#anyway I’m still here! braver than any US Marine!
alarrylarrie · 22 days
Amanda, I love you❤️ please don't leave the larrie fandom. I swear, you and some other vet larrie blogs are the only ones keeping me sane here✌️😘
Hey love! I love you too! I’m not planning on leaving? If someone else said I was, they’re a silly goose.
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kazimakuwabara · 3 years
8. Concession
summary: Deals are struck to appease the sick and appease the worrying. (one piece, slight SanUso)
“His temperature is high,” Chopper sighed stepping outside of his office with a frown. He kept his voice low, in case the patient was listening. “Really high... He needs to eat and drink more, but he’s putting up a resistance.”
Chopper rubbed his chin, concern weighing down his brow, “It’s a simple illness, an infection of the throat and sinuses. Strep throat. But his pain response to it... it’s as if he’s never been sick before!”
“Well... Usopp has claimed to have never been sick a day of his life,” Nami sighs, hands on her hips, and her gaze glaring at the door, “But I thought that was another... tall tale of his!”
“Surely he’s been sick before... at least once!” Brook argued, tapping his skeletal fingers to his teeth.
"I gotta admit... I've seen a lot of us sick, but I don't think I've seen Usopp-bro sick," Franky mused. He chuckled suddenly, before adding, "Well, not something he didn't invent anyway..."
“I’m not sure. I’m going to take a look at his blood for antibodies, but based on his fever and his reactions to the pain, I’m not sure if he's had this illness before. I really think it’s his first time experiencing this... which can be a problem. Mild illnesses are worse in adulthood if you’ve never experienced them in your youth!” Chopper sighed.
“Isn’t he just being a bad patient?” Zoro protested, “He’s just whining.”
“A temperature doesn’t lie, idiot,” Sanji snapped, a tray of soup and water in hand, “If Chopper says it’s bad, then it’s bad!”
Zoro glared at the cook, an insult ready on his lips, but Luffy, his usually cheerful tone subdued, interrupted, “Don’t fight. Usopp’s head was hurting from the noise earlier.”
The crew fell quiet, anxiety twisting in their stomachs over Luffy’s obvious concern. Finding out Usopp wasn't feeling his best, had been a bit of a shock.
In the middle of an escape from the Marines, Usopp had burst into tears over the noise of a canon, before collapsing on the ground. It hadn’t been too abnormal a sight, but his tears were normally from being scared... and not from pain. This had obviously been the latter, and the sight of it had shocked the group. Usopp had been gathered up and taken to Chopper's office immediately. More alarming than any complaint he could have made was his muttering that he was fine, despite his obvious fever, and flushed complexion.
“Usopp was hurting a lot,” Luffy mumbled, folding his arms with a frown.
A crew member falling sick was never a happy occasion, but in their years sailing together, Usopp had indeed, never gotten sick. His boasting over his good health had oddly been a comfort for the crew. He was normally the first to check on a downed crewmate, telling them stories, or encouraging them to take medicine. There was many an occasion Luffy's fast recoveries could be credited to Usopp, for tricking his Captain into taking his gross tasting medicine, thanks to some tale he wove.
And if asked to not get to close to the paitent he would laugh, “I never get sick! Never. While, I’ll have you know...” and then he’d launch into a story about how his family was blessed with good health, or that Usopp had sailed on the sea when he was seven, to do some great quest that caused his good health.
It was clockwork. Usopp didn’t get sick. He faked them. He did not succumb to them.
A cough from behind Chopper’s closed door caused the Straw Hats to jump.
Anxious eyes turned to the door, unease settling over them like a blanket.
“Has he eaten anything?” Robin asked, her voice almost a whisper.
“Not yet...” Chopper admitted, “He’s struggling even taking water right now.”
Sanji, straightened his back, his grip on the tray getting surer. 
“Well, he won’t turn my food down. Water and a light soup. It’s not too much much, and he’ll find the taste to his liking,” Sanji said with a nod, marching towards the door.
“If he could at least drink all the water... I don’t want to resort to an I.v.,” Chopper half pleaded, a brave smile on his face.
“He’s not going to die from this,” Zoro said, brown furrowed with frustration, “He’s going to be fine!” He seemed grumpier with Usopp laid up.
Franky opened the door for Sanji, and offered a grin of reassurance, “Good luck bro!”
Sanji entered Chopper’s office with firm steps. He flinched a little as the door closed behind him, suddenly finding himself squinting at the dimmed light of the room. 
It didn’t take long for his eyes to adjust; Usopp was easy to spot on the bed, his black hair flowing like ink over his pillow. His dark skin was ashen, and his eyes were closed. He was frowning, the pain of his throat most likely the cause.
Sanji hated it when people were sick.
Nami’s brave sick face comes to mind. As does his mother’s. Both thoughts fill him with dread. Smiling while sick... he'd rather no one did that.
He feels cruel to suddenly be grateful Usopp isn’t hiding behind a brave smile.
Sanji sets the tray down on the desk by Usopp’s bedside with an intentional noise. Usopp’s body flinches, as if the noise had hurt him, and he peeks out at Sanji beneath heavy lashes... pouting at Sanji in greeting.
He’s not putting on a brave face, and again Sanji feels selfish to be happy about it.
Moved by relief, and an unexpected surge of compassion, Sanji reaches out to cup Usopp’s face. Usopp is burning up beneath his touch.
“Hey there... You’ve got to eat,” Sanji says, his words slow and awkward. He hadn’t really known what to say, especially now that he's touched him out of the blue.
Usopp makes an expressive frown but remains quiet. His dark eyes are locked onto Sanji, but they are darting over Sanji's face. He doesn't seem to know where to look, or perhaps, even lying down, he is too dizzy to focus on the cook's face.
“Can you sit up for water, at the very least?” Sanji asks thumb stroking Usopp’s cheek. He doesn’t know where the doting has come from, but he doesn’t push it down. They’re alone after all... no one to see what he’s doing.
Usopp nods, his fevered cheek pressing lightly into Sanji’s cool palm. He stays there a moment and then moves to sit up. His arms are trembling. Sanji reaches gently under those shaking arms and helps the sniper sit up, Usopp pressing his forehead heavily against  Sanji’s chest.
His breath is labored from the effort of sitting up.
Is this really just strep throat?
When Usopp’s breath is evened out, Sanji lets him go and reaches for the glass of water. He passes it to Usopp, who takes it obediently; quietly.
That quiet is so disturbing. Usopp is a small ball of chaos, smaller and more predictable than fluffy, but he's loud and exuberant. The quiet doesn't suit him.
“I know Chopper gave you medicine... it hurts now, but you’ll be feeling better soon. Chopper’s the best doctor,” Sanji says, unable to help but try and console the ailing sniper. Forcing a smile, Sanji continues, “So... so drink up! The water will help. It’ll help you feel better soon!”
Usopp’s pout grows deeper, but he sips the water. He jolts, wincing sharply, a hand going to his throat. He looks so surprised at the pain.
Nami had smiled so brightly while sick. His mother had eaten her food obediently. 
Sanji has one of Usopp’s hands in his own and clings to it. He’s not sure why he’s so scared now.
“Please drink it all. I know it hurts... but I promise you’ll feel better soon,” Sanji says, smiling as wide as he can.
Usopp frowns, and his eyes sluggishly turn to Sanji’s face. His head tilts slightly, and then, he smiles.
Sanji feels choked up at the sight.
Usopp’s feverish hand is suddenly on Sanji’s cheek, and the sniper whispers, “Sanji... stop. It is going to be alright... Don’t make that face.”
Sanji shakes his head, “I’ll... I’ll worry less if you promise to drink this, and have a few bites of soup.”
Usopp nods, head drooping as if it is weighed down. He grunts very softly in agreement. Closing his eyes, Usopp chugs half the water, before his hand goes to his throat. He coughs, his face twisting up from the pain, and Sanji is reaching forward again. 
He feels so helpless.
And then Usopp has his arms around him. 
Usopp is hot and sticky with sweat. His hug is too heavy and uncomfortable. He buries his face into Sanji’s throat, and sighs, his hot breath adding to the uncomfortableness.
“Stop... making that...face. I’ll get better. Just stop. I’ll be alright... Don’t look so sad,” Usopp whispers, voice strained and weak, "I'll have you know... I'm the fastest at getting better..." It's a weak story, and one with no elaboration. 
His strong hands, no longer small like how Sanji remembers them, curl around the lapels of Sanji’s jacket.
“In exchange... feed me. And listen to me complain. But I’ll... get better. So don’t look like... this,” Usopp’s voice is tired, and he sounds concerned.
Sanji hugs Usopp unsure of what face he is making, or how to stop it, so he tells him so.
"I don't know what I look like."
Usopp rubs his cheek against Sanji's hair and mumbles, "Very scared. I don't like... people looking at me like that... about this." 
Usopp is trembling.
Sanji abruptly remembers this isn't even a severe illness, and with a much braver and stronger voice insists, "You're going to be fine. We... I'm looking at you like this... because our sniper can't be down for long. You're going to get better. I just hate seeing you like this."
Usopp sighs, and his trembling calms. Somehow, Sanji has managed to bring Usopp comfort, while also comforting himself.
Sanji’s not even sure why all of this is bothering him so much.
Sanji holds Usopp tight, and thinks only of him. He pushes away Nami’s determined flushed face, and his mother's grateful, relieved smile. Nami is still here. His mother is gone. Usopp will be like the former. He'll get better.
All these things are related, and Sanji’s not sure if he understands how.
Usopp told him once, that his mother died when she was sick.
“Are you afraid?” Sanji asks, arms still tightly wrapped around Usopp. It doesn’t matter how uncomfortably hot everything is.
“Not like you,” Usopp whispers, lips brushing Sanji’s throat. “I’ll get better... didn’t I tell you? So no more...” Usopp’s hot hand covers Sanji’s eyes.
“I have to endure it when all of you don’t feel well... so don’t fall apart on me... If I can take it... you can take it too,” Usopp mutters, voice trying to be encouraging, even if the words don’t quite fit.
Sanji remembers all of Usopp’s smiles whenever they fall ill. He’s a good liar. Good at hiding when something is wrong. He too, lost his mother to illness.
Sanji had been worried about Nami when she was sick.
But not like how he had been worried about his mother.
Sanji is worried more for Usopp, over this nonfatal illness. More worried than he ever had been for his mother.
A disconnect in Sanji’s heart, and head--click.
“Ah...” Sanji whispers suddenly understanding something he had been trying not to look at for some time.
He looks down at Usopp in his arms. He’s asleep, his glass empty and bowl of food untouched. Sanji will try again when he wakes up. Usopp promised to get better. And he will. The whole crew, and not just Sanji, will see to it.
Sanji sets Usopp back gently on his pillow, releasing him very carefully. 
There’s a lot to think about, but Sanji will deal with that later. Every other thought and feeling is packed away, neatly tucked back inside Sanji for him to deal with at a later time. He’ll go make more soup for Usopp when he wakes up.
Usopp did promise to get better if Sanji stops making whatever face he’s been making. It’s a small price to pay that Sanji will agree to pay while Usopp’s eyes are open.
But if Usopp’s eyes are closed, Sanji decides to worry all he wants, and there’s not a thing the sniper can do about it.
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Reading One Piece pt 347: Straw Hats Are Braver Than US Marines
Chapter 596
- Cover: Luffy, Ace and… adult Sabo… are running away from a giant monkey. huh
- back to Weatheria and Nami
- lol
- “What just happened here?” well, she came back from her wizard kidnapping and you’re weak to woman’s tears :D
- records of the weather all over the worlds? Wow
- “Raining lighting? You gotta be kidding” New World is wiiiild
- “You have to tell me about the weather of New World, Haredas! Teach me everything you know!”
- “You sound desperate.” “Of course I am!” aww
- “The lives of my crew depend on it! I’m the navigator! It’s my responsibility to keep them safe when we’re at sea! I need to be able to take my captain wherever he wants to go! And Luffy wants to be the King of the Pirates, so I can’t just be any ordinary navigator!” it’s an Awww Fest of course, but I also love to read about just… competent people. She takes it so seriously, I really would trust her with my life on the sea
- “Your crew is so devoted to him” “I don’t have much choice. He’s so reckless.” True, true :)
- all this segment is here to make you feel good :D
- alright, with Brook now. He’s in a cage :((((((
- there’s something about a skeleton reading a newspaper that’s just hilarious to me
- crowd: *pokes Brook with a stick* come on, do something
Brook: alright, you asked for it *continues to sit and do nothing*
- “You seemed so bright in my eyes” feels :)
- where did he find a guitar
- “Listen to my new single! Bone To Be Wild!” dhahjskdlashdkjakksjh BONE JOKE. I LOVE IT
- with Robin!
- you know, it’s like the forth Straw Hat who were getting ready to leave, changed their minds and now is asked about the change of heart. If I left a place and then had to choose between leaving forever and coming back to face questions, I would vanish into ether, never to be seen again. Straw Hats are the bravest people I ever read about
- Robin will meet Dragon :D
- Robin’s flashbacks heartbreaking as always
- but she’s okay now. And these rebels seem to be real sweethearts :)
- Franky time. He found ANOTHER laboratory in a cave. Don’t blow up this one, Franky
(I think some of the blame should go to Vegapunk anyway. Why did he made Self-Destruct Button so gigantic and left it in the open, honestly. Also, wasn’t Franky’s whole deal that you are responsible for your creations? Vegapunk isn’t looking good in that light)
- eew, research on weapons
- “I’ll right, going to live here” haha
- (by the way, his face is still exploded. He looks like a B Movie Zombie)
- lol
- Franky will ALWAYS make a spectacle of himself, bless :D
- Usopp
- “I need to lose weight! And I need to put on some muscle” he sounds like every friend I had in this decade (and me). We’re all the same after all
- seriously, Usopp continues to the Most Relatable Straw Hat
- “I always thought Luffy would become the Pirate King on his own. But that’s not true.” holy shit, it really hit me
“To help you become King of the Pirates… I’m gonna become the real Sniper King!” I’m smiling so hard, guys :D      
rOP 346  rOP 348
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
One Piece 1000 - 10 Confessions as a One Piece Fan
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Although we did the Initial Thoughts a week ago (a long week ago, damn) which you can read here I wanted to do something for the official release of One Piece’s 1000th Chapter At first it started out to be ‘10 things I wanna ask Oda that I don’t think we’ll ever know’ but I couldn’t think of 10, then I was gonna do a General opinion post about it, but didn’t want it to come off too negative. So I am settling on a confessions post, which will have elements of these anyway.
So as we have a happy 1000, let’s talk about some stuff I usually don’t get to talk about in One Piece
Note: There will probably be spoilers so make sure you’re up to date
10. Late Beginnings I think the first confession I have to have is that despite being older than One Piece I am unfortunately not a ‘Day One’ fan. In fact I think I mainly got into One Piece around mid-Whole Cake Island arc, before I had of course known about One Piece, it was a ‘Big Three’ anime after all but the most I knew about it was that they had a guy named Luff-y and another called Zorro, and it was about ‘Pirates who can’t swim’. My curiosity only developed when in a youtube deep-dive of anime clips I kept being recommended One Piece clips, and decided to give a couple a go. Most of them were Paradise arc stuff from the anime, the dub voices were mostly atrocious so I stuck to sub. I was happily surprised about the amount of fun and emotional weight these clips gave me, which led me to check where One Piece was as of current and backtrack from there (Ironically I did the same with Beastars). I did eventually get caught up around the time of the Mafia Meeting and I’ve kept up with each chapter since.
9. I mostly still prefer the Pre-Timeskip looks When I first felt this I thought it to be pretty controversial, nowadays not so much. I understand that Oda wanted to change the look for many characters but some of them did feel like a downgrade. I think the ones who got it worst was Franky, I think it’s the bulbous shoulders, Franky was no stranger to body horror from Enies Lobby to Sabaody but I kinda preferred that he still had a lot of his humanity rather than looking like an action figure. Otherwise I think Robin, Nami and Chopper had it bad, maybe Brook too but his was more fashion than design; the women in general took heavy hits by Oda’s proportion design - I mean I get it boobs are nice but proportions are what make them better - but Robin also underwent a skin color change in the anime, who pre-timeskip shaded her skin darker than in the manga and corrected it to match the manga, I think most of us would’ve preferred Robin to have kept the darker skin tone and possibly even the fringe, Robin’s hairstyle (and her fashion in general) can be hit and miss. I go to and fro about Nami, other than the general waist and bust adjustments I think it fits her character to use her sexuality a bit, she was no stranger to that pre-Timeskip, sometimes though I can’t tell whether I preferred her with short or long hair (Short was definitely better on Nojiko), I do think though that Oda could have her show less skin, she is still very pretty in outfits such as Water 7, Thriller Bark and even her fake pirate disguise in the early chapters/episodes. Finally with Chopper I think it was a bad move to alter the hat, that was a memento from his father figure Hiriluk, it’d be like if Luffy altered his straw hat or Zoro replacing Wado Ichimonji, I do also feel that the design for Chopper’s points while easier to draw don’t look as good, I think a lot of it is the scruff, or lack thereof in favour of smoothness, Walk Point is fine but Heavy Point, Guard Point and Horn Point seem less threatening, Monster Point especially too, in Enies Lobby he looked like a cave painting of menace and destruction, now he’s smoother and his scruff lighter so it’s not as good. The rest of the designs I’m quite fine with though.
8. I wish some markings stuck as well Tattoos and Scars seem to be optional in the One Piece world sometimes, unless it’s branded in molten heat like the Dragon’s hoof, Sun Pirates logo or an attack from Sakazuki. While Nami’s redesigned tattoo has stuck around and Luffy and Zoro’s scars persist, they are mainly character reminders/mysteries for huge moments in the story, and I kinda wish that some of the Straw Hats had littler markings, not just scars either. For instance, the Alabasta X on the arm, I really wish that stayed on each of the Alabasta characters’ arms since it was a symbol of friendship with Vivi, I also wish that Luffy kept the 3D2Y mark on his arm. In terms of scars though it would’ve been nice to see the characters a bit more battle-worn; Zoro’s ankle scars from Mr. 3 have faded and frankly he should be covered in little and long scratches given his fights with Mr. 1 and 2 years of Mihawk Training, Nami’s shoulder scar is hidden completely by her tattoo and she has no scars on her hand (from fake stabbing Usopp) or foot (from blocking Miss Doublefinger), Usopp himself could’ve used some small scratches because lord knows how there’s even still bones in his nose plus he was in murder island for 2 years, Chopper could at least have a small bald patch from when his shoulder was impaled and burned by Shura’s fire lance too, other than that there’s just Jimbei’s potentially missing shoulder scar from Marineford, though Oda has kept it obscured a lot so maybe that is still there. I understand why Oda doesn’t or forgets to, but it would’ve been nice if we lived in a vacuum of no time limits and whatnot.
7. Dead End Adventure is my favourite One Piece film I don’t know what it is, but Dead End Adventure just gives me the most fun out of the One Piece films. It has a good side plot and the side character Shuraiya was a blast of a character. Granted, Gaspard wasn’t too good of a villain side for actually harming the straw hat and his defeat was a bit underwhelming but the race, the settings it was all fun. It is not to say I don’t enjoy any other One Piece movies, I delight in the horror fuel of Baron Omatsuri - and that killer final punch - and Z’s tragic tale of a fallen marine, Strong World has that epic entrance to the party and Stampede also had some great team up moments and fantastic writing for Usopp and Smoker but Dead End Adventure always feels like the movie I could watch in any mood.
6. Skypeia and Fishman Island are some of my favourite arcs While I can understand the criticism of the Long Ring Long Land arc (especially since the anime dragged out the Davy Back Fight) it surprised me that people found Skypeia and Fishman Island arcs to be boring or less entertaining than previous arcs. Everyone has their preferences of course but I felt that Skypeia and Fishman Island were very powerful arcs especially with the theme of racism. Both had glorious setting design different to the common customs of the world we had seen, Oda made both Skypeia and Fishman Island feel very much lived in with its own budding culture and prejudices, with a villain who was dead set on destroying everything just to have their way. With Enel and his priests we were able to push several characters to newer limits, with Robin showing her fighting capabilities, Zoro learning his projectile slashes, Chopper having to endure fighting 3 priests and even Usopp growing all the more braver in the face of seemingly indestructible opponents and later gaining access to the dials. With Fishman Island it was different because it was basically a ‘flex arc’: where the main villain is meant to be a stepping stone rather than a threat but even then the symbolism of the enemy is what’s significant with them, the inherited hatred of humans. But at the same time we do learn new strengths from the crew; Red Hawk, the use of armament Haki, Skywalk, Hell Memories, Franky Shogun, Usopp’s pop greens, Nami’s weather eggs, Brook’s Soul Solid and his new DF power (which is possibly an awakening), as well as the first true steps of Jimbei joining the crew. The biggest strength of both arcs is the flashback as well, like Wano would in present time both arcs demonstrated that Oda can carry a story without his main characters and still keep it as captivating as ever, be it the friendship of Noland and Calgara, the tragedies of Otohime and Fisher Tiger or the life of Kozuki Oden and the man who would be Pirate King. And the impact of Fishman Island and Skypeia’s flashbacks both come back around in Dressrosa with the dwarves and Koala, and Fishman Island really does kick off the whole Yonko saga with Luffy challenging Big Mom, these arcs were definitely significant as they were entertaining with silly faces, strong fights, challenging themes, lorebuilding, good side characters and unique twists. And the overall message of healing from the past is still significant to this day. Through Wyper’s sacrifice and the Bell ringing to Jimbei giving blood and the Ryugu royals wanting to attend the Reverie, it is all very powerful stuff and while the arcs are similar in nature its their similarities that make me love them. Also the cover stories with Enel and Gedatsu on their own mini adventures are fun
5. I really want to know where Ghin is Ghin/Gin was such an interesting character in Baratie. Given that this was right before Arlong Park too so we had not seen a character conflict with different loyalties in One Piece until then, his gratitude to Sanji against his loyalty to Krieg created a fantastically complex character, but then he left and we didn’t hear about him ever since. Did he survive Krieg’s poison gas? Is he still with Krieg? One reactor of the episode said “maybe he’ll become the next Don” which was a concept I kinda really liked. The guy was pretty strong given that he had bested Sanji at that time, and since he didn’t appear in a cover story my mind does wonder. It’s not just Ghin either, a lot of the early East Blue characters kinda fell off the map; where is Morgan? Last we saw he was sleeping as he sailed past Jango, where is Kuro? For someone wanting to resume piracy after some years off he has been very quiet, where is Krieg? Only Arlong and Morgan were arrested and the latter escaped so the rest of these characters are a mystery. Recently in Wano I am still wondering where Law’s crew that he brought to Onigashima went, as well as Caribou - where is that slippery bugger?
4. Basil Hawkins is probably one of my Top 5 Supernova There’s something about that dude I gravitate towards, which makes it quite frustrating when the anime decides to add extra malice and creepy faces to him. Hawkins in Wano is still a victim, if anything he is simply a prisoner with better working conditions, if he thought he could survive escaping Kaido he would but he doesn’t so he won’t, he’s also gonna feel sore about Drake betraying him and letting Law cut him up, so it annoys me that Hawkins is seen like a villain. Not only does he have an extremely interesting Devil Fruit and creativity with it but he’s also audaciously confident in his fortunetelling, even Luffy ran from Kizaru at Sabaody while Hawkins looked at his cards while Kizaru was about to boot him to holy hell and said ‘nah I’m not dying today’, you gotta respect that moxie. At the same time though as a pirate he has that shades of grey element, he’s okay with letting some of his crew be disposable and we don’t even know to what end, he doesn’t look like a guy too concerned about being Pirate King or having riches. I also get a good laugh in that his hobbies are interior design, it makes me really want to see what the inside of his ship looks like. I think as a top 5, I have Luffy, Zoro, Law, Hawkins and then Kid, Bege, Killer and Bonney are not far behind with Apoo dead last because fuck Apoo. Kid and Killer are cool but I do feel like they need a bit more character, Bege earned some points in being funny and his care for his family in WCI and then there’s Bonney - I really hope we dig into Bonney’s significance, she feels really important and that mystery keeps her fresh whenever we see her. Drake too has only really started to become interesting because of SWORD, we could still see more fleshing but for now he is like bottom 3. It’s a shame Urouge has to be so low, he’s not bad but he’s not spectacular either, gotta admire his hobby of lovemaking though, you do you Urouge.
3. I don’t think that either of the ‘Most Beautiful Women in the World’ are the Most Beautiful Women in One Piece The in-world consensus seems to be that the Most Beautiful Women in the World are Boa Hancock, Komurasaki and Shirahoshi, and granted they are very pretty, but the most? Not for me. I mean, y’all know that Nico Robin, Nami and Vinsmoke Reiju exist right? Makino as well is stunning, as are Tashigi, Bonney, Margaret, Ishilly, Nojiko, Vivi, Rebecca, Pudding, Perona, Cosette and I’m sure a few others, realistically I think they could all give them a run for their money. I get how for those three their beauty is a plot point (Boa it’s drilling home Luffy’s obliviousness to it, Komurasaki it’s the swerve of her not being awful and for Shirahoshi it’s due to Vander Decken IX pulling the creep factor on her) but it would’ve worked the same way without the ‘world’ hyperbole I think. As much as Oda is iffy with proportions and rarely writes women with as much attention as the boys he sure knows how to make them attractive.
2. Some of my favourite individual Straw Hat scenes aren’t in Canon If I were to have a top 5 moments of each character, it may surprise you that some of it comes from movies or filler episodes, particularly Sanji’s flexing on Jessica in the G8 Arc (in fact, Jonathon is one of my favourite marines, T-Bone is in there too, but I don’t have room to fit that). Some are of course obvious because of how iconic they are but it does go to show that sometimes filler isn’t all bad. Since you’re probably curious: As a Group Goodbye Merry [Enies Lobby] Entering Shiki’s Palace [Strong World] Walk to Arlong Park [Arlong Park] Entering the Grand Line [Reverse Mountain] vs a Stuck Oars [Thriller Bark] Jimbei Giving Luffy Blood [FMI] Vagabond Drill on Big Mom [WCI] Leaving the Big Mom Pirates [WCI] Returning in Wano [Wano] Trying to argue with Luffy [FMI] Brook vs Chess Soldiers & Big Mom [WCI] Flashback [Thriller Bark] Breaking Mother Carmel’s Picture [WCI] Baron Corpse vs Dog Minks [Zou] Hysterically laughing at seeing Duval [Sabaody] Franky vs Senor Pink [Dressrosa] Playing with the Kids [Punk Hazard] vs Fukurou [Enies Lobby] Freedom Roller [Wano] Trapping Caribou in the Barrel [FMI] Robin  I Want to Live [Enies Lobby] Clutching Spandam [Enies Lobby] Throwing Usopp under the bus [G8] vs Yama [Skypeia] Clutching Tequila Wolf guards [Amazon Lily] Chopper Monster Point [Enies Lobby] Flashback [Drum Island] Chopper Man (& Minoru Kazeno) vs Usobada [Chopper Man Special] Don’t blow the whistle: Immediately blows whistle [Skypeia] Dr Chopper the definitely Human Doctor not wearing fake glasses [G8] Vivi w/ Karoo (she counts okay!) Goodbye speech [Alabasta] Escaping Bon Clay [Alabasta] Karoo Digging Luffy Out [Little Garden] Luffy Fan Club Meeting [Reverie] Slapping Usopp awake [Drum Island] Nami vs Kalifa [Enies Lobby] Standing by the kids [Punk Hazard] Saying goodbye to Bell-mere [Arlong Park] Helping Luffy vs Cracker via Lola’s Vivre Card [WCI] Luffy WILL be Pirate King [Wano] Sanji ‘I needed a light’ [Skypeia] Flexing on Jessica [G8] Saving the Vinsmokes [WCI] O-Soba Mask [Wano] vs Doflamingo [Dressrosa]  Usopp Alabasta speech [Alabasta] Awakening Observation Haki [Dressrosa] Sogeking Theme Song [Enies Lobby] vs Perona [Thriller Bark] Saving Luffy from the fire [Stampede]  Zoro Nothing Happened [Thriller Bark] vs Ryuma [Thriller Bark] vs Mr. 1 [Alabasta] vs Gyukimaru & Kamazo [Wano] “He’s sweeping our floors that fiend!” Test of Luck [Loguetown] Luffy ‘On the Sea, you fight Pirates’ [Wano] Red Roc [Wano] vs Katakuri [WCI] Haki clash with Doflamingo [Dressrosa] Punching Saint Charloss [Sabaody] I will have to say that for some characters I could go to 20 so if one’s missing it may’ve just missed the mark, such as Usopp and Nami vs Enel or Luffy putting back a Zombie or Stealth Luffy, I mean it is 1000 chapters as well as movies and filler episodes/specials...
1. I’ve learned quite a lot due to One Piece Since my fascination started with a deep dive of checks, I did start to learn a hell of a lot more not just about the franchise itself (you know it’s almost catching up BATMAN on total sales, which has been around more than 3 times longer?) but I also learned a lot about stuff Oda has used as a reference key; folklore, actual pirates, actual practices, the amount of detail Oda puts in is astounding. Which does lean into another thing I’ve learned, One Piece has changed the way I approach some of my ideas for writings and whatnot, before I would be afraid of either spoonfeeding or being too vague, Oda’s mastery not only in storytelling but character development, character quality and pacing has both helped and intimidated me a lot of times, I mean consider this: it took hundreds of chapters to get a proper backstory on Luffy, the main character, how unprecedented is that? Often I could fall into the trap of making sure you knew everything about the main character from day one but now I wonder about what’s necessary for the now and what can I work on. Another thing that both inspires and intimidates me is his drawing, I suck at colours and still do, and a lot of Oda’s attention to detail is incredible considering he’s gotta whip that out on the weekly, but at the same time you see some of his rough sketches and they’re pretty similar to a rough sketch of my own, so in a way it’s a ‘there’s still hope for you’ moment seeing those. I can’t say I’ve learned Japanese from listening to One Piece, but I have picked up on some stuff, some hiragana there, some phonetics here, I also appreciated some of the stuff kaizokuou-ni-naru does (I won’t tag them in case that’s a bit rude to do it out of the blue but check out their tumblr) when it came to deciphering the Japanese of chapters and the little puns and hints Oda puts in his native tongue. And of course any One Piece fan has learned one thing above all else: Patience. Oda himself included, it took over 20 years to get to 1000 chapters and we still have plenty of questions to ask, plenty of islands to see and thus plenty of chapters to go. So Straw Hats off to you Oda, and a happy 1000th!
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butchboromir · 3 years
my mutuals who most definitely did not sign up for what i’m posting now but are still here anyways are braver than any us marine
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supercasey · 5 years
What your RvB OTP says about you
((I saw a similar list, but it didn't include a lot of my favorite ships and also I thought this would be fun. Sorry if any of this offends anyone: it’s all in good fun and just some observations I’ve noticed over the years about certain shippers. Let me know if I missed any other big ones!))
Tuckington: Chorus crew is best crew. Wash and Tucker are your all-time favorites and you're so proud of how far Tucker has come. You probably hate/love Felix, there is no in-between.
Mainewash: You like to suffer; you have an addiction to fics that involve one of these two dying. You live for the Meta and Antagonist!Wash team-up. You probably ship Doc with them if you’re into polyam. Cat person.
Yorkalina: You adore York to the moon and back, and are honestly a sucker for “goofy person meets strict person and teaches them to have fun” pairings. You have a replica of York’s lighter that you’ve never used.
Grimmons: You deserve a Fandom Grandma/Grandpa mug, buddy. You’re so tired, and you’ve probably been here since at least season 6. One day it’ll be canon, you just know it. In the meantime, you’re suffering.
Churboose: My mom ships this so here we are. Caboose is the most perfect of good bois and you’re only watching rvb for him at this point. You’ve cried over Church every day of your life. You named a pet Freckles, probably.
Washlina: You are the most chill/sweet person in the entire goddamn fandom. Seriously, you’re so nice. You don’t care either way if it ends up canon, but the latest content is still very satisfying. You’re so kind, I love you.
Sargington: You’re having the time of your life and I’m so happy for you. Sarge is probably your favorite character, but Wash is a close second. You’re chill about other ships but this is the guilty fav; don’t feel guilty, you’re amazing.
Docnut: Precious cinnamon roll who is too good for this world, too pure. Doc when he’s doing the O’Malley voice is way too hot for you. You probably have written/daydreamed about these two having a farm together.
Pastrytrain: Congratulations for being a good person. The pinnacle of “I’m staying in my fucking lane” when it comes to fandom drama. I know you downloaded the Pastrytrain dating sim, don’t try to deny it.
Kimbalina: Never mind, you guys are the actual diehards for the Chorus trilogy. Carolina is your queen and she deserves the love that Kimball can bring into her life. That hand-holding scene is now your desktop background. Probably wlw.
Tucknut: Trans with an amazing sense of humor. You swear a lot and make more dirty jokes than you should, but people love that about you. Donut is your favorite but Tucker is funnier.
Churnut: Donut is your favorite. You hate that Church is dead and pray every single day that he’ll come back somehow. The Donut arc this season had you fucking THRIVING and I’m so happy for you.
Norkington: You’re either gay or trans or both, and that’s the tea. You’re still obsessed with the PFL seasons, despite how long it’s been. Your favorite version of Wash is the PFL rookie version.
Nork: Yeah, you’re gay, sis.
Flowarge: Where are y’all??? I know I’m not the only one. You want a sitcom of rvb that’s just Parks and Recreation but with power armor. Sarge is best dad and Flowers is your other, more dead dad.
Flyoming: You literally don’t need any canon evidence to ship something; if they breathe they’re in love. Florida is your fav, and tbh Wyoming isn’t even in the top ten, but you’re too into older men to care. Daddy issues.
WashCT: People claim you’re boring but tbh you have really good taste, everyone else just isn’t interested. Knives are one of your favorite things but odds are you don’t know how to throw them. You really miss CT.
SouthCT: The wlw energy is literally so powerful in your bones, congratulations. Team #SouthDidNothingWrong, as well as Team #CTDeservedBetter; you are correct on both accounts. South is best girl.
Southlina: Not sure where y’all are at, but you’re all about that powerful lesbian energy. You probably hate York; if not I’m sorry for saying that. On that note you probably hate the PFL seasons but you’re too desperate for content to complain.
Fucker: You little shit. You are 100% involved in fandom drama but you’re thriving regardless; it’s impossible for you to be affected by everyone telling you that you’re problematic. Tucker is your favorite, but Felix is hot af.
Locington: You say “Unfortunate” way too often but I love you nonetheless. You spent the entire hiatus between seasons 11 and 12 writing porn, and you damn well know. Hell, you’re probably proud of it. Locus is your fav.
Murdersandwich: Are you still here??? If you are, you’re braver than any us marine. Modern AUs where these three get together are your bread and butter. Tuckington is your second favorite ship.
Murdersandwich+Sharkface: You unapologetic, horny motherfucker. You’re living your best life while simultaneously sobbing into your pillow every night over Felix and Sharkface. Locington is your default fav, but this ship still rocks.
Lolix: Fandom veterans from the “Felix is problematic” wars and I salute you for your service. Here to have a good time, and ain’t nobody gonna stop you. You’ve probably written/thought about a “Felix lives” AU at extreme length.
Sharklina: Season 13 was so good in your opinion and you refuse to ever shut up about it. #SharkfaceDeservedBetter. You’re probably into punk aesthetics and you’ve made at least one playlist for these two.
Chex: #ChurchGetsPegged. Tex is your diehard fav and you will never in your life let RT forget that she exists. You’ll drag her out of her grave yourself if you fucking have to. You memorized Church’s speech from the end of rvb5.
Chucker: You cry each and every day about Church being dead. You’ve rewatched the BGC no less than twelve times, and that’s just this year. Everytime you see That Post, you reblog it. You know the one.
Sheipez: If Sheila were real you’d ask her to adopt you. Lopez is your current fav by default and you live for every moment he’s on screen. Caboose is your precious son and you’re willing to die for him.
Sex: You ship this purely because of the ship name. STFU, yes you fucking do. Tex is hot af and you love that one fancomic of sister without a bra on flirting with Tex.
Sucker: Despite popular opinion, you're not as horny as everyone thinks you are. Sister is your favorite and Tucker isn't even close but you love him regardless and think he fits well with Sister.
Suckington: I know you bastards are still here. Wash is your favorite but you love him being surrounded by these energetic shitheads who fill his life with energy and fun. Sister is best girl.
Greyington: I know for a fucking fact that this was a thing. Fucking sadist when it comes to your brand of porn, and Dr. Grey is your favorite character to ever exist.
Kimbones: You knew fuck all about Ladybones but you shipped her with Kimball anyways because you're a thirsty wlw. You've probably moved onto Kimbalina by now, but we will not forget the season 11-12 horniness you unleashed on this fandom.
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majoraop · 4 years
My first contribution for Cora’s Valentine at @corazon-week, the mini-event I organized together with @hello-velia-odinson. I dedicate this vignette to her since she loves CoraLaw too.  ^^ (This fanfic is based on my “Cora is still alive” AU/theories but not a specific one: it’s just a general character study and, well, an excuse to write Law and Roci in a romantic scenario.)
Complicit Silence
Law cursed himself for being unable to speak, but the man’s back pressing against his own distracted him as all kinds of thoughts and questions ran through his mind. Cora-san is alive. Is he really here, or am I imagining it? He’s breathing and I can smell the faint scent of tobacco from his cigarette, so this must be real. His clothes haven’t gotten on fire yet. Cora-san is alive. I want to tell him that I love him back! And yet, the words he wished to say remained stuck in his throat. Law was worried that him speaking—or even a faint variation of his breathing—could break that magical moment. He was worried that Cora-san may disappear. Again. Tears burned in his eyes, and then they quietly slid down his cheeks. “Law?” Cora-san’s voice, deep and gentle, made Law’s heart overflow with feelings so strong he couldn’t remain silent anymore. “How it was in the Marine?” he said, fighting the tears back and controlling the tone of his voice so that it didn’t tremble. Those weren’t the words he so desperately needed to get out of his chest, but it was still a start. Cora-san chuckled. “Not bad, I guess.” He puffed out a cloud of smoke. “The training was hard, sure, but I made some friends there... and there was a girl I liked.” Law tensed, but kept listening in silence. “She was one year older than me and braver than most male sailors. A tough cadet and a bit of a rebel: that’s what I most liked about her I guess—together with her fiery red hair.” “Do you… still like her?” Law immediately regretted asking that. He didn’t’ know how he would react to an affirmative answer. Cora-san did not reply immediately. “It wouldn’t matter anyway,” he said after a while. Another pause, and then he added in a lower voice, “She’s dead, Law.” “Oh... I’m sorry.” Law felt disgusted with himself since he was actually relieved. “The night I learnt about her departure, around three years after our separation, I got drunker than usual… and it was then that I discovered something unexpected about myself.” Cora-san went silent again, and Law wondered what he meant by that. After a while, though, he continued, “An older marine... offered to comfort me that night and, well, we slept together.” Cora-san chuckled, embarrassed. Law felt a pang of jealousy. He summoned his resolve and asked, “So, do you… like men too?” “As direct as always, aren’t you?” Cora-san chuckled again. “Well, I guess I do? I didn’t love that random person though, and I never lay with another man again after that day—or a woman, for that matter. I was too busy with… well, you know already.” Another puff of smoke, followed by a sigh. Doflamingo. Of course, Cora-san was referring to his older brother. It’s always about him. Now, though, that monster was in prison. “But what about you? Do you have a girlfriend? Or a boyfriend, maybe?” “What...?” Law blushed as Mugiwara-ya’s image appeared in his mind: not because his ally (well, friend, even if he wouldn’t admit it yet) was his lover, but because for some reason people often mistook them for a couple. I like Mugiwara-ya, but not that way—Law’s heart pounded faster—or at least, not as much I love you, Cora-san. If only he could muster the confidence to say that aloud! Instead, he was just able to murmur, “I don’t... but I guess I prefer men.” “I see.” Cora-san’s voice sounded understanding as he shifted his position a little and put out his cigarette in the nearby ashtray. His heart still racing, Law recalled when he learnt to use his powers in order to heal his illness. Once his health had been restored, puberty had hit him and he had started to feel... urges. Sure, he could rely on medical books, but he was completely inexperienced so he had to learn how his body worked like any other person. He used his imagination to compensate for the lack of an actual partner, slowly discovering what he liked and what he did not, and eventually he noticed that the image appearing in his mind while exploring those new sensations was the one of a tall and strong man with blond hair and amber eyes: Cora-san. “Are you tired, Law? If you want, we can go to sleep.” “Mh? No, I’m fine.” Sleep was the last thing Law needed now. What he actually needed was to scream that he loved Cora-san, that he had never considered him an older brother or a father but something different, even if he hadn’t understood that at first. I love you, Cora-san. I love you! However, no matter how many times he yelled inwardly, those words remained soundless. Law clenched his fists, furious with himself. I am a coward. Maybe feeling his internal struggle, Cora-san turned slightly and put a hand on his shoulder. “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice warm and reassuring. Law felt his face burning and lowered the brim of his spotted hat to shadow his eyes. He could not take it anymore... he needed to do something! Then, he had an idea. Law stood up and whispered, “There is something I want to show you.” Next, he unbuttoned his shirt and waited. “This tattoo...” Cora-san reached out with a hand: he was so tall he didn’t need to stand up to trace the black lines with his finger. Law stood still as that delicate touch sent pleasant shivers down his spine, trying not to blush. “It’s a heart, and... a smiling face?” Law nodded. That tattoo was his declaration of love for Cora-san: a nonvocal one, but no less sincere. “What does it mean, Law?” Cora-san’s confused words echoed strangely with similar ones Doflamingo had used when confronting Law in a completely different situation just a few months ago. You are siblings after all, Law thought bitterly. He was still unable to forgive the older Donquixote, no matter how many times Cora-san had told him that he now understood why he had acted as he had. “Maybe... you got this tattoo in memory of a person you loved?” Cora-san’s expression softened as he spoke. Law nodded again, but he didn’t know if Cora-san understood what he so desperately wanted to tell him. Finally throwing any restraint away, he grabbed his wrist and muttered, “You’re that person, Cora-san.” Immediately after, Law released his grip and turned on his heel. His heart was pounding furiously, and he wondered if he should shamble it away since he feared Cora-san could hear it too. Before he could do that, though, a pair of arms full of scars encircled his shoulders and pulled him into a tight embrace. “I’m sorry for disappearing for all these years, Law... I hadn’t realised!” Cora-san sobbed quietly. “Please forgive me!” At that, Law relaxed against the chest of his saviour—of the man he loved—and simply said, “I do, but do not leave me ever again.” Cora-san mumbled something unintelligible, but Law knew it was a promise to stay by his side forever. And even if they were just hugging, his fingers interlaced with Cora-san’s, Law imagined those long, slender hands caressing his skin; he fantasised about Cora-san’s lips, which had once been painted red, kissing his neck; he vibrated at the thought of Cora-san’s warm body pressed against his own. They had just reunited, but it was as if he had made love with Cora-san countless times already. Law smiled and snuggled closer to him, content with that silent, simple embrace.
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marvelmando · 5 years
tempest [p.parker x o.c.] - nine
notes: posting is my way of procrastinating doing my anthro homework. on a completely different note, i dyed my hair purple. ...it’s been an eventful couple of days, to say the least.
contains: swearing, canon-typical violence
pairing: peter parker + fem! o.c.
word count: 3.6k
previous chapter next chapter tempest masterlist
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The first thing she did was chug down two full glasses of water. Then, feeling much more energized, she left to go to the kitchen. If she was going to do some detective work, she was going to need a lot of brain food.
After snacking, she made her way to an unoccupied computer. She wasn't entirely sure what she planned on finding, but she figured research was the best first step.
Distantly, she recalled the buzz surrounding Midtown's homecoming, and that it was supposed to be that night. She pulled up the school's website, scouring any information on Peter or Spider-Man. Most of the results were about the incident at D.C., which was no help to her. Peter was only mentioned once or twice, but only for things like the band or Decathlon team, and those articles were dated for the previous year.
Exiting out of that website, she tapped lightly against the desk out of habit, trying to think of what to search. After searching up the Vulture, the only articles she found were recounts of the ferry incident, or about the actual bird. None of them revealed anything Marin didn't already know.
Frustrated, she searched up Tony Stark and sorted the page from most recent to last. After scrolling for a minute through headlines discussing everything from Iron Man to his relationship with Pepper Potts, one article caught her eye.
Marin clicked on it, skimming through. They were relocating the Avenger's tower? With a quick search on Tony's old bodyguard, Marin found Happy Hogan's cellphone number. She jotted it down on a nearby piece of paper and ran to the landline.
She dialed in the number and waited for Happy to pick up.
"Hello?" A gruff voice said on the fourth ring.
"Hi, um, is this Happy Hogan?" Marin chewed on her lip.
"Yes, who's this?" He sounded cross. "And how'd you get my number?"
"Um, Google, sir." She answered. "And I'm... my name's M—Liz, I'm Peter's girlfriend? I know he works for Mr. Stark, and I was calling to check up on him." Marin nearly used her name but realized that Tony had probably told Happy about the crazy mutant that corrupted his protégé.
"Shouldn't he be at school?"
"Yes, and I checked his apartment, and he's not there, so the Tower was the first place I thought to call, since he's always at the internship, anyway."
"Well, actually," Happy's voice pulled away, mumbling something that Marin couldn't distinguish. "Peter lost the internship. Aren't you supposed to know that? As his girlfriend?"
"He... didn't tell me?" Marin winced, both at the terrible lie she'd got caught in and the realization that Peter lost the internship. Of course, she thought, he would lose it too, along with his suit. It only made sense, and Marin cursed herself for not thinking of it before. "But he still might be there, and I'm worried. Are you guys busy? Would you mind if I stopped by to take a quick look?"
"Sorry, kid, moving day's today, and we can't have any more teenagers running around with all this dangerous stuff out."
"Moving? Moving where? And what stuff?"
"Upstate—does Peter tell you anything? And what we're moving is classified, I'm afraid."
Marin laughed. She didn't expect Happy to let her, but she was getting all the information she needed. "Oh, okay. Thanks anyway."
"No problem, kid. Hope he turns up." Happy said. "Hey, be careful with that! That suit costs more than you and I combined!"
Marin heard him say the last part before he hung up. Slumping into a nearby chair, Marin grabbed the paper and jotted down everything she knew.
After a minute of staring down at her notes, her eyes went wide. "Oh, shit." She muttered to herself, grabbing the paper and running off to find Lucy.
"So... you think he's gonna steal from Stark?"
"Think about it—remember how I said that the Vulture guy was more likely to keep dealing than stay low? This is the perfect opportunity for him, Lucy. All of this expensive, high-quality tech in one place, practically begging to be stolen by just the guy crazy enough to even attempt it. He did it before, in Maryland, and he's desperate. He's gonna make one final big move, and this is it."
"That... makes a lot of sense, to be honest." Lucy conceded with a grimace, and James looked ready to concur.
"I know." Marin panted, running a nervous hand through her hair. "Now I just gotta warn—"
"Marin, Lucy, and James—see me in my office, now." Demanded Charles' voice. The three mutants exchanged a similar, panicked look.
Marin frantically watched the sunset through Charles' office window. Homecoming would be starting only a couple hours from then, which also meant that so was moving day.
"What the hell were you three thinking!" Logan hollered at them. "Stealing the jet in the middle of the night and taking off to god-knows-where—"
"Queens," Marin interjected.
"I don't care!" He snapped. "And you two!" He addressed Lucy and James. Lucy looked slightly bored, while James did have the decency to look ashamed. "I can see this one pulling a stupid stunt like this, but you two know better than to stoop to her level."
Marin frowned deeply. "Hey!" Logan glared at her, and she cowed back.
"You three were extremely reckless and irresponsible, not to mention putting yourselves at risk by traveling unaccompanied." Charles shook his head at them, his forehead creased with disappointment. "What do you have to say for yourselves?"
"I was fixing a mistake that you made, Professor." Marin leveled a look at the man, whose eyes widened at her tones. She figured that if there was ever a time to take one final stand, it was now, and she might as well go all-out. That, and she was buzzing with adrenaline, making her braver than she really was. "My friend was told your lie about my past, and I had to go and explain to him why you were wrong about me killing my parents."
Marin took a deep breath. "You all might as well know that my father drowned my mother, and committed suicide by electrocution. Just so we're all being clear, here." Charles' face softened with sympathy. She found that it was much easier to say now that she'd already told Peter, even if the words burned her throat on the way out. "I went to Queens to tell Spider-Man my story and to right your wrongs, as well as right my own. Lucy and James were kind enough to join me, but they are not responsible for my decision in any way. I would've gone with or without them, but I'm grateful that they wanted to help me still." She sent them a quick smile.
"But my friends in Queens are in danger—those weapon dealers are planning a heist to infiltrate the transportation of extremely valuable and dangerous item to the new Avengers headquarters upstate." She explained, but Charles's frown returned.
"That is unfortunate, Marin, but it is not our responsibility to stop them."
"You're wrong, Professor." Marin crossed her arms. "It is my responsibility to help my friend, to help Spider-Man stop this guy from making dangerous weapons and selling them to people on the streets. I will not let him go alone, not when I know for certain that I can help." She stared him down, tilting her chin up defiantly. "No matter what you say, I will go help him. You'd have to knock me out and chain me up to stop me. And I can assure you, it won't be easy—or clean."
Charles stared at her wearily as he considered her claims. "All right."
Marin blinked. "All right?"
He nodded. "Yes, all right. I admit that I'm growing a bit fond of this steadfast side of yours—even if the delivery was slightly disrespectful."
Marin smiled sheepishly. "Sorry,"
"You may go help your friend, but it will be up to Lucy and James to decide whether or not they want to accompany you on your mission, and to what extent. You are apparently capable of piloting the jet by yourselves. If you must do this, Marin, that is fine, but I will not jeopardize the lives of any unwilling participants. This mission is yours and yours alone."
Marin sat up straighter. "I've got this in the bag, Charles."
Marin, James, and Lucy were on the jet, speeding towards Queens when a call came through. A face popped up on the jet's screen, and Marin was relieved to see that it belonged to Ned.
"Marin!" He cried, looking exasperated. "Thank god you picked up, Happy hung up on me right away, and—"
"Ned, what's wrong?" Marin interrupted his rambling. Ned was wearing an earpiece, and his bowtie was undone, hanging around the collar of his blue dress shirt.
"It's the Vulture! He's—"
"—hijacking the Tower's transport, I figured it out!" Marin nodded.
"We know! And he's also Liz's dad!" Ned pressed, typing away frantically at a keyboard out of Marin's line of sight. Her eyes widened dramatically.
"What?!" Marin shrieked, causing James and Lucy to flick their gazes to her nervously.
"Yeah! Peter's going after him right now—stole Flash's car and everything!"
So much for keeping Peter's identity a secret. "Ned, that's great, but where is he?" Marin jostled on her feet as she clutched to the backs of Lucy and James' chairs for balance. "Send us the location, we're almost near Queens!"
"Toomes is at an old industrial building in Brooklyn—tenth and forty-third avenue." Ned informed them. "You'd better hurry, Peter got there a couple minutes ago."
Marin nodded, and James plugged in the new location. "We'll be there soon!" And with that, she terminated the call. Glancing at the map, Marin noted that they were just flying over Manhattan. "Get me in low—I'm gonna jump."
James nodded, beginning the sequence to open the jet's ramp.
"Where do you want us to meet?" Lucy asked, maneuvering the yoke so that the jet was skimming the water of the East River. Marin summoned her energy, the jet bathed in a blue glow.
"I'll call for you," She steadied her feet, preparing to jump. "I can take it from here. Thanks for your help, guys."
Marin never thought she'd ever be able to jump out of a moving plane, but feeling the comfortable embrace of the blue energy support her, she soared confidently through the air.
She caught sight of the warehouse, and even from that distance, Marin could distinctly hear the crashes of metal on cement coming from inside the building.
She watched in horror as the front side of the warehouse collapsed, concrete chunks of the walls and roof raining down on top of Peter.
"No!" Marin cried, landing to the side of the warehouse roughly. The Vulture appeared from out of the alley on the other side, looking extremely pleased with himself. Then he looked in Marin's direction, and she darted to hide behind a large pile of debris before he could notice her presence. She would have plenty of opportunities to take him down later—but now, she had to get Peter to safety.
She didn't move until she heard the mechanical swooping of Toomes' wings fade into the distance. Moving around the rubble, Marin heard Peter's grunts and cries for help.
"Hello?!" He called out, desperate and in pain. "Hello!" Marin's heart cracked. "Please, hey! Hey, please, I'm down here—I'm down here! I'm stuck, I'm stuck—I can't move! I can't—!" He sobbed, breaking off with a series of heavily panting breaths.
For some reason, Marin couldn't move. She couldn't speak—her throat was contracting around her tongue, and her mouth refused to open. A memory flashed through her head, something that Peter had said the night before: I'm not Spider-Man without that suit. All I am is a stupid teenager who can climb walls and flip around. I'm no one if I'm not Spider-Man.
You're not no one—you're Peter Parker, she'd responded. Standing there, listening to Peter desperate calls for help, something clicked inside her.
Marin had wanted to be a hero since she was six and watched as her mother died, helpless, in the hands of her husband—Marin had wanted to be a superhero since she was twelve and watched a group of the bravest people she'd ever seen fight to save the world from an army of aliens. All she'd ever wanted was to save people when they couldn't save themselves.
And yet, she couldn't help Peter. But it was because she knew him, even after just two weeks, she knew the kid from Queens—the nerd, the hero, the selflessly kind boy who just didn't believe in himself. But she believed in him. She knew that he didn't need that suit to be Spider-Man, the superhero. She was beginning to realize that sometimes, you are the only person that can save yourself.
"Come on, Peter." He was chanting, bringing Marin out of her thoughts. "Come on, Spider-Man. Come on, Spider-Man. Come on, Spider-Man. Come on, Spider-Man!"
She watched in awe as the rubble shifted, and Peter's body emerged. He saved himself.
"Peter!" Her voice returned, and she sprinted to help him escape the concrete. Peter fell into her, leaning heavily against her. "Oh Peter," Marin supported his weight as best as she could while he fought to catch his breath. "You're okay... you're safe now."
His breathing wobbled, but he wasn't crying. He lifted himself from her arms and bent to retrieve the mask that was lying in a small puddle of water. Reaching to touch it, Marin drew out all of the water soaking in the fibers like she did the night he fell into the lake and pushed the mask back to him.
Peter looked like he was about to say something, but she saw something else had caught his eye. Looking above her head, Marin turned to follow his gaze.
It was Toomes, perched on top of a nearby billboard, watching the sky.
"C'mon," Peter pulled his mask back on, as Toomes prepared for takeoff. "You can still fly, right?"
Marin nodded, calling the energy forward. "I'll be right behind you."
Peter took off sprinting to catch Toomes before he launched. He vaulted onto the billboard, taking a running start and attaching a web to the Vulture's wings. In the distance, Marin noticed a large plane emerge from the Stark Tower, and once in the air, the panels changed to reflect the clouds above it. She recognized the technology as similar to the kind installed in the Institute's jet.
Marin didn't want the Vulture to spot her—which could have been easy, as even donned completely in jeans, a shirt, and jacket, she still glowed bright enough to catch someone's eye.
She kept far out of Toomes' possible peripherals, watching as Spider-Man flailed in the air behind him. The Vulture tilted and rocketed straight upwards, disappearing through a dense layer of clouds.
"Nuts," Marin muttered to herself, pushing her body faster.
A voice crackled to life in her ear. "Marin!" It was Lucy. "What's the update?"
"Spider-Man and Vulture are catching a flight, and I'm chasing after them."
"Bad guy's hijacking the Tower's camouflaged plane and we're going to stop him!" Marin huffed, growing impatient. Lucy said something, but Marin wasn't listening. She broke through the clouds and saw Toomes' wings sealing themselves to the bottom of the jet, Spider-Man clinging on behind him.
Now that she didn't have to worry about Toomes seeing her, she flew as fast as she could to catch up to Peter, who looked like he was struggling to stay stuck to the plane's exterior. He tried shooting a web forward, but the wind pushed it back. He lost his grip and momentarily went flying, but Marin pushed his body back onto the plane.
"Need a hand?" Marin shouted to Peter over the wind.
"I got it!" Hand moving over hand, Peter crawled his way to the wings.
Suddenly, Marin felt her head go fuzzy, her eyes blurring dangerously. The blue surrounding her faded ever so slightly, causing Marin to drop a few feet in the air.
"Marin!" Peter yelled to her, at the same time as a small drone popped out of the Vulture's wings. "You good?!"
"Yeah!" Marin shook her head, trying to snap out of the daze she was in. She found it incredible her powers had lasted this long already, but she felt herself beginning to lose control. They needed to stop the Vulture soon.
She heard Peter groan as he tried to pry the wings from the plane, and she floated over to help him. Changing tactics, Peter began kicking at the wings, until they finally jolted out of place. Over the rush of the wind, Marin heard a faint alarm sounding from inside the plane. Looking back, she saw Peter's hand braced on the plane's camera—the one that recorded the view of the exterior as a template for the cloaking technology.
"Peter!" Marin shouted, throwing a hand out to warn him. "The camera! He knows we're here!"
"What—" Suddenly, the wings fell out from underneath the plane, and Marin noticed the glowing green points that told her Toomes had attached himself to his wings again. Nuts.
Peter lost his footing, holding onto the plane with just his hands. Once he got his feet back on the metal, he crawled up the side of the plane. "Just a typical homecoming—ergh!—on the outside of an invisible jet—agh!—fighting my girlfriend's dad!"
Marin's eyes went wide. "'Girlfriend'?!"
"Duck!" Peter screamed, ignoring her protest. Marin dropped in the air just in time for the Vulture to soar right above her, the tip of his wing scraping alongside the panels of the jet where Peter's head used to be a second ago.
As he tried to fly away, Peter attached a web to Toomes, and then one to the plane, stopping him in midair. Then, both webs snapped and Peter flew right toward the engine.
"Peter!" Marin hurried to catch him as he shot web fluid into the turbine and keeping the motor from chewing him up.
"I can't believe that worked!" He cried hysterically, but the propeller dislodged from the shell, sending Peter flying back with it.
Moving instinctively, Marin reached out with her hands, and grabbed the propeller with a blanket of energy, suspending it in the air beside the wing.
"Whoa!" Peter exclaimed. "I didn't know you could do that!"
"Neither did I!" Marin's shout trembled from the exertion, her arms wobbling as she tried desperately to keep the engine in her grasp. Once Peter had climbed onto the wing, Marin released the energy trapping the propeller. They moved together to the top of the plane.
Glancing back, Marin saw the Vulture flying straight at them. "Behind you!"
They dropped to the plane, narrowly avoiding him. But Peter rolled, near the remaining engine that was now caught on fire.
Marin moved toward Peter, only to be clipped on the arm by Vulture's metal talons. She shrieked in pain, losing her grip on her energy. She briefly flew back but was caught by Peter's web on her good arm.
The Vulture jumped his was to Peter, his wings surrounding him like an impending omen of death. Marin got a hold of her powers again, lashing out at the Vulture with a bright blue burst of energy. He easily dodged it, attacking the web that held Spider-Man to the plane. Peter flew back, but Marin caught him.
Toomes seemed to realize that they were too stubborn to let him win and instead abandoned them to hack at the top of the plane. "I'm not going home empty-handed!" She heard him holler.
Marin suddenly realized that the plane was dropping in altitude. "Oh, my god!" Peter cried out next to her, and following his gaze, Marin gasped. The plane had broken through the clouds, giving her a view of the city they were plummeting toward.
Peter shot a web at the right wing and Marin crouched onto the exterior, forming a sheet up energy underneath the belly of the plane. Spider-Man pulled up on the web as hard as he could, aiming the nose of the plane toward the Atlantic, and away from Staten Island. Marin screamed with the effort of keeping the jet as level as she could, and watched as they approached Coney Island.
Peter's web snapped, and Marin felt the energy drain from her. Unfortunately, this also meant that she lost her ability to fly, sending her slamming back into the side of one of the engines. "No!" Peter called, and grabbed her hand with a web from his left wrist, as he held onto the plane with his right.
The beach grew closer and closer, and the plane jerked as the right wing hit one of the rides and crashed into the sand. Marin and Peter screamed as they were tossed through the air, trying desperately to cling onto the plane.
With a mighty snap, Peter lost his grip on the wing as the web holding Marin broke, hurling them right into the sand, and they tumbled violently down the length of the beach.
The red and orange glow of fire was the last thing Marin saw before her vision went completely black.
@dark-night-sky-99​ @pushmeinablackhole​ @demi-starzak​ @-thatgirloverthere-​  @yourwonderbelle @silver-winter-wolf
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mwagneto · 5 years
1, 30 & 36
1: Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie.
oh god you're braver than any us marine ok so instead of what everyone expects I'll do a detour and start with the honourable mention that is rdj sherlock, i was super depressed (and I mean like. incredibly so) after sherlock s4 because it just sucked so bad, like i was deadass in ruins and i was trying to find ANYTHING to take my mind off it and by the end of February I watched and read pretty much all Sherlock media there is except for rdj because for some reason I thought it was bad?? but then I noticed the first movie was downloaded on my laptop so I went ok fuck it and watched it on the 26th of February and HOLY SHIT I fell in love with RDJude's dynamic literally immediately their chemistry was so fucking good and the plot and the script and the setting and the music and- point is I fucking loved it so I watched the second movie on the same day and Mother of FUCK it was somehow even better and gayer and sweet Jesus I've been obsessed with them since
NOW onto the real deal, light of my life and my reason for living....Rocketman
Jesus Christ I don't think I've ever been this hyped for a movie in my life
I saw the first trailer on November 11th but I wasn't into it at all mainly because I saw it in theaters and they played the censored version and made it look like some het movie about an imaginary person
But then I saw it trending when the second trailer came out and I scrolled through the trending tag and watched the trailer and boy I was HOOKED
And holy fuck the wait was Agonising especially since the fandom on here consisted of like. Me and 3 or 4 other people and then some ppl who didn't post but reblogged stuff - point is the fandom just. Didn't Exist
By the time carpool came out there were a bit more but still basically nothing, hell in my desperation I even looked at stan tw*tter a few times but I regretted it each time and thankfully I don't remember anything specific
But anywayS so the movie is supposed to come out on the 31st of May but for some reason they release it on the 18th in the UK and then turns out it won't come out until the 5th of June here???
I was so fucking mad my friend and I literally almost went to Wien to watch it
Worst of all, the big cinema chain that's in my city didn't even put the tickets out
And when they did they only put them out for Thursday and only the dubbed version
Which, ew, but I was like I don't care I'll take what I can get
But THEN I went into the city one Saturday and I was just riding the tram listening to the soundtrack when in passing I saw a theater that had a big ass Rocketman sign on the front
It was literally like a 0.1 second glimpse because the tram was going fast but I immediately went rabid and found it online and turns out not only were they showing Rocketman on the 5th of June, they also have the original English version
So I booked two tickets immediately and waited because I still wasn't sure the usual cinema wouldn't put their tickets out
So I stayed up every night until midnight to see if there were tickets but No
Finally they put them out on Tuesday midnight so a day before it's supposed to be released but only for Thursday so I was like ok fuck you I'm going to the other one
Oh yeah by this point I've been logged off Tumblr for weeks because i didn't want spoilers so I didn't have Any Rocketman content at all, I didn't even dare to look at YouTube videos or anything because I was scared the recommended section would spoil me
So yeah I was absolutely content deprived
Fucking FINALLY the 5th of June rolls around and we get to the theater and wait for it to start and jesus fukingn
I'm gonna be honest I literally don't even remember much because I was so high on "oh my fucking god I'm finally watching it" but holy SHIT IT WAS JUST. SO GOOD.
I do remember a few things
I know I screamed out loud when Richard first appeared during crocodile rock (even tho I knew he was gonna be there at some point but it was still so sudden I fuckin lost it)
Also I held my friend's hands during tiny dancer like my life depended on it skdnd
And I've told this story a million times but tmttp shocked the soul out of me coz I knew what it meant scene wise and I didn't think they'd play it so fuckign early skmfsk I had like a full body convulsion and drew my hands back and my calf muscle cramped so hard it hurt for a whole week afterwards
anyway I didn't cry
I thought I'd be sobbing like mad but I didn't and I still haven't
Idk for some reason I just can't cry over this even tho I SHOULD and I want to
my friend did sjsnfjd
we were fucking. spent dude I don't think I stopped smiling until I fell asleep
Anyway after she somewhat finished crying and we exchanged a few words we somehow got up from our seats and left
She had to print a few things so we walked to a photocopier and talked about the movie but it wasn't anything more coherent than just verbal keysmashes
Literally it was so smfjsjjdsjdn i felt high
I was so fucking HAPPY bro it was so fucking good and everything I expected and way more like we were over the fucking moon
I brought food coz I like to eat during movies but I didn't even dare to look away from the screen during this one
While she got her printing sorted I logged back into Tumblr and checked the tags (they were still disappointingly empty😔)
We then went to a park near the tram and ate the food I brought and talked abt the movie till it got dark at which point we headed for the train and talked there some more before she had to get off at her stop
I spent the rest of the ride smiling like an idiot listening to the soundtrack and texting her & other people
I went for a bit of a walk on the mountain I live on to clear my head but I was literally so happy and giddy I couldn't stop smiling hhh I'm losing it just thinking about all the stuff I felt
By that point I was super low and empty coz of school stuff and irl stuff so to feel so many emotions after months of feeling absolutely nothing was a LOT
Anyway I got home by...idk, late, and blasted the soundtrack on full volume for a while before booking her and myself tickets for Thursday so we could watch it again
And we did
And it was just as amazing as the first time
And then on impulse I watched it again on Friday
And then I went to watch it again on Saturday and as soon as it ended I ran to a nearby theater and watched it again immediately
Then again on Wednesday
After watching it on the 5th I lost my appetite both for food and for water, and also my need for sleep, so until I gained it back after watching it next Wednesday I basically didn't eat, drink or sleep for an entire week but it didn't take a toll on me, somehow
The Rocketman power
Anyway we watched it again on Saturday and Sunday (the girl I mentioned came with me both times then and on Saturday so did another girl)
And then I had exams, a class trip and a family vacation so I couldn't watch it for an agonizing two weeks
but then finally watched it again on the 3rd of July with another friend (a 3rd one)
And then on the 6th of July with the original girl
And then on the 7th and the 9th at home alone and them on the 12th with yet another friend (4th one)
Then I went to watch it in theaters alone again on the 18th
And then one more time with the first girl on the 24th
Then on the 3rd of August alone
And then the first girl came over on the 9th of August and we watched the deleted scenes and the extras and then the extended movie
Then I was once again busy so I couldn't watch it until the 25th
And I took my laptop to the hotel I'm staying at for two weeks rn so I watched it here on the 30th
And now here we are
Jesus fucking Christ I'm so sorry for making you read all this
This took me like an hour to type
Anyway! Peace and thanks for asking skdmsmcmsmmd
30: Talk about what turns you off.
I don't have any turnons or turnoffs tbh skdndn I'm. not about that sorta stuff
36: Talk about your guilty pleasures.
sometimes I hateread awful old fanfics on Wattpad because they make me wanna die but like in a good way
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bienmoreau · 6 years
The Dork Reads The Lightning-Struck Heart: Chapter 19 - End.
@lio-zehel​ and @glitterghost​ (spoilers obviously) :)
It was called ‘Dear Brother-Uncle-Father. An Ode to the Furry Depths of my Feeling for Your Personage’
So very impressed and uncomfortable @ how they just made talking abt magic THAT pornographic. JESUS Ryan is such a mess. Jfc. Also. Magic kink? Sure. Why not. After all of this. Why not that.
How to face off against a dragon by Sam of Wilds Yell “COME AT ME BRO” And then punch the dragon in the eye.
Why does the dragon wanna fuck him. Why does everything wanna fuck him.
Omfg wait was that an og Mario reference??
Omg the dragon chases sheep ‘cause he likes the noise they make when they run around and scream
“Once you go dragon all the rest are laggin’.
”lmaaaooo is justin cohabiting with the gdamn dragon :laughing::laughing:
“Heeeeeyyy buddy. You doing good? You look good.. for being kidnapped” PHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA “Heeeeyy buddy, you look alive. That just super”
“There’s nothing wrong with me!” “Well that’s certainly not true sam” “You’re a wizard, you deserve to be on fire”
HA! The dragons in love with Justin 😆 😆
Also also. Side note. Beast from the east is the name we here in the uk gave to the really annoying recurring cold weather we had earlier this year  😆 😂
“He’s very sexually aggressive, I don’t think you should sleep with him” “STOP COCK BLOCKING ME”
LMAO OMG Gary letting himself be a horse
What kinda shrek dragon/donkey nonsense
Well this all became a pretty big downer real quick
That is just not at all the kind of conversation you want to have with/hear your parents having. Also yes, Why does the king feel the need to state that he wants a three way with them
“We can’t just kill people” “They were holding us prisoner” “That doesn’t make it right” “What about Moishe?” “I’ll kill him!”
“You’re not my knight in shining armour you’re a dick in dented tin” (Or. Perfect things to say to creepy guys who come on way to strong/have the whole male saviour bullshit going)
:( :( :( vaguely sad confessions are no fun at all.
“I will never be anyone’s second choice. I will never be second best to somebody I love” Bruh that’s so fukin real.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa they kissed!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ✨✨✨✨🎉🎉🎉 ✨✨✨✨
“I’ve seen *huge list of really impressive sounding shit*. I have seen many many things but I have never seen anyone look at another the way your knight looks at you”
“Sam, everyone knew. Everyone!” FUKIN CALL HIM OUT GARY
“I thank myself when I come” Jfc. Why sam why. Please never get drunk again.
Gary and Kevin. Are. Making me uncomfortable. So very very very unnecessarily explicitly gratuitous NO. NO YOU DO NOT USE YOUR FRIENDS NAME IN THAT WAY. NO! NOT OKAY. 4. Hours. Fukin. NO! Anyways I would FULLY disown someone for subjecting me to less than that. Sam is a champion on loyalty and is braver than any marine.
I kinda hate this tbh. Like. It’s just weird and vaguely gross and I’m kinda uncomfortable.
“It’s still monologuing when you do it on someone else’s behalf”
So. Gross.
Morgan is so soft. Gdamn.
Also lmao. Kevin is an attention whore.
“Bask in me”
“I feel like we failed as parents.”
“Naaahh look at him. He’s adorable and knows how to put on his own pants”
Lmao sam ignoring ryan is such classic move. ‘The awesome power of ‘The ‘Blank’
Randal is Kevin’s hero. That is not a good thing.
Aww super protective Ryan despite it all. Dear boy has so little chill when it comes to sam.
Also. Them just casually openly flirting is so funny
Also. Randal calling this shit for what it is. “Are they always like this” 😂 😂 😂
Also I love Pete and that the other knights are just like “lol nope. Not my pig. Not my farm” and this whole situation
As much as I hate the whole Kevin making himself Sams stepdad. It did at least lead to Ryan dropping a long sword on his foot.
Lmao poor stalker Ryan. He’s so useless.
Omg. He ran away from his own bachelor party to hide/stalk sam.
“That’s weird”
“You make me weird”
“Were there strippers? Strippers also make things weird”
“See when you say it like that it makes me start to regret my life choices”
Fukin emotional bois.
Hahahahaha omg Randal calling back to the pimp joke at the perfect moment 👌 👌 👌 👌
Handsome Ryan is handsome and devastating.
“Haha. Yes my mind is in pieces” 
And that’s- when a group of dark wizards broke into the throne room.
Because of course.
Phahahaa YES RANDAL. love that call back! keep it going you ancient weirdo 
Okay. Like I’m not a fan of sex scenes but that was soft and sweet and so very tame compared to some of the nonsense the other characters have come out with so far.
why on earth are Sam and Justin on a mission together!??
And Ayy sassy Justin :laughing: is this the redemption arch beginning?
Aww best friend in training is such a demeaning title for a prince 😂 😂 😂 
Also. Lmao that was such a romantic proposal sam. Well done.
Aaannnnndd IM DONE!
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