#and i keep making jokes about me being a divorce child now
pittoreski · 26 days
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Prewar!Cooper Howard has a breeding kink because he loves being a dad. He and Barb married and started trying for kids later in life than most folks around them, so much of the sex they had, especially early on, was focused on getting Barb pregnant. If he'd had his way, they would have had a whole litter of children, but hey, sometimes life doesn't work out the way you want. Still, there's the fun of trying, and there was a lot of trying. After the divorce, he's shocked when he meets someone else, and even more shocked when he feels those same urges with you. He's been trained to try and knock one in basically every time, he jokes.
At least, that's what he tells himself.
He's also incredibly possessive, and it drives him wild to think about getting to see you all swollen and filled out with his child. Particularly with you being younger that him; the ugly part of his brain is barking at him to stake a more permanent claim on you every time a guy your age so much as looks your way. Personally, he thinks he's too old to have more kids, but between his secret urges, your forgetfulness when it comes to your pill, and your twin high sex drives, well...sometimes accidents happen.
He'd be over the moon, once he knew you were happy as well (he would also worry about the news potentially being hurtful to Barb, but that'd be an issue for tomorrow). Showing you off in public, knowing that other people see how gorgeous you are and know you fully belong to him, it really gets him going, and you certainly take notice of how amorous he is when you're out together (combined with how vigorously he fucks you when you get home). Thinks you're insanely sexy pregnant and likes to watch you ride him with a big belly. You'd both better be a lot more careful about your contraception after the first baby if you don't want another, because getting to see you that way only makes his kink worse.
The Ghoul has a breeding kink because he's incredibly possessive. It's been literal centuries since he's come across anything in this world that he cares for enough to want to claim it, and you're officially claimed. He wants everyone, including you, to know that you belong to him and only him. Other ghouls can smell him on you much more strongly if he cums inside you, and he enjoys the way filling you full scratches his most primal itch. It's just an added benefit that he's almost positive he can't actually get you pregnant, but...there are records of ghouls reproducing with other ghouls. Haven't stranger things happened?
The little thrill he gets at the idea is just nature trying to take over.
At least, that's what he tells himself.
You'd be hard-up to get him to admit it, but he wants you to need him. He wants an excuse to baby you and pamper you and force you to let him do things for you without the vulnerability of admitting that he wants to do those things for you anyway because he's deeply in love with you.
You complain that your feet hurt during your journey for the day? He'll carry you everywhere you want to go from now until the end of time, if that's what you want. Stomach and appetite troubles? Name whatever you want, he'll find it for you, no matter how many caps he has to pay. Tired? "Of course you're tired, sweetheart. Let's stop for today. Here, sit down. Do you need some water? Eat this, you need some calories. Let me rub your legs and feet for you." It is endless and sort of surreal for you to adjust to.
Speaking of journeys, I think he also secretly wants to settle down a bit. He does already after he meets and falls for you, seeing how much the constant trekking back and forth across the irradiated desert takes out of you, and he definitely would want to do so expeditiously if you were pregnant. It's not like secure places don't exist in this world. He can keep you, and anyone else who may come along, safe just fine.
He'd be afraid to fuck you if you were pregnant, worried that he'll hurt you or make you sick or make something bad happen with the pregnancy. But if you reassure him, maybe beg a little, he'll do his best to make sure your urges are satisfied. Sit on his face and let him slide his tongue through your insanely sensitive folds, lie back and let him fuck you with those agile fingers while he jerks himself off. You'll miss being properly penetrated, badly, but you won't go without.
He wants an excuse to be even more protective of you than usual. Give him a reason to literally pluck men's eyes out for daring to so much as look at you, a reason to never let you out of his sight ever again. If you thought he was ready to commit violence to keep you safe before, you haven't seen anything yet.
I can't imagine it would be easy to have a big family in the Wasteland, but reminding him how much he loves being a dad would certainly have the thought on his mind.
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a-998h · 3 months
Hi! Accidentally doxxed myself upon the second request (I forget to turn on anon). Do you mind if I go anonymous again?
Requesting platonic reader as the reincarnation of the Anemo Souvereign, yet not knowing about their true identity this time! A playful, witty soul yet reserved and understanding with Venti, Neuvillette and perhaps Zhongli?
Hope you take care of yourself. I'm grateful for the work, but your health matters, too!
🌙 anon
I don't mind, who you choose to request is not my business, and that you for worrying about me 🌙 anon. Don't forget to take care of yourself because you worry about me💙
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You two met before Lantern Rite
You were a child that had befriended the Melusine
They would take about you, so Neuvillette got curious
He goes with the Melusine to meet you
When he sees you he notices a few things
1. You have ears like his
2. You were using Anemo powers
3. You had no vision or gnosis
He knows only the arachons, Traveler, and dragons like him can use the elements without visions
When he approached, you became the most respectful kid ever
He asked if you knew the Traveler
Reader: "Yeah, he helped Liyue, Mondstadt, Sumeru, and us,"
He sighs, and asks if you knew the Traveler personally, you said no
He knew you weren't a god because you felt so human
When the pieces were put together, I swear he turned pale
You were a street kid so you had no idea where you came from
Neuvillette is just staring as he realized that you're the reincarnation of the Anemo dragon, a member of his family
Keeping face, he talks with you and buys you food
He decodes to adopt you, because I say so
Furina adores you and so does Neuvillette
Your playfulness makes an appearance when you and Furina are together
Loves the jokes and puns you make in an effort to make him happy
Keeps that fact that you're the reincarnation of a dragon sovereign a secret
Treats you like his child, the same way he is with Furina
Teaches you how to keep this power in check, so nothing happens to you or anyone else
Takes you with him and Furina to Lantern Rite, where you wander off causing panic in him
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You were at Lantern Rite with Neuvillette and Furina
You wandered off and Furina found you
Zhongli was with Hu Tao who ran up to Furina
They talked business while you stood with Zhongli
He introduced himself to you and it was clear you were shy
As the four of you walked, Zhongli was telling you about Liyue
He realizes you're a dragon when Furina accidentally lets it slip
Zhongli freezes a bit but recovers
Furina says it's a joke but he knows its not
Treats you like a grandchild
You're his dragon child
Will fight Neuvillette for custody like the divorced couple they are
You now spend certain times of year in Liyue
Teaches you how to be a dragon, and tries to get you to shape shift into a dragon form
Teaches you dragon things
Finds your wit and playfulness refreshing
Has you hang out with Hu Tao for the fun or both of you
Has to send letters to Neuvillette proving your safe
Takes you to the mountains to use your powers so no one gets hurt
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Learns about it from Zhongli
When he meets you, he brings you to Dvalin
Hopes you and Dvalin bound as dragons
Makes a lot of jokes about you being a dragon
Loves your Anemo powers
Helps you control your powers
Plays around with you
You two have battles of wit regularly
Never tells anyone about your dragon side
Is like your fun uncle
Shows you his own powers
Asks if you can turn into a dragon
If not, takes you on Dvalin rides so you can experience flying
Shows you wind gliding as well
Ingeneral, all three love you and your dragon self. The try to help you master your powers and keep you dragon identity a secret from you for your own good.
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redclercs · 1 year
ii. do you really wanna know where i was april 29th?
— the one where you and him end up in the same room at the same time.
warnings: kind reminder that the pictures are just used for entertainment and don’t describe what the main character is supposed to look like also, there are some f1 inaccuracies but this is fiction so please ignore them thank you❤️ 2k words.
masterlist ✢ next
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Liked by scuderiaferrari, vicpresley, tchalamet and others.
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softyn it’s so good to see you having fun!!
myaid4nfeels so you’re already on the hunt huh
poppyseeds mother!! suddenly I love fast cars vroom vroom
greenleafss @/priscibby you were right she def has another man
frenziekenzie okay cool but I need you to talk about Aidan I’m a child of divorce.
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Baku, Azerbaijan, April 29th.
HERE, here is where you end up when you let your agent say yes to every commercial offer you get no matter how random it is. And one day late, to top things off. Many people are angry at you, and you’re getting an earful as soon as the cameras shut down, but for now all you can do is laugh at terrible jokes, like the lady that you are, pretend to sip the frankly horrendous energy drink your manager keeps handing you, and appear very sorry about your previous absence.
You’re not even supposed to be here, you had no idea signing the stupid contract with Red Elix forced you to come to every sponsor event that they had. Having become the most recent sponsor for Ferrari’s F1 team, the men in charge couldn’t wait to show you off, their most important ambassador. Or their shiniest toy, it's all semantics.
"Come on, the shootout is about to start!" the old man whose name you have already forgotten holds your hand, leading you away from the refreshments table where you're looking something drinkable, preferably with alcohol, although it wouldn't help your jetlag.
You spent the eighteen hours of your flight on a F1 binge, because you weren't about to make a fool of yourself by showing up to a Grand Prix having zero idea of whatever was going on other than the cars going really, really fast. Some things are still mildly confusing, like the point distribution and why on Earth there is a sprint race and then a 'real' race the next day. But you're proud of your ability to retain information, you're an actress after all, there are a hundred scripts loaded into your brain.
"We root for the red cars, sweetheart," the man is still holding your hand and it's starting to feel gross, it's papery and sweaty at the same time. It's like he's talking to a child, ennunciating slowly and clearly, and then pointing at the screen where they take turns to focus on drivers sixteen and fifty-five.
Unsurprisingly, you'd figured as much, you're in the Ferrari Suite, everything is fucking red. A wave of annoyance runs through you, but you're used to men being patronizing, so you just smile and take the chance to slip your hand out of his grip, covering your face coyly. "I'll keep an eye on them!"
He turns around after laughing at your 'cuteness' or stupidity, really. Men love laughing at women, especially those whom they deem to be dumb.
"Could you please, please, get me some water? Not Elix, not anything else, water." you whisper to your manager just as he's made himself comfortable to watch the Sprint Shootout. He sends a resented look your way but still gets up from his chair to get you a closed bottle of water. Walter is being forced to be here as much as you are, at least he doesn’t have a contract that keeps him tied to Elix for every race.
The man from before is talking to you again and you try your best not to shut down and tune him out. He's explaining the rules of the Shootout but you couldn't care less about anything that leaves his mouth, also the cars are already coming out of their respective garage and there's so much noise it doesn't even matter how much he adjusts the volume of his voice.
Charles and Carlos, you have learned their names after an hour of having their enlarged picture stare at you from the main wall of the Suite. Charles ended up in first place and he's starting P1 later and tomorrow. Nice. Carlos is struggling a little, apparently, but seeing how fast these silly cars go and how tight the curves are, you can't blame him.
As soon as the Shootout is over, there is chaos again. You are dragged here, there and back, forced to smile for pictures with strangers who have the audacity to squeeze your waist and whisper in your ear, well, that's definitely worse than having to drink the Red Elix.
There is another rush as both drivers come back for a debrief and to get some rest before the Sprint, they're a blur surrounded by people in red uniforms blabbering instructions, and the shouts of 'good job!' and 'i love you!' that have followed them from the paddock.
"Mr. Schafer…” a boney boy with glasses leans down to talk to the guy that has branded you as his for the evening.
Schafer gives him a dirty look, annoyed by the interruption of his incredibly boring story about how he is a self-made multimillionaire. "What?" he barks.
"They- they said not now," the boy whispers shyly, no, not shyly, scared. "They said the drivers need to focus, but maybe later after the Sprint..."
A can of Elix flies in the air and you look in poorly disguised repugnance at the way it puddles close to your Air Force sneakers. The boy has taken a step back, now visibly shaking and your disgust is redirected to the man that just yelled at him and is throwing a temper tantrum.
"Not right now?!" he continues, face turning purple. "What if I had said 'not right now' when they asked me to give them MY money, huh?!"
"T-they said—"
"I don't care what they said! It's your job to get the pictures of them with the Elix! You're useless!"
Other people are staring at you, including most of the Ferrari Hospitality Team, and it makes you feel embarassed that they have most likely pegged you as similar to Schafer from how inseparable you are.
"Why don't we calm down a bit?" you soothe, forcing yourself to run your hand down his arm and back up. "You know how these pilots are, divas at best."
You don't know either of the guys who have disappeared inside the Suite, and by the looks the Hospitality Team gives you once again, you're certain you are completely mistaken. But you don't care, because the media boy is giving you a grateful look, and although he's still visibly fuming, the money guy has stopped yelling.
"You're right sweetheart," Schafer says patting your hand and taking it back to his arm. "Later, then." he warns the media boy, who takes that as his sign to run away.
Ferrari is full of hope and celebrations when the Sprint ends, you're once again paraded around but at least it's way more fun this time. You get to be near the podium and witness first-hand whatever rituals they play out. The fun is short-lived though, when you are warned by your manager that Mr. Schafer wants to take you out to dinner tonight, you don't have or want to know more, you know what he wants to achieve.
You walk back to the Suite with your manager, trying your best to avoid Mr. Schafer, who is frantically looking for you. He's missing his arm-candy badly.
Your jetlag has worsened, and you have a terrible headache, plus however much Elix you've drank despite taking the smallest sips possible, is making you nauseous.
You need five minutes to yourself. It's all you ask for. You haven't even been able to get a break in the fucking bathroom. Your manager is constantly yelling, already getting his own frustration out on you for whatever shit the Elix team gave him after you missed the first day of the Grand Prix.
In the midst of the chaos, you slip away. Eager to find a place to breathe and enjoy your own company. Or dissociate, again, semantics.
You find yourself in front of two doors with the numbers sixteen and fifty-five identifying whom they each belong to. They are empty, and you know it because both drivers are still in their debriefing/celebration/whatever else they could be doing that once again, won't allow them to pose for the Elix post-race photos.
You are at a crossroads, you are well aware this are private rooms for a reason, but you also know there isn't anywhere more deserted than these rooms.
Sixteen or fifty-five? Who is least likely to freak out if by any miscalculation on your part they found you here? Well, one of them ended the day on a happier note than the other, so...
You open the door marked with the number sixteen and sigh in relief. Five minutes and that's it. Then you can go back and play dumb to Schafer and beg for you manager to finally take you to the hotel.
There is a miscalculation on your part, and five minutes later, just as you're about to get up and leave (after stealing one bottle of water and a granola bar from Charles' stash) the door opens again, revealing the disheveled driver, holding a small plaque with a number two in one hand and a Pirelli cap in the other. He is far more handsome up close, there isn't a screen or photograph that does him justice, and you've seen plenty of both during the day.
"You are not supposed to be here," is the first thing he says, frowning.
"I know," you feign nonchalance as best you can, although you are embarrassed. "I was leaving."
Charles still wears that confused expression on his face, and it makes you glad it hasn't changed to anger. "What were you doing here?"
"Stealing your refreshments," which is not a lie, as you're still holding both things in one hand, not without struggle.
He's not freaking out, which comes across as strange. How many times has he come to his private room to find a random girl waiting for him?
"Should have taken the Elix," he mutters, throwing the Pirelli cap in the empty part of the couch you had been occupying minutes before. "That thing is disgusting."
You can't help but chortle a laugh. "Glad you think so,"
Awkward silence finally falls in the room, and you know that's the signal for you to exit. You're still invading his privacy and while you're glad he really didn't seem to mind, you don't know how much longer he will be so patient.
"Don't tell anyone you were here, okay?" he calls after you, "Someone might get fired."
You nod but he doesn't see you, already minding his own business in his little private bubble. You're jealous to leave him in a space all to himself.
It takes an hour to get both drivers and you in the same room for the pictures Elix is dying to get. This is far from ridiculous, but you have a contract and so does Ferrari, so you don't have much of a choice.
"Are you feeling better?" Charles asks, and you think he's talking to his team mate until he clears his throat right in front of you. He's holding the Red Elix, just like the one in his private room.
"Who? Me?" you ask stupidly, and then you take a sip of the Gold Elix in your hand, it's so much worse than the Red.
"Yes, you."
"I'm okay, why?" you're suddenly defensive, this is the second time this guy sees you and he's acting all weird.
"Good," he says and also drinks from his Elix, failing to hide his distaste with a purse from his lips. "This thing is really gross," he whispers, and this time his teammate does join the conversation only by laughing.
Both must be exhausted and yet they're trying to put on a good show for the sponsors.
"I'm sorry about intruding in your room," you lower your voice, squeezing your drink.
Charles shrugs lightly, and drinks again, this time without grimacing. "Sometimes I need five minutes too."
You smile, and it's the first sincere smile you've shown all day.
"My mum likes your movies," he says casually, as someone yells that you need 'just one more picture, please!'
You dread the part where he says something along the lines of "Supercut is the best!" but instead, after he stops the automatic motion of taking the red can to his lips, he adds: "I like Loneliness, it's so depressing."
And you throw your head back to laugh.
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─── team principal radio: ❝hello! thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed! i would appreciate to know your thoughts too! ♡❞
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saturnville · 2 months
I just got an idea for another part of the letter series: John writes to Amelia that he worries she’s not going to like this version of himself. He’s just filled with a lot of doubt and he understands if she wants to end things where it’s at. Amelia assures John that she’s with him now & forever.
a letter to you, major john egan
pairing: major john egan x amelia mae egan warning: implicit discussions about mental health content: in which john writes to amelia about his doubts. tag list: @neeville @turn-thy-paige @ihe4rtisa @ineedafictionalman @lovebyceleste @alliewassobonum an: I want all to know that in my mind, amelia and john stay together until they die and she changed her middle name to rose.
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John Egan’s mind was under attack. Bullets of doubt and missiles of hopelessness infiltrated the barriers that were once sturdy and stable. Everything came crashing down like the walls of Jericho. 
Days felt longer as their time in Germany grew elongated. The nights dragged by and never seemed to end. The only thing that lulled him to sleep were the words of Amelia Mae on the now-wrinkled sheet of paper he kept in the pocket of his coat. It was the blood for his body; the only thing that kept him alive. 
He had no issue falling asleep most nights. All other nights, however, his heavy eyes stayed open and refused to close. So, he did what was unusual for him to do--write. He’d sulk off into a corner with one of the oil lamps, pull out a sheet of dingy paper, and write until his hand cramped and his tears signed his signature for him. 
My darlin’ Amelia Rose, 
I hear we’re gettin’ out of here soon. I surely hope that’s the cause; I don’t know how much longer I can deal with this. The Germans are intense; always on guard and ready to strike at any moment. One wrong move, or even just a wrong breath, lands a man dead. I’ve seen more bodies collapse just tryin’ to survive in the camp than I did in the air. 
Stuff like this changes a man, Rose. The guys are convinced I lost it ‘cause repeating old ball games is the only thing the keeps my mind off the horrors of being a damn prisoner. I haven’t eaten a real meal since the day I left you. I haven’t felt the warmth of my own bed and it makes me as cold as I feel at night. 
Rose, I don’t know what it’s gonna be like when I come home.
I’ve heard stories of when men make it home to their ladies; not all of them are good. He ends up chasing her away. I don’t want to chase you away, but I don’t want to hurt you either. This version of me is not the one you knew and I don’t know if you’ll love him like you did the other version of me.
I can’t think straight. I can’t sleep through the night. I’m just…here. 
And if you don’t want to be with me because of that, I understand. It would hurt, but I would get it. You’re a good woman, Rose and I don’t want to make you feel any sort of pain.
I’ve got to get back to my bunk before someone notices I’m missing, or even worse, the Germans find out I’m awake. 
I think about you always and miss you dearly. Write back soon. 
With all my love, 
It took three weeks to receive something back from her. He thought he’d be used to it by now, the waiting game, that is. But at this point, anxiety was his portion and fed him well. The mind games began to get more complex as the voices of uncertainty spurred him on with tricks. What she divorced him? Left him high and dry because he wasn’t the same. He wouldn’t know what to do with himself. 
John huffed as he played with the corners of the most recent (three week old) letter he received. The other man were gathered around the child-like sized tables playing cards, talking, and joking. They were better at making the most of situations than he was. He was good at it for some time, but the repetition grew old, and the song he knew so well became unfamiliar. 
A familiar, “Mail, boys!” came ruggedly from the doorway. The men scattered like flies, sorting and sifting through the letters. John’s eyes lit up as he stood to his feet, gratefully taking the letter from the mailman’s hand. He sauntered off to a corner and slid down the wall. 
Her handwriting was just as pretty as it always had been. Major John Egan, written in the middle with a red pen. It was his favorite color because it reminded him of her cherry red lip stick that stained his skin whenever she wore it. John tore the top of the envelope and pulled the letter out. His heartrate increased. 
Dear John, 
I can’t help but say that it pains me to know that you think I’d leave you. Do you remember the vows we took? For better or for worse and in sickness and in health? If I didn’t believe I could stand by those words, I wouldn’t have said them. And, I knew I married a soldier. This comes with the territory. 
You’ve seen things I would deem unimaginable. You’ve heard things that would drive me mad. You’ve felt a pain that I couldn’t picture. Do you know how foolish I would be to think you’d come back the same way you left? 
When I married you, I married the versions of you that you and I have yet to see. 
I am here for you, John Egan. I’m not going anywhere. 
The light at the end of the tunnel isn’t clear to you right now, and that’s okay. We’ll work on it when you come home. We are a unit; we move together. So, we’ll get through it. Together. 
Get some rest, John. It’s not over for you--your story doesn’t end here. 
With everlasting love,  
He wasn’t aware of his tears until they smeared the lipstick stain on the lower corner. John brought the letter to his face, inhaling the scent of her perfume. So sweet. She’d wait for him. She wouldn’t, no she refused to leave him. 
How good it felt to be loved by her.
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n4rval · 5 months
hi I just wanted to say your tags on the gaster poll posts are so correct yessss (always enjoy your takes just in general). thank you for being one of the seemingly very few people out there who also believes there's no way the timeline works for gaster and alphys to have been colleagues. however, him haunting her benevolently is something I'm 1000% here for <3 (also I hope your finals went well and you get to have a nice relaxing break!)
HII HELLO HI im glad you like them!!! knowing you read these motivates me to keep being Absolutely Very Normal About Him on the internet
personally it's less of a believing thing and more of a come on it's written right there thing, but since we're here.
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behold! dingus timeline. (and the hottest of takes with freshly baked personal headcanons otherwise what am i doing)
Not a skeleton?
Isn't 201X too early?
Indeed, not a skeleton, but rather, some guy. Something about how monster's bodies are manifestations of their SOUL, and him oddly resembling a strange looking man does well to represent his insatiable curiosity and love for creating. (things humans are known for in a better light)
On the other hand, you will be pleased with how fascinated he is by "FLESHLINGS AND THEIR CALCIUM DEPOSITS".
And then they fucking died.
201X is the year the first human fell into the underground, and shortly after, the royal family has moved to New Home. This means some decent exploration of the cavern has already been made. Scientists could very well already have been working on optimizing life underground, with special attention to the large and ever growing new capital.
My idea? As this idiot has been aiding exploration with his antics, Gerson was the one to appoint him to Asgore. Something about his talent with turning garbage into non-garbage. With a little patience and getting familiar with his odd manerisms, it was not too long until he got to be the prince's weird godfather.
Cracking already?
And everyone was devastated, mainly the close family. Not only that, but amidst your mourning, the one couple responsible for your unrealistically high standards for romance just divorced. Is love even real anymore. You eat ants with your cereal and your work consists mainly of convenience improvements and absolutely nothing groundbreaking. What's the point of breaking that pesky barrier again? Child murder? Come on.
That's the Wingdings PATIENCE and BRAVERY encountered in their adventure. Dear god, you're lame. Aren't you some kind of genius? Get yourself together! And together he got his self, now, he has children to look after. Surely there must be some other way. He must stop coming up with new flavours for chips and find some other way.
... Dear god, the King is going to kill them.
Listen. He's old. You got your wrinkles, he's got his cracking. What? You meant to point out some major event of injury must have been responsible for his current state of deformity? Well, he's old AND heartbroken. That's a direct blow to the SOUL, okay.
Jokes aside (kind of), doing any lasting damage to a monster is quite difficult given their magic forms can easily be healed through, well, magic. They can, however, eventually "fall" (wink wink) and dust away with age - which cannot, however, be fixed with magic.
With a little determination however ...
Something about the anomaly.
He found it, the other way. It was the bones all along, the so needed sustainance for channelling such a high concentration of that power. Well, not necessarily, but a boney structure will endure much more and last much longer than a meaty one. Also, it looks so cool.
You know this guy, he gets first dibs on any and all dubious substances that might or might not deal the last hit to the nail on his coffin dust urn(?). And when it all works out (dubious), he might as well play a little. What kind of things can he make? With the material properties of these calcified remains infused with his own magic, animated with determination.
Some new, powerful magic tricks?
A new kind of monster, maybe?
There is a lot of interesting things one can do with isolated DT, aside from making bones rattle with life - for example, peeking onto the complex layers and ramifications of what composes reality. This is when the already kooky scientist grows a little mad; manic, if you will. This is the Wingdings sans was familiar with.
Time travel this, resets that, blah blah blah alpha timeline, the anomaly, the angel, the anomaly again, all things that only make sense to him and his illegible mess on the black board. The lack of detail is killing him, he needs to know what it is - what it does, why it does, how it does. Not to stop it, no, there is no stopping it.
Rather, an overwhelming need to understand it.
He falls somewhere in recent history, details of it left ambiguous. The shattering, combined with the amount of DT running in his magical... mathematical physiology, rendered all of his self but an espectator of his reality; confined to the code and unable to do anything but watch, powerless before the nature of his very being, like a corrupted program.
It is all rather frustrating, besides the burden that is coming to terms with simply not existing anymore, watching was pretty much all this research was and now ever will be. That is, until something interacts with him. It is different from the tragic prince, whom no matter how much DT he's accumulated, he is just as confined to this world's rules as other elements. Not this one, not the force from beyond. Not "YOU".
He makes it a mission to reach out, despite the limits of the code, to give away bits and pieces of him and see if you bite. But not too much, he's seen how you tend to exhaust a world for knowledge, something he can oddly sympathize with. I mean, what will you do once you find everything? One cannot fully know a person.
Maybe in another world, prophetized by a cute, little white dog. A much better world for everyone, without so much as war or disease, his greatest creation yet. And he could invite you to it, to experience bewilderment, to be reminded of wonder. If it could even help you, wherever you are, to deem your own world worth of partaking ... then the experiment was a success.
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galaxycunt · 8 months
You Turned Me Inside Out
4k ish fluff and angst
Leave a comment if you wanna!
You’ve sent the divorce papers with a news coo until they became tired of you. Still, you persisted. You figured Buggy wasn’t dead yet, you would’ve been told right?
Your think back on that quick courthouse wedding, you were seven months pregnant, Buggy even bribed a clerk to keep quiet. Wouldn’t do a husband any good to be arrested on his wedding day.
You thought it was romantic at the time, even if your first marriage was officiated by your first mate. Less complicated that way. Maybe that was a bad omen, he was good for awhile. He left you both, even a guy with a bad childhood didn’t see anything wrong with giving it to his own. Even left your daughter with his nose.
You kept your bar, plenty of sailors talked shit about marrying you. The townsfolk pitied you, you decide awhile ago to say you were widowed. Less humiliating that way. Even if he was dead, Buggy never was letting you go anyway. Your baby had your smile, so she smiled for the both of you these days.
The baker’s daughter watched her awhile you ran the bar. It was an easy enough arrangement, you always adjusted to new plans on the fly.
And that’s when you see him.
“Cabaji,” you yell across the crowded bar, “unless you’re waving a white flag, get the fuck out!”
Your loyal patrons readied themselves for a fight, who needed a ship when you had drunks?
”Look! Sorry! The captain wanted me to check the place out!”
You hop over the bar, marching straight to him, “where is he?”
He obviously didn’t enjoy this task, you always liked Cabaji.
”On the ship.”
”Folks, I’ll be right back. I got kids upstairs, don’t start a riot. Alright?”
A rousing ‘aye, aye!’ surrounds you both, you may have never had a high bounty like your husband, but you had that.
Cabaji leads you to the Big Top, your nerves gnawing at you. You’re worried you’ll kill him, his crew then turning to kill you. Leaving your daughter all alone.
You shook those thoughts out, settling in the pit of your stomach.
Buggy was waiting for news in his cabin, and Cabaji reluctantly leaves you to knock on his door alone.
He swung the door open, like he was waiting for that knock. Only to be faced with you.
”You…it’s really you.”
“You have a fucking wife, remember?”
His shoulders drop, “I…I know.”
You slap him, and he takes it with grace. You decide one isn’t good enough, slapping him a few more times.
”Glad that wasn’t a punch,” he tries to joke.
”I’m a better person now, for my daughter.”
”How is she?”
”You don’t get to ask that.”
He gives a nod, “how are you?”
”Sign those papers, I’ll be much better.”
”I can’t do that.”
You search his face, Buggy looking like a kicked puppy pissed you off more than anything else.
”You left us, just let me go.”
”I have plenty of excuses, none you wanna hear.”
You stare into his eyes, hoping he would combust. You damn your heart, because you want to hear it all. You spit on the floor turning to leave, Buggy following you back to your bar. You’ll feel better once it was on your turf.
The patrons watch him over their mugs, you motion Buggy to sit on an empty stool. You ignore him for most of the night, thinking if you should go get your baby. Buggy looked pathetic, staring at his beer. You had a soft spot, begging to be acknowledged.
With a sigh, you go upstairs to let your sitter go home. Your baby looks too much like him, especially when she cries. You love your kid, you do, you just wish she wasn’t his.
”Here,” you say, “you run off with her I will kill you.”
She’s a lot bigger than he remembers, it had been 4 months since he held her last. Buggy knits his brows and frowns, holding her tight. The man sitting next to him coos at your child, making him beam with pride.
You should’ve known that’s all it would take, Buggy loved the spotlight. At least the little red nose was cuter on her, he kissed it enough to make her giggle. Being a dad was easy, he just got to sit there and make her happy.
You hate him for this. You consider killing him now anyway.
“Out with it then, another fucking bird try to eat you?”
”Do we gotta talk here?”
You look around, a few people are pretending to not eavesdrop. It gives you some courage, that you’re totally in the right here.
He sighs, “damn it. Fuck, okay fine. I was nervous. I was tired. I needed a fucking break.”
”Oh, this is incredible. Please keep going.”
He groans, “I was gonna only be gone a few days. Retire on a high note.”
”Captain Buggy retiring? I liked the bird story better.”
He looks down at your daughter, his finger being gummed to death. He lets her have the whole hand, rubbing his face with a forearm.
”Okay, so not a permanent one. But long enough! You’ve done it, you know the deal.”
“I didn’t have a kid yet.”
He whispers your name, “I love you. I love her. I’m here now, that’s gotta count for something.”
”Do you even remember her god damn name?”
He looks down at her, “Marcela. She has my heart on a string, you both do.”
You should’ve known better, pirates didn’t get tied down. You both knew a baby’s place wasn’t a ship, and his wasn’t a nursery.
”Well, you saw her, guess you’ll see her again when she’s 18.”
“Oh come on, barkeep, I haven’t seen my own kids in years. Man’s gotta work.”
”Shut the fuck up, Benny. Your wife hates it and so do I. All wives do!”
You point at Buggy, “not all husbands have detachable dicks. Should’ve cut that off while I had the chance.”
”You’re a real bitch, you know that?”
You smile, “you married this bitch. Guess you’re gonna have to sign those papers.”
He grumbled, reattaching his hand so he could hold the baby better before slamming his beer. Buggy continued to glare at you the whole night, to his credit, he would stumble upstairs occasionally to change her and hand her off to you to get fed.
At closing time, you found them both asleep in the corner. You could cry, seeing her peacefully in his arms. He should’ve stayed, he was cruel and nothing would let you forget.
You whisper in his ear, “Buggy. Let me take her up.”
He yawns, gently passing Marcela to you. She only stirs a little bit, and you hope she’s at the point where she’s finally sleeping through the night.
Buggy notices how tired you are, “permission to come aboard?”
You shake your head, “no.”
”I’m your husband.”
”You didn’t care about that detail until now.”
He balls his fist, “I never forgot.”
You shush him, shooing him away as you take her upstairs. He follows you anyway, and you remember the rifle above your bed. You’ll use it if you have to.
You put Marcela to bed, Buggy right beside you, regarding her like she was made of glass. He let out a breath you didn’t know he was holding. A shy smile you could see in the dim light.
”I’ll walk you out,” you urge.
He doesn’t put up a fight, only lingering at the front door.
“Goodnight, Buggy.”
”Wait, can I come back?”
”Why would I want that?”
“Oh, come on! I’m not the first fucking pirate having to go do their thing! Not like she’s too old to even remember me!”
”Fuck off Buggy. You made a fool of me more than once.”
He frowns, “baby I’m sorry.”
You shove him outside, slamming the door and locking it tight. He bangs on the door a few times, shouting and cursing.
“Don’t wake up the baby!”
He stops, storming off in a huff. You figure this was going to be a yearly occurrence, more if you were lucky. You wonder briefly if you should take up one of those regulars on their offer of marriage, if only to make Buggy pissed off.
Buggy was persistent, showing up early the next day. You had stepped outside with your baby to walk around only to be surprised by him, a punch to his gut for his trouble.
”God! Morning to you too.”
”Buggy, I’m surprised you’re still in town.”
You can’t stand the sight of him, but he does look good without his make up. The morning sun bathes him in a heavenly light, picking up stray strands of hair like a halo. He looks at you like he was thinking the same thing. He smiled the way he always did with you, his gaze soft as he stepped in your personal space.
Buggy knew how to turn on the charm like a switch. You didn’t want this Buggy, you married the real one.
”How’d you sleep?”
”Fine, been doing fine for months I’ll have you know.”
He grazes your shoulder with his as you kept walking, “where you headed?”
”The beach. She likes waves.”
A futile attempt to shake him off, he spent time on the ocean even with his weakness. Buggy didn’t show any hesitation in following you, eyes glued to the carriage in front of you. You figure it’s an ego thing, she looks like his little clone.
He helps set down a blanket with all her toys, laying on his belly with her as he she coos. You couldn’t fold this easy, turning away to count the ships docked in the distance. It was easier when it was just you and him, sleeping together before he took off for who knows how long. You really should’ve married someone else, he knew how to sell himself too well.
“Does she get, uh well, do people,” he motions to his nose.
”Oh no, I think it’s cute on her. Don’t think anyone really wants to insult a baby in front of me.”
He smiles, “glad to hear it. You let me know if I need to knock some heads. Both of you.”
He lays on his back, dangling Marcela above him.
”Stop that.”
”Oh, she’s fine. She’s laughing, I got her.”
”No,” you're on the brink of tears, “stop acting like you give a shit. Just get outta here. I’ll marry the baker, he’s bonafide.”
”Bonafide? Ain’t I bonafide?”
You shake your head and he huffs.
”I give a shit. I actually take my vows seriously.”
”You left, couldn’t be fucked to be a real husband and father.”
Buggy sets the baby back down, turning to look at you. You swat his hands away, regretting that you been humoring him this long.
”If I knew letting you keep my balls would settle things, I would’ve,” he grumbles.
”Yeah, it would actually! I need a new stress ball!”
Buggy grits his teeth, “you’re the only one in the East Blue who’d even think about saying those things to Buggy The Clown.”
It was getting childish, kicking sand at him, “I’m not your god damn fan. I say whatever the fuck I want.”
”At least I’m not a fucking baker.”
”Yeah, if your baking is like your cooking, you’d be lousy at it!”
He laughs, a long hearty one. He picks up your baby, walking her to the edge of the shore, letting her toes dip into the warm waters. You’re hiding a smile, fatherhood looks good on him. And he knows it, laughing in your face like that. You suppose you couldn’t blame the guy, Roger was the last person you’d expect to teach a kid manners.
”Hey,” he calls out, “you pack a lunch?”
You nod, and he gives a thumbs down, “I’m taking my girls out. Get some good grub.”
You really should decline, “there’s a cafe on the pier. Great pancakes.”
”Let’s go then!”
So you spend the day with him, Buggy was mostly hush about what he was out doing. Out of shame or boredom, you couldn’t tell. Buggy even helps you stock the bar, shooing away your extra help when she arrived. You let it happen, and you’re not sure why.
Maybe if he wants to spend the night, you’ll lock his hands and feet away so he can’t escape this time. You look at his hands, thinking about the last time you let him hold you.
God, are you that weak? Are you really falling for your husband again?
Funny joke, he should hire you as a writer.
”What’s up, baby?”
”I think you should stay the night.”
His face lights up, “great. That’s so great.”
He detaches from his legs, letting his torso twirl around with you and Marcela in his arms. You let out a gasp as he did it, holding onto him tighter.
The first time he did this to you, you felt like a fairy.
“You’re so cute when you blush.”
”I’m not blushing.”
He tilts your chin up, “you are.”
You shake your head, finishing up your tasks. It had been hell since you saw Buggy last, your heart yearned for him every day. Pirates aren’t used to being so open with their feelings, you wonder if he meant it when he wanted to keep your hair in a locket. You sent it with a letter, he only thanked you.
”Buggy, did you even miss me?”
He was changing a diaper, nearly dropping the pin, “of course I did.”
”Are you lying?”
His hand flies to you for a moment, stroking your hair. You shove it away, and he recalled it back to pop into place.
”I could never lie to you.”
”You just leave out the truth.”
He looks as heartbroken as you, “I’m not a good man, I’m sorry I gave you that impression. But I love you, I love our family.”
You only nod, ignoring him the rest of the night. The patrons don��t flirt with you, now that your daughter was being held by her father in the corner of the bar. Someone puts on the record player, a romantic song wafting in the air. Didn’t fit for a sailor bar, catchy enough that they sing anyway.
”May I have this dance?”
”They'll have my head if drinks ain’t poured fast enough.”
”Let ‘em,” he whispers in your ear.
Two hands are still holding Marcela in her seat, his forearms wrap around you as he swings you around. You always loved a man who can dance, and as expected Buggy was a showy dancer. Even without fingers he dipped and twirled you, lifting you up and over.
You collapse into his chest once the song was over, you’re guided back to the bar so you could pour drinks. A smile doesn’t leave either of your faces.
”Sir, your girl is the best thing that could ever happen to us salty dogs!”
”Don’t I fucking know it,” he beams.
There’s a twinkle in his eye as he returns with your baby, hopping on the counter he gives a sharp whistle.
”Alright listen up, today’s my little girl’s half birthday. A round on me!”
The loud commotion doesn’t bother her too much, Buggy still making sure to cover her ears as he grins at you. In this moment, you’re completely charmed. You’re too afraid to kiss him, you know you shouldn’t kiss him. But he grins and your daughter laughs and maybe, just maybe it’s okay.
He offers to close the bar, and you insist to count the money. He didn’t leave you high and dry last time, but you weren’t that stupid.
Soon he trudges upstairs, kicking his boots off. He sits on the bed only a moment, before shaking his head.
”Do you want me here? Or should I sleep on the couch?”
”Okay. Hey uh, can I kiss you?”
”Just the cheek? The nose? A hand?”
You must be tired, “kiss me like a man, Buggy.”
He kisses you slowly, treading carefully until you push him away. He clears his throat, and sleeps on the couch as promised.
You wake up before him, realizing he let you sleep the whole night. You always liked watching him, it was rare that you were up before him. Buggy was like some strange version of an angel, those long lashes fluttering, chiseled jaw and lovely lips.
You crawl closer to him, his breath hot on your face. You kiss his nose, if you could even call that. It’s so light, there was no way he could feel it.
His eyes flutter open anyway, “well, hello.”
”Thanks for letting me sleep.”
”Go back to bed, she’s still sleeping too.”
Your heart goes soft, come with me, you want to say. Instead, you let sleep overtake you again.
You aren’t sure of the time it is now, and you notice Buggy was gone. You strain to listen to your baby, you didn’t hear anything either. In a panic, you shoot up.
”In here!”
Oh thank fuck.
He’s on the floor, playing with your daughter. You ease your heartbeat, standing there a little awkwardly.
He drapes an arm over you, “can that kid watch Marcie today? I wanna take you out, just us.”
”I’m not a cheap date.”
”Oh, I know.”
You haven’t dressed up in ages, nervously fussing with your hair until he knocks on the bathroom door.
“Be out in a minute.”
What were you even doing? How many women do you know with husbands like him? The loneliness, the worry. It was easier when you were younger, Buggy was made for the sea. He couldn’t stand being on land for long.
So why did you marry him? Because he was funny? Because he was cute? He loved you the only way he knew how; a captive audience, an adoring fan.
But that’s not really true, is it? It never was for you, he loves you honestly. A rare thing from a pirate.
Buggy whistles at the sight of you, “gorgeous.”
“Thanks, Bug.”
”Only stating the obvious, I could go on but, we got plans tonight don’t we?”
He doesn’t fit in amongst the diners surrounding you. If not his best outfit being a striped shirt and dirty pants, it’s his leg on the chair arm with a drink in his hand. People gawk at his nose when he’s not looking, thankfully focused on you.
If you were honest, you didn’t belong in this place either.
“Why are we here Buggy?”
”You deserve it, had a pretty good haul awhile ago.”
”That why you left?”
He grimaces, “yeah. Found a map.”
You look at your plate, chewing slowly. Buggy drinks more than he eats.
”We were arguing more, you seemed so unhappy. I uh, figured it was better to ask for forgiveness than permission.”
Your vision blurs, “you should’ve told me.”
”I know honey, I know. I never…I never sat still long. As much as I’d like to.”
He insisted it could work at the time, claiming that pirating would be a side gig. Pirates weren’t built for that, as much as Buggy loved his circus you know he loved treasure more.
”So now what? When’s the next time you’re just gonna run?”
Buggy wouldn’t face you, “I-I don’t know. I do know…I won’t leave you stranded. Not again. Ever.”
You lose your appetite, running out on him. You aren’t sure where you were going, running towards the ships docked in the pier. He’s right behind you, shouting your name. You ignore it, reaching his ship.
You wish you kept a bottle, you’d burn the damn thing down. You laugh bitterly, the sea really is his mistress.
“Baby, hey. Let’s talk.”
”If I didn’t send that letter, would you even come back? When I was pregnant?”
Buggy holds your face in his hands, forcing you to look at him. His jaw is tense, his fingers tremble. You never seen him so undone.
”I never left. Not really. I married you because I love you.”
”Don’t bullshit.”
”I’m not.”
You slap him, “don’t lie to me.”
”I’m not.”
You shove him, “don’t lie to me!”
“Baby stop! I’m sorry okay! God damn.”
You attempt to knock his head off his shoulders. He grabs your hand before you do, “come on. Let me show you something.”
He leads you to his cabin, among the mess and clutter he digs for something. He hands you a box, all your letters, photos, even an old wanted poster. He even kept a onesie and one of the footprints you thought was thrown away.
“I did it for us, I always do it for us.”
You’re on the verge of tears, “You’re going to Grand Line soon, aren’t you?”
He nods, “I had to square away my affairs, I had to see you again.”
You swallow hard, “how long?”
You never sailed that far, your own crew wasn’t ready for that. If he lived, you knew how long he could be gone.
”I don’t know. I do know one thing, I’ll be back.”
You let him hold you as you cry, you could feel droplets on the top of your head. You both stand there crying for who knows how long. Eventually Buggy kisses your eyes, and you tug on his shirt to pull his lips to yours.
It’s a good sign, you feel fireworks even now. He lifts up your skirt, fingers grazing the waistband of your underwear.
”I love you,” he whispers, “my North Star.”
Buggy stays with you for several weeks, and a small part of you wants to pretend he’s going to stay. When your first love died, you promised to remain by the sea. They’d protect you, even in spirit. You hope that promise extended to Buggy, they would’ve like each other.
You help him ready the ship, Buggy stalling in every way he knew how. Not enough costumes, a spotlight was out, you both knew how this was going to end.
He doesn’t let go of your daughter, showing her every single part of his ship. The crew adores her, promising to make her a cabin girl once she’s old enough. It kind of sounds nice, Buggy plans to bring you along too when the time comes. That sounds pretty good to you too.
Eventually, the Big Top sets sail. You teach Marcela to wave to her daddy, you blow kisses as you shout farewells. You promise to tell her about him, and he promises his damnedest to write every day.
It wasn’t going to be easy, it was going to be lonelier this time around. But you are a beacon, an angel of the sea to guide him home.
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messedupfan · 7 months
Benefits of Car Troubles| 6
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Summary: Jules relapse causes unwanted stress for Leigh and Y/n worries for her and the baby. And Y/n gets an unexpected visitor.
A/N: If you think you've read chapter 6 for this story before... No you didn't because I just posted it. This is chapter 6. Enjoy!
Masterlist | All Stories Taglist | One Two Three Four Five
Thump, thump.
Thump, thump.
You smile as you hear the healthy heartbeat of the baby growing in Leigh’s womb from the speakers on the monitor. “I never get tired of hearing that,” you say as you hold Leigh's hand. The two of you are at another appointment to monitor the baby's growth and health. So far every appointment has gone smoothly and this one is no different. 
“I will say, in my thirty years as a doctor, I have never heard a stronger heartbeat than this one. The two of you should be proud,” the doctor says. And although you're sure she is just saying that to be nice, part of you wants to believe that your baby has the strongest heartbeat ever. 
“Thank you, doctor,” Leigh smiles as she sits up. “I have been under some stress lately and it relaxes me a bit to know that it's nothing he or she can't handle.” 
“Hold on now, stress is not good for either you or the baby. I highly recommend that, if you can of course, you remove yourself from any high stressors until after you give birth. Okay?” 
“Yes ma’am,” Leigh agrees as she wipes the gel off of her belly. 
“And you better help her,” the doctor says to you. 
“I will do my best, doc. Thank you,” you say as you help Leigh down from the observation bed. As you leave the office you can't help but be concerned about whatever is stressing Leigh out and be confused that she hasn't mentioned anything to you about it. “I didn't know that you were stressed out,” you start as you hold the passenger door open for her. 
Leigh sighs and waits for you to get inside of the car. “It’s silly stuff that's all,” she says and you tell her that nothing is silly if it's bothering her so much. “I'm just, I'm scared of being a terrible mother. And there are so many ways a baby could die. I'm just. It's overwhelming sometimes. Then there's my divorce, which isn't going well, at all! I still get sick at night or wake up with intense cravings that keep me up sometimes! And my mom and Jules are arguing again because Jules relapsed and we have no idea what set her off. We thought she was fine after her break up with Estelle! Not only has her drinking gotten out of hand but she comes home late at night and usually has company. If she's not keeping me up that way it's because she's stuck somewhere and needs me to pick her up and I'm just really tired and I-”
“Move in with me,” you interrupt her rant. 
“What?” She freezes at your statement. 
“Before you say no again, please really consider your health here. Leigh, you don't need the stress and you really need the rest. I'm not a terrible roommate and honestly, with you getting closer to your third trimester it'd make me feel more comfortable being near you at all times. I don't want to miss the birth of our child. And I'm even willing to get up in the middle of the night to cater to your cravings.” You try to sell the idea to Leigh. 
“I don't know,” she says as she considers the idea. “Your place is the perfect single person apartment, I don't know if it's big enough for the two of us.” Leigh rubs her belly as she continues to think. “Even if it does somehow fit us, there's no way it's meant for three and I definitely don't want to live somewhere that is so hazardous for the baby.” 
“I guess this is another one of those before pregnancy conversations huh?” You half heartedly joke about the situation. She shoots you a glare and you hold your hands up with an apology. “I just completely forgot about living situations during this whole thing. I never expected you to take care of the baby by yourself in your mother's house but I never thought about us living in my apartment together,” you admit as you try to think about something better. 
“It’s okay, I'm not exactly sure what I expected to happen either. But the idea of having my mom around to help me is very comforting and I'm not sure I can do this without her,” Leigh says. 
“I get that, but it sounds like she already has her hands full with your sister. Not to mention how unhelpful having her around would be. If you can't sleep because of Jules, I don't see how the baby will,” you point out.
“What do we do?” Leigh asks, unable to conjure a solution. 
You grab her hand and kiss her knuckles. “I don't know but we can think about it some more. We have time,” you promise her. She thanks you for trying to take care of her. “Let's get something to eat before I drop you off. Anything you've been craving today?” 
Leigh's eyes light up and you laugh as you start the car and get ready to take her to the fast food places that she wants to combine. 
Later that week, after some convincing, you spend the night at Leigh's house to see how bad the situation really is and wake up at three in the morning to her phone ringing. You answer it before she wakes up as well and feel frustrated when you can hardly hear Jules through the booming music. You take your phone from where it was charging and locate her from the tracking app that you and Leigh worked together on installing without her knowledge. 
You kiss Leigh’s temple as she snores softly in her sleep and leave a little note on her nightstand. You get in your car and drive an hour away to where Jules is. When you arrive, you are grumpy because by the time you get back, you have to go to work. You park and lock your car as you search for Jules in the sea of people having a good time at four in the morning. When you do find Jules it's because you hear chanting and you find her doing a keg stand. You help the two guys that were holding her upside down put her back on her feet and she is disappointed for a moment until she realizes that you're the one that put an end to her fun. 
She jumps you with a tight hug but you are in no mood to reciprocate. “Come on, I don't have a lot of time,” you say as you pick her up in a bridal style in order to keep her from running off. “Let’s get you home.”
“Thank you, Y/n,” she slurs as she nuzzles against your chest. “My mom or sister would have been so pissed but it wasn't my idea to come out here! I swear!”
You keep your mouth shut as you get her into the backseat. On the way back to Leigh's house, you have to stop by a coffee drive thru in order to continue driving safely. You offer to order for Jules but are only met with obnoxious snores and mumbles of sleep gibberish. You continue your drive listening to your playlist and when you get to Leigh's house the sun is starting to rise. 
You carry Jules all the way to her room and tuck her in before returning to Leigh's bedroom. You watch her sleep with a soft smile and write her another note before you leave for work.
While you work you and Teddy take turns looking through listings online in Leigh's neighborhood to see if there is anything available that Leigh might be okay with living in. So that she could have her mom close to her while allowing the two of you to have the space and privacy that you need. The two of you pick out three listings and you send the links to Leigh to get her opinion on them.
In the evening, while you're getting ready to go back to Leigh's house, there is a knock on your apartment door. You frown as you run through the list of people that could be at your door and brace yourself as you open the door. You relax slightly when you see your father. But only slightly. 
“Tell me why I had to hear it from someone else that you're having a baby,” he says as he steps past you. 
You clench your jaw as you curse to yourself, another thing that slipped through the cracks. “I’m sorry dad, it has been a rollercoaster. I meant to call I just… it's been really tough balancing my life and hers and it's a complicated-”
“I want to meet her,” he interrupts.
“She’s having my grandchild and I don't know her name. I don't even know what she looks like,” he makes valid points and the guilt starts to eat at you more. Before he decided to expand the business and open several more locations in order to make more profits, the two of you worked side by side. The two of you were close. He knew everything that there was to know about your life. Then he gave you control over this location and he put his focus on the expansion of the company. The two of you grew distant. Only ever talking about business. “How long have you been with this girl? Are you going to do the right thing and marry her? Are you ready for this kind of commitment?”
You sit down on the sofa as you try to hold yourself together. Lying to your father wasn't something that you knew how to do. But you knew that telling him the truth was going to lead to disappointment. You never wanted to disappoint your father. In the time that you were making the decisions that lead to Leigh becoming pregnant, you never ever thought you'd have to explain yourself to someone. Well, other than Teddy. You certainly didn't think you'd have to explain yourself to your father. It was never supposed to go this far. 
“I love her, dad,” you say after you tell him the complete story of how you and Leigh came to be. 
Your dad clenches his jaw as he processes. “I raised you better than to go after a kept woman.” 
“Really, dad, kept woman? That's not-”
“She was married! You knew better!” He raises his voice. You clamp your mouth shut. “You should have never gone after her. But you did and now we're here. You're going to be a parent and I'm proud that you're accepting responsibility. But I am disappointed in how this came to be.” He shakes his head and sighs. “Do you have the paternity results? My lawyer will need those in case her husband tries to pull something that could negatively affect you or even this company.”
You are quiet for a moment before you tell him that she hasn't taken a paternity test yet. “I’ve read online that those tests aren't safe for the baby when they're in utero. If it's that important, we'll get one done after the birth.” 
Your father stands from where you had him sit as you told him the story. “You accepted responsibility for a child that may or may not be yours?” 
“Dad, I love Leigh. That child is without a doubt in my mind, my child. Even if he or she or they comes out without my genetics, that baby will still be mine-”
“Ah ha! So you do have doubts!” Your father interrupts. 
“No! I'm just trying to tell you how much she and this baby means to me! I'm looking for a house and-and maybe I'll even look into getting a ring if that's what she wants. I don't know! What I do know is that she and the baby are my family now and I hope you can accept that.” 
Your father looks you up and down and then nods once. “Okay, I will. That's what you want, I'm here for you. So when can I meet my daughter-in-law?” He asks again. 
“Uh I was actually about to head over to her house. I can ask if she's up for meeting you tonight,” you offer. 
“No, no, I don't want it to be a last minute thing. I don't want to put that kind of pressure on the poor girl. Here's what I think we should do. You invite her and her family over to my house for dinner on Sunday evening. Under these circumstances, I prefer to host because she's creating my grandchild and she doesn't need to worry about a menu for me and a presentable home. How does that sound?”
You nod along, agreeing with his plan. “Yeah, I will invite them to Sunday dinner. I'm sorry again for taking so long to tell you about all of this.” 
“It’s okay Y/n, you're an adult now. You don't have to run your decisions outside of the company by me. I love you,” he pulls you in for a tight hug. You return the sentiment and hold him just as tight. 
You catch up with him as you walk him out to his car before you part ways to get in your car to go to Leigh's house. It was nice to be able to chat with him like before. You hadn't realized how much you missed him until you had to say goodbye to him. 
Once you get to the Shaw residence you immediately tell Leigh about the dinner with your father and she happily accepts, excited to get to know your father. Then the two of you talk about the houses you sent her and she tells you that she already sent emails in order to make appointments to tour the homes. “So we're really doing this?” You ask her with hopeful eyes. 
She nods with love in hers, “Yes, we're doing this. We're going to find a home for our family,” she takes your hand and places it on her belly. “It’s what is meant to be.” 
“I love you,” you kiss her on the lips and pull her closer to you. 
“Mmm, I love you too,” she kisses you back.
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @thatshyboy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiwritesfanfics @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler @sokovianbaby
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ladyvictory22 · 4 months
Fall into Temptation (V: Renaissance)
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"In the garden of storms, the roots of redemption intertwine, blooming with the promise of a rebirth after the tempest."
Endings are not always happy; sometimes, they need work, many things need fixing. It took Christian a while to understand, but he realized that after the hurricane, after being distant from Toto and coming back together, they had to work to stay united.
Initially, the atmosphere felt tense for them. It wasn't about winning a battle; they didn't feel like their love had won because the remorse was still there.
That was something they had to improve. Despite the Grand Prix events flowing smoothly, they still had the habit of meeting in secret, as if someone would discover them. And they did have to hide because everything that happened hadn't come to light.
To make things flow organically in public, their separations would occur with a time differential of months or even a year. Toto would announce his public divorce first, due to Susie's commitments in Formula One and because she would be reconnecting with her ex-husband, revealing the lack of affection.
However, before all this happened, everyone was taking some time to process everything and leave behind the remorse and regret, just to get up and move on.
Since Toto suggested that he could stay at Christian's house, it was a pretty appropriate idea. Christian liked to wake up feeling an arm around his waist, feeling Toto's breath on his neck.
There were times when he woke up with kisses that Toto left on his neck, which then turned into kisses on the lips. And if they were in the mood, which was almost always the case, it ended up becoming a panting and heated mess.
So, in a way, while everything is settling into a new order, they are living their own honeymoon.
Sometimes Christian feels that things may be moving too fast or that they have become quite accustomed to being domestic. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that in the Grand Prix events, they stay together.
Although it's a bit different now, Christian has taught Toto how to feed his animals, with some grace, as Christian never imagined Toto Wolff with animals around him, yet there he is, helping.
One thing Christian truly confirmed is that his partner is really afraid of cats. Toto can approach any of Christian's pets except his cats.
So, Christian had set himself the task of making Toto overcome his fear of cats, so he came up with a plan.
They hadn't talked to Geri about the distribution of their pets, at least the ones at home. They had two dogs and two cats, so they had some idea of how it would be.
Venus is usually a calm cat that sometimes needs brushing, so Christian thought Toto could help with that.
"Is this a joke?" The Austrian said, watching Christian pet Venus.
It's not that Toto runs away when he sees a cat, but he keeps them at a safe distance.
"Come on... Venus is affectionate and sweet, she won't harm you," said Christian, pushing the brush toward Toto.
Toto gave a look, resembling a terrified and angry child at the same time.
"Don't look at me like that," said Christian, holding back laughter.
"Like what?" Toto said.
"Like a forced child," Christian smiled.
"I feel like one," murmured Toto.
Then Christian gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"If you don't try, that fear will never go away," he said.
Toto sighed in defeat, took the brush, and started brushing gently. The cat started purring, stretching because she liked it. Maybe for a moment, he felt the cat would pounce on him, but fortunately, it didn't happen.
"Have you never tried touching a kitty before?" Christian asked, watching the scene.
"Honestly, no. I used to be the type to say 'No means no,' and that's it. No one used to contradict me," he replied.
"Well, what a coincidence... I'm someone who contradicts you," Christian said, stroking Toto's arm.
They both smiled, and a little kiss.
The next days were fun for Christian, as Venus approached Toto, and he could see how gradually the fear or apprehension disappeared. Soon, Toto had Venus sleeping in his lap.
"It seems like you guys have become friends," Christian said. "Now you're going to have to get used to cat hair on your clothes, love."
Toto huffed in response with a half-smile.
It's not that they always spent time together, most of the time they did, but they also needed to dedicate time to their children. Explaining why they were no longer with their mothers, though it was something they would understand as they grew older.
Bluebell was probably the most complicated for Christian. Maybe Geri had never mentioned anything about it, but he felt very guilty. When they talked after Geri left home with the children, Christian became too emotional. All he said to his daughter was, "Forgive me," and she kindly just hugged him and said everything was fine, even though she ignored what had really happened.
With Olivia and Monty, it's different. They are kids, there's a different way to explain, but they are quite mature, and they don't get upset about it. When they are, they say it.
With Toto, it's different. His older children understand the situation a bit better. They looked down on Susie, but they didn't want to pry, especially out of respect for their father and stepmother, so they waited for the news to come.
But Jack was very different. He used to ask a lot, and sometimes Toto really didn't know how to answer. And on those days when he couldn't answer so many questions, Toto would just gently hug Jack, telling him that he would always be there for him.
They didn't bring their children together quickly; they waited for some time. First, they had to get to know them, so everything was slow and turned into a personalized introduction for each child.
Christian doesn't know if he's really paying some kind of karma with Olivia, since his little one not only looks exactly like him but also tends to... play pranks like him. She usually responds to jokes with other words. She's a very clever girl.
So one day, she managed to make her father nervous and embarrassed. That day, she got to know Toto more personally, having already seen him in the paddock when Christian took her to the races.
But she hadn't seen him in the way she sees him now. Toto gave her a gift, a lamp that, when lit, reflected stars and also rotated.
There, the little one noticed something, how her dad looked at Toto and how he smiled when Toto gave him his gift. Maybe in the past, she had seen that look between Geri and her dad, and her dad also looked at Geri with affection.
But she understood that they were no longer together, and now her dad had fallen in love with someone else. Little Olivia, who watched movies about princesses and fairy tales, for some reason compared Christian's gaze to that of a princess.
So, while they were eating after playing, and she saw her dad talking to Toto, the girl spoke up.
"You two look like a princess and a prince," said Olivia.
"Sorry?" said Christian, smiling with curiosity. "Why do you say that?"
"Because you remind me of Cinderella and the prince at the ball. You look at each other just like they did," the girl said, taking a bite of her dessert.
Toto smiled upon hearing that; he found it sweet. But when he looked at Christian, he saw the man so embarrassed, Toto held back his laughter.
"What things you say, Olivia," said Christian, trying to hide his embarrassment.
Shortly after, the girl would approach Toto stealthily.
"Can I ask you something, Toto?" said Olivia.
"Yes, tell me?" Toto smiled kindly.
"If you marry my dad, can you dance with him to the Cinderella and prince song?" the little one asked.
Toto smiled.
"Do you want me to marry your dad?" Toto said, surprised.
"Well, that's what couples do, right?" the girl said. "But it doesn't matter if it's not at a wedding, I just want to see you two dance to that song."
"I promise it will be at a wedding then," Toto smiled.
And maybe it won't be a wedding any time soon; that's something they would have to talk about in the future. For now, they had many things to resolve.
On the other hand, it was Christian's turn with Jack; they went for a walk together. Christian realized that the boy would be a great pilot from the way he talked about cars and his interest in MotoGP.
Certainly, it was evident that he was the child of two sports enthusiasts. The little one resembled both parents; sometimes, it was as if you saw Susie, and other times, it was as if you saw Toto. The sweet side that Christian knew of Toto still came out when Jack was around; sometimes, it seemed like he wanted to protect him from everything, which Christian found endearing.
There was a moment while Toto went to buy some snacks for them that the boy approached Christian to speak directly.
He had asked many questions throughout the outing, if he had children, what his name was, what his dad was like at work.
But there was something Jack had to ask Christian, and he found the moment.
"Can I ask you something, Christian?" the little one said.
"Of course," said Christian, smiling kindly.
"Can you promise me that you will take care of my dad?" the boy said, taking Christian's hands.
A gesture very similar to Toto's, which made Christian smile with tenderness.
"Yes, I promise I will take care of your dad," he said, gently caressing the small hand on his.
"And me too?" the boy smiled.
"Yes, Jack, you too," he smiled.
The little one then gave him a hug.
"What are you two talking about?" Toto asked as he approached.
"Secret things," Jack said. "You can't know.""
It turns out that children can see beyond in someone's gaze; in their innocence, they say things just as they think them. Both Christian and Toto felt fortunate to have the children they had.
Both thought that this stage would be difficult, but it wasn't. It was just them with their thoughts. And in a way, it was normal, considering everything that had happened.
So gradually, they could bring their families together. They often went out with Monty and Jack, and it turns out that both kids got along very well. Sometimes there were outings to the beach, walks, and during one of these outings, Jack called Christian "Dad Chris" for the first time.
Amidst the idyll of bringing their families together, or at least getting to know each other, the shift from their bittersweet ending to their happy ending, the moments when they were romantic with each other couldn't be lacking—sometimes with the help of their own children.
Christian remembers the time he arrived at his office in Milton Keynes and found a bouquet of red roses with a small note:
"You are the sweet illusion I dreamed of."
Immediately, Christian knew it was probably Olivia's idea, although he was surprised to hear that it wasn't.
He didn't go home that day; there were days when they took turns and stayed at Toto's apartment.
When Toto opened the door, Christian showered him with many kisses.
"Mmm...hello," Toto said amidst the kisses.
"Hello to you too," Christian smiled.
"Someone liked their roses," he grinned.
"I loved; I love you," said Christian. "I guess that phrase came from Olivia."
Toto smiled.
"You'll be surprised to know it wasn't from her," Toto said. "Apparently, Jack and Monty were discussing what phrase someone might say to you someday, and they decided this phrase would be good." Then Toto took Christian by the hips. "And I couldn't agree more."
Christian smiled with tenderness. "Wow, kids... well, they're right."
"At this rate, they're going to want to plan a lot of things," Toto said.
"I believe you."
They both laughed and then joined their lips in a sweet kiss.
Slowly, it led them to the bed; Christian sighed as he felt Toto's kisses on his neck, leaving small licks and bites as the clothes gradually came off.
On some occasions, everything started more relaxed, with slower caresses, feeling the warmth of each other's bodies, kisses becoming slower, feeling more.
Toto slowly moved down, leaving kisses all over the abdomen, until reaching Christian's pelvis. Then he would open the younger man's legs, kissing his thighs gently, causing Christian to moan satisfied.
Gradually, everything began to heat up, and when Toto entered Christian and moved just touching the younger man's sweet spot, he elicited sweet moans that were like music to his ears.
Christian then started with his usual marks, which Toto longed for him to do. Although something had changed, and it was that now Toto could mark him, he could do whatever he wanted.
And so he did, when they were reaching the climax, Toto bit Christian's collarbone, making him moan from overstimulation and climax again. Toto smiled at the fact and kissed a dazed but ecstatic Christian.
The connection between them had only grown; it took them a while to get used to the idea that now they could be more freely intimate.
But the change in their lives was helping them stay in sync.
Although, while the part with the children was a challenge with a certain degree of difficulty, there were other challenges where everything increased.
The news of their divorces.
When Toto and Susie's separation was announced, there were more than a few media outlets in the middle of a Grand Prix talking about the couple's breakup, seeking statements.
That didn't bother Christian much, considering there would always be some journalist of that kind.
What he didn't like, and he doesn't know why really, was those media outlets already pairing Toto with either a businesswoman, a pilot, or a model, creating stories where their hosts introduced him to these girls. God, Christian couldn't help but feel angry and more possessive.
Sometimes these behaviors were reflected when he was with Toto. He would get angry, not want to talk too much, not understand why he was upset with Toto when he knew the reality of things.
But the mental image of seeing his partner talking to women who think he's single bothered him. What bothered him more was knowing they might be right to approach; Toto is a handsome man and always attracts attention...
So, it was one of those days when Christian was upset just because of these things, and he couldn't get it out of his head. For some reason, he responded in a very rude manner to Toto.
But Toto remembered that they had talked about this in the past, about communicating, so he was going to figure this out.
"Let's talk about what's bothering you, or you'll keep being rude," Toto said straightforwardly.
"I'm not upset," said Christian, checking his papers.
"Yes, you are. I want to know why," the older man responded.
"It's something... absurd," Christian didn't look at him, especially out of embarrassment.
"So absurd that it makes you bother and be rude... to me?" Toto said.
Christian sighed.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Toto said, taking Christian's hands while kneeling in front of him.
"It's just that... sometimes certain news can be annoying," Christian said, looking away.
"What news?" Toto asked.
"The ones that say you're with models or very beautiful women..." Christian lowered his gaze and sighed. "And then, you know, I compare myself and wonder what people would think if they knew..."
"I would let them know that I'm with such a handsome man..." Toto interrupted.
Christian looked at him.
Toto then leaned up, starting to kiss his neck. "I would let them know how much I enjoy getting moans out of you," he said, kissing and biting. Christian shivered. "I would let them know how sexy you are, what they don't realize."
Toto stayed close to his lips. "I would let them know how much I love you."
Christian smiled and let himself be kissed; he had forgotten this part, forgotten how much talking works.
And with Toto, he had started working on that, conveying what he wasn't saying, thinking before speaking. He no longer said as many hurtful things, unless he was in Team Principal mode.
Since "No Relationship," he had tried to work on his words. So, being rude to Toto was no longer about saying hurtful things; it was behaving distant and swallowing any insult.
On one occasion, they decided it was time to gather the family. Christian's divorce announcement hadn't been made yet, as they were waiting for some time. Not because they thought there would be something between Christian and Toto or a connection between the divorces, but rather to avoid being the subject of gossip.
It had been almost a year, and the four of them hadn't gathered, not like this. Toto spoke with Susie about things related to Jack, and Christian talked to Geri about things concerning their children.
But the four of them in the same place was a different situation. It's worth noting that Christian felt uncomfortable about showing any affection toward Toto. They didn't usually do it much in front of the kids, as they gave hugs or held hands. But with Susie and Geri present, they were more distant, and it was like a silent agreement between the two. But love simply can't be hidden.
In the months that Susie gave herself to recover and cope with everything, she focused on her work, on loving herself, on not thinking about anything other than Jack and herself.
And in that time, she learned many things. One day, to fight her own demons, she dared to look at photos of Toto and Christian from long before everything happened. It felt quite strange to look at the pictures now, knowing what blossomed between them—the smiles, the looks, always with affection and warmth, yet they never dared to get closer... perhaps destiny wanted it to happen later in their lives.
So, in that gathering where the kids were present and they were interacting as a family, she saw both of them talking while taking care of Jack and Monty. She saw the sparkle in both of their eyes, maybe they weren't being very affectionate with touch, but sometimes it's not necessary; just a look is enough.
So after a while, Christian approached with Jack, who ran to the kitchen because Geri had prepared some snacks.
Cautiously, Christian sat in a chair next to Susie. They hadn't spoken since the last incident.
"So, the kids have adjusted well," Susie mentioned, breaking the silence. "Jack speaks very highly of you."
"Oh... well, we've tried to connect individually with each of them..." Christian said somewhat timidly.
"Thank you... for including my son," she mentioned.
"Thank you for allowing him to connect with me... I thought..." Christian began.
"It's okay. I wasn't going to convey any of that to him. I admit that I acted out of a lot of pain... but maybe sometimes these are things that have to happen..." Susie said, watching Toto talk to Monty. "Have you ever thought about what would have happened if you two had been involved earlier?"
"I... I... maybe..." Christian stammered.
Susie then looked at him. "Imagine if Toto had been a shareholder at Red Bull Racing... who would be your husband now."
Christian couldn't help but blush because, indeed, he had fantasized about that.
"He was close to being part of Toro Rosso," Christian mentioned. "So, we could have met earlier... but destiny didn't want it to be natural."
"What do you mean?" she asked.
"That Toto's and my relationship wasn't... you know, natural, but both with partners..." he mentioned.
Susie sighed.
"Hey... even if the circumstances weren't the most normal, love, love was natural," she said, and after a pause, she continued, "Because even though you're not making physical contact now, you can see how you long for each other with a look."
"I just wanted to apologize for causing pain, even though I know it won't be easy for you to forgive me," Christian said.
"Honestly, maybe it will be difficult, but for the sake of the new family forming, it's better for us to get along in peace... you also forgive me for treating you poorly," she smiled gently.
Susie now felt more prepared to face things after months of resting, giving herself time. Even using her maiden name felt strange but not unpleasant.
Perhaps life doesn't prepare you for breakups, but you must learn from them to cope with other aspects of life. She hadn't said anything, but looking at her ex-husband and his partner, it wouldn't surprise her if there was a wedding in a few months or a year.
After all, sometimes loving is also letting go, and it had been hard for her to understand.
Geri also had a conversation with Toto. She had been an observer for longer than Susie. She had even detected the affection between them when they claimed not to be friends; it was a complete lie.
When Christian made those controversial statements about his relationship with Toto, Geri had to endure how grumpy her ex-husband became because now he didn't have his friend in the paddock.
Yes, she endured it for almost two years, of him talking about how Toto wouldn't even let him speak, and they only greeted each other when the cameras were in front of them.
It seemed that the time they got stuck in the elevator was the trigger for a reconciliation and for something more to emerge between them.
Geri wondered many times what kind of lesson life was giving with this, but maybe it was something she would discover with time.
Toto entered the kitchen to give Olivia a soda, who quickly joined the other kids.
"The kids get along very well with Jack," she said.
"Yes, their siblings are older, and having kids their age seems to have delighted them," Toto replied.
"Now they are brothers," Geri said with a sweet smile.
"Yes," Toto said, returning a smile.
"Olivia insists she wants to see you dance with Christian," Geri said. "Have you thought about..."
She fell silent, but Toto understood the message...
"Yes," he said. "Although I don't know if it will be the right time."
"Look, things happened, yes, but it's been almost a year, and I have some time before announcing my divorce... you have time to plan this," Geri took a sip of her juice.
Toto chuckled softly.
"I didn't think you would support this idea... or any idea about us..." 
"Well, it's just something I thought should happen," Geri mentioned. "Have you never looked at your photos with him? The way you looked at him?"
"I... I think I looked at him as a friend," Toto said.
"Maybe... at that moment... but it was the omen of what was to come after," she said, smiling. "Sometimes we just shouldn't seek answers."
"I guess you're right..." he said.
"So I hope the news of your engagement comes soon," she said with a smile and then walked away to join the kids.
For many things to happen, they had to talk to trusted people for support, so as they approached their biological children... there were other "children" to approach... their drivers.
The first to find out was Lewis. Toto asked to talk to him privately, sounding so serious that for a moment, Lewis was afraid it might be some kind of reprimand. But he was surprised by the topic of conversation. Toto expressed how much he cherished their long years of knowing each other.
He said he wanted to talk about this because, in a way, it had to do with his work. When he mentioned that he was dating someone and with whom, Lewis was left dumbfounded.
"But tell me something, don't just stare at me," Toto said, seeming nervous.
"Well... I'm surprised," Lewis said. "Really, after things with the rivalry, it's weird... to imagine you two together... but nothing is impossible."
Lewis smiled.
"Does it bother you?" Toto asked.
"Why would it bother me? We have to separate the track from work," Lewis said. "Your personal life is very different... and here the heart decides... I hope you are very happy, Toto."
"Thank you, Lewis," Toto said with a soft smile.
From then on, Lewis became somewhat more amicable with Christian, unless there was controversy in the press. They knew not to take it seriously because the show must go on, although they almost didn't do it as they used to.
Max was another topic of conversation. Christian had to explain to him that he had been separated from Geri for a long time, and then he told him about his new partner, for which he needed reinforcements. So he called Checo.
The behavior of both drivers changed with Toto. Not so much with Checo; he always treated Toto the same way. It was Max who acted like a little boy when he spoke to Toto after the news.
"Hello, Max," Toto said, finding Max in the paddock.
"Hi... sir... I mean Toto... um... how are you?" Max felt like a fool... should he treat Toto normally, right?
"Fine... how about you?" 
"Also fine," Max said.
"That's good... well, good luck in the race, although I don't think you need it," Toto said with a smile, and before starting to walk away...
"Toto, wait..." Max said, and Toto turned. "I just hope that Christian and you are happy..." he said in a low voice.
Toto smiled and nodded. "Thank you," he murmured.
So everything seemed to be taking shape, and both were happy with that. An advantage of having discussed this with their drivers and trusted personnel was that they could move around in both team motorhomes, just to talk or spend time together. This was part of no longer hiding and now being more authentic.
When they spent time with their older children, it was a different atmosphere. Their older daughters had become very good friends.
Rosa mentioned that one of the two was the temptation of the other because both are from rival teams.
So they were arguing about who was the angel and who was the demon.
"You once said that Mercedes was heaven and that Red Bull was something like hell," Toto said, looking at the TV.
Both were lounging on the couch, while their daughters had snacks on the table and were also watching TV.
"Yes, I said that, although it could be different," Christian said.
"Then you're Beelzebub," said Toto.
"And what about you, the Archangel Gabriel?" Christian mentioned.
"They could be another type of angel and demon," Blue said.
"Who?" Christian asked.
The two girls looked at each other and burst into laughter.
"We're not going to tell you," Blue said.
"Although we'll just say that sometimes Christian looks like that angel, and dad looks like that demon, and sometimes they switch roles," Rosa said.
It seemed that both girls had managed to compare their parents to characters from books or television.
As part of a separation agreement, Christian knew that he couldn't stay all the time in the house where he mostly shared with Toto.
Of course, not all of Toto's things were there, so before making another move, they had decided to find a new home.
A home where there would also be space for the older children and the younger ones.
They had found a quite beautiful, spacious, and private villa, a place where they could walk together without the need to go out.
They planned to move until the next winter, just after the announcement of Geri and Christian was made.
The kids loved it; they had been given a playroom, and the karting places were nearby to take them for practice.
They also decided that there should be some moment in which they would tell their colleagues.
Not everyone, of course. Now both were the oldest Team Principals, and if they spoke of a real friendship, the only one left was Fred.
So one day, they scheduled a meeting in the paddock, gathered in the Mercedes hospitality. They chatted and joked as they always had over the years.
But before they found the right moment to tell him, Fred spoke.
"So, are you guys finally going to confirm that your relationship has changed?"
Both froze, and Fred laughed.
"Come on, guys, I've known you for years, and I really don't think it's a coincidence that both of you are getting divorced almost at the same time."
"Well, yes, we were planning to tell you..." Christian said with a smile.
"The question is, how did you come to that deduction?" Toto asked.
"Well... unlike the public, I am close to you... I know that your looks have changed... before, you looked at each other with affection, but today... there is a lot of longing in your gazes."
For both of them, the support was crucial. They didn't have to delve into how their story influenced them, they didn't have to know. They just had to understand that they loved each other now.
There were some people Christian had been hesitant to approach his parents. He was afraid of what they would say, fearing their disappointment after two failed marriages, wondering what they would tell him.
When Christian was in front of his parents, especially his mother, he turned into a child again.
But there he was at his parents' house, sitting with his mother for tea. His father had gone out and would be back soon. So, he was nervous.
His mother asked about the divorce, obviously, and he spoke about it only superficially. Then came the part where he had to mention Toto.
Although his plan was to speak fluently, he was being curt. Then his mother asked, "Are you with someone now?"
Christian nodded and felt like a child.
"And? Is that why you're being shy?" She said, stroking his cheek.
Christian sighed, "It's just that I don't know what your reaction will be," he mumbled.
When he told her who he was dating and, fearing her reaction, his mother only asked one thing.
"Does he love you?"
"Yes, I'm sure he does," he responded immediately.
"That's enough for me, then," she said. "Christian, dear, you're an adult now; you shouldn't fear the decisions you make. I appreciate you coming to tell me. I hope you find happiness."
Soon after, they planned how to tell his father; generations are different, and thoughts vary.
His mother liked Toto; she whispered praises to Christian about his good taste, making him blush. She said his boyfriend is a gentleman and loves him a lot.
When they told Toto's mother, it was different. Christian accompanied him to Vienna. Christian got to know Austria beyond just Red Bull, learning a bit more about its customs and the places where Toto spent his youth.
Toto's family gave him a warm welcome, and they talked about things Toto did when he was a child sometimes funny, sometimes embarrassing, making Toto blush. Spending their days in Austria that way connected them even more. Not that they weren't recognized; more than one person would. Still, they felt somewhat free.
Talking to Toto's mother was quite sweet; she wished them happiness and asked them to take care of their children.
Then they had a symbolic moment, going to the cemetery. Toto left flowers for his father, and Christian did too. He made sure to tell him that his son had taken good care of his family and that he is a great man.
So, this time, the garden was slowly blooming after the storm; everything seemed to be adjusting to a certain order.
For now, they didn't need anyone to know about them; they just needed to understand each other, to comprehend and love each other.
Christian opened his eyes slowly, and as usual, Toto was hugging him. Still drowsy, he smiled faintly; they were in their new home now.
In their now-home, they had decorated everything in both their styles. It turns out both loved the classic, though in different aspects Toto, more modern classic, and Christian, classic but rustic. Their home was a perfect blend of their tastes.
It's worth noting that their kids loved their rooms; they had thought about everyone's preferences and designed rooms that could be remodeled over time as some of them grew.
It was summer now, and they decided to spend it at home before going on any trips. Almost two months had passed since they started this new chapter, and everything felt quite settled, as if everything was in its place.
A few days ago, one evening, Toto invited Christian to watch the sunset. On the vast grounds, a beautiful green view spread out, with a fairly orange sun. Toto had prepared some small snacks with wine. So, they were nestled, back to chest, when Toto asked:
"Have you ever thought this way?" he said, hiding his face in Christian's neck.
"I really started fantasizing after the first almost-kiss," Christian was honest about it.
He could feel Toto's smile.
"You know... we still owe Olivia a waltz," Toto said.
"Right... Do you already have a plan for when?" Christian asked. Toto had been mentioning it lately, and Olivia wanted a specific song for them to dance to.
"Yes, but I need to know if you like how I want to dance it," Toto said.
"And how is that?" Christian asked.
Then Toto rummaged in the pockets of the jacket he was wearing, then embraced Christian again, clasped their hands together, and placed a small box in his hands.
And Christian's heart raced... because he already knew what it was. When he opened the box, two beautiful silver rings with stones were shining.
"I wanted to know if you want to dance that waltz... but let it be at our wedding... will you marry me?"
And Christian turned to him with a smile, sealing it with a kiss, "Yes, I do."
Smiling at the memory, his ring sparkled in the morning light; then he felt sweet kisses on his cheek and neck.
"Good morning," he whispered.
"Good morning," Toto responded. "How is my fiancé?"
"Good... if I'm by your side, I'm always good."
It turns out that happy endings can exist when everything feels bittersweet, but you have to work for it to happen, overcome challenges. Leave the fear behind—the fear of facing situations, people... and as Toto once mentioned to Christian, he would look forward even though the past would hurt for a while. They could march forward.
There was a moment when so much calm made Christian feel quite dazed; he thought something different would happen at any moment... but no, turns out that amid the storm, the light returned.
So, in the Garden of Eden, spring arrived, and it came to stay for a long time.
Well and we come to the end of this adventure
Today there was a lot of sweetness❤️
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februaryschopin · 24 hours
(audience booing track) okay hear me out before you guys throw your tomatoes at me because i killed off a previous chara i had just HEAR ME OUT… as always i’m 9688385 dms behind but trust me i will get back to you all one like at a time :-) it’s me anwar (not hadid) + thank u! yapping below on a particular visitor from allara!
liam fanning-ngoc, 25 / general (footnotes wip if i ever get to it lmao)
ENTER the life of a former weird boy (still is actually) from the allara server and more specifically from boston, massachusetts, usa where finding a wasian of irish and hoa vietnamese chinese descent is as easy as 1-2-3. his parents had a meet-cute back in their college days so whenever liam tells people how his white dad and asian mother met he’s always met with dreaded questions alluding to his dad going out of his way to find an asian wife (you know what i’m talking about don’t play with me) and liam’s like “yo dude what are u talking about lmao my dad met my mom on accident in boston college’s dining hall”. SO the now berklee college of music professor marries his long time girlfriend, a vietnamese chinese immigrant woman from terra who’s a musical therapist for children
all was technically well until some unaddressed hiccups concerning their marriage tho? as in cultural differences and backlash on the mother’s end who refuses to fully assimilate to allaran/american society which didn’t translate too well for the white side of his family that are “pseudo true” americans as far as having more than 4+ grandparents who were born in allara. so plenty of misunderstanding stemming from xenophobia and liam’s dad is a deadbeat emotionally especially bringing up the fact that liam is very visibly mixed looking and not at all white passing (more on that with his first cousin on the fanning side of the family *side eyes emoji*) which made him the butt of the joke for shitty “stinky lunches” and anti-viet/sinophobic sentiment while growing up overweight and as a continual afterthought
his dad is an amazing lover, a wonderful husband, a love bomber to infinity which is probably what convinced his mother!! BUT.. the downside like we mentioned above is having an emotionally neglectful/deadbeat dad who simply filed an app to terrascape for a kid by the expectations of his wife (lowkey to shut her up hahahahshafjgj ah shit) and the same shitty tired ass excuse of being “married to his work/career” comes into question. bro can’t name any of the 2 childhood friends liam grew up with, but his mother can. after a certain age his father ends up not knowing a damn thing about his kid and i think. at the end of the day. it’s because he’s unable to fathom his son’s biracial identity and refuses to help confront his son’s difficulties.. with such? especially considering that his wife raises liam with a strong arm because she REFUSES to have a useless whitewashed child that embarrasses her so.
this is the part where liam’s dad starts to hate his wife who is a person outside of being an object of his desires which is fucked as we all know and spoiler alert: he doesn’t have the fucking balls to break up/divorce her because men love making their problems everyone else’s so :-) but do keep in mind that liam’s mom isn’t emotionally avail either, very much the “here’s some fruit i cut for you” immigrant mother after she emotionally abuses you because she always thinks what’s best for her is what’s best for You so no she’s a mother who never apologizes but will. cut up some damn fruit or cook his fave northern viet dishes for him and it’s probably why liam was a fat lil boy
he’s def that weird kid you shared an honors class with that people just left alone after making shitty jokes about? but you feel kinda bad for him despite not knowing much about him? liam grew up on making friends from rpg games, forums, aside from the 2 buddies he’s known all his life. he was a band kid and was fairly good at playing the upright bass, but didn’t have aspirations to pursue music the same manner his parents did. instead he’s working on his 20th-21st century comic book/manga collection and can flawlessly imitate the voice of bruce lee speaking in english (and LOVED play fighting with his loser friends after binge watching 1970s hong kong martial arts movies).
tho eventually he stops feeling bad for himself (which honestly partial to blame is america’s amazing job at emasculating asian men which is totally a conditioned culprit!!!) and ends up losing the weight upon sophomore year of college, gains an interest in fitness and attempts to finding a personal style which honestly still he’s not really fashion conscious. painfully looks like a frat boy and is used to the allegations but the fuck ass loser in him hasn’t left, but he realizes how people treat him in the last recent years due to being relatively conventionally handsome(?) and only hot people get to be weird and have niche interests apparently
AND ALAS it’s been three years since he graduated from umass boston with a vietnam + ireland flag sash draped around his neck lookin like a goof but reppin hard for both sides lmfao and rn he lives in the megabuildings with a roommate (plot? anyone?)! a bachelor’s in communications + marketing with a minor in digital arts. since he was a kid he used to mess around on a hand-me-down terra-esque-photoshop-based-software and since then i’m afraid we having the coming of herb lubalin except in the year 3024. bro was making his family homemade birthday card graphics, eventually websites and now is working on prototype designs for apps, etc. he works for the gaming company that has launched the ever so successful iron fist which has been his latest project atm and man is he psyched, so much that he was offered to position in their physical office in terra’s server so long as he migrates with the proper visitation/work documents AND YEAAAH i’ll quit yapping here bg-wise but i can happily :-) expand if needed be. i fucking love expanding..
truthfully and i know i always say this but he’s definitely leaning towards the ambivert side of people, give him a topic that he’s well informed on/interested or if you guys have a common interest then BOOM. it’s all over, i fear that you have a yapper in him. but that aside genuinely quite friendly aaaaaaand keenly leans into his intuition too a lot of the time? naturally curious about people and things so believe me when i say he just Has to fuck around and find out or else it’ll kill him to not? want to do that? very trustworthy, almost just as reliable, enjoys being someone’s rock or pillar to lean on because he didn’t have that as much growing up so it’s really the least that he can do. half a strategic planner, half a “fuck it we ball get up everyone today’s the day”, one hundred percent hypocritical and conflicting and very much a social/emotional chameleon. despite being a yapper also do trust me when i say that his yapping is purposeful (the aquarius mercury is doing so much heavy lifting in his chart). uh also is pro-terra bc bro is not tryna die out he just would like to enjoy his time in this simulated reality so!! idk man people hate him for his boyish whimsical nature but that’s neither here or there
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xxaraaq · 1 year
Sorry that I didn't post anything for like three months, but it dont matter anymore, cus I'm here now
MILF! Ochako Ururaka x Black!Fem!reader
At the ripe age of thirty two, Uruaka Ochako would consider herself to be a great mother. But with her boys, nine, seven, and four – she’s so fucking tired. Tired of not being able to catch a break, tired of not being able to live her life as a young woman, and really fucking tired of having a man child of a husband who couldn’t give less of a shit about her and their kids.
She’s tried to be okay with it, but she just cant be. But when she voices it, all she's met with – ‘it’s not like he's cheating on you, he probably just doesn’t find you attractive anymore.’ or ‘just lose some weight or offer to do more, he’s obviously distant for a reason’. And she’s tried all these things, so, so many times. But nothing ever worked, so she’s just given up. And maybe she just had shitty friends, but the two of you first, she had actually felt something.
“So wait – you're telling me that you haven’t had sex in how long?” You whisper, choking on your drink “Eleven months.” She sighs, taking a drink of her mimosa – she hadn’t touched her husband intimately in almost a year, and it was getting to her. She was getting antsy, and she was getting tired of pleasuring herself on her own.
“I would commit suicide, like, actually kill myself. Are you ok?” and Uruaka knows that she’s not, but there isn't anything she could really do.
“I’ve been so stressed out that I don’t know what today is, I’m not even joking.” She says, the fatigue apparent on her figure
“I seriously don’t know why you won’t get a divorce, I will literally move in with you to help out with the kids if that’s what it takes.” And your serious, the look in your eyes directed right at her
“If I could just get one day, that’s all I would need.” She groans, dreaming of the day where that happens
As the conversation goes along, her husband, m/n, comes up. “Hey honey, me and the boys are gonna go watch the game at Mikey’s house. I’ll be back later.” He says, turning away soon after. With an eye roll and shooing hand, she sends him off with malice in her heart. 
“He really gets on my fuckin nerves.” You say, side eyeing him as he walks away with his friends.
“I genuinely don’t care anymore.” Ochako says, getting up to go to the kitchen
Following after her, you close the door behind you, pulling down the blinds
“What’s wrong?” You say, opening your arms for an embrace
“I am so sick of him.” She says, a shake in her voice
“I know baby, I know.” You say, rubbing soothing circles on her back
“I get that he doesn’t care about me, but can he at least fucking act like it.” She cries into your chest
“He doesn’t deserve you, not like I do.” and she knew it was true
“Lemme make you feel better, how bout’ that?” You ask, pulling back from her
“W-what?” She, wiping the tears from her face
“You heard me, Ochako. Let me help you, you need it.”
The both of you know that anyone could walk in at any moment – but that didn’t stop you from kissing her – nor did it stop her from kissing you back. By the time she gained her senses back she was in her shared room.
“We can’t, everyone’s outside.” She says in between kisses
“We already are, and who cares, no one’s gonna come in here.” You shush her, attacking her neck with hickeys
She moans, grasping your hair in her hands – she doesn’t know why she keeps denying herself, she can’t even remember the last time she came by someone else’s touch.
“Fuck.” She moans, the feeling of your hands traveling over her breasts driving her mad. 
You pull down the top of her light blue sundress, exposing her front to you.
“So pretty.” You groan, capturing her breast in your hand, rolling her nipple in between your fingers
Ochako whimpers at the feeling of your fingers toying with her, her getting wetter by the second.
“Take it off for me, yeah?” You ask, tugging at hem of her dress
Nodding, she quickly strips down, throwing it to a random spot in the room.
“So fucking gorgeous.” You utter, hands finding rest on her hips
“Don’t be weird.”She says, wrapping her arms around neck
She kisses you – passionately – as you lead her and yourself onto the bed. You suck on her neck as you make you way down to her thighs, lifting one onto your shoulder.
“Can I?” You ask, playing the fabric of her underwear
“Don’t ask me stupid questions.” She groans, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear as you smile
Taking her answer as a yes, you pull her panties off onto one ankle, licking a slow stripe up her slit. You rub slow circles on her thighs as you continue your assault on her cunt.
“Ohhhhh fuckkkk” She whines, throwing her head back in her ecstasy
“Tastes so good.” You mutter into her, the vibrations of your voice going straight to her core
She doesn’t know why she hasn’t let you touch her sooner – the fluid movements of your tongue making her delusional. But the best part is, all she has to do is sit there and take it.
You massage your thumb around her puckering hole before inserting two into her. “Shitttt” she mewls, holding both her legs up to her chest
“I can’t, s’ too much.” She slurs, her legs shaking as you slurp and suck up her excess
“You can do it mama, cum for me.” You say, moving your fingers in and out of her at an even quicker pace
“Shittttttttt” She screams, squirting onto you and the sheets
“Damn, I didn’t know you could squirt like that.” You say, licking her off of you
“I, I didn’t know either.” She exhales, letting her legs drop onto the now wet sheets
“Uh uh, why’d you let go.” You say, rubbing slow circles on her now puffy clit
“W-wait, we can’t keep going, everyone’s still outside.”
“And they’ll stay outside, I never said I was done with you. Eleven months is a long time y’know; I can’t let go now.” You explain, Entering her once more
Ochako moans as she thinks about what she got herself into. And she really, really hopes that everyone knows exactly where the bathroom is.
Yayy I post. Dont expect me to post until summer now byee.
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greatwyrmgold · 5 months
Cluster Trigger: Family Edition
There aren't enough fucked-up families in the Parahumans multiverse; I'll make another.
Our family members:
May, the mother. Currently single and overworked.
Soren, the big brother. Autistic, to a serious degree.
Danielle, the little sister. Also autistic, but less so, and also undiagnosed.
The patriarch of the family is out of the picture, and has been since Soren was in kindergarten and Dani in diapers. Stress from work and children built up to the point that he assaulted May, who promptly filed divorce papers.
Since May went to divorce court in a cast, the court decided that the children wouldn't be safe with their father. May was worried about whether she'd be able to take care of both kids on her own, but decided it would be worse to split the siblings apart.
The trigger event happened a decade later, the summer before Soren entered high school.
May's Day
May has had a pretty stressful decade, trying to balance Soren's needs, Dani's needs, her own needs, and so on...and there just isn't enough time in the day.
May would love to be a full-time mom, but child support payments only go so far, so she needs to go to work. There are chores to do and errands to run; Soren and Dani are old enough to handle some of those, but not many, not without supervision, which still takes time. She needs to calm the kids down when something goes wrong. She needs to make sure as few things as possible will go wrong, which is tough, because the kids' needs are often in tension. (They're both picky eaters, for one thing, but they pick different foods.) She needs to check on her dad every week, because no one else will. She needs to find enough "me time" to avoid going insane.
And of course, she needs to stop the kids from killing each other. That one is a joke...or it's supposed to be.
It's a busy afternoon, and May's in a hurry. Today, Dani starts that beach summer camp she's been looking forward to. That means May only needs to worry about Soren for a week and a half; unfortunately, she needs to go to work right after, and she can not afford to miss a shift right now.
And then disaster strikes. Not half an hour before May needs to take Dani to the camp, Soren knocks over a glass. He knows they're in a hurry, so he quickly moves to throw away the shards of glass, and cuts his hand open. He's on the ground, clutching his hand to his chest and rocking back and forth, shouting "It's fine" over and over but there's so much blood.
May knows she needs to take Soren to the ER, and tries to guess how that'll impact her schedule. Her boss had better be fine with getting to work late to take her son to the hospital, but the summer camp...May quickly puts some towels on Soren's bloody hand and warns Dani that she might have to miss the first day of camp.
And apparently, that snaps something in her. Dani grabs one of Soren's model trains and starts hitting her brother in the head.
There's more of Soren's blood.
May's powers
This stress has been building a long time, with the trigger event being an unusually extreme coincidence of domestic issues that she'd experienced for years. Tinker. Looking at the TINKERS 2.0 doc, I think a Liberty/Controller methodology fits pretty well.
I bounced around a few ideas for her power around the same cluster of ideas, but I think "cloned cyborgs" works best. Basically, May makes android bodies that resemble herself and adds some cloned nervous/endocrine tissue to control them. She can incorporate her own memories, skills, etc into these cyber-clones; if she's willing to invest and risk it, she can even give them her powers.
Theoretically, having several copies of yourself would resolve May's issues. In practice, she needs to maintain the cyber-clones' robot parts, keep tabs on their psychology to make sure they're not depressed or overworked or going all Golem of Prague on her metaphorical wells; at best, it's two steps forward for one step back. At worst, the opposite.
The big perk is that, now that she and her kids have powers, she can collapse several duties into one. If she starts a superhero team with her family, she can take care of them and go to work at the same time! Just like those people in Brockton Bay did! It worked out for them, right?
May names the cyber-clones after months—June, July, etc.
Secondary Powers
May can sprout a semi-tangible tentacle from each elbow, which gives her telekinesis—though at a much smaller scale than Dani's. More in the "tool to broken android" range, and they only reach a few feet. They can also deflect (slow, physical) attacks.
Her arms and chest also have enhanced bones and muscles, hard and dense as metal. These let her punch harder, and are also unusually sensitive.
Danielle's Day
It was a crummy morning.
Mom sent her and Soren to the store to buy some groceries, which was fine, but on the way back a bunch of emergency vehicles drove by and sent Soren into one of his meltdown things. Dani hated the noise, hated how she had to deal with Soren and the groceries he dropped instead of getting away. And when they got back, Mom was annoyed that the bananas got squished. Dani knew Mom wasn't exactly mad at Dani for something Soren did, but it still felt that way.
And there were other things. A really bad episode of her favorite cartoon. Another meltdown at lunch, because Mom switched Soren and Dani's sandwiches on accident. Finding out that Freida couldn't go to marine camp with her after all. A thousand tiny stresses that she just bottled up, because unlike some people, she had self-control.
Then Soren cut his stupid hand, and Mom said that she'd have to miss marine camp because of him, and...it turns out her self-control isn't so good after all. She's not even sure why she's doing it.
She's just so wound-up that she broke.
Dani's Powers
Realizing she doesn't have as good of self-control as she assumed is part of the trigger, but that's not the core of it. I could argue that she wants to go to camp to escape, or that it's caused by an adverse social environment, but that doesn't feel quite right either. The Sense Thinker trigger sounds sort of relevant, but also like it exaggerates the "regression" while missing on all the stuff feeding into it.
So, messy Breaker. But what kind of breaker?
I think Dani's trigger boils down to control. Both the aforementioned self-control, and her inability to control her broader life. She's still in elementary school, but on top of that, there's her brother, who keeps throwing wrenches into things that she thought she could count on. Including marine camp.
Her Breaker form unravels her limbs into a bunch of semi-tangible jellyfish-like tentacles, trailing a dozen feet or more behind. (She can fly in this form, just not particularly high or quickly.) The Changer nod is letting her partially slip into her Breaker form; if she wants, she can just turn one arm into tentacles at a time, for instance.
The tentacles conduct her related clairvoyant and telekinetic powers. She can move things her tentacles touch (if it's lighter than a bus but bigger than a dog). The telekinesis doesn't affect living things (duh), and it can't move things quickly, so it's mostly useful for rearranging vehicles or furniture or whatever. The tentacles also sense things in their general area; think sonar, but with spatial waves instead of sonic waves. And they can go through most walls.
That sense is a bit of a problem. Whether due to shard ignorance or shard malice, her tentacle sense does not vibe with her brain. Dani finds the tentacle sense viscerally unpleasant. The longer she stays in the form, the less bearable it is, the more her mood impacts her telekinetic control, the longer it takes to "cool down".
Secondary Powers
Dani's full Breaker form comes with an armored carapace, a word which here means "back". (So, think of her Breaker form as a jellyfish/turtle/human hybrid.)
Dani can't make cyber-clones, but she can make little boxes of cloned Danielle tissue which can create their own tentacles. They don't have carapaces, but they can be designed to grow metallic bits, like hooks to grab stuff with or plates to block stuff with or blades to hurt stuff with.
Soren's Day
Soren feels like a burden to his family. He feels guilty for all the problems he causes. He feels shame for not being able to fix those problems, or even properly express his apologies. He feels like a failure of a big brother; he knows they're supposed to take care of little sisters, but Dani keeps having to take care of him.
But the feelings which are most immediately relevant are "Ow, my head" and "Ow, my hand".
Soren's Powers
So, like, Brute, obviously.
As per the BRUTE document, focused physical damage means a Muscle brute—"raw mass and offensive tools". But that's also associated with struggle, and Soren is not struggling, really. The Dynamic brute's despair is a more fitting emotion, or maybe Repression's emotional helplessness.
So raw physical offense, but indirect or "skill-based" defense. But pretty much physical, since the harm was all physical. Hm.
How about a partial transformation, which bulks out his arms and the front of his torso with metallic armor? (Or maybe his one arm, part of his torso, and his head, if we want to get armorfacey.) This gives him the strength you'd expect of a Brute, and in this form his waist can rotate 360 degrees, letting him spin his armored parts in whatever direction he needs to block or deflect attacks. But obviously, if he's attacked from multiple directions at once (or doesn't notice an attack), he's as fragile as anyone.
Giving this guilty kid in a power that lets him bleed to help his family more is probably twisting the knife enough.
Secondary Powers
Soren can grow three sensory tentacles from his back. This is separate from his Brute transformation, which is good since he has the same claristensory issues as Dani does.
Soren can't clone anything, but he can make basic androids with telekinetic whips.
The Cluster
"Cluster Game": Mother, May I? Not a great match to the children's game, but...how could I not?
May, as the parent of the cluster, has outsize influence on her children. Their powers ebb and flow with her attention. When she praises one child and ignores the other, the former's powers get stronger and the latter weaker. This is a pool shared between all three; if May ignored her children, her powers would get much stronger.
May doesn't realize just how much power she has over her kids. Soren and Dani have a sense of what's going on, but can't quite explain or express it.
Team Dynamics
Like I said, May turns the family cluster into a superhero team. They work with the local PRT, of course, but she keeps the team separate. She's heard a lot of Wards horror stories, and wants to keep her kids safe herself.
(This might be a good time to mention that absolutely none of May's professional skills or job experience are related to any aspect of running a superhero team.)
Surprisingly, the actual cape stuff isn't that much of a problem. First off, they live in a small town—a bit bigger than Stafford, but it's no Brockton Bay. Second, between Dani's Shaker power, Soren's armor, and the tinkertech, it's pretty easy for May to keep her family safe. No, the problem is the media.
May decided not to go full New Wave and reveal their identities, but she still has her team/family give interviews. Which is stressful for both of the kids, but especially Dani. May warns journalists that her son is autistic, so they know A. she'll get mad if they ask him too many questions and B. he probably won't give many good answers anyway. But this just means that whenever they want to ask a question to one of the kids, they ask Dani. And that's a lot of stress to put on any ten-year-old, on top of hero stress and (in the fall) school stress...
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milimeters-morales · 10 months
stop i listened to it again and fianlly truly felt like I Want You To Know That I’m Awake/i Hope That You’re Alseep is SUCH. a clawcode song, i’m literally thinking about them navigating their relationship post break up (romantic or from best friends) and it’s tearing me up and piecing me back together again this is crazy . ramble below
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okay first one! this is honestly such a good part of the song (my fav lol) and is perfect to imagine a confession to, from either side. On Miles’s side it could be about confessing about being the Prowler, and how he needs Ganke to respond in any way so he doesn’t feel like he majorly fucked up in telling him, and for Ganke it could be about confessing his feelings, because silence is like the worst and you’d at least rather someone laugh so you get a chance to ALSO play it off as a joke right??? And both start to doubt themselves the longer a silence goes on!!! and the “you only have so long to capture the feeling before it’s gone” actually refers to SO much. Miles has people leaving him, first it was his old school friends, then his dad died, and now he’s having a hard time making friends at Visions and the one friend he does have he’s obviously not going to want to lose! Think of this as the “leap of faith” moment in their relationship, bc for all Miles knows, Ganke could be dead tomorrow. And on Ganke’s side, you can see it in a time where he’s already in the know about Miles being the Prowler, and wants to confess before Miles gets himself killed out there !!! because that’s a very real fear to have!! and this circles back to feeling stupider and stupider, because he’s thinking “oh no does Miles think i doubt him now? or that he’s so weak he’ll be killed?” in some way. okay next!
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now i’m really stretching here, but the whole bleeding thumb leaving a trail? this could mean he hasn’t healed from his father’s death, and who could blame him? it’s an open wound that’s having obvious effects with him becoming the prowler and more rough around the edges (though that’s more bc of the hell that is Earth-42 after Jeff’s death rather than JUST Jeff’s death), traumatized, probably distrusting of MANY people, and trailing = leaving evidence of change, you see what i’m saying? And there’s a denial about it all too, “for some reason” like bro you KNOW the reason. And the rest, “i felt sick and i didn’t know what to do” GOD THIS IS SO. right so he’s lost, he definitely isn’t going about coping in the healthiest way, but to him it seems like all he CAN do. And that last part, could apply to his relationship with his mother as well! very likely to be about his guilt over not telling them about being the prowler/stuff he does as the prowler bc he knows they wouldn’t approve of some of it and would be worried sick all the time.
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OH MY GOD????…… okay. we don’t know shit about Ganke much less Ganke M. but i’ll keep the whole “Ganke’s parents are divorced” thing and apply it here. So you have Miles, his parents loved each other dearly and were still separated because his dad was killed (which could happen to him, risks of being the prowler and all) and then you have Ganke, who has divorced parents (another thing that could happen but as a breakup since they aren’t married). And you KNOW how divorces can affect a child’s mental state growing up!!! “Cause we’re not like them” this is a casual sentence that couples in love say a lot, how they vow to never be like their parents, but then the “we are nothing like them” comes off as defensive and trying to convince yourself so you don’t have to face the truth, that you might be just like the people you didn’t want to end up as!!!! dead and/or broken up!!! Miles is a vigilante because he knows the system is fucked up and vows to not end up like his dad, dead for a system that didn’t care about him, but he could end up dead anyway because the system STILL doesn’t care about him!! Ganke doesn’t want to be in a bad marriage and divorce so he tries to love Miles fully and work through everything together, but he DOESN’T KNOW!!! HE ISNT READY!!!
slams my head on the table and screams
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
So for you PYT AU, how do Inko and Oboro get married, do they just go down to the courthouse with a few people because that's all they need for their love? Or is it a sweet little backyard deal? Or is it further into Oboro career so he is making bank and they do a big do where he spoils Inko? Please I need details. Also I am envisioning Izuku as flower child.
At first I wasn’t sold that they would actually get married or if they would be the couple that just dates forever and calls each other husband and wife, but then I thought about benefits and possible issues with hero work if she isn’t his wife so yeah it would make more sense for them to be married.
The strike me as a couple that still wouldn’t rush into marriage though. Like Inko got massively screwed over in her last marriage and wasn’t even technically divorced until several years into her relationship with Oboro so I can see them having like a suuuper long engagement during which izuku just starts referring to Oboro as their dad because “my mom’s fiancé” is a god damn mouthful when you’re like ten and trying to tell a story and it’s not like they remember Hisashi being around anyway.
Oboro proposed in the most over the top way possible while still keeping it rather private. I’m talking a big family dinner at a restaurant he rented out completely, a nice walk where they were a bit in front of everyone else, candles, rose petals, biodegradable glitter and confetti poppers that Hizashi and Izuku aimed directly for both of their heads when she said yes. Incredibly romantic. Oboro is filmed on patrol with glitter stuck in his hair and the biggest grin on his face for DAYS.
The actual ceremony they would probably keep pretty small/pretty much a hero only affair. Both for security reasons and because Inko doesn’t really have any civilian friends and a lot of her coworkers weren’t the kindest after the news of their relationship dropped. Jokes on them though because after one too many glasses of wine at a gala it was learned that she, Jeanist, and surprisingly Snipe get along like a house on fire and no one knows peace again.
It is a backyard affair in the house that she and Oboro bought and he tends to the gardens on his time off as a stress relief thing. Izuku is the flower child looking completely adorable in their dress and flower crown even as they purposefully pelt their family members with flower petals because Oboro told them they could and Shouta definitely deserves it for some reason or another. Nemuri so the one that marries them as there would have been a fight trying to get her on one side of the wedding party over the other as while she might have been Oboro’s friend first her and Inko become like sisters over the years. There’s a lot of laughter and happy tears throughout the ceremony. Izuku is all but sobbing into Jeanist’s shoulder from the moment their mom gets to the altar because she looks so fucking happy. Their first kiss is with smiling lips and tears on both of their faces. Oboro immediately pulls back to grab Izuku like some sort of weird lion king scene because he did it. This is his family now.
The reception is a lot of terrible dancing and videos that get posted to social media that go viral because no one expects to see heroes act like normal fucking people/ what the hell is Lunch Rush doing that does not count as a dance but the ceremony is just for them.
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judasrpc · 1 year
add context & change gendered language to your needs !! containts references to violence and horror.
if multi, please specify which muse(s) !! credit goes to the channel presidentsplayhorrorgames
" What the hell is it with you and creepy old places, [name]? "
" Let me guess, this is the neighborhood you grew up in? "
" That's like the fucking stone ages, [name], die already! "
" Is that a Pokémon or whatever it's called? "
" What the hell is that supposed to mean, [name]? "
" It's a very self-explanatory sentence. "
" I have a lot of confidence moving forward now. "
" Why are you so fucking negative all the time? "
" 'Cause I'm around you. "
" I told you assholes that we were caught in a paradox, but none of you guys wanted to believe me! "
" These are dangerous toes I'm stepping on. "
" Either he's French, or his parents did not like him as a child. "
" I mean, if your child was French, wouldn't you be disappointed? "
" Never mind, I see what you're laying down. "
" While you two nincompoops are over collecting the scraps of your brain cells, I already know the objective. "
" Good job, guys. Teamwork makes the dream work! "
" Ah, my favorite music from the menu. It's like I'm in a retirement home. "
" Did he just rip his fucking head off? "
" And what not to do! Like rip somebody's head off. "
" Just the casual things! I can reach items on the top shelf, airbend some electric waves, and land in prison for a double homicide. "
" Now you can only commit singular homicide. "
" You're vandalizing an already vandalized building. And it's not even vandalism, you're just moving some boxes around. "
" Funny, the second you mention work, he stops. "
" You know damn well that's too much like common sense. "
" Tall?? He's like the Jolly Green Giant! "
" Alright, listen here beanstalk- "
" I am not enjoying this music at all. This does not give me very friendly vibes. "
" Doesn't matter where it came from, we know where we have to go now. "
" Ah, you really just put anything in someone's mouth and roll with it, huh? "
" I don't even believe I said that yet in your imaginary little world. "
" The hell do you mean I can't misuse company time? I get paid three cents to move around boxes, I'll do whatever the hell I want. "
" Well, it looks like I'll take over for the time being! "
" I could say a lot right now, but I'll keep my mouth shut. "
" Welp, I see no problem moving forward here. Clearly no present danger that is alarming us to what's ahead. "
" I think Hell would be a better place to go than through that door. "
" A long and dark hallway never killed anybody. "
" Is it leaking carbon monoxide to kill us, hopefully? "
" Set the bar low? Got it- "
" It's not practical, but I can see why they implemented these things. "
" That's Business Failure 101! "
" Like I would waste the budget flopping around my Disneyland dick on the table because I wanted the under operations to feel magical. "
" If [name]'s hiding it, that doesn't promise anything good. "
" [Name] was definitely the kid to put the square blocks in the circle hole. "
" [Name], you probably sucked on a wooden spoon as entertainment. Hell, you'd probably do that now! "
" Damn, we're old! "
" You are old and I am not. "
" Are you smarter than a fifth grader? You can put the pieces together. "
" And with that note, I think it's about time we high-tail it out of here. "
" Have you seen how long that motherfucker's arm is? He could probably wear me like a sock puppet! "
" That's an image in my head I wish I could unsee. "
" First, jump off a cliff. Second- "
" Yeah, that really fucking helps, [name]. Just sit there and focus on commentary while you leave the puzzles to me! "
" I thought you said you were done questioning the logic? "
" And that's after five bankruptcies, two divorces, and a criminal record. "
" Another classic [name] joke. A couple more, and they might let you back on the late show. "
" He would know about shady business practices. "
" Yeah! A one percent increase in performance- Let's burst open the champagne bottles! "
" [Name], you would be the type of person to be concerned about international cybersecurity, but will watch online porn sites with so many viruses you'd think it came from a lab. "
" You old bastard, I genuinely wish you'd have a stroke. "
" You're just being an asshole, [name], but what else is new? "
" Those eyes look like they've been around since the Civil War. "
" What do you think I'm trying to do? So shut the hell up! "
" What can you say? I had to bring it home for the boys. "
" It's like the Victorian era vomited all over here. "
" This was not what I meant, but to each their own. "
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heavencasteel420 · 2 years
It's wild to me when people miss just how bad Lonnie Byers is. I didn't watch the first season too closely the first time around, but I distinctly remember being taken aback by his malevolence. I think I was familiar with Joyce's general situation as a struggling single mom going in, and, before I knew any details, I was sort of picturing her ex-husband as a messy, disappointing, absent father with substance abuse problems. Definitely the kind of guy who can wreak a lot of havoc on his family, but not necessarily cruel or ill-meaning. But, almost immediately, information was revealed that made me go "oh, this guy is just bad news and the rest of the family needs restraining orders yesterday." For example:
Joyce says that he called Will (a twelve-year-old who's never had a romantic relationship and may not even be fully aware of his sexuality) the f-slur. Even in the ranks of homophobic and toxic-masculinity-ridden parents, this is the nuclear option. Lonnie's not ignoring that his son could be gay, as many homophobic parents are content to do; he's picked up on it and he's decided to reject him right away. He's not stopping at calling him a girl or a sissy (which would still be hurtful and damaging); he's using the nastiest slur he can. This shows an astounding level of cruelty.
He doesn't return Joyce's calls about their missing tween son and, when Jonathan confronts him about it, he doesn't just claim not to have gotten them or make a weak excuse, like a dysfunctional but not deliberately mean parent might. Instead, he smirks and makes the ridiculous claim that he thought Joyce just forgot where Will was. Which, to me, suggests that he took some sadistic pleasure in making Joyce worry.
He's just so incredibly..."off" with Jonathan in the Indianapolis scenes. On some level, I think he's trying to be a "cool dad" and "win" the divorce: disparaging Joyce, saying that he wants to spend time with Jonathan, introducing Jonathan to Cynthia in a sort of proud way, showing off his car. This would be lousy in any context, but it's downright disturbing that he thinks he can do this when Jonathan is (a) frantically searching for Will (for whom Lonnie shows no concern) and (b) obviously angry at and wary (if not outright scared) of Lonnie. He's standing there looking amused seconds after Jonathan, in clear distress, shoves him off. There's just no recognition of what Jonathan is going through.
The whole Cynthia thing is weird, right? She goes from being pissed/alarmed that Jonathan (a stranger to her) has entered the house for unknown reasons, to looking kind of horrified/sad when she realizes that Jonathan is Lonnie's son, to joking with Lonnie that she might trade him in for the "younger model." Which kind of makes it seem like she thinks Lonnie will like this joke about how she, an adult woman, wants to have sex with his sixteen-year-old son. Like it'll appeal to his vanity or something, because he sees Jonathan as an extension of himself. Now, I think there are plenty of situations where well-meaning parents might not see an issue with other adults complimenting their child's appearance; it's pretty normalized in many circles to say "he's gonna be a heartbreaker" or "I bet you have to beat the boys off with a stick" or whatever. But usually it isn't on the level of "I'd do him."
Lonnie acts so different when he comes to Hawkins for the funeral, and, having seen him in Indianapolis, it comes across as extremely insincere from the beginning. He's going to play the authoritarian father and tell Jonathan to take down his Evil Dead poster after his weird-ass "cool dad" performance? Gross.
I think the number that Lonnie does on Joyce and Jonathan to keep them from communicating is, in a quiet way, the most upsetting thing that happens in the entire show. It's the show's equivalent of the door-close scene in The Godfather. This is the closest that Joyce ever comes to giving up on finding Will; the fake body and the US government can't make her doubt herself as completely as Lonnie can, with a bottle of vodka and some phony kindness. Meanwhile, Lonnie knows exactly where to hit Jonathan to make him keep his mouth shut. He doesn't have Jonathan's love or respect, and Jonathan's not too afraid to confront him directly, but telling him that he'll hurt his mom and make her crazy if he says anything does the trick. It's chilling because you can easily imagine that this has happened many times in the Byers family ("Of course I didn't cheat on you/gamble away your paycheck/hit the kids, Joyce! I'm really worried about you--you're imagining things that aren't there" or "Don't go telling your mother about this--you know how upset she gets. You don't want to do that to her, right? You're going to make her sick").
So it's pretty galling when fans (and, honestly, sometimes the show) minimizes how rancid he is.
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