#far left
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seymour-butz-stuff · 2 years
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lordadmiralfarsight · 2 months
So, this is something I've been sitting on for a good while. Mainly because I got too heated each time to write a post about it.
On the 7th of February 2024, France organized a memorial service for the Franco-Israeli killed in the 7/10 attack. That was a good thing but, like many people in France, I personnally felt that it was a bit late. Still, better a memorial service than nothing at all. A nice touch was inviting the famillies of hostages and putting them front and center. That was positive, in my opinion, and a good show of solidarity.
So, you might be wondering what about this has me heated. Two words : Far left. or, in three words : La France Insoumise. LFI is a far left party that has a worrying amount of weight in France, right now. They have some of the common hallmarks : revolution fetishism, radicalist talking points, repeated attempts to delegitimize the election system (like Mélenchon claiming the 2022 presidential election was "stolen" when he ranked 3rd), etc... Recently they have also refused to condemn Hamas' attack. While they didn't openly support it like some fring trotskyist parties, they refused to condemn it, and at least one of their PMs went to Tunisia to basically parrot Islamist talking points blaming Israel for everything. They have overwhelmingly expressed support for "Palestinian liberation", because saying they support Hamas wouldn't be good press, so they skirt around it. But everyone gets the message, really. So, what did they do for that memorial service ? Well first off they participated against the wishes of the famillies of the victims and hostages. That's bad, but it gets worse. Because of course. See, their main representative in Parliament, Mathilde Panot, felt the need to also put front and center Palestinian victims. Now, I do believe Palestinian victims of this war should be remembered, and honored (provided they weren't terrorists). But ... is the memorial fro the 7/10 victims really the place ? No, no it fucking isn't. And that's what has me heated : this was a memorial for Jewish victims, and they were looking to appropriate it. And it gets even worse ! Because you see, Miss Panot had the perfect exemple : two Franco-Palestinian kids from her constituency that had died in Gaza. Why is that worse ? Because of why the kids were there. They were there because their mother fled to Gaza, from ISIS, after embezzeling money meant for Syrian refugees. Let me rephrase : the mother created a charity to support the victims of the Syrian civil war and of ISIS attacks, then made off with the money to deliver it entirely to ISIS. Then had kids with her ISIS assigned jihadi husband. And when ISIS collapsed, she sought refuge with Hamas. And because of that, her kids were in harm's way when Hamas launched a pogrom. And LFI thought that THIS was the correct exemple to bring to that memorial service. Is it tragic the kids died ? Yes. But maybe, just maybe, putting their terrorism enabling mother up as an exemple of martyred mother, during a memorial for the victims of an antisemitic pogrom perpetrated by said terrorism enabler's allies is a profoundly shitty thing to do. And that, among other things, is why most of France considers LFI to be antisemitic.
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musclem3m0ry · 2 years
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madame-helen · 10 months
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brokenorbornthatway · 2 months
We lost a couple followers after the last post we reblogged, so I figured now is a good time to go over some of our stances so you can know if we're not your cup of tea.
We are profiction, proship, anti harassment ,and anti censorship. No exceptions.
Fiction is an endless playground with no rules, do literally whatever you want for whatever reason you want.
We are pro kink and anti kink shaming. Honestly this is pretty much the same as being profiction/proship. Kink is fantasy. So long as all parties are able to and do consent, kinks are morally neutral.
We are pro para, and to be precise, pro big 3 having the right to exist without being dehumanized/demonized. To be more precise, we wholeheartedly support non offending/anti contact pedophiles. There is nothing wrong with having an attraction. Thought crimes do not exist. We support paraphiles right to exist and find community, support, and healthy ways to embrace themselves without causing harm to themselves or others.
We do not believe there is ever a circumstance in which it becomes acceptable to strip someone of their human rights. We have had more than our fair share of violent fantasies towards people who have wronged us or those we love and people who have caused large scale harm. Believe me, we get the urge to say "but this type of person deserves to be systemically punished". It's pretty easy to buy into. It's never the right answer though. Allowing any one group or type of person or whatever to be dehumanized, means that anyone can be, which leads right back to the systems of oppression we live in now. No one deserves to be treated as less than human.
We are endo supportive and against fake claiming. We don't think it's right to assume that you know better than people what's going on in their own brains. Even if you did think someone is "faking", you don't know them well enough, nor are you educated enough, nor are you in the position (the position being "being their therapist") to tell them they're faking and risk being wrong and causing someone serious mental distress.
We are anti punitive justice and pro restorative justice. We are a prison abolitionist. Prison is never an acceptable answer for "what to do when harm is done?"
We are in favor of youthlib, and still learning about this topic. Children are people and are often treated as less than that. Children are fully autonomous beings and we are in favor of children's rights. Kids deserve to have a say in their lives and the issues that affect them.
We are against body shaming in all instances, including jokes about penis size and jokes about how people with bad opinions look.
We are pro all good faith identities. We really do not understand radqueer or transID things, but as long as you aren't causing harm, we support you.
We are pro self diagnoses. Diagnoses is a privilege that is unavailable to many and is a thing that is unsafe to some. I don't believe in armchair diagnosing others. Unless you're their doctor, you don't have the qualifications to diagnose them. However, I absolutely believe everyone is the expert on themselves, and with the information on whatever the condition on question is, most people can at least make a pretty good educated guess on what's going on with themselves.
We are against equating normal with good.
We are anti fascist and anti colonization.
We love and support Jewish people.
We believe in second chances. People can learn to do better and everyone deserves that chance. We believe in rehabilitation. To be human is to fuck up. It's a lot easier to admit your fuck ups and learn better when you see other people doing the same and being accepted.
We think violence is a key part of human nature and that it is something that needs to be fully embraced so that there are ample options to act out violent urges without causing harm that are easily accessible without fear of being shamed. There are already tons of options to for this in existence, but the stigma towards openly enjoying and wanting violence is huge barrier. Rather than meeting someone who says they're having violent urges with "count to ten, do deep breaths, GET HELP," we could meet them with "ok, that's totally human and normal. We've got video games, rage rooms, etc, where you can work through those violent urges in a healthy way." I don't know about everyone, but for us, learning that throwing soft things against the wall while rage screaming was an acceptable and safe way to manage anger and the urge to throw shit was a huge relief. Humanity is brutal, so in order to heal and build something better, I think safe ways to express that brutality and openness regarding it are vital.
Nothing really exists in terms of absolutes. This one is one that's hard for us due to being prone to black and white, all or nothing thinking. Everything falls in shades of grey. There is nuance in everything.
This one is basically a repeat, but it's important to us: every human life has intrinsic value that can not be taken away, no matter how "bad" they are or how much wrong they've done. Everyone deserves to be treated like a human, no matter what. If human rights don't apply to everyone, then they aren't human rights, they're "good people rights", and that should scare you.
That's all I can think of right now. Be aware that this is a vent blog. We might vent or rant about any of the above topics at length. If any of these things are not for you, we kindly invite you to leave.
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You mustn’t become or try to become, a party-liner - however good the party may be - as a writer. That’s a betrayal.  
- Christopher Hitchens
The one contrarian leftist who could have saved the left from the far leftists.
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companionplanting · 1 year
being a system with leftist politics is just hearing leftist theories being debated between alters all day in the background
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thund3randrain · 2 months
My liberal left friend: I just think everyone should have equal rights and opportunities 😊
Me (drunk and angry): All the billionaires need to be sent to the guillotine and all the police should be disbanded and all the countries should be dissolved and all the governments should be burned. No more borders, no more wars, no more classes, no more poverty, no more division.
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simply-ivanka · 3 months
Sanna Marin in Davos. God Help Us All.
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alex-rambles · 11 months
I've been wondering how much of Tumblr considers themselves anarchists or socialists or other far left, so I made this poll
Please reblog so it's reach can spread :)
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bimbogaggins · 5 months
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Made this to send a friend. I'd give context but it's funnier without.
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stopthewoke · 2 months
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Both choices are horrible. Both sides are moronic cults. Both...
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soupjug · 10 months
i don’t wanna go to college. i don’t wanna spend my life always working towards that false promise of a good salary. money is not my goal. money is not going to determine my success. my success will be based off of my level of content. i don’t want to be a the mercy of a boss or industry. i want to amplify and share the experiences of others. i want to find and belong to a people. i want to record local theatre productions, music festivals, and parades. publish articles and protest. connect people. build communities make shit better even just a little bit.
i want the odd jobs. i’ll record weddings and make commercials for small businesses. i want to own myself and make my own choices. do something not for the purpose of making money or looking good to an employer, but for my own enjoyment.
and yeah i won’t make much money. that’s fine. i’ve been poor. i’ll be poor again. i’ll make it work. i always do. id much rather be proud and in control of the work i do and how i spend my time than miserable with a bit more money and less time.
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