#animated typewriter text
dudefrommywesterns · 3 months
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i tried to do a little mikedude kiss gif
stolen borrowed from pardners:
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codingflicks · 7 months
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Typewriter Animated Text
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rrrauschen · 6 months
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Ed Ackerman & Colin Morton, {1988} Primiti Too Taa
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codenewbies · 4 months
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Typing Text Effect
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divinector · 1 year
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CSS Typewriter Text
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reallycreative · 1 year
Mastering the Typing Effect in Canva | Creative Text Animation Tutorial
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bestcampinggear · 2 years
How to Create Typewriter Text Animation in Premiere Pro
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liminal-space-lesbian · 9 months
Disgustingly In Love
This was based off of the amazing Wenclair fanart by pixels.on.a.screen on instagram. Please go check her out and enjoy her amazing art!
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair
Warnings: Wednesday having feelings?? Also Wednesday not knowing how to communicate
Summary: Over summer break Wednesday comes to a realization.... A realization that she is disgustingly in love with Enid Sinclair.
Words: 2,360
Wednesday Addams was not a girl for feelings. She detested them, considering them a hindrance; simply clouding ones judgment. And yet... Wednesday found herself in a dilemma.
Over the summer, after her adventures at Nevermore Academy Wednesday was trying to focus on her newest mystery. Who was her stalker that keeps sending her these threatening messages? As well as multiple surprisingly well animated gifs of her getting maimed in various ways.
This was her first priority, something she needed to apply her undivided attention too. And yet... There was this... feeling that was ever so distracting. A feeling akin to warm honey dripping through her chest cavity, sticking to everything it touched and warming Wednesday's cold heart. A feeling like bees buzzing inside her stomach whenever she so much as thought of...
Enid, Enid, Enid.
The damn werewolf permeated every thought Wednesday had. Every time she dedicated time to finding out who her stalker was, the blond would somehow worm her way to the forefront of her mind. Wednesday was irritated, and frankly a bit confused. She didn't even know she was capable of having feelings. She always prided herself on her aloof and detached nature, considering it one of her best strengths.
Yet this girl, who was the complete and polar opposite of Wednesday herself, refused to leave her mind. Wednesday despised everything Enid stood for. Her brightly colored attire, her bubbly personality, her love for obnoxiously loud pop music- everything! And yet... Oh how Wednesday adored her.
She adored Enid's bright smile, and the way her eyes glittered with excitement. She admired Enid's friendliness; her willingness to push past all of Wednesday's walls and get to know her beneath her cold exterior. She craved the way Enid so easily gave out affection. Words of affirmation, acts of service, physical touch, gifts- every love language Enid had. She shared her love so openly and with such warmth that it was even enough to defrost Wednesday's resolve.
It made Wednesday sick.
How could this girl have done this to her? How could she elicit a physical and psychological reaction out of Wednesday when she wasn't even in the same room as her? Wednesday felt her heart race when Enid would text her, and her mouth would go dry whenever Enid requested to call. Every letter, every word, it was engraving these feelings deeper and deeper into Wednesday's very being.
She despised it.
But oh, how she adored her.
Wednesday was disgusted with herself when she finally came to the agonizing conclusion that she was in love with the werewolf. She had always sworn to never become like her father and yet here she was, sitting at her typewriter and trying to form a letter to accurately depict the feeling she had for the blond. Countless crumpled papers lay on the floor surrounding her. She would write half of a sentence and it would instantly be deemed unworthy. How could she even begin to put into words the fire she felt within her?
How could she possibly explain how every night as she laid down to sleep all she could think of was how warm Enid had felt in her arms that night? How could she explain that every moment of every day Wednesday wished Enid could be there beside her? She missed her.
She missed her in a way that ached down to her very bones. Sometimes she would sit outside in the rain just to think, to reminisce. She missed Enid's obnoxiously bright outfits, she missed the way Enid didn't have an 'inside voice'. She missed the way the werewolf would grind her teeth in her sleep, and she even missed the annoying pop music that Enid insisted on playing every single morning.
Most of all she missed the way Enid would look at her. Those blue eyes were so deep Wednesday dared not stare too long for fear of getting lost. Enid would look at her in a way nobody else had. Most people gazed at Wednesday with distrust and a vague look of fear. Enid however, always looked at her with such warmth and with such friendliness that it made her insides melt into a puddle.
So as Wednesday stepped back onto the steps of Nevermore, she couldn't help but feel a flicker of excitement. As she trudged up the stairs to the familiarity of their old shared dorm, Wednesday held her breath as she opened the door. The heavy oak wood swung out on it's hinges, silent as ever since Wednesday had oiled them last semester, detesting the creak they used to carry.
The dorm looked just as they had left it. Half of the large glass window still adorned in the brightly colored translucent stickers, while the other half lay barren. A line of tape on the floor separating both sides, though a bit faded, still remained. She even noticed the mark left in the beam from where Tyler had stabbed Thing. The memory left a bitter taste at the back of her tongue.
Wednesday stood there for a moment, taking in the sight as well as the nostalgia.
And then...
Her attention was drawn to Enid's side of the room. There she was! Wednesday felt her heart stutter in her chest. Enid stood up from where she had been knelt on the floor, unpacking her things. She rushed over to Wednesday and halted just short of her personal space. Wednesday's heart squeezed painfully at the gesture. Enid was such a hugger but even in her excitement she never pushed Wednesday's boundaries.
I love her. Wednesday thought as she took in her appearance. Enid seemed to have grown a bit taller over the break, Wednesday realized. She now had to angle her face upwards ever so slightly to look the werewolf properly in the eye. Enid's hair had also grown out slightly, leaving her roots darker as the ends of her hair were still a familiar (yet faded) blue and pink.
"I missed you so much over the break!" Enid exclaimed with a bright smile, a pink tint entering her face as she let out a giddy laugh. She rocked back and forth on her heels, her hands clenching and unclenching at her sides. She was obviously resisting the urge to touch Wednesday. If the ravenette was honest, she was as well. She missed Enid. She wanted nothing more to wrap her in her arms and never let go. She just didn't know how.
That was something Wednesday envied about Enid; how she treated affection so simply. She would watch as Enid hugged Yoko, and slung her arm over Divina's shoulders so casually during conversation. Jealousy would boil within her whenever she saw the blond with Ajax. She wanted Enid's affection. She just couldn't figure out how to ask for it.
"I mean- I know we texted and stuff but it's not the same as being able to see you. In person I mean. You look great by the way! Have you started wearing a lip stain? I swear your lips look a bit-" Enid was rambling now, seemingly nervous by Wednesday's prolonged silence. She mentally scolded herself for making Enid feel anxious. Couldn't she gather her thoughts long enough to at least grant the blond with a response?
"Anyways- how have you been?" Enid asked finally, clamping her jaw shut in an anxious smile, attempting to stop her own mindless blabbering. Wednesday spotted the tension around her mouth, and the way the smile didn't reach her eyes. The way her eyebrows ticked ever so slightly up was an obvious tell that Enid was nervous. Poor thing.
"I am afraid I am indubitably and disgustingly in love with you." The words fell from Wednesday's maroon stained lips before she could stop herself. She felt her cold heart stop in her chest. Enid's eyes widened ever so slightly and her lips parted in surprise.
"Eh-?" An awkward sound came from the back of Enid's throat as she floundered for words. Wednesday schooled her features, but inside was absolute carnage. Why on earth had she said it like that? Could she be any less romantic? God, Enid deserved a confession better than that. Perhaps a moonlit dinner with rose petals strewn across the floor. Wednesday always thought her fathers big romantic gestures were pointless and flashy, but now she understood.
"You're what?" Enid stammered, swallowing thickly as she stared down at Wednesday, searching her expression desperately. Wednesday sighed and dropped her gaze from the blond's for a moment. Oh she had really done it now, hadn't she?
"I am in love with you." She repeats, a bit quieter now as she stares down at Enid's hands where they anxiously toy with the bottom of her uniform blazer. She wants to take her hands, hold them in her own. She wants to kiss every knuckle and promise she will do this confession over in a much more romantic setting,
But she doesn't.
She doesn't know how.
"W-Willa..." Enid trails off, and Wednesday's heart squeezes at Enid's use of her old nickname. The ravenette despised the nickname at first, thinking it was stupid and childish. However, now as Enid says it to he in that tone of voice, she cherishes every syllable.
"I-I don't-" The werewolf says helplessly, dipping her head down slightly to try and catch Wednesday's gaze. The action causes Wednesday to swoon slightly, although she doesn't let it show. "I don't understand?" Enid offers in a confused tone, searching Wednesday's stoic face.
"Over the summer, my main focus was supposed to be my newest mystery; discovering who my stalker is. And yet, every time I sat down to try and concentrate I could only think of one thing." Wednesday paused, taking a deep breath and meeting Enid's gaze. "You." She said, her voice quivering uncharacteristically. She hoped her gaze conveyed every emotion she wished she knew how to put into words. Wednesday wished more than anything in this moment that she knew how to explain to Enid the sheer depth of her feelings. She had to know.
"You are like a plague to me. You are inescapable- and every memory we have shared together repeats in my mind every time I lay my head down to sleep. When I close my eyes I see your face, and when I am awake I hear your voice in the back of my mind." Wednesday continued, trying desperately to convey the things she had been feeling over the months they spent apart.
"I felt excitement for the first time since I was nine years old and my parents allowed me to perform my first evisceration independently this morning, and that excitement was to see you." Wednesday licked her lips nervously as Enid's eyes glimmered with unshed tears. Perhaps she needed more clarity?
"I missed you, Enid." She finishes her speech, staring up at the werewolf with wide eyes. She waits for a reaction, any type of response as Enid stares down at her, her bottom lip wobbling dangerously. She sniffles and wipes her eyes.
"Oh Wednesday-" The way Enid says her name causes goosbumps to rise on her skin. Enid can't seem to hold herself back anymore and before she knows it she is wrapped in a warm embrace. She instantly melts into the blond's arms. She presses her face into the side of Enid's neck and inhales. Enid smells like rose and vanilla, a comforting and sickeningly sweet scent. Wednesday wraps her arms around the werewolf, firmly pressing her closer. Every inch of the ravenette's skin is aflame, Enid's touch warming her down to her very soul.
"I love you too Willa." Enid murmurs as she sniffles, hugging Wednesday impossibly closer. To her surprise, Wednesday feels tears burning her eyes as well. She hadn't realized how much fear of rejection she had been holding until this very moment. The confirmation that Enid felt the same was such a relief that she couldn't help the single tear that fell from her eye.
All too soon, Enid pulls back and looks down at Wednesday with those soft eyes. She feels herself melt under the werewolf's gaze, staring back up at her in awe as the taller girl gently holds Wednesday's face in her hands, swiping away her tears with her thumbs. Enid opens her mouth to speak, but Wednesday beats her to it.
"May I kiss you?" She asks, her voice breathy and quiet. Enid doesn't respond, simply pulling Wednesday closer. Her eyes slide shut and her heart stops in her chest before resuming beating at double time. Enid's lips feel all too soft against hers, too plush and too perfect. She tasted like heaven, and Wednesday felt almost guilty at how good it felt to kiss her.
Wednesday's hands came to rest on Enid's waist, gripping her blazer tightly as she leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss her firmer. She never wanted to stop kissing her. She never wanted to stop touching her. She never wanted to be apart from Enid again, because Enid was everything to her.
"I love you." Wednesday confessed again, her mouth moving against Enid's as she pressed impossibly closer. Enid pulled back breathlessly, giving a giddy giggle as she grinned down at Wednesday.
"I love you too." She said, her face flushed as she gently ran her fingers along Wednesday's freckles. "And as much as I love kissing you... We do need to go to orientation or we'll get in trouble." She says in a reluctant tone. Wednesday scowls, causing Enid to chuckle and gently smooth the space between her eyebrows with her thumb.
"I know... But we can cuddle later." Enid says with a broad smile, and even though Wednesday's heart jumps at the prospect of holding Enid close, she rolls her eyes nearly playfully.
"Fine. Let us go then." She says with a deep sigh, grasping Enid's hand in her own as she leads the blond out of the dorm. She never once releases her grip on Enid, and she doesn't plan to for the rest of her life. Because Enid was hers, and most importantly, she was Enid's.
a/n not proofread so if it sucks that's why <3
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icannotreadcursive · 3 months
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My recent foray into CSS for the sake of Ao3 site skins wound up not being as complex as expected—largely because it turns out the complicated thing I wanted to do can't be done on Ao3 at all.
(If I'm wrong about that, and you happen to know how to make text animation work with Ao3's limited CSS guidelines, please let me know.)
But! I did make this!
A work skin allowing for typewriter-style font with or without ominous red and gold shadow and glow. Perfect for dialogue spoken by Alastor from Hazbin Hotel, or any other creepy bitch with a transatlantic accent!
Work skin CSS below the cut:
#workskin .radio { font-family: 'American Typewriter', 'Courier', 'Andale Mono', 'Courier New', monospace; } #workskin .glitch { font-family: 'American Typewriter', 'Courier', 'Andale Mono', 'Courier New', monospace; text-shadow: 2px 2px #FF0000, 0 0 3px #DAA520, 0 0 5px #8B0000; }
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kiragecko · 1 year
Hey, guys! Want to vote on the best 6th-10th Century script (writing system) that I, Gecko, personally like?
Of course you do! Writing systems are SO COOL!
And here's a bit about each of the contenders:
Arabic (Naskh Script)
Derived from the Aramaic Script, which grew out of Phoenician, Arabic has a variety of forms. The Naskh script is the one I find the most beautiful, with it's extreme variation on character length and height. I also love the use of multiples colours for Ḥarakāt (vowel marks and other diacritics). Add in the elegant curves and solid lines, and Naskh Script becomes one of the most stylish scripts around.
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Latin (Insular Script)
Derived from Greek, the Latin alphabet is usually a competent and pleasant mix of lines and curves, uprights and descenders. Insular script plays with these qualities, and the result is electric! many of the uprights (t, d, f) are gone. New descenders are added (r, s, f). Horizontal lines take a new prominence. Line weight is increased, and the curves become more angular. Something old to us becomes new again.
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Chinese (Semi-Cursive Script)
There are many ways to write Hanzi (Chinese characters), and Semi-Cursive Script manages to combine the best qualities of most of them! The expressive curves and flow of a cursive script. The solid shapes and readability of Regular Script. One of the joys of Hanzi is the visual interest of so many unique characters; which share components, but use them differently. Semi-Cursive keeps much of that interest, while also providing a dynamic energy and movement.
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Sogdian (Cursive Script)
Derived from the Syriac script, which grew out of the Aramaic Script, the Sogdian Alphabet was developed by traders who met most of the major cultures of the Old World, and let all of those cultures affect their language and writing. Sogdian can be written write to left, like most Aramaic scripts, but also top to bottom, like the Chinese Scripts of their main trade partner. Curvy cursive lines, and characters of wildly varying length, give this script a interesting sense of flow.
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Hebrew (Ktav Ashuri Script with Palestinian Vocalization)
Another offshoot of the (Imperial) Aramaic Script, the Hebrew Alphabet has a really interesting, heavy, square, solid feel. In contrast, Palestinian Voicing (an extinct form of writing vowels where all of them were above the consonants) is really light, stacked on top their vowels in little floaty towers. It's a cool combination!
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Maya (Classical Maya Script)
The most famous script of the Americas, Maya has one of the most unique reading orders of any script. Characters are written in blocks, which are then read in a zigzag (right, and then down-left) pattern. Full of heads (both animal and human), torches, seeds, and other half-identifiable shapes, Maya texts are works of art, and the more you study them, the more beautiful they become.
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Nubian (Old Nubian Script)
Derived from Greek with additional letters from Coptic (Egyptian) and Meroitic (a previous Nubian culture). Lines above letters are used to skip parts of words deemed unnecessary. The mixture of rectangles and triangles, heavy and light line weights - it reminds me of telegrams, or early typewriter text. I love it!
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Khmer (Angkorian Khmer Script)
Derived from the Pallava Script, which derived from the Brahmi Script, Khmer is probably my favourite script to write. The curves feel so good! The spirals so pleasing! You write consonant clusters by writing little letters below the main one! A joy to create, and a joy to look at.
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Japanese (Cursive Script)
See these wiggles? They're Chinese characters. Elegant, looking like poetry no matter what they're saying, Cursive Japanese is art. It's also ridiculous. 3 different characters, each with multiple strokes, indicated by wiggling the brush as you draw a line! Most cursive scripts are like this, but the contrast between the square solidness of Regular Script and the flow of Cursive is one of the more extreme. What a delight!
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Sanskrit (Siddham Script)
I had SO MANY options for Sanskrit (Brahmi) Scripts, you guys. SO MANY! But in north-west India, during the period I study, this version of Siddham is the prettiest. Look at the curves! Those aren't just decorative, each curvy line that goes above or below the text is a vowel. Consonant clusters are shown by combining the characters together in one spot. The lines at the top haven't yet started connecting, like they do in modern Devanagari, but there's already a sense of it's existence. Such a cool script!
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The music gets more intense — heavier bass, faster drums, and the shrill screech of an alien instrument he can’t name.
Lance smirks. Oh, hell yeah. He is going to crush this level.
Heh. ‘Crush’. Because this dinky game is an alien version of candy crush, basically.
Lance takes a deep breath, narrowing his eyes and squaring his shoulders. He sweeps critical eyes over the shining little animated pictures of alien plants, carefully assessing which ones are all lined up, ready to make his final winning move and —
The game freezes.
A loading symbol turns for a couple seconds, and then a green pop-up covers half the screen — preventing Lance from playing the game, but not from seeing the timer in the corner of his phone tick down to zero.
He lost.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!”
Now, losing a game to a pop-up is annoying. Be it for an operating system update, a text, whatever — all frustrating.
But this particular pop-up?
Oh, this popup is a thousand times worse.
It’s bright green (like, in-your-face, kelly green), with dorky black typewriter font, and a very familiar, bespectacled icon siting proudly to the left.
Lance grabs the pillow next to his head, shoving it in his face and screaming as loudly and for as long as he can. Of course it’s one of Pidge’s dumbass pop-ups, and of course it came up in the middle of his game. Because Pidge has an uncanny ability to know when she can be as annoying as possible, at any given time.
After screaming himself hoarse, Lance whips the pillow at the wall, sighing. He’s already lost, and it’s not like he can out-hack Pidge. The only way to get the damn pop-up to go away is to fucking interact with it. Ugh. He glances back to his screen, reading the stupidly persistent thing.
Your phone just got hacked, loser. LOL.
Lance scowls. God, she is so fucking annoying. He angrily presses the ‘okay’ button at the bottom, because it’s the one and only option. It clicks to a new popup.
However, I have just one question for you…
Lance hits ‘okay’ again, trying to get this shit over with. He wants to go back to his game, so he can finally beat the level. (It’s humiliating, but Lance is kind of addicted to candy crush-type games. There’s something about the deep, gravelly voice that plays when a level is cleared successfully, praising you for a game well played…well. There’s no action in space, okay? Lance is deprived. If a sexy disembodied voice telling him he’s doing a good job is the only action he’s going to get, then he’s damn well going to take it.)
(In fact, when he first was blasted into space, after the whole Sendak debacle, he was bored as hell in the stupid MedBay cots for a checkup that he played the game for hours, just to hear the voice. Of course, his phone eventually died, and then he realized that even if he did bring his charger to space, there was nowhere on the stupid space castle to charge it. He now had, in place of a phone, an electronic brick, basically, and that meant no photos of his family, no texts to look back on, nothing. And he didn’t know when he’d see them again. He’d cried for hours. Thank God for Altean mind-meld helmets that doubled as memory projectors, or Lance would have cried himself into space sans helmet.)
(But, anyway. Back to Pidge’s annoyance.)
Just one, teeny-tiny, baby question… the stupid popup reads.
Lance presses ‘okay’ for what feels like the millionth time, wondering what the hell Pidge needs so badly that she’s being a shit about it.
…Can you please bring me a sandwich?
Oh, Lance is going to kill her.
He’s going to kill her dead.
With a fury he didn’t know he was capable of, Lance slams the ‘no’ option as fast as he can, and continues to slam it when it just leads him to more pop-ups that ask the same question.
“For fuck’s sake, Pidge!” he shouts, after several minutes of unsuccessful refusal.
Ugh! Little sisters are so fucking annoying. Lance hates not being the youngest anymore. How dare the universe punish him for being an annoying younger sibling for so many years.
Gritting his teeth, he finally concedes, clicking the ‘yes’ button and scowling as a stupid happy face pops up. He stomps over to the kitchen — he knows damn well that if he doesn’t bring her a stupid fucking sandwich then she’ll keep sending pop-ups because she is a jerk — and assembles the most mediocre sandwich he could possibly make, taking care to pick the only plate in the kitchen that Pidge hates (it makes a horrible screeching noise if you accidentally scratch it with your nails) to place it on. Then he stomps over to Pidge’s workshop, kicking to door open and practically slamming the plate on her workbench.
She grins at him sunnily, placing her hands under her chin and tilting her head as if she is the picture of innocence.
How dare she. How dare she use the move that Lance uses when he’s being intentionally frustrating.
“Thank you,” she says sweetly.
Lance glares at her. “Texting is an option, you thick-shelled cockroach.”
She shrugs. “You would’ve ignored my text.”
“You could always — oh, I don’t know, make your own damn sandwich!”
“Not a chance, Lance-pants,” she says, turning back to her laptop. “Not a chance.”
Lance mimes strangling her when her back is turned, Homer-Simpson style. It makes him feel marginally better.
As he stomps back to his own room, he resolves to get her back. He may not be a tech genius, but —
He smirks.
He has four older siblings. Pidge only has one. Lance has been perfecting he art of driving siblings insane since he could walk — longer than she’s been alive.
He’ll get her back.
based on this post
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oltammefru · 11 months
The newly introduced IS3 collectible Glory Pack is insane for like so many entirely different reasons:
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First, let's talk about what it does in IS3. Its effect reads "When an operator is defeated, it will stun all enemies in the 4 adjacent tiles for 6 seconds."
This is a very misleading description because:
It actually stuns within a small radius (1.25 tiles), not just the 4 adjacent tiles.
It works with many non-operator units, not just operators. These include (but are not limited to): summoner summons, stuff like pozyomka's typewriter and skalter's seaborn, exploding THRM-EXes, even things like Ebenholz S2 shadows and W mines work.
(It's also nice enough to hit air units, which makes it incredibly useful against the floating manta rays).
This effect is so ridiculously broken. Even if you don't go out of your way to abuse its effects by picking fast redeploys, summoners, and units with entities that trigger its effect, it is still incredibly strong. If you do anything at all to utilize its effect, it's gamebreakingly good. With two fast-redeploys, you can keep most stun-vulnerable enemies, including bosses, occupied basically permanently, with just an E2 deepcolor, you have effectively 7 stun bombs on a short cooldown etc.
Perhaps the coolest thing you can do with it is that if you place down skalter/pozyomka/a tactician and then their seaborn/typewriter/summon, you can retreat skalter/pozy/the tactician and this will cause their seaborn/typewriter/summon to trigger the glory pack effect. It's generally pretty impractical but when you can get it to work it's so incredibly satisfying to pull off. (Note: it doesn't work with summoners and their associated summons. The summons just disappear without exploding
The most ridiculous part about it is that it somehow manages to be a common collectible. Sure, Old Fan is about as broke, but at least that one is Super Rare.
Second, its animation is so funny. The fact that after dying, your operators just fucking explode. It works I guess??
Third, if you look at its place in the IS3 collectibles viewer, you'll see that it's in the "important lore artifacts" section and the contrast between Glory Pack and all the other artifacts is great.
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In this section, you have:
The crown of the Sarkaz King, destined to bring about the end of days.
The very flames the Inquisition uses to incinerate the Seaborn themselves.
An emanation of a vengeful God's wrath.
End of Times, which itself I'm convinced has some really deep lore that I could write an entire post about (and maybe I will do this at some point)
And then also Glory Pack, whose flavor text reveals that it apparently gets used for making bets at sporting events in nightmare dystopian capitalist hellscape Poland. Very Cool.
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codingflicks · 3 months
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Animated Typewriter Text Effect
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paladinbaby · 1 year
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@punkbarbarian & @creacherkeeper / herakles - euripedes (tr. anne carson) / @creacherkeeper / wild geese, mary oliver / not used to it / @beatricexbenedick / do not go gentle into that good night, dylan thomas / savannah (played by kaity) / @typewriter-worries / naddpod
[Image description: ten screenshots of text on white or dark grey backgrounds.
1: a screenshot of a tumblr post reading “no because im actually going insane about this. the fact that none of us were really supposed to be librarians/guardians. we are literally the bottom of the barrel because everyone else was picked off before most of us even knew magic was fucking real!!!! and we’ve been thrust into this responsibility because we Have to or else the library and everyone in it would be destroyed. and of course we suck!! we weren’t meant to be doing this in the first place but now we have no choice and it’s just AAAHHHHHHH “
a response from creacherkeeper that reads “okay i know you reblogged this from me but “literally cosmically-defined not cut out for greatness but you simply have to save the world anyway because we need you to and there’s no one else” is something that can be soooooo #also taking a bunch of early 20 somethings who don’t have family or whove never had friends #and saying #love each other and care for each other and protect each other like your lives depend on it #because not only do they #but the fate of the whole world depends on how well yall can work as a team #family by fate #god. #im unwell about this game #library of lensa
2: three lines from a play, underlined in red. “Theseus: Stop. Give me your hand. I am your friend. / Herakles: I fear to stain your clothes with blood. / Theseus: Stain them, I don’t care.”
simply all the pcs growing up so lonely for such radically different reasons
4: “You do not have to walk on your knees/ for a hundred miles through the desert repenting. / You only have to let the soft animal of your body / love what it loves. / Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. / Meanwhile the world goes on.”
5: “Maybe it’s just part of being an adventuring party, he thinks, or maybe they never should have been asked to do this so young.”
6: A screenshot of a discord message from hollis (he/ him) “kai is like a really fucked up camp counselor” it has one 🥰 react.
7: “Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, / And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, / Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight / Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, / Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”
8: “She dislikes lensa, sure, but lensa has had mortals before and will have mortals again.”
9: “Love is at the center of it all. Love is the point.”
10: “The world should have protected you, but you have been asked to protect it. What an honor, what an injustice.” The text is highlighted in a light purple, with a reference number at the end. End ID.]
i am feeling normal about the library of lensa (lie)
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sleepingdeath-light · 4 months
blind human s/o hcs ; hunter
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requested by ; 🍜 anon (09/01/23)
fandom(s) ; the owl house
fandom masterlist(s) ; main | hunter only
character(s) ; hunter wittebane
outline ; “Hello there! May I request hunter (toh) with a blind human s/o? You can choose if they were born blind or if it was an accident that happened in the demon realm for some of that sweet, sweet added angst.(≖ᴗ≖) — 🍜 Noodle Anon”
warning(s) ; references to injury, but mostly fluff!
note ; i am no longer accepting requests for this character.
if you were born blind…
it’s possible that hunter didn’t even notice your blindness until the two of you got extremely close or until you/luz brought it up around him — after all, as the golden guard he didn’t exactly pay attention to the intricacies of his enemies beyond what it took to fight you and, after that, you were so adjusted to it that he didn’t have much chance to notice it
(well, beyond maybe if you were reading a braille book or using text-to-speech on your phone around him and he realised — though, then again, hunter can be rather oblivious at times)
he still sticks close to you when you’re fighting or just out and about but his protectiveness and presence isn’t overwhelming or anything like that — he’s only really there to keep away any risks that you didn’t notice (e.g. a spell thrown your way when you were distracted by another person you’re battling, or a toddler running in front of you too quickly for you to course-correct around safely without his intervention)
though, still, he mainly just leaves you to your own devices (he knows you’re enough of a badass on your own — you beat him plenty of times, after all — so his only job is to be your backup or bag carrier)
if you became blind due to an injury in the isles recently…
hunter becomes much more protective over you than he would be otherwise as you learn to adapt to your new disability — never being too far from you as you adjust your routines, hobbies, and training to work better for you
he feels a great deal of guilt about not being there to protect you and prevent your injury and, as a result, becomes much shorter with people who treat you unkindly
(e.g. threatening a demon who scolded you for accidentally bumping into them or giving a very unsettling glare to some young witches who went to trip you when they noticed your cane)
he sticks beside or behind you at all times, even when you’ve had a cane crafted or a seeing-eye animal assigned to you, because he’s petrified of you getting hurt or targeted somehow — this fear slowly fades away as you become more confident and adjusted to your blindness, but even years down the line you’ll always find hunter close by when you’re out and about as a couple
he also looks into different accommodations from the human realm that luz has mentioned before — things like braille typewriters and label makers — and will incorporate them into your daily life to make things as easy as possible for you
either way / behaviours he adopts no matter the origin of your blindness….
though it’s a bit of a struggle at first (and he’s not the most fashion-conscious person out there), with the help of your friends hunter slowly becomes an expert at helping you construct the outfits you want to wear — describing each item in detail as he brings it to you, making sure that everything is being worn correctly (i.e. not inside out), and that it suits the style you want to go for that day
if you use a seeing-eye/guide animal then he’s going to make a habit quite quickly of carrying treats for them on him wherever you are — even doing as much research as he can to make sure that they can get a taste of whatever meal you’re both eating without getting sick (he spoils them rotten, quite frankly)
if you use a cane/other inanimate aid, then he’s going to make it his mission to carve/craft you the perfect aid — something that’s the perfect length (but that can also be extended when needed), that has a grip with a texture that isn’t off putting whilst also being difficult to lose grasp of by accident, that is designed in a way that is practical whilst also being suited to your personal style and the life you live, and that can be put away easily and that can be recalled by you when it’s needed (a simple enchantment or glyph or spell should do it — he’ll brainstorm a bit with luz and king the next chance he gets)
even though he knows well just how capable of a person you are, he’s still got a distinct protective streak that isn’t going away anytime soon and he will not tolerate anyone (be they human, demon, or witch) treating you poorly because of your disability — he doesn’t believe you should have to handle all of those conflicts, but he’ll back off if asked and hold your stuff while you give them a very stern talking to or a black eye
(that part is up to you but he’ll support you either way)
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divinector · 2 years
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Typewriter CSS Text Animation
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