#and can absolutely afford to use shelves for SHOE DISPLAY
pastafossa · 2 years
Side note: how is wasting CLOTHING SPACE to display SHOES a space saver???
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btsinwonderland · 3 years
A Drop of Poison - Ch. 13: Hogsmeade
A Loki fanfiction!
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It was a brisk fall morning where the first chill of the coming winter snuck up on you. You wrapped your scarf around your neck tighter and yawned. Another restless night passed with terrifying dreams of Fenris and the bloodbath he left behind him.
You stood in a loose huddle of several students outside the entrance doors to the school. There was the sound of chitchat in the air as you all waited for the teachers. The trees swayed in the wind and a yellowing leaf fell in a spiral and landed on your shoulder. Valkyrie walked over to you with a smile on her face as you brushed off the leaf. It faded slightly upon looking at you.
“Are you okay?” she said, watching you.
You nodded with another yawn. “Bad dreams.”
“Dreams...or something else?”
You might have answered her but were cut off when Pom and Nila came up to the both of you. They had excited smiles on their faces.
“I can’t believe we finally get to go to Hogsmeade!” Pom said with a smile.
Nila agreed exuberantly. “I’ve been itching to go to Honeydukes!”
Valkyrie raised a brow. “Don’t forget we have the ball on Wednesday night, ladies. I, for one, am planning on gettin’ some before everything goes to shit.”
Pom looked at Valkyrie wide eyed while Nila blushed. “Getting what?” Pom said.
You and Valkyrie snort-laughed and Nila started giggling. Pom continued to ask Valkyrie what she was talking about when Professor Heimdall and Professor Fandral arrived at the top of the stairs.
Professor Heimdall wore a long tan cloak over his robes and clasped his hands in front of him. “Students, you will be split off into two groups. One with me and one with Professor Fandral. We are incorporating a buddy system, so pick a partner and do not separate from them. This year we were not planning to go to Hogsmeade, but upon reviewing many requests and with careful planning, we believe it is acceptable. What is not acceptable,” he said, passing a look to each student; his eyes lingered on you briefly, “is to leave your buddy, or your group and venture off alone. The grounds are no longer as safe as they were before. Be wise.”
He said no more as Professor Fandral began to split the groups. You, Valkyrie, Nila and Pom excitedly climbed into a carriage, which eventually trailed behind Professor Heimdall’s. His warning stayed with you as you thought about long teeth and hungry eyes. Despite the fear that had permanently settled in the pit of your stomach, you enjoyed feeling the fresh air on your skin as the carriages took off. The wind was cold, but you had not realized how stifling it was in the castle until you had been outside.
You wondered what a carriage ride with Professor Laufeyson would be like. A blush creeped to your cheeks when you thought about detention with him from a couple of nights ago. The word ‘master’ rested on your lips like a secret behind everything else you said out loud. It was just for him. That night, you went back to your room in a heated daze and wondered what you had gotten yourself into. But the more you thought about it, the more your heart raced with want. You enjoyed calling him master, and you liked the way he looked at you when you did.
“What is going on in that head of yours?” Valkyrie said, elbowing you.
You jerked upright and smiled bashfully. “Nothing, I’m just thinking about what to wear.”
Just then, Pom and Nila deep dived into their clothing assessments and what was in season versus not. You absolutely had no idea how they had obtained this information, but appreciated the feedback. After a long lecture about colour coordination and matching shoes and accessories while balancing complementary colour contrast, the carriages finally arrived at Hogsmeade.
The four of you stuck together and plowed your way through Hogsmeade in a thorough fashion. First you visited Honeydukes, which was decorated completely in black for the season; it was as if the whole shop were dipped in an inkwell. Nila bought an entire bag worth of chocolate frogs, Burtie Botts, every flavour beans, blood pops (to which you wrinkled your nose), and cauldron cakes. Valkyrie bought bouncing bubbly which was a soft drink that made her bounce as if she was on the moon. The novelty wore off quickly since Valkyrie quite enjoyed bouncing above you and smacking your head. You were relieved once you entered Gladrags; there was a strict no enchantment policy and Valkyrie had to stand outside until the effects wore off. The three of you snickered and gave her a mock wave through the window. As she bounced in place, she mouthed: “I could murder you in your sleep, you know.”
You laughed and walked into the store, looking at the various fabrics and clothes they had on display. There were enchanted mannequins walking through the store and dancing every now and again for the customers. A small girl tugged at her father’s coat and pointed to a model just a few inches taller than her. Its face was a flat piece of wood and the thing danced around the girl, doing a pirouette with the bright green dress it was wearing along the way. The girl was mesmerised. You smiled and had to give credit to Gladrags; they knew how to market.
Pom and Nila immediately ran to the hats section where there were shelves upon shelves of all sorts of hats. Plumes of feathers stuck to the side of a large orange hat, while another was a green beret seemingly constructed of snakeskin. One hat seemed to have no set shape or colour, but was a fluid moving thing that sparkled when the light hit it. All the hats were magnificent, though you were never much of a hat person. You went to the back, near the sale items, to see if there was anything that you could afford. It had been quite a year gathering enough money to meet your supplies and tuition costs for the year. You hoped that once you aced all your exams, a scholarship or internship could be earned. Though once you saw Professor Laufeyson’s memories, your thoughts about joining the ministry were on pause.
As if the devil himself heard, you heard a familiar voice from your left.
“Good morning, Miss Eves,” Professor Laufeyson said.
You flinched, nearly knocking over a nearby twirling mannequin which actually hissed at you. “Professor! What are you doing here?”
His eyes narrowed, and he looked as if you had committed a grave mistake. “What was that?”
“I-” You thought about it for a moment. Ah yes….your voice got lower, “Master, what are you doing here?”
He lit up and smiled at you. You wondered if you would ever get used to that.
“I have some business to attend to,” he said.
It was hard not to roll your eyes at how insanely cryptic he was. You were about to question further, but Valkyrie came.
“Professor! Fancy seeing you here,” she said, looking between you and him. You tried to put on your most neutral expression.
“Hogsmeade used to be quite the haunt for me when I was a student here,” Professor Laufeyson said, glancing out the window. “I particularly enjoyed Zonko’s. Well, are you young ladies finding dresses for the ball?”
“Yes!” Pom said from behind a rack of clothes. “And we found the perfect one for you, Freya,” she said, bringing out a frilly dark purple dress that had a mermaid style bottom and an attached cloak that looked more like a cape.
Valkyrie gasped with laughter when you took the dress and promised Pom you would try it on. You thanked her and elbowed Valkyrie. Professor Laufeyson looked as if he was trying to conceal a small smile.
The other girls left in a mad dash when Nila spotted a row of silk scarves that were on sale. Valkyrie went with them, giving you a strange look that showed you would be interrogated very soon.
“You better go try on that aubergine of a dress,” Professor Laufeyson said with a smirk.
You laughed. “I think I’m going to go with my outfit from last year,” you said, putting the purple nightmare back on the rack. “These new fashion trends are getting out of hand, they’re not for me.”
Professor Laufeyson grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him. Your heart raced as he held your face in his hand. You prayed no one saw you. “Nothing here could do justice to the body underneath these clothes,” he said, his voice husky. Just as you leaned in towards him, he pulled away. You made the tiniest annoyed sound, and he chuckled.
He said goodbye, and you joined up with the girls to continue on their shopping spree. Nila had gotten a peach coloured dress that had a tight waist and billowing skirt. Pom got a short purple dress that was clean cut and cute. Valkyrie got a crimson dress that had a courageous slit down the side and a neckline that wound around her neck in a halter top. Your stomachs rumbled loudly, so the four of you headed into the Three Broomsticks, a pub down the road. Since Hogsmeade knew well that Hogwarts students were coming in today, they allowed minors into the pub.
You sat at a table and were surprised to see Professor Laufeyson sitting rather reluctantly with Professor Heimdall and Professor Fandral. They did not see the four of you slip into the booth just behind them, a wall between you. There was enough chatter in the pub to conceal your voices, though you kept it down just enough to hear what the teachers were saying.
Someone cleared their throat. You recognized Heimdall’s voice; it was rich and deep. “Loki, how is your semester going so far?”
Professor Laufeyson’s voice was effortless, as usual. “Teaching is such a noble profession, I ought to have tried it much earlier in life.”
“You were missing from the staff meeting last Saturday,” Heimdall said. His words asked without stating explicitly, why?
Professor Laufeyson let out a small laugh. “I had to drop everything and come here after Hubert’s passing, so when I can I must tie up some loose ends.”
“What might Loki Laufeyson’s loose ends be, I wonder?” Heimdall said, his voice low.
The server came by and dropped off drinks at their table. He then came to your table and took your orders. The other girls had lost interest at this point and began chatting, but you craned your neck to the edge of the wall to keep listening.
“...yes, I will be in and out after the ball. Business to attend to before we dive head first into midterms,” Professor Laufeyson said.
He was leaving? You wondered. He had told you he would not go after Fenris until the coldest night of winter, and you believed that. Your fingers tapped nervously, thinking about what else he was up to. Aside from seeing him in class and detention, you had no way of knowing where he was or what he was doing. It was not as if he was even remotely communicative about his life. The most you knew about him was from breaking into his memory bank like a thief in the night.
The conversation shifted to Professor Fandral talking about his wife and children and how difficult it was to leave them for semesters at a time. Eventually, their chairs shuffled and the four of you put your heads down and ate your meals. Your shepherd’s pie had gone cold but was still quite delicious.
About an hour later, you were back in the school, heading to your common room, evading Valkyrie so she would not ask you about Professor Laufeyson. You were just not ready to have any sort of proper conversation about it yet. You had no idea what was happening, and a part of you felt immensely guilty about the whole thing. At least if it was your personal secret, you could chalk it up to a delusion or dream and still function properly. But once you verbalized it, it was real. Far too real for anything you wanted to deal with now.
In the hall, you spotted a ghostly figure running towards you. Well, half of a ghostly figure. The legs and torso of Crazy Collin ran past you in a gust of cool air. A few minutes later, you saw the upper part floating by.
“‘Ave you seen me legs?” he said. His translucent face was even younger than you.
You pointed behind you. “They went that way.” You smiled as he waved at you and floated onwards in search of his legs. He was always found roaming the halls searching for the bottom half of his body, and it was a fun game that occupied most first years, helping Crazy Collin find his legs.
Suddenly, you thought about Pom’s brother Ken, who now had a missing arm, and your smile disappeared. Most of the time you had laughed at the ghosts of Hogwarts, but you realized they were all people once who had died an awful death. The thought both sobered and saddened you.
The next day you were seated in potions class with Pom next to you, taking notes on the use of a bezoar. Professor Laufeyson had put on a slideshow and you tried not to yawn, though his voice was like melted honey.
Something hit the side of your head and fell at your feet. You glanced around before picking it up.
“What is it?” Pom whispered.
It was a crumpled piece of paper and upon unrolling it, you saw an enchanted drawing of two stick figures dancing. One of them had two circles for its breasts and an arrow pointing to the figure that said “You” and the other stick figure had an arrow that said “Me”. You looked up and saw Nathan Gill, the sixth year Quidditch announcer, smiling at you. He pointed to you, then he mimed a little slow dance, and then pointed to himself, all the while mouthing the words, “Do you want to go to the ball with me?”
The paper was snatched from your hand before you could react and you were horrified to see Professor Laufeyson standing over you with a grim expression. “Passing notes in class?” He said with a touch of venom. After reading the note aloud in class for everyone to laugh at, he took five points from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.
“Harsh,” Pom said, and you did not reply.
At the end of class, you escaped out the door before meeting Professor Laufeyson’s eye, since you were far too embarrassed. Then Nathan found you.
“So, Eves, you want to go with me?” He said, brandishing a daring smile.
He was a year younger than you, though he was taller and his face was not all boyish. His brown eyes held an air of confidence and his dark brown skin glowed in the torchlights. He leaned against the wall next to you, casual yet focused on your face in a way that made you blush. You wished you could seriously consider him. Perhaps if he had come to you only a month earlier, you would not be in this mess at all. A boy like him was normal. A boy like him was far better suited for you. But alas, even though you thought he was invariably handsome and were somewhat attracted to his presence, your heart was doomed to stay in one place.
You smiled at him and were about to speak when Pom piped up out of nowhere, “yes she’s gonna go with you!”
Nathan smiled so brightly that you felt the words escape you. He leaned in and tucked a hair behind your ear. “See you then,” he said in a low voice and walked off with his friends.
Just then, Professor Laufeyson passed by with an icy expression. He glanced at you and Pom as if you were stones on the wall and continued on his way, not giving you another look. Your heart sank while Pom excitedly grabbed your arm. “Oh my god, Gill is so cute! Sorry I stepped in, but I had to! I thought you were going to throw up or say no, so I did what any good friend ought to do.” She smiled at you and you nodded hollowly, wondering what Professor Laufeyson had thought.
You were on your way to the Great Hall for lunch as you puzzled about Nathan. Pom had gone to the infirmary to check on her brother. The staircase you were climbing up moved and pulled you away from your path and down an empty corridor that would add another ten minutes to your walk. A sigh escaped your lips as you continued to wonder. Why would he ask you? You barely talked to him. Once you had given him ink when he ran out, and so perhaps he was just being nice -
A hand grabbed the back of your shirt and pulled you into a room you had not realized was there. The door shut and vanished, leaving only stone, and you were slammed against the wall with a hard body against yours. The familiar scent of flora and musk hit your senses, and you gazed into a pair of cold blue eyes. His hand clasped around your throat as he leaned in and spoke in your ear.
“Did you think you could get away with being such a tease?” Professor Laufeyson said, his voice was a growl.
You dropped your books and panted. “W-what do you mean sir - er, I mean - Master?”
“That boy was all over you like a dog. Did you hope to make me jealous?”
“I didn’t mean to,” you said. Fear bubbled in your stomach at his aggression, but more than that was another feeling...One that was going to get you into deep trouble. Your cheeks flushed, and you felt desire bloom within you. The feeling of his hand on your throat only made it worse - or better - and you felt your core tighten.
He laughed darkly and for a moment; you wondered if it had all been a joke. Then his eyes grew fierce, and he stopped smiling. “It worked.”
You gazed up at him and licked your lips reflexively. His pupils dilated, and he lost his composure. His lips collided with yours and you felt the heat of his breath against you. They were the softest lips you had ever felt, but they crashed onto yours with a ferocity that made your knees weak. He pushed you into the wall to deepen the kiss and you wound your hands around him, one hand reaching up to the back of his head.
He moved his free hand down and cupped your bottom. You raised your right leg around his waist, which he held in place. Your tongues clashed, and you licked his lips as if you were back in a dream. He lifted your other leg, so you were now pinned against the wall, straddling him. He pushed into you and you wrapped your arms around him tightly. There were no thoughts, only the feeling of his fingers digging into your body as his mouth invaded yours. When you felt his erection against your core, a cry escaped your lips. He rubbed it against you once more and you bit his lip, hard.
He chuckled and gently pulled away from you, easing you down. You gazed at each other as if your eyes were magnetically locked. Both of you panted and wiped the corners of your mouth. “You’ve grown quite...assertive, Miss Eves,” he said in a rough voice. He tried to put on a candid act, but you saw through it. He was trying to suppress his desire.
You stepped towards him and put a hand on his chest. “I don’t want to go to the ball with anybody else,” you said.
His face froze, not knowing what to show you. So he chuckled and spun you around, putting a hand on your collarbone. His thumb grazed your throat, and you wondered if flames would erupt across your skin. “You will go to the ball with this boy,” he said. And he licked your ear and bit the lobe. You closed your eyes and nearly moaned. “You will dance with him, have a drink, and do what young women do at balls,” he said as he moved his other hand to your waist, squeezing it. “And at the end of the night, you will come to my room, and I will punish you for all of it. Do we have an understanding?”
Breathlessly, you said, “yes Master.”
He let go of you and bowed slightly, as if you were a proper lady and not the girl he just ravished against the wall. “Good girl,” he said with a wink.
You were thrown so back and forth with his words that your lust had slowly transformed into a deep hunger...and your stomach growled unceremoniously, loudly. He chuckled at the sound as you crossed your arms around yourself, trying to block out the noise.
“Perhaps we should return to the Great Hall and get you well fed. You need to keep up your energy for the ball,” he said.
You looked around at your surroundings. It was an empty stone room with no doors and a large chandelier in the ceiling. “Where are we?”
He waved his hand at the wall closest to you and a wooden door appeared. “This is the room of requirement,” he said. “It is a room that only appears when you are in great need of it, and it also becomes the room that you need.”
You raised your brows as you passed through the door with him into the empty hall. The door disappeared as if the room was not there. You touched the stone and knocked on it, but it was just a continuous wall. “Just when I thought this place had finished amazing me,” you said.
“Hogwarts will never cease to amaze, love,” Professor Laufeyson said. He stopped when you got to the stairs. “Now, I bid you farewell until the ball. Be sure to get into heaps of trouble,” he said, smirking.
“Oh, I will,” you said with a wide smile. The butterflies flowed freely through your body and you felt electrified. Suddenly, the ball had gotten much more exciting and you could not wait for Wednesday night.
You ran down the corridor, back to the main level, where several students ran past you. The smell of food wafted through the halls and your stomach grumbled more, so you picked up the pace. Another scent caught your nose, and you wondered what it was, since it definitely was not food. As you walked, you realized that the floor was covered in water. Puzzled, you entered the main corridor which led to the Great Hall and found a large crowd of students standing there.
You spotted Valkyrie ahead of you, so you pushed your way through several students, mumbling an apology, and tapped her shoulder. She looked at you grimly and gestured to the wall with her eyes. When your gaze followed, you stepped back with a hand to your chest. There was a message on the wall, written in blood. The nauseating scent of iron was thick in the air. The message wrote:
The beast has awakened...Enemies of the heir, beware...
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jenoptimist · 3 years
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you may have only gotten half a pudding cup but you got yourself a real life Disney Prince, so who’s the real winner?
✮ Pairing: kunhang x reader (gender neutral)
✮ Genre: fluff
✮ Word count: 5.8k
♡ Yakult says: hendery!!!!in!!glasses!!!!!!! pls i love him sm 🥲
There was a phone number in you calculus textbook that you were one hundred percent sure you never wrote down. Not that you could, anyway, considering that it was a library book. Well, no, techincally you could write it in but you wouldn’t dare. The longer you stared at the handful of digits, the more you freaked out. You absolutely could not afford to be fined! The whole reason why you borrowed it from your college library was so that you didn’t have to spend money in the first place!
After gathering your materials and stuffing them into your bag, you hurriedly left your local library. You fished your phone out of your pocket, scrolled through your – admittedly pathetically short – list of contacts and called the person who you suspected wad the source of your small dilemma.
“‘Sup?” Yangyang greeted.
“Be honest with me,” you said seriously, immediately cutting to the chase, “were you the one who wrote the number?”
There was a beat of silence, and then, “what number?”
“You know,” you urged as you neared the apartment complex that the two of you lived in. “The one in my calculus textbook? I borrowed it from the college library and I don’t want to get into shit if they find it.”
“That wasn’t me!”
“Oh really?” You asked in disbelief as you hopped into the elevator and punched the number to your floor. After what you dubbed as, ‘The Spaghetti Incident of 2018’ you could never be too sure with him. When he replied that he didn’t, you asked him another two times. Throughout your friendship with Yangyang, you found that the trick to getting him to admit the truth was to keep badgering him until he either: got fed up or thought that whatever he did was no longer funny.
“I swear on my Hot Wheels!”
You hummed in consideration. His Hot Wheels collection was his utmost pride and joy - second only to his large sneaker collection - especially since he owned a handful of exclusive and rare ones. They were all displayed neatly on several shelves on one of the walls in his bedroom. They were even color coordinated and everything! Sometimes, when you went to offer him some food, you found him staring at them with a wide smile, his eyes full of admiration.
“Oh,” you frowned as you grabbed your keys from your jacket pocket but before you could slot your key into the lock, the door opened. Yangyang, the dork, greeted you over the phone even though he stood in front of you, a boyish grin displayed on his face. You rolled your eyes, not able to smother your smile as you hung up and stepped inside, locking the door behind you. It was noticeably warmer than usual and the apartment smelled if something toasty, which only meant one thing. “Pizza?” You guessed confidently.
Just as he gave you an affirmative, the oven began beeping to signal that it was finished. As Yangyang brought everything to the coffee table in front of your couch, you slipped off your shoes, dropped your bag and shrugged your coat off. While he cut the pizzas into almost even slices, you grabbed two cans of soda from the fridge.
Although it was still piping hot, you couldn’t help but take big bites. Your slice of doughy goodness was diminished within seconds. Solving calculus problems did thay to you. It was your least favorite module of the semester and brought on a headache whenever you left your lectures.
“This is so good.” You remarked as you took another slice. You loved a good margherita from Dominos but there was nothing like a frozen pizza from your local supermarket—the additives was probably what made it delicious, the cheap price just happened to be a bonus. Yangyang definitely felt the same, seeing as how the two of you devoured both pizzas within minuts, silence taking over the room.
You took a sip of your soda after popping open the top. “I”–you didn’t like the mischief that danced in uour room-mate’s eyes–“dare you to call the number.”
In your haste to swallow it, the soda passed through your throat uncomfortably, as if it were a large stone. “Nuh-uh.” You said with a shake of your head. There was absolutely no way you were going to call that number! You were just going to forget that it was even there. Or maybe you would return the book and hope that the next unfortunate student who will borrow it would be the one to pay whatever fine they had for ‘defacing public property’, as the college liked to call it. You didn’t know how many people had a calculus module in their course but you sure hoped that it was a large number.
“Awh come on, y/n!” At the firm shake of your head, he folded his arms and pouted slightly. A moment of silence passed and then, “I’ll give you a twenty.”
You took another sip of your soda as you mulled it over. “How about a ten and your last mango pudding cup for a text?”
Yangyang sucked a breath through his teeth. “That’s a tough bargain.” You shrugged, he hogged the other five pudding cups for himself so if he really wanted you to call this mystery person, he would have to give up the remaining one. “Okay, what if I give you fifteen and we split the pudding cup.”
“Better than nothing.” You conceeded after a second of thinking it over.
Yangyang’s grin stretched from ear to ear as he held out his hand for you to take. Once you shook it, the two of you quickly cleaned up. Not even ten minutes later, the last pudding cup and two spoons were on the table along with the textbook, opened on the page with the number on it. Yangyang leaned closer to your shoulder, his head practically resting on top of yours as he watched you type in the number and text.
hey! i found ur number on a textbook i borrowed from the library so i thought i’d say hi i guess?
“Now we wait.” Yangyang said as he returned to his seat and opened the pudding cup. He handed you your spoon and the two of you dug in, eventually fighting for the last bit.
The reply came when you and Yangyang were watching Into The Spiderverse. Neither of you paused the movie when you heard the notification sound your phone let out—you had seen it countless times; twice when it was in cinemas and every so often whenever it was on Netflix.
You were slightly nervous about the reply, which was silly considering that you didn’t even know the person, but you opened up the text anyway so that it would be over and done with.
from: 13X XXXX XXXX
Hi. My friend just told me he wrote it in there before I transferred. I’d be grateful if you could rub it out or use correction tape to get rid of it. Also, please delete my number.
You pursed your mouth at the response. It wasn’t as if you were hoping to be best friends or anything but the prospect of befriending someone had definitely excited you. You had college friends but that was liferally what they were: friends who you only saw in college. None of them hung out with you outside of college and whenever you did offer, they would either say yes to humour you – which, unfortunately, was blatantly obvious – or came up with an excuse. Which sucked, for obvious reasons but you would survive. The only people you had actually managed to successfully befriend were Yangyang (because he was looking for a room-mate at the time) and his best friend, Dejun.
“Uh-oh,” came Yangyang’s voice. “What did they say?” He was quick to read the text after you turned your phone to show him the screen. “Whoever it is, they’re very, um,” he paused for a moment while he thought of a fitting description, scratching his head, “grammatically correct?” At your nod of agreement, he added, “at least he said ‘please’.”
You shrugged as you typed a quick reply. “I guess.”
sure thing
from: 13X XXXX XXXX
Thank you.
The two of you refocused your attention to the movie, the texts completely forgotten once you received his reply. Later that night, you did as you were requested and used correction tape to hide the number—which was written in neat, tiny green ink. You were aware that covering the numbers in correction tape would also be considered as ‘defacing public property’ too, but it was for the sake of the stranger’s privacy. It seemed as though you were the fiest to contact the number but, still, if you were in their position, you wouldn’t like your number to be in public property either.
As for the text, you took a screenshot of it for Yangyang, who asked for it so that he could show Dejun while he typed away in your groupchat, and then erased the number from your phone.
Two weeks later, you found yourself sitting at the study desk in your room, staring helplessly at the blank answer boxes of the calculus assignment you had been told to complete and submit before the end of next week. You wanted to cry in frustration as you redirected your gaze down to your notebook where you had been trying to solve the equations. The entire page was a mess and your desk was coverd with eraser bits. It had gotten to the point where some parts of the page had gone grainy, like it always did when you repeatedly erased something on the same area. There wasn’t a single problem that you managed solve—no matter how hard you tried. It was pathetic, really.
With a sigh, you decided to take the break that you had put off, not wanting to take one until you solved a problem (ha!) as a reward. Maybe you would rewatch the entire Twilight saga again (Dejun had managed to convince you to read the series a couple of months back and the movies had become something like a guilty pleasure of yours,) because it was clear that you were going absolutely nowhere.
Just as you had started Eclipse, you heard the door open but didn’t bother moving from your spot. In fact, you hadn’t moved since you started your movie marathon a few hours ago because you were all too comfortable buried inside your fluffy blanket on the couch.
“Perfect timing!” Dejun’s rich voice bellowed, “it just started.” There was the sound of socked feet running towards the couch and then he lifted your legs, sat down and laid them down on top of his lap.
“Hey Dejun.” You greeted, raising your hand for a high five.
When he slapped his palm against yours, he asked, “how’re you doing?”
Just as you opened your mouth to answer, Yangyang spoke up. “Judging from the Twilight marathon that’s going on,” there was a hissing sound of a can opening and the audible sound of him taking a quick sip of whatever canned beverage he was holding, “not very good.”
“Hey!” You exclaimed but your your friend only shrugged, smiling amusedly. “He’s right though,” you grumbled, “I’m really struggling with calculus at the moment.” Struggling was an understatement. You really wanted to pass it because you definitely didn’t want to repeat the exam. That would be a nightmare.
Dejun looked at you sympathetically before he made an affronted noise in his throat, one that you felt deeply in your soul as he turned to face Yangyang. “The Twilight saga is a cinematic masterpiece and you absolutely cannot change my mind.”
“Okay,” the blond replied, clearly up for the challenge. “But it’s not better than Shrek now, is it?”
“Shrek?” Dejun repeated incredulously. “Shrek is an iconic classic but the Twilight saga? Definitely on a different wavelength. The scene in New Moon where Bella just sits on her chair looking out the window soullessly? Perfection! It was a fantastic book to movie adaptation. And don’t even get me started on—”
“As thrilling as your debate is becoming,” you said, interrupting the point that the brunet was about to make, “I’d really love to continue the movie so I can hear young BooBoo Stewart say, ‘newest, bestest, brightest’ to help me feel a crumb of joy.” You were unable to find it in yourself to feel guilty about cutting in. They could take their debate somewhere else while you continued to wallow in your feelings of failure.
The pair read your mood easily and shrugged at one another in concession. Dejun patted your leg lightly in comfort as Yangyang jumped on the couch to sit on your other side, giving you a quick side-hug before focusing on the movie. It was silent up until Rosalie finished telling Bella her the story about her past.
“I’ve been thinking,” Dejun spoke up.
“Uh-oh.” Yangyang muttered playfully to you, his voice purposefully loud. You huffed out a laugh before lightly digging your elbow into his side, knowing that he’s had an awful share of ideas in the past.
Dejun stuck his tongue out at him but continued with what he began saying instead of retaliating. “Why don’t you text that person? The one whose number was in the textbook you borrowed? They must have done the module or something.”
You considered what he said seriously, even pausing the movie so that you could discuss it with him. “What if they didn’t though? What if it was their friend who borrowed the textbook? They did say that it was their friend who wrote it there.”
“Then you could just ask their friend for help.” Yangyang piped up. It was a statement that you couldn’t counter but that didn’t mean that you wouldn’t try to.
“I don’t have their number anymore,” you said to them. “They asked me to delete it, remember?”
“And that’s where you’re wrong,” Dejun told you as he reached into one of the pockets of his jeans and fished out his phone. Yangyang leaned over slightly and the two of you watched as Dejun quickly swiped his finger up his phone. “Here you go!” He said brightly, turning his phone so that you were facing the screen. And there it was: the screenshot that Yangyang asked you to take so that he could send it to Dejun. There was no way you could weasel your way out of this situation now.
“Okay,” you relented, “I’ll text them after we finish this saga.”
“If you text them after this movie, I’ll pay for take-out.” Yangyang bribed, eager for this idea to take place.
You weighed out the pros and cons briefly before agreeing with him. It would be a win-win situation: you would get take-out and a possible tutor. It seemed as if time moved quicker because the movie felt as though it finished within a few minutes. As Yangyang dialed the number for a local take-out place, you slowly typed out a text, him and Dejun watching you with hawk eyes.
hi! it’s me again. i know you don’t know me but could you please help me with calc? or your friend, whoever borrowed the textbook. please. i feel like my brain is melting
You flung your phone on the table, laid back down on the sofa and released a long sigh. It would be a lie if you said that you weren’t hoping that they would say yes. You were trying your best but it was as if your brain refused to coorperate with you when it came to calculus. If only Yangyang or Dejun were enrolled in the same course as you. It was often that you thoughr that wistfully, especially during times such as this.
It was when you were about to shove a huge lump of lo mein into your mouth that your phone lit up, indicating that you received a notification. You stuffed the noodles into your mouth and grabbed your phone off of the table, dropping your wooden chopsticks into the rest of your dish.
“What did they say?” Dejun asked as he bit into an egg roll.
“Depends,” you read out. “Would I get paid for it?” You practically exclaimed the last part. It was fair that they were wondering about payment after all, who would want to tutor for free? The thought of the amount in your bank account had you cringing, you couldn’t afford to pay for a tutor at the minute. Although, you couldn’t afford to fail your module, either. So it was a lose-lose sotuation. You sighed before shoving another chopstick full of noodles into your mouth as you thought of a reply, eyes never leaving your screen. “How can I say, ‘no I cant’t but I really need your help’ without sounding desperate?”
“You can’t.” Yangyang replied matter-of-factly, chewing on his mapo tofu.
no but u’d have my gratitude forever???????
from: 13X XXXX XXXX
[typing. . .]
I’ll have to think about it.
[typing. . .]
Just kidding! I’ll help you out, free of charge. Would you like to do it over the phone or meet IRL?
You cheered loudly when their last text delivered. “I’m guessing they said yes?” Dejun said, smirking smugly. You nodded, grinning widely as your fingers flew on the keyboard in your phone.
omg ur a lifesaver!!!!! maybe over the phone?? it’ll probably be more convenient foe the both of us :)
from: 13X XXXX XXXX
Gotcha. We can discuss our schedule sometime tomorrow.
Your tutor, Wong Kunhang, was surprisingly really helpful. He was much more friendly than you thought he would be, immediately introducing himself after greeting you over the phone. For the entire three hours that the two of you were on the phone, he was nothing but the epitome of patience. Not only that, but he explained everything in a way that you could easily understand and even cracked a lame joke or two to break the tension whenever he noticed that you were becoming incredibly frustrated. By the end of the session, you felt microscopically better about calculus. While you couldn’t say that you were especially ecstatic for the upcoming lectures and assignments, it was safe to say that, while you had a long way to go, things were sort of looking up.
from: Wong Kunhang (tutor)
Same time next week?
to: Wong Kunhang (tutor)
[typing. . .]
also if ur comfortable with it can we pls video chat instead?? i think it would be much quicker than us sending each other pictures back and forth
from: Wong Kunhang (tutor)
That’s a good idea! I can’t believe we didn’t think of it earlier ahahaha.
As you worked through the practice problems that Kunhang prepared for you, you couldn’t help but sneakily stare at your phone to catch a glimpse of him repeatedly. It sure came as a surprise when it came time for the video call and you found yourself face to face with a Disney Prince who came to life. There was no other way to sum up how handsome he was. He somewhat reminded you of Prince Eric—what with his black hair, wide, bright eyes and kind smile. It wasn’t as if you thought or expected that he would he unnattractive. In fact, you hadn’t really wondered about what he would look like at all since you had a long list of priorities. None of which included thinking about whether or not you would find your tutor attractive.
But still. Kunhang was definitely one of those people who were blessed with beauty and brains. One of the Universe’s favorites, if you will.
“You good? Are you stuck on something?” You started at Kunhang’s voice, eyes flying from your phone to your page and back to meet his expectant look. You murmured a negative and resolutely kept your gaze on your work for the next half an hour to avoid a repeat of what had just jappened.
After nearly two months, the tutoring session had become a bi-weekly thing. Sort of. Somewhere in between you whining about every question but toughing it out and him encouraging you while also lightly teasing you, you and Kunhang became friends. One of the two sessions somehow always ended up with the both of you chatting, completely abandoning the unsolved equations in favor of getting to know one another, or, mostly recently, switching back and forth between the show that the two of you suggested to one another.
This week you would be tuning into his suggestion, Love Death + Robots. Kunhang would talk every now and again during some parts, especially when it came to his favorites, but you found that you didn’t really mind. Not when he sounded so (adorably) excited about it. The series itself was pretty good so far albeit short – six episodes in total, and the two of you were already on the fourth one – which meant that the you that you recommended (The Office because you were astounded that he hadn’t watched at least one episode) would soon become the primary source of entertainment since the two of you were only on season three.
As you stood in the snacks aisle, internally debating one which type of popcorn you should purchase (salted or buttered? the microwaveable kind or loose kernels? also, which brand? there were so many options, maybe too many,) your phone vibrated in your pocket. Swapping your basket from your non-dominant hand to your dominant one, you pulled out your phone and answered it.
“Hey!” Kunhang greeted back brightly, “uh, so listen, I know we have our thing later but one of my sisters is moving out of her apartment and she asked me to help. Is it okay if we cancel?” The poor guy sounded super apologetic.
“Yeah, totally! Help her out!”–briefly, you thought about offering your assistance before deciding against it because that would be awkward and weird. Weirdly awkward. Awkwardly weird. Whatever–“I mean, it’s not like what we do is a set thing, anyway. I’ll probably ask the guys to hang out instead.” You eyed your basket full of snacks and made a mental note to grab the particular brand of potato chips that Dejun liked, already predicting that he would agree.
The silence that followed seemed to stretch on for hours on end. You would have assumed that the line dropped or went dead for some reason but you could definitely hear some shuffling sounds on the other side and, in a totally non-creepy way, Kunhang’s breathing.
“Right,” he finally replied, drawling the word out. There was another silence that felt extremely awkward. You wondered what facial expression he was making at the moment. It could have possibly clued you into what he as thinking. “Well that’s all I wanted to say I guess.”
“Oh,” you mumbled and then after a beat, you followed up with, “do you prefer salted or buttered popcorn? I’m trying to choose right now but I can’t decide.”
“Definitely salted. Buttered always leaves my mouth feeling weird.” You hummed while trapping you phone in between your ear and shoulder so that you could grab the generic box brand of microwaveable salted popcorn. The conversation carred on without anymore awkward pauses. You picked up a couple of items that he recommended every now and again, trusting his judgement. “Hey, you know what we should do?” Kunhang said as you queued up for the self-service checkout line, eyeing the items on display. When you hummed in response, he followed with, “we should hang out next week. In real life. We could do it on Sunday so you’ll still have one day of tutoring.”
It felt somewhat embarrassing that you agreed so quickly to his suggestion. You definitely should have played it cool but you had been meaning to ask him the same thing for a while now, so you were glad that he suggested it. “We can meet up at a café or something! Maybe have lunch? I’m paying, though!” It was only fair since he was helping you out for free.
“Lunch sounds good.”
“Great!” Kunhang mimicked, just as enthusiastically. “I’ve got to go but I’ll text you later?”
Both of you said your goodbyes then hung up. After tucking your phone back into your pocket, you made your way to the till that just freed up and began scanning your items. Once everything was paid for and bagged, you retrieved your phone to shoot a quick text in the group chat with Yangyang and Dejun, asking them if they felt like watching a movie franchise with you. They agreed, but only after Yangyang asked if ‘you’re weekly date with Kunhang got cancelled’ which earned him a picture of you flipping him off.
“Today’s the big date, huh?” Yangyang asked teasingly as you checked your appearance in the mirror once more, sprawled out on the couch as he made his way through his third mango pudding cup. From beside him, Dejun and Yukhei – the newest addition to your friend group since he and Dejun had to do an assignment together – gave your form an assessing once over.
Dejun, smiling mischievously, said, “obviously, can’t you tell by how nicely they’re dressed.”
You mock glared at the pair while Yukhei lightly slapped Dejun for his comment. Then he, bless his heart, beamed at you and said, “you look great!”
“Thank you,” you replied, smiling sweeting at him before addressing the other two, you firmly said, “and it’s not a date. We’re just hanging out, like the three, now four”–you corrected, glancing over at Yukhei–“of us do on a regular basis.”
“Oh, are they just a friend from your course then or something?” Yukhei asked curiously while Dejun and Yangyang hummed in unison, disbelief clear in their tones.
“No, it’s this guy, he helps me out with calculus. We’ve never met in person but he’s really nice.”
“I should hope so,” muttered Yangyang, peeling the seal off another mango pudding cup. “You’ve been crushing on him for a while now, so it would be a bummer if he wasn’t.” He said through a mouthful.
“Am not!”
“Are too!” Dejun countered for him.
“Am not,” Yangyang mimicked. “So what about all the times you’ve mentioned him then, huh?” And then he placed his pudding cup on the table, clasped his hands together by his cheeks and, in a voice that was meant to sound like yours, said, “‘oh, Kunhang told me this stuff is really good, we should try it out!’, ‘Kunhang is so smart!’, ‘can you believe Kunhang volunteers at the animal shelter and the nursery home as much as he can? Isn’t that so sweet?’, ‘Kunhang has such a Disney Prince smile!’. You gush about him all the time, it’s kinda sickening.”
You threw your arm out at him as you looked towards Dejun, hoping for some back up but you should have known better. They were your best friends after all. Dejun simply shrugged as he snatched a pudding cup from the coffee table and said, “to be fair, you do gush about him a lot. And! Whenever you text him, which most of the time, you get this goofy smile one your face.”
“Huh,” Yukhei mumbled, his tone full of thought. “This guy sounds a lot like one of my buddies.” The three of you looked at him with wide, curious eyes. When he noticed, he added, “it’s probably just a coincidence?” Although his tone suggested otherwise.
“Probably,” you replied as you grabbed your keys and shoved them in your pocket. “I’ve gotta get going or else I’ll be late.” You said as you made a beeline towards the door and slipped on the shoes you thought best suited your outfit. “Don’t wait up!”
“Why?” Yangyang replied just as you were about to close the door, playfulness evident in his voice, “I thought it was just lunch.” The other two cackled at that but you flipped him off and left the apartment, trusting that one of them would like the door behind you.
It was fortunate that you managed to catch the bus on time. After paying the appropriats fare, you made your way towards the back, earphones plugged in so that you could listen to some music along the way. Once seated, you took out your phone sent a text to Kunhang to let him know that you were on your way. His response was immediate, informing you that he was already nearby because his sister had asked him to run an errand for her, and asked you to text him when you were close.
Horizon was a cute little place that served as both a café and restaurant. It was sandwiched between a thrift shop and music store but, surprisingly, didn’t look the least bit out of place among the buildings. As you walked closed to it, you saw Kunhang standing by the entrance, bopping his head as he used his phone.
“Kunhang!” You called when you were close enough, after taking off your earphones and stuffing them into your pocket. Judging from the way he jolted slightly, you startled him. “Hey,” you greeted warmly when he removed his earphones. “You could have waited inside.”
Kunhang shrugged, a brilliant smile etched onto his face, “I thought it’d be easier if we walked in together.”
When you entered, you thought that you would have to find somewhere else to eat due to the amount of people present, but the staff who was waiting by the door only asked if you were eating in and then lead you to a table in the far corner of the room, right beside the window.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, y’know, in person.” Kunhang said as he browsed through the menu.
“You too,” you replied, peeking up from your own menu to find him wearing a hint of a smile. “I can’t believe it took us this long to be honest.”
Kunhang chuckled at that and nodded in agreement.
The meal seemed to fly by even though you left Horizon a little later than expected. You were still laughing as you headed out, thanking the waiter that served you one more time as you passed by him, at a story that Kunhang recounted that took place during his childhood. Although his texting style suggested otherwise, Kunhang was hilarious—which you knew already since he often made you laugh whenever you were on the phone with him, it was just a different feeling compared to the experience in person. You were almost sad at the thought of your time being over with him, until he jammed his hands into his pockets and, rocking back and forth on his herl, asked if you wanted to go get some ice cream since he knew a really good place nearby. And who were you to say no to that offer?
After fighting, again, over who would pay, the two of you roamed around for a bit, slipping into this store and that to window shop. Only when the stores began to close did you realize how late it had gotten. It wasn’t dark out, not yet, and you were surprised that several hours had passed since you first met up with Kunhang.
“Ready to call it quits?” You asked as the two of you began to make your way to where you would wait for your bus.
Kunhang shook his head and pointed somewhere behind you. “Let’s go to the playground over there. Race you.” And with that, he took off, leaving you to stare at him dumbfoundedly until your brain registered what he said and you ran after him.
“Cheater!” You huffed when you reached him, hands on your knees as you caught your breath.
Kunhang did nothing but through his head back and laugh at you. Attractively. It was something to ignore—his attractiveness, that was. But it was awfully difficult and all you could do was hope that he didn’t notice how you were looking at him. You couldn’t help it! Even though his outfit was relatively basic – just some gray-brown sweatshirt, black joggers and a pair of white sneakers – he looked effortlessly good. And it wasn’t just his appearance that made him attractive, either, oh no, because that just wasn’t enough. He also had to have an amazing personality.
“Let’s go over there,” he said after he sobered up, nodding towards the spring riders. “No racing this time.” He added with a wide grin. You weren’t able to suppress your own grin quick enough, rolling your eyes as you shoved his shoulder.
“I’m glad we met up today,” you admitted sincerely as you rocked back and forth on the spring ride. “You’re even better in person.”
Kunhang stopped rocking on his spring ride and looked at you. “I’m glad we met up today, too.” He told you with a smile that turned into one that was more sweet and shy as he said, “we should do it again some time, y’know, when we aren’t flooded with assignments and stuff.”
“How about, maybe,”–Kunhang’s tongue darted out a sliver of his to wet his lips–“as a date?”
You stared at him in shock which he met head-on, that sweet, shy smile of his still present. You could feel a smile threaten to rise and you allowed it, messing with the hem of your top as you nodded in agreement. “That would be nice.”
“Really?” He asked, his tone both excited and unbelieving. When you assured him that you would be really looking forward to it, he said, “that’s– that’s great! I can’t wait, either.” Then, he jumped of his spring ride, held out his hand and pressed a feather light kiss to your knuckles like the Disney Prince he was when you placed your hand in his.
“We should probably head home.” You said, hand still in his. Kunhang never let go, so you figured he was okay with you interlocking your fingers and swinging your hands back and forth.
Like the gentleman he was, he waited for your bus with you and waited until you got on it, blowing kisses at you through the window. Your smile was so big your cheeks began to hurt as you pretended to catch the kisses.
(Later, after you had told Yangyang about how the day went swimmingly, you received a text from Kunhang and couldn’t help but huff out a small laugh. Your room-mate shot you a curious look so you let him read the text.
from: kunhang 💘
You know Yukhei?!?!?!!!!)
72 notes · View notes
inkjam-moon · 5 years
Sweet & Spicy - Part Two(M)
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Summary: Your first visit to Jeongguk’s house goes horribly wrong
Pairing: Jeongguk x Reader
Genre: Fluff, smut, a little angst
Word Count: 8.1k
TW: jin being rude af, almost sex, oral, bj
It’s been seven months since Jeongguk asked you to be his, and you can’t remember ever making a better decision in your life. Jeongguk is already the sweetest, funniest, and most amazing person you’ve ever known, but add ‘boyfriend’ to all that and somehow he becomes even more so. The two of you spend even more time together now, if that’s even possible. If he isn’t working, Jeongguk is at your apartment; sometimes even when you’re not there, he’ll just wait for you.
The two of you continue your movie night tradition, although now you always stop at the swings to eat, the spot having become sort of a special place for the both of you, and then you hold hands as you walk back to your place. The two of you are constantly curled up on the couch together, snuggled up under some blankets, content with just being together.  
You know that you’re going to be Jeongguk’s first everything, and therefore, you don’t push him. You let him take his time, you let him go slow, now matter how impatient you get because you care about him so much. The only thing that you don’t understand is why you can never hang out at his place.
For as long as you’ve known Jeongguk, you’ve know about who he is; Jeon Jeongguk of BTS, a famous idol that travels the world to perform, and you know he lives at a dorm with six other guys, but the fact that seven months into your relationship, and two years into your friendship he still hasn’t introduced you to them, bothers you. You don’t really understand why he won’t; Jeongguk has met almost all of your friends, but he won’t let you meet the most important people in his life, the people that he spends all of his time with when he’s not with you.
You���ve seen them. You know who they are, who in Korea doesn’t at this point? Yet every time you even bring them up in conversation, Jeongguk shuts the topic down. You don’t know what’s got him so scared to introduce you. You know he will eventually, and you’re letting him take his time, but you can’t deny that a small part of you, deep down inside is really put off by it.
Speaking of letting Jeongguk take his time, the two of you have never done anything other than kiss and cuddle. You absolutely adore the sweet, gentle make out sessions on your couch, his lips are so soft every time they caress yours, and you quickly became addicted to the feeling, but sometimes after he goes home, you slip into your bed and pleasure yourself, letting your imagination run wild with the thought of what he’s going to do to you when you finally get to that point.
Jeongguk is a bit nervous and clumsy when it comes to your intimate moments. The first time you made out, he didn’t really know what he was doing and there was a bit too much tongue, but he learns quickly, and once you showed him what to do, he became so good that every time he kisses you, it makes your knees weak.
Today, you’re sitting on your couch alone, waiting for Jeongguk to text you that he’s done with rehearsal and is on his way over. You ended up watching some sort of cooking competition and you’re starting to get hungry. You pick up your phone to ask Jeongguk to bring some food when your phone buzzes in your hand from none other than the one you were about to text.
Kookie (6:37pm): Hey, do you want to come over to the dorm?
You (6:37pm): Wait, seriously?
Kookie (6:39pm): Yeah
You (6:40pm): Does this mean I get to meet everyone?
You watch Jeongguk’s typing bubble appear and disappear several times before he finally replies.
Kookie (6:43pm): They won’t be there…
Well, you’ll take what you can get.
You (6:43pm): Yeah, I’ll be right there!
Kookie (6:44pm): Okay! I’ll meet you at the swings!
You close your phone and hop up off the couch, grabbing your bag before heading out the door and down the street to the park. It’s a short walk, and when you round the corner, Jeongguk’s silhouette comes into view, sporting a light jacket and sweatpants, both black of course, along with a facemask. He smiles wide when he sees you, you can tell from the crinkling of his eyes as he rushes to meet you, pulling down his mask briefly enough to place a sweet kiss on your lips. The two of you haven’t seen each other in about a week and a half, so you understand when his lips linger on yours a bit longer than his usual public displays.
“Hi baby.” You smile back at him as he grabs your hand and pulls his mask back into place.
“I’ve missed you. Are you ready?” He asks.
“Of course!” You nod excitedly.
“Okay, let’s go!” He takes his hold on your hand and uses it to tug you down the street, leading you down the familiar path to his dorm. You’ve stood outside the building to wait for him before, so you know where it is, but you’ve never been allowed in, always having to patter out on the sidewalk as you wait.
It’s not a far walk from your apartment; you use the dance studio as a halfway point, but in reality his place is a bit farther away from the studio than yours is; and when you get there you take in the sheer grandeur of the building, always amazed at the fact that he can actually afford to live here.
Jeongguk leads you into the building and you’re equally amazed at the sight of the lavish lobby. You can’t help but feel unbelievably out of place. You’re tugged over to the elevator and you both step inside when the doors open. Jeongguk presses the button for his floor as the doors close and then the elevator takes off, the doors opening again on Jeongguk’s floor. You both step out into a small room with a door and Jeongguk punches the code into the keypad to unlock the door.
You walk into the entry room as Jeongguk shuts the door behind you to see what seems like hundreds of pairs of shoes stacked on the shelves lining the walls. You slip your shoes off and place them in front of the shelf as Jeongguk takes his sneakers off and places them in one of the empty spots. He pulls you into the next room and flicks on the light and your eyes take in the sight before you.
To be quite honest, it just looks like a normal living room; possessions strewn about, a large tv with several gaming consoles attached, three large couches, a couple laptops laying around; if you didn’t see all the clothes lying about with designer names emblazoned on them, you’d think it was just the apartment of a few average college roommates.
“So, this is the living room.” Jeongguk mumbles. “It’s where we spend most of our time.”
“It’s impressive.” You nod in approval, making Jeongguk smile.
“Over here,” He starts, tugging you along through a door to the right. “Is the kitchen.” He flicks on another light and you see a rather large kitchen with marble countertops, two large refrigerators, an island with a sink on it; all of which are plated with stainless steel. God what you wouldn’t give to cook in this kitchen. “Are you thirsty?”
“A little bit yeah.”
“Water?” He asks, dropping your hand for the first time since you met up as he walks over to one of the fridges.
He nods and reaches in, grabbing a bottle of water for you and walking back over to place it in your hand, but he doesn’t give you time to drink before he’s dragging you out a doorway at the side of the kitchen and into a hallway. He points to the door down at the far left end.
“That’s Hobi hyung, Jimin, and Taehyung’s room The one across from it is their bathroom. The next one is Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung’s room.” Then he skips a door and points to the door at the far right end. “That’s the study slash inhouse studio.” He tugs you into the hallway and points to the only door left on the wall to your right. “That’s our bathroom, and this,” he grabs the doorknob on the door he skipped earlier. “Is my and Namjoon hyung’s room.” He twists the doorknob and pushes the door open, leading you into his bedroom.
The sight is overwhelming at first; there’s music equipment everywhere and several computer monitors on each of the two desks in the room, but as Jeongguk tugs you further in, leading you past the first desk and bed, you recognize the teddy bear you got him for his birthday last month where it sits perched atop what must be his bed.
“This is my bed.” He states, plopping himself down on the mattress and tossing his face mask across the room onto his desk.
“I could tell when I saw Little Kookie.” You state, sitting down next to him and grabbing the teddy bear.
“I told you, his name is Charlie.” Jeongguk pouts, taking the bear from your hands and hugging it.
“Whatever his name, he’s still not as cute as you.” You state, booping Jeongguk’s nose, making his face scrunch in faux annoyance.
“You’re the cute one.” He mumbles, leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on your lips. He pulls back for a split second before going back in for a second kiss, and before you know it, his lips seems to be stuck to yours. Charlie is tossed to the side as Jeongguk’s hands reach up to cup your face, pulling you closer as he tilts his head, deepening the kiss.
You scoot closer, swiping your tongue along his bottom lip as a suggestion, asking him to part his lips, which he quickly does, allowing you to slip your tongue into his mouth to taste how sweet he always seems to be.
With no effort at all, Jeongguk sweeps you up and pushes you down onto your back, crawling between your legs without separating your mouths. This time it’s his tongue that slides between your lips, making you gasp lightly as his hips grind up against yours for the first time. The contact surprises you, and you break the kiss, pulling back to stare up at him in question. You’ve never seen him like this before; his breathing has picked up significantly, his pupils are blown wide, and his bottom lip is red from all the kissing; he looks so delectably sexy.
“Kookie, what-”
“Noona I want to… I want you.” He whispers. “I want you to take it…”
Your eyes go wide when you realize exactly what it is he wants. “Kook, are you sure? I mean-”
“I’m sure. I-I’ve been thinking about it a lot actually. I want to have sex. And I want my first time to be with you. And every time after that…” He whispers the last part, a light blush filling his cheeks.
“Jeongguk-ah…” You can’t help the smile that spreads across your face at his confession, reaching up to cup his flushed cheeks to pull him down for a chaste kiss. “Okay.”
“Okay? Really?” His eyes light up with excitement.
“Really.” You giggle.
Instead of more words, Jeongguk seals your agreement by leaning down to kiss you again, tugging on your bottom lip before slipping his tongue back into your mouth. You slide your hands down his chest, tugging his jacket off and tossing it to the side before slipping your hands under his shirt like you’ve done so many times before, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your palms as his lips slip away to find your neck, immediately biting down on your collarbone, making you moan lightly.
Jeongguk’s head shoots up at the noise. “Are you okay?” He asks, wondering if he did something wrong.
“Yes.” You chuckle. “Kook, that felt good.”
“O-oh, okay.” Jeongguk smiles innocently before returning to your neck, leaving hot kisses all along the expanse of skin, from your jaw to your shoulder, as his trembling hands pop open the buttons of your jeans and very carefully begin to tug them down. You lift your hips to help him and as soon as the denim is deposited on his floor, you grab the waistband of his sweatpants and wiggle them down over his hips.
He kicks the fabric off his legs onto the floor and then pulls the covers down, allowing you both to slip under them as Jeongguk settles himself between your legs, his now very obvious erection pressing against your center and you relish in the friction as you drag him back to meet your lips.
“Y-Y/N, wait,” Jeongguk breaks from you, breathless. “I-I probably should’ve thought of this before, but…” He sighs. “I don’t have a condom.”
“You got tested like I asked you to, right?” You ask.
Jeongguk nods. “I’m clean.”
“Then it’s okay baby. I have an IUD, remember?”
“Oh right… What is that again?”
You giggle at his innocence. “It’s birth control Kookie.”
“Ohhhh right, okay.”
“Can we get back to what we were doing then?” You ask, sliding a hand down his body to cup his hardness over his boxers. Jeongguk gasps at your touch, his body shivering with pleasure. He grabs your hips and pulls you down against him as he leans over and kisses you again.
Jeongguk pulls his boxers down to mid thigh, in too much of a hurry to take them off all the way. One of Jeongguk’s hands finds its way in between your legs and pulls your panties to the side. “Fuck,” His hips buck into your hand as he swears under his breath. “Oh god, oh god, oh god this is happening.”
“Jeongguk look at me baby.” You request softly. His wide brown eyes find yours and you cup his face gently. “Take a deep breath for me.” He nods, closing his eyes and following your instructions, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly to help calm himself. When he opens his eyes again, there isn’t as much panic in them.
“Noona, I love you.” He whispers.
You heart flutters in your chest as you caress his cheek, smiling softly. “Kookie, I-”
“Hey Kook are you- What the fuck?!”
Jeongguk’s body goes rigid on top of you as you both look in the direction of the new voice. It’s one of Jeongguk’s roommates. Oh shit.
“Jeon Jeongguk, what the hell are you doing?”
“J-Jin hyung? What are you doing home?”
“Saving your ass apparently!” Jin exclaims, walking over to the bed and yanking Jeongguk off of it by the collar of his shirt. “Are you crazy?”
“It’s not what it looks like!” Jeongguk protests, shoving his suddenly flaccid self back in his boxers as you sit up.
“So you didn’t pretend to be sick so you could stay home and get laid?”
“Hyung I-”
“Couch. Now.” Jin orders, looking back and forth between you and Jeongguk before adding, “Her too.”
Jeongguk nods as he stands, grabbing your hand a pulling you out of his bed and out into the hallway where some of the other boys are standing; they must’ve heard the commotion and come to investigate. Jin storms past the two of you and heads into the kitchen while Jeongguk drags you into the living room to the big couch, offering you a seat first before he takes on next to you, but far enough away that you’re not touching.
You’ve never seen Jeongguk look so… ashamed. His head hangs low as he stares at his lap, both of you awkwardly sitting on the couch in nothing but your underwear and a t shirt. You’re about to ask Jeongguk what’s happening when Jin stomps back into the room, mid conversation with another roommate, followed by five more curious bodies.
“Jin calm down. I’m sure there’s an explanation.” The roommate says, the tallest of the group of them.
“There better be.” Jin growls, coming to stand in front of the couch to glare at Jeongguk. “Jeon Jeongguk I want you to tell me what the hell you think you’re doing!”
“Hyung, I swear, it’s not what it looks like.” Jeongguk whimpers.
“Really? Because it looks like you were about to lose your virginity to a prostitute!” Jin explodes, his eyes ablaze with fury.
“Jin that’s a bit far.” Another boy, shorter with dark hair and cat-like eyes, interrupts.
“Who the hell are you calling a prostitute?” You spit.
“She can understand us?” Jin asks Jeongguk.
You roll your eyes. “Yes. She can.”
“Jin why would you assume that?” The cat-eyed boy speaks again.
Jin’s eyes go wide when you speak and suddenly he’s fumbling for words. “Well I- You- I just-”
“You think just because I’m a foreigner I’m a prostitute?”
“You were in bed! Naked!” Jin exclaims. “Am I supposed to believe you weren’t going to fuck him?”
“That doesn’t make her a prostitute Jin.” The tall one argues.
“But she’s a foreigner!” Jin protests. “You’re a foreigner! I bet you just met him today!”
“For your information, I’ve lived here for almost three years and have known Jeongguk for two of them.” You state as you stand up, coming face to face with Jin.
“Oh great. What are you, his stalker?”
You can feel your ears turning red from the anger coursing through your veins. “I’m his girlfriend!” The other boys around the room gasp at this. “Have been for seven months.”
“Bullshit. If he had a girlfriend he would have told us.”
“You think so? When he knows you’d blow up like this? No wonder he didn’t want me to meet you.”
“You’re lying!” Jin accuses.
“Jeongguk, tell him.” You turn to face the shell of a man sitting on the couch who looks up at you with wide, terrified eyes. He opens his mouth to speak, but nothing comes up as he looks back and forth between you and Jin, panicked. “Kook…” Your voice softens at the sight of him like this and you immediately move to comfort him, but Jin grabs your wrist and pulls you away.
“Don’t touch him.”
You wrench yourself free. “Don’t touch me. I just want to make sure he’s okay.”
“Get out.” Jin growls when you move toward Jeongguk again.
“Just let me check on him.”
“You didn’t have sex, so he’s not going to pay you. I said get out.”
“Hyung-” The tall one chides.
“I’m not a fucking prostitute! Kook…” You sit down next to Jeongguk, hoping he’ll defend you, but he refuses to even look at you.
“You should go…” He whispers. “This was a mistake.”
“Are you serious?” You ask, a bit hurt by his words. He just nods. “Fine.” You state. You stand again and start walking in the direction of Jeongguk’s room, but you’re stopped once more.
“Where are you going?” Jin hisses, his hand wrapped around your wrist again. “The door is the other way.”
“I’m getting my fucking pants.” You spit, nearly pulling him to the floor with the force you use to yank your wrist free. You disappear into Jeongguk’s room and pull on your jeans, grabbing your phone that fell out of your pocket and then heading back out into the living room to the front door. As you slip your shoes on, you look up to see six pairs of eyes on you, not seven. You stomp your foot to make sure your shoe is on and then open the door, looking back over your shoulder one last time. “Jeongguk…Don’t call me again.”
“What? Y/N-” But before you hear what he has to say, you slam the door and head to the stairs, going down them as fast as you can and out onto the street where you feel like you can breathe again. You hail a cab and head home, not wanting to walk through the park.
When you step into your apartment, you fall apart. You can’t believe he didn’t defend you. He didn’t say anything. And it fucking hurt. To have his closest friends think you’re nothing more than some common foreign prostitute… You immediately head to the shower to rinse away the bad feelings. You check your phone one last time before you head to sleep, and when you see no notifications, the cracks forming in your heart deepen.
It’s been a week. A whole week without Jeongguk and it feels like a lifetime. Not a single call or text, nothing. It wasn’t until the next morning that you started to regret what you said to Jeongguk, but the more you thought about it, the angrier you got. He should’ve defended you. He should’ve said something. Anything. But here you are, a week later, and still not a word from him.
It’s movie night and you’ve never felt so empty. You’re sitting on the couch in your comfy clothes, getting ready to crack open a bottle of wine and watch a depressing movie to sadden yourself further in an attempt to start moving on.
Just as you curl up under your favorite blanket your phone starts to vibrate next to you. You pick it up to see the only name you want to see, and yet at the same time, you don’t want to see it. Jeongguk. You stare at your phone, deciding whether or not you should answer it, but by the time you decide, it stops ringing. Shit. You go to put your phone down, but it immediately starts vibrating again. This time you only wait two rings before answering it.
“Jeongguk.” You whisper to keep your voice from cracking.
“Are… Are you home?”
“Of course I am. It’s Friday.” You’re always off on Fridays because it’s movie night.
“I know, I just didn’t know if you had plans.”
“I’m home Jeongguk. What do you want?”
“For you to answer the door.”
“What?” Just then you hear a faint knock on your front door. You stand and walk over, unlocking and opening it to see Jeongguk standing there in the hallway as he hangs up his phone. You do the same as you shoot him a glare.
“Can I come in?” He asks quietly.
You roll your eyes, but step to the side, allowing him to enter before shutting the door behind him. He walks over to the couch and picks up your bottle of wine, raising his eyebrows at you, but when he sees the look in your eyes he sets it back down and sticks his hands in his pockets.
You sigh and plop yourself down on the couch. “What do you want Jeongguk?”
“I want to apologize. That… That really wasn’t how I wanted things to go.”
“No kidding.” You scoff.
“I should’ve stood up for you. I should’ve said something. I was just so shocked that Jin hyung would jump to conclusions like that. I can’t believe he thought you were… But after you left, I explained everything to Namjoon hyung and he told the others so I wouldn’t get yelled at again. I was just afraid of what they’d say. They’re protective of me so they can be really judgemental of my friends. I wanted to call you so many times, but I was afraid you were still mad at me.”
“You’re a little too late.”
“Please don’t say that. Noona, I meant what I said. I love you so much, I really do, and  after you left I realized I didn’t want to lose you. I just wanted to give you some time to not hate me so much…”
“Jeongguk… I could never hate you.” You admit. He perks up at this. “I love you too much.” You state, a small smile creeping onto your lips.
“I’m so sorry noona, please forgive me.” He pleads, taking a seat on the couch next to you and grabbing your hands.
You reach up and cup his cheek. “I forgive you baby.” He breaks into a wide smile until you abruptly pull your hands away. “But I’m still mad at you.”
“That’s okay, you can be mad at me all you want, as long as you’re mine.” He prompts.
“Of course I’m yours Kookie.” In lieu of a response, Jeongguk tackles you to the couch and plants kisses all over your face, making you burst out into giggles. “Okay, okay!” You squeak. “Let me go you dork!” Jeongguk sits up, a wide smile plastered on his face as you roll your eyes at him. “What movie tonight?”
“You pick. Anything you want.”
“You’re going to regret saying that.” You state, turning on the movie you had already planned on watching. It’s quiet for a few minutes, Jeongguk snuggled up next to you as the opening credits play.
“Oh um, noona?” Jeongguk whispers, looking over at you.
“They want to meet you.”
“My hyungs…”
“Right. Because that went so well the first time.” You shake your head, turning your attention back to the screen.
“They mean well, I promise! Please give them another chance?” He begs, jutting his bottom lip out in a pout; he knows you can’t resist that face.
“Fiiine.” You relent.
“Thank you.” He leans down a places a soft kiss on your lips, lingering for a few extra seconds. “I missed you.”
“Can we watch the movie please?” You giggle, pushing his face away playfully, but he pushes right back and rests his head on your shoulder, snuggling up half on top of you.
“I really did miss you.”
“I missed you too Kook.”
A week later you’re sitting in one of the personal cubicles at a cafe, coffee in front of you, Jeongguk’s hand clenched tightly in your own as your leg bounces with anxiety.
“Noona, are you okay?” Jeongguk asks for the millionth time.
“I’m fine. Just preparing myself to meet the infamous hyungs who hate me.”
Jeongguk scoffs. “They don’t hate you. How many times do I have to tell you? They’re actually really excited to meet you.” He lifts your hand to his mouth and places a reassuring kiss against your knuckles just as the door slides open and two men walk up to the table.
“Are we interrupting something?” One of them asks as they both giggle.
“Always.” Jeongguk states as he stands up, giving them both some sort of high-five handshake. “What took you guys so long?”
“Tae couldn’t decide on what to wear.” The shorter one states as he sits down.
“I had to look nice!” The other one whines. “I wanted to make a good impression.”
“Ignore him.” The short one says, looking at you now. “You must be the girlfriend?” He asks, leaning back in his chair. You nod silently. “Not as feisty with your clothes on, huh?”
“Hyung!” Jeongguk scolds. “You said you’d be nice.”
“I’m just teasing! Introduce us Kookie.” The short one urges.
“Right!” Jeongguk exclaims, sitting up a little straighter. “Guys, this is my girlfriend, Y/N. Y/N, these are my hyungs: Jimin,” He points to the short one. “And Taehyung.” The nicely dressed one. Both of their faces are covered by masks, understandable; it must be hard for them to go anywhere without getting recognized. They both have blonde hair, Jimin’s is more of a sandy blonde, where as Taehyung’s is a much lighter bleached blonde, almost white.
“It’s nice to meet you Y/N!” Taehyung sticks out his hand, which you accept.
“It’s nice to meet you both as well.” You stick out your hand to Jimin after Taehyung pulls away and he accepts it, placing a kiss on your knuckles much like Jeongguk did a few moments ago, only through his mask.
“Hyung!” Jeongguk whines, snatching your hand away from Jimin.
“Kookie, it’s just a greeting.” Jimin teases.
“Keep your lips off my girl!” Jeongguk hisses, pulling you closer, making you giggle at his protectiveness.
“Aw he’s so defensive.” Taehyung coos. “I wish I had someone to protect like that.”
“How did you guys meet anyway?” Jimin interrupts Taehyung’s pouting. “The more I look at you, the more familiar you seem.”
“Minsung hyung.” Jeongguk states.
“Minsung, our dancer, Minsung?” Taehyung asks.
You nod. “Minsung oppa and I… well,”
“They used to date.” Jeongguk explains.
“Ah, and when they broke up little Kookie was there to pick up the pieces?” Jimin asks.
“Not exactly.” Jeongguk shrugs.
“It took two years for ‘little Kookie’ to work up the courage to ask me out.” You giggle.
“And how long ago was that?” Jimin asks.
“Almost eight months.” Jeongguk informs them, smiling sweetly at you.
“Aw, you guys are so cute~” Taehyung exclaims, clapping his hands together.
Jimin leans back in his chair and shakes his head as he pulls his mask down, revealing his plump lips and full cheeks. “Wait a second. If you’ve been together for that long, then you guys have already done it, right?” Jimin breaks into a wide smile. “Our maknae finally got some?”
“We would’ve if you guys hadn’t come home early the other night.” Jeongguk goes quiet and looks down at the floor, so you step in.
“We haven’t had time.” You state simply.
“Haven’t had time? That’s a lame excuse.” Jimin laughs, elbowing Taehyung. “I bet he’s just too afraid to do it with an experienced woman.”
“Jesus, and you wonder why Jeongguk didn’t want to tell you guys about us.” You scoff, tightening your grip on Jeongguk’s hand.
“Yeah hyung.” Taehyung chides. “Why are you being so mean today?”
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” Jimin bows his head in apology. “But you really haven’t?”
Jeongguk shakes his head. “We really haven’t had time.”
“If you’d have told us the other night, we’d have forced the hyungs to stay out!” Taehyung informs him.
Jimin agrees. “Yeah, you know we would’ve helped you Kook.”
“Well that’s good to know if we ever try again at the dorm.” You joke. “Which will be never.”
“Understandable.” Taehyung nods.
“Have you guys done anything?” Jimin prys.
“Why do you need to know?” You ask, suddenly annoyed hat how desperate Jimin is to learn about your sex life.
“Noona…” Jeongguk quietly scolds.
“Because I want to see if Jeongguk really is good at everything.” Jimin answers.
You can’t help but laugh. “I was hoping you didn’t have a point, but you’ve got me there.”
You spend the rest of lunch chit chatting, learning more about each other. Turns out Taehyung and Jimin are actually very sweet and kind of hilarious. They remind you of Jeongguk, a bit of both of their personalities noticeable in your boyfriend, and you can tell they’ve been close for a long time with how they act with one another, but after about an hour, it’s time to say goodbye.
“Alright, we’ve got to get to dance rehearsal before Hobi hyung kills us.” Jimin states as he and Taehyung stand, gathering their things. “You coming Kook?”
“Yeah, I’m right behind you.” He nods, they smile in understanding, slide the door open, and make their way out, leaving you alone with Jeongguk who immediately turns to you.
“Well?” He asks hopefully, biting his bottom lip.
“They’re not so bad.” You shrug playfully. “I guess they’re okay.”
“Thank you jagiya.” Jeongguk leans in and give you a sweet kiss before pulling his own mask up. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
“Okay, have fun at dance baby.” You blow him a kiss as he rushes out the door to follow his elders. You lean back in your chair and drink the last of your coffee before standing and heading back home.
Three days later it’s the middle hyung’s turn. He’s invited you and Jeongguk to visit his studio which makes you nervous as it makes the matter seem more private not having it in a public space, but in an enclosed studio. When you arrive outside his door, Jeongguk quickly knocks before immediately entering, not even waiting for a response. You would think they’d have locks on these doors so they could focus.
“Hyung!” Jeongguk exclaims, yanking you over the threshold.
“Kook! I’m glad you made it.” He states, standing up. He’s taller than the others you met. In fact, he’s really just… tall. His hair is brushed back under a beanie but from what you can see it’s a light brown. He also has large square framed glasses on. “This must be Y/N who I’ve heard so much about?” He sticks out a hand.
“Yep!” Jeongguk pushes you forward happily and you take the outstretched hand.
“It’s nice to meet you Y/N.” He says, shaking your hand and bowing his head a little. “I’m Namjoon.”
“Namjoon hyung’s our leader!” Jeongguk explains.
“Ah so you’re the one that has to keep them in line.” You joke.
“I try my best, but you’ve seen how at least the younger ones act when they’re together, right?”
“That I have, and I can’t say I envy you.”
“I don’t think anyone does.” Namjoon laughs. “But please, have a seat.” He points to the couch behind his computer chair. You and Jeongguk seat yourselves and Namjoon takes his seat back in his chair and turns it to face you both. “So, tell me how this all happened.”
Jeongguk speaks freely today; much more comfortable divulging information to Namjoon than he was to Taehyung and Jimin for some reason; he tells Namjoon about how you met, your friendship, how he asked you out, how long you’ve been dating, everything, not missing a single detail. When he’s finished, Namjoon leans back in his chair, seemingly pondering something.
“Well, I’m glad Jeongguk-ah found someone that makes him happy.” He finally says, offering up a wide smile. “But you two should be more careful around the dorm. I don’t know how many times you’ve done things there before, but from now on, at least tell me first, so we don’t have a repeat incident of last week, yeah?”
“That was the first time…” Jeongguk states.
Namjoon quirks up an eyebrow. “The first time at the dorm or…?” Jeongguk only nods. “Jeongguk we’ve talked about this.”
“I know. I didn’t think it was actually going to happen, it just… it just happened.”
“Yeah, it was definitely a ‘spur of the moment’ kind of thing.” You agree.
“Alright. Well, Y/N I don’t know your level of experience, but just remember if you have any questions, either of you,” Namjoon nods at you. “Don’t be afraid to ask, okay?”
“Thank you Namjoon, that’s really kind of you.” You say, offering him a smile.
“You’re the best, hyung.” Jeongguk agrees.
“Of course. The only thing I ask preemptively is that you two be safe when the time comes, okay?”
You nod. “I’ve got that taken care of.”
Namjoon claps his hands together. “Awesome. Now I have to get back to work, you guys can hang around if you want and listen in for a bit.”
“Noona?” Jeongguk turns to you.
“Are you sure?” You ask Namjoon.
“Yeah I don’t mind. It’s nice to have company and a fresh ear sometimes.”
“Can we order lunch?” Jeongguk asks.
“Kook, we just ate.” You chide.
“That was like an hour ago!” He whines. “How about just a snack?”
You know there’s no use fighting it so you simply shrug, watching as Namjoon turns back to his work and listening to the song he’s working on as Jeongguk orders takeout.
It’s friday. Movie night. You’re in the kitchen making popcorn as Jeongguk’s running late after helping Namjoon with something in the studio, but he made sure to tell you when he was on a his way, and just as the microwave dings, there’s a knock on the door.
“It’s open!” You call as you pull the popcorn out and shake the bag to get all the extra kernels to pop.
“Noona?” Jeongguk asks.
“In the kitchen!” You answer, pulling a bowl out of the cabinet and dumping the popcorn in it as a pair of arms encircle your waist, squeezing you tightly.
“I’ve missed you.” Jeongguk whines into your neck.
You giggle. “It’s been three days Kook.”
“Three whole days.” He pouts, placing a kiss against your neck.
You turn to face him. “As opposed to sunday when you leave for two whole weeks.”
“Exactly. So forgive me if I want to spend as much time with you as I can.”
“Then I suggest you get your cute butt out on that couch.” You state, shoving the bowl of popcorn at him.
He shoves a handful of popcorn in his mouth before taking the bowl and walking back to the living room with you following behind him. Jeongguk plops himself down on the couch and then yanks you down next to him.
“So what are we watching?” He asks.
“It’s called ‘A Portrait of Beauty’.”
“I’ve never heard of it.”
“It’s supposed to be really good. It’s about a painter in the Joseon era who pretends to be a man. It has Chu Ja Hyeon in it.”
“Oh, really? Hm. Alright, let’s give it a go.” He nods as you press play.
The movie is good. You and Jeongguk both get really absorbed in it, and it’s great; you love your time snuggled up with your boyfriend on the couch, just the two of you, his arms wrapped tightly around you, that is, until he starts to fidget. You’re only about halfway through the movie when Jeongguk shifts, crossing his legs and removing his arms from around you to lay his hands in his lap. You shrug and turn back to the movie, but he doesn’t stop, for the next several minutes, Jeongguk shifts back and forth, seemingly uncomfortable; you wouldn’t mind, but he keeps bumping into you every time he shifts, making it hard to pay attention to what’s happening on the screen.
“Okay, what?” You ask, pausing the movie and turning to face Jeongguk.
“W-what?” Jeongguk asks.
“What’s wrong with you? Can’t you sit still?”
“O-oh, s-sorry.” He mumbles, a blush dusting his cheeks as he looks down at his lap.
“Nope, I know that face, what’s wrong.”
“Nothing! I-It’s nothing.”
“Kook,” You soften your tone. “Talk to me babe.”
“It- I…”
“Is it the movie?”
Jeonguk rubs his neck like he’s ashamed. “K-kind of, I just…”
“I can turn it off? We can watch something else if you want?”
“N-no, you don’t have to I just… It’s kind of… turning me on.” He mumbles the words so lowly you almost don’t hear him.
“Wait, what?”
“I-I’m, uh… Yeah…”
You look up at the screen to see you’ve been so distracted by Jeongguk’s fidgeting that you didn’t even know there was a sex scene happening, right in front of your eyes. No wonder he’s uncomfortable, Korean movies really go all out with their sex scenes sometimes, it’s almost like softcore porn really; and you’ve paused it right on a close up shot of the actresses breasts being fondled. You give your boyfriend a once over, studying just how affected he is; pink cheeks, heavy breathing, his hands in his lap probably pushing down his erection. Suddenly an idea pops into your head; why not give him a little taste of what it’s like?
You grab the popcorn bowl and set it on the coffee table in front of you before getting up on your knees and leaning over Jeongguk to firmly plant your lips against his like you’ve done so many times before. You can feel him physically relax at your touch as you cup his face, slipping your tongue between his lips to hear that little gasp of his that drives you wild. You place one of your hands on his thigh as you move your lips to his neck, pressing light kisses against his skin as your hand moves up to the bulge in his jeans and presses against it.
“N-noona…” Jeongguk gasps. “W-what are you doing?”
“It’s a going away present.” You whisper, tugging on his earlobe with your teeth as your hands unbuckle his belt.
“I-I… Noona- hah-” He grips the sofa cushions beneath him, not entirely sure what to do with his hands.
“I can stop if you’re uncomfortable baby.” You assure him, pressing a wet kiss to his pulse point before sitting back.
“No!” He exclaims, a little too eagerly. “I mean- n-no, please… please don’t stop.”
You smirk, leaning forward and sucking a dark bruise on his collarbone. “That should give the makeup team something to do.” You joke, making him crack a smile as you move to get on your knees in front of him. Jeongguk visibly gulps so you rub your hands along his thighs. “Relax for me Kookie, yeah? I wanna make you feel good.” You coo.
Jeongguk lets out a stuttered breath as he nods and you take that as your cue. You pop open the button of his jeans and slide down the zipper, making sure your hands brush against him at every possible moment before you grab the waistband of his jeans and tug them down to mid thigh; the rather large patch of precum staining the front of his boxers causing you to pause, but before he can ask questions, you lean forward and drag your tongue along Jeongguk’s length overtop of the fabric, causing him to let out a low, shaky moan. You grab his boxers and yank them down along with his jeans, letting the fabric pool on the floor in front of you as Jeongguk’s erection springs to life.
Since this is your first time actually seeing it, you wrap a hand around the base of it and stroke him slowly, allowing you to study it for a moment. He’s a little longer than average, maybe seven or so inches, and he’s pleasantly thick, but the first thing that catches your eye is that he’s shaved. Completely. Balls and all. And from the looks of the stubble growing back, it was a recent shave, and probably a first one; you’ll ask him about it later; for now, you focus on the dripping red tip of his cock and how it seems to just ache for your mouth.
You look up to see Jeongguk watching you intently, the tiniest moans slipping from his mouth as you stroke him, but his eyes don’t leave your face. You toss him one last wink before leaning forward and wrapping your lips around his tip. Jeongguk’s head immediately falls back against the couch as he groans.
“Hah- Ah, n-noona~ Oh my god~”
You smile to yourself as you sink your mouth down further and further before pulling back, swirling your tongue around the head before dipping it into the slit, absolutely relishing in the sounds of Jeongguk above you. God you’re going to ruin this boy.
You slide your mouth down again and Jeongguk’s hands find your hair, gipping it tightly as he begins to carefully guide your movements; up and down, up and down, and down, and… down? He holds you down against him with his dick in the back of your throat, not paying attention to anything except the feeling of your lips and tongue, that is, until you tap his thigh furiously and he lets you go, popping off him with a gasp. Jeongguk looks amazed as you come up to breathe, a trail of spit connecting you to his cock still.
“Kook… you’ve got to… let me breathe…” You chide lightly, the both of you panting.
“I’m sorry!” He leans forward and cups your face, giving you a swift kiss. “It just felt so good.” Another kiss. “I’ve never felt anything like that before. Does it always feel that good?” He asks as a bit of spit drips down onto your shirt.
“If you know what you’re doing it does.” You state, grabbing your shirt and lifting it off over your head.
“W-what are you doing?” He asks, suddenly nervous again.
“Relax, I just don’t want to get my shirt dirty.” You explain as you reach around and unclasp your bra, letting it fall to the floor. “Besides, it’s more fun this way.” Jeongguk seems mesmerized by your breasts until you push him back against the couch and take him in your mouth again, your breasts pressing against him.
As soon as your lips touch him, Jeongguk goes back to moaning; sweet high pitched gasps and groans spurring you on. You allow Jeongguk to guide your movements for a little longer before you decide to deep throat him again, this time, of your own accord. You take a deep breath and then sink down as far as you can, burying your nose in Jeongguk’s abdomen before immediately pulling back to tease him. He whimpers and grabs your hair again, pushing you back down greedily; but you oblige, taking another deep breath before going back down as far as you can, this time swallowing around Jeongguk’s length as many times as you can as he holds you in place until his cock twitches in your throat and you hear him start to swear.
“Ohhh fuck~ Shit! N-noona~ N-no! No no no no damnit! Hah~ Ah~!”
You pull of just in time for Jeongguk to leave a little bit of cum in your mouth, the saltiness sticking on your tongue, you pull back and stroke Jeongguk to completion, aiming for your mouth, but this boy has no aim apparently, and his white release gets all over your face and chest, including on your left eye. When his orgasm finishes, Jeongguk collapses against the couch, clearly spent, his length already softening in your hand as he pants harshly.
“Um… Kook?”
“I’m sorry I’m sorry I know i-”
“No, no.” You stop him before he can apologize for cumming too fast like you know he’s about to. “I just uh- could you get me a washcloth?”
Jeongguk opens his eyes to see his cum dripping down your face. “Oh god! Hold on!” He jumps up so fast the he forgets his pants are still around his ankles and he trips over them before quickly yanking them back up on his way to your bathroom. You sit on your floor, shirtless and sticky until you hear Jeongguk coming back into the room. “Here.” He kneels down next to you and turns your face toward him. “Let me get your eye for you.”
You jump a bit when the washcloth touches you, but relax as Jeongguk begins to hum softly, cleaning your eye thoroughly before pulling back. When you open your eye it takes a second, but things adjust to show an adorably smiling, flushed Jeongguk kneeling next to you.
“Can you see?” He asks, concerned.
You nod before cracking a smile. “I can see clearly nowww the rain is gooone~” You sing.
“Noona.” Jeongguk rolls his eyes.
“I can see all obstacles in my wayyyy~” You continue. Jeongguk throws the washcloth at your face to stop you. “Hey! That’s not nice. After what I just did for you?”
“Come on, let’s clean you up.” Jeongguk giggles, pulling you up with him and tugging you to the bathroom. You stand in front of the mirror, washing the remnants of Jeongguk off your body as he stands behind you, softly caressing your waist. “Noona?”
“Mm?” You mumble as you splash your face one last time before turning off the water.
Jeongguk hands you a dry towel. “I… I’m sorry for, well, that. I didn’t mean to do it s-so fast and-”
“Jeongguk stop.”
“But noona-”
“You didn’t do anything wrong.” You shush him, turning off the light and then pulling him into your bedroom. “Trust me, I wasn’t even expecting you to last that long.” You grab a pajama shirt and tug it on as Jeongguk sheds his jeans and pulls on a pair of shorts he leaves at your house. You both climb into bed and you snuggle up to him. “You did so good for me baby boy.” You whisper, planting a kiss on his cheek.
“N-noona…” He mumbles, embarrassed, but he relaxes at your words.
“So good baby. Now get some sleep, yeah?
“Okay.” You rest your head on his chest, and just as you’re about to drift off you hear him speak again. “Noona?”
“Mm?” You mumble half asleep already.
“I-I love you.”
You sit up at this, looking at Jeongguk’s face, highlighted by the moonlight peeking through the blinds and seeing the sincerity on his face. You smile happily. “I love you too Jeongguk.”
He pulls you down and places a sweet kiss on your lips, lingering for just a bit before breaking the kiss and pulling you closer.
“I love you so much.”
Copyright © Inkjam-Moon 2019
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sanguisfulgur · 6 years
moon ?
astrology asks
moon: what does your room look like?
For her primary residence (a home she did not pay for herself thus far nicer than her typical financial status could afford): Orderly, first and foremost. Though she is not fastidious about it, Sharna simply prefers for everything to have its place so her space is comfortable and easy to navigate.
It’s clean and tidy but given she has a Tamaskan - a large breed of dog that sheds a great deal - and a penchant for rehabilitating sick wild/stray animals, it’s hard to make sure there is absolutely no fur or feathers at all times. Which is precisely why she opts for wood flooring due to the ease of clear up. 
There’s one charcoal black wall and the other three are a pastel blue. Her bed - king-sized, she likes her space and needs it given Nova likes to sprawl across it - backs against the black wall. Though she has an impressive stuffed animal collection (which she will never admit to), they are not out on display The only one you’ll find on the bed is a large, old-but-well-kept flying fox toy that Sharna calls Mordred. Even as an adult she’s incredibly attached to it. The rest are kept hidden in the spare room. 
Her closet is built in thus free up space for her desk and numerous bookshelves. The closet interior is tidy but not especially well-organised: you’ll find formal wear mixed amongst her hunting attire. Minus her shoes, they’re all perfectly lined up on shoe racks and arranged according: heels all together ect. Whilst most possessions related to her frequent animal care attempts are kept elsewhere, there are a few cages at the back of the closet, they’re on the smaller side given they’re used for medical rehabilitation and not permanent residences for any rodent, bird or other small animal. 
Her books shelves are organised by genre and split amongst fiction and non-fiction but truly occult books and not just mundane human dabbling into the matter are kept locked away from prying eyes. 
Private possessions such as her journals, photo albums and such are kept in the locked drawers of her desk. The desk itself is home to her laptop and despite her overall tidiness, it’s the one somewhat-chaotic part of the room. There are usually papers, stationery and reading material scattered across it as it’s where she researches most of her jobs/cases. 
Bedside tables posses a small drawer and she always keeps a weapon within each, just in case. Lamps are on top of either and her windows are framed by blackout curtains so that she can actually sleep beyond dawn rather than been woken the second it becomes light. There’s also a potted Venus Fly Trap on the inner window ledge. 
Her walls aren’t decorated beyond a mirror, though it’s not for lack of wanting to. She can just never decide what she wants to put on there: ornaments, shelving, photo frames…. she just ended up giving up. 
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justeeyore-blog1 · 7 years
The FOR SALE sign in the front yard looked wrong and out of place, like an ugly yard direction that needed to be thrown out. Growing up Eeyore lived under the assumption that she would only move again when she was an adult, when she had her life together and a future to look forward to. She never thought she would be standing in the doorway of her bedroom, staring at labeled boxes and empty shelves at seventeen years old, wondering if there was any point to a future at all.
Homemade cardboard swords sat in the corner, dusty now but banged up from the days she used to rule the land, the days when all she needed was her imagination. The walls were the same baby blue color they had always been but her bed was made, quite a sight compared the tangled mess the sheets stayed in when she was a little girl. Her desk sat in its designated place by the window, underneath the shelf that displayed handwritten books and maps a few years ago. She used to sit there with her crayons for hours, drawing all of her adventures on days that were too rainy to go outside and too calm to slay dragons inside.
There was another window over her bed, but this one was her favorite. She could see part of the front yard from that window, the part that she had played in the most. She could see the stumps that she stood on as she made speeches about reclaiming her kingdom to a line of plush toys, the trees she climbed and bushes she crouched behind, waiting for an ambush. She could see the sandbox that she built castles in, castles that were repeatedly destroyed by villains screaming in terror when she caught up to them. She made sure to rebuild the homes each evening before going in, even taller and prettier than they were before. The tree house was out there, right by the driveway, the one where she spent many evenings spying on neighbors and imaginary thieves, crunching on chips with a pair of binoculars pressed to her eyes. She begged her parents to let her sleep out there and they had finally caved when she was nine, but she’d darted back inside shortly after nine pm, spooked by a raccoon knocking over a garbage can. She never tried again.
The world had been so exciting then, so full of colors and laughter, her imagination running wild. She couldn’t quite put her finger on the moment it had all turned cold and cruel. It was during her early middle school years, but it seemed it had been that way for far too long.
Turning to make her way down the hall, she could almost smell breakfast drifting up the long winding staircase that she’d slid down the railing of too many times to count. Every morning she would run – or slide – downstairs, barefoot, full speed to where her father sat at the kitchen table reading his newspaper. Her mother always said something along the lines of “my goodness, I thought I heard a stampede of elephants coming” and her dad would grin and ruffle her messy wild hair, asking where she was going to go exploring that day. There was a time when all mornings were like that, where they listened to her ramblings with love and pride in their eyes, and they spoke more about adventures than how they were going to afford another house payment. There was a time when the living room was a place to sit in her rainbow colored bean bag and laugh at cartoons instead of sitting with her hands over her ears, trying to drown out the shouting that echoed throughout a large house that had began to feel much too big for a family of three. There was a time when she had known what happiness felt like.
The steps to the front door were slow and hesitant, the sound of her shoes on wood flooring bouncing against the walls. There was a hollowness in her chest that should be filled with nostalgia, sadness. Something. Anything. This was Eeyore The Great’s childhood home, her favorite place, her own made up little world. But she was Just Eeyore now, and to that girl, it was nothing more than a house.
It was as she pulled the door shut behind her one final time, her last box of keepsakes balanced on her hip, feeling absolutely nothing at all, Just Eeyore came to the harsh realization​ that she may never be Great again.
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