#also kinda feeling like doing something for myself checking tumblr today so here we are
i love that the day i decided to check what's up in the silly men in cars world it's the day of silly season returning
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the-royal-bat-snake · 3 months
Oh yeah I guess I kinda forgot to make this announcement ever.
I'm not really gonna be on tumblr anymore? I know that looks unsure and it's because I am.
I've been here, in mcytblr, since 2019. I was here for all the major dramas, I survived all of our mass extinction events, so it's weird to me to just leave. And I'm not really, tumblr sends me emails when people @ me and I always check those, so if people need me I'll be available. Also a lot of you have my Discord, and if you want it for some reason you can just message me I'm not really hiding.
But I'm leaving because genuinely I was stressing myself out. I am very big about managing notifications and looking at every single one, which was fine when I only followed 20 blogs. I follow 100 blogs and I have notifications on for over half of them. That is not sustainable and every time I got behind I was worried I was missing something. I got so caught up in being one of the last blogs remaining from several burned corpses of fandom spaces that I lost the fact that that Doesn't Fucking Matter. I'm just a guy. I don't need to know what’s happening all the time here. It's not important.
I got a new phone recently and it didn't automatically log into tumblr for me. I didn't realize for a few days honestly, which really proves I was getting worked up over nothing. So I just. Never logged in. I planned to make a post on my laptop. Never did that either. Only logged in because Elvie said they were deleting art from a blog and I wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything in the past few months. Only opened today because tumblr sent me an email about someone following me and decided to check Elvie's blog to see how they were doing.
I mean this in the nicest way possible to myself: I don't matter here. Nothing is going to implode because I decided not to log on unless someone needs me for something, or they just wanna show me a cool bat.
I think making posts about leaving websites is a bit dramatic, especially since I'm not really leaving and I might try and come back in like 2 months knowing me. But I have made friends here, and even if we don't talk often or at all I do want it to be clear what happened and that y'all can contact me for anything.
Feel free to @ me for anything or dm me for anything (also would have to @ me on a random post because I don't get emails for that and I turned off all notifications otherwise)
Uh. All that being said I still love Don't stop the party compilations so @ me on any of those you see
Not a goodbye but a see you around
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peligrosapop · 8 months
I can’t sleep and have a headache, I’m in pain and sober ( weed would help 2/3 at the least)for some stupid reason. So, I’ll rant.
I went skating (as in skateboard) yesterday
did my first ever 50-50 trick (skate trick) at 40
but also pulled a muscle in my upper thigh and I’m limping a bit and it hurts. (Hi, It’s me, Pedri without free accessible healthcare)
A girl flirted/hit on me and I can’t thinking about it bc, maybe I liked the attention? and she’s cute? I get plenty of attention at home though, dunno wtf is going on.
I forgot to call my mom on her bday but I called her today and we talked like an hour and it was nice. I like my mom a lot. I don’t want her to die, ever. My dad’s death anniversary was last week and I just realized yesterday. None of us surviving family members said anything either, guess we rather forget.
The call with mom also made me realize I barely call anyone anymore, ever. Last time my older sister called I didn’t pick up and have ghosted her since. I told my mom I’m being anti social atm. I need to call my pregnant younger sister. I guess I’m the asshole.
I text with a lot of people that I don’t know IRL and have neglected a lot of my IRL friends. I even have neglected online friends I like a lot. I still chat people a bit too much, I’m afraid.
I think my current obsession with Barça on tumblr and tumblr in general helps me focus on something else but myself when I’m stuck creatively or emotionally.
I need to finish writing 4 songs that I started and are almost done. One about staring at your crush, one about dreaming of people that have passed away, one about Messi (in the most non-obvious way) and one about leaving everything behind to move somewhere else to remake your life. It is annoying to feel like I can’t when I’m perfectly able to. They are 80-90% done.
Right now I’m in between jobs doing some gigs and the break in routine and extra time to do fun stuff things has been , instead of being liberating, weird.
My fav girl friend has been really busy lately and I fucking hate it. I feel needy. And I hate it.
My boyfriend is amazing, thank god he’s there. My bff. I am a mess rn. He was trolling me a week ago saying “I read this list of symptoms of depressed people and you checked out most of them” and I laughed at him and he was like 😅. I’m not depressed. It’s okay. I have depressive tendencies from anxiety but that’s it. I’m a hedonist most of the time, anyway. 🤣 Very few fucks given but active existencial dread.
My health/body has been changing since I hit 40 and it’s pissing me off. Also I kinda stop caring care of myself for a second but getting back on track. Also need to start saving money for all the “hey you hit 40 so you may have this” health test, like cancer screenings and shit. But hey, better old than dead.
and….I need a hug. And to write poems but they won’t come out. I don’t need anyone to do anything. I just need to get it out of my system.
I wish you were here and not so far away, you know this. I punched my pillow today like I told you I wanted to. I wish it was easier.
We had a friend as a house guest for a week and he just left today without telling us, even though he was supposed to be here 2 more weeks and now he said he is with a dude we don’t talk to anymore. lol wtf is wrong with people?! can’t they be normal?!!!! You can say you wanna go see a friend, why just disappear and tell us a one like text when we asked where the fuck you are. He may come back? I dunno ahahahah. Maybe its our bad for having a bunch of moody musicians as friends.
Also, like my bf jokes all the time….when I die, be happy for me because I won’t have to pay any more bills.
Maybe this was too real but IDGAF. The end.
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
Writing/Art Update 1/17/2023
I’m on break this week.
The last two months have been really stressful for me. I don’t meter my own stress levels well--I knew I had some stuff I wanted to get done in early January, and I knew that the holidays would take up a ton of my time and energy, so I started early and tried to clear out my schedule and worked very hard. I met my goals and also made myself extremely miserable.
This is one of those things that, if given the choice, I would rather just skip Christmas. That’s not an option, tho, so I’m declaring right now in advance that I am not going to try to get anything done next December.
Anyway, I made it thru Renruki Week and somehow managed to do something for every day, even though I told myself I didn’t have to. I was working up until the last day of it, and so I’m sorry for all the things that showed up at the end that I haven’t reblogged, but I noped offline immediately after I finished my last thing and haven’t really be able to bring myself to get back to it. I’ll try to catch up in the next few days, and address my AO3 comments, as well. Here is a convenient link to all my Renruki Week content, but you can also check out the more general RenrukiWeek hashtag or the Twitter version and see all the stuff other cool people did.
In the same week, I also managed to finish the first draft of my first big assignment for my volunteer gig, which I’m pretty excited about. Polynya, you might say, did you really need to do these things simultaneously? The answer is no, but I really wanted to make a good showing on my first project, and also I make bad decisions. 
The other thing that happened is that my eight-year old decided during Christmas break that she wanted to turn over a new leaf and completely clean out her room and strive toward keeping it clean in the future. I think this might have been inspired by the week of cleaning I did leading up to New Year’s. In any case, when your kid wants to clean, you do not hesitate, so we have been cleaning like mad for weeks now. Her room looks great now, and we’re working on the downstairs playroom that we want to convert into a second computer room, so that the kids aren’t constantly stealing my husband’s desk to play Minecraft.
Also, I’ve kinda gotten into houseplants? I’m reading a book? And I made some bad sourdough breads today. You know, now that I type all this out, I feel like I’m describing a manic episode. I’ve just been doing a lot. I would like to do less. The thing I would like to do less of the most is feel like I am under pressure to do stuff. What I really just need is some “leave me alone” time, so that’s what I’m doing right now.
Even though I’m de-prioritizing my writing, my actual, sincere hope is that by not forcing myself to write, it will actually give my brain a chance to come up with some ideas. I’m hoping to work on the next part of Heart is a Muscle as my next project, and I’m toying with the idea of re-reading all the previous parts, something I used to a lot, but haven’t done in a while. 
Anyway, I’ll be around, and I’m sure I’ll do some reblogs, but I don’t really aim to do much Tumblr stuff in the near future. Hopefully, I’ll be back eventually. I’ve closed my Ask box for the foreseeable future, possibly forever.
That’s enough of my boring, dumb life. The only other interesting thing I’m up to is that Mr. P and I are re-watching Vision of Escaflowne, which I am very excited about. Maybe now that’s Bleach is back, I can give that up and start hyperfixating on an even older, even deader anime.
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josiebelladonna · 11 months
how’s everyone doing?
okay. these few days have been… interesting to say in the least.
first off, the house: the backstory, in case you don’t know, is that the property taxes here had defaulted about five years ago. to make a long convoluted complicated 95% of it i can’t talk about due to legality story short, they defaulted… and turns out, it wasn’t even our fault. someone dropped the ball somewhere, it totally wasn’t even our doing or our responsibility for that matter. but my mom and i looked at each other, we looked at what was due, and my mom bit the bullet and pretty much used all of her savings to cover it—by the skin of our teeth, too, like the company got the check today. she’s only got about 200 dollars left in her savings account after that, but luckily for us, it’s only a once-a-year thing (meaning we don’t have to think about this again for a full year), and we’ve been through difficult times before (read: we know how to pinch pennies in our sleep) and it’s only for about a month, which is when her job starts with a new assignment.
second, my mental health. it tanked the other day, and there were a couple of things that triggered it: number one was the fact that i kept getting asked about money over on instagram. people asking me about commissions and “dealing” and what have you—i think most of them were ai generated, but who the fuck knows. it’s a deep wound that only those who grew up poor will understand—compounded with the fact that i have a very dysfunctional, very unsupportive, borderline abusive family; on its own, it’s enough to push my buttons. plus—say what you want. every artist goes through this. i’m following a bunch of artists on instagram, good artists, too, some of these people are excellent… but i couldn’t help but compare myself to them. it’s also kind of… clique-y, i’d say? kind of like how tumblr is now, but it’s actually worse because you have art involved, something that should unite all of us. tumblr… as obnoxious as this place is now, i do see where it’s coming from. but within the art community? that just doesn’t seem right to me. when you take an art class, you’re going in there to rest your soul. tap into yourself and learn some techniques while you’re at it. nobody is picasso out the gate, so you hone your own skill and your own style all the while, so it’s like a leveling of the playing field (and no, showing the biggest piece of shit to the teacher doesn’t count). but this is uncomfortable. and it’s exhausting, too, like how the hell can you people be posting to your story several times every hour? i post three to mine in one sitting and i feel like i’m overloading everyone. and, i was getting comments from people who were following me years ago asking me, “you’re still drawing?” like they were shocked that i’m still doing this. i saw that as a bad sign, like… you know when you, a fan of something or someone, doesn’t seem to realize that the thing you’re fan of is still going, that’s usually a sign of things gone wrong. and i had accidentally rehashed some old wounds that are kinda “same ol’” status at this point: my sexuality, my appearance, my body, my not feeling good enough. so… i woke up one morning, looked at my art, and just started crying. all of that pushed me over the edge and it genuinely made me want to quit. i thought for sure i was finished. i had to get away. i have to be alone for a while.
(so, if i seem a.w.o.l. over on instagram, you know what happened: i just deleted the app from my tablet, i didn’t delete my account)
third, i looked at my art and i wondered if i just needed a makeover for it. i have a new little project going right now made by some of the techniques i’ve seen on instagram. i won’t reveal it until it’s done, though. it’s kind of abstract, kind of odd, kind of… well, you’ll see it. as for the “deleted all my art files from my computer” tidbit, it didn’t delete the backup files, so i clicked on those and salvaged every single one, every single one. i’ll admit, it was weirdly freeing to have all that free space on my thumb drive.  and as for neptune’s spear… i was thinking of posting it today or tuesday, but… eh. i think she can wait a while.
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
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me sitting in my car listening to sirtaki on repeat after zooming to the library to return a stack of books and wondering if i should finally enact my “leave tumblr” fantasies*.
*every now and then i like to stop and ask myself: does this make me happy? most of the time it does! i think tumblr is a great informal way of reaching out to someone, and i like having little drabbles and things here as fun extras for anyone that wanders over from ao3 and mostly, i enjoy treating this like a very hyper-specific diary. a containment chamber, if u will. but sometimes i wonder, “why am i here?” LOL. and that has always been a question i ask myself!!! i think it’s good to check-in with the habits you have, to poke at them and wonder why you’re doing them. most of the time the answer is that tumblr gives me a space to fill with the junk that makes me happy! and it’s a way of being able to keep tabs on a community that i consider myself apart of (or tangent to, i guess, since i keep to my own corner lksfjsdlkjlsdkfj).
discourse doesn’t bother me in any true, deep-seated way. i think even at the heart of the worst of it (for example, younger fans/kids getting upset and trying to police older members of varying communities for making content that doesn’t apply to them) there’s something we can take away from it (teenagers these days have been raised in a shared public space that has exposed a lot of them, at a young age, to stuff that just isn’t suitable for them. full stop. that is a fact! so i will always be sympathetic to teens who like, feel cornered in some way—because we as a culture just haven’t made safe spaces for them. we haven’t. but there’s also no easy solution, beyond personal accountability, thanks to how being online is so predominate these days sooo, idk, like, how do you fix this for the kids that come after them without like, enacting some dystopian-level bullshit on what people can and can’t create? food for thought). i will silently read and follow whatever topics come up but even when they cross over into this blog it’s just kinda—eh. it’s an online thing, LOL. at the end of the day i can—and do—simply walk away from all my electronics and go and do something else.
i spend so much time on tumblr shenanigans that sometimes i feel bad for not using that time to like, idk, write, LMAOOOO. but idk—sometimes it’s just nice to dick around among people who are generally on the same wave length. 🧐 hmm hmmm hmmm.
(don’t worry im (probably) not leaving tumblr, i just like talking these things out every once and while, and today seemed like a good day for it 🌷)
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tealenko · 2 years
Current mood...
So I've been off Tumblr for a couple days because I'm with fever and and a stupid crazy cold (it's no the c bi*ch btw, I've checked 😅)
Well, I opened this today, because I had a notification from my ko-fi, and imagine my surprise after seeing so many new likes and reblogs on my mele collection. For a moment I really thought it was the fever making me see things xD
Anyway, to the new people here:
Hi, I'm Tea! Idk why you're here but welcome to my madness. This is mainly a Bioware blog (with A LOT of Kaidan content, of course, but I love almost everyone and, if I don't, I'm emotionally capable of understanding why others do and be respectful and kind to them 🙃) aaaaaand I also tend to talk about how sometimes the plot in a story comes to life on its own and some ships set sail even when their writers do not even consider their existence, aka I'll defend Lara Croft x Jabob till my death bed 😂
As for type of content: fanfic, fanart, dissertations about how people needs to chill a little and be respectful, and random jokes when I'm sleep-deprived that people somehow likes against all odds.
To sum up, and quoting my own blog: I only aspire to please myself
I take promps for both fanart and fanfic, although I kinda have a life, so they'll take me a while to do... but I'll do them xD
Aaaaaaand, I think that's it... I kinda forgot why I decided to write this in the beginning, but here we are, already at the end.
If you haven't noticed by now, I still have a fever, so forgive me for the ranting and if my English is worse than you're used to (ah yeah, I'm from Spain, I knew I was forgetting something xD)
Anyways, I'll be back when I feel better.
Have a nice day / night 👋 👋
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katronautt · 2 years
hello my lovelies! we reached the end of this year (thank god) and i have a few things to say and a lot to thank for you guys.
(i promise that the rest of my writing is not in this font lol)
this year sucked. bigtime. everyone was all over 2020, how bad it was and all but lemme tell you, 2021 wasn't that much better either. first half of this year was spent with struggling trying to find a job while spiraling down into the rabbit hole of self-pity and depression. finally in may (after 8 months of searching), i got accepted to a place that wasn't (and isn't) any better than what I had left behind in 2020. still, it is somewhat better and i least i have a monthly income for now.
but i still very much like to move on to something else in 2022 so here is the first thing im hoping for next year: a good job with a good salary, something i enjoy doing. (huh good luck you dumb biatch lol)
so all in all, i hated this year but!! there are a few things that made is somewhat bareable and it is all thanks to you guys! (here comes the soppy part so buckle up)
i (re)discovered the world of fanfiction throughout the pedro fandom sometime in november, 2020. i have all that time in my hands since i didnt have a job and i got really into it. ever since then, i find it hard at nights to go to sleep without reading anything before it (kinda became a tradition of mine if you will) and during the winter, reading fanfics helped me tremendously. they helped me escape from my miserable, jobless, futureless and lonely af life and they helped me get through the day. they brought me joy, sometimes tears in a good way and i caught myself staying up til 2 or 3 just to read "one more" chapter of a certain fic.
i still cant believe you guys are doing this for free, for our entertainment (and yours) ! sharing your wonderful works with us and expecting nothing in return (except for the obviously well deserved likes & reblogs) is truly a wonder i never be able to comprehend!
tumblr is truly a hellsite, it gave me so much anxiety since i joined back in actively yet... tumblr is also that thing that gave me the most joy this year with y'all in it.
and now for the thank you notes:
⭐ yes of course im starting with my dearest, my love, my one braincell, @queenofthefaceless. ari, you were one of the first 'big' blogs that started following me after i started making gifs again and i was all over and back and that support still holds up til today. thank you for your neverending support and for always being there for me, no matter what. ilysm. 💜
⭐ although we dont speak much lately, @keethus-arts I ll never forget your support and nice words whenever i was feeling down. thank you keeth! 💜
⭐ when @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa started following me, i was just about to go to bed around 2 am, but when i saw the notification i got so excited that i couldnt sleep for another half an hour and then the next morning i checked in there again to see if i wasnt dreaming. for a while i was intimidated by Katryn for some stupid reason (you know big blog with amazing and popular fics and all) but honestly she's the absolute sweetest and I'm so glad I got to meet you! You have such amazing & wonderful stories! i also wanna thank you for your infinite support towards my maxie gifs and towards my other works too💜
⭐ the same happened with @qveenbvtch, i was (and am) so in love with her javi series, i never thought that such a big and amazing (and intimidating) writer would ever talk to me, let alone follow me but she is also one of the sweetest person i've ever met here and i hope she is doing alright and having a nice holidays wherever she is right now 💜
⭐ @mandocrasis birdie, you know this by now but i found you and your blog through your mind blowing fic interruption which is probably something i will never shut up about, but through that smutty one piece i got to meet a wonderful person with wonderful stories & i thank you for your never fading support towards me and my gifs 💜
⭐ @asta-lily lil beans, although you are not that active anymore on tumblr (which i hope will change one day), you were one of the first people i became mutuals with and i was lucky enough too meet the sweetest, loveliest person in you. and your AOJ story forever remains dear to my heart 💜
⭐ sweet, sweet @anaaaispunk ! the first thing i read from you was the first chapter of your crazy in love series (during my summer holiday, on a beach, with people all around me... ) i was instantly blown away and sweating (and not just from the hot wheater 🤭), I just knew I had to follow you for more haha. but this way I got to meet another sweet soul of tumblr with an amazing writing talent. thank you for all the love and support you have shown towards me and my gifs 💜
⭐ MEG! i feel like i am so lucky for finding your soft max lord series, it seriously changed my life, i fell in love with the story, with max, the whole thing.. and when you dedicated your latest chapter to me with that sweet note, i felt like i could cry, because honestly, one of the best thing that happened to me lately haha. you are an absolute angel and dont you forget that @perropascal !! 💜
⭐ and i also wanna mention and say thanks to @babydarkstar! Your ezra story had blown me the fuck away, seriously, its amazing, wonderful and beautiful.. just like you anya, thank you for support and your amazingness! 💜
Alrighty, i talk way too fucking much so im just gonna tag the rest of y'all to whom i say a massive thanks because without your amazing fics i dont think i would have survived this year ( i know with some of you we are not mutuals but that doesnt stop me from loving your works):
@absurdthirst, @toomanystoriessolittletime, @storiesofthefandomlovers, @honestly-shite, @littlemisspascal, @radiowallet, @queridopascal, @just-here-for-the-moment, @softpedropascal , @javier-pena, @f0rever15elf, @danidrabbles, @lellowberry, @pedro-pascal-love, @foli-vora, @krissology @frannyzooey, @starlightmornings, @wordsnwhiskey, @juletheghoul, @dincrypt, @mandosmistress, @yespolkadotkitty, @songsformonkeys, @the-ginger-hedge-witch, @astroboots, @brandyllyn, @charnelhouse , @ezrasbirdie , @novemberrain221, @oonajaeadira
And to every other lovely mutuals I am lucky enough to have: without your support I'd be nowhere. Love y'all tremendously 💋❤️❤️
@beskarboobs, @300mirrors, @over300books, @artsymaddie, @phantomviola, @djarsdin, @sirtadcooper , @lucrezia-thoughts, @wild-at-heart-kept-in-cage
Here's to another shitty AMAZING year with you guys on this hellsite!! 🥂🎉❤️❤️❤️❤️
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mcmoth · 3 years
Dream SMP fandom etiquette
So. This post is probably too little, too late, considering the fandom and the issues I'm about to talk about have existed for so long now, and a lot of the people who need to hear this probably aren't on tumblr anyways, but I just wanted to dedicate a quick post to talk about fandom etiquette. Mostly pertaining to discourse, and interactions with people outside of our circle. These are just going to be my own personal thoughts, of course, but I felt it could be good to bring some of this to attention. So without further introduction:
Where to (not) talk about discourse:
Don't go into other streamer's vods to only focus about a different character. If you want to analyse, for example, c!Techno, do it in Techno's stream. Don't go into unrelated streams, like Tommy's, Tubbo's etc. to do it, even if they were a part of the event in question. This is, of course, with the exception if the character in question didn't stream their own pov. But otherwise, stay in your own space. This is to prevent cluttering a streamer's comments about unrelated discussion. To give further example: Tubbo's vod comments should primarily focus on Tubbo's character. Not Tommy's, Ranboo's, Techno's or whoever else's.
Don't start discourse in the comments of animatics. Seriously, stop that. Animatics aren't discussion boards. The comments are there to analyse and appreciate the video presented, not argue. It's especially rude if you pick a small detail, that wasn't even the focus of the animatic, or even a completely unrelated issue to rant out your frustrations about. To give examples: starting disc discourse in an animatic of Tommy talking to Wilbur, or rambling about how tragic Techno's character is in an animatic focused on clingy duo, etc.
This applies to fan songs as well.
Video essays are the exception to these rules. I think it's safe to say they're the place to bring your hot takes, if you really feel so inclined to argue in youtube comment sections (Though I'd personally advise to still keep the topic relevant).
Keep negativity out of fanfic comments. This isn't nearly as big of an issue as the last points, but I've seen it happen a couple times, so I'm deciding to mention it. Fanfics are written for fun. Even if you disagree with the characterisation or something else, unless the author is clear in accepting critique, keep criticism to yourself. And definitely don't rant about how you dislike a character unrelated to the fanfic. Sharing your thoughts on the fanfic itself is of course fine and welcomed, but when it turns from discussing the author's story to talking about how you dislike a character in canon, that's when it crosses a line. Example: comment talking about what you don't like about c!Tommy on a Bench Trio fanfiction.
When commenting on art, keep the feedback positive. Even if you dislike any presented character, keep that to yourself. Example: Don't say things like "I hate x character, but this art is good". You might think the author would feel honoured, but it's actually just hurtful.
How to deal with discourse:
This is gonna be a shorter section, because I think we all chose to do it in different ways, and that's valid. Also, it's just that I, myself, am still learning how to do this well, but I thought it could be good to try to lay it out anyways.
Try to scroll past takes you disagree with instead of arguing if you don't think you'd be able to keep your cool. Noone likes a random person yelling at them through a screen, and if you rant, you'll get an equally frustrated reply back, and noone will be happy. Either explain your point in a calm manner, or scroll past/ unfollow/block.
On the keeping cool thing, remember to just step away. Take a deep breath and calm yourself down before proceeding. To minimize the frustration you feel on a daily basis, filter tags, block people, avoid videos and youtube comment sections that you know will upset you, and leave certain internet spaces if you find yourself unable to escape negativity even with all those steps. Remember: in the end, it's all a game played by friends, a story, and your enjoyment of it lies in what you take from it. Abandon what makes you unhappy. Marie Kondo your fandom experience.
Also, here's your reminder, to whom this is relevant, to take care of yourself. Hydrate, eat, sleep, clean up, get fresh air, remember the things outside of all this. There's plenty to do outside of this fandom, and what you can do here can wait. There is no pressure, or obligation. Not for the content you create, not for the discussions you bring, not for responding to discourse, not for anything. Fandom is meant purely for fun, so take care <3
Interacting with people outside of the fandom:
This is something that I've seen a bit of talk about, and I thought I'd drop in my own thoughts on this as well. No matter the differences, we're all just trying to vibe, and I think these are important things to keep in mind to leave both sides better off:
Don't interact with hate posts. Just don't. You don't want to see them, they don't want to see you. Even if your response is lighthearted, their animosity is not. They will feel frustrated regardless, and the grudge will only grow. And if they're being agressive, calm discussion most likely won't happen even if you're being polite. Just leave it, please.
Correct misinformation calmly. I completely get how it can be frustrating to see blatant lies and all, but with our reputation, people will not listen if you're being antagonistic. Provide sources, explain, and leave it at that.
Don't be hateful, send death threats, or assume privilege or whatever else. That's stepping into the same shoes of the people you hate. Misunderstandings go both ways, and the fact of the matter is, I think most people who dislike DSMP, even the ones who are agressive about it, don't have their stance rooted in maliciousness. To expand on why the situation became what it is today, taken from a discussion on discord:
I think it's just a combination of Dream growing so insanely quickly + how internet spaces have changed over the years. When ccs like jackstepticeye or pewdiepie etc. grew popular, activism wasn't as prevalent and held to such importance. Now it's thankfully more talked about, but that also leads to Dream being more scrutinized in comparision. Add twitter trends and the general prevalence of the fandom, and you've got everyone feeling tired and frustrated and paranoid. People also tend not to fact check stuff, especially when it comes to celebrities and stuff they're not really interested in, so rumors spread fast.
And actually, I think there's absolutely valid reasons to be made uncomfortable by Dream SMP, either in it's creators, content or fandom, and there is, of course, stuff to criticise in general. The problem is the hate and misinformation and overexposure, but we are not going to solve any of that by being aggressive in return.
(This is, by the way, not talking about more serious cases. Like doxxing, or leaving gore images in hashtags, or similar instances. That's a whole different complicated issue that I don't feel qualified to tackle.)
And finally, don't overwhelm outsiders who merely mention the Dream SMP. Don't send asks asking them to watch it, don't write paragraphs explaining the lore, don't confuse them with inside jokes, just... Don't jump on people like that. Unless they're explicitly clear in wanting interaction and getting into the fandom, that kind of thing will just drive them away. This is in no way exclusive to the Dream SMP fandom, pretty much every fandom has people enthiastic to have more people involved, but since there are so unbelievably many of us, it's especially easy to go overboard with this stuff. Just... be polite, and don't pressure anyone. Be nice, please.
So.... ya! This would be it for this one, I think. Sorry that it's kinda long, thank you if you read it at all. Hope y'all have pleasant days ^^
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carnationcreation · 3 years
Hi!! could you do a hunter bradley one where he is very nice and sweet to the reader who is also a ranger and whenever it’s revealed he’s one of the thunder rangers it takes her forever to forgive him when he comes back but he keeps trying to get her to forgive him and she eventually does?
thank you!
Make Up (Hunter Bradley x reader)
✌🏻Masterlist Taglist, Requests, and Works in progress!
Please check bio to see if requests are open before sending any in!
Request: (tumblr anon) Hi!! could you do a hunter bradley one where he is very nice and sweet to the reader who is also a ranger and whenever it’s revealed he’s one of the thunder rangers it takes her forever to forgive him when he comes back but he keeps trying to get her to forgive him and she eventually does? Thank you!
Prompt/summary: Hunter tries to make things right with the girl he hurt
Word Count: 1,012
A/N: I'm so sorry this is pretty short, schools been kinda crazy! But I hope you enjoy :)
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For a moment, I wanted to believe I was hallucinating.
I wanted to believe that the two thunder rangers weren’t in front of me, and that one of them wasn’t the same guy that had brought me a flower last week to my workplace. The same guy who I was supposed to go on a date with.
The same guy who had stolen my sensei.
Even after we got sensei back, even after Hunter and Blake both promised that they would fight with us instead of against us, the pain of the betrayal still stung.
It was hard to handle. Every time I would see him I would get myself out of the situation as fast as I could to avoid looking him in the eye. But he was starting to get harder to avoid.
Thinking back on every single day we spent together, every single compliment and smile he threw my way stung.
I really thought he liked me, and that he wasn't just using me to get close to the rangers.
Hayley had hired the brothers to work at the shop. The same shop I worked at and spent most of my free time at. The thought of spending most of my shift in the same building as him made me sick to my stomach, but I knew I needed to stomach it for today.
Hayley asked me to manage the newest shipment of helmets and make sure everything was properly stocked for the week. I sighed as I opened the door to the shop, walking over to the radio to let music fill the empty store.
A tap on my shoulder made me jump, lifting my hand up to slap the hand away.
I glared, “What are you doing here Hunter?”
“I… was scheduled to work today. Hayley said something about unloading a shipment-”
“I’m doing that today,” I huffed, “Don’t you have repairs to work on or something?”
Hunter rolled his eyes, “No… and we really have to make up if we’re going to be on the same team-”
I felt my eyes prick with tears, I didn’t even let him finish as I spun on my heel to head to the stockroom. The feeling of my chest tightening made me feel panicked. Panicked over the fact he had that much of an effect on me.
“(Y/n), we really need to talk about this.”
I huffed, “What is there to talk about? That you lied to me and you’re hiding a bunch of secrets from the person you wanted to date-”
“I never meant to hurt you,” he said softly.
“Well you did,” I bit back.
“Can you please forgive me?” Hunter reached out and took my hand gently.
I pulled my hand back to my side, “Maybe, but right now it still hurts.”
Hunter didn’t say anything else as we silently unloaded and stocked the shipment.
The next few days I avoided him. Training felt so suffocating. I stayed focused on the exercise and when I was done I left as soon as I could. Luckily no attacks had happened for almost two days so the Rangers and I were able to rest for our next battle. Everyone seemed to notice me drifting farther and farther away from the people I used to call my family, my best friends.
“(Y/n), you should really hear him out.”
I huffed, throwing another punch at her she blocked effortlessly, “I did. And he never truly apologized.”
“Did he really get the chance to? You’ve been avoiding him all week.” She said.
She had a point, I sighed and dropped my fighting stance to put my hands on my hips.
Tori dug into her pocket, pulling out a note she put into my hand, “He asked me to give this to you. Just at least go hear him out. He hasn’t been the same since you started ignoring him.”
I looked down at the small piece of paper in my hand as Tori left me alone in Ninja Ops.
Meet me at our spot at 6:30, please I need to tell you something -H
I knew exactly where he meant. Our spot near the ocean.
It couldn’t hurt, maybe he had something he wanted to say after all.
The rock was a special spot for the both of us. Before, we had sat here listening to the sound of the water crashing onto the shore, talking until the sun dipped below the horizon. I hadn’t been here since he had revealed himself as the crimson ranger.
I checked my watch.
I glanced around. Hoping to see any sign of the blond before I decided to call it a night and head home. Where was he? He was the one that wanted to talk to me.
Finally after a few minutes I decided to walk back to my car, I slipped down off the boulder before heading back up the bank.
Hunter caught up to me on the beach, his jersey was torn and covered in dirt and sand. In his hand was a beat up bouquet of flowers he held out to me with a nervous smile, “These… were supposed to be for you. I kinda crashed on the way here. That’s why I was late and why these look so terrible-”
I smiled gently and took the bundle of pink roses, “They’re lovely. Thank you.”
“I’m really sorry. For everything.”
“I know,” I nodded, “I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you.”
Hunter put his hands in his pockets nervously, “I understand why, I know I really hurt you.”
I looked up at him, seeing his eyes full of sincerity.
“If you would let me, I wanna make it up to you. Can we start over?”
I smiled, taking his hand gently, “I don’t think I could ever stay mad at you.”
*If you signed up for my taglist but don’t see your name please message me!
Taglist: @thebookwormlife @talksoprettyjjx @coolreallyfuzzystudentuniverse @lovesanimals @aunicornmademedoit @thexhotmess @ssprayberrythings @registerednursejackie @hemmingsness @bookfrog242 @smol-book-nerd @thewifeofhades @igotissuesmister @carnations-red @disgustedchild @23victoria @american-sataness
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Harry Fic Recs #3
It has been far too long since I have done one of these posts, especially considering how many amazing fics I have read between now and my last recommendation post. There are definitely fics I will miss and this is a reflection only on my memory and probably how long ago I read them. There is a plethora of truly exceptional works on tumblr, each of them requiring huge amounts of effort to be delivered to us as readers cost free so please please take the time to thank writers for fics you love, and at the very least give them a like (and a reblog, we love those too!).
Without further ado, I present fics that I adore!
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First of all, a couple fanfictions from Wattpad because I have finally started reading fics from there for the first time since 2014. If you like me didn’t cross over to wattpad, I recommend you do so for these fics in particular. 
Stall by @/MysteryMixtapes - a lot of people reading this list probably think this is an obvious one but I had honestly never even heard of any wattpad fics until the end of last year so there might be someone else in the same boat as me. This is nice and long, dark but also very fun and humorous at times. It is the best of both worlds in a lot of ways. You get to see dark and gritty mob!H but also some very sweet moments. The writing is outstanding, some of the absolute best that is around in fanfiction anywhere today. I don’t want to give too much away, so just believe me when I say this is a must read.
Aerial by @/peanutboyfriend - this story is simply gorgeous down to its every detail. Set in 60s Malibu, this story follows Harry and an original main character who have been thrown together as aerial performers in the circus. This book throws you into a perfectly crafted world that is simply beautiful. I often found myself wanting to step right in. It is slow burn, full of tension, twists, sickly sweet moments and also angst.
!Kinda spoilers! What these two books have in common is what I believe to be an accurate depiction of navigating a romantic relationship and the ups and downs of trying to create a healthy dynamic, and often having to get things very wrong before you get them right.
Now back to my tumblr fam! I am going to list first the user and then their fics that I recommend in particular, but I honestly recommend everything on these lovely people’s masterlists.
Aster - absolutely stunning tattoo artist!h fic, I could say so much but I don’t want to give too much away. But we start with y/n starting to make her own way in the world when she meets Harry, who is a bit of a dick to her even though she has a crush on him. The main character is so sweet in this, and it is all so beautifully written, I loved every word.
Chiaroscuro - suuuuuuuch an addictive vampire!h fic. My only qualm with this series is that it was not longer because I could honestly read about this little world forever. We start with y/n on the job hunt when she stumbles upon a live in house keeper position. Niall, who is handling the hiring for his friend, is lovely but something doesn’t seem quite right with this beautiful home or its handsome owner. 
Harry hates the other camp counselors and Y/N is very optimistic - this fic was so freaking sweet, a lovely bit of protective!h, squishable reader and just a fun vibe. All of her fics are really nice and long, and build beautiful worlds which you could practically step inside.
Here is her masterlist because all her writing is fabulous, all her stories are so original, well-written and gripping. I could sit her and list ten different stories I could just cut out the middle man and send you straight to her masterlist because you won’t find a single story on there you won’t love.
@sunflowervolvimp3 + @adashofniallandasprinkleoflunacy
You’re Someone I Just Want Around - I actually don’t have the vocabulary to express how much I am loving this story. These two lovelies are writing this gorgeous vamp!h fic together. They are serving slow burn, friends with benefits, secretly a vampire Harry with a dark past, who is, of course, in denial of his own feelings. This story is so fun, sexy and sweet, I am loving every moment and can’t wait to see what happens next. 
Both these lovely authors do some of my favourite tropes and aus in their solo writings so I am just going to say check out both of their masterlists (sunflower...) and (adashof...)
Thinkin’ Bout You - holy fucking shitballs I can’t recommend this enough. This is about Florist!H who is a total freaking sweetie and has a giant crush on one of his new customers. The character creation was gorgeous, and every word painted the prettiest picture of this little world. Simply lovely, from start to finish.
Say It - sparks fly in the restaurant when Harry is assigned to show the new waitress the ropes. I adored this fic, it has that perfect blend of angst and freshly blooming romance (and also got a little bit saucy which we all love to see). Gorgeous fic, I cannot recommend it enough.
Pebbles and the Scarecrow - this fic had me absolutely squealing over how cute it was. I love halloween!harry. I love dad!harry. The two together, especially executed so well just melts my brain. This was actually unbearably cute. Co-ordinated costumes. Teacher!harry. Need I say more stop reading me talking about and go read it right now.
Fairies First - the absolute sweetest dad to be!h and pregnant!reader. Super cute and so well written, as is every fic on her masterlist. Read them all but also here are some more of my personal faves
The Thrill of the Chase - I literally read this first thing this morning when I woke up and saw it had been posted and I adore it! We have hunter!harry which is a trope I feel like you never see but based on this fic alone, I am obsessed. It’s a lowkey cottagecore vibe so if that’s what you’re into, you will love it.
Drive Me Wild - in which harry has trouble expressing emotions and reader talks too much. Okay I was so obsessed with this fic and could read a full length book of this au. Quiet!h and super chatty!yn are the cutest combination and the angst hurts so good my god. But also the fluff warms my soul.
The Mute Series - where Harry doesn’t talk and falls in love with y/n. I think I’ve read this fic at least three times. We have mute!harry, college!harry, and just overall sweet, shy lovely, Harry. This fic is gorgeous, it tugs on your heartstrings so aggressively and I just love it to pieces. 
Once again, these are some of my favourite writers on tumblr, and these are simply some of my favourites of all their works and I recommend going through their whole masterlists. 
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kittenofdoomage · 3 years
Happy Birthday to my blog, seven years ago today I started out in this strange wilderness and it's only gotten stranger 👍 nearly 700 stories and over 3.3 million words of fanfiction.
I was just going to leave this as a happy birthday blog post but I feel like I've got a few things I need to get off my chest, so this is below the cut, I know not everyone wants to or particularly cares to read it so there's ya choice 🤷‍♀️
There's no big announcements here FYI. I'm just doing what my friends have told me and putting my thoughts down on paper.
Some of you may have noticed I'm not posting anything on Tumblr anymore. The lack of interaction (comments, asks etc.) has just really put me off putting anything on here because it doesn't really feel like anyone either wants to read it or wants me around anymore, and I'm not gonna beg for attention. I'm not surprised, to be honest, my whole life I've been a square peg in a round hole. People just don't want me around - it's not just online. In real life there's exactly one place I feel like no one wants me to leave and that's in my house, with my family. I've just always been an odd person, and there aren't many people who vibe with me, it's cool, I've accepted it. But I'm not gonna be opening myself to that discomfort or pain anymore. My fics are all on Ao3 and I'll continue to post on there, my Tumblr will remain but I can't find the strength to get excited about something and then deal with the crushing feeling that no one wants my work. TBH I barely check Tumblr that much anymore bc I only come on here to check messages (usually from Beka, who knows all of this already but if you're reading this, thank you for listening to me and being patient with my mental breakdowns). My asks are staying off for now (sorry, Heart Anon, I love you, I've no idea who you are but please know you've been a light in my life and I appreciate you so much, and Marie, you have also been a beautiful friend with your daily gifs and hearts) but my PMs are on, just don't expect an answer right away.
I turn 35 tomorrow. It's been playing on my mind a lot, especially since my life expectancy ain't looking too good lol. I don't really have much of a life outside Tumblr. I'm a pretty boring person actually. Writing was the way I expressed myself and I truly enjoyed interacting with people who liked my stories. During the pandemic, it's been a way to keep myself focused and keep from slipping into the dark places we're all too familiar with. But there have been occasions lately where writing has been the cause of a slip into a dark place. And that's not healthy, and I need to work on it. I feel this is the time to stop forcing myself to write, seeing as I can't do much of it with my tiny human home for the school holidays.
My Patrons don't need to worry, I've still got material to share, it's a commitment I intend to honor because really, writing is the only thing I have, the only thing I feel I can do well and I am so, so, so, appreciative of every single person that supports me. I can't have a regular job right now (I hope that will change at some point because I've worked all my life until I got sick and I hate it) but you guys have given me a thread of independence, of dignity, and I value every one of you so much, those who have supported, who continue to support and who do so in the future.
I know this won't get absorbed, because it never does but those of you who read on Tumblr... please share the work you like. Set up a separate blog if you're too embarrassed to share on your main, make a reblogging blog, send asks, whatever, just please tell your author how much you liked what they did. I can assure you, those authors are waiting for it. We work so hard on what we make, what we create, we want you to scream from the rooftops. It doesn't even have to be coherent, we love all the feedback, we crave it (as long as it's not just a demand for part two, even Thor learned to ask for more without being rude about it, everyone else can). Without it, we're like plants without water. We don't feel the want to create anymore. And that's kinda where I'm at now. I don't want to lose my passion for my art but when there's nothing to do it for, sometimes it's out of our hands.
So, that's where I'm at. I'll probably lose followers (though I've already lost 250 in the last two months so that's not a surprise) and if any of my Patrons feel like my statement is unacceptable, that's fine. I don't expect anyone to agree with me. I just wanted to put my feelings down, to be honest with everyone. And I have.
I don't want the list of stories to end at 700. I want to keep creating stories that everyone will enjoy. I really hope things with change, even if not for me, then for the others out there who are on their creative journey.
Much love to everyone, stay safe xxx
(this post will remain untagged so it will not show in searches and I'm not tagging those people who I have spoken to about this and my feelings in general, as they know who they are, and they know they're very special, amazing, and appreciated people to me. I don't particularly care if this gets reblogged or not.)
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Hiii I hope you are having a good day I’m kinda new to tumblr so Idk where to request and ask stuff but yeah can you write something where Victor (MLQC) has like a very weak child I just want some domestic stuff 🥲
Of course dear! I apologize for being so late. I hope this was what you were looking for, I'm not too proud of this in all honesty. ^^'
Notes - The name Hao is Chinese and means 'perfect' or 'well'. I thought it'd fit well! Hao is around 6, making him a kindergartener.
Warnings; Bullying.
Word Count - 1980
Our little boy Hao was a product made from me and Victor’s love. When we decided we wanted a child on our first anniversary of marriage, we tried nonstop until the single line turned to two lines. I remember how happy Victor was when I told him the news. He held me tight against his chest and whispered how much he loves me.
Hao, our son, quite literally lives up to the meaning of his name. He is perfect in every way. He has my eyes and nose, and the rest of his features take after Victor’s. Hao is always so kind to others and is as intelligent as his father.
I’m still half asleep, clinging close to my husband still. His arm around my waist hugs me possessively to his body. I can feel his fingers running gently in my hair. Victor has always been extra cuddly on the weekends, Especially on Saturdays, when no one has to get up early. Hao is never picky about getting up early, but he likes to get extra sleep when he can.
I snuggle closer to Victor. Morning cuddles are always my favorite. Victor is always slightly disheveled, much more different from his everyday look. He kisses my forehead softly. I’m nearly asleep again when I feel Victor’s weight shift. A small body crawls in between us.
Hao takes Victor’s spot for his snuggles. Victor huffs and holds us both to him. I can imagine the small pout taking place on his face. I chuckle and hold my son close to me. “Mommy! Time to get up!” He says, burying his face into your neck. “I’m up, I’m up.” I say, giving Hao a kiss on his forehead. Victor’s baritone voice pipes up, “Are you hungry?” Hao nods vigorously. “I still wanna cuddle mommy though, give me a few minutes.” I pat his inky hair, giggling at Victor’s disgruntled face. “Are you excited for school tomorrow? It’s your first day!”
Hao nods with a starry look in his eyes. “I’m so excited to start!” Victor chuckles. “Don’t be late like your mother.” I huff and pout. “It was ONE minute Victor…” Victor smirks. “One minute and fifteen seconds.” I try to banter, but he’s already getting out of bed to make breakfast. Hao and I get up as well and make a beeline to the dining room.
We spend our Sunday lazing around, making sure Hao’s bag is all ready for tomorrow, and relaxing on the couch. After tucking Hao in around mid even, Victor and I head to bed as well.
The next morning, I gently wake up Hao and tell him to get ready while Victor makes breakfast. I hop in the shower for a quick wash and get ready myself. We all meet in the dining room and eat our food in peace. A thought crosses my mind as we walk out the door and I panic. “Victor, we didn't pack him a lun-” He squeezes my hand. “Dummy, I packed one for all of us. Don’t worry.” I sigh and walk to check Hao’s seatbelt before we drive to drop him off.
We follow Hao to his classroom and meet his teacher. After a few pleasantries, Victor and I take off for work. He drops me off at my building before heading off to LFG.
I walk to Hao’s school to pick him up since filming ended early today. I wait on the bench in the school’s exit and keep an eye out for him. He’s talking to a group of boys by the gate, so I decide to let them finish talking. He must’ve made new friends already.
Hao walks over to me a few minutes later with a solemn look on his face. “Hey, honey. Are you okay? You look upset.” I say placing my hand on the top of his head. “It was fine. I’m just tired.” I notice my son’s voice is a bit softer and donning a tone of sadness. “Little Hao, are you sure? You sound upset.” He shakes my hand off and holds it with his tinier one. “Yes, I’m sure. Can we go home? I want to take a nap.” I can feel my maternal instincts screaming at me to prod on, but I end the conversation there.
Around late afternoon, Victor comes home. Hao doesn’t greet him like he usually does when he sees him. He says hello and goes back to his room. I find it odd for someone his age to act like this. “Victor,” I sigh. Victor holds me to his chest. “Is Hao okay?” He asks. I shake my head no. “I was just about to say, I don’t think he had a good day at school. He’s been like this all day.” I melt as Victor strokes my hair. “We’ll keep an eye on him tomorrow after school. I’ll make him pudding tonight, maybe he’ll feel better after eating that.” I nod in agreement. Despite all our years being married, Victor never stopped caring about me or Hao. Even if his love was still a little rough on the edges, his actions always show it.
During dinner, Hao is still quiet. We try asking him questions about his day, but only receive half hearted responses. Then I noticed some bruises on his arms. “Hao, did you get hurt at school today?” I say putting my hand over his. He nods yes, “I fell at the playground today. It’s fine.” Victor and I share a concerned look. “Is someone bothering you at school?” Victor asks gently. “No!” The three of us are startled by Hao’s sudden outburst. “No daddy, no one is bothering me at school.” Victor doesn’t seem convinced, but he lets it go for now.
Victor brings out the pudding after putting our dishes in the dishwasher. Hao refuses, saying that he’s still full from dinner and asks to be excused. I nod yes, placing both of our puddings in the fridge, not feeling happy enough to eat it myself.
This seems to go on for a few more days. Hao’s little bursts of anger, the sadness in his eyes, distancing himself from me and Victor. Victor decides to arrange a meeting with the school’s faculty to see what could be causing this.
On the day of the meeting, Victor’s hand is on the small of my back, comforting me softly. It’s dismissal time, so there’s a myriad of students exiting the building. Despite all the noise and chatter, I hear a familiar yelp. Victor seems to hear it too seeing as how we both move to the direction of the noise.
There we see it. A boy perhaps in the same grade as Hao or maybe one above hitting our son in a secluded area. I shout out to him and he looks over our way, seeming to be just as relieved to see us. I kneel down and hold his shaking body to mine. The other boy tries to find a way to escape, but a glare from Victor stops them dead in their tracks. I leaned to whisper in Hao’s ear, “I know you’re scared, but I need you to go get your teacher. Can you do that for me?” He wipes his tears while nodding and heads off. I grab Victor’s hand and look up at him. I can see the scowl on his face, nearly red with rage.
In the office with the boys and Hao, we wait to talk to the principal. Hao sits on Victor’s lap, giving his arms a small examination for any more bruises. I hold onto Hao’s hand, occasionally giving a small squeeze to reassure him.
The minute the mother of the other child is here along with the principal, Victor stands Hao near me and bolts up.
We walk into the office, Hao now relaxing on my lap. Victor is to my right and the other family is next to him. I have to fight back my tears of anger and guilt as Hao clings as tight as his small body can to me. “Did you have any idea that this was going on? My son has been bullied for days since the beginning of school. You can see the purple marks on his arms.” Victor says, nearly sounding feral. “It’s the beginning of the year, it's been so stressful for all of our teacher’s to notice-” Victor cuts the principal off. “I don’t want to hear any excuses. I don’t care if it’s the beginning of the year. I’m pretty sure it’s easy to notice signs of a bully.”
The child’s mother spoke up, “They’re just boys being boys. You and your son are overreacting.” I roll my eyes and bite my lip. “Excuse me, but if that was the answer Hao wouldn’t be coming home depressed and angry.” I hear her scoff. “Tell her Jin, you were just playing, weren’t you?” Jin sneers, “Yeah, it was just playing. You’re whining for nothing.” A gasp escapes my lips.
Hao grips onto my shirt. “It wasn’t playing! I didn’t like it, I was getting hurt..” I cradle his head to my chest and press a kiss on a tuft of hair. Victor’s knuckles are white from his grip on the chair’s arm. His voice is venomous, “It’s very clear to me that this school isn’t right for Hao. If you didn’t notice this, then what else haven’t you noticed? We’ll be transferring schools immediately.”
Hao’s lip quivers hearing his father’s voice like that. The principal tries to reason, but to no avail. Victor has already made up his mind. “I will also be pulling my funding from this school. I see no benefits from it.” Now the principal is having a full blown fit. Our family headed out of the school and on our way home.
At home, Hao eats his pudding while sniffling as Victor and I sit on opposite sides of him. I have a small ice pack for when he wants to put them on his welts. “Hao, why didn’t you tell us about this?” My voice sounded like a plea. He puts his spoon down and his head droops. “I thought I could be strong like daddy and take care of it myself, but it seems like I can’t even do that…” I look up to see Victor’s reaction. His eyes are wide and his mouth slightly agape.
Victor places a hand on Hao’s back. “Hao, you don’t need to be like me.” Hao tears up, “Yes I do! You’re always so brave and strong! I wanna be like you so I can take care of mommy more.” A small hiccup leaves his mouth.
“Hao, you don’t need to be like me. I never started out this strong and brave, it takes some time to become like this. Your mommy helped me gain courage.” He says with confidence. “Daddy, do you promise?” Victor nods, drawing Hao into a tight hug. “I promise. And no matter what, I’ll be proud of you.”
I wake up on a Sunday morning to a cold bed. I get up and walk up to the window, seeing Hao and Victor walking back from their jog around the block. We decided as a family we would walk together after dinners. Victor and Hao made an agreement to go on runs together on the weekend. I giggle and sneak a picture of my two boys, setting it as my wallpaper and send it to Victor.
I walk downstairs just as they walk through the door. Hao’s eyes light up and he rushes to hug me. “Little Hao, are you excited for school tomorrow?” He wiggles in my arms delightfully. “Yes, yes! I like this new school a lot more!” Victor smiles and squeezes us both in a tight hug, leaving a kiss on my forehead.
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ladyimaginarium · 2 years
Hey, guys, I'm nervous to even make this post, because I'm usually not the kind of person who does this kinda thing, let alone ask others for assistance, but I really need your help. It's Autism Acceptance Month, and most of you don't know this, but I'm under a conservatorship ( in case you don't know what that is, the link leads to ASAN and conservatorships and why they're inherently abusive to autistic and otherwise disabled and neurodivergent people and should be made illegal ) in a dysfunctional household that's trying to recover and I'm going into a mental hospital today of my own free will. It's possible I'll explain my situation a little in the future but it's not a guarantee but what I can guarantee is that I'll be updating y'all on my time in care.
For those of you who don't know me, hi, my name is Arcana ( and for those I'm extremely close to, Angel / Angie ), and I’m a queer, trans / nonbinary / genderfluid, Two Spirited, intersex, mspec, aspec, autistic, disabled, neurodivergent, HoH, chronically ill, psychotic spoonie witch, mixed Native / Indigenous and Ashkenazi Jewish "Canadian" bodied system, I'm an aspiring activist, ASMR roleplayer, fashion model, voice actrex, film actrex ( hopefully getting into something big on Netflix and/or HBO one day ), ASMRtist, youtuber/vtuber, polyglot and writer, and I need support, especially because I don't know how long I'll be in care.
You can donate to my P*yP*l account while you also consider taking a look at my Throne Wishlist, which is the next best thing you can do to support me, even if that's as simple as spreading the word around, it's a privacy first Wishlist that's constantly updating and has a bunch of things in several categories ranging from different prices — the lowest price being $2 — and it's a safe and anonymous way to buy gifts. Please also consider checking out my social media, leaving a kind message here on my wall and my podcast which is where I'll likely be sharing my experiences on, and possibly even on my YouTube and Tiktok, too.
It's starting to feel really hopeless right now, and I'm not sure if I'll ever move out and get away from my controlling mother who I'm not sure if she'll ever change, and my future looks really bleak right now, but at least I'm going to a mental hospital for an evaluation and hopefully get the help I need, although we are psych critical and pro recovery, so please consider helping me out.
Don’t feel pressured if you can’t afford any of the more pricier merch, but if you are able to buy at least some of this stuff for me, it would be greatly appreciated. If you can't, please consider reblogging and help a queer disabled autistic person of color afford the tools they need to make it through the day and/or make their stay at the hospital a little easier. Gifts are not necessary, either, but certainly appreciated, especially because I know that my time in care won't be easy, but after receiving your gift, I'd be more than happy to send you a personal thank you photoset or clip or post something on tumblr or elsewhere, regardless, I'd really appreciate it!
Keep in mind that you are absolutely not required to donate anything ever, however, if the tarot readings I will end up giving or my content or even myself touches you and you want to leave a tip or a donation or buy a gift, I’m keeping that option open, I am grateful for anything, but please never feel like you have to, especially if you’re worrying about how to buy food next month or if you’re hanging onto your sanity, this is only for those who’re physically and mentally able to give, those who have energy and spoons to care and to people who have money. You’re not horrible, cheap, awful, rude, unworthy or unlikeable for putting your survival first, so please don’t trip, and I say it all the time, and genuinely mean it, if you feel like people in your online/offline communities have more urgent needs and therefore should be prioritized in terms of support, absolutely please feel free to help them instead/first ( if you have the funds to help multiple people, anyway! )
I didn’t have a good childhood and not to mention I'm neurodivergent, and as a result, this led to me being a bit slow out of the gate ( mostly because my mother refused and neglected to teach me necessary lifeskills like she did with my older neurotypical sisters and honestly sought to suppress me and my autism rather than teach me anything of value ) when it comes to learning life skills and being able to make money and I am currently seeking many resources online for making extra money, while learning “basic” life skills as an adult.
Passover and Easter are here, so if you want to use this occasion to help out my disabled mentally ill spoonie plural queer Native and Jewish ass, please do. Please boost if you can, I need all the help I can get. Please don't tag as d//nations, I dont want tumblr to suppress this post, thank you so much for reading, and I hope that whoever's reading this are having a happy holiday!
Update: It turns out that I won't be hospitalized which is complete and utter bullshit, but instead I will be assigned a team, not that it helps much, because it's certainly not what I asked for and it's not the same thing as being hospitalized, but whatever, but if you still want to support me, the opportunity is still there and would be greatly appreciated!
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karlajoyner · 4 years
Can I request a Charlie Gillespie x reader , where Charlie Gillespie is the reader’s boyfriend who dress as a clown for Madison Reys’s halloween party while they were in Canada and where Jeremy and Owen dress as clowns too to scare to Charlie’s girlfriend who is the reader but she hates getting scared.
It’s Stupid (Charlie Gillespie x Reader)
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A/n: Hey guys so I hope you enjoy this one. I don't know if I'm gonna post the sunset curve one next yet because I have so much to work on for it. So I might post the one after unless you guys are willing to wait! Let me know if you are if you'd just prefer I post the next one!
Requested by: @fantomlovesjuke4ever (Tumblr)
Warnings: None
I placed the orange beanie over my head. Finally finishing off my final look.
Giggling to myself I walked out into the living room to see Savannah there in her Kim Possible outfit.
"How do I look?"
"Oh my god Charlie's gonna die!" She laughed throwing her head back.
"You look great"
"Are you sure it's not too....booby" I said moving the muscle tee away from my body to show my black bra. The muscle tee being directly from the show itself courtesy of the wardrobe department.
"It's Madison's Halloween party. I don't wanna show up looking like a slut"
"It's not too booby. You look great plus no ones gonna get to look under there except Charlie" She teased.
I playfully rolled my eyes grabbing a large oversized jacket to cover my costume.
"Where'd Tori go?"
"She went to go check on the boys to see if they were almost ready"
"Oh sounds good. Hey thanks again for letting me room with you two"
"Of course you know you're always welcome when your here. Plus I know Kenny always appreciates that you choose not to room with your boyfriend when you visit us"
"Kenny and apparently Owen too" I said earning a giggle from the girl.
"Tori just texted said the boys are ready and scary"
"Yeah. What's Charlie gonna be this year?" She asked as I grabbed my phone off the kitchen countertop.
"Beats me. He said it was top secret"
"Same for Owen and Jer" She spoke as I received a message from my boyfriend himself.
"Oh" I muttered.
"What's up?"
"Charlie just texted they'll meet us there. Something about needing the makeup department"
"Oh my"
"I just hope it's not anything too scary. I hate anything terrifying. I don't even watch scary movies at night due to the fact that I'm a complete wimp"
"Does Charlie know that?" Savannah bit her lip.
"Of course we've been dating for 6 months. If he didn't I'd be worried" I said walking out the front door.
I sighed stepping out of the Uber taking in the freezing cold air. Nothing too bad.
"How are you not freezing your socks off?" Tori asked.
"Toro you forget I've lived in Canada my whole life. You Californians cannot take the cold"
"Your the female version of Charlie. It's actually crazy" The girl said as she looped her arm through my own.
"Yeah he kinda rubbed off on me" I smiled walking into the warehouse with my two temporary roommates.
Immediately we spotted Madison, Sacha and Jadah.
"Y/n!" Madison and Jadah shouted running up to me.
"There's my angel. And my devils" I grinned at my boyfriends cast mates. Taking in the warmth's of the new surrounding.
"Okay let's see it. I've been waiting in anticipation to see your take on Luke Patterson" I giggled opening up the jacket to reveal the rest of my costume.
"You look great!"
"I think you look better than Charlie"
"Yeah my guns look great too don't they?" I asked flexing my arms causing laughter to erupt from the group.
"Okay seriously though where's my boyfriend and his posse"
"We have no idea"
"I do" Sacha stated smirking at me.
"Are you going to tell me?" I asked.
"Nope" As soon as the word left his lips my phone dinged.
"It's Charlie. He's asking me to meet him in the makeup. Where's that?"
"I'll walk you" Sav said taking my hand. We made it to a large door with windows to peer in.
"It's dark" I stated jiggling the knob to find it locked.
"Well that's weird" Sav said knocked. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as the door opened slowly.
"Take my hand"
"Okay Troy Bolton" Savannah said making me giggle. We walked forward slowly my heart dropping feeling a pair of arms grab my waist. I screamed in fear as the lights turned on. The three faces in front of me smiling widely.
"Ahhh" I shut my eyes hugging Savannah tightly. Who seem to have had a similar reaction because she didn't hesitate to pull me close either. My heart beating out of my chest wanting nothing more than to curl up in a ball and cry all my anxiety out. We gripped onto each other for dear life as......laughter erupted?
I slowly peeled my eyes open to see Charlie laughing loudly clutching his stomach along with Owen and Jeremy. A frown fell upon my face as I let the light haired girl go.
"Charlie" I whispered a small tear escaping my eyes.
The laughter quickly died down. Charlie's face now expressing concern.
"Y/n baby what's wrong?"
I scoffed walking past Savannah to be anywhere but here.
"Come on babe"
"Charlie I'm serious. I hate scary movies and I hate being scared. It sends me into this weird panic mode and I get anxious" I ranted watching him turn the tv off.
"You probably think I'm some sort of freak who can't take a joke. If you don't wanna date me anymore that's fine but just don't make me watch that movie especially right now" I spoke looking out the window into the darkness of the dimly lit street.
"Why would you ever think I wouldn't want to date you because of this?" He asked hurt flashing his eyes.
"I don't know. It's just my past boyfriends have called me lame for not wanting to go out to a scary movie with them at night. Or not wanting to dress up as some sort of badass scary character for Halloween. It just sucks to be left out because of some stupid irrational fear"
"It's anything but irrational. So you got a fear of something. We all do. Hey I'm insanely afraid of spiders"
"Really?" I asked biting my lips.
"Yeah baby. It's a stupid fear I know but something about their long legs makes me just ugh" He said getting the chills.
"It's not stupid. Thanks Charlie" I smiled.
"Anytime y/n. Now come on" He spoke sticking his hand out to me.
"What about the movie?"
"We're still watching a movie. Frozen to be exact. Upstairs in my room, cuddling up in a pillow fort. Sound good?"
"Sounds amazing" I grinned taking it. I sighed contently as he pulled my into a hug.
"I promise I won't scare you or take any of your fears with a pinch of salt"
"I promise to do the same" I said looking up at the boy in front of me. Looking up at the face that I was slowly but surely falling in love with.
I made my way back towards the party immediately spotting Madi and Tori talking. Their eyes landed on me quickly sensing something wrong.
I made my way over to them wiping away the strayed water droplets under my eyes.
"Hey what's wrong?"
"The guys are assholes" I spoke bitterly.
"Did they scare you too?" Madison asked as I nodded. The two understanding me immediately.
"Yeah..... Its just when Charlie and I started dating I specifically explained to him why I don't like being scared and he promised he'd never take that one specific fear and use it against me. And he just scared the living crap out of me and Savannah. Which I'm glad I did figure out it was him and the boys before I passed out or puked. I'd expect it from Owen and Jer but my own boyfriend. I know it's stupid and I probably over reacted but I just- I've always made sure to kill every damn spider in our damn apartment so he wouldn't have to do it. And he does this to me"
"I don't think you overreacted. You have the right to be mad"
"You think?"
"Yeah but I also know Charlie's an idiot and needs to be reminded of things from time to time"
"You're right" I sighed.
"Look he's obviously gonna apologize. Just don't be too hard on him. His memories almost as bad as his handwriting" Madison joked making me let out a strangled chuckle hearing my name being called.
"Y/n! Y/n! Where is she?" Charlie shouted running into the room. The music coming to a halt.
All eyes landed on me as Charlie ran up to me.
"Please continue" I awkwardly chuckled pulling the brunette off into a random hallway.
The loud music blaring through the speakers once more.
"What is it Charles?" I spoke sternly turning around to face the boy who's makeup was much worse than before.
"Y/n baby I'm so sorry we pranked you. The boys convinced me that it'd be funny to get as many people as we could today. I didn't know you'd get so upset. I'll go take off this stupid costume right now if you want me to but please don't be mad at me baby. I love you" He finished nearly out of breath. I took in a deep breath hearing the sadness in his voiced as he had ranted like any other time he screwed up which wasn't very often. But still.
"Do you remember the night we watched frozen in your room?" I questioned nervously playing with the rings on my fingers. Another prop from Luke's character that tied my costume together.
"Of course it was amazing. We made a pillow fort and ate popcorn and afterwards we did stuff that was definitely not pg 13" He smirked making me roll my eyes.
"Do you remember why we watched frozen?" I spoke once more hoping he would get where I was going with my questions.
"Yeah we watched it because- oh. Y/n I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot I can't believe I forgot about that"
"Yeah......Listen I'm not mad that your a clown which by the way I do happen to also be afraid of too but it's not gonna kill me. And I'm certainly not mad at Owen and Jeremy because they wanted to have a little fun tonight. But they didn't know about my anxiety that I get whenever I get scared. You did Charlie"
"I know I did" He groaned throwing his head back.
"And if my memory wasn't so damn bad I wouldn't have even thought about doing it baby. I hope you know that. And I'll do literally anything to get you to forgive me starting with never putting you through that again when your with me" He spoke taking my hands in his.
I sighed intertwining our fingers pulling him close to me.
"I know you won't. I also might have overreacted a bit" I said nuzzling my face into his chest.
His arms immediately wrapping around me completely.
"You didn't overreact. Overreacting is me when I see a spider. In all seriousness I love you and I'm really sorry for doing that"
"It's fine Charlie. I'll get my revenge on you guys" I spoke kissing his cheek before skipping away back to the party.
"Y-you're what? Wait baby your what? Y/n!" I heard him call after me as I laughed.
Up Next: Sunset Curve x Reader (Maybe)
Carrie Wilson x Reader
Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Alex x Male Reader
@lolychu @headheartbellarke @bookish0918 @kcd15 @ifilwtmfc @moviesbooksandfandoms @lovesanimals @lavender-writer @kaitieskidmore1 @morganayennefertyrell @iloveteenwolf @ghostofmgg
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theroguequeenaniki · 3 years
Questions 2009 -> 2021
This is from my Facebook. It popped up on my memories page thing. I originally answered this in 2009 when I was 15, it’s now 2021 & and I am 27, so I’m gonna do it again. Leaving the original answers. Original answers will be italicized. Commentary on the original answers in parentheses & crossed out? Lol. (I’m not gonna tag anyone, but, like, I guess if you want to answer these random questions from Facebook 12 years ago, go ahead lol) 
Can you fill this out without lying? You've been tagged, so now you need to answer all the questions HONESTLY. At the end, choose people to tag. Don't forget to tag me so I can see your answers! To do this, copy this entire message, then go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, delete my answers, and type yours. Easy! Next, tag people that you think may enjoy this (in the right hand corner of the app). Click publish (at the bottom). Have fun! :) 1.What was the last thing you put in your mouth? My cup with my Big Red in it The straw to my Kate Spade tumbler to drink my HEB Cola Lol.
2.Where was your profile picture taken? I got it off the internet. it's a random anime girl. My bedroom. 3.Can you play Guitar Hero? Never played it. Probably wouldn't be good at it. Not to good at video games. But I am good at Mario Cart, both 64 and the Wii. plus I'm good at some Sonic games. Still never played it. Idk if I’m any good at Mario Cart or the Sonic games anymore, I haven’t played either in years lol
4.Name someone who made you laugh today? Doctor Who TikTok. My cats.
5.How late did you stay up last night and why? Umm, probably about 10:00 cause it took me forevor to get into bed. Uh..Past 4am. Lol. B/c my sleep schedule is fucked. I was in bed by 3am though, but I was playing games & watching TikToks on my phone. Lol.
6.If you could move somewhere else, would you? Yes. I'd move to either New York or Sweden. I don’t know. Part of me says yes. But part of me says no..b/c even though Texas has it’s faults (a LOT of them), I cannot imagine living anywhere else long-term..
7. Ever been kissed under fireworks? HAHA. Yeah right. I've never even been kissed! Still nope. I have been kissed though. He just didn’t kiss me under the fireworks the one NYE we spent together...
8. Which of your friends lives closest to you? Um, I think R, but D might also. D is accross Stasney from me and R is a couple blocks down (I don’t talk to these people much anymore & I’m not going to share their names on Tumblr) Uh. I think Maybe Raven? B/c they’re the only one who lives in the same city still. But, Sarah might technically be closer distance wise? Hold on. Ok, yeah, Sarah’s closer, even though she doesn’t live in this city anymore.
9. Do you believe exes can be friends? It all depends on the situation.(I totally stold M's answer but it's true) (I don’t talk to this person anymore & I’m not gonna share their name on Tumblr) I mean, yeah. Two of my best friends are each others exes and they’re still friends. I haven’t stayed friend with my ex, but, uh, he ghosted me so? Lol.
10. How do you feel about Dr. Pepper? I love it. I still love it. Lol.
11. When was the last time you cried really hard? I can't remember. I don't think it was that long ago, I had a light cry on Saturday, but I don't remember the last time I cried really hard. When we got back from our trip in July. Had a full on breakdown that night. Overheated all weekend. Overwhelmed. Anxiety. It was not a very good vacation..I cry a lot though.
12. Who took your profile picture? I got it off of google. I did. 
13. Who was the last person you took a picture of? Umm, either myself, or one of my family members. Aside from myself. I think my dad, on his phone, b/c there was a cicada on his shoulder and he wanted to ask the family group chat if he could keep it. Lol. I take a LOT of pictures of cats though. Lol.
14. Was yesterday better than today? Hail yes! To much drama today! And I couldn't avoid it cause I was in the middle of it! (Oof, what drama was 15 yo Linda dealing with that she couldn’t avoid? Lol. I mean, I guess, Sophomore year was a bit full of drama lol) Anyway, I mean, they were pretty much the same. One wasn’t better than the other. One wasn’t worse than the other.
15. Can you live a day without TV? yeah. Now Music there is something I can't live without! Yep, Do it almost everyday. Sentiments about music remain the same. Lol.
16. Are you upset about anything? Yes. I'm annoyed about something and it's making me upset. (I assume this has something to do with the the drama mentioned earlier lol) Always. Anxiety & depression are a bitch. My rooms a mess & I can’t get myself to clean it. My shelves are still a mess.
17. Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? yeah. though i havent really had one yet. I mean, yeah. Even though I haven’t had one last, aside from friendships, but they’re worth it. 
18. Are you a bad influence? I hope not. If so, let me know.(again I took M's answer but it's true) Probably. Idk. Lol.
19. Night out or night in? Depends on what's going on and how I feel about it. Night in usually. I do like going out sometimes, but, like, to dinner. Maybe a movie or a show. But, you know, we’ve been in a panini press, the only thing I’ve been comfortable doing is going to dinner (fully vaxxed & masked). But I also prefer staying home anyway. (Like I usually just go to dinner with my family lol)
20. What items could you not go without during the day? my computer. my book. my journal and a pen. My phone. My journal (b/c I write in it every night, as a diary, 14yo Linda wrote stories). Uh. I didn’t take food or drinks into account in the og, so I won’t in those. But, yeah. My phone & journal. I can go a day without my laptop if I need to. (Went the whole trip in July without pulling it out, though maybe that’s not a good example since my anxiety on that trip was so high..) I want to say a book, but I’ve been in a massive reading slump so...I wish I read as much as 15yo Linda did..
21. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? I don't remember. I think it was myself.(if you want to know, ask me in person) I honestly don’t know. I don’t remember the last time I was in a hospital. 
22. What does the last text message in your inbox say? "Mrbobbybones:  wish ted would finally meet their mother already. geez. get to it. However, I see myself in that character more and more each episode." yeah. That's what it says. It's from Twitter. (Huh? and I can’t even go check b/c my inbox doesn’t go back to 2009 on Twitter?? (I haven’t had my account that long) Wait wait wait just remembered I used to get tweets to my phone as text messages lol)
Facebook messenger: “ Cool” From our group chat. Lol.
From actual text messages on my phone: “ heeey! Just put up the Tuesday PDS just for you  it’s a big one.” From Phillip Defranco’s text line Lol.
23. How do you feel about your life right now? I'm loving and hating it. but hey nobody gets out alive right? Uh..I mean. I’m alive. I have WiFi. Food. Family. I haven’t seen my friends in 2 years. (Minus Alex, b/c they were here in July to cat/house sit, but I saw them for like, one night..) There’s a lot that could be better. A lot that could be worse. 
24. Do you hate anyone? yes!!! Oof. I mean, kinda.
25. If we were to look in your Facebook Inbox, what would we find? some random conversations. most of my convos on her though have been in chat or through comments. Facebook Inbox is now Facebook Messenger. So you’ll find all my Facebook Messenger convos. Mostly our group chat. And side group chats for secret planning (birthdays & stuff). Plus other chats? Lol.
26. Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass? I better! (excuse me miss 15yo Linda you absolutely could have passed a drug test you ALSO didn’t drink or smoke or take any drugs lol) Yeah. Absolutely. I don’t drink or smoke or take any drugs so, yeah? Lol.
27. Has anyone ever called you perfect before? 
Yes. But I can't remember when... Yeah. Pretty sure. 
28. What song is stuck in your head? Gee by SNSD(Girls Generation) They're Korean. A few My Chemical Romance songs
29. Someone knocks on your window at 2:00 a.m., who do you want it to be? EDWARD CULLEN! Joke! lol. No I don't know. If it was Edward, I'd call the cops. whoever it is though better have an explaination or they are gonna get hit in the head with my Book of Shadows. (Maybe I wouldn’t mind Edward at my window though? Lol.) Uh. My friends? Lol. Idk if I want anyone knocking on my window at 2am.
30.Wanna have grandkids before you’re 50? I don't know....... Uh. No? Idk. Most likely not gonna happen. 
31. Name something you have to do tomorrow? I can't think of anything right now... Eat. Should probably clean my room.
32. Do you think too much or too little? Way to much! lol. Way way way too much
33. Do you smile a lot? i try to. I think I do. I get told that alot in Theater...
I think so
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