#and it saddens me a LOT this series deserves SO SO much better
ichorai · 2 months
ties that bind ; nanami kento ; june 13th.
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pairing ; nanami kento x reader
drabble synopsis ; packed lunches for four!
themes ; fluff, slice of life, established relationship (married), parents au
warnings / includes ; first introduction to baby yuriko :) this is so domestic it makes me sick, again this series is completely disregarding the shibuya incident and will be a lot of slice of life fluffy filler kind of vibes
series masterlist.
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13th june, 2019
“I made lunch,” you told Nanami, handing him the sealed bento box with a warm smile. Your husband mirrored your expression, one of his hands cradling the back of your head to pull you closer, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. 
“Thank you,” he said. Then, his keen eyes darted down to the counter, where there were three other bento boxes stacked on top of one another. “And these are for…?”
Your features turned sheepish. “I was going to bring Yuriko to come visit the school—so I made lunches for the second-year kids, as well. No doubt they haven’t had anything home-cooked in a long time.”
Something in Kento’s eyes softened. You were so painfully good and kind it made his chest ache. 
“You spoil them,” he whispered, nose nudging over the crown of your head. 
You made a noise of amusement at that. “They deserve to be spoiled.” Then, you glanced over at the round clock hanging in the kitchen. “I’ll see you in a couple hours? I think I’ll drop by around 11 or so.”
“Mhm. Try to avoid running into Gojo this time. Yuriko hates him.”
Your daughter, nearing six months old now, still burst into a fit of panicked tears every time Gojo tried to hold her, much to the excited man’s chagrin. Nanami would often proudly remark that she was his daughter. 
“I can’t promise anything. It feels like Satoru has eyes and ears everywhere,” you replied with a laugh in your voice.
Nanami frowned at the thought, but it was quick to dissipate when you leaned forward to kiss his cheek. “I love you,” he said in farewell, eliciting a fond I love you, too, right back. 
With that, he whisked out of the kitchen and made his way to the door. It saddened him to leave for work before Yuriko could wake up, but he felt better knowing she was coming to visit the school with you. 
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“What’s inside?” Nobara queried when you handed the three students their respective packed lunches.
“White rice with some steamed fish and veggies. There’s also watermelon chunks in the other container. You guys need to have a balanced diet, you know.” You reached out to fondly ruffle Yuji’s disheveled pink hair, knowing the boy had terrible eating habits. “You still have a lot of growing to do.”
Megumi, polite as ever, bowed his head and thanked you with a quiet tone. Nobara’s eyes had lit up at the mention of watermelon, eagerly chiming in her appreciation, as well. You grinned, and gestured for them to start eating. 
“Won’t you be eating with us?” Yuji asked, more as a request than an actual question. He was poking fingers at baby Yuriko in her stroller, pulling funny faces so that she would coo with laughter. Yuji had always been her favorite out of the three.
“I would, but I’m dropping off Nanami’s lunch, as well,” you told them, earning a pout of disappointment from Yuji and Nobara. 
The three of them began opening up their lunches. 
“Make sure to eat all of it, okay?” you told them in a mothering tone, laughing slightly when Nobara went straight for the watermelon rather than the rice. “I’ll see all of you this weekend—I was thinking we could all go to the beach. The weather calls for it, you know?”
It’d been nothing but sunshine and wispy clouds for the past week. 
Yuji tickled Yuriko’s wriggling feet within her stroller, excitedly nodding in agreement. “Sounds good with me! We could play volleyball!”
“Okay, I really should get going,” you said, waving goodbye. Before you could step away, Yuji pulled away from the baby stroller to envelop you in a warm hug, his arms wrapped tightly over your upper body. It surprised you at first, but you were quick to affectionately return the embrace. 
“Thank you for the food, and for being so considerate of us!” he said once he pulled away, saluting you with a nod. You laughed at how serious he sounded.
Swallowing her last bite of watermelon (she was definitely going to nick some from the other two), Nobara barked out, “Hey! Stop trying to be Y/N’s favorite, you suck-up!”
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novasintheroom · 5 months
Hellooooo!! Could you write about how Vash and wolfwood would react to reader being jealous, or the boys getting jealous over the reader please? Either would be great!
Thank you so much!!!
So, I only did Vash with this one since I'm in a Vash mood. Hope you enjoy a jealous reader!
Now part of the 150 Bullets drabble series on AO3.
010: Jealousy
♡ Pairing - Vash x fem!Reader
♡ Word count - 0.7k
♡ Warnings - none
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His shoulders are broad – that coat hides it well. You watch him rub shoulders with some of the locals at the bar. They pat his back, congratulate him on a job well done turning those bandits out of town.
“First round’s on me,” a woman purrs next to him. She rubs one of his shoulders. His ears go red, and you turn away with a silly gut feeling reserved for jealous teen girls. Luckily, your meal order comes.
“Alright,” the man says, setting down two large sets of plates, “got your house special here, and two bread bowls with our daily soup.” He wipes his hands and gives you a smile. “That’s a lot for a lady!”
“Oh, uh,” you blanch at the slight insult, “my friend, he’s…” you gesture toward Vash. The woman is hanging off his arm now, and it’s hard to tell if his coat or cheeks are redder. Still, he gives her a charming smile. Your stomach curdles. You thought that was your smile.
The man looks toward Vash and clicks his tongue. “Wouldn’t want to be him. Gabby has a way of getting into your wallet when you aren’t looking.” Alarmed, you stand, but the man laughs and waves you down. “I just mean her looks, darlin’. Fellas always throw her gifts and presents when they walk into town. Our hero might just find himself some double dollars short if he lets her keep at it.” He pauses and smiles, “‘Sides, maybe he deserves it for leaving you alone.” He looks you over and gives a wink. “Couldn’t be me if I had someone like you around all the time.”
Now you feel hot. A shaky laugh escapes, but you’re still slightly charmed by his obvious flirting.
“Here,” he continues, and slips a fat slice of cake on the table. “It’s not much, but you’re a hero like him. I saw the way you tricked those bandits into going outside. Wouldn’t have turned out nearly as nice if you hadn’t.” He takes your hand, bends down, and presses a light kiss to your knuckle. The man thankfully waves and goes back to the kitchen afterward.
You don’t know why, but you’re touched by the gesture. Not often people even notice you around when Vash saves the day – or ruins it, depending on who you are. You hum and pick at the cake, thinking of eating it before Vash can even smell it.
“Who was that?”
You jump at his voice and watch Vash slide into the booth. He gives you a smile, but it’s off. It’s one of his reserved ones, the one where he isn’t sure about something. “Oh,” you say, “just the waiter from the kitchen. He was just chatting.”
“Looked like flirting to me,” he comments. His mouth skews, his eyes watch the waiter go back through the swinging door with a strange intensity.
And just the way he says it, after he had a woman nearly in his lap not two minutes ago…An ugly little monster crawls up your throat and says, “Maybe it was.” You stab a bit of the cake and take a bite. “Wouldn’t mind getting picked up by him. Good lookin’.”
Those broad shoulders slump, and you feel no joy in the way his eyes sadden. “Oh, well…” he clears his throat and picks up a fork for his soup, “good for you!”
Any mirth you got from his reaction is short lived. He swirls the fork in his bread bowl, picking it up and letting the liquid dribble off the prongs, then doing it again. It's like you kicked a puppy. You sigh and get up. Damn his thick skull. Vash watches, suddenly afraid you're leaving (where? To the waiter?), but instead you sit beside and hip-check him to make room. “We’d better eat this cake before Gabby gets her grubby hands on it, too.”
Your shoulders brush, and you feel more than see him perk up – at your closeness, and the promise of cake. He’s too easy to please, you think. But your forks pick away at the cake before your dinner, and as you both fight over the last piece in a duel of utensils, you think you’re easy to please, too.
Especially when you have that charming smile all to yourself again.
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moonlightonme · 11 months
yknow, i love kaishin/shinkai but every time i read an angsty fic (majority) my heart drops so far i feel it in my feet
i keep thinking about how people portray kaito, when to me he’s one of the loneliest possible characters with even fewer people knowing his identity because it can put them in danger. not just that but it also puts HIM in danger, just because he’s wanted by police and forces everywhere he goes— without knowing the actual reasons why. realistically his life is always in danger, more so than shinichi’s. he has the organisation targeting him, police, even detective friends and on top of that having your best friend bash KID: idk but in his position i don’t know how much he’s been through… i sometimes think he’s far more vulnerable because he has to put up more walls and façades.
one reason why i support kaishin is because shinichi doesn’t unnecessarily have a reason to catch him- knowing him he’ll want to find out more and have a proper reason to go after him. he KNOWS kaitou kid isn’t a bad person. he doesn’t know his identity or want to pursue him recklessly, and i should think kaito appreciates his detective a lot. hakuba and aoko give me mixed feelings.. i like aokaito but… i just think relationships based around honesty would be better.
i love aoko, i really do.
kaito really deserves someone who loves and understands him at his best and at his worst. his support system is much smaller than shinichi’s. to top it off, kaito is really devoted to his dad’s cause that he had to pick up OUT OF NOWHERE. that amount of burden after losing his dad, a somewhat absent mom and then finding out about jii san having to take on the mantle… i can’t imagine how much pain is repressed on his part.
in short i really love kaito kuroba as a character and adore him strongly. fics that use his phobia to attack him or to cause him heavy fear saddens me a lot. i still reinstate my point that kaito is one of the loneliest characters i’ve seen and characters that have to play an ‘antagonistic’ role in order to protect people they love and avenge their family just hits really hard
along with magic kaito’s series unlikely to ever get an ending or closure…
Kaito Kuroba deserves so much better.
idk finding people from dcmk comm or kaishin/shinkai fans who have opinions about this
also kaishin/shinkai roleplayers please hmu i’m at a destructive point
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eggseabutter · 11 months
I think Sonic’s issue in this debate is that he just assumes that fixing the Paradox Prism will fix everything when in true it would take a lot more than that.
The shatterverses despite being mirrors of his world are unique and with their own stories, he has made various promises in each of them to help them out but he just seems to believe that once the prism is fixed it would all be back to normal for each of those worlds.
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I also think that given that Sonic is reminded often by his memories that he was the one to cause his world to be a ghost he unconsciously thinks that the other shatterverses are an extension of this mistake and need to be fixed in the same way.
So despite how much his final argument with Nine saddened me, he DID need that slap. All worlds deserve to be saved but they won’t all be saved on the same manner, is a lot more pressure than he originally thought.
Sonic has always been impulsive and he has always been one to see the solution of a problem as an exciting adventurous path yet in his terms, a simple one.
Even in X when everyone was brought to the human world he didn’t even worry.
He won’t let the other worlds disappear after everything that’s happened, I just can’t see it, that’s a bad ending. And Sonic main thing is freedom, he won’t let that happen.
Here a little theory, it was implied that the reason why Shadow wasn’t shattered like the others were was because he had been carrying the chaos emerald. The emerald fell to the darkness in the void, I don’t think that was just a simple thing to add on the chapter
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I’m sure the emerald and the darkness will certainly come back to the plot as well as why Shadow can’t enter the shatterverses and Sonic can. I can’t be possibly just a main character thing, there MUST be a reason just like why in Frontiers Sonic was the only one free
Do I have blind faith in Sonic at this point? Maybe. Will that stop me from believing in him? Huh nah.
The series was first presented as road of redemption, which I’m sure Sonic will get.
In conclusion, he’s not selfish, he’s just not stopping to think things through, it also hasn’t helped that he hasn’t catch a break since this whole mess started
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Disclaimer: I’m saying that Nine was absolutely right about taking that out on Sonic, he will be an antagonist now but I don’t think he’s a villain, he’s just broken.
He deserves better. And I know Sonic will be better for him, I just do.
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callsigndragon · 1 year
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Seeing Red | Ch. 18: Meet the family ✍️📲
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: Red has F E E L I N G S (don't we all?), mentions of the divorce, fluff, angst, tensionnnnnnn, mentions of food, ann Liam bc he deserves his own warning. ALSO DAD JAKE. mentions of death and more sadness and well, just go read it.
A/N: Seeing Red began officially 8 days ago, and we already have 18 chapters (only six of them are fully written), which means that I've been writing non-stop since the year began. As I’ve been telling y'all, I have a big exam in, actually, 9 days, and I’ve been procrastinating a lot on that area of my life. So, even if it saddens me, it’s time to stop writing and start studying. 
Lucky for me, I’ve been working all semester and I know the majority of the things already, so it’s not too much work, but still, priorities come first. I’ll be around, I’ll read your comments, and you are free to send as many questions as you want about the series. I want to read your doubts and theories, and you know, whatever you want to tell me! I’ll answer them whenever I have some free time. 
Promise that the first thing you’ll read when I come back is Daggers playing with the kids at the beach!
Masterlist on pinned!
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For a week, you are haunted by the image of Jake singing to Liam. You didn’t tell him what you saw, wanting it to be a special moment between father and son. Liam needs to create memories with his father, too. You know that, eventually, Jake will ask to spend more time with him without you being present, and you’ll start missing a lot of beautiful moments. It’s a special memory for them, but for you? It’s becoming a nightmare. Not exactly a nightmare, but it never leaves your mind; the memory returns to it whenever you allow your mind to wander. 
Being away from Jake is proving to be a difficult task. 
It’s Sunday, it’s your day off, and you don’t have to see him today. You can rest at home, keep unpacking things, and have a nice day with your son. No Jake. No problems. No messy feelings just you and Liam.
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Well, shit.
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Half an hour later, Jake rings your doorbell. Liam runs to the door, waiting for you to open it. He knows that no matter what, he cannot open the door. You still don’t know why you accepted when Jake offered to share a car to go to the beach. Well, maybe the idea of him driving and having Liam in the backseat was so alluring that you just took the opportunity when it presented itself. 
“I gave you a key; why aren’t you using it?” You ask Jake while opening the door. 
“You said it was for emergencies. I’m not gonna use it to enter your house when I feel like it.” He explains matter-of-factly.
“Fair enough,” You concede, walking toward the living room, where you are packing Liam’s bag. “Shit, I forgot to buy more sunscreen.” 
“Language.” Liam and Jake say at the same time, earning a glare from you, eyes narrowed. 
“Don’t you dare team up against me, Seresins.” 
Jake smirks as he raises his hands. “I would never do that.” 
“You better. Can we stop somewhere and buy sunscreen?” 
“Sure. Actually, we’re supposed to meet with the rest this afternoon.” 
You almost drop Liam’s spare clothes on the floor. “But you told me to be ready before lunch?” 
"Yeah, about that," he scratches the back of his neck, "I was hoping we could meet Penny and Amelia." 
You look at your outfit: a sundress over your swimsuit. “I’m gonna need to change clothes.” 
“You’re absolutely beautiful like that, Red.” He promises, a jovial smile accompanying his words. 
You scoff, smoothing out the non-existent wrinkles in your dress. “I look like a mom.” 
Jake gets up, grabbing your chin softly, and makes you look at him. His green eyes are pools of sincerity. “That is exactly what you are. And you’re one hell of a mom, if you allow me to say that. But you’re also a fighter pilot and the best fucking Commander that Top Gun has ever seen.” 
“Language.” You mutter, a small smile expanding over your features. 
“Whatever. You’re the hottest mama around. Everyone at the base calls me an idiot, you know?” His eyes glance at your lips for a second. You feel the tension—the same one that you felt five years ago when you met him. That tension that led to making out sessions in the back of his car, in empty offices at the base, and in empty corridors when you were deployed together. The tension that somehow ended with him knocking at your door one rainy night and, in that moment, you just knew. You knew that he was the man you wanted to share your life with. 
Your breath hitches in your throat. “Why?” 
He wets his lips and leans a bit closer, so close that his nose touches yours when he whispers. “‘Cause I walked away from you.” 
“Dada look my drawing!” Liam demands, you two pulling away, as if you were two kids who were doing something they weren’t supposed to 
Actually, you are not supposed to kiss your ex-husband, who still hasn’t told you why he left. 
Pull yourself together, Red. 
“Is that my plane?” Jake kneels down and looks at the piece of paper in the kid’s hands. You have drawn an F-18 before, and Liam had ‘painted’ it with his crayons. It’s just a bunch of circular scrabbles in different colors. “Woah, bubs, that’s an amazing drawing. Can I keep it?” 
“Yes. You keep it.” 
You clear your throat, returning to whatever you were doing before. Oh, yeah, Liam’s bag. “Jake, you should get the baby car seat from my car.” 
“Don’t need to. I bought one last week when I went to buy toys with Payback.”
“You bought a car seat?” 
“Yes. Why?” 
“Nothing. You’re gonna need to stop with the DILF attitude.” 
You mutter the last part to yourself, but you fail to see Jake’s knowing smile.
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“I’m so glad to finally meet you, Red.” Penny claims once you enter her home, She hugs you closely. “I’ve been hearing a lot about you these past few days.” 
“Only the good stuff, I hope.” 
“Of course! Let me introduce you to my daughter. This is Amelia.” She says while patting her daughter's head. She’s definitely not ‘little’ as Jake kept saying. Amelia is a young, pretty girl. She looks like 17, more or less. 
“Well, if we’re introducing our children…” You grab Liam’s hand; he’s hiding behind you, suddenly scared of all the new faces. “This is Liam. Can you say hi, sweetheart?” 
“Hello. I’m Liam.” 
"Oh my God, he is exactly like Jake!" Amelia says, kneeling down. “My name is Amelia. But you can call me Ames.”
“Ames. You pretty.” 
Amelia coos, placing a hand on her chest. “You’re the pretty one. Do you like dogs, Liam?” 
“I have a doggy! Lady.” Liam informs her, playing with Amelia’s hair. 
“My dog is called Theo. Want to see him?” 
“Yes, pwease.” 
“Can I take him with Theo?” Amelia asks you, and you nod, watching the pair leave. 
Jake and Mav, who have been too immersed in their own conversation, approach the two of you. “Amelia has kidnapped my kid already?” 
“What did you expect? She’s been waiting to meet him since you showed her those photos last weekend.” Mav says, hugging you. “Jake told us about the migraine, are you feeling better?” 
You look at Jake, who is looking at the floor. “He talks about me?” 
“The question is, does he ever stop talking about you?” 
“Penny, please.” Jake groans, his ears turning red. This isn’t exactly what you need to hear after what happened in the morning. 
“Are you hungry? Food is almost ready. Come with me.” Penny ignores the pilot, and you follow her and Jake, who are now talking about how she ‘isn’t supposed to expose him like that’.
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Once lunch is over, Amelia and Liam go watch a Disney movie in the living room, Jake and Mav are doing the dishes, and you and Penny go sit on a bench in the backyard, enjoying the wonderful view of the beach while drinking a cold beverage. 
“You know why he left, right?” You mutter, looking at the vast sea in front of you.
“Yeah, I know. And it’s not my place to tell you, sweetheart, even if I want to.” Penny answers, her hand moving to cover yours. 
“It’s frustrating, you know? You, Mav and Amelia know why he left me, and you seem to be okay with it. You accept him as a member of your family, and it seems that what he did has not changed those feelings at all. You still trust and love Jake, right?” 
“If anything, I love him even more.” She confesses, taking a deep breath. “Honey, just give him time. He had a reason, and it was a good one.” 
“Really?” Penny nods, and let your face fall. “I’ll wait. I’ve been waiting three years, a few more months won’t change anything.” 
“Oh, dear. I’m sorry. I wish I could tell you. How long were you married?”
“Five months. We got married in December and he left in May”
“I think those five months left a big impression on him.” Penny mutters, deep in thought.
“How did you end up being Jake’s 'adoptive' family?” You ask, wanting to change the topic completely. 
“Well, you know that when he turned 18, he left home and joined the Naval Academy, right?” 
“Yeah, he told me that, and that his parents weren’t too excited about it, so they stopped talking when he left.”
Penny nods, sipping her iced tea. “Jake’s mom sent a letter each year since he left, somehow always knowing where he was. They were birthday cards. She never said too much in them, but a mother always remembers her children’s birthdays.” 
“Did he tell you all this? I never heard any of it.” You know he kept a box in his side of the closet with birthday cards, but he never brought it up, and you knew better than to look in that box. 
“When the card didn’t come two years ago, he came to the Hard Deck late at night and asked to use the landline. It was a really odd petition because he had his cellphone in his hands, but I didn’t ask. He called someone; it was a brief conversation, and I'm not sure what he said, but he hung up and began crying."
“Did they tell him that his mom was dead over the phone?” You feel your heart tighten at the idea of being in his place, if someone told you that your mom was dead on a phone call… You don’t want to find out how it feels. 
“Yes. He told me ‘it was the only family I had left’” Penny tears up at the memory. “I told him that it wasn't true. He had the Daggers, Mav, Amelia, and me. He wasn’t alone.” 
“He’s the type of person that isolates himself from the rest. He doesn’t want to give others the opportunity—or rather, the power—to abandon him and hurt him.” 
“Yeah, that’s Hangman. But the man I saw that night... that was Jake. We've been taking care of him ever since.” 
“You know, I always thought that he cheated and left me before I found out. But he isn’t like that.” 
“He had many opportunities to move on; he’s a good-looking guy, and ladies and some guys, even, had been throwing themselves at him over the last three years. But he rejected them.” 
“All of them?” 
“Every single one. One day I asked him why, and he said that ‘someone told him he didn’t deserve to be happy’” Penny finishes her drink and gets up. 
“Who the fuck told him that?” 
“Until you showed up, I actually thought it was you. Well, not you, because I didn’t know about your existence. But his last girlfriend.” 
“I don’t want Jake to be unhappy, Penny.” 
“No, dear. You wish that he had told you the truth. You wish you could be the family you’re supposed to be. I can see it in your eyes, in the way you look at each other.” 
“We don’t look at each other.” You protest, getting up too. 
“There’s nothing worse than two idiots in love!” She says as she walks into the house, leaving you with an empty glass in your hand and a million questions in your head. 
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Tag list: @purplevortexx @shrimping-for-all @caitsymichelle13 @callmemana @abaker74 @starkleila @topgunmenbefinebruh @blue-aconite @tayrae515 @alexxavicry @xoxabs88xox @mercurio23 @smells-like-perfect-senses @dempy @djs8891 @indynerdgirl @countryclubswifey @lauenderhaze @avaleineandafryingpan @poppyalice2001 @emorychase @wildxwidow @agentrose17 @shanimallina87 @khaylin27 @fudosl @rhirhikingston @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @ducks118 @teacupsandtopgun @impossiblebaglecowboyfreak @marissat1998 @blairfox04 @phoenix1388 @potato-girl99981 @sarahjoestewy-blog @phantomxoxo @milestellerwife @dumb-fawkin-bitch
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justkending · 11 months
Found Memories. Chapter 1.
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Finding Memories Sequel: (I advise you to read the 1st series for context).
Series Summary: Following the aftermath of Finding Memories, Bucky tries to complete goals he feels she would have discovered for herself as a way to let her memory live on. However, he never expected to find someone very close to who he believed she would have been if given the chance of normalcy. A journey of mourning someone he lost, turned into a journey of discovering someone new, happens upon the soldier. Maybe this whole normal thing isn’t as bad as he had pictured it in his mind. Maybe he had a better shot at it than he ever tried to imagine.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader insert
Chapter Word Count: 4000+
A/N (PLEASE READ): So I may or may not have gone back on my deal to not post until I finished writing it all, but I'm 15 chapters in, and though I have a ton more to write, I wanted to drop the first chapter for my Finding Memories people to have some closure, and also to see where Bucky's story plans to lead.
This series is told through 1st person unlike a lot of my others, but I realize I like this style a lot more. So all this is from Bucky's perspective in this chapter. I also understand this may seem a little confusing with this being a reader insert for both these stories, so using Y/N will make it harder to tell the difference between the characters. I’ll be calling our previous Y/N from the Finding Memories series, Sloan, just to avoid confusion. But please don’t let that take away from any of the personal aspects of the story. This is just a continued story of Bucky finding happiness after the ending of Finding Memories. (Just think of it as him falling for you 2x ;) There is a note at the bottom after reading so please read that when you finish!
Last note! For each chapter, I am connecting a song from the playlist our last reader left and Bucky took on his own. The song will play off the vibes of each chapter. You don't have to listen if you don't want to, but it is here as a little piece of Bucky's theme (sometimes thought processes and feelings) in each chapter. Enjoy!
Playlist song: At Last by: Etta James
Chapter 1: 
4 years and 364 days had gone by since her passing.
Almost 5 years, 2 weeks, and 4 days since I had rescued her.
I think the reason it stuck with me was that this was one of those missions that carrying on like normal afterwards, wasn’t really an option.
When you lose someone on the field, whether you know them or not, a piece of you is saddened that someone lost their life. Normal. Human. Emotions. 
However, you feel depressed and emotionally stuck when it’s someone you had become familiar with and plan to continue to grow familiar with. 
It hurt even more when it was someone who deserved to go far in life and learn so many things about themselves in a healthy and safe environment. It was a stab to the heart to know she never saw that for herself and had made a decision no one should be put in the position to make. 
But it happened. In the very likely chance someone was to find her and use her for her powers again, she erased all possibilities of it getting into the wrong hands. And with it erased all chances to experience the good in the world as well.
After she died, Bruce and Tony tested her blood to find what the other mutation was even if I knew for the most part. 
We didn’t have much time to understand it, or for her to really explain all the pieces that came with her enhancements that she seemed to remember the day before her ultimate fate. But from what she had passed onto me in the last moments of her life, I feel like I had some kind of grasp of it. 
Her hand over my heart seconds before her powers consumed her was more than just a sentimental goodbye. She shared within that touch her fears, her intentions, her understandings, and the peace she found in her decision. 
It was something I could never explain in words to someone else, but it was a feeling that made me understand why it all had to come to the end that it did. 
She had told me the night before, that her powers were created from the cosmos, and it was a power that could bring an end to society and the world we try so hard to keep afloat in what feels like constant choppy waters. 
She didn’t have to go into too much depth about what all that meant, but it would soon be proven within hours of explaining to me that we would not get the end we hoped for. 
I can’t lie and say I never expected things to take the turns they did. I live the life I have constantly considering the worst-case scenarios, and her death was always one of those scenarios as soon as we saved her in that hidden terrorist facility.
Bruce and Tony confirmed that her gifts were something that could be world-ending and quickly incinerated her blood so that no one could get ahold of that kind of power down the line. 
The wishes she made on her deathbed were met and I was trying to meet all the other ones she had made and never got the chance to do herself. 
It took me a while to go into her room and start to clean out the few personal items she had slowly gathered in the short time she was there, but really there wasn’t much to clean. 
She had a few plants. I took one and Wanda took the other. Her clothes were either taken by Wanda or Nat and the rest were donated. 
She had some books that had been gifted to her about random things she had found interest in while trying to find herself. A cookbook, a book on herbs and plants she used to read to put a name to the plants on the compound during her walks, and some history books Parker was kind enough to loan her so she could catch up with the world around her. 
The only other thing of significance I found, and didn’t realize was something she kept, was a journal. It was in the nightstand drawer, but it had been hidden under all the other books she had collected. 
Inside, it was a list of notes she made about those she had become close with. 
1. Wanda is from Sokovia and she had a brother named Pietro whom she misses dearly.  2. Nat had a sister that’s on missions across seas and sees her every other month, but they keep in contact when able.  3. Bruce has 7 PhDs but has test anxiety.  4. Tony blast rock music that can be heard 3 levels above. (check songs to see if they spark anything…) 5. Bucky acts like Sam annoys him, but I secretly think they’re just as good of friends as he and Steve are. 6. Steve and Bucky grew up together and from what Nat said, “One looks for trouble the other follows cause he still sees Steve as a 90lb Brooklyn kid.” 7. Sam is from Louisanna and mentioned making a shrimp boil… (Still need to look that up...) 8. Bucky likes to prank Sam and Steve in small ways that they never figure out and it drives them slightly insane. 9. Spiderboy is incredibly smart but is also somehow very naive to the teasing he gets from everyone else.  10. Movie nights are something that everyone gets excited about and they all have very different tastes in movies to show me. So far, I've enjoyed the comedies the most. (Peter picked the movie Grown-ups and some of the things they do make no sense and are extremely goofy, but I think that's why I liked it...)
The list went on for about five pages of random things she discovered and felt were important to know about the team and sometimes even herself. 
But in the back, only found if you looked through each page of the small journal, was a list of things she wanted to try once she felt ready and was given the chance to. 
It didn’t feel right ripping the pages out for myself, or taking the journal and ruining it with my scribbles, so I copied the list in a notebook of my own and added some things I think she would have enjoyed if I was given the chance to show her. 
She only got about 24 things written that she wanted to experience in the real world. Most of which were simple things most take for granted having the choice to do any day. 
Right now I was looking at number seven;
7. Go to a coffee shop and try different drinks with cinnamon in them. Find a favorite, so I can eventually say, “I’ll have the usual,” like they do in the movies. 
It was hard to know what her favorite would have been, but I did the best I could. Eventually, I had a usual at the coffee shop I started the adventure on. 
“He’s back.” The barista whose head was in the pastry display shot up and smiled toward me. “It’s been a minute since we’ve seen you. Life or work in the way this time?” 
“What’s the difference?” I responded though it came across a little more melancholy than I meant. 
Luckily, Trudy, the shop owner, had become familiar with me enough to know it’s just how I talk. 
“Get him the usual, dear,” she said to the worker at the front as she wrapped a muffin and handed it to a customer waiting on the side. 
When the worker just looked at her wide-eyed and freaked out, Trudy laughed to herself and pointed her to another task. 
“Forgot she’s only been here for 2 days,” Trudy’s New York accent was strong as she typed in my regular order. “So. Any big bad guys in the world I should be worryin’ about or do you have it handled?” 
“Nothing for you to worry about, Trud,” I smiled as she grabbed a cup and wrote one of her new names for me on it. She was clever with what she could come up with depending on the day. “Sorry, I haven’t been in. I was sent overseas for a bit the last few weeks.”
“You haven’t come in a month,” she said with a raised motherly eyebrow. 
“Hate to break it to ya, but there are bad guys I have to take care of over here too. They keep me just as busy sometimes,” I chuckled, moving out of the way in case someone else needed to order. 
“Yeah, yeah,” she groaned, grabbing a pastry and wrapping it up for me. “I made a new recipe from my Italian side of the family. Give it a try,” she stuck a sticker on it to seal the bag and came around the counter to give it to me. “Tell me how you like it.” 
“How much?” I went on to grab cash knowing she likely wouldn’t let me pay anyway. 
“Cost ya a review on Yelp,” she pushed it on me more. “I had someone come in the other day and try and cheat the system to get free stuff, and when I wouldn’t budge she lowered my rating on the damn website.”
“I don’t think one bad rating will hurt ya, Trud,” I sighed, taking it and putting the cash in the tip jar instead.
“Eh, I like to counter it with a good one where I can. Plus, I’m running out of fake emails to do it myself. Help a gal out.” 
I laughed knowing she may have been a small hole-in-the-wall business, but she got enough foot traffic to keep her afloat even if she joked about going under if I didn’t give her reviews and tell my friends about it. 
Before I could give her peace of mind knowing I’d help in any way she asked me, the bell rang as another customer came in. 
I looked back absentmindedly and saw a woman with her head down while she talked on the phone, but was kind enough to go to the side and finish her conversation before walking to the register. 
“That drink ready?” Trudy shouted to the back and just in time a barista walked out with the cup of my “usual” drink and handed it off. “I’ll be seeing ya sometime soon, right?” She withheld the coffee until I confirmed. 
“Tomorrow,” I promised knowing I had one thing planned and I knew it wouldn’t be interrupted. 
“Good. Have a good one, Boomer,” she winked and I looked to see the name matched on the cup. 
“What does that mean?” I raised an eyebrow. 
“Something the kids are calling old people like you and me,” she shrugged. “Figured if I was going to be called it, you should too.” 
I rolled my eyes playfully before giving a final goodbye and heading toward the doors. The woman that had come in was hanging up the phone and happened to look up at the same time I passed. 
She had soft eyes and smiled up at me in a polite way before sidestepping and moving to the counter. 
I couldn’t help but stop with my hand on the door handle as I looked at her trying to grasp who she reminded me of. 
She had kind features and her light smile was what made me do a double take. I may have imagined it, but something about her beamed at me in a way that I couldn't shake.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when someone else tried to come in and I quickly opened the door for them and moved out of the way. But I looked in the shop one more time seeing Trudy smiling back at the woman and sharing a similar banter she had with me. 
I honed in my hearing some and caught the middle of the conversation. 
“I would ask if you want your normal order, but it’s been so long I’m not sure if it’s the same,” Trudy teased. 
“The move has been great. Thanks for asking Trudy,” the woman remarked with a laugh. 
It would become creepy pretty quickly with me just staring and eavesdropping in the doorway, so I moved on even if I was intrigued to hear the rest of this conversation. 
I took my time walking to my car since the woman’s face was sticking in my mind. Something seemed oddly familiar of her, but I couldn’t put a finger on what it was. 
“Hey, I was looking for you!” Sam’s voice sounded as soon as I walked into the kitchen. 
“I’d rather you weren’t,” I said back, going to the trash to throw my cardboard cup away and grab a snack from the fridge. 
“Hardy, har, har,” Sam responded. “But really. I need help with a file I can’t access.” 
“Maybe you can’t access it for a reason,” I gave a smug smile to him as I shut the fridge and took a bite out of the apple I stole from it. 
“You're really channeling that clown energy as Parker would say today, aren't you?” he gave me a straight face before pulling papers I hadn’t noticed beforehand and passed them to me. “It’s just some notes on a mission we did last week, but I need to tweak some things. For some reason, the file isn’t giving me access so I was going to ask if I can go through your account.”
“Have Tony look at your account. Maybe the clearance level got mixed up. He had a new protection server put in the other week and a few accounts were tweaked.” 
“Well, he's not in his lab.”
“Ok,” I dragged out. “Sounds like a personal problem.” 
“Barnes, just let me on your account for two seconds to fix it and then I’ll go and find him. It won’t take me longer than five minutes,” Sam groaned. 
I could continue to give him a hard time, but I needed to get some things ready for tomorrow and wasn’t in the mood to keep up my normal antics. 
“Fine. Where’s your computer?” I huffed, biting into the apple again and waiting for him to bring it to me. 
He smiled like he won, even though I could still say no if I wanted, and grabbed the laptop on the counter and handed it off to me. 
I logged in like normal and went to the file, but was stopped when I came to the same problem he had. 
“What the hell?” I glared at the screen and tried a few more tricks but this new protective program Tony had installed was foreign to me. 
“Damn it,” Sam crossed his arms and sighed. “You’re the third person now. Why won’t it let me see this damn file?” 
I looked at him waiting for him to explain. 
“I asked Nat and Wanda too. No luck,” he shrugged. 
That was strange. It was a file from the mission we had done last week. A thief that had been stealing intel from some division in the SHEILD operations over some classified information, but we had captured and incarcerated the hacker. 
“Friday,” I asked into the void and her voice followed. 
“How can I help, Sargent Barnes?” 
“Why aren’t we able to get into these files?” 
There was a pause as she tried to find the answer. 
“It seems to be in a classification you don’t have access to. Clearance levels are not high enough. Would you like me to call Mr. Stark?”
Sam and I shared a look that showed we were on the same page. There were very few things we didn't have access to, so the system was screwed or not modified after the update. At least that was to hoping it was something that simple.
“No. Where’s Tony at?” I asked instead. 
“He’s headed to the lobby. He has an appointment with Ms. Clark.” 
The name didn’t sound familiar, though there were a lot of people Stark talked to that I never cared to learn about. He was the face of the team anyway, so luckily he handled a majority of the social aspects of our job. 
“Thanks, Friday,” I nodded my head to the exit. 
Sam nodded in agreement and we made our way to the lobby to find him. 
It wasn’t a portion of the compound we were usually in, so seeing people in business suits coming and going always reminded me of the mass amount of workers who never did fieldwork that came and went. 
“Stark,” I shouted once I spotted him at one of the reception desks talking with the secretary that was handing him papers she had just printed. 
He turned at his name and looked at us both confused as to why we would be there. 
“Got a question for ya,” Sam started out. 
“Can it wait? I have a meeting with someone I actually like,” he said sarcastically. 
Before I had the chance to spit something back at him and give him a taste of his own medicine, Sam took over. 
“I need access to a file of the mission report we just came back from, but it’s not allowing me to get to it,” he summed up. 
“Strange,” Tony hummed, looking at the papers he was previously handed as if our issue was nothing for him to worry about. 
“It won’t let me through either,” I said and he eventually looked up rolling his eyes before putting the papers on the counter and giving us his attention finally. 
“Can this wait like 20 minutes?” he asked. 
“It might be because of your new and overly complicated-” I started and once again, Sam saved me from saying something that would probably have Tony ignoring us the rest of the week if I wasn't careful. 
“We’ll wait,” Sam nodded. “We’ll be over there.” 
He pointed to a few chairs off to the side and nodded his head for me to follow. Though I was against the motion, I obliged to not make matters more annoying. I’d give him 20 minutes, but I was just as intrigued by this issue as Sam was now. 
Tony went back to the secretary and grabbed the papers looking through them before grabbing a pen and sloppily marking random things out before handing it back. 
Just as he turned back, he seemed to have spotted who he was looking for to begin with and I followed his eyeline. 
Walking in and looking around marveling at the size of the place before seeing Tony and smiling at him, was the same woman who I had seen at the coffee shop. The same one who was talking to Trudy about a move. 
I must have been staring while she and Tony met in the middle and started casually conversing. She reached into the tote she was carrying and handed Tony what looked like a sweater and a folder, but he only took the piece of clothing leaving her with just the folder still in hand.
My stare must have been unmoving cause Sam nudged me with his shoulder and gave me a weird look when I broke out of my trance. 
“What are you gawking at?” he asked, looking where I was and raising his eyebrows. “Oh, I see.” 
I furrowed my eyebrows and gave him a disapproving look to show his mind wasn’t in the right place. 
“Shut up,” I grunted, slouching some in my spot, but only to show disinterest in an attempt to push him off my case. 
“No, I get it. She’s a pretty lady,” Sam chuckled, crossing his arms and leaning back in his own seat. “Just didn’t see you looking for something like that anytime soon-”
“Don’t get any ideas,” I cut him off. “I saw her at a coffee shop earlier today and she just looked familiar. That’s it.” 
He looked from me back at the girl and turned his head as he analyzed her. 
She was smiling at something Stark was saying and shaking her head about whatever it was he was grinning about. I wasn’t sure what the conversation could even be about, and with the loud echoing space, I couldn’t exactly pinpoint what was being shared. 
“I have an idea,” Sam spoke up after a second and stood up without any hesitance, and walked towards the two. 
“Sam, wait! Stop! What are you doing?” I whisper shouted sitting up and looking around as if someone else was in on this idea with him. 
When he didn’t turn back or let up in his steps, I was quickly on my feet trying to get ahead of him to stop him, but he was walking faster causing us to interrupt the two abruptly and throw them both off. 
“Hi,” Sam smiled kindly at her then back at Stark. 
“I told you I would help you after I talked with-,” Tony started, but Sam patted his shoulder and made him pause. 
“Sam Wilson,” he went on to introduce himself while putting his other hand out for her.  
The woman seemed surprised by the introduction, but she was kind nonetheless and extended her own hand before introducing herself. 
“Y/N Clark,” she smiled. “Nice to meet you.” 
Sam turned to me and she followed his look. I wasn’t prepared to talk to her, but I wasn’t going to be rude and just sit there silently and stare at her. 
I extended my hand as well and she smiled at the motion. 
“James Barnes,” I gave a tight smile, but it wasn’t because of her, it was because I was seconds from punching Sam right in the chest for putting me in this position. 
“Mr. Barnes. Nice to meet you,” she nodded, returning the handshake and it was surprisingly firm. 
I would have paid mind to the detail, but now being in close proximity to the woman, I was seeing features that I hadn’t taken in before. 
She had Y/H/C hair, Y/E/C eyes, and her smile was one I had seen before. She was wearing a bright red checkered winter coat that sat on top of a tan sweater tucked into a nice pair of brown slacks. It seemed fitting for her even if I hadn’t known anything about her. But something in her persona showed she was kind and had a welcoming nature. 
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Tony rolled his eyes once again and decided to go ahead and introduce us. 
“Cyborge and Birdman, this is Ms. Clark. She’s Morgan’s teacher. Ms. Clark, these are two of my most impatient coworkers,” Tony motioned to us. “Who I asked to give me a second before I talked with them…” The glare he was giving us pulled me away from staring at her longer than what would have been socially acceptable. 
“Thank this one for the interruption,” I shouldered Sam harshly which he became slightly unbalanced from and gave me another glare. 
“Just seemed rude to not introduce your colleagues,” Sam gritted through his teeth, talking to me when the comment was directed to Tony. 
“It’s fine,” Ms. Clark spoke up, breaking the growing tension between us three, and I immediately turned my attention back to her. “I was here to just drop off these two things anyway.” 
“Yeah, well, I had a few things I wanted to discuss without,” Tony continued, only taking a second in between to send us yet another death stare, “this interruption.” 
“I appreciate what you’re offering, but I’ve already told you I have a job set with another district after this year,” she smiled professionally, and I couldn’t help but smile myself at seeing someone say no to Tony. 
“Yeah, but… Money.” His eat-shit grin worked on the weak-minded, but clearly, she was not that. 
“Money is great and all, but it's not what this is about, Mr. Stark,” she chuckled, readjusting her tote on her shoulder. "Maybe after winter break and I get some paperwork back from the new school I'll be at, we will better understand what I'll have on my plate."
“That sounds like a well-worded way to put this conversation off,” Tony smirked. 
She returned it which proved he was right, but she wasn’t falling for his schemes still. 
“It’s Christmas break, Mr. Stark. Have a great vacation with your family and happy holidays,” she nodded, turning to walk out, but not completely turned away. “You two as well. I hope the world is kind enough to give you all a break as you deserve during this time.” 
“If I know anything about teaching, I know you’ll be needing a break just as much,” Sam shouted in her direction with a smile. 
She laughed at that and it was a sound that made it hard not to smile as a reaction to it. 
“Happy Holidays,” she said one final time, waving kindly and moving to the exit. 
“Well, she seems nice,” Sam grinned in a teasing manner and turned to face us both by taking her place. 
“This is why I haven’t brought her around here,” Tony sighed heavily and ran a hand through his beard. “Now, what do you two want?” 
Sam followed quickly after Tony, who was already walking back to the lab, but I couldn’t seem to pull my eyes from the red checkered jacket that was out the doors now and walking down the steps. 
It was another feeling that I couldn’t quite put into words…
I unfortunately don't have a release date for the next chapter as I am going to stick to my promise of finishing the series before I post any further. This is just to give an idea of what's to come! As always, any likes or reblogs, and comments (even if just a heart or a gif) makes my blood, sweat, and tears for this series feel validated :') ANYWHO!! I'm excited to share with you all the stories to come with this series and these characters because in writing them, I've fallen in love with them myself.
Let me know if you want to be tagged by sending me an ask here!
Finding Memories Taglist:
@tinkerbelle67 @a-beaverhausen​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @caruhleener​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @fanfictionjunkie1112​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @sjsmith56​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @nancymcl​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @kaygilles​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @laisbeltrans​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @matchat3a​​​​​​​​​​ @ambrosia1846​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @peachiestevie​​​​​​​​​​
Marvel Tags:
@thejourneyneverendsx​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @death-unbecomes-you @mythos-writes​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​  @srrymydood​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @xa-dia​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @redhairedfeistynerd​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @morganclaire4​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @connie326​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @captain-asguard​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @mollygetssherlockcoffee​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @teenagedreams-bucky @shower-me-with-roses​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @livstilinski @basicallylool​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @starryeyeseunbyul​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
My Lovelies forever:
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Bucky Barnes Tags:
@chloe-skywalker​ @charmedbysarge​ @jbarness​ @bellamy-barnes​ @katiaw2​ @aikeia​ @stopjustlovethemcu​ @enchantedbarnes
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cow-rants · 3 months
With the announcement that Rooster Teeth will be shutting down, I just want to rant about the series they made and the way they contributed to my childhood and life overall.
I actually know what first introduced me to Rooster Teeth, in fact I remember my first video I watched. It was back in 2012 or 2013, around the time I was first getting into Halo. My dad had downloaded a Halo fan app on the family iPad. It just so happened to also include a series of videos called “Fails of the Weak”, by Achievement Hunter. I still revisit that series every now and then just for nostalgia. But after I finished watching everything that they had come out with, I decided to look for more things from them. And that started my love for Rooster Teeth and Achievement Hunter.
I watched Let’s Play for a few years before I discovered Red Vs Blue which instantly became one of my favorites. Not long after, I discovered RWBY. And the latter became my absolute favorite show ever. Both shows brought me joy and even taught me some things about myself that I hold close to me.
RvB showed me so many flawed and stupid characters that worked together, willingly or not, to do something to better the world and galaxy around them. It made me yearn for a group of people in my life, which I’ve found since then. Something about the freelancer arc specifically connected with me. Maybe it was Carolina and her father, maybe it was Epislon’s search for identity, or maybe it everything mixed together. Regardless, the show did a lot to make me realize how much I wanted a community. And further, that to be a part of a good community, I need to be a better person.
RWBY did even more than that. It gave me my favorite character, yet another group of idiots, and easily one of my favorite storylines ever. RWBY helped me discover my identity, it brought me to tears numerous times, and so so so much more. The show holds a special place in my heart as one of my favorite pieces of art ever. The idea that it could possibly end without a proper ending makes me scared, nervous, and melancholic. Ruby Rose specifically became my comfort character and is honestly the kind of person that I want to be.
Aside from their IPs, I really do wish the best for the employees that will be losing their jobs with RT's shutdown. I hope that they can find another, more stable place to support themselves and/or their families. They've worked so hard all these years to bring different ideas and visons to life for the public and created so many wonderful things.
While RT has certainly had its ups and downs over the years, and certainly no stranger to controversy, I'm still deeply saddened by the announcement of their shutdown. I wish everyone at RT luck in finding new places to work and hope that their IPs receive the endings they deserve.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to rewatch RWBY for the 30th time. Or is the 40th?
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soullikethesea · 4 months
And there's one more post left to write. I looked at the poems I wrote when I was 12 - 16 y/o.
It's heartbreaking, y'all. I can taste the pain.
It's different for me, reading them now. I must have gained more wisdom over the years. The things that are striking to me now are that I was struggling a lot with the developmental task of separating myself from my parents. I didn't realize that at the time. On the one hand, I was hurt by the people I loved, but on the other hand I didn't want to confront them because I was soooo terrified of hurting them. I was surpressing sooooo many of my impulses.
And the other thing that strikes me and saddens me a lot, is how other kids that age were having fun. Learning. Growing. And so much of my energy was spent having pain, being super stressed out. I deserved much better than that. I deserved to feel safe and loved.
The very first poem of the series is about writing my mum a letter saying that I forgive her and I know she loves me, even if maybe she doesn't show it. In the middle that love slowly turns into hate.
And the final poem is the most beautiful one, in my opinion.
Do you know that hugs can kill?
And if I look you in the eyes
I'll know everything you wanted me to be
And I would say that I'm not coming home
Forget me if I'm harsh, if it makes it easier.
It's like a grand finale. I never felt like I needed to write poems anymore after that. I know it's probably cryptic to anyone but me, but to me it shows how much I had retreated at that point. No hugs, no touches, no eye-contact. Caring interactions would hurt a lot, because they would touch upon the longing for love, for acceptance. But here I wrote that even if there would be contact, I would stick by my own side: "I'm not coming home", I won't be how you want me to be. I'm my own person. And if it is too difficult for you to swallow, I give you permission to forget about me. I just cannot change myself for you.
And thereby, I completed big steps in the developmental task.
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serendictment · 9 months
August Books
1. Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer
. . . 3/10. One of those points is purely for the insight on Rosalie and Jasper's backstories and the other two points is Alice Cullen. I detest the Twilight series so very much and the only thing keeping me going is Alice. I hate how Jacob was turned into. . . Whoever he is now. He's not the same Jacob from the first/second books. I didn't really like him then either, but did he have to be turned into such a creep? Bella was insufferable as always, as was Edward. Stan Alice, I love her and also we're the same height (4'10) and we love that.
2. The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer
2/10. Again, it's apart of Twilight. Also, why does my mother have everything Twilight related? Anyways, I felt this was unneeded and I wish we were given a book like this from Riley's point of view. I feel as if it would've been more interesting than a character who only said her name and then a few sentences (maybe a paragraph or two?) about how she didn't know stuff and then was killed. I think seeing Victoria's manipulation being done to Riley would've been much more interesting to read. However, this is not me saying "Oh please Mrs. Meyer, write more!" She very much so does not need to do that.
Note for books 3., 4., and 5.; I read them at the same time. It was a strange week of reading.
3. Chainsaw Man Buddy Stories by Tatsuki Fujimoto and Sakaku Hishikawa
7.5/10. Love me some chainsaw man. I miss Angel and Kobeni though, so I couldn't give it an 8. Other than that, it was well written and I tend to take issue with short stories branching off from mangas because a lot of the ones I read in the past seem to get the characters wrong in the. . . word-ification of them, but I have no such complaint here on that. Power was still Power-ing and Aki was the same exhausted single mother Hayakawa that he's always been.
4. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
9.7/10. I loved it from start to finish. Some bits were even relatable (don't worry, none of the. . . bad(? questionable?) bits). I liked experiencing the slow mental decline and then the very end were Esther seems to be doing better. It was a bit saddening to find out that Plath died not even a month after this book was published, but I do hope that whatever afterlife there may or may not be, that Sylvia Plath is proud of what she's done and how far this novel has come.
5. Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer
2/10. 2 points are for Jasper and Alice. I hated every minute of this. I honestly wish I had something nice to say other than "It had Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale" but alas, I can not. Okay the wedding seemed cute but other than that it was like your typical white teenage boy. No redeeming qualities. Carlisle and Esme were great as always, but I have mommy/daddy issues so sorry<3
6. Chainsaw Man Volumes 10 and 11
9/10, still upset about Angel's death (even though I read it months ago), bur at least Kobeni is alive and well (. . . As well as she can be). Also, Makima was great. Do I think she was a good person? No. Do I love her as a villain? Absolutely. However, I'll never forgive her (or Fujimoto) for Angel. Rip.
7. The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman
7/10. Rather slow paced, but a good solid plot. Unfortunately, I did clock Bogdin (or whatever his name was) as Tony's murderer. . . pretty much as soon as the murder happened, so reading the truth at the end didn't do much. Also, I assumed that Penny would've have something to do with one of the murders, considering you don't normally have a character like her and her husband, John, without them having some secret in their pasts. Overall pretty good though.
8. Death Note Volumes 11-12
8.5/10. Glad Light finally got what was coming to him. I hated that man. Misa deserved so much better (coughMEcough). Rip Matt and Mello though. Also, I don't care what other people think, I like Near more than L. Do I think Near was smarter than L? I'm not sure, however I do believe he used his resources much better than L did. Also to anyone who may be like "Oh, well, Mello was smarter than Near-" shush. I loved both of them, but I'm autistic so Near takes forst place for me. If Near has one fan, it is me. If he has no fans, I am dead.
9. Death Note Volume 13: How to Read
5/10. These sorts of books don't tend to interest me, however some content was good so it felt wrong to rate it anything under 5. That being said, I also couldn't rate it anything above 5 because. . . I don't know.
10. Death Note Short Stories
6/10. Near<3 I was happy. Overall entertaining, but ultimately nothing special in my opinion.
11. Death Note: Another Note The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases
7/10. The Death Note fan in me is tired of Death Note. I still enjoyed it, it was well written, the "L's a dom" part killed me. I think if I read it a few months ago it would've been rated higher, but alas.
12. Scott Pilgrim Comics (1-6)
6.5/10. Kim Pine, my love<3 snd wallace<3 really I have no commentary. It was Scott Pilgrim, that says it all. Love the art style though.
13. Blue Period Volumes 1-5
9/10. I started watching the anime while in school and it inspired me in a way I haven't been in a long time. Watching just one episode gave me the motivation to actually try with art again, and I think I'll always be grateful for it. I bought the first 5 manga and after reading them I've fallen in love again. Unfortunately, at the time of writing this, I'm about to go off to college as an English major, but who knows, maybe English will be miserable to me and I'll switch to art. Either way, this manga has helped me a lot. I also see a lot of myself in many of the characters, Yotasuke in particular. It could be that I'm autistic, however I relate to his whole "art is all I have" thing. Although I'm what many would label a "jack of all trades," I only have one thing that I'm really passionate about and that I consider "mine." It was nice seeing someone else like that and it not being shown in a (purely) negative way. Plus, if he can make friends then that means I have a chance at it too, which makes me feel better about moving away for college.
14. Bungou Stray Dogs Volumes 8-13
6/10. Didn't hate them, but my original love for them is steadily declining. I'm also just trying to get through all of my manga at this point. . . I crave a novel so bad but still have to get through Ouran High School Host Club. Huuh.
Update: I never got to OHSHC since I went off to college and didn't want to bring manga with. Ouran will be "books I read whenever I visit on weekend" books.
15. I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
9/10. Do I need to even explain myself? Minus one point because at some points it was lowkey triggering for my. . . 3D, we'll say (don't worry, I'm okay and nothing happened), but it was so well written and just raw. Jennette is a talented writer in my opinion and I'm so sorry for everything she's gone through. She's much stronger than I am.
16. Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
7/10. Love me some Dostoyevsky. Anyways, I didn't hate it but I didn't exactly love it. Rating it under a 7 though makes me feel disloyal to my boy. Also, I finished this is in like 5 days. College is pretty easy right now (I say as literally an hour ago (around 5pm on August 31st) I was freaking out because I didn't know how to use the Canvas app).
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sooo i saw you answered an ask about jaime's redemption arc and i really liked what you said about how the fandom perceives him, and felt the need to share/add, because he's one of my favorite characters in the series and i genuinely think he's one of GRRM's masterpieces. it frustrates me and saddens me when the fandom focuses on his redemption arc, especially because i totally agree with you - even if he does somehow "become better," that is NOT going to last.
so i never saw jaime's arc as one of redemption - rather of identity. he talks a big game about the sins he should be vs shouldn't be shamed for, but he has zero regrets about bran (other than, i guess, the trouble it ultimately caused?).
and i've recently been rereading the books, and his identity arc is so clear to me? tbf i did just finish ASOS and am only like 10% into AFFC, so there's a lot of material to review, but i still see his primary "struggle" as whether he wants to be a lannister or not, rather than whether he wants to be a better person or not. i think the fandom conflates these two things - his disquiet with his lannister identity must mean he's "healing" or "becoming better" but i think jaime is far simpler than that. when his hand is cut off, his inherent identity as a lannister is permanently maimed, and now he has to reckon with what that means. brienne is such a good counterpoint because 1) she is as idealistic as he used to be, something that he is angry to have lost and something that, let's face it, is a very un-lannister part of him, and 2) any interest or desire that he might feel for her would be very un-lannister indeed. who is he, when his lannister identity is no longer perfect golden armor for him? who is he, without the all-consuming passion for his lannister sister, and who is he if someone else - someone like brienne - potentially could replace that interest?
jaime is such a wonderful character to me that when the fandom reduces him to a redemption arc, i grieve because they're missing the best parts of his character. you simply cannot judge him as "honorable" or "dishonorable"; i find it quite beside the point but anyway, it's just not the right framework for "judging" jaime. you get the sense that jaime's gonna jaime, basically, in the same way that a tiger or a tornado is going to do what it does. i love a good redemption arc but i think anyone holding their breath for jaime to become their little meowmeow is... in for a rough time.
I've been sitting on this for a while, because I wanted to give it the full thought it deserves. I saw a post fairly recently that talks about how romantic the writing in Jaime’s chapters is, and how he is, at his core, a disappointed idealist, and I really agree with that sentiment. I think Jaime’s story is really one about identity, rather than redemption, as you put it. He has to fundamentally question who he is, down to the pillars of himself he thought were unshakeable, being a Lannister, being Cersei’s other half, being a knight. That doesn’t mean he’s necessarily going to rebuild himself into a better person, just a different one. And I think it’s so fascinating that he never really regrets the truly horrible things he’s done, that the narrative is ultimately going to make him face, and it’s so tied into how the outside world perceives him, influencing how he perceives himself. He’s really one for embracing his personal myth so wholeheartedly, whether it’s constructed by outside forces, or by himself. I’m not sure if this is the right way to put it, but Jaime’s one of the characters that seems almost half aware that this is a story, even if he doesn’t know where its truly headed. But I thinks that part of the reason why Jaime isn’t going to be “redeemed” as he’s too caught up in his personal narrative to see what he’s done in the context of other people. So much of AFFC is him thinking about what other people think of him, rather than him thinking about them as individual people, if that makes sense? And it’s just that his current narrative about himself has fundamentally shifted and he’s still trying to figure out how he wants to write it.
I hope this was a decent response, I’m just fascinated by characters who are already thinking about how their stories are being told, and will be told.
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daisylikesmedia · 2 years
Series 6 Episode 7: A Good Man Goes to War
Heyy everyone, today we’re checking out one heck of an event episode of Doctor Who, A Good Man Goes to War. This is an episode that I came into not knowing how I felt about it on my first watch, so I was really looking forward to coming into this watch on a blank slate. Let’s see how I found it.
First of all, damn this episode has stakes. I really appreciate the scale of the story they’re telling here. The first 15 minutes build up so much anticipation for the Doctor’s reveal, with him recruiting all these people who have debts owed to him, and it makes it that much more rewarding to see him turn Demon’s Run against itself. I do find the Doctor’s army a little underwhelming (it’s just the Paternoster Gang, Dorium Maldovar, and Rory. like CMON surely you can do better than that Doc fsdglkj), but filling this episode with too many characters would’ve made it even harder to follow so I appreciate the fact that this area may have had to have been toned down.
One very important thing we do need to talk about in this episode is the Doctor’s pacifism. Typically the Doctor is a character known for not liking guns, not wanting to start fights or cause harm, etc. This kinda flies out the window in this episode and whilst some may use this as a point to criticise the story with, I think this episode does show awareness of this and the fact this is a version of the Doctor pushed to his limits. When the big standoff with Kovarian happens, there’s a lot of good talk about how good men have rules and how she won’t wanna know why the Doctor has so many. Sure it *is* kinda edgy for Doccy Who but I eat it up. I love seeing the Doctor pushed to his limits and this is another episode where we get to see that. I mean the guy turns an entire army against itself and turns their captain into Colonel Run-Away, he’s not a happy bear in this story sflgjdk.
Another character that I wanna address now for the sake of my future reviews is Strax and how his existence impacts how we, as viewers, see the Sontarans. I like him, I think he’s nice. A lot of the jokes imo land and the only issue I had with him this episode was him joking sometimes in very very serious moments that didn’t need a one-liner. Overall tho, I think he’s a good addition to the cast and I don’t think his existence makes the Sontarans completely devoid of threat. In my opinion, the Sontarans had a lot of damage done to them in the series 4 two-parter, where their “honour” that the species is supposed to hard abide by was super inconsistent throughout that episode. I do think Strax being around made creating a separate Sontaran story kinda impossible until the Paternoster gang had been filtered out, but I don’t really mind that all that much, it’s not like they were around all the time in the classic series either.
Finally, let's address the pacing of this episode. It’s a bit messy, I’m ngl. I talked earlier about the first 15 mins being this big build up, but what I wasn’t ready for was us walking into the room where our final scene takes place 20 minutes before the story’s over. For an episode of this size and scale, the fact that the actual “war” part of the episode takes up maybe a third of the runtime is a bit saddening when I feel this story really does have bucket loads of potential. Even IF I can see why they needed room both at the start for intro-ing characters and at the end for the big reveals about River Song. This is an episode that was probably deserving of two parts or just the length of a special/series finale, but sadly it didn’t get that treatment.
TL:DR/Overview: A Good Man Goes to War is a very fun episode. We get to see the Doctor pushed to his emotional limits as he kicks off a high-stakes war to find his friend and her daughter. Like yeahh the episode does have some pacing issues, and the writing can be messy at times, but hey it’s like bad pizza. I can acknowledge it not being perfect food but you bet I’m gonna enjoy it. This is A tier for me. I do find it very interesting how I preferred this to the series 5 finale, which is also a high stakes episode with lots of crossover and a Doctor being pushed pretty hard, but I think this story just kinda fascinated me more as a Dr Who viewer. I really respect the ambition of series 6 and this is one the episodes that displays that.
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cocksuki2 · 2 years
one piece is one of my faves bc of the skypiea arc and the water 7/enies lobby arcs. (no spoilers dw) but these arcs are major turning points in the series as a whole but namely skypiea. this particular arc gets a lot of unnecessary hate and is often skipped but its actually one of the most important arcs in the whole story. the most major foreshadowing in one piece takes place here and when i say major i mean major; its the turning point in the series as well because its when you can visibly see the story turn dark, like it goes downhill from there w one tragedy after another. i feel once you read skypiea, the moment you start reading the current arc wano, you’ll see everything that was set up in the beginning fall into place. “now i see what Oda was trying to tell us back then” yk “now i see the connection”. its the one arc that cannot be skipped, and easily the most important arc beside sabaody/marineford which takes place later on.
water 7/enies lobby will always be my favorite arcs and are probably my favorite arcs out of any anime I’ve ever seen. i wish i could experience them over again just bc of how good they were. throughout the whole series luffy shows that he’ll do anything to save or help his friends. doesnt matter if he has to challenge the government head on, fight the strongest pirate in the world even if he knows he cant beat them with the level of strength he has. my favorite characters are sanji and usopp. sanji bc of his past and bc he’s the only crew member that doesnt fight with a devil fruit nor some kind of weapon which is really interesting to me bc even w/o that he’s still the 3rd strongest crewmate, and it caught my interest when i first read it. His backstory, in my opinion is the second most tragic only behind brooke and they both had my crying. Usopp because i feel that he is probably the most realistic character on the crew in his own way and let me tell you why. usopp gets a lot of hate within the fandom bc he’s a scaredy-cat. his first instinct is to always run when they go up against the stronger pirates and he lies. but i feel that he’s realistic bc not everyone can be brave like luffy and the rest, someone has to be scared. if i was him, based on some of the people they go against, I’d be terrified too. his backstory is very very overlooked & it saddens me bc everyone on luffy’s crew had it rough growing up, and yet no one seems to care abt usopp’s upbringing. i also feel like he knows his strengths and weaknesses well; yea his first reaction is to run away but he ALWAYS pulls through and that’s exactly what i love about him. no matter how scared he is, he will always get the job done but no one gives him credit for that. in one of the later arcs, usopp is the sole reason everyone was even able to survive; hell he was a major role in enies lobby but he never gets the credit he deserves. In my opinion he’s the perfect character. someone that knows he’s not strong like luffy zoro and sanji, scary, wants to be more brave, willing to step up if it means saving his friends, he cares so deeply for his friends and deserves to call himself a strawhat pirate. oh i forgot to mention but i said before that usopp lies A LOT, he’s literally a pathological liar but many of his lies are actually Oda foreshadowing the later arcs which i really really love. Oda really did his work with usopp😭
if you do continue one piece, I recommend the manga first (at least thats what i did but i only read a few arcs at a time then went back and watched it) bc the pacing is overall better and i loved every chapter i laid my eyes on. after typing this im now fighting the urge to rewatch it even though im behind on like 6 other shows rn😭i feel like i could go deeper but then I’d just be spoiling, sorry for ranting this much though!😞
ahhhh don't apologize!!!! this is amazing!!! one piece is one of those shows i love hearing people talk about bc there is so much to it and no one person's opinions are going to be the same. op has so much source material that it makes reading analyses from people who love it SO much fun to read and go through. idk i love your passion. it makes me wanna be passionate about it.
i adore characters who feel real and especially those with bolder personalities. I'd assumed Ussop was a liar just because "uso" means "to lie" in Japanese. so i figured it was a play on words. BUT i didn't know that oda uses him to foreshadow. that's def gonna make reading/watching it for the first time really enjoyable and ill be keeping an eye out for it!!!
i think i'll def be continuing the series though!!! i'm not sure if i want to read or watch it yet. my thing with manga is that i tend to BINGE like 100-160 chapters but i hit a certain point and (no matter the manga) end up dropping it bc i get distracted by something else. like tokyo ghoul is a fANTASTIC manga with strong art, compelling characters, and an incredible story but i read up to like 70 something and ended up forgetting to finish it (i plan to pick it back up in the coming months though). so ill probs just watch the anime bc it's more likely that ill be able to see it through.
i also heard that the op soundtrack is GREAT and i really like animation that flows nicely with the music. so part of me wants to experience it that way first, especially since the anime adaptation is known to be a good one (unlike tokyo ghoul).
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vtsvro · 6 years
You seen Utsuro right now in latest animation?
You mean this?
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I know how much the fandom hates him and how much the animators hate him but.. seriously? He looks like he’s hiding all the corpses he’s killed below that yukata.. At least respect the master of five major characters in the story..
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angellesword · 3 years
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Description: You and Jungkook were best friends who were in love with each other. What would happen when Soojin, your half sister who you’re trying to impress, told you she’s in love with Jungkook too?
“Would you believe me if I said that I was scared of everything too?”
Pairing: Architect!Jungkook x Architect!Reader
Genre: childhood best friends to lovers, family drama, angst, fluff, idiots to lovers, pining, slice of life au.
Warnings: none except kissing (There’s so much reconciliation happening in this chapter, lol)
Chapter’s OST: Magic Shop by 방탄소년단 (See English lyrics here)
Word Count: 3.9k
Series: CHAPTER 14 | CHAPTER 01
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"I can't believe you got married," the smile you rendered to your brother was soft as you helped him fix his bow tie.
Taehyung hated bow ties, but he knew he had to endure wearing one today. It's his wedding day after all. Besides, ditching the said tie would definitely sadden his husband. It's something Taehyung couldn't afford to make the love of his life feel, mainly because Yoongi seemed very excited when he told Taehyung he designed their wedding outfits himself.
"I got married and I'm doing it all over again." Taehyung grinned back at you.
It's refreshing to see his boxy smile after many months of awkward eye contacts and tightlipped smiles.
Taehyung avoided you for a long time because he was embarrassed. He wasn't an idiot. He knew there's a part of you that blamed him for not being able to see your father for the last time. If he had only gone with you to Seoul, you'd probably be given a chance to say your goodbyes to Taemin, but alas, those days were over.
You just hoped your father was in a good place now. He deserved it even though he'd be shitty to you. You realized you didn't want to hold grudges any longer.
You hated the idea of spending your days filled with rage and pain. No. You didn't deserve it. They might not be worthy of your forgiveness, but you also didn't deserve to feel the heaviness in your chest just by thinking about them. Besides, those who hurt you and the people around you were already paying for their wrongdoings.
Namjoon and Hoseok often called to tell you what's happening in Seoul since you're already back here in New York. Apparently, there's already a verdict in Soojin's case. Your sister was deemed guilty for almost all criminal and civil cases she was facing. You also came to know that Sin-ae was pressed with charges for helping her daughter hide and destroy evidence in a crime. She wasn't incarcerated though. Sin-ae simply paid a fine of a few thousands of dollars.
Needless to say, her family's reputation was ruined. She sacrificed a lot of things just to maintain a good public image. She even went as far as tolerating you instead of going to court to sue her husband and your mother for concubinage. But in the end, she still lost.
She couldn't face the public with pride and joy anymore. Hoseok was the one who told you about this heartbreaking news. Namjoon didn't have the courage to do it. Sure, he helped your eldest brother, however it didn't mean he's guilt-free. There were times when he felt like he betrayed his own family, mainly because Sin-ae expressed her hatred towards him.
You suspected that the only reason why Namjoon called you and Taehyung was because he was afraid he's losing his mind. You and Taehyung were his only reminder that he did what's right. You wished Namjoon would learn to live with the decision he made too.
"Ah, I'm happy you didn't forget to invite me this time." You poked your brother's stomach as a response to his smug claim that he's getting married to the love of his life for the second time.
Yes, second time. Taehyung and Yoongi's family and friends demanded that they get married again. It's unfair that you all didn't get to attend the first time they did it.
"It's a spur-of-the-moment decision!" Your brother and his husband would argue every time you teased them about forgetting to inform you about this big decision.
Truthfully, you didn't really mind that they got married behind your back. What worried you was that you felt like your brother only agreed to marry Yoongi because he was lonely and grieving.
You see, it hadn't been a while since your father died. If you remembered it correctly, you only stayed in Seoul for three months after his death. The day you went back to New York was also the day you had learned your brother was married to Yoongi for almost a week already.
No one knew, not even Jimin. Your roommate rarely saw them after you went back to Seoul. He wanted to give Taehyung space, especially because Jimin was aware that your brother's way of coping up with pain was by pretending like the problem didn't exist at all. This was why he chose to go to New York after telling his family about his sexuality. He pretended like he didn't care about what they thought and that he was better off on his own, but deep inside, he was afraid too. He was scared to fuck up again, scared to push people because he might lose them in an instant. You guessed this was why he married your best friend. Maybe he was afraid he'd end up taking him for granted. After all, Yoongi had sacrificed many things in order to be with him.
But you didn't doubt Taehyung's feelings anymore. He wouldn't agree to marry Yoongi for the second time if he didn't love him, right? Besides, your brother willingly chose to move in with Yoongi even before they got married.
It was lonely to stay in your shared apartment with Jimin. He missed and felt sorry for you. It didn't help that your roommate kept calling you, reminding Taehyung of the mess at home that he chose to ignore.
Anyway, moving in with Yoongi was for the best. At least Taehyung wouldn't feel bad for disturbing you and Jimin anymore. He knew there were times your roommate just wanted to chill and watch movies in the living room, but he couldn't because Taehyung was sleeping on the couch.
Unfortunately there's a new person invading your apartment.
"Are you two ready?" Jungkook, the same person who was staying with you and Jimin for two days now, barged inside the dressing room, disturbing your little moment with Taehyung. "The guests are waiting and your husband is sweating so much. I think he just wants to kiss you and get this over with, Taehyungie-hyung."
Jungkook had an innocent look on his face that you didn't even realize that he's saying what he wanted to do with you right now: kiss you and bring you back to Seoul with him.
Two days ago was the first time he saw you in person after you left Seoul eight months ago. If Taehyung and Yoongi didn't invite him to the wedding, Jungkook wasn't sure what excuse to make to see you again.
Talking to you through the screen of his phone wasn't enough. He craved to be with you. It's unfair that Jimin, your other suitor, got to spend time with you while he was stuck in Seoul, thousands of miles away from you.
But little did Jungkook know, he had the advantage here. He's the one you loved, not Jimin. Your roommate accepted it already. He kept telling you it's okay, that you didn't owe him anything. Jimin knew from the very start that you only saw him as a friend. You also assured him there was someone out there who could return his feelings.
In fact, you felt like he had met her already. Chou Tzuyu, the pretty girl next door. He was Jimin's date today.
"Really?" Taehyung snorted but he was smug when he said, "but we literally just fucked two hours ago—"
"Please stop. I don't need to hear this." You pouted. Jungkook chuckled as he stepped closer to you, he was still keeping a fair distance though.
"And here I am, only allowed to see the girl I love on special occasions."
"Bloody hell. Are you two still playing this game?" Taehyung grunted, looking at you and Jungkook in disbelief. "Can't you just kiss and be together already?"
Heat travelled to your face upon hearing your brother’s complaint. Jungkook chuckled again.
"Don't look at me. I'm trying here..." He was. He always tried to win you over.
You're just stubborn.
"Enough about us. This is your day, oppa." With this, you and Jungkook both escorted your brother out of the dressing room.
Hoseok and Namjoon would be the one to walk Taehyung down the aisle. Sin-ae didn’t want to attend, she said she’d rather visit Soojin in jail. As for Seokjin, well, he also wanted to walk his brother down the aisle, but Yoongi asked him to officiate their wedding instead.
Seokjin and Yoongi were already waiting at the altar. The theme of this event was a garden wedding. You were in awe as you watched the couple exchange vows while surrounded by pretty flowers and colorful butterflies.
You're glad they're doing this. Taehyung and his husband first got married in Vegas. It was rushed and not as heartwarming as this one. At least today they got to see that their family and friends were very proud of them. In fact, Seokjin made the couple cry when he abruptly stopped his brother from putting a ring on Yoongi's finger.
Seokjin brought out a ring box. You all gasped when he opened it, revealing the traditional wedding ring of the Kims. It was passed to the eldest child every generation. It meant a lot to Taehyung that Seokjin was doing this, however your brother said it's not his decision alone.
Before Taemin died, he told Seokjin to hand the ring to Taehyung. It's baffling, considering the fact that Taemin spent years hating his son just because he was gay.
Seokjin didn't say but Taemin made this decision the day before the accident occurred. It's like their father knew he was going to die and that he wanted to apologize to Taehyung for not treating him right.
Taemin also instructed Seokjin to give you a certain box but your brother figured it's best to hand it to you after the wedding. The box contained the set of Farnsworth House LEGO Architecture—Jungkook's gift to you during your sixteenth birthday.
You remembered the time when you and your sister were fighting over it, with Soojin insisting that the gift belonged to her. Taemin confiscated it, saying that if you two couldn't share, then no one could have it.
You didn't mind sharing, just like how you didn't mind seeing Yoongi and Taehyung share a passionate kiss.
Your heart hurt but in a good way. It's remarkable to see the two people you loved find their way to each other's arms.
The ceremony ended with a round of applause and with Jungkook hugging and kissing your temple as he whispered how much he loved you.
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The reception of the wedding was also in the same garden where the ceremony was held. The sun had set and now fairy lights illuminated the place.
It's romantic. You saw Jimin and Tzuyu dancing a few feet away from where you're standing. Your roommate's hands were wrapped around his date's waist. Jungkook was holding you like that too, or maybe your and Jungkook's position was more intimate. Your forehead was pressed against his. You could feel him nuzzling your cheek.
"Miss you, Tiger..." Your best friend murmured, lips trailing your cheek down to the side of your mouth.
You tightened your embrace to him as you admitted, "I miss you too, Kook." Because you did. More than so much. Seeing him now made you feel like you could finally breathe.
You didn't know how you survived the past months without him by your side.
"You do?" Jungkook hummed, his voice was innocent and full of hope as he continued asking you a question. "Will you come home with me, then?"
"I have work here, Kook.."
"So quit and accept my proposal." He grumbled and kissed the side of your mouth once more, hoping that it's enough to coax you.
Jungkook built his own architectural firm. He proposed to you, saying that he wanted to run the company with you. A professional partnership. You two were competent enough to do this.
His proposal was lame though. You told him he needed to make a concrete business plan to convince you to accept the job. So far, all his proposals didn't spark excitement.
"Please, baby, I can't spend one more day away from you." He was begging, big doe eyes and all. "Just give me more time and I'll perfect that business plan."
You threw your head back and laughed. You actually laughed because he was adorable and because you were insanely in love with him too.
"You have a month, Architect Jeon." You said, finally relenting.
"Yes!" Jungkook briefly let go of you to punch the air. He was so excited you could literally see his body shaking.
"I only need two more weeks, baby..."
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You did it.
You really quit your job and went back to Seoul with Jungkook. Admittedly, you were thrilled but at the same time, you were scared to death.
You were officially jobless now. You knew Hoseok wouldn't hesitate to hire you but you didn't want to live your life like that. You helped him break the chain when your father died. You couldn't create another one.
Apart from this, you trusted Jungkook. He said he needed fourteen days to show you that his firm was viable. You had no doubt about this, but as a future partner, you should learn how to practice professional skepticism.
"Is the blindfold really necessary?" You groaned at Jungkook, already pissed because he disturbed your peaceful morning at your eldest brother's place.
You were staying at Hoseok's apartment again. It's difficult to find a place of your own. If you were to become Jungkook's partner at the firm, then you would need to find a home near the office building.
Jungkook's architectural firm was situated on the fourth floor of Queens Building. Architect Jeon decided to rent a space first because his business was just starting. He started operating ten months ago. Perhaps he could buy a piece of land if you chose to form a professional partnership with him.
"It is. I told you this will determine my future with you." Jungkook said as he guided you.
Today was the day he'd present his business plan. He said it took him more than eight months to finish the proposal. However you weren't sure if this was still a proposal because your jaw dropped the moment he removed your blindfold.
This wasn't a proposal.
Architect Jeon Jungkook literally built a shop for you.
"Welcome to Magic Shop, Tiger." Jungkook's grin was big as he beckoned you to enter the place.
You remained rooted in your spot though, still in awe. The facade of this shop was aesthetically pleasing. On the left side of the wooden door was a pot of red flowers. A display of books on the other hand, could be seen on the right side of the door.
You could also hear a pleasing melody as you roamed your eyes around the place. You realized the music was coming from the inside of the shop.
I know that you're hesitating because even if you say the truth in the end it will all return as scars
"Come on, Tiger..." Jungkook held your hand. He could feel fear radiating from you.
You were probably afraid to discover what he prepared for you.
I'm not going to say anything blatant like "find strength"
"Okay..." You sucked in a deep breath as you gripped his hand. Jungkook led you inside the shop.
The inside was better than what you saw outside. There were no other people here aside from you and him.
You let go of Jungkook's hand since you were excited to check out the whole place. Jungkook let you be, allowing you to explore what he built just to make you stay.
Jungkook watched as you picked up a book, flipping through the pages like you were interested to see what's written there.
But that's the thing.
There's nothing written there. The books had blank pages.
I will let you hear my story, let you hear it
The lyrics of the song demonstrated the very purpose of these books. Jungkook explained that people could come and go to this place, especially if they felt like the outside world was too much, like it was suffocating them.
What did I say?
They could grab a book and write down their stories.
I said you'd win, didn't I?
They could let out their emotions through writing. It didn't matter if they'd only share their worries because someday, Jungkook knew these people would come back.
I couldn't believe it (really)
They would come back and reread their entries, and then they'd realize that they made it.
Could I win it?
That they really won.
This miracle that isn't a miracle
They'd think it's a miracle, but really, it's on them. They worked hard, they didn't give up, and they pulled themselves from a very dark place.
Did we make it?
Just like what you did.
(No) I was here
Just like what your mother and the rest of her circle in the CA meeting did.
You wrote a single entry in the book before returning it to the shelf.
You were the one that made your way to me
Entry: I’m scared because I quit my job without thinking. No, wait. I did think. I thought about the person I love. He wants to be with me. I do too. He promised he'd stay with me.
I do believe your galaxy
And you believed him. You believed his galaxy, that it's going to shine bright and guide you.
I want to listen to your melody
Jungkook's way of saying that he was here for you was through murmuring I love you. This was his melody.
Your stars in the Milky Way
His doe eyes lit this world full of despair.
Don't forget that I found you anyways
Jungkook found you when you're suffering alone.
At the end of my despair
He didn't stop supporting you even when you pushed him away, even if you told him you didn't want him to fix you.
You're the last reason for me who was standing at the edge of the cliff
He would never let you jump off a cliff. He would stay there and inspire you to
On days I hate being myself, days I want to disappear forever
But Jungkook learned his lesson. He understood what you meant when you said you didn't want to be fixed.
Let's make a door in your heart
So he literally made a door instead.
Open the door and this place will await. It's okay to believe, the Magic Shop will comfort you
A door that would lead you to a place where you could find comfort, a place where you wouldn't be forced to share and solve your problems at once.
You could just chill and take a break here.
While drinking a glass of hot tea
You went to the second floor of the Magic Shop, there's a corner where you could drink different kinds of tea. There were tables and chairs if ever you preferred to talk to someone and share to them your problems. This corner was for extroverts and those who felt comfortable talking to others.
And looking up at the Milky Way
There were bean bags as well. You could drink tea here alone while looking up at the sky shining with stars.
You'll be alright, oh, this here is the Magic Shop
"You'll be alright here, Tiger." Jungkook was standing behind you. He gave you a back-hug while you both enjoyed the fresh air in the veranda.
So show me (I'll show you)
"I built this place for you, baby. I won't force you to tell me things anymore..."
So show me (I'll show you)
"I won't try to solve your problem if you don't want me to..." He kissed your nape.
So show me (I'll show you)
"I won't try to fix you..."
Show you show you
"Because you're not a thing. You're a person who needs to feel and to heal."
Like a rose when blooming, like cherry blossoms when being scattered in the wind
You were going to bloom and stop hurting at your own pace and way. He would encourage you to spread your wings and fly, enjoying the wind.
My greed that was my weapon suffocated me and also became a leash,
"Thank you, Kook..." You turned to face him. Your eyes glistened with tears of joy.
You couldn't believe he still remembered what you said to him two years ago, the thing where you didn't want him to fix you.
You're also glad he understood what you meant. Jungkook understood the type of love you needed, but days ago, you asked him when he realized he loved you.
but looking back on it now, truthfully I feel like it's not true that I wanted to be the best
Jungkook said you had to wait for a few more days to know the answer. Today, you came to know his reason.
I wanted to become your comfort and move your heart. I want to take away your sadness, and pain
"I was a very selfish person before I met you. I used to believe that what's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine too."
You laughed at that. It sounded like little Jungkook. If Jong-in was alive, he'd probably nod his head in agreement.
"But just by looking at you makes me want to give you everything already, you know?"
Would you believe me if I said that I was scared of everything too?
"That's what love is for me. To offer you everything, but I learned what truly matters. I don't have to sacrifice and break myself for love. All I want now is to simply be your comfort, the shoulder you can use to lean on. That's the love I want to receive too."
Jungkook was saying the time you two spent away from each other made him realize what he wanted too. He tried to put himself in your shoes, making him realize that he wouldn't want you to take the blame and do everything for him.
He just needed you to stay with him while he fixed himself. He knew now that this was what you desired as well.
"So to answer your question why I love you. Well, it's because—" He swallowed hard as he stared deep in your soul. "You gave me the best of me."
He learned not to be selfish but also to not offer his one hundred percent to someone, that he should still leave some love for himself too.
"And I know you'll give you the best of you too." Was the major realization he came to know as to why you didn't need to be fixed.
You'd do it yourself. You'll find it, the galaxy inside you at some point.
"I love you, Tiger..."
You pulled Jungkook closer and then you caressed his cheeks.
Your eyes twinkled as you responded, "I love you too, Kook," and then you kissed him.
Jungkook melted, the worry engulfing him evaporated. He wasn't scared anymore because the kiss you shared made him know an unspoken communication between the two of you. It went like this:
"So show me..."
"I'll show you..."
- END -
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Thank you guys so much for reading this fic. <333 I love you all! 
Please stay tuned for a new JJK fic!
Preview of BST: Jeon Jungkook was the very definition of that fictional fawn named Bambi: brown doe eyes, innocent, and a prey—something you hated about him. He was so weak. Seriously. The boy needed to grow a spine, luckily you had an idea to do just that. 
 The plan was to send him on a mission where he would be forced to defend himself, but surprise, surprise. Jungkook fucked up, causing  him to become the complete opposite of Bambi: red eyes, corrupted mind, and a...predator.
 Jungkook was a vampire and he might just bite you. 
 “My blood, sweat, and tears. This is a spell that will punish me.”
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It really saddens me that Kara started in S1 pining for James, wanting what he and Lucy had, wanting her perfect game night partner, to be able to balance her life the way Clark does as Superman, a reporter and a boyfriend. To find her match and "have it all" like she tried (failed) to do with Mon-El.
And yea the series ends with her not having to struggle with her identity and yes, her hidden identity cost her a lot -- she says it herself to Lena. And while they didn't completely shut down the possibility of Kara finding the love she said she wanted since the beginning, they didn't make any effort to imply it either and that's my main issue.
It's not even about shipping for me (although obviously I heart SC). It's about giving Kara something that she has expressed wanting since minute one, something that pretty much everyone else in her life as found and claimed.
And she could've easily had that with Lena. They were at a point in their "friendship" where Kara would not have had to hide, where her secret would not have been as much of a burden, where they are partners and Kara has proper support from the super friends and even the public. Supergirl could've taken a step back, the new DEO can recruit and train other heroes, alien, meta or otherwise. She didn't have to carry the weight of the cape and be the sole saviour (as Lena tells her).
Her identity wouldn't have been such a huge problem with her job since Cat Grant knows and understands. And even better, Kara is the boss. If James can be EIC while running around in that ridiculous helmet, Kara can manage just fine.
So what's the big deal with the show offering a conclusion to Kara's identity struggle but not her longstanding desire to have and find love? To have and hold her own person? To have that person be established as Lena? To completely shut down the potential rekindling with Mon-El (one of few things they did right).
The only thing I can think of is the fact that Kara and Lena are women and they've already reached their quota for queer representation. Which furthers my belief that they don't really care about the queer rep or about diversity. They just include it because they want to appear "woke" and "inclusive" (evidenced by William's unnecessary death, Nia and Kelly being sidelined in S5 to promote a white man, the poorly handled story arc for James and the abrupt cancellation of Karolsen, etc).
It is homophobic, plain and simple, especially when you factor in the blatant use of supercorp dialogue in the Lexly scenes we got this season. When that het relationship that 1) no audience member wanted and 2) ultimately went no where, was forced down our throats as "believable" because it's not queer.
But the Supercorp shippers with years of onscreen proof of their budding romance, the fucking slow burn, are "delusional and digusting". Right, cuz that makes sense.
Yea they have us Dansen and their beautiful wedding that made me tear up (it was great, I've rewatched it like 10 times) but that does not mean homophobia and racism is nonexistent and if people can't see that, well-- ignorance is bliss. I wish I couldn't see it too.
And back to my original point. Kara not having found love at the end of this is not the message of empowerment they thought it was. Because it's something that she has expressed multiple times that she wants and she hasn't had it at all since S2. Wtf!
She said she doesn't want to be alone, while in the company of her sister, someone who she's had from minute one. She's always had Alex and then later she had her friends. Some left yes (Winn, Lucy, James, etc) but others came (Brainy, Nia, Kelly, etc). She has that aspect of companionship so it's obvious that that isn't what's missing. It's love, romantic love, her person. She wants that and she deserved to have it at the end.
And even if they didn't give us a kiss or love declaration, they didn't have use the words "friend" and "friendship" so aggressively because it's clear that supercorp is and always will be more than that and they know it. Even if they wanna push the "Kara needs to find herself and make peace with herself" narrative and reveal her identity, fine.
But then, give us something more at the end, some indication that Kara is now ready to claim the love that's been waiting for her. Kiss or no kiss, I would've made my peace with that, knowing that Kara can finally "have it all" and that would've been full circle.
Instead they screw everyone over (except Dansen and I love that for them) and that is why the finale was, in a word, dissatisfying.
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setzappersto-pew · 3 years
StarKid and Musical Score
While all StarKid musicals have great music, both songs and score, some do it better than others. All could be classified as, or have elements of, rock or pop musicals, so it stands to reason that the “piano guitar bass drums” combo is the most common. When a musical goes beyond that, with more varied instrumentation or different styles or exceptional callbacks to songs in the score, I really take notice. 
So far in this Rewatchers With a Thousand Eyes event, we’ve had The Trail to Oregon, which really just adds a country twang in the songs and score while still using the standard instrumentation (there could be banjo, or at least a guitar that is played to evoke a banjo). The songs are great fun and play with style a little (”Dysentery World” is an acid trip and “You Gotta Go” is an Irish ballad), and there’s some nice scoring that callback or preview songs. I’ll touch on the others as they come, but I’m going to focus more on the few that really stand out to me. This is the first post in this series, paying tribute to the unique music of Firebringer.
The music of Firebringer caught my attention immediately, especially hearing it live in the theater. Written by Meredith Stepien and Mark Swiderski and score by the incredible duo Clark Baxtresser and Pierce Siebers, the music combines standard modern pop musical elements with rhythmic percussion effortlessly. As both Meredith and Mark are percussionists, and I too am a percussionist, it’s no wonder they wrote such cool music and I enjoyed so much! 
I’m not a professional musician, just a band geek and amateur percussionist of 16 years, so I don’t feel confident doing a full analysis. Instead, I’m simply going to list some underrated musical moments in Firebringer that showcase the unique, fun, and technically stellar work of Meredith, Mark, Clark, and Pierce.
The very first thing you hear is Meredith killing it on the bongos. Go off, queen.
The harmonies!!! Meredith really loves crunchy harmonies, and there’s oodles!
Excellent use of marimba, glockenspiel, triangle, tambourine, and more percussion (thank you to Jon Jackson and Nick Kabat) throughout the whole show, especially in “What If”, “Welcome to the Stone Age”, “The Night Belongs to Snarl”, and “Paint Me”. I’m not used to hearing marimba in much of anything, movies or musicals or otherwise; in fact, most people don’t even know what it is, which saddens this marimba player deeply.
The staccato bass guitar during the inner thought moments before Zazzalil attacks Snarl both times--highlighted by Nick Gage's angelic vocals, “Time is frozen now!” and “Did you see that spark upon the wall?”. It builds just the right amount of tension that is released with the full ensemble.
“The Night Belongs to Snarl” in a major key playing while Emberly and Keeri pet a sleeping Snarl. Adorable.
The droning synthesizer chords, reverb effect, and twinkling notes in “Chorn”, giving it an otherworldly sci-fi feel immediately. Marimba and drums are also used in this song, as it’s a melding of the human and alien civilizations. This is what I wished Starship and ANI had included more of...
The rim shot every single time Schwoopsie said her name.
The use of instruments for sound effects, like a bell for a “lightbulb” moment.
Looking ahead, the next show that I’ll make a post about is Twisted. I’ll touch on Holy Musical B@man!, but there’s a lot to unpack with Twisted and it deserves its own post. 
Thanks for reading!
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