#and it's a 3 by 3! so the details are a lil... muddy
wizard-eater · 4 months
did 3" by 3" frescos in art history... made da wizrd. wouldge you like to see?
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ayyponine · 11 months
decided to love myself and rewatch sense8. i dont remember shit <3
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capnkerfufflez · 4 months
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I contain multitudes, so i made a uquiz for some of my quintessential sonas for fun
i dont really expect people to take it, but man i love an excuse to draw some of my boys i don't give much love to brief descriptions and the result descriptions under the cut
here's the link outside of just embed btw : https://uquiz.com/hkfS0R
in image order and i marked the number and color of the background above we have :
1 [red] E : non-fandom sona I use to vent mostly - "Conceptual Chaos Junkyard" / "CC Junkyard" so he's mostly negative traits of myself turned up to 11. He's the overly emotional and sentimental and over-reactive side of the duo between him and G.
"[[ oh baby girl, I'm so sorry for you, get some help ]] Everything you've ever done blows back up into your face, you don't know what you're doing wrong?! Or well, you've figured out a few things wrong with you, but you can't figure out how to fix those things about yourself…"
2 [red/orange] Knox S. Consumer : kinda a minecraft sona? - "What's Minecraft is Yourcraft" / "Yourcraft" He's in general a minesona, at least when I first made him. In Yourcraft he is the sona/character version of an oc that's a minecraft youtuber/streamer and who is very distinctly not me, so Knox falls into an odd character category where's he's both my sona and an oc's sona. He's an old grouchy wizard type, but breaks character often to help friends
"[[ you may think im stretching on this one, but i assure there's more obscure ]] You know so much yet so little. The type of guy that can recite so many video game lore details and fun facts across all subjects, but will fail to realize that they really did mean it calling it "cream cheese," it is actually a cheese. You are very smart though, with your intelligence only rivaled by your stubbornness."
3 [red/pink] Dong : pokemon not a big surprise, but he's a pokesona of sorts. He's a Mareep that's specifically paired with my friend's Wooloo "Ding," he's somewhere between a pokemon in the anime and pokemon mystery dungeon in terms of personification, he's very bitey.
[[ haha dong ]] Lil gremlin guy. You're the typa bitch to fucking taunt people bigger than you and when they get pissy you go 'oh im just a lil guy a lil birthday boy.' All talk no bite. well, maybe a lil bite, like consensually or deserved.. BUT the point is you take no responsibly of the misdeeds you may or may not do !
4 [orange] Bibbly : double life / life series Bibbly is the character I made soulmate's with my friend cause we were watching other people make sona's and pairs with their friends too. Bibbly is based off of a drawing I did based on a more literal interpretation of one of my minecraft skins (specifically my 453 skin), "Bibbly" coming from "Biblically accurate." Personality wise he varies a lot cause in conception and most practice he is an utter coward, very reliant on my friend's character, though in other interpretations I make him a lot more jaded and no-bull shit but also those are usually what is supposed to be later in his development and/or away from my friend's character
[[ telephone game of sonas ]] You are a recursion of self analyzation. You try to map out your intricacies only to have your theories on yourself become rules. And once you've realized its a set habit of thinking. You know trouble and you avoid it the best you can.
5 [muddy yellow] Clart : minecraft sona ? - "What's Minecraft is Yourcraft" / "Yourcraft" Similar case as Knox, where Clart is my sona and the sona of one of my oc's who isn't me, but for Clart he and the oc, they align closer with who I am so it's not quite as weird a case. Clart is very easy going and cares a lot, he isn't particularly notably in Yourcraft as he's not really someone who develops more a character that help's the other characters develop
[[ straight up gooping ]] You just want a break, things to be nice and easy and do menial tasks and be with your friends. You give all you can, not because you feel you need to, you just want to and you can. You know pain and cruelty, you choose to be kind.
6 [yellow] [453>- / 453 / The cooler Casey : a general sona He's a more stylized, exaggerated version of myself and usually a lot more malicious for the fun of it. In his "lore" he is a shapeshifting sand.. thing, it depends on the specific backstory I'm going with. He is generally very energetic and bitey and evil for the sake of it cause man villains are fun when they are having fun and he is having a blast
[[ creature !! ]] You are the coolest sexiest mother fucker out here! or you sure pretend to think so. A whole fucking jaw breaker flipping between god-complex and inferiority-complex, who knows what's at it's core (probably inferiority). You love to be an edge case, probably the type of guy to make a fan character concept that's over done but do it with a twist. No fear of ocs coming off like a mary sues just cause YOU know how cool and really clever they are really even if they give a bad first impression.
7 [lime/green] Casey : general sona / how i draw myself This is just me, like, just how I draw myself, it's as general and genuine as I can manage which my not really be all that accurate maybe but oh well
[[ oh fuck u are just like me frfr ! or like at least closest approximation ]] You are only human. You love your friends more than the world and you try to be worth all you're given. You have some self esteem and self image issues, but maybe if you shove your ocs full of enough of your issues you'll solve some.
8 [green?] Caddle : general sona / fursona / the one i use for sexual stuff Caddle is a cow-adject shapeshifter. He is the sona I use the most when it's anything sexual, usually paired with my partner's fursona, but he's supposed to have other buddies too that I never really draw. I've got complicated feeling on sexual stuff and myself in relation to it, so he gets those feelings dumped into his character too. But aside from that he is a fun character especially to draw cause inconsistency is baked in and I love him dearly, he is very lazily chill with a big heart, he's also a rodeo clown even though i dont draw a full on clown get up for him much
[[ honka honka we got certified clown ova here ]] You are silly, a goofball even, one may even argue a jokester. You may present all goofs, gafs and dick jokes, -and by all means you do genuinely loving goofing gaffing and dicking- but you are a person with complicated wants and thoughts and feelings. Wants and thoughts and feelings you hold close to yourself, you do not know how to voice, so more often than not, you don't.
9 [bluish green] Gilon Kurt : lesser sona Gilon is a sona that I made just on a whim off of a twist on my name with "fluffle" being a the name for a group of rabbits, he's "Capn Kerfluffle." And then I made him a rival to my main fursona in their story and he gained a personality outside of me as they so often do
[[ rage rage murder rage !!!! ]] You have worked so hard for what you have and yet it is never enough. There is always something else to achieve more to earn, people clawing for what you have. You can have no peace nor solace, relax? chilling? never heard of her!! There are experiences to be had!! People to meet!! Friends to continuing loving!!! And you'll fight for it all, fight until you die!!
10 [cyan] Yeode : minecraft sona [real] Yeode my beloved, she is my darling rock-based robot made to search villagers that learns to live for herself kinda. A lot of her kindness and softness and story comes from backstory for just me playing minecraft ig who is a lot less kind in practice.
[[ yippee !!! ^.^ ]] You are a people pleaser to your core! You are born and molded by your attachments and use to others. Even in their absence you still live on for them in part.
11 [saturated blue] G : non-fandom sona I use to vent mostly - "Conceptual Chaos Junkyard" / "CC Junkyard" similar situation to E of mostly negative traits, but the other side of it for the most part. she is full of anger and malice at being stuck with little control over her situation and takes it out on E
[[ oh sweetheart, no ]] You think yourself a "bad bitch" a "girl boss" even. Emotions are not your strong suit. You have a hard time managing your own feelings, let alone dealing with other people's. You may not always be right, but you work hard to try to be.
12 [less saturated dark blue] D. Base : minecraft sona, specifically in magic mods / heavily modded minecraft he came about from when i was testing a modded server with my friends there was something that would crash my game if i entered specific chunks, and in those 'dead' chunks was my silk worms so i made dBase as a character for the friend server and he is supposed to be that glitched silkworm i got in testing, uuh end then that server slowly broke too, so i like to think it was somehow also his fault; while i did get to play on the server i got really into a few magic mods, mainly mana and artifice so he is not only gitchy but a magic man
[[ grub ]] You think of yourself highly, not perfect, but damn good. You've worked your ass off for the skills you've obtained and are happy to show off when they are even slightly relevant. Your "fuck it we ball" attitude somehow works out for you most of the time, though some collateral damage to others.
13 [light blue] Clerk James : fursona / used to be mascot character to note if you see other art of him there is a stark difference between the silly goofy Clerk that's my sona and the asshole angsty backstory version of him before he got so very concussed; current Clerk is very sweet and very dumb, he's the "capn" of a pirate themed ferry though also goes on some genuine treasure seeking adventures pg pirate style
[[ consider it the post-drownings one, don't worry ]] A mix of poor memory, self-doubt, and self-hatred that results in a potent blend of guilt for things you aren't really sure you deserve to hate yourself over, being it maybe not or fault or maybe never really happened. Aside from that you're upbeat and a bit stupid in a silly lil guy way. You're just a lil guy!
14 [purple] Cassio Inerta : homestuck / trollsona - "retroll" he is baby, very sweet and well meaning but oh so very problem avoidant and low empathy mostly from being sheltered; in retroll he is canonically in-universe a self insert of myself watching the plot go down and has a made up boyfriend given to him who loves Cassio by virtue that is what the boyfriend was made for, but kinda just puts up with Cassio, a projection of how i felt and feared in some previous relationships
[[ explicitly cannon self insert huh ]] You are a suckerrr for romance. You want and want and want so badly and you feel and in every instance you are given a taste it feels unreal. it feels unearned. It feels disingenuous. But you need it so bad. You don't know shit about anything, so terrified to fail you're terrified to try. But little by little you keep trying.
15 [magenta] Carcumber : a sona based off of my friend's previously-main sona's species so my friend's main sona and mascot character was a "lavamander" though the species had other character with other elements such as ice and sound waves and species had name trope of two favorite foods combined; Carcumber's name was Carrot + Cucumber but my friend changed main sonas and has since renamed most to just a single food name hence the opening statement for the quiz, i dont remember if he had an element associated, if he did i think it was "cart" or "car" or "money" or something stupid like that, and his is a used car salesman, similar energy and pathetic-ness of spamton
[[ oh man do i gotta change his name now that's that not the naming scheme? ]] You are passionate about everything you do! Cause if you aren't you don't do them! You exaggerate yourself to the point the mask becometh you.
god ya that's a lot of em and i have more sona's than just that, but most fall similar to others or i dont use enough to care
if you read it all thanks so much i love u :D
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spacecolonie · 2 years
Your art is gorgeous! Mind sharing your process, especially for colors and lighting?
Hi, thank you so much!! ♥ I'm happy to share some insight but my process is super rough LOL so I'm gonna shove it under a cut, but as an example, this is how I approached the Sonic & Blaze piece:
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So all my paintings start out pretty much the same: a rough sketch with flat colour block ins (left). Then the shading is added (right), usually with multiply & overlay layers clipped to the flats to keep colour cohesion! For this painting, I used blue shadows and orange toned highlights
If I'm feeling spicy I'll do it manually but usually I'm too lazy and, honestly, there ends up being hardly a difference between the two methods anyway -- at least for these kinds of drawings. I do it a lil differently for lined stuff but that'd be another post entirely _(:3 」∠)_
At this point I'll also lock the sketch layers & put them on multiply, with a colour similar to the overall vibe of the piece & the flats under them! Blaze's ended up a mulberry purple and Sonic's was a warm brown. Just helps avoid muddy colours further on!
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Now it's the fun stuff! I dupe everything, flatten it, then just go ham with rendering out all the edges and the details! the one on the left is the first rendering pass, where sonic & blaze are both mostly finished, then I usually go over it again for ambient light and particles etc. The finished piece is on the right, after all the post processing has been applied to it:
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I most of the time I like to keep colours quite muted at the start of paintings, as it's far easier to layer on additional tones and create nuanced colour dynamics within a piece. If anyone is interested in more of that kinda thing, I highly recommend this video on colour relationships and relativity by Marco Bucci. He rocks >:) Legitimately learned more from his videos about technical stuff than I got from art school LOL and just for fun, here's the post processing layers I ended up with:
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I use a decent amount of them, but I keep it either very light/subtle, or on a lower opacity to get that funky colour blending coming through. This is just for this piece, but in general I will always do a gradient map and a saturation change of some kind!
Also, I always run my paintings through a sharpen & noise filter at the end ♥ I really hope that helps, and thank you so much again!
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hi happy new year, how are you? to start off 2022 i’m gonna rank my top 10 favourite guards from the Sly trilogy. let’s take a look:
10. Card-dealing Dalmatian: honestly made the list mainly because of the outfit - it’s a look - but overall just a funny lil boi, a jokester
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9. Basset Hound Pirate: this guy wants to take a nap but he can’t because LeFwee will probably cut his dick off idk. he’s not groundbreaking by any means, but i love the vest and the eye-patch as well as the fact that he has his own little mini cannon
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8. Japanese Culture Aficionado Walrus: ok this guy... when Sir Frogger told his guards to wear overalls, this guy didn’t listen. fuck overalls he said. he prolly watches hentai and reads Naruto, and owns a scooter like Furio Tigre. god knows his income isn’t enough to buy a proper motorcycle, so he chose to settle. also, he feels really uncomfortable around his squid coworker
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7. Janitor Rat: so imagine it’s late in Paris and you’re stuck cleaning the disgusting club floor, trying to get muddy footprints and gum out of the carpet (great choice Dimitri) while all your friends are out clubbing, and this cane-wielding dude in blue who doesn’t wear pants comes in and trashes the place. i mean, i’d be mad too tf ?? honestly, props to the janitor rat for standing up. you go, janitor rat.
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6. Wolves: a silly lil guy, a cutie. why would you want to pick a fight with him? for shame.
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5. Gays: listen. if it wasn’t for Tony de Killer B, these guys wouldn’t have made it on the list. but he paved the way, he put in the work. the outfit... mama mia ! 100% absolutely, he’s ready to vogue, he’s ready to death drop, it’s very John Galliano. the mask? it’s giving camp. skipped leg day for the past 8 years? that too. what’s there not to love exactly?
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4. Y2K Monke Gurl: is she good at her job? no, she’s actually abysmal at it. but did she slay with her fit? i think she deserves a raise, Mr Panda. from the bandana to the blush, the braid, the gloves, the flame detailing on the sides, the sandal. GIVE US EVERYTHING, we stan. we have no choice but to stan. also, very good at finding excellent hiding spots, i’ll give her that too
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3. Bomb Cock: i love these guys honestly. they’re just here to have a good time even though it might be their last. they’re doing the most and it’s ok, no judgement. very much Looney Tunes rejects with their comically huge bombs. they want to protect the hens in the coop but they’re way too destructive for that, it’s hilarious. if they were a lyric, they’d be When other bitches tryna get with my dude and when other chickens tryna get in my coop from Streets by Doja Cat
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2. Moose Dude: ok hear me out on this one. very controversial choice but i couldn’t place them lower, i’m sorry. they’re lovable idiots/ jocks. they wear jock straps because they’re comfy, they probably smell like sweaty balls, they drink beer all the time. it’s the type of oblivious, dumbfounded straighty you see in gay porn. they’re pea-brained, they wanna play RC battles all day because they never finished high school despite being the best at PE. the poor things had no other option but to become guards. absolute goons. the way Murray just waltzed into their man-cave with a moose head on and they didn’t even bat an eye is so charming, these dudes drive me nuts. i’m a furry
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Honorable Mention: Carmelita: she’s not a guard, but her patrolling the hubs always puts a smile on my face. what an absolute legend, what a ki. the mega threat herself, not letting anyone out of her sight, no matter the weather condition, the hub architecture, the surroundings. nothing.
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1. Doberman Flashlight Guards: this is elite tier guard, no questions asked. these guys understood the assignment. they don’t care that their coworkers are wearing jailbird attire or that some of them even come to work nude; they’re gonna wear that fucking tuxedo and rock it. the way they walk is so funny, the way they run too, and if they catch you they’ll just waste an entire round of bullets because they’ll howl and shoot at the sky. that’s a good doggy !! they’ve been working hard and they’ve been cashing Muggshot’s cheques, because they’ve always got that cigar in their mouths. i love them, 10/10
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ethanesimp · 3 years
Pairing: Ethan Torchio x GN! Reader
Summary: Everyone at the Oakes Academy is aware of the rivalry that exists between two of the school’s best students, Ethan Torchio and Y/N L/N. What nobody knows is what a brilliant team they are when they’re at risk of their reputations being damaged and a killer’s on the loose.
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death and murder, mentions of blood, mentions of death and descriptions of it, mention of suicide (pls read with caution, ily <3).
Masterlist // Taglist link in bio
A/N: Again, I apologize for the delay, life has been a lil bit crazy this past week. I also wanted to apologize for any possible typos because I’m working on a project but decided to take a break to finish this for you guys! I promise I’ll proofread this as soon as I get some time. Also, in the part where they’re texting, I recommend you check the texts on the Google Drive for context. Otherwise you might get a bit lost.
Taglist (strike means it won’t let me tag you):  @oro-e-diamanti @gretavanfleetlove @victoriadeangeliswifey @cheese-toastie-11 @selenophiliaxx @superchrystaldrug @petit-poussin @bidet-and-legolas @fallingforyou123 @ethaneskin @soft-boy-ethan @teenyweenynightghost @reputationdamiano @cantaraiilmionome @tabi-toast @queen-of-brokenhearts @geklutst-ei @juststalking @cruz-ata @ohtorchio @ethan-torchio-angelo @unitermoonshine @everythingisdefinitelynotfine @marriedwithmarktuan @its-afucking-mess @juststalking @goldenpeaxh​
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LAST CHAPTER’S WINNING DECISION: They believe it is all real and go search for the body the finger might belong to. (The impact of this decision will be reflected next chapter).
Let the games begin. 
You had to read the last part once more, so consumed by the shock that barely any words had registered into your brain. Your hands were shaking as you held it closer to yourself. Maybe it was all part of the disbelief because you found yourself scanning the words over and over again until you had the first paragraph memorized. 
But then… then Ethan started laughing. 
Short, breathy laughs escaped past his lips, immediately followed by sharp inhales, as if he were desperate to get more air to reach his lungs. You brushed it off and went right back to reading the last few phrases that were on the very back, even said them under your breath to try and make them become real because everything seemed like nothing but a dream, no, a nightmare.
Then it slowly dawned on you after you finished reading the letter. All worry subsided and you had no doubt in your mind you would’ve started laughing too if you weren’t seeing red. Consumed by the sudden rage, you turned to Ethan and didn’t hesitate to tackle him into the ground.
In any normal instance, you wouldn’t have been able to do it, but you’d caught him off-guard, which was confirmed by the surprised yelp he let out as his back collided with the muddy floor and dry leaves crunched underneath his weight. You moved to straddle him the second you felt him shift beneath you, as if he wanted to get up. 
You looked at him for a split second. His face was illuminated by the soft glow of the red light. His distress was apparent. He was thrashing around to try and get you off him when you started hitting his chest over and over again. Your hits weren’t hard nor were they intended to cause any damage to him. In fact, he could have easily pushed you off him effortlessly if he wanted to, but Ethan didn’t even try. Instead, he let you continue hitting his chest.
“What the actual fuck is wrong with you? You’re… a… fucking… psycho!” Each word was accompanied by another frustrated hit to his chest as tears slowly fell down your face and sobs rattled your body, “You were the only one who knew that. The only person in this goddamn school I ever—ever was stupid enough to tell it to. And you use it for one of your sick and twisted pranks? Fuck you. Fuck you!” 
Your head fell and rested on his chest as you kept on crying. However, your words seemed to pull him back to reality. Only after a few seconds of you speaking, Ethan had already rolled the two of you around until he was on top of you. 
You firmly held his stare as you tried to get him off you. For some strange reason, it sent shivers down your spine to see his eyes so full of fear. Ethan was always centered and glued firmly to the Earth. No matter the issue, he was always capable of keeping his cool, but now was far from being the case. His voice trembled as he tried to speak up, “Shut up Y/N! You’ve got no right to blame me for something that is clearly your doing. I have no fucking clue what your stupid letter said but mine said something that has me convinced it was you!”
His accusation was followed by him shoving his crumpled up letter into your face. You had to squint in order to see it better with only the aid of the red light. When you read the words placed at the very bottom, your eyes went wide and immediately looked for his in a desperate attempt to convince him it wasn’t you, but he had his head turned away. You firmly grabbed him by the collar of his hoodie so he’d look into your eyes, “I-I didn’t. Ethan I don’t like you one bit but I’d never. Not this.”
Ethan scoffed and shook his head. He got off you and turned around so his back was facing you, “You know what? I don’t give a shit what you did or didn’t do. I’m going to wash this disgusting stuff off me and report this in the morning.”
“What the hell? Are you crazy? Ethan, we're in the middle of a crime scene. We cannot leave it like this. I mean, look at you! You’re covered in blood because, let me refresh your mind, you fell into a fucking puddle of blood and found a finger!” You flailed your arms around furiously at his stupidity and started followed him the moment he started walking away, “What if this is real?”
He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to look at you, “What is real? A threat that looks like it was written by a thirteen-year-old who just finished reading The Analyst? And the blood… it belongs to an animal for all I care,” He didn’t seem an ounce convinced by the way he took a second to come up with an excuse, and he couldn’t even look you in the eyes, “Besides, what do you want us to say, huh? Oh yeah, sorry. We’re out past curfew because of reasons we can’t tell you and we casually found a disembodied finger lying in a pool of blood. Ah! And I almost forgot the most important detail. We’re being threatened with things that are not only good enough to get us expelled but also get us thrown in jail. But everything is fantastic.”
You rolled your eyes, “Fine, do whatever the hell you please.”
Ethan nodded nonchalantly and walked away from you. A long and deep sigh escaped your lips at his stubbornness. You wanted to scream out in frustration at how stupid he was being, but decided it was pointless to stay behind, just in case someone arrived and found you standing there, with your clothes filled with blood. 
——— ☆ • ♧ • • ♧ • ☆ ———
When you arrived back at the dorms, the first thing you did was take a hot shower as you tried to assimilate everything that had happened. Despite the water being so hot it almost burnt your skin, you still spent the whole time shivering and hugging your arms to your body. 
You had washed the blood off the hoodie in one of the sinks and still threw it in the washing machine afterwards. You didn’t know what was going on and part of you was convinced you didn’t want to know. Either way, you weren’t going to risk being roped into a crime investigation as a suspect.
Afterwards, you collapsed into bed. Your whole body was aching and, if it weren’t for the fact that your phone had exploded with notifications after you connected it, you would’ve fallen asleep. You lazily felt around the small bedside table for your phone and picked it up. Most notifications were just memes Will kept sending to the group chat you had. However, you’d also received a message from Ethan.
Upon reading the first few words, you already felt the urge to throw the phone out the window. He was being annoying, not like that was a new thing at all. You responded to the text nonetheless and left the phone back on the bedside table. You turned around in your bed to try and find a spot that was comfortable and cuddled deeper into the sheets. Then, just when you were about to close your eyes, the phone vibrated again. You groaned and picked it up once more. After reading those texts, you were unable to sleep all night.
You spent the great majority of the night crying and shivering despite being covered by layers and layers of warm blankets. Those few hours before your alarm sounded extended into what seemed like an eternity and you didn’t want to leave the room, afraid you’d find something like what you’d just seen at the oak tree. 
You only managed to sleep for about half an hour before your alarm went off at exactly six AM. Any other day, you would’ve snuggled back into bed for a little longer, but on that particular day, you’d jumped out of bed and hadn’t wasted a second before getting ready. You’d run out of the building to meet your friends at the dining hall, where you were currently at.
Damiano, Rory, Vic, and Will were already sitting at your usual table in front of the large window when you arrived. The curly-haired boy was practicing for a presentation while your three friends listened and made a few comments here and there on things they thought he should change. 
“Good morning everyone,” You murmured, then took a seat in between Damiano and Will, who turned to look at you and frowned, “Are you feeling okay, Y/N?” You nodded and put on the best smile you could manage. Then you stole one of the berries from his plate even though you weren’t hungry at all. 
You turned to look at Rory and Damiano, “Hey Ro, has the new phone you ordered arrived yet?” You questioned. After your conversation with Ethan the previous night, you needed to make sure it wasn’t them who had sent the text. Just the thought alone made you shudder in disgust and fear, but you just took a deep breath in and kept a soft smile on your face as your best friend shook their head.
“Funny that you ask that because yesterday I got an email from the store saying the delivery was going to take longer than expected because of the weather issues, so I gotta survive with this piece of crap for a few more days,” They sighed and placed the cracked phone on the table. You wanted to stop holding back the tears right then and there. Rory’s words were the confirmation that someone else had sent the text and you doubted it was Emilia. As much as you didn’t want to, with each passing second you started to believe the threat was true and that someone had died or was terribly hurt somewhere, and you needed to find them before it was too late to save them. 
Then you remembered another one of Ethan’s texts and had to resist the urge to get up and go search for him because you needed to talk to him as soon as possible. Instead, you distracted yourself by listening to Will’s presentation practice.
You were close to nodding off at some point as he kept on speaking, “Back in earlier civilizations, it was believed that any type of illness was caused by demons and—Hey, Y/N!” You hummed softly as Will called your name. He poked you on the rib and you swatted his hand away, “Are you sure you’re alright? You look terrible.”
“Thank you,” You mumbled sarcastically, “I’m doing fine. I just stayed up working on a project and barely got a wink of sleep,” You let your head rest on Damiano’s shoulder and yawned.
“I wish I were that productive,” Victoria said as she played around with her food. Everyone had insisted on her eating at least a few bites even if she was still sick, “I never do shit.”
Thomas piped into the conversation, catching everyone by surprise as he took a seat next to Victoria, “To be fair, Y/N always complains about feeling half-dead from lack of sleep. I’ll never be crazy enough to sacrifice my sleep for a stupid assignment.”
“Yeah, and that’s why you’re one project away from failing Year 12,” Victoria laughed and Thomas rolled his eyes, “The other day I put him in charge of finishing this essay thing for philosophy and by the time I went back to check on him, he was already asleep. I honestly still wonder how we’re at this school. I would’ve thrown us out a long time ago.”
“Look who’s decided to join us today!” Damiano exclaimed with a large smile on his face as Emilia and Ethan took a seat right in front of you. It was an unusual occurrence for him to eat with you because, well, you were there and he couldn’t shut his mouth for half an hour while you ate, which usually ended in an argument that made the whole table annoyed. 
You frowned at his appearance. He was struggling to keep his dark eyes open and his hand wouldn’t stop shaking. It was very apparent that he hadn’t slept much either from the bags under his eyes and his slow steps. Ethan was almost like a zombie. 
He shook his head the moment his eyes met yours and your shoulders slumped. It hadn’t been Emilia either. You got up from your seat abruptly and walked away from the table without an explanation. You desperately needed a breath of fresh air before you went insane. So with quick steps, you moved down the hall until you reached one of the open windows next to a couch. You let yourself fall onto the couch and tightly shut your eyes as you breathed the fresh air in.
“You seriously need to calm down. Otherwise everyone will start to notice just how suspicious you’re acting,” You sighed at the sound of Ethan’s irritating voice and up straight on the couch. You rubbed your eyes with the back of your hands and looked up at him with an annoyed expression.
“You cannot ask me to calm down after what we saw last night. When will it get into your thick skull that whatever this shit is, it’s real. Those threats were real and if we don’t do something we’re both going to end up in jail, or worse, people are going to die. We don’t know who this psycho is nor what they’re capable of doing. We need to do something now before it’s too late,” The words rushed out of your mouth desperately. The urgency in your tone and your voice quivering as you spoke made his face fall. It wasn’t often that he took you seriously, but by the look in his eyes, you could tell he was just as scared as you were and that was enough to make him shut up and listen to all you had to say.
“Shit Y/N, can you lower your voice? We have no clue at all who could ev—” Before he could even finish the whole sentence, the Head Professor cleared her throat. But your heads snapped in her direction and you gulped in fear at the thought of her overhearing the conversation.
Your heart fell to your stomach the moment she spoke, “Just the two I was looking for. I need you in my office right now.”
Your eyes went wide as you turned to look at Ethan, who already had his head turned in your direction. He nudged his head in the professor’s direction and you both followed her as she walked to her office but stayed a few steps behind.
“This is it, we’re going to jail,” You mumbled loud enough so only Ethan could hear. He hushed you and pulled you along when you stopped walking. People were looking at you as you passed by and that only made you feel worse. You loosened the tie around your neck and gulped.
“We are not going to jail unless you don’t pull it together. Now breathe and keep on walking. I’m not your fucking babysitter,” He whisper-yelled and quickened his pace. You sighed and did the same thing. It surely couldn’t be that bad, could it? You were probably just overreacting and the events of the night before had nothing to do with this impromptu meeting. 
You kept those thoughts in mind as the professor opened the door to the small office and you took a seat on one of the two squeaky chairs. The room smelled clean in a comforting way and you let your shoulders relax as you played with your fingers nervously and looked around the place. 
Her office had always been your favorite out of all the professors’. The place was always warm and during the mornings, you could hear coffee brewing in her old coffee machine in the corner of the room. There were books scattered everywhere and piled in a way that didn’t look messy but inviting. During your first weeks at the academy, when you still hadn’t made any friends, you’d go into her office and read while you sat curled up on the couch and enjoyed the warm and calm atmosphere of the place.
Things used to be so much easier back then and you had no clue how things could’ve changed so fast. Back then your relationship with Ethan was decent and you had no trouble with anyone or anything, now you were being threatened into being framed for murder and being sent to jail.
“You totally forgot about our meeting today, didn’t you?” She asked calmly as she poured coffee into one of her cups, filling the room with the delicious and strong scent. The professor pushed her long dark hair out of her face and straightened out her uniform before sitting down opposite to you, “You looked quite shocked. I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything important.”
Ethan sat there, speechless, just like you. But then realization hit you and you realized you were just being paranoid and stupid. She’d told you about this meeting weeks in advance. It was supposed to have something to do with your chance to get the sought-after 100% scholarship to study your career at The Oakes. 
“Nothing important whatsoever,” You replied quickly and sat up straight as you placed both hands on your lap. Ethan copied your actions and tied up his long hair with the black elastic that had been on his wrist.
Your eyes followed the professor as she dumped a small spoonful of sugar and mixed it around with the dark liquid. You couldn’t help but notice her hand shaking as she poured the milk and even spilled a bit of it down the side of the cup. 
She cursed under her breath and apologized as she got up to search for a napkin. With furrowed eyebrows, you shared a look with Ethan, who shrugged. 
“I apologize. I’m afraid I’m quite distracted today, but let’s continue. Shall we?” She smiled sweetly and opened up one of the folders on her desk as she sat back down. She grabbed two papers from inside and placed one in front of each of you. 
You picked it up and examined its content. It seemed to be some sort of permission slip, “So, as I’m sure you both know, our academy offers a program for all our brightest students that gives them the opportunity to continue their college studies with everything paid. You two are the people with the highest grades amongst the whole generation. The semester is—.”
Her words were interrupted by a few quick knocks on the door before a professor pushed it wide open. He couldn’t stop fidgeting with his hands and playing around with his tie as he spoke, “The council wants to have a meeting, professor.”
“I cannot do it right now, I’m—”
“They want to have it now.” 
The professor turned to the two of you nervously and laughed awkwardly. She stood up from the chair after quickly pushing it back, “I’ll see you another day, okay? Meanwhile, please send a scan of that permission slip to your parents and have them sign it, as soon as possible.” 
Once both professors were out of sight and had closed the door, leaving the two of you alone, Ethan spoke, “Something’s wrong.”
“No shit. Neither one could stop shaking. I say we go and try to listen to what the council members are saying,” You suggested and stood up, but he grabbed your arm and pulled you to sit back down.
“We need to go back to the oak tree first. Y/N, if this is all real and there’s something going on, we need to find that body before they do,” He said firmly. Both his tone and stare were serious and you could tell that there was no way in hell he’d take no for an answer. Instead of arguing, you agreed and walked out of the office right behind him, but then you paused as his words registered into your brain, “Why do we have to find it before them?”
He didn’t stop walking to respond, so with a groan you started to walk faster until you were right next to him, “You weren’t even attending the school when it happened,” Ethan began to talk under his breath, so quietly you could barely make out the words he was trying to say, “It was years ago so I cannot remember exactly how the story went. You can ask Thomas though, he has better memory than I do,”
“Either way, there was this boy who’d just gotten into college and during the secret society’s initiation, he was told to climb the highest tower at that campus but he slipped and fell like ten stories. Like I said, it was a secret society that neither the public nor the parents knew about. If the story of what had really happened got out it’d ruin the school and some of the most important students would’ve been sent to jail, so they twisted it to look like a suicide and got away with it. The only reason we know about it is because one of Will’s cousins, the duke, was involved in it all and Will told us all about it.”
“I refuse to believe that’s true. C’mon, it’s Will,” You laughed, “The same guy who convinced everyone in class that your family secretly ran part of the Italian mafia.”
Ethan only shrugged and stopped walking to knock on the door of the greenhouse. You’d left yours at your dorm that morning from how distracted you were, so you had to wait for Mr. Murphy to open up and let you through.
When he finally opened the door, his eyebrows shot up in surprise as he looked at the two of you in confusion, “What in God’s name has happened to get you two in the same place without fighting?” He mocked. You rolled your eyes and shook your head as a smile appeared on your face.
“I assure you, we can both be perfectly civil. Besides, it’s for a homework we need to do. And believe me it’s the last thing I want to be doing,” You lied and walked into the greenhouse with Ethan following behind, “Anyways, we’re gonna go to the lake to get some water and—”
“I’m afraid you cannot go out there,” He interrupted. You frowned at his words and tilted your head to the side.
“Why? Did something happen?”
“Nothing you should care about, kids. Just go to class, yeah? There’s someone coming and if you want to stay out of trouble you better leave before they arrive.”
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brahkest-fr · 4 years
Have you thought about ever doing a step by step video/tutorial on how you make skins? Or record your process? I'm trying to start doing skins but there's a lot of stuff I don't understand that the site's tutorial doesn't really explain and speed paints aren't exactly great to look for answers, so I was wondering if you would ever do something of the sort, it would be cool
I’m kinda dumb and terribad at video recording but I can totes make a process with some screenies :0 Hopefully the following helps a bit. There is gonna be an assumption of basic knowledge on layers and whatnot just fyi! Perhaps someday I’ll actually record myself making a skin if I don’t get distracted and/or forget lol.
1) This is pretty much how I start my layers. I don’t change much from the default skin file provided by FR other than adding a mask to the skin folder so I don’t draw outside of the lines and then a gray overlay on top of the base just so it’s easier for me to see my sketch. I use bright colors like blue and pink to help me differentiate details. I turn off the clip lines/shadow as I don’t wanna see those atm.
The layer that says “Accent” is where I start my sketch.
If I’m making a skin for a particular dragon, I’ll often have them added in the file (note the hidden layer above the gray box). To do so, I save out a transparent version of the dragon and blow it up to 700px in waifu2x or something. Then I bump it up to 750px so it fits in the skin file. It’ll be a lil blurry but it’s good enough.
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2) Next is line art - I have 2 layers for this skin: one for the jacket and another for the knuckle dusters and chains. Personally I like to close off all gaps in my line art, including drawing on the edges as you can see on the top of the collar by the wings or the gap formed by the hair on the midsection. This is just something I prefer doing as I find it makes my coloring less messy and annoying later on. But you can do it however it’s most comfortable.
At this stage, I’ll also either zoom out to 50% or resize to 50%, whichever works because it’s important to remember that the file size is 750 while the actual size you’ll have to save out will be 350 - details will shrink so make sure what you’re drawing will show up appropriately.
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3) Now onto colors. Since I closed the gaps in the line art, I just fill bucket everything. For this skin, I drew the jacket’s colors on one layer because I’m trash and have 1 braincell but you can use as many layers as you need. In this case, the overlay layer was for extra saturation and the layer above that was for the black stripes. Be sure to clip additional color layers onto your base color so you keep things tidy and avoid coloring beyond the lines.
Again don’t forget to resize or zoom out to make sure your skin is looking as it should!
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4) Finally I do some recoloring of the line art - in this case mostly the arm of the jacket. I lock the line art layer and go over it with colors darker than the surrounding colors - up to preference here. I don’t usually change the very edges just because I prefer a darker color there personally and my default is black. It’s also totally ok to have darker line art - again up to you.
Then I turn on the clip lines/shadow since you have to make sure those show up in the final piece. Clip lines is usually set to normal but I change it to multiply because I feel it turns out better for recoloring. When I recolor, I try to match the colors of the skin while also making sure it’s dark enough to be seen. Same goes for shadows.
*If you ever get a skin rejected, it’ll usually be how visible you make the original shadows and line art. There’s not really a hard rule on what counts as “passing” since it’s up to staff but I try to make it obviously visible without ruining my skin. So here you can still see the belly scales for example, but it’s not so pronounced that it takes away from the jacket. It’s a lil uggo imo but it is what it is.
*Something to note when you color: be careful how dark you make your base colors! Too dark and you won’t be able to see the clip lines/shadow very well in the future. Note how the collar of the jacket is light enough that the shadows and lines beneath are still visible.
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This is how my clip lines/shadow layers look on normal mode so you can see what colors I made them. Play around with the values to make sure you achieve some balance between your skin looking good while still showing off the base lines and shadows of the dragon. I used pink and blue here since it matched well with the skin. By default, the lines and shadows are gray and if you don’t recolor those, your skin will end up looking muddy.
*Other than recoloring, do not touch the clip lines/shadows at all. Do not edit them or erase them otherwise that’s a quick ticket to rejection.
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5) Finally, turn off everything but your accent folder and save that sucker out and resize to 350px. At this point you can test it on your actual dragon by either pasting the skin onto a pic of the dragon or by using FR Tools. Reminder that you should not use/mention FR Tools on the official site cuz staff doesn’t like it. However on FR Tools you can also test the coverage of your skin when you select “upload skin.” Less than 30% and it’s an accent. Above that and it’s a skin. There’s other ways to test coverage but FR’s gimp tutorial sucks and is outdated and I don’t have photoshop so lol.
*I often go through several iterations of a skin just in case I see weird flaws or missing details. Testing is very important once you finish as major changes to your skin after submission is not a fun process so be sure to get it all squared away the first time.
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^ Your final product should look like this: transparent png (32bit) at 350px.
*Now this was the technical side of making skins using the tools at hand. If you have further questions I didn’t cover here, pls do feel free to ask! I’m no expert by any means but I can impart what I’ve learned after making a few.
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romeulusroy · 3 years
You Remind Me Of My Own Unhappiness (Thomas Shelby Oneshot)
Character/s: Thomas
Word Count: 1,587
Tag List: @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt @myriadimagines @lilyswritings @encounterthepast @writerdream22 @brithedemonspawn @megnotfound @death-of-a-mermaid @woahitslucyylu @obsessedunicorn24 @thedarkqueenofavalon @fangirlsarah16 @captivatedbycillianmurphy @theshelbyclan @creativemayhems @soleil-dor @thegirlwithoutaname87 @babylooneytoonz @peakyxtommy @locke-writes @lucillethings @miahelen @valkyrie-2312
A/N: A lil writing before I start requested prompt fics, which are still open btw!!!! Ngl, I've had this is my head for a while, and it turned out better than I expected!!!!! I've been reading for my horror fiction class, so I guess this is kind of based off/inspired by all of it (lots of Poe, Jackson, King, etc.) so be warned my loveliest of loves!!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💖💜
Summary: You knew too much for his comfort 💕
Gif Credit: @peakycillianblinders :)
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The earth is soft in your palms, loose as your dig away, your fingers aching amidst the clumps and rocks. The maggots fall one by one off the bone, disturbed in their everlasting feast. Fresh in his mind, an open wound he leaves exposed, to bleed, to breath, to eat him alive. Shallow, as expected. Careless in execution. Impatient, your husband always in such a hurry. Even with this. Handful by handful, muddied, the morning dew undisturbed even as nightfall came. Smelling faintly of a sweet memory, that of the first time you kissed. The raindrops coming between you. Pulling away with a laugh, in awe, at how his beauty compared to that of a rainy day. Your shoes sinking deep, your hands clutching his arms as he pulls you from the muck, letting the slightest hint of a smile slip. The noise of that day, the plops from the pond, the quiet, yet powerful, taps of the leaves, the shudder of branches and bones alike cold from the breeze, the soft of his voice, low, teasing of all the things he'd do when you were alone. Lost, but not forgotten.
It doesn't exist here. The silence is heavy, deadly, respectful. Something he is not. Early, before the sun has her chance to even set and paint the sky. The in between, the dark not as inky as you remember, the stars fading in, resting for their show ahead. A creature of habit, your husban. Every night, at the same time, no matter what. Day by day, you grow less and less, and this becomes an ever harder task than before. Time staking, your movements slow, weary, all knowing of the journey ahead. There is an ache of gratefulness, a nod to the thoughtfulness you assumed he was lacking in, though it could have come out of selfishness none of the less. Not far from home. A quiet walk, that of seclusion. A quick pace, a tight jaw, he could have made the journey in no time. Your body was not as forgiving
No wooden box. Not eternal flame. A sheet, dirty now, and spotted in red, tangled around you. Wet and cold. The same sheets you used to wash, scrubbing clean, that thick soap smell no longer. One more thing you'd miss, the newness of this dying as each minute ticked by. That excitement, that joy, that want for anything more fades as all things do, decomposing with the rest of you. It's become a duty, an obligation, to him, to your marriage, as all things had been, or would become.
There is no where else to go. Nothing more to do. A broken routine was a broken man. Fight it, resist, and you might find him in the tub again, his spine kissing the porcelain, neck bent, waiting to sink until he finds the bottom. You might find him in the bed you shared, eyes open, never crossing that split down the middle, always faced away from your side. You might find him out, at the bar, a job, surrounded, your presence striking him, bloodying his lip. He stares, his balance off, truly shaken to his core. You are a guest he does not share, a secret he locks in his closet, a beating heartbeat under his floorboards.
So, you give up fighting, as you had the last time, and accept this battle lost. Wave your white flag, shaking yourself free of the sheets, standing uneasily on your own rotting skeketon. Step by step, your toes tearing, soles wasting, the entirety of you threatening to cave, making your way home. Tendons frayed, splitting apart. Your flesh bloated, runny, what's left is chewed away. You can feel it all. Your teeth chatter by the openings that were your cheeks, the cold passing right through you, whistling through your open ribcage. Dreadfully exposed. All of it is heavy. With nothing to hold, to cling to, you're stitched together by a single thread. You pull forward with all your strength, choking back a scream. It wasn't pain, not anymore, your nervous system long gone, but the memory of it bursts through your open chest the way it had in that moment, before everything seeped away in a puddle beneath you, and the warmth of your body grew into icy cold.
Your hair is all but gone, just like your middle. Innards spilling into your clothes, filling out, everything once protected inside catching their first taste of freedom. You give up making yourself anymore presentable. You could pass for sickly, at your best, even tired in the beginning. The bags under your eyes gone now, eaten away, the green tint to your demeanor disappeared, leaving nothing but a rotting smell. There was no hiding this, hiding the time that's passed. The flies buzz, bugs crawl freely. It's much their home as yours. You click, a tune you suspect is music to his ears, but it only leaves an ache in your hollow chest. There isn't much left of you, there isn't much more time.
How long does he want to do this?
How much longer can you?
The light streams through the windows, a welcomed warmth. You missed it. You missed that comfort, that knowledge of a place being yours. All you had left to your name was a hole in the ground, weak and muddy. Even then, few knew it was yours at all. The back door, the one only homeowners used. You could see it, your skeletal hand resting weakly on the heavy door. A night like every other. Pressing your ear to the door, listening, as if the pull from his want, his need to see you, hadn't tugged you the whole way here. This act, so small, so innocent, had lead to consequences he could never take back.
Listening, waiting, your own breath no longer a distraction, your own heartbeat no longer drumming through your veins, interrupting every word. It was the only way. Banished, shunned, turned away. Though you wrote his name, you did not share blood, a defining trait he could not look past. The business, family business, turned you away. Complicit, docile, that's what he expected, what you tried to be. Yes, Love. No, Love. For your own protection, Love, as if it hadn't been the barrel of his gun pointed at your chest.
Not everything, but enough, your first mistake was making it known. Invading his world one word at a time, overstepping boundaries with a bit of advice. That was all it took. You realized too late, none of it you could ever take back. Pleading, wide eyed, you promised not to say anything more, to keep your distance between the job, but the damage was done. He changed before your eyes. Tight, rigid, masking himself, crawling back into his shell. He trusted you, he did, but not after that. A man like him could trust no one, not even the person he married. If you knew, who else did? Even the smallest detail could be dangerous. It could coolapse his entire empire. He didn't want to, insisting there was another way, but they agreed as long as you lived, knowing what you did, none of them were safe. A family by name, hardly by choice.
So, by their insistence, he pulled the trigger.
He dragged the body.
He dug a shallow grave.
He made an elaborate story, one of belief, of half-truths, and throw away lines about your solemn departure seeking a new life, abandoning your husband for something else, each of them chipping pieces and plots to the story, anything to help them sleep a little easier.
And here you sat, the hard wood of your dining room chairs puncturing your back. There are two plates, and two sets of silverware. A candle is lit between you. Not always, but tonight it seems he's been missing you more. A napkin sits on your lap, waiting, covering the mangled mass that used to be your lower half. He sits across from you, the space between you large enough to seat the entire family. Only two, though. Everyone else has left, gone, suspecting what it is Mr. Shelby is up to, wondering why they are let go more frequently, always at the exact same time. He musters up a smile, that of pain, with horror in his eyes, finally realizing just how cruel this has all been for you. You smile back, pieces of you ripping open, your lips uncurling, splitting in two, revealing a mouth empty of teeth.
Thomas speaks lightly of the day passed. The endless dread of paperwork, the faint gnaw that someone has been following him lately, a special nod to the advice he took from you that had been successful. No thank you, though. No admittance of grief or wrongdoing, no apology, not even a word of what you were really doing here. He couldn't let go, move on, he couldn't shake the guilt that woke you each night and put you to bed hours later. You were dead, killed by his own hand, had been for quite some time. Yet, every night after the murder you joined him. For dinner, for drinks, to sleep beside him in the bed you shared since your wedding day. Step by step, decaying in your time of rest, the same thought in your mind over and over, never letting it escape your lips, you knew better from the last time: when would he let you rest in peace?
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crispy-ghee · 4 years
Forgive my absolute novice question, but those environment studies are BEAUTIFUL! I've never done them but I want to try, since it's good practice. What's your process, do you have any advice?
Thank you! No reason to apologize either. I can give a glimpse into my process, but fair warning it’s quite messy (I did this one quickly after work as an example) and I might not have the besssst explanations for everything. 
Everything under the cut!
I do these off of photos I find on google images, since i’m not using them for profit or anything like that. I kind of decide what i wanna try and study (tropical scenes, forests, mountains, whatever) and then just look for an image that strikes me. 
Something to note when you’re going into this is to have some idea of what you want to try and focus on. If there’s a specific thing you want to work on or capture when you do this. For me, it was trying to get better at seeing and picking colors, plus maybe fiddling w/ how mountains and rocks work haha
Having a specific goal makes doing studies easier because you don’t feel like you have to focus on basically everything when you’re painting. When the end goal is just ‘get better,’ that’s a lot of stuff you have to try and get right or pay attention to! Doing things one at a time is good.
So anything like...Wanting to understand color, wanting to understand shadows, wanting to understand light, wanting to know how trees work, or even something like ‘i saw this photo and i like how the light hits this one particular spot and i wanna capture how that spot feels’--just give yourself something to focus on!
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Anyhoo, I picked this one. wanted to try a desert scene. My focus, again, is trying to understand color a lil better (kinda gave myself a rule, which was ‘no colorpicking’)
I work on a really tiny canvas btw like... 3 inches by 2 inches, and with a kinda fat chalk brush with pressure opacity on. This makes sure i can’t get fiddly on it. 
Usually start with a really basic composition sketch that is definitely gonna be inaccurate, but that’s okay since that’s not what i’m doing this for lol
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a lil more ‘detail’ pulling out the forms of biggest interest. sometimes this includes the a shape of a large shadow, like at the bottom! just the big important sections of the composition that you see. 
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I start laying in the colors really messily, again going for BIG at first. Right now the focus is establishing those big spaces in the composition. Right now this also includes some of the stronger shadows, since those are important to the form of things. The colors I choose to lay down vary, but usually go for the sort of ‘mid tone’ that i can suss out, maybe a a bright hilight, and then a deep shadow. 
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lol okay this is definitely a jump forward. But you can see i focused on the mountains. I ended up painting over that tree because it wasn’t in the right place anyway.
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Anyway, TIPS on how I approached this: 
Focused first on laying in the darkest shadows, bc those really inform a lot about the shape of the thing. 
A lot of squinting and stepping back, and also making the reference picture zoomed out small. This really makes the small detail disappear and helps keep you from getting caught up and confused by it. Sometimes you can eliminate certain details, or combine them with nearby details. 
I added some new colors here and there, but nothing too strong. I avoided introducing too many different colors though, and most of what i had was a result of mixing the colors I already. If you add a very different color, that creates an area of high contrast. Which can be great, if that’s the focus and you want to hilight the area, tho! 
Tried not to draw outlines. In fact, I made sure most of my strokes were downwards or sideways to make sure that I had to focus on things as blocks of color. 
How do you do manage the shape w/out outlines? One thing to remember! You perceive form through contrast! Basically, in an area, how does the shadow butt up against the light? Look for those edges/places where they meet, and then think about how different those areas look to each other. Are the colors really different from each other? Are they similar? Is the edge hard, or is it more gradual? Look for those places where things meet!
Keeping in mind that color is relative. When you’re trying to figure out what color something is, peer at the color itself and try to isolate it. For instance a color may seem grey to you, but maybe it’s blue, and it looks much more desaturated bc you have it up against a really warm, bright color. Maybe what you think is a green is actually a red or a brown. SOME TIPS: 
If you’re not focused on color as your study, feel free to colorpick off the photo! You’ll see the difference between what you perceived and what the true color was, and you’ll learn from that!
I’ve gotten good enough to be able to peer at colors and separate them in my brain from the rest of the picture. If you can’t do that, then you can mask it out physically in photoshop so that it’s literally isolated! You’ll get way better at picking up on color differences this way, and then can work towards doing it without having to physically mask things. 
Questions to ask yourself when trying to figure out a color: Does it feel warmer or cooler? What hue is it (does it look purple or purple or red to you)? How saturated does it look?
Shadows usually gradiate. Shadows are made bc they block out light. So they’re darker when it’s harder for light to get into a space. So the further away from an edge or a crease, the lighter the shadow becomes.
Be wary about your colors getting too muddy, bc that happens when you’re mixing colors. Step back now and again, and if they look like they’re getting too grey or brown, feel free to paint some saturated color back into it.
Anyway, I added the trees (spent less time on them bc they’re unimportant to me lol) and cleaned up a couple other things...
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And the last step is just creating a clean border around the painting to make it look clean! 
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And there’s my study. 
the most most most important step
is to close the fucking Reference you were working off of and not look at it after that, because you’re gonna like what you did way better as its own thing when you’re not comparing it to the real deal lol
Anyway...I think that’s all i have to say? Idk. If something’s not clear, feel free to ask, but that’s what I got. This painting was pretty rushed so it’s not the *best* representation of everything, but hopefully it got most of the point across. 
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: Not What It’s Cracked Up To Be ch.5 (baon)
Summary: Edge and Stretch are finally getting back on an even keel. Edge’s broken leg is healing well, Spring is finally here and the flowers are close to blooming.
Be a shame if anything disturbed their domestic bliss.
Tags:  Spicyhoney, Kustard, Established Relationships, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Injury, Fluff, Chickens, Depression
Notes: As a heads up, this chapter includes a depiction of depression.
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Read Chapter 5 on AO3
Read it here!
Before Edge was willing to leave the house on what was likely a fool’s errand, he went back upstairs to peek in on Stretch. It was difficult to tell what was going on beneath the tangle of the blankets, but he seemed to be more relaxed from his tight, fetal curl of earlier. Probably sleeping and that was good.
Back in Underfell, his brother’s supposedly laziness used to drive him mad, but coming to the surface world brought a few humbling realizations. Depression was exhausting and so was low HP, and he no longer questioned the need for plenty of rest from any of those he cared about.
A closer inspection showed the blankets rising and falling in even rhythm, deep, slow breaths and Edge let out a near-silent, relieved sigh of his own, hoping that Stretch came out of the other side of sleep at least a little improved.
Edge hesitated at the bedside, wondering if he should leave a note. He decided against it. Stretch had his phone, he could text if he needed anything. Enough dithering about, whatever it was that Red was dragging him out of the house for must be at least a little important, the cameras Edge knew were hidden outside their house surely showed him what happened last night and—
Edge went stock-still on his way out the bedroom door, his hand still on the doorknob as suspicion along with sudden anger welled up in his soul. He closed the door with care and with slow deliberation, he pulled his phone out of his pocket to send a curt text back to his brother, Tell me what this is about.
No response and just as he was about to shove his phone back into his pocket came, awful slow these days, bro. hurry up and you can see for yourself.
His phone creaked in his hand and Edge forcibly loosened his grip, shoving it back into his pocket before he could give in to the childish urge to throw it against a wall. It wouldn’t change a thing except give him the extra headache of being without a phone until he could get a replacement. Red would have his fun and there wasn’t an angry text message in existence that would change that. There was only one way for his niggling suspicions to be confirmed and that was to play the game.
But he would have a thing or three to say once they were done, of that he was certain. Edge snagged his keys on the way out the door and headed out to his car.
The address Red sent him wasn’t more than a ten-minute drive to the mostly abandoned neighborhoods of Old New Home. As he pulled up to the abandoned lot, Red stepped out of a shortcut on the curb, hands in his pockets and his semi-permanent grin wide.
It set Edge’s emotions into a roiling conflict. On one hand, he was very annoyed with his brother, verging on furious if this turned out the way he suspected, and on the other…
On the other, the last time he’d seen his brother, it had started with him lying on Edge’s kitchen floor, bleeding out in his arms, and ended with Sans carrying him away. He looked tired, but that was more normal than not with Red.
Interesting to note that he was not wearing a matching collar to Sans, which meant either Sans had no idea what a single collar relationship symbolized, or he knew all too well and Edge wasn’t taking that thought any further. Brotherly concern was one thing, but he was not interesting in knowing the minute details of their relationship, so long as they were happy.
Speaking of happiness, Red’s grin was practically gleeful as Edge got out of the car. “awful slow, there, bro. gimp leg holding you back?”
“Shut up,” Edge said automatically, even as he limped over with cane in hand, “and start telling me why you dragged me out here.”
The mocking pout was all the more disturbing for being on Red’s face. “what, no hug?”
“I’d attempt it to prove a point,” Edge told him dryly, “but I have enough injuries without you literally stabbing me in the back. What. Do. You. Want.”
Red only shook his head, sighing as if with deep disappointment, ah, he was in a cheerful mood, wasn’t he. “all those years of you harping on manners and i ain’t even getting a how’s it going, how you been feeling, looking a lot better without all your marrow leakin’ out. no love at all, boss?”
If he wanted to play, Edge did still remember the rules. “Very well. How is Sans doing? He looked well when he brought me your report the other day. Is he taking care of any more of your work?”
That smile slipped a fraction. “he’s doin’ fine.”
Edge only looked at him, brow bone raised. If Red wasn’t going to discuss the elephant in the room, Edge would be more than happy to allow it to step on his foot. “I’m only asking as the Director of Operations, literally your boss, as you so enjoy pointing out. I’m sure you understand that it’s important for me to know what work my people are handling. In case there are any liabilities.”
That wide grin turned faintly wry, Red’s crimson eye lights gleaming his amusement. “yeah, fuck you, boss. he’s doin’ real good. decided for some dumbass reason he needs to move in. stupid fucking cat is having a fit.”
“Ah, yes, fuck you, only the very best comeback in your arsenal for me, I’m sure. And I can’t even begin to imagine why he’d want to move into that garbage pit you call a home.” Edge crossed his arms over his chest, glaring down at his brother. “All right, you’ve had your fun. Now, where is she?”
Red barked out a laugh. “oh, very good, little brother, already figured it out, didja.”
“Your puzzles haven’t improved since Junior Jumble, it was not that difficult.”
“not for you.” As far as he was out of his childhood years, hearing that rare tinge of pride in his brother’s voice still made him want to preen. Edge squashed the urge, following as Red jerked his head towards overgrown field behind him. “come on.”
The terrain would have been aggravating even with two perfectly working legs. Having one that sent up threatening warning twinges with every step made it all the worse and the soil was loose and muddy, hard for feet and the tip of his cane. Grimly, Edge follow his brother through the hip-deep weeds, taking sour enjoyment in the fact that they were nearly above his brother’s head.
“she was a bitch and a half to find, i tell you what,” Red said conversationally, shoving his way through the vegetation. Edge supposed he should be grateful Red hadn’t either gone all-out jungle trekking and brought a machete or worse, offered to shortcut them, if only to force Edge to refuse. The very thought of taking one of Red’s shortcuts made his gorge rise. His brother tromped on obliviously, or at least giving a remarkable appearance of it, “this little gal has some tricks. little chickie crossed a lotta roads to get here.”
“Care to explain how you even knew how to look for her?” Edge asked sardonically and it was just as well Red wasn’t looking at him, because Edge couldn’t hide his surprise when he answered.
“sure. i was the reason she was missing to begin with.”
Edge stopped, “What? What the fuck does that mean?!”
“keep your hair on, you want me to explain or not?” Red kept moving and after a moment, Edge followed him, hands clenched into painful fists to keep from reaching out and strangling him. All that would do was waste time and amuse Red all the more, and Edge was trying to keep his contributions to his brother’s sense of humor at a minimum. “motion sensor went off at your place in the wee hours last night.”
“Motion sensors that you are not supposed to have.”
“huh, strange thing,” Red mused aloud, “don’t remember anyone sayin’ i couldn’t.”
“I didn’t think I had to!”
“anywho, went over to check it out.” He paused, swearing under his breath as he picked several dried-up thistles from his jacket without even bothering to flick any in Edge’s direction and utterly ignoring Edge’s visibly simmering impatience. “and i saw some kinda animal with too much fur and not enough feathers to be in your coop. your little lady was outside in the fenced area and close to bein’ a midnight snack. so i scooped her up, but before i could deal with the toothy lil’ problem, your liability came swooping in like a fucking bare-ass bat out of hell, firing bones every which way. i shortcutted out before he could turn me into a kabob. didn’t really mean to take her along for the ride, but i didn’t exactly have a wide selection of options.” Red craned his head to look over his shoulder slyly, “’least the view wasn’t bad. he musta felt me getting ready to clean house and hightailed it down. honey bun has pretty good reaction time. better'n yours."
Edge ignored that. “And you didn’t bring her back afterward because?
Red only shrugged. “couldn’t. she weaseled her way loose the second we hit grass again and took off. spent half the night and all morning lookin’ for the little fucker. once i figured out where she was holed up, i messaged you.”
Edge exhaled slowly, struggling with his temper. “And why didn’t you simply tell me all this earlier? Stretch is sitting at home mourning her and you—"
“and if it turned out she got hit by a car or some shit?” Red countered sharply, “really wanted to go there? figured it’d be better to make sure she had her feathers intact before i got his hopes all up.”
That was surprisingly valid as excuses went, and yet, “You could have told me! At the very least I could have helped you search!”
“think so, little brother?” Red looked at him with enough scorn that Edge had to suppress a flinch, “or you think maybe you woulda told stretch, try and cheer him up a bit? i wanted you to look her over, make sure she's all right first, but hey, you go on and call him right now if that’s what you think is better.”
Edge ground his teeth and said nothing. All the arguing in the world couldn’t make Red understand that this might have been the last thin, straw that broke the back between Stretch and a very dark day. His brother coped with his issues in much different ways, in Edge’s experience usually copious amounts of alcohol. Perhaps Sans would have been able to explain it better. Or perhaps he would have already given in and slapped Red upside the head, it was a fair chance either way.
They kept up through the tall grass. It shushed around them in the light breeze, that rustle the only sound, surrounding them, and his car growing small and distant behind them. Red was panting when they came to a small clearing, leaning over with his hands braced on his knees as he panted out, “here we are.”
There, sitting happily in a trodden down area of grass, was Nugget. She cackled out a greeting, loud in the muffling hush of the grass, but concerningly she didn’t move when normally she would be dancing flirtatiously around Edge’s legs.
“Is she hurt?” Edge demanded. He reached for her, ready to carry her back to the car and straight to a veterinarian.
Red scratched at the back of his skull, “see, that’s the thing—”
Before Edge could pick her up, she let out a warning screech and tried to peck at his hands. He snatched them back, staring down at her in bemused shock.
“—she seems to be in a mood of some sort,” Red finished, “can’t figure it out, she ain’t bleeding and she hadta walk all the way over here on her own. i woulda brought her back to your place when i found her, but she was pretty insistent on stayin’ right there.”
Baffled, Edge ran a Check on her, ignoring how ridiculous it seemed to do on a chicken. Her HP was fine, and he thought it better not to question why she had a LV of 2. “She doesn’t seem hurt.”
He reached out again cautiously, ignoring her pinching little beak attacks against his gloves, and lifted her up. Beneath her, the grass was torn up and arranged into a sort of nest and inside it—
Red crouched down to peer into it, mouth twisting crookedly. “huh. where you figure she got the golf balls?”
“I have no idea.” Standing in a field questioning the intentions of a chicken was not where Edge ever expected to find himself.
Red reached in and pinched a small, white object between two sharpened fingertips, lifting it up from the pile to inspect it despite Nuggets increasingly loud squalls of betrayal. “there’s one egg, anyway. least she’s still layin’ for you.”
Tucking Nugget against his side to stop her squirms, Edge only stared at it, perplexed, and said slowly, “That isn’t one of her eggs. Nugget’s eggs are a pale green.”
“huh.” Red set it back gently into the pile of grass and golf balls, and scrubbed hand over his face. “lemme get this straight. your little mini liability found a random egg in a pile of golf balls and decided to settle in and play momma? that’s what we think’s happenin’ here?”
“Would you like me consult my crystal ball? I don’t speak chicken and you’re the one whose been spying on them.” Nugget was getting increasingly difficult to hold and her forlorn and angry cries were either too heartrending or too annoying for Red to ignore. He heaved a sigh, shaking his head.
“hang on to the little shit,” Red ordered, even as he stepped sideways into a shortcut. Leaving Edge alone in the tall grass with an increasingly distraught chicken.
“Hush, hush, come on now,” Edge soothed, gentle petting what he could reach of her feathers. Her loud clucks dissolved into unhappy coos, looking up at Edge with mournfully beady little eyes. How was this his life, Edge wondered, with weary amusement, catering to the whims of a bird that once he would have seen more as lunch than a pet. He gave her a gentle scritch underneath the chin and she crooned softly, her small eyes closing as she finally settled.
Only to squawk loudly as Red abruptly reappeared, “here we go.”
In his hands was a hanging basket with a spray of flowers only just beginning to bloom from the leafy tendrils. It was rather lovely, definitely expensive, and absolutely did not belong to Red.
“Where did you get that?” Edge demanded.
Red shrugged, “only thing that matters is they didn’t see me.” He dumped the flowers out onto the ground in a sad splatter of leaves and potting soil, then crouched down and began filling it with grass. “c’mon, the joke’s getting’ old and the crowd’s restless, let’s get the show on the road.”
Edge made a mental note to have a much nicer replacement sent discreetly to anyone who complained about a missing floral arrangement and started to crouch down to help. Only for his brother to brusquely wave him back.
“hold the fucking chicken, i got this,” Red snapped. He didn’t look up at Edge, stuffing grass into the basket furiously. “you been standing long enough, last thing you need is to get down here and not be able to get back up. bet that leg is singing an ava maria by now.”
Slowly, Edge straightened, watching silently as Red filled the basket and he didn’t protest his leg was fine, didn’t try to reassure him, only let him make a messy little nest in the basket. He added the golf balls, nestling them into the grass, then hesitated over the egg, finally giving Edge a side eye. “uh. so do we take it or leave it?”
“Take it,” Edge decided. “Perhaps Stretch can do some research and find out what kind of egg it is.”
“it’s your funeral, don’t blame me if you end up with pet crocodile or some shit.”
“Nonsense, crocodiles aren’t native to Ebott. Snakes, however—” He trailed off as Nugget renewed her struggles and leaned down to set her in the basket. She settled immediately, fluffing out her feathers and nestling in. “I suppose that’s that.”
“yep, take ‘er home.” Red stood and stretched, both hands pressed into the small of his back as the joints popped. “by the way, i saw you doing work on the coop. ain’t a bad idea, but you don’t have a fox problem, boss.” His brother straightened and tucked his hands into his pockets, his grin colder, sharper, and in that moment, he could have stepped dusty and damaged directly from Underfell. “’least not anymore.”
He was gone before Edge could even open his mouth to ask.
He was alone again in the tall grass with nothing but a contented chicken for company and his car a painfully long walk away, particularly when lugging said chicken along.
“Thank you, brother,” Edge said, with an equal measure of sincerity and sarcasm. There was nothing for it. Edge heaved up the basket in his free hand and started to struggle his way back through the field.
Time to head home. Home, yes, home, where Stretch was hopefully still asleep, and Edge could only hope that seeing Nugget would shake at least a little of his depression loose. The thought of even a faint smile from his love was enough to make the growing ache in his leg well worth it.
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thebluemartini · 5 years
Far From the Shallow - Chapter 10 [Nessian Fic]
TITLE: Far From the Shallow SYNOPSIS: Post-ACOFAS. As part of a deal with Feyre, Nesta has agreed to live with Cassian in the Illyrian Mountains. However, shortly after her arrival, she receives the startling news that she’s pregnant from one of her one-night stands. While she tries to quickly get a grip on her life, Cassian’s determined to make her see that she’s not facing this alone.
FIC LENGTH: Multi-chapter (Total Chapter Estimate: 14)
PREVIOUS CHAPTERS: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9
TAGGING: @bohemiandreams27  @queenofillea1 @trash-for-nessian @nestaarcheronwillkillme @my-fan-side @strangeenemy @maastrash @cageddovepoetry @bybooksanddreams @lilbat90 @ritamordio19 @mastercommandercaptain @feysand-dot-acotar @archeron-queen @welcometothespeaknowworldtour @empress-ofbloodshed @there-is-warmth-in-winter @mybbyfeyre @saltydreamcollector @justlikethecheshirecat @mis-lil-red @supebowlere @monstrousloves-explodinggalaxies @everything-that-i-love @sezkins79 @hashtolanashoba @lord-douglas-the-third @rhysandsdarlingfeyre @hikari274 @acotar-and-tog-for-life @ellenoftroy @ink-nibs *This chapter is also posted on AO3 and FF.
CHAPTER 10: March - Part III
“Go,” Cassian groaned. “Save yourself and the baby and go!”
Kneeled before him, she stared at him with his broken wings and leg and trails of blood smeared all over his body. Her own fingers were covered in his blood after trying to plead with him to get up. Her mouth was covered in her own blood from where the king of Hybern had hit her.
She couldn’t stop the tears from falling as she stared at Cassian and shook her head. “I can’t,” she sobbed.
“Think of the baby,” Cassian begged her, and Nesta brought her hand to her protruding stomach, where the baby was actively kicking. Crying, she slowly nodded in agreement before standing up. She had to get away before the king of Hybern returned.
They were on the top of a muddy hill. The ground was slippery, but Nesta was able to start her descent to get to a safe spot.
But as she was making her way down the hill, she realized she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t leave Cassian to die alone. She had to go back to him.
She turned to go back up the hill. But just when she was about to reach the top, she slipped and fell hard on her pregnant stomach,  sliding down the hill.
“No, no, no, no,” Nesta cried once her body came to a stop.
The baby’s kicking had ceased. She knew...she just knew the baby had passed. She could sense it. It was too hard of a fall. Tears streamed down her face.
But there was no time to mourn because there was still a chance - a very small chance - that she could at least save Cassian. She couldn’t lose both the baby and him…
Dying with him would be better than living without them both anyway.
Desperately, she went back up the hill, more carefully this time. But when she reached the top, she spotted the king of Hybern. Their eyes locked, then he raised his hand and a shot of power blasted out, hitting her in the leg and causing her to drop to the ground.
The jolt of pain in her leg...it felt so real…
Laying on her front, she turned toward Cassian who was still alive but taking labored breaths. His eyes were on her as he mouthed, “I love you.”
She crawled toward him, and once she was beside him, she reached for him.
But just before she could touch him, another jolt of power shot out of the king of Hybern’s hand, striking Nesta’s hand, followed by a killing blow to Cassian.
Nesta gasped as she opened her eyes and sat up in her bed. She looked down at her hand, which currently felt like it was burning with pain as she grasped her comforter.
But the pain only lasted for a moment. She let go of the blanket and held up her hand at eye-level, flexing it. Were her powers acting up again? Or was it all just her imagination? She knew she just had a nightmare, a distorted version of her encounter with the king of Hybern.
The pain just felt so real. Even in the dream, when the king of Hybern struck her leg, it felt real. Pulling back the covers, she looked down at her leg.
It looked perfectly normal.
Perhaps being without Cassian during this stressful time was driving her mad. She knew that was why the nightmares were triggered again. With him in the Rite, the thought of potentially losing him again had made her think of the day she almost lost him to the king of Hybern.
But now those dreams had evolved into something slightly different. Nesta placed her hand against her stomach, hoping to feel a kick.
But she didn’t.
Leaning back against the headboard, a few tears slipped out as she closed her eyes .
“Come back to me, Cassian,” she whispered into the night. “I won’t be able to survive this loss without you.”
Cassian’s body materialized in front of his cabin. Face down in the snowy ground, he gingerly lifted up his head to look at the door all while fighting to keep his eyes open.
As he blinked multiple times, he noticed a shadowy figure stepping outside of his home, rushing to approach him.
“Brother,” the figure called out.
Could it be...Azriel? Cassian’s mind was slow to process everything. He didn’t even feel like he was truly back at Windhaven.
Azriel. It was Azriel.
But if...Azriel...was here...then, where was…
“Where,” Cassian paused to take another breath. “...is she?” he demanded to know.
If Azriel was here and saw Nesta, then that would mean...he would know about...
“Let’s get you inside, brother,” Azriel stated as he bent down to help lift Cassian up. It was then that Cassian heard Azriel take a sharp intake of breath. He must’ve noticed his injuries.
Slowly, Cassian pushed himself up off the ground and leaned on the uninjured leg while the injured one continued to bleed. His hand was dripping blood onto the snow. Pain throbbed through his leg and his hand and then there was this ache in his chest…
No, it hadn’t been a chest injury, he realized. It was a combination of an ache and an emptiness that signified…he wasn’t near his mate.
“WHERE IS SHE?” Cassian barked as Azriel wrapped his non-bleeding arm around his shoulders to assist him in his walk to the cabin.
“She’s in Velaris,” Azriel stately calmly as he nudged Cassian forward.
“V-Velaris?” Cassian sputtered. “What is she doing there? Why isn’t she here?”
Cassian couldn’t think nor process what he was hearing. Why would she leave him to go back to the place she didn’t care about?
Azriel heaved a sigh as they stepped up the platform together and walked past the threshold to his home, and that was when Cassian knew something was wrong.
“Azriel, tell me,” Cassian insisted.
“Cassian, we need to tend to your wounds first.”
“She was attacked,” Emerie said solemnly as she appeared in the entryway. “I failed to protect her.”
Cassian may have been on the edge of exhaustion but his mind nearly exploded with anger and questions that were severely in need of answers.
“She’s okay,” Azriel replied calmly.
“I’ll give you all the details after we’ve taken care of you first,” Emerie said while following Azriel and Cassian to the couch.
But Cassian was in no mood to be sitting down right now. He roughly gripped onto Azriel’s shoulder, preventing him from leaving his side until he got answers.
Because if Nesta was attacked, then…
Cassian’s heart skipped a beat. “Is the...is her…” he stumbled over his words as he looked at Emerie. Emerie of course knew about the baby. Surely ,Azriel must’ve known about it too now.
Emerie turned her gaze toward Azriel, looking for him to answer.
“They don’t know if the baby is still alive,” Azriel whispered before firmly removing Cassian’s hand from his shoulder and gently pushing Cassian to sit on the couch. Emerie picked up the glass of water that rested on the table in the middle of the room and held it out to Cassian.
But Cassian’s body stilled and sat in stunned silence. It felt as if his heart had shattered into a million little pieces. They didn’t know if the baby still lived? But the baby had to live. It had to.
If he hadn’t been so dehydrated, he surely would have felt tears form in his eyes. And if he was this shaken by the news, then Nesta…
There would always be time for revenge on whoever did this to her. But Nesta...he needed to get to her before she lost herself again. Before she drowned again and refused to let anyone help her again.
“I need to go to her. Right now,” Cassian announced as he looked back up at Azriel, disregarding the glass Emerie was holding.
“Rhys will be here soon to winnow you. But first, we need to take care of you, or else you won’t even be alive to see her.” There was a slight edge to Azriel’s voice now. He clearly was getting frustrated with him.
Emerie, who now had bandages in her hands, was approaching him to start wrapping his injuries.
But Cassian didn’t care about that right now. He needed to get to Nesta.
“But she needs me now!”
“And you need to rest!” Azriel exclaimed.
“You don’t understand! She -” Cassian had begun, but Azriel now held the glass of water and suddenly shoved it into his face, holding the back of Cassian’s head as he did so in order to force him to drink it.
Cassian nearly gagged as he was left with no choice but to chug the water...which had a slightly odd taste to it…
Within seconds, his eyes shut closed and he lost consciousness.
“You’ll need to eat something and drink some water before I give you another dose,” he heard a familiar female voice say.
Slowly, Cassian opened up his eyes, squinting his eyes at the sunlight that shone through the bedroom.
A bedroom that wasn’t his, he realized. As he scanned the room, it appeared to be one of the bedrooms at Rhys and Feyre’s home.
Velaris. He was in Velaris then. That realization pushed him to sit up in bed immediately. Madja stood at the side of his bed, holding a tray with soup and water.
How long had he been asleep? His eyes still demanded to be shut, so he must’ve not gotten a whole lot of sleep.
“Where is Nesta?” he asked with a rough edge to his voice.
“I don’t know,” she answered firmly. “But I do know that you need to eat this soup, drink this water, take another dose of medicine for your pain and dehydration and go back to sleep.”
Cassian yanked the blanket off of his body and swung his legs to the side of the bed, preparing to stand up. As he did so, he noticed that his hand and his leg had both been wrapped in bandages. “I need to see Nesta,” he muttered.
“You’ve only had a few hours of sleep! You need to stay here to eat and rest,” Madja ordered.
Ignoring her and the aches he still felt in his body, Cassian stood and clumsily crossed the room. He didn’t move as swiftly as he would’ve liked, but he wasn’t capable. Groaning to himself as he left the room, he reached the bannister of the staircase and held onto it as he descended the staircase. “Nesta!” he cried out. “Nesta!”
But he heard nothing in response.
When he’d reached the bottom of the staircase, he didn’t know where to turn. His current headache from his exhaustion certainly didn’t help.
Then, Feyre appeared, walking in from the nearby kitchen. “Cassian?” she asked in surprise.
“Where is Nesta?” he demanded to know, desperate to find her.
There may have been much to talk about with Feyre. But right now, that didn’t matter. If Nesta was suffering, then he just prayed he wasn’t too late. He would not let her enter her downward spiral again. Never again.
“You need to -” Feyre began.
“I need to find Nesta!” he barked, feeling sick and tired of everyone trying to deter him from what he needed to do.
“She’s in the garden,” Feyre whispered. “But she keeps insisting she doesn’t want to be bothered by anyone. Saying she needs time to herself,” Feyre stated worriedly.
He prayed again that he wasn’t too late.
“I’ll talk to her,” Cassian said as he pushed past Feyre, heading straight for the door that led to the backyard.
Evidently, there had been many changes to Rhys and Feyre’s garden since he last went into their backyard. It now looked like a jungle out there, with various trees, shrubs, and foliage covering the expansive yard. No doubt it was courtesy of Elain.
But Cassian couldn’t help but let out a sigh of frustration over the fact that this was yet another obstacle to finding Nesta quickly. Seeing a pathway through the garden, he decided to follow it and continued to disregard the discomfort he felt with his injuries.
Unsteadily, he made his way along the path, stepping on the flat, circular stones until they led to an open green area that had been lined with flowers that were just beginning to bloom.
Then he saw her.
Her back was toward him and the sunlight illuminated her golden brown hair as she sat on a blanket on the grass.
“Nesta,” he breathed. Her back seemed to stiffen at the mention of her name, but she didn’t turn around.
Rushing as quickly as he could, Cassian ended up behind her and collapsed to the ground on his knees. “Nesta,” he whispered as he wrapped his arms around her so his hands were wound tightly against her chest above her stomach.
At first, she did not react. She only sat there and didn’t move any part of her body at all.
No, I can’t be too late. I can’t be.
But then, in a movement that left him breathless, she relaxed in his arms and turned her head to the side to look up at him. “Cassian?” she said quietly in disbelief.
Her eyes were red from crying, and the dark circles beneath her eyes revealed how little sleep she had been getting lately.
“I’m here, sweetheart. I’m here,” he said as he bent his head to place a kiss on her temple.
“Cassian,” she repeated, this time out of relief. She twisted her body so she could wrap her arms around him and bury her face into his chest.
He couldn’t help but let out a grunt of pain as she did so, considering how sore he felt. Based upon hearing her gasp, she must have noticed and so she had begun to pull away.
But Cassian was quick to hug her to him. “Don’t you dare let go,” he requested softly as he placed a kiss to the top of her head.
“But you’re hurt,” she protested.
“And I need you to heal me,” he explained with a small smile, but Nesta still seemed hesitant to grab hold of him again. “If we lie down, it won’t hurt as much,” he suggested.
Nesta immediately shifted herself so Cassian could readjust his position to lay down across the length of the blanket. Nesta followed suit, laying her head on top of his chest and draping her hand across his abdomen. “Is this okay?” she asked.
“Perfect,” he remarked as he began running his fingers through her hair, toying with her braid in the hopes of untangling it. Lying beside her had brought him such ease and reminded him of all the times he laid beside her before.
Before she was attacked.
“Tell me what happened,” he asked rather gruffly, unable to keep the anger out of his voice.
He felt her tears leak out of her eyes and onto his chest before she replied. “The first night after you left, I was sleeping in your bed.”
Cassian’s eyes lit up in surprise at her statement, but he couldn’t playfully tease her for saying such a thing as he normally would have. Not now. Not when they were just about to discuss her attack.
“And I heard a noise. I thought it was Emerie, so I left the room. But it was an Illyrian I didn’t recognize. He called me a whore and said something like ‘Cassian’s child will never…’ and then that...power came out of my hands again which slowed his breathing, but he sent us both falling down the staircase.”
Cassian’s hand paused in stroking her hair. “They wanted to kill your child only because they thought it was mine,” he realized solemnly. “I should have never said…”
“No matter what you said, they would have assumed you were the father since I lived with you,” Nesta interrupted him. “And of course, I happened to be sleeping in your bed that night,” she added bitterly. “If only I hadn’t gone up there…” she trailed off.
“What happened next?” he asked sadly.
“I was knocked out from the fall. When I woke up, Emerie helped write a note to Rhys. He came immediately and brought me here,” she explained. “Cassian, Madja doesn’t...she doesn’t know if the baby is still alive. She said if I don’t feel her kick in the next few days, then we can assume…”
Cassian felt another burst of tears drip onto his chest. She didn’t finish her sentence, but she didn’t need to. He understood what she was trying to say.
If he weren’t still dehydrated, he knew he would have cried with her. “And what about you? Are you hurt physically?”
“My back was badly injured, but the medicine has taken care of that. Then, there’s just been some slight aches and pains in the past few days.”
The back injury...that was what he must have felt through the bond when he fell down the monolith…
“Whichever camp did this to you...will pay for this,” he stated angrily. “But it is also my fault,” he added woefully as he started rubbing her shoulder and upper arm.. “I’m sorry I failed to protect you again. I wasn’t there for you.”
“I’m the one who told you to do the Rite.”
“And I listened.”
“This isn’t your fault,” she insisted.
“I should have never let Feyre force you to come to the mountains with me,” he muttered.
“And then you would have never loved me,” she noted bitterly.
Cassian was almost angry that she made such an assumption and that was the conclusion she drew from him making such a remark. “Sweetheart, look at me,” he requested.
Nesta lifted her head up off of his chest to look back at him. Her cheeks were stained with tears.
Placing his palm against her cheek, he stared into her eyes. “It is because I love you that I wish you would have never felt this pain. I do not regret loving you at all. If you hadn’t come to the Illyrian Mountains, I would have fallen in love with you some other way. I know it.”
He started rubbing his thumb on her cheek, wiping away the stray tears that fell.  “I’m so thankful you’re still alive,” he added in a whisper.
When he first found her in the garden, he hadn’t noticed how at peace he felt through the bond. He also hadn’t observed until now the slight edge he felt in regards to scenting the child within her. If he could still pick up the father’s scent from the baby, then surely that meant the baby still lived?
But how was he supposed to tell her that without revealing the mating bond? He so badly wanted to eliminate her worries. But he didn’t want to get her hopes up if he ended up being wrong about this either...
Nesta laid her chin down on Cassian’s chest and still looked at him. “I’m so glad you’re here and alive,” she revealed softly. She reached her hand out to run her fingers across his face, probably noticing all the scrapes and bruises on him. “What happened during the Rite?”
“It’s not important,” he remarked tiredly, brushing it off. Compared to what happened to Nesta and what may have happened to the baby, he didn’t feel the need to go into it. 
“Tell me,” she ordered.
“It was a lot of climbing, a lot of fighting, and a lot of almost dying from lack of food and drink,” he explained before a yawn escaped his mouth.
Nesta frowned. “You should be sleeping.”
“I need to be with you,” he insisted, right before his body growled with hunger.
“And you should be eating,” Nesta added.
But Cassian didn’t care, so he placed both of his hands within her hair. He finished untangling her braid and ran his fingers through the strands.
Nesta sighed. “You need to eat and rest so I don’t lose you too,” she said seriously, and fresh tears welled up in her eyes.
“You won’t lose me.”
“Cassian, please go eat and sleep.”
“Only if you come with me.”
“Fine,” she said, as she moved herself to get up off the ground.
“Wait,” Cassian halted her, moving to get up himself. Once he stood, he bent over to hold out his hands, ignoring the way his body protested such movement. Nesta grabbed them as she slowly got up off the ground.
As he steadied her, Nesta gave him a peculiar look as she looked at his bandage wrappings on his hand, then saw her eyes drift down to his leg.  
One she was upright, Cassian let go of her hands to pick up her blanket and started folding it.
“How did they hurt your leg and your hand?” she asked.
“One Illyrian staked my leg with a wooden stick when I had reached the top of the monolith,” he explained. “Then, when I was about to touch the stone to complete the Rite, another Illyrian staked my hand.”
“When did this happen?”
Cassian struggled to think through his exhaustion as he finished folding the blanket into a small rectangle. “The last night of the Rite...so last night?” he guessed as he looked back over at Nesta, who was staring at the palm of her hand.
“Last night, I woke up during the night because I was in pain,” she began seriously. “I had felt the pain in my leg first, and then my hand.” She looked back up at him with a very solemn look upon her face. “Cassian, are we... mates?”
Cassian froze and felt the color drain from his face. “We’re…” he began but didn’t finish.
“Are we or aren’t we?” she demanded impatiently.
“Yes,” he answered quietly. “We are.”
Her mouth dropped open in shock. At first it looked like no words could come out of her. She kept staring at him, and he could see the rage ignite in her eyes.
“How long have you known?” she asked coldly when she was able to find the words.
“Since the baby first kicked,” he answered with a deep breath.
Now she looked livid. “That was nearly two months ago! Were you ever planning to tell me?”
“I just...I wanted to wait and...and,” he sputtered. “And see if you loved me first so you wouldn’t feel forced into this!”
Nesta shook her head back and forth. “None of this was real,” she said in disbelief. “This whole time, I was thinking I - ”
“This is real!” Cassian piped in, dropping the blanket and placing his arms on her shoulders. “The bond doesn’t mean anything!”
“Yes, it does!” she shouted back. “This means I’ve had no control or choice in this.”
“Being mates has no control over how we feel about each other!” he said as moved his hands to her cheeks. “Nesta, I love you,” he declared desperately, imploring her to believe him.
Nesta shook her head back and forth as the tears streamed down her face. “Don’t touch me!” she exclaimed and Cassian reluctantly removed his hands out of respect to her wishes. “Now, get out of my sight!” she yelled as she crossed her arms. “I never want to see you again!”
“Nesta, please,” he begged.
“Get. Out,” she stated in a deadly calm voice.
At a loss for words, he began to turn around to follow the path out of the garden. Right before he vanished from her view, he turned back. “I honestly love you, Nesta. And whatever your feelings are, they are real,” he stated before turning back around and continuing his way out of the garden.
“Right now, I feel like murdering you!” she shouted at his back.
Cassian cringed at her words, hating himself for how everything spiraled out of control.
He wasn’t sure what to do. But for now, he would demand Madja knock him unconscious so he could at least escape this heartbreak for a little while.
When she had first heard Cassian calling her name in the garden, she had thought her mind was playing tricks on her.
Even though she had been told that Cassian had arrived at Rhys and Feyre’s home early that morning, he’d been unconscious and was being treated for his injuries and dehydration. She couldn’t celebrate his return just yet.
But then when he had come up behind her and wrapped his arms around as he said her name, it had finally felt real that he was there, and her heart had never felt such a joy before.
But it was all a lie.
Everything she had felt within her heart toward Cassian...everything he claimed to feel for her...they were all lies. It was only a product of some silly, animalistic instinct that brought them together.
She had no choice in the matter.
Just like everything else in this new life of hers. Whatever made her think that she could even have a choice in something? She was such a fool.
“If you hadn’t come to the Illyrian Mountains, I would have fallen in love with you some other way. I know it.”
Well, of course he knew it because he knew that they were mates.
And he chose to keep this information from her. After all they had shared with each other during their time in the mountains, he chose to keep this a secret from her.    
When she fully noticed Cassian’s injuries, memories of her nightmare and the pain she felt last night came back to her and it all clicked. She had been familiar with how Feyre and Rhys felt each other’s pain.
At least the bond explained how in the world Cassian could “love” someone like her. He had to be pulled to her and forced by instinct in order to do so. Otherwise, she was an unloveable monster. It all made much more sense now.
And for her...well now it made sense how she could love a foolish, pompous bastard like him.
And yet, why did it feel like she was being stabbed in the heart over and over again from this revelation of them being mates?
She wanted so badly to hate him, but found she couldn’t do so. Not when she thought of how he would prepare her meals, eat with her, shop for maternity clothes with her, seek her opinions, always think of her needs before she did, give her that infamous look that brought butterflies to her stomach…
But that was the mating bond’s doing, wasn’t it? You couldn’t hate your mate because the damn fae magic had put you together.
She wished she could scream, but she felt like she was being submerged in that tub of water again, being robbed of her life. 
When she lived with Cassian and let go of her life of sleeping with random males and drowning herself in alcohol, she instead had been gradually growing accustomed to the idea of raising a child with Cassian’s help. In fact, she had been looking forward to such a life. 
But now, it appeared that both the baby and Cassian were being taken from her, leaving her alone once more. 
She remained in the garden and cried, mourning the loss of that potential new life she almost had.
Hours later, as the sun was setting, she heard someone approach her in the garden from behind.
She clenched her fists, ready to fire at whoever dared to speak to her. If it was Cassian again, she was sure she would explode with fury.
“Nesta? You’re still out here?” Feyre asked curiously. 
At least it wasn’t Cassian, but the realization that it was her youngest sister made her sigh. Here would come more questions, more prodding.
“Obviously,” Nesta answered without turning to look back at her.
“Did you see Cassian? He had been looking for you earlier.”
“Unfortunately,” she replied glumly.
“Did something...happen?” Feyre seemed to hesitantly say.
Nesta wasn’t exactly sure what Feyre was implying with that question, but if she wasn’t going to specify, then a vague answer is what she would get.
“Just losing control of my life as usual,” she said emotionlessly. “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised anymore.”
“What do you mean?”
At that, Nesta finally turned her head to look at Feyre standing over her. “You of all people should know,” she began calmly. “You’re the one who became part of the fae realm, which led me to being a part of your war and being forced to become a fae with powers connected to the Cauldron. Then after the war, you sent me away to the Illyrian Mountains.”
“But you needed help,” Feyre tried to quietly explain as she bent down and sat beside Nesta. “I was trying to help you.”
Nesta shook her head and looked down at the blanket she was sitting on, absentmindedly playing with the fringe at the edge of it with her fingers. “I’m a problem you don’t want to deal with. You sent me away from you, giving me to Cassian handle.”
“Only because I felt I had already tried so hard to help. I had invited you to our home, to celebrations - ”
“Yes, to places where everyone was going about with their perfect, happy little lives while I was dying inside,” Nesta explained quietly, managing to hold back from raising her voice. “It made me feel worse. I felt so alone.” 
Nesta looked back up at Feyre to find tears in her eyes. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t realize…”
“Feyre? Nesta? Are you ready for dinner?” Elain called out as she approached where the two of them were sitting. “Oh Nesta, you’re sitting right in front of the flowers I planted for you!”
Elain ran up to them and plopped down beside Nesta. She pointed to the stems which had not yet bloomed. “They haven’t bloomed yet, but they’ll be a fiery red...bold like you,” Elain added with a smile.
Nesta didn’t smile back. The day’s events and conversations had left her exhausted and upset.
Upon no reaction from Nesta, Elain pressed on. “Dinner is ready. Rhys and Azriel are waiting.”
Just as she had done the past few days, Nesta planned to eat alone in the bedroom she slept in. There was no way she was going to be able to sit at a dinner with all of them. They weren’t suffering like she was, with the potential loss of a baby and the loss of her free will...She wouldn’t be able to handle hearing about their happy lives.
“Perhaps…” Feyre reached out and grabbed Nesta’s hand. “Perhaps just the three of us could eat together?”
Feyre looked at Nesta expectantly. After the words they had just exchanged between each other, maybe Feyre realized how uncomfortable a group dinner for her would be.
Nesta wasn’t sure if she was ready for just a dinner with her sisters. While she had begun talking to Feyre about how she had felt, she didn’t know if she could talk much more. But she wouldn’t be able to handle light chatter either. Not with Cassian’s betrayal looming over her along with the anxiety of hoping her baby would kick soon.
“Maybe another time,” Nesta answered.
Feyre slowly nodded in understanding and released her hand.
But as soon as she let go, Nesta felt something strange.
There was a brief tap within her stomach. Was she imagining things?
But then, she felt a kick.
A kick!
Nesta gasped and brought her hands to her stomach. The baby was kicking, and Nesta couldn’t stop the smile that spread across her face and the tears of joy that filled her eyes.
“The baby’s kicking!” she exclaimed as she brought Feyre’s and Elain’s hands to her stomach to feel it too.
Once they felt it, the two of them were beaming and giggling with Nesta over the sensation. “Oh Nesta, I’m so happy for you,” Feyre said, leaning against Nesta to wrap her free hand around her shoulder. Elain followed suit.
Tears continued to fall down Nesta’s face, unable to contain her joy.
“We’re going to be aunts, Feyre! Can you believe it?” Elain gushed. “And Nesta...you’re going to be a mother!”
She was still going to be a mother...and she was overjoyed by that revelation.
After days that largely consisted of sleeping with only brief moments of waking up to eat  and take medicine to heal his body, Cassian woke up with the intention of actually spending the day being awake to get back to normal.
As well as make amends with Nesta.
His body felt so much better. When he swung his legs over the side of the bed, he no longer felt it protest. Now, he felt energized and ready to move about. Lifting up his hand, he unwrapped the bandages to discover there were no scars or scratches on it. Looking down at his thigh, he found no bandages wrapped around it. It looked as if it had never been injured.
Now, he only needed his relationship with Nesta to be healed. Perhaps she had simmered down a bit. Maybe now she would be in the mood to talk.
During his days of sleep, he often dreamed of her. Of simple moments of just being with her. Of her teasing him playfully. Of walking along the streets of Velaris together. Of them strolling along the bridge and looking up at the night sky. Of him teaching her how to fight and defend herself. Of him raising her child with her.
All the things he longed to do with her.
And he desperately hoped that her child was fine. In the brief moments he was awake the past few days, he stayed in his room and didn’t talk to anyone. Madja had always left him his food and medicine on the bedside table.
He left his room and just like a few days ago, he rushed down the stairs with the intent of finding Nesta.
He happened upon Elain first, who had been drinking some tea in the kitchen.
“Good morning, Cassian,” she said. “Are you feeling better?”
“I am,” he replied. “Do you know where Nesta is?”
“I think she’s in her room,” Elain answered. “It’s upstairs in the room next to mine.”
That meant it was in a different wing of the house from where he had been sleeping.
“I’ll go see if she’s awake,” Cassian explained before darting off in the direction of her room. If she stuck to her routine that she had while in the mountains, then she would most likely be awake already.
After eagerly climbing up the stairs, he went to the closed door that was beside the entry to Elain’s room. Taking a deep breath, he knocked upon the door. He debated calling out her name, but if he did...there was a chance she wouldn’t open it if she knew it was him.
Slowly, the door opened. Nesta appeared startled to see him and moved to close the door. But Cassian stuck his hand out to stop the door from shutting.
“Nesta, can we please talk?”
“Shouldn’t you be showering? Your stench is awful.”
Cassian sighed. “Nesta - ”
“I told you that I never want to see you again,” she interjected. “Now please leave before I get upset. I can’t risk hurting the baby.”
Cassian’s heart stopped. “Is the baby…?”
“The baby has been kicking the past few days,” she explained.
A wave of relief and delight came over him. “Oh, thank the gods!” Cassian exclaimed as he felt tears sting his eyes. Out of instinct, he moved as if he were going to embrace Nesta, but she quickly stepped back so she was out of his reach.
Reluctantly, Cassian brought his hands back to his sides. “I’m so glad,” he whispered.
Nesta just gave a nod in response, then proceeded to start closing the door again.
“Nesta,” he whispered. “Please know that I love you.”
“So you’ve said.”
“Please...just talk to your sisters about the bond,” he said. “Then maybe you’ll better understand.”
Nesta said nothing as she shut the door.
Cassian took a deep breath, then leaned his forehead against the door and pressed his palm against it. “Nesta...I just don’t want us to waste anymore time, like you said before.”
“Well, spending time with you may have been a waste of my time,” she noted snobbily.
Cassian heaved a heavy sigh before walking away.
How foolish of him to think Nesta may have calmed down after only a few days.
Nesta leaned her head against the door as a few tears escaped her eyes
It still hurt too much to know that he had lied to her and the feelings between them might not even be real. She had to cut him down by claiming he’d been wasting her time...which could have very well been true.
And yet, her heart still leapt when she opened the door to find Cassian awake and healed... and the fact that she had such a feeling infuriated her. The stupid bond.
And when he cried after hearing that the baby was alive, she had wanted to feel him wrap his arms around her and have him feel the baby’s kicking for himself. But she forced herself to step out of his reach.
Because of course the baby had been kicking when he was with her. Before the attack, the baby always seemed to have a habit of kicking when Cassian was around. She hoped the baby wouldn’t be disappointed about not hearing his voice anymore.
When her feet started aching, she finally pulled her head away from the door and waddled over to her bed. As she plopped down, she couldn’t help but wonder where she could live to raise her child now that Cassian’s cabin was no longer an option.
And Cassian’s help in raising the child was no longer an option. The thought pierced her heart. She would have to handle this alone.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. “Who is it?” she asked, lacking the energy to get up.
Earlier, when she had first heard knocking, she assumed it would be Elain and Feyre at the door, considering they had stopped by to bring her breakfast and eat with her the past few mornings. Finding Cassian there this morning had been unexpected and now she knew she always needed to ask before opening the door.
“Your sisters!” she heard Elain exclaim.
“Come in,” she answered, and her sisters promptly opened the door and came over to her bed, carrying a breakfast tray table that they placed in the middle of the mattress. Nesta sat up in the bed.
Upon the tray were multiple stacks of pancakes topped with syrup and butter. The sight of them made Nesta frown since they reminded her of the times Cassian would make her pancakes whenever she craved them.
“What’s wrong?” Elain asked.
Nesta shook her head. “Nothing,” she replied before grabbing a plate of pancakes and a fork from the tray. Her sisters followed suit.
“Was it Cassian? He was looking for you this morning,” Elain asked.
“I don’t want to talk about Cassian,” Nesta sternly said as she stabbed at a piece of pancake rather forcefully.
“So it is about Cassian then?” Feyre wondered.
“I do not waste my worries or thoughts on a foolish bastard like him,” Nesta insisted, not wanting her sisters to know about what her relationship with Cassian had been like when they were in the mountains. “I just...don’t know where I’m going to live with the baby.”
“But Nesta, you are welcome to live here,” Feyre stated earnestly, putting down her fork and moving to grab Nesta’s hand, but Nesta moved it out of reach.
“Really? Because the lack of photographs of me in your estate says otherwise,” Nesta noted as she scowled.
It looked as if the words burned Feyre based on the facial expression she made. “Nesta,” she said quietly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize...we just hadn’t taken pictures recently. I didn’t mean to make you feel excluded.”
Nesta snorted in disbelief.
“I’m serious,” Feyre added. “You are of course welcome to stay here and live here.”
“And let you control the way I raise my child? I don’t think so.”
Feyre frowned. “Is that why you didn’t tell us about the baby? You thought we’d take control?”
“As I’ve already pointed out to you, all you’ve done is lead me into a life where I’ve been left with no control.”
“Well, maybe if you’d actually helped to provide for our family, I wouldn’t have had to hunt for food and I would have never killed that wolf that led me meeting Tamlin and knowing about this fae realm,” Feyre fired back.
Nesta stared at her for a moment. “Well, I’m sorry we can’t recover from our sufferings as quickly as you,” she stated snobbishly.
The anger vanished from Feyre’s face, and she looked down at her plate. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. Please know that I haven’t been holding that against you.”
After a pause, Nesta spoke again. “Know that I regret not helping to feed you both,” she said softly as she looked down at her plate.
Elain put down her plate and fork and reached out to grab Nesta’s hand and Feyre’s hand. “It’s all in the past,” she stated.
“Nesta,” Feyre began calmly. “Live with us here at the estate. We can help you raise the baby. Me and Rhys have been trying to have a child, so we’re ready to have a baby in our home. Yours could help us prepare for a baby of our own.”
Nesta wanted to to turn down the idea. Who’s to say that Feyre wouldn’t start controlling the way Nesta handled raising her baby? But...but she’d have help in raising the baby. And it would be a safe place to live. She had to put her baby’s needs ahead of her own.
“Do you promise not to control me and the way I raise my baby?” Nesta asked seriously.
Feyre nodded. “I promise,” she said as she put down her fork and offered her free hand to Nesta.
Slowly, Nesta put down her fork and grabbed Feyre’s hand. “Okay,” she said.
Elain smiled brightly at her sisters and squeezed her sisters’ hands. “I can’t wait to help decorate the baby’s room!”
“It’s good to see you, brother,” Rhys greeted as he embraced Cassian when he walked into the living room.
“Likewise,” Cassian stated, trying to keep a smile on his face as he did. But he couldn’t stop replaying that morning’s conversation with Nesta in his head, making it difficult to be happy about anything else.
Rhys opened his mouth to speak as the two of them pulled away, but Cassian was quick to cut in. “Who attacked Nesta?”
He had to know. He didn’t care that his question came off as abrupt. He had to find out which camp was responsible for nearly killing Nesta and her child. He needed his revenge.
Rhys eyed him curiously before turning around to go to the drink cart and began searching for a specific bottle.
Cassian was getting more impatient as the seconds ticked by. “Tell me, please.”
“It was Warrick from camp Erwood,” Rhys calmly revealed as he poured two drinks. Cassian felt his blood begin to boil in rage. “I visited Vitus the other day. We got into a bit of a fight, but he insists that Warrick acted alone, that he did not plan this.”
“I’m not convinced either,” Rhys explained as he went over to Cassian and held out a glass of whisky for him to take.
Cassian was pretty sure he hadn’t had an alcoholic drink since Solstice, and he hadn’t been in want of one. Not when Nesta couldn’t drink. It didn’t seem right to do so.
Cassian shook his head, causing Rhys’ eyebrow to rise in confusion, but he said nothing. Rhys took a seat on the couch across from Cassian and looked up at him. Cassian, still standing and infuriated, couldn’t be bothered to sit down. He was ready to go right now to talk to Vitus and give him hell for what had happened. He started pacing about the room hurriedly in anxious frustration.
All the while, Rhys watched him in confusion as he sipped from his drink.
“Then we should go to Erwood right now and punish him,” Cassian demanded.
Maybe even kill him, Cassian thought.
Rhys put his drink down on the table. “There’s something I need to know first,” Rhys said with an edge to his voice.
Cassian couldn’t handle this. They were taking too long. Didn’t Rhys understand that he needed to go right now? Someone had hurt the woman and child he loved and…
But, then again...of course Rhys didn’t know that he needed to go right now. No one else knew what had developed between him and Nesta over the past five months.
“Why didn’t you tell me and Feyre about Nesta’s pregnancy?” Rhys finally asked in a hurt voice.
Cassian paused his pacing and looked over at Rhys. “It wasn’t my place to tell,” Cassian whispered.
“Wasn’t your place to tell?” Rhys’ voice rose in anger. “Considering she’s my mate’s sister, I think we had every right to know!”
“Well, my mate wasn’t ready to tell her!” Cassian shouted back, and Rhys’ mouth dropped open in shock.
“Nesta is your…?” he asked more calmly, his voice trailing off.
Cassian nodded. “She’s my mate,” he stated confidently.
“I’m...sorry,” Rhys said awkwardly.
“I’m not,” Cassian was quick to say. “You just don’t understand her or what she’s been through. But we’ve come to understand each other...at least somewhat,” Cassian added upon thinking about how he didn’t comprehend how she could deny her feelings for him at the moment over the bond. “And I...love her.”
Rhys seemed to be at a loss for what he should say. It looked like he was unable to wrap his head around this information. “Does she...love you?”
“I don’t know,” he answered honestly.
“Has she...has she accepted the bond?” Rhys asked.
“No. She only just found out about it a few days ago,” Cassian said. “I had known for about two months,” he admitted quietly.
“Ah, so now she’s mad of course,” Rhys commented knowingly. “She is an Archeron after all.”
Cassian nodded. “Well, I hope she’ll forgive me like Feyre forgave you.”
Rhys nodded and took another sip of his drink.
“You’re fighting the urge to say you don’t think she will, aren’t you?” Cassian questioned him, with a slight grin on his face.
Rhys swallowed. “You’re right. But...apparently, I don’t really know her. It sounds like...you do though.”
“It’s still hard to say...but I will do all I can to get her forgiveness and prove to her that I love her,” Cassian stated. “Starting with dealing with camp Erwood.” 
“Well…” Rhys said as he stood up off the couch. “I guess we better get going to Illyria then.”
A/N:  Eeeeeeeeeeeep. Hope you all don't hate me for this chapter either! (but hey, the baby lives, so that's a win!)
Thank you for all the support as always!
---> CHAPTER 11
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soreavs · 4 years
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⌠ RYDER MCLAUGHLIN, 20, CIS MALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, SOREN AVERY! according to their records, they’re a FIRST year, specializing in UNDECIDED; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of hands crossed tightly over his chest, the uneven collar of a muddied school uniform and a reluctant smile. when it’s the virgo’s birthday on 10/27/1999, they always request their POTATO DUMPLINGS from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. 
hello again , i couldn’t help but bring in a new chara !! unlike lucie, soren is a completely new character, so i rly went all in . i’m gonna tldr his bio as much as i can but this intro post will mostly be about his personality and some wcs , b/c i wrote a full bio which u can read here ! it explains everything in far more detail , but it’s a beefy boi , and also tw for, death, delusional disorder, implied suicide, implied murder . i’ll be yeeting out a starter soon but as always , please feel free to slither into my dms or ims !
okay so my tldr of my bio is gna sound kinda .. crass cos im truly just stating what happened but i understand that not everyone has the time to read long ass bios so please forgive if this sounds v apathetic to some of the traumas he endured. 
mother left when he was born, leaving him with his dad and twin sisters who are eight years older than him. she apparently left for work with the intention of coming back, but never did. his family was always religious but turned to a strain of evangelical christianity which was very intense. when his sisters grew up they prevented him from attending. his life has been characterized by death or disappearances, four in particular. 1) his mother, who he never really knew. 2) his baseball coach who he knew well  3) his grandpa and 4) his sister. he never really processed this as grief because he had a really really overactive imagination and a rly fluctuating support system. he watched a lot of alien movies, and because his grandpa who had dementia was always going on about aliens he really started to believe that their disappearances had something to do with aliens. his father just believed he was enthused about aliens, space and physics, but never knew how that was affecting his grieving processes. it kinda all blew up in his face, when he was eighteen and his sister went missing after an argument with his dad. seven months later after the body is never found but there are indications that she may have been murdered, they have a funeral. he doesn’t believe she’s really dead, and he’s sure that he, like his mom, grandpa and sisters are in some part alien. he tells this to his sister and dad and they immediately send him to get help. because that drains them of all funds (they even have to ask extended family to help out), he feels super ashamed, but remembers the letter from gallagher he’d gotten just before he graduated high school. since it’s free and prestigious he hopes to make up for some of the harm he caused them, even though the faintest part of him still believes there’s something amiss with their disappearances. it’s likely his mother was a spy, and never told any of her family, but has somehow been trying to protect them over the years and that his sister is somewhere alive but yeh!
bb boi is rly just trying to recover from his whole life lmao .. he had baseball friends and school friends, but never rly friend friends?? he’s always been an athlete and gotten very good grades which is why his father kinda overlooked what else may had been going on with him?? 
anyways, he’s a bit shy at first but he’s pretty crackable dhjfg like an egg , just one tap on the table and he’s a gooey mess . still at the point where all he wants to talk about is aliens but as per his therapists advice, he’s trying to tone it down 
spy school wise ?? he’s into it , definitely , there’s always something to keep his mind occupied , with the extensive library and gym and pool , it’s more than enough . he did cross country and baseball in high school so he has the agility, but a binch is scared for bootcamp have u seen his twig arms 
also he’s undecided in his major b/c he wants to try everything but also he’s just a mess , he’s into this but also lowkey his main factor when deciding was the rep it had to outsiders and the fact that it was free 
he’s p soft spoken even when he’s excited , only a sliver of what goes on inside his head makes it out in the world wide world dfjhgk .. just realized none of this shit is personality based what can i say i have no braincells 
he’s nice! a little sensitive, a little moody, a little disconnected, can be chatty but can also be very nervous to talk in general constantly second guessing himself boom . 
wanted connections
lit rally anyone who’s an Expert in their major because he’s undecided but also a binch could have probably been valedictorian in the class had things not gone off the deep end towards the end of the year , so he wants to do well obviously . so one person for each major maybe ? he Shall rise as the  King  Of Jack of All Trades 
a solid friend group ? maybe a best friend? has never had one of those, sounds nice . 
jogging buddy .. he likes to run . it’s nice to run with someone . or so he’s heard , has also never done it . 
he’s in first year so the likelihood of exes is a lil slim , but i wld be down to plot smth that just didn’t work out cos he was not in the right mental frame at all like two weeks into starting Spy School and trying to hold a relationship . it would have been a v short term thing ! 
someone who tempts him to talk abt aliens , but to the point where it sounds crazy , or alternatively someone to suggest that someone in his family prolly had something to do with spydom 
hookups mayhaps 
anything else come @ me !!
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starkdissembled-arc · 6 years
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Come one, come all! Your friendly neighborhood Tonymun has an announcement (or five) so if you’d all kindly be seated in a neat, orderly fashion, we can get through this relatively quickly and painlessly. Please hold all questions til the END of the presentation and keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times.
As some of you may or may not have noticed, I have been gifted with a goddamn magical theme. This theme is different from any other theme I’ve had in that it is a container theme. Which means I have to move everything over from pages to the proper spots which I am presently working on. So thank you for your patience while my blog looks half finished. (Also, sneaky lil shout out to @fatherofmachine​ for the wonderful gift).
Over the next few weeks, I will be remaking and adjusting all of my tags. I think they look boring and could use a lil creativity. Please bear with me as I get my new tags squared away and my navigation up and running. (I have over 3k posts so I have to replace tags on all of them...) If anyone knows how to make some cool tags and has pointers, please teach me your ways!
As you can see, I’m trying my hand at not being a useless, untalented lump of Tumblr flesh. This means I’m trying my hand at making graphics (as you can see above and in my previous follow forever), and making icons. These icons will be featured in most of my posts from now on, which brings us to...
Okay so I used to be that person who didn’t care about style, yadda yadda. But then I saw how cool it looks to have small text and I kinda love it - SUE ME. So from now on my style will be small x1 with icons. You are in no way obligated to match this. Seriously. (If you’re vision impaired pls let me know and I can absolutely make our posts larger font for you if that’s something you need to be comfortable!)
My rules have been recently updated to reflect some changes. Most notably, I am not completely ship exclusive anymore. From now on, I will have mains with a select few exclusives. (Please note that I do still ship chemistry first and foremost and that yes, I still do not ship Pepperony.) Mains will be people that take priority and exclusives will be those select few whose characters I will only ship with that version of. The two will be detailed and outlined in a page on my blog.
I will be adding a comprehensive verses section. Because of my 616 and MCU influences, I realize verses can get a little muddy. I will have clear canon divergences listed and explained as I’ve recently decided on a few more places I’d like to stray from the beaten path.
My headcanon regarding Tony’s mannerisms, quirks, & behaviors will potentially be added as well for ease of reading. The tag will still remain but I think it’s important to have all the relevant information in one place.
Thank you for a.) holding your questions til the end, and b.) raising your hand. You care because this means that while I am overhauling things, I will be a little slow to reply. My blog currently runs on a queue system that posts 10 times a day with gifsets/memes/misc alternating with replies on a 1:1 ratio. I will do my best to get some replies stashed away but my main focus for the next few days (and I do mean few because I want this done with) will be taking care of blog housekeeping.
Patrice, I swear to God. NO ONE ASKED YOU.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, ladies and gentlemen. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to fill out a comment card on your way out and someone will get back to you shortly. <3 
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jameshcricket-blog · 7 years
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Your Father Would Be Proud by Michael Giacchino
On a Hymnsong of Philip Bliss by David R. Holsinger
Locke’d Out Again by Michael Giacchino
Macbeth by Jed Kurzel
The Way by Zack Hemsey 
Histoire Sans Nom by Ludovixo Einaudi
The Threat of War by Alexandre Desplat
Goodbye by Apparat
It’s Not Forever by Javier Navarette
Mr. Reese by Ramin Djawadi
My Mother’s Funeral by Fernando Velázquez
Trigger Warnings: Death, Suicide.
I went for a soundtrack for the journey through hell? Even though I have not...been around.....a lot....for this event and probably won’t be able to write anything for them for it because I’m how do you say...trash. But I would like to think or will probably head canon that James went down there for the reason that he has been all over the world and wouldn’t miss an opportunity to be in Hell. He can add it to the list with all the countries he’s ventured to you know. 
Anyways, let’s all laugh as I try to give an explanation to these choices in songs. I believe the only one that has words in it is the one from Breaking Bad, Goodbye, but I kept to all score/soundtracks because that’s usually what Jiminy listens to and it was fun to try and find stuff that would fit into his walk. BEWARE: This got out of hand because I know I won’t be able to partake in the challenges or anything so I just dump a lot of ideas into this to try and compensate. 
Another warning: I don’t know music. I don’t know anything. Whatever I say here is, lbh, ramblings. So, like I said, let’s all laugh as I try to figure out instruments and how to describe music with words. 
1. Your Father Would be Proud: Start with an ender aye. So this is the song that plays in Rogue One when (Spoiler Warning, kids it’s on Netflix pls watch Star Wars and love yourselves) Jynn and Cassian go out on the beach to hug it out and wait for death. But for me I thought it was a nice tune for James to go walking into the forest with and then venture down the stairs. Towards the end when the brass comes in it gets really full in sound with the trumpet (??) letting loose for a second, that’s him making it down to the bottom and looking around like, “Oh wow.” And like the very end is probably him looking around like, this is so dope, but the sadness and the impending doom at the endend when the Death Star finally ends everything is it being like, yeah, this is HELL, so good luck on your journey you idiot. It gets kinda big and I like that because even if Hell isn’t all that in CGI, I think he would still feel an overwhelming force from the scenery of it because his muse is a cricket and to him, everything is HUGE, so I put that into Jame by him knowing he’s just a spec in the vastness of the universe, so yeah, looking around Hell is kinda a big deal for him. 
2. On a Hymnsong of Philip Bliss: This song would be playing after he decided which path to take. And it’s kind of grand in the beginning and then it gets small again for a while, and then ooooooOOO it starts getting bigger. And then get them drums in there, and it slows down and seems to finish with that only to get quiet again, like a soft hum, until that melody starts again, and the lil triangle, until it ends. T h a t is what I imagine the first part to be like for him. Ebbing and flowing with his awe until he finally calms down enough to continue on his walk. The big parts are probably him seeing those who live in that area, seeing the kinds of scenes Hell puts forth, and then finally chilling out enough to continue on his walk. 
3. Locke’d Out Again: I was so sold on Lost when I saw the first season. I thought it was so good, and then I never watched any of the other seasons. So. Rip me. But this song still sticks out to me when I think about that show. And what’s even better, I could add it to this playlist. It’s so beautiful with all the instruments going back and forth and then the piano takes over everything and my god. This, my friends, is where James’s background comes out to play. This is when someone would come out onto the path he chose to greet him and it would be a reunion of the sad variety. I don’t want to go into detail because his past is still a secret! Stay tuned to find out! If any of you are even reading this far, lmao I doubt, but anyways. The song went with John Locke’s discovery that he could walk again, and it would fit into James seeing that person and reaching out tentatively towards them only to find them as a solid entity in front of him once more. Tears and hugs and all that mushy stuff would take place. But the thing that sold me on this song for this part of Hell was the ending. The last few seconds that make such a sweet/sad/moving song end on a sinister note. Because Hell pulled the carpet out from under James and lets him fall on his ass as he meets the first challenge. 
4. MacBeth: This song is slow and gives me such desolate vibes. There’s that pitched sound that comes and goes and idk the name of it, but I love it in this piece with the low string coming in later to give it a partner. The first challenge would be set to this because the first challenge would be Death. That person(s????) from the scene before would die in front of him. And that part would be silent from any music because it would probably have to happen several times over until Jiminy finally gave into Hell and realized that he can’t save them and therefore lets them die, but the part afterwards. When he’s probably just holding their body and just sitting trying to recover. That’s when this song would play. Putting more emphasis on the effect that had on him. Don’t wanna get spoilery, not that anyone is still reading, but. 
5. The Way: The Way kind of reminds me of the Inception soundtrack with the piano playing that one note, but it also has a darker thing going on which is what I wanted for the next part. The Judgement Door would come and go and James would be in the dark, walking along until he got to the muddy bit, but this would accompany the little montage of him walking in the dark, trying to light a light only for the wind to whisk it away, and then having to move forwards. He isn’t excited about this adventure anymore. After the first challenge he’s sad and regrets his choices in coming down the stairs, but knows he can’t go back. This song will probably get him to the Marshes. It starts doing that clapping bit indicating something is coming. And that would be wrong. Because something is waiting for him. His second Challenge. The second part of the song gets kinda fighty to me, so we would but the monster of Scylla here, as he tried to get into a boat and she just won’t let him and tries to drown him, too. I don’t?? Know if that’s viable, but I needed a monster who he was able to speak too because that’s all he has really. His voice. So in the midst of him trying to fight her at one point, when she’s probs got the upper hand on him, he would say something that would make her stop. Leading us to...
6.  Histoire Sans Nom: Gosh, what a song. It’s got so much to it, I really enjoyed it. I put it on the playlist because it would be a good background to the tail end of Jiminy and Scylla’s conversation. He would listen to her woes, give her advice, and she would hopefully allow him safe passage. Again, idk if that’s an option here, but for the sake of Jiminy’s lack of knowledge in fighting I’m going to hope it is. This song would be the end to her sad story she tells him and Jiminy’s advice to her, and then the departure. The tone is kinda sad to fit with the sad things going on, Scylla’s story and the continuation of James’s journey on the Marshes. The end dies off so that’s him waving to her and watching as she gets back into the water near the boats to continue her life as a monster in Hell because that’s all she’s got left to do. Which would be sad for him to see that he couldn’t change her mind at all. This, I think, would be his third challenge. Seeing someone he thought he had helped, that he had put effort into listening to their problems, only to find out that he hadn’t even helped them at all. This is his Sorrows. Because that’s the worst thing in the world to him. So the ending to this song would be him floating in the boat for a long ass time crying and crying until he fell asleep. Only to wake up in the middle of the water. Surround on all sides by it.The song would end on him falling asleep. When he wakes up he wouldn’t be fine, per say, but it would take him a while to get passed Scylla. 
7. The Threat of War: Starts of kinda slow, but it has that background tick to it, which I thought would be a good representation of him rowing the boat, over and over like the ticking sound across the water. Like The Way it would act for the boat montage across the water. Stopping every so often because he’s WEAK and doesn’t exercise, though he might start after this tbh, and looking down at the souls under the water. And when it gets kinda spooooky with a more...idk how to describe it but when the strings start making things feel rushed and like you gotta get outta there, probably at like 2:30, he would start running into the other boats with the Gluttonous souls. And when it gets kinda panicky that’s James trying to get out of the way of a war between two boats that are threatening to crash his. But manages to get out of there and moves on to land not soon after. It will also play into trying to get through the monsters at the end of the Mashes.
8. Goodbye: This has a heartbeat type thing going through it at the beginning. I figured after getting out of the marshes there would be no music for a while until he through The Wall (???somehow) and into the City of Dis. So the heart beat part is to his own, getting louder and louder. And then the I don’t even know what it is but like western-y guitar coming in every so often would be like in the Western movies when the hero comes into the town and looks around like. Where is everybody? And this would just be following him around as he walked throughout the city. There are words in this song because I also wanted to play on the fact that he isn’t alone here. He was never alone on his path really, but here he can’t seem to find anyone, but they’re there. And the words are there to show that. Even though he can’t find them right now, they’re there. The song ends when he sees someone, indicating he is no longer ‘alone’, on top of a building and watches them jump off. It scares the lights out of him, but when he closes his eyes against it, waiting for the impact sound to happen, it never comes. So he opens his eyes and walks up to the top of the roof where several other people are. There he inquires what the FUCK is going on as one of them jumps and he couldn’t run to the edge in time to pull them back and there isn’t a body down below. One of the people tells him that’s the way outta this place. To jump. One by one they all leave, and then, after a lot of pacing and a lot of talking himself up, he does too. 
9. It’s Not Forever: Mmm, the Suicide Forest. This song is just him walking through it. Just another James H. Cricket montage. 
10. Mr. Reese: I guess I must divulge some secrecy, /shift eyes/, not that I expect anyone to get this far, so lmao hi if you are, but THIS SONG. I love Person of Interest you guys, fml. This song is so beautiful. And I wanted to include it when James got here because the song would be when he heard the voice of an old friend there. Another therapist he went to school with. They were good mates, studied together, talked to one another all the time when they got out of uni. Then, one day he woke up to the news that he had committed suicide. AND LIKE THIS WOULD BE, I’m treating this like a movie and don’t care, WHEN IT WENT INTO FLASH BACK MODE OF THEIR LIVES TOGETHER. And him just kinda breaking a bit as he hears him talking again. But then peacing out real quick when other voices reach out and try to get him to join them.
10. My Mother’s Funeral: The End. This is a lil bit of music for his last little walk through the forest, and makes eyes with gift shop where I think the sudden drop off fits. James is like really weirded out by it but super charmed, too. I laughed so much when I read the post and Calcifer’s Family runs the joint. That is ADORABLE. So Jiminy would hang out here. Buy himself a regular shirt and other stuff because?? Fuck it dude this is HELL’S GIFT SHOP he’ll never get a chance like this again. And he has plenty of memories of his adventures around the world, so he’s literally set. He’s walking outta there with two bags on each hand. 
The End. 
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On me are my latest haul: 1. Pixi + Aspyn Ovard Glow-y Powders (Santorini Sunset and Rome Rose) 2. Pink Sugar's Our Lil' Secret in the darkest shade 3. Pink Sugars's HD Lipstick in Butter 4. Pixi's Lower Lash Mascara in Black Detail 5. Pixi's Shape and Shade contour powder 6. Pixi's Makeup Fixing Mist 7. Make Up Forever's Pro Sculpting Brow in 20 Quick thoughts: Pixi's formulation is very buttery. In fact, it's a tad bit too much that there's a lot of fall-out from it. You need to apply a bit more of Rome Rose to get pigment. At one point it looked a bit lavender on my skin. I think it's because I'm not fair skinned? I dunno. Santorini Sunset however, is beautiful. Very pigmented and gives you that perfect sheen. The contour however is a bit muddy on me. It's not warm like Hoola, so, I had a bit of struggle to make sure I don't have a black shadow on my face. The eyebrow pencil is really light that I need to apply a bit more for it to show. I augmented it with my Eye of Horus pencil. The lipstick dried demi-matte. I love the rich color and creamy formulation.
0 notes
alexanderwoodlawn · 6 years
Don’t Fear | 06/18/2018 | Self Para | Part 1/3
tw; kidnapping, violence, blood, torture, abuse, i mean a lot of fucked up shit, y’all. buckle up kids we’re going on an adventure 
tl;dr: alex left Alison’s bday party totally wasted but instead of just like. going home. he went to this lil statue him n his mom made which ended up getting his bitch ass kidnapped. he ends up back in the ballroom at Jackson Mansion where some guy from his dad is like “lol ur dad sent me to kill you but didn’t say how so YOLO” and basically alex is fucked lmaoo
6.18.18 || 1:13 AM || Woodlawn Castle
Alex was wasted. Yeah, he knew how to hold his liquor, but Alison’s birthday left him totally trashed. Well, not totally. Just enough for him to want to feel something for once. He apparated back home, making sure to stay a good distance back so as to not wake Oliver or Kate. Alex knew exactly where he was going, and the walk wasn’t too desperately far. So off he went, using his wand to illuminate the overgrown path to try and minimize his stumbling. 
It wasn’t long before he was on the beach and could feel the sharp breeze on his face. Even in mid-June, the air still had a chill to it. His feet carried him around a bend, and finally he was there. The stone sculpture was in surprisingly good shape after all the years, and had only been weathered on the highest points. Alex sat down on the hard rocks, wishing briefly that the Maine beach had sand. For a few moments, he just gazed at the statue.
He could still make out the vague shape of the mother cradling her child. The cross that rose up behind the figures had been eaten away by time’s cruel maw. Once colored vibrantly, only the soft baby blues managed to cling to the cracks under the baby Jesus. 
Alex thought back to when him and his own mother had made the statue. Lyanna Woodlawn was talented when it came to art, and she could turn a block of concrete into a sculpture of a lion with a wave of her wand. She did the same for the Madonna and Child one Sunday after church, and she let Alex paint it. He was only seven, and had very little grace when it came to art. He still didn’t; one could give the man a canvas and a bottle of paint and he’d somehow manage to set it on fire. Despite his horrible paint job, Lyanna still proudly placed the statue on the beach for all to see. She said it would protect her parents’ home from all ill will. The promise seemed to carry through the years, because both of the Woodlawn grandparents lived until they were old and happy. 
Al inhaled, the salt in the air stinging his lungs. He was ready to go home now. He reached a hand out to brush a small crab off of the Jesus statue’s forehead when suddenly, the light of the moon was blocked out. On a clear night like this, it made no sense. Alex turned around, but was unable to see anything through the flash of light and--
6.18.18 || 4:17 AM || Jackson Mansion
The first thing Alexander noticed was the smell. The air reeked of spilled alcohol and gasoline, and underneath it all he could detect the very faint odor of floo powder. The pounding in his head would not lessen as he finally came back to reality. The lights were dim, and the only thing he could see was a fire across the room. He stared at it until the world came back into focus, noticing the familiar facade. The white marble had a golden glow from the fire that burned underneath. 
As the fog cleared from his brain, Alex was able to take in more of his surroundings. There was something eerily familiar about the fireplace and the portrait behind it. He knew that portrait-- it was of him and his parents, but the faces had all been changed. His mother’s figure was covered in blood, and there was a large tear in the canvas where her heart should have been. Her eyes had been blacked out and her mouth painted into some twisted smile. David Jackson wore a crown and his skin was made of gold. The young Alex that lived on the wall was ripped to shreds. The blood from his mother’s outline had fallen onto him, and the green eyes that had been made twice as big as they should have been cried a black liquid. He tore his eyes from the portrait, nausea taking over him at the sight. It was all too realistic, and only reminded him of the pain. 
He looked up as he tried to catch his breath, and he immediately knew where he was. The ceiling was painted with the horned serpent in the Jackson family colors, and they all lead to the central dome. The stained glass painted the story of how their family came to the New Land and helped found the American Wizarding society. Josiah Jackson was in the innermost panel, his smug expression catching the moonlight and reflecting silver light across the ballroom. The same ballroom where he watched his mother die. 
Alex tried to move but his hands were bound. Not by magic, but by rope. One look at the floor confirmed his suspicions-- the marble about five feet in front of him was still stained with his mother’s blood. Hanging on a rack about a foot behind it was her wedding dress, the blood that stained it now a dark, muddy brown. He struggled against his restraints, trying to figure out a way to escape. He didn’t know any spells that would free him, and even if he did he didn’t have his wand. 
The sound of glass shattering told Alex that he wasn’t alone. The boy tried to turn in his chair, but could only go so far. He could just make out the outline of a man standing on the edge of the room. Al tried to say something, perhaps he was going to ask for help, or demand freedom, but soon found out that he could not speak. He was without a voice and without a wand, and he couldn’t even move. Alex was fucked. Only now did he realize how truly afraid he needed to be.
The figure moved towards Alex, and before he could fully understand what was happening, there were two hands around his neck. “Your daddy sent me here to kill ya. He didn’t say how, but he just wants ye dead. Let’s have some fun, Al.” 
There was a moment of relief when the man pulled away, but it was cut short with a spell. The details were hard to make out, but by the time Alex stopped screaming, he was covered in his own blood. The man had put a stunning spell on him before leaving, so he couldn’t move a single muscle. The only thing Alex could do was cry himself to sleep.
song: xx part 2: xx part 3: xx list of self paras: xx
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