#anywho here's my kiddo again
mewkwota · 5 months
Happy New Year Everyone
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justagalwhowrites · 5 months
Random Cuts
So as I'm writing, if I cut or rework more than a few words, I take the original copy and put it on a document in case it finds a home later. Here's the thing, I don't always label what the cut came from? So it's like a few pages of jumbled paragraphs and scenes. Anywho, I was in the cuts doc as I was working on some recent stuff and scrolling back through, so here are some things that got cut that I don't think will find a home anywhere that I thought people might enjoy.
Love you!
From Yearling, (I think) during Bambi and Joel's first time:
It was like you’d taken all the softness you had left in you - everything not shredded or turned to stone by the men who had come before - and offered it up to him. As though you were saying “this is me, all that I have to offer and I’m trusting you to care for it and want it, anyway.” 
Honestly, this could be from anything. But I THINK it's from New in Town? No idea what chapter.
“A common trait with your sex, I’m afraid,” you smirked a little, teasing.  Joel snorted.  “Not my fault men are idiots,” you said. “Present company excluded, of course.”  “Of course,” he said sarcastically. 
There was going to be a bit with mistletoe at the end of Holly Jolly but I scrapped it because it was clunky. Not before writing several paragraphs of it, though, and this was my favorite bit.
“Baby Girl,” he said. “Did you just say… did you say under the missing toes?”  “Yeah!” She said. “I don’t know what it means, but…”  He tried very very hard not to laugh. He mostly managed it.  “It’s not missing toes, Kiddo, it’s mistletoe,” he said. “It’s a plant. People hang it up and you’re supposed to kiss when you’re under it…” 
And I rewrote the final fight between Din/Doll/Gideon, this was from the scrapped version (that literally made it as far as several pages before I decided to rework it because I didn't like the flow - I did pull some of what I wrote into the final version, though.)
Sosha came up alongside him, holding the spear he’d given you, her shoulders back and head high. Din fought to not look back to where he knew you were. He didn’t want to give you away.  “Give us the child,” she said, using the same voice. “And maybe we’ll leave you alive. I’m willing to negotiate.” “There is no walking away from this, Handmaid,” he said. Din was glad he had the helmet. It had worked. Gideon thought Sosha was you. If Pell hadn’t noticed the difference, you could get Grogu and Pell would get you out. He’d just need to get the dark troopers away from the cell they were all clustered around, the one that must be holding Grogu. “You’re hardly in a position to negotiate. You went back on our agreement, destroyed my ship and most of my forces. Why would I trust anything you offer?”  “Then we are on even footing,” she replied. “But you want to live, we want the child. Don’t push us.”  “I’m not settling again,” Gideon said, raising his blaster. 
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onesaltyerik · 4 months
I haven't slept (shocker I know, the insomniac hasn't slept? madness) so yall are getting a ramble of my sort of queer sort of trans awakening (or the closest to it that little me had before understanding those terms) and surprise, it's not Mulan.
So. Little me. They were a weird kiddo. Parent's never discouraged or encouraged their outfit choices or names or pronouns (until I came out officially) but their school did. (hee hoo culty private school run by a religious group) Poor kid always got told "why can't you be more polite for a girl your age?" "why can't you be more girly?" "that's not appropriate for a girl" etc... by their peers and teachers and such. And while parents didn't discourage or encourage certain outfits, the occasional "you have all these cute dresses, don't you want to wear one?" didn't exactly help. Little me never really got along well with the girls their age, had maybe one or two close friends who were girls, the rest were boys. Little me thought at the time it was because "girls were boring" and (insert other horrendously misogynistic ways of thinking about girls) when really, little me just related better to the guys for some reason. (Huh, wonder why.) Anywho, little me's trans realization, or at least the closest they could get to one at the time, was NOT Mulan. I've heard others say it was theirs and while yeah I can see it, little me just went "ah, yeah that makes sense, girls can do that too, she's cool" and didn't really process it beyound that other than "I'm doing that too." Nah Little Me's trans realization was Treasure Island. All iterations of it. Particularly Treasure Planet. Little Me read the book, watched the early live action films, adored the Muppets version of the story. Little Me saw Jim Hawkins and immediately latched onto that character, whenever playing pretend or some iteration of "pirates", I was ALWAYS the cabin boy. Running around, doing chores around the ship, helping the cook, transporting gunpowder, listening in on plots of mutiny deciding when or if I should report it to the captain, engaging in sword fights against my pirate mentor and being torn between who to trust. The works. But Treasure Planet. Ya boi saw that iteration of Jim Hawkins and something clicked. That feeling of being different and not understanding why the world didn't like you, wanting some aspect of freedom but not fully knowing why or even what that freedom was you were reaching for, feeling abandoned by the adults in your life who on one hand loved and cared for you but on the other just did not understand you, all while not even understanding yourself, wanting to escape from it all in some grand attempt at proving you were...something...someone...not fully able to grasp what that was but wanting it all the same, finding that sudden rush of joy at being able to express yourself and feel free to make your own path in life, ya know, Jim.
So yeah, Disney's Mulan did not "push some woke, trans agenda" onto my young little brain. But Treasure Planet and all iterations of Treasure Island sure did lol.
Anywho, I'm gonna go listen to Still Here again.
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theinsanecrayonbox · 1 year
X-Force #38
Conclusion of the Xeno stuff! Huzzah!
Apparently this was all about Dom, cause she’s got internal narration throughout. Whatever, that’s fine.
So we pick up where we left off with our merry trio going to Moreau island and finding skinless monkey minions…I’m sorry, it’s Attack on Titans not monkeys
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See, that totally Attack on Titan
Deadpool cuts his way out of the giant. It dies. The other two land their plane. This stupid happens
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I’m on board with the vampire analogy, and yes I gave in with a cannibal joke, but cmon guys! Arkady doesn’t lick up random viscera. (Now if he’d actually licked Wade here maybe it’d be fun then but cmon)
Peacock man turns on his little telepath. The gang gets into the lab.
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Look it Arkady being a good and helpful boi
The “omnimutant” attacks, and it does not look nearly as silly as the version on the cover; it looks mostly like a composite Beast/Wolverine but has Arkady’s coils for some reason. Anywhos, it’s a tough fight
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See he’s a good boi and wants to help his team mates, while Beast just cares about the download. He unplugs at 98% to help
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Oh that’s kind of a neat effect, wonder what psychic power that is-
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WTH??? The death spores haven’t been shown to MELT people before. And one would think you’d be immune to your own power like this one, wouldn’t you?? Is Arkady dead now??? Also, how’d you get his genetic material to use Mr Peacock; I could buy you got the classic X-Force gang’s cause they’ve apparently fought you already? But Arkady hadn’t. And why are you interested in keeping and testing out Wade as if you didn’t already have him; we saw you had clones of him already.
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Ah yes, Beast being horrible and terrible. But also (sorry this was before the memo but my caps got mixed up)
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Xeno’s plan is literally SoS; is the X-stable just rehashing their own CURRENT ideas now?? Because Xeno’s “augment humans with mutant biotech/powers” is exactly what Graydon has Orchis doing over in Sabretooth/Exiles.
Anyways, kiddo controls omnimutant, they defeat Peacock. Domino goes to kill him, sees his scarred face then decides not to…but totally leaves his monsters to kill him. She goes outside to rejoin Deadpool who’s entertaining the kid…Arkady is lying on the ground by the plane maybe dead? Deadpool carries him into the plane in another panel…
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Right Dom, because no one else has never ever EVER stolen you’re genetic makeup to make a super powered entity. Nope. Weapon H is not real. Never ever.
My last snarky comment aside, that’s it. They blow up the lab on Genosha and head home I guess. Why was Colossus on the opening cast page if he was Sir Not-Appearing? I know he and Laura are joining next issue, but what?
Overall…eh, I’ve said it in other posts; this was billed as a finale for several books/storylines that I guess centered on Domino. But as someone who jumped in late to this series and didn’t read the others from the beginning either, it was lacking substance, not helped by the lack of footnote caption boxes to remind readers where to find plot points from the back issues. Is that on me for being late, well not the missing caption boxes, but yeah I give you it is a bit. But again, as a finale for several long things, it wasn’t really good.
And Beast still has to answer for his war crimes more so than just getting the cold shoulder from ‘his friends’ at the lunch table. Arkady was a good boi though (cannibalism aside) and made a new best friend in Deadpool, so that’s nice. It’ll be interesting to see what Colossus and Wolverine can bring to the team (and hopefully no more Logan since we get Laura??)
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heavenlyheartsclub · 2 years
PEACHY (Bill Cipher/Reader Oneshot)
AN: A sort of continuation to the Out Weirded oneshot, which you can read here! Enjoy!
“So would you say you’re more of a canary yellow or a lemon yellow?” Y/N inquired, tapping a pencil to their chin.
“DOES IT MATTER?” Bill responded matter of factly, trying to hide the annoyed tone in his voice.
“Canary it is….” Y/N decided, scribbling down in a notebook. They sat on an old fallen log, tapping their foot in thought as they wrote. Ever since their meeting, Y/N had been periodically coming back to the statue to speak with Bill in the dreamscape.
As per their deal, Y/N was allowed to ask whatever manner of questions they wanted to the triangular being, and in turn, Bill had slowly been catching up on the going-ons of Gravity Falls during his absence. Though he initially prepared to lie if the human got too nosy, Y/N had instead taken these opportunities to ask the most boring of questions. His favorite color, food preferences, if he had bones, how he floated, etc. It was hard to tell what their true intentions were, as he couldn’t quite call their questions research. Unlike Ford’s complicated notes and statistics, Y/N’s journal was closer to that of Mabel’s, their findings accompanied by small doodles and stickers to brighten up the pages. He would have read their mind to get a better scope on them, but that seemed to be another thing the Axolotl had taken from him in their own deal.
What was the point in resurrection if his powers had all but vanished? As much as he hated to admit it, he was weak. It had taken him years just to reconstruct his atoms into a solid form, so now his grip on his abilities was that of a novice. It would take time for him to be back at full power, and he was feeling especially impatient. The dish best served cold known as revenge was at the very least lukewarm by now. Well, at least he had Y/N to talk to. Caught in his own thoughts, he barely picked up on the tail end of Y/N’s mutterings behind him.
“WHATCHA’ MUMBLIN’ ABOUT KIDDO?” Bill asked, fully spinning around to face them. Y/N jumped in surprise, fumbling with their writing tool as their cheeks were dusted with a light red coloring.
“I-It’s nothing! Just um, counting the blades of grass.” They stated, patting the ground in an awkward manner. Bill narrowed his eye in suspicion, but quickly decided whatever it was they were muttering about was of little concern. Y/N still had no idea that they could do whatever they’d like in the Dreamscape, and he’d like to keep it that way.
“Total brick count… about 32…” Y/N noted quietly, scribbling down in their book. Bill put his hands on his angles in frustration as he cleared his throat loudly. Y/N jolted again, trying to remember what Bill asked them. “Oh! Uh, The Mystery Shack! It’s called The Mystery Shack.” They responded.
“THE MYSTERY SHACK! RIGHT, RIGHT.” Bill repeated to himself, trying to appear oblivious to what the Pines family’s home was. “WHAT’S THAT LIKE? ANYTHING INTERESTING HAPPEN AROUND THERE?”
“Nope not really. For a place all about the strange and fantastical, it sure can be boring. I mainly just do cleaning and stock merchandise.”
“I guess so. My boss Mr. Soos is a really cool guy, and his wife Melody is nice. They always check up on me to make sure I’m okay and help during especially busy days. Their son Micheal is really cute too! When I’m on break he plays Mario Kart with me, he’s really good at it and-“
“GREAT, GREAT. THEY SOUND LIKE NEAT FOLKS.” Bill interrupted, not at all interested in hearing about side characters’ lives. They weren’t who he was focused on. He continued, “THOUGH IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY, WASN’T THEIR SOMEBODY ELSE STAYING AT THE SHACK?
“Oh yeah! So apparently before Mr. Soos was the boss there, the place belonged to Mr. Pines who was his boss originally. He said he gave him the place when he retired, something about traveling. But Mr. Pines’ grandniece and nephew visit every summer, so they’ve been staying there since I got hired a few weeks ago.”
Now they were talking, Bill thought. “REALLY NOW! YOU MEET EM’ YET?”
“Yeah I have, they’re twins. The boy is named Dipper and the girl is named Mabel. Dipper’s kinda shy but he’s like crazy smart about all sorts of things. Mabel is awesome too, she’s so sweet and funny and she makes her own clothes!! Oh! She also has a pet pig! A pet pig named Waddles! Can you believe that?”
“OH YEAH, THAT’S REAL AMAZING.” The triangular being spoke on autopilot, completely blocking out any useless information. “ANYTHING ELSE?”
“Hmm, well….Dipper does keep this book on him at all times. Some sort of journal I guess?” Bill’s eye widened as he unknowingly found himself coming in close to Y/N. Finally they were getting somewhere! Listening to the human’s absurdly long rambling was paying off.
“Yeah it looks homemade. It’s leather and has a gold symbol on the front. It-“ Y/N suddenly stopped mid sentence to stare intently at Bill’s hands. After an awkward pause, Bill was about to ask what they could possibly be looking at, as Y/N answered his question before he could even ask it. “Huh, you only have four fingers.” They stated.
Bill didn’t have the time nor patience to register Y/N’s ridiculous statement. He snapped his fingers in front of the human’s face to get their attention. “WHAT’S IN THE JOURNAL KID?”
Y/N blinked absentmindedly then shrugged. “Dunno, Dipper won’t let me read it. You know, that reminds me.” Breaking eye contact, Y/N focused on their own notebook, flipping pages before landing on a rough sketch of Bill himself. Some parts were unfinished, such as the brick pattern and details on his cane, as well as his hands. Quickly scribbling it in, Y/N doodled the proper number of fingers on their reference drawing. “There! Another puzzle piece put into place.”
Bill physically slumped in defeat, letting out an exhausted sigh. Forget it, he was too tired to try and push them for any more details today. He floated to Y/N’s side, leaning himself up against their shoulder as he looked over them drawing. “I DON’T LOOK ANYTHING LIKE THAT.”
Y/N laughed weakly. “Really? I thought I’ve been doing pretty good so far.”
“Oh? I guess you’re right. Thanks for the tip.” They said, erasing the eye they had drawn and making it a bit bigger. “How’s that?”
After a bit of silence, Y/N paused mid sketch, their gaze suddenly locking with Bill’s. Bill tensed a bit as Y/N continued to stare, letting out a hum as they subconsciously tapped their pencil against the notepad. They shifted their weight onto their free arm, using their hand to prop up their head. “You know, being up close to you like this, I realize I’ve never really noticed how long and pretty your eyelashes are Bill.” They stated utterly bluntly, a small smile gracing their lips.
The triangle suddenly froze completely still, as if mimicking his own statue. His eye was unmoving, and he was scarily quiet. All of a sudden the golden glow surrounding Bill’s form grew significantly brighter, as his usual yellow faded into a warm peach color that completely overtook his body. Y/N’s eyes widened in awe. “Woah, that’s new. What does that color mean?” Y/N asked curiously, leaning in even closer. Bill suddenly placed his hands onto Y/N’s shoulders and pushed hard, his arms extending a ridiculous length as he moved them a great number of feet away from himself.
“IT MEANS YOU’RE GONNA WAKE UP NOW.” He exclaimed a little louder than usual, floating even farther away from them.
“Wha-really? I don’t think it’s even been and hour ye-“
“OOH TOO BAD OH WELL SEE YA NEXT TIME THEN BYYYYEEEEEEEEEE.” Bill interrupted, giving a frantic wave goodbye as Y/N began to wake, their dream form quickly fading and blinking out of the Dreamscape altogether. As soon as he was sure they had left, Bill let out a sharp exhale, trying to regain his composure. He nervously fidgeted with his bow tie and summoned a mirror, turning every angle to get a better look at his complexion. Instead of his signature bright yellow, Bill’s pyramid shaped body was colored an almost sunset shade, a mix of peachy orange with large flushes of rosy pink under his eye.
Just seeing this new palette made him turn color further, the pink fulling enveloping his form. He grumbled angrily at this, gripping a hand to his face. Never in the trillions of years in this form had he ever changed into a palette like this. Red sure, black sometimes, but never this….warm and soft coloring.
“THAT PINK FRILLED IDIOT MUST HAVE DONE THIS.” He surmised, waving the mirror away. First they stuck him in his subconscious, then they nullified his powers, and now they were changing his colors randomly like a stupid pyramid shaped strobe light? They could laugh all they wanted now, but the second he was back in the third dimension, he would be paying the amphibian deity a visit.
They had to be the reason for this sudden change, for this sudden strange warmth in his figurative chest.
That had to be it. Right?
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tales-of-two · 2 years
Welcome To The Cheshire Mansion SugarBee / Story
Kaname: Right, now to show you guys how SugarBee ended up at Dante's mansion with his fam.
Sugarbee suddenly bursted through the front doors of Dante's mansion carrying his luggage.
"Yooo brooo! Guess whooo..!~"
Dante's ears flatten hearing the familiar voice of his little brother, from his expression you can tell these two siblings don't exactly get along.
"Oooh no.." he sighs and turns around "alright lil bro spill it, why're you here?"
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Sugarbee sets down his luggage and pulls out his phone playing back a voice message from their mother grinning.
"Dante deary~ yoo hoo~ sorry I couldn't get the message through to you sooner sweetpea, but you refuse to take mummy's callsss."
She can be heard pouting.
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"Anywho my little handsome~, I'm sure you won't mind housing your little brother Sugarbee for a few weeks, that place is so big after all, it's not like you don't have any room tehe! I'll return for him soon so don't worry ta ta~ mummy loves you lots thanksss! Mwah!" The voice message ends.
Dante's bone brow twitched "...she spotted another handsome man to chase after didn't see..?"
Sugarbee snickered "damn right she did, she gots the major hots for this guy, ya' know how she is." He shrugs and was soon Sugarbee is tackled by Hades.
"Nyeheheh! Well well if it isn't my lil G! Been awhile, welcome! Oh OH guess who just got hitched and is a bonified married skeleton~" Hades showed off his wedding band.
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Sugarbee grinned "Yooo!!! That's dope bigger G! It's that Ash dude right? Noice I gotta new uncle?!" Hades hugged him and spun him before setting him down.
"Yeppersss, I'll introduce you to the Mister after I getcha settled you can use the room across from mine." Hades smooched his forehead and picked up his luggage taking them to his room.
Dante's bone brow twitched more watching Hades happily welcome their lil sibling he huffed. "Bee. Look. There's no way I'm-" when he turned his back he was gone. "?!"
Sugarbee was well on his way giving himself a house tour, he was currently in the living room with Dante's daughter Lyra 'introducing' himself.
"Hey there cutie~ those ears an' tail just for show? Or are ya' as cuddly as you look?~"
Lyra giggled flattered, she was used to stuff like this.
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"Careful~ or you might end up on my daddy's death list." These two would be good friends in the future, Dante called out with slitted eyelights.
"Beeee..." Hearing the murderous tone in his older brother's voice he dashed off into the next room.
Dante went over and sighed relieved holding his daughter protectively "Lyra honey whatever you do don't let Sugarbee's charms sway you."
Lyra smooched her father on the cheek "course not daddy no one's charms can sway me I'm a jewel, they have to earn it." Dante grinned. "That's my girl-" they both heard a crash and Romeo yelp, Dante groaned -"craaaap hold on sweetie gotta go find him."
Dante rushes to the next room to find Romeo holding his bat growling "n-next time I won't miss that pretty f-face of yours..!" Romeo was blushing up a storm.
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Sugarbee cooed "d'aaaw dun' be shy handsome it was jus' a small smoochie on th' cheek.~" These two definitely wouldn't get along..maybe.
Dante sighed "normally I don't encourage stuff like this kiddo buuut swing!" Romeo and swung missing the ducting/squeaking Sugarbee his bat hitting the bookshelf.
Romeo's super strength caused the large bookshelf to crack and slowly it started to tip. "...oops..uhhh..daaad!"
Dante rushes over and caught the bookshelf groaning. "Don't worry kiddo we'll get someone to fix it, as for you-" he looked and found Sugarbee was once again gone.
"For Harmonia's sake! Kiddo hold this!" Romeo leaned against the bookshelf.
Meanwhile Dante rushes into the kitchen and found Sugarbee was already chatting up his wife.
"Yer' th' prettiest gal I've ever seen like dang~ ya' like my shirt? It's husband material.~" he clicked his tongue and fingerguns her.
Shira wondered where this kid came from.
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"...Um..who are you?..and what is you doing in my home?"
Sugarbee broke the last straw for Dante, he growled and his eyelights turned red "oh hooo, that's. It."
Dante lunges at his younger brother only to be abruptly caught by Hades.
"NYEH! Bro, brooo..! Chilll he's just excited to meet new people a-an' he's just a kid calm down..!"
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Dante hissed and struggled in Hades arms "dun care-imma kill him..!"
Dante's house hold just got exciting, x'D Sugarbee's attempts are harmless (he inherited it from his mother), he only does this with people when he first meets them to see who would get along with him, he just picked the wrong targets.
Once everything calmed down they got a proper introduction to Dante's younger sibling.
Shira and Lyra belong to @ask-shira-n-kuro @mellows-art
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rivalmelty · 3 years
So I'm piratesofhyrule, I can only Ask from me main. Anywho...
1. So would some aspects of the manga appear in this? Because the idea of Zelda and Midna having their cutesy first-meeting in the mirror but then a 5 year-old Link appears right in the middle of it is too much comedic potential XD
2. The sibling dynamic you're implying is glorious! On the one hand, you can have Link being impulsively rambunctious with Zelda chasing after him because "Link put that sword down!!" While in the same fic, there could be an awkward teenage coming-out scene between them and that is total *chefs kiss*
3. I am rather curious on how Ordon will be included. Best my brain thought up was a guard telling the king "We found the Prince, he's taking rodeo lessons in Ordon"
4. Link third-wheeling/wingman-ing the Midzel but this time it's as Zelda's brother is PERFECT. He knows exactly how to help Midna charm his sister (Zelda's favorite flowers, him helping free up her schedule, etc) while also popping up during a Moment just to tell Midna a "So one time, Zelda accidentally shot her archery instructor in the knee--" right before an embarrassed Zelda chases him out
i started working on a painting right after class so im taking a break now to answer the things 😈
yes !! while it is mainly following game canon we are stealing some things from manga specifically all the midzel stuff bc the manga fed us good ahskdjdk there’s some other things here and there were still deciding if we want to add so i won’t mention them but yes link does meet midna briefly when they are younger and he is a very cute little lad (he’s also a bit of a crybaby bc it’s a lil funny agsjdjdk)
sibling dynamics is what me and my dear @tarteggs have been having so much fun playing with agsjdj we’re both the youngest so we are giving link all the lil gremlin youngest sibling content hehehe and bc it spans from when link is first adopted (which we have him age 7 and zelda 10 i think ames correct me if i’m wrong agsjdhdj) all the way to post tp and into linked universe canon so there’s a lot of time we have to work with :)
ordon is our fav so it will not be neglected !! it won’t be a major player until the game canon begins but link does eventually get really close w the village and he does still save the kiddos like a good prince hero does but he defo prefers hanging in ordon as opposed to the castle bc less expectations and eyes are on him and most of hyrule doesn’t care too much about where he goes in his free time bc they see him as illegitimate royalty tho sometimes he’ll leave the castle without telling zelda and she will ride over there and drag him by his ear back home ahskdjdk
admittedly we were more focused on tag team midzel older sisters bullying link but now that you bring it up, you’re absolutely right link has so much leverage against zel and all her embarrassing stories he defo will bring out all the stories if zelda eats the last dessert again (curse zelda and her never ending sweet tooth) idk so much about wingman link pre game canon but it defo happens during game canon he is lesbian supporter number 1 he is shoving them together like two barbie’s telling them to kiss and make up already ahskdjdk
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
Goldy! Darling, I'm a fan, I come in peace, but I'm also kinda panicking. I'm worried jikook have broken up for good this time. I'll brief you on my theory for how we got to jikook not posting anything on valentine's day and instead Namjoon (jikook's trusted confidant from once foe) posting breakup lyrics on Weverse. I'll break it down in my next ask and reallyyyy want your take. - Aby
Oh hi Aby!! I'm a fan too 💜💜💜💜
But I'm not done with this moment 🤗
I wonder what got JK into this mood 😏
Ain't no way he's getting here unprovoked😏
All that 'compulsory self groping' probably didn't help his whipped ass case😏
But I wonder if this episode of Run was filmed before the holiday remix video...
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Y'all remember when I said in a post in December that I had a feeling JK seemed guilty about something in that holiday remix performance video and I said I felt it was because BigHit had perhaps stumbled on something they weren't supposed to see which was making JK feel hella guilty about it especially when he's around Jimin?
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Jimin literally had to chase his ass around that stage but dude said the horny is a liar
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Don't do gay kiddos.
I digress.
Do all the gay you want. I won't judge 😏
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I remember asking an Anon who'd pointed out certain 'tensions' they felt between Jikook and BigHit, whether they thought Jikook had been engaging in excessive mutual groping on set...
I've said JK's been feeling hella self conscious a lot lately especially in the later half of 2020. I mean the members even said so in the Break the silence reaction video too.
That sentiment was reiterated in his Weverse magazine too. "...JK tries to change the things he doesn't like about himself...' That takes self awareness and self consciousness and if there's one thing JK is super conscious off, it's his attraction to Jimin. In my opinion.
Anywho. Don't mind me and my delulu brain.
Let's do you.
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Interesting theory. Both of them I mean. I wish it had been much longer than this though. I love reading others theories and mind processes you know?
I think everyone's thoughts and opinions are valid as long as it's not coming from a place of hate or resentment or... insecurity.
'"Jikook are broken up" shouldn't be the default response to the slightest percieved anomaly or irregularity in the narrative.
Jimin didn't post for valantine. Is that abnormal? No. Not at all. JK hasn't been online much.
Again it comes down to their glass closet and how they've been interacting with it over a period of time. And the fact is, they haven't been interacting much with their glass closet post JM's birthday last October- I'll put up a blog on this soon.
I understand what you mean by RM posting a break up song recommendation on behalf of Jikook. RM does write lyrics on behalf of the members from time to time. Do I think he will go to the extent of posting on social media on their behalf? No.
It's similar to our recent discussion on Tae vs Jikook in the Grammy VLive on Ko-Fi. I think they maintain a certain level of modesty and discretion around Jikook especially when Jikook aren't in a good place.
Besides, posting on their behalf would mean he is encouraging Jikook's glass closet and participating in it- I think RM would rather they shut that glass ceiling.
If you are worried about Jikook, don't be. They are fine. They will be fine.
In my opinion...
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This should take your mind off things 🤣🤣🤣
Tuktukkers I swear to god!!!!
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dabideserveslove · 2 years
About Me & My Blog
Hi! I’m Pixel - generally go by Pix, though - and I’m transmasc. He/they/it pronouns are preferred but, really, anything besides feminine pronouns/descriptors are fine by me. 
I was on here before a while ago but life got hectic (had a baby, got engaged, also finished my master’s degree - in that order and all extremely close together) and tumblr was stressing me tf out so I deleted it lmao.
And y’know you can’t just escape Hell that easily I guess idk - Really, where the fuck else am I gonna be able to ramble about trans feral catboy!Dabi (and, occasionally, Shigaraki)??? Twitter? Nah, fuck that place. 
Oh, and before we get started with blog specifics: MINORS DNI
Anywho... I mentioned the potential of problematic content so here is a list of what might pop up on my blog that could be considered ~problematique~ to some (or all...) people:
Catboys (really should have figured out that’s gonna be on my blog by now tho lmao) 
Canonical minors being AGED UP and written about in sexual situations
Sometimes shipped with canonical adults in those situations - though, like I said, everyone will be aged up and portrayed as being past 18 if they are not canonically an adult yet - which means marked changes in appearance and some changes in personality to fit their maturity
Omegaverse (again, not gonna be that common but it might show up)
Talk of illegal drug use among the characters of BNHA (...mostly Dabi and mostly painkillers & weed)
Unhealthy relationships depicted as being... well... unhealthy 
Some dubcon/noncon elements might pop up occasionally due to under-negotiated kink and/or heat cycles and/or drug or alcohol usage
And here’s some stuff that, while I don’t think is (or... should be) considered problematic, could potentially trigger someone (and if you have a trigger that’s not on this list please feel free to send a DM or ask and I’ll make sure to tag it for you!): 
Kinky shit like BDSM, CNC (consensual non-consent), knife play, blood play, perhaps some Omorashi stuff (that’ll be pretty rare tho), breeding kink, Daddy kink, degradation, praise kink, and/or petplay.
Talk of self-harm, suicide attempts, and past rape/sexual assault
Pregnancy and any pregnancy or postpartum-related stuffs - including trans men being pregnant (I mean I, myself, am transmasc and have had two kiddos that I carried and there’s not enough content out there depicting realistic pregnancy and/or postpartum experiences especially involving trans guys so it is a good chunk of what I write)
I can’t think of anything else currently but if I do I’ll add it or if anyone asks me to I will also add it
Tag System
Any potentially problematic content posted or reblogged will be tagged as problematique and, if I post it myself, the problematic part will be under a cut after a warning about the contents
Additionally, all of that stuff will also come with a trigger tag which...
My system for trigger tags is triggername tw so, for instance, pregnancy tw
Any NSFW stuff will be tagged caution: spicy with a warning preceding any NSFW content
Of course I’ll tag with ship names & character names, also
Again, can’t think of anything else but as I do stuff and come up with more tags that’ll be commonplace on my blog I’ll add them
That’s it for now 💖
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This isn’t even my final form! *laughs in angst*
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32206135/chapters/83214115
Chapter below cut for non-Ao3 readers: 
“It’s not that bad…” Reginald said softly, gripping his right arm to cover up the fresh cut. Right frowned more before sighing. 
“It is, ya have to put an end to this before he aims to kill ya!” Right practically shouted. He grabbed a bandage wrap and a small bottle of rubbing alcohol out of the medkit. "Now give me your arm." 
"Righty, I'm fine, this isn't the worst pain I've felt, you know that." The brunette extended his cut arm to his friend. Right poured some of the rubbing alcohol on a rag, then ran it against the fresh wound. Reginald let out a quiet hiss at the stinging and gripped his right arm with his left. 
"Y'know, kind of tempted to teach ya self defense since this keeps happenin'" The Aussie chuckled as he set down the rag and started to wrap the bandage around the disinfected cut. 
"I know self defense! You were there!" Reginald said, defending himself. 
"Sure, then how come you got this cut in the first place?" Right teased. Reginald puffed his cheeks and shoved the ginger with about the force of a teddy bear. "Okay kitten, I got your point now." 
Right laughed a bit while Reginald sat there, cheeks puffed and red and crossing his arms. "Y'know Reg, you're cute when you're mad." With this comment Reginald turned bright red and shot his hands up to cover his face. Right laughed more and closed the kit, standing up to set it on the wooden desk next to the bed. Reginald grabbed his gloves from beside him and put them back on, avoiding any and all eye contact with his companion. “Reg, y’know that just because I gave you a compliment that doesn’t mean ya get to hide from me now.” Right said, calming his tone. He sat back on the bed next to the brunette, placing a hand on the other's back and rubbing it thoughtfully. Reginald nodded and smiled, before yawning and stretching his arms. “Actually I really want to tell you that-”
“Oh goodness! It’s so late, I hadn’t realised! I’m so sorry Right but you’re going to have to hold that thought! I have some more paperwork to do before tomorrow and it’s already 10:30, oh dear.” Reginald interrupted, letting his anxiety build up the more he rambled on. 
“No, no, it’s fine, it wasn’t that important anyways. I’ll just head off and leave you to work then.” Right responded with a bit of despair in his voice. He got up and walked over to Reginald’s bedroom door, turning back to look at his friend. “Don’t burn yourself out again.”
Right regretted that day so much. It had been 14 years and he could never let that day go, and now all that regret he felt came right back at him, much harder than ever. The one thing he regretted about that day was not being able to say what he wanted to. But he couldn’t focus on that right now, right now, he had to panic over the fact that a stupid fucking flower tried to kill Reginald for the second time. 
He had collapsed on the ground grabbing the broken soul from the glass shards and holding it close to his chest. 
“Oh lord! I am so sorry! Shit, shit, shit, I’ll think of something.” Flowey spoke in a panic. He flipped through the book, trying to find an alternative to save the soul. Right just sat there paralyzed with despair. Tears started forming at the corners of his cyan eyes. He couldn’t say a single word, he knew Reginald would fade soon, there was nothing he could say. 
Flowey continued looking through the book when he spotted something he didn’t recognise. 
“Hey big guy, do you know what a soul bond is? It says here it’s the two human equivalent of monsters absorbing human souls.” The flower asked. Right had only a vague idea of soul bonds from hearing Henry talking to himself about them. But, there was one thing he knew for sure, it would be Reginald’s last resort.
“Tell me what to do.” Flowey glanced over the pages before clearing his throat.
“Ok, apparently this is going to be easier if you’re a DETERMINATION soul. What you need to do is channel your DETERMINATION to his soul, get the soul rebooted with that, then you’re going to try and get his soul bound to you in some way, it’s not very descriptive at this part.” He instructed. Right didn’t fully understand, but he knew he would still have to try his best. 
Cradling his best friend’s soul in his hands, he focused on it, he felt as though he would be able to fix it. He didn’t pay attention to anything else, not even to his own soul that had been drawn out. He needed to fix Reginald. He was DETERMINED.
Right felt his soul grow heavier and saw out of the corner of his sight, it glowing brighter. He felt a tear roll down his cheek, then he was hit with a wave of pain that made him feel like his skin was being torn off. 
“Oi flower boy! Get the doc!” The man shouted as he bent over more in pain. Flowey managed to tilt his pot enough to fall over, he pulled himself out of the pot with the table ledge as a stable support then proceeding to fall onto the ground before sinking in. 
The Right Hand Man gripped his chest with his left hand, still using his right to hold his chief’s soul. His own soul was glowing bright, blindingly so. Right had to close his eyes from how bright his soul got.
“Reg! You have to work with me here! I need you to be strong right now! Please! I…” He paused, letting more tears fall down his face. “I love you!” 
 And then…
He opened his eyes again, the bright glow stopped, the shards that had chipped off of Reginald’s soul stayed in place. A stream of red DETERMINATION flowed from Right’s soul to the other, filling the break like it was glue. The shards reversed, attaching themselves to the soul once more. 
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He was fixed.
Flowey re-emerged from the ground in a panic, looking around for anyone, to only see Frisk, the white-haired human, and their once sibling. He sighed and burrowed down again to get closer. 
“Listen Frisk I’m just saying…..what are you doing here?” Chara started before addressing the appearance of the flower. Flowey couldn’t choke this time, he knew what he had to do.
“Where’s the doctor?!” He shouted. The two humans and the ghost were a bit startled at this.
“Why? Is something wrong?” Henry asked. 
“Um...god, what was his name again? Why can’t I remember it?! I only remember how stupid it was!” Flowey panicked to himself. Henry immediately knew what was going on.
“Right Hand Man! Is he in danger?!” Flowey nodded in response.
“He’s in the medical tent! And the souls in trouble too!” With the mention of something having gone wrong with Reginald’s soul, Henry shot up. 
“I’ll go get the doctor, you kids stay here!” He explained, focusing attention to Frisk and Chara. He ran off in the direction of where everyone else was, leaving Flowey, Frisk and Chara alone.
“So, um, how are you doing Flowey?” Frisk asked nervously. Chara glared at the Flower.
“It was your fault wasn’t it? That’s all you do.” They said. 
“No, I was just helping.” Flowey argued. 
“And you helped the underground by stealing all of our souls?”
“Chara! He did manage to break the barrier, cut him some slack.” Frisk stated. “Plus, he’s really trying to make amends.”
“your friend is right, y'know kiddo, that flower’s done some awful stuff.” Frisk turned around to see the voice coming from Sans.
“Hello smiley trashbag, when’d you get here?” Flowey asked.
“just now, thought i should poppy in.” He laughed. Flowey rolled his eyes. “anywho, i came here to inform you kiddo that your new friends seem, not so great.”
“What do you mean Sans? They’re really nice.” Frisk asked.
“niceness can only get a soul so far, especially for level 13 soul.” Frisk was shocked at this comment. “judging by your expression, you never even CHECKED them, kid, that’s like asking for a fight. i only got to check henry as he was searching for alph, so who knows about the others.”
“Sans, you’re being paranoid! If they haven't hurt us yet then, then won’t hurt us soon.” Sans sighed at what Frisk said.
“just be careful kid. You should not trust people who came from another world.” His tone had shifted from his usual one, to a serious tone. “anyways, i’m off to check in on pap.” 
Before Frisk could even speak again, he was gone.
Alphys had been in one of the tents nearest to the medical tent, talking with Undyne about some anime they hoped to watch since on the surface, it’d be much easier to access new anime. As they were discussing, Henry ran in, taking a moment to catch his breath.
“Woah there punk! What’s got you all riled up?” The tall fish lady asked. 
“Emergency...in the medical tent...danger!” Henry spoke between pants. Alphys jumped in surprise. The three of them rushed to the medical tent, throwing open the fabric entrance to see Right Hand Man trying to get up off the floor using the nearby chair as support.
“Oh my goodness! A-are you ok?!” The doctor asked in a panic, rushing over to help them man up.
“M’fine, jus’ a little after shock. Nothin’ I ‘aven’t ‘andled before.” Right answered in his usual thick accent while rubbing the left side of his head.
“Then why’d...your eye!” Henry started before cutting himself off as he noticed that Right’s left eye had gone from it’s normal turquoise color to a light blue shade, with even the red ring around the iris having changed to a teal color. Alphys looked up at the aussie before noticing the same change. 
“I-It’s true! Whatever you did must’ve changed your soul!” She explained, pressing a hand against Right’s chest and retracting it to let his soul be drawn out. 
His normal soul did pop out, but it had faint teal orbits circulating it. Along with his soul, a familiar light blue one also appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, it’s break had been sealed with solid DETERMINATION and even had more pumping through newly visible veins.
“Is that?! No it can’t be...unless…” The other human started before trailing off into his thoughts. Then he noticed the discarded leather book on the table, opened to the page with a familiar process. “You binded your soul with the chief’s, didn’t you?” Right looked away for a moment while raising a hand to the teal soul and stroking it lovingly. 
The soul glowed brighter.
“It was the only option, Reg’s jar got knocked over and it broke, he was goin’ to fade if ah didn’t do something.” He looked back. “Granted, the flower didn’t give me warnin’ that the process would hurt like a stab to the chest.”
“Yeah, the pain of the other’s death is reflected onto the bonder.” Henry receipted. The other three in the tent just stared at him. Even the way Reginald’s soul was facing and glowing felt like judgement. “Hey, I just read it somewhere.” 
“Well now what?” Undyne asked in a monotone way. 
“Now, we let Reginald soak up enough determination from Right’s soul until he’s ready to show himself, then he’s got to get used to being a ghost for a bit and if he understands what to do, he’ll fix himself.” Henry answered. He left the tent after finishing his sentence, wandering into the woods for a bit. 
“Well he was helpful, I mean, he didn’t even explain half the things I would have to do!” Spoke a disembodied voice in a British accent. Right looked around for a moment, Reg wasn’t there.
“Course not Righty, I’m dead remember? But now since you binded our souls, you can hear me! And I can hear you!”
Right was losing his mind wasn’t he? Maybe he needed more sleep? Well, if you can hear me, then did you hear what I said to bind our souls? Also, what can you see since you can only hear me? He thought.
“Nope! Didn’t hear a thing until your DETERMINATION powered me! And, well, I don’t know where I am, it’s just pitch black and I’m all tangled up in something, not sure what it is, I think that since it’s coming from my wound, it’s blood. Y’know it’s so nice to talk to you, I missed you a lot, I’m actually glad you were the last thing I saw before I ended up in this hellhole.”
Right laughed internally, tied up in your own blood? Yikes. He smiled, now knowing that his darling friend was at least somewhat happy.
“Hey Heny~ what’s wrong? Missed me?”
“God no, it’s just that...now Right Hand Man is caught up in this whole soul bond business. I don’t want him to know that you exist.” Henry responded, leaning against a tree.
“Well I know what can help that doesn't involve killing all your friends~” Player cheerfully said while reaching into their cloak pocket, only to pull out a-
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF - Amalia pt.2
For @artsymeeshee​. Thank you so so much for being you and for always brightening up my day! Sorry for the wait, but I hope you like it.
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“Dipper, come on! They’re ready!”
The thirteen-year-old boy quickly joined his sister on her bed, lying on their stomach so they could see the laptop comfortably. Yes, they texted their grunkles at least three times a day and constantly sent emails and usually got to have a video call once a week, but that didn't make their interactions any less exciting and enjoyable. Dipper and Mabel’s parents were busy working so the twins had the house to themselves and could talk freely.
The laptop ringed a few times and soon they were graced with two nearly identical faces with distinct differences, both smiling widely at the young teenagers. “Hey there, kiddos!”
“Hi, guys!” Mabel returned, waving and grinning. “Did you get my package, did you, did you, did you?!”
“Yes, I have it right here.” Ford chuckled warmly and placed the package on the dining room table, where the old men were located.
“Well go ahead and open it!” Mabel squealed and Stan used his pocket knife to cut through the tape and they opened the box to find a large, brand new knitted blanket.
“Oh, wow! Mabel, sweetie, this is… wow.” Stan admired with shining eyes as he pulled the blanket out of the box.
“This might be your best work yet, my dear!” Ford complimented as he grazed the yarn with his fingers. “It’s so soft, and how on Earth did you manage to make it so big?”
“Big knitting needles!”
“She used her arms to knit it, like she had it looped around her actual arms.” Dipper answered honestly with a small, proud smile while Mabel blushed furiously.
“That’s very impressive.” Ford said.
“I’ll say! It’s beautiful! I love it!” Stan wrapped it around his shoulders and hummed; he could distantly smell his niece’s shampoo and cheap strawberry perfume. “Thank you, pumpkin.”
“You’re welcome, I just don’t want you guys to be cold or freeze to death up there.”
“Mabel, for the millionth time, I swear we’re fine.” Stan assured, unable to keep the laughter in his throat down.
“I know, but as the professional knitter in the family, it is my sworn duty to ensure you two stay warm and cozy, despite the challenging environment!” She said victoriously with her hand pointing upward, like she was pretending there was a flag behind her or something. “Anywho, what’s new with you guys?”
“Oh, nothing out of the abnormal.” Ford said casually, rocking his hand side-to-side in a painfully casual manner. “Iceland was interesting, we’re planning on heading back up North shortly to make it to Gravity Falls in time for summer, but we have about a month to spend exploring the United Kingdom until we have to start our way back.”
“Great!” Dipper commented. “See anything cool in Iceland? Any mountain trolls?”
“No, no trolls.”
“Although we did see this big smelly guy in a bar that looked half-troll to me.” Stan added in.
“But… we…” Stan gave Ford a dark look, so the eldest twin corrected himself quickly. “I… I did something.”
“Oh boy, did you burn a hole into the counter again, Grunkle Ford?” Mabel guessed.
Ford chuckled warmly and shook his head. “No, nothing like that. It’s… well, I’ll show you, hold on one minute.”
Dipper and Mabel watched one uncle get up and leave while the other held his head and rubbed his temples. “Grunkle Stan, what did he do?” Mabel asked.
“Something a certain pumpkin once did to me and I don’t appreciate it anymore now than I did before.” Stan mumbled.
Ford sat back down next to his twin, resulting in Mabel screaming and then quickly covering her mouth, her eyes wide and shining like stars. Dipper just stared, smiling, but mostly confused at the tiny furry thing on his grunkle’s chest. Ford couldn’t keep the dopey smile off his face as he petted the anomaly’s back and she licked his cleft chin. “This is Amalia.”
“OH MY GOSH, YOU GUYS!” Mabel squealed, making Amalia jump a little and start looking around the boat for whatever was causing the sudden noise. “She’s so cute! I didn’t know you guys were gonna get a pet!”
“Neither did we.” Ford chuckled as Amalia sat on the table, still looking around. “She came aboard in Iceland and never left. She’s quite gentle and well-trained, very well behaved.”
“She’s a cute, furry jerk.” Stan growled.
“Stanley’s just mad at her because she knocked over his favorite mug this morning.”
“Daw, she probably wanted your attention, Grunkle Stan.”
“Well, she has it now.” Stan sneered and pointed his fingers from his eyes to the pet, still curiously on the hunt for the mysterious noise.
“How interesting.” Dipper muttered with a smile. “Do you know what species she is?”
“Not quite sure.” Ford answered. “She has many cat-like behaviors, but obviously she’s more than some exotic breed of a domestic feline. I’ve run a few tests, simply playing games with her to test her intelligence and watching her through the day, but so far nothing too abnormal has come up.”
“Well, as much as she doesn’t look like any breed I know of, she might be a hybrid we’ve never seen before, a mixture of two breeds of cat. I could do some research to see if she resembles any cat breeds.” Dipper pulled out his cellphone while Amalia looked at the scream, her eyes big at the teenagers.
“She’s looking at us, she’s looking at us!” Mabel whispered excitedly. “Hi, Amalia! Hi! I’m gonna knit you a cute sweater, yes I am!” She cooed.
Amalia pawed at the laptop, getting closer to it, and eventually walking on the keys.
“OY! Get off!”
“Stanley, don’t hurt her!”
“She’s gonna…”
And suddenly Dipper and Mabel were faced with a blank screen, making them laugh and quickly send snarky text messages to the old sailors.
Stan’s eyes slowly opened, lying on his back, and therefore first seeing the ceiling of the bunker of his beloved boat. He was stiff; his whole body was stiff and his eyes were crusty and he wanted to go back to sleep, but his body had had enough of sleep and it was time to leave his bed for the day.
Taking in a sharp breath to brace himself for the pain of first moving his old back, Stan sat up and placed his feet in his slippers. He reached for his glasses, surprised to find a note by them. He slipped on his aid of vision and immediately recognized his brother’s neat cursive writing.
Stanley, We needed a few supplies and I felt like going on a small walk early this morning, so I left you alone to sleep. I’ll be back by lunch. Please look after Amalia while I’m gone. Stanford. 6:18am
Stan swore under his breath. Not only had Sixer probably not slept well, Stan was willing to bet money on it, he was stuck babysitting the stupid animal. Who, by the way, was playing with a fluffy ball on the floor, silently amusing herself and leaving Stan alone. Well, fine then. He could work with that.
The younger twin stood and slipped on his bathrobe over his pajamas, making his way upstairs for coffee and maybe some breakfast. The clock over the stove read two minutes before ten, so coffee should tie him over until lunchtime. Stan filled the machine with a filter and grounds and turned on the pot after filling it with water, but he was disturbed from his work when he heard tiny footsteps and saw Amalia climbing up the steps and walking up to him.
“Whatcha want?” He growled sleepily.
Amalia, of course, didn’t answer, but instead sat next to where Stan stood and rubbed against his bony legs, purring her strange purr; it wasn’t normal like a cat’s but there was no other way to explain the sound she made. Stan snorted.
As the coffee pot filled with the caffeinated breakfast beverage, Stan fished out an apple from the fridge and bit into it. Okay, a small snack would be okay. His eye caught the small stacks of canned tuna Ford had put there, claiming Amalia preferred her fish cold, and he shrugged and decided to go ahead and feed the weird thing so he wouldn’t have to get up from the couch to do it later. At the sound of the can opening the little cat-like beauty sprung up on the table and tapped the surface with her little beanie paws, a bad habit Ford had installed early because “Amalia is too lady-like to eat on the floor,” the aged scientist had cooed as he placed the can on the table and scratched his pet.
Stan rolled his eyes and decided not to fight it. He sat Amalia’s breakfast on the table and she happily indulged in the cold fish while Stan poured himself a mug of coffee. He watched the anomaly eat peacefully, her tiny face almost completely engulfed in the food. The old conman couldn’t help but smile as he sipped his black drink. “You’re quieter than the pig. I’ll give you that.”
Amalia sat up, a bit of damp food on her face, but she licked it off and then began to clean herself by licking her paw and rubbing her face. Stan accidentally found himself watching her as he sipped his coffee, a small smile on his wrinkly face.
Really, the main reason why he was being the bad guy was because someone had to be in this type of situation. Someone had to try to be reasonable, someone had to oppose a potentially bad idea, and with Stan’s tough-guy persona and Ford opting out of being the cold, realistic, mad-scientist in order to be a big marshmallow for a weird cat, Stan was the perfect candidate. With that being said, Stan reminded himself of an incident he was faced with over fifty years ago.
“Stanford, please!”
“Stanley, I’m sorry, but he’s a wild animal. Don't you think he’ll be happier out in nature? And what will Ma and Pa say?”
“They… They don’t have to know…”
“Sixer, please! C’mon! I’m begging you! I’ll do anything! Just please don’t rat me out!”
“Whoa, whoa. I’d never tattle on you, I… I won’t tell, but I really think you shouldn’t keep him as a pet.”
It was only a week, but by the time Stan re-introduced the animal as Shanklin the Stab-Possum, Ford’s appreciation for the strange pet was much stronger and he even used him to help free the Jersey Devil. Plus it was easy to keep the possum a secret when they were grounded in their room all summer. Ford never did tattle and he loved that possum almost as much as Stan loved Shanklin. So, okay, if a couple of weird nine-year-olds can have a possum for a pet, then a pair of eccentric old sailors can have an unknown cat for a pet.
Stan left the kitchen-area for the couch and pulled out a newspaper he had snagged yesterday to finish. He opened it with a rustle and sat comfortably, but not long did he feel something join him on his right side and then two little paws land on his leg. Stan lowered his reading material and raised an eyebrow at Amalia, who just looked at him with sparkling eyes. “What?”
Of course the anomaly didn’t answer, but she did climb across his legs for his lap and sat in a curled-up ball for a mid-morning nap. Stan sighed with a smile, scratched her behind the ear, and rescued his reading.
Three weeks later and the Stan O’ War was harbored at Ipswich, UK. Having traveled through the Irish Sea and around England, the ship was about to head up north, beginning the journey for home. But Mabel had given the twins another city to be in for another package, and so with Amalia in Ford’s hoodie and Stan holding two bags of groceries, they stopped by the post office and picked up their mail.
Cushioned in a new baby-blanket for Amalia were two small sweaters just perfect for the little anomaly. One was purple with a golden six-fingered hand and a golden crescent with each symbol having an ‘s added to it, and beneath all of this the word “pet” was stitched on in colorful letters. The second one was fluffy white with a baby-blue paw-print on it, each sweater big enough to not squeeze Amalia and with the designs on her back so the humans could see them easily.
While Amalia was never shivering or actively cold, Ford ignored Stan’s laugh-filled orders not to torture their pet and the fluffy-haired twin had Amalia try on the white sweater, who loved it so much she refused to let Ford take it off of her for a few hours. Stan, of course, had to end a picture to their niece, who may or may not have cried at the sight and at the caption her uncle sent it with, “Amalia loves Auntie Mabel’s sweaters.”
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beenjen · 3 years
Last day of virtual school for Jams and back in the classroom. Lilith was able to get back to daycare on Monday, and business as usual.
Just to say, I have lived off of coffee and brownie m&ms (a new obsession). I am not cut out to be a teacher. The frustration and upset for my kiddo has been a nightmare, not to mention that if mom doesn’t sit down and keep everyone on track, there is no track. BUT I have to provide privacy/security for my patients even via telephone appointments and it’s just as hard as I remember it being last spring/summer. Worse now because before it was pre-k, now he’s in kindergarten and learning to read, which, again, ill prepared to teach on this end.
The guilt that you can’t be all that your kid needs, that you get irritated because they don’t listen, that you feel you aren’t equipped to handle the business. It’s real. Also why I’m just so grateful that we found the school he’s at, and even though it costs an extra whack, we can have him in person with restrictions v virtual because it does not work folks. For my child at least, or with my job. I realize others are doing this and I admire you having the ability, I just don’t. Too, I’d have to take a leave of absence. Legit. I can’t do 50% of my job from home, it’s not possible.
This fucking pandemic is the gift that keeps on giving.
Anywho, it was 30 degrees here this weekend, and because we’ve been cooped up on quarantine, we headed out early Saturday morning, getting some fresh air with the kids prior to the trails filling up. At least the sun was out. Too, jams and I trail ran together and it was epic.
Here’s my beautiful family, some mahi tacos, and my fav Bernie meme of all time -
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Keep keeping on, til the break of Dawn. Boom boom bam slam xx
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ahkaraii · 3 years
tov postgame drabblefic (3343 words)
“Raven?! Hey, Raven!”
Raven turns to smile at the little shrimp—who’s really more a jumbo shrimp now, with all the acne that comes with puberty—and waves. “Heya, Boss-man!"
Karol’s embrace draws a startled ‘oof!’ out of him, his blastia-heart creaking against his ribs. “You’re in town!” Karol exclaims. “And you didn’t say?!”
“I just got here, kiddo,” Raven says, patting Karol’s back—it used to be a pat on his head, but his head’s just about level with Raven’s now. “Damn, you’re getting tall!”
“You should’a said you were coming,” Karol grouses into his neck. “I’ve got a client I’m already late for across town.”
“Aww, that’s awright. I’ve got some time-sensitive stuff to get ta, too. We can join up after! Brave Vesperia’s still at the same place, yeah?”
“West corner across Saggitarius, yup!” Karol beams. “See you for dinner, then?”
“I’ll whip you up a Sashimi,” Raven promises.
“That’s a promise, pops!” Karol says, and dashes off. Raven scratches his messy hair and abruptly feels very self conscious about it. It’s just a casual nickname, old man, he don't mean naught by it. Relax.
After a fast-tracked meeting with Harry results in a tussle — poking gentle fun at the boy’s attempt at a beard earns him a “Your ass is grass, old man!!” and a surprisingly competent sword duel ensues — the young Master is turning into a proper Don, now — Raven subtly lets Harry disarm him and sprawls on the floor, dramatically defeated.
“Ohhh, these old bones!” Raven mimics being out of breath. “You’ve finally bested me, Master Harry. Do with my ass what you will.”
“Ugh! You’re so disgusting!” Harry is actually out of breath, so he still needs a bit more practice, but it’s leagues better than he was just a year ago. “A duel is an honourable exchange between men! Stop desecrating it with your jokes!”
“I don’t joke with my ass,” Raven says in his Serious Voice, enjoying Harry’s startled look before he dons his jester’s grin again. “Anywho, this old man’s got places to be, so! Toodles!”
“Wait! Raven! What the hell did you come here for!” Harry’s baritone is quite impressive when he gets proper angry. “Did you just come here to waste my time!”
“Never intentionally,” Raven promises. He’d dropped Flynn’s wax-sealed letter on Harry’s desk during their fight, and points to it as he nimbly leaps up to his usual open window. “There’s your homework, Master Harry! I’ll come by to collect it tomorrow at dawn, ‘kay?”
He leapfrogs out in time to hear Harry’s yelps of protest. “When did you put that there! God damnit, Raven!”
Raven’s grinning as he parkours his way away from Altosk’s headquarters and towards Brave Vesperia’s. If he sharply detours into Saggitarius tavern to catch up with the ladies (and the latest, juiciest gossip — who knew Heliord’s newest guild ambassador was trafficking drugs and possibly underage escorts? he did, now), then that’s just Raven being Raven, right? Karol’ll understand.
“I almost thought you wouldn’t come,” Karol says faux-lightly, when Raven finally makes it back a few minutes past midnight.
Aww, shit.
“Heeey, I promised, didn’t I? Business just stretched out a little.” Raven dithers at Karol’s knowing stare. “C’mon, you still up for a good ol’ Raven’s Special Sashimi?”
“Fish isn’t really fresh by midnight anymore,” Karol says drolly. “Unless you wanna go fishing at this hour?”
They’d only get sewer trash in Dahngrest’s polluted rivers, and the next best thing’s thirty minutes out, at the very least. “Ehhh—how bout a Beef Bowl?” Raven says. “Surely you got some cured meats in your pantry. C’mon!! I’ll teach you!”
“Aw, okay. I am pretty hungry.” Karol’s so easy to please, it’s both heartwarming and kind of sad. “I’ve tried making it before but I can never get mine to taste like yours did.”
“’S all in the seasoning, kiddo. Here, watch the master and learn!”
It’s well past two when they finally call it a night, bellies full and hearts warm; it’s solely because of this that Karol succeeds in wrestling a promise out of Raven that they’d talk more in the morning. See, Raven’s got orders to pick up Harry’s response to Flynn’s letter and hussle back to the Empire ASAP, but even he doesn’t have to heart to deny Karol this simple thing.
Ever since Brave Vesperia saved the world by ruining it, everyone’s been struggling to adapt to life without blastia and Raven’s somehow found himself smack in the middle between the two remaining powers: the Empire and the Guild Union. Former member of both and trusted by all due to his role in stopping the Adephagos, Raven’s got the privilege of being messenger boy between the leaders in lieu of formal meetings, due to the fact that a lack of blastia has made travel…immensely more time consuming.
He’s worn down all the possible routes between Dahngrest and Zaphias for over a decade; the presence or absence of blastia has not really affected Raven’s efficiency and timeliness, which, naturally, has made him an attractive player for both sides. It just sucks that this means he’s always on the go, never really spending much time in one place or another. The first six months couldn’t be helped, it was imperative that everyone get their shit together and master the essentials necessary in order to provide basic living to their respective citizens: barrier blastia had to be replaced with rotating squads of knights and guildsfolk trained to fight; food previously preserved by blastia now had to be kept refrigerated with imported Zophier ice, dominated by the Empire, which had to be kept from melting with salt from Weasand mines, dominated by Guilds; everyone had to coordinate and organise to secure trade routes and avoid conflict, etc, etc.
The next six months after that were peace talks and negotiations between what was quickly becoming independent kingdoms in separate countries. Sea travel had slowed the fuck down overnight, because blastia-fueled engines had become obsolete and everyone now had to rely on wind power, so every passing day each country was slowly but surely becoming more and more isolated from each other, and therefore gradually but surely more hostile.
Emperor Ioder ruled over the continent of Ilyccia with his aristocracy of nobles and meritocracy of knights, struggling to keep the Empire’s global standing while lacking the technology to enforce it; Tolbyccia was pretty much owned by Altosk, ostensibly headed by Harry, who was presently overrun with infighting due to the fact that the Union was composed of many, many guilds all clamouring for leadership, if not democracy; East Desier was dominated by the strong-spirited Palestralle guild and its current leader, Natz, whose militant-minded navy had quickly expanded toward West Hyponia now that the Union’s presence was months away by treacherous sea; East Hyponia was an oddly peaceful blend of both Guild and Empire, unique in its joint origin and therefore vocally neutral, though that was quickly becoming contested, and, hence, required Raven-the-Pageboy’s timely arrival to avoid it becoming a full out war. Ugh.
The Schwann part of him that still lived felt heavy resignation at the inevitability of violence—the first one to fall would be Raven, he knew, as no messenger could truly remain neutral in a tug of war between such powerful masters—but the more upbeat part of him was like, stop sweating the small stuff and just go with the flow. Shit always resolves itself one way or another, right?
“You leaving already?” Karol mumbles into his pillow when Raven rises at dawn; kid’s no longer the type to sleep deeply, it seems.
“Just visiting the young Master to collect his response letter for Flynn,” Raven promises quietly. “Go back to sleep, Karol. I’ll be back to make you breakfast before I’m gone.”
Karol eyes him tiredly but he manages a wan smile. “Okay, pops. I trust you.”
Raven feels goosebumps up his arm. Stupid blastia heart runs too damn cold. He heads out at a jog to warm himself up, since Dahngrest runs both chilly and damp at this hour.
Raven no longer sneaks into Altosk’s headquarters like he did when the Don was alive and Harry was a boy; for one, Don is no longer alive to vouch for his slipperiness and for another, Raven represents the Empire here as much as he represents the Guilds in Zaphias, and no one tolerates his antics as they did before, not with the threat of conflict so close to the horizon. He walks in through the front door and waves at all the folks waiting in line—Pecan, Cactus, Lima and good ol’ Walt; all familiar faces turning sour, as usual—and knocks politely on Harry’s door.
“Master Harry,” he sing-songs. “It is I, Raven the Great, come ‘round at last!”
“It’s been barely ten fucking hours,” Harry’s pissed off voice rings loud and clear through the door.
“Shall I come back at noon, then?” Raven asks diplomatically.
An explosive sigh. “No,” Harry mutters. “Get in here. And call Cactus in, too, would you?”
“You heard the Young Master,” Raven says, nodding at the aptly-named mercenary, with his spiked up armour and sharpened teeth.
“You don’t order us around anymore, traitor,” the prickly fellow spits and shoves past him, to whom Raven mockingly bows to as he passes.
Saviour of the world or not, it's no secret now Raven was a triple agent. The official story Harry graciously gave him is that the Don always knew about Raven’s split loyalty (which is true, probably) and trusted him anyway (which is true, too), so Harry and Altosk will continue to trust him as well (which is flattering, but increasingly doubtful). Harry's a good kid shoved into a position of leadership he's not very well suited for, but even Raven can't deny he's trying and doing better every day.
“Cutlass Cactus, I want you to deliver this to Sirena of Siren’s Fang as soon as possible,” Harry says shortly, handing the man a wax-sealed letter. “Wait for a response, but I await it at most a fortnight.”
“Understood, young Master,” Cactus says, thumping his chest at the honour. He takes the letter, glares at Raven, and makes his way out.
“As for you,” Harry says, “I have a question to ask you before I hand this reply over. A serious one.”
Raven feels his age and more. “Yeah?”
“Ioder is a good man. His dog Flynn is, too. I know this personally.”
There is no question here yet, and there are a fair amount of insults between the compliments, but Raven knows the heart of Harry, and he means well.
“Yeah,” he says quietly. “They are.”
“But,” Harry continues, coldly. “Two kind heads on a hydra do not make it any less a monster.”
Raven hides a grimace by scratching at his sideburns. “The same can be said of the Guilds,” he says lightly. “Or of any organization grown large enough.”
“Stop twisting my metaphors,” Harry says shortly. “The question I wanted to ask is: what do you think the Empire's end goal is?”
And what is the Guild’s end goal, Schwann wants to counter, when the Guilds’ very existence rose out of violent rejection of the Empire? Raven, for his part, takes a deep breath and exhales it out as a thoughtful hum.
“I think the Empire was built to protect and manage blastia,” Raven muses. “And I think the Guilds were built to reject the Empire’ monopoly of them. But, well, there ain’t no blastia left, so… the Empire wants to micromanage what remains. And the Guilds do, too. Yeah?”
“So there can be no peace?” Harry concludes, tiredly.
“Harry,” Raven says, firmly. “Your grandfather, the Don, united the Guilds back when they were just a bunch of rowdy, armed assholes. Y’know how he did it?”
“By fighting the Empire?” Harry says dully.
“By uniting against a common enemy,” Raven insists. “By uniting against a common threat. The Empire is no longer the enemy—hell, think of the Empire as yet another guild. It’s just a group of rowdy, armed assholes. But you and they got a common enemy now, too.”
Harry looks at him sharply. “The Adephagos is no more,” he says, carefully, “right?”
“Not the Adephagos,” Raven says. “The lack of blastia. The lack of technology. The lack of creature comforts all of us got real used to. That’s our enemy now; the thing we all gotta pitch in together to fix.” Raven bows low to Harry, as low as he would to the Don. “I beg you, young Master: do not war with the Empire. Not now. See them as a business partner, instead.”
“Business, huh,” Harry says heavily, and then flicks his sealed letter in Raven’s direction, who catches it just before it smacks him in the face. “All right. Tell your Master we can’t afford a war, anyway.”
Something uncoils in Raven's chest. “You are my only Master, Harry,” he says, cheekily. Just like Flynn is his only Commandant, now.
“Ugh, the way you say it, you make it sound so gross,” Harry complains. “Get the fuck out of my room, old man. And call in Lima!”
Raven sends him a lazy salute and hops his way out, placing the important letter in his robe’s inner breast pocket. His heart blastia emits a small barrier shield of its own, using his life-force; this letter will remain pristine come rain, sleet, or snow, as long as he still lives.
“You’re up, Lima bean,” Raven chirps.
“You call me that again and I’ll break more than just your nuts,” Lima snarls, spits in his direction, and stomps off.
“And we used to have such fun together,” Raven laments. “What happened to us, O expert in nuts, Pecan, my man?”
“Careful, Raven,” the aforementioned Pecan murmurs. “Your jests are no longer in good taste.”
“Your fruit cocktail, on the other hand,” Raven says. “Mmhmm. Top notch, as always.”
Pecan gives him a wry smile. “I saw you buttering up Madam Teal and her girls, last night. They talk about Heliord?”
“Oh, you know me: promise me a free night of drinks and I’ll spill my guts,” Raven winks suggestively.
“Hmm…your costs run too high these days,” Pecan declines politely. “You’ll drink me out of business.”
Raven feels a mild pang of loss; he and the third-waiter-from-the-right Pecan used to be pretty tight. Schwann thinks it’s just how things go. Suck it up, buttercup.
“Next time I’m in town I’ll do you one free, fer old times’ sake,” Raven compromises. “Lemme know what info you want and I’ll get it for ya fer a Mabo Curry and a Don’s Special. Within reason, ‘course.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Black Bird,” Pecan murmurs. “But I’ll be waiting for you.”
Raven walks home with a heavy heart and on lighter feet. He makes a quick detour to the fish market, already bustling with a freshly caught haul; he haggles reliable ol' Fin for a kilogram of merflesh and charms Romelle out of a bottle of soy sauce and pays full price for a sack of white rice before finally making it back to Brave Vesperia’s HQ, just in time to catch Karol in the kitchen about to make morning coffee.
“Raven!” Karol’s smile is brilliant, and very welcome. “You’re back!”
“I promised you my world famous sashimi, didn’t I?” Raven says. “Can't have you saying this old man’s a liar!"
“I’d never,” Karol says honestly, and that, more than anything, is what makes Raven want to noogie Karol and maybe cry into his hair or something likewise unmanful. He settles for making that kid the most delicious dish of fish a Weekend Chef is capable of, and if he finds himself also making Karol his special Pork Stew to eat later, he tells himself it’s ‘cause the boy’s a growing man and not because Raven’s a sap at heart.
“So where ya off to now, Raven?” Karol asks, after they’re done eating and making the kitchen less of a mess. “If, um, you can tell me, that is.”
“Atherum,” Raven says honestly. “Flynn said his girl Sodia’d be there to collect whatever response Harry might have on the new moon, so, there I'll be.”
“The new moon?” Karol stares at him. “But that’s in no time at all!”
Raven gives him a wan smile. “Don’tcha worry, kiddo. I always get ta where I need to in time.”
“We should call Ba’ul,” Karol insists. “You’ll never make it otherwise!”
Raven doesn’t have the heart to tell Karol that it probably doesn’t matter how fast or slow his response arrives; in the end, it’s Harry actions from now on that will be his real response, regardless of what his letter says.
“Judith darlin’ probably has better things to do than be an old man’s cab,” Raven says lightly. “I’ll jes' hop on a merchant ship headed toward Atherum tonight; should make it just in time, if the weather stays fair. This time o’ year, the northern wind’s in our favour.”
“But what if merfish ambush you!” Karol protests. “Or if a storm’s brewing—“
“Tempest!” Raven sing-songs, flicking his hand. “Aw, man, I miss being able ta call up storms willy-nilly. That made me feel God-like, it did.”
Karol frowns at the interruption, but then his face turns thoughtful. “Can’t you still, though? Your blastia’s powered by your life-force, right? So your arts should still be working just fine.”
“Shavin’ a year or two off my life fer a light show is a bit too vapid, even by my standards,” Raven says sardonically. “Plus, I ain’t keen on folks realising blastia’s still useable if you use a human fer a battery.”
He can very easily see it happening in the future: folks trafficking humans for energy. Or, fuck, claiming prisoners of war for it—hell of a good reason to go to war, really, if it’s to dehumanize the ingredients you need to fuel your creature comforts. You justify your atrocities by framing it as necessary or even righteous; Alexei and Schwann used to do that all the time, no brainer. Honestly, this fear is one of the many reasons he’s made Rita promise not to share that part of Hermes’ research, despite the fact that human-powered blastia could solve a lot of the world’s present problems. Schwann’s too jaded to avoid thinking of all the ways it can go terribly wrong, and Raven’s too fucking tired of the parasite that is his heart to think of its more beneficial applications.
“People’ll find out eventually,” Karol insists, at once innocent and wise beyond his years. “Desperation breeds creativity, right? You should tell people about it so they know the risks involved, before someone invents it and says it’s a cure-all or something.”
“Ehhhhh,” Raven drawls. “I’ll think about it.”
He most definitely will not.
Karol drops it, thankfully, but then picks up the old tangent of, “I still say I should call Ba’ul for you. I’ve got the whistle and I was thinking of asking Judy to fly me over to Yumanju, anyway, since my next job’s over there. We could drop you off real quick, no worries.”
“The spa?” Raven perks up. The idea of running off to relax there after all this nonstop political bullshit is extremely appealing. “Really?”
“Really really,” Karol says, smiling knowingly. “So, you wanna come with?”
“Boy, do I,” Raven says excitedly. “Okay, kiddo, you’ve convinced this old man to defect to Brave Vesperia once again.”
“You never left, pops,” Karol says without hesitation, which warms the cockles of ol' Raven's heart. “C’mon, then, let’s head to the usual clearing. Ba’ul’ll show up within fifteen minutes after I call for him.”
“Wait wait wait! We should get Judy a gift first,” Raven insists. “The lady’s coming all the way over here for our sorry hides, we gotta say thanks proper-like!”
Karol blinks. “That’s a good idea! What d’you think she’d like?”
“I know just the thing,” Raven winks. “C’mon, kiddo, we got places to be!”
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liighty · 4 years
Serious BNHA Ch. 290 spoilers WOOOOOOOOO
Okay let’s start from the beginning because this chapter was just
a LOT to take in
(Edit so there’s a cut yeah yeah spoilers under the cut there’s a LOT to take in WOOOOOOOOOOOOO)
I know everybody was about 99.999999% certain that Dabi was Toya already but the way this chapter was executed was beautiful. I got literal chills, even though I was already pretty sure it was gonna go down this way anyways, and it’s all due to Horikoshi using pre-existing details revolving the Todoroki saga in the big reveal. It’s kind of sad that he got some hate about dragging it out so long, because I honestly feel like if he didn’t do it this way it wouldn’t have been as impactful.
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The chapter starts off in the hospital that Rei Todoroki’s been admitted in for the past 8 years or so. We hear from the staff that the TV needs to be cut, and that she’s close to discharge. On her windowsill sits her favorite flowers, the same flowers that she had said Enji had dropped off for her way back during the Hooded Nomu incident. We’ve known that Rei was going to be discharged soon since Chapter 259, and some significant time has passed since then, and just- she still has the flowers, so Enji’s probably stopped by recently.
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Now imagine being this woman for a second: Not only is she the victim of psychological and physical abuse, but she’s also the mother of a (up until now) considered deceased son and the reason her youngest son has a massive scar on her face. To say that her psyche is fragile would be an understatement. 
She’s getting better enough to be able to return to the real world, but that doesn’t mean something earth-shattering could push her progress back.
And that’s exactly what happens.
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Rei’s regularly scheduled TV program (Quick note: She didn’t have access to the television during the Hooded Nomu fight, so the fact that she has it now shows that she’s been making considerable progress) is interrupted by a man sitting on a chair. He looks up, and it immediately registers:
That’s her son.
More specifically, that’s the son she thought had DIED years ago. If this doesn’t break her I honest to god don’t know what will.
Moving on.
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We get this fantastic shot of the destruction this war has caused, but other than that the shigaraki shit isn’t anything we didn’t know already
Shiggy’s hurt, AFO’s telling him to retreat, and he almost gets his ass handed to him by Nejire and Shoto (MAN Nejire got the chance to actually do something this chapter but noooooo stupid Gigantomachia >:(( )
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Despite my disappointment, there were some awesome Nejire bits so I’m not complaining THAT much.
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Also not that it matters but I love how both of them use their first names as their hero names LOL Anywho, we get a status update on Iida and Bakugo; Bakugo’s stable enough to speak but is probably gonna experience major setbacks if he doesn’t get help soon, and Iida’s trying his best to help his pals
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Aaaaalso friendly reminder that Enji asks Shoto if he’s okay; The man DOES care, he’s just really bad at showing it.
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We get a flashback to the panel of Enji waaay back during the Provisional Licensing Retake thingamabobber exam(? I think i don’t really remember correct me if i’m wrong) Where his character arc reaaly started to take off
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Then we get THIS lovely interaction, in which Dabi addresses Shoto by name. Enji, not really recognizing him (more on that later) sees him and calls him out, causing Dabi to retaliate. He splashes some liquid on his hair (not sure if it’s bleach or just water i’m actually stupid man idk) and thus, the big reveal is set.
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Followed immediately after by side-by-side panels of father and son
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I don’t know if I’m just overthinking things but like- Scars are in the same area, really reminded me of this LOL
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Anyways, we get to see this heart wrenching image of Rei Todoroki’s world falling apart for the second time.
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We then get to see the destruction this fight has caused AGAIN, but in the perspective of other people. 
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Not gonna show the hand since WOOOOOO that was sad; A friend pointed out that the woman in the left panel has a similar body shape and hair cut as Inko Midoriya, and she could be standing in the rubble of her apartment (also note that she’s crying; something we see Inko do A LOT). I’m not going to make any assumptions just throwin’ it out there
Then there’s THIS
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Cantcha See Kid, one of the most influential reasons why Endeavor’s popularity was able to skyrocket, sits with his friend in horror as he watches this news. His view of the Number One Hero has crumbled, and he’s supposedly Endeavor’s biggest fan. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Foreshadowing at it’s finest, kiddos. Honest to god, things are gonna get really bad once this blows over. Endeavor, known child abuser and creator of the mass murderer Dabi? Nobody would let him remain in the number one spot.
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Toya flat out SAYS IT.
The message is clear: ‘All those people I killed would have lived to go home to their families if my father had been kinder.’
Toya dives deeper into his backstory, yadiyada, nothing you probably haven’t seen already; What I REALLY want to get into is this panel right here:
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“A dance with your son, here in hell.”
Most readers probably just read this as a ‘oh wow he’s really mad and that makes sense wow’, but it’s actually a callback to what Natsuo said to Enji once Toya was first properly introduced.
Natsu blames his father for Toya’s death and says he’ll never forgive him, prompting this scene:
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“It’ll be a cold day in hell before I forgive you.”
I don’t know I’m probably overthinking things but like HOLY SHIT MAN
Also this
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don’t know if you noticed it but All Might’s on his way :’))
TLDR: I love Horikoshi’s writing so much like jesus christ i’m crying god this chapter gave me all the feels
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jae-canikeepyou · 4 years
| temporary | j.jh
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pair: jaehyun x fem!reader
genre: angst?? idek what else to describe what i wrote (nonstop) but yeah idk you judge :D
a/n: i don’t want this to flop just because it’s sad hours.. jk! there’s 7.1k words down there but hey, angst could be good, but i don’t think this is well written because the structure writing’s meh. so aNywHo i hope what’s below could touch your heart? pls lmk! enjoy reading! ~j
you hate this.
you hate the smell of some random sharp chemical scent stinging your nose, the bland flavours of each meal, the repeated uniform gowns put onto you like you were attending school again. well you were supposed to be until medical records showed you were sick. not dying but based on several incompatible matches and rejected cases to cure your condition, you knew the trail you stood on was heading there.
it was dreadful, knowing that the weeks turned to months— waiting sucked big time especially when you continuously had to cross out days without a specific date to look forward to.
“don’t worry y/n. this is all temporary.” was the only sentence your brother told you.
you hoped all this would be a hurdle to jump over, like another race to finish. running along the track line had its perks. you get to challenge yourself at the endurance you have while the time ticked and caused a rush of exciting adrenaline. the audience were cheering too. the downfall?
you were tired.
to the point you wanted to stop this illness so you wouldn’t have to suffer anymore. the track drawn out for you was neverending.
here’s the good part though,
jaehyun was with you all since the day you arrived, and cheering for you too— like your own personal health companion. the encounter with him was amusing now that you recalled it.
( three months ago )
you sat comfortably on the bed, still adjusting to the new yet familiar setting. “change into this gown, and i’ll assist you to the doctor once you’re done.” nurse kim, better known as jisoo, patted your shoulder before she tended to others in need.
“thank you.” you mouthed, throat still sore from crying because you didn’t want to be back in the hospital. though you really felt fatigue consuming you and energy was vacuumed out of your system, you forced yourself to change anyway.
not until your peripheral spotted a young man opposite from you stared at your body that was half way to exposing. he knew you were about to react, so he rushed to cover your mouth and managed to muffle out a scream trying to escape your lungs. “shhh! please don’t!” he pleaded and gosh how melodic his voice was for a baritone.
thank heavens this man was ethereal, or else you would’ve smacked him with your fists like any other stranger intrusion. he finally let go of you knowing you’ve calmed down. “hi? i’m sorry if i came off as perverted but i mean no harm! i’m friendly!”
“well hello friendly.” your sarcasm on point. “what are you doing in my side of the i.c.u.? there’s a curtain surrounding my corner and how did you get in here without my knowledge? i should be able to notice you either way.” you hugged your torso.
he crossed his arms at the tone of your voice. ”it’s jaehyun. my name’s jaehyun.” he corrected and sat at the end corner of the bed. “that’s kinda hard for me explain.”
“what’s hard to explain-”
“it’s like how it is to a math solution.” he said, his body adjacent to the window. “go on and change. i won’t look.”
you rolled your eyes and kicked him off of the bed. “ugh you’re a pain. i’ll be more assured if you’re out of here.” you took off your clothes and into the new fabric and observed his back figure. he had toned muscles denting slightly under his denim pajamas and white home slippers. he didn’t leave, just kept his word by not peeping at you.
the bed creaked softly alerting him of your finished action. “ah, you’re done!” he exclaimed and turned around in interest.
“what business do you have here if i may ask?” you went to the extent of covering yourself with another pillow.
jaehyun hummed as he rubbed his chin, dimples hollowing and prominent stubbs pricked his fingers. “i’m looking for something i left. it’s a keychain.”
“couldn’t you just go to the lost and found section?” you asked, shooing him away while you scrolled down your phone. again he didn’t leave. “how long are you staying?”
a sly grin crept his face. he leaned closer to you as if he were to kiss you. “as long as you want me to-”
“gross!” you slapped him but he read your actions, stopping your from pursuing. “just find the damn item and leave!”
“fine sheesh.” he shrugged and began searching it under the bed, crawling around to see if it was there.
boredom soon came and you tried to clear your mind from what just happened. you went to the camera icon to take a picture of him to show to your best friend. the viewfinder captured his fluffy hair, side profile with his dimples stapled to his cheeks. his lips were pursed and brows were scrunched. as you sent it, you laid back inclined to the bed, waiting for him to say ‘eureka!’ or ‘found it!’.
but he said neither.
your phone dinged soon enough that your eyes widened.
[09:03] yuna: did you see a cockroach crawling again? if yes then you’re a bad photographer 😆
you let out a long “ha?” and jaehyun looked up to see your face as sour as it could get. “what’s wrong?” he asked and sat next to you as if you both were close already. his face turned blank when his eyes looked at the phone, and he knew you saw his change of expression.
“this is what i mean it’s hard to explain.”
there was a long silence and then it hit you. it wasn’t sheer panic bubbling your lungs or fear overpowering your mind. more of a fascinated shock of a revelation. “y-you you’re—”
jaehyun smiled embarrassingly, scratching the nape of his neck. “yeah.. i’m a—”
“a ghost.” “an angel.”
“what? no! i’m not a ghost!” he shifted on the bed, furthering away from you at the comment. “ghosts haunts people. angels protects people.” his hand gestures explaining his current identity was hilarious.
the phone was on low power mode so when it dimmed, you tapped on the screen, the picture you took show no one but the floor and the bed’s corner. and you haven’t laughed in a while, this jaehyun was entertaining when he defended. “pretty sure that’s not how i encountered you earlier. you scared me.” you raised a teasing brow.
“it really wasn’t my intention.”
the sigh he let out made you laugh more, his surrendering whine would stay in your head forever. “were your wings removed, jaehyun?” you asked. “can other people see you? or am i the only one who can see you? oh wait. this is a million dollar question.” you brought your hands together and he definitely wasn’t amused. “are you even alive?”
he flicked your forehead and you swore there was a red mark on it. “yes. yes—well only children— yes. and.. no.“ he said softly, the latter expressed in sorrow and his shoulders slouched low. “i woke up at the rooftop of the hospital one day because of this soft blanket hugging my back, they were my wings. i knew i wasn’t alive anymore. so when i came to accept it days after, i wanted to try out flying around the city and jumped off the hospital grounds and i fell instead of flying.”
“pfft! what you get from trying out something you ain’t familiar with, fallen angel.” you covered your mouth in realisation but jaehyun wasn’t agreeing with your assumption. “literally you are?”
“i’m not that type of angel. maybe i have some unfinished business, i don’t know. but i’d like to think i’m an angel!”
you hummed, convinced enough at this event. “ah maybe because you left your keychain? that’s counted as unfinished.”
another strong flick numbed your forehead. “no? we can’t bring stuff to heaven.” he gurgled at your innocence. “you’re going to help me find the solution to gain my earthly memories and my unfinished business so i can go to the other side.” jaehyun held your hands, the grip strong yet soft all at the same time.
“why me?” you exchanged looks from him and the view outside. “i’m no expert in this field.”
jaehyun’s eyes twinkled; not in awe but in desperation. “you are the only person who can help me. i can’t rely on children because.. they’re children and they’re so young.”
well that’s common sense, y/n.
“i’ll help.” not knowing why you agreed, but your heart just ache for this beautiful man. he couldn’t remember how he passed, he seemed desperate too, and needed someone to talk to. maybe you could fill in that role before the time came for him.
“thank you!” he had his fists clenched, twirling around as he yelled out the window. “i haven’t gotten your name yet.” his hands fell faintly onto yours, almost a tingly feeling.
“y/n.” you took his hand for a shake, holding onto it dearly. “i’m y/n, nice to meet yo-”
suddenly, his lips kissed the area where he flicked you. “well my dear y/n..” he smiled. “..consider this contract signed. there are conditions, but we can discuss that later.”
life in the hospital starting today wouldn’t be too boring. he stood beside the bed with the most starstriking smile you’ve ever seen, celebrating his awaited desire. you befriended jaehyun and he wasn’t a patient or part of the medical staff. he looked at you with bliss; the sun illuminated from behind him and that really confirmed it..
no, he wasn’t a ghost. he was indeed a spirit.
or angel. he’ll probably prefer that way.
your brother became more protective than he usually was. straight to the hospital for you was added to his tight schedule and even then he was able to find time to care for you despite that. if you were to talk about the best big brother in the world, he was definitely the first place even in another life.
“guess who’s here.” taeyong cooed and pulled the curtains as he entered your area in the i.c.u. he found it strange when you didn’t greet him with your handshake nor a smile.
he sighed quite heavily at the bowl prepared for you, it turned cold and he placed his bags on the chair beside you. “hey kiddo, you have to eat something, yea?” he brushed your strands away to see your welling eyes looking at the distance outside. the window was the only thing separating you and the world.
most of all, your social life.
taeyong looked back to the day at campus two years ago; he remembered how he rushed to the university clinic after his lecture, stumbling as his legs gave in seeing you with the same pained expression. he should be used to the sight, but each time you end up in a place he never wanted you to be in, it was like seeing it for the first time.
he also remembered how his eyes trailed to your arms that rubbed your mid back. the nurses calming you with words of encouragement that you’d be fine. you didn’t like how you caused him so much worry, maybe one more push he’d be exploding into flames because you weren’t getting any better.. or probably he’d lose some hair because of the stress.
“i.. don’t want to eat.” you weakly pushed the tray on the mini table above your thighs. “i’m sick of this place and i’m sick of being sick. i just wanna go home.”
he knew that certain voice you have which made his heart sunk, but he knew you too well that you missed his cooking. “i know, but it’s short-lived, your condition is curable and you staying here is temporary.”
uh-huh.. that word again.
“and i made you these.” the cushion of the bed lowered due to his weight, making you shift to him. “fried corndogs. added a little twist to it with johnny’s help with the sauce. eat it before nurse jisoo arrives.”
at the corners of your eyes, jaehyun’s lips puckered at the sight of food. this caused you to save a box for him. you gave him a wink and set that aside. you could feel his figure arching to sit next to you as he began eating his share.
“you’re more afraid of her than i am.” you teased taeyong, finally smiling. “get her number already or else i’ll tell her how you’ve been crushing on her since forever.”
“forever’s an exaggeration, sis.” taeyong picked the stick and handed it to you. “it’s only been three months.”
“and three months means your cowardice is really preventing you from doing that.” the crunch from the dish made him tickle you in all vulnerable places and you rolled your eyes remembering the warning of your body’s strength exertion.
jaehyun nodded in agreement, licking the mustard that stained his fingers. “yeah, that’s a coward right there. can i give him lessons?” he stated, and you nearly choked in giggles.
taeyong then checked his watch, pecking you a kiss which got you forming questions at the back of your head. “oh the time.”
you gently placed the devoured stick into the box and dove in other sticks for seconds— or thirds. “you’re leaving? you just got here.”
he gave a wink and tugged the curtains. “not yet. i’m doing what you suggested me to do.” he gestured his palms, indicating that he would attempt to actually get her number. “she’s gonna be off duty in five. later honey.”
focused on the meal, you waved at him as you continued eating. jaehyun scooted closer to you. both enjoyed the meal and he hummed a song; something he would do when his palate craved food from the world. “i still find it unbelievable that taeyong couldn’t see me.” he giggled while the crisp sound of the batter synchronised with yours.
“you mean how you’re finally able to eat actual food each time he comes here.” your voice almost bursting into laughs of mockery, but held them in since jaehyun has been helping you as well. he nudged you gently and ever so sweetly, a toast cheer from your meals.
“yeah, but it’s because we have connection y/n, i’m able to eat solid food. so thank you.”
being locked in an all white room prevented you from going outside, that was fine since jaehyun was there with you, you wouldn’t be that bored. the pact you created with him was so simple that you could memorise it in a second. his requests were you both would be together everyday, cater to each other’s needs, eat and watch some series he missed out or discontinued.
and in the three months being with him, days were getting better. he actually knocked down the walls of your thoughts of hopelessness, encouraged you during your sad hours and hyped you up when you have some rehabilitation sessions. medical staffs were shocked that for someone whose condition was clearly on the verge, the will to live was written all over you.
jaehyun appreciated the ideas you’ve given him; memories or events that he might’ve forgotten, or any category he used to love like sports / music. he mentioned he knew how his family looked like, but not their names nor his home address. so he couldn’t visit them. though there was little progress and countless of bickers regarding the matter, you both were getting somewhere on each ends. and in the midst of it, you had each other as support.
“does your family or ancestors have some kind of gift?” he sunk down with you at the inclined bed rest. “while taeyong might not have it, you do?”
“maybe, but i’m not sure. we don’t talk about these things.. of the unknown, ghosts and spirits and-” your jaw dropped when he bit the remaining half of the corn dog from the stick you held. “jaehyun!”
“how many times do i have to tell you i’m a guardian angel?” he immediately rebutted your clumsy referral while chewing deliciously. “specifically yours, so don’t deny my role for you.”
your heart skipped beats. the claim he just did was heartwarming, and it was the first he said anything nice since your introductions months prior. “w-who said you’re my a-angel?” you batted your lashes.
jaehyun pointed at himself and disappeared to somewhere you do not know where he’d go considering he wasn’t familiar within the city. at night it was always like this, at 8pm sharp, he’d leave without saying goodbye, leaving you alone. then he would return the next day, greeting you with the same smile. maybe being an angel had its curfew too?
but as the sun rose the following morning and the colours merged into the prettiest pair the city ever witnessed, jaehyun anticipated the minute he sees your eyes slowly opening then adjusting to the light of the day. your calm beauty had him awestruck. he never felt this way before, more so, it was the first since he became a spirit.
come on come on come on, he stared at the hand of the clock, just one more second—
“hey.” he froze once he heard you and hesitated to turn around. “this is a new look on you.”
jaehyun shyly did so anyway, ears red that his planned surprise for you ended up failing. “do you like it?”
the long hums of your morning voice was more nerve-wrecking than waiting for the time to reach its end. “like? i love it! you look fresh!” you complemented him in all honesty.
until today, he wore the same denim pj’s and lets not question whether he does change. what struck you was that he wore a simple white tshirt with denim jeans, pairing them with a brown suede ankle boots. that wasn’t the key point of his fashion today.
rather, he topped his attire with costumed angel set; a halo and wings. when a proud smirk appeared, it got to you that he was really handsome. “sweet. oh i got you breakfast.” he tossed two sandwiches, carefully wrapped yet your nose could smell its delish filling.
“thanks.” you accepted them. “i didn’t know angels have their allowances.”
“we don’t. i used your cash.” jaehyun said, playing with the change coins. he flinched for cover, your hands in attempt to hit him.
you pinched his cheeks with the support of his hollowed dimples. “i told you to tell me if you’re going shopping with my money! is the costume included too?”
“i was supposed to but it seemed like you were having a nice dream!” he poked your forehead and there was no chance to fight back because for one, it was part of the contract. “and i’m sure it’s a nice one..” he trailed off, pointing at the small drools on your pillow.
his dimples started to show and you couldn’t resist its existence. “be thankful you’re really cute. anyway, did you ask children to do it for you again?”
jaehyun scratched the nape of his neck. “yes, and i treated them in return. who are you texting?” he hovered over you.
your lips straightened to a flat line. “i’m talking with jinho. he said he’s coming but you know men, they sometimes break promises. he’s probably not going to come again today.”
jaehyun didn’t know why his heart squeezed, if it was for how you were treated unfairly or if it was just him. he wasn’t in the position to feel this way towards you. yet because it was you— someone he spent three months with— he thought maybe it was normal to have such feelings. he visits you every single day, cared for you, be with you when your boyfriend not once ever did.
the thing was, did he have the right to keep these unexplainable bubbles of emotions in his gut? it wasn’t like you belonged with him anyway. just why did jaehyun hate it when your lips utter jinho’s name when he never acted like your beloved?
“why are you still with him when he doesn’t show affection for you?” jaehyun pat your head in comfort.
“maybe because i love him.” you typed on the screen to message him, yet stopped a while when he said those words. he was right, if jinho truly loved you, he’d be here already. so you stayed silent instead and divert the conversation. “oh this can help your memory! about love! did you perhaps have a girl-”
*zing!* sharp stings pierced and came to jaehyun’s temples like arrows.
he held the pain in as he didn’t want to worry you. “i’m gonna head out for a bit, y’know fresh air.” he swallowed his own saliva, hoping you didn’t hear it. he didn’t mean to be rude and disappear at you like that. his chest squeezed again at the thought of you with someone else.
he didn’t know what love felt like until now.
it was unexpected.
jaehyun never imagined he would fall for you so soon, or ever thought of you nothing more than a friend who’d help him go to the other side. if he had to describe the relationship you both have, that’d merely be a boss-client kind of thing. yet he still knew that there was a connection despite him not being human anymore. there were frequent playful nudges and he waited half a year to be able to communicate with people. you were special.
special in a way that you treated him like he was alive again. you didn’t care about whether people would give you stares as your silhouette seemed like you were talking to yourself or someone they couldn’t see in the naked eye, or how nurse jisoo and taeyong would ask why you didn’t eat all of your meal only to save the other half for him. he was spoiled by you, where it was supposed to be the way around. sometimes he wondered if he was the right angel to look after you. in the end, it was him who initiated the contract and you complied without hesitations.
as if he were to watch a movie— except he wasn’t— pictures flashed before his vision, from a blurred quality to a clearer one. it was short, yet it was not enough to tell him what they were. maybe it was a memory, but he couldn’t put the scenes together.
he rubbed his eyes and felt the light gust of wind from children running through him with a ball in their hands.
then another fragment came to his sight, the sting of his temples ache like ones in the room. bright lights from the memory have blinded his eyes before it was replaced by the sun’s rays.
what the heck? he thought.
jaehyun kicked the stones that were separated from the cracked concrete ground. the way the stones rolled was identical to his churning stomach. he wondered how you were doing and later smiled to himself when he saw you waving at him from your window.
his palms were brought out to wave back except your lips didn’t utter his name. it was jinho, who happened to behind him; holding flowers.
of course.
he forgot about it for while; you have a boyfriend.
by this time he started to question if angels or spirits actually do have feelings; romantically. televisions never specified this fact. taeyong appeared in his field of view, who successfully asked jisoo out on a date. since when did hospitals served as a love spot? clearly his mood changed, but seeing you noticing him and waved at him, he decided to apologise for cutting you off earlier.
and he wished he shouldn’t have entered the i.c.u, from the door entrance the curtains were slid to the bedside. you were embraced in his arms, held onto dearly. he saw the tears rolling down your cheeks. a bouquet of flowers wrapped around your fingers. not wanting to intrude or ruin the moment, he turned around to give you space. it was your personal life after all.
he thought that maybe if he were alive, would things turn out differently if he met you? he would probably treated you better if ever.
jaehyun leaned against the door frame of the i.c.u. the human him would tell him he was definitely heartbroken witnessing that. he was supposed to be happy for you; you were improving mentally, recovering physically even if it was slow. your boyfriend finally visited you.
speaking of the said person, he felt jinho’s figure leaving the room, brushing past and through him. so he looked back at you, who was staring at him with a weak smile.
were you okay?
then tears brimmed at the edge of your eyes.
yeah, you definitely weren’t okay.
“y/n?” jaehyun called out and approached your bed, being the curtains to a close and sitting beside you afterwards. “what’s wrong? why did jinho leave so soon?” he pointed.
your face went pale and though ordinary people would know it was due to the illness, jaehyun knew it was about something else. he held your hands, pulling you gently for a hug. it was still funny if you think about it; how you could hug an angel physically. “we called quits. it was mutual though, don’t be too shocked.” you fixed your chin onto his shoulder and felt him tense at the revelation.
“why? you wanted him to come over and he did. you should be happy.” jaehyun stared into your swollen eyes, cupping your jaw to wipe the fallen tears away. “he gave you flowers, hugged you.. what’s lacking?”
“that wasn’t a normal hug.. it was a parting one. jinho told me he couldn’t take it.” you began, leaning more into his touch. “he doesn’t like that he’s incapable of helping me get through all this. seeing me suffering was too much for his heart.”
jaehyun’s fists balled and you could see them shaking. his eyes turned darker the more you explained. “so he was thinking of himself more than he thought of you?” his tone raised and you flinch at the volume. “where’s the mutual in that, y/n? you agreed to his selfishness even if you’re hurting so much?”
“it is mutual jae.” you sniffed, sitting up properly to expound further. “for the past three months i’ve been wanting him to come here because i wanted to break up with him. i wanted to tell him that he should get used to..” your voice trembling and jaehyun held you close. “..that he should get used to not having me around anymore. i fell out of love. so if there’s anyone who’s selfish, it’s me.”
“what.. are you saying?..” he asked softly. “it sounds like you’re giving up.” referring to your existence around the people you love. “are you giving everything up? all we did to improve your condition?”
a sob escaped your lips and you covered your face because you couldn’t look at him in the eye as you answer. you didn’t like to appear weak to him than you already were. “jaehyun, when you disappeared, the doctors came and said there was no kidney donor. it’s finalised. they’ve contacted local and overseas hospitals and none were of my match. i’m getting sicker each day and i really appreciate the motivation you’ve given me and there’s nothing left in my soul to fight any longer.”
“no no no no. please me tell me you’re not serious, y/n.” he begged. “tell me that you’re going to rethink about it and have the will to live. tell me that what we both signed up for will not go in vain. we worked hard together. we helped each other, we went through thick and thin. tell me that your decision is not permanent.”
“and what? you’re going to tell me my condition’s temporary too? if yes then you’re just like taeyong and nurse kim jisoo.” you laid back down and stared at the window.
jaehyun was about to speak when you started to sniff again. “everything that’s happening to me is always temporary.. nothing ever stays.. no one ever stays.. taeyong’s visits are limited, my personal nurse is always busy.. and what hurts me the most is that our time together is temporary too. soon enough you’ll go to the other side.. you’re only the friend i have now.”
“hey..” he cooed and now laying down beside you, wrapping you in his arms as you sunk more onto his chest. “..don’t say that. i-i’m still here.” even if he said that, jaehyun knew that that was false; that day would actually come, he just didn’t know when.
you turned to face him and hugged him tightly, sleep starting to get to your system. “when i met you, you became more of a boyfriend than jinho ever did.”
he caressed your back and you could feel the vibrations from his soft laughs. “look, i’m sure jinho did his best to be your boyfriend. and if i was your boyfriend.. well you’re talking about a guy who hasn’t gotten a single clue of who he is nor have his memories returned. my unfinished business is still a blank page. it may look temporary now but i guarantee you, i know you’ll have that new transplant, it’ll be-”
“that will never come.. i’m dying, jaehyun.”
jaehyun hummed in disagreement. he was fuming but he tried his best not to show it, that will contradict with his role of being your guardian angel. “tsk, say anything further i’m really gonna flick your forehead.”
you chuckled since it reminded you about the first day. “i mean, if i don’t make it, that would mean i get to be with you. it’s not temporary anymore, right?”
he bursted in scoffs of disbelief and you could tell he was playing around at the same time. “what? do you wanna be with me so much?” he questioned, flicking your forehead. “i wouldn’t mind having a side kick though.”
“i’m kidding, but truth to be told, you’re the best angel anyone could ask for.” you fixed the crooked halo headband for him. “no wonder children loves angels.”
“you’re acknowledging i’m an angel now, huh?” he messed your hair. “if children loves angels, what about you?”
*zing!* jaehyun shut his eyes closed. an unclear image of him locking his phone; its wallpaper of him and his parents.
tsk why am i feeling this again—
“i’ll say yes if that’s what you want to hear.” you challenged. jaehyun squinted his eyes open, to you it was pretty obvious it was what he wanted to hear.
jaehyun pinched your cheeks to awake you from reality, once again setting the memory aside. “we can’t date. i don’t want to be a rebound.” he stuck out his tongue, making you mirror the same. “you’re human, i’m an angel.”
“technically a ghost but i’ll take it as a self-proclaimed angel.” you shrugged, a curve appearing at the corners of your lips. “anyway, should we continue watching-”
the curtains separated which made you and jaehyun jolt in shock. “y/n!”
taeyong’s voice echoed the room, glad that most patients were asleep and he threw himself onto the bed. jaehyun got up, letting your brother hug you. “they were wrong!” he cried in tears of joy.
“they messed up your records. your condition was identical with another patient’s!”
you saw jaehyun giving him a look you think would pass as a meme. “what is he saying?” he asked.
“what are you saying?” you blinked several times at his shaking hands and hoarse hiccups.
“you have a donor!” he exclaimed.
jaehyun’s smile grew and as he walked towards you, he held your hands to squeeze them in congratulatory. “well, what did i say y/n? told you it’ll come.”
the pain on his temples faded it always did, but it was something he experienced quite often in the past days. he couldn’t figure what it was.
almost everyone in the room observed how anxious you were, the fiddles of your fingers and the constant biting of your lips that they could bleed any moment now. you were moved to a new room and jaehyun poked your cheek to gain your attention and to snap out of your daydream. a satisfied grin plastered on his face when your eyes locked into his.
you thought maybe the heavens probably heard his words. last week, he did say the transplant would come, and it did. soon later, you would be having an operation; a new kidney to function. you waited for this for so long that just thinking about it, you’d probably cry again.
seeing jaehyun stare into the panorama of the city before him had your chest tightening. it wasn’t good nor bad..maybe you were just nervous that the reality of all this was actually happening. he was glowing compared to most days; and it’s not due to the sun adding extra illumination to his figure. it was like the first day, his greeting was awkward but it became something you’d never forget.
the medical staff left after briefing you, injecting anaesthesia so you could meet your slumber. taeyong messaged he would try to arrive as soon as he could, and you were assured by the time the operation’s done. now the room was silent, all you could hear was jaehyun’s shoes clicking on the marbled floor. his hands grabbing yours to comfort you.
“scared?” he asked with faint dimples trying to boast. you nodded. “you shouldn’t be. you’ve waited for this for so long. everything’s gonna turn out fine for you. and i’m here, guarding you as usual.”
you wrapped your arms around his neck, and he responded by holding your waist, sinking in deeper into the embrace. “i’m not scared now. i don’t know how different it’d be if i hadn’t met you- well, you introduced yourself first before i did, so..”
your eyelids suddenly began to drop, the drug soon kicking in. “y/n, when you come out of that room, only half of the contract’s completed. there’s still mine to go.” he said, laying you gently on the bed.
“i know. it’s just everything seems to happen so fast.” you admitted sadness, because that always was in your head since the news broke to you.
“do you have any questions before you sleep?” jaehyun propped his elbow onto the side table, fascinated how you were still trying to keep yourself awake just to converse with him. “about me. because who knows if you would remember me once you’re conscious again.”
“why would i forget my angel?” you giggled, eyes closing. “hm.. i was going to ask you this but you ditched me haha.”
“oops. sorry about that.” embarrassed, jaehyun rubbed his chin just recalling that day.
“i wanna know if you knew how love felt like. do you remember?”
*zing!* red lights circled around in a container orbit, its center rotating as if it was signalling.
jaehyun was stunned and out of words for a while. the same feeling came flushing to him as you both talked about love before. of course he knew what love was. you made him remember. love was like sailing on a boat at the open ocean before stumbling upon something so beautiful that you couldn’t take your eyes off of. “yeah i do. why?”
although you felt that you’re close to drifting to dreamland, an urge in you wanted to tell him why. “because you asked me if i ‘love’ you.”
*zing!* the clock striked 8. it doubled and tripled in vision, moving in a static way.
jaehyun felt dizzy and nauseous. please just stop..
holding the stinging pain in and ignoring it, he leaned closer. “do you now?” he asked, a sly smile creeping his mouth. “if you’re to ask me, i do love *zing* you.” he heard you manage to let out a giggle. “i love to enlighten you when you’re down. i love talking with you and stealing your food. basically just everything about you.”
“hm, same. like platonic love.” your hands find your hold his.
“mhm. platonic.. lo-” he paused due to the continuous throbbing, and gave you a little squeeze despite the hurt he had been feeling recently. hesaw how you didn’t reply, your breaths heaving softly and calmly. his smile broke out as this always happened whenever you held onto him.
what he couldn’t say out loud was that what he felt for you the entire time wasn’t a platonic love.
he really loves you like you’re his.
heavy pain awoke you from unconsciousness. you tried to open your eyes without letting the light blinding them. the first person you saw was taeyong and jisoo, their bodies almost covering your pan of view. your eyes craved to see jaehyun, your chest drummed fast when you couldn’t.
taeyong looked worried, brushing the strands from your face. “are you okay? do you feel any pain?” his palms caressed your face.
you didn’t answer, yet the tears wanting to fall have met its end. jisoo quickly left to find the surgeon and taeyong followed to fill in paperwork. where was jaehyun? why wasn’t he here with you? he always appear before you as soon as your eyes flutter open. you were so used to seeing his face and that you were assured he’d be there.
more than two hours have passed and jaehyun still hasn’t shown himself. so far into the day, you’ve eaten porridge, changed a new set of clothes, had a few conversations with taeyong and jisoo, and watched the series alone. even then you waited for him to come. now you were left alone briefly again. you tried to sit up or incline the bed.
“if you needed help, call my name. did you forget me already?” jaehyun’s body assisted yours by acting as a support. “you shouldn’t move too much, y/n.”
jaehyun felt his torso like he was hugged by a koala. “i thought you’re gone. i didn’t see you when i woke up..” your voice soft and hoarse.
“i was here the whole time, behind jisoo and taeyong.” he said, puzzled by how late you noticed him.
“stay with me for a while.” you requested, and he followed. “i love how you’re always here.”
again, sharp stings hit his temples. fragments of past memories came flushing to him. they were still monotone, but this time they were clear enough to see what they were trying to portray. was it how he passed? there were people pumping his chest, people holding his hands dearly.
even without seeing his face, you could feel jaehyun was uncomfortable. he didn’t know why the pain was frequent. “is something bothering you, jaehyun?” you pulled away, and you were shocked to see him switching from solid to translucent; like he was flickering. “hey, why are you-” you reached out for him, but your hands failed to hold his. they passed through him like he was gas. you couldn’t feel him anymore.
“y/n..” jaehyun gave a painful look, something you’ve never seen before. “i think i’m fading.”
you arched your brows and lips parted at that certain sentence you thought you’d hear in the far future. “why? our contract is not done yet.” you replied, still attempting to at least touch him again. “we have yet to find your unfinished business.”
jaehyun knew what this meant. he knew what was happening. he felt stupid for not telling you sooner. “maybe it’s already revealed, i just haven’t acknowledged it.” he saw his limbs flickering then fading, taking turns of the two. he was worried, but he somehow felt safe.
it was hard to understand what he was trying to say. each word that came out of his lips were shooting your heart like daggers. you clenched your clothes by the buttons of your pajamas, tears forming then falling. “w-what do you mean? are you leave-” you quivered though you didn’t want to show it. “how long have you known?..” the reality of it now seeping into you.
“i’ve known and realised it for a week now.” he said, forcing his lips to smile, to appear unaffected. “whenever the word ‘love’-” he groaned at the pain again, bending down slowly. “..’love’ is mentioned, i feel this rush of mixed pain and happiness. i think it’s related to what i have left here on earth.”
“i knew you were acting strange, but i thought it was nothing because you’d looked fine.” you asked, trying to get off the bed to go to him. you wanted him to explain further because none of what he said was processing in your brain right now. “you seemed fine..”
“the reason why you could see me was because you’re the person who will make me remember what love is.” he held your face, and all you felt was a tingling feeling from his touch. “when i was alive.. i was a stubborn boy who only cared about himself. i never had a relationship, never appreciated the love my parents given me.”
“if you remember all this.. did your memory show you how you.. died?” you looked at him and he gave a smile, almost a parting one.
“yeah.. it was the first hint.. i was late for my basketball championship match. i was texting my parents to come to the game while crossing the street.” jaehyun chuckled, a bitter one and people could tell if they actually heard him. “i saw i was rushed to the ambulance, the sirens alerting everyone.. i was wheeled into the e.r.. i guess you know what happened next.”
then he broke down, arms bringing to his face. “..i couldn’t tell mom and dad i love them..” jaehyun weakly came forward, pulling you into his embrace. it was confusing that he could touch you, but you couldn’t. no matter how much you wanted to give him comfort like he use to do with you. he held onto you, as if he didn’t want to let you go.
“why didn’t you tell me what you’ve been feeling? why tell me now, jaehyun?” you tried to cup his face but to no avail they still went through it. you’re practically begging him to give you reasons why he had to hide it from you.
the shakiness his pupils did have shown he was scared. “i didn’t want you to feel sad about me. that’ll only destroy the joy from the news you received.”
your palms dropped to your thighs, breaths hitching and let out uncontrollable muted gasps. “i am sad now! i’m sad that you’re leaving me-”
his touch calmed you. “i never really got to say this because all we ever did was to support each other but.. i really, deeply, from the bottom of my heart.. thank you, y/n. you taught me how to love again, in the little things and..”
“jaehyun..” you sighed heavily and eventually cried with him, heart tugging your strings until they snapped.
“..and maybe that’s my unfinished business.” his smile was definitely forced.
and you did the same. “i’m glad i was able to help.. i’m glad you’re able to find what love is. but if you could love a person again, i’m sure they’re very lucky.”
hearing him let out hurtful laugh and sniffs became often as you told those words. “you are lucky you’re loved by an angel. i told you i love you, right?” his arms went through your body, then his entire body moved back like he was magnetised to something he waited for.
it was time.
you felt the same kiss on the forehead for the final time.
he saw how you wailed, craving for his embrace, like a child looking for a mother’s touch. what ached him was that you couldn’t see him anymore. the cries became louder, taeyong ran to you, thinking you were still hurt from the operation. he was an angel, he should be strong for you but all he felt was
he shouldn’t have left your side at night. he should’ve stuck with you like glue. he wanted to spend longer time with you.
what hurt him the most was he should’ve known that three months was temporary.
your eyes caught sight of the man you stayed with you. because of him, you got to find out a lot about yourself when you were vulnerable, things that had to be dug deep in order to find that hidden gem. in the past minute you couldn’t see him. but now he was floating in the air, glowing more than usual. you smiled painfully because he still wore that stupid halo and wings, and the letters you’ve written that you hoped he wouldn’t see but he actually did.
taeyong and jisoo’s words of comfort did nothing on you, as you saw your angel jaehyun drifting further away from you. you reached out for him and he did so too and,
he smiled for the final time, tears visible and they rolled down his cheeks. “i love you, y/n. so so much.”
you cried harder and clenched onto taeyong, not caring whether it hurt him or not. your brother gave a confused look, shocked to see how much your frail body exert such sorrow.
“me too.” you wanted to tell him, yet it wasn’t close to a whisper.
you hate this.
you hate that the only person you’ve just grown to love departed from the tip of your wavering fingers.
you hate the word temporary.
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imthecaretaker · 3 years
G/t Mech AU One-shot Go!
Sounds like a bad Power Rangers ripoff, haha. Or some kind of anime attack. Anywho, I managed to whip up a one-shot based on the G/t Mech story written by @unicornofgt ! If you haven't already, go check it out, it's pretty darn good!
Now, without further ado, here's my AU one-shot!
"Team Two, this is Base.  Reports put target at the south corner of the quarry."
Ares keyed his headset.  "Team Two copies, Base."  He smiled at his monitor's camera, linked to the video feed in his partner's helmet.  "Look alive, kiddo.  We're going hunting."
"What are we hunting?"  Carter asked as she gave a quick glance at her own camera.
"A widdle wabbit," Ares chuckled as he engaged a few switches in the cockpit and throttled up the secondary power.  "Gonna blow him to smitheweens."
The 83-foot-tall Carter Hopkins, decked in her full 'mech' armor, strode over the seven-foot fence at the northwest corner of the old slate quarry.  Her footsteps were heavy and purposeful, her boots shaking the ground and kicking up small clouds of dust.
"Team Two is in the quarry.  Going quiet," Carter reported into her comm.
"Acknowledged, Hopkins.  Your target is still in the south corner.  Good luck."
Ares sighed.  "What, no goodbye kiss for me?"  He griped to his partner.
Carter reached up and gently tapped the armored cockpit on her suit's chest.  "I'm sure Mom sends her love."
"Pft, not likely," Ares scoffed.  "Not after I fleeced her at checkers.  Told her I'd play again with my left hand.  She beat me that time, and was real happy for a few moments."
"What happened?"  Carter asked as she looked around, scanning her surroundings.
"She got mad, flipped the table, called me a clown bast- hold on, we got movement.  Target is on the move, headed toward us."
Carter tensed, ready for the encounter with their target, a Class 3 Xeno that dropped from a portal that opened over the quarry.  It hadn't made a move on the general populace yet, possibly getting its bearings still.  This was the best chance to-
"I think it knows we're here, Carter.  It's getting closer, picking up speed," Ares warned.
"I see it," she replied as she watched the red blip approach their blue blip.
With a screech, the thing came around the final corner and launched itself at the armored giant.  They collided with a solid thud, Carter being pushed back as she kicked her foot back to stay upright.
She had both hands around the creature's neck trying to hold it back.  Taking one hand away, she made a fist and punched the side of its head.  It was knocked away, but its claws had hooked on her chest plate.  She was dragged to the ground, landing on her side.  Carter quickly rolled to her back as the Xeno pounced on her, screeching in her face and scrabbling at her armor, attempting to peel her open.
"Pikachu!"  Ares bellowed as he rammed a lever forward.  The air crackled as Carter's armor was electrified with many thousands of volts.
The Xeno roared as the current ran through its body, electricity arcing over its inky-black skin.
Carter quickly pulled her knees up toward her chest, getting her boots against the creature's body, and pushed hard.  The monster was launched into the air, before painfully landing over fifty feet away.  Scrambling to her feet, Carter aimed an arm-mounted cannon at the creature.  "Fire!" she barked.
Unfortunately, the Xeno recovered quickly and managed to dodge every shot.  It scrambled around a corner where it was sheltered.  Carter pursued it.  "Nice shooting, Elmer Fudd," she remarked into her comm.
Whatever Ares' response was, Carter didn't hear.  The Xeno launched itself around the corner at the giant.  She was expecting it though, quickly raising her left fist and driving it into the monster's chest.  Dropping to one knee, she followed her target to the ground, before beginning to pummel it with both hands.
"Beat it like it owes ya money!" Ares crowed as he ramped up the suit's back-mounted power plant.
Claws scrabbling, the Xeno scratched and tried to tear at anything it could reach.  It managed to hook a hydraulic line in Carter's shoulder, snapping it with a hiss of draining fluid.
Carter's right arm grew heavier as the hydraulics began to run dry.  She'd still be able to move, but now the suit was slowing her down.  "Got a problem," she told Ares.
"Yeah, I hear the alarm," he responded, quieting the 'Hydraulic Failure' notification.
The creature knocked Carter off balance and the pair tussled before coming to rest with the giant on her back.  The Xeno roared at her again.
Suddenly Ares' voice yelled, "Dump truck, on your nine!"
Turning, Carter saw the big yellow truck sitting within arm's reach.  Snatching it up, she crashed it against the Xeno's head as hard as she could.
The monster stumbled back, disoriented.  
Carter sat up and raised her left arm.  "Fire!" she ordered.  The round flew true, hitting the creature and knocking it back.  "Fire!" she called as she got to her feet.  Every round hit home, driving the Xeno back until it hit the quarry wall.  Carter looked up.  High above was an overhang of stone.  She smiled as she took aim.  Ares needed no order this time.
* *
Carter was reclined back in her hangar berth as her armor was being removed.  The chief mechanic gave her a dirty look at the broken hydraulic hose.
Ares was leaning against the guardrail, chatting with his giant partner, when Commander Costelnock strode toward the pair, her heels clicking on the walkway.  Ares snapped to attention, which the Commander waved off.
She turned to Carter.  "Mission accomplished, Hopkins.  Pretty good fighting out there."  She glanced at the beaten armor.  "Pity you couldn't keep your armor in better shape," she said with a small twinkle in her eye.
Carter wanted to shrug, but couldn't while she was being worked on.  "Occupational hazard, ma'am."
The Commander looked between Ares and Carter.  "The bitch-slap with a dump truck was a nice touch, by the way.  A bit unorthodox, but desperate times, right?"
Ares nodded.  "Yes ma'am," he agreed.
"Oh, and Ares," the Commander continued.  "I got a phone call this morning.  Mom and dad wanted to fly out and visit next week.  You'll be there, won't you," Skyla Costelnock not-asked her brother.
Ares chewed his lip.  He hated times like this.  "Count on it, ma'am," he sighed.
Skyla smiled.  "I knew you'd pull through for your big sister."  She patted his cheek playfully before leaning in to whisper in his ear.  "And they want you to bring your special somebody," she whispered, gesturing with her eyes toward the giant watching them with a smile.
Commander Costelnock saluted the pair.  "Dismissed," she said before taking her leave.
Ares groaned, "Damnit.  Can't get out of this one.  Shit."
Seeing the engineers were done with her upper body, Carter reached out to the platform and carefully carried Ares in her palm until he was near her face.  Her short dark hair framed her face beautifully, and her whiskey-in-sunlight eyes gazed down at him.  
Ares felt his knees shake and his heart speed up.
"Don't worry, I'll be there with you.  Besides," she whispered with a smile, "I just got fitted for a new suit that I've been dying to wear."
Ares stared at his giant partner for a few moments, before collapsing in her palm with a nosebleed and a lovestruck, dopey smile on his face.
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