#and yeah once you have seen one of my monster design you have seen them all
ganondoodle · 7 months
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rough beast ganondorf design + sketches + notes design combines the typical boar form (dark beast + cloud form from botw), the oni one (demon king gan) hint at the draconic one to come but keep part of his humanity with his clothing being mostly intact
as the battle with Demon King Ganondorf comes to an end, the sages previously knocked out start to wake up again, he is cornered and hurt and as fear of being imprisoned, tortured and exploited overwhelms him he transforms into the Beast form, breaking the arena you were fighting him in and him going for Zelda as she is the biggest threat (he remembers her destroying dark beast gan and she reminds him of sonia, who is the one you sealed his human body back in the day)
you and zelda flee through the cracks of the earth as more earthquakes happen with a beast at your heels thats now truly only out to kill as fast as possible as he burrows after you (first sketch)
the path takes you both just below the surface and as you are trapped in a dead end zelda shields herself and link with her light shield ability, which protects you both from immediate damage but cant soften the impact from gan charging at you, the impact of which breaks you all three to the surface and the battle takes place in the same spot as botws dark beast fight-
fight is very challenging as gan is smaller than the dark best version, jumping and charging at you while still able to cast spells, now truly throwing everything he can at you in the hopes of ending you both
fight ends with you shooting an arrow at zelda, her deflecting it at the right angle and it shooting off the enigma stone on gans forehead; he falls seemingly defeated and as zelda runs to take the stone away gan through sheer panic lunges for the stone triggering his dragon transformation and making way for the final fight
(summary of the end: in the final fight gan snatches up both link and zelda once he transformed into the black dragon and takes flight toward the sky, zelda falls from between his teeth and knowing that she cant get to link and help him in any way from the ground she, while falling, takes out the enigma stone she has kept in a save container in her backpack all this time and swallows it for her own transformation, in her white dragon form she takes active action and charges at gans head so link is freed, then supports him in the fight itself; at the end link plunges into dragon-gans mouth to reach the stone on the inside where he makes use of the 'medicine' previously made using the moonbloom taked from kogas secret lab, link and the stone are spit out and as gan reverses into a human and falls link is caught by zelda and he uses the second charge of it on her to bring her back as well; as all three fall from the skies as the sages have made their way through the tunnel that beast gan made earlier, they help link and zelda getting to the ground safely while the yiga do the same for gan - final end end isnt determined yet but this is waht i got so far and even if i have written this once before i felt it was fitting to do it again and no you cant tell me this is too much of a wishfulfillment thing bc it literally is just that as i cant actualyl change whats in the game, so even if im trying to make it all fit well together i can still do what i want nhakjdbgshdbhsjka)
(totk rewritten project)
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vickyvicarious · 10 months
Today's entry is so much about trust and connection. The complete erosion of it, that is. It starts right away, with Jonathan's seeming certainty that there are workmen in the castle but for the first time no effort given to even trying to communicate with them or seek any kind of assistance or opportunity for escape with their presence. Instead, they are fully aligned with Dracula's plans:
The Szgany are quartered somewhere in the castle and are doing work of some kind. I know it, for now and then I hear a far-away muffled sound as of mattock and spade, and, whatever it is, it must be the end of some ruthless villainy.
This is of course the result of Dracula's efforts to sow distrust by clearly telling Jonathan one of them returned his letter to the Count, and reinforced by their laughter in the last entry. Jonathan no longer trusts the other people around him, not after being burned twice. At least not enough that he is pinning any kind of hope to it. Sure, he didn't get a chance, but in an earlier entry you can bet he would have said something about watching for one to speak to these workers he hears far off in the castle, or to check for an open door nearby them, etc. None of that is on the table anymore.
Moving on, a new scheme.
This, then, is his new scheme of evil: that he will allow others to see me, as they think, so that he may both leave evidence that I have been seen in the towns or villages posting my own letters, and that any wickedness which he may do shall by the local people be attributed to me.
Side note — here's another example of Jonathan being very clever and immediately connecting dots. He realizes instantly just what dual purpose Dracula stealing his identity serves. I mean, of course he must have been thinking very hard on why the Count took his belongings, if there was any extra purpose outside the obvious, but even so he is very quick to pick up on both the significance of the bag being carried (visible) and the implied purpose of delivering letters (invisible) as well as how both those will reflect on him.
Back to the point about trust though, this dual purpose is designed to make Jonathan seem more and less reliable at once. It's a backup to ensure his letters, if questioned, stand up to scrutiny. His written word can be trusted, it was definitely him who sent those letters! Of course this is predicated on a lie from the start since those letters were dictated, but now there is witness testimony to back up the paper trail, so to speak. (Yeah, I recognize the irony of Dracula prepping like this in the same entry that Jonathan laments his lack of access to legal rights that even criminals have. He doesn't have them but even if he did Dracula is basically framing him to get him 'convicted' regardless.) And then dressing up as Jonathan to abduct another child is the way to fully discredit him. Dracula made sure he was seen as Jonathan doing this - I think it's not just that the mother was uniquely determined to get her child back, but Dracula let her (and maybe others) see him-as-Jonathan taking the child away. He ensured the locals' belief that Jonathan is a lost cause, that he too has become a monster. If someone ever questioned them further about him they wouldn't want to help them find him. Not for any kind of rescue, anyway. More to the point though - if Jonathan tries to escape, they won't help him. Not anymore
It is a mirror to Jonathan's own opinion of the other people working in the castle. Just as he, due to Dracula's manipulations, sees their actions in the worst light - just as he aligns them fully with the Count's evil plans... so too will the locals do the same for Jonathan now. This is proven by the mother's response to the sight of him:
When she saw my face at the window she threw herself forward, and shouted in a voice laden with menace:—
"Monster, give me my child!"
On top of just being incredibly cruel to everyone involved - Jonathan being blamed like this just after hearing her child die, her seemingly coming face-face with the monster who stole her baby and yet unable to reach him at all, and of course the kind of casual cruelty inherent in Dracula not even bothering to kill her himself but just sending his wolves after her - on top of all that, this moment serves a distinct purpose. It ensures Jonathan has no one to rely on but Dracula, no one at all.
...and yet, that's proven to be not entirely true in this same entry. Or is it? There's some interesting nuance here with the vampire ladies' second attack:
Something made me start up, a low, piteous howling of dogs somewhere far below in the valley, which was hidden from my sight. Louder it seemed to ring in my ears, and the floating motes of dust to take new shapes to the sound as they danced in the moonlight.
Jonathan is shocked out of his trance by the sound of dogs howling. Only partially, sure, but it awakens him enough to fight back to full awareness and then flee the scene. The fact that he says it is distant dogs howling is such a kick in the gut. Because he encounters wolves again later this same entry and mentions them howling there. So he isn't just mistaking wolf howls for dog howls, he is noting two distinctly different sounds.
Dogs are not wolves. They aren't the wild beasts that prey upon people, the children of the night, the monsters in the dark - no, they are loyal and domesticated. They represent people, civilization. They are diametrically opposed to wolves and thus to vampires, and are shown to be instinctively opposed to Dracula.
So this means that Jonathan is symbolically saved by sounds of humanity. And yet there's a disconcerting element which undermines this brief bit of security. Because what makes the dogs howl? Dracula. Dracula kidnapping a child, in Jonathan's guise at that. And so the moment that rescues Jonathan from the vampire women once again... is once again linked to Dracula, once again substitutes another victim in Jonathan's place. This ambivalence is summed up in the final line of this section:
I fled, and felt somewhat safer in my own room, where there was no moonlight and where the lamp was burning brightly.
Jonathan feels safer in his room, where he is protected from the wild monstrous moonlight by the reassuring light burning brightly, a sign of civilization and humanity. And yet the reason his room is safe comes down in the end to, not the light, but Dracula designating it as a 'safe space'. As if to drive the point home even more, not two lines later Jonathan finds that his sanctuary has once again become a prison: he's locked inside and cannot leave to try and save the child he can hear being killed nearby.
Because he is surrounded by Dracula's influence, because he is fully under Dracula's power, any link to humanity is inevitably tainted. Jonathan cannot maintain any connection to civilization or trust in any people. His best chance is a vain feeling of false security. (Excluding his journal, of course - the diary is unknown by Dracula, and thus outside his influence. And Jonathan so clearly relies heavily upon it to keep up his hope, his sanity, his resistance.) At least, not while he is in the castle, the seat of Dracula's power. And unfortunately, there seems to be no way out.
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Final Boss | Yandere Diavolo x Reader
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You and your party had been at the forefront of the forces against the demon lord. The seldom seen devil had been the name for countless charges of genocide across Middle Earth, enough so that multiple guilds had united sending their best teams to the weakest places. Apart from the demon lord’s assault shadow creatures plagued the plains and scratched at the walls of the still standing cities. In the most dire situations greater, more abnormal even more intelligent monsters that infected and annihilated the masses at a higher scale. 
What was a simple quest of subduing a monster in a small village became the lead to an investigation on the entire demon army. Your troupe, during the investigation, had busted multiple camps allowing you guys to make major gains on the side of all Middle Earth. Today was like none other as you followed dutifully behind your swordmaster, leader, and friend with the rest of your party. 
“This is it guys! I’m sure he’s here, I can feel it!”
“Yeah, right. You’ve been saying that for the past five missions.” The elven druid chuckled followed by your barbarian friend.
“Yeah, you’d think she’d be a bit more realistic this time around.”
“Now, now can y’all really blame her? She ain’t the ‘nly one itchin’ to hack a piece outta ‘m!” The dragonborne warrior quipped playfully swinging her axe. 
You shook your head at their banter casting a remedial stealth spell on the swordmaster as she surged ahead. You were glad you did as you could see her mouth and expression stretch in amazed horror as she frantically beckoned you all over. Following behind, you all hid behind the rock as she pointed to the stage below. In the center stood a tall demon with what looked like skeletal bat wings sticking out of his head wearing a suit. His posture was rigid and focused; his presence alone was outstanding enough to startle you. Knowing your friend’s line of thinking you tried to discourage her. 
“That must be him!”
“Hey, I don’t think we shou–”
“Let’s take ‘m ‘ere and now! No use waitin’ fer the calvary!” 
“My thoughts exactly!” The rambunctious heroes jumped from their hiding spots completely ignoring you once again as they bounded into action. The pit in your stomach only seemed to grow as the remaining members of your team shrugged and sent apologetic looks towards you as they followed the duo’s lead. You sighed frustrated before conjuring a massive protection spell; you stayed hidden as per usual. Watching the battle take place you found that the demon that the rest of your team was attempting to attack seemed to have no effect on him, not to mention the absolute nonchalant attitude. The bad feeling in your gut worsened as the pressure of the demon's energy increased. Covered in goosebumps it is in mere seconds that you are able to cast a 5 second invulnerability spell, nearly exhausting yourself as you try to keep up with the demon’s speeds. Narrowly saving your teammates life from the direct jab made towards their heart which at the speeds this demon was moving at should have killed them two times over.
“Thanks, (Y/n)!!!” 
You took a breather as the demon wasn’t seriously striking again and your fading protection spell should satisfy. In the meantime you tried to decipher this demon; he couldn’t be the demon king. During your investigation there was too much that spoke to the values of the demon king: joy and entertainment. It was everywhere in the design of his monsters to his motive for leaving clues. The demon here was too strict, too stoic, not loose enough to be the perpetrator even if his power said otherwise. Had your team-leader stayed a second more to hear what you had to say, perhaps they could have saved their energy for the real demon king. Now one question remained:
“Where is he exactly?”
“Wow I’m so happy you’re looking for me!” 
Twirling behind you revealed the grand floating figure of the actual demon lord Diavolo smiling down at you. You raised your staff about to utter a spell before you felt the tingling of the demon lord teleporting you. 
“You’re-? (Y/n)!?” 
“Yaho, hi there!” 
Sat on the throne of various bones the demon sat with a smile, holding you by your neck  forcing you to kneel on the concrete of the stage, uncomfortably shoving your cheek along the ridges of the bone marrow. 
“Wait, so the one we’ve been fighting–?”
The demon in the suit straightened up, returning to stand beside the demon king on his throne.
“Hahaha yup, that’s my butler and friend Barbatos! Should have listened to (Y/n)!”
 He spoke so happily completely opposite from the haggard and fearful looks of your team. You didn’t like how your team leader’s hands were clenching. 
“R-retreat-agh! Get outta here!” 
You tried to call but the hold on your neck tightened when you tried to say more. You hoped that they’d respect your wish; saving their own skin so that the oncoming army would at least have one warning about the power of their adversary. But alas your team-leader was stubborn and she pointed her sword at the still smiling demon lord.
“Not without my teammate!” 
Holding his belly Diavolo was laughing, jerking you along with him as he tried to get his bearings. Finally able to breath he sighed once more before giddily responding once again.
“Aww man, you really should have listened to (Y/n)! Again!”
Immediately the barbarian and the druid immediately combusted into a burst of flames filling the caverns with their agonized screams. In hopes of relieving the pain you tried to subtly use your magic. 
“Sorry but I can’t allow you to impede my young master’s fun.” 
The voice of the butler demon spoke to you before you felt an immense weight along your hands that left you hanging limp within Diavolo’s hold, forced to watch helplessly as their screams continued. When they had finally begun to die down the soft chuckling of Diavolo became the only sound as the remaining team still shook from shock. 
“Hahaha, this has been fun! For that I’ll let you two leave here alive!” 
The swordmaster growled through her tears as she looked between him and your pleading eyes. You hoped that for once she would honor you and head back to safety at least with her life.
“I-I’m leavin’!” 
The dragonborne ran the opposite way, not waiting for the swordmaster to follow. The woman in question looked torn, glancing at you and at the decreasing image of her only teammember. You mouthed “go” to her and she nodded her head shouting as she turned and ran. 
“I’ll come back for you (Y/n)! I promise, just wait for me!” 
Diavolo laughed again, filling the cavern with his sound. 
“Can’t wait! We’ll be waiting!”  
Then it was silent, other than the receding running steps of your teammates and your slightly labored breath. Before Diavolo’s smile returned and he nodded to his butler.
“Barbatos, if you’d like you can be serious now.”
“Thank you, young master.” 
In less than seconds he was gone and the weight of whatever hex he had on you dissipated. Diavolo held you up, still by your neck as he sat you in his lap finally letting go to push you into his chest.
“Now (Y/n), I’ve been dying to properly meet you!” He spoke into your forehead caressing your tear stained cheeks, pinching occasionally. “You were able to follow me so well, even remembering what I like and knowing the clues I left so you could chase me all over again!” 
He smiled like a child when you looked up briefly to meet his joyful expression. 
“It was the most fun I’ve had in years!” 
He exhaled into your face letting you taste his smoky breath as he held you softly.
“I’ve wanted you for a long time and now I have you all for myself!”
Too exhausted you fell into his chest letting him curl you into his arms as he excitedly squeezed you close.
“I have (Y/n) and they're all mine!
Now we can have all the fun together!” 
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hrokkall · 8 months
Saw the little nightmares 3 trailer got released and wanted to hear your thoughts on it. Is there anything in particular that you're excited for or just generally hyped about?
Also sorry if this question comes across weird I have no clue about the series but remembered you enjoyed it and drew some stuff for it so I thought it'd be fun to talk about it if that makes sense?
- 🥊
Oh I have so many thoughts on it. So many that I'm going to put them below the cut so this post doesn't take up anyone's entire dash.
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First of all, damn my copious amounts of coursework for the fact that I couldn't sit down and start drawing fanart immediately the moment I finished watching the trailer once… or twice… maybe three times. Mark my words though these kids WILL be getting some day 2 (actual) art, even if it's just a little sketch.
…Point being, I was pretty excited right out of the gate. Admittedly, I was a little nervous that the studio changeover would mean that any (potential) future Little Nightmares content would mean a massive tonal shift, but based on the trailer alone + the additional guides related to the game, it nails the atmosphere of the previous games pretty damn well. Hell, the giant baby enemy even resembles some of the concept art from the flesh walls!
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Already, Nowhere is combining some of my favorite things (notably locations that seem/are "alive", steampunk motifs, and copious amounts of birds… also reminds me a little bit of Zone 3 from OFF, but that's probably just me), but most notably is the fact that it actually seems to resemble some of the locations seen in the (tragically cancelled) 2017 comics. This is particularly notable in the first issue, which features two children taking shelter in a barn from a monster known as the North Wind (who is made of/"sees through" the eyes of black birds, presumably crows), but the second issue is about a monster that lives within mirrors, which are shown a lot in the trailer as well. Either way, I'm cautiously hoping for some references to the comics, especially because we never got to learn what happened to the rest of the Maw kids there (the answer is probably "they died horribly" but I mean hey. You never know).
The designs of the two protagonists are, of course, adorable. I love the plague doctor/gas mask duo (especially because having face coverings makes sense in such a dusty place) and the bit where they both glide down using feather umbrellas is genuinely so fun—absolutely no complaints there.
…Actually, one complaint: I have no idea which one is Low and which one is Alone. None of the official sources have clarified that. Please LN3… I need to know the names of my new kids before they get put into the meat grinder like every other protagonist in these games. (Given the series' track record, I'm not too optimistic about their fates—sorry little guys! I'll be rooting for you anyway). EDIT: It seems like Low is the bird mask kid and Alone is the hazard suit kid
Mechanically… I don't think we've seen enough of the game for me to make any hasty judgements. I know everyone wanted LN2 to be multiplayer (and LN3 appears to have a singleplayer option), but I'm unsure of how that will work. Will it be Spiritfarer style multiplayer where only one player has to own LN3? Will it be online? Will it be splitscreen? Will me inevitably ditching the main campaign to screw around with my friend ruin the atmosphere? No idea. The way I see it, it's too soon to tell.
While we're on the topic though, I did also listen to the first episode of the audio drama! Without spoiling anything… yeah I can definitely recommend it. It's very reminiscent of The Magnus Archives and/or The Bright Sessions, so if you like either of those podcasts you'll probably like The Sounds of Nightmares. Even if you know absolutely nothing about Little Nightmares, I'd honestly recommend it. Voice mixing is a little off in places (though there's a decent chance it was just my headphones being fucky), but the podcast MORE than makes up for it in terms of imagery and phenomenal sound design. No word on the lore implications though; I'll listen to episode 2 when I get the time and THEN deliver the verdict there. I also hope they release an official transcript for it—there isn't one right now afaik, but that would be really helpful for a multitude of reasons.
But yeah, that's about it! TL;DR hell yeah I'm excited for this game, but I'm trying not to fill in the blanks with too much supposition while there's still so little info available
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rawliverandgoronspice · 9 months
Okay, I just wanna say that Ganondorf in ToTK, despite not having Wind Waker’s pathos, is easily the best Ganondorf we’ve had (which is surprising considering some parts of the story). He’s terrifying whenever he shows his mug, he’s active and damn near omnipresent though Puppet Zelda and the Phantom Ganons/gloom spawns, and he’s easily the most unhinged take on the character we’ve ever seen. As for his motives, it’s as simple as turning hyrule into a chaotic hellish landscape where the only rule is that the strong thrive and the weak die, which isn’t really unique, but the landscape and monsters in the game kinda cements how bad that would be.
I get we were kinda expecting another Wind Waker situation, but what we got is great too because Ganondorf was great in Ocarina of Time and he too wasnt anything beyond pure near omnipresent evil.
I mean... I think it's as good as any a time to bring up a really important distinction to the way I critique stuff in general, which is that there's a part of interacting with art that is kind of is... true at a fundamental level? That fundamental level being the emotional response. Nobody can ever be more right or wrong for their emotional response, it's kind of non-debatable.
So I'm really glad TotK Ganondorf did it for you! I genuinely am. I actually loved some things about his incarnation; the musical motifs and the way they are integrated within the story (!!! so good), the concept of Fake Zelda, the actual final fight which I 100% agree is the best one we ever had (still love the TP one, but, the horseback part is a little eeeh and the swordfight could have been harder), his various designs, Gloom Hand and Phantom Ganon which are probably among my favorite parts of the game...
But yeah, I suppose I'm the kind of annoying player who needs a solid thematic framework to relax and accept the scenario proposed (the kind that is driven by mimicry and meaning, which is, I have to admit, especially hard and ungrateful to design for --and so is, often, completely ignored *sobs*). So I would have been completely fine with a Ganondorf without pathos, but one that did fit better within its own environment and countered the themes of the game and developed an ideological philosophy that you could solidly oppose, and not just treating him as an excuse to usher the gameplay forward (I mean, he did betray the gerudos which stranded him while you get to receive everyone's help, but he is not alone in practice! Every monster stands by his side! He may even have a more devoted and stronger support system than you depending on how you play the game). But that goes beyond Ganondorf: I had much trouble seeing past the self-referential and actually enjoy what Tears of the Kingdom had to offer in terms of emotional texture.
But yeah. Could not get behind the writing and a lot of choices in terms of... I don't know, the timing of his maniacal laughter, for example? I feel like a good maniacal laughter needs to be earned, and there's so many times where it just felt completely cheap to me? Even OoT Ganondorf, who had his share of cheap laughter moments, kind of had them work by the simple fact that they were here to directly mock us, the player, and our actions (if I remember well he only has two in the entire game: one after getting his way within the Sacred Realm, and one right before the final battle). We're not going over the extraordinary WW laughter, which is everything to me, but I also really enjoyed the kind-of-unhinged-but-sober take on TP Ganondorf, where he laughs only once and because he knows that he is close to losing probably. I think that was a great characterization, and I'm kind of sad they got rid of it to replace it with [insert maniacal laughter here] sort of approach that isn't specific to the character built over the years (except for the moment where he turns into a dragon, which was the one I liked the most --but it was greatly overused in my opinion).
So I really think his absence of specificy and the fact that his plans are pretty much nonsensical when you examine them for more than a minute, and the fact that he was all over the place and actually sparring with you and building direct grief with you in previous titles, where here I really wasn't sold on why I was supposed to invest myself in the situation besides a vague sense of duty and "that's what the game expects of me" really... didn't sell me the intimidation or the presence. There are a couple of iconic moments that I genuinely loved to see (the whole fist in the throat was GREAT, and perhaaaaps the "come at me" tho even THAT is self-referential grumble grumble sorry to be like this I'm genuinely sorry, the thought wouldn't even have crossed my mind if everything else about him wasn't a strange patchwork, but, it does pile up), but, I needed the framework to stand on its own to genuinely love him in this game.
But I'm really glad if he scratched the itch for you! Most people seem to agree too, which is great. I just... I mean, I am obviously invested in this not becoming the standard of quality. I think we could keep a lot of what worked here and add a scoop of better writing and thematic consistency, and I'd be on board way more already.
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kocherry · 1 year
A Gift to the Beetle Gladiator
Arataki Itto x Reader
Hehe I just really love Itto sm and I've always wanted to write a fic about him so do enjoy this 1.2k short fic! It's just pure fluffiness to my babygirl Itto ♡
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The Onis were a race that Inazumans once feared and they still do. More often now it's more of a prejudice against them. A perfect example of such situation is a young oni known as Arataki Itto.
A good for nothing deliquent... but to you he's more than that.
People often don't see beyond his usual loudness and idiocy. Itto is actually a good person at heart, he lives life the way he wants and there's nothing wrong with it. Maybe except for the times he makes children cry but that's on them... right?
"Dear Almighty Shogun I have it bad for him..."
Groaning into a pillow you turn your head to the side. Everything about Itto is just really endearing. He's like that annoying little shit that comes and go but he grows on anyone. You even defended that idiot from children who quarreled with him.
And you even promised to go with him in Onikabuto hunting and treat him to dinner tonight. So you rose from your futon and grabbed your gift for him.
You held the purple colored stuffed toy on your hands. It is quite large and had white mark designs on it. A really good replication of an Onikabuto but it's just soft and big.
Choosing this as a gift for Itto started because you thought that the Onikabuto and Itto have a lot of similarities. Well, aside from just being there doing nothing all day. They may look scary or even revolting but if you get to know them they're quite adorable.
Brushing those thoughts aside you place the stuffed toy into a box. You hurriedly changed into your usual yukata and went to the meeting spot. It was just an area outside of the city where the view of Amakane Island is just up ahead.
A small smile is brought up to your face as you see a familiar tall figure with silver hair with red highlights. Itto wasn't looking at your direction which made you grin evilly. This was a perfect time to sneak behind his back.
You were tiptoeing while holding your gift protectively but as you drew closer you could hear Itto's mutterings. And what you heard made your heart ache.
"Okay it's not that bad you always hear them telling you're a bad influence, a scary oni, or even a criminal!" Itto exaspertedly threw his hands on the air venting out his frustrations.
You stopped walking as Itto place a hand below his chin. His eyes looks like he was about to cry. "(Y/N) would never hate me like what that guy said... yeah they'll be here and come with me again to an onikabuto hunting!" He could recall how one parent is angry at him for making their child cry earlier.
That said parent made a back handed comment about you being too good for someone like him. Which made Itto place both hand on the sides of his head as he try to fight off what the guy had said.
"Or maybe... they finds that boring? Agh! I'm sure she doesn't mind! Even if people doesn't like me and the onis in general (Y/N) said that I'm their friend. If they do hate me they would tell me... (Y/N) would never lie to me."
This side of Itto, full of self-doubt and anguish is something you didn't expect to see. He usually is so bright, positive, and hyper all the time. Seeing Itto depricating himself is a rare occurance. It shattered your image over him... and yet his vulnerability made you admire him more.
Itto kept this negativity to himself all because he doesn't want to be seen as weak. If he did succumb to the prejudice and petty words then he would surely lose sight of his goals. The goal of living a fun life and letting people see that Onis aren't monsters.
"Itto I'm here!"
"(Y-Y/N)! Were you there this whole time?!" He stuttered at your sudden appearance and he looked afraid.
You purse your lip and restrained yourself from looking at him sadly. "Huh? No no I just got here, sorry I'm late... I really am excited to hangout with you." You played dumb but you were honest about being excited to see him.
"Don't worry there is a perfect reason why I'm a few minutes late... it's because of this!"
You were going to give the gift to him after dinner so you can run away in embarassment after you confess. But Itto needs to be reassured that you don't hate him. His feelings mattered more than your grand plan of confessing.
The box is huge and Itto's eyes lit up as he grabs your gift and takes it. "A gift for me?! The One and Oni Arataki Itto gets a gift from you, (Y/N)?!" He excitedly bounce as he points a finger at himself. You just nodded happily which made Itto tear the box apart as he brings out a stuffed Onikabuto toy that is the size of Ushi.
His silent reaction made you nervous as you rub your hands together. "Uhm do you like it? I made you a really big onikabuto plushie since you are after all... dun dun dun! The Greatest and Most Powerful Beetle Gladiator of all time!" Your voice is a bit shakey but you manage to tell Itto about why you had chosen to make a stuffed toy.
Itto then suddenly tackles you into a hug, the onikabuto plushie is the one that separated his bare chest from ever hitting your face. "Like it?! I absolutely love it (Y/N)! Hehehe!" He pulls away from.the hug holdimg the plushie in one hand while he brushes his nose with his finger.
"I know you recognize my truest strength! I'm just that great aren't I?!" He is spectacularly happy right now which made you also feel the same. "But really... thank you so much this means a lot I was a little sad earlier becausw of... stuffs!" For a second his expression is saddened. "Ah but don't worry I cheered up now all because of you!"
He leans down to your height and pats your head. You were a blushing mess at this point as his touch is gentle. And in return you brush his soft silver hair painted in red highlights away from his cheek and kiss his forehead gently.
"You're welcome and I would always make you happy because I like you very much Itto." You confess with a smile not able to really hold back.
Itto's eyes widen and then he lets out a laugh, "Awww I like you too (Y/N)~!" He ruffles your head again. "You're now my favorite person in aaaaaaall of Inazuma~! But don't tell the gang that I don't want to be accused of favoritism."
You want to feel dejected because he didn't seem to get the idea that you were confessing to him. But oh well! That really doesn't matter for now.
Maybe someday you would confess your crush to Itto properly. For now you enjoyed how he smiles at you softly while hugging the Onikabuto plushie you gave him. Your feelings just grew because you learned something new.
Itto is quite an energetic and positive fella but that doesn't mean he would be immuned to the prejudice against him. And you were for sure not going to let Itto doubt himself ever again. And seeing Itto hold your gift dearly while giggling... you were definitely going to protect that smile.
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just-antithings · 11 months
Saw people being silly about Monster Girl from Invincible again
For the unaware, Monster Girl is a woman (I think she's 28, but I could be misremembering the exact number) who can transform into basically The Hulk, but every time she does it she gets a little bit physically younger. She still uses her power to fight evil because it's the right thing to do, but her life kinda sucks because she appears to be a middle schooler. She used to call herself Monster Woman but people would crack jokes about "a child" calling herself a woman, and she can't buy herself alcohol or find a romantic partner or handle any business wherein you need a professional adult to take you seriously.
There is another character named Robot [MAJOR SPOILERS] who everyone thinks is a super advanced AI in a mechanical body, but in reality the robot is being remotely piloted by a 30-something guy who is a genius but can never leave the medical facility he's been in since birth because of his crippling and extremely painful physical disabilities. When he hears Monster Girl's story, he feels that for the first time he's found someone he can relate to, that they have the same experience of being stuck with a body that both prevents them from connecting with other people and doesn't feel like their own
He goes to some highly unethical and quite creepy lengths to get his consciousness into a human body that he believes will be both attractive to her and young enough in appearance to not get weird looks when walking with her, and he does all this as prep work for suddenly revealing that he's human and he's in to her. She's justifiably put off at first, but when she thinks about it, she also believes they can relate to each other, and they talk it out and she ends up sharing his feelings. I forget if they officially agree to date or not by the end of the first season, but at the very least things are headed that direction
It blows my mind that people don't see how interesting this character dynamic is and don't find these characters super compelling, but some people are just fucking weird, and thus I have once again seen the take that Monster Girl ONLY exists to give pedophiles something safe to jack off to and that her relationship with Robot is proof of that. The idea of boiling Monster Girl down to a sex object and Robot down to a creepy loser's power fantasy just really irks me.
There just seems to be a complete lack of comprehension that many characters are written to be exploration, not representation. Sometimes you make up a guy and then put him in situations to see what will happen, and it's not designed to be anybody's self-insert or wish fulfillment
(also, let's talk about how Robot's actions may be unethical and creepy, but in a fictional context I don't have to care about that and it's actually so horribly romantic to steal your frenemy's DNA and use it in unethical and illegal experiments that will allow you to prove your devotion to the one you love and hopefully earn their affection in return)
yeah that sounds like a really interesting dynamic! but leave it to antis to miss the forest for the trees
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bogleech · 1 year
i am REALLY LOVING this series of movie monster reviews -- this is exactly what i want from a horror movie review!!! i have a hard time watching horror movies but i love them conceptually and i especially love CREATURES!!! but every review or plot summary in the universe gives such a half-hearted synopsis that theyre often nearly unintelligible. i really appreciate the time u take to talk abt the important details of the film esp like reocurring symbolism and stuff because my god a lot of even spoiler reviews just give a once over of like, the physical blocking that happens and i come away with absolutely no knowlege of what the movie is actually like or what it is actually about. and of COURSE the most important part is the monster i always want to know everything about the monster and u include all the relevant cool details. tysm im really really enjoying them!!!!!!
Yeah actually I also decided to do it because it's hard to find online reviews that address everything even when you WANT to be spoiled, or for that matter you even just want to see anyone actually talking in detail about the same things you just watched? Sometimes after a movie I look up reviews because I want to know what other people picked up on or how they felt about the same elements I liked or disliked but all I can find are things like "this movie was good at conveying its story" stretched into ten paragraphs, or hundreds of reviews who don't dare spoil a single plot point even years after a movie has been out. And yeah almost ALL reviews for monster movies in particular will only mention the monster itself in a couple of brief statements, which at most will only express whether the reviewer found it scary or how it reminded them very broadly of something they've seen before. I guess that's kind of why I write my whole site, really. I want to know I'm not the only one who cares about the specifics, like how iconic it is that the Graboids in Tremors have the one huge goofy upper squid beak and three smaller scarier lower jaws.
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And the predator has a pretty scary fleshy crab face and all but VERY SILLY little grouchy eyes which I think is very important
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I won’t get to talk as much in terms of “creature design” for this December feature though because so much of it is going to be stuff that stretches what a “monster” can even be. I have so many malevolent abstract concepts and sentient inanimate forces coming up.
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
because I got an ask with this but don’t have the energy to answer everything in that ask atm but DO have the energy for this: second’s magical girl anime recommendations based on what you specifically liked from my au and where I pull inspiration for those things (*with the caveat that there are other magical girl shows out there, like nanoha and precure, that may also scratch that itch I just haven’t watched them):
you just want a classic to get a good genre rundown: 90s sailor moon (it’s long but watch season one at least and you’ll get a LOT of the most well-known magical girl tropes in the west)
you want my personal favorite: princess tutu (GOD princess tutu is so good everyone should watch princess tutu)
worldbuilding about the magic: 90s cardcaptor sakura (possibly also clear card? i haven’t seen clear card)
you just like grian honestly: tutu again but specifically for rue, nanoha has this I think, sailor moon but specifically the season with sailor saturn in it, syaoran in cardcaptor SORTA fits this archetype but less overtly villainous, homura madoka magica is a sendup of this… you have options
fight scenes you want those: 90s sailor moon is definitely also one of the most action-oriented magical girl shows out there. also, once again, nanoha but I haven’t seen it.
shadow organization seems cool: any of them but tutu or madoka magica but let me throw tokyo mew mew on there also because it’s not on there yet and the enemy being aliens is so much fun
do any of these have gay rep: yes magical girls are historically pretty gay but also sailor moon (IN THE JAPANESE SPECIFICALLY the dub was often censored) has sailors uranus and neptune, which is a VERY good explicit lesbian relationship. also all the sailor stars have Big Gender Things going on and also usagi canonically has a bit of a crush one one of them. genuinely cannot express enough how gay sailor moon is if you haven’t watched it before, this is a positive thing. also if you just like close female friendships this is also very good for that
media aspect: this is something I largely brought in myself because I like it but the webcomic sleepless domain has a lot of cool stuff in that regard so I might direct you there
monster designs: madoka. like yeah also inspired by classic anime but madoka witches are kind of the gold standard here
writing style: go watch princess tutu. you will watch it and recognize that it explains a lot about who I am as a person and the types of things I like to write.
the whole “break the cycle” thing: this is also tutu
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Sonders YanTober Day 8
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Hotel Horror Story
Yandere! Eclair x Reader, Earl Grey x Sonder
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“Hey Earl Grey! I found this old book in one of the older hotel rooms..” Sonder says walking up to Earl Grey whose cleaning the front desk off.
“Whats it about?” He asked.
Sonder skims the back of the book, some words are crossed off. “Hm… Royalty, knights, a scholar, ooo and a hotel…. Seems like its about the old kingdom. Remember the one that was taken over by a mad man then it crumbled when he took control? Yeah, that one, the books called My Love for them, wanna read it together?”
“Im a little busy cleaning, do read it aloud for me Dear?”
“My pleasure” Sonder sits in one of the chairs behind the front desk and begins to read aloud.
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Once upon a time.
Deep into the unknown forest. The sun does not shine, only the light of the moon. Where dragons roam.
Theres a hotel, hiding away the kingdoms queens first born. They was taken the day they turned eighteen, the day they were supposed to get married to prince of foreign kingdom. Never to be seen again.
Before all this, they were in love with their dear bodyguard, such a forbidden relationship. The knight was hurt beyond belief, a month into his grieving he told his parents he was off to go find you. They pleaded and begged for him to not go, not to risk his life. He continued to get his armor on and left on a journey that will risk him his life. Many knights have went and have never returned.
it was long and tedious journey. bugs would keep the knight from sleep. Monsters coming and going. His chest plate was holding on by a thread it seemed, it did him no good. It covered little to nothing but he still kept it on. His food supply began to dwindle but he never lost confidence or hope.
After days, maybe weeks of walking and fighting. He was just outside the hotel. He noticed no dragons in sight. The outside of the hotel was freezing to the touch. There were lights coming from all around the inside of the hotel.
He began to push the huge doors open, they creaked and fought against him. When he finally got it open enough to get in, he walked in to see an elegant interior. The walls had intricate designs, there were paintings hung all around. As the knight got closer looks, it was you. He walks further into the hotel, the stairs creaked and groaned as he walks up them. He goes to the second floor, the corridor has different wall designs but still theres paintings of you. His cheek started to heat up and heart began to skip beats as he proceeds further in the hotel, the you in the paintings seem to loose more articles of clothing.
the lights at the end seem to not be lit, but by the moon light shining through the windows he can see a door at the end of the hallway, Its made of some type of metal.
The dear knight reached the door, he got a closer a look and the door seems to be rusted in some areas. He tried the door nob, no use. He then tried to shove it open with his shoulder, no use. He fidgeted with the nails to see if he can completely take the door off.
He heard muffled sounds coming from behind the metal door, it came to a stop, he stopped, the door cracked open. From just the crack in door, it seemed to be a bed room. He walked in, you were tied up on the bed, gag covering your mouth. You were in a blue and vanilla outfit, sitting on top of an elegant king sized bed. More paintings filled the room, but it was you with another man.
He looked back over to you when he heard you muffle words. There were tears pooling in your eyes, you kept looking at something behind him and then back at him. He quickly figured out and turned around. There was a man in red stained clothes, sword in hand. But it was too late, the man in red stained clothes stabbed him in the heart, his broken chest plate not provided any protection. You began to scream, still, they were muffled.
The man walked over to you, he was also the man in the paintings, Eclair. His clothes has been stained red over the countless knights that came for you.
Eclair undid you bindings, he kept your gag on. You began to thrash and cry, trying to reach the dead man that layed across the floor. Eclair gripped your wrist tight, pulling you to his chest, blood began to smear on you and your clothes.
Your lover, your suppose-to-be knight in shining armor was you last hope at escaping this hell. So many knights came, all received a similar fate.
You reach for your gag and yank it off. You look Eclair in the eyes, ready to say something. You open your mouth and nothing comes out, tears continue to blur your vision. Eclair looked at you and smiled, not saying a word. He picks you up and places you in chair thats in the corner of the room, his painting chair. He places your dead lovers body next you, then gets a canvas and easel. He grabs his paint and brushes, stands in front of the canvas. Before he starts he says,
“This is a big celebration, your dear bodyguard has been killed, it deserves to be remembered through out history. Once your parents are dead, I’ll paint their heads on pitchforks and hang it for all to see. The entire world deserves to see how much work I put into loving you, but for now, things that happen in the hotel stays in the hotel.”
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Sonder stops reading.
“Hm? Why’d you stop reading? I was actually interested..” Earl grey says.
Sonder and Earl Grey are now curled up together with a blanket on a sofa to the side of the hotel lobby. The lights are off besides a small lamp to their left.
“The pages are ripped out… I’ll go back to the room to see if I can find them.” Sonder got up and left for the room.
Some time passed, Earl Grey was getting inpatient. He decided to look around the hotel for Them. He first went to the second floor since those are the oldest rooms in the building. He started calling out their name, no answer. He saw a slightly cracked door at the end of the hallway and went to it.
Some more time passed. Sonder found the pages and went back to the lobby. “Sorry it took so long Earl grey, but I found some more pages and this weird painting of (name)… Earl Grey?” The blanket was on the ground and Earl Grey was not in sight.
Sonder decided to walk up the stair, they knew Earl Grey would probably go looking for them sooner or later. the stairs started squeaking. “Thats weird, that never happens…” They continue down the hallway. “Earl Grey! Earl Grey are you here?”
As Sonder continues, as she gets closer to the end of the hall, the last door slightly cracks open. “Earl Grey! Haha, if you’re trying to scare me you’ll have to do better.” The door fully opens, the silhouette of Earl Grey is seen in the dark. “Oh! Is that the room thats similar in the book? Awesome!” They cheerfully say.
Earl Grey suddenly drops once Sonders basically touching the door, a cookie with a big hat and blood stained clothes is shown. Earl grey was bloody and dead on the ground. They started walks closer to Sonder as they back up. “Wont you tell me where (name) is? You have my painting of them…Give them back..”
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maxusmaximum · 11 months
My thoughts on Silent Hill 2 remake
I’ve seen a lot of posts talking about Bloober Team and James himself and the more that I watch the trailers and look at the screenshots, I’ve come to realize that we haven’t even seen some of the other characters yet.
One thing that I think makes Silent Hill 2 so incredibly fascinating is its characters and how they emphasize the theme of the story so well. They go through such mental turmoil and we come to learn a lot about them. In many of the cases, what we learn about these characters is never outright said to us and these implications of these characters is what tells us their stories. These implications not only hammer in the theme of the story, but they also set the atmosphere and tone of the game. Descriptions on items like Angela’s knife and how James doesn’t “plan on using this as a weapon” giving us clues on not only Angela as a character, but James. Specifically his In Water ending.
Eddie’s story having hints throughout the entire game, including how and why he came to Silent Hill in the first place. The van cutscene at the beginning of the game and the van that’s shown in the playable first scene. His vomit scene and then the famous pizza scene in greater context when paired up with his dialogue about his physical appearance. His dialogue alone clues us in on his warped reality and mental state. In fact, Angela also has dialogue that clues us in on how the town of Silent Hill doesn’t look the same for both James and her. Once again, big world building and story implications.
The voice acting differences I don’t think will be too bad? However, of course, I will always prefer the original dream like delivery of lines. In the original, I think the line delivery actually adds more to the atmosphere and story if you like to pick apart every little detail ever, intentional or not. It gives the player even more insight into the characters we’re perceiving. Things like the tone shifts and hesitancy in Angela’s lines and the way that Eddie’s voice gives us the vibe that he’s playing dumb with us at times. James’ own dialogue in the first is a pretty damn good way to hammer in his head space, especially in the beginning and how that changes in the second half of the game. He feels so detached from himself, saying things like “I guess I don’t really care what happens to me”.
My point is, changing something in Silent Hill 2 can negatively affect how the story is perceived. Dialogue changes because of possible sanitization or just forgetting something entirely can negatively effect how nicely wrapped this game is. The interactive experience players have with it and how it effects the ending of their game.
We all know Bloober doesn’t have the greatest credibility when it comes to mental health matters in a video game but on the bright side, there are original members of the Silent Hill team working with them on the game. Plus, this isn’t like they’re making a brand new game with all new story. They are working with something that quite literally gives you all the pieces to recreate a gorgeous remake. I know some others are upset at the lighting and the super detailed graphics because they believe it takes away from the horror of the game, and yeah, I mean to an extent I agree. However I actually really like the intense graphics and it’s realness. It’s fresh, I love seeing how the world is reimagined in this way. It makes me feel like I can really be there, that Silent Hill is even more tangible of a place. I think the scares can still be pulled off in the graphics and polished environments that we’ve seen, and actually in some ways can enhance the terror. Art director and creature designer Masahiro Ito is working closely with the team from what I’ve read! This is amazing! This shows how graphic and even more intentional the designs for these monsters can be now! We’ve seen something really exciting, but pretty small as a detail. The ring indent on James’ finger. With detailed graphics, they’ll actually be able to add details that we weren’t able to get in the original. I’m so beyond excited for this alone!
I’m trying to genuinely have hope with the game because I love it so intensely, I don’t think it’ll be too bad. I love reading what other people have to say about it though, it’s just so interesting. What are your thoughts? Maybe things you’re excited for?
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aikoiya · 9 months
What if Frisk was an adult and a therapist? 💖
What if Frisk is an Adult Therapist, that tricks any Monster that attacks Frisk into talking about their true feelings/problems?
Papyrus: Wowie, I feel great getting all that off my chest! I don’t think I even need the therapy anymore! I’m gonna leave right now!
Frisk: So, same time next week?
Papyrus: …Okay.
Frisk: Oh, I think these incidents is a better path than any other to the heart of your issues.
I think it’s possible that you and King Asgore have a very specific dynamic. I don’t think it’s one that teaches you proper self-control or discipline. I think it may even sometimes reward you whenever you get temperamental.
I think it’s possible that type of dynamic had spread to your other relationships, and your friends are probably afraid to call you out whenever you go too far, because it’s either gonna hurt your feelings or cause you to lose your temper on them.
Undyne: …Screw you.
Papyrus and Alphys: UNDYNE!
Undyne: Screw both of you, too.
Mettaton: What? No, what kind of question is that?
Frisk: The kind that wasn’t designed to attack or hurt you in any way.
Mettaton: Oh, Jesus Christ, one of these…
Frisk: It’s not my job to take sides or pass judgment. Do you think when your brother asks to go to Grillby’s again, you could ask him-
Papyrus: He won’t have to ask for my permission, okay?! He won’t need it! He’ll just do his own thing again, like always! He doesn’t need anything from anyone!
Frisk: You admire him for that.
Papyrus:…It’s better than making your problems other people’s problems.
Papyrus: I am afraid… that people or my own brother won’t respect me… unless I’m popular.
Frisk: Great job. Alphys, you go.
Alphys: I am… mad, that I can’t watch kid shows without people assuming it’s because my life sucks… I hope to be seen one day as someone that just likes cartoons and anime.
Frisk: Excellent job. Undyne, do you have an “I” statement?
Undyne: …I am… I am sad that… I’m sad that my friends weren’t honest with me, about how I was sometimes scaring them. I want to be a better friend to them.
Frisk: Look at this team go! You guys are pros! What do you guys think about doing this once a week?
Frisk: Sans, why did you lie to your brother?
Sans: So I wouldn’t have to come here.
Frisk: Why didn’t you want to come here?
Sans: Because I don’t respect therapy.
And I don’t think going to some agent of averageness that explains which words mean which feelings has ever helped anyone do anything.
I think it’s helped a lot of people get comfortable and stop panicking, which is a state of mind we value in the animals we eat, but not something I want for myself.
I’m not a cow. I’m a comedian. When I feel like it. So… you asked.
Frisk: Sans, you seem to alternate between viewing your own mind as an unstoppable force and as an inescapable curse. And I think it’s because the only truly unapproachable concept for you is that it’s your mind within your control. You chose to come here, you chose to talk -to belittle my vocation- just as you chose to become a comedian.
You are the master of your universe, and yet you are dripping with ketchup stains and grease. Your mind literally vegetating by your own hand.
I have no doubt that you would be bored senseless by therapy, the same way I’m bored when I brush my teeth and take a bath. Because the thing about repairing, maintaining, and cleaning is it’s not an adventure. There’s no way to do it so wrong you might die.
It’s just work. And the bottom line is, some people are okay going to work, and some people well, some people would rather die.
Each of us gets to choose…
7.Mettaton: Wow, that shrink, what a monologist.
Alphys: …Are we gonna go back?
Undyne: Jesus Christ… Therapists, man.
Sans: And yet people call me a weirdo.
Mettaton: We should get a drink.
Sans: Really? Like, go somewhere?
Mettaton: Yeah, let’s have a little party to celebrate surviving the shrink.
Undyne: Absolutely!
Papyrus: I… I liked Frisk.
Sans: So what are you guys thinking, like, the restaurant at the MTT Resort? Maybe Grillby’s?
Undyne: Yeah, either one. Either one.
What if Frisk’s therapy sessions somewhat helped fix Asgore’s and Toriel’s relationship?
Asgore: Wait! Uh… Toriel, th-there’s something that’s been eating me up for a really long time. We used to make such a great team, didn’t we? Until I screwed it all up.
Toriel: …
Asgore: If I hadn’t selfishly declared war on Humanity that day, we could’ve found a better way to break the barrier and the humans that came before Frisk didn’t have to die by my hands. I’m so sorry, Tori, for everything.
Toriel: …I’ll be honest. I did blame you in the heat of it, but Frisk has opened up my eyes and I’ve known better for a long time, now…
Because even though declaring war was still a stupid thing to do, it gave our people hope and if you hadn’t given them hope… well, then our kingdom would be much smaller today…
What happened to the other humans was as much my fault, as it was yours, because I did nothing to help them when they left the Ruins. I couldn’t help them or my kingdom. At least you stayed loyal to your people and kept them from falling apart… If anyone is the selfish one, it is me…
But I don’t want to be that selfish person anymore…
I want to be better and help you get better as well…
Asgore: Tori… Thank You…
As A Bonus: What if the UT Monsters felt genuine guilt over how they treated Frisk?
Undyne: Dude! You should get outta here before you get hurt!
Papyrus: NO! Every time terrible stuff happens, I run the other way! That is my dear friend! And Frisk is right to be angry because I didn’t protect them!
Alphys *tearing up*: You didn’t protect them from us!
Mettaton*crying*: They’re like this because of us!
Undyne *crying*: We're the source of Frisk’s suffering!
Toriel *crying*: This is my fault! *sobs loudly*
Asgore *crying*: Tori! Don’t be silly! Everyone knows that all of this is because of me!
Toriel: NO, it’s because of ME! I said that I would protect Frisk, but I did nothing to help them once they left the Ruins! I basically left them to die alone, just like I did with all the other humans!
Asgore *crying*: But that was because you didn’t want anything to do with me or the war, and all my war did was hurt Frisk! Like it hurt every human that ever came down here! *sobbing* This is all my fault!
Flowey: YES, IT IS!
(Flowey suddenly pops out from the ground.)
Flowey: Yes, we hurt Frisk, but this isn’t the time to make this all about us! That’s not helping! Maybe Frisk would care how sad you are because they always puts everyone else’s feelings first! But they can’t do that for you right now, because they needs us this time!
We all had Frisk when we needed them, but the only person who’s never had Frisk is Frisk! That kid's always been there for us, so, *sighs*…
How can we be there for Frisk now? 🌻
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shoppncarticles · 9 months
The Trubbish Family
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People are so mean, you know that? Poor Trubbish was the subject of ENDLESS ridicule when Pokemon Black and White first came out, and once a bunch of Pokemon fans on online forums caught wind of the living trash bag they proclaimed it as a CLEAR sign of Pokemon’s empty barrel of potential design ideas. Never mind the Nazca line sentry drone or the baggy pants hoodlum lizard that came earlier in the generation – or the very next entry that’s a sleekly designed fox monster that I’m sure would make a few people quite happy – no, Trubbish is a perfect indication that Gen 5 has ZERO creative ideas whatsoever.
I really do have to imagine it’s something to do with the negativity bias and older fans growing disillusioned with Pokemon because like, at the end of the day Trubbish is completely inoffensive. It’s a little trash bag with eyes and a mouth and nub feet. What’s the harm that it’s doing, guys. Look, I’m one of the people who will say Grimer and Muk are in their top 10 Pokemon of Generation One, and even I’ll admit Trubbish is more interestingly designed than either of them were.
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ANYWAYS, Trubbish itself is a cute little Poison-type monster, as cute as you’ll probably get with a living trash bag. I love that while it does have arms, those arms are formed from pure waste and grim bursting from its sides. It’s also been pointed out that Trubbish’s snaggleteeth could be broken shards of glass if you want to read it a little more realistically, which I’m happy to do. That's a fun little detail to attribute it with. It’s also been pointed out that the two bits at the top of Trubbish’s head – the ends of its top knot – could be seen as rabbit-like ears, and thus making Trubbish a partial dust bunny design, which is charming. That’d be one way to explain the stuff that makes up its arms, being just coalesced lumps of dust and dirt.
Interestingly, Trubbish is said to be the product of excessive garbage and chemical waste, meaning they aren’t naturally occurring Pokemon and instead some mutant species created by humanity’s excess of waste. While kind of a tragic statement, it is certainly interesting that new species of Pokemon can crop up from unlikely places like that, and does raise the question if any species resembling Trubbish existed in ancient times before mass industrialization that merely adapted into resembling trash bags. Makes you think!
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Garbodor, Trubbish’s evolution, does a lot more cool things with the idea of being living trash as well. Its main body has grown so large from all the garbage and waste its accumulated, resulting in the bag that used to house its body bursting open and now only covering its head. Notably though are its arms, one being quite diminutive and appearing to be made of rebar. I love that idea a lot, its incredibly small but the idea of a beast made of condensed waste using rebar as a skeleton just makes too much sense in my mind. The other arm is much more complete, and ends in little nozzles that Garbodor can fire globs of muck out of. Y’know, just in case it ever needs to. Garbodor certainly lives up to its title as the Trash Heap Pokemon.
Oh, also, Garbodor’s Japanese name Romanizes to Dustdas, which kind of draws a further connection to that dust bunny idea I mentioned earlier. So that’s neat.
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For whatever reason, Garbodor was the only Pokemon not from either Gen 1 or 8 to receive a Gigantamax form come Sword and Shield. Yeah, remember those? Why on Earth Game Freak chose to give Garbodor – one of the Pokemon frequently criticized as being one of their lowest creative points – a new gimmick form (from like a corporate perspective) is beyond me, but hey, I’m not complaining too much.
I like G-Max Garbodor well enough, it seems like a good way to go about giving it a big ultra-strong touch up. I like how it gains so much waste its lower body becomes a shambling mass, and I like how more specific trash objects get littered all over its body… but I do question why they’re all toys instead of like, fishbones and tires and even like, apple cores. Other generic trash object, y’know? It’s not a bad decision, but does have me scratching my head a little. Ah well, it’s still nice to see Garbodor get this weird splash of love from the designers. Glad to know that they won’t pander to the Gen 5 hate crowd all the time.
Score: 5/5
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On the same tier as Muk and Weezing for me – they all belong together, after all. Alolan Muk is just the one that shoots that family up to my grand standings, no offense Garbodor. You’re still mighty cool.
[Gen 5 Archive]
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morfanerina · 8 months
Watched the Last Voyage of the Demeter, slept on it and I'm still severely disappointed by it, both as a horror and as an adaptation.
Actually especially disappointed as an adaptation, they had what? 6 paragraphs to follow and all the freedom in the world and managed to screw what little constraints they had?
Rant with Spoilers below:
So, I don't have anything to say about the beginning. Wonderful views, everyone was appropriately spooked by the symbol, we have a child on board and the first mate was finding new crew members. Three of them, on of which ends up being our POV character.
Cool so far though isn't that ship far too big for a crew of only 10 (including the captain)? It's faithfull but, ya know.
And then we get Anna. Now Anna was in one of the boxes of dirt to be fed on by Dracula as a snack until the boat reached high water wherein Dracula would feed on the crew. That didn't work because that box opened up and the crew discovered Anna was on board, sick. To save her our heroic doctor does some blood transfusions. With his own blood. Daily (?). Pretty sure he would get woozy but Sure why Not.
This brings conflict with the crew since many of them are supersticious or just feel she is too much of a stoaway. It doesn't matter as her function in story is:
A: conflict bringer
B: exposition about the monster
C: i think we are supposed to assume the doctor and her have romantic feelings for each other at the end?
Also she has badass scenes and brings heart as a victim and willingly sacrifices herself by burning at the sunlight #girlboss
Oh yeah. Them burning in sunlight is bitten and turning into a mindless slave. If you haven't read Dracula, this will be: yeah makes sense. If you have, I hope you are pissed off by this change. And also by the change that religious symbols such as crosses do not affect Dracula.
I guess that's why Anna says that somehow Dracula has no one to feed from in her country. He must have eaten them all (directly contradicted by the fact she is a literal sacrifice to him) because it certainly weren't the crosses and so on to defend themselves that did it.
With this let's go to what this change actually implies in story. See, the characters actually eventually disciver where Dracula sleeps, the specific box even (it was literally the more embellished box.
Yeah.). And they know he only attacks at night and have literally seen on of their crew dying in flames implying Dracula would stay during the day in the box.
So they plan to ambush him at night and not use the knowledge of that box ever. Even Jonathan in the book whacked the vampire in the face while he was sleeping.
I will cut the ranting a bit to now talk about the end.
First: the doctor survives. This is stupid especially as the last scene is he looking super cool while promising himself he would end the blight of Dracula, hunting and finishing him himself.... which won't happen as we literally have how the story goes and he is not at all involved.
Second: master of disguise Dracula doesn't have a human face. Yeah, I was expecting to see his human face but no, it's just the design they created with fancy clothes. Are you joking.
Speaking of jokes Olgaren got possessed and I literally turned to my friend who has read Dracula and said: Mina Harker would never. And it's true, biting doesn't mean turning into vampire unless that person dies and... something. Dying is an important step however.
I'll finish by talking on how disappointing the horror aspect was. There was no actual psychological horror, Dracula played with the religious crewmember sailing away once and the rest he was a beast. It was basically jump scares and gore.
All in all: you could have done so many things, so much freedom and you did this? Truly disappointed.
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palmofafreezinghand · 2 years
whumptober day 7: “the way you shake and shiver” silent panic attack
cw: panic attacks, ptsd flashbacks (in line w/ new moon canon) 
The forest floor was wet, seeping into her clothes, bleeding into her bones, her screams echoing against the centuries-old pine trees, the rings in their trunks carrying thousands of mortals’ pain. She was falling from the cliff-side, wind whipping against her face, the air sucked out of her lungs as she hit the solid ocean. 
His face was solemn, his words separate and distinct. “Bella, I don’t want you to come with me. I’ll always love you… in a way.” 
He didn’t want her, he never would, he never did. 
Her lungs felt like they had been ripped from her chest and shoved into the Artic Ocean, pain seeping through her lungs. 
Her eyes shot open. The trees in her backyard were gone, replaced by wood beams on a high white ceiling. Waking up in an unknown room was more terrifying than the months of a constant mental barrage of her abandonment. 
She jolted up, turns out she was on a couch, a familiar black leather sofa, a designer name that started with E, she couldn’t remember, far too fancy for her. A cold hand was on her shoulder. 
“You’re alright,” a voice she knew well murmured beside her. 
She looked over to her right, crouched beside the couch was her boyfriend’s mother, for all intents and purposes. “I didn’t mean to startle you,” Esme smiled softly, pulling her hand back. “You were having a bad dream, I presume I can’t read minds. Even then I most likely couldn’t read yours.” 
Bella managed to put on a pathetic smile for a half-second. She appreciated Esme’s attempt at levity, even if it didn’t land. 
“You, you didn’t scare me,” Bella stammered. Her cheeks felt on fire. This ordeal was mortifying.  “Was I… screaming?” She winced, Charlie was still traumatized by her night terrors she didn’t need Esme’s worry too, and she especially didn’t need this getting back to Edward. 
“No, no,” Esme assured her, furrowing her brow a second later. “Do you usually scream while you sleep?” 
“No,” Bella lied. Esme cocked her left brow, an unspoken challenge. It was a look Bella had seen on more than one occasion, usually pointed at Emmett. 
“I have pretty bad nightmares,” Bella admitted finally. “Which you now know.” 
“Do they usually end in panic attacks?” 
“I… that wasn’t a panic attack. Just a bad dream. I don’t have panic attacks.” She had had this fight with her father more than once. If she admitted to the very real, and obvious, panic attacks she knew Charlie would have ammunition to force her into seeing a therapist. But nightmares were normal, every little kid had nightmares about the monster lurking in the corner of their bedroom, she simply had yet to grow out of it. 
“Hm,” Esme murmured, picking at her perfect cuticles, shifting so she was sitting on the ground with her knees to her chest. “I used to get them all the time,” she admitted as normal as blueberry pie.  
“Oh yeah. I still do sometimes, to be honest. Of course, they look a little different now,” she smiled lightly. 
It was hard to imagine the almost too-perfect Esme shaking, feeling like the world was caving in, gasping for air like a fish on a fishing boat deck. They sat in the quiet for a few moments, Bella struggling to understand her problems weren’t unique; and struggling, even more, to understand said issues weren’t repaired by vampirism. 
“Do you ever feel stupid for having them?” Bella asked quietly after a few minutes. Esme scoffed, lightly, somehow kindly.  “You guys came back I should be over this.” 
“The pain was already inflicted,” Esme shrugged. “Oftentimes when we’ve been simply trying to survive for so long once we’re in a safe environment that’s when our body truly processes.” 
“But I was only upset because Edward left and now he’s back. I should be fine.” 
“But you aren’t,” Esme said plainly. “When I first got married I threw myself into my marriage. I figured if I could be the perfect Mrs. Cullen for a husband I adored I wouldn’t have any more problems. If I made the rest of my life perfect I would be too, but it doesn’t work that way. No matter how much you love Edward, which I know is a lot, it won’t mean anything if you’re not okay.” 
“I am okay.” “Great,” Esme smiled. For the first time, Bella saw her as the twenty-six-year-old she was. “But if you ever aren’t that’s alright. And I assure you we will all still be here right beside you.” 
Edward had assured her thousands of times he would never leave unless she asked, but hearing it from a third party, who had no obligation to her was the first time she believed it. 
Bella was about to say something else but Esme stopped her. “Edward just came back into earshot,” she whispered with a conspiratorial smile. Fifteen seconds later Edward and Carlisle came walking in the front door, golden eyes sparkling from their hunt. 
Bella greeted them on auto-pilot, Edward giving her a kiss on the forehead and a whispered “have a nice nap?” before he settled in next to her. 
Carlisle and Esme moved to leave the room. 
“Esme,” Bella said before the woman left. Esme turned in the doorway. “Thank you.” 
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leafytaffy · 9 months
So basically I found out I assign animal qualities to Everhood characters a lot
Gonna make a list of the characters and what animals they are in my headcanons; as in literally or traits they have based off said species
Pink: wolf. Wolf Pink is a wolf to me it even works thematically like. Chasing a rabbit. The misunderstood “big bad wolf,” something demonized by everyone yet is actually not in the wrong. Yeah. I need to draw them with pointed ears and a tail more but they have fangs even so. But! They also can purr! And yip like a fox when excited or wanting to call Rasta from far away!
Rasta Beast: It’s just canon they’re a unicorn but I also love to think they make chuffs and roars like a tiger <3 they also give off a lot of large dog energy, hell, Rottweilers were and still are the inspiration for how I draw them! Also such malamute energy in their design as well
Brown Mage: bear bear BEAR. BEAR IN THE GAY SENSE AND ANIMAL SENSE. Big fat hairy guy!!!!! Also sits in their cave alone eating and eating, like a bear (the animal)… I also draw them with some badger like qualities as well, but nothing aside from being human originally explains their long, luscious, wavy hair that probably has mats and knots and hasn’t been washed or brushed in eons
Shopkeeper: a snake! Specifically a hognose snake! Mainly because of the head shape, but also because it sorta fits with their profession as a florist/gardener as hognose snakes are known to burrow!! I can imagine them digging a hole to plant some flowers by using their snout, hehe..
Blue Thief: oh man. This little guy is purse dog coded. But getting into specifics, Blue was probably once an actual gnome! How they ended up the way they are now is… gruesome, though. They defected from their mage status by ripping their gem out. Of their forehead. Kickstarting the memory issues. Then a ton of surgeries trying to fix them that ended up botched, getting worse and worse until nearly nothing inside could be salvaged, leading to their body being scooped out and stuffed. Blue is just a living plush/taxidermy, their limbs lock back in place via their bones, but their skin still has to be sewn together again. I got off topic though, animal traits I think they have is a whole hodgepodge of stuff. They purr and make biscuits like a cat and have the same climbing ability, they have cheek pouches like a hamster, paw pads for general stealth, and fangs like a cat or dog. I love my little dog-cat-hamster-raccoon-hedgehog thing that is Blue <3
Green: if you’ve seen my art you know I see Green as a bird. Green just has that messed up bird energy + they have the claws. I feel like they were once human, but then began to transform into a bird-like monster via the gem’s influence. In the end though, they now look the way they do thanks to tearing their original body to shreds… Poor Green will make nests out of three race cars and some dice, like a pigeon. Will also purr and coo like a chicken (and also do warning/threat squawks like one too)
Purple: unlike Brown and Green, they started as a furry, a goat to be specific! Purple was a goat person about to be sacrificed, until they found Everhood, and unfortunately taken in by Gold Pig with the promise of power and shelter. Over time, they have transformed due to the influence of the gem and the magic they performed. Now, they are some sort of void-like creature with only tentacles that serve as a body and limbs, mostly comparable to a jellyfish.
Zigg: hairless cat <3
Muck and Flan: these guys have such salamander energy tbh. Feed them worms. I love drawing them as big goo dragons like Goodra which is one of my top 3 favorite Pokémon <3
Reese: I don’t headcanon them as having any animal traits, but I do think if they were an animal they would be a horse.
Noseferatchu: classic vampire, but because of a lot of general vampire headcanons I have, Nose is a big leech guy pretty much! Bring back leech vampires leeches are so cool and one of my fave animals </3
Vampire Kid: still a leech but has some bat traits as well!! Used to rock themselves to sleep as a baby hanging upside down like baby bats do…
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