#companies are putting money into this
respectthepetty · 5 months
BL is definitely Thailand's soft power because this year we got the BL ad for Sripatum University, skincare company Devonte296 creating an entire BL series The Promise to promote its products, and the government-sponsored series Y Journey: Stay Like a Local to encourage (queer) tourism.
Now we have the private beach hotel Demi Beach Concept releasing a two-episode BL, Love on Lo, just to advertise its property.
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And it has color coding.
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Step by Step was right and so was Bump Up Business, but I can't even be mad.
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Whatever pays the bills and gets us marriage equality.
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astarlightmonbebe · 3 months
dohan is really out here living in a high stakes thriller while jihan and ajeong try out an enemies to lover romcom
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jesus-said-chill · 2 months
People will shit on watcher just trying to make their company grow but turn around and support big corporations. 😭
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hamable · 8 months
I could wax poetic way longer than anyone would bother to read so I’ll just say Gang, I Love Dropout.tv. I’m so happy it exists and that the people who make it exist and that so many people enjoy it. It’s just. There’s so much bad in the world and a dark underbelly to everything and I love how refreshingly good Dropout.tv is. They care for their cast, crew and staff, they’re transparent about what they are, how they function, and their past. They’re innovative, creative, and just fucking fun.
Subscribe to Dropout, or hey, hit up anyone you know with an existing account and share their password, cause Dropout.tv thinks that rocks too.
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zooophagous · 1 year
I see some notes on that Lovecraft post all "why aren't we also willing to look past Harry Potter if we're able to for Cthulu" and I gotta say death of the author works a loooot better when the author is actually dead.
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 7 months
i think the most annoying part of dog food discourse is how many people will act as though proplan/hill’s/Royal canin diets aren’t extremely and prohibitively expensive and that THAT is the reason so many people look into healthy alternatives.
People complain about corn being in the first five ingredients on most of those feeds because, regardless of other factors here, that is not an expensive ingredient. But it makes up a large chunk of the dry food. So the dry food should be fairly affordable, right?
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Oh… with tax you’re spending about $100 for one 45lb bag of food where the third ingredient is wheat and the fourth and fifth ingredients are corn.
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Oh… well! It’s slightly cheaper! But the second ingredient is rice, third is wheat, fourth is corn, and then fifth is poultry byproduct. None of those are very expensive so this just must be the low end cost of dog food unfortunately. The vets recommend it so surely that means prices aren’t inflated, right?
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Oh? This one has similar ingredients with the only real difference being no corn? And it’s half the price?? Well surely that’s just a fluke.
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Oh. Oh no.
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This one even has CORN in it and it’s $20 cheaper?? Wow!
Like listen at some point I don’t care if your dog food has the ichor of the gods in it, I’m not spending $100 every five days if there are cheaper options with just as many “good” ingredients in it. If you think I’m a dog abuser because I can’t afford this overpriced garbage, that’s too bad. I don’t care. My dogs are perfectly healthy with the food I give them. Great weight and great coat. People giving dog food recommendations that aren’t those top three hyper-expensive dog foods aren’t trying to epic own those dastardly vets half the time, but I really don’t blame the ones who do lose trust in vets when the only heartworm protection they recommend lately are expensive triple-action brands like Simparica Trio that costs $120+ as opposed to the other heartworm protections that are only about $40-$60 on average, which is still cheaper even if you add on a $20-$40 flea and tick protection separately, and only recommend dog food that costs $85+ a bag even if your dog doesn’t have specialized dietary needs.
Those top three foods are GREAT at making competent prescription diets, I don’t deny that. I do still have to criticize the pricing of those prescription diets though because I have spoken to DOZENS of people who had to pull their pets off of a prescription diet and struggle to find something comparable because they couldn’t afford the food, and that’s terrible! These are not poor companies! Purina, Royal Canin, and Hill’s can ABSOLUTELY afford to lower their prices to make their food accessible to people who need it for their animals but they don’t. They probably never will. Because at the core they are run by greedy corporations. It doesn’t matter how many good nutritionists are on board if the company is run by people who put profits over customers and make the food impossible for people to afford.
#I keep seeing posts from people on both sides of this#and it is frustrating to see how many vets don’t seem to acknowledge#that a MASSIVE part of the dog food debate has and always will be#the inaccessibility of these three brands#because whether corn is good or bad or neutral for a dog#It’s a cheap ingredient#any meat byproducts are a cheap ingredient#wheat in any form is a cheap ingredient#rice is a cheap ingredient#they aren’t putting Diamond dust and gold flakes in the kibble it’s very accessible and affordable ingredients for the most part#and many comparatively smaller companies use very similar ingredients and make food people can actually afford#So yeah when people look at these factors it does make them distrust vets who will almost exclusively push expensive brands#and that’s where the distrust is coming from#it’s not primarily smug tiktok kids who think they know everything#it’s just people who have less money than you and get treated like they care less for their animals because of it lol#and people who feel scammed because anything veterinary is already expensive to the point not everyone can afford it as regularly as needed#the fact people have to give pets vaccines themselves to make ends meet because most vets charge so much just to walk in the door#is a sign of a larger problem#I criticize people who avoid taking animals with surprise sickness or injuries to the vet#but it’s not exactly hard to see why that isn’t even an option for a lot of people#people can’t even afford surgery on themselves if they’re suddenly injured out of the blue in this country#So I can’t pretend to be shocked they don’t have $10k squirreled away if something unavoidable happens to a pet#no one is entitled to an animal they can’t afford yes yes but a routine vet visit shouldn’t be $600-$1000 per animal sorry#give me a copay or something
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so about the new ishmael ego
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I like her. I could say more but that would be another post. Look at the background. This part specifically.
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There's a private beach roped off here. It looks pristine compared to the polluted waters Ishmael's boat is in. Hell, the water is green over here.
Makes me wonder if sections of the lake are roped off for nest-dwellers only. And these beaches are kept clean, meanwhile on the other side of the ropes, the beach seems to be an industrial waste dumping ground.
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foldingfittedsheets · 7 months
No joke, the thing I’m most looking forward to when I graduate and have a job is just buying books again. The luxury. Having a book forever instead of having to return it to library. Not having to wait weeks for a hold. Imagine.
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atomicc · 4 months
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Do you think it would be worth finishing these and posting them on like Redbubble or something so you can buy them as stickers be honest would u want that
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galehowl · 3 months
Tbh with the AI shit - only a matter of time until every place and platform we have will start selling data to them, and good if they deem to even let you know they're going to be doing so, and not just do it behind your back without even telling - in fact, I don't even trust the whole "you can opt out" thing lol, why would I assume it'll even work in the first place, and isn't just there to placate people in hopes everyone won't get TOO mad at them and look better in the public eye?
I think it's more of an annoying reality and nothing else, that will just need to be dealt with, until it either gets regulated, or dies off. I don't think there's gonna be many places left to run to, eventually, unless some safe sanctuary for creators is made that somehow GUARANTEES protection from all of this bs
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ikishima · 1 month
My #1 advice for people moving out is to NOT buy nonstick cookware... not only is the lifespan of nonstick a MAXIMUM of 7 years (usually more like 2-5 years) but teflon, aka Polytetrafluoroethylene-- the plastic coating that makes the cookware nonstick, infuses microplastics into your food.
New cookware sets can cost hundreds of dollars so my advice is to look for 100% stainless steel cookware in thrift stores. Safer, cheaper, & instead of needing to replace every 2-7 years they can potentially last you the entire rest of your life AND they won't start shedding plastic into your food
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my-maehem · 1 year
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handsomejack-ingoff · 3 months
so in episode 1 of tales. where did vaughn and rhys get the handcuffs. huh.
did they just. have them??? did vaughn just come out of his room like "ok rhys im ready for pandora!!" and he randomly handcuffed the briefcase to his wrist and rhys was like "???? where did you get thos" and vaughn interrupts like "OK RHYS IT SEEMS LIKE WE'RE READY!!! LETS GO DOWN TO PANDORA TO MAKE THAT DEAL. NO TIME TO KEEP TALKING ABOUT THIS"
or like. did rhys have them. did he see vaughn holding the briefcase of money and go "hm. he needs a bit if freakiness to his fit" and just. put vaughn in cuffs??
how did they decide who would be cuffed to the money. because rhys seems like. the infinitely better option here
i mean. come on. rhys has a super strong robot arm and also isnt so small and lightweight that he'd blow away in a breeze, like vaughn would
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milesmolasses · 11 months
workers working on spider-verse not having good working conditions at sony pisses me off
sick of multimillion dollar companies and their capitalistic ideals. but then again, we live in America.
kudos to those who had the strength to leave sony’s animation team. my prayers to those who still continue to work under such terrible conditions.
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hemaris · 17 days
soooooo annoying how a year ago i was like hahaaaa leaving the legal sector FOREVER & now i'm like being a public prosecutor would pay really well though 🥺🥺🥺
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maxe-murderer · 8 months
ok once midterms are done and i have a bit of free time i might write out a post breaking down why hidgens asking for $30 million to fund working boys in hatchetfield ape-man is absolutely insane in every way possible
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