#amethyst lineage
anachronisims · 2 years
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Kimba:  “My loves!  So proud to see you skilling!  Gaia, you’ll be walking in no time!”
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Noel:  “That’s enough practice for now, Gaia-love.  Mama’s home from the party!”
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wygolvillage · 8 months
started a new file for ranch raiding (hoping for better trap RNG?) but we may have to wait for early spring since the calves are so strong in late winter
we did get a successful raid in thoughhhh
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fatehbaz · 2 years
you learn about a hummingbird species named “flame-throated sunangel” or “sparkling-tailed woodstar” or “purple-crowned fairy” or “shining sunbeam” or “sapphire-spangled emerald” or “amethyst-throated sungem” (these are all real hummingbirds). and you think “all the superlative descriptions of hummingbirds must be exaggerations”. then you learn that this hummingbird has like magnificent luminous aquamarine or sparkling-gold or iridescent flaming-orange feathers on its back, or glittering throat patches with mesmerizing color transitions from deep purple to vibrant pink. and maybe its maximum size is smaller than a bumblebee, with an adult weight of 0.09 ounces (this is a real hummingbird). maybe it hovers in-place in mid-air and can beat its wings at 200 beats per second (this is a real hummingbird). maybe multiple flower species have essential mutualistic relationships with the birds. maybe there is an entire lineage of so-called “flower mites”, tiny arachnids that use hummingbirds to travel between plants and can only feed on specific flower nectar pollinated by hummingbirds (this is real). or maybe the species lives only very high on the slopes of a single mountain where its beak is specially customized to feed on the nectar of a single flower species (real). and maybe there are two dozen or more species of hummingbirds which only live in small isolated pockets of high-elevation fog-shrouded cloud forests in very specific humid microhabitats in the misty and forested peaks of the tropical Andes or Mesoamerica. where every mountain range’s special combination of mist and fog and flowers and nectar creates a home for a unique bird. maybe they love sugar, just like me. and you’re like “this can’t be real”.
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chaedomi · 3 months
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SUMMARY . after visiting her mother, lyrica finds herself learning about the mysterious crown princess who resides inside the sun palace.
WARNINGS . YANDERE, female child reader, platonic, ooc (if i missed any, kindly alert me)
LETTERS . i'd like to make it known that this fanfiction was inspired by lyomeii's works ─ ( one / two ) yeah, i do plan to make this into a little platonic yandere series. and since this is a little introduction to it all, there won't be as much action in this compared to others that (hopefully) will come. 'breanna' is a character made by me on the spot. oh, God, this is so bad
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LYRICA WAS having the best day of her life. Her mother had just bestowed upon her something truly precious—a silver coin, unparalleled to all the riches that could be offered. Honestly, when she lost the first silver coin she had earned back in the slums, she felt a sense of disappointment. That coin had been her pride, marked and stained with all the times she held it, dreaming of a better future. She never aspired to acquire another, as it couldn't compare to the first one she had cherished for so long. But, who cared? Even if it wasn't the same coin, it was still a silver coin—her precious silver coin.
"Ah... Huh...?" Lyrica's footsteps halted as something interesting captured her attention. The Black Dragon Chamber next door was The Crown Prince's room, and right next to it was another door—the entrance to The Crown Princess's chambers. It occurred to Lyrica that she had never laid eyes on The Crown Princess before. The Crown Princess hadn't even been present at her mother's and His Majesty's wedding!
Lyrica lifted her gaze to examine the sign above the chamber door. Said signs depicted the theme of the chambers and, by extension, identified the type of dragon associated with The Crown Princess.
However, instead of the expected dragon imagery, there was what Lyrica recognized as a constellation.
"Oh my," Brinne spoke beside Lyrica, causing the little girl to startle, as the voice was unexpected. "It seems that Your Highness has stumbled across something very interesting. Would you like me to explain, Your Highness?"
"Huh...?" Lyrica blinked at her servant before finally catching on. "O... Oh, yes, please!"
Brinne laughed in response to Lyrica's enthusiasm. "Recall when I mentioned that His Majesty and House Takar trace their lineage to dragons? I also explained that House Wolfe descends from wolves, and House Sandar's ancestry is tied to a colossal snake as thick as a tree."
Brinne’s eyelids fluttered open, and Lyrica could see for herself the fondness swirling in her amethyst-hued eyes.  Lyrica's curiosity deepened even more as a result of this reaction. Minor details about The Crown Princess's existence are known, yet she already fascinates Lyrica. In the 'White Dragon Chamber,' Lyrica remembers the information Brinne shared with her. The Founder of the prosperous Takar Nation was a dragon, leading to the Imperial Family (comprising Takars) being named after these mythical creatures.
So, why is it that you, The Crown Princess, aren't named after a dragon? Your hand was given to The Crown Prince, which rightfully places you within the Imperial Family. However, you carry the identity of something different—a star, or more precisely, a constellation of stars known as Pollux.
Lyrica resisted the urge to ask, concerned about overwhelming Brinne with questions she might not have answers to. However, the more she thought, the more she wanted answers. Despite the unsettling tales she had heard about The Emperor, her stepfather had proven to be benevolent. It wasn't as if The Emperor despised you otherwise, he wouldn't have permitted you to reside in The Sun Palace and ''''marry'''' The Crown Prince. So, why...?
Lyrica bit her lip and groaned, ultimately yielding to her curiosity. "The Family Crest of High-Ranking Nobles symbolizes their ancestry. However, considering House (L.N) bears the crest of a star, does that suggest that The Crown Princess is descended from a star?" Brinne tilted her head and beamed, satisfied with Lyrica's analysis. "Exactly!"
Although Brinne appeared content, Lyrica felt the opposite, her eyebrows furrowing in dissatisfaction. "But... I thought all Takars were named after dragons. What about The Crown Princess?" It's only at that moment that Brinne understands the confusion of The Young Princess. Brinne's smile widened further, momentarily causing Lyrica to worry about the strain on her jaw muscles.
"It's as you mentioned, Your Highness. All Takars, even those married into The Imperial Family, bear dragon names. But, The Crown Princess is only engaged to His Highness.” Brinne replied, a sly smirk gracing her stunning features. Lyrica's expression faltered as she processed her servant's words. “Your Highness, let me make it known that His Majesty deeply admires House (L.N), especially The Crown Princess."
As the realization dawned on her, Lyrica almost jumped in surprise. Tolerance and respect were one thing, but admiration? Another question was… why did Brinne tell her all of this when she had first moved into her chambers? Did she forget…?
Brinne giggled at Lyrica’s reaction. "With admiration comes a deep bond. As we know, His Majesty cannot rule forever, nor will it be advised for his nephew to rule alone. And so, because His Majesty trusts no one as he trusts House (L.N), he decided that one of them shall ascend to the throne alongside his nephew. Despite the many good suitors House (L.N) had to offer, The Crown Princess was chosen as she not only captured him with her abilities but her personality as well."
“Of course, to be a Crown Princess, you need to marry The Crown Prince first. However, His Majesty’s instructions to address Her Highness as such regardless is a way of showcasing her permanent ascension.”
Lyrica's eyebrows rose at the revelation. Well, now it makes sense why you weren’t identified as a dragon. Forget what she said about the marriage thing too. "But wait! Even if The Crown Princess didn’t receive that privilege, would she still be considered important, perhaps more so than High-Ranking Nobles?"
Brinne hummed in thought. “She would still be considered as a High-Ranking Noble even if she and those in House (L.N) hold more privileges than the others in the same noble class. …It’s all because of His Majesty’s orders. Everything is. You are aware of how absolute His Majesty’s orders are, right? If His Majesty commands people to act like animals, they will do just that. If His Majesty says to idolize an object, they will do just that! Even more so if His Majesty orders his people to respect House (L.N) just as they respect House Takar, they will do just that. It doesn’t matter if people are pleased with the arrangements or not. ...His Majesty’s reason for doing so all aligns with the shared history of House Takar and House (L.N).”
Lyrica became intrigued by that bit of information. "Shared history?" She leaned in, eager to learn more. "Can you tell me more, Brinne?" Unfortunately, Brinne responded with an apologetic smile, disappointing Lyrica.
"Regrettably, that's the extent of my knowledge regarding the relationship between House (L.N) and House Takar. It's a limit for anyone," Brinne's lips tightened. "The narrative unfolds after the nation's expansion and the allegiance of House Sandar and House Wolfe, undoubtedly including the deeds of House (L.N) that earned His Majesty's favor."
"However, crucial details of this significant historical period somehow vanished. Consequently, over time, people began crafting theories about how House (L.N) and House Takar evolved into their current relationship. Some theories were logical, while others were entirely nonsensical. And, of course, some seized the opportunity for profit, as seen in the widely popular children's fairytale, 'The Dragon Who Fell In Love With A Star.' You must have heard of it, haven't you?"
Lyrica recalled hearing a similar story in the slums, never imagining its connection to something so crucial. "That's incredible!" she exclaimed.
"Despite these theories, none have been confirmed. House (L.N) and House Takar are the only ones capable of such confirmation. However, His Majesty has maintained silence on the matter, and House (L.N) feels compelled to align with his decision."
"Yet, certain aspects remain clear. Regardless of factual evidence, His Majesty holds House (L.N) in high regard. Thus, we are to treat them with respect, just as we will respect House Takar. Whether others agree or disagree is unimportant."
“Either way, the latter is not a concern,” Brinne continued. “Everyone in this nation is fond of House (L.N), or in this case, The Crown Princess.”
Lyrica cocked her head to the side. “Even you?”
"Yes, Your Highness! Why wouldn't I?" Brinne laughed. "Allow me to explain how House (L.N) operates. As we are aware, High-Ranking Nobles align themselves with the symbols on their crests. Given that House (L.N) traces its lineage to a star... it's worth noting that House (L.N) is the largest Noble Family in the nation. This serves as a symbolic representation of the countless stars that adorn the sky."
"B-Billions!?" Lyrica stammered, staring at Brinne with widened eyes.
"Oh, dear." Brinne covered her mouth. "Your Highness, House (L.N) doesn't quite literally have billions. However, like certain traits are inherent to specific Noble Families, having large kin is one characteristic of House (L.N). So, fear not, Your Highness; having a small family circle is normal. House (L.N) just happens to multiply at a very alarming rate... to the extent that they are scattered throughout all corners of the nation."
"Due to their extensive family, House (L.N) has implemented a system within their household to maintain order. Drawing inspiration from astrology, where eighty-eight constellations are recognized, House (L.N) has structured itself into eighty-eight classes, each with varying levels of power and status. However, within these eighty-eight classes, there exist twelve classes that house the highest positions. I find myself intrigued by the method they use to organize it all..."
"But, moving on!" Brinne placed her hands on her knees. "Your Highness, are you familiar with the twelve constellations of the universe?"
"Yes! Glendelyn taught me about them! It's uh... Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces... right!?" Lyrica grinned, pleased with herself for recalling both the names and pronunciation.
"And those would be the twelve classes of House (L.N) with the highest status and power! The Crown Princess oversees Class Gemini of House (L.N), in part. As we know, Gemini is a twin star encompassing both Pollux and Castor. Therefore, Gemini is responsible for two individuals, with The Crown Princess having authority over Pollux."
Brinne's eyes crinkled with amusement. "It makes me wonder... if House (L.N)'s class sorting is also influenced by personality traits..."
"What makes you think that...?" Lyrica inquired, tilting her head to the side.
"Pollux means 'very sweet' or 'fit for royalty.' And when compared to both Castor and Pollux, Pollux is the brighter star of the two." Brinne giggled. "'Fit for royalty'... truly describes The Crown Princess! The Crown Princess can also be characterized as... bright and pure. Undoubtedly, she possesses the most beautiful soul in the entire nation."
In Lyrica's thoughts, she argues that her mother is the most beautiful soul of all!
"Generous, selfless, and loving. The Crown Princess consistently treats everyone impartially and respectfully, ignoring class or personality. When she had more freedom before getting engaged, The Crown Princess frequently visited the lower class, playing with the little children there. She gave them gifts, food, and clothes, disregarding the opinions of those in the Noble Status," Brinne explained.
"Now, with increased power, The Crown Princess has expressed her intent to enhance the quality of life for the lower class. His Majesty has already given his approval, leaving the timing of the project's initiation to The Crown Princess." Brinne hummed. "In summary, The Crown Princess is admired not just for her history and status. It's her demeanor and how she treats others, whether good or evil, that truly highlights her charm."
By now, Lyrica's eyes were gleaming. "She does sound amazing..." As someone who had previously lived in the slums, hearing about how The Crown Princess cared so tenderly for her fellow people deeply touched Lyrica. Typically, individuals of higher status tended to be snobbish and avoided those from lower classes, using harsh and insulting labels. Lyrica was all too familiar with that. However, there were exceptions—The Crown Princess, who cared for them despite their backgrounds, striving to improve their lives! Lyrica's thoughts began to wander, imagining what her life might have been like if she had encountered The Crown Princess in the past.
The only issue in her thoughts was, "Brinne, how exactly does The Crown Princess look?"
"Hmm... Let me think about how I can describe this. Your Highness, when you gaze at the stars at night, what's the first thing that comes to your mind?" Brinne inquired.
"Well, I always think about how beautiful the stars look tonight," Lyrica responded promptly.
“It’s the same for House (L.N). They possess a certain essence that makes them shine, glitter, and sparkle. The Crown Princess is no exception. She has gorgeous (h.c) hair that sparkles under the sunlight, and (s.c) skin that glows with the moonlight. However, what truly sets The Crown Princess apart within her House is her eyes. Those eyes of hers... are the physical embodiment of her lineage. With (e.c) eyes that sparkle like fine jewels, she carries the entire universe in them."
Lyrica's jaw dropped in amazement. "Is that another form of symbolism...?"
Brinne shook her head. "This time, it's quite literal." Seeing Lyrica's face scrunch up in suspicion, Brinne resisted the urge to giggle. "Oh my, Your Highness. I assure you, I'm not making fun of you for thinking House (L.N) consisted of billions of members. I don't blame you for being skeptical. Eyes resembling the universe? It does sound far-fetched, especially when no one else is known for having such a trait. But, it is the truth."
Lyrica pouted, fiddling with her clothes. "All of this talk just makes me want to meet The Crown Princess!"
"Huhu~ I'm certain The Crown Princess would have loved to meet you too, Your Highness. Unfortunately, current circumstances just won't allow her to do so. With The Crown Prince currently absent, The Crown Princess has temporarily taken over his responsibilities, attending to any work that needs to be accomplished in his stead."
"I can recall a day when The Crown Princess looked like a disaster, seconds away from collapsing onto the ground," Brinne shivered. "As much work as it may be, it's what needs to be done. Again, The Crown Prince and The Crown Princess are destined to ascend to the throne one day, signifying the future management of the nation. Thus, they must demonstrate their capabilities to the people, and most importantly, His Majesty."
“Oh!” Lyrica blinked.
“Hmm… Now, I’m not sure, but, come to think of it, you should be able to see The Crown Princess soon, Your Highness.” Brinne added.
“Oh!?” Lyrica exclaimed in a louder tone.
“His Highness should be returning from his feudal territory very soon. And once he does, Her Highness should be able to take a breather from her piles of work.”
Lyrica fell silent, staring at Brinne with a soft expression. Lyrica then smiled fondly, clasping her hands together. “I know The Crown Princess isn’t fully inside the family as yet… Even so, she would be my cousin. But, still… The Crown Princess… would be some form of big sister, right…?”
“Yes, Your Highness.”
“YOUR HIGHNESS! I come to you with great news! His Highness should be returning soon!” Gracefully entering the 'Constellation Pollux Chamber,' a maid carrying a golden tray of food and treats hastened toward you, seated upright in your bed, gazing at the scenery beyond your window.
Turning your attention forward, you stared at your maid with widened eyes. "Is that so?" Your surprise quickly morphed into happiness, a smile spreading across your lips as you interlaced your fingers. A flowery aura surrounded you, and your excitement was visible. "That is good news! How long has it been since Atil was gone...? Six months?"
"Precisely," your maid, Breanna, hummed, gently placing the tray on your bed tray table, which you wasted no time digging into. "I can tell that you have many ideas running through your head, Your Highness. I, too, would want to greet someone I cherish with a warm welcome after not seeing them for so long."
"For Atil...? Erm... No, that's not why I'm so excited... I'm excited because I won't have to work as hard as I did anymore!" You beamed without shame. "Ugh, it was torturous... Left, right, and center, it was just piles of paper. Any more, and I would have begun to see the pearly white gates of heaven..."
"Oh, my, is that all? His Highness would be upset if he heard that's the only reason you missed his presence," Breanna giggled.
"And then there are your new family members, Your Highness."
You paused, fingers clasped around the handle of your spoon. Slowly, you lifted your head to meet your maid's gaze, (e.c) eyes locking with amethyst eyes. "Yes, I have heard about the news. How His Majesty has taken a commoner as his bride, and her child as his daughter."
Your smile widened, lips encased around the tip of the spoon. As if nature were in sync with you, the sunlight cast an ethereal glow on your frame, making you appear more enchanting. Even your maid, who wore a sly smirk seconds prior, jaw slackened, staring at you in awe.
"It's a shame I am unable to do anything at the moment. I can't express just how eager I am to meet them. But one thing's for sure... I already see them as family."
In your eyes was the universe. Stars served as pupils, they glowed with endless glee and anticipation.
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©chaedomi. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of the works published.
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fragileheartbeats · 2 months
Could you please do more of House Lyrielle. Their island, ancestral weapons? Members, even. What are they like?
Hmmm let's see...
Ancestral Island: Isle of Lumina
The Isle of Lumina is a hidden gem nestled amidst the vast expanse of the sea. Surrounded by treacherous waters and veiled by mystical barriers, it remains concealed from prying eyes. The island itself is a verdant paradise, with lush forests, cascading waterfalls, and sprawling gardens. Ancient Valyrian architecture, adorned with intricate carvings and adorned with white roses, dot the landscape, blending seamlessly with the natural beauty of the surroundings.
Ancestral Weapons: Moonshadow, Starlight
House Lyrielle possesses a pair of ancestral weapons known as "Moonshadow" and "Starlight." Moonshadow is a slender longsword, forged from Valyrian steel and imbued with enchantments that allow it to move silently through the air, striking with deadly precision. Starlight, on the other hand, is a curved dagger crafted from a rare meteorite, its edge shimmering with faint starlight, capable of piercing even the thickest armor.
Prominent Members:
1. **Elyria Lyrielle**: The current matriarch of House Lyrielle, Elyria embodies the grace and wisdom of her lineage. With silver-golden hair cascading down her back and eyes the color of amethyst, she is revered for her healing abilities and her profound connection with her dragon, Whisperwind.
2. **Aldaric Lyrielle**: The eldest son of Elyria, Aldaric is a scholar and a warrior, his intellect matched only by his skill with the Moonshadow Blade. Though shy and reserved, he possesses a quiet strength that commands respect among his kin. Aldaric's passion for knowledge drives him to explore the depths of Lumina's ancient libraries, seeking wisdom to aid his house in its mission to protect the natural world.
3. **Elara Lyrielle**: The youngest daughter of Elyria, Elara is known for her insatiable curiosity and adventurous spirit. With a love for exploration and discovery, she often ventures beyond Lumina's shores, eager to uncover the mysteries of the world beyond. Despite her naivety at times, Elara's compassion and bravery make her a cherished member of House Lyrielle. The youngest of the Lyrielle siblings, Elera possesses a fierce spirit hidden beneath her shy exterior. With her light purple eyes ablaze with determination, she trains tirelessly with her dragon, Stardust, honing her skills in aerial combat.
4. **Whisperwind and Stardust:** Elyria's dragon, Whisperwind, is a majestic creature with scales the color of moonlight. Agile and swift, it shares a deep bond with Elyria, acting as her steadfast companion and protector. Elera's dragon, Stardust, is a smaller yet equally formidable companion, with scales that glitter like the night sky.
House Lyrielle members are characterized by their shy and timid nature, often preferring the tranquility of Lumina to the chaos of the outside world. Despite their naivety at times, they possess a deep reverence for knowledge and a commitment to preserving the natural world. Their silver-golden hair and light purple eyes mark them as a true descendants of Old Valyria, their ethereal beauty a reflection of their connection to the mystical realm they call home.
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luvvixu · 8 months
izana x reader (she/her)
🌃🌙 those nights
genre: fluff
synopsis: just some every night scenario with your lovely husband.
warning: none, i guess?
word count: 580
a/n: am back and ready to attack :< hahhwhaah pretend that i didn't disappear for a long time
song: perfect by one direction
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it was summer midnight and you were asleep in your shared bed, with izana nestling comfortably in your embrace. you are in deep sleep while your husband is wide awake. he was fiddling and playing with your fingers where your wedding ring was situated.
oh how izana loved the sensation of the ring he specifically picked for your finger as you two sealed your faith by the love and law.
he also loves comparing his wedded finger to yours, like how adorable your hands looks on his and how the sizes are different.
this man also reminisces those small moments just the two of you, your husband turned from a delinquent to a tamed puppy. sometimes, he even wonders what kind of spell you did to his mind and body that he seems always reaching out for you.
nevertheless, he was happy that you're one he ended up with. you were kind, caring, really knows how to tame his own dark impulses, and his most favorite thing about you, is that you're a great mentor in loving himself.
izana learned to love himself because you taught him well. he learned to accept who he is and who he used to be. that's all because of you, you and only you—and izana loves you so much for it.
overall, izana felt like living in a dream where he did not want to wake up. you were his solace, a perfect dynamic, and the mother of his future children. now that you two are married, the man would always keep to himself about his imaginations of building a family with you.
the thought of carrying his lineage makes his stomach burst with a sanctuary of butterflies. that thought alone made him unconsciously nestles even harder in your embrace, making you jolt slightly in your sleep.
but this time, you got woke up for real. as you open your eyes, you see your white haired husband murmuring incoherently.
sensing your small movement, izana looked up and saw your eyes meeting him. the man smiled so dearly, his amethyst eyes screaming with pure love and adoration towards you.
"why aren't you sleeping yet?" your voice came out a bit hoarse as you've just woken up.
"i have self-diagnosed insomnia." he said. you don't know if he's joking or not but you let out a chuckle at his witty response.
stroking his almost long white hair, izana couldn't help but act like a touch deprived baby as he aches for your touch. "do you want me to sing you a lullaby?"
"yes please, mahal ko." he nodded, burying his face on the crook of your neck.
"alright, a-ahem…" izana watches you clearing your throat, preparing for a soft lullaby. he knows that you know that your voice serves as his melatonin, his sleeping aid.
literally speaking, izana could fall asleep while listening to your soft voice. it gives him deep comfort and assurance that you are here by his side.
"where the north wind meets the sea, there's a river full of memory. sleep, my darling, safe and sound. for in this river, all is found."
"is that a song from that disney movie we watched yesterday?" he asked. "yeah, it's perfect to sing a lullaby." you answered.
"kantahan mo ulit ako, mahal ko." izana tightens his hold on your body as you continue to sing. slowly, izana found himself drifting from sleep.
that night, izana did not dream of anything—because he was already living inside a dream, he was there in your arms.
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translation (filipino - english)
mahal ko - my love
kantahan mo ulit ako - sing for me again
banners made by reveriesources
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riaarivic · 1 year
Obsidian and Amethyst (Teaser) MYG
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Pairings YoongixReader, NamjoonxReader
Genres Fantasy!AU, ACOTAR!AU, Smut, Angst
Rating 18+ minors DNI
Summary  You are the oldest Daughter of the Spring Court’s High Lord, your only duty is to marry the man your father chose. You’ve accepted your fate... or at least until you met him, the Dark prince with Obsidian Hair and Amethyst eyes.
Word count: TBA
Warnings every chapter will have its own warnings but in general: explicit sexual scenes, misogynistic behavior not the main characters tho, dom!yoongi, brat!reader, slow burn, kind of enemies to lovers but not really, long haired young (yes that’s a warning). Namjoon being the best boy ever (yes, that is a also warning
AN: Hi! My name is Ria, this is my first tumblr fanfic, and the very first part of a fantasy series I am planning to write featuring all of the members. Would LOVE to read your opinions and feedback. This is inspired by the courts of Midsummer night dreams and ACOTAR but in no way this is an adaptation. By the way, I will try my best to write reader centric fics, with the least amount of physical description. I want as many people as possible to be able to enjoy reading, without feeling excluded. Also, English is not my first language so there might be some mistakes. I’m sorry 😅 Love, Ria💗
It was uncommon that a fae child to be born as a result of two High Faerie mates.
Much less common: two.
And in such a short period of time. Born only five years apart, it would have been considered a blessing, given by the Cauldron Itself.
The only problem was..
You and your sister are both daughters.
And for your father, that was a disgrace.
A curse.
The only High Lord of the Seelie and Unseelie courts without a Male Heir. 
For him, having two female offspring meant the end of his lineage and It was blasphemous, the greatest of dishonors. To give up his thousands of years of somewhat peaceful rulling of the Spring Court to another family. That’s why he mastered a plan, the only way he could secure his power.
He needed a puppet, to raise and to control. 
The first son of The Kim Family:
Kim Namjoon
He wasn’t a Lord, He wasn’t a warrior 
He was more interested in his books and his library than anything else the outside world would offer
A boy that would never dare to go against the rules and wishes of his High Lord. Taken from his house and raised in the Spring Court’s Castle. A boy who was, by the way, your best friend.
That was the best outcome you could ever aspire.
Marrying your best friend out of duty sounded hundred times better than to be traded for riches or land to an ancient barely living old fae lord. 
Namjoon was perfect and your only hope for a normal life. 
But you just knew you couldn’t trust your father. 
When you became of age, hundreds of suitors traveled to your court.
You were a rare beauty even between the fae, known as the lilac rose of the Spring Court. The lady with amethyst eyes and that made you unique, like a trophy they could exhibit. 
Your father could literally ask for an army in return of your hand… 
And he could have it.
The only thing that stopped him from breaking your engagement with Namjoon was the promise he made to your mother made on her death bed. That you would only marry the oldest Kim Boy, no one else
And to make sure of it, with the final breath of her life she gave the young boy her hability to shapeshift. The Spring Court’s badge skill, that only the High Lord’s family could possess.
And protect you he did
Until your 20th birthday
The night of your engagement
The night you met
You were walking outside of the gardens of the Spring Court castle the first time you saw him.
His eyes, they were just like yours. 
All of your life you were told you were the only one. And on him, his lilac irises looked like they could hold the entire sky and it’s stars. He was stunning and even that word felt like it wasn’t enough to describe him.
With hair as dark as the obsidian stones that adorned the rings on his fingers and his pale skin, almost translucent in contrast with his black clothes. Never in your entire existence have you seen a man this attractive. But here you were.
There was a sly smile on his lips that made heat rush to parts of your body it shouldn’t have. At least not when you were surrounded by all the noblemen and women of the Seelie and Unseelie courts.
“What an Honor to meet you, Princess” His deep voice took you by surprise, his cold hand suddenly grabbing yours and without breaking eye contact he planted a small kiss at the top of it.
You could die then and there.
The hell was wrong with you? Why were you making an absolute idiot of yourself?
He straightened again with a smile “I am Min Yoongi, High Lord of the court of nightmares”
By the cauldron,
He was the dark prince of the Unseelie.
The most feared High Lord of all the courts, a ruthless and evil being.
He was dangerous..
And he was still holding your hand… smiling.
“I would say the same, my lord. But I’m no princess” you said finally finding your voice removing your hand from his
“Oh! but you are, Princess. The most beautiful rose of the spring court. I wonder how sharp your thorns are” a deep chuckle escaped from his chest but before you could respond you felt Namjoon’s presence behind you.
You didn’t want to admit that you were both bothered and relieved that he interrupted the both of you
“I didn’t know our High Lord had invited you to our engagement announcement” he said with his ever polite tone hiding something you couldn’t decipher underneath “But, you are welcome in our house Lord Min as long as you mean well”
Was Namjoon being possessive?
A small amused smile appeared on the Unseelie prince’s lips “I only mean to congratulate our Lady of Spring on her engagement. The invitation was sent to every court, how could I lose such an opportunity to come and see beauty of the lilac rose with my own eyes?” He looked absolutely wicked, ready to continue “But Sir Kim, as far as I know you’re not married. Therefore this is not your house yet and the engagement hasn’t been properly announced. There’s still time for any high lord to claim this beautiful lady for himself”
You could feel Namjoon's whole body tense with rage.
That’s when you realized everybody in the room was watching your interaction.
You took your fiancés hand but it was far too late, Namjoon had punched The High Lord of nightmares right on his face.
Oh fuck
This is definitely not how you expected your night to end.
This is it for now guys. I’m planning to make this a series with all the members, actually, but every one will feature parts of a story,
Thank so much If you read up to this part.
It means so much for me if you reblog or leave me a comment on my box.
I’m doing this because
One I love BTS and two I love writing
So this is for all of us who come to tumblr to disconnect from our lives for a little while
Ria 💗
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imaginarianisms · 2 months
something something daenerys being all the targaryen queens & female relatives before her & being all of them at once & not just another aegon or rhaegar, yes, they are a part of her, yes, she is aegon the conqueror come again, yes, she is as noble as rhaegar, but she is also rhaenys targaryen who was kindhearted, graceful, playful, curious, impulsive, given to flights of fancy with a mischievous nature, loved bards, singers & the smallfolk & who loved to fly more than anything in the whole world & visenya targaryen who was a harsh, austere beauty & a sensual, passionate, stern, serious & unforgiving woman & was known to dabble in dark sorcery, play with poisons & use blood magic & dress as comfortably as she does in armor as she does in silk & she was a dragonrider & a warrior. she is also the amethyst empress, valaena velaryon, alyssa velaryon, the good queen alysanne targaryen if she'd only had the opportunity to wield power in her own right alongside jaehaerys i as she was kind, gentle, loving & loved all her subjects lowborn & highborn alike & was well loved throughout westeros as she loved her women's courts & was also skilled in hunting, archery & was known for her charity & she would've been sent to the citadel had she been born male, rhaena targaryen the black bride of maegor i, who was initially more comfortable with animals than people, who was deemed the queen in the west while remaining at casterly rock in the westerlands & later the queen in the east while holding dragonstone & was furious when betrayed & scornful of those she did not trust & was said to love other women, saera targaryen who made a kingdom in her own right & was significant in volantis, viserra targaryen the primadonna girl, aemma arryn, rhaenyra targaryen the half year queen who tried to do what daenerys her descendant did but could not due to the misogyny of the realm, helaena targaryen the dreamer, daena targaryen the defiant, elaena targaryen who was shrewd & intelligent, larra rogare, naerys targaryen the devout, myriah martell, dyanna dayne, princess daenerys of dorne who saw no difference between highborn & lowborn, shiera seastar, the star of the sea who was the most beautiful woman of her time in westeros to the point where duels were fought over the right to sit beside her, men killed themselves when falling from her favor & poets outdid each other writing songs about her beauty, she spoke many languages & was a seductress & a witch who held a large arcana library, betha blackwood who was said to be willful, rhaella targaryen her mother who was always said to be mindful of her duty, forced to marry her abusive brother & died giving birth to her, & so many other girls & women who were overlooked simply on the basis of their gender. all of these women's blood is in daenerys' just as much as rhaegar & aegon's is. daenerys targaryen is the justice & vengeance of all the grandmothers, mothers, sisters, daughters, nieces, cousins & granddaughters who were overlooked in favor of their male relatives, their grandfathers, fathers, their uncles, their brothers, their cousins & grandsons simply on the basis of being girls & women in a world that denied them freedom.
daenerys targaryen will finally break that cycle & break that wheel that tied so many of these women to these fates that bound them, used them, abused them & murdered them, she is the daughter of house targaryen that gets to not only survive, but live, thrive & conquer in a way her female ancestors & even her male ancestors could only dream of doing; she will do what no other targaryen in her lineage let alone any valyrian has ever done before, raising not just one but three dragons, drogon, rhaegal & viserion, riding her own dragon drogon, conquering & laying waste to the cities of essos, rectifying the sins of old valyria by destroying the slave trade, uniting all of the unsullied & dothraki under her banner & many different peoples, armies & cultures together, & taking back her birthright & playing a great role in saving the world from the others & their wights, & after bringing fire & blood to westeros, she will ensure a new golden age, she will surpass all of them, & she is the best that house targaryen could ever ask for.
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the-occult-lounge · 3 months
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𝓐 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓯 𝓗𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓘𝓶𝓫𝓸𝓵𝓬
Imbolc is a Celtic tradition that marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. The Celtic pagan holiday falls on February 1st-2nd and heralds the change of the seasons and the shift from the dark days to the sun filled days ahead. This celebration, from information gathered from Irish poetry, dates back to early 10th century. From informaton gleamed the holiday was originally around the veginning of spring and aligned more towards rebirth. However, we can justify this with the meanjng of the word Imbolc. The holiday's name means 'in the belly of the mother' and within the earth at this time sturs the seeds of spring.
Brigid resides over this holiday and was originally worshipped by a class of poets and historians called the Filid. Brigid is a Celtic fire and fertility goddess, daughter of Dagda, lineage of the Tuath du Danann, and deemed one of the most powerful Celtic deities. It is also believed that she is a triple goddess due to the fact that she has two sisters with the same name but they seem to represent different aspects which is very much the summize of most triple deities. As time moved away from paganism Brigid was adopted into Christianity as St. Brigid and was still saint/goddess of dairy maids, cattle, midwives, newborns and nuns.
Per https://www.history.com/topics/holidays/imbolc:
"Brigid appears in the saga Cath Maige Tuired and the Lebor Gabála Érenn, a purported history of Ireland collected from various poems and texts in the 10th century."
"Myths about Brigid’s birth say she was born with a flame in her head and drank the milk of a mystical cow from the spirit world. Brigid is credited with the very first keening, a traditional wailing for the dead practiced at funerals by Irish and Scottish women."
𝓘𝓶𝓫𝓸𝓵𝓬 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓹𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼
❀ Animals: Firebird, Dragon, Groundhog, Deer, Hare, Rabbit, Ewe, Sheep, Lamb
❀ Birds: Robin, Swan
❀ Colors: Brown, Pink, White, Red, Orange, Pale Yellow, Silver, Lavender
❀ Customs: Lighting Candles, Seeking Omens of Spring, Storytelling, Cleaning House, Bonfires, Indoor Planting, Stone Collecting, Candle kept burning dusk till dawn; hearth Re-lighting
❀ Deities: Brigid, Virgin Goddess, Venus, Diana, Februa, Maiden, Child Goddess, Aradia, Athena, Inanna, Vesta, Gaia, Selene(Greek), Cerridwen, Demeter, Persephone, Prosperpina, Vesta, Branwen(Manx-Welsh), Cernunnos, Heme, Osiris, Pan, Cupid/Eros(Greco-Roman), Dumuzi(Sumerian)
❀ Element: Earth, Fire
❀ Flowers: Yellow Flowers, White Flowers, Marigolds, Plum Blossoms, Daffodils
❀ Foods: Dairy, Spicy Foods, Raisins, Pumpkin, Sesame & Sunflower Seeds, Poppyseed Bread/Cake, Honey Cake, Pancakes, Waffles, Herbal Tea, Cheese, Spiced Wine, White Meats, Yogurt
❀ Gender: Female
❀Herbs: Acorns, Angelica, Basil, Bay, Benzoin, Blackberry, Celandine, Chamomile, Clover, Frankensense, Heather, Lavender, Myrrh, Rosemary, Willow
❀Magick Areas: Cleansing, Purification, Renewal, Creative Inspiration, Initiation, Candle Work, House & Temple Blessings, Fertility, Awakening, Protection, Truth, Wand Cleansing
❀ Other Names: Candlemas (Christian), Brigantia (Caledonii), Oimelc, Festival of Light, Brigid’s (Brid, Bride) Day, La Fheill, An Fheille Bride, Candelaria (Mexico), Chinese New Year, Disting-tid (Feb 14th, Teutonic), DisaBlot, Anagantios, Lupercalia/Lupercus (Strega), Groundhog Day please note the celebrations are similar but are vastly different when you look at the details
❀ Scents: Jasmine, Rosemary, Frankincense, Cinnamon, Neroli, Musk, Olive, Sweet Pea, Basil, Myrrh, Wisteria, Apricot, Carnation, Chamomile, Jasmine, Lavender, Rosemary
❀ Stones: Amethyst, Garnet, Onxy, Turquoise
❀ Symbols: Brigid’s Cross, Corn Dollies, Epiphanies, Candles, Lanterns, Sun Wheels
Learn more, like rituals for this holiday, at:
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anachronisims · 2 years
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Noel:  “All partied out, Gaia-girl?  Are you sure you’re my kid?”
::tickles and giggles::
Noel:  “Yes, you’re right, you definitely are, since I wouldn’t leave a party for anyone else!”  
::more tickles, more giggles::
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Gaia:  “Bah?”
Noel:  “Stay put a tick, love.  I’m just going to the fire, I’ll be riiiiiight back, I promise.”
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spookyprime · 10 months
I for one would like to know more about your MJ (Martha Junior) headcanons!!
I have a little story for her!!
So gem powers are only passed down through royal lineage. Basically the idea is that her birth father was actually the king/prince of the emerald kingdom, and Lophi was an elopement. They loved each other dearly but she is just a farm girl and got the very brief chance to live with her prince charming, basically. But when Opal took over the kingdom the prince/king (whatever he was) of the Emeralds was dispatched. All lophi says is that he died.
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But if she's actually the lover of the king/prince would make sense why she doesn't have any papers/ID/passport. If they knew who she was and who her child was (the next rightful heir)- they would kill her.
So she goes back to the farm and just does her thing with Conner. Except then, kon leaves, and she's alone with her baby- who has royal blood and starts exhibiting the ability to use gems to have magic.
So Martha has to leave. Even with the takedown of opal it's very well established all is not well politically on genworld. The Emeralds have no political power and having the heir to the emerald kingdom is a death sentence- especially while Martha is still learning to use her powers. So she gets sent to earth. Idk how I haven't worked that out yet- maybe political sympathies with the amethyst kingdom give them transport.
In some versions of this au Martha comes alone, and in some Lophi comes with her. Regardless- she meets back up with kon when she's like... 7-8 and he's just SO OVERJOYED to see her again. He never thought he would. She was his little girl- he didn't want to leave but he had to.
And Martha is very mixed. She's mad he left her. She's mad she has to leave her home. She's mad all the politics is happening in the first place. But kon loves her all the same.
I'm thinking she uses her magic to sort of emulate kryptonian powers+the ttk like Kon has. Yes she can theoretically do anything but I like the idea she tries to fit in with the supers. But she has different strengths and weaknesses. Obviously she's not invulnerable- but also kryptonite wouldn't affect her. She'd be better able to counter magic as well. But her magic is filtered through an emerald gem necklace- and if that gets taken or destroyed she has no magic.
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For her outfit I mostly have her wearing one of Kon's old t shirts since he thinks she isn't old enough to have her own supersuit (he does not know she's fighting)
But her end goal is to go back and free the emerald people. That's what she's training for- and that's what she's going to do. She has no interest in taking the throne for herself - just getting rid of the tyranny that's keeping her people oppressed.
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dayneston · 5 months
my most unhinged asoiaf theory is that the hightowers and daynes are the descendants of the amethyst empress whilst the valyrians and targaryens are the descendants of the bloodstone emperor, who stole the throne from his sister and used blood magic and necromancy for his dark purposes. the decendents of the amethyst empress fled to westeros whilst the bloodstone’s descendants became the valyrians, who like him used their dragon magic to bring misery to the world. we know that dragons come from asshai (land that was under the control of the great empire of the dawn) and apparently, the valyrians were “taught” the secrets of dragon taming by a previous people. but were they really taught, or did something more sinister happen? perhaps the story of the bloodstone emperor usurping his sister was the story of the valyrians turning against their people (the great empire) and using dragon magic to create their own empire where blood magic, slavery and sacrifice was the norm. this lead to the balance of magic in the world becoming unstable and the others returning once more, just like they did when the bloodstone emperor murdered his sister and began practice necromancy and other evil magic.
this means that daenerys, as the prince who was promised, has a dual function in the story and the azor ahai prophecy. she has ancestry from both the bloodstone emperor (her targaryen-valyrian lineage) and ancestry from the amethyst empress (her great great grandmother was a dayne). she is already “atoning” for the sins of her valyrian ancestors by waging a crusade against their greatest evil, slavery. but she will also atone for the bloodstone emperor’s usurpation of dragon magic by ending the long night and avenging the amethyst empress, thereby restoring magical balance to the world, as the first gemstone emperors intended. remember, daenerys saw them in her dream when she was in the house of the undying (the kings with eyes of pearl, tourmaline, jade and amethyst).
if this theory is true, then it also adds an interesting dimension to the main conflict in house of the dragon. it could be the continuation of a devastating conflict that has gone on for centuries between two factions - the amethyst empress’s descendents (hightower and oldtown) and the bloodstone emperor’s descendants (the targaryens). in my opinion, daemon feels like a version of the bloodstone emperor - he’s power hungry, debauch and completely believes in his supremacy as a god-like dragon lord. whilst the hightowers are more traditionalist and through their seat at oldtown, have a tight control over the use and knowledge of magic, much like the gemstone emperors did.
do with this theory what thou wilt 😝
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breadedsinner · 8 months
Mark of the Red Death
A sebhawke Necromancer AU for @persephoneggsy. Happy birthday!
“Do you know what the most powerful force in the universe is?” Hawke’s mentor once asked her. She shook her head in uncertainty. “Love,” he said. She still did not understand, at the time.
By the time Hawke entered the castle, blood had become part of the walls, oozing from the cracks. Red handprints smeared across the castle walls, crisscrossing over one another until they became a single beast, clawing for release that never came. Banners and carpets torn, tossed in every direction. A few abandoned weapons were strewn about. Anyone could see this was a struggle, brutal and very recent, but to someone like Hawke, a mage so in touch with death, standing in the middle of it was like being in the belly of an animal, and feeling it die all around her. The clangs of steel still echoed in the halls, shadows of victims running to an escape they would never reach danced in the shadows. Their final heartbeats still hung in the air.
As foul as it was, the gore was not especially notable for Hawke. Every known nation in Thedas worshipped death in some way or another, and mages such as her were its disciples. Of course, some feared what she could do, some outright reviled, and yet she found herself highly sought after. Everything from mixing potions to communing with the dead; if it involved magic, Hawke could do it. It was the only way a simple Ferelden farmgirl could ever mingle with Tevinter Magisters and Orlesian Chevaliers. It was the only reason she was here, in this gutted Starkhaven palace.
It was not the blood that disturbed her this day, but whose blood it belonged to.
She proceeded down another hall, torn carpet under his feet, sunlight refracted through broken glass. As the chamber door appeared, she hurried, an anxious lump in her throat. She knew what she would find, but still hoped it was not so.
She threw the chamber door open and found her student, Dorian, standing over caskets. He loomed over her, she being a petite woman, but he looked upon her with reverence. He was of high Tevinter lineage, but even with all his expensive education, his own dabbles in Necromancy never came to more than raising a few long-dead corpses to stumble for a few moments. There was a reason his former mentor sent him to her.
As she walked, she looked at all the caskets, lined up in a row. Some of them were very small. All of them were closed, though Dorian was peeking inside the one at the far end.
“Is that him?” she said, her usually blunt voice cracked.
“Yes,” he said with remorse. "He is the only one in decent condition."
Dorian open the casket and they both studied the person inside. A young man--could not have been much older than either of them--lay still, with eyes closed. They could see the bronze sheen of his skin still leaving his body, the luster of his slicked brown hair coming undone. Plush lips formed a faint, serene smile, but the color was fading by the moment, cracks forming.
Hawke ran a finger along the slope of the prince’s slender cheekbone. "This is him, the youngest of the three Starkhaven princes. Did you examine the body? What did you find?”
“I did,” said Dorian, his voice solemn but with a tinge of eagerness, wanting to perform well for his renowned mentor. “He was lucky, in a way. Got an arrow in the chest while trying to lead others to a secret exit. He was so close, too. Another second and he might have made it."
Her finger ghost down the outline of his face, lingered on his chin, then she made a fist. A purple light, wafting and warbling the air, illuminated her fingernails and surged through her skin.
"You're going to bring him back?" said Dorian, trying to suppress to excitement in his voice.
"For a moment," said Hawke, her icy blue eyes turning like frosted amethyst. "long enough to ask him what happened here."
Hawke opened her palm and pressed it against the prince's chest. Purple light washed over her body and passed through him, as though she were transfusing her own energy into him. Dorian tensed, looking for color to return to the corpse, betraying his logical mind, knowing that's not how Necromancy worked. At least not any form that he or any journeyman mage was aware of, though there were tales of spells that could keep resurrected corpses near perfectly alive again, at a great cost to both caster and corpse. But not even an esteemed sorceress like Hawke could perform such a feat.
Hawke pushed harder, a bead of sweat against her pale brow. Her fingers clenched against the prince's blood-stained tunic when his eyes popped open. Dorian and the prince gasped at the same time, both shocked at the spell's success.
“Ah…” the prince’s cloudy blue eyes looked about; his body twitched as if waking from a long slumber. When his eyes cleared and found focus, they immediately locked onto Hawke, a wide, elated smile followed. “Marian!” he cried; his arms opened for her.
“You know the Prince of Starkhaven?” asked Dorian.
“He courted me briefly,” Hawke said, voice casual and flat.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Oh, Marian,” the prince’s voice was deep and sorrowful, his eyes pouring over Hawke. “I thought I’d never see you again.”
“I’m sorry, Sebastian, but there’s no time,” said Hawke, still steady. “Do you know what happened?”
His smile immediately faded. “I … I do.”
“If we’re going to get any justice for you and your family, you need to tell me everything you know. And hurry, I can’t keep up the spell forever.”
“Those … people who stormed the castle. They had no flag, but I heard their whispers, as I tried to escape. Lady Johane Harimann hired them. If you search them, I’m sure you will find further proof.”
“That’s a good start. Walk me through your last hours.”
The prince only seemed to move his upper body, his hands clearly aching to reach for Hawke. His eyes still foggy with death, yet they almost glimmered at the sight of her, like stars glittering through clouds of night.
As he finished, Hawke placed her hand over his. The purple light around her slowly dimmed, she sighed, and the prince began to fall back.
"Dorian," said Hawke, the last of her magic faded. "Start examining the mercenary bodies. Take account of all that are in decent shape."
"Are you going to 'interview' them, too?"
"I might, though I'll need to restrain them first. But let's see what we can find on them, first."
"Very well," he took a few steps out the chamber. "And... for what's it's worth, I'm sorry about..."
"Please go, Dorian," she said, her words blunt as stone. "I need to think."
"Of course," and he hurried out.
Hawke sighed as she heard the door clack, and the footsteps faded. She tried to collect herself with deep, slow breaths. She had walked battlefields and massacres, bloody accidents and cruel forces of nature. The sight of blood stirred no emotion after a time, yet the smell of death, the force that hung like heavy fog, still became overwhelming if she lingered too long. All the worse, that it was someone she knew. Someone she loved.
One more steadying breath. She has already made her decision when she first heard the news, and she was never one to go back on a decision once she made it.
She brought her hand to the prince's chest again, this time with a crackling red light. When she touched his skin, he shuddered and buzzed, like streaks of lightning consuming his heart. Blood rose in his face, spreading color throughout. Crackles of red light crisscrossed against the arrow wound; it did not heal to become normal skin again, but the blood and the gash were gone, replaced with a jagged crimson patch. A memory of death.
He groaned, and the corners of his eyes crinkled.
Marian sighed in relief but was immediately stricken by a sharp pain in her chest; the magic taking its due, boiling a patch of her skin, parallel to the prince’s.
"Marian," he said softly, less a jolting rise, and more a gentle awakening, as if stirred slowly late in the morning by a lover's touch.
"Oh, my sweet Sebastian," she said, her voice cracking. "I never should have left your side. If only I had..."
"Shh, it's all right, my love," he leaned into her palm and kissed the inside. "I know you'll make this right."
"I will," she said, and she leaned into the casket to kiss him. She felt the magic as it worked, re-threading muscles, erasing the cracks. A healthy dark olive hue poured over his face, spilling into his neck, then his chest. If anything, his kiss was even more tender than she remembered. “Listen, dearest one. I can’t bring anyone else back. I have given half my life to fuel yours. You feel pain, I feel pain. You die, I die.”
“I always wanted for us to share in everything,” he said, his voice as slow and sweet as honey, as if nothing in the world was wrong.
"I'll make sure everyone even remotely responsible pays dearly for what happened here. We shall wreak this vengeance together, and I will never leave your side again."
The prince looked upon her with clear, piercing blue eyes. "Never."
Hawke did not understand her mentor’s words about love in her youth. Even now, she was not certain if it was meant to be encouragement or warning. But on this day, she chose her own meaning for it.
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oldxenomorph · 4 months
💭 the empress + those star beings from Elden ring can’t remember the name lol
💭+ topic headcanons
“You were not formed properly.”
Nyx’s ancient, ethereal voice made the being’s wings shiver. Its tail of moons and planets stopped thrashing. Its skeletal face wore a silent smile, jaws unable to close due to its multiple mandibles, its eye sockets empty and dark. She states the obvious observation, more accurate ones, the hurtful ones need not be vocalized: it had no mother, no lineage, no genealogy.
It is malformed.
We fell from the sky.
The Night’s slender hands adorned with rings gently hold the face of the fallen star. Within her touch, she confirms its story. The starlight wings of the being shimmer, the red rubies in the primordial skulls of her hairpins and mantle blink in return; the young and elderly stars around her glitter, unafraid of the being that should be like them.
Multitudes of large hands with too many fingers carefully touch Nyx in return. For the first time, it touches a sea of stars, each of them luminous; they touch the velvet night itself, the oldest darkness, that from which all other stars came from. Her hair is so beautiful, as deep as midnight, floating as though unaffected by gravity.
It makes a sound. It does not know how to go back from where it came from. It wants to go where the Night Herself goes. It wants to be with its mother.
Will you take us home?
Nyx’s amethyst lips form a small, yet gentle smile.
“There is room for you in the Ziggurat, child.”
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035ashu · 7 months
Maegor Targaryen birth, a momentous event etched within the annals of Targaryen history, symbolized the the union of King Viserys Targaryen and Queen Alicent Hightower. As Maegor made his debut into the world, he did so bearing the unmistakable Valyrian features that bespoke his storied lineage. This birth was no mere isolated occurrence; it served as a herald, ushering in an extraordinary era poised to redefine the trajectory of the Targaryen dynasty, and by extension, the very fate of Westeros itself.
With his silver hair, reminiscent of liquid moonlight, and his violet eyes, as profound as the most precious amethysts, Maegor was nothing less than a living embodiment of Targaryen legacy. His arrival resonated far beyond the hallowed confines of the Red Keep; its reverberations extended throughout the Seven Kingdoms. It ignited a spark of hope and anticipation that transcended the confines of social strata, uniting the hearts of nobles and commoners alike. Maegor, with his Valyrian lineage, became the symbol of continuity, a harbinger of a future steeped in Targaryen grandeur, casting a long shadow over the realm.
In physique, he was a sight to behold. Tall and broad-shouldered, King Maegor possessed a commanding presence that brooked no doubt about his authority. His chiseled jaw framed a countenance that was undeniably handsome, though often tempered by the icy, calculating gleam in his steely amethyst eyes. His silver locks cascaded in luxuriant waves, forming a regal crown around his visage, adding to his aura of irresistible regal allure.
Yet, it was not merely his appearance that lent him an aura of formidable might. His prowess in the art of swordsmanship stood unrivaled, earning him the reputation of a warrior-king. From a tender age, he had honed his skills with a blade, and his swift, precise strikes left adversaries trembling in their boots. In the arena of combat, his movements were a lethal dance, an exquisite fusion of grace and deadly precision that struck terror into the hearts of those who dared to challenge him.His presence alone demanded respect and unwavering obedience.
Yet, it was on the battlefield that he truly shone as an indomitable warrior. Fearless and unwavering, he engaged in sword fights that would become the stuff of legends. His combat skills were unparalleled, his swordsmanship a symphony of precision and strength that inspired awe in the hearts of his foes. Throughout his reign, he remained undefeated, a symbol of invincibility that bolstered the morale of his troops and struck terror into the hearts of those who dared to challenge him.
But his might extended beyond the battlefield. His political acumen was a force to be reckoned with, a cunning intellect that manipulated the intricate web of alliances and rivalries to his advantage. His diplomatic finesse was as ruthless as it was effective, leaving adversaries bewildered and outmaneuvered in their attempts to thwart his ambitions. He was a master strategist, a puppeteer of nations who orchestrated the grand theater of politics with unparalleled brilliance.
Under his reign, the kingdom's borders expanded to encompass vast territories, extending its dominion far and wide. It boasted the largest army in the known world, a formidable force that secured his rule and ensured the subjugation of rival realms. His very presence was a source of fear and awe, his rule characterized by unwavering authority and ruthless efficiency.
He ruled with an emotionless demeanor, having long shed the trappings of sentimentality in his relentless pursuit of power. To him, the kingdom was a grand puzzle, and he was the mastermind manipulating its pieces with unforgiving precision. His cruelty became the stuff of legend, and his mercilessness served as a stark reminder of the consequences of opposing his will.
As the years passed, King Maegor's name became synonymous with power and dominance. His kingdom stood as a beacon of prosperity, and his reign as one of the most powerful rulers in history. His subjects, while in awe of his might, also held a deep reverence for their king, acknowledging that it was under his rule that their kingdom had reached unprecedented heights. King Maegor, the fearless and unyielding warrior, the brilliant and ruthless diplomat, was indeed a legendary figure, forever etched into the annals of history as the architect of the most powerful empire the world had ever seen.
Maegor's striking appearance rendered him the most handsome man in the realm, a figure of legend, and, to some, a godlike presence. He was both feared and respected in equal measure, with stories of his valor and power extending far beyond the shores of Westeros.Maegor's allure transcended the realm; he was hailed as the most handsome man, a living legend, and some even likened him to a god. Among those who revered and feared him, his tales of valor and might echoed far beyond Westeros's shores. His crowning achievement lay in the annexation of Dorne, an unprecedented feat eluding previous monarchs. He stood as the fearless rider of three colossal dragons: Cannibal the Beast, Balerion the Dread, and Drogon the Red. The bond he shared with these majestic creatures was nothing short of extraordinary, a connection unparalleled in its depth and power.
Yet, beneath the splendor of his accomplishments lay a profound enmity towards his father, a sentiment that took root from his early years. Regardless of his elder half-sister Rhaenyra's status as her father's heir, Maegor fashioned himself as the rightful successor to the throne. His political acumen manifested early, as he meticulously laid the groundwork for his eventual ascent. Maegor's demeanor was often described as devoid of emotion, marked by a cold and calculating nature. Observers claimed to have never witnessed him smile, a testament to his stoicism. Paradoxically, he harbored a fiercely protective instinct towards his younger brothers, Aemond, Aegon, and Daeron, their fraternal bond unwavering.
Maegor blazed like the sun, his radiance so blinding that it rendered others invisible in comparison. When his younger brother Aemond lost an eye, Maegor shouldered the blame and launched a barrage of insults at Rhaenyra and her children, branding her a harlot and her offspring as illegitimate. In response, King Viserys, upon learning of this affront to his cherished daughter, ordered Maegor's public flogging on Driftmark Island.
The grim spectacle unfolded before horrified onlookers, exposing King Viserys's merciless treatment of his own flesh and blood. Maegor bore the lashes of the whip with grim resolve, his body becoming a canvas of torment, yet he did not utter a cry of pain. People were simultaneously awestruck and repulsed by his unyielding spirit and indomitable courage. None dared to meet his fiery, hate-filled gaze. On that fateful day, Maegor made a solemn vow, pledging to unleash fire and blood upon his father and those close to him. Observers understood that King Viserys would soon rue this day, for it marked a pivotal turning point in the Targaryen dynasty. Maegor transformed from a prince into Maegor the Cruel, becoming the most dreaded figure in the realm.
The events that unfolded after that pivotal day remain shrouded in mystery. Prince Maegor departed King's Landing the very next day, signaling only the commencement of his transformation into the ruthless and merciless King Maegor, infamous as the Kingslayer. His reign, destined to be marked by darkness and cruelty, was about to commence, leaving an indelible mark on the annals of Westeros.Weaves an indelible mark on the world he governs, a legacy that cannot be ignored or forgotten. His name becomes synonymous with power and dominance, his story forever etched in the annals of history as a ruler who seamlessly blended physical might, martial prowess, and political cunning to forge an unassailable grip on the throne.
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follyglass · 8 months
Follyglass : Hidden
Six of The Seventeen Hidden Bookstores of Boston, a guide by Charinia Black
Buckingham’s - Only found in the golden hours of October in a shower of freshly shed sugar maple leaves. The proprietor is quiet and at first looks bothered at your arrival, but be assured that he is only a bit socially anxious as not many people have found his shop. He is more than happy to guide you through the towers of volumes that deal with the boundary between life and death. Even if you just say your hello and turn right around to leave, please don’t be surprised that when you emerge it is a cold night in December.
Charles - Entrance is located under the southernmost arch of the Obelisk footbridge on the Charles river. Accessible only to ladies named Charles. For those of you who are not ladies named Charles, a hint: find the paisley cat at Harvard Square, and for the price of a nibble (of noodles, of fish, of cheese), she will bestow a spell in the form of a purr that will, for a single hour, charm you to the appropriate Charles. It must be said that if you do go about this, keep meticulous track of time and perhaps plan to leave a smidgen early, for when your purred magic wears off and you’re still in the shop, you will be dumped as if a trapdoor has given way into the river below. To add to your sudden sogginess, you name will also be charmed – or perhaps cursed – into a new form that integrates whole or parts of ‘Charles.’ Try as I might to write my previous name, it always comes out as you see it now, with the added twist that with the exception of me, nobody can read or remember my original lovely name of Charinia.
Avender Pinkfog’s Delectorium - Avender is known for popping up at odd places with his carriage decorated in flower chains. Only six are permitted, for Avender sadly hasn’t room for more, and when the sixth arrives the entire party vanishes. Nothing malevolent, mind. Snippets of story are in the faceted bottles that look very much like alcohols. His bookshop’s genius is in those bottles; always a different combination for each time he heads out. The night we had found Avender’s carriage there was carrot and honey and ginger and topaz and lemon, and when given coin and a suggestion (a bittersweet romance), Avender mixed them in specific proportions, then served us. Through sips of his concoction, we felt, we saw. It was as if we were all watching a film together, a film never to be experienced again. If you tell him a dream, he will make your own little vial of story, and you can take it home and drink it when you wish. I told him I wished to see him again, but sadly Avender’s shop can only be visited once.
The Society of the Recently Broken - Not everyone has the key to gaining entrance to this rather large bookstore, and that key is an experience of true heartbreak. Perhaps its magic was meant as a pick-me-up for those who had been recently wounded, very much like offering someone a chocolate after a mild disappointment as a thin balm to sweeten the soul. Oh, you’ve just been rejected by the wondrous life that you could have had? Welcome dear heart. Once inside, it is a marvel that cannot be described accurately, but those who have been within will manage to make you quite envious of their experience. So what must one do if you’ve always had a charmed life free of tear and strife? A curious thing… some book lovers do gain entrance after the crushing feeling of being denied.
Kindlewicks - Follow the curious amethyst-hued windowpanes up the cobbled streets of Beacon Hill to an aubergine colored door. Here, you’ll find a wide range of books and trinkets that were previously owned by those proud of the witches in their lineage. It’s much like a well-to-do eccentric’s yard sale, if it smelled overwhelmingly of coriander and crystal. If you’re not looking for a book, perhaps you’ll be interested in a bone-handled fork or a fringed lamp. And if one of the seven owners (the Kindlewick siblings) feels up to it, you may be gifted with a reading of your path through the shop, which takes note of the direction of your turns as well as what sections you lingered in. Reader, I had been informed that my path was grandly optimistic.
Step and Hall - Kindly address the left statue guarding the public library, and if she finds you worthy, she’ll blink. Note that many who have been granted access have compared notes, and nobody can determine what makes one ‘worthy.’ Nevertheless, if you find yourself blinked at, go inside the library, and ascend the steps to the gallery of the gods painted by the Singer Sargent. No, there isn’t a hidden door, but if you ask one of the gods a question, they’ll give you an answer from their eternal knowledge. It’ll only be a one-word utterance, but wrapped within you’ll have experienced the writing that you most seek.
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