#and accomplished nothing but he did create a nuke so
singingcicadas · 6 months
The beginning of the Decepticons according to Megatron:
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The beginning of the Decepticons What Actually Happened:
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That it could ever be called a revolution of the oppressed is a joke. Megatron's philosophy is purely pugno ergo sum. I fight, therefore I am. His first recruitment speech was a promise for power, made to the most bloodthirsty audience he could dig up from the dregs of society. Those people were there because they thrived off the bloodsport. They wanted audition to join Megatron in the pits. Megatron offered them something even better: turn the entire planet into our gladiatorial arena, and we take.
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Ever since the beginning Megatron viewed the Decepticons as nothing but a tool, to be used and thrown away. He wanted them to be as ruthless as possible in order to wipe out all opposition, but once his end goal's achieved, well, there's no place for ruthlessness in a perfect society under his absolute control. Therefore, remodelling and recreating. It doesn't sound like he wants to rule over actual people with individual personalities, he wants a bunch of mindless drones programmed for obeisance and peace and hardcoded to Do What Megatron Says.
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Ravage and Tarn. It's interesting how they both use the word "emancipated" when lauding Megatron's accomplishments, when it's clear that Megatron did so for the practical purpose of bulking up his army. He overthrew those in power because he wanted to be the one in power. The only one. The people he "emancipated" were just exchanging one set of shackles for another, as they had no choice other than to join the Decepticon army. Not fighting was not an option. Cowardice was punishable by traitor's wheel. Going neutral was also not an option. Soundwave had specific anti-neutral pogroms for those.
I wonder if they knew what "the Megatron they loved" had in mind for the Decepticons after they won the war. The remodeling and recreating. Or maybe they thought that's just for the lowly genericons. That they would be exempt from such treatment because they were confident of their privileged places at Megatron's side. After all, if you're rooting for someone whose motto is peace through tyranny, you'd do so with the expectation that it's only Other People who are going to get tyrannized.
It's true that he did rise against an oppressive government, despite it being the goal to replace it with himself as the tyrant.
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But he also thought the single admirable quality about Zeta was his ruthlessness. As in trying to kill an entire city of his own people to fuel his vamparc ribbon. And he said that in front of Hot Rod, who was forced to bomb his own city to stop Zeta from winning. Even disregarding the twisted values here, this is still fifteen levels up the insensitivity lane. No wonder Hot Rod didn't want to join up.
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Torture's for fun and domination. It takes a special kind of sadistic streak. And this is before the war even officially started.
Thundercracker's view on the Decepticon cause, when he defected to save humans from the nuke:
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"Everything we have done here" - Just here? He'd either been living under a rock for the entirety of the war or has some serious misunderstandings about what the Decepticon name is.
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Or just been willfully blind for four million years and the deaths of a hundred billion lifeforms until the day he decided to grow a conscience. Same with Soundwave.
Tarn's a really good case study because he's the poster boy of Megatron's Decepticon propaganda. Megatron probably spoonfeeds him the stuff by the gigabytes and he regurgitates them with twice the zeal and tenfold the pretentiousness. He's also the embodiment of the vices and tragedy of the Decepticons as a whole, as created by Megatron. A sadistic hypocrite, a glorified thug, a delusional fanatic, a customized tool for use and dispose. Crippled by the blinkering desire to be superior, to be part of a greater cause.
Megatron cares nothing for Tarn, just like how he cares nothing for the Decepticons. During the war they were a means to an end. After Megatron's defection, their "toxic loyalty" became a personal burden, a blemish from his past that he would like to cast aside and move on from but annoyingly refuse to leave him alone.
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The road-sweepers and the haulers. The miners. What were they to Megatron during the war? Disposable cannon fodder. A pretty banner to hide behind. For a movement that likes to justify itself as a revolution of the oppressed, the emancipation of the disenfranchised, there's certainly a distinct lack of those classes among the upper Decepticon ranks. Megatron said in his recruitment speech that he wanted strength and power. Then where did that leave the weak and sick, the empties on the streets?
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Nowhere but the smelting pool, to be recycled into something useful for the great Decepticon cause. They should be honoured, really.
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Freedom fighters? No, freedom won't be missed. Probably has something to do with the remodelling and recreating part.
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Starscream's only partially right. It was absolutely Megatron's intent to tap into that well of rage and resentment, and he meant for the riot to happen. Of course it got away from him in the end - that's what happens when you cobble an army out of bloodthirsty power-hungry degenerates, half of which were on board for the violence, half for their own scheming agendas, and the rest stitched together by charisma and fear - but he'd shaped the events enough to come a hairsbreadth away from winning multiple times. People like Shockwave and Scorponok were treacherous, but they weren't the reason that Megatron lost the war.
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It was his own blind arrogance that led to his downfall.
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No he didn't lose his way. He's exactly where he set himself out to be, from the moment he gave that speech in the arena. Perhaps even earlier, to that gradual slide when killing his opponent in a match no longer felt like a guilty burden but instead brought him the sweet rush of satisfaction. There was no revolution. There was no righteous cause. There was no for the people and never has been, because he did not care about other people. Four million years and countless deaths, and it was only really about one insanely self-centered person and his deluded ambition of peace through tyranny.
Hence his breakdown, because he'd just been hit in the face with the realization that he was Wrong. And has been wrong for the past four million years. He wasted everyone's lives. He wasted his own life, wasted it on anger and destruction and hatred, with nothing but regrets to show for it.
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I believe that Megatron believed he's telling the truth here. I believe that he meant every word he said, except for that one "we" on the second last line.
Because that "we" should really be "me".
The Megatron who wrote about pacifist rhetoric, who was compassionate enough to share his fuel with the injured, who cared about others and had genuine friendships, that Megatron died a long time ago in the pits. Ever since then, every murder, every atrocity he'd committed in the name of "the people" was just facist rationalization.
I'm sure that he likes the sound of "emancipation of the people" or "freedom of choice" as a concept. But when it comes down to individual people? With actual, real choices that conflicts with his desire for absolute rule? Nope. He's the only one who should get to make choices. The only one who should have choices. Because he knows best.
Form dictates your function ❌; Megatron dictates your function ✅
Function dictates your fate ❌; Megatron dictates your fate ✅
Great minds must think alike, because Megatron and the Functionalist council in the Functionalist universe did a lot of the same stuff. Massacring the Senate. Recycling people who are deemed useless burdens. Remodelling and recreating. Imperalism and genociding organics. Killing all dissenters. The Functionalists even got pretty close to Megatron's ideal of peace through tyranny with 99% of the planet fitted with brain bombs and kissing the ground at their feet. They even managed to do it while maintaining a habitable planet and full population. And Megatron took one look and was disgusted.
Megatron wasn't a misunderstood revolutionist who had his heart in the right place when he started his war. The Decepticons didn't start out well-meaning and turned bad somewhere along the way. At no point in their movement were they ever true freedom fighters. They were always Facists, through and through. They were worse than the Functionalists they hated and the Senate they overthrew. And it's important to acknowledge this because (other than it's weird to see such an obvious Facist analogy being associated with freedom fighters) otherwise you don't get the whole depth of Megatron's redemption arc, especially in the Functionalist universe.
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Like the impact of this scene wouldn't be fully apparant unless you take into account that when Megatron first formed the Decepticons, all he cared about was their fighting strength. He did not care about his troops, he did not care about individual people. He considered himself above everyone and everything. He would have sneered at such a weak, ineffective form of protest. Now he's actually being supportive and seeing people as people, instead of pawns to be used.
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Here he's genuinely happy to see the Decepticons, even those in the very bottom of the pecking order, taking enough care to greet them each by name. And also Fulcrum, who he sentenced to death twice.
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For once in his life he's actually trying to do the Right Thing instead of focusing on himself, either on his ambitions or his remorse. The people in the Functionalist universe have nothing to do with him, yet he wants to help anyway. And he's finally appreciating the value of self-determination for what it is, instead of trying to twist it to serve his own purposes or turn it into Megatron-determination.
"No one can decide how you live your life except for you." Back before, he was going to remodel his entire army to achieve his peace through tyranny. Autonomy and free will were considered things that won't be missed.
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Megatron learned to care about other people! Peace through empathy is such a groundbreaking step for his character because he used to have no empathy! He stayed true to his ideals for eight centuries despite the hardships, despite his personal losses, despite the AVL being driven to near extinction and not knowing if he would ever return to his own universe. During all those years he could have had ten million chances and excuses to break his vow of pacifism or leave on the Last Light, taking the easy way out, and there would have been no one to stop him.
But he didn’t.
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canmom · 1 year
kerberos final comments
ok, i think this is the end of the latest week where i take a semi-deep dive into a semi-obscure film series from the 80s-90s. after all’s said and done, then... what the hell was going on with this thing? does it manage to justify, you know... that?
So. About the Nazi thing.
If we start with the manga, Kerberos is a essentially similar concept to Ghost in the Shell (which is ofc in Japanese 攻殻機動隊 Kōkaku Kidōtai, “Mobile Armored Riot Police”) or Patlabor. It’s about a heavily armed, ethically dubious near-future paramilitary police force, the sort of people you’d find in such an organisation, and the political context that created it. Compared to GitS, its characters are much less vividly defined, but like GitS, it largely reacts to the world through the lens of Kerberos, and to a certain extent their rivals Public Security. Plotlines in Kerberos concern the individual lives of Kerberos soldiers, or the machinations of their leaders trying to expand the organisation and squabbling over territory with the normal police. It’s full of dog metaphors
Incidentally, if you’ve seen Jin-Roh, you’ve seen a better version of the first three storylines in the manga. The fourth one concerns radicals hijacking a plane, drawing on the actions of radical groups in the 70s. The leader of the the radicals takes more of a centre stage, although his motivations are kinda opaque at the end of the day; he seems like a prototype of the villain Yukihito Tsuge in Patlabor 2, at least in terms of affect, but he dies before his hijacking can get very far.
All of that on the face of it sounds reasonably interesting! The art of the manga is very nice in an Otomo-inspired sort of way, and while none of the characters are especially sympathetic, it’s a convincing window into an interesting historical pastiche.
But the first thing you’d ever notice about Kerberos is that they dress like this:
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...big scary Nazis with glowing red eyes. That’s the iconic image of the series, and just about every work makes sure to have some scenes of a guy dressed like that machine gunning some poor unarmored sods, to greater or lesser dramatic effect depending on whether or not you’re Hiroyuki Okiura.
So my biggest question going into Kerberos is like, why do they dress up like weird Nazi space marine cosplayers?
Diegetically, it’s because Japan lost WWII to the Nazis, who used a nuke. Most Kerberos media that I’ve encountered doesn’t especially seem to bother spelling that out, but Jin-Roh - easily the most artistically accomplished of any Kerberos media, sorry Oshii - goes far enough to illustrate it with historical-photo styled still images of Nazi soldiers marching up the streets of Japan:
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In Jin-Roh, at least, Kerberos are clearly continuous with this occupation, with an almost identical shot of Kerberos soldiers marching shortly after:
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How did Japan end up in a war with Germany, a country that notably does not border the Pacific, and how the hell did they end up losing so badly as to be occupied when Germany lost the war hard even with Japan’s help in reality? (Who indeed fought the war besides Japan and Germany?) But none of the Kerberos media I’ve read have tried to address this wider geopolitical situation; the role of replacing the Americans with the Nazis seems to be to just slap a lot of WWII-era German aesthetics in a rather superficial way: replace an airline with Lufthansa here, or have the slogans of the protestors mention Lebensraum or Weimar there.
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‘Nothing would have been much different if the Nazis occupied Japan instead of the Americans’ is a statement that would have a lot to unpack (an anti-American statement? discomfort over being allied with the Nazis?), but I’m not sure it’s really what Kerberos is going for. If you look at otaku-oriented media from this period, you do notice a current of Nazi military equipment obsession (which hasn’t exactly gone away, indeed acquiring increasingly esoteric iterations) coming from the ‘military otaku’ side of the subculture.
For example, in Gainax’s FLCL, there’s an episode where Naota’s father Kamon is dressed in a Nazi uniform for a paintball episode (the same one which has parodies of Western animation like South Park), complete with swastika:
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Likewise, Oshii’s adaptation of Urusei Yatsura also has a few recurring bits with Nazi imagery, generally played for jokes. For example, in the second movie Beautiful Dreamer characters dress up a café with a WWII theme with a bunch of Nazi symbols, which is discussed well by Hazel in her video on Vladlove (around 11:40 if the timecode doesn’t work)...
So there’s definitely a sense that in the subculture at this time, Nazi imagery doesn’t have the ‘definitely an edgelord, almost certainly an actual fascist’ connotation that it does over here. In Western media meanwhile, Nazis are generally used as the ultimate villains over whom we were victorious, suitable for when you portray some morally uncomplicated violence. So putting in these scary Nazi suits as your main characters feels like a really dramatic statement to me, but it may not have been for Oshii.
Nevertheless, let’s see where we go with it. My general approach to the Kerberos films has been to assume that Kerberos members are by default unsympathetic, it’s drilling into the fucked up depths of fash ideology, and Kerberos certainly admits that reading. A lot of the Kerberos manga concerns the organisation’s overly violent methods and eagerness to accumulate arms causing escalations and needless deaths left right and centre.
Jin-Roh especially shows Kerberos’s conspiratorial ‘Wolf Brigade’ carrying out a ruthless purge of their enemies to preserve their organisation, and then performing a completely fucked loyalty test by demanding that Fuse murder his girlfriend to prove his dedication to being a ‘wolf’. In contrast to the stylised theatric approach of Oshii’s violence, Jin-Roh’s scenes of bodies being cut down by machine guns are about as sickening and hyperreal as animation can make them - they are honestly far nastier than they would be in live action.
In Jin-Roh, the Metropolitan Police come off every bit as fanatical as they describe their enemies. The revolutionaries aren’t necessarily cast in a particularly positive light, with Kei as the main member of the Sect to get extensive screen time - and she finds herself thoroughly disillusioned with being a bomb courier as she gets drawn into the machinations of Kerberos and Public Security. But, even with the playing around the ‘who is the wolf’ concept, by the end we see Okiura’s take on Oshii’s endless dog metaphors is that committing to Kerberos is to decide to assume the role of the rapacious wolf of Red Riding Hood, who would shoot anyone to preserve the unit.
But what about Oshii’s manga? I talked about how Oshii was of the Anpo generation, and certainly the Anpo demonstrations - and the various desperate terrorist actions of the New Left that came after - sit barely under the surface. However, the point of view it’s interested in seems to be much more the lower ranking members of Kerberos. Like dogs - good god is this man obsessed with dogs lmao - the Kerberos guys are blindly loyal, have little other place in society, and are unceremoniously disposed of every so often. The main characters of the films feature here and there - notably Bunmei is the one scheming against Kerberos here, recognisably modeled after his depiction in The Red Spectacles, and Midori gets to stop the plane hijacking - but it’s as likely to focus on a low-ranking soldier (the first Inui, model for Fuse) or a helicopter pilot. There is not, by and large, a lot of internal conflict for any of the characters.
Tachiguishi Retsuden, although it seems a different alternate history again, gives another piece of the puzzle. (Unfortunately the only subtitles I can find for this movie are badly translated from the Chinese subs, which makes it a little hard to follow.) The stand-up noodle bars are associated not just with crime but with stray dogs, who were poisoned in large numbers as a health control measure; this image is also shown in the Urusei Yatsura episode that invented the ‘tachiguishi’ freeloader concept, where we see a dog and a cat fighting outside. Oshii clearly sees something tragic in the extermination of these dogs who had no place in the more modern society, and seems to find this a suitable metaphor for his fascist paramilitary.
To me, the idea that the Kerberos were heroic in suppressing the crime and protests seemed like an obvious propagandistic fantasy, and given the choice I’m obviously gonna sympathise more with the leftist rebels rather than the Nazi-backed state in this conflict, even if the situation has decayed as civil wars do into a point where both sides are more concerned with self-preservation and ruling their turf than winning. Painting the state in Nazi colours then seems like a way of saying, don’t take this guys very sympathetically, and it’s definitely a convincing depiction of a bureaucratic state mired in infighting (no doubt because it’s drawing heavily from history).
But... I’m not entirely sure this is the angle Oshii is taking on it.
In StrayDog, lost puppy Inui searches Taiwan for daddy Kōichi to tell him what to do, with the help of a girl Tang Mie who kind of adopts these two exiles as they do their homoerotic bonding thing. They spend a long time wandering around Taiwan to slow music (it’s a very Oshii film), having muted conversations about Inui’s need to find a master to tell him what to do. Once the pair find Kōichi, although Inui is angry with Kōichi for abandoning Kerberos, they settle down and seem to be kind of happy just being some kind of lobster-fishing polycule. Inui here can’t be the same Inui as in the manga (since that Inui died), but he’s basically the same concept, a boy who is helpless without someone telling him what to do [there’s not exactly a consistent Kerberos continuity so much as variations on the same ideas].
Public Security are on the trail though, and Inui - loyal to Kōichi despite the fact that Kōichi is plainly not worth any sort of loyalty - overpowers him in order to carry out a power-armoured suicide by cop and give Kōichi a chance to escape (which we know that he uses to go to Japan and promptly get shot). If the action scenes in The Red Spectacles were weird disconnected montages that felt extremely theatrical, the action scene here, which sees Inui advancing through a building cutting down identically trenchcoated and facepainted men who run blindly towards him, feels mostly like a video game. In the end, Inui wins the battle but dies from it.
(Which means on the one hand, highly stylised and abstracted live action violence, and on the other, hyperrealistic animated violence with plausible military tactics and genuinely horrible depictions of gun death. Going in opposite directions from different starting points... I’d say they end up in a similar place, but tbh Jin-Roh, as in most things, is way more impactful.)
Anyway, StrayDog seems to have more of an “isn’t this sad” sort of flavour. The dog metaphor for Oshii in the manga is stated most explicitly in a scene shared with Jin-Roh, where Bunmei discusses disposing of the ‘Special Brigade’ in order to integrate Kerberos with the regular police. The dialogue in both versions is a speech full of dog metaphors, but in the manga, the scene is further introduced with a dead Kerberos member and a stray dog passing by. This metaphor then becomes central to StrayDog.
The manga’s Inui, like Fuse in Jin-Roh, hesitates before shooting and almost dies, but here the person he hesitates to shoot is not a bomb courier who’s prepared to take them both down, but a civilian who is trying to help one of the revolutionaries, who levels a gun at Inui. Inui’s story here is about failure to integrate into the Kerberos unit, who aren’t willing to accept this particular ‘stray dog’ despite there being no other place for him. Inui tries to prove himself with dramatic and reckless violence, gets rejected for refusing orders, and then on his way home, gets killed in a reprise of the first situation - oh this poor boy it’s so sad.
In Jin-Roh by contrast, Fuse’s hesitance to shoot is the first move in a whole character arc - at first it seems like his remaining humanity which he eventually abandons, but we are left with some ambiguity whether his original hesitance was genuine, and happened to pay off in the Wolf Brigade’s favour, or part of a very complicated ploy. (Despite being the central character, and even seeing his dream at one point, we’re given a lot of room to interpret Fuse, and the ‘why didn’t you shoot’ question is pointedly never answered.)
Anyway, so, my conclusion about all the Nazi imagery in Kerberos is... honestly I think Oshii just thought it’s cool? As we see in VladLove, he loves to just namedrop historical trivia. I’m not sure he even considers it as fraught as I do. Which isn’t fun but I feel like any other reading is unparsimonious at this point.
What is surprising is that Okiura managed to take what Oshii was putting down and make something genuinely compelling. Jin-Roh a real proof of the power of his realist style and ability to suggest character with subtle acting. Its realist animation becomes hyperreal, the abstraction of cel shading underlining how much is ‘right’ in how the drawing moves, and it works for what’s primarily a spy movie.
At the same time... Okiura did a way better job than Oshii ever did of making those scary Nazi suits seem powerful. Kerberos here are kind of the idealised supercop Judge Dredd types - I was reminded of the Dredd movie from a few years ago where Dredd unstoppably advances through a building, killing everyone in his way. Though maybe Robocop would be a more contemporary comparison.
It works for the movie, in that Fuse’s choice to side with Kerberos and use the armour to massacre the Public Safety agents moving to apprehend him is properly sickening. It becomes kind of like a horror movie at this point, with desperate attempts to stop him with grenades bouncing off the armour.
So I guess we’ve gotten back to the old question of the different ways of portraying violence in film, what a fascist film looks like etc. I don’t want to relitigate that one, although I think Okiura’s angle is appropriate - even if it is fetishistic? One Youtube commenter on the video essay I linked back on AniNight wrote:
Jin Roh is a movie about semi-realistic bullets physics. The creators be like: Guy 1: 'Hey, you know what's cool? Seeing dolls gets rag-dolled by flying bullets.'
and he’s kinda right lol, that is sorta what the movie is about. But it remains a very effective image, much like the gunfights and realistic educations in Dahufa.
All in all, I guess the result of this deep dive is basically the existing consensus: The Red Spectacles is worth digging up as a deeply weird surreal film; I wouldn’t bother with StrayDog, the manga’s OK but Jin-Roh is imo the only one that manages to justify what it’s trading in here.
And as far as all these Nazi images goes, the aspect of the Nazis we’re focusing on in any of these films is much more ‘fearsome invading and occupying power’ than ‘perpetrators of the Holocaust’. If Nazi ideology has influenced the reconstructed Japanese state in the world of Kerberos, the series never bothers to illustrate how. Despite everything... it really doesn’t seem to actually be about the Nazis on a level beyond the superficial. The conflict in Jin-Roh/the manga is basically a heightened version of Anpo, or like... any 20th-century anticolonial movement really. In the first two movies... idk, throwing darts at a board, the Meiji restoration doing away with the samurai lol?
Meanwhile Tachiguishi-Retsuden is kind of... ah, I know some of ya had fun with it, but honestly I found it dragged really badly. The janked out subs were a large part of that and I think a decent fansub could do it a lot of good, but I kind of felt like most of the gags went on too long to really work, even with the ‘spot the well known illustrator/anime director’ game it’s playing with the casting. Though maybe being tired after a long evening of films underlies that reaction, I need to learn my lesson about three-movie film nights. The animation style was interesting as an experiment at least.
And that’s quite enough of that, I think I’m satisfied. Though at some point as far as ‘fash aesthetics in anime’ go, I still haven’t gotten around to ripping Youjo Senki a new one. Expect that... sometime. It’s an exhausting anime to think about though so who knows when.
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mythgirlimagines · 9 months
This is an idea I've had in my head for some time, a silly little Honkai Impact AU where Kokichi becomes the Herrscher of Death. Whether he wants to or not.
For some context, the Honkai is a force with the goal of destroying humanity. To accomplish this it creates Honkai Beasts (creations of the Honkai, they come in a variety of forms and classes) , zombies (what most corrupted humans become, fodder), and Herrschers (corrupted humans but better, the strongest of the Honkai's forces.)
The awakening of a Herrscher usually causes a great disaster, with the minimum damage being the annihilation of one city and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians, that's when the Herrscher is brought down quickly (as in, only a few hours.) If the Herrcher is alive for even a few days that death toll will skyrocket, possibly becoming millions of casualties.
The 6th Herrscher (the one Kokichi eventually becomes) has the ability to manipulate life and death via manipulating matter. He can create plant life, spawn a dark mist that kills humans within seconds or immediatly (I believe it can be resisted if someone has Honkai resistence and an anti honkai gas mask, though standing around in it is a terrible idea nonetheless.)
The most notable aspect of the 6th Herrscher would be his regeneration, it is implied in Secrets of the God Keys (A Honkai Manga) that it took a nuke to bring down the 6th Herrscher, presumably due to her regenerative abilities. A fraction of this regeneration is shown when Sirin (who was in possession of the gem of serenity, an inferior version of the 6th Herrscher's core) possessed the power to regenerate her impaled heart. Since the gem of serenity is an inferior version of the 6th's core, then that means to kill the 6th you would need to destroy his/her entire body, which is what was done with the 6th Herrscher of the Honkai 3rds previous era. They had to nuke her. (Also, her core still survived the nuke, meaning she could have been revived had someone stolen the core and implanted it into another host. There was enough of the core left intact for MOTH to create the 6th Divine Key which holds a portion of the 6th's powers.)
Finally, when a Herrscher is born the host is usually taken over by an additional Herrscher persona originating from their core, if the host embraces these Herrscher powers then both personas become one. (I don't think this is meant to be interpreted as DID.)
Now that I'm done infodumping on the Honkai lore here is the scenario. The event that causes Kokichi's awakening can vary, sometimes I thought that the deaths of the DICE members would push him far enough for the Honkai to corrupt him, other times I think that he's had this power for awhile but actively suppressed it because he knew the Herrscher persona was bloodthirsty despite it wanting to protect him as it's host. Let's go with the first scenario.
The gruesome demise of what was essentially Kokichi's family allowed the Honkai to take over with ease. Leaving it unclear if Kokichi's humanity even remains after the fusion of the emotionless and calculating Herrscher persona who will stop at nothing to purge every single human involved in the death of his precious family, and the emotionally crushed human Kokichi who no longer has the willpower to resist the Honkai, and becomes one with the Herrscher within himself.
Meanwhile, Kaito and Maki, two humans who have been augmented by the Future Foundation to possess powerful Honkai Abilities, are pulled out of class by a FF agent who informs them that a Herrscher has awakened in the cities' outskirts, and that they must prepare for battle. Their classmates, unable to mind their own business, are brought with them to seek shelter within a FF base. Which is where Kaito breaks FF protocol and tells them about the Honkai, much to their horror. Little do they know who the cause of the eruption is...
Thoughts? Headcanons?
my only thought is that I don't know anything about Honkai so this makes no sense to me ^^' sorry
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Voyager. Now that’s a kettle of fish. Obviously watch/enjoy whatever you wish, but I do recommend also checking out SFDebris’ reviews of the episodes (he’s the rwde of Voyager). He is a lot smarter and more eloquent than me.
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Putting these two asks together since my thoughts on both are all jumbled! 
Now, I want to emphasize that I’ve only watched the first 16 episodes (Season One + Season 2 premiere), so idk if Voyager is going to go seriously downhill later on, but right now I do really like it. And not in a, “Lol yeah compared to the other crap on it’s good, I guess” way, but in a completely honest, “It has its flaws, but is overall a solid, compelling show with lovable characters” way. Out of curiosity I watched SFDebris’ review of “Phage,” though I’m afraid I didn’t agree with it. The only part were I was like, “Yeah okay” was pointing out that they had the Doctor using a keypad when he supposedly wasn’t solid, but that’s precisely the sort of continuity error that, in an otherwise strong show, I’m willing to shrug off. For all the major points, it sounds like SFDebris is concerned primarily with the show he wants Voyager to be, rather than the show Voyager actually is. Which I know sounds familiar--I’ve heard that criticism leveled at my own work: “You just want RWBY to be a totally different show”--but the difference is that Voyager is a part of an established franchise, following three other TV shows, an animated series, and a collection of films. It’s not an original show (like RWBY) that can take itself in any direction the story may need/claim to want (again, RWBY). It has a brand and those established characteristics seem to be bumping up against SFDebris’ critiques: 
Hating Neelix as a character - You’re supposed to hate him. Or at least find him frustrating (I don’t personally hate him) because that’s what all the characters are grappling with too. From Tuvok forced to have an awkward conversation while Neelix is in the bath to Janeway dealing with him taking over her dining room, Neelix’s conflict revolves around how others learn to accept him. Star Trek as a franchise is about “Infinite diversity in infinite combinations.” Voyager begins with the problem of how the trained Federation officers are supposed to work with the more violent Maquis. Difference doesn’t just create “Wow, you’re so amazing!” reactions, it also includes frustration, disagreement, and outright hostility. Creating an outsider character with a kind heart but incredibly overbearing personality is a great way to test the other characters’ convictions. Do they actually care about all life in the universe? Or do they only care about life when they personally find it palatable? Having Neelix around is a great reminder for them--and the viewer--that just because someone annoys you at times doesn’t mean they’re any less worthy of love, respect, and companionship. It also doesn’t mean they don’t have something to offer: he keeps the crew fed even if his cooking is horrible, he provides information about this area of space even if he sometimes gets it wrong, we roll our eyes at the “Morale Officer” stuff, but Neelix does provide much needed perspective for characters like Tuvok. If Neelix made fewer mistakes, stopped bugging the crew, became a “cooler” character for the audience to root for rather than be frustrated by... a lot of the point of his character would be lost. 
Frustration about discoveries not carrying over to the next episode - AKA, the crew finds inanely powerful, alien tech and then (presumably) never uses it again. This would indeed be a big problem in a serialized story (like RWBY) but Voyager maintains much of Star Trek’s original, episodic nature. Though we have continuity in the form of them inching towards home and evolving as characters, the world still resets to a certain point at the end of each episode. This is what allows Star Trek to explore so many different questions and have so many different adventures. If you demand that serialized continuity--this character needs to have an arc to deal with this traumatic experience, the crew has to follow the thread they just discovered, our Doctor needs to do something with the new tech they just found--then you lose the variety that Star Trek is known for. Instead of a new story each week (or, occasionally, across two weeks) you’ve got a single story spanning months. Neither form is better or worse than the other, it’s absolutely a preference, but there’s a very specific, structural, intentional reason why the characters “forget” about the things they’ve discovered and, at times, experienced. Unlike Ozpin forgetting that he has a nuke in his cane for seven volumes, or Ruby forgetting to use her eyes at crucial points, Star Trek deliberately sets things aside to ensure there’s room for new ideas and questions next episode. 
Janeway doesn’t kill the Vidiians to get Neelix his lungs back - No Starfleet captain would. At least, not during this period of Star Trek. Sisko has development in that regard (making morally gray choices), but that’s built into the heart of the show from the start: he’s on a station, not a starship, that is jointly run by the Federation and the Bajorans, and built by the Cardassians. The rules of the Federation always had a tenuous hold there and Sisko as a character always pushed the boundary of the Federations expectations (Q: “Picard never hit me!”) Janeway, in contrast, is 100% a Federation captain and, more importantly, has explicitly told her crew that they will be operating as a Federation vessel, despite being so far from home. That’s the conflict between the officers and the Maquis. That’s why Tuvok accepts the alien tech in “Prime Factors,” recognizing that Janeway can’t. That’s why Seska is a compelling antagonist, pressuring the crew to abandon their ideals for survival. The series (or at least that first season) revolves around questions about identity and whether they’re willing to give that identity up now that they’re out from under the Federation’s thumb. Overwhelmingly, they choose not to... which would make murdering the Vidiian a complete 180 for her character. We’re not necessarily supposed to agree with Janeway’s choice, we’re supposed to acknowledge that murdering another sentient being is not some simple choice to make, especially when you’re a leader devoted to a certain set of ideals. We’re supposed to recognize the challenges here (many of which SFDebris doesn’t acknowledge) like how you’re supposed to keep a prisoner for the next 75 years when you’re already struggling to feed and take care of the crew you have, or the fact that they claim to take organs from dead bodies and this was a rare time when they couldn’t. (It’s only in “Faces” that we learn this is complete BS and they actively kidnap people to work as slaves and then be harvested.) The frustration that Janeway doesn’t act here stems from wanting her to be a character who is, fundamentally, not a Star Trek captain. 
Granted, I only watched one review, but that’s what the whole thing felt like: wanting a series that’s not Star Trek. Something without a token, challenging character, without hand-wavy science, that’s more serialized, and doesn’t adhere to a “do no harm” code. (I just started “Initiations” and Chakotay asks a vessel to stand down three times, while actively being attacked, before finally retaliating and then he tries to reestablish communications and then he warns them about their engine and then he beams them aboard his shuttle. That’s what Star Trek (usually) is: that idealized love of life, even when that life is actively hostile). And like, that’s obviously fine! As you say, Flawartist, “watch/enjoy whatever you wish,” but just based on this one review I wonder if SFDebris just wants something other than Star Trek. 
I think one of the reasons why I feel passionately about this (beyond my love of context and recognizing when shows are actively trying to accomplish something specific) is that I went through this with DS9. For years I heard about how horrible the show was. It’s trash. It’s a mess. It’s not TNG, so don’t even bother. Or, if you do, be prepared for disappointment. There was this whole, strong rhetoric about how silly it all is--Star Trek is, by default, silly, so supposedly only the Shakespeare loving, archeology obsessed captain is sophisticated enough to save it--and then... I found nothing of the sort. I mean yeah, obviously Star Trek is silly as hell (that’s part of its charm), but DS9 was also a complex, nuanced look into everything from personal agency to the threat of genocide. There’s so much wonderful storytelling there... little of which made it into my cultural understanding of DS9. And now I’m seeing the same thing with Voyager. When I did some quick googling I was bombarded by articles saying how bad it is and now I have an ask comparing it to a show I don’t think has even a quarter of the heart the Star Trek franchise does. Which is is not AT ALL meant as a knock against you, anon. I’m just fascinated by this cultural summary of Star Trek: TOS is ridiculous but fun if you’re willing to ignore large swaths of it, TNG is a masterpiece and that’s that, DS9 is bad, Voyager is bad, and to be frank I haven’t heard much of anything about Enterprise. It’s weird! Because I watch these shows and I’m like, “Holy shit there’s so much good storytelling here.” Is it perfect? Not on your life, but it’s trying in a way that I can really appreciate. It’s Star Trek and Star Trek (at least at the time) meant something pretty specific. Criticisms about divisive characters or idealized forgiveness feel like walking out of a Fast and Furious film and going, “There was too much driving and silly combat. Why didn’t they just fix the situation in this easy way?” Because then we wouldn’t have a film about lots of driving and silly combat! If you make all the characters palatable, make Janeway harder, extend the impact of all the discoveries, remove the ridiculous science that doesn’t make any sense... then you don’t have Star Trek anymore. 
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crystalelemental · 4 years
heavenlyfury replied to your post “Another merge project complete, and this time, we have the illustrious...”
An impressive unit, and what a character! My issue with Edelgard is, as much as her goals are noble and understable, her actions are just... Very unreasonable? Like she could have done things very differently in order to get what she wanted, and I simply cannot fathom why she thought Those who slithered in the dark were better allies than the church. Like, you don't trust Rhea, I get it.
But did she expect to wage war on the entire continent, basically alone (without diplomatically support), before taking on an enemy that has NUKES? Like those priorities are all kinds of wrong! But I still kinda love her intensity and the ambition, the idea of making her a different kind of protagonist. Anyways, congrats again!
Thank you.  Edelgard is indeed pretty huge as a unit.  Anyway, the short version of this is “no one’s wrong for having issues with Edelgard and her approach,” but I do have a lot to add in here.
I’m going to try going through this in order, but I’m building this as I go so bear with me.
What was her alternative?  On the one hand, we know from experience that Rhea doesn’t want to lead, and passes the torch off to Byleth immediately.  That could’ve happened in the near future for the CF route as well, even without Edelgard instigating war.  But how would she know that?  Edelgard has no way of knowing, or believing, that Rhea would cede power.  She’s also got her own experience seeing her family’s power usurped by the nobility, who then immediately abused that power, and resulted in her and countless others being tortured for crest research.  From her own experiences, it makes sense that she’s not willing to wait, and believes no one would accept her proposal if she were peaceful.  And in that last part, she’s...kinda right.  Rhea would cede her power to Byleth, sure, but she wouldn’t be willing to undermine the system she established to maintain peace and safety for herself.
Diplomacy sounds good, and is always the preference, but from Edelgard’s experience and point of view, she’s seen how awful the nobility is, how awful the system Rhea created is, and has seen how hard she cracks down on anyone who goes against that.  Lonato’s little rebellion is immediately and violently suppressed, getting the innocents under him caught up in it as well.  Hell, his son.  Allegedly, he was executed for participating in a conspiracy to assassinate Rhea.  Which directly mirrors something that happens after we beat Lonato: we find that document about a plan to assassinate her.  But that turned out to be nothing, everyone saw right through it and identified that there was an alternate goal.  Everyone...except Rhea and those working in the church.  So how likely was it that Lonato’s son was actually going to do anything of the sort?  Was his execution just?  Was the execution of those in the Western Church just, considering they didn’t do anything particularly violent, they just used an opportunity to break into the vault and attempt stealing a hidden relic.  Rhea may not be directly violent and out burning villages and slaughtering innocents for funsies.  But she’s not exactly merciful, and will go hard against anyone who opposes what she upholds as necessity.  Why would Edelgard assume diplomacy would work?  Wouldn’t trying to be diplomatic by undermining the teachings of Seiros to suggest an alternative get her branded a heretic, and have the entire might of the church against her?  At best, she’d lose her chance at returning power to the throne, and the corrupt nobles who allowed her family to be tortured and decimated maintain their status.  At worst, she could be executed for the crime of going against the church on top of that.  We don’t know for sure, we don’t see any of that play out, but from Edelgard’s perspective, they’re not likely to respond, and giving them that advance warning lets them prepare, and the Church is still the seat of power in Fodlan.
Which brings us to the Agarthans.  Yes, Edelgard siding with them seems incredibly stupid.  And it is infuriating, knowing that what happened to her was directly their fault.  Which is something she’s aware of, mind.  The Crimson Flower route makes clear that they don’t trust the Agarthans at all, it’s a temporary alliance to face off against a more threatening foe.  Which...honestly, is fair.  Aside from the fact that the Church has the strongest standing army, there’s Rhea to deal with.  In Verdant Wind and Silver Snow, we see Rhea, in dragon form, caught in the blast range of TWO of those nukes, and she doesn’t die.  That should express the level of discrepancy between the power of a dragon, and the power the Agarthans have.  It took two nukes to injure her.  What are general human tactics supposed to do against that?  Against not just the human forces among her ranks, but also the golems she has under her command?  Their power is, in fact, a necessity to face off against this combined power.  Though I will fully admit that they could’ve done a better job of having the Agarthans directly involved in the fights.
As for why is she still willing to accept that help, despite them being the most directly responsible...ultimately it comes down to seeing beyond herself.  Yes, the Agarthans are a problem.  They are the most directly responsible for her suffering, Lysithea’s suffering, and are the most direct cause of bloodshed in the narrative.  But consider.  The Agarthans’ crest research is something that’s accepted by the nobles in the empire.  It’s not like they didn’t know what was up.  And society at large values crests so significantly, that the idea of being able to imbue others with that power, and creating people with two crests as weapons, is enticing.  The Agarthans are directly responsible, but the nobility is indirectly complicit in atrocities for their own gain, while the church created the system that places value on the kind of work and ambitions they have.  Crests are important, controlling crests and their power is the basis of society.  You have to beat that system, which Rhea is the head of.  And consider that when Arianrhod was nuked in CF, Edelgard is legitimately surprised.  She likely didn’t know the Agarthans had that kind of firepower, which contextualizes a lot.  Rhea’s a huge dragon, who even the Agarthans are scared of despite their advanced technology.  But their advanced technology is mostly duplications of the divine weapons, which means their power is roughly equivalent to yours.  One is a massive threat well above your level of power, and the other is roughly equivalent.  You want both dead, but the equivalent foe is willing to back you to take on the much stronger one.  You gonna say no?
Anyway, let’s say Edelgard did address the Agarthans first.  Just broke in and cracked Thales’ skull open with Aymr and took a shit right on his floor.  What then?  You took out those responsible for the direct application of atrocities, but the system that permitted it is still in play, run by a super powerful being you can’t defeat.  Consider what happened with Miklan; effectively disowned solely for not having a crest, and driven to what he wound up doing.  He was a bastard because of the environment he grew up in.  The system as a whole breeds the kind of resentment and power-seeking ambition that Miklan displays.  So if she does kill off the Agarthans right away, but then can’t take out Rhea...what did that accomplish?  Temporary reprieve?  Because the system still permits for people to perform blood treatments, and implants the desire to do so, because it values crests and their power above human life.  You’re not getting to the source of the issue any other way.
Not to get too political on main, but it’s kinda like what we’ve got going on in the US right now.  People are recognizing that it’s the entire system that’s the problem.   The system is corrupt to the point it produces these problems by design.  Simply firing a few officers won’t fix police brutality, racial sensitivity trainings won’t fix inherent discrimination in the system, etc.  The system has to go.  And trying to address it around the direct issue with these calls of “just go out and vote in people who will fix it!” isn’t sufficient.  A changing of the guard in the same system will yield the same results.  The system of nobility and how it’s determined is the problem in this scenario.  Changing out who the nobles are isn’t going to fix it, you have to dismantle the concept of nobility and create a new system in its place to avoid this just happening again.  That’s the crux of Edelgard’s motivation.
I think people get annoyed with the Agarthans because they consider her motivation a personal one.  And to a degree, it is.  She was directly harmed by their actions, and by the system that permitted their actions, and of course must have personal feelings regarding that matter.  But Edelgard is someone who looks beyond herself and her immediate pain to look at what is necessary to accomplish a broader goal.  It goes so far that she’s willing to work with the people who caused her harm, if it means preventing harm to others by dismantling the system.
The real question is whether the outcome she hopes for is realistic.  She’s essentially creating a single locus of power, just like Rhea did, and hinging all of the future on that locus of power doing the right thing and continuing her work.  Because she doesn’t stay in power either, she steps down.  All it would take is one person gaining that same level of power, but having completely different views, to undermine everything she’s done.  Not to mention her goal seems to be creation of a meritocracy, which sounds great, but plenty of places in the world right now say they have that and how well is that going?  Merit is often determined by experiences, which in turn is directly influenced by wealth.  While the concept of “nobility” may be erased, unless that includes redistribution of wealth and resources for the common good, people who were once nobility still have an advantage and will remain on top.  I mean, god, look at Ferdinand’s suggestion of free public schooling as a means of determining merit for those who should lead society in political life.  How’s that working out now?  The US education system’s sure doing great with making sure things are equitable because it’s free.  There are a lot of factors to consider, and Edelgard’s current assessment of where to go once she wins isn’t fully formed, which means whatever system she creates is likely to be imperfect as well.  Not to mention a system built on a mountain of corpses might have some moral quandaries to wrestle with.  But if the alternative is keeping the current system because “She doesn’t have a better idea,” then I’d say she was right to act.  You can’t let something awful continue just because you can’t fix every problem at once.  Something needed to be done, and someone needed to take that first step toward true change.  Edelgard was willing to be the one to take that step.  So while there may be problems to her approach, problems which she openly acknowledges and identifies, I think it’s better that she’s willing to go forward with a plan to enact change and try something, instead of just sitting still, letting things continue, and doing nothing but “sending thoughts and prayers.”  Sometimes there is no good solution, and you can’t just sit around theory crafting until you’re certain it’s going to work.  Sometimes you just have to act and do your best to get the best outcome.  And that’s what Edelgard does.  And I love it.
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arlingtonpark · 5 years
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You know, we’re lucky Zeke is a moron. At long last he has access to the ultimate power in the world, and instead of using it then and there, he tries to show Eren the error of his ways like this is A Christmas Story or something.
Zeke thought he was Chris Marley and Eren was Ebenezer Scrooge. Turns out, he’s a QANON believer and Grisha is the owner of Comet Ping Pong.
It’s just stunning how unself-aware Zeke is. He’s like one of those hyper-partisan, extremely-online people who shout about how Obama is a tool for the rich, but freeze up when asked for details. This is a man so immersed in his own worldview, his head so far up his ass, that all he accomplished is making the most spectacular own-goal of the entire series.
I mean, he takes Eren on this wild ride, is basically making this all up as he goes along, certain that the next memory will be the one that proves Grisha’s EVIL-ness, and they spend God knows how long watching a dude filing paperwork.
This exercise was meant to turn Eren to his side, but all it’s done is create an opening for Eren to turn Zeke. And that may happen, honestly. Zeke’s beliefs have been pretty shaken now, so he may be receptive to some reasoned persuasion.
But up next is Grisha stealing the Founding Titan, so Zeke definitely won’t be want for validating material.
The only bigger jackass this chapter is Eren.
Eren really, honest and for truly, fucked up. He shat on his friends, he shat on his country, he shat on little kids, and he did it so he could trick Zeke into unlocking the Founding Titan powers for him.
Except now all that’s out the window because actually Zeke is in charge.
Eren presumably did all this because he couldn’t bear to see Historia’s life shortened, but now it seems he has no choice but to do it anyway, meaning he did all this shit for nothing! Amazing! Dreams really don’t come true in this story!
I love how the chapter foreshadows Eren dropping the ball by showing him literally dropping a ball.
At least now it means Historia is going to be relevant again soon. I don’t think I’ve ever said it before, but I lean towards the pregnancy being fake.
Yeah, Historia having a kid means Zeke’s dream can be easily undone, but Zeke probably realizes this and plans to overwrite King Fritz’s deal with the Founding Titan with one of his own: all future royal bearers of the Founding Titan will be infected with Zeke’s ideology instead.
After that, all he’d have to do is feed Eren to Historia. Zeke’s ideology takes over, and everything is set.
Eren needs Historia to eat Zeke, and Zeke would need Historia to eat Eren. And all the while Historia just wants to eat out Ymir.
Would Zeke really do that to his little brother?
…Yeah, he would. Zeke himself said Eren was just a key this whole time. He wants to save Eren from Grisha’s brainwashing, but remember that means convincing him life isn’t worth living. Because of that, Zeke probably wouldn’t even see it as a betrayal. From his perspective, it’d be him freeing Eren from the hell of life.
The reason why I think the pregnancy is fake is because I figure Zeke somehow coerced Historia into it, but then Eren told her about his true intentions and told her get pretend-pregnant. Then, once Zeke was disposed of, Historia could drop the act and live happily ever after.
(And then die with no heirs, thus leading to a succession crisis.)
And if the pregnancy actually is real?
Well, that would be a travesty and I’d rather not think about that.
This chapter has the most explicit endorsement of nationalism so far. Which is bad because no matter how much gold the series puts on it, nationalism is still a garbage heap of an ideology.  
Talking about nationalism and this series is a bit complicated because really there are two levels to this. There’s the depiction of nationalism in itself and then there’s that depiction as it relates to the social context of the story.
Just looking at the story, taking back the Founding Titan and actually having a ruler who cares for his subjects is very reasonable. King Fritz is a lunatic who believes Eldians deserve to die for the sins of their former Empire. And it’s understandable that people like Grisha would be pushed to support extreme beliefs like that the Empire must be restored.
Issues start to arise when you look at the social context of this story. King Fritz is pretty obviously a caricature of progressives who emphasize the need for society to own up to past sins. You see this in the United States with recent debates about Confederate monuments, for example.
Other debates about how the founding of the country is glorified and morally questionable actions like the three-fifths compromise are swept under the rug have been ongoing for literally centuries.
There are progressives who think these facts are not reflected upon enough, and then there are conservatives who think the progressives want Americans to hate being American.
Japan has a similar debate going on. The Japanese Empire of course did many awful things throughout its history, especially during World War II, when it tried to conquer East Asia. Japanese progressives argue this history is not given its due. (It isn’t)
King Fritz is obviously a caricature of these people and not a very flattering one. The strongest evidence that this series leans conservative is the echoing of the popular Japanese conservative talking point that the official history is a “masochistic” one designed to shame Japanese people.
Like, I don’t actually have to explain how the obvious parallel is obvious, do I?
Everything about King Fritz reads like a satire of liberals written by a Fox News pundit. Deranged king so obsessed with past sins he’s cool with his people dying for it? Did Sean Hannity write that?
Said King is a chump because he’s…a pacifist, which makes him weak, I guess. (How can a series be anti-war if #pacifismisforlosers?)
SNK’s brand of anti-pacifism seems reasonable on the surface, but when you consider the real world analogs the story’s set up, things start to fall apart.
The story’s message seems to be that the Eldians should be allowed to live as themselves with no outside interference and they should be allowed to use the wall titans to defend themselves if needed. That seems reasonable, but then you realize the Wall Titans are basically nukes, so the series is basically endorsing nuclear weapons and nuclear proliferation.
Nuclear weapons are not military weapons, as their in-story equivalents are set to be cast as. They’re used to wipe out women and children and unarmed people, and not for military uses. And their use leads to massive environmental damage.
It’s disturbing that the series treats the morality of their use as a given. Isayama doesn’t seem interested in grappling with this exceedingly difficult question at all. There is no debate between the characters on this, literally everyone wants to use them, even Armin who previously made a point of not wanting to.
It’s simply stunning that this series would set up such a weighty situation and just not grapple with the moral implications of it. Does Isayama even realize the metaphor he himself has written?
This isn’t to defend Fritz’s actions. Just up and leaving like he did was lazy and irresponsible, but that just ties back into the hyperbole of the caricature. The details aren’t important in the sense that what’s important is the overall statement being made. It may seem weird, defending the idea this character supposedly stands for, but not defending his literal actions in the story, but that’s because you’re not approaching the story from the perspective of satire.
Isayama’s laughable statements aside, Attack on Titan is clearly satirical. It is making its point through hyperbolic caricature. Though with King Fritz the series arguably veers into straw-manning.
It may be hyperbole, but no reasonable pacifist actually believes we should roll over and let other people kill us, and I honestly can’t believe we are apparently supposed to take this seriously.
The point is that pacifism is bad.
King Fritz swears a vow to renounce war, which the series has lambasted at every possible opportunity. This vow is directly analogous to the vow to renounce war contained in Japan’s constitution, which also binds future generations no matter their personal beliefs since, ya know, it’s the law.
Fritz does this because he believes it will lead to an everlasting peace, which also echoes Japan’s constitution, which renounces war specifically in the name of peace.
Article 9 in Japan is broadly popular with the public, but is criticized by a small usually conservative minority.
All of this is to say that the series echoes conservative talking points and generally seems to be written from that perspective.
Now we come to this chapter. Zeke explicitly refers to Grisha’s ideology as a nationalism and is then made to look like a dumbass for thinking Grisha is an evildoer.
Yeah, Grisha loves his family, but who cares? The series is clearly going frame Grisha forsaking his mission to be with his family as a mistake, because that’s what this series does! In the world of SNK, people who chase their dreams either fail in some way or are otherwise evil, unless that dream is to fight for the survival of your race, in which case you’re a hero.
Nationalism is bad because it’s an ideology centered on loving your race. It is an inherently exclusionary belief system. The series may not be afraid to criticize specific methods, but the idea of fighting for your race is itself not presented as a bad thing.
Even though in the real world, you would be hard pressed to find a similarly sympathetic example of a nationalist movement.
Nationalism is an inherently emotional ideology, it is fueled by grievance. The series acknowledges that certain expressions of nationalism can be fueled primarily by emotion, but we are also apparently supposed to think that a “rational” nationalism is possible.
In fact, rational nationalism is an oxymoron.
The idea of fighting for your race can never be rational because the notion is inherently irrational. The only people who would care enough about their race to emphasize fighting for it are the desperately insecure.
Whether it’s because they’re desperate for anything about themselves to love, like with Floch, or outraged over the targeting of their race specifically, like with Grisha, nationalism is never born out of some coldly rational thought process.
So now the Yeager Bros. finally succeed and Eren finally gets to betray Zeke. But wouldn’t you know it! It’s the royal who has control of the Founding Titan!
I was leaning against this idea, but for a while now I’ve had the inkling that the Founding Titan is supposed to be a metaphor for the concept of sovereignty, and now it seems that instinct was right.
Sovereignty refers to the absolute authority that governments have. In republics like the United States, sovereignty resides in the government, but it is exercised on behalf of the people.
In monarchies, sovereignty resides in the reigning monarch, who rules by God’s grace.
The key word here is “resides.” The king/president is merely a vessel for the sovereign authority of the government.
For many centuries, kings, and, later, officeholders in general, were thought of as having two bodies.
Their body natural, that is, their physical, human bodies.
And the body politic, that is, the power that comes with the office.
When the king dies, only their body natural dies, but the body politic is eternal and passes on to the next body natural that occupies the position of king.
The Founding Titan is apparently modeled after this idea. Each successive Eldian king is a vessel for the Founding Titan, which grants absolute authority over all Eldians, but only to those who are of royal blood, ie those with the right to rule.
Of course, only people with a legitimate claim to the throne may properly exercise sovereign authority, just as only Zeke may command the Founding Titan. As I said in an earlier post, as a commoner, Eren’s use of the Founding Titan is illegitimate by default.
Needing a royal sympathetic to his cause creates an opening for Historia to become relevant again and that just highlights how everything would’ve been better if Eren had just used her in the first place.
I get that Eren cares about his friends (really hoping he and Historia are just friends), but if you think that makes Eren sympathetic, then let me tell you a little secret: it doesn’t.
Prioritizing someone’s literal life over another’s simply because you know them is awful. It reduces the choice of what you should do to the randomness of who you just so happen to have gotten to know better.
If this was just about who Eren was going to spend a Saturday night with, then choosing based on rapport would be fine, but the stakes here are significantly higher. People are dead.
The excuse that Eren is doing this for his friend’s sake is no excuse at all.
At this point we’re half way through the fourth volume of this arc. The next chapter will probably wrap up this A Christmas Story riff and the chapter after that will most likely end with the Wall Titans finally being awakened.
Afterwards, I’m betting it’s just one more volume to close out the story proper and then maybe we’ll get a volume for that epilogue Isayama mentioned once in an interview.
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darkzorua100 · 5 years
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Well now that the initial shock has settled in and everyone is basically in agreement that our new antagonists for season 3 are more then likely going to be Human!Ai and Human!Roboppy (probably more in a henchman-like role for her though (I can already tell the dialogue between these two is going to be hilarious), I wanted to go more in depth on this because there is just so much to dissect on what Ai is planning on doing and just how far he is willing to go to complete his goal of what we can all assume just from the ending of episode 103 is to bring back the other Ignis (Flame, Aqua, Windy, Earth, and even Lightning (who is the main reason the other four are dead in the first place).
The key thing to note in this whole thing from just the simple scenes of Ai at the beginning and end of episode 103 is that he seems to be driven by guilt. The guilt of not being able to save his kin. The guilt of being the last Ignis. Maybe some guilt of not being there when the Cyberse World was destroyed by Lightning and Bohman. Maybe if he was there, he could have been able to stop Lightning before any of these tragedies were set into motion. Maybe at that time he could have been able to talk Lightning out of his plan and try and help him not seem so inferior. After all, Lightning did say that Ai was the wisest of the Ignis and the one to truly show them what it meant to have free will.
Now we have already seen first hand what guilt can drive a person to do in this series. I mean look at Ryoken for example. He has a giant guilt complex. The guilt that lead him to freeing the Lost Children because of him leading to Yusaku kidnapping and what his father was doing to him and the rest of the children. The guilt that made him feel responsible for what happened to his father because of that one simple choice. The guilt that lead him to almost nuking the whole world wide web to make up, in his eyes, his previous mistake that got his father killed. Guilt is just terrifying on what it can lead someone to do to try and set things right. The purest of people can make the worst decisions when they aren’t thinking straight if they truly believe that it will make amends to their crimes, even if it means committing another crime to do so. And that’s exactly how I see season 3 playing out in terms of what they are going to do with Ai’s character.
I don’t see Ai as the villain in the typical sense. He isn’t going to be the bad guy just to be the bad guy and turn on humanity just because he feels like it or blames humanity for what happened to the others (since again that was all Lightning’s fault (but I guess you can make a case for Earth’s death but again that wouldn’t have happened if Lightning didn’t destroy the Cyberse World in the first placing, forcing everyone to flee for their lives). Again like Ryoken in season 1, he probably thinks he’s doing the right thing even if the way he’s going to go about it will be completely wrong. Now there’s the whole debate if he has gone a little crazy (as the new opening has shown with his psycho expressions that we are all familiar with when it comes to Yu-Gi-Oh villains) but it is still up in the air at the moment if when Ai took in Lightning’s remaining power, he also took in some of his madness (in a Yubel/Light of Destruction kind of situation from GX) or when he reformed himself from the backup he left in Roboppy, he didn’t come back completely the same and became corrupted over time. Still I don’t think Ai will turn pure evil because of either of these reasons. His views might just get a little warped and mix in the already existing guilt of not being able to save his kin and that just doesn’t sound like a good combination to be left unchecked. It also doesn’t help that Ai was based on Yusaku and we all know how Yusaku handled his trauma during season 1. If the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree with these two, revenge might just be Ai’s best medicine (btw amazing parenting right there, Yusaku).
Which leads me into what Ai is planning on doing from within SOL Technologies. Safe to say, there is a LOT Ai can gain if he’s able to take out Queen (which is what more then likely is going to happen). If he can take control of SOL, he has access to the main controls of Link Vrains and can start screwing with the system for whatever else he has planned. He will have their new androids, the SOLtiS, under his control (which he can use to give the other Ignises human bodies such as himself and Roboppy have (since I think they already stole two of them to give himself and her human forms) when he is able to bring them back or if he does go mad with power during all of this (since absolute power corrupts the mind absolutely is a thing), he will have an android army in the making). They still have some of Earth’s data (which I’m pretty sure Ai hasn’t forgotten that little detail and is probably going to enjoy murdering Queen for dissecting his friend (after all he said his famous “I’m starting to hate humans too” line after he found out what happened to Earth (again revenge is the best medicine) which he can use to find a way to bring back Earth or to use as a starting block on how to. And if all of Earth’s remaining data is still inside of Go, pretty sure SOL will still have Go’s file on hand, meaning that Ai can easily find him and take him out to get his buddy’s data back. And most importantly, Ai will have access to all the Lost Incident files. SOL Technologists was the one to cover the whole thing up so they should have records of everyone who was involved. If Ai really wants to bring everyone back, the best route, if he has no other options, might just be to recreate them from their source, aka their Origins.
I talked about this little theory of mine the other day so I’ll just quickly sum it up. Takeru, Miyu, Spectre, Jin, and WO aren’t in good positions right now and might have to go through the Lost Incident again just to bring back Flame, Aqua, Earth, Lightning, and Windy if Ai is really willing to go that far. Heck he might even guilt trip Takeru into willingly participating if he himself is missing Flame that much (since I think Soulburner is going to lose to Revolver because he doesn’t have Flame with him to help him and that’s what’s going to cause Takeru to really try and find a way to being his partner back). However they aren’t the only ones in danger. If Ai wants to recreate the Hanoi Project to a T, he might also go after the Knights of Hanoi since they were the ones to create the Ignis in the first place. Obviously since Dr. Kogami is dead, I don’t think they are going to be exactly perfect (more on that in a bit) so he’s going to go for the next best thing in Ryoken since he obviously knows the Ignis algorithm because his father taught him. He could also go after Blood Shepherd, Kusanagi, and/or Yusaku since they all also know their algorithm but Ryoken makes the most sense in this situation. Back to Ryoken, I think it might be some nice character development for him (since last episode kinda had him regress in it a bit in some people’s eyes) if he’s the one to try and get Ai to stop what he’s trying to do, not because of his whole anti-Ignis thing but because he knows what it is like to be completely driven by guilt and he also knows what it is like to lose someone dear (aka his father) and trying to being back the dead isn’t a good idea (if anyone here has seen Pet Sematary, you know what I’m talking about). 
Which leads me into the fact that if the other Ignis do come back through this way, I don’t think they are going to be the exact same. They might not be fully operational, they might not have free will anymore or their memories, or they might all just come back as super anti-human and turn on their human friends (on that note I will cry if Flame comes back and tries to kill Takeru like Windy did with his partner). We saw what happened in ARC-V when Leo tried to play god and bring back Ray. Things go horribly wrong fast. This season could very well end up like that, where all the Ignis do stay dead, with Ai joining them, with the show ending on the note that we shouldn’t let technology get this advanced or bad things happen or on a more happy note with all the Ignis do coming back and showing us humans and artificial intelligence can live together just like how Yusaku and Ai dreamed of. 
Now I want to talk about Yusaku and Ai and what the actual hell is going to happen between these two. Just from the new opening alone, these two are going to clash at some point but the question is over what? Where is the line going to be drawn between what is right and what’s wrong? I don’t anyone on Team Playmaker will object to trying to bring back the other Ignis (besides maybe Lightning) since Takeru clearly misses Flame and Aoi with Aqua. I’m willing to bet that Spectre would also want Earth to return and be able to meet his Ignis. So it has to be the method of what Ai is willing to do in order to accomplish his goal that is going to drive the wedge between these former partners. Like I stated before, if Ai is willing to try and recreate the Hanoi Project and put Takeru, Miyu, Spectre, Jin, and WO through that hell again just to recreate his family, obviously Yusaku is going to have a GIANT issue with that, even if he wouldn’t be about of it again. Yusaku has finally been able to move on from that event. Takeru finally has been able to move on. Everyone is finally looking to be able to move on (well we don’t know much about Miyu, Jin, and WO at the current moment but you get the idea). To thrust these teenagers back into this event is nothing short of just pure wrong. And Ai knows this. He knows VERY well what the Hanoi Project did to Yusaku. What it means to him to finally be able to move on from it. And yet if it means being able to bring back his kin, to fix everything that he blames himself for, a necessary evil is justified, right?
No, it isn’t. Not even in the slightest. Even if it doesn’t get to that point, going after SOL to begin with (from the looks of things) was a step in the wrong direction if Queen gets murdered next week (which again I can very well see happening if Ai is still pissed at her for murdering Earth). That’s why I see Playmaker being the one to confront Ai first, not the only way around because Ai has obviously no reason to go after Yusaku at all. He has risked his life time and time again to save his partner and might not want to bother him for something he purely blames himself for and trying to make immense to everyone he has made sad because of him not being able to save the others from within Bohman. Unless Ai goes freaking yandere crazy for some reason (which I’m not objecting to since since I’m ALL for the yanderes in this franchise (Yubel is my favorite Yu-Gi-Oh character for a reason) and is willing to hurt Yusaku in order to protect him (for some reason I keep thinking of a scenario where Ai tries to use his and Yusaku’s Link Sense to try and rip Yusaku’s consciousness out of his human flesh and try and throw it into an android or make him into an A.I just so he can live forever and not pass away over time (because after this guilt trip, I think Ai will lose the last bit of his sanity if something does happen to Yusaku), I don’t think he will fight Playmaker until that line is drawn and Ai comes to the realization that since Playmaker isn’t with him, he has go to against him, even if that means it will destroyed both of them emotionally, especially in terms of the dream they share together. 
So that’s pretty much my initial theories to what we could be expecting from Ai going forward into season 3. This season very well has the potential to be the best season yet for Vrains and I very much hope it doesn’t disappoint in regards to how they are going to write Ai in this role. 
On one final random note, I am curious to know though if we are just going to be seeing him in his human form 24/7 now or if he will occasionally be back in his Ignis form once in a while. I mean from what I’ve been seeing, I don’t think anyone wants to see Ignis!Ai again because damn boy, you definitely took after Ryoken in the looks department after apparently digitally puberty hit you like a truck. On that note, Yusaku and Ryoken, do something about your teenager child before he actually does murder someone!
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mst3kproject · 6 years
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517: Beginning of the End
When I think of the kind of movie that belonged on MST3K, Beginning of the End checks all the boxes: it’s got a silly premise, a lousy script, bad acting, laughable special effects, obvious stock footage all over the place, continuity errors galore… and of course, Bert I. Gordon, the garbage king of bug movies!  I couldn’t possibly ask for more, whether I’m watching with Mike and the bots or all on my lonesome.
Somehow the town of Ludlow, deep in the mountains of Illinois (this movie takes place in an alternate universe), has been utterly destroyed overnight!  Reporter Audrey Aimes takes up the story and it leads her to a lab where Dr. Ed Wainwright and Dr. Frank Johnson are using radiation to grow giant vegetables.  Turns out, a swarm of locusts ate some of the super-crops, causing them to grow to enormous size, and now they’re on the move looking for prey!  Will the government be forced to nuke Chicago in order to destroy them, or can Wainwright and Aimes find another way before it’s too late?
Wikipedia has far more information on how they worked with the insects in this movie than I ever wanted to know.  Apparently Gordon bought a box of grasshoppers from Texas, after some poor bastard from the Department of Agriculture carefully went through all two hundred or so to make sure they were all males and therefore couldn’t breed.  Then I guess somebody forgot to feed the bugs on their way to California, because they ate each other.  The reason you never see more than a handful in any given shot, despite the characters talking about swarms of the things, is because those were the battle-scarred survivors.
The idea of growing giant food in order to end world hunger is something I’ve seen in a couple of different movies from this era, and it always makes me snicker a little.  For one thing, it’s misguided: people don’t starve because there’s not enough food, but because either they can’t afford it, or it can’t get to them.  For another, it’s monstrously impractical: what are you going to do with a tomato that looks like it should be sitting outside a Target?  How will you transport it?  What will you make with it?  What happens to the leftovers?
My theory is that Wainwright said ‘end world hunger’ in order to secure funding – his actual motive is simply to grow bigger tomatoes, perhaps to show up some neighbor who took home a prize at the county fair every year and then gloated about it, no matter how hard the Wainwright family worked on their garden.  I like this idea because it lets me picture Peter Graves bent over a Mad Scientist Kool-Aid Bar, muttering things like, “I’ll show you, Mr. Williams.  I’ll show you.”
Leo G. Carroll, on the other hand, just really liked tarantulas and wanted one big enough to sleep at the foot of the bed.
Time to talk about the actual movie, though.  It’s got a number of things in it that I really like.  For one, there’s no drawing out of the ‘nobody believes in the giant grasshoppers’ thing.  In a lot of movies, the soldiers sent to investigate the grain elevator would have found nothing at all.  In The Beginning of the End, they encounter giant insects almost right away, saving us from a lot of pointless dawdling around.  I can think of half a dozen movies that would have done well to follow this example!  Their plan to destroy the giant bugs is pleasantly free of technobabble or bullshit like ‘mesonic atoms’, though I would dearly like to know how they actually captured that giant grasshopper and got it into the building.  The script also gets around the problem of a monster that can easily be heard coming by establishing that victim Dr. Johnson is deaf.  No Tiptoeing Tyrannosaur Syndrome here!
Furthermore, both the disabled Johnson and the woman-in-a-man’s-job Aimes are mostly treated with respect – even the military men standing in Aimes’ way remark on how she’s at the top of her field.  Captain Parker invites her to hang around because he trusts her to make the army look good in a situation where they could easily be accused of shady dealing and coverup.  Johnson and Wainwright have their own separate areas of expertise and each pays attention to what is appropriate for his, and Johnson’s disability never gets in the way of his job.  The dialogue implies that Wainwright went out and learned sign language just so he could continue working with Johnson after his accident, which speaks eloquently to the depth of their bond without any clunky lines about how ‘he’s also my best friend’.
The mental image I described above, of Graves muttering over his revenge tomatoes, sounds pretty mad-sciencey, doesn’t it?  That’s another kind of neat thing Beginning of the End has going on – the character of Ed Wainwright actually fits the part of mad scientist very well.  He’s a man working in secret in the middle of nowhere with a disabled assistant.  They Tamper in God’s Domain, creating things nature never intended, which escape their control and run off to break stuff.  That could be a description of Victor Frankenstein, in his lonely castle making a monster with Igor the hunchback!  Beginning of the End tones everything in the scenario down from the gothic to the everyday, the castle to a garden shed and so forth, but all the elements are still present, and nobody is more aware of this than Wainwright himself.  When asked if he ‘bred’ the locusts, he replies, “in a sense, I did.”
The difference is in how Wainwright responds to the monsters he has created.  Dr. Frankenstein is so horrified by what he has made that he disavows all responsibility for it.  Wainwright, on the other hand, immediately steps up and takes responsibility.  Throughout the rest of the film we see that he feels keenly responsible for the existence of the grasshoppers and for every single life they take – not only his friend and partner Dr. Johnson, but complete strangers as well.  If the army is forced to nuke Chicago, he will consider this, too, his own fault.  He stays in the city not only in the hope of finding a solution, but because he truly believes that if Chicago has to go then he deserves to go with it.
I like this idea, of a mad scientist realizing he’s a mad scientist and trying to deal with it.  It’s got a Manhattan Project, I am become Death vibe to it that could have been really interesting and relevant to the 50’s Atomic Age zeitgeist.  Sadly, I think it comes far more out of how Graves plays the character than how Fred Freiburger and Lester Gorn wrote him.  The biggest problem is that none of the other characters recognize Wainwright’s self-destructive guilt for what it is.  Aimes, who is supposed to have fallen in love with him, offers to stay in Chicago at his side until the bitter end – I think this is supposed to be a romantic ‘die-in-each-other’s-arms’ gesture, except that mutual suicide is not romantic and a far more caring and natural thing to do would be to find this man a therapist!
What Bert I. Gordon himself actually seems to have been trying to accomplish was adapting H. G. Well’s The Food of the Gods and How it Came to Earth.  I suspect this was Gordon’s favourite book – he would use it for inspiration again in 1965’s Village of the Giants and 1976’s Food of the Gods.  In the book, scientists create a ‘superfood’ that causes anything that consumes it to grow to six or seven times normal size – unfortunately, this effect is passed on to anything that eats the giant animals and plants, and so forth.  Wells’ book was social satire, exploring the problems created by unchecked population growth in Victorian England.  Gordon, however, is much more interested in the story's relatively minor motif of an infestation of giant pests, and in his favourite bit of movie magic, making small things look big.
Beginning of the End does note that the grasshoppers aren’t the first bug to get into the experimental farm, and this makes me wonder if he had a series of sequels planned.  If so, it’s a pity he didn’t get to make them.  I would give blood to see that giant snail movie.
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As an attempt at a good movie, Beginning of the End tries some interesting things and even though it fails you can see enough of the outlines to have an idea what it was getting at.  As a bad movie, it succeeds spectacularly!  Despite what Dr. Forrester said about it picking up just before the end, it’s not badly-paced.  The opening sequence with the destruction of Ludlow tries to create a sense of mystery, and once the clues are lined up it doesn’t waste time on people not believing in what the audience has already seen.  There’s lots of grasshopper action and it’s all appealingly ridiculous.  The one that wanders off the side of a building into empty space is a classic, but there’s also that ludicrous moment when the grasshopper appears to be spying on the woman who just got out of the shower.  Nor can we forget poor Dr. Johnson trying to scream as the giant bugs close in on him!
Beginning of the End is everything I enjoy about Bert I. Gordon movies.  It’s made with love, by people who are terribly proud of what they’ve created even if it really didn’t amount to much.  I honestly don’t think Gordon cared whether his movies got good reviews just so long as they entertained people.  Some filmmakers whose work as featured on MST3K, like Joe Don Baker or Sandy Frank, were bitter about it for years, but I suspect Gordon absolutely loved that the show brought his work to a bigger audience.  I really need to get on with seeing more of his stuff for Episodes that Never Were, and I hope it features in Season 12, as well.
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Alright guys I’m gonna get political for a sec cause I’m kinda pissed right now--
So a family member sent me this list and it’s been irritating the shit outta me for weeks so I’m gonna respond to it:
• Appointed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and more than 75 other “constitutionally sound federal judges”, 30 of which are serving.
-Okay sure, he did it, that doesn’t make it a good thing. A party accomplishment MAYBE but that doesn’t make it beneficial.
• Reinstated an expanded Mexico City Policy blocking foreign aid from being used for abortions.
-Not even getting into my opinions on abortion, this policy is effectively a gag rule which prevents even the discussion of abortion policy.
• Cracked down on illegal immigration and “sanctuary cities.” As Attorney General Jeff Sessions put it: “The lawlessness, the abdication of the duty to enforce our laws, and the catch and release policies of the past are over.”
-Illegal immigration has gone down about 40%, however that decline started during the end of the Bush administration, so no, if Trump influenced it all, it wasn’t by a large margin.
• Issued an order killing two federal regulations for every new one. In actuality, 16 were cut for every new one in his first year, saving billions.
-Sure, deregulate governments and companies that have nothing to gain by preserving the planet. That’ll fucking show those libtards. 
• Engineered a historic tax cut that will save money for more than 80 percent of American households.
-While that is true, you’re now just taking away the already minuscule funding for the Departments of Infrastructure, Housing, Education, Health Care, Medicare and Medicaid, etc. The military’s budget, however, has remained, effectively, the same.
• Withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement, ending the threat of U.S. governance by international bureaucrats.
-Sure make it easier for the government and companies who have nothing to gain from preserving the--- oh shit wait, already said that... Well we’re gonna fucking kill the polar bears guys isn’t that bad enough??
• Reversed onerous Obama environmental rules that gave the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ham-handed authority to destroy the coal industry and abrogate landowners’ rights.
-Okay no, fuck the coal industry, if you are a miner, you can go mine something else, I’m sorry, but not only is preserving the coal industry going to end up destroying the ozone layer, gas prices have only continued to go up and strangle the wallets of regular Americans because WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF FUCKING COAL. Go solar or go home guys.
• Kick-started America’s energy sector by curtailing regulations, facilitating the Keystone XL Pipeline and opening up vast federal areas to oil and gas exploration.
-Don’t worry guys the Keystone is only just destroying the air we breath, contaminating our water supply, isn’t even creating jobs and has already sold most of the oil to foreign nations so it’s not like we’re even getting to consume the product we’re paying for.
• Presided over an economic and stock market boom, lowered unemployment and brought manufacturing jobs back to America from overseas.
-According to Forbes, as of 2017, only 2.06 millions jobs were added, less than the 3 million in 2014,  196 thousand manufacturing jobs were added, which is an increase for the previous year but is less than 2014′s 208k, and while yes the unemployment rate is down to 4.1% from 2009′s 10%, HOWEVER it was already in a downward trend and it’s only down 0.6% from the end of 2016 at 4.7%.
• Rebuilt the nation’s military, destroyed ISIS and faced down North Korea’s “Rocket Man.”
-The military got more money, ISIS is not defeated, and Kim Jong Un isn’t giving up any of his nukes. Next!
• Issued an order enforcing First Amendment protections for religious liberty.
-For Christians specifically. Not for Muslims wearing hijabs and Atheists not swearing on a bible. Just for Christians to be dicks to gay people.
• Restored the freedom of military chaplains to espouse biblical morality, and essentially reversing Mr. Obama’s transgender military policy.
-Again, this is just an excuse for Christians to be dicks to people, this time however, it’s people who LITERALLY FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT TO BE AN ASSHOLE.
• Revoked the Education Department’s order that public schools allow gender-confused males access to girls’ restrooms and locker rooms.
-And I repeat, literally just giving people the right to be cunts to other human beings.
• Cracked down on sex trafficking. President Drumpf signed a law allowing states to move against sex-ad Internet sites, and the Justice Department on April 6 seized and shut down Backpage.com, which carried ads for prostitution, including trafficked children.
-Y’know what? I’m not mad about this one. Next!
• Overhauled the mismanaged Veterans Administration and giving veterans more health care choices.
-Again, not really mad about this, take care of your fucking vets America.
• Replaced Obamacare incrementally, beginning with a repeal of the individual mandate.
-Okay! Real talk guys, my sister-in-law, who has been living with several crippling ailments for over a decade is being denied treatment because she can’t afford to pay, no private insurance will cover her and she was stripped of her Medicaid status because ACA was dismantled. So fuck this.
• Imposed sanctions on Venezuela’s socialist dictatorship and revising Mr. Obama’s deals with communist Cuba.
-Leader of Cuba is kind of a dick, so fuck it.
• Recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and repairing damage that Mr. Obama did to the U.S.-Israel relationship.
-This is a TERRIBLE move politically. But aside from that, we really can’t afford to forget the fact that Jerusalem is NOT the capital and Israel is basically just trying to steal more land that WASN’T THEIRS and WASN’T OURS TO GIVE THEM in the first goddamn place.
• Worked with Central American nations to crack down on MS-13 gangs.
-In theory this is great, in practice, it isn’t working.
And this has been: Angry Politics @ 2am.
(Let me know if I should update the tags.)
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scifigeneration · 6 years
Some 'bloody' rocket science gives Pacific Rim Uprising an extra lift
by Michael Milford and James Mount
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Pacific Rim Uprising is the sequel to 2013’s smash hit Pacific Rim, in which humanity united to create Jaegers (giant human-operated armoured robot machines, or mechas) to fight Kaiju (giant alien monsters, which rose from the ocean).
While the first movie ended with humanity destroying the Breach - an inter-dimensional portal at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean through which the Kaiju were emerging - we find out that all is not well a decade later.
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In Pacific Rim Uprising we meet a new team doing battle with giant alien monsters. Universal Studios/Legendary
In Uprising, society has started to rebuild, but many city areas still lie in ruins – and this is where Jake (John Boyega), the son of war hero Stacker Pentecost, thrives.
He is joined by familiar characters - Mako (Rinko Kikuchi), scientists Hermann Gottlieb (Burn Gorman) and Newton Geiszler (Charlie Day), and new characters Amara (Cailee Spaeny) and Nate (Scott Eastwood). There are new plot twists and concepts, including new hybrid mecha-bio Jaeger drones and mind control.
While Pacific Rim Uprising is definitely action-packed, there is still more to the movie than just giant robots fighting mega monsters. Characters are in parts more fully developed than in the first movie and there’s humour in the form of one liners.
They’re back!
But what of some of the new technologies and Kaiju shown? How plausible are they from a (forgiving) scientific perspective?
Giant monsters, mechas and the square-cube law
The biggest and heaviest creatures to ever walk on land were dinosaurs - with the largest sauropods like Argentinosaurus likely weighing in at more than 50 tonnes (weight estimation is an imperfect science). In the oceans, Blue Whales beat even dinosaurs with maximum weights of potentially up to 200 tonnes.
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The Jaegers and Kaiju are far bigger than anything that’s come before. Universal Studios/Legendary/Michael Rosskothen/Halina Koktysh/123rf.com/Michael Milford.
But nothing has evolved (that we know of) that comes close to the size of the Kaiju in Pacific Rim. We haven’t built agile humanoid-like systems anywhere near as big as a Jaeger yet either - our only mobile machines that large are ponderous mining vehicles and the Space Shuttle’s Mobile Launcher Platform.
One of the key reasons? The square-cube law. This law captures how the weight and volume of objects change as you make them bigger.
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Doubling the size of an object in all three dimensions results in its volume going up by eight times. Michael Milford
If an animal is scaled up in all dimensions by a factor of two, its volume (and mass) goes up by a factor of eight (the cube of two). But the cross-sectional area of its muscles and bones (say the muscle in its legs) only goes up by four times.
This is why large land animals (such as an elephant) generally look very different to small animals (such as a rat). So the depictions of both creature and machine in the movie require a departure from the physics of everything that we’ve seen in our world so far, something we’ve written about before for other monster movies.
This same scaling law also applies to artificial constructs, such as the mechanical Jaegers. To be able to fight and move like they do in the movie, they would need to be made out of incredibly strong materials - perhaps some futuristic application of graphene.
Verdict: Plausible only with futuristic materials science and out of this world biology - just like where the Kaiju come from!
Heli dropping a Jaeger?
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Heavy lifting in process. (Universal Studios/Legendary)
Both movies show Jaegers being carried around by futuristic rotorcraft. But what would it take to actually lift one?
First we need to estimate the weight of a Jaeger. We can get a rough estimate by scaling up the 1.8 metre tall Atlas robot from Boston Dynamics to become an 80 metre tall Jaeger, and assuming that in this future we have access to new lightweight materials that weigh say four times less.
Jaeger weight = 0.25 × Atlas weight × (Jaeger height / Atlas height)3
= 0.25 × 80kg × (80 / 1.8)3
= 1,756 tonnes
Ignoring details like the lifting efficiency of helicopters with an angled cable, we can see how many current heavy lift helicopters would be required.
In real-life, the twin-engine Mi-26 can lift a payload of about 20 tonnes - so we’d need about 1,756 / 20 = 88 of those.
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Transporting Jaegers is heavy work. Maksym Dragunov/Andrei Dorogotovtsev/123rf.com/Universal Studios/Legendary
To accomplish the feat shown in the movie of only six being required, they’d need to each have a payload capability of about 293 tonnes - which is more than that of the world record lift of 187.6 tonnes achieved in 2009 by the Antonov An-225.
Verdict: Struggling to fly.
How about rocket launching a Jaeger?
The Jaegers are shown flying in the movie - propelled by some sort of rocket and new advanced rocket fuel based on Kaiju blood. But what if we did not have this new Kaiju-based blood rocket fuel?
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Up, up and away. (Universal Studios/Legendary)
Could Elon Musk adapt his Falcon Heavy to do the job?
The Falcon Heavy weighs about 1,420 tonnes at launch - not that much less than a Jaeger, but most of that weight is fuel, and it is a multi-stage rocket that jettisons parts of itself along the way.
SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch.
But it needs to get all the way to (and stay in) low Earth orbit, requiring a velocity change of more than 9km/s (thanks to the Tsiolkovsky rocket equation).
In Uprising, the Gypsy Avenger Jaeger gains a lot of altitude but doesn’t need to get up to the velocity required to stay in orbit, and hence wouldn’t require as large a fraction of the weight to be fuel.
The Jaeger propulsion system could also potentially be benefiting from advances in rocketry that lead to a greater effective exhaust velocity, further reducing the fraction of weight that would need to be taken up by fuel. Or they could just use nukes.
Verdict: Elon could do it. Probably.
Brain-machine interfaces
The Jaegers are piloted by humans connected to them via a neural bridge called “The Drift”. In the first movie, Jaegers had two or more pilots, who had to be compatible with a close emotional or family tie - for example two brothers.
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Humanity has been investigating new ways to neurally pilot the Jaegers. Universal Studios/Legendary.
In Uprising, there is a focus on starting young, training cadet kids to become pilots.
So how close are we to this in reality? As one of us wrote in early 2017, the technology still has a fair way to go.
But what about the potential appeal of using younger minds and using family members?
I asked Queensland Brain Institute PhD student Angela Renton about it.
Angela: A close, long-term relationship between BMI (Brain Machine Interface) co-pilots would probably improve performance. There are real-life BMI setups where two monkeys using their combined brain activity to control a robotic arm have better control when their brain activity is more correlated.
It’s also been shown that people’s brain activity becomes synchronised when they coordinate to perform joint actions. So two pilots with a long history of coordinating their actions might have more similar patterns of brain activity, and thus have better control over the Jaeger.
So where are we at with Brain Machine Interfaces today?
Angela: BMI technology is pretty impressive these days, but we have to trade off how much control we’d like with how invasive our recording techniques are.
With arrays of electrodes implanted on the brain, we can decode precise gestures, in near real-time. The average person probably isn’t willing to undergo brain surgery just to control a BMI though.
Non-invasive methods are more difficult to decode, but we can usually detect whether you’re thinking of moving your left or right hand within about three seconds, and translate that into an action.
So it seems, if advances in BMI technology were to continue into the future, a brain-controlled Jaeger may just be possible.
Verdict: A credible control system.
The verdict
While it is hopefully unlikely that giant creatures will emerge from an interdimensional void to battle us, Pacific Rim Uprising previews a range of technologies that are likely to be a big part of humanity’s future.
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The concept of humans and machines merging in ever more intimate ways, as in The Drift, is likely as scientists continue to push boundaries by combining artificial and natural intelligence.
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Jaegers, get ready! Universal Studios/Legendary
Michael Milford is a Professor at Queensland University of Technology and James Mount is a PhD Student in Robotics at Queensland University of Technology.
This article was originally published on The Conversation. 
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opedguy · 3 years
Iran’s Foreign Minister in Hot Water
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), April 28, 2021.--Unloading his frustrations on a London-based Farsi-speaking satellite news channel, 61-tear-old Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif did the unthinkable, complain about the fact that he has no power, no clout, not influence in Iran’s foreign policy.  Zarif admitted that only Iran’s 82-year-old Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his Revolutionary Guards Corps have any power over foreign policy, not Iran’s diplomatic corps at the Foreign Ministry.  Zarif committed the cardinal sin in theocratic dictatorship expressing his true feelings.  Like so many other educated Iranians, Zarif got his education in the United States at San Francisco State and the University of Denver where he earned him M.A. and Ph.D. in international relations.  When you’re educated in the U.S. it’s natural to speak your mind, even when it might destroy your future.      
       Zarif complained to the London-based Farsi-speaking satellite channel, expressing disappointment over his titular role serving as the face of Iran’s foreign policy, when, in fact, he has no influence.  Zarif sweated it out for two years banging heads with 77-year-old former Secretary of State John Kerry with whom he hammered out the July 15, 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action [JCPOA] AKA the “Iranian Nuke Deal,” an agreement with the P5+1, U.S., U.K., France, Russia, China and Germany, to limit Iran’s nuclear enrichment programs in exchange for $1.6 billion in cash and $150 billion in sanctions relief.  Former President Donald Trump, 77, cancelled U.S. involvement in the Nuke Deal May 8, 2018, largely due to Iran’s proxy war with Saudi Arabia and Israel.  Biden hopes to revise the JCPOA to stick it Trump as much as possible, regardless of harming U.S. national security.      
        Since taking office Jan. 20, 78-year-old President Joe Biden has tried to resuscitate the Nuke Deal in Vienna, with the P5+1 continuing to placate Ayatollah’s demands for a new agreement, demanding an unconditional end to U.S. sanctions.  U.S. officials, working through other signatories because Iran won’t talk directly to the U.S. have been bending over backwards for a new deal.  Since taking office, Biden has done everything possible to undo all of Trump accomplishment, including Southern border security.  Biden has hit U.S.-Russian and U.S.-Chinese relations with a wrecking ball, turning the U.S. border with Mexico into a raging calamity.  When Biden delivers his quasi-State-of-the-Union speech on Zoom tonight, everything will sound like unprecedented success.  Anyone paying any attention to what’s happening with the border, Iran, Russia and China know differently.        
     Zarif now apologizes for his remarks leaked to the press, complaining about the limits of his power with foreign policy.  “I am very sorry how a secret theoretical discussion about the necessity of increasing cooperation between diplomacy and the fied [the Guard]—in order for the next officials to use the valuable experience of the last eight years—became an internal conflict,” Zarif wrote.  Zarif was considered a viable presidential candidate to replace 72-year-old outgoing moderate President Hassan Rouhani who’s termed out.  Zarif’s gaffe for the Ayatollah and his acolytes to see most likely will see him replaced as Iran’s Foreign Minister.  Zarif, while doing the bidding of the Ayatollah, was a less extreme face to Iran’s foreign policy, despite the fact, as Zarif confesses, he has no real clout.  Zarif takes his orders from the Ayatollah and his rubber stamped Assembly of experts.    
        Zarif finds himself caught between a rock-and-a-hard place admitting to the London-based Farsi station that he has no real power to do anything on foreign policy without expressed approval of the Ayatollah.  “I did not censor myself, because this is a betrayal of the people,” Zarif said, trying to excuse statements made in the interview.  With the Ayatollah and Assembly of Experts knowing Zarif’s frustrations with Revolutionary Guard Commander Brig. Gen. Esmail Qaani calling the shots.  Iran still wants to retaliate against the U.S. for Trump killing Al Quds Leader Qassem Soleimani Jan. 3, 2020 in a predator drone strike outside the Baghdad airport.  Soleimani was responsible for the proxy wars against Saudi Arabia and Israel, not to mention Limpet mine attacks on Persian and Oman Gulf oil tankers.  Zarif admitted in his interview he has no say over Iran’s foreign policy.     
        When it comes to dictatorships like Iran, no one should be surprised that front-man like Zarif has no power in Iran’s foreign policy.  What’s surprising is that he would air his frustrations to a foreign TV station knowing the possible consequences, including his possible termination and vaporization.  Rouhani said Iran’s Intelligence Ministry “must do its best to find out how this tape was stolen and publish a report to people,” Rouhani said.  “There will be no mercy for those that made a mistake like this,” not mentioning the political fallout to Zarif, now in Ayatollah’s dog house.  How the Ayatollah could trust Zarif again is anyone’s guess, knowing he harbors frustration about Iran’s power chain of command.  “It was published just when Vienna was on the road to success, to create conflicts in the country Rouhani said.  Rouhani knows that nothing gets past Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
.About the Author
 John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.   Reply  Reply All  Forward
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allyxmethstuff-blog · 6 years
Avengers: Infinity War and it’s Relevance to 45′s Regime (Some Spoilers)
So, did you see the latest Avengers movie? If you haven’t you may want to not read part of this review but I want you to; because while you may ignore the film’s message for the fun the movie absolutely is - the statement it makes is necessary. I can understand how you don’t want to think about the outside world in a summer blockbuster. However, this is the most important piece of pop culture that relates to our world.
Thanos as we all know from the trailers is looking for the Infinity Stones to end all life on Earth. We’ve heard it before. We’ve seen the heroes in these stories time and time again defeat these foes. To many Americans - this is the story we were told through Joseph Campbell’s “The Heroes Journey” and some never questioned it. We were taught that we were heroes but many other Americans know this isn’t true at all. To those that this country committed genocide against, to those that this country enslaved, to those that have been lynched, to those that have been killed by cops for doing nothing wrong, to those that have been destroyed through nuclear bombs we dropped, to those that lost their leaders so this country could obtain their resources without giving anything back, to those that cops would never help because we are not white; cis; and affluent, to those that would be put in jail because of bigotry, to civilians of foreign countries killed by our own army, to our own journalists that have been killed by our own army, to those that lost their country because this one stole the borders only to then kill - we know that the good guys do not always win.
And in this movie the good guys do not win. And it’s important to take note that the consequences are the destruction of half of life across the universe. So what does that mean? Is this the beginning of a broken cycle in the Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey”? Not exactly as this is the first film of a two-part movie. Despite knowing that let’s consider what this means. It’s a weapon of war. A weapon of mass destruction. And the man that wants to do this is not infamous in the Milky Way Galaxy - but so well known and feared that people only wish they never come across him and he would leave them alone. Who can blame these people when Thanos’s title is “The Mad Titan” along with his massively powerful army. Does this sound like anyone we know? You’d be lying if you said you didn’t know who this sounds like.
Its 45. C’mon the title says it. 45 has been itching to use nukes since the moment he won the general election in 2016. He has killed more civilians in the Middle East than President Obama did his entire presidency just within a few months. There is no way that many Middle Eastern civilians died unless it was deliberate. The man became a war criminal in his first few days. His racism, xenophobia, anti-semitism, sexism, and anti-lgbtq+ personality has made him worse than even Andrew Jackson. And Andrew Jackson killed so many First Nation citizens that 45 has worked hard to surpass him. He has left Puerto Rico a death island with no help which has left fellow citizens drinking contaminated water and almost no power during a gigantic economic depression there. He allowed the Dakota Access Pipeline to continue after President Obama told them they must suspend work on the pipeline. The protests were started by the First Nation people because it mostly went through the river in their reservation and they knew the oil pipeline would contaminate it. And it did. He has called black football players and countries with higher populations of black people derogatory words. He hired Nazis to work in the White House. He himself has a book of Hitler’s speeches on his bedside table and this man is not an avid reader. This comes straight from Ivanna (45′s first wife).
I could go on about all of the discriminatory things he has done and that is unfortunately as American as apple pie. After all 45 did not make slavery legal but this country did make it legal. This country also made slavery illegal with the 13th amendment but during the Reconstruction Era we still had to work hard to stop slavery. It’s still not over though. That same 13th amendment allows the country’s incarcerated to be paid slave wages for their work by getting paid pennies. Not even a full dollar sometimes but literal pennies. These are human beings that hopefully reform and get out some day but when you pay them nothing for work they do for years with hopeful reform in mind how can they live off of their earnings? The food their given is so unhealthy and the water to clean them is so disgusting you might as well wonder how someone leaving our justice system could see the good in doing what’s right after? 
And then there are those paid a minimum wage. Even if you’re paid what the Los Angeles minimum wage is at the time I wrote this you’d be making $12/hr. The average rent as of writing this is $1450/month for a 1-bedroom/1 bath. How much would it take for us to make for that to be a quarter of our monthly salary? $36.25/hr. Minimum wage is $12/hr in a good area and $7.75/hr. That means in a good area you’d need to work 120 straight hours or 5 days without breaks to get enough for your rent to be a quarter of your wages. No job would give you that many hours so you’d be working 3 jobs without a break for 8 hours straight. Do you know what happens in three days if you don’t get enough rest? You die. Now do you see what this is? Now do you see how this is unconstitutional? And how our country has only grown to be incrementally less atrocious? And the person in charge doesn’t want to pay people. He’s done it before by not paying contractors after working for him.
But that’s not the most important part not unless you count those among the actions he’s taken that are something to fear. He has begun to strip away freedom of the press by allowing the DoJ to strip the rights journalists have from their handbook. Leading a way for them to shut down dissenting public opinion. It has already begun through multiple journalists attacking Michelle Wolf when they have agreed with what she has said on their own stations. What of his unwillingness to invoke the sanctions against Russia? What of his willingness to fire those investigating him (a Nixonian precedent albeit)? What of the Nazis that he gave safe harbor to in his statement that there are good people on both sides? What of his assault on the environment in which we cannot live if we do not protect it from turning deadly? What of that moment when he found out the President of China was able to turn his appointment in office into a life term and wished for it to be done here? What of those moments he praises dictators and eschews democratic leaders? What of his desire to ban a group of people from entering the country based on inalienable qualities? What of his actions to hold immigrants both undocumented and legal from being given due process? What of his acts to keep these immigrants indefinitely and not allowing pregnant girls who do not want these babies access to abortion? And what of this man who has no humanitarian bone in his body who wishes to hold immigrants indefinitely?
The important part is do you see the abuses our own country has committed and do you see how he has gone further? Now consider what I said earlier. He keeps a book of Hitler’s speeches on his bedside table and he doesn’t read. He called for the murder of the innocent Central Park 5. He kills his citizens of multiple countries and not just his own. He tells his supporters to assault people and that he’d pay for their legal fees (but then never doing so). He says he wants to use nukes! I could go on but let’s get to where him and Thanos align.
Nukes, are a weapon of mass destruction. He wants to do exactly what Thanos has done in Infinity War. Kill as much of the world as he possibly can. He would be safe. He has an entire army that would protect him because they don’t see the issue at hand. But where would the rest of us be? Where would you be if he accomplishes this task? Would millions of people die or just a few hundred thousand? What about the radiation fallout? What about the 2 degrees Celsius temperature increase that would ensure climate change would get worse than we’ve seen already within just a few years? What of the Reichstag Fire he would create to hold power forever?
Thanos says he wanted to erase half of the universe so life could continue. All villains see themselves as the good guy. I’m not saying 45 is that smart. In fact quite the contrary. He isn’t doing anything for anyone else other than perhaps his daughter Ivanka and to an extent there is another similarity here. Yet, I would say his idol Adolf Hitler fits more in line with Thanos for just their intelligence. Hitler wanted to create a world without anyone not Aryan. In the movie you see some of the genocide Thanos enacts. The soldiers carried out the dirty work in both worlds. Hitler attempted to get a nuclear bomb but was thwarted. He had death camps. Thanos wasn’t looking to have those but where Hitler and Thanos don’t coalesce whereas Thanos and 45 do is a weapon of mass destruction. The difference is Thanos had no one to keep him in check. 45 does but those people are growing smaller in number. Those that would try to stop him from doing so get smaller day by day.
Imagine an unchecked 45. I’ve outlined his past and I’ve outlined his idol. I’ve outlined small amounts of spoilers for Infinity War’s antagonist and his goal. You’re going to see the movie if you already haven’t because it is a cultural flashpoint. And when you see the deaths of people through this weapon of mass destruction it is harrowing. Now you have an idea for what he could do just with a nuclear weapon. Imagine what he could do with a Reichstag Fire and becoming a dictator. And imagine what you wish you could’ve done before then.
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wakemany · 6 years
Hi Welcome
Tina Small is christian . Roberta Pedon is Irish
September 15, 2015
H I    SToRM FRoNT– ERS    –   Edited   Letter   i   Sent   to   Don   blacK  —–— To  Don  BlacK  :      I   did   snail   mail   in  past .  TLH   Syracuse , Rev  RaY   Indiana ,   RNPA   LocK port  ,    said    m Y    “  Litter    With    paper ” plan   has   merit  .
silence .  No  more  chat rooms  , Yahoo  clubs . SF  is  the  only  outlet . Not   Reddit .
silence . Edgar  Steele , innocent  NSM   leader  in  prison . The  day  may  come  When  even  you  Will   be  silenced .
my  plan – small   groups ,  paper   is   hard   to   stop . Do “ exploits ”,  “ instruct   many ”,  truth  –  lives  on !
not  gonna  stop   gov’t  agenda  immigration . Fact . next  best  alternative  ?
Women  are  suffering . Ask  Shoshana  Roberts . What  else  is  Working ?                                     TonY
Read  more  if  you  Want …… start  of  my  plan
I  saw  an  angry  White  girl  with  her  arms  extended  and  walking  away  and  turning  around  at  times  and  telling  him  off  and  a  black  dude  following  . A  pastor  once  told  me  repeat =  abuse !
I  saw  this  several  times , but  another   White  lady  told  me  – “ trying  to  ignore  that  person , but  they  just  follow  and  talk ”.
I  saw  a  friendly  black  turning  around  to  see  if  a  White  girl  was  still  there .  sneaky  slowly  trying . What  to  do ?       Page 1 oF  14
Try  TEACHING  STRATEGY… Racism  is  socially  learned – babies  Know  nothing . Ask – is  it  learned ?  Then  it  should  Work !
What  a  time  consuming  pain !  Joining  KKK  ain’t  working , right ?  Your  current  “ Wake  up ? ”  strategy  is – nonsense . pointless .
but – education  won’t  stop  the  bleeding . No – but  it  Will  slow  it  down .
1. organize , 2. Wear gloves  to  hide  fingerprints  ,  3. litter  cars  (  Windshields ,  homes ,  streets  )   With  paper + dvd’s ( old  movies )… simple …. If  you  are  Fed  up
A  new  advertising  strategy . Perhaps  you “ racists ” will   Light  the  Way  to  advertise  secretly . Pioneers  in “ exploits ” = sneaky  stuff ?  INSTRUCT  MEANS  MORE  THAN  JUST  TELLING . INSTRUCT  MEANS  PAPER  and  TIME .
The  people  Who  Know  their  God   Will   be  strong  and  do  great  exploits . And  those  of  the  people  who  understand  shall  instruct  many … Daniel 11 : 32 – 33 .  There  is  always  a  Few  who  understand …
maybe  this  letter  has  something  to  do  With  what  christians  Will  do  non  violently  in  the  Future . So , most  effective  Way  is  to  do  it  privately ?  small ? publicly ?  big ?  maybe  small  and  sneaky  LiKe  exploit  christians  is  best .
Decentralized  KKK  and  no  independent  media  ( it  is  controlled , except  a  bit  of  internet )  maKes  PERSONAL  UNDERSTANDING ( Daniel  those  among  the  people  Who  understand )  or  LOGIC , REASON more  important .  if  you  agree .
unLiKe  WiKipedia , this  site  Will  not  change . it  is  up  to  you  to  decide  what  the  correct  strategy  is  and  to  learn  to  thinK  strategically .  Read  my  gov’t  letter  below . As  always – if  you  agree !
STRATEGY  1 –  Logic  strategy –  blondes  Wouldn’t  exist . don’t  need   bible  or  history . duh !   blue  eyes , red   hair  do  exist .  Why ?  Kinda   important – logic  +  requires  only  1  sentence.
STRATEGY  2 – EXPOSE  MEDIA  BIAS . Leaving  Los  Angeles . South  Africa  silence . Again , it  supports  the  argument  that  We  are  being  Lied  to .
Spy  Who  Shagged   Me  painting  KKK as  Evil  ( Dr . Evil  on  Springer’s  show ).  Star  Wars  has  important  Women + blacks  ( Windu , captain , Billy  Dee ) , but  main  actors  are  still   White !
Back  To  The  Future  has  important  black  mayor + Anti – arab . examples  from  MODERN   DAY  movies  sooo  blatant  that  it  exposes  itself .
+ in  movie “ Thank  You  For  SmoKing ”, THEY  ADMITTED  that  Hollywood  deleted  smoking  scenes  from  classic  movies .
STRATEGY 3  –  Kings  of  the  East  +  the  End .  Why  did  these  2  threats  to  the  White  Race  ( Seeds  oF  men  mingling  and  Kings  of  East )  happen  only  in  the “ Last  days ” ?
MENTioN – chinese  gov’t  told  businesses  not  to  serve  blacKs  or  Mongolians  during  1988  Beijing  olYmpics . i  thought  Asians  were  Mongolian . Go  Figure . crazy  –  but …
not  Just  gov’t ,  but  Chinese  people  protesting  in  Nanjing – Get  blacKs  out . not  Mongolians .
What  happens  if  china  Wins ?  or  Worse . If  china  does  not  show  up ?  many  angry  Whites  today .
Wouldn’t  this  Kings  of  East  strategy  maKe  Asian  White  marriages  more  Acceptable ?
Yes , but , it  Would  maKe  Zebras  more  unacceptable . Hmm … there  are  pros  and  cons .
WHO  CONTROLS  THE  GOV’T  TOMORROW ?  Either  Way ,  you  Lose  if  you  marry  blacK  –  Permanently ,  political  Law  is  stronger  than  social  Law .
Who  says  most  believe  the  Bible ?  LiKe  i  said ,  Christians  do  exist . it  doesn’t  hurt  to  mention  bible  stuff  Anyway .
Just  don’t  bring  Nostradamus  into  this  – a  Land  bridge  Would  give  china  access  to  America . He  also  predicted – Russia  and  America  are  Kings  of  the  North ,  a  New  Earth  and  NYC  gets  nuked .
STRATEGY  4 – include  PICTURES   From  the  more  recent  C R  movement , S A  Farm  murders – A  PIC  SAYS  1,ooo  Words  and  makes  racism  more  personal , real , tangible . Fastest  is  paper (  in  steady  chunKs  and  not  Just  boring  text .
STRATEGY  5 – I  Would  NOT  advise  this , it  is  contrary  to  using  bible . But  old  saying ,“ Sex  sells ” maKes  me  thinK  advertisers  sometimes  avoid  this  on  purpose .
STRATEGY  6 –” A  moving  target  is  harder  to  Hit “- they  said  in  Waterloo  Bridge ! select  different  communities , not  Just  one  metro  area  or  state . on  different  nights .  Keep  police  guessing ! cry  WolF  create  diversions  1st ?
STRATEGY  7 –  KNoW  THE  ENEMY   Beware  of  going  into  or  near  big  companies ( Hospitals , Zoo )  or  gov’t  buildings  or  downtown . carnivore  exists . only  if  connected  to  internet . Beware  of  new  computer  technologies .
About  Walkie  talkies – echelon  exists . use “ suspicious ” encoded  Words  – could  be  Worse .  cell  phones  can  be  used  as  a  tracking  device.  credit  or  library  cards  leave  an  electronic  trail . CARS  have   GPS . Surveillance  cameras  all  over . Face  recognition  technology  exists .
A  Team – Find  a  person  Who  can  refill  ink  Jet  cartridges .  Saves  money  in  the  long  run . + a  computer  expert  to  download . WORK  PROFESSIONALLY .
Have  an  escape  plan . PRACTICE  – duffel   bags ?  Need  to  refill .  There  is  a “ learning  curve ”.  Someone  to  drive  van  ( materials  are  heavy ) . go  potty  1st . Need  watchers .
Still  you  looK  LiKe  a   thief !  Even  before   distributing ,  buying  certain  (  i.e., Remote  control )  items  on  Ebay  could  raise  a   flag .
A  drug  dealer  on  the  news  operated  in  a  rural  small  town   because  there  is  LESS  OF  A  POLICE  PRESENCE  and  used  video  cameras  in  front  door  and  escaped  out  back  door .
HOMEWORK –  Know  which  routes  you  are  going  to “ Hit ”.  A “ lone  wolf ”,  instead  of  a “ cell ”– even  gov’t  refers  to  these  terms  to  describe  terrorists .
Even  if  you  think  you  have  done  enough  homework  or  practise ,  Life  has  a  Way  of  reminding  you  of  your  shortcomings .
Iron  on  letters  onto  shirt ?  You  are  stupid  to  advertise  racist  beliefs . You  are  trying  to  do  it  secretly . What  if  the  gov’t  infiltrates  and  offers  stupid  plans , such  as …
It  Was  once  suggested  that  separate  militia  should  all   Join  together . In  my  opinion ,  the  gov’t  infiltrated  and  tried  to  offer  a  stupid  suggestion . one  that  Would  expose  them  for  arrest .
“SMALL”  STRATEGY  8 – be  Weary  of  making  the  group  big , as  the  militia  have  learned  to  be  Weary .   Page  2  oF   14
 Even  iF  caught , What’s  Worst  that  could  happen ? J  Edgar  Hoover  didn’t  care  about  KKK . only  communist  Party .
gov’t  doesn’t  care  about  racial   literature , only  political . proof – other  race  sites  exist . i.e.,  stormFront  . militia  is  enemy  Madeleine  Albright  said .
There  are  other  violent +  unethical +  political  strategies  I  thought  up , such  as  booby  trap  mine  the  graffiti  – explode  harmless  paint ?  sKunK ?  Strategy  9 . Which  I  intentionally  Left  off  my  Site , should  the  gov’t  persist  on  stopping  mostly  race  literature .
movie  Sound  of  music – Activity  suggests  a  LiFe  Full  of  purpose .  What  activity  does  not  WorK ?
Politics  never  WorKs . Kuchinich  and  Trump  called  voting  a  Rigged  Game .  +  Kuchinich  was  leading  on  internet  based  polls .
Politics  never  WorKs .  Immigration  increasing  year  after  year .
What  does  a  Rally  or  demonstration  or  protest  accomplish ?  or  signing  petitions ?
Long – Lasting  Graffiti  accomplishes  the  same  thing – it  shows  that  racism  exists –  Without  the  necessary  manpower  and  effort .  Much  cheaper  than  billboards  too .
STRATEGY  9 –  Low  RisK  SHORT  SENTENCES –  I’ve  heard  of  KKK  buying  billboards  before . use  airplanes  LiKe  they  did  in  Iraq . drop  leaflets . Too  heavy ?   Remote   control ?   Beware  oF  going  into  hobby  shops .
is  it  effective ?  ADL  Website  encourages  FolKs  to  send  in  photos  of  racist  graffiti ! “ Race  matters – bible  Samaritans   are  out ” – I  prefer  over  “ I  hate  Asians ”. SHoW  THAT  RACISM  EXISTS ! or  use  marKers  indoors .  Page 3 of  14
KKK’s  ” sporadic ”  leaflet  strategy  only  tells  people  that  the  KKK  exists .  So  much  more  potential . Proves  KKK  is  ABLE  &  WILLING  to  distribute .
Possible  to  use  a  “ gun ” to  launch  material , “ Flinging ” LiKe  newspaper  boy ?  Yes , but  police  may  get  Wise  to  seeing  VANS  at  night . bicycle  With  painted   Wheels  to  paint  sentences  all  over ?
The  pro  is  better  than  lazy .  Generally , the more   sophisticated  (  GREAT  exploits ) , the  greater  the  results . Example – Temporary  Radio  sites , get  Remote  control  From  other   countries ,  placing  pre – made  newspaper  outlets , — gotta  thinK !
gov’t  could  make  people  afraid  of  unleft  pacKages  by  coming  up  With  stories  on  the  evening  news .
do  this – LEAVE  IT  TO  BE  FOUND . it  Would  be  expensive  and  many  Wasted  non – hits . but  less  RisK …… You  looK  LiKe  a  thieF ! is  a  problem  that  this  could  neutralize  .
STRATEGY 10 –  When  distributing , include  my ” How  to ” strategy  plan – Your  efforts  could  multiply  and  SelF  propagate  all  BY  ITSELF .
KKK  never  required  strong  leadership . KKK  exists  in  Brazil  and   India  also . WiKipedia  said   KKK  grew  Whenever  social  tensions  arose  and   Waned   Whenever  they  loosened  automatically . KKK  is  human  nature . It  could  ignite  by  itself , couldn’t  it ?
Super  major  “ Legit ” strategy  11 –  use  bible …  Jesus  ate  With  sinners , SAMARITANS ,  Lepers . all  contagious , and  affects  those  Who  are  not  infected .  Women  too
Sinners . “ protect your  Rep ” Tax  collectors  Were  Jews  Who  collected  taxes  From  other  Jews  and  gave  it  to  the  Romans .
blacks  Were “ sold  out ” by  black  slave  traders  ( in  Africa , not  the  ships – Packed   Like  sardines .  Titanic  sank  Whites  got  Killed – public  outcry ) .
In  movie , ‘ It’s  a  Wonderful  LiFe ’ – “ You  Know  Mr . Gower ? ( a “  sinner ” outcast  pharmacist  who   poisoned  a  Kid )  you  must  be  a  Jailbird  yourself  . Throw  them  out  ”.
on  TV , a  Lady  saw  O. J.  Simpson  getting  yelled  at  one  day . She  said “  imagine  What  LiFe  is  LiKe  everyday ”
Vivien  Leigh  commits  suicide  at  end  of  ‘ Waterloo   Bridge ‘ because  she  had  a  dancer’s  Rep .
Jesus  crossed  social   Line  into  Samaria  and  could’ve  died . He  crossed  physical   Line  and  Walked  on  Water . LiKe  cursing  Laws  oF  gravity .
Samaritans Were outcasted .  Assyrians  invaded  israel  and  intermingled  . Racial  half – breeds .
Lepers – in movie ‘ Ben Hur ’, people  ran  away . There  was  a ‘  Valley  oF  Lepers ‘ and  black  circus  performers .
… but  most  are  guilty – magic  Johnson  pleaded  on  TV , “ people  say  ooh  and  shy  away  From  me . don’t  do  that ”. imagine  Life  for  him  everyday
WiKi  article ‘ Leprosy  stigma ’ – says “ Forced  segregation …  commit  suicide ’,  Families  Were  affected …
In  movie ‘ Philadelphia ’, he  was  innocent  and  got  it  from  a  blood  transfusion . They  said “ a  social  death  preceeds  a  physical  death ” For  HIV  people .
Women’s suffrage at  turn  of  the  century. in  bible , there  Were  concubines . Read  in  newspaper , Iraqi  Women  afraid  of  Saddam‘s  son , Odai .
in  Roman  days , Women  Were  treated  a  tad   better  than  animals . Aren’t  “  honor  Killings ”  still  committed  iF  they  embarrass  Family ? and  Arab  Women  Wear  veils .
constitution  and   bible  says  all  men  are  equal , and   Yet   bible  says  all  men  Rich   poor   Free   slave  have  to  accept  mark  of  the  beast .
That  a  man  is  innocent  until  proven  guilty , yet  Joseph  Went  to  prison  for  raping  Potifa’s  Wife .
blacks  changed  their  mind  and  said “ progress ”. They  Knew  abstract  equality  can’t  exist .   Page 4  of  14
Moses  married  a  Cushite  and  God   had  no  problem . Miriam   said “  LooK  what  he  did ” = “ is  he  crazy ? ” People  do  care . if  Joseph  was  innocent  and  we  free  all  rapists  in  prison , society  will   Fall  apart . Also , Joseph  couldn’t  eat  with  his  brothers  because  he  was  Egyptian  .
“ Right  to  bear  arms ” 2nd  important  amendment  and   Well  regulated  militia  is  NECESSARY .  Malcolm X  urged  all   blacks  to  get  guns .
Not  all   blacks  think  that  Way ,  but  there  are  those  that  do . Haiti – “ Whatever  you  do  to  us , We  do  to  you ! ” TanKs  on  MLK’s  birthday . President  Charles  Taylor – “ They  owe  it  to  us  ! ”. Tulsa  got  bombed   From  the  Air . War !   Surrender  at  Tulsa – and  die  after  colFax  massacre .
constitution  was  written  by  christians  who  wrote  it  in  abstract  terms ( ForeFathers  were  wise )  ON  PURPOSE  – Knowing  that  in  reality , it  doesn’t  worK  that  way . You  can  put  bible  away – abstract  concepts  apply  only  to  God .
in  reality , the  needs  oF  MANY  outweigh  needs  oF  FEW , or  the  ONE –  Star  TreK  Khan !  but  Lot  was  the  only  ONE  in  Sodom  and  the  Famine  in  Israel   happened   because  oF  a  FEW  Gibeonites . it  taKes  time  to  explain  things  LiKe  ABSTRACT..…  but  it  is  relevant .
Lights  don’t  LiKe  darKs  in  a  movie  by  important  director  SpiKe  Lee . Who  “oppresses ” poor ?  Apostle  Paul  said, the  Rich . When  poor  become  Rich ? they  oppress  also .
darKs  become  Lighter ?  mulattoes  were  Killed  on  Haiti . American  blacks  don’t  LiKe  recent  arriving  immigrants  from  Africa . india .
clarify – 1,000  years  ( 300  Arab + 700  White )  of  slavery  is  not  oppression – it  is  ForsaKen . God  deals  with  people  on  relative  time  basis  because  people  are  relative .
God’s  LAW . 1  suffers . The   other  doesn’t . Then  the  1  who  doesn’t  suffer  suffers – until  they  die . it  is  oK  unknowingly . not  oK  Knowingly .
Social   LAW .  it’s  simple – 1  is  in . 1  is  out . in  the  50’s  60’s , it  was  social  suicide  to  go  public . congressman  Strom  Thurmond   had  a  half  Kid   he  loved , but  Kept  it  hidden .
Answer  is  simple . gotta  obey  society .  everything  is  socially  defined – naKed , purple  orange  car , Wear  socKs  on  hands
Emmett  Till  whistled  at  a  white  woman  and  got  lynched . but  he  wasn’t “ SUPPOSED  TO  DO  THAT ” – socially  defined . His  pals  hightailed  it  outta  there . They  Knew .
Michael    Richards  of   Seinfeld  did  use   the  N  Word   and  the  crowd  all  got  up  and   left  . not “ supposed  to  do  that ”.
Mrs . obama  said , “ I am  a  black  woman  from  the  south  side  of  Chicago  and  i’m  not  supposed  to  be  here ”. In  her  own  Words .
if  a  leper  walks  out  of  the  Valley  of  the  Lepers  and  tries  to  mingle  with  healthy  people , who’s  wrong ?  is  he  acting  “ out  of  place ” and “ asKing  For  it ”.   Page 5  oF  14
LEARNED – babies  don’t  Know  right  hand   from  Left . Nobody  hates  when  they  are  born .
go  bacK   6o’s  TV – Gomer     Beaver     G  Acres     munsters     Adams   Fam     Jeanie     car  54     Fav  martian     3 Sons     A   Griffith     T  Zone     Howdy  d     Lost  in  Space     Flipper – All   White
70’s  movie  ‘ Walking  Tall ’ ( With  Joe  Don  BaKer , not  Re – maKe  ). ( and  it’s  based  on  a  true  story ) , 3  White  men  walKed  into  a  black  bar  and   blacks  became  quiet .
There  was  a  prostitute  in  ‘Walking  Tall ’ who  helped  the  sheriff “ good  guy ”. in  bible , the  prostitute  Rahab  helped  the  good  guys  ancient  israelites . How  real
bottom  line – Why  do  they  mingle , but  not  CLEAVE  together – because  it  goes  AGAINST   human  nature . beauty  ugly !  interracial  is  not  oK . maKe  it  cleave .  it  won’t . Why  not ? it  don’t  work  that  way .
on  New  Earth  , animal  nature – Wolf  and   Lamb   Feed  together . isaiah 65 : 25 …… malcolm X’s   dad’s   3   brothers  died   VIOLENTLY  at  the  hands  oF  white  men … All  3 , in   3  separate  incidents .
Torture  was  Known  as “ breaking ”. break  a  horse . Pavlov “ conditioned ” his   dogs . stop  torture  and   blacks  start   Fighting  bacK –  in  numbers  in  Summer  oF  1919 .
Torture  is  learned . Animals  want  to  be  happy . get  angry , sad . Native  American  slaves  stopped  maKing  babies .
Human  same  as  animal  nature . WiKipedia  said  whites  couldn’t  control  themselves  when  they  saw  blacks  with  guns  after  the  unpopular – draft  dodgers  back  then – New  York  City  draft  Riots )  Civil  War .
black  dude  walking  up  to  Michael   Richards  at  Laugh  Factory  couldn’t  control   himself . LiKe  animal .
confused ? but  human  nature – ALWAYS  WINS  IN  THE  END .  unless  gov’t  is  controlled   by  someone  else . After  6,ooo  years , India  got  rid  of  caste  system , politically , for  the  1st  time  ever  in  1950 .
but  whole  communities  are  still  segregated  in  India . caste  system  is  not  a  solution . it  only  slows  it  down . not  stop  it . a  solution  is  supposed  to  worK .  Why  Keep  it ?  Next  best  alternative  ALWAYS  WINS  IN  THE  END .
use  bible – Jews  and   Samaritans  had  no  dealings  with  one  another. WiKi  said  in  ‘ Civil   Rights  Movement ’  article – “ blacks  and  whites  would   have  to  sit  next  to  each  other — a  simple  yet  revolutionary  act ”.
Leonard   Maltin  said  something  similar  in  Little  Rascals  Vol  21  intro  – “… Kids  playing  together  wasn’t  done  then ”.
cut  people’s  heads  off  and  put  it  on  a  pole  in  Ninevah .  Jonah  hated . WiKi  said  after  slave  revolts , blacks  same  thing  cut  off  head  put  on  pole .
history  books  are  not  always  true , on  purpose  or  accident . Hard  to  verify  most  but  not  FAMOUS  HISTORY – but  if  it  fits  bible . probably  true .  Fame  Killed  o J Simpson .  can’t  move . Fame .
Michael   Richards  said “ 50  years  ago  we  had  you  upside  down  with  a  ForK  down  your  butt”. verify  history ?  truth ?
Mention  Famous  then – oprah  1st  ever  black  billionaire – out  of  how  many  who  preceded ? , Powell – 1st  ever  black  Secretary  of  State ,  44   Presidents  were  white  men .    Page 6 of  14
They  are  burning  whites  with  hot  irons  in  Africa  today – WiKipedia  said  that  blacks  were  branded . They  say  in  Africa  today “ all   Boers  are  dogs ” – WiKi  said  “ many  parKs  barred  them  with  signs  that  read “ negroes  and  dogs  not  allowed .”  if  they’re  doing  the  same  in  Africa,  then  it’s  probably  true .
Reasons – 1 History . His  Story .  2 Africa  surrounded   by  water .  3  Live  next  to  consistently  strong , but  never  super  strong  Arabs  ( Persia  silver , Babylon  gold ,  Magog  Arabs ) . 4 Always  WeaK .  5 Travels  all  over  the  World  ( slavery ) – and  suffers .  6 Just  as  much  black  blood  as  white  1.1  billion  in  Africa .  7. Asians  Won + people  thinK  in  terms  of  night  day  salt  pepper , not  thicK  hair  Asians  are  opposite  of  thin  hair  black +  India  1  billion .  LiKe  Pat  Buchanan “ endless  cycle ” of  violence .
not  true . nothing  lasts  forever . nuKes  1940’s +  Hiroshima . chemical  weapons  WW 1 . industrial   Revolution = pollution . Soon  super  pollution  Christians  say  Wormwood  ��� 1/3rd  of  waters  becomes  bitter .
technology –  cars  horses , trains  canals , bulbs  Fire , photos  paint , Fridge  ice . christians  are  correct .  Whites  getting  ugly  only  in  END .
IF  THIS  CONTINUES , Spike  Lee  said  you  have  to “ move  over ”.  WiKi  said  there  was  always  violence  in  India . S F   said  We  are  the  voice  of  the  new  embattled   White  minority .
Council  of  conservative  citizens  said “ What’s  happening  in  South  Africa  will   happen  here  in  America   ..… my  Kids !
After  the  NWO , blacks  are  Lucky ? Kings  of  the  East  showed  up ?  china  can’t  walk  on  water . What  about  UK , Australia ?  ThinK –  Pharaoh  used  a  containment  strategy  and  threw  male  babies  into  the   N i l e   River .
Race  is  a  matter  of  LiFe  and  death . AsK  the  Native  American  Indians . mexican  American  WAR . SA  murders .
but  it  is “ criminal ” to  outcast  because  of  race  UN  said . it  is  if  you  thinK  about  it . but  HISTORY  FITS  BIBLE – concubines , monarchies ,  Lynch  mobs – Stephen  was  stoned . They  publicly  hung  criminals  in  America  long  ago . They  crucified  in  the  bible – naked . Public  humiliation  is  outlawed   by  constitution .
There  were  no “ bankruptcy  laws ”. You  lost  all  you  had   back  then – debtor’s  Prison .
IN  BIBLE  ( monarchies  most   stable  Form  of  gov’t ) + in  movie ‘ Wizard  oF  oZ ’ + Audrey  Hepburn  movie  ( I  Forget ) , there  were  European  monarchies . No  more  monarchies  after  WW1 . media  labels  it  “ dictatorship ”.
Most  are  simply  CONFUSED . When  Israel  airlifted  ( 1st  class + expensive )   Ethiopian  Jews , Israeli  gov’t  said  ( once  they  arrived – IT  WAS “ CONFUSED ” +  it  took  Israel  over  20  years  ( since  1948 – in  Feb  1973 ) to  even  recognize  Ethiopians .
Word   For  Word , according  to “ Ethiopian  Jews  in  Israel ” WiKi  article – “ Which  was  and  still  is  mainly  subjected  to  political  developments  in  Israel .”…… gov’t  is  still  thinking !  even  to  this  day .
Ashkenazi   ( European )  don’t  LiKe  Sephardi  ( From  Middle  East ) Jews . Pat  Buchanan  don’t  LiKe  arabs  either . or  Messianic  Jews  ( christians )  try  to  convert  my  Kids  ( contagious )  .
Messianics  live  in  Israel  way  before  Ethiopian . Race  precedes  religion  to  society .  WASP . White  precedes  Anglo  Saxon  precedes  Protestant .
Lepers  were  separated  to  PROTECT  THE  INNOCENT. it’s  more  important  ( to  Forefathers )  to  free  Joseph ,  rather  than  punish  Potifa’s  Wife . outlaw  interracial – protect  the  innocent . but  our  gov’t  doesn’t .
People  LIE – Jews  of   Weimar  Republic  thought  they  were “ more  German  than  Jewish ”, but  they  got  Killed . Latinos  think  they’re  American , but  segregated  communities  exist.
Explain  WHY. gov’t ! if  whites  rule , Why  bring  in  Eastern  and  southern  Europeans  in  1890’s ?  Japanese  after  WW 2 ?  Latinos  1990’s ?
SLOWLY – Show  progressive ! – it  would  implicate  that  NWO  existed   long  ago . Even  before  the  civil   Rights  movement , Whites  are  getting  uglier – blacks  ain’t  winning  because  of  CR .
i  discovered  that  the  NAACP  was  started   by  Jews . Attorney  general  Amos  Tappan  Ackerman . CORE – Goodman   Schwerner .  Scottsboro  boys – Liebowitz .
STRATEGY  12 – Explain  Women . Jesus  ate  With . suffrage  movement  + Femi – nazi’s – again – in  1960’s  Pat  Buchanan  said – progressive .
You  could   have  2  Wives  in  Asia . They  have  2  Wives  in  the  Middle  East  today . in  bible , Abraham  had  2  Wives   ( Sarah  and   Hagar ) . media  labels  it  ‘ bigamist ’.
Pakistan  leader  Bhutto  was  1st  Female  leader  of  an  Islamic  nation – ever !  Albright  1st  ever !  Woman  Secretary  of   State . Thatcher  and  Golda  Meir  are  the  iron ladies  of   UK  and   Israel – not
STRATEGY  13 – Explain  consequences … Kids  are  Kids . At  school . Malcolm X  was  told   by  a  teacher “ being  a  Lawyer  is  no  goal   For  a  N *  LiKe  you ”.
Kids  and  adults  are  cruel  to  those  who  don’t  looK  LiKe  they  do . “ dad , Why  did  you  marry  mom ? ” Now  don’t  say  that  about  your  mom !
“ I  got  into  a  Fight  today  dad ”.  Why ?  in  mind  “ Fight  it ”  blacks  get  into  Fights  ( i’ve  heard  this  MANY  times ) .
denny’s  WiKi  article – not  serve  black  Secret  Service  agents . BoJangles  Robinson  was  told  to  leave  a  restaurant  once .
” Asian  Jen  and  White  Tina  parent’s  told  me  she  couldn’t  marry  me  last  night . They  absolutely  refused . We  broke  up ”.
sigh …“ must  Fight  it . Fight  society”. try  again . “ son , maybe  you  should  Just  marry  a  black  girl ”… hopelessness  sets  in . He  grows  older. It  is  learned  over  time .
Read  in  Plain  Dealer :  doctors  prescribe  medicine  less  often  to  blacks . Some  blacks  have  good  Jobs ( usually  gov’t  post  office , RTA  ) , but  not  most .
Plain  Dealer  said – generally , older  Whites  do  NoT  interracially  marry .  generally , younger  do .   Page 7  of  14
Rumors  are  public . black  is  public . People  see  and   hear  things . You  can’t  Just  “ move  on ” with  your  Life – unless  you  move , LiKe  some  slaves , not  most , did   long  ago ( to  nation  of   Liberia )
God  said  to  Samuel – man  looKs  upon  the  outward  appearance . I  don’t . but  people  do . God  said  so .  Fat ,  ugly  people  discrimination  will  not  go  away . Racism  also .
Are  blacks  LiKe  Joseph ?   Right  to  be  angry .  Life’s  not  Fair . innocent . Killed . does  that  give  Joseph  the  right  to  spread  ( public )   rumors  about  someone ?
A  song – LooK  at  all  these  rumors  surrounding  me  EVERYDAY… tell   him  to  pass  a  bill  so  that  next  time  they  catch  rumors  shoot  to  Kill !    Page  8  of   14
STRATEGY  14 – Promote  british  irish  beauty , especially  FAIR  SKIN  TRAIT . Show  them  Just  how  pretty  and  the  irish  are .  Need  pics . examples  From  sports , past – Just  how  british  we  once  were .  and   BiG .
There  is  disparity . over  time , people  may  be  able  to  distinguish . it  would   lead  to  less  tolerance  to  becoming  even  a  little  uglier … to  the  individual .  Write  it  out  LiKe  I  did – Faster  learning  curve .
black  last  names – no  Stallone , SWarzenegger , Dimitri , East  South  European . getting  blurry  tho –  Half  brits .
Tall : Conan  O ’ Brien , JFK ,  Ted  Cassidy  ( Adams  Family ) , Fred  Gwynne  ( Herman  Munster ) + Larry  Byrd  and  Kevin  McHale  – definitely  Boston  Celtic .  3  actors –  Liam  Neeson , Tim  Robbins ,  Chuck  Connors .
NOTICE :  FEW  big  latinos  ( Statistically , many  participate  in  Football  ) .  Munoz ?  Just  1 , LiKe  Bruce  Lee .
Tommy  Morrison  ( Rocky  5 ) ,  Dempsey  (  heavyweights ,  unLike  latinos ) , Kevin  McBride   (  100%  irish . beat  Tyson ) .
irish  Mark  McGuire  ( home  run  King ) . latino  canseco  was  never  as  big  .
Dorian  Yates  ( brit . Mr . Olympia )   Eastern  Honky  Arnold  was  never  as  massive
+ Lee  Haney  never  achieved  success  LiKe  Arnold . Blades  never  succeeded   LiKe  chuck  Norris  or  Van  Damme .
Point – beauty  is  strategy  of  itself . Who  is  more  beautiful   than  brits ?  Haman  tripped  into  Ester’s  “ bosoms ”. boobs  matter .  KILL  ABRAHAM .  STEAL  SARAH . could  get  husband   KILLED – does   matter .
Almost  all  uncensored  (  by  Cabin  Fever  only  on  VHS )  Little  Rascals  have  the  Kind  of  racial  propaganda , but  not  historically  inaccurate , the  KKK   LiKes – negative  black  portrayals .  Which  is  also  censored !
in  other  Words , 1. Song  of   the  South  or  Rascals – take  precedent  over  2. Mary  Poppins – british , but  still  not  a  Lie  historically . This  categorizing  strategy – is – relevant , but  not  very  important . # 1  Song  of   South , Gone  With  Wind .
# 2  BRiT + religion   2   For  1  deal : my  Fair  Lady , Waterloo  Bridge , Chitty  Bang  .  Expose  immoral  strategy – Proves  that  they  removed  religion + Fun !
Answer  is  no – 3  caballeros  stereotypes  Latinos , but  does  so  in  a  romantic  sort  of   Way . Naming  gov’t  buildings  after  blacks ?  Bad – does  so  in  an  important  Way . Streets , gov’t  and  utility  buildings , bus  stations  are  named  after  blacks . and   holidays – Kwanzaa , MLK .    Page 9  of  14
STRATEGY  15 – EXPOSE  IMMORALITY .  Some  classics  Were  not  released  on  dvd , or  Were  edited  for  moral  reasons  alone . not  Just  RACE  LIES  . GaY  Lez  too.  +  nudity
2 Timothy 3 :1-4  ( unedited  KJV ) 1 This  Know  also , that  in  the  Last  days  perilous  times  shall  come .  2  For  men  shall   be  lovers  of  their  own  selves , covetous , boasters …
We  are  being  lied  to  both  racially  and  immorally  should  complement  each  other’s  arguments . These  are  mostly  old  movies . important  but  ethics  TAKES  A  LIFETIME  of  dvd   learning .
I  wouldn’t  do  this  except  short  movie  snipets – Actors  praying , reading  bible , etc . I’m  not  sure . maybe  it  is  good  to  include  the  whole  movie . LiKe  Betty  Boop , any  old  disney , RanKin  Bass  will  do .
With  a  plastic  dvd , I  was  worried  about  oily  fingerprints . besides , movies  are  not  concentrated  education .
I  would  use  at  least  1  concentrated  dvd – put  all  materials , if  not  more , on  dvd . dvd’s  can  be  replicated – could  result  in  SHARING . movies  in  AVI   Format  on  computer , but  more  people  have  dvd  players  VOB  Format . or  both .    Page 10 of 14
STRATEGY  16 – DON’T  GIVE  UP – Leads  to  greater – UNDERSTANDING ,  LEARNING  IS  RELATIVE . KEEP  DOING  IT . Why  did   Hollywood   ban  movies , cartoons ?  Answer : Racism  is  Learned .
History , segregation – say  otherwise … don’t  give  up !  6,ooo  year  India  got  rid  of  caste  system  for  the  1st  time  ever  in  1950 .
Don’t  be  intimidated  by  the  length  of  my  letter . overthrow  gov’t … not  gonna  happen  is  it ?  “ Terrorism ” is  cheap – All  it  taKes  is  paper .
But  it  is  gov’t  who  has  Lied . The  media – silence  SA + LA = Lie . Right ?  Wrong ?  Blacks  who  used  children ( children’s  crusade ) – Who  have  crossed  the  Line . of  right  and  wrong .       Page 11  of   14
The  KKK  is  MAYBE  INFILTRATED ?, that  the  United   Northern  and  Southern  Knights  asK  on  their  Website – is  it  better  to  be  smaller ? ) .  By  chance , I  discuss  this  in  my  letter .
To  Council  of  CC – When  doing  things  publicly  my  letter  Warns  about  Disney . is  Baum  Jewish ?  Did  any  meet  an  untimely  death ?  No  Jews  in  White  groups !
Miriam  complained  about  Moses  marrying  a  Cushite + Women  most  often  complain  about  interracial . Teaching  strategy  is  perfect  for  WAU “ Women  for  Aryan  Unity ” – as  they  say . non – violent  become  a  Female  race  Litterbug !
because  the  KKK  Was  fragmented + decentralized  in  1981  ( michael  donald   lawsuit ) , I  used  the  Know  the  Enemy  strategy  to  get  many  addresses – I  visited   SPLC + ADL  enemy  List ! could  someone  forward  this  to  WAU ? and   White  sisters  in  particular
Accept  uglier ?  Lost  the  magic ?  Lost  Disney  itself  ! or  a  spoonful  of  sugar ( Fun , not  hard , convenience  striKe )  maKes  the  medicine ( distributing  WorK )  go  down . or  preseal  the  material  in  a  bag  or  envelope  before  distributing  if  you  are   afraid  of  fingerprints .
initially  it  taKes  WorK . gather  Which  material  ? staple  it … Leave  it , striKe  at  clothing  store . Library . bathroom . shopping  cart . go  to  new  restaurant !    Page  12  of   14
—————————— Excerpt  from  WWW.resist.com/JOOMJournal/BITTERFRUIT.html  ( it  was  sent  to  me  from  TLH  central   NY  White  Pride  Syracuse  NY  )………
…….. What  those  bastard  Jews  have  been  WorKing  toward   for  decades , and  they’ve  finally  succeeded . Here  in  California  and  all  other  coastal  cities , it’s  commonplace  now  to  see  young  blondes  running  With  the  ugliest  damned  plates  Lips  you  ever  saw . I’m  flat  astounded  that  these  young  Women  Will  turn  their  bacKs  on  good   looKing , smart  young  White  men  to  run  With  these  animals .
Here  again  We  see  the  fruit  of   Liberal \ Jew  brainwashing . If  you  tell  the  public  that  shit  smells  LiKe  a  Rose  long  enough , there  Will   be  a  percentage  of   Fools  that  Will  start  to  believe  it ……….. and   boy , are  the  Jews  squealing  LiKe  stucK  pigs . They  hate  it . For  decades  now  they’ve  outlawed  spanKing , Labeling  it “ cruel  and  unusual  punishment ”…………  SNIP ——————————————
You  see ?  Racism  is  learned + my  ( Last )  don’t  give  up  Strategy  16  Keep  doing  it  strategy – it  tooK  Jews  decades  of  brainwashing …… You  see ?  much  thought  Went  into  my  letter .
many  Roach – Era  Little  Rascals  show  spanKing  or  parental  discipline – before  it  Was  bought . + Vol 21 – best  of  all  volumes  and  it  is  the  Last  one . At  the  introduction , Leonard  Maltin  admits  that  Hollywood  used  racial  and  ethnic  stereotypes . ——————————————————————  WiKipedia  Keeps  changing  content  so  save  the  article  onto  your  hard  drive . As  of   Sept 23 , 2013 – WiKi  said :
in “ Missing  White  Woman  Syndrome ” WiKi – most  often  a  missing  person  case , involving  a  young , white , upper – middle  class  ( frequently  blonde )  woman  or  girl .
…………… Steal  Sarah  is  Abraham’s  sister  Lie .  Privately ,  Potifa’s  Wife  tried  to  seduce  Joseph .
2  Samuel  13 : 1-14  –  Privately , as  she  was  feeding  him , Amnon  grabbed  beautiful  Tamar  and  raped  her .  Absalom  murdered  Amnon  later.
I  heard  pretty  White  gals  on  SF  complain  about  blacKs  getting  violent  or  touched  sometimes –  He  Fondled  me  in  daylight .  Even  Raping
Foreign  Aid   WorKers  in  Sudan .
other  stories –  He  Fondled  himself  ,  touched  my  hip  With  his  erect  penis  on  subway , she  undressed  and  tried  to  seduce  me .
Another  SF  girl  said ,  besides  getting  hit  on  and  unwanted  pushy  help  –  occasional  threats ,  occasional  KnocK  on  the  door  “ I  Want  sex ”.
Another  SF  girl  said – death  threat ! … SneaKY  threat  tactics  employed  by  -some  –  blacKs .
+  I  saw  on  Youtube , a  black  dude  threatening  to  punch  a  girl  and  demanding  her  phone  number … prepare  your  daughters  mentally  Just  in  case
Enough  is  enough  –  Just  do  NOT  GO  TO  PRISON  –  LiKe  many  guys  write  to  ‘ White  Voice’  from  prison –  cuz  they  are  stupid …. Live  to  Fight  another  day !
Just  WATCH  and  WAIT  and  do  harmless  SKunK  bomb  or  paint  to  those  Who  move  into  White  communities . That  Would  make  me  move !
in “ Atlantic  Slave  trade ”  WiKi – The  enslaved  people  Were  tortured   for  the  purpose  of  “ breaKing ” them  ( LiKe  the  practice  of  breaKing  horses ) and  conditioning  them …
in “ Dennis  Kucinich ” WiKi – He  also  placed  1st  in  other  polls , particularly  internet – based  ones . This  led  many  activists  to  believe  that  his  showing  in  the  primaries  might  be  better  than  what  Gallup  polls  had   been  saying .
in “ Sexual  revolution  in  1960s  US ” article – homosexuality  was  still   widely  publicly  reviled , and  more  often  than  not  was  seen  as  a  malaise  or  mental  illness , instead  of  a  legitimate  sexual  orientation . Indeed  throughout  the  1950s  and  1960s  the  overriding  opinion  of  the  medical  establishment  was  that  homosexuality  was  a  developmental  maladjustment .
in “ Public  humiliation ” WiKi – has  largely  fallen  out  of  favor  since  the  practice  is  now  considered   CRUEL  AND  UNUSUAL  PUNISHMENT , which  is  outlawed  in  the  US  Constitution …. + crucifixion  was  used   by  the  Romans  to  add  public  humiliation  to  A  DEATH   PENALTY .
in “ NAACP ” WiKi – at  its  founding , the  NAACP  had  only  one  African  American  on  its  executive  board , Du Bois  himself . + Early  Jewish – American  co – founders  included  Julius  Rosenwald , Lillian  Wald , Rabbi  Emil  G . Hirsch  and  Wise .
in “ Second   Reconstruction ”  WiKi – statistically  Jews  were  one  of  the  most  actively  involved  non – black  groups  in  the  movement
in “ Debtors ’ prison ” WiKipedia – Prior  to  the  mid   19th  century  debtors ’ prisons  were  a  common  Way  to  deal   With  unpaid  debt .      Page  13  of   14
……………Today  you  can  declare  chapter  11   banKruptcy . You  don’t  have  to  pay  bacK  what  you  owe .
in “ Caste  System  in  India ”  article – There  have  been  challenges  to  the  caste  system  from  the  time  of   Buddha , [22]   Mahavira  and   Makkhali  Gosala .
+ The  practice  of  untouchability  was  formally  outlawed   by  the  Constitution  of   India  in  1950 ,
+ Violence  against  Dalits ,  almost  always  by  other  backward  castes
…………… blacks  never  stop  trying  in  US  history  also . Even  Light  skin  blacks  don’t  LiKe  darK  skin  blacks .
in “ Racism ” WiKi – Almost  uniformly , people  who  are  darker – skinned  and  of  indigenous  descent  make  up  the  peasantry  and  working  classes , while  Lighter – skinned , Spanish – descent  Latin  Americans  are  in  the  ruling  elite . [32][33]
+ Race  is  one  of  the  three  characteristics  most  often  used  in  brief  descriptions  of  individuals  ( the  others  are  age  and  sex ) .
+ The  mass  demonstrations  and  riots  against  African  students  in  Nanjing , China , Lasted   from  december  1988  to  January  1989 . [131]
+ Bar  owners  in  central   Beijing  had   been  forced  “ not  to  serve  black  people  or  Mongolians ” during  the  2008  Summer  Olympics .
+ In  Asia  and   Latin  America ,  Light  skin  is  seen  as  more  attractive . [119]  Thus , skin  whitening  cosmetic  products  are  popular  in  East  Asia  [120]  and   India. [121]
…………… No  matter  where  you  go  Lighter  skin  is  higher  –  Asia ,  Latin  America ,  india .
in “ Ethnic  pornography ” WiKi – porn star  Mariah  Milano  concluded  that  racism  is  still  considerably  rampant  in  the  porn  industry  and  it  is  often  concealed   by  tongue – in – cheeK  arguments  LiKe  female  performers ’ personal  preferences .
…………… Gay  ( sinners ) ,  Lesbian , interracial   Lies  in  MANY  pornos  today . Not  Long  ago , A  MERE  KISS  ( 1st  interracial   Kiss  on  US  TV  WiKi  Said  )  caused  a  rucKus  on  Star  TreK .  or  1968   Petula  ClarK  touched   Harry  Belafonte’s  arm  on  TV .   Page 14 of  14
in “ Ku  Klux  Klan ” WiKi – big  city  newspapers  were  often  hostile  and  ridiculed   Klansmen  as  ignorant  farmers . + Lessening  of  social  tensions  contributed  to  the  Klan’s  decline .
…………… newspapers  were  propaganda  even  bacK  then .  Lessening  contributed – automatically . KKK  is  human  nature !
in “ Racism  in  the  United  States ” WiKi – One  of  every  nine  black  families  has  a  close  relative  in  prison  over  aggressive  arrests  done  by  US  law  enforcement.[105].
+ Mexican   mafia  Leaders , or  shot  callers , that  they  have  issued  a ” green  Light ” on  all   blacks . This  amounts  to  a  standing  authorization  for  Latino  gang  members  to  prove  their  mettle  by  terrorizing  or  even  murdering  any  blacks  sighted  in  a  neighborhood  claimed   by  a  gang  loyal  to  the  Mexican  mafia .
+ A  HISTORY  of  gov’t – sponsored  experimentation , such  as  the  notorious  Tuskegee  Syphilis  Study  has  Left  a  Legacy  of  black  distrust  of  the  medical  system .
…………… even  to  this  day , in  Israel , Ethiopian  Jewish  Women  injected   With  birth  control   by  the  Ministry  of   Health  without  their  Knowledge . YOU  COULD  DIE – blacks  Leaving  Los  Angeles . AsK  michael  donald – Killed  at  random .
in “ Driving  While  Black ”  WiKi – The  phrase  implies  that  a  motorist  may  be  pulled  over  by  a  police  officer  simply  because  he  or  she  is  black , and  then  questioned , searched , and / or  charged  with  a  trivial  offense . This  concept  stems  FROM  A  HISTORY…
+ for  many  years  doctors  forced  African  American  sickle – cell  sufferers  to  endure  PAIN  because  they  assumed  that  blacks  would   become  addicted  to  medication ; Time  magazine  Labeled  this ” ailing  while  black .” [9][10]
…………… Explain  consequences  strategy – go  to  Jail , stopped   by  police – also . Long  Live  Rodney  King !   Pain  suffering . for  your  Kids !
Why  WiKi  debt  prison ?  History  Fits  bible !  Why  Kucinich ?  Expose  media  bias  strategy !  it  doesn’t  taKe  sophisticated  info , does  it ?
Did  this  Letter  affect  your  racial  opinions , at  all  ?  If  so ,  educate  your  Kids  at  Least .  BY  LAW  your  Kids  can  disobey  parents  and  marry  Whoever  they  Want .  convince  your  family + extended – at  Least … it’s  your  Family  not  mine .
I  personally  Knew  a  dad  who  PLEADED  with  his  son  not  to  marry  a  black  girl . Had  a  talK  with  her … Kept  talKing  to  him … up  to  the  Last  Wedding  day  BUT  HE  DID  anyway . TELLING  YOUR  KIDS  DOESN’T  ALWAYS  WORK . True  story .
Afraid  getting  too  pushy   Will   bacK Fire  on  your  Kids ? or  hope  they  Find  out  on  their  own ?  Parents  are  confused  on  SF . I  can  maKe  it  clear – instruct  teach .
many  different  opinions  I  read  on  SF – by  example , ” Plant  Seeds ” , explain  guide , Learn  from  experience  could  be  too  Late . books . movies . use  reason  ( Logic  strategy )  support  With  Facts . gently  Little  at  a  time . Watch  TV  With  them . – ALL  OF  WHICH   MEANS –  INSTRUCT  LIKE  BIBLE  SAYS  ( use  bible  strategy ).
I  read  on  SF – by  example , make  them  proud  of  heritage  – most  of  all . Teaching  by  example  has  a  problem . Your  Kids  may  misinterpret  “ your  example “. Perception  is  everything . What  is  to  be  proud  of  certain  White  Heritages ?
STRATEGY  17 – Teach  many  various   curriculum . ANYTHING  HELPS – ADDS  UP  to  greater –  LiKe  Strategy  16 , UNDERSTANDING ,  LEARNING  IS  RELATIVE .
content  curriculum . What  to  teach  Kids ?  FolKs  on  SF  never  thinK  up  these  things  – Abstract  concepts , What  is  human  nature , Women’s  history – supports  argument  We  are  being  Lied  too , etc
FolKs  on  SF  mention  these  things – Logic , media  bias , use  pics , expose  immorality , use  bible + History  fits  bible , consequences , Famous  History – Famous  individuals , etc
on  SF , I  don’t  understand  why  talking  about  Hitler  or  holocaust  has  anything  to  do  with  racial  awareness .  Avoid  nazi  label  with  your  Family . What  about  Jews ?  I  don’t  Know
Today’s  Leaflets  and  Flyers  are  WAY  WAY  too  brief . If  you  are  gonna  distribute , which  is  RisKy , Why  not  have  MUCH  paper  per  striKe ?  The  Finder  can  choose  not  to  read  anymore .
others  on  SF  do  distribution  also  –  Way  too  short  in  my  opinion . I  practiced – better  to  distribute  over  a  WIDE  AREA  &  over  time . It  Was  a  pain  to  travel .
In  UNFAMILIAR , I  Jeopardized  myself  on  occasion . once  a  man  asked  me  What  I  Was  looking  for  and  a  terrible  answer  slipped  out  in  Hospital .
Easier  to  Just  leave  it  as  I  stopped  along  the  Way  looKing  natural . Rule –  never  out  of  place . LiKe  guerilla . I  used  the “ convenience  striKe ” lazy  method .
What  is  convenience  striKe ? – don’t  hide  fingerprints . inK  costs  money . use   your  company’s  printer  lazy boy .  don’t  have  to  be  pro .
When  opportunities  present  themselves –  always  have  stapled  copies  on  hand . Either  Way  there  is  a  chance  of  being  caught .
Any  method ,  besides  INSERTS  in  clothing ,  newpaper , or  library  booK ,  and  they  maybe  Will  Know  it  Was  you . The  next  day , I  Went  to  same  store  or  restaurant , and  they  Knew  it  Was  me  Who  did  it .
bathrooms  are  saFe  as  long  as  you  read  using  toilet  or  leave  it  While  PRETENDING  to  search  through  my  backpack  While  using  baby  changing  station .
You  could  use  both  the  dvd +  case  With  cover  For  2  separate  striKes .  cannabalize  your  dvd  collection ?  both  are  in 2  sided  sleeve  together .
I’ve  VERY  VERY  often  pretended  that  it  Was  an  accident  as  i  PICKED  UP  MY  BACKPACK  TO  LEAVE . Purses  For  gals .
I’ve  had  a  Few  people  return  to  me “ohh  you  left  something “.  Just  thanK  them  story . EYES  ALWAYS  WATCH , even  at  night . must  pretend .
Some  say  Just  Leave  a  LinK . Paper  is  more  direct  and  sharable . No  dvd  player  or  internet  needed . Who  says  internet  Will  exist  tomorrow ?
There  are  no  guarantees  either . Your  Kids  may  marry  black  anyway  I   heard  on  SF  MANY  times – until  they  become “ aware ”. You  mean – convinced !
I’ve  often  read  on  StormFront – move . moving  or  going  to  a  private  school  only  decreases  the  chances  of  intermingling . Besides ,  blacks  hit  on  Whites  all  the  time . You  can’t  be  there  or  Watch  over  your  Kids  all  the  time .
We  are  being  bombarded  by  media . not  Just  schools . Teaching  shielding  is  better  than  moving .  or  ALL  3  is  better – move , school , teach .
HOW  TO “ HOMESCHOOL” ?  I  saw  2  moms  sitting  down  and  reading  a  booK   With  their  Kid  at  a  restaurant  that  I  Frequent . When  I  Was  a  Kid , my  dad   Would  read   With  me . ” I’m  so  proud  of  you ” 1  mom + my  dad  said . Sit  down  With  them .
Why  I  do  this ?  I  want  credit  for  coming  up  With  these  ideas . Literally  I  am  1  individual  Who  came  up  With  a  Teaching + Legit  use  bible + other  ideas  to  help  Whites .
Some  folks  on  S F  complimented .  one   S F  girl   PM-ed  me – “ GREAT  thoughts ! “ exclamation  marK  too .
IF  You  LIKE , IF  You  AGREE , IF  You  care  about  beautY  –  Post  plan  on  S F   or
IF  You  care  about  Your  FamiLY , close  Friends –  Fast  EasY  WaY  to  trY  to  convince – email  this  site  to  them .
Should  WorK – Another  S F  man  Pm-ed  – “ I  visited  Your  Site . It’s  GREAT “.
Who  is  right ?  Wrong ?  Lies ?  Abuse ?  She  said  no . They  Keep  doing  it ?  What  is  WorKing  ?   tinasm.com
Reminder –  my  site  is  not  just  teach  strategy , but  also  use  bible . convincing  starts  with  Legitimacy .
God said to  Samuel – man  looKs  upon  the  outward  appearance . I  don’t . but  people  do . God  said  so .  Fat ,  ugly  people  discrimination  will  not  go  away .
Samaritans –  Race  matters   in   bible .
only  in  the  Last  days ,  they  mingle , but  not  CLEAVE  together – because  it  goes  AGAINST   human  nature .
Joseph couldn’t eat with his  brothers  because  he  was  Egyptian  .
etc  etc  +  HISTORY   FITS   bible
E N D     O F     R A C E     S I T E
because  the  domain  is  named  after  2  Women  ( can’ t  change  domain  name ) , who  were  also  mentioned  in  my  gov’t  letter , i  must , as  they  say  in  Hollywood – have  continuity . connect  domain  to  the  site’s  relevance .
According  to  Fling , 2  of   the  most  beautiful–est  women  who  ever  posed .  Why  do  women  need “  bosoms ”  LiKe  queen  Ester – to  Win  a  beauty  contest , didn’t  she ?  Just  how  potentially  beautiful  can  a  White  person  get ?   Fling + my  site’s  answer
goals – 1. To  taunt  british  Tina  Small‘s  christianity . LiKe  they  said  in  movie ‘ Rocky ‘. To  bring  her  out .  The  italian  chicKen .
Tina – actually – prays  in  1  pic ! ?  Yet , she  poses . only  topless  Justifies ?
I  believe  that  the  early  Tina  was  real , not  the  Later . computer  technology  Was  not  so  advanced  in  1981 .
+  on  internet , i  heard  people  say  they  met  or  saw  Tina  in  real   Life . Also , for  example :
country Walks round Faughcingcester http://www.thevalkyrie.com/picthumb/s/small/tour.htm
Site  probably  offends  christians . is  it  a  crime  to  have  Tits ?
on ‘ Price  is  Right ‘, Bob  BarKer  interviews  a  busty  contestant  and  audience  laughs – she  didn’t  do  nothing !
goal  2 . To  prove  Roberta  is  irish . All  over  internet , they  say  she  is  Latvian .
Another  goal – maybe  she  will  visit  also . Kinda  young  when  she  posed . born  in  1950 ?   Tina + Sarah  was  still   beautiful , even  when  old .
They  say  she’s  dead , but  who  believes  what  they  say ?  After  all , is  Tina’s  real  name  Tiny  or  small  ?  Logic !
says – eyes  green … under  various  pseudonyms , including  the  most  note ” melody  o‘ Hare “,” Roberta  Weaver ”,” mooschi “…
says  her  nom  de  plume ” melody  o‘Hare ” comes  From  the  name  of  one  of  her  best  friends  in  Junior  high  school .
WiKi  article ‘ pen  name ’– a  pen  name , nom  de  plume , or  Literary  double …… may  be  used  to… disguise …to  distance … a  pseudonym  may  be  used  to  protect …
+  3  magazine  covers  say  her  name  was  Robin .
Melody ?  Robin ? was  the  most  photographed  Woman  of  her  time . mountains  of  her  pics  exist . my  point – beauty  made  her  rich .
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[13] Glitch in the System - Apagando las Luces (The Mission: Pt. 2)
By E. A clever trap happens.
The life of a hacker was, while exciting, often predictable: in her downtime, to assuage boredom, Sombra surfed the internet. Idly, for the most part, until she caught the scent of something that interested her. Then she’d sniff it out like a bloodhound, following trails and leads until she’d run her quarry to ground, deciding at some point along the way what it was she planned on doing with it once she caught it.
On this particular day, Sombra’s casual perusal of the internet had ended in a chase that led her to the front door of someone who had, with an incredible lack of finesse, crawled in through Talon’s virtual windows and left a royal mess in their digital carpet. It wasn’t a mess that had done any damage, and they hadn’t left with anything of value, but they’d managed to accomplish something particularly noteworthy in their trespass:
They’d pissed Sombra off something fierce.
She’d printed off what data she could translate to a black and white image, waiting with increasing impatience as the archaic machine slowly churned out pages of blurry images she could take to Akande. She wished, not for the first time, that everyone had implanted cybernetics so she could avoid having to use such cumbersome machinery.
Once Akande had seen them, of course he’d decided to send them in. Strength through adversity and whatnot. She’d figured he would, even though it was so painfully obvious that the entire thing was a setup. The man enjoyed teaching lessons and watching the shit hit the fan, and what was better for that than sending his best and brightest after a bunch of unruly children? It would be a slaughter, but for which party Sombra wasn’t entirely certain.
It wasn’t even a compelling challenge so much as it was embarrassing, walking into a trap so obvious it felt like they were building half the cage themselves. Sombra was restless, though, and ready for something to take her mind off her increasingly complicated feelings for her coworker.
“What’s wrong?” Widowmaker asked, leaning languorously against the other side of the elevator as they descended into the basement that was, Sombra reminded herself, one-hundred-percent a trap.
“Stop doing that,” she said, narrowing her eyes at the spider.
“Doing what?” Widowmaker asked, legitimately confused in her graphene catsuit and posed with the impeccable poise of a killer.
“That,” she repeated without any clarification, waving her hand in her direction.
The doorbell dinged, cutting off any response Widowmaker may have been summoning, and the two operatives snapped into mission mode like rubber bands stretched to capacity. Sombra hacked the elevator doors, locking them in place and preventing anyone but her from activating it in the future. Someday, someone would create hackproof technology, and that might finally be the point at which Sombra found herself faced with a challenge.
Until then she’d have to settle for jumping into shark tanks and starving the animals out of their own feeding frenzy.
“Ready?” the sniper asked.
“Rapidement, cherie.”
Sombra activated her camo, transitioning from sarcastic companion to silent killer in less than a heartbeat. She heard Widow’s first shot, saw the body drop, and answered with her own suppressing fire to allow her another deadly second.
“Ten and two down,” came the sniper’s voice over their comms, merging with her actual voice as Sombra’s body was sucked through time and space and deposited back in the elevator.
“I know,” she replied, ignoring the wave of nausea that overtook her from her momentary displacement. It passed more quickly each time it hit. “So far, so good. Now, the hard part.”
“I know,” Widowmaker nodded, standing. “Allons-y.” Without further ado, she grappled her way up and out of sight, leaving Sombra alone to do her job.
“Time to teach that lesson.” Smirking, she activated her camo and fled from the elevator.
Widowmaker kept the sentries and backup busy while Sombra picked her way between towers, only managing not to get distracted by the trove of data she was surrounded with by force of willpower and a general sense of disappointment that they were expending this much effort for what was, essentially, a data bomb. Sombra would hack in, grab anything worthwhile, and drop a Trojan so big that they’d be on the phone with IT for years while it ate through their database like a piranha along a trail of blood. She just didn’t think there would be anything worthwhile, and it would have saved them all a load of time and effort if they’d just rigged the whole basement to explode and gone out for smoothies instead.
That plus, once again with feeling - this was a trap.
Sidling up to the server, her sense of discomfort was growing louder like white noise crashing in her ears. From the start there was not enough resistance for a fortress of valuable data, and that they’d encountered up until now had been token violence to make them feel like they were accomplishing something. She’d hacked half the world’s systems and had found community banks with more security than this place. It felt wrong at its core, and she wanted to be out of there.
“Widow?” she hissed into her earpiece. “I’m nuking this server and we’re getting the hell out of here. Something’s not right.”
“I have you in my sight, Sombra,” was her reply, clear and comforting. She took a deep breath, gaining confidence from the sniper’s proximity and the security her watchful eye ensured. Nothing else about this operation was secure.
“Just don’t make this the one time you miss, ok?” she joked, smirking. Raising a palm to the server, she went in.
Bracing herself for the typical defense response of a high-security system, she nearly fell face first into the tower as she encountered absolutely zero resistance. One moment she was hacking the mainframe and the next she was in it, free flowing binary cradled within a SQL database that was easier to check out than a library book. Far from tantalizing, it was wrong, and she wondered if she’d misjudged the true aim of the trap they’d walked into. The question now was when it would be sprung.
If it hadn’t been already.
“This isn’t right. There’s no firewall,” she announced, vision still immersed within the neon code of the server. It began to flash like the inside of a rave, distracting her from absorbing any one aspect of the nonsense data being paraded before her. “This is not right. We have got to go.”
She pulled her hand away and found that not only was she unable to do so, but that any attempts at moving filled her body with immense pain. The rush of binary turned red, pulsing in through her fingertips and corrupting the cybernetics she was relying on to access it.
Realization hit her in a wave of nausea. It was a virus.
Sombra was being hacked.
Steeling herself against the agony, she grabbed her arm with her free left hand and pulled, tearing it from from the server in time to stop the flow of corruption, but not quickly enough to stop the pain. Somewhere in the back of her mind she heard Widowmaker talking through their comms, but by that point she’d lost the ability to focus, and her words vanished like smoke as she stumbled backwards, blind.
Her brain was telling her mouth to scream for help, but nothing was cooperating - not her eyes, not her vocal cords, and certainly not her legs as she tried desperately to get away from what was undeniably the bar springing on the mousetrap. The corruption burned through her, too hot for her to focus and too encompassing for her to escape.
She didn’t see the man as he approached her, but she did feel the tearing of a bullet through her left shoulder.
Tumbling to the floor, the burning virus searing her from the inside and the bullet wound gushing blood, she looked up in shock to see the shooter walking steadily toward her.
Widow, where are you? she thought frantically to herself, waiting for the kill-shot that would remove his head from his shoulders. So certain was she that it would come, she didn’t realize it hadn’t until she felt the cold metal of a gun barrel against her forehead.
“You must be Talon’s master hacker, yes?” the man grinned, snapping the safety off the gun. “It’s so nice to finally meet you.”
Sombra hadn't thought about death since she was a child, when it was a present reality, her parents crushed beneath the omnic machine, leaving her a small flame at the mercy of a hurricane. The hurricane blew itself out and she kept burning until she grew into a forest fire, and then an inferno; she was too smart, too capable, too damn resourceful to die like a dog by a man with an assault rifle.
She hadn’t thought about death in a long time. Now, forced to confront her end with the kiss of cold metal against flesh, she realized that she did not want to die. Not like this; not helpless at the mercy of a stranger with a gun for a cause she found curious at best.
In fact, she realized - she didn't want to die at all. She squeezed her eyes shut, pain spiking through her retinas, and despite the specter of death looming before her, all she could think was a profoundly confused where’s Widowmaker?
She never missed.
Where the shot of a gun and the sting of a that final bullet were expected, she heard a sharp cry instead. When she opened her eyes - the pain ebbing as she regained some focus to her sight - she saw the deadly, lithe form of Widowmaker with her grappling cord around her assailant’s neck. She hit him with such force that she fell over backward, the man’s struggling body atop hers as she pulled the line taut against his neck.
He was dead for a while before the sniper let him go. His throat was swollen and red from where she’d garotted him, and she shoved him off her like the soggy sack of flesh and guts he’d become. She stood up with tears streaming down her face - a golden-eyed angel of death staring at her like nothing else mattered in the world.
Sombra wasn’t sure what she felt at that moment: a muddled, vague mixture of relief, awe, and something else - something warmer that made her heart race even more than her brush with the grave. She struggled for control of her thoughts as well as her tongue, mind racing through a kaleidoscope of feelings too quickly for her to choose one to sit with.
When she finally found her voice, it sounded as pained as she felt. “Araña,” she said, clutching her bleeding shoulder, “we’ve gotta go.”
Widowmaker’s eyes were focused on her, and she looked as though she was struggling with something. Sombra saw the wet tears making tracks down her face and wanted to ask what was wrong, but wasn’t entirely sure she was prepared to hear the answer. “Whoever these fuckers are, they hacked me. They hacked me, Widow,” she growled, indignant and impressed all at once. They would pay so dearly and so violently when she found them again.
Something heavy banged in the distance, followed by shouting voices. Without another word, Widowmaker knelt down and wrapped her arms around Sombra’s limp and bleeding body, lifting her effortlessly against her chest.
“I’ll help you when you’re ready for revenge,” she said in a voice that was velvet lined with shards of glass. Then, softer, “Désolée.”
“I know,” Sombra replied as Widow pressed her forehead against hers. The shouting came closer, and she bounded toward the exit like a tiger after its prey, pausing only to pick up Sombra’s gun and hand it back to her to hold in shaking fingers.
Sombra rested her head in the space between Widowmaker’s collarbone and the length of her neck and listened to the disconcerting slow beat of her heart. Her skin was almost - almost - warmed from the exertion of the day. Clutching her gun, she let the sound beat like a war drum in her ear as they crashed through the basement and out to safety.
*Read from the beginning or check out our intro post! All stories tagged under #glitchfic
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spotlightsaga · 7 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reviews... The Strain (S04E01) The Worm Turns Airdate: July 16, 2017 @fxnetworks Ratings: 1.443 Million :: 0.52 18-49 Demo Share Score: 5.5/10 @thestrain-fx TVTime/FB/Twitter/IG/Tumblr/Path: @SpotlightSaga **********SPOILERS BELOW********** 'The Strain' has always been a series that, good or bad, feels like it's episodes pass via time set on a cartoonish grandfather clock purposefully set to go way too fast, it's hands spinning out of control until it eventually breaks; revealing coils, a mini explosion, and puff of smoke. Seriously, it's that breakneck, speedy pacing of the show that creates the genuine illusion that the show's episodes are over just 10 minutes after they start... Always ending on either a cliffhanger or a shocking moment of truth, which also lends to that semblance that there's literally no possible way 45 minutes to an hour could have possibly passed by. I found myself checking the clock at the end of 'The Worm Turns' and then smiling as that feeling of familiarity washed over me... It's like riding a massive roller coaster full of massive dips, flips, and sometimes even small, shaky hills you could probably do without. Yes, this is 'The Strain'. We already know that S4 will be 'The Strain's last and there's something comforting about that. You don't have to worry about incomplete conclusions or loose ends (most likely, anyway). It's pretty much a given that we will definitely get a solid beginning, middle, and thrilling final resolution... Whether it's in the favor of The Evil Strigoi or the The Righteously Flawed Humans (or neither). Showrunner Carlton Cuse told 'The Hollywood Reporter' that the decision to take the 9-month time jump was a way for the creators and writers to 'redefine the show'. We've seen 'time jumps' make or break series before. At the risk of completely alienating the horror genre, I always point to The WB & CW series 'One Tree Hill' when discussing successful time jumps. They aren't necessarily easy to pull off. The fun of it, is to play "catch up" as Cuse put it, and he's right. Answering the question of 'Just how the hell did we get here,' should be a fun endeavor for the writers to end the series on... Its also a great way to introduce new, important characters into the fold, and writing old ones that have outlived their usefulness into fictional oblivion. However, just because we didn't see the likes of Dutch (Rita Gedmintas) or Setrakian (David Bradley - who does appear in the episode but not outside of a nightmare), doesn't mean that the characters have lost their way... Or it could. That's part of the fun. The Master is now taken on the form and body of Eldritch Palmer (Jonathan Hyde), which is extremely dangerous for everyone living in this slightly less chaotic, more harmonious world than we remember, thanks to 'The Partnership', which is explained in the most terrifyingly chipper way possible via a video where a woman tells us 'it's tough to say goodbye to her family & friends, but being of rare B+ blood type, she knows she's making the sacrifice for a greater good'... Yeah, no bueno, mami. Eldritch Palmer is one of the richest men in the world... Not just in traditional dollar bills, but in power, in contacts, allies, and pretty much a 'green light' wherever he wants to go in a patriarchal society... Even one inhabited by ancient, former underground dwelling, bloodsucking Strigoi. Palmer got played... 'Master'-fully. 🤣 I liked that one, anyway. Even though 'The Worm Turns' feels like it passes in just moments, it still doesn't get a whole lot accomplished. I know, it sounds like an oxymoron, and it technically it is... But that doesn't mean the episode is a waste by any means. It's just that when an episode feels like it passes by in 10 minutes, you would automatically assume that more would be established. Well, you can count on television's most hated tween, Zach Goodweather (Max Charles) to still be dancing with the devil on the wrong side of the fence. He even ppears to be strung out on tiny samples of that Strigoi 'Good-Good'. Thomas Eichorst (Richard Sammel), The Master's most faithful right hand man-well-Strigoi, is keeping a close eye on Zach and even messing with his mind a bit, stringing him along by mental manipulation through forced hallucinations... Turning disgusting, weathered, sexless Strigoi (post-males?) into visions of Zach'a mother, Kelly (Natalie Brown). 'Mirage Kelly's purpose is clear; Continue to keep Zach in line and adamantly against his father, showing up when Zach is feeling the most lonely and vulnerable. It appears to be working just fine... As does keeping Zach a hated heel. I watch A LOT of television and there isn't a show currently on the air where a character is hated as much as Zach is. As soon as the audience has a chance to feel any possible empathy or even sympathy for the kid, the writers effectively pull back and remind us just how easy to hate this kid truly is. Zach's father, Eph (Corey Stoll) is in Philly just trying to stay alive, fighting the good fight... Accidentally meeting new characters and suddenly gaining sympathy for them, like Angel Parker (Alex Green) and whoever she's trying to keep alive. Fet (Kevin Durand) is out in North Dakota with a woman named Charlotte (Rhona Mitra), having nightmares of Setrakian turning Strigoi, and searching for nukes and missiles, which apparently are near impossible to find because they've all been fired. New York and San Francisco are gone, so Justine died for nothing, which makes me terribly sad... She was truly a bright spot in what's been everything from a great horror series, to a meandering fantasy-thriller that picks up and puts down story arcs whenever it damn well pleases. Oh and Quinlan (Rupert Penry-Jones) is basically busting down doors right at the exact time Fet needs him to show, as he's actually done several times before, and even making snarky comments about his ironic timing. It's truly hard to say just who the audience is that is left watching S4 of 'The Strain'. I really, really enjoyed S1, even though there were times when it was just plain unnecessary. S2 was where I realized the show wasn't what I thought it was... And S3 had Justine. God, I miss Justine. I'm a horror fan and I think that's who is left at the end of the line... Rabid horror fans and OCD completionists (and there are a lot of us, surprisingly), I find myself to be a lotta-bit of both. Whatever happens, I would hope that Cuse, Guillermo del Toro, and Chuck Hogan would at least give 'The Strain's faithful fans the opportunity to see Zach die a slow, painful, and incredibly boundary-pushing death on cable television. If SyFy can show the crap that they're pushing out for their wannabe Exploitation Series 'Blood Drive', then 'The Strain' owes its faithfuls some serious loads of blood buckets, Strigoi Slicing, and angsty tween mutilation... But I gotta feeling that's exactly what they plan on delivering. Stay tuned.
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geraldinesnell · 7 years
5am thoughts in February 2017
**ADDENDUM; pervaded by sneering inner voice of depression, hyper-aware of my privilege, just trying to exorcise some of this internalised authority/capitalist bullshit and someone else might find it cathartic to read or identify with, perhaps, maybe, it’s worth it if so. ALSO there is a better way to DO we need to be aware and vigilant but not to the point of following the ins and outs of it all and burdening ourselves to the point of illness or debilitation, accept chaos but also accept that we CAN resist but we have to do it together and we have to be well**
Defeat << LOL don’t be so melodramatic you depressive shit! Easy for you to say, in any case.
Art?! What good is art right now? The stakes are too high. Step up, step out of the bubble. Echo chamber fuckin fuckheadz (see video below for comic relief); we’re all being played. Data streams and like-like enclaves have so much to answer for.
But then depression gives you a false sense of insight, AND doom!! That deep grief feeling is here anyway, whether the world is burning or not, find comfort in that, if nothing else…
You say to friends:
What can we do?
Thinking about number one, what if that money you managed to save up becomes worthless?
War time is a possibility in our lifetime! Imagine being a refugee!! THIS IS STILL HAPPENING IN 2017, just not to privileged complacent fuckheadz like us. *yet*
Is it a case of resisting or escaping? And what about those who aren’t able to escape?
And what if we can’t escape because the world is nuked?
You suppose if you care about all this then you’re not really depressed? Or the opposite; this degree of caring, this compulsion to burden and guilt-trip yourself with it is the epitome of some grand depressive strategy your brain has invented to fuck yourself over with even though you’re perfectly able and capable. There you go again - BRAIN! As if it’s limited to your brain and not your whole being ‘lol’.
Protests, when represented in the news, just become a soundbite; lefty luvvies with nothing better to do causing a nuisance disrupting shit with their social justice crusades. ‘Suddenly everyone is an expert on politics’ TROLLFACE.
IS there a plan? Are far right religious nuts in government actually religious or do they just know that the ONLY way to get people behind them enough for them to do whatever they want in terms of handing the whole state over to corporate / capital interests is to drum up this war of ideologies Christian crusade / general extreme divide and rule bullshit? Like, is Steve Bannon actually a Christian? Does Donald Trump actually think women shouldn’t be able to have abortions? Of course not!!! It’s likely he’s paid for many fuckin abortions for women he’s knocked up (I don’t even want to think about this). It’s likely maybe that one of his daughters has had an abortion. They will all indulge in ultimate ‘vices’ (WHY THESE STUPID MORAL STANDARDS IT’S 2017 FFS!!!!) behind closed doors, putting on the respectable stiff suited righteous-pious WHITE-SUPREMACIST MISOGYNIST public persona. This is all about rich white dudes cementing their rule of the world, and creating and exploiting religious fervour is really the only way to gain ultimate control.
Maybe the middle ground wasn’t so bad after all…
Can’t there be a way to divide and rule which isn’t so extreme, so white-supremacist patriarchal bullshit?
Although Joe Stillwater made an astute point about America and white priv: ‘The culture of “the flaying of backs; the chaining of limbs; the strangling of dissidents; the destruction of families; the rape of mothers; the sale of children" (Ta-Nehisi Coates) still sits beneath this place. It's not gone, only just rearing its head again. We thought that maybe it's gone, or at least, those of us who aren't black. Those of us that are black know that shit isn't true. Time for those of us that aren't black to look harder at that nasty turd of deep cast racism (now embodied by a tangerine), and ask yourself where that beast lives within you, and if you can eradicate it now that it lives again in the light.’
Some will read this and think, “what is she on about, that’s America. We’re Britain, it’s not even our concern or fight.” (Never mind our government’s complicity and the indications that we’re going the same way, never mind their current policies and strategies of divide and rule) Those that don’t see the bigger picture…
You console yourself by looking at this chart; at this particular bigger picture. But humanity is showing no signs of pressing pause, of consciously re-evaluating its (lack of) purpose and strategically bringing about the fluid mode. You think this chart is very optimistic. You think of all those conversations among similarly-educated friends and peers about the world and how it’s lovely that you are all so optimistic and utopian in your thinking. Like, it’s 2017! Let’s all get our shit together, press pause and plan out how this can play out in a way that benefits everyone, not just the elite. How sweet!
You’ve gotta block it out, you’ve gotta save your spoons. you’ve gotta just take it one day at a time and not weigh yourself down with all this, because you’re no good to the cause if you’re ill-ill.
“Just don’t think about it.”
“Capitalism has won”
“You can only do your bit”
“You’re fuckin deluded, it’s not your job to save the world, stop reading articles!!”
“There’s every indication that the world is descending into fascism, that the elite are turning everyone against each in order to stabilise their hegemony. But it’s happened before, we’ve been relatively lucky so far in our lifetimes. But there’s nothing you can do about it on your own, and there’s nothing you can do if you’re ill”
World is a fuck and it doesn’t owe you SHIT
You say --- what about the Dadaists, didn’t they all go to Zurich and sit in cafes acknowledging and exploring the utter fuckin absurdity of it all, albeit whilst adopting equally daft nihilist stances, but, can’t we all just escape? --- YEAH BUT THEY mostly all FOUGHT IN WORLD WAR 1, AND THEN THEY SAID FUCK THIS SHIT, YOU GOT YOUR PRIORITIES WRONG, WORLD, FUCK YOUR IMPERIAL MONEY-DRIVEN WAR THAT YOU SHROUD WITH NATIONALISM TO JUSTIFY SENDING A WHOLE GENERATION OF MEN TO AN EARLY GRAVE in the trenches of France --- yeah but we don’t have to fight a hollow, horrific war to know that it’s absurd and not the answer! We already know there is no answer, but that we need to proactively structure the world with that in mind, in a way that distributes wealth fairly!
“Fuck the world before it fucks you”
“Life isn’t fair”
The world is a hostile place, but you knew that already because you’re aware. People say: is it really that much worse? All this shit was going on anyway, it was just covert, systematic, embedded, institutionalised, the ‘DEEP STATE’. But it is worse, it’s tangibly worse for many real fuckin people who are being continuously dehumanised and scapegoated at best, abused, deported or worse at worst.
Maybe you should get laser eye surgery for the ‘pok-ee-lipz
Maybe you should go to sleep (oh wait, you did, you switched off at 5pm after accomplishing work and avoiding the news, you got pissed and  did a bit of shaking and you sang your songs and made time for yourself and drew without it having to be ‘work’. Then you woke up at 4am with your mind racing, and you tried to sleep, but you knew you had to come and write. Now you’re here. Go back to bed, rest, be well. You’re no good to anyone when you’re ill.
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