#anti cancel culture
momentsofamberclarity · 2 months
this might come as a surprise to some people ... but the question is not are you "pro-ship", "ship neutral", or "anti-ship" ...
the real question is do you support artistic freedom or do you reject it in favor of compliance to the standards of mob mentality?
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aristobun · 3 months
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princess-josie-riki · 9 months
Reblog, like or reply if you hate Cancel Culture.
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leftmusing · 2 years
I'm pretty avidly against cancel culture from the perspective of those mindsets reoccurring in daily interpersonal relationships and the damage it has on mental health, definitions of justice and social cohesion, but sometimes I take a step back from that and think that "wow. even against men in power, this is very counterproductive."
hear me out.
largely, cancel culture was kind of birthed as its own separated practise at the same sort of Internet time period as the #MeToo movement first gained traction, and the original intentions of this was to hold dangerous men in power accountable and to deplatform them. I could go on a whole separate ramble about accountability, justice and deplatforming, but that's not the point of this post. at its core at the beginning, cancel culture was held with good intention to hold bad, powerful, rich people accountable.
but there's irony in this. because what cancel culture has degenerated into has become a much more concerning, damaging issue, mainly to friendship circles, community cohesion and minority groups. these powerful, dangerous men that this movement was originally supposed to be against, aka, the 1% of wealth, the people behind media censorship, the CEOs of social media and people in government, for example, have very cleverly over the past 5 or 6 years(ish) drip fed subtle, psychological techniques to take this notion of cancel culture and use it to pit communities against each other. they have successfully turned the collective internet's attention away from them and towards each other.
at the end of the day, these aren't left vs right issues, although that's what these people would have you believe. this should be all of us vs them. the small but dangerously powerful statistical minority.
isn't it fucked up? isn't it fucked up that we are all so caught up in these echo chambers carefully constructed by those who wish to distract us that we have forgotten the main issues? isn't it fucked up that we're more focused on digging up dirt and harassing our neighbours, our friends, our community members, instead of actually bothering to fight for the justice we claim to desire?
and the most damning of it all, is that every post, every tweet in an argumentative thread, every reblog that spreads doxxing information about a teenager who said a slur once, every comment on a post trying to cancel a minority who has simply made a human mistake, is money in the pockets of those controlling this. the evil, twisted people that we should be putting our efforts into fighting against are profiting off of the movement that was supposed to take them down.
so, above the sociopolitical and interpersonal reasons I can't abide cancel culture, this is most significant to me. how deeply counterproductive it is.
the powerful men turn us against each other over the shield of computer screens and keyboards, we fall into mass echo chamber delusion and pick fights and cancel campaigns against each other, and they sit back and watch in delight that the long term coercion they've had over the media's dynamic is finally paying off. literally paying off.
so stop wasting what you think is activism on old tweets from one of your old high school buddies where they said something shitty. stop wasting this energy on taking down the people on the same societal standing as you. stop letting yourself get so enraged over somebody having a conflicting opinion to you, and start channelling that anger into the shit that the far left actually stands for: revolution.
because cancel culture isn't left. it just isn't. it isn't activism.
that's what the powerful, dangerous people in power would like you to think.
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grimlocksword · 8 days
Stellar Blade & Hades 2 cause Cancel Culture MELTDOWN + Dirty CENSORSHIP...
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t4t-pathogen · 9 months
I don't give a shit about your callout post if you still buy Harry Potter merch and Chick-fil-A. Y'all talk big about boycotting when it means creating a parasocial hatred for some online fuck who said the f slur when they were twelve and then turn a blind eye when big companies ACTUALLY hurt queer people. Conservatives suck ass but at least they can fucking boycott instead of being like "this is my emotional support transphobic book series"
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jedi-valjean · 2 years
PSA to never, ever trust anonymous callouts. If they've got something to say, they can say it with their names attached. Private messages exist if they're worried about the person in question finding out. It is not only suspicious as heck to call other users out in an anon ask, but also impossible to attach supporting evidence of any kind. If they can't do that, they're not warning you out of genuine concern. They're trying to blacklist a personal enemy that you have nothing to do with. Block that anon and ignore them. Do your own research. If a friend genuinely wants to bring a bigot or a dangerous individual to your attention they will do so as a friend and not as a nameless informant.
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geezerwench · 1 year
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Anti-cancel culture busy canceling.
#AntiCancelCulture #CryMore #AntiCancelCultureHypocrites #CancelCulture #TravisTritt #TravisTrittWho #AnheuserBusch #BudLite
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Cancel culture teaches us that humans are disposable because of opinions and expressions that challenge those who can’t handle criticism or opposing views
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ameliathefatcat · 1 year
Cancel culture is super dangerous and I 100% believe that this year 2023 it’s going to kill someone
One of three things is going to happen
1)A person who’s being cancel justly or unjustly will end themselves
2)Protesting against something leads to violence and people die
3)Random people most likely a minor ends themselves after receiving hate commits for ‘supporting canceled media/person’ on social media
No matter what is being canceled it ending it death isn’t good. 99% of time you shouldn’t wish death upon anyone someone and if you do you are the problem within society. The 1% of time it’s ok to wish death upon someone is if they are like Putin or Kim Jon-Un or a serial killer, true monsters. You shouldn’t justify someone’s death because of cancel culture. If so shame on you.
Regardless of political party, gender, sexuality, race, religion, age, country of origin, education, social economic background, etc we all are humans and our lives matter. Cancel culture others apposing view points which will only lead to more issues and not solving the issues we have.
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momentsofamberclarity · 2 months
the fact that antis cannot fathom in any context that what someone consumes in a fictional setting = / = how they respond to real living people and/or animals both online and offline that are completely unrelated to that content they are consuming absolutely astounds me in the worst way.
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moonlarked · 1 year
“If they don’t say sorry how do we know they’ve changed????”
“They only said sorry to get us to like them again!!!!!!”
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higheverweave · 1 year
Also like seriously consider if Diagnosis is safe or right for you Diagnosed between 4-5 years old Self Dx is valid and most folks who are Dxed legit dont have anything against self dx for the above reason But Bigger issue Why is Diagnosis required to access autistic social spaces?? ^^^^ Thats the real question. Like grew up autistic have no problem with you folks joining us. (So long as you don’t like use your privilege to speak over issues that are specific to diagnosis (legal shit like not being able to marry due to insurance,mental competency tests etc. (Also no you cant be like yep Im going to reclaim the RwordNo Nope No even folks who are diagnosed shouldn’t use that word as like our elders who are still alive who survived Asylums and Being called the Rword to force sterilization which is still very much happening.)
But I will Say this as well Consider being diagnosed Carefully as Diagnosis comes with a different Ball game of Legal oppression. (Not to shame. Just to let you know what most folks don’t beforehand If any of us has a choice to be and live without barriers …. None of us are going to judge you for being like I am autistic but I recognize official Dx would add stigma I don’t deserve.) We genuinely want you all to live your best lives.
•If you are diagnosed with a disability under the age of 22 Insurance dictates wether or not you will be allowed to marry.
•People if they know you are Asd or disabled will use that as a weapon to invalidate things you know and celebrate about your own identity… (Many Autistics are Lgbtq+ and or Trans people use Asd to be like “well they cant actually know they are _____ .”)
•Forced poverty is very real. If you choose not to dx thats ok! Barriers are real and we get if you weigh the options and decide against it
If you are self diagnosed there are things its 200% chill to advocate on Things
Like sensory overload
Medical comorbidities
But Autistic culture is starting to get a reputation of canceling people too
Which Autism Parents for example
Many Autism Parents are also Autistic alot of the harm they do is thier own internalized Abelism and oppression fighting isnt always the best way to help them understand themselves and their autistic family members better.
Also alot of folks who are the most anti autistic can be folks with internalized abelism. Its super real.
Sometimes not being diagnosed is a privilege to to forced or unconsentual ABA done without parent or individual permission.
But also like If you want to advocate come to some autistic social spaces or start some.
Theres exposure that is hard to get without a diagnosis (So there are some informal groups and ways of getting exposure. And most of us love You all!
Genuinely we are excited to have you join us we are excited to share and guide you. We know late dx and self dx happens and in diagnosed spaces a lot of us are super cool swapping tips.
Just know that IDD can make some accessibility hard for folks. So you have to be patient even with social issues as a-lot of you all have an access to privilege you don’t realize you have in terms of educational material being accessible.
If you do get diagnosed
We are anti Eugenics so not pro like Intelligence shaming, non-speakers exist I for one alternate I can only speak sometimes…. When i cant speak it hurts too…
Lastly Anti Eugenics means dont make fun of IDD and Engage in Intellectual ellitism
However this doesn’t mean don’t check your assigned intelligence score as there is different barriers if you are 2E as well and ways you can use that privilege to make things more accessible for everyone. Including translating into comfortable language for folks with IDD who need that.
Part of the beauty of the spectrum is we fill in one another’s blanks we help lift one another up.
But note also if you go for an asd test and end up with something similar but not the same you are still Neurodivergent.
Neurodivergent is a large community but some common neurodiversity’s that are not discussed as often (At least positively.)
Are Schizophrenia. (Which also are kin to Autistic folks we survive together. Even if its not the same we can still support one another.)
Personality disorders aren’t Autism but are Neurodiverse and stigmatized and deserve love and respect as well.
Borderline personality, Narcissistic personality,
If you don’t end up As autistic it doesn’t mean you aren’t a part of our community (Neurodiverse.)
also know like (Autism groups centers etc advocates in there are not against having you join us for hangout sessions or social group activities. Its ok to ask a diagnosed friend how to learn more or join our spaces if you aren’t dxed!
Also some of you might be able to help us fight ABA in medical spaces as we aren’t listened to directly as a lot of places get funded for that shit….
Thats all sorry its long love you all keep advocating just know you aren’t imposters and can advocate on things you experience like sensory and comorbidities just engage with other autistics about more complex/nuanced issues.
Also Please if you are self DX late DX the reputation we are getting for Cancel culture (And not like canceling people who did stuff thats unforgivable. But if someone doesn’t know or have privilege to access information please please don’t harp on folks who are learning. As that is not restorative justice.)
Restorative justice being how we deal with issues in disabled autistic spaces. Just because there are conflicting respect needs and social, emotional ,educational access needs.
Tone is not mad just infodump
Genuinely like talking to yall about asd (Have a ton of cool ND cultural research I’m doing that im trying to figure out how to share without being seen as elitist… when the goal is to use privilege to dismantle privilege especially eugenic. Thinking about talking about twice exceptionality more and what growing up 2E-Asd is like in disabled spaces and why Disability Autism is my main identity not Eugenic assignments.)
Lmk if any of this is helpful or something y’all have an interest in. 😎🖤
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smolandweirdwriter · 10 months
cancel culture is so fucking childish. like “samantha thinks this thing is better than that thing, so I’m NEVER TALKING TO HER AGAIN.”
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leftmusing · 2 years
steal from chain supermarkets. resell that shit. vandalise with protest stickers. seek out an autonomous community space. write letters to prisoners. volunteer with homeless food distribution charities. spread the word. show radical support to the marginalised left — especially cancelled leftists. do not penalise those on the same social standing as you. follow independent journalists. be a warrior with any and all of the tools you have at your disposal. don't just go against the grain, burn the wood in which the grain is formed and reduce it to ash.
fuck the oligarchs. fuck the monarchists. fuck the tories. fuck the corrupted left. fuck the centrists. fuck the identitarian, instagram infographics, aesthetic revolution.
don't eat the rich. kill the fuckers. burn their buildings, burn their structures both literal and proverbial. protest the monarchy. know your fucking rights.
all we have to lose are our chains.
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grimlocksword · 4 months
Cancel Culture Is Coming to TRASH George Lucas | Disney SJWs Want to PUR...
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