#and makes one amazing pumpkin soup and pie!
embras-grace · 8 months
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There’s a lot about Majiri that Ori has left to learn, it seems.
I like to think there’s moments that Ori remembers from human life at random times. Slowly coming back to them. And Reth is there to help(?) every step of the way
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deepintheground · 11 months
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•~• Some Basic Pumpkin Magic •~•
Even though July isn’t even over yet and autumn is not as near as I would like it to be, I wanted to talk about one of my favorite things in the world - pumpkins! I always love when these bad boys come around in the autumn, so to be prepared for the coming autumn months, I thought I’d make a little summary of some pumpkin associations and magic!
When we think of pumpkins, we tend to think of the color orange, which is associated with attraction, creativity, and new opportunities. But pumpkins can also be found in other colors, such as green, yellow, and white! If you want the general associations of a pumpkin but want to use a different kind of color magic, maybe look into the less iconic but still wonderful varieties of pumpkins.
Pumpkin Associations and Uses
Pumpkins are often associated with abundance and prosperity due to their large size and many, many, seeds. The seeds are also a feature that promotes new life and expansion. Pumpkins also tend to last long periods of time when not disturbed, so the expansion aspect of the seeds can be longer-term as the pumpkin itself can last longer.
Pumpkins are also ruled by the moon and their element is water. Doing spells and rituals regarding the moon and/or water can be amplified by the pumpkin’s natural associations with these things.
Pumpkins are also used to ward off evil and for spirit protection. Carving them into faces is a common tradition and they became used in what we know as a jack-o-lantern as a replacement for the traditional turnip. If you want to double up on the protection aspect, carve a sigil, rune, or other protective symbol into the pumpkin instead of a face.
Which also leads me to the time of year that these are around. Pumpkins are an autumnal plant and are heavily associated with harvest festivals and spiritual festivals. The most well known would be Mabon and Samhain, with our modern day Halloween coming from Samhain, thus the jack-o-lanterns at this time of year outside of the magical community.
Other Magical Uses
Aside from the jack-o-lantern spells, the most obvious and my personal favorite way to use pumpkins is kitchen magic. I have sweet pumpkin tea that I stir clockwise to attract abundance and prosperity. You can also use them in baking, such as a pumpkin pie, or regular cooking, such as pumpkin soups and stews. They work really well with spices. If you’re working on spiritual protection with the pumpkin, using cinnamon to enhance the protection properties. Also cinnamon and pumpkin is one of my all time favorite flavor combinations so it also tastes amazing!
The pumpkin’s physical characteristics can also be used in spells. Carve out your pumpkin and use it as a bowl or container for your spellwork.
And last on this post but definitely not the last way to use it is the drying of its seeds and using the seeds throughout your magical year. As mentioned, these seeds are great for new beginnings, and as they are connected to a moon associated plant, new moon spells and rituals of attracting abundance and new beginnings work really well when adding some pumpkin seeds.
I hope y’all found this helpful and let me know if you want basic breakdown of anything else!
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linkbetweenlinksau · 8 months
Not sure if anyone asked this yet, what's everyone's favorite food/foods?
Sky: oh! Pumpkin soup!
Twilight: pumpkin soup.
Windy: my grandma’s soup! *whispers* hers is the best.
Minish: I mentioned how I like this pie the bakery has. But grandpa says that it’s not very healthy. But the bakery started making this meat pie! Now I’m getting my protein in!
Time: uh, does milk count as a food? I dunno I don’t really care about what I eat enough to have a favorite. I like milk though.
Legend: I’ve tried making all sorts of stuff with the apples I grow! Apple pie is very good! I’ve also tried making apple sauce, apple juice, apple fritter… I’ve also tried to make a fruit cake for Zelda’s birthday one time! It was a disaster. I dunno, I like apples! They’re good!
Hyrule: ….. do I have a favorite food? I guess I like… carrots?
Four: ok ok, green likes cuccoo legs, Vio likes salmon, I personally like beef stew, and Red likes… cake... That’s not a food! That’s a dessert!
Spirit, writing: pork chops
Age: don’t have a favorite. I will literally eat anything and love it. Just…. Food in general is my favorite.
Wild: meat stuffed pumpkins is very good! Add some mushrooms in there and it tastes amazing.
Warriors: my favorite food is any food that tastes good.
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sailforvalinor · 2 years
The Chain’s Favorite Foods
Time: Coffee. Try to tell him that coffee isn’t a food and he’ll straight-up ignore you. He claims that it’s the only thing that kept him alive on his adventures besides luck. Malon has been trying to at least reduce his dependency for years, but it’s been slow going (especially recently, as Wild makes amazing coffee).
Warriors: Salmon. I don’t really have any argument behind this other than a gut feeling, and the fact that salmon is amazing in all forms.
Twilight: Sweet potatoes, especially if they’ve been made into a casserole. Butter, brown sugar, pecans, cinnamon sugar—he enjoys them with anything as long as he can still taste the sweet potato. (The pumpkin soup he discovered while with the yetis is a close second, though.)
Sky: Apple pie. Sun made him one for his birthday once and he ate the whole thing in about 20 minutes.
Legend: I feel like Vet’s the kind of guy who just really likes soup—anything that can warm you up from the inside. When he was little, there was a specific kind of soup that his uncle used to make for him when he was sick, but no matter how hard he tries he can never seem to quite replicate it. Wild, once he found out, has been bound and determined to figure it out.
Wild: He finds it quite difficult to nail down exactly what his favorite food is, as he likes so many things. He gets bored of things quickly—really, he’s more into the thrill of trying new things than nailing down a favorite.
Hyrule: BREAD. The boy just REALLY likes bread. In his Hyrule, it’s very hard to come by a good loaf of bread—most of what you can find is either made with low-quality grain or has gone stale. Artisanship in regards to food in general has kind of died out due to the general populace’s survival mentality. Their first night at Lon Lon Ranch, Malon made a couple of freshly-baked loaves to go with their dinner, and when Hyrule bit into the light, warm, fluffy piece of bread for the first time, he actually started crying. (As someone who loves bread a little too much, I can relate.)
Four: He tries to hide it because he thinks it makes him seem childish, but he really loves sweets, particularly cheese and fruit danishes. He also usually has chocolate of some form with him at all times.
Wind: Crab legs. He says so because he believes it makes him seem grown-up, when in reality he probably enjoys cracking them open more than the taste of the meat itself.
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soclonely · 8 months
OC-Tober Prompt List Day 2: Witches Brew
Link to OC-Tober Prompts Summary: This is a quick little snippet written by Rotta for one of 79s many Autumn Day recipe specials! I love to explore this side of my OCs by writing little articles and posts from their Point of View as if they were advertising to the entire GAR and community on Coruscant! I do it all of the time at my page @79s-staff and its so fun!
Character Summary: Meet Rotta! A Zabrak with an attitude, Rotta has spent his life in the lowest levels of Coruscant. Rumor has it, he was raised by the Hive Rats that stalk the sewers of Coruscant! He may look rough around the edges, but this guy is an amazing cook! He can make an entire feast from almost nothing! You get really creative when your only options are sludge and starving to death. Stop on by and get to know this guy! He would be happy to share any recipes or meal suggestions! Him and his creepy little friend Vaahto and the rest of 79s can’t wait to see you this weekend!
Hey everyone! Rotta here to tell you about the latest happenings we have at 79s this week to celebrate the start of the Autumn season! I may not be as bar savvy as the rest of my coworkers, but no one works their way around the kitchen like I do and I would love to share some of my favorite fall recipes with you!
Pumpkin Spice Ewok Cookies- While wookie cookies are still a staple in the 79s menu, this special seasonal item will surely put you in the spooky season secret! Who doesn’t love a good pumpkin spice dessert?
Pog Soup- You don't have to be a mando to enjoy this creamy, warm soup. But I'm sure the armor makes it feel more authentic! While we can't help you with the beskar outfit, we can provide you with a cup of Pog Soup!
Dianoga Meatballs- If you are looking for something more filling, then this hearty pasta dish will hit the spot for sure! We will be rolling you right back to the barracks for some good hibernation after this! **Does not contain actual Dianoga!**
Sarlacc Pit Pie- Whats the best part about Autumn? Pies! Sweet pies, savory pies, and my favorite: Sarlacc Pies! Don't forget to pregame it with a some Porgpto-Blurrgsmal because the acidicity can do a number to your gut!
Rotta's Galaxy famous Nightsisters Stew- No real recipe to this one guys! Just a basic ingredient list of Chanting and moaning, cool crimson cloaks, a willing soul or two to participate in an ancient ritual, and a lot of patience! Its a traditional recipe from Dathomir, and they can be very picky about add-ons, but frankly i think this one could use a dash more of cinnamon! As always! 79's has an amazing array of our seasonal drinks all ready for you and your squad! We are fully stocked up on Dark Cide(r), Hoth Chocolate, and the newest creation the Wicked Womprat cocktail, an amazing coffee cocktail that can awaken even the most evil of spirits! Can't wait to see you all down at 79s and we are so excited to Serve those who serve the Republic!
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eva-knits12 · 7 months
Chris Evans characters making the Thanksgiving meal
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Steve Rogers:
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Steve watches the Lion and the Packers game with Bucky and Sam.
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You're left alone, so you cook the meal while drinking a glass of wine (or two), and listening to some podcasts.
You cook the turkey, the mashed potatoes, the stuffing and the green bean casserole.
Sam brings his famous candied yams and Bucky brings cranberry relish.
The meal is good, but you cooked it.
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Colin Shea:
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Colin cooks the meal.
Eva is busy soothing her cramps.
Her monthlies made their appearance, one day ahead of time.
Eva sleeps on the couch, and Colin carries her to bed.
Colin listens to music on his tablet while cooking the meal.
Colin wakes Eva up.
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Dessert is a chocolate pumpkin cake.
Movies are watched, but Eva and Colin fall asleep twenty minutes into the movie.
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Ransom Drysdale:
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Katherine is in the hospital being treated for bacterial pneumonia, so Harlan, Ransom and you spend the rest of the day at your brother's.
Your brother cooks the meal.
You go to visit Katherine in the hospital after dinner.
A few days later, you and Ransom take Katherine home.
Your brother comes by later that day to make a Thanksgiving meal for you, Ransom, and the twins.
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The twins eat a little bit of everything.
They love the green bean casserole and the cranberry sauce.
Katherine has to take her antibiotic, which is icky.
She eats some vanilla ice cream for dessert.
The twins, you, and Ransom go to sleep after your brother leaves.
The next day. Harlan goes to school, but you make Katherine a little leftovers for her lunch.
You, Ransom and the twins have a nice holiday, even though it wound up with a kid in the hospital.
Ransom wouldn't trade this for the world.
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Andy Barber:
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Andy cooks the entire meal from scratch.
He even made the dessert from scratch, including a pumpkin pie for you that's diabetic friendly.
Andy delivers you water and snacks to help keep your sugar up.
While watching movies in your PJ's with Joy, you breast feed Penelope.
Andy smiles at the wholesome site.
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Andy plays an important role in your type I diabetes.
He even checks your Dexcom when your sleeping to make sure that your sugar is normal, and wakes you when it's dangerously low.
He brings you juice and a granola bar when it is.
Andy loves being a husband to you and a dad to the girls.
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Jake Jensen:
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Jake plays video games while you cook the meal.
Jake's niece, sister, and your brother, sister-in-law and your nephew all arrive.
The meal is ready, you made everything, including three kinds of pie.
You have vanilla ice cream, and the neapolitan kind.
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After, you and Jake have plans to binge watch Star Wars and Harry Potter.
You have plenty of food leftover, so it's all good.
You also have plenty of frozen stuff.
You went grocery shopping on Monday, so you're all set until next Monday.
The meal is amazing.
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Frank Adler:
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Mary has a cold, so Thanksgiving will be lowkey.
You and Frank went to high school together, and this is your first Thanksgiving in your hometown since you moved back home.
You come over, and cook the meal for Frank and Mary.
You also make Mary your famous chicken soup.
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Frank sips beer and watches the Lions and the Packers, while you cook the meal in his kitchen.
Mary has some soup, but you leave a plate in the fridge with reheating instructions in case she feels like eating.
You also make pumpkin pie for dessert.
It's an amazing Thanksgiving, and it was low key.
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Johnny Storm:
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Your aunt cooks the meal.
Johnny is kidnapped by your mom and your aunts who have to know every single detail of his proposal at Disney.
The meal is enjoyed.
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Johnny and you go back to NYC, smiling more than ever.
You worked of the dinner multiple times in the hotel.
And in the shower, and in your childhood bedroom.
Damn, Johnny can make you come in ways that still blow your mind.
He makes you come again when you return to your NYC apartment.
You and Johnny are deeply in love, and he was on his best behavior.
Next year, you both are cooking the meal.
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brain-rot-central · 9 days
Can you tell us what your favorite foods and deserts are? What are your favorite meals to make, even if they aren't the same as your favorites?
Hope the workday passes quickly for you!
Sushi, dumplings, curry chicken, cheeeeeeeeeesy pasta (like baked ziti or lasagna) are some dishes I can eat all day for the rest of my life.
As far as desserts go, pumpkin pie and cheesecake are OP. Italian bakery cookies (the red and green leaf ones with the chocolate sandwiched between them omfg, rainbow cookies, etc) and tiramisu are bomb. I recently tried Filipino Sans Rival cake and it was amazing!!
I cook a lot, but what I cook is usually pretty simple. I'll make Italian-style bolognese, meatloaf with roasted veggies, taco meat, chicken soup (bone-in chicken makes the best soup; gotta cook it for like 4-6 hours to get that collagen boiiiii), pot roast, etc. I love making coconut chicken curry so much. I make it like once a week lol.
I bake a lot, too. Pumpkin pie, banana bread, brownies, cookies, cakes from scratch. I can make bread and I even had a sourdough starter last year, but I got lazy and left it out too long and it molded 🙃
TL;DR: I love to cook and I love food even more looool
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postalninja · 11 months
Hey Ninja! Since you mentioned more Halloween in the tags 😏
Favorite spooky music?
Favorite spooky movies?
I remember you mentioned pumpkin cheesecake truffles, but what other pumpkin goodies do you enjoy/like to make?
Oh ho ho, yes! Thank you for asking! :D 1. Vitamin String Quarter has a cover album of the soundtrack to The Nightmare Before Christmas. It's amazing! I listen to it every year to get into the spooky season! Initially, I only knew about the This is Halloween track, and would listen to that on repeat, but then found out that the whole album is wonderful. 2. Coraline is a great one, highly recommended! I also love Crimson Peak (the aesthetic!!!), which is *not* a horror movie, but a Gothic Romance and a perfect example of that genre. And one that I rewatched last Halloween season after many many years is What Lies Beneath! A favorite spooky thriller for me since I first saw it at age 17. I have a very clear distinction in what kind of scary movies I enjoy, because gory horror is not for me - give me uneasiness and tension and the supernatural, not gratuitous bloody murder!
3. Pumpkin soup!!!! Specifically this recipe which Nintendo shared as the official version of Yeto's soup in Twilight Princess. It is soooo good! And do use goat cheese if you can - it's amazing! Now, for a few years I had a coworker who would give me a couple of pumpkins from her dad's garden every fall, and so I would have enough pumpkin to make quite a few things with. Pumpkin pie is always a favorite, especially since I found this insanely easy and delicious recipe. I would freeze and save some of my pumpkin purée for my holiday baking, not only making those pumpkin cheesecake truffles with it, but also pumpkin roll! Every year I make a pumpkin roll for Christmas, which is essentially just a pumpkin swiss roll cake with cream cheese frosting. And any leftover purée can easily be made into pumpkin pancakes ^_^ And as far as seasonal baked goods that I don't bake myself, I am of course a huge fan of Tim Hortons' pumpkin spice muffins - oh my god they are so good!
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locklylemybeloved · 1 year
Top five ships? Top five fast food places and top five home cooked meals. Also what's your happiest moment on life... :)
oooh these are all super fun!!! ty for the ask <333
top five ships, in no order, Kanej, Wesper, Percabeth, Zoyalai, and uhhh Solangelo
top five fast food places. i dont really eat fast food a lot, but when i do its like wendy’s, pal’s (a smallish chain across the us southwest), burger king, taco bell, and does dunkin count? i love chick fil a fries and shakes but bcs of there interesting beliefs *cough homophobia cough* i dont rlly eat there
top five homecooked meals. ok this is one of the hardest questions you could eVER ask me, but i’ll try my best 😭 soba, udon, miso soup (my mom’s miso is to DIE for), mochi, and then my grandma makes a mean pumpkin pie. the first four are all my mom’s cooking and they're usually made on or around new years day or other japanese holidays, so yeah !
my happiest moment in life is honestly rlly hard for me, because i feel like a lot of times the happy moments in my life are defined by little small things not one giant amazing thing. ig if i had to choose it would be when i got to visit japan for the first time, but again there are so many tiny moments that make up happiness for me :)
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sprite-real · 2 years
Figured I would finally listen to my brain’s begging, I made my own Slashers! Custom made as I say.
❌ Do not steal my characters! Do not repost elsewhere, steal/claim them, none of that. Please and thank you.
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Time to talk more about these boy’s, their backstory is still being brainstormed! I will update in another blog once it’s done.
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General info!
Joe and Buck are brothers, both western boys that own a big farm, and when a trespasser enters the farm, they never leave.
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Joe Canutt 🥧
A big guy who stands at 6’3, as he is usually hunched, but when he stands up full height, not slouching, he is 6’5. He is the older and bigger brother of the two.
Joe actually does have 4 fingers on his right hand, he lost his ring finger in an accident with cooking.
He has black hair and gray eyes, he’s covered in scars from fighting people his size and also farm animals (or predators of the livestock.)
His lack of hair is his choice, he tries to do a hairstyle similar to a mohawk because he thinks they’re cool!
He’s also built to have big strong arms, but he’s got a bit of a belly, kind of a dad-bod!
Joe is in charge of taking care of their house and the livestock, he doesn’t go outside too often, but if a trespasser were to enter the property, somehow he’s the first face you see.
He’s more on the friendlier side, but he will switch immediately to a brute as soon as somebody is rude to him or his brother. If you stay on his good side you’ll experience; Him being a goofball, small flirting (which if you’re obviously not comfortable with he’ll stop), and overall friendly. He’d be a great listener, and if you’re really lucky he’d let you see his frog pond!
He also has a frog pond hidden somewhere on the farm, he feeds them and takes care of them, he also named them all!
He takes care of all the chores in the house, and he also is a great cook! He makes all kinds of sweets in his free time, the majority being; pumpkin rolls, pumpkin pie, apple pie, cherry pie, etc. His homemade soups are also amazing as well!
Even if he is in charge of keeping the house intact, he’s a shitty cleaner, so the house is pretty dirty, but not at the point it would look like a hoarder house, things are just dusty, dirt is on the floor and it’s just disorganized.
“Howdy darlin’, you don’t seem to be from around here, though I haven’t been in town for a couple months, hehe… Why don’t you come inside? I can serve ya up a slice of apple pie, it’s nice and warm, straight out of the oven.”
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Buck Canutt 🐈
Buck is a tall man, a bit scrawnier than his brother, he stands at 6’0.
He is very self-conscious about his his face so he tends to wear a sack over his face when guests are over, his face got messed up due to an accident on the farm he was involved with.
Like his brother he has black hair and one gray eye, but due to half of his skin being unable to grow any hair on one half, he’s stuck with a constant half shave, he refuses to be bald and he thinks his hair is his best feature.
Buck tends to work more out in the fields, that’s where he’s less likely to wear the bag over his head so he can breathe. But as soon as he sees a trespasser he runs straight to the house so Joe can handle it.
Buck’s personality, he is way more quiet and anxious, not very good at communication. He’s mostly quiet and honestly refuses to make eye contact with their guests. He’ll say a few things but that’s it.
If you’re a rude person, mostly towards him, he’ll sit there and take it, but as soon as it’s directed to his older brother, that’s when something snaps and lets just say… You won’t last long. Now if you’re not rude or mean, he’ll be more tolerable towards you, he’ll be polite and will listen to you, it’d take awhile for him to feel comfortable to actually say something.
He is a massive stray animal lover, he loves it whenever a stray cat or dog ends up on the farm, he immediately adopts them, even when Joe tells him no, they still keep the animals anyways.
Buck is shitty at doing anything other than working out in the fields, he doesn’t like to try new things because he’s scared to disappoint himself with failure.
Buck tends to overwork and forget to take care of himself, so he ends up being an exhausted mess if he isn’t being watched over, he just wants to feel useful.
He’s very good at using a wheat scythe, he’s good at climbing and he’s very fast, it’s useful when a sheep gets loose and it’s trying to make a run for it.
“My uh.. My brother’s pie… Is amazing right? I think so anyways.”
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That’s all for now! You can see that there was some inspirations from different slasher movies that I included to where they live and how Buck’s design is. I’ll later include a story, color pallets and whatever else is needed.
If you have any questions about them, Q&A is open for them! I’ll answer or they’ll answer themselves! Hope you like these guys. More slasher OCs are probably gonna be in the future!
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adamgant · 7 months
Gluten-free Thanksgiving Menu
Gluten-free Thanksgiving Menu https://ift.tt/ArwDjFQ Sharing a full Thanksgiving menu that’s entirely gluten-free! Check out the details below.  Hi friends! How’s the week going? I hope you’re having a great one so far. I’m here cranking through work and really, really looking forward to Thanksgiving next week – my favorite holiday! Thanksgiving is almost always celebrated with an elaborate spread of food, desserts, and drinks, and some traditional Thanksgiving dishes, such as gravy, stuffing, casserole, etc. may contain gluten. Some members of your family (or you!) may have gluten intolerances or may be gluten-free. Planning a gluten-free Thanksgiving menu may seem daunting, but how there are plenty of gluten-free dishes you can prepare that are just as good as any traditional Thanksgiving recipes. Today, I’m sharing a gluten-free Thanksgiving menu to help you create a spread everyone can enjoy! *Note: if any family members are Celiac, please be extra mindful of cross-contamination.  Here is a roundup of delicious meals that you can enjoy on Thanksgiving – all of these are gluten-free, and many of them are vegan, too! Gluten-free Thanksgiving Menu The Best Thanksgiving Turkey in all the land The turkey is the star of the show, and while it can seem daunting, it’s really super easy with this foolproof brine recipe. It makes the turkey super moist and delicious!! The easiest turkey gravy This recipe is not designed to be gluten-free, but just swap out the flour for your favorite gluten-free flour. I love Bob’s Red Mill 1:1 baking blend. Sweet Potato Casserole Forget the marshmallows (don’t throw anything at me) but I prefer a crumble-esque topping! This one uses oats; just make sure they’re certified gluten-free. Pulled BBQ Chicken Deviled Eggs I don’t know what it is about deviled eggs, but they disappear so quickly at any holiday gathering. They’re the perfect quick bite, and these bbq ones have a fun southern twist. Check out the recipe here! Make-ahead Vegan Green Bean Casserole This one is SO much better using fresh ingredients instead of canned soups, and I love that you can make it a day or two ahead and pop it in the oven before the feast. Just make sure to sqap out gluten-free flour and make sure the crispy onions are gluten-free. They have them at Sprout’s and Whole Foods. Green beans with almonds, goat cheese and cranberries This is a great recipe if you want to swap things out from the traditional green bean casserole. It’s vibrant and fresh, with a tiny bit of sweetness from the cranberries. Honey-Dijon roasted root vegetables I love using the different colored carrots for this one. It’s a little tangy, a little sweet, and a lovely way to add more veggies to the spread. The recipe is here. Gluten-free stuffing This one is simple, very flavorful, you can customize it, and it doesn’t use a million ingredients.  I like to change up the stuffing a bit each year; sometimes I’ll add sausage, cranberries, or try a different type of bread. I’d made gluten-free stuffing for quite a few years, it always tastes amazing, and no one can tell  it’s gluten-free. Bourbon chocolate pecan pie Omgggg you guys. This pie is incredible. It’s impressive, tastes ridiculous, and the only swaps you need to do are to use a pre-made gluten-free pie crust, and gluten-free flour blend. Everyone will ask you what recipe you used. Silky Sweet Potato Pie This pie has a gluten-free crust and is lower in sugar than many of the pie recipes out there. I haven’t tried this one, but I’m adding it to our Christmas/winter menu! So, tell me, friends: what’s on your Thanksgiving menu this year? Do you do the cooking, or just bring a side/dessert? Please shout out any tried and true favorites in the comments section! xo More: Try this gluten free turkey meatloaf, this recipe for banana pumpkin muffins, and this healthy egg bites recipe The post Gluten-free Thanksgiving Menu appeared first on The Fitnessista. via The Fitnessista https://ift.tt/hZrNY5y November 15, 2023 at 06:08AM
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A Gothic Themed Day of Thanks
Wow! A couple days till Thanksgiving here in Canada, things have just been wild here so time is getting away from me in the not the best ways.
BUT! Let’s get right into today’s topic; Gothing Up Thanksgiving!
I love cooking for my family, I love spending time with my family, and any day where I get to do both is a day I’m going to thrive on. So while I can’t decorate or plan the meal myself (since we are living in a generational household now) I will share with you the setup and menu for my DREAM Thanksgiving, Let’s go!~
Colour Scheme: 
Black, Gold, and Deep Plum Black, Silver and Ox blood red Black, Rose gold and Pastel Pink Black, Antique gold and Sage green 
Starting with a solid coloured table cloth in one of the accent colours (plum, red, green, or pink) and laying a black lace cloth over top. A textured table runner also in black, either velvet, taffeta, or a delicately patterned black quilted runner. I would rather use charger plates than placemats so I would pick chargers in the accent colour and go with simple black dinnerware. Cutlery would be one of the metals, and I would aim for them to be a little more fancy. Napkins would also be cloth and black and the rings would be one of the metals with an accent colour as detail. As the centre display I’m thinking two candelabras in a matte black finish with pearlescent or metallic black taper candles, fall foliage and florals in our accent colours with a cloche on a stand with a delicate display of fungi, moss and bones. I’d also look into vintage coloured glass drinkware, coloured crystal, and coffee and tea cups in the accent colours all mismatched and unique.  
Cranberry Pecan baked Brie, Prosciutto Asparagus Puff Pastry wraps, and Since we’re Maritimers a Creamy Lobster dip with Toasted Pita, served about two hours before dinner so as not to spoil supper.
Roasted Tomato and Red pepper soup or a Butternut Soup with cheddar and maple bacon. A small serving, and maybe a Autumn pear salad~.
Main Meal:
Now I like a good turkey like everyone else but I hate the heartburn that comes with it afterwards, I say this so that no one freaks out that I won’t be including turkey on my menu list. Instead I think a Roasted rack of lamb that the whole family chips in on would be amazing, with garlic and butter, rosemary, and maybe even some balsamic brown sugar sauce~. Garlic parmesan roasted carrots (cause let’s be honest here I am not going to coin or mash all my veggies….that is a small peeve of mine, but I digress), maple bacon brussel sprouts, caramelised sweet potatoes, and classic creamy garlic mashed potatoes. Then my grandmother’s stuffing and cranberry sauce. Maybe even a delicious mushroom gravy. 
I adore making desserts, and on top of that I love when they are small so I can offer more than one thing, so I would go the route of making little pies such as classic pumpkin, apple, and a cherry. This would be so I could really wow my family with a bigger dessert display of a pecan pie cheesecake (cause I love cheesecake!). This way I could have fun and make tiny options for those who would want something lighter after a rather rich and larger dinner or allow everyone to try a little of everything.
In our house we do wine with dinner so since we’d have lamb I would get a nice red wine, there’s a sweet little place out in the valley that does amazing local wine and their Autumnal red would be so good with this imaginary dinner. After dinner it’s coffee or tea or if we’re feeling saucy a cocktail. Something like an Earl Grey Blackberry Bourbon cocktail, or a Campfire cocktail with a little roasted marshmallow. 
Hopefully this didn’t make you all too hungry! To my Canadian friends and family, Happy Day of Thanks and Gratitude, and to my American friends and family, I hope this gave you some ideas! If you have any ideas of your own you’d like to share let us know and hit up our email at [email protected]! You just might see it on the blog!
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lantern-hill · 2 years
online resources for recipes/food info
Serve This With That:  - suggestions for what type of sides to serve with main dishes. https://servethiswiththat.com/
Butternut Bakery Blog - great baking inspo, especially within the cookie/bar realm.  https://butternutbakeryblog.com/
Half Baked Harvest - good and relatively simple soup & one-pot pasta recipes, plus a very good website design in my humble opinion. https://www.halfbakedharvest.com/
King Arthur Baking - what I love about KAB is that they actually explain why you’re using certain ingredients and methods. You not only learn how to make certain recipes, but you also learn info that you can transfer to different recipes/use to modify recipes. Great for a variety of baked goods. https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/
Recipe Tin Eats - This is my go-to for Asian food- not just East Asian, but all Asian food, from Vietnamese to Indian. This is where I usually go when I’m trying to replicate asian takeout. My faves from here are the flatbread, butter chicken, pad see ew, and bibimbap. https://www.recipetineats.com/
Claire Saffitzs’ Dessert Person - I highly recommend checking out the Dessert Person cookbook from the library/buying it, as it’s a great resource for improving your baking skills, but the YouTube channel is also really good. This isn’t the type of recipes you make every day or even that I would bother copying down for the most part, because they tend to be very involved and not very intuitive if you’re relatively amateur like I am, but the basic recipes, like the Pie Crust (which is amazing) and the Tart Crust, or the Olive Oil Dough (both also fantastic) are actually not as hard in practice, despite how many steps they seem to involve. It’s intimidating to read a recipe where all the steps are really thicc, but the truth is it’s all relatively simple, just explained in extreme detail (which is wonderful for beginners). So far from this I’ve made the mushroom galette, the caramelized honey pumpkin pie, and the meyer lemon tart as well as some of the basics.   https://www.youtube.com/c/ClaireSaffitzxDessertPerson?app=desktop 
Immaculate Bites - I’m literally obsessed with Imma, the woman who runs this site, she’s so iconic. I’ve made the Trinidad Chicken Roti, Beef Empanadas, Jamaican Beef Patties and Tourtiere from this site and they all go so hard??? Highly recommend browsing the site and bookmarking everything that looks good bc oh man some of these recipes will really change the game. https://www.africanbites.com/
Williams Sonoma - The Williams Sonoma cookbook collection was what initially got me hooked on cooking. If you can, I would 1000% recommend snagging a copy of the Williams Sonoma Cookbook and Williams Sonoma Baking Book/taking them out from the library. Those two specifically are game-changers, though the rest of the extremely extensive Williams Sonoma cookbook collection tends to be rather inconsistent in quality. (the other ones I would recommend is the Williams Sonoma ones that focus specifically on one course/type of food or the FoodMadeFast collection). Their website also has a bunch of their recipes, though. I love their Old Fashioned White Bread, Buttermilk Bread, Whole Wheat Bread, Baked Mac & Cheese, Cranberry Upside Down Cake. https://www.williams-sonoma.ca/recipes
Mon Petit Four - Compared to everywhere else on this list, Mon Petit Four has much less recipes, but they’re pretty solid, and though it’s a lot of work I highly recommend giving the Orange Marmalade recipe a shot. https://www.monpetitfour.com/
anti-resources (places i do NOT recommend): Taste of Home, Food & Wine. Just don’t do it. 
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gothamcityangst · 2 years
Farrell!Penguin X Dano!Riddler. Oneshot.
Ozzie is in the cafe getting a slice of pumpkin pie for his boyfriend when something happens at the Iceberg Lounge. Tw: Gun/shooting
Oswald had developed a sophisticated taste over the past fifteen years. Only the finest fish, steak and lobster would do. It was the best that money could buy. He knew even as a child he'd had a thirst for the finer things in life.
Many of his teen years had been spent roasting coffee in the small, dingy Cafe. He'd thought he'd spend the rest of his life making overpriced greasy grilled cheese sandwiches and serving soup to ungrateful patrons. He dreamed of better. He dreamed of luxury.
He never thought in a million years a busboy like him would've been noticed by a man such as Falcone.
The mob boss had made it a ritual to come across the street from his club and have a single cup of coffee before heading home. "Supporting local Gotham business" he called it.
Once Falcone knew how willing Oswald was to please him the rest simply became history. From the ashes of his mediocrity, he'd risen the ranks of Falcone's empire, gaining the recognition he rightfully deserved. He'd gone from laundering aprons to laundering money in a small matter of years.
Oswald could afford anything. He could afford to have a french pastry chef make him the best pie using gold flakes.
Yet his boyfriend still insisted that the crappy little cafe had the best pumpkin pie in the world.
"The pumpkin pie, sweetheart," Penguin ordered the server.
"Right away sir." She replied.
Oswald looked at his watch. If he was lucky he'd be able to make it home before Edward got back from the Iceberg office. Since Ed became the lounges accountant it'd been a match made in heaven.
The door of the cafe swung open, followed by two more people. Panic-stricken terror was etched onto their faces.
"Jesus. Donnie call an ambulance." The server made her way around, ripping off her apron and wrapping it around the man's bleeding hand. The other patrons, himself included, gathered around the small group.
"What the hell happened?" A concerned cook asked.
"We...were in the club. Then all of a sudden there's this bang and people are bleeding. I think it was a gun."
"Shit." Oswald muttered.
It didn't take Oswald long to barge through the sea of people who are flooding out of the club. Most of them had fled the scene, leaving only the unlucky ones behind.
Oswald wished he could say he didn’t recognize the dead that littered the floor of the club but he did. He knew them in passing, frequent patrons who'd sung Oswald's praises for being an amazing host.
He was no stranger to death but never so many dead in such a small space of time. Ed wasn't among them. A fact he wasn't sure he should've been grateful for or not.
The gunshot echoed through the club, worming its way through the steelwork, bouncing off the metal beams. and for a moment, Oswald's heart stopped. It had come from the office. The office where the accounting work was often done. The office where Ed and Oswald had spent many days conducting 'after hours' business.
Oswald's fingers tighten around his gun; his pace increased as he makes his way silently up the stairs. He pushed the door open.
Two men were crumpled on the floor. A single gun lay between the two of them. The first body was shot in the head, the bullet in his brain was off centre. The blood from his head had made a sizable pool of blood on the floor. The second body was lying still against the wall. The second body was...
"Eddie! You okay baby?" He knelt down in the puddle of blood. Edward was seemingly unharmed. Oswald wrapped his hands around Ed's body. On Edward's soft face the look of pain was unnatural on him. Oswald tapped his face. Ed took a couple of seconds to meet his gaze.
"I g...ot him Oz...zie" Ed gently lifted his head. The nudge directed Oswald's gaze to the small handgun he'd been gifted by Oswald during his first shift.
"Sweetheart?" Oswald heard the crack in his voice.
Oswald moved his hand from Edward's side, a sudden warmth trickling down his fingertips. Oswald's hand was covered in red, slick blood. "Eddie?" Oswald tried to regain his focus.
"Ozzie..." Ed's pale head slumped down into unconsciousness, falling forwards into Oswald's heavily beating chest.
Oswald ripped off his coat, holding the fabric to Ed's back, cradling the man in his lap. The blood was flowing out of him at an alarming rate. Oswald had dealt with wounds like this before but never on someone he gave a rat's ass about.
"Boss?" Oswald stared at the bouncer with wide, panicked eyes.
"What are you waitin' for? The fuckin rapture? Go get a fuckin' ambulance."
Oswald turned back to the man in his lap.
"You're gonna be a'ok sweetheart. You're gonna be ok'. You gotta live. I went to the cafe across the road that you like. I got you a piece of that pie. You know I don't eat anything from there anymore so you gotta' be the one to eat it. Please. Please."
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skzxlevanter · 3 years
their favorite halloween activities with you
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stray kids drabble
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gender neutral reader x stray kids
genre : fluff <;33
warnings : mentions of food, mentions of fake blood
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bang chan:
he would surprise you by coming home early with a big bag in his hand
when you look at him, totally confused, he just chuckles before unpacking masses of halloween decorations
your eyes grew big, finding all kinds of weird and spooky stuff in the pile of garlands, plastic bugs,spider webs and fake bones- wondering where he got all this stuff from
but before you could question anything, he already pulled you up from the couch, dragging you with him to hang up some ghost-garlands and spider webs in the room
there are lots of laughters while decorating, the both of you joking around with the fake bones and eyeballs
but also a lot of soft moments when he picks you up so that you can hang up the garland more high, tickling you once it’s steady and then ending up in a big hug
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lee know:
be ready because this boy had a whole freaking feast planned:
many hours in the kitchen because you will make everything you can think of that includes pumpkins
from basic pumpkin soup to pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie and even a pumpkin quiche
but there’s nothing better than spending time with your boyfriend with super yummy food as an outcome- so no complaining
just imagine all the times he will come up behind you and wrap his arms around you to guide your hands, helping you
or just to give you a hug, laying his chin on your shoulder while telling you that you’re doing a great job
you’ll probably have enough food for the next few weeks at the end, so why not invite some friends over?
sharing food is always more fun and definitely needed by those amounts of food
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seo changbin:
opening the door and giving out candy to kids just like that is WAY too boring…
so why not ✨spice✨ it up?
be prepared for lots of decoration, a really creepy outfit and lots and lots of giggles
cause no one is safe at your door
he’ll hide in the bush or somewhere where no one would expect him, just to jump out at the perfect time to scare the shit out of the people that are coming by
cause that’s the whole reason behind halloween right??
well at least he thinks so
he breaks out into laughter every time he successfully scared someone
but also gives out lots of candy afterwards to make up for it
and trust me this man will come up with the most sneaky and random ways of scaring people that it’ll never get boring
and of course it’s more than fun for you to participate, because scaring people together never gets boring
that’s what i call quality time fidhhdhfhf
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hwang hyunjin:
craving pumpkins together!!
he especially got more pumpkins to try out a series of different designs, coming up with the most craziest ideas
and with his talent, he makes these almost impossible designs into reality
also challenges you to make a craving-contest with i’m but probably would end up helping you because you’re so cute when your struggling
would also make you laugh with some silly designs, that are still kind of scary
but the cherry in top definitely is the jyp-in-see-trough-pants-pumpkin that had you crying tears
like first of all ????
but i mean definitely scary to look at so i guess he understood the assignment?
will be the most iconic pumpkin ever, will never be forgotten, even over the next years, nothing will ever top the jyp pumpkin
amazing showstopping, incredible, never been done before
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han jisung:
this boy will be so excited
like he would be talking about halloween endlessly even it’s still two months away
and when the time has come
he’ll be jumping up and down, lots of excited, smol little dances
and even tho he couldn’t wait for halloween to come, babbling continuously about it,he somehow kept the matching costumes in secret from you
so he’ll surprise you with them, being totally excited for you to put it on
and you would look so cute together like!!!
he would definitely coo at you and tell you that you look wonderful all night
and of course you have to go trick or treating with him
because what else are the costumes for??
and nobody is too old for trick or treating so there’s no arguing 🙄🙄
also be ready for many many screams, because we all know that he get’s scared so quickly
you’d then come home with bags full of candy, comparing and trading treats and making fun of each other for being scared earlier
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lee felix:
doing each others make up
at first you discuss your ideas together, planning on something scary
then the BIG shopping tour comes
all for makeup,fake latex, fake blood, fangs…EVERYTHING
and although you briefly shared your ideas, felix doesn’t know what exactly you have planned for him
and neither do you
when you’re doing each other’s makeup there are lots of giggles
and also a lot of blushing
cause when felix puts on his super concentrated look only a few centimeters away from your face you can’t help but feel flattered
he will then also blush when he catches you staring at his lips and gets as flattered as you
this will also be resulting in giggles
and we will lose his mind when you straddle his lap to do his makeup properly
oh god i have this scenario in my head where he can’t hell but kiss you, ending up in a make out and then you being whiny that he ruined his makeup ughhh
the two of you joking around together while doing the makeup look will also result in having fake blood everywhere
but the makeup will look more then great so who cares??
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kim seungmin:
gather your blankets and pillows
cause it will be a long night…due to the long ass movie marathon you’re going to make
he will prepare lots of snacks and drinks, not forgetting anything
and when all the pillows are gathered to build a huge pillow castle you’ll finally cuddle together on the couch
let the movie night begin!!
from scream to halloween or even edward scissorhands, you’re going to watch absolutely EVERYTHING
he will have you in his lap, holding your hands and chuckling lightly every time you jump at something scary
and at the end of every movie you’ll rate it, comparing it to the other movies or arguing about how realistic it was
and dramatically arguing over one film, you start a pillow fight because no?? this film was not that great??
but seungmin keeps saying it was better than your favorite halloween movie with a mischievous smile on his face
so he was basically was asking for a pillow fight🙄🙄
once again lots and lots of giggles, laughters and cuddles <33
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yang jeongin:
at first you’ll go trick or treating together
making a competition about who can get the most candies
and once your home it’ll get counted to decide the ultimate halloween master
and the loser has to do the dishes for a week
but besides loser and winner, the candy will get ranked
you’ll try different sweets together, rating them and finding your favorites
but also the look will get rated
is the packaging scary? boring? average?
and then the ultimate halloween candy will be decided
there also will be lots of trading and fighting for your favorite candies
the both of you will probably end up in having stomach pain due to eating wayyy to much candy
prepare for a scolding from chan fjdhdh
but the both of you had a great time so the stomach pain comes unimportant 🙄🙄
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happy halloween!!
i hope you enjoyed this little drabble:D
and if you celebrate halloween, have lots of fun and laughters!!
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bluesdesk · 2 years
New food/materials I'd like to see in botw2 !!
1) Sunflowers! Sunflowers have a lot of different uses! I think they won't be packable like silent princesses or Hyrule herbs, instead you might cut them like plants and trees! When cut, you'll get sunflower seeds, that can unlock new recipes. And moreover, stores might sell sunflower seeds oil, pretty much like they sell goat butter and milk! And with oil... the quantity and quality of recipes will grow so much. We could have:
-- Sunflower seeds muffins: milk, sunflower seeds oil, tabantha wheat, sugar, sunflower seeds
-- Roasted and salted sunflower seeds: sunflower seeds, rock salt
--Granola: sunflower seeds, chickaloo tree nut, acorn, honey, wildberry
--The nut cake and sauteed nuts can be cooked with sunflower seeds too. They're not properly nuts but they'll do the job.
--Any "fried" recipe from botw can be improved by adding sunflower seeds oil!
-- Nuggets! bird egg, bird meat (any), tabantha wheat, sunflower seeds oil
-- Fried seafood: any fish/seafood, tabantha wheat, sunflower seeds oil
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2)Cocoa plants! We have lots of sweet food but nothing has chocolate or cocoa, and imagine the recipes we could make with this! From cookies to chocolate bars to pies... it would be so yummy uwu. As for the plant, I think you could pick the fruits without cutting it. Also, I think we could use the fruit itself to cook, and not the powder, because we couldn't use the fruit otherwise.
We could have:
-- Chocolate bar (with different flavors?): cocoa, milk, cane sugar, (a nut?)
-- Chocolate cake: goat butter, cane sugar, tabantha wheat, cocoa
-- Cookies: tabantha wheat, cane sugar, goat butter, cocoa, bird egg
-- Chocolate milk: milk, cocoa
-- Chocolate pudding: bird egg, miilk, cane sugar, cocoa
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3)Potatoes! They can be planted like carrots, what if people in Hateno or Tarrey planted potatoes, since in Kakariko we have pumpkins and carrots? Potatoes can be used in so many ways!
-- Backed potatoes: Potatoes, rock salt, goron spice
-- Potato and meat pie: potato, goat butter, any meat, rock salt, milk
-- Veggie potato pie: potato, goat butter, any herb/nut, rock salt, milk
-- Potato soup: milk, rock salt, potatoes, any bird meat
-- Boscaiola: any mushroom, any meat, potatoes
-- Fresh salad: Potatoes, hydromelon, any herb, any radish
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4)Tomatoes! One of the most famous dishes is pizza, and everyone knows tomato sauce, or spaghetti with tomatoes and meatballs! Of course tomatoes can be used in a ton of different ways, for example meat is amazing with tomato sauce!
-- Tomato soup: tomatoes, rock salt, goron spice or chickaloo nut
-- Pastasciutta: tabantha wheat, egg, rock salt, tomatoes
-- Ragù/Tomato sauce and meatballs: rock salt, tomatoes, any meat, goron spice/chickaloo nut
-- Backed stuffed tomatoes: tomatoes, any herb, hylian rice, rock salt
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5)Cheese! We have goat butter and milk, why not cheese? It won't be a specific one, but one kind of cheese that can go well with anything, if it exists XD. It'll be helpful with a variety of food!
-- Cheesecake: tabantha wheat, cane sugar, cheese, wildberry
-- mac and cheese: tabantha wheat, egg, rock salt, cheese
-- bird rolls: any bird meat, cheese, any herb/vegetable
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6)Water! Yeah, water. Since we don't have water in the original game, may recipes that would need it just don't have it in their ingredients list. But what about vegetable/fruit infused water? And juice? And broth? Water is fundamental! Maybe we could use the good old bottles! We'd buy some in shops and then use them for water and fairies and other things like sand or ice!
-- Juice: any fruit (except durian, hydromelon and voltfruit, and only one kind of fruit), water
-- Fruit infused water: more than one different kind of fruit, water
-- Vegetable infused water: more than one kind of vegetable (not flowers), water
--Tea: Any flower, water
-- Bird Broth: any bird meat, any herb/flower, any carrot, water
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Recipes that would need these materials combined:
-- Brownies: coca, rock salt, bird egg, cane sugar, sunflower seeds oil
-- Pizza: tabantha wheat, rock salt, tomatoes, cheese
-- Fish and chips: any fish, tabantha wheat, sunflower seeds oil, egg, potatoes
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That's it for now owo
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