#always fun calling people and being like heyyy and them being like oH GOD
stupid-lemon-eater · 1 year
if i can say one thing for the pile of bullshit life has served me, at least i can get medical attention very quickly
#always fun calling people and being like heyyy and them being like oH GOD#mid lockdowns calling the osteo office like hii i need an appointment#the receptionist: np you just need a medical reason to do that do you have one?#me: yeah i have fibro that i normally manage with massage and we're in lockdown and i'm about to lose it#receptionist [slightly strained]: yep that'll do it!#me last week calling my doctors office: hiiii i'm on an immunosuppressant and i have covid antivirals pls#the receptionist and the doctor: YEP HERE YOU GO#emailing my rheumatologist like hiiii should i keep taking my immunosuppresant while i have covid/take the antivirals#rheumatologist calling me back like I'M ON A BREAK BUT NOPE DON'T DO THAT#me calling the gp again this morning: hiiii i've been coughing up blood uhh what do#them [very strained]: ah. go get more bloods and a chest xray and i'll see you tomorrow morning.#oh also when i saw the neurologist and was like ehhh idk if he's gonna call what i'm experiencing migraines tho#only for him to tell me my regular headaches are Also Migraines#also also when i called the fibro mgmt course people and they asked me for a list of my health conditions#and i had to keep interrupting the rest of the convo to add ones i'd forgotten (i got accepted into the course)#also this morning i was making jokes abt the whole coughing up blood thing and people got like Concerned™#and i was like nooo make jokes with me and as i was thinking that#i remembered one of my psychs telling me that i make jokes whenever i'm upset/scared about something#and i laugh louder the more upset/scared i am by it#and then promptly decided that's enough introspection for one day#my life
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trash-king18 · 1 year
m pt. 5
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more overprotective miguel since you all seemed to like part 3
cw: sfw, overprotective miguel, mentions of alcohol, mentions of a g*n but no violence, reader has a panic attack, more soft miguel>>>
it’s been a few more weeks now. Miguel was busy as always and you rarely saw him outside of his next infusion. 
It was tense but for once he made no fuss and let you run all your tests after without being a pain. you almost wished he would be annoying, anything would be better than this weird post-nonprofessional silence. at the end of the week everyone was planning to go out again. you weren’t sure it was smart after last time but spider woman convinced you, and as much as you loved her you didn’t wanna be stuck with Mayday right now. 
Peter B swings into Miguel’s office, oblivious as always 
“Hey boss”
“oh cmon you didn’t even let me finish i barely started”
“annyyways the team was gonna go out ya know hit the town tomorrow night. wanted to let you know incase you wanna make an appearance.”
“and why would i do that?”
peters silent for a moment
“you know.. because she’ll be there.”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about parker but i don’t have time for this now please shut up before i throw you in the go home machine ~again~”
he pauses and then continues
“well… i just thought after last time you’d want to know anyway have fun gotta go bye 
he swings off again 
mayday! honey sweety please don’t put that in your mouth.
hey! can somebody grab the kid?”
“ayúdame dios, voy a matarlo”
so help me god i will kill him
The next night you were out with the whole crew at a bar, it always got confusing because all the different peters insisted on being THE peter and everyone else had to pick a new name, but one too many fights has started over that so now you made them draw straws. 
you were relaxing, drinking a mock tail which was essentially just ice and juice but it tasted good. spider woman was dancing around the whole place with her husband and they were always a sight to see. Peter B had challenged you to a game of darts and he was losing.. terribly. most of the spider people, who were in plain clothes right now, had crowded around you and were cheering. when suddenly they all went quiet. 
you looked around trying to figure out what they were all looking at 
just in time for peter to score a double 20 causing him to cheer for himself like a loon while everyone else was silent. 
you saw him right before Peter did to which he immediate response was “Heyyy!! boss glad you could make it ya know i am losing terribly right now do you think you could sub in for me just for a round gotta call home real quick check on the missus.” 
you address peter but you keep your eyes on him. 
“No peter that’s ok i’m gonna go back to the bar, you win this one.”
you wanted a relaxing night off, and right now the tension between you was anything but relaxing. 
You push through the crowd and return to ask for another of your last drink. 
when the bartender sets it down before you can grab it a hand reaches from behind you to pick it up 
he holds the drink up and sniffs it. apparently satisfied which it’s lack of alcohol he sets it back down. you just glare at him. 
“what are you doing here”
“well it is a.. “company” party and i am the boss”
“it’s not a party, we’re just having fun. something you’re not very good at so if you’ll excuse me”
he grabs your arm gently but enough to keep you from walking away
“have you been drinking”
“wh-none of your business”
he makes his grip just a little bit firmer 
“answer me or i take you home right now” 
“what are you my f-“
you stop yourself. no matter what had happened between the two of you and no matter how infuriating he was you would never say those words to him. 
instead you pull your arm from his grip 
“no. i haven’t.”
and then you storm off. 
you hate how every time he’s near you you start to act like a sexually frustrated immature teenager. not that it was all on you, he returned the energy 10 fold and normally instigated it. 
Peter slides up to him after you leave. 
“Smooth dude. real smooth.”
he just looks at peter before saying “no.” and walking away 
Spider woman and her husband come up to P.B. 
he’s talking his weird middle aged dad nonsense 
“crazy kids, i sure hope they make it” 
Spider woman laughs, maybe but they’re like the opposite of fire and water. they’re like.. fire and gasoline. 
PB “nahhhh i got hope for em” 
“you keep hoping peter” 
she pats his shoulder and walks off
he follows you outside. you’re clearly stressed and the man who was out there smoking offers you a cigarette. you’re about to pass when the man looks up at something behind you and says 
“my bad uh enjoy your night” 
you whirl around and come face to face with him. 
“where are you going?” 
“that’s not smart” 
“my masters in biochemical engineering says i’m capable of making that decision myself” 
“do you know where we are?” 
“earth 54, downtown New york” 
“but do you know your environment?” 
“i have eyes i’ll manage” 
“so you noticed that parked car down the street that’s only been running since you came out?” 
“and you knew the guy who offered you a cigarette  was planning on pulling you into said car most likely to take you to some underground trafficking ring” 
you just stare at him in disbelief. 
“you know just because i don’t have spidey sense doesn’t mean i’m incapable of sensing when somethings wrong. see you spider boy might have good hearing and whatever else but i grew up as a woman on streets not much different from these. and i learned how to take care of myself long before i had any self righteous over protective douchebags to act like my personal body guard.”
he’s about to stop you but before he can you open a portal and jump back to Nueva York. You’re so riled from your latest fight with Miguel you don’t even notice the draft the terrace door being left open. When you open the door you notice the dark figure standing out there you just assume it’s him and you go out to scold him immediately. 
“Ay o’hara que dije, no quiero hablar contingo”
ay miguel what did i say, i don’t want to talk to you 
but as he turns you realized it’s not him. you don’t even bother to close your door before you grab your knife from the strap where it’s hidden under your clothes. 
it was a specialized dagger that could cut through spider webs… just in case. Lyla and spiderbyte had helped you design it. 
“now who the hell are you”
the figure doesn’t move, he stays lounging against the railing. 
“look dude i’ve had a shit day, i’m already pissed, today is not the day.”
this guy clearly got in through the inside door so you doubt he’s a spider person. so you opt for the gun holstered in the back of your belt instead. you’d carried it since you were 17 but you’d never really had to use it. 
his face stays completely shadowed, even in light so you assumed this was an escaped villain from spider-man noirs universe. as much as you felt the need to prove a point and handle this yourself, you had no idea who this was or what kind of skills you’d be up against. So you click the backup button on your watch hoping hobie or someone else responds but knowing it’d probably him following close behind you anyway. 
your best chance right now is to stall and asses the threat
“Where are you from huh?”
he finally speaks his voice is gravelly and weird 
“not here.”
“yeah? like out of town… or a different universe.”
“smart girl. you one of those spider chicks?”
you can’t see his face but you feel him appraising you. 
“so.. what is it that you need mysterious shadow person on my terrace.”
you were trying to get him to move, you knew from growing up that watching the way someone moves is a great way to get a sense for how they fight. and you wanted to get him into the light more. 
you glance at your watch 
your mistake 
never look away even for a second. when you look back up he’s standing closer, you hadn’t even seen him move. you pull your gun up getting ready for a violent encounter. 
“oh cmon now don’t do that darling”
“stay there and i won’t have to”
“hmm you’re a feisty one. that’s too bad”
it’s hard to see movement when he’s essentially a shadow in the dark but you tense and get ready to let your instincts do the work until a dark figure comes barreling through your apartment and out onto the terrace so quickly and silently you only knew he was there because you felt him. He tackles the figure but you watch it slip out of his arms and reappear on top of the railing. 
in a mocking tone he says “adios sweetheart”
then he’s slipping into the dark. Miguel gets up and rushes to you and tenderly grabs your face 
“Are you ok”
he looks genuinely scared of your answer
“i’m fine, go after him”
you push his hand off 
“not until i’m sure you’re safe”
“he wasn’t even attacking me, and right now you’re letting him get away.”
“There’s two others on him right now”
“of course there is.”
you take the clip back out of the gun. 
“since when do you have a gun”
“you keep that on you?”
“all the time.”
he gives you a weird look you’ve never seen from him before.. you realize it’s pride. 
“why are you looking at me like that?”
“nothing just realizing maybe mi cariño ~can~ take care of herself”
“O’hara i swear to god you call me that one more time i will cut your tongue off with your own teeth”
he just chuckles at you
“im beginning to believe that you could”
“wanna test that?”
before he can answer Lyla pops up on his watch 
“Spider man 784 and 613a have secured the target, placing him in an electromagnetic pod now. will have him brought to your office immediately for questioning.”
“That’s ok Lyla i’m gonna secure the building, send those two back out with a couple others to patrol the perimeter.”
“Will you be a while?”
“Id say our interrogation can wait until the morning.”
“Sure thing boss”
“surely you don’t think you’re staying here all night?” 
“i need to make sure no one else is gonna break in. Guns don’t do much against shadows.”
“can’t you do that from outside.”
“i know you’re mad at me but i’m not leaving until i know you’re safe. so your options are stay in my office all night while I work or let me stay here.”
“ni hablar. im not-“
no way 
“i won’t bother you”
“you’re not sleeping on my couch miguel”
“this way you can sleep in your own bed, and i don’t have to worry about you. besides i’m not sleeping i’m guarding.”
“so.. clearly you’ve missed the entire point of our last two conversations”
“conversation is a weird way of saying you scolding me like a boy”
“if you didn’t insist on acting like one, i wouldn’t have to”
you try to push him out of your apartment but he turns around and holds himself in the doorway. and he has the audacity to pout at you. like full on puppy dog pout, which shouldn’t work when he’s the size of a mastiff if dogs were people. 
he just holds himself there with that look on his face 
“… no! get out”
“no vas a ganar esto”
you’re not gonna win this
you groan 
“do not. wake me up. o juro por dios que te asfixiare mientras duermes”
or i’ll suffocate you as you sleep 
you shower and get dressed in the bathroom then find him exactly as he was before pacing and brooding just this time it was on your terrace. you make tea for yourself as you always do. you glance out at him from time to time. 
you knew he was getting some weird sense of attachment to you but this overprotective macho thing was really becoming a problem. 
you take a mug out to him, as an excuse, you expect him to turn it down and he does. 
“this can’t keep happening”
your voice was gentler now, not angry just tired. the shower and the tea had calmed you down after the fight and your adrenaline rush. although you still felt on edge. 
“you know what i’m talking about. i don’t know what weird animal or testosterone fueled need you’re fulfilling by acting like my sworn protector but i need it to stop. ok? please” 
“i’m just doing my job. protecting people.”
“miguel your job is to protect the spiderverse and collect anomalies. not swoop in the second something goes wrong just because we-“ 
“because we what?” 
“you know” 
“i thought you said it wasn’t anything to talk about” 
“if you don’t want to talk i’m going to bed” 
“no. that’s not what i said” 
you take a deep breath. 
“look i know what happened between us was… it was a lapse of judgment but it’s been affecting our professional relationship and now it’s interfering with my personal life. I value the opportunity that i’ve had working here with you, and i don’t intend for that to end but i need you to be honest with me about what is going on here so that we can move forward.” 
he was quiet for a long time. 
“that sounded rehearsed” is all he says 
“i’ve been trying to figure out how to word it for a while” 
“do you really think it was a lapse of judgement” 
“was it not?” 
“no uhm i mean you’re right” 
“if you disagree you can say so” 
his tone suddenly takes on frustration 
“and why would i tell the truth when you’re still lying” 
“i’m not” 
“you do realize i can hear your heartbeat changing, smell the sweat form on your skin when you lie.” 
“i’m calling your bluff spider boy”
he bristles as you call him that 
“yeah? then how is it ~cariño~that i know you don’t entirely hate it when when i call you that,”
he steps closer 
“i knew you were lying when you said you didn’t want me to stay,”
steps closer again 
“and that you don’t think it was just a mistake.”
and then he closes the gap between you 
“so i’ll ask you again mi cariño, was it ~just~ a mistake”
you look up at him defiantly 
“i’m going to bed” 
he couldn’t tell if you were lying if you didn’t answer. 
when you finally shut your bedroom door behind you you could finally breath. 
he worked you up so easily every time he was near you. 
it had been like this from the beginning. you two were constantly bickering, switching between english and spanish constantly. He was so sassy, even with the kids, sometimes you had to hide your smile or else you might have to admit that you found it slightly funny. and it was the first time you had truly found a match for your attitude. to be honest it reminded you of home. your sister in law knew enough spanish from growing up together but she wasn’t fluent and ever since Pedro had.. 
well it just wasn’t the same. 
although you definitely didn’t think of Miguel like a brother. you weren’t sure exactly how you felt about him. 
you tried to steady your breathing, but this time it was steadily getting worse. the memories of your brother, the events of earlier, and the way miguel keeps managing to get under your skin was finally getting to you. you had felt another episode coming on for a while now but you had managed to keep it at bay. 
“shit, shit. not right now please not right now”
you pressed your back to the door and held your hands on your chest trying to slow your breathing but the thoughts were racing through your head and the world was starting to tilt and spin at the same time. 
you try and walk over to the nightstand to find your rescue medication you have for when this happens. you stumble over, tears are starting to form in your eyes which only makes it harder on top of the dizziness. you just desperately try to keep your breathing quiet even as you hyperventilate. 
at this point of course, he’s inside the living room by your bedroom door listening. 
you can barely walk and you end up crawling over to the side of the bed. you fumble to pull the drawer open and you start to panic more when you don’t find it, you dig through frantically but it’s not there. 
you left it in the medicine cabinet, in the bathroom. 
you sit back into the floor fully hyperventilating now, everything’s spinning out of focus. your hiccuped sobs come in between the breaths that you struggle to take. 
you don’t notice him push the door open at first. 
hey hey y/n what happened”
he comes up to you and kneels next to you 
“can- can i help?”
you’re barely responsive, you don’t even move. 
he reaches out where you can see and when you don’t move away from his hand he gingerly places it on your arm. he takes that as a sign that he can touch you. 
if you could think straight it probably would’ve surprised you what happened next but you felt like you were dying. 
he sits down on the ground and gently pulls you between his legs into his arms with you back pressed flush against his chest and wraps his arms around you tightly. 
“estas bien, te tengo, te tengo, estas bien”
you’re ok, i’ve got you, i’ve got you, you’re ok
you’re trembling and still struggling to breath but he keeps the pressure while he starts to slowly rock you. 
he begins singing. a spanish lullaby 
you can’t even tell what he’s saying at first but slowly your breath starts to steady and you stop shaking as much. you recognize the song from when you were a kid, it’s one you sang to your nephews when they were little 
he doesn’t stop singing until your breathing is starting to slow 
“muy buena, inhalar y exhalar.”
very good, inhale and exhale 
he holds you like that just breathing in and out with you. 
you eyes are shut tight, you’re not ready to move or face him. 
he doesn’t seem ready to let go either. so you allow yourself to stay like that. 
he finally whispers your name. softer more gentle than you’d ever heard it. no underlying frustration or superiority 
you don’t answer at first so he says it again 
“puedes abrir tus ojos para mi?”
can you open your eyes for me? 
you shake your head slightly 
“ok. puedas hablar?”
can you talk 
you shake your head again. not yet you think to yourself, not yet. 
“ok ok, Me levantaré y te pondré en la cama, ¿está bien?”
i’m gonna get up and put you in bed okay? 
he shifts to start to be able to pick you up, but you grab his arm tightly. 
“hey hey hey se acabo, estas bien”
it’s over, you’re okay
you know you’re okay now but you don’t want to let go yet. as much as you want to ignore that it’s him the pressure helped. you lessen your grip and he starts to stand you up and slowly walk you over to the bed. 
“Quieres agua?”
do you want water? 
you nod. he leaves and fills up a glass then quickly returns with the water. he holds it to your face even after you took it from him because your hands are still unsteady. he takes it back and places on the nightstand. he’s crouched beside you with his other hand rubbing the small of your back. it was small but reassuring. 
“vamos, deberías acostarte.. yeah?”
cmon, you should lay down 
you nod again. 
he supports your head as you lay back. unnecessary but you don’t mind it right now. 
he pulls the covers from under you so he can pull them over you. 
you still haven’t made eye contact with him this whole time. 
he doesn’t want to push you but he keeps trying to search your eyes to see if you’re okay. you can feel it. you still don’t look at him but you finally speak. 
you voice still comes out slightly shaky. 
“medicine cabinet. top left.”
it takes him a second but he finally gets it he disappears for a moment and then comes back into the room with a bottle of pills. you didn’t necessarily want him to know about them but you needed one and you doubted he’d let you get up if you wanted to. 
He walks over and looks at you slightly puzzled, slightly concerned. He opened the valium, he could see it was prescribed but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t worry what was so bad you needed prescribed rescue medication. 
he put one tablet in his hand and grabbed the glass of water. you sat yourself up enough to take the pill before lying back down all while refusing to look at him. you close your eyes again all that’s left is to wait for it to hit. 
“i’ll be back in to check on you, just uhm.. si me necesitas, estoy aquí. solo descansa ahora.”
if you need me i’m right here, just rest now. 
he hovers for a second before pulling back to slip out but leaving the door slightly ajar. 
you fall asleep for you don’t know how long but when you wake up it’s still dark. you can tell he’s next to you kneeling beside the bed. you don’t move, you’re still too embarrassed to face him. 
your turned away but he gently brushed your cheek with the back of his finger. 
he whispers to you, assuming you’re asleep
“mi pobre cariño, que sucedió”
my poor darling, what happened
your brain was still hazy and all your senses were dampened by the medication. but the gentle touch was enough to make you stir 
he moved to sit on the edge of the bed 
hey lo siento, solo te estaba revisando
sorry i was just checking on you
you look away again by adjusting 
he reaches out to grab your shoulder gently. 
“como te sientas? necesitas algo?”
how are you? do you need anything? 
you don’t answer 
you’re half asleep snd still so mellowed out your barely even paying attention to what you say. 
“hey necesitas algo?”
you whisper 
estoy aquí, que necesitas 
“im here what do you need”
you just mutter his name again 
your hand moves up onto his hand on your shoulder 
he let’s go of your shoulder to hold your hand in his 
you don’t remember exactly how he ends up laying on the other side of your bed, still in his suit above the covers of course, but you do remember him gently rubbing your back as he softly muttered the same lullaby to you until you fell back asleep. 
“arruru mi niña 
arruru mi amor 
arruru pedazo de mi corazón 
este niña lindo que nació de día 
quiere que lo lleven a la dulcería”
here’s the taglist just comment if you want to be added
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yashashveeroy · 3 years
Heyyy, im a libra sun, cap moon and scorpio rising, what does that mean?
Thank you :)
Hello!! @kiwi-iam Here’s my interpretation of your placements!🥰💜
Please read the newly added Rules regarding “Asks” here before reading this interpretation.
Libra Sun:
Sandro Botticelli is what came to my mind first when I looked at your placements. Specifically his painting “The Birth of Venus”. I’m in fact doing an assignment about his work ! Such perfect timing haha🥰 We all know Venus rules Libra, it’s romantic, playful, charming and full of life at it’s best. At it’s worst it’s self-indulgent, materialistic and flaky. Oh, I myself had fallen in love with one back in the day, he was amazing and god!!! THOSE SHOULDERS🥵🤤!! Lmao enough about me haha! To me Libras have always been very appealing when it comes to certain talents that they have. For example: Any musical talents, Fine arts, dancing, theatrical arts or anything to do with emotional expression. Photography being one of the main according to me. This placement often has this thing about following an aesthetic. These aesthetics could range from renaissance to anime or even gothic themed. There just has to be one. Colours for this placement could range from antique gold, true gold, flesh tones, grays, taupes, mauves or browns. Libra suns have this ability to attract an audience in whatever they do. Be it on social media or in reality. Everyone will always have something to say about a libra sun. It’s a guarantee. Fame and Fortune is a special advantage because of Venus here. Aesthetics, sex, charms and luxury (Venus) meets Grandeur (Sun) is what having a Libra sun is to me. Everything is grand and glamorous. You are unstoppable in the dating field. Many want you but cannot have you. You come with your own set of standards that you seek in a partnership. Sometimes looks don’t matter as long as you catch hold of the right personality. You can be highly rebellious and reckless when you don’t have your way. This needs to be worked on. You can play with hearts when you’re heartbroken, bored or just for the fun of it, which is why, one may call you a “player”. You have to come to terms with your inner child’s wounds.
Capricorn Moon:
Showing Physical touch and acts of service your way of showing love to your close ones. When a libra sun is paired with a Capricorn moon, it’s very nurturing, parental, grounded and loving. Heavenly sex and passionate kissing is what comes with this combination🥵. It’s currently 4:44 am while I’m writing this, this angel number brings stable and well grounded relationships when associated with romance! How cute to be getting a confirmation from the universe while I’m writing this 💖 It’s ‘secrecy and patience (Saturn) meets pleasure (Venus)’ with the libra and Capricorn combination. So while Venus may want to roam in her world of fantasies, Saturn will bring her reality and discipline. Natives with this placement will be very much in tune with their home environment. This could also make someone wifey or hubby material ahaha! A Homebody, I swear. Very much into DIYs or traditional things. Cottage vibes. The biggest problem with a Capricorn moon is that it won’t always show emotions, especially if underdeveloped. You might bury yourself in something so that you don’t have the time to come face to face with your emotions. Please don’t do that🥺. Excellent management and executive skills when paired with libra sun. People will actually listen to you properly and you will automatically have an upper hand on them. But don’t take advantage of it! Use it wisely and get work done.
Scorpio Rising:
Ahhhh this is one of the main reasons why I got excited to do your interpretation!! Greetings, fellow Scorpio rising!!💜🥰
Now forget Venus for a moment and think of Persephone. Think of Persephone as the ruler of your libra sun for a moment. Hades is the ruler of Pluto as it is which is represented by your Scorpio rising. Think of their romance. Hades= Ruler of death and underworld. Persephone= Ruler of spring and nature. Hades loved Persephone so much from the moment he saw her. The moment she was abducted by him, her role changed from being the Goddess of spring and vegetation to becoming the Goddess/Queen of Rebirth. She spent her adult and married life with Hades doing exactly that with the earth’s seasons. It’s the reason why we have the four seasons. Similarly, here it’s the same with your Libra sun and Scorpio rising combination. The themes of love, sex, death and rebirth are heavily romanticised and harmonised together. Your libra sun will always see something beautiful in the dark and mysterious ways of your Scorpio rising. Behind the mask of suspicion and inflexibility lies a nature full of charm, love and passion. This is what Hades’ and Persephone’s relationship became over time. They were intimidating to the world together but loving to each other when in private. Nothing dark will ever scare you. In fact, you will fall in love with it and will want to dive deeper into it. A lot of people will be fascinated with your innocent yet mature, childish yet sexual aura. Jealousy will be a trait that you will have to learn to tame. Blessed with the ability to love and destroy, you will feel like god. You can be a mediator in misunderstandings. No bullshit tolerated when you’re around. Tough love. You could have perfect manners and behaviour according to the settings of your environment. With your charm and seduction, you can be highly persuasive😏. Blessed will be the person who will have Sex with you. Amen.🥵
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I really hope this interpretation resonated with you! Don’t forget to leave your feedback in the comments of this post!!🥰💜
Love, Roy.
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pastelsandpining · 3 years
Girl Talk
Words: 1248 - This was supposed to be longer but I just.. lost inspiration and it’s cut short. If there’s a demand for a part two then heyyy maybe I’ll write more
Summary: After Link’s heroic hand grab, Zelda and Impa can’t help but spend a while talking about it. You know, the way teenage girls do.
Totally Age of Calamity Zelink 
With the day they’d had, she knew this was the last thing she should be worried about. With the amount of monster attacks growing nearly every week and how close they’d gotten to the castle today, on top of the guardian nearly shooting her head clean off, she should not have been concerned with something so trivial. Yet as soon as they were away from her father and in the safety of her bedroom with the door shut firmly behind them, Zelda dissolved into the giggling mess she’d kept hidden for hours. Impa too was laughing, giving her shoulders a gentle shake.
“Goddesses,” said the princess, burying her face in her hands. 
“I’ve never seen him before!” Impa cried. “Is he new? He’s so young!”
“I don’t know! I don’t know every soldier in the army! That’s my father’s job,” Zelda argued, dropping her hands with a groan.
“Well, you should! He totally likes you.”
Zelda’s cheeks flushed quite furiously, and she was vaguely aware she looked like a fish with how she sputtered and scrambled for a reply.
“What? That’s utterly ridiculous!” she finally spat, gripping the blankets tighter. “He was simply doing his job-“
“Last I checked, the soldiers of Hyrule aren’t required to grab the hand of the princess!”
“He was guiding me to safety-“
“No one else did it! Come on, Princess, why’s it such a bad thing? He’s not bad on the eyes, and he reflected that guardian’s laser like it was nothing!”
Zelda grabbed the nearest pillow and buried her face in it, biting back the urge to scream. 
“This is hardly appropriate,” she said, though it was swallowed by the feather stuffed silk. “It’s so improper.”
“No, what’s ‘hardly appropriate’ is not taking a blessing that the goddess is handing you on a silver platter.”
“He does not like me,” Zelda firmly stated, lifting her head at last. 
“How could he not? You’re beautiful, you’re smart, you’re the freaking princess! And he didn’t have to grab you by the hand but he did and in anyone else’s world, that’s a pretty good sign-“
“This is the last thing we should be focusing on!” 
“You are ridiculous, Princess,” Impa said, ripping the pillow from her hands and tossing it aside. “We’ve got the Slate activated, we’ve got the runes working again, and you’ve got your pilot contenders all lined up. You’ve earned a minute to think about something other than the Calamity.”
As proper and perfect she was supposed to be, Zelda was still sixteen and the thought of a boy liking her, or a romantic partner in general, made her feel giddy and excited. And with one of her closest friends by her side, encouraging her like a little devil on her shoulder, how could she not indulge? 
“His name is Link,” she said at last, giggling into her hands like she was sharing some sort of secret. “There’s much talk of him around the castle. Even father’s taken a liking to him. He’s the youngest to ever be a part of the military, and all of the chambermaids think he’s, ah, how did you put it? ‘Not bad on the eyes’?”
“So you do know him!”
“Hardly! I know of him, though I suppose it’ll be very hard to not know him after he’s saved my life.” Zelda rubbed her reddened cheeks to try and push the blood flow elsewhere. It was a little embarrassing to say that aloud—to admit that she had to be saved.
“Well, if you don’t take him then I will.” Impa crossed her arms, but Zelda barked out a laugh at the idea of the challenge. 
“He’s all yours,” she replied simply. “I’m lucky my father's allowing me to contribute to your research. If he found out I had some Hylian soldier on my mind on top of that, I’d sooner rot to death than get out of his lecture.”
“Your father can back off for a few minutes,” Impa muttered, and Zelda couldn’t help but agree. 
“And besides,” the princess continued with a wave of her hand. “As soon as the Calamity’s dealt with, he’ll probably marry me off so I can prepare to be queen.”
“Then why not have a little fun now while you can?” 
“You are a horrible influence on me. There should be a law preventing that.” Zelda fell back onto her bed, glancing towards her friend when she joined.
“A law preventing friendship? Now you really sound like your dad. Excuse me for wanting to make sure the princess gets to be a normal girl every now and then.”
“Fine, but you go first. I know you’ve met plenty of people outside the castle. Anyone special~?” Zelda asked, nudging Impa with her elbow.
“Well, not anyone in Kakariko,” replied Impa with a sigh. “There’s Robbie, but Purah’s called dibs from day one. And there’s this boy from Deya, but he’s got the brains of a Bokoblin. The best contender is this girl from Lurelin Village. I saw her spear a fish and that was it.”
“Not a bad choice,” Zelda said with a nod. “Girls who know their way around weapons are.. well, I love Gerudo Town for more reasons than just my godmother being chief.”
“A Gerudo, nice. Has anyone caught your eye there?”
“No,” she answered with a shrug. “I haven’t focused on anything of the sort in months. But if I had to, I’d say the court poet isn’t so bad.”
Impa made a noise that was somewhere between a laugh and a cough. Zelda fought to keep a straight face.
“There’s no way you’re telling me you’d consider court poet Pikh, who can’t hold a simple conversation without bringing up his talents, over Link.”
“At least he can hold a conversation,” Zelda replied with a huff. “I’ve yet to hear Link utter a word!”
“Oh no, a man who doesn’t give his unwarranted opinion, how absolutely disgusting.” 
Zelda picked up another pillow and tossed it into Impa’s face, fighting the urge to giggle. She was right, really. For the moment, the princess did feel like a regular girl and it was nice. How she wished she could do it more often.
“Perhaps I can convince father to let me stay with you in Kakariko for a weekend. He won’t be thrilled of course, but he trusts you all the same. It could do me some good to get away,” Zelda spoke, working to twist her hair out of her braids. 
“If you can convince him, I’ll escort you myself,” said Impa in response.
Though it wouldn’t be necessary because when the well-needed trip finally came around, who was assigned to help them reach Kakariko safely but dearest, talk of the kingdom Link.
As soon as the words escaped from the mouth of her father, Zelda shared a look with Impa. And once they were out of earshot, her dear friend nudged the princess and she had to grab her arm to hide it, fighting back a laugh. Poor Link was left to follow them confused as the girls whispered amongst themselves. 
It carried on like that for a while. He was appointed as her knight attendant, which meant he was always on her tail—something Impa found hysterical. But it was an inside joke for them, a little entertainment in between the heavy preparations. And she couldn’t tell if she appreciated or hated having Impa accompany them too, because her dear friend used every opportunity she could to tease her mercilessly.
Goddesses, what was a girl to do?
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maplecourtesy · 3 years
god okay. it’s finale time. this ones a long one im both very scared and very excited. the setup they did in the last episode was SO cool i’m very hyped for this
and going STRAIGHT into a boss battle with CHAOS BUILD CHARACTERS this is so sick
[most of the content under the cut, because spoilers!!]
CAN I JUST SAY, THE USE OF THE WORD HERO IN THE EPISODE DESCRIPTION VS TRAVIS’ EXPOSITION BEFORE THE BATTLE. “we need some heroes.” vs “at some point in the past this might have been a job for a hero. but not now, not anymore.” i love that. so much. ive said it before and ill say it again one of the sexiest parts of grad is the way they redefined heroes and villains.
oh right holy shit chaos and order shouldn’t have been able to exist together,, chaos and order are at such ends now that theyve completely split,, chaos no longer relies on order thats so sexy
RELEASE THE KRAKEN VERY POGGERS ACTION NAME they r so cool and powerful i love them
IMAGINE taking 20 damage from fitzroy just being in ur VICINITY
oh i forgot about gray he and althea are there right
im so tired of order can they do something cool instead of blinding the one pc who’s not even gotten a turn yet
FUCK SHIT UP ARGO awesome thats 66 damage good for him he is JUST like loki
hey this ethereal music kinda vibes
everyone is kittens. hm.
i am very happy about all the meowing but also i think its very funny that justin said hes gonna dislike any firbolg art he sees
fitzroy kitty cat rage…. what are we even doing here whats going on
i wish that grays first epic move wasnt as a kitten but i can work with this
FITZROY GIVES GRAY HIS MAUL??? i think this is the peak of the sibling dynamic between them. bickering and complaining but cooperating when it really matters
GOD. how are we having every fucking cartoon trope in one battle. u guys know in cartoons when they like get put through some beam and u see into different universes or whatever and theyre cats and they have a body swap and maybe theres a sock puppets one. this is that.
maplekeeners stay winning
argo does a sexy graceful reverse dive but he also looks like fitzroy so thats fitzroy. good.
cannot believe im listening to justin mcelroy roleplay justin mcelroy sending meteors at a horde of hellhounds
fuck off travis give me animated taz
i do like this music a lot its got video game vibes
DIFFERENT CLINT MCELROY??? disgraced dj clint mcelroy x janitor clint mcelroy fanfic /j please dont
AUDIENCE??? thats me im the ones cheering
THUNDERMAN LOVE LANGUAGE IS HANDS ON SHOULDERS. and now they are both clouds of gas
fuck that is so cool fitzroy is the coolest hes just shooting lightning out of his hands and its his cool lightning illuminating him. THATS a painting
chaos i like u so much. i’m a chaos sympathist and apologist now i adore them
mission imp-hospital <3
oh my god what the hell i just got chills i love this so much,, everyones a hero,,, this fucks .,, theyve destroyed capitalism and systemic injustice i love them very much
i am so enamored with how travis described that this makes me so happy
order i hope u die powerless and fearful
it would be very sexy if they did just cut to black i wouldnt be mad.
GO TO HELL. INCREDIBLE. FUCK THATS SO GOOD good firbolg lines today as always.
chaos i love u very much. i think they deserve to have whatever they want ever
obsessed with gray calling fitzroy his best friend right after saying the firbolg was his favorite and then ending their last conversation ever by telling argo he’s his son.
althea and barb r girlfriends <3
literally what happened to rainer btw where is she
leon and buckminster r boyfriends <3
thunderman llc doesn’t have time for labels
i like it very much that during taz graduation, instead of graduating, they became anarcho-anticapitalists and took down the entire school system.
WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN 5 YEARS. we’re doing a timeskip ending…
btw where did the fucking time travel fit into this i’m still confused about that.
okay but do they not sail away on a ship together. on argo’s new ship.
he’s just… fitzroy maplecourt now!!! wow…. that character arc is so near and dear to my heart. from forcing people to call him by his full name and his full title to relieving himself of the titles completely.. guys i love fitzroy
JUST PLAIN OLD FITZROY<3333333333 ouhgh,,, this is so cute… he’s getting closure. and he gets to give a cool speech…. about anarchism………. and going to fucking Law School. oh that’s very good..
does. the firbolg settle down. ill fucking lose it. DOES THE FIRBOLG FUCK THE TINY GARY. I CAN’T DO THIS I COULDN’T DO THIS. THIS IS THE FUCKING WORST PLEASE DON’T. does the firbolg BECOME a gary!?!?!?!?!? what the fuck is happening i’m so confused please stop. can we just go back to having the thundermen be friends so the firbolg isn’t lonely. please. i’m going fucking insane this can’t be how the firbolg ends i can’t fucking do this i can’t call him gary. his name can’t be gary. NotLikeThis.
argo on the firboat!!! what will he do!!!
A CRUISE SHIP YES. FUCK YES OKAY I CAN WORK WITH THIS. what the fuck does he mean by the firbolg experience. why is there a theme song oh god oh no.
i’m in hell order’s gone to hell and taken me with them. how did he fucking come up with this. AND he ends with the thunderman llc. good.
oh,,, fitzroy suggesting they go for one last fight? ;; cute as well.
oh ;;;;;w;;;;;;;;; fitzroy………<3 he has grown so much,, no more considering himself above his companions,, he is just fitzroy maplecourt and he loves and misses his pals. and because of this he will get a cruise ship based on him.
oh my god,, fitzroy becomes a robin hood of the seas.
they all miss each other ;;;; <3
no this fucking sucks actually. goodbye everyone. it’s been nice.
AWWW THE END MUSIC… wowowowowow they brought it full circle with the soundtrack and ended with laughing and a fun little fitzroy joke. i’m happy with that :]
i’ll miss the thundermen so very much,, i don’t know how excited i am for the next arc it kinda rests on the pcs,, i prefer griffin’s pcs over when he dms but let’s see!!! well pogchamp fun end to perhaps my favorite taz arc!!!!<3333333
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writeofmind · 4 years
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Genre: fluff!
Pairing: Rosé x Reader
Type: Scenario
@vagabondalchemist: Hello! I just found your blog. Ehee! Can I request for a jealous gf!rosé where reader visited their dorm and promised some quality hang-out and cuddle time with chaeng but unintentionally ignores her because of lisa ( cockblocking lol XD ) and her four cats. Thank you in advance, author-nim! :)
A/N: I completely see this happening bc Lisa just seems like such a fun person that you’d get distracted, and rosé would absolutely hate it LOL. enjoy!
rosé💓: You’re still coming over, right? 🥺
You glanced over at your phone that rested on your desk, laughing at the message that popped up on your phone. That was the third time she’s asked in the span of 2 hours.
you: yes, chae. 😂 i promise i’ll be there right after work!
rosé💓: okay. sorry i keep asking, i just miss you 🥺🥺
A smile crossed your face. You loved that even after being together for a while, Rosé was still just as loving as she was when you first began dating.
you: don’t be sorry baby, i miss you too!! i’ll see you in a bit :)
rosé💓: and you promise we’ll have our cuddle time?? last time, we both fell asleep and didn’t even watch the show!
you: hey, you fell asleep first! i promise, we will. lol, i’ll see you soon, chae <3
Locking your phone and putting it away, you continued working, now with a little bounce in your step from the excitement of seeing your girlfriend later.
When you pulled up to your girlfriend’s dorm, you were sure that she was peeking out of the window waiting for you because she hardly let you get out of the car before bursting out the front door, running to jump into a hug.
“Jesus, Chae!” you laughed as she wrapped her arms and legs around your body, “You scared me!”
Rosé only let out excited squeals that sounded oddly similar to a dolphin. You squeezed her back, all while carrying the giant baby back through the front door where the rest of her members sat in front of the T.V.
“Hey, y/n!” Lisa called out.
“Liiiissssaaaaaa!” You jumped (still holding Rosé, mind you), and the two of you began high fiving and slapping each other as if you haven’t seen each other in months.
Jennie and Jisoo were already rolling their eyes and laughing at you two. They called out and waved to you as well, and you went over to hug them when Rosé finally climbed down from you.
“Rosie has not stopped talking about you coming over tonight,” Jennie pointed to your girlfriend, who blushed, “she’s literally so excited.”
You laughed and kissed the back of Rosé’s hand as you sat back on the couch. “I can only imagine. She was texting me all day, too. But I can’t blame her, I was excited too!”
“We’ll let you guys use the T.V, so we’ll talk later!” Jisoo waved and grabbed her snacks that laid across the table, “We made food earlier, y/n, so eat if you haven’t yet.”
You thanked the girls as they all left the living room and went into their rooms. Now, you turned to Rosé with a wide smile, seeing her already staring at you with stars in her eyes. 
“Hi, baby,” you laughed, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too!” She jumped back into your arms again, “I’m so glad I get to see you today.”
Rosé happily put on a movie for the two of you, and as you guys cuddled and planted soft kisses on each other’s foreheads, she hummed. You guys haven’t seen each other in a couple weeks due to her prepping for the girl’s comeback, and she seemed like she needed a break from the cameras and the work.
“You look so pretty in your teasers, babe,” you pinched her cheeks, “I almost couldn’t tell it was you, you looked so scary!”
Rosé giggled in your hands, and you swore you could’ve turned to putty in that moment. She burrowed herself into your neck, sighing contently at just you being there with her. Just as you turned to look at her, you both leaned in, and—
“Yo! Y/n! Chaeyoung!” Lisa suddenly came bolting from her room with her cat hanging from her hands, “Do you see this?!”
Rosé jumped out of your hold (leaving you with half-puckered lips) and looked at Lisa in surprise. “What’s wrong!?”
“Look! Does Leo seem fat to you?”
You stared at Lisa in disbelief before doubling over in laughter. She stood there with Leo dangling from her hold, looking a little irritated as she did so.
“Lisa, no. What makes you say that?” Rosé raised an eyebrow at the younger girl.
Lisa huffed. “Literally everyone keeps saying he looks fat. He doesn’t, right?”
Leo wiggled out of Lisa’s grasp and hopped along the floor until he landed in your lap. You smiled at him and began to scratch behind his ears, chuckling at his purrs. “No, I don’t think he looks fat. It’s just his fur.” You poked around Leo’s stomach, “I’m sure people just say that because they know you’ll reply to them.”
Lisa groaned and walked over to where you and Rosé were. “Ugh, I guess so. I wish they wouldn’t.”
Before you knew it, three other cats managed to bolt their way out of Lisa’s room and right over to the living room.
“Lisa, your cats!!” Rosé laughed and pointed at them jumping around the couches, “Your door!”
“Oops! Sorry, guys!”
You laughed as the cats climbed all around you. “It’s fine, Lis, they seem like they haven’t had space to run around all day,” you scratched Luca’s chin (who was now on your shoulder). You didn’t catch Rosé’s squinted eyes at the side of your head.
“Yeah, they’ve pretty much been inside my room all day. I haven’t gone anywhere, really,” Lisa sat on the couch now, sandwiching Rosé in the middle, and let her cat settle on her lap. Rosé’s eyes squinted even more, unknown to the two of you on her side.
Before long, you and Lisa were going on and on about some new video game that was in the works for release, all while Rosé sat back on the couch with crossed arms. You and Lisa were always able to go on such long and meaningless rants, and the girls were pretty sure that’s why you got along so well.
A couple hours passed and the movie continued to play, forgotten in the background. When you leaned forward to ask Lisa something regarding her piercings for the comeback, you could feel an icy glare at the back of your head.
You didn’t dare turn around, terrified at what you might see. Instead, you let your eyes slowly follow the glare, until you met eyes with your girlfriend, who looked eerily similar to an overpowered anime villain. The pure look of irritation on her face sent chills down your spine, and was that a black cloud surrounding her?! You let your eyes wander slowly back to Lisa, who was still happily chatting and playing with her cats.
You sat frozen in your spot but still nodded along and carried on you and Lisa’s conversation, all until Lisa’s phone began to ring in her room.
“Oh, sorry guys, I’ll go answer that. I didn’t mean to hold you up!” Lisa stood and began herding her cats to her room, “I’ll leave you two now. Have fun!” She waved and gave a warm smile. You waved her off and sat straight up on the couch.
When you turned to look at your girlfriend, her eyes were glued to you, eyebrows furrowed and arms and legs crossed. You gave her a weak smile and moved closer to her.
“Heyyy, babe...” You reached out for her but was only met with the same cold eyes.
“Don’t touch me.” Rosé turned her head from you and stuck her head up. Guilt suddenly overcame you, and you shrunk into the cushions.
“Sorry, baby,” you pleaded and scooted closer (she scooted further away), “I didn’t even realize we talk so much...”
Rosé raised an eyebrow at you. You could already hear her voice: “How could you not realize??” You felt tiny under her gaze, and felt yourself shrinking into a tiny ball of shame.
“You’re a TRAITOR.” Rosé huffed, turned her entire body away from you (a sign that she was REALLY angry), and only gave you small glances over her shoulder.
“Noooooo!” You threw your hands up in defeat and wrapped your arms around her to pull her into your lap, “I’m soooorrryyyy!”
Rosé struggled to get out of your grasp, but you squeezed her tightly and tried your best to hide your laughter, though you were pretty sure you heard a giggle come from her.
“I’m so sorry baby! Look, it’s not that late, we can start the movie over, or watch another one,” you tried to bargain with her to calm her nerves, “I’ll even go out and get us more snacks—”
The absolute power in her voice stopped you in your tracks. Oh god, she was about to rip into you—
“All I want is to spend time and cuddle with you.” Hands were suddenly cupping and squeezing your cheeks together, “Just spend time with me now.”
Looking at your girlfriend, you could see that she wasn’t even angry at all. She gave you a mischievous smile that told you everything you needed to know; you just played right into her little ploy to get your attention back.
“Oh, you’re sneaky.” You raised an eyebrow at her, earning a small laugh in return. You leaned in to give her a quick kiss.
“Tell you what,” you began, Rosé humming against your lips and wrapping her arms around your neck, “I spend the night tonight, and tomorrow, we can go on a date and do whatever you want. How’s that?”
Rosé gave you a huge smile, pulling you back in for a kiss. “Fine. Sounds good to me.”
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
Happy holidays! what would the yan ocs dream winter themed date look like? Please
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Happy holidays!❄️
My first request for them..I'm so happy💖
Warning this story contains: yandere topics slightly, mostly wholesome but some are suggestive but nothing outright nsfw.
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A wholesome date
It's snowing and he honestly doesn't want you to get sick so he would have you two stay inside
Prepare for a baking date
From gingerbread to peppermint bark
He of course takes control of the date and makes sure to keep you away from sharp things
He will try to do everything by himself because he worries about you getting hurt
After you stubbornly decline that he has you be the taste tester
After each treat he gives you a kiss to taste it himself
He loves being with you in the kitchen cause baking + his angel= happy boy
If you try to start a food war he will scold you
After baking you two would cuddle while watching Christmas movies, eating sweets, and drinking hot cocoa
"sweetie, can you pass me the frosting I'm almost done"
"hmm? Oh sure theo!"
You passed the tub of bright red frosting to the male only for him to finish decorating the gingerbread cookies once done you both carried all those sweet treats to the living room table before setting up for movie night, you looked out the window with a soft sigh
"can we go outside tommorow?"
"hmm for a little bit but it will be cold"
"we can make a snowman!"
"sweetie, being in the cold for too long isn't good how about we do something else"
You gave a pout as theo sat on the couch looking at you hating your upset expression he sighs as he fixed his glasses
"fine, only for a little bit sweetie but for now come here..relax in my arms okay?"
You had a bright smile as you walked over plopping down in the male's lap feeling his arms wrap around you tightly
holiday Shopping
Will dress up in an adorable holiday costume
Forces you to dress up too cause matching outfits
He wants to buy you cute shoes
Yeah it's snowing hard...but like snow boots!
Will force you to try on like 60 pairs of shoes
Will also take a ton of selfies with you while getting boba
Will spoil you with affection while you two are out
If you act up though he will degrade you just a bit to get you to behave
All around good date but he can be a bit annoying
"hey hikaru can we go home? My feet hurt"
"don't be such a little baby [y/n], don't you want to look cute?"
You looked over at your boyfriend who was dressed up in an adorable santa sweater, black tights, and black heel boots to match. He forced you to be his raindeer and honestly it was a little embarrassing but he seemed to be having a good time
In your hands were bags upon bags all being outfits or shoes that hikaru bought for both you and him, he was a grinning mess but he saw your frown and couldn't help but falter..were you truly not having fun?
With a huff he simply linked his arm with yours before pulling you along towards the mall food court, it was time for you two to relax from all the walking
Once you two sat down at a table with boba and food hikaru was far more loving and affectionate even being as sweet as to hold your hand while resting his head on your shoulder
"ah, I pulled you along everywhere huh?"
"heyyy! Don't give me those bored responses! We had fun! I spoiled you today so the least you can do is thank me!"
You were going to speak more but jolted at the feeling of a rough kiss along with someone's to the shoved down your throat. With a startled moan you kissed back before pulling away seeing hikaru lick his lips happily
"so yummy huh baby? I say that was a good thank you, when we get home we can do things that I know you will like..after all you can't say no to me"
Haha you're in danger.
Firework Festival date!
He likes the sounds of the bustling of people and the smell of good food
You don't really know why he's so obsessed with fireworks when he can't see it but it makes him happy
You two play a bunch of games and eat yummy food
Idiot wore shorts and a tank top so he's freezing cold but of course he was way too excited to care about coldness
Is like a giddy kid
Once the fireworks start he's in utter awe
Wants to get as close as he can
"what do they look like..?"
"bright and kinds like glitter"
Both you and axis sat on the grass staring at the sky as the fireworks popped and lit up the dark snowy sky, your fingers interlaced together tightly as the sounds of popping made axis only grin more
"fireworks, even the name sounds pretty..I always wanted to see what they look like. I mean I can feel it on my face but I bet they look pretty huh?"
"ax, you're crying.."
Axis reached up touching his cheeks only to feel tears, he let out a nervous laugh and wiped his eyes before a wave of embarrassment hit him hard
"ah! Sorry sorry! I get all emotional! Ah I just love you and I love this date! Are you having a good time? Oh God what if you aren't having a good time?! [Y/n] are you enjoying yourself cause we ca-"
"axis, I'm having fun! It's okay so relax..I mean..you look so happy its honestly so cute"
Suddenly axis wrapped his arms around you kissing you all over with a happy laugh
"[y/nnnnnnn]! Marry me! Just marry me already okay? I love you! So much!"
You petted your boyfriend on the head before your eyes landed on the beautiful fireworks and you simply couldn't help but smile as nothing but love filled you both
Okay so originally he wanted to just screw you and call that a date but apparently that's not romantic
Decided on taking you to a Christmas party as a date
He kinda just wanted to get drunk and make out with you
Ends up having a good time
Seeing you laughing with his friends made him happy
He got to dance with you so that's always a plus
Getting you drunk was really fun
It's been a while since you two just got wasted and had fun so it felt nice
Hearing you slut your words made him chuckle
"yeah babe?"
Prince watched as you landed in his lap with eggnog in your hand, you clearly had way too much to drink but of course he wasn't stopping you cause this was amusing to him
"I think, you're the hottest guy like everrrrrrr~"
"oh yeah?"
"hmmm I want santa to give me you for Christmas"
Prince grinned as he turned his head away now chuckling before feeling you press sloppy kisses on his neck and cheek. He honestly didn't mind the pda but he didn't want it to go too far
"alright alright, cool it before you do something crazy"
"noooo, let me love youuuu"
At this point he was just laughing as he held you close now softly kissing your cheek before lifting you up in his arms, walking out the house and towards the car
"I love you prince, so much.. you're.. perfect"
He watched as you started to fall asleep and felt a flushed feeling come over him as he out you in the back seat of the car
"I love you too baby, more than you could ever know"
He really didn't want to go out he just wanted to sleep
But there was this new movie you wanted to see so he figured a date night should happen
He was never a fan of overly cheery Christmas movies but you seem to be a fan so he endured
He promised you he wouldn't fall asleep during this date
During the movie he totally fell asleep so he took you at to eat as an apology
You two went to Walmart at like 2am and we're chaotic as hell
He filled the cart up with ramen cups while you kept telling him to put it back
Just a chaotic date all around
He honestly liked it though
To end the night/early morning you two went to eat waffles
He liked how sleepy yet weird you acted
He could watch you talk for hours
Hearing you talk was better than any movie
"hey yuki, do you like me?"
The question shocked the male as he looked at you from across the diner table as he took a sip of coffee, what would make you ask such a thing. He couldn't respond very well cause he was in shock but he gave a steady nod
"oh, you do? That makes me happy..you don't really say I love you so I sometimes forget yknow?"
Yuki reached out grabbing your hands and looking you dead in the eyes, his bright green eyes making you blush
"I love you. More than sleep"
The praise made you blush more as you leaned forward to kiss the male only to hear a sharp cough from the waitress. The teo of you looked over and yuki scowled lightly at the person for ruining his moment
"excuse me, it's 5am...are you two finished"
"oh yeah, sorry about tha-"
You tensed at your boyfriend who was blunt as ever and locked eyes with the worker using a scary glare to spook them off, you couldn't help but sigh
"but yuki, it's late we have to go yeah? Aren't you tired?"
"I'm not done saying how much I love you."
With that the male sat there for the next hour spilling his true feelings and as the snow came down you felt nothing but love though you did feel bad for the worker who looked terrified and was currently writing their will incase yuki slaughtered them.
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with-love-anu · 4 years
The new neighbour 3
PAIRING: Sirius Black x Reader
Series Masterlist
The marauders were in and out of your apartment all the time. Remus would drop by whenever he needed some peace and quiet; James needed your opinion on something every other time and Sirius would come in to just talk to you or see your latest poem or artwork. And you loved it. The four of you quickly became very close. It felt like you all were roommates. Sirius was in your apartment, looking at your old albums. You blushed when Sirius looked at your baby pictures and cooed at them. He called you ‘baby’ and it seemed to do things to you. You presented your travel pictures and talked about bunny, completely missing the look of jealousy crossing his face. He pointed out to Steve, your ex.
“Who’s this?” Sirius asked.
“Steve. We dated for a while. Then he realized he was in love with the image I put forward in public. Quite a nasty breakup” You shrugged.
“What?” he asked making you sigh.
“It’s just; I have an image I have to put forward in public: perfect, pristine. But, I am not like that in real life. I can get sad, angry and disgusted too. And apparently, it was a lot for him to handle.
Sirius held your hand and gave you a small smile.
“He has no idea what he missed.”
You took a deep breath.
“I don’t know, the longest relationship I was in lasted for only a year and that too almost. Sometimes I wonder what is wrong with me. Like am I un-dateable or something? I always seem to do something wrong”
Sirius furrowed his eyebrows.
“How could you think that? You’ve been living near us for what? 3 months? You’ve been one of the most amazing people I’ve met.” Sirius gulped. “I would be over the moon to get the chance to date you. Even though I’ve never quite done that before. If there would be someone terrible in our relationship, it would most certainly be me.” Sirius laughed nervously.
“You would date me?”
“Yeah. You seem the best person for it.”
“W-“ there was a knock on the door that shook you both. As you went to answer it, Sirius cursed under his breath.
“(Y/n) how the hell do you make your spicy chicken corn soup?” James asked with widened eyes and such a frustrated expression that you let out a laugh.
“I’ll show you.”
“Really? Thank you.”
You spent hours repeating what Sirius said. Was he being serious about you? Was it not just harmless flirting with you? You groaned. You needed a drink. As you took out some water you heard a loud bang and every light in your apartment turned off with a thump. Bloody fucking great! A power outrage. You finished drinking the glass of water and moved towards the marauders’ apartment. You thanked god that it was just evening and not completely dark.
“Guys?” you called out, knocking on their door.
Remus opened up. He looked pained. He ushered you in and you squeezed your eyes to make things out in semi-darkness. Sirius and James jumped on you shouting and you screamed, leaping backward. You tried to breathe glaring at them both as they rolled out in laughter.
“How could you do that?!?” you demanded as they both laughed and slowly, you joined them too. You all settled on the couches.
“So, what are we gonna do?” Sirius asked after sometime.
“I don’t know? Listen to the bloody radio.” James groaned and you threw a pillow on his head.
You all talked lazily on the couch, becoming increasingly aware of the heat. Sirius wiped away the sweat on his head with the back of his hand as you fanned yourself with a magazine.
“Okay, I’m bringing some iced soda from the fridge, who all want some?” Remus asked, getting up.
“Me!” you three shouted at the same time, and laughed.
Remus handed you all some cans. You greedily opened it up taking a big gulp, enjoying in the cooling sensation.
“It’s not iced.” Sirius pointed out.
“Well suck it up lil baby, cause that’s all you are getting.” you said tying your hair up.
You heard Sirius gasping.
“You’re a mean young lady!” Sirius whined and you cooed at him, giggling. James and Remus gave each other knowing looks.
You placed the cool can on your cheek, relishing in the sensation. It had been 2 hours since the city lost all electricity and you felt like you were losing your patience. You heard Sirius sit up straight beside you.
“Listen, I think it would be cooler outside. Let’s go up to the roof.”
“Sirius, I just got comfortable on this couch with these pillows, I’m not going anywhere.” James sighed.
“I’m afraid of heights, Sirius. You know that, it’s a no from me.” Remus piped up.
“I’ll come, I don’t think it would be worse than it is here.” You said, getting up and adjusted your shirt.
Sirius and you pulled out your phones switching on the flashlights. You went towards the emergency staircase, needing to climb 3 stories.
“Ever went up there?” Sirius whispered.
“Well then, you are in for a treat, the view is breathtaking.” He said as you followed him. You reached an old iron door which creaked on opening.
“Sounds ominous. Sirius, you are not going to throw me off the building are you?” you jabbed and Sirius snorted.
“That’s exactly what I am planning to do, my dear. Then I’ll take over your wealth.” He imitated an evil laugh and you rolled out barking, holding your stomach as Sirius blushed.
“Do that again.” You said red from laughter.
“Please, come on!”
“Look we are here, so do you want to see or not?” Sirius said pointing towards the boundary.
You slowly moved towards it and gasped. It was beautiful.
“It is breathtaking.” You said looking at Sirius beside you. You suddenly felt calm. Sirius was right. It was cooler up here. The wind blew and you sighed, looking out at the cars honking on the roads. You did not know how long you both stood in silence as a kind of serenity eloped you. You gazed at the sky which was now midnight blue and the stars twinkled all around.
“You know, when I was younger; my family; Papa, Mumma and I used to go to the nearby hill station every Christmas. We had this small cottage there and as the night neared we would sit outside just looking at the stars and drinking this amazing hot cocoa my mother made.”
Sirius smiled at you and you saw how his eyes sparkled in the moonlight.
“I wish I was a child again. I would have like no worries; I would live thoughtlessly in my house as my parents protected me from the big bad world. Don’t you wish that?” you said looking towards him and he sucked in a breath.
“Well, I don’t come from the nicest of families. I spent my Christmas attending the family gala, trying not to do anything that might earn me a punishment.”
“Oh.” You whispered.
“My family was strict in the basest of all its meanings.” Sirius sighed. “I used to be beaten up for every small mistake I committed. When I finally ran away, I felt free at last. I stayed with James. His parents gladly welcomed me and supported me. I needed that.”
Sirius shrugged and your heart clenched.
“I’m so sorry, Sirius. You didn’t have to tell me.” You said softly.
“Nah. It’s okay. I moved on, James helped me. It’s not a big deal not that anyone cares.” Sirius said nonchalantly. You held his hand.
“I care. And it does matter. Talking about it helps with healing. You could talk to me whenever you know? I would be happy to listen.” You said looking at him and he took a deep breath.
“Thank you. I appreciate it.” Sirius said smiling at you. You smile back at him. His hair flew in the wind and his face seemed to glow. You wanted to pull him in and kiss him. Sirius seemed to be thinking the same looking at your lips. Sirius’s phone rang suddenly, shaking you both. He answered it, nodding and ending the call.
“The light’s back!” he said with fake cheer and you forced a small smile.
You both went back to their apartment, seeing that Remus and James had already switched the air conditioner on. You sighed sitting down. Sirius ordered some pizza and drinks as James showed you the T.V. serial, he got all hyped about. You all laughed, drank and had fun and you finally took your leave.
Sitting down on your bed, you called bunny.
“Heyo there Fangs!”
“Heyyy bunny. I need to tell you something.”
“I think I am in love with Sirius.” You said clenching your eyes shut, crossing your fingers.
“You, what now?” bunny gasped.
“I like him. Really really like Sirius. I don’t know what to do? I really wanted to kiss him today and believe me it wasn’t the first time either and I just kinda keep imagining what it would be like to call him mine, to hold his hand and for him to kiss me every now and then and maybe moving in together and marrying him when the time is right.”
“You really have it bad, huh?” bunny asked and you sighed.
“Yeah. Yeah I do. And I have no idea how to tell him that.”
A/N: Big shit planned up ahead, I apologise in advance. Anyways, I would love to hear whether you like this series until yet.
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naptoons · 4 years
Heyyy girl can I request a nick imagine where we are quarantined with the rest of the boys?
Hey dear!! And You got it darling!!
Polaroids- Nick Mara
Summary: being stuck in the house with your bestfriends seemed fine for a while but it started to make you anxious when you have to see nick everyday. Also known as your crush.
Warnings: fluff is all.
A/N: I hope this is good my dear!! But I had so much fun writing this one. I was in my feels today so fluff it is! I love taking requests they’re so fun.
Proofread: yes/no
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You only meant to visit the boys and hang out with them, then leave the following week. You were in town for a vacation from college. Spring break made you happy finally a break from everything stressful.
Now here you are stuck with the boys with no way of going home because of this pandemic. Not that you didn’t mind being with them, it’s just that you were soon running out of clothes and your car was stuck at the airport in your hometown. Nick ended up sparing some of his clothes with you, while you ordered some to be shipped. While wearing his clothes Zion and Edwin would constantly tease you about it “Aw look at you being a cute girlfriend” Zion teased
“Shut the fuck up Zion” you spat, having the desire to strangle him
“What he is your boyfriend, so actually ask him out dude!, what are you scared of?”
“Rejection, ending a friendship, awkward moments” you defend yourself
“Oh shut up dude, it could never end y’all relationship, y’all are closer than us and we’re a band, we also live together!” Zion counterattacks, you look at Edwin to see if he agrees, to which he nods as he places his phone down. “Zion is right, most times he isn’t be this time he is right”
“But listen! It can get awkward because if he says he doesn’t feel the same way about me then where am I going to sleep? I sleep in nick’s room and plus I’m stuck here with him”
“Aye! Don’t act like we kidnapped you!” Edwin throws a pillow at you, squinting your eyes you throw it back at him to which he blocks it out his way.
“Listen it’s no or never, people can only wait for so long before they give up” Zion ruffles your hair before heading towards the closet “board game night!!” Edwin yells towards Zion, what if everything he said was true. What if your fear was slowly making nick fall out of love with you. But what if he never liked you at all. Standing up you walked towards his room to grab your Polaroid camera and films but bumped into a shirtless nick head first. Bouncing back you night your lower lip staring at your toes.
“Where you going speedy?” Nick laughs slightly, brushes his thumbs against your cheek, calling you ‘speedy’ was a joke between you guys, because anytime you were passionate or nervous about something you spoke so fast. That no one could comprehend, but nick does.
“Just-just going to the room to grab my camera, we’re having board game night you should join!” You smile your heart pounding against your ribcage, you walk into the room searching for your camera, as you found the films first, you heard the door close along with the closet being opened and closed. Turning around nick was closer to you than you thought. Almost tripping over your shoes on his floor, he grabbed you by your waist crashing you into his chest.
“Are you okay y/n? You’ve been hella jittery lately” nick furrows his eyes in confusion, your ears starting to flood up in color, you couldn’t even look him in the eyes without your face turning red. “Nothing— im okay just thinking a lot you know?” Nick’s eyes shallowing in disbelief he really wants to help you, he cares about you so much and never wants you to deal with heavy emotions alone.
“Hey dont look at me like that” you start off while rubbing his forearm “I’ll be okay I swear, I am okay”
Nick’s eyes shifting whole examining your whole face, Nick wondered how you’re so beautiful inside and out, and no has treated you the way you treat others. “M’kay” Nick answers “you got your Polaroid?”
“No, I have no clue where I put it” you chew on your lower lip looking through the nightstand drawers, Nick chuckles while sitting on the bed, his fingers dig into your waist “were you that wine drunk you forgot where you placed it?” Nick smiles, causing goosebumps to scale your arms “you placed it in the closet ma” you gasp, then punch him slightly, walking towards the closet you open it seeing it sit right on top of his folded clothes.
“You’re beautiful” Nick mummers, you turn back around to see him laying on his back, showing off the ink layered on his body, you try not to smile but he always has a way with words to make you weak in the knees. “You’re handsome” you reply
“Dare I say we make a great couple” Nick teases, you roll your eyes pulling him up to his feet “yeah we would” you beam brighter, Nick meant it and so did you. But both of y’all joke that way, and neither of you knew if one was being serious or was joking.
Coming into the living room the boys were sitting on the floor sitting around the coffee table “finally mom and dad are here!” Edwin jokes
“They were probably making our niece or nephew back there” Zion comments, grabbing the nearest thing you could find you throw it at Zion, which ultimately turns your face red. Sitting on the floor nick sits next to you. “What are we playing?” You ask
“We figure you’d pick, since you’re our guest” Brandon comments
“Aw, how sweet, let’s play clue” you excitedly grab the box,
“Oh shit, y’all are in for a treat” nick boosts your excitement
“Damnit, right y/n loves solving mysteries”
Couple of minutes later you guys were yelling who you think is the murder, your suggestions told you zion was the murder, so when it was your turn you squint your eyes at him. “Hm, Zion come with me, i think you’re the murder” after talking to Zion, he ended up showing everyone his cards pointing him as the murder. Everyone looked in shock while nick’s eyes swam in love. Everyday you never failed to surprise him. Sitting back down next to nick you smile rubbing your nose against his,while his arm is on the back of the couch. All of a sudden you see a flash on the corner of your eyes. Turning around Edwin hands you the film smiling.
“Do we look good?” Nick jokes
“When dont y’all look good” Edwin replies
“Fashion couple” Brandon adds, you turn your head in nick arm attempting to hide your face.
After a couple of hours you guys played more board games, you let Edwin dye your hair purple, painted in the backyard and played in the pool. Today was a great day. And nick was slowly getting more and more agitated with how he couldn’t just tell you how he felt. Watching movies with you and the boys in the backyard, you guys made a tiny little campfire as y’all at s’mores and drank hot cocoa. Your hair still a little damped , he ran his fingers through it. You turn towards him only inches away from his lips. Your breath caught in a turmoil.
“I can’t do this anymore” nick whispers above your lips
“Do what?” You ask, instead nick just cups your face pressing his lips upon yours, placing your hand on his wrist. Everything else began to fade away, and everything Zion said was right. It couldn’t be more awkward. Because he felt the same. Seeing a flash go off in the background nick pulls away, you cover your face in his arms, Nick pulls you in closer caressing your ear lobe with his thumb.
“OTP!!” Edwin yells, you laugh purely out of nervousness, while nick soaks it all in, never being ashamed of how much he loves you. Nick kisses the top of your head “mm, I love you” nick tells you.
Cuddling in bed you guys look at all the Polaroid pictures they took of you two and everything else. Grabbing a marker from the nightstand you write down the dates on them and stick them on the cork board you and nick started since the quarantine. looking back at it for a better view. You feel nick place his chin on your shoulder softly kissing your neck.
Caressing his forearm that’s wrapped around your waist “Hmm, this is going to look great on my wall when I get home” you joke nick pouts just thinking about it, now that you were his girlfriend and you were here for a while, he couldn’t phantom you being away from him. “Aww baby, dont be sad my love, I promise I’ll leave something behind that smells like me”
Nick rolls his eyes in sarcasm while chuckling at your comment, you lay your head on his chest running your fingers over the ink on his skin “by the way, I hope you remember I do graduate in two months, so I’ll be with you for a while”
Nick smiles letting out a huge sigh of relief, one had grabbing your jaw he kisses you all over your face finally reaching your lips “god I fucking love you”
Giggling into the kiss you smile “hm I love you more”
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jiamour · 4 years
piano, practice & peptalks
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pairing: chenle x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 5.9k
summary: chenle is the pianist for your senior year production of high school musical and he always stays late to help you practice
alternatively: chenle make heart go woosh
a/n: i wrote this a year ago so it may not be great,, he’s a shy boy in this im sorry,, but if people can write jeno as a bad boy all the time i can have my shy boy chenle so,,,, also i tried to edit it but i got tired of reading it over and over so its still a mess
“start on four okay, i’ll count you in,” chenle instructed, nodding his head like he was confirming your next actions to himself. he hadn’t even glanced in your direction, his eyes fixated on his hands that laid on top of piano keys. 
you were sat on the floor, a pointless rolled up and crumpled script in your hands, and just like chenle your eyes were glued to the movement of his hands against the piano. “one,” his fingers mechanically moving, nodding along to the beginning melody you both had heard at least a thousand times in the last hour. “two,” you were starting to get nervous again, maybe it wasn’t the greatest idea to ask the most musically gifted human to probably ever exist to help you practice for a school play. it was just another under budgeted, high school musical rendition of “high school musical” after all, because your school lacked any ounce of originality.  “three,” you took a breathe in, flopping out the lines in your hand so you could easily see, cringing at the noise. “four,” his eyes moved to you, still playing the basic tune, checking to see if you were going to start on time. which, sadly, was a rare occurrence. you tried your best to listen to his cue breathily beginning, “it’s funny-“ “nope, again,” he stopped you immediately, almost ruthlessly. you kicked your feet lightly against the stage, humming in disappointment. “but chenle, whyyy?” it came out in an unintentional whine. he laughed humorlessly, shifting his body so it was facing you, a hand running through his hair. he still had a smile on your face but you were sure it was more from annoyance than happiness. his hand dropped from his hair so he could look you in the eyes, though you could swear he was looking right passed you instead “you were off key, if you kept going, the whole song would have been wrong and we’d be wasting time.” “it seems like we’re wasting time anyways,” you mumbled under your breathe, frustrated, breaking the “eye contact”. you let your head droop towards the ground as you played with the half empty water bottle beside you. “hey,” his loud voice was so much softer now clearly noticing your frustration. he leaned forward on his bench his elbows resting on his knees, hair swooped slightly over his eyelashes, “look at me yn.” you listened to him and were met with his soft droopy eyes gazing right into yours, this time making your heart skip a beat. when he got your attention he started speaking again, awkwardly moving his hands along with his words not knowing what to do with them when he wasn’t playing the piano, “i’m sorry if i’m being too tough on you, i just know you can be great and i want to see that.” you huffed not appreciating his half assed pep talk, falling back on your hands, resting them flat on the floor behind you. “sure, whatever i’ll try harder.” “no yn, that's not what i’m saying. i um- you want to be like gabriella don’t you? work hard and it’ll pay off okay?” he tried, his tone a little stressed but slightly humorous. “gabriella was late to all the rehearsals and try outs, and almost didn’t go to the performance,” your tone was empty and tired, also a little raspy from all the times it had to stop and start. chenle was taken aback for a second, or at least you thought he was, his expression morphed back into the usual small smile almost instantly. “okay then, um, don’t be like her then, be like sharpay.” “but she doesn’t get the role after working hard for years,” you fought back sternly, like this was the subject you were most passionate about in life and not like you were just happy you got to take a break from chenle telling you that you were wrong.  he laughed a little, pushing himself up so now one hand was on his knee and the other was pushing the hair back out of his face. his navy blue sweater flopped open a little as he moved. “just let me have this yn, i’m trying to motivate you!” you were sure he was just as tired as you were having to play the same notes over and over, and the dim lighting of the stage didn’t make it any better. “never,” you fought back a little bite in your voice and he lazily rolled his eyes at you deciding it was best to turn away, back towards the comfort of his piano now. “we’re going again you know the count,” again without any confirmation he began playing, patronizingly calling out the number to you, and this time, just to push his buttons, you started at 3. “stop,” he muttered, before you could even get the second syllable out. “yn, you have to listen to me for the millionth time, it’s 1-2-3-4 and THEN you start singing, please stop missing the beat before i-“ he was keeping his tone low and calm but his hands waved through the air violently as he spoke, until his tangent was broken off by you laughing to the side. with the tiniest admirable smirk on his face he turned to see you giggling on the ground getting amusement from his annoyance.  “you should have seen your face,” you happily expressed through your giggles making him shake his head in disbelief “my face didn’t even move,” if you didn't know better you’d say his voice was almost whining back at you. “yeah but you wanted it too. i saw twitches zhong chenle don’t lie to me!” you cut him off when he tried to interject a finger held in the air just for emphasis “there was no-“ he took a breathe knowing you were just trying to get a reaction out of him, wanting to give into your game, but wanting more to practice at the same time, “let’s just start again and no forgetting how to count this time.” “one.” ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈��┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈« “that’s not the note,” he stopped playing and instead took to guiding you through the song with his finger moving up and down in the air as if you could understand that perfectly. “listen chenle, we can’t all be literal prodigies like you,” like always you began your usual squabble with him that had started to occur almost every time you messed up. or in other words, a lot. “hate to break it to you yn,” he started, tracing his hand over a key while playfully looking into your eyes, “but it doesn’t take a musical genius to be able to sing along to high school musical, zac efron could do it for god sake” “actually zac efron didn’t sing his parts in high school musical,” chenle appeared stunned, like he did every time you said something that he didn’t know, this might not even have been true but it was nice to have rendered him speechless if only for a second. his mouth hung open cutely until he swallowed and spoke again his lips in a small pout “i should just stop using characters as an argument you thwart me every time.” “did you just say ‘thwart’?” you laughed falling forward slightly holding your stomach. he nudged you with his shoulder, looking away embarrassed but still smiling along with you ALSO speaking of him nudging you, after many many practices together chenle finally let you sit beside him on his bench. you took this as a large accomplishment. you’d only seen one person sit on his bench before during normal play rehearsal and he definitely wasn’t welcoming their presence. chenle’s best friend, jisung’s, girlfriend, craving to be liked by everyone, pushed in beside him a few days ago taking up room with not only her form but also her overwhelmingly, extroverted personality. chenle, though clearly uncomfortable, just smiled shyly and opted to show her how to play a few simple chords per her request. it took jisung constant tapping on her shoulders for about five minutes straight to finally get her away with new piano knowledge she’d surely forget seconds after. bUT besides all that, chenle had finally allowed you to sit with him, and that’s all that mattered, even if it did leave room for more nit picking and teasing. “let’s just get back to practicing,” he said through his laugh, straightening his posture. you followed his lead almost comically straightening your back to mock him which just making him laugh more. he playfully pushed your forearm to get your shoulders to fall again, “stop ittt!” you punched your arm out just enough so it missed the piano in front of you and turned your head towards chenle, “stop what chenle, this is my battle position.”
he shook his head and positioned his eyes on the piano, “i’m starting whether you like it for not, so stop fooling around.” “fine,” swiftly your arms were crossed across your chest, an over dramatic pout morphing all your other features, “you’re no fun.” “oh, so that’s how we’re going to be,” he sounded like he was challenging you and not like he had been offended by your comment. chenle cleared his throat, positioned himself and his hands like he was about to play an epic concerto, and then in one quick movement he hit a single key around the center right of the piano, “you need to be here, but you are-“ he then proceeded to smash his hands down on the keyboard to create a loud unpleasant mash of noise, “here.” “heyyy,” you kicked his foot with your own lightly “you’re a bully zhong chenle.” ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈« your eyes were locked with chenle’s as you ran through one of the musical numbers. he was sat off to the side on his piano bench which he seemed to never move from while you were up on main stage, the stage lights blinding the corner of your eyes. it was almost the end of practice and you were tired, the cast was tired, the theatre teacher was tired, but chenle, somehow he had all the energy in the world to dance mockingly off to the side moving cutely around to try to copy your actions. you probably should have been watching your step or at least watching your “co star” because it wasn’t exactly safe with all the basketballs haphazardly thrown around. but instead you couldn’t take your eyes off probably the dorkiest little piano man. “okay, okay CUT!” your teacher called from one of the seats at the back of the room, pushing herself up slightly so she appeared more in charge. the dancing and singing stopped abruptly with her words and you stumbled a little having to be caught by jaemin who happened to be beside you, you could already imagine chenle laughing at you later, “yn dear, for the love of god please pay attention to what’s going on instead of staring at chenle.” you. were. embarrassed. your eyes sunk from the teacher to the ground to chenle who was indeed laughing and back to the ground before nodding and muttering an “um i- okay, sorry.” the teacher nodded back and turned her attention to the smiling boy,  “and chenle,” his expression immediately dropped and you saw him noticeably get shy and swallow “keep up the enthusiasm.” the rest of practice went smoothly, sadly with a lot less chenle dancing and a lot more actually practicing. like always you stayed later with chenle. he would always be waiting for you by his piano as you said goodbye to your friends and cast mates, sometimes he’d play to speed by time and you’d wait a little longer to go to him just to listen. but today zhong chenle wasn’t at his piano, today he was dribbling one of the basketballs that used to be a tripping hazard, across the stage. you leaned your left side on the wall beside you, your arms crossed and a teasing smile prepared on your expression. just as he was about to shoot on the flimsy basketball net some kid had taken off his driveway to help with the set, you snuck up behind him. with a light tap on his arms, you yelled a loud “boo!” causing him to drop the ball out of his hands and spin around towards you with a pout. “what was that for?” he continued to frown even as you smirked and ducked under his gaze to grab the basketball that had stopped rolling on the floor beside him. “i just wanted to show you how a real pro does it,” you said confidently a quick nod to your head and the basketball tucked under your arm. “uh huh sure,” chenle spoke sarcastically lunging forward to grab the ball out of your hands but you dodged his arms and ran a little to the side away from him “is that why it took you so many tries to get the ball in during practice yesterday?” “i just didn’t want to intimidate them with my talents, god chenle,” you moved your hand up to your head as you spoke and the ball rolled away from your grasp. quickly you scampered after it not wanting chenle to get it before you. “right, right sorry i doubted you.” he began walking to his piano again and you knew what that meant, more practicing. “let’s go over the song we stopped on yesterday, yeah?” he expected you to follow, instead you tossed the basketball weakly and it flew about 5 feet in front of you to the left side of the net. you turned on your feet hoping chenle hadn’t noticed and pretending that you had meant for that to happen: of course chenle noticed, he had his hand covering his smile as he laughed. as soon as you saw him as happy as he was, you knew you didn’t want to practice. “no,” you held your ground your feet cemented to the floor. “no?” his laughing haulted and, like the cutie he was, his head tilted in confusion. “i’m hungry” it was the first thing to pop into your head and plus, you really were hungry. somehow though you still sounded confident.  “you’re hungry?” he repeated your words back slower his eyes squinting against the bright stage lights which you hadn’t turned off yet. your eyes rolled the slightest bit and your hand rested on your hip, though you weren’t actually annoyed “what are you a parrot now?” “no,” he said. “i just don’t know how to respond, you don’t have food do you?” “no,” your face scrunched “that’s why i’m hungry.” he opened his mouth to speak but you continued talking “but there are vending machines and you seem like the kind of guy to always have your wallet on you.” “i’m not buying you food.” “but chenleee,” you tried a whine and puppy dog eyes that he never fell for. “no.” “look, i’ve been rehearsing for three hours, THREE HOURS CHENLE, please give me money so i can get us something from the vending machines,” you had your hands together, ready to beg him. originally this was just an excuse but now that you thought about it you were starving and you could already hear your stomach grumbling in the near future. he stood up from his bench dusting off his knees as just a habitat, because really where would he have acquired dust?  “if you can beat me in a basketball game to three, i’ll buy you food.” “you’re on,” and with that chenle lazed across the stage towards the basketball that laid just off stage and his nonchalant movements led you to believe this win would be easy even if you sucked. boy were you wrong. chenle tossed the ball to you which you caught with an oomf not expecting the strength behind it. you let him walk to center stage again before you bowed “what the fuck yn-“ “it’s for honor,” you hissed gesturing for him to do what you did “that’s not how it-“ you looked up in a glare “fine, whatever.” as soon as he awkwardly bowed you ran forward messily dribbling the ball. you heard his initial shock and then a laugh behind you and then seconds later in front of you as he swooped the ball out of your possession. “that’s illegal,” you cried chasing after him as he dribbled to the other side and easily sent it into the basket. he retrieved the ball and turned back to your slumped form smiling “no, that’s one for me.” “you’re not supposed to be good at this,” you sighed as he tossed the ball back in your direction. “come on yn” he said. “if zac efron can do it then you can too” you went to speak your finger up in the air like you were going to correct him again so he spoke faster than you, “what are you going to tell me zac efron didn’t do any of the basketball playing as well?” “no,” you bounced the ball in front of you “i was going to ask you if you only have one pep talk?” “yes i do,” he rubbed his hands together getting ready to play again, “now start dribbling so i can get 2 more points and we can go back to practicing.” “um i think you mean, i get 3 more points and we eat snacks.” “not a chance.” and with your newfound will to beat chenle you ran forward only to get the ball taken from you a second time. this time you reacted faster deciding to latch onto him in true koala form instead of going for the ball. “this-“ he tried to shake you off his back are the ball rolled out of his hands and across the stage again “is not how you play basketball.” “that’s because you’ve never seen my strategy.” “i don’t know what you hope to achieve from this strategy,” he laughed finally shrugging you off.  “snacks.” you answered, “i hope to achieve snacks.” chenle won the game 3-1 sadly, after his second basket he noticed your enthusiasm withering so he “accidentally” fumbled the ball in your direction 3 or 4 times until you finally got it in. his third point was achieved about 3.5 seconds later from the opposite side of the “court” to stop you from getting too cocky. “let’s go practice now,” you groaned and stopped chenle by pulling his arm before he could go back to the dreaded piano. “please chenle, buy me snacks,” you whined trying again with the puppy dog eyes “i’ll name my first born child after you.” “well i don’t think that’s necessary-“ “i’ll mention you in my award acceptance speeches when i’m famous, you’ll be known as zhong chenle the guy who got me snacks and saved my life,” you tugged on his arm more and you could feel him relenting “fine,” he said as he took out his wallet with the hand that wasn’t being pulled by you. “thank you-“ you yelled out happily jumping away from him “but-“ he held $10 in front of you and when you went to grab it he moved it away, “you have to promise me you’ll get famous, cause if you don’t i’m marching straight up to your house and getting my money back.” “of course,” you nodded barely listening to what he said your eyes fixed on the money in his hand which you snatched as soon as he brought it near. you sprinted off down the halls to the nearest vending machine leaving chenle on stage shaking his head with a fond smile. “why did you get apple slices,” chenle asked picking up the cold green plastic they were in and plopping them back on the ground in front of him. “i didn’t know if you were a vegetarian so i didn’t want to offend you,” you responded plopping a chip in your mouth, the bag of which chenle grabbed from your hand the second he noticed. you were both sitting cross legged on the stage floor across from each other the food laying in between you.
chenle waited until he finished his chip to speak, “chips are vegetarian yn, they’re just potatoes.”
“you’re a potato.” 
“that was uncalled for.”
“we’re soaring. flying. there's not a star-” chenle mumbled through the words robotically as he played leaning forward to squint at the lyrics. 
you hit him with your slightly rolled up script, “sing! when i asked you to help with the duet i meant singing.”
“i’m not singing,” chenle leaned back his hands in his lap and no longer on the piano as he shook his head. 
“come on chenle if zac efron can do it you can too,” you laughed taking his stupid pep talk from him. 
he turned his head in your direction amused, “from what i heard zac efron didn’t sing either.”
“not in high school musical maybe,” you said smirking, “but he did in the greatest showman, at least i think he did.”
“you’re a loser.” 
“says you.”
he sighed and straightened out the sheet music on his piano, “let's start again.”
“are you going to sing?” you perked up hoping he would give in like he had for the snacks a few days ago.
“no,” he shook his head again, harder this time, like if he shook his head enough the idea would leave yours.
“please?” you were pouting and he knew it so he decided not to look at you, knowing that over the past few weeks he had been getting softer for your every action. 
“no,” his tone was uncertain and you latched onto that like he knew you would. 
“chenle,” you said this to get his attention hoping he would turn towards you like he usually did but again he refused his leg bouncing beside him. 
your socked feet hit against his piano bench in frustration which you sat on cross legged facing him. “chenle look at me.”
this time he did but he wouldn’t meet your eyes shyly he looked down at the ground beside you. you delicately grabbed his hands from off the piano and into your own.
when you squeezed his hands a little he finally looked into your eyes and you smiled at him, “chenle will you please sing with me?” you asked softly, softer than he’d ever heard your voice before. 
“fine” chenle relented, he knew if he looked into your hopeful eyes for too long he would agree but there was really no helping it. 
“really?” your eyes sparkled not expecting his response and he nodded.
“really.” he cleared his throat, “but don't laugh at how much i suck alright?”
“chenle i’ll only laugh if you're really bad, don’t worry” you watched as his shy expression changed into a pout on his soft lips. then you realized you were looking at his lips. You looked back into his eyes to see him staring back at you with a look of soft wonder.
with a small cough to break the silence and to break your hands apart, you forced a laugh “i’m kidding, i bet you’re great anyways your good at everything else.”
“i can literally do two things,” he laughed. Good, you were back to your usual interactions. 
“well that's two more things than me,” you fought back.
his mouth fell open like you had offended him but his eyes were still friendly, “um shut up, you can sing, you can dance, you can steal my heart,” he made a heart shape with his hands after he spoke.
“you can’t sweet talk me out of making you sing.” 
“and who the fuck still says darn?”
“your mom?”
you hit his shoulder a little harder than usual, “zhong chenle!”
“i’m sorry it just slipped out, i didn’t mean to bring back a joke from the 2000’s,” he looked ashamed but you saw the smile twitching on his lips. jEsus stop looking at his lips.
“i just-” you placed a hand over your heart, your head turned away dramatically, “i just don’t know if we can be friends anymore after that.”
“no i'm leaving,” you said getting up from the bench and grabbed your bag that laid on the ground beside you.
before you could step away he lightly grabbed your wrist in his hand and gently tugged you back in his direction, “don’t leave.”
he was too soft to decline so you huffed, you shrugged your bag off again, and sat back down on the stool.
“good,” he said letting your wrist go and turning to his piano “let’s practice.”
“fine,” you agreed taking in a breath of air “but no piano this time.”
“you want me to sing acapella with you?” he asked in disbelief, doubting you would stick to this seemingly outrageous request.
“yes,” you confirmed quickly.
“okay,” chenle didn’t know why he agreed or why he agreed so easily but he knew he couldn’t back out now without another fight, “so um- how do we start?”
“not so tough without your piano huh?” you teased reaching to his sheet music and handing it to him, “first you probably need the lyrics.”
“good call,” he nodded rocking back, one hand on the bench the other holding the lyrics, and swallowing nervously.
you could see how tense he was and placed a hand over his too try to calm him down a bit, he relaxed slightly under your touch and you began to count him in “one, two, three, four.”
“we’re soaring; flying, there's not a star in heaven that we can’t reach,” his voice was so fucking pretty and he didn’t tell you this before? and for why was he being modest?? his voice was beautiful and it made your heart swell that he had agreed to share it with you and no one else.
“hey,” chenle waved the paper in your face, you blinked and broke yourself out of the thoughts you hadn’t even realized you were trapped in, “you missed your part.”
“you’re so pretty,” it came out in an over dramatic pout then you realized what you said “um- i um meant your voice is pretty.” 
in typical shy boy fashion he looked away, “i um- thank you? but it would be nice if you sang next time too.”
“right, lets go again.”
“whats this?” chenle smirked tilting his head in fake confusion, “yn actually wanting to practice? was my voice that moving?”
“shut up,” you huffed and raised your fingers in a count to start again.
“wheres yn?” jaemin asked leaning over chenle's shoulder as he did the soundcheck for the night.
“what do you mean, ‘where's yn’” he did finger quotes and his face scrunched up slightly annoyed and confused.
“i mean, wheres yn,” jaemin repeated again in the same curious tone “she’s not with the cast so i thought she’d do with you”
“what do you mean she’s not with the cast?” chenle’s voice was louder now trying to hide that he was worried about you when nothing was probably happening.
“I mean shes not with the cast-” jaemin frowned “why do you want me to keep repeating things? are you okay chenle?”
chenle ignored him and quickly finished his soundcheck going off to find you. awkwardly he went up to one of your friends spending the whole time fiddling with his fingers until they told him you had gotten nervous and went to splash some water on your face. 
he spoke quick thank you and wandered down the hall to see if you were okay, hesitantly he knocked on the door “in a minute!” you called from behind it your voice shakier than normal. 
“hey yn, you're on in um-” he looked down at his watch and his heart rate picked up, “literally two minutes, you good?”
“um yeah,” he heard a loud sniff as you walked over to the door and opened it. 
your face was red and you brought a hand up to rub your eyes leaning on the door frame giving chenle a fake smile.
“have you been crying?”
“no,” you sniffed.
he gave you a disbelieving look and you frowned tears spilling from your eyes again, he held his arms open and you immediately fell into them, holding onto him tightly. one arm wrapped around you while his other texted jaemin to tell the teacher they may have to delay the musical a few minutes. 
placing his phone back into his back pocket he brought a hand up to move down your hair calmingly as you cried into his chest.
“yn,” you hummed against him in response until he moved you back his hands on your shoulders, holding you about a foot away. he cautiously brushed a tear away with his thumb, “you’re going to do great and i’m the harshest critic in the world, you of all people know that.”
“yeah,” you sniffed again “but you like me now, so it’s not the same.”
you smiled sadly at your own comment and he smiled with you “i’ve always liked you.”
“okay, maybe i didn’t like you when we first met because you cut in line and took the last of the pizza,” chenle agreed, you humphed at him, a little glare in your eyes “but i liked you the second time i saw you, you know when you accidentally threw a pencil at my head, i really needed a pencil that day.”
you giggled and chenle was happy he was making progress. 
“this isn’t like your usual pep talks,” you teased, biting your lip as you looked up at him.
“well after a while i learned every single character in high school musical is actually corrupt and maybe not the best people for motivation.” 
“good call,” you nodded, “but you’re not even going try? i like shutting your pep talks down.”
“fine um-“ he said thinking “you can do this yn be like kelsi and sing your heart out.”
“she played piano she didn’t-“
“you get my point,” he smiled his pretty smile and you couldn’t help but smile back, “and you’re going to do great, so get on out there before they kill you and i for keeping them waiting.”
“okay.” you nodded and he let your shoulders go so you could run together to the stage where everyone was panicking, and before you parted ways you gave him a quiet thank you.
you felt the adrenaline and pride rush through you as you finished the final number in the musical. you couldn’t stop a smile that took over your entire face from forming. 
you took your bow, immediately after looked to the side hoping chenle was paying attention and there he was standing at his piano at the side of the stage giving you a standing ovation, your eyes met and he smiled so proudly. 
you felt yourself lose control of your body as you ran towards him and jumped into his unsuspecting arms, your arms wrapping around his neck and your legs around his hips. it took him a second to regain his balance from the unexpected hug but once he had, he wrapped his arms tightly around your waist. 
“you did so good,” you leaned back so you could see his face and he could see yours. he was smiling. you were smiling. god was probably smiling but you couldn’t be sure. he spun you once as you both laughed and stopped looking you in the eyes “i’m so proud of you.” 
then you noticed how close his face was to yours, your eyes dropped to his lips and you could tell his did the same, your breathe was heavy from the performance as well as the close contact, chenle began to lean in and you both start laughing again. your head fell to his shoulder while you laughed together.
after a few seconds, and realizing that everyone could still see you both he put you down and shyly stepped away. his head ducking and flushed.
“i’ll um- see you later yn?” he said and you felt a little disappointed as he disappeared backstage without even waiting for your response. 
you turned back around to see your friends all huddled together laughing and talking so you quickly ran back to join in. 
“what are you doing man?” jisung asked having walked backstage to see chenle with his face leaned up against the brick wall. 
“kicking myself,” chenle mumbled back.
“why aren’t you with yn?” jisung asked and chenle groaned flipping around just to frown at jisung.
“because i’m stupid.” 
“that you are my friend,” jisung agreed.
you hadn’t seen chenle for the rest of that night but day 2 of performing was today and you were determined to not let him just walk away on you again. 
as soon as you entered the room your eyes snapped to the piano which luckily chenle was still sat at. he wasn’t playing just shuffling through his endless sheet music so you knew you wouldn’t be interrupting anything.
quickly you moved over to him, fixing your posture so your walk was full of false confidence and authority.
“chenle-“ you tapped his shoulder and slid into the spot beside him on his bench. 
“yn,” he mumbled his eyes keep flashing to your lips making it hard to think about anything but kissing him.
“what are you up to?” your voice was as soft as his and was hard to raise above a whisper just as much trapped in a daze as he was. 
“oh you know just um- piano” he smiled leaning to the side and accidentally resting his arm on the keys only to bounce off when they made a loud sound. you giggled at his actions and he cursed himself for ruining the moment but it had only made you want him more. 
“that’s-“ you started not sure of what to say “fun.” 
“yeah its um- can i kiss you?” chenle didn’t know where the confidence had come from or even where the words had come from but they were definitely there, they had been said, holy shit.
chenle was in panic, you were going to reject him, he was going to lose you, he was going to die alone and have 50 cats, wait maybe that’s actually not too bad-
“yes,” you hummed. oh. that wasn’t what he expected. 
chenle cupped your cheeks and your eyes drooped close. his heart practically fluttered out of his chest when his lips met yours and he could already feel his palms getting sweaty. he dropped his hands from his cheeks and you moved yours to wrap loosely around his neck pulling him closer but that just caused your foreheads to crash together. with a giggle from you and a groan chenle you pulled apart awkwardly placing a hand on your forehead where his had hit.
“sorry,” you laughed, your smile huge on your face and so was his, as carefree as you’d ever seen it despite the pain echoing in his head. 
“no, it’s fine,” his words were slow and breathy and sounded just as smiley as he looked. “but i don’t think gabriella would have messed up like that, or zac efron.” 
your mouth fell open and your hands flew to your hips “SHUT UP!!” 
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[dorky-self-shipper] 🎫 here’s a gush pass :3 feel free to gush about whichever f/o you want, however much you want, then send this ask to 3 other selfshippers
Oh, my friend!!! Ahhh thank you so much for sending this in!! I have been a bit iffy because some things in my life have been piling up, but!!! I am so excited to dig into this!!! I really need a good gushing session haha!
Today's target for gushing hours with your girl Ash is none other than Yaag Rosch!
This ended up being pretty long, and is a mix of lore, screaming, keyboard smashes, his gorgeous design, and more screaming.
Saying that this man lives in my head rent free is an understatement. He is all I think about it. Honestly, I think it's funny considering Yaag's role in FF13. He's only around in the first game, and shows up in like five cutscenes.
Also. We get crumbs of him in the novels. More on that later. Back to the game.
All he does is "hey yall suck" "your lives don't matter" "uhh i need to kill you guys" "oh wait no i'm not evil" "*dies*"
But!!! He's very cool!! His character is so interesting to me. He's so driven to do whatever it takes, but beneath his actions, there's always an edge of hesitation. He seems like he comes off as so sure of himself, but... I'm not sure about that. Now, I can't say anything for sure because the writers hate him, I really liked those few moments where we get to see his actual thoughts.
For example, "Do you think we want to Purge our own people?!" And things like that where you see him question his orders. I feel like there's a lot of underlying hatred, distrust, and overall fear of the system.
Also, his development from "They aren't people, they're targets." to "I'll trust in your humanity." Gets me every single time.
Also don't get me started on his "if this is my punishment... i accept it." when he's bleeding line.
I am here to gush, not analyze. But both are happening anyway.
I feel as though he puts a lot of thought into what he says and how he acts, and I really do admire that.
For context, Lieutenant Colonel Yaag Rosch is this military higher-up guy. I remember seeing him for the first time and my jaw simply dropping. I know that these games have a history with hot villains. After all, I am an FF7 fan. I have seen the SOLDIERS, I have seen the Turks, I've seen Rufus. They're all hot.
There. I said it.
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This intro scene gave us some damn good food. Like??? The silver hair??? The ponytail??? The scar on his forehead??? The overly dramatic speech about how the protagonists need to be eliminated??AJKLFNAWKJFNAWKLJFNWILEN.
(Also, I'm beginning to see the resemblance he has to Felix. I am a very predictable woman, aren't I?)
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I am actually going to scream. He’s so handsome!!! His jaw!! His eyes are such a pretty color too!!! I wanna give him a kiss ahhh!! Especially on his forehead scar!!! He's so... woah.
Also, he has a really, really nice voice. Like??? WOW. I want this man to like. narrate my life. Here, lemme find some clips of him talking.
Here. Enjoy.
This one is a fan favorite as well.
It's not a Rick roll. I promise.
..... Unless?
Anyways, as time went on, I realized that he's actually such a deep and interesting character?? He gets done dirty by the writers and the game, but the potential he has makes me so excited!! There's so much material to work off of!!! Truly one of the more interesting villains the trilogy has to offer. Honestly, it's kind of difficult going through the second game knowing that he isn't there.
However, it's also difficult going through the second game because I??? Can't beat?? The goddamn boss fight??? I'm also playing on easy mode. I didn't struggle this much during the first game either. What the hell, Ash.
Back to the actual topic.
I'm gonna start off with his design before we delve into s/i lore and fun tidbits.
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(His coat is so cool... Do you think he'd let me wear it? I'd probably waddle around in it because he's pretty tall and I. I am not.
He's around 6'2 (around almost 188 cm..? I think?), but take into account his boots too. Which means that normally he's slightly taller. That means that he's about a foot taller than me. That means that I'm pretty much the perfect height to bury my face in his chest. *screams*)
Talk about a kickass design. He's really cool to look at. Not only, uhm, *blushes*, but because of how cool his outfit is too! It does a really good job of portraying that "heyyy i'm super importtanntttt" energy that he has. He carries himself like he's the shit. And you know what? He is.
He's pretty professional. Minus the times he gets kinda pissed. The novels say, and I quote,
"They said he was the most straitlaced man in PSICOM - if you put serious and stubborn in a military uniform, you'd get Colonel Rosch."
And yeah. That basically sums it up.
Also, there's this scene where he gets all pissed and pulls out his sword and I'm over here like *insert debby ryan hair thing here*. I'm telling you, it's always the sword boys that get me. I'm sure you've noticed that by now. I don't know what it is but. It's a thing.
Oh!!! Oh!!! Speaking of the *tucks hair behind ear*, there's this one scene where he's chasing the protagonists. And he goes, "Clever, aren't you?"
That scene is truly a masterpiece. Thank you for the good food, Squeenix. I remember having to take a moment to just pause and regather myself. Actually, I had to do that the first time I saw him too-
I wasn't alone at the time when he was introduced so I was just silently like "ohmygodhellosir ajrfnaklwenjklwenjklrn" but oh my GOODNESS.
My s/i works with him! She's pretty much his right hand woman. She always has reports and intel on all their missions ready to go! I find it cute how well they work together, be it for mission-related matters, or just when they're relaxing together.
Just like pretty much all of my other s/is, she's a raging academic and total nerd. In the first game, they basically live on this human paradise called Cocoon. It ends up not being so great because the gods want to murder humanity but anyways! Education is pretty much free and you can study whatever you're passionate about. That's why she has studied just so many things.
She's not exactly the type who aspired to join the military, but alas! Things happened. I like to think of it as a "heyyyy y'all needed my help once and then once turned to twice and twice to thrice and then i never left" type thing.
Oh, and then she fell in love with Yaag while she was there.
Her cheery attitude is a direct opposite to his, but they're also able to have some very serious conversations with each other. I love their dynamic so much! Also, he can get a bit softer when he's opening up to her and,,, Soft Yaag??? Hoo boy.
Her motives and beliefs tend to align a bit more with the Cavalry branch, but i feel as though she fits in better with PSICOM. Also, the book describes the soldiers to be a bunch of dumbass dorks and just the thought of her smiling and cracking jokes with all of Yaag's men make me super happy.
Oh and she gets a cool uniform too! Because I said so.
Now, they've known each other for years by the time the end of the first game rolls around. They're happy together, maybe even engaged! It can go one of two ways here. He either dies or he doesn't.
I like adhering really closely to canon with my ships (*laughs in genesis angst*) but I also think it would be a blast if he were to survive.
In the novels after his death, some recordings of his are found. It's basically him talking about how the government sucks from the inside. A character finds these and reveals them to the public to get rid of the old government and an invite a newer one that actually cares about the people. However, it's never quite stated how he got those recordings. And that's where Ash steps in.
She brings them to his attention and helps him out, but then returns to live with the rest of the remaining soldiers in that camp they set up in the second novel. They all look up to her as a leader-type, which I find is really funny because she doesn't exactly have the qualifications? She worked with PSICOM, but was never exactly a soldier. But hey, it's right after the world (quite literally) fell apart, I don't think that anybody cares about that.
Also, there's another chapter where Snow ends up visiting, and she has a friendly chat with him!!! She helped out the protagonists a little bit near the end of the first game, so they have a slight idea of who each other are, but that doesn't exactly change the fact that she fell under the category of villain for a lot of it, despite not actually being a bad person. I also think that their dynamic would be fun. Snow also just makes me really happy LMAO.
I think that this version of Ash is really fun just because of how much the experience hardens her? She spends a lot of time grieving. Also!!! Whether or not she makes a cameo in 13-2 (maybe near the ruins early game?) is totallllyyyy up to you hehe! I think it would be neat for her to talk to the protagonists of that game, especially since Yaag was the one who orchestrated the Purge and at the ruins, there's a huge monument of the names of people who were killed there.
Also, whether or not she has a son here is up to you. I like to think of all my ideas all happening in alternate timelines so everything I want can happen without stepping on other events? I imagine their child to have Yaag's pretty silver hair with Ash's brown eyes.
Also, 13-2 is about time travel so like. The protagonists meeting their child in the future when he's all grown up? Good stuff.
But hey, in the main timeline she's alone after Yaag's death. She helps the other characters. I also think that in time, she does work for the Academy? I mentioned that she's pretty nerdy earlier, so that definitely helps out. She's super cool!!! Such a badass!!!
Now, on the flipside of things, what if he survived? Then what happens? shameless self promo
Yaag still has those recordings, and they do still reach Captain Rygdea. They both live in the small village that the remnants of PSICOM created. It's a sweet life. Are fankids a thing in their future? Yeah, probably.
I feel like Yaag would be a really good dad. I headcanon that he has a very strong relationship with his own father as well. He's caring and stern, but also knows when to turn down the serious scale. The novels also say that he likes kids!?!?!? I know I've screamed about this point like 24892 times on my blog. But.
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It's so cute??? Who would expect this super serious and mean man who quite literally says that the protagonists aren't people, they're targets to like children of all things???? It really is my favorite thing ever just because of how cute it is. I also have a few tiny cousins in my family, so him playing with them makes me very soft too.
("Would you please stop tugging on my hair- Ash, this is not a laughing matter!" "Oh, but it so is.")
I think that detail really helps hint at him having a more gentle side? And I adore that.
Also, I mentioned how Snow pays a visit to the PSICOM camp after the events of the first game? I think that would be very interesting with Yaag there because before Yaag dies in canon, Snow says, "Stay alive. We'll see you when it's over."
And now he finally gets to see him. The conversation would get surprisingly deep and definitely dive into Yaag's motives and real thoughts about his actions in the game. I really enjoy the few interactions those two have in the game.
Anyways, now that we've gotten that out of the way, let's dig into the meat and potatoes of this ship.
In 13-2, they get a separate dlc side story just to themselves. Because I said so. I'm not sure how the plot of this works, but it's basically them exploring Gran Pulse together. Maybe to map things out? Maybe to get better acquainted with the world they thought was a hell their whole lives? Maybe there's some sort of big mission they have to do? We'll figure it out.
Basically, it's a whole side story of them exploring and kicking monster ass together. The combat is regular 13 combat.
Yaag has his sword along with some explosives (we see him carry some grenades at the end when he blew himself up). And Ash also has a sword because I like swords.
In the game, usually only l'Cie, or magic god slaves, can use magic. However, after the fal'Cie (magic gods) go poof at the end of the end of the first game, some normal humans can use magic? It makes no sense and exists only for plot convenience, but I'm not complaining because it makes my plot easier too.
My point is, Ash can use magic! Because A) she's quirky mage material B) we need a balanced team C) Every single version of Ash so far has been a mage. D) I like magic a lot. Would be my go-to as well.
Also, if you're interested in how they work in battle, roles divide up very nicely between them.
Yaag has: -Commando (physical attacks) -Sentinel (beefy tanks) -Sabuteur (debuffing enemies)
Ash has: -Ravager (magic goes brrr) -Medic (i think you know) -Synergist (buffing allies) -Commando (physical attacks)
Maybe Yaag could get medic too to balance off the load in battle? They're a blast in combat because they really do compliment each other.
Anyways, back to the adventure.
It's the two of them traveling around. The main focus of it is their conversations as they travel. There's a lot of fun banter. Ya know how like when you're walking around in Naughty Dog games and your characters are just chatting? Yeah. That.
Their conversations are super random and they cover pretty much every single topic ever. They go from really serious to them just being stupid. I love their friendly banter.
Also, when they set up camp and are about to sleep, we get to see sleepy Yaag in action. And do you know what that means?
It means we get to see Yaag with his hair done a bit looser, maybe even down!!! Yaag with his hair down is all I want to see. It's what we deserve. It's what we need. The day that I see Yaag with his hair down is the day i achieve true happiness LMAO.
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It's what we need.
Ash playing with his hair??? Yes, I most definitely think so.
Oh and there is totally a "Yaag, I'm cold." "Allow me to help remedy that. *pulls her closer*" type moment because they're cute like that.
All in all, their travels are really fun. Maybe somewhere around there they run into the protagonists? Either from the first game or the second game. I think that would be a fun mess.
I feel like Yaag can show a softer side of him around her and that makes me really happy. He deserves to be happy and I love him very much.
I think about him all the time, and just the thought of him holding me makes me so happy. He really is just adorable.
Before I wrap this up, I have a few more things I want to speak about! Firstly, allow me to share one of my favorite pictures of him because oh. my. god.
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The urge to backhug him!!! Ahh!!! He's so cute!!!! I just wanna hold him aelajflanef.
One of my favorite pre-relationship moments from them is this one time where Yaag is pretty down in the dumps, and Ash is talking to him about it and offering her advice. And as she talks, she gently places a hand over his (they're seated side by side btw). He looks up at her in shock, and she takes back her hand is like, "O-oh! I'm so sorry, I should've asked first, I just thought tha-"
And then he just snatches her hand back and gently holds it. You can see the tips of his ears burning red haha! I think that they're pretty cute ajfwnjklef
She always tries her best to take care of him, too! He needs a hug, and she is more than happy to provide. She always tries to remind him to eat his meals on time and such, even if she can be questionable at following her own advice at times. She can also be a bit of a tease sometimes, so he can get pretty annoyed (not really, he thinks it's cute) sometimes.
However, he also does his best to take care of her. Would he pull the "that's an order." card after she refuses to rest, pulling several late-nighters for work? Yeah. Probably. He's very caring, even if he can come off as very serious and scary sometimes.
To wrap things up, I love Yaag Rosch.
Thank you for your time.
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grapesodatozier · 4 years
I Knew You’d Haunt All of My What-Ifs
madwheeler pining!! max is drunk and calls mike to drive her home. title from cardigan by taylor swift (yes it came out 17 hours ago and i have already named a fic after it lmao)
rating: teen and up
tags: underage drinking, almost confessions, high school, modern au, pining
words: 2,247
read on ao3 or below!!
The room only spun a little as Max washed her hands. Mostly it was a pleasant, fluid, buzzing feeling. It was warm and she grinned to herself as she swayed a bit. Parties were fun, but there was something about being drunk in a stranger’s bathroom that made her giggle. It was just fun, and it was the point when she realized how truly far gone she was.
Once out, she quickly found her friends in the throng of people in the crowded house. They were friends she’d made in class and known for a few years, and they were getting a few parties in before they went their separate ways for college. Max really liked them, but she had her doubts about how well the relationships would hold up after college. The only people she was really sure she’d always be friends with were the other party members. Still, she liked these girls, they were nice and funny and went to parties that her closest friends were too shy to go to, so she wanted to make sure she got some time in with them now. 
“Max,” one of them, Katie, said, “I think we’re gonna head out now, do you have a way to get home?”
Shit. No, that had slipped Max’s mind. She knew if she asked that the other girls would walk her home, but they all lived on the complete other side of town, and she didn’t want to triple their walk. “Yeah, my friend’s picking me up,” she lied. “I’ll see you soon?” And then they were all hugging her goodbye and disappearing.
Max sighed and waited a bit before heading outside. She may have been better than the rest of the party at socializing, but she would never be a mingler, and most of the people at this party she hoped to never see again. So she walked to the curb and sat at the edge of the property, grateful for the fresh air that filled her lungs and cooled her heated cheeks. She pulled out her phone; it was nearly one in the morning. She knew that in the grand scheme of things, any of her friends would be happy to help her out—a party member requires assistance, yada yada, sweet nerd sentiments. Still, she felt bad calling so late. So she wasn’t quite sure why she was calling the person who would express that annoyance most freely, but the phone was already ringing.
“Max?” Mike’s confused voice came through on the second or third ring. He sounded so cute. As much as sober Max would never admit it, she really did love Mike’s voice. Even when he was whining he sounded kind of adorable, especially when it was over something small.
“Heyyy,” Max drawled, giggling a bit. Okay, so maybe she was a little drunker than she had thought. 
“Oh my god, are you drunk?” Mike asked, exasperated.
“Maybe a little.”
She could hear Mike sigh. “And you’re drunk calling me why?”
Max’s heart was racing now. She shouldn’t be asking this, but it was too late, and the thought of seeing Mike, of being alone with him this late at night had too strong a pull for her drunk self to resist. “I kind of need a ride home. If you’re up, that is, if you’re in bed it’s fine, don’t worry about it.” As her cheeks heated up, she began to ramble: “Honestly, actually, I should just walk, it’s not that far—”
“Where are you?” Mike cut her off. Max leaned over and found the green street sign, reading off the name. “Max, that’s like a forty minute walk from your house, you’re not doing that by yourself at night while drunk. I’ll be there in like five or ten minutes, okay? Just stay there.” 
“Okay,” Max said. She figured she wasn’t in any position to tell him not to tell her what to do, and she found that she didn’t want to. 
She lay back when she heard him hang up, staring up at the stars to pass time. It made her smile to remember what Mike had said, that he wasn’t willing to let her walk home by herself. She knew that he cared about her, but hearing him make it so explicitly clear had her blushing and grinning up at the stars like a middle schooler. 
The time became liquid as she thought about Mike while absently tearing at the grass beneath her. She began to worry that he would be mad at her. But when his car rolled to a stop beside her, he was climbing out of it immediately, calling her name as he rushed to her side. “Max? Max, oh my god, are you okay?”
Max giggled as she smiled up at him, still lying in the grass. “I’m super,” she grinned. The world spun as she sat up, and she had to lean into Mike to not fall over again. His t-shirt was thin and soft under her fingers, and she could feel how warm his skin was under the fabric. It made her head swim, the thought of touching his chest, running her fingers over his skin, feeling his heartbeat under her palm. Her eyes focused on his neck as she caught her bearings again, then looked up into his eyes. The deep brown seemed to glow gold under the streetlight.
“You almost gave me a fucking heart attack!” Though his voice was chiding, he was incredibly gentle with her as he helped her up. Max smiled when she noticed the blue plaid pajama pants he had on. God, he was cute. “Don’t fucking lie on your back when you’re drunk, you could choke on your own vomit! I thought you were dead or passed out or something!”
“Aw, were you worried about me?” Max sing songed as she walked around to the passenger side. She tried to make it teasing, but the vodka softened it, revealing how touched she was by it. Blushing, she hastily climbed into the passenger seat to escape the look Mike was giving her.
“Of course I was worried about you,” he said as he got into the car beside her. His voice was exasperated, but much softer than it had been. Max busied herself with putting on her seatbelt so she wouldn’t have to look at him.
“Thank you for coming to get me,” she whispered as Mike started the car. “I’m sorry I made you come out.”
She shouldn’t have been, but she was surprised to hear Mike say, “Don’t be. I’m glad you called me.” 
“Of course! I don’t know what kind of friends you hang out with that would leave you at a party, but I’m glad you know I’m there for you even if they’re not.” 
“It was my fault,” Max explained, “I didn’t wanna make them walk me home and then walk all the way back, so I told them I had a ride.”
“They should’ve stayed with you. What if some creep had found you alone? What if you were drunker than they realized and went running off somewhere and got in trouble?”
Max was taken aback by the venom in Mike’s voice. Sure, she knew how protective he was—hell, it was pretty much his biggest defining trait—but he’d never directed it so fiercely at her. He chided her for taking turns too sharply, or being careless on her skateboard, but it was never with more than a shake of his head. But now she could see his fingers gripping the steering wheel just a little harder than he needed to. Now other people had been careless with Max, and apparently that made a world of difference for Mike. The realization made Max glow.
She looked at his face. He was watching the road. It was dark in the car, but she could make out his profile, illuminated by the street lamps and moonlight and the glows that came from the houses around them. His hair looked fluffier than usual, a little messy, and the fuzzy, liquid warmth that encompassed Max drove her to run her fingers through it. 
“Max!” Mike swatted at her, but he was laughing. “Stop it, I’m driving!”
“But it’s so soft!” Max giggled, resting her hand on Mike’s shoulder. God, Mike was cute. Why was he so cute? Why did he have to have such soft hair and such a nice voice? “So is your shirt,” she added, playing with the material between her fingers. She shivered as her knuckles brushed against the warm, soft skin of Mike’s neck. 
“Wow, you are drunk,” Mike grinned. There was a light blush in his cheeks that made Max want to kiss them. Luckily, she still had some self restraint. 
She didn’t want this moment to end. She so rarely got moments alone with Mike; she never knew how to ask for them. And now here they were, alone in a car on the deserted streets of their suburban town, college looming over them. She’d be in California soon, and while the warmth and the waves were a welcome future, she couldn’t help but mourn all of the memories she had here, all of the moves she’d never made. All of the maybes she’d never chased.
“Mike?” she said softly, her hand still on his shoulder.
He must’ve sensed the shift in the mood, as he was just as quiet as he gave a small, “Yeah?”
“You know I love you, right?” The words came spilling out. Not a confession, not the whole one, but nothing sober Max could ever find the words or the courage or the moment to say. “Like, I know I give you a hard time, but I love you. You’re a really good friend.”
Mike smiled the bashful smile that made Max’s heart flutter; he smiled like he’d never gotten a compliment before, like he couldn’t believe it. “You’re a good friend, too.” He didn’t say it back. It made Max sad for a moment, but she understood. Neither of them were good at explicit iloveyous, and he was sober. He was telling her he loved her by driving her home. Max understood the way he worked by now, so she was more than happy with what she got, really. But the melancholy, the time ticking down, it still weighed on her. 
“Will you still be my friend after college?” Max didn’t mean for her voice to be so watery, she really didn’t, and she wasn’t crying, but maybe her lower lip was shaking a little. 
For the first time since he’d started the car, Mike turned to look at her. He had the sweet little furrow between his brows, a calculating look in his eyes. Concern. He was looking at her and he cared, and Max wanted to melt into that feeling and stay there for as long as she could. “Of course we’ll still be friends,” he said. Max loved that passion that was in his voice, she loved hearing Mike talk about stuff he cared about, stuff he really meant. He had such a fire that stoked Max’s, and she liked to think she knew how to get him riled up as well. But that wasn’t what she wanted right now. What she wanted—well, what she wanted the vodka gave her. She leaned over the center console to rest her head on Mike’s shoulder. “Max, I’m driving,” he said, but it was half hearted this time, his voice soft, and he didn’t make her move. He took his turns gently, let her rest. Max closed her eyes and let it sink in: the way he smelled like laundry detergent; how warm and soft he was; the car vibrating softly around them. She tried not to kick herself for not seeking this out sooner.
Far too soon for her liking, they rolled up to her house. She sat up with a sigh, but she didn’t pull away. She didn’t look at Mike either. She just. Stayed for a moment before shifting back a bit to look at Mike. He looked so beautiful, even if it was dark in his car. She could see his eyes roaming over her face. The air was still, the houses all dark, no one on the street. It was like they were the only two people in the world. 
“Thanks for driving me home.” Her voice sounded all too loud as it broke the silence between them.
“Of course.” Mike surprised her by running his thumb lightly over her hand. God, Max wanted to know what his fingers would feel like laced between her own. “Text me in the morning to let me know you’re alive, okay?” he asked with a smile. Max rolled her eyes but grinned back at him. 
“As long as I’m not dead.” 
They stayed still another moment, Mike’s hand still just barely on hers. Leaning into the warm liquid courage, Max leaned forward and kissed Mike’s cheek, quick and panicked. Then she was saying goodnight and climbing out of his car, rushing inside. From her living room, she watched his car linger for a moment before pulling away. And as she brushed her teeth, and changed into her pajamas, and fell into bed, and lay awake, the whole time she felt the downy soft feeling of Mike’s skin tingling on her lips, the warmth of his blush spreading through her chest.
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marley-yao · 3 years
Marli | The Beginning of Ever After
Pairing - Marley Yao & Li Shang Jr. ( @lishangjr )
Time - Beginning of winter break.
Setting - Horse riding trail/River
Summary - Marley and Li go horseback riding to spend time alone together, finally finding their way into each other’s hearts. 
Marley was excited for many things this coming break, to see Li again with nothing like school or work keeping them busy and to see her family and horses again. It always pained Marley to leave them alone when she went away for school but they were almost always the first ones she tended to whenever she came home. Eager to get some time with Li and the horses she invited him to the ranch they lived in. A brush was sitting on a stool nearby, she grabbed it and looked over at Li before she took a few steps towards him.
"I feel like I should know this, but how often have you ridden one before?" she asked as she held a hand out for him to take the brush from her.
Hanging out with Marley was always a good time, and they'd made a good effort to keep in touch even though they weren't technically in school together anymore; phone calls and Facetime and random dinners were great, but it wasn't a substitute for real one on one time. Northern Wei was his favorite place to be, and being here with his favorite person was the best bonus in the world.
He took the brush from her with a gentle smile. "Often enough. I rode more when I was younger, and you know I got busy with other things when we went to Auradon City so it's been a bit. Hopefully I'm not out of practice. Where are we taking them today?"
Marley had been thinking about the holiday break for a long time. Especially with the talk she'd been getting from her closest friends. The advice she'd received to bring IT up. But she couldn't bring herself to do it. For a lot of reasons, one being that she didn't want to ruin any of the time they get to spend together unencumbered by daily life schedules.
"I'm sure you'll pick it back up immediately." she stood next to the horse and stroked it lightly as she gazed at the girl. "There's this trail out back behind the ranch. it leads to this beautiful river. you'll love it!"
"I sure hope so. If I don't, I'm counting on you not to leave me behind," Li teased. "That really does sound perfect. Lead the way." With that, he pulled himself onto his horse with -- thankfully -- minimal effort; he was very athletic but he hadn't done this in a while, so if he embarrassed himself in front of Marley, it would've been mortifying.
"Oh, if you fall behind it's on you to catch up." Marley jokes as she walked over to the next stall to her horse. she pulled herself on top of it, slinging her leg to other side and holding onto the reigns and signaled to the horse to start walking out the barn, walking slowly to make sure Li was behind her. "got it?" she called behind to him.
Li started at the reigns for a moment, taking a moment to remember how to get the horse to move the way he wanted. Once he told hold of it, it was almost like second nature and he got the horse out of the stall a moment after Marley's had. "I think I'm remembering," he called to her before getting the horse to hurry up so that he could be as close to Marley's side as possible. He didn't just mean the horse stuff; being back in Northern Wei, doing fun things with Marley, the rest of the world feelings miles away... it was one of his favorite feelings in the world. "I was going to say we should race to the river but I kind of want to take my time. Is it bad to say it's times like these that I don't miss Auradon City at all?"
"Heyyy, you got it!" She cheered on once Li was able to catch up, Marley gripped the reigns to make the horse start trotting in the direction they were headed. She chuckled a little. These little moments were always the ones she loved the most. When nothing else mattered but the two of them. "Oh my god, same!" She exclaimed as she rode steadily towards the river. "It's probably not great that I wish we could just run away together somewhere like this but then I remember that isn't really possible." her hand reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "i mean, we're making do with what we can but it's just like not enough. I knew I'd miss you but this is like insane not getting to see you almost everyday." her feelings always poured out easily when talking to him. but at times the gate was so widely opened that she would almost slip up and add in the parts about how she not only wished they were just physically together but really together.
Li felt a warmth spread across his face when Marley cheered him on; any little thing he did was always, without fail, made more special when he had Marley's support. It was one of those things he'd always known but that he'd only realized was a sign that he was in love with her until recently. Now, when she spoke about running away together hypothetically and it made his heart pound harder than any workout could, Li wondered how he'd ever not known. It was nice to know that she missed him too, even if it probably wasn't in the same way. After all, nothing had happened after their Moment and he didn't want to remind her of it, in case she ended up feeling guilty about his and Summer's ending. He didn't want any bad feelings for Marley, ever. "I knew I'd miss you too but it's kind of crazy how much I do. Maybe we should run away together," Li joked, before thinking for a second and adding, "but no, too many people would miss us. It'd be easier if we just lived together." The words came out of him before he could help it and he hastened to add, "Or we could just have weekly in-person dinners and fall asleep talking on the phone more often."
His smile. Honestly, Marley could watch him smile for ages. It sent butterflies to her stomach everytime they would have moments like these. Then she realized she probably shouldn't have been staring so long and turned her gaze ahead of her to continue down their path. "I didn't expect it to be this much either. It's not like we haven't been apart before." A light chuckle left her lips as she glanced at him, her heart skipping a beat with his string of words. running away together, moving in together. before she could dwell on it and what it means, he'd already moved on. or took it back. she couldn't really figure out which one it was, she assumed the latter. "Yeah, or that. We could totally do that and just hang out more often. It'll be nice to see you around whenever possible. So long as you you don't mind watching me looking a bit of a mess... and watching your sister dancing in the background." Marley laughed petting the horse stuff. As much as she'd hoped that their one almost kiss wouldn't be it, she was getting the impression it was. She'd tried going on a date with Anthony to move on, especially with the whole movie moment meeting, but all she could think about was Li the whole time. Still Marley didn't know if she wanted to tell him about that or not. "We're almost there!" She gleamed hearing the soft running water from a distance.
"I guess it's kind of different now," Li mused almost to himself; Marley was right, after all, they hadn't been joined at the hip their whole lives, but every time they were apart now just felt longer and sadder and worse. He was surprised Marley was feeling it too, since he knew that it had gotten worse for him upon realizing how much she meant to him, but Marley was probably just being empathetic and mind like always. "I've never seen you look a mess," Li laughed, "but I always want to see you, no matter what you look like, so that's fine by me. I just feel like I must be missing out on your life and I hate that feeling. I want to know it all." He was getting too mushy, he could feel it, but oh well. He could blame it on the gorgeous view coming up ahead of them instead of the gorgeous view riding the horse alongside him. "Wow, is that where we're going?" Li asked, amazed.
"It is..." Marley nodded to herself, she knew why it was different to her. Because she loves him, and not in the way that all best friends love each other. She didn't know what made it feel different for him, maybe because after college and there's no guarantee of seeing each other after it. Nope, she doesn't like the idea of that at all. "You definitely have." she laughed off the compliment, shaking her head. "Well maybe, you're just immune to post work Marley." She chewed on her bottom lip, feeling a little guilty. There were things that she'd kept from him that she wouldn't usually keep from him before. She thought about saying something then before they arrived. The thought being pushed into the back of her mind. "Yeah! We're here!" She smiled widely, as she slowed the horse down to a stop by the trees. "Isn't it beautiful?" She loved it here, it was like her own private getaway.
"Or maybe any Marley is always a welcome sight," Li quipped back, willing to let it drop if she didn't want to take the compliment, though; maybe it was too intimate even, telling her how amazing she looked all the time, and he needed to chill and just be her best friend the way he used to be. But that was a hard line to walk when he'd always complimented her and always thought the world of her, even before what had happened. At least they were finally there at the bank of a gorgeous river. Li's horse slowed down too and he got off of it, eyes wide at the scenery. "I love it," he breathed, going over to Marley's horse to offer her a hand to help her down. They both knew Marley didn't need any help getting off a horse, but still, he wanted to offer just in case. Besides, finding excuses to hold her hand lately had been thrilling.
"Thank you, Li." She could go back and forth but it was no use, he'd always win this game. Marley could feel the warmth growing in her face. She wondered if Li would be able to tell. That wouldn't be good at all. He always compliments her, it doesn't mean what she wishes it to mean. Her head turned as if to get a view of the land around them, really just giving her time to erase the growing blush on her face. "I knew you would. This place almost just... feels magical." She was relieved her blush faded away by the time he walked over to her and offered his hand. There he was again, being the prince in her life again. Her hand reached to his, grasping it firmly as she climbed off the horse. Once she hit the ground she kept her hand in his without a second thought, walking towards the stream. I'm the back of her mind she kept thinking about how to talk to him about her failed attempt at dating. But unsure of how the conversation would steer, Marley decided to wait until they'd at least gotten settled or comfortable before she brought it up. Soon, she kept telling herself. Just at the right time. "I really wish it were spring or summer right now so we could go swimming."
Magical was an appropriate word. It almost felt like Li and Marley were the only two people in the world, which was a feeling he liked more than he'd ever want to admit. He let out a small sigh of relief when she didn't let go of his hand and they could walk, hand in hand, closer to the water. They'd had some moments like this over Thanksgiving, but this was as romantic as all of their small moments combined. If there was ever a time to get over his anxieties surrounding admitting his feelings to her, it was now, wasn't it? He'd spent so long being mad at himself for almost starting his and Marley's story with a completely unromantic kiss born of cheating that it made him worry if he could ever be the guy she really wanted. But now they were here, alone; could his and Marley's potential life story have a more perfect spot than right here and right now? Soon, he told himself, holding tight onto her hand as they got to the edge of the water. "We should come back in the spring," Li suggested, taking in the stream before turning his head to look at Marley. "If you're coming back for spring break, that is. We could ride horses, go swimming. I could even make us a picnic."
It felt perfect, to be able to hold his hand so naturally. To be out here with him, in this beautiful terrain as winter was steadfastly approaching. The perfect weather to huddle together for warmth. To gaze at your best friend and wonder how you could possibly begin to find anyone else like him. Or even think for a second she could feel anything even remotely like this with anyone else. I guess that wasn't the entire point of that date, coffee stop or whatever the proper name for it could be. It was a distraction, something to finally take her mind off the fact that the one true love she'd always dreamed of and always hoped for wasn't turning out how she thought it would. "Yeah, I'd love that. I'm not sure where else I'd be or if I'd even want to be anywhere else for that matter." She reached with her free have to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. Hopefully she didn't spend too long staring at him for him to notice. "I just can't wait for some of your mom's cookies! Hot and fresh out the oven, sipping hot chocolate while we all huddle by the fire." What she really meant was her and Li baking his special recipe for cookies, cuddling with him under a blanket, the both of them under the glow of the fireplace. "I love Valentine's day of course the most but I think Christmas is a very close second."
"You could always decide to stay in Auradon City for work," Li suggested, although he suspected they both knew that the odds of that were low. "Or sometimes people spend spring break with their friends, that's always an option. I do hope we both come home, though. You're the only friend I want to spend my breaks with. All my breaks, really," he laughed lightly. Yes, this would be a great time to say something about how he felt about her; they were in a great place, sitting by a river and talking about all the things they'd done together and all the things they wanted to do. And then she brought up Valentine's Day and he knew he had to say something. "That sounds like the perfect Christmas. Now to make sure you have the perfect Valentine's Day, too. Do you have any plans for that already?" He asked nervously, looking out onto the river instead of at Marley.
Marley gave some thought to his suggestions. She did spend literally every break at home and Lonnie had just didn't Thanksgiving somewhere else for the first time too. She wondered if maybe there was something else that she could do with her friends. "Spring break would be fun with friends, actually. But you'd definitely have to be there too. Just like you said," she paused as she squeezed their hands together, holding it up to gesture to them. "i want to spend all my breaks with you." She let their hands fall gently back to their previous state. Her eyebrow raised when he'd brought up Valentine's day. The last one was pretty disastrous and even though she'd had a separate date earlier it's pretty hard for that to override the later events. "Plans already? Definitely not." This, this is time she can bring it up and get everything out in the open. "All I had was coffee with Anthony Tremaine before break and even though it was nice, my heart just wasn't in it..." Her eyes stayed locked on a single point in the river as she quickly said everything, only glancing back at him to try and guage his reaction.
Li felt a small lump in his throat form at the sight of Marley holding up their joined hands. He thought maybe he'd always remember the way this felt, sitting by the water and loudly declaring each other as part of their teams, forever. Even if he said something and it was too late, at least he knew for sure their friendship couldn't be ruined. It was as solid as the earth beneath them, and as longstanding as the river in front of them. "You know I come home for every break but if you want to go somewhere else, I will. If you're there, it's home," Li decided outloud, looking over at her to flash her a smile. Of course she reacted to his Valentine's Day question strangely; it was strange to ask about that already, but he knew in his heart already that he wanted their next Valentine's Day to be different than their last. Better. And even when she mentioned going on a date with Anthony Tremaine, it just gave him more hope. After all, she'd said she wasn't invested, and he hoped it was for a reason. "That's how I felt at the end of my relationship with Summer," Li admitted softly. "And um, an incident with a friend before winter break where they told me they want me." He hadn't told Marley about the fact that one of his friends had confessed feelings to him recently, so he said it quickly, his face warming. "That feeling that my heart wasn't in it. I knew it couldn't be, because it was already somewhere else." He bit his lip and looked back out onto the water, not sure how to say the next part.
Her heart warmed whenever she had these moments with Li. A little part of her dreamed that these would be the memories they would share together in the future after they'd gotten married. It wasn't anything she's ever shared with him of course. Or any of her friends on the off chance that she would sound slightly delusional. The blush came creeping back in. "You're my home too." Simple words, but she meant every bit of it. She felt nothing but safe and happy whenever she was with him, no matter where they were. "Oh-" Marley was surprised to hear that. I mean she really shouldn't be. She knows that Li is a fantastic and amazing person and so many people have already noticed. The idea that she could've lost him to whoever the friend was just that quickly as she possibly could've had him was somewhat of a wake-up call. And now it seems that she actually might... Her hand subconsciously formed a tighter grip on his hand, prepared for the other shoe to drop. "Oh, well, whoever they are, they're the luckiest person alive." She swallowed as she fought hard to look at him. Her heart had begun pounding so hard she thought he would be able to hear it.
Li felt her hand hold his tighter, and he squeezed back. Maybe they were both bracing themselves for whatever was coming next, diving headfirst into a change, a new chapter in their lives together. "No, I'm the luckiest person alive," Li corrected, licking his suddenly dry lips as he looked at Marley for what was probably the millionth time in his life. She'd always been beautiful, had always been kind. She'd always been hopeful and patient for her love story and she deserved it, and he had to deliver. "Because I've fallen in love with my best friend. I don't think it can get much luckier than that." He held her gaze as well as he could but his gaze lowered to her lips after a second before flickering back to those eyes he knew so well to see what she could possibly be thinking right now.
He'd fully grabbed her attention now. Although he'd always had it, she was just preparing herself for what he'd say next. The squeeze he returned to her was comforting when everything would change with what he said next. Then suddenly, it was almost like time was moving in slow motion. Somewhere inside her she could feel what was coming next and she allowed herself to feel hope. Maybe it was the way he was looking at her, like she was his everything. With the way he'd always looked at her, she always felt like they were the only two people in the world. And then all her hopes had come true. She thought her heart would explode with how fast it was beating right now. A smile forming on her lips as she shook her head in disbelief. "I'm in love with you too, Li. I-" A small nervous chuckle as she was still trying to wrap her mind around the fact that this was actually happening. "I love you." Marley repeated with her eyes trailing over his face, pausing at his lips before they stopped when they met with his eyes.
Li watched and waited, every millisecond longer than any millisecond before it had ever been, and then there it was, a smile. His favorite smile in the world. She said it back and he felt as if he could stand up, do a backflip, and fight off an entire army with only his heart powering him, but instead of doing any of that, he stayed seated in the moment with the girl he loved. "I love you too," he almost whispered. "I think maybe I always have. I'm sorry it took this long but do you think, maybe, we could finish that kiss?" His free hand had already raised to the side of her face, tracing her cheekbone lightly as he tucked her hair behind her ear again. He felt like he'd been waiting a lifetime to get to kiss Marley for real and it was almost surreal that it could happen right now, but she loved him. She loved him. That was all that mattered.
If Marley could describe the feelings she was having, it'd be hard. A lifetime of loving her best friend although she hadn't known until recently, it didn't feel as if it'd come full circle but more like it's turning and creating a new circle. A new start for them, together. Marley felt herself slowly gravitating closer towards him before she had even realized. "I thought you'd never ask." It might've been cheesy, but it was exactly perfect for them. The hand she held in his only leaving so it could find its way to the back of his neck, her fingers lightly brushing his hair as she'd leaned into him, fully pressing her lips against his. And I'm that moment, Marley could swear fireworks had just burst and sprinkled their light across a night sky. Her best friend loved her and she felt like the luckiest girl alive.
Li felt shivers going down the back of his neck, but it didn't make him feel cold. It made him feel refreshed, with new energy that flowed through him, out of his hand, onto Marley, making them one as he leaned in for the kiss and pressed his lips against hers, finally able to savor every moment. She felt so soft in his hands and against his mouth, and she smelled so familiar; it was amazing how much this felt like coming home, like they'd done it before and like they'd do it again, maybe every day for the rest of their lives. When he pulled back, he looked dazed, as if he'd just seen his entire future. "I don't even know what to say now. I kind of just want to do that forever," he laughed.
Marley had been lifted off her feet, floating as if she were on a cloud. That's what it felt like to finally feel this, this connection like she were in another world or universe. Not because it felt unfamiliar but because it felt just so exactly right. Like a combination of why hadn't they been doing this before and they'd been doing this together forever. Her forehead rested against his head when he pulled away, the fluttering in her chest not going away. She giggled softly at his comment. "That is definitely something that we will have to do again. And hopefully not take so long getting around to again."
"You can kiss me whenever you want," Li promised, relaxing against her head as they both rested in the aftermath of their feelings rising to the surface and meeting in the middle. "Wherever we are. You're the only one I want to do that with anyway." He thought for a moment and started laughing lightly. "How many 'I told you so's do you think we'll face when we get back?"
"Oh, trust me, I absolutely will be." Marley couldn't help the huge smile that had glued itself to her face. she had laughed and shook her head slightly. "oh my god, so many." her hand went to search for his, lifting his hand to the middle of the both of them. "They're going to be torn between gawking over the fact we are finally together and telling us that they knew it all along."
Their hands found each other easily, speaking volumes without needing words. Li had always been the guy to say what he meant with his actions or his body instead so the fact that he and Marley felt like they were on the same vibe right now was more romantic than anything he could've imagined. "I can't blame them," he admitted with a calm smile. "I can't believe we're finally together either. So maybe let's not go back quite yet? Just be together, alone, here, for a while."
It was like fitting the last puzzle piece in and seeing the whole beautiful picture that remains. How perfect was it with them like this together? Her heart was beating so rapidly in her chest, he always gave her butterflies like this. Almost like he was reading her mind when he'd suggested they stay here for a while more. Her head nodded, "I was hoping you'd say that. I'm not ready for us to go back yet." her hand lightly squeezed his in a loving manner.
He squeezed her hand right back, softly, to say that he heard and understood her. "Then let's take our time. After all, we're good at that," Li laughed, his heart feeling light as a feather as they sat by what felt like the edge of the earth, completely alone but also more together than they'd ever been, and this was only the beginning.
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 1X15 The Benders
I’ve heard this one is Disturbing, so maybe a second episode isn’t gonna be needed who knows
ok spooky vibes at the beginning 
where in the goddamn fuck did they get these uniforms
Dean nerds out with the child and Sam shoots him a Look
No Dean we have Important Business Sam cmon let the kid be less traumatized please
Sam is Important Business Mode, which is an interesting shift? I can’t remember that happening before or at least him being as annoyed and wanting to hunt more than Dean
I was so scared till the Evil Kittie came in and scared Sam
This really does stress the Nowhere is Safe vibes, rly scratches my paranoia
oboi and Sam is TAKEN OH GOD
ah and they’re named after the rifle/haunted house thing
Fun Fact so many things in the Midwest are named Winchester it’s wild
Oh right Dean is technically “Dead” that’s one wheee
“I’m bringing him back” Well that’s not foreshadowing now is it(it probably is)
He used the pseudonym GREG?? BUDDY
The engine thing? ooooo that’s pretty neat
Sam’s trying to parkour his way out good for you kiddo
This man is a solid four years older than me but eh
“I’ll be damned” They both said it 
They’re so surprised it’s not an evil spirit damn
This woman’s eyes are so incredibly blue
Oh my fucking god and he gets caught AGAIN IT HAPPENS EVERY TIME
Nice job Greg
ah yes a legendary “Don’t call me Sammy” line
“It might be a trap” he’s right though it was Way too easy for how well prepared this cage was
this dude really finds a knife and expects it not to be a trap?
yeah I wouldn't be thinking more rationally at this point but listen 
Jesus christ for people this is a lot worse than like ANY of the others
*promises he won’t get involved* sir
Please dear god tell me she doesn't die
This kid is terrifying WHY IS SHE SMIRKING LIKE THAT SHE’S LIKE 10
and he got kathleen GOD FUKICNG 
Aw they had a Moment about Brothers and whatnot
ok but seriously how did they hook up an industrial grade prison with no one noticing? doesn’t that take some kind of specialized parts?
the “they’re just people,” like guys people do bad shit too come on now
I have NO idea what vibe they were going for for this house, it’s just a mess
the ragtime music to the cutting up a person is making me physically nauseous I’m gonna throw up
stop sawing bone stop sawing bone PLEASE DEAR GOD PLEASE STOP 
also red baseball cap was that a Thing? a Reason?
hey look Dean’s gagging too, same bro
“eat me wait you actually might no don’t”
Takes Sam because Sam has a fighting chance?
oh thank GOD for Sam 
Did they get Kathleen out??
is this a bad time to mention early seasons sam looked good in a t shirt
“Why” “because it’s fun” well that’s horrific
and she fucking shoots him I feel like that’s not good to do, but also like...yeah I see it 
heyyy she let them go
“sorry about your brother” af;ihsia
“I thought it would be easier if i knew but it isn’t” parallel? important?
“don’t go missing again” “you were worried” Awwww
and Sam gives Dean shit for getting taken down by a 13 year old ok i like that
1. That was disturbing. Genuinely disturbing I think I threw up in my mouth a little
2. Both of them are very capable hunters in their own way and damn was it cool seeing both of them figure some shit out alone
3. I actually REALLY like Kathleen as a character, and she got an arc about her brother+got to live! too bad she will never be seen again but
4. cop thing had troubling implications but honestly i think in this case it was deserved 
this was good. Not fun, but very very good episode. OOO next one is plot ok yknow what who needs sleep
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Date night (Yu-gi-oh story)
Yugi was excited as he sat in the living room, almost bouncing in place as him and joey hung out.  they were playing video games and killing time till Anzu would be off from dance school. it was a little over 2 years since they had graduated from high school, and while Tristen had enlisted in the army and moved away, the three of them had gotten a place together. Anzu was taking lessons to get better at her dancing and had a sometimes spot as a back up dancer for a few local TV shows, Yugi was milking in the money during tours as the king of games and Joey made some modest income as a bodyguard, mostly working for Yugi himself and getting paid via the promoters who booked Yugi.   they're 2 story house was big but not too big. everyone had their own bedroom even though Yugi and Anzu were dating, and they had a nice laundry room set up on the main floor. it was only if you went down into the basement you might be a little shocked. it was a mixture of a porn dungeon and a nursery, and it was all for the king of games himself who happened to be a massive sissy baby masochist. Anzu was of course his mean dommy mommy (well when they played) and Joey got in on it now and then himself, though always as a dom. (the one time he had tried the diapers, they had leaked and soaked the mattress in the crib) "So Yug, bigggg date night tonight huh? you and Anzu gonna nudge nudge wink wink?" Joey teased, blasting away at a alien on the tv screen. "hehehe well I'm hoping so.. you know we've been waiting for the right time to finally.. ehehe.. but i think this is it." Yugi said. part of his sissy baby fantasy involved being a forced virgin for life, though lately Anzu had been hinting (OK, outright saying) that she wanted to move it to the next level with Yugi, and also kinda wanted him to take a break from being her widdle stinky sissy and be her boyfriend for awhile. "So what cha got planned?" "well i pulled a few strings and got us a table at that new gourmet restaurant, silver platter. then we'll head out to see that new dance movie she's so crazy about, then I have a horse and carriage rented to take us out by the river for a moon light stroll.. with some champagne in the carriage.. then I rented us a hotel room which I've paid the staff to go and place rose petals down, candlelight, the works! er.. no offense, didn't wanna bring her back here if we were gonna knock boots.. don't wanna keep you up all night." Yugi said and had a wide grin on his face. "woooow. you went all out for this huh?" "yeahh and then some. I'm gonna have to do 3 tours back to back to back to cover for all of this, but it's gonna be SO worth it." Yugi said. " Anzu puts up with my well..you know." "Stinky sissy loser side." joey said and smirked, as Yugi blushed and squirmed. "Y-yeah..so i figured a night on the town and showing her I can be the man she wants me to be would be great." "Sounds like it. though..heh.." Joey chuckled softly, and paused the game, looking at yugi with a evil smirk on his face. "..Joey no. i know that look." Yugi said quickly and moved to put his fingers in his ears. Joey grabbed the smaller boys arms and held onto them, and  kept grinning. "what if with all of this amazing stuff planned, you pulled the ultimate sissy baby loser move..and asked to be spanked, diapered, and put to bed in your crib in the basement, while I take your girlfriend out for the night..on your dime." Joey suggested. Yugi tried to block the suggestion out but just picturing it had him making a little tent in his pants. "heck, you could even beg her to NEVER sleep with you, to keep you a -" "Joey stoppp!" Yugi whined, but his voice was taking on it's baby tone. "Loser sissy baby virgin." Joey finished. "ngggh.. you know how mad she would be about that? and I can't just..with everything I paid for all of this.." Yugi huffed, trying to ignore the part of him that wanted to do this idea. "heyyy what if we comprised?" Joey asked. "huh?" "you get spanked, diapered, tied to your crib with a enema in your guts, and I take Anzu out to dinner and the movie, we'll swing back around here, get you cleaned up and you and her can go to the hotel." Joey said. "...you think she'd go for that?" Yugi asked. "welll don't you have a hard time with getting carded at the movies anyways? if the movie is rated anything over G..Plus remember last time you two ate out at a fancy place? they thought you were her son and brought out a booster seat?" Yugi blushed recalling that and fidgeted like crazy. "I mean..i suppose it couldn't HURT to ask her.." Anzu had had a long tiring day, her new dance teacher was a freaking hard ass and nothing anyone did seemed to be right. she was achy and sore but smiled as she thought about the night out Yugi had promised her. Truthfully she was glad he was going all out with this, not that the little sissy loser stuff wasn't fun.. but she was getting a little tired of wiping her boyfriends shitty ass and not even getting plowed in return. 'not that you'd feel Yugi' she reminded herself. Still it was the thought that mattered and worst case she'd picked up a strap-on the little guy could wear. 'at least i won't be spending anther Friday night smelling baby powder and shame, while having to listen to a baby monitor while watching bad movies with joey.' Thinking about hanging out with Joey brought a pang of guilt and a flush to her face, he liked to sit in just his boxers at night and with Anzu on the edge after dealing with Yugi, she couldn't help but stare at Joeys muscles. 'that gym membership me and Yugi got him is SO paying off.' shaking her head she tried to clear those thoughts out of her head. cheating on Yugi would be just sick and wrong. 'though the little pervert would probably thank you and ask for a video.' that nagging voice in her head said. 'shut up you, Yugi is a sweet and cute Lil guy. and he's going to prove that he's more then just some pervert tonight!' Anzu scolded the nagging voice and finally made it back to the house. 'yeah, right.' that lil voice said again, but Anzu pushed it away as she came in. "Hey boys, I'm home!" came Anzu's voice and Yugi gulped nervously. it had been about 15 minutes since Joey had talked him into asking for the diaper humiliation, and to help get Yugi brave enough to ask Joey had poured him two drinks of vodka and orange juice, since he knew OJ went right though Yugi. as Anzu came into the kitchen, Joey polished off his third glass, though he could hold his liquor far better then little Yugi. "..heh..you pre-gaming or something? didn't know we were gonna get smashed before the movie." Anzu said, voice sounding amused but there was a edge to it.. She didn't really like it when Yugi got drunk and mentally groaned seeing the OJ, but tried to keep a bright and chipper face on, as she came over and poured herself a drink. "ehehehe welll seee..er.." Yugi blushed and reached for his drink, as joey smirked and Anzu rolled her eyes. "Do NOT say what I think your going to say Yugi. I'm not spending anther Friday night making you sob in poopie diapers." She said, and slammed her drink back. "welll You'll still get to go out..just er.." Yugi gulped nervously and went to take anther drink, but spilled the last bit out of the cup all down the front of himself. "And dat's why i told ya to use the sippy cup." Joey commented with a smirk, and tossed Yugi a dish towel. "-sigh-  My man.. OK, whats your little idea, and be forewarned, I've had a BAD day so you might wanna think twice about asking for mean mommy mode." Anzu said, narrowing her eyes as Yugi tried to dry himself off, then with a little growl she snagged the towel from him and started to pat him down. "ok soo.. I was thinking.. There's always people who stare when we go out to eat and i always get carded at movies right? sooo I was thinking Joey could take you out to dinner, then the movie, then you swing by here and we tag out. you and me, romantic moonlight carriage ride and then the hotel." Yugi said quickly. 'Uh-huh..and what would you just so happen to be doing while I'm out with joey?" Anzu asked, looking over at joey who had peeled his shirt off and tossed it over, to help. and noticing his 6 pack again, as she tugged Yugi's shirt off and saw basically baby fat. "welll er.. I'm gonna need to sleep this vodka off..and er..the OJ is gonna give me a little bit of the runs.." Yugi said, poking two fingers together and looking nervous. "...So you want me, before going out to eat, on our big date night to diaper you up and tuck you into your crib." anzu said, in a flat tone. "welll yes? and you know..maybe a cute dress.." Yugi said, looking anywhere but at her now. "...I hope you wanted to be spanked first. because even if you didn't your ass is getting spanked." she said then flashed a smile to him., then looked over to joey. "You, go shower, dress nice. not you're take on nice, nice nice." She instructed as Joey smirked and gave a thumbs up. Turning her attention back to Yugi, Anzu grabbed his pants and tugged them down, noticing that Yugi was in a pair of training pants. "...you were of course going to take these off before we went out if i said no right?" she asked, looking at the faded picture of dark magician girl. "and tell me thats the screwdriver soaking them, not.." "Yes and er..no." Yugi said. "...come on little girl, you're in for it." She said and grabbed Yugi by the ear, leading him towards the basement. "Ow! owie owie owie! yesh mommy!' the little twerp whined and whimpered, but the tent in his training undies showed he was in sissy loser heaven. Joey was whistling as he took a quick shower, it was really just too god damn easy sometimes. truthfully, he'd been getting a crush on Anzu for a few months now, and could see just how fed up she was getting with Yugi making her waste weekends changing his shitty diapers. what the little dork needed was a wake up call that Anzu wasn't gonna sit around forever and Joey figured this was the best way to do it (even though Yugi was already taking steps to show he could be more then a big sissy baby, Joey liked his plan better.) besides, she really did deserve someone better then lil Yugi. not that he didn't like him, Yugi was still his best friend..just, it was hard to respect someone who go his rocks off humping teddy bears in pink diapers with a finger of ginger in his ass. What Anzu needed, and Joey was sure she would agree after tonight, was a ride on a real man's dick. heck, she could probably even dump Yugi and just keep babying him and the little freak would thank her. as Joey thought about the look on Yugi's face when/if Anzu dumped him, he had to take a longer shower then he intended to clear out the slices so to speak and not be too eager. While joey was showering upstairs, in the basement Anzu was already switching into her full on mean mommy role. "Your such a little loser Yugi., i can't believe you would rather be spanked and diapered, and shit yourself then go out to a adult restaurant. I bet if we were eating at McDonald's so you could play in the play-area you'd be all for it, though you'd likely still end up crapping yourself." She scolded, leading over to a bench that had soft padding on the top of it, and shackles for the little sissy's ankles and wrists. "Yesh mommy. I'm sorry mommy." Yugi said, breathing fast as he got himself over the bench, belly first, his training pants having been ripped off by Anzu. Anzu came around and secured him to the bench, making sure the shackles were a little tighter then normal and making sissy Yugi whimper softly. "uh mommy, thats a li-" Yugi started to whined and quickly Anzu stuffed his soaked training pants in his mouth. she had rolled them up, but with the pissy/booze soaked side out and that was what pressed on Yugi's tongue as half of it stuck out of his mouth, and the out half gagged him. the Lil sissy mmffh and whined, he was NOT a fan of water sports or gross stuff like that and had made it clear but Anzu just smiled sweetly. "Whats wrong little Yugi? are you not getting what you expected tonight?" she asked, crouching down, stroking his hair. "That's just awful. I wouldn't know anything about getting a unpleasant surprise." she added mockingly, and kissed his forehead. "well if you want that pissy pull up out of your mouth, let mommy know."  Anzu said and smirked, standing up and putting a hand to her ear. she listened to the little loser whimper and mumble around the soaked pull up, knowing it was just making more of the screwdriver and his piss trickle down his throat. "well if your sure." she teased and walked over, wiggling her hips and tapped a finger on her cheek, as she looked over the assortment of paddles on a display shelf, close to the bench. "Hmm what do you think Yugi, something nice and tame, or something that'll have your poor buns begging for mercy?" she asked, running her finger on a plain wooden paddle then over a black leather with small metal studs in it one. It was right about then that Yugi started to see that maybe he should of just gone on the date, and not asked for this. Mommy was acting in a scary way and if Yugi's mouth had been free he'd be saying marshmallow fluff (his safe word) over and over. Sadly all he could do was cry out around the pissy diaper and struggle a little as Anzu picked up the studded paddle. "hmm? whats wrong Yugi? you don't think this will be enough?" She asked, a very evil grin on her face. "Well i could always get the liquid heat and pour it over the paddle. you remember how much that burns and aches for hours~" she said and reached for the bottle. "if you don't want your spanking to burn and ache super bad you better speak up now Princess Yugi." she said and thumbed the cap open and held the paddle out, ready to coat it. Yugi shook his head no and let out muffled screams around his pull up gag, he HATED the liquid heat and it was only suppose to be for when he was in a total pain slut mood! tears dripped down his cheeks and he pleaded with Anzu with his eyes. "Awww, How can I refuse those eyes. I'll make sure to pour lots on for you princess." Anzu chuckled and squirted the bottle over the paddle, coating it nice and thick. With the paddle dripping the liquid heat (which was mixed at a rate of 60 percent water to 40 percent of the stuff, Anzu didn't wanna have to rush Yugi to the ER) Yugi was shaking his head like crazy and she wasn't stupid, she knew he was pleading with her NOT to do this but damn it, maybe the little sissy would think twice before bailing on part of a date with her again. "brace yourself Sissy." She advised and then swung HARD with the paddle, making Yugi's bubble butt almost deform around the force of the blow and the little sissy shrieked in pain. She wasn't anywhere near done yet though, and followed up with a series of rapid blows to the big baby's bubble butt, quickly turning it red as Yugi thrashed and screamed on the bench, and despite it all his little sword was getting stiff even as he suffered. "Hmmm, thats funny..you're cries say 'mommy please stop' while your Lil wiener says 'mommy smack my balls.'" anzu teased and Yugi froze, looking over his shoulder and shaking his head no as much as he could. he had drool leaking down his chin and tears stained his cheeks, and even his nose was running! "awww, who's a scared widdle sissy? you are! yes you are!" she coo'ed and rested the paddle on his buns, coated side down and walked around to the front of the bench, kneeling down and wiping his nose with a rag. "i'm gonna take your gag out, but only if you promise to take it back if i want. do you promise Yugi?" she asked, and yugi whimpered and shut his eyes, nodding his head. "Look at me yugi, open those cute eyes and look mommy in the eyes and nod." she said and tickled his chin. the paddle was burning his poor abused cheeks, but Yugi opened his eyes and nodded, looking at anzu. "OK, then relax your jaw..yup just like that anddd there we go!" She coo'ed, tugging the pull up out and noting the teeth marks in it. "there, i bet that tastes better huh?" she asked. Yugi coughed and gagged a few times, but refrained from spitting then gave out a weak whimpering yes. "now my naughty little sissy loser." anzu coo'ed and stroked his hair. "i have a choice for you. Mommy can spare your cute little balls from a smack from Mr.paddle. but if she does that, then your pissy little pull up goes back in your mouth..or I can dig out a soaking wet diapie out of your diaper pail. " she paused smirked at the face Yugi made at that suggestion. "the diapie will stay in your cute widdle mouth till me and Joey come back by the way. OR.." Yugi gulped, really hoping that he would like the OR option. "Or you can keep your mouth diaper free and take your ball busting like ~snort~ a man."   Yugi groaned, he didn't like either choice but in the end if he had to pick between sucking on a pissy diaper or getting his balls smacked... "Hurry up and chose Lil lady, or mommy will do BOTH." Anzu added, tapping her wrist. "Smack my balls smack my balls smack my balls!" Yugi yelped out, and a spurt of pee hit the cold stone floor of the basement dungeon. (this was exactly why they had refused to put in hardwood or a carpet.) "well if your sure." Anzu teased and kissed Yugi's cheek, licking off the tear trail and got up, grabbing the paddle and making sure to avoid his little puddle. "For the record, you know you're going to be cleaning that up before i put you down for your nap right?" Anzu commented, swinging the paddle a few times and zeroing in her aim. "Y-yesh mommy. I'll get get the mop and be a good widdle maid!" Yugi whimpered, shaking in fear, he KNEW how much this was going to hurt! "Oh, who said anything about a mop.. You'll be LICK it up..unless you want extra smacks on your cute widdle balls." She chuckled, and tapped the paddle on his exposed nuts, the liquid heat mostly off by not but still burning his sensitive little orbs. "No! no no! I'll lick it up mommy!" Yugi wailed and Anzu giggled. "Good girl!" she praised, the drew back and slammed the paddle home. Joey was out of the shower and dried off, in his dress pants and a dress shirt, combing his hair as a ear piercing scream filled the house. "..that..that can't be good." he said to himself but went back to work getting himself ready, praying the neighbors hadn't heard anything.   Yugi came to as finished taping the last of the extra thick, super crinkly pink princess diapers around his hips and smiled sweetly down at the sore sissy. "welcome back to the land of the living. we'll have to start working on your balls more so you build up more of a tolerance." She said and blew Yugi a little kiss. Yugi for his part just groaned but lifted his legs up for Anzu as she grabbed a locking pair of pink plastic panties.  the plastic panties and the diapers together was over kill but yugi himself when they had first started this begged for massive thick diapers that would make him crawl, PLUS loved how warm and uncomfortable all that padding under the plastic pants could get. At least he did normally but after what had just happened he wasn't about to argue with mommy. "I'm glad you woke up though, Mommy needs to finish setting up widdle sissy loser Yugi up to suffer for a few hours so she can go get ready for her night on the town with a real man." She said and snapping the lock on the plastic panties into place, she tickled his tummy. "maybe when we come back for you, I'll take you out with you still all dressed up, you can let everyone see what a little sissy baby you are, wouldn't that be fun?" She added, , turning away now to go and pick a dress for her little wuss. Yugi blushed deeply at that. it was a idea that both excited him but he also knew how DUMB it would be, and struggling to sit up on the changing table he shook his head. "Nooo mommy! No outsies. Dem i can't make money n spoil you." yugi whined, going to slid his thumb in his mouth and realizing just now that his hands were in his pink locking mittens, making them useless. "well i suppose thats a fair point. Maybe we'll save it for anther time." anzu said and winked, coming over with a short pink dress,the skirt portion wouldn't even cover HALF of his massive diaper butt, and the top half had puffy shoulders and a little heart on the chest, with 'sissy loser' written in purple cursive in the heart. this along with his pink booties and mittens, and pink diapers had Yugi feeling like Such a little sissy loser and even as he lifted his arms up to help mommy get the dress on him, he was rocking back and forth in his diapies. with the dress tugged down anzu smirked and then lifted yugi up and down to the floor, pointing over to the puddle of urine that had naturally, gotten bigger. you're gonna go and be mommies good little piss drinker right?" she asked sweetly, then looked over at the paddle then back to Yugi. the message was clear and with his fat diapered bottom wiggling back and forth, and crinkling loudly, Yugi crawled over and leaned down. sticking his touge out a little bit, he dipped it into the puddle and made a face, but a impatient sign from mommy told him to hurry up and yugi closed his eyes. 'just pretend it's a soda thats gone bad.' he thought to himself and started to lap the puddle up. watching Yugi actually slurp up his piss, anzu curled a lip in disgust, she hadn't really been gonna beat his ass again if he hadn't, just scolded him since she wouldn't of had time to get ready if she had to re-diaper him. she would of assumed Yugi knew that but there he was, slurping down his puddle and as he finished, he gave her a weak smile. "T-tastes good mommy." he said. "..well then, if you like it so much, you can drink it more often." anzu said, smiling sweetly and laughing mentally at the look of panic on his face. "Now crawl over to mommy so she can tie you down to your crib and leave you to lay here and think about what a total loser you are, that you'd rather suffer down here in a hot stuffy basement in thick diapers and with a gut full of piss instead of going out with your gorgeous girlfriend." she teased. Yugi gulped but crawled over, and stopped at her feet, reaching up with his arms and she smiled and picked him up, sitting him on her hips and headed for the crib, pausing to look in the mirror in the nursery. "Your SUCH a loser yugi." anzu whispered in his ear. "Maybe me and joey will get drunk and just come home and pass out, leaving you down here, still a virgin.. a big, sissy baby loser virgin." she added and smirked as yugi whimpered, but started to hump her side. getting over to the crib she ploped Yugi down in it, hard on his butt, but the little sissy didn't complain. instead he crawled and laid down in position, making sure his arms were above his head and legs spread,while Anzu double checked the hands free phone system they had installed in the crib. (all teasing and tormenting aside, when they DID go out and left Yugi in the crib, Her and joey liked to make sure he could be safe, so the phone would allow him to call them, or even 911 if needed..though the phone calls were logged and using the phone for anything but a emergency was a HUGE no no.) with the phone working right, she then double checked all the restraints, making sure they were good and tight, and would hold the loser before snapping them on his wrists and ankles, "ok yugi, test time. try and get free." she said, leaning on the crib rail. Yugi nodded and struggled, tugging and twisting and just working himself up into a sweat, but there was NO getting free like that. "Good. now since you liked drinking your piss up so much, I have a special treat for you." anzu said, then left the side of the crib and as Yugi watched her though the crib bars, she opened up his diaper pail, and made a face, waving a hard. "whew! I should be mad you didn't clear this out like i told you, but it works out!" she said, reaching down and grabbing out two VERY soiled diapers, and putting them in the crib. they were far enough away that if yugi didn't fuss too much he shouldn't get his face in them, but the poor widdle sissy would be huffing their reek all night. "oh, I slipped some poopie pills up your bum while you were out. they should be taking affect soon. have a good nap loser, Mommy lovers you!" anzu giggled and waved bye bye to the little sissy. "G-Goodnight kiss?" Yugi whimpered, and puckered up his lips. "after you were slurping up piss? no thanks. " anzu said and walked away laughing, leaving yugi to squirm and whimper, and throb in his pampers. After a quick shower and a change into a evening gown, anzu and joey who looked very dashing in his dress clothes headed out, with her telling him all about what she had done to Yugi. "I kinda feel a little guilty." she admitted. "I really went over board with it today and hope he'll forgive me." "ah come on." joey said, taking a sip of champagne as they rode the limo that Yugi had booked.  "Did he say his safe word at ANY time during all of it?" "well no..but I think he was scared too." "well let me ask you this.. when you were beating on his ass, and making him lick that piss up.. did it feel better then when you normally dom him? making him do stuff he actually hates as punishment for being too much of a sissy baby loser to man up for a full night?" As he spoke Joey moved in closer and then kissed and nibbled on anzu's neck. "J-joey! Uhh.. well.." She paused, an drained her own glass of the bubbly. "It.. it felt awesome..and I was so pissed off at him." She admitted. "and when you told him no kisses, I bet your panties were soaked." Joey added,, pausing from the kissing to refill her glass. "God yes! the look on his stupid little face!" she said, then covered her mouth. "hey, it's ok..admit it..you don't just call him a loser and berate him so he can cream his pissy pampers.. You really do think he's just a diaper filling loser. right?" Joey asked and smirked, a hand reaching out and fondling anzu's tits, giving her the attention that that stupid diaper filling sissy never could and making her feel wanted as a woman..not as a mommy. "Ah..oh fuck.. Joey.." "In fact, i don't think we should go back to the house at all.. do you REALLY wanna let that diaper shitting sissy loser fuck you?" Joey asked, setting his glass down and rubbing her breasts with both hands. "F-Fuck..no..I..I wanna fuck a real man.." She moaned, and then pulled Joey in for a deep kiss, mashing her touge with his. There was a clock in the nursery, close to the crib and it was lit by the nightlight that provided the only light source in the stuffy basment. Yugi had already soaked his diapers and added to the stench to the room, filling out the seat of his diapers with a mushy load that had at first been nice and soothing but after a few hours was making his bum and crotch itchy and uncomfortable. he had drifted off into a uneasy sleep only to wake up when he had turned enough to plant his face in the seat of one of the taped up dirty diapers and had noticed that it was after 11. Joey and anzu should of been back by now, but here he was, still stuck in his crib, still a big loser sissy, and now a stinky one at that. he's give it till midnight before he tried calling them though, and hoped that they were ok, even as a nagging little voice in the back of his head whispered to him. "you know they're not coming back for you.. you lost your one and only chance to have sex so you could wiggle around in poopie pampers. you might as well plant your face back in that shitty diaper and hump your diapers, and try to cum because you KNOW your so called best friend is fucking her rotten." Yugi shut his eyes and tried to block out the voice, to ignore the mental images coming to his mind even as he started to wiggle and air hump his stinky poopie diapies, turning his head and planting his face in the other poopie diapers, as he got close to his climax, the last thought yugi would have before conking back out for a few hours.. was he hoped anzu would keep him a diaper humping virgin forever. the end
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ofheroesandvillains · 5 years
Throwback - Bucky Barnes
Bucky Barnes/fem!reader
Words: 5.2k Warnings: Bullying (not much though, and nothing violent) Summary: Request ‘Heyyy. Can you please do a Bucky(or Steve) x reader imagine where they meet again at a college reunion and since reader was always really quiet and bullied, she never though anyone from her class would like her but turns out, there was someone. You can change it up. Thank you :)’
Okay, so I want to thank @thebookwormslytherin for the request, and apologise because for some reason I didn’t see ‘college’ and assumed it was a high school reunion instead. Rookie move, my bad. But I hope this is okay! I feel like it got way too long, but at the same time it’s too short! I’m all over the place. Either way, thank you, my dear! xx
(gif not mine!)
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Bucky hated this.
What the hell does anyone wear to a stupid reunion anyway? He huffed at his reflection, moodily tugging at the knot of his tie.
There was a mountain of clothes strewn across his bed, coat hangers littering the floor, and he still had no idea what to wear. It was his high school reunion and he’d be seeing all of his old classmates and friends in a little over an hour. After fifteen years, you’d think that Bucky couldn’t care less what these people thought of him. 
And you’d be right, but there was one person that kept his heart hammering away like a woodpecker.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this nervous about anything.”
Bucky glowered at his best friend through the mirror. Steve had been hovering for the past 15 minutes, impatiently waiting for him to finish preparing.
“Yeah, well, I want to make a good first impression.”
“They already know you,” Steve pointed out.
“No,” Bucky drew the word out like he was speaking to a 5-year-old, “they knew me. A lot’s changed, I’m…I know better.”
There was a sorrow in his words that triggered every sympathetic bone in Steve’s body. Bucky held onto his guilt for a long time.
But guilt wasn’t the only thing he felt where you were involved, and though he’d gone to great lengths to try and move on and meet other people, he’d always been convinced that you were the girl for him. Even if he’d never had the confidence to approach you about it.
‘I just know, Steve. You were convinced that Peg was ‘the one’ since pre-K, but you didn’t speak to her until college.’ That was his usual defence, and Steve didn’t really have a leg to stand on there. He married Peggy after years of thinking she was way out of his league.
But that was different. They stayed in the same town, went to the same college, and were friends long before any feelings were confessed. You left the moment you graduated, accepted into Stanford with a full-ride scholarship, and making a name for yourself as one of the best up-and-coming lawyers in the States. Steve didn’t deny that he was damn proud that you’d been able to show the world just what you could do, but he also knew that you’d left high school in your rearview long ago.
“Buck,” Steve began, his tone hesitant, “we don’t even know if she’ll be there tonight.”
“And I’m supposed to just leave this to chance?” His eyes widened, offended by the mere thought.
Steve sighed.
“Well, no, but I just think…” he tried to find the right words.
“It’s been 15 years, pal, what are the chances she isn’t already seeing someone? Or married for that matter?” Steve gently pointed out.
It wasn’t like he wanted to crush his best friend’s hopes and dreams, but it really had been a long time, and your memories of him (if you had any to begin with) probably weren’t the best. It wasn’t Bucky’s fault, Steve knew that he was just as oblivious to the situation as everyone else had been at the time, but he doubted it mattered very much to you.  
Bucky’s heart clenched at the thought. He remembered a time when he’d tell his parents he was studying at the library just so he could make sure you got home safely after your shift. You worked there every second day and lived in a shadier part of town, the type of place that was barely safe for a grown man, let alone a teenage girl, but he’d make that trip whenever he could.
“It doesn’t matter,” he decided, “I at least want to apologise.”
Your family couldn’t afford much, and the kids at school were cruel. Not just to you, but your suffering broke his heart the most. The worst part was that he’d never even known that his own ‘friends’ bullied you until the end of your senior year.
In truth, he wasn’t the biggest fan of art class, but he’d taken it for a specific reason.
He was the first to class that day, and not for the first time in his high school life, he wished that Steve wasn’t in the year below him. It’d been a long year, but Bucky imagined that it would have gone a lot smoother if he had Steve there to help him keep a level head, instead of the usual group that attached themselves to him for some reason.
He was a decent-looking guy - granted, he didn’t think he was all that special, but the cheerleaders seemed to think that his dark hair and pale eyes were ‘to die for’. Bucky didn’t care much for them, but they weren’t completely terrible. After the first time he’d heard them making fun of Steve, they seemed to grow up and had even apologised for their actions. Most people knew not to mess with Steve, he was Bucky’s best friend after all, and they were a package deal.
Steve was still wise enough to leave whenever his old bullies decided to join them in the library or at lunchtime. He just hated that Bucky was so oblivious to the fact that the jocks and cheerleaders he sat with were still bullies…they just didn’t target Steve anymore.
And they definitely never picked on anyone when Bucky was around.
A few students trickled into class, and Bucky kept his eyes on the door. He didn’t know how long ago it started, but it was the first time he’d had a crush this big on someone. It was taking months for him to gather the courage to ask you out, and if he was being honest with himself, he still hadn’t quite been able to muster it. But he’d start today.
Today he was going to ask you to sit with him. He’d get to know you, and you’d hopefully be interested in getting to know him. Then he’d just ask you to…wait, what was he going to ask? A date? It was too soon. A study session? You were the smartest kid in class. To be friends? He couldn’t friendzone himself!
His heart started racing in panic, and seeing you walk through the door did nothing to calm it. You made you way down the isle. He knew you always sat at the back near the window, so you’d have to pass by him anyway. And you did.
“H-Hey, Y/N.”
Bucky gave you his best smile, and you returned it with a small and surprised one of your own.
“I uh…did you want to sit-”
You stumbled forward with a gasp when something collided with your shoulder, and you did well to keep your balance.
“Hey, Bucky! You would not believe what happened at lunch!”
A beautiful girl slid into the seat beside him uninvited, a beaming smile on her face, as if she hadn’t just made the both of them look like fools in front of you.
Stacey was the cheer captain at your school and everyone knew she’d been trying to get Bucky to ask her out for months. But Bucky paid her no attention as he watched you dejectedly make your way to your usual spot while you rubbed your sore shoulder. Your eyes flickered over to him for a split second before looking down at your desk instead.
“Mr Barnes?” Bucky turned to face the front at the sound of his name. He didn’t even notice that Ms Higgins had begun her class. “Is something wrong?”
Yes, everything flashed through his mind, but he settled for a shake of his head.
“Uh, no, ma’am.”
The class went on and you’d all be painting that day. You were happy sitting on your own, you always did anyway, but your earlier humiliation still played on a loop in your mind. You never wanted to be like the rest of the girls in school, falling for the popular boy who seemed completely oblivious to the effect he had on people. His friends were a nightmare, but he’d always been kind to you. You decided that it was far too easy to fall for Bucky Barnes.
The one time he tried to talk to you in school…you shook your head, barely paying attention to your surroundings. If you’d been more vigilant, you probably would have noticed the stray backpack jutting out from beneath one of the desks.
But you didn’t.
You managed to keep your balance for the second time that day, but that didn’t change the fact that the paint you were carrying shot out to land on the unfortunate soul approaching you.
Well, it was just your luck, wasn’t it?
“Damn it! I’m so sorry-“
Bucky looked at you with wide-eyes, half stunned and half grateful that a bit of paint had been enough to get you to finally notice him. Reassuring words were already on his tongue when he was rudely interrupted.
“Oh my god, watch where you’re going, loser!”
Bucky’s eyes widened, and he turned to Stacey with a mortified expression. A swell of protectiveness rushed over him and he frowned.
“Woah! Lay off, it was an accident.”
“More like she was an accident!” One of the guys from the football team chortled, much to the amusement of his neanderthals friends.
“Shut up, Lance!” Bucky barked back, a scowl immediately making its way onto his face. Where the hell did Ms Higgins wander off to?
“Lighten up, Bucky, he’s just messing around,” Stacey chewed her gum with an exaggerated roll of her eyes, “besides, she’s used to it, right penniless?” A perfectly groomed brow arched up and she smirked.
Bucky could only watch on in horror as hurt flashed across your features before you silently dumped the paint bottles on a desk and walked out of the room. The words rang through his mind - ‘she’s used to it…’
Why? Why the hell would she be used to it?
He shook his head and bolted out of the class, ignoring Stacey’s call for him to come back.
“Wait! Hey, wait up!”
You were the only person in the empty hallway, so there was no avoiding him. He was panting lightly by the time he reached you.
“Look, I-I’m so sorry about that. I didn’t-“
“You’re sorry?” You gave a little huff, eyes glassy but too stubborn for anything else. “Well, that’s a first.”
“What do you mean?” His brows furrowed.
“Look, if this is you trying to clear your conscience before graduation, don’t bother.” There was a bitterness in your voice that he’d never heard before. “You grow thicker skin after the first few years. Like your girlfriend said, I’m used to it.”
With that said, you barged past a speechless Bucky, ignoring the sorrowful eyes that followed your every step as you went.
You managed to dodge him from then on. Mostly out of guilt though. You knew he hadn’t deserved your anger that day, if anything you should have been thanking him. No one usually stuck up for you, but the humiliation brought out the worst in you, and you took your anger out on the only person available at the time.
Whatever hope your mind had conjured was quickly banished, and you threw yourself into your schoolwork. Bucky Barnes would never look twice at someone who could barely afford a roof over her head. At least that’s what you always thought…
Graduation snuck up on him, there had been so much drama after he’d found out the truth and distanced himself from his old group, that he barely even noticed it was the end of the year. 
You looked so beautiful. He thought you always looked beautiful, but there was something special about you that day. Maybe it was because he hadn’t properly seen in you in so long, or maybe it was the relief that he didn’t recognise on your face…
Whatever it was, he cherished it, because that would be the last time he’d see you for fifteen years.
If entering their old school taught Steve one thing, it was that no one seemed to outgrow their crush on Bucky Barnes. Women, men, married, single, it didn’t matter. He turned heads without even meaning to, and Steve cringed hard when he noticed the predatory way most of the women there stared at his best friend. What was even more alarming, was the fact that he was getting similar looks himself.
He blushed ten different shades of red under their attention, while Bucky stomped his way through the crowd, neck craning as he not-so-subtly sought out the object of his own desires. For a good while they carried on that way, Bucky weaving his way through groups, muttering a distracted ‘hey, how’s it goin’?’ whenever someone recognised him, and Steve narrowly avoiding painted talons that were desperate to rope him into conversation.
“Buck!” Steve’s shout was drowned out by the unnecessarily loud music, “Bucky!”
With a huff, he sped up and tugged his best friend back by the arm.
“Hey man, c’mon. This isn’t working. Why don’t we just sit down for a bit?”
Bucky looked like he wanted to argue, but decided against it when he realised just how desperate Steve looked.
“Yeah,” He cleared his throat with a nod, “yeah, okay.”
With a reassuring pat on Bucky’s back, Steve led them over to the edge of the room where the tables were scattered. Only a few people were sitting down for now, but it would only get busier as more people arrived. Bucky’s gaze swept over the floor twice more before he took to keeping an eye on the door as people came over to chat.
He could barely recognise a few of his old friends. Some had done well from themselves, others not so much, but all had been nice enough. Humbled by life, he supposed - at least quarterback Drew was. He was sporting an impressive beer-gut these days, but he’d never looked happier than when he harped on about his wife (who seemed like a real sweetheart) and his ‘rugrats’ as he called them.    
Ten minutes passed, twenty, thirty even, before Bucky’s shoulders slumped in defeat, and he finally admitted to himself that maybe he was wrong. The stars weren’t aligning and fate wasn’t on his side. You weren’t there, and why would you be? You were successful, a hotshot lawyer was what he’d heard, you had better things to do than attend some silly reunion with people you hated. Steve was right, you were probably married by now, to someone who loved you and treated you right. Wherever you were, Bucky just hoped you were happy.
Steve watched as his best friend’s mood took a swan dive.
“I’m sorry, Buck.” he gave Bucky’s shoulder a comforting squeeze, but Bucky barely forced a smile.
“Ah ’s’alright. It was wishful thinking, right?”
“Bucky-“ Steve tried.
“I’m gonna get some air, don’t miss me too much.” Bucky shot him a tight-lipped smile and left before Steve could get another word out.
You hated this.
High school was not a fun time for you, and even though you moved on long ago, there was a part of you that wanted to see it all one more time. Your best friend convinced you that it might be a good idea, to clear the air and to finally put that chapter of your life to rest.
Gamora was always the voice of reason.
So you’d agreed, and now here you were, avoiding everyone and everything anyway.
Music could be heard from down the hallway, but you hadn’t bothered heading down there just yet. What you really wanted to see was the one place you’d escape to every lunchtime and free period. Your old art room.
It looked just like you remembered, but they had left all of the old A3 binders Ms Higgins once stored your work in, out on each student’s desk. It was a nice surprise, and you found yourself smiling as you made your way over to your usual seat.
You flipped through the pages, cringing whenever you thought of just how much better you were at art now. You used to be so proud of your work, but you didn’t even recognise some of the faces you’d drawn. There was only one you’d ever spent more time than was necessary on. You smiled at the memory of him...
He never spent time with you outside of school (or inside of it for that matter), but that didn’t mean he never saw you. You worked at the small local library and even though Bucky would never admit it to anyone, he wouldn’t have stepped foot in the building if it wasn’t for you.
You never spoke to each other though, not really.
He’d come in to study when it was too loud at home - or when he just wanted to see you. You’d sit behind the counter studying when you weren’t busy sometimes, other times you would be carrying a bunch of books around to return to their usual places along the shelves.
Either way it was usually quiet, and he’d feel all of the tension leave his body as soon as your pretty eyes locked onto his own when he walked into the building. His lips would tug up into a small smile, and you’d give him one in return, before quickly looking away again. He thought it was cute.
That day went like any other, but this time you’d been bustling between the shelves with a stack of books in your hands. The cart was missing for some reason, as was the step ladder, which meant that you were stretching muscles you didn’t know you had as you tried to reach the top shelf on the tips of your toes.
You fell back onto your heels with a huff, before someone gently removed the final book from your hand, and slid it into place on the shelf. You quickly turned around when you registered the broad chest that brushed across your back.
Bucky watched as you scooted back into the bookshelf almost imperceptibly, your eyes widening a fraction.
“You looked like you needed a hand…” He trailed off quietly with a small and uncharacteristically nervous shrug. 
Your gaze flickered around the room, not daring to look at him for too long at a time, as if he were the sun itself.
Pull yourself together. You shook your head lightly and gave him a grateful smile.
“Oh, um, thanks…I don’t know where Ms Harrison left the step ladder.”
“It’s no problem,” he returned your smile.
Your eyes locked onto his and for a moment you were caught in a strange stare-off. Both of you had plenty you wanted to say, and no idea how to say it. Regardless, the way he studied you with that unreadable look made you feel like he knew something you didn’t, but what that could be, you had no idea.
“Y/N?” Both teens turned to look at the source of the small voice, snapping out of whatever strange trance they’d been caught in.
“Hey, Harley…you need something, kiddo?” The little boy looked between the older kids shyly but nodded anyway.
“Can you help me with my homework, please?”
You gave the 6-year-old a bright smile. “I sure can, why don’t you go set up and I’ll be right over.”
Harley beamed, showing off his missing front teeth before skipping away. You sighed inwardly and looked back to Bucky, only to find that his attention was already on you. You were half grateful that Harley had interrupted your awkward chat, and half dejected that the rare interaction was officially over.
“I should probably let you get back to work…” Bucky rubbed the back of his neck.
You nodded lightly, “Y-Yeah, thanks again for the help.”
There was an amused glint in his eye - all he’d done was lift a book for you, but he gave you a nod regardless.
“See you at school, Y/N.”
You smiled shyly at the typical Bucky Barnes grin he sent your way before he turned to leave.
The noise of chatter and music died down the further he walked. A few stray couples had found their way into secluded classrooms, much to Bucky’s amusement, but no one stopped to chat or to bother him.
For the first time that night, he allowed himself to take in his old school. He wondered if any of his old teachers were still going strong, or if the students these days got into as much trouble as his own generation did. He doubted it. 
The hallways looked the same, and from what he could see, not much had changed about the classrooms either - maybe some new equipment, but the large ’T + P’ that one of the older students etched into the bricks was still there.
A small smile settled on his face each time he saw something familiar, until a light at the end of the hallway caught his attention. It was coming from the last classroom on the left, one he knew quite well. Slowly, he made his way over, hoping he wasn’t about to intrude on another wayward couple.
The door was only partially open, and his breath caught in his throat the moment he stepped inside. The lone occupant of the room was facing away, but there wasn’t a doubt in his mind about who he was looking at.
Still so beautiful, though he really shouldn’t have been surprised. 
“Christ!” You spun around, wide-eyed with a hand clutching your chest. He noticed the moment your fear gave way to panic, but didn’t understand why until his eyes landed on the binder flipped open on your desk.
He took a step closer and his lips parted in surprise.
“That- That’s not what it loo- I mean, it is, but…” you forced yourself to stop rambling with an awkward chuckle. “Oh, boy…”
Bucky laughed along with a bashful smile.
“Sorry, I kinda snuck up on you there.”
You waved away his apology.
“No, it’s fine. Really…I was just,” you took in a deep breath and cast a glance around the room, “reminiscing, I guess.”
Your gaze settled on him once more, and boy had he aged well. That dark hair still looked thicker and softer than yours could ever be, and those eyes looked even bluer than you remembered. With a strong jawline covered in stubble, and muscles that filled out his dress shirt nicely, James Barnes was a sight for sore eyes. Then again, he always had been.
“Yeah, I know what you mean,” he nodded and his lips tugged into a conspiratory smirk, “a word of advice though, don’t head towards the gym unless you want to be picked apart by vultures.”
You laughed, “so nothing’s changed then, huh?”
He scrunched up his nose and shook his head, “nah!”
Bucky tucked his hands into his front pockets and moved to stand beside you. His smirk melted into something more genuine.
“This is really amazing, you know that?” His eyes were glued to the sketch of his own smiling face.
“Thank you,” you bit your lip, suddenly self-conscious, “I used to love drawing people, I just…I don’t know.”
“God, you must think I’m super weird or something,” you muttered, mainly to yourself but he picked up on it either way.
“What? No!” He insisted, “I mean, I’m honestly flattered.”
Bucky cracked a smile at the blank look you sent him.
“I’m serious!” He cried with a shrug. His smile was a full-blown grin by now, and you shook your head at the familiar sight.
It was so easy to talk to him now, like you were both two old friends having a chat. There were no ridiculous little rules about who was cool enough to associate with who, and it was surreal to think that the conversation was flowing as easily as it was considering you were never really friends to begin with.
You crossed your arms over your chest, a habit when you were thinking too much, but he mistook it for either embarrassment or discomfort. Probably both, he concluded.  
His eyes softened and he jerked his head towards his own desk.
“If we’re sharing secrets, I think it’s only fair you know mine. Whaddaya say?”
You hesitated for a split second before following him over to his own desk. When you finally came to stand beside him, he slid a large red binder over. His initials were written in the top corner, and you looked over at him in question.
Are you sure?
He nodded with a soft smile.
You eased it open.
“Steve, he uh, he was always the better artist of the two of us. But he told me that it was easier if the subject was something you cared about.”
You flipped through the binder slowly, revealing page after page of graphite and watercolour, paint and oil, and the face you saw each time you looked in the mirror. There were colourful smiles, monochrome frowns, and every emotion in between.  
“Never really managed to do you justice…”
It was overwhelming at first, the thought that he - Bucky Barnes, the most adored boy at your school back in those days - even knew your name at the time. But this? The way he captured your every emotion in every colour, and had taken the time to do so over and over again…there were no words.
“I don’t,” You shook your head slowly, “know what to say…”
“I had the biggest crush on you,” he blushed, looking down at his shoes, “and I know it’s overdue, but I want to apologise.”
Your head tilted in confusion, finally tearing your eyes away from the pages, and he heaved a sigh.
“I uh, I didn’t realise it at the time, that those assholes I used to call friends were treating you like that. It was my fault.” His jaw clenched and there was a pain in his eyes that you couldn’t believe was there on your behalf.
“Your fault?” You weren’t following his logic.
“I liked you. Stacey wasn’t a huge fan of that, and neither were her friends.”
Your brows shot up and he almost grimaced. He must have looked pathetic to you. Fifteen years later and holding onto the past. He probably wasn’t even a footnote in your life and you likely didn’t remember a thing about him. Steve was right, he should have let it go a long time ago.
“God, I told myself that I wouldn’t dump this all on you, that I-“ he huffed a derisive laugh, “-that I’d just apologise and let you be…”
He sighed, running a hand through his thick hair.
“Look, I’m sorry, I’ll- I’ll just go.”
A hand shot out to catch his elbow as he turned to leave, and though he could have broken the hold and saved himself any further humiliation, he stayed put.
“James, wait.”
“Bucky,” he corrected, as if it were instinct by now.
“Bucky,” you offered a warm smile, “those assholes you called ‘friends’ targeted me because they were assholes.” You said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
He huffed in amusement, though it was more half-hearted than you would have liked.
“I don’t blame you, ya know?” You softly added, “I never have.”
He nodded hesitantly and your hand slipped down to his own to give it a reassuring squeeze.
“Besides, Stacey and I are actually on kinda good terms at the moment. Have been for a few months,” you added.
Bucky’s looked horrified by the very idea.
“You’re kidding?”
He drew another laugh out of you. You didn’t remember the last time anyone had managed to do that as frequently as he’d been able to in the space of twenty minutes.
“Nope, I actually helped her with her divorce last year. She apologised, and well, she’s matured a lot since high school.” You nodded, almost proud of how far she’d come. Sometimes all it took was a little perspective, and seeing your old bully fall into a sobbing mess because of her cheating husband, had given you both perspective.
“Wow, that’s…surprising.” He winced when he realised how mean he sounded. “Sorry, I meant that’s great. Really.”
“I mean, Lance is still pretty much an ape so I understand your shock,” you joked and were happy to see the first genuine smile on his face after his confession.
You stared at each other for a moment too long, but neither of you seemed to mind. Whether he felt it too, you had no idea, but you weren’t in high school anymore and you were sick of contemplating the ‘what-ifs’.
“You know, I liked you too, back then.” And now.
Now it was his turn to look surprised.
“Yeah?” He almost looked awed by that bit of information.
“Yeah,” you tried to suppress your grin with little success, “and…I know this might be a little forward but, would you like to grab a drink some time?”
Bucky’s eyes widened.
“With you?”
“Um, yeah.” You nodded awkwardly.
He was so surprised that he didn’t notice how his words had come across until your smile faded.
“I’d like that,” he quickly reassured, before pausing “you’re…you’re not married, are you?”
Ah jeez. Why did he ask that? Stupid Steve and his stupid theoretical husband! Why would you ask him for a drink if you were married? You weren’t that kind of girl!
You cocked a brow in amusement, “well, yeah. But my husband doesn’t have to know.”
Bucky froze, and he swore that his heart stopped.
“I’m kidding…”
And started again. You chuckled at the obvious slump of his shoulders.
“Jesus, woman…” he gave your hand a squeeze with a relieved smile, “don’t even joke about that!”
You looked entirely too pleased with yourself as you bumped his shoulder with your own.
“We’ll call it even for the heart attack you gave me earlier.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he rolled his eyes in good humour and they caught a glimpse of the clock, “you know, it’s only 8…we don’t have to wait for those drinks.”
“True…” you pursed your lips and nodded, “And who even likes reunions anyway?”
“No one I’ve ever met,” he added matter-of-factly, offering a hand.
You scooped his artwork up with your right arm and let him drag you out of the room with your left. Loud laughter rang out through the hallway as you raced to the exit hand-in-hand, before anyone spotted you.
Neither of you seemed to notice Steve step out of the stuffy gymnasium, nor the small smile on his face as he watch his best friend run through the halls like a teenager. He imagined what a stern-faced Ms Higgins would say if she could see you now. Steve jumped as a loud shriek filled the air, but Bucky merely howled like a hyena and doubled back to fetch the heel that had flown off in your great escape.
You slipped your other shoe off but he was having none of it, opting to scoop you up and carry you out himself. Steve shook his head, and fished his phone out of his pocket.
Heading home early, pal…enjoy the rest of your night.
It’s so late, let me know if you see any mistakes? Thank you for reading! xx
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