#fuck cancel culture
crazy-so-na-sega · 2 months
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sono pagate molto bene un tanto a lettera, sennò non si spiega.
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princess-josie-riki · 9 months
Reblog, like or reply if you hate Cancel Culture.
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crackdaddycaine · 2 months
About the Leftöver Crack song “Shooticide” & its inspiration by Stza Crack
When I was 12, my step-father killed himself & the news was broken to me by an NYPD officer that was just inside of the apartment door when I got home from school. I was shocked, saddened & surprised. It felt like an ambush & they had no business being in our home. It was not a crime scene & was it the officers place to tell me this news when my mom was already there?
Growing up a block from Bellevue hospital, I saw police corruption, brutality & the victims of their violence up close all of the time & although I was “taught” that the police were there only to help us, as I grew, I soon learned to only loathe & fear them.
In 2014, with the public's access to video camera's on their smart-phones & with the advent & simplification of social media posting, holding police accountable for murdering people seemed to almost become a reality when news coverage momentarily shifted from the police departments “official” stories to the documented stories of civilian eye-witnesses. The evident & widespread abuse of police power & their flagrant lack of respect for human life started to trend until it was part of mainstream media & and unavoidable national conversation.
Then, all of a sudden, the "fad" waned, the media moved on to something else & nothing changed at all. Mandatory body cameras were either not worn or routinely shut off &/or "broken" at critical moments during confrontations with often unarmed black individuals many of whom were not even suspects in any crime.
With the botched “no-knock” raid that left Breonna Taylor murdered that March in Kentucky to the surfacing of footage of Sandra Bland’s arrest in Texas years earlier that led most people to the conclusion that she was murdered by the same police that had her detained illegally in a jail cell, by the time that George Floyd was murdered in Minneapolis, the people witnessing his mistreatment knew what to do & their film proved what most of us already knew, that the police were cruel & sadistic, but, as filming police violations became the norm & police started going on public trials for murder, the disturbing trend became more & more evident: the police were not only poorly trained & often racially motivated, but, time & time again, they explained that they were "scared". Now, this could seem like a "strategy" to get a police officer out of a murder charge, but, in the wake of the Uvalde school shooting & in light of the evacuations of their own precincts during national anti-police protests in major cities like Minneapolis & Seattle, even leaving behind guns, ammo & prisoners without food or water, a veritable checklist of state-irresponsibility, it became painfully obvious that police were very rarely "heroic" & almost always cowards.
Shooticide is about how the police in America have undermined their own authority by "outing" themselves as terrified of just about everything & that the farce of the slogan "to protect & serve" only applies to themselves & that 9 times out of 10, when they have their guns drawn, they are all pissing themselves in panic & afraid of their own shadows. Emptying their clips & their bladders simultaneously.
That's why "Defunding" the police is such an ill conceived idea (besides the fact that one vowel changed turns that slogan into “Defend the Police”, coincidence? Nobody’s that stupid, not even the cops), when these officers are so badly trained, less money means even less training. We believe that fundamentally, in its wide-spread corruption & systemic racism, policing needs to be abolished & people need to figure out a way to elect folks from their own communities to actually keep "the peace" instead of sowing chaos & fear through corruption & violence. The war on drugs needs to be suspended & condemned. And the judicial system needs to be reimagined & not as the even less equitable, zero tolerance of the cancel culture that is an essentially fascist style of moral policing that relies entirely on one person’s own testimony while ignoring any & all forensic evidence & the testimony of the only other witness present. Corruption & injustice collide with social media & the back lash of moral outrage & misinformation that used to set the dissenting & bigoted right apart from logical thinkers, but is now reserved for leftist activists in a political ruse to destroy us & our goals.
These are the themes in the song lyrics of “Shooticide”.
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myconidwitch · 3 months
so first you cancel me for taping a grandma to a rocket and shooting her into the horizon, and now you cancel me for performing a masectomy with a chair without any anaesthetics whatsoever? god forbid i do ANYTHING fun nowadays, geez.
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hillbillyoracle · 2 years
wait ok so how is it cancel cuz isnt that what like conservatives say about democrats ? /gen
So yeah! I appreciate this question because that's a point of some contention. I'll share my thoughts.
My view personally is that the I'm not playing a game. If the "other side" uses a term to accurately name a problematic phenomenon that "my side" is doing - why not use it? I care more about people being okay and cared for than policing language.
I agree with Clementine Morrigan who's written about the dangers of conservatives being the only group to name and talk about a very real issue - not just on the Left but on the Right too. If they're the only ones talking about it, they control the narrative and can say things like "Canceling is something the Left does - we're better/stronger than that" or even defining what canceling is.
While it might have gained steam as a way to be dismissive of real accusations, that's not exactly how it's being used in conservative circles these days. Like any word it's evolving and thankfully it's into something less damaging and much more potentially useful - even among conservatives.
I live with my conservative family in a conservative county in a conservative state and I can say on the ground that most folks aren't using to for women who accuse powerful men of misdeeds nearly as much as they're using it to describe the very real phenomenon of online harassment campaigns and being socially cut off. I've noticed a lot of people who claim we shouldn't use that term because "it's what conservatives say" aren't spending much time with conservatives so maybe they've not noticed how it's shifting.
See here's the thing - conservatives cancel each other too. They lead in person and online harassment campaigns, get people fired, refuse to hire services - specifically against folks who were clearly identified with conservative causes who later start to back out. You see it all the time with conservative parents of trans and queer teens. They frequently lose all their friends, are pushed out of their spiritual homes, and sometimes lose jobs or homes because they heard the good points the Left was making about loving your kids keeps the alive and isn't that more important. Canceled is the term I here a lot of those conservatives using even for their own community.
And you know what they get in the aftermath of that? No support from the Left in part because we don't have a name for that phenomenon so there's no organizing around it. Even worse, supposed "Leftists" will harass those people about how they shouldn't have been conservative in the first place and it's what they deserve. Which is mindboggling fucked. You want proof a lot of these "Leftists" don't actually care about change, watch them be cruel to someone changing their mind in the ways they advocate for. It would be super helpful to name that behavior and "cancel culture" is literally right there, but the purists would rather clutch pearls.
So yeah - being purist about where the language comes from is...not praxis that's for sure. If conservatives are the only ones talking about it, then they're the only ones who can set the narrative about it. Conservative usage of the word tend to be shifting to name harassment campaigns and being socially cut off - which happens in both communities so why not use it. And if we don't name it we'll never have a way to call attention to people in our community or others who are doing backflips to conflate material harm with activism - which is extremely toxic behavior.
But people are going to disagree with me and that's fine. This is just my reasoning for using it.
ETA: Check out my other response too. Another reason I think it needs to be used and seriously discussed is because right now “cancel culture only happens to fascists” all someone has to do is claim you’re a fascist and all the other scared people will pile on you to save their own skin and prove their supposed progressiveness. Like it’s fucked. 
Let’s actually use it and talk about it. Having a term that specifically means “harm against people who deserve it” - as many people keep trying to tell me it actually means - more or less means you just tag that person with the group and you can do whatever you want to them. How about we uh don’t use it like that? Seems more important than whether conservatives use it. 
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timetobeaghost · 1 year
Love of my life!
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gorgeous gif by @bookstofilms
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king-killaway · 1 year
Honestly Morality has nothing to do with personal thoughts or creative consumption, but it's rather on how you treat both yourself and others around you.
Having "bad thoughts" is irrelevant in this topic because the only thing that matters is the actions one takes.
Actions are their own moral decisions. Choosing to consume problematic media means basically nothing in the face of committing harm towards actual people.
This stands in relevance toward basically anything.
To publicly acknowledge that something you've consumed is problematic and receive backlash for it isn't unjustified. However, violent harrassment because of it is not and never will be justified.
To be viewed in the eyes of society is irreverent and inescapable. However the eyes of the mob are often filled with blood, and that is a problem.
To be told by the individual that an action committed is harmful and destructive is more inclined to hold truth, than the mob chanting for a witch hunt, or in more modern terms to be canceled.
One cannot choose whether something they have done has harmed another, but they can choose to strive for improvement in the future. That is often unjustifiable to the mob, once one harm has been committed it must mean more harm is inevitable. Which is just irrationally untrue.
Humans are remarkable creatures that have the ability to learn and rectify mistakes once made in the past, and more often then not they do.
Ethics are an often unequivocal matter for the laymen, whose understanding are basic principles and standards. But to a mob, they are uncritically divine, often taking complexity out of the equation and ending in a state of totality.
And that is dangerous. It removes individually and the nuances of situations involving these topics and discussion. It calls for instinctive reactions based on disgust and the idea of purification. Rather than complex discussions about complex issues. And in the end it creates black and white sides to topics that require grey areas.
Which is the point. Its easy to point at something uncomfortable and say its bad. It's much harder to critique something and find both the flaws and the pros. These devices are tactics designed to segregate individuals and lump them into boxes of differing opinions. Which in the end only helps to harm everyone involved. It creates barriers that must first be broken before any kind of progressive (in this context meaning meaningful) change can be accomplished.
It's a form of totalitarian ideology that serves no benefit than to the ones who have declared themselves the Victor. And in too often of a fashion they are not the ones who were marginalized nor suffers of systemic abuse. It only serves as a function of continuous harm, of miscommunication and misinformation, as a sort of propaganda, and overall as violent acts of control.
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spreadtunes22 · 1 year
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crazy-so-na-sega · 28 days
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è chiaro che a Jamie, se gli dici fatti i cazzi tuoi, puntualmente lo prende alla lettera...:-D
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heartrender6 · 2 years
twitter users when they turn 18 and don't magically gain all the knowledge in the universe and a flawless sense of morality 🤯 🤯 🤯
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emolee · 2 years
When will people realize you can separate art and artist and still enjoy something as long as you recognize problematic associations will be the day this horrible fucked up world gets a little bit better.
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kp-antydr-op · 2 years
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girlaph-lilyrose · 8 months
I'm taking a brief break from the internet due to my mental health affecting my ass.
Long story short, I've been backstabbed again...
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anhilliator1 · 10 months
I find it kinda funny that the key to being uncancellable is to literally not give a shit
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hillbillyoracle · 2 years
mmm yea room 4 disagreement w the fascists went well
You want to point to where I said that?
Cause I even took the time to read back over it and I can't find a single place where I said we should agree to disagree with fascists.
However, I did say there should be room to agree to disagree within the community. What are you doing in a community of fascists, Anon?
Again - it's clear the goal of posts like this isn't to change my mind from a relational standpoint. It's to be cruel and punish me for stepping out of this site's party line that consumption is activism - which it's uh not.
If consumption of media is this important to you and paint anyone who doesn't adhere to your personal political views as advocating for fascism - who do you think you're going to appeal to? Like honest question. Who would look at that and go "yeah! that's a cause that speaks to me!"
Cause that's not a political movement I'd give a fuck about personally. It's so severely out of touch with the actual issues I face how could I possible give a fuck about it. Nor would most people I know.
"Read whatever some strangers decide is a good book or you're a terrible person and we'll punish you and cut off your social support" - or perhaps I could read what I want, think for myself, and spend my time materially helping people with other people who are more emotionally resilient and pleasant to be around - sounds a lot better.
Whenever you're ready to move beyond this sort of black and white thinking, just know I'm not going to punish you or hold a grudge, Anon. I know you're getting hurt by this stuff just as much as you're doing the hurting.
Whenever you're ready to end that cycle, I support you.
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