#and I ain't mad at it
respectthepetty · 5 months
BL is definitely Thailand's soft power because this year we got the BL ad for Sripatum University, skincare company Devonte296 creating an entire BL series The Promise to promote its products, and the government-sponsored series Y Journey: Stay Like a Local to encourage (queer) tourism.
Now we have the private beach hotel Demi Beach Concept releasing a two-episode BL, Love on Lo, just to advertise its property.
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And it has color coding.
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Step by Step was right and so was Bump Up Business, but I can't even be mad.
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Whatever pays the bills and gets us marriage equality.
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emdotcom · 2 years
The Mario movie thing is so funny to me. Here, look at this:
Sonic movies (1, 2, & w/ 3 on the way) come out, does INCREDIBLE in box office, decimates Marvel films, who previously had a stranglehold
Nintendo sees this, wants a piece of that pie, buckles down to make a Mario movie Incorrect order of events, as pointed out here! Mario movie announced before the public knew about Sonic movie.
(Potentially because the previous Mario movie was so out there, did poorly, & was disliked by fans & then promptly forgotten,) they pair with Illumination, a studio that is largely known for making very sterile films
Btw, is it just me that finds it weird that there is no mention from Nintendo or online of the previous movie, in all this? Maybe I'm the only one who remembers this film idk
They announce casting. Everyone immediately boos because they cast Chris Pratt as Mario.
Immediate outrage, as Charles Martinet, the voice of Mario for DECADES, was not cast in his claim to fame roll
There is a (unsourced) rumor that a test screening for the film was met with disappointment, making Nintendo unhappy
Slightly corroborating this, Nintendo buys Dynamo Pictures, to make Nintendo Pictures, with the intent to make future movies in-house
Anticipation for the movie likens it to other sterile animated movies of the last 10 years, like the Minions movies
Trailer comes out.
People continue to boo Chris Pratt, a bad cast for a beloved character who is putting 0 effort into his voice, in comparison to all other VAs putting in 110%
Chris Pratt goes to bed "depressed," at seeing the response I was incorrect, that is an older article, about when he was thanking his wife for providing a healthy child, to which people drew immediate parallels to his ex-wife's son, who has many health complications & needed many surgeries.
But with your help, we can make him being depressed after media backlash reality!
Lol, &, may I say, lmao.
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windsofnotos · 7 months
no offence to hozier but his tour locations are literally this meme
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nanomooselet · 2 months
Wolfwood and Martyrdom
There's something everyone tends to misunderstand, about martyrdom.
You don't become a martyr against your will. It has to be a conscious choice between renouncing your faith and keeping your life, or remaining faithful and being put to death. It's not just dying, even if it’s in service of faith. It has to be a decision.
It has to be a willing sacrifice. You have to, consciously, purposefully, choose surrendering your life over renouncing your faith.
I do not think people are realising just how profound Wolfwood's devotion to Vash had become. How truly he believed in Vash. How deeply they loved and were devoted to each other.
Because Wolfwood truly did not want to die. And yet he chose to in Vash's name.
Wolfwood loved Vash and his ideals so much that they became his reason to live, and then he accepted death to uphold them. Vash would never have asked that of him. Vash apologised for judging Wolfwood for killing when his willingness to do so saved innocent lives, told Wolfwood his ideals were a burden Wolfwood wasn't required to bear.
Instead, his death was something Wolfwood had to request.
Do you accept this offering?
And Vash had to give him permission.
I do.
His proposal accepted, Wolfwood took up everything he had left, his body and spirit, the life he could have had, the welcome home he always yearned for - and he purposefully set them aside in the name of Vash's ideals. He was obedient unto death.
It's so painful. Vash is devastated, openly howling and weeping in anguish. But he had to let it to happen because it was Wolfwood's choice. That's why when he prays it's not answered. And it's why Wolfwood tells him, with his final words, to smile - because he has no regrets. He chose this. He chose Vash. Don't blame yourself, tongari. You look better when you smile.
It is absolutely a wedding. There's literally no other way for the whole series of events to be properly understood otherwise. The passion and devotion of Wolfwood's sacrifice leaves me standing back in genuine awe.
Because to live outside of Christ is to die, and to die in Christ is to live.
Wolfwood entered the story as a dead man, and then realised he wanted to live. Vash wanted to share all his tomorrows with Wolfwood - and he will. Because martyrdom?
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Can be how you become a saint.
And this is why Vash burned through his power to protect Wolfwood's body. Because Knives may consume everything else in his madness and fear and vengeance, but he doesn't get to even come close to touching this. This is sacred. This is a holy relic. This is something that belongs only to Vash.
A sinner like Knives is unworthy.
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bokettochild · 3 months
Time: I do not have favorites
Warriors: *deadpan* so Twilight and Hyrule are nothing to you?
Time: Of course not! But I treasure all the boys equally!
Warriors: So you would also carry Sky around and spend extensive one one time with Legend?
Time: ......
Warriors: Ad you would willingly let Wild rat about his interests to you?
Time: *progressively more awkward silence*
Warriors: Pities sakes, just admit you have favorites
Time: I have no favorites
Warriors: *sighs*
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cleolinda · 10 months
My 10,000% favorite Florence song is not on the new anthology. I am incensed. I fell in love with “Howl” in… autumn 2017? That was when I really got into Florence + the Machine, but it was also around the time I was watching a lot of old Hammer Horror movies, and it was a great mood.
For whatever reason, Apple Music actually lists this as my #1 most listened song. I don’t know. The ears want what they want. I think one of the things I love about the song—well, first off, I don’t specialize in werewolves the way I do vampires, and maybe I should look into it. I have a sense (that I don’t have enough knowledge to really prove or disprove) that werewolf movies about women/femmes are generally about empowerment (Ginger Snaps is the one that comes to mind), about breaking out of repression or oppression (for which they may be punished, or they might get away with it). Whereas your classic The Wolf Man narrative (male), was more guilty Jekyll dealing with villainous Hyde, “stop me before I hurt someone again,” loved ones weeping over the dead hero in his redeemed human form and all that. (Probably nobody remembers the Mike Nichols Wolf but me, but it’s an empowerment narrative for a male character, an exception that proves the rule. If I get started on Van Helsing, which flips who's weeping over who, I’ll get mad about the ending all over again.)
The song “Howl,” though, isn’t a full narrative with an ending of either/any moral; it’s an experience in progress—
If you could only see the beast you've made of me I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free Screaming in the dark, I howl when we're apart Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart
—and a warning:
Be careful of the curse that falls on young lovers Starts so soft and sweet and turns them to hunters A man who is pure at heart and says his prayers by night May still become a wolf when the autumn moon is bright
Love, as they say in Crimson Peak, makes monsters of us all.
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fortunatefires · 10 months
Also if you compare Hermione to a character like Annabeth functionally they have the same role within the story. They are there to drive the plot and be a walking encyclopedia for the reader/main character. And yet where Hermione gets shoved aside and all the cool shit she does happens in the background you get Annabeth doing badass shit right up front. Like, if Annabeth did any of the shit Hermione did it wouldn't be brushed off the way it was. If Annabeth made her family forget her, turned someone into a bug and trapped them in a jar, knitted hats to free elves, any of that shit then Percy would be beside her 100% he would be in awe and absolutely terrified at her power and dedication. But what we get from Harry basically amounts to "Thanks nerd. Anyways, what's my next task?"
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davidcorenswct · 2 years
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David Corenswet as David McDougal in We Own This City, Episode 5.
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respectthepetty · 5 days
Wut and Sol said they could give Joe some money out of kindness, and Joe could pay them back whenever.
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Ming said he would give Joe whatever he wanted in exchange for Joe's body because Ming is selfish.
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Joe taking Ming's deal is the most relatable moment I've had with Joe because I, too, would pick the devil I already know. Mixing finances with friends is always dicey, and he would still owe them. With Ming, it's business and he doesn't have to worry about ruining a friendship. He can hate Ming, but as long as Ming runs him his money, he'll continue to do his job because this is just another stand-in job.
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Joe is really saying "sex work is work"
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And I respect that.
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I have a question I'm gently curious about. It's about this scene:
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When it comes to this scene in ATSV: Many people defend Peter by saying he has a right to be scared of Miguel in that moment, and not defend Gwen.
I've mentioned in the past that I genuinely think - come to it - Peter B. could take Miguel in a fight, and even beat him, considering he has way more experience (20+ years) and abilities Miguel doesn't.
Plus that still doesn't address how he shows no urgency, or even mentions Gwen and Miles missing status to Mary Jane.
However one of the biggest justifications is that 'He had a right to be scared and not speak up, because he was holding MayDay.'
This has always intrigued me because of what it implies about Miguel.
Makes me wonder: Do most people believe Miguel is willing to attack someone holding a baby?
Do you truly believe that if Peter spoke up in this moment, that Miguel would do something to hurt MayDay?
Like we know what he did to Miles and Gwen.
But do you think Miguel would purposely do something to hurt MayDay had Peter - spoken up?
And just to bring to your attention: Miguel seems to be Peter's close friend, considering Peter was there when Miguel lost his own daughter.
In my opinion, MayDay's eagerness to go to Miguel in prior scenes, and her laughing at his exit, even after his display of violence - suggests to me that MayDay has never seen Miguel as a threat prior to this point.
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With that said -
I ain-een gonna put a middle ground option 😂😂 this is a yes or no question, hoe 😭😭
So what do we think? Do we think Miguel is capable of hurting the baby daughter of one of his closest friends?
Do you think he was enraged enough at this point to hurt MayDay?
Let's discuss shall we - I'm so interested in how people view Miguel
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ntj2pj · 3 months
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#madness combat#madcom oc#my oc#atp soldat#the soldat in the dark (tm) actually cares about his bro#a lot#but he just can't get sad when he warned him about this shit nonstop#no id#The bitten guy just acts too friendly because his program made him too altruistuc and kind#Which sometimes helps since he is one who recruits workers#Well#Probably it's more benefitial most of the time#But he gets in shit like “oh i just wanted to help civilian get out from dangerous location and they stabbed me :(((”#And he ain't bullied for it by anyone but his bro. He is too... Kinda. Uh. Hard to bully guy who is most safest option to talk with auditor#And not die lol. It also doesn't help that he is guy who knows all of the AAHW by names and will kick you hard for bullying anyone#So bullying him is a privilege of some atp soldats#not an option :D#Other soldat here is just walking anger issues and he got no friends other than his bro. Constantly lashes at anyone. The Bitten™ included#So they're got that dynamic of angry antisocial cynical guy and pessimist & optimistic kind dude (well#(well he got a lot of mental issues too#But doesn't show it and never let it hurt others.)#And he is much older than the pessimist :'D#Pessimist guy is very young actually. But just experienced shit nonstop from birthday and lost very much everyone he cared about#And the second one... just atp soldat with no past. never known any other thing than work in AAHW and orders. Easy to manipulate#He also gets “You're not a real person” a lot for it. And constanly offended by it. But it's a problem of all yellow bloods here#Especially him#since he litterally didn't had a life outside from aahw. Also don't think he wouldn't kick his friends hard for orders.#Kill even. He is a dog for orders first#Kind guy with good morals is only second
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ohara-n-brown · 4 months
Some of y'all be like 'eat the rich' then turn around and be classist when you don't like someone.
Same way y'all hate bodyshaming and fatphobia until you personally need to insult someone.
Same way y'all hate ageism then running to someone's bio to check their age.
Same way y'all hate aphobia but uh-oh someone is a little bit irritating then they need to get laid. Suddenly being a sexless virgin is bad. They've got no bitches and that's bad.
Love to talk about the benefits and beauties of online communities and how important they are until someone annoys you then it's go touch grass
Love to talk about mental health until you got beef now they're a 'narcissist' and 'delusional' and they need to 'get help' and don't get me STARTED on how people love using the word bipolar
Cant believe in saying this but y'all need to learn how to insult people better
cause mfer WE CAN HEAR YOU. You're not serving what you think you're serving
Always want to talk about how someone 'probably looks like' or what they 'should be doing' or whether they're 'unstable' or not.
Quit being ridiculous. Quit being a hypocrite and calling it cunty. Knock it off!! Learn how to read someone correctly or go home!!!
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juneviews · 4 months
no but like chef chang ma is really good commentary on literal predators that abuse their power & create a whole relationship in their head, bc like prem has shown literal ZERO interest in him yet he's making a fool of himself like this??? the only moment where prem was actually all smiles around him was when he went to chang ma's restaurant & was fangirling about meeting him... while he was on a whole ass fucking date with ten lmaoooooo. yet this literal manchild constructed a whole fantasy in his head & has abused his power as a celebrity prem admires AND a judge on the show prem is competing in to force himself on prem. honestly I kinda like this storyline bc it not only feels realistic but also highlights how DRAMATICALLY different tenprem's relationship is like bruh... they've been communicating & reassuring each other for many episodes, ask for consent, listen to each other's words but also body language, like... chang ma really channeled the audacity of a cis straight white dude to think he stood a chance against ten LMAO wtf is he on
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the-l00ker · 7 days
Flower Husbands but Scott's the one that shows all the affection and Jimmy doesn't.
This leads to an argument inwhich Scott threatens to break up if he doesn't change his ways, and actually starts telling people that they're dating.
Cut to Jimmy going above an beyond realising the true value of his husband, as not just a ring on dat finger girlll
Will there romance ever recover? Will Jimmy accept Scott love and double? Will they still break up? Is the change permit or just momentary? Will the live last?
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
Pjo stans are literally iconic,i got three 'Did you even read the books?!' thrown at me last month alone and they were all on posts that had direct book passages and one was a screenshot
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feralmoonlight · 1 year
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