9ofspades · 1 year
Opinion:  I'm an Anti-Specsser and Everyone Else Should Be Too
Why are you wearing glasses?  
No, seriously.   Why the fuck are you still wearing glasses?  
The epidemic is over.  I don't know anyone who worries about nearsightedness anymore.  Do you hear anyone talking about it?  Do you see nearsightedness germs flying around?  No, because it's OVER.  
Look, I don't know how to break it to you, but a thin piece of glass in front of your eyes isn't going to help protect you from macular degeneration.  It's a false sense of security, an illusion; like if you just keep looking through them you can pretend that the world has crisp sharp edges.  Well, guess what?  The world is blurry.  You don't know where empty space ends and your body begins.  In fact, it doesn't.  Your body is mostly empty space.  
Everything happens for a reason, anyway; so if you get into an accident because you can't drive without your glasses?  Tough cajones; take your punishment like God intended.  It's your fault for having bad genes, which you got because of... original sin, or something.  I don't know, I didn't actually read the Bible.  I just believe vehemently in every word of it, except the words you use to disagree with me.  Because that's wrong.  
I don't think I'm doing anything wrong by yelling at glasses-wearers on the street.  It just fills me with such visceral, incandescent rage when I see a pair of pince-nez balancing on someone's nose.  It's like they're sending a direct fuck-you to people like me, who choose not to wear glasses.  So of course I have to yell at them; it's just simple self-preservation - if I don't, pretty soon everyone will be wearing glasses, and ganging up on those of us that don't, because we're "jeopardizing public safety" or "a danger to the common good."  I don't need to listen to that.
When you declare you're on the opposite side from me with that flag you wear right on your face, you shouldn't be surprised when I treat you like an enemy.  "What sides?" you ask?  "There's no 'sides' here; everyone is just choosing-" oh, shut up.  You're so naive.  Of course there are sides.  There's sides to everything.  What about a circle? you say.  Inside and outside.  There.  Now don't you feel stupid.  
And those circles you wear on your face mark you as being on the inside.  I don't like that.  Nobody likes being left on the outside.  So stop wearing them.  That way I can find something else to be angry about, like freckles.  I think I'll take on freckles next.  If you have them, stop having them.  You're being too different from me and I don't like it.
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thingstrumperssay · 11 months
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So I haven’t really been paying attention to the weather outside of my county until today when I saw what the fuck the smoke that came from Canada as a result of climate change is doing to New York. (I heard that it was Canada, and it’s usually Canada’s wildfires that pollutes Wisconsin’s air, so I think it’s Canada. Correct me if I’m wrong please.)
The air is fucking brown in New York. You aren’t supposed to see what color the air is. This is a special kind of denialism. You can feel the effects of breathing in wildfire smoke right away.
Republicans are actually going to be suffocating to “own the libs.”
I should note though: N95′s and having an air filter would be the best way to protect yourself. Of course wearing a mask is better than nothing, but I’d suggest wearing that mask while you’re on your way to get an N95.
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petiolata · 4 months
Was on the bus and some idiot was saying they "just got over Covid" and their "lungs still hurt" but of course when I looked at them they didn't have a mask on 🙄 even tho the CDC still recommends masking for 10 days after infection if you had a moderate case.
Seeing people like that really makes me ask myself why I don't give up on society and become a recluse. It's funny that people will talk shit on misanthropists, call them immature, warped, etc while the people actively trying to infect and kill other people are all "normal people" who'd say they love life and humans are mostly good 😃 (they must be the good ones since they're so positive acting and have no beef with humanity right? I guess it's easy to think humankind is great if you're a total POS--then literally every human you meet is better and kinder than you.)
I just tire of the backasswards insane logic and being gaslighted and treated like I'm the devil for being considerate and expecting other people to show basic f**king decency.
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krissiefox · 1 year
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This art idea I had  is now a bit dated given recent events, but I'm still happy with how it came out, and it is still therapeutic to mock anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers by portraying them as covid-headed zombies who want to impose their "freedumb" upon my person. Enjoy! Or don't! Or get really mad at a stranger on the internet and embarrass yourself in the comments! I'm not your mom!                                            
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Anti-maskers were really annoying, but not surprising.
Apart ffrom being a woman (and thus told what I can and cannot wear since day one) I am always cold.
So, there I am, wearing a parka in 60 degree Fahrenheit weather (for the high) and I get told, repeatedly, "It's not that cold."
All I'm saying is if anti-maskers telling you NOT to wear a mask surprised you, you haven't been paying attention k bye~
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odinsblog · 2 years
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porcupine-girl · 8 months
Y’know, I’ve never once been harassed for wearing a mask in public. And I don’t live in some liberal utopia where most people are still masking - I live in a purple-leaning-red suburb in a red-leaning state where I’m often the only person wearing a mask in whatever building I’m in. But nobody even looks at me funny. I certainly believe people who have been harassed, but I wonder how widespread it actually is. So here is a poll:
If you want, put your answer and country/state in the tags.
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enriquemzn262 · 3 months
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So this is what being terminally online does to people.
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Look at that description too, and I bet all of you the “pre-med” part is there because she does so much “research” in order to validate her “chronically ill” tag.
Seriously, whoever created the term “validation” in the context of personality issues should be tried and executed.
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neuroticboyfriend · 11 months
idk who needs to hear this but not wearing a mask (even tho you safely can) isnt a neutral position. you're an anti-masker.
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A judge has found Calgary pastor Artur Pawlowski guilty of mischief for his role in protests against COVID-19 public health measures.
The protests at Coutts, Alta., blocked the province's main border crossing into the United States for more than two weeks in early 2022.
"I am satisfied Mr. Pawlowski intended to incite the audience to continue the blockade intended to incite protesters to commit mischief," Justice Gordon Krinke said as he delivered his verdict Tuesday.
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada @abpoli
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thingstrumperssay · 1 year
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This made me laugh so I’m going to spread the laughter.
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ikishima · 4 months
The way these vaccine companies constantly use pics with not a masked person in sight pmtfo their marketing campaign strategy seems contingent on misleading people into believing that the vax will give them total protection and that is NOT TRUE. Even worse when they are tageting seniors with this?
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scorpiobabylon · 8 months
i wonder if some people really can’t see how wearing a mask would connect to their politics at all. like they’ve been so depleted and fooled by capitalism that their idea of goodness is this effusive and far-away thing that makes them somehow above protecting the person they’re seated next to on the bus from death
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cookinguptales · 3 months
god, rn I'm thinking about the way people with terrible family members just like. understand each other.
last time I went to go see my hair stylist, I was updating him on my life and told him that my grandmother had died on thanksgiving and he was just like "ugh. passive-aggressive."
friends, I was dying laughing in that chair because he was not wrong.
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agro-carnist · 1 year
Outdoor cat defenders don't realize how annoying they are and that people hate them so much because they act like the universe revolves around them and they and their kitties are the most specialest things in the world that being asked to do better is some affront on their rights
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odinsblog · 2 years
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