#and she's also someone who needs a lot of handholding
lavender---sunshine · 2 years
My mother loves to follow me uncomfortably close in stores and ask why im buying the things in the cart and while it's ok most of the time, sometimes stores are very overwhelming for me and instead of being able to grab what I need and jet, having to spend any amount of time justifying my purchase and stepping around her cart that she parks in the middle of the isle is like 15 steps away from an anxiety attack
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oshiawaseni · 3 months
The biggest obstacle when it comes to saving Shigaraki’s heart is Decay: If he so much as grabs someone’s hand… they’ll die. Which is a huge deal in a series that places so much emphasis on the act of a Hero holding a lost child's hand to reassure them that everything will be okay.
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Shigaraki struggles with connecting to people because he’s never been able to perform even the most rudimentary of expressions for actually *connecting with other people* (such as a handshake)… it's a concept which has been shown to us time and time again in MHA. And if you are a subscriber of "AFO having given decay to Tenko" theory... this is probably the main reason as for why he gave him such a treacherous quirk that would never allow him to connect to another person.
No one has even hugged him since his mother died trying to… and she was his only family who cast aside her safety to give the love, comfort and reassurance that 5 year old Tenko needed back then.
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So I think what's to come for Shigaraki is going to be about connecting with him in the way that’s been (impossible).
My theory is that Izuku could have a moment of reaching out to Shigaraki, just as Sailor Moon reached out with a hand for Sailor Galaxia to take… and in doing so, show Tomura his pure intentions to save him. I think this could be a main feature of the Izuku Midoriya Rising chapter!
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This parallel works *really* well if Shigaraki is possessed by AFO at the time. The MC’s words and selflessness helping their enemy tap into the love which lives deep inside them. In Sailor Moon this dispersed the chaos in Galaxia… and in MHA it may tame AFO’s kosei/personality.
The full theory with videos can be read here!
When 407 came out, a LOT of us thought Izuku’s hand stood NO chance… even I was concerned! But I think this was actually foreshadowing a future chapter where Izuku reaches out to Shigaraki, knowing he’s risking everything to try reach into his humanity.
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There’s also Yoichi’s words: “So why did you reach out to me that day, knowing full well of my ties to your enemy?” …Hori’s been cooking this theme of reaching a hand out to save those in need, no matter who they are. That everyone is a person with a human heart inside them.
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So I think Shigaraki will reach out to grab onto Izuku’s outstretched hand, in a Sailor Moon-inspired moment of Tomura finally embracing the love in his heart… and this will free him of all his life’s built up pain.
One thing MHA teaches well is that pure love and compassion towards others, and the self-sacrifices made to help one’s community are the key to controlling one’s quirk. It’s the best expression of individuality in MHA. Kacchan had full mastery over his quirk by embracing love.
I think it’s enough for Shigaraki that Izuku is even *willing* to be decayed to reach into his humanity and show the compassion his mother once gave him when everything was falling apart around him. Izuku may even remind Shigaraki of Inko’s motherly warmth from the memories.
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So Shigaraki will be able to control his quirk because his heart is cleansed, leaving only pure love inside. And so he won’t let Decay hurt Izuku when he grabs Izuku’s hand. Shigaraki’s soul could be truly saved by physically connecting to Izuku’s immense heart and kindness for others. No matter when or how it’s done, a handhold scene like this would be so beautiful!
MHA’s society may be incredibly broken and wrong… but the one right thing in the world is the connection between everyone’s hearts, all striving for a better future together. Their belief in hope and each other.
At the very end of her fight, Sailor Moon says that chaos "had gone into the hearts of everyone.” Because if everyone shares a little of the burden, it won’t all fall on one person’s shoulders. But, “It’s alright! The light of hope exists in their hearts also.” ✨❤️✨
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
Okay, so, this will be a stream-of-consciousness type post, because I am this close to starting to print screenshots and do a full murder board trying to make this make sense to someone who is not in my brain, so I'm gonna type this out, and if you're seeing this that means it worked or I just typed for too long to not post lol.
Buck, Actually. Buck, Bothered, and Bewildered. I am not the only person that desperately wants a callback, and I know I'm not the only one thinking about what this might mean for buddie. Well, I've been saying for a while now that I would try to type out something about how buddie has been planned and the answers are in Buck, Actually, and that's what I'm gonna do now, I guess.
We know Buck gets a lot of his ideas of love from Buck, Actually. Seeing Maddie and Chim in the early stages, his own quest with love while moving on from Abby, notably Mitchell and Thomas and the "you don't find it, son, you make it." Buck's quest with love now is at a point where Buck wants to be seen "I feel like she sees me" but he is still at a point where he doesn't want to actually be seen, he wants someone to see what he wants to show, but that's not what actual love is. But still, we start out Buck, Actually with Buck literally in front of a huge sign that says "See Me" (also just to add into my madness about the blue and green in other elements of the scene, love the clear divide of Eddie against the sky and Buck against the sign, and yes I know they can't change the color of the sky or the sign but shh just go with it) with Eddie right above it. Interesting scene composition I think.
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But talking about the actual couple here, we have Lola, who feels like her husband doesn't see her anymore after a situation where she feels like she lost herself, their kid went off to college, she has more time to herself, is struggling, and goes nuclear until Norman proves that he does in fact see her, just not in the way she was looking for, dude just wasn't aware there was a problem that needed to be addressed. I know I make everything about the cemetery scene lately, but come on. The whole thing with being seen, Buck not knowing who he is after dying, the expectation he is putting on himself about being the person he was before but he doesn't know who that is, like, come on, it's there.
Then the robbers and the two employees at the gas station, granted the robbers are a lot about Buck thinking about his own ways when it comes to sex and women considering he just had sex with Taylor in a bathroom, BUT here is when I start to go a little crazy. Because Ruth and Earl have that little moment of a relationship developing (hi blue scrunchie green cap 🫶), which we later see has developed, but Earl with his injured right shoulder is talking about how he's hurt but he was only thinking about her safety.
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Does that sound familiar to anyone else? Just a thought. Yes, I know I'm crazy, it's fine, it will get worse.
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Because another thing about the episode is the whole "till death do us part" thing, with the newlyweds who crashed their car, Mitchell and Thomas dying together, and maybe even Buck having to hold Lola back so she wouldn't fall. I'll come back to this in a second, but you gotta love a nice little crush injury involving a vehicle and a focus on handholding, huh?
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But the thing is, Mitchell and Thomas make an impression on Buck, and Mr Self Destruct for Attention because that was the only way I was shown love as a child definitely takes the way they die together a bit too literally. Taylor being in this episode while being blatantly wrong for Buck makes an interesting point on that and the way bucktaylor evolves, because Buck gets the whole you make it, and decides he needs to kill himself to make it work, and it is what he ultimately does with Taylor, he thinks he loves her, he thinks she loves him, and he thinks that means if he doesn't give up he can move past his very obvious reservations about the relationship as a whole because "love is not supposed to be easy". But the whole thing is that Buck focuses on the wrong thing there because while Michell and Thomas died together, they had a whole life together, the point is not the death, it is the life. Yes, you need to fight to make it work, but the fight is not all you have.
Another thing about the episode is the concept of movement too, like, Lola's call on a freeway, both accidents involving a car crash of some sort, the robbery is a chase, even Buck and Taylor in the news van, Maddie talking about how slow being on the freeway is, and metaphorically too, with Madney starting to move towards something, Athena learning to deal with Michael's boyfriend. And Buck finally allowing himself to move on, and move on not going back to his old habits, sleeping with anyone for connection, but actually talking to his love interest for a change.
And we have relationships in all types of moments there, we have Buck and Taylor doomed to fail, we have Maddie and Chim in that nice early stage where you're falling in love with someone, you have Bobby and Athena and the whole when you know you know and the way Bobby proposes the next episode, we have the newlyweds, we have Ruth and Earl making the change in their relationship, we have Robber Guy and Baby Bear realizing that she's more in it than he is, we have Lola and Norman and the whole relationships take effort no matter how long you've been together, you have Mitchell and Thomas sharing a whole life.
There's also the whole layer of having the couple that shows Buck what he wants out of love be a gay couple, the way when Buck realizes Thomas is unresponsive he calls for Eddie first, because Chim and Hen are at the call, and they're not with Mitchell because Mitchell's body is there too, so like, the choice to make sure Eddie would be right next to Buck to comfort him is something.
Also, something else, the inmate who kidnaps them is also called Mitchell, and I cannot explain how I got here for the life of me. But Mitchell, Mitchell, Charlie, Charlie, Ambulance.
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I don't know, something about the repetition of names, the ambulance as a key piece of the scene, the bonding, the comfort, the fear, the way Mitchell and Thomas died together, and Buck and Eddie could have died together in all of those situations. And the way Buck volunteers into the danger in all of those situations, he offers to help Eddie with the grenade, he goes to get Eddie without backup while actively being shot at, he runs toward the gunfire because he thinks Eddie is in danger, so like, it's a pattern of wanting to go together.
But also, the madney of it all, because while they are clearly moving towards something, they are not ready yet, but everything is acknowledged, which honestly is my main hope, because I don't think buddie is ready yet, but I would like some acknowledgment that where they're going, yk? And with the episode title possibly being a play with the song about being in love and not showing it, not knowing what to do with it, and the next episode being called "you don't know me" who could also be referencing a song about being in love with someone who doesn't know, we could be looking at real movement happening between the two of them yk?
I don't know if this makes a lot of sense, but if you read this I love you 🫶
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sydflow · 1 year
can i make a reader request who likes to kiss Mina a lot close to the members with cuteness
Smothering Love
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Mina x gn!reader
Synopsis: Mina seems distracted at the moment. By what? Well by you of course.
Word count: 446
Mina wasn’t someone you would think would love PDA, and no, she doesn’t really do much whenever the two of you are out—just a little bit of handholding and leaning into one another. But in front of the members, in front of her girls... it's a whole other story.
She would lie on top of you, place wet and sloppy kisses on your neck, even nip at your ear. Heck, sometimes you would get up for a cup of water and then get pulled down onto her lap whenever you came back. It was as if she was on cloud nine. Even during movie nights, her focus was completely and utterly on you.
Dahyun would blush and nervously laugh at the extreme amount of affection she’d witness whenever the two of you were together.
Jeongyeon would scoff and look away only to come face to face with Nayeon, who would have a pout on her lips as she would stare at her with puppy eyes.
"Why don’t you do that to me?"
"‘Cuz it’s disgusting" 
Sana would pester to join in, "Oh! Oh! Me next! Me next! I want a kiss too!"
Momo, who always ended up late, would have to sit next to the two of you, and as you pleaded for some help with your eyes, she would scrunch her shoulders before patting you on the head. As if to say "It’s okay, you’ll get through this". 
Jihyo would be amused and wouldn’t bother saying anything because a calm and content Mina is better than a grouchy and annoyed Mina. She won’t be making that mistake again.
Chaeyoung would roll her eyes and scoff at the scene. She would lean against Tzuyu (who was in her own world) and cross her arms. Obviously jealous. 
"If this is what you’re like in front of us, then what the fuck are you two like alone?", You and Mina were in the middle of a make-out session when Jeongyeon blurted out her next words without thinking. The remark had caused you two to abruptly stop.
You shyly look down as your face reddens, Mina adjusts herself in her seat before clearing her throat. It had suddenly become even more awkward.
"Oh God! Forget I even asked!" Jeongyeon grimaces at the sudden silence. The girls all stare at the two of you.
"I- um, I think I need to go to the bathroom,"’ you mumble out before booking it. 
Mina looks at all the girls with wide eyes before settling on a smug look. "I believe I also need to go to the bathroom," she hmfs before standing up and following you. 
"Someone turn up the volume”
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Pda Scale
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Ochako Uraraka: 7/10, When you two are together eating in restaurant, and they do something cute, like touching/booping your nose, Like it when the other person holds her hands and hug her from behind, Definitely a hug - She’s a hug-aholic. She loves giving hugs and She love getting hugs. Thinks it's a great way to show your affection for someone.
Tsuyu Asui: 5/10, She also really enjoys cuddling - it's such a great way to connect with someone physically and emotionally. It's so intimate and special, And she has to include hand-holding. There's something so sweet and innocent about it, but it also has the potential to be so intimate. It's one of her favorite physical gestures of affection.
Momo Yaoyorozu: 3/10, Has witnessed or been a part of too much. Thinks holding hands or a light kiss is perfectly fine. Anything further than that is unnecessary in her opinion. A lot of people just like to draw attention to themselves in general, whether it's in romance or just anything they do. In that respect she also believes it's a bit selfish of course to go over board with it.
Jiro Kyoka: 4/10, For her, She’s really passionate about physical touch, so she’s a big fan of all the classics - hugs, kisses, cuddling, etc. But she also loves being able to share special moments with someone - just being able to hold their hand and let them know that she’s there for them. That's one of her favorite forms of PDA, also loves quality time - just having those special moments together and being able to be present with them is really important to her. And she thinks that it's a great way to show someone how much you care for them and appreciate them.
Toru Hagakure: 10/10, Always holding on to you no matter what, which just makes her happiest since she'll hold you, your hand, giving you kisses or moving hair out of your face any and all kinds of touch, Her favorite forms of PDA are probably cuddling and handholding. Cuddling is so special and intimate, She loves the feeling of being held tight by someone and just knowing that they're there for her. Handholding is also really sweet and tender. She loves that feeling of connection when you're holding hands with someone, it's like you're sharing a secret.
Mina Ashido: 10/10, Thinks it's really important to show people how much you care about them, and physical touch is definitely one of the best ways to do that. She's definitely someone who needs a lot of it. So she tries to show her love and affection in physical ways whenever.
Nejire Hado: 7/10, loves just being around people she cares about. Really value quality time, and thinks it's really important to make an effort to spend time with the ones you love. You could say she's a bit of a hopeless romantic.
Toga Himiko: 10000/10, Is a huge fan of physical contact. loves holding hands, hugging, kissing, anything like that. Thinks it's one of the most intimate ways to connect with someone is in general overly possessive. really enjoys expressing that through physical touch.
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majaloveschris · 11 months
I would have a different opinion if they seemed happy or comfortable around each other, but to me, they don't. I can't imagine my boyfriend or somebody who is happier than ever with me acting like this, and we all can see that this is not his body language, not just around people he's been in love with but around people he just simply likes. //
But no one in the public has seen enough of his body language around her to judge. The videos that have been shared publicly are:
- The two pap walk clips; the official one where they’re outside the church that Page Six included in their article and the accidental fan video of the awkward handholding walk through the park
- The scare compilation video where each clip is a couple of seconds long and he’s literally doubled over on the floor laughing in one of them
- The chin video where he was very happy to have her lying on him in the couch and covering half her face with his hand to create the illusion of the face on her chin
- The brief interaction at the Ghosted premiere where she’s laughing with him
There’s also the Mario Bros video where you can’t really see him but you can hear him laughing and the Powerpoint Presentation slideshow, but there was no video in that.
If you’re judging through the videos listed above alone and the slideshow photos that isn’t really enough content to gain a genuine picture of his body language or what their relationship is like or how comfortable he feels around her. Is it really fair or sensible to judge their whole 1-3 years of knowing each other/dating/relationship and his feelings about it on content that amounts to less than 5 minutes in total?
You would need to actually know them or have reliable, trustworthy sources to have any real insight to that information. Many actual language experts will say it’s difficult to accurately tell someone’s body language from a still image because it’s literally a split second in time and it’s harder to get a sense of the actual context. Remember how a lot of people were saying he looked so happy and excited in the Four Seasons Portugal Hotel video that he made for the teacher? And then the context was revealed that he was 99.99% only there in the first place because he was visiting her? Yeah.
I respect that you have your opinion and I’m not trying to change your mind. I’m just offering another perspective. Mind you, I definitely feel like his energy has been off for a long time now but I objectively don’t know enough about the man or the situation, nor am I in his circle to be able to form a meaningful opinion to say that it’s because of her or their (I guess you would say “alleged” 😭) relationship.
To me, that NYC pap walk seemed incredible awkward. The way they were standing and walking next to each other (I'm talking about the staircase video and picture) seemed unnatural, like they were forced to be there. To me, the fact that he was holding her hands when he knew they were being photographed and when he didn't know they were being recorded (I'm talking about the video that the girl uploaded to Twitter), he wasn't holding her hands and didn't even pay attention to her, and when she saw that they were being recorded, she tried to grab his, but he didn't want that, shows that it was for the show. I know a lot of people say it was because of the pap walk, because they were in NYC, and because they knew what was coming next. Nobody asked them to make their relationship public by parading in Central Park, because I think we can all agree that that wasn't a natural sighting. They could've posted a few stories indicating they are at the same place; they could've posted a picture where they are together (getting one from the photo dump); or anything that would've indicated that they are in a relationship. But they wanted them to do that on the day her show premiered. For the show.
I don't think dropping on the floor was a natural reaction from him. We saw him getting scared by Scott, and he's never done that. During those videos, he either overacted (dropping, stamping) or didn't react at all (when he just walked away from her in his MA home). I don't think those were genuine reactions.
The chin video was too much for me. Trying too hard, same with the Mario Cart video; her acting was good in that one. It's not like it was any better in the scare videos; her fake phone dropping and her fake reactions weren't any better. Two actors, and they can't sell a relationship.
In the Ghosted premiere video, she was the only one laughing and smiling. Chris wasn't facing the camera, and Megan had a mask on, so nobody can tell for sure if they were smiling or not. To me, it didn't seem like they were.
Just because he was smiling on the teacher's video doesn't mean he was happy. He can fake a smile for a few seconds, especially if it's for something work-related or good cause-related. I'd also like to mention that you can see in those photos and videos, which they most probably took in the earlier stages, that it looked like he was trying a bit harder or more.
I'm also not trying to change your opinion, I just wrote down my takes on these things. Thanks for being respectful! ❤️
I think we've seen enough, or, should I say, even more than we wanted, or that we did of his previous relationships. You can see him acting way differently with those women, whom he was surely together with. I'm not saying we can tell everything for 100% sure about their relationship based on what we've seen, but to me, they seem unnatural and uncomfortable around each other; they don't seem like two people who are extremely in love with each other and happy together.
And one more addition: four pictures to compare two relationships of his:
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Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Season 2: Episode 10 Review
- Starting off the episode with a mass murder, beautiful. Though the good thing is that there’s a cool down period so if we can draw out the fight long enough, we may be able to win
- Chuchu begging Secelia despite her being a Spacian, how far we’ve come. And the fact that she hooks her boy Rouji up to get some tech info is also great.
- Felsi is the best girl and I will accept no disagreements. The way Earth House just adopts her like a homeless puppy is funny. Also the fact that she was so willing to do something besides wait for Petra to get better is great. She is the ultimate kusogaki as she is the only one going to the final battle.
- I’m guess the backstory was cut due to time constraints but I just want to see who the Elan’s were before they’re unfortunate unpersoning. However, we were still given delicious 5nore crumbs so I will accept it. It’s interesting how El5n stated El4n was the lucky one despite earlier in the series saying he was unfortunate. He finally realized that even though El4n died, he had someone who loved him, and now he knows just how important his actions towards Norea were. His line about envy could be directed at either Norea, Suletta, or El4n, and I hope he finds his own self separate from the Elan persona that had been forced on him
- Suletta and Guel’s duel was so stupid but so adorable. It really hammers home how they’re still children and they’ll do childish things. Also Guel 100% threw that duel, or at least they animated it so it was clear Guel knew how to fence but Suletta was just floundering. He’s the ultimate supporter of lesbians and I love him for that. Please G-Witch, give him a boyfriend. Also Guel slapping himself to remind himself not to butt in on SuleMio’s affairs, lol.
- The talk between Suletta and Miorine with slash playing in the background was just *chef’s kiss* perfect. Right or wrong, and even if there’s nothing to gain, Suletta wants to move forward. And she wants to move forward with Miorine. They have to face their problems head on. They lock fingers, willing to move on together.
- Guess they didn’t have the money for Delling’s VA. But it is nice to see a realistic depiction of a coma patient. Though I’m not sure if he appreciates being yelled at after he wakes up
- What is Prospera searching for? It can’t be the Calibarn. Is it something special Notrette made? And who removed it?
- What deal did she make with Shaddiq? Is she taking his harem squad? Did she plan to work with him on Earth?
- The fact that the tomato is literally embedded with love in its very DNA is beautiful. The tomato has always represented love in this series, and here we see that it’s very creation was because of Miorine’s mother’s love for her.
- Poor Suletta is struggling hard in that Gundam, but also it’s the coolest suit in the show so far. IT HAS A FREAKING BROOM. SHE IS LITERALLY THE WITCH FROM MERCURY. RECLAIM THE SLUR
- Suletta is talented. Aerial used to overshadow as we didn’t know how much handholding Eri was doing, but this proves she’s great even without it. But I don’t think it’ll be enough to defeat Eri all by herself. She needs others to help her. They all need to come together and create a better future!
- Lauda, my son, please stop this. We are destroying the Death Star right now. Have your angst moment later. And dear god don’t make your brother kill you, and don’t die of heatstroke like a dog in a car with the Schwarzette. I’ve seen some people say Guel might die but I reject that reality. After all the suffering he’s been out through, he needs to live.
I feel like we’re in a weird space where there both could and couldn’t be a second half. We have a lot to wrap up, but also we’re closing up Suletta and Miorine’s personal journeys. Though I hope we do get the second half and have it focus on Earth and the Space League. And maybe we’ll get to kill Peil while we’re at it
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dragonmuse · 1 year
Are there any Revenge-family siblings we haven’t met or heard about? We’ve seen the Hands siblings and the Boodhari siblings and obviously Alma and Charlie, but does anyone else have siblings who haven’t shown up in the stories yet? There are a lot of confirmed only children and the only sibling I can think of off the top of my head who has been alluded to but not shown up is Faith’s sister who was the one who gave Izzy her ring after she died.
( There may be, but they haven't made themselves known to me yet! But in the meantime, here's someone I never thought I'd write about)
Pru Morris was walking away.  It wasn’t the first time. At eighteen, she’d walked away from her parents' house with just the contents of her carefully packed messenger bag in boots that belonged to a dead girl. Those boots had carried her to her first three dead end jobs and then, at last, to a big accounting firm where an executive called her ‘assistant’ and meant ‘surrogate wife’. 
For three years, Pru handled everything in the man’s life, including his actual wife. She never slept with him, but it was a close thing once or twice. The second winter, the boots had died at last with the sole slipping from the right one. She probably could’ve fixed them, but it felt right to put away childish things. She’d never even liked them really. But she didn’t throw them away, just tucked them in her closet and forgot about them. 
Then the man got promoted and got a new assistant. Pru was handed over to the new man without ceremony. It was a silent divorce that she felt in bones, and she forced herself to start dating again to make up for it. 
Drew Morris was fine. He had a good job, a good car, and he took her to nice dinners. He wasn’t flashy, but he was steady. When he proposed a few months later, it was with a decent ring and she said yes without much further thought. 
The honeymoon was beautiful. Days in the sun and he held her hand and Pru felt loved for the first time in a long time. But then they got back and the handholding stopped. For a while, she was sure she’d done better than her mother at least. Drew never raised his hand to her,  rarely yelled. 
But he also barely looked at her, barely spoke to her at all. On her birthday, every year he had a bouquet sent to her at work and every year, the card was the same tucked among the blooms. Pru knew his assistant had ordered them. It was the same message she had chosen for her executives a dozen times. 
“How pretty!” One of the other girls at worked cooed. “You’re so lucky!” 
“Lucky that someone else keeps his calendar,” she said flatly. It was year four. 
Pru Morris was twenty-nine years old. She was sitting in her bedroom which was meant to be theirs, but Drew was away a lot. He told her to decorate it however she wanted, then wrinkled his nose when he’d seen what she’d done. ‘A little gaudy, isn’t it?” he’d said and all the pretty things she’d picked out became cheap and tatty all at once. 
Maybe that was what she needed. A fresh take on the bedroom. She could redo it, get it right this time and maybe he’d want to linger. With a renewed sense of purpose, Pru got a garbage bag and started pulling things out of her closet that she hadn’t worn in a while. She’d do a purge, donate some things and get started on a fresh vision. 
At the back of the closet, she found a pair of black boots. The right heel had come away on one. Pru fell to her knees and drew them out. Without any thought, she pulled them to her chest and started crying. The tears shocked her. Pru was not a weeper. She hadn’t cried on her wedding day or the day her executive dumped her. But today she wept over the broken leather and rubber, holding the boots to her as tenderly as a baby. 
“Fuck him,” she realized as she held them tight to her. Pru didn’t swear, crisp memory of her father shoving soap into her mouth had ripped all that away. Even she said ‘heck’ she’d remember the horrible taste and his hand fisted in her hair. 
But she didn’t taste soap right now. Just her own ears. “FUCK HIM!” she stood abruptly, letting the shoes cascade down. Then she went and got her suitcase and filled it with the few thing she cared about, some clothes and her toiletries. She ripped off her perfectly nice ring and left it on top of a note that was much politer than she wanted to be. She had her own money, carefully hoarded. Drew had been so afraid of her siphoning off his money that he insisted on separate accounts. Asshole. 
She got a studio a few blocks from work. Cramped, but her own again. She put the boots by the front door as a reminder.  For good luck, she’d tap her toes against them as she went out the door to meet her lawyer. 
In the end there was no fight and she got plenty of Drew’s money anyway. Enough that she could sustain herself in the studio for as long as she liked. For a few months, she stayed at work, talked like everything was normal and only mentioned the divorce if asked where her ring had gone. People fussed like she should be melting down, made sympathetic noises, asked if he had cheated. 
She just shook her head and said, “Just went our separate ways.”  A few of the women stopped talking to her, but Jenny from the front desk and had groaned and said, “I KNOW that feeling.” 
They went out for drinks. Jenny was raw and funny and Pru had no idea why they’d never talked before. She was divorced too and was happy to talk to Pru about every dating service under the sun. They went speed dating together and laughed over the awkwardness afterwards. Pru had had a lot of ‘friends’ over the years, but Jenny felt like a real friend. 
“Hey, there’s a three bedroom opening up in my building, what do you think?” Jenny offered. “Get you out of that bachelorette special and me away from my horrible roommate?” 
The apartment got a lot of light and Jenny was a good roommate. They hung out a lot, but also gave each other space. And the first birthday Pru had in the apartment, Jenny gave her a framed print of the poster for A Walk to Remember, Pru’s favorite movie. Pru had cried for the second time in as many years. Jenny had hugged her and not judged. 
“Hey, is it okay if I move these?” Jenny asked when they were both on a cleaning kick. The boots sat by the door still. 
“No!” Pru said then winced.
“I don’t mean away,” Jenny assured her. “I got us a shoe rack. Is that okay” 
“You did?” 
“Mhm, so we don’t have the water dripping onto the hardwood, there’s a mat that goes under it.”
“Yeah okay.” 
Jenny set the boots on the lower rack, noticed the broken sole. 
“They were my sister’s,” Pru blurted, the words no longer able to stay behind her teeth. 
“You have a sister?” Jenny’s eyes went wide. 
“She died. When we were still kids.” 
“Oh wow, that must’ve been awful.” 
“We didn’t get along,” Pru twisted her hands together in front of her. “Fought all the time like everyone else in that house, but I figured we were sisters, you know? It’d work out. It always did on tv. And then she just died. Mom and Dad tried to toss all her things, but I got a few. I didn’t even know why...I was fifteen. Just seemed wrong to make her disappear like that. She had his thug boyfriend, took her ring from me. My parents took her bedding, her cassettes, most of her clothes and just tossed them. I hid her boots under my bed. Grabbed her hair brush too, but I lost it somewhere along the way.” 
“Oh, Pru,” Jenny hugged her and she hugged back. The boots stayed on the shoe rack. 
Dead at seventeen. Pru was thirty-one. It could happen, she thought as she tapped the boots with her toe each morning. She tapped them the day she changed back her name. She tapped them the day she saw the poster for an interior design class. She tapped them the day she got her certificate and the day she headed out to meet her first client. 
No one ever called her work gaudy.  
“You’re a miracle worker,” Patrick said when he walked into his new kitchen. “This is exactly what I wanted.”
“You had a really clear vision,” she told him eagerly. Patrick was on the short side, closer to her height and his hair was thinning a little. He dressed beautifully though and had poured over samples with her just as invested as some of her female clients. 
He was divorced too, pictures of a daughter scattered around the apartment and a bedroom set aside for her visits. 
“You’re great at visions, Pru,” he told her eagerly. He paid her and as soon as the check was in her walled, he said, “This is probably really inappropriate and I hope I’m not putting you on the spot, but would you...get dinner with me some time?” 
“I’d like that,” she beamed and she did like it. They both kept their places and Jenny teased her about being ‘the other woman’. 
“You’ve got it wrong. He’s the other woman,” Pru announced and then Jenny cried on her, which made things feel a little more even. 
Pru Callahan wasn’t walking away from her past  any more. She was running towards the future. And she’d need some sturdy boots for that. With her heart in her throat, she brought them to be repaired and re-soled. That winter she spent every day in fashionable outfits, accessorized with vintage Docs.
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seawitchkaraoke · 1 year
Recently watched some of False's old mcc vods from early events bc I love her and seeing the improvement is really impressive but in this I've also come across how much Grian's builtmart strategy has improved overtime
Like. I've seen Grian and False's more recent teamups before and there usually False just does her thing building her build and Grian leaves her alone, only occasionally asking her what she needs and vice versa she'll occasionally call out what materials she needs- he mostly focuses on the floater or if there's a less experienced builder, focuses on helping them.
And well. I watched mcc 7 and wow Grian is clearly in the early stages of figuring out how to be a build mart manager here and some of it is working out - there is more communication of ''is anyone at wood, i need more spruce'' and such compared to the mccs before it (yeah i've been binging don't at me).
But Grian is micromanaging faar too much to the point where they still end up doubling up, going to the same materials bc Grian sends Pearl to colours when False already got the colours she needed or when Grian starts placing blocks for False already instead of working on his own built, when simply giving her the blocks when she got back would have been way more efficient (specifically bc it was spaced out diamond blocks so to build it without the rest of the built already there, he needed to stack up first and then remove the blocks underneath again, when, if you put those blocks on at the end it takes like. 2 seconds.)
They still did quite well, bc of course they're just generally good at building and they did have some good communication in parts. But compared to how he manages his teams now? It is sooo much better. There's a really important lesson in there I think. Yes you need a manager in this game but micromanaging can be counter productive.
So his system that he always sums up with ''I'm the manager everyone listen to me'' is really: a) know your team's skills. False for example is a very good builtmart player who doesn't need you to remind her of what blocks she needs, she has a good system with her chat for that. She doesn't need you to place blocks for her or help, unless she specifically asks. You can and should leave her alone. On the other hand, a less experienced builder might need more handholding on recognizing the right blocks, realizing how much they need of a material etc.
b) encourage your team to speak up! Remind them to ask for help if they can't figure out what's wrong with a built, remind them to ask for blocks they need.
c) have a general system for where to store blocks, what to go for at the start, etc. In Grian's teams the floater always goes for wood first, they also always divide up who goes for stone etc if there's stone in several builts and agree in which chest to store stuff.
d) listen really hard to what ppl are saying - obviously listen to the ''does anyone have spruce'' calls, but you also gotta listen for the little, halfway talking to themselves ''what am i doing wrong here?'' so you can maybe quickly take a look and figure it out for them
e) manage the floater - that is really the biggest key but everything else plays into this one. Tell them where to go, what to get and how much, when to come back etc. But for that you gotta keep in mind what everyone else needs and where they currently are (no point telling the floater to get stone if someone else is already there and could just grab more), where the priorities are (gold builds!), what you already have in the chests, etc etc.
Like.... it's a lot more than just ''Grian manages everyone''. You gotta know how much to manage, you don't need to tell everyone what to do all the time, you gotta tell the right people what to do at the right times, y'know? Oh and also you still need to do your own builds too.
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gulfportofficial · 2 years
Crybullying a trans woman into fucking hospital because she wrote a complicated work about trans fem hurt and insecurities and how those get weaponized in a military industrial world which he was too stupid to understand is actually the latest in a long line of Ana Mardoll being a transmisogynist.  And being stupid as well, but the fact that Ana is really fantastically stupid for someone who prides himself on being the smartest specialist thinker on Earth* is not really relevant to this rant. (Warning: rant is in bad English but I don’t care).
Ana is and has always been an “I would never!!!! How dare you hurt me this way!!!! I am a TERF-hating defender of trans womankind!” transmisogynist AND he is still somehow managing to get a contingent of uwus being like “oh poor babu. He is sad and disabled and trans, you cannot bully him for working at a weapons contractor for 15 years even if he DID spend that entire time lecturing everyone else about the horrible REAL VIOLENCE** they were doing by things such as... saying cishet because it might make a cis straight demiromantic invalid and so in order to stop doing VIOLENCE WITH OUR WORDS we should instead say “unqueer”***... like some kind of one-very-stupid-person panopticon tower.”  Actually, “still somehow get a contingent” is redundant. That literally IS the transmisogyny. People will bully the shit out of a trans woman for the slightest thing, especially if she has something complicated to say and doesn’t want to spoonfeed it to escapist babies like Ana “reading is ableist” Mardoll. But they will handhold and defend escapist babies like Ana “French chef stereotypes are dehumanizing racism” Mardoll specifically because they’re NOT trans women. Anyway, since I have hated his work for a loooooong time, I would just like to say that I remember Ana: 
- before he settled on his boy identity, he ID’d for a long time as a “trans woman” and “trans femme” - as in, he was an AFAB person who still felt like a woman, but also felt trans. He did this and did this over again until, according to him, literally told to stop by transfem friends.  - CONSTANTLY centered/centers himself in ALL trans issues, saying things like “TERFS hate trans people like me.” Which like, no, sorry. Yes, TERF shit impacts all trans people. Yes, they do say horrible, invalidating, aimed-at-legislative-restriction things about afab trans people. But their rhetoric about that is about “saving poor misguided girls”. TERFS HATE TRANS WOMEN very specifically. The vitriol, the nastiness, the emailing people’s bosses to out them, making “feminist” websites with photos calling them predators... that’s all for trans women, baby.  - Look, maybe you think this isn’t so bad, but I think it’s self-victimizing shit and I feel like his whole thing of constantly feeling “invalid” and “not queer enough” and other such horseshit means he’s incapable of putting his feelings aside to focus on the material needs of our community.  - Ana is king of tenderqueer shit. You know, being a soft boy baby at age 40+ or whatever. More thoughtful people than I have written a lot about how tenderizing transness to the extent people who do has a lot of run-on effects, including making trans men afraid of the effects of gender affirming care such as hormones; being really racist because being “uwu goblin gender” is really... not always as accessible to anyone who isn’t white; being TRANSMISOGYNISTIC as is relevant here. Fetishizing being a soft smol bean and hating anything hard or critical or big or strong... it’s not a 1:1 but it often has the effect of weaponizing being afab and framing trans women as unwelcome and scary once again, and I think we can see that in how Ana does his thing...   - In that holy shit crybullying itself (what a perfect word for the exact crazy-making wobbling jelly thing he does) being so SAD and SCARED and HURT like a poor little creature who didn’t MEAN to say anything bad he just is not NEUROTYPICAL while a BIG MEAN HURTFUL ELITIST ABLEIST trans woman has made you feel INVALID and TRIGGERED is such a fucking example of this.  Man, I have like years of examples of Ana just being a complete jello-cube of a person but I’ll just vent this here and cease.  * GOD remember when he wrote about how NLOG as a concept should not be criticized because some girls actually weren’t like other girls, such as fat, queer, and disabled girls. Because no girl has ever been fat, queer, or disabled of course. And all of those “other girls” are just a hive mind of skinny straight ablebodiedness. Top feminist analysis, Ana “the little mermaid is an otherkin allegory” Mardoll. 
*** Actual example. 
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tearsofperseides · 1 year
Taylor Swift songs that are Ronance in some way or another
this is a self-indulgent post
Gorgeous, obviously, do I need to say more? Because I will: This song is "told" through Nancy's perspective and I think it demonstrates the frustration that Nancy had with Robin at the beginning perfectly. Also these parts that I don't see people talk about: And you should think about the consequence // Of you touching my hand in the darkened room ...DO I NEED TO REMIND EVERYONE OF THE HANDHOLD?! Along with many other lines in the song that aligned with Ronance, such as the boyfriend line and the ocean blue eyes line
Next is Style, admittedly, this is really just a personal thing, I like to headcanon that one of Robin's favourite movies is Rebel Without a Cause and that she relates to Jim Stark (played by James Dean) and just... the overall vibe of the song, I imagine them just cruising in Steve or Nancy's car, blasting this at full volume.
Labyrinth, yet another Nancy Wheeler POV song... idk what to tell you, she's just very Swiftie core/j This song reminds me of when Vecna is defeated and Nancy is navigating her sexuality, the line You know how scared I am of elevators // Never trust it if it rises fast // It can't last just makes me think of Nancy trying to stop having a crush on Robin because her previous relationship never lasted, if you get what I mean? Another line that speaks Nancy on an astronomical level is You know how much I hate that everybody just expects me to bounce back // Just like that.
A Robin POV song at last!!! Gold Rush, Robin is an evermore girlie, this isn't projection... totally not. This song is more based on s3, than s4. She just envies Nancy, like I have a feeling, she wants to be like her in a way that she's accepted; What must it be like // To grow up that beautiful? // With your hair falling into place like dominos Nancy, in her eyes, at this time, is the epitome of a perfect girl and perfect girls are accepted by people. The ending of the song is just Robin realizing that she could never be with Nancy, because of their circumstances.
Back to Nancy now... The Great War, of course let me start with the line My hand was the one you reached for // All throughout the Great War going back to the handhold once again, because it is precious to me. A lot of the lyrics can be applied to Ronance scenes with this one. Like And maybe it's the past that's talkin' // … // Tellin' me to punish you for things you never did The library scene, Nancy being jealous of Robin because she thought she was dating Steve. Broken and blue, so I called off the troops // That was the night I nearly lost you The scene where Robin first got caught by the vines. I vowed I would always be yours // 'Cause we survived the Great War This goes back to the whole s5 theory of how Nancy will be made to choose between Robin/Steve/Jonathan and she will choose Robin, because she didn't choose Barb and it will be all symbolism and shit lmaoo.
Ivy, the Emisue anthem, if you will. I can write an essay on this one... every line fits with Nancy so well.
Oh, goddamn // My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand - Nancy finally has someone to confide in, someone who she feels will understand her on such a deep level, not just because of her trauma, but because she's the first girl after Barb she's been friends with. Robin listens to her problems, doesn't try to solve them, she's there for her when she needs to vent. Taking mine, but it's been promised to another Nancy is still in a relationship with Jonathan, her "hand has been promised to another". Oh, I can't // Stop you putting roots in my dreamland // My house of stone, your ivy grows // And now I'm covered in you She's tried to push Robin away, but Robin doesn't budge, she's not leaving her no matter how much Nancy is trying to push her away. Nancy's trying to not get attached to Robin, but Robin just by being herself has planted herself into Nancy's heart and is taking up the space in Nancy's mind and that only grows and grows. I wish to know // The fatal flaw that makes you long to be // Magnificently cursed I take this line in the context of Ronance 2 ways. 1. Nancy doesn't understand how Robin can be so cursed with herself as to want to be friends with her, "magnificently" specifically because Nancy is still thankful for her. 2. The way Robin's actually ok with being a lesbian in the 80's, of course, she's not out, but she still knows she only likes girls and isn't trying to change that (unlike Nancy). Crescent moon, coast is clear // Spring breaks loose, but so does fear both the crescent moon and spring have been used in a lot of literary works as a symbol for a new beginning with Robin, Nancy sees a new beginning, she sees it very clearly, but she's scared, of her sexuality, of what the people will think, of hurting Jonathan, of ruining this new found beginning etc. So yeah, it's a fire // It's a goddamn blaze in the dark // And you started it // You started it // So yeah, it's a war // It's the goddamn fight of my life // And you started it // You started it Nancy is at war with herself, she has feelings for Robin, but she thinks she's not supposed to (internalised homophobia), she's at war with herself because she doesn't know what happens next, because of Robin.
Thank you for letting me ramble about this, it was really fun!!!
Also, I have a Nancy Wheeler and a Robin Buckley playlist on my Spotify, if you want give them a listen!!
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bellshazes · 1 year
I just sent an ask for the writers game but it gave me an error message so I'm just going to do it again
anyways I was curious about 27, 32, 46, 49 but feel free to pick and choose if that's too many
Also ps I'm living for your fic directors commentary I love getting that type of background info so it's much appreciated!!
have a great day <3
27.  Favourite line/scene
of actually published fic... all of cleo's POV in chapter six of do it again is really dear to me. I almost cut the handholding but this part in particular was too important to lose:
She lets go of his hand so she can flip it over, palm face up on his knee, tracing his lifeline with one fingernail. "Do you really think I'm out for your blood, too?" she asks as her index finger comes to rest at the base of his wrist, feeling his pulse. "Are you waiting for an opening to attack me? Because I promise you won't find one. We keep making the choice to care about each other, and unless you stop choosing that, this won’t change. That’s what makes it familiar."
DIA is about a lot of things but this part is about choosing to let yourself be vulnerable and hoping that vulnerability is reciprocated. choosing something doomed because it's familiar and loved and worth doing anyway. i also posted it post-Double Life, so there's a lot of that hanging over here; cleo's loyalty is earned and maintained through active, continuous choices to care... and bdubs' is not, and so we get "I've never lied to you" later in canon.
oh but also later in c6, etho's "he knows i care, he does" and the subsequent dream description is still good: "With all the confidence of dream logic he knew that ghosts were real there and had been real before, although what that meant precisely he didn’t know either awake or asleep - only that whatever he was working toward, he had better hurry there. Someone was waiting for him on the other side of a dream."
32.  Most difficult character to write
I basically don't write characters I can't pin down a voice for LMAO. that's why all my fic is constrained really heavily in terms of the cast; even pulling in Ren briefly in DIA, I leaned super heavily on stealing canon dialogue. writing joe's voicemails and skizz's interactions with scar were (and are, in the latter case) difficult but fun.
weirdly i've been struggling a lot with writing etho for distant stations. i think beyond voice i have to know what a character wants, both in their personal case and what that want does in the larger context of the story. there's gotta be a movement! unfulfilled wishes! striving! no idea what to do with a guy who's doing fine and content without any structural need to depict it.
46.  Do you reread your own stories?
compulsively, unfortunately. memory's images once they are fixed in words are erased, some bitch* once said. i find that rereading too close to after posting makes it strange and alien to me, which both helps and hurts writing. but i do like periodically coming back to old clamp fic i wrote too - there are some parts of the SGGK au and things like the boathouse storm scene in easy to love that i'm still proud of over five years later.
49.  Which character would you most want to be friends with, if they were real?
hokuto sumeragi i am free on thursday night if you would like to hang out i am free on thursday night when i am free to hang out etc. jk you mean this fandom? i don't think about this kind of thing much but i guess if i lived in minecraft i would have to say cleo. i feel like that's pretty self explanatory
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linawritestwst · 1 year
(Match up for my OC please!)
Name: Vespera Nightingale
Nicknames: Ves, Vessie, Vespie
Ves is a 2nd year Diasomnia student, she/her/they, INTP.
Personality- She’s superstitious, the type to believe in karma and good luck charms, horoscopes and the supernatural and all that.
Ves is also an insomniac to boot, barely able to sleep more than a few hours each night, and thus she has a perpetual flat, melancholic expression on her face almost always.
Her biggest red flag would be her overall vindictiveness and vengeful streak. Her temper is actually quite short, and although she doesn’t show it outright, if you somehow tick her off, she’s already planning your demise or flinging a nasty curse behind your back. Most of the time her “retributions” are harmless, if annoying inconveniences (such as turning Sebek’s hair diarrhea brown), as she doesn’t really have the heart to do anything too dangerous.
Ves is able to admit that sometimes she does take things too far, and will usually knit something, like a scarf or maybe a pair of mittens as an apology. She likes making sweaters for her dormmates in particular.
On the positive: she’s extremely resourceful and an adaptive thinker. One of her strengths is her endless imagination and boundless creativity (often wasted by her brainstorming for ways to get back at people). And despite her sour expression, Ves is also more optimistic than she looks. She’s quite hardworking and productive, and actually spends alot of time studying and cleaning.
Ves also seems to be picking up a new hobby or interest almost every week, seeing as she has plenty of spare time on her hands. But just as quick as she picks something up, Ves may drop the interest just as fast and move onto something else entirely. Her latest fixation so far is old movies that she binge watches with the Film Appreciation Club. The few hobbies that have stuck with her so far are reading, jigsaw puzzles (the 1000 piece sets), and handicrafts such as sewing, knitting, and embroidery. Ves is a particularly avid reader and can sometimes go through 2-3 books a week, usually on magical history or weird magic anomalies.
Other fun facts and tidbits about Ves:
-her birthday is on 2/29 and she hates it, in fact she’d prefer not to celebrate it at all. If you really ask her she’ll probably just lie and say 3/1. Or curse you.
-favorite food is pudding, least favorite is anything with caffeine
Overall, her belief in superstitions and vengeful tendencies may cause others to view her as childish or immature. So a good match would be someone who wouldn’t mind that (or…..would help her in her petty crimes). If it isnt someone as eccentric as her, they should also be able to rein her in if needed. They’d also need to be someone who can handle clinginess because Ves gets attached REAL QUICKLY. I’d say she’s mildly yandere but she’s quite naive and innocent when it comes to romance. Definitely believes babies are delivered by storks and that handholding is ~forbidden~
Thanks and congrats!!
hi, i hope you like this matchup!
the character that i think would be a good partner for your oc is..
floyd leech!
Tumblr media
i'll explain why i chose him:
i actually spent quite a lot of time thinking which character would be the best (or at least good) match for ves and i wasn't sure if i should go with a more chaotic and eccentric partner for her or someone who's more chill. the second option sounded more logical because, you know, someone's gotta make sure ves is not causing too much chaos, but the first option sounded more fun! also i feel like some characters wouldn't have enough patience for her I'M SO SORRY i think ves and floyd's dynamic would be very interesting, it's like you never know what these two are gonna do next. floyd would definitely help ves out with their pranks or he would actually be the one to suggest ideas for how they can "take their revenge" on someone. but if ves finds someone too annoying, floyd can just squeeze them-
floyd doesn't really get ves's interest in things like horoscopes or supernatural stuff, but he does think it's cute of her to like things like that. he may tease her for it, but he doesn't really mean it.. well, maybe he does mean it, but not in a bad way, he just thinks it's funny. he won't let anyone say they're childish for having hobbies like that though. also yeah, he did laugh when he first heard about their birthday, but then he said that maybe ves should just celebrate her birthday on february 28th or she really should go with march 1st. or both! she can have two birthdays, she deserves it. oh and when february 29th actually comes, it means that they can have three birthdays!
oh, you don't have to worry about ves being clingy, floyd wouldn't mind that at all! he would love it actually. he's already a very affectionate guy, but ves acting like this makes him refuse to let her go when he's hugging her. he thinks her being so innocent is adorable and he can try to play along just for fun. or he can actually destroy her innocence. who knows, depends on his mood. and oh? she's mildly yandere? WELL THAT'S INTERESTING. again, he wouldn't think it's weird or scary and he even would find it cute <3 he's a strange man, okay.
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
I'm trying to think if I have any more to say about Volume 9... there will probably be things that come up when the fabled rewatch happens. Because a lot of it supplemented things I have already talked about it would probably get tiresome saying 'oh btw. I'm right. Did you know that?????' I don't really know what to adjust for currently. I feel like I'm failing as a R/WBY blog right now, as if that's a normal thing to feel
I guess also like, I did like V9, and I think overall its production quality seemed very high (the actual animated expressions and movement were very beautiful, noticeably), and probably a contributing factor is that out of so many characters featured I had personal attachment and resonance with two of them (which is unusual because Yang was a favourite of mine during V5) such that my enthusiasm is not totally... there... the way it was with V6-V8. Even with the relative Cinder drought of V4/6 (relatively? In retrospect it doesn't feel like it too much) those are still some of my favourite volumes to rewatch.
Obviously I did overall have a problem with some of the dialogue and pacing - and if I had actually got the volume release date correct I think I would've been catastrophising about their position on the whole fairytales aren't real thing - but some of it is just reflective of an ongoing issue with R/WBY and an ongoing issue with addressing Very Specific Parts of the Audience who need handholding. I generally accept that there are some anime hijinks bullshit that I am not going to be amused by (and frankly I find it a little weird because R/WBY subverts a lot of anime tropes. There is some discordance there).
Like, if I were being mean and making a tier list, my tier list of volumes is: V8, V7, V6, V4/V5 (tied), V9, V3, V1-2 (tied). That's a holistic analysis and includes like, basic plot beats, and probably when I do a rewatch my position might change, and as much as I really liked V9 the overall plot of Ever After did not end up being that interesting to me. It definitely established meaningful narrative stakes and actually developed Jaune and Ruby relatively well, I just don't think I was the audience member this volume was intended for. The team R/WBY relations this volume felt like a missed opportunity and I wasn't someone before who ever complained or felt like they had dropped the ball previously. But if they're going to spend a volume specifically alienating and then reintegrating Ruby (in a way which should echo Pyrrha's identity break were she to survive), it does really just feel like they had potential they didn't reach which I know they're capable of reaching.
But then I do think it does come down to personal taste because I am interested in the Remnant plot, and all I have to go on in Ever After is the interior journey of Ruby's; this obviously comes with a lot of fruitful set-up for the Ozlem resolution which I think they got concrete and obvious about to make it really really clear what needs to happen as a narrative resolution. So I get it.
I also get that from a purely developmental perspective, if they had all of these special assets for Ever After, it is literally too much work to write Vacuo at the same time etc. But on the other hand, if this is your opportunity to lean into what I think R/WBY does really well, why did they... not.
This isn't a 'I'm not going to watch R/WBY' post. It's not like I'm dealing with reeling from the fact that Cinder's redemption is like, beyond possibility. I also really liked a lot of the volume. R/WBY just happens to be my favourite show and I know what I like about it and why and probably a fair bit of it comes down to personal taste.
It also feels really mean that I feel this way, because Jaune and Ruby's development were pretty much beat-for-beat the kind of stuff I love/expected with them, but they skipped through it too quickly. I don't think this is a previous mistake they've made with other characters and I feel this comes down to the consideration they would make ten episodes and the halfway point would be the Jaune twist. The problem is that I think you could effectively fit those first five episodes into probably three or even four, and that would give you the needed space for Jaune and Ruby's respective turns later. I think that there were potentially functional concerns at hand (narrative twist halfway through to draw viewership back in) that I don't think lent the artistic product what it actually needed.
But then again I think my issue with this volume is that katabasis is a really fruitful opportunity in general and I think that was an overall missed chance for going even more extreme and exploring even more extreme fairytale ideas (and potentially even making Alyx at least a little more genuinely villainous/having changed Ever After), so like, as ever my criticism of R/WBY is 'commit harder'.
There is something fundamentally good about R/WBY that isn't just superficial bland anime tropes or superficial bland friendship hijinks (the actually resonant friendship hijinks they do really well) or just anything superficial in general. It's what's endlessly frustrating about this show and part of its viewership. It's hard not to read the handholding clumsy dialogue or the lampshading as direct address to That Part of the Audience and for me to fear that oh, maybe they would genuinely try to cater to those idiots with Weiss' character assassination. I do think when it comes to Neo, for instance, who was definitely brought back as fanservice but integrated into the story well it's clear they don't completely give into that stuff, though.
This kind of became a retrospective post of V9, and maybe my feelings will change. V6-V8 was an incredible run of R/WBY and with works-in-progress their intentions are revealed and come clearer. I think it's obvious that V9 made it clear that R/WBY is not grimdark or cynical and fairytales are real, actually; V7-V8 weren't just miseryguts for the sake of it.
I look forward to how V9 is potentially recontextualised by further volumes. Touch wood, lol. I love R/WBY but my trust in storytelling is also dead, so it's not good that I'm always assuming the worst - which maybe influenced part of my feelings about this volume.
But to circle back to the impetus of this post - that feeling, partly informed by the fact I've had some things in my life immediately get in the way after the end of the volume lol, which is that I almost... am not sure what to say is there for a few reasons. I also think that some of my reflective Jaune posts mid-volume, for instance, potentially held up well? I'm not entirely sure because it depends how they end up playing the Jaune/Weiss-Blake/Sun angle or if they don't, and then you get back to that question of Knightfall is what holds the thematic glue of R/WBY together for me, blah blah blah, here we go.
Really I want to use this interim between volumes to post more fanfic. So I'm thankful for that. Most of all I think that even if Knightfall doesn't end up ~being canon~, it's been a pretty good run so far. Lol.
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1, 2, 5, 18, 25, 32, 33, 41 and 50 for both Nova x Livia and Niccolò x Enrico (welp, that's a lot)
Hi! Thanks for the ask!
What were their first impressions of one another?
-Livia's first impression of Nova is "someone's crying at Invernino, I should go see what's up!" followed by "Oh, she's really pretty and really funny and I want to get to know her, I'm gonna shoot my shot!" Nova's first impression of Livia is "Wow, this aristocrat is actually being really nice to me, maybe we can be friends!"
-Enrico's first impression of Niccolo is "He's really gorgeous and intimidating and I don't think I'll ever be able to form a full sentence in front of him." Niccolo's first impression of Enrico is "This guy's both kind of fun and kind of an idiot, I'm not sure if he'd be an asset or a liability, but he's cute so we're keeping him, Leo."
What was their first date like? If they haven’t been on a date yet, how would it go?
-Nova and Livia didn't really have a "first date", but they spend a lot of time traveling to court together, which I think counts because they talk a lot and really get to know each other.
-Niccolo and Enrico's "first date" happens when they're on a political trip to Vinoseta. Leonidas is engaging in actual discussions, but they are tasked with seeing what they can find out from poking around. It's not a conventional date but they have fun!
What’s their love language like? Are they compatible with one another?
-Nova's is words of affirmation, which Livia is really, really good at--she always knows exactly what to say. Livia's is quality time, because she doesn't have a ton of people to spend time with. Nova's always eager to hang out, because she loves being around people who care.
-Enrico's is also words of affirmation--man needs to hear he's not a horrible, unlovable monster. Niccolo knows how to do that--he's known Enrico long enough. Niccolo's always been more of an acts of service guy--he does stuff like fixing things without being asked/bailing people he likes out of tough spots.
How are they like on a road trip together?
-Livia's the kind of person who meticulously plans out every minute of the trip, down to the bathroom breaks, and gets very stressed out if her plan isn't followed. Nova likes structure, so she likes it in theory, but she's not always great at following the plans--if something comes along that sounds better, she'll want to do that.
-Enrico would be the one who forgets to back something vital and doesn't notice until they're at the hotel. Niccolo would be the one who somehow finds a place to get whatever it is Enrico forgot (food, toiletries, clothes, sometimes all three)
Pick a physical attribute that they love about each other.
-Livia likes Nova's hair--it's really long and soft and fun to braid/play with. Nova loves Livia's eyes--they're really purple and expressive!
-Niccolo loves Enrico's hands--my dude is a major handholder. Enrico also has a thing for eyes--Niccolo and Livia both got the "expressive eyes that are a color that doesn't happen in nature" gene (Niccolo's are gold!)
Your character is in love, do they confess? If not, how long do they wait?
-Nova probably wouldn't confess, unless it was to someone she was never going to see again. She hates making situations complicated.
-Livia would confess, if she was reasonably sure the other person felt the same way, and if she had an escape plan in case they didn't.
-Niccolo would confess, after hours of conferring with Leonidas about how he should do it, and if he thought the other person liked him back.
-Enrico would not confess even if he was being tortured.
Who was the first to say ‘I love you’?
As noted above--Livia and Niccolo. They're both people who believe that you should be honest, and say something if you feel it. While Nova was trying not to get too invested in the relationship, lest she be exposed, and Enrico would never confess feelings first--the insecurity is strong with this one.
What green flags do they have for one another?
-Livia's green flag for Nova is that she's not pretentious, like you would expect from an aristocrat from such an old family. Nova's green flag for Livia is that she's brave--you can't date a reantica aristocrat in this world without having nerves of steel.
-Niccolo's green flag for Enrico is similar to Livia's--aristocrats are assumed to be assholes until proven otherwise. Enrico's green flag for Niccolo is that he's honest. He's an impulsive, reckless little failure man, but he never pretends to be anything else.
Is there anything that scares them about their friendship/relationship?
-Hahaha. Well, Nova's naturally terrified that Livia will find out about her magic and she'll get burned at the stake. Livia's always a little wary about trusting people/letting them in, so that applies here too.
-Enrico's always worried that people will decide to randomly hate him, but he's also scared that the court will look down on Niccolo for being with him. Niccolo's scared of how strong his feelings are, because he's never had someone capable of breaking his heart before.
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notcruelarch · 2 years
♡ / finn & maddy + thumper & maddy @unitedleader @thumperking 
who is the most affectionate? Maddy and Finn: Finn in public, Maddy in private. Thumper and Maddy: equally obsessed and affectionate with each other. 
who initiates the handholding? Maddy and Finn: Finn probably at the beginning of their relationship but then Maddy just got used to it and now reached for his hand constantly. Thumper and Maddy: Maddy at first but now it’s more of Thumper putting his arm around her than it is hand holding. Hand holding is more for getting through crowds which they both hate. Thumper putting his arm around her is more of his way of protecting her even when he doesn’t need to. 
who worries more for the other? Maddy and Finn: Maddy always worries about Finn especially when he’s on the field. Don’t let him get hurt because Maddy will go legit apeshit. Maddy and Thumper: they both worry about the other in their own ways and for their own reasons. Maddy worries about Thumper because of what he does and it’s something she’s been trying to make peace with. The times he’s been at the bar more she still worries about him because drunks are ridiculous. 
who is more likely to ask for help? Maddy and Finn: haha this is where Finn wins. He has more caring friends but Maddy isn’t used to asking for help too often so she just suffers. Maddy and Thumper: I think Maddy wouldn’t have too much of a problem asking Thumper or Colt for help but it’s clear that they’re both stubborn. 
who is the one always losing the keys? Maddy and Finn: Out of the two of them it’s definitely Maddy. Maddy just puts things down and then focuses on Finn and if he moves her keys somewhere safe she’d never really know because she didn’t know where they were in the first place. Not to mention Maddy is messy. Maddy and Thumper: Maddy again. Thumper is too neat and Maddy again just puts her things down. It’s probably why their house now has a key dish just in case someone needs to move the other’s car but also to stop Maddy from just going around asking if anyone has seen her keys. 
who leaves little love notes for the other? Maddy and Finn: Maddy. She would have written him notes when they were long distance that she would’ve passed right before games or right before competitions that now whenever she wants to tell him something he gets a small note ending with a lipstick mark at the end. Maddy and Thumper: Maddy obvs but this is especially true when Thumper would be working a lot more so she would leave him notes because it’s her way of saying that she missed him without wanting to seem too needy. 
who can’t sleep unless the other is there? Maddy and Finn: I think they both can sleep but they prefer not to sleep apart. Maddy sleeps better with Finn holding her. Maddy and Thumper: Maddy can’t sleep knowing that he’s not beside her. They obviously don’t sleep cuddled together but if Maddy can’t like bring her leg near him in the middle of the night or know that he’s next to her she doesn’t sleep. The year they were apart was the year of Maddy taking sleeping aids.  
who is more likely to propose to the other? Maddy and Finn: Maddy is too traditional in the sense that she wouldn’t ask someone else to marry her so she’d just be waiting on Finn. After years of being together she would drop hints that he should propose. Maddy and Thumper: well Thumper asked her so there’s that but again she would have just waited. She had already gone through so much with him. It took her by surprise how he asked her but she probably would have said yes to marrying him months into being with him because she fell for him so hard.  
who introduced the other to their family first? Maddy and Finn: Finn would have had to introduce Maddy to Carol and Burt first because Maddy’s really insecure when it comes to people meeting her parents. Meeting Maddy’s parents is stressful for her because she knows they aren’t perfect and it would just mean that someone can see the flaws in her. Maddy and Thumper: well Maddy met Taylor once and she hated him and thumper doesn’t know but she wishes she would have been able to meet Meredith. I think in the back of Maddy’s mind she does things in hopes that Meredith would’ve liked her. Maddy and her parents her mom would have been protective especially after the year that Sonia would have seen Maddy away from Thumper that when Sonia does meet Thumper and seeing how he is with Maddy I don’t think she would have the same idea of who he is. 
who is more likely to play with the other’s hair? Maddy and Finn: Maddy loves playing with Finn’s hair. Maddy and Thumper: Maddy plays with her husband’s hair every night without fail and holds him. When she knows he’s tired it’s the only way she would probably get him to get some sleep. His head on her torso, her hands in his hair, nails raking through his scalp it’s the only way she’d get him to slow down and rest. 
who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated? Maddy and Finn: Finn. College Maddy and Finn Maddy hardly eats so it’s definitely not Maddy that’s keeping track of their intake. Maddy and Thumper: Thumper. His wife doesn’t really eat unless he cooks since she has such a complex relationship with food. 
who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other? Maddy and Finn: Both. There’s no way anyone’s saying anything against either of them ever. Maddy would go to war if anyone said anything against Finn.  Maddy and Thumper: Thumper realistically but again Maddy wouldn’t let just anything happen to her husband. She’s just as loose of a canon as he is and she’s fighty. 
who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other? Maddy and Finn: Finn probably. Maddy prepares surprises every now and then but she’s a bit self-centered so surprises usually come from Finn. Maddy and Thumper: Thumper because romance.
who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things? Maddy and Finn: Pinky promises would become their thing. It would start off as a joke at first but then Maddy would just start holding her pinky out for him to take. Maddy and Thumper: Although after ‘the year’ Maddy would have trust issues now she takes him at his word and doesn’t make him promise anything. If Thumper says he’ll do something she trusts that he will and she would never break her word to him so they both have so much trust in what the other says that they wouldn’t need pinkies. 
who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch? Maddy and Finn: If Maddy falls asleep first it’s definitely Finn but if Finn falls asleep first Maddy is getting the blanket for the both of them and is curling up against him like a cat. Maddy and Thumper: Thumper probably would for Maddy but Maddy would kiss Thumper awake and drag him to their bed because she doesn’t want him to hurt his neck or wake up with any ache or pain. If she can’t convince him to go to bed she’d literally block off the living room so that his brothers don’t wake him and so that he can get some rest. 
send me ♡ + a ship and i’ll tell you…
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