btsinwonderland · 2 years
Y’all I’m so sorry I’ve been lost in space these last few months. Going through some health issues and please know that my unfinished stories haunt me every day. One day I will get to them 💜 hopefully sooner than later
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btsinwonderland · 2 years
A Drop of Poison - Ch. 25: Visions
A Loki fanfiction!
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Chapter warnings: blood/gore near the end
She stood atop a dark cliff’s edge, staring into the horizon, watching the castle become engulfed in shadows from the coming storm.
A cold smile stretched across her lips.
Her fingers tingled with anticipation and sizzled with green bursts of electricity at the thought. Large footsteps padded up beside her and she faced the bright yellow eyes of her beast, her companion, Fenris. He huffed loudly and nudged her elbow once with his black nose. She scratched him behind the ear and he grunted.
“It won’t be long, Fenris,” Hela said, outlining every spire and rooftop of Hogwarts with her eyes. “Soon you can feed on as many little students as you can get your hands on.”
The beast vibrated with a low growl as Hela laughed.
Thursday’s attack.
It was already Wednesday, and your stomach clenched in anticipation. The high-pitched words of the dark witch, Malda, echoed in your mind. You sat by the crooked old woman in the basement, her stony eyes watching, as you waited for Mo and Valkyrie and thought about the day before…
Heat flushed between your legs every time you thought about Loki in the Room of Requirement. The way he held you and touched you, the way he said that he loved you. If anything, his words caused you more panic, since now that he admitted his feelings, you were utterly terrified that something would happen. As if his admission had jinxed your entire relationship. What if Vidar found out that Loki had warned you? What if Hela killed him?
Every thought weighed you down further and further. Tears stung your eyes, but you held them back. Now was not the time to be a blubbery little mess! Your friends needed you, Loki needed you, and the school needed you to have your shit together.
After Loki had reluctantly left, he told you to inform his mother of everything immediately. It was something you had planned to do anyway, but it was comforting to hear that he seemed to have some sort of plan in motion. He gave you an envelope, asking you to give this directly to Headmistress Frigga. There was a sad gleam in his eye as he did this, but you did not press him about it.
When you went to see Headmistress Frigga, she looked years older, as if the stress was finally catching up to her once bright and kind face. She acknowledged you before you showed yourself.
“Freya,” she said with a small sigh as she took a seat behind her desk. It seemed as if all the problems that ever existed were resting on her shoulders. You understood the feeling.
“Headmistress Frigga, I need to speak with you privately,” you said, emphasizing the last word.
She arched her brow, but lifted her wand and muttered a quiet enchantment. After settling the wand back down on her desk, she gazed at you with an eagle-like focus.
“I’ve been…in contact with Lo-Professor Laufeyson,” you said, trying to choose your words carefully. Not only was this the Headmistress you were talking to, it was also your boyfriend/professor’s mother.
She said nothing and so you continued. You spoke with her about seeing Loki in the Room of Requirement, omitting certain moments that made your cheeks flush and nipples harden. You mentioned Malda and Talon, and that there was going to be a coordinated attack on the school Thursday. Hela had some sort of army and planned to take over Hogwarts with it, though you and Loki firmly believed her rule would not end there. Then you leaned over and placed Loki’s envelope on Frigga’s desk. She lifted it with a graceful hand and opened it. It was a letter, with an elegant script you could only attribute to Loki. You wondered what he wrote, but felt it was rude to stare, so you looked at the floor until Frigga gently cleared her throat.
If Frigga was surprised by any of this, she did not show it. “Have you mentioned this to Odin?”
“No, Odin plans to kill Lo-Professor Laufeyson on site with the rest of Hela’s followers.”
“You realize that withholding key information from a Ministry affair is treason?” Frigga said. “Especially in a case like this.” Her eyes scanned you, as if trying to understand.
“You’re wondering why I’m protecting him, aren’t you,” you said, as more of a statement than a question.
She waited for you to continue. Heat rushed to your face as you dropped your gaze to the elegant carpet beneath you. How can I say it? You thought. But, the time for disguise was long past. If you were expelled, it would no longer matter, at least if you could help save the school…save him, it would all be worth it. You took a deep breath and raised your eyes to meet Frigga’s.
“I love him.”
You felt out of breath as you admitted this simple statement so boldly in front of his mother. There was a subtle shift of features on Frigga’s face, first surprise, concern, and then a small smile appeared on her lips. “He’s a very special man, isn’t he?” she said, her eyes twinkling.
The sound of footsteps broke you out of the memory and you found yourself back in the basement with the stone witch.
“Freya!” Valkyrie said as she bounded down the hall towards you. Mo was shuffling up behind her.
“Jesus Christ, I’m tired!” Mo said, panting.
Valkyrie smiled at him wickedly. “The Headmistress said that all students were to head to the Great Hall three times a day until tomorrow. We have to keep learning counterspells,” she said. “Unless you’d rather die at the hands of Talon.”
Mo gave her a look. “Funny how he just disappeared. So convenient.”
You drew your brows together. “I have a feeling he’s here somewhere, just under our noses. The teachers won’t find him.”
“So, what are we going to do?” Mo said, leaning on the wall.
Valkyrie and Mo looked at you as if you had any idea what you were doing. You took a breath. “Well, the teachers are trying to condense a year's worth of spells into about two days…I understand they’re trying to equip us as well as they can, but I can’t imagine a first year doing much damage. And then we have the ministry folk and the dementors, though I’m not sure how much we should trust them at all, especially the dementors. Those things would sooner kill a student than Hela herself if one was standing close enough.”
Valkyrie sighed. “We don’t really stand a chance, do we?”
Mo ran his hand through his hair and rubbed his face. “Why is this feeling more and more like a final stand?”
Valkyrie perked up for a moment. “Wait, Freya, you said that Hela was in your head this whole time, right?”
You nodded, not sure what she was getting at.
“Well, does that mean you share a connection with her? Maybe you can find out what her weaknesses are!”
“Val, I wish I could, but the minute she…came out of my head, I had no mental connection with her. Which was a major relief because all she gave me were bad dreams and headaches…” you said, trailing off at the end. Your eyes popped wide open. “I have an idea!”
Immediately you took a few steps away from them and sat down on the floor, closing your eyes.
“Um, are we supposed to get it?” you heard Valkyrie say.
You opened your eyes, a new fire in them. “When Hela was in my head, her presence suppressed my abilities and I couldn’t see visions anymore. But, now that she’s gone…I might be able to see something!”
You closed your eyes again, and the others were silent. It took several seconds for the world to fall away as you stared into the darkness. Moments passed and were not sure how long you were in this trance-like state of concentration. The abyss of your mind was more still than you thought, as if it were hiding from an intruder. You reached into yourself and tried to find something, anything.
It was like being in a void, unable to see or hear or touch anything. You frantically waved your arms around in your head, trying to feel something, but there was nothing.
Until you sensed something.
It was small. But it was there. With your mind, you reached out gently. Not too hard, because the key of this meditation was to focus, but not focus too much, just enough that something was within your radar, comfortable enough to open up beside you.
Closer the vision got, and you kept your mind still, reaching out no more, lest you lose it. It would come to you. It took more patience than you ever could exhibit to stop yourself from leaping into the vision instead of waiting, but wait, you did. And several moments later, a vision unfurled before your eyes.
You soared above the clouds until you reached a dark castle. The windows were painted glass with images of war and ruin. In moments, you passed through the windows and were inside the house.
The room you entered was some sort of grandiose bedroom with engraved pillars coming down from the ceiling to a fourposter bed.
Down you went, through the floor, into the second level of the house. Through the kitchen, which was so dusty that everything was cast in grey. You sank further still, past the sitting room and down a stairwell.
You were well below ground now, and the basement led to a tunnel. Floating through the tunnel, in the distance, there was a green and red glow. Your body whipped towards the light and you saw Hela standing in a chamber underneath this castle with her companion, Fenris.
A part of you bristled at the sight of the creature, but you held strong, watching what was happening.
In Hela’s hand was a dagger, though the blade was glowing green with a spell.
Hela was in deep concentration, chanting loudly while Fenris knelt in front of her with its eyes closed, breathing in time with her chanting.
It was an unnerving sight already, but then Hela opened her eyes and you feared she looked right at you. Then Hela plunged the glowing dagger into her chest and your mouth fell open.
She ripped the dagger through her ribs and screeched in pain as she tossed the dagger aside and shoved her hand into the cut. You gagged when you watched her rip her bleeding heart out from inside her own body and hold it out in her hand.
“My sweet Fenris, you will guard my heart from this day. I will not perish so long as you keep this alive within you.”
Fenris growled and salivated at the smell of the blood. Pools of spittle dripped to the floor and Hela placed her heart into Fenris’s mouth and it swallowed it whole.
Before you could take a step closer, you were whipped away from the vision and instead of returning to your body; you were in Headmistress Frigga’s office. She was crying, all alone, with Loki’s letter in her hands.
With a cautious step, you looked over her shoulder and tried to read the contents. Her hands covered up most of it but a small section. Reading it caused nausea to boil up in your stomach, which already churned with anxiety:
“Mother, I’m going to kill Hela the first chance I get during the invasion. I will send a signal when it’s time and I need you to create a diversion at that moment. Something big.
No matter what happens, promise me you will take care of Freya. Both of you deserved a better man than what you got.”
You were slammed back into your body and slumped over on the floor. Mo and Valkyrie helped get you up. Your head was spinning with everything you had seen.
“What did you see?” Mo said with panicked eyes.
Your voice was dry and lifeless. “Loki is planning to kill Hela during the fight. Only, I just saw Hela cast a spell to make herself invincible.”
Happy new year!!! We are BACK BABYYYY. And we're about to dive head first into this crazy climax....
Sending you warmth and your favourite drink ;)
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btsinwonderland · 2 years
A Drop of Poison - Ch. 24: Room of Requirement
A Loki fanfiction!
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Happy Loki day!! This chapter is about 4200 words...and well worth it IMO lol. I hope you enjoy this chapter and some warnings for end of chapter:
S M U T T T T T T T T T T, daddy kink, dirty talk
It seemed that running through the hallways being chased by dementors was a new common occurrence at Hogwarts. Dread filled your heart the closer it caught up to you and it’s what helped ignite the fire in your feet to run faster. You were not even sure why this dementor had chosen to pursue you. All you did was sneak out of your dormitory and into Loki’s office to search for clues. Anything to learn more about Hela’s plan.
It wasn’t your fault that a lit candle fell onto his bed and set the sheets on fire. It wasn’t your fault when the vials of potions in his office were “accidentally” tossed on the stone floor, shattering upon impact. It also wasn’t your fault when two liquids morphed together and a strange looking blue creature formed out of it, then scurried away into a wall. Well, that was somebody else’s problem.
Apparently, the noise was too much, and you felt the cool chill of its presence before it could corner you in the potions classroom. In your hand was a small potions book, behind a heavy jar of a fermented bezoar. The bezoar jar made a loud noise when it crashed, which was probably what the dementor heard. You cursed yourself for acting like a child, but could not help but smile at the destruction. The book you grabbed looked like a standard textbook, but you were almost afraid to open it up, for now you knew that not all books were what they seemed.
A slip of paper flew out of the book and floated onto the floor, dissolving into the sludge of liquids and potions. But not before you had caught the quick message in it. Requirement - storage cupboard.
That was when you started running.
You were already in heaps of trouble once you, Valkyrie and Mo were escorted to the castle by Professor Bjorn. He was going to take the blame of pulling the three of you out of classes to assist him, but Minister Odin’s crow had been following you the whole time, all the way to the entrance to the caves. You knew something had been watching, how foolish you had been to shrug it off as if it were nothing.
Odin personally questioned each of you. Valkyrie and Mo went first, and he saved you for last. You were shoved into the Headmistress’s office by a ministry operative, except this time Headmistress Frigga was not there. It was colder without her presence, and Odin’s frozen gaze only made it worse.
“Do you know what you have done?” Odin said. His voice echoed in the heavy silence of the room.
You hung your head and stared at the ground. Despite all the good you tried to do, it had led to disaster. You knew exactly what you had done.
“Do you?” He barked, and you jumped at the force of his voice.
A part of you was afraid of him. He was powerful and older than you, with an intimidating presence. But there was a new power in you, one that was forged in anger and despair. You clenched your teeth, trying to bite back your words, but they spilled out anyway. “And whose bloody idea was it to put Hela in a magical cube instead of, oh I don’t know, Azkaban!”
Odin stared at you for a second. His mouth stretched into a thin line and for a moment it looked as if he would smite you, but his gaze softened as he looked at a framed picture on Frigga’s desk that was out of your view. “It was my idea. I thought it was the only way to keep those I loved safe. I cannot say if I would do it again, we do not get second chances. But your meddling has caused catastrophe.”
You had no response to that.
“My son has made his bed. And now he must pay the consequences he has always been so talented at avoiding.”
Your eyes snapped up to Odin. “What do you mean?”
Odin gazed at you levelly. “He will be executed on sight. Hela, Vidar, Loki and the others in the upper ranks are too dangerous to be held in Azkaban. The tesseract was not a safe option since Hela clearly found a way to influence the outside world and escape. There is no place to hold them. So, we will hunt them down, either dead, or alive long enough for a dementor’s execution.”
Even though your mind still played the memory of Loki leaving you in the caves to follow Hela, and even though he said those cruel things, your heart sank at Odin’s words. “What? You’d kill your own son!”
Odin narrowed his gaze at you. “He left you to die and you would still defend him?”
The words dried up in your throat, and you tried to swallow a dry gulp of air. There was nothing to say to Odin. The only thing you wanted to say was that you didn’t want Loki to die. Because even if he said things, he did things, and he left you, you still loved him. A part of you hated yourself for that.
That same afternoon Valkyrie snuck into your common room and stayed with you. She knew it was not just seeing Hela that troubled you. You hadn’t told them the depths of what Hela had done. It was your burden to carry, your curse to bear.
“What happened on the other side of the lake?” Valkyrie asked you. You both were sitting on the bed. Valkyrie was lying on her side while you tucked up your knees and hugged them.
“Hela…Sh-she planned everything all along. It all went exactly the way she wanted,” you said, resting your head on your knee, trying not to cry. “We were all wrong.”
“And what about Loki?” she said, eyes focusing on your face.
You looked down and sniffled. “Loki said that it was all a lie. That he was using me and that I was…a good fuck, nothing more.”
Valkyrie sat up. “That bloody cunt! We should skin him alive,” she said.
That made you smile, though it didn’t reach your eyes. “I don’t know Val,” you said with a sigh. “There’s a part of me that wants to find him and kill him. That wants him to get caught and end all of this. That part of me feels so stupid and betrayed.” You glanced out the window at the thin rays of sun peeking through the clouds. “But then, there’s a small part of me, the dumbass one, that still feels for him. What if he lied to Hela? What if he lied to protect me?”
Valkyrie scoffed. “What, you think he’s capable of playing some double-double agent?”
You snorted. “I think Loki Laufeyson would be capable of playing infinite levels of double agent.”
“But which one is the truth?” Valkyrie said.
You sighed. “That’s the question I can’t seem to find answers to.”
Valkyrie leaned in and grabbed your hands. “Freya, do you trust this man or not? Because Odin and the Ministry are going to kill those guys. I am ninety-nine percent sure that Loki deserves it, but there’s one percent of me that doesn’t want to live in regret for ruining her friend’s life by not double checking.”
You laughed, a real laugh, from your belly. “How can I live in regret when I have a friend like you?”
It was after she left you got your grand idea to go to Loki’s office and investigate. Surely something there could prove his innocence…or guilt. And the breaking of things just happened to occur, and then you were running with a dementor hovering behind you.
There were students you passed, and they shot out of the way when they saw what pursued you. Nobody wanted to help and nobody wanted to get in the way of those black cloaked monsters. You completely understood, of course, dementors were not only frightening. They were just plain depressing.
As you ran, you thought about the note. Requirement - storage cupboard.
The idea hit you just as you bounded up the steps of a staircase that just started moving across to another platform. The room of requirement! You wondered if dementors could get in there, hopefully not.
Not exactly sure where this room was, you ran to the seventh floor and began thinking about the room. You thought about needing a place to hide, but you also thought about a storage cupboard.
Suddenly, on your third run through the hallway, a small wooden door appeared that you definitely did not see the last two times. You threw it open and shut the door as you felt the icy creep of despair hit the back of your neck. Once you leaned against the closed door, the feeling dissipated and you could breathe again.
You gasped when you saw a gigantic, cavernous room. The arched ceilings were higher than the Great Hall and you couldn’t even see the walls. The room was filled with…things. Junk. Stuff. It was filled to the brim. There were piles of books, scattered papers, metallic knights, shelves of bottles and boxes, tables, chairs, couches; there was even a bed with an eerie glow on the mattress, jewellery, clothes, boxes of doodads and pipes and instruments. There were things you did not recognize, and you realized you were in a room that probably contained at least one of every single object there ever was.
The room was a neat-freak’s nightmare. What a mess. You looked behind you and the door was still there, and though you wanted to go get Mo and Valkyrie, you worried the dementor might be on the lookout. So you ventured into the room of requirement on your own. You passed several mountains of junk, trying to keep track of which way you were going. Though getting lost in a place like this was easy, if not inevitable.
The note said something about a cupboard. It seemed there were an infinite amount of cupboards and drawers in this room, but you searched through all the ones you passed. At first you searched casually, lazily glancing at the silver spoons or stamps or notebooks you found. Then you opened a cupboard in which a bogart emerged, first shaped like a dementor and you nearly pissed yourself. But then it got confused and turned into Fenris, with its yellow eyes and dirty fur. You bristled with fear, but you knew what it was, merely an illusion. After a short round of the riddikulus spell, the bogart shrank into a chihuahua sized Fenris with a green polka dot dress on, and was shot back into its cupboard. You were much more careful opening things after that.
“Where the fuck is this thing?” you muttered after what felt like an hour of searching.
There was a sound; footsteps coming towards you. You ducked behind a large storage trunk as the footsteps got closer. Craning your head to the side, you tried to get a discreet look. A rush of blue hair walked past you.
What the hell was he doing in the room of requirement?
Another figure walked behind him. You stiffened when you saw the two braids and snide expression. It was the woman from the cavern. What was her name? Malda.
“See, I told you it would work,” Talon said.
Malda’s voice was nasal, and high pitched, just like her laugh. “Just make sure that everything is ready for Thursday’s attack. We want a nice and clean takeover. Hela doesn’t want to damage the castle.”
“Everything will be ready! When do I get my mark?” Talon said. His voice sounded so childish and needy.
Malda laughed. “Impatient boy, don’t worry. I’ll make sure you get it soon enough. You are doing well, handsome.”
Handsome? You struggled not to gag and put a hand to your mouth. The quick jerk of your finger snagged the loose thread of a rolled-up rug and a copper goblet clattered to the floor.
“Fuck,” you said, as you ran to the other side of the junk mountain.
“There’s someone here!” Malda hissed. “Kill them!”
You grabbed a nearby scarf and wound it over your hair, neck and face, obscuring your features so they wouldn’t recognize you if they saw. Then you darted through the piles of junk to get away from them. Now was not the time you felt brave enough to tackle a dark wizard on your own. Two, if you counted Talon. Fucking traitor, you thought.
A blast of fire nearly hit the side of your head as Talon whipped a spell through the room. He was blasting random piles of junk, trying to push the intruder out. Of course let’s just blow everything up until something happens. What a surprise Talon, you thought as you clutched your ear which throbbed from the noise. It was an annoying tactic, but it was working. You had less and less places to run where they wouldn’t see you.
Suddenly, a hand clasped your face, covering your mouth, and you were shoved into a corner with a warm, lean body pressed against you. His scent hit you first, the musky lavender and your body reacted before your senses did. You bit his finger and he let you go with a silent wail, and just as you were about to yell at him for jumping you, he put a finger to his rosy mouth and glared at you. Silence, his gaze said. Loki stepped away from you and put his hands in the air.
“Stay put,” he mouthed. And then he ran towards the explosions.
“Not quite the discreet operation Hela instructed you to do, eh?” Loki said.
You couldn’t see them, but you could just make out what they were saying.
Malda spoke, her voice surprised, almost angry. “What the hell are you doing here! Where’s Benjamin? He’s supposed to be watching you.”
Loki chuckled. “Hela sent me here to grab some of my rarer potions ingredients. We’ll need them for the attack. Unless you’d rather make a mess of things here and fool around some more. While the room of requirement is powerful, I can’t promise that…your search tactics won’t attract someone’s attention.”
There was an awkward silence and then footsteps.
Malda spoke, her voice pure venom. “Talon, false alarm. Go now. You know what you need to do.”
“Is your hair that blue or do you dye it?” Loki said.
There was just a grunt as Talon huffed away. Then echo of a door shutting.
“Don’t think I trust anything that comes from that silver tongue of yours!” Malda said, and then her footsteps clacked away.
There was a slamming sound and a whoosh. And then Loki was there in front of you. He was almost fifteen feet away, near a rack of old stuffy coats. Beside him was an orange couch with awful florals on it.
Pulling off the itchy scarf and tossing it to the ground, you reached for your wand and held it out in front of you.
“I know what you're thinking,” he said, hands raised.
As soon as you saw a spark of green in his hand, you lashed out at him. “Stupefy!”
A blue light shot from your wand, but Loki dodged it with frustrating ease.
“I know you’re upset,” he said, and you sent another shot of blue his way.
“Stop! Telling me! What! I! Feel!” you said, sending sparkling blue spells after him with each word. Anger coiled up in your belly and it was the same anger that made you trash his office. You wanted him to hurt.
He disappeared from view and you kept your want raised as you stalked the aisles of junk and searched for him.
He appeared behind you and before you could turn and throw a spell his way; he grabbed your wrist, overpowering you as your wand fell to the ground. You reached around with a left hook and caught him in the jaw. He staggered back and glared at you. His lip started bleeding.
You smiled, proud of yourself for throwing a decent punch.
His pink tongue darted out and licked the blood from his lip. Your whole body flushed with heat and you frowned.
“I didn’t mean what I said,” he said, stepping towards you.
“Then why did you say it!” you ran to him, shoving him against a shelf. Books and papers fell around you from the impact. Your hands were around his neck and he didn’t do a thing to stop you. You squeezed, and he raised a hand and put it on your cheek.
“I don't deserve your love,” he said, staring at you. “I’m sorry.”
Perhaps it was what he said. Or perhaps it was the warmth of his body so close to you. Maybe it was the fact that you were inexplicably tired of all the lies, the doubts, and the pain. Your hands went limp and fell from his neck down to your sides. You fell against him, exhausted suddenly, and he caught you before you crumpled to the ground. There was no way you could kill this man, even if all he said were lies.
He laid you on the orange couch and knelt beside you. His eyes were wide as he looked you over, checking for injuries.
“I’m fine,” you said. You shoved his hand away.
He brought his hand back and grasped your cheek. “You won’t kill me. Why?”
You moved his hand away, but he caught your wrists and pinned them above your head. “Why?”
He was almost completely over you now, his body pinning yours down and your muscles reacted painfully, longing for his touch. More.
You avoided his intrusive gaze and looked away. “Fuck you,” you said.
He clasped your face in his hand and made you look at him. You made the mistake of looking at his lips and then when you looked back up at his eyes; they were coated with a fresh hunger. You felt it too.
“You still want me,” Loki said, the mischief returning to his gaze.
You averted your gaze and struggled against his grip. “Let me go!” you said, squirming against him.
When you felt his erection, an electrifying thrill went through you. Your core awakened. You squirmed more, but it was less to get away, and more to feel his body against yours.
Loki smirked, and you rolled your eyes. “Will you ever get over yourself?” you said.
His gaze turned frosty, though it was still filled with lust. “You’re quite the spitfire today, aren’t you? You made me bleed,” he said, licking his lips. His face was inches away from yours.
You leaned up and kissed him, hard. You bit his lip where it bled and he hissed in pain, looking at you with shock and a desperate desire you had never seen before. “Does it hurt?” you said with a grin.
His eyes glinted dangerously as he grabbed you by the waist and forced his body onto yours. His lips collided with yours and you crushed your face to his. It was to the point that you could barely breathe; you sucked and bit his lips and, though he hissed whenever it hurt, the hardness between his legs twitched every time.
You moaned against his mouth as he ripped your shirt open and palmed your breast. He squeezed your nipple with his cool fingertips until you squealed. A smile spread across his face as he leaned back, and you felt a thrill course through you from the semi-deranged look on his face as he clamped his mouth over your nipple and palmed the other. You moaned and fisted his greasy hair, pulling it roughly. He moaned with you and rubbed his erection against your core. His teeth nipped at your nipples and your core throbbed with desire.
When you both looked at each other again, something passed through you. No more games. He jumped off you and ripped off your skirt and panties. You removed what was left of your bra and shirt and sat on the couch completely naked. Loki stripped off his clothes in seconds and stood before you, gloriously naked, and you gulped when you saw his massive erection. But when you looked into his eyes, and his bruised lips, and saw your marks - scratches, bites and hickeys - then your worries shattered and there was only one thing on your mind.
“Fuck me right now,” you said.
Loki grabbed you by the throat and slammed you down onto the couch. Before you could blink, he shoved his cock inside you, without warning, and you cried out from the pain. He thrust again and again, relentlessly, and your pain transformed into pleasure and it only heightened your arousal.
“You’re a naughty slut,” he said.
The words shocked you and you felt your body explode with fire. You bit your lip and nodded as he squeezed your throat. “First you try to kill me and then you want me to fuck you,” he said. His thrusts got deeper with every buck of his hips. You moaned and panted as he slammed inside you. “Say your daddy’s little slut,” he said.
The pleasure was mounting, and you weren’t sure how long you would last like this. The words were so shameful and yet you were so aroused when you said them. “I’m daddy’s little slut,” you said. “Please fuck me harder, daddy.” You moaned.
Loki slipped out of you and you were about to ask him what happened when he stood and pulled you up with him. He turned you around and bent you over, shoving you into the couch. You knelt on the couch, ass up, and he slapped it, hard.
“You’re going to come on daddy’s cock, love,” Loki said. “And it’s going to sting.”
He caressed your ass for a moment and then slapped it again. You yelped when he did it, but your ass rose a little higher every time, because you wanted more. “Please daddy, fuck me.”
Loki shoved his cock inside you, and you gasped when he hit your inner walls. He pushed your legs apart, stretching you from the inside and he grabbed you by the neck. You lifted your upper body and gripped the back of the couch as fucked you from behind. From this new angle, Loki could grip your neck with one hand and your breast with the other. His tongue licked your earlobe, and you wondered if you were going to die from the sensory overload.
He squeezed your throat tightly, not enough to hurt, but just enough so you felt slightly suffocated. The pleasure of his rough hands on your body, pinching your nipples and choking you out, was too much. With every thrust, you felt his balls slap your folds and the tip of his cock hit your g-spot. Your moans turned into screams when he brought his hand down to your clit and rubbed it. You reached your orgasm while Loki had his tongue in your ear and whispered unspeakably dirty things to you.
As your orgasm subsided, he took his hand off your neck and shoved your face into the coach. One hand was on your upper back while the other gripped your hip tightly and he fucked you so hard that you saw stars. He was reaching his own orgasm and the more violently he thrust into you; you felt yourself hitting the edge again. You moaned as he fucked you into oblivion and slapped your ass, squeezing it and clawing it. He moaned, louder than he ever had before, and you screamed his name as he came, gushing inside of you.
You both landed on the couch, a tangle of sweaty limbs. This time you were on top of him and he clasped your hand in his, gently, and held it over his heart. You both panted for several minutes as you laid your head on top of his chest. The aura of sex sparkled around you both, like an impenetrable shield of joy.
“I love you,” Loki said. “I know I don’t deserve you. And the way I treated you…even now…I’m so sorry. But I love you all the same.”
You moved your head to look at him square in the face. There was no mask this time. He had said he loved you and now all you saw was the face of a boy waiting for a girl to tell him something just as vulnerable.
“First of all, do not be sorry for what we just did. Because that was…fucking amazing,” you said with a smile. You leaned down and kissed him long and lusciously. Then you reached up and stroked his pale cheek. His black hair splayed all over the orange fabric and his eyes glowed with a post orgasm gleam. “You’re the only man I ever loved…and still love.”
Loki closed his eyes as if he received the greatest relief. His face was peaceful, and he smiled, pure and genuine.
“But what are we going to do?” you said, worry creeping back into your voice.
“Oh, can’t you let a man enjoy hearing those loving words for even a moment?”
You pursed your lips and stared at him. He opened his eyes and laughed. “Don’t worry, Freya, this is my mess. I’m going to clean it up.”
This is the last chapter of 2021! WHAT A YEAR.
A Drop of Poison will continue in January 2022, after the holidays!
I just hope that wherever you are, whoever you are, that you know you are loved and cherished. No matter what is happening or not happening during this holiday season. I wish you so much joy, happiness, growth and good times next year. May we all get at least one step closer to what we need next year <3
Thank you for being here with me and enjoying my stories. I love you!
Ps. Sending you hugs, hearts and your favourite food ;)
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btsinwonderland · 2 years
A Drop of Poison - Ch. 23: Betrayal
A Loki fanfiction!
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Warnings: blood, gore ptsd
“Miss me, darling?” The black-haired woman said with a wintry smile.
Vidar rose and gazed at her with such an intensity that his two followers looked away. “Without you, every night passed with misery.”
She dragged a finger along his temple, perhaps lovingly, though it seemed more like ownership.
“Who are you!” you said, your cheeks heating and sweat dripping off your brow. Your words echoed through the now silent cavern.
The woman turned to you. Her cheekbones were cut from ice; she looked to be older than Loki, but there was an immaculate beauty to her face that was ageless. Her pink lips stretched across her face, splitting to reveal discerningly white gleaming teeth. “Isn’t this sweet!” She said, putting her hands on her hips. Her voice was deep and sultry, nearly intoxicating to listen to. Who was she, you thought.
“Loki, you've grown so much,” she said, putting a finger to her chin. “Shame you’ve been such a disappointment. Father’s legacy has been burned to the ground while you sat on the sidelines like a mopey child.”
Loki stared up at the woman, fire in his eyes. “How dare you speak to me that way! You’re supposed to be dead.”
The woman chuckled. “Oh brother, you should know, we’re harder to kill than they think.”
Your head swam as it dawned on you. This was Hela, daughter of the Dark One. Loki’s sister. As if she heard your thoughts, her gaze snapped to you, rendering you speechless.
“And you, my dear, dear girl, why none of this would be possible without you!” she said, walking towards you. She leaned in close and tucked a hair behind your ear, gazing into your eyes. Her fingers were ice cold. She gripped you by the wrist and yanked you away from Loki as you fought to get away from her.
He powered up his magic when Vidar grabbed him by the neck and held him still with a blade to his Adam's apple. “Move and I’ll slit your throat ear to ear, boy.”
“No, don’t hurt him!” you yelled, all fight leaving you.
“Loki, I know your sweet Freya even better than you,” she said in a chilling sing-song voice. “I know all her little secrets.” Her eyes narrowed at you as she gripped your face in her hand and clenched it. She leaned in and whispered in your ear. “I’ve seen the darkness in your heart.”
“I’ve never met you in my life!” You leaned away from her icy breath and she laughed.
With her pointer finger, she spelled out two words in fiery letters in the air:
Then, she swished her hand, and the letters rearranged themselves:
The words hung in the air and seared into your mind. You felt as if the world was spinning much too rapidly for you to process any longer.
What did this mean? That this entire time, the girl in the book, Leah, who showed you so much, leading you to discover the story behind the tesseract...was Hela, daughter of the Dark One this whole time? She was Loki’s sister.
“You lied to me! Did Leah even exist?” you said, tears of frustration stinging your eyes.
A wry smile formed on Hela’s face. “Leah existed. She was a young girl filled with passion, arrogance, and was far too impulsive for her own good. Though,” she said, turning to Vidar, “I do find that I miss her sometimes. How droll we become in old age, eh?”
She turned back to face you, smiling. “I suppose your little mind is trying to make sense of all this. I feel gracious at the moment, and so, since you helped me, I’ll help you.”
Letting you go, she stepped back and waved her hands. You stumbled backwards, rubbing your wrists and standing up defiantly. The familiar green glow emanated from her palms and a cloud appeared before all of you. In the cloud there were projected images, like a movie.
You squinted to get a better look and gasped when you saw yourself, gripping the book “Spells for the Common Housecat” tightly with one hand and drawing blood-soaked messages on the wall with the other. “No, no….that isn’t me! You’re lying!” you said, dread suffocating you.
Hela laughed and clicked her tongue. “Dear, I am a woman of many things, but being a liar is not one of them. You so easily listened to my every suggestion after we met in the book. Though, that Leah wasn’t entirely me, more of...a memory. A piece of me long forgotten. She was able to convince you to write the messages on the wall and wreak havoc at Hogwarts.”
You could barely breathe as you watched the girl in the projection, which was supposed to be you, sneaking into the basement and breaking rat necks with her bare hands. Disgust and revulsion coursed through you, making you feel sick.
“Oh, that’s not all, of course,” Hela said, waving her hand as the imagery changed.
The scenery became darker, and in the dead of the night there you were, sneaking down the hallway to the main entrance. Your eyes looked milky white, including the irises; the only oddity, otherwise you looked entirely like yourself. Sickeningly like yourself.
You watched yourself walk to the edge of the forbidden forest and raise your hands. Greenish light emitted from them and there was a flash of yellow eyes from the shadows. Fenris burst out of the woods and stood before you, its eyes glowing with animal rage. It’s red gums and sharp teeth were dangerously close to your face, though your expression was blank. It lowered its head, and you climbed atop of it, gripping its dirty matted fur tight as it bound into the forest.
The next scenes were tough to stomach. Though they were not entirely unfamiliar. These were your nightmares. The blood, the thirst and the hunting. You had been with that monster this whole time! Your head swam with dizziness as you watched the unfolding images with a hand to your stomach. It slashed a deer from neck to tail as Fenris spilled out the deer’s innards from its body. Bile reached the back of your throat.
Hela glanced at you and smiled. “And of course, Freya, we mustn't forget the most important task you did for me.”
The scene changed to you riding Fenris, except this time, you were running towards the castle in the early morning, when the sun was low enough for everything to be engulfed in old darkness still. You entered the hall from Fenris’ perspective and bounded through the castle.
"She found out about me a little too soon, a clever girl."
Then, you saw a small girl emerge from the library.
She wandered down the hall, clueless to what was stalking her.
No, please...
Fenris came closer, and you saw the girl turn around and before she could scream, Fenris slashed her neck with its claws. She laid on the floor, instantly dead, bleeding out as the creature lapped at her blood.
“No!” you cried as you watched yourself in the projection, jump off of Fenris and remove Pom’s head with a disgusting crack and hang it from the ceiling.
Hot tears streamed down your face, and you felt your insides boiling with pain. A heave came from your stomach as you tried to throw up, but nothing came but a horrible hack cough.
“You killed your little friend, Freya,” Hela said with a laugh. “Whatever high horse you were on, I think it’s about time you get off now,” she said, wrinkling her nose.
Flashes of the scenery now played in your head, as if Hela had finally let you remember it all. The memory of Fenris’ cold, nasty fur made you gag. Pom’s bright red blood and the smell of pungent iron everywhere. The feeling of her head between your hands as you twisted it off. “Stop, make it stop!” you yelled, clapping your hands to your ears and shutting your eyes.
Hands gripped your waist, and you leaned against Loki. He glared at Hela. “Stop this nonsense! She’s suffered your presence enough!”
Hela stopped, and the images receded. You still remembered them, but it was far less vivid.
“You sicken me, brother,” Hela said in a condescending tone. “Pick a fucking side.” She held her arms out with her brows raised as if chastising a child.
Loki breathed out and squeezed your waist. Then he let you go. You turned to him, reaching out, but he walked away from you, towards Vidar.
“What are you doing?” you said, but he did not look at you as he turned to Hela to speak.
“I will leave with you, but she lives,” he said to Hela. His tone suddenly turned light, and he smiled. “What can I say? A good fuck leaves one,” he said, glancing at you and raking his eyes over your body as he said the word, “sentimental.” He then turned to Hela and shrugged.
“She was my plaything while I searched for your prison cube. And now, our work is done. Father’s legacy shall be made anew,” he said, grinning, sweat gleaming off his temple.
“How could you?” you screamed. “I-I trusted you and vouched for you! I even lied to the ministry for you!”
Loki turned to you, but his gaze did not meet your eyes. “Just like I wanted you to. It seems you are the most useful pawn we could have asked for.”
Pain rippled through your heart at his words.
The braided girl snickered, and Hela laughed as well. “Oh my, how rude! Men are so insensitive at times, aren’t they, Freya?” she said, turning to you.
Your revulsion and pain turned into anger as your body began to tremble. You stuffed your hands into your pockets and felt the soft caress of the phoenix feather. It was a minor comfort, but you gripped it tightly, your hands shaking.
“Well, I hate to cut our party short, but there are important things to do!” Hela said. She turned to Vidar, her expression turned from playfulness to complete seriousness. “Are they ready?”
Vidar stared at her intensely and nodded. “Yes, my queen.”
“Then it’s time for us to leave,” Hela said, walking down the slanted rocks with an effortless grace.
Vidar turned to his companions. “Malda, go track down the boy! Benjamin, keep an eye on our professor,” he said, giving Loki a glare with the last word.
The creepy bald wizard came up beside Loki, whose jaw was set in stone as he allowed himself to be herded out. Your eyes threw daggers into Loki’s back, but tears stung them as you watched him leave.
Hela stopped for a second and raised her hand. “Kill her.”
Vidar turned around and advanced towards you as Loki protested. “No! She was not to be harmed!”
Hela cackled. “No loose ends. They’re too messy. I’m a bit of a clean-freak. You’ll find other girls to play with, I’m sure.” Her hands glowed as a dart of her magic flew into him. He stiffened and followed her and Malda into the darkness.
You backed up to the edge of the rocks as Vidar approached you. His grey hair gleamed in the dim light of the cavern. Your wand was just a few feet away from you, but you were not sure if you could grab it in time. Far below you were sharp stalagmites that waited to impale your body. Fear rushed through your chest. It seemed that you saved Loki from his foretold fate, but was your vision a precursor to your own death?
Vidar raised his wand with a dark look. “Avada-”
A screech echoed across the cavern. A large flurry of teal feathers in a large mass flew into Vidar’s face and he screamed. You recognized the flecks of gold at the tip of those aquamarine feathers. Fawkes!
Fawkes turned to you and flew over your head, holding out her leg for you to hold. You did not know how this bird would carry you, but everything inside you said to trust it. You gripped her talon and felt a startling whoosh of air as you launched into the air, watching Vidar growl with pain clutching the right side of his face.
Cool wind whipped past you as you soared through the cavern, holding onto Fawkes’ talon with all your might. Perhaps the draugar were gone, but you had no intention of falling into that godforsaken lake. Fawkes flew you all the way out of the cavern, through a different path than whence you came. You were alarmed about leaving Valkyrie and Mo at first, but when you landed in a familiar field, just beside Bjorn’s hut, you saw them bursting through the door.
Fawkes soared back to the castle, and you whispered a silent thank you to her for saving you. Mo and Valkyrie slammed into you and gave you the tightest hug. For the first moment, you can not breathe, and then the second, you started sobbing uncontrollably.
Nobody asked you what was wrong, nobody said anything. They simply brought you back into Bjorn’s hut and sat you down with a warm cup of tea. Valkyrie sat beside you and rested your head on her shoulder as you cried. Mo held your hand. You let the tears fall. You let the forgotten memories run their course, like poison dripping from a wound.
Because what was left once the tears passed, was pure rage.
Happy Loki day! Hope you enjoyed this chapter that was sooooo dramatic. Omg I enjoyed writing Hela, she's so evil :D
The pain will pass I promise....
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btsinwonderland · 2 years
A Drop of Poison - Ch.22: Unwelcome Guest
A Loki fanfiction!
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“Loki!” you shouted as you dove towards him.
You were about to shove him onto your broomstick when a greyish hand grabbed the handle and threw you off balance. You fell to the ground in a crumple. Trying to get up, you groaned at the pain in your side and hoped you had not broken anything. Cool hands gripped your shoulders, and you jumped, thinking it was a pale-faced monster. You turned to face bright blue eyes.
“What are you doing here?” he said, eyes devoid of any mask. There was only shock.
“I came here to save you. This is how you die, Loki!” you said, turning to face the mass of undead before you.
“I wanted to keep you safe! It doesn’t matter what they do to me,” he hissed at you. “Now you’ve gone and mucked it up.”
You turned your head to glare at him; your wand pointed at the creatures surrounding you. “What did I muck up exactly? Oh, your shitty plan to get yourself killed, well gee, I am so sorry!” The venom in your tone surprised you and silenced Loki.
A white hand nearly grabbed your wrist, so you flicked your wand and shouted “stupefy!”. The creature reeled backwards and stopped dead in its tracks. Another came around it, reaching for your throat, but Loki’s green ball of fire hit it straight in the chest, knocking it backward into several others.
“Are you alright?” He said, far softer than you expected.
You both turned to each other for a quick glance, though for you it seemed to last longer. His eyes sparked with determination and passion as he gazed at you. You felt everything in your heart pass through your eyes and into him. In that one second between infinity, you both knew exactly what the other felt. It was overwhelming, wonderful and much too fleeting, but you both smiled wickedly and nodded to each other. Forming a defensive front, you stood back to back and climbed the rocks further up to give yourself space away from the bodies.
“Protego!” You said, and a bronze coloured barrier formed, covering you and Loki.
A shot of green fire soared from his side into the creatures, and several of them fell into the water with loud splashes. There was an eerie hum you had not noticed before. The creatures emitted a low rumbling noise that almost sounded like the hum of a river. It was unsettling as more pale faces reached out for you, mouths gaping open. Now that your only getaway was splintered into a pile of tinder, you were not sure how much longer both of you could keep this up.
A streak of red hit your barrier, and it shattered.
“No!” you cried and glanced in the direction it came from, but it was too dark to see.
“The tesseract!” A booming, deep voice shouted.
“If I die, so does your precious tesseract, Vidar,” you heard Loki mutter under his breath.
Whipping towards him, you noticed the faint blue glow emanating from inside his jacket pocket. “You actually took the tesseract from the bottom of the lake to give to those dark wizards? You know what they’ll do to us!”
“Do you suppose we can have this conversation after we get out of here?” Loki said, launching more green fire at the undead creatures. “I wasn’t planning on giving it to them, love.”
He pulled you behind him when the mass of white faces got closer. You could smell the damp breath from their mouths and fear hit you anew. Water dripped from their prune-like faces, which were so slimy it was nauseating to look at. You stepped back and nearly stumbled off the platform of jagged rock you both had climbed onto. Spiky stalagmites grinned at you from the bottom of the cavern, inviting you to impale yourself.
“We’re not going to get out of here,” you said solemnly.
“No, but you will. I’ll distract them so you can escape!” He started to conjure something in his hands.
You turned to him and looked him in the eyes. Everything inside of you screamed that what you were about to do was going to lead to disaster. But there were no options left. You grabbed Loki by the upper arms and pulled him into a hard kiss. His mouth fit so perfectly against yours and before he could deepen the kiss, you let go.
He looked at you, baffled, until he saw the glowing tesseract in your hand. You shot up red sparks from your wand so Valkyrie and Mo would see and get help.
Suddenly, a pulse ripped through you. It felt as if your head was splitting in two. You cried out and stumbled to your knees.
“Freya!” Loki bellowed, but his voice was far away. Everything around you had slowed down.
You could suddenly see the face of every one of the drowned bodies, the draugar, you realized. How did you know that? The word wasn’t familiar to you, and yet it popped into your mind. Your eyes focused on a group of three witches and wizards, with Vidar in the middle. He was the one who had broken your shield. His mouth was set into a serious frown as he glowered.
Facing Loki, you yearned to touch him, to whisk him away. But your body felt as if it was held down with chains. You convulsed and stood abruptly, clutching the tesseract in one hand and dropping your wand. It clattered away on the stone as a green glow emitted from your hand, so bright that it nearly blinded you.
Your green beam of light blasted through the draugar in one loud crack. All that was left of them were ashes.
For a second you glanced at your own hand and then at Loki, who looked at you incredulously. How had you done magic without your wand, in the same way Loki did his? And how did you defeat the draugar with one sweep?
Footsteps echoed throughout the cavern. The three appeared in the ever brightening light coming from the tesseract.
You saw a female witch first. Her hair was long and braided down the sides in two coils. She wore a black blouse with leather pants and glared at you with wild brown eyes and a sharp nose. Her dark skin glistened in the low light.
Then there was a taller man that was bald and utterly pale. His visage disturbed you, for there was something terribly leery about him. He sneered and gripped his crooked wand tightly with a fist.
Vidar emerged last, wearing a long black coat that slid on the ground as he walked. His grey dreadlocks swayed against his dark skin while the scars along his face twitched as he flexed his jaw. The man was even more intimidating than his wanted poster, and his eyes were filled with a suppressed rage. It was an expression that surely said that he would not be going back to Azkaban ever again.
For a moment, you thought they arrived to kill you. The girl raised her wand eagerly, pointing it at you. Loki moved out to shield you when Vidar stopped his company with a hand. “Wait,” he said.
He took one step forward and knelt before you, head down. “My love, my star, my deadly nightshade,” he said, with a doting tone in his voice that made you blush uncomfortably.
What the fuck?
Pain coursed through you again and you let out a shriek. Your body stiffened until you were engulfed in a bright green light. You bit your cheek from the pain and tasted blood in your mouth.
You felt your body being lifted from the ground as the light blinded everyone around you. Then, in a snap, you were dropped to the ground and collapsed into a heap. Loki sat you up, arms around your waist.
“Are you okay?” he said, brushing your hair from your face.
But when he glanced at where your eyes were fixated, all sound left him.
There was a small crater in the ground in front of you, where the rock had melted away in strange ripples, like wind markings on sand dunes. Smoke sizzled in the air around this crater, and a person who now curled up from the ground and stood before all of you.
She was in a tight black outfit with dark green streaks and knee-high boots. Her hair was black and shoulder length, and she turned towards you with a beautiful smile and cold blue eyes.
“Thank you so much, my dear,” she said and turned to Vidar, who now prostrated before her.
“Queen of darkness, my love, Hela!” He said, and the two others followed suit and bowed before her.
Loki squeezed your waist to the point that you winced and you found yourself missing the draugar.
Happy Loki day! The next update will be soon cause DAMN I was waiting to bring out Hela ;)
Sending ya'll hugs xoxo.
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btsinwonderland · 2 years
A Drop of Poison - Ch. 21: Trials
A Loki fanfiction!
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The forest was eerily quiet as you stepped through it. Valkyrie stuffed the cloak in her pack while Mo brought up the rear. His wand was up, ready for anything. You noticed a slight tremble in his hands and felt guilt course through you. They’re in this mess because of me, you thought. You thumbed the phoenix feather in your pocket out of nervousness. It was one of the few things you pocketed before leaving and found that it was the only thing that mildly comforted you. Fawkes’ feather was soft and soothing against your fingertips.
It should have been sometime around noon, but looking outdoors, it barely seemed the case. The gloom was visible and permeated through the school grounds, sucking everything of its colour. You wondered if the bad weather was because of the dementor presence or if the dementors were simply drawn to darkness. Either way, the sense of dread in your belly fluttered as you made your way through the forest.
“Do you guys hear that?” Mo said.
The three of you stopped and looked at each other before glancing around.
“Hear what?” You said.
Valkyrie let out a snort. “Hear the sound of Mo shitting himself,” she said, chuckling.
“Oh sod off,” He said as you all began walking again. “I swear this forest feels like it's watchin’ us.”
You felt a small tug of a smile on your mouth, though it didn’t quite reach your eyes. Every step you took was one more closer to danger. It was one more step closer to answers you might not want to know.
Was Loki truly behind everything? Your heart didn’t want to believe it, but a seed of doubt sprouted in your mind. Every time you wondered about where he was, or why he looked so ill the time he returned from his long trip, or even why he allegedly killed his father’s friend made your doubts grow until all your thoughts of him were polluted.
Was he truly deceiving you with every step? Every time he touched your face, kissed your lips and slid inside of you. Perhaps it was all a lie. Your heart felt as if it might rip out of your chest at the thought of it, but you did not stumble. Even if it was all a lie, you would not let him die. That conviction solidified your steps going through the uneven terrain of the forest, where the darkness grew and the shadows lurked. If it was Loki’s life on the line, you would give yours up no matter what.
You loved him. It had been a fact since the first moment you laid eyes on him. You just had not known it so deeply yet. He pained you; he annoyed you; he was too secretive and sometimes downright rude, and yet you loved him. Because he was also funny, adventurous, and even sweet.
With a pounding of your heart, you accepted your feelings and let yourself experience them. It was strangely liberating to admit that you were madly in love with a possible homicidal maniac who may or may not be the new dark wizard incarnate. Regardless of what happened next, you were going to do what was right, but nothing would change your love for him.
“Thor doesn’t know I’m out here,” Valkyrie said.
Mo scoffed. “Why would-”
You laughed and turned to look back at him. “They’re fucking, Mo.”
Mo’s surprised face entertained both of you and then he gave you a look. Valkyrie sniffed and wiped her nose roughly. “It ain’t just fucking though,” she said, looking down for a second with a soft smile. “I never felt this way ‘bout no one, Frey.”
You gave her a smile. “I know exactly how you feel, Valkyrie.”
Mo spoke low. “So do I.”
Valkyrie laughed as she trudged ahead of you. “So we’re three lovesick cunts, on our way to imminent death, huh?”
Mo chuckled. “Looks like we aren’t allowed to die. Nila will kill me. That girl looks innocent, but she’s...ah...”
“She good in the sack?” Valkyrie said.
Mo stumbled for words and you found yourself smiling. There was a grove of tall trees ahead of you, willows. Their long, wilting branches swayed in the breeze. Your smile slowly faded away as you recognized the area from the vision the book showed you. There was a low rumbling sound that slowed your steps. There was a flutter behind you and you saw a black raven soar into the sky.
“We’re here,” you said as you cautiously walked through the gap in the trees.
Mo and Valkyrie wordlessly followed you and the silence grew tense. You did not know what to expect, but it was definitely not seeing Fenris, head down and sleeping. He almost looked like a household pet, except for his size, wild looking hair and the fact that a few fangs hung out of his mouth despite it being closed. A thick red line made up the outline of his mouth. There were drops of blood on his chin.
Beside him, there was an empty potion bottle. Loki had been here, you thought.
You staggered back for a moment and Mo caught you. This was the creature that had haunted your dreams for weeks. Your fists clenched, and he whispered in your ear.
“We’re not fighting that thing, can’t we go past it?”
You spotted a piece of wood just below his paw and realized it was a door. Valkyrie looked down at your sight line and raised her brows. She looked back at you and mouthed the words “lift his paw”. Your stomach sank, but you knew it was the only way.
The three of you got closer to Fenris. Your heart was racing like a jackhammer. Every bone in your body wanted to get away from this thing. The closer you got, the stronger the smell was emanating from his mouth. You gagged at the scent of blood and raw meat mixed with wolf musk. You looked between Mo and Valkyrie as the three of you stepped around the paw, over the door to the ground.
Nodding once, the three of you lifted and pushed the paw to the left, away from the door in one sweep. It was heavier than you thought, but between you, Valkyrie and Mo, it worked. You breathed a sigh of relief and opened the trap door. It creaked open, and you winced, but Fenris remained asleep.
Stairs descended into darkness, and all of you went down, one by one. You uttered lumos and your wand emitted a soft white light at the tip. The stairs went down far longer than you had expected, as if you were descending into hell itself. It was cool in the earth's dampness and smelled of rich soil and rock.
The three of you made it to the base of the stairs, where the ground had changed from stone to something bizarrely soft and almost bouncy.
“What the hell is this?” Valkyrie said, pointing her glowing want to the floor.
Thick black vines stretched throughout the floor and around the walls, encasing the entire area.
“Oh shit,” you said, as recognition came to you.
Mo screamed, and you saw the black vines curl around his body, completely immobilizing him. Valkyrie gasped, and then she was overtaken as well. You felt a tug on your ankle as the vine wrapped itself around you. You knew exactly what this was.
“Both of you need to relax!” You shouted. “It’s devil’s snare!”
“Oh relax, yeah, I feel completely relaxed now!” Mo said as the vine wrapped around his mouth.
Valkyrie gave you a hard stare and closed her eyes. So did you, and you took a deep breath. Gradually, the vines engulfed you but seemed to pull you down below, until it released you into a hidden chamber just underneath it. Valkyrie was there, rubbing her arms and scowling at the corded black ceiling.
“He’s not relaxing is he?” she said, looking up.
You huffed and tried to think. After the forbidden forest encounter with Loki, it was this vine that had prevented you from grabbing your wand. Several weeks later, you had asked Professor Hogun about the strange plant.
“Devils snare…devils snare…” you said aloud, trying to remember the stupid rhyme Hogun taught you. It dawned you and you clapped your hands. “It’s deadly fun, but will sulk in the sun, that’s it!”
Valkyrie looked at you, then winced at the muffled screams from Mo. “Whatever you’re gonna do, do it fast!”
You pointed your wand at the ceiling and yelled, “lumos solem!”
A wildly bright light, as bright as the sun emitted from your wand right at the devil's snare. There was a shrill screeching as the vines tore away, while some burned and Mo landed on the ground, wriggling and aggressively patting his body to get every bit of the vines off.
“I told you to relax,” you said, helping him up.
Mo kicked a piece of dead vine away. “Fucking plants!”
The three of you moved through the area you fell into. It was roughly excavated, with dirt and stone dug out to create a tunnel wide enough for the three of you to walk side by side and without having to crouch. After turning a corner, a door faced you. It was slightly ajar, as if someone had hastily walked through it before you.
You looked at Valkyrie. “Okay,” you said as you opened the door.
When you stepped through, you expected your foot to make contact with the ground. To your horror, it was just air, and you stumbled off of a narrow ledge. Valkyrie gripped you by the scruff of your shirt and pulled you back to the doorframe.
“My god, we almost lost you!” Mo said, staring ahead of you, agape.
There was a door on the other side of a huge trench. It was a large wooden door with brass handles. Glancing down, you saw the eye of darkness look back up at you, and the vertigo begged you to fall again. You gripped the doorframe and stepped onto the ledge carefully. Was there a spell that could help you jump across? But the wooden door on the other side was too far. None of you could make that jump, even with magic. You shuffled leftwards on the ledge and glanced at the trench for anything that could help you across.
“There’s something over there!” You said back to Valkyrie and Mo.
They looked around you and down the ledge. After a very treacherous walk, there was a gleaming bridge. There was something bulky halfway across the bridge, some sort of rock formation, but you relaxed slightly at the sight of it; finally, a way across.
“Be careful,” you said as Mo and Valkyrie stepped onto the ledge beside you.
The three of you shuffled over the ledge, backs against the cool wall of the trench. You had your palms flat on the stone as you crept forward one leg at a time, trying not to look down.
“Don’t look down,” Mo said nervously. “They always say that if you look down, you’ll fall.”
“Can you shut up about it then?” Valkyrie snapped.
A rock slid from under your foot and toppled over the edge. The echo was airy, but could be heard for a long time falling down the trench. You gulped, wondering how deep it truly was.
“We’re almost there,” you said.
After several cautious steps and Mo nearly slipping before Valkyrie slammed him against the ledge with her arm, you finally reached the end of the bridge. It was made of a material that looked as clear as glass, but it was somewhat fluid. Light moved through it in waves and though it was beautiful, something about it bothered you.
You took one slow step forward, onto the translucent bridge, and felt for solidity. Your foot met with structure. Tapping the bridge with your foot, you made sure that it was stable before putting your weight on it.
“Seems fine?” you said, shrugging.
Then Valkyrie and Mo stepped on and you began to cross. The large masses that you saw in the middle of the bridge were giant statues, both one half of the whole it should have been. The one to the left of you had a serpent head with an eagle’s body, while the other one had an eagle’s head with a serpent’s body. It was a disturbing combination, though you paid it no attention.
As you approached the middle, the bridge shook, and a crack formed in the middle. The two statues started to move, stone crumbled from their heads which turned towards you.
You, Mo and Valkyrie clung to one another. Snatching a quick glance behind, you saw that the bridge had disconnected from the ledge. There was no way back, and you had a feeling that it would not be so easy to get past the statues to the other side. One voice, though it sounded like many, spoke as the serpent bared its fangs and the eagle stared you down.
To cross the path, a riddle you must pass.
“Oh fuck,” Valkyrie said. “I’m horrible at these.”
Mo exclaimed, “be quiet, we have to get across!”
The eyes of the serpent and eagle lit up and suddenly were aflame with blue fire.
First, think of the person who lives in disguise
Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies.
Next, tell me what’s always the last thing to mend,
The middle of middle and end of the end?
And finally, give me the sound often heard
During the search for a hard-to-find word.
Now string them together, and answer me this,
Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?
Your heart sank. The flaming eyes of the serpent seemed to bore into your soul as you desperately wondered about what the riddle could possibly mean. Valkyrie looked at you, completely panicked. The blank stare you gave her back only made her eyebrows draw together in worry.
“Wait...wait...I think I might know,” Mo said, stepping forward. He put his hand on his forehead and squeezed his eyes shut.
The blazing eyes of the eagle and serpent turned to him and leaned in as if they might eat him up.
“Be careful,” you said.
After several long minutes, he lifted his head. “It’s a trick!” he said. “You’re supposed to take it literally! Who lives in disguise and tells secrets and lies? A spy!” he jumped up and turned to Valkyrie and you. “And what’s the middle of middle and the end of end?”
Valkyrie and you looked at him listlessly.
“It’s the letter ‘d’!” Mo turned back to the statues and squared his shoulders. “The sound a person makes when they can’t find a word, ‘er’. String them together and what’s the creature I would never kiss? Spider. The answer is spider!”
The trench rumbled and roared, but the flames in the serpent and eagle’s eye gradually disappeared. Their bodies curled back onto their stations and heads returned to their original positions. The bridge was covered in pieces of rock and stone, but you took a step forward and the three of you ran across.
“Bloody hell, Mo!” Valkyrie said, clapping him on the back. “I never took you for someone who knew his ass from his head!”
He gave Valkyrie a look, but it dissolved into a grin. “Wow thanks, cunt.”
“You were amazing, Mo!” you said. One more step closer.
The ledge was wider on the other side so you half walked, half jogged to the second door and gripped the knob hard. The three of you practically fell through the entryway, and for a split second, you were scared that it might be another trench and you would fall to your death, but your feet met solid ground.
It was a cavern, but not the one in your visions. This cavern was smaller, nearly the size of a courtyard. There were roots of a tree that came down through the ceiling and wrapped itself around the cavern.
“What is that?” you said, as you looked up and saw various little objects floating - no flying in the cavern.
Valkyrie squinted and almost touched one that wandered close. “They’re keys.”
All sorts of golden, brass and silver keys with little wings flew without a care. It was as if you were in some trippy Salvador Dali painting. You reached out for another key that floated lower to the ground, but it stayed just out of your reach.
You turned to Valkyrie and looked past her. There was an old rusted looking door that was not there before. “One of these unlocks that door. We need to find it.”
Mo and Valkyrie looked at the door, then scanned the keys in the ceiling as you did.
“They all look so different. How are we gonna know which is which?” Mo said.
He was right; it was very difficult to tell any of the keys apart and they were all different shapes, colours and sizes.
Valkyrie squeezed your arm. “Wait, that door is iron. That means, the key we want’s, gotta match the door.” Her eyes darted back and forth, frantically searching all the little keys. “That one!” she said, pointing straight above you.
There was a key, larger and bulkier looking than all the rest. It was the same colour as the metal of the door and it moved slowly. Its wing was broken as if it had already been used once.
“Valkyrie, you’re right!” you said ecstatically.
“And how will we get it?” Mo said, crossing his arms.
You pointed to the key with your wand and shouted, “accio key!” When it did not work, you put your want away and shrugged. “Well, it was worth a try.”
Valkyrie walked around the cavern and disappeared behind a gigantic mass of twisted roots. “Guys! I found something!”
You and Mo ran to her side. She stood there gripping a broomstick with a wide smile on her face. You smiled back at her. “Looks like you’re up,” you said with a wink. She laughed and then you added, “but be careful, it can’t be that easy.”
With a determined look, Valkyrie nodded and hopped up on the broomstick. As soon as her feet left the ground, the keys all stopped mid air and dove towards her with a speed that was dangerous.
“Oh, fuck!” Valkyrie shouted, and then began to fly through the cavern as the keys chased her with deadly speed.
One sharp key soared past your face, cutting your temple. “Ow!” you said, touching your head and feeling a small streak of blood. You and Mo ran to the rusted door, swatting away keys that whipped towards you.
At a quick glance, you saw Valkyrie diving straight towards the ground as the rusted key with the broken wing tried to flutter away. Keys hit her head and scraped her arms, but she grasped the old key and made a sharp turn towards you.
“Catch it!” she said, throwing the old key to you.
It flapped its wings frantically to get away, but you caught it and shoved it into the lock. The door creaked open and you and Mo stepped inside. Valkyrie was still being chased by the keys as you held the door open and shut it just after she flew in.
You heard several banging noises on the door as the keys collided with the closed door. Valkyrie landed back near you and Mo, and the three of you leaned on the door and panted.
“Anything else?” Valkyrie said, exasperated.
Mo turned to her and glanced at the broom. “Better hold on to that.”
You gasped when you looked out into the open. It was just as it had been in your vision. The dark cavern stood before you, immense and enveloped in shadow. Sharp stalagmites and stalactites covered the ceiling and ground. There was a dark lake in the middle, where the water rippled like black ichor. Chills ran up your arms.
Usually, you floated through your dream-vision. But this time your feet were planted on the ground, your body was immensely sore and your chest ached from all the stress. “We’re here,” you said aloud, and Valkyrie and Mo softly stepped up behind you.
On the other side of the dark lake, there was a slight illumination. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw the green light.
“Don’t come near me!” he shouted. His voice was raspy and tired, but it pulled at your chest.
“Loki!” you said, running to the shore of the lake. Sharp rocks rose all around the lake, preventing you from running around it, and there was barely any way across without having to swim. No one but you knew what was down in the depths of that lake, aside from the Tesseract. Those horrible pale faces emerged in your memory. You turned to face Valkyrie and Mo. “Give me the broomstick! I need to go help him!”
Valkyrie hesitated as she, and Mo looked at each other. You barked at them, “I know what you’re thinking. Why save him? He’d probably burn Hogwarts to the ground with us all inside! But you’re wrong. He’s not evil. Val, I love him.”
She sighed resignedly and handed the broomstick to you. “Be careful. We’ll keep watch here and just shout if you’re in trouble. I’ll swim across that deathtrap for you, but only if I have to.”
You pulled them both into a rough hug and felt the sting of tears in your eyes. They squeezed your back hard. You let go and moved away to hop on the broomstick. Kicking off hard, you rose into the air and felt the cool air of the cave rush past you. You urged the broom faster when you heard the man you love stumble and fall. His face turned towards the ceiling and your eyes met.
His eyes widened with horror as he yelled your name. “Freya!”
Happy Loki day! I have been totally messed up about due dates but now I will just write chapters as soon as I can and post them when they're ready! So it could be a little late, or a little sooner :) But this story is always on my mind, I love it so much!
I know this one was super long, but I am glutton for punishment and need to write things the way they have to be done without skipping parts so there you go! There will be way more Loki in the next chapter and others to come....hehe.
Love ya! xoxo.
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btsinwonderland · 2 years
just wanted to say i love your loki x hogwarts head canon cause it’s so motivational- i was scrolling thru my dash and found your blog 🥺✨ like i just love your writing and mood boards sm - 🖤anon
Thank you so so much 🖤🖤🖤 I'm so glad you found my little corner :3
The next chapter is coming out soon too, it's getting wild ✨✨
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btsinwonderland · 2 years
A Drop of Poison - Ch. 20: Escape
A Loki fanfiction!
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“So you are Miss Eves?”
You looked into the cold blue eye of the Minister of Magic. Odin, you thought with dread. He had a metallic gold eyepatch over his right eye and though he was missing an eye, the one he had gazed right through you.
“Y-yes, sir,” you said, trying to sound firm, but your voice came out meekly.
You were in the middle of Headmistress Frigga’s office, with Odin standing in front of her desk. She was behind it, with a grave expression; her mouth was a thin line. Professor Sif was in the room with a tense look on her face, and Heimdall stood in the corner by Frigga.
Odin took a step towards you. His heavy boots thudded on the carpeted floor. “It is interesting to me that your name has been floating around so often around my son.”
Your eyes rose to meet his. He looked suspicious. “I-I don’t know what you mean, sir,” you said.
“Loki does not do anything beyond a design, my dear,” he said. “The boy is an extraordinary liar and has a special ability to gain followers with his silver tongue.” His eye narrowed at you.
You scoffed. “He was giving me detention, that’s all.”
“So you do not know that he is after the Tesseract?”
Your breath caught in your throat, and you glanced at Heimdall. He stared at you before looking away. The anxiety in your chest catapulted into your abdomen. You immediately realized that Odin knew about your visions, and all lies would be futile.
“I saw a vision, yes,” you said. “I saw a vision that he died.” Your heart lurched at your own words.
Headmistress Frigga sat down and put her head in her hands.
Odin glanced back at his wife briefly before setting a stern gaze on you. “So you admit you had key information and chose not to reveal it?”
“There was nothing to tell! I did not know what I was seeing. It could have been a nightmare,” you said angrily. Then you turned to Heimdall, “isn’t that right professor? When I came to you with my concerns, you told me I was having nightmares.” You didn’t care if he got in trouble. The man had already sold you and cut you out.
Heimdall looked at you with an infuriatingly patient gaze and then turned to Odin. “Minister, Freya does not have control over her divination abilities. She has been dreaming of the Tesseract for a long time, as you already know. But she never knew what it was,” he said.
Your blood boiled in your veins. Did Heimdall talk about you to Odin behind your back all these years? “How could you,” you said to him. “I trusted you!”
“Silence!” Odin said. “Do not blame him for doing his due diligence. All matters regarding the Tesseract come through me. Regardless,” he said. “ Loki will be found and charged for colluding with Vidar and for treason against the Ministry.”
“No! You can’t do that, you don’t know if he’s done anything!” you said. Tears stung your eyes.
Odin looked at you levelly. “If your visions are true, girl, then Loki will commit the gravest crime of all,” he said, then lowered his voice so you could barely hear, “and it will destroy everything.”
“Just because he’s down there doesn’t mean he did anything! You can’t arrest him without any proof! You-”
“Get her out of here!” Odin barked.
A man in black pinstripe robes, another ministry auror you assumed, grabbed you by the arm and led you out of the office. Odin called out behind you. “It will be best for you to remain in your common room Miss Eves, to be safe.”
Professor Odinson was outside the hall and looked at the man holding you. He walked up to you both and stopped him. “I can take her from here. Professor Bjorn needs to see her, anyway.”
The man nodded, and you left with Professor Odinson.
“What did father say?” he asked you once you were well away from the ministry personnel.
You explained everything in annoying detail. Annoying because you trusted Heimdall all these years, and he was filling in the ministry about all your secrets. And now, Loki was number one on the ministry’s most wanted list.
“He’s not bad, I know he’s not,” you said. “Professor Odinson, you know that.”
He threw you a smile. “Call me Thor, Freya. He is lucky to have you.” An understanding went through the both of you and you felt a little calmer.
“I’m happy that you’ve healed so quickly, Thor,” you said. You smirked a little. “Valkyrie was incredibly worried.”
You saw from the corner of your eye that he stiffened slightly. “Um, yes, she was...she was very kind to me.”
His face had gone pink, and you nearly laughed but spared him. “Did Professor Bjorn actually need to see me?”
Thor nodded as you both approached the Hufflepuff common room. When you turned the corner, a heavy sense of dread came over you. It was a terrible feeling, as if you would never be happy again. You nearly screamed when you arrived at the common room entrance.
Dementors floated on both sides of the entrance. Their heads shifted in your direction as you and Thor stopped. Dark black robes covered their floating bodies and faces as the fabric rippled through. There was no wind. It was an ageless and emotionless void that was their presence, where no light or movement would ever be felt.
Professor Bjorn appeared from the other side with a pained expression on his face. He gave the dementors a wide berth and stopped in front of you.
Thor glared at the dementors. “My father would never allow this!” he said. “Those things belong in Azkaban! Not in Hogwarts!” Then he looked at you. “Freya, I must leave you now to speak with the Minister and Headmistress,” he said, then turned to leave and paused. “Be careful, for not all dementors can tell the difference between the guilty and innocent.” With that, he briskly left.
“Freya, let’s go, they ain’t allowed in the rooms,” professor Bjorn said.
You glanced at the dementor on the left side of the door as you walked closer. Every moment of sadness and pain you had ever felt bubbled to the surface. You felt like crying, but were too deep in your despair to shed a single tear. The world felt meaningless and hopeless; there was no point to anything.
Bjorn yanked you inside the common room just as a dementor hovered inches from your face. The door shut abruptly and though your head was swimming with visions of painful memories; you felt lighter from the distance.
“Thank you, professor,” you said, rubbing your head.
Bjorn led you to a quiet room, past all the students in the common area. Many of them stopped him to ask questions like why were there dementors in Hogwarts and was Loki Laufeyson going to come after them like his father did.
“The Ministry says the dementor’s will keep you lot safe! I say that’s horseshit! Stay away from them. No more questions, stay in your rooms and don’t come out until the Headmistress says so!” Bjorn said.
Mo ran up to you when he saw you come in and gave you a hug. “Are you alright?” he said.
You heaved a breath of relief that he was alright and nodded. “Y-yes, I’m okay,” you said and told him to wait for you while Professor Bjorn urged you to come with him.
When you were alone with Bjorn, he sat you down and fished into his pocket. There was a rough-looking piece of aluminum foil he unwrapped to reveal a piece of chocolate. “Eat this,” he said.
You looked at him questioningly, but took it. As you bit into it, the chocolate made you feel better and the world that weighed you down moments ago lightened. “Thank you.”
Professor Bjorn ran a hand over his beard and looked very grim. “Freya, I found out who ordered them blood slugs,” he said.
You put the chocolate down and stood up. “Who? If we know who it is, then we can tell the Ministry and they’ll stop suspecting Professor Laufeyson!” Finally, you thought. Some genuine hope.
Professor Bjorn held a pained expression that worried you. “I spoke to the folk I know who deal in the magical animal trade...One of them says it was a man that looked a lot like the Minister’s eldest son. But he ain’t saying nothing ‘cause he fears the Farbauti loyalists. The man’s got children to protect...”
You could no longer listen to a word he was saying. A buzzing in your ears had developed as you blinked and your senses numbed. It could not be. “He - you're saying that Loki orchestrated the blood slug attack at the Halloween ball? That he - that he’s the reason I almost died from the serperus attack? His brother almost died!”
Professor Bjorn did not seem to know what to say. “We dunno nothin’. There could be more to this than we see. But...please don’t tell the Ministry. I wanted to tell you so you know, but I can’t put that man and his family in danger for tellin’ me this. Please, Freya.”
You shook your head and gave him a dry smile. “We don’t need to say anything, Professor Bjorn. They already suspect Loki, it’s not as if this will change anything.” Stones weighed down your body, and you felt as if you could barely move. You stared past Bjorn. “Though you should be careful now, sir. With the ministry poking around, you must hide the serperus you saved.”
He nodded and said goodbye to you, and then you were alone in the study.
You ran through the information in your head, trying to understand why. This whole time, you knew he was up to something. But you thought that maybe, just maybe, he had a reason. You had to hold on to that. He was going to have to explain himself once and for all. No more games or wordplay. No more tricks.
You looked out the window and saw rain clouds settling in, casting the entire field in a grey colour. A dementor swooped past the window and you jumped back with a hand to your chest. How the hell were you going to escape and save Loki?
Chewing your lip, you went back to your room and searched under your bed. The invisibility cloak was there, though you were not sure if the dementors could sense you through it. Their magic seemed to rely on emotions rather than sight. But it was worth the risk. All you needed was to sneak out and get past them, then you could run into the forest.
You thought about the book Spells for the Common House Cat, and the vision it showed you about where the Tesseract was. Perhaps it was a haunted story, but it was the only lead you had to go on. You pictured the Tesseract in the cavern, just beyond the weeping willow with black leaves.
Peeling through your clothing chest, you changed into tights, a thick black sweater and a mustard coloured scarf.
“Going somewhere without me?” said a voice and hands grasped your shoulders.
You nearly jumped out of your skin and tripped on the edge of your trunk, landing on your knees. “What the fuck?” You looked up and saw Valkyrie laughing at your clumsiness, holding a hand to her mouth.
Pushing yourself up, you brushed your tights and glared at her. “How the hell did you get in here?”
Valkyrie put her hands on her hips. “I’ve told you before, my sweet innocent Hufflepuff, I got my ways. Better question, were you gonna head out to save your boyfriend without me?”
“He’s not my -” you said, then paused. Truly, what was he to you? The word boyfriend certainly did not fit, but neither did my-mysterious-professor-who-I-am-completely-in-love-with-who-might-also-be-a-criminal.
You sighed and sat on the edge of your bed. “I’m going. I don’t want you to come,” you said as firmly as possible.
Valkyrie jumped onto the bed beside you and snorted. “How cute. You really think you’re going to convince me out of it! Now, let's skip the part where we go back and forth and you lose this argument, yeah?”
A smile edged to your lips. She was the most stubborn person you had ever met. And you loved her more than anything. “Fine,” you said. “How do we get out of here?”
Taking the invisibility cloak, both you and Valkyrie snuck to the common area of your common room. Students laid on the couches, reading or discussing what was happening at Hogwarts. Some other students stood at the window and gazed outside nearly catatonically. You wondered if the dementors had been too close to them and cringed at the thought of having to experience that feeling again.
You both tapped Mo on the shoulder, who twitched, which earned him a scowl from the girl sitting beside him. Valkyrie leaned into his ear and whispered, “go to the bookshelf.”
She led you to the end of the common area, where the large bookshelf was. On the side, there was a little corner in the wall that was wide enough for one person to stand in. The corner was blocked by a stone pillar that stood in front of it. You had only ever seen it in passing and barely even noticed it anymore. Valkyrie and you squeezed into the corner and she parted the cloak to reveal her wand in hand. She tapped the seventh brick from the bottom twice and then the one to the left of it and then another one up.
The bricks opened up to reveal a small passageway, just tall enough to crouch.
“Oh my god, this is how you’ve been sneaking into the common room! How did you know?” you said, crawling in behind her. Mo snuck in behind you when he checked nobody was looking.
The bricks shuffled back in place as if the three of you had never been in the common room.
“Remember Simon Parini when we were in fourth year? He was a seventh year student at the time, well he may have gotten drunk one evening after we won the quidditch cup and told me, but he made me promise the next day not to tell anyone that there were little connectors between the rooms. They’re meant for flooding or frog infestations only or something,” she said with a laugh. “He found out completely by accident when he was a third year. Some students bullied him and made him stand in the corner for hours all alone, and he figured it out.”
“I could have saved so much damn time if you told us,” Mo said.
The three of you crawled through the tunnel for several minutes before a small bit of light peaked through a door. You emerged from behind a painting of an apple tree in a hallway that was way too close to the Headmistress’s office for your comfort.
“We need to move,” you said to them. You took off the invisibility cloak to readjust it around Mo so the three of you could fit.
Midway through covering your head, you saw angry eyes from the painting. It was originally just a painting of a lonely apple tree, but this time there was a man standing there, glaring at you.
“Students out of their common room!” Professor Rattowl bellowed. “You will be punished for this!” He disappeared from the painting and your heart jumped into your throat.
“Run!” Valkyrie said, throwing the cloak over your head and pushing ahead.
It was clumsy and difficult to be so close and try to run at the same time without tripping over each other’s feet. You felt as though you were in a strange animal costume, where one of you was the head, another the torso and another the rear. As you nearly fell several times, you managed to cross the hall and head down the stairs.
“There’s an exit just past these stairs!” Mo said, his elbow accidentally digging into your side.
The feeling hit you when you reached the bottom of the stairs. Dread creeped up in your stomach and all three of you stopped in your tracks.
Three dementors floated at the entrance to the large arched wooden door that led right where you wanted to go, outside. Their veiled heads paused for a moment, and all three of them stopped moving.
Your heart thudded in your chest as the three of you stood there, arms linked and trying not to breathe. Surely, they could hear your collective heartbeats fluttering faster than a hummingbird. A long ache of despair scraped across your chest and you felt as though you could not breathe.
One dementor turned its head towards you and floated closer. Valkyrie squeezed your arm, but you felt nothing but sadness as you stared back at the creature that fed on the vacuum of pain you held inside.
Suddenly, a bluish light coursed through the room and a pair of torso-less legs ran through the dementor. It reared its head back, and the dementors followed the legs through the hallway. The feeling of dread lingered, but it was not as heavy as it was before.
You took off the invisibility cloak and dragged a breath in. Crazy Collin floated towards you and smiled.
“Crazy Collin! You saved us!” Mo said, shocked.
“Collin, how did you know?” you said, walking up to him.
He shrugged. “I saw you in the hall there, goin’ inside that cloak. Then I followed the sound of yer feet. I know you’re trying to stop that monster, that ‘orrible thing that killed that poor girl,” he said, his usually youthful eyes became pensive. “It killed me too, ya know. It ripped me in half fifty years ago!”
It hit you then. You thought about the vision that Leah Mai showed you from fifty years ago when you had been sucked into the book.
A group of professors carried someone on a stretcher down the stairs. That someone had a white sheet over their body and face. As they descended the steps, a hand slipped out from beneath the white sheet and you saw dark blood drip on the floor in little beads.
Odin’s haunted voice echoed in your mind from that memory, when he had spoken with the former Headmaster Oppin.
“The Dark One has risen, and his shadow lingers here. Doesn’t the Michaels boy prove that?”
You found your voice again and looked up at Collin. “Michaels...Are you Collin Michaels?”
Collin nodded sadly. “Now, go! My legs won’t hold ‘em for long!”
Valkyrie tugged at your arm, pulling you to the door. “Come on Freya.”
You looked back at Collin. “Thank you,” you said and smiled.
The door opened to an awfully chilly breeze and the three of you huddled underneath the cloak once more and made your way to the Forbidden Forest. Behind the clouds, the sun was obscured, and rain drizzled over you. Above, the clouds had darkened and everything looked dark grey and uninviting. Just at the edge of the treeline, the three of you stopped, staring into the shadow of the trees.
“Are you guys ready?” Valkyrie said.
“For Pom,” Mo said.
You smiled, tears in your eyes. “For Pom.”
Happy Loki Wednesday! A very long chapter this week to add in some juicy details and there's some callbacks if you remember from previous chapters ;)
Thank you as always, for being on this fun journey! Your comments make my day :D
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btsinwonderland · 2 years
A Drop of Poison - Ch. 19: The Ministry
A Loki fanfiction!
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You awakened to light streaming into your face and immediately sat up. The air smelled of sex and a smothered fire, and you remembered you were in Loki’s room. Beside you, the bed was empty. You slid off the bed and fixed up your clothes, calling out to him.
“Loki?” you said. Then you sighed. “Master?”
There was no answer.
The room was chilly without the fire, and the wind howled outside. The treeline swayed from the Forbidden Forest and beckoned to you.
Since it was Monday, he probably had lectures to prepare for. You thought about leaving right away before students started piling in for their first lesson of the day. When you glanced at the bed, the sheets were in complete disarray. Luckily, they were cleaned by Loki’s favourite post sex fluid-removal spell. You adjusted the sheets, so the bed was not in such a messy state. The thought of his arms around you always made you long for his touch again. With everything else going on, his presence was the only balm of peace you had.
You noticed a lump underneath the covers, just at the foot of the bed. You pulled the cover off and stumbled backwards, falling on your bottom. The book sat atop the end of the bed, as if it had never caught fire. As if you never had plunged it into flames and watched it crumble into ashes.
Spells for the Common House Cat sat on the edge of the bed like an unwelcome guest. You grabbed the book and threw it out of the window impulsively. Shit! What if somebody else found it? You regretted your fear fueled decision immediately and despaired.
You ran out of his bedroom and down the tower, trying to make your way to the field where it might have landed. It was still hours before the morning lectures would start, but there were a few early risers walking through the halls. You ran into a student holding a pile of books in their arms and apologized after knocking them all to the ground and then dashing away madly through the halls.
As you approached the doors that led outside, a hand stopped you. It was someone you did not recognize. Her long, thin face looked down at you as if you were a snotty little child. “No students outside, the Ministry commands it. What is your name, student?” She sneered at the word student.
The Ministry? They were here already. And where was Loki? A pang of worry nestled in your stomach and you hesitated. The woman repeated her question in an annoyed tone. She adjusted a rogue red hair on her beehive of a hairdo.
“My name is Freya, Freya Eves,” you said.
The woman’s eyebrows rose. “Ah, so you are the one who broke the rules and went into the forest. You saw the beast,” she said, suddenly intrigued. She crossed her arms and grinned. “Tell me, is it truly as ghastly as they say?”
You felt a sort of disgust at her perverse interest. “It was horrible,” you said. “The most vile creature I’ve ever seen.”
The woman’s eyes flashed with interest as if she might have asked you more, but then a warm hand rested on your shoulder. You turned to see Professor Odinson smile at you, though it did not reach his eyes.
“Freya, I was searching for you. You appear to leave your common room quite early these days,” he said with a small gleam in his eye.
You hoped the blush was not too obvious on your face.
The gleam in Professor Odinson’s eyes died away as he glanced at the woman with you. “Ah, I see you’ve met Eleanore Regis. She was one of the top auror’s at the Ministry.”
“What do you mean ‘was’, Odinson? I’m still top auror,” she said haughtily, raising a brow at him. The woman was almost comically dramatic with her tone.
“The Ministry is here?” I said, widening my eyes like a child finding out a big secret. It seemed this woman responded to stupidity with arrogance, so you hoped she would give away some details.
Eleanore made a tsk sound with her tongue. “That’s right, dearie. We’re going to straighten out this bloody mess since nobody here can!” She turned to Professor Odinson. “Now, where’s your cockroach of a brother?”
You glared at Eleanore when Professor Odinson answered. “Well, the thing is, we have not found him yet. It is quite early and he will get ready for his classes, you see. When he does, we will ask him to join us in Headmistress Frigga’s office to meet with the Minister.”
You turned to look at Professor Odinson with a concerned look in your eyes. He met your gaze but kept a guarded look when Eleanore leaned in scowled. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think the whole family’s gone soft. Careful, boy. One bad pup can destroy the litter.” She turned on her heel and clacked away.
“Wow, isn’t she just lovely,” you said.
Professor Odinson sighed. “I really hate that woman.”
You looked back at Professor Odinson with concern. “Why are they looking for Loki - I mean Professor Laufeyson?”
Professor Odinson looked at you with his bright blue eyes and rubbed his face with both hands. He seemed tired, as if he had been up most of the night. “They think my brother is behind all this.”
“He hasn’t had the greatest track record with the Ministry. And he’s the only one here who’s been to Azkaban.”
“Do you believe them?” you said feverishly. “He’s your brother! He would never - he would never do that!”
Professor Odinson looked at you and smiled. “He is a lucky man that he has someone like you on his side.”
You looked at the ground, not wanting to give anything away with your eyes.
Professor Odinson spoke. “I don’t believe them, Freya. I think my brother capable of great mischief, but not evil.”
You breathed a sigh of relief. “Then what do we do?”
“Well, there is one thing you must do. It is unfortunate, but mandatory,” he said.
“What is it?” you said.
Professor Odinson gestured for you to walk with him, so you both started heading down the hall. He was leading you towards Headmistress Frigga’s office. “They have traced the close contacts of my brother, and well...you have been spending a lot of your time under his supervision,” he said, then added hastily, “because of your detentions, of course. But the Minister of Magic wishes to meet with you right away.”
You stopped in your tracks. “Odin, your father? Wants to meet with me?”
Professor Odinson looked back at you and nodded. “He’s going to ask you some questions, and that will be all. I can escort you to the Headmistress’s office.”
An anxious sigh escaped your lips as you followed Professor Odinson through the halls and up the steps. Paintings followed you both and whispered to each other. Similarly, students continued to gawk at you and whisper amongst themselves. It was not that they were looking at you, or truly seeing you, but as if they made their judgements just by a glance and a rumor. You wondered if this was how Loki felt when he roamed the halls.
The door to Headmistress Frigga’s office was down the hall, and you saw a man standing outside as if he were on guard. Professor Odinson stopped you for a moment. “Freya, I have one more thing. I was told to give this to you. I do not know what it means, but if you know anything at all, you must tell me, please.” He handed you a small folded note.
You unfolded it and looked at the beautiful script. It was Loki’s handwriting. Your heart skipped a beat as you read it.
I am sorry for everything,
Your heart sank into your belly, and your throat felt dry. You immediately knew what he was going to do and the countdown had started. All the time you thought you had, dissipated like smoke. Loki was going after the Tesseract. Your vision was going to come true. He was going to die.
Writer notes:
Thank you to all of you being so supportive of my break, I took a little more time than I said I would, but it's been so awesome. I feel re-energized and am thoroughly excited to write the last leg of our tale :)
This chapter is a little shorter, we're easing into the climax of the story, so enjoy the tEnSiOn....and we are back babyyyyy.
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btsinwonderland · 3 years
Hello my lovelies! I’ve been writing weekly chapters of A Drop Of Poison since June! How crazy is that lol.
And I’d like to think that I’ve been very timely with my updates. That being said, I’m having a really crazy few weeks and won’t be able to update by this Wednesday. 😭. This is my fun side project which I do purely out of love and sometimes experience burnout and need a bit to get back into it.
So I’m going to update as soon as I can but it won’t be by Wednesday. Latest, it will be within 2 weeks.
Thank you for understanding ❤️
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btsinwonderland · 3 years
A Drop of Poison - Ch. 18: Sleep Walking
A Loki fanfiction!
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Warnings: smut ;)
“Pom’s dead,” Valkyrie said, sounding hollow.
You sat underneath the window of the hallway near Headmistress Frigga’s office and nodded.
Mo sat beside you, his head in his hands, staring at the floor. “I-I don’t believe this,” he said. “What kind of sick cunt would do this?”
Tears stung your eyes. “She wanted to tell me something,” you said, a sob emerging from your throat. But it was too late. She had been waiting all by herself. “She said she found something.”
Valkyrie spoke. “What?”
Just then, Professor Heimdall and Headmistress Frigga emerged from the curved staircase to her office. They stood in front of the three of you and you looked up at them. Their figures were blurry from your tears. You wiped your face and stood up, blinking.
Headmistress Frigga had a compassionate look on her face while Heimdall looked grave. “An unspeakable act has been committed and no student should ever have to witness such a crime,” she said, placing a warm hand on your shoulder. “I don’t know what is happening at Hogwarts, but the Ministry will be here to investigate who has murdered our beloved, Pom Clemmens. They will be brought to justice.”
You sniffled and held yourself together for the rest of the questioning. It may have been unwise to keep the nature of Pom’s research a secret, but you were no longer sure who to trust. It was not as if the teachers were keeping any of you safe; you thought.
After collecting your statement, the three of you went to the basement, where the statue of the old woman was; it was where you had found the invisibility cloak. You needed to be far away from prying eyes and from those who loved to gossip. Since the incident, everyone had now become accustomed to staring at you or even whispering about you as you passed. Word travelled lightning fast. Some whispered words of pity, others of blame. All of which disturbed you. You sat on the ground, cross-legged with your head in your hands.
“What did Pom find?” Valkyrie said, leaning against the statue. The old woman’s eyes were solid grey and somehow looked angry, as if she was tired of you.
“She was looking into the Dark One’s first child,” you said. “That’s all she told me, and then whatever she was going to tell me today.” Hot tears fell from your face. “She waited for me. Alone. This happened because of me.”
“No, Freya,” Mo said, reaching over and putting an arm around your shoulder. “Hogwarts is supposed to be safe.”
“You wouldn’t have known what would happen,” Valkyrie said.
You were suddenly so angry with yourself that you stood, unable to accept any comfort. “No! That’s the thing! I should have known what would happen!” you yelled. “Ever since we went to the forest, and I saw that...horrible beast...i-it’s like my visions have all been blocked out!” You squeezed the bridge of your nose; an ear-splitting headache settling in. “I should have seen it! I could have saved her,” you said, your voice breaking.
“Freya, you are not responsible for this,” said Valkyrie. “But you know how to stop it.” Her eyes were hard, but in an encouraging way.
You took a deep breath and collected yourself. “We need to find the Tesseract.”
Valkyrie nodded. “And I’m going to help you.”
Mo stood up straight. “So will I.”
It was later in the evening after the ceremony in the Great Hall that was held for Pom. The hall had been coated with black fabric with all the house colours removed for mourning. You saw Ken, who was finally out of the infirmary, and he had spoken a few tearful words for his sister. Seeing him made you wonder about the awful bindings of fate, for one brother, to nearly die and be rescued by the sister he would soon lose to a fate worse than death.
The image of Pom’s head swinging in the hallway haunted you, along with the yellow eyes of Fenris. New nightmares would haunt you now. There was so much blood…Nausea swirled in your stomach and you pressed your knuckles into your temple.
You rapped on a familiar wooden door and it opened up to Loki’s room. He guided you inside and you sat down at the edge of his bed. He seemed zoned out and stared at the ground, unsure. A cup of tea came into view and he placed it in your hands. You thanked him and he sat down beside you, giving you some breathing space. He reached out with his hand and you took it.
“Freya, I’m so terribly sorry to hear about your friend Pom. She was one of the best students in my class, and had a bright future ahead of her,” he said. “It is a true loss that she’s gone.” His voice was low and remorseful.
You nodded, tears stinging your eyes again. The sip of tea was hot, but you forced it down even if it burned. You wanted to feel anything else but the despair that held tight to your chest.
“There’s something wrong with me,” you said, and immediately started crying. It would not stop. There was something in your mind that wanted you to stop. It wanted you to shut up, but for once, you could say what was on your mind without forgetting. “I can’t see any visions anymore. And I haven’t slept in weeks.”
Loki shifted close to you and laid an arm around your shoulders. His skin was cool to the touch. “You have seemed tired lately,” he said, as if he expected what you were saying. “I wondered if being in the forest had...upset you.”
You shook your head as fresh tears streamed down your face. “It’s not upsetting me, it’s haunting me! All I dream of is that horrible beast and the terrifying things he does. So much blood! There’s always so much blood! And now Pom...she’s dead, Loki. She’s dead.” The teacup slipped from your hands and fell to the floor with a high-pitched crash. You put your head in your hands and cried.
His hand rubbed your back, and you saw a green glow through the space between your fingers as he fixed the cup. You let out the feelings that had built up within you.
“I have something for you. It will help you sleep,” he said. He pulled out a bottle of a brown looking liquid and you took it carefully. .
He looked at the bottle as if it were an old friend that he had grown apart from. “The side effect is that it’ll dampen your abilities, not your regular magic, your visions. But seeing as they’ve been blocked out anyway, perhaps it won’t affect you too much. But you should be able to get some rest now.”
You realized this was the potion that Loki’s parents had given him all his youth. The fact that he had given this to you only made you more concerned about what was happening. But you trusted him and were desperate for some solace.
“Thank you,” you said, wiping your tears and standing up. “I’m sorry for being such a blubbery mess.” You laughed humorlessly.
He took you by the hand and crushed you to his body. “I’m sorry Freya, I’m so sorry,” he whispered, kissing the top of your head. You smelled warm lavender off of his grey shirt and drank it in.
You clutched him like that for a long time until he said, “stay here tonight. I don’t want you to be alone. Just fall asleep in my arms.”
I don’t want you to be alone.
Tears stung your eyes as you nodded into his chest.
He got the bed ready for you after you returned from the washroom and you sat on the edge and took a swig of the potion. It tasted somewhat sour, but you paid it no mind and sank into the bed. The mattress dipped beside you as Loki crawled underneath the covers. You smiled at him and you both shuffled close together. He put his arm around you as you laid down, and he planted a gentle kiss on your lips.
“Sleep,” he commanded.
You closed your eyes and felt his warm breath on your forehead. He caressed your head with his free hand and gently combed his fingers through your hair. Sleep came quickly, and you were plunged into darkness.
The hallways of Hogwarts were dark and empty. You walked through them, hearing only the soft patter of your bare feet on the stone. It was cold, and the stones felt almost wet against your skin.
You looked around and felt lost, though your body seemed to know where it was going. In your hand was the book, Spells for the Common House Cat.
Shadows crept up the walls and followed you around every corner. You shook your thoughts, trying to will yourself into moving, for you were no longer controlling your body.
“Wake up!” you shouted. Though your lips did not move.
“Freya, wake up!”
Your eyes opened, and you were standing in the dark hallway from your dream with only a few torchlights emitting a small glow nearly swallowed by the night. You shivered when you took another step and felt the cool stones on your feet. The book was in your hand and you yelped, letting it fall to the floor with a loud thud.
“Freya!” a whisper-shout came from the end of the hall.
You jumped and nearly ran when you saw Loki with a worried expression and the Marauder’s Map in his hands. It showed tiny footsteps of you and him in the hallway, leading to the edge of the building.
“Loki?” You said in a raspy voice. “I-I don’t remember how I got here.”
He came closer and looked at your face to see if you were okay. “I woke up to find you were gone, and the door left ajar. I took the map and followed you here. Do you truly remember nothing?”
You shook your head, feeling dizzy. “Where does this go?” you said, looking down the dark hallway.
“It’s a back exit out of the castle...towards the Forbidden Forest,” he said, worriedly, but said nothing else.
He guided you back to his room and sat you in front of the fireplace to warm up. The windows were dark, and you wondered how late in the night it was. You sat clasping the book in your hands and had not even remembered when you picked it up again. Loki had said nothing about it until you held it out in front of you. Its spine was worn and the dark red leather had taken a malicious shine in the firelight.
“You had that book the night we had dinner with mother,” Loki said. Then his eyebrows drew together. “I don’t recall seeing you bring it into my room earlier.”
You stared at the fire, unblinking; flames licked the log and gradually turned the singed parts to ash. “I didn’t bring it. It follows me. I think that there’s something not right,” you said, and you threw the book into the fire. “Sorry Leah.”
Loki startled slightly but put a hand on your shoulder. “There are objects with enchantments that can act like a poison,” he said, as if he knew exactly what you were going through. “You must be careful what you allow to fill your mind.”
You rubbed your face with your hands, your head feeling a little clearer as the book burned in the fire. However, something about it kept you ill at ease. The weight in the bottom of your stomach grew heavier and heavier, but Loki’s cool hand on your shoulder eased the burden slightly. You leaned your head on his hand and nuzzled it. He caressed your head and then stroked your cheek with his thumb. His eyes were tired, but they seemed to twinkle for you.
Standing up, you took his hand. Your heart thumped in your chest from the sleepwalking. You could not bear any more images of death, dark hallways, bright yellow eyes, or blood. When you closed your eyes now, a flash of horrible images went through in succession like a hellish slideshow. You glanced back at the fireplace, afraid, but the book burned fast; its pages curled inwards like a papery spider.
Loki went and laid on the bed and you turned to him with a needful look in your eyes. You needed to feel something other than fear and despair. So, you climbed atop him, straddling his hips. Your hair fell around his face and he smiled at you softly, earnestly. You leaned in and kissed him, tenderly at first. He cupped your face with his hand and stroked your cheek as you deepened the kiss.
You moved your body against his and felt him respond in kind. His hands moved to your waist and his tongue slid against your lips. You moaned softly and crushed your face to his as he squeezed your hips and urged you closer. Only to catch your breath, you rose from his mouth, and he took that opportunity to flip you over on top of him. He remained as he did before, but you now faced him with your back arched on top of him. His breath was hot in your ear.
“Now I can touch you,” he said in a low voice as his hands explored your body. You unbuttoned your shirt and sucked in your breath when he cupped your breast.
You felt his erection grow larger and larger against your rear as you rocked against his hips. He groaned and sucked on your earlobe as he placed both his hands on your breasts and pinched your nipples. You were extremely sensitive and arched your back as your legs spread of their own volition.
“Loki,” you said with a moan.
One of his hands drifted down your stomach, and flipped up your skirt. He slid a hand under your panties and moved his fingers down your slit. It was one smooth movement that made you shudder with pleasure. You were soaking wet as he rubbed your clit up and down slowly.
His touch was light as a feather until you could not take it. He then inserted two fingers, and you gasped with pleasure. As he pumped in and out, his other hand continued to play with your breasts, pinching them and teasing them. You turned your head toward him, reaching up to his mouth. He claimed your mouth with his and bit your bottom lip. You began to grind against his fingers as he fingered you, and you snuck a hand behind your back, moving down to his trousers.
With some careful movement and finger magic, you were able to undo the button of his pants and free his member. He uttered a low grunt when you pumped your hand up and down. The angle was slightly difficult at first for your arm, but you moved over a couple of inches and it was perfect. Each time you rubbed your body against his, you pumped his shaft as he filled you with his fingers. It was the most erotic thing you had experienced thus far; your body was completely exposed, as he had your way with you. The feeling of his thick warm cock around your hand felt so right.
As Loki fingered you, his wrist bumped your clit in perfect unison and you moaned into his mouth. Your movements matched his, and soon both of you were in perfect harmony, every thrust and movement matched to one another. Your hand pumped up and down as he went in and out. He groaned and pulled at your lip with his teeth, just enough to be pleasurably painful.
The combination of his fingers inside you, his hand on your breasts and his tongue shoved deep into your mouth propelled you over the edge. It felt like you were falling and screamed his name as you came, and he held you through every shudder, every ripple, and every gasp. Your hand moved intensely fast while gripping his shaft, and Loki grunted as he came. You felt a wet warmth against your back.
Your hair tangled into his and stuck to the side of your face with sweat. The both of you were a mess of limbs, fluids and sheets, but none of that mattered. You slid off to rest beside him, and he took your face into his hands, staring you deep in the eyes.
There was nothing to be said, but you stared into each other's eyes for what felt like hours. You were not speaking with words, but with something more. Something intimate. In his gaze were a number of things: satisfaction, happiness, fear, and perhaps a hint of shame. You wondered what he was thinking, as usual, but knew you would never have the answer to that question. But the way he held you was enough.
It had to be enough.
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btsinwonderland · 3 years
A Drop of Poison - Ch. 17: Wanting
A Loki fanfiction!
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Warnings: s m u t ! ! ....also gore/blood (non-sexual)
The week had passed slowly and miserably. The weather had taken a turn from being misty to frosty and cold. It was a chilling Saturday evening when you opened your eyes after a long nap and felt the crispness of winter frost clinging to your skin. Your room was absolutely freezing, and you realized your window was open. You had not even remembered opening it, but shut the damned thing and went to change. Rubbing your eyes, you lazily put on your shirt, not bothering with a bra, and slid on your skirt and socks. From the fatigue you felt, you wondered if you had even gotten any sleep, but it was a blessing that you at least did not remember your nightmares this time. You could pretend things were normal for a second.
Your classes throughout the week had been exercises in the buddy system, safety protocols, and the place where you heard horrible gossip about Hogwarts being shut down. That idea scared you; even if you were nearly done with school. The thought of a poor witch or wizard never having the chance of attending Hogwarts did not sit with you at all. The Ministry was scheduled to arrive for an official investigation and you wondered if they would end up being just as useless as the other teachers.
Valkyrie had spent the first weekend after the ball with you, but then Professor Odinson finally gained consciousness. Since then, Valkyrie practically went missing. Though you did not blame her. If something like that happened to Professor Laufeyson you would be with him in a heartbeat. The thought of him lifted your spirits, because today was the day he returned. And tonight was the night you were to pick up your detentions with him and so you spent the rest of the hour snacking on leftover oatmeal cookies and reading “The Dream Oracle”, and then headed onward to the potions classroom.
As you exited the common room, the head boy stopped you, holding a pile of letters. “Eves, you’ve got mail,” he said, handing you a note. You opened up the note in the hallway as you walked. It was a single line, scrawled in a dash, from Pom.
Meet me in the library tomorrow morning. I found something!
You wondered what it was she found and hoped it was more useful than what she looked up before. Most of what she had found was already what people knew. You went to the library with her once during the week, but spending all day reading dusty historical articles was much past your attention span. You put the note in your pocket and filed it away in your mind as a later task.
The halls were dimmer than usual as you walked past the Slytherin common room. There was a chill in the air and you pulled your black cardigan higher around your chest. It felt as if the nights had been growing longer and darker and it was unsettling. You approached the entrance to the potions classroom and walked inside. It felt barren. You glanced around and walked to the front desk. There was a parchment paper note.
Dear Freya,
Henceforth, your detentions will be conducted by Professor Heimdall.
Professor Laufeyson
You blinked several times, re-reading the message, trying to comprehend what it meant. The tiny bubble of happiness that you had amidst all the horror suddenly popped and you felt your feet sinking into the floor. No, you thought. No!
This man did not just get to leave for an entire week and then avoid you without a conversation. Something was wrong, you felt it. So, you climbed up the stairs of his tower, towards his office and knocked on the door. There was no answer. You tried to open it and found the door locked. Upon waving your wand and uttering a quick charm, you entered his chambers and saw Professor Laufeyson hunched over his desk. His face was gaunt, and he had purple bruising and dark circles around his eyes. He was an extraordinarily handsome man, but even he looked exhausted and almost...beaten down. His eyes widened when he saw you, and then he immediately put on a mask of annoyance.
“Is it customary for you to break into your teacher’s offices?”
“What is this?” You said, holding up the note.
“I assume you’ve read it,” he said, folding his hands on the table. “Freya, I cannot continue your detentions. I have a lot of work to do, and you’re...distracting.”
You felt your stomach drop. With a gulp, you swallowed your despair and fought it. “No.”
He glanced up at you, puzzled. “What do you mean, no?”
You walked up to him, around his desk and leaned on the table, looking down at him. “I mean, whatever is going on, I’m not leaving.”
There was a crack in the mask as he looked at you with the utmost longing. His fingers bent slightly on the table and he sighed, running his hands through his hair. “I’m not right, Freya. I’m...I’m not good.”
You reached over to stroke his arm but he pushed you away and stood up, chair knocked to the ground. He walked towards the window and rubbed his face with both hands. His hair was a mess, and it looked uncharacteristically unkempt. “Don’t you see! They’re all right about me...you should stay away, I’ll only drag you down in this mess!” He said, waving his arms as he spoke. Though, it was more so yelling at this point.
You felt fire in your belly. “I don’t care what they say, don’t you understand? I may not see the entire picture, but I see you! I lo- ”
“I’m not good for you,” he said, his voice nearly cracking in the end. He leaned back and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“You’re not a potion or an antidote,” you said, walking up to him and putting your hands on his chest. “You’re a person, and people are both good and bad.” He did not fight you this time when you put your arms around his neck and hugged him. “I want you,” you said gently.
He stayed still first at first, then gradually his arms came up around your waist and squeezed tightly. You whispered in his ear, “I don’t know what happened to you this week and I will not ask, but I’m going to take care of you. I’m going to make it better,” you said.
You heard the tiniest sniffle come from above your head as he squeezed you with such vigour that you almost lost your breath. His hands came up behind you and he leaned back, catching your mouth with his. His kiss was desperate and deep. He dug into your mouth with his tongue and you let him inside, thrashing and wild. It was sloppy and wet, nothing like the usual composure he had.
He bit your lip and pulled with his teeth, a low moan coming from the back of his throat. Heat coursed over your skin and desire emanated inside, and you felt all your thoughts melt away into the moment. Unbuttoning his shirt, you felt the soft skin underneath. When you moved down to kiss his neck and chest, you noticed the fair colour of his skin speckled with purple and blue bruises. You nearly gasped but kept yourself quiet, not wanting to distract from the moment.
“I’m going to make it better,” you said as you kissed down his stomach and knelt on the ground. You looked up at him and he gazed at you with delicate eyes, as if one harsh blow would shatter them. He leaned back on the wall as you unzipped his trousers and pulled them down and off. The hard mass underneath his black boxer briefs was intimidating, but also made your breathing quicken and chest tighten. You rubbed his hardness and looked at him. His eyes were closed as he leaned back and tried to contain himself. No, that would not do. You wanted him undone.
You removed his underwear and gaped at the enormous erection that faced you. This was not anything you had ever dealt with before, but you recalled the advice Valkyrie gave you during your many sleepovers and the things you had seen in adult rated media. With a deep breath, you grabbed his cock and pumped your hand up and down.
A small groan escaped Professor Laufeyson’s lips, and you smiled. A bead of moisture trickled down his member, and you got closer, curious, and licked it. It was bitter and slightly salty, though you had certainly tasted worse. So you licked him from the base, up to the tip. You felt a shudder course through him and heard a sharp intake of breath. A small smile came to your lips at the power you felt, for it was usually him that held all the cards.
You licked your palm and curled your hand around his shaft, running your hand up and down. After a few more licks of the tip, you opened your mouth wide and took him inside. You did not know what it would feel like, taking him with your mouth, but it was far more pleasurable than you thought. His cock stretched your mouth wide as you bobbed your head up and down, following the movements of your hand. You felt his hand on your head, tangling in the hair, as he panted.
“Freya,” he sighed your name, and you took him deeper.
You kept your hand along the base and sucked with your mouth, flicking the tip of his cock with your tongue whenever you went back. He gripped your hair harder, and you felt your core awaken with a new desire. You wanted him inside you. Like all your fantasies before. The pumping took on a rhythmic fashion, and you tried to take him even deeper. You choked slightly and made a loud slurping sound. Reflexively, you were terribly embarrassed, but then you heard him moan in pleasure. He put hands on your shoulders and pushed you off of him gently. His erection was shining with your saliva and a string remained attached from the tip to your lips.
You looked up at him, questioning. He smiled at you and lifted you up. “Thank you,” he said.
“But you’re not finished,” you said, pointing at his ever hardened form.
“Oh no, I’m not,” he said. His gaze narrowed and then you saw the dangerous man that people had warned you about. He threw you a greedy smirk that should have unnerved you, but made your core ache to be touched. He removed his shirt and now stood before you, gloriously naked.
He backed you onto his desk, and with one sweeping motion, knocked everything to the floor with a crash. You jumped onto the empty desk as he leaned over and kissed you with a crazed passion. His hands flew to your breasts, and he squeezed them through the fabric of your shirt. You moaned in his mouth and he ripped your shirt open, popping the buttons off and revealing your breasts. You were going to chastise him for ruining your clothes when he clamped a mouth over your nipple and all words left you. Pleasure rippled over your body as he sucked on one nipple and pinched the other.
You laid back on the table, moaning, as he stood over you and played with your breasts. He moved his mouth over to the other breast and his hand moved down your stomach and over your skirt. Flipping your skirt up, he reached for the waistband of your panties and pulled them off.
Before you could breathe again, he shoved two fingers inside you and you gasped at the sudden intrusion. He pumped his fingers in and out, hard and fast and you nearly came then. You arched your back and he rubbed your clit with his thumb as he fingered you with one hand and played with your breast with the other. You felt his eyes watching you and though you typically got nervous from his gaze, this time, it only aroused you more.
He pulled out his fingers from inside you and looked at them with a hungry expression. He licked his fingers clean, looking you right in the eyes; it was such a lewd display but you could not look away. He then leaned over you, with one hand placed beside your head to support himself as he guided his member to your entrance.
“Are you ready?” he said, far more tender than you had ever heard him speak.
“Yes, master,” No sooner had the words come out, that he entered you. You gasped as pain flooded your senses, but he was gentle; slowly moving inch by inch while you adjusted to his size. Once he entered all the way to the hilt, he began moving in and out and you gasped at how the pain transformed into infinite pleasure.
“Loki,” you cried out. His thrusts became harder.
“Say my name,” he said with a grunt, “say my name when you come.”
“Loki!” you moaned, and he lifted your legs over his shoulders, thrusting into you harder and faster.
His length filled you up and slammed against you while you writhed in pleasure. He palmed your breast as he pounded into you and then moved his other hand to your clit. He licked his thumb and rubbed it to match each stroke as he entered you. You threw your head back, hitting it on the table, and cried out from the pleasure. Every thrust took you closer to the stratosphere.
Your orgasm was powerful and loud as you screamed his name and he continued to thrust himself inside. Your legs slid off his shoulders and he held onto them at his sides as he plunged inside you. You leaned up onto your elbows to kiss him and wrapped your arms around his neck as he shoved his tongue down your throat. This new angle allowed him to grip your waist and pound into you harder. You held your arms around his neck tightly as both of you kissed and moaned into each other's open mouths. With each thrust, you moved further away from being two entities, but fused into one.
He groaned as his orgasm approached. “Fuck,” he hissed as he came inside of you and you both gasped at the feeling of his release. You stayed tightly in each other's arms for several seconds as you took in each of his aftershocks.
After several seconds of stillness, you looked up at him, pulling your shirt around your breasts, suddenly shy. His face shone from the sweat that developed over his skin and the colour had returned to his face, for he was completely flushed. He waved his hand and with a swish, and the fluids were cleaned up and gone. He leaned into you and kissed you slowly. “You are, without a doubt, the most beautiful creature,” he said, pulling your shirt open again to expose your breasts.
You smiled against his mouth and kissed him. “Do you feel better?”
He chuckled. “Unreservedly,” he said, kissing your cheek. “Absolutely,” he said, kissing the other one. “Utterly.” A kiss on the nose. “Unquestionably.” A kiss on the chin, and a mischievous gleam in his eyes as he descended with kisses.
The man knew a lot more words.
Blood. Hungry. Flesh.
You observed the castle from the edge of the forest. So many warm bodies, so much meat.
Blood. Hungry. Flesh.
You awoke in your bed and stretched out with a yawn. This time, you had no recollection of your dreams and even felt a little more awake than usual. Your body was sore, but in a good “I just had sex” kind of way. You giggled to yourself and could not stop smiling. The first thought that popped into your mind was to update your girlfriends, Valkyrie first of course, and then your second thought was when would it happen again. He had blown your desire wide open, and you wondered if that scared but excited feeling would ever go away.
After taking a quick shower, you got dressed and went to the Great Hall. There were pumpkins in the ceiling still and you realized it was Halloween. The school was normally quite jovial for the occasion, but given all the circumstances, there was not much to celebrate. You stuffed a large slice of syrupy waffle into your mouth and chewed it slowly. Despite everything else going on, today your breakfast tasted better than usual. You thought about Loki’s mouth...in all the right places and sighed.
“What are you smiling about?” Mo said, sliding into the seat beside you.
You smiled wider, “nothing.”
He raised his brows, as if he already knew why. He took your banana muffin and ate it. “Have you seen Nila yet?”
You shook your head. “Why?”
“I’m going to ask her to be my girlfriend,” he said with a bashful smile.
You beamed at the sweetness of your friend. “If I see her, I’ll tell her you’re looking for her. Oh, shit!” you blinked and stuffed another bite of waffles in your mouth. “I have to go see Pom!” you said with your mouth full. You had completely forgotten in all the post sex high.
You checked your watch, and it was nearly eleven thirty. Hopefully Pom had not been waiting too long. The library was empty when you entered it, and completely silent save for the librarian organizing books at the front with a large cart. She waved her wand and removed the books from the top row several feet above her, and replaced them with the ones from her cart. She barely looked at you when you said “good morning”, and so you continued to look around for Pom.
The tables were all empty. Even the table she had reserved and covered with books upon books of her research was empty. You walked through the aisles and still could not find her. Returning to the front, you asked the librarian if she had seen Pom.
“She was here all morning since about six, then she left an hour ago,” she said.
Six in the morning? Oh shit, Pom’s going to be mad. Though you knew Pom was too sweet to be mad, and that made you feel even more guilty. But the girl could have added a time at least...
You puzzled as you exited the library and walked around the corner. There was a strange smell that hit you, and it was a familiar one. Anxiety knotted in your stomach as you followed the scent down the hall and then utter dread hit when you realized what you were smelling. It was blood.
There were little drops on the floor every few steps, and it eventually thickened into a trail which led you around the corner. When you turned the corner, there was a pool of blood, and you screamed when you looked up, falling backwards onto the floor. You felt sick to your stomach.
There was a message, written in blood:
Her skeleton will rot in this castle…
This time it was not rat blood. A sob ached in your chest as you fell onto your side and threw up while Pom’s head swung from a rope in the ceiling, blood dripping onto the floor.
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btsinwonderland · 3 years
A Drop of Poison - Ch. 16: Questions
A Loki fanfiction!
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Hungry. Blood. Flesh.
Hungry. Blood. Flesh.
The mantra circles in your mind as you prowl the forest, searching for your next meal. It has been days since you found something good. The creatures of the forest were now keen to your presence, so they found better spots to hide.
You stalk the forest floor, smelling the scent of flesh in the air. Nothing but carcass and dead meat until you catch the scent of a sweeter meat. You run in the direction and give way to the chase. The creature runs from you and you snarl, laughing. There are few things in this forest that can outrun you.
You pounce and look into the eyes of a doe. It lets out a gargled yelp as you snap your jaws around its throat.
Hungry. Blood. Flesh.
You awoke with a start and felt bile in the back of your throat. You tasted blood in your mouth and nearly vomited from the thought of eating flesh. Inspecting with your finger, you realized you had bitten your cheek in your sleep. You took a minute to settle back into reality while the nightmare faded away, though the stench of blood was hot in your mouth.
The bed was empty save for you, and you looked around. Your school clothes were neatly folded and ready for you at the end of the bed.
“Hello?” you said once you got clothed and felt a little more like yourself again. Fatigue still coated every one of your steps, but you stood by his desk and glanced around the room. He popped out from the closet and gave you a tight smile. He was holding a briefcase.
“Ah, you’re awake,” he said. “I left breakfast on the nightstand there,” he said, gesturing to a plate of toast, eggs, and bacon.
“Where are you going?” you said, sliding over beside the nightstand and taking a bite of bacon.
His jaw tightened. “I must tend to some business, I shall return in a week.”
Your eyes narrowed. “What business?”
“I did not realize that I was to run every meeting in my schedule through you, Miss Eves,” he said. He looked irritated, though it seemed like a faraway sort of feeling.
Your heart hitched at his words. “I just want to know why you’re leaving when Hogwarts was attacked again, it will look suspicious.”
He chuckled humorlessly. “Ah, so you think I was behind this, too. You didn’t care to mention that last night,” he said, looking away.
Anger flared up within you. Anger and embarrassment. “I didn’t mean to insinuate anything. I’m just saying that it will not help your case if you cut and run after another attack.”
He glared at you. “I do not ‘cut and run’, Miss Eves. Nor do I care what the rest of the school thinks. You may do what you wish, as will I.”
You dropped the half eaten bacon on the plate and got up. “Why can’t you just talk about things like a normal person? Did it ever occur to you that sometimes you have to earn trust than just expect it blindly?”
He was wearing the icy shield that he usually surrounded himself in. It was impenetrable, and you knew you would not get anywhere with him now.
“If you do not trust me, Miss Eves, then you are free to leave. And be sure to stay out of my way,” he said coldly.
You felt the sting of tears in your eyes but refused to show him your weakness. Anger boiled your blood, along with a maddening frustration. You stormed to the door and just before slamming it shut, said, “this is why you’re always alone.”
After about an hour of being a tearful mess in your room, you decided it was enough. He said things that hurt you and so you retaliated and were ashamed of what a low blow you had given him. You had not bothered to see him afterwards, in order to apologize, and by now you assumed he was off conducting his ‘business’. You sighed and went to wash your face.
This was no time to be crying or taking things personally. You knew he acted angry whenever he was hiding something or wanted to throw you off. He was a man that smiled and joked around but kept everyone more than an arm’s length away. He was not going to shake you that easily, if that’s what he thought would happen. You promised yourself that you would not let him die, and you would sooner die yourself than go back on your word.
You thought about the first vision you had of him. It seemed like a dream of a dream now. It had been weeks since you had any sort of vision. Ever since your encounter with Fenris, you were haunted. Infected. Looking in the mirror, you reached up a hand and caressed the skin on your face, observing the sallow quality it had taken on, getting used to the black half moons under your eyes.
You tied up your hair in a ponytail that was all business and went to the Great Hall for lunch. Valkyrie was there, and she jumped up and embraced you as soon as your eyes met.
“Freya!” she said, giving you a bear hug. You had never heard such intense concern in her voice before. “I knew you’d make it, but for a moment I thought...”
You pulled away and looked at her face; it was creased with anxiety. “What’s wrong?”
She sighed and pulled you into a corner, away from eager ears. “It’s Thor - Professor Odinson. He’s still in the infirmary. That...thing that attacked you was a serperus. And there were more of them in the gardens. Odinson went to fight them off and was lashed by three of them before he went down.” Valkyrie ran her fingers through her hair and shook her head. “I should have been there with him...but those bloody leech things that popped out of the balloons.... We lost each other in the ball from all the chaos.” She sighed. “Volstagg says he’s a fighter, that he’ll make it. But there was so much venom Freya...his legs turned purple.”
You concealed a cringe that went through your body. Recalling the pain of one serperus was awful enough, but three? You would have surely died. “Professor Odinson is one of the strongest wizards I know. He’s going to recover.” You squeezed her hands.
She nodded, the sparkle of determination returning to her eyes. “Who’s doing this? First Rattowl, then the Quidditch game gets fucked up, then you find Pom’s brother mutilated in the forest, then that bloody message about some heir, and now they set off these disgusting creatures at the ball? What the fuck is going on?” Her jaw clenched in rage. “The teachers are all buffoons; a fat lot of help they’ve been!”
“That’s why we need to find who’s doing this,” you said. “ And I think I know where to start.”
With that, the both of you headed to Professor Bjorn’s hut just outside the castle. Hogwarts was now under strong guard and you had to sneak back and grab the invisibility cloak before going outside. Professor Laufeyson was the only one who could tell where you were when you were cloaked since he had the marauder’s map, though you doubted he would keep watch of anything during his trip; a fact which both relieved and irritated you.
“Why are we going to Bjorn’s? You think he’s behind this?” Valkyrie said, confused.
You scoffed. “No! But he’s the expert on magical creatures. How could someone transport that many blood slugs and serperus’ into the castle undetected?”
As you walked, Valkyrie caught you up on everything you had missed in the last couple days since the ball disaster. During the ball, at midnight, the students and teachers knew there would be some sort of prank as per annual custom, but when the first of the balloons burst, and a young second-year student screamed his lungs out and thumped to the floor, chaos ensued. Apparently, Mo had to pry a slug off of Nila’s neck and she was bleeding profusely. Pom and her date were helping others as well until a slug took her date down by the ankle and he had two feasting on him before Valkyrie came over and helped Pom pry them off.
“Goddamn, leeches bite hard. Tearing them off was a nightmare,” Valkyrie said.
You shuddered and almost preferred the fatal venom to having slimy leeches attached to you.
The infirmary was overloaded once again, and much worse this time. Students and teachers were called to volunteer and assist the infirmary staff since there were so many injured. The Ministry Blood Bank had to bring in a special order for all the students and staff suffering from major blood loss.
“The Ministry is pissed off,” she said. You thought about Odin and the image of him in Professor Laufeyson’s memories. He always looked angry, though you would imagine that his entire administration was now going to be up in arms.
The hut was cloaked in fog, with only the thin lamplight from the windows guiding you towards it. The edge of the Forbidden Forest was dangerously close to his home, and you wondered how he was comfortable with it. You and Valkyrie walked down the hill and approached the house, concealed underneath the cloak. There was a crash and bang from inside that made you both jump.
You took off the cloak and rapped on the door. The wood was cold and cracked; it stung your knuckles.
“No guests till tomorrow!” shouted Bjorn’s raspy voice. You heard another sound from inside, a mewling sort of sound that was almost like a mixture of a bird and a cat.
“Come on, Professor Bjorn, what’s goin’ on in there?” Valkyrie said, pounding her first on the door so hard that it shook.
The door swung open and slammed against the inside wall. Professor Bjorn stood there, towering over the both of you. He smelled funny, like a fish market in the summer, and his beard was singed at the tips, as if he leaned too close to a fire. “No students on the grounds! Get back to the school before I dock ya,” he said with a growl, and slammed the door. Valkyrie put her foot out just in time and shoved the door open, entering the hut.
You were always impressed with her fearlessness and lack of hesitation. You had expected Professor Bjorn to fight back, but in fact, he backed up into a corner and tried to conceal something behind him. Something that was moving.
“I-it’s not what it looks like, I swear,” he said, his tone dropping.
Valkyrie pulled out her wand and pointed it at him, “you bastard!”
“Wait, Valkyrie!” you said as you moved closer to see what he was hiding. Five tiny heads tilted towards you with forked tongues slipping out of scaly mouths. It was a serperus, though it was about half the size of the one you had remembered seeing before you passed out. You pulled out your want and pointed it at Professor Bjorn. How could he?
“You did this?” you said, disbelief in your words.
Professor Bjorn was terribly sweaty and distressed. He frowned as if he might cry and shook his head. “No! Please understand, they were killin’ all of them. I found this one hiding in the corner, so confused and lost. Serperus’ don’t attack people, ‘tis not in their nature!”
Valkyrie took a step forward and clenched her jaw. “What - so we’re supposed to believe you were just rescuing the monster that almost killed us? Freya nearly died! Professor Odinson is lying unconscious ‘cause of this thing! How can you sit here, protecting it?”
“It’s just an animal! It’s scared and I don’t know what dark enchantments were used to control these things, but they’re not harmful,” he paused when both you and Valkyrie scoffed at him, implying they were not dangerous. “I’m not saying they can’t be harmful, but they eat rabbits, mice and fish! Everythin’ else is a defense mechanism. These beasts are like cats.”
You and Valkyrie looked at each other. “Cats?” you said incredulously.
The small serperus slithered out of the corner, its scales glimmered with a bluish sheen from the lamplight. The barbs on its tail were red coloured, but they were not fanned out like the one in your memory, but tucked in like a feline’s claws. One head moved towards you while the others looked at Valkyrie. The creature slithered over to you, and when you took a step back, its tail twitched and Valkyrie was about to shoot a spell at it. You raised your hand and silently stopped her. The creature slithered across the floorboards and moved through your legs, like some sort of monstrous cat.
“It likes you,” Bjorn said with a smile.
You sighed, your palpitations decreasing now that you knew you would not be stung. Glancing at Valkyrie with a pleading look, she reluctantly lowered her wand. Since the entire room released tension, Professor Bjorn pulled out two chairs and put on a kettle of tea.
Once you were all situated around the table with a cup of tea, you spoke. “Professor, how could someone control these creatures? And the blood slugs, how was someone able to get them into the school?”
Valkyrie wrinkled her nose at the smell of raw fish that sat in the bucket beside Professor Bjorn. He reached inside with an ungloved hand and pulled out fish guts, feeding it to the serperus, who happily slopped up its food with each of its five mouths. He then stroked his beard with the fish stained hand. “That’s the question, ain’t it? The only curse that can control a beast to that extent is one of the forbidden curses.”
“The imperius curse,” Valkyrie said.
Bjorn nodded. “That’s the one. As for the blood slugs,” he said, scratching at his head. “I have no clue how those would have been brought into Hogwarts without us knowin’. We got charms here, you know, all sorts of protection spells.”
“How does someone even get blood slugs? I can’t imagine this person spent a week hunting and collecting hundreds of them in the forest,” you said.
Bjorn shook his head. “Nah, Freya, blood slugs live in the swamp, not the forest. But you got a point. There are...certain folks who are in the market of selling strange and exotic creatures.”
You straightened in your chair. “Can you find out who it was?”
The serperus mewled, and Bjorn took another handful of fish huts and held out his hand for it to eat. “I-I don’t know anybody like that. I’m completely above board, kids,” he said, looking down at the fish bucket.
Valkyrie raised a brow. “Oh please, save us the lies. You know someone in the market, and you’re going to find out who was exporting blood slugs and to whom.” She glanced at the serperus. “Or else we’ll have to tell the teachers about your...pet.”
You raised your brows at Valkyrie, impressed. Exploitation was not something you enjoyed, but this was important.
Bjorn balked. “Don’t tell them, please! They’re goin’ to kill ‘im!”
You folded your hands on the table. “Then help us, please, sir. People are getting hurt,” you said earnestly. He looked at you and sighed.
“Alright, I’ll call my old buddies and see wha’ I can get.”
Once you returned to the castle, you snuck Valkyrie into your room and stuffed the cloak under your bed. She jumped onto the bed of your estranged roommate and stared at the ceiling. “I smell like fish guts,” she said.
Perhaps it was the fatigue or the despair. Regardless, you both immediately burst out laughing to the point of tears. You slid down the bed and onto the floor, holding onto your stomach and trying to contain yourself. It was partial hysteria, but once you settled down you appreciated the moment of levity.
“I’m going to use your shower,” she said, staggering up and wiping tears off her face.
“Want to stay the night? I’ll grab some food from the kitchen,” you said.
Valkyrie smiled at you and nodded. It had been a while since you two had time to catch up. You also didn’t want to be alone. There was too much happening and in all truth, it frightened you. So you headed out of the common room and ventured out to find some grub.
The halls were strangely vacant as you headed towards the kitchen. You saw Skurge mopping up the stairs from across the hall and recalled that time in the library when you first saw Professor Laufeyson. He was having sex with Professor Sif, trying to get information out of her. You thought that you would be jealous, but in fact the memory reignited your desire for him. What if it had been you in Sif’s place? You shivered at the thought of his length inside you. Your imagination transformed your memory and now it was you splayed on the table, with him pounding into you. You bit your lip and shook your head. A sigh escaped your lips as you crossed your arms and tried not to think about him.
“Freya!” a small voice called from behind. It was Pom. She stuck her head out from a set of doors.
You had not realized that you passed the library and walked in to see Pom. “How are you?” you said.
She widened her eyes and blinked several times. “I don’t know, Freya. I was one of the lucky ones. But I need to show you something!” She pulled you by the hand to the area she was working in. Piles of books sat atop the tables labeled as “The Era of the Dark One”.
Pom pulled out one labelled Volume IX and opened it. “Okay, so remember when we were freaking out about that message on the wall? Everybody wondered who was the heir and of what? And before the ball, I started reading about the magical war and history about the Dark One. There is so much to read through, it was going to take me nearly a week! Then the ball happened…” she collected herself, then continued, “so I came back here since I had nothing better to do. And I found something.”
You leaned closer to her. “Found what?”
She smiled, proud of herself. “The Dark One,” she said, lowering her voice. “He had a child.”
Your stomach sank, wondering if she would unveil that Professor Laufeyson was the mastermind. “Everybody knows that Professor Laufeyson was the Dark One’s son, but it can’t be him…”
Pom shook her head. “No! He had another child…”
You felt a headache settling in, right between your eyes. “What do you mean? The one that died with him in battle?”
She nodded. “Yes! And no! There’s almost no information about his second child, as if it’s been wiped from all records. But...I think I may find something in one of these books!”
“How’s a dead wizard going to help us?”
Pom’s face fell a little. She scrunched her nose. “I know there’s something more here. I have a hunch. I’ll let you know when I find something!”
You nodded and left her to keep scouring through the old texts. The thought crossed your mind to write in the magical notebook you had found and ask Leah if she knew anything. Though you could no longer recall where you kept the book. Unless it had switched away from you, which would be unfortunate.
The headache split your head in two as you flinched from the pain. He would have something useful, a draught or pill that would make the pain go away. Your heart yearned for him, not just for the use of his potions skills. It was going to be a long week until he returned and you prayed that nothing else got destroyed along the way.
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btsinwonderland · 3 years
okay so I definitely pressed "schedule" and it posted the chapter right away....so happy early loki wednesday? :P
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btsinwonderland · 3 years
A Drop of Poison - Ch. 15: Restless
A Loki fanfiction!
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Warnings: ahem. ahem. smut.
You tried opening your eyes, but they were immensely heavy. Your body was stuck in a kind of sleep paralysis. It was something you remembered a third-year student mentioning once, but it seldom happened to you. Your irritation spread as you tried moving your limbs, to no avail.
“How is she?” You heard a voice. It was a woman, but your mind was not strong enough to recognize who.
“I have been giving her the potion three times a day. The venom from the serperus is out of her system. It should take another day,” another voice said. It was Professor Laufeyson.
What happened? You wanted to say. Where am I?
You felt a hand beneath your head and cool metal against your lips. A liquid poured into your mouth that was slightly bitter but not disgustingly so. It had an undertone of…grapefruit? You drank deeply until it was done and the cup was gone. A hand ran across your forehead in repeated gentle caresses.
“It’s going to be alright, love. Just get some rest and come back to me,” Professor Laufeyson said.
You wanted to wrap your arms around him so badly. But your consciousness was pulling you down into the darkness of sleep again. You were tired, but all you wanted to do was wake up and be back in the garden with him before everything went to shit. You wanted to tell him you were ready to make love to him, and that your deepest desire was to kiss him until the sun rose and then keep on going until the end of time. All those things were what you wished for and you fell asleep, completely desperate for his touch.
A gasp escaped your lips as you woke up, panting. Your body was burning, not in pain, but with a need. You sat up on the bed and moved your fingers and toes. A sigh of relief escaped you as you stretched your limbs. You were no longer in your dress from the ball, but in a soft cotton nightgown; it was one of your own. Looking around, you noticed you were not in the infirmary but in the backroom of the potions classroom on a single infirmary bed that had been brought in. He wanted to keep me close; you thought with a smile.
You bit your lip when the cotton of your nightgown rubbed against your erect nipples. The burning within you felt familiar to the nights where you felt the need to touch yourself, beyond all comprehension. You needed to contain the heat, and this time, you knew you could not accomplish it alone. Thoughts of Professor Laufeyson in the room of requirement and in the garden haunted your mind. You nearly moaned from thinking about it. Heat rushed between your legs and you slipped your fingers through your folds to check, and you were utterly soaked. You suppressed another moan when your fingers brushed against your swollen clit and then moved your hand away. There was nothing else on your mind but this need. You felt as if you were in a dream, but the cold metal of the bedframe and the slight echo of your feet touching the floor confirmed to you that this was all real. Even if it felt surreal, it did not matter. Your need was real, and you had to take care of it.
The pain was gone, and you could move freely, so you hopped off the bed and climbed up the stairs into Professor Laufeyson’s bedroom. The windows you passed were utterly dark, so you could not even tell what time it was. It could be the middle of the night for all you knew. You bit your lip when you felt your folds sliding together as you ascended the stairs.
You crept into his bedroom and found him asleep on his desk. He looked so much younger, like a student studying for their finals in the common room. You brushed his dark hair to the side, and he woke up with a jolt. His eyes wide and staring at you, standing above him.
Perhaps it was that he said your name for the first time, or perhaps it was the look of utter surprise on his face that excited you. But regardless of the reason, you climbed atop of him and straddled him on the chair and pressed your lips against his roughly. He reflexively kissed you back and put his hands on your hips. He tried to move you away for a moment, but you were so needful; you continued to kiss him and eventually coaxed his tongue out. When it brushed your tongue, you felt heat rise in your core and then deepened the kiss.
He pulled away, and you whined. “W-what are you doing?” he said.
“I need you, please...I just - I can’t…” you said, kissing him between your words.
“How are you feeling? Are you hurt?” he said, clasping your face between his hands. His eyes looked so earnest that it sobered you for a moment.
“The pain is gone, but…” you said, licking your lips and looking at him with wide eyes. “I need...to touch you…”
His expression jolted as if you had electrocuted him. “It might be the aftereffects of the potion. You’re still weak, Freya, we really shouldn’t,” he said.
You shook your head with a “no!” Biting your lip, you rubbed your hips against him, and a hard erection rubbed on your core and both of you met forehead to forehead, panting. “You want me, I know you do,” you said with a smile. All your inhibitions were gone. It felt like you were drunk. “You’re a bad professor…wanting one of your students,” you said with a purr. You kissed him slowly, languidly. “But then,” you said with a whisper, right into his mouth, “I have touched myself thinking about you all semester.”
Professor Laufeyson sighed and lifted you up as he stood, holding you against him. He carried you over to the bed and placed you in the middle. You spread out your arms and legs, stretching out, and felt the limitations of your nightgown. For a moment, you hesitated, wondering if you should strip. There was nothing underneath, so you would be utterly naked. From the medication high, your limitations were none, and you did exactly what you felt like doing. So, you lifted your nightgown above your head and tossed it to the floor, laying completely bare while Professor Laufeyson audibly hitched his breath. His gaze was lustful as he crawled towards you, fully clothed in brown pants and a grey collared shirt.
“You are not yourself, Miss Eves,” he said, returning to the formalities. Though he continued to crawl up your body and you wrapped your legs around his waist.
You gripped his arms and pulled him down for a deep kiss. “I don’t care, master. Please, I need to feel you, please. It hurts,” you said. He moved away from your face so he could see your expression. His was one of complete want and agony. He wrestled with it for several seconds, to which you moved against him, trying to hurry his decision. He finally moved down to kiss you, and you met him ecstatically. You moved your fingers through his hair and tightened your legs around him as his erection rubbed against your core. A few more pumps and you thought you might orgasm right then and there. Your hand moved between your bodies and you reached the hard mass between his legs. You felt the length of him and your body perked up with excitement. He shuddered when you ran your hand along his length. He took your hand and pulled it away, pinning it above your head. You looked at him questioningly, and he shook his head.
“The rules are, if you want me to keep touching you, you have to keep your hands on the headboard,” he said, moving your other hand up above your head.
You wriggled against him, and he chuckled. He then moved his hands off of you and slowly climbed off your body. Out of your desperation, you stopped moving and gripped the headboard tightly.
“There’s a good girl,” he said. The praise sent another wave of heat through your body. “Now remember, keep your hands on the headboard or I will stop,” he reminded you. You nodded profusely, and he came down and gave you a long kiss.
His hands moved away from your face and down your body. You wrapped your legs around him tightly, since that was the only way you were allowed to hold him. With one hand, he gripped your waist while the other freely explored your body. He ran a hand gently down your side, from the swell of your breast to the soft, supple skin of your thigh. When he ran his hand back up, he stopped at your breast and cupped it. You writhed against him, your nipples rubbing against his shirt.
“How badly I have wondered what you looked like underneath that uniform,” he said, kneading your breast. His thumb flicked your nipple, and you arched your back, unable to contain the pleasure.
“You came into my class every day in that short skirt like a bloody tease,” he said. “Look at you now, completely naked on my bed, begging me to take you.”
“Yes,” you said. “Please take me.”
He kissed your neck and moved down, clamping his mouth around your nipple and palming the other breast. You gasped and gripped the headboard tightly as he flicked his tongue and sucked your nipple. It was so overwhelming you thrashed side to side and had to stop yourself from moving your hands and touching him.
“Please master, take me!”
He chuckled and popped your nipple out of his mouth with a sucking sound and provided mouth care to the other breast. While he sucked your nipple, his free hand roamed down, across your stomach, and descended to the spot that you needed.
When his fingers brushed your folds, you thought you might die. But you needed more first.
He gasped. “You’re so wet,” he said, looking down at you. A devilish smile creeped to his lips. “Were you like this in class, too? While I was lecturing, did you nearly wet yourself sitting at your desk?” He ran his fingers down your slit and held them still at your entrance.
“Yes master, yes!”
He pushed a finger in and you cried out. He pumped a finger in you as he licked your nipple. You moaned when he gently nipped it with his teeth. You grinded against his finger and he came up to kiss you. His pupils were so wide that they took up more space than the blues.
“More, please master,” you said, begging.
He took a second finger and entered you, stretching your walls and eliciting another moan from you. Arching your back, you gripped the headboard with all your might as he pumped his fingers in and out of your wet folds. You moaned with pleasure and then you whined when he left your mouth. You thought that he was going to your breasts again when he kissed each one, but he continued downwards. The butterflies in your stomach exploded when you realized where he was going. Your hand shot out and nearly touched his head when he hovered above your core. He raised his brows and paused pumping his fingers, and you stopped.
“Remember our rule, Miss Eves,” he said sternly, as if you were still in the classroom.
You shuddered in pleasure and returned your hand to the headboard. He smiled and revealed his long pink tongue. Your heart stopped when he dipped his head down and licked up your slit. You gasped at the unbelievable pleasure and wondered if the venom had actually killed you and this was heaven.
He licked up your folds and moved down close to get better access with his tongue. His fingers began moving in and out of your entrance as he licked your folds and clit. “How badly I have wanted to taste you,” he said between licks. You thought you saw stars as you threw your head back and thought you might cry.
He stayed on your clit and sucked and licked, first gently and lightly. When you begged for more, he licked harder and flicked his tongue up and down on your clit in a rhythmic pattern. You were writhing and arching your back as if you were possessed. His fingers moved in and out of you as his tongue moved in rhythm. Your pleasure came in waves and you did not even realize it. The golden edge of your orgasm came and went, and you felt the next wave, to your surprise. You screamed and moaned as you came over and over to his touch. The waves gradually receded, and he continued, taking in every wave of your pleasure. You had to shift your hips away from him once you became too sensitive, and he pulled away with a smile. His lips and mouth were glossy when he came up to you with a grin. His eyes held a wild expression as if whatever possessed you now possessed him.
He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and kissed you deeply. You could taste some of yourself on his lips and it only aroused you more, though your body was slowly tiring out. Slowly, you reached a hand down towards his erection when he grabbed your wrist.
“No, tonight was for you, love,” he said, moving beside you. He waved his hand, and the sheets came up to cover both of you. He grabbed your waist and pulled you to him so that your back was to his chest and he held you close. “You can sleep now,” he said, kissing your hair.
You wanted to reciprocate and give him something too, but when he pulled you into his arms in such a comfortable position, you felt your body sinking into sleep again. Upon receiving such a powerful orgasm, he had knocked the energy right out of you. You moved and turned around to face him, putting a leg around him and looking up into his face. “Thank you,” you said and gave him a soft kiss. You nestled into his shoulder and closed your eyes, feeling the tug of sleep pull you deeper.
“Anything for you, my love,” he said.
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btsinwonderland · 3 years
A Drop of Poison - Ch. 14: The Ball
A Loki fanfiction!
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*** This chapter has recommended listening:
Song 1, Song 2
It was a day before the ball and you sat in the Great Hall with Pom, Mo, and Valkyrie eating breakfast. A smattering of eggs, bacon, stuffed sausage, hash browns, and toast laid in front of you. You took a small piece of toast and buttered it lightly. Another yawn escaped your lips and blinked several times, trying to shake the feeling of tiny rocks rubbing on your eyeballs.
“How was Hogsmeade?” Mo said dejectedly. His parents had sent him quite the howler after the events in the Forbidden Forest. They banned him from all outdoor excursions and he had to stay in the school for the rest of the year.
Valkyrie shrugged. “It was alright, we just tried on some dresses, and I may or may not have seen Nila naked,” she said, smiling at you and Pom.
Mo raised his head with wide eyes. “You did not.”
Just then, Nila came by and sat down beside Mo. “Hey!” she said, leaning over Mo and grabbing a piece of bacon. Mo was stock still and flushed.
You giggled with Valkyrie. “Morning, Nila.”
Valkyrie raised a brow. “So, do we all have dates?”
You blushed, thinking about Nathan Gill, but more so thinking about Professor Laufeyson’s instructions.
You will go to the ball with this boy,
You will dance with him, have a drink, and do what young girls do at balls.
You gulped, thinking about the last thing he said.
And at the end of the night, you will come to my room, and I will punish you for all of it.
“Y-yes,” you said. Then Pom meekly said “yes” with a small blush. You looked at her, surprised that she had mentioned nothing. Then the three of you looked at Mo and Nila, who looked away from each other uncomfortably.
Nila spoke, a little miffed, “I was asked by Thomas, Jury, Mirwich, and Ali.”
You raised your brows, “wow, that’s great, Nila!”
Mo’s expression darkened, and he turned away further as Nila continued talking. “But I said no.”
She slowly turned towards Mo and looked at him. He looked back, trying to conceal a smile. “And what were you waiting for?” he said.
Valkyrie looked at you and rolled her eyes. You could tell she was itching to interrupt them with some blunt statement like, “just fuck already!”, but you hit her thigh under the table to shut her up.
“I was waiting for this stupid boy to ask me, but he hasn’t seemed to get a clue yet,” Nila said, curling a lock of hair on her finger.
There were a few seconds of anticipation. You saw the realization on Pom’s face, and she brightened immediately. Valkyrie’s leg twitched; she was getting so impatient.
Mo got up and knelt in front of Nila and took her hand. “Nila Odesa, will you go to the ball with me?”
Nila reddened, but nodded profusely.
“You didn’t need to embarrass her,” you said, laughing.
Then, Mo and Nila bid you three adieu and left for a walk in the courtyard. You laughed alongside Valkyrie and Pom at the awkwardness of it all, but you were happy for them. Then, a thought dawned on you, and you turned to Valkyrie.
“Valkyrie, do you have a date?” you said.
Her mouth twitched as if she wanted to say something specific, but she threw you a smirk. “On what planet would I not have one, my sweet Hufflepuff?”
Before you could ask further questions, she changed the subject. “So. Blood on the walls. Was it a prank or not?”
Your heart sank, and all levity fled. The teachers had cleared out the hall upon their arrival. They later confirmed it was all rat blood, and most of the students thought it was a pre-Halloween ball prank. Though you recalled the tension on Headmistress Frigga’s face when she made the announcement. She was holding back.
“What if it’s real?” Pom said. “There is a beast out there. What if it’s not done? What if...that thing...comes after Ken again?” She twisted her napkin in her hands.
You took her hand as a flash of evil yellow eyes surfaced in your mind, and you concealed a shudder. “He’s safe here. As long as we stay in the school, it’ll be okay.” Even though the words came out confidently, you did not feel them. Were you truly safe at school? If it was real, then who had written the message?
“What did they mean by, ‘enemies of the heir, beware’?” Valkyrie said. “Who’s the heir?”
“And of what?” Pom said.
The three of you were quite puzzled about it and your conversation eventually went in circles. You thought about asking Leah, from the switcher book, if she might have some answers. A part of you thought perhaps you should bring this up to your friends; the fact that you had conversations with a book that spoke to you, which was still weird even to Hogwarts standards. But when you opened your mouth, you found yourself stuffing more potatoes into it and forgot what you wanted to say.
The windows closest to the ceiling opened up and owls flew in with morning mail. They dropped letters, packages, and newspapers to the students. Pom caught a letter in a pink envelope while Valkyrie caught Mo’s paper. You were not expecting anything but glanced up to see a large package hurtling towards you, which you caught just before it pegged you in the face.
The package was in a black box with a silver bow tied around it. You touched the bow and rubbed the softness; it was velvet.
“What’s that?” Pom said.
“I don’t know,” you said as you undid the bow. The box opened up to reveal a swath of cool fabric. It was black chiffon with lace patterns all over it. You lifted the fabric out of the box to reveal a beautiful black dress. You gasped at the heft, not too heavy, but it definitely carried some weight. The side of it glittered at the hip while the neck was where the black fabric stooped down to reveal a daring neckline that was covered by translucent chiffon.
“Woah,” Valkyrie and Pom said. “Who sent you that!”
You looked in the box and saw an envelope with a single card with the message: Happy Halloween.
There was a black velvet box underneath the envelope that you did not notice before. You let Valkyrie and Pom occupy themselves with the dress while you popped it open. There was a dark glint as the open box revealed a studded necklace of bright green emeralds. You already had guessed who this was from, but the emeralds were his way of signing it off. A quiet laugh escaped you from how heavy-handed it was, but you felt moved by the thought of his gift. It all seemed far too expensive to take, though he would not listen to a single word you said to oppose it. He would certainly be upset if you did not wear this when he saw you at the ball. You sighed and gave in. Professor Laufeyson was the sort of man that did not even need to be present to sway your choices. You knew that he knew you were utterly wrapped around his fingers.
Valkyrie and Pom sent a tirade of questions your way, but you chalked it up to a secret admirer and that you did not know. You stuffed everything back in the box and popped a bite of sausage into your mouth as you headed out of the Great Hall in a mad shuffle. “See you at the ball tomorrow!” You told them.
The rest of the day passed in a blur as you attended your classes. There was no potions class today, and you just wanted it to end so you could see him. You were slightly alarmed at how your concern for his life had now grown into a mild obsession with the man. A part of you lied to yourself and said that you were still only trying to prevent him from dying, like in your visions. But you knew it was far more than that now. Even if Heimdall came and told you he saw a prophecy that Professor Laufeyson would never die, you could not bear to be away from him. He had taken over your mind in ways that even your visions never could.
You glanced out the window from your common room at the darkness and looked around, blinking. The day really had passed in a blur since you could barely remember your classes. Fatigue hit you like a train as you changed into your nightgown. You fell into bed like a stone and, though you feared sleep these days from knowing what toothy nightmares awaited you, it was also what you desperately needed.
It was the night of the ball and you stood in your room and looked at the girl in the mirror. She was definitely not anybody you recognized. There was something cooler, more confident about her. She was in a gorgeous black dress that fit her every single curve. The emerald necklace laid around her neck immaculately, and provided the perfect statement piece to the outfit. You glanced at the plunging neckline and bit your lip. Your breasts were not very large, but this dress accentuated the swell of them. Upon doing a little turn in front of the mirror, you appreciated the curve of your rear with a bashful smile.
You shook your head at the mirror, not believing it, but also thrilled. Tucking a stray baby hair behind your ear, you left your room to head over to the ball. The walk through the halls was busy, with beautifully dressed students heading over to the Great Hall. The boys looked older and more handsome with their suits and dress robes. Some wore a sprig of flowers on their lapel while some fashioned a moving brooch that crawled along their pocket. The flurry of dresses of all colours and shapes and sizes excited your senses.
“Freya?” a voice said from behind you.
You turned around and saw Nathan in black dress robes. His eyes widened when he looked at you. “Wow, you look beautiful - I mean, you’re always pretty - but this - like - wow.”
A laugh bubbled up from your lips as he stumbled for the words. He laughed with you and then held out his arm for you to take. You slid your arm around his and the both of you walked into the Great Hall together.
Though you had spent the last seven years marvelling at the grandiosity of the Great Hall, it still took your breath away. Candles were lit amidst jack-o’-lanterns which floated in the ceiling. There was an ethereal aura of a glittering golden glow that swirled through the air. It moved as you walked through it. The tables were lined with crisp white linens and the centre stage was ready for dancing. There was a band at the far end of the hall that played gentle cocktail music. You spotted a rather grumpy looking group of large toads beside the band and wondered curiously which part of the concert they would make an appearance.
It was a little embarrassing once you realized that everyone you passed was staring at you. You looked into the eyes of people who saw you every day, but this time, they looked at you differently. The staring was perhaps supposed to be flattering, but the long gazes and gawks made you slightly uncomfortable and so you stared at the floor.
You spotted Nila, who wore the peach coloured dress she had bought from Gladrags. She looked beautiful. Her heels were nearly four inches high, and she towered over you. You smiled brightly and gave her a delicate hug. She stared at you, eyes wide. “You look gorgeous, Freya!”
Mo came by with swirling blue drinks and raised his brows when he saw you with Nathan. You told him to “shut it” under your breath and he winked at you.
“There’s Pom!” Nila said, and all of you drifted through the room, chatting along the way.
Pom was with a tall boy that you did not recognize. He had sandy skin and looked to be slightly younger than her. Brown curls fell around his temple and he smiled with deep dimples. She was looking beautiful in her short purple dress and ankle boots. Pom looked at you and audibly gasped. She showered you with compliments until you were sure that you would pass out from the embarrassment, but you smiled and nodded. After several minutes of catching up, you excused yourself and went for a drink.
The cool blue liquid slid down your throat and you exhaled after a few more gulps. You looked around from the drinks table at everyone. Couples surrounded the dancefloor, itching to dance. More students trickled in from the entrances and you saw Headmistress Frigga approach the stage. Her dress was a beautiful grey that almost looked silver. Flowers were pleated into the long braid down her back. You continued to look around the room, searching; where was he?
When you arrived back to the group, the Headmistress began her announcement.
“Welcome, teachers and students, to the annual Halloween Ball! Tonight will be a night of merriment and festivity. It shall be one to remember! Now, to send us off, let us begin with the customary dance.”
She stepped towards the stage, and Heimdall walked towards her. He was in more traditional dress robes but looked more like a king as he took her hand and led her into the centre stage. The band played a waltz and the two of them moved like swans in the water. Professor Fandral brought in Professor Sif and they danced. One by one, the teachers all started to dance. You saw a flash of red and gasped when you saw Valkyrie being twirled in the arms of Professor Odinson. He wore a black tuxedo and looked as handsome as a movie star. But it was Valkyrie that held your eye; she was show-stopping. Her red dress billowed as she danced and the slit opened just enough for your heart to race, but closed back up just as you got excited. You raised an eyebrow at her when she caught your eye and she laughed.
You looked at each of the teachers, and still could not see Professor Laufeyson. Just as your heart sank at the notion of him missing the ball, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see Professor Laufeyson holding out his hand. Your breath hitched in your throat when you looked at him. His hair was gelled back, and he held one hand out to you, with the other bent politely behind him. He wore a black suit with a silken green vest and tie that stood in contrast with his fair skin. He seemed to glow in the warm light of the Great Hall. His eyes twinkled and his cheeks were positively rosy. Your heart dashed into a mad rhythm as you took in his presence. “May I have the pleasure of this dance?” He said.
Pom, Mo, Nila and Nathan stood stock still, shocked. You took his hand without thinking twice or even looking back at your friends and Nathan.
“Good evening, Miss Eves,” he said, whisking you away and onto the dancefloor. He looked at you with a hungry gaze. “You look ravishing.”
You gulped as you placed one hand on his shoulder and one in his hand. His free hand was placed on the small of your back. When you glanced up at him, it was hard to remember your footing. “You clean up well yourself, master,” you said, lowering your voice for the last part.
He smiled at you and twirled you around as the music rose in pace. “My apologies for stealing you away from your date before the night has even begun,” he said without remorse.
You laughed. “Don’t worry, there’s plenty of time to get into trouble,” you said with a grin.
He raised a brow at you and pulled you closer. His arms were firm, and his body led you through the unfamiliar footwork with ease. You fell into step with him and your bodies felt as one, moving fluidly across the dance floor. He whipped you about and held you close all alongside with the music. Every time you turned back into him and your body slammed against his, you felt your desire increase exponentially. Now and then Professor Laufeyson would glance at your visible cleavage and you suppressed a smile. In a room filled with people who stared, he could look unblinkingly at you and you would not flinch. When his eyes were upon you, it felt as though you were flying.
During a slower part of the dance, you looked past him and noticed everyone looking at you again. No, not just you, but the two of you. Your face flushed, and you hesitated for a brief second as your thoughts grounded themselves again.
“Careful, any sudden moves and I’ll rip you to shreds,” Professor Laufeyson said under his breath. “At least, that’s what they all think.”
“Everyone is watching,” you said apprehensively.
He spun you around and dipped you back. A devilish smile stretched across his face. “Miss Eves, are you ashamed to be seen with the most evil man in Hogwarts?”
You shook your head as you brought you back up. “No, and you are not evil.”
The music swelled, and he spun you several times; you were thrilled and dizzy all at once. He ran a hand across your back, leaned in close, nearly inappropriate. “Oh my dear girl, you have no idea what I am.” His voice sounded almost sad, but when you tried to look into his eyes, he deflected your gaze by turning to the stage and clapping for the band.
Nathan approached the both of you hesitantly. “May I steal her back, Professor?”
You did not want to leave him, but any more sensual dances and you would become a puddly mess. Professor Laufeyson nodded and handed you over to Nathan, a gleam in his eyes that told you, ‘see you later’, as a sort of warning.
The next dance was more upbeat and now most of the students joined in and some teachers stepped away. You laughed when you observed the head of your house, Professor Bjorn, dancing rather erratically with himself. Then you noticed he was holding a ferret in his hand and doing a waltz. Valkyrie came over to you and gave you a tight hug. You held her close and both of you shouted each other’s ear over the music at the same time.
“Did I just see you dancing with Professor Odinson?”
“Did you just dance with Laufeyson?”
You both smiled widely at each other and broke into laughter. Arms still entangled, you jostled her gently. “What is going on between you two?” You said, glancing at her and then at Professor Odinson, who was now in conversation with Headmistress Frigga over by the tables.
Valkyrie looked down and then back up at you. “I have a lot to tell you,” she said. But then her eyes grew suspicious. “And what have you got to tell me? Shaggin’ the bad boy now?” She clicked her tongue and looked you up and down, impressed. “My sweet Hufflepuff, always surprising me.”
You hit her shoulder. “Stop it! I am not shagging him…” Not yet, at least...
“Can I cut in?” Nathan said, dancing over to you. You disentangled from Valkyrie who gave you a ‘this isn’t over’ look. You danced together in a big group with Pom, her date Vlad, Nila and Mo, and Valkyrie. Some other members of the Quidditch team came over and joined as well.
The music sped up into a fast-paced rock number as all of you jumped in the newly formed dance circle to show off your best moves. You laughed when Mo started raising the roof and waving his arms in the air and at one point you, Pom, Nila, and Valkyrie made a conga line while the boys watched you sway your hips. The song shifted into another tune seamlessly, and when you heard the croaking of the toads and you undeniably lost your shit.
“This is my JAM!” you said, grabbing Nathan by the hand and dancing away. He perked up at your moves and you spent the next hour sweating, swaying, jumping and having the time of your life.
After another half an hour, you were panting as you yelled, “I need a break!” And left them all on the stage. Your feet got sore but in a good ‘dancing pains’ kind of way. You went to refresh yourself and catch some air. Upon sneaking out the door, you did not realize that Nathan followed you until he gently grabbed your arm as you descended the stairs towards the garden. You jumped and nearly tripped on the stairs when he caught you and held you close.
“Careful,” he said, flashing you a gorgeous smile. You were frozen in place with a small flutter of butterflies in your stomach.
He leaned in and you thought about pushing him away, but your arms stayed still as he kissed you. It was not intrusive; it was more of a questioning sort of kiss. This kiss would have been perfect a month ago, when your life was normal and you weren’t falling for a mysterious man who may or may not be doomed.
He pulled away but continued to hold you. “You’re beautiful, Freya,” he said.
The slight flutter of butterflies now sank into stones from your guilt. You should not have led him on. “Nathan,” you said, taking a deep breath and stepping away from him. “You are so sweet, and handsome, and honestly, a lot of fun…”
“But you want to stay just friends?” he said, with a knowing look.
You looked up at him and nodded. “I’m sorry,” you said.
He seemed slightly crestfallen, but the smile never left his face. “It’s okay, and you’re pretty fun too.”
“Thank you for being such a great date,” you said.
He laughed and nodded, leaving you to go back inside. You appreciated what a gentleman he was about the whole thing. Many of your friends had rejected boys only to receive scorn, disdain, and sometimes downright violence. It warmed you to know that Nathan was one of the good ones and you hoped he would find someone extra special.
The night air was cool, and a gentle wind fanned against your skin. You closed your eyes as you wandered into the gardens. You looked at your watch and realized that it was nearly midnight. The balloons would explode at the stroke of midnight and the tiny pumpkins would be there to surprise everyone. You thought about returning, but the thought of tiny pumpkins nipping at your ankles was just not as appealing as spending your time in the night air surrounded by flowers and beautiful trees. You had gotten your fill of the Halloween prank last year, when the stone gargoyles had sprung to life and puked all over you and Valkyrie. Mo had laughed up a storm until a gargoyle flew across the Great Hall and vomited right on his head.
“Did the Headmistress not advise you to avoid wandering about alone?”
Your heart leapt at his voice. “I’m not alone,” you said, not looking back yet, and continued walking down the trail of gardens. A long row of willows stood gorgeously with their sweeping leaves blowing in the breeze.
He fell into step with you, a hand on your lower back. His touch made your chest tighten. Where else might his hands go?
“Thank you, by the way,” you said.
He glanced at you, not clear on your meaning.
“For the dress and necklace. I only wore them since I knew you would curse me if I didn’t,” you said with a teasing smile.
He chuckled. “That’s right, I would have.”
For several minutes, the both of you silently walked through the gardens; smelling the flowers without speaking. It was peaceful and not terribly awkward. There was a comfort that had set in when you were around him. However, after a certain amount of silence, you wondered why the man who loved to talk so much was particularly taciturn.
“You’re quiet tonight,” you said boldly. Perhaps it was the overexertion from dancing or the dress that gave you the delusional idea you could coax the truth out of this man, but regardless, you tried.
He shifted closer to you. “Perhaps I’m plotting to kidnap you as a part of my master plan, and lock you in a tower,” he said mischievously. You laughed loudly at his response.
“Do you always laugh when the villain reveals their grand plans?” he said, smiling. Though his smile did not reach his eyes.
You pushed him as you walked. “You’re not a villain,” you said.
“And how do you know that?” he said, stopping underneath a tall tree. You had wandered back towards the castle. The warm glow of the candles and pumpkins inside illuminated the windows in an orange light, as if the entire castle itself were one gigantic jack-o’-lantern.
There was a rustling, and you stepped away from Professor Laufeyson in case it was a student, or worse, a teacher, and a couple walked by. However, they barely glanced at the two of you, for they were far too busy searching for somewhere to...well...finish off the night. When they walked around the corner in a hushed fit of giggles and quiet moans, you took a step towards Professor Laufeyson again.
“I know you’re not a villain because there is warmth in your heart,” you said, placing a hand on his chest.
The moonlight reflected off his eyes and illuminated his face. You noticed a look of utter desperation in his expression that you had never seen before. It was there for only a second before it vanished with a raised brow. “What you see is a fire, Miss Eves; dangerous if you get too close,” he said and seized you with a grin. You wrapped your arms around him and his lips touched yours in a passionate embrace.
Your core awakened from the feel of his tongue gliding across your lips and the strength of his arms gripping you so tightly that you might break. But you wanted him closer, tighter. You bit his upper lip as he took a hand and palmed your breast through the fabric of your dress. It was as if a new feral hunger hit you. It took all your strength of will to not strip bare right in the garden and let him take you. You tangled your fingers through his hair and moaned as his hand grazed the most sensitive part of your breast.
A scream tore through the air. You broke the kiss and immediately felt the chill of the night. Screams erupted from the Great Hall. You and Professor Laufeyson glanced at each other before seeing several students run out the door in terror. Some were frantically moving about as if they were trying to get something off of their bodies. A boy was thrashing so hard that he ran down the stairs, knocking several people over along the way.
“It’s not supposed to be like that, they’re just pumpkins,” you said to Professor Laufeyson, alarmed at the chaos that ensued from the castle. What was going on?
It was then you saw a girl, completely pale and red-haired in a light blue dress. At first you thought she wore a strange patterned glove, but in fact, there were large black masses covering her arm. They wriggled over her skin and she screamed and shouted, “get them off! Get them off me!”
You both were about to run over to the crowd of students when a shriek closer to you echoed through the garden. “Help me! Please!” It was in the direction where the couple from earlier had gone.
You and Professor Laufeyson ran over to the couple and you saw the boy was crawling away on his hands and knees while the girl was trying to do the same. The boy shoved past you as the girl reached out for help.
A horrifying creature, about the size of a dog, was slithering through the garden. It was scaled and dark green with the body of a snake, but five times thicker. It had five heads protruding from its centre, and each head had a menacing pair of red eyes. Each head snapped its fangs at you and the girl. The creature hissed and lashed its barbed tail. You ran over to the girl and grabbed her by the arm to help her up.
The creature whipped its tail, and you pushed the girl away from it, right into Professor Laufeyson. You cried out when you felt its painful barbs against your leg. The creature hissed, and you saw five forked tongues, inches away from you. You tried reaching for your wand, but the pain had set in immediately and it was debilitating. You fell to your knees.
This was when the screaming and noise all slowed down, as if you were in a film. One moment the five heads reared back to bite you, the next, you saw an insanely bright green light. You heard someone screaming right next to your ear, and it annoyed you to the point you begged them to stop, only to realize that it was you that was screaming.
“What’s happening?” You said your words slurred.
Darkness edged your vision, and you saw Professor Laufeyson’s face above yours, looking terribly distressed. “Stay awake Freya! Stay awake!” It looked as if he was yelling at you, but his words sounded far away.
You felt yourself being carried, or floating away. Perhaps you were in the castle again? It was hard to tell. Your stomach was aching terribly and your whole body was sore. Shooting pain ran up your leg and your chest tightened. How you wished it would end, but as soon as the wave of pain ended, another wave rose. You thrashed back and forth trying to shake the feeling, but it would not stop. “Please, make it stop,” you screamed.
Darkness clouded your vision, and you saw Professor Laufeyson once again. This time he was saying things, but you could no longer hear him. “Loki,” you whispered, and everything went dark.
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btsinwonderland · 3 years
Soundtrack for A Drop of Poison
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Here's a list for some songs I associate with this fic. Some of them are related to specific chapters which I'll note as we go along. Love ya xoxo.
Read A Drop of Poison, a Loki x Reader Hogwarts AU fanfic!
1. Hallucinations - PVRS
2. Demons - Hayley Kiyoko
3. The Worst - Jhene Aiko
4. Related to Chapter 14 : The Ball - Part 1, The Ball - Part 2
More to be added....
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