ampu35 · 2 years
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Wer steht auf Füsse ohne Zehen?
Of vorhanden 👣✂️🦶👅🥵💦
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comicgoblinwrites · 10 months
What's a scene you've written with Banter/Arguing between characters that you're most Proud of? (And would you like to share it?)
I love a good back and forth scene between characters :')
Ooooooh man, you caught me at a great time for banter/arguing, because the last few scenes that I've been working on have been mostly interpersonal dynamics, relationship development, and so on, all while the characters are stuck on a space ship under some very trying circumstances.
More below:
Maeve and Marcel probably have the most interesting banter/arguments, while Maeve and Cassian are just... at each other's throats most of the time, probably contemplating actual murder.
It's hard to pick just one that I enjoyed, because they all have such different flavors, and different contexts. But one thing that most of them have in common is that it's these two characters learning how to talk to each other again after a long time apart.
I can share a little bit of one without giving too much away.
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amputeeboy · 2 years
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Wanna see more stuff? Just check out my other Social Media or go directly to my Onlyfans - exclusive devotee and amelo content!
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zetathelata · 1 month
SLW&SH Characters ( 66 - 85 )
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Fact about my characters:
July, Cora, Fera, Amelo, and Ruby are siblings.
Ollie and Captain O are also Siblings.
Claw and Fade are married, and have pets named Kipo, Mitty, and Colin.
Mira's siblings are Leo, Soul, Harpy, and Lux.
Swift has two brothers and one sister. ( Mit, Coral, and Spencer )
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joeadmirer · 1 year
Hallo Joe. Bin Amelo und mag Mehrfachamps. Hast Du Lust zu schreiben?
Hi pinguin1964, ich bin auch amelo und wir können gerne schreiben auch wenn ich bald wieder off gehe. was präferierst du denn bei mehrfach? Ich persönlich mag sak oder shd aber auch bei mehrfach ooe... wo kommst du her?
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oscaraldair · 1 month
Síndromes asociados con amelogénesis imperfecta e hipoplasias del esmalte.
Aunque la forma mas frecuente de AI es la no sindrómica o aislada, también puede presentarse asociada a otras alteraciones. La mutación de algunos genes conlleva la aparición no sólo de anomalías dentarias, sino también de alteraciones en diferentes órganos y sistemas.
Síndrome trico-dento-óseo: Pertenece al grupo de las displasias ectodérmicas y se caracteriza por cabellos crespos o rizados desde el nacimiento, hipoplasia del esmalte con descoloración y taurodontismo en molares, aumento de la densidad mineral ósea (DMO) general y aumento en el grosor de los huesos corticales del cráneo. Las características más consistentes son hipoplasia del esmalte y taurodontismo; sin embargo, el grado de los defectos del esmalte también puede variar entre los miembros de la familia afectados. La enfermedad se transmite como un rasgo autosómico dominante altamente penetrante y está causada por mutaciones en el gen homeobox DLX3 (17q21.3-q22). El diagnóstico diferencial debe incluir la amelogénesis imperfecta de tipohipo maduración hipoplásica con taurodontismo, la displasia oculo-dento-ósea,y la forma autosómica dominante de la osteopetrosis. El tratamiento es sintomático y los pacientes requieren un seguimiento dental frecuente.
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Síndrome de Jalili: Se caracteriza por la asociación de AI y distrofia de conos y bastones, un raro trastorno de la retina que provoca inicialmente pérdida de la visión central, defectos en la visión de los colores y fotofobia antes de los 10 años de edad y, posteriormente, ceguera nocturna y disminución del campo de visión. El esmalte dental puede ser fino pero normal, o estar hipomineralizado. Se transmite de manera autosómica recesiva por una mutación en el gen CNNM4 (2q11.2).
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Síndrome de Kohlschüttere-Tönz: El síndrome amelo-cerebro-hipohidrótico es un trastorno degenerativo caracterizado por amelogénesis imperfecta, convulsiones, regresión mental y dientes amarillos debido a defectos del esmalte. La espasticidad y el retraso en el desarrollo son también manifestaciones variables. Se transmite como un carácter autosómico recesivo.
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Síndrome de McGibbon: Se asocian AI y nefrocalcinosis. El esmalte es muy delgado o está ausente (AI tipohipoplásica), hay calcificaciones intrapulpares, retraso en la erupción, hipertrofia gingival, nefrocalcinosis bilateral y normalidad de la calcemia. La insuficiencia renal es variable y suele retrasarse hasta la edad adulta. En todos los pacientes con AI debe realizarse una ecografía renal para excluir la presencia de nefrocalcinosis asociada.
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Raquitismo tipo II resistente a la vitamina D: Está producido por la mutación del gen que codifica el receptor de la vitamina D(12q12-q14) y se define por su resistencia al tratamiento con vitamina D. La vitamina D controla las etapas del desarrollo de la corona dentaria así como a varios de los genes implicados en la amelogénesis imperfecta. Los signos típicos se observan los primeros meses de vida: signos radiológicos de mineralización defectuosa en las placas de crecimiento (raquitismo) y huesos (osteomalacia) y alteraciones de la homeostasis fosfocálcica. El fenotipo clínico combina deformidades óseas, principalmente en las extremidadesi nferiores, y otros signos que dependen de la etiología de la resistencia.
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Raquitismo tipo I dependiente de la vitamina D: Es un defecto autosómico recesivo del metabolismo de la vitamina D provocado por una mutación del gen de la alfa-1-hidroxilasa (12q13.1-q13.3) que origina nivelesbajos de vitamina D3. Clínicamente se caracteriza por retraso del crecimiento, hipotonía, raquitismo e hipoplasia del esmalte, con todos los dientes permanentes de coloración amarillo-marrón, cámaras pulpares cuadrangulares y grandes y raíces cortas. El examen ultraestructural muestra también anomalías de la dentina.
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Síndrome óculo-oto-dental o globodoncia: También llamado displasia otodental, se caracteriza por un fenotipo dental conocido como globodoncia, asociado con pérdida auditiva neurosensorial para frecuencias altas y coloboma ocular. La globodoncia se presenta tanto en la dentición primaria como en la definitiva, afectando a los caninos y a los molares (por ej. dientes posteriores alargados, malformados y de aspecto bulboso, sin prácticamente poderse discernir las cúspides o los surcos). El síndrome se hereda de forma autosómica dominante, a pesar de que también se han reportado casos esporádicos. El tratamiento odontológico es complicado, interdisciplinar y debe incluir un seguimiento regular, extracciones dentales programadas y tratamiento ortodóncico. Es necesario realizar exámenes auditivos periódicos y, en caso necesario, utilizar audífonos, así como exploraciones oftalmológicas y, en caso de ser necesario, tratamiento ad hoc.
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Síndrome óculo-facio-cardio-dental (OFCD): es un síndrome muy raro con múltiples anomalías congénitas, caracterizado por radiculomegalia dental, cataratas congénitas, dismorfia facial y cardiopatía congénita.
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rachaaaaaaa · 8 months
30/9/23 @ SALTO LUZ MAR DEL PLATA - Bolívar 3434 Musica para "La isla de los conejos" de Valeria Galiso +IARA CHEMES 17hs 14/10/23 @ BIBLIOTECA LA CALDERA - CABA + Camisa de hierro +Amelo (FR) +Ale Torres 20hs 27/10/23 @ MORRISON C.C CABA - Espinosa 1159 Set especial junto a María Inés Aldaburu +El Billy +Aleta +Domadores de serpientes Dj Jose Tomm 21hs
29/10/23 @ IL AMICHI SAN MIGUEL - Sarmiento 1618 +UNO x UNO +Controlcoma Dj Miss Eu G 19hs 5/11/23 @ CASA REBELIÓN San Antonio de Padua + Cobrax electricax + Harry Chinasky 21hs 12/11/23 @ SALAS CIRO Merlo + Incendiaria + Las Broncas + Puntazo 17hs
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drmanoharlalsharma · 1 year
Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Gastritis and Gastric Ulcer
Gastritis is a functional abnormality of the stomach characterized by various symptoms, with pain, or heartburn, indigestion and heartburn, the most common. Gastritis may be acute or chronic.
In the first case they are older and manifest themselves through phases in which the symptoms are more pronounced and, in acute, occur due to causes more recent, as a share of drugs in the gastric mucosa, poisoning, poor nutrition and others. Best Gastroenterologist In Jaipur
Gastritis is inflammation and irritation of the membranes of the stomach. The gastric ulcer is wound a wound-in-lining of the stomach, duodenum or small intestine.
Dyspepsia, poor digestion, vomiting, headache, acidity, burning and discomfort. In the case of ulcer, feels pain in her stomach.
The main causes are alcohol, coffee, fried foods and spices in general. Stress, nervousness and anxiety also give cause for gastritis. Gastritis is often associated with nervous factors, psychosomatic, eating habits or as a result of stressful lifestyles and unbalanced. There is also a relevant factor that heredity is where people are more susceptible to this disease. Recently, theories have emerged pointing to the possibility of the bacterium Helicobacter pilorii developing gastritis and ulcers. The evolution of gastritis can cause stomach ulcers.
Must be eliminated using some seasonings, spices, pepper, alcohol, coffee, carbonated beverages, some painkillers and tablets for frying. It is recommended that the intake of foods such as cheese, flour, cereals, baked potato, soup noodles and chicken, boiled egg...
It is also advisable to make several light meals instead of 2 or 3 abundant. The ingestion of Aloe Vera juice is also very beneficial - starting with a small amount - 25 ml, diluted with water to increase the amount after one week of initial use.
The use of tea as Espinheira Santa has proven analgesic effect in addition to its healing action. Warning: If you see signs of blood in the stool, see a doctor quickly. Gastroenterologist In Jaipur
Natural therapy against gastritis
Bee Propolis
Aloe Vera (Aloe) Juice - Take a dose of 30ml (3 tbsp) 30 minutes before meals
Espinheira Santa
Wheat Germ
Balm (a handful of leaves in a 250 ml beaker of water in a blender and hits, it takes two times a day once in the fasting state and one afternoon - half cup at a time).
Ipe Roxo
Resin Jatoba
Tea against gastritis and ulcers
- Take a sheet of spinach, boiling and taken 3-4 times a day.
- Diet without Pope rice flavor which must be used for some time.
- Cabbage Juice fasting all day in the morning...
- For gastritis, ulcers and inflammation in general, place 20 grams of the herb called sucuuba (Hymath Scuubas) in one liter of boiling water. Let cool and drink 3-4 cups per day.
- Liquefy 1 large potato (or 2 medium) and take a small glass of "milk" 30 minutes before breakfast and 30 minutes before dinner;
GASTRITIS: Treat for 2 weeks;
ULCER: treat for 1 month.
Indicated plants
Ambrette, Amelo, Artemisia, Burdock, Calamus aromatic, Camédrio, Centaurea Major, Ceveda (Seed), Flax (seed), white horehound (leaves), Miglio (seed), Parietaria, Salgueirinha.
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coolmarek · 3 years
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Beschreibung überflüssig ...
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pixel-horror · 6 years
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Teacher | By:Amelo
※Permission to upload this was given by the artist.
Please support them by rating and bookmarking the original work
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Só queria acordar e te abraçar. Dizer que você me fez lutar e vencer. Me fez querer viver. Contudo não sei se vai me perdoar pela dor que te causei sem querer, sem saber. Então, se for para viver em um mundo que você me odeie, prefiro continuar com meus olhos fechados para sempre.
Fragmentos de uma vida - A. Melo
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jjasportstudio · 5 years
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PSV won the away match against Heracles Almelo relatively easily. Steven Bergwijn scored in the first half, Mohamed Ihattaren decided the game after halftime with his first Eredivisie goal: 0-2.
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comicgoblinwrites · 1 year
Character Intro: Marcelene Amelos
Princess Marcelene Morevna Citranya Amelos
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Nicknames: Marcel, Marcie
Marcel is probably AuDHD.
23, 5’0”, stocky. Wavy dark brown hair, down to her knees, usually kept in braids, buns, or twists. Tan. Brown eyes.
Likes: Tea, empty spaces + loud music, sweet foods, the color yellow, research papers, soft shoes, when people listen to her talk about the arcane.
Dislikes: Social events, social OBLIGATIONS, politics, the Empire, spicy food, eggs, being told what to do, the idea of getting married.
Forgets: other people, to eat, that outside exists, that not everyone knows as much about arcane science as she does, that other people might be interested in her research.
She’s the crown princess of Petra, and Queen Demitra’s only child.
The Amelos line is descended from dwarves, and has born many scholars, artificers, and scientists. Marcel fits into more than one of those, along with having magic.
She has natural magic (specifically in the realm of psychic magic) but has been studying magic for years as well. She is a skilled mage and scientist.
Though she’s the heir, she has little to no interest in politics, war, or the affairs of the galaxy. She spends most of her time and energy researching arcane phenomena.
Tends to work (on her research) to the point of exhaustion, and then some. She sleeps in her lab frequently.
Consumes and excessive quantity of tea.
She and Maeve met when she was 12, and Maeve was 11, and Marcel chose her as her page (and future knight). She has known about Maeve’s magic almost since the beginning, but has kept it a secret.
She has missed Maeve terribly while Maeve has been gone, though she won’t admit it.
Marcel is not religious. She acknowledges that deities exist, but doesn’t have a preference or participate in religion, really.
I'm more likely to answer questions than Marcel is, but feel free to ask anyway!
For Maeve's Intro
From my book The Fire Between Stars (TFBS), and The Ember Arcanum story universe (TEA).
Let me know if you want to be added to a tag list for this.
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firewoodfigs · 4 years
hug me ‘til you drug me, honey, love me 
(for @royaiweek day 1 - letters & day 2 - little pistol. thank u mods!! 💕)
read on ao3 
Summary: They don’t, can’t remember each other - not when they’ve been stripped of their identities and labelled with letters and numbers, before being slotted deftly into an inescapable hierarchy and social destiny. The only brief memory they have of each other lies within a letter inscribed onto her back.
Rating: M, for Machiavellian bastards!! 
a/n: (i) inspired by many pieces of art - Huxley’s Brave New World (some of the italicised lines, as well as the title, are taken from his book), Wilfred Owen’s Anthem for Doomed Youth, snippets from Mother Mother’s Little Pistol, as well as soterianyx’s analysis of Riza’s tattoo and my friend’s explanation that fire on sand brings glass (hello friend thanks for teaching me physics!!).  (ii) please note the rating - it’s rated for graphic depictions of violence and war, and the context of this piece is based on an autocratic dystopia. (iii) count the alphabets if you’re confused by who’s who xD  (iv) i wanted to experiment with a different writing style - it’s meant to sound more detached etc (quite out of my comfort zone tbh haha because i'm typically a sap) to bring across the ruthlessness of everything that’s going on here. feedback is greatly appreciated!
Memory. Identity. Emotions.
The Amestrian military has no need for silly things like these. Sentimentalities are but frivolities in a war zone. The military needs people who can kill without batting an eyelid - cavalier about murder, like the Autocrat’s rapier. Soldiers who will mindlessly obey orders; subjugate themselves to the will of the State without resistance.
The individual is not its own being. It is a part of the State.
Bearing this axiom in mind, A-18/13 dutifully accepts his fate as a State Alchemist. He snaps on his ignition gloves, staring blankly at the red sigil - a lost, distant memory, perhaps? Regardless, he does not probe, does not flinch as the heat engulfs his hands and reminds him of a bittersweet embrace that he’s never tasted.
After all, the perfect soldier wastes no time on ruminations like these.
A-18/13 is armed for battle and ready to abide by the State’s decree. What might have once been remorseful reluctance and moral scruples are now replaced by an undying loyalty, an unwavering fealty to the State.
The white coat shrouds him like a cloud, but there’s an inexplicable coldness to it. It’s odd. He’s supposed to be the Flame Alchemist, but using his powers for simple comforts like warmth instead of killing feels rather inane. And so he refrains from doing so.
Instead, he stands ruler-straight with the rest of the State Alchemists, ignoring the subtle hunger and discomfiture bubbling in his throat.  
“For the greater good,” the soldiers chant, mouths moving like parrots. “For the greater good of the State.”
On the other side of the room, E-18/8 likewise accepts her orders. She’s young - hardly an adult by legal standards - fresh out of the academy, but it’s of little import to the State. All that matters is her talent in handling a gun, a rifle; her readiness to be shipped out to the desert. Notwithstanding her relatively petite stature, there’s a stubborn strength in her shoulders that beguiles her age and inexperience in war.
“Stay in the shadows, fire at any threat,” is the command given to her. “Sacrifice yourself for those who are above you.”
At their behest, she salutes before stepping forward to accept her instrument of death. The rifle feels cool against her palm, but she doesn’t flinch. What might have once been a burning desire to protect someone has been quashed and replaced with hands that are cold as ice. Indifferent to bloodshed.
“For the greater good,” the soldiers recite again. “For the greater good of the State.”
Their hollow voices reverberate across the room like the sounds of a lonely, dispassionate choir.
“Silence, silence.” Chanting dies off into light, regular breathing. The air is sibilant with the categorical imperative as they await further orders.
The Autocrat begins his descent down the stairs, into the basement shrouded by a thickening, eerie atmosphere of gray. He enters into the room: regal, powerful and of stalwart built.
The ultimate Alpha.
Everyone bows deferentially. “Fuhrer King Bradley,” his puppets’ voices resonate in perfect harmony across the room.
He looks upon them from the platform on which he stands with an unreadable expression. Then, with a deceptively pleasant smile, he asks, “You know what Ishvala is, I suppose?”
A rhetorical question. The soldiers chime in with the answer he anticipates, without any need for prompting. “A dead religion,” they reply, in perfect harmony.
Deadened, darkened eyes turn to look at him.
“Wonderful. Such excellent soldiers you all are. Well, remember this now, even if you forget everything else.” There’s a gleam in his eyes that’s disgustingly delightful as his lips curl upward, undertones of menace lingering within. The Autocrat draws his sword out. The tip of his blade meets the ground, and he rests his palms on the hilt as he barks out his next command. “All orders are to be obeyed immediately, for the greater good of the State.”  
“For the greater good of the State,” his lackeys reply, an incantation thoroughly internalised by now.
He smiles once more, before letting his gaze linger for a little while longer on A-18/13 and E-18/8. The two soldiers who, reportedly, were the most difficult amongst the lot to deal with during the extraction process.
Amelos potamos, it was called - a process by which soldiers were medically induced into a coma before utilising alchemy to tap into their subconscious, to extract and seal their memories away.
The goal was for them to wake up without any recollection of who they were, save for their fighting capabilities, as the gold-toothed doctor so kindly explained to the Autocrat. Emotional capabilities eroded so that troublesome fetters like - god forbid, feelings! - could get out of the picture. Consciences atrophied, minds brainwashed. All obstacles to the full realisation of their indestructible power in the war erased.
Reduced to subconsciousness, amelos potamos had been a surprisingly easy process to perform on most soldiers. For the general majority there was no struggle against the process, and they awoke into nothingness: nothing but shells of their former selves. For some, their minds had repelled against the procedure initially, as if desperately grappling on to fragments of their former selves, but eventually they’d succumbed as well.
A-18/13 and E-18/8 had, however, proved to be most cumbersome with their startling mental resistance. Even in their subconscious their minds had clawed frantically at the memories they shared with each other, stubbornly refusing to let go of the basis behind their shared bond. The doctors struggled to find a way around this, and even when they arrived at a solution it was a long, painstaking process to go through the elaborate removal of their memories, piece by piece - for there were so many - and -
-- and destroy every single trace.
And finally, at the end of it, they recalled nothing, felt nothing as they arose from their comatose states to a chilly hospital room. To a perfect world, without hindrances to ruthlessness. The perfect soldiers were engineered thus.
What man has engineered, nature is powerless to put asunder.
The Autocrat smiles beatifically at last, eyes crinkling with genuine pleasure. He inspects the soldiers once more with all the coldness of someone debating a pawn’s move on a chessboard.  “It’s time.”
At his beckon, they march out into battle like an army of marionettes.
Out in the battlefield, the Amestrian soldiers are like industrialised man-machines, way ahead of their time. An inward dehumanisation, an outward mechanisation. The Alchemists, in particular, possess a power so lethal that they could wipe out an entire army of men with the slightest snap of their fingers, the briefest clap of hands.
This they do unflinchingly, without hesitation.
True to the gold-toothed doctor’s predictions, there were no obstructions to the realisation of their full potential. Gone were nuisances like compunction, pity - foreign concepts that didn’t belong in the desert. The soldiers simply stare at their corpses laid out before them with glazed eyes, before continuing to traverse the desert like the very harbingers of doom themselves.
Death and destruction follow them, wherever they go. There is no remorse to be felt amidst the rifles’ rapid rattles; no guilt or sympathy that halts their movements.
Neither does fear plague the brave, heartless soldiers - not even when the soldiers are held at gunpoint or witness an explosive being thrown their way. Epsilons like E-18/8 protected those who were ahead of them in the hierarchy, and were willing to kill, murder; sacrifice their bodies without a second thought.
When A-18/13 was almost stabbed from the back, for example, E-18/8 had fired a shot straight to the culprit’s head that instantaneously killed him without batting even so much as an eyelash.
Her victim’s blood spills in the distance. A bright splash of scarlet, like carmine roses growing on a decrepit wasteland. He falls lifeless to the ground.
She doesn’t recoil in the slightest: her eyes are as lifeless as the cadaver’s.
For the greater good of the State, they cantillate in their heads. An anthem for doomed youths who are slotted into an inescapable social destiny.
A-18/13 notices the sniper hiding in the comforting darkness of a bell tower from the corner of his eye, and makes a mental note to thank the stranger as she begins walking towards their base camp for their lunch break. They stand six feet apart, glassy-eyed amidst desultory conversations.
He approaches her slowly when their eyes meet. There’s an uncomfortable feeling stirring in his gut - have we met before? But he’s quick to quash it, as if stepping on a bothersome insect. “Thank you for earlier,” he says.
“Not at all. It is my duty, sir,” she responds tonelessly, before taking a seat opposite A-18/13 and B-13/8. They sip coffee and eat ration bars in a wordless, somewhat peaceful quietude despite the chaos around them.
The coffee tastes like dirt, and the ration bar reminds them of cardboard.
They eat anyway, without complaint.
Incidentally, A-19/10/11 happens to overhear their interactions. He turns around to face them. “Cadets like her deserve no thanks when they are simply doing their jobs,” he sneers. It's doltish, he thinks, to thank someone for something they're ordered to do.
E-18/8 makes no protests or objections despite the condescension in his statement. In a world without trivialities like memories or identities or emotions, the hierarchy’s austerity elicits no complaints.
Suddenly, a bell goes off. Duty calls. It signals the end of their lunch break, and they're quick to finish the last of their measly meals before standing once more for battle.
E-18/8 slings her rifles and prepares to leave. Her back reminds A-18/13 of the tall, white columns of an estate that occasionally appeared in his dreams.
A ponderous lump begins to form in his throat, but before he can ponder further the bell chimes again. Around him, soldiers recite the dreadful axiom once more.  
War wages on. The Flame Alchemist rises, and the sigil on his leathery glove begins to glow a lethal claret.  
A snap. Bodies burnt beyond recognition. Another snap. Curses and vows of vengeance eventually subsiding to muted prayers.
It’s a mortifying sight to take in: the entire place reeks more of death than sand.
The desert wind carries the howls of pain, the screams for mercy and the broken pleas for salvation from a god who doesn’t seem to hear the dying voices of its people. Please, stop - what did we ever do wrong? Don’t take my lover’s life, take mine instead -
(I pray that you’ll always be that way… May you shine like fire before men; kindness and mercy your strongest traits.  And most of all, I pray that our love for each other will always -)  
A-18/13 simply regards all of this with a vacant, uncaring look. He’s quick to snap once more, incinerating mortals into ash - from dust we were made, and back to that we shall return - as if they were but matchsticks waiting to be lit up.
Unfettered by scruples, carefully curated gardens and entire landscapes are eventually swallowed by a lake of fire and brimstone. Roses are set on fire, and there’s a pistol party going on somewhere behind him.
A cacophony of bullets, a symphony of death.  
(Be thou for the people. You’re… you’re the most honorable of all my apprentices, and you deserve to have it. If you just ask my daughter, tell her you’ll use it for the right reasons… she will give you the key to the secrets of flame alchemy.)
(Can I… can I trust you with my back, Roy? You’re a good man, and I’d like to put my faith in that dream of yours.)
His expression remains unfazed.
Amelos potamos, despite its promises of creating the perfect soldiers, did not grant its victims immunity from physical sensations.
Pain. It's a complex feeling (feelings? god forbid something like that exists!) - equal parts physical and mental. It's as much biological as it is psychological.
E-18/8 bites her lips to stop herself from screaming in pain when the explosion burns her instead of A-18/13. Jumping in front of him to defend his body was an intuitive reaction, one that doesn't even require any contemplation.
(I would do anything to protect you, Riza. Even if that means sacrificing myself.)
(As would I, Roy. A life without you is not one worth living.)  
Surely, it must have been the call of duty that compelled her to act that way. The words of A-19/10/11 echo in her mind, and she decides that she doesn’t deserve any thanks or show of concern for merely complying with orders. She’s prepared to walk - no, crawl - back to the weather-beaten tent despite the agony that sears through her, but -
-- for the first time since the war, the Flame Alchemist’s expression cracks ever so slightly.
He crosses the distance between them in two long strides and ushers her towards the tent, allowing her to lean on him for support. E-18/8 staggers from the pain, but holds in her scream nonetheless. A subtle hint of worry starts to sneak into his frown.
A-18/13 pushes aside the flap and quickly shuts it for privacy, before setting her down slowly on the bedrolls and deftly removing what was left of her uniform jacket and undershirt so that he could tend to her wounds.
The lacerations that she’s sustained look awful. It’s the worst on her shoulders, angry blisters mottling her smooth skin. His eyes move lower down her back - the injuries there don’t look as bad, and for the most part the ink there remains.
The scene feels strangely familiar, like he’s done this before.
He pours out the antiseptic and dabs gently at the gaping wounds. She winces, but before she can yelp she contains it with another hard bite down her lips.
“Sorry,” he murmurs.
E-18/8 thinks it’s strange. There’s nothing to apologise for. In the first place, it’s an oddity why someone higher in the hierarchy like him is even helping her dress her wounds. But she supposed it made sense - she couldn’t reach those wounds herself, after all, and it was best to repair his subordinates quickly so that she could resume her duties as his human shield.
“Not at all, sir,” she manages to exhale through the pain. Bandages are rolled around the injured area on her shoulders fastidiously. He moves on to the wounds on her back.
It is only then that he takes a closer examination at the tattoo, and to his surprise he realises it’s an alchemical array - an array that’s strikingly similar to the one on his gloves.
The epiphany hits him then, like a blaring truck. It bears an uncanny resemblance to the back of the nameless, faceless girl that appears in his dream.
He wonders why he dreams of someone he supposedly doesn’t know.
“Sir?” she asks, snapping him out of his reverie. His mending has come to a pause. E-18/8 wishes he would hurry up so that they could return to their duties. The perfect soldiers, after all, wasted no time on silly musings or dilly-dallyings.
“Ah, sorry,” he apologises again. A frown makes its presence known on her ashen countenance, but she swallows the pain as the dry air kisses her blisters along with the - dare she say, irritation?
“We should hurry up,” she whispers softly through gritted teeth, masking her - well, she didn’t know if it was irritation causing her teeth to grind against each other.
“Right,” he replies. He makes quick work of patching up the last of her wounds, before continuing to trace the tattoo in a dazed trance. There’s a tender sort of carefulness to his movements as he caresses the planes of her back. It elicits a shudder from the blonde, and she pins the blame on the desert wind that blows in fiercely through the little gaps pockmarking the flimsy tent.
His fingers continue their methodical dance down the grooves of her spine. E-18/8 shudders again, but the winds have stopped.
The Flame Alchemist gently thumbs the words that lay below the intricate array. Poems alluding to love and apology and light; frivolities that are unequivocally frowned upon by the State.
(Through fire, we gain knowledge and truth - the same way fire brings clarity to sand in the form of glass.)
(Well, that’s very... poetic, Roy.)
Further down, there’s an inscription that stands out in a gentle blue cursive - like the waters of an ocean, or a clear, azure sky he doesn’t quite remember seeing since time immemorial. The only images they saw in the desert were rivers of blood that drowned land and sky in crimson, the colour of the sigil on his glove and the words above.
This particular inscription, though, is different. Aside from the disparity in colour, it speaks not of holy flames or physics or thermodynamics. Instead, it’s a letter, seemingly addressed to someone. It’s intriguing and frightening all the same, because it whispers taboos and a dangerous secret that he can’t quite wrap his finger around.
Nevertheless, he runs a finger across the alphabets spelling out a… a name.
A name.
His face pales, like the posthumous whiteness of marble - does this blaspheme against the State? - but ignoring the warning bells his fingers continue their descent.
It’s not just a name, but two. Two names, framing an inscription of identity. Emotion. Memory.
My dear Riza, dearest Riza Hawkeye,
You will always be your own person, And I will always love you for that.
Lest we forget, Roy Mustang
“Ri...za,” he calls apprehensively. The foreign taste lingering on his tongue makes him feel like he’d just eaten the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge.  “Riza,” he tries again, “Hawkeye.”
“Who is that, sir?”
Riza Hawkeye.
The image of a young girl in a sundress flashes before him. His mind reels like a film-roll as memories flash past, sepia tones of nostalgia colouring them. It’s vague, but he’s starting to see the barely discernible outlines of a girl who looks like a younger version of the injured sniper before him.
The nameless, faceless girl that haunted him in his dreams…
Was it - was it her?
“It’s… I think it’s you.” he says, a desperate plea for them to remember, remember - lest we forget -
“That’s impossible, sir. I go by E-18/8,” she answers, but there’s a nervousness that creeps around her placid tone as she remembers the occasional dreamful slumber.
The picture of a younger her with a nameless, faceless raven-haired man, summertime and sunlight kissing their skin as they sat together on the front porch, feet dangling and fingers intertwining. The dream would always end, without fail, whenever he began to whisper their names to the wind.
But once, just once… she’d seen him mouth a “ri” before the dream came to an abrupt end.
“No, I’m pretty sure it’s you,” he says, with more urgency to his voice this time. A desperate plea for them to remember, remember - lest we forget - “There’s another name here - Roy Mustang. Does that sound familiar to you?”
(... Hello, Mister Mustang.)
(Please don’t call me that, Riza. Just call me Roy - I won’t bite, I promise.)
“... Vaguely, sir.”
(Alright… sir.)
(That’s even worse! I’m not some… some old-fashioned lord. I just want to be your friend -)
(... Friend?)
As if possessed by some kind of uncontrollable automatism, they begin to cry. A teardrop falls on an open wound on the small of her back, and she jerks upright.
“Sorry,” comes his third apology.
Acting purely on instinct now, he wraps his arms loosely around her from behind, trying to navigate through the storm brewing in his mind. He finally has a taste of the embrace he’s subconsciously been yearning for. It’s bittersweet and agonising all at once. Desire burns, and he finds himself longing for more.  
She makes no move to escape his hold. Instead, she rests her palms on his scorched skin, feeling the calluses with a rough, padded thumb. It’s warm underneath her. He lives up to his moniker, she thinks, as heat begins to surge through her body.
Hug me till you drug me, honey; kiss me till I’m in a coma…
An almost carnal desire spills from his heart, running to his lips. He presses his lips on the back of her neck to soothe it. She shudders again, and this time she knows - it’s not because of the wind, but him.
“What… what were we, Riza? What are we now?”
“I don’t know, Roy,” she cries out softly, as she turns to return his gesture of affection.
For the briefest of moments, their lips meet. Flames unfurl beneath them, and suddenly the only war, the only tussle is not the one awaiting them outside, but within them - their souls and memories desperately trying to reconnect with their bodies -
(I pray that our love for each other will always remain. I pray, Father, that you forgive us for our sins, past and future, and that the scarlet thread that runs between us will be one of love, not murder -)
The bell rings, again. Any memories that they might have recollected of each other immediately recede like a spectre.
For the greater good of the State.
They break apart from each other in stunned silence. E-18/8 is the first to stand, thanking him for tending to her wounds. “I am alright now, sir. We should get going.”
(Isn’t it interesting, Riza? Fire on sand brings glass. Here, let me show you - )
(Yes, Roy. I’m well aware. You’ve made that clear with your incessant rambling.)
Their consciences remain unclear as they step back out into the arid, sandy wasteland.
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joeadmirer · 1 year
Ja mein lieber ich bin kein Amelo den ich hab wirklich beide beine amputiert
Und was war dafür die Ursache? Hattest du einen Unfall?
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letsnatalythings · 3 years
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Actualmente la automedicación está generando una repercusión en todo el mundo, se desarrollan estudios de investigación donde el resultado es una mayor prevalencia de esta práctica en estudiantes universitarios, ocurriendo en las facultades de medicina con prevalencia del 63,60%Jaramillo J. Medicina Humana. En nuestro país existen estudios de investigación donde se reporta que este problema de salud pública está latente . El 2017 la Universidad Ricardo Palma – Lima, publicó un estudio de revisión de artículos relacionados a la automedicación en estudiantes de medicina, donde se halló que la prevalencia de automedicación, la más alta es del 97,80% a razón de que los síntomas fueron muy leves como para acudir a un médico . Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica, concluyendo que la prevalencia actual de la automedicación en la población estudiada es de 72,70%, se halló que el grado de conocimiento de las propiedades farmacológicas de los medicamentos tiene relación de forma significativa con la automedicación.
1.1.2. Delimitación espacial
El presente estudio de investigación se desarrolló en la Universidad Peruana Los Andes, ubicado en la urbanización Chorrillos s/n San Carlos, provincia de Huancayo, región Junín.
1.1.3. Delimitación temporal
El presente estudio abarco el periodo de un año.
1.1.4. Delimitación Universal
Siendo la población de estudio los estudiantes del sexto año (decimoprimero y decimosegundo) de la Facultad de Medicina Humana del semestre 2018-II, a razón de tener el mayor nivel de conocimiento académico.
1.1.5. Delimitación del contenido
En el presente trabajo se delimito en estudiar los factores asociados a la automedicación, se analizó los factores sociodemográficos, factores socioeconómicos, actitudes y conocimientos sobre la práctica de automedicación y el nivel de conocimiento del uso racional de medicamentos por los posibles daños o consecuencia que puedan ocasionar por mencionar las reacciones adversas que padecieron mas no se buscó identificar los analgésicos ni antibióticos que utilizaron.
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1.1.2. Problema General ¿Cuáles son los factores asociados a la automedicación (motivo principal de automedicación y síntomas que demandan mayor automedicación) en estudiantes de la Facultad de Medicina Humana de la Universidad Peruana Los Andes en el semestre 2018-II?
1.2. JUSTIFICACIÓN 1.2.2 Social o practica Los resultados del presente estudio de investigación serán de gran relevancia, actualmente la automedicación no solo ocasiona afección a la misma persona que practica dicha evento, afecta también al sistema de salud en una atención primaria, siendo este el núcleo del sistema de salud ya que forma parte del desarrollo socioeconómico
1.3 Teórica En diversos estudios realizados a nivel mundial se dan a conocer los factores inductores de automedicación, signos y síntomas muy leves, la falta o ahorro de tiempo, experiencias previas, la fácil adquisición de medicamentos, bajos ingresos económicos, baja confianza con el médico especialista, se conoce los efectos de los fármacos, confianza en el autodiagnóstico(15); mostrando alta prevalencia de automedicación.
1.4.Metodológica Para la realización de este estudio se contó con un instrumento de evaluación validado, en donde no se vulnera los derechos de ningún participante por ser una encuesta anónima, previo al consentimiento informado que se solicitó a cada estudiante de medicina encuestado.
1.5 OBJETIVOS 1.5.1 Objetivo General Determinar los factores asociados a la automedicación (motivo principal de automedicación y síntomas que demandan mayor automedicación) en estudiantes de la facultad de Medicina Humana de la Universidad Peruana Los Andes en el semestre 2018-II. 1.5.2 Objetico especifico Determinar la prevalencia de automedicación en estudiantes de la Facultad de Medicina Humana de la Universidad Peruana Los Andes en el semestre 2018-II.
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3.1. ANTECEDENTES ANTECEDENTES INTERNACIONALES Abay S. y Amelo W. (2010) concluyeron que el 38,50% practicaron la automedicación y los fármacos más utilizados fueron los AINES, el 24,80% presentaron fiebre y cefalea, informaron que los motivos para automedicarse fue tener previas experiencias y percibir que la enfermedad no era grave (44). Albusalih F. y col (2017) concluyeron que el 49,30% de los estudiantes de la facultad de medicina se automedican y el 19,61% son estudiantes de farmacia, el 30.53% informo uso de analgésicos a justificación de presentar problemas leves y tener experiencia previa con los medicamentos 
ANTECEDENTES REGIONALES Hoyos R. (2017) concluyó que de las personas encuestadas se automedican el 77,00%, siendo los factores socioeconómicos y culturales los que generan predisposición; recomienda diseñar acciones correctivas para la comunidad a fin de generar un cambio de hábito 
3.2. BASES TEÓRICAS O CIENTÍFICAS 3.2.1. Automedicación y sus características Definición: La automedicación se define como la administración de medicamentos por propia iniciativa con o sin experiencia previa (24). Etiológicamente está compuesta por dos segmentos “auto” y “medicación”; según la RAE (Real academia Española), el prefijo “auto” del griego que significa propio o por uno mismo y “medicación” del latín medicatio que significa administración metódica de uno o más medicamentos con un fin terapéutico determinado
La OMS presento algunas pautas para la evaluación reglamentaria de medicamentos para uso en la automedicación, donde refiere la reclasificación de los medicamentos de ventas con receta a sin receta, ya que tiene importancia en otros países, buscando que esta sea segura y racional para el interés de salud pública , Los medicamentos de venta libre son medicamentos aprobados por las autoridades correspondientes teniendo un apoyo legal es busca de beneficios para la población.
Es la utilización de los medicamentos que pueden adquirirse sin prescripción médica, siendo una práctica aceptada como parte importante en el cuidado de la salud .
Factores sociodemográficos
Son factores característicos de una población, que están en relación a la edad, sexo, educación, ingresos, estado civil, trabajo, religión, tasa de natalidad, tasa de mortalidad, tamaño de la familia .
Factores socioeconómicos
Son factores sociales y económicos que caracterizan a un individuo o al grupo dentro de la estructura social 
Conocimiento y actitudes
Son capacidades mentales adquiridas del ser humano, se basan en el saber (ámbito cognitivo) y el ser (ámbito afectivo) .
4.1. Método de Investigación El presente estudio de investigación es de tipo cuantitativo . 4.2. Tipo de Investigación Según las características que reúne este estudio de investigación es básica, evaluando y midiendo la variable en su estado natural . 4.3. Nivel de Investigación El presente estudio se ubica en el nivel descriptivo, ya que se estudia la variable tal como se presenta en la realidad .
4.4. Diseño de la Investigación El presente estudio es no experimental de corte transversal (40). Población y muestra 4.5. Población y muestra La población del presente estudio está constituido por 54 estudiantes del decimoprimero y decimosegundo ciclo de la facultad de Medicina Humana de la Universidad Peruana Los Andes en el semestre 2018-II.
4.6. Técnica e instrumentos de recolección de datos El método que se aplico fue la encuesta para la recolección de datos, la técnica se dio a través de la entrevista.
Los factores asociados a la automedicación son: en relación al motivo principal es que los síntomas no eran tan serios como para acudir a un médico con el 34,69% y el síntoma principal asociado a la automedicación es el dolor con el 53,06% en los estudiantes de la Facultad de Medicina Humana de la Universidad Peruana Los Andes, en la cuidad de Huancayo – 2018.
El grado de conocimiento presente en el uso racional de medicamentos es de 53,06% de conocimiento medio con la calificación de 4-6 puntos.
https://youtu.be/wb7TtgARGqY (VIDEO)
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