#and now Knockout can fly
lets-try-some-writing · 7 months
Had a thought for your seeker knockout AU:
Knockout sees Bee fall into the Cybermatter and get his voice back. Knockout wonders. "What if..." But sits on the question for too long and now he's trying to make own cybermatter to get his wings back.
There's just enough cybermatter left over from the dump into Cybertron's core for Knockout to take a quick dip... And he becomes a triple changer and has to relearn his t-cog.
YES. This is an excellent idea right here. Time for Knockout to get his wings back.
Previous part here.
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Knockout once called the skies his home. It was his safe haven, his place of purpose and peace. When his wings were taken from him, he was quite frankly sparkbroken. He adored the skies and the ability to soar through them, but he did not allow that pain to show. He needed to stay alive, and the only way to do that amongst Decepticons was to keep composure at all times. He thought the chance to regain what he had was gone...
But seeing Bumblebee emerge restored from the Cybermatter... Knockout wanted to hope. Before he could be stopped, he scooped up a small portion of the Cybermatter in a vial and tucked it away, allowing the Autobots to do with the restored Omega Lock as they wished. At that point, he didn't care what they decided to do, he had more important possibilities to see to. Now he was no scientist, but he didn't need to be to have an idea of what to do with the Cybermatter.
Quietly, as the Autobots directed the Nemesis toward Cybertron, Knockout retreated to his quarters and readied himself for what would either make or break him. He was no fool, he knew this could go horribly wrong or fantastically right. Thus he kept a commlink ready to be activated and call Ratchet. No matter how much he disliked his fellow medic at times, medics stick together. If things got bad, Knockout wanted to have a fellow doctor on hand. As such as he sat down on a medical berth and loaded the vile into a syringe, he could only take a few deep vents and steady himself.
In one swift motion, he jabbed the needle into the crux of his neck where he knew there was a fuel line that once ran directly to his wings. At first, he felt nothing as the cybermatter entered his body. His constant scans revealed nothing out of the ordinary save for hyperactive repair nanites, and so with a heavy spark after a few groons of waiting with no notable results, Knockout retired to his berth. He shouldn't have expected anything, he had been without wings since the height of the war. It was foolish to hope...
At least that's what he told himself up until he woke in the middle of his recharge cycle in agony.
He couldn't scream, he could hardly even move as he rolled onto his side and shook in silent torment as it felt as though his frame were burning, melting, and being reforged all at the same time. He wasn't sure how long he laid there, but at some point someone must have gotten concerned as eventually Ratchet busted down his door and had him moved to the medical bay. Knockout was largely unconscious for the latter half of whatever it was that was happening to him. However when he woke again, his frame felt... different. Flight protocols that hadn't been used in vorns were awakening.
He didn't cry, he didn't even twitch when he sat up, stared straight at the nearest wall, and felt what he knew to be wings. It took Ratchet nearly beating him upset the helm with a wrench for being so careless for him to really comprehend what happened. He could only sit there, flexing his restored appendages with a growing smile and wide optics. It felt like a dream, especially when he looked into the mirror and saw that the Cybermatter had not just restored his wings, but also his frame. He was restored entirely. He wasn't half bad as a grounder, he took care to ensure that. Even still, having his true flight capable frame back was simply put, a miracle.
Ratchet: YOU FOOL! Do you have ANY idea how dangerous using Cybermatter like that was!?
Knockout: I am well aware Doc.
Ratchet: You certainly don't sound like it!
Knockout: ...
Ratchet: ...
Knockout: ...
Ratchet, sighing deeply: Look, it was dangerous, but... I am glad to see you got your wings back. I cannot imagine how difficult it was to manage living as a grounder.
Knockout was largely confined to the medical bay as his wings continued to develop. The bare essentials were there, but the plating and protoform was still taking time to develop. Against the expectations of the entire team once they learned of Knockout's actions, he stayed put. In fact he took his recovery and restoration far more seriously than even his duties as a Doctor. Every waking moment he spent dutifully tending to his precious wings and practicing flexing the cabling and activating the still sputtering thrusters that were making themselves known on his back.
By the time the team arrived on Cybertron, Knockout was more than ready. Fear lingered at the back of his processors, causing him to hesitate as he stood on the deck of the Nemesis, a few flight capable vehicons by his side to catch him if things went south. Optimus himself was also present, keeping a vague optic on the scenario as he worked on something or other. As such with a fearful vent and a prayer to Breakdown to watch over him, Knockout threw himself over the edge, begging his instinctual coding to take control.
He fell like a bag of bolts for a few dozen feet, and then just as he was starting to fear for his life, age old codes activated. However instead of wheels spinning and dirt beneath his frame, he felt the current rushing past his wings as his vision warped and he graced the skies for the first time in millennia. Never before had Knockout laughed so joyfully, nor had he ever stayed in the skies for as long as he did that cycle. He only returned to the Nemesis when his wings burned from the exertion and his spark fluttered with too much emotion to be contained.
The team congratulated him on his restoration, but to Knockout it meant very little as he returned to his quarters, and collected a small picture from his berthside table.
"I did it Breakdown. I promised you I would fly again."
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see-arcane · 2 years
OJ and JJ: Why Jean Jacket Let the Haywoods—Especially OJ—Get Away with More Than Anyone Else in “Nope”
I’ve seen Nope twice now. While everyone I saw it with enjoyed it, I heard a few cries of foul when it came to OJ and the others’ improbable good luck with all their near misses interacting with our favorite terrifying gulch-haunting UFO. I call foul back and say plot armor had nothing to do with it. Some luck, yeah, otherwise we’d have no protagonists. But that was hardly all.
Spoilers for Nope below
To be clear, I am absolutely not painting this as the same delusional ‘friendship’ Jupe assumed he had with Jean Jacket. Neither he, nor OJ, nor anyone else is a miraculously endowed animal/alien tamer with an automatic ~*~special bond~*~. It’s one of many points Nope goes out of its way to illustrate. You can only train (or disrespect) an animal so far before they lash out, especially predators, and especially island-sized UFOs with the munchies. But, insomuch as there is any ‘safe’ way to coexist in close proximity with something like Jean Jacket, OJ Haywood is shown to have pulled it off with flying colors. And he did so almost entirely unaware to begin with by dint of his character traits.
That and a combination of Jean Jacket’s own instincts are what likely put him and the people around him in the tiiiny pocket of special allowance JJ deigned to give them over the course of the movie.
Let’s roll back to the first scene with the Haywood Ranch and the death of Otis Sr. A death by falling nickel that happened six months before the present-day events of the film. Just before this, father and son were curious about the screaming in the clouds—a fresh snack of hikers about to be squelched—followed by the rain of inedible bits. We can assume this was Jean Jacket’s first time flying in the gulch, and he chose the Haywood Ranch as The Spot for Purging; just like the hills next to the ranch were chosen for his ‘nest’/hiding place/resting spot.
While Jupe was methodically feeding JJ fresh horses and imagining the big guy trusted him, Jean Jacket kept going home to his actual favorite spot right next to OJ and his horses—a man and his big juicy animals out training in broad daylight, day after day, without ever pestering them. No missing horses. No missing OJ. Despite JJ clearly having opportunity and a taste for both species by that point. Why?
The obvious answer is that OJ kept his head down. Literally. Eyes always on his work, under the shade of his hat bill, maybe glancing at the clouds now and then…but always too far away to agitate. For all that time, he was unconsciously respecting Jean Jacket’s rules. Plus, he was in JJ’s purging/nesting territory first; yes, Jean Jacket was calling dibs on the whole gulch, but if the locals already there aren’t bothering him, fine, sure, they can stay.
The place’s importance to Jean Jacket, OJ’s head-down habits, and the amount of time spent coexisting with each other sans trouble all combined to put OJ and the alien into as close to a neighborly setup as could ever be expected. Don’t fuck with me, I don’t fuck with you.
Then things start picking up. Too much activity, too many new skyward glances from OJ, too many hackles raised with the Star Lasso Experience. And yeah, JJ did almost vacuum OJ up—he infringed on their ‘arrangement’ and looked! The nerve! And after JJ let him get away with hiding under a roof the night he stared up at the dust devil that took the fake horse! How ungrateful!
…A move that, in hindsight, plays almost like a Strike 1 offense, paid back by slurping up the actual horse. OJ’s staring at the Star Lasso arena was likely Strike 2. After snapping at OJ and causing the accidental knockout against the ceiling, JJ flies off without him or Lucky.
Off JJ flies to the Haywood Ranch again, full of screaming people and detritus and huffy extraterrestrial chest-pounding. And what does JJ do? He drops a big bloody purge waterfall directly onto the Haywoods’ house—OJ’s territory-within-JJ’s territory—like the giant alien version of an animal hiking its leg and marking all over a lower-tier animal’s spot.
This is a warning. This is my place. I rule here.
Then, as if holding onto the statue for last (hell, that may have been the real Strike 1), he moves his big flying Roomba self over to OJ’s truck—which I’d bet JJ definitely recognizes after six months—and just hovers. Hovers. Hovers.
Making sure OJ is paying attention. Then he hacks the statue out like a bad loogie right into the windshield. Assuming it didn’t kill his ‘neighbor,’ it would be a fine lesson:
You are on thin ice. Do not cross me again.
Come morning, what do we find out? Not only is Jean Jacket smart enough to know the humans will react when he moves enough to let the electricity fizzle back on, he immediately moves back overhead to stare down at OJ. My guess? It was a test.
You know better, neighbor. What do you do when I am here? What very smart thing have you done in all our quiet time side by side?
And thank God, it does dawn on OJ in time. Do Not Look. No Eyes On JJ.
So he ducks his head. And, even though he caught a very obvious peripheral glimpse, Jean Jacket still lets that slide. Jean Jacket lets OJ, his sister, and Angel—probably his family/pack in JJ’s POV—scurry away in their silly rolling box. We can’t even say it was because Jean Jacket was still full; the big guy looks like he has whole miles of gut to chow down with.
No, he lets OJ and company off with a few warnings, because the arrangement renewed. And off he goes to settle in his cloud again.
Cut to the run.
I sincerely believe that if it had been any other person on the horse, any other person goading Jean Jacket along the run, they would not have lasted a minute. No, not even with their head down. We’ve seen by now just how fast JJ can move, how quick he can flip from zero to I-Will-Knock-You-Back-Like-a-Shrieking-Tic-Tac. And nobody can say they didn’t clench up when they, like OJ, realized Jean Jacket was hovering right behind him like the world’s most ominous frisbee. Ditto the part where JJ slurped up the TMZ jerk barely a yard away from him and Lucky.
Thiiis close to sucking him up. But no. The dust devil got Mr. TMZ with the precision of a straw.
Then we get to the run—OJ on horseback, JJ being JJ, going fast…but almost at his version of a canter. A brisk walking pace.
That much might be owed to the fact that, unlike all his other prey, the people/horses have gotten a good look at Jean Jacket, then turned to run. With OJ’s staring hoodie, he’s retreating while still looking at/challenging JJ. That’s new! That implies Jean Jacket’s neighbor has his hackles up even as he moves away!
So Jean Jacket gives a comparatively leisurely chase. Then, just when he gets fed up and goes for the vacuum maneuver—surprise! Flags everywhere! Jean Jacket freaks out as expected, twisting away rather than risk gulping up another bad meal. What the hell, OJ, why didn’t you warn JJ you were a statue this whole time?
And, finally, the climax.
OJ looks at Jean Jacket dead on, still sitting on the flag-strung Lucky. This is when Jean Jacket has completely unfolded into what looks like a full intimidation display. These tiny two-legged things have turned into a big flag-covered, barbed wired headache for Jean Jacket. Perhaps even a threat. It’s down to a fight for the territory in JJ’s perspective. Someone has to go. And OJ, the one he ‘knows’ best, the one that had respected and been respected by Jean Jacket most, like two sullen predators in the same cage mutually agreeing not to bother the other, is the one metaphorically baring his teeth first.
Even as he flexes all his freaky jellyfish anatomy, Jean Jacket hesitates.  
Does he think this is OJ warning him away? Or is he really instigating a fight to the finish? …Is there a chance OJ could win?
Even when, finally, OJ does begin drawing him along, away from Em’s bike, we never see JJ strike out with his appendages or make another dust devil. He’ll match OJ’s staring contest, he’ll creep closer, but he does not lash out.
It’s only when Em revs up and takes off for Jupiter’s Claim that Jean Jacket gambles on pursuing what he (mis)takes for the less worrisome Haywood. Simply because she looked at him and fled? Because JJ wants another warning to spit up for OJ later? No way to know.
All we see is that OJ, by a mix of hair-thin good fortune and animal training experience, managed to live with, counter, and psych out Jean Jacket enough to earn the man-eating megafauna’s tolerance and enough respect that it edged near worry.
tl;dr: No, OJ was not a magical horse/alien whisperer. But he did gain enough of Jean Jacket’s esteem to give him the best odds of survival, cohabitation and manipulation, simply by being himself, being respectful of the ‘rules’ once he knew them, and being cool as hell while everyone else fell apart or got slurped.
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randofics · 6 months
I love your 'bots reacting to you reaching where they can't posts. Would you do one for the 'cons?
Here ya go darlin' hope ya like it!
When you first met the con, he had been very xenophobic towards you. He wouldn't touch you, let alone go anywhere near you unless ordered by Megatron, and even then, he'd put up a fuss about it. So when he got shrapnel lodged in his turbine blades and knockout couldn't get it without invasive measures, it was up to none other than you to pry it out. He absolutely dreaded it, but he also couldn't fly without his turbine, so if you had to do it over knockout performing surgery, then so be it.
He transformed hissing in pain as the turbine blades flexed, making the shrapnel cut into them. Using a box as a step stool, you came level with the engine. You spotted the wedged metal and began to reach for it before hesitating. He could easily shred your arm. You'd seen the plane accident documentaries on a binge last year and knew well enough of the tornado force winds engines could produce. There had only been one man you'd heard of to survive being sucked into a military jets engine, and it had been through sheer luck. His vest strap snagged on the metal inside, stopping his body from being sucked further in, but his hand had been effectively shredded by the blades.
Starscream's voice broke you from your dark thoughts. "I'm not going to harm you, fleshy. As much as I'd like to, Megatron gave me direct orders not to."
That was only slightly reassuring, but you steeled yourself and slowly moved your hand forward between the first set of blades. With your wrist pushed between two of the thin blades, you reached for the mangled metal shard slotted through the second set. With your fingers firmly on it, you wiggled it, only making it move slightly. "Do hurry fleshy before I dislodge it with your arm still inside." His voice was slightly pained as you got a better grip on it.
"Going as fast as I can... aha!" You pulled the surprisingly long strip of metal from his blades and extracted your hand swiftly along with it. He let out a sigh of relief and expiramentally spun his blades. "That feels much better. Now I can go finish my work." Without so much as a thank you, he sauntered out however you did get a thanks from knockout.
Megs wasn't a fun mech to be around, especially when you were his prisoner. But whenever the chance arose to get in his good graces, you took the opportunity. One day, when he returned to the nemesis after battle and he walked into his quarters, where he was also keeping an eye on you (Those good for nothing bots couldn't be trusted with a pawn like you). The door shut with a hiss locking behind him, and his shoulders relaxed he even let the slight hobble in his walk show, probably having forgotten you were there.
You watched as he sat in his desk chair and spun around to face you in your little cage. Your curiosity getting the better of you made you speak. "Lord Megatron, may I ask why you're injured?"
He let out an angered and frustrated growl, looking away from you. "Your autobot comrades got a few lucky shots on me, and I seem to have something lodged in my plating, most likely from the battle. He felt under one of the plates on his side, wincing slightly at a tender spot. "Was knockout not able to remove it?"
His optics flashed in anger, and he slammed his fist down on the chair arm. "I do not need his help with such a trivial thing! It will dislodge itself eventually." You held up your hands to placate him and just left it at that.
A day later and he came back in with an even worse hobble wincing as he sat in his chair. "You want me to remove that thing for you?... Lord Megatron." He sighed, pushing up off his seat and grabbing hold of your cage. He entered the pass code, and the door creaked open. You hopped out onto the table and motioned for him to show you which plate it was under. He leaned awkwardly over you so you could reach the panel of metal, and gently, you lifted it so you could get a better look.
A small rock (small to him anyway) was lodged in such a way that whenever he walked it ground into some of his finer components. "Ouch, that's probably like me getting a bone splinter in one of my joints. I'm surprised it wasn't bothering you this much yesterday."
"Quit your rambling and remove it, fleshy."
"Ok ok do you have anything I can use to knock it out? I'm not strong enough to pull it out by hand." You could practically hear him roll his optics, but he reached to a shelf above and grabbed a tiny object, dropping it next to you. It just looked like another piece of metal to you, but it was a proper shape and weight. You got back in position and aimed the object at the rock striking it once, then twice without much success. Megatron hissed as he involuntarily shifted and that stubborn piece of rock ground into the metal around it.
The third strike split it in half, and it fell away dropping to the floor far below. He stepped back, testing his flexibility, and you could tell it was still sore but not near as bad as it had been. He looked down at you, motioning for you to go back into your cage he locked the door behind you and had you toss the metal object outside. "Thank you for your cooperation."
"You're welcome, I guess?"
Knockout was relatively friendly for a con and not nearly as xenophobic as some of the others could be. In fact, he was quite the opposite in that sense. He's very curious, maybe a little too curious about human anatomy and organ functions. But you could definitely get a few laughs from and with him. Eventually, your curiosity of their anatomy grew as you ran out of things to entertain you.
He was more than happy to explain things to you in the utmost detail. When you mentioned you'd love to get an in person look at a cybertronians inner workings, he happily volunteered for a light viewing. He transformed and popped his hood, revealing an alien, engine-esqe jumble of mirrored components where a normal engine would be. The metal wasn't sparkling like you expected with him, but it wasn't dirty either.
Your eyes sparkled with wonder as you tried to imagine how each piece would work, and without realizing you leaned over, your soft legging covered thighs smooshing against his red finish. Your hands gripped the inside lip of his engine space, letting you get a closer look at a smaller component that caught your eye. As if you were admiring a precious stone, you lightly grazed the edge of the glowing centerpiece's metal covering. Blue light shown through the purpose built air intakes on either side of the cover.
At your touch there, he shook like he'd been hit with an electric shock and slammed his hood shut as you jumped away. Clearing his vocalizer, he spoke with a very unlike him stutter. He also seemed a bit higher pitched than normal. "OK, that's enough of a ha-hands-on look for now. I-I need to return to my work, or Lord Megatron will be angry with me."
Jittery, he got back to work at his computer, leaving you to your own devices and wondering just what exactly that was all about.
"What in cybertron was that!? Their touch was so light, yet it was like I hit a powerline!" Perhaps it had been a bad idea to let you do that.
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earthstellar · 4 months
Miko and Holding a Grudge: Storytime is Learning Time
I was thinking about how in the final episode of TFP, Miko uses the "I'm going to beat your ass" armour to punch Knockout clean across the face
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Miko punches him so quickly and efficiently that I genuinely could not get a screenshot of the impact moment. lmao
And there are a lot of good reasons for her to want to slap this twink into the stratosphere, but I was thinking about any specific grudges Miko might have personally against Knockout to help fuel that punch
Because typically Miko goes in with a sort of "I learned this by watching WWE with Bulkhead and I'm excited to hurt you" tiny human wrecker energy and is naturally hyped, so she tends to go in with a slightly showy approach to delivering a beatdown, which makes sense.
We know she watches stuff like monster truck rallies with Bulkhead, and we know she's watched Bulkhead and Wheeljack pretty closely, and this has had an impact on her developing her personal fighting style: High energy, maybe a couple attempts at some kind of signature moves. she's learned from TV shows and watching actual factional alien warfare play out in the Nevada desert. Shit's wild, and so is she.
But when she punches Knockout, it's a totally silent, quick, efficient hit-- which is pretty different to how Miko usually approaches "the smackdown".
Sure, part of it is because Knockout is sort of ruining a huge moment for the Autobots by quipping at a particularly annoying moment to do so, and she probably just wants him to shut the fuck up as quickly as possible so they can all get back to enjoying watching the revitalisation of Cybertron.
And they're all probably a bit tired from even managing to get to this point.
But then I remembered:
In the episode Flying Mind, Miko and Raf help Fowler off the Nemesis after he's been incapacitated.
But Jack stays behind, and when Knockout snaps out of Trypticon's stasis, he attempts to power drill through Jack's head/upper torso.
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Ratchet comes through the ground bridge and punches Knockout, in the same way Miko punches Knockout in the series finale. One hit, and we're done here.
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(Sorry for the crunchy quality screenshot, my internet connection is a bit crunchy itself at the moment lmao)
Now, Miko wasn't there to witness this, but we know Miko frequently asks the others to tell her about anything she misses, either because she's been asked to stay home or because things kicked off when she was otherwise not around. She likes to hear battle stories. She's actively jealous of the others when they get to go deal with cool shit and she can't for various reasons.
So we can assume that she asked Jack what happened, or perhaps Ratchet briefed everyone once the other Autobots were revived from temporary stasis, and she would have been present for that in the base.
Miko holds a grudge. There is an entire episode where her and Wheeljack essentially go on an ill-advised revenge mission after Bulkhead is injured. She operates on that mafia level shit, wanting revenge so badly that she essentially withholds information from Wheeljack until he agrees to let her tag along.
And while she learned from that experience, it does hint at the type of mindset she has-- Don't fuck with her friends, or she will very much hold onto that anger until she gets the chance to act on it.
When she punches Knockout, it's a quick, clean punch. Which makes sense contextually for that scene, she's not going to haul completely off on him in that moment.
But it also echoes how Ratchet dealt with him when Knockout was threatening Jack, and that seems like the kind of detail Miko would remember after having it described to her.
She has a bit of a vengeful streak, and even though she does learn not to act on desires for revenge, she's still a kid and god she loves fighting so much, and there is no way she forgot about that one time Knockout tried to kill her friend with a fucking drill-- Even if she didn't get to witness it, it's likely she was told about it in some way, and she's been holding onto that for a while.
So I just really like that her punching Knockout is a mirror of when Ratchet punched Knockout previously, because we know she's very good at paying attention to detail when it comes to fighting, and we know that she learns from observation and from listening to battle stories.
It makes a lot of sense if she just recognised Knockout as being that one bot who nearly killed Jack and remembered how Jack likely described the incident to her later (or may have gotten details from any debriefing Ratchet may have provided at the base), and in that moment recalled that Ratchet took him down in one hit, so she should probably just do the same.
It's quick, it worked before on this exact bot, it'll probably work again.
Miko does learn. She very much holds a grudge. And I like that even though her actions in the finale make sense even without the possible background connection to a prior episode, it does perfectly make sense either way.
You know she begged Jack for all the details later, and you know she committed that shit to memory.
If Ratchet can knock out Knockout, so can she.
And she's not having their victory moment fucked up by some dude who seriously put them in danger on many previous occasions, even if he came around to the "winning team" in the end.
anyway you just know Miko is a mascot for the Wreckers later on, like there's no way Wheeljack and/or Bulkhead doesn't custom paint the side of a ship at some point like a WW2 aircraft lmao but it's just a painting of Miko laughing maniacally while punching a boulder or something
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
How would the tfp autobos react to kid seeker bot buddy thinking starscream looks cool when flying and wants to be like him someday?
Seeker Buddy is in for it when their admiration of their idol gets heard. Since you did not specify which characters you wanted, I chose some at random.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the kid Seeker having Starscream as their idol with Wheeljack, Bulkhead, and Optimus Prime
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
“…Excuse me? Can you repeat that? Cause I thought I heard you fan about Starscream.”--Wheeljack
“I did.”--Buddy
“…You do remember that guy tortured me, nearly killed Arcee and Jack, right?”--Wheeljack
“Yeah, but have you seen how he works in the air! I can barely make any of those turns without nearly clipping my wings and thrusters!”--Buddy
Wheeljack understands that everyone has an idol or someone they look up to.
Miko for example. She looks up to all the Wreckers, even though they have more extreme methods, they are at least one of the good guys!
Starscream is the farthest thing from being a good role model, or descent mech.
He makes it his personal mission to get Buddy to find another idol or mentor within the team, he’ll even settle for Knockout or one of Vechicon’s that’s strangely nice to humans.
What was his name again? Sean? Shirley? Stephen?
To a point Wheeljack understands why Buddy sees him in such a way.
Starscream isn’t the Second in Command of the Cons for nothing. Also taking into consideration that Buddy is on a team that is all land-based vehicles, he understands that Buddy might fill left out of the mix.
If Buddy feels lonely flying around, Wheeljack is grabbing the Jackhammer and is going to go flying with them.
Is this going to make Magnus nearly blow a gasket? Most likely.
Will it be worth it in the end? Absolutely.
If he sees Starscream try and recruit Buddy to the Cons ranks, the Second in Command is leaving the battlefield without a servo or entire arm. Buddy isn’t going to go anywhere near that Con if he’s around.
Wheeljack does tell Buddy after the ordeal is over that they are a valued member of the team. Just in case they didn’t already know that.
“…You know we care about you kid.”--Wheeljack
“You’re a good kid, Buddy. A brilliant Autobot Seeker and the best air support we could ask for. Don’t forget that, okay.”—Wheeljack
“…Thanks Jackie.”--Buddy
“You sounded like you were complementing Screamer.”--Bulkhead
“I was.”--Buddy
“Why? You know he tortured Wheeljack and nearly offlined me in that cave, right?”--Bulkhead
“All I’m saying is that the way he did his barrel roll was awesome!”--Buddy
“…Hey, how about we go see Ratchet…”--Bulkhead
Bulkhead is seriously going to have a sit-down conversation with Buddy about this.
Like Wheeljack, he is going to make it his personal mission to find Buddy another idol/ mentor.
He does see how Buddy might feel different from the rest of the team based on their alt mode so he tries to be as inclusive as he can in other activities.
Buddy feeling bored? Now they are lobbing with him and Wheeljack.
Buddy feeling lonely? Just wait until its night-time, then he can go drive underneath Buddy’s flight path and the two can talk about anything Buddy wants.
If Starscream tries to get Buddy to come to the Cons ranks, Bulkhead is going to get nervous, but that nervousness is going to turn to rage as he uses his wrecking ball to make some brand-new dents along his chassis.
He does ask Buddy later if they are okay with their spot on the team, and if they aren’t to tell him why. He wants his friend to know that they are wanted on the team, not just as air support, but for the bot they are.
“You okay Buddy?”--Bulkhead
“Its gonna take a bit more than just a couple of baby missiles to take your air support down Bulk.”--Buddy
“I’m not asking about our air support. I’m asking my tiny friend if they are okay.”--Bulkhead
“… I’m not that tiny.”--Buddy
“Its okay if you don’t want to talk now. But just know I’m here and so is the team.”--Bulkhead
“…Thanks Bulk.”--Buddy
Optimus Prime
“I just really like how Starscream, despite all the odds against him in the air, he was still able to get away using some of those complicated moves! If I tried those right now, I’d have to go to Ratchet for repairs and be stuck there for a month!”--Buddy
“…I see.”--Optimus
Prime is troubled.
On one servo, he understands why Buddy might feel this way about Starscream.
As Second in Command of the Decepticon army, Starscream has gain feats and recognition as a terror in the skies amongst the Autobots. He is wild foe that while not always efficient but a near master in the artistry of flying amongst the Seekers. Buddy being young and a seeker themselves is going to look up naturally to one of the biggest names in Seeker history.
Optimus does have a talk with them about Starscream.
He respects Buddy wanting to look up to the Seeker, for his flying abilities, not morality.
Everyone has someone they look up to whether it be good or bad, it is on the bot themselves on how they want to interpret that idol.
However, Optimus does draw a line when Starscream tries to get Buddy to join the Cons.
Dad mode activated.
He is going to make one clear warning to Starscream to leave Buddy alone before the blaster starts firing.
After dealing with the Decepticons, Optimus makes it clear to Buddy that if they want to talk about anything, that he is there to listen.
“We are a team Buddy, a family. If you feel that you are, otherwise, you are sorely mistaken. You may think that you are not, but you are and always be a part of this family.”--Optimus
“If you ever have the need to talk about something, you can always come and talk to me or anyone else on the team. But please reach out so we may be able to help you with whatever you may need.”--Optimus
“…Thank you Prime… really it means a lot… Thanks.”—Buddy
“Thank you, Buddy for being a part of our family.”--Optimus
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dragonridernoobie · 23 days
I’m kinda embarrassed cause I messed up last time so I may go anonymous for a lil bit but I had an idea! Okay transformers=shiny reader who likes shiny things=crow behavior
And what do crows love?! SHINYS! Now to ideas for this Crow!Reader who keeps just trying to collect the transformers(wether reader is like a crow harpy/actually has bird characteristics or is human/crybertronian is up to u😌) ORRRRRRR she keeps bringing them shiny things cause she likes them and is trying to court them but they don’t get it, and reader is super possessive of her shiny things
Characters: Optimus(TFP or Bayverse you can pick!) Wheeljack, Ratchet, and Megatron(I’ve read all of the fics for him and need more:,))
Don't be embarrassed. We all do stupid shit, but if you still want to go anonymous then go ahead. Remmber one of my rules here are no shame. Also, I like this. I will try my best, hope you like it!
Background info: The reader is an escaped experiment from MECH. They tried to make a super human but failed, this is for the optimus one.
Also, reader is an avian. I think it fits better. Also, this is what a avian looks like.
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Optimus was minding his own business. He was following an energon single intel he came across a massive trap laid out by MECH.
Inside he found reader.
He was amazed since he never seen a human with feathers or wings.
He definitely noticed how they acted like a bird. Meaning reader ruffled up their feather's, and tried to make themselves bigger.
Like an owl.
How an owl dose it
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He talks calmy to it and frees it.
Reader takes this chance to fly away.
Optimus was surprised, worried, and sad that reader flue away but he hopes to find them again
Weeks past and optimus starts to find strange objects right outside of the base
Broken beer peices, rings, cans, even an engergon crystal once.
When he stayed up late to catch the intruder, he finds reader.
She was the one bringing the stuff to the base.
Optimus takes this opportunity to try to help and earn trust from the reader.
It takes a Hella long time.
But reader comes when optimus calls them and will actally bring him things he lost.
Even ancient objects that reader can carry.
When wheeljack was captured by the decepticons he was brought into Knockouts lab.
(Shockwave wasent in the story yet)
While he hanged there, he noticed movement from the corner of his optic.
When he looks over, he finds reader looking at him curious from her contaner.
Wheeljack was definitely surprised since he knows humans don't look like giant turkeys.
He tries to talk to it, but reader just dose clicks and chirps.
When wheeljack has the ability to knockout...knockout...ya
He takes this chance to grab the container reader is in and runs out of the decepticon warship.
Once back at his jackhammer, he opens the container and reader quickly flies off.
Wheeljack definitely will tell the autobots but pains no mind to reader.
She's free, no longer in danger, no longer his problem.
After a couple of weeks after the incident, wheeljack flies off earth to find more autobots.
That's when he hears wierd noises at the back of the jackhammer.
He goes back to investigate. Preparing since it could be a con.
But he finds reader, making nest out of his tools.
He is surprised but tries to talk to reader.
He is surprised when reader hands him a can.
He learns quickly that shiny is readers favorite thing.
Ratchet was going thru the internet at base, looking for any spotting of weird things.
Like ancient shit.
That's when he came across a article about a moth/bird person.
He knew humans made up alot of woerd story's to scare there kind.
He would have dismissed it, if it wasent for the fact in the picture, this moth/bird thing had a necklace.
An ancient cybertronian artifact.
He looks at all the spotting and narrow it down in a forest in south America.
He takes a portal there, since he thinks he can handle this alone.
After a few hours of searching, he finds the necklace...with a bunch of other shiny stuff in a giant ass nest
He was amazed since all the reasurch he has done on earth life never talked about birds or anytbing making nest this big.
When he reached for the reckless, something swoops down and latches on his face.
Ratchet curses and tries to swat the thing off.
It makes a painful chirp and crashes into the ground.
When he looks at it, he is amazed to find a human...half bird?
He was amazed but seeing it hurt, he curses and helps it
He takes it to base and helps it
Que a stressful few weeks
Reader was a pain in the aft.
But ratchrt somehow earned their trust...also alot of shiny nick-nacks on his keybord.
Megatron met reader when he captured a human and gave it to Shockwave.
Ordering him to make a hybrid.
Weeks later, Shockwave presents reader. A half bird and human hybrid.
Megatron wasent happy that it was dangerous but dosent kill it.
Nah, it's his pet.
Soon, reader gets out of the warship and dose there own thing.
Soon returning with shiny stuff they find.
They made a nest up high in the throne room
Megatron was annoyed by that but it dosent interfere with his planes so leaves it alone.
Soon, he noticed shiny things in his berthroom.
Like rings, cans, broken beer bottles, chip bags, anything shiny.
He was confused and went to Soundwave to see the recording who dared went into his berthroom
He finds reader flying in there and setting them in there.
He was confused.
Intel once day, reader returned to the ship with an artifact they just lost to the autobots.
He was amazed and actally impressed for once.
He praised reader and ordered anyone who hurts reader will lose their spark.
Reader was now a higher rank then starscrsam XD
Hope you like it!!!!!!!!!
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everythingne · 19 days
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ➛ el matador y la matadora - welcome, señora sainz (cs55)
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(series masterlist) (next)
Valeria accepts the call from the Wolff's, joining Mercedes for the foreseeable future. She reunites with friends, sets some records, and finds a wandering eye or two.
warnings/notes: mentions of car accidents and injury (non-graphic, possible spine injury mentioned.) slightly uncomfortable energy, valeria being a pushover/ignoring red flags, thats rlly it <3 hope y'all like this one shes gonna be fun
fc: adria arjona // sister!sainz + hamilton, piastri, sargeant / reader
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One thing Valeria Sainz did not expect when she signed as a Mercedes reserve driver, was to walk into the Mercedes Australia garage for a meeting with Susie and Toto at fucking one in the morning.
One in the morning?
Valeria and her parents had just gotten into Australia. Dead from the long flight during the practice days and in dire need of rest. Despite needing to check into the hotel and get some actual sleep, Toto continuously pressed that this matter had to be discussed 'in person, immediately.' So, Valeria sent a suitcase with her father and kept her carry on with her as she called for a rideshare.
At 12:56am, Valeria arrived to the Australian GP's circuit with a Monster Energy tucked under one arm. Fighting back several yawns as she fishes out her lanyard and scans into the gate. Rubbing sleep from her eyes and sleepily stumbling her way down the pavement to where she knows she's supposed to be. Luckily, it doesn't take long for her to find her boss, plus Susie, both looking equally as frazzled as they stand on opposite sides of the only light source pouring out of the Mercedes garage.
Valeria chugs the rest of her Monster, tosses the can, and approaches with a tiny huff.
"You both look miserable." She chimes once she's within earshot, causing Susie to jump out of her skin--which in turn makes Toto chuckle.
"Sorry, it's been a long night." Toto runs one hand through his hair, shirt partially undone and sleeves rolled up as normal. Susie's in fucking pajamas. An old Mercedes shirt that's definitely Toto's over some leggings, and if Valeria looks hard enough she thinks she can see Jack napping on a couch with headphones on.
"Yeah, I can see... uh, why was I... needed? So early?" Valeria looks over at the engineers finishing packing up what's left of George's car. It had been completely knocked out last lap of practice, left laying on its side until Stroll whipped around the corner a bit too quickly and clipped the side, sending himself and Mr. Saturday into a nearby wall.
Double knockout. Drugovich on standby for Lance. No one yet on standby for George.
"Come, sit." Susie waves her over to where she crosses the room to snag her husband's desk as a chair while he falls into his office chair. Jack stirs, sitting up to see Valeria and he smiles and mumbles a mix of sleepy German and English to his past babysitter. She wastes no time scooping up the Wolff child and settling him in her arms like she had when he was still tiny, and she was a teenager. Carefully, Varelia sits across from the Wolffs as Jack drifts back to sleep in the comfort of her arms, tucked tight against one of Carlos' old Red Bull hoodies she'd stolen years back. A staple in her closet now.
"George is out... for a while." Toto makes a vague gesture, "At least two months. They're suspecting a spinal injury. If so, he's out for the season."
"Ah, dios mio, it looked horrible on the little plane screens. I didn't imagine this bad." Valeria rubs Jack's back, giving her shaky hands something to do. Toto just nods and leans on his desk, Susie's hand resting on his forearm softly as she turns back to fully face Valeria.
"He's alright. Carmen's flying in to be with him and his team while his family prepares for him to be sent home." Susie looks at Valeria, watching the girl with a keen eye the Spaniard in front of her has picked up on over the years.
"No." Valeria whispers, an edge of surprise, "But what about Schumacher? And Vesti?"
"I can pull you fully out of F1 Academy easier than getting those two for long term, plus, we need to keep them as reserve for Lewis. They're more used to his car than Georges." Susie hums and Toto nods, rolling his neck out and looking up at Valeria.
"You have been driving for Mercedes since we could have you on our program. There is no one I'd want more for a long-term contract than you, Valeria." A tiny smile graces Toto's distressed expression for half a second as he says, "You've babysat Jack all these years, you're like family. Plus... I trust your capability to be thrown in with little warning."
"Quali's tomorrow. We need you here at... we'll say ten because you need sleep. Sharp, Sainz." Toto snaps for the extra effect and Valeria nods. The night is still when Mercedes packs up, Susie bringing Valeria back to the hotel alongside Jack while Toto goes off to the hospital. It's too early to wake her family, so Valeria jumps around in excitement in the bathroom before getting herself ready for bed.
Her Formula One debut tomorrow. And only her and the Wolff's know.
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Valeria doesn't sleep.
Well, she does. But it's terrible sleep. And Carlos moving in the attached en suite wakes her up fully only a few hours after shes gotten home. It’s barely sunlight, but she can’t help but get out of bed and stumble to the kitchen.
“[Why are you awake, Valita?]” Carlos asks his sister in Spanish, one arm lifting so the baby of the family can tuck herself comfortably against his broad chest.
“[Slept terribly. I’m racing.]”
“Qué?” Carlos pauses mid coffee making to look down at his sister, her mused hair and tired expression. The girl who was seven years his inferior, who had taken after him in every aspect of his life.
She was racing?
“Today, ahora. This weekend. I’m racing for George.”
"What?" He blink again, still struggling to process. Laughing to herself, Valeria unsticks from her brothers side and puts her hands on her hips as she blinks up at him.
"[Are you deaf?] Hello?" She waves a hand in front of his face and he swats it away, electing to go back to pouring some creamer in his coffee as he still stumbles through his words.
After a beat, he asks, "[This weekend?] In Australia?"
"No Carlos, [this weekend in Singapore.]" Valeria deadpans, bumping him off to the side so she can make her own coffee as she mutters, "Ponerse las pilas, Carlitos."
"Ay, tia," He pokes her side as he leans across her to grab his phone off the counter, "You don't get to Carlitos me, I get to Valita you."
"Yeah yeah," Valeria whacks her brothers arm, shooing him out of her space as she pours some coffee in a cup, "but, hello, me racing?"
Carlos hums, sitting at one of the barstools nearby, sipping his coffee before he says, "[How long is George out for?]"
"They're not sure... [I think Toto said at least two months.]" Valeria grabs the coffee creamers from the little coffee maker area, pouring a good few in along with some sugar.
"[Good lord,]" Carlos hums, setting his cup down, "through Monaco?"
"Most likely. He could be out for the whole season, but I don't know how bad his injury is." Valeria huffs, sitting down next to her brother who smiles and pulls his sister to his side.
"Congratulations, Valita. [If I was a bit more awake I'd look more excited.]" He chuckles and Valeria laughs, resting her head on his shoulder and yawning.
"Me too."
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The paddock is absolutely buzzing as the Sainz family, right now just both Carlos' and Valeria, walk through the warm sun. Carlos keeps his children in front of him through the gates until they meet up with both Mercedes and Ferrari staff to help escort them along. They've been speaking amongst themselves for a while, Valeria trying to keep her nerves at bay as she walks into the paddocks. It's her first time here as a racer for F1, not just to support Carlos, and she can't help the way it makes her feel sick.
"¡Ay, Papá! Relax!" Carlos laughs, watching as his father adjusts Valeria's outfit for her... for about the hundreth time.
"[It's her debut, Carlos! Let me make her look nice!]" The man defends his actions as they've stopped outside the Mercedes garage. Valeria feels two little arms wrap around her leg and she laughs, leaning down to pick up Jack as the Wolff's approach and smile. Toto and Carlos Sr. exchange a quick hand shake and greeting while Susie fusses over Jack's shirt being ruffled now that he's still. Valeria is well aware of every camera on her, her skin crawling at the sight of everyone watching her.
This was the part of racing she never liked, but had to accept, the insane publicity.
"Alright." Carlos leans over to give his baby sister a tight hug she reciprocates without hesitation. Snuggling into his tight hold as he murmurs to her, "[Good luck, not a single one of us will go easy on you.]"
"[I wouldn't want you to.]" Valeria steps back, smiling at her brother. As much as she knew Carlos wanted nothing more than to keep her glued to his side the whole day, they didn't have much of a choice since they were on seperate teams. Before she can make a snide comment, her father takes her in for a tight hug.
"[I'm so proud of you, Valita.]" He muses to his daughter, stepping back after a moment to straighten her collar and give Jack a little fist bump.
"Gracias, Papá." Valeria smiles, pecking his cheek, "[I'll be nice to Carlos.]"
Her father laughs, a bellowing thing as he claps her shoulder and Carlos playfully flicks her cheek. A few more pleasantries are exchanged before Valeria's waving the two off to go drop him at Ferrari while she turns into Mercedes with the Wolffs.
As soon as they're in the garage, Susie takes Jack from Valeria and the driver escapes off to George's drivers room--or, hers, she supposes to drop her bags and get changed into her team shirt. It feels weird to press the Mercedes crest to her skin this time, because its a different uniform. The white shirt they're wearing this weekend pairs perfectly with her dark wash jeans and white platform sneakers, her gold jewelry a nice accent. But she can't help but stare at herself in the mirror.
This isn't F2, for F1 Academy. This is the real deal.
She hates that its an injury that's brought her into Formula 1. But, she supposes, it's nice to know that Mercedes trusted her. Winning F2 her first year in it and winning F1 Academy for two seasons might've done it, but shes also done hundreds of tests in these F1 cars. She knows George's car like the backs of her hands.
When she exits George's--her, drivers room, she so distracted runs headfirst into someone. Curses fall from her lips as she stabilized herself, barking out apologizes with a flushed face before soft laughter chimes in her ears.
"Oh! Lewis!" She smiles and the Brit grins, bringing her in for a tight hug.
"Hey Little Sainz, how are you?" Lewis steps back, eyes trailing up and down Valeria as if seeing her against for the first time, "God, you've grown since the last time I saw you."
"It's been like six months, Lewis. I haven't grown that much-- and I've been good! Training, training, and more training." Valeria follows Lewis out to the main garage, his hand ending up on her back to guide her through a bit of a crowd before the re-emerge in a calmer spot.
"I've been watching you and Dorianne absolutely dominating F1 Academy. It's nice to be getting the next generation of drivers in." Lewis smiles, stepping up to stand beside her. He's almost suffocatingly close as they chat, but she chalks it up to the crowded garage.
And tries to not think it's weird Lewis has yet to move his hand.
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f1: BREAKING: F1 Academy and Mercedes Reserve Driver Valeria Sainz to drive for George Russell during his injury leave for the Australian GP. Mercedes is yet to release how long Russel will be out.
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"Holy shit, Prema crew is back!"
Valeria squeals as Logan lifts her, Oscar laughing off to the side as he steps to the side to wait for his turn to give their childhood third a hug. Since their days of karting, the three were practically glued at the hip. It had gotten to the point where the two had been to their home in Spain multiple times, and vice versa, the two practically as much her brothers as Carlos--with Lando slowly working up to tht level.
"How are my two pain in the necks doing? Got over your weird not talking bump?" Valeria is finally set on her feet and she pulls Oscar into a side hug, grinning happily before letting go of both as she leans against the wall of the exterior back wall Mercedes garage. It's still super early, so not many people are here, giving the three a quick pause to reconnect.
"Through the magic of you forcing us both to answer FaceTime calls, yeah." Oscar smiles, fist-bumping Logan, then Valeria, "Glad the trio is back in action."
"Fuck yeah. It's been way too long since the three of us have gone out, we should do something this weekend." Logan smiles and Oscar gasps, quickly rattling off a few places he and Lily were looking at going to over the weekend, as well as when his family was visiting. Logan tries to pay attention, to Oscar and Valeria's excited chatter, but he seems to notice something.
Oscar's about to call out Logan's distracted look whent he American pulls him a bit closer to Valeria and leans down to whisper, "Why's Lewis staring at you?"
Valeria perks up and then turns back to look in the garage where she can see Lewis' eyes for half a second before he tucks away and moves out of her eye line. Her eyebrows crease before she turns back to her friends.
"Probably just looking out for me, he's probably worried about media or something being weird..." Valeria shrugs, but when she feels eyes on her and turns back again, Lewis' gaze isn't exactly what she'd expect.
"No, it's not anything protective. It's.. like it's constant. It's weird." Logan hums and Oscar even looks back now, all three of the post-Prema trio staring at Lewis until he dips away.
"It's super weird." Oscar reinforces and both men look to Valeria. She sputters before admitting softly,
"Okay, he's been a little weird, but I think he's just worried with media and everything. The Mercedes garage was packed with reporters when I got here and he refused to move his hand off my back--I also didn't ask him to, so he probably think think it was weird but." Valeria shrugs, "there's no harm in him being nice guys."
"But he doesn't really know you, does he?" Oscar hums, "Like its not weird for me, Logan, or even Lando to do that because we're close with you and Carlos trusts us."
"Mate, I think you're overthinking this," Logan nudges Oscar lightly, sharing a knowing look with him, and Valeria can see his attempt at lightening the mood. But it falls flat.
And Oscar, thinking he's making a point just says, "I have sisters."
Logan turns to look at Valera for help, and she just shrugs, prompting Oscar to continue his thought.
"One of my sisters had this older dude she worked with hit on her for a few weeks before she noticed. He was always checking up on her, being overly nice, and the--the hand on the back thing! He did that."
Valeria laughs softly, squeezing Oscar's arm in reassurance, "I don't think he's flirting with me, Oscar. He's like, forty. He is literally old enough to be my father."
"You're definitely otherthinking this, Osc." Logan chuckles and Oscar raises his hands in defense, saying something about being better safe than sorry. But his words are lost in the hubbub of the paddocks as media starts to filter in, forcing the trio to say goodbye to turn to their respective garages.
Valeria tries to not let it bother her that Lewis is the first in Mercedes to speak to her when she returns.
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"Valita!" Two arms wrap around Valeria's mid section and she squeals mid-interview as Carlos pokes her sides. Resorting to whacking his hands away so that she can get him to stop tickling her, Lissie laughing at the Sainz siblings banter.
"Congratulations on Q2," He smiles, wrapping an arm around his sister, the cooling feeling of his cooling vest on her back making her huff and lean into his touch.
"Congratulations to you on Q3, I was just as close as Ollie was to Q3!" Valeria laughs, letting Carlos hijack her interview for a bit. Mostly because she's excited to be able to do these sorts of things with her brother, and also because it feels safe.
"A wonderful start for the both of you tonight," Lissie smiles, angling her mic towards Carlos as he speaks.
"It's a real honor getting to have my sister here to race with me," Carlos slightly tightens his grip, but more out of a genuine happiness than any level of overprotective weirdness, "She's a wonderful driver and I really hope that people will get to see that this weekend, and in the future."
"And Valeria, how does it feel racing with Carlos?"
"Oh dios mio, It's like a dream! I never thought we would be able to race together since I was always just behind him, but I've looked up to Carlos since karting so it's honestly amazing to get to be there, driving along him now." Valeria turns to smile happily up at Carlos, who returns the gesture and passes her back to Lissie for her interview once he's whisked away by some Ferrari employees. Smiling through the interview, even as her energy is dragging, Valeria eventually finds solstice on the floor in her drivers room to sort of reset herself. Plus, the concrete is ice cold and it feels amazing after hours of being in a car and on her feet in the Australia heat.
Three knocks on her doorframe make her look over, to where Susie stands and smiles softly.
"Great work, rest up. We'll see you tomorrow."
Valeria nods, sitting up to thank her as Toto leans on the doorway behind her and smiles, his voice a deep timbre as he says, "those guys aren't going to take it easy on you tomorrow, to them you're just another car. Keep your head straight, stay locked in, you've done excellent so far."
"Thank you, Toto." Valeria gets up with the help of Susie, and as Lewis passes by with a soft congratulations she tries to ignore the fact his eyes seemed to settle anywhere but her face.
She's got bigger problems to worry about.
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ➛ taglist, thank you !!
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tfp-enthusiast · 10 months
OMGG LOVW YOUR WRITING!! If you're not too busy and this sparks creativity, could I request a TFP reaction with (Knockout, Shockwave, Soundwave and Megatron+ whoever more you'd like!) a cybertronian!reader who recently joined the decepticons (after being in space for so long) and is extremely excited about finally belonging to a cause and kinda follows them around impressed/intrigued by them?
Cons X Child!Bot!Reader
[Thank you! :3]
[ I adjusted it a bit, hope you don't mind, cause I just wanted to make a one shot of a sparkling with the con's.]
[You're not really a Sparkling but rather a young teenager. Your younger than Bee and Smokescreen.]
[Maybe also the bot's too if I find the time/if you want to.]
[I made a small one shot if you could call it that to explain Reader's story]
When the war had begun you where just a small Sparkling who didn't know what was going on. You Sire/Carrier tried their best to keep you as innocent as possible, they didn't want you to know what happened outside.
But they knew deep down that this won't work forever.
When you learned about the war when your Sire/Carrier had to fight. But because you shouldn't seen your family die/see what happened to your planet and they hoped that there was a way that you can live a mostly normal live. So they decided it would be best to put you in a stasis pod and pray that you will wake up to a better time and place.
When he was told there was a Pod that crashed onto earth without any sings which cause it belonged to he was interested
He soon got called into the medbay, which was normally after opening a stasis pod nothing out of the norm, but what he saw surprised him
A sparkling, well not exactly but you still where very young
Makes him kinda sad for a nano klik before greeting you in a way he did with every bot
Because you where still very young you where under watch every time you left your berth
At first he just shoved you towards Starscream but he tried to use you against Megatron so he decided to watch out for you himself
Most times at least, Soundwave looked after you when Megatron couldn't
He grew fond of you rather quickly
It was nice to have someone he knew wouldn't betray him or give him even more trouble/work
You are his child now and you are happy about it
He heard a stasis pod crashed down on this giant dirt pile and got sent to investigate it
Secretly hoped it's not someone like Airachnid
When he, and five Vehicons, opened the pod they expected everything
Everything except you: a child, an pure and innocent child
He knew he will probably be your babysitter but it didn't bother him as much as most might expect
He still acted annoyed and tried to 'get rid' of you but he secretly cared for you, you where probably the most innocent of all Bots in the universe and he knew he couldn't be mad/annoyed at you cause you don't even knew what is going on
You don't even have a gun for Primus sake!
Congratulations! You have unlocked 'training' with Starscream
He literally only teached you how to fire a gun, which is almost the same as his, and how flying 'is the best choice you can make' and that should always run from danger
Lesson finished?
He just wants to be close to you as much as possible cause of his fear of being abandoned
He will be by your side almost always, he still has stuff to do and doesn't want to get beaten up by Megatron in front of you
He didn't even realize there was a new bot on board tbh
You where sent to him one day because Megatron wanted to know where you could be useful and Shockwave should look if the stasis damaged you because your way younger than everybot that used the stasis pods
You, being the small child you where, where very interested in Shockwave, cuz he only has one eye instead of a face, and what his projects where about
He only let you see the harmless projects
Even he knew you where too young and innocent to see him experiment on some bot
You actually helped a lot in his lab, you brought equipment and walked trough the ship for him so you could still move enough and he could keep working
He was the first to know about you actually
The moment he saw you he became your dad and Lazerbeak your sibling
Soundwave teached you almost everything he knows and you even learned to use a groundbridge
He is almost always with you but if you go to recharge or he goes on a mission he deems as too dangerous for you, almost always, he will have Lazerbeak watch you/distract you
You remind him of his cassettes back on cybertron
He often uses emoticons for you because it helps you a lot and you like the colors
Oh god
I'm sure every kid no matter the species loves dragons and dinos
The moment you walked onto the landing deck, because you should learn the layout of the Nemesis while Megatron thought about how you could be useful, and you saw Predaking in his beast mode you lost it and ran towards him
While Predaking didn't even know about what a Sparkling is and then he sees this small being run towards him and start babbeling about how cool and beautiful he is
When he transforms for the first time and you see him on the ship you will be pulled into a bone crushing hug by him
You will be showered in compliments and praises every cycle from now on
And you will be treated like the price/princess you are by him
Best bodyguard by the way
He heard of a stasis pod landing on earth, more like crashing, but he didn't really have time to listen too much
He already knew that if the bot was a Con then they will be sent to him to have a check up
But what he didn't knew was that you where a literal child
You where even younger than Bumblebee which means a lot considering that he is one of the youngest bots in this solar system
He is very careful with you while doing the check up because he actually never had such a young bot before him (well yes but that was eons ago and long forgotten)
He definitely gets a little sad that someone this age goes to war because when he thinks of the time he was your age he remembers how he would race around all day and have a great time
Will, no matter your vehicle mode, race with you around the globe when you have a car then you will be everywhere he goes, if he deems the situation dangerous he will hide you or flee with you, if it's a plane then you will be with him often cruising through deserts with him cheering you on
Of course he will teach you how to buff especially so you can do it together, maybe even buff each other and talk about your day
Breakdown was probably sent to look who was inside that little stasis pod of yours
He expected a small bot because of the size of the pod but he didn't expect you
The moment he is sure you aren't just small but almost still a Sparkling, he doesn't really care how old you are the age gap is still massive, he goes full on mama bear mode
No matter where you are, you will have him behind you because he knows that some of the crew are just straight up toxic
He loves to carry you! He can carry you with one servo and still move normally
He just tries to get you have a relatively 'normal' childhood because his was way more fun and he wants you to have that too
Dreadwing is a very polite Con, as we all know, and when he heard there was a new Bot joining their ranks he decided to introduce himself
He literally didn't see you at first and had a really confused look for a few nanokliks before seeing you
When he finally sees you with your kind smile and holding your servo out for him he has shock written all over his faceplates
He actually asked Megatron himself if he could be your 'guardian'
He himself didn't even exactly know why but he did
He is almost like a brother for you
When he finds out that your Sire/Carrier is most likely already dead he becomes really depressed, as someone who values family over everything he is very empathetic when he learns you don't have one anymore
You often go on little trips outside of the ship together because he wants you to learn about the planet you're currently on and knows it's probably better for you if you get out of the Nemesis
He knows it's not the best place for someone of your age but still tries to make it appealing for you
When he walks trough the halls of the Nemesis towards the bridge and gets greeted by you, a small and innocent young bot, he is visible confused
He can't even recall the last time he saw someone of your age
You found the way he talks interesting and when you saw him you would try to talk with him and walk by him
He drows fond of you very soon because you where so interested in him
The more time he spends with you the more your dynamic remembers him of his brother, Dreadwing, because he talks to you like his brother always would
He tries to get you to talk about your past live and what happened before you landed here
He tries his best to search for any bot in the Cons databank that could resemble your Sire/Carrier because he wants you to at least know what happened to them, if there dead, alive or just so you can see them in some form again
She probably found you after she left the Cons once again but before she found the Insecticon hive
At first she thought you could be a possible source of information or at least energon but as soon she sees you she forgets about that
Her mind went from 'Awh scrap, just a Sparkling/young bot' to 'Wait a minute a what?Is this real?' and in the end she just went "You are now mine"
She may be a little cruel but over time she decides that you wont ever be separated from her
You are taken with her on every single trip outside of her little base and there is no discussing about it
She also doesn't think that cutting open another Bot in front of you is such a big thing but she at least makes it a little less bloody and brutal
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sobbingprincess · 1 year
Okay so, you know how TFP focused on Arcee’s trauma from losing two partners? Remember that one scene where Arcee got PTSD flashbacks upon seeing Airachnid’s acid or whatever you want to call it on a tree trunk? Well, I wish they could have done the same for Soundwave and his possibly deceased minicons. (I think it is safe to hypothesize that they are most likely deceased.) I wish we had seen flashbacks for Soundwave as to what happened to his other minicons while he was flying to save Laserbeak. It is mentioned (in Transformers: Exodus) that he had Laserbeak, Ravage, Rumble and Frenzy. It is possible that they all died in battle except for Laserbeak which would explain why Soundwave just took off without even finishing off Wheeljack because he didn’t want to risk any of those precious seconds costing Laserbeak’s life. Personally, I’d like to have seen maybe if he didn’t reach one in time or put another objective first and it cost their life causing it to be one of his biggest regrets? Anything, really. But no, we didn’t get to see that. Why? Maybe because in TFP, there is a false belief that Decepticons must be cruel, distant, backstabbing one another and ranging from little to no care for others for the viewers to understand that they’re the bad guys. That doesn’t make sense. I wish they went more in depth with Dreadwing’s grief about Skyquake’s death. That’s his literal twin?? Arcee is all traumatized from her partners’ death which is completely understandable, don’t get me wrong! However, losing your twin?? Who you shared a split spark with?? And I’m assuming you’ve probably known all your life?? Arcee sees Airachnid and she is filled with anger and the desire for vengeance but not Dreadwing with Bumblebee. Although, we see loyal Dreadwing defy Megatron’s order when he wanted to kill Starscream so I guess there’s that but still. They could have gone more in depth about how it feels to lose a twin as Dreadwing himself said that he felt when his twin’s spark was no more, talking to someone (or himself since TFP characters seem to do that a lot) about his memories with Skyquake or maybe some shrine for him like Arcee did with Cliffjumper with his horn. Yet TFP didn’t go in depth about that. When we do see some grief or some sort of care towards others, it’s so vague and brief. Yes, the Decepticons are ruthless towards the Autobots and organics and they most definitely did heinous things that we can’t deny but they can at least have some care for others within their own faction, just like the Autobots do. There should be some genuinely good bots within the Decepticon faction and some genuinely awful bots within the Autobot faction which we do see, I just wish we saw more. Breakdown and Dreadwing were the true Decepticons and the others had strayed so far from what was the original Decepticon Cause was about for their own pleasure of killing or from being so blindly loyal. Shockwave probably joined because Megatron would allow his unethical experiments if it gave them advantage, plus more resources. Airachnid probably joined because she finds pleasure in killing people. (Airachnid herself may be the only truly “evil” Decepticon) Knockout switched to the Autobots because they were the winning team so perhaps Knockout joined the Decepticons because they were winning? After all… the Decepticons always had the greater advantage since they had better engineers, better scientists and basically the whole seeker armada. Soundwave was the only one who cared while the rest of the council didn’t and now he’s blindly loyal. Dreadwing and Skyquake was probably a high caste bot since they were seekers but they probably also cared if they joined the Decepticons. Also, TFP was extremely bias towards the Autobot. Yes, I know they wanted children to look up to the Autobots but... Ratchet is biased and we see the history leading up to the war from his perceptive. Not as how they actually happened. Love them but the cons. The cons genuinely had a good reason and it sucks that strayed so far. Anyways, I’m just rambling now. Bye lol
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jessicaloons · 8 months
Chapter 6:
Because these things will change, can you feel it now?
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Masterlist - Previous - Next
TW: sexual harassment, assault
"Damn you look good in all red!" I said and looked at Charles in his Ferrari race suit "I mean Seb looked suave… but you? Damn!"
"Stop it, Lizzie!" he chuckled as he checked himself in the mirror, after a while his look changed and I saw him tear up. I jumped up and stood next to him.
"They’re so incredibly proud of you, Charles! Your dad and Jules wished for nothing more than you making your way to Ferrari one day! And that day has come! I know they can’t be here, it’s only us… or well me right now… but Charles, I’m so, so proud of you! This is what you always wanted and you achieved it! This is amazing! You’re amazing!" I said and Charles turned to look at me, a tear running down his cheek.
"That you’re here means the world to me, ma belle!" he whispered and kissed my cheek before hugging me "Thank you for always being by my side! No matter what!"
"There’s no place I would rather be, than here with you, Charlie bear!" I answered and he smiled at me.
"I always ask myself what I did to deserve you, my beautiful, sweet and perfect Lizzie!" he whispered under his breath and it was so quiet, I wasn’t sure he wanted to say it for me to hear, but he just hugged me even closer and I felt the butterflies fly like crazy.
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"And what is it exactly?" I asked and the fellow female drivers around me nodded agreeing.
"It is basically a racing series only for female drivers." Catherine Bond Muir said "It’s our way to show that girls or women do have a place in motorsports. To show inclusion."
"Inclusion?" Jamie asked and Jessica next to me just huffed.
"Doesn’t it only divide? Having a series only for female drivers instead of making a way for us in Formula 1?" I said and Jamie nodded
"This is just the first step, to show that female drivers deliver an attractive performance." Catherine said.
"We’re around 50 drivers? How many of us will race in the series? And how will you pick out the lucky ones?" I asked.
"You have to complete 10 modules that will test your skills in racecraft, fitness, media training and sponsorship pitches, before a final knockout series of races that will decide the 28 drivers that will progress into to the next stage." she started to explain and I scoffed, looking around a lot of other drivers didn’t like what they heard as well.
"I never heard of a male driver to complete modules in media training and sponsorship pitches to gain a seat in F1?" I said and Catherine nodded only.
"It’s simple Miss Doetterer, you’re women, people will have their opinion about you, so we need to find the perfect drivers to represent all female drivers to show that you’re perfectly capable of doing what the men do. And for that we need you to be not just the best drivers but also the most approachable, the most interesting, the most well-spoken drivers out there." she answered and Jamie laughed.
"You mean you need good drivers, who also look good and smile nice into the cameras and say only good things about the series?" she asked and Catherine sighed.
"To put it bluntly: yes. That’s what we need from you." she answered.
"When do these tests begin?" Jessica asked and with that the selection of the drivers for the 2019 WSeries began.
"You made it?" Charles looked at me with big eyes as I hung up "Come on, ma belle! What’s going on! Tell me!"
"I’m racing in the WSeries! 10 races, one in Hockenheim, I’m one of the 18 drivers they’ve selected…" I said and Charles launched at me and hugged me tight.
"I KNEW IT!" he almost shouted it and I began to laugh, as I felt the relieve washing over me "They would be stupid! You’re the best female driver out there! You’re even better than most of the guys on the grid! God Lizzie, you’re a better driver than me!"
"Ok stop, Charlie bear, that’s just not true! But thanks for saying it anyway!" I laughed and he just shook his head.
"You know that I would do absolutely everything to bring you into F1! I was talking with Seb about it, how we could do it but unfortunately we didn’t came up with a plan ‘till now!" he said and I looked at him with big eyes.
"You did what?" I asked and he only nodded "Charles that’s ridiculous! F1 is not ready for a female driver, probably never will be…" I said and he sighed.
"Doesn’t matter, I will fight for you!" he answered and I gave him a kiss on his cheek, but when I looked at him I was blushing at his sweet smile.
"Thanks Charles, really!" I whispered and he hugged me again.
"Always, ma belle."
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"LIZZIE! LIZZIE! LIZZIE!" the fans shouted as I got out of the car. Putting on my cap. I looked around and saw a bunch of people with the German Flag, caps with my initials and driver number, all shouting for me. I couldn’t contain my smiling and waved to everyone.
"Hi guys! Thanks for coming! Hi! So good to see you! Thank you so much for your support! You’re amazing!" I said and signed pictures of me, smiled for selfies, signed caps, flags and shirts.
"Lizzie! You’re so cool! You’re like the best driver on the grid! Overall I think you’re the best driver!" a little girl said and smiled the biggest smile.
"Thank you so much! Maybe not the best driver! But it sure means a lot when you say that!" I said and she just smiled even more "Here, for you!" I said and took my cap off of my head and used her sharpie to sign it.
"Oh my god! OH MY GOD! Are you sure?! You’re so, so, so cool! Thank you so much!" she said and hugged me. I smiled as I took more selfies here and there and waved to the mass of fans.
"Charles, it was so surreal! They were screaming my name! MY NAME! Can you believe that? Waving the German flag! They wanted selfies with me! ME! Me signing their cap, pictures of me, random stuff!" I was giddy and couldn’t stop smiling as I FaceTimed Charles before the race.
"Of course I can believe it, Lizzie! I always told you that people will love you! How can they not! I’m so happy for you, ma belle!" he said and his smile made me even more giddy and happy.
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The next race would be in Assen and not only my entire family would be there, also Charles and Arthur would come along with my friends. They watched me snatch Pole position with a flawless lap and all stood at the barriers to congratulate me.
"That was a phenomenal lap, ma belle!" Charles whispered as he hugged me and I just smiled at him. I saw Ben and Michael approach me and they both hugged me.
"You did absolutely amazing, Liz!" said Ben and smiled at me.
"Fantastic job, Lizzie!" Michael, his dad and my manager said and I just smiled the whole evening as I went to dinner with my family and friends. I could see Charles looking at me one or two times with a look I couldn’t quite interpret, when I talked to Ben, who joined us and wanted to know all about Daniel.
"You okay, Charlie bear?" I asked him as I sat down next to him and he just nodded and smiled his all consuming, dimples showing smile.
"I’m just so proud of you, ma belle! Fourth race. Fourth pole. And I bet my ass tomorrow you’ll take your fourth win as well!" he said and when he tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear I blushed. Hard.
"We will see I guess." I said breathlessly and Charles laughed a little as he realised why I was so flustered but didn’t say anything.
"I’m 100 percent sure, ma belle." he answered and with that we left the restaurant.
I sat on a stack of tires, gathering my thoughts, calming myself down.
"Lizzie?" I heard a male voice and turned around. It was one of the reporters who I just answered some questions about the season, I couldn’t remember his name but I was sure he was from a Spanish website.
"Uhm, hi…" I began and jumped off of the tires.
"Salva Diaz, Marica Sports Spain." he said, reading my mind "I just wanted to speak to you personally."
"Okay? About what exactly?" I asked a little confused as Salva looked around and stepped closer to me.
"I thought I approach you first, I’ve seen the way you look at me, the way you smile and laugh when answering my questions. You’re flirting…" he said and took another step closer as I was taking one back, bumping against the wall of the garage.
"I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression! But that’s just how I am… I wasn’t flirting with you." I said calmly although I felt not calm at all, I looked around if someone was there but we were alone.
"Oh come on, Lizzie, you don’t have to be shy now. I’ve felt the connection, the chemistry between us. You felt it too, I could see it in your eyes!" he said firmly and stepped even closer.
"I’m sorry, but there really isn’t any kind of connection between us… I’m just polite." I tried to reason with him but he stepped even closer and caged me in with his hands on both sides of my head.
"Don’t be like that Lizzie, just admit it…" he said and I froze, I couldn’t move as he leaned in and kissed me. I didn’t kiss him back, just tried to push him off of me as he pushed me back against the wall, kissing me again. Groping me. Grabbing my wrist with that I tried to push him away.
"No. Please stop!" I said again and again as someone approached us. Salva was distracted and I could finally push him away.
"Lizzie? What’s going on?" Jamie said as she looked at me and then Salva "Dude, fuck off! Leave her alone!" he backed off and with one last look at me and Jamie he walked away "If you ever come near her, we’ll call the police!"
I sank down and pulled my knees to my chest, Jamie crouching down in front of me.
"Lizzie?" she asked and I looked at her "Are you okay? Did he touch you? Or hurt you?"
"No, I’m good! But thank you so much for stepping in, Jamie!" I lied and she smiled.
"I never liked this dude! He always looked at you like he’s kinda obsessed with you!" Jamie shook her head and helped me up "If he ever comes near you again, we really gonna call the cops!"
"Yeah. You’re right!" I answered and we walked back into the garage.
The whole time leading towards the race I couldn’t stop thinking about what he said. Did I really, unintentionally, flirt with him? Even tho I didn’t even know him? Never even spoke to him before? Never even talked to him?
"Lizzie? Did you hear me?" Mike, my race engineer, asked "It’s going to rain around lap 25 on going."
"Yep, rain, lap 25. Got it." I mumbled and jumped in my car, still thinking about Salva and how he pushed me against the wall, kissed me, touched me without my consent. I hadn’t expected my first kiss to be forced onto me violently. I felt the bile rise up in my throat but swallowed it down and tried to focus on the upcoming race. Focus Lizzie. I can do this.
The track was wetter than expected, I had to stay off the curbs, focus on the perfect racing line. But my mind always circled back to Salva Diaz. Pushing me against the wall. Grabbing me. Touching me. Telling me that I’ve flirted with him. Telling me that I sent out signals. Stealing my first kiss from me. My first kiss I only wanted to have with one person. The moment Charles face flashed before my eyes was the moment I hit a curb and lost the rear of my car. Although I tried everything to not lose the car, my race ended in the wall. My head spinning. My thoughts racing.
"Lizzie? Are you okay?" I couldn’t answer. I was furious. How could I make such a stupid mistake.
"Lizzie? Do you hear me? Are you okay?"
"I’m sorry. I lost the rear. I’m so sorry!" I hit the radio button.
"It’s okay. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I’m fine." I said and unbuckled my seatbelt and took my steering wheel out. As soon as I was out of the car I screamed a "Fuck!" out and followed one of the Marshalls behind the barriers.
As I returned back to the pits I saw my family, friends and in front Charles, all looking worried. He pulled me in a hug immediately and I felt some tears escaping my eyes.
"I’m such a fucking disappointment. I drove like a fucking rookie. What a fucking joke." I said and Charles only sighed.
"Well, let’s just be happy that I didn’t bet my fucking ass on your fourth win. Otherwise I would’ve lost it. What a fucking shame!" he said and I laughed.
"Stop it, Leclerc! I’m mad! Don’t make me laugh!" I chuckled.
"I’m sorry, Lizzie! That was my fucking mistake! I’m an idiot!" I laughed and he made me look into his eyes "There it is, the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen and probably ever will see!"
"Ha-ha!" I said and rolled my eyes and together we walked the few steps to the rest of my supporting group who all hugged me and encouraged me to do better the next race.
"Can I ask you a question?" Charles asked as we sat on the hotel bed, zapping through the channels, I nodded and he switched the TV of "What happened? During the race? We race together since we’re 8 and I never saw you lose the rear in the rain because you hit a curb? You’re brilliant in the rain? So what happened today?"
"I don’t know, I was so focused on winning my fourth race that I had like a tunnel vision I guess… I don’t know." I lied and Charles was only half convinced, but he didn’t say anything. I couldn’t tell him what happened before the race. He would hunt Salva down and god knows what he would do. This would be a secret I’ll take with me to grave.
"I can’t believe he’s gone. Like… we just talked yesterday?" Charles whispered and I gently rubbed circles on the back of his hand with my right hand. My left hand rubbing circles on Pierre’s back who was laying, his head in my lap, in Charles bed, finally sleeping.
"We always know that something like this can happen, whenever we get into our cars. But when it then really happens?” I whispered back and Charles leaned his head on my shoulder "And you guys really will race? The FIA couldn’t grant you the weekend off?"
"We decided to race. In honour of Tonio. He would’ve wanted for us to race." Charles whispered and I nodded.
"I’m so sorry for Pierre… losing him this weekend after everything that Red Bull put him through the last weeks…" I said and looked down at Pierre’s tear stricken face "He needs us now, more than ever, Charles."
"And we’ll be here for him." he answered and snuggled closer into me. After some time we both fell asleep.
"I’m so proud of you, Charlie bear! Your first win!" I whispered as I hugged him close at the barriers "For Anthoine!"
"For Anthoine!" he whispered back and I smiled at him one last time before I was leaving to look for Pierre. He drove his Toro Rosso at this tough weekend on P9 and I was so proud of him. When I finally found him after the podium celebrations I pulled him into me.
"You did a good job today, Pierre! After everything you’ve been through this week and weekend, you did a really good job! I’m proud of you! He’s proud of you!" I whispered and he choked a little.
"Thanks Lizzie! For everything! Without you and Charles yesterday… I don’t know what I would’ve done!" he whispered back.
"That’s what friends are for, right? You’ll never be alone as long as Charles and I run around!" I said and Pierre laughed "You did amazing, for Anthoine!"
"For Anthoine!" he whispered back and together we looked for Charles.
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"You won in Monza, Charlie bear! I’m so proud of you!" I almost screamed it and Charles just laughed, hair still damp from the shower.
"And you won in Nuremberg! Your second home race! I’m even more proud of you!" he answered and I smiled at him.
“So big party tonight?" I asked and he just shook his head "It’s Monza? Ferraris home race? Come on!"
"Yeah we’ll have a drink later on and then go to a club, but nothing big planned. Not after…" he said and I sighed.
"Yeah… I understand." I answered and he nodded.
"What are your plans?" he asked and I just shrugged.
"I’m driving home with Dad. I’m not in the mood for celebrating…" I said and Charles cocked an eyebrow.
"Are you okay, Lizzie? You seem a bit off?" he asked and I shook my head.
"I’m good, don’t worry! Just tired!" I lied and Charles looked at me for a while before he nodded.
"I know you Lizzie, somethings off… you know you can tell me?" he said.
"I know Charles, I know! But it’s nothing! Really!" I smiled at him. Today was the first time since Assen that Salva Díaz was again at a press conference. He kept on starring at me the entire time, he didn’t ask any questions. Just him being there gave me the chills anyway. But I haven’t told anyone what happened between us and I wasn’t planning on doing it now.
"Okay…" Charles sighed and I nodded "I have to go now, the team’s waiting!"
"Have fun, Charlie bear! And hug Seb for me! He needs it after his race!" I said and Charles smiled.
"I will, I promise!" he said before he ended the call right as Dad walked in.
"Ready?" he asked and I nodded.
"Yep, let’s go!" I answered and we left the hotel and got in our car, making our way back home.
"How’s Ben?" Charles asked me as I studied the sheets for my final press conference of the season "I haven’t seen him around in a while."
"Yeah, well he’s studying and I don’t even know if he’s that interested in me racing…" I answered a little confused, why would he ask for Ben? I thought about the last time I saw Ben and how he asked me a million questions about Daniel.
"Well he’s definitely not only interested in your racing!" he answered and I laughed, so I’m not the only one seeing the way he checked out Daniel all the time "I think he’s more interested in something else or should I say someone else?"
"So you realised it too? Then maybe I should encourage him to do the next step…" I said and Charles swallowed hard and I looked up "Are you okay?"
"Yeah! Sure! If you want it to happen then you should definitely encourage him to do the next step." he answered and got up from the sofa "I have to call Sylvia because of some PR stuff. I’ll be right back." and with that he left the room.
Charles POV:
She really has feelings for Ben. And I just encouraged her to encourage him to make the next step. Good job, Charles. I sat on the balcony, shuffling through all the pictures of us on my phone. How could I be so stupid and wait this long before telling her how I felt? Of course someone else would show up! It’s Lizzie. She’s not just the most beautiful and sweet girl I’ve ever met. She’s also funny, bold, caring, loving, smart. She’s perfect. All her little flaws, like the fact that she has not a lot of patience, her chaotic being, her crazy mind at times, it all makes her even more perfect. And I idiot waited too fucking long to finally tell her that I love her. Only her. Always have. Always will. And now I have to watch her fall in love with Ben, out of all people it has to be her managers son, and all I can do is pretend to be happy for her. Good. Fucking. Job. Charles. But on the other hand. Like this our friendship won’t be ruined by her not reciprocate my feelings and also if we would try it together but soon realise it’s not working out, there won’t be any weird feelings. Our friendship would be intact and I would still have her in my life. And that is the most important thing. Having her in my life. As long as I had her, all was good. Now I just had to find a way to stop this feeling eating me up alive. And all would be good.
"Lizzie! Congrats! 6 wins, 2 second places and 2 DNFs… what a season! What are your thoughts on being the first WSeries winner?" Ted Kravitz asked and I couldn’t contain my smile. I just won the WSeries season 2019. I was the champion. I had done it. And it felt amazing.
"It’s an amazing feeling! That’s for sure! I was sceptical at the beginning of the season, creating a series for only female drivers instead including us in the already well known highest series wasn’t showing inclusion, rather then segregation, but now I think we showed the world that we as girls or women can race just as good as our male counterparts and maybe in some years in the future the way for a woman or a girl is paved to make it up into Formula 1 and show that we are able to compete in the highest class of motorsports!" I said and the crowd cheered loudly my name.
This would be a day I would remember forever.
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"Who’s the girl who can’t keep her hands off of Charles?" I asked Joris who followed my look and sighed.
"That’s Camille. She went with us to school. She always had a thing for Charles. He never noticed but yeah lately he seemed to get it and for some strange reason he’s not appalled by it…" Joris answered and as Camille pulled Charles face to hers and kissed him and he didn’t pushed her off my heart clenched together for a moment before it shattered into a million little pieces.
"Yeah… he’s definitely not appalled…" I mumbled and downed my Tequila Sunrise and then finished off Charles abandoned Moscow Mule. Then I got up and walked straight to the bar.
"3 Tequila shots." I shouted to the bartender who nodded and poured me my shots which I downed one by one. Then I ordered another Tequila Sunrise for now and told the bartender to serve another one in the next 15 minutes at our table.
"You should slow down a bit, Lizzie. You haven’t eaten much tonight…" Joris said and I just shook my head.
"I’m fine, I can handle it!" I said as I watched Camille and Charles dance together, bodies grinding on each other. I downed the rest of my drink as the waiter served me my next one already "What a nice evening to celebrate the end of the year, Joris!" I mumbled and downed the new drink even faster than the last one. It wasn’t even close to midnight as I got up and grabbed my bag.
"Where are you going?" Joris asked and got up as well.
"I’m leaving. I don’t feel that great. And I don’t want to be the fifth wheel. You have your date and Charles has his new girlfriend. I’m leaving and go home!" I answered and Joris looked at me with a hint of pity in his eyes "It’s fine, Joris." I said and kissed his left and then right cheek before heading for the door.
"You’re not saying goodbye to Charles?" Joris asked with big eyes but I just shrugged my shoulders and left the club, not even caring that I ran into someone.
Outside I almost tripped down the stairs, someone helped me but I just didn’t care, I got in a taxi and drove to Charles flat, where I used the spare key he gave me. Using it never felt wrong, but tonight… tonight it did so I put it on the counter and went to the guest bedroom, packed my bag and wrote a little note for Charles. Then I laid it under the spare key and left the flat while tears were streaming down my face.
Charles POV:
As I saw Lizzie’s bright smile that could take me to another planet every damn time I saw it, I knew I had to do something, I couldn’t stop staring at her beauty and I wanted to just kiss her, so when Camille approached I didn’t dodged her like usually, I let it happen, but after a short conversation where I tried my best not to stare at Lizzie, Camille kissed me and although it felt wrong I didn’t stop her. Maybe this was the way to get over the feelings I had for Lizzie. Maybe this was my way out.
After some more dances I looked over at Joris again, talking with his date, no Lizzie next to him. I walked over and he looked up.
"Where is Lizzie?" I asked and he only shook his head.
"She didn’t wanted to be the fifth wheel and left, she said she would go home." Joris answered and I called Lizzie immediately. The call went straight to her voicemail.
Another try. Voicemail. What’sApp. No answer. iMessage. No answer. Maybe she was asleep already? My heart clenched, this would be the first New Year’s Eve in over 10 years that we wouldn’t spent together. I hated it. And as the clock stroked midnight and Camille kissed me, my only thought was Lizzie. And where she was. Not even 30 minutes later I left the club, telling Camille I had some sponsor meeting early in the morning but promising her to call her the next day. Back home I opened the door, wondering why it wasn’t locked.
"Lizzie?" I whispered when I walked into the guest bedroom to found it empty "Lizzie? Are you in the bathroom?" I knocked on the door but it was unlocked and the room behind it empty. Where was she? I walked into my room. Empty. Living room. Empty. The last stop was the kitchen. But she wasn’t here either. As I turned to leave the room, my eyes were catching on the spare key and the note under it.
I left because I thought you might want to have some alone time with your new girlfriend tonight. Didn’t felt right to keep the key when you’re having her over.
Happy New Year.
Left where? My new girlfriend? Camille? She wasn’t my girlfriend? We made out a little, which was a mistake, but that was it. I took out my phone and called her again. But this time the call was answered.
"Charles?" my mum asked and I was confused.
"Maman? Why do you have Lizzies phone?" I asked her.
"Uhm, Lizzie showed up here, 20 minutes ago. She’s drunk Charles, really drunk. She didn’t look happy either. And she was half frozen! I made her a hot tea and now she’s in bed! What happened? She was with you I thought?" she whispered it as if not to disturb Lizzie.
"We were, she said to Joris she didn’t felt to good and left, I was dancing with a… with a friend and hadn’t realised that she was gone…" I mumbled and put my shoes back on "I’m on my way."
"No! Please stay at home, Charles." Mum said and I swallowed hard "I’m sorry, but I could clearly see that Lizzie was upset, no sad would be more fitting, and she must’ve cried a lot! So whatever happened, I want to talk to her alone, maybe she’ll open up to me!"
"Ok." I whispered "Take care of her. Love you." I hung up. Taking my shoes off, walking back into my bedroom, got out of my clothes and laid down in my bed. What happened that she left so abruptly? And what happened after that? Why did she leave my place? Left the key? What’s going on? My phone vibrates and I checked it immediately, but was disappointed when it was a message from Camille and not Lizzie.
"Tonight was amazing. Thank you! I’m so happy it finally happened between us!"
I swallowed hard. Camille is a nice girl, but I had no feelings for her. But maybe I could give it a try…
"What happened last night? It seemed like Charles didn’t know where you were when he called?" Pascale asked me and I just shrugged "Oh come on, ma petite fille! You know you can tell me everything, Lizzie!"
"I didn’t like being the fifth wheel…" I mumbled, taking a sip of my tea.
"Fifth wheel?" she cocked an eyebrow and I just nodded.
"Joris had his date. Charles had his girlf… Charles had a date as well… and yeah I didn’t like being the fifth wheel." I answered and Pascale looked at me confused.
"Charles had a date?" she asked and I took another sip of my tea.
"Yup…" I sighed and Pascale stroked my arm "I know I shouldn’t just left the club and walk drunk through Monaco. But yeah…"
"It’s okay, Lizzie. But you can’t do something like that again, it’s dangerous!" she said and I nodded "Charles called like a hundred times, I think he will show up eventually in the next minutes.”
"Ok…" I answered and went straight to the bathroom. After a quick shower I pulled on the leggins and sweater Pascale gave me, checked myself in the mirror and brushed my teeth. I could hear the door and shuffling in the hallway, hushed French.
"I talked to her, she’s ok. She’s in the bathroom."
"Why did she leave? And why was she crying?"
"Oh Charles, you know why! Who was that date of yours? You want to tell me something?"
"Date? I met Camille, from school, you remember?"
"Unfortunately I do, yes."
"Yeah well we hung out a little, she’s nice."
"What do you mean?"
"Nothing, Charles. Wait in the living room. I’ll make tea."
I took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. I can do this. I can face him.
"Ma belle! I was so worried!" Charles jumped off of the sofa and hugged me "What happened? Why did you leave?"
"I didn’t feel well, I was drunk, bored and the being the fifth wheel sucked. So I left." I said and sat down in the armchair. The farest away from where he was sitting down, he looked at me confused and then scooted closer on the sofa.
"You weren’t the fifth wheel!" Charles expressed but I just scoffed.
"You left to get a round of shots and never returned. The next thing I saw was that girl shoving her tongue down your throat and your hands all over her! Joris next to me was flirting away with his date! And I just sat there alone. So yeah. I drank a bit and then I felt sick and left." I said it fast and Charles just sighed.
"Yeah, about that, Camille and I used to go to school together. We talked for a while and then I don’t know… maybe the alcohol did the rest…" he mumbled and I cocked an eye brow. What alcohol, he barely drank from his Moscow mule. But I decided to let it go. At the end of the day I had no right to be mad at him. So I swallowed the bile down, that began to rise up my throat and nodded.
"It’s okay. I was drunk myself and made stupid decisions… but she seemed nice and she’s really pretty! So if you like her. Go for it." I said it with a smile, trying to sound genuine even tho it hurt saying it.
"Yeah well, we’ll see." he answered as Pascale appeared with some more tea.
"I guess we will…" I said and drank my tea in silence. I had to accept the fact that Charles would have a girlfriend from now on in his life. A girlfriend that’s not me. A girlfriend that is so much prettier than I am, so much more fitting for a rising star in F1 and future World Champion. But if he would be happy, I would be happy too. For him. Because that is what was the most important for me: his happiness.
Little Note:
I’m back from my little summer break and here it is, Chapter 6 🥰
Pleaaaase leave a comment/ like/ reblog/ message and tell me how you liked it! I'm dying to hear your thoughts! Like seriously! I'm open to any criticism, bad or good, it doesn't matter!
If you want to be added to the taglist, drop a comment!
Last but not least, English is not my first language and although I tried my best: please excuse any mistakes I made!
@silkenthusiasts @eugene-emt-roe @sunny44 @itsjustkhaos
All pictures are from Google, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.
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bots-and-cons · 1 year
I’m on a top gun bender 😂 do you mind writing for tfp starscream, dreadwing, and megatron finding out their human s/o is a top gun pilot after seeing a report on her latest mission on the news. (A mission like the Top Gun Maverick one).
So I kinda read this wrong the first time, I read it as “ I’m a top gun bender” as in like a water bender or an airbender like in Avatar: The last airbender. Which just made me imagine them bending a fighter jet or something, which I found incredibly funny for some reason. I haven’t seen the movie but I do remember seeing trailers about it, I kinda just made up stuff that I thought would fit this so eeeehhh. The Dreadwing ended up very short compared to the other two but oh well
•Megatron isn’t really interested in what’s going on with humans, since it doesn’t really affect him that much, but Soundwave keeps an eye on what’s going on around the world anyway and reports to him when he deems it necessary
•So when Soundwave happens to catch your mission on the news he of course reports it to Megatron because he recognized your squadron’s jets on the background of the news footage
•Megatron is pretty much in disbelief, because you had never told him about what line of work you were in, and to be fair, he had never really asked
•When you come to the Nemesis the next time, you can basically sense his annoyance as soon as you walk out the ground bridge
•He was there waiting for you and he confronted you right away
•The first thing he asked you was if you were a spy, because now he knew you worked for the army
•He was quite angry and you were a bit scared but you were much more annoyed
•There isn’t really sense in arguing with Megatron, when he decides you’ve done something wrong, he’s pretty difficult to convince otherwise
•It took a while, but you convinced him you were telling the truth, as you were, and he asked “What do you do then?”
•You explained to him that you were a pilot, which got his attention and you didn’t really explain any further
•”So you fly fighter jets?” he asked, now a little bit interested and having pretty much forgotten about his previous doubts of you spying on him
•Megatron was actually quite interested in your work and what you did, so he asked a lot of questions
•He got the great idea that you two could fly together after you were dona talking and while you figured it might be a bit hard to “borrow” one of your squadron’s seekers you agreed
•So one early evening, when it was still light outside, you snuck into the hangar at the base where you worked and off you went
•It was actually quite a lot of fun to fly with someone who had such incredibly over their flying
•Megatron literally is a jet so he has much more delicate control over himself than you ever could over a simple machine
•It’s a lot of fun, and while you do get into a bit of trouble from your commanding officer later it was totally worth it
•You knew you wouldn’t get fired or anything like that anyway, you’re the best pilot they’ve got so they can’t really afford to let you go
•You have to squeeze it out of him, but Megatron also admits he enjoyed himself quite a lot
•Starscream wasn’t exactly ecstatic when he saw you being interviewed about your job, because that’s how he found out about what you do for work
•He didn’t really even think you could be a spy, that never really crossed his mind, because that would mean you would’ve managed to deceive him and he hadn’t caught it
•There’s also all the stuff about him thinking you would never betray him, because he doesn’t want to think you would ever do that to him
•Aaanyway, Starscream asks you about it when you come to the Nemesis later and you’re like “Oh, where did you hear that? I mean it’s true, but how did you find out?”
•He tells you Knockout showed him a news piece and you’re like “Yeah… that”
•You explain to him what you do and he definitely takes interest when he hears you fly fighter jets
•Starscream is of course like “I’d wager I fly better than you” with a very self assured smirk
•To his surprise you don’t take the bait and just go “Well yeah, you literally are a jet so you should be better at it than me”
•Starscream takes this as compliment, but he still asks if you’d like to prove him wrong
•You’re like “Sure I can try”
•This is all a ploy, because you’re very confident in your flying abilities and just want to lull him into a false sense of security and shock him
•This works quite well and when you go flying with him, he’s shocked by your abilities
•Like the control you seem to have over this machine is so precise and delicate, he’s honestly shocked
•He’s just left hovering there for a moment as you fly off
•You’re talking over the comms but Starscream went silent so you got worried and turned back
•It pretty much turns into a chase and you’re both having a ton of fun, which Starsream would of course not admit to, at least not without a bit of playful whining from you
•You’d told Dreadwing about your job with pretty broad strokes, so he didn’t exactly know what you did, other than you worked for the army
•When he found out you were a pilot he told you he was quite impressed
•He’s always been a bit weirded out by the fact that flying is sort of hard for humans, like on their bodies and such 
•He’s always enjoyed it and he finds it an easy way to clear his head
•You tell him it’s pretty much the same for you, when you’re not on actual missions and are just training I mean
•You actually end up talking more about how great flying is, rather than the specifics of your job
•But Dreadwing is very impressed by your skills nonetheless, especially when he eventually sees you actually fly
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clumsiestgiantess · 9 months
Writing Master Post!
I’ll continue adding to this as I put out more stuff.
Alexis & Erica’s story, the Other-world Universe.  In the midst of a thunderstorm, Alexis falls into another world entirely too small for herself.  Misconceptions and hijinks ensue:
Chapter 1 - [They were trees]
Chapter 2 - [Walking is difficult when you can't see your own feet]
Chapter 3 - [Two figures, one dark alley]
Chapter 4 - [The power of a pile of free cash]
Chapter 5 - [From everything to nothing]
— — — — — — — —
Erica pov Chapter 5 - [When you think you’re alone, someone’s watching]
— — — — — — — —
Chapter 6 - [The truth comes out]
Chapter 7 - [Progress is progress, I guess]
Chapter 8 - [A little rain never hurt anyone]
Chapter 9 - [Hangover? I hardly know her]
— — — — — — — —
Erica pov Chapter 9 - [Invisible friends and flying cars]
— — — — — — — —
Chapter 10 - [What Could Go Wrong?]
Chapter 11 - [Deer don’t carry phones]
— End of arc one —
Chapter 12 - [Who all this was for]
Chapter 13 - [Is Stealing Still Illegal?]
Chapter 14 - [Is now a bad time to say I told you so?]
Chapter 15 - [Throw caution to the wind]
Chapter 16 - [The Smallest Sensations]
— — — — — — — —
Erica pov Chapter 16 - [A love larger than life]
— — — — — — — —
Chapter 17 - [Round One: Fight!]
Chapter 18 - [Sympathy, Speed, and Safety all start with S]
Chapter 19 - [Inspiration Strikes]
Chapter 20 - [Testing the Waters]
Chapter 21 - [Calm Before the Storm]
Chapter 22 - [Round Two: Knockout]
Chapter 23 - [Welcome to the Real World]
— AUs —
List of potential AUs
Soul Shard/Smolmates AU (part 1) - An AU where soulmates split into a tiny version of themselves that is meant to stay with the other person; Alexis giant pov.
Soul Shard/Smolmates AU (part 2) - An AU where soulmates split into a tiny version of themselves that is meant to stay with the other person; Alexis tiny pov.
Fallen Erica AU - Erica falls into Alexis’ universe instead of Alexis falling into hers.
Roommates AU - Alexis and Erica share an apartment together! What can possibly go wrong now that they’re both the same height?
Ruler of Everything AU - Alexis decides to start controlling more people than just Erica. After so many other-worldians under her control, she comes out of hiding…
*bonus stuff*
THE GIRLS THE GIRLS THE GIRLS - A silly little animation that I love <3
What happened to the people who were abducted? - Bad stuff, that’s why I left it out of the main story.
Alexis’ abilities explained - (this is for later; there are things y’all don’t need to know yet)
Stolen Story Lore - Lore taken right off the desk of a character in the story.
The poor soul who fell into the normal-world (aka Alexis’ and our world) - Unfortunately, falling into strange worlds goes both ways.
Refs - The main three for now (I will add more refs later)
Refs pt 2 - canon heights in the other-world universe (my hand for scale)
A&E’s relationship - A bit about their love languages and how they connect
A&E’s insecurities - Every character has their flaws. (Might add more characters as they’re introduced)
Shrinking Cabin series:
Shrinking Cabin - Daniella inherits a cabin from her late uncle.  Little does she know the cabin has a much smaller connecting counterpart.
Shrinking Cabin pt 2 - Living in a cabin that can be peered into at any moment isn’t very fun. Daniella tries to get her point across, but now things are so much worse.
Shrinking Cabin pt3 - How long will Daniella be stuck here? Things would be so much better with a friend around.
Shrinking Cabin pt4 (finale) - After one problem finally gets solved, Daniella can focus on the several other problems that aren’t.
Disappearing Cabin series:
Disappearing Cabin pt1 - Back to where it all began. Can Daniella reverse the affects of the cabin, or will she be stuck small?
Disappearing Cabin pt2 - (preview)
Winter’s Everlasting:
Winter’s Everlasting - A freezing world where wolves can talk, fairies and dragons exist, and- oh! The circus is in town!
Winter’s Everlasting Creature Index
Language barrier g/t:
Takeover Scenario - A dying Earth meets a slightly better (and bigger) version of itself.
Takeover Scenario pt2 - Learning what works between worlds.
little bonus snippet
Takeover Scenario Future - A different story that takes place after Survivors become the norm.
Takeover Scenario Future (part two) - Ritchie decides to take home a survivor, but is the little human willing to stay?
DNAliens stories:
List of everything - Covers the heights, mutations, living spaces, and a bit of backstory of the DNAliens that live/have lived on Earth
Tserem - A young woman is sentenced to sacrificial death by a mysterious monster rumored to be a half-human snake. The monster isn’t quite what she expected him to be.
Tselani (backstory) - It’s rather peaceful being the patron deity of a small village, until your disappearing ex makes a sudden reappearance.
Tselani (present day) - The viewpoint of Tselani’s human friend.
Aethra - The story of how she got her first human pet (of many)
Promptober/Inktober 2023: Month-long list - A conglomerate of DNAliens, Other-world Universe, and free-standing content.
Plot Map - A long story I’ll never fully write, so take the bulleted list of plot points.
Promptober short - A snippet of events that happen after the story.
The Walls Won’t Be There Forever:
The Walls Won’t Be There Forever (1st half) - A pet borrower accidentally reveals her sentience to her captor. She expects the human to hurt her, or even send her off to a lab, but they’re.. apologizing?
Bonus oneshot - Takes place in the same world as the main story, but has no correlation with it.
What if half the population just.. shrank? (aka Thanos Snap Doomsday Crisis Scenario):
main story - (eventually…)
Bonus Scenario 1 - Tinies don’t tend to last that long when they’re barely big enough to see…
Bonus Scenario 2 - Can the universe postpone the upheaval of everything as we know it until after the first date, please?
Poll story:
Master list of all parts
CREATURE LORE - Some info on Ralyr’s species and its kin.
Creature Concept Pages
Random Prompts:
g/t brainrot - Something short I posted on a whim.
Role reversal - This time giant is scared of tiny.
Dad bros bonding prompt - Pretty much what the prompt says. A human and a borrower finding some common ground.
You Get What You Wish For - It’s not fun being cursed to live as a doll, especially when it’s you who cursed yourself (and your family, but they don’t know that).
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Tall boi gets smol - What if I create a dude who’s 6’4? What if I have him drink something weird once that makes him shrink smaller and smaller in intervals in front of his fiancé? What if little dude finally stops shrinking at 1 & 1/2 centimeters tall? What if I put him into some situations?
pt 2, another situation - Not only has he lost his only way of communication, he HIMSELF got lost. Here’s hoping he makes it back in one piece.
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Giant as unlimited resource prompt - Would you like to be an unwilling supplier of a new self-sufficient nutritional meat product for the rest of the world? Trick question, it doesn’t matter! You’ve been selected!
Landfill Apocalypse - Inspired by a post about tinies living isolated from humans.
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Freezing Weather prompt - A borrower ends up stuck in a freezing car. His only way out? The car’s human owner.
Freezing Weather prompt (part 2) - Wow, Alice seems really stressed out. Surely it’s not the tiny man who ran away into her walls that’s causing all that stress, right? It’s exam week, after all; everyone’s stressed.
Freezing Weather prompt (part 3) - Finally, with Alice knowing the truth about him, Fen can rest. Or can he…?
Freezing Weather prompt (part 4) - Time for Alice’s pov! A recap of the first two episodes, but experienced from the ‘giant’s’ perspective.
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
“You too” - Something I felt compelled to write after seeing a silly comic strip.
Uncanny Valley - Quick drabble about the idea of an uncanny valley giant.
Alien Abduction horror (but make it g/t) - Two guys chillin in a rental house in the middle of a desert known for ufo sightings. What could possibly go wrong?
A couple g/t dreams - Some dreams that had pretty decent story plots that I quickly wrote down, then expanded on.
Tinies as figurines - The story of a beautiful music box (inspired by the one in this music video)
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ask-uts-earthspark-au · 11 months
Ok this is a weird Biology question about the Terrans, since they seem to have like a weird mix between humans(Being able to eat, needing water, closer to human size) and Cybertronians(Metal bodies, the ability to transform and built in weapons) does that mean they'll experience puberty at some point?
Megatron: Obviously, they most likely will. They’ll probably go through similar processes to both our own, and humans, may possibly even develop their own specific to their subspecies as Terrans.
Tarantulas: If I may call in an expert to help us, to more professionally answer this question~
Megatron: I suppose.
. . .
Knockout: Hello, why have I been added here?
Wildbreak: Dunno. But, ‘sup.
Megatron: Ah. Knockout. Wonderful to meet you again. Pronouns today?
Knockout: A pleasure to speak with you again, my liege. She/they/her.
Wildbreak: okay, read what we’re here for: I’d presume you mean Nightshade, and the sibs they mentioned when we met them? Albeit, they were high outta their mind when they mentioned them, due to the anesthetic, but I digress.
Megatron: Yes, they are one of five Terrans total.
Knockout: Ah. So all five would be like them, just different alts, and such, I’d presume.
Knockout: With all this context, since I’ve been doing work and practicing on both cybertronians and humans, I’ve seen my fair share.
Knockout: From what I got from Nightshade, I can successfully say, yes, they’ll definitely go through adolescent developmental processing, quite similar to our own various kinds. To what extent or degree that may include humanity’s own, I can’t tell.
Knockout: They’ll probably experience it a lot sooner than ours, but definitely later than humans.
Knockout: So far, the only problem I’m personally seeing with the Terrans, is the possibility they’re all quite oblivious. At least, if we are to take example from Nightshade’s oblivity, lacking the slightest hint of what lay behind their panel.
Megatron: They’re newsparks, Knockout. They hardly need to know their frames may have… extra bits, at their age.
Knockout: They should know for hygiene’s sake! At the very least! I would not like to have a youngling crying in pain on a table before me, because you didn’t educate them about their frame, and how to keep it clean, and now they have an infection of some sort, or something. Or they got themselves in over their head, with weird, brand new feelings, and decided it’s such a good idea to shove the nearest phallic object up their-
Megatron: THAAT’S ENOUGH. ō/////ō
Megatron: we’ll… get there. When a little time has passed, and Dot and Alex think they might be ready for that conversation.
Knockout: Mhm. ‘You’ll get there’.
Knockout: Regardless, yes. They most likely will go through some form of what you humans would call ‘puberty’.
Knockout: Speaking on the matter of their siblings, what are they each?
Tarantulas: Nightshade’s siblings are two femmes, Twitch and Hashtag, and two mechs, Thrash and Jawbreaker.
Wildbreak: so, two AFAB, two AMAB, and an NB.
Wildbreak: Alts?
Megatron: That’s not-
Tarantulas: Twitch is a flying ‘drone’ as the humans call them, Thrash is a motorbike with a side car, Hashtag is a GHOST van, and Jawbreaker is a dinobot beastformer, then Nightshade, of course, as you already know, is an owl beastformer.
Wildbreak: eeesshhhh, ain’t gonna be easy…
Knockout: dear god.
Knockout: what the hell have i gotten into.
Tumblr media
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pzdragon666 · 3 months
Loud Night
-DramaKing onlines-
DramaKing: YOU GUYS!!!!
-CannibalHolocaust onlines-
CannibalHolocaust: its 5 in the morning... WHAT!?!?
DramaKing: can yall hear that?
CannibalHolocaust: hear what?
-Steve onlines-
Steve: I hear it! It sounds like metal clanking???
CannibalHolocaust: who the fuck wakes up at 5 in the morning???
Steve: Me and Megatron. Sometimes StarScream
CannibalHolocaust: bruh- Spiderlegs texted me asking what that sound is
DramaKing: add her to the chat!
Steve: you text Arachnid???
CannibalHolocaust: bro- WAIT!
-CannibalHolocaust adds Itsybitsyspider to the chat-
Itsybitsyspider: yall hear that right?
CannibalHolocaust: They're so fucking loud!!!
DramaKing: I KNOW RIGHT!?
Steve: It's too early for this shit!
Itsybitsyspider: Agreed
CannibalHolocaust: wanna deal with this in the morning?
Everyone: sure
-Itsybitsyspider, CannibalHolocaust, Steve, and DramaKing offline-
-6 hours later-
-DramaKing onlines-
DramaKing: Now we deal with this!
-CannibalHolocaust, Itsybitsyspider, and Steve online-
CannibalHolocaust: Bro- they were so loud!
DramaKing: I lost so much beauty sleep...
Steve: OK. Now what?
Itsybitsyspider: we gotta know where the sound came from!
DramaKing: Let's ask Soundwave
Steve: He's like right next to me and looking at the texts right now.
CannibalHolocaust: Fr?
Itsybitsyspider: lol, what he say?
Steve: he said it came from the north part of the ship.
CannibalHolocaust: But there's only like two living quarters over there, which are StarScream and... Megatron
DramaKing:...you don't think?
CannibalHolocaust: 100%
Steve: I'm terrified now.
Itsybitsyspider: I feel bad for StarScream.
CannibalHolocaust: bro- let's pray for him and his valve
DramaKing: Imma text him to be more quieter next time.
CannibalHolocaust: wait- it don't make sense
Itsybitsyspider: Wdym? How?
CannibalHolocaust: Soundwave said it came from the North part of the Nemesis right?
Steve: yh so?
CannibalHolocaust: How come I didn't hear it very clearly earlier today?
CannibalHolocaust: My quarters are near StarScream
Steve: Yo that makes sense
Itsybitsyspider: if it's not them then who?
CannibalHolocaust: How are we supposed to know?
Steve: Wait, KnockOut! You said you heard it near your quarters, right?
DramaKing: So?
Steve: Who's quarters are you close to?
DramaKing: Actually, Shockwave's lab is at the end of the hall near my quarters...
CannibalHolocaust: Holy frag! That fragging cyclops actually interfaced with someone???
Itsybitsyspider: Lol. Blackmail for later!
Steve: There's still one unanswered question
DramaKing: yh, who was he interfacing with?
CannibalHolocaust: who the fuck gives a slag?
Steve: Me cause I want to sleep and not hear moaning over the walls
CannibalHolocaust: Fair
Itsybitsyspider: think it was with some slutty vehicon drone?
Steve: excuse me? I have feelings here
CannibalHolocaust: you ain't a drone pal. You one of us :3
DramaKing: She spitting facts!!!
Steve: I'm touched :')
Itsybitsyspider: Has anyone seen StarScream?
CannibalHolocaust: not since last week
DramaKing: nah, imma check on him
Itsybitsyspider: anyway, how do we know who Shockwave interfaced with?
Steve: well, it's someone with a voice so count Soundwave out
CannibalHolocaust: Never mention Soundwave and Shockwave being together. EVER
Itsybitsyspider: she hates Shockwave
Steve: ah, gotcha
DramaKing: bro- Screamer is sick!
CannibalHolocaust: I told his aft to not fly in the rain
DramaKing: taking care of this dumbaft right now
Itsybitsyspider: sheesh
CannibalHolocaust: I think Shockwave interfaced with a vehicon or something
DramaKing: maybe...
Steve: Imma ask around
CannibalHolocaust: GL Steve
-Steve offlines-
Itsybitsyspider: welp, got shit to do so later guys.
CannibalHolocaust: bye glitch
-Itsybitsyspider offlines-
DramaKing: I'll never understand you guy's friendship
Steve: same
-CannibalHolocaust offlines-
Steve: I swear Illusion terrifies me
DramaKing: same
-CommanderHighheels onlines-
CommanderHighheels: I got tired of watching over KnockOut's shoulder
Steve: You alright Commander?
CommanderHighheels: Steve. You earned my respect. Call me StarScream or Star at this point
DramaKing: or Screamer
Steve: I don't think I'm there yet to call his that
CommanderHighheels: Damn right
DramaKing: Screamer scratched my paint-
CommanderHighheels: No regrets
Steve: DAMN!!!
CommanderHighheels: It's not that bad
Steve: Not that! I just saw Shockwave get thrown by Illusion
CommanderHighheels: ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!?!?
DramaKing: the only time she ever threw him was at a party
CommanderHighheels: like when they first met
DramaKing: DUDE SAY IT!!!
Steve: There's literally a group forming around them as they're kicking each other's aft
CommanderHighheels: BUT WHY ARE THEY FIGHTING!?
DramaKing: Imma get Megatron
CommanderHighheels: send pictures Steve
Steve: sending an iconic one that I got so lucky taking it
-Steve attached a photo of Shockwave on the floor about to get elbowed by a flying Illusion-
CommanderHighheels: that's gonna hurt in the morning
Imagine being WWE by a girl. Anyway, part two of this crazy chat's shenanigans. With special guest, Arachnid joining us! Now the mystery remains: who did Shockwave top? Find out in the next issue!!! @chamm0y
Part 1
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freedomfireflies · 2 months
Hello my lovely! I hope U are well and and are hydrated. I have a quick into he harryverse question and please don't feel pressured to reply! How would each harry react to their girl watching porn (even though oftm peach is probably watching it as a buissness move)
Omg hi baby!!! I hope YOU'RE staying hydrated and well rested, too!!
Teach Me Harry definitely doesn't mind! I don't think she watches it as much anymore since she has him but I think if anything, they watch it together! And not very often but sometimes, if they want to spice up a scene or study a new position!
Mine Harry is probably the one that suggests it occasionally. I can't see Sugar looking it up on her own since she'd feel guilty but I think Harry definitely suggests they watch threesomes sometimes hehe just so they can get ideas!!
One for the Money Harry obviously doesn't mind but I still think he gets jealous because they have their own content now and in his head, she should be watching their stuff, not someone else's HAHAH
404 Harry thinks it's hot but even if he didn't, Tink wouldn't give a flying fuck HAHAH
Knockout Harry would be so surprised because he wouldn't imagine she'd be into it but turns out, she likes to watch the more taboo stuff! And when she finally (and shyly) admits that, he's very quick to say, "Show me. Right now."
And Infinite You Harry would be giddy and would also really want to see what she's into!! And maybe even make her watch it and touch herself so he can watch hehe
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nightowlwriting · 1 year
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summary: you never learn to tell the difference between
the probable projections and the best parts of the dream
it's time to fight. it's time to prove that you're useful. the team finds out what you think of your cell and your situation. wanda's brother comes home and you visit.
word count: 8.1k
reader specifics: no race/gender/sexuality/body type mentioned, no pronouns for reader used, enhanced!reader, traumatized!reader
warnings: typical violence for cannon, ptsd symptoms, panic attacks, lapse of reality, descriptions of war/death/blood/violent acts, self-loathing
note: this is the part four of an ongoing series, find the series masterlist here. i think i got all of the tw/cw, but if i missed something please send an ask!
title & summary credit: the mountain goats
mobile masterlist - request - support my work? - ao3
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You dodge Steve for the better part of two minutes, keeping an eye on his updated fighting style. You’d studied him furiously under your time with the Handlers but he’s had years of experience since that. You haven’t. His endurance is almost as good as yours so by the time you’re starting to feel the burn in your legs from the rapid-fire movement you know he’s feeling it, too. There’s still one thing left to decide before you take the offense.
Just which incorporeal thread are you going to tug on to fight him? Instinct says fire because Steve doesn’t have a long-range attack, not really. The fire will keep him at bay and do damage, which will win you the fight. But fire is angry and hard to control, which doesn’t match Steve’s new fighting style at all. Every movement he makes, every point-turn to try and get you on the ground or off balance, is a brilliant strategy that you know he’s coming up with on the fly. The serum did a lot for Steve physically, but you heard the rumors from the Handlers. He’s always been whip-smart, a little irrational and irresponsible, and a hell of a good strategist. Those things knockout using air and water, too. Air is too unpredictable, even when you’re the one in charge. Water is too much give and take for the way that he’s moving.
Steve fights like he’s a brick wall with legs. He uses his shield to try and batter you to the side and uses his legs and feet like they’re steel rods connected to his torso to anchor him low to the ground to keep him agile. It makes you grit your teeth because earth is stubborn. It’s hard to move unless you’re grounded and with Steve’s speed, it’s hard to keep more than one foot on the ground at a time. He knows he’s pushing your buttons, too, because the whole time he’s on the offense and you’re dodging backward and sideways out of his way he’s fucking grinning.
Typically that would set you off, but it’s easy to remember what this is for, especially now that you’re in the swing of things. They want to see what you can do so they can see how useful you are to them. They want to measure your power, yes, but also your control. Earth is all about control, and so is Captain Steve Rogers. (At least, what you know of him from the Before and what little you’ve gleaned of him in the After.)
When you take a turn for the offense it takes Steve by surprise. Instead of dodging away from his fist you take it on the chin and let it knock you back. He pauses just for a moment but that’s all you need - letting the momentum spin you and working with the topsy-turvy way that the hit makes your head spin, you come from back with a heel to his chin. Behind you, where the others are observing, you hear someone groan. Steve’s eyes go foggy just for a second because you’d put your back into the kick and it gives you just enough time to take measured steps backward out of his melee range.
A deep breath while he recovers, grounding your bare feet into the bare dirt you’re standing on. You extend yourself into the earth and tug the strings up through the soles of your feet like a ball-jointed doll. You are thrumming with the heartbeat of the world underneath you by the time Steve finally raises his head less than half a second later. His eyes widen as he watches your eyes flicker, a deep forest green taking over the entirety of your sclera for a fraction of a second before your eyes are back to normal. “Yeah, good job,” He praises.
Because you’re jacked into the ground beneath you and everything on or in it, you know what Steve’s going to do just after he does. He rears back and slings the shield at you like a frisbee but you’re ready. Sure, it’s an adamantium shield but adamantium is still metal. It’s still mined from the earth and perfected from its raw form. It’s still a string you can tug on, a limb you have that nobody else does.
He gapes when you catch the shield in your hand and bend it like a paper plate, tossing it to the side. You’re tired of playing games, tired of being a prisoner, just plain tired. It had been a realization when you’d let yourself go completely into the earth: the others were watching you fight Steve which means each fight after this one is going to get harder and harder. Not just because you’ll be tired, but because they’ll have seen your fighting style. There’s no doubt that Bucky, Natasha, and Tony are impeccable fighters. Steve, as a Captain, wouldn’t let them fight you if they weren’t skilled. So, logically, the faster you get each fight over with the less they know and the more stamina you save for the next fight.
The shield clangs against a rock and your crack your neck, still standing vaguely relaxed except for your grounded stance. Steve’s muscles coiling echoes through your mind through the soles of your feet but you’re done fighting him. It was fun dodging and ducking around Captain America, but now you just want to get this over with and get back to your cell so that you can continue to pay the penance of your failure. Before Steve can take a step you’re sliding your dominant foot forward, feeling the heartbeat and flow beneath it, and pulling your hands up like you’re a puppeteer.
The ground in front of him rumbles for a split second, not long enough for him to do anything, and then Steve is encased in a cave of rock four feet thick. There are shouts behind you but then everyone hears his fists strike his cage one, two, three times and they calm down. You’re not a monster, not in the way that they think you are. You’d left him room enough to crouch and, apparently, throw a few punches. Your blood is still thrumming five minutes later when Tony finally calls the match, Steve unable to figure out how to get out of the rock cage.
He’s flushed, chest heaving when he’s revealed with just the wave of one of your hands, the earth shifting back to where it rests naturally. “My shield!”
“Oh,” You start, already forgotten that you’d bent it out of place. Bucky’s holding it, mouth slightly agape as he turns it over in his hands, “I can fix it.”
“How can you fix that?” Sam has joined Bucky in gaping at the ruined shield. “It’s a piece of history, y’know.” You know he’s trying to joke with you and break the tension, but you won’t be relaxed until you figure out who you’re fighting next and how.
“I’m a piece of history,” You mumble, taking the shield from Bucky as Steve joins the three of you. Maybe it was a little mean to bend it in half like that, but he threw it at your face. You frown as you work the shield open, ratcheting your arms and focusing on the bonds of the metal. Everything has a natural state and you’re just able to bend those states to your will - basic physics says that everything wants to go back to that natural state though, so once you’re done the shield is as good as new.
“Oh, geez,” Steve breathes as you hand it back to him, “It doesn’t even look like you bent it.”
“See?” You glance at Sam and shrug, “Everything’s jake. Wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t think that I couldn’t fix it.”
“You could have killed him,” Natasha finally parts from where she, Wanda, Bruce, and Tony had been discussing something in a tight group, “But you didn’t.”
“Why would I kill him?” You frown, crossing your arms over your chest, “You’ve brought me out here to run tests. I’m goin’ to do the tests the same way that I would if I was with the Handlers.” An eerie silence falls around your group, Steve and Bucky sharing an unreadable look with Natasha and Sam. “You’ve already given me a much better chance of winnin’, too, because you’re letting me outside.”
“Letting you?” Bucky repeats, eyebrows pulled tight over his eyes. He looks confused, which is confusing to you. “What d’you mean?” You frown and look away from the heavy glances they’re sending your way.
“Well, I can’t exactly walk out here by myself.”
“You can,” Sam is the first to speak, “You literally can.”
“Wait,” Steve shifts his weight and puts a hand up, his voice drawing your attention up, “Do you think you can’t go anywhere without one of us?” Over his shoulder, the slow-dawning horror begins creeping up Bucky’s face.
“That’s exactly what you think. Y-You’re allowed to leave your room without one’a us. You’re not trapped here.” He wraps his right hand around Steve’s wrist, drawing the blond’s attention, “Did we not make that clear? This whole time-” He chokes on his words and you look to Sam and Natasha for some sort of explanation. Natasha’s face is soft with compassion - or pity, maybe. They look about the same to you.
“You have pretty much free reign of the compound,” She shakes her head and then pushes some of her fiery hair out of her face, “Your room isn’t a cell.” A visceral uncomfortable feeling rises in your stomach and chest. They’re catching you off guard and it’s… It’s awful. This was easy when Bucky brought you out here - it was familiar. But now they’re trying to tell you that you’re not in a cell? That you’re not just another lab rat? You take a deep breath and swallow hard.
“It is,” You shake your head, frowning, “It’s a very nice cell, though. I - you don’t - there’s no need to pretend here,” You take your time to look at the people around you. They all look horrified, but in different ways. “I know what I am and I know what you guys are. I’m in your custody and you’re my Handlers. I give you information and you give me good food and good exercise, and Bruce gets to study me. I get it, you don’t have to pretend this is anything but that.” You shrug. “It’s better here than it was Underground.” The silence is unsettling. You can hear the soft conversation from the other group of people outside and then the thrumming life of birds and insects in the grass and trees. You’re uncomfortable under their gazes, especially the look Bucky and Steve give you. They’re like mirrors of each other: clenched jaws, low eyebrows, bobbing throats. They’re upset about something - maybe it’s because you’d finally said it out loud. Everybody knows that you’re technically their prisoner, but maybe it’s saying it out loud that has upset them. Your hands begin to shake when you think about the fact that you might’ve upset them, especially with how brightly they’d been looking at you while you fixed Steve’s shield.
Like a Godsend, Bruce calls your name and gives you an excuse to push past the super-soldiers to join his group instead. He looks up brightly from the rectangle in his hand that’s called a tablet and is just like a laptop except small with no keys to type with. He’s using a pen on the screen but you don’t see an inkwell. “What a brilliant fight,” He gushes, looking up at you for just a fraction of a second over his glasses. Bruce is almost always frazzled like this when you’ve done something that he thinks is particularly spectacular. “I want you to spar with Natasha next. Does that sound good?”
“Of course,” You nod, crossing your arms over your chest. How could you say no?
“I hope Bucky explained this to you, but we prefer it if you try to limit your abilities to one element per combatant.” He mumbles something under his breath that you don’t understand, but that’s pretty common, and then snaps the case on his tablet closed. Bruce gives you a bright grin and you smile weakly back. “And you can tap out at any time if you want. I know you have a high endurance but I imagine this is taxing, regardless.”
“Being outside helps,” You shift, “It makes me stronger to have… Connections. To everything.” It’s hard to tell Bruce that because it’s also telling him that if you lose control or they want to hurt you that they can just cut off access to one of the elements. But it’s also easy because Bruce is incredibly fascinated with everything about you. He’s nice, and it’s nice to have a scientist that doesn’t poke you with a cattle prod if you have an attitude or collapse exhausted. (He also doesn’t work you to exhaustion and gives you breaks. It’s nice.)
“Of course,” Bruce nods like he’s known that, and maybe he has. His mind works incredibly fast for someone who’s not enhanced. In fact, Bruce might be the smartest person that you know.
Tony is also very smart from what you’ve seen. Everyone on the team is wildly intelligent but all in different ways. There’s no doubt that they’re going to adapt after every match and make it harder for you to win. Still, you’re confident in your ability to come out of this set of tests not only impressing the Avengers, but winning each match. Bruce observes you for a second, muttering under his breath, and then takes a step around you. “Nat! We’ll have you go next, okay?” She looks unimpressed from her spot in the huddle but nods in affirmation.
“We’ll see how you fare against me,” She moves toward you as Bruce moves away. You take measured steps backward to put more space between Natasha and the others so that you don’t hurt them once you gauge what to use against her. She matches your steps forward in a casual gait, mimicking how you’d stayed light on your feet against Steve. You don’t have the upper hand in this fight, though, because you have no idea how Natasha fights. She’s not wearing any visible weaponry but you can sense the knives she has hidden on her person. Will she throw them? Will she try to get into melee with you?
You switch gears when Natasha lunges at you, unsheathing a knife from a holster under her arm. Instead of falling back or dodging to the sides, you meet her halfway and follow the arc of her slash just a few seconds faster than she moves. While she stumbles forward, taken off guard by your bold move you fall forward into a roll behind her and pop to your feet in a defensive position. You both fight like that for a few minutes and finally, it clicks in your head: she’s a dancer. Steve is a brick wall of force and Natasha is a dancer. The wind shifts cold and then warm around you as you pull on the air, rebuffing her next attack with a gust that knocks her off balance and her feet until she’s skidding in the dirt.
“Dirty, dirty tricks, darling,” She says from a crouch but she’s grinning. It’s all teeth, feral and hungry for more combat. You bare your teeth at her in the same way, snarling low in your throat. “You’re fun when you give up the ghost and play.” She leaps, then, and you rock up onto your toes. It’s easier to get the air around you to behave when you’re mobile, stepping lightly, dancing around Natasha as she tries to swipe at you. Natasha is a bullet, all red hair and teeth, but she’s still graceful. She barely touches the ground as you two spin around each other. It just takes one moment of lost focus for her to land a strike on you.
The pain is hot against your side as she slashes upward in an arc over your ribs. It bursts behind your eyes in a flash of scorching blood and torn fabric. Natasha hesitates, clearly not expecting to land such a devastating hit and you use that to your advantage. The pain is a lot, yes, but you barely flinch. Compared to the others that the Handlers would make you fight, this is nothing.
The pain is nothing.
Natasha grunts when you spin again, bringing the current of the air with your open palms. It slams against her with gale force that’s strong enough to lift her off of her feet and slam her back-first into the ground, the knife falling from her limp grasp. You back off, listening to her gasp for breath and make sure you hadn’t accidentally broken a rib into her lungs. Also, you wait for the cattle prod, the cuffs, the pain to come because you messed up. It wasn’t supposed to be that strong, wasn’t supposed to do that damage, wasn’t supposed to fling her ten feet into the air and then flatten her on the ground.
You tense your body, close your eyes, and you wait. It seems to take years for the footsteps to cross over to you, but you wait. You can pick out who’s walking by the sound, now, after so much time listening at your door for who’s coming to pick you up. Sam, Tony, and Bruce pass you in favor of helping Natasha up - or asking her questions, in Bruce’s case. Steve and Bucky stop behind you, perhaps watching the way your elbows press into your sides as you make shaking fists or the way that your shoulders slowly rise to meet your earlobes. Maybe they’re not looking at any of that, maybe they’re looking at the fractalling burn patterns on the ground beneath you as you fight for control over your fear, or the ice that’s starting to curl up over your biceps and encase your skin in swirling, intricate patterns. When one of them finally lays his hand on your shoulder you flinch so sharply that the ice breaks and falls to the ground, fire burning out as you retreat back into your head.
“I’m sorry,” You hear yourself saying, “I didn’t mean to hurt her.”
“You didn’t hurt her,” Steve’s hand stays on your shoulder as he walks around to be in your line of sight, “See? Nat’s fine.” She is, getting up and grinning and everything, but it’s so hard to process that. Even the sunlight of the day outside is starting to look like an industrial ceiling with dank, broken pipes that leak when the snow melts too much or when the Handlers on the surface use too much water too quickly. Even Steve’s voice, sturdy and calm with an unshaken power, doesn’t sound much like him. You can hear a Handler, feel their warm breath over your face as they leer closer and closer with their teeth bared and a sick smile and heavy hands that touch much too much and -
“Hey!” Bucky knocks Steve’s hand off of your shoulder and drops his vibranium hand on the opposite shoulder. It rattles you physically and mentally, drawing your wandering and slow-moving eyes to his. “Listen to me,” Steve is there, over Bucky’s shoulder, “You are outside with us. Nobody here is mad at you, nobody here is going to punish you. This is what we wanted you to do. Do you understand?” His voice is strong, cutting through the mildew smell that had begun to choke you, pulling the threads of your mind back to the protective shell of you versus You. But Bucky doesn’t seem to want to let that happen.
“I… I understand.” You finally reply, trying a small smile as you look between Steve and Bucky. “I think I understand.”
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The news jumps on the mysterious painting almost as soon as it’s noticed. It’s off in an alleyway not frequented often, but frequented enough. First, it starts as a picture on Instagram. Found some rad graffiti. Wonder what it means. Then it’s a local picture spot for a week or two.
Finally, the owner of the bistro notices and calls his boss. He’s not stupid, not by a long shot, and he knows what Serdste means. He’s heard the stories passed down from his family members - men who’ve been in the business of blood money for far longer than he has. He’s a generation or two removed from Russian as his first language, but he still speaks it enough at the old folk's home to know what’s coming next.
His boss must call their contact in the NYPD because the next day he’s sitting on his couch listening to his old lady chatter on the phone and watching the footage from the helicopter he heard earlier that day.
The footage is hard to make out unless you know what you’re looking for. It appears to be innocuous graffiti - a bit large and sort of an eyesore - and it’s just a heart on fire. Anatomically correct, a little off-putting to think about, but a concept that he knows the local youths will, and have been, going crazy for. It was the writing that had made him pick up the phone the first time he'd seen it. In haphazard scrawl across the main expanse of the heart is angry, dripping, black ink.
Живет на
И снова поднимется.
Zhivet na
I snova podnimetsya.
The Heart
Lives on
And will rise again.
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You take a break after your fight with Natasha. She comes over after Bucky has you do some breathing exercises with Steve at your side and claps you on the back. “That was a good hit. Very strong. I haven’t had someone down me that quickly since I was a teenager.” Her words hold some weight that you’re not sure you understand in the way that others understand but still, you know. She had asked you about the Red Room - it must be something like the Underground. You wonder how many people she’s had to kill and how many of their names she remembers.
You remember them all.
You’re getting worked up about everything again when Bruce comes over to lay his hand gently on your bicep. “Maybe we should continue another day. I shouldn’t have suggested so many tests in one day like this.”
“I’m sorry,” You reflexively reply, “I know I can do more tests. We don’t have to wait.”
“We’re not mad at you,” Natasha points out, “We’re worried about you.”
You blink and then look back at Steve and Bucky - the people that, despite how they treated you when they first found out who you are, you trust the most. Bucky smiles weakly at you - which he’s been doing since you calmed down during the breathing exercises - but Steve nods. “It’s true. None of us knew how you felt about your room.”
Cell, you want to say. It’s fine, you want to say.
But you don’t.
He reaches out for your elbow and you try to swallow down your gasp, but he and Bucky at the very minimum hear you. "Why don't we have a movie night tonight?"
"A movie night?"
"We'll pick out a movie and make snacks. You can wear comfy clothes and we'll show you a movie that you've never seen before." Steve shrugs, "Buck and I spent a long time catching up and we're still not there. We've all missed a lot of media."
"I think we should start with the Wizard Of Oz," Bucky cuts in before you can respond, "And then Star Wars." He grins and then knocks his knuckles gently against Steve's elbow, "Those blew my mind.”
"That's surprising," Steve says, “Because you and I have been livin’ sci-fi for the past seventy years.”
“I wouldn’t say living it,” Tony drawls before you can ask what sci-fi is, “Considering how much you spent on ice and how much he spent as the Fist.” The casual, blase way that Tony mentions The Fist of Hydra raises your hackles. Your jaw clicks shut audibly and a sour feeling rises in your stomach. It’s nothing but a sickly sweet reminder of what you’d done - rather, what you’d failed to do. The one good thing you’d tried to do and you couldn’t even do that right.
It’s why you’re not mad about the cell, or the training, or the tests. If that’s what you have to do to be useful, to be helpful, to be good… Then you’ll do it. You’ll take your punishment with a neutral face because, fuck, if you’d just made it out of that ice field with the files then maybe none of this would have happened. Maybe you would have died and not come back to live a bastardized, second life among the ones you’ve failed the most.
By the time the blood is done rushing through your ears and you’ve calmed down a little, you realize that Wanda is watching you closely. Everyone else is heading back toward the doors but she’s there, standing next to Steve, and watching you. She hadn’t approached you or talked to you much since you had your… Lapse of judgment about Helen Cho. It didn’t make you mad - sadder than anything else - and you understood how hesitant she might be. It’s hard to have your thoughts and memories; you can’t begin to imagine what it would be like to be assaulted with them with little to no warning. There’s no malice in her eyes now, though, and not even a little bit of pity.
“My brother is coming back tonight,” She says abruptly, cutting Steve off. The three of you are the only ones left outside, and Steve had been explaining something that was going in one ear and out the other. “I think you two would get along.” Steve glances between the two of you like he’d just realized that Wanda hasn’t left yet, like she was invisible. Maybe she’d been wanting to fly under his radar, just able to watch you. “Would you like to meet him?”
You blink slowly and glance at Steve as if you’re asking permission. He holds up his hands and smiles a little bit, “I’m not your keeper, you can make your own decisions.”
“Pietro is nice,” Wanda nods, fidgeting with her fingers, “And you remind me of him sometimes. I think it would be a good friendship to have, especially after finding out what exactly you think of your situation.”
“I, personally, think Pietro would be the best kind of bad influence,” Steve’s smile is blinding as he nudges Wanda with his elbow, but there’s also something hiding behind it that you don’t understand. “Maybe he’ll get you out of your room more often.”
“Does Bucky like him?” You ask before you can stop yourself, “I don’t want to make… Anyone mad.” Wanda cocks her head, dark hair falling over her shoulders. She tsks once and then, when she speaks, her accent is thicker than it was before.
“Lyuba mayn, Bucky is going to be grumpy no matter who you’re spending time with. If he had his way he would keep you to himself - and Steve.” She giggles and cuts a sideways glance at Steve’s quickly reddening face. “Still, he will be tired after his mission, but he eats dinner with me in our room after. It’s easier to keep our kitchen kosher instead of trying to have our own utensils in the team’s kitchen. Would you like to join us for dinner?" She reaches for your hand but hesitates - you can practically see your memories flashing in her eyes. "Pietro and I will join the others for the movie, of course."
"I don't know Wan… I think we could all use some rest after that." Steve worries his lip between his teeth, glancing between you and the brunette still reaching out for you.
"What's more restful than breaking bread with friends?" She slaps her hand on her thigh and turns to Steve with fiery eyes. "Besides, the two of you aren't the only ones who can understand the trauma there." They hold eye contact in a way that makes your hackles rise because they're clearly communicating in a way that teammates do and it's obviously about you. You grind your teeth, fists flexing at your sides. Wanda smirks and breaks eye contact with Steve in favor of taking a step toward you. "What do you say?"
"Does he know what I've done?"
Finally, the pity rolls over Wanda's expression and you can see Steve tense up, jaw hard as he glances away. "Of course he does, lyuba mayn. He's the one that told me to invite you to dinner so that he could meet you. We are not so innocent either." You let her take your hand, focusing your eyes on the glint of silver resting against her sternum to ground yourself.
"I… Will go, if it's allowed." Your skin burns where Wanda is touching you, but the fire travels down your spine under Steve's gaze. He's inspecting you - that's the only word for the way he's looking at you. Does he not trust you? Should you decline, eat dinner with the team so you can scurry back to your cell after? You look back towards Wanda, "Or, maybe, I could just…"
"Ignore Steve," She throws a smug look over her shoulder at him and you watch a blush rise over his skin from underneath his suit. "He and Bucky just want to be your friend so badly because they feel like they will be the best at it."
You blink dumbly at her for only a second. Your friend? That hadn't even crossed your mind. Steve huffs out a sign, hands low on his hips as he cranes his neck away from the two of you. "Wanda…"
"We do have the most in common," You frown, "The three of us are all enhanced, we've all had scuffs with Hydra, and we've all fought in a war nobody else fought in." Wanda grins slyly when you shrug.
"All of the more reason for us to steal you away and become your friends as well."
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You shower before heading to Wanda and Pietro's apartment and choose the biggest sweater you currently own. It doubles as something to keep you warm as your body tries to recoup from the afternoon and also as a form of protection. The fabric draping over your shoulders and torso hides the bulk of your body and the sleeves are so large you can hold a ball of fabric in your fists with some still left over. It's nice to dig your fingernails into when you get overwhelmed or nervous - plus its fire-resistant and water-wicking. Natasha had explained both of them to you and you'd asked for most of your wardrobe to be made in those fabrics.
You're chewing gently on the cuff when Wanda comes to your room to get you, still smiling and bouncing slightly on her feet. "He's home!" She reaches out and tugs on one of your sleeves, "Pietro is very excited to meet you."
"I'm excited to meet him," You say because that's what people say, "Where has he been?"
"Undercover," She tugs on your sleeve once but then leaves you to walk next to her, "He prefers to stay out of the media, despite how he acts around here. People know my face and most of the other’s faces… But Piet has done very well in keeping a low profile, as they say." There’s more of a bounce in her step as she takes you to where she lives with her twin brother. After you parted ways before your shower, Steve mentioned that Pietro is a ‘good kid’ but also that he’s quick to act and a little short of thought. It makes you nervous, but weirdly enough the good kind of nervous. Everyone else is so… Soft around you and, for someone who spent a lot of time in militant training or around military folk… Soft feels an awful lot like you’re not only delicate, but pathetic too. You don’t blame them because in some regards you are delicate, fragile, and other synonyms for broken. But in some regards, you’ll never be able to put yourself back together stronger if you’re never allowed to break.
Wanda turns to smile at you just before she lets you into her apartment. “Don’t be nervous, really, he’ll love you.”
“If you say so, Wanda.” You shrug, crossing your arms over your chest. Squeezing the cuffs of your sweater helps ground you and prevents your nails from biting deep into the meat of your palms. Just before she fully pushes the door open, Wanda tracks something just above your head.
“You don’t have to meet him, y’know. We’ll be just fine doing introductions at the next dinner.” When you shake your head she telegraphs her movements until she’s flapping her hands around your shoulders. “Could have fooled me that you’re ready to meet him. There’s smoke coming from your collar.” The heat had been building around your ribs and stomach, but you’d brushed it off as hesitancy or maybe even fear. When she points out the smoke you realize that you’re actually feeling a fire fueled by that fear curling around your midsection protectively. In a blink you extinguish it, thankful that Natasha had sprung for the fire-resistant clothing. Wanda turns away from you and flounces into the apartment as you pinch the fabric of your sweater between your fingers and fan it out, hoping to get rid of the smoke altogether. It clings to you like the campfires you used to make when you were sent out of the Underground. By the time you follow Wanda in and close the door behind you, she’s already in the kitchen chattering with someone in another language.
It’s something with Slavic roots but it sounds like plenty of Germanic borrowed words. You can’t even begin to grasp what country it’s from, let alone decipher what they’re saying. Wanda gestures to you just as you come around the corner, saying something with your name mixed in the middle of it. For being twins, Pietro and Wanda only look vaguely related. They both have high cheekbones set on their round faces, both have sharp brown eyes. Pietro’s dyed his hair blond instead of Wanda’s dark brown hair, but it’s clearly grown out an inch or two to be shaggy around his ears. He looks relaxed, but you can see that underneath that facade he’s tense in his casual, lounging clothes. Pietro steps forward and extends a hand to you, speaking in a thick accent. “It is nice to meet you finally. I can finally put a face to the lyuba mayn my sister tells me about.” His hand is strong, agitated or maybe threatened by your presence in his sister’s life. If you were him, though, you’d be agitated by your presence too.
“I can’t say I’ve heard a lot about you,” He drops your hand and steps back to the counter, resting his hips against it and crossing his arms. Wanda sits on the counter grinning happily and swinging her feet. “But that’s understandable when you’ve been on a mission.”
“Ah,” Pietro nods and relaxes a fraction, “Yes. After my sister and I were… Acquired by and invited to join the Avengers, I’ve been doing work in Sokovia to quell the unrest there.” He sighs before gesturing to the stove to his right. “I’ve made kreplach for dinner if you’re joining us. They’re almost done cooking, I just have to make sure that they don’t stick.”
You blink, following his hand to the stove where there’s a pot of water boiling softly. “You’ve been doing work in… Sokovia?”
Wanda’s eyes widen and she laughs, light and carefree. “Oh, yes. Sokovia is a relatively small and new country. Perhaps past your time above ground.”
“You’ve never heard of Sokovia?” Pietro seems overly confused as he turns to prod at the food in the water with a wooden spoon, “Strange. We have been in the news a lot for the past ten to fifteen years. The team heads there a lot now because there is a lot of Burning Staff activity. I’m sure you’ll see it soon.”
“But not any of the good parts,” Wanda complains, seemingly falling into the role of sister faster than you thought, “Only the shitty parts with shitty people.” You can sense Pietro rolling his eyes. “Did you not read the file I sent you?” Your hackles raise at the thought that your file is being sent around, but you understand why it is. You wonder how much information is inside of it and how much they left out.
Pietro scoffs and turns off the stove. “No, I did not read the file. If malen’kaya lapa wants me to know, I will be told.” You know those words and shuffle. The Maximoff twins are very liberal with their nicknames - first Wanda labels you my love before she uses your name and now her brother is calling you little paw. “It’s basic respect, Walentya.”
Before you can stop yourself, you take a step forward to watch Pietro scoop the kreplach equally into three bowls. “Walentya?” You ask, finally smelling the broth as he pours it over the pasta, “What does that mean?”
Pietro only glances at Wanda over his shoulder and she sighs. “Walentya is my name. I chose Wanda when I came to America.” You’d heard of people doing that - mostly the refugees during the war so that they would be safe in America more than if they kept their birth names. Wanda doing that is a little confusing because you assumed that she’s safe here, with her friends, more than anywhere else.
“Oh. So you chose Pietro when she chose Wanda?”
He laughs, bright and happy, the final dregs of tension wisping away from his shoulders. Pietro digs around in a cutlery drawer at the same time he pulls three glasses down from a cupboard. “No, no. I would rather sit on a tack than call myself something like Peter.” He turns back around to hand you an empty glass, his nose wrinkled. “I tried to convince Walentya not to change her name, but she's not one to… How is it said?" He looks to his sister, rubbing his chin with squinting eyes as he searches for the translation. "Ah, she is not one to be led by the nose."
“I feel… More comfortable with an Americanized name. Pietro has always been better at fitting in,” Wanda cuts in to explain, “He is louder and more boisterous.”
“You seem to fit in just fine,” You frown as you accept the large bowl of kreplach, the serving bowl warm against your frigid palms. It’s just enough to remind you that you can’t lose control, not here, even though you’re so nervous. “The team likes you.”
“The team likes you too,” She volleys back, swinging her dark hair over her shoulder to move from the kitchen and into the dining room, “But you’re unfortunately convinced that your room is a cell and that we’re your Handlers.” Pietro’s steps, to his credit, only stutter a little bit. He sits across from you while Wanda takes the head of the table and doesn’t do a very good job of keeping his surprise off of his face. His eyebrows have crept up to hide underneath the shaggy bangs that hover just above his eyes. You pointedly ignore the way that the Maximoff twins are looking at you in favor of eating your kreplach. “See, Pietro, you two are alike!”
“You think that anyone who comes to this place the way that we did is like me,” He grumbles around a mouthful of food, “Besides, malen’kaya lapa is a tad too shy to be anything like me.” You chew slowly as Pietro’s eyes darken, twitching between your slouched form and Wanda’s blase, casual eating. His face darkens to what seems like an unnatural degree for a man you’ve only just met. “How did you come here, malen’kiy dukh? I would like to know.”
Little Ghost. That’s more fitting for you than Little Paw. He watches you as he eats - he must be enhanced like Wanda because he’s eating the same amount of kreplach that you and his sister are without blinking. You take a long sip of water to put off answering but there’s only so much that you can do to procrastinate. “I… Was found.” You finally decide to start at the beginning of your new life, not your old one. “I was found in the ice where Captain Rogers was found because I froze myself there, trying to escape from the Underground and my Handlers with the Program that they executed on me. I was trying to save Sergeant Barnes from going through the same thing.”
“I am sorry,” Pietro says quietly, “You did not make it?”
Setting your fork down you shake your head. Your stomach is rolling now, lights flashing at the corners of your eyes in warning because your heart is racing too. It feels like the room is spinning around you. “I am here now because I am very powerful,” It feels like a sin to admit it, “And I know a lot about the Underground - things the Avengers need to know.” You swallow thickly and try to smile, but it’s weak at best. “Now I’m stuck here in this time that is very confusing with the weight of everything I’ve done on my back.” Wanda, surprising you, reaches out and touches your forearm with lithe fingers to comfort you without overwhelming you. Pietro sighs and nods but then he sets his fork down and leans back, seeming to chew on his words before he speaks.
“I understand,” His voice is lower and accent thicker than before, “More than you know. Steve and Bucky maybe more than I,” He gestures lackadaisical;y with his hands and then shrugs, “But it is not a race, yes? Before we were here and the people you see sitting in front of you, Walentya and I were in Sokovia and desperate. Our parents were killed in a bombing.”
You frown, crossing your arms and digging your thumbs into the seams of your cuffs to ground yourself. It takes everything in you not to lose control but it’s becoming harder and harder not to burst into flames or start a cyclone like the one in the interrogation room. “I’m sorry.” Wanda smiles but doesn’t say anything more.
“We have done our healing,” He nods, “It still hurts, but it will always hurt. The bombing was carried out by the United States. For three days we looked at a dud shell in our apartment with Tony Stark’s name on it.” Your breath catches in your throat. You’d known, of course, of the things that Tony’s father had been involved in. For Christ’s sake - Howard had bought you from the Handlers just to shove you face-first into a war that you hadn’t even known about. Then, when your usefulness was up, he gave you back. But Tony? The worst you’d seen from him is the vitriolic hate that he has for you.
The hate you see every single time that you catch your reflection in the mirror. “Why are you here?” You finally ask, throat raw and quiet, “If Tony Stark killed your parents?”
“Tony did not do it,” Wanda finally cuts in, shaking her head, “Not in the way that you are thinking. Tony used to make weapons and sell them to the military. They were used in the bombing of Sokovia meant to destabilize our government in order for the CIA to input a newer, more American-friendly leader.”
“We took that,” Pietro picks the story up and carries it like he’s reading Wanda’s mind, “And we internalized it.” He touches his fingertips to his sternum, finally looking away from you. “We were some of the faces of the biggest riots in the country. It was not until later that we learned they were Hydra driven. Speak about being lead by the nose, huh?” He chuckles wryly. You haven’t been told a lot about Hydra, but they sound just like the Handlers. Bucky mostly shies away from conversations about Hydra, either changing the subject or leaving the room altogether. “We did a lot of things for our country. Things I do not regret.”
“And neither do I.”
Pietro continues after a deep sigh. “We were used as tools for years. A man approached us, wanted us to help usurp the soldiers in our country from the US. It was an occupation - my feelings on that have not changed. We went with them; I was ready to die for Sokovia and I convinced Walentya to come with me, to lay down her life.” His voice gets tight, but Pietro pushes on. It’s like he’s confessing his sins more than telling a story. You feel like you’re looking in a mirror, at a person broken down to their raw components of every single thing that they regret doing and every single thing they’d do all over again, consequences be damned. “We were taken and changed. The Avengers call it enhanced, but I have only changed for good a little bit. Now I am fighting on a side I know is at least genuine. Being in America is… Hard. The US does a lot of things I do not agree with. But I do more good here than in my home country, which is still rife with crumbling infrastructure and corrupt politics.”
The silence hangs heavy over the three of you. “Have you… Ever killed someone?” The twins laugh, looking at each other like neither of them expected you to actually ask. But you need to know. There are a lot of similarities between Pietro, Wanda, and you. You need to know that, maybe, when they wash their hands or take a shower sometimes they see the slick blood on their palms and finger pads. Sometimes they can’t wash it off because it’s not really there, but it is - just soaked into the skin so deep it won’t come out.
“Of course, we have,” Wanda says softly, “For Sokovia, for Hydra, and now for the Avengers.”
“It is never easy,” Pietro says, eyes softening. He goes from looking troubled to looking at you exactly like Wanda looks at you. “Taking a life. I regret every single one. But sometimes there are not choices. Between my sister’s life and the life of a stranger… Well, there’s no competition.”
“And I will always choose Pietro. Over everyone, even my friends here.” Wanda pats your arm, “We try to lower the casualties of missions as much as possible, with tranquilizer bullets instead of lethal rounds, but you must know that in war death is inevitable, no?”
“Of course I know,” You reply without thinking, “Fighting in wars is what I was made for - living like this is still foreign to me.” The twins sigh at the same time, Pietro picking up his fork again.
“Eat your kreplach, malen’kiy dukh. We will become friends before we share any more secrets, yes?”
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You’re washing your hands just before bed when it happens again. You stifle your scream and stumble backward into the wall, clutching your hands at your sides as you watch the spout drip thick, viscous blood. It’s not real. It’s not real! It can’t be real. Blood doesn’t come from plumbing, water does. It can’t be blood. You clench your eyes shut, trying to breathe over the jackrabbiting of your heart in your chest and the burning in your lungs and throat. It’s not blood, it’s not blood.
You nearly jump out of your skin when someone knocks on your door this late at night in the middle of your panic. Instead the water - water! Not blood! - coming from the spout evaporates as the temperature spikes around you and the shower door rattles angrily with a strong gust of wind. Breathing heavily, you answer your door on shaky knees. It’s Steve, face grim with his phone in his hand.
“We need you in the debrief room. There’s been… Activity relating to you lately. We don’t know what it means and we can’t find it in your notes.”
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the fragments that stick with you
the ones you really feel
those parts aren't real
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