots of fun pack shenanigans in flashbacks, lots of me working out my own feelings about childbirth and raising children, ambiguous relationships, belated grappling with trauma, and also a satisfyingly bloody climax. There are some scenes there that still give me chills to read, and I wrote them.
@ragequilt I want to see yours!
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oretsov · 3 years
fic tag game
tagged : @malinaa hello mam i love you 
tagging : @vestero @alinastracker @malyen0retsev​ and all my other writer friends i have suddenly forgotten every person I know  
✧ how many works do you have on ao3?
20 whee
✧ what’s your total ao3 word count?
105,765 this feels like so much but also not a lot but also what do i know
✧ how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
technically four but my one pjo fic i wrote when i was literally 12 so i feel like it doesn’t really count lmao. i have one for bellarke and stydia and then rest is just malina brainrot 
✧ what are your top five fics by kudos?
and i’ll press you to the pages of my heart ➤ 327 kudos
all of the dreams that you put in my head ➤ 253 kudos
 that’s when i want you ➤ 147 kudos
 all’s well that ends well (to end up with you) ➤ 113 kudos
my wife is a bitch and i like her so much ➤ 105 kudos
✧ do you respond to comments? why or why not?
okay i’m going to sound like a terrible writer for saying no but :screamingcat: i read them all a million times and respond in my head like in the same vain of why i am a terrible texter because i just respond to everything in my head but i just get stressed out saying thank you because ?? idk LMAO but i appreciate every comment i get so much i hope everyone knows that :sob: 
✧ what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
ummmm i simply do not do that hehe
✧ do you write crossovers? if so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
no my brain is too small for that 
✧ have you ever received hate on a fic?
not really?? malina fic readers are my favorite because we are all starved of content and positive malina so everyone is super kind 
✧ do you write smut? if so, what kind?
HAHA. yeah. the dirty kind here  here here  here
✧ have you ever had a fic stolen?
i also do not think so 
✧ have you ever had a fic translated?
i have not 
✧ have you ever co-written a fic before?
also have not but i feel like it would be fun 
✧ what’s your all time favorite ship?
oh christ yeah anything ive written fic for. i do not do it willy nilly so it is usually a very intense love for the ship when i do sit down and write something for a ship
✧ whats a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
whoops. text me when you’re free  i mostly just wanted to have an account of my sister’s date but after that i was like okay now i dont really care what happens whoops 
✧ what are your writing strengths?
long rambly paragraphs about emotions possibly??? 
✧ what are your writing weaknesses?
jaskf; i feel like i have so many. i hate endings, and i feel like my beginnings are pretty weak and i’m so bad at telling  a straight linear story or even just having plot ajfkd;s
✧ what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
very positive 
✧ what was the first fandom you wrote for?
technically my percabeth fic from age 12 but that lives on ff.net and we do not speak of it. but after that it’s my stydia fic from 2014 that i lowkey still love :’) 
✧ whats your favorite fic you’ve written?
i’m also going to list a few bc i cannot choose between my babies 
all’s well that ends well 
all of the dreams that you put in my head
started w/ a spark now we’re on fire
all’s well is my favorite plotwise. plus writing it was a total fever dream, i wrote it in like two days because i wanted to finish it for malinaweek and so i barely thought about what i was writing and i was just frantically typing lol. all of the dreams was my first maliner fic and i simply still love it and i love 5+1 style fics and i love mal and i was so unhinged when he said that . started w/ a spark is just pure emotional porn insanity and was so fun to write they make me feel insane 
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ragequilt · 3 years
@unintentionalgenius tagged me to do this and I simply cannot resist them SO
1. How many fics do you have on ao3? - the answer is 13 and I find that alarming. I thought it was like... 6.
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? - cannot believe I’m doing math at 9:18 am uhhh 140,834??? How is this number so high??? I truly don’t understand.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? - ‘someone who’ll set my heart free’, the hades game sickfic I did not expect to still be getting kudos on to this day, all three of my Spencer Reid/Reader insert fics from 2015, and then ‘to grow a winter garden’, last year’s Jaskier/Reader fic and my longest baby to date!
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? - Generally, if it’s a comment with some depth of its own, I will! Otherwise I feel like the commenter and I will get caught in a loop of just sending love to one another (which is lovely but not Productive.) My fave comments to reply to were the ones on ‘to grow a winter garden’ — the demisexual reader character did a lot for a fair handful of people and that really means SO much to me to have done that at all, so. They get my wordvom.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? - HAHAHA I am physically incapable of writing Angst I am so sorry to everyone ??? I can’t even answer this it’s out of my wheelhouse. (that being said I think ‘come out, level up’ is going to have the angstiest scene / arc, but lord we ain’t there yet)
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? - ohhhhhh boy. what a Question for the me. Probably ‘to grow a winter garden’ but like, it’s complicated-happy (as is the nature with Jaskier, I think, love him.)
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written? - no, but I am a SUCKER for a fusion fic. See the BNHAH au, the BNHA x Boyfriend Dungeon au, the scraps of YYH fusion fic I write for every fandom I lay my hands on... alas.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? - hmmm yes some little baby person decided to send me tumblr askbox hate over my writing for winter garden, instead of closing out the window like an adult, but nothing Big (oh also my ex boyfriend in 2014 hated the RTAH reader insert fic he INSISTED I share with him... yes I’m still mad fuck you man)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? - okay the technical answer is yes but really I just wanna know about the different kinds of smut. Like, what does this mean? I’m worried about smut genres now what am I missing here
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? - if I have I don’t know about it!
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? - no way I’m not that big of a deal
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? - I am effusive sounding board for @unintentionalgenius and I would be miserable without them in my corner as well... and I was beta/and everything else for Wes (Cruel Fate, Kind Destiny), but I don’t think I could actually coauthor something with someone.
13. What’s your all time favorite ship? - oh my god you can’t just ask someone what their favorite ship is. lord let me think... (ten literal minutes later) I can’t possibly pick, like. Whatever @suzukiblu does I’m invested in, same frankly for surveycorpsjean, but like... I can’t simply Pick.
14. What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? - y’all if I had a better naming scheme I would simply include a screenshot from my scrivener here because the answer is ALL of them. that being said I Do need to finish the Jaskier POV of winter garden.
15. What are your writing strengths? - I think my sentence flow is good, structurally! Everything else is garbage tho sorry.
16. What are your writing weaknesses? - all of it. but lord don’t get me started on character voice I CAN’T DO IT why CAN I NOT DO IT
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic? - @unintentionalgenius summed it up well but like — if we aren’t supposed to know what they meant, it gets a one off narrative line. If we are supposed to know what they meant and it’s a whole sentence, we mention that they’re speaking <x language> and write it in the language of the rest of the fic. If it’s a one-off word NBD.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? - on ao3? Naruto, I think. In general? Harry Potter, aged 13.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? - honestly even if I haven’t posted it, my scrivener is full of where my id has leaked. Most stuff I either don’t care to write or I just do it. Maybe kacchako, though, I just love them.
20. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written? - oh boyyyy I feel like I want to say ‘to grow a winter garden’, just bc it wrapped up so well, but there’s so much in the works for ‘come out (level up)’ that I just can’t discount it. Y’all I can’t pick like that. :(
@ofmermaidstories @cat-slippered @bobawithpomegranate y’all I would love to see your answers!!
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buckysboobs · 3 years
A lot of people loves Tommy Lee, myself included, he is a famous rockstar after all,// Umm, exactly! He's gotten away with his asinine behavior for decades simply because he's a "rockstar". He is a talented drummer but that's all I'll say about him. It doesn't make up for him being his shitty self whatsoever.
do you really thing they are going ro make him look bad? specially after how excited he was with this project?// I wouldn't say he's "excited" about it. Why would he be? He should be concerned, if anything. Neither of them are technically involved in it and it's definitely not gonna make him look "good" by any means lmfao. Seb doesn't have to try with that part as I'm sure he's (hopefully) been written how he was. It's not like it's any damn secret as he basically put it all out there.
nah, bc his fans know exactly how he is and would still love him,// Once again, exactly! Does no one really see the issue with this?!
but I recognize that the series should not exist without pamela approval since she is the most affected here, with a sex tape she didnt consent to share, but that wasn't tommy's fault!// Admit it, you don't give two shits about Pam or their kids. I bet you're one of those who thinks she "got what she deserved", huh? Have you seen the way he's talked about and trashed her over the years? The mother of his kids? Who basically raised them by herself? She has been far kinder to him publicly than he ever deserved. Period. And please keep in mind - it's not like Pam was the first woman he treated this way. It was just more public. But I'm sure you don't give a shit about those other women either.
So sorry for being so lengthy here Zee, I just had a REALLL problem with this one here and people need to know the truth. It's so unfathomable to me how people think like this. Do they even hear themselves?! The whole abuser victim mentality - I cannot stand it or accept it!!!
don't apologize !! you are absolutely right. these kind of comments really throw me off and sometimes i'm not able to respond how i want to because i just feel like they won't understand. it so thank you for saying what i was thinking about. these people and their prideful mysoginy is disgusting. honestly don't know how they live with themselves knowing they have a mentality like that.
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realitv · 3 years
———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME! ♡     claire
PRONOUNS! ♡     they / them
ZODIAC SIGN! ♡     aries bay bee
TAKEN OR SINGLE! ♡     I Don’t Need Friends They Disappoint Me
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡      i used to roleplay on youtube. yes, youtube. think late early aughts and early 2010s. you’d set up your channel with all those fancy fonts (yes, the fancy fonts that now made a come back here); use picnic to edit your pics, set an autoplay video up for ur channel, and rp using dms or comments. it became popular to keep comments on approval and only approve things like: CLAIRE ISH MAHH BIIIISH. xDDD <3 NO ONEZ CAN TOUCH MAH BISSSSH <3 <3 xDDDD LUV U 4EVER. after the channels became what they are now, i hopped around on proboards before coming to tumblr. 
2! ♡     i speak three languages. english, conversational french, and rudimentary german which i am relearning. i used to speak it fluently as a child. i hope to one day be able to communicate with my tante elisabeth and my cousin utta, as they only speak german (they... are... from germany LMAO) but until then i’ve been relearning with my aunt karin. it’s so weird because i feel like i’m very different when i speak french or when i speak german. like. english me is very different from french me and french me is very different from german me. i don’t know how else to describe it. i’m way more flirty and suave when i’m speaking french but i’m very serious and to the point in german. i find when i speak english i’m a little more aloof. i don’t fucking know. 
3! ♡     the longest i have ever written a character is six years. most of my mutuals probably know me from that account (lady a. c/omstock of bioshock in/finite). i still write her on discord, so technically i’ve been writing her for 7 years. she’s just very draining to write these days as she’s just so goddamn fucking sad all the time and i prefer writing her on a smaller scale with very close friends privately. i still love her and her development and everything i’ve done with her, she’s just Ultra Ultra Depressed and i find myself having to get into that same headspace when i write her on tumblr, hence... why i do not like doing that any more. trauma muses, baby: it be like that.  it’s actually really funny bc i consider lady amelia c my BRAND. depressed edwardian milf. that’s the brand. media was an EXTREME departure of my brand of muses. i’ve written belle, sansa, lady c - all three of those ladies really follow the ‘porcelain to steel’ trend. media is neon chaos. 
PLATFORMS USED! ♡   uh. youtube, as i mentioned. rolepages (don’t ask), and a lot of proboards forums. i miss those. they were so Spicy. now just tumblr. i’ve Been Around lmao. 
GENDER! ♡    i simply Do Not Care. i used to feel really insecure about the way i wrote men but i’ve since gotten over that and now i’ll write anyone who strikes my fancy - but i do defo have a type and it’s Sad Ladies From Period/Fantasy Dramas. 
LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S)! ♡    honestly everyone overused irks me. remember when everyone was using nina dobr/ev or natalie do/rmer. can’t do it. i don’t know what it is. something irks me. 
MULTI OR SINGLE! ♡    i wish i had the strength to write a multi muse blog but i can’t. :(
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF:  i want to say i don’t like it but i love happy endings and domestic bliss bc that’s comforting and i like happy endings. but depending on the character i’m very selective with who i will write it with. media? I Simply Do Not See It (unless im writing with nee). it’s something i enjoy, but not something i write often on this blog; as i’m more horror oriented at this point.
ANGST:  i enjoy angst; but again, it really depends on the character. i had this really great thread with g where christine and amelia had an argument that resulted in amelia breaking down into tears as she was so angry. i really enjoyed the raw emotion i could write in that; and with a character like amelia, it was a great way to release a lot of pent up energy and add some character dev. for someone like media, tho, media doesn’t show emotion. media refuses to show emotion. it’s not Their Thing. they can show emotion and do emote, but it’s muted and rare. if, again, i were to write angst, it’d be with nee; since law is someone who reminds media how human they truly are. 
SMUT:  depends. i’ve written it privately. it’s not really my thing but i don’t mind it. i prefer to write it privately with people i know very, very well. i’m not adverse to reblogging a smut meme or sending one in tho lmao. 
PLOT / MEMES! ♡  i love plotting. i’m not good at i but i enjoy it a lot and will do my best to help think of dynamics, settings, and plot threads to do. as for memes? i want to love memes. i think they’re a great ice breaker - i used to be able to reblog a meme and write a really nice drabble response (i always write drabble responses lmao) but now it’s like... I Simply Cannot. i look at memes and my muse jumps ship like its 1912. i think it’s because i have an easier time responding to memes with people/muses my muse has an established/talked about dynamic with; instead of me trying to write a 4 para drabble for a muse that my muse has yet to interact with. idk.
tagged by :  stole it from nora uwu tagging :  steal it nasties.
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weeb-writings · 4 years
hcs of tsuki and akaashi w/ s.o who fences & does vb
omg a request >.< i am so happy you requested 
this is for the wonderful: @clyeste 
request: headcannons of Tsukishima and Akaashi whoose s/o fences on the same level they do volleyball (fencing is to put simply sword fighting !) 
ahhh i love fencing so much :), as someone mixed w french this spoke a lot to me lol :) but yeah, fencing is such a beautiful sport :) 
warnings: none , ok i lied maybe swearing- 
pairings: tsukishima x gn!reader, akaashi x gn!reader
a/n: i hope i did okay! if you have any thing i can improve on, lmk! also the position in volleyball wasnt specified so i didnt go too into depth about what role you play exactly
if you have any reqs, be sure to ask! if you have any comments/anything i can improve on pls lmk
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bye hes so ATTRACTIVE i cannot BREATHE- 
omg im so sorry hes just wow 
okay so, tsuki (as hes always hced) is gonna seem like hes not that interested in the fact that his so is quite literally amazing
like youre balancing two sports instead of one?? and here he is lazing around (ok not rlly but you know what i mean) 
when you tell him he might not seem like he gives two flying fucks but inside hes PANICKING
like his mind is straight up spiraling???? 
i take him as a guy whos shown some interest in fencing before so when you reveal to him that you play it, hes instantly gonna wanna marry you
oh you have a game?? will message you an hour before w some lame ass excuse as to why hes coming
you let him know you have matches for fencing and hes ALWAYS there, always, even if its for five minutes
he thinks your technique is INCREDIBLE and he thinks it makes you look so elegant and endearing hes in love w you reader >:( i ship yall-
but like ok so, once hes processed the fact that you play fencing, hes going ape shit inside his head (and his heart) bc somefuckinghow you also play volleyball too 
when you end up missing his practice, hes gonna be all like ?? huh whered you go in a really bitchy subtle way 
and you were like, sorry i was at practice 
but you have fencing every friday wednesday and monday?? today’s tuesday
first of all, WE BEEN knew his ass has your schedule memorised to the dot 
so youre like 0o0 
and hes like uhhhh
and then youre like “i was at volleyball” and hes salty so hes like no you werent~~
and youre like, dude i play for this team outside of school (which is still super popular) *insert you deadpanning here* 
and now its his turn to be like 0o0 
yknow when hinata drops a feint on bokuto and bokuto is like “HAHHHHHH” and in shock
yeah its tsuki for like a split second b4 he gets his act together
but you noticed bc youre special like that
you will tease him endlessly (as you should) 
and as much as he tries to make it seem like he doesnt care, he does, a lot
hes always having extra snacks for you and water in case you like overwork yourself 
and if youre not as his practice or games, hes at yours 
hes your number one fan and supporter
the type of bf to show you off in subtle ways
idk like maybe has keepsake of yours w him that he carries w him all the time
he def. will practice volleyball w you and will make fun of you for sucking, even if youre better than him 
overall, hes super supportive of you 
and he will check in to make sure youre not overworking yourself
will help you w school work if you need it bc youre so damn busy
will sneak in a compliment or two between insults abt how you’re wasting time or too busy
basically he loves you-
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next we have the most beautiful man in the world, my husband, your boyfriend!!!!
sorry he’s just so *chefs kiss*
but anyways, i feel like when he first learns that you play volleyball, it’s before you two even met??
bokuto probably mentioned you once or twice before bc you play for a popular volleyball club outside of school
so, naturally, akaashi basically knows you’re good at the sport & that you help keep the ball in play
when he first meets you, you start the convo off abt him being a good setter, to which he responds by talking abt how he’s heard about how you play, etc.
because of this common interest, you hit it off in more than one way and BAM y’all are dating
fast forward a couple months, and akaashi has your v-ball schedule memorized to the dot
so when you text him saying practice is running late so you might not make it to your date
he’s like ?????????
what practice? bc like it’s saturday, who tf had practice on saturdays
i do but that’s not the point here
he’s like, “uh baby what practice”
and youre like fencing
and he’s like .....
and then you remember that throughout the entirety of you two knowing each other, you’ve never mentioned the fact that you do fencing
and he’s like so in awe ??????
he’s like,,,,, you do fencing????
and you’re like yeah?? and you can feel the awkward vibe through these text messages
after he processes that, he’s like oh go finish and i’ll pick you up
so he picks you up, and you’re in your white fencing suit bc he comes a bit early
and he’s watching you practice, and this boy is MESMERIZED
like really
he loves you so much, and thinks you look so amazing + your technique is so good
and he’s someone who can easily pay attention to the little details, every turn, every torque he’s there to watch you
after he picks you up from practice, you notice the faint blush on his cheeks
he just loves you that much omfg-
after that day, he’ll ask you abt fencing and he’ll learn more abt it
when y’all practice volleyball together, he’ll be sure to ask you how fencing is going, etc.
like tsuki, he’ll be there at your practice & matches for both vball and fencing
overall, he’s super supportive
and he’s smart, so he’s making sure you’re up to date w school work
makes sure you don’t over exhaust yourself and always has extra food & water w him in the case you end up getting hungry/thirsty/tired
he just loves you so much so he’s always watching out for you
is definitely motivated by you to keep up w his own things, bc you balancing out multiple things at once is so amazing to him
you’re amazing to him
bye he loves you >;( this is a ship that will sail forever
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youdidwelljonghyun · 4 years
I haven’t been using this app much since I joined stan twit but I need to speak on this bc it’s important:
NCT, Exo, Taemin and SM Entertainment on a whole are a fucking disappointment. BLM has been the number one topic on social media across the world for about a week now. I’ve seen countless Korean artistes speak up in support. I’ve seen artistes post their donations. I’ve seen BM go on insta live and discuss his experiences with cops and how black people have to live in fear despite being innocent. I’ve seen Crush talk about how Korean pop music is built on black culture & there would be no Kpop, kr&b or khiphop without black culture. Ive seen Got7’s mark donate $7000 to the cause. I’ve seen a 2 month old rookie group’s member get all her socials deleted because she had the balls and the decency to support BLM on her platform. I’ve seen KBS in America covering the riots. I’ve seen Korean civilans speak up about BLM, supporting and explaining the situation in both Korean and English, I’ve seen Yeri post in support on her Instagram.
AND YET. NCTzens had to BEG, and when I say B E G. We were flooding 127’s twitter mentions, lysn and Instagram BEGGiNG them to post in support of BLM, just so they could use their platform to influence followers to support. For DAYS. We had to beg these men who: 3 of them lived in the US for extended periods, one is FROM CHICAGO where much of the rioting is taking place. They are ALWAYS talking about how they’re a global group. 127 has toured across the US multiple times. They regularly interact with international fans. Their intl fanbase has likely made them more revenue than their Korean fanbase. In fact, I’d argue that 127’s current level of popularity is mostly due to their American fans, & I’m not even American. Just last week we rallied together for DAYS to defend Jaehyun from those disgusting Kfans. Yet they only responded after over 24 hours of begging them, and when they did, ONE member posted something without even including a donation link or saying anything truly substantial... the member that is literally American. His post was basically a “fine, here it is since you won’t stop bugging me about this!”. I saw many fans begging them to “open their purses” and show how much they donated, which I don’t think is necessary— but at LEAST POST A GODDAMN DONATION LINK. Do you know how many fans would mirror your actions? Even with the lame post Johnny made, countless fans were asking where they can donate. Do you SEE HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO USE YOUR PLATFORM?? Then Ten posted that random black square. No caption, no nothing. Anyone who doesn’t know about BLM won’t know what the fuck it’s for. I saw comments asking what it was about and making jokes. I am so fucking disappointed in these men for doing the bare minimum when they have a massive platform, they have received support from thousands of black fans and they make a huge chunk of their money off of American tours, NOT TO MENTION black music is the blueprint for Kpop. They always talk about what black artiste’s music they love, but they are damn near fucking silent about the innocent black people being murdered worldwide.
Exo is a fucking joke. Kai, Chanyeol Baekhyun and Sehun regularly post on their socials— kai did a live a few days ago, Chanyeol has posted several NNG videos, Baek has been doing lives/menpas and yet neither of them can be assed to say oh, btw black lives matter and here’s a donation link so u can help support too. Lay has also been promoting constantly, he’s had a comeback and dropped an MV a few days ago, and yet???
They may have very well donated in private— I acknowledge that. But they could do SO MUCH for the black community by simply making a post in support with a donation link, that would cost them literally nothing. So why haven’t they done so?? They must not care enough to— because trust me, fans have been asking. Exo and NCT’s lysn board have been spammed with fans begging for support, giving them donation links to share and explaining the situation. I feel a little entitled, demanding anything from someone I don’t personally know, but then I realize that it would take almost no effort on their part, and that they would be giving back to the very community that allowed kpop’s very existence, not to mention supporting their millions of black fans around the world. I see many people saying that this is an “American issue” and “no one asks celebrities to donate when other people are suffering”. If you think that is an excuse then you are a part of the problem. 1. Black people exist all over the world, they are discriminated against and brutalized worldwide. 2. I have seen Americans lobbying and pushing for global causes countless times on social media. Just the other day American Kpop fans helped trend the Nth room case, translating articles and spreading awareness. I was one of those fans.
As for SM Entertainment, the company that likely employs more black producers than any other in Korea, they have 100% ignored the BLM movement on ALL platforms; they have done NOTHING. Monsta X, Ateez and BTS have all officially posted on their group accounts that they stand with BLM and they support the cause, yet SM cannot be assed to do a goddamn thing except exploit black culture and use Americans as ATM machines. I heard they were sending TEXTS to American fans about a COMEBACK (or something??) in the midst of all the rioting. The funny thing is, it’s a pattern— SM never gives a flying fuck about American fans. All they do is coddle kfans and indulge in their delusional fantasies, making Jaehyun write a fucking apology letter for eating some food because kfans threw a tantrum and placating kfans when they got salty about Superhuman promotions. WHERE EVEN IS SUPER M??? THE GROUP THAT LITERALLT DEBUTED IN THE US LMFAOOOOO. LITERAL SILENCE.
I just made this post to say that I, as a black fan, can’t continue to go out on a limb for, to stan, to defend and trend hashtags for, to leave encouraging lysn messages for, artistes who don’t give enough of a fuck that my people are dying to make a genuinely supportive post with a donation link. That is THE BARE MINIMUM. We aren’t asking them to go out on the streets and protest. I cannot do it anymore. As a black fan, there have always been things we have to speak out about more than any other fan group, there have always been things we’ve had to overlook. But I’m fucking done with this shit. I’m done streaming and voting and watching their videos. They don’t deserve my support one bit. I see their pictures on my timeline and I just feel empty— I mean, they really don’t give a fuck about us at all. Lots of times we’ve reconciled with the fact that Korea as a whole is pretty racist towards black people, but we think the best of our favs and assume that because they have so many black fans they must feel differently and have more of an open mind— HA. And I was never the fan who expected that idols love us as much as we love them, but for you to sit there and profit from our culture and our support, but be unable to open your mouths or make a single Instagram post when we’re being killed...
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