#and ONLY chilis and tomatoes
thepioden · 2 years
I planned on making hot pepper jelly and habanero sauce this weekend, but I think salsa and candied jalapenos may also be in the cards. There's still at least this many baby chilis down in the garden.
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That is a 3 gallon bucket of tomatoes, for scale.
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vangoggles · 4 months
groceries are getting so fucking expensive but at least we can still have chili cheese fries...
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The chili plant I started growing from seed last year is doing well and suddenly I've become an old man who randomly walks outside to go look at his vegetable garden except the garden is a singular chili plant that currently has a few flowers on it
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corduroysockz · 4 months
My curry smells good i wish mutuals could smell my curry
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tyhi · 1 year
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look at my tomato plants yall. i grew them from seed
it's interesting, the way plants are individuals. some get transplant shock or nutrient deficiencies and never recover (on the right there and left-middle as well, to a degree)
yet they still do their best!! they are ALL growing blooms!!!! im so excited ok. there are even some tiny green tomatoes on the biggest plant (pic under the cut )
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mikumutual · 11 months
i have to be honest, i like stew infinitely more than soup. i don't like drinking hot liquids, and stew has a lot more substance, which i find more enjoyable to eat
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protect-namine · 7 months
losing it over that tumblr post notes because there really are some people going ??? over putting oregano or veggies in instant ramen. like. have you not had instant ramen with whatever you can find in your kitchen/pantry. that's like basic instant ramen 102. throw whatever veg you have on the soup. yeah you can just boil it together but toasting veggies with herbs and garlic is obviously better though, hot oil opens up herbs, and frying adds a nice texture. broccoli isn't even that weird in pantry instant ramen. it's not some sacred cultural food that requires specific ingredients to be ~ authentic ~ like. it's instant ramen lmao.
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doomstonee · 1 year
Seasonings will be pre-measured to my liking and I will work with what I already have.
If anyone says anything about the “Beef” option just know that I don’t eat pork and chicken is hard to get my hands on
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zeussim · 2 years
My mom is the queen of bland cooking. Wanna know what she put in her "chili con carne"? Pork, onion, a hint of garlic, chili, canned tomato, chickpeas, salt and pepper...that's it. 😐
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femme-malewife · 5 months
Hmph . .
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exculis · 6 months
if i had some bread rn lemme just say. that pot of sauce would not live to see my mothers house.
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shennanigoats · 1 year
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Soup - Lentil Soup II
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bunjywunjy · 1 month
I highly enjoyed the chili you made and posted the recipe for....would you mind sharing beef stew recipe secrets?
sure, here it is- this is a modified stew that's higher on cheap vegetables and lower on beef, but still has a lot of flavor
1 pound or less of cubed beef, a fatty cut is better
3 large yukon gold potatos
1 yellow onion
4 carrots
4 cups beef stock
5 cloves garlic
1 tsp thyme
1 bay leaf
1 tbs worcestershire sauce
1/4 cup tomato paste
couple tablespoons of flour (gluten free fine to sub)
olive oil
chop your veggies roughly, heat the oil on medium heat and gently roll the cubed meat first in salt and pepper, then in the flour just until they're no longer sticky. brown the meat in the pot until you get some good color and the flour starts to form a brown layer on the bottom of the pot, then dump the onions on top of it and stir them around until the onions start to get translucent or until that flour layer on the pot starts to turn dark brown, whichever comes first. don't let it burn! add the garlic close to the end of this, it only needs about 30 seconds or so until it stop smelling acrid.
once the flour is in danger of getting too dark, dump the beef stock in on top and swoosh it around with a spatula until all the stuff stuck to the bottom of the pot has been dissolved, then stir in the tomato sauce and remaining spices. make sure everything is homogenous and then add the veggies, lower the heat, cover and simmer for one hour or until the potatoes are cooked through, stirring occasionally.
after the potatoes are soft, check for taste and add more salt and maybe a little more worchestershire sauce as needed. remove the lid and cook for another hour, stirring often, and then you can FINALLY eat it.
the starch from the potatoes makes it REALLY thick, you really don't need to do more than that.
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dabblingreturns · 2 years
It came to me in a thought.......if American Chease was labeled a "a edible dairy product"
I would carry on with my life
Thus throught brought to you by the magical half an hour after a take my meds but before they kick in were I'm ready to work....but my impulse control is still getting in gear
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byeolgirl · 3 months
(with idea)
- inspired by Korean idols !
By: ★﹕byeolgιrᥣ﹒
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"Take care of yourself, That's the priority, You can only recieve love if you love yourself, I hope you think of yourself as a priority, Then people around you will love you"
- Jang Wonyoung
1. Overnight oats with almond milk, chia seeds, sliced banana, and a drizzle of honey.
2. Whole grain cereal with skim milk, topped with mixed berries and a sprinkle of flaxseeds.
3. Veggie omelette made with bell peppers, onions, and mushrooms, served with whole grain toast.
4. Smoothie bowl with blended spinach, frozen mixed berries, Greek yogurt, and a handful of granola.
Mid-Morning Snack:
1. Sliced cucumber and cherry tomatoes with hummus.
2. Rice cakes with avocado mash and a sprinkle of black pepper.
3. Cottage cheese with sliced strawberries and a drizzle of balsamic glaze.
4. Whole grain crackers with tuna salad (made with Greek yogurt instead of mayo) and cucumber slices.
1. Quinoa salad with diced mango, black beans, diced bell peppers, and a lime vinaigrette dressing.
2. Whole wheat wrap filled with grilled chicken, lettuce, tomato, avocado, and mustard.
3. Lentil soup with a side of mixed greens salad and a whole grain roll.
4. Brown rice bowl with stir-fried tofu, broccoli, carrots, and a teriyaki sauce.
Afternoon Snack:
1. Sliced apple with a spread of almond butter and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
2. Edamame beans sprinkled with sea salt.
3. Greek yogurt parfait with layers of granola, mixed berries, and a drizzle of honey.
4. Air-popped popcorn seasoned with nutritional yeast and smoked paprika.
1. Grilled shrimp skewers with quinoa pilaf and roasted Brussels sprouts.
2. Baked cod fillet with roasted sweet potatoes and steamed green beans.
3. Turkey chili served over baked sweet potatoes and topped with diced avocado.
4. Whole wheat pasta with marinara sauce, lean ground turkey, and sautéed spinach.
Evening Snack (optional):
1. Sliced pear with a sprinkle of cinnamon and a few squares of dark chocolate.
2. Celery sticks filled with almond butter and topped with raisins.
3. A small handful of mixed nuts (such as almonds, cashews, and pistachios).
4. Herbal tea with a squeeze of lemon and a small piece of cheese.
These meal ideas offer a variety of nutrients while keeping the overall calorie intake in check for a healthy and balanced diet.
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steddieas-shegoes · 6 months
sir, this is a wendy's
for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt 'modern au' rated t wc: 765 tags: established relationship, proposal, kinda silly
"They're out of the cookies, sweetheart," Eddie turned to Steve as he came back from the restroom of the Wendy's.
They were still nearly six hours from home and exhausted, a little bit grumpy if Steve's silence for the last hour was anything to go by.
"I'll have a Frosty then."
"Machine's down."
Steve blinked at him before sighing.
"I guess nothing then, right? Just the burger and fries."
Eddie sighed, too.
The visit with Robin hadn't gone...well. She'd told them she was taking a year to study abroad and part of the program meant she could only come home for one week during their summer break. Steve wasn't taking it well that she'd go from being an eight hour drive away to an eight hour flight away.
He was being patient.
He knew Steve hated change like this, and he'd only been sitting with it for about 12 hours.
Eddie turned back to the cashier with a smile.
"Two number two's, one with no onions and one with no tomatoes please."
Steve was standing next to him, staring down at his phone. When Eddie looked over, he had a tab open showing the program details of Robin's study abroad track.
While they waited for their food, Eddie watched Steve biting his lip, then his thumbnail, and then his lip again.
"Stevie, what's goin' on in your head?" Eddie finally asked.
Steve shoved his phone in his pocket and looked at the floor.
"It's clearly somethin'. You worried about Robin?"
"Obviously," Steve huffed.
"Love, she's-"
"Steve Munson!"
Both of them whipped their heads back to the counter, where a woman was pushing a tray of food towards them.
Steve's wide eyes looked back at Eddie, cheeks a bright red.
Eddie walked up to grab their food, ignoring the butterflies in his stomach at the thought of Steve actually being Steve Munson.
It's not that he hadn't thought about it before; He had thought about it most days for the last year.
There was a ring in his drawer at their apartment to prove it.
"Table?" Eddie choked out, avoiding eye contact with Steve.
They were quiet as they sat down, taking their food off the tray and looking at it. Not eating, not even touching it anymore, just looking.
They looked at each other, then back down at their food.
"Steve Munson sounds kinda nice," Eddie said hesitantly.
"Yeah?" Steve was picking at the wrapper around his burger now.
"I mean, I've thought so for a while."
"You have?"
Eddie was really about to propose in this Wendy's.
Without a ring or a real speech.
Just himself and a few old people in the corner eating chili.
"I'm gonna do this for real somewhere that isn't a Wendy's on an exit in some shitty town that has two gas stations and a Wal-Mart, but for now." He cleared his throat and reached across the table to take Steve's hand. "I dunno why they called that name, but maybe it's a sign. I love you. I know right now you're having a lot of thoughts, and you don't have to answer me. I'm not even on one knee, but really this is a Wendy's and my knee's been hurting for the entire ride. I love you. I said that already."
Steve giggled and Eddie couldn't help smiling back at him.
"I love you. I'll say it as much as you want, as long as it makes that smile happen. I'll say it when you're sad and grumpy, when you're happy and silly, when you're tired, when you're hyper. If it's okay with you, I'll scream it right here."
"In the Wendy's?"
"Yes, in the Wendy's."
Steve just nodded.
"Attention everyone! This man right here? I love him!" Eddie was saying loudly, gaining the attention of everyone around them. "And I'm asking him right now, to be my husband!"
"Sir, this is a Wendy's," an old lady sitting in the booth across from them said.
Eddie and Steve immediately started laughing.
"Well, is he sayin' yes so you'll shut up or what?" An old man said from the other end of the lobby.
Eddie looked at Steve with a smirk.
"Yeah, I'll marry you," Steve said loud enough for everyone to hear.
A couple people clapped, but for the most part, everyone went back to ignoring them.
Eddie kissed Steve softly, chastely.
"Was this a distraction from the Robin thing?" Steve asked.
"Not intentionally. Worked though."
Steve rolled his eyes fondly.
"You better make the real proposal a spectacle."
"Anything for you, my love."
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