#and also its very sweet of u thank you<333
sunliv · 1 year
(Dc and dp crossover anon)OH THANK GOD I knew you rb'ing a ship like that had to be a mistake,i was like 'Liv would never'😭I've seen the Jason/Jazz shippers say 'It's an au so it's okay to screw around with ages🙄' like girl what is this???V*ltron????Jason's not into minors,leave my man alone💀
i’m glad you recognized it and pointed it out to me!! i really hadn’t thought abt it, and i’m very thankful for you telling me!! it makes me super uncomfortable, glad you sent a message!!! also thank you🥺🥺i’m so touched u know me so well you were so sure it was a mistake!! thank you <333
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woozi · 2 years
I hope u don’t mind me chiming in on the svt dynamics <3 bcoz I looove talking about that and their dynamic as a group together is the most fascinating to me ~
like sure, we don’t know them and every kpop group advertises their friendship since it’s what fans want to see. I’m actually a little cynical when it comes to this and don’t trust the “we’re like a family :)” talk easily since it’s often just for show. and that’s fine - idols’ jobs is to sing and dance, not to be bffs. but I think with svt it’s extremely obvious that in addition to being coworkers, they’re genuinely close friends, care about each other on a personal level, and like each other’s company beyond just working together. not to overanalyze but it’s the little things. how they hang out together constantly in their free time, them being close with each other’s parents/siblings, how when they were in single rooms in a hotel like 75% of the group gathered in one room bc they missed each other even tho they had spent the whole day together, and things like all their inside jokes and how their humor code matches so well (this doesn’t happen if you don’t interact a lot), how even tho some members are closer than others you can mix them up however you want and it won’t be awkward, how when dk mentioned the member he’s most awkward with is wonwoo so wonwoo made sure to spend more time with dk, or how jeonghan and mingyu often say they don’t match but then still spend time together regularly, how when even 1-2 members are absent the entire dynamic feels “off”, I could go on and on haha 😅
and I often think about how maintaining a healthy group dynamic as 13 (thirteen!!!) people on both a professional and personal level isn’t easy at all. it’s constantly compromising with and adjusting to 12 other individuals, making sure everyone’s seen and heard, being considerate of each other’s boundaries/preferences, basically keeping a vast mental encyclopedia of 12 other people’s little things. they grew up together so maybe it’s completely normal for them to do all that (and being bound by contract helps bc you can’t just quit when there’s conflict) but still, you need to be a very specific type of person to be able to do that i think… and even tho i’m certain their relationship is not always harmonious (it’s just how relationships are), it’s still incredible and very special <3
anyways “not to overanalyze” - *overanalyzes* lololol this got long I’m sorry but. I had to get this off my chest 💝 thanks for being such a warm presence here on caratblr yza what would we be without u 🥰
the way i can see how much u love the svteenies with this alone <3
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sixosix · 9 months
a/n this fic is written for art @aanobrain hope u enjoy it art!!!! even tho i swear its ooc T__T </333
warnings 1k words, suggestive, gojo appears, reader is a mess
aka, nanami cooking with sleeves rolled up fic.
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you were almost convinced you were dreaming.
the sweet smell of good cooking has you salivating and springing upright from the bed without a second to waste. but that’s not right, because if you’re wrapped up in a warm blanket and not in the kitchen, who’s…?
you squint, belatedly perceiving that this is not your bed, and you’re still wearing yesterday’s clothes.
and this is definitely not your door, or your living room, or your kitchen. you don’t even have a roommate; the man slicing radish with precise speed would also definitely not be yours, even though you now wish that was the case.
the creak of the floorboard has him pausing slightly, glancing at you. your gaze gets caught on his high cheekbones, then his sharp stare.
“good morning. i’m—y/n,” you blurt. maybe you could’ve started with, who are you and why am i not in my home?
“nanami,” he says, still staring as you fidget on your spot. much to your relief, he shifts his focus back to the cutting board when you shift uncomfortably.
“there’s miso soup on the table. it’s gotten cold,” nanami says without looking up from his work. “you wake up late.”
“i’m sorry…?”
as he’s mentioned, there’s a bowl on two sides of two chairs.
cautiously, as if nanami would scold you for the slightest wrong movement, you settle in one seat. the chair is cold and uncomfortable; you’re sure your mother has the same table set back home, yet this one looks like it was never touched when bought. never used.
“thank you for the food,” you murmur, mostly to yourself. your voice is drowned out by the knife hitting the cutting board.
the aroma from the miso soup is fresh and stronger than what you’re used to cooking up, but that was because you sometimes forget to turn off the heat before it boils. at first glance, you wouldn’t have assumed nanami would be talented in cooking. you’d think, with his figure, he’s out there posing for magazines and getting hand-fed by maids. but you suppose you were judging from the cover, because nanami has managed to perfect even the tiny details of scent and spice.
your eyes follow as nanami finishes chopping radish, his sleeves loose around his wrist. the way he moves around the kitchen—sliding to the sink, focused solely on what’s in front of him, giving you a proper view of his broad back—makes it look like he’s barely lifting a finger.
“this is good,” you whisper, wanting to get it off your chest without bothering nanami. but he still hears it, acknowledging it with a glance.
you take a sip, humming appreciatively at the taste, and then inhale on the wrong pipe when nanami rolls his sleeves up with his freshly washed hands. they’ve gone a shade darker from the water, which doesn’t help at all—not when it seeps and sticks against his forearms.
you’re coughing uncontrollably. he looks mildly concerned.
“i’m fine, i’m fine!” your face is burning, and you’re unmistakably not fine.
he gives you a glass of water, all while you pointedly stare at your miso soup. the ripples from your choking and slamming on the table feel like they’re poking fun at you.
not long after, nanami comes to the table with a plate of perfectly sliced rolled omelettes. you’ve already finished your miso soup, and you feel guilty that his has gone cold while cooking, but you don’t feel as bad when you take a bite of the food he’s prepared.
you groan reverently. “this is what you eat every morning?” you’re so, so unbelievably jealous.
“no,” nanami says, settling on the seat across yours. the domesticity nearly has you shaking. “i usually pick up breakfast on the way to work.”
but he stayed in to cook for you. you swoon internally.
“mayo,” he says, sliding his plate over to you. his forearms are still on display, and they’re very legit.
“did you assume i wouldn’t have slipped out?” you muse. “bold assumption. i don’t usually stick around long.”
“you were in no condition to ‘slip out’ even if you wanted to,” nanami says simply, eyes flicking up to yours. “and you must be getting the wrong idea. nothing happened.”
“i slept on the couch.” there’s a ghost of a smile on his face—it must be from your befuddled expression. “last night, you went up to me. you told me you weren’t drunk, and then you passed out on me. you had no one else with you, so i figured i'd let you rest.”
“ah… ha. did you now?” you feel profoundly unsexy at the moment, especially on behalf of the night before.
“you were persuasive.”
you straighten, sticking your nose out to regain a bit of pride. “i prefer charming.”
“insistent,” nanami corrects, yet he gives you the last roll of omelette.
“thanks for taking care of me,” you say, bowing repeatedly, hoping that’d convey at least half of what you’re feeling. “and for not being creepy.”
“you don’t have to thank me for that,” nanami says dryly.
“oh ho, nanamin!” a new voice enters the conversation. nanami’s jaw ticks. “nanamin, nanamin, you rascal!” how did he get here without either of you noticing?
“gojo-san.” the man with a blindfold and white hair sticking out in all high angles grins wolfishly. “i wasn’t warned you’d be coming over.” nanami faces you, almost apologetically, “excuse me, gojo-san is just here to get something. run, if you need to.”
“you’re so funny, nanamin. it’s good to catch you off guard, especially for moments like this,” gojo calls out as nanami walks back inside, not bothering to entertain him with a response. gojo then sizes you up. “who’re you?”
“me?” you briefly forgot that you’re still in the same hallway as them. “oh, i’m no one. no one you should worry about. who are you?”
gojo grins. “definitely not nanamin’s one-night stand.”
“i’m not even!” you exclaim, face hot. the guy narrows his eyes suspiciously, checking your face in various angles. and then your disappointingly empty neck. “i swear, i’m not. no hickeys or anything, see? he took care of me when i was blackout drunk, apparently.”
“and he didn’t kick you out as soon as you woke up?”
“...no? would you do that?”
gojo nods, more so to himself. “i see. so it’s already deeper than a one-night stand.”
“he wants a piece of whatever you’re baking.”
“gojo-san, stop tormenting my guest,” nanami says flatly, tossing a paper bag onto gojo’s face. it doesn’t quite hit him, instead sliding off. “please leave. i don’t need you here.”
“oh-ho,” gojo says mischievously. “i was going to be nice and make sure you’re not lonely coming to work, but it seems there’s already someone doing that to you, huuhh?” nanami doesn’t reply, pointedly setting his heavy gaze on you instead. gojo pouts. “oh, fine. don’t forget protection!”
nanami glances to the side as gojo skips off. he pulls out his phone and presents it to you, his low voice reverberating in your ears in the silence of the halls. “put your number in my phone.”
“um, why?” you ask suspiciously, yet still do as you’re told. nanami seems like the last guy on earth to have malicious intentions anyway. and you do owe him for this. “are you feeding me again?”
“to make up for what could’ve happened that night.”
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pavitrsgirl · 1 year
Hii!! Welcome to this side of tumblr!! Always good to see new spiderverse writers :)
Could we maybe get a GN Hobie with a high energy and supportive punk/alt s/o with lots of piercings+ tats who don’t know that he’s spider punk? Like “HOLY SHIT HOBIE YOU WON’T BELIEVE WHAT SPIDERPUNK DID TODAY LOOK AT THE NEWS DUDE IS SO COOL” and Hobie’s just like ….yah.
Tysm!! Have a great day <3 <3
THANK U!!! everyone on here is so sweet <333 if hobie oocs urhrhh forgive me hes a confusing dude.... but i wrote both drabble and hcs :00
hobie brown with a high energy alt s/o
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"hobie, hobie, hOBIE!"
you ran into your shared apartment, tossing your belongings into the floor carelessly in favor of dashing to the couch and throwing yourself there beside hobie, the widest grin on your face.
"(name)," he greeted with a nod, used to your loud entrances and also far too tired to return the enthusiasm for some unknown reason.
"oh my god, you'd never believe who i saw today, live!"
that smile got impossibly wider, shuffling off your heavy jacket, all the tattoos decorating your arms in full show, scooting close beside him, him taking the hint and casually draping an arm over your shoulders and pulling you closer.
he looked up thoughtfully for a moment, his free hand tapping his chin, thinking, before his gaze returned to yours, shrugging.
"spider-punk? the hero lad?"
"yesyes! who else? and you'd never believe what he did, holy-"
hobie couldn't help but smirk as you began your rant about what the spider hero did, making sure not to miss out on any little details so he'd know everything. of course, he already knew, being spider-punk himself and all.
"ah, you know what! it's probably on the news, turn on the telly-"
moments like these made his desire to tell you his secret grow.
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- first off i think u guys meeting would be at one of his concerts and ur style and energy jst kinda entranced him
- would become quick friends, u going, practically jumping in ur spot as u ask him to sign ur autograph with the brightest grin ever
- ugrrhhh time passes and something starts but its not rlly like, "ok we're dating now" like verbally. its just like woah one day ur dating and its a mutual thing
- he loves how energetic and loud you are, how you're urself without caring about how other ppl around think of it
- very punk of you
- omg i think he'd def take his time to look at all ur tattoos and he is jst constantly admiring them <3
- same with ur piercings!!
- u guys probably share/steal each others clothes since u guys share the same cool ass style
- as spiderpunk he likes to wink or salute at you becuz u then go talk about it with him about it later all excited
- ur such a big spiderpunk fan u think hes so cool and hobie loves that
- hes spiderpunk. why wouldnt he
- sits there and listens to u talk about seeing spiderpunk act during protests or anymore events with a little smirk
- "omgomg bros literally so cool. i fucking love him!!11! he totally beat that other guys ass today"
- "oh, really?"
- he wants to tell u hes spiderpunk but knows the dangers of it + he prob wouldnt get these rants from you anymore
- u guys would go to protests together like him as hobie not spiderpunk lol
- always seeks u out during his concerts
- not that it even is that hard since ur in the front, jumping up and down and cheering sooo loud
- idk i hc he does his own piercings so i can jst imagine him doing urs for u
- tattoos on the other hand uhhhmm maybe depends
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mourninglamby · 2 months
Very very excited to hear u talk more about mortis metamorphosis, u truly were a beacon of light in the depravity of that fandom. I literally remember when u started posting about it and being so excited bc u have been an artist I’ve looked up to for so long!!!! Years and years fr!!!!! Anyway yeah glad you are taking that trainwreck of a story and actually making something Genuine🙏
wow thank you!!! that is truly so sweet i appreciate u sticking around <333
i also want to address this because ive been seeing discourse lately that's got me a little uneasy ... but a lot of what i already have written and want to expand on is based on canon dsmp. it will never be fully separate because the allure of the original (the fucked up shit/character dynamics being a mimicry of real life to an uncomfortable and almost predictive extent) is baked into every bit of content i would go further into detail abt, and im fully aware of that. thats neither good nor bad. it exists and im fascinated by it. im not endorsing them by working on this and anyone who believes i am is a fucking moron and i need to remind myself of this often. its something im deeply insecure about.
my retelling, or "mortis metamorphosis", is like an adaptation from an author who plucked dsmp from public domain. ive thought more about this and i think id keep tagging my work as dsmp along side mortis metamorphosis ... it would feel a bit sneaky to try and claim it all as my own when it belongs to everyone. even if i plan on putting my own spin on it.
what you all must remember is that nobody creating "ocs" out of dsmp characters are doing it out of malice. most of us are just very scared and uncomfortable with whats currently taking place, and dealing with the complicated emotions that go with still finding comfort in this story. thats all ... meow
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rabbitsrams · 9 months
having a tough time and thinking about schlatt with a perpetually lonely reader
he’d be so sweet always inviting you out with him and his friends, just spending so much time with you if you’ve had a hard week. bringing you home your favorite food and all his love
i need a big guy hug i need to be squeezed to death stella
aww scout this is a sweet idea :( also relatable bc that's my life in college :( i hope it gets better for u soon ilysm 🫂🫂🫂
yes schlatt is 100% that welcoming friend. like you two met in a class or something and he knows you don't have many friends at school so he makes it his goal to try and include you in everything.
it starts off simple. he invites you to eat lunch with him after class, which takes you by surprise since you usually eat alone and he always eats with his friends. but he insists you join him.
meeting his friends is a little awkward at first, but they're very welcoming especially since schlatt has talked you up so much to them (!!!!!!).
and it's nice!! you get along with them very well :)) mostly just vibing
but after it's all done, you think it's the last time. you know these things are usually one-time, they're not actually your real friends, they were just being friendly.
but you're surprised when schlatt texts you that weekend. he's at your building, asking if you want to hang out. you're confused but you accept, cause you weren't doing anything anyway.
and you have just as much as a good time, if not even better. it's a lot more chill at his dorm, not worrying about others being loud in the dining hall and being able to relax. you were never invited back to someone's dorm before and it was a nice feeling.
schlatt becoming a consistent guest at your dorm (you're so thankful that your roommate is often gone) and you guys study together, hang out, talk, etc.
meets you outside your classrooms after class and walks with you to get food <3
also takes you out to his favorite sports off-campus to eat <333 and insists on paying <333333
you often lament to him about your difficulty to make friends. its not like you haven't tried, because you have. it kind of boils down to people not being genuine, you not getting a connection with them despite trying to.
and he reassures you that you don't need to have 1,000 fake friends to be happy in college. these people probably won't matter after graduation.
"hey, if makes you feel better, 'least you've got me."
that makes you cry. you hug him tight and he returns it with equal fervor, squeezing you and never wanting to let go. you mean so much to him, you're such a genuine person and probably the best friend he's ever made at that school.
and possibly wanting to become more than friends 😉
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lxmine · 1 year
Heyy! I’m the person that asked for the pt 2 for the chest hc’s <3 I was wondering if you can do kissing hc’s for dottore, childe, Capitano, or Al haitham? (Separate) I loveee your writing <3
❝shut up.❞ + dottore, childe, capitano, al haitham
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+. fluff, lots of kissing, slight suggestive
+. summary ; genshin men kissing head canons <3
+. A/N yawl this isnt smut ok T-T but its kinda suggestive but not rlly, as you know im a minor so i wont be writing it too smutty LMAO AND THANK YOU GUYS FOR SUPPORTING ME! I HAVE REACHED 60 FOLLOWERS AND U GUYS DONT KNOW HOW GREATFUL I AM FOR THIS <33 ILY GUYS SO MUCH
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your first kiss with him was just kinda normal. this dude does not make a single reaction when he kissed you for the first time.
not bcuz he didnt like it, it was just its so he could tease you about it.
“did… you not like it?” “oh dear, i was spacing out, darling. would you mind doing it again?” he smirks as he sits down on his chair and then pulls you closer by the waist, while looking up at you.
he loves it when you get all shy on him.
he’s not a fan of pda but i think if needed to be obvious, he would take off his mask while glaring at the person who was trying to get with you and just pull you in close and LITERALY make out with you.
he’s a sadist of course he loved the embarrassed look on your face.
but if you’re feeling sad and if he loves you enough to even comfort you (i dont think he’ll be that affectionate and just date for the thrill of it or just so he could have you as a personal test subject, but he’s hot) he’ll sit you on his lap and kiss you on your neck while he listens to your problem.
he also loves your neck sm, like when youre at home and wearing something that reveals your neck, he’d come behind you, arms wrapped around your waist as he kisses your neck softly.
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bro is majestic, passionate, and good at kissing ;)
i really like the thought of him being a big softie because!? why not!?!?!
whenever the two of you are cuddling, and your face is buried against his chest, he’s give you small head kisses or forehead kisses cuz he loves you sm.
kisses with a warning, “may i kiss you?” everytime he wants to. he’s a gentle man okay!?
daily forehead kisses from him <333
would have you sitting on his lap while yall make out 0_0
his arms or hand will always be on your waist no matter what.
insecure? of your face? your tummy?? don’t you worry dear, capitano is here to kiss it better <3
would kiss your insecurities away while sweet talking to you.
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no shame at all T-T in front of the other harbingers? yeah, definitely would kiss you out of no where to piss everyone off.
make out sessions 3x a day just like a meal fr (HELP THIS IS SO FUNNY)
love love love loves to hugs you so tight while you kiss.
he admires capitano so just like him, he loves having you on his lap while making out too, with his hand on your waist.
bites your lower lip whenever he gets cheeky.
sleepy kisses on the neck/chest whenever you cuddle and he’s the little spoon and forehead/head kisses whenever he’s the big spoon <3
just loves kissing you everywhere and anywhere in general tbh.
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al haitham
unlike childe, he likes to keep it lowkey.
holding hands under the table while the two of you study together, stealing kisses whenever no one’s looking.
but his personal favorite is kissing you at the library behind the big bookshelves whenever the two of you are alone.
holding you on the neck softly while he pecks your lips several times with a small smile on his face.
whenever he gets jealous of your mates, he would simply just steal you away from them and take you somewhere the two of you could be alone and just… make out.
kaveh isn’t new to catching the two of you in act, in fact he’s caught the two of you more than he could count by his fingers. and he’s tired of it T-T bro feels very single.
the first time was when you and al haitham are left in a classroom and your arms were wrapped around his neck and his around your waist.
“what the… fuck did i just walk in to??”
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THIS TOOK SOSOSOSOSOSOSO LONG IM SO SORRY T-T BUT NOW I HAVE OVER 80+ FOLLOWERS OMGG THANKYOUGUYS SM I LOVELOVELOVELOVEYOU ALL ISTG anyways this took too long but i rushed it T-T im sorry nonny </3 pls send more requests so i could busy myself because were having a week long break <33
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sugar-omi · 11 months
Could I please request hc or a drabble about Cove as a new parent with a female MC? Thank you! ❤️
its your lucky day (aka you've asked smth ive been thinking abt for days LOL) bc ive written hc's and drabbles <333 although mostly messy hc's that are in no coherent order also I think I will come back n write more coherent n specific scenarios bc I have sm thoughts on cove through parenthood.... pls tysm for this ask I hope it's satisfactory bc i wrote in order of my thoughts LOL
tags : fluff, AFAB reader, after step 3/wedding dlc, "options" for 1 or 2 babes (if you hc triplets im praying for u🙏), no gender mention of the babe/s, birth surrogacy n adoption are up for imagination but pregnancy/surrogacy is most implied altho i think you could imagine adopting a baby before they're born bc ik some ppl do that
synopsis : how cove acts when you have your first kid & a bit on how he is raising them with you <3
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many many candid shots of cove holding the baby
PLEASE tell me someone recorded near the end of the birth/when they brought you the babe
he's crying. no matter what he's crying his fuckin eyes out
if you're giving birth please either have him wait outside n come in to cut the cord at the end bc he might faint
if you do have him in the room he'll be on his best behavior. will try his best not to worry too much bc he knows it could stress you out
(I'm thinking abt this video I saw where the wife said her husband fainted n fell back into this rolly office chair n just rolled to the back of the room into the dark side (it was apparently a long room lollll))
if you're in for a long labor or it's pretty short he's more calm bc either it's over before he can freak out or it's so fuckin long he's over it LOL
he's more of a solid, physical support than anything else because he's not too good with words but also he dosn't want you to feel pressured, annoyed, or smth with constant "you got this!" "its okay!" as you're pushing out a whole human, its not a simple task
[video 1]
COVE: so little... COVE: (looks at his mom/dad) are they supposed to be this small? (watery laugh)
is very scared to hold the babe, he's a big guy, with or without the muscles so he's always gentle with them even once they get bigger
definitely texts his dad during the pregnancy/surrogacy/adoption process "I hope i can be a good dad like you"
cliff getting a text from cove at 3am: "ty for raising me idk how you did it omg"
cliff is crying n flying over there immediately
!!!! if you need someone to help you adjust cliff is on the fuckin way!!! you can't even finish asking bc he's alrdy here, whatever you need guys!!!!
but if you want to be alone to bond w the babe or you hire a professional to help with the transition then he or your moms will come over and clean up, prepare food, and allows you to come home and not worry about getting things done.
dies if the kid has his hair color or eyes, like at first he just finds it crazy that he's a dad n that he has a lil spawn of his own
also lots of pictures of cliff playing w the babe/s
we all know cove can be lazy with his hair, but he doesn't want his kid going to school w crazy hair so he learns
at first it looks like a mess
n if you keep your hair short or can only do smth simple, its time to call your ma or lee for help LOL
imagine cove standing by your ma as she's showing him how to braid... so sweet
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cove is tip-toeing through the house, trying to shake off his outside clothes quietly and when he walks back into the room after brushing his teeth he's greeted with the sweet sound of his baby's giggle
you are sound asleep.
you and the other babe are sound asleep.
he shushes the baby, easing himself into the bed. suddenly he thinks that spending all that money on this big bed was worth it, especially with the way his achy body sinks into it.
he reaches over the babe/s. "sorry.. did I wake you?"
you hum, it's not a yes or a no, just a sleepy sound and he laughs at how out of it you are even though you're trying to fight it, stroking your face and carding his fingers through your hair.
"I love you.. thank you." he whispers. this moment is so delicate. he worries a bit that if he speaks too loud it'll be gone and he'll wake up in his teenage bedroom, staring at the bottom of his scratched up bunk bed.
"f'what?" you blink slowly.
"for everything..." he grins softly, thinking about that night
of your wedding, when you told him you wanted kids with him.
after the ORCA fundraiser dinner, when you asked him if he imagined having kids with you.
"we made it. that future we talked about..."
you smile softly, more awake now. "thanks for making it with me."
he laughs, muffins his face in the pillow and resting a hand on the baby, willing them not to wake. "how can you thank me for that?"
you grin, more sleepy than anything but still full of mischief.
"how can you thank me for getting me pregnant?" you giggle at your husband's flustered face.
"how can you thank me for being here like I promised years later?" you tease, bringing up night of the fundraiser.
cove flushes, burying his face in the babies hair instead of answering you.
he puts an arm around you, careful of the little one/s between you. "just go to bed..."
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gb lady said cove is sahd material.....
omg he makes them lunch always, or he at least helps you make lunch because his cooking skills are a bit limited and they'd prbly have star shaped sandwiches and applesauce everyday
your kids are definitely cuddles bc of him, he always picks em up, and if he doesn't have a carrier than he'll make a makeshift one out of a blanket.
omg imagine him and the kid/s at the dining table crying tryna figure out the homework
"its getting worse y/n!!!" "what the fuck is common core math?!" "babe call the teacher, something is missing here..."
if you're bad at math or smth too than you're all fucked n your kid/s AND COVE are facetiming his dad for a long distance tutoring lesson
he's reading them books every night
HE gets upset when it doesn't happen
"babe we gotta turn around, I only read them 5 books we're gonna be gone 6 nights."
FaceTime them every night you're away just the two of u
falls asleep w the kids in the weirdest positions
why is there a princess crown on his head and where did the face paint come from????
spoils the kid/kids. you're gonna go bankrupt please stop!!!
when your kid/s finally graduate n move out on their own, he thanks his dad for raising him and teaching him how to be the best dad.
also thanks you for just being amazing n reassuring him whenever he worried abt doing something wrong
if you have more than 1, he's a master by baby 2/3
COVE: (holding fresh baby, whispering) ....why is it so red
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raising you kid/s w cove is tough at first, cove worries about doing some wrong or failing as a parent.
and he did eventually admit he was worried about raising his kid/s in a "broken" home. his parents did their best! and he loves them, but the split was hard for him and he doesn't want them to go through the same feelings.
every day is a new experience in your house to say the least
I imagine it's filled w lots of worry, love, and tears
(cove is losing somehow?! he's been out crybaby-ed)
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lloromanic0 · 5 months
tom and bill eating reader out on her birthday (its my birthday this week so i lowk need this😜😜) LOVE UR WRITING BTW <333
Hii happy birthday (idk if it already passed it but it’s still the same week so💀) anyways I did two separate one shots for this (obvious reasons lol) hope you like it!! <3 and thank u for enjoying my writing🤭
Tom eating reader out on her birthday
As the clock hit midnight Tom got up giving you a tight hug.
“Happy birthday my dear.” He whispered in your ear, the grip of his hands on your lower back making you feel safe and loved, being able to spend your birthdays with your boyfriend was a feeling you would cherish for the rest of your life.
“Thank you Tom.” You pulled away from the hug so you could look at him.
“Can I give you your gift now?” He asked.
“Already Tom?”
“Just one of the many things I want to do for my princess on her special day.”
“Hhmm ok then.” you replied feeling both unsure and excited to see what Tom was doing for you.
He grabbed your hand guiding you to your bedroom,he sat you down on the edge of the bed kneeling down in front of you.
“Tom..?” You questioned.
“Just let me do this for you,okay?” He asked massaging your thighs with his large hands.
“Will you let me pleasure you my love?”
“Y-yes Tom.” Your response making him smile as he reached for the waist of your shorts, pulling them down slowly as you exhaled sharply. He grabbed your legs placing them over his shoulders as his face got closer to your clothed pussy. Tom licked over your panties making you shift your hips forward, he placed kisses on your inner thighs teasing you with his light touch. He pulled your panties down slowly, leaving them to hang on one of your ankles, he kept placing kisses on your inner thighs and over your wet pussy.
“So wet for me baby.” He whispered against your cunt the vibration of his voice making you shiver. He gave your clit small licks, flicking it a few times as you jolted every time he licked that sweet spot. Tom’s lips now sucking eagerly on your clit, your hand moved to the top of his head pushing his face deeper in your cunt, he smiled for second before starting to harshly suck on your clit, you screamed in pleasure his grip on your thighs was so hard it made his knuckles turn white.
“F-fuck Tom you’re so good for me.” Your words made him feel so proud of himself, he loved being the only one to be able to make you feel this good, to make you tremble and scream as he ate your pussy vigorously. He now flicked your clit rapidly with the tip of his tongue, his pace never changing as you got closer and closer to your release all he desired in that moment was to taste your cum on his tongue, and so you made his desire come true.
“I’m cumming- fuck mmhmm~” you screamed cumming all over his tongue. He licked all the wetness from your cunt and licked his lips as he looked at you. Your chest rising up and down as you breathed heavily trying to calm down from your orgasm.
“What a great way to start your birthday, don’t you think pretty girl?” Asked Tom in cocky tone and you couldn’t agree more.
Bill eating reader out for her birthday.
The bright daylight shinned through your window slowly waking you up, you saw your boyfriend opening the blinds from your bedrooms window.
“Good morning Bill.” You said in a sleepy voice.
He turned around looking at you with a bright smile.
“Good morning my love.” He kissed your forehead. “Happy birthday!” He exclaimed.
Bill liked to wake you up early on your birthdays that way you could enjoy your day to the fullest, he always gave you the best gifts and prepared the best surprises for the day and you couldn’t be more grateful.
He sat down next to you.
“How did my princess sleep?” He questioned.
“Very good, I love falling asleep while cuddling with you.” You gave him a soft smile closing your eyes for a bit. He kissed your cheek in response.
“Are you excited for today?”
“Very, but also a little stressed and nervous.”
“Oh I completely understand you my love.” He said while stroking the side of your face.
“Maybe I could do something to ease your mind…” his face getting flushed the second he finished that sentence, Bill couldn’t hide it when he thought about something dirty.
“And what could that be..?” You question.
“You’ll see…” was all he replied as he pulled the covers down exposing your lower half.
He got between your legs, laying with his stomach on the bed, you only wore a tank top and panties last night for bed which would make his task much easier.
Bill took his time when he was pleasuring you he never rushed things he wanted you enjoy this moment for as long as you could, and he had to admit that he also did this for his own pleasure. He pulled your panties to the side, kissing your clit once and licking one long stripe over it, the feeling of his tongue piercing making your hips jolt.
“Bill fuck~”
“You love this don’t you princess?” He questioned wrapping his lips around your clit sucking on it.
“Yeahh B-bill I love this hhmm~”
“I just want to make you feel good princess-” You pulled his hair forcing his face down on your cunt. He licked your wetness eagerly, grinding his hips on the mattress as his hardness became unbearable. His tongue moving in and out of your hole making you move your hips up, his nose brushing against your clit as you grind on his face, he held you down by your hips as your legs shake at the way he’s skillfully using his tongue to eat your pussy.
“Bill mmhhmm I’m close- fuck~”
He flicked your clit fast with the tip of tongue making you moan loudly and grip the sheets as you got closer to your orgasm, he sucked on your clit one last time and you finally came all over his face. He licked and swallowed all of you juices pulling away from your cunt smiling sweetly,as you sat up to kiss him tasting yourself on his tongue.
“Let’s get going baby I don’t want you to miss anything I prepared for you today.” Said Bill grabbing your hand helping you get up from the bed.
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prettyboykatsuki · 17 days
FANG!! Hello, beloved :3 💋🫶🏾💚
I hope you have been well <333333
I know pretty much zero lore about genshin and honkai, just a few characters.
So, I wanted to indulge you and ask more about this man Sunday whom you seem quite fond of lol. Could you share a little about him? In general and whatever you would like uwu.
I’m curious about him bc i have been staring directly at Boothill who keeps appearing to me 👁️👁️ (I desire to devour him eternally though I also don’t know really anything about him lmao), and Sunday shows up in a lot of fan media with him.
Kissing and cuddling u forever 💞💞💞💞💞
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this is Sunday from hit game Honkai Star Rail.
he is a major story villain and character in the latest patch quest. he has a little sister and was adopted as part of an organization known in-game as The Oak Family. as an adult, he is the Oak Family head. he plays an important role in taking care of this place called the dreamscape
he is also . Utterly Insane . he believes in a fallen god named Ena and this thing called the Order, so much so he intends to trap people in the aforementioned dreamscape forever so they don't have to suffer ever again. he believes that suffering is indeed human nature and is generally pessimistic - so his solution is trapping people inside of a sweet dream eternally so they never have to face reality ever again <3 he doesn't think there's anything wrong with that either and even fights our player characters fairly bc of it
he is a big loverboy in his own special and insane way and he really loves his sister who is a pop idol!! they are very close. he is a very philosphical character but he has a sense of responsibility that takes him to extremely dark places and is not just an outright evil or selfish character which makes him interesting. he's genuinely well-intended and much of the religion he follows is intended to be a parallel to Christianity
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he has canonically taken confessions and they are not subtle with the biblical imagery and references to genesis in the slightest <333 he is a halovian (we can assume at least) which means he has telepathy but he also has powers from his aeon (aka god). so he's super angel coded lmaooo. his powers make it so that it's impossible to lie in front of him but it has to be consented too seemingly.
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here are some examples of his personality and his beliefs that tickle me (make me feel horny) and represent his characters. this post is generally spoiler heavy but its good to have examples for when other non hsr players stumble upon him
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colourstreakgryffin · 9 months
Wait there’s other anime’s that has 21yo trio also?? Well the last time i searched for ‘21yo trio’ in tiktok showed me them so i thought u already knew im sorryy😭 well its giyu, obi and sanemi :) thank uuuu<333
Ooohh! Why did you say that before, silly goose! It’s okay, don’t worry. I know now, but I didn’t know that phrase until now! Ideal woman
Tomioka Giyuu
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His ideal woman is always polite and considerate. Looks aren’t really important to him, but personality is
One that is fine with his introverted nature and won’t force him into social situations, respect him for him
A woman that will never throw him in the trash for another man nor leave his side for a stupid reason, and accept him for his flaws
His ideal woman will stay with him forever. She won’t die, like everybody else he loves, has and she will be happy to be with him
He’d much prefer her to not be a slayer, since she’d be less in danger
Iguro Obanai
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His ideal woman is optimistic and loving. One that lights up the sky with her smile, he is very attracted to positivity
One that will never stop being sweet and never let the hell of this life take away her happiness
A woman who won’t leave him for another or judge him for his many flaws. Somebody who will love him unconditionally
His ideal woman will accept him, despite everything wrong with him, and be proud to become his wife
He’d much prefer her to not be a slayer, since she’d be less in danger
Shinazugawa Sanemi
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His ideal woman is mature and strong. One who isn’t take shit from anybody and can whoop ass herself
One that is also a polite lady, able to treat everybody around her nicely. He values respect a lot
A woman who expresses everything to him with no fear, one who isn’t shy nor reserved but confident in herself and can show off her creative mind all the time
His ideal woman would never see him as a scary monster for his career, she’d see him as the softer man he is on the inside
He’d much prefer her to not be a slayer, since she’d be less in danger
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astraystayyh · 3 months
omg happy first birthday my sahar !! im not here from the very beginning but i'll never forget the day i found your account and it just makes me so incredibly happy to see you grow like🥹 im so proud of you, never forget that !!!!
also i'd like to request a teeny tiny drabble, some kind of reunion with lino ?? like, you had to work abroad for a little while and he misses you so much and you decide to surprise him and its all soft and maybe lino even cries a little bc he just can believe youre in his arms again ??
i hope this isnt too much, dont feel pressured please !! anyway, i love you and im proud of you mwah😽😽😽
my merin i hope you know that you mean the absolute world to me, you’re literally one of the first people whose username i’ve memorized and i always look forward to your feedback because you’re the absolute sweetest to me. i can’t thank you enough for making this year brighter for me <333 anddd this drabble is for u hehehe so i wont tag it,, enjoy it babyyyy i love u 🥹💓
there has been a lump growing in minho’s throat from the moment he has dropped you off to the airport— a kiss on your forehead as a farewell, your intertwined hands slowly slipping from one another as you waved him off.
“i’ll be gone for a week, max. it’ll go by quickly,” you had reassured him the night before, but the universe seemed to taunt him, stretching the seconds more and more till every day spent without you suddenly felt like a year.
he felt your absence in the obvious— you weren’t there greeting him once he got back from work, and you weren’t there scrambling eggs on the stove, clad in one of his old t-shirts. but he also felt it in the subtle cues, the smell of your perfume in your bedroom grew fainter, the house now void of your giggles— much quieter, as if in pause waiting for your return.
he was surprisingly good at hiding his longing from you, smirking at your reflection on the phone as he stated how grateful he was to have the bed all for himself- all while sleeping on your side to trick his brain into thinking you were close.
but now it was day six and your trip had extended for three additional days, and minho missed you so much his heart seemed to bleed out your name. he knew it was his 3 a.m. meaning that it was your midnight but he still called you, needing to hear your voice.
“hi, honey.” you greet, voice coming out as faint whisper. “why aren’t you asleep?”
“i couldn’t,” he admits softly and you giggle, a hint of teasing in your tone.
“because you miss me?”
“mm,” he simply hums, bringing your pillow closer to his body. “i miss you,” a pause, a shaky breath escaping him. “more than you know.”
“minho,” your voice softens, and the sound of his name dripping this gently from your tongue makes tears well in his eyes.
“say it again.”
“yeah, please. say it.”
it is not often minho asks you for something, even less often does he ask you for an act this simple, this sweet.
“minho,” you call out gently, and he hums, wiping away his cascading tears.
“my minho.”
“yours.” he has the phone on speaker now, eyes closed imagining as if you are near.
“i love you,” you say sweetly and he nods, though you can’t see him. he wishes you could.
“i love you.”
“i miss you.”
“i miss you most.”
“i’m here,” a kiss on his shoulder startles him, and he turns around to find you hovering above him, a giddy smile on your face.
“what, h…how?” he stutters, bringing you into his hold immediately. his nose buries inside the slate of your neck, his arms encircling your waist as if afraid you’d evaporate if he lets you go.
“hi, baby,” you beam, planting kiss after kiss on his shoulder. you can feel his tears wet your shirt but you don’t comment on it, instead running your fingers through his hair soothingly.
“how was your bed without me?” you tease, pulling away slightly to lock eyes with him.
“lonely,” he says earnestly, eyes still brimming with tears.
“bad week?” you pout, swiping your thumb gently across his cheek.
“all good now,” he finally smiles, before pressing his lips against yours softly. “how did you come?”
“my trip didn’t extend. i just wanted to surprise you. chan just dropped me off,” you explain.
he stays silent for a little while, eyes simply taking you in.
“i’ll ask you to marry me, you know that right?”
your heart skips a beat. the house becomes a home once again.
“and my answer will be yes.”
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woozi · 1 year
yza i miss you and love you sm, hope you're doing well my love, i've been VERY VERY ia to focus on irl stuff and came back here to send you this ask, hope time is treating you better and if not i am politely threatening the universe to do it, muah muah all my hugs and good things this world can offer <3
-sal (gurengui) 🫂💐✨️💝💋
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levmada · 7 months
The 10th anniversary official art just dropped!!! Its 1 am here and I'm about to sleep but just I opened tumblr and saw your reblogs. I enjoyed them very much.
But now my mind won't stop craving for something specific. Can i have a request? 😭 Is it alright to hope for a Levi screenshot list of his fashion throughout the years? I hope this isn't demanding. No pressure too, its okay if not.
I also want to say ur my fave when it comes to everything about Levi. I love the vibes of this blog. Wishing you the best ❤️ 💙 💜 💖
awe thank u !!!! oh god im SOOOO happy to do photo requests hahaha pls i loved doing this. AND THANK U🥺that's so sweet of you<333!!!!!!!!
i retrieved way more than tumblr's limit of 10 pictures per post so do check the rbs later haha. i've done my best to get them in order.
if there's anything i learned from this journey it's that Levi Ackerman is NOT straight😭
i'll pull off the bandaid first. the worst levi fashion disaster this world knows. this is objective. he's girlbossing and fruity and gay and cunty but it's true. even i can admit it.
by wit (unsure but 2014-ish) - s1
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alright moving on
by isayama 2014
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HE IS SOO CUTE... idc if this outfit is unoriginal he's too cute not to share. (+the little note from hange) also up until the... mappa conspiracy of 2021.... levi was notorious for not wearing socks in official art. ever.
by isayama 2016
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i don't know how to feel. pretty good but levi please turn in the plaid
unsure but wit circa s2
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wit 2018(?)
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wit 2018
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theres a lot of potential with the first 2 but god pls the green pants and white t shirt AND suit jacket combo??😭noooo
he served so much cunt on the right one. im counting it because it's offbrand scout cosplay.
wit 2019?? - post-s3
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nothirstonmain · 8 months
HELLO!! Its 🦇 anon <333 first time requesting and i am v scaref
But ummmhmn do you think you could do like a male (or gn) vampire reader with toya, akito, mmaybe gorou and xiao??? :3 I just wanna be someones hot, gay vampire bf tbh i'll take anyone
I domt have a specific scenario for this so i hope its okay...! Love u bye ^_^
- 🦇
["just wanna be someones hot, gay vampire bf" is the most relateable phrase ever. Thank you for calling me out 🦇anon, live ur best life also ily2 /p remember to drink water]
[Warnings: at least a bit OOC, we always be OOC. f!readers better run its male reader time !!!!]
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♡ I think he always found vampires a bit interesting at the very least ♡ mf watched twilight as a kid in secret /j- ♡ He asks you questions abt it a lot ♡ "Does the sun actually kill you?" yes you poor sweet man ♡ Would let you drink from him. idk ♡ He does his best to accommodate u and stuff ♡ He is whipped he always will be its you after all ♡ He really likes your fangs, y'know ???? ♡ Like he loves your fangs ♡ If he was a more talkative person he'd never shut the fuck up abt them ♡ If you want to keep your vampirism a secret he doesn't mind ♡ He is very good at secrets, me thinks ♡ Also finds your bat form adorable !
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♡ He does not care about what species you are ♡ Akito is chill. Very Chill. ♡ Your species means not, he will love you regardless ♡ He finds it quite cool though ♡ Be real he'd be into werewolves and vampires nd shit ♡ Barely ever asks questions just goes along with it ♡ He just makes mental notes of random Vampire Information. at least that's what it looks like ♡ Ena once walked in on him obsessively researching vampires and laughed so hard ♡ Doesn't just let you drink from him, wants you to ♡ Very interested in how it'd feel and stuff ♡ Simply casually interested in your vampirism ♡ You want to keep it a secret? He doesn't mind. ♡ Isn't the best at keeping secrets. Ena knows. Oh well. ♡ He'd find bats silly-looking but at the same time if you're in your bat form he will have you near him. ♡ No unsupervised bats, thanks
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♡ Gorou doesn't often have time to read methinks ♡ Mf lives under a rock ♡ Asks a ton of questions. Just to understand better ♡ Another one who loves your fangs ♡ Very readily lets you drink from him also ♡ He's head over heels your species, once again, doesn't matter to him ♡ Tries to make more time to read and research vampirism more ♡ Will randomly jumpscare you with knowledge you didn't know he learned ♡ Finds it cool ♡ Will keep it a secret if you want ♡ When he's off working for Kokofish there's a little hidden place in his house for you to chill in bat form. ♡ Often cuddles you to keep your Natural Coldness at bay
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♡ You cannot keep this a secret from him ♡ He can just. Tell. ♡ He doesn't mind ♡ Asks you a few questions, but is still pretty knowledgeable already ♡ Prefers to use you as a Source for vampire info ♡ He doesn't have one single ability he finds coolest ♡ He thinks your vampirism's interesting overall ♡ Doesn't treat you differently, he doesn't mind ♡ Will keep it a secret without even being needed to asked ♡ A bit more open about his adeptus form with you because Neither Of Ya Are Human
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officialgleamstar · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank u for the tag @cerealmonster15 :] sorry for forcing you into tagging me and then FORGETTING TO DO IT ONCE I GOT OFF WORK but insomnia is killing me tonight sooo tag game time :3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
127 fics on my account, and then 130 anonymous fics, and two? maybe three? orphaned fics lol
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
826,251! getting close to 1 mil... maybe that should be a writing goal for this year :0
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently its oxventure all the way down, baby bfdjgfdhhj i have a few dndads fics im still working on though, and i have an aftg fic im working on for an event right now as well! i need to... make sure i finish that on time, actually
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
they aaare mostly anonymous LOL but! for fics i list, these ones. the way that three of these are from 2017 and 2018... i know that makes sense because theyve had more time to accumulate kudos and also are for more popular fandoms but :') man 1. Cleaning Up - Haikyuu!! - 908 kudos 2. heart under your sleeve - 3rd Life - 616 kudos 3. four am - All For the Game - 502 kudos 4. his soul - Empires SMP, 3rd Life - 391 kudos 5. "Are you dense, or do you just not know how to say no?" - All For the Game - 288 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
yes i do!!! im bad at it, but i do :D
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
just like cereal, i dont write much angst, but probably you know i love you, right? or these feelings, they're not gone :0
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most of my fics are disgustingly sweet and sappy so its hard to judge
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i have a few times but not enough to be a trend, lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yeah lol if i cant write pet play and/or breeding kink i wither up and die. who said that
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
just once! (can you kiss me more) absolutely beloved
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
two times that i know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah lol someone translated a handful of my old rpf fics into russian :]
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yeah, but never a finished fic
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
you simply cannot make me choose. you cant make me choose. please.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Divorced Dad Rock Mix you are everything to me but chapter 3 thru 6 are probably never seeing the light of day
16. What are your writing strengths?
im really good at telling a compelling story in a very small amount of word :] also, SPEED WRITING. i can write very quickly when i put my mind to it!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
im so awful at ending fics just absolutely dogshit at it
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
its . writing dialogue in another language, i guess? lol its fine
19. First fandom you wrote for?
pokemon or harry potter i think. maybe my little pony or minecraft. or world of warcraft but i think that was later? id have to dig through my deviantart and i dont feel like it lol
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
god that is a hard question to answer, i love all of my fics a lot bfdgfjhdbghjd i think... the first fic to come to mind was, naturally, my beloved your love is tried and true-blue. normscary <333 AND my glennry soulmate fic as well, so where do we begin? hmmm... the johnny spells thing comes from a very personal space, and its a fic that i thought about for literal years, so its very near and dear to me in that sense as well. and on our dates, it's never daytime is a super self-indulgent fic that i reread a lot because its so perfectly targeted at myself lol same thing for fall (back) in and i love mine, mine, mine for more recent examples. uh. okay thats a lot of rambling LOL those i guess :3
tagging: hmmmmm @bidoofenergy and @cookies-over-yonder i think!!! have fun guys
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