#and saying everything is weird and creepy and i should look at the rest of their store 2 “know what kind of creep you're getting stuff from”
doodlboy · 5 months
Every year
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Far More Than Just A Mask
I'd like to thank @cloudninetonine for giving me the confidence to come out of the shadows and start posting the fics I write. I haven't really posted anything before, so I'm still figuring out how to use the Tumblr posting format. I'd also like to shout out @yanderelinkeduniverse @neverchecking @gliphyartfan @luimagines @yourlocaltreesimp and @wayfayrr as I was also inspired by their writings and content in general. To whoever stumbles across my fic and enjoys it, please go give these amazing people some love! With that being said, I'd also like to express my gratitude towards @linkeduniverse for their amazing work as their comics are what this fic is based off of. I hope everyone enjoys!
TW: Yandere themes, blood, possession, creeps be creepy
Your entrance into this journey filled with world hopping and a band of men all dubbed strange and woefully bad nicknames was… interesting. Thankfully enough, it wasn’t a truck send off level of isekai but it wasn’t the go to sleep and then wake up somewhere else type either. No, it was deciding to venture out at night for a rather dumb reason, immediately get lost, stumble across a strange portal, proceed to be chased into said portal by a pure black shadow with red eyes, and then stumble around in a forest you very much didn’t recognize. And then, of course, you stumbled across them.
They had dubbed their group The Chain since they were all Link (based on the expressions made when you were informed of this, it was clear who did and didn’t like the idea). After the initial shock based, you were suddenly bombarded with questions about… everything, really. The sheer amount of attention, combined with knowing a lot more than you should (in their eyes but they didn’t need to know that to the full extent), caused you to freeze. Well, internally freeze. As cooly as you could, you tried to answer the many questions thrown your way as truthfully as you deemed necessary.
“What’s your Hyrule like?”
“I don’t have one.”
“You don’t have one? What does that mean? Are you before Hyrule exists or did your Link… fail?” “I just don’t have one. It… never existed. A lot of what exists for you doesn’t for me- not outside of fairy tales, that is. Magic, fairies, multiple civilizations of different species, and more.”
“Why are your ears clipped? Is it a sort of fashion statement or a punishment?”
“Neither. I’m not Hylian, I’m human. Humans are similar to Hylians but we don’t have pointed ears and are usually a little taller than the average Hylian.”
“Why are your clothes so… weird…”
“They’re not weird to me. You guys certainly are, though.”
And the questions continued. After days of asking questions, which quickly broke past barriers and dug deeper than you were comfortable with, The Chain relented a little. It was clear as day that they didn’t trust you, not a bit, but they still “added” you to their little entourage. Dark Link, or Dink as they called him, had still pushed you through that portal like it did for the rest of them. Meaning, somehow, that you were fated to be a part of the Chain even though you were very far from being a Link. In truth, you knew probably half of them believed you might be colluding with the entity and were simply keeping tabs on you. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, as they say.
Thankfully, you weren’t a complete dead weight. You didn’t mind doing chores since you surely couldn’t battle. Despite some of your “exotic” looks (largely your ears, they’re still getting over that), merchants and townsfolk seemed to open up a bit easier to you. Plus, a lot of creatures from the mundane to mystical quite liked you for whatever reason. Were you not in the Champion’s Hyrule, that may not have stuck out as much as it did. On top of that, you knew first-aid better than most of them did. You were no genius in medicine, but you knew enough about the human body (thank you Forensic Files). You also had the “remedies” your Nana often chose over medicine- a lot less helpful in your world, but far more useful in nearly any Hyrule given the more mystical nature of, well, everything.
It took nearly two weeks for the mock friendliness to turn genuine and nearly a month and a half for everyone (including Legend, though he’ll deny it even if he were six feet under) to have a bit of trust in you. It wasn’t like the bonds they had with each other nor the ones you had with your friends back home, but it was something and that something showed. That fact certainly helped you sleep a bit easier during the night.
So now, here you sit around a campfire with the Chain after yet another day of traveling. Despite sitting in a circle, everyone was still a little grouped up and remained chatting in that group. Hyrule, Wild, and Wind were all conversing with each other in semi-hushed tones which made you believe some level of tomfoolery was sure to happen in the coming days. Sky, Four, and Wars were simply chatting about random things. Legend and Twilight were off on patrolling duty at the moment which was a bit of a balm for you given just how… prickly the Vet was in regards towards you at times (you knew it was mostly show, but that didn’t stop it from being aggravating). All of this left Time and you sitting beside each other in silence as one surveyed the camp and its occupants with a well-trained eye and the other lightly zoned out.
Although semi-zoned out, you weren’t entirely oblivious to the world. Your eyes drifted around and loosely observed the scenery although it was regarded as little more than static to your brain. By chance, your eyes drifted downwards and caught eye of a trinket that often sat on the hip of Time- a mask. Not just any mask, though. You hadn’t played Majora’s Mask before but you saw snippets of it and knew what the Fierce Deity mask was. You noticed from day one that Time- rather foreign in your eyes given the design you were used to- partly had the mask’s markings on his face. You had many guesses as to why that was, but you didn’t ask any.
“No- you can’t try it on,” Time speaks up as he quickly notices your stare at the mask. It jolts you a little as you didn’t realize just how long you had been staring at the aforementioned trinket.
“Oh? I wasn’t going to ask to but… well, now I’m curious as to why you don’t want me to. Is it special to you? I’ve never seen anyone else touch it before,” you ask as you stare at the mask in partly feigned curiosity, avoiding Time’s stare. Faking ignorance had grown to be second nature by now.
“Because everyone else knows that it’s good to stay away from it lest you risk tragedy. It’s a magical mask but the power it holds is… potent. Rather, who it holds,” Time cryptically answers with a small grin. It brings a little grin to your face as well that the mask wasn’t too sore a subject for the Old Man, but it was best to tread the waters lightly.
“Who it holds? There’s… a person in there?” You ask.
“Not just a person- a god. It’s called the Fierce Deity Mask as it holds a god of war within it. Put on the mask, and you become something of a vessel for him to use. Naturally, doing so is dangerous- extremely so- so don’t expect to be seeing it in use any time soon,” Time answers with a lit of strictness at the end.
“Can I… at least touch it? Or hold it?” You push, curious about many things in relation to the mask. What did a magical mask feel like in your hands? Could you feel the power of Fierce Deity wanting to be released? Could you maybe even hear him? Would your heart begin to pump loudly, as if trying to sync with a war drum? Time can practically hear your unasked questions, it seems, as he detaches the mask from his belt and hands it to you.
It’s weighty in your hands. Not heavy, but weighty. Its texture is smooth and makes it feel a little bit more like fine pottery than wood. Despite that, you knew you wouldn’t be able to break it by accidentally or purposefully dropping it (could it ever be broken? What would happen if it was?). Despite the chill in the air, the mask was warm. Something that could easily be attributed to being nearly sandwiched between your’s and Time’s body, but you felt like that wasn’t the case. Aside from that, the mask was almost… underwhelming. “What? Expecting something grand to happen?” Time lets out a short and breathy chuckle at the puzzled expression that must be on your face at the moment. “Yeah… I guess so,” You mumble, still holding the mask and looking at it in the eyes- or rather eye sockets. Randomly, you hold the mask up and away from you as if it were someone face to face with you.
“Hello, Fierce Deity, I’m (Name). A… pleasure to meet you? At least, somewhat…”
A beat of silence. And then another. And then another. And th-
“BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! D-Did you seriously just introduce yourself to a mask?!”
Your face burned crimson at Wind’s howling laughter and remark. Many others shared his laughter, including Time himself. Naturally, you looked straight down at your lap and didn’t even resist having Time take the mask back. So caught up in your embarrassing action, you and everyone missed the slight vibration the mask gave off. The second Time put the mask back on his hip was the moment you decided you’d turn in for the night.
Of course, your luck was little and fickle so some of the boys decided to poke at you further come the next day. While you settled beside a stream to wash clothes, it didn’t take long before Hyrule hopped over with a little grin as he propped up the Fierce Deity mask beside you. He made a little comment about how you appeared lonely before practically running off. Unsure of whether to snap at Hyrule or almost pity the god within the mask, you simply chose to go about your chores. You had a gut feeling that a few of the Links were likely lingering close by, so you did your best to stay tight lipped beside the mask. Which was hard since chore time (especially when it allocated some space between you and the boys) was also welcomed alone time. More often than not did you talk to yourself. Safe to say that having such time and space intruded upon left you a little… pent up for the rest of the day.
When the next laundry day came by, the same stunt was pulled (by Wild this time) but you couldn’t keep your silence. Camp was located a little further from the stream than it was at the previous site, so you felt a little more secure.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled out as you began to wash the pile of clothes beside you. By now, you’ve long grown used to the awful smell of them and you were thankful that, despite having a sculpted nose, the mask didn’t have nostrils. After a few moments of silence, you continued. “I, uhm… I’m sorry for the way that they’re treating you. Perhaps seeing the way I interacted with you that night caused them to grow a little too comfortable around you. I just ask that you forgive or at least tolerate the behavior- it’s an outlet for a handful of them. I know you’ve been with Time for awhile, so I know that you know full well the stress and trauma these boys have. It may seem like little to you given your rank as a deity, but I’m sure you’ve grown to understand mortals a bit better after hanging off the hip of one for years.”
After that, it felt like a dam had broken. Anytime you were off doing your chores, the Fierce Deity mask was there beside you. To the Chain it was a recurring joke that turned into a slight routine (something Legend hated since having something so powerful be near you was always something he despised). To you, it was finally a chance to talk- to vent without being judged. Well, you’re sure that Fierce Deity was judging you but you couldn’t hear him. Honestly, there were parts of your life that you likely sooner shared with the mask than you did with anyone else. It’s not like he can spill your secrets, anyway.
You wondered what he must have thought of you. An annoyance? A break? An interesting or perhaps strange mortal? Or did he just not care at all? Was he curious about your ramblings that described your passions, your home, your world or was it merely buzzing in his ears? You didn’t know and likely never would. At least, so you thought.
And it all started with a simple, and seemingly logical, decision from Time.
“I’m sorry- what? You’re wanting the Outsider to have the mask with them? Time, what the fuck?! We’re your sword brothers and we’ve hardly been allowed to touch the damn thing but now it gets to hang off of that witch’s hip?! What happens if we need to use it? Or what happens if they use it? We’re all screwed!” Legend practically screams as Time tells the Chain of his decision. You want to stand tall and face Legend, but you knew that his comment wasn’t entirely based off of his prickly personality (despite what may come out of his mouth). No, all of the boys were likely fretting over you having the mask given what it did to its wearer. If it could take down even a Hero of Courage, then what could it do to you?
“Enough!” Time snorted as he stared down the pink haired man. “The mask is not some secret weapon, let alone a toy (Wild, Wind, and Hyrule flinch), to be used at your leisure. That’s something this ‘outsider’ realizes better than seemingly all of you. As such, I’m entrusting it into their care to make sure it’s not abused. It is only for the worst case scenarios, do I make myself clear?”
“But the past few monster hordes have gotten stronger! I understand that (Name) acts as a field medic to the best of their ability but they stay away from battle when they can. It’ll be inconvenient and risky to let it be away from us for multiple reasons. What if a battle goes south fast and we can’t get to it in time? What if something tries to steal it from them? What if they have no choice but to use it and potentially lets Fierce Deity go on a rampage? I can guarantee that it’d hurt them,” Wars argues with a much more put together and logical rebuttal than Legend. That still doesn’t save you from the ever present glare the Vet has aimed at you and the mask.
“I’ve thought of all of this but I still believe this for the best. Besides, the hordes feel stronger because we’ve been dealing with smaller and weaker hordes for over a month now. Dink has been trying to soften us up a little and I can see that it’s worked based on our combined performance in the last battle,” Time huffs and deepens his scowl. He gives the Chain a thorough stare down before speaking again. “Anyone else want to pipe up?”
The only thing that spoke for about the next ten seconds was the breeze. After that short but tense “talk” was over with, the Chain was back on the move. Safe to say you were distracted as you and the boys traveled, though not by the gazes you felt on your person and on the mask. Rather… it was due to the mask itself. During the argument, it had been on your waist the entire time. With everyone focusing on whoever was taking their turn arguing with Time, they were all blind to the way the mask was reacting. Due to your close proximity to the mask for some time now, you knew full well that Fierce Deity could hear and see what happened around him from his wooden prison. He couldn’t speak, but he could make the mask buzz. He did it seldom, but seldom was not the word you would use for moments ago. Given how a lot of the boys still regarded him as an object, it must have pissed him off. Or, maybe, he was also a little pissed at how his new carrier was being treated. It was likely the former but you at least hope you’ve rubbed off on Fierce just a little bit by now.
‘On… put the mask on…’
Okay, maybe you’ve rubbed off on him a little… too much.
The freaky occurrences began to happen nearly a week after you were appointed as Fierce Deity’s new carrier. You didn’t notice the whispers at first as they were quiet and usually spoken while the boys were speaking. You also didn’t notice how the mask would move just a little bit whenever you set it down. Naturally, you couldn’t ignore it for forever- not as the mask only grew more active in regards to your ignorance.
The calls from the mask were getting closer by the day. It’s whisper- his whisper, grew louder for every night that passed. His voice was low and rumbling like a distant thunder, like an approaching storm. You’d put the mask on the other side of your tent (much to the displeasure of whoever you were sharing the tent with at the time) but it’d still end up only a foot or two away from you when morning came. Your once rather passive regard for the mask and the deity trapped within it was becoming… strained as the days went by. The boys noticed it, to the point you wondered if Time planned to take back the mask, but they (aside from a seething Legend) never commented on it. It should have come to the surprise of no one that the rising tension would eventually snap.
“You did pretty good out there today, Wind. I didn’t expect you to take out those three lizafols so quickly,” Wild complimented the young lad as he joined the group around the campfire.
“Ha, naturally! With my rate of improvement, I may even surpass the Old Man one day!” Wind puffed up his chest and grinned. The sight of his youthful happiness and high esteem caused the other men to either chuckle or feel a touch of nostalgia.
“Careful- we’ve seen what praise like that does to one of us,” Legend tsks as he side eyes Wars. The knight rolls his eyes but doesn’t clap back for once.
“It’s well deserved praise, Legend. Wind is truly improving- there’s no harm in letting him know,” Hyrule claims. The man opens his mouth to add more but is stopped when Twilight springs up from his spot and stands stiff as a board. The aura surrounding the rancher is tense as he eyes the tent farthest from the campfire.
“Uh, Twilight? What’s wr-”
“(Name)?” Twilight called out as he took a few steps towards the tent you were currently sleeping in. Due to his heightened senses, he could hear muffled grunts and whines of pain. Could you be having a nightmare? No, if it was a nightmare why did he feel so… worried? Scared, even? Based on the tense men around the campfire, they were starting to feel that as well.
Twilight walks, almost stalks, towards the tent. The wolf within was howling and snarling in the back of his mind, that something bad was happening. An almost shaky hand grabbed the fabric of the tent and… he stalled. Why? Why was he stalling? Why did it feel like he shouldn’t open the tent when he knew that he should? That he has to? That his friend- their friend- was in trouble? Why-
“Leave, Hero of Twilight. This is a private moment and you are not welcome.”
Twilight nearly flung the tent into the field.
A thrashing body was pulled from the tent and pinned down to the ground. Wild reached for the mask stuck to your face and tried to pry it away from you but it wouldn’t budge. While you weren’t transforming into the Fierce Deity, that didn’t mean you weren't under his influence at the moment. His voice had come out of your mouth, after all.
“Dammit! (Name)!” Time bellowed, kneeling beside the scene with an equal mix of anger and worry. Worry because he knows- Hylia does he know what that mask can do and angry at himself. He should have taken the mask back the second it started to show signs of attachment. He should have never let you have it- never let you even touch it.
Suddenly, you went limp. Grunts stopped on the tip of your tongue as you let out a drawn out breath. As if it wasn’t just stuck to your face like glue, Wild yanked off the mask with ease. Aside from some redness and even blood on the outline of your face due to the struggle, your face was largely unharmed. In fact, it looked eerily… peaceful.
Your arms slowly closed in and you hugged yourself. In gentle motions that appeared strange to the Chain- as if it wasn’t really you moving your appendages- you rubbed your arms. Your face settles into a more so neutral expression as you eyes flutter open for just a moment to reveal almost entirely white eyes.
“Shhh… you’re alright now, I told you that it would only hurt for a moment. Shhh…,” Fierce Deity gently spoke out of your mouth before your eyes returned to normal. With a tiny groan, your head lolled to the side as you blacked out.
Safe to say that it was absolute chaos when you woke back up.
Strained voices were arguing somewhere nearby and it didn’t help soothe your forming headache. With wobbly arms, you tried to push yourself up but failed as strength seemingly refused to return to you.
“(Name)? Thank the goddesses you’re awake!” Four pipped up in what sounded like absolute relief. Such relief was short lived as you watched Four get up and run off. You tried to sit up again in your sleeping bag but the weakness in your body persisted. Why? Why were you so weak? You went to bed early, dammit!
A baritone chuckle rings in your ears.
“I apologize for that, dear one. Your lack of strength is due to my actions last night.”
The voice was a shock to your system. You frantically looked around for its origin but couldn’t find it. Your confused actions caused the voice to nearly coo.
“Be not afraid, dear one. I am here, with you. That is why you can hear me.”
Light flooded the tent as what seemed to be a multitude of Links trying to force their way in. Time, thanks to his bulk and armor, was the one who managed to force himself to your side. His grip on your face was almost harsh as he looked over your face with a scrutinizing eye. His hardened scowl made your heart drop into your stomach. Buried fears of the Chain turning on you started to surface as nearly everyone gave you heated glares.
“What did he do? What did Fierce Deity do?” Time questioned as he still held your face, not letting go.
Fierce Deity- of course, how could you forget? Your panic that night as you rolled over and into an awaiting mask. The fear as he grabbed onto your mind despite his gentle tone.
“The mask… I… I rolled over and then it was on my face,” You answer meekly, unsure of what words to use because Time looked like he was about to blow a fuse. Anxious and a little frightened by the Old Man, you rambled on. “I swear that I put it on the other side of the tent! I promise I would never put on the mask like that! I-I… I… I’m going to ask you to unhand their face, Hero of Time. Scaring them will not grant you answers.”
Time let go of your face like it would burn him. A few of the boys behind him instinctively reached for their swords but paused. Even with the blank, white eyes staring back at them, this was still their friend’s face.
“What have you done? Why have you possessed (Name)? How?!” Wars interrogated Fierce Deity as he stared back at him.
“I have not truly possessed them. I merely created a bridge between our minds. It will not let me control them like this for much longer. I can only do so because it is still… fresh,” Fierce Deity explains, a ghost of a smile present in his voice.
“Really now? I don’t believe that for a second! Why else would you create this mental bridge if not to have them as a vessel?” Wild piped up as he tried to get close to his friend’s body. He failed to do so as Time practically shielded you from him.
“Personal reasons. I needn’t explain them to you, but I will assure you that I will not harm them. No, I would never force these innocent hands to slaughter. Not unless they were without choice,” Fierce Deity claims. As he speaks, he rubs your hands together as if enthralled with how gentle they felt compared to the calloused and aching hands he was used to guiding.
“And what, in your mind, is ‘without choice’?” Time pressed, grabbing your hands with a scowl.
“Conflict follows this group like a pack of starving wolves. There have been many times where death nearly sunk its teeth into their neck. Times I wish they would have donned the mask so that I could protect them and get them to safety. Unfortunately, they still believed in the half-truths you all told them were the full truth,” Fierce Deity rumbles as he stares down at Times grip with a less than pleased expression.
“I am not comfortable with what you’ve done to our friend. I don’t know if any of us may grow used to or comfortable with this, but… we also have no way to remove you from them. That does not mean we will not look or try. Don’t grow comfortable with this… this bond. It. Will. Not. Last,” Time threatens as he doesn’t bother to hide his disgust or displeasure. With a motion, he orders everyone else to leave. The Chain leaves the tent one by one, but not before speaking their mind. Once alone together again, Fierce Deity lets his hold slip. One or more of the heroes would come back, with more questions, and they would do so soon. So he would enjoy this little break while he had it.
“They are gone for now, dear one. No doubt they will return shortly, so let us enjoy this piece of quiet while we can.”
You lay on your side, feeling dizzy from Fierce Deity suddenly grabbing the reigns of your mind. Although he backed off once the Chain left the tent, his presence within was close. It was almost as if he was laying behind you, wanting to wrap his arms around you. Wanting to hold you close and only stopped by his lack of physical form.
“I am glad you do not have a heightened sense of smell. Their worry, rage, and envy- oh their envy- would have burned your nose. Ah, but… let us dwell on that no longer.”
Your hand was puppeteered to reach down to your side. Your were made to unclasp the mask from your belt and bring it up close to your face. Rather than putting it on, Fierce Deity touched his “face” against yours. Forehead to forehead, nose to nose, and almost mouth to mouth.
“Mmm… so soft, as always. If I had need for sleep as you do, then I would not rest unless this is the sight that’s before me. And even then, I may be too enchanted to close my eyes.”
Phantom hands rubbed at your arms, your back, and then your cheek. They weren’t real, but with Fierce’s control of your imagination, they were. And you prayed that is was his influence, and not your own heart, that found it comforting and warm. You wanted to push back and take control but, due to the “fresh” nature of your bond, you would likely be at the mercy of the god for days.
“Rest, dear one. Rest your mind and body, you must still recover from our bonding last night.”
Those phantom hands circled around you and you feel as though you’re caged in an embrace.
“I will deal with the heroes should they come to disturb you. Know that I will not let them part us- not unless they’re looking to stir my rage.”
A kiss. It wasn’t real- it wasn’t, but the rough lips upon your forehead tempted your heart to will that they were.
“And I promise that one day, we will not have to rely on this spiritual bond. No, I will make up for these ethereal affections tenfold when I find out how to return to the material plane. No matter how long it takes. Not that we must worry about that, after all. Our time together… will be eternal.”
The next few days were perhaps the most tense you’ve ever experienced. Fierce Deity was a constant presence in your head, even as the bond between the two of you settled. He wasn’t chatty, but just rather curious and inquisitive. When he wasn’t asking questions about you, he was observing. He seemed to derive an almost twisted form of happiness whenever he saw how on edge everyone was around you now . He assured it was out of jealousy of him, not fear or hatred towards you. Were it actually out of new found ill-will… no, you weren’t going to imagine what the god would have in store for them.
True to his word, his hold over your mind lessened the more the bond settled in. No longer would you feel phantom hands wrapping around your own or resting on your shoulder. No longer would it feel like a large body was laying behind your own every night you fell asleep. No longer would it be his voice on your tongue to shoo away the boys should they do wrong in the war god’s eyes. No longer did it feel like he was breathing down your neck every waking moment.
In an attempt to hinder the god’s mysterious motives, you were quickly relieved of the mask he was bound to. It was once again on Time’s hip- now covered and tied up in cloth. Honestly, you were surprised it wasn’t buried into the storage of Wild’s Sheika Slate to create even more distance. Even with what happened, it seemed that Time didn’t have it in him to simply discard the mask. Perhaps he hoped to keep the deity in check, like he had done before you accidentally stirred the entity into action.
And it would seem that that is exactly what Fierce planned on him doing.
It was supposed to be a quiet night. The area was secure, dinner was cooking in the pot, and everyone but Time was idling around the fire. Wind chatted with you about every and anything that came to mind which pushed your focus onto the young man. With your distance from the mask and not thinking about Fierce, you felt nothing from the bond. You felt calm for the first time in awhile and everyone seemed to feel the same.
“Any idea when the Old Man is gonna be back?” Wars asks aloud, looking for nearly anyone to answer him.
“Soon. Dinner’s almost done and he’s not one to miss it. At least when I’m cooking,” Wild hums. It was a simple answer to a simple question, so no one said anything else. Still, it unnerved you. Time sought to set an example, so potentially being late to dinner was unlike him. Curious, you probed on the bond connecting you to Fierce. Even if he’d huff at you checking up on another man before him, you knew you’d get an answer. You always got an answer.
“I’ll look for him,” You state as you get up and walk off in the direction of where you last saw Time. Your sudden decision startled the boys and your nervous, almost haunted, expression did nothing to soothe them.
“Then I’m going with you. I don’t want you to getting close to him,” Twilight announces as he catches up to you. His tone left you with no room for an argument but you weren’t going to.
Not when Fierce was being eerily quiet.
You and Twilight took careful steps through the forest as he tried to retrace Time’s path. You both would stop and listen to the ambient sounds of the forest whenever something sounded off. The constant stopping and going only ramped up your nerves further as it kept punctuating Fierce’s refusal to communicate.
“I’m sure we’ll get an explanation when we find him. If you ask me, he might just be getting some alone time. He always does seem to have a lot on his mind,” Twilight piped up as he led you through the woods. The man offered a small smile but the strain on his face wasn’t lost on you. “Any word from him?”
“No. Nothing. It’s like… like there’s no bond at all,” You reply. “Ever since the incident, it’s never been like that. If anything, Fierce always made an effort to feel ‘present’.”
“Maybe… he’s also taking a break?” Twilight suggested, trying to be the optimistic. You shoot him a look and that optimism is quick to falter. Twilight doesn’t give up and faces you with an uneasy smile. He gently places his hands on your shoulders and rubs them a little. You feel that it comforts him more than you. “C’mon, think about it. You’ve said that he’s not as violent as we believe him to be, so m-”
“Remove your hands from them, Hero of Twilight.”
The air is squeezed from your lungs as Twilight suddenly pulls you into a shielding embrace. His fur pelt partly blocks your vision, but you can make out an imposing silhouette between the trees. How did the both of you not notice him?
Fierce Deity was striking. He has to at least be seven feet tall and he was clad in armor similar to Time’s but it was a steely silver, not gold. The armor was lined with white fur with an abundance of it on his collar. Long, flowing locks of white swayed in the night time breeze. Fierce’s silver-gray eyes were framed by strong and downturned brows. His stare was… intense, to say the least. But your eyes weren’t on his. No, you were focused on finding out why there were splatters of blood on him.
“What did you do?!” Twilight growled. “Where’s Time? What did you do to him?!”
“I won’t ask again, Hero of Twilight. Release them,” Fierce commanded as he began to walk towards the both of you. Twilight only seemed to tighten his hold in response. This was going to end up being ugly unless you did something.
“Stop!” You exclaim as you try and fail to wrestle yourself out of Twilight’s hold. Both men head your order but the tense atmosphere doesn’t dissipate. You shoot Twilight a glare but the hero returns it as he shakes his head. True to his word from earlier, he wasn’t about to let you get close to the god of war.
A strangle cough breaks the silence as someone stumbles through the brush. Thanks to the golden armor, you knew exactly who it was.
“Oh god, Time!” You exclaim as the older man leans against a tree for support. His face is banged up and actively dripping blood. His armor was smeared with the red liquid as if he had been trying to wipe off the blood over and over again. Blood bubbled up from Time’s lips as he tried to gurgle out words. The pathetic sight was enough to shock Twilight into action as he let go of you and zipped towards the injured man.
“Ancestor! What happened?! What did he do to you?” Twilight questions as he supports the bloodied man. More gurgles and grunts leave the man’s mouth as he tries to answer the younger man’s questions. It’s clear to all present that Time is in no shape to answer questions despite the desperate need for it.
“Take him back to camp and have him healed up,” You order. The order earns you a stern shake of the head from both Twilight and Time, but you refused to budge. “Now, Twilight! I’ll be fine, I promise.”
“Go take care of him,” Fierce chimes in as he looks back to the two men. “No harm shall befall them. You have my word.”
With a tough choice to make, you can see the exact moment when a hero’s instinct takes over Twilight. He lifts up Time and barrels through the forest back to the camp. In the blink of any eye, you’re suddenly left alone with the very person who had to have harmed Time. You’re so out of your league in the current situation that you probably couldn’t even see the playing field on the horizon, but you weren’t about to back down.
“My dear-”
“What did you do to him?” You confront as you stand up as tall as you can. It’s nothing compared to the towering deity, but you weren’t about to let that stop you. Fierce seems amused by your actions. He leisurely walks towards you with his hands by his sides and a small smile on his face.
“Nothing too rash, my dear. Just a broken nose and some scraps to the face. Head wounds tend to bleed quite a lot, as you know,” Fierce answers vaguely.
“Why did you hurt him?” You continue to question as you start to back up. You wanted to keep distance between the both of you in case you had to turn heel and run. Not that’d you’d get very far, but you could only hope.
“I didn’t mean to hit him hard. He came at me and I punched him, simple as that,” Fierce assured as he continued his approach. “Surely, my dear, you believe me? You know I would not hurt another without reason.”
“The mask- how did you escape the mask?” You press as you do your best to keep your distance.
“That wooden prison was old and ready to crack. I never saught to free myself from its binds as there was little in this world that tempted me forward. Well, little until you came around. Ah, I still recall how gently you held me in your hands that night…” Fierce hummed as he closed in. It didn’t take long for him to corner you against a tree. Frozen against the trunk, you could no longer keep space between the two of you. Fierce leaned down and grabbed your hands with his own. He pressed them against his face and he stares straight into your eyes.
“Hello, (Name), I’m the one they call the Fierce Deity. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Words evaded you, as did action. You didn’t pull away nor did you do anything else than having allowed Fierce guide your actions. The god chuckles at your frozen deer response as he moves his hands under your arms and lifts you up. You cringe as he holds you close and blood seeps into your clothes and the smell of iron assaults your nose. Fierce nuzzles against your cheek and buries his strong nose into your shoulder. In your shock, you can’t tell if he kisses your shoulder or if it’s just your imagination.
A growl reverberates through you as Fierce grits his teeth. His embrace tightens as he turns to face a small group of men. A near foaming at the mouth Legend leads the party of enraged me. Upon seeing you in the grasp of the deity, the rabid man refrains from attacking but it’s clear he’s waiting for his opening. A similarly enraged Sky, Four, and Wars follow behind him and a snarling Wolfie is quick to catch up with the group.
“Quell your tongue, Veteran. They’re already stressed enough,” Fierce huffs as he rubs a hand up and down your back.
“Then let them go! Can’t you see that you’re scaring them even further?” Sky argues as he adjusts his grip on the Master Sword. Unlike Legend, he’s not still on his feet as he begins to move in an attempt to flank Fierce. Wars and Wolfie catch onto his plan while Four stays steady beside Legend.
“They are shocked, Hero of the Sky. Their senses are overwhelmed at the moment from tonights events,” Fierce dismisses the claim. He takes his eyes of the men and looks at you. His voice his low and gentle when he addresses you. “Correct, my dear? You know I’d never want to harm or scare you.”
You shrink away from Fierce and refuse to look him in the eye. The actions draw out a sigh from the god but he doesn’t force a response out of you. Instead, you feel yourself sway with his body as he begins to move. There are shouts and orders from the other men to stay still but Fierce acts as if they were little more than the surrounding scenery.
“Let’s get you back to camp. You must be hungry after all of this excitement. Can you hold a spoon? I’ll feed you if you can’t,” Fierce murmurs to you as he walks. You nod in response and the god sighs again. “Come now, my dear, what has happened to that beautiful voice of yours? Do not tell me you’re so mad at me that you’d cut me off from such sweet melodies?”
“Why do you keep calling me that?”
Fierce slows to a stop. You can practically feel the puzzled expression radiating off of his face.
“My dear? What are you talking about?”
“Why are you calling me ‘my dear’?” You repeat as you pull away from Fierce’s shoulder. You can see his face scrunch up at your remark. You also see the men who confronted him following close behind.
“Because you are dear to me, (Name). You treated me fairly and sweetly, like I was a man- not a mask. You’ve told me more than what you’ve told anyone else. You always seemed happy to be near me for the longest time. Even after my brash actions that night, you still didn’t entirely recess into fear,” Fierce answers with a strong tone. “You may not realize it, but that is very important to me. You are very important to me and by the Golden Three do I intend on making that clear.”
Fierce resumes his large gait back to the camp. When he arrives, the reception is chilly. No one moves for their weapons but nor does anyone stay far away from them. Finally, Fierce sets you down onto the ground. You slump down to the soil below you as you take in deep breaths, unaware of how shallow your breathing had been before.
“Get a bowl of food ready- and don’t be skimpy,” Fierce orders as he stares down Wild. Wild grumbles something you can’t make out but he portions out a bowl for you. Fierce takes the portion from the cook before he can even leave the pot to give it to you. He settles himself by your side before shifting you into his lap. A spoon is brought up to your lips before you can argue. At the very least, Wild’s cooking never disappoints.
“Getting comfortable?” A rough voice breaks through the ambience of the night. A now healed but still beaten up Time stares down Fierce without a shred of fear. You immediately notice that he has both eyes open, and they’re both normal. Not to mention the fact that his face was now free from markings.
“Very,” Fierce curtly replies. He doesn’t bother to face Time as he’s focused on feeding you. The deity coos at you as your mouth is stuffed with food and your cheeks puff up as a result. The actions from the towering entity is… strange and off-putting to all present. The boys are stuck between glaring at the deity or cringing at his out of character actions. Fierce couldn't care less.
The evening passed by without much more incident. Everyone was jumpy and gave you and Fierce space despite the expressed distaste towards the new addition. There would be no knight in shining armor for you tonight, so you only hoped that Fierce would keep his word on treating you kindly.
Based on how he clung to you when it was time to go to bed, he seemed only further convinced he needed to assure you of that promise. He had shed his armor so you didn’t have to have metal pressing into you. He had also wrapped you up into a blanket burrito (something he made clear he learned from you and your ramblings) to limit the amount of skin on skin contact between you. He wasn’t blind to his intensity, so he was doing his best to restrain himself. You could only hope he’d keep up the will to do- for everyone’s sake.
“Sleep tight and sweet dreams, my dear,” Fierce whispered as he fiddled with the blanket covering you and stray strands of your hair. “I will be by your side the entire night, should you need me.”
“Okay…” You mumbled out as you wanted to do nothing more than hide away into your blanket. You closed your eyes but no amount of counting sheep would make falling asleep easy. Not with arms caging you to a man ever hungry for even your attention. Ever hungry for even a sliver of affection. By Hylia, what have you gotten yourself into.
“I love you, my dear,” Fierce mumbles as he believes you’re on the brink of falling asleep. “And remember… my love for your is eternal.”
And by the Goddesses, how do you get yourself out?
A wide and fanged smile cracks against the skin of your neck. A dark and hopefully playful chuckle leaves the god of war’s lips.
“You don’t.”
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fangirltothefullest · 7 months
hey! i’ve seen you reblog a few posts from proshippers/posts tagged as proship and i just wanted to let you know in case its not on purpose!
I need some of you youngsters to please listen carefully to what I'm about to say because it might open your eyes to a very important concept- when I say ship and let ship I mean I don't give two fucks about what people read in fanfiction because it's all fake. Made up characters in a made up scenario with made up things happening.
Your christian-based concept that thought is equal to action isn't true. You can THINK whatever the hell you want do long as your actions don't cause a problem. A creepy old man can look at a young lady and THINK all the nasty things he wants. So long as he does not take those thoughts and turn them to actions, he's fine. He might want to go see a therapist but at the end of the day thoughts are just thoughts. Standing on the edge of a cliff and thinking "wow if someone pushed someone off this they'd die" doesn't mean you want to push someone off a cliff.
PLEASE separate the concept that thought and action are the same thing.
Even if the topic is a taboo topic, even if it's something you would never in a million years agree with, it's still fake at the end of the day.
I don't personally want to read about canibalism, but its not my job or my right to force other people to never write about that stuff. Policing other people's writing and policing the "goodness" or "badness" of the content they write is not my job and it's not anyone else's. Your morality is yours and yours alone. What you find taboo and never want to think about might just be a weird enjoyable read to someone else. Just like kinks or even random topics, you cannot cater to everyone and trying to force a moral purity in written fiction is just ailly. They're made up. No matter how much you want Azirphale and Crowly to be real no matter how much you are desperate for Percy Jackson to have real feelings, they aren't and he can't. They're not real and they never will be so nothing that happens to them, no matter how fucked up, really matters.
And that's all it is and all they will ever be. A bunch of taboo topics and events done to made up people.
I don't want to read about incest but I'm not going to stop people from writing fanfics about the supernatural brothers doing the nasty. I'm also not going to go out of my way to look for it or tell people to stop because it's all fake. Its not supporting it. It's made up pretend space.
I sit here throwing made up characters into Bad Situations that would be horrible if they were real people. But they're not. They're fake people with fake things happening to them and it's fun to write and fun to read. I torment my characters all the time. I made Virgil go through so much emotional trauma in APP and no one bats an eye because it's fake. Please apply the same critical thinking to the rest of written everything.
Proshipper literally means that a person should have the freedom to write what they want and read what they want because morality has nothing to do with fiction. It does not make you morally a bad person to enjoy a taboo subject in written form. This goes for ALL taboo subjects. People reading greusome murder mysteries don't go out and murder people. The same thing applies to the other taboo subjects. People writing about weird incest ships aren't going to go out and do the incest thing.
If they are it has nothing to do with the fiction and everything to do with that specific person.
Thought and action are not the same thing.
Allowing everyone to write what they want without gatekeeping based on morality is a good thing. We would not have lgbtqia+ stories if the morality policing of Christian values dictated what we are allowed and not allowed to write.
Please understand that I saying all this as a teaching tool. You might be super icked out by certain topics and that's natural and normal and ok. I am too! Everyone is! But what we have to do is be tolerant of the ideas that writing taboo subjects and being a proshipper isnt a bad thing. Also enjoying taboo subjects in written form doesn't make you somehow evil, ok?
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dairy-farmer · 1 month
Hmm Jason having some weird oedipal feelings where he wants to kill Bruce and make Tim his mommy...
!!!!!!!!!!!!! yesssssssss!!! i love the idea of jason sort of harboring maternalistic attachment for tim. before jason debuts as red hood, when he's still stalking bruce and staking out gotham and learning everything he can about the new robin. that's when jason finds out about how bruce and his new little robin are fucking.
little timmy drake is sleeping with bruce wayne and they think no one knows. it makes sense why they think it, they're good at covering their tracks and acting somewhat normal around each other when people are around. but jason has figured them out and its because he happened to stumble across them in some hidden little rooftop they thought was far enough away from patrol no one would notice. jason has seen bruce press some button in his gauntlet, likely for it to temporarily lock their location in one place before grappling to a distant rooftop and climbing in the top floor of a department store. when jason had first spotted them he'd thought it was some cache they were stopping in to resupply. only for him to grapple down and peek in the windows and be greeted by the sight of bruce bending his robin over a dusty wooden crate. the top level of the uptown department store was apparently meant for storage twenty years ago. it housed mannequins, crates where merchandise was shipped and heavy floor furniture to be shipped out to homes of customers. but then a fire had broken out one night. it hadn't spread but the damage to the top floor had been done and so the owners of the entire building had just decided to board up all doors and staircases leading to the top floor, allowing it to collect dust. however, they hadn't considered the rooftop access as being the one way two vigilantes looking to fuck could break in.
so unlike the others, jason is aware that bruce and tim's relationship isn't all 'wholesome' as the rest of the family would like to believe. and it could be such prime blackmail. it would be perfect as something to use against bruce while jason enacts his plan to ruin his life.
but...something stops him. and jason knows what it is.
jason has always had these weird....feelings about all those socialites, models, and women bruce would bring home. jason is...WEIRD about the women bruce sleeps with. that whole thing jason had with talia was evidence enough because she hadn't even been jason's type but he'd fucked her anyway, if only because bruce had had her first. and for awhile after he'd been resurrected jason had sort of had some weird emotions about her, an odd...clinginess because he'd been stuck on her lowering him into the pit, helping breath life into him again like the waters of the lazarus pit had been the water of her womb...
it's clear jason is a little fucked in the head about women. he's got mommy issues galore and a disturbing attachment to people bruce has fucked. at least he's not like dick who is still in denial about HIS psycho sexual issues despite the fact that dick only ever wants to hookup with girls that remind him of bruce.
so tim fucking bruce...even though that should have alarm bells ringing given tim's age because jason would never find it acceptable for any other creepy old man to shove their dick into teen pussy and given the fact that bruce sleeping with his kid is all kinds of fucked up...still...jason never says anything. he just buckles down when he gets an alert about the little tripwire he set up to alert him of bruce and tim going back to that little attic of theirs. at first jason's obsession stemmed from wanting to be closer to bruce by sharing a partner, wanting to deepen their connection by fucking the same hole. but...then something shifted.
as jason watched, the more he listened, the closer attention he paid to little timmy drake. something...something about him just held so much more potential. talia wasn't the kind of mother jason wanted. selina was too in her own head and got all kinds of uncomfortable about kids. jason's pool was limited but...tim. there was just something so right about him, so fitting. and the longer jason watched the more he wanted.
but bruce doesn't share. he isn't very willing to part with a tight little hole that takes his cock so good while gasping into his mouth.
but....god does jason want this. he wants warm hands carding through his hair and stroking his back while he fucks into a pink, puffy, sloppy little hole while praises get pressed to his cheek. it's what he deserves.
and if bruce is what is standing in the way of it...then maybe jason should amend his plans.
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lambertdiary · 8 months
i just finished reading your fics and i love your writing!! can i request one where dalton paints reader for an art project or something like that? thank you 🫶🏻
A/N: omg thank you so much!! i’m glad you’re enjoying my writing and thank you so much for your request! also i’m so sorry, this is a lot shorter than i intended but hopefully you’ll still like it, pls let me know what you think <3
Word count: 1k+
Warnings: fluff
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Talent. That's the word professor Armagan used to describe Dalton. 
Of course everyone in her class was talented, there’s a reason they were in art school and not failing, but Armagan was captivated by Dalton’s creations since the moment he stepped into her class. So she is always looking forward to seeing what he is gonna do next. 
“For next week, I want you to look deep into your heart and find your very own muse” Armagan said turning the projector off “I wanna see how you perceive someone you love, someone who inspires you, someone who ignites your creativity and use it to make something so personal only you could truly understand it”
Dalton’s mind instantly went to Y/N, he already takes a lot of inspiration from her, thinking about the little details that make her so unique and beautiful and incorporating them into his art. He gathered his things as the professor dismissed the class, in his mind already making a plan on how to ask Y/N to be his muse without it sounding weird or creepy about it.
Luckily, she promised to help him put up new paintings on his wall so maybe he could ask her then. He just had to figure out how… and build up the courage to.
Later that day, after collecting what he wanted on his wall, he heard a knock on the door. His hands started sweating and his heart started beating faster. Why was he feeling so nervous? Well, he had a massive crush on his friend, and he was almost 100% sure she already knew it but if she didn’t, this might be the confirm she needed.
“Hi” He nervously said as he opened the door, finding her standing on the other side with a big smile  “Sorry for the mess”
“Please, we’ve seen worse” Y/N replied entering the room “I wasn’t sure what you use to mount things on your wall so I bought a few options”
Dalton watched as Y/N pulled out different mounting tapes from her backpack “This one will work” He said grabbing one “I don’t really have that many things to put up so this should be quick”
Y/N dropped her belongings and took a step closer to him “That’s okay, do you have everything ready?”
“I do” Dalton pointed to the other bed, where a few of his sketches laid flat on the mattress to keep them from wrinkling. Grabbing a big one, he walked towards the other wall, mentally arranging the pieces before committing to mounting tape. He stood there for a while without saying a word, just scanning his wall and the sketches already in it.
“I’m guessing you didn’t think this through” Y/N placed a hand on his shoulder, looking over it at the board he was holding ‘Woah’ She thought to herself.
“I thought I did but I don’t think I have enough space” He chuckled, going back to the bed and grabbing a new one. This time a smaller one.
Y/N followed him and wondered what the rest of the sketches were “May I?” She waited for Dalton’s permission before looking through the drawings.
“Are these new?” Y/N asked, admiring the pieces in front of her. They were awfully beautiful. She has seen his art before, like a million times, but it never failed to amaze her. She was impressed at his ability to portray emotions so clearly and she loved how he found beauty in the little things.
“Yeah” He confirmed before clearing his throat “Listen, professor Armagan asked us to make something… inspired by someone” He shook his head in disapproval at his poor attempt to explain his homework.
“Mhm” Y/N hummed, not really paying attention to the words falling from his mouth, her mind was still focusing on Dalton’s new pieces.
“Like a muse I guess” He continued “That’s the word Armagan used, so I was wondering if I could maybe, uh- draw you or something like that, only if it’s not too weird, hopefully it isn’t. Anyway, I just wanted to ask you first, seems like the right thing to do” He started babbling but Y/N knew exactly what he was asking. She raised her eyebrows in amusement.
“You wanna draw me like one of your french girls?” Y/N asked as a joke, using a fake accent.
“What?” Dalton’s pure expression of shock made Y/N laugh  “No- I just- I didn’t mean it like that”
She burst into laughter “You’re cute” She said, and Dalton felt his face turn red. He lowered his head, his long hair covering his current state “You can, but you better make me pretty”
Dalton looked at her, meeting her eyes as he weighed his potential answers carefully. Nearly all of them seemed suggestive and that’s the last thing he wanted right now “I won’t, I could never”
“Good, so how do you wanna do this?” Y/N sat on the chair next to her, crossing her legs.
“You don’t have to stay here and pose, if that’s what you’re worried about”
“Not what I’m worried about” She whispered.
“I was thinking you could share with me your favorite picture of yourself and I would work something out” Y/N grew a little self conscious as she thought of Dalton staring at her picture for too long “Or is that too creepy?” He asked in a worried tone after not receiving an answer. 
“No, it’s not” Y/N reassured him with a chuckle “I’m sure I can find one you can use” Y/N pulled out her phone as she navigated her gallery.
“Are you sure?” 
“Oh my god, Dalton. You need to calm down” Y/N stood up and rested her hands on Dalton’s shoulders “I’m sure you’ll do an amazing job, as always” Giving him a soft smile, she sat on his bed signaling for him to take the spot next to her “I’m honestly excited to see it, and I’m glad i’m finally getting a spot on that wall”
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meow-town · 2 years
Hello~ I just found your blog and I was wondering if you could write a headcanon about dee having a twin sister, and what the rest of the family's intentions would be with her, this one wouldn't be as feminine but more than Vicky, at least thanks to glam .
(sorry if my grammar is a bit weird, english is not my first language)
Of course! Ty for requesting! (Ps, my device completely died on me the second I finished writing this, and I hadn’t saved since I started, and I lost everything :) yayyyyyyyyyy, remember to save each post regularly, kids!)
wrote this as a self insert!
-You we’re born a mere 4 seconds after Dee, and he’s still insists he’s the older sibling. Which is technically true, but he abuses that power so much!
-saying that he should be in charge whenever the parents leave the house because he’s older, or insisting that he’s the more responsible and mature.
-You have more musical talent than him though, so he can suck it.
-He gets so pissy over it, too. You could mumble a song that’s been stuck in your head recently and he’ll ‘tsk’ each time.
-Very good twin brother, however. He’ll help with homework and always put in effort in group projects (I mean, he doesn’t need to put in effort, he’s Dee, but yknow). Teachers nearly always pair you two up together. He’ll also tutor you in his free time if you ask him :)
-If anyone picks on you, Dee will stalk them on the internet for weeks just to ruin their lives. He’s not letting that shit slide.
-Glam and Victoria always tried their very best to be good parents. They never got physically punishing (except for the occasional playful punch from Vicky as a warning) and would parent as gently as they could, at least, from Glam. He’s had bad experiences in the past and doesn’t want you to go through that things he went through.
-Glam will flash his creepy stare sometimes as a way to intimidate you, but he doesn’t dare go any further than that to scare you. Victoria may seem super tough but to me she seems like she is a super protective mama bear who will tug you into her arms if you arrive home 5 minutes late. God forbid you don’t respond to one of her calls, or you’ll have thousands of other calls and texts. Your phone will absolutely blow up with texts like these.
‘Are you okay??’
‘Where are you??.?.+’
‘Come home’
-The first time Hevay came home in his little baby basket, Dee was staring absolute daggers into him. Looking at the guy like he wanted to strangle him. Heavy just grabbed at anything he could, wrapped in Victoria’s old bandana.
-Dee would snatch his toys away from Heavy, so you had to offer him yours constantly.
-Heavy was a rowdy baby, not the type to cry constantly, but he wasn’t ever quiet and still. He’d be jumping up and down or head banging (Victoria taught him how to) almost constantly. -Heavy will send you cat videos every literal four seconds and if you don’t respond to each of them he’ll get mad.
-He is the chaos child in the family, but he’s highkey the nicest so
-Teasing Dee about Lif is literally so funny 😭
-He’ll go all red and completely ignore you for hours on end if you keep it up-
-Ches was completely clueless while babysitting. He would frantically look through the pantry thinking ‘what the fuck do babies eat? Carrots? Granola bars? Can I feed them beer?’
-He’ll also accidentally swear on front of you a ton, and pretend like he’s not at fault when one of you yells ‘FUCK’ at the very top of your lungs.
-You, Dee and Heavy all developed your swearing thanks to Vicky and Ches-
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monochromefilms · 1 year
Yuu’s deal
This is a Twisted Wonderland x Creepypasta!Yuu Ms.Kismet! Yuu. Ms. Kismet is from Better Films that can be found on Creepypasta and also on the wiki. I suggest reading it if you like detailed gore. 
This was not pre read and also a long chapter. :D
there may also be a better one written in the future.
TW: Gore, Blood, Paranoia, Filming on Human Mutations, Bodily mutilations, bodily scars, Bodily harm, Self-harm, Traumatizing a canon character, dead doves(?) idk if that’s used here…
Yuu always carried a camera. The pomefiore third years noticed that. Everyone noticed that. But it wasn’t a phone, it was a hand held. Yuu never let it go either. Cater tried to get them to use their phone to film but instead they kept on using their camera.
Some students would make fun of Yuu for carrying it like a doll and being attached to it. They even went as far as to take it from Yuu when they weren’t looking. But that all eventually stopped when they appeared with scars a few days later when they took the camera. Shaking and getting afraid even at the sight of Yuu.
Nonetheless, Yuu filmed absolutely everything everywhere. The flowers, people, bugs, dead birds- wait… dead birds?
“I’m sorry Jade, but is this information correct?” Azul placed the paper down slightly showing it to the rest of the people in the room. “Yes, it is.” Jade answered stiffly he was shaking slightly yet he kept a calm face and demeanor.
Yuu also filmed dead animals at times. 
Yuu was always quite quiet and always kept to their own group of friends. (Ace, Deuce, and Grim) They never wore anything that had short sleeves and always wore formal attire at every occasion, in or out of school, all outfits worn always had some shade of red.
“Yuu seems useful. say, isn’t there an assignment to use a camera?”…
Yuu tilted their to the side, “What would you like me to do?” They were confused at the gesture or the terms of the deal Azul had placed before them.
“Since I helped you with rebuilding ramshackle, in return, could you show me how you make your films?”
This was mainly to gather notes, Azul doesn’t know much on filming and the internet could go so far. Vil wouldn’t even speak to him either.
“But… you didn’t help me rebuild Ramshackle… my friends helped me… You only blueprinted some…” Yuu pointed out in their gravelly voice. 
Azul had to improvise on this.
“Are we not friends? You and me? I should have known this…” he looks to the side slightly not noticing Yuu’s stone cold eyes. “Oh, what you say is true… It’s fine. I’ll just ask Vil to help me. He already hates me anyways, why not make him find me annoying.” He says with a dramatic sigh. “Well… If we can negotiate…” Yuu only started speaking but Azul already has a smirk on his face.
“You do something for me, and I will give you a full notes copy for you to distribute. Would that sound nice?”
“And what would you ask from me?” Ironically, Azul wanted to be careful on this deal.
“Just one night with you.” The Cecelian blushed  at the wording of such a phrase.  “Um, Yuu- I-“ Yuu interrupts him, “I know how it may sound weird, Just hear me. I want you to help me paint an image. Grim and the ghosts won’t be home so it’s the best time to work on it. That is all.”
He was hesitant and nervous for an unknown reason. Was it the wording? Was it because they were to be alone together with only Yuu? “Deal?” “Deal.”
A few minutes after Yuu leaves, Azul notices a business card on his desk.
A messy drawing of a smiling face with the words “BETTER FILMS”.
“huh, ‘Better Films for a Better Audience’.”
——Time skips———
The night Azul arrived at the ran down building was very quiet. Almost too quiet.
He knocked his knuckles against the wooden door to which it answered with a quick, “Enter.”
Ramshackle’s interior was fairly dark. The living room only had one working lamp which illuminated where Yuu sat.
They sat as if they were waiting for something. It seemed a bit creepy to Azul. The lamp casted a shadow over their face only leaving one wide eye and a mouth. 
Azul brushed off the unnerving feeling as Yuu only wanting to wait for Azul. They did have a paint brush and pallet next to them. Everything was laid out already. The wall was lined as well.
But with Yuu being Yuu, they had a camera set up.
Azul closed the door behind him as Yuu started to get the pallets and camera set.
“I wanted to film this and later edit it. “ They began to explain, “I like seeing a full process. I hope you don’t mind being in the camera a bit.”
Azul thought of it to be a bit weird but didn’t say anything of it. “ It’s fine.“ he really hopes no one sees it. “Can you start the camera?” Yuu asked as they turned around and checked over the pallets once again.
“It’s the red button that has a tape icon.”
Doing as asked, he started the camera.
“ Yuu, I appreciate you being able to take all of your notes to help the film students. But even if there are already pallets and brushes… I don’t really see any paint.”
Here isn’t any paint. Not one bucket in sight. Yet Yuu ignored this detail. Instead they just told him to: “Just keep filming. No matter what.”
The room began to tense a bit.
“We’ll be using a different paint.” Yuu began to stand up. Yuu turned to the camera, revealing the paint spatula in hand.
Except it was made of metal. And was sharp…
Yuu stuck the spatula into their own hand causing Azul to step back slightly in horror. Blood spilled onto the paint pallet. Yuu moved the spatula around and harsher into the bleeding wound. Smiling as it made a wider hole in their palm. Azul swears he could hear the squelching of flesh as a few chunks begin to fall from Yuu’s hand.
Yuu begins to slide it down their arm, cutting each vein until they reached their shoulder. Only then did they stop. But that wasn’t the end of it. Yuu began to cute diagonal slices on their already wounded arm, cutting each piece of flesh into squares before throwing the utensil to the side and using their own hands to strain it like a towel for more blood to come out.
As it all happened Azul could only look wide eyed and horrified.“Yuu! Stop! Yuu! Please stop!” He screamed out. But Yuu didn’t answer or even look up at him. Metallic smells engulfed the room.
“We have enough paint…” Yuu’s face was shadowed by the lamp. Only a glowing eye laid behind the shadow. Their face was lifeless. “Please…” their voice began to crack. “Save me. SAVE ME! BRING ME BACK HOME!”
And that was it. 
Azul ran for it.
He didn’t appear at NRC for the next couple of days. Too afraid to face Yuu. Too afraid to face anyone else.
Until he was forced to come back by Crowley. Azul avoided meeting Yuu’s cold gaze. Even at the sight of their red ribbon made him run the other way. Floyd could tell not to say anything as did Jade.
He was finally forced to see Yuu. For his end of the bargain.
“Here’s the notes.” Yuu was wearing a sleeveless turtle neck with shorts. Their grey jacket was tied around their waist as all of their scars were displayed. Bandages wrapped tightly and securely around their cut arm from the night. It was a sight for sore eyes.
“They were a bit messy so I rewrote a few of them the best I could.” And the camera. The great seven’s forsaken camera they forced him to film from hanged from the side pouch.
“Yes.” His mind went back to that night. “Th-th-thank you…”
:) ——————————————————————————————————
A/n: I am very sorry for adding a traumatized octopus. But Azul just reminded me of the brother a bit. Also! Better Films does not belong to me! I am using the Wiki fandom pastas to make these! There most likely to be a Russian Sleep Experiment!Yuu next or one of the classics or popular pastas!
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what if rosalie and emmett got transported into the places of the couple from into the woods immediately before the witch explains that even they could through magic have a child?
Can they, anon?
The witch was lifting a spell she herself had placed on the Baker's father and his line: infertility. This was, in part, likely why she was so certain in using it as a bargaining chip to restore her youth and beauty. Rosalie is infertile because she's a vampire and has no menstrual cycle.
We don't know the extent of the witch's power, but she may not be able to turn a not-human into the human or give it a child.
I also don't know if the Baker and his wife had to be the ones to gather the items themselves so as to undo the curse on the witch. She presumably would have had plenty of chances with others to get them to gather the items, she could have convinced Cinderella to give up her shoe, gone to Jack herself, but she only ever deals with the Baker and his wife. I can't help but think that's not a coincidence and she needed it to be them in order to undo the curse her mother had placed on her (along with, of course, not being able to touch the items herself).
(Not to mention Rosalie and Emmett would be very bewildered and likely not want anything to do with any of this and who is this creepy old woman? and where the fuck are they?)
I just love these isekai asks where people assume people just go along with it and believe everything is possible.
But alright, sure.
Into the Woods We Go
The witch blinks as the Baker and the wife are gone, she really needed them. Shit. Well, there's a new couple here and turns out they want a bouncing baby too. So, she guess that works out. She'll uh, figure something out to get the woman pregnant even though she's clearly a vampire.
She hopes these two will count in her mother's eyes because the Baker is just fucking gone so there's nothing she can do.
Rosalie and Emmett bicker about what's even happening and if they should do this. Rosalie wants nothing to do with it, she doesn't like that weird old woman, and definitely doesn't like her promising impossible things or being a witch. Emmett's the one who notes that, while they're lost anyways, maybe they should go into the woods and try. Better to try than not do anything and spend the rest of their lives not knowing. And they only have to get these four weird things, how had can it be? They're vampires, they can get this done in like two minutes or something.
(Emmett doesn't believe this will happen either, but he knows Rosalie will be upset about this forever if she chooses to do nothing.)
So, they go into the woods. There they come across Jack and his cow.
"Well, that was easy," Emmett says, and rather than attempt to buy the cow with magic beans in his pocket (that he hasn't realized are in his pocket), Emmet just steals the cow by lifting it over his head and running off.
The cow then dies of a heart attack a few minutes early.
"Shit, we've got to find another cow" Emmett says and Rosalie can't even. She's going to... look for the hair or the shoe.
"Isn't that your hair?" Emmett asks but Rosalie points out that her hair is gold, not corn-yellow thank you very much. Also, they're not cutting it. It is not happening. She is barely involved in this venture.
So, they continue on their journey looking for either a corn-yellow blonde, a nice shoe, or a red cape.
And oh look at that, a girl with a red cape. Emmett wastes no time and steals the cape from the very sad Little Red (who barely even realizes what happened).
"Emmett, did you just steal from a little girl?" Rosalie can't believe him, she wants him to give the cape back.
"But baby," Emmett points out.
Rosalie really really hates this but... no, she is not willing to give up the possibility of a child, however small, for a cape. She instead has Emmett throw money at the girl so she can buy a replacement.
This trip is garbage.
Wandering around even longer, they run into Cinderella running away from a ball. "YOINK!" Emmett steals one of her shoes, Cinderella is very upset and can't believe these people. She needs that! Rosalie leaves her a pair of replacement shoes and some money.
She's dreading coming across the blonde whose hair they're going to have to hack off. And sure enough, there's a tower, and there's a lot of blonde hair.
"She won't even notice" - Emmett.
And before Rosalie can stop him, he runs off with a chunk of hair. It won't help the maiden's haircut but Rosalie leaves money anyway.
Now they just need a cow again.
Cue the kerfuffle as the witch reappears and notes the hair is no good, they're going to have to saw off Rosalie's, it's close enough.
"My hair!" Rosalie cries.
"But baby," Emmett points out, and Rosalie acknowledges that she can't give up the possibility of a child for the sake of her beautiful hair. Rosalie cuts her hair.
Now we get two options: it either doesn't work because it's not the Baker and his wife, the hair's not corn-yellow, or some other reason. Or we'll bullshit and say it does.
If it doesn't, they stand there, and Rosalie is so very upset that they did all those things for nothing. "But look on the bright side, Rose, now you know it just wasn't possible" - Emmett
If they do then... well... Rosalie gets a baby but theyr'e still vampires so...
It's not going to end well.
(The kingdom is not terrorized by giants, but Jack and his mother do presumably die in poverty as he's unable to sell Milky White and Little Red is eaten along with her grandmother.)
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borathae · 8 days
ok finally doing this after a nap
Chapter 3
What is wrong with me *me 24/7, ALSO YES WHAT WAS ALL THAT???
Ever since you set foot into this estate, your brain went into a total frenzy YES EXACTLY AND it seems like she can remember hmmm
Why does everything here look so ancient? YOU NEED TO READ FANFICS to learn to live (except we dont get lucky yn parts just the unlucky embarrassing parts but thank god we aint dying every 5 chapter like yn)
You remember drinking one glass of wine. the said glass of wine:
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It is totally normal to forget your date’s name after sleeping in his guestroom never been on a date, but i forgot someone's name after sitting next to them all day and realized after class while talking to bestie and had to wait till attendance next day -_-
ok the door is still locked. he told her to keep them locked and she did, but opened it for a sec and locked it again during the night. and the entire teleporting happened. this is a bit confusing hmmm. like opening it for a sec caused the change, but she locked it again. then how did they get her inside again? the bruise is there so it means it was real. the lock must have some magic and opening it during night causes it to go away?? i will think later lol
Did you punch your own throat in your sleep oof
Why did he know where to look exactly it wasnt a dream babe
istg im about to bitch slap this bitchless dude (TAE I LOVE U DONT TAKE IT TO THE HEART)
You should take better care of your belongings Kim Taehyung damn
He creeps me out honestly speaking all of them are creepy, yoongi is 10% less
just like that all your worries are wiped away like magic. like magic or with magic 👀👀(were u silent or silenced)
your knees are buckling like crazy THIS WILL BREAK ME THIS IS GONNA BREAK ME
Okay not going to lie, this was kind of cool you know whats more cooler??? jimin feeding his cycle 😂 THAT REMINDS ME OF JIN RIDING THE CYCLE HANDS FREE *fans myself
You snort, “so very humble.” ikr sOoOo HuMbLe
hmm usually you see cats sitting on horses, chilling. yoongles must be a rare kitty
Tell me again, why are you studying?” seriously dude must be bored as fuck to study, or started to forget cuz its beeen toooo looong
hold on what if some old being makes some theories and is "killed/disappeared" and later, with a different identity, studies his own theories in college 😭 and continues with it lol
It earned you a scholarship, it clearly must be well written.” or was it something to bring her to them??? 👀 *sus
The entrance exam stole my sanity from me. Even after a week of completing it I still felt jittery.” what type of students go there? what type of university is that? very weird
Emma left, she won’t come back again EMMA DIED FOR SURE OOF
It was a clean and painless end whats that supposed to mean mr.dracula?
Taehyung was a man of such humour ikr him in interviews 😭
Taehyung knew such peculiar stories about places and that doesnt seem weird???
the rain part was soo cute it could me giggling and listening too still with you
wow the honesty was cool, though there is many secrets, some parts feels really raw.
we are both pick-me girls then BAHAHA PLS *starts playing pd48 pick me
they are so cute im gonna die
(the way i started slightly mad at tae and then ended up simping, sighs)
i cant wait for 2seokkook's pov and her talking to them woohoo
i love how smoothly its written, like everything just flows nicely, the scenes and dialogues, its like those nice cozy well directed movies that you watch with pillows and blanket and rested face, body and mind
its only been 3 chapters, obviously the suspense wouldnt make me grip my pillow yet but its already made me clutch my blanket/pearls lol
jjdafjs it took me so long to figure out how the wine pic happened HAHAHA this is such a funny idea help fjadjfs 😭😂
What is wrong with me *me 24/7, ALSO YES WHAT WAS ALL THAT???
Ever since you set foot into this estate, your brain went into a total frenzy YES EXACTLY AND it seems like she can remember hmmm
like the suspicion is growiinnggg
Why does everything here look so ancient? YOU NEED TO READ FANFICS to learn to live (except we dont get lucky yn parts just the unlucky embarrassing parts but thank god we aint dying every 5 chapter like yn)
it doesn't make sense to you yet probably but I wanna be SA!OC so bad jfasdjf
It is totally normal to forget your date’s name after sleeping in his guestroom never been on a date, but i forgot someone's name after sitting next to them all day and realized after class while talking to bestie and had to wait till attendance next day -_-
girliepop me all the time, I forget names so easily (the same with song titles FAFAJDS like I kid you not I even forgot BTS song titles sometimes like it's so bad)
ok the door is still locked. he told her to keep them locked and she did, but opened it for a sec and locked it again during the night. and the entire teleporting happened. this is a bit confusing hmmm. like opening it for a sec caused the change, but she locked it again. then how did they get her inside again? the bruise is there so it means it was real. the lock must have some magic and opening it during night causes it to go away?? i will think later lol
hmhmhmhm interesting theory indeed mhmhmmh or perhaps 👀 someone made her lock the door again and then think everything was just a dream 👀 mhmhmhm
You should take better care of your belongings Kim Taehyung damn
"belongings" LIKE THE ICK
He creeps me out honestly speaking all of them are creepy, yoongi is 10% less
JFJADSJF YES jhfahsdhf I agree fjadjfa
just like that all your worries are wiped away like magic. like magic or with magic 👀👀(were u silent or silenced)
Okay not going to lie, this was kind of cool you know whats more cooler??? jimin feeding his cycle 😂 THAT REMINDS ME OF JIN RIDING THE CYCLE HANDS FREE *fans myself
omg hahahaha this scene 😭😭 he is such a goof I love him 😭😭 Seokjin is honestly so hot I need to inhale him
hmm usually you see cats sitting on horses, chilling. yoongles must be a rare kitty
*cries* he is indeed a kitty
Tell me again, why are you studying?” seriously dude must be bored as fuck to study, or started to forget cuz its beeen toooo looong
hold on what if some old being makes some theories and is "killed/disappeared" and later, with a different identity, studies his own theories in college 😭 and continues with it lol
👀 interesting ohohooh
It earned you a scholarship, it clearly must be well written.” or was it something to bring her to them??? 👀 *sus
The entrance exam stole my sanity from me. Even after a week of completing it I still felt jittery.” what type of students go there? what type of university is that? very weird
lmaoaooaoao in her defence I have really sensitive eyes too and can barely stay in the sun without my eyes ACHING jfadsjfj so it IS possible
Emma left, she won’t come back again EMMA DIED FOR SURE OOF
👀 mhmhmhmmh
It was a clean and painless end whats that supposed to mean mr.dracula?
Taehyung was a man of such humour ikr him in interviews 😭
I love him 😭😭
Taehyung knew such peculiar stories about places and that doesnt seem weird???
kfadjsfasj she is just here for a good time not a long time lmaooa
wow the honesty was cool, though there is many secrets, some parts feels really raw. they are so cute im gonna die (the way i started slightly mad at tae and then ended up simping, sighs) THEY ARE GONNA HAVE ANOTHER DATE YIPPEE YIPPEE YIPPEE
fjadjfjad I love how you switched instnatly JFJADSJF THIS IS SO ME WHEN SANGUIS TAE FJADSJFJ
i love how smoothly its written, like everything just flows nicely, the scenes and dialogues, its like those nice cozy well directed movies that you watch with pillows and blanket and rested face, body and mind. its only been 3 chapters, obviously the suspense wouldnt make me grip my pillow yet but its already made me clutch my blanket/pearls lol
gaaah thank youuu <3 I'm so happy that you're having such a good time with it heheheh istfg I love reading your comments, they're so awesome heheheh 🥺😭💜💜
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uranianshivers · 1 year
hellou If it's not too much trouble, I'd like a one shot fluff for rook hunt with the plot: mc fem is a real angel who hides her nature due to the obligation of her superiors but every certain night, she goes out to stretch her wings and flies through the immense night to rest later in the clouds until the next day, mc thinks she hides her secret very well but a certain hunter has already had his eyes on her for a long time... hidden in the shadows watching his prey...sounds creepy but I would like a cute ending with a rook falling in love and not knowing what to do :')) Thanks in advance
Hi! Thank you for the request and sorry for the waiting, I hope you like this!
Like heaven (Rook Hunt x Angel!Reader)
Warnings: stalking (?, probably ooc.
Notes: this can have ortographic errors and sorry if this is ooc, I writed this whith my brain almost melted. 💔
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Mc opened her wings at the moonlight, finally leaving them have a rest from hidding all the week, she sitted in a high tree while thinking in her current life, without knowing about the atent eyes of a hunter "Oh trickster, I think I should switch your nickname to Mademoiselle Ange, shouldn't I?" he whispered to himself, he watched her fly into a fluffy cloud that passed by, laying in it to sleep whitouth having to hide her wings, he watched her for a little while before dissapearing in the dark of night.
It was another day in NRC, mc feeled watched in all your classes and strangely she didn't see Rook in all day "Mc, there is something wrong?" Deuce asked to her while you two were finishing a potion "Everything's fine, I just feel the day a little weird"... She was in ramshackle after a long week, looking at the moon, the feeling of being watched was more strong than never, she always did this since her superiors allowed she to finally felt what was being a common mortal, like she always wished but what was different now? She flied for minutes, hours and the feeling didn't go, little she knew that Rook was all the time admiring her flying form "oh mademoiselle ange, If only you letted others admire you" Rook murmured before taking a photo of her sitted in a cloud, wings opened in all their splendor.
"Rook" "Yes, Roi du poison?" it was another day in Pomefiore and Vil was curious about the current disappearings of the vice housewarden in nights "May should I know the reason of your repentine disappear of yesterday in the night when I crealy needed your presence?" "I just wanted to have a little night walk, that's all" Rook answered camly and without explaining anything else he walked to his room inmediatly being received by the photos of she he taked the recent last nights, he blushed a little at the saw of her smile, eyes focussed in the moon while sitted in a particulary soft cloud, ohh~ how he wished being at hee side admiring the moon with her, her having the enough confidence in him to finally let him saw her wings knowing he is there, not having to hide anything.
It was afternoon and she were going to ramshackle, her wings were starting to hurt for having them compresed but some hunter stoped you "Greetings trickster" "oh, Hi Rook" she said, too tired to evade him "I was wondering if we can meet in the beach at 22:30 p.m." "oh, sure thought" you said, wondering why he wanted you two to meet at that hour? "See you later, Rook" he only nod, watching her go.
She inmediatly saw Rook when she putted a foot in the beach, waiting for her arriving "Trickster, thank you for coming" "there is something you wanted to tell me?" she said getting more closer to the hunter, he touched her jacket with one of his hands "I already know" "wait what are you talking about?" she asked with a nerveous looking "it's okay, you can trust on me" and only with that her wings getted out whitouth her permision, a frighted stare covered her face and she runned, too nerveous and axious for even say goodbye, Rook saw her run away, regreting his words.
Weeks passed by, she avoided him likea plague, everytime he approached her to talk she just walked away the most fast her legs were cappable of, but today was different, she actually searched for him "Rook, meet me in ramshackle after classes" was the only thing she said before walk into her next class... The day passed fast and Rook was already in ramshackle "there was something you wanted to talk me about?" Rook questioned "I guess I can't hide it anymore" she said before letting her wings open, free to watch for Rook "sorry for the thing that happened the other week" he tried to keep calm and not shower her in compliments of your wings because he well knowed about your current situation, he didn't know how to react when you taked him by the hand and flied in the moonlight with him, she sitted him in a cloud and you sitted at his side "this is a better place to talk, he saw in disbelief her smile, your smile, oh... What he's gonna do with his heart running for you and feeling like he was in heaven only because of your smile.
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asoundofdrop · 4 months
A/N: Uhhh... if you happen to enjoy, thank you adfjjfd CW: unprotected sex, penis haver, vagina haver, established skk
If he had been asked back then, Camu would never have imagined being in this kind of moment with anyone. To be so excited, so content that his heart—artificial as it may be now—would be torn between resting or pacing this hard in his chest. To have a special someone to keep in that heart… someone to lavish him with special affections like this…
Ridiculous, Camu thought.
He huffed and closed his eyes as Hamea pressed another fluttering kiss, just below his jaw. It really was ridiculous, he thought, to be getting so embarrassed. His mouth was getting twisted into something of a scowl. It was far from their first time and yet, he still wasn’t sure how to act whenever she did these things so gently to him.
He once grumbled about this aloud to her. She smiled and said to him, “If you don’t know how to return it… then I’ll simply have to give extra for the both of us until we figure something out.”
Either way, he would never ask her to stop just because he looked stupid in the moment.
He opened his eyes again.
Pale moonlight spilled from the window and bathed the room so beautifully—a word that he rarely used. But with it, everything about Hamea seemed to glimmer so much more. Camu loved the way that she looked at him with pure adoration, especially right now. If he wasn’t preoccupied with her eyes, then he would have otherwise been distracted by how the moonlight dipped and shone over her body.
At the same time, he was keenly aware of how she traced her fingertips along his skin. Up his back, to his biceps, to his shoulders… as if she wanted to memorize everything about him, until they reached his face where they lingered.
She always liked holding his face between her hands. Camu would call it a strange fascination if he didn’t share the sentiment himself.
To spend the rest of his life like this… with her…
Camu was certain that he could forget the coldness of this world. It would all melt away with her gentle warmth. How did she describe it before whenever he held her…? Like snow welcoming spring, or something like that.
His mind was growing rather fuzzy.
Hamea quietly hummed and whispered, “Camu… you really are too good to me.”
She spoke delicately, as if she would have broken him by accident like glass had she spoken any louder.
Camu accepted another light kiss. He mumbled against her pretty lips, “Shouldn’t I be the one to say that?”
“Hee-hee… but you spoil me more than you think you do. Like right now. Letting me be in your arms, and letting me love you… I couldn’t ask for anything more.”
“You’re a weird one. Only you would say that sort of silly thing to me.”
“I mean it though.”
“…Yeah,” Camu agreed, fully assured. “You would never lie to me.”
As he continued to admire her, he reached up to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. He looked at the scar along her forehead and began to reflect without realizing it.
According to the doctor on Hamea’s squad, she had to do emergency surgery on the Commandant while they were still stranded on Earth. This one did not heal particularly well, it seemed, just barely doing its job.
On Hamea’s neck, there was a faint cut. She once told him that she had gotten this particular scar a long time ago, before she had become a commandant. She suspected that it came from some sort of confrontation with kidnappers, but she couldn’t remember the exact details—nor would anyone tell her.
He then trailed downwards to her chest, to a scar he was more familiar with. At that time, they had just met. And yet, Camu’s legs were spurred on and he tried to run to her side as fast as he could. He was too late though, and she had all-but flatlined because of the creepy Ascendant. He still remembered what she said to him after the whole ordeal because of how odd he found it.
“That is simply Camu’s form of kindness. I think… you should give yourself a little more credit.”
Who knows if those were the words that pushed him to join Babylonia’s side, to join the Strike Hawks… Even he hadn’t come to a conclusion on that himself.
Lower on her body, near her abdomen, were two overlapping scars. He was unfamiliar with the newer one—the one given to her by that disgusting spider-looking Corrupted. But with how big it was and still delicate from having just healed, it unnerved him. Terribly so.
Just underneath it was a smaller, distinct scar that left him unnerved too. It was left behind when Hamea was ambushed by a Corrupted while she was still recovering from a flash grenade. It was perhaps the first time Camu had witnessed her so afraid that even her MIND beacon became unsteady. He remembered carrying her out of the building as she came close to bleeding out.
All of these times…
“Camu?” Hamea called, gently pulling him from his thoughts. “What’s wrong? Is something bothering you?”
He didn’t answer right away.
“Just thinking about the amount of sheer dumb luck that you have,” he grumbled.
He tightened his arms around her waist, holding her even closer than he already was. He didn’t intend on dwelling on something like this during their rare moment of intimacy. Hamea’s fragility as a human would always weigh heavy on his mind whether he liked it or not.
“I know,” she admitted. “But at least I’m still here, as unsightly as these marks may be…”
Camu saw how she shyly turned her face away.
Starting with the scar on her forehead, he pressed a gentle kiss to each one until he reached the one on her chest. Although he couldn’t quite duck his head low enough to reach the two on her abdomen, he carefully ran his thumb over them, as if to memorize the shape of it.
It gave him comfort when she would do that for him, and he could only hope it did the same for her. He repeated the process a few more times until his worries were assuaged by the smile returning to her face.
“Unsightly or whatever, it doesn’t make a difference to me. My choice is that I would take everything that you would give to me… And you’ve seen how I’m not the type to change my mind so fast.”
“Oh yes, you’re very stubborn,” Hamea agreed, lightheartedly teasing but relieved all the same. “But I wouldn’t want any less than everything either…”
“I guess we’re both pretty greedy people.”
She nuzzled her nose against Camu’s, leaning in and parting her lips for a deeper kiss than earlier. The soft sound of her contented sigh coaxed him into hungrily drinking in the warmth.
Soon enough, he was nipping at her lower lip, asking for even more and his tongue reaching further.
Every single sensation, he would let it be etched onto him.
To remind himself that this was real, that she is here in his arms, the place she always said she found respite in.
Hamea eventually pulled away with flushed cheeks. She pursed her lips in embarrassment, and quietly asked, “Can I put it in right now?”
“Already prepared for it?” he asked in doubt.
“W-well… I’ve taken you with less preparation before. I can definitely do it now.”
“Then you can wait a bit longer too.”
He moved one of his hands from her hips and reached further below. Hamea mewled as his thumb pressed against her clit, rubbing the sensitive nub. She held onto his wrist, though she made no proper move to stop him in any way.
“Mnnh… but you go so overboard with this,” she mumbled between panting breaths. “Don’t make me cum so fast…”
“Commandant, shouldn’t your endurance be improved by now?” he teased.
Camu took it further and slid two of his fingers inside of her pussy. Slick gradually pooled into the palm of his hand as he slowly pumped his fingers up to the knuckles and getting her used to the gradual stretch. Hamea’s pretty lashes fluttered as she drew out his name in a long moan.
It stirred him up in a special way every time.
“Ah… don’t do so much, don’t do so much at once,” she weakly protested. “I’m going to cum, I really will…”
Hamea knew that Camu liked to be a bit mean in this aspect. He delighted too much in her reactions to hold himself back from overstimulating her, even on nights that were originally meant to be gentle.
Goaded by her mewls of pleasure, he continued his ministrations until she cried out and squeezed tightly around his digits. With her eyebrows scrunched and her lips still pursed together, it made for a rather demure yet lewd expression. He brushed away her bangs once more with his other hand to look at it fully.
He looked at her so intensely, and Hamea loved it so much that it never failed to send shivers down her spine. Perhaps it was a selfish thing to love, but he indulged her anyway.
Once she relaxed again, Camu pulled out—the movement already loud from slick.
“There’s no point salvaging your modesty when you’re soaking like this.” He then thoroughly and languidly lapped up the cum, swallowing deeply for her to witness. “Hm… Good as always.”
“And here I was trying to last a bit longer tonight…”
“Does it matter? I don’t mind doing all of the work either.”
“But isn’t that a bit unfair…?” she asked sheepishly.
“Not to me. As long as we’re both enjoying ourselves, anything is fair game. And for me, that includes seeing you making that face. So don’t hide such a special treat.”
She nodded, too embarrassed to say anything else.
With a shift to make sure she was comfortable in his lap, he carefully aligned the tip and pushed the thick head of his cock inside, hissing through his teeth at how she enveloped him.
“Fuck…,” he cursed under his breath. “Cunt’s so damn tight… ”
Hamea braced herself against his shoulders as she took him inch by inch.
With each shaky sigh she let out, Camu pressed a kiss to her cheek to ease her until she fit his entire length.
“Wait, don’t move yet. I’m still sensitive from earlier,” she mumbled.
“Yeah, yeah, I got it…”
He repeated it purposefully, moreso to remind himself than anything else. After she adjusted, she began to ride his cock, with Camu holding her hips to steady her. His length reached so deeply, consistently hitting the very spot that made Hamea tremble and whine from pleasure. As of this moment, all they could hear was the rhythmic wet slap of skin accompanied by heavy breaths.
Slick continued to spill from her pussy and soaked their inner thighs.
Hamea threw back her head as she moaned in a winded breath. Her nails dropped to his back and dug in, very faintly activating the Construct’s pain receptors.
A part of him wished that it would leave something behind for him to admire in the mornings after, but his skin was made to be incredibly durable. While it was helpful for the places he was usually deployed to, it had small inconveniences like this. But it was fine, he could make do.
He bit down on a small patch of skin on her neck and sucked, leaving a dark hickey behind. He soothed the sting with his tongue before moving on to make another.
Hamea would simply have to bear enough marks for the both of them.
He vaguely recognized through a foggy brain that he was taking control of the pacing after she cried his name—that his hands had secured the back of her thighs and that he was thrusting harder into her squelching cunt. She could only hold onto him as he bounced her ass in his lap.
“Ngh… do you have any idea what it does to me? When you use my name with your pretty little voice?”
Hamea’s whimpers were on the verge of sobbing as she was close to cumming again. The knot in her stomach was tightening, leaving her almost dizzy if Camu’s arms weren’t wrapped so firmly around her figure.
“No no, with you… please? Please?”
It came out incomprehensible, but Camu seemed to understand. He pressed his forehead to hers, soaking his silvery bangs with beads of her sweat that had built up.
“Yeah… we can do that…”
Hamea held his face as she kissed him, heated and deeply as they chased their high together. Their moans and grunts of exertion became muffled, though it did little to silence everything else.
Camu pressed their bodies even closer as he filled her pussy to the brim with spurts of thick pearly-white cum. Her walls were practically milking his cock, making him dig his fingers into the soft skin of her thighs to restrain his excitement. With a few more deliberate rolls of his hips, he slowly pulled out.
The two panted, struggling to catch their breath from the steamy air. A mixture of their cum stained the sheets beneath them, but neither of them had the energy to move yet.
Even without touching it with her hand, she already knew her lips were somewhat swollen. Her eyes flicked over to the sweat on Camu’s forehead and the drool rolling down his chin. She sheepishly wiped it away the best she could.
“You don’t need to do that,” he said.
“It doesn’t bother you?”
“Why the hell would it?” Despite his choice of words, they hardly had any bite to them. “In fact, I think you should look sweaty and messy more often like this actually.”
“Oh, you…!”
Hamea pushed his face and he simply laughed, before nudging her hands away so he could continue admiring the flush on her cheeks.
Everything that he thought of earlier, it really didn’t sound so bad to him. It’s almost embarrassing, really. He’s changed quite a bit by now, and even that felt like an understatement. He should be terrified by the amount of power Hamea had over him in this regard. But no, instead, he’s melting in her presence.
Upon seeing her eyes grow half-lidded from exhaustion, Camu quietly moved to lay her down on the bed, head nestled against his arm. He reached for the blanket and covered both of their bare bodies—hopefully it made her comfortable.
In a whisper, she called out, “Camu…?”
“I’m here.”
He wordlessly held out his free hand, and she took it with both of hers. She held it in front of her face with awe on her face.
“Hee-hee… I really do love your hands quite a lot. I love… every part of you. I love you…”
She repeated the last few words over and over. As she did, she traced the artificial creases of his hand with her pointer while slowly drifting off. It was only until she went slack and silent that Camu knew she really did fall asleep.
“I love you too.”
He said it with a softness that he used to think was impossible for a person like him. Maybe she did end up hearing it in her sleep. Why else would she have such a… goofy… silly… pretty smile right now?
He wanted to see it every day, every night. If he had to make a fool of himself in front of her for it… maybe some sacrifices were worth it, he said to himself. Then, she would laugh and assure him he was not a fool.
Hamea was right… They were greedy, because he wouldn’t want any less than that. He continued to think this to himself as he tried to estimate the size of her ring finger before dozing off himself.
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memestockpile · 9 months
tell the wolves i’m home (2012) feel free to change as needed.
it won’t be long now.
it creeps up on you, doesn’t it?
stop staring at me. 
i’m not the one asking stupid questions. 
hey, dorkus. 
i was not trying to kill myself. 
it’s okay. you don’t have to say anything. 
i know this is rough, but you’re doing a great job. 
what’d you say that for?
i’m not telling you anything. 
do you want to go to a party?
i promise it won’t be awful. cross my heart. 
opportunities don’t come swimming back to you if you throw them away. 
i’ll fix you up.
do you always have to be such a moron?
it’s such a waste.
that’s one handsome piece of art. 
don’t you even think about it. 
that’s what i want for you. i want you to know only the very best people. 
i don’t know what you’ve been told about me, but it’s probably not true. 
i should take you out for ice cream. 
congratulations, sherlock. that only took you a few centuries to figure out. 
i could kill him if he weren’t already dead.
it’s only the biggest newspaper in the country.
don’t hide your light.
i’m not, like, three years old, you know.
it’s in the woods behind the school.
you’re not scared or anything, are you?
that’s kind of a creepy thing to ask, isn’t it?
he talked about you all the time. 
art isn’t about drawing or painting a perfect bowl of fruit. it’s about ideas. 
you have enough good ideas to last a lifetime.
whatever. i don’t want to know.
you can come down whenever you want. i mean it. night or day. 
hey, it’ll be alright.
you don’t take money unless it’s family.
the kinds of things i want don’t cost money.
you want to go for a walk or something?
you ever play d&d?
come on out. it’s not funny.
sometimes i think about things like that. what it used to be like. 
ugh, don’t be so gross.
i’m not a baby. 
why does everything need to turn into an argument? 
thirteen is the moment right before you slip away into the rest of your life. 
you can have a think on it. 
i’m just some stranger to you. 
you’re an adult. you can go wherever you want. 
i’m not worried. i’m just asking. 
i can’t promise that. 
i don’t come out good in pictures. 
i think that woman thought we were a couple. 
there’s got to be a place where we can do whatever we want. 
do you want another piece? 
i’ll probably be in big trouble. 
you said that last time.
i know all kinds of things you don’t. 
you’re a romantic, [name].
i’ll take a nice ripe camembert. 
if you let this pass, you’ll go through your life and you’ll get to be my age and you’ll sit in your kitchen thinking what a fool you were. 
it is a little weird, but in a good way, like art. 
i guess i’m nothing to brag about. look at me, i’m a mess. 
i used to be jealous of you, you know. 
look, i don’t even really know how to play chess. 
do you not like butterflies?
it’s one of my fiddly-hand things. 
the worst is over, alright? 
i know how to wait for a cab.
i’ll be honest. i’m not a big fan. i don’t see the point. 
go get your coat. i know a rooftop where we can see the fireworks.
oh, my god, i knew you had some secret boyfriend. 
you are so dead.
i got you. i knew it. i can see it all over your laughing face. 
you are the biggest loser, [name]. 
i’m serious, okay? just don’t do anything stupid. 
i hate jeans.
it looks like you’ve been crawling around in mud. 
this will be like old times. 
honey, i know you don’t want to. 
one way to stop things from feeling so raw is to blanket over the memories. 
it was something right out of a movie. 
one day you’ll understand this better than you do now. 
we’re miles past any of that mattering anymore. 
you do know that if you ever need anything, you can ring me, right? anything at all. 
i’m so sorry for everything. all of it. 
i wasn’t sleeping. just resting with some brandy. 
i still owe you a story. 
go to bed. 
you are so hopeless. 
maybe i’m trying to help you. did you ever think of that?
you really think you can keep your big secret forever?
i won it? i won a game? 
i’m going to tell you a couple things, and i’m going to trust you not to make a big deal about them. 
so, does that solve all the mysteries of the universe? 
complicated is the bad one. complex is good. 
you can have whatever you want. 
it’s the most unhappy people who want to stay alive, because they think they haven’t done everything they want to. 
you’re turning me into mr. miyagi with all this talk.
if my life was a film, i’d have walked out by now. 
look, it’s nice out. for once you haven’t brought the rain with you. 
none of it’s fair. 
spying can make a girl skittish. 
you’re not dying. you’re just drunk. 
i’m scared, too. 
oh, i see. nerd courtship rituals. 
you don’t know everything. you think you do, but you are so far from knowing everything. 
do you even know how much trouble you’re in? 
you’re so stupid. you’re such a complete idiot. 
get your hands off my stuff.
i hate you.
you’re such a liar.
i promise it’ll be better than sitting at home on your own. 
i love dumb things. 
we could go in the summer. 
shhh. it’s okay. 
see? see how much he loved you? 
as you head into adulthood, you may occasionally encounter oversized exotic beverages of an alcoholic nature. 
you can build a whole world around the tiniest of touches. 
sit down, have some breakfast. 
maybe i don’t want to be great. maybe i want to be average. 
sometimes i lie in my bed and i look around my room and i can’t believe i’m not supposed to be a kid anymore. 
you’re making it very hard for me to trust you. 
on top of that, you’re grounded. 
it’s like you really don’t understand the magnitude of what you’ve done here. 
if this is some kind of cry for help, we’re hearing it, okay? loud and clear. 
it’s good to hear you say that. 
it’ll be okay, honey. don’t worry. 
do you know what it’s like to hope for someone to die?
how evil is that? how totally evil am i? 
you’re so, so lucky. why are you so lucky?
it just feels like i’m being pulled out to sea. 
as if listening to that would ever get anyone in the mood.
you’re lucky you were never attacked out there. 
you have seriously got to find a way to lighten up. 
come on, you have to eat. 
okay, kid. whatever you want. 
i didn’t know where you were. i had no idea what happened to you. 
it was a bad idea. the worst idea. i’m so sorry. 
are you okay? are you sick? what do the police do to you?
you can’t go all by yourself. 
i’m just not a good person. 
it’s like we’ve known each other all these years without even seeing each other. 
you didn’t know that was me, but it was.
i don’t want to leave this planet invisible. maybe i need at least one person to remember something about me. 
i’m taking you home. 
i’m starting to think i never should have said that. i’m starting to think it was a bit on the open-ended side. 
it’s safe with me. i promise. 
no inappropriate comments and no scenes, got it? this whole thing is embarrassing enough. 
home is home is home. 
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yandere-daze · 2 years
to add to the fuel for all the anzu asks, i feel like anzu is def up there for being the most unhinged
it boils down to the fact that (if we’re going with this storyline) before the reader got transported or smth, they def used to take over anzus body as some vessel of sorts. but once the reader is there, anzu is gonna take full advantage of that. she’s the closest to the reader 100% and it’d be this weird parasitic relationship: “i don’t just know you, you’re a part of me”
it’s kinda creepy but unhinged anzu is such a concept
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gn reader
cw yandere, obsession, possession, creepy behavior, unsanitary ( implied: spit)
You´re definitely right about that! Anzu is one of the most obsessed characters in the self-aware AU, no doubt about it. It stems from the fact that when she first entered Yumenosaki, everything was so confusing and new. She somehow got into the producer course as the first and only student ever so of course she´s very intimidated. But in her time of need, you appeared and took her body as a vessel to enforce your will. It should have been frightening, to have your body taken over like that, but strangely enough Anzu felt comforted when you entered her body. She can feel your presence, even if she can´t see you, there´s this warm and tingling feeling that spreads all over her body.
She´s not afraid when her body starts moving on it´s own or when she says things she didn´t mean to say. Instead, Anzu is very grateful for your help, she would be completely lost without you! She quickly gets used to this and doesn´t want you to leave her anymore.
When you finally enter her world, Anzu is absolutely ecstatic and immediately abandons all of her work to go and look for you. It´s pretty creepy how she clings to you, not wanting you to ever leave her side again now that you´re finally here and she can feel your real body pressed against her own. Oh, this feels even better than simply being possessed by you! She can actually touch your skin instead of only feeling your aura inside of her.
Please let her touch you a lot to make up for the time when you had to take a break from the game, okay? She really missed you whenever you had to leave her!
That being said, Anzu does miss the feeling of you completely being a part of her very being. Don´t get her wrong, she loves having you next to her! But that´s still not the same thing. She can´t exactly make you possess her again now that you have a physical form here, so she tries to look for the next back thing to make her whole again.
Now she steals your half-eaten meals and eats the rest of it with a lovesick smile on her face, happy that she can have a part of you inside of her again. Maybe if she´s lucky she can even retrieve your used cuttlery from the dishwasher before it´s been washed <3
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doppelneer · 6 months
A Wee Bit of Catching Up With This Mess
Soooo originally this was going to be a big post on my main tumblr blog @abyssforphantoms , but I got thinking about it and it just made more sense to make this on it's own blog and repost it over there if I feel like it... instead of spamming my main with this au stuff.
Anyway, Welcome to the mess that is my brain and They Came From The Deep Au. I will not be going too deep into the story in this post, but will do a short summary and explain my prosses behind my decent into madness with the various stuff I have accumulated for it over the year.
After the final quest the Abyss Crew was fine. Cannoneer was back, safe with the rest of the crew, and they have gotten what they wanted when they went down to those accursed depths (even though they almost didn't make it back if it weren't for the skykid). So everything should be fine, back to status quo... right?
Well it was for a bit.
Then strange stuff started happening.
Supplies keep disappearing and shifting around the reef. The members of the crew feel like they are being watched from a distance, and the sea almost seems more restless. Every one has a sense of unease...
None more so then Cannoneer,
because of the weird dreams they keep having, and now the crew is saying they did things they didn't do. It was like they were at two places at once.
Then they saw it-them from a distance... they looked almost exactly them! but something was off...
Now it's up to Cannoneer to figure out what is going on, what does this doppelganger (a.k.a Doppelneer or Cannondoppel) want and convince the crew this isn't another one of their "embellished stories".
Meanwhile other things deep down start to stir... and they aren't going to be as "friendly".
And yes Doppelneer will be a big part of this post
Warning: the images below may have some BODY HORROR.
Veiwer Discretion is Advised.
Around August 2022??? - the sticky note
The thing I drew that started it all
Thr original idea for it was just what if cackling cannoneer but dark creature
I forgot that it existed until...
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October 2022 - "A Familiar Face That Is or Isn't You"
I found the sticky note again and wanted to explore the design further in a one off piece (and then it wasn't, lmao)
I also got into exploring doppelgangers as an idea which lead to me having the questions
"If someone from the Abyss Crew had a doppelganger who would have the most interesting reaction?" (You can guess who I picked lol)
"What if the doppelganger wasn't nessasarly evil but thought they were the person and the person they are a doppelganger of was a doppelganger that took over their life, thus kinda wanting to sabotage the person's life a little?"
I drew this piece in my sketchbook but then colored digitally
Originally posted to my deviantart 26 October 2022
Finished Art
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Drawing Process / Alternative Versions
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November 2022 - Old Reference Sheet for Cannondoppel
Very outdated and crusty
I will post the updated ref in another post
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December 2022 - "Breath in Deep Water"
Digital painting
Just a story idea
Waking up one day being able to breathe water must be jarring ngl
First appearance of the phantom eyes
Posted 1 January 2023 on my deviantart
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January - Inspirational Glitch happened in Sky
Didn't really do to much with the Au for a bit, nor does this really have to deal with the au
But this happened to me one day and thought it was neat yet felt like walking into a sky creepy pasta.
It's the red green visual glitch and the spirit staring glitch with Cannoneer happening at the same time
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March - Some Old Doodles
"There is always a bigger fish. "
More experimenting with the story in my mind
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May - "Reflections"
"Just a reflection in the void"
Changed some details with Doppelneer, mainly hair and sometimes they have a tail
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July - artfight cameo
just a small appearance
Nothing too much too note
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And that is it for now will return soon with more stuff soon
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
LegacyTober Day 26: Pumpkin
This is less about pumpkins specifically but. More like. Going to one of those harvest farm things. Because I went to one last weekend and I have thoughts. The 'corn-y riddles' are actually something the one I went to had, and they were too good to not include.
It's a lovely fall evening when you arrive at the Mournfall Farm with your friends. There's a lot to do here - or so the Yelp reviews say - so you better get started! As everyone goes their separate ways to explore, you and your partner head to...
Felix wants to check out the Haunted Hayride! So you two make your way to the little train depot. Stacks of haybales are set out as seats and there's already a few people in line. As it's late fall and obviously chilly, Felix is shivering but trying not to be obvious about it. You hold his hands in yours to warm them up. His face is a little pink, but you can't tell if it's from embarrassment or the cold. Knowing him, it's probably both. He's excitedly telling you about the history of Halloween - pagan celebrations and shielding oneself from demons, etc. Then the train comes around the bend. There are four cars, each one brightly colored in different primary colors. Felix opens the door for you (there's an attendant already there for that but Felix is being a gentleman so) and you thank him with a kiss on the cheek. So now he's blushing from embarrassment. A speaker haphazardly duct taped to the side of the car begins talking, a cheerful pre-recorded voice recounting a brief history of the farm. It was founded a century or so ago, they started using tractors because they were easier, apparently a young girl was mysteriously drowned in a well?? The way they're describing it makes it sound like a bad rehash of The Ring. Felix is certainly excited though. There are skeletons dressed in farm clothes doing farm things - holding a pitchfork, refueling the tractor, carrying corn, on and on. There's also some mannequins that are wearing those weird rubber masks. You don't think it was intended for them to look creepy, but they're pretty creepy. You and Felix try to guess who the masks are supposed to be but it's not like you have a way of verifying. Peeking out from some of the talks is a Party City-esque 'ghost girl' that more or less just looks like a knock-off Samara. So there's that. Felix spends the rest of the train ride (there's not much to look at other than more skeletons and scarecrows and some sunflowers and corn stalks) talking about how he would improve it. His plans are grandoise and could only really be accomplished via magic, but you two have fun anyways. You suggest he turns Blackthorne into a haunted house next year and now he whips out his phone to do research on how to do that. That's most of the rest of the ride.
Anisa wants to hit up the farmer's market! It's comprised of pop-up tents, little stalls, boxes upon boxes of gourds, and a caramel apple stand. That last one is what Anisa focuses on. She grabs your hand and pulls you along into line. While there are plain apples, there's also plenty of decorated ones; monsters, Frankensteins, bats, pumpkins, so on. Making the apples is an elderly couple, one of them dipping and the other decorating. Anisa squeezes your hand and says you guys should open your own bakery! You sweetly and gently remind her that the last time she tried to use caramel, a solid (or should you say liquid-y) cup ended up in her hair. It took three hours to get it all out. Anisa gently and protectively pats her hair down. All the same, when it's your turn, she starts asking the couple about how they make everything. You buy two apples and start nibbling on yours while she keeps asking questions. When she finally finishes (which takes a couple minutes) you tell her how cute her excitement is. Her face goes red. A little bit later, she buys some honey for Ayanna. Meanwhile you're looking at a weirdly-shaped squash. You start to say, "Honey, can you pass me-" and you were asking for her phone because you wanted to look up what this thing was but all Anisa hears is 'honey' and 'pass me' and so she passes you the jar of honey. The honey is way heavier than you were expecting - because you were expecting your phone - and so you promptly drop the jar. You and Anisa both try to grab it but all you manage to do is bonk your heads together. Luckily the jar is made from tempered glass and the ground is just loose dirt and straws of hay so the jar doesn't break. Once you've finished with the market, you head out to the little pumpkin patch. It's not terribly big - maybe the size of an empty lot - but there's still plenty to choose from. You two carefully step around the gourds, trying not to trip, laughing amongst yourselves. Anisa wants to carve some pumpkins so at least you have your next date planned out!
Sage grabs your hand and pulls you along towards the corn maze. The attendant hands you both a little map that doubles as an answer sheet for 'corn-y riddles'. There are 12 signs spread out along the maze, so you just write down the sign number on the answer. You're pretty sure Sage isn't paying attention. As soon as the attendant turns around, Sage just drops his map back in the map basket. After all, he has a great sense of direction! He can totally lead you through this. Meanwhile you casually and discreetly turn on your GPS because Sage is. Mm. Not as great with directions as he thinks. So onwards you guys go! The cornstalks stretch out above your heads and blot out the lights from the setting sun, the market, and the train tracks. The corn is able to act as a pretty good windbreak, but you're still chilly and end up sticking to Sage's side where it's warmest. He hugs you close but also leans most of his weight on you so you whine and stumble. He thinks it's hilarious. Every time there's a sudden sound - the call of a crow, a shriek from deeper in the maze, a tractor misfiring - Sage pulls you against his chest. Every time it happens, once the surprise settles, he quickly releases you and rubs the back of his neck and says that It Was Just A Reflex Don't Make A Big Deal About It! Every time that happens, he shortly after tries to play it off and suggests making out in the corn. After the third time you grab a corn stalk, pull it back, and let it go so it whacks him in the face. He pouts about it (struggling to maintain a straight face) but the second you turn away, you can hear him snickering. After a couple wrong turns courtesty of Wow You Cannot See This Is Why Corn Mazes Are Part of Horror Movies Apparently, you guys manage to find your first sign! It's clipart of some horse screwing around on a swingset. You pull out your answer sheet. This one.. is... horseplay. Sage starts snickering as he realizes All These Corn-Y Riddles Are Fucking Puns. A duck on a chair is a sitting duck, a deer next to an outhouse is a John Deere, a cow eating a pie is a cowpie. Each time you come across another one, Sage hugs you from behind and hides his face in your shoulder and tries his best to not laugh. He's a sucker for puns! You end up laughing too.
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wdwmarveldisney · 2 years
Hear my Voice
Malia Hale x reader
Summary: You found it weird, in all honesty. Everyone from the age of ten could talk to their soulmates telepathically. But you? You hadn't heard from yours.
A/N: I love Malia and I love soulmate au so here is some unprompted stuff that may count as like kinda fluff. I don’t know. I know there’s a bit of swearing though so have that. Was proofread but I was tired so it wasn’t exactly good proofreading.
GIF isn’t mine
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You found it weird, in all honesty. Everyone from the age of ten could talk to their soulmates telepathically. All your friends had immediately met up with theirs or talked about possibly meeting up when they were too far away. But you? You hadn't heard from yours, like ever. People gave you looks of pity as you spent years endlessly trying to contact them, willing them to answer. After a while, by the time you were fourteen, you gave up completely and accepted the facts. You had lost your other half before you even got to meet them. It was depressing, you knew that, but it was life. Hard and cruel life. It happens all the time and you'd just have to understand that.
And you had. You'd moved on and just carried on with life, decent grades and you had a space on the lacrosse team that seemed to be stable. You had good friends and a nice family. You had gotten out of your habit of trying every now and then but there were still days where you felt the lowest of low so you would try your hardest to get some sort of response but it was all useless. So now you sat in maths, mind wondering to basically anything but vectors. Tapping your pen at a constant beat, you ignored the teacher as easy as you breathed.
You could see the girl in front resting her head in one hand as she highlighted her book, mostly using red over every paragraph, and you noticed how everything was colour coded. You could only hope that red was a good thing for her sake. Without being able to help it, you watched her in the most non creepy way you could. You noticed how her knee wouldn't stop bouncing, how she constantly moved to readjust her hair out of her face, how she glanced up to the board every now and then before scribbling something down. You knew she was relatively new to the school, hanging out Scott and Stiles and Lydia and Kira and that lot.
Slowly slipping further into a daze as you observed her, it was fair to say you jumped out of your skin when the words rang throughout your head. What the actual fuck is this? You jumped up, backing away from the table as you tried to get over the shock. That wasn't your voice. The voice sounded confused and annoyed and slowly an excited smile made its way to your face. A little huff of disbelief left your lips, hand flying up to rest on the top of your head. You could hear the teacher talking to you faintly and could feel everyone staring at you but you didn't care. Your soulmate had just spoken to you.
Finally looking up, you smiled sheepishly at the glare the teacher aimed your way and slipped back into your seat with your head falling into your hands. Do you respond? They just spent the last six or so years ignoring you. But maybe they had good reason. You should leave it a little while, don't want to seem clingy. You folded your hands in front of you, sitting up taller as you counted to ten in your head. Yeah, that should do it. Hello? You brought your thumb to your mouth, eyes trained on the board.
You just about noticed the girl in front look more alert, looking around like she was trying to find something. You wondered what the hell was up with her. Silence followed as the teacher droned on about the homework and you began packing up with a more deflated mood now. You swung your bag over your shoulder, trying your hardest to stay positive. They said something, didn't they? That counts for something. The grin that pulled at your lips stayed there all the way to the point you were on the lacrosse field, standing to the side of Scott, Stiles and Liam. You saw the McCall boy turned with a slight confused tilt and you knew it was to do with your unusually good mood. Stiles and Liam both turned too, Stiles smirking and letting you know he wasn't going to let his questioning go unanswered, "And what has you so smiley? Aren't you supposed to be Grumpy?" You faked a smile, eyes shining with annoyance that made the boy's smirk grow, "Mature Stilinski," he grinned patting your back and you shoved his hand away, hearing Coach's vague instructions to start the drill. Liam was the one to cut off the two of you, "But seriously though,"
Huffing, you rolled your eyes dramatically and leant against your lacrosse stick, "If you fools must know, my soulmate said something," all threes' eyes widened since you'd told them straight up about the situation when they asked the first time and you did it with such casualness they were worried at first. "Your soulmate? Why did they say? Did they explain anything? They better of have a good apology! And a good rea-"
"Stilinski, shut it. They didn't say much, only 'What the actual fuck is this?' And they didn't respond when I said hello but they said something so they're alive, right? That's good," you saw Stiles pull a face in the corner of your eye but both Liam and Scott sent smiles your way. Scott gave you a small side hug, "That's great, it means they're out there and you'll probably meet someday soon," you grinned back at the boy, returning the hug as Liam said something along the same lines but Stiles still had that look on his face, refusing to speak until a very detailed threat left your mouth and he did it out of general fear for his life, "Just that, they could be possibly ignoring you, spoke by accident, you know? Maybe they're one of those ones who don't want soulmates,"
Scott and Liam were quick to send glares in Stiles' direction leaving him to splutter out defences as you just frowned to yourself. Not wanting to think of it that way, you shook the thought away and took those few steps forward so you could take your turn in scoring. Coach's whistle sliced through the air and you channelled all your self doubt and hurt into the play, form almost perfect. That was until a certain voice rang through your head. They're pretty. Who's pretty? Jealously flooded your veins and you stumbled slightly, the ball being thrown with such force and bad aim that it ended by the edge of the trees, you being sent to go get it. You saw the three boys frowning, trying to figure out what had happened when Liam was called forward.
Turning round to get the ball, you pouted and your grip grew tighter and you probably resembled a small child having a tantrum but you didn't care. You were muttering to yourself, frown on your lips. Who the hell were they calling pretty? Why was it one thing after another, hope being crushed to nothing but ideal kindling to help them set your heart ablaze. You couldn't find it in yourself to respond, just picking up the ball and turning around to walk back to the field. Except when you turned, you saw the girl from Maths in front of you.
Removing your helmet, your brows furrowed in confusion and a slight frown pulled at your lips. "I'm Malia," she said and you gave a small nod, waiting for her to expand. Her voice sounded kind of familiar. When a small silence had settled, you realised there was no more she wanted to say, "Um, I'm Y/N. Can I- Can I help you?" She looked to the ball you were now throwing in a nervous habit and you saw her nose twitched slightly, her face scrunching up. She seemed just as confused as you, "I'm not sure. Just I heard a voice in my head and then I heard your voice and they're pretty similar and I just wanted to tell you to get out my head. That's it," she gave a small nod and turned to walk away as it clicked for you. That's why you recognised her voice, granted you had only heard it twice so you couldn't exactly pick it out straight away.
By the time you'd snapped back into action she was already halfway to the bleachers where Lydia and Kira were smirking in your direction. You chased after her, managing to shut a yelling Coach up with a gritted out, "I'm busy," that made him back up and carry on without you. "Malia, wait! Please!" She spun round, face scrunched slightly and she yelped as you began to drag her away from everyone else. When you found a reasonably private place, you stared at her with a slight slacked jaw, "You hear my voice, right? We're soulmates, yeah?" Her face fell, surprise weaving itself into her features along with something like joy, maybe. Before she could answer, Lydia stood at one side of her and Stiles stood on the other. "Hey, um, Y/N, could we talk?"
"I'm busy Stilinski,"
"See that, but it's important," he grabbed your upper arm and pulled you away as Lydia began to talk with Malia. When you'd stopped, you flicked Stiles' forehead, "The fuck are you and your girlfriend doing?" Stiles gave you an incredulous look as he rubbed his forehead, slight frown forming on his lips. As he watched your expression turn practically murderous, he realised he should speak quickly or get killed, "Malia doesn't exactly know a lot on the soulmate situation. It's a- it's a weird explanation but you've just gotta trust me, okay? Lydia's, um well, Lydia said I shouldn't tell you because it should come from Malia so just give them a sec,"
Your head turned to face the two, Malia looking more confused then ever before and she kept glancing your way as Lydia spoke. You couldn’t help but frown and try your best to check in. You okay? She tensed, eyes fixed on you and your worried expression before she gave a small nod. You assumed it was to you as she immediately looked back to Lydia. That gave you a moment to talk to Stiles again, “So she wasn’t ignoring me? She just… didn’t know?” Stiles had a massive grin on his lips, clearly thrilled in the development. He was nodding like crazy and you couldn’t understand why he was so excited, “Yeah. You know, you two are going to be like the perfect couple it’ll get to the point where we’ll all want to kill you. I’m really happy for you guys,”
“That we might die?” A chuckle came from next to you and your gaze shot to Malia who was stifling a laugh at, very clearly, your words. She looked so cute, no, she looked beautiful. Her hair framed her face in a mess of waves and her eyes were alight with a joy you’d never seen before but that you prayed was mirrored in your gaze. Yeah, this may just be one of the best days of your life.
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