#and god i was sitting in the taxi next to him like PLS KISS ME
greg-montgomery · 8 months
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tscmu · 4 years
first dates with haikyuu boys :)
pt 1. - msby black jackals
genre; kinda fluff idk?? just kinda cute early relationship tings
warnings; secondhand embarassment, lil suggestive comments ( from atsumu who am i kidding )
characters; bokuto, atsumu, hinata + sakusa
all characters r timeskip and 18+ !!
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koutarou bokuto
- bruh youd be terrified for this date like.. a guy youve hardly spoken to with a massive personality asking you to meet him at a tiny cafe.. ok
- hed love tiny cafes though like the ones nobody are in so its just you two.. AWH
- dates wouldnt be a massive thing to him so youd be dressed up casual formal with light makeup on and hed strut off the bus in his kit literally sweating, just left practice and youd be like 😳
- you wouldve met him at a club like a week back when you were both off your faces and youd wake up the next morning with no idea what happened the night before, just like 10 texts from someone with the contact name ‘BokJUt OWks MAn’ asking you on a date.. why wouldnt u say yeah??
- it would go rly well !!
- i think itd be a bit slow at first, like youre both describing your lives when.. it happens
- youre both just aimlessly chatting, both tuning in and out of conversation waiting for the food to come when.. you hear it. the thing that you did that you thought NOBODY else did. and he does it.
- “and one of my roommates tsumu always yells at me because i collect stamps-” “WAIT YOU COLLECT STAMPS?? ME TOO BRUH”
- youd both have a joint aneurysm literally
- after that youd be infatuated with eachother ITD BE SO CUTE
- youd get the bill both like a lil tipsy, heading further into the town to just go window shopping in the moonlight
- then hed accidentally set off the jewellery shop alarm pointing at a pretty ring and poking the glass too hard-
- when your taxi came he’d be really sad.. then as you close the door hed just jump in and find his own way home HAHAHA
- 10/10 date would do again.. and you did
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atsumu miya
- oh you would be EXCITED
- until you found out his suggestion.. one of his own fucking games
- you just cut it down to the fact that he was a personal volleyball player, he was probably busy, yk?? but no it was because he wanted to show off to you🙄🙄
- you met him on the street like he literally picked you up on the street.. only he yall only he 
- well of course you liked him have you seen him 
- you exchanged numbers and were texting for like a week ( where he just begged you to come to a game ) before finally you said ok
- because its a date you didnt wanna bring along someone else so you just kinda showed up on your own and followed the crowd.. before finding out you were on the WRONG SIDE OF THE COURT
- he teased you about this for years to come and you wanted to burst out crying every time
- after finally finding the right seat on the RIGHT SIDE, the players came out and.. lets say you were surprised
- you didnt know that much about volleyball beforehand but.. d a m n
- those uniforms were hot😳😳
- the game went well and they won ( to his extreme happiness ), and then you finally got to meet him again
- it was subtle at first, like while he was signing shirts hed look over his shoulder and wink or something lmao
- thats until hinata and bokuto got to the area you were at and went feral, killing tsumus whole vibe HAHA
- to which you just laughed your head off about
- bro he gave you a kiss on the cheek when he walked over making all the fangirls go absolutely feral.. twitter talked abt it for AGES even after you revealed you were dating 2 months after it happened
- you had to wait around for HOURS whilst he talked to interviewers.. struggles of being famous🥶‼🔥
- but it was worth it ofc
- he took you out to this lil restaurant when he finally got away and even walked u home.. such a gentleman damn
- “so when can i see you again.. and maybe a bit more ;)” “sHUT UP-”
- lets just say u definitely did that again-
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shoyo hinata
- oh my god hed be more nervous than you were
- hed overdress like.. not full suit but pretty damn close
- i feel like hed not be that focused on women?? the volleyball grind comes first yk
- but when he made eye contact w you across the meeting table.. jeez he went feral
- bro when he was asked a question he couldn’t function you were just like ??
- atsumu basically had to ask you out for him after it finished he was so nervous HAHA
- you called him cute when he pulled up and he genuinely turned into a tomato like.. ushijima would farm him if he saw him
- hed book you a table at this really fancy restaurant ( with a lil financial help from kenma ) and you were genuinely shocked lmao
- i feel like youd work with the jackals as like a promoter or sumn and hed just be shocked.. like he didnt know you even existed bruh??
- because of that hed be pretending hed had his eye on you for a while ( to which you just laughed knowing he was trying to be cool )
- hed tell you to order something expensive but you knew how much those guys got paid.. yeah no.
- but hed warm up MASSIVELY like by the end of it after a glass and a bit of wine youd both be like peas in a pod literally
- youd go for a lil walk around the city centre before u found a taxi.. HED BE SO SAD LIKE HE DIDNT WANT IT TO END??
- hed go in for the kiss i know he would 
- youd be like ??? but kiss him back bc why wouldnt u hes a baby
- best date you’d had in a couple years by far
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kiyoomi sakusa
- you literally wouldnt realise it was a date until the end i stg this man
- hed deadass show up to ur door and be like ‘cmon’ and youd be like EXCUSE ME SIR-
- i feel like you wouldve known eachother for at LEAST a couple months
- and he wouldve just done NOTHING like you didnt even know he felt a romantic connection to you
- but trust me he did
- he just didnt know the words to say :(
- but this is what the lads told him to do LMAO
- before u knew what was happening you were in the backseat of a taxi and he was telling them a street in the middle of the city-
- “oh we’re going out to dinner” “wha- i didnt bring my purse tho-” “eh.” literally
- you were kinda surprised because you knew how much he hated crowds and dinner in the city seemed unlike him, more like something you would enjoy
- but thats exactly why he did it 
- youd pull up and do a double take when he was asking for a table.. WHO THE FUCK WAS SITTING AT THE BACK OF THE RESTAURANT
- however after being motioned to shut up by atsumu you acted like you saw nothing
- it was just like the other times youd hung out but he was a little more.. interested in you
- not like suggestive, he just genuinely was asking about like how your day was, etc IT WAS CUTE AS HELL
- it was at that point you realised oh shit, this might be a date-
- when it was over you suggested going into the city and looking in shops for a bit, but the restaurant filled with people was enough for him lmao
- you got a taxi back and were standing outside your apartment door when he did something hed never done before
- it was then you realised.. did he actually like you??
- spoiler he did
- and things were different between you ever since IM UWUING PLS
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cabinofimagines · 4 years
It’s Delicate (Jason Grace xFem!Reader)
A/N: *Walks in with an iced coffee and sunglasses on* So you guys won’t believe the YEAR that I had, but I’m ending it on a good note and with Christmas specials, so the bad vibes can SUCK IT (also Jason and reader are like 20y/o in the story and for reasons they live in New York)
Words: 1,620
Warnings: Angst. But not really. Look, idk what I did but i TRIED- (this is not proofread so beware the mistakes.
Request: Can you pls do a Jason Grace x Reader? Where Jason says something during an argument that'll hurt the reader and they don't make up then Reader almost dies in an attack and he's going to think that it was probably the last thing he said to reader before reader dies but reader lives in the end. Really angsty, please? Lmaoi hope u understand what i just sent u // How about a songfic with Taylor Swifts delicate with Jason x reader?
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This ain't for the best My reputation's never been worse, so You must like me for me We can't make Any promises now, can we, babe?
Jason gets the call from Chiron five minutes after he gets home from the busy streets of the city.
Y/N was attacked while going on a quest on her own. Badly. He’s not sure she’ll make it.
He hangs up and sits on the couch, the shock of the news force him to stay still for a moment, trying to process what his old mentor just said.
Y/N was attacked.
She won’t make it.
And all he can think about is how the last thing he said to her was “Sometimes I wonder why are we still together.”
He fucked up, Y/N stormed out of their bedroom and left the apartment without a word, He’d assumed she was staying at camp since it was the second place she thought of as her home besides their place. He hadn’t visited her all those days cause he thought it was better if he kept his distance for a while, they would make up before Christmas anyway.
Phone lights up my nightstand in the black Come here, you can meet me in the back Dark jeans and your Nikes, look at you
Jason spends the next hour calling Piper and Leo, the panic slipping through his voice while he tells them he has to go to camp but he doesn’t want to be alone cause Y/N is dying and he can’t do it, he can’t say goodbye like this. His friends tell him that they’ll be there in a couple of hours and that he just has to be strong in the meantime and go over at camp, that he can’t lose hope yet, cause Y/N might still survive.
He picks up a pair of dark jeans and his shoes, he changes quickly and grabs the keys of his car, passing by the mirror on the entrance. He stops to look at his reflection. It surprises him how utterly devastated he looks after a few hours of contemplating the possibility of losing his girlfriend. 
This scares him, he doesn’t want to know how will he look after a month without Y/N.
He stops a taxi and tells them indications of where they need to drive. The driver gives him a weird look but says nothing, obeying after Jason shows him the few dollars he has with him. 
While he’s inside the car with nothing else but his own thoughts, he can’t help but think of her, of how stupid he was when they fought.
Is it cool that I said all that? Is it chill that you're in my head? 'Cause I know that it's delicate (delicate) Is it cool that I said all that Is it too soon to do this yet?
“Jason for the last time, can you please just clean the table when you’re not working on your project?” Y/N asks, pushing away some blueprints and accidentally dropping some on the floor.
“Hey, can you at least be careful with those?” Jason retorts, standing up from the couch and leaving his laptop abandoned on the coffee table, “if I lose one the gods that are left with no altars will hunt me down”
“Well, is not my fault that you’re so messy,” She groans, sitting in front of her plate and staring at him, “I don’t like that you spend so much time doing those, you’ve been on this project since we were seventeen, Jason. You have to finish it.” 
“That’s what I’m trying to do,” He grumbles, harshly taking the blueprints from the table and walking away towards their room, “I work all the time so i can finish and you stop bickering about it.”
“Bickering?” Y/N asks offended, “excuse me? I’m just worried about you!”
“Really? Cause it sounds more like you’re tired of me” He replies from the bedroom.
Y/N stands up and goes to the room, she sees Jason there, carefully putting the blueprints inside a drawer.
“I’m not tired of you, don’t be stupid,” She crosses her arms, “I’m just sick of seeing these all over the house, why don’t you keep them in one place?”
“Cause they’re too many.”
“Well take some to camp, I know they’ll be safe back there.”
“I can’t, I need to have them with me in case I have to make changes.”
“Changes?” She huffs, “Jason, they don’t need changes, they need to be done.”
“I know that!” He groans, finally turning around and frowning, “it’s easy for you to say it, you’re not doing anything, you just go to school and come back here to eat and sleep, oh, how busy is your life.”
“Oh, shut up,” Y/N retorts, “you don’t know all the assignments I have to do to keep my good grades. And I wasn’t judging your productivity, by the way, but you’re just stressed and in a bad mood, so whatever, I’m not gonna fight with you.”
“Oh, you’re not gonna fight? You were the one who started,” He scowls, “you come home and you complain, we do nothing but fight and argue about the altars. Gods, sometimes I even wonder why are we still together.”
Long night, with your hands up in my hair Echoes of your footsteps on the stairs Stay here, honey, I don't wanna share 'Cause I like you
He arrives at camp at midnight, the snow outside the limits of camp cuts short where Thalia’s tree is, a clear sign of magic. He walks fast towards the big house, luckily for him, no harpies try to eat him and he gets to the door safely. He pushes it open.
“Chiron?” He asks out loud, “Mr. D?”
He walks towards the stairs and goes to the second floor, immediately he sees the light coming from one of the rooms on his right and get closer, opening the door without knocking.
Inside there’s a young demigod that he doesn’t know and Chiron in his wheelchair.
“You can go to sleep, Mylo,” Says the centaur, looking over at the young boy.
The demigod looks over at Jason in mild admiration. The younger groups do that a lot, knowing all about the prophecy of the seven, and how he and his friends saved the world. Jason gives him a polite smile and walks in, holding his breath.
Y/N is asleep, but her skin looks drained from any color and her lips look chapped. When he gets closer, Chiron starts to explain the situation.
“Y/N was in a mission to get rid of a group of Cyclops, one of their arrows went through her abdomen and another went through her shoulder blade. She got to escape and call for help but when we found her she was unconscious... Mylo did all he could to take care of her, he’s Apollo’s.”
Jason sat miserably on the chair where Mylo was moments ago, he carefully reached to touch her hair, with erratic movements he put a strand behind her ear and then held her hand tightly like it was the only thing keeping her tied to the mortal world.
“I’ll leave you alone,” Chiron left the room and closed the door behind him. 
Jason felt helpless, it all looked so definitive like everyone already had accepted Y/N’s death. He couldn’t, as long as her breathing was steady, he would have hope and he was determined to wait forever.
He needed her to stay.
Sometimes I wonder when you sleep Are you ever dreaming of me?
Two days had gone by and Y/N showed no sign of waking up, Leo and Piper made sure to leave food so Jason would eat, sometimes even staying in the room with him and trying to cheer him up, but Jason never really paid attention to what they were saying, his eyes were on her all the time, waiting, hoping to see her move, or even talk in her sleep, anything that could let him know she was still alive.
Was she dreaming? If so, about what... was her mortal life or her demigod life? 
Did she dream about him? Maybe forgave him, or maybe she would once she woke up to him sitting next to her bed, always waiting for her. All he knew was that he was ready to say anything just to get her back, he would stop working, he would drop anything just to be able to see her smile one more time.
Yeah, I want you
It was Christmas Eve when the Gods heard his prayers.
His eyes opened slowly, the dim light passing through the window warmed the room, barely, since he still felt cold on the tip of his fingers. A distant whimper stirred him up, and it became stronger as he straightened up on his chair, staring at the girl without fully comprehending, his mind too fuzzy.
Then, Y/n opened her eyes, she frowned and tried to cover her face from the sun, but her hand was intertwined with Jason’s. When she felt it, her stare fixed on him.
“Jason?” She asked in a hoarse voice, “what..?”
“You’re awake,” He whispered.
Before she could add another word, Jason started rambling.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. What I said was stupid, and you were right, I was stressed and moody, and you were just worried... then you left...”
“Jason, I... I died?”
“No,” He shook his head, voice trembling, “no, you’re okay. You’ll be okay.”
“I...” Y/N stares at the bruises on her arms and the bandages around the torso, “I was reckless, going on my own. I’m sorry, I should’ve never...”
“You did what a demigod it’s supposed to do. You’re a hero. And I love you for that,” Jason lifted her hand carefully and kissed her knuckles, “I’ll always will. What I said, about not knowing why are we still together. It was a delicate subject but, I know now.”
Is it cool that I said all that Is it too soon to do this yet? 'Cause I know that it's delicate (delicate) 'Cause I like you
“What is it, then?” His girlfriend asked quietly.
“It’s cause we want it that way,” He smiles, “because we’re meant to be. And I still like you so much...”
“I can’t argue against that,” She replied, with weariness, a faint smirk on her face.
“Yeah,” He grinned, cleaning the tears that were starting to fall, “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Grace.”
Jason could now say, he got his own Christmas miracle.
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bohemiansweede · 4 years
Pairing Brian May Reader
Warnings Smut 🔞
A/N Please like and reblog or if you want leave a comment
Thank You
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- No.. I really like the "HOT SPACE" album Bri.. No matter what you or the critics might think..
- It's fuckin disco Y/N...
- Maybe it will take time for it to sink in for some people.. And it is just because you don't dance.. You'll never know.. maybe you like it later on..
Brian shrugged his shoulders and took down the last of his beer before he hinted to the bartender to give him another one
He looked around and saw John, clearly drunk dancing on around the tables, Freddie was happy, he chatted and mingled with everyone, Roger was cheerful and snuggled in his girlfriends neck
- Damn it.. This party sucks aswell.. maybe I begin tog get to old for this shit
The release party was a huge success for everyone.. well.. Everyone else but Brian
- Bri C'mon.. Cheer up a little, a new tour is coming, you enjoy to be on the road right?
- Yeah.. It's not that love.. Ehhmm, I have been thinking a lot lately and... I am well over 30 and.. Damnit.. I don’t have my own family.. Even Roger.. Can you believe Roger got a kid before ME!!
- Brian, you are drunk.., you have never mentioned this before..
You could clearly see the panic form in his eyes and even if he had been drinking, you knew he was right
You sipped on your drink and twirled the tiny umbrella between your fingers
- I am serious Y/N.. I have been so deep into writing and music that I have just literally missed everything else around me and.. I know that don't have a biological clock like you girls but... still... And you? You are still falling for wrong guys or am missing something?
You knew that he was right
All idiots were drawn to you like magnets, and you were closing in on 30..shit
- Sooo... What are you plan then, you are not exactly meeting your wife while sitting in your studio.. Or.. Hey.. You can go to one of thoose clinics and wank off in a mug... Giggle
- No fuckin way.. Are you fuckin mad??? I am kinda famous.. Have you forgot that?
You kept giggling, you could see him in front of you, sneak in there with a big coat and hat..
- Sry Bri... Just thought... Well... If not that and adoption is a deal for you.. I have a suggestion...
He stopped in motion and you could see his eyes widened like he already knew what you were about to say, you had been friends for a few years now and always joked about stuff but..
- Brian.. You want a a kid, a family... so do I, Ehhh.. Sooo ... why not help eachother?
Brian spat out his beer over the bar and almost dropped the glass and if his eye wasn't already fully wide..
His mouth fell open and he started to stutter and you were not quite sure if he was laughing or not
- Ohh.. Omg.. Y/N.. Ehh.. You said I was drunk but.. Omg.. You mean... Shit... Seriously?
He stopped laughing and looked and your serious face
- Omg.. You're really serious
- Hey guys!!! Cheer up!!!
Freddie came bouncing and slammed his palm in Brians back
- The party is over there!!, He pointed with his thumb towards the back of the room
- You go ahead Bri, I think it's time for me to go home..
- You sure sweetie? He wrapped you into a big hug that only he could, are we still having dinner next Friday?
- Yes.. I'll be over at 7 as usual.. You gaved a soft kiss on his cheek and saw him leaving with Freddie
You tried to not think of the embarrassing incidence during the week.
But had you really made a fool of yourself and said theese things? .. If so, you could only hope he would not remember any of it from that night
For as long as you could recall, you tried to hold on to the ritual to see eachother every Friday, from the beginning it was four of you from a science class, now it was only you and Brian
Of course it was a strouggle during the tour, but then he always called instead, from Asia, USA.. Sometimes boyfriends or girlfriends had joined and a few occasions you had been little waisted so you had shared a kiss or two, but.. never more...
You smiled for yourself while you jumped out from the taxi, Brian the hopeless romantic and gentleman
You really wished the best for him, a really sweet girl someone who..
- Y/N!!! HI!!!!!
- Hi Bri... Am I early?
- No.. God you look beautiful .., the food is in the owen, come in
He placed a soft kiss on your forehead and you breathed in his aftershave, he always smelled so good
- I brought wine, shall I open it?
You went into the kitchen where he had prepared vegetarian food, he were an amazing chef, your stomach almost screamed of hunger
He stod silent behind you.. watching
- Y/N.. The other day
- Bri.. I..
- No... S'alright.. been thinking tho... What did you mean when you said we should help eachother
Shit.. There was no turning back from this, he remembered.. every single word
Sometimes you really wish you were an ostrich
- You ok hunnie? He caressed your upper arm and an electrical stream went through your spine
- Brian.. Thing is.. You swallowed hard.. I was kinda hoping you forgot..
- I do not forget things like that Y/N..
You started to fiddle with the corkscrew..
- Have you changed your mind
- No.. No.. But.. I.. We didn't finish talk about it and.. It is not just to buy a loaf of bread you know..
It became silent again, you started to sip on your wine, no matter what were about to happen it was best to get shitfaced, in the corner of your eye you saw Brian pour a glass for himself aswell and never taken it down so fast
- Don't missjudge me, you are very attractive and it is not that... I wa.. I don’t... Damn it... But our friendship.. I am afraid that we are losing what we have..
- Me to Bri..me too, but I want a kid aswell .. And if this is the only way for us.. We might have both friendship and a baby..
- But... He put down his glass.. If it doesn't work.. I mean.. Do we ke..
- Keep trying? Yes.. I want it to work.., you closed the gap between the two of you
- B.. But.. This means that we are going to have sex right.. Shit.. I can't just.. you know.. without touching.. And..
He closed his eyes and bit his lower lip
You placed your head on his chest and trailed your hands up and down his back
- It's ok Bri.. It is just me...
- That's the thing... It's you.. You.. My friend.. My everything..
- Brian... Look at me
It was almost like he forbid himself to look at you, he shok his head and a tiny tear fell from his eye
- I want you... I want th..this.. s.. so bad.. He stuttered.. pl please.. let me kiss you
Finally your lips met, you let out a tiny whimper and your fingers tangled in his dark curls
You pushed your body against his and his hands fumbled with your blouse
- Oh.. No.. Brian.. Shit.. I want this to be so perfect.. Our first time.. Shall we.. shall we.. you phanted in his mouth
- It.. It is perfect love... It is with you..
He turned off the stove, the food were less important now, took your hand and led you down the hall to his bedroom
Never before had your own heart beaten so fast, it felt like your first time all over again, in one way it was but now it was with a man you were so sure of, that you had known so long
His head fell back and his eyes closed again.. you kissed him softly on his exposed neck and he started to breathe faster, his strong arms pulled you closer and you felt every muscle, every fibre in his body wanting you
- L.. Let me touch you..
His voice almost cracked
You helped him by taking his hand up to your breast and already hard nipple, he cupped it gently and started touching it while moaning in your ear
- Please Bri... I...
- Sssscchh... I know... I know.. Let's not rush it ok.. I have wanted to touch you for so long..
Your hips bucked against his crotch, you whole body was in flames
You tried desperately to unbuttoned his shirt and you both giggled a little
He cupped your face with his big hands and looked deep into your eyes
- You do know that I love you so much Y/N..
He kissed you with such passion and intensity, his tounge left a trail along your neck like a lava stream
- Omg Bri.. I.. I love I love you too...
- Mmmmm... There is soo much I want.. Mmm I want to do with you... I have thought about this so long..
He laid you down on the bed as you were a treasure, and hooked his long finger in your jeans
- Lift up hunnie
He smirked up at you and you tried to help him wiggle down your tight jeans, in same motion came your underwear and he gasped after air
- Brian... You have seen this before haven't you..
- N.. Not yours... Shit I.. Want to make you feel so good but I am afraid I might explode
- Bri.. We have time..
He took his long fingers and drawed patterns on your inner thighs while looking at your glistening core, with one finger he followed the slit between your folds up towards your nub and stopped
He looked at you while circling your clit fast with his thumb, his other hand held a tight grip around his member
He removed his thumb and replaced it with his mouth, he flicked his tongue in fast motion, he whined and whimpered against your core and you could tell he was struggling to hold back
- Ahhh Brian ohhh God, feels so good.. Ahhh yes....
Your walls were soon contracting in an orgasm and you took a firm grip in his hair and pulled him closer
- Bri... Ohh Bri... Please... I am ready.. Make me pregnant...
He looked up and smiled at you and once again you saw the tears were building up in his eyes..
Also you felt it...
This could be it..
It could be happening
He placed himself between your legs and kissed you soft on your lips and pushed a piece of your hair behind your ear
You felt him in your entrance slightly stretching you out bit by bit
You were trembling under him
You moved together in unison
His body were shaking and you knew that he could not hold back so much longer
- Omg Y/N... I.. Oh God ohhh.. I am so close...
He tried to slow down his pace but you stopped him by wrapping your legs around his back
- Ohh Yes Brian Fill me.. Fill me.. Please Ahh yes...
You could feel every vein on his throbbing cock was ready to push his seed inside your body
He snapped his hips a few more times until he came, you felt his warm wave of cum through your walls
Your final contractions emptied him on the last drops..
You wanted everything
All your limbs were tangled together, you laid like that for a long time before anyone said anything
- Do you think it worked Y/N?
- Mmmmm maybe?
- You know we cannot go back to the way we were even if it didn't work right away...
- I don't want to Brian...
- Me neither..
This had changed everything for you
And this first weekend actually did work... It planted a little seed inside of you
But neither of you knew that yet
That is another story
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Enjoy more reading in my masterlist
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ds-ts-smut-fics · 5 years
Sweet on You [Chapter One]
Summary: Moxiety sugar daddy/sugar baby au [Daddy Patton, baby Virgil, transboy Virgil, switch Virgil, dom Patton, fwb analogical, romantic moxiety, sympathetic Deceit, romantic loginceit], hurt/comfort
Trigger warnings: Nsfw, “female” body parts described on Virgil, everyone- including virgil -jokingly calls Virgil a slut, lmk if i missed anything
A/N: Writing this fic rp style with my dom, @mirror2thespirit. We’re posting twice a week, on Saturdays and Wednesdays. Reblog pls and let us know what you think!
The restaurant is very fancy, everything on the menu is extremely expensive, and Patton is eating there for free. In front of him, sits one of the handsomest men Patton has ever met… and yet... Patton is not having a good time. 
While stirring his food listlessly, he tries to smile and enjoy the story that the enthusiastic thespian before him is spinning, but he knows it’s likely falling flat. 
“-and I thought I was going to be kicked off the cast!” Roman cries, laughing. He very suddenly notices Patton’s expression, though, and frowns. “Hey, are you okay?” 
Jumping a little, Patton offers a soft and weak giggle, "I'm fine, daddy!"
“You know, Patton…” Roman smiles, reaching over and taking his hand. “I know it’s only our second date, but I’m thinking… Maybe we aren’t the best fit.” 
Giggling nervously even as he lightly flinches, Patton sips the wine before nodding a little, "O-Oh? I'm sorry…"
“Sweetheart, you’re perfect,” he insists, kissing his knuckles. “But you don’t seem very happy. And you know, I don’t think I’m quite fit to be a daddy. It was worth a shot, but I don’t think it’s for me.”
A genuine smile spreads across Patton's lips. "You are a bit more happy when you're getting pampered rather than being the gift giver, true." Roman sputters a little but acknowledges the truth with a blush. "Yeah… but there's nothing wrong with that! I’ll get the check,” he said, “and I can thank you for your time. I really enjoyed being with you! Maybe we can keep in touch?” 
Nodding happily, Patton grins, bouncing a little in his seat. "I'd like that! While we don't click as a couple, I think you're a lovely friend, Roman. Thank you!" 
“I wish us both luck in finding a daddy!” He said, a bit too loud. He blushed as some people looked at him strangely.
Paying the check, he leads them outside, giving Patton a soft kiss before writing out another check, this one for Patton. 
Blushing as he takes the check, Patton hugs him, "I know you'll find someone perfect for you... and I think maybe I'm not meant to be a baby, just like you aren't really a daddy."
Looking concerned, he frowns. “But how could you be a daddy without money?”
"I, I don't know… but I like to care and protect rather than be showered with things?" He shrugs. "I'll figure it out, I guess."
“Well…” He forced a smile. “I hope it works out!” He didn’t seem that hopeful. “Shall I call you a taxi?” 
Leaning up, he kisses Roman's cheek, "That would be lovely…. thank you, Ro!"
Roman smiled and called Patton a taxi, giving the driver the address of Patton’s college. 
“See you soon, hopefully!”
Waving, Patton slides into the car, "Hope so! Have a great show run, RoRo!" 
Kicking off his shoes in his dorm once he arrives, Patton rubs his face. Slumping at his desk, he opens the website, scrolling through the available entries, updating his own profile to switch from 'in a relationship' to 'looking' and 'baby' to 'daddy'. Adding a little paragraph about his situation, he hits 'submit' and pushes back from the desk a little. Here goes nothing, I guess?
Virgil got home late. 
Logan was waiting in his apartment, as he usually was. Virgil came over to the couch and flopped down with his face in Logan’s lap. 
Laughing, Logan pets his hair. "Long day, V?"
“Not the day,” he mumbled. “Just got back from another date. Another poor little broken gay kid from some people my parents know.”
Wincing a bit, Logan sighs. "You know… maybe we should try and find you someone from outside this little fishbowl your parents keep digging in? You're basically looking for a sugar daddy, just you've got plenty of sugar!" 
“Hear me out.” Virgil raised his head a little. “The sex is good. I love the sex, actually. But I’m just- I’m really sick of all these guys and their internalized homophobia for only one night. I want- I want a boyfriend, Lo. Only- Without the commitment.” 
Nodding, Logan pulls out his phone. "I get that, I do! See, these guys are basically auditioning for exactly what they're willing to do… One night and on up to permanent, sex or just gifts and affection, you can get exactly what you want if you just make an account, they'll court you!"
“For the love of God, Logan,” he groaned, “I’m not getting on your stupid sugar forum! My parents would kill me.” 
"What can it hurt? They'll never have to know, and if it doesn't work… just delete! One week, just try it, V?"
He hesitated, resting his head back in his friend’s lap. If his parents found out… It would be the end of him. But otherwise, Logan was right. He’s seen Logan’s profile- There was a place to write exactly what you were looking for in the relationship. This forum was where most people went for unusual arrangements. 
Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to try. 
“Fine,” he sighs. “Help me set up a profile.” 
Grinning broadly, Logan hugs him close, "Of course!"
Virgil sat up, pulling his laptop off the coffee table. Taking it, he boots it up and finds the site, starting the process to sign up, "Okay… here we go! I'll type if you give me the data!"
“Well, you know all that.” Virgil gestured to the first section. 
Name: Virgil Hearst
Sex & gender: Afab, male (he/him) 
Age: 22 
"Well, do you want a screen name? Might get more or less interest if they don't know who they're chatting with?" Shrugging, he taps the other line. 
“Hm… You pick,” he said. 
Smirking, Logan giggles and taps the 'hide name/ set screen name,' typing 'Anxiety' as a screen name. "How's that?"
“God, that is funny.” He snorted. “Yeah, that’s good.”
Copying Virgil's little two finger salute, he smirks, "Yup! Next section... location and preferences!" 
Virgil wrote down his general location, and checked the box next to “baby.” He checked the box that said he was bisexual as well.
"Forgot one! Age range of people you want to be your daddy, or mommy, I guess! Oh, and how far of a range you're willing to go out to meet them… " 
“Not far,” he mumbled. He typed in 25 miles, and thought for a moment, before typing a 15 year gap at most. 
"Nice! Okay… no picture for obvious reasons. Pick an icon at least? And, time to write up a profile statement of course!" Logan claps a little, happy for his friend.
He took the laptop from him, fingers hovering over the keys. 
I’m looking for an abnormal arrangement, he wrote. 
While I want to be the baby in the relationship, I’m looking to offer the money. 
Virgil’s brain froze. He couldn’t think of how to continue, so he groaned, shoved the computer back at Logan, and said, “Your turn.”
Gently rolling his eyes, Logan types, 
I'm looking for an affectionate individual who wants to spend my money to pamper and treat me well. Regular sex is preferred, so long as there's other activities as well. I have an high libido, and am looking for someone who can keep up with it. 
“Just wait until I get on testosterone,” Virgil chuckled. 
Poking him in the side, Logan grins, "You'll be a fiend then! You're already a fucking slut!"
“God, I’ll be ravenous.” He looked at the profile nervously. “Is that all?” 
"Hmmm… Maybe… oh! Did you want to include any other kinks on there?" 
“You can just put that I’ll try anything,” he said. “Also, uh… Daddy kink, obviously, praise kink, uh… I don’t know, Lo, what other kinks do I have?” 
Laughing softly, he reads out loud as he types, "Kinky bastard who's willing to try anything once if you talk to me pretty enough.”
He nodded. “Yeah, that‘s accurate.” 
Smiling, Logan reads it over. "Looks good! Anything to change before we go live?"
Virgil almost told him to delete the whole thing. He wasn’t sure about this… “Let’s go.”
Squeezing Virgil's hand, he smiles, "You'll be fine… the right one is out there!" Pressing the 'save and post' button, he grins. 
“I get horny when I’m anxious,” Virgil grumbled, squirming. 
Logan rolls his eyes. “You get horny when you breathe. Want some help or a toy?"
“Yeah,” he said plainly. “If you’re up for it, fuck me.” 
Setting the laptop to the side, he kisses his friend on the mouth, pushing him down on the couch. "Gladly, V… but you're wearing too many clothes!"
Virgil grinned, biting Logan’s lip. “What are you gonna do about it?” 
He chuckles as he slides their clothes off, groping Virgil lightly. "Slut… should I get a condom for this? How needy are you?"
“Don’t bother,” he pants. “Want you in the back tonight.”
Grinning, he lets his fingers slide over Virgil's ass as he switches positions to pin him to the fabric of the couch, sliding a finger inside slowly. "Mmm~"
Virgil spread his legs, relaxing back against the couch and sighing. 
Slowly fucking him open on more fingers, he uses his thumb to rub at Virgil's clit. "So handsome… almost jealous of your daddy!"
Virgil whined, grinding against him. “Right,” he pants. “If I even get one.” 
"You will!" He sucks lightly on Virgil's neck, he slides a third finger inside with a low hum.
“Just fuck me,” he groaned, wrapping his legs around Logan’s waist. 
Pressing a little harder against Virgil's clit, he smirks, sliding the fingers out to press inside, thrusting slowly, "Always so needy~!"
“Ah, yes,” he whimpered, meeting his thrusts. “Harder, Lo!”
Spanking him, he grins and speeds up his thrusts. "Going to fuck you brainless, V~!"
He moaned. “Yes, yes…” 
Rubbing at Virgil's clit as he fucks him hard, he sucks a mark into the arched neck. Virgil let out a whimper as he came, his back arching. 
Moaning out, Logan gasps, cumming hard into Virgil. “Oh! Oh, fuuuck, V~!"
Virgil sunk back against the couch, sighing. He felt immediately better after coming- Lighter, and more relaxed. 
He held Logan close to him. “Thanks, Lo,” he whispered. 
Cuddling him, he grins, kissing Virgil's lips softly. "Anytime! Feel better?"
“Much better. You spending the night?” 
"I can, sure!" Going to pull out, he grin. "Besides, you might need more comfort!"
Virgil cracked his back and sat up, yawning. “Come on, you dork. Let’s go to bed.” 
He didn’t bother with his clothes, grabbing Logan’s hand and leading him up to the bedroom. 
And his phone, forgotten on the coffee table, buzzed with a new message from the sugar forum.
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mongniel · 7 years
broken record
member: kang daniel genre: angst summary: you no longer wanted to be daniel’s nurse whenever he experienced heartbreak.  requested: nope, but i wrote this because of hime from @hime-hana. so yeah, i guess this is dedicated to the fake hoe that keeps telling me that she loves me but doesn’t. warning: mentions of sexual/inappropriate comments, bullying a/n: another angst scenario. sue me. also, this is my first paragraph written scenario... pls be kind. thanks @ everyong for helping me with my little block too!!
“you’re seriously not going to listen to me?” you didn’t mean to sound demanding, but daniel just disregarded your opinion after years of friendship. and for what? some girl with big tits he had a crush on since senior year of high school?
you saw with your own two eyes how she was flirting with minhyun the other day, and not long before that, jaehwan. you didn’t have any photographic proof but you thought telling him was enough to convince him otherwise.
“no, i’m not going to listen to you. you never liked her since the beginning. you’re probably being dramatic and misjudging her,” daniel dared to roll his eyes, “she likes me too.”
a sigh escaped your lips. it hurt your pride knowing that he was taking some other girl’s side, someone he was just infatuated with. you spent more than half your life with this guy just for him to tell you that what you thought just didn’t matter suddenly because some other hot girl came around. 
“you know what? fuck you, daniel. go on that date with her and have fun. get married too with ten kids. just don’t talk to me anymore.”
“you’re fucking kidding me? you’re dropping me because i'm dating someone?” daniel scoffed, “aren’t you being a little dramatic?”
“no, i’m a friend telling you that she’s not worth your fucking time.”
“then who is worth ‘my fucking time’? you? what are you? jealous?”
rolling your eyes to the other side of the room, you kept your mouth shut and looked towards another direction. god, you felt your eyes watering up, but you did your best to suck them back in. 
god, you swear he’s done this a thousand times: date the wrong person and comes running back to you all heartbroken. this time was just a little different because you finally have the chance to warn him this time. but... you weren’t going to be here to pick up his pieces anymore because you were just done...
“just... fuck you,” your voice came out a little softer than you wanted it to be, “i’m not jealous, but i don’t want to see you come to me hurt and lost again especially when i can warn you this time. if you like her so much, then go ahead. i’m not going to be the one picking up your phone calls anymore.”
“i’m not going to be calling!”
you rushed out of the room before your tears started streaming down your face. this was the worst the two of you have fought. daniel was never the stubborn type either. he’s usually the one that would come to your house and ask to talk things out, but it seems like you took that for granted. 
even five months laters, he never showed up at your door. he never called your phone, like he said. you two hardly ever crossed paths anymore. truth be told and sad to say, you two almost forgot about each other by the third month.
it was horrible at first though. you really waited for him to tell you that you were right, that the other girl meant nothing. he chose her over you and you tried really hard to numb your feelings. you acted mad. you were outraged that kang daniel dropped a friendship like his and yours.
all was stable after a month. you had other friends that distracted you from whatever you were feeling in the beginning. disappointment? distraught? loneliness? yearning... 
“hey, honey, i haven’t seen daniel around lately. is he doing alright?” your mom asked.
you froze in place, hearing your mom mentioning someone who haven’t spoken to in months. “uh... maybe? we kind of grew apart a few months back,” you confessed while trying to make an escape to your room.
“really? kang daniel? you guys stuck together like glue since... elementary school was it?” she said before you could run off.
“yeah, well, shit happens,” you mumbled to yourself before rushing off.
elementary school was when you met kang daniel, the chubby kid a lot of kids teased and didn’t bother trying to befriend him. he had those awkward looking glasses that were too small for his face and often was the kid that teachers struggle to find a partner when being put into pairs.
you got to know him when your teacher rearranged the seating chart and you two were seated next to each other. during snack time, you saw he brought egg jellies and it was your first time seeing them.
“wow! that’s so cool. i never tried them before. i have peach jellies. do you want to trade?” 
daniel had a rattled expression on his face as if he was stunned you were even talking to him. he nodded rapidly and handed you a couple of his jellies. that’s what started it all: you hanging out with daniel, holding his hand during field trips, eating with together. he was the best, sweetest, cutest, kindest person in elementary school. 
thinking back on that memory had you in discomfort. everything was so simple back then unlike now. now, you guys weren’t talking because ‘love’ was far greater than friendship. 
it’s hard for you to believe it, but daniel’s relationship ended up lasting longer than you anticipated. there were times you’d see them across campus holding hands with pretty smiles on their faces, even sharing short kisses. you really should be happy for him. he got what he wanted. maybe even proved you wrong.
and maybe that alone hurt you.
he was happy without you, smiling without you, living his life without you. you felt like you had a small insignificant role in his life. meanwhile in yours, he was the main. the “one that got away”?
you were stubborn and selfish, and your ego was getting in your way of apologizing to him. maybe you were the one that needed to reevaluate yourself and test whether you were even worthy of having him as a friend (not that you guys were anymore), but you didn’t. you left things unsaid and unsolved. 
so did you really deserve a call from him that one saturday night?
you picked up a lot faster than you should’ve, but you were watching a marathon of cat videos on your phone with the lights off in your room when you got his call. 
“you listen here,” daniel’s words were slurred and hard to hear. it was clear he had too much to drink and feelings harbored. 
“daniel, where are you?” you were genuinely worried. 
from the past, you know how insane daniel gets when he drinks a little too much. you’re pretty much the whole reason why he hasn’t died from being drunk yet. 
“i... you left me,” his voice was getting softer, “you hurt me.”
“daniel, please tell me where you are,” you begged.
“so, you can leave me again?” he raised his voice slightly to present his anger. 
“no, daniel, so i can run back to you like i always do.”
his side of the line was silent for a bit. you were anxious and your heart was pounding out of worry. in your head, you begged and hoped he was more in his right mind to tell you his location.
“i’m in hongdae. the usual place...”
hanging up, you rushed over quickly. you ran out to the street waving your hand like you were mental for a taxi. you imagined the worse, daniel hurting someone else, daniel breaking everything, daniel hurting himself. 
you pleaded the taxi driver to go faster and when you got there, you tossed the first big bill you had in your wallet and ran out to find him. it didn’t take much time. to your surprised, daniel wasn’t throwing a tantrum. daniel wasn’t yelling at anyway. daniel wasn’t hurting himself.
he was just sitting at his table alone, probably waiting for you. you let out the biggest sigh of relief and walked over to him. your cheeks were red from the running and panicking. 
daniel’s usual warm eyes were empty when he gazed over at you. you didn’t know what to say to him. your mind was drawing a blank, but you knew you were happy to see him. he was there. well and alive.
“she was cheating on me,” he mumbled, only just enough for you to hear.
and like a broken record, you told him that everything was going to be okay and your arms wrapped around him, comforting him from yet another heartbreak. 
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rtirman-blog · 6 years
39  The Flatbush Fireball
I was on Long Island early enough to start up my Good Humor route in Glen Head, late that March. This meant that my life at home, rather than being different as I had imagined, was going to be much the same. Perhaps, I will put my thoughts together and come up with a plan for my future.  I was grateful Good Humor was there.  I made very good money during the ice cream season.  Even though I was able to start in late March, people weren’t running for my truck until May.  My best income months were May through August. My thinking was to come up with a plan for my future that I could start in September or October.
 Again, like the previous summer, nothing spectacular happened on my route throughout that summer. As a Good Humor Man, I saw myself as a top money maker.  In reality, I was doing very well, but I probably was in the upper third of the money makers.  I suppose in working for Good Humor, I was able to have feelings of self-worth and the ability to make it in this world.  By the end of the summer, I decided to look for a job in the City.  I could stay with my father and Phyllis while I hunted for a position.  
 It’s a mystery to me how real estate popped up in my mind.  All I know is I was hired by Apostle Reality as a real estate salesman.  The office was on Flatbush Avenue, about a block north of the junction of Flatbush and Nostrand Avenues.   It was right where the IRT Subway ended.  If you needed to go further south in Brooklyn, you could walk, take a taxi, or ride the bus.
 In order to sell houses, I studied, took a prep course, and passed the State licensure exam for real estate sales.  By taking that prep course, which was sanctioned by the Real Estate Commission, it seemed as though I had previously seen every question on the exam I was given.  That was the first time I had ever taken a three-day prep course for anything. I think it worked well for me because by taking the actual exam immediately following the three-day course, everything I learned was fresh in my mind.  In high school, I didn’t have to take the SATs. But if I would have taken the SATs, I would have signed up for a prep course, and one that met on days very close to the actual SAT exam.
While preparing for and taking that real estate exam, things with my father and Phyllis were not working out well.  They had only one bedroom.  Since Daddy arrived home each night close to 1 A.M., I would fall asleep in their bed. Phyllis would wait up for him. When they were ready to hit the hay, they would turn their couch into a bed, and I would then go into the living room to sleep, and they would take their own room.  It wasn’t ideal for any of us.  I needed to find my own apartment.  First, I needed a roommate. When I told my cousin Walter, a.k.a. Butch, about looking for a roommate, he offered himself.  You may recall I attended his 12th Birthday celebration when I bedazzled that girl with my Humphry Bogart style kiss during spin the bottle.
Butch was still two years younger than me.  He was working at a cardboard box manufacturing plant in Queens.  But most important in Butch’s life, was his relationship to God.  He was a Billy Graham enthusiast, and a committed Christian. Since we always got along, having him as a roommate would be perfect.  We found a third-floor apartment in a house on Kenilworth Pl. The owner, Manny, felt Jesus had brought us to him in our time of need.  One thing Manny did insist upon- we were not to have girls in the apartment. That was fine with both of us.  It was a great place to live.  The apartment was clean and comfortable, close to everything, especially to my work- the walk was five minutes.
 At Apostle Realty, I worked diligently at my own desk.  At the start, the firm provided me several leads, and I learned how to greatly increase that number by asking for referrals and giving folks my business card. I began showing houses in November. I tried to make myself a busy guy, showing homes to as many folks as I could.  Somedays, I would go to homes for sale and talk with owners and other salesmen persons. I sold nothing in November, nothing in December, and nothing in January. I told myself people were busy with the holidays.  Since, Apostle gave me a small salary until I actually sold my first home, I needed to keep at it. The real estate commission was 5% of the selling price.  Apostle Realty, my broker, got half, and I would get the other half of that commission. Not selling anything for three months, I was getting pretty discouraged.  Then came February!
Early in February, I escorted a couple to a home for sale by another broker.   The house just came on the market.   I knew nothing about it, but we looked at it anyway.
We walked through the house without me saying a word. We stopped in a bedroom. The couple, to whom I was showing the house, started measuring that room.  The husband turned to me and told me if this measures right, you’ve sold yourself a house.  That’s just what happened.  They paid full price for the home, and were ecstatic…and so was I.  The seller talked to John Apostle about me and my expertise in showing the home. As I told you, I said nary a word.
 My next sale was pretty similar, only, it was closer to our office.  The home was a Calder (the builder), and those houses sold quickly. It was if I had the golden ticket.  The people, to whom I showed it, bought it instantly.  Keeping my mouth shut seemed like a great technique.  I always made sure I knew what people wanted, and I chose homes that were as close to what they desired.
 In mid-February, I was a co-seller with a salesperson who showed me, and my clients, a house in Bensonhurst, a Brooklyn neighborhood west of Flatbush.  Naturally, I had to share that commission with the other salesman.
 Then came the Delellis family from the Bronx.  They were delightful people whom I had met before.  They had a reputation of being lookers, but they would never buy.  Just about every salesperson on Flatbush Avenue had shown houses to the Delellis family. But something was happening to my luck. I was rolling 7’s throughout February. My luck meshed with Mr. Delellis’s bad luck.  He and his family were being forced to move, through no fault of their own, and had to find another home.  They called me to see if there was a home for sale near the subway.  I just happened to view a home, right on Flatbush Avenue, two or three doorways from the subway stairs.  Mr. and Mrs. Delellis hustled down to Brooklyn to meet me.  I made arrangements to show them the house as soon as they arrived. As soon as we walked into the house, the two of them were excited.  The house was perfect for their needs, close to the subway, and for sale at a very reasonable price.
The word got around that I sold four houses in February, and most impressively, I did the impossible- I sold a home to the Delellis family.  I was soon known throughout Brooklyn realty offices as “The Flatbush Fireball!”  Hey, you need to buy a home? You need to sell a home?  Go see “Da Flatbush Fireball”!
 Truly, I was on fire. But if you stay at a craps table long enough, things will, eventually, go in the other direction.  The owners of gambling casinos don’t have craps tables in their casinos to lose money!
 One evening, when I arrived home, Butch was having sex with a gal.  Mr. Christian was now Mr. Sinner.  Whoa! I take that back.  He was now Mr. Mortal Sinner…he was banging her in my bed!  You would think he would have been kind enough to do it in his own bed. Making matters worse, somehow, Manny was aware of his devilish deed, and asked us to find another place.
Butch went back home, and I went back to my father’s apartment until I could find another place to live.  The second thing occurred as I was sitting at my desk trying to figure things out. Sitting next to me was an older guy, perhaps in his fifties, who looked at me and told me that real estate wasn’t for me. He told me real estate was for older folks.  He wanted me to seriously think about returning to school, finishing my degree, and doing something with my life.  His name was Bill, and I sensed that these remarks came from his heart. I think Bill saw me as his son or grandson.  I really did look up to him.  I wish I had thanked him and told him that I heard him, clearly.  His words had an impact, and they made me question and evaluate what I was doing with my life.  It was good money when I sold a home.  However, there are many months real estate salesmen make nothing, yet they put in impossible hours.  If I ever was going to get married and be a dad, that kind of job wouldn’t be so great. Bill was probably right.
 It was already March, and I could go back to Point Lookout, and to Good Humor, for the summer.  I was leaning toward finishing college, but I wasn’t set on it. Furthermore, would Notre Dame even think about taking me back, or would I have to transfer to another school?  Also, what would I study?  So back to Long Island I went.  Back to Good Humor, where the money was good, and the work was steady.
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btsreaction-s · 7 years
Who would they fall for - BTS REACTION
WORDS: 1482
I see this girl (yeah I see an idol) just trying to be his friend to feel comfortable with him cuz they like the same things… once in a while inviting him to do some extreme things, practicing together, she likes another guy but nothing ever happens… while they are at the Studio doing some dance practice, he would just place a nice long kiss while pushing her head to his lips trying to make the kiss a little bit longer finishing the kiss putting their foreheads together just listening to the sounds of the breaths…
Probably they would meet at this kinder garden.
‘Have you know the other person that comes in the morning?’
‘Yeah! This girl comes in the morning, to go to work after in the afternoons, she likes to come here a lot, I tough you guys already met’
‘No, I haven’t but I have too, is she nice? Is she pretty? Is she…’
‘Yes, the kids love her’
He would make place in his tight agenda to come in the morning and get to meet her.
‘Oh so you are the other one?’
He will go to her with his smily face
‘Oh god… you are…’
‘Yeah I’m the one that comes in the afternoon the kids says nice things about you’
‘eh?! I have to go…’
‘Wait, what? Why?’
‘I kinda like you, well I know you and I found out later who you were, but I’m shy and I can’t look at you without being all clumsy dorky girl, you know…?’
‘oh don’t worry I’m friendly so I can help you to be around me, can you come with me at the class?’
The both of them would spend nice time playing with the kids having a big laugh, he staring at her smiling while playing… going for a cup of coffee at the end just talking about the kids… ah! The good stuff.
He’s going to go for a “Hard to get” type of girl, probably stalking her a little bit LOL, crossing stares at this public event making him do the eyes smile we all love, she’s going to invite him to drink a coffee *finally* to end the awkwardness between both of them
‘So you like ramen?’
‘You…’ clear his throat ‘You like ramen?’ she would laugh out it.
‘I guess it’s possible I enjoy ramen’
‘ah… you are those kind of girl, I like it’
He would enjoy doing all this type of questions to get to know her better never stop doing his eye smile sign.
I see this badass cold looking girl but with the most warm heart ever…They would meet at a friends private party, she would be at least 175 cm, she will be wearing this hot af black tight dress, she would be talking to some girls with a glass of champagne he would just risk it all and do his clumsy moves making her cover her mouth trying not to laugh of Namjoon falling and having all the food he pull from the table on him, she is going to come to him to help him out cleaning his face, making eye contact while he just look at her being in a position really comfortable for him.
‘I was going towards to ask you out’
‘I know you can’t stop staring at me’
‘That’s embarrassing, I think I failed my mission hu?’
‘I never say you have failed, I say that you couldn’t stop staring at me, I like that, I think for a moment you drooled a little bit’
He would be a blush mess…
*If you saw the Drama ‘Age Of Youth’ you know what kind of girl I mean coff Ji Won coff *
Finding the right girl at the right moment like… c’mon he’s going to be at a club  just having fun with the guys while he spot this fun bad dancing girl in the middle of the dance floor just moving her arms like crazy just having fun, she would go to the bathroom to wash her face, she was a little bit drunk so she accidently gets into the Man’s bathroom luckily only one guy would be in there… like I said in the right moment, he would scream and cover himself cuz you know he was busy getting rid of the water inside him, she would fall bc of the screaming Hoseok makes, going to her to help her put on her feets, high heels don’t work on sleepery floor, Hoseok would take her to the ladies room waiting for her to finish so he can take her over her friends, he’s that kind of caring guy he can’t just ignore her, she’ll be waiting at the lounge while he goes to ask her friends where does she live cuz she was way to wasted, another girl would come with them cause they were staying at hers friends house…
‘Do you know s/o? Why are you being so nice?’ the friend would ask him in the way at their home.
‘We met at the Men’s room I just want her to get okay to her place, is she always like this?’
‘Like what? Crazy? Carefree?… yes, she is, she is just having a bad day, thank you so much for the taxi, good luck with your career we really like your music’ the friend would say closing the door of the taxi.
Pasing a week he’ll be at this fan sing and she will appear in front of him looking at the floor, he would immediately recognize her bitting his bottom lip trying to not do a big smile.
‘Sorry for the problems, I was waiting to meet you in person to hang you this I’m so sorry cookies’
‘it’s okay, would you mind if I can help you catch on the crazy night you have? I know this place where they make the nicest rice’
He would be taking a long walk just listening to music heading towards the library to find some new things to read, his eyes would spot a cute girl watching at the Philosophy section sitting in the floor, he is not going to pay attention to his burning face just putting his eyes again in the book he was looking at, he would try to not lose her making his heart rush every time he sees her, he is going to come back to the library at the same time every day until he sees her again so he can get to talk to her, when finally after a week and a half she comes back with no hope he would just go into the library crashing in to her while she was towards the exit.
‘Sorry I make you throw your ipod, hope is not bro…’ she would make a pause ‘I know you don’t i? aren’t you from BTS, I really like your music, and love the mixtape you dropped was so deep I admire people who can express like that they inspire me to do the same’ he would just be staring at her when suddenly a…
‘Would you like to take a coffee with me?’ is going to pop out of nowhere making her laugh in a cute way making Suga’s heart not even possible to be the way it was.
‘I would love too, you seems nice, I like your eyes by the way’
And so his story would begin
1.    I see an Idol having him as Bias while in a show that they are both in she would mention the little crush she has against her hyung making him blush, another member of her group would just say nice things of her like how nice she cooks, of how her smile gives everyone a smile and how caring she is, making Seokjin fall in love for her… She went to the first concert of their new album next to other idols, she would bring some flowers to support him cuz they were having this cute friendship, he would see her from distance walking to her and staring at her for about 5 second and finally placing a fine kiss making out of him a blush mess.
2.    I see this nice (prob chubby) girl/fan going to every fan sign to bringing him cookies she made in her cooking class making his heart melt for how good they taste… while he finally take the courage and invite her to a date he would take her home at the end of it, sitting both in a bench just shyly talking, his lips meet hers in a 1 second peck fastly turning his head to the other she is just setting her sight to the floor he would grab her cheek and place a nice kiss on them longer than before.  
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leslieohdamnjr · 7 years
Dèesse (Lafayette x Reader)
Word Count: 1213
Genre: Angst
Request/Summary: “Laf x reader fic pls? Angst that may or may not result in smut. 1, 17, 18, 19, 20, 52 & 59. Angsty as possible. I want the reader to be best friends with Laf and then starts to drift. He gets worried, and starts question her. Her confession then slips out.” - @depressedtrashcan16 ​
Sorry, I don’t think I got all the prompts in. I tried to go ‘angsty as possible’ but I don’t know if I did very well.
Pairing: Marquis de Lafayette x Reader
AU: Modern
Warnings: kinda sucky writing, implied smut, fighting/arguing/yelling, bad french translations (from google)
A/N- When I wrote this (At roughly three in the morning) I was like ‘oh my god I’m so proud of this one. Ahhh I love it!’ the next morning I reread it and I cringed much. I feel like I’m losing my mojo! I’m sorry guys, I’ll see what I can do to get it to pick up again. 
Please tell me what you think, I know there’s something in my writing that’s deteriorating but I can’t figure out for the life of me what it is. If you guys catch it, I really really would like to know, thanks.
Day 1
“You love him.” Eliza stated.
“Love’s a strong word.” You responded, shaking your head.
“Not for what you have.” Angelica countered.
“Hey guys what’s up?” Lafayette asked, sitting down at the table with you.
“Hey Laf.” Peggy sang teasingly.
“You know, I gotta go…” You stated standing up and pulling your purse onto your shoulder.
“But I just got here.” Lafayette pointed out, his brow furrowing.
“I have… work.” And you were out the door before any of them could say anything more. Once you were safely out the doors of the cafe you whipped out your phone. Why’d you invite him??? You sent the text to Angelica before hailing a taxi.
Day 2
Coffee later? You thought about ignoring the text from Laf and later telling him you’d had your phone off, or you’d left it somewhere but instead you picked it up and replied Sorry I’m busy all day. You set down your phone again and bit your nails as you waited for him to reply. Can we do another time, I really need to talk to you. You sighed. I’m really slammed, I’m sorry Laf, I’ll let you know when I get some free time.
Day 3
“I don’t know. We’ve been best friends ever since I came to New York.” Lafayette said, downing another gulp of his drink. “But for the past few days she’s just been… distant.”
“I don’t know what to tell you.” Alex stated. “Just give it time, maybe she’ll come back when she’s got less stuff to do.”
“Maybe.” Lafayette shrugged, deciding to wait it out and see if anything got better.
Day 6
“She hasn’t texted me since this.” Lafayette stated, showing Hercules his phone.
“That was only four days ago and she said she’s busy.” Hercules shrugged.
“We usually text everyday. It’s been almost a week!” Laf complained.
“Give it time.” Herc advised.
“I have.” Laf groaned.
“Give it more.”
Day 9
We haven’t talked in awhile. Any time? You glanced at the text from Lafayette but just elected to ignore it this time. You were tired. Tired of hurting when you saw him flirting. Tired of that pang of pain when he called you his friend instead of his girlfriend. Tired of waiting for him to make a move. Tired of convincing yourself that even the tiniest part of him liked you back. You were just tired. Your phone ‘bloop’ed again, signaling a new text. Hello?? It was from Lafayette again. You ignored it again and returned to your thoughts. Your phone interrupted again, you sighed, but quickly perked up when you say that it was from Eliza rather than Laf. You doing okay? Lafayette said you weren’t responding to his texts. It read. You quickly responded, I’m in love. This is a pain I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemies.
Day 10
A knock on your door dragged you out of your thoughts. You got up and pulled open the door.
“Oh.” Was all you could say when you found Lafayette standing in front of you. You began to shut the door on him, not knowing what else to do, but he stopped it with his foot.
“I’m not home.” You said stupidly from behind the door.
“Seriously (Y/N), I just saw you.” He drawled. You hesitantly let him in.
“I’m busy again. Can you come later?” You tried.
“Real busy with Doctor Who.” He nodded, gesturing to the TV.
“Why haven’t we talked?” He suddenly lashed out, you flinched at his tone. “Why are you avoiding me, (Y/N)?”
“I said, I’m b-”
“You’re busy?” He cut you off. “Too busy to answer my texts, but you still managed to respond to Eliza? Why won’t you just tell me the truth?”
“You don’t know about everything that’s happened Laf.” You told him, your tone adopting it’s own aggressive edge.
“Then tell me.” He growled back, his voice raising.
“You don’t even- urgghhh.” You cut yourself off with a groan of frustration.
“What don’t I know (Y/N)?” He barked.
“You don’t know how much it hurts to watch you flirt with other girls! You don’t know painful it is waiting for you to make a move! You don’t know the agony I’m in when I remind myself the reason you’re not making a move, because you’re not interested! You don’t know how it feels to hear you call me ‘mon amie’ instead of ‘ma cherie’!” You shouted into his face, hot tears rolling down your cheeks. “You don’t know how much it hurts just to see you, Laf! You don’t know!”
“I’m not- I don’t-” He stuttered.
“I love you Lafayette!” You yelled. It felt like the whole world was silenced at the words.
“What?” He whispered.
“Did I stutter?” You choked back a sob. How could he not notice? You were so obvious about it, how could it take him this long? “I’ve been in love with you.” You continued. “For so long. So forgive me if I find it difficult to watch you hit on Peggy, or the barista, the waitress goddamnit. You took advantage of any sense I had and stole my love without my consent. And to be honest Lafayette, I’m really starting to hate you for it.” He stepped toward you, you flinched away.
“Relax, I’m not going to hurt you.” His brow furrowed, his voice surprisingly soft.
“You already have.” You turned away from him. You felt his hands come to rest on your hips, beginning to slide forward for his arms to wrap around your waist. You closed your eyes, you could melt into those arms any day. You snapped out of the dream life in your head and pushed his hands away. You pinched the bridge of your nose, you’d possibly just ruined one of the best friendships you’d ever had.
“I think-” Lafayette started.
“Shit. Laf, I didn’t even think. I’m sorry can we just forget I said anything.” You cringed at your own words.
“Oh god, I feel like such an idiot.” You turned to face him.
“Can you-”
“We were friends and I completely ruined i-” Lafayette finally managed to get you to stop talking, but he had to use a different tactic. His lips moved against yours in a heated and sloppy kiss. I have to be dreaming You thought, pressing your body against his. His hands latched around the backs of your thighs, lifting you so you could bring your legs around his waist. He began to kiss your neck, you sighed and reached to your left for the door handle. You exhaled contentedly as he nipped at your neck, carrying you through the door you had just opened. I better not be dreaming. He set you down on the bed and hovered over you.
“Je crois que…” Laf whispered between more open mouthed kisses to your neck. “Je t’aime aussi.”
“What?” You breathed stupidly, dragging his shirt off of him. His large, calloused hands slid up your sides, dragging your tank top with them.
“I said,” He began after discarding your tank top. “I think I love you too.” You sighed, his words inciting a flutter of anticipation in the pit of your stomach.
“Dieu (Y/N). Tu es une déesse.”
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0225pm · 7 years
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this is gonna be one long ass post so pls bear with me. i just felt like i must write everything in details! today was probably the most surprising day ever for me (pun intended 😂) the night before han asked me if i had any plans or if i wanted to go anywhere on sunday of which i said, no because i really didn't have anywhere i needed to be so i asked him to plan something. he then said, "ok ah i plan but you cannot ask me any questions about whatever i plan. you just follow me only. if you ask also, i will just ignore and not answer the questions." which i agreed to!!! and i was honestly looking forward to see if he actually really did planned anything. the next day, i was in a frikin dilemma LOL. mainly because i didn't know what to wear. i thought of wearing something casual, an oversized tee with a jacket or something but i figured i might be too underdressed and for some reason i wanted to look bomb af for my man. i even put on my gold metallic eyeshadow which i usually never do and mascara!!!!! i just wanted to look cute la ok hahahaha to the point that i even asked seanna what to wear or to give me some ideas for an outfit. but i ended up just piecing my own look together - i wore this cute floral top which i got the other day at temt and my black pleated skirt. pairing it with my chucks and backpack made me look almost like a 90s high school kid or smth HAHAHAAH (what an exaggeration LOL) should have worn my choker out too but ughHh i think i may need to get a new one cus the one i have is a tad bit thick and feels uncomfortable after awhile. bc of my get-up, i felt like +1 to my self confidence!! it made me feel happy. anyway, he came over to my place to fetch me and was alr waiting for me when i came down. the first thing he said when he saw me was, "why you so prettyyyyy" FML can you imagine just how much i was bursting with excitement on the insides and how happy i was???? ofc he always do compliment me from time to time but this time it made me feel really happy because he said "i can see the effort you put into your look today"!!!!! which is true i rly did put quite a bit of extra effort than usual into picking out my outfit and make up today ^^ and those actually boosted my self confidence, it made me feel cute. but oh boy what he did on the bus made me feel all electrifying and melty wtf (can you feel two diff emotions at once bc i did!!!!) so we boarded the bus and took a seat and the next thing he said again was, "why you so prettyyyy" of which i humbly said "nooOoOooO" because i'm so shy???? wtf how long together already still so shy hahahaah. and then proceeded to sniff(?) and kiss my cheek and then a lot of skinship happened wtf i love skinship with han it makes me feel so loved omg the feeling is indescribable la if you really love someone, you will probably feel the same way i do!!!! my fav was when he kept looking at my tummy (ok i'm still actually rly shy about this even tho he said that he doesn't mind and find it cute) and then joked about how the top stretches out and became white (it's a black base top) bc of my tummy. and then i just kept like poking my tummy???????? and then he just grabbed my whole body into his arms and squished me tightly and said smth like "eeee geramnye!!!" wah fuk i rly love it when he speaks malay and go all touchy and clingy HAHAHAAHAH oh i also asked if he had alr eaten and if he still hasn't made any plans we can maybe go grab a bite first then walk around the mall or smth if we don't have any plans for the day. honest to God i don't mind not doing anything as long as i'm with him!! this is absolutely legit. we don't even have to talk or whatever as long as he's physically there for me to see and hold on to ya know what i mean? ok and then we walked towards the mrt and by this time i still don't know where we were going!!!! i kept asking but like he told me the night before, he just ignored my questions and left them unanswered. he then asked me to sit under the fan (it was blazing hot today) while he walked over to he mrt waiting area and as i observed, took out his phone (i thought hmmm maybe he's trying to search where to eat or smth) and then we boarded the train and stopped at kembangan????? which just makes me questioned him again bc why kembangan when there's nothing there at all! there are no malls and places there seems barren. again, he didn't answer and then took me to the taxi stand. by this time i was kinda trying to be patient bc it was so hot and i was perspiring and my makeup was melting and my outfit felt sticky under all that perspiration i just didn't feel cute anymore. i kinda felt like all my efforts to dress up for him was gone just like that and i blame the sun!!!!! it has been rather humid lately and i hate it sfm! and then he told me to stand under the shade while he smoked a stick and then made some calls. by this time i knew he was alr booking a grab and i demanded answers. i wanted to know why he's wasting his money on grab YET AGAIN when we could have just taken the train and save $$!!! we ended up taking the grab anyway and i kinda snapped at him inside and i felt rly sorry for it bc i can be quite a bitch when i'm hot and sweaty. and then bc he didn't wanna tell me where were we going i thought maybe i can ask the grab driver but apparently EVEN SHE WAS IN CAHOOTS WITH HAN OK like i came to a sudden realization that maybe han called her to tell her not to tell me if i asked!!!!!!!! and then she drove thru geylang area and i asked han again where we're going and this time he gave me a hint!!!!!! he said "we're going somewhere where there are lots of food" so ofc my initial thought was onekm!! bc we were nearby and then i asked him "is it onekm?" and then he said "ya how u know!!!" but ugh he lied bc the driver drove past onekm and then all of a sudden we were nearby suntec area. han tried to cover my sight bc he didn't want me to see where we were gonna end up at but i struggled (i was in an uncomfortable position) so he finally relented and then spilled the beans by pointing to a poster of yayoi kusama outside and telling me that's where we're going. AND I WAS SO SHOOKETH!!!! wtf i rly was so shocked ..... ............ it never crossed my mind, not even once throughout the whole journey that he was taking me to the art gallery to see her exhibitions. istg i was so shook i didn't know what to say to him. all i rmbr saying was "omg yayoi kusama??? you're bringing me to yayoi kusama????? it's expensive tho omg whattttttttt" and then i said smth like "noOoo let's not go and waste money it's rly expensive it's like 30 bux per entry wtf" and then he said smth like "u dw go then i go myself la" and i was like "no wth!!!!!" and when we reached there, unfortunately the tickets were all sold out ahahahahah it was rly quite unfortunate bc han took so much effort and wasted money on grabbing down but honestly i felt really fucking touched by his actions today. like all those efforts to keep it a surprise till the very end, money spent on grab bc he thought that if we take the train all the way we will be late for the exhibitions, trying to plan something even though he's a horrible planner. everything he did makes me appreciate his existence in my life even more. he's rly so boyfriend material now wtf so fucking sweet and romantic. but he was really really disappointed to find out that the tickets were all sold out to the point that he even went back down to ask the person at the counter if there's really no tickets left. he said smth like "i don't usually do this and it's not everyday that i plan smth for u but the tickets are all sold out. i should have made an online booking la fuck la" he was just blaming himself all the way and i really felt so sad for him. i wanted to cheer him up but i didn't rly know how to bc i knew how much he tried his best to make me happy today. and for that, i am really really thankful bc in the end, it's the thought that really counts!!! his mood from there on just changed :( and he suddenly became rather grouchy and masked it by saying that he was hungry. but i knew he was still disappointed by the fact that his plans was botched. OK I WILL CONTINUE PART 2 LATER WHEN I AWAKEN FROM MY SLUMBER BC ITS 4:50AM AND IM STARTING TO FEEL SLEEPY
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