#and i know a systematic review doesn't help
khlur · 8 months
i got somewhere w my fucking literature review
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justatalkingface · 6 months
In Lack Of Defense to Aizawa
-And to varying extents literally every other UA staff member, and basiclly anyone in any sort of authority or who just exists in MHA at all.
Something I saw recently (when I started this post, months ago, anyways) that kind of pissed me of (that I'm posting here, with no connections to where it happened, because it was on a nice fic I like and I don't want to bring crap into the comments just because I don't agree with the author's view on something) is the idea that Aizawa is... how do I put this, more excusable because he doesn't know the full story behind Izuku and Bakugou.
And... to some extent, that isn't wrong, is the thing. He doesn't know that Bakugou systematically made Izuku's life hell, so he can't be expected to react to it (you can question how he would react to it, and that's a completely fair thing to be concerned about, all things considered, though that isn't the point of all this)... but. The thing is, he can be expected to react to what he does know/see, and that's the vastly justifiable criticism of him as a teacher comes from.
Day One: Bakugou attacks Izuku for.... existing with a Quirk. And here's the thing, Aizawa does stop that, but Izuku, and most people who read the story, phrase that as, 'Aizawa stopped Bakugou! Good job Aizawa!'. That's not the right response. The right response is: Aizawa stopped Bakugou, as is his literal job; it's not something that should be acknowledged as unique or impressive. Aizawa being the only person in Izuku's life to stop Bakugou is not glowing praise for Aizawa, it's blistering condemnation for everyone else. Not letting your students try to kill each in front of you is, in fact, the bare fucking minimum.
And here's the where the problem starts: Aizawa does that... and nothing else. Good Old 'Expel 'Em All' Aizawa watches a student attack a fellow student in front of him (after, for the record, sabotaging the same student in the race by blasting him with his explosions, which... is also something that, at least, should be something discussed, if not be summarily expelled over, since being happy is expulsion worthy in Aizawa Land, or being someone that reminds him of All Might) and his response is complaining that Bakugou is making him do more work. Which. You know, is bad. He doesn't even scold Bakugou, or warn him, or do anything to punish him for this.
'You're giving me dry eye, damn it!'
Yes. Because, when one student attacks another, that is the concerning point. How it inconveniences you.
(For the record, I'll touch on all the other problems with this chunk of time, which are present but not actually on target for this post, just to be thorough: doing this test at all, when they already passed, doing it on day one, doing it, apparently, because they were excited and/or because he reminded Eraserhead of All Might, threatening to expel Izuku for daring to not having control of his Quirk, being proud he only broke one finger, not doing anything to help him stop breaking his bones, teaching his students that he'll only lie to them by his whole, 'Logical Ruse' bit, (which if anything should make his threats have less bite when he fails to follow through on them every time), and sabotaging the score when, as I've discussed before, there's no way Toru, at the very least, could outperform Izuku on a test around the physical abilities of her Quirk when her Quirk is invisibility.... a test that, for extra hypocrite points, he couldn't have passed as a student.)
Day Two: Bakugou actually tries to murder Izuku in a training exercise. And I say murder deliberately; All Might explained what would happen if he hit Izuku with his gauntlet, and doesn't even argue with that assessment, instead saying, 'He won't die if he dodges!'.
In other words, Bakugou is saying, 'He'll die if I hit him!'
The next day, after reviewing the test, Aizawa says.... 'Bakugou, stop acting like a seven year old.'
Not: we're taking away your gauntlets until you can use them responsibly. Not: killing people is wrong. Not: disobey a teacher again and I'll expel you. Not: Any form of punishment or disciplinary action for, again, an actual murder attempt.
Grow up.
...Do you see where the problem is here?
Beyond this point, there's god knows how many times Bakugou yells at and/or attacks Izuku for Reasons(TM) throughout their entire school life, none of which is actually hidden from anyone, culminating in the Final Exam where Aizawa admits they have problems working together.... which is, in itself, phrasing that puts the burden as much on Izuku as it does on Bakugou. That is, needless to say, bullshit: the problem is completely on Bakugou's side, because Izuku would be pathetically grateful to his abuser if they could work together, and he constantly does his best to make that happen, no matter how often that never actually works for him.
This phrasing fits Aizawa's 'solution', which is to pair them together for their exam against All Might, again putting the burden for Bakugou's attitude on Izuku rather than dealing with it himself, with the (again, lied about) consequences of not going with the rest of the class on their summer outing, along with probably being closer to flunking out of school. This attitude culminates, ultimately, in BvD2, where Bakugou does everything to start the fight, including launching the first blow, Izuku is defending himself, yet they are both held equally responsible.
So. In Aizawa Land, if I walk up to someone with a crowbar, start hitting them, and they hit me back so I don't crack their skull open, we're both to blame for the fight; after all, they hit me, right? Seriously. Has he arrested civilians for fighting back against people trying to rob/rape/murder them? Because under this logic? The victim is just as much to blame as the robber/rapist/murder.
Alright, so as much as these posts are generally scathing criticisms, I do strive to be somewhat fair. All of these points? All of these points apply to All Might. And to Nezu. And Midnight. And Present Mic. And Class 1A. And Class 1B. And... you know what, let me sum it up: this applies to everyone who has seen Bakugou and Izuku interact, and went, 'Aww..., they're rivals!'. Which. Is basiclly every named character with any screen time, barring maybe the original version of Best Jeanist, before he became an empty shell whose only job is to praise Bakugou.
This isn't a unique problem. This is a Bakugou Problem. This is because no one can hold Bakugou accountable for anything he does, ever, and because of his quantum characterization, Bakugou lives in a consequence free reality where he says and does one thing, and literally the entire world goes selectively blind to act like he did something else entirely. It makes him come out of every situation smelling like roses, even if he spent the entire time bathing in shit, and it makes everyone around him pay the price for him instead. I'm only focusing on Aizawa for one reason: because the fandom worships him.
People love the Kakashi replacement more than they did the original model, and unlike Bakugou this isn't contentious; Bakugou may be more popular but Eraserhead's love is far more universal.
Dadzawa, despite being blatant falsehoods, is the most common take on him, but it's not even that that sparked this rant; it's that people look at him as an actual, flawed, person who makes mistakes, but refuse to go to the next logical step on those mistakes because he's 'doing his best'.
Because he's not.
He has never done his best, because he is falling asleep in class. There is no way for me to look at this disaster, sleeping in class, threatening his students, constantly eroding their trust in his words, and think, 'he's doing his best', because he isn't.
'Doing your best' means, basiclly, you never could have done this, because of some inability, but your trying anyways. All Might is trying his best, because he doesn't know how to teach at all (now that he's done training up Izuku, anyways). He's failing, yes, but he's clearly trying.
Aizawa isn't, because he's not trying. Unlike All Might, he can teach, is the thing, he's just choosing not too. Once in a blue moon, when the school administration puts it's baleful eye on him he actually does teach; he did help Momo and Shoto, for example. Problem being, he only did it then, when he was forced to test them, instead of... any time before their exam (while still somehow missing Shoto's entire everything at the same time, which is failure on such a enormous level it's kind of impressive). Then, of course, there's his mini-me, who he took from a skinny branch of a scrub to being able to use his combat scarf proficiently in battle, an absurdly exotic weapon who having an even a basic mastery must have taken months of difficult, intensive training. If Aizawa was 'trying his best', he'd be doing that teaching... you know, at all, basiclly and not when he's being held at professional gun point, or when it's for his one favorite who isn't even in his class.
Aizawa isn't doing his best, he's doing the absolute minimum he can to keep this position.
And just... look. I get that he's tired. I get he has two full time jobs. I get that that's easily the most sympathetic emotion for basiclly everyone these days, that everyone can vibe to existential exhaustion on a soul deep level. But the thing is, every Hero teacher we've seen, period, is an actual Hero. Beyond Aizawa, the only person we see having trouble with that is All Might who is, A, a new teacher, B, canonly shit with his time management and has a long, storied history of overdoing it, and C, is missing most of his internal organs. Forget teaching, every morning the man wakes up vaguely surprised he's still alive! All Might has a great excuse for being tired and overworked. Everyone else? Everyone is also working two jobs, with Present Mic working three, and still handling it a lot better than Eraserhead is.
No one made Eraserhead come in the next day after being brutally beaten to the point where he had permanent damage and was still covered in bandages, which probably set back his recovery by weeks, realistically. No one is making him work so hard he has to take naps in class to stay functional. And yet, he's the only one who can't seem to keep that schedule up.
He chose to have two jobs, and unlike most people with two jobs, he doesn't need them; he's not being a teacher so he can get a steady paycheck and have food to eat, this is a luxury to him, a choice he's willingly making for fun, not to support himself.
What I'm saying is: if the man can't handle being both a full time hero and a full time teacher, then maybe he should stop doing both at the same time. Aizawa being tired doesn't make him a good teacher, it just makes him bad at time management.
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hii i have a maybe somewhat difficult question:
how do you go about writing all of the police/detective stuff? I have no knowledge at all about that except having played the game a few times and watching bbc sherlock back when that was a thing.
I have so many cool kimharry things in my mind that i need to get on paper but i don't know how to involve all the cop stuff in a natural way because i don't know anything about it and don't want it to be too wildly incorrect.
so yeah.. how do you even learn the things for this?
thank you so much i love your work
Quite a difficult question I won't lie...... But I've answered at length so it's going under a readmore
This isn't my favourite thing to discuss online as it can trigger my psychosis, but I have an actual dismaying amount of experience with cops. I don't want to talk about it but... Bit like Cuno I suppose. Good ending for that kid is doing public services training ages 14 - 16, and going "oh this is shit actually" once he's got an out from his abusive parent, then working at a restaurant
I quite literally cannot go into detail - so don't ask because I WILL delete this post - but an ex military police officer told us a "funny story" about a "prank" he played on some kids in an occupied location during the late 80s that I recognised as psychological torture, but made my peers laugh. So I decided to become a faggot and poet instead.
Honestly, the amount of time I spend looking up stuff for writing is probably more than the time I spend writing. The internet's being fucked by SEO but it's a start. Like... There's plenty of info out there written on the police and their role in systematic oppression, I'm pretty sure there's free PDFs floating around on Tumblr actually...
If it's more "day in the life" I honestly don't know. Maybe reddit or if there's one of those "Ex-[blank} reviews [blank] in movies" videos on Youtube for cops, but obviously take everything said with a pinch of salt.
Fayde is the best tool at your disposal. We bully Kim a lot for his dedication to the RCM but that makes finding out info pretty easy. EDC too! I've never played with high EDC so just typing in key words (especially names of other officers to try and get character info) and scrolling through is helpful.
Good keywords are "precinct", "RCM", "Militicia" as they'll bring up opinions/ info from other characters.
The RCM is not a traditional police force:
I would worry less about accuracy and more about being interesting. It doesn't need to be a perfect representation of police work since the canon makes a point of there being a distinction in the powers and roles of the RCM. Go listen to the collapsing tenement cut content. You don't need to write about them filling in forms if it's not relevant. It'll show in your writing if you're unsure/ bored.
Make them worse:
If you're going to write one of the officers doing something shitty (yes, that includes Kim and Harry) but worry that you've gone too far then I promise you haven't. Dickheads are drawn to positions of power and the impunity it gives them. There's a reason I wrote one of the 57's officers as a groomer.
Make them less competent:
Don't trust the police, but also don't expect anything of them.
As recently as Monday I had to call for the fire brigade because a lit (thankfully poorly made) petrol bomb had been left under a neighbour's car (I live an irritatingly interesting life for somebody who lives in the middle of fucking nowhere) nobody was harmed. Cop came to find me afterwards to get an interview from me since I'd spotted it and he told me, I kid you not, "Yeah, we're not gonna do anything unless anything else happens." Like, I expected as much but I wasn't expecting him to up and fucking say that. You're welcome for 85% of my council tax, you fucking moron.
Harry's a special case because he's, like, psychic and got "maybe if I solve *THIS* one my wife will let me sleep in the big bed" disorder, and nobody wants to read a case fic that they... don't solve (or do they..? *winks*) But if you care about realism you need dick-in-hand dipshits. Another favourite quote of mine from an officer two years back; "Is 'right wing' the good one or the bad one?" So the advice here is you're writing a cop well if you're reading it and thinking: holy shit please just go work at a TESCOs instead.
Don't worry so much:
You should write, first and foremost, for yourself. I like detective fiction, I have wasted an unfortunate amount of my life dealing with police due to my job and shit childhood. (I did originally write far more about this, but frankly it's better for myself if I don't bother. That's why it's taken me five days to answer this)
I've read/ watched a lot of detective fiction and I'm always more drawn to stuff that is less based in police work. Private investigators, investigative journalists, kid detectives like Nancy Drew, ect.
In particular my favourite book, perhaps of all time, is called Hideaway by Dean Koontz and is two fathers (one: the killer's father - a talented doctor who brought his shithead son back to life - and another, the doctor's most recent patient to be brought back from the brink who has developed a psychic link with the killer as a result) trying to stop him, but never actually meeting! It's one hell of a read if you need inspo.
Val McDermott is a good author for crime writing with less police input, too. She has a book called Killing The Shadows which is excellent. The Killer's motive is taking out crime writers who've romanticised psychological profilers after he was wrongly convicted. Fair enough! Until he starts... Killing about it? Sort of defeats the message... Anyway, what's fun about this book is that before each crime writer is killed (in the same way they wrote THEIR killers killing!! Love that) you get to read the first chapter of each writer's most famous work. So you are essentially getting six crime books in one (first chapter of at least) ...Also the main character's husband is a crime writer called Kit, which I've only remembered just double checking the book name now. Lol???
...This is just turning into me recommending books.
TLDR: write what you know, write what is fun, ACAB, don't even worry about it
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buecherbummlerin · 2 months
Red Rising
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Pierce Brown
Content (Blurb):
The earth is dying. Darrow is a Red, a minor in the interior of Mars. His mission is to extract enough precious elements to one day tame the surface of the planet and allow humans to live on it. The Red are humanity’s last hope.
Or so it appears, until the day Darrow discovers it’s all a lie. That Mars has been habitable – and inhabited – for generations, by a class of people calling themselves the Golds. A class of people who look at Darrow and his fellows as slave labour, to be exploited and worked without a second thought.
Until the day Darrow, with the help of a mysterious group of rebels, disguises himself as a Gold and infiltrates their command school, intent on taking down his battlefield – and Darrow isn’t the only student with angels.
My review:
This book is the ultimate dystopian fantasy book and something for the hard-boiled among us. I was immediately captivated by the uniqueness of Darrow's story. It's been a long time since I've read such an exciting, shocking and inspiring sci-fi / fantasy book. The book has a very special place on my bookshelf.
Red Rising is characterized in particular by its emotions. The harsh realities of oppression and exploitation are clearly portrayed by Pierce Brown and are an important part of the new world on Mars.  Pierce Brown definitely doesn't shy away from describing the horror of oppression, and violence, so you should only read this book if you have no problems with these topics.
The story takes place on Mars and depicts the futuristic colonies that live there. Among them is Darrow, who lives underground and works to prepare Mars for humans and make it livable, or so they are told. Darrow is the main character and one of the youngest Helldivers in his colony of Red. He puts his life on the line every day to prepare Mars. The work is hard and the Reds live in harsh conditions, starving and constantly having to fight to survive. The oppression and lies against the Reds become particularly clear when Darrow joins a rebellion due to tragic events. There he learns that Mars has long since been colonized. He then begins a life among the Golds, who live on Mars with all the comforts and luxuries. His goal is to infiltrate and overthrow them. Pierce Brown presents the differences between the Reds and Golds in an incredibly exciting and captivating way. In particular, I was immediately captivated by the systematic oppression and the web of lies that have been built up in this world.
Despite the hardship, all the sacrifices and the violent struggle for freedom, Pierce Brown combines all the darkness with friendship, cohesion and love, something that really surprised and convinced me of the book. He clearly shows that it is not always so easy to distinguish between good and evil and that great sacrifices are necessary to successfully lead a rebellion for freedom.
In some fantasy and sci-fi books, the world building and understanding of the world can take some time. However, I was surprised at how easily I was able to immerse myself in this complex world, the castes and colonies, and the political issues. The book is not long and Pierce Brown describes the world and its background in a surprisingly detailed and understandable way amidst all the exciting and captivating events.
Red Rising captivated me with its unique world, the conflicts and characters, but especially with the emotions. I can hardly wait to read the second part of the series.
 Red Rising is an insanely exciting sci-fi and epic fantasy book that has won a very special place in my heart. Pierce Brown knows how to combine a unique world with deep characters and exciting events.
This book is a definite recommendation and I am already looking forward to the second part of the series.
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salternator · 1 year
Hey! I saw you comment you were on DHT blockers, mainly to stop hair loss but keep voice/muscle changes. If you're okay to talk about it, are there other benefits/effects that you know about?
Yup! I'll write out what I've read up on for my own purposes. Standard disclaimer: I don't know what I don't know, speak to an endocrinologist if possible, get regular blood tests if you can.
The main two DHT blockers (that preventing testosterone being metabolised into DHT) are finasteride and dutasteride, with dutasteride having a stronger effect.
I used to take 1mg/day finasteride, the recommended medication and dose for hair loss prevention. However it has a short (6 hour) half-life in the body and I often forget to take it, so I switched to 1mg/3days dutasteride which remains in the body for a much longer time (several weeks half-life). This is not a recommended dosage or regimen - normal dosage is 0.5mg/day for hair loss - but is likely safe since it can be prescribed up to 5mg/day.
Potentially desirable effects of DHT blockers (compared to testosterone without DHT blockers)
Prevents head hair loss on DHT-sensitive hair follicles. For some people it can also reverse existing hair loss, though I wouldn't completely count on that.
Somewhat prevents body and facial hair from increasing. I haven't seen any evidence for reversal though.
It suppresses bottom growth.
Reduces skin oil production and thus may reduce acne.
DHT blockers likely don't affect: muscle growth, voice deepening, fat redistribution, height increase (if your bones are not fully ossified).
Side effects
DHT blockers affect fetal development, so all precautions should be taken to prevent anyone who is pregnant / trying to get pregnant from accidentally ingesting it. This means pill cutters shouldn't be shared for different medications, and you can't donate blood for as long as the DHT blocker is in your body (1 week for finasteride, 6-12 months for dutasteride).
Studies done on cis men taking DHT blockers show a potential increase in depression and lowered libido. However I don't have any information on whether the same effect applies to somebody with starting at a baseline of low testosterone and low DHT, then taking testosterone with a DHT blocker.
This systematic review is quite helpful and uses fairly understandable language.
Things I know that I don't know
The metabolism of testosterone doesn't end at DHT - DHT is then metabolised into other products, and so on. I have not looked into the downstream effects of blocking production of DHT yet, which may be significant if you are taking a near-total DHT blocker like dutasteride long-term.
I have seen many posts on bodybuilding forums (most reliable source of information /s) saying that DHT blocks the effects of estrogens by competing for estrogen receptors. As far as I can tell, DHT does not seem to bind effectively to estrogen receptors, so I somewhat doubt this claim. There is convincing evidence that DHT blockers increase the risk of gynecomastia in cis men, but I haven't yet been able to find out what the mechanism is.
I hope this long post is somewhat useful, and I'm happy to talk about other aspects of non-standard transition if you're curious.
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cherryhomo · 1 month
Hello, I have never talked to you before and it's not been much time since I follow you but you seem like a really understanding person and I don't have anyone to talk or ask for advice and i hope this doesn't bother you or anything and of course you don't have to answer if you don't feel like it but I have seen you have ADHD and I wanted to ask you how you try and deal with it cause i have been medicated with ansiolitics for so time now cause my psychiatrist said everything that was/is happening to me is cause anxiety but i got looked up by another one and he told me it was a clear untreated adhd case and everything he told me made perfect sense and now i'm really lost and i haven't been doing great and i just don't know how to deal with all this and i don't deal good with changes so i would love to have some advice so i don't go more crazy and do something stupid.
I'm signing with my fav number so if i ever message again you can remember easily
hi 13!!
so what you’re describing is pretty similar to what happened to me - i was seeing a psychiatrist from age 14 and was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and it took me, at 20, doing my own research and realising that oh shit maybe i have ADHD and finding an ADHD specialist to finally get diagnosed. i’m assuming you’re afab (sorry if i’m wrong!!) as afab people are much more likely not to get diagnosed with ADHD until adulthood - and afab people are 15% more likely to be treated for depression and anxiety before being treated for (or diagnosed with) ADHD, so the good/sad news is you’re not alone!
i know it can be a really confusing time, as it feels like everything you’ve known and thought about yourself isn’t real. however, an important thing to remember is that really, nothing about you is changing, except for the reasons you do things or behave a certain way. you are still the same person - the ADHD has always been there, always been a part of you, now you just know what it is. and now that you know what it is, it should be easier to deal with!
my advice would be to keep talking to the new psychiatrist and see what they say. maybe you can try medication - you said you’re on anxiety medication, do you feel like it helps? if not, it might be because the root of your anxiety (the ADHD) isn’t being treated, and maybe with ADHD medication, you’ll notice your anxiety decreasing as well. even if you don’t want to try ADHD meds (i do and i love them but they’re not for everyone), hopefully the new psychiatrist can work with you to figure out things like coping mechanisms.
i hope you’re able to find some peace and comfort in your diagnosis. i know it’s a really confusing time, and i still hold a lot of what i honestly think must be trauma from being diagnosed so late and spending my entire teenage-hood thinking there was clearly something wrong with me, i wasn’t good enough, etc etc.
i read an interesting paper on the topic of mis/nondiagnosis of afab people with ADHD yesterday that really resonated with me, if you want to look it up and read it it was called ‘Mis. Diagnosis: A Systematic Review of ADHD in Adult Women’ by Darby Attoe and Emma Climie (if you can’t find it feel free to message me, i have a pdf)!
sorry for the long answer!!
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brightgnosis · 2 months
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From Coach Rachel Smith on Instagram
What's the only treatment for Fibromyalgia that experts agree works? Exercise 💪 But do you know where this statistic comes from?
In 2016, experts from 12 countries gathered to debate the evidence for all pharmacological (meds) and non-pharmacological treatments for managing Fibromyalgia. These experts published their findings in the official European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology "Recommendations for the Management of Fibromyalgia". And the only one that every expert agreed actually works? Exercise.
"Undoubtedly, it may be counterintuitive and scary for patients to start physical training, but they should become aware of the literature data confirming that a combination of aerobic and strengthening exercises can improve their pain and physical function".
But what now? Experts and doctors agree that people with Fibromyalgia should exercise. But then they give absolutely no direction or help on HOW to exercise 🤦🏻‍♀️ Which is why I created Fibro Fit Warriors [...] the only science-based fitness and nutrition program for people with Fibromyalgia BACKED BY RESEARCH 🔬
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From Coach Rachel Smith on Instagram
Studies show that exercise can improve Fibromyalgia symptoms. However, exercise has many other benefits for those with Fibromyalgia that aren't discussed enough.
😴 Did you know that exercise improves sleep quality? This is true for people with and without Fibromyalgia. But it's essential for those with Fibro because poor-quality sleep is the leading cause of brain fog. Fixing sleep also fixes brain fog.
😫 It's also pretty well known that exercise reduces stress. But why is this important for those with Fibromyalgia? Because stress is the number one trigger for Fibromyalgia flares.
💪 And finally, exercising consistently boosts confidence. I see this in my clients every single day! The longer they exercise consistently, the more confidence they have in their bodies and their ability to feel in control again.
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From Coach Rachel Smith on Instagram
I shared a new Fibromyalgia study with my email subscribers. This study analyzed all of the research on exercise and Fibromyalgia to pinpoint what would be most effective.
The study, "Optimal dose and type of exercise to reduce pain, anxiety and increase quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia. A systematic review with meta-analysis" concluded that the best workout program would include: 💜 3 workouts per week 💜 30 - 60 minutes per workout 💜 Include strength training 💜 Include Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, or Thai Chi — And that if this routine is followed, patients will start to see results after 21 to 40 sessions, which would be about 2 to 4 months.
Even though this study was published recently, these suggestions are almost exactly what my clients have [already] been doing in Fibro Fit Warriors.
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From Coach Rachel Smith on Instagram
I get comments all the time saying "Rachel, I've tried exercise, and it doesn't work for me". 😫 After working with over 100 Fibromyalgia clients, I can tell you that it almost always comes down to these three mistakes:
💜 You're exercising too much. I hear stories from people saying they try to "exercise for 30 minutes every day" or purchased other fitness programs that have them at the gym 5x a week. According to research, 2 times per week is best for Fibromyalgia.
💜 You're focusing on the wrong goals. Most traditional programs are marketed to lose weight or grow a booty. But according to research, you need to focus on core strength, stability, and balance first.
💜 You're walking as exercise. Contrary to what your doctor might have told you, walking is one of the hardest exercises for people with Fibromyalgia. If you've been trying to hit a step goal but wind up in pain afterward, that's why.
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From Coach Rachel Smith on Instagram
What's the number one mistake I see EVERYONE make when it comes to exercising with Fibromyalgia? Having an all-or-nothing mentality.
You hear me talk about exercise for Fibromyalgia, so you decide to try. 💪 You work out and things aren't too bad! 🎉 Sure, it's hard, but you knew it would be. You leave the gym feeling hopeful. Motivated. Like maybe this time it's going to be different. When you get home, you're still riding the high of feeling motivated. So you finally clean your kitchen, prep healthy meals for the week, and put away the giant pile of laundry that's been staring at you for days 🧹 🧺
But the next day you're in SO MUCH PAIN 😭 So what do you do? You quit exercising 🤦🏻‍♀️ You kick yourself thinking "How do people work out with Fibromyalgia?!" 😫 What if I told you it wasn't the workout. It's what you did AFTER the workout.
When you have Fibromyalgia, you can "do it all," just not all at once ✋ Learning how to pace yourself is crucial to living with Fibromyalgia. And it's something that I teach in Fibro Fit Warriors 🙏
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myrddin-wylt · 9 months
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screenshotting this so staff doesn't get pinged but posting it anyway because fuck staff. I can definitely confirm they've done fuck all about the harassment I've been experiencing and frankly if they delete my account, all they'll be doing is cutting me free from a bad habit.
the allegation about the suicide-baiting post is something I haven't heard of but honestly I believe it. so, I'm going to include some helpful literature as well.
The role of online social networking on deliberate self-harm and suicidality in adolescents: A systematized review of literature (you can use the Unpaywall extension to access it legally)
An Analysis of Depression, Self-Harm, and Suicidal Ideation Content on Tumblr (academic article, use Unpaywall)
When Algorithms Promote Self-Harm, Who Is Held Responsible? (no paywall)
Tumblr Algorithm Recommends Pro-Eat ing Disorder Content (soft paywall)
Content promoting self-harm, suicide and eating disorders: Harmful content disguised as support (trustworthy source, focuses mostly on tips in general)
Are Social Media Algorithms Promoting Harmful Conduct? (college student-run journal, no paywall)
Other examples in the industry
Facebook knew Instagram was pushing girls to dangerous content: internal document (no paywall)
Facebook Knows Instagram Is Toxic for Teen Girls, Company Documents Show (Wall Street Journal; I don't get a paywall, but I'm also using the extension Bypass Paywalls by Adam)
New report shows Meta profits from pushing pro-eating disorder content to children on Instagram (no paywall)
Suicide and self-harm content on Instagram: A systematic scoping review (academic article; use Unpaywall to access)
TikTok pushes potentially harmful content to users as often as every 39 seconds, study says (no paywall)
tldr: content that features self-harm is itself a form of harm, and your brain is vulnerable to getting addicted to it in the same way. social media corporations get more user engagement with content that promotes addiction and addictive-tendencies and accordingly adjust their algorithms to promote that content even more.
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girderednerve · 2 years
it's that time again, the time when i complain about graduate school,
i am taking a class called "information technology and older adults." it is taught by an adjunct professor whose main job is doing some kind of big job in my university's IT department, and it is cross-listed so both library science & IT students take it.
the professor is annoying in various ways—i don't like her jokes, i think it sucks that her introductory lecture included an emphasis on the four agreements, you know, the self-help twaddle, etc etc—but i have more substantive complaints
the main one is that the way we handle disability is mostly that we don't. we just covered accessibility last class, which is the closest we've gotten to acknowledging that most of the challenges that we've listed as 'specific to older adults' are literally just disabilities which can affect people at any age. there actually are some things which are specific to older adults now that we could discuss, like cultural scripts about technology adoption, or how many digital services make large assumptions about their users' basic familiarity with online resources, and so on. but we've only mentioned those in passing. we had two older adults visit my class as guest speakers yesterday and two students asked questions about how they manage "cognitive decline" etc., and this seemed to me just unspeakably rude in addition to being like, a useless question.
we have not talked about ableism or ageism at any point. multiple times, the assigned readings &/or my classmates have brought up instances where older adults are resistant to using assistive devices, and every time the takeaway has been "these items are not designed to be aesthetically pleasing, we need better design so that people will want to use these devices." i remain unconvinced! there is an immense social stigma aimed at people who are visibly disabled, and this ableism is inextricably entangled with bias against older people. my stupid work training about ageism spent several minutes rebutting the 'harmful myth' that all older people are disabled, without ever engaging the idea that being disabled is not a bad thing; this class is taking essentially the same approach. i think it's loathsome and also unproductive.
somewhat along the same vein, we just literally never talk about any social context here. like, okay, fine, many older adults find using websites and stuff harder than it is for many younger people; just going 'well, it's because of bad design' is kind of tautological to me, it doesn't answer the question of why that is, how that happened. and the answer to "how do we do better designs" has, to date, been to include older people in the design process, but there's no discussion of what is being made in the first place, or who's making it, or why, or in whose interests. this idea of 'inclusion' is so transparently weak and it's infuriating.
basically all of our discussions are about how to get older adults to use whatever service or thing, and i hate that too. there are plenty of IT things that make my life better, that make the library better, whatever, but i don't think that human life should be closed off to people who don't want to use these things, not least because the devices we're talking about are often extremely expensive (mentioned but not discussed), or are proprietary products with some, uh, iffy terms of service (never mentioned at all).
at a certain point i'm just like, you know, what the fuck are we here for? what's the fucking point of reading yet another systematic literature review? what's the point if we aren't going to engage ethical questions, or think more broadly about these issues? aren't we in graduate school, the prime time for intellectualizing everything & dealing with the abstract?
i mean for me the point is "this class fit into my schedule and may be useful in the medium run for job interviews." that's probably the point for everyone else. but the whole class veers between feeling pointless & feeling actively cruel, like i'm being encouraged to think about older people as a 'difficult user group' instead of, you know, my colleagues, my friends, members of my community, even as the professor halfheartedly protests otherwise
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socalfinds43 · 6 months
How I Navigated My First San Diego Used Car Auction Successfully
How I Navigated My First San Diego Used Car Auction Successfully
I want to share my personal experience of successfully participating in my first used car auction in San Diego. I spent time understanding the listings and ensuring I was ready for the event. On the day, my preparation paid off and I was able to secure a quality vehicle at a reasonable price.
From this experience, I learned that preparation is key. For instance, understanding the listings helped me know what was up for auction and identify potential vehicles that fit my needs. This allowed me to focus only on those that were of interest to me during the auction, saving time and energy.
An actionable tip I can share from my experience is to arrive early at the auction. This will give you a chance to get a good look at the cars before bidding starts. You can check for any visible damage or signs of wear and tear, and decide if you want to bid on cali auto auctions it or not.
Another piece of advice I can give is to set a limit for yourself ahead of time. This doesn't mean just deciding on a budget, but also knowing how high you're willing to go for a particular vehicle. This helped me avoid getting caught up in the heat of the moment and overbidding.
Remember, every auction is different, so take what you learn from each experience and apply it to the next. With each auction, you'll become more comfortable with the process and better at spotting good deals.
Researching Auction Listings
As I was looking for a new car, I turned to auction listings. I knew I'd to be systematic, so I crafted a checklist of the specific car features I desired. This clear list allowed me to concentrate only on vehicles that could potentially match my needs.
I began sifting through online auction platforms, scrutinizing each car's condition, mileage, and other details. Checking the starting bids against the estimated market values was also part of my method, as it helped me get a sense of the fairness of the asking prices.
To get more insight, I contacted the sellers directly. This step, though it might seem tedious, gave me a chance to see how responsive they were and whether they were open and honest.
After narrowing down my options, I focused on each model individually. I read up on reviews, looked for any common problems or recalls, and compared local market prices. This detailed approach helped me avoid potential problems.
The process of combing through auction listings, though time-consuming, was worth it. I found a car that suited both my needs and my budget. This thorough approach gave me confidence in my choice and made the bidding process easier.
As a piece of advice from my personal experience: create your own system when going through auction listings. It might be a checklist or a spreadsheet, but it will help you stay focused and organized. Keep in touch with sellers to have a better understanding of the car's condition and don't shy away from asking questions. And, once you have a shortlist, learn as much as you can about each model. This will help you avoid any potential pitfalls and ensure you get the best car for your needs.
Preparing for the Auction Day
Getting ready for auction day requires careful planning. From my own experience, it's about more than just deciding how much money you're comfortable spending. It's also about knowing the specific car models you're interested in. For example, when I atten
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the-desire-system · 7 months
The Desire System Review ( Scam? )
The Desire System, found online at DesireSystem.com, is a promotional video presentation and seminar from Christian Hudson which  promotes 'The Desire System by Dr David Tian' which promises to give men a proven strategy that they can use to attract women. The Desire System was created by Dr. David Tien who is widely considered to be Asia’s top dating coach and is the founder of Aura, the world’s largest dating university. Dr. David lives in Singapore, and he sure is quite famous among young men and women as a dating coach and sex guru, along with Jason Capital. David is passionate about what he does, and it’s apparent by his clear and elegant teaching style throughout the program. David gives candid and sometimes embarrassing accounts of the mistakes he made on his own path to mastery. If you’re willing to spend time improving your life quality, you’ll be related to David’s methods. 
The course creators have noticed that a lot of modern men seem to lack the confidence to go up to women and start a simple conversation, often fearing rejection or humiliation. The Desire System aims to rectify this and boost your self-confidence in the dating world, so you can charm the soulmate of your dreams. Emotions are intangible and not always easy to understand. David does a marvelous job breaking down each emotional state while giving you a systematic approach to applying each technique in your own life. All the social methods are pretty unusual and don't demand you to grind much in the game at all times. Just a bit of confidence and endless conversations will do. The changes won’t happen overnight. To get the most out of it, you do have to invest considerable effort. But if you’re dedicated to improving yourself, then it’s well worth the investment.
The Desire System has a unique aspect called honesty that I find to be extremely effective, if not groundbreaking. The program does a good job of emphasizing the need to stop wasting energy 'trying' to 'be' confident. Instead, it teaches that confidence and power can only be found in vulnerability. David understands that confidence is key to all interactions when dating, with people who are nervous tending to look awkward and closed-off to their date. Confidence, on the other hand, can shine through in your mannerisms, the way you present yourself, the way you walk and talk – everything. It is something I found extremely useful and maybe even revolutionary. Program does a great job at emphasizing the necessity to stop using energy to try to be confident. You learn instead that vulnerability and confidence are the keys to power. It's a full program that is scientifically proven to be the next best thing. Great experts have tested and verified all the emotional contagion tips and methods of this program. Also, other programs treat the symptoms, while that is not the case with this Emotional Activation system and the Complete Confidence Hypnosis. This system wants to access the root cause so that you won't find any issue in the future.
Even if the guy you like doesn't like you still this good PUA program will help you. Through this simple PUA program that uses emotional contagion, you will comprehend the good social strategies to attract handsome men with your aura. Unlike other PUA dating systems in the market that rely as much as possible on social cues and responses, The Desire System is unique in that it emphasizes on being emotionally honest and mvulnerable and doesn't require a certain amount of confidence to be able to apply whatever you learn effectively.  My verdict is that there are some truly game changing ideas in this program! A woman responds strongly to men who truly know their purpose in life. When you explore and master your emotional state, you become far more attractive to women. And when you learn how to transfer those emotions to the realm of seduction, it becomes the most powerful tool in your arsenal.
Click to Download The Desire System Now! 
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kingofthewilderwest · 4 years
"#just because you have a bias about certain socioeconomic groups which tend to listen to country doesn't mean" // Yup. I tend to side-eye folks who are like "I like all kinds of music except country and [Insert a genre of music usually associated with Black creators like rap and hip hop]" You're not slick, ppl. I know what you're saying.
^^^^^^^^^ You hit the nail on the head.
It’s racial bias. It’s socioeconomic bias. It’s bias against people groups who have less respect and say in society.
From my tags on this post:
#don’t get me started on a long rant of the progressive side of country music and what’s been progressive FOR DECADES#from times near its BEGINNInGS#through the modern age#just because you have a bias about certain socioeconomic groups which tend to listen to country doesn’t mean#that that’s actually what the genre is or who the artists are#I could go for a LONNNNG time about this#a LONG time#some of the best protest songs I know of today’s current political situation#are country#or have like ya’ll forgotten about the folk revival#of the 1960s#or…#gahghfnfddhgnghfngh#I AM GAY AND I LISTEN TO COUNTRY#NYEH!!!!
Now. I understand disinterest in a genre because it’s not your aesthetic, but when people express their feelings for country, R&B, hip-hop, etc. …the dialogue isn’t casual “It’s not my thing.” The dialogue is a hateful, passionate retaliation.
Other genres aren’t treated like this. It’s normalized and encouraged to hate on country and rap. These genres are systematically treated with less respect and that disrespect culturally arose because these genres are associated with less-respected demographics. 
(Country music is associated with people of low socioeconomic status, for people who aren’t explicitly aware.)
Anecdotally: I’ve caught something interesting about anti-country music sentiment. Many people tell me they can’t stand the “twang.” Half the time, I’ve noticed that their internalized definition of “twang” isn’t the vocal technique; it’s that they can’t stand the presence of a Southern accent. And hooboy does that have TONS of sociocultural bias issues. As a linguist, I’ve read endless sociolinguistic studies about how Southern dialects are treated as “lesser,” and how speakers of the dialect are automatically judged to be less intelligent, etc. It’s not good, folks.
Sometimes, to help friends get out of their anti-country mindset, I’ve “tricked” them into liking country. See, genres like bluegrass grew closely out of Scots-Irish folk music. Often, we’re playing the same tunes on both sides of the Atlantic. So I play a few instrumentals, my friend goes, “Oh! I love Celtic music
The biases against those demographics color how people view the music. There’s endless things that can be said about hip-hop bias, holy shit. I won’t focus on that today because I don’t believe I am qualified to be a spokesman. Someone who understands that genre better, and other genres associated with the African-American community, and is African-American, would be a better human to listen to than me. I defer to their knowledge and experience. It’s hella important to understand what bias has been reflected against those genres.
But there’s just as much bias against country music, against another demographic. And I’ve found it wild how it gets treated on places like tumblr, which wants to stand up for underprivileged groups, but somewhat inaccurately associates country music as “anti-gay conservative evil white person music” rather than music of people historically of lower socioeconomic status.
Yes, some of the demographic that listens to country music or plays country music are bad apples. But like… thinking the music is JUST THAT is a huge disservice to what country actually is and who the music artists actually are.
The history of country music is one giant collaborative melting pot of people from many different cultural backgrounds. Broad West African influence. Mexican influence. Italian influence. German influence. Scots-Irish influence. Cherokee influence. More. Early record labels like OKEH foolishly separated “hillbilly music” (presumably white folk music) from “rhythm and blues” (presumably Black folk music) without understanding the constant racial, demographic, regional, and cultural cross-pollination that occurred between the musicians from country music’s origins. And while there ARE certain issues in country music’s past and present, and we can’t let those issues go forgotten, that’s far from the whole story. We shouldn’t romanticize issues, but we should acknowledge that this music genre has given us major strides too.
Country music is the banjo, brought from Africa, combined with the mandolin, brought from Italy, combined with the fiddle, brought from Ireland, combined with the guitar and the dobro and the accordion and the upright bass and the electric guitar and the electric bass and whatever instruments you want to put in there.
Country music is African-American musicians like DeFord Bailey, the first radio star ever introduced on the Grand Ole Opry (THE most revered country music hub out there), blues harmonica performer, playing to crowds decades before segregation was de-legalized. He toured with white Opry musicians who treated him as one of their own. It’s soul music genre pioneer Ray Charles producing a studio album entirely dedicated to country music hits like “Hey Good Lookin’” from Hank Williams. It’s country star Charley Pride, who despite the racism against him in the 1960s rose to fame and made audiences fall in love with his beautiful voice. It’s the African-American musicians who inspired many commercial country stars, like Arnold Shultz influencing Bill Monroe and the railroad workers inspiring Jimmie Rodgers.
Country music is stars like Johnny Rodriguez and Rick Treviño, singing country music in Spanish, and using obvious Latin flavors in the genre.
Country music is filled with badass women like the ladies who STARTED THE GENRE ROLLING IN THE FIRST PLACE, Sara Carter and Mother Maybelle Carter (whose guitar style is hugely influential to this day) and Maybelle’s daughters Helen, June, and Anita; the first female music manager in the music industry, Louise Scruggs; songwriters like Felice Bryant and Loretta Lynn; the most awarded female artist in Grammy history Alison Krauss; and powerhouses like Dolly Parton who stepped out of an over-controlling entertainer’s shadow to become a badass in all things like supporting the LGBTQ community, contributing to pro-transgender films ahead of their time, and starring in sex worker positive productions like “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.”
Country music is filled with activism. Johnny Cash showed a heart for those forgotten by society. He toured many times in prisons. Cash especially was an activist for Native American rights. He toured with Native American songwriters so audiences could hear their own words (I’ve been trying to find names but I’m having difficulties re-finding that information, so my apologies for not giving names of those who deserve to be mentioned). Cash released albums dedicated to exposing past and present injustices against the Native American people. He went on tours specifically to Native American reservations. 
And it’s not just Johnny Cash!
Country music is many stars from the Grand Ole Opry banding together to release AIDS benefit albums - big names like Alison Krauss, Willie Nelson, Marty Stuart, aurgh I’m too lazy to write them all, PEOPLE.
Country music is Earl Scruggs and his sons playing at the Vietnam War Protests.
Country music is tied in with the fucking folk revival of the 1960s, which was deep in left-wing activism and the Civil Rights Movement. Folk singers sang traditional Appalachian and English ballads alongside their own compositions, topical pieces protesting the current political situation. You can call one artist “folk” or “Americana” and another one “country,” but the influences were intermingling, and it’s why we have Bob Dylan and Woody Guthrie and Joan Baez and John Denver and Pete Seeger owning a banjo that says, “This machine surrounds hate and forces it to surrender.”
Dammit, I have a full BOOK that discusses country music and political ties. 
There’s another book out there, which I haven’t read, that discusses the relationship between country music and the queer community, and how bias against country music is NOT as reflective of the listening demographic as we stereotype. I’ll take the word of one reviewer who said:
[Nadine Hubbs] explores country music lyrics, presenting a great deal of evidence suggesting that working class America is not inherently homophobic, but that as middle class cultural taste has changed to include formal acceptance of homosexuality, this process has included pinning homophobic ideas on the working class.
Country music is lyrics like this 1975 controversial song “The Pill”:
You wined me and dined meWhen I was your girlPromised if I’d be your wifeYou’d show me the worldBut all I’ve seen of this old worldIs a bed and a doctor billI’m tearing down your brooder house‘Cause now I’ve got the pillAll these years I’ve stayed at homeWhile you had all your funAnd every year that’s gone byAnother baby’s comeThere’s a-gonna be some changes madeRight here on nursery hillYou’ve set this chicken your last time‘Cause now I’ve got the pill
Country music is lyrics like this 2013 song that feels as relevant than ever:
If crooks are in charge, should we let them pick our pockets?If we don’t want trouble, should we not try to stop it?We could just sink into the quicksand slavery we’re born inBut fighting endless wars for greedy liars is getting pretty boringThey think they got us trained, so we’ll think we’re living freeIf we got time and money for junk food and TVBut it’s plain honest people never stand a chance of winning electionsThey just let us pick which liars take our rights away for our own protectionThe corporate propaganda paralyzes us with fearDestroying our ability to trustFear keeps us fighting with each other over scrapsStarving to death in the dustOrganized religion really helps you submitBut the meek are inheriting the short end of the stickFear surrounds compassion like a layer of moldAnd weakens our defenses so we’re too weak to be boldLife could be heaven, but this corrupted systemTakes away our rights, expects us not to miss themThe middle class is shrinking while the lower class growsIf we don’t wake up soon, we’ll have no class left to lose
Country music is Christians themselves criticizing the hypocritical Evangelical culture in the USA for the bullshit hatefulness stewing inside it:
Every house has got a Bible and a loaded gunWe got preachers and politicians‘Round here it’s kinda hard to tell which oneIs gonna do more talkin’ with a crooked tongue
And as that one post I just reblogged shows, there’s MANY queer country musicians out there producing explicitly pro-LGBTQ+ music.
I’m brushing over so much. I’m sorry for the simplification that goes with me doing such a pass-by overview. I’m sorry I’m focusing more on history than the present (I know more about the 1920s-1960s eras, so I’m talking from my strong suit). I hope the information is at least strong enough to get my point across.
There are definitely listeners and artists in country music who are uber-conservative white hateful Christians. Yes. I know why country music gets associated with that. But.
Country music is not ABOUT this uber-conservative white hateful Christian side. The genre is not “polluted”. It is a thousand voices from a thousand perspectives of people from many backgrounds and beliefs. And many of those thousand voices are old traditional songs that came from Black communities, or were composed by Mexican-Americans, or were performed by folk artists as part of a protest for equal rights. 
(Note: I’m *NOT* saying all Christians are bad or that different political angles don’t have merits. I’m Christian myself! And you don’t know my political party. I’m just trying to get the point across that country music isn’t ENTRENCHED in one questionable demographic.)
You don’t have to like country music. It doesn’t have to be your aesthetic. But if you find it fun to get in on society’s popular country hate roasting… please rethink this. The reason country music has been hated from its roots is because it’s associated with the socioeconomically disadvantaged.
I’m with you 100%, Ashley. When someone says they like all genres “except country music and rap,” I get a little leery. I used to be one of those people when I was younger. I had to learn to grow past those biases. But once I did, I realized there was so much I was hating on that I didn’t understand. Now, I hope I can help people overcome their own biases, such as ones they don’t realize they’ve had - for things like music.
Hi ya’lls. I’m queer and I love country.
P.S. If anyone has anything to add or correct, please feel free to add on! I’m doing my best but I do not know everything and would be happy to learn more, too!
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healthandfittnes · 3 years
Lean Belly 3X - Beyond 40
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Q: How much should I buy today?
Each bottle of LeanBelly 3X provides you with a 30 day supply of the highest quality CLA, in the exact amounts shown in peer reviewed published research to burn fat from the abdominal and belly region.
Of course, this special sale is only available for a limited time, so it makes sense to stock up now, especially considering this is the lowest price on LeanBelly 3X you'll find anywhere — lower than Amazon.com and our own website. With all that in mind, we highly recommend stocking up and saving more today with our 3- or 6-bottle options.
Q: What specifically makes LeanBelly 3X the best supplement of its kind?
While there are 28 different CLA types (or, isomers), in nature, the most important isomer is cis-9, trans-11 (c9,t11). When it comes to a toning supplement, however, there are two isomers critical for maximum effectiveness and benefits. Both the c9,t11 isomer mentioned and the trans-10, cis-12 (t10,c12) isomer, and both need to be provided in equal amounts to experience the synergistic effects that contribute to provide CLA benefits.†
Speaking of the benefits of this body-toning supplement, experimental research has shown conjugated linoleic acid may work with the body's enzymes involved in fat mobilization and storage to help support healthy body composition.† More than a dozen human studies have shown that supplementation with CLA may help reduce body fat while maintaining (and in some cases, increasing) calorie-burning muscle, ultimately helping support quality weight and that lean, toned look we've talked about.†
As a testament to conjugated linoleic acid being a true body toner, four separate systematic reviews with meta-analysis (which many would argue represent the gold standard for scrutinizing and summarizing scientific research on a given topic) have concluded that supplementing with conjugated linoleic acid may help reduce body fat and maintain (or increase) lean muscle.†
Q: What is the best way to use LeanBelly 3X?
Simply take 2 gel caps with your first and last meal of the day and let science do the rest. And if you forget to take it, feel free to take a double serving (4 gel caps) with lunch or dinner. Q: How long will a bottle of LeanBelly 3X last?
Each bottle contains 30 servings. The daily recommended dosage provides the exact amount proven in scientific research to be the most beneficial.
Q: Does this product contain caffeine or any other stimulants?
No. This product is caffeine and stimulant-free.
Q: Are there any allergy concerns with this product? This product is manufactured in a facility that also processes tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, and soy. Always review the label for the most accurate information.
Q: If I have a medical condition, can I take this product?
LeanBelly 3X is intended for use by healthy adults over 18 years old. Do not take this product if you are pregnant or nursing. Consult your physician before use if you are taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications or are being treated for any medical condition. Discontinue use and consult your physician if you experience any adverse reaction to this product.
Q: Is it safe to order online from your web site?
Yes. We use a 256-bit secure ordering server so you are protected the same as if you were ordering from Amazon.com or any other trusted Web site.
Q: What if this product doesn't work for me?
While LeanBelly 3X is backed by science and was created to work, if for any reason at all you are unsatisfied with your purchase, just let us know, and we will issue a prompt and courteous refund even on empty bottles. You're always protected by our industry best 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.
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thebeejayblog · 4 years
Spirulina weight loss benefits - amazing superfood
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Spirulina is a algae that people use as a diet supplement. It is typically considered to be one of the world's most powerful super-foods. There are two types: The blue, and the green. It is considered a super-food due to its excellent nutritional content and health benefit.
Spirulina protein vs meat and egg
 The quality of the protein is considered excellent since it has all the essential amino acids and have a total of 57% protein. It has more protein than meat, fish, poultry, and soybeans. As far as I know there is no food in the world that have a higher amount of protein. the following data on essential amino acids are calculated here: https://cronometer.com/ (you can use the tool for free) All % values are according to recommended daily intake by the US government dietary guidelines
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Essential amino acids in 155 grams of spirulina
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Essential amino acids in 155 grams of chicken breast
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Essential amino acids in 155 grams of raw egg As you see in these snippets, the essential amino acids profile of spirulina are far superior to meat and egg. The daily recommended doses of essential amino acids are met at only 155 grams of spirulina, while meat and egg only have half full values at the same amount.
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Is spirulina good for you?
It is a nutrient-dense food packed with vitamins, including vitamins A, C, E and B vitamins, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and selenium. In particular, vitamin C and selenium are both antioxidants and help protect our cells and tissues from damage The blue-green alga became famous after it was successfully used by NASA as a dietary supplement for astronauts on space missions. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3136577/
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Is spirulina good for weight loss?
The results of a 2016 double-blind placebo-controlled trial suggest that it may aid weight management. In the study, people who were overweight and regularly ate spirulina for 3 months showed improved body mass index or BMI.
how to eat it
You can eat is as powder, that is the most common and convenient way. Here are some powder variants from Amazon: amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "beejay04-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "Spirulina powder"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "HealthPersonalCare"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "bc51c03f22134f7e285d2c60b17952f8"; amzn_assoc_default_browse_node = "3760901"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "top"; amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; You can add the powder to smoothies, add to salads or soup, eat it raw, or add to juices You can also take it in pill form. Here are some pill variants from Amazon: amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "beejay04-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "Spirulina pill"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "HealthPersonalCare"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "bc51c03f22134f7e285d2c60b17952f8"; amzn_assoc_default_browse_node = "3760901"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "top"; amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; You can also take it as bars. Here are some bars variants from Amazon: amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "beejay04-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "Spirulina bar"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "HealthPersonalCare"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "bc51c03f22134f7e285d2c60b17952f8"; amzn_assoc_default_browse_node = "3760901"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "top"; amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products";
What does it taste like
Spirulina has a smoky, seaweed-like taste. Usually it is taken in smoothies and the taste gets blended.
Does it have iodine
It is not seaweed and therefore doesn't have any iodine in its natural environment, it is safe for people affected by thyroid conditions
what is blue spirulina
Phycocyanin is a blue pigment which gives the algae its dark blue pigment when it has been extracted. Blue Spirulina tastes different from the green. The green-blue algae grow in ponds, lakes and alkaline waterways.
where does it come from
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It grows naturally in mineral-rich alkaline lakes which can be found on every continent, The largest concentrations today can be found in Mexico, Central Africa, east Africa, and Havaii.
side effects
Although few adverse effects are associated, consumption may cause headaches, allergic reactions, muscle pain, sweating, and insomnia in some cases.
how much should i take per day
A February 2016 study in the Journal of Nutrition Research recommends consuming about 4 grams per day. However, it's possible to safely consume about 7 grams per day, and you shouldn't regularly consume more than 15 grams per day.
Is it safe during pregnancy
It is considered safe for both pregnancy and breast feeding However, it is always advisable for pregnant women to consult their Doctor or other qualified health professional before taking any food supplements.
What does spirulina do for the body
Research suggests that it has antioxidant and inflammation-fighting properties, as well as the ability to help regulate the immune system
Does spirulina give you energy
It has been promoted as “the food of the future" with “exceptional constituents" that contribute to high energy levels. A few of these constituents such as polysaccharides (Rhamnose and Glycogen) and essential fat (GLA) are absorbed easily by human cells and help in energy release. Spirulina increases healthy lactobacillus in the intestine, enabling the production of Vitamin B6 that also helps in energy release. Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3136577/ A 2016 systematic review and meta-analysis suggests that taking spirulina supplements may have a positive impact on blood lipids, which are fats in the blood. In the study, spirulina was found to significantly reduce total cholesterol and lower LDL — "bad" — cholesterol while increasing HDL — "good" — cholesterol.
Is spirulina good for diabetes
In a study in 25 people with type 2 diabetes, 2 grams per day significantly improved these markers (9Trusted Source). n a study in 37 people with type 2 diabetes, 8 grams per day significantly reduced markers of oxidative damage. It also increased levels of antioxidant enzymes in the blood (18Trusted Source).
Nutrition Facts
Amount Per 100 grams Calories 290 % Daily Value* Total Fat 8 g 12% Saturated fat 2.7 g 13% Polyunsaturated fat 2.1 g Monounsaturated fat 0.7 g Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Sodium 1,048 mg 43% Potassium 1,363 mg 38% Total Carbohydrate 24 g 8% Dietary fiber 3.6 g 14% Sugar 3.1 g Protein 57 g 114% Vitamin A 11% Vitamin C 16% Calcium 12% Iron 158% Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B-6 20% Cobalamin 0% Magnesium 48%
does it have gluten, is it gluten free?
It is gluten free
Can you take moringa and spirulina together
Both are energy dense superfoods, there should not be any problem taken them together.
Spirulina vs hemp
spirulina have a higher amount of protein, but are usually consumed in lower amount compared to hemp protein. Du to the compete amnio acid profile, spirulina protein is superior to hemp. what is spirulina pills used for, and what is the effect Spirulina Is Extremely High in Many Nutrients. ...Powerful Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties. ...Can Lower “Bad” LDL and Triglyceride Levels. ...Protects “Bad” LDL Cholesterol From Oxidation. ...May Have Anti-Cancer Properties. ...May Reduce Blood Pressure. ...Improves Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis. ...May Be Effective Against Anemia
Is it good for your skin?
Applied topically to the skin, this superfood ingredients also works wonders and can boost the overall health and radiant appearance of your skin Read the full article
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