#and then they would get home and just blast their base as loud as they possibly could. it made the building shake
What is it about the place next to mine that causes whoever moves in there to take up playing the electric guitar
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bucketofpaint · 6 months
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The baby justice, or whoever they were, were starting to get on Danny's nerves. Well, basically, everything did that currently, but not as much they did.
Don't get him wrong. He understood what it was like to be a teen hero, and he respected them for it. But it didn't stop him from immediately groaning when he ran into bird boy and arrow girl.
It started out a pretty okay day. He got a passing score on a test, and it had been a slow work, which meant he'd could go home early. He had got to his trashy apartment and immediately passed out. although Danny wished that he'd could sleep till next week, a few extra hours were still much appreciated.
But fate had other plans. Danny had woken up late at night in a cold sweat, flashs of green and loud yelling, repeating in his head over and over. Danny got up and made his way to the window. He needed to get some air and to clear his head.
" I'm tired of just sitting here." Artemis complained, fiddling with one of her arrows absencemimdly.
" we need to be ready for anyone that leaves the building." Robin snapped back, not taking his eyes off of the building below.
Artemis already knew this, of course, but it didn't change the fact that she would rather be in the building, actually fighting instead of just waiting.
Her and Robin were stationed on the adjacent building to the one that was the base for a human trafficking scheme. The reason for them being outside and not inside with the others was because, apparently, the top people of this scheme were known flight risks.
Danny drifted through the night sky, trying not to remember his nightmare. Trying and failing. He couldn't help it. The images just kept popping up in his head. mostly ones of his parents' faces filled with disgust, rage, and just pure hatred,while they tried to blast him to bits.
Danny gets pulled out of his head by the sound of a whisper argument taking place on the rooftop below. Danny looks down and is immediately regretting going outside. The two people arguing were members from Young Justice because, of course, they were. If Danny didn't know any better, these run-ins were starting to seem like no coincidence. He definitely wouldn't put it past CW.
If Danny remembered right, the two people were Robin and Artemis. It looked like the two were on a stake out or something. They kept bickering back and forth, seemingly unaware of the goon that started to creep up behind them. Danny watched and prepared himself in the case he needed to step in.
When the goon was about a foot behind them, Robin swung around and swiftly knocked the guy out. But as soon as he did, multiple men started popping up. Some jumped from the next roof, others climbing up the sides.
Robin and Artemis seemed to have it handled. Things quickly went down after the goons pulled out wepons that shot similar green blasts that left smoldering spots.
It wasn't long before the duo was surrounded, hands up in surrender.
One of the men walked towards them, reaching out to grab them. That's when Danny stepped in, keeping his invisibility and, sucker punching the dude out cold.
All the goons charged at the two, who at the moment were frozen, both looking around in confusion before joining in the fight.
Danny was exhausted by the time the last guy was knocked out. Which was not saying a lot because he had been exhausted for weeks, but now, even more so. Danny looked over to Robin and Artemis, noticing how they were both tense and staring right at him. He looked down...
Opps... Apparently, he had dropped his invisibility during some point in the fight. Well, there's not much to do about it now.
Robin stared at the teen, who stared back with a pair of neon green eyes. The teen looked down for a few seconds, then looked back at them and shrugged.
"Cuffs?" The mysterious meta asked
"Um...what?" Robin asked completely confused.
The meta huffed and gestured to the unconscious people.
"Catch." Artemis said, walking past him and tossing the meta some rope. " Just tie their feet and hands for now." The boy nodded.
After all the men had been tied up, the three stood in silence, looking back and forth at each other.
Robin cleared his throat. "So, who -" the meta cut him off with a scoff.
Robin tried again.
" I'm Robin, and you are." Robin asked, keeping his body language friendly.
"Nun-ya." The boy replied. Hmm, it was a unique name. Maybe he wasn't a meta, but an ailen. "Business." The boy finished before fading away.
Robin stood there in disbelief, looking in the area the boy used to be, as Artemis laughed behind him.
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mariasont · 1 month
Date Night - A.H
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a/n: i have been so obsessed with the nanny recently so this is kind of based off that
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pairings: aaron hotchner x nanny!reader
summary: you get home from the world's worst date
warnings: none i think, IDK IM SO BAD AT THESE
wc: 0.9k
To put it quite frankly your date sucked. He was disrespectful to the waiter, made really unsettling noises while eating, talked incessantly about his ex, and worst of all, he didn't let you get a word in edge wise (a major issue because you really like to talk).
Saying you were disappointed would barely scratch the surface. The rarity of your dates, thanks to your demanding role as a live-in nanny for Viriginia's most occupied FBI agent, made your free time all too precious. Mr. Hotchner was home this weekend, which granted you some time off, well-deserved you might add, but you had wasted it on some sad excuse of a man who made you believe that chivalry really was dead.
You had a clear mission when you entered the house: to drown the evening's disappointment in a generous pour of red, slip into your comfiest pajamas, and indulge in trashy reality TV, which, by comparison, casted your night in a much more flattering light. You were beginning to accept that maybe, you were meant to be alone, only because men sucked.
You all but threw your jacket into the closet, kicking off the pumps that had spent the night punishing your heels, and bent to rub the throbbing pain, releasing a sigh steeped in disappointment.
"You're home early."
Your heart leapt to your throat, hand flying to your chest on reflex as you whirled around to face the sight of Mr. Hotchner lounging in the armchair, a whiskey glass cradled in his hand. The light from the lamp beside him served to accentuate the shadows beneath his eyes, no doubt caused by his job. So, what he was doing up was beyond you.
"Geez, Mr. Hotchner, are you trying to give me a heart attack here?"
A mock frown creased your face, and you sauntered over to his chair. You settled on the armrest beside him and smoothly relieved him of the glass, taking a small, savoring sip. Annoying him was one of your favorite pastimes, one that was all too rare with his usual absence.
"So, what's the occasion? Waiting up for me?"
He wasn't amused, clearly, his face unchanging. With a deliberate motion, he took the glass back, taking another casual drink, and despite his stern look he didn't move away from you. His eyes shot you a sharp glance, withholding any spoken response.
With a light tap on his shoulder, you hopped down from the arm of the chair.
"It's okay, you don't have to say it. I can read you like a book," you tossed him a wink, your dress flirting with the edge of modesty at the quick action. His eyes briefly betrayed him, moving towards the expanse of flesh now on display. "Ahem, Mr. Hotchner, my face is a little higher."
You gently nudged his chin upward with your finger, guiding his attention to your eyes. You loved his eyes, a cocoa brown color that reminded you of rich, velvety chocolate truffles, a comparison you were pretty sure had slipped out when he interviewed you.
"Careful," he cautioned in a low murmur, easing himself from the chair and setting his glass aside. "As your employer, it's reasonable for me to be concerned about your well-being, you are the woman who raises my child."
"Oh, absolutely, sir. Your concern is most reasonable and duly noted," you replied with an exaggerated formality, lightly tapping his cheek before neatly tucking your hands behind your back.
He traced his brow with his fingertips, as if to smooth away the beginnings of a headache, undoubtedly brought on by you. A sigh of exhaustion followed. "I trust I don't need to remind you of who signs your paycheck."
With a beaming smile, you sing out, hands moving to rest on your hips. "Totally clear on that, sir!" You turn and head up the stairs, your mumble just loud enough for him to catch, "A little raise wouldn't hurt though, just saying!"
He's close behind as he warns in a low voice, "Don't push your luck."
You stop so suddenly he almost stumbles into you and you feel his hands steady you on your hips, dangerously close to the curve of your ass as you glance back at him.
"Oh, I wouldn't dare, sir."
A slight shake of his head and those perceptive eyes convey all he doesn't say as his hands fall away, the space they leave behind feeling oddly empty. 
"So, the date didn't go well?" he asks as you reach the top of the stairs.
"No, I didn't say that. It was wonderful, perfect actually." You'd always been a terrible liar, and naive for thinking he'd fall for it. "He might just be the man of my dreams."
He gives you a look that tells you he sees right through your bullshit. "Let me guess, he probably ordered for you without asking, talked over you, and didn't even bother to walk you to your door."
"Uh, no, that's not--," you start, voice squeaking slightly. His unimpressed look makes you fold--something you found yourself doing way too often around him. "Okay, fine. But really, using those weird FBI skills on me? That's playing dirty, Mr. Hotchner."
"No 'weird FBI skills' required," he replies, the slightest smirk gracing his stupidly handsome face. "Your taste in men is just... consistently interesting."
"Interesting is better than non-existent, which I believe is the current state of your dating life, Mister."
He moves closer, the narrowing space nudging you against the wall. "Well, considering my days are filled with work, parenting, and apparently, babysitting you, dating isn't exactly a priority."
He was kind of hot when he was mad. His eyes narrowed at you. Okay, not kind of, definitely hot when mad.
"Oh, Mr. Hotchner, it sounds like you need a night off from all that babysitting," you purr, placing your hands on his shoulders as you grace him with a smile. "Why don't we discuss your options over dinner? My treat?"
A sigh of exasperation escapes him, a telltale sign that he's done with the conversation, which actually is how a lot of your discussions end. He steps back and opens the door to your room. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight, Mr. Hotchner, see you in the morning," you say, your hand pausing on his arm just a beat too long. "Sweet dreams--though I'm sure I'll be in them."
taglist: @hotchhner
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wrestlingwithlife · 1 year
That Is Some Wild West Shit Right There
When a mission goes of the rails and Y/n gets separated from the rest of the task force he is forced to use the skills he learned growing up in his home town to get back to his team.
Task Force 141 x Male!Cowboy!Reader
“This has got to be the stupidest place to build some sort of evil science base.” Y/n hissed into the coms, back pressed up against a massive crate.
What Y/n assumed to be a lab was built practically on the side of a cliff. On one side of the lab you had a mess of trees that was practically just a jungle, and on the other a sheer drop off that led to one of the angriest looking rivers Cowboy had ever seen.
“Relax, we’ve almost got the last of the files downloaded.” Ghost eased the antsy male. Y/n grumbled a bit.
There were a few more beats of silence before a blaring alarm sounded, Y/n cringed at the noise. “Relax, huh?”
As a group of enemy soldiers went to run into the building Y/n stood up and opened fire on them to take the heat off the rest of the team and keep them from getting cornered in there.
“Y’all get yer asses out here now!”
Ghost was first out the door, sliding behind a box on the opposite side of the court yard for cover. The others weren’t far behind, but Y/n was on the complete other side of the yard. Trapped between the armed group of terrorists and the sheer drop off.
“Cowboy, how copy?” Price’s voice buzzed in the coms. Y/n ducked back down as a few of the soldiers turned their attention onto him.
Gaz threw out two smoke bombs, offering a bit of cover. Y/n took his chance and darted to another crate a bit farther away, but far to close to the cliff for his own comfort.
“Just peachy.” He hissed, ducking under the onslaught of bullets that rained down onto his crate.
“What the hell is that? Wait—“
“Get down!”
Y/n was able to cover his head just in time as a loud explosion shook the area. The crate he was behind blasted back in to him, shattering and sending his disoriented form flying back.
“Cowboy!” Soap shouted, breaking from his cover, but he was to late to reach his friend.
Y/n grabbed desperately at the edge of the cliff, but it was no use. Task Force 141 was forced to watch in horror as one of their own plummeted into the raging waters below.
Y/n’s eyes opened blearily. His head was pounding and everything was fuzzy, but he forced himself up onto his elbows.
His eyes adjusted a bit and he took in the area around him. The room he was in was quite homey. Beautifully woven tapestries hung on the walls and intricately crafted pottery decorated almost every space. The male was laid out on a woven mat, all of his things sat nearby.
The h/c haired soldier checked his body, cursing when he found the damaged tracker. There was no way his squad would be able to find his location now. Where ever the hell he was.
Heavy footsteps sounded from the hall, and a middle aged man walked into the room. His face was kind and worn with smile lines, and he appeared to be of some sort of Hispanic decent. His smile widened when he saw Y/n was awake.
“Ah! My friend, we were worried for you. Fishermen found you in river.” The man spoke, his voice heavy yet still welcoming. “I saw the patch on your arm, you are American?”
Cowboy nodded. “Thank you for bringing me into your home, I could never repay such an act of kindness.”
The man shook his head, waving his hands in front of him. “It is you who I could never repay. Your service is the ultimate payment.”
A soft smile graced the southern males lips. “Then perhaps you could answer some questions?”
Y/n explained everything. The terrorists, the explosion, the river. The older man listened intently.
“We were supposed to go to La Ciudad Perdida after we completed our task for extraction in two days, but I don’t even know where I even am.”
At the mention of the city the man, who Y/n had learned to be named Mateo, perked up. “Our fishermen found you not long ago, and the city is not to far. Come, I will see if I can help you.”
At the mention of the slight hope Cowboy was quick to grab what he still had, following Mateo from his rather large home. As they walked out the older man leaned down and whispered something to a young boy who was quick to scurry off.
“My village does not have vehicles like trucks and jeeps, but there may be another way for you to travel.” Mateo spoke. “La Ciudad Perdida his eight miles west of here, a long journey on foot. However…”
The boy from before returned, rounding Mateo’s home with a massive black horse in tow. The horse moved with a sense of elegance and pride to it, like it had complete confidence in every step it took.
Mateo smiled at the beast before turning to Cowboy, who was still watching the stallion in awe.
“Can you ride?”
Cowboy turned to look at Mateo, eyes shining like new born stars. “I have my whole life.”
The older gentleman smiled. “Good. Than Guerrero will be your mount. He his unflinching at the sound of gunfire, he shall run for you bravely.”
“Warrior…” Y/n whispered the meaning of the stallions name to himself, stroking the giants forelock. “Mateo, how can I repay you for this?”
He waved the h/c haired male off. “I already tell you, your service pays for it all. Besides, I am wealthy man. I have many horses.” The old Hispanic’s eyes shined with mischief.
Y/n laughed, clasping Mateo’s hand in his own and giving it a firm shake. “I will not forget this, my friend.”
Y/n pulled himself up into Guerrero’s saddle, taking a moment to adjust his gun and equipment so the weight was more even. With a final wave to Mateo, Y/n rode off into the direction of La Ciudad Perdida.
Y/n did is best to keep Guerrero at a trot the whole ride. As much as he wanted to get there as fast as he could he had no idea what kind off situation he would be riding into, and he wanted both him and the stallion to have plenty of energy when they did arrive.
“You know, I always used to imagine doing this.” Cowboy chuckled to nobody but himself and the dark horse. “Riding into battle on a horse. Maybe it seemed silly, but I always thought that would be so badass.”
Guerrero snorted, shaking his head in response. Y/n chuckled, patting the stallion’s neck.
It wasn’t long before the outline of the city became prominent against the horizon. Y/n couldn’t help but smile that they had made it in time.
“Guerrero, I promise to you I’ll have you taken to my ranch back home where you will be treated like a king.” The southern male promised the horse, rubbing his neck. Y/n felt impossibly giddy about the fact he was about to be reunited with his teammates.
Once the city began to take shape the stallions steps paused for a moment, ears forward as he listened intently. It was only a moment before Y/n heard it too. The sound of raging gun fire, it was without a doubt coming from the city.
“That’s not good.” Y/n kicked Guerrero into a gallop. “Hyah!”
The black stallion whinnied, charging towards the city at impossible speeds.
Soap’s back was pressed flush against the truck he was hiding behind, Gaz right next to him as gun fire rained down over their heads.
After watching Y/n disappear into the raging water shit hit the fan. Ghost had went on a rampage, slaughtering every terrorist he could get his hands on.
Gaz had tried to find Cowboy’s location using his tracker, but the thing had obviously been damaged or destroyed in the river. That alone ebbed at Soap’s hope that he’d ever see the male again, but Soap knew better than that.
Cowboy was fighter. He was harder than nails with the kind of spirit that would put even the most wild of animals to shame. Soap knew if anyone could survive it would be him.
But that was counting on the fact that the rest of them would make it out. Whatever was left of the terrorist group had managed to regroup and followed them to their extraction point.
They had been caught unaware, and now all four of them were pinned down, unable to break from the cover long enough to wrap around behind the group.
Ghost cursed as he ducked his head back behind the crate he was using for cover next to where Gaz and Soap were. Price wasn’t far off, hidden behind his own rather large crate.
The most infuriating part about this whole thing is that there were only six terrorists. The task force without a doubt had them outmatched, but they had managed to get the drop on them.
“This is fucking insane. How many rounds could they possibly have.” Gaz cursed as the bullets continued to rain down.
Soap shook his head, reloading his own gun. “I don know, but I’m about sick of this.”
The shooting faltered for a moment, and the terrorists began shouting things Soap couldn’t make out. In the beat of silence a new noise was heard. It sounded like the beat of hooves on pavement, and it had the group leaning a bit to see what it was.
A hulking black mass was speeding down the street of the abandoned city, atop it sat a figure with a assault rifle poised and ready. The four could not believe their eyes as their teammate came charging in, giving a wicked laugh.
“Holy shit, Cowboy!”
“That is some Wild West shit right there.”
Y/n aimed his gun at the group of terrorists, the angle he came in at giving him the perfect opening. His heart thudded with wild adrenaline as he gave a loud war cry, littering their bodies with bullets.
The group didn’t know what had hit them.
Guerrero charged forward bravely, his ear hardly twitching as Y/n rained down hell onto the group. When the last of the terrorists had fallen Soap and Gaz were the first to move from their spots, followed closely by Ghost and Price.
Guerrero slid to a stop and Cowboy leaped from his saddle, Soap enveloping him into one of the tightest hugs he’d ever experienced.
“Ah, you amadan! I knew you’d be alright!” The Scottish man bellowed, grinning from ear to ear as crushed the h/c haired male in a hug.
Gaz was next to reach him, throwing an arm over his shoulders and ruffling Y/n’s hair affectionately.
Y/n ribs felt like they were cracking from their crushing force, but his smile was wide. He was ecstatic to be back among his teammates.
Once Soap reluctantly released the male Price reached up to ruffle his hair for himself, grumbling about Y/n giving him a heart attack.
“Yeah, I suppose I don’t want to give grandpa any more scares.” Y/n teased, giggling as he earned himself a playful slap to the side of the head from his captain.
A large arm wrapped it’s was around Cowboy’s shoulders, giving him a light squeeze. The male looked up, meeting Ghost’s steely gaze.
“Glad you didn’t die.” The masked male said, giving him a pat on the shoulder before letting him go. Y/n smiled, Ghost wasn’t one for public affections, so that alone was equal to Y/n being swept off his feet and praised from the mountain tops.
“Have I got a story for you guys.”
“Thanks, Ricky. I really appreciate this man. Alright, talk to you later.” Y/n hung up his phone, pocketing it as he went back to towel drying his hair. Ricky was Y/n’s transport guy. The man in charge of getting Y/n’s horses and live stock from one place to another.
And thanks to Ricky, Guerrero was now on his way to Y/n’s ranch. Where Y/n was sure that the stallion would get the full royal treatment.
Y/n tossed his towel into the hamper, opening the door to his bedroom. Price and Ghost were already there waiting for him.
Price was sitting on Cowboy’s bed, leaned up against the wall and reading a book. He sported a grey T-shirt and pair of loose black joggers, his usual hat sitting on the bed side table.
Ghost was leaned up against the head board, a few pillows stacked behind him for comfort. The masked male wore a black tank top and dark grey sweats, his sleeve of tattoos also on display.
Y/n shuddered a bit, he had a few tattoos of his own. The emblem of his ranch on his left shoulder blade and a few more on his legs, but the sight of Ghost’s sleeve just made his heart flip. He’d have to get one of his own soon.
Cowboy made his way over to his bed, crawling over Ghost to sit closer to the wall. Once he settled against the pillows he huffed, throwing his legs over Price’s lap. The Captain only chuckled, shaking his head before going back to his book. Though, one of his hands stayed resting on the males thigh, his thumb drawing small circles into it.
Before Y/n could get fully situated Ghost reached out, tugging the shorter male in with an arm around his shoulder. Y/n’s head hit Ghost’s chest and he looked up to meet Ghost’s gaze, but the other wasn’t looking at him.
Cowboy knew Ghost needed this. Needed to feel him, needed to hold him, needed to know he was still here. Y/n could only imagine the storm of emotions they had all felt watching him topple over a cliff and disappear into the raging waters.
The southern male hummed a bit, reaching for the remote to get the true crime show pulled up. Now all they were missing was—
The door to Y/n’s room burst open, causing the three to jump a bit as Soap and Gaz tumbled into the room, each holding a bowl of popcorn.
“Alright we’re ready! Sorry it took so long, someone kept burning theirs.” Gaz shot Soap a look, making it clear who the guilty subject was.
Soap stuck his tongue out at Gaz before fumbling his way into the bed. He somehow managed to get between Y/n and the wall, laying his head on the males hard stomach. He gave the country boy a grin, offering him some popcorn which he happily accepted.
Gaz huffed when Soap took the best spot before plopping himself down by Y/n’s leg, resting his head on the thigh that Price wasn’t rubbing circles into.
Now that everyone was settled Y/n started the new episode of the show and everyone soon became engrossed into it.
With all of the bodies piled around and on top of him Y/n’s body was pleasantly warm, he snuggled back a bit into Ghost’s hold at the cozy feeling. Ghost’s eyes cut over to look down at the h/c haired male.
Ghost leaned down a bit, lips brushing the top of Y/n’s head through his mask. He turned back to look at the TV before Y/n could look up at him.
But Y/n didn’t need to look up, a smile crossed his face, he knew. He brought a hand up to rest on Soap’s head, playing with his fluffy Mohawk as he watched the old murder mysteries play across the screen.
Phew, there you go my lovelies! Hopefully this didn’t feel to unrealistic, but I’ve always imagined the riding in on a horse scenario ever since I thought of Cowboy Reader in the military lol
I’m planning on doing a little 4th July special for Cowboy Reader too so be looking out for that!
As always, hope you enjoyed!
- Author~Chan out ✌️
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Oh, you wanna play psycho killer? (Ghostface! Miguel O’Hara x Fem! Reader x Ghostface! Peter B Parker) Part 1
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RAAAAA! Excited about this one! Based off this post. Inspired by this drawing from Andalusia_Lu on Tiktok. Not proofread. Tbh I’m kinda nervous about this one but…Enjoy! Also in this story MJ and Peter are just friends. This is probably the darkest think I’ve written.
(Y/N) - Your name.
NSFW!!, Cursing, use of alcohol, death, murder, yandere behavior, Reader has a bf who does die, violence, blood, said reader’s bf calls her derogatory remarks behind her back, religious imagery(I think???), stalking, male masturbation, invasion of privacy, reader being drugged, panty stealing, stalking, implied kidnapping, gore, cameras being placed in readers home without their knowledge, it’s a horror one shot so… you know what you’re walking into. Dead Dove Do not eat, MDNI!
Word count: 2.5k
Part 2
October 31st, Halloween night. Also know as the night that gives college students an excuse to get fucked up while in a shit quality costume that cost 50 bucks at spirit Halloween.
That little rule you are not exempt from, that’s how you found yourself in a random college frat party at NYU, a bottle of beer in one hand, and your boyfriend’s in the other as you drag him through the crowd so you both can dance. The alcohol in your system made your whole body relaxed and your cheeks glow with a dash of red over them, your eyes half-lidded and your smile wide as you looked up at Daniel while Promiscuous from Nelly Furtado blasted through the house. You looked like an angel straight from heaven, although that might be due to your customer, being dressed up as Juliet from the 1996 movie, while your boyfriend was clattered in armor as Romeo. The costumes being your idea after having rewatched the movie a few weeks ago.
You both had lost the rest of your group in the crowd, Jess and MJ had said they were going to the kitchen while Miguel and Peter had said they were going outside to get fresh air but you haven’t seen them since, you wouldn't have extremely worried, if it wasn’t for the reason sightings of the ghostface killer that had been popping up on the news though. Sure maybe going to a party wasn’t the best idea either but you figured you would have been fine since you were going in a group, I mean, what wouldn’t you be okay? It’s not like an actual serial killer goes after a group of young adults who are all drunk right? But now you’ve lost 4 out of 6 people in said group. But maybe in the small chance you do get targeted, you should be able to stand a chance since your Daniel was always in the gym with Miguel, so he was pretty jacked (not as jacked as Miguel though but you’ll never say that out loud).
One song turned to two then to three, just like the beers in Daniel’s hand, you had slowed down so you could at least be sober enough to order a Lyft for when the night was over. Eventually you were whisked away from your boyfriend by MJ and Jess, thankful that they were still at the party and nothing happened to them.
“Hey, have you guys seen Peter or Miguel?” You shouted over the music after a while, Jess just shrugged, before MJ answered.
“They texted me that they found Daniel and he’s like, fucked up apparently.”
“I don’t want to die! Please stop!”
“I’ll give anything! Just don’t kill me!”
The begs and pleads become more desperate and sloppy with every second, the words slurring more together from the alcohol and the crimson red liquid dribbling out of Daniel's mouth. The sight was almost enough to make the two men feel pity. Almost.
“Anything?” The shorter one asked with an agonizingly slow head tilt, his voice altered from the voice changer attached to the plastic mask, signaling for the other to stop plugging the knife into their victim’s stomach. Despite not liking being told what to do, he dropped Daniel on the floor with a snarl. Daniel quickly retracted into a small ball, shaking arms going to cover his bloody wound with a groan and whimper.
“We want (Y/N).” If it weren't for him being in excruciating pain and bleeding out, Daniel would have thought they were joking, but the tone in which the words were spoken made his blood that was spilling out from his stomach and mouth run cold.
“W-what?” He asked as he tried to keep his breathing from becoming shallow and his head from becoming too dizzy, but he was failing miserably.
“You heard us. We. Want. (Y/N).” The larger one spoke this time. How badly, he wanted to emphasize each word with another stab, the knife in his hands twitched a bit as he tightened his grip on the black handle. He was itching for an excuse, but he’ll refrain.
For now.
Maybe it was the way he responded to a stressful situation, or maybe it was the lack of blood finally affecting his brain, but Daniel had the nerve to laugh. Fucking laugh. The laugh was breathy, and in between coughs and groans, causing Miguel and Peter to look at their prey like he was the crazy one. Rage filled their bodies when Daniel finally composed himself enough to talk again.
“Y-you can’t be serious? …Right? You-you’re gonna kill-kill me over some bitch?”
How fucking dare he.
How dare he speak about you like you were some random skank, like you were a pile of dirt. You were a fucking goddess, Miguel and Peter knew that, because they worshipped you like one. They didn’t see what you saw in Daniel, he didn’t deserve you, no one did, except Miguel and Peter, they would treat you better than any other man that roamed this stupid planet, and especially far better then the sorry excuse of a boyfriend that they had on the ground like he was a wounded animal.
For someone who was about to die, he sure had a lot of nerve.
He didn’t love you like they did, he didn’t know your every move like they did. They were like your real life guardian angels, always following behind you to make sure no one would harm so much as a hair on your pretty little head, and how lucky were they, that you were juuust oblivious enough that you don’t notice them, just enough to brush of your rummaged trash as raccoons, just enough that you didn’t noticed when a pair or two of your dirty panties go missing, you had too many to keep track of all of them anyways. Never knowing that one of the two would sneak into your apartment while you were asleep to grab them from your hamper, no matter which boy had decided to embark on their mission, both of them had to fight against the struggle to not stay and watch you sleep, fighting the urge to release their painful hard members and stroke while watching you sleep. They’d be lying to themselves if they said they haven’t lost the battle at least once before, biting into their free hand to stop any moans from escaping and waking you up, while they fist fuck their cocks with the other, but can you blame them?
They just loved you so much and you loved them too, you just haven’t realized it yet. How could you when that pest of a boyfriend of yours was pumping your head full of false thoughts? He didn’t love you like Peter and Miguel did. Sure Daniel might seem like he loved you so much, going as far as to get you flowers and gifts from time to time, but Miguel and Peter’s gifts they would give you were so much better, because these gifts were all given to you with the same purpose. To help them watch over you, make sure you were safe, strategically planning to make sure to eventually fill your entire home with cameras right under your adorable nose. The teddy bear that sits on your bed and the light up mirror over your bathroom sink were first of course.
Peter couldn’t help himself, with all of his force, he kicked Daniel right in the balls, causing him to curl up more in pain. Miguel was going to do the same when his phone pinged in his pocket, he quickly took it out and checked it, your name filling his screen made his heart skip a beat.
“It’s (Y/N). She’s asking where we are, and wants us to meet her at her apartment after she drops off Jess and MJ in 15 minutes.” Miguel mumbled as he looked down at his phone, before looking up at Peter then down at their prey on the ground. “She probably thinks we’re still with him, what should we do with him?”
Peter’s eyes followed Miguel’s gaze down to the half- conscious Daniel, silent as if thinking about what to say, or more likely what to do with him.
“We could leave him here for dead?” Peter suggested, but Miguel shook his head at the thought, too risky, they couldn’t have the chance of him being found by someone and taken to the hospital, that could ruin everything.
“You both… ar-are fucking psychotic! Killing me over some-some bitch who doesn’t eve-even give good fucking… fucking head!” Daniel yelled between coughs, more blood falling from his blue-turning lips, he looked like he had seen a ghost due to how pale he was becoming from the blood lost, and now he’s gonna become one. Miguel’s phone buzzed again, this time you only sent a single question mark, looking down at his phone.
“I want you to know that if I wasn’t about to be late to see you, I would beat this guy bloody, for the way he talks about you.” Miguel said out loud as if you could actually hear him, as if you were actually here to hear how true those words were, but instead Miguel raised his knife with one hand and grabbed Daniel’s hair with the other. Enjoying the way the Dani’s eyes widened in fear, his weak arms flailed around as he tried to fight the larger man off of him, but it was no use. “Guess I’ll just have to cut straight to the point.” He said, the smirk evident threw his altered voice before putting his knife against Daniel’s throat and slashing it open. Watching whatever life that was left in him drain from his eyes.
Peter being the skilled photographer he was, took a selfie of the two with their slayed animal, now it’s time to go claim their trophy.
Something was off.
Like seriously off, ever since Peter and Miguel disappeared at the party neither of them had answered their phone, and as soon Dani disappeared neither had he. Maybe the party wasn’t the best idea in retrospect, you let out a sigh as you entered your apartment, and collapsed on your couch, wanting to try and calm your racing thoughts a bit before you changed out of your costume. Closing your eyes, and taking in a deep breath.
Your phone started to ring.
Usually, you didn’t answer calls from people who weren’t already in your contacts, so the “blocked number” would normally set off red flags, but maybe the alcohol was still making your brain foggy, because without thinking you answer the call and put your phone to your ear.
No answer.
You left out a huff and tried again.
When you didn’t get an answer again you rolled your eyes.
“I think you got the wrong numb-“
“Wanna play a game?”
“I’m-I’m sorry?”
“I said, wanna play a game?”
“Um no thanks. I'm hanging up now.”
“Hang up and you won’t get to see your special surprise though.” Oddly enough, you grew a bit curious.
“Wha..what do I have to do?” You asked.
“It’s simple, We’re gonna play a small game of hot and cold.” You had a feeling this wasn’t a good idea, maybe you shouldn’t answer the call. “Right now you’re cold.”
Without another word, you slowly got up, and made your way down the hall, your floorboard creaking underneath your heels.
Your heart begins to beat in your ears, you bring a shaky hand up to the doorknob of your bathroom, you go to open the door when the voice from the other end of the phone spoke again.
You quickly bring your hand back down to your side and let your heavy footsteps make your way into your bedroom.
You swallowed the thick lump of saliva down your throat as you made your way to the left side room, your eyes dead set on your closet.
You closed the gap between you and the closet, and brought your hand to the handle, mentally preparing yourself for whatever hides before the wooden doors.
“You're on fucking fire baby.”
Your hand drew back the door, the sight made you let out a blood curdling scream, almost dropping your phone in the process. Your Daniel, dead, sitting on the closet floor, gutted out like a fish. The voice on the other end of the phone let out a sly chuckle before speaking once again.
“Sorry about your boyfriend, guess all those muscles didn’t help much.” He mocked before the call went dead, and you finally released your phone, it falling to the floor, as your body began to shake and your breathing became rapid.
You let out a sob and began to stumble away from the mangled corpse that you once called your boyfriend, only for your back to meet with a what felt like a wall of muscle, you quickly look up over your shoulder, being met with the infamous ghostface mask that has been plastered all over the news.
“What’s the matter (Y/N)? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” The altered voice taunted. No, no, no,no. This cannot be happening. You shook your head as another sob left your lips stumbling away from the masked killer and into the hallway, expecting him to follow after you, but instead he just watched you. If you were thinking straight. You’d probably realized that this was a trap, but you weren’t thinking straight, as you finally reached the front door, you went to unlock the door and leave your apartment, but before you even stepped foot out of the door a large hand came and grabbed you around your waist. You take in a deep breath and open your mouth to scream, but instead a white cloth came and covered your nose and mouth, the strong smell of chemicals quickly filling your lungs.
“Surprised (Y/N).” This voice was a bit deeper, then the one from your bedroom, your head became dizzy as you eyes fluttered, your vision was beginning to blacken, before you were fully go under, you saw the man holding you still was a lot larger than the other one, it clicked, there were two of them.
You black out.
“She out?” Peter asked Miguel as he slipped off his mask, Miguel following suit.
“Like a light.” Miguel smirks as he goes to pick you up bridal style, your body limply laying in his arms. The two couldn’t help but smile as they watched your sleeping form, so peaceful looking, like an Angel. Their angel. Their plan played out just as they wanted, you were theirs now, and theirs alone. No one could come in the way of you three anymore, all they had to do now was make sure you wouldn’t leave them. But how would you do that if you didn’t know where you were? You couldn’t. That’s why Miguel gently placed you in the backseat of Peter’s car, before getting into the passenger’s seat. They were going to make sure you were far, far away from your old life, so you could start your new one with your lovesick killers.
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unholyhelbig · 1 month
i’ve done this as well. i think u should 😌😏😉☺️🥰
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Title: Rose Colored Glasses [An Oversight Oneshot]
Ship: Female!Reader x Natasha Romanoff
Summary: Reader gets word that Natasha is hurt and rushes home to assess the situation.
Warnings(PLEASE READ): injury to nose & foot, slight blood, and shrimp
[a/n: Did someone request more oversight? Because I've got you covered. This is pure fluff, sorry for the lack of angst! It's short, and sweet, and not proof read because I don't have time :( ]
Check out the full Oversight universe
Part One��| Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven
A quiet house was never a good sign. Growing up in the foster care system teeming with other wards of the state had taught you that. Often, you were three or four to a room. There were bunk beds with sheets slotted against the ceiling or stuffed under the mattress above your own, just for some type of barrier. It was an illusion of privacy, most of the time. Because houses like that were never quiet.
When you’d moved in across from Darcy after your 18th birthday, things weren’t quiet. Above you was a Latin-American couple that would wait until just past midnight to turn on a slow, rhythmic song and dance. Their steps were soft, and calculated. They carved out time for one another every single night between shifts. Just for the two of them. You often let the thumping base lull you to sleep.
The city was just outside your window. In the summer, you could prop it open with a brick and let the sounds of cars become a backdrop. There were sirens, and when the fire hydrant on the corner was loosened, the world welcomed a cold blast of water, sprinkling into the street. That was the opposite of quiet. That made your chest feel light, and warm.
After marrying Natasha Romanoff, you settled into the loudness of her home. Your home. Veronica was constantly running around the twists and turns of the bottom floor, Clint or Kate or Darcy galloping after her with a big smile on their face. They slowed themselves to make sure they didn’t break anything, but they wanted her to win, too.
Yelena often came with the muffled sounds of Russian techno bands coming from the headphones around her neck. It was a staple to find her in the kitchen with her head down, slicing into an apple from the backyard with precision unknown. Natasha would tug the headphones off to get her attention, or to send her into annoyance.
The night that Natasha got hurt was stifled with the sound of rain. It had soaked you to the bone, dripping onto the linoleum floor and then the carpet as you ascended the stairs two at a time. You’d been at the docks later than usual, the storm that had plagued the side of the harbor was relentless and delayed shipments.
The captain of the shipping boat your family had utilized for decades wanted to discuss something over whatever crap coffee you could beat out of the machine in your office. He spoke with a thick southern drawl, his mustache was encrusted with salt and sand. You had shed your coat and tried to warm yourself up by hugging your mug to your chest. Nothing seemed to work.
While you weren’t opposed to giving the man a raise, you were not the final say. Natasha was, and you figured he could use the company more than anything. The captain flicked through books that were on the shelf, taking two or three for his next journey out to sea. It was like clockwork with him, and you indulged his need for quiet companionship each time.
When your phone rang, you never looked at the caller ID. Those who were privileged enough to get your number knew to talk without any of the pleasantries that they were used to. Clint’s voice came through the receiver in a smooth, hushed tone that made you believe he wasn’t supposed to be calling you in the first place.
“Look, y/n, there’s been an… incident.”
“What kind of incident?”
He was meant to escort her to one of the many cocktail parties that Carlos LaMuerto was throwing at his mansion that bordered the same body of water that you resided on now. They were lovely get-togethers that you often attended with your wife. This, however, was the fourth one this month and your stomach was turning at the idea of another cocktail shrimp and lamb pate.
Clint had offered, seeing the desperation in your eyes. And while Natasha was reluctant, she ultimately agreed. No news of a bust had reached you yet, nor had a gun blazing argument. While the Captain licked his dry lips and scanned the books in front of him, you continued in hushed tones.
“Nat’s hurt. It’s not a big deal, you can finish up your business. She’s just being stubborn is all.”
An escaped sigh “I’ll be there.”
No shit, she was being stubborn. Your wife was bull-headed and wouldn’t admit to the smallest defeat. It eased your nerves slightly, and only slightly, that Clint said it wasn’t a big deal. No gunshot to the back, or knife to the throat. It wasn’t good enough, however.
Natasha would be upset that you tracked mud into the house and left your boots sloshing by the door. You were panting by the time you reached the double doors that led to your bedroom. They were, of course, blocked by Clint and Kate. Yelena was leaning lazily against the railing that was parallel. She regarded you with an uninterested stare.
“You did not have to come here.” She said, “We’ve got it handled.”
“She kicked all of you out, didn’t she?”
“What? She certainly did not!”
Yelena’s voice pitched with her lie. Kate’s cheeks turned an off-shade of pink and Clint just rthe hallway, that was a good sign. Still, neither of the two moved to let you into your own room.
“If you’re not going to get out of the way, can you at least tell me what happened?”
There was a muffled reply from behind the door. With the way that the voice flitted, you knew that she was trapped on the bed. Otherwise, she would have leveled you with a glare right here and now. The words were simple “Do it, you die.”
“Oh, come on,” You whispered harshly, turning your attention to Kate instead. She was the easiest to break. “Katie, what is the harm in letting me through? I’m going to catch my death if I stay in these clothes.”
“Catch your death?” Clint scoffed “What are you? A poet from the 1800’s?”
“I’m about to be breaking your fingers if you don’t-“
“You can’t even break wind,”
The two of your voices combined as you kept at it. You didn’t’ miss the wary look that Kate shot Yelena. One way or another, you’d get into your room. You refused to be banished to the couch again, especially in wet clothes. If you had to threaten ruining the rugs with your muddy footprints, so be it.
“Oh, Jesus Christ!” You held up both of your hands, silencing the chaos of the corridor. “Nat, you are my wife, you’re hurt. Whether you like it or not, I’m coming in. Does anyone have any objections?”
Kate went to raise her hand, but Yelena yanked it back down and shook her head no. You tore into Clint with a look that could drop him dead. He relented and stepped away from the door. While you had a moment of peace, you walked into the dark of the room. She’d turned out the lights, save for the half-moon that showed a pale pattern against the carpet.
When you reached for the light switch on the wall, Natasha let out a noise that was similar to a wounded animal. You halted, your actions and made out her form on the bed. She was folded in on herself, her silhouette rigid.
“Baby,” you cooed, closing the distance between you and the bed. She grunted again, this time in pain. She attempted to turn away from you. You lowered yourself onto the sliver of bed, approaching the situation softly. “Can I turn on a light?”
“No, I’m hideous.”
You chuckled softly “I highly doubt that, my love. I can’t help if I don’t know what’s wrong.”
Natasha had never liked being vulnerable around you. It had taken a full weekend of you nursing her back to her feet after the incident on the pier for her to let herself cry. You held her for hours, her nose pressed against the small of your neck. She’d gripped onto you, as if you’d leave. But you never would.
Eventually, you saw her shadow nod. Before she could change her mind, you flicked on the lamp on the side table. It didn’t’ have a far reach, but the light was less harsh on the both of you. It was impossible not to notice the blood that had dried against Natasha’s nose, a split right down the middle.
You’d seen her with broken bones before, bruises that wrapped around her midsection. You’d put ace bandage around her ribs after drawing her a bath. This was nothing to be ashamed about. In fact, she often saw them as battle scars that would heal in a pink gash.
Her foot was wrapped up with a bag of peas and one of frozen carrots that Clint, or even Yelena had situated. There was bruising around her ankle, it looked painful and you internally winced at the coloring. She groaned into the small of her elbow.
“I want to die”
“Natty, it’s okay. This is nothing a cozy weekend inside can’t fix.”
She said something that was quiet and muffled by her arm. You didn’t understand her one bit, but she squeezed a single tear from her eye that you wiped away dutifully before it could reach the silk of sheets.
“What was that, baby?” You asked gently.
She threw both of her hands down and glared at the ceiling. Her fingers eventually found yours, squeezing your palm in reflex. Her words came out in a quick breath, “I tripped over a carpet at the stupid dinner party and hit my face on the catering table.”
You were effectively silenced. That was very un-Natasha. But lately, you and Clint had been pestering her about her eyesight, especially at night. It wasn’t something she wanted to hear. In fact, each time you brought up the idea of glasses, she would effectively silence you with a glare, or even a kick to the shin under the kitchen table if you had company.
You bit the inside of your cheek and ran your thumb over her hand. She clutched your hand tighter. Now was certainly not the time to laugh, and while you fought back the initial giggle, you were more concerned about your wife.
“I’m so embarrassed.”
“I bet you got right back up.” You said, pressing your palm against her cheek. “None of those fancy party types would dare question your influence on this city.”
“Shrimp went flying everywhere.” Natasha pouted.
“Everyone was tired of shrimp anyway, even the shrimp.”
She grasped at the collar of your jacket and pulled you closer to her, pressing her lips against your own. They were warm, the warmest thing that you’ve felt since getting caught in the passing storm. You were careful not to lean on her ribs, breathing in the rosewater scent of her.
Natasha pressed her forehead against yours, running a hand up your spine. She grimaced. “You’re all wet.”
“Well now I am,” You smirked against her jawline, leaving a little nip in your wake. “You need to get glasses.”
“Don’t change the subject. You’re getting the sheets all damp, and you smell like fish.”
“I smell like fish?” You giggled, pressing a kiss to the exposed part of her neck. You felt Natasha laugh too, using her hands to cover her face from the blush that was blooming against her cheeks. “We’re talking about me?”
She laughed harder, attempting to shove you off but you let your body go slack against her, not using your arms to hold yourself up anymore. “Yes! Go shower!”
“Mm, but you’re so warm.”
“You’re not going to be warm if I make you sleep on the couch.”
You gasped dramatically, pulling your head off her stomach and meeting her dark green stare. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Try me. After the day I’ve had, I refuse to sleep next to my wife when she smells like a marina.”
Even while she said it, her voice was gentle, her fingers working over your scalp to brush the wet hair from your eyes. You pulled yourself up to give her another peck on the lips, careful to avoid the split nose and busted ankle.
“Fine, but only because you need more aspirin.”
She grunted, crossing her arms over her chest. “Can’t believe I let you through my defenses.”
“Uh-huh. Get some rest. I’m going to go talk to your defenses about getting you an appointment with an optometrist.”
You turned to move towards the bathroom, already craving the warmth of a shower and some clean pajamas. Two steps from the doorway and you felt a plush throw pillow hit you directly on the back of the head. Natasha had amazing aim, always had, and always would.
You bent down and picked up the gold upholstered pillow, giving her a faux glare. “You’re not getting this back.”
“Oh, come on, baby.” She stuck out her lower lip “I have to prop up my foot.”
“You should have thought of that before you launched it at my head.”
 [Taglist🕷♡: @dumbasslesbi, @lostremind, @toouncreativeforausername @autorasexy @eringranola @mikookaaaaaao @marvelwoman-simp @pacmanmiles @mostlymarvelsstuff, @mrsrushman, @milfsandtittyenthusiast, @random-raccoon4, @ravenromanova, @mysticalmoonlight7, @ahintofchaos@cowboyboots236 @lissaaaa145, @natsxwife@a-spes, @kyleeservopoulos]
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reminiscingtonight · 7 months
Cruel Summer
Lia Wälti x Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
A/N: Based on Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift
[WOSO Masterlist]
There’s a loud rev outside your apartment.
Despite it being the dead of the night, there’s an idiot lighting up the night, echoes of their engine blasting through the air. 
If it was any other night, you would ignore it. If you hadn’t just finished one of the most important games of your life and flown hours back to your cozy little home in England, you would have ignored it. But you’re tired. The type of tired that seeps so deep into your bones that nothing but peace and quiet (and lots of sleep) could fix. 
The engine’s been blasting for nearly five minutes now, seemingly no resolution in sight. With no other choice, you roll out of bed, whipping open your curtains and throwing up the window, ready to give the driver a piece of your mind.
What you see makes you roll your eyes instead, a tired smile making its way across your face.
“Lia, it’s twelve-thirty. What are you doing out here?”
Your best friend grins right back. “Jail break. Come on!”
You raise an eyebrow when Lia gestures for you to come downstairs and hop into her passenger seat. “It’s twelve-thirty,” you repeat. “Can’t you come jail break me at a more acceptable time? Like, let’s say, eleven tomorrow morning?”
“Boo,” she groans. “We haven’t seen each other in so long. You’re really going to make me wait another eleven hours to get my (Y/N) fix?”
Lip twitching in amusement, you shake your head. 
Even though she’s parked on the street, still some distance away, you can see her pout crystal clear. 
She doesn’t even have to say another word before you’re ducking back into your room.
It’s not like you can ever say no to Lia. 
It only takes you five minutes to make yourself look presentable before you’re slipping out the front door and into Lia’s car. 
Lia looks more than a little pleased at her success and it takes all your self-control to not smack (or kiss) the smirk off her face. 
“Where to?”
She gives you a look. 
The night ends like how it always does. 
You pressed between Lia and a mattress, lips slotted together all hot and needy, every touch exchanged feeling more and more like heaven. 
You’re used to it by now. 
The late night phone calls followed by mindblowing, worldchanging--
Let’s just say Lia’s good. Like really good.
But what you’re also used to is mornings waking up to a sleepy smile shot your way. Face pressed to your neck, arms around your waist as Lia doesn’t want you to leave. Hands in yours as you stroll through Sunday morning farmer markets. Quiet afternoons curled up together on the couch, Lia reading her book of the week and you watching your tv show.
So yeah, the sex is good. But so is the domesticity you’ve created.
Lia made it clear from the beginning. 
“I’m hot, you’re hot, let’s bang,” she had said with a smirk. Though a joke, you both knew she was being serious.
One night led to two, two into three, and soon she was calling you almost every night. 
This was just sex. After her relationship with Caitlin ended all Lia wanted was some physical release, nothing more, nothing less. 
“No feelings,” Lia tried to act stern, though with her hand down your pants and you being slightly distracted by her mesmerizing eyes, neither of you really paid those words much attention.
But you agreed. 
You agreed to ‘meaningless, best lay of your life’ sex even though you’ve been in love with Lia for as long as you’ve known her. And with each night you spend together you find yourself falling more and more for her.
“Do you ever…” you trail off, eyes fixated to the ceiling above you. 
Lia’s laying on her side, fingers lightly tracing your ribs as she tangles your legs together under the blankets. Nights like these come more often than not. You don’t remember the last time you spent the night apart. Having sex always seemed like an excuse for Lia to ask you to stay the night and you definitely weren’t going to complain. 
Her eyes drift from where they’ve been ghosting over your skin, no shame present in her eyes for how much she was ogling you. 
“Do I ever what?” 
You swallow, trying to act nonchalant. “Ever think about what it would be like. If we… If we gave this a go.”
A furrow appears between Lia’s eyebrows, the Swiss frowning as she tries to understand what you’re saying. “‘Gave us a go’ as in… date?”
You shrug. “Would it really be that bad of an idea?”
It’s silent for a moment as Lia takes in your words. You can practically see the gears turning in her head, the brunette worrying her bottom lip between her teeth as she tries to work through her thoughts.
When Lia sits up a bit, shuffling so she is half hovering over you, the blanket pulled over her shoulder slips down, pooling down by her waist.
It takes everything in your power to keep your eyes glued firmly above her collarbone, trying not to drool over all her exposed skin. 
It’s a bit embarrassing, the effect Lia has on you. You still turn into a blushing mess whenever she pulls you into bed with her. Your mouth still goes dry whenever she gives you a grin, whenever her perfect lips and perfect voice says your name. 
“(Y/N), I care about you. And I know you care about me.” 
You nod, but Lia has a look on her face. She’s not done with whatever’s on her mind. 
Every nerve in your body is screaming for there not to be a “but”.
“And this,” the way her eyes trail down your body makes it no mystery what exactly Lia’s referring to, and you flush red at her attention, “this is definitely worth every second of every day.”
You want to come home to this every day. You want to tell Lia how much you love her every day. There is so much you want.
Lia leans forward and you’re not able to stop the way your eyes flutter shut, lips burning where hers touches yours. Kissing Lia will always be one of your favorite things. There’s nothing like it. She lets out a quiet, happy sigh when you break apart, leaving a hand splayed over your bare stomach when she lays back. 
“This is heaven. Why break something that’s not broken?” 
But what you want isn’t what she wants.
And that’s what makes this so much worse.
Lia’s eyes are on the ceiling now, fingers still tracing absentminded shapes on your skin. “I don’t want to screw anything up between us, alright? And things are just, they’re so good right now. I don’t want to add anything that could mess this up.”
It feels like your throat’s closing up, your heart squeezing and crumbling to pieces right in front of you.
She’s looking your way now, and you realize Lia’s waiting for you to say something. For you to reassure her she’s making the right move.
You don’t want it to be the right move.
Of course you’d fall for the most basic of all tropes. Falling in love with your best friend. Falling into bed with the best friend you’re in love with. 
Falling in love with someone who so obviously doesn’t love you back.
You give her a curt nod, hoping Lia can’t notice the way you’ve slightly stiffened. It feels like glass when you clear your throat, every nerve in your body screaming at you to run. To protect what little you still have of your own heart. 
But you were never good at self-preservation.
“No, no, I, uh, I totally get it.” It’s hard to ignore the sinking feeling in your stomach, the burning sensation prickling behind your eyes. But you do it. Because it’s Lia. Because she’s asking you not to change anything between the two of you. 
“The summer’s supposed to be fun, not complicated.”
It hurts, the way you see her shoulders relax at your words. 
Lia shoots you a soft smile, pressing a kiss to the fingers you have tangled together. It’s almost natural, the way she rolls back on top of you, elbows landing on either side of your head. Your heart feels like it’s going to beat out of your chest when she leans down, breath hitting your lips as she stays just out of reach. There’s a sparkle in her eyes as Lia bites down on her bottom lip. You’re unable to stop yourself from looking right at her mouth, the brunette knowing exactly just what to do to drive you crazy. 
“Speaking of fun… I think the two of us have a lot more fun to be had.”
And when Lia kisses you again, so full of passion but so lacking of feeling, you let her. 
After all, you’ll take whatever she’s willing to give you. 
Even if it tears you apart. 
One week.
That’s how long Lia’s been out of town for. She had a little girl’s trip with Ana, a trip she tried convincing you to come along on. But you knew how much Lia’s been missing her best friend so you let her go off alone.
Lia had kissed you goodbye at the airport, in your car of course, promising to call you when she got back.
And now she’s back. 
You’ve been bouncing off the walls at the chance to see her again.
It should honestly scare you, the hold Lia has over you. She’s so addicting, something you crave every second of the day. And the week spent apart has only exacerbated your need to be near her.
It’s a little past midnight when you pull up to her house.
Sneaking through the garden, you make it to Lia’s door in record time.
Your hands are shaky but you play it off as nerves, rolling your shoulders back before rapping your knuckles against the door. The grin on your face hasn’t fallen since you made the decision to surprise Lia. It’s usually Lia making these secret trips out without informing you she was heading over. But oh how the tables have turned.
It isn’t until the third time you knock without any response that your smile slips off your face.
Frowning, you look down at your phone. The [I’ve made it back!] text you received from Lia a couple hours ago seems to mock you as you turn your attention back towards the door.
Of course you could always call Lia to see where she’s at, but the small part of you that still knows shame knows how desperate that would look.
You could practically imagine the smirk on Lia’s face as she teases you for not being able to go a week without seeing her.
You drop your head against the door with a dejected thump.
Maybe Lia was busy tonight. It’s not like the two of you don’t have any other friends who have stayed in England during the off season.
So much for your attempt to surprise her.
Standing up with sigh, you turn around, fully intending to head back home. And then the door swings open.
Lia’s breathing hard, shirt hastily buttoned up, wild sort of look in her eyes as she leans against her door frame, squinting into the dark night to look at you.
You have to blink to make sure you’re not seeing things. 
Lips swollen, hair mused, it doesn’t take a genius to know what Lia’s been up to. 
“Sorry, I um, I was busy.” Lia clears her throat, hands coming up to run through her messy hair. “I didn’t forget any plans of ours, did I?”
Shaking your head, you shove your hands into your pockets. There’s an urge to flee on the spot, but you muster enough courage to just shuffle in place, clearing your throat as you try to stop your heart from crumbling to pieces. “No, it’s… I just wanted to see if you wanted to go out. But uh, I can see that you have some company so I’m just gonna go.”
Lia swallows nervously, hand darting out before you can turn away. You fight the urge to flinch at the contact, watching as Lia begins fidgeting uncomfortably instead. 
“I didn’t know you were coming.” She sounds small, and something about it makes you curious, but the bigger part of you just wants to flee home and drown your embarrassment in a big tub of ice cream. 
You were thinking of Lia the entire time she was gone but it’s clear she wasn’t thinking about you. And that’s on you. Not her.
You clear your throat again, trying to plaster on a fake smile on your face. “Lia, it’s fine, it’s cool. It’s not like we have any rules in place so you’re free to do whatever you want with whoever you want.”
She frowns, but you’re quick to drop your eyes to the ground when you notice her trying to gauge where your emotions are at. 
You know you have no right to be jealous. That she’s not yours to be possessive over. As much as you want her to be yours, she didn’t want you the same way and that’s just something you’d have to deal with on your own.
“Okay,” Lia breathes out slowly, hand gently releasing her grip on your arm. “I’ll, um… I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
You give her a small nod. “Of course.”
When Lia pulls you into bed with her the next day after dinner, you pretend not to notice the bruises littering her skin. 
Bruises that aren’t your doing.
Bruises that serve as a reminder that Lia holds all the power to kill you slowly. 
And you wouldn’t stop her from doing it.
Laughter and shouts ring through the air, the atmosphere happy and light as the Arsenal girls meet for a couple drinks the second day into the new season. There’s no denying how much you missed the lot of them, the rambunctious bunch having a special place in your heart. 
You and Lotte have been lost in conversation for a bit now. The two of you have gotten really close since she returned to her childhood club a couple years ago. So you talk about everything and nothing, just catching up from your time apart over the summer.
“Have you been to that new restaurant that opened down the street?”
You nod. “Yeah! Lia and I stopped by there a couple weeks ago. They have some pretty good seafood.”
Lotte’s eyes light up and she goes off into a tangent about her favorite seafood places. You sit back with a fond smile, loving the enthusiasm of the young girl.
You’re nodding along to something she says when you feel it. You nearly jump out of your seat at what feels like a foot kicking yours. Hard.
Looking up, you make eye contact with Lia. There’s a slight frown on her lips as she pretends to listen to something Steph is telling her.
You tilt your head in question but she just huffs, turning back to her conversation with Steph.
Shrugging, you don’t think too much about the interaction.
Until it’s nearly thirty minutes later and you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom.
You don’t realize anything’s amiss until you step out of the stall. You almost leap back in fright when you see Lia leaning against the sink, arms crossed. 
“Er, hi?” Your greeting comes out more like a question, your surprise at seeing her evident in your tone of voice.
Lia doesn’t say anything, simply watching as you wash your hands. Your eyes keep darting to hers, confused why she followed you in here.
You would be lying if you said you weren’t disappointed that your hookups have seemingly come to a stop now that pre-season has begun, but it’s not like you were really expecting anything more. The two of you have been fairly busy getting back into the swing of things. 
But Lia following you to the bathroom reminds you of the nights you spent together that often began like this. An innocent gesture turned shameless and passionate.
So safe to say you’re not really sure what to make of her bathroom visit.
Out of all of the possibilities, you’re definitely not expecting the hostile tone that comes out of her mouth the second you’re done wiping your hands and turning around.
“What was that?” It’s whispered, but you still feel taken aback by how harsh Lia spits out her words.
“What was what?”
You wrack your mind, trying to think of anything you did wrong. The two of you haven’t interacted much tonight. Apart from the greetings when you arrived tonight and saw her already there, the two of you kept mostly to different groups. You’ve spent most of the night laughing with Beth and Lotte while she’s been chatting with Steph and Leah.
“Why did you tell Lotte that we went to the sushi bar together?”
Your eyebrows knit together in confusion at the reminder of your conversation that felt like so long ago. “Uh, because we did? I’m sorry, why do you sound so mad?”
“I’m not mad! I just don’t understand why you had to tell Lotte we went there together.”
“I… what?” you blink, the stiffness of Lia’s body only confusing you even more. “Are you upset that I told Lotte we had dinner together?”
Her mouth shuts with a click, nostrils flaring as you seem to be missing something that Lia’s so clearly fuming about.
“You didn’t want me telling any of our friends, because?” You wait, the silence dragging on, but Lia glares pointedly at a spot right past your ear, refusing to say a word. 
You sigh. “Lia, what’s going on?”
Her jaw clenches. “We said it was just going to be a summer thing.”
You nod, confused. “Yeah, and?”
“It’s no longer the summer.”
It’s not the summer anymore, that you know. You and the rest of the girls have been kicking balls around for a couple days already, laughing and joking around as if you guys haven’t been apart for a couple months. As much as you enjoyed your summer with Lia, there’s no denying that you’ve definitely missed the girls a bit, even if being back with the team meant no more late nights sneaking around--
And just like that, everything clicks.
You try to keep your face unchanged despite the realization knocking all of the breath out of your lungs.
“So this is a secret.”
Lia doesn’t say anything but you don’t need her to. Her silence says a thousand words.
And each one cuts to the bone.
“You want me to pretend nothing happened between us? Like the summer meant nothing.” Sadness and anger mixes in your veins. You knew this was coming but it still doesn’t dull the way it hurts.
“The summer was fun. But that’s all it was,” she mutters, eyes still hard.
“The summer was fun,” you repeat, shaking your head in disbelief. “It was fun? That’s really all you have to say?”
“What else is there to say?” It’s snapped back, almost defensive. 
You’re left blinking at Lia, heart sinking with every single word spoken. “You can’t be this dense.”
Lia’s lips pinch into a thin line, but the Swiss doesn’t say anything else. 
Somehow the silence hurts more than what you know is about to come. “You can’t seriously say you didn’t know how much it meant to me.”
“I don’t--”
“Lia, please. You couldn’t not know.” It’s pathetic, the way you literally beg Lia to acknowledge the truth the two of you have been dancing around. 
“We said no rules,” Lia swallows, hand clenching and unclenching by her sides. Her eyes are darting around now, as if she’s looking for some sort of escape.
It’s the way she keeps denying it that cracks your heart even more. It’s the pointed ignorance that makes this hurt much more than the inevitable rejection you know is headed your way. 
“I love you, Lia.” 
Those words feel both freeing and crushing, finally saying it out loud. You’ve always dreamed about this moment. The moment you finally tell Lia how much you care for her. How much you want to shout your love for her from the rooftops. 
Never would you have thought it would come out like this. In backroom bathrooms, makeup ruined with tear stained cheeks as you do your best not to fall apart.
You should have expected the dream to just stay a dream. After all, they never work out the same in the real world.
“I love you and you act as if that’s the worst thing you’ve ever heard.”
Shoulder slumped over, you drop your face into your hands. Though no longer making eye contact, you can still feel the weight of Lia’s gaze on you. 
Neither of you say anything else, but no other words are needed. You’ve said your part. Lia’s said hers. 
So much for happily ever afters. 
It feels crushing, the way Lia doesn���t move to stop you when you brush past her to reach the door. Every step you take feels like a stab to the heart, but you know there’s no going back anymore. There’s no more ignoring what you both know is the truth. 
Maybe Lia loves you like you love her. Maybe she wants you just like you do her. But if she doesn’t want to make this a thing, there’s nothing you can do about that. 
Hand on the doorknob, you pause, making sure to keep your back to Lia. You breathe in shakingly, pretending like you can’t feel your heart crumbling to nothing in your chest. “You don’t want our friends knowing anything, fine. I won’t say a word about the summer.”
If Lia says anything after that you don’t catch it. You’re letting the door shut behind you, already making your way back to the rest of your teammates. 
And when Lia returns to the table minutes later, you’re already faking smiles, pretending like your summer in heaven wasn’t the cruelest thing that’s ever happened to you.
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veren-cos · 21 days
Bachelors (sdv) and your first date!
Bachelors × gn! Reader
All of these are that you are in an established relationship (Aka you already asked them out / were asked out) but it's your first date!
Not proof read, based off of a request!
• Would take you to see live music!
• He is very much a big gestures person. So this was planned way in advance haha
• Like probably before y'all got together.
• But he has it planned with the band that he like sneaks away to "use the bathroom" but suddenly you just hear him on stage singing to you
• To some, cringy, but to you, it's adorable.
• He wrote the song especially for you, and wanted to make your first date with him extremely special.
• But once he is done, the two of you go back to having dinner and just talking.
• The night ends with him walking you home and a kiss.
• You go to a gridball match!
• Ngl I think this is a heart event with him(?) but idk what happens so here's this
• The date is mostly centered around the before and after!
• Before, the two of you are tailgating and just having a blast.
• He brought a boat load of snacks, and you get to hear him talk about his passions!
• He is just so happy to share his interests with you.
• You go to the game, the team he is rooting for wins!!
• But it's when you get back into town that he is just super sweet.
• He asked Evelyn for help with making a little picnic basket.
• So he had it all set up for the two of you to have a small picnic date for dinner.
• This is when you get to talk his ear off! He loves to listen to you, and learn about you.
• Overall, you both learned a lot about the other, and had a blast doing it!
• As much as I feel like a relationship with him would be fast paced, he probably takes the first date really slow because he doesn't want to scare you off haha, but you'll probably get a kiss at the end of the date ;)
• He is awkward as hell (/pos I love him)
• He was going to offer to plan the first date, but you beat him to the punch!
• Honestly, you knew he would be internally freaking out so this is what you did.
• You invited Sebastian and Sam over to your place to play Solorian Chronicles
• You knew he would loosen up and be less nervous if he had someone else there.
• But you had it pre-planned with Sam that he would leave in like a half hour because he got a call and 'it no there is a minor emergency at home and he needs to leave right now'
• Sam was a wingman in this for sure
• But now that you and Sebastian were alone, the two of you had so much fun!
• You played your little hearts out and defeated the evil overlord, successfully saving the princess!
• When you were done with the game, the two of you watched a movie, and pretty much ignored it-
• You cuddled a bit (shocking I know! But Sebastian I feel is very physically affectionate with friends so it isn't all that different.) (Only if no one else is around tho) (I might make a separate thing about this)
• You mostly made fun of the movie because it was so bad! So when you stopped paying attention you just talked. Super familiar so you were just really comfortable around the other.
• Maybe a kiss of the cheek if Sebastian is feeling confident <3
• He goes to an airshow with you!
• He explains every little thing about each plane, and you absolutely love seeing his face light up.
• The planes are super loud though, so he makes sure to bring headphones for both of you!!
• If you can't hear him trying to talk, he brings a little notepad and writes down all his verbal nonsense.
• It's so cute though, you keep the notes so you remember everything from that day
• Later, you go back to his place and have a really nice lunch.
• He is a sappy guy, lit a few candles and everything <3<3
• His go-to idea would be to take you to the saloon, but he doesn't want to put himself back in that environment on a date.
• So he compromises with himself and sets up a very low-key bar-esk setting in the field by his house!
• Aka, a small dart board and a beer ping table (but not actual beer)
• He is the shit at drinking and yard games, and he knows that you are competitive so he just wants to have a little fun.
• He also brought out a corn hole (or bags idk people call it different stuff) set, so you pkay that too!
• Eventually Jas joins in as well because she sees the fun you two are having.
• You learn mire about Shane and his interests, and he learns more about you and yours.
• Marnie eventually dragged Jas back inside, and Shane gives you a big kiss.
• He isn't shy, but he is not a fan of pda, especially not in front of jas lmao
• Overall, your date was really fun and cute, and you got a feel for what being with him would be like in the long run.
• Yard games would be a staple date for you in the warmer seasons
• Takes you to the library in the city!
• As much as he loves the local one, there is so much more to see in the city's library.
• Will read you sappy poetry he bought when you go home.
• Like. Dramatically reads you love poems.
• He tried to do this inside the library but that ended up drawing too much attention to him so you dragged him out before you got in trouble.
• Basically, you went for a really nice evening in the city! You held hands, went to a little café. He tried to make it as enjoyable as possible for the two of you, while staying true to himself.
• Gives you a kiss on your hand as he drops you off at home, but you pull him in for a kiss on the lips before he leaves.
• He walks home in a love-struck daze because of it
An* Oh geez I wrote a lot more than I was expecting- I just really loved this request, it was too cute!!
These also look way longer in my notes app then they do here
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angellettes · 1 year
─ synopsis. based on the song "awkward" by SZA; Ethan and you are best friends but friends with benefits too. some specific words comes out that makes it a bit awkward
─ notes. didn't think this would get sm attention i luv u guys♡ genre/warnings..18+ nsfw content (minors dni).. mutual pining, best friends with benefits to lovers, oral(f receiving),handjob(but it's kinda interrupted), fluffy smut, tons of kisses, creampie, cowgirl, porn with plot, non gf! ethan because we all know how that went, fluffy ending, not proofread
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Loud music blasted throughout your ears as you walked around, looking for your best friend. It was halloween night and you were moderately drunk with the haze of the alcohol taking over, you decided to look for Ethan to mellow out, and just have a conversation with a decent person instead of some douchebag frat boy who was trying to get in your pants and take advantage of you being tipsy. You had to admit you were pissed with the guys here, and you couldn't find Ethan. you were contemplating on leaving and just going home to watch a scary movie until you fall asleep, until you heard your name being called. You whipped your head around to see who was calling you, only to see your friend who you had been searching around for what felt like forever. "There you are I was looking for you." you said with an inflection in your voice, expressing your twinge of annoying of not being able to find him. "Yeah, sorry about that. Chad was holding me up this whole time. He kept trying to get me to hit on some girl, but I wasn't very interested." of course Chad would do that. You looked at him trying to cover up the slight jealousy you felt, even though he hadn't talked to her, the idea makes you sick. "Hey Y/N, are you ok?" you snapped out of your thoughts, and looked at him giving him your attention. "Oh yeah I'm good. I feel a little tired I might go home." his eyes widened a bit and although it was dark in the room and the only see the dim colorful lighting surrounding you, you could still somehow see his blush spreading actually his face."Do you mind if I walk you home" "yeah sure, I would like that" you replied with a smile. you both walked together talking while walking to your apartment. The conversation flowing freely as the sound of cars pass by and the chilly autumn air runs through your hair. The vibe is comfortable and nice, and you really don't want it to end. You finally get to your apartment and ethan gives you a hug goodbye. You quickly stopped him before he walked away. "Ethan wait!" he turns around and looked at you wondering what you wanted. "can you please stay? you can spend the night if you want" you say tugging at the sleeves of your sweater nervously with a rosy flush on your face. He looks at you with a look of adoration in his eyes, and that same pink flush on his cheeks. "Yeah, I would like to, that would be nice" he says walking up the stairs to get to the door. he approached you at the door with a smile. you let him in, and left him to get comfortable in the living room so you can change after giving him clothes he left last time he was there. as you were going to change you looked into the mirror, thinking about why you were thinking of sleeping with you best friend again. It was hurting you being best friends with him, being friends with benefits, and also having strong feelings. You wished you could tell him how you felt but things were complicated. You and Ethan had been best friends since middle school, always being there for each other, always stuck at each other's hip. One drunk night led to several Rendezvous for sex but it got more difficult with the intimate meetings making the feelings you had for him since middle school. You didn't want to ruin such a precious bond. if he doesn't feel the same way because if you messed it up you would hate yourself for it. You finally snapped out of it and got dressed into sleep clothes, and washed your face of all the stressors, and dirt of the day. You walked into your room to get blankets, and saw Ethan looking as if he was admiring the decor of your room. He turned around to see you there jumping a little. Stuttering over his words as he tried to explain himself "S-sorry I-I-I was just looking at- I like the way your room looks" he said. You let out a laugh at his stutter and let him know it's fine. You both walked back to the living room with blankets and pillows. "Hey Y/N, I'll sleep in the living room" he said as he started getting comfortable on the couch" you looked at him with a grin on your face as you got comfortable with him.
"you know what? let's have a sleepover here in the living room, and just stay up all night eating, talking, watching movies, stuff like that, you know?". You put on a stab movie but you guys weren't even really paying attention because you were both talking the whole time about random stuff. You both started talking about music and what artists you both liked "what's your favorite song right now?" he asked with a smile that hasn't left his face the entire time he was there. "my favorite song right now is awkward by SZA but I'm also like obsessed with any cigarettes after sex song lately" you said with a small smile. You enjoyed his company, when he talked about his interests, and classes. Just him being around was your favorite thing. "Hey, let's listen to some music" The TV had been long turned off throughout your conversation. he played his playlist. The first song that played was Awkward by SZA....This is the song you think of when you thought of Ethan. The song that describes your feelings. you tried to cover your blush with the blanket as you cuddled closer to him and you looked at eachother. next thing you knew he was leaning in closer....and you were too.
this is deeper than friendship
The line echoes through the room as your lips met eachother. He leaned you back onto the couch, as you kissed. His kisses almost felt loving but maybe it was your own delusion. He looked at you asking you for permission. you nod as his gentle father kisses trailed down to your neck and behind your ear. You took off your clothes as he took his off as well. He trailed his kisses farther ,kissing and kneading the fat of your tummy with such gentleness and fervor. He kissed your thighs gently, holding your thighs apart wrapping his arms around them gently squeezing occasionally as he licked a stripe up the lips your pussy. Gently kissing and running his tongue along your clit, as your fingers met his dark chesnut curls running it between your fingers. Your pleasure running through your body with gasps, and light moans escaping your mouth. He let out a deep moan into your pussy, as he grinded his hard cock into the couch, just trying to get some type of friction. His saliva and your wetness dripping down your ass and onto the couch, as your fingers grasp his hair a little harder as your chest heaves, gasps leaving your mouth with moans as you moan and cum all over his tongue. He sits up about to put his pants back on but you stop him. You let a fat glob of saliva dripping from your mouth onto his cock. You stared up at him as you rubbed your fist up and down his cock, rubbing your thumb over the tip as you went up over the top. he let's out a deep moan with some words you never thought would come from his mouth "fuck, I love you so much " your stroking stops. and you stare at him with shock in his face. He looks at you finally realizing what he just said and you saw how he started getting soft probably from the fear of you reaction. He starts putting his clothes back on and covers up. "Sorry, I made it awkward" you let him know it's ok but he doesn't seem to be convinced. "I'm just gonna go". you start to panic at those words. "wait no Ethan please don't go!" you shout as you grab his wrist trying to stop him from leaving. "at least stay here and sleep" you look at him with doe eyes as if you're begging him to stay "alright" he puts his stuff back down and gets back on the couch. The silence is loud but you'll reassure him in the morning and ask for his true feeling to see if those words weren't just from the heat of the moment.
The sunlight of the morning shined through the curtains as you woke up realizing you were alone on the couch. He left before you could wake up. You eyes start to dribble tears as you felt his words were only from the heat of the moment. He was Your best friend and he cared about you, you knew that but these flings meant nothing. you weren't anything to him besides a friend, and you would never be anything more than that.
The first few days after that in class he just wouldn't talk to you but as days were going by he distanced himself even more. hanging out with different people, sitting at different seats, not even texting you good morning or good night anymore...You lost your best friend just like how you were avoiding.
This distance between you both was making you insane. After days and days of crying until you got a massive headache and your eyes became bloodshot red, you finally grew the confidence to do it. You were going to tell him your feelings. You got dressed in something nice but casual quickly and stormed out of your dorm in a hurry. You quickly jogged down the street to get to his dorm. As you finally got to his dorm you knocked on the door rapidly. His roommate, Chad opens the door. "Oh hey Y/N, If you're looking for Ethan I'm already leaving anyway" he said with that big toothy smile. "Ethan Y/N is here for you!" he yells out to Ethan before leaving. Ethan starts walking to the door to greet you. His eyes are red as if he's been crying. "what are you doing here?" he asks with a congested voice. "I needed to come and see you. This distance is driving me crazy. I just wanted to say some things and get clarity on the other night" His eyes widened a bit. He opens the door wider to let you in, with that look of slight sadness still on his face. He closes the door behind him as you got comfortable on the couch. "Listen Ethan, I'm sorry I didn't respond to what you said the other night. I was shocked, and nervous. Truth is that I have had feelings for you ever since middle school. You were always there for me and I never told you because I don't want ruin what we had. you're my best friend, and if this was how I lost you then I would hate myself forever. I'd rather lose you telling the truth than lose you to a miscommunication of words." He sits with you and looks you in the eyes. There's that look again, The look of adoration and admiration.The look that you always looked past but now realize maybe it was genuine. "Y/N, the words I said the other night slipped out during the heat of the moment but they were genuine. If I had the chance to had told you how I felt without all this distance it would've been better but I didn't want to ruin what we had either. The feelings I've had for you have always been there and I never was true to myself about them because we're best friends and we were just having sex with no strings attached. I was too embarrassed to face you after that though. I mean how could I face you after the way you stared, it just scared me. I'm sorry for not explaining why I wasn't talking to you." you stared at him with a slight smile. Your eyes were tearing up. He leaned in to hug you and you hugged back, with a smile on your. You laughed a bit as you wiped your tears."Can I Kiss you, and hopefully show you in other ways my feelings, to make it up to you?". There was so much sincerity, and emotion in his eyes, emotions you don't even think you've ever noticed. You nod your head, almost immediately being pushed onto the couch as he presses his lips against yours with fervor, and love. Kisses become more desperate, and you quickly flip him over beneath you. You start removing your clothes and his, lips still connected as he ran his hands along your skin. He kissed down your chest and stopped at your nipples sucking them into his mouth gently as your fingers ran through his curls and sighs left your mouth as you kissed his neck. "Please Y/N just let me inside. I need you" he whimpers out to you, looking you in the eyes with love and passion. As you slipped him in, you shuddered with pleasure. He let's out a loud, whiny moan as he thrusts up into you, kissing you as he thrusts in and out with your hips rocking back and forth to meet him. "Oh my God Y/N I love you so much! please, please, cum with me" he says with desperation forming in his voice as that tight, contracting, feeling builds up in your abdomen, getting ready to release. "Ethan please cum inside me" you say hugging onto his shoulders, whispering into his neck how you oh so badly wanted him to cum inside. He thrusted up harder and faster, the only sounds heard in the room being, wet skin slapping, and both your moans and whines. He grabs your face, turning you to look him in the eyes as you both cum.
His mouth goes agape as he makes a few more strong thrusts into you, before pushing his hips up into you and holding them there as his hot, warm, cum fills you up. Your eyes roll back and you shudder as a loud moans escaping as a final strained moan cums out before you gush all over him. You take a moment to take a breath before you're both looking eachother in the eyes, laughing together as you press your foreheads together. "So Ethan, are you hungry?" you ask with a grin on your face, until you both burst out laughing at a loud growl coming from your stomach. "Yeah, we should go get something to eat" with chuckles in his sentence. You sighed again as you pressed your forehead against his once again, giving him a long passionate kiss. Your fingers running up his neck and caressing his cheek, as his hand gives a soft, gentle, loving grasp on your neck rubbing his thumb along your jaw as your lips form together, fitting perfectly together.
"I love you Ethan Landry"
"I love you Y/N L/N"
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please do not plagiarize, translate,or repost my work.
finished- April 1, 2023 , 4:05 PM
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circeius-invidioso · 2 months
I do not get why the Red Corsairs are not a popular choice.
Like here is the elevator pitch for the warband and then we can come to some justified conclusion.
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What isn't there to love?
You want me to turn into an infomencial and make a top 3 reasons why the Red Corsairs are great?
Cause I can.
And I will.
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The Diverse Working Enviroment
Here in the Red Corsairs we might have started as Ultramarines but the barrier for entry is on the floor. So anyone can join.
You are Night Lord with a bad rep and no ship.
Buckle up we got you covered.
You are a Fallen and have 20 Dark Angels all up in yo business? Trying to shoot down the boss babe you are?
Fear not, or in our case. Know no Fear. We are strapped and don't get clapped.
You are a traitor that likes their Legion but sadly you got in our way?
Tough luck buddy, you will join or die and your geene seed will join our cause. Nothing personal battle brother. Just business as usual.
Everyone is welcome as long as they follow Huron's guidelines and don't aggitate the topless sweaty Khorne worshipping Ultramarines in the basement.
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Unlike the corrupt Imperium of man and the corpse Emperor our leader is powered by miracles (which is trully a miracle how he survived but that on the next section), and we use 0 psyckers to power our crap.
Our carbon footprint is also minimum as we use salvaged goods and don't indulge in toxic industries that destroy worlds.
The Red Corsair base of operation is in the Eye of Terror and from there we expand our scope. A place greatly known for its constant shifts, and horrible conditions but the tan our serfs have are spectacullar from all that cosmic radiation.
Finally we are commited to recycling. As in we take from our victims benefactors and put those stolen goods to some great use. Nothing goes to waste, neither mortal, nor static object. If something is not nailed on the floor we will take it.
In fact we might take the floor too and the nails used to set it in place.
Nothing goes to waste!
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Unmatched Leadership
Last, but certainly not least.
The man.
The myth.
The Legend.
Huron Blackheart.
Aka Lufgt Huron.
Aka what would happen if we gave a compressed Guilliman a daemonic familiar and left him to ferment in a warp storm.
Not only the name is so edgy you might cut yourself by saying it out loud. But also it's complex enough that if you say it quickly three times without twisting your tongue theres is a chance furniture might start levitating.
The man has put his Ultramarine brain to use and amased enough influence and power to put the Black Legion to shame.
Huron went from 0 to 100 in no time, he is a self made Warmaster. With no daddy issues or troubles in the world, he goes into battle blasting Alestorm in the voxxcasters.
He does not care.
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He probably wears this when he wants to relax.
You think he cares?
He does not care.
He has a biker gang specifically organized to hunt down those who have betrayed him.
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They slap those things on their armors not for the usual biker reason
(which fun fact the meaning is, 99% of the bikers are law-abiding, where the 1% are not. That's where the 1% comes from. The more you know 🌈)
no they wear that 1% because that's how high are your chances of escaping from them are.
Is that a bit extreme?
You think he cares?
He does not care.
The dude once gathered his buddies and decided...
to you know. Have a casual outing. Nothing too serious, it was a sunday afteral.
So they decided on.
Kidnapping Guilliman.
Which they almost did if not for a Fallen of all people getting in the way.
But still.
The mad lad took Macragge's Honour and went on a joyride/ mini civil war.
Who in the galaxy can turn and say.
Yeah, I stole Macragge's Honour, almost captured my old Primarch. Told a daemon prince they are irrelevant on my way there. Anyway after crushing a fool who thought he could take my crown as king of the space pirates, I went to the home planet of the White Scars and kidnapped and tortured their Chapter Master. What did you do this week? 💅
Who wouldn't want to be a part of that?
You tell me I can be an immortal, gorgeous chaos Ultramarine goth boy going on pirate adventures across the galaxy?
Where do I sign up?
I don't need ink for a signature.
I will use my own blood.
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gay-wh0re-slut · 3 months
Hello! Can I please request a Rhea/reader where the reader thinks she’s home alone and is baking something to surprise Rhea with when she gets home. Reader has some music on and is singing and dancing to her playlist as she moves about the kitchen, totally lost in her own world and doesn’t hear that Rhea has arrived home. Rhea has never seen reader so carefree and is leaning against the doorway watching with a smile on her face when reader finally spots her 😊 just something super sweet and fluffy if you can, maybe with some cuddles and kisses?
Thank you!
awwww this is so cuteeeeeee i can definitely do this for you friend. thank you!
Sweetie Pie
content: you wanted to surprise your hot buff goth wrestler gf with a sweet treat to come home to :)
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You woke up this morning in a fantastic mood because you had an idea last night that you couldn’t let go of. So you got up, made yourself some hot tea, made some scrambled eggs and began researching.
Scrolling and scrolling on pinterest, tiktok, instagram anything to give you some sort of idea. Finally you found something after a good 30 minutes of looking. It was simple but you knew that it would mean a lot to Rhea. You found a spicy apple pie recipe that would be perfect for a welcome home gift.
So you took your time getting ready, listening to music, picking out a comfy yet cute outfit. You had simple makeup and a slick back claw clip hairdo. Once you were satisfied with how you looked, you headed out to the store to buy the ingredients.
You wore your headphones while you were there so no one would talk to you, but you had a good time vibing to your music walking through the aisles looking for the things you need. You stumbled upon a few unnecessary small gifts for your girl that you decided to buy too.
Finally getting home, you started baking. Preheating the oven and getting the flour, spices, eggs and everything else ready to mix.
You turn on your speaker and blast your music. Of course you have a mini dance party before you get started to hype you up for Rhea’s home coming. You set the little gifts up on the kitchen table facing the door so that she sees them immediately when she walks in.
Singing your heart out, you get all your tools from the cabinets and drawers and set them out precisely.
“Alright baby,” you place your hands on your hips, “let’s go,” you said to yourself smiling.
You began to mix all the ingredients for the crust together, swaying your hips to the music as you did. Once it was ready, you covered it and placed it aside to start on the filling.
You cut the apples and mixed up the sweet and spicy base. The music was too loud for you to hear anything other than your thoughts, so you didn’t notice your girlfriend sneaking in.
Rhea smiled before she got to the door because she could hear your music from outside, she giggled to herself. She opened the door quietly even though you wouldn’t have heard it anyway. She slipped her shoes off and threw the bag on the couch before saying hello to the dogs for a good few minutes.
She didn’t tell you when she would be home because she wanted it to be a surprise. Usually when she does this, it’s later in the night so you thought you had plenty of time to get things ready.
The wrestler tiptoed through the living room to the kitchen doorway and leaned against it. She crossed her arms in awe as she watched you sway to the music, singing along while mixing.
Her icy blue eyes scanned the kitchen to try to figure out what you were making when she spotted the gifts displayed on the table. A wide grin grew on her face but she didn’t dare move in case you noticed.
She stood there for a good while just watching you do your thing. She admired how carefree you were, how you didn’t care how you looked or sounded while grooving to your playlist. Her heart grew bigger for you as she watched. She covered her mouth to hide the chuckles as you did a silly dance move.
As you finished the filling you turned to check the oven when you saw a figure in the corner of your eye. Your head whipped around to look, “SHIT,” you jumped back holding your chest.
All she did was laugh.
The two of you laughing for a second before you turned the music down, “How long have you been there?”
“Just enough,” said her toothy grin.
“I thought you’d be back later,” you walked towards her.
“Nope, that’s why I didn’t tell you,” she grabbed your waist and pulled you in for a deep kiss. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too baby,” you kissed her once more. “Did you see that?” you pointed to the kitchen table.
“I did, thank you my love,” she smiled as she walked towards the gifts. She picked them up one by one admiring the thought of you getting these for her. “I love them,” she smiled.
“Good, now go away,” you pushed her towards the living room.
“What? Why?! I just got here!”
“I’m making something and I want to surprise you! I don’t care if you’ve already figured it out, go away,” you pushed her down onto the couch. “When I put it in the oven I’ll come back and you can tell me all about your weekend, okay?”
She let out a long dramatic sigh, “Fiinnneee.”
“Oh you’ll be alright, it won’t take long,” you gave her a wink before walking back into the kitchen.
It was about twenty minutes before you came back out. You plopped yourself down next to the beefy woman and laid your head on her shoulder. “Baking is hard,” you whined.
“I know it,” she giggled. She wrapped her arm around your shoulders and pulled you in tight. She kissed the top of your head before she used her other hand to bring your chin up to meet her gaze. “But I know it will be amazing,” she gave you a soft smile before kissing you.
“I hope so, I don’t even know if we’ll like it,” you huffed.
“I love anything you do, I know I’ll love it,” she rubbed her thumb over your cheek.
You leaned into her touch, “I love you,” you whispered.
“I love you too, my love.”
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scwheeler · 1 year
🍒💋🍒 ˖ ࣪⊹ — ‘CHERRY FLAVORED’
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pairing: ethan landry x reader
summary: at a halloween party you and ethan get to talking and drinking, both of you only focused on each other’s cherry flavored lips
author’s note: thank you so much for the appreciation in my last two ethan fics!! also what the fuck was ethan even dressed up as… (this was originally gonna be based off of the nbhd song ‘cherry flavored’ but i got lazy) 👋👋
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you licked your lips before coating your lips with another layer of cherry-flavored lip gloss. “are you ready yet?” tara asked from the other room. you grabbed your just-finished charged phone and checked your reflection in the mirror before getting up from your vanity and meeting tara by the front door.
“ok im all good,” your eyes traveled up to tara’s costume. she was dressed up as a pirate and honestly best choice of the year.
“you look really good what the fuck,” you expressed and gave her a few up and down looks. a smile crept up her face and you could tell she appreciated your comment, “oh shut up, you’re pretending that you dont look like the hottest babe on the planet!”
she put her hands up and presented you in your costume. you were dressed up as an angel because you had a white dress lying around and got this last minute invite by chad a few hours ago.
everyone knew chad’s crush on tara so you had to force her to come with you. you liked acting like a little matchmaker for your friends and no one could disagree that they would look so cute together.
mindy and anika picked you two up and in around fifteen minutes, the party was in sight.
“ok so we’re totally getting wasted tonight,” tara mentioned as she looked around the light up house surrounded by blasting music. you rolled your eyes and grabbed her arm before running straight into the house.
mindy and anika followed briefly, holding each other’s hands. every corner of the house was filled with drunk teenagers shouting and hollering. both of you tried your best not getting run down by a frat guy chasing his friends without a shirt.
speaking of a guy without a shirt, chad walked up dressed up as a cowboy. “hey you guys made it!” he exclaimed and put his hands in the air.
“i would never refused free booze,” you sarcastically remarked and slightly pushed tara into chad.
they started making awkward conversation about each other’s costumes. “so you’re a naked cowboy?” tara asked and pointed to his bare chest. which only led to chad nervously laughing, “well i mean i do have pants on.”
you headed to the kitchen to follow up on your free booze comment.
however you had some company. “ethan you’re here!” you tried not sounding so surprised but ethan landry was not the type of guy to be at a halloween party with loud music and alcohol. if anything he was the one saying that everyone should stay home.
you were shocked to found out that he wasn’t at home studying for econ as he has for every past friday night since school started. “sorry that came out wrong, i just meant that i didnt expect you to be here,” you attempted to make up for your past sentence. luckily he cracked a small smile, “yeah i know, chad just insisted that i come since its halloween and everything.”
“well i’m glad you’re here and im digging your costume,” you said and indicated to the horned helmet on his head.
he slightly laughed, “yeah its homemade if you couldn’t tell” he sarcastically replied. you laughed with him at the cardboard covering his body head to toe.
“y’know i like your costume too,” he complimented and was about to say something else but stopped himself.
he bit his lip and contemplated for a second before talking again, “did it hurt?” you got confused and had to further question him, “wait what—what do you mean?”
“did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” he tried not to laugh and you spotted the shy blush creeping on his face. if it weren’t for the dim lighting and colorful strobe lights covering the room, you could’ve easily saw his bright red face.
his body tensed up at the lack of response from you until you burst out laughing. “oh god that was terrible but in a good way, that was perfect though because i’m an angel!” you exclaimed and playfully slapped his arm.
while you were practically dying at the stupid joke, you missed ethan’s eyes which remained on your hand on his arm.
“hey do you want a drink?” ethan changed the subject and tried hiding his embarrassed face from his failed pickup line and your body being so close to his. “oh yeah that would be great, mindy was complaining in the car sooo much about this new movie coming out next week. so i definitely need a drink,” you chuckled and followed him further into the party to a bunch of bottles lined up on the counter.
“you want me to make you the best thing you’ll ever drink?” you asked and swiftly turned to face ethan. he was flustered and took a step back before replying, “oh um im the designated driver so i cant really drink…”
“—wait you room with chad though right? how about mindy just gives you a ride after the party? if i beg her, she will probably say yes!” you smiled and took one of his hands with both of yours.
if only you saw how pretty you looked in ethan’s eyes. your eyes lit up and your red lips was the only thing ethan was focused on.
“so? can you? please say yes, i promise you i’ll make it extra special!” you begged and shook the two bottles in your hands. and what was ethan supposed to do? how could he say no to that face?
dismissing the fact his car was literally parked down the street from the house, he answered, “ok fine i’ll try it.” your face immediately smiled and you jumped into his arms out of excitement and thanks to a little pregaming with tara earlier.
ethan caught you but didn’t know whether to push you away or hold you. you hugged him tight and then stepped back before turning to make his drink. ethan stood there yet again starstuck at how eager you seemed to hang out with him.
it was the first time he felt this way. why were so nice to him? why did you like him?
while ethan was off thinking about the list of possibilities you were making a damn drink for him right now, with trying to kill him secretly being his top choice, you spun around and had two red solo cups. one you kept close to yourself and the other outstretched towards him.
“it’s a surprise but you have to give me your honest opinion whether you like it or not,” you handed the cup to his right hand and nervously waited for his reaction. ethan carefully took a sip of the mysterious concoction and gulped.
it was cherry flavored. the flavor was evident and so was the color. as soon as ethan put the cup down, his lips and tongue were painted in red. he looked like a vampire after eating a whole ass meal.
the drink was fizzy and bubbly therefore ethan felt it moving it’s way to his stomach. it was sweet and quite bitter because of the vodka but he couldn’t deny that he was good. even better that you made it specially for him.
you stood in front of him, eyes wide and awaiting his opinion while sipping on your own cup. “i’m not gonna lie, that was the best drink i’ve ever had,” ethan admitted and started gulping the rest down.
you laughed in relief, “oh thank god! it’s pretty easy to make. i like to call it a cherry bomb because it kind of explodes in your mouth and all the way to your stomach.” you winked and chugged the rest of your cup.
after a couple more drinks, you were wasted but ethan decided to stop after two. he felt like he needed to keep a serious eye on you so you didn’t get into reckless behavior.
without your full knowledge, you danced with him, hugged him, held his hand, and even almost kissed him but ethan stopped you because if you did ever kiss him, he wanted you to remember it. so you pulled back and let you lay back on the couch for a little while to get some rest.
the party was dying down and some people started to leave, including your friends. mindy and anika approached the pair on the couch whilst moving to the beat of the high tempo music. “hey lovebirds, ready to go?” mindy asked and held anika close by her.
ethan looked away once mindy said ‘lovebirds.’ his ears started burning and his face clearly was flustered. you suddenly gained consciousness and stood up, “yes yes let’s go!” you almost raced to the door with ethan shortly following you, to make sure you didn’t run straight into a wall.
mindy and anika laughed at how cute you two looked. they also watched how ethan followed you around like a little lost puppy even though you didn’t even realize it.
thanks to a little bribing from anika of having candy at home, you finally got into the car in the back alongside tara and ethan. tara sat in the left, you in the middle, and ethan on the right. anika sat in the passenger seat and mindy was driving.
tara was passed out after partying way too hard and doing who knows what with chad all night. mindy was going on and on about this new film theory she read online while anika responded with short replies of ‘mhm’ and ‘ohhhh’ since she was way too wasted to say anything else.
your head felt heavy and naturally fell upon ethan’s shoulder. to his surprise, he found you peacefully napping practically on him! throughout the car ride, he tried to keep as still as possible to not wake you.
there were a million bumps and sharp turns because mindy could not work the GPS in the car and refused to use google maps. but ethan kept you close and occasionally tucked your hair behind your ear or held onto the side of your face so you didn’t fall and wake up.
your body jerked awake once the car came to a harsh stop though. “we’re here!” mindy announced. you slowly lifted your head on ethan’s now numb shoulder and groggily opened your eyes. luckily ethan and chad’s dorm was right next to tara and your’s so the there were no stops to be made.
also mindy and anika were sleeping over since it was too exhausting to drive all the way to their place. anika opened tara’s side door and gently shook her awake while ethan was almost carrying you out of the car.
“god you guys are wasted,” mindy commented. you groaned at a pounding headache approaching and tried walking on your own but found yourself almost crashing onto the pavement.
thank the gods for ethan’s existence. all ethan was thinking of was how glad he was that he went to the gym often because with you practically leaning your entire body of him, he had to carry you.
the group eventually got to the dorm door and this is where ethan would retire to his own dorm. “thank you so much ethan,” anika said and pulled your body off of him with the help of mindy.
“yeah no problem, it’s my pleasure,” he replied and took a sigh of relief once he knew you were safe and in good hands. but before he turned to go home, you walked away from your friends and back for he doorway where he stood.
“w-wait—ethan wait,” you called after him and fell into his arms since your legs didn’t properly work at the moment.
again, he caught you.
“what is it y/n?” he asked and looked down at those dazzling eyes for the second time. you smiled before speaking, staring into his left then right eye. you looked at his curly brown hair and how it had tangles in it due to the constant jumping and dancing you made him do early.
then your eyes drifted down to his lips.
there were still faintly coated in cherry vodka. without answering his question, you jumped up and held his face close. you put your lips on his and kissed him. for a split second, you felt yourself waking up and sobering up.
ethan was surprised and taken so aback but he didn’t complain. your lips felt right on his and he leaned forward more into the kiss. he wrapped his arms around your waist. after a minute the two of you pulled back to breathe some air.
“wow,” you muttered and smiled at the fluttery feeling growing inside of you. the feeling ethan had the entire night. he licked his lips before responding, “your lips are cherry flavored.”
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libraryofantiquitea · 2 years
𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳.
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prairing: jake "hangman" seresin x f!reader
summary: you're a bartender at the hard deck who a couple of douchebags have decided to torment. neither you nor jake seresin will stand for it.
warnings: descriptions of violence against women, blood.
word count: 2.2k
author's notes: this fic was very much inspired by the above screenshot of glen powell from ride along and my lovelies in the creator coven. bloodied (fictional) men do thing to my loins, i will not apologize.
when i was younger, i always wanted to get into a bar fight while "ballroom blitz" blasts over the jukebox. but i'll let jake handle it instead.
likes / comments / reblogs are very much appreciated! thank you for reading! ♥
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“Get your hands off of me, you shit waffle!”
The large dude manhandling you as you made your war through the packed crowd at The Hard Deck merely looked back at his friends and laughed, holding his hands up in mock surrender.
You were working your regular Friday night shift at the bar frequented by the men and women of the local Navy base, as well as any local who had a penchant for hearing their stories, or just wanting to have a good time with friends. Unfortunately that meant that sometimes more rowdy and less than savoury characters wound up within the four walls of the bar as well. What did you do when you were one of the few decent bars in town?
Penny had some pretty fair, but tough and firm rules regarding the harassment of her employees, but that didn’t mean that it didn’t happen from time to time. You had a reputation for being a little spitfire behind the bar, but hadn’t instilled the fear of God into the crowd that frequented the bar yet.
They just needed to give you time.
That night you were in charge of bussing drinks back and forth between some of the tables at the back of the bar. You would have much preferred to be behind the bar, or working the front where the likes of Jake Seresin and Natasha Trace hung out. Since the aviators were often regulars, who tipped well and treated The Hard Deck as if it were home, they were much more pleasant to deal with, and if you were forced to admit it, quite easy on the eyes.
You knew the moment you went to take the drink order from one of the tables at the back that you weren’t going to have a great time with them. They were boisterous, rude, and kept making disparaging comments about all of the women within eyesight. Penny wasn’t working that night, but it was nothing that you couldn’t handle. You had a line, and if they crossed it, you’d kick them out.
“Those guys aren’t giving you too much trouble, are they?”
You lifted your head from pouring beers to see Jake standing on the other side of the bar. He leaned his forearms against the hardwood, raising his eyebrows before cocking his head toward the back. You followed his gaze and sighed.
“Not yet,” you replied, before turning to look back at Jake. “They seem like all talk and no bite. They’ll get loud, get bored when they realize that no one is paying them any mind, then head out.”
Jake huffed before standing upright and patting the countertop of the bar. “All right. But if they start raisin’ hell you know where to find us, sweetheart.”
You were glad he turned around to return to his game of darts with Bradley Bradshaw because you knew for a fact that your blush covered not only your cheeks but your chest.
It was when you brought the group of three their second round that the biggest of them grabbed your ass when you turned around.
“Oh, we’ve got a live one!” Biggest Dude laughed to his friends after you called him a shit waffle. “C’mon little lady, just havin’ a bit of fun.”
“No dice,” you said, pressing your palms on the table and leaning over it. “If you’re gonna drink here there are rules. Hands off anyone who doesn’t want your hands on them. We’ve kicked people outta here for less.”
“You’re gonna kick us out?” the man with the backwards ballcap asked incredulously. He snorted. “You and your staff don’t look like you could handle us.”
“We have our ways,” you said, raising an eyebrow.
It was then that Biggest Dude reached over and groped at one of your breasts. You were admittedly, showing some cleavage that night, but that still didn’t give him the right. Ballcap laughed, and the other man, Patchy Beard, howled like a fucking animal. It was, quite frankly, all very disgusting, and the kind of shenanigans you expected from the bullies in some 80’s movie, and not actual real life grown men.
“`the fuck off me!” you shouted, hitting Biggest Dude in the face with the tray you had been carrying. It certainly wasn’t enough to inflict any sort of damage, but definitely enough to piss someone off.
“Hey!” Biggest Dude yelled, the people around you beginning to quiet and watch what was transpiring. He stood quickly, moving away from the table toward you.
“What?” you asked, a smirk playing upon your lips. “You can touch me but I can’t touch you? Hardly seems fair.”
You were nothing if not a provoking little shit, and were well aware that you were likely to end the night with a black eye before the police were inevitably called.
“Different between good touch and bad touch, little lady,” Biggest Dude said, grabbing at your wrist. “Maybe I oughta teach you?”
“Ew,” you said, voice dripping with disgust.
“Fuckin’ bitch.”
He slapped you. Not hard, but hard enough to shock you and have you turn your head to the side, and to have the people around gasping. It took you a moment to register what had happened, and when you did you could hear little else but the jukebox on the other side of the bar, and a series of rapid footfalls headed in your direction.
Through the haze of adrenaline you spotted Jake, who pushed his way through the last bit of the crowd who hadn’t already parted for him. It happened more quickly than Biggest Dude slapping you. Jake grabbed his shoulder and shoved him against the wall, nostrils flaring.
“Your mama must’ve not raised you right if you’re gonna put your hands on a lady like that,” Jake sneered. “Get the fuck out.”
“Who’s gonna make me?” Biggest Dude asked, looking at his friends and laughing a little.
“You’re lookin’ at him.”
“Jake -” you began, gingerly touching your face.
“I got it, sweetheart,” he said, and the way that “sweetheart” drifted past his lips sounded a lot different than it had moments before at the bar.
“I just - no fighting in the bar,” you said. “Penny’ll have you paying everyone’s tabs for the next ten years.”
“Outside?” Patchy Beard suggested, standing up from his chair.
“Yeah, outside is good,” Jake agreed, nodding his head, giving Biggest Dude a shove toward the back exit.
“Jake,” you began, walking up to him and grabbing his arm, a bold move for you. “You do not have to fight this loser to … defend my honour or some shit. C’mon.”
Jake looked at you, fury blazing in his eyes, and you realized there was no way in talking him down from his desire to kick Biggest Dude’s ass.
“It’s nothing,” he assured you.
Biggest Dude and Jake were already fighting by the time you got out to the parking lot, having gone to grab Bradey, Natasha, and Javy. A small crowd had assembled around them, including Ballcap and Patchy Beard.
“Oh man,” Bradley said, exasperated. “He’s gonna get his ass busted down to Private if Mav finds out.”
The four of you quickly made your way toward the fight, and you were the first to reach the crowd, just in time to see Biggest Dude punch Jake right in the stomach.
“Hey!” you hollered, pushing through the small crowd of people and walking right up to Jake and Biggest Dude. “Enough! You’re both being idiots!”
“Fuck off, little lady,” Biggest Dude snarled, turning his attention toward you.
He was distracted long enough for Jake to get a couple of punches in, and you moved back lest you get more involved than you wanted to. The people around you hooted and hollered, while Bradley and Javy tried to pull Jake away.
“You lay a hand on her again and I will break your fuckin’ face,” Jake spat, pure vitriol oozing from his lips.
It was violent, but it was also incredibly hot. It probably shouldn’t have been.
Biggest Dude’s friends got the memo that they should probably get involved, each of them moving toward either Bradley or Javy to distract them, which meant Jake was free to land some more punches if he so chose.
“Jake. C’mon,” you said once more, moving to stand in front of him. He was sweating, breathing hard, and had murder in his eyes and fists at the ready. You laid your hands against his heaving chest, shirt damp with perspiration. “You don’t need to do this. I’m not some fair maiden who needs a white knight. These guys are losers anyway. Just … let’s all go back into the bar. The rest of your drinks are on me tonight.”
For the briefest moment Jake met your eyes, the anger melting away. You smiled warmly at him in an attempt to get him to come down from his rage. It only lasted a moment though before Jake shouted and punished you aside.
You stumbled to the side just as Biggest Dude had lurched forward to the two of you. He grabbed at the collar of Jake’s t-shirt, and though Jake was at the ready, Biggest Dude landed a couple of punches to Jake’s face. You could hear the crunch of bone and thought you might be ill.
Biggest Dude had Jake pinned to the hood of someone’s car, fist pulled back to lay another punch into him. Bradley, who had laid Patchy Beard out on the ground, grabbed Biggest Dude’s arm and pulled him back, away from Jake.
“Enough!” he hollered.
You weren’t paying attention to Bradley, or what else was going on around you - your attention was focused purely on Jake. Rushing over to him, he was still laid out on the hood of the car, panting hard and coughing, attempting to get his bearings after what had just transpired.
“Jake,” you whispered, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder and assessing his injuries. “Shit,” you muttered under your breath.
“I lost,” Jake muttered, looking up at the stars that filled the night sky.
“No, you didn’t,” you assured him, gingerly helping him to stand upright. “That piece of shit fought dirty. By all rights, you won.”
Bradley was a commanding force, and while you couldn’t make out what he was saying, the fight seemed to be over. Your attention was focused on Jake, and only Jake.
“C’mon. Let’s get you fixed up.”
It was business as usual back in The Hard Deck. Bradley and Javy had sent the Terrible Threesome packing to lick their wounds and the crowd had dispersed. The other bartenders and staff were taking care of the bar while you sat with Jake in the storage room, where the first aid kit was. Natasha had poked her head in to give you both an update on what happened outside and to let you know things had mostly returned back to normal inside.
“Thanks, Trace,” Jake had said, as Natasha had closed the door and left.
You and Jake were sitting facing one another in two folding chairs, the first aid kit sitting open on a case of beer. Tending gently to the cuts and scrapes on Jake’s knuckles, you pursed your lips as you ruminated over what to say.
“You really didn’t have to do all that,” you murmured. “We could’ve just kicked the three of them out.”
“Something tells me they wouldn’t have gone without a fight then either,” Jake said with a large sniff. His nose and mouth were still bloody, and he didn’t seem to be in a rush to tend to either before you got there.
You lifted your gaze from his knuckles to his face. “Is it broken?” you asked.
“Nah,” Jake replied, shaking his head. “Just a bone bruise. Fuckin’ hurts though.” Nodding, you turned your attention back to Jake’s knuckles, holding his hand gently. “Hey.” You glanced up again to find concern in his green eyes. “He socked you too. How’re you?”
“I’m fine,” you replied, swallowing a little harder than you probably would have if anyone else other than Jake Seresin was looking at you like that. Jake pulled his hand from yours, reaching out and touching your face gently. You hissed a little, and bit at your bottom lip. “Okay, maybe a little less good than fine.”
“He was a big dude,” Jake said, smiling fondly at you. You hadn’t realized you had tilted your head toward his touch until Jake’s thumb was sweeping gently over your cheek. “You held your own. You’re a helluva girl.”
“You’re gonna make me blush, Seresin,” you said, laughing nervously. “Thank you, by the way. For standing up for me. You really didn’t have to.”
“Oh, but I wanted to, darlin’,” he said, scooting a little closer to you, the legs of his chair scraping against the floor.
Oh shit.
“Jake,” you murmured as he leaned in, lips sweeping gently over yours.
You should’ve cared that he was hurt, you should’ve cared that his mouth was still bloody, but you didn’t. A ragged sigh escaped you and you kissed him a little harder.
Jake hissed.
“Oh!” you said, reaching up to cover your mouth as Jake pulled away. “Sorry, sorry!”
“S’okay,” Jake said, smiling and cautiously touching his lips. “Just … maybe let’s not kiss again until my lip isn’t so split?”
You smiled, nodding your head. “Yeah, okay. I think I can do that.” You reached out for his hand again, not having finished cleaning up his knuckles. “Holding hands is nice too.”
Jake laughed. “Yeah. Holding hands is nice.”
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jae-bummer · 1 year
The Epitome of Okay
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Request: can i get a christopher bang and #12. thank yooou!
12) Your bias needs a fake partner for a family event. Are you up for the task?
Prompt list can be found HERE.
Pairing: Stray Kids Chan x Reader
Genre: Fluff
"Your sister hates me," you muttered, trying to adjust yourself in Chan's bed.
"My sister doesn't haaate you," he hummed from his pallet on the floor beside you. "She just takes awhile to warm up to people."
"She knows, Chris," you grumbled, flopping over moodily so you could face where he was laying. "I don't know how, but she does."
Your stomach felt hollow as you replayed the afternoon's events and how exactly the two of you had landed in this situation. It was nearly a month ago now that Chan had casually asked you over coffee if you wanted to visit home with him for his brother's graduation. After you had kindly declined, he went on to list the reasons why this was such an important thing.
Namely, that he had told his parents that he had a partner in order for them to get off his case about it.
"They feel like I work too much," he grumbled.
"You do," you had agreed knowingly.
Chan shot you a dirty look. "And getting into a relationship would help me take a step back and enjoy myself, but I enjoy myself just fine!"
"Oh yeah, sleeping three hours a night and being in chronic pain is a blast," you muttered, stirring your coffee with a straw.
"So you agree with them," he had smiled. "And therefore, you volunteer?"
And you had. During the ten hour flight, you tried not to think too hard about what you were actually doing, but Chan had made it difficult. Sitting beside you, he rattled off facts and memories of his family that he thought may come up in conversation that you should know. Granted, you were friends, so you had always had at least a surface level understanding of how his family dynamic worked, but now you'd really be put to the test.
It seemed as if as soon as you had set foot on Australian soil, the nightmare had began. Of course his parents were overzealous with excitement that they got to meet you, but his siblings? Not so much. His brother stayed pretty detached, while his sister could only look at you warily. You weren't sure where you went wrong. You had sucked it up and allowed Chan to hold your hand, let him put his hand on your lower back, and even kissed him on the cheek once. All things considered, you should've gotten an Oscar for your performance. It didn't matter if the simple skin to skin contact had repeatedly sent shivers across your body and caused your face to warm. You wouldn't examine that part too closely.
"Maybe we're not laying it on thick enough," you whispered more to yourself than to Chan.
"And how do you suggest we do that?" he chuckled. He rolled over to look up at you from his floor-bed. "More skinship is only going to make her make fun of us, Y/N."
"I'm not talking about skinship..." you said slowly, trying to gather your thoughts. "I'm talking about familiarity."
From the dim lighting of the mood lamps behind the bed, you could see Chan's face contort with confusion. "We are familiar with each other."
Taking a deep breath, you leaned over the edge of the bed to look at him more directly. "Physical familiarity, Chris."
"Why do those two words together make me blush?" he laughed nervously.
You rolled your eyes. "I mean, we don't act fluidly together. We're not used to cuddling, or holding each other's hands, or knowing how to act completely comfortable around one another."
"I get what you're saying," he nodded. "We don't know how to interact when we're sharing the same space."
"Exactly," you said, relieved he had caught up. "What did you think I meant?"
"It would be better if I didn't say it out loud."
You laughed, trying to maintain your courage. "Would you be okay with sharing the bed with me?"
"When you say it like thaaaat," he sang. "I'm not too sure if my first thought was entirely off base."
"I'm not trying to corrupt you!" you gasped. "Not like you need any help in that."
"I am the picture of innocence and purity, thank you very much." You didn't have to look at him to know he was grinning.
"Did those words burn as they were leaving your mouth?"
"Okay, first, rude," he said, finally sitting up. "And two, why am I getting into bed with you then?"
"I, uh," you said quietly. "Want to try something."
"Sounds not suspicious at all," he sighed. Throwing off his covers, he got to his feet, and moved slowly around the bed. Crawling under the blankets, he lay flat on his back, eying you skeptically. "Now what?"
"Umm..." you hummed, totally winging it as you went. "Roll onto your side?"
"Rolling," he confirmed as he faced you. Your bodies were so close at this point, it made the next action easier. Scooting forward, you nestled your body into his.
"Is this okay?" you whispered, refusing to look up. Your eyes remained level with his collarbones and you were going to keep it that way until you could tell your heart to calm down.
"Yep," he said a bit too loud. "Totally fine. Why wouldn't it be?"
You attempted to keep your breathing even, but it was difficult when he was breathing erratically himself.
"I...uh...I don't know what to do with my hands." His voice was a bit more rough than it had been previously.
"Do we cuddle? I assume you've cuddled before?"
"Of course I have!" he said quickly. "And I've had no complaints!"
"Then maybe, you know, we should try doing it?" you winced. You could practically hear Chan's gears spinning as he tried to sort things out.
Swallowing loud enough for you to hear, Chan wrapped his arm around your lower back and pulled you close, eliminating what little space there had been between your bodies.
Your face was now tucked into the crook of his shoulder, and god, did he smell good. Something musky with an undertone of vanilla mingled so well on his skin that you couldn't stop sniffing.
"Are you comfortable?" he asked quietly.
You were more than comfortable. You didn't know if you had ever felt this safe in your entire life. Chan had always been a protective friend who you admired greatly for his work ethic and morality. You had always kept any romantic thoughts at bay because of that. He was your friend, Chan. Not this wildly hot and respectful gentleman, Chris. You could never even fantasize about that side of him because it would never happen like that between the two of you...right?
"Very," you finally answered.
"I can see your point," he continued, his voice barely above a breath.
"My point?" you asked. Your head was swimming with every inappropriate thought you could imagine, not how the two of you had gotten there.
"How realistic can we be if we've never actually been this close? How can I act like I know how your skin feels on mine without actually holding you?"
"Right," you croaked. "This. Totally great idea by me. You're welcome."
You could feel the laugh rumble through Chan's chest. "Are you sure you're okay? If you're uncomfortable, we can-"
"Chris," you whispered. "I am irrationally comfortable right now."
"Oh," he said quietly. His fingers had began to move in small circles on the section of your lower back where your shirt had ridden up. "I was thinking..."
"I didn't see the smoke coming out of your ears," you chuckled.
"You'd have to look at me first," he said, a bit more seriously than you had expected.
Blinking up at him in surprise, you tilted your head back so you could actually hold eye contact.
"Much better," he managed. His voice was more gravelly than you had ever heard it before. "I was thinking maybe I could try something? But I need to make sure you're okay with it first."
"I told you-"
"No," he said finitely. "This is different."
The words you were going to say evaporated from your throat immediately. "Okay."
"Okay," you confirmed.
"Okay," he repeated.
Tilting his head slowly down, the realization hit you. He was going to kiss you, and you were far more excited than you should be.
Moving your face forward as well, your eyes fluttered closed, waiting for the inevitable contact...until you felt the smallest kiss...
On the tip of your nose.
Letting out a surprise laugh, you opened your eyes again to find him grinning at you.
"I just wanted to see if you were really okay," he laughed.
"You absolute tease!" you groaned, embarrassment flooding you at his small trick.
"Can I try again?" he asked, biting his lip. You could see the amusement and hope bright in his eyes.
"If you must," you nodded.
This time, Chan moved much less slowly as his lips finally met yours. Catching your mouth and tilting your face upward just by the pressure of the kiss, you were surprised to hear a small groan slip from the back of your throat. Seeming to give him the boost of approval that he needed, Chan's hand moved from your waist to your neck. His fingers were a whisper against your skin as he chose that time to deepen the kiss. Pulling your bottom lip between his teeth, it was his turn to groan as he roughly let go and caught your mouth again. You had never been kissed like this. It wasn't casual and it wasn't fevered, but something more certain. Chan wanted you to know what this meant. He wanted to you to realize that if you were going to do this, you really would be. No more pretending. He was staking his claim here and now.
Trading kisses for what could have easily been ten minutes or an hour, you couldn't be sure, Chan finally kissed the corner of your mouth before withdrawing his face from yours.
"So maybe," he hummed, his voice the embodiment of positivity. "We don't have to fake it anymore."
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apurplenessie · 9 months
How would the 141 + Alejandro + Rodolfo + König React to a morning “helpout”?
MDNI! GN Reader!
! GN reader! Part 2 Alejandro & König. Sorry for taking  wayyy too long to write, work and school  is a bitch. (fellow IB’ers whats uppppp?) this one is a long boi (2.6k words ;) dont tell me i dont treat my fellow alejandro & könig enjoyers well)
keep in mind i've never written for these characters before ( also i'm not fluent in spanish nor german + english is my third language so yk read with a grain of salt). Requests are more than welcome! THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT THO! I defiently want to write for Gaz soon but i gotta figure out his character better!
Contents: graphic descriptions of oral m!receiving. Lots of boners lmao. Yeah I know it can get repetitive but the prompt is limiting. 
You were on base with him. It had been a super slow day but you enjoyed it because your schedules matched up. Most of it had been spent in Alejandro's large office, you two sitting in silence while doing paperwork. You and Alejandro were usually loud but it's days like this that make you certain that you love him. Just peeking over your papers and getting eye contact. The smirk he gives back, the twinkle in his eyes, god it could keep you up for days. Just that image of him.. 
Of course after sitting down for hours you needed to move. He led you to the training area and you had a blast. Training was always more exciting with someone else but it was magical with a man like Alejandro. 
The way his arms flexed when he would lift the weights. The way his thigh muscles could be seen moving in the hip adduction machine. Of course he knew you were staring and he made sure you saw he added your exact weight to his hip thrusts… 
It was the subtle ways Alejandro could seduce you further. He was all talk with many others but these unspoken flirtations were his attempts at showing his attention was purely on you. And you had to admit it worked. 
He scoffed at you when you suggested with a wink that you’d shower together. “Lo siento amor, can't be caught fooling around like that on my own base” He grinned “Though i’ll make sure to grant you your wish next time we’re home, ok?” He winked and you separated to wash off the sweat. 
You didn't say where you’d meet up again. You didn't think much of it but after 2 hours of no Alejandro and waiting at his office you went looking for him. 
Not in the kitchen, not in the common room. He was with Rodolfo in the training area. ..Cute you thought to yourself as you watched them brawl. 
Like a lightbulb lighting over your head you got an idea. Finding a way more mischievous use for the water bottle you held in your hand. 
You snuck up to them, hiding amongst the training equipment. Alejandro had his back turned to you and rodolfo was solely focused on taking the taller man down. “Try to catch me hermano - bet you can’t” Alejandro teased. Rudolfos eyes as usual barked back a louder response than his mouth. His eyes darted over to you as you were nearing your boyfriend. He was a smart man who immediately refocused his eyes back into staring down Alejandro’s. Though now he sported a smirk. “What's with the sudden change in confidence, really think you can intimidate me amigo?” Alejandro spat in a mocking tone. Though shortly his breath hitched and he yelped. You poured your ice cold water all down his back. 
He turned around sulking, slightly shivering due to the drastic temperature change. He had barely started sweating again but his shirt was soaking wet and clung to his strong muscles. He let out a low whine “Por quééééé”  
Rudolfo snickered, now behind Alejandro “ Gracias, Y/n” he tossed his friend a towel, warm by the gym's temperature. 
“Stabbed in the back by my own amor de mi vida” Alejandro dramatically moaned, grabbing his chest in pretend physical pain. You scoffed and kissed him on the cheek. “Feel better now” you held his face in your hands. He pulled you in by your shirt collar and you could feel his forever warm chest up against yours. He went in a bit and licked from your collarbone to your ear lobe. Too distracted to hear Rudolfo silently backing out of the room to give you your privacy. “Maybe, but I'll get my payback sometime baby” He’d whisper before shoving you away playfully.  
After a long day together you ended up on the roof of the base. It was a secret spot that was reserved for just Alejandro - and now you. As unbelievable as it was to you, it was also kept secret from Rodolfo. 
You had taken two thermo containers of coffee / tea out with you. As well as some simple biscuits. But the aura still felt heavy coated in luxury when you looked up towards the sky, in the arms of the man you loved so much. You admired his relaxed face in the pale moonlight. Caught up in massaging his hand you didn't notice he had fallen asleep. Only when you heard the familiar sound of his light snoring, did you go to look at him again in his now slumbing state. He was normally cute, but in his current state he was adorable. 
You initially had no intention of waking him up but that changed when he transformed from a peaceful state to a groaning stirring mess. You were scared that he was having a nightmare and contemplated waking him up. 
That was before you looked down to see a bulge not present before - and heard what was suspiciously horny noise mewling out of his mouth. 
You flushed at the lewd noise. Wanting to help out but after all he seemed more than hesitant to do that stuff on his base. However, this was his secret spot… You slid a hand under the blankets covering you both. Snaking your hand down, pushing his shirt to the side and rubbing the base of his cock with probably a shockingly cold hand. He responded with a little puff of air and a thrust of his hips into your hand. 
His dick was warm and you laughed at using it as a hand warmer. His cock grew harder with each stroke and his eyebrows knitted themself into patterns on his forehead. He wore his focused expression but with closed eyes instead. 
You dragged his pants down, slightly cringing at the thought of his sensitive skin hitting the cool night air. Your solution? Taking as much of him into your mouth and rubbing his thighs trying to keep his warmth. 
Alejandro woke himself up with a guttural groan. He was quick to figure out the situation, he hadn't fallen into deep sleep. His chest rising and falling as he lifted a hand to brush your hair with his fingers. 
“Fuccck cariño, you look espléndido debajo de mí~” he’d be too needy, too cocky to stop himself from thrusting into your throat. Throwing his head back as he did so. 
He wouldn't care how he’d cum. Either cumming on your chest or deep in your throat, it didn't matter. He just wanted his mark on you. 
“Feel better now?” You’d joke and he chuckled, interrupted by distorted breathing. 
After he did catch up with his breath, though, he'd be on you like an animal, smirking in that magical way. 
“ I need you baby, so so bad” He’d hover over you, pulling you into a heavenly makeout session, so close to the stars. 
It had started the day before. You had no real way of knowing if König was just busy or if he was, like your gut was telling you, ignoring you. Some days it was just difficult figuring what was happening in that gorgeous covered head walking 2 meters above the ground. 
You didn't always know what was going on inside of his head but you'd give him space if he needed it.
Going to the common kitchen for a hot cup of coffee you saw him pour his own. Taking the time to admire your boyfriend as he was standing out like a sore thumb in the small tea kitchen.
Of course, he'd know you were staring. A soldier in his rank would be dead if he couldn't notice your ogling eyes. But he didn't say anything, just turned on his heel. You thought he’d sit at the small metal table, but no, he stormed out of the room, through the opposite door. Which was further away than the one you just came from, you noted to yourself.
Ok so he was mad. While watching the instant coffee melt, then foam up, you thought of what you could do. It wasn't easy to confront him like this. You two would be texting frequently when either of you was away, but right now you were both here and it felt obnoxious to text him when he was right there.
“Man problems, huh?” You heard the teasing tone of Soap coming up from behind you. 
“How do you know that?” You question him. Staring at him you knew that if HE knew - there was a good chance it ment bad news. 
“Sorry i notice the 2’ meter and hell man running away from his ‘little rodent’ or whatever he calls you' You snort, thinking fondly of the actual nickname your boyfriend called you during the softer moments together. Little mouse, you wanted to be his little mouse in his shirt pocket right about now. It bothered you deeply that he was acting this way, and soaps expression turned slightly less smirky when he saw your expression change. 
“Yeah i don't know he seems upset at me but i don't know why” you sighed. Soap gave you the best advice he had, which was useless anyways. His relationship dynamics not matching yours at all. 
König continued to not even look in your general direction for the rest of the day. You got tired of it and tried to call him before bed. He didn't pick up. You wrote him a message before throwing away your phone and going to sleep. “Hey what's up? Please talk to me König.” Your message was left to read. 
The alarm called its usual warcry at 6 am. You had gotten your hours but felt restless. The situation with König was affecting you more than you thought it would. Especially looking at your phone and seeing that König had not returned anything. He could be really upset if you did not respond to him reaching out. You couldn't blame him for his anxiety but at this moment it felt especially cold. Fuck this, you’d confront him. 
First thing in the morning you had a briefing and Soap was really enjoying this new aura on you. You stayed silent, frustration bubbling underneath your skin. You stood up and left with a loud bang of the chair you were sitting on falling. But you didn't care. You didn't care if Price would view it as a sign of disrespect. That was something you could deal with later, you left for later. 
This time, when you entered the tea kitchen, he was sitting there. Uncharacteristically all of his focus was on his phone. So focused in fact he didn't seem to notice your shadow slowly encompassing his sitting silhouette. 
“König, talk to me.” You commanded but choked on your words, biting the inside of your cheek in exasperation. Tears threatened to escape your eyes when you saw his hood flow in a sigh. He went to stand up but you put a strong hand on his shoulder and prevented him from doing so. He gave an impatient groan in response. 
“Please if i did something wrong at least let me know what” His icey eyes looked up into yours. The staredown that most likely lasted less than half a minute felt like an hour in a snowstorm. You saw the storm under his irises. “Not here” He mumbled, rolling his shoulder to push your hand off but indicated for you to follow when he left the room. 
He led you to his quarters. A route you had not taken in painfully long but knew by heart. The silence on the way there was new though. The only sound was cadettes yelling vaguely in the background, the constant hum of electronics and his heavy footsteps. 
He opened the door for you, the room hitting you with his comfortable smell. But you felt a stranger in the room, you. The way he now stood over you. Awkward position behind the now closed off door. The sound of his heavy footsteps had been replaced by your heartbeats. “So…” You wanted answers. 
He started pacing around the room. Periodically looking in your direction. You let him think. His shoulders dropped and he stood before you. “You.. if you want him more, then just go” He took your hands in his own, brushing his thumbs over your knuckles. 
You paused in partial confusion and disgust. Who was this other man? “König i have no idea what you are talking about” 
He puffed in impatience “Soap. I see the way you look at each other” the silence that followed felt like fire. As much as you wanted to respect the insecurity of your lover you lost it and started hysterically laughing. “SOAP? You can't be serious. I see that idiot as an annoying brother at best!” 
He gave another sigh in annoyance “Please take me seriously y/n. Don't toy with me like this” His eyebrows furrow visibly under the mask. 
“Entschuldigung mein König, didn't mean to make you insecure” You stepped closer. It was comforting to know that his behavior did not stem from him growing to dislike you but you still felt guilty for making him think you had a thing for another man. 
After talking it out with him you had both grown exhausted. He was sitting on his bed, head in his hands. You stood in front of him, taking his hands away and placing soft kisses on his temples. 
“Nap with me, bitte” His eyes blinked tired, the blue orbs staring up into your eyes expectantly. 
You laid together for the first time in what felt like an eternity. The familiar smell of him under his garments and gear. The way he held onto you, made it feel like you were two puzzle pieces joining together perfectly. 
You were the first one to wake up after a couple of sweet hours. You took the time to look at his sleeping face, seeing him so vulnerable, unlike what he shows to everyone else. 
When you shifted to get better access to his face you felt something else. You froze contemplating what to do in this situation, before getting an idea. I’ll show him I'm his, you thought to yourself, a smirk forming on your lips. 
You moved away under the duvet, cringing at the cold air hitting your body. Looking up at him you could see his peaceful expression had changed to one of slight discomfort at the exposure to cold air as well. 
Taking in the sight of this large man, in this large bed. You’d plant kisses starting from how far you could reach when still being straddled just below his hips. As soon as you’d put weight on his crotch he’d sit up, awake and alerted. He’d look puzzled, disheveled his short hair pointing in all different directions. “What,  what are you doing?” He’d question. 
“I'll show you it's only you who I want.” His eyes widened as you pushed him gently into a comfortable resting position again. 
Releasing him from his underwear, you’d hear him start groaning. “Gott I missed this” he’d whine, already too desperate for his own good. 
Starting to stroke his reddening cock, his large hands gripping the sheets. You only hummed as a response, spitting on it to lube it up. 
His breathing was irregular and deep. He was touch starved severely due to most of his life spent in the forces. 
His hands found the back of your head as you decided to take the tip into your mouth. He was impatient, so close already - and not in the mood to wait. He pushed you down, not paying attention to the small gags coming from you. “Gott~” He cursed with his head thrown back. 
He’d cum fast but hard. His body tensed. He’d cum down your throat no questions asked. Though he’d be a bit embarrassed by his behavior as he calmed down. 
He spent the hours following glued to you. Either in bed or around the base. Soap made an effort to disappear as soon as he could hear the familiar Austrian giants footsteps. 
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now i'm fallin' in faster
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader
Warnings: alcohol is consumed but it's pretty vague cause i don't know how to write drunk characters
Words: 3K
A/N: this is very loosely based on disaster by conan gray because I've been playing it on repeat all week thinking of jj so i hope yall like it !!!
It was a late night at the boneyard, where a party was in full swing.
You stood off to the side, rolling your eyes while Kie was in the middle of trying to convince you for the millionth time that JJ was deeply in love with you and that you had to ask him out right that instant. She’d had a few drinks and was a little more persuasive than she usually was.
Still, you continued to brush her off, eyeing the crowd around you while she nursed her drink.
“Y/N, I have known him my whole life. I am one hundred percent certain he’s in love with you!” She said, arms moving so enthusiastically that she almost spilled her beer onto the sand.
“Kie, he really isn’t.” While every part of you wanted to believe he really did like you, there was no way you’d let yourself get your hopes up only to have them crushed in the face of his rejection. “Plus, if I ask him out and he says no? That will destroy the group dynamic! I’ll never be able to show my face around him or any of you, and I refuse to be the reason that the pogues are forced to disband!”
“Except he’s not gonna say no!” Kie leaned closer to you, a wide smile on her face. She nudged you lightly, ignoring the glare you sent her way. “He really likes you, trust me.”
As the words leave her mouth, you look past her and see JJ Maybank himself.
He was leaning against a tree, drink in hand, talking to some touron that was batting her eyelashes at him.
You grimace, forcing yourself to look away just long enough to make disappointed eye contact with Kie.
It’s enough to make her turn, shoulders dropping sadly when she catches sight of him.
“Shit,” She muttered, giving you a pitied look that you tried to ignore.
You brushed it off, shaking your head and plastering on a smile.
“Hey, it’s fine.”
She doesn’t look the slightest bit convinced, so you keep talking.
“I was right at least.” You take a couple of steps away from her, already fishing your keys out of your pocket to flee the party scene.
Before you did, you quickly turned back to your friend, holding the keys up.
“You don’t need a ride home, right?” For emphasis, you dangled the car keys, but Kie shook her head.
“Nah, I got a ride tonight.”
You nod, forcing yourself to keep the smile on your face. Turning, you throw up a hand in a quick wave.
“Later Kie!”
You tried to ignore the feeling of bile in your throat as you trudged through the sand toward where you parked your car. While staying sober had made the night mind-numbingly boring, it gave you the opportunity to make a clean getaway before you had to talk to JJ and get your feelings hurt.
The whole drive home you kept the music on full blast, hoping that if it was loud enough it would keep your darker thoughts from invading your mind.
It only half worked.
Once you were finally home, you collapsed onto your bed with a heavy sigh, staring up at the ceiling while your thoughts went wild with every awkward thing you’d said and done since the party started.
Despite your reluctance, you forced yourself back up, climbing off the bed to peel off the uncomfortable clothes Kie convinced you to wear for the party. You did admit they made you look good, but in the dead of night when you were half awake, it didn’t feel very worth it.
Throwing on some soft pajamas, you curled back up in bed, pulling out your phone.
Like most nights, you found yourself hovering over JJ’s contact.
Usually, you would type out a long message detailing how in love with him you were, and then delete it like nothing ever happened. Now, however, you were eyeing the call button.
You knew he hadn’t gone home yet, and if you were to actually call him you doubt he’d even answer.
God, you just wanted to hear his voice.
The loneliest parts of you took control, and you let your eyes flutter closed for a second.
“Hello?” Your eyes shot open when you heard JJ’s voice on the other line, barely even registering the fact that you’d even pressed the call button.
Scrambling, you put the phone to your ear, cursing yourself internally as you stumbled towards an explanation.
“I’m so sorry,” You started, screwing your eyes shut in embarrassment.
“What’s up?” He asked. You could still hear the party going on around him, and you tried not to think about how he still picked up – and almost immediately, too.
“I’m just drunk,” The lie slips from your lips before you can really think about it. “I shouldn’t have called-”
“Y/N-” He tried to interrupt, but you were already rambling on.
“I just wanted to… um… chat?” You pinched the bridge of your nose, trying to get your brain to start functioning.
JJ didn’t say anything for a while, and you swore you faintly heard John B asking him a question in the distance.
“I’m just, uh, I’m drunk,” You repeated, still unsure why you were lying about that. If you thought any harder you would remember that you told JJ you weren’t drinking tonight when he offered you a solo cup full of beer. “I’m just gonna let you go, I’m sorry for calling-”
“Hey,” He almost sounded frustrated, and the firm tone made you freeze up. “Chill, Y/N.”
You stayed deathly silent, barely remembering to breathe.
“I know you’re not drunk, I saw you ten minutes ago driving home. What’s actually up?” Shit. You didn’t think he actually saw you leaving.
You didn’t know what to say, opening and closing your mouth with no luck.
“You don’t have to lie to me, you know.” JJ continued, his voice much softer now. “Why’d you call, sunshine?”
The nickname pulled something within your heart, and you were sure that if you were drunk, you would’ve told him everything in an instant.
“Just wanted to talk?” It came out almost like a question, and you could hear a car door opening and closing on the other line.
“What’d you wanna talk about?”
And so, the two of you spent the next few hours chatting about anything that came to your mind. JJ had moved into the Twinkie to get away from the noise, and you forced your eyes to stay open despite how exhausted you were, just to talk to him.
“Hey, maybe I’ll drop by tomorrow. I can bring food and we can watch some movies?” He said it in a way that made it sound like he was unsure you’d even say yes. The thought of him coming over alone made your heart beat just a little faster, despite how often it had happened at this point.
It was nights like these that you liked to pretend he could be yours. Deep down, you knew it was a fantasy that was far out of your reach, but with the way his voice was softer than anything, you couldn’t help the giddy smile pulling at your lips.
“That sounds nice.”
JJ chuckled, and you could finally hear him shifting from his spot on the floor of the Twinkie.
He only hung up when John B began piling into the car with Pope and Kie in tow, hurriedly telling you goodbye before you were sitting alone in the silence of your bedroom.
You couldn’t wipe the smile off your face no matter how hard you tried, keeping your phone tucked close to your chest as if it would float away.
You were definitely in too deep.
Slowly, you brought yourself back to reality, the darkness of your room reminding you that JJ was not in fact yours, and if he hadn’t been on the way to the Chateau right now, he’d be bringing home the nearest girl that gave him the time of day.
He wasn’t yours, and you had to get over that.
It was in the middle of your spiraling that your phone buzzed.
It was a text from JJ.
“Is noon tomorrow okay?”
You grinned, remembering he was coming over. He may have all the girls on the island wrapped around his finger, but you were the one he wanted to see outside of the parties and away from all the alcohol.
When another party rolled around, you weren’t surprised to see JJ not far off with a girl who you paled in comparison to.
You were already a little drunk, content in the knowledge that John B was driving you back to the Chateau with the rest of the pogues tonight.
JJ leaned closer to the girl, whispering something in her ear. She giggled, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, pushing through the party to get to the keg. You tried to squeeze your eyes shut, shaking your head a couple of times to rid the image from your mind, but it proved persistent. It felt like the image of him leaning over her was burned in your memory now.
Finally, you made it to the keg, and a kid around your age offered to refill your cup for you.
So you did.
Then, you refilled it again. And again. And again.
It wasn’t until Pope was grabbing the drink out of your hand that you really realized how far you had gone.
“Let’s get you home, okay?” John B’s voice made you turn, not even noticing him standing beside Pope until he spoke.
Home, you knew, meant the Chateau. There was no way John B would drive you home to face your parents when you were this plastered.
With a faint nod, you let him guide you to the car. Pope followed, calling out to Kie to let her know they’d be back once they got you situated.
You were silent the whole car ride there, half asleep on Pope’s shoulder.
When you arrived, Pope opened the door for the two of you and walked you inside with John B trailing behind. He tossed you a pair of old sweatpants you left behind forever ago, and one of the guys’ t-shirts that was lying around, turning around while you changed.
Once they made sure you were situated, they left to make their way back to the party.
You sat alone in the guest room and pulled out your phone.
The confession you would type out to JJ became nearly a nightly ritual, so much so that even in your drunken state you were focused on typing out everything you were feeling for him.
You stared down at the essay of a text message, exhaling deeply before going to delete it.
It wasn’t until your finger slipped and you pressed send that you began to panic.
Leaping out of the bed, you gaped at the screen in disbelief, hoping against all odds that it wasn’t real.
“Shit,” You hissed, the panic sobering you up just a bit. “Shit, shit, shit!”
Not only did you officially ruin everything, but you were still drunk and JJ was gonna come back with the group at some point. On nights like these, you usually slept in the guest room with him, since neither of you minded sharing a bed.
Guess that’s out the window, now.
“Fuck!” You threw your phone onto the bed, covering your mouth with your hands.
This can’t be real.
A couple of seconds had barely passed before you were lunging for your phone again. It was like a trainwreck and you couldn’t look away.
You sat there, staring at the phone for what felt like hours, though it couldn’t have been more than a couple of minutes.
Every minute that he didn’t respond, you thought of a new reason that your friendship was over forever.
Suddenly, a knock at the door to the guest room startled you out of your thoughts. You stared at it for a few seconds before hauling yourself out of the bed, swinging the door open a little too fast.
JJ stood before you, holding his phone up with an unreadable expression.
“Can we talk?”
Your heart plummeted to the floor, and you barely managed a nod before he was shoving his way into the room, shutting the door behind him a little too harshly for your comfort.
“So,” He took a careful seat at the edge of the bed, looking up at you. “What was that text about?”
You were definitely still too drunk to have this conversation. Your heart was practically beating out of your chest and your knees were a couple of seconds away from buckling completely.
When you didn’t say anything, JJ quickly stood back up, the intensity of his gaze making you forget to breathe for a moment.
“I’m sorry,” You started, breathless.
He stayed silent, awaiting your explanation. Part of you was waiting too, because how the hell were you gonna get out of this one alive?
“I’m just really drunk,” The look in his eyes made you falter, but you forced yourself to press on. “I was gonna just delete it after I typed it out like I usually do, but I pressed the wrong button-”
“Like you usually do?”
“Uh, I mean,” You rubbed the back of your neck, firmly avoiding eye contact. “I- uh, forget I said that?”
JJ shook his head almost imperceptibly.
“Listen just please can we forget this ever happened?” The second you looked into his eyes you regretted it. The look he gave you was almost as heartbroken as you felt.
In your drunken state, you continued talking, not letting him get a word in. Part of you thought that if you kept talking forever he would never get the chance to reject you.
“I just, I had a lot to drink – ask Pope, he’ll tell you. I was just really lonely cause I was… well, alone… and you were the first person I thought of, and-”
“Hey-” He tried to interrupt, but you were still going strong.
“It was just stupid drunk rambling. I mean, I could barely stand, JJ-”
“Stop.” The firmness in his voice made you do as he said.
“I didn’t mean it.” You finished quietly, barely able to get the words out.
“Don’t lie to me,” He sighed, dropping his gaze to the floor. You didn’t think it was possible, but you swore your heart broke even more when he refused to look at you.
It wasn’t until he chuckled lightly that you realized he wasn’t upset. He shook his head, still staring at the floor, the grin on his face widening.
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve been in love with you?” His words made your heart skip a beat, and you stared up at him in awe.
“What?” You couldn’t help but ask, trying to make sure you didn’t imagine it.
“God,” He threw his head back, rolling his eyes playfully. “Don’t make me say it again.”
A smile made its way onto your face, and you risked a step closer to him. The action alone made JJ’s full attention fall back on you.
You could feel your heart beating fast out of your chest with the way he was looking at you. The glint in his eyes was enough to nearly knock you off your feet, and you couldn’t tear your gaze away from his even if you wanted to.
“Hey,” Lightly, he brought a hand up, resting it on your shoulder. “This is your turn to say something.”
Still, you stayed silent, barely registering the words coming out of his mouth. You were sure you were stuck in a dream and one wrong move would make you wake up to a world where you were alone again.
“Please say something.” He repeated, and you managed to snap yourself out of the daze you were in.
“I didn’t think…” You trailed off, not realizing you’d grabbed his hand, mindlessly fiddling with his fingers.
“Didn’t think what, pretty girl?” He was smirking now, fighting every urge not to just kiss you right there.
You brought your focus back to him, taking silent note of how much closer he’d gotten to you.
“I didn’t think you liked me back.”
Ever so gently, he leaned forward, resting his forehead against yours.
“I don’t remember using the word like, sunshine.” His voice was low, near a whisper, but you heard him loud and clear.
“I guess Kie was right then.” You grinned, your hands moving up to rest at his waist. “I should’ve asked you out much sooner.”
“You really should’ve.” He pulled you impossibly closer. “Would’ve saved so much time.”
“I was just scared.” You pulled back just enough to get a better look at him. “I mean, you’re so… you, and I didn’t wanna ruin our friendship because if I asked you out and you said no it would destroy the whole dynamic we have, and then the group would-”
Before you could finish your sentence, JJ’s lips were on yours.
Instinctively, your hands came up, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. You felt him smile into the kiss before the two of you had to pull away for air.
“God, I can’t believe I can finally kiss you.” He muttered, now cupping your cheek with one hand.
With a light laugh, you buried your neck into his neck, letting yourself fall further into his embrace.
“Me too.”
And in the quiet moment, you forgot about the pogues that were surely piled on the couch down the hall. The only thing you could think of was how JJ’s arms were around you, his thumb gently rubbing up and down at your waist.
You were definitely in too deep.
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