#and drunk
radiance1 · 3 months
Vlad opened his eyes expecting to look up at his cieling.
The pair of eyes staring straight into his own was not what he wanted to see.
"I need you to make a clone of me." Danny, ever the grain of salt in a pile of sugar, said with all the tact of something who didn't just break into a man's room.
Vlad squinted up at him and scowled. "Hello to you as well, Daniel. Not even a good morning?" He groaned, reaching a hand up to massage his temple to try and offset the headache he could feel settling in. "Do you have the slight clue what time it is?"
"It's 3 AM."
Vlad blinked, and his scowled deepened. "That somehow makes it even worse." He sat up as Danny leaned back, and reached for his side table, taking up a glass with little difficulty and downing the water in few gulps. He then sighed and looked back at Danny. "What is this about making a clone of you?"
Danny crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Exactly what it sounds like, fruitloop. I need you," Danny pointed a finger at Vlad. "To make me," He then pointed that finger at himself. "A clone."
Vlad's eyebrow twitched at how Danny spoke. As if he were explaining someone complex to a child. He sighed, killing whatever retort was on his tongue to instead rest his head in his head.
"There should most likely be one left that I haven't melted down yet, do with that what you will." He shifted back some until he could rest against his headboard and waited for the nuisance to leave-
"Why are you shirtless?" Inquired the child that was still there.
Vlad opened his eyes to shoot his a glare and he scoffed. "Are you not going to run along towards whatever need you have for a clone, child. Or do you insist on ruining whatever peace I have left?"
"Is the clone an actual clone or..?" Danny tilted his eyes, eyes roaming off Vlad to the lump beside him.
"No, it won't suddenly come to life, it is just a body." Vlad explained as he manifested a wing to hide said lump from Danny's gaze. "So you need not worry about that part, though why you would need one is beyond me."
Danny stayed quiet for a moment, before shrugging. "You still have a clone of me though? That's kinda weird dud-" His smirk was slapped right off his smug face by a wing as he flew back a bit through the air.
He matched Vlad's glare with one of his own as he rubbed his face, before huffing. "Fine. I'm leaving now." He phased through the wall, leaving with the whisper of fruitloop and leaving Vlad in that blessed, of so sacred silence.
Sadly, it was not to last.
His bedroom door was slammed open, with enough strength to shake the entire room and cause the poor thing to slam into the wall with enough force to crack the blood thing. "Dad! Those weird birds are-" The voice momentarily interrupted by two shouts of alarm.
"-...Why are you naked...?" Danielle said, a look of disturbed confusion on her face before she ducked low to avoid a blast of magic. "Okay, now that was uncalled for- ewwwwwwwww!" She then screwed her eyes shut and put her hands over her eyes and looked as if she might puke.
Vlad, deciding to spare his daughter from a sight only he should've seen this morning and acquainted himself with quite thoroughly last night, he moved a wing to hide his partner's... private bits, from sight. Who then decided it would be the best idea to sit down.
On Vlad's wing.
If Vlad were any lesser man, he might have complained. But he was not. So he did not.
He did shift his wing around, however.
"You have a kid?" John Constantine, conman extraordinaire, rather shamelessly took the glass offered as Vlad covered the both of them with a sheet and drank the water. "Would a been nice to know before I shot at her, actually."
Vlad massaged the bridge of his nose, a headache coming on that in no way was because of a hangover and sighed through his nose. "She was not even supposed to be here for a week more, so there was no reason to tell you anything."
To which Constantine shrugged.
"Why are you here, Danielle. You were supposed," He stressed the word. "To be somewhere in Metropolis."
A single eye peeked out from between the girl's fingers, before she let out a relieved sigh and dropping her hands. "Those weird birds tracked me down to tell you they want to meet you." Dani wrinkled her nose. "Though I think you should put on clothes though.
"Weird birds-" Vlad paused, sneaking a glance over at his alarm clock to see that it was, in fact, 3:15 AM and groaned. he dropped his face into his hands. "Those blasted phoenixes, it's three in the morning!"
Dani just shrugged and stepped out of the room. "They're in your living room by the way, the fourth one down the hall that takes the two right turns, and they're getting pretty impatient." She then paused, staring straight at Constantine, who stared back with a raised eyebrow.
Water dripped down his face and down onto the bed as a ball of water slapped smack dab in the face as he reopened his eyes with an unamused expression.
Dani stuck her tongue out and then disappeared down the hall.
"Well, I'm awake now at least." Constantine said, reaching over Vlad's lap to place his now empty glass onto the side table.
A loud screech cut through the noise of the mansion, and for the second time. Vlad groaned.
It was only three in the morning...
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lem0nicle · 19 days
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my first ever drawing of sea stan!
kinda messed up the lineart, but it's still good, i think. hope you like it :)
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hersurvival · 17 days
Is this love?
Am I allowed to say that?
It usually scares off others
And I need you,
Please stay, please don't be scared
I only want the best for you
And I understand that is not me,
That you are four years into a commitment
But maybe -
Maybe I would consider making another pact,
Calling upon a cross-roads demon
That we may reconvene when all else proves
Not to last
I hope you make it last,
I hope you have found
Everything you have ever wanted
But also..
Would you ever consider moving North to Alaska?
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moranaaaaaaaa · 4 months
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My Chinese teacher told us that we could draw something to pass our exam, so I made a good omens comics AHAHHA
English version of it for the social media is here
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acaribeau · 10 months
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Yes, shut up Drunk Old man!
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I wonder why 🙄🙄
Don't let me alone with him, Satan! :c
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wolf-grrl · 4 months
Maybe nobody cares but I have so much love for lawrence gordon. Like the blue shirt he's wearing in the flashbacks is such an outdated style. Very 80s Wallstreet style. It's so like him to be stuck in the fashion of his youth. What he knows to be "refined." Lawrence Gordon Lawrence gordon doctor Lawrence gordon.
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rvspecter · 2 months
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moodysullie · 1 year
It's nearly 3:00 AM and my nearly-24hours-awaken-half-tipsy-half-drunk-head contains nothing but this
(cn // some DILF graphic contents that you'll want no one to see you looking at them)
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And ... uh ...
Yeah ...
Something VERY graphic
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( this post will either destroy itself or the whole blog idk let's find out after I wake and sober up )
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aladaylessecondblog · 4 months
lest ye come along with me (good tav x gortash pt. 8)
Author's Note: >5k the longest one yet. Some lingering ballroom sadness, drunken Gortash. And finally, in the morning, some difficult talk about the past. Smut.
It hurt to finally have what she had begged for for so long.
This dance was perfect but even Cazador had been more enthusiastic. Gortash seemed to be moving them quickly through the steps, as if they were moving through an odd and uncomfortable race.
You asked for this, didn't you? she thought to herself, How can you be angry when he finally gives it to you?
"Have I done something to displease you?" she asked suddenly. Maybe she could do something differently...if she had figured out how to settle Astarion a bit, she could figure Gortash too.
"What gives you that idea?"
"The way you seem eager to hurry your way through this, my lord," Tav replied quietly. "It's meant to be enjoyed, not rushed."
He huffed.
"What did I do?" she asked in a lower voice, "Tell me, and I'll change it."
"You can stop pretending anytime you like," Gortash replied, not looking at her. "Falsehood really doesn't suit you."
She wilted. That would be the only way to describe it afterwards. She was silent for the rest of the dance, as seemed to suit Gortash, and returned to have a seat beside him wondering what had happened. She thought back before she gave birth. He'd been affectionate and close. And then she'd given birth, they'd had that argument, the door had shut in her face--and she was left out in the cold.
He'd put so much work into making her want him, and now that she did--
She took a deep breath, and a slight sip from the glass of wine before her, then moved back out onto the floor. After several conversations about Cald, and one about when she would return to her work with the Temple, she finally located Wyll.
"How have you been?" she asked, "You look like you're doing well. Gained a little weight...not in a bad way, I mean."
"Ah, you're right," Wyll managed a laugh. "I think I may finally be starting to fill out."
There was a pause, and a brief discussion on the defenses of Baldur's Gate.
"And you?" he finally asked, in a somewhat lower tone. "Are you well? Perhaps you want to visit the grave?"
"No," Tav replied. "There's...there's no need for that. He's...strangely...not what I thought he would be, but I can't figure him out. One moment he's hot, the next cold, and..."
"He'd probably like to keep you guessing," Wyll replied, "That's just how some men are."
"I suppose so." she paused, and took a deep breath. "He doesn't mistreat me, just...seems to ignore me now. I suppose I should be grateful...there are other things to worry about."
"Such as?"
Tav leaned closer for a moment, "Cazador."
"C--Astarion's sire?"
She nodded, and briefly looked back across the room at Gortash. He was quickly finishing another glass of wine and pouring himself out another. Whatever his plan might be, it was best to let someone else in on the situation. She described the ascension ritual that Cazador was planning, and what it would mean.
"I've asked his help, but whatever he's planned, he's not told me about. He's...always favored that way." She shrugged slightly. "And Cazador, for whatever reason, seems...fixated on me."
"You had the love of one of his possessions...or who he thought was his. Perhaps he might have you serve in Astarion's place."
"I'd have to be one of his spawn for that. Why would he bother, when he's so close to his goal?"
"Just...be careful."
There was a brief pause, and then he moved off when some passing noblewoman asked him to dance.
Tav was asked by several nobles in quick succession and despite her fatigue accepted every one. It would be better to put up with praise for giving the Archduke his heir, questions about how he behaved as a father, and little questions about how well she was recovering than to sit beside Gortash as he steadily grew drunker. For it was obvious that that was what he was doing. His pace had slowed but he was still going.
When she finally sat down beside him, he cast an unsteady look at her.
"You've been popular tonight."
"They all asked about the child," Tav replied evenly. "I'd have danced again with you, if you had asked."
A huff.
"You don't want to dance with me. Stop lying."
She remained silent.
"Nothing to say?" he slurred. "Has the good lady lost her tongue?"
"No," Tav looked out at the crowd, at the expressions on everyone's faces, some happy, some patiently enduring, others more neutral. "Perhaps you mean to cut it out?"
"What a brute you think me to be. Is that what you want? What lie are you going to tell me now?"
Tav's eyes landed on Cazador, standing against a pillar not too far from the table. He was holding a glass of wine, which he raised briefly in her direction when he saw her looking.
"It doesn't really matter what I say, does it?" she asked, again quiet. There was a glance at the bottle of wine before her, and she poured herself half a glass before taking a sip. "Because no matter how often I tell you the truth you always think it's a lie. I've given you everything I am but--"
"But what?"
"It's still not enough."
Gortash kept drinking.
Halfway through another bottle she whispered to one of the servants that it might be a good idea to shepherd the Archduke back to his quarters. A false excuse was made up to call him away, and she followed, hoping to contain any outbursts to avoid any further embarrassment.
Swaying and stumbling by this point, Gortash was easy enough to lead, and despite everything she made it back to his room with him.
"My son--" he said, suddenly, lurching in the direction of her room.
"No, Archduke," she said, keeping her tone clipped and official, like a servant, "The lad is asleep, it's best not to disturb--"
He didn't seem to recognize her in this state. Perhaps he didn't know any better...maybe alcohol just did this to him. Or maybe it was because he wasn't exactly looking at her.
"I'll see him if I damned well please, I'm not leaving him alone with a...with a..."
He looked up with bleary eyes at her as she was suddenly standing in front of the door to her room. The scent of the wine was practically rolling off him, making a nauseating assault on her senses along with his usual smoky leather.
"I'll protect him from you if I must."
"Me, a danger to my own SON?"
"Your son trusts you because he has no choice. I don't want to give him a reason not to."
Gortash's eyes widened. He stopped cold, and turned around--nearly falling over in the process. He didn't seem to notice her rushing to keep him upright, but he leaned against her until she got him to his bed. He flopped down onto it unceremoniously, and groaned.
"Perhaps you'd like to be undressed," she said, still in the tone a servant might use.
Again with that glassy stare.
"N'thanks...you harlots of the Caress can't figure it out, can you? I'm a married man!"
"But you've hardly touched her ladyship," she said, in a sultrier tone. What was going on? Was this just drunken rambling? Or was it the situation in truth? "Surely you seek the touch of another, if she has not been pleasing you."
"That woman doesn't want me...oh...she speaks pretty words and pretends it, but why should she want my attention?"
(Why did it sound like he was about to cry?)
His eyes were half shut, but still he looked up at her. Perhaps he thought her to be that female drow from Sharess's Caress? And why did he sound so confused that she WOULD want him? He'd worked so hard to do it...
"She speaks to us now and then, my lord. Not to...use us...but to have the company of her own kind. And she does want you. She wanted to know how to please you." If he wouldn't listen any other way, perhaps this would work. She'd try anything if it meant waking up beside him again. And this time...this time, she would not wish it away.
Oh, just admit it, darling, you're lost.
Gortash made a sound that could be considered questioning, and she moved up, realizing he was already half asleep. After rolling up the blankets behind him, ensuring he was on his side and would stay that way, she called a servant and requested water and some painkillers to be waiting for him the next morning.
She looked in to see that Cald was fast asleep in the nursemaid's arms, and gave a smile. Then she went back to bed and lay staring at its canopy.
It will probably amount to nothing in the end, Tav thought.
But she still wanted to try.
Tav had slept now and then since marrying Gortash, but since Cald's birth had chosen instead to go into the familiar trance. It didn't mean she didn't dress for bed, of course, only that when she lay down she didn't sleep.
She wanted to be ready in case he needed her. In case anything went wrong. So she didn't rest at first, instead peeking in on him to be sure he hadn't turned on his back, and finally a few hours later went to bed herself.
(In case a doppelganger decided to make an appearance.)
So when the door to her room opened some nine hours later, she sat up instantly and looked in its direction.
It was Gortash, wearing a bathrobe. Black with gold decoration, just like everything else he owned. And far too short. Even it going to his knees didn't feel adequate. She could see a bit of thigh, and gods it's been too long was all she could think as a result.
"My lord," she said quietly, looking back up, "Did you accidentally come into my room instead of the washroom?"
He was quiet for a moment, and then said, "No. As a matter of fact, I meant to come here."
"What did I do wrong this time?"
Tav's eyes traveled back down to his chest. She was sure some lecture was coming, or some remark about presumption, something cutting, a disdainful look, maybe--
Another pause.
"We have some important things to discuss, and the bath is as good a place to do it as any."
Tav moved quickly, eagerly, and reached for her dressing-gown. She followed him back into his room, into the bathroom where a bath had already been drawn in the large tub built into the floor.
"Are you sure you're not still feeling bad?" she asked, "I mean--you were drinking heavily, and I don't w--th--desire to ask too much if you've got a pounding headache. It's not that I don't want to, it's just--"
She found her words dying on her lips when Gortash's robe dropped to the floor. It had been several months since she'd seen his body like this. Too long, far too long. She was glad she wasn't a man, because had she been her cock would've already been up. She undressed quietly, glad for the moment even if this was all it would be.
He stepped down and into the water on one side, and she took to the other.
"--whatever I did, I'm sorry. Just--"
She stopped and looked meekly up.
"You want to know what you did wrong?" Gortash asked after a lengthy silence. "Tell me, why is it I have to hear that you asked the Grand Duke for help with that vampire?"
She looked down.
"I thought--" Tav gulped slightly, "I thought with the way you'd...I don't know what I thought, but..."
"Just come out and say it," he replied almost miserably. "You didn't think I planned to do anything about it."
"I thought you'd gotten what you needed from me," she sat back as best she could, "And...that if a threat did appear...you might welcome the chance to be rid of me. Why else, I figured, would you suddenly be so cold?"
Gortash went silent. The two of them bathed properly, and then sat back again.
"And then you got meaner, and..." Tav took a deep shuddery breath and stared at the ceiling for a moment.
"I thought you were playing me false," he said in a strangely quiet tone, "Certainly I could make you scream, but...anything else..."
"What triggered this?" she asked, "Was it knowing you didn't need me any longer?"
"It was--" Gortash took a deep breath and leaned back to stare at the ceiling himself. "--it wasn't that. It was Cald, certainly, but it wasn't that I thought I didn't need you any longer."
He looked back at her. There was an expression on his face like a man going to the hangman's noose, like the grim determination of a soldier marching to war with little hope for return. The water by this point was a bit cold, so the two of them grabbed towels and headed back into his bedroom to sit on the edge of his bed.
"We," he finally, slowly said, "Need to talk about Raphael. Don't--interrupt me. If you do I might not be able to start again."
For a moment she thought of Astarion, when he'd asked about the writing on his back, when he'd had a nightmare and woken up thinking he was still in Cazador's possession.
When she leaned against him, Gortash started to talk.
First about being a boy, hearing he'd been sold like a slave--being almost hopeful, and having those hopes dashed the instant he realized who he then belonged to. The years of abuse, the desperate clawing he had to do to get out from under Raphael's influence and into a position of prominence. And even then it wasn't enough. He never had enough power, he was never safe enough. Everything he'd done, she guessed from what he was saying, was to shove an enormous rude gesture in Raphael's face, down to having himself named Archduke.
(It occurred to her then, the prevailing thought that mindflayers didn't have souls, and suddenly, she thought--a secondary benefit to the Absolute thing that he'd had going on. Without a soul, the devils could not deal.)
"This explains what happened when I told you I killed him," Tav said, once he'd finished. "I loved it, you know. Not that I didn't love what you did before."
She thought for a moment before speaking again.
"That question you asked, when you were first holding Cald..."
"It was a genuine one. I didn't--think I could--"
Who is this man who looks exactly like that smirking villain I married? Tav wondered.
"I'm not letting a single thing happen to our boy," she replied. "Anything. Do you hear me? Nothing is more precious to me than him."
"I'll hold you to that," Gortash replied.
There was silence for a long while after that. They sat quietly, with Gortash reaching into the bedtable for his rings and gauntlet.
"And since we're already having...a difficult conversation...I meant it when I said I wanted you," Tav said suddenly, when she couldn't stand the silence any longer. "Sure...it was a mask at first, but the fucking--"
"What have I told you about being vulgar?"
"We're alone," she waved it off, "Besides, if I don't say it now I might not see you the rest of the day."
Or what if this is a dream, and I wake up?
"Then talk. But politely."
Oh, to see that look of authority in his eyes, to hear that demanding edge in his voice!
"I enjoyed..." Tav went on, "The way you were so intent on showing me that...that I was yours. The way you made me feel like...a possession. I've had lovers do it before, but...you...well, being the chosen of Bane gives you an...advantage."
"You were never like that before. You resisted the idea of this marriage right up to the end."
"Well," Tav leaned against him. "You made it good enough that I had to change my mind. I suppose I have to thank those friends of mine. Without them all but abandoning me I might never have come to--"
There was a knock at the door almost the exact second his hand was on her towel.
His duties would intrude, and with a whisper in her ear there was a promise to continue this conversation later.
Tav kept waiting to wake up, to find it had all been a dream. To find that he was still ignoring her. But she didn't.
She went down to the Open Hand Temple for the first time since before Cald was born, and found them in the midst of dealing with the injuries from a construction collapse. Something about an additional room for the school, and the proper bracing not being used.
Either way it was still work to do, and it kept Tav busy until well into the afternoon. She left only when the last victim was doing well, eager to get back to Cald, and--my husband.
That conversation this morning, even that drunken confession last night, had made her hope more than she'd let herself do in weeks. Gortash had talked, really talked, and it had been so nice just to listen to him. It felt almost like...a real marriage.
Well you are truly married, so... Astarion's voice came, catty and sarcastic this time.
Tav remembered believing in light and dark, good and evil...but the journey she had since the nautiloid had shown her the gray in between in so many ways she had never even imagined before.
Heal all, no matter who they be.
The edict of Ilmater's brought a slight smile to her. Perhaps Gortash would never be entirely good, but...for better or worse he was her husband--
"My lady, the Archduke wishes to see you in his office."
It had taken all of twelve seconds to hear that after stepping into the fortress, and she quickly made her way up, wondering what this was about. Perhaps he'd repented of the way he spoke so openly before, and wanted to scold her into keeping silent. Perhaps she'd neglected something and he wanted to rake her over the coals for it...
"You called?" she stepped inside, with the door still half-open behind her.
"Close the door behind you."
There was an edge in his voice she couldn't quite identify. Was it playful, as it had been during the early parts of their marriage? Was it anger?
She obeyed regardless.
"It occurs to me," Gortash said as she walked closer, "That you know my sad tale, and yet I don't know the extent of yours."
"There's really not much more to say than you already know," Tav replied, "I was captured by the nautiloid...infected with that tadpole...it crashed, and I slowly met everyone else along the way."
"And the vampire? The druid?"
Tav gave a summary of the goblin camp, the druid grove, the shadow-cursed lands. Raphael, Cazador, the Emperor. Everything, right up until Orin killed Astarion and Halsin. "I loved them both...and she took them away from me. I could've killed her, but..."
"But you decided on a more exquisite punishment...how long has it been? I wonder, is there anything left of her mind?" Gortash looked at her, studying her face, waiting...for what?
"Probably not." Tav smirked at the thought, "Interesting things happen to an isolated mind. Hearing sounds that aren't there...hallucinations...delusions...and with a silence spell cast on her, she can't even scream."
"That's the look I wanted to see," Gortash's voice had turned husky, "Vengeance...satisfaction in the suffering of another. Oh, yes, my wife, you are never so beautiful as when you speak this way."
And you, my husband, are never so handsome as when you have that look in your eye, Tav thought.
"But tell me this...how did Raphael die?"
"Karlach split his head open with this...hammer," Tav replied quietly. "It was meant to aid us with...Orpheus, but when she brought it crashing down...his head broke like a shattered melon...and the hammer went too."
"And you were out of options." Gortash paused. "How strange, that what we have now is only possible because of that single hammer."
"I was angry at first, but..."
"But I wore you down."
"I wouldn't call your weekly treatments wearing down," Tav replied, "Maybe I should..."
He smirked to himself and straightened a few piles of papers on his desk. Then he fixed her with a look that made her weak in the knees and gestured to her to come closer.
"I rather liked that anger in the beginning, you know. How badly you clearly wanted me...and how much you fought it..."
Tav walked around the side of his desk and found herself pulled into Gortash's lap.
"It helped that you knew what you were doing." Tav shifted about to bring her gown up, noting he clearly wanted her straddling him.
"I don't recall saying you should do that."
"I know you," she replied, "I can practically hear what you're thinking, at this point."
"Really." Gortash smirked. "Casting a spell to do it, are you?"
Oh, take me now.
"No, of course not." He reached up to her shoulders and pulled her down enough to whisper in her ear, "You've simply learned to please your master."
Tav shivered, and Gortash chuckled darkly.
His hands moved down, shuffled beneath the piled up folds of her gown, seeking out her thighs. He gripped at the soft skin tightly, and smirked against her neck when she groaned from the slight pain.
"You've missed my guiding hand, haven't you?"
"Like you wouldn't believe," she clenched at his shoulders. It was easy...so easy, as it had been before everything had gone so wrong. The quick passionate fucks were good, but this, this--
"How do you want me?" she asked, "So long as I take you, I'll--"
Gortash moved one of his hands further up, and with a little awkward shuffling, freed his cock and pressed it between her legs. He smirked when she began to roll her hips, and the smug expression only deepened when she reached down.
"No, no, my lovely wife," he whispered, "If you want that you have to earn it."
He didn't say anything. Infuriating, teasing man, he knew it was all he had to do to make her do near anything.
"What do you want of me?"
Too long. Too long, and too little now. The feel of that cock between her legs, not inside her only because of one thin layer of silk, it was too much. She didn't even care if this was in his office, when he'd never fucked her here before, she didn't care that at any second someone could walk in and catch her on him. All she could think was how desperately she wanted her husband's cock.
On a whim she pressed a kiss to Gortash's lips. Instantly his hands were up, his arms around her, his tongue, surging past her lips to wrestle with her own and claim her mouth--
Oh, fuck, just take me now!
(Something was different this time, something Tav couldn't quite put into words. It was just--now, this, with Gortash, it was more than it had ever been before.)
As Tav continued to grind against his cock through her underwear, slowly growing wetter and more eager, the cycle of deep kissing with their tongues tangled together before parting for air repeated five times. On the sixth she was so ready she would have agreed to nearly anything. The pleasure was slow, so slow, and she felt herself to be in a constant state of edging.
"Please," she gasped against his lips, "Weeks, it's been. Months."
"I wonder what Baldur's Gate would think, to see you like this," Gortash reached down, and tore through her silk underwear in the two places necessary to pull it off her, "So wet, so eager, so needy. And begging for it."
"They wouldn't...wonder..." So close, he was so close to being inside her, and now she could feel him properly as she moved. "They'd be jealous they weren't the ones serving you."
"Oh, perhaps..."
She waited, waited for him to say she could proceed. It was agonizing and pleasurable by turns, to want to ride him and yet to wait for him to tell her to do it. She found herself craving direction, and waited, waited as she continued to grind over him.
Tav took a deep breath when he urged her upwards. When both hands moved back to her hips to push her down--
"Oh, yes...," she groaned as she sank onto his cock. There was a tightness she didn't remember, but perhaps it had just been that long. He was a large man, after all...
And then he moved upward. Tav was glad her hands were on his shoulders, her knees at his side. Both clenched as best they could, until he set her down--on the desk. When she started to move up, Gortash pushed her back down.
One hand, the hand with the gauntlet, moved to her neck.
"This is what you want, isn't it?"
The danger, the softness, the control, the bliss.
"Yes," Tav moaned softly, "Please. Take what you wish from me."
How long was it she'd been angry at him? How long was it she'd sworn it was all over? And yet so quickly she fell into blissful obedience again! So quickly she yielded to--
Gortash, leaning against her, began to thrust, the gauntleted hand still at her throat. It tightened only slightly, and she saw his smug look spread even wider across his face, while down below his cock was moving at a too-slow pace. He was smirking, smirking right at her, knowing how badly she wanted release. How much she needed it from him.
He drew back and thrust forward slowly, ensuring with his hand that Tav's eyes did not once leave his.
"You used to hate looking at me," he said, softness momentarily creeping in amongst the hardness he was showing her, "Now..."
He moved in as deep as he could go.
"Oh, gods..."
"Now, you can't get enough of me."
He clicked his tongue in mock-scolding. "Begging isn't becoming of a Duchess, my love. You do know that, don't you?"
"I don't--care--" Tav's voice was strained, to say the least. With gods only knew what beneath her, all she was really concerned with was his cock. The way it felt filling her, the way it felt when she moved up and then down again to spear herself on it.
"No, of course you don't." Gortash held to her tightly, encouraging the rolling of her hips. "That's it, my dear, take me...all of me..."
Slow. It was so slow, but the building was incredible.
"Yes, just like that...mmm...keep that up, and we might have to forget about any business for the rest of today..."
Higher, and higher still. Every new movement was a shot of pure ecstasy that left her hanging and wanting its peak. Tav heard someone saying his name in a rising pitch, and realized too late that it was her.
Gortash had gone silent, save for the grunts coming out against her neck. A second later his lips brushed over the soft flesh, and another had him nipping that one spot that--
Lights danced behind Tav's eyes as orgasm ripped through her, strong and sudden and utterly overpowering. She called out one final time, a high moan that she would swear ever after had echoed mightily, and shuddered as every last bit of pleasure in her body lit up all at once.
And then it was over. Gortash still moved, but Tav was drowning in bliss.
"Too long," he said aloud, "Far too long. I won't let this mistake happen again...do you understand? We--will not--"
Tav crossed her legs behind his back and waited, waited for those glorious sounds that meant her big, strong husband was at his limit. She heard them, moaned for him to encourage his quick pace, then relaxed as he muttered one final curse.
His cock pulsed, and then suddenly he was spilling inside her, shuddering as he filled her.
It was over.
Breathing hard, Gortash withdrew and tucked himself away, adjusting his clothes until he only looked slightly disturbed. He helped Tav adjust her gown--there was no salvaging the underwear, of course.
"I missed that," she said, planting a kiss on his lips. "I know you don't care for it very often, but..."
"Hush," he replied, "And instead think about how you're going to walk back to your room with my seed on your thighs, and the guards gossiping because you were screaming my name. What will people think, Tav? Hmm?"
"Well..." Tav took a deep and shaky breath as she tried to stand on her own two feet again, "I think what they'll think is that you're well-satisfied, and so is your wife."
"Hmm," he smirked, "I suppose there are worse things I could be known for, besides pleasing my wife."
"Your wife," she said, trying for another kiss. "Remember that."
"If I ever forget, you have my permission to remind me." He pressed his forehead lightly against hers. "My lovely, lovely wife...you have no idea how fond I've grown of you."
One final kiss, and all finally felt as it should.
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lavieaquatique · 2 years
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zemo is obviously not in this list because he would NEVER buy something from a vending machine
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miceymoose · 9 months
oh yeah we peppa'd the FUCK out of this 'roni
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mad-c1oud · 2 hours
ohhh would love to see more of your art! bugs <3
below are some of my first attempts at miniature bug watercolors and I chose Luna moths bc of their colors and they are my dads favorite :3 upper left is the very first attempt and latest is last box, still not finished… all done with watercolor paint (most from Etsy) and super fine brushes- toothpick for scale!
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Then we have some doodles!!! These are just from my pocket sketchbook and done when I was bored. The first is an antler horned beetle (I found a super cool book on beetles at the library and kind of lost my mind, I have so many I wanna draw/paint). And the other is an annual cicada and it’s various cycles of life!!! Cicadas are my favorite bug hands down and I started that sketch as a tattoo concept for myself that I hope to get one day, I just want to find the right artist…
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Also last year I started dabbling with printmaking and bought a speedball carver and some cheap erasers and made me some cicada wind stamps. I hope to make more bugs and stuff with them this year <3
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That’s all I have for bug stuff right now!!! My energy has shifted to writing lately but I’ve missed traditional art a ton and hope to jump back in soon
Might share more of my work in the future, I have a bunch <333 thank you sm anon for letting me share this!!!
(Y’all feel free to send me any bugs at any time, I could always use to inspo. Cant guarantee I’ll draw/paint them but I love learning about critters and crawlers :3)
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yourstrullyme · 9 months
i hate fucking needing attention when im sad
why cant i just suffer in silence
instead i need to text in the most sublte way possible that i am dying inside
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tommyshelbysrighthand · 2 months
Since my return to tumblr dot com, I've talked to 0 of my mutuals but I want y'all to know that u are so dear and important to me and you bring value to this world.
(Not just saying that cause I'm drunk, it is true and factual)
Anyway done with being cringe, back to being quiet and mysterious
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delileaf · 2 months
i think the red dead redemption series would be more impactful if it was set in yorkshire
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enbycupcake · 2 months
🤲🤲 spare yue qingyuan a fag wants to gaze upon him—
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