#and the difference in the shapes of their plastrons
erasedvoice · 8 months
I love how in Batman vs TMNT, the turtles all have their initials on their belts, and all of them are uppercase except for Raphael’s
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There’s L, M, D, and then Raph’s is just “r” LMAO
I like to imagine that he did that on purpose just for spite bc it’s a hilarious little detail that I note while watching this
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mimjandoodlesstuff · 1 year
April Fusions haha
They kept rotting my brain for a hot second so I started writing up concepts myself, but then this ask properly sprung me into action. @bluepeachstudios you've done it again with the hinting!
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I suppose the only really interesting things about these takes are how I named them. I already have a fusion storyline planned for my own TMNT iteration, and the Turtles fuse with April in it so I combined their names there. I didn't want to do that again here, so instead I took a more unique approach. I named them after each of the Turtles' VAs' birthday months (because, you know, April). I mean, why not utilise canon/meta/out-of-universe facts for a project like this? I can't do this for my own characters. I did have two rules in place in case any of them overlapped, of which I was forced to use one.
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May is probably my least favourite out of the bunch. There's really nothing about her that screams Leo besides like- a shell, blue eyes, injuries... It's probably therefore not surprising I drew her first, so I really didn't know what I wanted to emphasise and so on. I should probably have had her face the camera more to get a better sense of her jawline. Make sure to make it nice and boxy lol
The plastron pride flags are demigirl, aroace and lesbian. While I do in my heart of hearts believe Leo has a not insignificant crush on Captain Ryan, I still wanted our gal to be a flaming lesbian despite that lol.
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March was incredibly fun to draw, and not just because @bluecookiesabi is an absolute joy to hang out with (thank the heavens for Discord streams!). I just really like drawing more feminine characters. I had most likely already sketched both May and March before I found the ask so I didn't know March is agender, but I don't think that's a problem at all. Agender people are allowed to be feminine, after all. And I don't consider Donnie to be some pinnacle of masculinity to begin with.
I figured, since the fic tags state that Donnie's autistic here, I'd give March just fluffy socks and slippers to keep dust and dirt from their feet for sensory reasons. That is definitely not projection on my part.
They're kind of giving 2003 April vibes with their hair in a bun. That was a happy accident which I'm really glad I kept to.
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January is just green April. Hers and Mikey's designs are already so incredibly similar in-canon I'm convinced she'd look pretty much exactly like him had she been mutated into a turtle. I didn't even feel the need to open January's eyes since they'd just be the same shade of blue more or less.
I don't have much to say about him other than she was fun to draw. Gymnastics poses are honestly kind of therapeutic to draw. But also, how are they able to make that pose? The answer is simple: January is just built different.
I also labelled xir as only aroace since I don't know what you have planned for Mikey.
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I'm really happy with how he turned out. While sketching I couldn't get the pose really working but once I did she really came together. I'd say September is the only Fusion (besides maybe March) that actually looks like the people he's made up of merged. Raph's stocky build fits April surprisingly well. And the choice to give her April's kunoichi getup but tattered was a really good idea in my opinion, and I'd like to give @pechtothevoid the credit they are so deservedly owed for that idea.
While not fic accurate at all, I had such a difficult time coming up with a good weapon for September. Who knew combining sai with tessen would be difficult? So instead I gave her a boomerang, which reminded me of Sokka, so I just straight up gave him Sokka's boomerang. I like the idea of her, upon fusing, just snagging Sokka's boomerang from the Mae Whitman-verse and using it as a blunt force weapon. I wanted to in a similar vein give him the One Ring from the Sean Astin-verse, but I couldn't get that to look good no matter how I placed it.
I like the name rules I came up with. Basically, since I didn't know in which months any of their actors were born in I had to come up with a replacement idea for naming in case any of them happen to overlap. The first rule was that if Rob and Greg happened to share a month with anyone else, the Donnie and Mikey Fusions would automatically get assigned December and May respectively. If Seth or Sean were to have overlapped with anyone, Leo's and Raph's Fusions would get the/a month whose first letter is the closest to either character's first name. March and January checked out, but since Seth and Sean are both born in February, I was forced to assign Leo and Raph May and September each. Small price to pay, honestly.
Tcest DNI and NO REPOSTING. Both groups can go die UwU
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hoodiedmenace · 7 months
One day I'm gonna kiss the character designers for rise of the tmnt.
Yeah shape theory and all that, it's super neat but IT GOES SO MUCH DEEPER.
Since the beginning of tmnt, the turtles have always been hard to distinguish from each other. Especially in the 1987 show, but all the way up to 2007 movie, the one thing the turtles have really had to distinguish themselves is their color of their masks, their weapons, and usually some minor design changes like the letter on their belts, height, and skin tone. But even those have been subtle.
The 2012 series is really the first tmnt iteration to change up the turtles in a significant way. Not only is their skin different shades of green, but their heights are a more significant difference. Donnie towers of the other turtles, and Mikey's height really solidifies him as the youngest brother.
That isn't where the differences end, though. Raph has a crack in his plastron, Mikey has freckles, and Donnie is much lankier and skinny than the others. The main problem with this though, is that they are still fairly subtle. From behind and without their masks on, it's impossible to tell whether its Mikey, Leo, or Raph on screen. Not to mention, Leo is sort of treated as a 'base', and the other three turtles are just alterations made to his design.
Rise, on the other hand, said "hold my beer."
Not only do rise turtles have the different heights, skin tones, and masks, they have different body types.
And not only are these differing body types useful in telling the turtles apart, they have genuine meanings. So I'm gonna infect your brains with my brainrot.
Starting with Mikey.
Mikey has always been the silliest of the group, the party dude, if you will. Rise uses shape theory to give this playful, young vibe to him. Not only are his markings circles, but so is his head and shell. His design is very rounded overall.
The other thing about rise, is that all their fighting types are different. Their weapons influence these styles along with their personality. Mikey's style of fighting is very acrobatic, very showy. He is very in touch with his sense of balance and the space around him.
It can't be a coincidence that Mikey's body type is also very similar to an acrobat or gymnastic athlete. His muscles are small but compact, and rounded like the rest of him. His limbs are small, but clearly strong and well maintained. Acrobats often have these types of hidden muscles, where they almost disappear when not in use because of the function of them. They aren't using the muscles for heavy lifting or grueling tasks. Acrobats use their muscles for balance and manipulating their own body.
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Next is Leo. Unlike 2012 where Leo is used as a baseline for the other character designs, he most definitely has his own unique look. Overall, he's very sharp. His crescent moon markings on his face and limbs, his swords, and his overall stylized body shape leans into this pointed, sharp look.
Leo attacks quick in the series. He is often one of the first to strike, and thinks well ahead in battle to preserve his energy. His battle moves tend to also continue throughout the fight with a large blow in the beginning and end, with smaller strikes in between.
Leo is also the leanest of the turtles, with a small waist and the lithest of the turtles' limbs. All of this points his character design towards a long distance runner. They often start and end races with bursts of energy, and then pace themselves throughout the rest of the race. They have to think and consider their speed. Long distance runners also have very lean muscles. It has to do with the actual proteins in the muscle that make them thinner but perfect for pacing and persevering throughout long lengths of time.
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Similar to Leo is Donnie. The disaster twins, as the fandom has named them for being the same age, are the most physically similar. They are nearly the same height and, when Donnie had his battle shell on, their shells are very similar in shape. However, they are still very different. Donnie has a rectangular build with his purple pixel-like markings and big ass forehead. Him and Raph also are the only turtles in rise with full head coverings, and they are also both square shaped.
Donnie tends to put all of his energy into one, well timed blow. Usually using his tech to discombobulate the enemy and then backing off quickly. (The only time this doesn't hold true is when he's fighting with April, where it's only the two of them. However, he still does tend to attack and then back away.) His muscles are the second most defined of the turtles, being thick and bigger than both Leo and Mikey.
For this reason, Donnie I believe is built off of a sprinter. A short distance runner. The perfect match to Leo (the twins ever bro)
Sprinters have to save up all of their energy in order to use it all in one short length of time, often just a few seconds. Exactly how Donnie attacks. Sprinters also have much larger, more defined muscles than long distance runners. I think it has something to do with storing energy and oxygen to be used all at once.
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Finally, there's Raph. Raph is big and bulky in the show, with the biggest muscles and is *physically the strongest. He lifts giant boulders and can carry all three of his brothers, April, and Splinter with ease. His shape is a square, with his head and chest being large and boxy. His fighting style is the least ninja-y out of the four, being more related to actually just throwing hands with someone. He fights physically and often times without his weapons, preferring to attack with his body. He gets in the enemy's space and uses his larger size to overpower them. His ability to make himself bigger with his mystic powers furthers this idea. He attacks hard and doesn't let up, not allowing his weaknesses to be exploited by keeping the enemy from never getting a hit in.
I believe Raph is based off of a wrestler or boxer. They fight physically and roughly, preferring to never allow their opponent get a hit in if it allows. Their act of defense is also similar, as boxers generally use their weapon as defense instead of offense. (Raph does this in the train battle and the shredder fight pre-karai death.) Even some of Raph's moves are essentially boxing moves. It also makes sense why, in the show, Raph loves wrestling so much. It may not be boxing, but it's a very similar sport.
Boxers also have large, bulky figures similar to Raph. Their entire body is muscular as opposed to just their legs or arms because of how physical their sport is.
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*Mikey throws a lot of super heavy stuff like the top of a sky scraper, a loaded cargo ship, and a semi-truck, but he does it with the help of his mystic weapon.
Hahaha I'm so. Normal.
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ceruleanterrapin · 18 days
How to draw TMNT 2012 Part 1 - The Carapace's Shape, Costal & Vertebral Scutes, and Marginal Scutes
Turtle shells are comprised of three main components:
The carapace - the part of the shell on a turtle's back
The plastron - the part of the shell that is on the turtle's front
The bridge - the part on the side that connects the carapace and plastron together
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Today, we will be focusing on the carapace of the shell
#1 The Shape
The carapace's shape is essentially an oval. Now, how wide the oval is actually varies between the four turtles. If you look closely, the shape and size of the carapace between Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey isn't exactly the same. But, we will get more into that in a different tutorial
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For now, let's just sketch out a generic shell shape that can be used as a base for any 2012 turtle, starting with a basic oval. This will be our "inner ring"
Afterwards, add a slightly bigger oval around it to form the "outer ring"
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Now, sharpen the upper and bottom edges of both ovals very slightly as illustrated below
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You now have the base of a turtle shell
#2 The Costal and Vertebral Scutes
There's quite a bit to break down in this part, so let's take it one step at a time
First of all, what are scutes? Scutes are external plates found on the carapace of a turtle. In other words, you see those hexagonal shapes on the shell? Those are the scutes
Now, what are the costal and vertebral scutes? These are the scutes on the "inner ring" of the carapace that you drew in step one (Vertebral scutes are labeled with a "V", costal scutes are labeled with a "C")
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As you can see, the vertebral scutes are located along the spine of the turtle. Meanwhile, the costal scutes surround the vertebral scutes
So, how do you draw the costal and vertebral scutes? We’ll break them down into three categories: The middle vertebral scutes, upper and lower vertebral scutes, and the costal scutes
The Middle Vertebral Scutes:
These are the only scutes that form a complete hexagon. They are located in the middle of the carapace. It’s important to note that in tmnt 2012 there’s only two of them. Now, you would expect these to be centered exactly in the middle of the carapace, but that's actually not entirely true. The middle vertebral scutes are actually placed slightly higher in the carapace rather than directly in the center
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There's still one issue though, the belt the turtles wear. While the top middle vertebral scute is in full view, the bottom one is covered by the belt. Sure we could imagine what the bottom middle vertebral scute looks like, but we want to be accurate. Luckily, there's one scene in the show were we actually get to see it uncovered without the any gear in the way
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In this frame where Leo's brothers are pulling him out of the tub we can see what the bottom middle vertebral scute looks like. Rather than being a perfect hexagon, it's more elongated and vertical
"Okay, that's nice and all but how do you actually draw any of this?"
For the top middle vertebral scute, you're going to want to draw a normal hexagon near the top of the carapace:
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For the bottom middle vertebral scute, the process is similar. However, instead we're going to stretch out the lower half of the hexagon vertically to make it longer
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The Upper and Lower Vertebral Scutes:
Due to the offset of the middle vertebral scutes, this makes the upper vertebral scute very small and the lower vertebral scute very big
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To draw them, pay attention to where the red circles are. That's going to be where we will start connecting lines
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First we're going to draw two diagonal lines upwards from the top middle vertebral scute where the corners are
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Then from there we're going to draw two diagonal lines downwards from the bottom middle vertebral scute where the corners are
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And just like that, the upper and lower vertebral scutes are completed
The Costal Scutes:
The costal scutes can be found surrounding the vertebral scutes. Drawing these scutes is actually quite easy
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Once again, we're going to look at where the red circle are on the sketch. Those are the points where we will be connecting lines to
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Starting with the top middle vertebral scute, we're going to draw lines at a slightly upward diagonal angle from where the middle points of the hexagon are
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Now, we're going to repeat the same with the bottom middle vertebral scute. But, instead, we're going to draw the lines at a slightly downward diagonal angle
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The costal and vertebral scutes of the carapace are now completed. Let's move onto the marginal scutes
#3 The Marginal Scutes
Alright, time to add some more details to your turtle shell. Now we're going to be focusing on the marginal scutes
The marginal scutes are the "outer ring" of the carapace
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As you may have noticed, there's many cracks within the marginal scutes in tmnt 2012. But, did you notice there's a pattern to where they appear?
Each crack in the marginal scutes is located near the top of each costal scute with an additional two on the upper vertebral scute and four on the lower vertebral scute
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To draw the cracks in the marginal scutes, first we're going to put them near the top of each costal scute
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Next, we're going to draw the two cracks that are above the upper vertebral scute and the four that are below the lower vertebral scute
Note that the cracks on the upper vertebral scute are very close together. Meanwhile, the outer cracks on the lower vertebral scute are very far apart while the cracks in the center are very close together
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And just like that, your carapace is now completed. You could technically stop here, but if you want to add more details then let's continue
Everything from here on out is optional to the tutorial and is just to help add some extra flare to your shell. Now, let's begin, shall we?
One tip to add some extra detail into your shell is to thicken the creases of the scutes. This can add the illusion of depth into your artwork
While we don't have access to the models used in the tv show, we can take a look at the models from one of the video games
If we zoom in we see that there's grooves within the scutes in the pattern of a spiral. This is reflective of turtles in real life. By adding these spiral grooves into your drawings, you can add texture into your artwork
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Define Your Marginal Scutes:
Another important detail to note: While not shown in any of the models, in real life the marginal scutes are actually comprised of many sections, rather than just one big outer rim. By separating the marginal scutes into sections you add both more realism and detail to your carapace
By combining all of these extra little details together our shell ends up looking like this
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I hope you guys enjoyed the tutorial! This took a long time to make and there's so much more I could go into. But, I'm going to have to split them into different parts or else this post would never end
I want to end this with saying I am not an expert on any of this stuff. There's always a chance some of the information in these posts could be wrong. But, hopefully they're still helpful to you in some way
Part 2 | Tutorial Masterpost
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yorshie · 6 months
Oh, you're still taking requests?
Hmmm how about: 33, comedy-romance for Mr Leo? You decide how spicy and/or funny.
Thank you for requesting on Blurb Day! And Yup! I'm taking requests until Sunday morning, gonna update my Masterpost so it doesn't say closed, sorry!
Gasp! Friggy... you're gonna let me be spicy and funny? HAHAHAHA <- evil laughter (edit: oh boy. Sorry Friggy. This is why I should not be left to my own devices.)
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Raph greeted you at the turnstiles with a smile, a jerk of his chin and a high five that, while gentle for his standards, sent tingles up your wrist that you fought the urge to shake out.
"Hey, sweetheart. You looking for Leo?" When you nodded, he took a step to the side, gesturing with the water jug in his hand towards the back of the Lair. "Last i saw him, he was heading back to his room. Being a wimp about the cold 'n all that."
"Hm, I'll see if I can flush him out." You gave the red banded turtle a wink, and he chuckled before waving you onwards.
Leo's room was the last one to the left after climbing the stairs, and you knocked on the door softly before pushing it open and stepping inside the nightlight lit room.
"Leo?" You called, squinting slightly as your eyes adjusted. A rustle of blankets answered you, and you saw the flash of eyes reflecting light for half a second before Leo's voice followed:
"Shut the door, you're letting in the cold."
You rolled your eyes, fondly, shutting the door and using the light on your phone to light the way to the suspiciously Leonardo shaped lump of blankets piled on top of his usually immaculate bed.
"Fee Fi Fo-" A hand shot out of the covers, snagged your waist and pulled you into mess with a squawk, hands windmilling and phone flying to places unknown as Leo all but bundled you underneath him, arms caging you in against the bed and plastron pressing into your back.
"I am not a giant." He groused, snout pressing along your hairline and the nape of your neck, breathing in your scent. "But if I was you'd definitely be on the menu."
"Oh no, babe, please no pick up lines." Your complaint turned into a giggle when one of his hands ghosted over your waist, fingers finding your ticklish spots with ease and thighs squeezing yours to keep you trapped.
When you finally caught your breath, his hand had slipped up to press firmly against your stomach, palm cool against your flesh. You more so felt the soft 'oh' he breathed into your shoulder.
"Blue?" You asked, over your shoulder, elbows tucking in close when his other hand joined the first, mapping out the soft bones in your hips and gently digging into the swell of your stomach.
"You're.... warm." He said carefully, as if he wasn't bodily pinning you to the bed, as if he had no prior knowledge of how different your bodily temperature was compared to his.
You went to make some cocky remark, tease him about being suddenly shy, when his hand slid up to splay his thumb over your sternum, and you breathed out shakily, sinking down into the bed, letting yourself finally appreciate the way he surrounded you.
His plastron nudged against the bottom of your shoulder, the whisper of his scales catching on your shirt loud in the quiet between your stifled breaths. His arms tightened, banding in a triangle underneath you, thumbs echoing each other just over the curve of your ribs.
"Leo," you turned your head, voice catching when he gave a soft squeeze, heart hammering at the drag of callused thumbs over your soft skin, "we're suppose to go eat dinner in a bit."
"Not thinking about that," He nosed over your shoulder. You could just barely see the way his eyes moved over your face before they dipped to your lips. "We do have some time, though, before we have to get ready."
"And you want to kiss me?" You guessed, enjoying the way his gaze dropped once more to your mouth.
His shoulder landed on the bed beside your head, opposite knee canting up against your hip so he could reach without crushing you.
His mouth was soft, sweet, his tongue a shock of not quite cold that sent a shiver down your spine and a smug tic to one side of his mouth. He quickly smoothed it out and scrubbed his mouth once more against yours, licking into your mouth once more when your lips parted on a sigh.
He pulled back when you gave another full bodied shiver underneath him, hands rubbing briskly up and down your sides, a shit eating grin tucked into the side of your neck. "Cold?"
"Get up here and kiss me again." You ordered, unable to reach him with how he had your arms pinned to your sides.
He gave that bare, huff of a laugh into your skin, pressing a kiss to your collar before complying. "Yes, ma'am."
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What They Like About You Physically (Fluff)
2003!Turtles x reader
Warnings: Spelling.
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Leonardo is and has always been drawn to your eyes, finding them expressive and full of determination. He admires the way they light up with passion during intense moments. They’re full of emotions, mirroring a language that he himself has built up over many years. Your eyes speak your feelings in ways that keep him up at night, thinking of how they looked at him when you told him that you loved him.
Leo also finds the area around your eyes quite attractive. The shape of your eyes, your eyebrows, and the small wrinkles at the corner of your eye when you smile. Your eyes may speak a language of their own, but your face is also quite expressive, especially the upper half. How your brows would frown in confusion, or how you would slant one while being smug. It made Leo’s heart skip a beat and placed a smile on his face.
Leo appreciates the strength in your arms, especially when engaged in combat. He finds reassurance in the feeling of your protective embrace whenever you're close. He knows that he is stronger than you, and if it ever came to the point where you would have to protect each other, he would be the one to keep you safe. But in your arms he felt emotionally safe. After a long day full of danger, your arms are the place he recharges.
Leonardo often finds himself drawn to your hands and forearms, finding them both strong and graceful. He appreciates the way they move, whether it's wielding a weapon or gently cradling something. It most likely had something to do with how safe he feels in your arms, but it also had something to do with how you would try to replicate his moves. Mirroring his moves as best as you can, causing Leo’s heart to warm and a feeling of pride swelling in his chest.
Leonardo finds you the most attractive when engaged in your element, whether it's training, engaging in something you’re passionate about, or demonstrating your skills. He appreciates the confidence and strength displayed in those moments. Your body language would change, and sometimes your face would scrunch up in concentration, which Leo found absolutely adorable. He could sit and watch you for hours.
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Raphael is secretly fascinated by your hair, finding its texture and color captivating. He might not say it outright, but he notices. He loved how different it can get throughout the day. How it’s one texture in the morning and a different one in the evening, depending on what you’ve been doing. It might be because he has no hair, and therefore just finds yours so interesting. But he couldn’t deny how much peace it brought him, just to play with your hair and watch your reaction to it.
Raph has always been captivated by your strength, particularly in your thighs and arms. Raph finds it attractive and it also makes him feel more secure when you’re in a tough situation. As much as he likes to protect you, it calms him to know that you can take care of yourself. You’re a fierce person and your body is proof of that. He had at first hand experienced how hard you could kick and punch during training, and no doubt any idiot that would try to mess with you would gain the full wrath your strength held. And well, Raph is a visual man. He just also really likes the way your thighs and arms looks.
Raphael is also quite drawn to the strength of your back. Whether it's during training or a quiet moment, he appreciates the feeling of your back against his plastron, finding it oddly comforting. Maybe he had just associated the feeling of your back against him with every moment the two of you had been spooning, but he couldn’t deny that he really liked your back. Maybe it was because of your lack of shell and your soft skin. Raph really didn’t know. All he knew was he loved to have his hands on your lower back when hugging you.
Raphael always feels really special when seeing you in moments of vulnerability and authenticity. Whether it's a quiet conversation or a shared experience, he values the genuine connection that comes from being open with each other. He often has problems with being vulnerable with his emotions, but doing it with you somehow felt easy for him. But the way of your body language when you were vulnerable with him, was enough to make him melt.
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Donnie appreciates your eyes for their intelligence and curiosity. They always held so many thoughts and questions about the world around, in a way Donnie would recognize from his own view point. By looking you in the yes, Donnie knew you saw the world the same way as he does. A world full of possibilities, just waiting to be explored.
Donnie also likes the way your hair falls, finding it subtly alluring. As much as he loved your hair when it was held up in a bun or a ponytail, he couldn’t stop himself from staring when you would let it fall and hang naturally. Donnie would think that it had something to do with his fascination for your nature, not just as a human but as a person. Or maybe it was for the simple fact that he thought that you were beautiful, and your hair was yet another part of your beauty.
Donatello admires the dexterity of your hands, whether they are delicately working on intricate tech or handling weapons with precision. It once again had something to do with your beauty and nature. Your hands are smaller than his, yet capable of just as much, and maybe even more. He also couldn’t help but love the way your hand would look in his, whenever you intertwined your fingers.
Donatello is strangely fascinated by the curve of your neck. He might find it a unique and alluring feature, often catching himself studying it absentmindedly. It was one of those things he just couldn't explain. Sometimes he would just sit there and stare, thinking of all those nights he had cuddled against the curve of your neck.
It is no surprise that Donatello is particularly captivated when you are deeply focused on a task, whether it's working on technology, solving a problem, or engaged in a hobby. He admires your intellect and dedication. No matter if you worked in silence or with music, Donnie just loved to watch you and the way you would move your body to concentrate. Your leg jumping or a tongue sticking out the side of your mouth. Adorable.
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Mikey absolutely loves your smile, considering it the most contagious thing in the world. He's always trying to be the reason behind that smile, as the thought of him being the reason behind something so beautiful made him tingle all over in joy. And if there was a laugh accompanying it, he would be over the moon. Your smile was one thing, a beauty in itself. Your laughter was sweet music to his ears.
Your nose is a point of joy in Mikey’s daily life. He loved the way you would scrunch it up whenever he would kiss it out of the blue. You had no way of counting the times he would hold your face in his hands, screaming about how cute your nose is, before giving it several more kisses.
Mikey enjoys your athleticism. It did not matter if your body was athletic or not, he just loved watching you move your body. He particularly in the strength of your thighs, which he playfully insists is a crucial ninja skill. He found your thighs amazing for several reasons. In his opinion they are amazing to look at, but also an amazing place for him to lay his head while reading a comic book or watching a movie. If you decided to trace your fingers over his head, he would be in heaven, and maybe even fall asleep while feeling pure joy.
Mikey has a small thing for your feet. But don’t get him wrong, it is not meant in that way. He just finds them oddly cute and enjoys playfully teasing about it. Like calling you little and that your feet was proof of it, or tell you might just be the born night with the natural silent footstep of yours. There was just something about seeing his big green two toed food next to your small five toed one. There was just something awfully casual and open about it, that Mikey just loved. That you were so okay with him being so different from you and embracing it.
But if there is one way Mikey enjoys seeing your body, it is in relaxed, casual moments. You are in your sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt, chilling on the couch or in his room, doing absolutely nothing but enjoying each other’s company. Whether it's sharing a laugh, enjoying downtime, or goofing off, he's drawn to the ease and authenticity of these moments and how you would relax against him.
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niphredil-14 · 8 days
EEEEEEEE your writings make me roll around happily!
May I request a Donnie x reader where they communicate via asl during his non-verbal episodes? So we all know that Donnie knows asl and binary code, and it's theorised that his eyebrows are also important to express what he wants to say non-verbally (I heard that your expressions are also important in asl).
So imagine Donnie, during his non-verbal episodes and talking seems more tiring than usual. Unresponsive to reader's words and he'd just nod and his face is more expressive. Noticing this, reader pat Donnie's shoulder and starts to sign, and that's how their conversation went.
Cue Donnie falling hard.
I know that this has taken absolute ages to get out, so thanks for your patience! Also, if the quality of this is less than great, this is the first thing I've written (aside from school writing) in ages.
TSL- Turtle Sign Language
Don never had been very good at acknowledging his own feeling and needs, which, although he would deny it even in the face of torture, did frequently cause him many a problem. Such as the common occurrence of Donnie denying and ignoring his sensory issues, exhaustion and stress, which when all put together, caused him to shut down. That was where they found him, on the floor by the foot of his bed, knees pressed to his plastron, with a weighted blanket replacing his battle shell. The lights were all off, except for the tablet propped up a foot or so away from him, soft sounds of someone whispering, most likely an ASMR video, playing from the device. After a quick knock on the door, they cracked it open and peeked inside, not bothering to wait for an answer. His eyes glanced up from the tablet to meet their gaze.
"Is it okay if I come in?" They said softly. He nodded, and watched as they walked in and closed the door behind them, making their way over to him. They pointed to the open space on the floor next to him, and with their voice low, and just as soft,
"Do you mind if I sit?" Donnie raised his eyebrows and gave them a small smile, giving a small shake of his head before jerking it sideways, to motion for them to sit with him. After getting situated, they asked another question,
"Are you okay, Dee? Leo said you left really suddenly." Donatello gave a light shrug, pulling the weighted blanket more around his shoulders, before finally giving them a small nod. Upon not receiving a response from his companion, he let his eyes wander back to the video. The screen displayed a dim background with fairy lights and a woman holding her index finger up and slowly drawing patterns in the air in front of her, asking after each one what shapes and images she had traced. The two of them sat in silence for a few minutes, following the woman's directions and answering her questions, until Donnie's attention was grabbed by his friend, who leaned forward and was staring intently at him. He turned his head to gaze at them, and raised the muscle over his browbone, causing the faded, drawn-on eyebrow on his mask to raise almost as drastically. They seemed to take a moment to think before they raised their hands a bit and began to motion, forming signs familiar to Don.
'Is there anything I can do to help you?" Donnie's eyes shot wide open, and he released his grip on the weighted blanket to raise his hands and sign back to them.
'You know sign?' He questioned them, one thick, marker-made eyebrow raised comically higher than the other. His signs looked slightly different, which they assumed was just an adaptation made due to his distinct anatomy, but they could understand him regardless. They smiled wide at him, a proud glint in their eyes, and began to sign their affirmation to him. A smile formed on his face, his bad-boy image being challenged by just how heartwarmingly sweet the look in his eyes was. Their hands began to move again.
'So, is there anything I can do?' His own hands flying in response, his excitement and joy apparent with the speed at which he moved his hands, and the expression shining so brightly on his face.
'Just being here with me is really helpful, thank you.' Their smile grew to match his.
'You don't need to thank me, Don, there's nowhere I'd rather be.'
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snackugaki · 8 months
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... my ass actually got like 6+ images deep before realizing i hadn't posted shit-- oops
my tmnt  iteration (where everyone made it past their 20s, splinter’s alive just old, venus is here, and they deserve some goddamn respite and shenanigans)
tmnt  iteration part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10
tmnt  iteration omake 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
lny visit 1 | 2
IDW spoilers below, teeechnically Mirage & Next Mutation spoilers too ig?
blah blah blabbering because that's one of the many things you can do on tumblr.com
bloopity bloopin, turtles all being traded on the black market as pets, medicine, or decor to be... "prepared". 'cept Jennika, keeping her IDW origin because it's badass and I like it. eco vigilantes freed them one fateful night, same night someone(s) stole some mutagen for a rival company to TGRI, boom collided in their getaway routes, away floated Venus just like in NM and some others who lalala may or may not be some mutanimals
playing mostly with coloring, Rise introducing markings is such a nice and refreshing change from the all sam green turtle, different bandana color turtles I grew up with. fanon taking that concept and applying it in conjunction with actual turtle colorings also scratches my visdev brain node just so
hm... still fiddling with their plastrons... Venus' and Jennika's are fine though
funky li'l ringed map turtle
can't see it but, he got them little ridgey-spikies on his shell
christ, I'm finding a way to attach Iris symbolism to him, either through markings or something else
Iris in hanakotoba is... basically all Leo; nobility, bravery, honor, courage, heavy samurai association
McCord's or Amboina box turtle idk idk idk can't choose
stuck on coloring him with a scale mail feeling to match the box turtle photos I found
....I needa draw him beefier, he can stand to be beefier
literally just googled which turtles exhibit the highest INT, wood turle consistently listed plus some have funky geometrically patterned/shaped shells
tossing on how do the plastron coloring, really liking the dark spots on it
probably keep the lightened belly/inner limb coloring
...probably... lol idk
my perfect chonky boy, no notes except he (and his brothers) need plastron do-overs
and now i am stuck with the heart-on-his-sleeve marking
canon 2 my iteration it is done
he gets to be the slider this go round, if just 'cuz he's technically the first born (in terms of creating TMNT and its story and world)
let him have the fluttering, finger drumming on everything and everyone because he's bursting with "i love you" energy anyway
"my pretty daughter" iykyk
sea turtle as per last couple iteration posts
cultivator instead of "shinobi"
"i aM ShiNObi"... guh, just, I dunno, the term "cultivator" wasn't really known back in '98 like that, but she had the medicine box, she worked to learn how to throw a fireball at Vam Mi, she was pleased at her progression when she defeated the counterspell from the staff of Bu Ki. that's cultivator shit right there.
she's still a pugilist more than a iron fan user
looks up to April like a big sister, speaks canto and hakka with her
cuz she's still a linguist scholar like in Next Mutation so duh she speak all the languages (to an extant, she has a lot of studying left to go after all)
the greenified hawksbill coloring is growing on me...
still needa futz more with the plum flower motif on her
also figure out her huadian situation or just scrap it idkidkidk
her bandana + 50% green coloring is also growing on me....
technically also ringed map turtle since it was Leo who gave her the blood transfusion
I like the idea of bringing her Blaschko's lines to the forefront post-mutation but just... it's a lot of stripes. and goddamnit I ain't even gonna go deep into much of anything with the comics I just... can't not world build rip me
still so tickled at April being closer to the turtles' ages in these new reboots and fascinated how it's played out
...but mine is a clean 44 yo, so. (turtles in late 30s)
Laird originally conceived April as an asian woman in his notes, Eastman drew her as a biracial woman he was dating at the time (April Fisher) and... idk what to tell y'all, people are running around being mixed in this world all the time, Brooklyn got hella Jamaican/Chinese so there you go
can speak canto and hakka
April being a "weirdo" as I've seen mentioned in Rise can stay, I'm picking that, that's a great trait to her character, big fan of Poly Styrene, loved Rachel True in The Craft
where "weirdo" is just she's into alt subculture and being in New York... she got her hands everywhere in those scenes
She and Chu Hsi get to have the most shoujo fuckin' romance because it's cute
and she's still a living drawing which I'm changing around a bit being why she felt like a "weirdo" and leaned towards subcultures and the turtles, she did eventually begin to destabilize but Venus stabilized her by trapping her in a scroll so she could work on a solution. ...where she has a long, happy relationship with Chu Hsi in the painted world scroll because lol time dilation
saw somewhere on the hellsite that the tooth gap is passed around every iteration... so April gets to have it
i'm not ashamed to say I just reupholstered Nadia from Russian Doll
87 Irma went through a lot so she can have some dry wit and humor and be fly as fuck, big hair, big glasses, and a big attitude
still besties with April
likes moths, they're just neat little guys with rabbit ears iykyk
there is a very specifc size of her hair I am battling to keep consistent the problem it never feels big enough
says "fuhgeddaboutit" and has yelled that she is, in fact, "walkin' here,"
... she might also have a little bit of Myrtle from AHS: Coven sprinkled in now that I'm thinking about it to sum her up
she knows somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody for any random thing you could want to try to find
all the delis and bodegas know her
discusses plot lines from soap operas with Splinter on weekends, they get heated
... god all this and I was just gonna have them play spades and play a round of pickup street ball in silly little comics
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pinetreevillain · 9 months
I am a huge tmnt fan, basically watched it growing up every Saturday or on YouTube if there was any videos available. Basically I wanna know how you go about drawing the turtles? I really wanna get around drawing them but I don't know where to start
I can only give u advice on how to draw Rise and even then that’s super on the fence because i have a kind of cracked way of drawing Anything these days, but I will try to give tips!
For the most part, i sketch them like I would any normal human character - they have normal human arms and legs and torsos and stuff. It’s when I start rendering that it gets tricky, but for me I like to keep the shapes looking organic and Imitating the human body (translation: I Make It Look Pretty To My Eyes, if i think it is Uggo or Awkward, i redraw it). And then! I also keep in mind that each turtle is Quite Muscular, has a different body shape, and has a Specific Shape that keeps them Looking Like The Boys.
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I’m sure you’ve seen the shape-theory diagrams floating around. Keeping these shapes in mind will help them stay looking like the character you are trying to draw!
I can’t provide much else in terms of advice? I just follow the character refs as closely as possible. I mean.
My process looks like This lmao
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I like drawing this way because there’s motion and movement in Blobs that i sometimes just can’t replicate w the standard way of sketching. That, and focusing on the silhouette of the character helps me focus on the SHAPE rather than however the FUCK their spines and chests bend with hard shell and plastron
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mariusroyale · 6 months
tips on how to draw raph? :3
I’m a raph lover but he is so hard to draw 😔
hey an!! listen i get u completely, this big spikey boy can be a real challenge
my main advice would probably be to recognise raph’s structure? his shapes and how he’s formed, etc. and the best way for that imo are references! i have a tag for this actually
and here’s some raph refs!
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if u wanna know how to draw the entirety of the best boy this post wouldn’t do it justice so here’s some main things:
if you’re trying to replicate the show’s style keep in mind how angular everything is. raph's main shape is a square because of how bulky and rigid he is (helps to encourage his character's role too! love that they made him such a fucken tank)
raph’s head shape is basically if you widened leo’s head- they’re both pointed too
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one main thing i do for any head really is keep in mind the eye placement and the cheeks
if u happen to draw faces with the fabled circle and two lines- i use the horizontal line to mark where the bottom of the eyes are- and where the start of the cheek begins (i’m doing my best not to make this into a ‘now draw the rest of the owl’ moment)
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if that makes any sense. heres a really shoddy 'tutorial'
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i kinda just blank out on my canvas and raph appears out of sheer will
but also just like.
figure out how you like raph's head to look (maybe u want his snout longer, or his jaw shorter, etc etc)
figure out where his brow ridges are located and how they're moving (is he grumpy? is he angry??)
make a mask for his eyes to go in (jebus take the wheel)
pronounce snout (it protrudes, which makes it easy to figure out his facial planes)
do whatever feels right for his mouth- im not exactly rigid with how i draw as of rn, i just do what feels right
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ive drawn raph with a more pronounced snout too, and oscillate between designs if i feel like it (truthfully i also sometimes begin his head shape with a square (i mean if im doing a different style), feel free to do that if it helps i dunno-)
if you want to draw his shell and plastron here’s what i do:
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being able to carve out 3D shapes will help a lot with the border of his shell
by blocking out the main shape and then carving away at it you can then see how raph’s shell is structured (just. try decipher my sketch if u can pfghjhj)
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for the actual shell itself it’s a lot like mikey and leo’s where it has a big curve and then dips at his midsection (where his belt goes!) also keep in mind the spikes of his shell follow those same curves (ft. dr belle)
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with his plastron (chest plate) i basically make sure it’s the same length of his clavicle? the jagged edges of it i mean. it helps a lot to map out where his shoulders meet his arms
(pls keep in mind my art’s inconsistent and i don’t even follow my advice- the hole in his shell changes every time i draw it 💀)
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his body shape is also just in general wider and stockier- if i ever see people draw him skinnier than he is you'd be able to hear my soul exiting my body
all of him is wider in general! hes bigger than the rest of his brothers so dont forget to show it instead of just giving him a height difference. he BEEG.
i’m not sure how else to describe the process of drawing him other than just. draw him?? 😅 my best advice would be to draw him repeatedly based on references- and study your favourite raph artists’ way of drawing him (mine would be jacocoon and itz_jazzy_jazzin)
and it helps to study bc it can answer these questions
how do you want to draw him? do you like the way a specific artist stylises his features? do you want him more spikey? more sharp? maybe you want to draw him bigger! (i myself like to give him a tail, extra markings on his spikes + a few scars post movie and his mismatched eyes)
repetition is super important to get it all engrained in your brain- and it’s why i don’t really even use refs for him anymore fldjs
dont forget a very important rule: appreciate the big boy in all his glory
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bo-schmo · 2 years
Canon trans Leo? More likely than you think
I'm going to preface this by saying this is all for fun. I don't really care one way or another :P
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A little turtle biology
The thing is, traits that are unique to telling apart sexes of red eared sliders just aren't in his design. The longer claws in males, something that only red eared sliders have differentiated in sex, isn't there. Other things, like bigger size in females and longer tails in males, just aren’t there. So that leaves us with plastron shape.
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Male red eared sliders have a concave plastron. There is a slight indent around their lower abdomen. Females lack this and have a flat or convex plastron.
Leo’s design
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There are scenes where it tends to be obvious what his plastron shape is. Following the lines, it’s concave to his body, matching the plastron shape of a female red eared slider. And boom, there you have it transmasc Leo is canon, everyone can go home now. This is very consistent throughout the show and there is nothing that ever could affect this argument.
Or is there?
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There are also scenes where his plastron is shown parallel, which doesn’t disprove the previous statement. So, why mention this at all if my point still stands. Because it brings up the question, ‘How consistent is his plaster shape throughout the show?’
Stand up straight king, your crown is falling
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It’s hard to tell whether the midline is indicative of his actual plastron shape, follows the line of action, or if it follows the taper line. While there is some consistency, due to his shell and dynamic posing, leo never really is standing straight up. And there is a lot of change in the plaster’s placement due to movement and how the show is animated. While this makes the show very fluid, it makes it difficult to accurately determine the plastron shape.
There are also plenty of scenes where his plastron appears convex, but this also means nothing because his shell doesn't tuck back in. With male turtles, their plastron is concave because of the dent, but, for increased movement, leo’s plastron isn't shown to tuck back in, therefore not causing a dent.
And that leaves one answer: You just cant tell. 
Getting rid of almost all sex determining factors of red eared sliders, in addition to having inconsistent plastron shape because animation is cool like that, you can’t determine Leo’s sex based off of his characteristics. That’s it. Everything has failed. My hours of research come to no avail.
Why even mention him at all, theres nothing left to even prove. There are no mare sex based traits to apply. AND NEVER MIND BECAUSE THOSE ARE ONLY THE DIFFERENCES IN NON-ADULT TURTLES. This point relies on Future!Leo's design, sooo movie ref time :]
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In his future design, he is significantly older and you can properly decern his sex by his basic design concepts. As male red eared sliders get older, their colours will start to fade and will grow darker in colour (melanin distribution). Females don't go through that colour change. In Future!Leo's design, while his colour is less saturated, he doesn't grow darker in colour and stays his original lighter green. Now could it be from a recognition standpoint? As long as his stripes are there, his design could grow darker and he would still be recognisable. While male red eared sliders can lose their stripes, it doesn't always happen. The markings could stay, and he would still be a male turtle. So recognition isn’t a viable factor. Trans Leo is back, baby.
Where does this actually get us?
Future!Leo isn't the same as Rise!Leo because he's from a different timeline. Well, Future!Leo is trans. Honestly, the rest you can take with a grain of salt lol. In all seriousness, in Future!Leo's timeline, they were very similar as teens. In addition to what I've said already about Rise!Leo, there is a chance that he could grow up the same as Future!Leo. Other than that, this is just a fun little essay about a hc that could be real.
TL,DR: Future!Leo is trans and Rise!Leo might be too
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captaincolorblob · 2 years
The character designing in Rise is amazing, but one thing I especially love is how when it comes to the turtles designs, there’s similarities between them that are still differentiated
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[Bit of long post ahead!]
Like just by looking at them, you can already see:
 -Donnie and Raph have masks that cover their entire upper head  -Donnie and Mikey both have short mask-tails  -Leo and Mikey have three-sashes that connect on different points (they also both put their weapons there i think)
 -Donnie and Raph just have belts
 -Donnie, Leo and Mikey have markings, whereas Raph just has his spikes
 -Donnie and Mikey both have knee-pads
 -Raph and Donnie both have elbow-pas
 -Mikey and Donnie both have darker shades of green for skin, while Raph and Leo have lighter ones (Leo also has a more yellow-tinted green)
 -Leo and Donnie both wear fingerless gloves, Raph has the bandages that could kinda count as that? And Mikey got bracelets
 -Leo and Raph’s gloves/bandages both almost reach their elbows
 -Mikey and Raph both have unusual (but still very nice) teeth, Mikey has his tooth-gap and Raph his snaggle-tooth
 -Leo and Donnie are pretty similiar in height and build (and forehead height-)
 -Mikey and Leo have the same markings on their shells, Leo has three and Mikey has two
 -Raph and Mikey also have things sticked to their plastrons, Mikey has of course the stickers and Raph the cross-bandaids (which i’m still confused on why exactly he has those there)
 -Both Raph and Donnie have squares as their main shapes, but Donnie specifically has a rectangle  -Donnie and Mikey’s plastrons both have a pretty straight line at the top, while Raph and Leos curve slightly upwards
 -Mikey, Leo and Donnie also all have toe-less socks that almost reach up to their knees:
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(also i just noticed this when searching for a screenshot, but look at how Mikey copied Raph’s pose!! Adorable<33)
 -Raph also has a yellow tint to his eyes;
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 -Donnie does as well, but only sometimes, usually his are also just white like the other twos
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(Splinter also has yellow eyes, so there’s that) Bonus, for their Ninpo designs:
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 -Raph and Donnie’s gloves reach above their elbows  -Leo and Raphs socks end just under their knees, Mikey’s probably end right at his kness and for Donnie they go above them
[If i forgot any, please tell me!]
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Hey WHAT if I made your turtles [shiny emoji] slightly more scientifically accurate [shiny emoji]?
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I'll start with the Disaster Twins.
Alright, so Leo is a red-eared slider turtle. At first I was skeptical about his blue shell and horizontal marks, but then with some research, I found red-eared sliders aren't always just the most gorgeous green - I found this lil blue gal in the pic! - AND their stripes CAN have some wiggles that make horizontal lines (first pic tart has one on its shoulder). So I didn't have to change those!
I did give him some actual stripes and plastron marks (there is no red-eared slider without those, plus they can be blue too so it suits him) though.
And a long thin tail because I'm okay with Trans Leo (male slider have short thick tails like in pic 2)
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It was hard to figure out which type of spiny softshell Donnie was at first, but I was being dumb. It's obviously the Northern.
I started this whole project to fix Leo and Donnie's markings and DANG IT THEY'RE NOT INACCURATE- Spiny softshell turtles can have purple marks just fine (I'm pissed) so I let him keep his cool tech markings and just fixed his plastron. Picture one is a softshell's plastron, in case you hadn't realized. I know I took a while.
And!! Spiny softshell turtles have U-shaped nostrils. That's very important.
The hands and feet I gave Donnie are a little different from all the others' because so are spiny softshell turtles'.
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But I think it'd be comical if the guys still couldn't tell the difference between the twins without their color coDING
OH, YOU MUST HAVE NOTICED LEO'S PERFECTLY FINE AND RAPH DOESN'T HAVE A HOLE IN HIS SHELL! That's because those are gonna be all in that time gap between the end of S2 and the movie.
If you WANt scientifically accurate post-movie wounds though.... Here's Leo's.
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ceruleanterrapin · 9 days
How to draw TMNT 2012 Part 2 - The Plastron and Bridge
Turtle shells are comprised of three main components:
The carapace - the part of the shell on a turtle's back
The plastron - the part of the shell that is on the turtle's front
The bridge - the part on the side that connects the carapace and plastron together
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Today, we will be focusing on the plastron and bridge of the shell
Note: Many parts of this tutorial will be referencing the vertebral, costal, and marginal scutes of the carapace. To learn more about them see part 1 of the tutorial series
#1 The Plastron
IMPORTANT!!: The shape and details of the plastron vary between Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey. If you are going for a show-accurate art style, then way you'd draw the plastron for one of the brothers won't be the same you would for another. However, due to Tumblr's image limit, today we will just be drawing a generic plastron for any turtle. I will be making a separate post dedicated to the shell differences between the four brothers in the future
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Now, then, we'll discuss the plastron. Typically, the plastron on real-life turtles is comprised of many scutes and bones; however, the plastrons in tmnt 2012 are much more simplified. After some observation, it's been determined that it'll be easier to break down the tmnt 2012 plastron into three skeletal components + an outline. So, let's begin
The bones of the plastron we will be focusing on are the hyoplastron, hypoplastron, and xiphiplastron. We will be working top to bottom
[the hyoplastron is labeled as "Hyo", hypoplastron"Hypo", and xiphiplastron "xip"]
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The Outline:
To begin, let's draw the outline of the plastron. First, draw two lines at a slight diagonal angle in the shape of a wide ∧. Next, draw a V where the two lines meet in the middle. Afterwards, erase the part of the lines that are above the V
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When we take a look at the plastron, we can see that the top of it is skinner than the bottom. Therefore, when drawing the sides of the plastron we will be drawing at a slight diagonal angle outwards. Keep in mind, these lines are not completely straight. They are rounded and extend outwards before slightly coming back inwards at the bottom
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To finish, draw two diagonal lines drawing near the center with a small horizonal line in the middle to connect them. The outline of your plastron is now completed
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The Hyoplastron:
The hyoplastron are the bones closest to the top of the plastron, as well as the smallest
To draw this, draw a horizontal line near the upper-middle part of the plastron, leaving plenty of room for the hypoplastron and xiphiplastron. For guidance, remember that the line you're drawing should be aligned with the shell crack on the marginal scute shown below
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The Hypoplastron and Xiphiplastron:
The hypoplastron are the bones in the middle of the plastron, the xiphiplastron are the bones at the bottom
When drawing these, remember that the hypoplastron are the 2nd largest bones out of the three while the xiphiplastron are the largest.
Draw a horizonal line a little below the mid-point of the plastron. For guidance, remember that the line you're drawing should be aligned with the shell crack on the marginal scute shown below
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Finishing Touches:
To finish this off, draw a vertical line down the center of the plastron to separate it in half
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Next, we're going to add some cracks in the plastron where the sections of it meet together. If you look closely, the sections are not actually touching each other at the very ends. Rather, they diverge and leave small > and < shapes, similar to the cracks on the marginal scutes of the carapace
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Occasionally, we find scratches as well as small cracks in between the connecting lines of the sections and on the outskirts of the plastron. As there's not a specific turtle we're focusing on today, feel free to place these extra little details wherever you like
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Finally, and this is optional, we're going to add some definition by thickening the lines separating the sections. This will add depth and emphasize how the plastron is made up of several parts put together. The lines don't need to be perfect as imperfections are normal
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#2 The Bridge
The bridge is the bone that connects the plastron to the carapace. So, how do we draw it?
To begin, let's draw the top and bottom of the bridge
The top of the bridge is the armhole for the turtles. To draw it, make a line in the shape of the U connecting the plastron and carapace together. The line should start from the bottom of the upper costal scute of the carapace and connect to the upper part of the hyoplastron of the plastron
The lowest dip in the U should be around level with the crack in the closest marginal scute and the crease separating the hyoplastron and hypoplastron
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The bottom of the bridge is going to be where the turtles stick their legs out. To draw it, make a line in the shape of a ⌒ connecting the plastron and carapace together. The line should start from the first crack of the lower vertebral scute and connect to the lower part of the xiphiplastron where the plastron goes inwards towards the center
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Cracks and Definition:
Now, we're going to add in the cracks and definition
First, we're going to add two new lines to our bridge. Near the top we're going to add a line in the shape of a V, and near the bottom a line in the shape of a ∧. These show how the bridge is being pushed outwards due to the arms and legs and adds a 3D effect
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Now, let's add the cracks. If you look at the arm and leg holes, it splits off into three pieces. To draw the cracks, we're going to place two Vs close to the plastron on the top and bottom of the bridge
As a tip, the cracks in the center of the bridge should line up with the tip of the V and ∧ lines you made in the last step
After adding the cracks, erase the part of the outline inside of the cracks to create the gaps
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Extra Details:
Ever notice those brown markings on the bridge? While it's not exactly clear what they're meant to be, my best guess would be that they're inframarginal scutes (scutes that are on the bridge)
Now, If we take a look at the model, it looks like there's only two of them
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However, if we take a look under the belt there's three of these scutes. You just can't see the one at the bottom due to the belt being in the way
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So, how do we draw these?
First, draw a straight, vertical line near the carapace of the shell. This line is going to ensure all the scutes are the same length. Keep in mind, the inframarginal scutes take up about 3/4 of the bridge in width
It's also important to note that the scutes should be placed very close to the bottom of the bridge, leaving some extra room at the top
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Next, we're going to add the scutes following the pattern shown in the diagram left to the shell
To draw the top scute, draw with a diagonal line going downwards-right for the top. For the bottom, draw a straight, horizontal line
The middle scute should be a normal rectangle
And finally, to draw the bottom scute make a horizontal, straight line for the top and a diagonal line going upwards-right for the bottom
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Erase the unneeded parts of the original vertical line you drew
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And that's it. You now have a bridge to connect the plastron to the carapace. With everything put together you should get something that looks like this
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I hope you guys enjoyed today's tutorial, they're fun to make
Part 1 | Part 3 | Tutorial Masterpost
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bambiraptorx · 2 months
Got bitten by the writing bug and stayed up last night writing this out lol
Leo's up in the middle of the night- nothing unusual for him- a glass of water in his hand as he makes the trek through the darkened lair back to his room. Normally he'd just drink it in the kitchen, but this is shaping up to be a night where he can't get to sleep no matter how much he tosses and turns and presses his shell against the wall and stares into the dark, waiting in the horrible silence for something to move-
Point is, he'd rather have some water in his room, for the next time he decides his throat is a little dry. Really, he should have invested in a water bottle by now. He skirts around the edge of the living room, half muttering to himself under his breath just so he stops listening so intensely to the utter lack of noise around him.
"It's normal, totally normal. Dad fell asleep in his actual room for once, that's why he's not here. And if he was, someone would have come by to turn the lights off. Besides, didn't Donnie say he was building in an automatic timer so the TV goes off after one in the morning? And it's definitely past one now."
He rambles to himself quietly, pushing through the discomfort and the shadows that never hold anything worse than misplaced memories. It's fine, really, there's nothing in the dark anyway, and if there was he would see it, and none of them ever had a taste for hiding- right?
Something slithers against the stone.
His heart stops. It has to, because there's no other reason for him to freeze like he does. That sound, that sound that he knows all too well because his brain replays it so often he isn't sure at first if it's real or not. He whirls around, his cup sloshing- where's the source? Where is it? Where-
There. Up against the wall just a little further ahead, something that he can't make out in the darkness. Something... small, with yellow-y glowing eyes.
"B-B-Bee?" He stutters, and his heart kicks into high gear, pounding and thumping against the inside of his plastron with a vengeance. "Wha-what are you... doing up?"
"Hungee," they say tersely, unblinking. Their eyes (just two for now) shine unnaturally in the dark. Not the tapetum lucidum kind of shine, with light reflected from an outside source, but an internal near-glow. A strange half radiance, that he's only seen in one other... person... in his life.
"An..." Bea's voice drops low, a bare difference from the silence that she's interrupted. "Cold."
Oh, poor kid. If there's anything that the two of them have in common, it's a hatred of being cold. For Leo, of course, he knows where it came from (there's a reason he's currently wrapped up in the biggest, fluffiest robe he can find, even when the lair is barely dipping into 'chilly'), but Beatrice? Anyone's guess, really.
Leo crouches down, careful not to spill his water any more than he already has, and holds an arm out. "Okay, little hellion, let's find your dad. He might be up."
Bea stares at his hand for a moment. "Where?"
"His lab, baby beans. Y'know, the place he used to keep you?" And should still keep her- Leo clamps down on that nasty little thought as soon as it passes through his head. He can't show any sign of that type of thinking around Bea, she barely trusts him enough as it is. And he, well, wouldn't be comfortable knowing she's out here alone.
Wow, his brain is full of all sorts of fun little surprises tonight! And it is far too late slash early to unpack any of that!
Beatrice tilts their head to the side, a little too far, and steps into his reach. He scoops her up against his side, watching carefully as she all but burrows into the side of his robe, no longer bothering to hold to her turtle form as she does so. Must have been out for a while to get that cold.
"Let's go find Donnie, mmkay little munchkin?"
A tentacle reaches up and tugs at his robe's neckline, just a little too close for comfort. "Sssstay?"
"Oh, of course you can stay with him, booger," Leo laughs, and deliberately misses the other possible interpretations of their question. There's multiple evident, of course, like her wanting to say with him tonight or to have him stay with her and Donnie, but any other meanings are wholly irrelevant.
He's not staying anywhere near Beatrice on a night like this.
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3rdsday · 2 years
Trans turtles wouldn't need the same kind of top surgery humans do, since they're not mammals. However, male and female turtles tend to have different shapes to their plastrons (male more concave, female more flat). So I propose this: Leo attempting to perform major surgery on himself to change the shape of his plastron before getting caught by Donnie who learns how to do it himself to help Leo out and prevent him from going through with that on his own, a very very dumb idea.
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