#and then they told him if he ever wants to donate again ''just come on back'' with no mention of how long before he was eligible again
theradicalace · 1 year
so so funny when i notice super niche things wrong with a fic. like this fic i just read was about a character donating blood except the author has very clearly never donated blood because nearly every part of the process was wrong
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astraystayyh · 15 days
chan x reader. hurt and lots of comfort. description of an anxiety attack and its aftermath (based on my own experiences).
please consider donating for gaza through my kofi. we have exceeded 1k dollars and our goal is 1500! a little goes a long way, you can donate as much as you can! thank you
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If you remain still long enough, breathe as quietly as you can muster, would the world forget you exist and pass your anxiety along to somebody else?
A selfish question, perhaps, but one that you can’t help but ask as you sit on your freezing bathroom floor, knees tightly hugged to your chest.
You don’t know how long it’s been since you’ve sat in this position. Time suddenly seemed elusive to you, as if a concept too hard for your frantic heart to grasp. All you knew was the ache of your limbs and the feeling that doom was just around the corner.
It was one of those days where you woke up feeling anxious. As if your brain had made up its mind about you in your sleep, deciding to hold you hostage to your anxiety. The bed was cold, your boyfriend Chan long gone to his studio, his lingering cologne the only indication he was ever there. So, you tried to distract yourself throughout the day— going on a walk, listening to music, cleaning your house, but it didn't help. Nothing seemed to help you.
So here you were, hours later, sat on your bathroom floor, trying to calm yourself down, all alone. But you could tell that it wasn't working, that you were on a losing race against your own body. Soon, you wouldn't be able to control your anxiety, soon it would turn into a full blown attack.
You wanted to call Chan, you truly did, but he was busy, and you refused to be a burden. Especially since he told you through texts that he'd be home late, so that definitely meant that he was making a new track in his studio.
So, you settled on rocking yourself back and forth, your hands slowly moving up to your shoulders, patting yourself down. This is what you used to do before knowing Chan. When you didn't have anyone around you who understood. You’d trick your bruised mind into believing you were hugged, the warmth of your own touch easing your anxiety a little.
But tonight it had the opposite effect. Tonight, you broke down in sobs, your breathing more irregular than ever. You curled into a ball on the floor, your hand moving to your chest in a futile attempt to slow down your heart. You could no longer breathe, the air in your lungs morphing into unkind fingers, choking you from within. White dots started dancing in front of your eyes, as your entire being shook like a lone leaf, left to fend for itself before the unyielding winds.
It suddenly got too much— the sobs, the pain, the ache. You couldn't bare it anymore. So with trembling hands, you unlocked your phone, calling the only person who would be able to calm you down. Chan. You put the phone on speaker, before tossing it on the ground next to you. You couldn't even muster the energy to hold it to your ear.
“Hi my love, I'm a bit busy right now can I call you later?” Chan's rushed words ring through the bathroom, your anxiety intensifying before the possible antidote. “Honey?” he asks again when he doesn’t hear your reply.
“Chan—“ you sob, the only word your weighted tongue allows you to speak of.
“I’m here, I'm here baby. I'm coming right now,” his panicked voice rings through your ears, following the frantic rush of your boiling blood. The sound of shuffling indicates that he’s getting up and leaving the studio, the confused ‘what’s going on?’ Han shouts confirms it.
The only reply you give him is your sobs, and his heart constricts, twists and turns at the sound of your cries. “Hey, hey, sweetheart. It’s okay, you’re okay. Breathe for me, okay? Take a deep breath with me, please—” his voice breaks, “please baby.”
You try, with all your will, to force a steady breath to rise from your stomach to the tip of your tongue. It escapes faintly, but Chan catches it. “You’re doing well, baby. Fuck—” he turns on his car’s engine. “Um… Minho bit my ass today.”
His words catch you off guard, the gears in your mind stopping for a split second. You remember a faint conversation under your covers, months ago, when you told him that distractions help you when you’re anxious. Force you to redirect your thinking somewhere else.
He remembered.
“Was it tasty?” you breathe out, and he chuckles, a sweet sound intermingled with a sigh of relief. “I don’t know, I need to ask him baby.”
You nod though he can’t see you, willing yourself to breathe again. In, out, in, out, Chan’s own breathing guiding you. “Should I bite him in return?” he asks. Tears pool in your eyes once again. “I’m close, so close,” he reassures.
“To the biting?”
“Mm,” you manage to hum, as you hear the door of your apartment open, Chan's hurried steps echoing in your home. You knew he was looking for you but you couldn't call out to him. After painfully long seconds, stretching out as if to torture you even more, he finally opens the bathroom floor.
He finally finds you.
“It's okay, I'm here. I'm here,” he wastes no time before scooping you into his arms and hugging you. He knows that the pressure eases your anxiety so he tightens his hold without you having to say so, pulling you as close as two pages of the same book.
With you on his lap, he starts rocking back and forth, his words coming out a jumble mess. He can’t settle on what to say to you, switching between stupid jokes his friends told him, and words of reassurance he repeats like a promise.
His words break, his tongue faltering each time your sob gets louder, but he speaks. He speaks and speaks for twenty minutes, all to distract you, all to keep you grounded, and safe.
After a long while, the storm finally passes, leaving behind an excruciating exhaustion. You turn into a puddle in his hold, softening like malleable clay. He holds you as gently as a porcelain vase.
His warm palms settle atop your cheeks, his eyes gazing into yours for the first time since he got here. A sheen glaze taints them, one you know is mirrored in your own. His thumbs gently swipe away your remaining tears, grazing your face with a tenderness that makes your being ache. Your lips press a faint kiss onto his palm, his find their way to your forehead, and you feel it all, through his kiss. His fear, his relief, his love, soft and gentle, for you.
“Thank you,” you whisper, voice slightly hoarse as you kiss his forehead back.
“I’ve got you my love. Always,” he smiles at you softly, his dimples appearing like the sun after a cold day.
“Did Minho really bite you?” you giggle faintly, and he scratches his ear sheepishly. “No, but I don’t put it past him to do it.”
“Is that something you’re into?” You cock a teasing eyebrow at him, and he shakes his head, his tongue pressed against the inside of his cheek. “Only if it’s you,” he says as he wraps his arm around your waist, picking you up swiftly.
“I’ll consider,” you yawn, wrapping your arms around his neck, your face finding a refuge in the crook of his neck.
“Why thank you,” he smiles as he leads you to your bedroom, settling you gently atop the bed. He quickly climbs in with you, bringing you so close to him, his warmth ends up spreading through your entire being, filling up every nook and cranny of your soul.
“I think as long as you’re near, I’ll always be okay,” you say, as your eyes close slowly, you miss the tender smile that blooms in his face at your words.
“Good thing I exist to be near you, then.”
please consider donating for gaza through my kofi. we have exceeded 1k dollars and our goal is 1500! a little goes a long way, you can donate as much as you can! thank you
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oceantornadoo · 3 months
Please I just want to say I LOVE YOU AND YOUR WORK HUHBBDEUBYUVTYVTUOVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you could come up with anything more on the Simon Riley Cut-bulk-the-bird-said-she-liked-me-big-thing I will be your servant forever.
tw: body talk (i headcanon simon as someone who shops in the big & tall section so i think his clothes would fit the body type of every reader. if you shop in that same section, imagine him being MORE bigger and taller than you. mans is 6'4 fr)
(a few months later)
simon almost ripped the shirt off his body in frustration. another piece of clothing he had outgrown. he added it to the pile of clothes that he couldn't fit anymore. sleeves too tight, stomach pushing out the fabric. sure he was still in shape, could pass the military physical easily, but he was no longer the lean 22-year-old he once was, muscles now hidden under layers of fat. and he hated it.
there was a knock at the door. still a little pissed off, he opened it with more force than necessary, grunting out "what." before even looking down at who knocked. just his luck, it was you, the one person he tried to be nice to.
"what's got you so grumpy?" you smiled up at him, all sugar and spice. you loved simon's growls, the social anxiety and introvertedness he hid under irritation. it just made it more valuable whenever he laughed at one of your god-awful puns or let you lay on his shoulder. you were never second-guessing if he liked you, mostly because he hated everyone else.
"sorry, didn't see it was you. was jus' doing some spring cleaning." you laughed, a tinkling sound that transitioned into a snort. he loved your insane laughter, a real sound of joy. you peered around his large torso and spotted the pile of clothes on his bed. "doing a big donation, simon?" it was always a punch to the gut to hear his name come out of your mouth, laced with sarcasm and cheek. ever since he told you you could say it in private with him a month ago, you never stopped using it. "somethin' like that. clothes piss me off." you huffed, pushing past him easily as he let you into his room. he closed the door behind you, trying to calm his heart rate as he saw you, here, in his space. like you were his too.
"what did the poor fabric do to you?" you sorted through the clothes, seeing nothing wrong with most. they were all practical clothes, but none had noticeable holes or wear. he mumbled something, too low for you to catch it. "say that again?" he scratched his head and looked away, almost meek. "said they don't fit." ah, there was the problem. "that's okay. just means your muscles are too big." you tried to give a compliment, anything to get rid of the storms in his eyes. "nah. 've gotten fat." you put the shirt you were holding down with force, stomping over to where he had now taken a seat at his spare chair. you stepped between his legs, which opened easily for you. you gripped his chin and turned it towards you, forcing eye contact. "so what? just means you've been eating well, simon. nothing wrong with that."
he looked down, almost reminding you of a kicked puppy. "you don't care?" you weren't dating, yet, but you two had some sort of a romantic understanding. some acknowledgement of there being more, an exclusive connection between you two. "no. i like my men big. like when you can throw me around." he barked out a laugh, surprised at your admission. you smiled back, satisfied. getting a laugh out of him was 80% of the battle. "and these clothes are still good for something." his eyes were on you again, questioning.
you walked back to the bed, full of confidence now. turning to face him, you slowly grabbed the hem of your shirt, untucking it from your tactical pants. he wasn't wearing his mask, so you could see his mouth physically drop at the action. ever so slowly, you raised your arms, bringing your shirt with you. you tossed the shirt aside, standing in front of him with only your bra and pants on. his eyes were dark with desire and he made a move to stand up, but you commanded him with a sharp "sit." like a loyal guard dog, he lowered himself back into his chair, complete captivated.
turning back to the bed, you grabbed one of his outgrown sweatshirts and put it on. it smelled like him, that masculine scent tinged with the cologne he sometimes wore. "see?" you gestured to the sweatshirt, too big on you. "you just gave me a bunch of free clothes." he grunted, still fixated on the sweatshirt. his lack of response made you nervous. "what?" you asked. "give us a spin." you spun slowly, trying not to smile too much. god, the things this man does to you.
"'like seeing my last name on you."
now whose jaw was dropping?
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anonymouslosersworld · 9 months
Prompt; Due to Mc continually being in danger and around the most powerful beings almost 24/7 for years, Mc's human evolution begins to kick into overdrive rushing to catch up to others and begins to evolve in unexpected ways.
Summary: Mc goes into a possessive induced heat.
Genre: smut (m)
Characters; Levi, Beelzebub, Belphie.
{A/N} I decided to mash two of my requests together so this will also include knotting. This is part one of 3. Levi, Beel, and Belphie.
Contains: Dom Mc, creampies, overstimulation, voyeurism, sub!character, pegging, Knotting, and possessive themes. Belphie has a mommy kink.
[Masterlist] [Masterlist.2] [Obey me Masterlist]
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The only thing you could hear in Levi's room was the constant sounds of his mouse clicking, keyboard smashing, and the occasional dinging of someone leaving a comment or donation. He was highly concentrated on his game, his eyeballs not ever leaving his screen. His eyes stung from not blinking. He refused to miss anything from his anime-based game. He barely heard you come into his room before he literally jumped from his chair when you snuck onto his lap and decided to straddle him within his chair.
"y/n, D-don't do that! You are such a normie!!"
He had forgotten entirely about your diagnosis.
"You smell so good, Levi." Your nose was nuzzled into his neck. You had basically melted onto his body he could basically call you his skin by how close you were to him. It didn't seem like it pleased you as you kept trying to get closer to him despite there being no space between you. Levi spared you a glance, it was a strange thing for you to say to him.
Your tongue licked below his ear making Levi squirm.
"w-what are--uugh~" Your teeth nibbled on his neck as your hand played with his hair.
"you're so tasty. "
Had you been possessed by Beel??? Levi thought.
"Can't wait till I have you. all to myself"
"woah what is even-" Levi was interrupted by yet again another bite of yours. He leaned his head away from you so you would have easier access to his neck. The sexually charged touching made him nervous, you had always been forward to most stuff but not this forward. The look in your eye told some story he couldn't comprehend. Well more like he refused to, he refused to believe you wanted to do THAT with a gross otaku like him. The firm grip at the base of one of his cocks woke him up. His hips jerked once you had put pressure on the base of his cock. His own pants were unzipped and you had managed to take out one of his cocks. Your fingers were shoved into Levi's mouth. The look on your face told him to lick them.
"y-y/n~" Levi moaned with your fingers in his mouth. His forked tongue swipes on your fingers before you pulled them out.
"'y/n." he whimpered
you're in heat
It had seemed that what made you snap because as soon as he moaned your name your forwardness doubled and Levi found himself being taken on the floor.
"a-ah fuck! " your fingers had gripped onto his ass kneading it.
Levi hastily tried getting back up from the floor to at least save some face and end his live stream but you managed to get a hold of his tail.
"mmph~!" Levi lightly moaned his face holding a heavy blush. His eyes trailed to his screen trying to focus on how to end the live stream quickly.
"y-y/n wa-ah~! wait let's just end thissss!~"
Your lips had trailed from his ear to his sensitive pale neck that now had little splotches of purple. Your teeth bite down on the side of his neck and that was all it took for Levi to go and go onto the floor away from his camera. You embraced him from behind jerking his cock, a perverted look on your face as you knew Levi was weak to your treatment
His grip on the edge of his desk was tight as he moaned. He panted barely keeping up with your bouncing on his cocks. His hair stuck to his forehead from his sweat.
"please y/n, stop! I'm going to knot you!"
"knot me bitch." Your hand smacks his ass leaving a red handprint.
"s-stop I'm close~!"
" I'll do everyone a favor and get the worthless gross otaku."
In his hysteria, Levi notices that something wrapping itself around his tail. His eyes trail to his tail and he finally realized you had grown a tail. his tail wiggles around your tail, seemingly enjoying how it seemed to trap it. The tip of your tail wrapped around Levi's second cock while the very tip managed to enter levi's ass. Completely entering it and making it stretch out till he cries.
"A-aahhh! a-arck~!"
Your hand gripped his hair and your tail tightened around his tail Levi moans pleased with what you were doing to him. The pace at your tail was fucking his ass sped up making Levi's eyes roll in the back of his head.
"Open your mouth bitch."
Levi obediently nodded and opened his mouth. Your spit splattered on his tongue.
"Swallow it," Levi whined pathetically but did so anyway. You smile at Levi's dumb face. There was no thought behind those eyes of his. You look at him with those seductive eyes of yours.
" Do you want to make me happy, Levi?"
Levi nodded quickly, the overstimulation getting to him.
"Be a dear and knot me." You whisper near his ear, basically ear fucking him with your mouth.
"Oh f-fuck Im cumming?!!~"
Levi's mouth opens and his tongue sticks out, as he cums. His legs twitch, as Levi mutters "i-i-I knotted you"
You feel his growing knot on your belly and smirk as it causes your stomach to bulge. Your fingers lightly press onto it. Levi's trembling hands grip your hands
"n-no more, Can't take it~ Sen-Sensitive~!"
"Lucifer! Levi got knotted on stream!!"
"Luci~ Our dear brother got fucked on live."
"OOI!! Lucifer Y/n claimed Levi!!"
Beel didn't think anything of it when you asked to come along to his Fangol practice. It was so typical for you to ask to see him play. He knew you loved seeing him play and just genuinely enjoyed the look of utter accomplishment on his face when he just decimated the other team.
So it was a total shock when you basically hunted him like he was your prey in the team's locker room. You had made sure he was alone and unexpecting.
Seeing the droplets of sweat fall into beels titties made you want grab them barehanded and squeeze them. You wanted to motorboat his glorious bigger-than-your-entire-face-tiddies. seeing him all sweaty made you want mount him till the only thing he could think about was your hole on him. His cock was semi-present within his fangol uniform and you wanted to shoved up within you.
Beel didn't even knew where you came from but all he did know was that you were trying to suck his soul out of his cock. You had pushed his to the floor and shoved his bottoms off his body before cursing him with your mouth on his cock.
His big meaty thighs crushed your head cutting some of your oxygen as the pleasure was too intense for him. But you didn't seem to care as you pushed his thighs more against your face.
Beel whimpered as you messed with his cock. He couldn't keep up with all your tongues savviness. He had even felt your teeth nimble on his tip.
He didn't expect himself being pushed so much to the brink of pleasure to the point were he couldn't hold his strength back.
He had crushed the benches on either side of you, both having very clear hand grips on the now broken sitting benches. Beel's face was a beautiful shade of red across his cheeks as his ears caught on to your slurping sounds and his moans. His hands tightened their hold on the benches as he felt his cum flush through him and straight into your mouth.
He saw your tongue swirl, playing with his cum before swallowing and licking any remains on your face.
He catches you muttering something about his cum tasting like pineapples. His nose catches a Particular scent but his mind fails to recognize it.
Beel tries to catch his breath as he enjoys the after glow of your blow job, only to realize that you had gotten on top of him lining yourself up.
The scent was stronger now but Beel had yet to identify, all he knew was that you clearly wanted to take care of a need and he was going to do whatever possible to help you.
"yessss.~" you moan in relief as you had finally gotten a hand full of Beel's tiddies. You hands squeezed beels tits letting the muscle engulf your hands. Beel whimpers as you squish his two tits together and rub your face between the two.
"so perfect..and just for me." you whisper to yourself as your tongue licks his squished tit.
It had been hours since he had heard you were in heat and decided to lock himself in the attic while you slept in there after getting the biggest blue balls from his dreams. Your nose twitched as you caught his scent. He would play dumb to deny that he was offering himself up to you. He was a brat that way. Belphie quickly and quietly moved into the bed making sure the pillows covered him just enough to satisfy your newfound interest in hunting for prey {more like cock}. You looked so innocent to him as if you weren't torturing him for the past 3 in a half hours.
As you literally weren't fucking with his dreams as he slept to tempt him to come to you. As if you weren't edging him, showing him how bad you needed him, and how many deliciously disgusting things you wanted to do to him.
Belphie couldn't resist touching you, your scent was driving him insane You smelled mouth-watering and his cock needed relief.
You had decided to sleep in his normal spot but had moved all the pillows to the side of you to prevent from overheating as your heat made you twice as warm. His fingertips whispered over your bare skin feeling your warmth, and his hands traveled to your fingers. His lips were caught onto his teeth, you were just so irresistible.
He had barely touched your fingers before your hands had grabbed onto his wrist tightly and pulled him from his shitty hiding attempt. Belphie barely had any time to process you pinning him to the bed.
Both of his hands were pinned above his head and your fingers gripped his wrist tightly.
Belphie looked at you in shock as he struggled to get his hand out of your hold. Your legs trapped his body below you as you looked at him as a prized slice of meat.
"f-fuck! Mommy!" Belphie's sloppy hole was taking the beating of a lifetime from you.
"YES~! " Both of your fluids running down his legs as he struggles to keep his spent legs open for you. His leaky cock swung from how hard you kept clapping his cheeks. His tail was limply entangled around your leg. His face is stuffed into the ruffled sheets, tears swelling his eyes as he feels plenty of emotion surge through his body. His face is clearly flushed and it's slowly passing across his body. His arms took weak to hold him up, all he could do was look at you while your lust for him consumed the both of you.
The bed's headframe was getting the same treatment as his prostrate.
The creaking of the bed accompanied by the rapid wall slams made everyone in the House of Lamentation know what was happening to Belpie.
Belphie yelped as you pulled his tail for cumming without permission
"s-sorry mommy~"
His fingers felt the grooves he left with his nails earlier as his claws dug into the floor from past experiences with you.
There on the rug while holding on to it for security as you rode him. His body was sweaty and his hair clung to his forehead. His hickeys littered under his ears. his horns ached from you pulling onto them, directing him how and where to eat you out while degrading him.
" Use your tongue whore, put it to good use."
" I would if you gave me a reason."
Your wicked smile was the last thing he saw before you wreaked havoc on his body effectively making submitting to you completely.
His body felt like it was on fire and it was mush, but he kept going for you. He loved how you used him and called him names. His legs quivered and his stomach felt a familiar ache coming again.
Your hand wrapped around his neck, suffocating him slowly
"Moo for me, cowboy."
" m-moo~"
The grip on his neck tightened and pinched his nipple.
Belphie yelped
"That's a good little bitch, aren't you a nice little thing when you do what you're told?"
Belphie nodded at your words, clearly elated at the sound of you pleased.
"You look so pretty, like this. I'm gonna make you my little housewife."
"You'd like that wouldn't you, right baby?"
Belphi nods again quickly.
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Requests are open! Feel free to request!
My works are only posted here! If you see any of my work anywhere else please report it.
Do not edit, translate, or repost my work without my consent.
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thetriumphantpanda · 9 months
Come Away With Me | Joel & Tommy Miller (Wednesday)
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Summary | Almost halfway through your time away and you and Joel realise you're missing your family. Whiskey makes you curious and Joel is more than happy to prove just what you mean to him.
Word Count | 4.1K
Chapter Warnings | Consumption of food & alcohol, dirty talk, unprotected PiV sex, oral sex (m receiving), breath play, breeding kink, cumplay, daddy kink (only briefly), sex under the influence of alcohol, sex in public, fluff and a tiny sprinkling of angst for good measure.
Authors Note | Alright. I wrote this in A MOOD so it's basically just 4k words of filthy smut SO ENJOY! I'm still loving this series and I really cannot wait for you all to see what we're building towards. If you liked this then please consider leaving comments, reblogging or coming to my inbox and freaking out with me. If you want to support me, you can donate to my Ko-Fi.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Ko-Fi
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You’re the one who wakes first this morning. Body warm, Joel’s wide hand splayed over your back, pressing you firmly into his side, where your head is rested on the meat of his shoulder. He’s led on his back, softly snoring, and you can’t help but take your hand and start tracing over the broad expanse of his chest. 
He’s so peaceful when he sleeps, you think. The creases of worry that usually litter his forehead are gone, and his features are softened. You like this version of Joel very much. You lean over and press a soft kiss to the tip of his nose, wondering when the last time was that someone cared liked this for him. Because you do. You love him. There’s no point fighting it anymore, you’re sure he and Tommy both knew before you did. He doesn’t stir, so you continue trailing your lips down his face. A soft kiss to his plump bottom lip, another to the scruff on his jaw, another in the dip of his collarbone. It’s not until you’re pressing kisses to his tummy that he wakes. 
“Where do you think you’re goin’, baby?” He teases, voice thick with sleep. 
“Where does it look like I’m going?” You ask, looking up at him through your eyelashes. 
“Somewhere that means trouble.” His hands are trying to pull you back up, but you’ll have none of it this morning. 
“Why can’t you just let me make you feel good?” You plead, continuing to trail kisses down his naked torso, “Do I not do it well?” 
“Oh pretty girl,” He moans as your lips press a single kiss to the tip of his semi-hard cock, “You do it perfectly, you just don’t have to, makin’ you feel good is all I need.” 
You stop, lips just millimeters from sucking him into your mouth, “And what if I told you that sucking your cock made me feel good?” 
“I’d say someone sent you from heaven,” He breathes, gripping the base of his cock in his hand, guiding it to your mouth with his other hand on the back of your head, “Go on then, make us feel good, baby.” 
You open your mouth as he guides himself in, your tongue swirling over the tip before you let him slip as far down your throat as you can take him. He lets go of the grip he has on his cock, moving both his hands to rest behind his head like this is the most casual morning he’s ever had. 
You get yourself comfortable, wrapping your hand around the base of his cock as you swallow him down again, moving your hand up with your mouth, jerking him off as your mouth sucks at his tip. 
“That’s it baby,” He groans, bucking his hips into your mouth as you take him back down, “Take as much as you can.” 
It’s a challenge but you do as you’re told, letting him fuck your throat, his hips coming up to meet the downward motion of your mouth. The sounds are utter filth, the way you’re gagging on him as he uses your mouth. You bring your hand down to cup his balls, softly massaging them as you bring your mouth off him to catch your breath. You meet his eyes, string of saliva attaching your mouth to his cock. He brings his hand to cup your face, the pad of his thumb running over your swollen bottom lip, moving through the string of saliva so it breaks, falling forgotten on his thigh. 
“I ever tell you how fuckin’ pretty you are?” He whispers, dipping his thumb into your mouth. 
“Might have mentioned it once or twice.” You grin, licking a stripe along the underside of his cock, tongue teasing his tip. 
“You know how you’d look prettier?” He asks, you own eyebrow raised in questioning, “If you let my paint your face with my cum.” 
You smirk, taking him back in your mouth, resuming the movements from just seconds ago where he’s fucking his hips up into your mouth and your hands are cradling his balls. You’re not sure how long you spend like this, and you don’t really care, because it’s all worth it for the look on Joel’s face when he pulls you off him, fists his cock twice and then covers your face in those thick ropes of cum. Even better when you think you might make him come again just from dragging your fingers through his spend, dragging it down to your mouth to clean yourself up. 
He gives you a minute to compose yourself, wiping the last remnants of himself from you onto the sheets, then he’s trying to drag you up his body, no doubt to sit on his face so he can return the favour. 
“Not this morning,” You grumble, pressing an open-mouthed kiss to his lips, “I think if you put any pressure on my clit I might scream.” 
He chuckles, returning the kiss, “Well then, breakfast?” 
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Joel’s grand plan of taking you swimming is thwarted by threatening black clouds and a cool breeze. Doesn’t want you getting sick, he insists over breakfast. So, once everything has been cleaned up, you pile into his truck and head into town. You’re running low on food anyway, and it’s an excuse to get ice cream if nothing else. If all you really want is to be wrapped up in bed with him all day. 
“Vanilla for me please,” You actually scoff and roll your eyes as Joel orders his ice cream, “What?” 
“Joel, you can have any flavour under the sun,” You laugh, pointing to the display cases, “Caramel crunch, raspberry ripple, and you choose vanilla?” 
“I like it.” He shrugs in defence, taking hold of the cone that the girl behind the counter extends to him, before turning to you for your choice. 
“Pistachio for me,” You smile, waiting until she hands it over, “Now this,” You say, running your tongue through the ice cream, “Is so much better than vanilla.” 
He takes hold of your hand as you walk through the small town – it’s nothing big, a few stores that sell souvenirs – you stop into one and pick up a bear that you think Joshua might like, along with a bottle of whiskey for Tommy. 
“You won’t get Sarah anything?” You ask Joel as you line up to pay. 
“I was gonna call her later,” He says, “See if she wanted to come and see me, thought she could pick something out herself if she wanted it.” 
You hand over the money to the cashier, Joel insisting that he carries it back to the car for you. He takes hold of your hand again and leads you into the small general store to stock up on supplies. 
“I was thinking maybe she could stay the weekend?” You offer, watching as his eyebrows raise, “Maybe I can ask Tommy to come up with Joshua, make it look like it’s a family thing for the weekend.” 
You wince a little at your suggestion, knowing that he’d planned this for you, for the both of you. You don’t really look at him as you add some bread into the basket he’s carrying. 
“Tommy did always love the lake,” He muses, reaching out for another box of eggs, “He can be in charge of grillin’, instead of me.” 
“You don’t mind?” You stop in your tracks, looking up at him. 
“Course not,” He smiles, “I’m sure Sarah’s missed her Uncle Tommy more than me.” 
“I miss my baby.” You speak softly, distracting yourself by picking up some tomatoes that you’re not sure you actually need. 
Joel grips your wrist, pulling you to a stop as he wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you into him. He leans down and kisses you. You can feel everything he wants to say in it. That it’s okay, that he knows he can’t keep you to himself forever, that he understands the bond you have with your son and that you miss him. 
“Come on,” He murmurs against your lips, “Let’s get you back so we can make plans.”
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The evening has rolled in. It’s cooler than it had been through the day, but now that dinner is over, and you and Joel have made plans for Tommy and Sarah to join you on Saturday, he’s built a fire and you’re sat together, letting the flames do their work. 
The fire that Joel has made is warming you through and you can’t help but smile as he sticks a marshmallow over the flame, swirling it so that every inch of it is toasted evenly. When he’s satisfied that it’s perfect, he squishes it between the graham crackers, pulling it off the stick and then he hands it to you. You wait for him to make his own before you toast them together and take big bites. He starts laughing at you when he realizes the corner of your mouth is laden with marshmallow. 
He takes his thumb and wipes it off for you, holding his thumb in front of your lips. You look him straight in the eye as you suck the pad of his thumb into your hot mouth, swirling your tongue around it to get the sticky sweet morsel from his skin. He holds it there in your mouth for a second too long, clearing his throat before he pulls his hand away from you, making quick work of finishing his so he can go back to nursing his whiskey. 
You do the same, relishing the way he keeps his free hand running up and down your legs that are placed in his lap as you relax. You can feel the alcohol thrumming through your veins. You really should have said no to this last glass, especially when you don’t drink much anymore anyway. It’s making you curious. 
“Can I ask you a question?” You ask. 
“Course you can.” Is his response. 
“Do you see anyone else?” You blurt out before you can think about how to word it, “I’m just being nosey so you can tell me to fuck off, but I’m curious.” 
He chuckles, taking a sip of his drink, “You wanna know if I fuck other people when I’m not tryin’ to knock you up?” 
“What?” You ask, chuckling, “I just can’t imagine a handsome man like you, with a big house to yourself, just waiting to get fucked once a year.” 
He’s silent for a minute and you think maybe you’ve made a mistake in asking him, when he finally answers, “I see someone casually, I suppose,” He shrugs, “Never when we’ve been tryin’ again, and it’s always safe, if you’re worried.” 
“I’m not worried,” You assure, because you aren’t, you know he’d never be careless like that, “She make you feel good?” You ask. 
“Sure, I guess,” Another shrug and you can’t tell if you’re making him uncomfortable or not, “Just…” 
“Just what?” You prod. 
“It’s stupid.” 
“Well, now you have to tell me.” You giggle, kicking one of your feet into his tummy gently to encourage him. 
“It’s just… that I can’t ever look at her when I’m fuckin’ her,” He admits, “She’s pretty, don’t get me wrong,” And then the sentence that changes it all, “But she ain’t you, sunshine.”
You suck in a breath and exhale it on an ‘oh’. He’s not shying away from you either. Hasn’t looked away. He’s looking you dead in the eyes because he wants you to know how badly he feels for you. You don’t really know what to do because you’re aching for him. Not just in the normal sense, when you clench your thighs together and beg him to slip inside you, but in the way that you wish you could give him what he wanted. Sometimes you still pray that none of this would have been necessary, that you and Tommy could have done this normally. Sometimes you wish you didn’t know every inch of Joel’s skin like you do, wish that he didn’t know how to make you come into his mouth in under a minute, wish that he didn’t know exactly where to put you in order to make you come on his cock without touching you. It would be easier. But you don’t want easy, not anymore. You want him, in all his messy, complicated glory. But you also want your other man. The one who stood by you through thick and thin, who helped you raise your beautiful boy. Who also knows exactly how to touch you, exactly how to fuck you, to make you sing. You want your cake, and you want to eat it too. 
You down the rest of your whiskey, standing up, you waste no time in straddling his lap, spread wide as always. You take his face in your hands and press your lips together as gently as you can, pulling back just a little and watching as Joel chases up to your mouth. You feel his hand grip the back of your neck, urging you back down onto his lips, which you do. You open your mouth to him and let your tongue taste his mouth, the sugar of the smores and the bitter of the whiskey. You grind your hips into his own, cunt clenching when he groans into your mouth. 
Something snaps inside of you. You’re pulling back from his mouth and pulling off the jumper you’d thrown on earlier, leaving your top half in just your bra. Joel wraps one of his arms around your back and pulls you into him, his head resting in the valley between your breasts as his mouth trails hot kisses along the swell of your tits, your fingers coming to tangle in the curls atop his head as your own tips back in pleasure. 
He reaches around and unclasps your bra, discarding it to the ground along with your jumper. Then, he’s squeezing your tits together with his hands, dipping his head to suck one of your nipples into his mouth. He’s had his hands and mouth on you so much over the past three days that every inch of your skin is burning with sensitivity. You cry out, hands fisting his hair tighter as you grind down onto his hips again, his solid cock aching against your fluttering cunt through your jeans. 
It's not enough. You need him inside you to breathe right now. Your hands reach for his belt, undoing it, then, the zipper of his jeans, “You in a rush, baby?” He breathes into your skin, moving his mouth to your other nipple as you fight to get away, fight to get rid of your own clothes. 
“I need you inside me, Joel,” You whisper, standing up to pull your jeans and underwear off, “I need you now.” 
You move to straddle him again, but he puts his wide palm against your stomach to stop you. Your brow furrows in confusion, “Slow down, pretty girl,” He murmurs, “Let me look at you.” 
It suddenly strikes you that you are naked as the day you were born. Sure, it’s dark, and the whole time you’ve been here you haven’t really seen anyone else, but the thought that someone might see you is thrilling. You can feel the warmth of the fire on your back, you can only imagine what you must look like to Joel, who has reached into his jeans and pulled his cock out, slowly stroking himself as he looks at you. 
“You are the prettiest goddamn thing I have ever laid my eyes on,” He growls, squeezing his cock in his hand at the tip, using his thumb to spread the dewy drops of pre-cum around himself, “Touch yourself for me.” 
You falter for a moment, because why would he want to see that? It’s no secret to you, or to Tommy, that once Joshua was born, although your body had done incredible things in creating him, it wasn’t the body you’d had before. But when your eyes meet Joel’s, dark brown, blown over with lust, you feel like the only woman in the world. So, you bring your hands up, cupping your tits, pushing them together as you watch his face. You can see him suck in a breath when you use your fingers to tweak your nipples to pebbled peaks. You watch as he swallows, hand languidly working his cock as you trail one hand down your body, over the mound of your sex to slip between your folds. You dip your fingers as low as you can reach in your standing position, trailing the slick you find back up to your clit where you circle momentarily. 
You move your hand away from yourself, taking a few steps towards Joel, who stills his hand on his cock when you stand close enough to him that your knees are touching. You dip your fingers down through your pussy once more, gathering your slick on your fingers before you pull them away, reaching your fingers up to Joel’s face in offering. 
“You wanna taste me, cowboy?” 
Evidently, he does, because he grips your wrist, bringing your fingers to his open mouth, where he sucks them in. His tongue parts your fingers down the middle in his mouth as he sucks your slick from them, groaning at the taste of you on his tongue. You can feel how wet you are for him, can feel the slick on your thighs. 
You bend over a little, your fingers still in his mouth as you breathe into his ear, “I think you should let me fuck you now.” 
“I ain’t stopping you, pretty girl.” He mumbles, letting your fingers drop from his mouth as he moves his hips enough to pull his jeans down. 
You straddle him once more, reaching between you to hold his cock steady as you sink down onto him, letting out a quiet whine as you take the whole of him into your aching cunt. Once he’s fully sheathed into your heat, you give yourself a moment to adjust to him. You’ve been taking him multiple times a day and he’s still so fucking big inside of you that you need a minute before you can start bouncing on him. 
Once you start moving on him in earnest, his head drops in pleasure as he starts to guide your hips to move in the way he knows you both love. That simply won’t do for you. If he can’t look at other women because he wants to look at you, he’s going to keep his eyes on you for the rest of the night. 
You grip his chin in your hand and pull his face up, “You’ve got the opportunity, so fucking look at me.” 
You haven’t even finished speaking when Joel’s hand flies to your neck, palm covering the delicate column of your throat, fingers squeezing on the sides ever-so-gently, “You gonna get mouthy with me, mama?” He growls, “I’m fuckin’ lookin’, make it worth my while.” He dares. 
So you do, you make it worth his while. You put your hands on his shoulders and lean back on him, dragging your hips up and down his rigid cock, delighting in the way his eyes are trained on your tits as they bounce along with your movements. You look him dead in the eye as you let out a desperate moan. 
“Worth your while, Miller?” You tease, one hand dropping from his shoulders to grip one of your tits, playing with your nipple again. 
He drops his head, taking hold of your nipple in his mouth like it’s an offering, swirling his hot, wet tongue across the pebbled peak, one of his hands slipping between you to swirl over your clit. You cry out, listening to the sound echo through the woodland around you. 
“It will be,” He groans, “Once you come on my cock, pretty girl.” 
He presses his thumb into your clit further, more pressure adding more pleasure, and within no time you can feel the knot in your stomach, coiled tightly, start to unravel. You beg him not to stop, beg him to keep his thumb right there, and he doesn’t deny you. He bites down on the soft skin of your shoulder as you come for him, cunt clenching around his cock as you shudder, his name falling from your mouth a mile a minute. The pleasure is enough that you don’t notice the slight pain of his teeth and the pressure of him sucking a bruise into your skin.  
He barely gives you a minute to recover before he’s standing, holding you up as he settles his knees into the dirt. He puts you on your back onto the ground and you know that come morning your back is going to hate you, but right now, as he puts your legs on his shoulders and pushes you forward, folding you entirely in half, pounding into your spent pussy, you don't care. His cock is bruising as it hits your cervix, but you always liked the pain, always liked the way it felt like he was splitting you in half. 
“Gonna fill me up, daddy?” You ask, the word slipping out of your mouth before you can catch it. 
You look at his face, eyes blown wide, darker than you think you’ve ever seen them before, the light from the dying fire casting shadows over his painfully handsome face. He dips down, cock pressing so far into you that you think you might die, teeth nipping at the skin at your neck, adding smaller marks to the bigger one currently blooming on your shoulder. 
“That what you want, mama?” He growls into your ear, “Want daddy to fill you up, put my baby inside you?” 
Your hands come up to grip the meat of his ass, nails digging into the plump flesh to keep him where you want him the most, “Please Joel,” You whine, “Give me what I want.” 
He doesn’t last much longer. His head is buried in the crook of your neck as he breathes out your name, movements stilling as you can feel the white-hot ropes of his cum filling you up. You both stay still for a moment, the only movement is the way your chests move up and down as you try to breathe. 
“Joel,” You mumble, grinding your hips into his to try and get his attention, “The ground is actually quite uncomfortable.” 
“Shit, sorry,” He exclaims, pushing himself up, his softening cock slipping from your pussy, “C’mere.” 
He pulls you gently by your arm once he’s managed to right his own clothes, leaving yours abandoned by the fire as he carries you inside. 
“How did you end up completely clothed and I was naked?” You mumble into his shoulder as he walks you both into the bathroom. 
He chuckles as he starts to run you a bath, setting you down on the toilet seat whilst the water warms up, “Felt like a damn teenager,” Joel murmurs, splashing in a generous amount of bubble bath into the water, “Felt like that a lot this week, actually.” 
Once he’s got enough water in the tub and he’s satisfied you won’t burn yourself in the water, he uses his hand to brush most of the dirt off your back, helping you into the water. He turns to leave, but you grip onto his wrist. 
“Get in with me?” You ask, eyes pleading, you don’t know why but you don’t want to be alone. 
He smiles, slowly stripping off his own clothes before he gets into the water behind you, settling you between his thighs, arms wrapping around your middle. You wiggle around a bit to get comfortable, which has Joel hissing behind you. 
“No funny business,” He scolds, “We’re here to get clean.” 
“Yes sir.” You mumble, letting yourself relax into his hold. 
You don’t even really register his hands as they wash you, or the way he gets out first, and wraps himself in a bathrobe before helping you out to do the same. You’re vaguely aware of him drying you off the best he can before he wraps you both up in the sheets, pulling your back as closely into his front as he can, slotting his thigh between yours so there isn’t an inch of your skin that isn’t touching his. You’re both asleep in minutes, cradled together, as if nothing bad would ever happen if you just stayed there together. 
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Requests: Steve adopting an abandoned child post earthquake in Hawkins after the spring break from hell. And him realizing all the ways he was hurt as a child due to his parents neglect. And how he overcomes it and raises his baby-child with gentleness, warmth, patience and love
OKAY GENUINELY I GOT SO CARRIED AWAY WITH THIS PROMPT AND IT STILL WASN'T AS MUCH AS I WANTED TO DO. FAIR WARNING: this is an emotional roller coaster. It ends HAPPY. But there are a lot of sad and bittersweet moments and feelings leading up to that moment. There is the mention of child neglect, and that can be difficult for some people to read, even with a happy ending, so please keep that in mind before starting this. Also, this is not how the law or CPS works at all, and it wasn't in the 80s either, but this is fiction and I do what I want. I hope someone can continue this idea somewhere because it is so special to me now. This is 6200 words of me not knowing how to wrap it up with a bow. I hope you love this my darling, thank you for this one. - Mickala ❤️
Steve spent the last 12 hours pacing the waiting room floor at the hospital. He’d promised the kids he would stay until there was an update on Eddie and Max, and their parents had insisted they go home after they’d been quickly attended to for their minor injuries.
Max was stable, but not awake. They weren’t sure if she ever would be again. Steve passed that on to Nancy so she could call everyone.
Eddie finally made it out of surgery, alive, but barely.
He’d lost a lot of blood and they weren’t able to give him a transfusion until Wayne got there to donate.
It was touch and go for another few hours in recovery.
But things calmed down a bit, his heart rate settling at a normal rate, his oxygen maintaining where it should be with the mask on, the bleeding stopped and his blood regenerating on its own.
He wasn’t awake, but he was alive.
That was enough for Wayne and Hopper to kick him out of the hospital and make him go home.
“Shower. Eat. Sleep. In that order, Harrington,” Hopper said, the gruffness in his voice overruled by the concern.
He was up to speed on everything he missed, and he wasn’t thrilled about how much Steve had put on the line for everyone.
So Steve left, even though he wanted to stay, needed to have eyes on Eddie, on Max.
He had to trust that they were being taken care of.
He made it home, did two of the three things Hopper told him to. His shower was long and hot, finally able to wash away the blood and dirt and Upside Down particles that clung to his skin for the last couple of days. His dinner was quick and unfulfilling, but frozen meals usually are.
And then he did try to sleep. He tried on the couch first, his usual go-to spot after crises. Then he tried to go to his bed, hoping the weight of his comforter would help lull him to sleep.
But two hours later, he was still wide awake.
So he got up, put on jeans and a sweater, and made his way to the school, where emergency services had been set up.
It was chaotic, still very little organization amongst groups. The firefighters had been dispatched all over town, and most medical professionals had been called into the hospital or to help EMTs on calls. A handful of teachers had been put in charge of the check-in process here, making sure anyone who came through was on a list of survivors first, then sent to help where they were needed if they were able.
Steve was able, so he put his name on the list and was told to stand with a group at the far corner of the gym. Everyone in this group was waiting for a dispatch crew of firefighters to come get them to help locate survivors.
They were given vests, gloves, and helmets to wear, and given quick safety briefings. They were told not to move any rubble, that if they suspected someone was under some, to call for the professionals. They were just extra eyes and ears because everyone was stretched too thin for a disaster of this magnitude and help from local towns was slow to arrive.
Steve figured this would help him, if he stayed busy and managed to help people, he wouldn’t think about how helpless he was when it came to Max and Eddie.
The first location they were dropped at was a small neighborhood on the outskirts of town. Most of the homes had been completely demolished, cracks in the ground swallowing pieces of them. If there were any survivors here, they would be in desperate need of medical attention.
But after nearly four hours of searching, only one person was found, their leg trapped under a large wooden beam. The leg was broken, but they were fine other than that.
Steve felt relief that nothing more serious had happened there.
But the second area was worse.
It wasn’t a neighborhood, just a small wooded area surrounding two homes a good distance apart. Surprisingly, the homes were still standing, but everything around them was destroyed. Fires had been only recently extinguished, downed trees and power lines blocking most of the driveway and road in front of them.
“This should be relatively quick, both homes are empty and cars are gone, so we think everyone managed to get out safely, but we do need to be sure,” the firefighter in charge of this group said before leading them forward.
The smaller of the two houses was empty, though a mess, like the occupants had rushed to pack necessities and threw anything else on the ground as they rushed to get out.
The other home, though, was surprisingly clean. Kept up in a way Steve wouldn’t have expected for the panic most people showed while escaping town.
Everyone assumed maybe the occupants hadn’t even been home when the quake hit.
But Steve decided to go upstairs anyway.
Something was telling him this wasn’t normal.
It felt familiar in a way he didn’t want to acknowledge yet.
No one else followed him, all of the volunteers congregating in the living room area to discuss their next location before heading back to the school for a break.
Steve followed his gut, and his gut told him to check the bedroom at the end of the hall.
He opened the door, not surprised to see that nothing seemed strange at first glance.
Then he saw movement out of the corner of his eye, under the bed.
He would’ve checked there anyway, that’s where he would have hidden in this kind of situation, too.
“I guess this place is all clear,” Steve said, quiet enough not to be heard by anyone downstairs yet, but loud enough to be heard by the person under the bed.
It was a kid, Steve figured as much based on the items on the desk in the corner and the poster on the wall.
The small boy crawled out from under the bed, panic on his face.
“Are you gonna take me to my parents?” The boy asked, lips wobbling.
“I’m gonna try. I’m Steve, what’s your name?”
“Nice to meet you, Elliott. How old are you?”
Jesus Christ. Where had his parents even been? Why weren’t they looking for him?
He hoped they were on their way back and just stuck trying to get into town.
But a part of him had already known that wasn’t true. A part of him knew the moment they pulled into the area that he’d find someone left here, someone who shouldn’t have ever been alone.
“Alright, Elliott, let’s get you back to the school. We can put your name on the list so your parents can find you easier, okay? I can stay with you until they get here.”
“I don’t know if they will.”
Steve’s heart stopped for a moment.
Sure, his parents never came back after the Upside Down bullshit, but he’d been a teenager and adult. They probably assumed he wasn’t involved in any of it and was fine.
But Elliott was nine. Even his parents would have come back for him at that age.
They never should have left him alone to begin with, but even they knew the trouble they’d be in for leaving him at that age after a fucking earthquake.
“Of course they will, buddy. It’s just hard getting into Hawkins right now, you’ll see on our way back.”
He placed his hand on Elliott’s shoulder, not surprised when he tensed up under him for a moment before he relaxed.
Steve hadn’t been used to casual touch until he met Nancy.
But Elliott deserved to feel cared for right now, so he kept his hand there, let him get used to it for a moment, and then guided him out the door and down the stairs.
Most of the group had moved back outside, but a few people remained.
One of the few women in the group looked over at his entrance, her jaw dropping when she saw he had a child with him.
“Oh my God!”
Steve held his hand up, knowing Elliott probably didn’t want to draw a lot of attention to himself.
“He’s okay. He managed to find a safe place to hide. His parents might be looking for him though so we should get him back,” Steve said calmly.
No one crowded him, but the firefighter waiting by the van that was transporting everyone checked his heart and lungs, made sure he didn’t have any visible wounds or injuries.
Elliott didn’t let go of Steve the entire time, his hand gripping his forearm like he was terrified to lose him among the group.
Steve didn’t try to pull away, not once.
He knew Elliott needed someone. He could be that someone for him.
When they arrived back at the school, they put his name on the list, and since he was a minor, they had him go to one of the classrooms that was being watched over by security while they tried to contact his parents.
He told them they left for a business trip over a week ago, he didn’t know when they would be back, and his aunt checked on him every morning, but he hadn’t seen her since the quake.
Steve stood by as he spoke to the responsible adults, not letting Elliott out of his sight.
Elliott begged for Steve to come with him to wait while they tried to locate his parents, so he did.
He realized pretty quickly that Elliott must not have slept last night; He curled against Steve’s side on the floor almost immediately and fell asleep, light snores making Steve smile to himself.
The floor was hard, the wall behind him was somehow harder, but he wouldn’t move short of another emergency.
They stayed like that for hours, kids coming and going as more were found and reunited with their families.
Elliott was the youngest one left in the room, all the other kids high school age.
When one of the men from the group he was in earlier came in the room to get another kid, he asked if there was any update on Elliott.
“Nah, they’re still trying to find them. The aunt um…” The guy looked nervously down at the sleeping Elliott. “She didn’t make it. Was on her way to try to get him when another crack hit the road she was driving on, car crashed. They contacted the dad’s business and were told he’s out of the country and won’t be returning calls until next week.”
“How long are they gonna make him stay here while they figure it out?”
“No clue, man. I’ll ask someone.”
But he didn’t come back and Elliott deserved something better than the floor to sleep on.
“Hey, buddy,” Steve said, gently nudging his shoulder to wake him up. “Sorry, just gotta run and ask someone something real quick.”
Elliott grabbed his shirt, holding it in his fist tightly.
“Don’t go! Please,” he begged, tears welling in his eyes.
Steve’s heart broke.
He’d been this kid for so much of his childhood, practically begging people to stick around so he didn’t have to be drenched in loneliness again.
He knew he would be right back, but to Elliott, especially after the quake, he probably felt like anyone who left would be gone forever.
“Come with me. We’ll find you some dinner while I find out how things are going.”
He stood up, his legs numb from sitting on the floor so long, and helped Elliott find his balance after waking up so abruptly.
They left the room, the security nodding them on when he saw Steve was with him, and walked down the hall to the cafeteria area.
They were serving ham and cheese sandwiches, bags of chips, and water for everyone. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for now.
If he could find a phone, maybe he could get Robin to bring him and Elliott more food.
Elliott shyly thanked the person handing out the meals, and Steve slowly guided him to an empty table while his eyes searched for anyone he recognized.
He almost did a happy dance when he saw Dustin and Claudia across the room.
“Hey, that’s actually my friend and his mom. Can you wait here while I grab them?”
Elliott nodded nervously, clearly only letting him walk away because he would be within his sight the entire time.
Steve ran over to them, wincing slightly when the bite on his stomach started pulsing. Probably should take it easier while that healed.
“Dustin!” Steve exclaimed as he got closer.
Dustin’s head shot around, smile lighting up his face as he realized it was Steve.
“Dude! Everyone’s been trying to find you for hours. Have you been here all day?”
“Kinda. I came to help with searching and I found a kid earlier. They’re trying to find his parents, but he’s been kind of attached to me.”
“Damn, I hope they find them soon. Phone lines keep going down. You seen Hopper come by yet?”
“No, has he gotten any sleep yet?”
“Doubt it. Ma, do you have any cookies left for Steve?”
Claudia came bustling over, digging through her purse as she walked.
“Oh, I’m sure I do! Hi, Steve, dear. Hope you’re doing okay in all this madness.”
“I’m doing alright,” Steve gave her a small smile as she managed to find the cookies and hand them over. “Hey, do you know the parents of Elliott Devers?”
“Oh, I know of them, sure. Only met them once, they never seem to be in town. He’s a sweet boy, his aunt seems to take care of him most of the time.”
Steve filled her in on what he knew so far, that Elliott’s aunt had died, that no one could reach his parents, that he’d been alone in the house for at least a full day before Steve found him.
That Elliott didn’t seem to want to be separated from Steve.
Dustin was watching him talk, eyebrows furrowing like he was trying to think of something.
“Wait, his dad’s the guy who was under investigation for tax evasion, fraud, and identity theft, isn’t he?”
Steve’s stomach dropped.
His brain made connections that only children of rich parents can in a matter of seconds.
His parents ran to another country on “business” because that was the only way they were allowed to leave while he was under investigation. No one could reach them because they gave fake information so they could go into hiding. Because he was guilty of all of the things he was under investigation for and didn’t want to lose everything and end up in prison.
Claudia must have realized the same thing, a deep frown settling on her face.
“Elliott is the boy sitting at that table?” She asked as she pointed towards him.
He was watching them as he ate, eyes wide as he kept glancing around the room.
Steve nodded.
“If they ran, and they aren’t coming back, where will he go?” Steve asked.
“I’m sure he’ll be placed with a family who can take him until they can figure out a more permanent place, but that may be hard right now with so many people leaving Hawkins. He may have to leave town,” Claudia said, though Steve could tell she was trying to figure out how to take him in, even if only for a few days.
“What would I have to do to keep him while they keep looking?”
“Oh, that’s a question for Hopper, sweetie. I’m not sure you’d fit the requirements, even though I think he’d be very lucky to get to stay with you,” Claudia touched his arm, giving it a gentle squeeze in comfort.
“Is he coming by?”
“Hopper? Yes, he just got done at the hospital handling some things for Edward,” Claudia said.
“Eddie, Ma, how many times do I have to tell you?”
“The tone! Watch it!” Steve said before Claudia could respond.
She smirked at Steve, then gave Dustin a look that said she wasn’t going to listen to him and walked away.
“I gotta go with her, she’s bringing dinner to Wayne at the hospital.”
“Is Eddie awake?”
“Not yet, but they think it could be anytime. They said the drugs in his system are heavy enough to keep him out for a while.”
“But he seems okay?”
He almost didn’t want to ask, but he had to.
“No news.”
Steve nodded once, acknowledging that Dustin didn’t want to talk about it right now, that it was tough to even think about how she was probably not gonna wake up anytime soon if ever.
“Hey, come by my house tomorrow, okay? We can watch a movie or somethin’.”
Steve gave Dustin a quick hug before making his way back to Elliott, who looked like he might start crying any moment.
“Hey, buddy. Sorry that took longer than I thought, but…” Steve pulled the bag of cookies from behind his back with a smile. “I got cookies! Claudia makes the best chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. You’ll love them.”
Elliott relaxed a little, smiling up at Steve as he reached for the bag of cookies.
“Is she nice? She looks nice.”
“She’s awesome. She always brings me soup if I’m sick.”
“Is that what moms do? My aunt sometimes does, but she doesn’t know how to make the kind I like.”
Steve bit his lip.
“What kind do you like?”
“My favorite is tomato and noodles. She can only make chicken noodle. It’s okay, but sometimes it has a funny taste.”
Steve smiled at him, glad he was at least talking, even if what he was saying was heartbreaking.
“I’m sure Claudia can make you some tomato and noodles. I’ll call and ask.”
“But not now, right?”
Elliott’s voice filled with panic, his eyes widening.
“No, I’m staying with you right now. The chief should be here soon and we can figure out what’s going on, okay?”
“Like, the chief of police? You know him?”
“Yeah, Hopper’s nice. Don’t let his mean face scare you. He’s kind of a teddy bear.”
“Excuse you, I’m not a teddy bear. I’m a grizzly bear,” Hopper said behind Steve.
Elliott laughed, and Hopper tried to hide a small smile. Teddy bear.
“Are you Elliott?” Elliott nodded. “Can we go talk for a few minutes just us? I promise Steve can wait right outside the door.”
Hopper gave Steve a look that said he was about to ruin this kid’s day as if it didn’t already suck enough.
“Um, can Steve come in the room too?”
“If you want him to, sure.”
“I want him to.”
“Okay then, let’s go.”
Steve grabbed everything off the tables, throwing the trash away on the walk towards the teacher’s lounge area that had been set up for the cops to conduct phone calls and interviews as needed.
It was empty now, probably thanks to Hopper taking control quickly.
They sat down around a table, Elliott’s hand finding Steve’s quickly.
“Alright, Elliott, so I have a few questions and then I have some news,” Hopper started, his voice maintaining no emotion the way he’d been taught.
“How long have your parents been gone this time?”
“I dunno. A week, maybe a little longer.”
“And you were alone that whole time?”
Elliott looked to Steve, like he needed help to answer, but Steve just smiled at him and mouthed ‘just be honest, you’re not in trouble.’
“Most of the time. My aunt came to check on me in the mornings and bring me food for the day.”
“Aunt Janice?”
“Bud, I’m sorry to tell ya this, but your Aunt Janice was in a really bad accident and didn’t make it,” Hopper’s voice started to show some emotion, but Steve squeezed Elliott’s hand so he wouldn’t focus on that.
“She died?”
“Yeah, bud. I’m sorry.”
“But who will bring me food in the morning?”
Steve couldn’t do this. Holy shit, he could not do this. How was Hopper able to do this?
“Well, we still haven’t been able to call your parents. Do you know exactly where they might be?”
“I don’t know. They don’t tell me where they go.”
Steve and Hopper looked at each other.
Hopper knew Steve had been in a similar position when he was younger, but no one checked on him. Hopper had often been the one to show up at his door during his early teens to make sure he had food and wasn’t hurt.
“What if he stayed with me until you find them?” Steve asked Hopper.
Elliott turned to him.
“I can stay with you?” He asked excitedly.
“Oh, I’m not sure about that. There’s a process for this kinda thing,” Hopper began.
“Then start the process. He’s staying with me,” Steve said firmly, not caring if he sounded rude, not caring if Hopper hated him for it, just wanting Elliott safe and in a house instead of a school converted to a disaster relief zone.
Hopper eyed him up and down, and the way Elliott was holding his hand and bouncing excitedly in his chair.
“Alright, fine. But it’s a week by week basis until we can get ahold of his parents,” Hopper said directly to Steve.
“Steve, do you have a microwave? I make popcorn so good, like so good. I can make it tonight even!”
Steve smiled at him, and then at Hopper, who was watching with a fond smile.
“I’m sure I have what you need to make some popcorn, buddy.”
“You wait here, I have to get the release from CPS. They’re in the front office.”
Elliott went on and on about all the things they could do while he stayed with him, and when he found out Steve had a pool, he didn’t even stop for breath as he explained that he was the best swimmer when they took a field trip last year to the pool and that he could probably even beat Steve in a race.
Steve just smiled and agreed.
A week with Elliott went by, and it was easy.
Steve was terrified how quickly he just fit in.
He fit in at his house, making it feel like a home, with his rambunctious energy and nightly popcorn making.
He fit in with the kids, showing interest in D&D even though he’d never heard of it before.
He even fit with Robin, who kind of hated kids, but thought Elliott was probably the cutest kid she’d ever met.
One night, while Dustin and Mike were showing Elliott how to build a character, Robin asked him the question he’d been dreading.
“What happens if he can’t stay?”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m assuming they’ll find his parents soon, and when they do, he’ll have to go live with them again. Or at least his mom since his dad will be in prison for life at this rate. How are you gonna handle that?”
He had no clue. He wanted Elliott to have parents who stuck around, and who loved him, and let him pop popcorn every night.
But realistically, even if they did come back, that wasn’t what his life would look like.
His life would be a lot like Steve’s was, sad and lonely, and he didn’t deserve that.
“I’m gonna fight for him. I don’t know what that means yet, but I know that whatever is best for him is what I’m gonna make sure happens.”
Robin wrapped him up in a hug, her arms squeezing him to her.
“You’re gonna be a great dad someday.”
No one had ever said that to him before.
But maybe he could believe it.
Steve was the first person to come to the hospital when Eddie woke up, Elliott excitedly chattering from the backseat of his car the whole way.
It was helping Steve’s nerves, but he knew he wasn’t giving Elliott the attention he needed.
“Sorry, buddy. What was that?”
Elliott was quiet for a moment.
“Are you worried?”
Steve smiled at him in the rearview mirror, his hands gripping the wheel tight.
“A little. You remember how everyone told you about Eddie? How he saved us all and almost died?”
“Yeah, he’s a hero!”
“He is. But he’s still healing and I’m just worried about how hurt he is.”
“Oh. So we can’t hug him or hold his hand to help him feel better?” Elliott groaned. “Oh man, I was gonna bring him popcorn!”
Steve laughed quietly to himself.
“I think he’s on a pretty strict diet right now, buddy. Maybe when he’s out of the hospital we can have him over for a movie and you can make him some.”
“When will he be out?”
“I dunno yet. I think it might still be a little while.”
“Will I still live with you then?”
Steve gulped.
“I hope so.”
“Me too,” Elliott said quietly, staring out the window as they pulled into the hospital parking lot.
His mood was a bit somber as they walked through the halls of the bustling hospital, going to the fifth floor in the elevator where Eddie’s room was.
When he got to the right room, he knocked on the door even though it was open, smiling in at Wayne.
“Hey, come in, Steve. Eddie, Steve’s here,” Wayne said as he turned to Eddie, who was awake, but mostly horizontal still in bed.
“Steve?” Eddie’s rough voice asked.
“Hey, Eds. Hope it’s okay I brought my buddy, Elliott, to say hi. He’s heard a lot about you and Dustin and Mike and Will have been teaching him D&D for when you get out of here.”
Steve walked close to the bed, holding Elliott’s hand. He seemed shy suddenly, which wasn’t like him, not since he was living with Steve.
“Hey, Elliott. You keepin’ Steve company?”
“Yes, sir.”
Wayne snorted.
“Oh, son, you don’t have to be formal with Eddie. He’s barely older than you in his head.”
Eddie glared at Wayne, but smiled at Elliott.
“Seriously, bud, just Eddie is fine. So you ready for a campaign?”
“I dunno. Dustin said maybe I can play with you guys?”
“‘Course you can. I have so many ideas when I get outta here.”
Eddie turned to Steve and gave him a smirk.
“As long as we can host at your place?”
Steve blushed, remembering the last time he had Eddie’s full attention on him, back when his words “make him pay” sounded a lot like “I love you.”
“Yeah. Yeah, we can do that. When do you get out of here?”
Elliott was loosening his anxious grip on Steve’s hand as the nerves wore off.
“They said not for a couple weeks, but I’m gonna walk right out of here the moment I can feel my legs again.”
Elliott let out a giggle and Eddie smiled.
“You can help me, right? I may need some support to run for it.”
“No! You have to stay until you’re all better, goofball.”
“That’s exactly what I told him, Elliott. You’re much wiser than he is,” Wayne said with a roll of his eyes.
Elliott moved closer to the side of the bed, his hands folded in front of him.
“Um. Could I hold your hand? So you feel better?”
Steve was going to cry.
Eddie kind of looked like he might, too.
“Yeah, I could use a hand to hold, bud. Thanks for offering. Wayne’s hand gets sweaty, but don’t tell him I said that,” he whispered the last part to Elliott, but loud enough so everyone could still hear.
Elliott held his hand, sitting carefully on the edge of the bed.
He told Eddie all about the character Dustin and Mike helped him build, about how they might run a practice campaign with him soon. He told him about the popcorn he would make for the first time he came over.
Steve watched fondly, realizing quickly that this wasn’t something he could lose.
Not Elliott, and not Eddie either.
Elliott’s parents were still missing.
It’s been almost a month, Eddie was released from the hospital a day ago, and Elliott was still living with Steve.
The longer he stayed, the more it would hurt if he left.
They got into a routine.
School had been canceled for the rest of the year, so they mostly just made breakfast together, went in the pool, hung out with the kids, visited Eddie, played basketball, and had popcorn every night.
Steve knew Elliott was happy, he knew he was happy.
He was terrified it would end.
They were hosting Eddie for a movie night, and Elliott was more excited than ever.
Steve was a nervous wreck.
He was in charge of making sure Eddie didn’t overdo it, making sure he took his nighttime medications, and getting him to bed at a reasonable hour. According to Wayne, his pills made him tired and he would fight sleep if you didn’t force him into a bed.
Steve spent the day cleaning, baking, and preparing.
By dinner time, when Eddie would be arriving, Elliott was starting to question it.
“What’s wrong? Do you not want Eddie to come over?”
“No! Of course I want him to come over.”
“So…why are you being like this?”
“Is it because you love Eddie?”
Steve choked on air.
“Or do you think Eddie doesn’t love you?”
“Elliott, gonna say a big kid word right now. What the hell do you mean?”
Elliott rolled his eyes.
“You want to make Eddie feel happy and safe here, and you always get this stupid look on your face when we visit him, and then when I asked Wayne if you two were boyfriends he laughed and said ‘probably soon.’ So you love him, right?”
Steve’s mouth was working open and shut, open and shut, no noise coming out.
“Two boys can be together, you know. Robin told me.”
“She what? When?”
“When she told me two girls can be together.”
Steve put his face in his hands and couldn’t help the laugh of disbelief he let out as Elliott touched his back to comfort him.
“Did you not know you loved Eddie?”
“Uh. I guess I didn’t know that other people thought I loved Eddie.”
“Oh. So are you gonna be boyfriends?”
“I…I don’t know, buddy. Maybe.”
“I think you should be. Then it might be like I have two dads.”
Elliott pulled his hand away and suddenly seemed nervous.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that.”
Steve couldn’t handle the look on Elliott’s face.
“Elliott, look at me, buddy.” He waited for Elliott to look at him. “Is that what you think of me as? Like your dad?”
Elliott nodded.
“Come here,” Steve said, pulling Elliott into a hug. “You’re the best kid, you know that?”
Elliott nodded, and Steve let out a wet laugh.
“Uh, everything okay in here?” Eddie said from the doorway.
“Eddie!” Elliott let out, and despite the mood of the previous conversation, he was smiling from ear to ear.
Eddie smiled at him and pulled him into the least hurt side of him for a hug.
He looked at Steve with a questioning look. Steve just shook his head quickly, wiping the tears from his eyes quickly.
“Can I make popcorn now, pleeeeease?” Elliott asked, bouncing on his heels.
“Yes, fine. But only one bowl right now. You can make more after dinner.”
“Okay, dad!” he yelled as he ran to the popcorn maker.
Eddie’s brows raised to his forehead as he looked at Steve, who was crying buckets at this point.
“What’s that about, Stevie?” Eddie whispered as he came up to him.
“I um, I guess he just feels like I’m his dad,” Steve shrugged.
“Are you okay with that?”
“I just don’t want him to go.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” Eddie said, pulling Steve into a crushing hug that had to hurt him. Steve sniffled against his shoulder, letting himself cry for a minute. “Did Hopper say he may have to go soon?”
“No, but I mean, if they find his parents or if CPS decides he has to go to a real family, then he’ll have to.”
“Stevie, they wouldn’t just take him. Not when he’s safe here and wants to be here. I promise.”
“But what if he goes somewhere far away or to people who won’t let me see him?”
Eddie held the back of his head against his shoulder, placing a kiss to the top of his head.
“He won’t. We’ll fight for him to stay here, okay? He’s got a family here, with us. Right?”
“Us?” Steve asked as he pulled away.
“Yeah. Us. Sound okay to you?”
Steve could only nod as he wiped his running nose.
How attractive.
“Hopper still doesn’t have any idea where they are, right?”
“They’ll give up eventually. I hate to say it, but they won’t put more effort into a kid who has a safe place to go when they have bigger problems. Like how half the town is still homeless because of a fucking earthquake.”
“That’s a big kid word!” Elliott yelled from his spot at the counter.
“I’m a big kid!” Eddie yelled back, smirking at Steve.
“But I’m not!” Elliott yelled as they heard the popcorn machine starting up.
Eddie placed a kiss on Steve’s forehead, then one against his lips.
It was soft, chaste, barely a kiss at all.
But it was a perfect first kiss for them.
Another month passed with no news.
Eddie was at Steve’s house almost every day, spending time with Elliott, spending time with the party, with Steve.
Steve had converted the main guest room into Elliott’s permanent bedroom, but was scared to think of it that way still.
Eddie tried to reassure him, but even he was nervous that no final decisions had been made and the case remained open.
Until Hopper came by one night, well after Elliott went to bed. Eddie was doing the dishes while Steve was prepping some fruit for Elliott’s breakfast before his first day of summer camp the next day.
Steve felt his stomach sink.
They were going to take Elliott.
“Steve. Can I come in?”
Steve let him in, his face forced into casual calm, but on the inside he was already screaming and crying about what was about to happen.
Hopper sat down on the chair, gesturing for Steve and Eddie to sit on the couch.
“You’re taking him aren’t you? He can’t stay.”
“What? No.” Hopper frowned. “No, Steve. The opposite actually. We’re closing the case. CPS said after interviews with him, even if his parents did get found or come back on their own, he wouldn’t be put back in their care.”
“But what about putting him with another family?”
Hopper sighed. He watched Eddie place a hand on Steve’s knee to calm him down.
“They’ve spoken in detail with him about his current situation. They believe that you’re the person he wants to live with and they aren’t going to disrupt his life any more than it already has been. If that’s alright with you, of course.”
Steve felt like he could breathe for the first time in his life.
“He can stay? With me?”
“He can stay with you.”
Steve let out a sob and fell against Eddie’s side. Eddie was crying too, but trying to keep more control so he could comfort Steve.
“CPS has to do a home visit to finalize everything, but if you’re good with it, you can officially adopt him. He’s been considered abandoned by his parents, and since it’s been 60 days, they relinquish all rights automatically.”
“How quickly can we do that?”
“We? Both of you?”
“I mean, can we both even do that?”
Hopper shrugged.
“Don’t know. But they’re probably expecting just Steve for now. They’ll call tomorrow to schedule everything and give you a chance to talk to Elliott.”
Steve and Eddie both nodded.
“I’m gonna leave you two to it, but call me if you need me. Congrats, Steve. I know you wanted this. I know he wanted this.”
Hopper saw himself out, closing the door quietly so it wouldn’t wake Elliott up.
“Eddie, did that really happen? Am I dreaming?”
“No, sweetheart, you aren’t dreaming.”
“I get to be his dad.”
“Yeah, you do.”
“And you?”
“What about me?”
“Do you want to be his other dad?”
“I would love to, baby. Let’s ask him tomorrow, though. It’s up to him.”
Steve nodded.
It was up to Elliott, but he knew what Elliott wanted.
He knew what he wanted.
They were gonna be a family. A real family. No more worrying about someone deciding to take Elliott away from him.
He could finally use this house that had been left to him by his parents for something other than being miserable. He could keep it filled with love and laughter and happiness and maybe the occasional stupid argument.
Maybe Elliott would make friends at school in the fall and want to have hangouts here. Maybe they could both save up some money and take him on a vacation somewhere. Maybe someday they could get married and Elliott could be the best man.
Anything could happen.
Steve couldn’t wait.
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scarletwinterxx · 4 days
your day - dad mark lee scenario
hi🥺 okay so first of all sorry it took me so long to write this, I swear I've been working on it since the day i got the request but the rest of the story wasn't coming to me and i didn't want to put out something I didn't love. but here it is😊🥺 i missed the Lee family too, hope you like it!!!
part1: day with dad mark lee
part2: another day with dad mark lee
part3: a day with the lee's
part4: (prologue) i don't know how to make eggs
part5: glitter pens and goodnight kisses with the Lee's
part6: first love and kisses
part7: naps and baby kicks
part8: then there was three
part9: just like you
part10: fool for you
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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The waiting game began a week ago, originally the 3rd Lee baby was suppose to come early May but the due date came and passed but no baby still.
Since it's your third baby you don't feel as nervous but Mark can't really say the same. He even made sure to have all the stuff you'll need at the hospital already loaded in the car along with the baby's car seat.
"You think it might happen tonight?" he asks, nose touching your belly like he can't wait to be close to his baby
"How will they get the baby out?" Minjee asks, she sitting right beside her dad watching your belly too.
"Me and mommy will go to the hospital, then the smart and kind doctor and nurses will help mom" Mark explains as kid friendly as possible
While you listen to the two, Minjung stays beside you quiet on his seat. "You'll be okay, right mom?" he asks you
You smile sweetly at your boy, ever the caring one. "Of course, I will be. Don't worry about it okay? Remember when Minjee was born, this time you can come together" you tell him, giving him a side hug. Your son stays tucked by your side while the daddy-daughter duo make chatters on their own.
"Okay everyone, I think it's time for bed. Mommy might be tired now" Mark tells the kids, picking Minjee up from the bed making the little girl laugh out loud on their way out the room.
Minjung stays behind, waiting to say something to you
"Mommy, I have something to tell you"
"What is it, love?"
"Happy Mother's Day, if I'm reborn again I want you to be my mom again" he tells you, this made you want to burst out into tears
"It's tomorrow but thank you, and I would love to be your mom again and again. I love you, always. Okay?" you open your arms and hug him. Giving him kisses, "My sweet sweet boy, when did you grow up so big like this? Don't grow up anymore" you joke, Minjung laughs at this. He bids goodnight then goes out the room to get ready for the night.
Mark comes back to your room a few minutes later to also get ready for bed, you've already finished yours so you're just waiting for him
"You good there, baby?" he asks while watching you get comfy with your pregnancy pillow. He wishes he can do more for you but for now all he can you is attend to your every need while you carry his child.
It's the third time but he's still very much in awe of you, he thinks it's the most wonderful thing to be growing a human that his and yours. He can't do much about the 'growing a human inside your body' part of it, but he makes sure you're very well taken care of.
"Yep, just tired from today. Are the kids asleep?"
"Yea, they're excited to give your their cards for tomorrow. Don't tell them I told you though"
You let out a chuckle at that, "I'll make sure to look very surprised"
You feel him move from behind you, then he kisses you on the head "Goodnight, baby. I love you" Mark mumbles, giving you a few more kisses and a hug
"Mhm, love you too"
You woke up a few hours later from a sharp pain on your stomach, sitting up carefully on the bed you wait a few moments to get your bearing together when you feel it again
"Mark" you say but the man beside you doesn't move
"Mark" you shake him again but still he's dead as a rock
"Lee Minhyung" you say a bit louder, waking you husband up
"Wha- what what's happening?" Mark sits up confused, one eye still closed
"I think the baby is coming"
"Oh shit, okay uh what do you need? Are you in pain? We should go get dressed"
"The stuff is already in the car, where are my keys though. Should I get you a hoodie? Snacks? I should probably call your doctor"
"Don't panic, we've done this before"
"I'm not really panicking though" you mumble while watching your husband scramble around the room
"Careful, love. You're gonna wake the kids up" you tell him when he tripped on his own feet, it's after midnight so the kid are fast asleep
"Oh right, I should call Haechan to watch them. My parents won't arrive until tomorrow. Where the heck is my phone"
"LEE MINHYUNG" your loud call got his attention, halting his frantic actions
"Breath, baby. You're panicking. Now can you get me one of your sweatpants and a jacket too, then call Haechan. Your phone is right there, the keys is by the door. Breath" you tell him, getting on your feet to get ready also
Mark follows your instructions one by one, if he doesn't he's afraid he might start freaking out again. He helps you down the stairs when you're both ready and wait for Haechan to arrive.
You're not feeling the pain anymore but your belly did get more tense, taking careful steps to the kitchen you grab some snacks for later while Mark checks on the kids before leaving.
The front door open, followed by Haechan calling out for Mark
"He's upstairs, checking on the kids" you answer when Haechan walks in the kitchen
"Aren't you in labor?" he points at you
"I think, I hope. This baby is due so let's hope today is the day"
Mark then arrives, checking if you need anything else before leaving Haechan instructions "Hyung, seriously I got this. I have a kid too" Haechan chuckles
"I know, but Nari is an angel. My Minjee, I can't say the same" you laugh at Mark's words
"She's unpredictable" Haechan says "She's like you, I have a kid like you. Causing me all kinds of trouble" Mark says making you and Haechan laugh
"I got it, I'll watch the kids"
"Sorry if we ruined your mother's day plans, Mark's parent's will be here early morning tomorrow. Thanks again, Hyuck" you tell him while walking towards the door with Mark assisting you
"Don't worry about it, wifey and Nari will come here for breakfast so it's all good. Your kids love me too so it's a win win"
"Thank you again"
"Happy mother's day, Y/N" he smiles at you, giving you a quick hug and Mark a pat on the back.
The drive to the hospital was quiet, a few more contractions every once in a while but nothing you couldn't handle. You got admitted to a room with no trouble and a nurse came to check on you and the baby.
"What a way to celebrate mother's day huh" Mark says, currently he's sitting beside you giving your back a gentle rub as another contraction hits you.
"How are you gonna beat this gift next year" you joke
"Let's get this baby here first then we'll talk" he humors you
A few more hours of waiting when a doctor comes in, "Hello Mrs. Lee, Mr. Lee"
"Everything looks good with you, but there's seem to a little hiccup"
"What? What's wrong? Is the baby okay?" the moment you heard the 'but' your heart started to beat faster
"All good, it's just the baby is currently feet first. Meaning they are not facing the way they're supposed to be. And since your contractions started hours ago and your water already broke, we're in a countdown here before it gets dangerous for you and the baby"
You're at lost for words so you turn to Mark, his hand is holding your the entire time to provide comfort. He looks at you then looks at the doctor again, "What do we need to do? Just please keep my wife and my baby safe"
"I'm afraid she has to get an emergency c-section"
"Mark" you mumble, "Hey hey it's okay, I'm here" he tells you
"We'll get the OR ready for you, a nurse will come here to get some papers signed and get Y/N ready for surgery. We'll do our best to keep her and the baby safe"
It all happened so fast. The doctor exits the room, you didn't even get a few moments before a few nurses enter the room. One talking to Mark about the surgery and a few helped you get ready.
They wheel the bed out of the room, Mark still right beside you.
"Hey, I'll be right beside you the entire time. I know this isn't part of the plan but you can do it" he kisses you on the head
"I'm scared" you say for the first time and this breaks Mark's heart. He wishes there was a way to transfer your pain to him, he'd take it all for you.
"I know, baby. I won't leave okay? I'll be with you. You'll be fine" he assures you. No matter how many times your doctor and all the nurses assured you you'll be fine, only Mark's got you to calm down a bit.
They got you ready for the surgery while Mark waits outside, waiting for one of the nurses to call him. When he got the go signal, he walks in to see you lying down with a curtain in the middle blocking the view of the doctors and nurses helping to get the baby out
"Hey you, how are you feeling?" he asks quietly, running his thumb on your cheek to give some comfort
"Scared, but better now you're here. I just want the baby to come out safe and healthy" you tell him
"They're working on it now, tell me if you're feeling anything weird okay?"
"Mark baby, I'm literally cut open right now while they're trying to get your kid out of me" you joke
"You know what I mean, glad to hear you cracking a joke at a time like this"
You smile at your husband, even though you're really scared right now seeing him and knowing he's there for you is enough to ease your mind. You trust Mark to make sure you're going be all right.
"Okay, the baby's here just a moment okay I see the feet, body out a little more" you hear your doctor say then in a few seconds you hear it
"head out, baby's here and it's a boy. Look momma look" the nurses put the curtain down to show the baby, Mark helped you lean your head up to see. Both of you getting teary eyed, you look over at Mark to see him looking at the baby with the familiar lovestruck look in his eyes.
Seeing him like this, to witness him being the best father to your kids everyday, like life is being brought into him at this very moment is making you think every moment is worth it no matter how scary it is. You love being the mother of his kids as much as he loves being a father to them.
Mark then looks at you, tears already falling down his cheeks "We have another boy, oh my gosh. You did so so good baby, I'm so proud of you. He's perfect" he leans down to kiss you on the cheek
"It's a healthy baby boy, dad would you mind walking here to cut the cord"
While the doctor finishes surgery, Mark stands on the side with baby boy. They hand him the little bundle of joy after checking everything, "You can hold him while we wait for mom, then we can stay in the recovery room then someone will come and check again on baby and mommy. When we get the clearance, you can go back to your room" the nurse explains
The baby in Mark's arm fusses but Mark expertly hushes and rocks him, his son immediately finding comfort in his father's arm
"You're an expert" the nurse compliments him
"We got two more at home" he proudly says
A few hours passed before you got the okay signal to go back to your room. The baby is currently sleeping in his crib while you get some rest. You didn't expect to feel this tired after surgery but you feel so drained
Mark went outside to get some food for you and him, you weren't really asleep you were just resting your eyes when you heard the door open and close
"Oh shit, you're asleep" you hear your husband mumble
"Language, there's a baby there" you tell him, opening your eyes only to see him holding a big bouquet of flowers
"Happy Mother's Day, my love" he walks towards you, putting the flowers down somewhere safe before handing you a paperbag
"What's this?"
"Your mother's day gift and push present"
"I thought that was my push present" you point your lips at the sleeping baby
Mark chuckles, urging you to open the bag. You carefully do so, feeling a velvet box inside "Minhyung, what is this?"
"Open it" he smiles at you, he watches you flip the box open. Inside is a ring somewhen similar to your engagement ring with a few details different
"Mark Lee, you did not. This is-" "You deserve it, baby. Plus we've always talked about giving your rings to your son someday and since we have two sons now I thought you will need another ring"
"Did you really buy this and hope for a boy?" you joked
"Nah, I have a back up just in case"
"I can't believe it, we have two boys. I know Minjung will be so excited, but Minjee will be elated to know she's still the only princess"
Mark chuckles at that, seating gently by your side while the two of you watch your newborn son.
"He got your nose, it's so cute" he mumbles "Got your cheeks though, just like Minjung and Jee, I hope he got your eyes too. I love your eyes" you tell him, resting your head on his shoulder
"You tired? go get some rest, baby. I'll take care of him, let me know too if you're feeling anything okay?" he tells you, helping you settle on the bed
"Mark, I love you"
He looks down at you, getting cozy on the bed with your drowsy but beautiful eyes he loves so much. "I love you more, baby. I'm so proud of you, you superwoman"
"Couldn't have done it without you"
"You would've have, you could but you don't have to. As long as I'm here you don't have to do anything by yourself. I know you're the strongest and bravest woman, and I'm in awe of you everyday. But in this lifetime, you got me always" he leans down, giving you sweet kiss.
"Oh and I thought of a name for him"
"Do tell, my lady" he indulges you. You actually named all of your kids, ofcourse you tell him first to make sure you both like it. But he leaves it up to you, his reason being the kids will get his surname anyways so he lets you think of their names, Minjung and Minjee.
"Minsu, I read somewhere it means gentle. Minjung, Minjee and Minsu" you smile at your kids' name
"Minjung, Minjee and Minsu Lee. I love it"
"Mhm, you got four Min's now" he smiles
"Is it too obvious I love you so much?"
"Nah, I think the three kids is kinda telling I love you more. Who knows, we'll have a fourth one" he jokes
"Lee Minhyung!"
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tonicandjins · 1 year
it's swowwen."
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CHARACTERS: lee donghyuck | haechan x reader
GENRE: established relationship
AUTHOR'S NOTE: this had to be written. please consider donating/tipping me
"it's swowwen." is the (unplanned) fifth installment from 23 moments with donghyuck
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“It’s done,” the text message says. “We are on our way.”
The text message from Donghyuck’s manager was enough to make you jump off your feet, barely slipping your shoes properly and almost tripping on your way out of your apartment. Donghyuck worked until one in the morning, based on the evidently exhausted text he sent saying he’d just reached the dorm. It was barely nine in the morning when you’d gotten a call from Donghyuck himself, groaning in pain, saying his wisdom tooth is going to kill him one day.
It’s been bothering him for quite some time now, and you’d told him again and again to have it removed. But there was always an excuse when it comes to the expense of his own health and well-being: his stupidly packed schedule you can’t seem to comprehend despite dating for over two years now.
It would have been the best time to say, “I told you so,” as soon as you’d heard him crying in pain, but of course, the first thing you’d done was call his manager because you know that Donghyuck would never. Because you know Donghyuck’s probably thinking of the comeback and with fear of being placed on an indefinite hiatus again. It’s an unhealthy and risky mindset—the way Donghyuck avoids the H-word by not telling people how he feels—but it’s something he’d promised he would work on.
He needs to work on it harder.
Hence, you find yourself running from your unit’s floor down to the main entrance. Donghyuck needs to be taken care of today, and with Dream’s schedule, none of the managers will be available to tend to him today, which is why they ended up deciding to send him to your apartment for the day.
A few minutes later, with careful eyes ensuring no fan or pap is around to see him, Donghyuck is nestled in the middle of your bed, snuggling with your pillows and comforter. You sit on his side, making sure he’s comfortable by fluffing up the pillows on his side.
“It’s swowwen,” he whines sleepily, evidently high from the dosages of anesthesia they gave him before the surgery. “My face. It’s swowwen.”
Unable to fight the urge to kiss him, you give him a soft, barely-there peck on the forehead, careful not to touch his face especially where it hurts. “It’s not so bad, baby. It’ll come down.”
“It’s very swowwen,” he repeats, sighing as he looks up to you. Donghyuck looks a lot like a baby right now. “I don’t want to look swowwen in pictures.”
“No one’s taking picture of you, baby,” you assure him, fixing your blanket on him and gently running your hand through his hair.
“I did,” he pouts. “I sent it in Bubble.”
You giggle. “If you don’t want to look swollen in pictures, why did you send it to Bubble?”
“My fans are going to keep it a secret,” he answers, eyelids heavy. “Don’t let me fall asleep. This is the only time I ever get to be with you.”
You smile. “Will you sleep if I come cuddle you?”
Donghyuck’s eyes give up on him, but he quickly opens his eyes, exaggeratingly keeping it open in attempts to stay away. “Come cuddle me. I won’t sleep.”
“Sure,” you say, moving one of the pillows behind him and allowing yourself to occupy the space beside your boyfriend. As promised, you cuddle him—carefully, of course. “I told you to get that removed last year. You didn’t listen.”
“You’re starting to sound like my mom,” he mumbles against your hair. “If you keep with that, I might just marry you.”
“You won’t remember anything when you wake up,” you chuckle softly, kissing his clothed chest. “Marry me, then.”
“Now?” he asks, determined. “Can we get married even if I’m swowwen?”
“Sure, we can,” you answer. “Alright. Tell me your vows.”
Donghyuck sighs. “I’m writing you a song.”
Among all the confessions, you’ve never heard this one before.
“But it’s not yet 100% completely done,” he mumbles. He’s starting to fall asleep. “So, I won’t tell you my vows. I’ll sing them to you.”
Then, Donghyuck hums a song you’d never heard of. The lyrics, as expected with his condition at this time, are all groggy and incoherent, but he sings about how cool it would be to run around and dance with you forever.
Donghyuck falls asleep like that. You wonder if he remembers all of this when he wakes up later in the afternoon.
(He doesn’t. He doesn’t even remember posting a picture of himself all swowwen.)
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ghost of you | steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: steve harrington comes to the realization that he needs you more than anything. if only he had come to that realization before he lost you forever. 
warnings: breakup, angst, drinking, depression, hopeful ending
wordcount: 2.05k
author's note: this fic is based off ghost of you by 5sos, and i hope you enjoy it! i started writing this like back in february and just decided to finish it up now, so there might be random gaps in there just lmk lol. if you'd like a part two, let me know!
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Steve couldn’t sleep as well as he did before. Weeks of tossing and turning could no longer be blamed on a supposedly lumpy mattress. Dustin and Robin had told him time and time again that if he wanted a new mattress he could simply buy a new one. But the mattresses at the store were missing something. They didn’t come with the faint smell of your shampoo, or the wrinkles in the sheets from when you last slept over. 
Nearly two months had passed since you were here, yet everything remained the same in Steve’s bedroom. Your side of the bed was untouched. No matter how much Steve insisted he was getting over you, he still refused to sleep on your side of the bed. 
Steve rolled out of bed and dragged his feet down the stairs. The floors creaked with every heavy step until he made it down to the kitchen. Dust coated the countertop from lack of use aside from a plate of uneaten food here and there. Robin always made sure Steve had food - she’d stop by the local pizzeria at times and buy him a slice. But as soon as she’d leave, he’d push away the plate and go back to bed. 
Steve sat down on the barstool and sighed to himself. To his right sat a half empty cup of coffee. There was nothing special about the cup, it was just a blue cup with a faded “world’s okay-est dad” printed on it from the kids last holiday. But to Steve, it was your cup. Your lipstick was still stained on the rim, faint but still there. God, you didn’t live together officially back then, yet you had designated the left side of the bed and Steve’s yellow sweatshirt as yours, not that Steve minded, though. He loved you, adored you, even. 
If only he told you that when it mattered most. 
Steve wasn’t sure why he gave into Robin and Nancy’s idea. Perhaps it was because he was such a pushover for the kids, that nature transferred to them as well. Nonetheless, Steve was heavily regretting it. 
Now, all of Steve’s house was being deeply cleaned to a near perfect state. Nancy suggested throwing a party to get Steve “out of his funk,” as she put it. Anything to help improve his mood, but in reality Steve wanted to do anything but party. He couldn’t when you weren’t by his side, making sure he didn’t drink too much or that he had enough water and food in his stomach. Not when you weren’t pulling him to the middle of the room to dance like no one was watching, or whispering in his ear that you had enough socializing for one night. Those moments, he would look into your eyes and not break away when he called out to everyone that the party was over. Because you were everything to him and anything you said goes. That is until he broke things off with you. 
Why did he ever end things? 
Steve’s mind was racing as he absentmindedly swept the living room floor, dust accumulating at his feet. He didn’t hear Robin’s voice calling out to him until she was literally in front of him, shaking his shoulders. The boy snapped out of his thoughts, flinching at his friend’s rough shaking. 
“Jesus, Rob,” he shook his head. “What do you want?”
Robin rolled her eyes at his hostility and crossed her arms on her chest. “Nancy called,” she deadpanned. “She did the laundry and found a bunch of old crap. She wants to know if she can throw them out or donate them.”
Steve sighed, running his fingers through his uncommonly flat, greasy hair. He had forgotten to shower -once again- but he made a mental note to do so once he finished cleaning the house. “It’s probably my mom’s stuff. I’ll go down to check it out.” 
Handing the broom and dustpan to his friend, Steve casually walked downstairs to meet Nancy. And at that moment, he felt as though his entire world collapsed in front of him. In a way, his world really did. 
Nancy was crouched by the dryer, folding clothes and sorting them as she pleased. At her side was a lime green basket full of Steve’s old sweatshirts and jeans he once had haphazardly strewn across his bedroom floor. Sitting on top of the pile was a faded black Led Zeppelin shirt. The design was barely there anymore, and you could barely make out the words on it. But that didn’t matter to Steve. That was your shirt and not Nancy’s to touch. 
“Hey Steve,” she greeted without looking up from her work. “I set aside a pile of–” 
“What did you do?” Steve yelled, his voice raspy and broken from lack of use. He scrambled to the ground and reached for his band t-shirt. The worn material was thin and frail in his hands, almost to a point where he could pull a thread from the hem and the entire shirt would fall apart. 
Nancy shot up in alarm, not expecting his frantic reaction. “I-I did the laundry-”
“NO!” he cried out. He brought the article of clothing to his nose, desperately trying to smell you, find you, in the shirt but to no avail. All that he could smell was the stupid detergent from the convenience store. 
Tears streamed down his face and onto the cotton, quickly absorbing it and darkening the shirt color. “That was all I had of her,” he sobbed. “How could you, I-I” 
Robin ran down into the laundry room at the sound of Steve yelling. “What’s going on here?” she called, racing to meet her friends. “Nancy what happened?” 
The poor girl only shrugged her shoulders. “I was just finishing up the laundry and Steve flipped out. Something about a memento?” 
Robin stared down at the broken man before her. She could barely recognize him anymore. He was a wreck without you. “y/n’s shirt,” was all Robin could say. 
Closing his eyes, Steve could barely make out the image of you in the rain. You had yet another quarrel with your family and ended up at his doorstep. The fuzzy memory replayed in his head, how you were out of breath from running across town to him, looking for him. How he held you the entire night while you wore that shirt since your original clothes were wet and muddy. You clung to him as if he were your lifeline, and he held you with the same regard. They always said you two were too young to know what love felt or meant. No one understood or felt your hurt the way he did. That’s what made you perfect for each other.
And that’s what made you each other’s poison. 
The debacle was resolved once Steve had fallen asleep in his room, locking himself away for the rest of the afternoon until cleaning had completed. Robin had consoled Nancy after she kicked herself for her mistake, but there was nothing that could be done afterwards. Something Steve had forgotten was that they had lost a friend as well. If he wasn’t your person, Nancy was, the girl glued to the hip wherever you went. And Robin was a little sister to you, the kids, too. You were an essential part of your little group. And now you’re just gone. 
Soon enough, the party started and the Harrington Manor was filled to the brim with drunk high school students or popular has-beens. No one quite knew how they managed to get in, but no one stopped them or cared for that matter. It was a long shot, but Eddie, Nancy, and Robin were grasping at straws to get their Steve back. If a party to reminisce old times brings back his cheerful spark, then they were willing to buy all the booze Hawkins could supply. 
Steve stood by himself in the corner of the main room of the house, nursing his third can of beer of the hour. He was silent, despite the many people coming up in their drunken stupor to greet the supposed host of the party. All he could manage was a fake smile and nod to bore them off. 
All of a sudden, he caught a glimpse of a familiar color of hair. He whipped his head around to follow the shadow, only for it to disappear into the crowd. Steve hurried to push through waves of people dancing to music Steve could only describe as pure trash, to find what he was looking for. After all, could it be? After two months, could a party bring you back to him? 
“y/n!” Steve shouted out, his voice drowned out in the blaring music. “y/n!” 
The shadow did not stop, but neither did Steve. Steve followed it to the backyard, shouting and stumbling as the alcohol in his system began to take over. 
“Steve!” a voice shouted behind him. Steve finally stopped to turn around and see Max staring back at him in disbelief. “What the hell are you yelling about?”
Steve’s hands trembled as he grabbed Max’s shoulders. “y/n,” he whispered. “I saw her, I swore I saw her here. She was right there, I-” 
“Steve,” Max sighed. “She’s not here. She never was.” The teen pointed out at the garden and pool, seeing no one in sight. Truth be told, absolutely no one was there. Not in the party, nor the backyard. Steve’s grief had taken him by storm. Max feared the worst for him.
The party finally ended in the early hours of the morning. Steve woke up on the sticky floor of his manor to the sound of his doorbell ringing. The night was a blur to him. He could barely recall when the party started, much as when it ended. There were flashes of blaring lights and music in Steve’s intoxicated mind. His friends had tried to stop him from drinking himself stupid. At one point, Eddie had to catch him off the kitchen counter when he thought he could crowd surf. To put it shortly, his friends had gotten extremely upset with him and left not long after. Not that Steve cared, though. The alcohol in his system and neverending dread prevented him from caring. 
“I can’t keep doing this anymore, Steve,” Robin had yelled over the loud music. Their friends nodded solemnly behind her. “We can’t keep letting you sulk and drink yourself to death. But we can’t help you when you can’t help yourself.”
“Like I care,” Steve slurred, stumbling over himself. Trashy beer dribbled down his chin, onto his expensive sweater. “I didn’t ask you guys to help me. I didn’t ask you to wash her shirt, or clean her side of the bed. I didn’t ask you to help me forget her.” 
“We aren’t telling you to forget her,” Dustin sighed for the millionth time that night. “We just want you to go back to normal.”
Steve plopped down against the wall, his head creating a thud noise against it. “How can I?” he began to cry. “I see her everywhere. It’s like her ghost is still here, dancing through the house.” His friends stared down at him feeling absolutely helpless. The young teens watched pitifully. Steve was their rock throughout it all. He was the strongest person they knew, but now he was broken in a million pieces and there was nothing they could do. 
And now, Steve clumsily stood up and kicked around empty beer cans as he approached the door. 
“Alright,” he grumbled, thinking it was one of his friends. He knew he had to apologize for the things he said that night, but he was hoping he’d get a chance to get over his hangover first. 
The doorbell rang one more time, causing Steve to wince at the pinging noise. “I heard you the first time, for fuck’s sake,” he yelled out. Unlocking the door, the door swung open to reveal not Nancy, or Dustin, or even Robin for that matter. 
“Stevie,” you whispered, teary eyed. You were wearing his yellow sweatshirt and hadn’t changed a bit. From your hair to your stature. You were still his girl.
“y/n,” Steve gasped out.
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fictionismyreality3 · 5 months
I loved your writing btw
Omgomgomg hi babes!!!! You’re my first ask ever!!! You’ll forever have place in my heart 🥲 but really that is so sweet of you, and toTALLY STALKER JASON IS SO HOT HERE YOU GO
A Little bit of Sunshine
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Jason Todd x Reader
Tags: stalker!jason todd, innocent!reader
Warnings: stalking, mention of drugs
Notes: I’m actually dying at picturing getting stalked by Jay 😩 like that should not be hot but it is??? If people like this I might make it into a mini series or something 👀
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He was going to stop the first night.
At least, that's what he told himself.
Since Jason had come back from the Pit, being alive was something of a nuisance. Whatever weird ass magic they used to bring him back to life had made it harder to control himself in every way. He went on a year-long violent rampage, much to Bruce’s disdain, that left Gotham in shambles.
Only now was he actually putting a good face behind the name of the Red Hood. It’s not like he wanted to hurt people, but when everything was so vivid, it was hard to listen to Bruce’s non-lethal policy. But as much as he hated to admit it, he wanted Bruce to trust him again.
So, when Dick was called out of Bludhaven for some other crisis, Jason volunteered to help with patrol.
It was the third day of what was supposed to be a week-long shift in Bludhaven, and nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Sure he had broken the legs of a few robbers when they tried to run from him, but it was all in good fun.
In fact, Jason was dying for some fun. Bludhaven was somehow even darker and dingier than the rest of Gotham, and it was getting tiring only having drug dealers to play with. The rain was coming down, casting a foggy overcast to the darkening sky, and most of the sane residents had retreated to their homes. Everyone who had ever been to Bludhaven knew that nighttime was when the dangerous criminals liked to do their work.
Which is why Jason was a little astonished that a seemingly random girl was stupid enough to walk home in the dark.
Living in Bludhaven wasn't ideal, but the rent was cheap and that's all that mattered. You had been working at a donation center for the homeless for the last few months, wanting to help out the city in any way you could. It wasn't that you were trying to be a hero or something, you just didn't like seeing other people suffering. It also helped that volunteer work looked killer on a resume. The staff loved you, and quickly entrusted you with the keys, giving you the last shift of the night.
You usually walked home with one of your co-workers, a woman in her 60s named Rose. It wasn't the typical company for someone your age, but her never-ending stories were nice to zone out to after a long day of work. Rose was sick today, which meant you had to walk home alone. Looking out the window, you saw that it was already dark. Definitely not ideal. But, you had made the trip hundreds of times and knew all the shortcuts to get you home quicker.
Jason watched as the girl walked down the dimly-lit streets. He was going to just leave it, and let you learn your lesson the hard way, but then he took a second glance at you.
He thought the Pit bringing him back to life was the closest thing he'd ever get to seeing heaven. But now?
Now he knew he was dead wrong.
A soft face with pretty lips and pretty hair and pretty everything. Jason felt his heart beat inside his chest with a vigour that betrayed the dead man he thought he was. All of the lonely, unclear and dangerous thoughts in his head suddenly vanished. His breaths were heavy and he couldn't tear his eyes away from the pretty little thing walking all alone. He felt like there was blood flowing in his veins again. He felt alive.
If you were walking alone at this time of night you were either innocent or stupid, and the innocence was practically rolling off you in waves. You were far too sweet for this place. His eyes scanned the logo of the bag you were carrying and his heart exploded and regrew in his chest all at once. The kind face you had made sense if you were generous enough to work at one of Bludhaven's seedy donation buildings. His mouth went dry at the idea of anything remotely distressing happening to you.
Fuck it.
He was just gonna make sure you got home safe. That's all it was.
Jumping from rooftop to rooftop, Jason silently followed you as you walked home, watching from above like a twisted guardian angel. He was always on high alert, he was raised to be vigilant, but he found himself paying extra close attention to every single movement he saw out of the corner of his eye. Logic was telling him that if he was going through all this trouble to make sure a random girl was safe, he should just jump down from the roof and walk you home instead of watching like some-
Oh, that was cute.
Jason's gaze followed your hands as you pulled your keys from your bag. The fabric keychain they were attached to was dotted with tiny drawings of the sun. He hadn't even realized that you'd gotten home. Perching on a rooftop, he kept you in his vision while he quickly scanned the area where you lived. It wasn't the best, nothing in Bludhaven was, but at least it wasn't at the south tip of the city.
You had finally gotten home after a long day. Oddly, the walk didn't feel as scary as you expected. Sighing, you took out your keys and unlocked your front door, slipping inside your apartment. After making sure your door was locked, you kicked off your shoes and hung up your jacket, a yawn falling from your lips. You were definitely gonna call it an early night.
The soft clicking of your front door shutting brought Jason's attention back to the present. You obviously got home safe. He should get going. He should get going.
But he stayed rooted on the spot.
The rain fell around him, hitting the concrete rooftop he was frozen on. His helmet suddenly felt claustrophobic and he took it off gasping, the rain soaking his hair. The cold rush of despairing thoughts that he had grown used to flooded back into his brain. His heart grew still in his chest and he felt his smile disappear.
He had smiled?
He hadn't smiled since the pit. He hadn't smiled since he died. You retreated into your apartment and took all the sunshine with you. The sunshine that hadn't been able to reach his skin for years. With a sickening thought, Jason realized that he was about to make a very, very, very bad decision.
Who was he to deny himself happiness? Didn't he deserve to be happy after everything he had been through? He argued with himself as his gaze remained on your front door, trying to will himself to push away the wickedly possessive desire that he felt for you. Jason ran through all the possible outcomes that could come from.. whatever this was, but nothing held a match at the prospect of having you. He had to have you.
Fuck it.
Locking away the part of his mind which screamed at him to stop, he leapt from the rooftop, landing softly on the balls of his feet. Carefully, his head on a swivel for anyone walking by, he took out his phone. His finger hovered over the photo button, his mind telling him that if he did this, there was no going back. He snapped a photo of your apartment.
As he made his way back to the safehouse he was staying in, he could feel you being cemented in his mind. Every raindrop that hit his skin felt like it was washing away everything that he thought was important until only you remained. The image of your precious face became ingrained in his mind. By the time he got back to his safehouse, the only goal he had was to know as much about you as he possibly could.
He was already at his computer, his helmet tossed to the other side of the room. His clothes were still soaked from the rain, but he didn't care. This was more important. You were more important.
Using Bruce's tech, being careful not to leave a trace, he uploaded the photo he had taken of your apartment and began to run a search. Within less than 5 minutes he had everything he would need to keep you for himself. Your school records, social media posts, and more were at his fingertips. He took the liberty of adding himself to your bank account, hacking in so he could be aware of every transaction you made. Soon he would be the one making them for you.
Jason spent the night scrolling through your information. For once he was glad for Bruce's training, as his disciplined mind allowed him to commit everything about you to memory. His eyes burned from lack of sleep, and he was vaguely aware that it was well past 3AM, but he was enraptured reading your search history.
How to change a lightbulb?
As soon as he could get a copy of your key made you would never need to change a lightbulb again. Every so often he would come across a photo of you dressed up for some event; a christmas party, a graduation, whatever. When he saw those photos, every doubt that was trying to creep back into his mind was pushed away by his increasingly twisted desire for you.
Jason knew he had gone off the deep end, but if this is what drowning felt like he would gladly let you kill him all over again. When he went to bed that night, he fell asleep knowing you now belonged to him.
And you didn't even know it yet.
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belphiesreverie · 6 months
Hello there! May I request Leona with an idol reader?
Yea ofc!! Tysm for the request 🫶🫶
First time writing in a few months so I’m a little rusty, so apologies if these are a bit short 🙏
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He’s one of your biggest fans, though he’d die before ever admitting that to anyone. No matter how famous you may be, he’d be adamant that he’s never even heard of you before
Attends every single one of your concerts, and always pays extra to be able to meet you backstage. Acts super unbothered the whole time, but is very happy when you remember him and things he’s told you before
When he hears people discussing you, he always listens very intently, though to others it may just appear that he’s sleeping again
If he ever hears people speaking badly about you or spreading misinformation, he’ll make sure to correct them in a very ‘nonchalant’ way
(He yells at them and then plays it off as if it’s just something he heard once. Nobody is convinced but they’re too scared to mention it)
Owns every single piece of merch you’ve ever released, usually multiples of them too. He even owns many one of a kind items, and people hunting down anything else he doesn’t own
Keeps most of the merch in a dedicated room back at the palace, but has a couple of photocards hidden in his dorm room
Potentially runs a very popular fan blog for you, and may or may not get into a lot of heated arguments with other fan pages that declare their idols to be the best, which is a blatant lie because clearly you’re the best
If you’re more of an underground idol, he has a lot of conflicting emotions
On one hand, he wants you to succeed and become known worldwide since it’s your dream to do so, and he’s more than able to financially support you in such a way
But on the other hand, every time he thinks about more people knowing about you, he feels jealousy bubble up. He knows it’s a selfish thought to want to keep you all to himself, but he’s aware that he’s a very selfish man
In the end, he’ll place your happiness above his and help financially support your rise to fame. But he’ll make sure you know the donations are coming from him and he’ll take pride in knowing his support helped you achieve your dreams in a way no other fan could
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munsonkitten · 7 months
Steve picks Eddie up on a Friday night. He comes in and waits while Eddie finishes getting ready. He’s wearing the new jeans Steve got him. Dark black and just on the right side of too tight. His shirt is one of the ones from the donation bins at the school, a tight fitting black t-shirt that doesn’t quite reach the waistband of his jeans.
He’s still bandaged up in places and knows the white peeks out, nearly healed wounds surrounding the places he keeps covered. He feels better than he did the last time he saw Steve. His body still aches, but he doesn’t want that to stop him from enjoying himself, especially when Steve’s been looking forward to it. 
“I didn’t realize how small that shirt was,” Steve says, almost apologetic. Except for the way he’s looking Eddie up and down as he says it, something hungry in his eyes. 
“It works,” Eddie promises. Especially if Steve’s gonna look at him like that. 
Steve comes a little bit closer and reaches out to tug on the hem of the shirt. 
He looks at Eddie like he wants to say something else, but he doesn’t, just steps away with a smile and says something about beating traffic. 
Steve drives. It’s a little over an hour and a half to Indianapolis, and Eddie really doesn’t have enough gas in his van to make it. It makes sense, really, for Steve to drive. He’s safer than Eddie is, and his car gets better mileage. 
It still makes Eddie feel like he owes him something. Wearing clothes bought by Steve, sitting in his passenger seat while Steve wastes gas on him. It’s adding up, and Eddie can hear his dad’s voice in the back of his head calling him an idiot for racking up this debt and still sticking around for the chance of it being collected. 
He pushes it aside. Steve invited him out. Steve invited him, this is something Steve wants to do. I’ve been wanting to check it out, he said. Eddie doesn’t have to owe Steve for something he wants. 
“Hey,” Steve says. 
Eddie feels a hand on his own. 
“You okay?” Steve asks. 
Eddie pulls himself out of his panic, out of his spiral. He looks over at Steve, sunglasses over his eyes, hair windswept from the open window. He’s a vision. He’s a vision, and Eddie’s in way over his head. 
“Yeah,” Eddie answers. “I’m good.”
“I’m glad we’re doing this.”
“Yeah,” Eddie breathes. “Me too.”
He tries to relax a little bit. He enjoys the time he spends with Steve, and he needs to just let himself do that. 
The panic sets in again when Steve pulls into the parking lot of a hotel. He was told to pack an overnight bag, but Eddie usually just sleeps in his van when he takes trips to Indy and can’t drive home after drinking. He figured Steve had something like that in mind, not… Not a nicer hotel than Eddie’s ever stayed in. 
“Uh,” Eddie says. “This place is a little out of my budget, Harrington.”
“It’s alright,” Steve says softly, giving Eddie’s hand a squeeze. He unbuckles his seatbelt and reaches into the backseat for his backpack. “It’s already covered.”
He has no idea where Steve’s getting all this money from. Last Eddie heard, Steve was cut off from his dad’s money and he’s working minimum wage at Family Video.   
The room is nice. Two beds, a desk, a cushioned chair and a TV. The bathroom is clean, the towels are white. It’s better than Eddie’s ever stayed in, which isn’t saying a whole lot. He doesn’t ask about the price, doesn’t ask how Steve can afford it, and had politely turned away to look at some fake plants when Steve signed a check at the front desk. 
He sets his bag down on the far bed, and almost asks if they’re going to share or not, but he stops himself short. He doesn’t want to sound too eager to have Steve in bed with him, curled up together like they did the other day when Eddie was having a bad afternoon. 
“We should head over now,” Steve suggests. “It’s a bit of a walk, but I have directions written down… somewhere.”
He starts to dig through his backpack before giving up and checking his pockets. He ends up finding the slip of paper in his wallet, tucked behind what looks like a fake ID, if the wrong state written across the top is anything to go by. Eddie suddenly remembers a year or so ago when Steve came to him asking if that was a service he offered. It was, of course it was. He got it for Steve after up-charging a fuckton because that’s just what he does to the rich kids, and now Eddie feels bad about it, but not enough to say sorry or offer to pay him back for any of it. Mostly because Eddie doesn’t have the money and he’s already in debt as it is. 
Steve doesn’t need to know about that one.  
The walk to the club is nice. The weather is warm now that April is turning into May. They bump arms while they walk down the city streets, but they don’t do much more than that. Not until they’re inside, past the bouncer at the door who barely even glances at their IDs. 
Then Steve wraps an arm around Eddie’s waist and guides him to the bar, ordering two drinks. He hands over some cash as the bartender pours vodka and grenadine into a cup of soda and ice. He tops it off with a couple maraschino cherries, which Eddie immediately fishes out when the drink is slid over to him. 
He doesn’t realize Steve paid for his drink until after they sit down in a booth near the bar. He was fully ready to pull his wallet out and hand over the few dollars he has to his name, but Steve beat him to it. 
“Thanks,” Eddie says, leaning close so Steve can hear him over the loud music. 
Steve just turns and kisses him, two fingers beneath his chin. It’s surreal to do that in public, Eddie thinks. People surround them, and Steve just kisses him like it’s nothing.
It takes two drinks for Eddie to finally slip out of the booth and pull Steve along with him. He feels the alcohol loosening his body, feels the music wash over him. He tugs Steve’s hand until they’re on the dance floor, and he throws his arms around Steve’s neck when they find a good spot. 
He sways, moving his hips in a way he hopes is sexy because it feels sexy, and it seems to be doing its job because Steve’s hands fall to his hips and his fingers dig in. 
Eddie tilts his chin and noses at Steve’s cheek, wanting to ask for a kiss, but not knowing if he’s allowed. It seems like Steve’s initiated them all so far, and Eddie doesn’t know where the line is between their arrangement and it being too real. 
Steve turns his face, hands moving Eddie’s hips to the beat of the music and presses his lips to Eddie’s. He tastes like vodka and grenadine, or maybe that’s Eddie, but it doesn’t really matter because he melts into it either way. Licks into Steve’s mouth, kisses him in as close to a public space as they’ll ever be able to kiss in. 
He pulls back, slides his arms off Steve’s neck to touch his chest, feeling the beat of the music as it thrums through his body. He sways, shakes his hair out behind his back, smiles. He can’t stop smiling like this. 
He turns around, feeling Steve’s hands slide around his waist as he backs up against him. 
Eddie can feel Steve up his entire back, heated skin pressing through the fabric of their t-shirts. The music pulses around them — not Eddie’s preference, that’s for sure, but it’s fine. Something he can move to. Sway his hips with Steve pressed right up against his backside. 
It’s hot in more ways than one, more than just from the sweaty warmth of Steve’s body. It has heat pooling in Eddie’s stomach, desire rushing to his cock. He takes Steve’s hand from where it rests over his stomach and drags it down, letting Steve feel what he’s doing to him. He feels Steve’s breath on his neck, followed by the drag of lips on his skin. 
Steve pulls him back tighter to his chest, hand digging into his dick right here on the dance floor. No one’s paying attention, all the bodies around them undulating in similar ways, people hanging off their dance partners. Everyone around them moves like they don’t care who sees — this is the one place that’s safe for people like them. 
“Someone’s looking at you,” Steve whispers, the hand not over Eddie’s crotch coming up to rest heavily on his stomach. “Too bad you’re here with me, hm? All these guys want a piece of you and they can’t have you.”
Eddie can barely hear him over the music, but the words aren’t lost on him at all. The way Steve wraps himself around Eddie, tugs him close, is completely possessive. He tips his head back against Steve’s shoulder, tilting his face up to see the way Steve is staring off past him as he moves his hands over Eddie’s body. 
Up under his shirt, warmth pressing against his skin. Steve’s careful of the worst wounds, the ones still covered by a white bandage beneath his shirt. 
He can feel Steve against him now, his cock hardening against the small of Eddie’s back. He moans, a little noise that gets washed away by the waves of music around them, but he knows Steve can tell what he’s thinking. He knows his stomach just jumped in anticipation, and his cock is hard over just a little bit of dancing in a club together. 
Read the rest on AO3
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lingering-42-long · 4 months
The Last Goodbye
When they are Kia
Cod characters x f! reader
Inspired by MW3 and the tragic events that occurred this will be a three-part series if I do not get writers block lol.
So sorry for the not posting as much! It’s been a really crazy month and a lot of things had happened and caused me to have a bit of a depressive episode so thank you all for being super patient!
Warnings: mentions of death
John Price
You saw it on the news first before you got the visit. Your breath hitched when you saw the news of the air strike that had hit the base where your husband of 12 years was stationed at everything was decimated. And you couldn’t call or check to make sure that he was all right as he would not have his personal cell phone with him. It wasn’t until two days after the attack did two uniformed military officers showed up at your door holding prices old hat and SAS badge and dog tags. How they got them so quickly, you weren’t sure, but the news came like a sudden wave of cold water. “ we are so sorry for your loss.” One of the officers told you. The body would be arriving shortly within a week or so for proper burial you two had purchased side-by-side grave plots. And the will was already drawn up well before all of this had happened. John was a very precise man and always make sure to think 12 steps ahead. He knew his job was rough and he knew that at any moment he could drop dead. He made sure that his life insurance would be going to you, which was some relief sense the army didn’t pay much.
How to tell your daughter, that her father was not going to be coming back. What is the worst thing you could ever do to her young heart. She was only eight years old. She adored her father practically worship the ground. He walked on. She was always his little girl, and now the war stripped her of him. Stripped you of him..
When she came home from school, you had to sit her down. You held her hands, and with tears, you told the heartbreaking news. The young girl did not understand at first on why her father wasn’t coming back, and once again, you explained that he had died in action, and he would never be able to come home you’re a little girl started to cry, and when he tried to comfort her, she bolted from your arms and ran to her room, slamming the door, and she could hear her wails. You yourself cried yourself to sleep for the first few weeks all the way up until the funeral your friends and family members gathered around you doing everything that they could to comfort you and your daughter people were calling in every single day talking with you for hours on end, while other people stopped by to bring you food.
Every day it felt like a horrifying nightmare. The one that reoccurs every single time slightly more horrifying than the last. As you were going through your stuff and trying to decide what if his you wanted to keep and what of his you wanted to donate you noticed on your phone you had gotten an email from Kate Lasswell. She had sent a video to you actually several saying in the email that he wanted you to have this and gave her explicit instructions in case if he was to ever die.
Pressing the play button, you watched as his face appeared in the camera as he sat down and smiled at you. The way, his eyes twinkled and the crows feet around them creased. “ hello dove” he started at first and you had to pause the video because you were overwhelmed with the emotions. When you stabilized yourself again, you continued. “ I know it’s been a long time since I’ve talked to you and I know that if you’re seeing this, it means that I have passed….. mission was going to be botched no matter what I just didn’t want to tell you the statistics at first…” he paused himself, as he seem to be collecting his words in his own voice was shaking “ I really wish I could come back home to you. I told you that this would be the last mission that I would do before retiring… I promise to take you out on that date that you wanted to go to that fancy restaurant.” he paused again, closing his eyes, and releasing out a large sigh.
“ I’m sorry I never got to take you…. I had so many plans to do with you and Alice… it doesn’t seem fair that I didn’t get a chance to do that” once again, you had a pause the video so that you could take a minute to cry. The plans that you had with each other right now by the wayside. You unpause did it again, and continued on listening. “ I know right now you’re depressed.” he stated, folding folding his hands, and leaning on the desk in a slightly business fashion way. “ in the email that Kate sent you there is several groups that you can join that are for the spouses of the deceased militant partner. Please join one as well as make sure our daughter also goes to one for kids. She’s going to need that support… you both are.” he smiled again, but it was a Sad smile. “ I also made sure to have a college fund started for her. You don’t have to worry about it until she’s ready. There should be plenty of money for her to attend all the way up until graduate year as long as she goes to a decent university. Make sure it’s only used for that if she chooses not to go to university or to go to a less expensive one, you can use the money to buy her a car or whatever she needs to get her life started…. I’m sorry this had all come to this…. As you know I have set aside a life insurance, and the beneficiary goes to you. I also saved up a lot of my savings as well. Feel free to use it as necessary.” he knew that you were going to be smart with the money. “ He paused and looked at you “you are my beloved…. I’m so sorry my dove that you have to face this alone. Please take care of yourself. Find a husband that loves you like I did and a good father figure for our daughter.” This made him tear up. “I will wait for you in heaven and I will watch over you both. You mean so much love. No one or nothing can separate this love. The email that is sent to you also has several videos for Alice. For her birthdays, graduation, moving out to university, marriage and their child. I made sure to make a video for all of that… I also left many for you. Please don’t hesitate to just let me listen to you… I love you.”
The video ended and you sat in the chair, Thinking things though. He set life up for you and your daughter. He was still looking after both of you. You cried for a bit before getting up and knocking on your daughters door. Your little girl opened up with tears on her face. “Hey baby… daddy sent you something.” She sniffed as you picked her up and took her to your old husband’s office. After sitting down with her in his old chair, you turned on the next video. “Hey Angel!” John’s face lit up when the camera started you could see he had been crying. “Angel, im not coming home, it’s not that I don’t want to but it’s because I got called up to heaven. I want you to do something for me my sweet, I want you to watch over momma ok? She is going to need you and you are going to need her. He glanced up as if looking at you then looked back down at his daughter. “You are such a special little girl. I love you so much. Momma has the other videos for you to watch when you grow up. I’m so so sorry to leave you like this. I did not
I did not want to go. I know you were looking forward to see me and so was I… you are my sunshine. My only sunshine.” He stated singing the song he sang when she was down or sad. “You make me happy, when sky’s are grey. You never know dear, how much I love you, so please don’t take my sunshine away…. I love you my angel.” The video ended. Your daughter looked at you. “What now?” She asked. “Well… now we do what daddy said… we do our best to move on, but not to forget him. We will be OK.” You held her as you too watched the sunset fade beneath the horizon, a beautiful white dove landed on he window, cooed and looked at you before flying off into the golden rays of the pink sky.
Simon Riley
You were cleaning in the kitchen when you heard a knock at the door. Putting the sponge back in the soapy hot water. You wiped your hands and made your way to the door. Two military officers took at the door, Solum faces as they greeted you. “Hello can I help you?” You asked
“Mrs (y/n) Riley?” One of them asked.
“Yes that is me.” You looked at them worried.
“I’m sorry, Lieutenant Simon Riley was killed in action.” The officer said gravely as he handed you a box of his things.
You took the box with tears in your eyes. The men told you that his body was found and would be returning soon. You thanked them and closed the door as you held the box tightly in your arms and sunk to the floor sobbing. Your sweet Simon. He was gone, never to come home to you and your son. You knew it was a dangerous job, but it never really hit you till now. Your husband, the man that always let you take off his mask, the man that would cuddle with you at night and rub your back after a long day, the father of your 3 month old son who he would stay up late to let you sleep. He was gone, ripped apart from you. How were you going to tell your son about his father, the man who loved his son from the moment he was born. You cried on the cold floor till you fell asleep, still holding onto the box. You woke up to the sound of your son crying in his room. Getting up, you walked and a dead sonter to his room. Tomas your son named after your husbands brother, was crying in his cradle. Carfully you picked him up and held him close. He looked so much like his daddy, blonde hair, dark blue eyes, fair skin. “Shhhhh my love” you rocked your son with tears in your eyes. “Daddy isn’t coming back.” You stated as a hiccup got you. “He loved you so much…. He loved me.” You knew your son wouldn’t remember this but it was still so sad to hold your little boy and know he would never have a father and son bonding.
You sobbed as you held onto him. Tomas sensing his mothers destress, he quieted down and cooed. After a while you fed him and put him down to bed once more. You opened the box after sitting down with a hot cup of tea, ready to take on what you needed to. With a sniffle, you opened the lid to reveal his skull mask, the dog tags that he wore, his SAS badge, and a few other things. “Oh Simon” new murmured as you carefully picked up the mask and set the box down as he traced over the lines to his skeletal features on his balaclava. It smelled like him. That rich, earthy smell, that he always seems to have with a hint of gunpowder and bourbon. It was a lingering sent, but it was a good one at that. You held the mass close as you leaned back on the couch and close your eyes. You already missed him more than you did before maybe it was because you knew that you would never see him again, to have him be in the house and be present with you and your son. You would go on with your life fine you are a tough woman, one of the many reasons to why Simon married you, but it was your son that you were worried about. You wanted your son to have a father figure. A dad that he would learn to grow up and love. Simon never had that sort of dad, and had always wanted to be that way for his own children.
Now Simon was never going to live out his dream, and Thomas, your son, was never going to have that sort of special bond. I thought made you incredibly sad once more but no tears fell, your eyes were all dried from the previous crying. The weeks came and the funeral happened, your husband looked peaceful in his casket. You wanted some alone time with him first and held his stiff, cold hand. “ Thomas will miss you… I will miss you. You were my rock and shield. It’s going to be hard without you Si… I will always love you and miss you.” The funeral took place and it was a sad time. The team of 141, your family and friends helped with whatever you needed. Now, you were cleaning out things from your late husband. As you were cleaning out his bedside table drawer, you saw a note, folded up neatly. Curious, you unfolded the lined paper and read the words on the paper.
“My dear (y/n), Birdie if you are digging in my drawer then that means I have passed, the mission was botched… I’m sorry… I know Thomas is in good hands with you. Please don’t worry about money. My account will be given to you. As I am writing this, it’s late, you’re sleeping next to me. It’s the night before we leave… I am looking at you for the last time, taking in all your beautiful details. Your face is so soft in sleep, you look so angelic. I am going to miss you… I know you will miss me too… I’m sorry I haven’t said ‘I love you’ that much. I hope you know I cherished and deeply loved you. I still do. I know you are a strong woman, that is what drew me to you. I know you will move on. If you wish, find someone who can love you and our son just as much as I loved you. I will be waiting for you when you come. I will always be watching out for you. Please don’t let our son forget me. I want him to know how much I loved him and you. I love you my Birdie, my beautiful wife. ~Simon.”
You held onto the paper and cried. This was going to be ruff. You were going to be ok. A sense of comfort filled your mind and warmth flooded your body. “I love you my Simon” you smiled and the familiar sent of him wafted and you felt his warmth envelop you.
when the news reached you, it hurt like 1000 tiny little daggers. You had just gotten married to Gaz, your Relationship was just beginning. The two of you had been high school sweethearts. Times had gotten tough for both of you and you broke off your relationship before time being until you rekindled it once again, realizing that he was the only person for you. You had only gotten married a few months prior and just had your honeymoon before he was shipped off. Four months he was gone. And he was supposed to come back in two, however, the letter that you received told a different story. He would never be coming home. His body was blown up so badly that they couldn’t find all the pieces to him. We would do everything that they could to get the majority of him back home so that there could be some proper burial. This broke your heart. He would never get to share the life with you that you too so desperately dreamed about, a small home, somewhere on the suburbs of London with a dog, and maybe a child somewhere down the line. That was your plan at least but now things have changed, and now your beloved was gone.
It had been a few weeks since the death, and the burial of what was left at him. You had moved back in with your parents for the time being. As you were cleaning up your room, doing the best to get over your grieving you noticed a note on your bed they have been delivered by your mother earlier. Carefully you walked up to the letter and looked at it. It was addressed to you by Gaz. A sense of panic swelled in your chest. Did he really survive? Or was this some cool trick that somebody was playing? Quickly opened the envelope, and you looked at the letter the date showing that it was a month ago that he had sent this; before his death. With shaky hands, you begin to read the chicken, scratch lettering, tracing over every word, and taking to heart as if it was the gospel.
“Hey Love!
Things are crazy right now! We’re going to be going into a city not too far from here. I’ll make sure to pick up some stuff for you. I know you’ve been wanting to decorate the house for a while and I’m so excited to see what sort of projects you’ve been working on? How’s the art piece coming? I remember you telling me that you wanted to start up painting again. We always had such a pretty drawings. I have no doubt that they’re not going to be beautiful. I hope you hang them on the wall for us to see. I miss you. A part of me wishes that you were here at least the part that isn’t the most violent. Unfortunately, we’re not in the best area we are being attacked left and right. Don’t worry sweetheart. I’ll be home soon! I promise I’ll fix the leaky faucet. I know it’s been driving you crazy. I I sent a letter to my folks, but could you tell them that I miss them as well? I want them to know how much I miss them, but I think I miss you the most. When I get back can we get a dog? Also, can we have like a full day of playing video games just with you and me? I know I sound like I’m rambling, but it’s just what’s on my mind recently. Late night cuddles with you while playing Mario kart. It just sounds so relaxing right now. I’m really tired. Well sweetheart, I better get to bed. I love you and I hope that you have an amazing day tomorrow and the next and the next after that.
Your Husband,
Hugging the letter, you cried your eyes out. Tears streaming down your face as you laid on the bed, holding onto the last remnant of what your husband left you. It sounded as if he was somewhere in a safer, better place. You hoped that he died quickly that he didn’t suffer and his last thoughts were good thoughts. A breeze drifted into the room from your open window and a warm bit of sunshine hit your cheek as the breeze drifted passed it felt like a stroke on your soft face. He was there sitting beside you, even though you couldn’t see it, you could feel his presence. He was safe and he was watching over you.
Johnny McTavish
The news has gotten to you quickly. It was actually delivered by Price himself. You couldn’t believe it. Your Scottish highland your man was no longer going to come home to you. He was shot through the head. Taking a bullet to save a life. Your young son, John, named after his father, was going to be home from school soon the devastating news hurt you more than anything else out there. How are you going to tell your six-year-old son that he was not gonna have his daddy near anymore? Who was going to play football with him in the yard? Who is going to read bedtime stories? Who is going to play in the rain with him? Your son needed his father that boy looked up to his dad, like he was the sun, its self. The news hurt you hard calling his parents and his family was going to be hard as well if they had an already heard the news. He was close with everybody and his family and he had quite a large family.
The upcoming days to the Memorial as you wish to have been cremated, were hard and brutal. Everybody that you knew, and your friends and his family all gave their condolences to you and to each other he was loved and well liked by everyone your son took it hard he didn’t understand why his dad wasn’t coming home and cried and cried and cried it was like that for almost a whole week, he was doing so bad that you had to pull him out of school for the time being because he was unable to function properly. You did everything you could you hold him tight in your arms until he cried himself to sleep at night in which you also cried your own silent tears. You would go walk on the open, Highlands that overlooked the beautiful scenery where your husband, his father’s ashes, cast out upon the open landscape. A small memorial was placed there in memory. You would have picnics out there are frequently, simply listening to the birds call from high above and feel the warm sun cast It’s beautiful rays. They felt cold and dull to you, but you did your best to hold out for your son.
Cleaning out the closet with all of his stuff. What is your next task as you were taking some of his old stuff down you noticed a hard drive they had fallen out of one of his pockets with your name on it. Curious, you took the hard drive and you plugged it into your laptop. It open the file which had a video and it. You clicked play.
The video with your husband sitting on the couch in your living room, smiling at you “Hello my bonne Lass. if yer seeing this then ye know what happened and I don’t think I need ta say anymore abou tha’. I am so sorry that I cannot be with Yer. I love ye so much. I love our son John so much. Please remind hem’ every day how much I love him. Please play football with hem as much as ye can. Please read to hem every night fer me. I know it’s a lot ta ask with what’s going on but I think it might be good fer both of ya ta share tha’ quality time. I’m gonna miss ye both, but I’m always going te be with yer. I’m always going to be watching over mo little family. Don’t worry Lass, life insurance should cover a huge portion of everything. Hopefully it can help provide some security fer you and fer John. I also have tha’ university fund ye wanted me ta set up fer him. Let the money grow and add te it. If ye want by the time he turns 18 he can open that account. The files are actually in my cabinet on the right side of the desk. It has all the important paperwork and documentaries yer gonna need. I really wish I was there with ya Lass. I’m going to miss holding you at night and whispering I love yous.” His beautiful eyes stared right back at you with his stupid little mohawk and broad shoulders facing the camera. “ I know you got this, please don’t ferget about me, but I do want you moving on. Find a man that makes yer heart is happy to be with as it was with meh. I know it’s a lot ta ask for, and I’m not expecting ye ta get married right this instant… I want ta see ye happy I want to see you taken care of. I love ye, my princess.” he reached over to turn off the device that he was using, and the video ended abruptly. A new wave of tears hit your face as you laid your head on the desk and cried for the fifth or sixth time in the past few days. Your son came in the room and gently touched your shoulder. “It’s OK mama! Daddy’s going to be with us. He’s just going to be invisible.” he was quoting some thing that you had told him. When you had to break the news to John, you had told him that the angels up in heaven needed his daddy to help fight the battle up there because he was so good at his job. One day he would be able to meet his daddy up there as well. Now John had taken this to heart and there’s now quoting this in hopes to make you feel better. You carefully picked up your son and held him close to you. “ you know you’re the best against your father had ever giving me? When you were born, he had tears in his eyes and he was hugging you and kissing all over your face and just absolutely doting on you 24 seven. He told me how proud he was of you. He told me how proud he was of me. Those were good times.” Your son gently hold you tight in his own little arms. “ it’s OK mama will make it out together.” You could almost feel a kiss on your forehead as if…. As if your husband was leaning over to comfort you.
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magicalbats · 20 days
Tavern Nights (Sampo x reader)
Tumblr media
Rating: R-18+
Word Count: 5949
Warnings: Afab!reader, gendered language, alcohol, coercion, manipulation, just generally skeevy/predatory behavior, age difference, size difference, public fondling, public nudity, implied public blowjob
A/N: My second commission from the donation's for Parm. I was once again lucky enough to get permission to post this for everyone to read and (hopefully) enjoy, and I am very glad for that. I just don't think Sampo gets enough love! Someday everyone who's been sleeping on him will regret it, I promise you that! Anyway, thank you so, so much for working with me on this @rabbbitseason I had a blast! ❤️
It's been a long, long time since he last frequented The Tavern as much as he has in just the past week alone. When he was young and still figuring out his place in this expansive universe, he’d spent countless nights here simply taking in the ambiance and the drink, with maybe even a bit of gambling on the side here or there. Maybe a bit of fucking too, when he found an interesting partner to take into one of the frequently used back rooms. And the Masked Fool’s had no shortage of interesting people. 
But now he was older, arguably wiser and not quite so easily taken in by all the revelry and merrymaking of the familiar old haunt. In truth, he hadn’t thought he’d ever visit this place again after willingly parting with his mask. Sparkle drove a hard bargain though and after spending too much time with her on Penacony it was hard to tell her ‘no’ and actually mean it. 
He’d tried. Really, he had. But he hadn’t meant it. 
She’d seen right through it, of course. 
Sparkle isn’t with him tonight, nor had she been at his side the previous time either. Just that first fateful evening, wherein she’d pretended to be the good little chaperone accompanying her charge back to where he belonged (according to her, at least) like a shepherd returning the lost sheep to its flock. She’d ditched him quickly enough after that but he was fine with it. Glad, actually, because he’d managed to find someone much more his speed than ole’ miss Sparkle who in many ways had proven herself nothing but trouble. 
“Mister Koski! I wasn’t expecting to see you again so soon!” 
His poor heart practically melts into an unrecognizable puddle right then and there as you come bouncing over to him with an excited grin on your face. He couldn’t even remember the last time someone had been so excited to see him, if ever such a person had existed at all. It does his ego a world of good, and he pins you with a dotingly indulgent smile when you come to a stop before him. 
“Now, now. I told you to drop the formalities, didn’t I kiddo’? Just call me ‘Sampo’.”
“Okay, mister Sampo! Will do!” 
Cute. He thinks it’s really quite cute in a way that doesn’t seem particularly fair to him, or any other man with a working pair of eyes and a functioning cock, but he isn’t about to tell you that. You were already fidgeting before him like you were flustered under his attention, or perhaps excited to be on the receiving end of it, and he didn’t want to break the illusion just yet. 
In terms of young rookie Fools, you were perhaps the most bright eyed and bushy tailed he’d ever met. He’d seen more than his fair share over the years, had even been one himself at some point in the far distant past, but he’d never known one quite like you. Even putting aside your obvious fascination with him (only partially owed to his usual charms, he's willing to admit) there was something about you that just screamed … naive and a little too trusting. Like ‘please take advantage of me’ was stamped across your forehead in permanent ink. 
Sampo wonders, not for the first time, how exactly you ended up here with a dainty little mask perched atop the crown of your head like a hat. A somewhat unsettling hat, albeit, but a hat nonetheless. It looks like the blank face of a doll, which he finds rather fitting for you, with a full set of luxurious lashes but no eyes and no hair. Just an adorable button nose and a tiny mouth set in a neutral pout. He probably would have found it a bit creepy had it not only added on to just how very interesting he considered you to be. 
“Alright, enough of that. I’m just stopping in for one last drink before I head out.” He tells you with a velvety drawl. “Would you care to join me?” 
At some point he was probably going to end up regretting this but for right now at least he deemed that a problem for Future Sampo to worry about. In the present, he was much more keen on having some fun with you first before any silly notions like impropriety or moral obligation managed to sink its claws into him. 
At your eager nod, he reaches out to take your shoulder in what most would likely consider a too friendly gesture but you don’t even bat an eye at it when he steers you towards the back of the establishment. Finds a nice unoccupied booth in the corner, away from all the other Fool’s who have largely gathered around the bar to have their drinks and play cards with one another, the wagers of which could have ranged from anything as mundane as simple credits to the outrageous sort he’d seen on more than one occasion here. A long lost relic from a forgotten civilization, once, or even a mutually assured self destruction button courtesy of miss Sparkle herself. It was her favorite toy, after all. 
Much to his satisfaction, you obediently sit when he nudges you into the booth, scooting over along the bench to give him some space to join you. Bending at the waist when a chorus of hoots and hollers rises up behind him, Sampo has to lean down and get close to your ear in order to ensure he’s heard over the raucous noise. 
“What can I get you to drink, sweetheart? It’s on me.” 
There you go squirming again, looking really quite pleased as you sit up a little straighter and round your shoulders for him. “Whatever you’re drinking is fine.” 
How precious. 
“Ooh, now that might turn out to be a bit dangerous if you’re not careful. I have a feeling I’m a tad more experienced than you when it comes to, uh, drinking.” 
If you find the sleazy note in his voice at all off putting you certainly don’t show it, looking up at him with the kind of bright faced confidence only someone in their youth can pull off. ‘Take advantage of me’, indeed. 
“Don’t worry, I can handle myself.” You tell him candidly. “It’ll be your mistake if you underestimate me.” 
Was that a challenge? If he didn’t know any better, he’d think you were doing this to him on purpose. 
“Pft. I bet. Okay then, just sit tight. Don’t say I didn’t warn you though. I’ll be back momentarily.” He starts to straighten up but not without sliding his hand down from where it had reached out to brace against the backrest of the booth seat just behind you. Perfectly casual about it, Sampo palms the top of your head in a quick, harmless pat that shifts the little mask and ruffles your hair just so before pulling away entirely. He doesn’t stop long enough to take in your reaction or gauge what you think about it. He doesn’t really need to. 
This was not the first time he’d touched you in such a seemingly off handed manner and he already knew you were preening under the attention. No matter how many times he’d tested the waters the reaction was always the same. You liked him. Wanted him to keep touching you like that, either knowingly or unknowingly, he couldn’t yet say for sure, but he was more than happy to give it to you regardless of the reason. Lucky you. 
He returns to the table a few minutes later with a freshly made drink in both hands, watching carefully from under the fringe of his hair when he sets yours in front of you. It’s a dark, murky looking concoction that seems to announce in no uncertain terms that it’s potent and strong with just a glance. As expected, you don’t look quite so sure of yourself anymore when you take in the thick consistency inside the stout glass. 
But you keep a brave face, which he has to give you credit for, especially when you don’t hesitate to pick it up at his nudging insistence. The first tentative sip has you choking at the taste even as you desperately try to blink away the tears that come into your eyes, and he can’t quite stop himself from laughing at your expense. 
Sampo doesn’t push it on you anymore than that though, finding it much more entertaining to watch you slowly try to drink it all down completely of your volition. He doesn’t even need to wheedle you or coerce you into it. You just do it — because you had something to prove? Or was it because you wanted so badly to impress him that you were willing to get yourself drunk just to accomplish it? He isn’t entirely sure on that front either but it doesn’t actually matter. You were doing exactly what he’d hoped you would and that pleases him a great deal. 
By the time an hour has gone by, you’re slumped against him in the booth with your head tilted back, resting along his bicep where it’s curled over the back of the seat. He’s kept you talking for the greater portion of your time spent together, alternating between one triviality or another just to ensure you don’t accidentally doze off on him. He could now name your favorite color, the school you’d attended back on your home planet and the breed of your first pet. You hadn’t struck him as the sort to be fond of Pettu Hamsters, bizarre little rodent-like beasts that laid eggs and curled themselves into tight balls for protection, but you’d assured him that you were quite fond of them. Given the no nonsense look you’d leveled on him, he believed you. 
“And you know what happened next?”
It’s obvious you’re a little too relaxed to be self conscious anymore, and he doesn’t say a word about it when you not so subtly shift closer to him on the bench. You’re practically pressed right up against his side now but, still, he doesn’t make his move yet. Sampo may have technically been working to pull one over on you but that didn’t mean he was going to be a pig about it. 
“I’d never seen a meteor shower like that before. All up close and personal, right outside my window. It was pretty cool but kind of scary at the same time.” You’re rambling about nothing in particular. Just a fond reminiscence of the long list of firsts you’d experienced upon leaving home, which Sampo listens in on as much as he needs to. There were a few other first time things he wanted to introduce you to, provided you didn’t fall asleep on top of him before then. “I thought for sure one of them was going to slam into the ship and — and vacuum us out into space! All I remember going through my head at the time was that I didn’t want to die like that. I can’t imagine it would feel great. What do you think?” 
You tip your face towards him with the sluggish, heavy lidded lethargy of someone well and truly buzzed. Sampo just chuckles as he tips his chin down, cheek braced against his propped up fist for support. 
“I think you’ve had enough to drink for one night, darling. What was that you said earlier about being able to handle yourself?” 
Unmistakable fluster creeps across your expression, distant though it may be under the hazy mask of intoxication. “I didn’t know you’d get me something so strong. Are you sure you weren’t purposely trying to get me drunk?” 
Feigning hurt, Sampo draws his brows together in an overly affected lift and places his opposite hand over his heart. “Why, I never! Such a serious accusation to lobby at a gentleman of my esteemed standing. Just ask anyone here, missy, and they’ll tell you exactly what kind of upstanding, trustworthy guy Sampo Koski is!” 
You giggle at his theatrics and reach over to weakly shove at him. Your arm seems to immediately lose all of its remaining strength though, and rather bonelessly flops down to stretch out along his thigh. He can see his moment to strike fast approaching but it still wasn’t the perfect time. Soon, very soon, just not quite yet. 
“You’re funny.” 
“We’re all a bit funny here, I’m afraid.” He murmurs, dropping his voice to a slyly suggestive drawl again. “You’ve still got some growing to do if you want to fit into that mask on your head. Want some pointers?” 
Huffing softly at the suggestion, you visibly muster up the strength to send him a weak look of warning. “I’m already grown. I wouldn’t be sitting here with you right now if I wasn’t, would I?” 
Sampo sends a slow look of appraisal down at your chest, noting the weight behind the thin material of your blouse while images of what your bare breasts might look like dance through his head. Yes, there certainly would be no denying that you were of a mature build and filled out in all the right places. 
“Mmm, if we’re talking physically then you’re right, of course. I doubt anything I say would help you get any taller.” 
“But I wasn’t talking about that,” He goes on, ignoring your interjection. “I meant your future as a Masked Fool. You haven’t drawn Aha’s gaze yet, have you sweetness?” 
“… no.” 
You look like you want to pout about that, and Sampo chuckles at the petulant tug of your mouth. Seriously too cute. 
“Oh, but fret not, little one.” He coos. “You’ve got me here to show you the ropes, don’t you? I promise I’m a good teacher.” 
You seem to think about that for a long moment, giving it the due consideration of someone who hasn’t yet picked up on the scam. Not that he could really blame you or the alcohol making your eyes look so heavy and tired. Sampo was good at the game. Always had been, even when he was younger, and his technique had only continued to improve over time. Most people assumed him far too goofy and painfully obvious to harbor any ulterior motives after he started laying it on thick enough. That was the real angle to his schemes, once you got right down to it. Hiding in plain sight was in many ways his specialty. 
“What will you teach me?” You finally ask, roving your attention up towards his face once again. The way you look at him is so unassuming and guileless that he knew he could have offered you a tropical vacation home on Jarilo-VI and you probably would have bought into it without question. Poor thing. 
The muscles along his back gradually start to tense with the building anticipation of finally making his move, of pouncing on his chosen prey to claim it for himself, and he leans down, practically engulfing you in the mass of his much larger frame. You feel as tiny sitting next to him on the bench seat as you look, far outclassed by his much taller, broader build and such a sharp contrast to your feminine stature. He could have easily overpowered you if that was how he’d wanted to go about it but, well, Sampo Koski was never one for doing things the hard way if he could help it. 
His face now hovering just over yours with precious room to spare, he slowly reaches up to brush the tips of gloved fingers under your chin. Your lashes flutter at the touch, threatening to slide shut, but an attention grabbing upward nudge prompts them wide open again. 
“There are a few things I can think of,” He purrs, secretly delighting in the way you start to squirm for him. Nervous or eager? He’d find out soon enough. “An old dog like me has his trusty bag of tricks, rest assured. I’d be happy to share some with you, if you’re interested?” 
Your mouth parts, a tiny pink tongue inching out to glance over your lips and wet them. It almost makes him crack. Almost throws all of his self control and restraint right out the window, but he forces himself to wait. To let you respond first before he goes in for the kill. It would make everything so, so much more satisfying in the long run. 
“Okay.” You finally murmur. “I’m game.” 
“Glad to hear it. Shall we seal the deal and make it official then?” 
A small sound of confusion slips out of you but then he’s leaning the rest of the way in, closing the scant distance. You don’t protest or pull away. Just watch him with wide, fascinated eyes as he tilts his mouth to slot against yours, and a dull jolt works through your body at the contact. He keeps it brief and gentle, a mere brushing of mouths, before pulling back enough to pin you with a lopsided smirk. 
“There. Now it’s a promise.”
Tentatively, you reach up to touch your bottom lip. “Is that how all the Fool’s make their promises?” 
He shrugs broad shoulders, tracing shapes along the side of your neck with blunt fingers. “Only the really fun ones.”
Extending his thumb to prod the underside of your chin, Sampo carefully nudges your face back up at him until your hand finally falls away and you comply, offering him a vaguely flustered look. 
“Another, for good luck?” 
The first real glimpse of uncertainty flashes across your face at that. You hesitate, flicking a quick glance behind him at the rest of the bar and — 
“Oh, don’t you worry your pretty little head about them.” Soothingly, he cups your cheek in what otherwise would have been a comforting gesture had it not been for the way he gives the roundest part of your face a quick, mostly harmless pinch. “They’ll mind their business so there’s no need to get shy on me now. Besides, I’ve already kissed you once haven’t I? What harm could one more do?” 
You still don’t appear to be totally convinced but you give him a brief, stilted nod anyway. He’s pretty sure it’s the unmistakable gleam of excitement he can see reflecting back at him in your gaze, unsquashable despite your obvious nerves, and Sampo feels a smoldering hot rush of victory sear through his veins when he leans into your space again. 
His mouth brushing over yours in a light, coaxing caress, you simply sit there for a long moment of indecision like a frozen, petrified statue. So still he isn’t even sure if you’re breathing. But then, thoroughly dashing that impression against the floor, you come alive under him all at once. Give a squirming shudder and press up into him, fervently kissing him back as if in outright challenge. He feels your lips trembling against his and he can’t quite keep the leer off his face when he increases the pressure to kiss you just a little bit harder, claiming you as his own. 
The discordant noise of revelry and drinking, Fool’s eternally at play, seems to highlight the poignancy of what’s happening in the booth situated in the far back while at the same time it also recedes to a far distant thrum of vague sounds. Like everyone else in The Tavern was on the other side of some great, reverberating tunnel. His attention is focused entirely on you and the way you slowly bring your hand up to tentatively brace the palm of it against his chest. Your fingers feel dainty, something small and fragile, and he quickly decides to return the favor. 
Sliding his own hand down off your cheek, over the line of your neck and past the soft jut of your clavicle, he takes a slow pass over one breast. They’re big but his hands are bigger still, and it easily cups around the full weight of it behind your blouse. You react like he’d electrocuted you, jolting in your seat as your head tips back and your lips slacken, dropping open as if to moan. But he just follows you, keeping his lips sealed over yours so he can plunge his tongue into that cute, hot little mouth and truly taste you for the first time. 
Noising an incomprehensible kitten mewl against him, you close your hand around his shirt and give it a halfhearted tug. Like you wanted to pull him in closer but you weren’t quite confident enough to follow through on that urge; like your head was spinning a shade too fast from the alcohol as much as the surge of physical responses in your body to make any sense of what was happening and act on it. 
Sampo can tell you’re enjoying it though. It doesn’t exactly take a genius to figure that out. 
The proof is as plain as if you’d spoken the words aloud. You don’t bite at his tongue when it invades your mouth to explore every little nook and cranny inside, nor do you pull away in revulsion when he leisurely fucks it towards the back of your throat in slow, suggestive motions. You also don’t attempt to slap his hand away when it comes back up to caress over the fullest part of your breast again. He can feel your nipple rapidly stiffening underneath the layers of your clothes, responding to him with a great deal of eager enthusiasm that has you shuddering and pressing your legs together. So sensitive. 
He could really exploit that if given half a chance. 
At length, he breaks apart from the kiss with a low, seedy exhale of deeply felt masculine pleasure. Peers down at you with an easy, self satisfied grin, but you look to be a bit out of it and lost in your own little world. With your head tipped back and rested against his arm where it’s still curled over the top of the booth seat, you merely blink up at him through a hazy, distant gleam in your eyes. Panting softly, as if you couldn’t quite catch your breath while he was idly fondling your tit. Hardly any wonder there, given how much you seemed to be feeling everything in stunning high definition, but he wasn’t quite done with you yet. 
“Oh my, it seems like someone is having a good time now. I wasn’t expecting you to look at me like that, kiddo’. You’re gonna’ have this old man falling in love if you’re not careful.” 
Your breath catches in obvious surprise, a vaguely startled expression creeping onto your face. Sampo doesn’t give you a chance to question him or realize that he was only teasing though, and instead tips his attention downward to regard the weight of your chest. A fresh wave of innate satisfaction washes over him when you do the same, following his line of sight to peer down at yourself as well. 
“You’re looking a little hot under the collar, y’know. Let me help you with that.” 
Fingertips tracing the path over your breast, he reaches lower and you finally seem to snap out of it. You give a quick start, fumbling to get your hands down to try and grab at him, but even with both sets of digits locked around his blocky wrist it’s easy enough for him to tug your blouse free of your cute little skirt and get it inched up enough to reveal a smooth strip of your fluttering stomach. 
“M - mister Sampo!” You squeak, halfheartedly twisting in a futile attempt to delay the inevitable. “We’re — we’re still in public, you can’t - -“
“Hush now, sweetheart. Your ol’ pal Sampo’s got you. There’s nothing to be afraid of. See?” With a taunting flick of his hand, your blouse rises up another inch or so, and with it so too do your eyes grow even wider. “No ones even paying attention to us over here so they won’t see anything. Trust me. I’ll make sure of that. After all, you’re mine now, aren’t you? Can’t have anyone else eyeballing the goods, right?” 
Numbly, your gaze roves up to regard him again. There’s an unspoken question behind your expression, a sentiment that you hesitate to give voice to, and he just hums a playful little tune under his breath while he continues to toy the hem of your top. One more nudge is all it would take to reveal what sort of bra you were wearing and he couldn’t wait to find out. His bet was on something soft and girly, with a bow or maybe even a bit of lace? But first … 
“Don’t tell me you’re really that scared, sweetness? Even with me here?” 
Your brow pinches inward, creating an adorable little crease between them to go with the almost petulant pull of your mouth. An internal war wages, bloody and violent, behind your eyes while you no doubt weigh out the multitude of options at your fingertips. The truth or a deceitful lie, which would you ultimately decide? Sampo knew which one he would pick had it been him standing under the spotlight but he’d meant it when he said you still had a lot left to learn. That part, at least, hadn’t been facetious. 
Finally making your decision another series of heartbeats later, you at last give him a mute nod. It pulls a soft, doting sound from deep within his chest and makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside as he dips his face close again, rumbling a low sound of approval. 
“Aww, you poor thing. It’s okay though. Just trust your old friend Sampo, okay? Here, I’ll even make it better with another kiss.” 
This time you eagerly tip your face up to meet him halfway, and a soft sound of need puffs out of you when your lips meet again. He kisses you deeply now, claiming your mouth for himself and swiping his tongue inside with a possessive, demanding gesture that has you mewling faintly in response. As he’d half suspected you would, you positively melt under him like you were happy to give into the pulse pounding heat and the risk of the moment as long as he was there to guide you through it. To lead you and to teach, just as he’d promised you he would. 
Thoroughly placated now, you don’t protest or make a move to stop him while he inches your shirt the rest of the way up, but you do shudder uncontrollably at the first waft against your exposed chest. Still fervently kissing you, Sampo cracks an eye open and peers out from under the fringe of his hair to look at what he’s working with. A dull thrum of pleasure promptly races up his spine when he sees that your tits are just as juicy and tantalizing as he’d thought they’d be, and he voraciously watches them heave within the confines of your pale peach colored bra. It’s a lovely shade that complements your skin tone perfectly but he’s a bit too impatient to simply admire it or the dainty blue bow on the front for very long. 
You groan into his mouth, arching against the booth, when he casually slips a long digit under the middle center of the dainty undergarment but he just swallows the noise and tugs. Doesn’t even give you a moment to understand what he was planning to do, and your breasts spill out with a meaty jostle as the cups slide up and away. Your nipples are already stiff and aching when they hit the air, pointing up off your chest in demand of attention, and you finally tear your face from his with a threadbare, faltering gasp. 
Sampo can’t quite find the wherewithal to follow after you and lay claim to your mouth again when he was so damnably transfixed by the sight of your bare tits, round and squeezable in all their fleshy abundance. He feels suddenly faint from how violently his cock instantly springs up in his pants to shove at the inside of the zipper, only vaguely aware of you turning your head away in bashful reproach while your hands come up to crowd together over your chest. 
Oh, that wouldn’t do. That wouldn’t do at all. 
“Come on, don’t be like that.” He coos at you, the usually soft inflection of his voice noticeably absent now. It seems to have been replaced by a deeper, gravelly edge that makes his customary sing-song fall short. 
You don’t seem to mind though, much too preoccupied with softly whimpering when he takes one of your hands by the wrist and gently pries it away, curling it up and back so he can juggle it over to his opposite hand. Half restrained now, you can’t do much else but anxiously squirm in place when he reaches back down to lightly tweak the exposed tip of your breast between thumb and forefinger. 
“Mmm, these are awfully tender, aren’t they?” 
He doesn’t really expect a response, which is good, because you can’t seem to catch your breath long enough to actually speak. All that comes out of your mouth are short, tender little gasps and the softest moans his old ears have ever heard. It sounds like the sweetest music and he makes an effort to file it all away for later, when he was back in Belobog and lonely in the middle of the cold, frozen eternity that had yet to see any noticeable improvements since the Stellaron Disaster there was neutralized. Maybe someday it would, hopefully even soon, but he wasn’t expecting to return from this trip to find lush fields of green stretching as far as the eye could see. 
This night spent with you here in The Tavern was going to keep him comfortably warm for many more to come though, and he eagerly folds himself over you so he can bend down and seal his mouth around that pert, straining bud. You give a tiny little cry, a sensitive yelp that you quickly try to stifle, but not fast enough. 
Releasing his hold on your wrist, Sampo snakes his arm around the back of your head and covers your mouth with his broad palm. You let out a muffled protest behind his glove and try to turn your head away but it’s no use. He’s so much bigger and stronger than you that he can easily hold you in place no matter how you squirm or weakly shove at his forearm. Still sucking on your sore little teat, his mouth working the fleshy nub to a tight coil, he rolls his eyes upward to look at you from this angle. 
If he’d thought you were pretty before, now you were downright gorgeous. That hazy, flustered look of begrudging pleasure really suited you. Especially when it was because of what he was doing to you. 
He isn’t sure how much more of the anticipation he can stand when his cock was already aching, practically throbbing inside his pants, and he at least disengages from your breast with a noted hint of regret some moments later. In the wake of his attentions your stiff little teat is left flushed a noticeable shade darker than when he’d started and glistening with a fine sheen of sticky, fast cooling spit. The sight alone makes him groan, low and gravelly, as he looks upon it with longing. 
Oh, how he would’ve loved nothing more than to simply suckle at both of them for an hour or two but this was hardly the right place or time for him to indulge like that. Even what he had in mind for you had the potential to backfire with spectacularly disastrous (yet still amusing) results. It was time to get on with it before anyone’s attention was drawn towards the far back corner and curious interlopers came creeping over to check what was happening. 
“You seem to be quite sensitive, darling. Even moreso than I initially thought, and somethiiiiing tells me you’re going to be a screamer so we’ll have to play it a bit safe.” He murmurs, teasing you with a quick wink as he straightens up and allows his free hand to slide down lower to pinch at the hem of your skirt. 
Already askew from all of your fidgeting, it doesn’t take much for him to pull it up enough to reveal your panties moulded to the puffy outline of your cunt. Even just a quick glance assures him you’re wet and sticky given the way the matching peachy material sticks to you and he gives his tongue a soft click as if in reproach. 
“Really now, are you sure the possibility of getting caught isn’t exciting you? Well, you’re a hundred years too early to try and pull one over on Sampo Koski, I promise you that.” 
He shifts back into his seat to settle in next to you again before releasing his hold on your mouth. You promptly suck in a much needed lungful of fresh air, swaying somewhat unsteadily on the bench, but the reprieve is short lived. Grabbing you around the middle, Sampo effortlessly manhandles you around so he can pull you half into his lap, partially sprawled out across the seat and perfectly positioned over the tent in his trousers. Your little mask has been almost completely dislodged from its perch atop your head in all the shuffling, and he reaches up to pull it the rest of the way off while his other hand busily works on his zipper. 
“How about this,” He starts, using his most effective and well practiced salesman pitch, feeling much too hot and reckless to reconsider the wisdom in this move. If you finally decided you’d had enough of him and all his pawing it wouldn’t be hard for you to put him out of commission for the foreseeable future in this particular position. But, well, he didn’t really think he needed to worry about that too much. “Let’s keep that mouth of yours busy for right now and I’ll make it up to you later, huh? Whaddya’ say? I promise it’ll be worth your while.”
Panting and flushed, you slowly lift your face to regard him. A bright, sparkling gleam flashes through your eyes and you grin, looking like you were seconds away from bursting out into uncontrollable, wild laughter. You looked like a kid on Christmas morning being handed the one present she’d wanted more than anything else in the whole wide world and that youthful, beaming enthusiasm just makes his balls draw up achingly tight in heady anticipation. He couldn’t wait to sink himself into you. Any part of you. It didn’t really matter which, when you had him so painfully stiff in his pants and more worked up than he could recall being in a very long time. 
“You’ve got yourself a deal, Mister Sampo.” 
He almost laughs too, feeling the familiar bubbling sensation gleefully rising in his chest, but it’s swallowed up and doused by a shaky groan of relief when he finally manages to fish his cock out. It was starting to make more sense to him, why you were here rather than anywhere else in the vast cosmos, but he didn’t care enough to dig for any real answers. 
All that mattered was that you were interesting and you were fun, and as long as the two of you were having fun together then everything else was irrelevant to him.
Crossposted: here
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binniebeams · 5 months
The Sweetest Drink
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Pairing: Jongho x AFAB Reader
Genre/Rating: Vampire AU, Smut, 18+. MDNI
Summary: Seeing the boost your friend gets after her late night adventures at a certain club, you decided to join her and see what all the fuss is about…
Wordcount: 2.4k
Warnings: Club settings, alcohol consumption, sexual conversations, blood, descriptions of feeding (Vampire). NSFW warnings under the cut.
A/N: This is so delayed but hopefully it lives up to any expectations!! Also my app crashed mid editing and formatting so there may be mistakes I missed! I’m so sorry!
Tags: @twisted-tales-of-all @yoonguurt @kwanisms @kpop-stories-21 @stardragongalaxy
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NSFW Warnings: Vampire biting/feeding leading to sexual desire, fingering, bloody make-out session, fwb-ish relationship.
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It had only been a few years since the government released the information regarding their acknowledgment of vampires living among humans, following it with new laws and regulations to make living beside each other a safe and harmonious experience. Restaurants had to expand their menus, and grocery stores did not have to partner with blood banks or donation centers to ensure everyone was accommodated appropriately. Those are all wonderful options but once the sun sets and hunger arises, people resort to…less organized or regulated options… Underground clubs started to pop up left and right, causing a quiet stir among the more curious humans. One of them happened to be the very reason you found yourself sitting in front of your mirror and getting ready for a night out.
“I don’t know why you’re so nervous to go, I’ve been going for months” Kelly was on a whining spree again as you finished up your eyeliner. She was a regular at the club, forming a feeding pact with some guy she said was named Yeosang if you remember correctly-. A change was definitely noticed in her ever since she started seeing him, from her hair looking better, her skin being clearer, and this air of confidence coming from her every time she walked into a room as if she was commanding attention. You wanted that life so badly, you wanted even an ounce of the power she was oozing… “Oh I don’t know, maybe the idea of someone biting into me and sucking my literal blood out is just a bit nerve-wracking?” Your retort had her rolling her eyes in a playful demeanor as you both slipped your shoes on to head out. Clubs weren't really your thing, you were a homebody, and the idea of a bunch of hot and sweaty strangers grinding on each other just didn’t seem like your cup of tea…But here you were, standing at the door waiting for Kelly to pay your cover and get your hand stamped.
An intoxicating smell of alcohol and sweat filled your senses as you made it through the threshold of the building you questioned the structural safety of-. There was no time for trying to distract your mind with small worries like that, you felt yourself getting tugged to the bar where Kelly let out a sort of squeal from seeing her feeding mate “Yeosang!!” Oh boy, here we go, It's time for her to cling to this dude and have heart eyes while leaving you to the wind. “This is Y/N~ That friend I told you I was bringing for Jongho~” Jongho? Who the hell was that? Did she only bring you along to keep some guy company while she escaped off with Yeosang-. “Her? Yeah, I guess she fits his…type” What an ass, what did he mean by that? you were a catch so why did that feel so condescending? He was eyeing you up and down as if he was analyzing you, all the while he had your friend strung up on his arm.
Yeosang pulled out his phone and typed a few things, you could tell it was short and brief from the fact that his volume was on so the sound of his keyboard echoed in your ears when it should have been the blaring music attacking your drums. He didn’t seem to respond to what he had read on the screen, moving his phone to his pocket and whispering something to Kelly as you stood there like a child waiting to hear whatever mom and dad were talking about. You would never get the answer to the questions in your mind, since Kelly had pretty much begged Yeosang to escape away behind the curtain to what you could only assume were private rooms for whatever use seemed to be needed at the time. A roll of your eyes was paired with the sound of her happily being led away and leaving you there at the bar with your almost empty glass and an urge to order some shots.
“Y/N I’m assuming?” The voice that you heard beside you could only be described as blunt but buttery like he almost commanded you to look at him and that's exactly what you did. His eyes pierced into yours as he approached the bar and leaned against it in a way that indicated to you that he had definitely been here before. “And who is asking?” Your voice was laced with a tone of your guard being up, leaving you only to assume this is the ‘friend’ everyone had been mentioning… “Yeosang told me someone was coming and asked me to show you around.” Oh, he’s lying right through his teeth but your judgment was becoming slightly hazy, due to the mix of alcohol and being around him. Jongho could tell you were on edge so he went ahead and ordered a shot for you and waited for you to down it before gesturing for you to follow him. ‘Do you know what this place is for? I’m assuming you do since people don’t just stumble into a place like this”
Did he think you were dumb? Or just blissfully ignorant? If you wern’t so dead set on getting some action tonight, you’d yank your hand away and head to the dance floor. “I sort of have an idea, I just had no idea it was like…this?” There was a pause as you spoke, watching the curtains go past you as he lead you down the hall and your ears were immediately assaulted with sounds of pleasure mixed with pain and subtle cries coming from behind rows of doors. One of which was the threshold you would be stepping through and it was like the world was suddenly so quiet that you could hear your own heartbeat. “I’m not going to kill you, you don’t have to act like your ready to slap me” Jongho released your hand and moved to sit on the plush looking couch in the room, grabbing the drink menu off the small coffee table and starting to browse through as he left you to make yourself comfortable.
“I just uh, haven’t really done this before…” you slowly warmed up to your environment, deciding to make your way over and sit beside him but still at a reasonable distance to where he couldn’t immediately pounce on you. “I can tell, I’m guessing your friend convinced you, enticed you with what kind of place this was and how you would feel?” How did he know? He hit the nail right in the head-. Kelly would go on non stop about Yeosang and how the interactions felt and how it revitalized her in a way, is this just how it makes everyone feel? “She used to be more like me, I guess that’s why we became so close, but lately she’s seemed like a whole new person, like the better version of herself”. As you spoke, he kept his eyes on the menu and just offered subtle nods or small sounds of acknowledgment to your words.
“Did she explain to you how this happens exactly?” This is when he finally turns to you, eye starting to have a hint of red to them and an obvious darkness filling his gaze. “You just have to lay there and be good for me, give yourself to me and everything will go smoothly. Can you do that for me baby?” The distance between you two started to close and you had no idea what was taking over your body. Was it your growing neediness or was there something more to that tint in his iris?…either way, all you could do was nod obediently as he moved you to lay down, his body leaning over yours as he gazed over you to take a look at his…meal for the evening. “I need you to tell me this is okay, that you give consent my dear…” for someone who seemed like a predator looking at fresh prey, we was considerably cautious in the beginning. That is, until you uttered a quiet “I want this” then it was all self control out the window and his lips attached to yours for what felt like eternity but in reality was only a few moment before those plush lips of his were moving their way down to your jaw, then your neck, giving him the chance to get a hint of your sweet smell.
“Do you even realize how delicious you smell…god this is going to be fun” Jongho didn’t frequent the club much, so he made sure to take full advantage of the time he had here, fingers trailing down until the reach the bottom hem of your dress, expertly slipping it up as his attack on your neck continues and all you can do is let out the sweet song that he wanted to hear. Jongho shifted his body to where he was further down and his face was now near your thighs and burning core, exactly where you needed him as he laid kisses to your inner thigh and his fingers worked to slip your undergarments down and tossing them aside to be collected later. be collected later. They were not the primary focus, what was however, was the breath tickling your core and the fingers dancing dangerously close to your clit that was practically begging to be touched.
“Can you hurry up, it will be daytime by the time you get started..” the request, or demand rather, came out as just a whine and the flushed tone on your skin gave away at the fact that you didn’t actually want him to hurry and end this soon. In fact, this prompted him to take even longer, his thumb drawing slow antagonizing circles on your bundle on nerves as he spoke “For someone so quiet. You sure have your own way of being loud”. You could hear his smug attitude without even seeing his face with those words, his hands working expertly before one of his digits teased at your entrance, testing the waters in how you would react. Once he found a reaction from you that let him know you were ready, he slipped one finger in and let you get used to the feeling before continuing.
The cold touch of his skin felt like ice melting on you when your walls squeezed his fingers so deliciously, it brought a whole new sensation to your core and made you clench so sweetly as his lips did their job to explore your inner thighs. Was all of this necessary for Jongho to feed on you? No, but it sure as hell made it more fun. The next touch made you shift slightly, almost like your fight or flight was kicking in and your brain was in prey mode. Newer textbooks and scientific journals can do their best to try and describe the feeling of having your skin punctured by a vampire's fangs but they fall short in telling the full story. It starts with a burning sensation and what feels like a fourteen gauge needle breaking your skin but not deep enough to reach muscle quite like a vaccination or implant. Once the initial puncture was complete, his teeth receding to standard k-9s and the blood starting to flow past his slightly puffy lips and coating his tongue, inducing a groan from him that seemed so animalistic yet erotic at the same time…
The work he was doing with his fingers increased in pace as he sensed you tensing up from the likely pain you were starting to feel, adding an extra finger in and curling his digits pressing against that delicate pressure point inside of you that he knew would drive you crazy. Bloody lips pulled themselves away from your thigh. His gaze stabbed daggers into your expressions, watching the mixture of pain and pleasure overtake you as he spoke “That’s it, focus on me, not on your pain…you’re so good for me…” ironic coming from the guy that’s gripping your thigh as if you could float away and your blood painting his chin. Jongho was growing increasingly hungry but this time in a way that blood wouldn’t be able to satiate, he needed another essence of yours…that however, would take time, he didn’t want to have the whole meal right away.
A knot was quickly forming in your lower half, there was no denying that his hands were like a sculptor making his next piece of art. Pleasure washed over you as you unraveled, causing a smug smirk to decorate his mouth and make his features look all that more proud. The bit of your blood staining his lips was just a cherry on top of the overall look he had as you started to sit back up but your body felt so weak from the feeding and the end of your dry spell. “See, wasn’t so bad was it?” He prided himself in the fact that you wernt crying in pain and still managed to look fucked out from his fingers alone, wiping his mouth and helping you sit up and collect yourself. This rush of dizziness but satisfaction was all you could feel as you reached to grab your panties and slip back into them as he settled himself into the couch, watching your every move but also going back to that damn drink menu. Is this how all the interactions always went or was this only for the first one?
“Do I need to sign anything or is there anything else involved?” This was your way of trying to hint to him that you satisfied but also this lingering sense to be around him, almost like you two have bonded… “No but next time don’t wear lotion, it messes with the taste when I need to bite”. That damn smirk was going to be the end of you but you couldn’t help but smile to yourself mentally at the idea there was going to be a next time. Was it already having an affect on you? Only time will tell but one thing was for sure, this wasn’t going to be the last time you stepped behind that curtain. Now to find Kelly and actually get a club experience in before you needed food to replenish-. Hopefully she was done already, but if she wasn’t, you knew where you could turn…
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Nightlife 13
Warnings: dubcon, noncon, touching, coercion, manipulation. Proceed with caution.
Note: I know what you’re thinking, why the fuck are you doing this? Well, you wanted bouncer Lee and I did too. Also, short!reader, not sorry.
Part of The Club AU
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You have to make the call. You have no choice. One way or another, your father will find out and it will be worse if it’s not from you.
Another D and you're below water. You have no chance now. You’ll be lucky to finish with a C average for the semester and with that, you’ll lose your entry scholarship. You don’t understand where you went wrong. You try so hard. It doesn’t matter, it seems the more you try, the more wrong you are.
You hit the green button and wait for the line to pick up. You wait.
Still waiting.
The voicemail answers. You’re not surprised. You often have to leave several before you hear back. Yet when your father calls you, you answer. You don’t hesitate. 
“Hey dad, it’s me. I called because… because I need to talk to you. Please call me back. Love you.”
You hang up after leaving the message and blow a raspberry. He hasn’t even told you when he’s picking you up from campus after exams. Another week and you’re going to be done. You already have half your dorm packed.
In those short spurts where you’re not at Lee’s, you're sorting everything into the donate and take piles. Most of it you’ll leave behind, things you won’t need at your dad’s place. Things you can replace.
As soon as you put your phone down, it vibrates. You huff and pick it up. You need to study, even if it doesn’t matter.
Lee. Again. You’re not surprised. You almost admire his persistence given your own inconsistency.
‘Still coming over, sweet thing?’
Shoot. You don’t remember him asking. That’s the thing about Lee. He seems to frame demands as questions. Or maybe you really or that hopeless. You answer him. Sure. Why not? Not like anything will change if you do.
You get your bag ready to go and head down. Your dorm mates are bogged down studying, a few already gone as their exams finished early. Life seems easier as them. You suppose that most people see the world like that; they want to be someone else, though no one would ever want to be you.
You sit on the curb and wait. You tune out the world with your headphones. It’s been a while since you listened to music. Really listened without any distraction. 
Your head pops up as you see the familiar car approach. You stand and cross the street. You get in the car. The routine is just that. You’re used to it. You haven’t told Lee yet either. He doesn’t know that you’re going home for summer. You don’t expect him to be happy to hear it but it can’t be a big surprise. All the college students are leaving.
“Hey, darlin’,” he leans over to kiss your cheek as you pull your earbuds out, “whatcha listening to?”
“Oh, just…nothing–”
“Nah, go on, put it on,” he insists as he hands you auxiliary cord, “I could use something new.”
“Really, it’s–”
“Come on, I wanna listen.”
You don’t argue. Why? It’s a small thing. It’s nothing. You unplug your headphones and shove the cord into the port. Your music plays automatically.
So come on, Virginia, show me a sign Send up a signal, I'll throw you the line The stained-glass curtain you're hiding behind Never let's in the sun
Billy Joel croons from the speakers as you place your phone in the cupholder. You sit back and buckle in as he hums and gives a thoughtful nod. He taps his fingers on the wheel before he pulls out.
“You got a taste for the classics,” he muses, “I ain’t heard this in a while.”
“Uh, yeah, I like it,” you shrug.
“Good song,” he remarks, “I’m a fan of You May Be Right, myself. But I’m not too picky. You listen to Seger? How about Elton? You seem that sorta girl.”
“Some, yeah,” you cling to your bag and watch through the window.
“Hickory missin’ ya,” he says, “ain’t ya excited to see him?”
“Yeah,” you answer glumly.
“Whatsa matter, then? Don’t know why you’d be so down when you got that rascal waiting on ya… and me.”
“Just school,” reply evasively.
“Ah, yeah, you were saying you’re having some troubles. Wish I could help.”
“Ugh, well… no one can help me now,” you plant your elbow on your door and put your chin on your fist.
“Now, don’t be moping ‘less you gonna tell me what’s going on,” he says grumpily.
You sigh. You can barely admit it to yourself. You don’t even know if you can say it out loud.
Your vision turns bleary and you sniffle. It’s too late. You should’ve asked for help months ago. You made promises you didn’t keep and now you have to accept the failure. You wipe away your tears and sit back.
“My GPA is garbage. I’m gonna lose my scholarship and my dad– my dad’s gonna kill me.”
“Oh, honey, kill you? Don’t talk like that. I’m sure he wouldn’t, not a sweet thing like you. Besides, if he’s an ass about it, you still got me, don’t ya?”
You nod but refuse to look at him. He’s sweet but he can’t understand. Your dad isn’t the type to just say oh well or to give second chances. This semester was a second chance and you blew it.
“Maybe it just isn’t for you. Schoolin’ and all. I know lots of people who never did it,” he speaks as he drives. “Or maybe you’re in the wrong kinda school.”
“Maybe,” you grumble and pick at the zipper on your bag.
“You can change, can’t ya? Pick something else. Something you’re better at,” he suggests. “Like I said, I went into the military. They offered me some school but I told ‘em not to waste the time.”
“I don’t know what I’m good at,” you sigh.
“Well, you’re good to me,” he says brightly, “you know I’ll help ya. I’ll take care of ya no matter what.”
“But you don’t have to.”
“I wanna. Why are you sayin’ that?”
“Cause… cause it’s a lot. Don’t you think?”
“No, wouldn't say it if I thought it was too much,” he rebuffs, “don’t get no attitude with me, now.”
“I– I’m not but… but… I don’t want to…” you shake your head and stare at the dash, “I’m going home for the summer, Lee. I have to go home. And I feel bad with you doing all this–”
“Going home?” He says so quietly, his voice almost cracks, “but, darlin’, I’m taking you home right now. Ain’t I?”
“That’s your home. I mean, my dad. I gotta… I gotta figure this all out. When he finds out–”
“You’re a goddamn adult,” he growls and grips the wheel tight, “you shouldn’t be so worried about him and damn it, he should be treatin’ ya a lot better.”
“I know, but he’s my dad. He– he paid my tuition. He’s gonna want me to work that off at the restaurant–”
“Work? He– What the heck is wrong with ya? You shouldn’t be workin’? Silly little thing. He’s your dad, he should be supportin’ ya, not takin’ from ya,” he seems angrier with each word, “what kinda man– and you’re gonna leave me for him?” He snarls, “just like that. You’re gonna hurt me?”
“Hurt you? No, but… but I have to.”
“You don’t gotta do nothing. Sounds to me like he don’t want anything to do with ya anyhow, so maybe you should stay in town.”
“My lease is over at the end of the month.”
“Mine ain’t,” he insists.
He’s quiet. You squirm and bite your lip, “Lee?”
“You said you was gonna marry me. How’re you gonna do that if you’re all the way somewhere else?”
“I know I said but… I’m nineteen. I thought you meant later.”
“I’m a lot older than nineteen,” he scoffs, “I’m not waiting til later.” He sneers through the windshield, “you said. You promised!”
“I did, but–”
“But? But you were just lyin’, I get it.”
You nearly choke. You weren’t lying. You just were caught off guard and didn’t know what to say. Like now. You're not just stunned by the sudden shift, you're scared.
“I didn’t lie,” you croak, “please…”
You cover your face and take several deep breaths, trying to hold back. He huffs and you feel his firm touch on your leg. He squeezes as he slows the car.
“Don’t cry, darlin’, alright? Don’t do none of that. I know you meant it. Let’s just figure this all out first, schoolin’ and all that. Alright?” He coaxes, “you know I’ll be there for ya, don’t ya? No matter what your dad says.”
“Yeah,” you drag your hands from your face.
“And I know you’re not gon’ leave Hick. He needs ya around.”
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