#and then I’m supposed to get something tangible out of it but like???
haikyuuhoo · 7 months
good morning besties
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literaila · 29 days
How would gojo propose? Would he be serious or would he lock in and ask 👁️👁️
there is not one single proposal. oh no.
it’s starts off fairly simple—
“you have to fold it at an angle so that it doesn’t bunch up when you—“ you glance at satoru out of the side of your eye, sighing. “are you even listening to me, satoru?”
“marry me.”
and you drop the sheet in your hands. you turn to him, eyes as wide as can be. “excuse me?”
“marry me?” he’s smiling at you, leaning down so that you’re eye to eye. “please?”
you blink at him. staring for just a moment. the laugh that falls out of your mouth next is nothing short of bewildered, disbelieving. “i can’t—“ you scoff, returning to your sheet which satoru is supposed to be learning how to fold. “no, thank you.”
he pouts. “no? why not?”
you laugh again, kissing his cheek. “nice try, baby.”
and then he stands there with his arms crossed, just staring at you for almost an hour.
or maybe it’s date night and you’re just walking down the street, and satoru points out a lantern that’s bouncing colors off of the wall, a rainbow of light on both of your faces.
and you’re walking arm in arm, just looking at each other.
“marry me,” satoru whispers, his voice lithe and warm, something tangible.
you’re already smiling at him, so you don’t stop. “are you flirting with me?”
“c’mon, just one little marriage. i’ll even buy you a cake. and a ring.”
“wow. that’s a temping offer.”
“marry me?” he repeats, stopping you so that you’re just looking at him.
looking at the light in his eyes, and the colors on his face, turning his skin all sorts of magic.
“i’m think i’m going to pass.”
he groans, almost falling into you. “why not?”
“that’s just too easy, satoru,” you say, kissing his cheek, and then you drag him along as you resume your walk.
the colors fade, and so does satoru’s dejection. your smile is too contagious for him to keep up the act for long.
but then it molds into something else—far more desperate.
you’ll just be opening the fridge, looking inside.
“did tsumiki already pack her lunch?” you’ll ask him.
and satoru will nod. “yes. marry me.”
you just roll your eyes, shutting the door.
or you’ll be in the shower and satoru knocks on the door, peeking a head in. “what time will you be ready?” he asks.
“half an hour?”
“okay…” there’s a pause.
“satoru?” you ask, when you don’t hear the door shut.
“marry me?”
you scoff. “go check on megumi.”
or you’ll be in the store and satoru will put another carton of ice cream in the cart, which you scold him for.
“put it back.”
“only if you marry me.”
“i want you to redact that sentence in the next three seconds—“
or you’ll be exorcising a curse, just finishing up, still panting when you get a phone call. “satoru?”
“marry me.”
“do you actually need something? i’m kind of busy.”
“yes. marry me.”
“i’m hanging up.”
and this goes on for months. it will spread into a year, and at some point you stop feeling guilty for rejecting him every time, and satoru stops looking sad each time you do.
it’s like a habit, some weird tradition the two of you have. you come to anticipate it. appreciate it for what it is—easy, something ridiculous.
megumi personally hates it. “she already said no,” he’ll grunt at satoru, passing him through the door. “just get over it.”
tsumiki just sits there, waiting expectantly every time like the answer will be different. but it never is.
and then there’s one day. you’re both at jujutsu high, both working, and satoru just happens to be sitting on the steps of the entrance.
it’s been a long day for him. maybe something happened with one of his students, or maybe yaga said something just to get under his skin.
or maybe it’s just one of those days—the ones where memories cling to his skin like dirt.
it’s hard being here, sometimes.
and you’ve been looking for him for twenty minutes (because you always have lunch together) when you finally find him.
“hey,” you say, hand going to his shoulder as you approach. satoru doesn’t flinch because he heard you coming. “not hungry?”
he just shakes his head.
and there’s something about him, sitting there with his legs spread out, chin resting on a hand, staring off into the distance like he’ll never be able to see far enough.
he looks like a boy, for just a moment. a boy you used to know well—a boy you fell in love with, almost a decade ago, now.
and you smile, but only a little. because it’s always been easy to be here with him, even when he’s this quiet, and even when his eyes are this haunted shade.
so you’ll sit there, sipping on some tea you brought out—a soda you brought satoru sitting between the two of you.
your thighs are just barely touching, hands inches away from each other. you could cozy up to him, remind him that everything is okay—somehow. but you won’t.
sometimes you just have to sit with it.
but eventually, you’ll start to get goosebumps for sitting outside for too long, and you can hear satoru sniffing as his nose runs.
so you sigh, looking to him. “satoru,” you whisper, voice lilted like you have a secret to share.
he looks over, face mercifully blank. “hmm?”
“will you marry me?”
and then satoru’s face stills. the air is calm, the wind shifting, and he turns right towards you.
it takes a couple of seconds, but his face is like the flash of a camera, sullen one moment, and lively the next.
his incoming smile is almost intoxicating.
“really?” he asks, almost breathless.
you laugh, moving over to him, finally wrapping your arms around his torso, burying your cold face into his neck. “next time you ask,” you tell him, “you better make it count.”
and satoru only smiles, wrapping an arm around you.
“okay,” he says.
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digital-domain · 23 days
Alastor x Reader // word count 3.4k
You can have you soul back, if you wish. But really…why would you even want something like that?
Tags/warnings: yandere, manipulation, power imbalance, angsty as hell, Alastor owns reader’s soul, reference to Alastor destroying other souls, shadows being far too tangible for comfort
A/N: This was supposed to be a short, simple little thing in my notes app. It did not stay that way for long. I swear I’ll write for someone else after this one (this might be a lie, haven’t decided yet)
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You can’t believe that you asked. It was a sort of trance that brought you here, that forced your steps down the hallway, that raised your fist to his bedroom door - and it was your entire fist that knocked, not merely the knuckles of your hand. Like you were threatening to break the wood from its hinges if he didn’t answer. But he wasn’t angry when he let you inside. Only bemused. And even now that you’ve done it, now that you’ve somehow managed to get out the words that have been churning in your mind for months…his demeanor has barely shifted at all. Although of course, it could be an act. It’s still hard for you to tell.
“Is that truly what you desire, my dear?” Alastor’s smile, which you expected to fade somewhat, or at least twitch at the corners in a telltale sign of annoyance, is just as broad as it’s ever been. He towers over you, his hands folded behind his back. “Think carefully, now. It’s already rare for me to allow someone to escape - unheard of, in fact. But taking someone back would be even less likely, so if there’s any chance at all ”-
“I’m sure.” You set your jaw, and refuse to look down, even as the glow in his eyes becomes almost too bright to bear. Even as something stirs in the swamp behind him, threatening to draw your gaze away. “I want my soul. I’ll give you anything to have it back. I’ll”-
“No need to elaborate, darling.” He sounds calm, and just as surprising, he doesn’t sound like he’s lying. “I assure you, I have no interest in any offer you might have had planned. If you want your soul, you can have it.” 
You freeze, your mouth still ajar. It takes you a moment before you can speak again. “Really?”
“Really.” His head tilts slowly as you continue to process his words. “Does that surprise you?”
“Yes.” You’re deeply confused, in fact. You were expecting to have to haggle, if not to beg. You were certainly expecting him to be upset. It shouldn’t - it can’t - be this easy. 
“I give you my word. If you wish to leave, I’ll let you.” He pauses. “However. ”
This is a trick. It has to be. Your eyes dart around the room, as if a map to his true intentions might be lying somewhere nearby.
“It would be irresponsible of me not to help you consider your options. I don’t want you to do anything you might regret. So…tell me.” He sighs, and simply stares for a moment before brushing the tips of two fingers up the line of your jaw, from your ear to just below your mouth. “ If you were to go…” He taps the pads of his fingers gently against your cheek, and lets his hand fall to his side. “What, exactly, would you have to gain from such a thing?”
You blink, still reeling from his feather-light touch. This is not a question you expected to answer, and you stay quiet for a moment too long.
He leans over you, and lowers his face to your ear, as if he’s about to tell you a secret. “I’ll tell you what I think. I don’t think you’ll like it very much…but then again, people never enjoy hearing the truth.” There’s a buzz of static, he disappears and reappears behind you, and you’re left too disoriented to respond. “I think you’d be quite miserable, if you went through with this impulsive little idea of yours.” 
It wasn’t impulsive. Saying it out loud was, without a doubt. But the idea itself has been there for a very long time. 
“Would you like to know why I think that?” 
“No.” You’re not sure, really, whether you’re responding to his words, or to the hand that has landed on your waist. “You’re wrong.” His grip tightens, tugging slightly on the fabric of your shirt, but there it is again - that odd, detached state of mind that you fall into when you need to do something, and quickly, before you think about it and lose your resolve. “I’ll be miserable if I stay. I’ve already been miserable for a long fucking time.” You uncurl the fist you didn’t realize you had clenched, bring your hand to his wrist, and tug it sharply away from your waist. You barely even register your surprise when he lets this happen. 
He reappears in front of you, and waits silently for you to continue. 
“I didn’t think it would be like this.” Your eyes wander to the desk against the wall, to the ledger that you know contains the list of souls under his command. He’s allowed you to witness what happens to the souls - to the people - that displease him, and on more than one occasion, he’s enlisted your help in cleaning up the mess. You always got the impression that he didn’t particularly need your assistance. That it was more about the fun of watching you squirm. “You’re not who I thought you were.”
“How interesting.” He leans forward, eyes gleaming. “I must be a better judge of character than you, then. Because you have never once surprised me.” Without warning, he takes your hand, tugs you close enough to put his other hand on the small of your back, and half-drags you to his desk chair, which he kicks around and deposits you into. 
You glare up at him, hands braced tightly against the armrests, but he only pulls his hands behind his back, and sighs.
“Well, my dear. I would have merely asked you to sit down - as one should do for someone who’s about to receive unfortunate news - but it seems that you’re in a rather oppositional mood. So.” He gestures in your direction, and something slithers over your waist, binding you to the back of his chair. 
Before this all began, you would have struggled. Now, you barely glance down. “Fuck you.”
“Shall I bind your tongue as well, darling?” A dark coil, made of the same unnaturally smooth, unfathomably black material as the first, curls up from behind you and begins to inch its way up your neck. “Or perhaps do away with it altogether?”
You press your lips together, and shake your head. 
“Hmm…if you’re sure.” The second coil retreats back into the shadows, and Alastor looks down at you with an expression far too appreciative for your comfort. “I do love a captive audience,” he muses. “But what I said before does still stand. If, at the end of this little talk, you still wish to leave, I’ll happily release you.” He gestures broadly with an open palm, as if presenting you with some fabulous gift, then quickly flips his hand and points at you, his finger perfectly still in midair. “But first things first. I asked you a question some time ago, and you would do well to answer it.” He stands perfectly straight, and once again interlocks his hands behind his back. “Take some time to gather your thoughts, if you must. I’m not going anywhere.”
You bite hard into the inside of your lip, and swallow your bloody saliva down with all the things you’d like to scream at him. Instead, you avert your eyes, and quietly repeat the question you’d been unable to answer the first time around. “What do I have to gain?”
“That is what I asked, my dear.” The tendril around your waist tightens slightly, as if to force an answer out of you.
“What do I have to lose? ” You keep your eyes fixed on the floor, and force the deepest breath you can manage in and out of your lungs. The air feels heavy and humid, and smells of long-rotten vegetation - or perhaps a half-destroyed carcass, decaying somewhere in the bayou. “When I did what I did…when I gave you my soul…I didn’t think it would be like this. I thought that if I did it, I’d feel safe enough, or - I don’t know - good enough, to make a life here. But I don’t have one outside of you.” You suck in a sharp breath, all too aware of how stilted your sentences are becoming as they pass over the growing lump in your throat. “I live here because of you. And I barely leave because of you. I don’t spend time with anyone else, because I never know when you’re going to show up, and I don’t want to make friends and then watch them get roped into whatever shit you make me do next - and I can’t sleep, because - because you’ve woken me up before, and when you do that”-
You trail off completely as you remember the last time he did this to you, the images in your head far too clear for something that happened in the dark, when you were only half awake: Hand over your face in your dream, falling to touch your shoulder with just enough force to wake you and send you bolting upright. Rise and shine, darling. Smile somehow more vivid than the red eyes glowing above it, spreading wide with a manic delight that you knew was real, too real, and far too close. I’m going to pay someone a visit. They’re not aware of it yet, but I’m afraid it just couldn’t wait. Shadow, on the wall, one that shouldn’t have existed in such a dark room, blacker than you thought anything could ever be. It’s going to be a night to remember, my dear. I wouldn’t have you miss it for the world.  
You don’t want to picture what happened next. In your mind, you skip to when it was all over. When he took your hand, still shaking from the things you’d been forced to witness, and held it tight as he scratched that poor soul’s name out of his ledger. When he set down his pen, which was still dripping a dark red liquid that barely resembled ink at all, and began to turn the pages - you knew what he was looking for long before he found your name, written in impeccable cursive, glowing slightly as he guided you to touch it. I think it looks quite lovely in my hand. Whether he was talking about his handwriting, or about your face, which he’d reached up to touch in that moment, you do not wish to know. Don’t you agree?
Now, you shake your head, as if amending the answer you’d given him that night. You don’t like how you’ve conditioned yourself to say the things he wants to hear. To believe them when you say them. “I knew I’d have to do some things for you. But…” You swallow hard, because you can’t imagine he’ll have any sympathy for you if you cry, and you don’t want to find out. “I didn’t think it would be like this. I didn’t think that it would become my entire purpose.”
“Hmm.” His sigh is light and airy, with none of the weight that your words carried. When he does speak, the condescension is unmistakable. “Tell me, then.” He crouches down in front of you, leans forward, and rests his forearms on your thighs; his elbow digs hard into your leg as he raises his hand and props his face up on his fist. His grin still doesn’t waver, and his eyes appear wider from this angle, shining with something that is, perhaps, meant to resemble sympathy. “If you chose to leave…what would your purpose be then?” He tilts his head, until it’s his cheek resting against his fist, and waits.
And you are silent. Because somehow, in all your fantasies of escaping, you never managed to get to that part. The part where you lived your life, with no one to guide you but yourself.
You don’t know what you would do. But surely, surely, it would be better than this. 
He lowers his voice, and finally, you see his smile recede slightly. It becomes softer, and the glow in his eyes fades somewhat, and it’s all so unexpected that you don’t even question whether it’s real. “I know a lost soul when I see one, darling.” With his other hand, he lazily traces a path up and down your thigh. It would be almost soothing, you think, if it wasn’t him. “There’s a reason I wanted you. And a reason I keep you so close.” He sighs, and you can smell his breath, the hint of whiskey that doesn’t come close to masking the familiar rancid scent beneath. But there’s something sweet there, too. That’s new. “I think,” he murmurs, “that you have more to lose now than you ever did before.”
You try to tell yourself that you don’t want him to keep talking. That you want him to disappear now, and for good. But memories of your old life - your old after life, before he took over - are beginning to press their way forward. They make your stomach churn in a different way than any of his cruelty. 
“There’s also a reason - the same reason, in a way - that you were so easy to win over.” He opens his hand, and lets his cheek rest against his palm. There’s nothing dangerous about the way he’s looking at you now, or at least, nothing outwardly menacing, and you find yourself thinking about the night he approached you. Before anything about him seemed dangerous at all. When his appearance in your life seemed like a glorious stroke of luck.
“It was only easy because I didn’t know anything.” You’re disoriented, looking down at him, and it takes away whatever resolve you had left; your voice comes out quiet and hollow. “I hadn’t been here long. Everything about this place scared me. And I was alone…” You weren’t with anyone that night, but that’s not what you mean. Your chest seems to tighten as you remember those early days. The paranoia that haunted your every step, convincing you that something awful was about to step out of the shadows at any moment. The panic of not knowing how you fit into the world around you, and being sure that you would never truly know. The pure hopelessness of being consigned, for eternity, to the one place where no one in the world has ever wanted to go, and knowing that you could blame no one but yourself.
Alastor raises his head, slowly, and lets his hand drop gently against your thigh. “Well, my dear.” His palm touches first, and his fingers fall lightly, their touch barely perceptible at all until he presses them down in an almost-reassuring squeeze. “You’re not alone anymore, are you?” 
“No." You barely even remembered how it felt, until this moment. To be lost. To have nothing, not even the nightmares of the present, to justify your existence. You didn’t think about it.
You didn’t let yourself think about it. Because thinking about it would mean -
“That’s right. You’ll never be alone again, if you don’t wish to be.”
It’s fake, this comfort. Always has been. But you can’t ignore it, now - the way you want to believe it. If it wasn’t from him, you’d have nothing to comfort you at all. You find your mind wandering to your name in his hand, glowing in his book, and wonder if anyone else will ever think of you enough to write it down.
“As for fear… ” His voice is so soft, now, that you feel the need to quiet your breathing. To inhale slowly, between words, and exhale carefully, lest he pause at a hitch in your breath. “What do you fear most, at this moment?” 
Again, you are silent. This time, it’s not because you don’t have an answer. It’s because the one you have seems far too dangerous to say out loud. 
If you leave, and things are exactly how they were before…or worse…
“Uncertainty is a terrible thing, isn’t it?” He pauses, and glances to the side for a moment before speaking, his gaze snapping back into place so quickly that you barely catch its shift. “I’ll gladly admit to planting the thought in your head. My having done so doesn’t make the idea any less real.”
The tendril binding you to your chair disappears. It takes you a moment to notice the absence of pressure on your abdomen. Even then, you do not move. You keep yourself in place, sitting perfectly straight, because you don’t know what will happen if you don’t. 
You stay exactly where you are, even as he rises to his feet and turns to the side, leaving you a clear path to the door. You watch, motionless, as an arm made of shadow extends along the wall and wraps its long, distorted fingers over the doorknob. 
“Walk away from me now, if you wish. You have my word that your soul will depart along with the rest of you.” The door creaks open, in time with the parting of his teeth, and the appearance of his staff in his hand. Its head pulses with a faint green light. You stare into it, and wonder if it’s your soul that you see flickering in its midst. 
“And if I don’t?” Out of the corner of your eye, you see the gap between the door and its frame narrow slightly. And again, slightly more.
“To be entirely honest… I can’t imagine that I’ll ever feel inclined to give you another chance.” The light on his staff grows larger and brighter, and shifts towards you, as if daring you to pull it out. “On the other hand…” He leans forward, and tilts his head, his spine contorting with the sideways motion until his mouth is directly beside your ear. “If you do leave, that door will close behind you. And it will never open for you again.”
The green light ebbs, just a bit, and you think about the first time you saw it. That night was cold, and damp, the kind of weather that eats away at you slowly, sinking its way under your clothes and skin bit by bit, until you can’t even remember a time when you were warm. The kind of weather that seems to suck the color out from around you, leaving you stranded in a world of gray and black and muddy, desolate brown. The place inside you where you imagine your soul once resided felt heavy, just as waterlogged as every other bit of you. 
And it seemed to lighten the moment you shook his hand. The moment you traded…
It was more than your soul, you think. It was the things you feared. The things you despised in the world, and yourself. They’re all gone, now, because now, there is only one face that makes you feel these things. It’s better like this, you think. 
It’s soon to be out of your hands, either way.
The door eases shut, and you close your eyes, because you do not want to see the green light fade. It’s better not to see. Better to pretend that it was never there at all.
“Well done, my dear.” The filter has dropped from his voice. It was there, distorting his every word, until now. But why say anything about that? You keep your eyes closed, and sit still as he traces the back of his hand down the side of your face. Thinking about flinching away, but doing nothing at all.
“Stay for as long as you’d like.” He sounds different, still. Not sincere, perhaps, but closer to it than he was before. “You’ve gone through quite a lot tonight. I expect it will take you some time to feel like yourself again.” He takes a step back, but remains close, and you don’t have to look to know how intently he’s watching.
There is not much left to watch. You slide your hands down from the armrest, and clasp them together, eyes still shut tight. Head down. If you stayed in this room until you felt like yourself, you think, you’d never leave.
Then again - if you wanted to feel like yourself, you would already have left.
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ih8simps · 8 months
Slightly unhinged/ yandere Gojo (x reader)
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“Na-Na-Mi” you cooed.
“Again, no” he sighed exasperatedly.
It had been exactly 20 minutes since you began following the sorcerer from Jujutsu tech and you were already giving the senior teacher a head ache.
“Oh come on. What would be so bad about having lunch with me?” You contorted your face into the visage of a pout. Since childhood, this had been the face that broke Nanami’s resolve every time. His eyes danced across your face for a moment, and it almost seemed like he was going to crack.
“Just listen. I can’t. I don’t want to have to argue with him again. He’s just as annoying as you are”
Your face fell. He was always the wedge between you and anything you wanted.
“He doesn’t have a say in who I get to hang out with. Nanami you used to be my-“ the onset of your tantrum was stopped by a warm hand engulfing your arm. His grip on you was sudden yet firm.
“Who doesn’t have a say?” His voice was smooth like velvet and the soft hum of his voice sent a chill down your spine.
“And Nanami was what to you, again?” The grip on your arm tightened with every syllable that fell from his lips. You couldn’t form a tangible thought in his presence. His sudden intrusion left you feeling suddenly very unsafe. When did he get here? How did you not sense his presence?
The intel you received a few days ago said that Satoru Gojo would be far from jujutsu tech. He was supposed to be so far away that he shouldn’t even be able to sense you. How was he here? Did he ever really leave? Why did the informant lie?
Hearing Nanami’s deep sigh pulled you from your thoughts.
“I’m leaving. See you around, (y/n)”. The moment he turned on his heel to leave, your heart began to sputter. Panic began to rise in your bosom. You couldn’t be left alone with Gojo, not even in public.
“Na-nanami. Wait. Please”. The slight pitch to your voice must have coaxed him. He let out another exasperated sigh. It seemed that he was thinking deeply about something. He slowly turned back around to see you pulled closely to Gojo.
“You know. It would be nice to have a meal with you both.” he made sure to loudly enunciate the last word. Both.
If anyone knew of the possessive and obsessive nature of Gojo, it was Nanami. Since childhood he had noticed the way Satoru interacted with you. His gaze was always fixed on you a little too long and his hand always found some way to keep a hold onto you. It was no secret that Gojo had been unparalleled in his all consuming obsession with you.
Nanami was there the day young Satoru Gojo proclaimed to all of the students, although there were so few, that anyone who was dumb enough to get too close to you would have to get through him first. That day was the last real day of your individual freedom.
As the strongest son born into the family, it was clear that Satoru was going to be the next head of his clan. He never truly flaunted his status or threw around his influence. The day he proclaimed you as his, he was simply voicing what he considered to be obvious.
It didn’t seem that his message had the impact he intended because 2 weeks after his announcement, he saw you gallivanting around Tokyo with a new beau. Satoru didn’t even register what the boy looked like before he ripped you away from him. He said nothing as he dragged you away from him. The iron grip he had on your arm felt like he was truly trying to crush you.
Some part of you believed that was the day Satoru truly had lost his mind when it came to you. A week after that you realized that your family had been acting strange. Your father had more meetings than ever before and your mother seemed to be lost in deep thought at all hours of the day. The unspoken issue in your home came to a fever pitch when your parents finally broke the news. The Gojo clan had requested something from your family that only they could supply.
“Satoru wants you” your mother whispered, tightly grasping your hand. “H-he has threatened taking rash action if we decline” she continued, not even allowing you a moment to question her words.
“I’ve been meeting with the clan every day and it seems that he wants nothing else. There is no way to keep you from doing this, (y/n)” your father’s voice came out low and shaky. You realized you’d never seen him look so defeated. “I offered them many things, but they cannot decline a request from the next head of the family. He’s offered not only to take care of you, but the rest of our family as well. The only thing he wants in return is you. He’s quite adamant” he mumbled shaking his head in what looked like disbelief.
Time seemed to freeze as you took in his words. You’d been practically sold off to Satoru. You knew he had a powerful position, but you didn’t know he could just get his way like this. Every part of your body shivered in anger and disgust. He was like a plague or a natural disaster. He swept through a place and destroyed everything in its path.
Life was never the same after that. All of your things were moved to the Gojo compound and you began your life as Satoru’s ‘special guest’.
11 years later and you were still under his constant watch. There were days and moments when you felt like you were truly alone but those moments were short lived. The longest you had gone without being under those all seeing eyes was three months. Those were three of the most comfortable months of your life, but today because you were summoned by the higher ups, that comfort was surely over.
“(Y/n) can’t go to any meals with you today actually” if you didn’t know him, you’d think his tone was calm but that was quite the contrary. Satoru was seething. You’d been missing from his sight for three full months. He’d want everything from you now, including an explanation.
You carefully turned your gaze to his. “But Gojo I-“
A look of pure rage swept past his opalescent eyes and you knew instantly that you’d made a mistake. You were never supposed to call him that. It took him years to break you out of that habit and in only three months you were back to square one.
“We’ll have to take a rain check” he smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes, “we have things to discuss”.
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sorikufeels · 2 months
i’ve seen people complain about how square keeps making sora more dumb and i get that and agree sometimes because i do think that there are some moments where sora is definitely smarter than depicted. however, i sometimes i think it fits and its not because he is actually dumb but because he’s had his mind messed with a lot. and it was messed with during his formative years. in later games, sora is often forgetful, asking what other characters consider to be dumb questions, and shown being slow on the uptake. these things make sense when you consider that:
a) sora’s had his memories scattered and rearranged
b) had an entire year of his adolescence (an important time for brain development) forfeited to a coma in order to fix said scattered memories
c) has been manipulated and the victim of mind games multiple times
d) incurred heaping amounts of trauma in a very short amount of time
don’t get me wrong, i feel like sora is definitely smart in his own way and deserves to have more moments to shine in that regard, but when there’s moments where he forgets things or isn’t able to connect the dots as quickly as everyone else, it makes sense to me. it feels logical, understandable. when those moments happen and other characters make fun of him, i’m always like this kid’s brain has gone through hell and back, it’s a miracle it’s still functioning at all so give him some slack for fucks sake!
he’s still missing memories and it seems like he’s lost more in kh3 (if we’re assuming he forgot about riku’s sacrifice and the realizations he had regarding riku as the light) and might continue to keep losing them in kh4. his mind has suffered a lot and i wish the other characters would be more understanding. but for me, when i see him acting “dumb,” it doesn’t always feel out of character given what he’s gone through. he’s not dumb, his mind has just endured a lot and it makes sense that there are lasting effects from those events.
i have no idea if this is intentional, though lol if it’s not, then square, stop making him so dumb because he’s way smarter than that and you know it.
but if it is intentional, then i love it because it gives me so much satisfaction when events have tangible lasting effects, especially in ways that aren’t outright stated. it would also be cool if this was intentionally supposed to be a factor in sora’s self worth arc. because of his perceived increase of “dumbness,” other characters make fun of him more, making him feel worthless and wrecking his self esteem even further. it’s not his fault he’s having a hard time but he doesn’t understand why it’s happening and it’s another thing for people to shit on him for and eventually he’s going to snap or break under the pressure from all that shit. if this or something like it is the intended outcome, i think that would sick
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sirensplayhouse · 11 months
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the naturalness of manifesting
it’s y’all’s beloved siren back yet again with another banger for the people 🕺🏾 *please hold applause until you’ve read through this whole thread*
to bring something tangible into your life through feeling and belief
when you manifest you’re making everything you want to experience and feel a reality (now reread this again)
imagination creates reality if you can imagine it, feel it and sense it all while PERSISTING in it your manifestation has no reason not to materialize into the 3d.
now think about something that you absolutely love doing or something that feels natural to you. for me playing with my dogs , taking pictures , eating (and there’s a hell of a lot more but we just gon end it here) all make me feel happy and at peace , a very natural feeling.
but the reason it’s a natural feeling is not because I’m experiencing it in the 3d but because I gave it to myself in while experiencing it first in imagination.
before I got my dog (and wayyyy before I even found out about the law) I imagined myself playing with him, calling his name, giving him baths allat. I made him real and fulfilled my senses in imagination and persisted in my manifestation and then he appeared in my physical reality.
the reason why so many blogs say stop manifesting to ‘get’ is because it takes the naturalness out of manifesting. when you think about something you want to get you attach a lot of unnecessary stress and attention to it. when in reality manifesting is the exact opposite, it’s supposed to be fun and peaceful when your fulfilling yourself and becoming one with your imagination, never should it feel like a chore or something you’re forcing yourself to do.
no one else but you has the power to make it real in your reality, methods are just tools that people use in order to feel , accept and fulfill their imagination, they help you feel and experience the naturalness of your manifestation but they aren’t needed. the moment you declare your dreams as your reality is the moment they become yours🧚🏽‍♀️.
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queerfandomtrifecta · 7 months
Bottle It Up: the most tangible theme in OFMD s2
So looking at s2 through the (super fucked up) lens that Jim asking Frenchie “How are you handling all of this so well?” And Frenchie responding by saying he puts all the terrible things in a box in his mind and never opens it again was the lesson everyone was supposed to learn this season and like, that’s there in the text more than anything else and I hate that.
Frenchie is handling everything well because he’s putting it in the box and never addressing it again.
Izzy finally says he has love for Ed, everyone is worried about him, the atmosphere is toxic and suggests talking it through and Ed goes on deck and points a gun at everyone as he asks them to talk about it, and when Izzy finally does address the reality of things and speaks Stede’s name aloud he gets shot in the leg.
Lucius isn’t talking about what happened. Avoidant about the Rat Boy name at first, says he fell off the ship, can’t remember when he picked up smoking.
Stede asks Lucius to talk to him about what happened after he was pushed off the ship, and Lucius starts to and almost immediately Stede runs away saying to save the rest for Pete.
Lucius says he talks to Pete and Stede says “please tell me you held back on some of the darker stuff” and Lucius confirms he did because Pete got nauseous and started crying.
Lucius tells Stede he should look past the man he loves and examine all the awful things he did, but Stede brushes it off and doesn’t do that.
No one will tell Stede they killed Ed. (Arguably this is for their own safety as well but it fits the whole “we’re not talking about the hard stuff” theme so I’m including it)
Ed finds out Stede went home to Mary through Anne Bonny. Stede begins to try to explain but instead, Ed smashes his chair against the wall and walks off. They have a very brief conversation with mention that Stede was kidnapped by Chauncey then watched him die.
Ed gives his influencer non-apology that was clearly written by Stede to the crew, and everyone but Lucius and Izzy seem to have forgiven him. During the “apology” Jim talks about how it made them feel and Stede shushes them so Ed can keep not apologizing. Afterward, for some reason, Jim says immediately says “I thought it was pretty solid for him” Archie says that’s how it goes in situations like this, Roach has never heard an apology before so they’re all good apparently now.
Lucius pushes Ed off the ship but isn’t okay yet. We’re addressing the trauma here and trying to make it right (even if it’s in a messed up way); we’re finally talking about it directly, but Lucius isn’t okay after this.
Fang tells Ed he’s not mad at him because he got it all out of his system when they beat him to death.
The whole Lucius/Izzy exchange “A shark did this to me. Dangling my legs over the side of the ship, served me right too.” “Okay, that seems healthy. Using a bit of fiction to cover up your trauma.” “Not moving on is worse.” (Another point at which Lucius wants to resolve trauma and he’s told no, don’t talk about it)
Lucius is clearly coping poorly and tries again to talk to Pete about how he almost died and Pete says he should find him when he’s no longer thinking about his trauma (“find me when Blackbeard isn’t living rent free in your head”) and that Lucius should talk about how he lived instead. Lucius then seems to decide that he’s fine, proposes to Pete, and is seemingly okay after that. (5th point in the story when Lucius tries to talk about something to heal and is told no in some way, and here is when he finally seems to moves on and is played as “better” after this)
Izzy’s drinking a lot even after he’s not totally dysfunctional like at the end of ep4.
The only Ed apology to Izzy is “Sorry about your leg.” With no eye contact as he’s walking away. To which Izzy responds “Fuck off.” After Ed’s out of ear shot.
Stede suggests Ed can absolve himself of everything by “turning the poison into positivity” and selling his treasure he got during the time he was abusing the crew to buy party supplies. Stede later says at the party that yes, Ed has achieved turning the poison into positivity, though Ed has done nothing by throw money at the problem.
Stede ignores Ed’s warning about not being able to come back from killing in cold blood and kills Ned Low.
Stede is visibly upset and Ed goes to check on him and begins to start talking, but Stede wordlessly grabs him and slams him up against a wall and then they have sex (which Ed has requested to wait on) instead of talking about it.
Ed decides he’s leaving to become a fisherman because Stede is infamous now and Ed’s been wanting out of that life so there’s a brief disagreement where not much is said and then he leaves.
“I’m sorry I was such a dick.” Is the biggest apology we’ve gotten all season. It’s immediately dismissed as “you’re not a dick. Life’s a dick.”
No one in the crew seems to be mourning Izzy’s death and we as the audience seem expected to move on from it very fast. Avenging his death is proposed by Zheng but then it cuts to nope, we’re done with that and we’re inn keepers now instead. Put the terrible thing you’ve seen in the box and never open it again.
I’m definitely sure I forgot some of these and it felt at first that these were being set up to be played negatively because this is the don’t-bottle-it-up/healing-from-our-traumas show but that just doesn’t play out. Like so much of it’s either dismissed without reason, played as a joke, or framed as acceptable and the fact that I could pull so much more of this stuff out of the text than I could any other potential thematic element does has me just so baffled. I don’t know what to do with it.
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devildom-moss · 6 months
Could you write poly dialuci asking a gn mc out? Maybe how each of them realizes the crush they have on mc and how they’d like to ask mc to join their relationships? I’m fine with just hcs or a full piece, whatever works best for you :>
I wrote you some headcanons, anon. Hopefully they are to your liking. They're a pretty common ship, but I think this is my first time writing anything for them. (Am I going to need a ship and threesome section in my masterlist soon?)
Poly!DiaLuci want MC to join them
(Lucifer x Diavolo x gn!MC)
(Slightly suggestive)
Word Count: +700
Diavolo, as the prince, is more guarded and inaccessible than Lucifer, so it takes him longer to be completely smitten. This works out better because Lucifer would be more prone to jealousy than Diavolo – or, at least, Lucifer's jealousy is more petty and bitter than Diavolo’s.
Lucifer develops feelings through a series of kind acts. Seeing MC take care of his brothers is the first step; someone who treats his brothers well is a prerequisite. As much as he likes to act all tough, and despite how he scolds them for spoiling his brothers and encouraging their poor behavior, he’s actually endeared by it. When they extend that kindness to him afterwards, his heart begins to melt.
Lucifer falls first, but he doesn’t act on it in earnest. (He might flirt and tease a little bit, but he doesn’t truly make an attempt to seduce them.) Diavolo notices, but instead of being jealous, he’s just intrigued. He wants to get to know MC more. Anyone who can capture Lucifer’s attention has Diavolo’s interest.
Lucifer tries to play the long game with Diavolo, believing that it’s only a matter of time before his partner sees MC’s charm as well.
It doesn’t take long for MC to get to Diavolo once he becomes more receptive. Whenever they do something thoughtful, Diavolo melts instantly. It would be something simple, like bringing a limited-edition flavor pudding to Diavolo while he’s working. As chance would have it, there was only one left. Diavolo would offer a bite to MC, and despite Lucifer being in the same room, he would insist on feeding them.
MC’s smile was so sweet that Diavolo would offer another bite, but MC would refuse because they got it for Diavolo. He should eat the rest. With that, MC would be on their way, leaving Diavolo to his pudding and work.
Lucifer saw the way Diavolo looked at MC and decides to confront him. Lucifer already understands how he feels about MC. Now is his chance to bring Diavolo onto his playing field. There was a quiet understanding that they were both crushing based on how they spoke about and looked at MC recently; Lucifer was just waiting for more tangible proof to bring up the topic. (And honestly, I think Diavolo would already be aware of Lucifer’s plan, so he chose to feed MC in front of Lucifer on purpose. He also just wanted to feed them, though.)
“You’re quite fond of them, aren’t you?” “I suppose I am. You can’t blame me, though, can you, Lucifer?” “We’re of the same mind. What should we do about this?”
They would hatch a plan to get MC alone and try to seduce them together. I imagine Lucifer would suggest that they invite them to tea or for a glass of Demonus – ideally at the castle for the sake of privacy. Lucifer just wants somewhere intimate where they could confess. (And let’s face it he’s horny on main. He wants to confess somewhere where they won’t be interrupted after the confession, either.)
Diavolo, on the other hand, would want to show off a bit more – take MC out and spoil them; he wants to prove that it’s a date before they can even confess. He’d want to take them somewhere fancy or beautiful: renting out an entire restaurant, paying for a private room at a club (which honestly gives me so many smut thoughts sorry), or even bringing them on a day trip if he can get the time.
They’re pretty upfront about it and quickly ask about MC’s feelings. “MC, we’ve brought you here today to discuss something in particular.” “How do you feel about us?”
Once they confirm MC’s feelings, they’ll confess properly. (Although, I don’t think they would invite MC on a date if they weren’t certain that MC would return their feelings beforehand.) “I see. Have you entertained any particularly naughty thoughts about us that you’d like to share, MC?” “Lucifer! Don’t tease them so soon. We should at least be honest first. MC, you’ve caught our attention. Neither of us is opposed to sharing if it means getting closer to you.” “Which is to say, if you’re interested, Diavolo and I are not so exclusive that you couldn’t join us: romantically. . . or sexually, if you’re inclined.”
Honestly, I think Diavolo would immediately put the moves on MC, asking them to come over and sit on his lap while they “get to know each other better.” Lucifer will pretend to be more composed, but he’s no better; he’s eager to get his hands on MC too.
A/N: There's only one more day left in to answer the December post poll. I also posted details about what I'll be doing for the 1 year anniversary of this blog. Check that out if you haven't already.
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someplace-darker · 2 years
Kinktober Day 5: Breeding Kink | Harwin Strong
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Pairing: Harwin strong x reader (no y/n)
Wordcount: 1.2k
Warnings: 18+, PWP (okay maybe a little bit of plot), breeding kink, dirty talk, riding, probably a serious lack of proper terminology, me changing the plot of house of the dragon for porn reasons, mention of 'lady-in-waiting' but no pronouns are used
Summary: it's been a few weeks since you've been able to have a late night visit with Harwin, and you two have some catching up to do
A/N: i kind of Do Not Like this one and i'm cutting it real close posting this ten minutes before midnight but fuck it we ball. Also Harwin if you see this, know that i will give you more children
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Sneaking around the red keep isn’t exactly the most easy of tasks, especially considering what the consequences would be if your intentions were revealed. You were in close relations with the Princess Rhaenyra, yes, but you doubt that would stop Queen Alicent from plucking you of your position as a lady-in-waiting and casting you out onto the streets of King’s Landing. You never did like Alicent, her tongue sounding too close to her father’s at times, and with the recent events you suppose your intuition was correct.
Now isn’t the time for fretting over the kingdom’s current state.
Now, you have to get to Harwin. It’s been weeks since you’ve seen him, schedules never lining up long enough to do anything about the yearning you feel in your heart. You duck behind pillars and take the backways through the castle until reaching his quarters. Reaching up to rap quietly at the thick wooden door, praying to the gods that he answers with haste. They must be listening because you’re quickly being pulled into the scarcely lit room, a handful of candles lit around the space. 
“Seven hells, love, you are nothing if not determined. You could’ve been caught,” he chastises but it’s in vain, seeing as his lips are immediately pressing to yours with a tangible fervor. Harwin’s hands slip under your arms to your back, pulling you into his chest with ease. “I would not have been caught, I know the ins and outs of this keep better than I know myself,” you pant against his mouth “besides, I have a Strong and a Targaryen at my side, I’m practically invincible.” 
He chuckles at that, warm baritone thrumming against your chest as his fingers pluck at the strings of your dress, loosening it until it’s able to slip past your shoulders. Once it’s undone Harwin takes the time to tug at the fabric until it pools at your feet, body bared to the cool night air. His line of sight falls to your now exposed chest, not an ounce of shame when his hand comes back around your front, finger following the curve of your breast before letting his palm cover it. 
Reaching up to cover his hand with your own you start walking forward, careful to step out of the dress, forcing him back until he meets the bed. “You’re wearing too much clothing,” you comment, leaning forward to press your lips to the small area of his chest that the worn shirt doesn’t cover. It’s an older shirt you can tell, something meant purely to sleep in, but it’s currently your favorite thing he has ever worn. His chest hair peeks out from the laced V front, collar bones prominent and flushed red under the press of your mouth. 
Harwin hums, gripping the bottom of the tan fabric and pulling it over his head, hair falling back to frame his face. You take the shirt from his grasp and toss it with your dress, attention moving to the ties on his trousers, desperate to remove the final piece between you and what you need most. “Eager, are we?” his voice is all cocky and teasing, lips turned up into a salacious smile. It quickly drops from his face when you get the string undone, hand pressing to his abdomen before trailing down and past the waistline to grip his length. 
“You haven’t filled me in so long,” you sigh, pumping him in your hand and relishing in the grunts he gifts you. 
“Oh?” he gently grabs your wrist and pulls it off his cock, falling back to sit on the edge of the plush mattress, pulling you forward until you’re on his lap. He shimmies his trousers the rest of the way down and taps your ass, silently telling you to lift your hips. “You want me to fill you up so bad, put a babe in you? Fuck you until you carry my child?” The two of you had talked about it before, but never had he been so outright about it. It makes you shiver, and you remind yourself to nod. 
His hands part your thighs wider to make room for him, notching the head of his dick at your entrance until you’re relaxed enough to sink down onto him an inch at a time. “Gods, you feel so good,” you whine, bracing your hands on his shoulders and shakily lowering yourself before raising up to drop back down again. The warmth of his gaze is not lost on you, the filth of your predicament not enough to take the adoration for you out of the forefront of his mind.
Leaning back to watch you work, he catches the tremble in your thighs and takes it upon himself to plant his feet on the ground and thrust up into you. You yelp and he huffs, shushing you gently as if he’s not fucking up into with a force that makes your head thrum. “Stuff you so full that you’ll walk around with me for days. A reminder of whose cum you beg for,” Harwin groans, pulling you down against him each time he pistons into your cunt. 
“Please,” you gasp, threading your hands into his dark curls and leaning forward to press your forehead to his own. You briefly let your eyes flutter shut, savoring this feeling before it ends and you have to return to your own quarters. They call him Breakbones for a reason, his brute strength enough to force any man to submit no matter their title, in your case it’s to pick you up and twist to lay you on your back against the furs. He’s deeper with the change in position, your thighs being pressed to your stomach as he lays his weight on you, bearing down with enough force to knock the wind from your lungs.
Sweat covers the both of you in a thin sheen, room now thick and heavy with the air of sex. He looks near feral like this, hunched over you as his muscles contract with each thrust, scars splattered across his torso from years of fighting. Harwin knows that the only time he gets to use his hands for anything other than violence is when he holds you, and he doesn’t intend to waste a moment of it. 
You move your hand from his bicep to between the two of you, sliding your middle finger down until it meets your clit, circling it until you clamp down around his cock and keen with a burst of light behind your eyelids. The ripple from you is enough to drive him further into your pussy, groaning into the space between your neck and shoulder. Harwin bites down on your skin to muffle his own orgasm, staying true to his word and emptying himself inside of you. 
He noses against your neck, pressing a kiss to the junction of your jaw before pulling out of you with a hiss. “Satisfied?” he jests, brushing his hand over your cheek. Laughing, you push him off of you and onto his back. “For now,” you grin, tucking yourself into his side and laying your head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. You let your eyes close with the blanket of gratification, savoring the moment you get with him as you lie together, hidden away from the responsibilities waiting on you with the rising of the sun.
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desswright29 · 9 months
Come Find Me
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Word Count: 4,3k
Contains: ANGST!, Fluff, Cheating, Mind control, Sexual Content (18+), Heartbreak
A/n: Sorry this took so long. I had a lot going on. Whew! But here we are and I hope you guys enjoy the ANGST!
I've seen this place before
A color blinded senseless sight to see
And when it rains, only rains on me
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Memories. These memories where the fuck were they coming from? They swirl around her head like a tornado. Constantly causing her variance. The memories all with Rianna, felt so existent, so tangible. It wasn’t a daydream. They were memories, they were there right in her head. But she didn’t remember making them. It was driving her towards insanity. She was always inside her head trying to figure it out and lately she’d seemed aloof. Unaware of things going on around her. What is wrong with me. Something isnt right.
“Shuri!” Shuri jumped at the sound of her name being yelled suddenly snapping back to reality. Where she sat on her thrown, surrounded by the elders and Dora Milaje.
“Are you here with us your highness or is there something more important than the topic we’re discussing?” Shuri looked around the throne room as everyone stared into her. Okoye, Ayo, and Aneeka with concern etched in their faces.  
She cleared her throat, tugging on the jacket of her suit. “I-I apologize. I am not feeling well today. The safety of our country is always a priority for me. The barriers are consistently checked and reinforced. There is no threat to Wakanda’s safety at the moment. Now if you don’t mind I would like to wrap this up. Thank you all for your dedication. This meeting is adjourned.” Shuri stands and everyone follows with a salute. Shuri returns the gesture as she strolls out of the throne room. Okoye, Ayo, and Aneeka close behind. 
“Ikumkazi wam? Is everything ok. You’ve been a bit out of sorts lately.” Aneeka spoke up. This had not been an isolated event. Shuri zoning out had become a consistent thing and it was raising concern. “Uh. Yea of course I’m fine. Just a bit tired lately.” Shuri deflected.
“Well maybe you and you’re wife should slow down with all of your congicals. That would probably save the majority of both of your energy.” Okoye added with a sly smile, eyebrow raised high. Shuri can’t help but smile at the mention of your name. She let’s out a sarcastic “Ah ha. Actually, that might be exactly what I need” She smirked. “I should probably go get fed. That’ll boost my energy. I have to get all of my nourishment.” She winked. And Okoye scrunched her face in disgust. “That is disgusting Shuri! Keep your nuptials to yourself!” It was pointless Shuri was already bouncing down the hall happily, in the direction of her wife.
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So what can I say but I'm hoping
The hour will still turn to golden
We will see the sun as it's supposed to be
Shining straight through to you and me
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You pace outside of the bathroom door wringing your hands together nervously. Tolu sat on the bench infront of your and Shuri’s bed quietly watching you drive yourself into a nervous break down. “Ok Y/n.” Tolu stands and walks over to you grabbing your hand in hers. “You’re making me dizzy. You have to stop. Come on take a deep breath with me.” You stop staring into Tolu’s eyes, taking a deep shakey breath along with her. “One more” You both repeat. “Okay girl! It’s time. I’m right here with you. Do you want me to check it or would you like to do the honors.”
“Can you do it? I don’t think I can. I’m a wreck right now.” Tolu smiles and walks into the bathroom. Your mind races as you sit on the bed. Heart racing and palms sweaty fidgeting with your fingers. Tolu emerged from the bathroom and your eyes immediately draw to the white stick in her hand. Leaning against the frame of the door she gives you an almost unreadable expression until she couldn’t control the twitch in her lips. “Congratulations Umama. You’re having a babyyyy!!” Tears welled in her eyes a broad smile covering her face. Your eyes grew wide. Your hands mindlessly landing on your tummy, a choked gasp releasing itself from your chest. You stand, hurriedly brushing past Tolu heading to the bathroom counter, staring down at the other two test, both reading pregnant as plain as day. Turning back around to your friend tears quickly began to flow down your face. She rushes to you holding you in her arms. “It’s happening y/n! It’s real girl.” 
Leading you over to the bed, sitting holding eachother as you cry tears of joy. “Lu, I can’t believe it worked! I-I really have a peice of Shuri growing inside of me! And we’re both women! How could I not be in love with this woman she’s fucking brilliant!” You pull away as both of you fall into laughter. Tolu giving a playful roll of her eyes. “She’s alright I guess.” You giggle knowing neither Tolu nor Shuri would ever give eachother that much credit. “We’re going to be mommies Lu! Oh Bast! What if we’re terrible parents!” Tolu scoffs.
“Ah ah! Stop there and be realistic. There are no two people on the planet more qualified than the two of you to be parents. You both have been through hell and fought for this moment. You’re deserving of this and you’re going to enjoy it! No negativity. This is a happy time.” You sniff and nod in agreement. “I love you, girl. You’re the best friend a girl could have.” 
“I love your crazy ass too” You both laugh embracing eachother once again. Pulling away you wipe the stray tears from your face. “Now I just have to figure out a special way to tell her!” You clap happily, excited for this new begining. As if on cue, you both hear the front door of the house open and close and turn to eachother in a panic. “Oh shit! She’s home. She can’t know yet!” You yell in a whisper. Both of you hop from the bed and rush into the bathroom to get the pregnancy tests. Trying to move around eachother getting flustered and whispering in hushed panicked tones “I have to throw them away.” 
“No! She’ll see them in the trash!”
“I’ll wrap them up. Duh!” You grab the tissue and began wrapping the test. “Still you can’t put them in the trash! Give them to me I’ll put them in my purse. Hurry up!” Running back into the room you both plop on the bed Tolu snatching her purse off the night stand and stuffing the test in her purse just in time for Shuri to walk in the room, with you and Lu putting on your best normal poses. She walked through the door to see you with Tolu and her face scrunched in faux disgust. She smacked her teeth and rolled her eyes. “Ew. I knew I smelled you. I thought Y/n was making oxtail.” She said entering the room, shutting the door behind her. Tolu looked over at her mirroring her expression, unamused.
“Funny. Since those Panther senses pick up my scent so well. Why didn’t they pick up on those pits you musty bit-“ You pop her arm before she could get it out.
“Don’t start that shit. Be nice today.” Shuri turns her lip up at Tolu as she walks over to peck you on the lips and Lu rolls her eyes. 
“She started with me first, but Aaaanyway, I was just getting ready to head out.” She stands clutching her purse as though she held the worlds most precious jewels. 
“Best news I’ve got all day.” Shuri smirked at her. “Shuri you can kiss my ass and meow at the hole.” Shuri wrapped an arm around her stomach and brought her hand to her mouth pretending she would vomit. “Yeaaaa get that hairball outta there feline. I’m sure it’s building up from all the pussy you eat around here.” Shuri smiles and licks her lips as she nods. “True, True” Tolu’s face distorted into an amused grimace. “Ugh!”
“Now how the hell did I catch a stray in the middle of y’all beef. I stay waxed.” You butt in.
“It gets a lil fuzzy sometimes babe but I like it! Adds a little texture.” Your mouth drops open and your face contorts as all of you burst into laughter. Tolu wraps an arm around Shuri’s torso in a hug and Shuri kisses the top of her head. “I’m headed out weirdos. Love you guys.” 
“Love you too.” You both call after her as she heads out.
“The two of you are going to be the death of me.” Shuri chuckles slightly as her arms wrap around your waist. You look up into those beautiful dark eyes and you see sadness lingering in the depths. “Baby what’s wrong?” The concern in your voice apparent as you place a hand on her face. “You’ve seemed a tad off lately is my love overwhelmed?” You began placing soft kisses on the line of her chiseled jaw. “Not entirely. I’m happy sweet girl. The happiest I’ve been in a long time. I just .. something feels off. I haven’t felt completely like myself. I don’t know. Maybe, I’m just a little stressed.” 
“What’s going on? What’s got you stressed? Riri isn’t giving you any issues is she because  she’s over due being sent home really.” Shuri smirks. “Anything to bring up getting rid of her before time huh love. She’s due home in a couple of days babe. You don’t stress yourself about that. She’s been straight as an arrow these last few weeks. We’re good mfazi. And I don’t need you stressing out my little seeds.” She bent down speaking to your belly. “Isn’t that right.” She placed a kiss to your tummy and stood back to her full height. “I’m not stressing over that bitch. I just don’t want her here anymore. I don’t care how unproblematic she’s being, I know she wants you.” 
“Ok sthandwa, that maybe so. But I want you. Only you. So none of that matters.” She tilts your head upwards with her pointer finger. And you melt into her touch. 
“You’re right. And we were talking about what was bothering you any way.”
“It doesn’t matter baby, I’m here now.” She kisses your neck. “And I know exactly how you can make me feel much much better.” She gave a bite and suck right underneath your jaw. “Mm. Oh really?” You felt her nod against your neck as she place her hands on your im waist slowly backing you up against a wall. “Mhmm”
“You don’t get enough of me daddy?” You giggle seductively. Pulling back, her eyes lower following every curve of your body. She bends and takes hold of the back of your knees lifting you and pressing you into the wall. “Never” You responded with a hum wrapping your legs around her waist. “You know I love you more than anything right. I promise you I’ll forever give you my all. I’m not perfect but I’ll do my best at it for you. Promise me you won’t ever give up on me my love. That we’ll always be this way no matter what.” Your hands massage the nape of her neck as you bring your foreheads together. “I promise sthandwa.”
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I don't understand why you blame me
Just take me as I am, it's the same me
We should be together
So tell me where you go when you know better
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“I PrOmiSe SthAnDwA! Oh please! Let’s cut this shit short. Stark activate the atoms send Shuri to the lab.” 
Riri demanded annoyed by your and Shuri’s interaction. “Sure thing kiddo”. Turning off her beads She stood from her bed making her way to make her way to the empty lab. It had been closed for the day to give the lab staff a much needed break. And Riri was going to use that to her advantage. The memories weren’t working. Allowing her to remember their rendezvous hadn’t been enough to make her fall in love with Riri without the use of the atoms. She treated those memories like annoying nats floating around her head. And as soon as Riri would deactivate the atoms she went crawling right back to her precious little wife. Obviously the basis of her experiment worked flawlessly. Her time with Shuri with the atoms had been delicious. Sensual and erotic. But she needed Shuri to love her. She couldn’t possibly control her mind forever without causing damage which is the only reason she didn’t keep the atoms activated at all times. Time was limited. Now was the time to tip the scales in her favor..
Shortly after entering the lab Riri felt strong arms circle her waist, a firm body pressing up against her back as a nose tickled her cheek. “Hello my love.” Riri smiled biting her lip and turning around in Shuri’s arms where she belonged. “Baby!” Her arms circled Shuri’s neck as she brought her down into a kiss. “I was missing you and these lips.” Shuri whispered against her mouth. “Never as much as I’ve missed you.” Shuri shook her head. “I beg to differ.”
“Oh really? Why don’t you show me joy much you’ve missed me then Panther.” A smirk rose on Shuri’s face as she lowered herself back onto Riri’s lips kissing her hungrily, while walking her backwards into one of the lab tables. Her hands went under Ri’s shirt carressing the soft skin of her abdomen sending shivers down her spine. 
“I love the way you touch me Shuri.” Ri whispers as her eyes closed savoring the feeling. “Not as much as I love touching you.” All of a sudden Ri was being lifted onto the lab table. She slid the jacket of Shuri’s suit from her shoulders revealing her bra. Tugging on the center of the bra she released one of Shuri’s breast instantly attaching herself to her nipple. Shuri threw her head back in ecstasy reaching to remove Riri’s shirt. Riri unattached herself from Shuri for a second to allow her to remove her shirt as she unhooked Shuri’s bra. Shuri began unbuttoning Ri’s pants as she lifted allowing Shuri to remove her panties along with her bottoms as Ri reciprocated. They were both now completely naked as Shuri straddled Riri’s thigh. Riri moved closer to the edge of the table lining her core up to Shuri’s thigh and they both began to move against one another. Shuri’s arms were on either side of Ri keeping them both balanced as she panted in Riri’s ear while they both used eachothers thighs to get off. 
“Sss mmm, Ri you feel so good against me.” Shuri moaned her breath tickling Riri’s neck. Riri’s hips bucked harder against Shuri her arms wrapped tightly around Shuri’s neck as she cried out. “Yes! T-Tell me h-how gooood I make you feel. Oh God!”
“S-so good! S-so f-fucking good!” Riri’s eyes fluttered open briefly, before snapping back open to see a blurry figure standing at the entrance of the lab. With a few blinks clearing the tears from her eyes, the figure took form into you. Ooohh this was deliciously perfect!! Riri almost came from sheer excitement! She took the moment to unwrap her right arm from around Shuri’s neck placing her hand at Shuri’s entrance. She slowly added  her ring and pointer fingers inside of her while pressing her palm into her sensitive bud as Shuri rocked harder onto her. “Oh fuck Ri! Just like that! I’m gonna cum!” 
“Yea baby cum for me. I’m gonna cum with you! Say my name when you cum for me. Let everybody know who’s pussy this is.” Ri panted into Shuri’s neck as both of their bodies began to shake both on the edge of their release. Knowing that you were watching as Shuri’s body quaked against hers, and that soon she would have Shuri to herself made Riri’s orgasam come quick and heavy along with Shuri. Her Juices pouring over her hand onto her thigh. Ri opened her eyes looking over Shuri’s shoulder as they both caught their breath, fully prepared for conflict. But you were  gone. What the fuck! Had she imagined it all. 
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I love holding you, touching you
'Cause you help me deal with the pains
So how could you turn into
The demons you
Once said that you'd keep away?
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“AAAARRRGGH!!” You scream as you remove the large wedding photo from the entrance of your home smashing it into the ground. You walked through your home destroying any semblance of your relationship with Shuri. Tears streaming down your face. Releasing agonizing screams. You’d trusted her. Fell for her lies. She was one hell of an actress. Making you believe she really loved you and the whole time she was fucking that BITCH! So that’s why she wouldn’t send her home! You start to feel faint from the stress. Heading to the nearest wall you balance yourself. Remembering your baby you wrap an arm around your tummy placing your back against the wall sliding to the floor. 
“Why Shuri? Whyyyyyy?” The last why escaping your throat in a shaky whimper. You look around at the damage you’d caused. It reinforced the pain you felt inside. And for the first time ever you no longer wanted to be there. 
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“You hungry baby. We should probably get some food after that workout.” Shuri looked at Riri in all her naked glory still sitting on the lab table watching Shuri get dressed. She contemplated deactivating the atoms and sending Shuri back to you to be sure she wasn’t loosing her mind. “You ok Ri baby?” Concern etched itself in Shuri’s face as she walked over to her placing her hands on her naked thighs. Riri placed both hands on Shuri’s cheeks looking her in the eyes. 
“I’m so in love with you Shuri and I’ll do anything for you. You’re the best thing to ever happened to me.” Her eyes began to mist and Shuri captured her lips. 
“Heyyy, Hey beautiful don’t cry. I hate to see you cry.” Her voice soft and comforting. Riri smiled. “They’re happy tears. Because I have a feeling that after today no one will be in our way.”
“No one could ever be in our way. Because I love you.” Ri planted another kiss on Shuri before standing and gathering her clothes to put them back on. Once her clothes were back on she walked over and embraced Shuri.
“Soon that will be true.” She let go and with the press of a button Shuri was back to normal.
“Ms. Williams, why are you still in the lab. Go explore. Or get some rest. Relax for once. I’m going to spend some time with my wife.”
“I was just running in to grab something. I’m headed out now. I hope you and y/n have a wonderful day. I’ll see you later.” With that she walks out of the lab.
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I'm in my feelings, I'm tired, I'm bleeding
I'm nothing, I'm choking without you
I become weak from the mountains
I'll scream 'til the morning wraps me back around you
Where the colors of your mind will turn around
And so will you too
Oh, no, no, no, don't let it go
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Shuri walked out out of the lab. Heading home with a bounce in her step ready to curl up and relax with her wife. Once she reached the Queens wing her heart dropped as she noticed the commotion. Dora and staff scurried in and out of her home. Her face scrunched in confusion as she watched them remove things from inside. Your things. 
“You can just take that one down to my car.” Tolu walked out giving directions, when she spoted Shuri looking lost. 
“What’s going on Lu? Why are y/n’s things being taken.” Tolu walks up with one arm held out as Shuri proceeds forward “Shuri. I think it’s best you stay out here until she leaves.” Tolu placed a had in the center of Shuri’s chest attempting to push her backwards. 
“Leave? Leave where? Wh-what game are you two playing? Stop.” Shuri’s heart began to race.
“This is not a game Shuri. She’s not talking. I don’t know what you did. But you fucked up.” Shuri looked past Tolu towards the entrance to her home. Quickly she side stepped Tolu and made her way towards the door. 
“STOP! EVERYONE STOP! Put her things down now!” Everyone stopped looking at eachother confused on what to do. Stepping inside the first thing Shuri noticed was the wedding photo in peices on the floor. Her breathing became short and choppy as she looked around her living room. What the fuck was going on? Where were you? She hastily ran into the bedroom just in time to see you walking out of your closet with the last of your bags. 
“Baby what’s going on? What’s happening?” You only stare at her for a second face blank, grief hidden behind your eyes. Diverting your eyes you continue on your way. She steps infront of you grabbing at your bags. “NO! No y/n. Talk to me. W-What did I do?” She stuttered as her eyes began to water. Your eyes settled every where but on her as your lip began to tremble. Shuri’s movements followed the direction of your eyes as she tried getting you to look at her. “Y/n please.” She whispered. Stepping away you head towards the bathroom to grab a few things you’d missed. Shuri fell to her knees crawling after you. “B-baby, talk to me. I can fix it. Whatever it is I can fix it.” She sat on her knees in the doorway of the bathroom. Watching you pack up things. She was confused. Her mind reeling searching for the answer. The memories they were there but there’s no way she did that. No way she would ever betray your trust in that way again. 
It’s wasn’t me. It’s wasn’t me baby. Stay help me!
Shuri could hear herself screaming almost as though she was separate from herself. She shook her head. She started to get frantic as you stepped right past her walking out of the bathroom. She crawled after you again the tears flowing as she tried to catch her breath. Everywhere you went she was right behind you begging for understanding. 
“Please baby please just talk to me. I don’t understand! I’m begging you p-please d-don’t leave me! Everything was just fine! What could I have done!” She hiccuped through her tears. Finally you finished packing and headed towards your bags. Shuri got there before you, knocking over the bags and trying to get them open to take out your belongings. “Stop Shuri.” She starts to open the bag and you grab the handle pulling at the bag. Shuri held tight making the bag rip open clothes flying everywhere as you stumbled backwards. “Fuck Shuri Stop it!! I’m leaving with or without this shit!” You try walking out but Shuri once again was on your trail. She crawled infront of you, wrapping her arms around your lower torso as she buried her face in your stomach. 
I’m lost sthandwa. Please don’t leave me here.
“What did I do baby?! What did I do? Please I-I can’t lose you. I’ll fix it umfazi wam. I’ll fix it. I need you! Don’t do this!” Your body trembled with sobs that you held inside as the dame broke. You hit a button on your beads. 
“Okoye, I need your assistance in leaving. She’s not letting me go.” You choked out. Shuri’s arms tightened around you. “Y/n what is going on?” In seconds Okoye was at the door. “Shuri. I think it’s best you let her go. Just come with me ok.” She walked over squatting next to her. 
“Just talk to me pleaaasssee.” Her jaw trembled as she sobbed into your stomach your shirt soaked in tears. She began to wheeze from lack of air. Her breaths shakey. Okoye and  Aneka grabbed hold of Shuri’s arms trying to release you from her grip. “You have to let her go. You’re hurting her Shuri.” Her grip loosened instantly. “I don’t want to hurt you baby. Just-Just let me fix it.” Okoye lifted Shuri to her feet.  “Come on Shuri. Give her time.”
“No no no! Just tell me what to do! I’ll do it!” Shuri was inconsolable as they carried her out of the house. “Let me go! I just want to know what I did! I just need to know how to fix it.” She began to sound as though she was choking sobs and breaths getting stuck inside her chest. Okoye pressed Shuri against the wall right outside of the door of her home. Grabbing her jaw and squeezing to open her airways she coached Shuri through her cries. “Breathe Shuri! You have to breathe!” Shuri let out a cough an agonizing cry not far behind. Okoye wrapped her in a hug gently placing her head onto her shoulder. Her body became weak with sobs as Okoye held her weight. Tolu walked over placing a comforting hand onto Shuri’s arm. Aneeka standing guard infront of them. “What did I do?” she continued to repeat. 
Finally you were able to walk out. You look in Shuri’s direction. Had you not witnessed what you did in that lab. The sight would’ve torn you to pieces. Her pressed into a wall to keep her stable with Okoye cradling her head like a baby’s. But all you could feel was hatred. Anger. Removing your Kimoyo beads and rings you drop them to the floor with a clang and walked away. Shuri released a grunt that sounded as though she’d been punched in the gut at the sound.
You were gone and she didn’t know why.
Please come find me.
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Up on the mountain
Searched through the valley
You hear me calling
Won't you come find me?
Please don't forsake me
All of a sudden
My heart is breaking
I feel it coming
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Taglist: @imjusthere2readbruv,@bubbleblowinggirl, @euph0ricx0,@bellaallebbella1, @minionslikeppl, @melanated-queen, @letitiasnyash, @tishlvr, @writtenbymarie, @doramilaj233, @lichuchin, @6-noir, @jackdrawsjunk, @Ippriceisright
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artist-issues · 4 months
Actually, no, I’m just going to talk about Sabino.
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I was going to talk about the deleted song “A Wish Worth Keeping,” but suffice to say: that song would not have made the movie better because that song had the same terrible point as the movie: “The power to make your wishes come true is in you, so keep wishing.”
No. Bad. Bad point, therefore bad movie.
The deleted song wouldn’t have saved it. Stop saying “Why This Song Matters” and “The Deleted Song That Could’ve Fixed Wish.” Figure out what was wrong with the movie first. Then you can properly figure out what should and shouldn’t have been cut from the movie.
Now let’s talk about Sabino.
I already said several times that the character is terrible in the actual movie. The idea of him could’ve been good, especially when you’re trying to say something about the concept of wishing, though.
In Wish, he’s an old man who’s tangible wish-trapped-in-a-bubble has never been granted. You’re supposed to feel bad for him; his life has been so long and he’s never gotten what he really wanted. But, even if you accept what the movie is telling you (the main point I referenced up there) he doesn’t do a good job supporting it.
Sabino can’t remember his wish. (Stupid.) So you don’t feel that bad for him. He gave it up when he was eighteen. He’s lived more of his life with no wish to miss than he did with one that didn’t come true. So what if it never comes true? He’ll just keep living as a vaguely cheerful guy with people who love him. He’s never that sad. We don’t care.
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Also, when the idea that his wish will never come true is presented to him, he just… accepts it. On the one hand, that’s logical because of what I just said. But on the other hand, what a wasted opportunity to say something about your lousy “keep on wishing” main theme.
He’s 100 Years Old. He could have been the character that watches and waits, no matter how much time passes, and genuinely has faith like Cinderella or Geppetto or Snow White or Ray the Firefly or Ariel, and hangs on to his wish.
But they couldn’t do that. They couldn’t have an old character who is an example to a young woman. Because they had to have Asha be the one to “teach” everyone the “you have the power, so keep on wishing” message. You have to have her be the spirited child who proves the naysayers wrong—and therefore, you have to have Sabino be the naysayer. He doesn’t get to be the wise old man who teaches her something. He has to be the guy who says “you’re young, sit down and give up.”
Of course, they can’t even really commit to that either, because they’re still halfway-trying to make Sabino sympathetic, they’re trying to convince you that Asha really loves him and everybody does because he’s a sweet old man with a dream. But they half-do everything, and the base is rotten for all of it, so we don’t care.
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Here’s what they should’ve done:
If you’re sticking with that terrible main theme: Give Sabino a wish that he never gives up on. Don’t let him give it to Magnifico. Let him keep it for himself and spend a hundred years working toward it, and he comes close several times, and it keeps blowing up in his face, and everyone (including Asha) thinks he’s crazy for keeping it, but he gets up and tries again over and over. That would’ve at least been interesting and had a shot at being impactful.
Get RID of that terrible main theme. Switch it to “have faith” and then make Sabino the one with the faith. And again, his age highlights that it is hard. It takes a long time. He spends most of his life yearning and wishing, but he never gives up or stops acting on faith. He becomes a source of inspiration for the people around him—except Asha, who loves him but needs to find her own faith before she can understand him—and then eventually joins him in faith. Like Jane from Return to Neverland. (Yes I said it.)
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presidentbungus · 10 months
i’m still trying to decide what exactly demo does after the war. i do think he breaks the degroot cycle and i do think there’s a chance his mum disowns him for it. i think he realizes he’s too miserable to ruin a kid pretty early on in adulthood and decides it’s worth it to sit through every long lecture about bloodlines and grandchildren over birthing a child into a loveless marriage and making it just as miserable as he is (which, he eventually comes to terms with, is exactly what happened to him)
it’s hard. cleaving yourself from your family like that, your clan, the people that brought you into the world and half-raised you and filled your head with all kinds of funny ideas about honor. after the war i thjnk he just shuts himself off from the world and sulks for months and months and months regretting his choice, knowing he can never go back, figuring this is the path of unluck he was following all along, destined to die alone in his thirties to alcohol poisoning in a huge mansion he has all to himself. eventually, though, someone does come along. soldier or scout or engie, in town for a visit and they won’t take no for an answer when tavish tries to tell them he’s moved on and he’s not really in the mood for a drink. it’s just one night, they just go get smashed at a random dive bar off the street and probably end the night in jail, but he wakes up the next morning and realizes that whatever it was tipped the single upright nail barely keeping aloft this whole massive pile of misery and self-pity and for the first time in months he wants to live. he wants to know people. he wants to try to rebuild what he had even if it’ll never be the same again
i think he just packs his bags and moves closer to someone he knows, honestly. makes a few calls and picks up and goes closer to wherever everyone else he knew in the war fucked off to, the closest thing he ever had to a family (even compared to the people that raised him), and starts to rebuild his life from scratch. it’s hard but he’s got at least one friend near him who’s probably in need of a project anyway, and he finds out quickly he had much more family than he thought as his coworkers start becoming parents and uncles of their own, and he never ends up having his own kids but he might as well considering how many times he finds himself godfathered, after everything he’d done for everyone, which turns out to be much more than he thought.
i think eventually he manages to get a job teaching high school chemistry or something stupid like that. not for anything resembling loose change, but it’s something to do, and there’s just a little bit of pride in knowing his mum’s probably doing flips in her grave every time he goes into work. he’s not great at teaching what he’s supposed to, but somehow the kids always come out of the class scoring twice the national average on whagever standardized tests they have to take, and he’s basically paying the school to work there below board anyway, buying buildings and funding school supply initiatives with the millions he has stocked up from all that thankless work in his twenties and thirties. even if he doesn’t have a kid of his own he makes himself a part of so many kid’s lives, not just teaching but building relationships, helping with homework and checking on home lives and showing up on the soccer field afterschool to cause a disturbance. and well it’s hard to feel like you’re a horrible useless person when every student you pass on the way to the teacher’s lounge beams at you and tells you about their day. it’s not much to a lot of people but it’s everything to him, finally something he can do that has a tangible positive effect on people’s lives, and that gives him a reason to stay upright, too, keep on trucking, keep being a positive example for every bright eye that looks up to him. for the first time in his life he feels like he’s worth something, without pretending to be something he’s not, bending over backwards in work he doesn’t enjoy to please someone who never loved him for anything he was in the first place. ok that’s it i think i have to go cry now
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eternal-kosmo-ghoul · 6 months
*°:⋆ₓₒ day 5. spanking
.。❅*⋆⍋*∞*。 “naughty list”
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — ❤︎ how sad… you ended up on the naughty list, looks like papa terzo will have to ingrain some discipline into you
pairing: papa terzo x gn!reader
a/n: back at it again 🙏 this one is kind of ass because i rushed it.
cw: nsfw content. spanking. bratty reader. brat tamer terzo. degradation. terzo is a lil’ condescending. dacryphilia.
“you want me to keep doing this? spanking you like the brat you are? hah, i bet you do. this is what you actually wanted the entire time, isn’t it?” —❤︎
there are times where people have to hold their tongues. certain moments that provoke bratty behavior leads to dire consequences, all because one party decided to fuel the fire with their childish antics. pushing other people’s buttons to get a rise out of them and relish their entertaining reactions.
you’re notorious for being a troublesome sibling of sin. you were always getting caught doing something you aren’t supposed to be doing. sneaking in the ghouls’ dens, stealing food from the church’s kitchen, and blatantly disrespecting the higher-ups, including terzo himself.
now, terzo was a patient young man. he’s always been known to be a kind soul, always treating new people delicately and guiding lost souls among the ministry with the utmost of care. but you, oh you were just a brat that loved to push his buttons.
he knew it was all for attention. who would go out of their way to cause this much trouble anyways? he could see it in those mischievous eyes of yours, he was no stranger to that look.
it was like you were begging for someone to discipline that entitled mindset of yours.
what an attention whore.
but he had to put you in your place somehow.
so as an attempted punishment, terzo pulled you aside for a private meeting in his office to discuss that you’d be staying back during the winter season to take care of the ministry, while the rest of your brothers and sisters got to have the entire month off.
of course, you didn’t take it well. your entire vacation was being taken away! which is what led to the current conversation.
“oh come on! you’re not being reasonable here, terzo.” you complained in an exasperated manner, almost slamming your hands on the desk.
terzo groaned out of frustration and rubbed his temple, sitting back in his seat on the other side of his desk. “i’m sorry, but it’s for your own good.”
he looked down at your annoyed look, and he scoffed.
“and it’s papa terzo to you, sibling y/n.” he corrected, his tone clearly aggravated.
you only glared at terzo’s stern face, having no regards for his authority over you, or for the very fact that he basically had the power to revoke you of your sibling of sin status for your intolerable behavior.
it wasn’t your fault that everyone in the ministry were such snowflakes! rules, rules, rules, nothing but rules. you found them pointless. you came to this place thinking you would have a great, fun time, spreading the word of Him, and making a difference. and yet, you were stuck with such menial tasks that left a bland taste in your mouth. besides, your antics clearly added more life to your mundane routine. now you were actually getting the attention of the other siblings, nuns and even the great papa emeritus the iii himself. it was honestly quite nice. you’ve grown to really like it, being the center of attention. of course, you’d never outwardly admit that, you’d get shunned for weeks on end. especially by papa.
after all, you found it entertaining. you could get such a rise out of the calm and collected papa if you just try hard enough, and your annoying habits were definitely working.
because clearly terzo wasn’t finding it funny if he was taking your vacation away.
but of course, the argument you and terzo had escalated into something more intense and the heated tension between the two of you was almost tangible.
“y/n.” terzo started out, dropping the use of ‘sibling’ to highlight his seriousness. “your attitude has been nothing but a thorn in my side. this punishment is for your own good. be happy i’m being tame on you.”
his voice was strained. you could tell terzo was doing his best not to snap at you and do something really bad. the way he was clenching his fists through his gloved fingers was honestly kind of hot.
suddenly you got an idea.
“awh what? is the big bad papa too much of a coward to properly punish me himself? so he has to go easy on me?” you mocked with a high-pitched voice, a cruel impression on your superior.
terzo’s eye twitched as he listened to your voice, but he didn’t say anything further.
you smirked and stood up from your seat. “you can’t just get up and forcefully discipline me yourself? make me me how to behave? or are you too prim and proper for that kind of roughhousing?”
your words clearly indicated something more provocative, and terzo was definitely getting a rise out of it. he just sat in his seat, his eyes glaring daggers into your chest, but you were unfazed.
“y/n.” he warned. he didn’t know of what, but terzo knew he was about to do something big to you.
“come on now, terzo. do something.” you egged on, only serving to fuel his rage.
“y/n, i’m serious.” terzo stated firmly. “stop.”
you weren’t heeding the warnings at all. you could tell terzo was about to do something.
“what? too much of a coward to actually force me down and obey you?”
“come on, is this the best you’ve got? not so papa emeritus of you now, isn’t it?”
“you don’t wanna do this.”
“do what? speak my observations? i’m only stating what i see; a coward.”
that does it. terzo shot up from his seat and slammed his fists on the desk, making you jolt slightly and look at him with wide eyes.
“that’s it. get your fucking ass over here.”
before you knew it, terzo quickly made his way over to your side of the desk, before forcing your head down on the surface of his desk. he restrained your wrists by clasping them together and pinning your hands on the desk. you let out an audible, loud gasp.
terzo forced a knee between your legs and loomed over you from behind, keeping you bent over his desk. he growled into your ear, his voice clearly agitated while you were frozen with shock.
“now listen here you fucking brat. i’ve been doing my best to be lenient with your bratty behavior, but you are pushing my buttons to the absolute limit. so this time, i’m not fucking holding back.” his voice was dripping with venom, clearly meaning his words.
your eyes widened, but you quickly turned your head back to try and glare up at terzo, mirroring his expression. however, you were satisfied with this. you finally got what you wanted.
“now we’re talking.” you smirked, grin still as cocky as ever.
“shut the fuck up.” terzo scoffed, your behavior clearly ticking him off. “by the time i’m done with you, you’re voice will be so rasped from screaming my name that you won’t be able to talk for a week.”
now that’s a thought you liked.
with a haste desperation for putting you in your place, terzo’s fingers fumbled over the button of your pants harshly. he yanked down your pants quickly, snapping off a button.
“hey—!” you gasped out. “careful! these are new, asshole!”
“do i look like i give a shit?”
terzo’s free hand came down to smack your ass hard, which was still being delicately protected by the thin fabric of your underwear. you gasped loudly, and terzo’s hand gripped your asscheek firmly.
“i could give less of a fuck about your pants. so stop bitching and behave like a good little whore.”
you didn’t know what compelled you to listen, but you bit your tongue this once and let out a soft whine of protest. terzo clicked his tongue, and you could hear him chuckle, amused by your antics.
his hand fully brought down your underwear, letting the clothing pool around your ankles as it dropped to the floor. terzo cursed in Italian as he saw your bare ass exposed to the world.
“fuck, look at that.” terzo marveled, his hand running over the smooth skin. “looks so nice, i almost feel bad for ruining this perfect ass with my handprints.”
he removed one of his gloves with his teeth. “oh well, too bad then.”
he smacked your ass again, this time harder. you couldn’t resist the choked up moan that escaped your lips. terzo did it again, and again, and again. he wasn’t stopping, and he was drinking up your juicy reactions.
your ass was stinging and red from his spankings, and it seemed that he wasn’t done.
“look at this pretty little ass, completely covered in my red handprints.” terzo cooed mockingly, kneading the flesh with such roughness that it had you squirming underneath him.
“f-fuck you.” you managed out.
“no thanks. we’re not there yet.” terzo chided.
he smacked your ass again.
“you want me to keep doing this? spanking you like the brat you are? hah, i bet you do. this is what you actually wanted the entire time, isn’t it?”
and again.
“for me to discipline your bratty ass, and put you in your place. you just love the attention.”
and again.
“sounds like you wanted my attention all along. what? you didn’t know any other way to get it? so you had to act like a fucking bitch just for this to happen?”
again. again. again. the spankings didn’t stop, and each one only got harder than the last. you moaned with each one, taking each slap until you couldn’t feel pain in your ass anymore.
“hahh.. look at you, a little mess all for me to see, and just from spankings too.” terzo mockingly cooed.
you couldn’t resist the tears coming out of your face from the pain and terzo’s words. he was being so cruel, crueler than you’ve ever been. but it was so fucking hot.
terzo just kept on whispering dirty things into your ear, most of them putting you down for being an attention seeker and a whore.
after a long while, he stopped, and you slumped heavily against the desk. you were shaking and there were even some dried tears that ran down your face.
“aww. were you upset by me? finally getting a taste of your own medicine now, eh?” terzo scoffed out.
his fingers traced shapes in your ass, and you whined from the contact. yep. terzo has definitely put you in your place now, and you were completely at his mercy.
terzo grinned down at you, and pushed his knee further between your legs to further humiliate you, even though you two were the only ones in the room.
but it felt like everyone was watching.
“now, ride my thigh like the attention whore you are. show me how much you want this.”
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whatbigotspost · 6 months
I would love if you got started on the Benjamin Franklin effect, please fill me in
Oh dear how did I miss this lil prod from days ago to ramble on about something I mentioned in my tags?! I never miss a chance to ramble! No time like the present I suppose.
As anyone who’s followed me too long will well know, I love a cognitive bias or lil human psychology fun fact. This is yet another one I’ve collected over the years. In its shortest form, the Benjamin Franklin Effect is a cognitive bias that “causes people to like someone more after they do that person a favor, especially if they previously disliked that person or felt neutral toward them.”
I’m sure the science behind it is dense but I’m fairly unfamiliar with all that 😂 For me, this is just one of those interpersonal skills I strategically deploy when needed in life and work. As a nonprofit fundraiser/someone who works in philanthropy, I’m constantly asking very “important” or “fancy” people for large sums of money and before said large sums can be asked for (to employ 20 people in feminist work in Texas year round) you usually have to build a positive and trusting relationship. It’s extremely useful to be able to fast track that process, so I ask for the favor of getting a chance to “pick their brains” about something they have expertise in or I ask them to speak at an event, etc. It’s effective!
But this tool has usefulness in SO MANY ways beyond work, too. And if you know about it, you can even be aware when someone is using it on you. The very person who taught me about it…let’s call her Becky, years later, used it on me. Becky and I had experienced a falling out and she had reached out and apologized. We eventually met up to catch up over coffee and the next thing I knew, I had agreed to help give advice to her friend who is also a nonprofit fundraiser. Becky’s friend had a work conundrum and she needed to troubleshoot it with someone like me and there I was agreeing to do Becky a favor and I couldn’t resist being like “I know what you’re doing bitch and it IS working” 😂
As someone who is not naturally the most adept at navigating social situations but who made creating positive relationships w/ other human beings a lifelong special interest approx 30 years ago, it’s so helpful for me. I just keep on collecting ways that you can tangibly build rapport with others to have ready in my back pocket and I can say with certainty this is an effective one when used well.
Clearly I’m not saying to be a manipulative, calculating asshole in life, but understanding how to utilize tools like these can be a huge help when/if you need them.
Anyway, use wisely and enjoy 😘
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“i’m never more at peace than i am in your arms.” with Steven Grant
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Pairing: Steven Grant x Reader
Word Count: 887
A/N: Just opened up my askbox for some requests!
Warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort if you squint, poorly-edited
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The service had been a lovely one. The reception even lovelier. 
The reception is even lovelier. 
Having stepped outside of the venue and into the cooled heat of the summer night for a moment’s rest from the festivities, you feel as if it was all a memory, a misfiring of neurons that made you believe that the day had truly happened. 
You’re tired, tuckered out. The type that only comes from not eating enough and feeling too much. 
Your bones ache, there’s a film of something stuck to your skin and inside your lungs. You’ve spent too much of the day outside, with too many people you’d spend at most an hour with. 
A grating static is littered like chalk dust inside your mind. The more you try to wipe it away the worse it gets. 
A rumble of laughter flows out from the open window, and it goes straight to your head in the worst of ways. 
It’s a horrid combination of too many things that, each one in moderation, would be alright to handle but put together like this are too much at once. 
You’re oversaturated. 
There’s an increase and decrease in noise as the door opens and closes, the bit of a drag on the second step that lets you know that everything is going to be alright, that you no longer need to struggle to keep the cracking mask on. 
“Hiya love,” his voice is warm, like the sun. “Everything alright? Lost each other in there, didn’t we? For a bit.” His arm comes to curl around your waist, he pulls you close to him. 
Everything is alright now. 
Guilt crawls up your throat at the poorly-hidden worry in his voice, “Sorry about that.” He’s wearing the cologne you got him for Valentine’s three years ago. He’s on his second bottle now. “Didn’t mean to run off.” 
“Well you didn’t go very far,” Steven shrugs. The movement against your own body is a redemption in itself. There’s a purr of laughter around his voice, “If anything I’d say it was a piss-poor attempt at running off.” 
You smile and laugh, breathing coming to you a little bit easier now that his body is warming yours up, now that it’s just the two of you again. “Didn’t take you long to find me.” 
He shrugs again. You suppose there isn’t an answer to that anyways, the pull between you and Steven inexplicable, though entirely tangible to the both of you. 
“You feelin’ alright, though, dearie? Somethin’ on your mind?” His free hand presses against your forehead, the side of your face. There’s a dimple between his eyebrows. 
You turn and look up at him, pressing the length of your body into his side. Even the rub of the fabric of his pants against your skin is enough, the truth of his own skin underneath shining through it all like seaglass. 
You know for a fact there’s a dopey grin on your face. Your arms come to circle around his neck like Saturn’s rings, your fingers come to play with the ends of his hair, “Just you.” 
“You wanna go home? Really, I wouldn’t mind, the band was gettin’ a bit on my nerves if I’m being honest,” he turns away for a moment, his voice dropping to a grumbling tone like it always does when he complains. “Don’t know what kinda stick that trumpeter's got up his arse but he’d be doing us all a good favour if he took it out and threw it far, far-.” 
“Steven,” your voice isn’t harsh, a gentle callback to the moment between you two that existed free of any trumpets. “I’m alright now,” you cup his cheek, gaze into the coffee cups of his eyes. He’s more concerned than you initially took it for, his light-hearted teasing a paper-thin veil. “Just needed a breather.” 
“You sure you don’t wanna go? It’ll be much nicer at home, Gus’ll be there n’all.” 
Steven loves live music, despite his complaints. He’s notorious for being the life of the dance floor whenever you two go out, and his eyes are still twinkling, the need to dance still present in his soul like a blossoming tulip. 
“I'm never more at peace than when I’m in your arms…when I’m with you,” you smile, trace the ridges and grooves of his nose, press your thumb into the prominent pockmark on his left cheek, right above his mouth. “Thanks for coming and finding me.” 
“‘Course honey, ‘course,” he swallows, tightens his grip on you a little. “You really wanna stay?” 
You nod, “I think I’ve got an hour or two left in me.”
He doesn’t stray from your side once after that, sweat dampening his forehead as he spins and spins to the music he seemingly hated. In something beyond your soul, his presence is steady and quiet like a rusted anchor.  
Steven’s hand is warm and soothing in yours, his voice hoarse and scratched an hour later, after you’ve said your goodbyes and are heading out. 
Your feet ache a little. For some reason, the nails of your hands are throbbing. Your soul is calm, soothed. 
As always, all you really needed was Steven. 
And Steven always came to you.
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Thanks for reading, if you liked it, please consider leaving some feedback! I don't usually respond, but I obsess and re-read reblogs and comments constantly.
Masterlist here, requests here.
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blablaganov · 3 months
Non is the one behind the mask and Jin is our living for now proof of that
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So our homeboy just found out that no, Non didn’t ride off into the sunset with teacher Keng, but based on what we learned in episode 10 was handed over to Uncle Joe and vanished. And Jin’s initial reaction to this reveal isn’t horror at the thought that Non might already be dead, but anger at how the story of Non’s supposed escape with a teacher has affected his family?? Which is sweet, to care about them, but you just learned that your friend has really disappeared, so maybe focus on that first? But at least this reaction is consistent with what we’ve seen from him so far: Jin's response is emotional and explosive. It checks.
And then Tee drops the bomb - Non is dead. This should have been a huge shock for Jin, who was the only one to still hold on to the belief that Non was still out there, alive. Reactions of Tan and Phee is understandable; they have had years to accept that Non is most likely no longer alive, but Jin BELIEVED. So, I fully expected him to lash out, to start yelling at Tee, to start a fight. And what Jin gives me? Nothing.
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Except for a murderous look, he does not react at all to the news about the death of someone he claims to care about and feel guilty towards.  The character who shown to be impulsive, to react without thinking, whose emotions can be explosive DOESN’T SHOW US ANY REACTION. Which, of cource, is a reaction on itself, so my question is: Jin, sweetie, do you maybe have something to share with class?
Speaking of murderous looks. We’ve already seen them twice:
in the first episode, when Phee puts the tape on
And everyone from the original group looks various degrees of uncomfortable, especially after asked about Non, but not Jin. He is too busy trying to murder everyone with the glare until the mention of the camera snaps him out of it.
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in the second episode, when the gang discusses what to do next
And again, while everyone’s anxiety is almost palpable, Jin is just standing there, looking disgusted by everyone but not in the slightest bothered by the fact that someone got Por impaled?? Someone left marks on his arms! The conversation isn’t merely about the possibility of Non’s ghost; it’s about the real, tangible danger lurking in the woods. And yet, Jin doesn’t look scared or concerned in any way, too busy trying to once again commit murder with the glare.
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The marks on Por’s arms are the main reason I’m convinced that Non is the one hiding behind the mask. It's possible that Tan somehow slipped out of the living room and lured Por into the trap, but what about the marks? We’ve seen several times that Tan is one to outsource his murder, not too eager to harm with his own hands. Even after Tee’s confession about Non’s death, Tan doesn’t attempt to snatch the gun and kill Tee himself. So why get personal with Por? To convince everyone that it wasn’t an accident? But cuts don’t look ghosty; if anything, it’s a proof that a real, leaving person is behind it. And who has all the reasons to get personal with Por? NON And it with the same knife he used three years ago – a knife that someone present at the scene after Non got dragged away had to pick up and keep until now.
I am also mildly convinced that the knife attack is the main reason why Jin lied to the police in the first place. If he had admitted that Non was with them that day, everyone else would have probably said, 'Oh yes, he was with us, and he attacked us with the knife. He was screaming about killing us all, poor Top even got a scar. Here are the security camera recordings as proof.' We've already established that Jin is not the best decision-maker, so I can see how, from his perspective, lying to the police seemed like a better option.
And isn’t it interesting how Jin was the one who first noticed the cuts and also the one who took the knife in his hand to compare it with the cuts?
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Jin, dear, no one said anything about someone hiding in the house...
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Uncle Dang
I'm unsure which one of the brothers is responsible for this death, but it is interesting how closely it mirrors one of the scenes in episode 7.
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In the past, Por sends Non to get food on Uncle Dang's bike, while he himself starts shooting. In the present, Uncle Dang dies delivering food for the boys on the same bike, simultaneously extinguishing their last chance of escape.
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In the past, everyone was so eager to exclude Non and shoot the movie he wrote without him. In the present, they are willing to do anything just to get out of this place, and Por, bleeding out on the couch, needs it more than anyone. Sorry, but it's too late; this time around, you'll have to play your part the way Non wants you to.
Episode 7 is also where this dialogue between Jin and Por happens.
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I know that logically Phee and Tan were the ones who slipped in the cassette, but were they also the ones who created it? Or did they just find it when they came to the house for the first time to scout it out? Because the last scene with Jin running out of the house was shot after Non's disappearance. It wasn't merely an old version; Someone intentionally added Non's scene post-credits. And who was the one doing all the cutting? Right.
Jin’s hallucinations were what sold me on the "Non is alive" theory. Everyone who thinks Non is already dead also sees some version of Non/masked murderer. Not Jin, of course; he convinced Non to be alive and well, somewhere far away with teacher Keng. Oh wait… How is it possible that he believes something terrible happened to teacher Keng, but not to Non? That the video he took is the cause of teacher Keng’s death, but not Non’s? Haven’t they supposedly run off together? Unless Jin knows that Non is alive. Unless Non told Jin that Mr. Keng was killed by the mafia.
It also would explain Jin’s reaction after Phee confession.
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The person you have a lot of complicated feelings about
so many that you decide the best time to bring up your past situationship is while you both are trapped in a creepy temple. One also doesn’t try to bite off the dick of someone they are indifferent towards
just confessed to being Non's ex-boyfriend and getting close to you to get information about him, and your first reaction is not a "Was Everything Between Us a Lie?" rage but a sad puppy "So You Never Saw Us As Friends?" Once again, Jin, sweetie, we need to talk about your priorities; also about the fact that you not once looked surprised about the whole thing.
Fun fact: One of Jin's listed hobbies is camping, so hypothetically he should know his way around the woods, yet he doesn’t even attempt to help Phee while they are looking for the way out of the forest. The only thing he does is complain and cling to Phee in a very damsel-in-distress fashion. And still manages to be the one who points in the right direction in the end. I'm not even sure if Jin’s shoulder dislocation is genuine because if horror movies have taught me anything, it's to never trust a character who injures themselves while escaping a murderer, especially when they then very conveniently trip over the air at just the right moment for another character to drop their weapon.
To sum it up:
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Did he now?
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