#anyways thank you so much anon for sending this ask 🖤🖤🖤
dysenchanted · 29 days
Do you think Hannibal was in love with Alana and Bedelia? The same way he was in love with Will? Or how do you see Hannibal's relationship with Alana and Bedelia compared to his intense love for Will?
Hiii 🫀
Short answer: No, I don't think he was ever in love with Alana or Bedelia
Long answer is a bit more complicated
I do think he had a true appreciation for both of them, him being a mentor turned college/friend to Alana and a mix of patient and somewhat friend to Bedelia.
(I also use the term "friend" kinda loosely in here because I also believe Hannibal never truly considered someone his friend until Will, but that's another rant)
I think hannibal used his romantic relationships as a means to an end. With Alana he started seeing her as a way of taking something from Will (same way as he was taking his position as profiler on the fbi) while also solidifying his good image and innocence (he used her as an alibi in Futamono), while with Bedelia he used her as a replacement for Will after Mizumono and as way to maintain his image while in Florence (they took the role of an existing married couple).
(While tipying the last paragraph I kinda realized he looked for the company of both woman after being rejected by Will so... take that as you will)
Returning to the appreciation, I do think he saw worth in them, as intelligent people and someone nice to have around, people worth maintaining alive. During Mizumono he could have decided to kill Alana without hesitation, but he didn't, he only promised to kill her after she refused to turn away after being given the option. During Dolce he could have killed Bedelia after she refused to go with him, but he didn't, instead he helped her support her alibi declaring he was maintaining her drugged and not conscious of her identity or actions (but Bedelia did deduce during their goodbyes that Hannibal was going to eat her someday, but that's another rant aswell)
(Also, i see hannibal as a hedonist, so of course if he's maintaining a romantic relationship with beautiful women he's going to take the opportunity to have sex and enjoy it.)
He saw worth in their company and in their minds, but he didn't see them as an equal, someone who could truly understand him, while he did see Will as one.
Alana could have never understood him, with her strong morals and inclination to always do what's right. Her transformation occurred only after being changed by Hannibal (and Abigail), she didn't have a tendency for violence beforehand. With Bedelia is a bit different, she had an awareness of his person suit and has always had a tendency for violence (I love her scenes with Will and their dialogues, I think that's when we begin to understand her more as a character), but also she had a deep fear of what Hannibal truly was and what he was capable of doing. He saw potential for her violence and changed her through their patient, but he also used that to have something to hold against her to encourage her to keep his secrets.
With Will is different, he saw his potential and by the end of the show he could truly see and accept him as he was, finding beauty in their conjoined slaying of the dragon. For Hannibal love is that, understanding and acceptance, and Will was the only person who could truly see him as he was. He could have never had that with Alana or Bedelia.
Anyways, I care so much about Alana and Bedelia and their relationship with Hannibal <3 I truly believe the exploration of the different types of romantic relationships enrich the show a lot and also highlight how special Will is to Hannibal.
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kassiekole22 · 9 months
Can you do a Syzoth/Reptile x reader, about him telling the reader about things they should know about him & his reptilian form before they date each other? Thank you!!!
Are You Sure?
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Picture lightly edited by me.
Description: It takes all the courage in the world to tell Syzoth how you really feel about him. But Syzoth isn't so sure that you can handle a Zaterran as a lover. So he decides to tell you everything you need to know, before taking your relationship to the next level... Warnings: Fluff, Pining, A Small Bit Of NSFW. (For brief mention of breeding.) Word Count: 1.4k A/N: I am sooooo sorry this took so long for me to finish! I've been dealing with some health issues and other personal struggles recently so I've been having a hard time getting things done quickly. But I'm getting better so hopefully that will change soon. I want any other anons to know that I still fully intend on finishing your requests and to other readers, please don't let this discourage you from sending any requests. I love hearing all of your ideas! Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this fic. 🖤 MasterList: 🖤 Kassie's Angels: @lorebite, @mornandil, @bihansthot, @katiralovely. (If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know in the comments! 🖤)
I slumped down under a shady tree after practicing fighting for a solid two hours. Lord Liu Kang told me the monks would be harsh, but I never expected training to be just as hard as it was. So I sat — the back of my head hitting the bark of the tree as it fell back onto my shoulders — and I let out a tired sigh. My eyes began to fall shut but then the wrestling of tree branches jerked me right awake as I let out a startled gasp. I looked up to find the source of this sudden commotion only to see Syzoth — in his human form — staring down at me from a high branch with a cheeky smile stretching his lips.
"You scared me!" I laughed as I reached an arm up to swat at his feet, which hung down from the branch he sat on.
After responding with a huff of laughter, Syzoth jumped down beside me. He sat down on the ground so close to where I was that I subconsciously held my breath, now very weary of moving in his presence. But not from fear — because it was the closest I had ever been to Syzoth before. The soft touch of his skin touching mine when our elbows brushed together, being engulfed in a cloud of his natural scent, even being able to hear his breath was enough to get my heart beat racing. To say I liked the man was quite an understatement. In my eyes, he was beautiful; I just wish I knew how to tell him that.
"It's so nice out here," he breathed before letting out a relaxed sigh. "I could sit out here for hours."
"Yeah, me too." I agreed, looking in every direction but his. Of course, I wasn't subtle about it — despite trying to be — and he noticed instantly.
"Are you ok?" He asked as his tone dipped softer with more concern.
I simply nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired."
I finally mustered up the strength to look back at him and make eye contact. But as soon as my eyes met those pale green ones, I could feel my cheeks burn with a sudden heat of desire. The expression that grew on his face was much like his tone moments ago: concerned and worried.
'Shit! He notices!'
"Are you alright, (Y/N)?" He asked while placing a hand gently on my own. The sudden contact did not help my rosy completion and I felt my skin burn even more.
I quickly pulled away and nodded my head, "Yes, yes — I'm fine." I assured him. "I just got too much sun today."
It was a good lie and I just prayed that Syzoth was as gullible as I had hoped. He did not answer me after that and for a good moment, peaceful silence had fallen over us and I was glad.
I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and finally felt myself relax again. Looking up at the sky, I noticed that not a single cloud covered it, allowing the sun to beam down upon us. The birds chirped happily and the butterflies fluttered in the air — watching them helped all of my stresses melt away and bring me to peace. It truly was a perfect day. I let my eyes flutter shut as a cool breeze blew passed us, and then I felt completely comfortable in my surroundings.
That was until Syzoth's voice broke the long-lasting silence...
"(Y/N)," His voice came out serious as he spoke. His sudden change in tone instantly caught my attention and I turned to face the man. "I have a question that I must ask—"
"Ok — what is it?"
"Do... Do you have feelings for me?" He asked hesitantly and almost... Shyly?
I froze as soon as the words came out of his mouth and I instantly felt my cheeks burn with intense embarrassment. The shock I felt was overwhelming and I had absolutely no idea how to respond. I just sat there, thinking deeply about a million things at once.
'Does he know? Am I really that obvious? There's no way! I mean, I've done so well to hide it!... Haven't I?
As humiliating as it was, I knew I couldn't keep the truth from him for any longer. So after heaving a deep sigh to gain just a little more confidence, I spoke my confession: "Yes, Syzoth — I do have feelings for you."
He stared at me with a blank and not so surprised expression for a moment. I felt as if I was under a burning spotlight while under his gaze. Finally — after a moment that felt like a lifetime — he let out a soft sigh. It didn't seem necessarily stressed or disappointed in anyway — it was just a normal huff of air.
"Are you sure? Because — as you know — I'm no ordinary individual. I'm not human like yo—"
"I don't care, Syzoth!" I cut him off as I raised my voice slightly. I didn't mean to come off aggressive in any way — I was just eager to tell him how I felt. I exhaled slowly and lowered my voice to a more calm pitch. "I like you for you; that stuff doesn't matter."
He looked at me for a moment, almost like he was reading over my words in his mind. Something told me by his expression that he did not believe me and would need further convincing. And unfortunately, I was right.
"No, (Y/N). You do not understand." He heaved a deep breath and shifted so he was facing me more before continuing, "There is still a lot about me that you do not know. Things you are not prepared for—"
"Well... Prepare me!" I basically demanded with an enthusiastic smile and he raised a brow at me for a moment. He seemed almost hesitant to let me into his world but eventually he did nod in agreement.
"Ok... For instance, our diet mainly consists of raw flesh of animals and humans. We can eat cooked foods but we don't prefer it." He paused for a moment to check my facial expression before continuing, "We shed our skin once a year. It's a very long and uncomfortable process and I will become very irritable at that time. I like warmth and do not do well in the cold — I can't handle it, in fact. I also have to keep my skin hydrated and... There's also mating season... Um..."
His eyes averted away from mine as he shifted uncomfortably on the ground while letting out a cough. I blushed at the thought of this "mating season" he mentioned, but tried my hardest to keep my composure for his and my sake.
"I may appear human sometimes, but do know that my reptilian nature still lingers within. Are you sure you want to engage in a romantic relationship with someone like myself?"
I smiled warmly at the man sitting before me and took his big hands in my own, massaging the backs of them with my thumbs to sooth him. It was obvious he was nervous and I didn't want him to be — he deserved to be comfortable with someone for once in his life and I was going to make sure that I was that person.
"Like I said before: I like you for you. And I would be more than happy to engage in a romantic relationship with you — that is, of course, if you want to engage in one with me?"
I gazed up at him through my lashes with hope blossoming in my heart for the first time that day. I felt his hands grow sweaty in my own and the look of concern on his face remained, causing a little bit of that hope to die off.
But then his worried expression melted away with a fond smile as his cheeks turned a faint tint of pink. He leaned forward and gently pressed his lips against mine — not necessarily molding them into a kiss, but just holding them there. So I decided to take charge of the situation and pressed mine into his in the way a kiss would be formed. And happily, he kissed back.
I knew that loving a Zaterran would be a challenge, but I wouldn't have it any other way. My heart longed for him and now that I had him, that's all that mattered to me. I had finally found the one for me and I knew I'd be happy as long as he was at my side — this I was sure of.
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nickfowlerrr · 2 years
Prompt: How would pwyc bucky handle another woman shamelessly flirting with him in front of reader (who becomes seething with jealousy!). Wanting to put reader’s mind at ease but also somewhat enjoying her possessive and jealous behaviour over him as it makes him feel wanted?
angel in hiding. devil in disguise.
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pwyc series masterlist
pairing: pwyc!bucky x curvy!reader
warnings: 18+ ONLY. fingering. pet names. jealousy (duh). if i’m missing something important pls let me know.
words: 3.3k
notes: i swear i tried to finish this before halloween lmao. also - no clue how to play pool so idk what i wrote 💀. thank you so much for sending this in, anon! sorry it took literally months for me to actually write it but i hope you enjoy. also i’m considering rewriting this prompt with a bit more angst so if that’s something anyone’d like to see pls let me know. anyway, thank you for reading! 🖤
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The costume was a tight fit to say the least. It hugged your body and showed off your figure more than you knew would be possible, but you shouldn’t have expected anything less from a costume Bucky had chosen. You really didn’t want to even show up tonight, but he insisted. When you tried to get out of it by telling him you didn’t have a costume, he smirked and before he said a word, you knew he had planned for this conversation before he even got home.
“It’s a Monday night, Buck,” you complained.
“And? What exactly do you have going on tomorrow that you can’t stay out late?”
“That’s not the point,” you tried to evade his question.
“You’re coming. Whether you like it or not. It’ll be fun,” he smirked before he handed you the bag that held the dress and accessories he picked up. “We’re leaving at 8.”
He left, giving you no room to object any further. Not that it would have done you any good if you had. You bit your lip as you worried.
All you could think about while you were getting ready was the last time you had dressed up and gone out for halloween. You had been publicly humiliated and left the bar in tears. As you stared at yourself in the mirror, it was like you could hear the taunting laughter from the memory echoing in your mind. You tore your gaze away from your reflection and quickly wiped at your teary eyes when Bucky knocked on the door.
“I’m almost done,” you said, irritated.
“You okay?” he asked, sounding worried while he ignored your attitude.
“‘M fine. I’ll be out in a second,” you responded, once again eyeing yourself in the mirror. You knew he knew what you were feeling, so what was the point of telling him. He could piece it together himself. You fixed your makeup quickly and made sure your hair was how you wanted it. There was no sense in nitpicking the costume, you had no other options anyway. You opened the door in a huff and looked exhaustedly at Bucky who was dressed as a devil. He smirked widely the second he took you in, eyes scanning you up and down before he walked closer. His hands smoothed along your curves - from your waist down your wide set hips where they settled before he pulled you closer.
“An absolute angel,” he simpered while his wandering hands found your ass, squeezing firmly and eliciting a little gasp from you.
“An angel and a devil..it’s a little on the nose, don’t you think?” you asked with a raised brow.
“What better duo than that?” he responded. “You look fucking gorgeous, sweetheart,” he complimented again, his hands beginning to wander even further.
“Okay,” you stressed, stopping his hand from creeping under the hem of your dress. “I’m still not happy about this, and youre not gonna distract me with compliments or sex,” you accused. “Let’s go.”
“That’s the spirit,” he joked.
“Come on, the sooner we get there, the sooner we leave,” you said, trying to push him backwards to the door.
“How much of a difference does 15 minutes make?” he said, voice low as he eyed you, his body not budging an inch despite your effort.
“You get me out of there by 11 and you’ll have a lot more than 15 minutes,” you bribed.
“Deal,” he grinned, leaning down to kiss you, rough at first before he slowed down and softened his lips against yours, savoring the taste of your lips on his.
You pulled away nearly out of breath when he took your hand and started for the door.
You don’t know what had gotten into you, but the visceral jealousy coursing through your body was making you sick. You had gotten to the bar an hour and a half ago, greeted by everyone in the club and quite a few of their significant others. There were a handful of groups of college students and a few groups of your average joe’s just hanging around, too, nearly everyone in costume. Bucky had led you to the back right away, the area reserved for him. It was less rowdy and you were happy to see some familiar faces around the table when you got there.
“Hot!” Kate yelled when she saw you, pulling you in for a hug. You could smell the tequila on her when she did.
“Are you seriously drunk already?” you questioned when you pulled away, only receiving a giggle before she laughed loudly. Near maniacal.
“It’s Halloween!”
She saw Peter passing and spun to follow him, loudly shouting, “How’d it go? She give you her number?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at her obnoxiousness and the blush lighting up Peter’s face when she said it, shushing her as she got near.
Bucky was at the bar getting a beer for himself and a ginger ale for you, but after a few minutes went by and he hadn’t returned you decided to go meet him.
When you walked up to the bar, you saw him sitting on one of the stools as a tall blonde leaned over the bar while she spoke to him. You were never a jealous person. But she was just a little too close and she was talking for a little too long. You were noticeably bothered by it as Yelena came up beside you.
“She’s been hitting on him since the moment he got there,” she told you matter of factly, accent made thicker with the vodka in her bloodstream. You turned ever so slightly to look at her before you returned your gaze to the slender girl still blabbering on about who knows what.
“Really?” you asked.
“Why would I lie?” she returned, letting you know how stupid she thought your question was. “Yes, really.”
Just then you saw Jack bring a slim glass of ginger ale to Bucky who took it with a “thanks”. As he was getting up to walk away, the blonde reached out and put her hand on his bicep, stopping him for a moment. You couldn’t see his face, but you could see her clearly. The sickly sweet smile she gave him accompanied by a giggle as she squeezed him ever so slightly had you gritting your teeth. Your eyes were narrowed in on her every move before Bucky finally turned around. He saw you instantly and cursed under his breath as he approached you. “Hell, sweetheart, did I tell you how fucking good you look in white?” He extended your drink to you with an awed smile and you took it without a word before you spun around and walked back to the table you’d been at previously.
“Sweetheart,” he said as he followed behind you.
When you got to the back, you sat at the empty booth off to the side, Bucky sliding in across from you.
“Something the matter, angel?” he asked, though he certainly knew there was.
“What was that?” you asked, annoyance clear in your voice.
He raised a brow as he watched you, something akin to amusement playing in his eyes.
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous,” he started playfully before you shot him a glare.
“Do you think this is funny?” you asked, irritated.
“Honestly, sweetheart? Yeah, I kind of do.”
You scoffed and made to get up before his hands caught yours and stopped you.
“Baby, come on,” he laughed, “you’re my soulmate. What the hell do you have to be jealous of? There’s no one else in the world I want aside from you.”
“Smooth talking isn’t gonna get you anywhere, Barnes.”
“Are you seriously mad at me? Or are you just trying to find a reason to leave early?”
“If you really don’t see an issue here, I honestly don’t know what to say to you.”
“Baby -” he began again.
“Don’t ‘baby’ me right now,” you said harshly, cutting him off. “Soulmate or not, it doesn’t exactly make me feel good when I see someone shamelessly flirting with you at a bar. Imagine how you’d feel. You’d flip the fuck out.”
He stood from his seat with a sigh and slid into your side of the booth. He turned your face to his and made sure you were looking him in his eye when he spoke.
“You’re right, I would. I guess I never thought you’d feel the same way if the roles were reversed, though. Didn’t think you’d ever get so possessive over me,” he smirked. “I gotta say, it makes me feel pretty good. But I am sorry it upset you. Even though I wasn’t really listening to anything she was saying and I didn’t give her any reason to think I was interested in the slightest,” he trailed.
“Why’d she grab your arm?” you pointed out.
“She asked if it was actually metal. I said yes. She grabbed me as I turned to leave and laughed asking if I could feel it. I said no and asked her to remove her hand and she did and then I turned around to see this stunning angel with eyes for me only and I followed her to the back of the bar. Let her really give it to me,” he joked lightly, his voice tapered off just slightly as he leaned closer and took your lips in his for a soft kiss. “Seriously, though, sweetheart. You have no idea how good it feels to know you were jealous over me,” he simpered in your ear. “Maybe I can show you,” he purred. You had to take a sobering breath as you pulled away from him.
“Maybe you can keep it in your pants for another hour,” you shot back.
Bucky chuckled under his breath as he let up.
“Fine,” he said, hands up as he left the booth. “I can be patient.”
An hour later you found yourself counting down the minutes before the clock hit eleven. You’d had a good time and weren’t totally regretting coming but your social battery was now depleted. All you wanted to do was go home. Bucky promised you’d leave after one more game of pool with the guys and you relented your complaints for the time being. He offered to show you how to play finally, but you declined. Yelena and Kate were well past drunk and you figured you’d spend the rest of your time waiting to leave listening to them talk absolute shit about everyone and anyone who passed by. It was ridiculous and they were so catty, but it was also hilarious and kept your attention from the blondie over at the bar who kept eyeing the pool table every other minute.
You knew, logically, you had nothing to worry about. But something deep inside you was on edge. Just waiting for her to try and approach Bucky again. You wouldn’t just stand by and watch this time if she did. The feeling was so foreign but so based. Bucky was yours and you’d make sure she knew it if you had to.
Not five minutes later, just like you knew she would, you watched her coming around the bar and head straight for the pool area. You were closer than she was and got up the second you noticed, walking right to Bucky. He was standing to the side of the table with one hand holding his cue up as he watched Steve line up his shot. You came right up beside him and put your arm through his free one as you leaned into his side. He looked down at you with a raised brow and you saw the quirk of his lip as he watched you lean your head against his arm.
“We’re almost done, princess,” he told you, wanting to assure you before you started complaining again. “We’ll leave soon.”
“Whenever you’re ready,” you said, taking him by surprise. But when he saw the blonde bartender from earlier, he quickly caught on to why you were being so clingy all of a sudden.
He breathed a laugh as he shook his head. “You’re really on alert tonight, aren’t you,” he smirked.
“Apparently I have to be,” you responded. “She’s been staring at you from the bar since you guys walked over here.”
Just as you finished, the girl made her way to you and Bucky after asking the rest of the guys if they needed anything. She paid absolutely no attention to you as she addressed Bucky.
“Need a drink, honey?” she asked sultrily while you burned a hole through her with your stare.
Sensing your aggravation, Bucky pulled his arm from your hold and instead wrapped it around you, pulling you further into his side while his hand laid on your hip.
“I’m fine, thanks,” he responded.
“You’re up Buck,” Sam said, pulling your attention across the table.
“Oh, I definitely wanna see this,” the girl simpered. “You’ve gotta be good,” she said, trying to talk to him. You couldn’t help the dirty look you shot her, it was almost like it wasn’t you. It was just your immediate reaction. She paid you no mind, though as her eyes were locked on Bucky.
As he moved his arm from around you and made to move around the table to line up his shot, your body and tongue seemed to move before your mind did. You grabbed his hand and pressed yourself to him again, “I changed my mind,” you said. “I wanna learn.”
“Of course you do,” he said quietly to you as he smirked, a sense of pride coming over him. Seeing you so territorial and jealous was really getting to him. He felt damn near giddy. Though of course he wanted to ease your mind, he also knew words alone wouldn’t cut it. He’d let you do whatever you wanted at this point. Hell, he’d get down on his knees right here and now if you asked him to, to show everyone that he belonged to you just as much as you belonged to him.
He could feel eyes on both of you, not just from the bartender, but from others all around the bar, too. And he was more than ready to let you put on a show. He gently led you to lean over the table to help you line up the shot properly while he stood directly behind you, enjoying the way the short hem of the stark white dress was riding up your thick thighs as you bent over provocatively. His hand shot to your waist as you wiggled your ass back ever so slightly against him. You bit back your smile as he gripped you just a bit tighter before he came over and really helped you line it up, explaining what you were aiming for and what balls you were trying to avoid sinking. You weren’t really paying attention, though. You were just enjoying the weight of the blonde girl's gaze on you as she watched, nothing short of bitter.
Bucky helped you make your shot and when you sunk the last ball he needed to win, he pulled you into him from behind while he celebrated with cheers and Steve and Sam cursed at their losses. Bucky’s arms wrapped around your middle as he kissed your face while you smiled. His face nuzzled into your neck as he left kisses there, too.
“I told you, sweetheart, no better duo than us,” he smirked. “I’m gonna close out then we’ll leave,” he told you. “How’s it feel to lose to someone who’s never played pool a day in their life? Either she’s a natural or you two just suck that fuckin’ badly,” he taunted his friends as you walked to the table Yelena and Kate were still at to grab your purse you had left with them. You had to pass the blonde to get there and as you did, you stopped to look at her, your gaze meeting hers. “Was he as good as you thought he’d be?” you asked innocently enough.
She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. She looked you up and down before she huffed and blinked away. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” she denied. “I have some tables to tend to,” she continued, avoiding you now.
“Of course,” you agreed, watching her turn around and walk to the other end of the bar without looking back. Bucky was at your side not a moment later.
“Ready?” he asked. You got your purse from the table and said goodnight to Yelena and Kate before you headed out of the bar for the night.
“So,” Bucky started. “Was that as terrible as you thought it’d be?”
“Hm,” you hummed. “Could’ve been worse,” you allowed with a shrug as you walked to Bucky’s rarely used car.
“I’ll take it,” he laughed.
“What time is it?” you asked as you leaned into his side once again.
“Looks like you kept your end of the deal,” you alluded, eyeing him as you approached the sleek black car. He smirked at that before he opened the door for you, guiding you in.
“Looks like,” he returned before he shut the door for you, walking around the hood to get in himself. Once he was seated, he started the car before he turned to you.
“And when we get home it's your turn,” he said headily as his right hand landed on your thigh, squeezing the soft ample flesh before he ran his hand over your skin, goosebumps rising at his touch as he got closer to your inner thigh.
“Who says we have to wait until we’re home?” you breathed, your thighs spreading for him as he inched closer to your center.
“For an angel you sure are feisty tonight,” he pointed out.
“Funny, cause for a devil you’ve sure been awful sweet,”
“Oh, princess, it only gets sweeter,” he said as his fingers made their way past the material of your panties, stoking the fire that he lit in you earlier. He drove with his left hand as he pulled out onto the street, his fingers knuckle deep inside of you, moving in and out of you, your pussy wet and wanting while you mewled and writhed on the leather seat. Each twist of his fingers inside you, every curl of them against your walls brought you closer. The white heat growing in your lower belly while he played you so easily was building higher and higher until you couldn’t hold it any longer. Your thighs tensed and your eyes closed shut in pleasure as your walls squeezed his fingers still inside of you while you came.
“Holy fuck,” he groaned while his thumb stoked your clit, prolonging your orgasm. “Feel good, princess? You’re clamped down on my fingers like you don’t want me to stop.”
You only moaned in response while he continued working you on his fingers, showing no signs of letting up anytime soon.
“Don’t worry, pretty girl. I’m not gonna stop. We’re gonna see how many times I can make you come on my fingers before we get home. And then the real fun begins,” he purred lowly. All you could do was mewl in response, back arching as he found the spot he was looking for.
“There it is,” he grinned. Your gasp turned into a moan as he rubbed against it repeatedly, bringing you close to your second orgasm already. You knew you’d be an overstimulated mess by the time you got home, but it felt so good you couldn’t bring yourself to care. When his thumb found your clit again, you were done for, panting his name as he worked you faster, his touch firm and titillating.
“That’s my good girl,” he praised as you came undone again. “You’re a literal fucking angel, sweetheart. So goddamn pretty. Especially when you look like this. So fucked out and dumb already and you’ve only had my fingers. Can’t wait to see you squirm on my cock.”
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possession1981 · 10 months
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Can you believe I recently (well, over a month ago now definitely, but I'm lazy so let's ignore that) hit 5000 followers on this blog because I sure cannot. Either way, I did and I am soooo sososososoooo grateful for ever single person who follows me and who appreciates my dumb jokes (such as this perfectly on-brand, tacky, campy, ridiculous but beautifully made gif of Shinee) and who reblogs my gifs and edits, especially when you put very very sweet comments in the tags it's a joy to be able to have a space to share my little creations that may not really mean much to the outside world but they do to ME.
Anyways! As a token of my appreciation I have decided to do a little gif request event which will be open until I say it's not anymore tbh... No set time limit we'll just see how my stamina is I suppose. The request rules will be at the bottom of this post. However, first I want to give a quick shoutout to SOME of my most beloved mutuals who make scrolling on this stupid website so much better. (As you know, there's a cap on how many tags we can add to posts, so to those mutuals who may not be mentioned here know that I love you SOOOOOOO much still, and I kith u!)
@aintgonnadance 🖤 @awek-s 🖤 @baeseongyeob 🖤 @berryjaellie 🖤 @byunbaekhyunie 🖤 @catchmewjsn 🖤 @cheolmatez 🖤 @dokyeomini 🖤 @dongkwan 🖤 @duovxq 🖤 @exidtual 🖤 @filmopen 🖤 @flops 🖤 @gaykey 🖤 @glowinseong 🖤 @got7 🖤 @hoshifromkpop 🖤 @hozierbyrne 🖤 @hwangcha 🖤 @hwiyoungies 🖤 @hyunpic 🖤 @hyunseungs 🖤 @jeonwonwoo 🖤 @jikyu 🖤 @juyeonis 🖤 @kangyeosaang 🖤 @kyubins 🖤 @librapropaganda 🖤 @moonsua 🖤 @notyuta 🖤 @park-doha 🖤 @ryudaeng 🖤 @seonghwasblr 🖤 @shnryjn 🖤@smartrabbit 🖤 @smingi 🖤 @sodacreams 🖤 @stepmom 🖤 @sunmisbf 🖤 @sunwoonie 🖤 @taeminie 🖤 @taeminnomuyeppeo 🖤 @wantbytaemin 🖤 @yejiswife 🖤 @yirenz 🖤 @yoohyeontual 🖤 @yukuz 🖤 @yunkyoung 🖤 @yunwooz 🖤 @yutaslaugh
REQUEST EVENT RULES AND REGULATIONS I will be taking three kinds of requests for this event! Two are music video requests, and the third is a fun option if you want a surprise.
Full music video - this is exactly what it sounds like. You may request that I gif any kpop music video, however I reserve the right to choose not to gif it if it's an artist or group I don't want to gif (I won't list them, but it's a pretty standard group), or I can't find a file that lets me gif to the standard I want to keep.
Member music video - very similar to the former, you may request gifs of any single member of a group from a specific music video and I shall be at your command, although the same reservations as above apply. Since these are much faster to do than full mv sets, they are preferred over the latter.
My favourite x - this is the option if you want to venture outside of music videos, and it's here because my beloved Eri suggested it. You may request gifs of my favourite of whatever you want. Favourite hairstyle on x idol? Favourite era of x group? Favourite styling for x group? etc. etc. The same reservations as above apply, however. Don't ask me for my favourite beet member.
Okay, that's all I think! Please send asks via my ask box only, and please have some patience because well, I'm mentally ill. Requests are open for anyone who wants to send one, and I take them on anon as well. Once again, thank you soooooooo much for the 5k I love you all.
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greatstormcat · 6 months
This account has been going since August, that’s not even five months, and I haven’t even been writing for all of that. I spent the first month or so just lurking and enjoying the fantastic content. I still remember the fic that brought me here, it was one that someone linked from Reddit about John Price…
Anyway, there are current 972 of you following me after I blocked the bots today, and I want to stop and say ‘hello, hope you’re doing okay.’ I enjoy writing but the feedback I get from all of you puts a lovely cherry on top of the cake. You’re all so lovely and well behaved too! I see other writers and artists getting hassled and attacked by followers and anons and I haven’t had any of that from you. I picture you all now as a ballroom filled with exotically dressed and dignified nobles, all politely clapping and appraising my work as I present it.
So this is a thank you to everyone who likes and reblogs, to those that comment, anyone who sends in asks and suggestions, and to the mutuals that put up with me meddling in their pages too. And to those that read but are too worried to interact, thank you as well, you are still very much appreciated.
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astrophileous · 7 months
Hii 😊 if your up for it could u write an imagine where reader grew up in a musically inclined family and has been hiding it from the bau team but mostly Spencer so he’s never met readers family so when the holidays roll around and readers family comes to visit Spence tells the team he want to meet their family and the team get curious to so they all follow him and show up to readers house to hear their family (reader included) play instruments and singing
(Thank for the consideration 🖤🫡)
Hi anon! First of all, thank you for considering me for this request in the first place, but I regret to inform you that I must reject this request and that I won't be writing anything for it. I will try to explain myself as concisely as possible, but it's still gonna be a long passage so I hope you bear with me. And I encourage my other readers/followers/just fanfic readers in general to read this as well because it's important.
The reason I decided not to write anything for this request is because I just recently stumbled upon a requested fic, written by another author, with an eerily similar plot to this one. There's a chance I'm making a wrong assumption here, but I did ask a friend of mine to compare the two requests, and she also agrees that they are too similar to just be a coincidence. And honestly, I don't appreciate people sending in their requests to me if they're just gonna copy it (with a few tweaks here and there) and send the same ask to another writer's inbox. It's rude. It's disrespectful. And from this point forward, I will be denying ANY request that comes my way if I saw you had already sent the same (or a very similar one) to another author beforehand.
Maybe some of you think this isn't a big deal, but for me, it is. When you send in the same requests to me and multiple other authors, it makes me feel depreciated as a human being. It makes me feel like you view me only as a robot/machine/an AI with no other purpose than to write you fics after fics after fics. I get it, it's harder to perceive someone as another human being when we're all hiding behind our online personas, but just like you and everyone else, all fanfic writers on this platform and I have our own lives. I'm not a fic-producing machine that you can just exchange for another one when you feel like I'm not posting or writing fast enough to your liking.
I know it can be frustrating. I know that some of you might not be as patient to wait longer for authors to publish your requests, but guess what? It's still not an excuse for you to treat us as less than human beings or like we're disposable! Especially when most fanfic writers are doing this FOR FREE. So it shouldn't matter if it takes fanfic writers a week, a month, or a whole year to write something, we still don't owe you anything because it's not like you're paying for us anyway.
I'm a full-time college student in the middle of writing my thesis. I'm running on barely any sleep as it is and as much as I don't want it, writing requests do have to be put on the back burner once in awhile. This is just something you have to accept as fanfic readers. If you can't handle it, then you can literally just take your request to ChatGPT or something and request it to write it for you. I'm not a fan of AI myself, but this is a much better option than just reducing fanfic writers to a fic-producing machine.
So yeah, with that said, I deeply regret that I must deny this request. I'm sorry if I made you wait too long for it, but again, it's still not enough imo to justify what you did. Even if I weren't as busy as I was, requests are still gonna take some time to write—do you know why? Because I always take time to make sure that the contents I post are up to a certain standard. Sometimes I'd even write multiple versions for a request and post one that I deem the best among the others. That's how much I care about the fics I'm putting out even when I'm doing this for free. Fanfic readers tend to forget that the 2000-word stories you managed to finish in a couple of minutes were born out of labors of love that could take DAYS for the writers to complete. And we do it all sometimes without being fairly compensated as well (have you seen the contrast between comments/reblogs and likes for fics in this platform???? It's APPALLING). So really, asking you to please please please not send the same request to different authors should be considered the bare minimum.
In conclusion, I really hope that you can put a stop to this habit for the sake of everyone involved. I'm not saying you shouldn't be sending requests to different authors at the same time, but just make sure that you give us different plots so each writer is given the chance to show off their creativity in their own unique ways. I apologize again if I seemed too hostile in this post, it wasn't my intention at all. Please don't be discouraged from sending another request in the future because of this. I just hope there was something to be learned from what I wrote here. I hope you have a good day! ❤️
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plusvanity · 2 months
First of all, hello!
I admire your strength to be able to carry on, despite the hate! You're a proud artist and you show it. That's really cool! If I were in your position I would've deleted my account because I wouldn't have had the mental stability to endure all of that!
Honestly, I'm not the shipping kind of person, but this regards any kind of ship. But if people like it - then what kind of person would I be to try to stop them? Live and let live.
I read your fanfic anyway because I find the dynamic between your version of Pelle and Varg interesting! I rather see it as a "what if", an alternative universe than anything else. Like seperating Burzum from Varg I separate this different interpretation of him from the real person.
Nevertheless, I'm writing this ask because I recenty bought Vargs book "My Burzum Story" (yeahhh you can judge me haha) and he mentioned that the song "Han som reiste" (He who left) was his "own little private and secret instrumental homage to Dead, the vocalist of Mayhem, who killed himself." I had you in mind and thought I might share it with you.
I don't know if it's true or not but maybe it can serve as an inspiration?
I actually wanted to ask as anon, but there is no reason for that. I mean we are all (mostly) adults who should be able to practice constructive, objective and fair criticism. People can have their opinions - I respect that - as long as they're not hurting anyone.
To round it up, have a great day/evening!
Greetings from Germany!
Hey there!!
Thank you so much for understanding my view. This doesn't mean agreeing with everything I have to say, and it's perfectly alright!
I felt the need to address this issue since the latest hate I've received accumulated, and it started to mentally affect me.
Everyone is free to 'love or hate' me, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, everyone can think for themselves their own truth (and I actually encourage that, it's good, it helps us evolve as individuals). I'm sure that the ones that I talked about yesterday think that I 'hate them so much', but I don't. I hope that the special person with a cute pfp who sent them my big post together with a few asks will be generous enough to send them this paragraph so they understand that there's NO ANIMOSITY from me to them.
People can block me if they don't like me or agree with me, I absolutely do not take this as a personal offence. (I hope they see this, too)
You're absolutely right about 'live and let live'. I moved on from yesterday's drama, and I hope that ebeyone else did.
I'm a big fan of Burzum, I think I know all of his discography on guitar, lol. So, yes, separate the musician from the music.
Thank you for giving my fic a try, even if you're not particularly interested in 'shipping'. It's definitely canon-divergent. It's probably the biggest 'What if' that I ever came with.
I don't judge you for what you spend your money on, bro. You're an adult, so no worries about it. I didn't know this particular detail actually! I don't read Varg's books, so I probably would've never come across this information 👀. So, thank you very much for sharing this with me! I will definitely use it in my fic!! 🖤🖤🖤
I agree with you again about practising constructive criticism. It's so easy to be spiteful, but it takes strength to be gentle and open to other's views. I keep an open mind even for the things that I fully understand, especially it they 'help' the individual in some way and they're not dangerous like art, for example.
Thank you so much for your message! Greetings from Pelle's beloved Transylvania 🖤
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valiantstarlights · 10 months
All this talk of Horny and Sweet for each other Dreamling in the personal trainer AU has made it me think of them traumatizing Desire.
Desire who high key now wants to rip their eyes out after coming into the VVIP training rooms for a quick yoga sesh and finding their older brother in flagrante delicto with his boyfriend (taking advantage of the floor to ceiling mirrors).
Desire now needs a shock blanket and a generous serving of whiskey to forget the loving dirty talk they heard from Dream and the other... sounds. Despair can only pat their hand and call for the cleaning crew.
Hob though, sweetheart that he is, sends, "I'm Sorry You Had To See That" flowers to Desire
Why am I laughing? 😂 Desire is suffering and I'm laughing. (I'm sorry, Desire 🙇‍♀️ But thank you, anon, for this ask 😂)
In all seriousness though, as much as Dream would like to stake his claim on Hob where anyone could see, his determination(?) to keep Hob's sexy body and slutty moans to himself ranks even higher.
So if Desire does walk in on Dream and Hob doing stuff in the gym, it's to them being disgustingly fluffy and trading sweet kisses, and Desire will still need a shock blanket and the largest bottle of whiskey to banish the image from their mind anyway.
Hob, spotting for Dream at a seated dumbbell press: ...49...50. You're doing great, Dream! 🖤 Just let me know when you're getting tired, okay? 🥺
Dream, who can do another idk, 50 more reps: Will you give me a kiss for every 5 that I do?
Hob: Okay 🥰
Desire, speedwalking away and gagging: *wraps their gym towel around their shoulders in lieu of a shock blanket* WHO AUTHORIZED THIS
Matthew, eternally suffering at the gym cafe: *already opening the hidden cabinet filled with alcohol to hand Desire an entire bottle of top shelf whiskey* Definitely not me, Boss Desire.
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Hey Kat! It's the scared anon who sent the ask about the dentist. First I just want to say thank you for your kind words, I hadn't even registered that what I was saying could be internalised ableism. I think I just have so much self loathing I went "oh, this MUST be my fault. Nothing else" y'know? Anyways, I thought you'd like a positive update! After sending that ask a specialty toothbrush I ordered turned up in the mail, it's a Korean-made silicone toothbrush, and I can actually use it!!! The rubber bristles obviously won't clean as much as nylon ones but I can use it!!! It doesn't hurt, it makes a different sound that I can handle (a bit like a wet jellyfish slapping against my teeth haha) and it doesn't make my gums bleed because it's so gentle in my mouth. I legit nearly cried when I first tried it. It was such a desperate, last-ditch effort but I think it's working! I've brushed my teeth at least once a day for the last 3 days, which hasn't happened for, what, 7 years, at least? I'm just so relieved. Also! We went to the dentists and I managed to get booked in next week (so no long build up to get worried about) and its with my parents dentist, so I vaguely know him which is less scary than a total stranger. He even agreed to use plastic tools for the initial consultation so no metal scraping against my teeth! Sorry this is so long and rambly, I'm just so, so relieved. Everything's going as well as it possibly could and I'm so grateful. Actually going is going to be a total shit show, I know that, but everybody's being so kind and accommodating and I'm just so thankful 🖤
That's amazing news and I'm so happy to hear that you finally found a method of dental care which isn't sensory hell! Big congratulations on that! ❤️💪
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canongf · 4 months
hi, please feel free to ignore this if you dont wanna answer, but may i ask for advice? so lately (the past three months) ive been falling for a new character! hes wonderful, hes smart and kind and sweet and positive and complex and i adore him. its all going really great otherwise, im only struggling with this strange kind of shame about the depth of my feelings since hes from a dating sim/otome game. it feels like i should feel bad about liking a character that was created for the sole purpose. like its very 'basic' of me or something. i have feelings of jealousy too, those im able to deal with, but i cant stop feeling like maybe im silly for feeling so deeply for him. i know id never ever shame anyone else for liking a character from a dating sim or otome game but for some reason it just doesnt extend to myself, i keep feeling kind of exposed and worried. as if i was doing something wrong, in a way. i dont know, maybe im just hoping for some reassurance that im not silly for getting so invested and so emotionally attached to a character like this.
anyway, thank you for reading & i hope youre doing well ❤ sending love to you!!
anon... you are not silly at all.
but i understand!!! i've dealt with this kind of insecurity before and it's hard!!! it's hard to process and it's hard to explain! the fear of 'being basic' seems like the only way to describe it but i feel like that makes it sound so trivial and it's so much more than that. i understand!!!
but i want you to know that there is nothing silly about the way that you feel.
maybe this character was created for the sole purpose of someone falling for him and you fell for him. but so what? that doesn't make your feelings any less! that doesn't make you any less! somebody created something with the hopes that it would make you feel something and you feel something. when we take a step back and look at it that way, isn't it beautiful? isn't it beautiful that his whole purpose was to connect with someone and he found that purpose in you?
and i could go on and on about how feeling this way about him doesn't make you basic, but honestly... who cares? maybe we're all basic. our feelings are still there, our connections with these characters are still there. and they're still beautiful. being basic doesn't take that away. being basic is not the worst thing in the world. but allowing yourself to boldly feel what you're feeling and to enjoy this relationship with this character can be the best. you have very little to lose and everything to gain!!!
you're not silly and you're not doing anything wrong!!! and you are allowed to feel the way you do about him!!!!! 🖤
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smellydano · 2 years
Awwww my heart man I can’t tell u how many times I reread that aiwhwugwuwhw Eddie is literally a baby. Thank u so much for doing my request babes 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
I hope you don’t mind me making another one-
I have this headcanon where Eddie is actually scared of ghosts ( he can’t watch movies like the conjuring lmao) but reader doesn’t know that tho….. i can just imagine him pretending to be strong and shit but fails miserably lolll maybe even the reader scares him a bit ( ik I’m evil) anyways I just want Eddie to cling to the reader never let go of them
anon you can send in as many requests as you want i will never mind at all :3
hope this is what u mean! cute eddie getting scared by ghost movies and clinging to you is so adorable omg
scary movies || edward nashton
edward nashton x gn!reader
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warnings: none!
synopsis: watching horror movies with eddie but he’s so scared!
word count: 379 (short but sweet)
you were in the middle of watching a horror ghost movie with eddie, him sitting close to you for comfort. they weren’t eddie’s favourite movies, but you wanted to get into the halloween spirit by watching some horror movies.
the tv screen shined onto you two, the lights out to add to the atmosphere. you watched as eddie’s body become visibly tense, waiting for something to pop up on the screen. in a matter of seconds, sure enough a figure appeared with a shrill scream. he let out a quiet scream, bringing his knees up on the couch sitting cross legged. you placed your hand on his knee in an attempt to comfort him.
eddie’s body jumped as the second jump scare popped up on the screen.
“you okay, eds?” you looked over to see the scared man curled up next to you, arms holding his knees. you frowned, lightly placing a hand on his crouched upper back. “it’s okay hun, it’s just a movie. did you wanna change it to something else?”
“y-yeah, if you don’t mind.” he stuttered as his clutched onto your arm. you pulled him in for a hug, squeezing him tight. you continued to rub small circles on his back to ease his nerves. you laid back on the couch, bringing him with you so he could rest on your chest.
“if i would’ve known these aren’t your favourite, we wouldn’t have had to watch it!” you frowned, pressing a kiss on his head.
“i know, but i know you wanted to watch some scary movies so i thought i would be brave for you.”
“how about you pick something, eddie? whatever you want to watch!” he smiled, nodding into your chest. the tv quickly flipped to some random documentary he was interested in, he let out a sigh. with his arms wrapped around your body, he nuzzled his face into your chest, finding comfort in your body heat and embrace.
you ran your fingers through his hair while he browsed through movies, settling on a documentary. “ooh, is this the one you’ve been wanting to watch, honey?” you asked, the movie poster triggered a memory of eddie going on about this documentary he was waiting to come out.
he nodded, smiling against your chest as he played the documentary. you held him close as his arms wrapped around your upper torso, whispering in his ear, “hopefully this isn’t too scary for you ed.” he chuckled at your teasing words, shaking his head. “i think i’ll be okay.”
the title card popped on the screen with dramatic music, giving eddie another spook. you chuckled and grabbed his shoulders, “boo!” you whispered.
“(y/n), please.” he plead and looked up at you with puppy dog eyes.
“i’m sorry baby, i love you.”
“i love you too.”
like i said short but sweet, but i want to write more for eddie since he’s my little baby and i love him
ty for requesting anon!! ty for reading, likes/reblogs are always appreciated!! 🖤🍄🧚🏻
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soursturniolo · 8 months
Hi friends.
Just wanted to say thanks for all the kind words and support you’ve all given me❤️
My ask is back open. I’m allowing anons again, because a sweet person who asked to not be named messaged me and brought up the fact that some people shy away from sending requests without being able to be anonymous, and I always want to be able to accept your requests :)
However, moving forward, I’m not going to tolerate shit as much. You send in hateful shit? Unless I really have the time, it’s getting ignored and deleted. I don’t care.
I haven’t mentioned it before, but there’s a certain anon (you know who you are, probably) who has forgotten to put on the anon feature before. I’ve ignored it and deleted the rude comment to be nice, instead of responding and letting other people see how hateful and rude you can be. I chose to delete it because I didn’t want you possibly receiving any backlash or negative attention; I wanted to be the bigger person.
I won’t be so nice the next time.
anyways, have a lovely night y’all 🖤 take care of yourselves
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velidewrites · 7 months
So I read your shadow & bone AU and I just have to say: you. are. fantastic.
So here are my questions:
What did the Vanserra’s do??!?
I get that it was Miryam and Jurian but who was the other guy??!?
Is Elucien enemies to lovers???
(I understand you can’t answer these yet but it’s so good!)
My theories:
- Nesta teams up with Vanserra’s with one mission in mind; get her sisters back.
- Elain and Feyre are taken in to the Grisha and are met with disdain until Rhysand shows up and everyone falls in love with them.
- Elucien get separated from the party and have to survive. Together. With only each other.
I could be completely off base but that’s my theory.
Anyway, I hope you don’t mind the kudos and the ask. Currently trying to decide how I want to leave a review but I’m thinking like this: 🖤🖤🖤🖤🔥
Anon you stop it right now because the way I've been tearing up at this ask ever since you sent it - THANK YOU. That fic is on a hiatus right now but let me tell you I opened that doc SO FAST when I saw your review. I'm planning to rewatch S&B later this year and hopefully pick it up at the start of next year after I stop drowning in other wips - I'm so sorry for the long wait but please just know I appreciate you and your patience so much!!
As for your questions, without getting too spoilery - I can only say not all Vanserras are as bad as they seem, and both Elain and Nesta will find that out pretty soon ;) The third man with Miryam and Jurian was Drakon!
I love your theories, seeing people try and guess the story always makes me so excited. Thank you so much for sending this!
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plural-affirmations · 8 months
hiya blog owner, I know you're on hiatus right now so I first want to say- I& send well wishes and hope you're doing alright with everything /gen
the second part of this ask, is I just want to say thank you; I'm the anon who sent the request for affirmations for young persecutors. I showed the post to the headmate in question, and it seemed to really get to them (in a good way), so I wanted to say thank you for that. it was nice seeing them smile /gen
So, I'm still on hiatus until the 25th as planned, but thankfully everything has been going a lot better. Anyways, I just wanted to respond to a couple asks before I dip out.
First of all, I'm so glad the post was helpful! That makes me incredibly happy, and I wish you the same happiness, anon. ❤️
Second, thank you for the kind words!! It's very much appreciated. I was going through a pretty rough moment recently, and seeing all you guys' support means the world to us. 🥹
I'm really excited to return next week! Thank you again for the message, you're so, so sweet. /gen ❤️
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webslingingslasher · 3 months
he’s not that bad tho I swear! :( this is the first time he’s being like this but he’s usually so sweet and loving. i didn’t expect him to react like that, it’s so out of character for him, but i agree that he’s being weird :( so thank u for helping, i needed the extra clarity bc he is my first bf but I’m not his first gf so i didn’t know what to make of it tbh
he made me feel so guilty ab it tho bc he was so sweet like caressing my face and speaking so softly saying that he just wanted us both to have the best experience, and it would be so much better without it, and that the side effects of bc won’t be that bad compared to how good sex would be with it. i said i still wasn’t sure and he said ‘you don’t even know that you don’t want it, because you haven’t even tried it yet’ and i guess he’s right? idk. he stopped arguing but he did mention again like ‘if you only want me the way i only want you then there’s no reason to say no’ which made me feel so bad like I feel like i have to say yes to prove that I only want him but the side effects are craxybdhffhhffh
anyways. thank you for your help :( i really appreciate it and i swear he’s not usually that bad. just so confusing when he has so much more experience than me, he tends to get his way all the time fjfjfjd but i guess it should be that way bc he knows more than me so it’s better than me making decisions on things idk about. idk
thank you🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 ilyyyyyyyyy so much.
also i am sooo excited to read begin again when i get home today! peter & ur writing make everything better
that second paragraph contradicts the entire first part but okay.
“he’s not that bad, i swear!”
“he made me feel so guilty about it tho”
i swear to god this is just rage bait at this point, i’m sorry anon but no one is this stupid 😭😭
“i guess it should be that way bc he knows more than me making decisions on things idk about.”
if you’re just going to bow down and do what he says there was no reason to send the original ask. you’re young and he’s your first boyfriend. he’s also a bad boyfriend.
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ghost-proofbaby · 8 months
Hi ghost I was a bit of a menace to the guy today. I was shopping at target and I saw this really cute dress and it's like knee length and long sleeved and has a deep neckline and I went to try it on. I normally don't wear things that show off my boobs as im really generally self conscious about my entire body so I usually just cover it up. But this dress was calling to me. So I send a picture to two of my friends like um should I go back and get this and they were both like YES DUH GO and i hesitated. Then the friend that set us up was like send a picture to him and see what he thinks. So I was like okay. And I sent it and asked if he liked the dress. and literally IMMEDIATELY he sends back that he likes the dress. I say then I will get the dress and hmmm I wonder what he likes about it 🤔 and he does not open the new message/respond for a whole HALF HOUR and im sitting there like man i think i might have broke him with a picture of me in a dress that made my boobs look rather nice (both of my friends agreed on that 😂) but he responds... eventually... and said that was a good question about me wondering what he liked about it. So I said yes that's a good question I wonder what the answer is. And he doesn't tell me 😤 but anyway I did get the dress (I had fully left target at this point and had to go back 😂) and I ended up getting it in both purple and blue.
But then later we were talking (I had my usual meltdown where my dumbass brain is convinced he hates me if he's not talking to me even though I keep trying to train myself to shut the fuck up and know that he doesn't have to text me all day every day) and I was telling him about how I spoil my dog and that she has 3 boxes of toys that I've bought her bc I have no self control and maybe one day he'll have 3 boxes of stuff from me bc i like buying things for people I like. and he said he was okay with that and I was like see now you're encouraging it 😂 and I told him about how when I went back to get the dress that I saw it in a different color and I bought both. And he said I do like that dress. And I told him how I almost didn't buy it but I was encouraged by the besties and to also send the picture to him so he has them to thank for that 😂
And we're trying to make more plans and he said the new Lego set is coming in soon and I told him how my mom's friends think that building legos is a euphemism for something. and then i had to explain what a euphemism was 😂
But I was having way too much fun with the dress situation and I just kept giggling to myself the longer it went without him responding after IMMEDIATELY telling me he liked the dress. And I kept humming dress by taylor swift 😂
🎸 anon ❤️
HUMMING DRESS IS SO OUT OF POCKET but i love you for it so much 😭 everything about this is so cute i am getting giggly for you my friend aaaaaaaaahhhhh 🥹🖤
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