#and i hopped on the discord a while back and everyone there is so nice
pikkish · 2 years
Jupiter Hell headcanons. Giv.
Headcanons? Plural? HECK YEAH DON'T MIND IF I DO
^^^also putting the cinematic trailer here bc its good and more people should watch it (and then go buy the game and play it for hours and give it a good review)
anyway yes I have lots of headcanons about this game and since I'm basically the only one posting about it here on tumblr there's no one to contradict me on them. also a lot of them parallel and/or contrast with Doom headcanons, since JH is largely inspired by Doom.
For starters, the CRI isn't inherently evil like the UAC. I mean, they definitely have problems, what with the Callisto mines being run primarily by prisoner labor, and the primary funder of the CRI being the us military so their main focus is war weapons, so they're just as twisted as any major government funded war profiteering company, but they're not actively going "hee hoo lets sacrifice our own employees in cult rituals to Hell for ~SCIENCE!~" They just went "Woah whats this funny pentagram thing buried in the heart of Europa? WOAH ITS A PORTAL TO IO!! SICK WE CAN INSTANTANEOUSLY TRAVEL BETWEEN MOONS hey wait there's another one here on Io YOOOOOO IS THIS A SPACE STATION INSIDE JUPITER??? WE SHOULD TOTALLY INVESTIGATE THIS!" And then it turned out it was a portal to Hell and they accidentally started the demonic invasion. Tough luck, guys.
As for the protagonist, JupeGuy, or Mark Taggart, as is his default name for each run, I like to think that for all his flippant, snarky comments throughout the game, he's actually a relatively sane, levelheaded character, especially compared to Doomguy. This is mostly inspired by the fact that, once you get to the Dante Station levels, he stops with all the silly snarky voicelines and gets a lot more serious and solemn in reacting to things, but there are a few other points that work well with the headcanon. He uses cover when fighting, he can actually pick up a medkit and store it in his backpack for later use instead of either using it immediately or leaving it behind, he can modify and repair weapons and armor, he can gather intel on what's ahead and plan which route he wants to take based on that intel, and he doesn't just go charging at the final boss screaming ferally (unless you're playing a melee build.) He's like Doomguy's smarter, more wary cousin!
He 100% did go to The Pit on Europa, and he did pet Rexio, and now he has a funny puppy that's like five feet taller than him and will maul anything that looks at him mean. Let the man have his pet hellhound.
Also speaking of pets, solely because Doomguy has Daisy, I headcanon JupeGuy also likes small, flluffy animals, though he tends more toward birds, specifically budgies. He had a little green budgie with a yellow head named Spinach.
Ok, just one more headcanon, though this one takes a bit of explaining: there's a secret level in JH called Purgatory, and it is... punishing, both to survive, and just to get to.
First, in order to get to it, you very much have to know what you're doing. First, you have to go to a specific branch on Callisto, which is the first moon you're on. If you miss it, you're out of luck. on each floor you have to close a portal within a pretty short time limit, which usually means tanking damage from all the enemies between it and you, and again, this is early-game, so you're relatively low level and don't exactly have the stats to be tanking like that. Then, you have to close two of these portals, minimum, when at maximum, there only are three portals, and sometimes, there are only two to begin with, depending on where the branch entrance is.
So if you manage to do that, you'll be given the "Demonic Attunment" status, which... well! It's entire description is just "Unknown," so it doesn't really give you a whole lot to go on! But, if you can make it to the branch special level and successfully fight off a handful of archreavers- essentially JH's equivalent of Barons of Hell- then so long as you have a high enough rank of Demonic Attunement, you can hit a handful of pillars in the right order (an upside down star, of course) to open the portal to Purgatory, which doesn't sound so difficult in theory, but those pillars are the only cover you get from the archreavers in the entire arena, and if you accidentally bump one out of order while seeking shelter from the archreavers, then you're out of luck, you can't open the portal.
BUT, if you do get everything right, and you go through the portal, congratulations! you have a whole new set of problems to worry about! For one thing, Purgatory is jam packed with late game enemies, and you're still using early game gear, maybe with a few buffs if the loot in the Callisto Anomaly was good. For another, Purgatory is a liminal space, and going up and then right does not take you to the same place as if you go right and then up, so it's very easy to get lost. And the final icing on the cake? You gain the "Catharsis" status, the description for which reads, "You've witnessed the Purgatory. Some wounds will never heal, and you're less motivated to learn from new experiences."
How does that translate to game mechanics? the "less motivated to learn" means you permanently get 20% less experience for killing enemies, so you level a lot slower, and "some wounds never heal" means that every time you go through one of the teleporters to the next room, you permanently lose a few points off your maximum health.
So what's the reward for going to Purgatory aside from the challenge of it, fighting the secret boss battle, and unlocking the second, harder hardest mode? Well, see, Jupiter Hell is a roguelike game, so all of the loot and weapons you get are randomized. But if you know the route- and I do mean really know the route, because again, going right and up is not the same as up then right, and the health loss applies when backtracking, too- you can get your pick of any of the unique weapons in the game, of which, in a non-purgatory run that goes to all three possible special levels, you are normally only guaranteed to get one unique, and a random one that may not work at all with your build. But in Purgatory, if you can survive there and back, you can get any of them that you want.
Now, the unique weapons are great and all, but if you know what you're doing, you can beat the game without one. So what's an even more powerful weapon, or perhaps, a more powerful defense against Hell itself, that which does its utmost to rip all the joy and hope and love out of you? What could possibly let you knowingly stand against and fight Hell itself like that?
Here's where the actual headcanon starts, because my answer is apathy.
Or, the achievement of catharsis.
Knowing that you're going to bleed forever, knowing that your achievements don't actually amount to all that much, knowing that you are going to go to Hell, choosing to go to Hell, and being okay with that. Being at peace with that. Because how can you truly be affected by misery and suffering if you have already made peace with your situation?
So I think that JupeGuy figured out pretty quickly that he was fighting demons and realized he wouldn't be going home, but to Hell instead. I don't know how he knew to get to Purgatory, since, like I said, it isn't readily apparent, but you pretty much need to know what you're doing in order to get there, so it was a conscious decision on his part. He chose to go there, chose to take up the burden of eternal pain, chose to lose the joy of learning new things, the excitement of life, he chose the horrible apathy of catharsis, all so that he could fight Hell itself and stop the invasion.
And I just think that's a terrible, awful, and incredibly interesting concept, of catharsis first being a bad thing, a painful thing, that only by knowingly, willingly choosing to bear that pain forever can one gain some meager benefit.
as a last note, here is the background music for Purgatory. I think it is absolutely terrifying and also sometimes I will listen to it on repeat and think about JupeGuy.
(I had to record this myself by sitting in the level and taking a video then converting that video to mp3, because no one's put the ost up on youtube, I don't know if/where you can officially download it, and apparently JH uses a weird filetype that I could not for the life of me find a tutorial on how to rip the soundfiles for. So idk if that's its actual name or what.)
#pikspeak#jupiter hell#thank u for asking me about jh i love it so much it is such a good game#i think you in particular would actually really like it. it feel very very much like classic doom to me#albeit with more stat management and reading and such#but it actually plays so SO fast for a turn based game#and has only marginally more lore than classic doom does#the vast majority of which is entirely just flavor text#which means there is SO much room for making up your own stuff lol#ive actually been thinking about a JHxModern Doom crossover au for a while now#in which doomguy and jupeguy are brothers and end up fending off their respective hell invasions at roughly the same time#and then things get funny while dg is in argent dnur and later when jupeguy gets back to earth#im sure ill talk about that sooner or later if people wanna hear it#also it was made by a small dev team and theyre still actively updating it even a year after launch#like the full game is definitely there but the devs are still adding the stuff from like#kickstarter goals that werent initially reached in the original kickstart#and i hopped on the discord a while back and everyone there is so nice#i was actually able to reach/beat the purgatory boss bc of tips they gave me#and they have a channel for posting your death/victory logs and#even though most of the ones people put there are like their super hardcore victories#both times ive put my little medium difficulty victories in there people have congratulated me#also i see the lead dev in the discord all the time especially in the bug report channel and the design suggestion channel#helping people troubleshoot and talking with them about their ideas for the game#basically what im saying is that its a super awesome game AND the devs seem super cool too#you should definitely play it. and let me know what you think of it if you do!!#we could yell at each other about ANOTHER silly stupid space marine...!
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luxraysyscourse · 3 months
My experience on both sides of syscourse.
Pre syscourse/context
When I realized I was a system, I did hide it for years. I realized about 11 when I saw systems online and realized I personally related to a lot of their experiences. Especially the way they acted, the way they would interact with themselves. For years, I believed everyone had other 'people' or thought processes not of their own. That they could disappear when they were stressed. I know now that's not true, and only in 2020 did I really start getting into syscourse.
Pro Endo
I was pro endo for a few years, and I was a pretty vocal person about it. I was Pro Everything that wasn't illegal, and I was under the impression that as a concept it was harmless. But, being in the community I saw alot of flaws, I saw toxicity within the community. I was fakeclaimed and as a system we labeled ourselves as simply quoigenic and willogenic, as a way to repress our truama, with many people at the time insisting we were more than that, many saying we were "pokegenic" and "autigenic", and even some saying we were "Hospigenic" due to our childhood in the hospital. This made us sot ourselves down and look at ourselves and genuinely question "What are we". We witnessed our friends attempt con convince our singlet friends they were systems, our traumagenic friends that they weren't truamagenic. We personally saw people in our servers try and dox the truamagenic systems who didn't adopt labels, purely because of that. It was something that concerned us. After year we switched our veiw. We decided we didn't want to be associated with such a community, one that attempted for force labels onto people, so we switched our veiw.
Endo neutral
In mid 2021 I moved to a center, We didn't want to associate with the endogenic community, but didn't hate them, overall this was a nice place, it wasn't horrid. But again, similar issues arose, people within it constantly escalated arguments on the front of being an unbiased party. I noticed many many of them tended to circulate harmful rhetoric, especially against POC who spoke against them as a person if they happened to be a system , they went after them as people, their race, and things they held dear. This community was the shortest in terms of associating with it. Something That was unique to it was exactly how they dealt wit syscourse, they had contradictory opinions, many times, one example being endo neutral but anti nondisordered. I left after 6 months, it was full of people hopping between " I don't touch syscourse" and doing it untagged in 3 minutes, honestly it was the most stressful.
Anti Endo
We personally did a bit more research, realizing alot of things, but also again, wanted to no associate with either while staying in the syscourse circles, of course they had their issues, but we noticed that they would, rather than encourage it as the previous had, many shut it down when they could. I found friends here, who actually protected me, though many we're relentless. It made it harder to find spaces in the community where we could talk peacefully about our day-day life without being met with comments about our stance or hatred in our inbox, but out of that on discords, again, they were nice, unlike pro and neu who'd force syscourse onto you, antis encourage taking breaks. Now we acknowledge it does have its issues; being very adamant and unable to back down, I'll admit we're guilty of this as well. Being in this community has made us feel safer. Again, though, an issue is here, anti self diagnosis runs rampant, along with the idea you know exactly who you are. When we realized we were mixed, we had a few anons yell at us for "race faking".
As an entity, the syscourse community is foul. Racism, ablism, doxxing, toxicity, and misrepresentation of arguments all run rampant on many sides of it. The pros and neu encourage ignoring your own health in order to argue your own existence. The anti has an issue of not backing down. The pros has a long history of doxxing and targeting of PoC. The neutrals use personal attacks as arguments. Overall, it's a raging battlefield of counter and cross attacks, horrible in-fighting and general ignoring and discarding of peoples boundaries to go after them. All sides have issues you must work on in order to collectively build cooperation on your points before as a whole we can actually get somewhere with this on-going discussion.
Thank you for reading and taking the time, please check me out, im trying my best, i have a few awareness posts, and i think im.worth mentioning, we mostly wrote this at 4am as we couldn't sleep due to our room being 36°f (alot lower outside) so punctuation, spelling, and grammar wont be 100%
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that-one-lotr-orc · 10 months
One post gotta be the first
So, for me Reddit finally died. As a programmer who is generally in favour of making stuff available for as many people as possible, they did right by that for many years. Giving everyone who wanted that access to it was generous of them, and made it a very fun platform. Random bots everywhere, apps catered to whatever preference people had, even -dare I say it- the tiniest bit of the wild-west-internet that once existed. But they got to greedy, flew to close to the sun, whatever analogy you want to have for it. I don't fault them wanting to make money off that, hosting is expensive, but the way they lied to everyone, attacked the Apollo developer for outing their lies, "riding the storm until it died out", it was too much.
So now I'm here, hopelessly lost in land I only got glimpses of on r/tumblr. I don't even know why I write this. I doubt many people will read it, or even see it. It's my first Tumblr post, and it probably will be very rambly, incoherent, and missing any kind of red line. The shortest answer to "Why I wrote this?" is probably "Because some google doc in '#tumblr help'" told me to post stuff!".
And I'm bad at posting stuff. I never done it. In the olden days, when forums were all around, I was a lurker. I'd read about everything, posted when I actually had something relevant to say, and shut up otherwise. I was known within the communities, generally active in the adjacent msn/skype groups, but not on the main spam threads in the forum.
When the forums began to die out, I got on Reddit. My account is 11 years old now, I've been using it almost hourly over the last 6 years, and it has a grand total of 9 posts. There's a bit more comments in that, but it's probably basically nothing compared to the average comments per hour spend on other accounts.
Why do I tell this? Because I might change that here. I've been lurking around Tumblr for the last few weeks, and the interaction and people are way different than I'm used to. Honestly, it's refreshing, and nice to see. But entering a new environment, one has to adept.
And I've been stuck too long in my old habits! I am often hesitant to contribute to anything, because I never did. I don't write, because I never wrote. But having a new environment, new people, new interest around me makes me wanna try out new stuff. And who knows? Maybe I'll like it, maybe I'll find people who like what I write, and I'll have more stuff to interact with.
And maybe I don't. Maybe I'll feel too unsure, too self-conscious, to change my lurking habits. I'm fine with that. I got other places to interact about my passions. Most of them are through Discord-groups nowadays, others through the few still-existing actual forums out there, but they still exist.
That's my last thing. I don't know what I even write about. Some of my interest are too different from the usual Tumblr-niches to have any kind of following. While typing this I had a look at the "enlisted game" tag, which has a grand total of 1 active poster. I had some looks at the different Magic the Gathering tags, but (as I expected), most of the people in there are about more about the lore of the game than I do. That's fine, I got my spike-talking places, and I will probably lurk those tags anyway.
The one place I'll probably feel most comfortable is the Brandon Sanderson-aligned tags. I'll be there, maybe even contributing, once I finished the last books (or I find the appropriate tags to block, I probably gotta look into that).
That uncertainty makes me circle back to a point a made a few paragraphs ago. I can explore, I can try out new stuff. Maybe I'll try to add to some of the punk tags here, maybe I'll hop onto some of the computer science tags and see if I can wordvomit there, maybe I'll go to something completely new! I can go exploring again, discovering things I never saw before, and that makes me eager.
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michajawkan · 8 months
while this site is quite nice and comfy it does have the small bit where it's not quite the easiest to socialize on in the way I like to where I just say some shit and then that may or may not interest my friends and then we go from there;
like you can reply to this post but then if I want to reply back the responses don't thread so it becomes hard to follow about 2-3 messages in, we can also reblog back and forth but then that's, like... too visible? "well then take it to DMs" that's just two people then and friend #3 can't see something relevant and hop in "use discord" close, but not a social media site, also about 90% of discord servers use multiple channels so there's still an aspect of additional thought beyond "I have had a thought that I'm throwing out there"
"who cares just post whatever you want" I care, about having some amount of organizational structure (don't laugh I put more thought than it seems into my posting (also don't laugh at me putting thought into posting when basically the only people who interact with them are my friends)), which is a personal choice but I'd like to continue making that personal choice, personally-
"so you're describing twitter" Yes, but that site has been on fire basically all year and everyone keeps leaving so it's making me think about how it's harder to talk to some of my friends that I would like to talk to more bc I'm bad at conversation when it's not just a big room where we're all hanging out like that site is supposed to be, but, again, on fire, and I'm not gonna tell people to walk into a burning building;
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littlepupthoughs · 6 months
Ive been horribly depressed, maybe even the worst ive ever been, but im trying to get back in to the swing of things...
So a while back I joined a ✨️smutty discord✨️ which has been wonderful. It's not kink specific but damn there is next to nothing held back. One of the best parts is that even though it is not ABO specific, everyone knows what it is, and I am treated accordingly.
I've decided to share some of the things that have happened that i love.
-i lurked for a bit before getting into things and the first night I jumped in the chat was full of subs and going nuts, begging for degradation from the two doms. No one knew me at this point...and they were all begging *so nicely* to be humiliated...so I took on the dominant roll and hopped in. I did **so well.** I dmed the other dom and let them know that I am, in fact, an undercover submissive and even they said I was doing so well.
So, yeah! I'm not sure if that counts as a switch or not, I didnt receive any pleasure from being dominant, only from doing what everyone wanted from me.
-we took a bunch of those kink quizzes and I ranked as the most submissive of the group (at least the last time I checked.) I also took an abo scent quiz and I got the rarest scent which was Chocolate covered Strawberries. And even though it is silly I was praised.
-we incorporated the traffic light system in to the entire group, using the 🟩🟨🟥 emojis during any conversation in the server, which has been amazing and helpful all around.
-I've lamented on this before but I miss being in a friend group who acknowledged that I'm a puppy in nonsexual situations and this isn't quite the same but oh boy... puppy brain go burrr.
Because of my depression recently, I haven't been interacting there very much, and even though the group is very understanding and supportive, I am nervous to hop back in. I'm not even sure if I'm ready for that much social interaction again yet.
That all for now. I figured since I'm not sure how my social confidence is yet I should try talking here since it's kinda like talking at a wall!
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urlocalps4 · 2 years
# life as a discord kitten (Idia x Gn!Reader)
description: you’re Idia’s discord kitten but suddenly Azul texts you…
(Y/N)’s POV
I was sitting on the lounge of ramshackle, sitting on magicam. I saw Cater post something about Ace getting “off with your head” by riddle for asking who’s ligma . I started laughing and liked the post. Suddenly I saw I got a call on discord. It was from Idia, the discord mod. He was a very known mod in the NRC discord server, not only because he was a dorm leader, but because he was also active most of the time there, and he kept banning people who posted on general. I became his discord kitten a few months ago after he asked me “are you lost baby :smug emoji;” to which I replied with “yes of course I am lost. I'm poor because Crowley won't give me money” to which he replied “Don't worry, I'll give you Discord nitro if you become my kitten” to which I responded with “Yes Daddy😍😍”. At first it was ironic, but now I use him to give me discord nitro and money. I put makeup on to make him give me more discord nitro, and hopped on VC. He opened his camera and I saw his face full of Cheeto dust. He said “Hey kitten” (this part was done by my friend @call-me-pittoo ! the rest is by me ^^)
I then turned my camera on, after all i did spend 2 hours getting ready for him. “hey, lord do you look ever fine with that cheeto dust all on your face” i said while sweating profusely. “awww you looks so cute did you spend all this time to get ready for me? zamn that deserves 3k in money😍” oh em gee just as i heard him say that i fixed my posture and then said cutely “omg thank you hehe” he then smiled and said he’s gonna hang up because he has to deal with his other discord kittens, to which i kind of felt relieved but then hung up without hesitation. Suddenly, I get a message from Azul which is quite a rare occurrence because i don’t talk to him on Discord. His message said “Hey Y/N, I know you’re Idia’s discord kitten but how about you be mine? I can offer 1 year worth of discord and 10k at first if you’d like” damn. is what i thought to myself so i decided to text him back without a single thought in my head like every time i do something on discord.
“Omg of course! you’re offering me more then what Idia usually does so i think it’ll be worth it. do i have to deal with any of your contracts or…” because like. who would wanna be in a contract with Azul😕 (me) then i send that message and he replies fast. that makes me think to myself that maybe he’s also a discord mod like Idia. “No of course not, this is just me being nice :)” that smile thing made me uneasy about this… but… money… nitro… Azul. it’s worth it! so then i reply in 0.7 seconds and say “okay im in! how should i tell this to Idia tho…” Azul then reply’s reassuringly “I’m more then sure that he’ll be fine with it, if not i’ll do something about it” then you decided that it’s reasonable so ur like “ damn okay 🫣” so then you decided to tell idia.
“Idia… I have something to tell you, please don’t get mad at me.” you text while almost sobbing. “my kitten, my love, my sweetie, my everything that’s above everyone else, what is it you must say?” you then nervously text back “I have decided to leave you for Azul, my beloved im so sorry…. He offered 10k and nitro for a year” Idia then decided to calls you while panicking. “My kitten no! how dare you leave me for him? how about uh 1k a week?! or anything?!” you see how bad he’s panicking, then suddenly you get a message from Azul. “Y/N. Do not accept the offer. i see what he’s trying to do.” you then panicked because how the hell does azul know what’s going on?! you then tell idia “I’m sorry, i have to refuse this beautiful offer my beloved. I say this is the last of our discord relationship…” Idia then starts to sob and then he hangs up.
you decided to block Idia and then text Azul back. “How did you know what’s going on?… and don’t worry I didn’t accept his offer🫣”
“I have my ways. and thank you Y/N. I know I can treat you better than he can
And any girl like you deserves a gentleman
Tell me why are we wasting time
On all your wasted crying
When you should be with me instead?
I know I can treat you better
Better than he can”
omg look how thoughtful he is😍😍 he sent a song! at this point you fall in love with azul. you then got a message from Idia even tho you thought you blocked him.
“Im not done with you…”
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house-of-slayterr · 1 year
A Ghost on the Horizon:
Tumblr media
Tag: @oceansrose2002 @myers-meadow-selfship @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better
Selena’s POV:
It’s had been three weeks since I’d come to Texas. There long weeks. I felt like a total outsider. Everything about me looked out of place. But I guess I always had. My blank white hair, sticking out like a fresh sheet of snow. My eyes bringing terror to so many who dare to meet them. I was off decent height for a woman.
But no matter how I looked at it, I didn’t belong here. But where was there to go? The sisters were gone now, went to meet our maker. I hope they didn’t suffer too much because of me. This family had an odd and discordant sense of justice. Blinky it seemed most off all.
Manon had explained to me they were normally so happy and bubbly. But had my presence changed that? I hadn’t seen them smile once since I’ve been here. In fact, they were all together avoiding me. Perhaps I really was cursed. But I felt awful for depriving them of the Blinky they were used to. Maybe it’s best to confront my demons, like the sisters always told me. I took a deep breath, knocking on Blinky’s door.
“Come in.” I heard in a low voice.
I waited by the door, not sure if I was free to fully enter the room. I didn’t want to push my luck. Blinky was rushing around the room, seemingly looking for something. Suddenly they craned their neck back to look at me.
“Oh, it’s you.” They said flatly.
I frowned. They sounded so disappointed, maybe this was a bad idea after all. I heard them sigh dramatically and they stopped what they were doing to look at me.
“Did you come here for something or?”
I fidgeted, rocking back and forth on my feet and not daring to meet their gaze. It’s seemed to intense, like they were staring straight through to my soul. Perhaps they really could see it, and that’s why they held an air of distaste for me. Perhaps they had judged me accordingly while everyone else was fooled.
“Selena-“ they tried again. “Oh my, are you actually scared of me?” They laughed.
It only served to make me feel worse. Like they were laughing at me, not with me. I wasn’t in on the joke. I crossed my arms over myself, trying to make myself impossibly smaller within their space. Maybe I could go back to being invisible, that was nice right now. They hopped over their bed, sitting on the edge and facing me.
“Selena you have nothing to be afraid of.” They said cautiously.
They looked entirely confused, their brows scrunching up as they met my gaze.
“We’ll you don’t really like me so…”
They looked at me like I just grew a second head.
“Don’t like you- where did you get that idea from?” They sounded offended.
“You’ve been avoiding me, you practically run out of the room every time I enter. You’ve been avoiding me for weeks, and right now you sound downright cold.” I said, suddenly finding my voice.
I felt even worse now than before, cause I could read their face, their body language. They just stared Blankly ahead, almost as if, right through me.
“I wasn’t aware you felt that way, believe me it was not intentional. Selena I’m not, I’m not avoiding you.” They said finally.
“Then what do you call this?”
“Having a conversation? Am I- am I not giving you attention right now?”
“It doesn’t feel very nice. What were you doing before I came in here?”
“Studying what?”
“What?” I said, widely confused.
“I’ve been studying you Selena. I cannot help you with your religious trauma if I don’t know how far they have their hooks in you. So I’ve been reading, their journals, their vitriol, learning everything they they taught you. So I can free you. So that you don’t have to suffer the way you are anymore. I was giving you space, not interfering. I wasn’t aware you would take that as a sign of my hatred towards you. It’s not you I hate.”
“We’ll that makes me feel better” I said a little sarcastically.
I did feel a little better, but now I understood what the problem was. Sure, I’d been keeping my distance as well, filling my time with Baby and Manon. And maybe it wasn’t just because I thought they hated me. Maybe some part of me was still stuck on my teachings. And that part of me wasn’t something I wanted to mindlessly accept anymore.
“You can come fully into the room Selena, I don’t bite. Not hard at least.” They joked.
This seemed more akin to the version of them Manon described. Always joking, and playing, never serious. I slowly entered into the room, not sure of what to do until the oat the bed beside them. When I sat down, they were still facing the wrong way on the bed. But instead of moving to meet me at the edge, the simply flipped over, hanging their head over the edge of the bed and looking up to me. They looked funny upside down and I had to stifle a laugh. I wasn’t sure if it was appropriate. I wasn’t really sure of anything that was deemed appropriate in social interactions.
I wasn’t graced with the presence of other people very often. And when I was, I was almost never permitted to speak. Blinky continued to stare up at me, and I finally understood the irony of their name. It was uncanny how long they could go without blinking. My blue eye would surly get aggravated if I kept it open that long. It was more sometime to input and light. Sometimes going so far as to cause me headaches on really bright days.
“Hey Selena?”
“Yes?” I asked curious.
“Everyone around here has a nickname, I was wonder perhaps, if you wouldn’t take offence, I’d we could call you Ghost? I love ghosts, and you look like a pretty spectre.” They said, a little more inflection in their tone.
Like they were slowly warming up to me.
“You think I’m a pretty ghost?” I asked.
They nodded.
“Prettiest one I’ve ever seen.”
“Thanks. I think- I think I like that.”
“Excellent.” They said simply, rolling over on their stomach and reaching for something in their night stand.
There previous rampage around the room forgotten, or maybe put on pause. I watched them pull something out of the drawer, but I did recognise the lighter. They brought it to their mouth and lit it. Taking a long inhale, before exhaling a cloud of smoke. They silently offered it to me but I declined. I wasn’t sure why this was funny, but they laughed.
“Manon didn’t like it at first either. It’s not for everyone, she prefers smoking regular cigarettes with Otis now. I think wine might be much more her poison.”
“Isn’t it wrong?” I asked.
They stiffened slightly, before shrugging it off and taking another hit.
“I suppose that’s to be expected. You were never allowed to have any fun where you ghost?”
I shook my head no. Of course I had my hobbies, but they weren’t ones I often shared. When you spend so much time alone, you have to find a way to entertain yourself somehow.
“What do you like about it?” I asked carefully.
“It lets me be… me I guess.”
“But how could you be anyone besides yourself?”
“Tell you a secret Ghost,” they started.
I kept my eyes down, but spurred them to continue.
“Nobody knows who I am. I don’t even know who I am. But what I do know, is I don’t like me sober. I’m boring and contemplative and spiteful. When I don’t smoke, I’m the old me. The me nobody liked. But now I’m Blinky, people like Blinky. I like Blinky, they’re an easier human to be.”
I frowned. They said it with so little care, but the dark an unsettling undertones were still there. It was unnerving.
“And who were you before, I mean- what was your name.”
They sprung up on the bed, finally sitting up to attempt to match my height. But even seated, their height deficiency didn’t go unnoticed. They were just so small, it was hard not to let that shape how you viewed them.
“Ok, but you have to promise not to laugh.”
“Why would I laugh?”
“Because my name was god awful.” They laughed.
The weed seemingly starting to hit them.
“I won’t laugh.” I said sincerely.
“Francesca-Hildegard” they said.
I couldn’t help the small contortion of my brow. That certainly was a name.
“See, even you know it was awful!”
“I guess it’s… charming?” I tried.
But I couldn’t bring myself to lie about it.
“Yeah, Baby nixed my name right away, I don’t think she could pronounce it “ they laughed.
“It’s fine by the way, if this isn’t your thing. You’ll find something that mellows you out, Doe Eyes did. Eventually this place won’t seem so… daunting.”
They hummed in response, not turning their head away from their sudden interest in the window. There was nothing to see out of it, it was pitch black outside already. Late into the evening when most everyone was going to bed.
“Do the others know?” I asked.
“Know what?” They seemed to finally clue into what I was insinuating, “they know what they want to know Ghost. See what they want to see. Who am I to tarnish their view of me. If they think I’m happy, let them think that.”
“So you’re lying to them.”
“No… not lying. I’m, exaggerating. Embellishing a little. Eventually it will become the truth right?”
They shrugged it off so casually. They laughed suddenly.
“You almost sound like you care Ghost, and to think you were scared of me.”
They flopped back down on the bed.
“Perhaps you should have some tea, Manon keeps the camomile in the back of the cupboard by the coffee pot. Relax a little, enjoy your evening.”
But I didn’t feel like leaving just yet. Now that I’d made it this far, it felt cowardly to leave now. Maybe this was some sort of test. I leaned back on the bed, facing the opposite direction as them, head to toe. It couldn’t be that bad right, I mean they were offering me something. It would be rude to decline. I held out my hand, and they smiled, handing me the little paper of wrapped herbs. I turned it in my hand a few times, watching the smoke rise off of it.
“Smoke it if you want, or don’t. I don’t think any less of you for it. I want to help you Selena, not erase you. Your religion isn’t the problem, you were simply taught it wrong.”
“And how would you know that?” I asked.
I didn’t mean to sound defensive. But this life was all I ever knew.
“That’s the joy of being Human, we get to make mistakes. My father was a priest, I know your book like the back of my hand. In two languages none the less.”
“And do you believe it?”
“Believe that there’s some man who created all life, and likes to sit on his high horse, and watch and his disposed chosen people all die under his watch? I don’t think I do. But if that’s you claim to sanity, then own it. Make it something that isn’t ugly, believe in your god. But never, let your faith lead you blindly. People will exploit that, they’ll exploit you. They already have.”
I nodded, listening intently to their words. They seemed fairly smart for someone their age. Someone younger than me, it almost felt shameful that I didn’t know nearly as much. I wasn’t privy to such information, allowed to make my own opinions. I’d never been responsible for my own sense of self before. It was vast and it was scary, and there were so many questions. But I didn’t want to annoy anyone.
“You said you read their journals?”
They nodded as I slowly let the object burn in my hand. They didn’t seem upset or anything that I was wasting it. It was like holding it gave me something to do, something to think about. It was my choice, and mine alone if I would smoke it or not. And I didn’t think I wanted to, I passed it back to them, expecting them to make some sort of off handed comment. But they just took it back with a smile, and brought it back to their lips.
“You really think I can change?”
“You already have. Even in the span of this conversion. Does your head still hurt?”
How did they know? Before I could answer, they hopped up and turned off the lights. I was feeling a little better with those horrid things off.
“Yes, thank you.”
“This room is free for you to use anytime, I hope you know that.”
“But it’s yours.”
“According to Otis, you’re supposed to be mine too. But I don’t see things that way. What’s mine is yours, it’s my responsibility to keep you safe. Make sure you don’t want to run.”
“But you’re just a kid.” This dynamic was confusing.
To have someone younger than you, claim to be responsible for your life.
“I didn’t have to be your responsibility Blinky, I that’s what this” I gestured to our current position “was all about. I’m not gonna run. I don’t think that’s what I want right now.”
“See, I told Otis you were smart. You just needed a chance to use your own brain.”
Maybe I should have taken offence to their words, but they seemed to be the the best way they knew how to be nice.
“If you’re the one thing standing between Manon and I, and whatever comes after. What does that make you?”
“A friend Ghost, that makes me your friend. Don’t think of it as an ultimatum. Think of it as an open invitation. I would never choose to send either of you to your deaths. That’s not my call, no matter how the others make it seem. If some part of them didn’t want you here, I’m afraid not even I could do anything to stop that.”
I knew that was supposed to comfort me, but it didn’t. The dynamics in this house were entirely foreign to what I was used to. Of course, I had been made it help around the house. But it was never demanding like it had been with The Sisters. They didn’t look the threat of gods fury over me, just an entirely different threat instead. But Blinky was right, it was my choice if I met god at the end of the day. But maybe they were right to question him too.
Blinky was something I could prove. A tangible thing you could observe from the outside, with each of your senses. And they seemed entirely content not knowing what was next. Just living in the moment. Perhaps I should give living a shot, I mean actually living. But not for anyone, or anything else, just for myself. Blinky snuffed out the rest of their joint on an ashtray they seemingly made themself. It was a small, old fashioned black and white clown, made of ceramic, and the ashes collected in its mouth.
Blinky stood up to leave, but stopped at the door.
“Ghost, if you wanna pray in this house, don’t let Otis stop you. You can do it in here. Just close the door, yeah?”
All I could do was give them a small nod. And with that, I was left alone in the chaos that was Blinky’s room.
Blinky’s POV:
I hadn’t expected Selena to stop by my room today. For the most part she’d been hanging around Manon or RJ. I didn’t necessarily want to be around RJ, but if he was being nice to her, then so be it. Who am I to tell her who to hang out with.
Selena was a wild card, unlike Manon. Of course, no one expected Doe Eyes, but you could comfortably expect her reactions. She was poised, intelligent, caring, with a strong sense of self. She wouldn’t crack easily, she was a resilient breed. But Ghost, Ghost was an enigma. She hardly seemed human. Not in the way that she’s akin to something seen as worse than human, but in a way that she didn’t seem to have a strong identity. All she knew was what she was told.
People like that were dangerous. They were unpredictable, always teetering on the edge of finding themselves. Always looking for someone to be, and they’ll latch onto the first authority they come across, because they feel they can’t function without someone else’s guidance. But that simply wasn’t true. Selena was fully capable of having autonomy, she’d demonstrated it with her choice in family members. And as mush as I hated the choice, I respected her for making it.
But to think someone could look at me, and see fear, was incomprehensible. Disgust, annoyance, anger… I was all used to. They’d become synonymous with the name Francesca. But Blinky… we’ll, I was flamboyant, cheerful and probably a bit not all there. But scary? I suppose the man I killed for Manon thought so. Not that I gave him much time to think.
Note to self, try new, more humanitarian approach to Ghost. The last thing I wanted was to manipulate her choices, the way those nuns did to her. She could get better with time, and we’ll placed attention. It want fair of me to see them when I looked at her. She was a victim in their crusade, not some sort of sick disposable warrior of god. It left a bitter taste in my mouth, just thinking about it.
But tonight, I was done with thinking. Shutting my brain off for the day and just going with the flow for the evening. My legs carried me to Baby’s room. Her door was cracked open, so I didn’t need to knock.
“Oh hey Blink!” She giggled, presumably smelling the weed I just smoked, “having fun I see?”
I rolled my eyes.
“I could be having more fun.”
“And what do you have in mind little Blink?”
“Wanna help me dye all of RJ’s T-shirts pink?”
She laughed wildly!
“I thought you’d never ask!”
An: This should be obvious, but I feel like I should say it anyways. You are a fun person without substances! Don’t let that voice in your brain, or anyone else fool you! You’re a gem, own it!
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gswharang · 2 years
Hey everyone! I am Belle and as a heads up this is a queued post bc I live on like the opposite timezone of basically anyone in the US so this site is opening before dawn on fri for me and I have work. I'll try and hop on fri night, otherwise I'll get back to everyone on my sat! Anyway, I'm excited for this rp to open, I love surreal and horror. 🔥 My hobbies include writing gremlin bois and oscillating wildly between regular capitalization and lapslock. Also ToF/genshin (hmu if u play tho). This is Noh Harang, resident gremlin, morally ambiguous and in the trade of plots that verge on the wrong side of functional. Here is his about and profile page which has the more relevant of information, but I’ll drop some additional quick facts under the cut along with some attempted plot ideas! If you want to plot just like or dm + I have a discord on request if it’s easier to plot there (i usually prefer it A Lot, so if you want me to add you just drop your user in my ims and when i get online later i can add 6v6 ). 
if you want the full gist of why he is the way he is i’d rec reading his bio + checking his profile page, bc this is like: scenario, i'm trying my best, but my best is never good enough 😔 if not, ig you'll have to go by this image:
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was born in ulsan, his dad died when he was pretty young and was largely raised by his mom w help from other family members. he is  ✨inspired ✨ by sharp objects (bc i Love it), only less murder-y, but his mom has FDIS (munchausen by proxy) and it influenced his emotional development a lot. 
moved to the island as a teen when his mom remarried, which meant there were new and exciting doctors to visit who weren’t suspicious of her yet. cowabunga, dude. spent a lot of time in his room drawing when he was ~sick~
he’s decently smart, and he did go onto uni for art, but then he got pissed at someone else and sabotaged their assignment by breaking into somewhere he shouldn’t have been and prob broke like 4 school rules in the process and was kicked out his second year. so he never finished. good life choices? check. clearly.
he is vindictive and revenge-driven and will act immediately on those feelings without considering the consequences on getting caught. harang in the moment is always like: i will definitely not get caught. and the narrator is like: that bitch did, in fact, get caught.
is he a good person? no. does he try to better himself every day? also no. memes aside, he does have good qualities but he’s def not sugar and spice and everything nice. if you enjoy complicated, emotionally wrought, and sometimes dark plots 👀 👀 👀 pls come to me, that is what i’m weak and design my chars for.
he’s a webtoon creator/artist. he’s into horror, esp supernatural/paranormal horror. his webtoon is similar in storyline/vibe to something like stagtown? but his art style is different. he takes inspo from junji ito of course. likes consuming horror media/projects as well.
obsessed with herbal tea, has So Many flavors in his apt. 
really into vinyl, though he usually collects based on cover artwork first and music second. likes playing atmospheric music when he’s making art.
he smokes, his favorite is cherry tobacco. they’re bad for his body but he’s pretty sure his body was basically destroyed in his youth so what does it matter anymore anyway?
he has a weird vibe but he’s good at covering it. will default to auto-mirroring people’s gestures and personalities around him without super realizing he’s doing it. if you spend enough time around him though it fades, it’s mostly done for people he doesn’t interact w regularly. 
he has long hair, and yes, that is a personality trait
he’s not always the nicest person but he’s also not mean for the sake of being mean. it can take him a while to emotionally connect to people. he doesn’t frequently get into romantic relationship because of it, def finds casual to be easier. his sense of love and how it should be expressed is ✨very off ✨
can turn himself into a victim in 4 minutes flat (i_got_it_from_my_mama.mp3)
he hates doctors, not in a take it personally sense, more just going to the doctors and being treated sense. will avoid going to the hospital At All Costs. 
can be manipulative, and isn’t always the most empathetic person (in this house we support morally grey chars 👏 )
plot ideas -- tbh i often prefer to like talk apps and come up with something organically, but here are a few ~general ideas~ that might be nice to have, and a few that could be starting off points if we’re really stuck.
an ex that was messily resolved and there's some baggage there is always fun. would love if it imploded due to reasons on both their ends rather than like one person being the Saint and the other being a Villain. I want mutually assured destruction and angst tyvm.
conversationalists. they live in the same area and keep running into each other, harang takes frequent smoke breaks outside for instance. but the strange part of it is there’s no real set schedule, and they just keep running into each other even though they're leaving at drastically different times every day. could be fun if they know some deeper pieces of each other’s life without knowing the like basics of each others personalities (like an inverse of basic friends, unbasic not-friends, if you will)
a bff? like we really click together and even though you make bad life choices and are lvl 500 dumb sometimes i’ll still help you with whatever mess you invite upon yourself. can go both ways, of course.
me, sweating and running out of plot ideas i’m brainstorming on the spot, someone who’s into harang’s webtoon. ofc it would need to be ✨developed ✨ so it could be interesting, but yes. OR his anti!!! OR a mix and they're obsessively into it to the point of being creepy. a creepy stan stalking a creepy artist, creep² if you will
i Am a fan of antagonistic plots, i think they’re really fun, esp when both chars are kind of catty about it and it’s not just one being the ~evil~ one, tho i don’t have any ideas on how to get there but if someone really wants one and to figure out a reason why i’m down!!!!
okay i think that’s it i’m out of ideas, but i’m v excited to plot and write so pls don’t hesitate to let me know if you like something or have another idea or wanna create something organically 👀
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spacemanspam · 1 year
while i attempt to re-follow everyone from v.1 spam tumblr, i guess i owe everyone a lil update/explanation:
i finally got my ll.m. in september. air and space law. finished my thesis on jurisdictional issues in commercial spaceflight accident investigations. i declined to publish it because as soon as i finished it, congress and the FAA/NTSB stepped in and resolved the problem, so it wasn't exactly timely anymore and i wasn't in the mood to rewrite 100 effing pages. ty to my thesis advisor for being nice about it anyway.
got a full-time job. i hate it and i'm working on finding another. don't really want to say anything else about that, except i have health insurance again! being uninsured has turned me into a hypochondriac, i swear to god. but the principal reason i deactivated was to dedicate all my attentions solely to job-hunting. although i saw some actual-quality advice on linkedin the other day: the best time to start hunting for your next job is the first day of your current one.
my grandmother was formally diagnosed with early-stage alzheimer's disease. that has been a small nightmare. she is not doing well and the stress surrounding that (and the job from the pits of hell) actually sent me right back to tumblr as an escape. also i missed u dudes :(
my skin is breaking out??? rude???????
i wish i could say my health was good but when i started this tumblr i weighed 150 pounds and now i'm down to 127. i'm having trouble keeping weight on and am spiraling dangerously close to clinically underweight. classic monkey's paw situation: i wished for years i could lose weight; now i can't stop losing it. lol.
ANYway i'd like to hop back on the discord(s) at some point but happy 2023 everyone!
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ryqoshay · 2 years
Unstable World: Kotori's Reception
Flagship: KotoUmi Mentioned Pairing: RinPana Also Staring: Nozomi, Eli (they’re together but it’s not important to the story) Rating: G Words: 680 AU: A war-torn dimension other than our own Time Frame: Sometime before the main story Event: Promptober 2022 Event Source: Idol Fanfic Heaven channel on Discord Prompt: Picnic
Author’s Note: Bonus 2nd entry for Oct 13th
Summary: The Pandæmonium Riders return from a mission to a meal prepared by Kotori
“We’ve arrived.” Nozomi’s voice came over the comm. “Thank you for sailing with us today, Pandæmonium Riders, the crew of the Jardin de Verre looks forward to serving you again soon.”
Several riders chuckled at the first officer’s antics and even Umi couldn’t help smiling.
“Alright everyone.” Umi addressed the flight. “Koizumi is standing by to tend to our dragons and Kotori is waiting for us in the mess hall. Then we have the night and tomorrow off.” Barring any unexpected Paragon activity. She added silently.
The flight departed the ship and made haste toward the dragon roost. All were hungry and tired, dragon and rider alike, and looked forward to a nice meal and some well-earned rest.
It came as no surprise that Rin insisted on staying in the roost with Hanayo. And thankfully, Kotori had anticipated as such and delivered a meal for them to share there.
What did surprise Umi, however, was to see the crew of Eli’s ship filing into the mess hall as the riders walked toward it.
“You really didn’t have to do this.” Umi heard Eli saying as she approached.
“I made plenty.” Kotori replied. “And the more the merrier.”
“It’ll be a tight fit.” The captain said, glancing inside.
“It’s fine.” Kotori chirped merrily. “Oh, welcome back, Umi-chan!” She hopped the short distance toward her wife to give her a greeting hug and kiss.
After far too short a moment, Kotori pulled away and turned to address the rest of the riders behind Umi.
“Please remove your armor before coming in.” The smith instructed. “If it has sustained any damage, please leave it in the designated area so I may repair it tomorrow. For you new members, I repeat, any damage at all, even the smallest scratch or crack is a weak point that could compromise your safety in battle. I make your armor to help ensure you come back safely, and I will maintain it, so it continues to do so.”
Umi smiled as she removed her armor. She loved her wife’s concern for everyone’s safety.
“Now, come eat! Come eat!” Kotori gestured to the door.
Umi breathed deep as she entered. What a wonderful smell. By the gods, she loved her wife’s cooking.
And what a lovely, lively sight. Plates, bowls, and mugs floated overhead, heading to the kitchen to be filled per their guests’ orders, or returning filled. Tongs, ladles, knives and serving forks worked in harmony to fill the tableware as they arrived. Kotori’s enchantments were on full display.
The normal mess crew had apparently been given the night off as well, and were seated at the tables, adding to the tight squeeze to find everyone a spot. It was definitely crowded, and yet Kotori managed to make a military mess hall feel like a cozy family restaurant.
They need a night like this. Umi thought as she watched everyone intermingle, sharing stories of daring battle or memories of home and those they were protecting by their service. And this war-torn world needs more people like her, sources of warmth and comfort amid the cold. She turned her gaze back to her wife.
“So how was the mission?” Kotori asked as the couple set up at the end of a counter. It meant they would have to stand while they ate, but it allowed the enchanter the best view of the area so she could address any issues as needed.
Umi gave a brief description of the assignment and discovery of a new type of Paragon sky ship. “It was definitely no picnic, but at least we all made it back.” She concluded.
“Umi-chan, that’s a wonderful idea!”
“I… beg your pardon?”
“A picnic! That’s what I’ll plan next for the Riders. Oh, I don’t think I’ve created an enchantment that can assemble a sandwich before. I could do some with crusts and some without. Then fry those crusts with cinnamon and sugar…”
Umi contented herself listening to her wife chitter away with plans for her next meal for her flight. What a wonderful reception after a mission.
Author’s Note Continued: Kotori is referred to as both a smith and enchanter here, since she is both. Cooking may not be her primary duty, but as should be obvious, it's still much appreciated when she is able to find time to do so.
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acultoftrees · 2 years
I thought of you guys today
Looks like the last time I posted was before... Everything. Since then, I’ve job hopped a few times, moved back home, built up my hobbies, bought a new car, moved out on my own for *real*, and I guess got engaged too? (And yeah, the world ended, but let’s take it step at a time.)
So I moved back home with my parents literally the *month* before I’d get laid off from my job at the time (as previously mentioned, at an arcade as their service technician). I ended up spending the time in lockdown pursuing my DJ hobby more, as well as gaming. (I finally get why everyone here loves Animal Crossing!) The unemployment bonus took a while to come in for me, but it managed to get me out of debt and onto stable footing. I left the arcade I was working at after it reopened due to harassment from customers, and job-hopped around for a few months before landing back at another arcade in a management position. During that time, I ended up asking the lovely woman I’ve been dating for the past almost 4 years to be my fiancee. (She said yes! No, no wedding plans yet. I’ve still yet to get her an actual ring 😅) I would then proceed to get an offer for my first real salaried, 8-to-5-with-weekends-PTO-and-insurance job as a service and RMA technician for a German transportation company, where I continue to happily work today. It’s enabled me to properly pursue my hobbies, interests, and personal projects, and even more recently, moving out into my own apartment. No roommates - just me in a 1-bedroom apartment in a reasonably nice area.
I also continued to build some of my first real adult friendships into the relationships I have with them now, and I’m happy to call my best friend as such. We hang out practically every weekend.
I’ve also managed to catch the 2020 virus twice. So glad I’m not working in the public sector anymore, especially as a new pox seems to be coming up in numbers.
3 years is a pretty long time, so there’s a lot of stuff I’ve skipped over, good and bad, from seeing Glitch Mob live to the rocky times my fiancee and I had during the pandemic. If you’re close enough to me that you’re relieved to see this post, I’d love if you could follow me on twitter (at) ftzdaisuki or reach out to me on Discord (chair#6385). My DMs are open, and even if we haven’t talked since I was in high school I’d still love to rekindle friendships, if nothing else to catch up and see where our paths have taken us!
So yeah, I’m alive and doing well. I hope you are too, because, to quote a game I was part of the Fandom of here in the day:
Despite everything,
it’s still you.
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handfulofmuses · 6 days
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Did the little cub Cheezi Drabble. The first half of it is taken from a rp I did with a Janja once. I still talk to that mun on discord and asked if I could add this part into the drabble, since reading back on that rp was the inspiration for it in the first place and have been given permission.
Hungry and angry, Janja wandered what was called the Outlands on his own. Constantly the cub was on high alert. After the fire, he never saw another hyena again, nor that lion who always ordered everyone around or even his parents. Whenever he tried to search the Pridelands for what was left of his clan, he was repeatedly attacked and driven out until eventually he couldn’t take it anymore.
So when he heard a sound behind him he turned around rapidly and prepared for an inevitable fight.
“’Ey! Watch it, fur- oh.” Janja bared his teeth to whoever had come across him, prepared to put up a fight, but he relaxed once his eyes met with that of another hyena.
This… was the first time he had seen another since the Pridelanders drove him out and forced him to live alone.
When the teeth were bared, the red nosed cub took cautiously a step back. Cheezi had been wandering around aimlessly, frightened and alone when he spotted the cub and let out a tiny squeal.
It’s a … hyena? The only experience the sickly cub had was with his father, his uncle and the one who babysitted him on occasion.
So the only reason why the bow legged cub didn’t made a run for it was partly the curiousity - and desperate enough not to be on his own anymore. He missed dad.
There was something red, it was hot - it was terrifying. Since then, he never saw his father again. He wasn’t even allowed to search for him - something was always chasing after him when he let out his whoops.
He didn’t know what to do. He’s given up on the whoops because that generally lead to some angry animal chasing after him. It made him terrified to even open his mouth. Why didn’t they allow him back into his den?
So now he stood there, unsure what to do because he didn’t want the hyena to attack him either!
It took a few seconds for it to sink in, but once it did, Janja’s face lit up with excitement! He was here, and another hyena was here, they were here together! For the first time in what seemed like forever he wasn’t going to be alone anymore.
Janja hopped up and down with glee, giving off a rather enthusiastic laugh and running in circles for a few seconds, before turning towards his guest and grinning with upmost delight.
“Woah! You’re a hyena ain’tcha? I ain’t seen one for forever! Hey did you come from the Pridelands too? Are you all alone? Are there more of you? Didja see that fire from ages ago? Do you know what happened to that meanie dark maned lion?” In his excitement he pelted the younger cub with a multitude of rapid fire questions, only pausing once he was out of breath.
That took Cheezi off guard.
Tongue hangs out in confusion as his gaze tried to focus on the….hyperactive hyena. First the stranger was mad, then he just stared and suddenly the other one was running in circles!
And now there were rapid questions coming his way. Uh, uhm, what’s he supposed to do here, this is a quite new situation for him. He’s not used to it, but the other cub is funny and nice, unlike the animals that tried to attack him.
Okay, maybe he should just … try and keep up.
He nodded, confirming that he was hyena. Nodded again in agreement to confirm that neither had he seen one in forever, nodding that he came from the Pridelands, nodding that he was all alone, ears dropping at that while giving a whine. Shaking his head that there aren’t any more of him, nodding that he saw that fire, shaking his head that he didn’t know what happened to the dark maned lion - though Cheezi also was not sure who or what that even is.
Janja caught his breath as the fellow cub gave his answers. Though strangely he kept silent, only responding with nods or head shakes. Still, Janja understood enough and got the answers he wanted- not that they weren’t exactly the nicest truths to hear.
So the two of them really were alone, huh.
With that knowledge, Janja stood upright and proud, puffing his chest out ever so slightly, trying his best to appear confident and in control.
“In that case, the two of us gotta stick together! Hyenas always gotta be in packs, so from now on you’re gonna be in my pack, got that- er… wait, what’s yer name?”
Come to think of it, neither had introduced themselves.
“Mine‘s Janja!“
Cheezi wagged his tail as he noticed the confidence in the other cub. He wags it so hard his butt starts to shake.
Yes! He’s not going to be alone anymore! Someone wasn’t going to chase him away! He didn’t have to be afraid anymore! They could find dad together!!!
He has a pack!!!!
Name … He can say names, but words are hard. He generally didn’t talk much. But let’s give it a try. There is a garbled attempt, but he is able to make something out at least.
“- C - Ch - eeeezii.“
It’s been a few weeks. They still haven’t found anyone. When the red nosed cub was about to head into the Pridelands the first time, Janja scrambled ahead of him to stop him, telling him that it’s not a good idea and that they would just be chased out. But the smaller hyena just waited for another opportunity where Janja was not looking and when Janja called after him Cheezi merely mentioned “Zai“.
The larger cub didn’t had much to work with here and was forced to follow anyway.
Cheezi was stubborn and persistent. Besides, didn’t Janja had an uncle and an dad waiting for him too ? They must be somewhere.
He just wants to go home.
Dad - or uncle didn’t just abandon him. Dad wouldn’t. Mom did, but dad stuck with him no matter how sick he got. Dad wouldn’t just leave him like that, Cheezi knows that.
This had nothing to do with dad. The fire did that. The animals who are constantly chasing him away are separating them, not allowing him to go to his father.
Dad will find him. Or maybe uncle. Or both. And they will go all home together!
They didn’t find anything. Janja said they were all gone because of the fire. But that can’t be. Dad must be around here somewhere - anywhere. They found a new friend, didn’t they? Chungu, their new companion had introduced himself. The three cubs got all so excited, everyone happy to see another one of their kind. Janja firing questions away like he did with Cheezi, while the bow legged hyena was yapping, running in circles before pouncing at his new friend and licking his face - to a point where Janja had to drag him off because the larger hyena couldn’t answer any questions because of Cheezi.
So if they found that cub, that means there is still more somewhere! There’s gotta be! That would mean dad is still somewhere too!!! Chungu also confirmed there were no other hyenas with him but they could not give up.
Once he finds dad, he is gonna lick his face and then show him his new friends!!! They were both so fun too!! Then they can all go home together!
And Banzai! Oooh, just you wait, uncle - you are gonna get so much ear nibbles when he finds you!
Cheezi sighs as he stares at the border, into the distance of the Pridelands. Weeks have passed. He feels a bit apathy and has distanced himself from the others. He found their new home - a volcano, but it’s spooky and the steam vents have scared him too earlier.
And they got new companions. Nne and Tano.
A slight whine escapes him. They find anyone but dad and uncle. They still get chased out. It’s not fun.
Does he like the other cubs? Yes. But … it’s not complete without Banzai or Dad.
If Banzai was here, Chungu, Janja and him could all wake him up from his nap, force him to play with them and Cheezi would push off anyone who bites the ears - that’s his job.
If dad was here … maybe they could eat. He’s hungry. Take a bath. Get more licks for comfort. Dad would know that everything is gonna be okay and they would believe it. Nothing would be -
“Ey! Ain’t you gonna join us?“ Janja‘s voice interrupted his thought process.
Cheezi lifts his head and then tilts it at the two cubs. Chungu is here too.
“I told ya. You’re part of my pack now! So ya just don’t get to walk off like that.“ His voice wasn’t angry and there is a smirk in Janja‘s expression.
“Chungu and me have been looking everywhere for ya!“
Ah, right. He got lost. Wanted to find dad. That’s why he’s having those thoughts again. Because nobody else was there to distract him. A tiny squeal escapes the bow legged hyena as an answer.
“Yup!“ Janja responded despite having no idea what the red nosed cub said. “And I ain‘t gonna accept no for an answer!“ the words were proudly spoken.
“I told ya, you and me - and Chungu! It’s us from now on!“
Oh. Okay.
His gaze turns back towards the Pridelands. Dad wouldn’t want him to just give up like that. Dad wouldn’t want him to do nothing and be all sad.
Dad would want him to keep going - like he always wanted him to. Nothing gets solved from being all sad and distancing yourself from the pack.
Janja made things less scary since they came across each other. That hyena always appeared so confident. He wonders how he does it. They were little and everything else was so big. Does Janja miss his parents? Is he afraid? He doesn’t seem afraid. Cheezi wishes he could be more like him.
If dad is out there, somewhere then he will find him. But for now? Maybe he should stop trying to force it and appreciate what he has now. One day he will come across his uncle and dad again - that day is not today. And that’s okay. For now, he can distract himself with the other cubs until dad finds him. They will be together again.
Cheezi pounced, running Janja over and licking his face, giggling while Chungu joined in.
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Vaudeville, Jett and His Friends Start a Minecraft Realm
*Vaudeville hops on Discord*
V: Just stahted the Minecraft realm. I posted instructions for how to join in General
Jett: Sweet! I haven’t played Minecraft in a while, so can’t wait to play
Osatia: Vaudeville, if we play Minecraft again, it’s not going to be the same as last time?
V: I dunno what’cha talkin’ ‘bout.
J: Jesus Christ
O: Last time we had a server, you destroyed all my crops, X-ray-modded your emeralds, and then blew up everyone’s houses after Jett said he was gonna reset your XP 😑
V: You guys are always accusin’ me of X-ray-muods. Ever just consida’ that I’m good at Minecraft? 😊
J: Hit-dog will holler, Vaude. You definitely cheated 😑
V: Whateva ya say
*Kai, Soto, Isák, and Max joined the server*
K: Hey is it okay if we join?
V: Ok but just know you’ll be woikin’ like a jackass gettin’ me iron
*3 minutes later*
O: I think I’m gonna start mining some wood to build my house
K: I’m building my base as far away from all of you as possible
V: Oh, no ya don’t, kid. You’re gonna be minin’ my iron for me, ya sneaky rat
O: Vaude, just leave him alone, plz
K: I ain’t mining a damn thing for you
V: Get back over here and mine my iron befoah I ban ya from da soiva 😠
K: Already threatening me? That's awesome. 😑
V: It ain't a threat, pal, it's a promise. Don' make me do it
I: I'm gonna build on one of the mountains
S: I'm gonna build near a beach
M: I'm gonna build near Spawn
O: I found me a village
K: Vaudeville is really trying to fucking kill me with a Stone Sword 😑
V: I told ya to go mine iron and ya refuse
O: Oh Jesus Christ, here we go already 😑
K: Get smoked, idiot. You had a Stone Sword and lost to me with a Stick 😈
V: Dis guy has ta be cheatin'. There's no way he killed me. 😠
K: It's 1.19 now, dipshit. You can't just spam-attack anymore. You gotta time it to the bar on your crosshair.
O: Can everyone please just relax? We barely even started and I don't want the realm to be ruined already 😑
*3 Hours Later*
O, I, S, M: Finished. Think mine looks dope
V: Oh your guys' might be whatever ya just said, but mine is way huga and betta
J: Trying to watch a YT tutorial for how to build my house
K: Vaudeville, I'm by your base. There's no way you built this big-ass castle in Survival that quickly 😑
V: Mind ya own damn business, Kai. Yes I did do all of this in Suhvival. 😠
J: How do I make a Crafting Table again?
K: 4 planks of wood in a square, Crafting Menu
V: How do ya forget how ta make a Craftin' Table in Minecraft, ya jet-laggin idiot?
K: Don't talk to Jett like that, just because you got caught using Creative to build your castle
V: I didn' use no damn Creative Mode. There'd be somethin in da chat dat tells ya if I did, an' there hasn' been
S: Guys, I think it's clear Vaudeville used Creative Mode 😁
V: Shut up 😠
J: Who has my damn Fortune pickaxe?
K: I don't
S: Me neither
I: No way, Jose
M: Uh-uh
O: Not me
V: Nope
J: Well, someone has it, and when I find out who does, I'm gonna flip shit, so let's get it back to me, pronto.
V: Ah, shut'cha corny ass up, Dr. Lagwagon. Ya not doin' anythin' ta anyone.
J: K, well, wait 'til Kai and I see you 😈
O: You guys have an alliance?
K: Yeah, fuck Vaudeville. We're gonna make sure he doesn't mess with us again 😈
V: Ya guys are so scared. Guys, wanna team?
O: You guys coming after us?
J: Nah, just Vaudeville.
O: Ok, then no, Vaudeville. We don't wanna team.
V: Awesome 😑😠
J: Kai, grab the TNT and get over here
K: Got it. Just 100 blocks away
V: How da hell does Kai have TNT already? Dis idiot is cheatin'
O: Vaudeville, you accuse people of cheating in every game 😑
V: They just killed me. How is it okay for them ta kill me?
K: Jett, run, I set the TNT off.
V: Goddammit, guys. Don't ruin my base!!!
*TNT explodes, destroying every inch of Vaude's castle*
V: Ya toid-eatas, ya just completely destroyed my base. 😠
K: Cry about it 😈
J: Nice work, Kai 👍
O: The server just went down?
V: Yeah, I shut da realm down
*Vaudeville hops off the server*
((And yes, this is how I'd interpret Vaudeville to be if he does happen to pick up a video game. And yes, Jett does know some street slang))
((BTW, this is based entirely off a YouTube video by Optimus, but it's with AI Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and Barrack Obama))
Vaudeville belongs to @fractiouslemonofficial & @askvaudeville
Jett, Osatia, Kai, Max, Isák, and Soto belong to me
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darcywho · 1 year
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Day 26:  A snowstorm locking everyone in their homes, with electricity flickering
Continuing on with the last few prompts for October from the RPCDev Discord. 
She’s in New York for the first time in nearly a year, to visit her mother and friends and the Tower. To say that she has a serious case of culture shock would be an understatement. She’s become so accustomed to a solitary life, that the subway and sidewalks are claustrophobic. It’s so loud and busy that she has to shove earbuds in while she barrels down the sidewalk from the subway station to her mother’s apartment in her entirely un-Manhattan hiking boots. She’s kept an eye on the weather since she drove out of her canyon to head towards the airport in Santa Fe. She could’ve gotten a ride from a passing quinjet, but she already offered to drive Isabella to the airport in Santa Fe so she could fly home to see her family in Puerto Rico for the holiday. It was nice when Darcy’s flight had been delayed by an hour to have someone she could talk to while waiting for their respective flights to board. 
She was relieved when she climbed up the familiar stoop to buzz her mother to let her in. “Chi e?” came her mother’s tinny voice. 
“Sono io, mama,” Darcy responded instinctively. With the resounding buzz from the door, she ventured in just as the first flakes began to fall. 
The storm that followed was one for the record books. It was a good thing that Anna Vittoria had been prepared to host through the holiday weekend, given that when a neighbor had come to check on her after the first brownout, they’d informed Darcy and her mother that the snow outside was already knee high and didn’t look to be stopping any time soon. The charismatic weatherman on the news agreed with that sentiment before the old box set wavered with the next bout of power issues. To say that the two women were incredibly relieved when Brock arrived would be an understatement. And as soon as he had finished shaking the snow off his hair and shoulders in the building’s entry, the power went kaput. Fortunately, Darcy had been scouring the familiar apartment high and low for every candle and blanket her mother had, and was well on her way to lighting them all by the time Brock filtered in.
 It may have been an old building, but through a grant generously provided by the Maria Stark Foundation there was a powerful generator in the basement, and from the sounds of her mother’s neighbors and the super hollering at everybody to get back into their apartments and give him a few minutes to get it going it had gone to good use. Darcy was simply grateful that her family was safely tucked away and that she had wisely opted for the thick woolen socks before she left the Osprey. Oz was texting her updates as they happened, including a great photo from the security camera overlooking the garden where Heckle and Jeckle were hopping back and forth from post to post in the raven version of hopscotch. Less reassuring, was the power surge and the swearing coughs from the super stomping his way up from the basement.
 Brock had gone out to talk to him to see what the hell was going on with the generator, leaving Darcy and their mother in the kitchen where Darcy had set up a clay pot stove on the range using a few emptied and unused flowerpots and a loose brick or two from the window sill that had been there ever since Darcy was a child. 
“Generator needs a reset, but the super doesn’t remember how to do that,” Brock grunted coming back into the apartment. Darcy leaned back from her DIY heater, staring into the middle distance before asking, “Is it an SI generator?” 
He shrugged. 
“Probably with that grant.” 
“I bet ya I can ask Oz to reboot it for emergency services through my phone,” she grinned triumphantly and scrambled to her feet and out the door, catching the back of the superintendent's flannel turning the corner down the hall. “Mr. Scolari!” she hollered down the corridor. She could already hear the family in 1C trying to calm a crying baby. The old Italian man leaned back far enough to peer around the corner. The poor man just looked so tired already. 
“I think I can get the generator going if you’d like me to,” she offered. She remembered always being intimidated by him as a child, but she couldn’t figure out why as he strode back towards her and the basement door then. Maybe it had been the size difference between the portly Italian man and a small child. The perpetual grimace hooded by a thick Mario style moustache hadn’t helped. 
“You Anna’s girl, Darcy, eh?” he asked giving her a once over. She nodded. “You think you can get a Stark Industries generator rebooted without the manual?” She nodded again. He paused a beat, seemingly thinking it over. “I watch everything you do,” he bargained, fishing the basement door key from his pocket. “And if it don’t work your brother works for me for the day.” 
“Deal,” she said quickly, glancing back at her brother who’d been observing from the apartment doorway. She grinned cheerily at Brock before following Mr. Scolari down the stairs. It was eerie in the building’s basement. Pipes and ductwork running in and out of the brick cellar to and from their respective units. The Italian super led her to a dark corner of the basement, that smelled like the same mildewed scent that permeated the rest of it, where a large cylindrical object rested with a telltale light blue electric glow. It wasn’t an ARC reactor, but it was modeled after it because of the association with the Iron Man armor. She vaguely remembered the marketing pitch for it saying something like that. 
There was a control panel with a LED readout screen beside a series of buttons and a large lever. Beneath the panel were a series of ports for troubleshooting via tablets and laptops, or in Darcy’s case, through Oz. She plugged her phone into the generator, while Mr. Scolari breathed loudly behind her. He always reminded her of a walrus with asthma. Tapping on Oz’s icon, she lifted her phone only slightly and asked, “Oz, please run a diagnostic on the SI generator and reboot if possible.” 
“Certainly, Dr. Lewis,” the AI intoned. 
Mr. Scolari whistled low behind her. “You a doctor now? The wife’s been telling me to go see one for this thing I got,” he hinted. 
Darcy huffed a breath. It was not the first time, nor would it be the last. Oz kindly put a loading bar onscreen for her to monitor his progress. “Not that kind of doctor, sorry. Also do you really wanna go that route with me when my brother’s in town?” she reminded him, raising an inquisitive brow. 
While she didn’t have her trusty Taser with her or her ICER--TSA often erred on the side of caution with such things with good reason, but it was mighty inconvenient for her--she had learned enough over the years to feel secure in the moment. 
After all Oz was active as long as his signature orangey copper light was visible on her phone screen, and if she told him to, he’d call Brock directly to beat up their mother’s superintendent. Not that it seemed to be necessary as a moment later she heard her brother’s voice call down the stairs, “Dee you down there still?” 
She smiled and called back, “Yeah, I’ve got Oz working on the generator!” Oz flashed up an estimated time at that, and she silently thanked the AI once again. “It’ll be about five more minutes since Mr. Scolari didn’t complete the last software update!” Mr. Scolari’s face between the basement lights, her phone, and his flashlight, betrayed his poleaxed expression. He looked like he was in the process of swallowing a toad, and his mustache twitched in response to the creak of Brock’s boots on the top step. 
He seemed to understand that was his cue to leave Darcy be before he got his ass whooped by the STRIKE commander. Darcy shifted her weight so she had a better angle on the superintendent and the stairs, while a pipe running high along a wall leading to and from a large water heater rattled as someone ran their sink or something. The way it rattled ominously had Mr. Scolari’s eyes tightening. 
“You seem to have this well in hand, Doc, I’ll leave you to it and check on the other tenants,” he excused himself, backpedaling just as Brock hit the final step; he looked about as grim and intimidating as he could, and Darcy waited for Scolari to register the scars around her brother’s eyes  and flinch before scurrying out of the basement like a spooked rat. 
“You okay?” he asked her placing himself between her and the super’s retreat. She reached out with her free hand to tug him over by the elbow to show him Oz’s progress. 
“I don’t know how Ma puts up with that creep, but we should ask peeps to check in on her and the building more often, this hasn’t been updated since six months after it was first installed,” she explained going off Oz’s readout. 
“You did until you took the Caretaker gig,” Brock reminded her. She scrunched her face at him and stuck her tongue out. 
“Dr. Lewis,” Oz piped in. “If you’d like I can turn on automatic updates, and put in a request for a family affairs agent in New York to check in on your mother in regular cycles.” 
She looked up at her brother, who seemed to be mulling it over. “Yes please on the first, hold off on the second for the moment while Commander Rumlow and I discuss it with our mother.”
“Very well, doctor. I can initialize the generator’s start-up sequence, and it should run uninterrupted until the city restores power. It’s a very similar model to the one here.” 
“Go for it, Oz.” 
The quiet whir of the generator coming to life was a welcome addition to the stillness of the creepy basement, and once it was fully on line, the building’s heaters kicked into high gear, so Darcy was glad she had scraped together the survival stove for her mother. 
The siblings ventured back up and out of the basement, seeing neither hide nor hair of the superintendent, and into their mother’s toasty apartment, where the older woman had set up a series of candles on a baking sheet on the coffee table with a make shift screen of aluminum foil behind them all and amplifying the heat towards the sofa, where she was huddled under a few blankets. Darcy settled into the space next to her mother, while Brock draped a thick winter blanket over the pair of them. 
“The heaters should kick in soon, Ma,” he informed her as he levered himself onto the cushion on the other side of their mother. “Darce is a smart cookie, after all, gets her brains from you.” 
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delicrieux · 3 years
corpse husband... 👀 could I get a soft pastel aesthetic reader playing among us with the group and being absolutely terrible at it. maybe like she sees him kill someone and doesn’t say anything or report it and he follows her around to sorta protect her from the other imposter? at the end she asks why he didn’t kill her and he says it’d be too easy but ofc someone’s gonna make jokes and be like “no you’re just a simp” idk i think that’d be funny? you dont have to tho- no worries
⤹⋆⸙͎۪۫。author’s note: we love pastels and corpse in this house. we love the “i’m helping cuz u cute” trope. we love the public simping. gotta stan this request
masterlist.⁀➷。˚⸙͎۪۫⋆ ༄
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There is a long list of things you’re terrible at, and Among Us is at the very top. But besides your lack of prowess at the game, it is perhaps luck you should curse, for what you have just witnessed will send you into the afterlife: Corpse’s little black astronaut murdering Rae in cold blood. You still by your keyboard; out of the corner of your eye, you see he chat going nuts. The stream just got ten times more interesting.
For a long few seconds neither of you move. You’re not exactly surprised Corpse is the Impostor, it’s just that you desperately did not want to get in his way - you’re bad enough at this game as it is, and trying outmaneuver the master at this game of chess? Impossible. 
Shrugging, you glance at your camera, “I ain’t see nothing.” Before, in-game, you promptly turn on your heel and glide to the other side of the map. Corpse follows. You start sweating, “Noooo, I swear I’m not gonna snitch, please spare me, sir. I swear on my” You idly tap your cat headphones with your hand, “-only prized possession. And my plushie collection.” He’s still trailing after you, even when you hop into Navigation. Turning to the chat, you ask, “Guys, how do I telepathically convey to Corpse that I’m not going turn him in? No one tell him, though, that’s cheating.”
“girl, start manifesting” one comment reads.
“Oh, manifesting, okay. Saw that on TikTok. I also heard it’s like a big thing in LA.” 
You’d imagine that if somehow you were actually transported to the cool chamber of a dying spaceship, cornered by a black figure with devil horns blocking your exit, you would probably start crying. But you’re safe in your little stream room, decorated in fairy-lights and soft colours and even softer blankets. That initial primal fear of having nowhere left to run lingers, though, and you gulp.
A meeting is called and you breathe out a heavy sigh of relief before unmuting your mic, the first to chime, “What happen--No! Rae! Who killed Rae, fess up now!”
“Well, maybe you killed Rae!” Sean exclaims, and even if you can’t see him, you instinctively know he’s pointing a finger at you. 
“It wasn’t (Name).” Corpse says smoothly, “We’re together.” He backtracks quickly, laughing anxiously, “Uh--In game, I mean.”
The conversation rages on, though you’re forgotten, which is a small reprieve. Corpse is quick to frame someone else and everyone agrees to vote. Momentarily you can’t believe you’re betraying your fellow crewmates and wonder why you’re doing it exactly. To make an entertaining stream? That’s definitely part of it. Charlie is flung into lava and you know it should’ve been Corpse but you’re having a bit too much fun to care.
“nooooo!!!! they corrupted her!!!! our sweet baby is on the villain arc!!! RIP”
You hope not mentioning what you had seen transpire minutes prior will dissuade him from killing you - he still could, but he’s just standing by the door, watching your movements. You decide you will only figure it out once your back is turned to him, whilst doing your tasks. Apprehensively, you get to it and--
Nothing happens.
Once you’re finished, you run circles around him. He joins in soon. The olive branch had been accepted. You grin. Rush out of Nav and he, once again, follows after you. 
The game continues like this, you doing tasks and he hoovering by your side like some little guardian devil. You almost forget that he’s the Impostor until he murders Sean right in front of you. You slap your hand over your mouth. Did Stockholm Syndrome kick in already? He self reports and his first words are, “(Name) and I found a body in Weapons.”
You aren’t sure how much your betrayal aided the Impostor victory, but you were the only survivor left between two serial-killers. Your chat spams celebration emoticons and fake-deep monologues about living in a society. While you were an unofficial Impostor, your audience single-handedly decides you were the best one.
It’s all laughter and apologies from your part to your slighted teammates, though even they have to admit it was a good game. Everyone agrees to play another round, but before it can start, you just have to know, “Hey, Corpse?”
“Yes, (Name)?”
“Why didn’t you kill me?”
“Oh,” He mutters, a small chuckle following after his words, “it would’ve been, uhh, too easy, I guess?”
“Lies.” Sean interrupts, “It’s because you’re a fucking SIMP!”
The discord call choruses “SIMP SIMP SIMP” in surprising harmony. You sit in your chair, giggling, smiling so brightly your cheeks start hurting.
“Guys, come on--” Corpse says, sounding like he’s smiling, like he’s got his face covered with his hands, like he’s embarrassed; he laughs - it’s a light, pretty sound, “I just wanted (Name) to have fun. And not be killed by Sykkuno.”
“Wait--” Sykkuno pipes up, “So you just...followed her around the map?”
“Oh my God, you stupid simp!” Sean laughs, “(Name) was there when he killed me, I was so confused why she didn’t say anything because I figured she was the other Impostor, but turns out he just kidnapped her. Don’t worry, (Name), we don’t blame you for betraying the crew. You did what you had to do to survive.”
“It’s the her seeing Corpse kill me and pretending she’s blind for me.” Rae snickers.
“Wait a fucking minute,” Charlie says, “you mean to tell me, (Name), our little pastel princess fucking peach over there, saw Corpse slitting your throat and fucked right off, and then lied like a grade-a-politician during the meeting? Who killed Rae fess up my ass, you all are saying Corpse played us like a fucking fiddle but it was actually (Name) the whole time.” You hear a smile in his voice, and somehow feel a surge of pride, “(Name)--” He’s cut off by Sean trying to interject but quickly shushes him with a few choice words “Jesus fucking Christ, shut up, I’m trying to figure something out. (Name), did you or did you not use Corpse for protection?”
You’re giggling; you can’t control the sporadic giddiness mixed with light anxiousness, “I just...I just didn’t want to die!” You exclaim. More laughter.
“I rest my case, she’s a fucking wolf in sheep’s clothing, it’s always the nice one’s that stab you in the back for the fuck of it.”
“Guys,” Corpse says, “guys, guys, guys...Let’s play another round?”
“Yes”es are exchanged like trading cards. Before long, your screen lights up and you gape at the word IMPOSTOR written over you little astronaut standing right next to...Corpse.
You grin: if the last game was crazy, this one will be straight up insane.
hope you liked it! xx
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sanriothot · 2 years
Tim Drake x Gender Neutral! Reader
Summary: You and Tim are online friends.
Warning: death mention. Mostly fluff. Italics = text messages.
Word Count: 1.2k
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You hopped onto Discord after a long morning. With nothing to do at home, you decided to spend your past time talking to ppl across the internet with similar interests. You've met and talked to some interesting people, to say the least. After a while, you’ve become a mod in a server.
There was this one mod, everyone calls him Timmy. In your own words, he was kind of a control freak. If the server needed a bot, he added. If the mods needed to make an announcement, he’d make it. You wonder if you’ll get to anything to help around the server with the rest of the mod team letting Tim do everything.
Members of the server have been asking for a new boy, you sent a message to the fellow mods about it, offering to help install the bot.
You could feel a burning sensation growing in your chest as you read their replies. They all told you that Tim would do it and that you didn’t need to help. You know they probably didn’t mean it harshly, sometimes tone doesn’t translate well into text but what they said still hurt you.
You get up and walk away from your desktop to cool off. Once you returned to your desk, you noticed a new notification.
It was Tim. Tim sent you a dm.
Your heart rate picked up, you greeted him in return. This is the first time you’ve ever dmed him. The server that you both mod for is huge, you’ve talked a lot in group settings, but it’s not a surprise that you guys never talked one on one.
You watch Tim type, anticipation building up in the pit of your stomach.
“I just wanted to make sure you’re okay :) didn’t like that you got shut down like that”
“It’s fine, you’ve done bots before.” you said.
“But I wouldn’t mind the help, especially if it was you” Then Tim sent another text before you could start typing out a reply. “I just think you’re really cool”
“Think you’re really cool too.”
And that was the beginning of your back and forth with Tim. You worked along with Tim whenever the server needed to get new bots. you saw each other online, you’d always said hello and t to each and tag each other in posts you’d think the other would like.
As months passed by, the other members became more and more annoyed that Tim spent so much time talking to you. In their own words, they were tired of the obnoxious “flirting”.
You and Tim wouldn’t call it flirting, you two just grew closer. It wasn’t your fault that you and Tim got along so well.
“I think you guys are mad that Y/n is Tim’s discord kitten and you’re not lol”
You saw Tim typing. “You hear that, y/n? you’re my discord kitten” with a heart emoji.
You couldn’t help but laugh at his comment.
You got online one day to see your notification blowing up. You were used to Tim tagging in memes but this seemed like too many to be just him. You open the source of the tags, the selfie channel. You scrolled to the post everyone tagged you in.
The caption was just some generic rise and grind quote but it was clearly ironic. What drew your attention the most was the picture attached. It was a selfie from who you could only assume is Tim posing in front of a mirror with gym equipment in the background. His long black hair falling into his face, drenched with sweat. He had nice muscles.
But there was one thought on your mind, you wanted him to crush you with those arms of his.
“I don’t believe that’s you” You typed out. No way was this the guy you’ve been talking to.
“You’re too handsome, you have to be catfishing.”
“I’ll prove it :]”
And that’s when you started getting a video call. Your hands started to clam up. You realized how much of a mess you probably looked right now while sitting hands, contemplating picking up the call.
You took a deep breath and hit accept call. You fidgeted in your chair as the call connected.
“Oh my god, you’re real.” Your eyes grew wide, trying to let this revelation sink in.
The same guy from the selfie was looking at you. His cheeks are more flushed now than in the picture, but it was clearly the same person. It really was Tim.
“Hi, kitten” The man, Tim, chuckled to him as he continued to speak. You don’t know where he was but you can tell he’s sitting down somewhere, calling you on his phone. “Sorry, still a bad joke.”
You laughed, breaking into a smile that’ll make your face hurt later. You really couldn’t believe it, it’s him.
“I hope you know that it feels like I’m meeting in person right now.” Tim said, smiling softly.
“Let’s pretend we are, okay?”
It was just like every normal evening for you. You sat on your computer waiting for Tim to get online and call you.
Your phone rang, seeing the contact ID was Tim, you hit accept call without hesitation.
“Hey, Tim?” You said but you greeted with heavy breathing. Your heart started pounding in your chest as you thought of every bad scenario. “Tim? what’s wrong”
“Y/N?“ His voice was hoarse and strained. “Please, stay on the phone. I just need to pretend you’re here with me right now.”
You could feel a crack forming in your heart. You’ve never seen Tim like this. Yes, you both have vented to each other before but he sounds so distraught.
“Of course, I can.” You said and you did. You sat on the phone with Tim for the rest of the evening. At times, he put himself on mute and came back sniffling. Despite his protests, you both stayed on the phone while you slept.
You found out later that night when he called ,Tim lost one of his childhood friends. Part of you was hurt over Tim’s loss but the other part of you, one deep inside, you was grateful that Tim felt safe enough to vent to you and how safe you felt around him. You loved it even.
You laid in your bed, listening to Tim’s rambles on FaceTime. It was getting late, your eyes growing heavy.
You hear Tim ask you something. “Tell me exactly what you want.” You mumbled, eyes fluttering close.
“You. I want you,” he said.
The air was dead silence.
You jumped out of your bed and picked up from your dresser so you could get a good look at Tim.
You could hear Tim swear underneath his breath, his hand covering his blue eyes.
“I think I like you more than anyone should like their online friend. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to tell you but everytime I did, I’d freeze up and back out.” He said, finally getting the courage to look at you. “Pretend I didn’t say any of that, y/n.”
“No, I’m not.” You said, butterflies swarmed your stomach. “I really can’t pretend that I don’t feel something too.”
“I guess you really are my discord kitten.”
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