#and it stings my heart to the point of hurting for a good while before i sleep
poppy-metal · 3 days
fail marriage au…………………….
having your first big blow out fight after marriage counselling. putting everything you ever found aggravating or disrespectful or wrong or even just a bit annoying on the table. art doing exactly the same. it gets mean. it gets personal. it gets ugly. you scream at him, scream like a banshee and he shouts back. veins you didn’t know he had bulge in his neck, his fingers flex as he wildly gesticulates. you throw something, a plastic tv remote that shatters against the wall. it all passes in a heated blur, you hardly know what you’re doing or saying but that blood is pumping through your veins and you’re alive and so is art. alive. furious, at you. you stalk up to him, and he stands tall above you, looming like a storm cloud. a sweet faced angelic storm cloud that right at this second you couldn’t fucking stand. you jab at his chest with your finger as you yell, lay into him. why couldn’t he tell you how he feels? why did he have to be so fucking passive aggressive? why was tashi the centre of his fucking universe? why couldn’t he be a fucking man and tell you what he really wants? be a man art. be a fucking man for once in your goddamn life.
his nostrils flare, his anger rising with every poke. he grabs your wrist, yanks it up and leans in close. stooping, showing you that he is bigger. he would stoop to your level. he will fight back. you feel his breath on your nose and seethe. he’s still minty fresh. stupid cunt.
“what i want is for you to shut the fuck up and stop acting like you know everything.”
“fuck off, you limp dicked sack of shit.”
“fuck you cunt.” he flicks those brutal syllables at you, chewing his words, opening his mouth so you can see his tongue forming them. you feel the severity in the pit of your stomach. you feel something else lower.
“fuck me? fuck you!”
and in that moment you drew together, moving as one, in the most violent kiss of the modern age. he squeezes your wrist, still held aloft. your other hand grips his shirt collar, pulling so hard it hurts his neck. good. you hope his delicate little neck gets a friction burn and a rash and you hope it stings forever. he tongues furiously at your mouth, mashing his lips into yours and licking the side of your mouth. eating your face like he eats pussy. which he hasn’t done in a while, another thing to yell at him about later. his other hand grips the back of your head, holding it still so you have no choice but to recieve his hot, angry love. you kiss back with equal fury. you want to make him suffer your love. don’t want it? tough luck. it’s his. and he will take it. he grunts into your mouth, it vibrates your tongue. you pull back, but he doesn’t let you. he forces you back nearer to him, spine curving in hateful ecstasy. he kisses you for a few more seconds before drawing back only a few centimetres to rest his forehead on yours and breathe. your lips are wet with him.
“i love you,” you breath.
he caresses the back of your head.
“prove it.”
me when i overachieve.
anyway this is apart of my failmarriage au and you should probably read this part first to understand whats going on here. or just follow the #failmarriage au tag that i have.
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your breath shudders out of you. you'd never heard that tone from him before, or rather, never directed at you. not exactly cold but, chilled. serious and pointed. dominant.
your hands fall from his hair, sliding down his throat, his shoulders. you stare into his eyes - he stares back. you feel like you're on a razor thin wire. concede or push back.
you wonder what this will fix. but you don't think you care. you want him. you miss him. your heart is pounding just thinking about it. you take a step back, two, three, several paces.
"okay," you say. you dont even know what you're agreeing too, just that you want it, whatever it is.
before you even have time to linger on that thought though -
because art is already stalking towards you, undoing his soft leather belt and letting it drop to the floor. you couldn’t move. you couldn’t breathe. just watching in this kind of stupified silence as art unczips his pants and slides his delicate fingers under his waistband. In three strides, art was right up in your space, owning it,  staring you down with a cool kind of control in his eyes, heavy cock in his hand, already hard and flushed and mouthwateringly beautiful. you couldn’t speak. you couldn’t think. all you could see was art. 
when art spoke, his voice was an iron grip closing around your throat. each word as clear and distinct as a brand to your hot skin.
“get on your knees”
you sink to the floor. It felt like falling, your knees knocked out from under you by the invisible string of his command that binds you to him. breath punches out of your lungs as you let yourself go under. art was already reaching out and grabbing the back of your head and shoving his cock past your waiting lips, pushing all the way to the hilt as his leaking head slammed into the back of your throat.
“god,” art breathed out, vice grip holding you in place. “You’re beautiful like this” and you were lost. years of built resentment and anxiety dissipating like smoke as art took over your senses. the taste of him, the smell of him, the warmth of him, the silk soft press of his cock down your throat. It was everything you’d been longing for from him. 
your hands fly up to grip art’s waist, fingers trying to find purchase, pressing him deeper, holding him deeper, worried he might pull out but not able to hold yourself back. when art didn’t say anything, didn't tell you to stop, you sank forward and started to suck greedily, tongue running over art’s throbbing length, trying desperately to take him apart, to please him, to worship him, to give him what he wanted. 
you heard yourself whine, felt your body sway forward, but you managed to hold yourself still, keep your tongue flat, keep your mouth wide and waiting, holding art still against the back of your throat, wanting desperately to prove you were good. that you loved him. That you wanted, wanted, wanted him.
"give me your hand,” art breathes, looking down at you, and you think briefly of the ancient greek god apollo, and how if art was a deity, you.d gladly stay right where you are. lovingly holding him in the back of your throat. 
your mind was already starting to go fuzzy with the heavy weight of art on the back of your tongue, salt slowly leaking from his pink slit, the slow stretch of his your lips around art’s shaft starting to ache in your jaw. , but, still you had enough awareness to look up confused, meeting art’s eyes in a question. but art didn’t offer an explanation. just looked down at you, hand held out, patiently waiting, like it wasn’t a question of whether you would obey; it was just a matter of when.
shakily, your hand reaches out to his. by instinct or by pure coincidence, its the hand with your wedding band on it. your fingers brush against each other, and then arts fingers, lithe and strong, an athlete's fingers, slide between yours. he brings your clasped hands together against his chest. if your throat wasn’t stuffed with cock you’d gasp at the gesture, the intimacy of it alone. your palm against his bare chest, his right pectoral. right over his thunderous heartbeat. his wedding band presses against yours. 
“Im gonna move, okay?” he breathes down at you, and his hand squeezes yours. “If you want me to stop just squeeze my hand two times.”
you nodded, a slight movement, eager and unbidden. art ran a finger under your jaw, fluttering his fingers against you. you had to shuffle a little to keep as much of art in your mouth as you could as he exhaled and used his free hand to slide against the back of your skull, cupping it tenderly.
a little punched-out gasp falls from arts lips as he slowly rocked his hips, pushingas deep as he could go as you moaned around him. art took a second, waited for you to look at him, blink the tears from your eyes, before he started the slow glide out of your mouth. you laid your tongue flat against the underside of him, tracing the veins, unable to move forward to chase him back down your throat as arts hand kept you firmly in place.
when he was all the way out, spit slick and gleaming, he rested the flushed head of himself against your bottom lip. rubbed himself there, traced every contour of your mouth with the slit of his cock. glossing your lips with the sheen of his precum. 
“I love you.” he said - voice choked and you couldnt tell if it was from emotion or lust, maybe a combination of the two. 
you felt something flare hot in your belly, but before you could utter a word, art was sliding back home, right back into the silk pallet of your throat. and you welcomed him greedily, lapping up every inch he gave you. 
the whole while you held his hand, still pressed against his chest. you tilted open your jaw as wide as it could go, imagining you wanted to be a snake and swallow him whole. you took everything. you breathed through your nose when he was settled fully inside you - you sucked around him when he began to pull back, suctioning your mouth around him to mimic a pussy. a tight hole.
arent i such a good wife, you thought. no one could take his cock like you could. no one would drop to their knees and let themselves be used this way, but you would. to you, this was love. this was passion. 
art lasted a few more minutes before he was dragging himself free from the warm hug of your throat -
“I want you spread out on the kitchen counter," art panted, jerking his chin. he reached down to wrap a loose hand around his wet cock, stroking it languidly. your throat ached with missing it. “I need to be inside you. I want to -” he swallows. “I want to fuck you."
you inhaled sharply. it was a word you didn't often hear from arts lips. especially in reference to sex. the crude word coming from him made your belly clench warmly. more, you wanted more of that.
you stared at each other for what felt like forever but was probably only a couple seconds, art’s cock still only inches from your face. you watched transfixed as art’s leaking head slipped between the tight circle of his fingers, flushed tip disappearing and pushing back through. It was filthy, it was gorgeous, and your whole body shuddered imagining what it would feel like at your entrance: the slow press, the slick head, the aching burn as it slowly pushed inside. because it would burn. the last time you’d had sex….. you didnt want to think about it.
Instead you hurriedly scrambled to obey. shoving the straps of your dress down as you went, feeling it pool around your waist as you bent against the cool marble of the counter. you’d never fucked here. suddenly that was a crazy thought to you. wasnt it a kind of ritual for a couple - to christen the house? your fingers curled into your palms as you pressed your bare chest down. 
you felt art come up behind you and your breath hitched when you felt his palms skimming up the backs of your thighs. you hadnt realized you’d been trembling until that moment. something about his touch calmed you though. 
ridiculous,  to be shy when this was your husband. he’d seen your cunt a hundred times.
all thoughts fled your head when those familiar fingers parted the lips of your cunt - finding you wet. “baby” art’s strangled voice reached your ears as he felt through your delicate slit - he sounded beside himself with wonder. that you,d be this wet for him. this ready. he slid two fingers in easily - just a slight pressure at your entrance and there was a give of the flesh. and he was in - inside you. pumping steadily. “that’s it,” a kiss at the base of your spine, soft and special. “let me in. give me whats mine.”
yours, you dont know if you breathed it or just echoed it in your head. hips pushing back into him, opening yourself further. the stretch was full but it felt so right. 
“god - you’re so responsive - how could i forget -” he was working himself up. his thumb nudged your clit, circled it with the pad before pressing down on it, his own goran covering up your keen. like it affected him more than it did you, to feel how you throbbed against him with need. “gonna put my tongue on your clit everyday and you’re going to let me. let me worship what i married, spread your legs and fucking take it-”
“oh god,” you’re whining. practically humping your cunt on his fingers. “whatever you want, baby. take it, its all yours.” 
you clench around nothing when he suddenly yanks his fingers free, but you dont have to mourn the loss long, your empty spasming hole feeling the silken pressure of his cock in the next second. he grips your waist, wholly possessive as he drags you back onto him and, oh. Its so blissful. that tender ache in your cunt as its filled to the brim. You’d-
“fuck - i missed this - missed your pussy -” 
yes, yes missed. you’d missed this.
art adjusts himself. spreads out his legs so he can really move, leans his broad chest over your back, covering you, smothering you, squishing you into the countertop but he doesnt care. you dont care. pinned beneath him and speared open like this - you’ve never felt more loved by him. 
“so tight and warm - god - i never wanna leave -” he watches, pink lips parted where you’ve taken him. the flared open lips of your pussy hugging the base of his cock. a groan rips from his chest, loud, because he wants you to know, really fucking know, how overwhelmed he is, how much you make him feel, as he slowly drags himself out - only able to make it halfway before he has to bury himself back into that tight heat. your walls tighten and squeeze around him in these luxurious pulls and he feels spit pool in his mouth, the sensation enough to empty his brain. he rocks there, barely pulling free from the clutch of your body. 
“treat me so well with this - little cunt - “ wet desperate kisses are pressed wherever he can reach, his mouth hungry for the salt of your skin. he pulls it between his teeth, some raw animal part of him just wanting to naw on you. he rubs his forehead against your shoulders as he starts to move his hips faster. finally pulling out all the way before he slams back in, knocking your hips into the hard marble, and he should say sorry, he should take more care, you’ll be bruised surely, but then his mind flits back to your therapy session - at the words you’d both said - how you felt - and the words exchanged in your fight. and he feels something kindle in his chest, sparked to life by the liquid heat pouring through him - you fucking - you’re so cruel sometimes and you dont even know - you dont even see what you’re doing to him, the power you hold, how much he’d give to you if only you’d fucking open up to him. get angry at him. demand more of what you want instead of fucking expecting him to read your goddamn mind. 
he hadn’t felt the wet grip of his wifes pussy in months until just now. that couldn’t happen again. 
he pulls himself to his full height - using his ringed hand to make a makeshift leash of your hair, wrapping it around his tan fist. anchors you back onto his hard dick again and again in hard punishing pulls that seem to punch moans from you.
“this is how i should have treated you from the beginning, huh? come home every day and bend you over the minute i step through the door. pound out all my frustrations on this tight cunt. use you to masturbate my dick.” he grunts - that viseral fury that’d you’d seen spark in him briefly before was back in full force now. you could feel it in the reverberating clap of his balls against your ass. the forceful grip on your hair, yanking your neck back, nearly pulling your chest off the counter, your tits bouncing. “maybe then you’d appreciate me.”
you dont know what part in you is broken that soaks his cock at his treatment instead of clamping up. his anger, his vitriol, it all speaks to a deep part inside of you that screams to be wanted. you whimper and bear down around him, meeting him instead of shying away. 
“g - od - oh god, art - “
“would that make you my happy little wife?” he slows back down. drags his thick length in and out of you in purposeful rolls of his hips. “I bring all my shit to you and you devote this hot little pussy to warming my dick. you’ll take care of me, right? drop to your knees and give me a proper fucking welcome home.”
you cant think. your eyes are rolling back, your brain fogging. Its so good, oh god, how is it so fucking good. you’re drenched between your thighs, you can feel it running down your thighs. you can feel the hot raw part of your pussy that is being penetrated again and again on his cock as it retreats and then glides back in. 
“Im gonna cum.” is all you can say. “art, im so close -”
“fuck,” he stops his movements. grinding his hips into yours, churning his dick inside you. his mouth skims your ear, he lets go of your hair to grip you around the throat. “tell me you love me. tell me you love me when you cum, baby, or i swear to god, i cant do this anymore -” 
“I love you!” the words are the truest they’ve ever been in years. you’re on your tippy toes, squirming, trying to get away or trying to get closer, you cant tell. probably closer. you want art to carve apart for himself inside you - brand himself on you forever so you can never leave, never forget, never doubt this marriage. “I love you, i love you, i love you, i love-”
“I love you too. fuck - i need you to cum. cum on my cock and show me you still want this -” 
you shatter apart. a million stars exploding in a galaxy. arts strong arms come around you like a band, wrapping you up against him as you shake. your breaths come out harshly in sync. the beats of your heart a fast thrum between you. 
you turn your head, desperately seeking, and he’s there, already leaning down to take your lips in a kiss. 
the weight of him still inside you is one you take comfort in. you dont want him to leave your body. you dont want this to end. 
“stay,” you whisper against his mouth. 
his hand cups your cheek, strokes his thumb over the swell of your flushed skin. “always,” he says back. 
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lautheduckie · 1 year
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🌟See you starside🌟
✨C o m m a n d e r ✨
(lots of ranting in tags so sorry 😞)
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hanasnx · 6 months
thinking about Jason Todd dating a veterinarian/doctor reader. We all know he's very busy with his Red Hood work, so having someone with a busy schedule is almost a relief for him, because then he wouldn't have to worry about disappointing you due to lack of time. he has a lack of time monitoring the city and the reader has a lack of time on medical duty. it's fair. it work.
but that’s not the best point of all, at least not for me. In my mind, Jason is very closed off and stubborn, so it's very difficult to get him to take care of the injuries he gets in alley fights against criminals, but now he's dating a doc and It change things, especially when they're trying to tend to an injury and it's so close, holding him still because god, won't he stop squirming? and he's like "okok, put your tits on my face will not calm me down, doc." It does. it calm him down. jason is a tit guy. He can sit for hours with you stitching his back without anesthesia if it means he'll have the soft flesh hidden beneath a tank top rubbing against him, against his face.
This is shaping up to be a long-winded rant and I don't want to be exhaustive, so I'll go to the last topic: the way tend his injures always lead to sex. he has this thing that he wants to be taken care of. he's rude and dominant with everyone and maybe even in bed, but sometimes he just wants his love to put bandages on his shoulders and spread kisses all over his face while he rides him nice and slow, saying that everything will be fine, that he will be brand new on no time. I also think it could happen since he's just too beat up to fight crime and Reader just put a stay-at-home sign on him, and it's driving him mad. he has nothing to take out all that energy and anger, so he takes it out on you, fucking you against every possible corner and surface, unlike the bubble of love from before, now he's just digging short nails into your hips already marked by his fingers, creating more and more noise tickets late at night.
anyway, I think that's it! I'm so happy you liked that ask about Dick & ballerina, it just warmed my heart! hope you're doing well!
"Jay— Jay! You'll pull your stitches!" you warn, but JASON TODD remains un-intimidated, yanking you back by your hips to meet his thrusts. Some thug with a knife gave him a long slice across his bicep, followed closely by one across the side of his ribcage. Wounds you'd just finished tending, but the bourbon he'd downed to ease the pain was already in full effect. That, or he's fucking you through the sting. He's got you bent over in front of him, your fingers bracing on some piece of furniture while you stand. He didn't bother taking your clothes off, yanking your panties down to pool around your ankles, your smart little pencil skirt folded over your torso.
"Help me through the pain, Doc." he replies, his gruff voice strained from effort. "Hurts so good." he moans, but you can tell he's feigning it, as if he's not taking you seriously. To distract you from your protests, his large body curls around you, hand cupping your hanging tits, rolling the flesh in his fingers and palm. "If you cum on this dick I'll feel better."
You bark a laugh at him, releasing a breath you didn't realize you were holding. "Make me do it then. I'll have to patch you back up after this anyway." As if to playfully punish you for your attitude, he smacks one of your tits and you squeak in surprise.
"Finally on board."
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janaispunk · 2 months
when we go crashing down
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pairing: Dave York x f!reader
summary: And when we go crashing down, we come back every time.
word count: 808
tags/warnings: explicit smut -> mdni, angst, toxic relationship (situationship), cheating, able-bodied reader, Dave pulls her hair, no use of y/n, unprotected p in v, a hint of rough sex, a hint of choking, no happy ending (i’m just as shocked as you are)
a/n: another drabble for @beskarandblasters’ taylor swift drabble challenge, this time based on the song style. i hurt my own feelings with this one ngl. we’re entering my angsty era i’m afraid.
follow @janaispunknotifs for fic updates and find my full masterlist here :)
dividers by @saradika-graphics 🤍
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You’re shivering, arms wrapped tightly around yourself, until the familiar car comes into view, headlights swinging over the dark parking lot.
Your heels click on the ground as you’re walking towards it and get in. You can only make out the silhouette of Dave’s face, the strong shape of his nose, the pout of his lips. His jaw is clenched, his hands gripping the wheel tightly. He’s tense, agitated, just like he always is.
“You have to stop calling me.”
He’s stern, his voice carefully controlled.
“You could stop picking up.”
You know that he won’t. Just like you won’t stop calling.
Silence stretches between you as he speeds through the dark night. The drive always feels like forever, and not long enough at the same time.
His wild eyes keep flickering from the road to you, taking in your face, the red lipstick that’s only a bit messy at this point of the night, the tight little skirt that’s leaving most of your thighs bare.
The familiar electricity sparks between you. Just like it always does.
He follows you into your apartment, a tangle of limbs, eager fingers pulling up and tugging on garments. He traps your body against your door, pressing your back into the hard surface. His coat is in a heap on the floor, his pants pulled down just enough, your skirt pushed up. His lips against your mouth are hungry, just as demanding as his hands, as his thrusts when he sinks into you.
It stings, the stretch around him, but the pain of him leaving without a word, traces of your lipstick all over his face, is worse.
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Two weeks later, you don’t even make it out of the car. He had refused to come up with you, so you climb over and straddle him in the driver’s seat.
His resolve crumbles immediately, his fingers grabbing at every part of you that he can reach.
You ride him until your thighs are burning, but you’re chasing the high that only he knows how to give you.
One of his hands wraps around your throat, his hips pistoning upwards, his cock hitting a spot so deep inside of you that it brings tears to your eyes.
“Stop calling me,” he snarls.
You glare at him, breathless, but still meeting his every thrust.
“Do you really want that? Do you want this to stop?”
He doesn’t answer. He doesn’t have to.
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The next time, he’s out of the car before you can get in. His hand closes around your wrist, pulling you back into the club, through the crowds of people and straight into the bathroom.
“I told you to stop,” he growls as he bends you over the sink and pushes your skirt up.
He keeps a firm grip in your hair, holds you up while he pounds into you from behind. Your eyes are glued to the mirror, to the reflection of the both of you.
You look good together, you think. He’s like a daydream, dark eyes glinting behind you, his breath panting, his hair a mess.
Your heart aches in your chest when he drops you off. You know that it will never lead to more than this, you’ve tried. You can’t control it, helplessly watching the both of you go round and round each time.
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A couple of weeks go by and you don’t call him. He glares at you the next time you slide into the passenger seat, asks where you’ve been. You went home with someone else the last few times, you admit. He grits his jaw, his lips curling into a scowl.
“Don’t try to tell me that you’re not seeing anyone else. I know about Carol.”
It hurts, saying her name out loud.
“That’s different,” he mumbles. There’s no real conviction behind his words.
“It’s not and you know it.”
He fucks you on your couch this time. It’s softer than usual, the cushions in your back almost making it feel like you’re in bed. It’s dangerous, too close to something intimate, to something more. It makes you long for something that will never be, but you don’t tell him to stop. Let yourself pretend, even if just for a few moments.
It’s not until he’s out of the door that you realize he didn’t tell you to stop calling him this time.
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The last time you get into his car, you know that something is wrong. The tension is rolling off of him in waves.
When he asks you to not contact him anymore, he sounds different, resigned. You know that he means it this time.
“Carol’s pregnant. I– we’re getting married.”
You swallow, hard. Eyes wide open, unblinkingly staring straight ahead into the darkness. A curt nod, a quiet hum of understanding. You always knew this day would come.
“Just take me home.”
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thank you for reading 🤍 if you liked this, please consider reblogging or leaving a comment or an ask, it absolutely makes my day!
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guilty-pleasures21 · 5 months
It's finally here!!!
Thanks to @deans-spinster-witch for motivating me to write it! ❤ (I was honestly ready to give up, guys.)
Hope it meets expectations!
Part 1
Part 2
Warnings: explicit descriptions of sex including blowjob (f receiving), fingering (f receiving) and penetration (p in v).
Stupid! How could he be so stupid?! Of course, of course he'd gone and ruined the one good thing in his life. He sighed as he stood under the shower, letting the warm water spill down his skin. And now they'd never be the same again, no matter how casually she'd tried to brush it off. He turned the tap off and reached for the shampoo, meaning to get some of the sweat out of his hair, but a sharp sting shot through his shoulder, reminding him of his injury. Great - one more problem to add to his plate.
“Jason?” X knocked on the door cautiously. “Are you okay? You've been in there a while.” Her voice was soft, hesitant, and all he could f*cking think about was the way she'd moaned his name.
“I'm fine! I'm fine,” Jason yelled quickly, shooting himself with a spray of cold water to bring himself back to reality. He shut the tap off again, then bit the inside of his cheek, thinking. “Can you … I can't reach my hair. It … My shoulder …”
“I can help,” X reassured him quickly, her voice nonchalant. “Just put your shorts on. I can wash it in the sink.” Of course, of course she’d help him wash his hair if he needed it. Argh! Stupid! He was so f*cking stupid! He did as she said, then unlocked the door before standing awkwardly by the sink. She smiled up at him, lips stretched a little too wide, and carried a plastic stool into the bathroom. She set it down in front of the sink, then gestured for him to sit down, manoeuvring around him carefully to get the bottle of shampoo. He clenched his muscles, not even daring to take a breath as she massaged the foamy liquid into his hair, her fingers much too relaxing against his scalp. Finally, once she’d gotten all the soap out, she sighed and stepped back.
“Jason, do you like me?” she asked him point blank, unable to take it any longer. Then she shifted in position, suddenly nervous. “It’s fine if you don’t! But just tell me so I can at least go to sleep tonight.” How could she be so casual about it when he was f*cking losing his mind right then?!
“I-I … Um …” he stammered, automatically looking away from her as she tried to think of a way to avoid the subject.
“And don’t try to avoid the subject,” she warmed him, reading his thoughts perfectly. “You can run away from everyone else if you want, but you’re not going to run away from me. I’ll tie you up if I have to!” God, did she have to add that last bit? Glaring down at him with her pretty eyes, full lips pushed out in a frown. Would she really tie him up? Strap him to the chair and then straddle him, her lips and hands running all over him while he struggled against his binds, completely help- Holy shit, she was driving him crazy! But he knew she meant it: she wouldn’t let him get out of this - not this time.
“I like you!” he blurted out quickly, not wanting to give himself too much time to think about it. “Too much, I think! But I don’t … I don’t want to hurt you! I can’t lose you, X. And … I know - I know - that I’m going to do something stupid that’s going to cost us … That’s going to cost me you.” He whispered the last few words, his heart thrumming rapidly in his chest at the thought that it might already be too late - he might have already lost her.
He was trying - he was trying so hard to overcome his fears. For her. Always for her. She sighed and stepped back towards him again. “You’re not going to hurt me, Jace. We’re … We’ve already had a million fights. And we’re fine! We always come back to each other.”
She gave him a soft smile and he found the tension easing from his shoulders as he considered her words. She was right: they’d already had a million stupid fights, but she’d never let him walk away. She’d always call him out when she noticed him getting ready to flee and sat him down so they could talk through it together. Like adults, she’d always tease him. Because she wanted him in her life. Always.
“We’re basically like an old married couple, Jace,” she joked, relieved that he seemed to have calmed down. She continued. “Just without the … the … you know … the physicalities.” Jason’s lips quirked in amusement.
“The what?” he asked, knowing exactly what she was talking about. She bit her lip, lowering her gaze sheepishly. He liked this new look on her: shy, flustered, and all because of him.
“The … The physical aspect, you know?” She scratched at her wrist, too embarrassed to say it out loud. His lips widened into a smirk and he stood up. 
     “I don’t know,” he lied, backing her into the wall. “What do you mean ‘the physical aspect’?” He placed a hand behind her, trapping her beneath his broad chest, his skin glistening from the remaining droplets of water trickling along his muscles. She gulped, her mouth watering at the sudden thought of licking it off of him, sucking on him teasingly as she pressed herself against him. Her eyes widened with embarrassment and she quickly dropped her gaze again. 
     “You know,” she insisted, her voice soft, nervous. God, she was cute when she was embarrassed, squirming so deliciously beneath him. He bent over her, strands of his damp hair tickling her forehead as he towered over her waiting. She whispered quietly, “s-sex.” 
     “What was that?” Jason grinned, moving one hand down now to settle on the wall by her waist. She was so small, so perfectly small, and he couldn’t wait to just pick her up and throw her onto her bed so he could have his way with her. He brought his face closer to hers. “I didn’t hear you.” 
     “T-The sex!” she squeaked out, her cheeks heating up at the word. He was so mean, teasing her and touching her, murmuring such naughty things in her ear while he played with her. And now here he was, messing with her again, that wicked grin stretched across his face as he mocked her. He chuckled, low and deep, and took hold of her chin, turning her face up to his. 
“You know, you weren’t this shy earlier, when you were screaming my name.” She gasped at the statement, her mouth opening and closing as she stuttered for a response. He dragged his thumb across her lower lip, his mouth so close to hers now that she could feel his breath blowing against her. She swallowed hard and did her best to wrench her chin out of his grasp, but he held firm, forcing her to continue looking up at him. She frowned. 
     “Because you were distracting me!” she accused him suddenly, the frustration building up inside of her. “With your .. your fingers all … inside of me and stuff.” He groaned and released her chin to curl his arm around her waist, arching her back and pulling her hips flush against his. He lowered his head to her shoulder, brushing his lips along the side of her neck as he murmured against her skin. 
     “X …” he whined, his voice soft and pleading. He closed his lips around her skin, pulling it into his mouth and sucking on her lightly. “You liked that? Did you like that, sweetheart? Having my fingers all up inside of you?” He grinned and she shivered at the words, her body jerking violently as he grazed her skin with his teeth.
"You want me to do it again?” he asked her, nipping on her earlobe before pulling back to look at her, his lips brushing gently against hers. “Hmm? You want me … You want me to …” He pressed his lips to hers, slipping his tongue into her mouth as he kissed her, swirling it around so he could drink in the sweet taste of her. F*ck, how much time had he wasted on not kissing her? On thinking about it, but doing nothing to make the fantasy become a reality. He let out a pleased moan, then sucked on her tongue, pulling it into his mouth and causing her to let out another surprised squeak. He pulled his head back slowly, dragging her tongue out of his mouth, then returned his lips to her neck, wrapping his arms around her to hold her in place as he licked and sucked on her skin. 
“J-Jason,” she whimpered, clutching onto his shoulders as her knees went weak. He flicked his tongue at her earlobe, then tugged on it with his teeth again before moving his mouth to her throat. 
     “Yes, sweetheart?” he mumbled against her, his deep voice sending delicious rumbles rolling through her skin. “Tell me … Tell me what you want from me, X. Whatever you want, I’ll give it to you. Just … Just … Please?” He closed his teeth around her collarbone, biting on it before licking his way back up her throat to her mouth. He kissed her again, hungrily this time, his lips moving against hers feverishly as he dug his fingers into her sides. 
     “Okay,” X giggled, trying to speak through his unrelenting kisses. He let out a satisfied moan at her response, then lifted her up like she weighed nothing at all and carried her out of the bathroom. She curled her legs around him, laughing at how completely dazed he’d become, his mind entirely focused on her, her body, her pleasure, then he tossed her onto her bed. She smiled up at him, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger, and he sighed. 
     “Don’t look at me like that, sweetheart,” he whined, climbing on top of her and trapping her beneath him. He brushed his nose along her neck and groaned, the sounds sending vibrations rumbling along her bones. She shivered and he growled, closing his teeth around the crook of her neck. He lowered himself on top of her and snuck his hand under her shirt, trailing kisses down her throat. 
“Mmm, let’s …” He stopped to drag his tongue along her collarbone, then he pressed his lips to the same spot, humming against her so the sound travelled down to her chest this time. Her nipples tingled with excitement as he lifted her shirt off, his rough hands brushing over her soft breasts as he pulled it off of her. He moaned as he squeezed her plump flesh in his hand, wasting no time in pressing his lips all over her skin, covering her in soft kisses. “X …”
“Yes, Jason?” she giggled. Then she gasped as he circled her nipple with his tongue, her back arching off the bed in delight. He closed his lips around her stiff peak and sucked on it lightly, lowering his head together with her body as she sank back onto the mattress. “Jason …”
God, it drove him crazy whenever she said his name like that. Maybe he'd tie her up and do whatever he wanted to her, teasing her mercilessly until the only thing she could remember was his name. He slipped his arm under her, pulling her up slightly and giving her nipple a last hard suck. Then he let her go and closed his fingers around her other breast again, shifting his legs to nudge hers further apart. He sat up and pulled her bottoms off frantically, then looped his arms beneath her thighs and tugged her towards him, resting her legs on his shoulders. F*ck, she was so beautiful, all spread out for him like this, just waiting for him to devour her. He lowered himself to the bed and pushed his mouth into her folds, groaning loudly at his first taste of her. “Shit, X, you taste … so f*cking good.”
Jason swirled his tongue around her folds, licking her and drinking up the taste of her. His face was buried so deeply in her that she could feel the tip of his nose nudge her clit every time he nodded his head to drag his tongue along her length. And holy shit, his voice! His deep, rumbling groans that sent shockwaves of pleasure rippling through her stomach every time the vibrations tickled her p*ssy. Shit, he was good. She whimpered and gasped, her legs twitching as the pleasure overwhelmed her, her stomach growing tighter by the second. Then finally, she broke, her body shaking and shivering against his mouth as she came for him. He gripped onto her thighs and held her firmly against him, intent on licking up every last drop of her sweet and sticky c*m. She fell back against the bed, breathing a sigh of relief when it was over. But he didn't stop, his tongue moving down to poke and prod at her entrance this time. 
     “Jason,” she whined, twisting her fingers into his hair to try to get him to stop. He hummed in question, but refused to stop, his mouth staying locked against her p*ssy as he continued to eat her out. “Jason!” 
     She sat up and pushed his head again, adding a little more force this time, and finally, he stopped, moving to sit up as well. He licked his lips, cleaning up some of the glistening liquid dripping off of his jaw, and she wondered how he could possibly find her so delicious. He smirked at the intrigued look on her face and leaned closer to her, latching onto her bottom lip when she let out a gasp at the feeling of his finger trailing down her p*ssy. He sucked on her lip and snuck his finger into her, sliding in all the way up to his knuckle before he let her go, flashing her a mischievous smile when her jaw dropped at the sensation. 
“J-Jason!” It was too soon, too immediate, but she still couldn't stop her body from twisting around desperately, her sensitive nerves begging him for more.
“Shh, baby, I know,” Jason soothed her, eyes dark with lust as he watched her body writhe around helplessly, so overcome with her desire for him. She fell back against the pillows and he leaned over her, his muscular torso engulfing her as he lowered his lips to her neck. He pressed a few lingering kisses along her skin, then gave her earlobe a light suckle before murmuring against it. “But you're gonna have to fit my fingers first if you want to feel my d*ck inside this tight little p*ssy of yours.”
She moaned as he slipped another finger inside of her, her nipples tingling at the thought of having his d*ck inside of her. Of course she'd thought about it, of course she'd wondered what he would feel like, her eyes lingering a little too long on the sharp lines of his muscles beneath the tight fabric of his little vigilante outfit. He curled his fingers, pressing them against her walls, and she whimpered as he bit down on her shoulder, his teeth pricking her skin while his fingers continued playing with her p*ssy. Oh God, he was … he was … She kicked her legs as her stomach began to tighten again, her hips rising off the bed in anticipation. Then she came again, her sticky juices dripping down his fingers as she shook against his hand. He pulled his fingers out of her and brought them to his mouth, his eyes never leaving hers as he sucked the c*m off of them. “Mmm, you taste … so good, sweetheart.”
He placed his arms down on either side of her and pressed his lips to hers, his tongue tangling with hers as he spread the taste of her across to her mouth. “Mmm, you're so … you're so …”
He moved one hand to squeeze her breast, groaning into her mouth as his fingers closed around her soft flesh. Then he wrenched his lips from hers and lowered them to her other breast, kissing and suckling on her nipple appreciatively.
“You're so beautiful, sweetheart,” he breathed, rubbing his deliciously large bulk up against her. “So … So f*cking hot … when you come for me … like that.”
“Mmph, Jason,” she whined, wincing at the friction of his clothed c*ck rubbing against her already overestimated clit. “J-Jason … Stop. It hurts!”
He released her nipple with a pop and sat up, finally providing her with some relief. He looked down at her, his features twisting with concern as he pulled her up onto his lap.
“Aww,” he teased her, sliding his hands up her back and holding her close to him. “I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry. C'mere.” He repeated the word as he flipped them over, settling her on top of him as he lay back on the mattress. He pulled her up, shifting her higher up his muscled torso, and glided his hands up her back, pushing her down slightly and arching her body so that her breast pooled in his mouth. He moaned with delight and stroked her back gently as he licked and sucked on her breasts, tugging on her with his mouth like he was trying to milk her.
“Ah! J-Jason!” she whispered, gripping onto the headboard of the bed to keep herself upright. God, she could feel herself starting to leak again already! He moved his mouth from one breast to the other, chuckling when he felt her c*m starting to drip down onto his abdomen.
“Mmm,” he moaned, his teeth grazing her flesh as he grinned around her. “You like that? You like it when I suck on you like that, sweetheart? Like this?” He slid his hands up her back, stroking her appreciatively as he continued to suckle on her. He moved his head to follow her movements as she curled her back, the contractions starting up again as she felt herself getting rapidly more aroused. Jason let her nipple go, grinning up at her with delight, then sat up and flipped her down onto the bed so she was lying on her stomach. She pushed herself up to her hands and knees gingerly, dazed by the speed of his movements, then collapsed her torso back down onto the bed when she felt him start tracing her drenched folds with his slick tip.
“What about this, baby?” he asked her teasingly, his tone wicked. “You like this? You like feeling my d*ck on your p*ssy? Mmm. Can you feel how hard I am for you, baby?”
It did feel good, so good, his prec*m-coated tip sliding along all her sensitive nerves. But then he started sliding himself into her, his thick d*ck stretching out her walls as he eased his way into her. She whimpered as he began thrusting himself into her, nice and slow, his tip hitting that one spot that had her moaning with ecstasy. He gripped onto her hips and slid her back and forth on his length, groaning at the way her warm and wet walls welcomed him so nicely. He was going to take his time with her tonight, f*ck, he was going to take his time.
“J-Jason!” she called out to him, her fingers twisting in the bedsheet. “Jason! Alert!”
“Huh? What?” he asked after she’d repeated himself. He just couldn’t help it: she just felt so good, so soft and so tight, and his mind was completely overcome by the pleasure of being so deeply inside of her that he found himself unable to focus on anything else. She let out a sigh and he increased the pace of his movements slightly, his c*ck begging him for relief.
“Jason!” she tried again, her body starting to contract as it squeezed around his d*ck. “Alert. Bat-signal.” He slowed down, the words finally registering in his consciousness. Then he heard it: the persistent whining of her buzzer, signalling to them that a crime was in progress. He reached across to her bedside table and grabbed it, clicking on the button to respond.
“Uh, Jason?” Stephanie’s uncertain voice came through the unit. “Why are you answering X’s alert?” X sat up quickly, her body protesting at the sudden absence of Jason’s d*ck inside of her, but she ignored it, too overcome with the fear of being found out by the rest of the Batfam. She reached forward and grabbed the buzzer from his hands.
“Hey! What’s up?” X inquired a little too quickly.
“Uh, are you guys okay?” Stephanie asked, her tone growing more suspicious by the second. “What’s Jason doing at your place so late?” X gulped, exchanging an alarmed look with Jason as the both of them tried frantically to come up with some sort of excuse.
“Uh, he got injured. But nothing serious! What’s up?” Oh god. Could she tell? Could Steph tell that something had happened between her and Jason? That she was sitting naked on her bed in front of him, his c*ck having been inside of her p*ssy only seconds ago-
“... just around the corner. You think you guys can get it?” Steph asked. X didn’t respond, her gaze distant as she thought about whatever was on her mind right then. Jason flashed her a quizzical look, but she didn’t seem to notice. So he grabbed the buzzer from her.
“Yeah, we’ve got it,” he reassured Steph, the sound of his voice finally pulling X back to reality. F*ck, she was cute, her curly eyelashes blinking in confusion as she gazed up at him. He should have just lied: should have just said that he was too injured to take on anyone else tonight and that X couldn’t go either because he needed her to look after him. But then they’d probably send someone to check on them, interrupting them anyway. He sighed.
“Great! We’ll meet you there.” Jason gave her a noncommittal hum of agreement and hung up tossing the buzzer aside. But they didn’t have to go right away, he reasoned, crawling back on top of X and pushing her back down on the bed. He pressed his lips to her collarbone and began slowly making his way up her throat, his tongue flicking out occasionally to trace circles around her skin. He moaned with satisfaction as he sucked her on jaw, then he reached down to take hold of himself, trying to guide his c*ck back inside of her again.
“Jason,” she whined, her legs twitching slightly as she felt him begin to circle his d*ck around her entrance again. “I don’t … Hmm, stop!” She pushed herself away from him, sliding far enough out of his reach so that she could shut her legs. Then she sat up, her chest heaving with shallow breaths as she met his gaze.
“I don’t think we have the time for that, Jay,” she told him, giving him a smile that had his heart skipping a beat. He reached a hand out to her, the only thought on his mind right then how badly he needed to f*ck her right now.
“No, we have time,” he insisted gently, shuffling closer to her. “Just … Just five minutes. C’mere, baby.” But five minutes wouldn’t be enough, he knew - because then it’d be ten minutes, and then an hour, and eventually, the entire night would have passed them by as they finally fell asleep in each other’s arms. She seemed to know it too because she crawled backwards, barely managing to evade his grasp before she hopped off the bed entirely. Jason fell onto the mattress as he lost his balance, then he pushed himself back up to glare at her.
“X!” She grinned at the warning tone in his voice and scurried over to her closet.
“We have a mission, Jay!” She pulled out her vigilante costume and dashed over to her bathroom. Jason flopped over on the bed, groaning loudly. But then he started getting up and going to get his own suit, grumbling exaggeratedly to let her know that he wasn’t happy about it. He’d kill Freeze. He’d kill him and then drag X back to her apartment so he could bury himself back inside of her and spend the rest of the night f*cking her into oblivion. Jason sighed and went to put on his suit, comforted by the thought.
“Done,” Jason declared, pushing himself back to his feet. Steph and Tim stared at him in a mixture of awe and horror.
“Did you just …” Tim began.
“Tase his brain?” Steph finished, unsure as to whether to be impressed or disgusted. Jason turned to look at them and shrugged.
“I got him, didn’t I?” He and X had arrived right after Tim and Steph and found them still outside the museum, the two of them discussing the game plan with Barbara over the comms. Jason had immediately pushed past them and sprinted into the museum, leaping onto Dr Freeze and smashing his helmet to pieces before shoving a taser in his eye. The villain had slumped over, his body convulsing as he sank to the ground. Jason gestured to Tim and Steph.
“Call Gordon to come pick him up,” he instructed them. Then he turned to X, pointing a finger at her and narrowing his eyes at her beneath his mask. “You … You come with me.”
Jason marched over to her and grabbed her hand, dragging her out the door. She twisted around, struggling against his grip as she glanced over at Tim and Steph. “Bye guys! See you tomorrow!”
X stumbled a few times as Jason dashed down the corridor, struggling to keep up with his desperate pace. He felt a little bad, but he couldn’t help it; his d*ck was just so painfully hard for her, he didn’t think he’d even be able to wait to get back to her apartment. He grabbed her helmet off his bike when he reached it and shoved it into her hands, waiting for her to put it on. She grinned at his impatience, then lifted it to her head slowly, taking her sweet time putting it on. Jason growled and strapped it onto her head, doing his best to remain gentle. He climbed onto his bike when he was done and turned on the ignition, gesturing for her to climb up behind him. She did as he asked and before long, they were zooming back to her place.
“F*ck!” Jason groaned, pushing her against the wall and bending over to kiss her neck. He grabbed onto her waist and pulled her hips flush against his as he moved his lips up her neck, nipping her ear when he got to it.
“Ugh! Jason!” she moaned, digging her fingers into his shoulders as her head fell back in pleasure. He grinned at her response, delighting in how badly she wanted him as well, then slid his hand up her back to undo her zip. He pulled her sleeves off hastily, then stepped back to start removing his own clothes while she finished taking off hers. And then they were bare again, every curve and hollow of their naked bodies pressing up against one another’s as they continued devouring each other.
“Mmm, can't … can't wait,” Jason mumbled against her lips, lifting one of her legs and wrapping it around his waist. “Come … Come here, sweetheart.”
He ran his hand along her side, stopping to give her ass a little squeeze before taking hold of himself and guiding his c*ck back inside of her. He pressed himself into her, then sighed when he felt himself buried all the way inside of her. She let out a little squeak at the sudden intrusion, but then relaxed when he started prodding his tip against that one spot that made her head fall back with pleasure. He chuckled and moved his lips to the base of her jaw, kissing and licking his way down her throat as he thrust himself into her. He was so thick and so nice and she couldn't ever recall being so nicely filled up before. She grabbed onto the back of his head and moaned, rolling her own hips against his and trying to match his ever-increasing pace. He nipped at her collarbone and she felt her knees give way as her body started to contract. He grabbed hold of her other leg before she could fall, lifting her up and sitting her on his waist so he could support her instead. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned back against the wall, letting the haze of pleasure consume her entirely as he took care of her.
“Mmm, let me … I'll take care of you, baby,” Jason reassured her, his lips and tongue continuing to brush against her skin. He grinned smugly. “I always do. Right?” He snickered as she nodded her head, unable to form any words. God, she was hot. So f*cking hot, taking in his d*ck so nicely into that tight little p*ssy of hers. He nipped at her jaw, then dug his fingers into the soft flesh of her ass, a muttered curse falling from his lips as she came around him. F*ck, she felt good, squeezing him so desperately, doing her very best to cling onto him while her body shuddered and shook in his arms. It wasn't long before he was coming too, warm spurts of his c*m shooting into her and filling her up like he was marking her as his. But she was his now - she'd always been his, if he was being really honest, and he'd always been hers. He pulled back from her slightly, giving her the space to catch her breath as his own chest heaved with shallow pants.
“Jason,” she breathed, her beautiful breasts bouncing up and down as she breathed in and out. She sighed. “Shit, that felt good.” He grinned, delighted by her response, and set her back down onto her feet.
“Should we go for round two?” he teased her, not entirely joking. She pat his shoulder and pushed past him to pick up their suits.
“It's got to be, like, round ten by now!” she exclaimed, making her way over to her laundry room. She waddled a little as she walked, some of his c*m starting to seep out of her, and a thrill shot through Jason at the thought that he'd f*cked so good that she was finding it difficult to walk properly. He strode over to her.
“You know, we can always do this tomorrow, sweetheart,” he murmured against her shoulder after she'd shoved their suits into her washing machine. She turned to face him, a mischievous smile on her lips, her cheeks glowing as she looked up at him.
“You're right,” she agreed, gesturing between them. “We can always do this tomorrow.” She tried to walk away from him again, to go take a shower, but he stopped her, both hands on either side of her on top of the washing machine. She flashed him an exasperated look, folding her arms across her chest as she waited. He smirked, finding the expression all too adorable, and tilted her head up to press his lips against hers.
“I was talking about the laundry,” he informed her, his tongue brushing against hers teasingly. She moaned and reached her hands up to his shoulders.
“I was talking about us,” she replied, her tone equally as playful as she kissed him back. He lifted her up onto the washing machine, sitting her there so he could kiss her some more. But she pulled back eventually, a contemplative expression on her face as she brushed her fingers along his broad shoulders. “Um, Jace. Are we … Do you … Is this going to be, like, a thing from now on? Us?”
His lips curled at the corner as he brought her mouth back to his. “I sure hope so, sweetheart.”
She moaned and sank against him, relishing the tangy taste of him in her mouth. Then she pushed him back again. “No, I mean … I mean, like, dating. Are we … Are we gonna be together now? Is that … something you'd want?”
She gazed up at him, her eyes wide with hope, her teeth sinking into her lower lip with nerves. Jason had never seemed like a relationship kind of guy. Sure, he was a great best friend, but even then it had taken him ages to properly open up to her and let her in. But she knew she wouldn't be able to do an awkward friends-with-benefits sort of situation - she fell much too hard to ever be with someone who wouldn't commit themselves to her fully.
He gazed down at the apprehensive expression on her face. She was afraid that he'd be too scared to commit to her fully, he knew. But he'd already committed himself to her, hadn't he? As her best friend, her partner and her confidante in life? It was exactly like what she'd said before: they technically were already in a relationship - all that was missing was the sex. The sweet, sweet sex that he'd wasted so much time worrying about. He trailed his fingers down her collarbone and to her breast, appreciating the way she'd let him come to know her so deeply, so intimately. All of her, just for him. And all of him, just for her. He’d been given a second chance at life, sure, but he’d never fully felt alive, living, until he’d met her. She was just so full of life, passionate, appreciative, admiring of all that was beautiful in the world. He’d never thought that someone could care about him in the way that she did, let alone love him. He circled her nipple, playing the word over in his mind, testing the sound of it and imagining how it would feel in his mouth. Because he did love her. He’d loved her for a long time already. He’d just been too afraid to say it.
“Yes,” he agreed, doing his best to make his tone as firm as possible. “I want that. I want you. Do you … We can go out on a date? Tomorrow night? Do you want to watch a movie?” She grinned and he felt the tension ease from his body.
“A movie sounds nice,” she confirmed, wrapping her arms back around his neck. He leaned forward and gave her a hug, squeezing her tight as she ran her fingers through his hair. “But … we're going to have to tell everyone else, right?”
He winced at the thought, his stomach curdling in the same way he knew hers was - he could tell by her uncertain tone that she wasn't as amenable to the idea either. He sighed and straightened, his fingers still curled around her waist. “They'll figure out. They're detectives, right?”
He shrugged and she smiled, getting excited by the idea now. “Who do you think will figure it out first?”
“Ugh, probably Tim,” Jason admitted, rolling his eyes at the thought. The kid was smart, even chronically exhausted as he was. He'd probably put it together the quickest. Then again, he wasn't the most adept at romance.
“Hmm, I think it's going to be Bruce,” X decided, thinking about how he somehow found a way to keep tabs on them all the time. “Or maybe Selina if we bump into her by accident.” She was sharp, Catwoman - sharp enough to have sensed something between them even before they themselves had wanted to admit it. She'd always tease them when they went over to the mansion - Jason especially, since he was so easy to wind up. But she'd always been nice enough to X, the two of them bonding over their love of cats. Jason sighed again, knowing she was probably right.
“Doesn't matter,” he dismissed her concerns, bending over to press a kiss to her cheek. “That is a problem for another night.” She giggled as he lifted her onto his waist and carried her to her bedroom, intent on fulfilling his earlier promise to himself to spend the rest of the night ravishing her.
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youryanderedaddy · 6 months
Are you still writing about Edgar?
Yeah but I yassified him (he's evil now) (well, more evil)
tw: female reader, non - con, cockwarming, snuff (watching), threats, captivity, abuse, hinted murder (not reader), degradation
My Ko - fi <3
You shudder, leaning back against his hard shoulders. You can feel the hot sweat sticking to your skin and you want to scratch at your body in a desperate attempt to feel yourself clean and proper again - but this isn’t an option when you’re so stuffed you feel like your insides are going numb. Of course this doesn’t stop the killing machine taking the appearance of a man from pounding into you even harder, short staccato thrusts that leave you breathless. You’re starting to notice the pattern - he’s slow in the beginning while you still have energy to keep up and gets meaner and meaner, bullying his way into your cervix as you get tired and sloppy.
“Keep your eyes on the fucking screen.” Edgar hisses in your ear with one meaty fist wrapped around your throat tight like a leash. Your legs are spread as far as they can go without dislocating, and despite all his hushed threats that leave you gagging, you still want them intact at the end of the torture session. You blink through the thick tears glued to your eyelashes and make an effort to focus on what’s happening on the small black and white TV. There is a girl. She’s screaming. She’s bleeding. A big buff guy with a chainsaw is taunting her - and you tell yourself it’s just a movie; it’s all fake. The blood, the cruel laughter, the scorching screams, the shivers they send down your spine. Such good actors, you think. Certainly better than you would be had you been in their shoes. 
“That’s the best part.” The killer whispers down your ear as his hand tightens around your neck, cutting your air supply for a good few seconds - and while you’re choking on your own spit, you can feel his member throb inside you, wet with pre - cum. Suddenly your heart starts beating faster inside your chest as if trying to break out of your ribcage, and you make the mistake of looking up. Perhaps you’re looking for some type of human warmth, for a smile, a reassuring glare, a dimple or even an automatic twitch of approval at the corner of his lips - but all you’re met with is the same old black porcelain mask along with a pair of cold dead eyes staring back at you, completely empty. Devoid of anything, but sadistic animal pleasure at your expense. 
“You’re not fucking looking, slut.” The man growls, agitated, reaching to slap you across the face. It stings, but you barely feel it, too overwhelmed to care about pain at this point. But eventually his deep, domineering voice registers in your head and you obey automatically, turning your head back at the screen. “That’s a good girl.” He coos at you, but such gentle words sound unnatural coming from him - he twists them. He fucks with them and messes them up, making a mockery out of the sweetness, manipulating intimacy in the way he knows would hurt the most, so when he hits you again, you can actually feel it.
On the tape you can make out certain blurry moments - there is a rather artistic close - up of the woman’s eye being torn out, making her chapstick - red lips curl up in an almost theatrical fashion, and if you didn’t know the creator of the film yourself, you would have fully believed it was just an overdramatic slasher movie meant to scare over - curious teenagers, locked in their mom’s basement. You can recall a long forgotten essay you had just started way before you were stolen away never to be seen again, about the objectifying sexual gaze in old horror flicks. You want to laugh, because it’s funny - but you don’t, because it’s also incredibly fucking sad. 
In the next moment his left hand is entangled into your shaggy, loosened locks, pulling at your scalp, and you moan, even when you know that to Edgar pain and pleasure mean all the same, look the same, sound the same - so how could he ever make out a difference? So you don’t blame him when he sinks his teeth into your throat and pumps himself inside you, bouncing your body up and down on his cock just like a toy, only slightly more human than a fleshlight. You can feel yourself growing wet and you look down just to make sure you’re still capable of such devine human feeling, but it’s yet another trap. 
It’s his fingers. They’re long and bloody, curling up inside your tight slippery hole. You hold back the sigh of relief, because it’s obviously not your blood - yet your eyebrows narrow. You can’t help but wonder who was the miserable fucker who died for you to not have a painful dry fuck for the first time in weeks, but you don’t let yourself dwell on the topic, because you’d rather die than let your captor see you cry for the second time.
“K-keep looking.” The murderer groans, short of breath, growing soft inside you - but of course he doesn’t pull out or even move away like the sadistic fuck he is. You’re not sure if he’s looking at you looking at the woman with her head decapitated and the knife sticking out her naked chest, or if he’s just blissed out and dissociating into space. Edgar pulls on his sweaty white shirt, and the only evidence of his humanity left - his lust, manifests as redness on his neck and white stars in his empty eyes. 
“You just twitched.” He purrs with a certain boyish giddiness to his usually husky voice, letting his hands grope at your open trembling thighs, caressing the old healed scars on your battered skin. “It’s because I’m fucking scared–” You try to argue, but the panic settles at the back of your throat like a massive, sticky lump of fear and you just can’t continue with whatever you wanted to say. Your voice is hoarse and tired anyways - why even try at this point? It always ends the same. 
“That means you’re getting used to it.” Edgar grins, stroking his chin as if he is deep in thought. Then he laughs with that nasty little chuckle that you now associate with pink razors and pins, and sometimes needles. “You used to fucking piss yourself at those helloween movies for kids.” He kisses your neck, pulling you closer into a bear hug, and you wonder if he’s intentionally squeezing all your vital organs in. “Now you’re getting off to my old tapes like a fucking snuff bunny. I’m proud of you, baby.” His mask falls on the ground, revealing his face. It’s the same as usual - evil and bloody. 
“Just don’t get too used to it, m’kay?” The killer smiles coldly, but his eyes remain just as lifeless as five seconds ago. He pinches your nose playfully, and your heart drops into your stomach. “Because soon enough you might just find yourself at the other end of it all.” He squints, his sides heating up with perverse excitement. “And I’d hate for you to make a boring actress.”
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starfxkr · 14 days
“he's saying she's the best daughter ever with his dick up her ass sp here we are!”
𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 🐇 / ⋆ ۪𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 🐇 / ⋆ ۪𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 🐇 / ⋆ ۪𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 🐇 / ⋆ ۪𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 🐇 / ⋆ ۪𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 🐇/
when you discussed the whole thing it was supposed to be completely different. you were supposed to be the innocent girl getting seduced by her mom's boyfriend while she was none the wiser.
that didn't happen. neither of you are quite sure why, but things took a turn the moment he "broke into" your room.
there was a faint smell of beer on his breath--that's what you wanted, you relished in the slight fear of not knowing what he was going to do, there was always that level on uncertainty what made your heart pound. when he slid into the bed, your back against his front as he drew you in closer, "thought i told you to stay up for me?"
you fake a yawn, stretching our you sore limbs as you turn halfway to him, "you took too long."
"mmm...yeah i did, m'sorry sweet pea." he wraps an arm around you, and you can feel the tension in his body, his hands flexing over your belly like he's nervous, "you didn't get me anything for father's day y'know. can't be doin your papa like that."
there's a slight pause, it wasn't really supposed to go like this. but you can't say you dislike it.
"oh...i'm sorry." you whimper when his nails sink into you, feeling his teeth press against your ear as he forces you closer,
"all i do for you, and you can't even get me a card?" suddenly you're being pushed on your front, and you can tell he's feeling you out, giving you the chance to steer this how you wanted.
because there really are two routes: he can be mean, or he can be nice. it all depends on how you react.
and you want him nice, you want him as soft and gentle as can be, "i-i just couldn't give you what i wanted earlier, i hate to wait but you took too long and i fell asleep."
"you sayin it's my fault?"
"i'm sayin you took too long."
another pause, his turn to steer it this time, and you hope he's on the same page.
he is, "you know what, you're right i'm sorry. now what'd you wanna give me."
gently you nudge him up so you can pull down your shorts and you revel in the soft groan he lets out when you spread your plump ass cheeks. if he was hard before it's a wonder he doesn't tear through his sweat pants now.
"you sure? you wanna give that to me?" his large hand palms the soft glove of your ass, brushing his finger against your hole just to make it pucker and you shiver, nodding in reply.
"it's all yours."
it's easier now to fit him in, he's practically trained your ass by this point, but it's not hard to pretend it hurts because in many ways it still does. there's still that sting when this thick tip breaches that tight ring of muscle, you still have to fist the sheets in efforts to relax so he doesn't tear you in two.
but still he's nice--kissing your tear stained cheeks and telling you how good you are, how good you feel wrapped around him, "this is all i could ask for babydoll, got the tightest fuckin ass ever." he kisses you hard, because jj knows you need it, that reassurance that it feels good for the both of you, "all those other suckers getting dollar tree cards and my baby girl's givin me her sweet little ass, you're the best daughter ever sweet pea."
that makes you whine so loud he has to shush you, his words causing coils of shame to curl around the base of your spine but it does nothing to stop the arousal trickling down over your clit as you petulantly kick your feet, "don't say that!"
jj huffs out a laugh, dropping his hips down harder so you feel ever inch of him and he knows you're reaching your limit, "alright, i know i know, just let me use you up."
after that he lowers himself on top of you, hooking his hands over your shoulders to bring you down on his dick faster. you're stuck underneath him, mewling and squirming with the need to cum but you know he won't let you, not yet. it's his present after all.
each smack of his hips has yours bouncing off the bed, further impaling you on his hard cock giving you no sense of relief as your whole body begins to ache with unreleased tension.
"you're doin so good, i'm almost done alright? you're bein such a big girl for me." jj's panting above you now, smacking wet kisses against the center of your ear that makes it ring, he's frantic chasing his orgasm and using your body how he wants, murmuring promises to fill you up and kiss your pretty pussy when he's done.
just barely he can hear your whimpered declarations of love as he lets out a loud choked groan and fills your ass to the brim until it starts to leak out past tender rim.
jj's gentle when he pulls out, staring in awe when he watches your gaping hole twitch as his cum spills out. when he kisses the soft skin of your perineum you twitch.
everything's hazy when he turns you back over, lifting you back up so the cool glass of water hits your lips, "drink up, i know you need it."
you gratefully gulp it down and when you grab it from his hands, he begins wiping you down with a damp rag, soothing your overheated and cleaning the cum and sweat from your body.
there's a lot to be said, but neither of you are ready, you can barely speak from how hoarse your throat felt and you're grateful for the silence. instead he lays down beside you and you curl up next to him, fully relaxed even though you didn't get to cum.
that's just another thing you'll worry about in the morning.
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ghostgirl101 · 2 years
Legit ANYTHING Corey related- im head over hEELS for that man rn
Im also a sucker for fluff ;)
Dating Corey Cunningham Would Be Like This:
A/N: Might as well start with the dating hcs 🙃 requests are open if you want more for this guy. Please keep in mind that I'm not comfortable writing smut yet though; I've noted that on my inbox page and pinned post, but I've been getting quite a few smutty asks 😅
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🔪• Corey's been through a lot, and to find a person willing to give him a chance and treat him like a person who matters... I absolutely believe he'd turn into a soft yandere. He's head over heels in love, protective to the point of killing anyone who tries to hurt you or take you away from him, and obsessively infatuated. He lives for you, and he'd die for you, period.
🔪• You probably meet him when he's being pushed around by a group of bullies somewhere in Haddonfield, and manage to get them off his back for a while, with a string of hateful comments. The boy's stunned that someone's standing up for him, and when you help him get his glasses back on after they were slapped off his face, he's stunned all over again. It takes Corey a good minute to stop stuttering and staring at you with wide, dopey eyes and form an actual sentence to introduce himself.
🔪• When you take him back to yours to patch him up, you can't help but notice his breath hitch at your soft touches, such a contrast from the rough shoves and harsh words he gets day after day outside. Heart eyes to the extreme as you concentrate on stopping any blood, and apologise when it stings. Corey barely notices it, and when you pull away as you finish, he chases your hand for a second before he blinks back into reality, heat rushing to his cheeks as he looks down at his feet and thanks you.
🔪• He has no idea why you're so nice to him, but from that day on, he's hooked. You're gonna start seeing him randomly pop up wherever you are, and at first, you assume it's because Corey wants to have you around so it discourages people from picking on him. Nope. He wouldn't mind if he was kicked around, if you could lean in close and clean him up so caringly again. He's fallen hard and very quickly, especially when you reassure him that you know he didn't kill that boy on purpose. You believe him? He almost cries, and looks up at you in wonder, with a hopeful "really?"
🔪• Corey Cunningham has found someone that sees him as a person instead of a monster, and he adores that the person is you. It doesn't take him long to ask him out; it is hard for him to get the courage to, since he's worried that he might be going too fast and certainly aiming too high with you. Saying yes to him will just fully unleash Corey being the clingiest, doting, protective boyfriend you'll ever know. He won't let you go now that he's found you. If he can't have you, no one can.
🔪• He's pretty goofy with how he acts and what he says, but you've told him it's cute, so he won't try to change. Being with you, he wants to keep you happy all the time, and keeps you to himself as much as possible, just in case you start listening to what others have got to say about him. Whatever you tell him though, he'll try to remember as much as possible, so he can how he's been listening by bringing it up again or giving you a little gift related to it.
🔪• To be honest, Corey's a really sweet, doting lover, and he looks at you like you're an angel whenever you're close together, or just working around the house. He'll follow you around like a lost puppy, and has puppy eyes to match, constantly clinging to you and wanting to help with whatever he can. It could get a little annoying if you don't want a shadow around you all the time, but he wants you as happy as possible, so if you tell him your boundaries, he'll eagerly follow them.
🔪• Corey's obsessiveness grows the closer you get, to the point where he goes as far as to kill for you. After he runs into Michael Myers, he takes both of your hands and looks you straight in the eyes excitedly as he tells you that he's not afraid of people anymore, and that he loves that you're always there to protect him. But now, he wants to be the one to protect you. He loves you to death, and he wants to prove it. It's up to you to decide whether or not to let him deal with anyone that upsets you with his violent methods, but he can and will if you say the word.
🔪• If you happen to meet Michael Myers, he won't kill you, but he won't be all soft with you either. His idea of being nice is not killing you, and that's that. Gradually, gradually, he'll decide to protect you, even opting to lurk around in the shadows and check on you and Corey every now and then, like a twisted kind of father figure or friend. So, if you're ever in trouble, you've got Haddonfield's boogeymen behind you when you need them.
🔪• It's scary to see the level of protectiveness and unhidden anger in Corey's eyes when someone's rude to you in front of him, a dark glare in his usually kind eyes. Suddenly, they've gone missing, or they've died in suspicious circumstances, Corey not paying any attention to the news report as he hugs you from where you're curled up on his lap with a small frown on your face. If you ask him for the truth, if he did it for you, he'll shrug and nod, "Well... yeah, I- I did it for you. I love you..." and that's all the explanation there really is.
🔪• He likes taking you for rides on his motorcycle in the evening, just to feel your arms embrace him tightly and a proud grin on his face when he knows you're enjoying it. Corey tries carrying you back upstairs afterwards, which ends up with you both collapsing in a heap on the bed, and him engulfing you with a tight hug with kisses planted on every inch of skin he can find.
🔪• Speaking of affection, Corey can be pretty smothering with it. He's shy and awkward at first, but after hugging you for the first time, and having your first kiss, he can't get enough of your attention and affection. He'll drink it up with a lovesick smile and lean into all of your touches. He can show how needy he is by whining in protest whenever you break a kiss for air, and latches back on in a second.
🔪• The pet names he gives you can be the basic 'baby' and 'sweetheart,' but Corey calls you stronger, more meaningful names at intimate moments too. 'Angel' is a very common one that he coos when he wakes you up gently in the mornings, burying his face in your neck, or whenever you're cleaning him up after a fight or a kill.
🔪• The times when he's most vulnerable, when you've got him wrapped around your finger playing with his curls, he'll whisper to you how all of him belongs to you, that he'll do anything for you, die for you. He's being absolutely honest, and it's nice to hear, but sometimes, when your eyes meet his desperate, loving gaze, you have to tell him that you don't want him to do anything too extreme for you, that you love him just the way he is.
🔪• You can never just kiss Corey briefly before you leave the house to work or anything. He'll draw out any affection you give him for as long as he can, so it's a hard task to prise his hands off your waist with a promise that you'll be done with work soon. It often ends up with him trailing after you, holding your hand tightly and stroking the back of it absentmindedly with his thumb.
🔪• Being in a relationship with Corey Cunningham is full of loving attention, obsessively so, and to know that he'd go as far to basically go on a killing spree for you is nice in a weird kind of way? There's no hope of getting out of it though, because he's happily devoted to you now, and that's just the way he likes it. God forbid anyone who tries messing with it.
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th3-c0rps3-r0gu3 · 2 months
Snow White.
Pairing: Natasha X winter powered fem reader (eventually)
Warnings: mentions of abuse and divorce, angst, Natasha being mean (she fixes it don't worry)
A/n: y/n is albino in this please don't come at me. Also felt like writing some small hurt to comfort so here lol. Also this was written all in one go at some point during midnight so don't judge me.
When y/n joined the Avengers Natasha hated her. She hated her silvery white hair, red eyes and ghostly skin. In Natasha's opinion the woman needed to gain some colour. And yes Natasha wasn't much better at least she wasn't basically a ghost!
It wasn't just that either. Her whole personality annoyed Natasha. She was too friendly, trusting, kind and definitely way too much of a sweetheart for her own good. Natasha thought that if y/n had to even think about causing another harm she would combust into tears! This was obviously not a good career choice on her part.
But nevertheless Natasha had to put up, mind you begrudgingly, with y/n and her overly kind personality.
When y/n joined the Avengers she was nervous. One because of how she looked, being mocked all her life for it hadn't helped her self esteem, combined with the fact her favourite of the group despised her.
Y/n had always liked Natasha but when the red headed Russian first saw y/n she had sneered, leaving a bruise on y/n's heart. Natasha had been y/n's favourite of the Avengers ever since she first saw her.
It had been in the bustling streets of New York when Natasha had been swarmed around by paparazzi, at that time y/n had no interest in the Avengers, when y/n saw Natasha. Immediately swept off her feet by the confidence Natasha carried as she manoeuvred around the cameras and ignoring the sensitive questions they had y/n knew from that moment she liked Natasha.
But now whenever y/n would enter a room with Natasha the assassin would scowl or make snide comments about her pale appearance. And Tony deeming her snow white didn't help. And unfortunately the nickname had stuck.
"y/n how come you've never just dyed your hair or something, I mean at least try and fit in."
Natasha scowled as she passed the albino woman as she played cards with Wanda who shit Natasha a disapproving look that she missed completely. What Natasha didn't miss was the way y/n flinched and looked down at her hand of cards. Natasha frowned but shrugged off the slight feeling of guilt.
"I did try... It doesn't work.. my powers effect my appearance making dyes and any form of hair colouring fade almost immediately.."
Y/n tries to explain simply with her typically soft voice. Natasha ignored the slight sadness that she heard in the ever so gentle tone y/n always used. Instead the red head rolled her eyes.
"then wear a wig"
Nat snapped walking out. Forcing herself not to look back as she felt a sting in her heart. Why was this happening. She never felt guilty before about this.
After that Natasha grew frustrated. Every time she threw a mean or mocking comment y/n's way and she saw how y/n would wince or look down she felt guilty. She didn't even need to see it anymore. Just knowing that was y/n's reaction made Natasha's heart flinch too. So instead of doing the logical thing the Russian instead got nastier and simply insulted snow white even further.
"look here's snow white!"
Exclaimed Tony as y/n entered the room. Y/n simply shook her head and smiled, now used to the nickname. Natasha tried to shake the small flip her heart did when she saw that smile. First feeling guilty about the insults and now whenever Nat saw y/n her chest did acrobatics? She needed to see a doctor.
From where y/n sat with her book she could see Natasha reloading her guns. Y/n had known and accepted her crush on the Russian assassin a while ago. Though she knew not to approach Natasha about it. She had realised that she had taken a liking to Natasha when she walked into the kitchen to find Natasha leaning against the counter in her pajamas. Her heart had fluttered and for the first time ever her face donned a bright red colour. Though thankfully y/n had slipped away before Natasha noticed her.
But for now y/n could accept admiring Natasha from afar and simply hoping she either found another or her feelings faded, for y/n knew that her feelings would never be reciprocated. So as Natasha reloaded her guns and y/n read her book the two sat in silence together for the first time in their lives.
Natasha could see y/n reading in the corner of her eye. At first she had intended to send an insult to the winter woman's way but after she had glanced over and seen how peaceful and relaxed y/n looked she couldn't bring herself to say a harmful word to her. Natasha couldn't ignore the way her heartbeat sped up whenever y/n entered a room or smiled or even just existed.
Natasha had gone to Bruce about the situation and the only answer he had come up with was that Natasha was in love. But how could she be? She despised y/n. Her kind, loyal, sweet personality had initially irritated Natasha but now she found it endearing. And Nat couldn't figure out why. She couldn't figure out why whenever she saw even just a glimpse of silvery white hair her insides did a summersault and her heart rate increased to the point she thought she might die. So the only conclusion Natasha could hope for was that if she was cruel enough these unwanted feelings for y/n would go.
It had been two weeks since Natasha had realised she had feelings for y/n. And in that time the assassin bullied the albino woman to the brink of tears, ignoring how much her heart screamed at her to stop and to say sorry.
For the last two weeks Natasha's insults and jabs had grown progressively worse and y/n couldn't figure out why. What had she done? It stung a lot hearing every nasty word leave Natasha's mouth. It got to the point where y/n would end up leaving a few moments after Natasha entered to avoid crying in front of the other Avengers.
"y'know y/n your way too sensitive. Perhaps all that snow got in your head and ruined any sense of rationality."
Natasha scowled entering the training room where y/n was being helped by Wanda with her powers. Snow layered over the floor. Natasha ignored the hurt she felt in her chest when y/n looked down and clasped her hands together.
"there's no snow in my head Natasha please your words hurt.."
Y/n spoke quietly looking up at Natasha's face and meeting her eyes. Natasha ignored the shame she felt as she saw tears glistening in y/n's eyes.
"yeah well suck it up. Most of us have had much harder lives that have to put up with a few comments."
The assassin snapped staring y/n down in the eyes, crossing her arms as she did so. That's when she noticed something appear in y/n, her body stiffness and she showed... Anger? No way y/n never list her temper.
"I have too! You have no idea what I've had to put up with!"
Y/n said a bit louder than normal. Natasha was tempted to stop. Actually Natashas was tempted to simply apologise for over and walk over and embrace the albino woman but she held back, she was meant to hate y/n.
"oh yeah? Like what?"
Natasha provoked. She didn't miss the anger this time. Wanda at this point had gone and grabbed the others as she had sensed a fight coming. So with an audience y/n was about to put on a show.
"oh I don't know perhaps having your parents divorce because of how you look! Having your father claim your mother cheated! Being blamed for the divorce that ensues after your birth! Being brutally abused by your father physically, mentally and emotionally! Being outcasted and called a freak for your looks and powers!"
Y/n yelled. Snow and ice swirling around the room as the calmest and sweetest avenger got angry and lost her temper. But Natasha ignited the snow, she ignored the shocked faces of her friends in the background. All Natasha could focus on was how bad she felt about what she had been doing. Y/n had endured so much suffering from what many now consider a gift. And her comments probably only made the situation worse. Natasha was about to walk over and apologise but y/n stopped the snow storm and then pushed past Natasha to get away, tears frozen in her face.
Natasha spent about half an hour searching for y/n. She found her in the gardens. Snow covering every surface. It looked like a winter wonderland. And in the middle of the rose gardens where all the white and red roses grew sat y/n. Silvery white hair down around her ghostly pale shoulders. Red eyes slightly puffy with frozen tears running down her face. And while the situation was fire Natasha couldn't help but think that y/n looked like a goddess in that moment.
"if you've come to mock me more then please leave."
Y/n spoke up softly not looking up as she opened her palm and let snow fall over it, looking like a miniature snowfall. Natasha softened and walked over, sitting down next to y/n, who closed her palm and stopped the snow.
"I'm here to say sorry."
Natasha said quietly, taking y/n's closed fist into her own cold hands. Y/n looked up slightly shocked. But all Natasha could think of how beautiful the white woman was. A true winter goddess.
Y/n started only to get cut off when Natasha kissed her. Natasha hadn't been able to help herself. Y/n looked so pretty and Nat felt if she kept denying her feelings she might explode. So while y/n was distracted she kissed her. Sudden worry and fear filled Natasha though as she realised that y/n may not like her back. That was until y/n kissed Natasha back.
While admittedly y/n had been shocked when Natasha kissed her she also felt extremely happy and her heart picked up in pace. And sensing Natasha's then fear she kissed her back.
The two broke apart and Natasha looked at y/n simply admiring the woman she felt she couldn't admire before. Tucking a stray white lock from her face. Y/n smiled and leaned against Natasha's shoulder holding out her palm again and letting the snow fall commence once more.
After this the comments and jabs continued. Only now they ended in a compliment and a kiss between the two.
Natasha hated the new Avenger and never even considered the thought of liking her, and the new Avenger liked Natasha but never even thought that she would even like her back, but in the end both women loved each other and that's all that mattered to them.
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aphroditedahlias · 18 days
What if Bully Eren Victim is self-harming because of him or even worse commits suicide?
Yandere bully eren x self h4rming reader<33
woahhh, never wrote anything like this before, but i gave it a try! ps. masterlist updated!!!
TW : Self harm, skin carving, blood, and light non con ( not full scene)
This is a little short and not proofread lolololol the last time i posted a fic was in july 2022 so if this is trash lmk.
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The heat of your room is suffocating as you drop your bag and tug at your jacket. June is approaching and a new month means new opportunities to wear cute new outfits for most people. You on the other hand have no choice but to make the awkward switch from heavy winter clothes to lightweight winter clothes. The ugly lines that cross your arms , stomach , thighs, and even hips are stinging reminder of why you couldn’t even think of wearing something other than hoodies and sweats. Not only are they the only things that conceal your scars, they don’t tug and irritate them throughout the day which is another plus.
Eren had been feeling particularly irritable all week, naturally deciding to take it out on you. Although you finally made it through the week you flunked yet another test. Your grades have been taking more of a toll then ever, lowering your gpa to an unredeemable average. You were numb to the disappointment of your grades at this point and the only thing that allowed you to feel alive was the secret you kept tucked away in the privacy of your room. after grabbing your coping mechanism and taking off your sweater you slid down the wall, taking your time to enjoy the coolness of it against your too hot skin. Your thighs were running out of room. Faint lines cross your biceps and so today you’d decided on your lower forearm to bare the weight of your week. You lowered the blade and slowly withdrew your stress. As little beads of blood came about, each one releasing just a little of the darkness Eren had created inside you. You were so lost in your comfort and hurt you started and nicked yourself particularly hard when you heard banging at your door.
Quickly you threw on the sweater from today and made your way to the front door, looking out the peephole.
“ Open the fuck up y/n, what did i tell you about making me wait.”
Your heartbeat double in pace. You wondered what would be your demise first, your heart stopping from fear of the angry look on Erens face , or the way you just knew he would choke you out for making him wait.
You swiftly swung the door open while midnight a small apology.
“ I’m sweating like crazy so why are you sitting in this hot ass house with that sweater on?” he sneered, using his t/shirt to wipe his upper lip dry.
“ i had the ac on in my room i got a little chilly.”
“ so why is it still so hot in here? and there’s no Ac in that fucking hell hole of a school and you still had it on today, what’s your deal.”
“ Nothing I-“
He interrupted you by kicking the door closed behind him and pushing you against the wall before lowering his face to your neck.
“ Mmm baby you smell good.” he said, licking your neck.
Panick arose once again becuase the broad daylight would allow eren to see everything. The last few times he’d assaulted you had either been in a dark empty class room or with the lights off in the dead night of your room.
Before you had the chance to protest he was pulling the sweatshirt off of you.
You both stood in silence as he peered closely at your body, watching as you began to subtly quiver.
“ Y/N, what the fuck is this? “ He seethed, grabbing your arm, not caring about the blood clearly still oozing form your open wounds.
You had no answer, and you kept your head bowed in shame.
He pulled you by the arm into your bedrock before pushing you down on the mattress.
Wasting no time he stripped you free of the rest of your clothes and examined all the scars you’d given yourself.
He laughed to himself as he flipped you over and pushed your head down into your pillows before pulling you up the hips.
“ Count ” he said.
you felt a harass smack and jolted forward, trying to escape the assault.
“ one!”
you silently said a prayer to anyone who would be looking down on you.
Smack after smack you counted and cried out.
Just when you thought it was over, you heard something click and felt the sharp coolness of something against your ass.
“ Eren? what-“ you said sniffling.
You let out a whimper as you felt what you know knew was a blade lightly digging into you.
The agony was much worse than anything you’d put yourself through , you skin had a second heart beat and you could feel the blood dripping down your legs concerniny fast. You cried and begged for him to stop but he paid you no mind as he continued carving your delicate flesh.
Minutes passed by and you swear that you’d lost consciousness, fading in and out of black a few times.
Eren chuckled.
“ I’ve thought about doing this so many times. You have no idea how many times i’ve fucked my hand, making my cock cum over and over until i was sore thinking about making you permanently mine.”
Still dazed and confused, you had no reaction to his words or to the shutter of a phone that meaning he’d definitely photographed his work.
His finger spread your lips, using his thumb to tease your hole before spitting into it. He didn’t bother much foreplay before impaling you his thick and veining cock.
“ Fuck.”
His voice dipped and his breathing got heavier.
He used one hand to rub at the little nub that had you quickly seeing stars from the pain and pleasure mixed together. He used his other hand to pull you up by the neck so that tori back was touching his. He kissed your neck hard, biting and suckling at the skin to leave even more bruises. Tears fell down your eyes and whines left your lips as he pounding into from behind. You could feel the blood starting to dry and crust up on your ass making it even more discomforting to feel his movements.
removing his hand from your clit, he picked up his phone from off your bed and flashed you the screen.
In big red bruised letters red
Erens whore.
His sultry voice was almost tuned out by combination your ringing ears and the slapping of his hips against your wetness but you still heard him in your ear
“ Your heart , body, and soul is mine. Your skin belongs to me, and the next time you think about cutting what’s mine you won’t live to regret it.”
Eren never made empty promises… if you’d ever decided to hurt yourself again, you’d be signing your death certificate.
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Ask box is open, send in lots of requests because i’m gaining motivation to post!!!
©️aphroditedahlias 2024
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
final part of the Midnights Fic List
summary: in which y/n and Jack were in a relationship for 4 years before deciding to go separate ways, but everything reminds her of him and y/n realizes she’s made a mistake by letting him go.
specific lyrics: “i washed my hands of us at the club, you made a mess of me. i pictured you with other girls in love, then threw up on the street.” and “they say that if it's right, you know. each bar plays our song, nothing has ever felt so wrong.” and “i find the artifacts, cried over a hat, cursed the space that i needed. i trace the evidence, make it make some sense why the wound is still bleedin'. you were the one that i loved.” and “i heard your key turn in the door down the hallway. is that your key in the door? is it okay? is it you?” and “i never don't cry at the bar. yeah, my sadness is contagious. i slur your name 'til someone puts me in a car.” and “love is a lie; shit my friends say to get me by.”
notes: i don't know how i feel about this one. i feel like i could've potentially done better, but anyways MIDNIGHTS FIC LIST IS OFFICIALLY DONE! it's a month later than i had originally wanted to finish it, but it's finally done!
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the reflection staring back at me is a bit of a hot mess. mascara smudged, hair tousled, lipstick fading. i stare in the mirror until i feel the sting of the hot water on my hands, pulling them back with a hiss of pain. the alcohol running through my veins helps me avoid overthinking about this dingy club bathroom, my shoes sticking to the floor with every step. but the buzz does nothing to help with the thoughts that run through my mind when i hear the song that’s blasting from the speakers throughout the club.
“y/n/n, you good?” my head snaps over to Marie, her upper body peeking in through the bathroom door. one look at me makes her sigh. “you’re thinking about him again, aren’t you?”
“it’s our song.” i explain, as though she hasn’t heard the same excuse at every other bar we’ve been to in the past six months.
“i know it is, hun.” she gives me a pitiful smile, fully entering the grimy bathroom in order to grab my hand.
“it just feels so wrong hearing it without him.” tears well up in my eyes, my heart hurting just a little extra.
“let’s go get you another drink.” i give a numb nod in response, letting her lead me to our other friends that sit in a booth by the bar. at the sight of my state, they both give each other an unspoken glance before giving me a look of pity.
“i ordered you another tequila sunrise.” Beth tells me, sliding the drink towards me. i drop into the booth, muttering a short ‘thanks’ before gulping at the drink.
“lay it on us, babe. what’s on your mind tonight?” Lisa pipes up, sipping at her own drink and raising a brow at me.
“i just— they say that if it’s right, you know. and i thought we were right. but, it makes no sense because why didn’t i know until we broke up? i mean, i knew. obviously i knew, i followed him here from Michigan. but, i didn’t know know until we separated, ya know?”
“i’m gonna be honest, i only understood maybe half of what you just said.” Lisa says, making Beth and Marie giggle. “but love is a lie, y/n/n. sure, you can like someone enough to be with them for a long time, but romantic love? complete bullshit. it doesn’t exist. this isn’t the movies.”
“she’s right. and the quicker you realize that, the quicker you’ll get over him.” Marie nods, pointing at Lisa as she speaks while Beth hums in agreement.
“i don’t know if i’ll ever get over him. i love him. i miss him.” i whine. “i want him back. i don’t wanna be here. i want Jack.”
“alright, maybe it’s time we get you back home.” Beth sighs, tapping her thumbs on her phone. ordering an uber, i assume.
“i don’t wanna go home. i wanna see Jack.”
“you can’t see Jack, y/n. you’re drunk, and you guys broke up.” Marie pats my shoulder, helping me out of the booth and out of the club, the other two girls following behind us.
i continue mumbling to myself, my words slurred, and i’m eighty percent sure that the only actual audible word was my ex’s name.
“c’mon, hun. watch your head.” Lisa coos, helping me into the uber. “we’ll see you on tuesday, babe. get some sleep.”
Marie and Beth call out some goodbyes before Lisa shuts the car door, she motions for the guy up front to lower his window, whispering something to him before he starts off towards my house.
“would it be too late to ask to change the drop off location?” i ask him, anxiously playing with the strap of my purse as i speak.
“i’m sorry, ma’am. your friend just told me you might ask that. she said i’m under strict orders to take you straight to the predetermined destination.” i heave out a deep breath, slumping back into the seat of the car.
it doesn’t take too long to get to my apartment complex, muttering a ‘thank you’ to the man before sliding out of the vehicle and making my way up to my apartment. as soon as i make it into the apartment, i bee-line for my bedroom, stripping out of my club outfit and changing into some leggings and a tank top. i wipe off my makeup and throw my hair up before entering my closet. my sights set on the old USA Hockey sweatshirt on my shelf, i hop up, reaching for the article of clothing. however, as soon as i pull it down, something else comes tumbling down with it, falling to the floor in front of me.
slipping the sweatshirt on, i bend down to pick up the fallen item. holding it, tears prick the backs of my eyes as i realize what it is, Jack’s hat. his New York Yankees hat to be exact. my heart aches remembering the times he wore it. our Yankees game, date nights, even just lounging around the house. clutching the hat to my chest, i sink to the floor, sitting criss cross as i cry.
space. why did i think i needed space? i got plenty of space when he was always gone for roadies. fuck space. i just want him. my fingers trace the Yankees symbol, my tears falling down onto the dark blue fabric. why does it still hurt so bad? it’s been six months.
i know it may not help that i’m still in the same apartment we shared. every piece of this home reminds me of him. but it’s been much too hard to move. i tried looking at other apartments, but nothing felt as right as this one. i’m not ready to give up the last piece i have of the one i love.
too busy crying on the closet floor, i barely hear the lock on the front door turning. my head snaps up at the sound, trying to remember which of my friends have spare keys. Marie, Beth, and Lisa are the only ones, but i just left them. that only leaves two other options, Quinn or Jack. but, that i’m aware of, Quinn is still in Vancouver. i know he doesn’t have another game in New Jersey until next month. which only leaves Jack. i try not to get my hopes up, but i can’t help but wonder if it’s him, if he’s come back. the chances are slim. it’s been six months, why would he come back now?
i come to the decision that it’s probably Marie checking up on me. probably worried about the way i was when we parted not that long ago. it wouldn’t be the first time she’s checked on me.
footsteps thump against the wooden floors, getting closer to the bedroom, and i huddle further into the closet, hoping Marie will just leave me alone. tears still stream down my face as i clutch the hat closer to my chest, letting out silent sobs.
that’s not Marie.
too exhausted, i opt out of leaving the closet, not even able to get myself to speak without being racked with sobs. i sniffle as i hear him pass the closet, the footsteps stop for a moment before i hear them start again, getting closer to the cracked open closet door. i don’t bother looking, fully believing that at this point i’m a mix of drunk and sleep deprived, just hearing things that aren’t there. i wipe at my eyes but the tears keep coming. i shift to bring my knees to my chest, the hat now gripped in my hands in front of me.
“oh, baby.” i hear from behind me before a body drops down beside me on the floor, pulling me into them. his cologne fills my senses, my face buried into his chest. the scent fills me with melancholy, memories of when he used to hold me close and whisper sweet nothings in my ear. comforting me. making me feel at home within his arms.
“it’s okay.” as if i summoned the whispers with my thoughts, his breath fans across my ear. “i’m here. i’ve got you. i’m right here.”
his reassurances calm me just slightly, but the real help is when he splays a hand along my chest, taking deep breaths. muscle memory takes over as i mimic his breathing.
“what are you doing here?” i ask once i’ve finally calmed enough to speak. i wipe at my nose with the sleeve of my sweatshirt, finally looking up into the blue eyes that peer down at me.
“Beth called me.” he whispers.
“she did?”
“yeah. she told me you’re not doing okay.” he confesses. “she didn’t tell me much more than that. just that she’d really appreciate if i checked on you.”
“you came over here in the middle of the night just to check on me?” i question. “you have a game tomorrow. you should be sleeping.”
“you’re a lot more important than a game.” his hand moves from my chest to cup my jaw. “i told you i would always be here for you, y/n. i meant it.”
“but, we broke up. i didn’t think you cared anymore.” a lone tear drops from my right eye as i speak.
“i’ll always care about you. i don’t think i can ever stop. i love you, y/n/n. and i know you said you wanted space, and i respected that, but i told you when we broke up that i would be here when you decided you were ready.” he pauses, his eyes scanning my face before he continues speaking. “and now i really hope you’re ready because these past few months have been hell without you.”
“i made a mistake. i don’t want space. i want you. you’re the only thing i’ve wanted since i was seventeen.” my voice is barely above a whisper, scared for his response.
“you have me. i’m right here.” his eyes jump between my own and my lips three times before he leans down. i meet him halfway, our lips pressing together in a slow kiss. gentle passion and love radiates between us, his hands cupping my face as mine grip the nape of his neck as if he'll disappear from my hold.
pulling away, his forehead leans against mine. my breath catches in my throat at the sight of the smile gracing his lips. a smile of my own spread across my face and i crane my neck to place a chaste kiss on his lips.
"i missed you so much." i admit. "moving on from boys in high school was so easy, but the heartbreak hit different this time."
"that's how you know it's real. we're real. there's no moving on from us." he tells me. "at least, not for me."
he pulls me in tighter against him, crashing his lips against mine once more, and i feel content again, my life being fixed with such a simple motion.
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l1tw1ck · 1 year
Genshin: Kink Headcanons
Bottom!Characters x Top!Masc Intended Reader
Characters: Gorou, Heizou, Ajax, Kaeya, Cyno, Aether, Wanderer, Thoma
General CW: NSFW, my word is not law i am but a feeble tumblr user with horny opinions
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☆ Size: He absolutely loves seeing his stomach bulge. Meeting someone who's much larger or taller than him makes him horny. If you use strap-ons, he'll buy the largest one he thinks he can take and beg you to use it on him
☆ Master/Servant: Despite being a general, he loves following orders. As long as you have him trained (discussed safe words and rules), he'll do whatever you ask
☆ Humiliation: He gets way too turned on by being forced into embarrassing situations, he pretends he doesn't like it but you know better
☆ Free Use: He'll let you do anything to him at almost any time, no matter how embarrassing the situation. Well, as long as it's not in front of Kokomi or his Subordinates (he'd love to be fucked and claimed in front of his soldiers but the potential aftermath isn't all too appealing)
☆ Marking: He'll litter bites all over your body and urge you to do the same, he'll shamelessly show off the hickeys and bruises you left all over his body
Fav. Positions: Doggystyle, Missionary, From Behind
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☆ Handcuffs: He has a stolen pair in his bedroom and likes to pull it out almost whenever you have sex
☆ Authority Roleplay: Roleplaying as a Detective or an Officer while you're someone being interrogated or in jail, or with the roles reversed.
☆ Domination: He loves dominating and being dominated, he'll do anything you tell him to but if you're more of a sub, he'll gladly take control
☆ Recording: As long as you keep it to yourself (and maybe a couple of friends), he'll be eager to record a sex tape with you. He'll set up a camera or two in his bedroom ready to be turned on and record the two of you fucking
Fav. Positions: Against a Wall, Reverse/Regular Cowgirl
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☆ Painplay: All he wants is to be hurt, treated like nothing but a stress reliever by you. He loves when you take sick pleasure in his tears and whimpers.
☆ Knife + Blood Play: He wants his body to be full of scars that you inflicted, wants you to make him scream from how deep you cut him. He wants you to lick up his blood and make him swallow his own, maybe even use it to finger him. Aside from fingering you, he'd like to do the same to you.
☆ Predator/Prey: He loves the chase, if you ever run from him (whether it be for the sake of his kink or because you're genuinely terrified of him), he'll be right behind you. He'd tackle you and sit on your lower abdomen, heart racing, face flushed, and drenched in sweat with a smile on his face.
☆ Degradation + Objectification: Call him a dirty a whore, a good for nothing slut, a bitch, anything that comes to mind. Treat him like he's nothing more than a cocksleeve to be toyed with
Fav. Positions: Cowgirl, On His Side
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☆ Voyeurism: It doesn't matter if he's being watched while he masturbates, watching you masturbate, being watched while you fuck him, or perhaps even watching you fuck someone, he loves any form of it. Gods he loves windows and slightly open doors
☆ Cum: Come on his face, in his mouth, on his chest, in or on his twitching wet hole, in his underwear, anything. Just cover him in it. It doesn't matter if you have a dick or not, he'll eat you out just to get his face covered in slick and cum.
☆ Nipple Torture: Play with his nipples so much to the point where it hurts to wear a shirt. Make sure they're both sensitive and swollen once you're done with him
☆ Impact Play: Slap him and make his face sting or spank him so hard that he has trouble sitting down the next day. Kaeya just loves having constant reminders of the amazing sex he had the night before
Fav. Positions: Against a Window/Wall/Door, On His Desk
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ftm cyno, afab language used
☆ Public Sex: Take him anywhere in the desert and he's 100% down for sex. As long as there aren't any people around, he'll be more eager than you
☆ Breeding: Put him into a mating press and come inside him (metaphorically or literally), he deserves it. Tell him how pretty he'll look with your kids in him, that you're gonna breed his tight pussy and make his stomach swell
☆ Punishment: He knows that when he talks too much or does something he knows you don't like, he'll get punished. And he often does it on purpose.
☆ Dirty Talk: If he's too busy doing his job to come home, he'll send sexy letters about the things he wants you to do with him when he comes back. He might even send a few pictures
Fav. Positions: Mating Press, Standing Up
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ftm he/they aether, AFAB Language used
☆ Deepthroating: Whether it's your cock, your strap, or your fingers, he wants to choke on that shit. Stick em deeeeep in his throat
☆ Impact Play: Slap their face, spank their ass or their pussy, make sure at least one part of their body is red and or stinging by the time you're done
☆ Panties: Buy them a few pretty panties and they'll make sure to "dirty" them up and leave them somewhere for you to find. Or you could eat them out with their panties still on. If he's feeling dominant, he might ride you and stuff his panties in your mouth. Distance makes the heart grow fonder but Aether sending you their used panties in the mail makes the dick grow harder
☆ Skirts & Stockings: They'd be so pretty all dressed up and riding your thigh or bouncing their pretty little ass on your cock/strap. Feeling their stockings against your face as you eat them out because he's too sensitive to not try and close his legs. Wearing a skirt so his pussy is easily accessible to you wherever and whenever you want
Fav. Positions: Ass Up and Head Buried in Their Pillow, From Behind Standing Up
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ftm he/it scara, no AFAB language used
☆ Size Kink: Just like Gorou, he likes his partners bigger than him. He wants his mind to go blank from how fucking fat your cock is
☆ Choking: He says he prefers choking you but you both know the little slut enjoys your hands wrapped around his throat instead
☆ Body Worship: Treat it like the archon it never got to be, worship every part of his body. A king is in front of you, he expects you to act like it
☆ Mirror Sex: As the self absorbed man he is, it loves watching itself get fucked in the mirror and admiring how gorgeous it looks. Or how your fat cock/strap is causing his stomach to bulge and how damn good your hands look on its smaller body
☆ Oral: More often then not, your boyfriend'll be sitting on your face while watching a show or reading a book. You spend a good chunk of your time eating him out
☆ Free Use: If he's feeling horny, you better be ready to drop everything and give him what he wants
☆ Manhandling: When its not feeling like a king, it'll let you move it around like a doll. He loves when you're fucking him and his feet don't touch the ground
Fav. Positions: Face Sitting, Cowgirl, Anything where he's being manhandled
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☆ Master/Servant + Service: He'll do anything you ask him to, whether that's in the bedroom or not. Most of his actions in the bedroom revolve around you and what you want. He gets off on it all
☆ Praise: Call him a good boy and puppy, he'll be like putty in your arms. Give him compliments and rewards for good behavior
☆ Rope Bunny + Sensory Deprivation: He loves being tied up and blindfolded, making him helpless in your presence. He loves the feeling of your hands roaming along his body and without sight, that along with your voice is the only thing he focuses on. He falls into subspace pretty fast in these situations
☆ Voyeurism: He loves watching you get off, hearing your hot noises and seeing your hand going to work while you're looking at him. Sometimes he masturbates with you and other times he's tied up and on display as your jerk-off material
☆ Nudes: When he first read the letter asking him to send naked pictures when you're apart for a while, he instantly felt arousal pooling in his stomach. The thought of you getting off to the pictures he sends you makes him ache
Fav. Positions: Doggystyle, Being Folded in Half
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azrielhours · 2 years
Restless Dreams
Azriel x Reader
Word count: 2.7k
Synopsis: Reader has unrequited feelings for Azriel, which is actively breaking her heart. She dreams about him each night as she copes. Azriel finds her one night brooding in her pain.
A/N: I put my whole azussy into this
Seated by the window in the Town House, you were surrounded by the laughter and merriment of your friends, but all you felt inside was a cold that could rival the snowfall outside. You sat politely so your presence wouldn’t be suspected of its fraudulent nature, smiling when it was appropriate, raising your eyebrows when it was required.
It was a rare evening where everyone had unceremoniously made their way into the House at one point or another, coming home from missions and meetings. Rhys declared it an official family night in, breaking out the good wine and moving everyone into the living room. In the past, these were the nights you loved the best; that hadn’t been the case for a while. You knew you couldn’t turn down yet another get-together without raising eyebrows, especially with how much you’ve already been avoiding your family. And so you sat, swallowing down your drink where it would sink to the pit of your belly, neighbouring the feelings you kept buried deep in your ribs.
You let your eyes wander over your friends to see if anyone suspected your fleeting detachment and caught Cassian’s eye across the room watching you. He was seated next to him, who you’ve become very good at avoiding when the yearning got too raw. It helped the pain, just marginally, to avoid him. He laughed warmly with Feyre in your peripheral vision, reinforcing the ache in your chest. You shuddered at both the pain and desire that flared up at his laughter. You kept your eyes trained on Cassian to keep the intake of him controlled. Like a maximum dosage that bordered fatality.
Cassian studied you. You cringed knowing he caught onto you, so you sent him your most convincing reassuring smile. His brows only furrowed further. It was time to make yourself scarce, lest the others see what Cassian saw. You kept your smile plastered on your face and stood to go to your room. As you walked by Cassian, he gently grasped your elbow to stop your exit. You noted the hurt in his eyes, and you shook your head softly to dismiss his concern, shrugging out of his hold.
Once you made it into your room, you let that familiar feeling of anguish wash over you like a safety net you could count on falling into each night. You sat in your armchair by the window and let your tears spill freely now. The cold from outside seeped generously into your room, but you welcomed the sting it brought, a slight numbness to contrast the excess emotions reeling inside you. Meals had become few and far in between, as if the stale love inside you occupied the space in your belly, leaving none for food.
You closed your eyes and awaited the dreams that came each night, dreams of a hazel-eyed male, his beauty that rivalled artistic sculptures, his patience and attentive nature, his beautiful hands that held your heart. The male you were so in love with that it bordered on insanity.
The male that didn’t return your feelings.
Did it count as heartbreak if it was ongoing? Was unrequited love the same as rejection? The definitions and borders were all blurry, just like your drowning eyes.
You were startled out of your thoughts at the sound of gentle knocking on your door, maybe a half hour later. You took a deep breath and walked over to open the door. There you found Cassian taking you in with the concerned expression he donned before. He looked behind you, scowling. “It’s freezing in here. Why are you sitting in the cold?”
You shrugged, hugging your arms across your abdomen. When you looked back up at him, Cassian was still visibly worried. His hesitation to come into your space was a testament to how aware he was of your vulnerable state because normally he’d walk right in. “Do you mind if I come in?” he asked. You nodded.
Cassian immediately made his way to your window, closing it shut. You didn’t miss him eyeing the empty bottle of drink you had near the window, but he didn’t comment on it. He sat on your bed and patted the spot adjacent to him for you to join him. You obliged.
“What’s going on, sweetheart.”
Cassian’s kind nature was testing your composure. You inhaled deeply. “Nothing, Cass. I���m fine.”
“You haven’t been fine for a while. Tell me what’s bothering you.” You hesitated, mulling it over. “Why haven’t you gone to Azriel?” he asked quietly. This prompted you to look at him in alarm. “You used to go to him for everything. Did he do something that upset you?”
You shook your head. “No, nothing happened between us.”
Cassian was thoughtful for a beat. “You’ve been avoiding him, haven’t you?”
“Not because anything bad happened,” you assured, voice small.
“Hmm,” Cassian pondered. “Nothing bad… but it is something to do with Az?”
Shit. Maybe you should’ve started with stronger denial. You exhaled in defeat, frowning at your hands in your lap again as you felt tears warm your eyes at the truth.
“You sure he didn’t do anything to upset you? I’ll kick his ass. Just say the word.”
You shook your head. “He didn’t do anything, Cass.” That’s the problem. You blinked at the tears, willing them to stay put.
“Ah,” Cassian said quietly. You looked up, sensing him reaching understanding. Cassian’s eyes were full of empathy as he spoke lowly, gently. “Do you have feelings for him, sweetheart?”
That broke your final hold on your composure. You bowed your head and began softly crying, bringing your hands up to cover your eyes. Yes. Yes. Yes. 
“Oh, (Y/N). Come here,” Cassian said, moving closer to hold you.
You let him engulf you, leaning into his warmth. You kept your hands on your face, but Cassian didn’t mind, holding you to his chest regardless. You cried silently, save for the occasional sharp inhale. Cassian rubbed your back, murmuring sweet reassurances into your hair. You felt exposed, embarrassed to be caught liking his brother, having unrequired feelings – how childish did this make you look?
You pulled away from him and Cassian released you. You furiously wiped away at the hot tears, taking shuddering inhales as you forced the crying to come to a stop. “Sorry,” you said weakly.
“Don’t apologize.”
You shook your head. “It’s fine. I’m fine. Just drunk.”
Cassian saw through the dishonesty but let you have it. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
“What difference would that have made?”
Cassian took your hands in his. “It would’ve helped. We’ve been worried about you, (Y/N).”
You looked at him, the unspoken question hanging in the air.
“Yes, Azriel is worried too. He thinks you’re mad at him.”
You huffed. “No, I’m not mad. It’s just, like… marginally easier this way.”
Cassian nodded in understanding. You saw him silently eyeing the bottle again. “It helps a bit,” you explained. “With the sleep.”
“What do you mean?”
“I… when I fall asleep, I, um, I dream about him.” You swallowed at the ache in your throat. “That’s the hardest part.”
“Why?” He asked, his patience endless.
“It’s just… he’s mine in the dreams, and then I wake up, and he’s… not.”
Cassian frowned. “You’re breaking my heart, kid.”
You smiled weakly, waving off his concern. “It’s not that bad. Sorry.”
He opened his arms to hug you once more, this time you reciprocated the hold. He murmured, “it’s gonna be okay, sweetheart. Give it some time.”  
You nodded, indeed feeling a bit better. Cassian eventually released you, making you promise to keep the window closed all night. You laughed at the request but agreed. He even tucked you in and left you to fall into a deep sleep.
The next day, you worked up the courage to sit through dinner with your family. No one said anything, but you didn’t miss the momentary shock when you arrived to join them. Feyre beamed at you. Azriel tried to catch your eye, which you avoided. Cassian smiled and beckoned for you to sit beside him, so you did. Conversation resumed as you all ate.
“How was your mission in Summer Court, Az?” Rhys’s question caught your attention.
“Not bad,” Azriel answered.
“Everything go okay with Cressida?”
Azriel nodded. You firmly planted your focus on the table.
“You know, it’s time to put yourself out there,” Rhys suggested. You couldn’t suppress your frown. What?
“I can always put a good word in,” Feyre added.
“That could be a great Court relation,” Mor mused.
“You’d be great with her,” Rhys added.
You flinched.
Your cutlery clattered where they toppled onto your half-eaten plate.
Your stomach dropped. Azriel and Cressida?
Everyone’s attention slid to you, and your cheeks reddened. Rhys opened his mouth to ask what was wrong, so you rose abruptly before he had the chance to do so. “I—Sorry, I didn’t mean to—” you spoke weakly as you gracelessly backed your chair. Azriel’s gaze burned onto you as you did, which you also promptly ignored.
You didn’t mean to have a visible reaction. Didn’t mean to draw attention to yourself. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears.
“(Y/N),” you heard Azriel say.
 “I—just—my head hurts—” you said to no one in particular. You couldn’t swallow from the dryness in your throat. The silence was deafening as they watched you leave the dining room.
Everyone remained in their seats, stunned by your sudden departure.
“What was that?” Mor asked.
Cassian watched his family piece together your reaction. Azriel had a troubled look, shadows swirling as they whispered in his ear. When Cassian turned to Rhys, he found him already watching.
Do you know what that was? Rhys spoke to Cassian mind to mind.
Cassian swallowed. Yes. 
Rhys urged him on with a nod.
She’s hurting real bad, Rhys. 
Rhys was silent for a moment. Let’s go somewhere else. 
Cassian found himself in Rhys’s office with Feyre. They left one at a time to reduce the suspiciousness of the ordeal.
“What’s going on with (Y/N)?” Feyre asked.
For your sake, everyone tried to pretend not to notice, to let you work through whatever was hurting you on your own. You’d never been the type to close yourself off, so they all tiptoed. Cassian wasn’t sure if this was a breach of confidentiality; he winced but began. “(Y/N) has feelings for Az. She’s had ‘em for a while. It’s why she’s been so off lately.”
Feyre’s mouth formed an o shape.
“How long have you known?” Rhys asked.
“Not long. I didn’t want to say anything, but it’s eating her up inside.” Cassian says.
“Damn,” Feyre murmured.
Rhys frowned. “I only suggested Az moves on because I know he wants (Y/N).”
Feyre nodded. “He’s been trying to get over her. It was just bad timing, the suggestion.”
“Did you know?” Rhys asks Cassian.
Cassian grimaced. “I suspected but didn’t want to give her any false hope.”
Feyre silently mulled over it all. “What should we do?”
Cassian rose. “Leave it to me.”
“(Y/N),” you heard a voice say softly. “(Y/N).”
You stirred.
You opened your eyes to find Azriel crouched in front of where you’d fallen asleep in your chair by the window, his face etched with concern. Your heart swelled with affection.
“Yes, angel.” He was speaking to you so gently, like his voice could break you.
There was no way he was here. This had to be one of your dreams. God, he was so beautiful. You reached out with both your hands and traced your fingers down his cheeks. They were so much warmer than your fingers. He was looking at you with his full attention, something like longing in his eyes.
“You’re here,” you said, half-asleep.
He nodded patiently. “I’m here.”
If only. The longing in his eyes turned to pain as he took you in, prompting you to frown. “What’s the matter?” you asked.
“You haven’t been okay,” he continued using that gentle tone.
You cradled his face in your hands, letting yourself have him freely in this dream. “It’s okay,” you reassured.
He shook his head. “It’s not okay. I didn’t realize that I—that I was hurting you,” he pressed. The concern on his face drew lines of worry between his brows. “I’d never want that. I thought you wanted space, so I—” he cut himself off. He reached up and gently took your hands in his, pulling them off his cheeks and securing them into one of his hands, holding them to his chest. “Why are you in the cold? Your hands are freezing.”
You shrugged, indeed feeling the bite of the cold in your room. He must’ve closed the window upon entering. You looked around you, rousing more fully, noting how crisp everything was around you. You looked back to Azriel, feeling the warmth from his chest seeping into your hands, feeling his shadows gently caress your ankles. Was this—
“This is real,” he whispered.
You felt your pulse quicken, confirming this was indeed not a dream. “Oh,” you whispered back. But how did he—
“Cassian told me,” he answered.
“Oh,” you said again. That traitor. “What did he—how much did he—?”
Azriel’s eyes softened. “Not much, but he did say you were having trouble with sleep.” You simply nodded, dumbfounded. “I brought you some food,” he added. He pulled a bowl of hot broth from the floor. The gesture and the confrontation of it all brought tears to your eyes all over again. Neither one of you commented on them as they freely fell down your cheeks.
Azriel brought the broth between the two of you. You reached for the bowl, but he didn’t let you take it. You settled for the spoon, eating spoonfuls of broth as your tears fell, the warmth soothing the lump in your throat. After you had a good helping, Azriel was satisfied with your eating. You placed the spoon back in the bowl and he put it aside. He reached forward and wiped away your tears.
“I’m sorry for not—” he took a deep breath and tried again. “I’m not good at these things. I didn’t know if you… if you wanted this. The whole time we were close, I wanted you so bad, (Y/N). I just didn’t think I deserved you.” You shook your head, but he continued. “I still don’t think I’m good enough for you,” he confessed.
“You’re all I ever wanted,” you said.
Azriel shuddered. “God, (Y/N). You don’t know how badly I... I just don’t want to be selfish, but I suppose that’s doing us more harm than good.”
Your tears finally stopped.
“I’ll spend every day trying to do right by you, angel.”
You shook your head. “Az, I want you for who you are right now. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. There’s nothing more you have to do or any part of yourself you have to fix.”
He swallowed. “I’m sorry for hurting you.”
You shrugged, smiling. “Maybe all of this was just a cry for attention.”
Azriel barked a laugh. “Right. All of this was for attention.”
You laughed with him, and he watched as you did, eyes sparkling. You reached for him again. He opened his arms to you, and you practically threw yourself onto him, where he caught you and held you steadfast to his chest.
“So you dream about me, huh?” he mused into your shoulder.
You laughed. “Shut up. More like night terrors.”
He chuckled. “Sure thing.”
You pulled back. The two of you sat across from each other on the floor. He cradled your face. “I missed you,” he breathed.
“I did too.”
He pulled you to him gently. You didn’t resist.
His breath fanned across your face, and his lips grazed yours. He kissed you gently, testing the waters. You needed more. He complied, wrapping his arms around your waist, and pulling you into his lap where you happily climbed into. He kissed you so deeply you felt warm everywhere. You followed his lead, the intensity of it all, matching his movements until he finally broke for air. The two of you stared at each other, dazed and wild-eyed.
“Don’t leave again,” he rasped.
“I won’t.” I can’t.
“Say you’re here to stay,” you breathed. He kissed you one final time.
“Always, angel.”
taglist: @iimisty-a @feyretopiaa @cityofidek @cullenswife @reiincarnatiion @sfhsgrad-blog @answer-the-sirens @mrstangerinejohnson @marigold-morelli
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geekforhorror · 11 months
Could I get a anakin x gn!reader where he helps them through an anxiety attack? Preferred pet names for reader would be “my love” and “angel.”
(I meannnn who WOULDNT want to be called that by the best space dilf in the galaxy?? Plus that eye contact and toothy smile... Like DAYUM.)
can you feel my heart?
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pairing: rots!anakin x gn!reader
warning(s): mental health issues, anxiety attack, tooth rotting fluff, pet names, feelings of guilt.
word count: 1.0k
a/n: sorry if this is short!!
Today was probably the biggest day in your entire life. Today was the day where you would find out if you were worthy enough of being on the council. It would be decided by all of the important figures you had bonded with while in the order and that’s what would make it hurt more if you weren’t deemed good enough to be on the council. That’s all you thought about while getting ready for the biggest moment of your life. You made sure you looked your absolute best for this meeting and as soon as you felt ready, you left your quarters and headed to the High Council Chambers, feeling prepared as ever.
“On this council, you are not,” you hear Yoda say, feeling your heart sink.
“What?” you say in disbelief.
“Not ready you are,” he responds.
You looked around the room for someone to defy the master, but all you were met with were sorrowful and pitiful stares. Obi-Wan decided to break the painful silence to console you a bit. “You are a great Jedi, but I have to agree with Master Yoda on this one. You are simply not ready right now. Give it time,” he says to you.
“Thank you, Master,” you say while trying to keep a strong front despite feeling like you wanted to crawl into a hole and never be seen again. As you stand up from your seat, the rest of the council says goodbye with good intentions, but all you can focus on was the stinging rejection. You exit the chamber without saying another word, letting tears fall down your face as soon as you get the chance to.
You felt as your world had collapsed within mere seconds. Had all of your hard work in the order been for nothing? Had you gotten your hopes up? It certainly felt like it since you also felt like the biggest fool ever. Before you know it, you reach your quarters and open the door, now walking through the entrance. You slammed the door just as quickly as you opened it and made yourself fall onto your bed face down. All you could think of now was how you would never live up to being an amazing Jedi or even being on the council. Here you were now, sobbing into your soft pillows without stopping. Suddenly, you felt your breathing become irregular which only made your current state worse. You knew this feeling all too well because you had felt like this before. You were having an anxiety attack. You start panting, while trying to keep yourself together, but you feel yourself slip deeper into an episode. Due to this, you didn’t even hear Anakin open the door since your raggedy breaths echoed off the walls.
“Hello, my lo-,” Anakin begins to say before his eyes land on you, seeing how messed up you currently were. He rushes over to your bed before he cradles your face. “Hey, hey, hey, what’s wrong angel?” he asks out of genuine concern. You can’t manage to say anything because you feel like your lungs are on fire to the point where it’s suffocating. Every breath you take feels like you’re breathing in fire and it gets to be too much for you.
“Please say something, my love,” he begs of you, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. You frantically shake your head, denying him of his one request. You wanted to tell him everything, but the words sank deeper in your throat as the room became too overstimulating despite not uttering a single word.
“Take deep breaths for me,” he suggests.
“I-“ you start to say shakily before being politely interrupted.
“You don’t have to respond, my love. Just focus on breathing and on my voice,” he says soothingly while caressing your hair. You want to do this for him, but you just don’t know if you have it in you. Despite having racing, jumbled thoughts form in your mind, one thought seemed to push through your head more than the others.
‘Focus on his voice’ echoed through your worrisome mind. It takes extreme willpower to do as he says, but it was worth a shot. You try to take deep breaths, but it feels impossible due to the heavy atmosphere in the room. You close your eyes and focus on trying to reach a regular tempo of breathing. You do as he says and feel each breath become less irregular, which had taken a while. You take one last shallow breath as you feel the room become peaceful rather than overwhelming.
“Ani, I’m so sorry,” you plead, tears spilling from your eyes.
“Shh, Shh, Shh. You have nothing to apologize for, sweetheart,” he says with a soft voice as he rubs your head in consolation.
“Yes I do. I made you witness me having an anxiety attack,” you say with a shaky voice, throwing your hand up in the air.
“It’s not your fault and it never will be,” he assures you.
“Still… I feel guilty. You didn’t sign up for this… for seeing me like that,” you counterclaim.
“I chose to love you though and this is a part of that. I will always love you and this doesn’t change anything,” he reassures you.
“I love you so much Ani,” you reply before pecking him on the lips a few times.
“I love you too, angel,” he says with no hesitation. He studies your face to see if it’s appropriate to ask you a question and he decides to go for it. “Do you want to talk about it?” he asks you calmly.
“I- I didn’t make it on the council,” you say, feeling defeated.
“I’m so sorry, angel,” he says, now feeling how much it must’ve hurt you.
“I got my hopes up just like I always do,” you say.
“They should be the sorry ones. They’re missing out on you anyways,” he says confidently. You smile at his words before kissing you lovingly on your lips. You feel more peaceful now, so you decide to accept the kiss. “I like this,” you mutter.
“Me too,” Anakin responds. You resume the kiss without hesitation and the sound of lips smacking against each other fills the room. Right now, it felt like the galaxy was frozen in time and you two were the only beings in it, making you want to live in this moment forever.
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sweetyyhippyy · 2 years
Not my Name. Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader. *FLUFF*
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Summary: Based on this question I got from an anon. Eddie has been “bugging” reader all day, when he disrupts her nap, she calls him by his “government name” and he takes it to heart. 
TW: Eddie being extra. Implied that Eddie wants sex. 
Word Count: 869
Eddie was in a mood.
Well 2 moods. Both of which, playful.
He had been poking fun at his girlfriend all afternoon; laying on top of her, making dumb little noises in her ear while he was on top of her, licking her neck at one point, and slapping her ass any opportunity he got.
The trailer was freezing, and when she was cold, all she wanted to do was nap.
She snuck away to Eddie’s room when he was on the phone with one of the guys from Hellfire, snuggling Eddie’s pillow while she burrowed under all the blankets and dozed off.
It felt like only a few seconds passed before she heard the door open and quiet footsteps behind her. She was still aware of her surroundings, but she was too far into sleep to wake up and investigate the sound.
“Sweetheart, you wanna go to the movies?” Eddie asks in her ear, slowly sliding into bed behind her, wrapping his arm around her while he pressed kisses to her cheek.
She could smell the fresh cigarette he had just smoked on his breath and his clothes, the smell making her snuggle against him deeper.
“Hey, wake up.” He pokes. “Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.”
She huffs loudly. “I’m trying to sleep.”
“I know, I want you to wake up. I wanna do something.” He whines like a child. “Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!” He chants in her ear, pulling the blanket down from around her shoulder.
“No.” She whines, trying to take the blanket back from him. “I wanna nap! Take a nap with me. You’re doing a lot of extra shit right now, you need to relax!”
Eddie tsks. “I don’t want to nap. We can nap after we have some fun. Come on, princess.” He starts to press kisses to her exposed shoulder.
“Nooooo.” She whines, trying to keep her eyes shut in hopes she could easily fall back asleep.
A sharp sting against her shoulder blade makes her gasp loudly, her eyes flying open. “Eddie! Fucking ow!” She shouts, turning to her back to flash him a dirty look.
“Who?” He furrows his brows at her.
“What? Who what?”
“Who did you just call me?” Eddie pouts, his face reading offended.
“Your… your name.”
“What was the first rule I said when we started this relationship?”
“Not to touch the radio in the car.”
“Really?” He glares at her.
She looked over at him completely dumbfounded that he was taking this so seriously. “Eddie, you’re kidding me. All I did was call you by your name.”
“Yeah! Exactly! I am: babe, baby, handsome, peaches, daddy, sir, or dungeon master. That’s it.”
She bites her lip to stifle a laugh that would just cause another outburst. “Y-you like when I call you peaches?” She covers her mouth with her hand, smiling from ear to ear underneath.
Eddie pouts again. “No, but it’s better than you calling me Eddie.”
She can’t help but let out a full belly laugh, pulling him closer to her. “Oh my poor sensitive baby. I’m sorry I called you Eddie. I won’t call you that again.”
He rests his head just above her chest, letting her play with his hair. “Good.”
“Did you still want to have some fun, Edward?” She can’t help but burst into a fit of laughter, never having called him Edward before, mostly because he hated his “proper” name.
“Babe!” Eddie yells, wrapping both of his arms under her and attacking her with his mouth. “That’s even worse than Eddie! Stop being mean.”
She was crying tears from laughing so hard, not having enough energy to fight back with Eddie. “I-I-I can’t stop laughing!” She covers her face with her hands, having a full blown hysterical laughter fit.
“Call me babe and I’ll let you go. Call me babe!”
“Okay! Okay! Get off me, baby please! I can’t breathe anymore!” She almost shrieks.
Eddie lets her go, laughing at how worked up she was next to him. “You done?”
“My tummy hurts from laughing.” She flips over and lays on her belly, burying her face in the pillow so she can calm down and stop laughing. After a few seconds she looks up at Eddie, bursting into another fit of laughter.
“You know what, take your nap. I’m going to go hang out with Henderson.”
“No, don’t leave me. I’m done! I’m done! I’m sorry, baby. I’m all done.” She inhales deeply, a smile still plastered on her face. “Kiss so I can say sorry?”
Eddie leans over to press a sweet kiss to her lips. Resting his forehead on hers. “You’re a punk, you know that?”
She giggles and kisses his nose. “Yeah, but you love me… peaches.”
Eddie’s face grows red in embarrassment at the stupid nickname he had given himself one night when he was drunk that she threw in his face when she thought she was being funny. “Alright, I’ll remember this the next time you want me to love on you when you’re needy, punk ass.”
“Aww, pouty baby. Come here, I promise I’m all done now.” She says, kissing his cheek over and over.
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devilsrecreation · 3 months
Kenge relationship headacanons
Jasiri-Jasiri and Kenge have created an unlikely friendship. Being a new leader, she wanted to give everybody in the Outlands another chance to respect the Circle of Life and Kenge was no exception. Kenge didn’t want anything to do with her at first, but the more Jasiri showed that she cared about her subjects (and acted like his therapist), he slowly became more trusting and protective of her. She’s even regarded him as family at one point. “Everyone in the Outlands are like a big family, and that includes you”. Kenge won’t admit it, but he actually teared up at that. Nobody’s ever thought of him as family before
Wema and Tunu-He claimed that he wasn’t fond of kids, but that changed once he met the twins. They were too pure for the world, not even Kenge had the heart to hurt them. So Kenge did what he knew best: he taught them and the other kids (and skinks) to fight. Kenge won’t lie, they really grew on him. They lowkey remind him of himself when he was young, being all sweet and innocent
Janja, Chungu, and Cheezi-All three of them are still terrified of him…and make the mistake of using the word “little” around him (they don’t call him little, but they do use phrases like “a little help”)
Jackals: Pretty cordial to Reirei and Goigoi keeps annoying him with his stupidity. Dogo, Kijana, and the other pups are pretty much the only ones he cares about, being his students and all. He likes how much potential Dogo and Kijana show him
Kiburi-I like to think the friendship would be a lil one-sided on Kiburi’s part. Like he’d lowkey see Kenge as an honorary float member due to how much potential he has, but Kenge’s shown to be pretty indifferent. He’d see Kiburi as a cocky asshole if anything (he may be cocky himself but he’s not that prideful yk?). This is until Kiburi says something like “you’re a big guy, ain’tcha?” at some point and it sticks cuz Kiburi’s the only animal bigger than him who said something like that. It hit different. They got mutual respect for one another, so they’re cool. As I said before, Kenge’s kinda like the honorary croc in the float, it’s really sweet since Kenge finally feels like he’s one of the big boys
Skinks-As I covered before, Kenge acts as the skinks’ protector/bodyguard. Shupavu and Njano were smart enough to get on his good side and convince him that lizards have to stick together. I like to think they INTENDED to just use him for protection and nothing else, but then they got to know Kenge more. Now they got they have the one of the most genuine friendships in the Outlands. Shupavu and Kenge bonded over their relationship with Ushari and they genuinely worry over the other’s well being at times. Njano and the other skinks also like to act as Kenge’s hype-men (lizards) and even try giving dating advice when he develops feelings for Maji. Njano definitely likes to mess with him sometimes
Sumu-Kenge and Sumu met during the battle in “The Scorpion’s Sting”. After regaining consciousness, he permanently went his separate way and lay down to rest. Unbeknownst to him, Sumu happened to be sitting right next to him eating a mouse he caught. Then they just…started talking and have been by each other’s side ever since.
Their relationship dynamic is basically 50% wholesome “You’re one of the few people in my life who doesn’t suck and I care about you” and 50% friendly banter. Took a while for the both of them to realize they made a friend in each other tho
Ushari- Kenge and Ushari have known each other since they were kids. After essentially being ditched by his siblings by trying to find a flower that doesn’t grow in Africa, a lonely Kenge is sulking when a little snake-let comes along and asks him if he’s okay. They introduced themselves and they’ve been at each other’s side ever since. Ushari did his best to stand up for Kenge from his brothers and Kenge would defend Ushari from getting stepped on with his life. They would do anything for each other
Kifo-Gonna keep this one brief since I already covered them, but Kenge did NOT like Kifo at first due to being reminded of Ushari and his death whenever he saw her. After she proved she could talk to Ushari, he began opening up. He’s now trying to teach her how to use her venom for self defense
Maji-Ever since becoming lovers, Kenge shows to genuinely love and care about Maji and vice versa. You’d think he’d be the abusive type, but he surprisingly isn’t. He’s actually the most calm when he’s with her. They treat each other as equals and gladly fight back to back when either of them is in danger. He even has a habit of (lovingly) staring at her, it’s adorable. I wouldn’t call him romantic, but he’s trying lmao. Luckily, Maji’s version of romance is Kenge’s fighting so it works out. She thinks it’s attractive :)
They also do this thing where they interlock their tails. It’s the lizard equivalent of hand-holding and it’s ADORABLE
Jino and the rest of his siblings-Already said this before, but they literally hate each other. While Kenge only wanted his siblings’ love and to fit in with them, Jino and the others saw Kenge as nothing more than a burden. They would hurt, mock, and tease him about his size, with Jino claiming he wanted to “toughen him up”. It wasn’t until Kenge finally stood up for himself that Jino finally started treating him as one of them. When Kenge declined and left, Jino went straight back to mocking him.
Kenge’s also kind of scared of Jino, which is why he felt like he couldn’t do anything when he came to visit. He was scared that Jino might beat him up, something he’s done before. After Kenge stood up for himself a second time, Jino and his other sibling became more submissive and scared of him. Jino still acts cocky as hell, but he avoids Kenge now….or does he?
Badili- OKAY HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE. So imagine Kenge has to go to the Backlands to get a certain plant for a very sick Kiburi. He goes with Janja, Chungu, and Cheezi in the Back Lands and soon chooses to go his own way. His stubbornness ends up getting himself lost in Mirihi Forest where he meets Badili.
Kenge didn’t really like Badili at first since he found him to be “too chipper” and was just focused on getting the plant. Throughout Kenge’s visit, however, Badili just kept being nice to him and helping him no matter how angry or bossy Kenge got. Badili never saw Kenge as a bad lizard, but a broken one. He was smart enough to realize Kenge’s hatred of the word “little” was because of past trauma. They eventually get to officially bond after Kenge almost bites Badili when he made the mistake of using the word “little” around him. While semi-afraid, Badili stands his ground and asked something no one else did:
“Are you okay?”
From that point on, they share each other’s past experiences and Kenge finally warms up to the leopard. Badili’s kindness reminds him of himself when he was younger and the fact that he overcame his fear of his bully was actually kind of impressive to him. He just didn’t get how Badili didn’t become…well, like him. Badili’s responded with “Because I didn’t wanna stoop down to his level”. I like to think he teaches Kenge that becoming a hate-filled bully isn’t a good way to deal with your problems and that definitely gets Kenge to humble himself… or at least not be as grouchy as before. They have a heartfelt moment when Kenge meets with the hyenas and they find the plant. Kenge definitely promises to visit him someday. You could even call them friends :)
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