#also i’m gonna be trying the name adrian out for a bit lol
kulliare · 1 month
been getting random heart palpitations over the past week because of stress and while it’s mostly over now i’m still lowkey sick with worry
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sid471 · 3 years
I watched episode 5 heheh...
I’m not okay ;-; Blah blah spoilers blah blah TL;DR: ... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ;-;
So we start off in a mine and Penny placing a bomb... lovely. And Penny says “Dad... I don’t think this is a good idea 😶” And Pietro says “Well sometimes there’s a good idea and the best idea. Unfortunately now we don’t have time for anything else.” Penny mentions again that she should go back down there but Pietro says that they’re not going to have that conversation again and tells her to get back to Amity. In his very sweet Pietro way. Penny sighs and sets many bombs around the mine before flying back to Amity.
Where we see Pietro and Maria ^_^ Finally >_> It’s been forever I’ve missed them :3 So Pietro tells Penny to give them the Generals access. And Penny does and they’re given clearance to launch Amity and yay all’s well :3...... Until Cinder shows up with Emerald and Neo. So... Lovely <_<
Cinder and Penny fight and of course it’s amazing ^_^ Any fight with 2 Maidens is GOING to be awesome. ONE Maiden is enough to make a fight beautiful to look at but 2 ._. *ahem* anyway Penny tries to get Cinder away from Amity and it DOES work for a bit. But then Cinder realizes what Penny’s doing and flies back to Amity and it’s like “Damn it so close >_>”. Also interesting, Maria and Neo fight. So like..... THAT was interesting not just because they have pretty similar fighting styles but also because....... MARIA fought .-. Her cane is still a scythe. So we love to see it :3
Cinder and Penny keep fighting Cinder almost destroys the platform Pietro is on but Penny stops that :3 Buuuuut then she starts gets grabbed by Cinder’s arm.... You know what that meeeans >_>. But Penny is smart :3 she creates ice versions of her swords and launches them outward, freeing herself and briefly trapping Cinder before she gets free herself. And, obviously, Cinder continues to fight. She creates a biiiiiiig spear and Emerald uses her semblance on Penny to make it look like she’s surrounded by Cinders oh no 😱... I’m kidding it doesn’t work 😊 she scans for Cinder’s heat signature amongst the illusory Cinder’s and BLASTS her into the wall...... as she should :3. Love that “As she should” is just my motto for this... series lol. I’ve said it like... every post so far XD
So Cinder loses... Love her but she deserved it :3 But she also escapes with Emerald and Neo so they’re still around to fight another day. Though something I found interesting is Penny spares Emerald. Penny LOOKS like she’s ready to fight, but Emerald says “I know I can’t beat you. But I can punch as many holes into that thing [the terminal] until I’m down.” And Penny spares her AND let’s her get away. So interesting 🤔. Because REALLY Emerald hasn’t been shown kindness by like... Anyone. Amber was ready to kill her until Cinder shot’er, Cinder is probably gonna be the reason she gets killed, if she does, Penny showed an act of mercy. Out of respect, and possibly, just being her kind Penny self. I HOPE Emerald... remembers that :3
So they leave and Penny checks on Pietro to be sure he’s okay. And he is. Phew. But the Signal is lost because they’re out of range and that they’ve lost their window. But Penny says “No! We can still do this. The message is only a few minutes long if I can just push Amity back into range.” But Pietro says “No! The weather alone you could be seriously injured!” And Maria says “Pietro you have to think about the bigger picture.” And Pietro fires back “I don’t care about the bigger picture! I care about my daughter! I just want you to live your life Penny...” And Penny puts her hand on his cheek and says “Dad... I’m trying.” Which... Uggggghh Penny and Pietro’s relationship is gonna make me cry ;-; especially when she kissed on the head 🥺
Penny goes outside and starts to use her thrusters, with some help from the Maiden powers, to push Amity up back into the broadcast range and as soon as he can, he presses a button and starts the broadcast. And we see Ruby ^_^. She gives a speech about how Atlas is currently under attack, and that this isn’t a new enemy, her name is Salem. She requests help from anyone who can come and says that unfortunately General Ironwood can no longer be trusted. And during her speech, we see people we haven’t seen in a HOT minute. Saphron and Terra Cotta-arc, and their adorable son Adrian :3, Sun and Neptune, Ilia, Shopkeep I’m so glad he’s alive ;-;, GLYNDA GOODWITCH, and Tai and Zwei ^_^. We also see Salem and she seems pleased about the broadcast which...... great >_>
But, the Ace Ops, Ironwood, and Watts were watching the broadcast too and shut off the video as Ruby was saying “General Ironwood can no longer be trusted” because they’re in denial 😊. And something I noticed Marrow looks happy that about the Broadcast. Marrow you’re so close sweetie please ;-; Anyway, Ironwood expresses some worry about the broadcast but Watts says “Actually this is perfect.” And he explains that Penny’s swords use the same functions as the Amity tower. So he removes a chip from the sword and replace it with his. And immediately, Penny’s eyes flash red and she releases Amity. Pietro tries to ask her if she’s okay and what’s going on but she doesn’t know. And she starts falling FROM THE ATMOSPHERE and catches fire so... lovely. And the last thing we hear her say to Pietro is “I love you.” ....... Please excuse me while I go ugly cry >_>. I’m really REEEEALLY hoping that she’s gonna some how be okay.
The episode ends with Yang, Ren, and Jaune hearing a rumbling. They go investigate, and they find a black river. A river of Grimm. And it’s heading straight for where, well, literally ALL the citizens of Mantle are going. So that’s........ lovely. RNBW 1 JOYR 0 😓. But seriously I am very concerned >_<
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inkjackets · 3 years
30 Questions About Me
thanks for tagging me @apopcornkernel and @authenticcadence18!!!
Name: clare
Gender: cis female
Star sign: virgo
Height: 168cm (5′6″)
Time: 9:40pm
Birthday: 8th september
Fave band/group: hmm i don’t really have favs but recently i’ve been listening to a lot of Oh Wonder and ANIMA!
Fave solo artists: again no real favs but right now i’m loving dodie and mxmtoon
Song stuck in my head: ah now i’ve mentioned mxmtoon i’ve got ‘no faker’ stuck in my head haha
Last movie: uhhhh either the muppets christmas carol or the greatest showman, can’t remember which was last, but im literally about to watch the live action mulan for reasons
Last show: Normal People
When did I create this blog: uhhhh hold up lemme check... April 2016! ugh i’ve been in this fandom too long aha
What do I post: mostly ml reblogs and stuff but i write and post fics too! (especially over the last year, i think i wrote more last year than the previous three years combined lmao) i also post the odd bit of art :) 
Last thing I googled: uh how to work out averages in excel haha (i’m trying to track my writing progress this year)
Other blogs: @inkjackets-original​!! this is a blog for my original short stories and pieces of flash fiction :D
Do I get asks: yeah sometimes! especially when I reblog ask games or ask for fic requests, i’ll always get a couple <3
Why I chose this url: so back in the year 2016 i fell stupidly hard into a stupid show called Miraculous Ladybug and through it i discovered FANFICTION (i’d like obvs heard of it before, but never engaged with it) and anyway after a while reading amazing fics i discovered to my horror/delight that i wanted to WRITE IT TOO sooooo i decided to create a tumblr! and since this was intended to be a sort of writing blog i wanted to come up with a writing/book related username and came up with inkjackets – after all books are just pages of ink wrapped in dust jackets! (though like i said before until last year i never actually did much writing lol)
Following: 802
Followers: 415 <3
Average amount of sleep: anywhere between 6-10, it changes daily 
Lucky number: i don’t really have one? i usually just say 7. or 13 if i’m feeling controversial hahaha
Instruments: i don’t really play anything :( but i like to sing! i’m nothing special but i’ve always been a part of school choirs and stuff :) 
What I’m wearing: thick long-sleeved stripy top and dungarees
Dream job: ah a question i still hate at the age of 25 (: i seriously have no idea!! part of me wants to be an author and have a chill time writing in the countryside all day, but i also love being outdoors and would love to continue being an activity instructor doing fun and adventurous things forever, but then i also want to get a fancy job in the city running around being busy and important!! i just want to do a bit of everything you know?
Dream trip: i’d love to do rural asia, especially china, to see all the cool mountains and beautiful scenery they have there
Fave food: noodlesssss!! give me any sort of asian noodle dish and i’ll love you forever
Nationality: British and Australian
Fave songs: hmm some songs i never get bored of are ‘Boys Like You’ by dodie, ‘Who We Are’ by Imagine Dragons and ‘Blood’ by ANIMA!. right now i’m also obsessed with ‘Undertow’ by Lisa Hannigan (who, fun fact, voices blue diamond in su!)
(bonus song: i’ve also been listening to ‘walk but in a garden’ by mxmtoon so much recently cause it gives such good lockdown chill vibes)
Last book I read: Children of Time by Adrian Tchaivosky, a really really well done (if kinda unsettling) sci-fi novel, but ngl i want to talk about the book i read before that which is An Absolutely Remarkable Thing (and its sequel) by Hank Green which was FANTASTIC like hands down one of the best books i’ve read in a long time and if you’re looking for something fun and easy while also tackling serious real world problems (like the dangers of social media) then i HIGHLY recommend it, like honestly even if that’s not something you’re looking just go read it anyway!!!
Top 3 fictional universes I’d love to live in: 1. Harry Potter. kinda goes without saying haha, i want to be able to do magic 2. ATLA, (like only if i’m a bender tho lol) 3. hmm Chronicles of Ancient Darkness. It was one of my fav serious as a kid and I always longed to live in that sort of intelligent pre-historic age, and the world michelle paver creates feels so damn realistic, and i just feel like i’d thrive in that sort of world, tbh (i think the adhd would help lmao)
thank you so much for tagging me!! that was loads of fun ^^ i’m not gonna tag anyone but if you want to do this game go ahead and tag me in it!!
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TGF Thoughts: 4x05-- The Gang Goes to War
under the cut
This episode starts with Caleb and I don’t totally hate it. This means the writers are doing a good job with him so far. I’m surprised I feel that way considering I loathe the plot he’s here for. 
This is the first case heavy episode in ages and I have more thoughts on the fact that somehow the space from 6x19 has become military court than I do on the case. As always, that’s not to say it’s bad (tbh, this case was the exact right blend of simple and captivating it reminded me of old school TGW). It’s just to say I have literally nothing to add.
Lucca’s off to visit Bianca. She is still extremely uncomfortable with very wealthy people. 
Oh, a mention of babysitting! Kind of sad I’m surprised. 
I forgot to mention that this ep is on the shorter side, almost network length. Woo! 
Lucca describes her life as “I have a toddler. I’m trying to make partner.” Remember how last season either Lucca or Rosalyn (or MAIA hhahahahhahahaahahhahaahahahhahahahaahahhaahhaah) were going to be made partner and that plot just vanished?
Lucca says that of work, family, fitness, friends, and sleep, the three she’s chosen are work, family, and sleep. I believe it. Though we’ve seen Lucca exercise probably more than most TGF characters? But that was before she had a baby. 
If you leave your phone on while you’re on a plane and someone places a voice call would your phone actually ring? 
Marissa TOTALLY has a crush on Caleb.
Oh, a Francesca mention AND a mention of Lucca and Marissa being friends?! The continuity fairy likes me today!!!!!!!! 
Caleb threatens to quit (I think he knows he wouldn’t be taken up on that offer) unless Mr. Firth lets him take a month for this case. Come on, Caleb. This is TV lawyering. This case will take two costume changes and you know it! Months are a thing for real lawyers. 
Diane and Adrian aren’t in their offices, so when Firth finds a partner to assist on the military case (I do not understand why this is a thing he is doing in the first place, but alright), it’s Liz. How conveniently awkward!
(Adrian just isn’t in this episode-- he is apparently at a conference in New York-- and Diane is barely in it, and I’m fine with that. LET LIZ AND LUCCA SHINE!) 
(Liz and Lucca are my faves, if that wasn’t obvious.) 
Awkward awkward awkward, fucking your boss is very awkward. I hate everything about this plot in theory and yet somehow like Liz, Caleb, and maybe even the idea of Liz and Caleb, but every time I think about the boss/employee dynamic my only thought is: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Liz’s divorce! Continuity fairy has blessed me again!
I do really like Caleb. 
I somehow almost turned that last thought into a rant about Maia and I’m not gonna do that to y’all in this Maia-free season.
Rich people are getting away with more shit in Julius’s court. He’s resigned to it, until he meets his alter-ego from the play again. I get that they want to use this device to show why he’d change his mind so suddenly but omfg please don’t remind me of the last episode. 
My first thought was “maybe that long ass episode was even longer and this is a cut scene” but Julius seems to be wearing a different tie in this scene than he was before. Oof.
JUDGE KUHN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Judge Kuhn. I think I said this last week but it isn’t often we get truly good, considered characters who want the best and actually take fair steps to see it happen. Judge Kuhn is great. 
And so is the actress playing her. Her expression as the seat shrinks-- which is some Kingsian bullshit-- makes the joke work. 
This episode relies a lot on that device Jane the Virgin loved where back to back scenes will be linked by a theme or a word. In this case, Julius and Liz/Caleb are both dealing with continuances. Yay for structure, even a simple case related structure!
“A sofa would have blown up here”... I can’t, y’all. “A conference table would have blown up here”. Is this a joke about coronavirus or a real need for more graphics or both? I lean towards it being a joke, but before I say that lemme play these credits side by side with last week’s… 
Okay so there are differences. Last week there was an aerial view of a wine bottle exploding while this week there’s a second one in the background. They replaced an exploding coffee set with the sofa text. There are some other differences too. But not enough to convince me they didn’t have footage they could have used. So I think it’s a joke.
Welcome back, season two Diane. I missed you, ya weirdo! 
(But like actually Diane is staring out the window at a bird, not doing anything or responding to questions. Why so weird?!)
Now that Diane isn’t hunting down answers on 618, she has “nothing to do.” Oh, suddenly no one in the world is in need of pro-bono assistance? Sure! 
Continuity on the SWATting, too! 
AND A WILL REFERENCE.This episode may be nothing special but it sure is endearing. 
Diane explains that Judge Kuhn is tough but fair and Will ended up liking her. That’s a pretty good summary.
Diane spots the woman who she dreamed was Weinstein’s lawyer in a meeting, drawing dots. Guess that’s one of the drawbacks of having windows everywhere. She chases her up the stairs to STRL and asks if they know each other because, and I quote, “I had a dream and you were in it. You were Weinstein’s lawyer.” HOW FUCKING WEIRD ARE YOU TRYING TO BE, DIANE? Are you microdosing again?! (This feels so season two.)
Props to this lady (do we know her name? Has it been said on the show) for taking that weird-ass comment in stride and joking she probably didn’t do very well. She needs a favor-- she has a case in front of Judge Cain and wants Diane to sit with her.
Diane asks about the dots. Apparently this lady draws-- and counts!-- dots. Hundreds of thousands of them. During meetings. Because it’s calming and nothing matters. See?! Season two! 
Lucca does get a little bit of work to do on vacation-- Bianca wants to buy the resort.
Case stuff happens.
Someone explain to me what the fuck this bright neon lighting in the office late at night is all about. Why is it so bright?! Why do the colors change!? Am I just supposed to accept this?! I suppose it’s no weirder than a woman who draws dots instead of taking notes-- and admits to it-- but WHAT IS HAPPENING?!
I know there is supposed to be some sort of parallel between the case having an element about disobeying your superior and the Liz/Caleb dynamic, but as you will recall, I hate everything about the boss/employee plot AND find it incredibly boring so if you would like to see analysis of that parallel… I’m not your gal. 
Oh look I can see the office bathroom of Willicia sexytimes in Liz’s office
My god this lighting is distracting. 
It sounds to me like Caleb is in the legal field for idealistic reasons. I can’t get a sense of if wanting the country to stay the same is liberal or conservative or admirable or misguided but it’s definitely something. (I have a feeling he means “stay the same” as in “return to 2016” though.) 
Since she has not been in the military, Liz worries out loud that she hasn’t lived much of a life. This leads to flirting and intimacy and another hookup. Bleh.
Creeper from Kurt’s office comes to visit Julius and compliments him while basically telling him to keep quiet and be corrupt. He promises Julius the chance to move up the ladder and implies Julius should rule in favor of some rich donor. 
Julius, who, like all characters on this show and maybe just people in general, does NOT like being told what to do, promptly does the opposite. And he feels really, really, really good about doing the right thing. 
Case stuff happens.
Lucca now gets invited to play poker with a bunch of millionaires and celebrities. Lucca is highly uncomfortable. The names of the celebs are bleeped which is… not as clever as I think it was meant to be.
Also I’d be uncomfortable in this situation too. I’m just ready for this plotline to go somewhere beyond “Lucca is uncomfortable with rich people”.
Recapping goes fast when most of the show is case stuff.
In another throwback, Diane (lit by the weird lighting) is watching what looks like a parody of SNL allowing 45 to host? Or maybe it’s just some unfunny bit that goes on too long? Odd target for a parody at this point in time.
Whatever the point, it prompts Diane to start drawing dots of her own. 
Lucca’s luck at the poker game is fantastic. Bianca encourages Lucca to keep her winnings-- she wouldn’t give back a stuffed animal or goldfish won with someone else’s money at a carnival, would she? 
Case stuff, now involving 45, happens. This is a missing season two episode, I swear. 
Wow lol those establishing shots and stock footage do NOT convince me that Lucca lives in Chicago. Nor do they convince me that anyone involved with the show has visited Chicago.
Case stuff happens! 
Another Lucca and Marissa scene! Lucca asks what to do about her poker winnings. Marissa says Lucca should keep the money because Bianca doesn’t need it-- get Bianca a gift if she feels guilty. 
Diane sits next to the seemingly nameless lawyer and they compare their dots. Unfortunately for Diane, the case she’s decided to sit in on as a favor? It’s another case in front of Julius, and it also gets 618’d. How convenient for the plot! When Julius doesn’t go for it, Diane is intrigued and reenergized. She boldly goes to Julius’s chambers to suggest trading info about 618.
No matter how many times I write “618” in the context of Memo 618 I still think 618 = Loser Edit. 
Case stuff happens! It’s good for Caleb and Liz! 
Caleb and Liz continue the tradition of using meals as code for sex and now I have to watch them kiss. Pass.
Lucca gets Bianca a gift of a goldfish and a giant stuffed bear (a reference to their earlier convo about carnivals). Cute, but I still don’t quite get where this plot is going.
There’s a “Skye and Moon” logo on the plane. I wonder if that is the name of Bianca’s cosmetics empire.
Oh, it’s over. This episode was perfectly fine. Nothing challenging, nothing innovative, but a solid and enjoyable outing closer in length to the average TGW ep than the average TGF one. After last week’s long-ass episode, this is really all I wanted/needed. 
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cruelwritersthesis · 5 years
So I just finished ITPS and INAS and humor me here: Tori and Luke in a The Good Place AU. Tori dies and wakes up in Elysium and is being introduced to the neighborhood and whatnot. Luke shows up and when they finally get a moment alone, she's freaking out because She. Didn't. Die. A. Hero. Luke chalks it up to a happy mishap. Antics ensue. Cue them realizing they're actually in the Fields of Punishment and this is just a new way of torturing the dead.
bruuuuuuuuuuuuuh your Mind
yo comedy is so hard to write, for real, but i’m gonna attempt it also thus far my stories have been far from comedies lol
follow meeeeeee~!
[[[spoilers for the good place below bt-dubs]]]
Tori dies and the first thing she sees when she opens her eyes again: “Welcome! Everything is fine.” She can’t remember how she got there, and she’s confused, because wasn’t she supposed to meet Charon? Cross the River Styx? Get in line and wait for her soul to be judged?
She’s sitting an a nice room, fairly minimalist. In one corner there’s a small water feature. To her left, a door opens and a man steps out: “Tori.” He smiles. “Come on in.”
She goes in, not knowing what else there is to do and sit down in one of the chairs in front of a desk, and the man sits down behind the desk.
“I’m Adrian, and I’m the architect of this neighborhood.”
Tori’s even more confused. Neighborhood??? Architect???
Adrian smiles and chuckles. “I can see you’re confused. Elysium is split into neighborhoods, built by immortals like me. And yes, you died.”
Skip to Adrian giving a tour of the neighborhood to Tori: “Three-hundred and twenty-two perfectly matched heroes…” etc.
They come to a stop in front of where Tori will be staying: a ginormous mansion that’s far too big for just her and far too ostentatious. She hates it,,, but it’s Elysium right? Not to mention this neighborhood was supposed to be perfectly crafted to her likes, right???
They go inside and that’s when Adrian drops the bomb: “Oh, and did I mention soulmates exist?” Inside, despite her panic at what’s happening, she feels her heart lift with anticipation. Surely Luke was her soulmate on earth, so he must be her in Elysium [he is, don’t worry, it’s not a plot twist or anything]. Adrian goes on, “Yes, they exist on Earth as well, but the gods decided they didn’t need to give humans a sure-fire way to tell. You were the lucky few who happened to find your soulmate on Earth. It’s always a bit of a mess when someone finds out their soulmate here is not the person they were with on Earth.”
Luke walks through the door then, and Tori can’t help but run up and give him a big hug, tears already in her eyes.
Adrian’s doing his architect act, smiling and all that. “You two must have a lot to catch up on. I’ll leave you to it and meet up with you later. I have some people I’d like to introduce you to, and I have a surprise for Tori. See you both later!”
And despite her happiness at getting to see Luke again, there’s something more pressing, weighing on her chest that she needs to talk to him about immediately.
After making sure Adrian has left, she finds a small broom closet, and just to be safe, checks for any hidden cameras or microphones. All the while Luke is confused and asking Tori what’s going on and what’s wrong. Tori won’t answer until she’s sure they aren’t being watched or listened to.
Finally, she turns to Luke with wide eyes and a look of fear: “I didn’t die a hero. I’m not supposed to be here.” [I could leave it here and be like, Part 2 coming soon! But I won’t.]
Instead of being concerned, Luke just smiles gently and takes her hands into his. “I don’t care if it’s a mistake, I’m just happy to be with you.”
Tori’s caught between wanting it to be some happy, miracle mistake, but the other part of her is worried something could go wrong at any moment. Mistakes didn’t just happen in Elysium, did they? Their souls were judged, how could the judges decide that she belonged somewhere else but send her to Elysium?
She tries to get this across to Luke, but he’s too happy to see her. And she, of course, is happy to see him. But, like most things in her life, she doesn’t want all of this to just disappear. She doesn’t want Luke to just disappear suddenly, and then for her to find out she’s in the Fields of Punishment or something.
“Why don’t we take a walk, maybe it’ll help clear your head.”
So they head out again, though Tori is reluctant, and take a stroll around the neighborhood. It’s beautiful and all the people seem really nice. They’re all paired up with their soulmates, going about their business like it’s just another day in the neighborhood [lol sorry I had to].
But Tori is still worried. “You know I don’t do big or ostentatious,” she mutters to Luke as they walk around. “And what’s with all the tapioca pudding shops? You and I both know that regular pudding is better.” [side note: I actually love tapioca pudding lmao]
Tori stops them and turns to face Luke. “Also, I can’t cuss. You know I love to cuss.”
Luke chuckles and shakes his head, linking his arm with hers and pulling her gently along again. “Yes, but a lot of the people in this neighborhood don’t like it.”
“Okay, but don’t you think that if I like to cuss so much–and I now you do too, don’t deny it–wouldn’t they have put us in a neighborhood with people who also like to cuss?”
“I think you’re thinking too much about it.”
Before Tori can argue more, Adrian shows up with two people trailing after him.
“Tori, Luke, I’d like to introduce you to Mali and Amir. I was just telling them about the welcome party that Tori’s throwing.”
Tori wants to object vehemently, but to keep up appearances she grins. “Yes, that party. Everyone in the neighborhood is invited. It starts at 8pm sharp, but you can show up late if you want to. In fact, I’d even appreciate it if you didn’t show up at all–”
Adrian laughs. “Isn’t she funny? Of course they’re excited to go!” Talking to Mali and Amir, “Why don’t you two go explore the neighborhood a little more while I talk to these two about the party?”
As soon as the other two are out of earshot, Adrian turns to Tori with an “apologetic” look. “I’m so sorry, I meant to talk to you about it earlier, but it must’ve slipped my mind!” Tori forces a laugh and Luke can tell she’s ready to throttle Adrian, so puts his arm around her waist. Adrian continues, pretending not to notice. “Your house is the biggest, so it would only make sense that you host the party.”
“That makes sense,” Tori forces out. “But why me? I don’t mind lending my house for the party to someone who is a little more equipped for party-planning.”
“Oh nonsense! You’ll be just fine. Listen, I have to go meet some of the others here. I’ll see you at the party!”
As soon as Adrian’s out of earshot, Tori turns to Luke. “What am I supposed to do? I hate parties! I hate people! I don’t know how I’m going to even plan a party. Where am I going to even find stuff? Do they have like some…heavenly gift-shop? Do I need currency, or can I just tell them what I need and they’ll give it to me?”
Introduce Janet [I can’t think of a different name for her :P], who gets Tori everything she needs
Adrian forces Tori to give a speech–the party isn’t a disaster, but Tori’s already under pressure because she knows she’s not supposed to be there, so things slip both in the speech and as she tries to play hostess
Cue Chaos Sequence the next morning
Luke’s like, “Okay, I believe you now.”
As you say, antics ensue as they both try to navigate this neighborhood without exposing Tori being in the wrong place while Adrian actively works to undermine them
Remember those other two demigods I introduced? Yeah, hand-picked to make it difficult for Tori and Luke to keep their secret, because they also don’t belong in Elysium, and are meant to torture Tori and Luke. Long story short, they sided with the Titans, but neither Luke or Tori ever met them because armies are big and like they really had time to meet every single demigod who joined Kronos’s side
More antics ensue as the four of them get all mixed-up and band together to try to keep Tori, and Mali and Amir’s secret, bc they know they didn’t exactly die heroes either (among other things).
Cue more antics and even more crossed wires and confusion.
And then, Tori has her realization when they’re all bickering about who’s going to sacrifice themselves and go to the Fields of Punishment, much like Eleanor’s.
“This is the Fields of Punishment!”
Adrian does his Grinch smile and evil laugh.
It’s explained that, after centuries of the same old thing, Adrian decided to come up with something new–take four humans (and/or demigods) who don’t mix, throw them together in a place they think is Elysium, and make them torture themselves
Luke is confused because, “But I died a hero???”
And Adrian is like, “We changed the formula, numb-nuts! Were you not listening to my whole, entire explanation just now? What, you thought joining Kronos and bringing him back would get you into Elysium? Even if you sacrificed yourself at the last minute to defeat him? Seriously, dude?”
“But the prophecy–”
“You’re dead now, ya ding-dong. The prophecy doesn’t matter anymore!”
aaaaaand that’s all she wrote lol. but for real, i’m not really sure what would happen after that. if we’re going full good place au, then Adrian would reboot them, but they would keep figuring it out and banding together until Adrian gives up and joins them bc his boss (whoever that may be in the Greek mythology world) would rip immortality from him and send him to the Fields of Punishment as well, but the old-fashioned way
unfortunately, the fact that the world is so complicated that an act intended to help actually hurts and docks you points doesn’t quite work for this au lol bc while Luke did have good intentions by raising Kronos, and Tori staying with him is certainly colored in many shades of grey, they did like…get a lot of people killed. like that did happen, they started a war and a lot of demigods and nature spirits died. it’s both very grey and not that grey at all (which muddles things up even more; i could go on)
but hey, if you have any ideas that expands on this au, hmu, lmk!
and thanks for sending this in! i had a lot of fun with it :D
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dvp95 · 5 years
can’t breathe when you touch my sleeve - chapter 3
pairing: dan howell/phil lester
rating: e (eventually)
warnings: none
tags: alternate universe, slow burn, fluff & humour, tiny bit of inner turmoil wrt sexuality but trust me it’s not that deep, eventual smut, idiots in love
word count: 3,385 for this chapter (12,653 total)
summary: Dan keeps making a fool of himself in interviews, to the point where it’s basically a meme. Now he’s got to sit down for the better part of an hour and sell his show to the YouTuber he’d had a massive crush on when he was a teenager.
read from the beginning on ao3 or on tumblr!
read this chapter on ao3 or here!
Dan has been dreading the seemingly-inevitable call from his family, now that filmed interviews are being uploaded and live interviews are starting in the next few days, so he’s almost disappointed when it never comes.
Surely his parents know he’s in London. There’s promotion for his show on a couple different channels they watch, and his dad has always been fairly good at keeping up with entertainment news. Adrian follows him on Instagram, but - and Dan isn’t proud of this - he can’t remember if Adrian still lives in Wokingham or not. He can’t even remember how old Adrian is without doing the math.
So maybe they haven’t been keeping up with Netflix shit, maybe Adrian isn’t home to tell their parents that he’s in town, but surely, surely some well-meaning friend of the family will say something? That’s always been the case when he comes to town.
After almost a whole week, though, Dan cracks. He calls his mum. It goes to voicemail.
That makes him panic a little, but she texts him an, at work … call you when I’m home x. So, questionable ellipses usage aside, Dan is comfortably reassured that his entire family isn’t dead.
Dan busies himself with catching up on the Heatwave cast interviews he hasn’t watched yet. Patrick doesn’t like to watch them and Jaime couldn’t give a shit one way or the other, but Dan is unable to allow a video of him to exist without knowing exactly what it contains. That’s a control thing, mostly, but he also doesn’t want to be blindsided by a new Daniel Interview Meme that he doesn’t understand.
He types his own name into the YouTube search bar and feels his heartrate pick up when he sees a thumbnail from BBC Radio One.
Thinking about Phil makes his heart race like he’s a teenager with a crush, and he presses play just so he can listen to Phil talk. He can barely remember what he said in the interview, so completely caught up in Phil’s eyes and grin as he’d been.
The interview itself is good. Nothing special, in terms of the actual things they talk about, but Dan can feel the difference in the way he speaks to Phil versus the way he’s spoken to anyone else - comfort. He had been so immediately comfortable with their back-and-forth, only awkward because he’d been trying so hard not to think about what Phil looked like under his nice clothes.
Dan wonders if anyone else can see the difference or if he only notices because he’s so attuned to his own body language, has the advantage of knowing the whole context.
He scrolls idly through the comments and feels heat rise to his face.
Yeah. People noticed.
Lots of comments are just about Dan or the show or the lack of Patrick or Jaime, but there’s more than a few that are about Dan and Phil’s apparent chemistry. Phil, being an out gay man with no partner and a fanbase, probably has to deal with these types of comments all the time, but it’s new for Dan.
Dan shakes his head to try and clear it. He doesn’t want to get stuck in YouTube comments and feel impotent irritation every time someone replies, ‘uh, Daniel Howell is straight’, like they know him. Like he’s ever said that.
He’s been photographed with women, because he’s casually dated them over the past decade, but he’s never said he’s straight. And it never works out with them anyway.
Dating girls is fine - they’re all softness and little sighs and hands that look so extremely small wrapped in his own - but he doesn’t think he can ever be with one for a significant amount of time. That thought is one he usually keeps locked in his mental box, but. He doesn’t shy away from it this time.
Even if he could admit it to himself proper, it’s easier for Dan to just not talk about it publicly. He hasn’t dated anyone seriously enough for it to be an issue in ten years. Nobody needs to know that every time he’s inside a woman he remembers why it never progresses past that.
It’s fine. It’s always fine. It’s just, if he’s completely honest with himself, 'fine’ isn’t what he wants to settle for.
“Moot point anyway,” Dan mumbles to himself, clicking over to Phil’s channel for a distraction. “Not like you’re gonna do anything about it, you big fucking coward.”
Phil has uploaded the video he told Dan about when Dan was busy trying not to stare at his mouth. It’s such a welcome distraction that Dan almost doesn’t clock the title and thumbnail for the buffoonery they are.
The title doesn’t change when Dan blinks. Neither does the image of Thor, edited to be wearing round glasses in front of a crystal ball.
“What,” Dan says, clicking on the video before any of it really sinks in.
“Hi guys,” says Phil. He already looks like he’s trying not to laugh. “I know you read the title and you’re like, what, but I promise it is not clickbait! As I’m sure many of you know, my grandma had 'the gift’, and sometimes I think she passed it on to me. The question is, did I pass it on to my son?”
Phil pulls an over-exaggerated thoughtful expression and then breaks, giggling and shaking his head at himself.
“I know it’s stupid, but, I also figured it might be funny? I dunno, you tell me.”
It’s exactly as silly as Dan expects it to be. Phil sits on his floor with Thor while the dog 'reads’ his tarot cards. Dan can see why this video gave Phil a hard time in editing. There are a lot of close ups of Thor and the cards, filmed more like a comedy skit than a vlog.
He finds himself laughing along and getting way too invested in what the tarot cards mean, and he knows first hand how much work Phil put into this, so Dan clicks the share button before he can overthink it.
tbh watching amazingthorgi do anything could make a believer out of me, he tweets alongside the link.
Most of America is asleep still, but that doesn’t stop hundreds of people replying. Dan’s really got nothing better to do while he waits for his mum to call, so he settles in to respond to some of them. He makes a couple bad jokes, commiserates with some of them over not being able to have a dog yet, and ignores any mention of Phil.
Maybe that’s childish of him. He is sharing Phil’s work, after all. He sighs and replies to an innocuous question about how he knows Phil. met during this and then he let me meet his dog so now he’s not getting rid of me, Dan says with a link to the BBC Radio One interview.
His phone chirps with a Twitter notification and he taps it warily, still scrolling through replies on his laptop.
@AmazingPhil @danielhowell You saw his face now you’re a believer? He’ll tell your fortune anytime! It’s accompanied with dog and sparkle and crystal ball and, inexplicably, sock emojis.
Dan laughs, the sound of it almost surprising him. It’s impossible not to feel some kind of way when Phil is the way he is, so cheerful and dorky and fun.
He likes the tweet, but responds by messaging Phil - do you have me on notif or are you just always online - because he doesn’t want to add any more fuel to the fire that is Twitter stans. He can already imagine the argument threads about his sexuality that he usually tries so hard to avoid.
The thought of strangers picking apart something he’s not even comfortable with himself is abhorrent, makes him itch, and he puts on some older AmazingPhil videos to calm himself back down.
That depends
Which one is lamer lmao
Phil’s voice filling the lonely hotel room and his words taking up space on Dan’s screen where something anxiety-inducing might have otherwise been is almost enough to make Dan as comfortable as Phil’s physical presence does.
Almost. It’s unreal how much Dan wants to reach through both of his screens to pull Phil closer.
Dan hides his smile in his hand, even though nobody is around to see it, and replies, tbh those are equally lame so you might as well go with the truth
I was on Twitter anyway. I really shouldn’t be, I’m supposed to be responding to emails. Phil keeps typing, then stops, then repeats that process a few times before he finally adds, I should go do that, but you can call or facetime me if you want to keep talking or whatever? It’s easier not to type/text while I’m doing emails lol
And, in a third message, a string of numbers. Phil’s phone number.
Well, that sounds better than using Phil’s videos as background noise. Dan shuts his laptop and gets out of bed to fuss with his hair.
“You’re such an idiot,” he tells his judgemental reflection. It, thankfully, does not respond.
Once he’s gotten his hair into some semblance of order - it’s mostly still straight from yesterday, but it got all sleep-mussed and a bit wavy in the front overnight - Dan tosses on a shirt and video calls the number Phil gave him.
Phil picks up with a big grin and sleepy eyes, and Dan almost hangs up on him to stop the heart palpitations in their tracks. “Hi!”
“Hey, you just wake up?” Dan asks, getting comfortable in the hotel room armchair. It feels weird to lie back down in bed while they’re chatting. Phil is at his desk, phone propped up so he can use both hands to type. His glasses are a little crooked and his shirt is too big on him, exposing his collarbones whenever he leans forward. Unfortunately, he looks like serious wank material right now.
“Yeah, had my first coffee already, though,” says Phil. “You would not like me before my coffee.”
“Barely like you now, mate,” Dan says to try and hide his blush at the idea of seeing Phil first thing in the morning. Phil just laughs. It’s tinny through Dan’s phone speaker, but it still makes Dan feel warm.
“You’re awfully chatty for someone who doesn’t like me,” says Phil.
“I’m only bored, don’t flatter yourself,” says Dan. “My mum’s supposed to call me in a few hours, so I’m just kind of waiting around til then.”
“Oh, yeah, you haven’t had the chance to go home yet, have you?” Phil’s tongue pokes out between his teeth as he concentrates on whatever he’s reading. “My mum would be going out of her gourd. When was the last time you went home?”
Dan doesn’t really like the way that Phil keeps calling it 'home.’ Wokingham hasn’t been home in a very long time.
He doesn’t want to get into that, though, so he just shrugs. “Uh, Christmas?”
“Dan,” Phil says, looking appalled. “It’s August.”
“I don’t live here,” says Dan. “And I’m busy. My family gets it.”
Phil hums, a little disapproving still. Dan has to bite his tongue so he doesn’t say anything scathing, reminding himself that some people actually like their parents.
It’s not that Dan doesn’t love them, because he does, it’s just. Complicated.
“Do you get to see your family often?” Dan asks, desperate to get the attention off of how shit a son he is.
“Not as often as I’d like,” says Phil. He sounds so genuinely sad about it, like he really would like nothing more than to go visit his parents every weekend. “My brother lives in town, so I see him a lot.”
“I didn’t know you had a brother.”
“Yeah, he’s -” Phil cuts himself off, then, and gives Dan an apologetic sort of look through his screen. “You don’t want to hear about my family.”
“I do,” Dan says, and he’s surprised by how much he means it. He shifts in the armchair. It isn’t that comfortable. “Dude, I already know every song on your iTunes, what’s so weird about telling me stuff about your family? They clearly mean a lot to you.”
He has no idea how to interpret the expression on Phil’s face, but whatever it is shifts into a smile as he turns back to his computer. “Okay, his name’s Martyn, he’s older than me, we work together -”
This time, Dan cuts him off. “You do? I haven’t seen him on your channel.”
“He’s not really interested in being on camera. We actually run IRL Merch together, although honestly it’s mostly Martyn.”
Phil explains the business to Dan, who feels himself getting more and more awed by the amount of stuff Phil does on any given day. It isn’t just sitting in front of his camera and then in front of his computer for a handful of hours.
Granted, Dan never thought that being a YouTuber was easy, or everyone would do it, but Phil seems to add things onto his plate that he doesn’t really need to do.
Dan listens for a little while, changing positions in the armchair a few times before he gives up and flops back onto the bed.
“Phil,” he says, holding his phone high above his head and making a face at the angle. It’s fine, really, Phil has barely been glancing at him this whole time. Now that Dan has some kind of idea about the number of people Phil works with, he gets the hours of emails thing. “Do you ever take a break? Hang out with your friends?”
“What friends?” Phil jokes, but Dan senses there’s some truth behind it.
“Okay, first of all,” says Dan, “big mood.”
Phil’s laugh seems like it’s surprised out of him, and his eyes flick to his phone again. They linger on Dan for a long moment before turning away again. Although, to be fair, that may be lag from shitty hotel wifi. “Is it?”
“Yeah, man, like I’ve got any fucking friends. Second of all, you need to take some breaks or you’re going to burn the fuck out.”
“Trust me, I know,” says Phil.
“I know Thor already reminds you to take breaks,” says Dan. “But he can’t force you to. I can.”
“You’re gonna force me to take breaks?” Phil hums, his eyebrows raising. “How exactly are you going to manage that when you’re back in Atlanta?”
“I can be very annoying with nothing but an internet connection,” Dan promises. “You wanna see?”
“No, no, I believe you, and I need to get this done, please don’t.”
They both laugh, quiet, and Dan curls up on his side to just watch Phil work for a little while. Phil runs his fingers through his hair every so often and mouths along to whatever he types. Dan has no idea how one person can simultaneously be the hottest and the most adorable thing ever.
“I have a brother too,” Dan offers.
“Do you?” Phil asks, more surprised than Dan expects him to be. “That’s not on your Wikipedia.”
“He doesn’t like the attention,” says Dan. It’s a half-truth. Most of what he says about his family are half-truths. “But you’re not, like, a stan account or the media or whatever.”
“Technically, I am both,” Phil jokes. “I’ll keep it to myself, though, don’t worry.”
Dan isn’t worried. He trusts Phil not to go blabbing about him on the radio, even with something as small as Adrian’s existence.
It feels a little strange to trust someone so immediately, and part of Dan wants to pull back, put some distance between them, because the combination of trust and a deepening crush can only spell disaster. He’s not going to do that. He’s only got Phil nearby for another two weeks.
After they’ve finished their media circus in London, then Edinburgh, then Dublin, Dan is off to France with Patrick and Jaime. They’re only hitting a handful of international media press, but that’s more than they were asked to do last year. It’s exciting to be expanding this way, to have something to point to and say, 'I did that before I was 30’.
And when they’re done with the press tour, Dan… goes home. Back to Atlanta, where his apartment is being sublet during his summer travelling.
They don’t even know yet if Heatwave will get a fourth season. It’s a bit of an industry joke that Netflix shows rarely make it past the third. Dan doesn’t even want to consider how Atlanta will feel without a steady filming job down the street.
Probably not much like home. Nowhere feels all that much like home, if Dan’s honest.
“Hey, you still with me?”
Dan blinks away the doom and gloom of his uncertain future and refocuses on the conversation he’s supposed to be a part of. Phil is looking at him now, the sort of undivided attention that makes Dan’s cheeks burn.
“Yeah, sorry,” says Dan. “I’m still here. Have you made a dent in those emails?”
Not the most graceful change of subject, but Phil allows it with a small snort. “No, for I am Sisyphus, doomed to answer a dozen emails only for another dozen to arrive.”
“Maybe if you didn’t have, like, three jobs, this wouldn’t be a problem,” Dan points out. “I get maybe two important emails a day. It’s great.”
“Maybe,” says Phil. He’s still just looking at Dan, his chin resting on an open palm.
“What?” Dan asks, feeling a smile tug at his lips.
Phil smiles back, brighter. “Nothing.”
There’s a warmth in his face, visible even through the mediocre FaceTime quality, that makes Dan’s stomach twist all up in knots. He doesn’t know how to handle that at all. “My mum’s calling I gotta go bye,” he says in one breath, hanging up before Phil can even react.
While he waits for his heart to stop pounding, Dan stares at the hotel ceiling and wonders what the fuck is wrong with him.
Dan’s mum does call, eventually. He’s been fucking around on Guild Wars and cursing the wifi for god only knows how long, refusing to check his phone so he doesn’t have to be faced with another message - or the lack of one - from Phil. Dan finishes the raid and then calls his mum back.
“Daniel, hi,” she says, sounding frazzled in the way she always seems to.
“Hey, mum.” It feels weird, now that he’s got her on the phone, but he pushes past that discomfort. “I was just calling to let you know that I’m in London.”
The sound of a door slamming comes through before his mum says, “Well, yes, dear. I know that.”
She doesn’t sound upset with him. More than anything, she sounds confused. Like she doesn’t know why he’s even telling her this. Like it hasn’t even occurred to her to nag her son for a visit. Dan has to swallow past a lump in his throat, not sure why he wishes she was angry.
“Oh,” he says. Allows a long moment of quiet to pass, just in case she wants to explain herself. She doesn’t. “Well. Okay. Do you - are you busy weekend after next? I could come see you before we leave for the continent.”
“That’s quite short notice, dear,” his mum says, and Dan experiences a dizzying rush of relief and distress before she continues. “But I’m sure I can make some time for dinner.”
Dan exhales. Dinner. He can do dinner.
“That sounds good,” he says. Another half-truth. “I’ll text you?”
“Yes, yes,” his mum says, already sounding distracted. “Text me and we’ll make a proper plan. Work hard til then, okay? I love you.”
“I love you too. Bye.”
The call ends almost as abruptly as his call with Phil, but Dan is okay with that.
im going to see my fam before i leave england jsyk, Dan texts to Phil. Phil sends him celebratory emojis in response. And maybe dinner with his family will be horrible, maybe it will be great, most likely it will be slightly uncomfortable, but at least he isn’t disappointing Phil on top of everyone else he’s let down.
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
There’s just...there’s just so much I need to know!
There’s just...imagine, an entire class of mutant teenagers who were all tragically killed and now are resurrected into this new world that’s so different from the one they last saw, like everything’s changed in the blink of an eye. What’s that even LIKE? How do they feel about owing their return and resurrection to one of their own former classmates, who’s now part of this group of five mutants revered on Krakoa with idol-like status as the ones who like...defeated death for the mutant race? How do all the kids who died on M-Day like Hydro, never even having time to know what happened, feel about learning about the Decimation and why they died in the first place? How do the kids who died on the bus like DJ feel, trying to reconnect with their classmates like Julian and Cessily and Santos who have been through SO MUCH since they last saw them, literally lived through wars and the threat of extinction and are so changed now by experiences they can’t ever (hopefully won’t ever) be able to relate to?
Is Jay Guthrie back? What’s it like for Sam and Paige and the rest of their siblings to suddenly have him back? What does Sooraya feel about this? How do she and Jay interact now? How does the every mutant is automatically a citizen of Krakoa thing work....all the Guthrie kids are mutants, but their mom Lucinda isn’t...is she allowed to come and go, according to Krakoa law? There must be exceptions made for some humans to live on Krakoa, surely, given that Corsair is part of one of the Dawn of X line-ups....who makes the distinction and how?
Speaking of the Summers, what’s up with Gabe’s resurrection? How does that work? Does he remember everything, and his past crimes are forgiven on the basis of the amnesty law, so long as he plays nice? Or did Xavier take advantage of being the man who puts all the mutant minds back in their shiny new bodies and conveniently rearrange a few memories regarding why Gabe hates him so much, and now Gabe gets along with everyone just fine?
What about Kevin Ford aka Wither? Selene was one of the mutant villains granted amnesty when she came to Krakoa, does that mean her former pawns are granted the same resurrection treatment as any other mutant, and if so, how does Kevin feel about being resurrected by Josh....the very person who killed him in the first place?
Oooh, and Clarice....not to mention Jono. What’s it like for some of the more heroic descendants of Clan Akkaba to now be living on the same island as their long distant villainous ancestor, Apocalypse himself?
Speaking of Apocalypse, anyone else catch that bit of gossip from Bar Sinister about how gladly Apocalypse would trade in any of his later Horsemen for his original four....with Hickman having made a big deal about alluding to some long ago war Apocalypse and his original Horsemen waged on Krakoa against some other dimensional foes.....with those Horsemen dying or imprisoning themselves to stop them? Who wants to bet that was to set up a storyline where like, maybe part of Apocalypse’s conditions for working with Xavier and Magneto on all of this was to have his original Horsemen resurrected as well somehow? Like SOMETHING’S going to happen there.
Oooh ooh ooh......what about the fact that ALL OF LOGAN’S 13378427842 dead mutant children are now potentially alive again? CLAN SNIKT? ADRIAN CORBO? WON’T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF JIMMY?
And and and and and they better fucking bring back Chris Bradley and I will literally pledge my firstborn if somebody writes in a scene where Bobby Drake gets to see his little buddy alive and well again, sans Legacy Virus. Look, it doesn’t matter that I’m probably never going to have a firstborn, its the thought that counts, shh, its allowed.
What about Magneto’s original Acolytes, the ones who died when Asteroid M crashed? Chrome, Delgado and Anne-Marie, etc? What might their reactions be upon say, running into Traitor McBetrayal, Fabian Cortez?
IS SIENA BLAZE BACK OMG PLZ LET SIENA BE BACK I WILL....crap, already pledged my firstborn. Ugh, second is the best?
Just how long are they gonna tease the whole ‘no but really there’s ANOTHER Summers brother’ plotline this time?
OMG are Emplate, the M twins and Monet all supposed to play happy family in a shared environment, holy shit could you imagine the epic staredowns everytime Marius and Monet run into each other in like Krakoa’s town square or the market or something and Jubilee just stage whispers “Awkwaaaaard.”
Holy shit, how are Ev and Angelo going to react to coming back to life and discovering that Jubes is now a MOM???
What about depowered mutants we haven’t seen get their powers back yet, are they all repowered now thanks to Hope? Is Dallas Gibson on Krakoa, shadow powers intact? What about Shola and Freakshow and Wicked, aka the only interesting characters Claremont has invented in 30 years, no, Lifeguard and Slipstream DO NOT COUNT.
And will we get Twilight and Clarion and December back, and finally some kind of answer on whether December is a descendant of Bobby or Emma or both?
Is Leon Nunez, the REAL mutant behind Ink’s powers, a resident of Krakoa because the amnesty law got him out of jail and did he take the power back from that LOSER and did Ink get his stupid ass kicked to the curb because everyone was like lol nobody even likes you and you’re not even a mutant, go be an Avenger ITS WHERE YOU BELONG?
Probably not, but look a guy can dream.
What’s St. John gonna think about this new twink running around using his name, HE’S the only real flamer in town! Or is he just not gonna care, and retire to spend his time resuming his career as a romance novelist? (THIS IS CANON, I DID NOT MAKE THIS UP).
OMG and Daken’s on Krakoa too, oh shit, is Bobby gonna finally get to be the hot girl? So many gays, so little time...whoops, Bobby can make clones of himself too.....oh shit did I make it weird, WHO CARES, BOBBY HAS POTENTIAL LOVE INTERESTS NOW, PLURAL, NOT SINGULAR, HUZZAAAAAAAAH.
And also all the other stuff is still interesting too. But like. Bobby boyfriend. Make it happen.
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fatandnerdy30 · 5 years
The Itsy Bitsy Spider 13
WOOHOO!!! Another chapter is done! I don't know where this story is going, but I want it to have some more cute small Peter fluff in it, so I'm probably going to deviate from the plot line a little bit, also to get more chapters in hopefully lol. As always, don't forget to comment because I love hearing from you guys!! Later!
Helen Cho stared at the boy for a moment, before she took action. "I'll need an X-ray of the his entire body!" The medical team nodded and burst into action. She directed Tony to one of the beds. "Put him there," she said. "Easy," she whispered as Tony transferred the boy from his hand onto the mattress just below the pillow. "Mommy! Daddy!" Morgan cried out from where she was being treated, trying to push the doctors away. "Hold still, sweetheart," the man treating Morgan said patiently, but the girl wasn't having it. "No! I need to see Peter!" the girl shouted. "And you will, honey. But, we need to clean your hands a little, okay? We need to make sure there's no rocks or glass in your cuts." He smiled at the girl and waited patiently. "You want to sit next to Peter?" Pepper asked with a soft smile.Morgan nodded at this, sliding off the bed that she was on and stood in between her parents. "Is he gonna be okay?" she asked. Tony nodded. "Yeah, Morguna. He'll be fine." "Okay. You know, he's like my little big brother," she said, shocking the two adults. "I really like him. I wish he could stay with us, but I know he can't. He told me about his aunt, and how much he missed her the day we played hide and seek." Pepper looked at Tony and the man nodded. "Well, when all of this is over, and he's able to go home, he'll be able to visit whenever he wants." Morgan's face lit up. "Really?" she asked, and her father nodded. One man brought a cleaning solution and two chairs over to Morgan and her parents. Pepper placed her daughter on her lap and watched as the nurse that was treating Morgan before was back with a warm smile on his face as he dipped the girl's hands into the warm solution. Another person brought the portable scanner and held it over Peter's body, snapping a few pictures of the boy's bones before handing it to Helen, who expanded it into a holographic form to get a better look. And she wished she hadn't. She hadn't seen someone this bad since Tony had battled the Hulk. One thing that caught her attention was that his ankle was already trying to repair itself, mending the bones where they were. That was not good. "Peter," she crouched down to see the boy on his level. "Your bones are already healing, but they're healing incorrectly, which is dangerous. I'm sorry, but we'll have to re-break the ankle and set it properly." Plus, she would have to figure out how the boy was already healing. "Without knowing your weight and height, we can't put you to sleep for this, but we can give you something to numb the pain if we have time." "Height is approximately three inches, weight is five point two ounces," Friday told them. Shit that was small. Tony didn't realize how small the kid was. "Okay, okay, we can deal with that.." he whispered. The boy shook his head with a groan. "Won't work," he ground out as a wave of pain hit him. "Scientists tried all sorts of drugs to put me to sleep, poison me, you name it. But I burned through everything too fast." Helen's eyes widened. What the hell had happened to this boy? "Okay, so we can't do pain pills. It will be over in a minute, Peter. Just bear with me, I'll try and be as gentle as I can. But, I'm going to have to cut the clothes you have on, though." She moved and towered over the boy, snipping what she had to of the clothing that was left, then, with her hands poised over the broken bone, she stopped. How was she supposed to fix this? She had never worked with such a small patient before and was afraid she would hurt him even more. But, she had to. So, steeling herself, the doctor moved the magnifying lens over the boy and gripped the small leg, feeling the small bones against her fingertips. Then she tried gripping the boy's foot, but it was too small. Someone then handed her a pair of forceps and she looked up to see Mr. Stark staring at her, his eyes clearly said he was worried.Steadily she took Peter's foot into the metal grips and flicked the tool a bit, hearing a 'snap' and the boy cried out and went limp a second later. Quickly she moved the bones into place. "Friday, give me an analysis," she ordered shakily. "All bones are connected," the AI said. "Heart beat and blood pressure is elevated, breathing is shallow but even." Doctor Cho breathed and went to setting the unbelievably small ankle into place, using two small blunt pins she was handed as a splint, then wrapped the entire leg in gauze. She repeated the process on Peter's wrist. "The shoulder will be tricky. Mr. Stark, hold him down for a minute." Tony nodded and placed a hand over the boy gently. "It'll be alright, kid," he whispered to the unconscious teen. Helen pushed on the boy's shoulder as much as she could, and the joint popped back into place, Peter let out a whimper in his passed out state, then quieted. Morgan, who had watched the whole thing, wanted nothing more than to comfort her friend, but her hands were being wrapped as well, so she just cried for him as the nurses started treating the smaller things that could wait and cleaned his bloody feet. "It's all over," the nurse told Morgan, his voice patient and kind. "It's all done. He's safe now." He smiled at her. Morgan glanced over at her friend on the bed, reaching for her father's hand, which gripped hers carefully over the bandages. "He'll be fine," Tony said, more as a mantra to himself. "He'll be fine.." Morgan looked at the boy's ripped and cut clothes when she remembered the gift she made for Peter. "Daddy," she whimpered when she reached into her pocket. "I..I made this for Peter..." She brought out the small cloth bag and with a wince, pulled out what looked like what the boy was wearing when they first found him. Tony gently took the outfit and turned it between his thumb and pointer, seeing the duct tape holding the legs together, the blue and red material evenly distributed through the arms and legs and the silver Hydra sigil gone. "This...this looks so good, Morguna. I'm sure Peter will love it." Morgan smiled. "I can't use needles, so maybe you or mommy can sew it." Pepper hugged her daughter tighter. "I will, baby. Come on, let's go get something to drink. We'll come back later when Peter's awake.. And thank you, whoever fixed Morgan's hands." The nurses and doctors smiled and nodded, watching them go. ~~~~~~~ Helen waited until Morgan was out of the room before turning on Tony. "Mr. Stark, who and what is this boy?" Her voice was angry, hateful. Tony shook his head, running his hand over his face. "I don't know what to tell you. He kind of...fell into my grasp one day. Little accident." He didn't want to go into detail with Helen. He trusted her medical judgement, but she answered to Fury. And he didn't want that man anywhere near Peter. At least not yet. "No, I will not tolerate that answer. Did you do this to him?" "No, definitely not," he denied vehemently. "I would never hurt a kid, you should know that." he said lowly. The doctor studied him with narrowed eyes before nodding. "Alright. We'll keep an eye on him overnight. You're welcome to stay with him, if you need to, but I will be in the room if you do." The man nodded, pulling his chair over and sitting. "Yes, I need to. You," he pointed to a male nurse. "You do Starbucks runs, right?" "My staff are not your personal errand boys," Helen snapped. "I pay them, so I get to order them to do what I want. He's not busy, are you?" The man shook his head. "See? It's fine. Friday will send you what to order." He set his eyes on the man, raising his brows. "Well? Go on, go, shoo." he waggled his fingers at the nurse and he practically ran from the room. "See what happens when you're above everybody's pay grade?" Helen shook her head and walked out, a frown on her face. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hammer was angry. No, he was more than that. He was absolutely livid. He'd gotten the best droids he could get with Hydra's help, had them boosted with his own weaponry, and they still lost! What was worse, one of the droid's also had the thing in its grasp! Adrian turned to look at the man as soon as Hammer walked into the garage. Toomes had anger  written on his face, a tool in his hands. "A kid?" he asked in a demanding tone. "Hydra wants us to steal back a kid from the Avengers, after Hydra did who knows what to him!?" The man had seen what the bot was after, the screen in his goggles, and he was still in shock, which had gotten his wings broken. "He's just a fucking child! I would say he's in better hands with the Avengers!" Justin just stared at him, giving a confused smile. "Are you saying you're out of the deal? Because, if so.." he pulled out his phone, slowly bringing it to his ear. "NO!" Toomes screamed, making Herman and Phineas jump. "I'm going to keep my family safe, so that means I'm not backing out. I'll go along with your plans...but this time, I'll be acting alone. NO help from you, you got it? You almost killed that kid, today. I won't have that blood on my hands." Hammer nodded and sat. "Okay, okay, I hear you. Hydra never said they wanted him back alive, but I think they would appreciate that he were living." Toomes glared at him. "I'll keep a watch on him and see when I can grab him. You stay out of it. Me and my guys will handle everything from this point on." He was going to get his family back, then live with the money he'd made and get out of this business. He had to if this is what it brought for them all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter woke to not so subtle pangs of pain and the boy's brows furrowed as he opened his eyes, rolling his head to the side. He winced from the bright light, hand going in front of his face. He felt the soft mattress shift and dip a lot. "May?" he asked, hope lighting his voice. "Sorry, kiddo," Mr. Stark's voice was closer than normal and Peter turned to see the man leaning his head on the bed, massive eyes focused on the boy closer than they'd ever been. "I can call Natasha in if you need an Aunt Hottie," he joked. "Ha ha," the boy groaned when he tried to sit up, holding his middle when his ribs protested, so he laid back down. "Where are we?" He looked at everything, taking it in and studying everything he could. "Med bay. You got pretty banged up out there." Suddenly Peter's eyes went wide and he tried to sit up again, struggling against Mr. Stark's finger that kept him down. "Morgan," he gasped. "How is Morgan?" "She's fine, bud. Just a few scrapes and bruises." They were lucky nothing worse happened to her. "That's good." He moved his shoulders and hissed when they burned. "Note to self, do not lift a child until I'm back to normal," he joked. "Oh yeah, I was wondering about that." Mr. Stark's head popped up and his finger moved from Peter's chest to his face, pulling his chin to look at him gently. "How in the hell were you able to lift a five year old, who is clearly at least one thousand times your weight?" The teen's nerves took over at the look the man gave him, then it hit him. Mr. Stark was busy with the droids to see what had happened. He couldn't really explain it either, actually. "I-I don't know," he answered shakily. "I really don't, Mr. Stark..." he shook his head, wincing when it caused him some pain. "All I knew was that she was in danger, and I had to do something." She was like his little sister, and he couldn't let the girl just fall to her death. "Hmm....I'm starting to agree with Steve and his 'tests', of the non sciency variety." "Does that mean I get to train with the Avengers?" the boy asked, excitement making his face glow bright. "Well, not exactly." Mr. Stark finally removed his finger when it looked like Peter was going to stay down.  "And, I know this is gonna suck, but you have to stay in bed for at least three days, just to monitor you before you're allowed to move on your own. The good news is you're allowed to be in your own room." Peter tried to argue that he was fine, but Tony wouldn't have it. "Not my call. Be mad at Dr. Cho, whom I agree with totally." He sighed. "But, all kidding aside....I want to thank ou for what you did. You saved my whole world back there." And, what he didn't want to admit to the kid, he'd almost lost a piece under asphalt. "And for that, I know you've been feeling cooped up, and I'm to blame for most of it. But, I think we can have a little leeway for you. Only upstairs in my suite, and in Bruce's lab, are you allowed on the floor to walk around. We will have a talk with Morgan, too. But, I think I can remember to look down through the night, and I'll have a reason to use those floor lamps I installed. I already built and installed a tiny bathroom in your room on your nightstand, as well as put one of the Avenger's tubs you liked so much there, too." Peter blushed at the mention of that. "Thank you," he mumbled, meaning it. It was amazing that he was finally going to get to walk around by himself without being carried, although he was sure Mr. Stark enjoyed it. He jumped and winced when the man clapped and stood. "Okay, let's get you settled and I'll let Morgan know you're in your room, okay? And I'm pretty sure Pepper wants to see you, too. Probably give you a big sloppy kiss. Lucky." He winked at the bandaged boy who gagged.
@letsbeinspiredby @sparrowrider @carttorchdeatth @6inchicon @ixlovexirondad
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atopearth · 4 years
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Part 3 - Justice for All (2nd game)
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The Lost Turnabout Well, that random amnesia to set the game up again for the reader to get used to things again was...random lol. Gotta love the fake dying message that had such beautiful legible writing lol. And I guess these are one of the moments when we should thank parents for using weird and unique spellings of a name, really helps to prove that you’re not a murderer! Kinda baffled with the whole thing though, the defendant and the criminal were both so bland, and the whole case was pretty simple. But, yeah, it’s the first case to get things flowing again so I guess that’s normal! Nice to see Maya back though!~
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Reunion, and Turnabout Pearl is an interesting girl…lol. I’m not sure why Mia didn’t want to reveal her aunt as an accomplice for this story, since if she doesn’t reveal it, Maya could be found guilty, especially if Phoenix isn’t able to find evidence for that. Initially, I wasn’t really sure what to think about the whole case being in the village where Maya is from and where she does her training etc, but I guess it’s nice to see her background etc. As for the case itself, although I still suck at knowing when to press statements, I’m a bit better at knowing what to present as evidence hahaha. Anyway, it was obvious that the murderer was the real Mimi who had taken her sister’s face to try and live a new life. So it was easy to know the motives etc, and how she hid in the box behind the screen etc, I guess I was mostly in a bit of a bind in terms of how the murder happened and the reason for the gunshots haha. Otherwise, that was a pretty average case, mostly because I think the witnesses and murderer this time around wasn’t very interesting. Lmao at the daughter von Karma whipping everyone she hates and then whipping Phoenix until he was unconscious when she lost lmao. Hopefully the next case is more interesting~ and I wonder what happened to Edgeworth?
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Turnabout Big Top Max…is an interesting character. He looks cool, but dang does he look silly when he reverts to being a country bumpkin lolll. And…I establish that no one in this circus seems normal. Not sure about that daughter of the victim, she looks like she barely cared that her father just got murdered… Great to know that she’s sheltered and so knows nothing about outside of this circus, but dang lmao, she seems to like the puppet more than Max hahahaha. And did Franziska upgrade her whip? It looks different lol. So…Acro has a brother called Bat (loll) who is in a coma after getting bitten on the head by the lion…and this lion got shot by the Ringmaster after it happened… Hmmmm. Oh…Acro is in a wheelchair because he tried to save his brother from the lion… And Bat did what he did because he made a dare with Regina, that if he could do the same thing as her (put his head in the lion’s mouth), she would go on a date with him… How saddening yet ridiculous.
Lmao when Acro comes to court as a witness, and when Phoenix claims that he’s actually the culprit, one of the birds that flies around Acro pecks Phoenix on the head as a background thing lolll. Anyway, once we did more investigations, it was obvious that Acro was the murderer and that his aim was Regina. However, I just feel that the villains this time around in this game have rather dubious motives. I guess it was kinda cool how the “murderer who flew away” came about with the stone bust being pulled up when the coat etc accidentally caught on to it, I just think everything that occurred was still rather anticlimactic though and lacked impact this time around so I couldn’t really like it tbh.. It didn’t help that I didn’t like any of the witnesses lolll. It was understandable how things happened, but at the same time, it wasn’t a very interesting case tbh.
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Farewell, my Turnabout Lmao at the Steel Samurai becoming the Nickel Samurai, this show is never gonna end, is it? Omggg Lotta again? Gotta admit, she’s not my favourite witness so seeing her twice in one game kinda kills me lol. On the other hand, I like Wendy Oldbag but she can get rather overbearing lol, so this pairing kills me. When they talked about how the manager Adrian Andrews might be the killer since the ninja actor supposedly hid her mentor’s suicide note, and since she attempted suicide because of how reliant and dependent she was on her mentor when it came to living, I guess it is possible. But I think what hit me the most was when they talked about her “dependent nature”, where she basically always needed someone important enough to her so that she would have a reason to continue living. To an extent, I can kinda relate to that, tbh, although I’m not as extreme as her, sometimes I do feel that if I lost my siblings, I don’t think I’d ever be able to pick myself up.
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Anyway, since Edgeworth is back, it was expected that something would happen to Franziska to prevent her from being the prosecutor. It took a while but I’m glad to see Edgeworth and Phoenix in court together. Omggg, Engarde just turned ugly when he revealed his true self!! He was such a pretty boy too, sigh! It’s really interesting to think about the idea that Phoenix’s client is actually guilty for once. He got an assassin to kill Corrida, and Andrews got wrapped up in this when she decided to “frame” Engarde for it. But I think Celeste (Andrews mentor who committed suicide) was the most innocent victim of all this. She first “dated” Engarde back then but was thrown away, and when she thought she could have a happy marriage with Corrida, Engarde decides to tell the guy that they used to be together, so then Corrida called off the marriage, and that led her to commit suicide. But I think the most saddening thing was that even though she committed suicide, none of these guys she so loved were unhappy, instead they were still consumed in their stupid rivalry, where Corrida wanted to use the suicide note she left to show the world Engarde’s true self. It’s so saddening to think of her life just amounting to them as something like that.
It’s interesting that the last case aims at delaying the trial to save Maya since they already know Engarde is guilty, but at the same time, it’s kinda boring? It doesn’t have the same feel as the other cases where you can reveal more and more pieces of the puzzle on what actually happened, and instead focuses on how they can use everything they can to delay the verdict. Which is…quite questionable tbh. Lmaoo at Shelly De Killer (the assassin) being a witness hahahah, and it was so funny when Phoenix presses on one of his statements and asks what’s his fee, and the judge thinks Phoenix wants to kill him lmaooo. Gotta love it when Shelly gets flustered and the transceiver starts leaking oil or whatever lolll. Anyway, I knew that they’d use the fact that Engarde recorded the murder to blackmail Shelly in order to get the latter to turn against his client since he’s so hung up on the trust factor between clients. I mean, you’ve gotta admire Shelley’s work ethic! Lol.
Anyway, I didn’t like the last case in terms of story and how it played out. I think I much prefer the usual Phoenix uncovering the truth bit by bit without really knowing who the culprit is and how they did it until later, against this Engarde case that was just..such compiled with a crappy villain with crappy motives, he was basically a bad villain with no depth. I liked it that they established that both the prosecution and defence work for the truth. But at the same time, I have to say, I don’t feel like the last case really portrayed what it means to be the defence and the prosecution. I had more expectations on how it would be better handled in terms of having a “guilty” defendant as well, but yeah… Oh well. At least everyone is happy and Franziska might be a bit more like the current Edgeworth and not be so hung up on winning all the time.
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Overall, I’d say Justice for All was a pretty lacklustre sequel. It rides on a lot of old characters from the previous game, which can be pretty cool, but I think just like how Powers introduces himself as an underpaid action star (LOL), this sequel was underwhelming to say the least. But I guess the biggest problem were just the stories themselves, they just weren’t very interesting, and the way things happened either felt rather cliche or just kinda over the top in a bit of a ridiculous way, whereas in the previous game, it felt like the cases and how they went about it made more sense and was done better. Also, I think Franziska wasn’t a very “fun” prosecutor either, like, I just don’t think she meshed well with Phoenix. Like, when it came to Edgeworth and von Karma, they both were unique enough that they bring a different sort of bantering and connection with Phoenix in court, whereas Franziska is basically just a whipping monster lol. Anyway, hopefully the next game will be better!
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seojvns · 5 years
everything you didn’t care to know about seojun yoon. 
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basic statistics.
full name: seojun yoon. 
nickname: jun, junnie, seo. 
how'd they get it?: they’re just... variations of his name...
age: twenty one. 
date of birth: april 27th. 
zodiac: taurus. 
gender: male. 
sexual orientation: pansexual. 
when did they realize this?: around the age he started being interested in people. it’s never been something he’s struggled with, it’s jus how things were/are. 
nationality: american.
hometown: daejeon, south korea.
current residence: cortland, wisconsin.
occupation: freelance photographer. 
for how long?: umm, probably since high school?? he started out doing it for free, to build his resume, and over time he began building it into something he could actually make money from. not much, but !! getting paid for doing something he loves?? really couldn’t ask for more than that. 
do they like his/her job?: obvs!!! does he wish he could have a lot more clients?? ya, but he’s patient and he’s got the time. 
salary: mm, depends on the job but probably anywhere from $150-250/job. 
any significant ancestors?: ummmm, no. 
grandparents (describe relationship): he was really close to his grandmother, on his mom’s side, who passed away a few years ago. he’s close to his grandfather from that side too, but he’s a bit old fashioned in his views and sometimes conversations are... not really something he can take much from. but he likes his company, and overall they have a good relationship. his grandparents on his father’s side both died before he really got a chance to even know them. 
aunts/uncles (describe relationship): there’s definitely a distance. when he was younger, he’d see more of them, and his cousins too, but as he grew up... it became less of a tradition his parents and his aunts/uncles bothered to keep up with. he sees them at family gatherings, usually around holidays, but that’s about it. 
parents (describe relationship): there’s a lot of distance between him and his parents. his father’s always been distant, even at a young age he wasn’t very invested in seojun. but he’d buy him things, assuming that was a decent enough way to show his ‘love,’ but it only made seojun resentful of the money he tried to use in an attempt to get out of actually caring or showing interest. his mother, on the other hand, cared. but only when he was young. from the time he was adopted, at age five, until about eleven. after that she became more disinterested in him. she also started nitpicking him a lot?? like no snacks, finding a poem and critiquing it, etc. support wasn’t something he was given, which is why he’s become such a desperate lil people pleaser. 
are they still together?: yes, yep. 
what is the character's family life like: it was really lonely growing up, cause even if everyone was home they’d all be off doing their own things. usually seojun was in his room writing, or out exploring and taking photos. he probably would’ve found his way to his hobbies regardless, but their neglect definitely encouraged him to explore them in a way he might not have done much sooner. 
what does their family love most about them?: hmm, probably his manners. he’s a good boy and he’d never embarrass them or anything when they drag him to events or parties, so, yeah! 
hate?: they see him as too shy, and lacking of a personality, but really that’s just because they’ve kind of made him feel like he should just keep quiet and do what he’s told :/ and that’s exactly what he does. 
does the family have a specific set of values?: his parents are very much the type of people who want everything to look perfect on the outside, and not care much about how they actually are on the inside. 
what would their family be described like by another person?: reserved, well put together, successful. 
have they ever had any pets?: he did! he had a dog, a samoyed, which he got from his parents for his seventh birthday. his name was ghost,, original, i know!
what happened to them?: he died a few years ago :/ it was a rly rough time for jun, who basically had him throughout his entire childhood. 
are they a virgin?: umm, nope. 
how did they lose it?: i’m embarrassed just thinkin abt it. 
have they ever cheated on a partner?: never would he ever!!! 
has a partner ever cheated on them?: probably. 
how did they react?: better question - did he ever find out? doubtful. 
who was their first crush?: hard to say :/ he gets a new crush everyday :/ 
are they in any kind of romantic relationship?: no!! 
how serious/relaxed is it?: hmph. 
describe the relationship with their current partner: this is... pointless... 
how did they meet?: why ask so many questions based on the POTENTIAL of him bein in a relationship... 
who made the first move?: prob not seojun in any situation ... he’s not very bold 
how does your character truly feel about their partner?: this.... is so redundant... 
when did they realize this?: thank u, next! 
who is your characters closest friend?: minnie uwu 
how did they meet?: umm they’ve been bffs for as long as seojun can remember okay!!! so how they met is just one of those things he doesn’t... rly remember bc it feels like he’s known her his WHOLE entire life, u know?? 
why do they get along so well?: because they’re both cute and soft and they just vibe together well ok,, why question these things?? there’s been so many late nights up talking about anything n everything, so many heartbreaks that she’s been there for, so many adventures they’ve had n have yet to have... she’s his other half!!! <333 
describe relationship with any other significant friends: adrian’s one of the most important ppl to him ?? like ever?? cause he’s jun’s best friend but also a lot more than that. even though they can’t seem to get things right, he’s always gonna have feels for adrian. kian......... gross where do i even begin!!!! seojun would literally die for kian. he’s more than his roomie ok seojun’s so disgustingly attached that no matter what kian did he’d never leave his side lmao #dedicated. jiwon is who seojun would be if he could choose his life sjfsfks she’s jus so,, uwu perfect n everything he aspires to be. he LUVS her even tho she can lowkey be a lil scary?? not in like a way that he’s legit scared but like... she can be intimidating a lil bit. rt if u agree
favorite foods: sushi, korean fried chicken, fries. 
least favorite food: black licorice, celery. 
favorite colors: pale yellow and light pink. 
least favorite color: whatever the fuck u call the color blue that tumblr chose for the new bg color fksdjfs
music: pop, r&b. 
literature: mysteries!! 
smell: honeysuckles, bonfires, fresh bread. 
feeling: affection uwu
season: autumn. 
pets: dogs, but... he loves cats too :/ 
place: hmm, he’s really drawn to the woods?? like when he was younger he’d go into the woods with his camera and a book and just spend all fucking day out there. there’s something really peaceful about it ?? and there’s just so much to experience... the woods jus make him soft, k?? 
favorite sport(s): huh
possession this character values most: his camera!!!!!!!! his journals filled with poems about everyone he knows. 
why is it so important to them?: um, his camera is p obvious?? his poetry filled journals, well, that’s p obvious too. he doesn’t want to forget how he felt in the moments where he was inspired to write whatever he wrote. 
physical characteristics.
height: 5′8′‘. 
weight: 130 lbs. 
body build: slim. 
eye color: brown. 
glasses or contact lenses?: contact lenses, but sometimes he’ll wear his glasses when he’s feelin’ lazy. 
hair color: naturally it’s black, but he prob keeps it either light pink or blond.  
scent: tbh idk what to answer for this, describing someone’s natural scent... hard. 
voice: he’s got a soft voice :/ 
mannerisms: says ‘um’ and ‘uh’ too much, whining about nothing, watching anything/everything with subtitles, turns the tab on a soda can sideways. 
style: comfy clothing mostly?? like loose fitting tops and form fitting bottoms. 
how do they walk?: like a fucking model tbh??? 
what are their nervous tics: he’s blushing 99% of the time tbh,, nose scrunches, averting his gaze 
usual body posture: umm, i’d say he’s got p good posture?? idk,,
preferred clothing.
underwear: boxer briefs babey!
shirts: loose!! t-shirts, flannels, hoodies. anything oversized. 
pants: usually black jeans, like, 9 times out of 10. 
skirts: nah. 
jackets: more oversized shit. 
shoes: prob jus black boots? 
accessories: earrings, rings, make up. make up isn’t an accessory rly but i dunno where else to put that so yayuh that’s a thing. 
formal wear: umm he’s a classic black suit kinda guy, prob w a bowtie, idk. 
sleeping wear: t-shirts and boxer briefs,, do ppl ... actually have real pajamas? like in real life? 
swimming wear: swim trunks ig?? weird question but ok. 
intellectual/mental/personality attributes and attitudes.
did they go to school?: ya, duh. 
where?: west bridge!!! 
what did they learn?: he’s studying photography :-)
what were their grades like?: uh, they’re alright... could be better... he wants to do better but his focus is usually just... anywhere but where it should be. so he procrastinates, and turns in things late a lot, and still is trying to do better. 
native language: korean. 
do they know any other languages?: english. 
how smart are they?: not... very... both book smart and street smart. 
what is their strengths?: creativity, generosity, compassion. 
weaknesses?: time management, insecurity, awareness. 
character's short-term goals in life: don’t go to jail, pass all classes. 
character's long-term goals in life: have a lil photography studio and live happily ever after uwu
how does your character see themselves?: umm, he’s self aware enough to know that he’s kind of sheepish?? he feels like he’s probably awkward in,, so many situations, rip, but he tries his best to not be too weird skfjs 
how does your character believe they are perceived by others?: as a soft boy who wants to be everyone’s friend?? hopefully?? 
how self-confident is your character?: UM LOL NOT AT ALL
what makes their self-confidence waver?: everything,, he just never feels like he’s good enough?? prob because of his mom’s nitpicking, his parents’ lack of interest generally, and the fact that he just has a low self esteem overall. 
what would embarrass your character the most?: being put on the spot about anything, having too much attention, falling for someone who doesn’t like him. 
how does your character feel about love: he!! loves love!!! he rly thinks that there’s someone out there for everyone... maybe not in a ~soulmates~ sense, but he thinks that companionship is a big part of happiness.
about crime: he doesn’t commit crimes... often... but if he does it’s because he can be talked into almost anything. 
people of a different sexuality?: loves everyone, thanks. 
different nationality/race?: loves everyone, thanks. 
how does your character show affection/love?: listening to them n remembering things they’re told, hand holding, doing literally anything they ask. 
how does your character handle grief? not well. especially in the case of manon, which has left him with a terrible sleeping pattern and the heavy feeling of guilt. 
what are they like when they cry?: prob like really dramatic,, like cry a lot while curled up in his bed under the covers kinda cry. 
what can make them cry?: betrayal, loss, anxiousness, stress. 
how does your character handle physical pain?: not well, he probably whines a lot and pouts even more. 
emotional pain?: even worse. he’s so forgiving that even if someone hurt him emotionally, he’d forgive them, but he’d probably be lowkey sad (but in a self blame kind of way) about it for awhile.
is your character typically a leader or a follower?: big time follower. 
what kind of energy level does your character typically display?: soft, upbeat, 
describe their sense of humor: prob either lame or softly sarcastic. 
hobbies: takin pics, writing poems, making playlists for people that’ll never hear them, watching shows instead of studying. 
talents: ...takin pics, writing poems, making playlists for people that’ll never hear them...
extremely unskilled at: focusing! and sports. 
if any, what musical instruments can they play?: piano :-) 
emotional characteristics.
how does the character relate to others?: through soft interactions and deep conversations. he’s pretty honest and open, so if someone asks him something, or even just talks to him, chances are he’s being as open with them as he would be with his close friends. 
how does the character deal with anger?: not well, but when he’s angry, he’s usually more upset than angry? and he wants to resolve things as quickly as possible, otherwise he’s stressed abt it until it’s fixed. 
with sadness?: listens to sad music and cries in the shower. drama queen. 
with conflict?: he’s always the first to apologize. 
with change?: he’s actually pretty adaptable for the most part?? but if it were like a major change, maybe not as good. 
with loss?: ummm, could be better!! probably gets a lil distant when he’s dealing with a loss. 
what does your character want out of life?: happiness :/ 
what would your character like to change in his/her life?: the whole manon thing JFKLSF
what motivates your character?: his future, or at least the ideal future he has in mind for himself. 
what frightens your character?: the fact that they could get caught for covering up a murder perhaps??? terrifying. 
are they afraid of the dark?: ...yes, but he acts like he isn’t cause he’s embarrassed. 
death?: not really?? like he doesn’t WANT to die or anything, but he’s not afraid of death.
what makes your character happy?: listening to good music, giving people things that make him think of them, the photo editing process. 
sad?: being alone, the fact that his parents never care to check up on him, films where the main couple doesn’t end up together.
angry?: people being rude to his friends, being lied to, unnecessarily passive aggressive people. 
aroused?: neck kisses, being called baby, someone who’s rly direct and just kind of... does what they want skjfsl 
annoyed?: people who speak over other people.
guilty?: covering up a potential murder, turning things in late, lying. 
is your character judgmental of others?: no. even if he doesn’t agree with their opinions/things they do he still tries to refrain from judgment. 
is your character generous or stingy?: generous af. 
is your character generally polite or rude?: polite!! angel boy. 
optimistic or pessimistic?: optimistic. 
introvert or extrovert?: lil bit of both?? 
daredevil or cautious?: cautious. 
logical or emotional?: emotional lmao. 
disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: he thinks he’s methodical and neat but he’s actually disorderly and messy. 
would they rather be working or relaxing?: working, even though he thinks he’d rather be chillin he’s kind of terrible at doing nothing. 
how do they feel about animals?: um... he loves them?? he’s the kind of person that’d accidentally let a raccoon in his house and let it stay. 
what is their best quality?: his sincerity. 
what is their biggest flaw?: how trusting he is. 
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iheartarrow · 7 years
Random Arrow thoughts
Ok, I'm freaking out a little bit... Someone, pinch me... IS THIS REAL?! This episode of Arrow came straight out of fanfiction. It is too good to be true... yet it is... true... I am overwhelmed and befuddled and feel like a lost puppy right now. Because in this season (especially in 6x03 and6x04), Arrow is apparently, granting wishes and many fantasies of mine have become canon.  No one has ever preparedme for this, this is why I'm freaking out, cuz what's next?!...
I know that the other shoe is gonna drop soon enough, and this bliss cannot last forever, that's just the way TVland works, and also, it's Arrow, our heroes can never be absolutely happy for too long, there has to be conflict to further the story along. And the formula is simple - the happier it is in the beginning, the worse it's gonna be later (before it gets better again). So I do know I have to prepare myself for the shit that's about to hit Olicity in a few episodes, probably after the crossover.
Anyhow, going back to 6x04, here are some of my thoughts during this episode..
- It should have been named "Let's get it on..." instead, LOL. How many times did they try to have desert and were interrupted?! Blue balls won't look good on Oliver, Arrow, have mercy!
- The episode opened with a "date", or more like a hookup, BS style. I gotta say, I liked the wig. Blonde Laurel looks like a bitch, brunette Laurel looks wickedly nefarious. I liked that, but why did she need a wig at all, this puzzled me? Or does she think, she looks more attractive to men with dark hair?! What was the purpose of that wig? Not to be recognized?! Well, then she kills people left and right with blond hair, so that's not it, right?!... Oh, I get it... KC wore the wig for the element of surprise, so the fanboys would guess her by her back and pee their pants happy that their beloved BS is back (or should I say, KC is back, cuz their fascination with her, that I will never understand, has become like a cult following). Anyways, this is done for one purpose alone. BS always likes to make a scene with her entrance (yes, she's a bit of an attention whore, didn't you know?!), this time they figured a wig will do the job for her as a "surprise" element. Whatever...
Arrow is already being redundant with BS, considering she's not even close to being the main villain, has no agency of her own and is just another mercenary for hire. As the guys from Slander Ent. pointed out, she's a glorified lackey. Arrow hyped KC's return to Arrow as a villain, so much, but the pay off doesn't match the hype so far. BS's storyline resembles that of LL already. Either give her some interesting storyline, or get rid of her like you did with Laurel. I liked BS at first, but the more I watch her (and as often as I watch her), the more she starts to suck, because there's no moving forward with her story, she becomes a stale character, just like LL had become, before they had to kill her off. Though, in this episode she didn't suck that much, and her fighting improved (though it was Katie's double who gets the credit, the fight scenes were so darkened out, so you cannot tell the double and the actual actor apart, but it was still too obvious Arrow, you cannot fool me). I feel like I have to make my peace with BS the way she is and not expect her to progress. She's here as an eye candy for the fanboys, a consolation prize anyways. But as she still is a  small part of Arrow's overall story, I would expect the show to have learnt their mistakes with Laurel (and KC) from the first time around, and not repeat them with BS.
- Oliver and Felicity's date... I think now I know why Felicity calls BS "evil Laurel", because of her timing.  Girl, couldn't you murder that poor sap some other time? William picked out the tie and wanted to go to dinner with Felicity, too... Awww, that's so adorable. And yep, the  mini-Oliver totally has a crush on his father's girl. I love the relationship Arrow is building between the three  of them! Oliver remembering that it's been three years since they had their first date... Squeee!!! "Don't jinx it!" LOL.
You know, I like that Oliver is still a bit nervous on their date. It's a good kind of nervous. He talks about not  having been ready for their relationship then, not like he is now. This tells me that he knows, and knew back then  too, that this is it, Felicity is "it" - the love of his life. So yeah, he is nervous in a "anticipating something  wonderful in your life"-kind of way. Plus, that gorgeous woman is in front of him being all adorable and super  sexy. But the status of their relationship is still unconfirmed. He looks at her for answer when the lady asks if  they are back together. And Felicity got "the hint", called herself the mayor's girlfriend. It's for us to hear and  for the Olicity haters. They are back together, so stop asking the stupid question, m'kay?! Get over it! There's also calmness to Oliver that I love. He's matured, more grounded. I cannot believe how much he's grown as a  person. Adrian Chase was one heck of a therapist, LOL.
That nice lady was us, for sure. While she was fangirling over Olicity, I thought it would be funny if the news  came out that Mayor Handsome and Miss Felicity Smoak are back together, with a poll attached to it, vote yes or no.  LOL Star City ships Olicity. Also, why isn't there a man patting Oliver's shoulder and whispering "Good job on  getting your girl back, son!"?!
- Oliver understanding how it was for Felicity when he had to bail on her and was "dangling maybies"... Now you  know Oliver. It sucked! And I think he felt kind of alone and bored and useless, while his woman was neck deep in  Arrow business and he just had to let her go, do her stuff. I think that is what got to Oliver the most - not being  able to be a part of the thing that brought them together in the first place. That's how they met, how they've  gotten closer and fell in love - because of Arrow business. And Oliver not only renounced that part of himself, he  also renounced the part that allowed them to connect and was the major part of their relationship, it's basis. In  S4 we saw how Felicity was struggling to live a "normal" life without Arrow business. She missed that part of her  life, that's why they returned to Star City and stayed. Now it's Oliver's turn to be sidelined. He liked living in  Ivy Town (on the surface), but after last year's crossover, Oliver realized that his life could be happy without  being the Green Arrow, but it will never be full. This season he had to give up the hood again. Except now it's not  because he wanted to, it was a sacrifice for the sake of his son. 6x04 showed how much Oliver actually misses being  the GA, the action and being usefull, already!
Now, putting a mask on and chasing Felicity in the club, or helping Slade-cockblocker-Wilson... how is it different  than being an active member of the team?! I don't get the logic of this. If you're out, you're out, Oliver. No  exceptions. He could as well get killed on the mission with Slade, then little William will be the one saying "told  you so!". Agrhhh...
- Those kisses... I love those smooches. Felicity, please kiss Oliver more like that! It's super adorable!
- I don't trust Alena. At all. Even after she was shot and was all cozy and friendly with Felicity, I still don't  trust the girl. Look, she is responsible for an Argus agent being horribly murdered. And her reaction to that death  was telling not nice things about the kind of person she is... Plus, she represents Felicity's past life, a rather  dark past. I don't want a constant reminder of that on the show, in small doses Alena is ok, but not as a permanent  fixture. Plus, this whole "breaking internet" thing was a set up by Cayden James, so it's obvious that either he  gave Alena that shiner and told her to get Felicity involved, or he knew that if Alena smells trouble, she'd go to  Felicity for help. And either way, she's a pawn in his game. I feel like if Alena isn't working for Cayden, and she  actually is clean, she's still a redundant character, because she doesn't bring to the show any new skill or  ability that isn't already an atribute of another character. So why keep her then?! "I thought you wanted to change the world, and look where you ended up..." I loved this burn! Why did Felicity  apologize for telling the truth?! Also, this line reminded me of when paralyzed Felicity was hallucinating Goth  Felicity. Goth Felicity said the exact same thing to her "you wanted to change the world, look where it got you..."  This Alena character reminds me of that Goth Felicity, but not in a good way. I really hope she won't drag Felicity  back to old hacktivist habits.
- Why doesn't KC wear her hair up in a ponytail more?! It actually looked nice, certainly nicer than her usual hair  down over one shoulder. She calls herself "Dinah", so why does the team insist on calling her "evil Laurel"?! Call  her evil Dinah then, she's here as a counterpart of the new BC anyhow, not of dead Laurel. This show has too many  Dinahs with same abilities, it's ridiculous, Arrow!
- Felicity spent more than half of the episode in that gorgeous red dress. She looked so out of place in it in that  club, and I loved it. It was very funny.
- Felicity should have asked for a backup while going to the club. Or at least telling her team where she's at. It  was irresponsible. And later at Helix, almost got herself and Alena killed. Granted, she couldn't have known that  it would be so dangerous, but still, she's going after someone who plans on killing hundreds of millions of ppl,  gotta think smarter, girl. I get why she would feel guilty. Not only she let out Cayden James, but after Havenrock,  if CJ manages to kill so many people, she would feel that it's on her, too.
- I loved Oliver's pep talk. Last episode it was with Diggle, now with Felicity. They both helped Oliver to become  the GA. And all that effort is now for nothing, eh Oliver?! Where the hell did Felicity get the idea that Oliver  was doing it all by himself?! He never did, well... he tried, but he never succeeded. He was killing ppl, until you  and John set him straight (and Tommy's death, too), he was a crappy brother most of the time, super crappy CEO,  failed as a boyfriend and a fiance, etc... So let's not pretend that Oliver wasn't a screw up just cuz he got his  act together this season, okay Arrow?!
- Helix Dynamics... Nope, not liking it. I got an immediate recall of Fringe's Massive Dynamics,tbh. Plus the name  Helix is rooted in Felicity's old life. Also, the name sounds rather ominous, like Kord Industries, where they make  all kinds of dangerous stuff that bad guys later steal. I hope Felicity will rename the company, it doesn't roll  off the tongue right.
- Michael freaking Emerson is amazing!!! I certainly got an evil Finch vibe from Cayden James. God, he's a cold  motherfucker. I do not believe that he "changed" because of Argus keeping him locked in a shipping container. Argus  locked him up for a reason, I wanna know what that reason is. He must have done something very very bad to earn  such treatment. Lyla isn't Amanda Waller. I would love for papa Smoak to come back and have a hack off paired with  Felicity vs CJ. It would be awesome. Also, I had an idea that Felicity will probably go to jail for hacking the  vault's firewall (and probably, other crimes too), and Noah might take the fall and go to jail instead of her. It's  the only way I see to redeem an absentee father like Noah.
Or Felicity will have to hide and lead a reclusive life until she figures out a way to clear her name with the FBI.  Or she's gonna be recruited by the FBI. Either way, it would be interesting storyline and I wonder how it will  affect her relationship with Oliver. I have a feeling Arrow might do something similar to what Smallville did with  Chloe's character - her leaving the team and just disappearing. Felicity might be forced to do the same. And it  won't be Arrow breaking Olicity up, just separating them for a while. Cuz it's Arrow and they can't let Olicity be  happy on the background all the time...
If we are correct, then Olicity is gonna get married in the LOT crossover episode. If so, then won't marital  privilege kick in then?! Oliver cannot testify against his wife, nor she against him...
- I really hate it when a side character is pointing out an obvious thing that all the fans have figured out long  ago, yet the main character haven't got a clue about... I'm talking about Alena pointing out that Felicity should  use her chip as an idea for helping people and get her company started. We've been cultivating this idea for 1.5  years, come on, Felicity...
- WTF is Arclight?! Damien's dome was called an Arc, right?! Maybe CJ was working for DD back then when the Arc was  being built, and that's why Argus locked him up?! "Arclight" does sound like a cult thing, LOL. And Darkh's zombie  population did look like cult followers...
- Loved all the grunting while Oliver dropped on the couch with hands full of Felicity!!! And the ass grabbing, and  her hand sliding to his front... This new time slot is paying off bit by bit. Slade cockblocking them was not cool,  Arrow!
- Did anyone else have a thought that Diggle's drugs might be provided by Cayden as well? He set up a trap for  Felicity in today's episode, Diggle will probably become addicted to that drug, and will be off the team as well.  Could be, Cayden will be picking all the team members one by one?
- The only thing, missing from this episode, was the repeat of the glorious line "It feels really good having you  inside me...". It was such a right episode with a perfectly set up circumstances to bring that line back. Arrow,  how could you miss this opportunity to remind us of such perfect comedic Olicity moment?
- Loved Oliver on the comms. He looked absolutely out of place behind Felicity's computers, but that was the point,  and I loved it. The learning curve and the funny Oliver, loved every second of that scene.
This was a very good, solid episode. The reversal worked perfectly. One of my favorites of all Arrow episodes!!  This season is gonna be so AWESOME!!!
@almondblossomme @hope-for-olicity @tdgal1 @taurusclh @geneshaven @eilowyn1 @felicitys @nalla-madness @coal000
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flockofdoves · 4 years
was trying to think of a way to divide up ocs on toyhouse so i don’t get too embarrassed about them yesterday but then it turned into just trying to list like every character i’ve ever made the vast majority of them i’d never put on toyhouse lol. but this was fun for myself even though i definitely forgot chracters and even whole stories from when i was younger
kinda old (definitely need updating they’re from when i was 17/18 and haven’t done much in recent years but nonetheless are my most recent ocs and i would probably like to do something with them someday still):
all the alienated characters - raul and michael primarily, also side characters like their relatives (lennie, joaquin, marcell, maybe also shinsuke, natalia, nina, naomi, hana, leela, etc) and friends (still need to name them lol) etc
justicia (less set on doing her story any time soon compared to alienated, but still theres something to it i might want to work with someday)
pretty old (like i was 16-17)
gf debate characters (this is actually older than a lot of the ones i list as even older in this list but i kept working on them til i was like 17 so they hold up better even if i don’t want to finish making their story anymore) - isaac, micah (micah is literally kinda from when i was 12 lol but i brought her to like 3 different stories and she was a boy in the first one too so shes basically not that character anymore), and then side characters like mirabel (originated in same story at 12 as micah), ayçin, anna, micahs mom and her wife, micahs cousin (another one from that old story) etc
those ocs that literally none of them have names or barely personalities i only ever did character sketches and basic concepts but its like a ghost story thing i was gonna do - 12 y/o baby butch protag, the ghost girl, baby butch’s trans girl cousin, cousins trans guy friend
really old (characters from when i was like 14-15 that did not really develop much from there. most of these are characters i have had fun with and maybe drawn since but are goofy and don’t hold up in a lot of aspects and most of them i’ll probably never pick up for stories again)
football lesbians - monica, wanda, and rania
pigeon magical girls (technically maybe i actually finished a very abbreviated version of their origin story for a school art project when i was 15 lol but i planned to do more back then and now i dont want to) - zehra, ronni, the pigeon, probably not amy and zoë that was just a cameo for myself of ocs from when i was like 11 lol
naomi’s story (this one i might actually want to do something with someday, i wrote a short story about it plus a bit more, but i have to make some serious changes i don’t really think i thought of some of the implications of some stuff in it before) - just naomi and the ghost basically. not to be confused with naomi in alienated who is michael’s sister they are not at all the same person
assorted characters that never really had a story - mels and cvijeta, charlotte (thought about putting her in football lesbians. she does basketball but. jock wlw you know)
really really old (characters from late middle school, like 13-14)
uhhh that wizards story. it never had a name idk. i still kinda like them though tbh even if i’ll never do anything with them anymore - tess, ali, nataline, brandy, mo, remora, cnidarian
really really really old (characters from the middle of middle school, like 12-13. at this point my recollection of what came before what might be kinda off tho)
that fae folk in pennsylvania and ohio story - emilia, ilana, micah (first version! lol), mirabel, that boy that i just hate and don’t remember the name of and resent making a character that had a crush on micah, micahs cousin, darling/angel (a faerie that just went by terms of endearment as if they were names), uhhh the second group of characters in a different more rural town i tried to write that i dont remember the names of
haunted victorian house story - benji, aisha, elizabeth
updated onex arget (fantasy world i wrote about a lot when i was in elementary school) story - nai, rieae
idk this story never had a name and barely a plot beyond ivy and victor becoming friends and venting to each other - victor, ivy, miles, maitê
forks and spoons (story i improvised with my little cousin who was like 8 at the time lol) - florimundi(?), i’m forgetting literally all 3 of the other characters names lol (maybe reese and victor for two of them??? but maybe not bc those are also other very old characters that idk if i reused the names of)
theo and ted - theoni and theodore (aka theo and ted!), oh also that guy they meet who wears like. a trench coat iirc
super old (characters from the later half of the 6th grade and early 7th, like 12ish)
really dumb story about a closeted trans person with did getting transformation powers - i actually dont remember the main character and their main other alters names anymore, i remember the other character they had a crush on stephan though
all those characters in bands that i never actually could settle on a story for beyond a variety of interpersonal drama. very inspired by the webcomic jenny hanniver tbh - avery, mark, etti, adrian, xavier, pepper, uhhh theres literally So Many more of them and also so many i dont remember the names of anymore but just for some that come to mind. that periwinkle colored hair in a bowl cut character that always wore a beanie who was in avery’s band whos names on the tip of my tongue (maybe that was etti and the character i’m calling etti was called something else?? maybe victoria? maybe andy? maybe andy was an entirely different 3rd character?? idk. actually yeah i’m positive bowlcut character was etti rereading this), xaviers ex-boyfriend who was obsessed with homestuck (lmao), that guy with red hair i accidentally directly ripped off the design of some jenny hanniver character, that goth guy with braces and glasses (maybe he wasnt in this?), that screamo band with 2 lead singers, that guy with brown hair that said he was straight with an exception (msfdkjghhsfd god), that person with the emo haircut in flame colors, this literally is not even all the characters lol
extremely old (largely from 6th grade, like age 11ish. weird period of time where i suddenly wanted to write about romance but thought it had to be straight but then very quickly was like ‘wait actually nvm i have a laptop now and think i’m bicurious i’m only gonna write about gay people)
gsa story (this might have been the summer before 7th actually but it feels distinctly before the other stuff in the last category so idk maybe just my whole impression of when i made things for middle school is off) - emmy(?), allie(?), noah(???), some other kid, i think noah(?) or the other kid got reused to be the guy i regretted making a part of that faerie story who liked old micah lol, maybe more kids, their teacher
idk that kid with blue hair and black eyes with white irises and his sister
middle school lesbians - leah and cass
lesbian who works in food service and there were weird references to comic books but filtered through me referencing an obscure emo humor youtube channel that made jokes about comics i’d never read - amy, zoë, amy’s straight best friend i dont remember the name of??
tosca (this wasnt straight romance but it was like the last thing pre me always having lgbt main characters) - idk. there were two characters i drew like once. theres nothing to note about this except wanting to make it is what made me learn about webcomics
that story i posted the first chapter of on quibblo about a hippie girl (somehow in 2010?? dont ask me) and an emo boy liking each other before abandoning to never write about cishet romance again. didnt even get to the romance part lol - i forget her name. maybe it was april? maybe it was florimundi and i reused it later for another character, nix, reese (her goth lesbian best friend. thank god for reese)
first attempt at straight romance. also about like. idk. fantastical powers in clouds in providence rhode island - selia, shay, cassandra, selias other friend i forget the name of??
ancient (literally elementary school ocs. obviously theres a lot of grades covered here but its just my memory and ability to reference this is so loose idk if i could even try to accurately divide it further)
shadow magic - mezzaluna, her aunt tabby(?), alexa
a, j, & j (barely counts i didnt do anything with them. those are the only characters also)
arine (some of these characters might not be arine characters and just from other onex arget (fantasy world i wrote a bunch of stories in and made a shitty conlang for and stuff) stories but i just dont really remember) - lia, lias sister, dibujurm, that other fantastical creature who was friends with dibujurm i forget the name of that kinda looked like calcifer from howls moving castle but fuzzy not an actual fire (maybe isigo??), emiaelaesa, that obnoxious prince (i think the story was called arine bc that was his name?), the prince’s servant, there absolutely were more
the musical adventures of shiri and don - shiri, don, some evil villain and his henchmen
rosington (there were like no characters besides her. weird junie b jones rip off with nonsensical humor to everyone but me)
that tree prophecy story (maybe set in onex arget?) - nico, emi (?? maybe not her name), their uncle (i forget his name, maybe lester?), their uncles shipmates, that fortune teller
idk some kid that goes on a scavenger hunt to solve a mystery on vacation in like bermuda or something where he meets some quirky girl character who helps him. thats all
i had some characters that started out as me trying to draw characters from the book hoot by carl hiaasen but for some reason then turned into my own ocs and looked nothing like those characters were described and also basically had nothing to do with them in personality and action beyond name after a while. - beatrice and napoleon. this was in a phase where i got a ‘how to draw anime’ book and napoleon straight up looked like a yugioh character his hair was ridiculous
those fake siblings i made up and lied to a substitute teacher in kindergarten about me having 6 siblings because of for absolutely no reason even though i only have one sibling irl
imaginary friends i shared with my brother and then made stories about - theres so many of these, the most important though was chick-chick-chick. who was a very small chick who wore a top hat. and then he had a family(?) of infinitely smaller chicks (chick-chick-chick-chick, for example) the more “chicks” you added to the name
0 notes
mecatchingraindrops · 6 years
Play Underground 2
Disclaimer: events may or may not have happened. Names are fictional. Any resemblance or similarities to people in real life is purely coincidental.
The vigor of youth transcends as every sweat trickles down your body in the heat of the afternoon sun. The eyes open up possibilities in multitudes, however, fate only chooses one that will shape you as a person. For love, lust, and mind can play with your heart relentlessly, spinning the wheel of fortune that binds your fates together from the moment of your first hello, to your last goodbye.
“What have I gotten myself into?”
I asked myself as I brave the most difficult course of Play Underground’s wall climbing facility. Just last week, we finally completed the intermediate area, of course, after falling several times. Ok, thousands of times. Now we took on our new found friends and the challenge that faced us: completing the most difficult wall.
A few minutes earlier we started our stretching and began climbing the beginners wall as warm up. I was in a strange yet familiar high as I felt anxious to prove to these newcomers who owns these walls.
When it was finally my turn I suddenly felt like I could easily finish it in half the time I usually spend reaching for the top. My veins were filled with energy I have not felt before as adrenaline pumped in large quantities resulting from anxiousness, excitement, and the usual bravado facing rivals on one’s turf. Not to mention the Venti Frappe Affogato I had earlier. 
Then it happened. I missed a rock and slipped. ON THE BEGINNERS’ COURSE. And I say that with emphasis. 
Adrian wasn’t really paying attention as my belayer and was on his phone more agitated than I am as I climbed up so without any resistance, I fell down with a thud. I imagined myself falling with a scream or wailing, but no. My fall was a no nonsense fall. Let’s get it over with so ground, here I come!
What I saw next would haunt me relentlessly in the weeks to come. They were the most beautiful brown eyes only an angel could possess. With hair damp from sweat, his bangs swaying side to side. His white shirt plastered on his muscled body. Wet but warm. I thought he would smell disgusting like those locker rooms in the gym filled with soiled undergarments but instead, he smelled of... Issey Miyake.
Adrian’s voice brought me back to my senses. It also brought in the pain on my butt as it started to radiate.
“Ow” was the first thing I said as the angel’s strong arms helped me sit up right.
“Ow” I said again as I got steadied into place.
“I think I broke something” I said under my breath while trying to feel my butt.
“Hopefully not your heart” the angel said smirking. 
“What?” I thought to myself, contemplating if I actually heard those words or was imagining everything. Wait. What angel would say something as cheesy as that? He’s definitely from hell.
“I’m Kyle” he introduced “this is Paul my best friend”
“Damien” I replied trying to get up to shake their hands but I slipped on the wet mat. I started to wonder where it came from. Was it sweat? But I asked myself how clumsy can one be to slip twice within a minute. Luckily My best friend caught me this time.
“Oh, this is Adrian. The great belayer” I said with annoyance and sarcasm.
“I’m so sorry. I thought you got this since we finished intermediate last time and mom sent me an sms so I had to get back at her. So soooo sorry....” Adrian rambled on as I spaced out and murmured
“I am never gonna do this with you again”, then I punched him lightly on his right arm.
Kyle laughed again. While Paul now threw a jab at his side trying not to laugh.
“I wanna die” I thought to myself.
This is so embarrassing. On the way here I thought Kyle and Paul were amateurs but they’re already on the most difficult wall. Paul would’ve reached midway till he saw me fall and got down as his belayer came to my side. And here I am, slipping and falling from the beginner’s course. Then I remembered Kyle saying something and asked him in a naïveté way, “you said something earlier. After I said I broke something. Wha...”
He cut me off and continued “hopefully not your heart?” He tried and failed miserably to stifle his laughter. “You see, you fell... hopefully not with a broken heart..” then he couldn’t contain his eminent laughter.
Not an Angel. Yeah, probably the devil’s first born. Just my luck. That’s what I thought and I think I looked annoyed cause Paul took another jab at Kyle. “I’m sorry, Kyle can be a bit... cheesy...and...”
“..And corny” I added with utter annoyance as I rolled my eyes instinctively.
Two seconds of silence arose. The longest two seconds of my life. I began to overthink if I might’ve offended the cute devil, and what they will think, say or do. I thought, should I laugh halfheartedly, as I tried to sense the air for the mood. And as if on cue, all three started to laugh.
“Tryna be funny and clumsy at the same time huh?” Kyle retorted as his laughter died down.
Standing up, I realized the angel is really just a cherub. A cherub on steroids.  Well not really that buff but toned. A midget of an angel was my exact words in my head. Maybe he is half angel and half demon. I wonder.
Kyle is kinda short, he can pass as 15 or 16, while Paul his best friend is almost as tall as I am which stands 5’8. Kyle seems almost like 5’5. Shorter than my best friend Adrian who stands at 5’7. I found out later they were three years older than I am.
“Isn’t this wall to tall for you shorty” I blurted out trying to get even without thinking and realized I might’ve gone overboard so I covered my mouth hastily.
“Hey! I never said anything about you falling from the beginners wall! That’s below the belt!” he mouthed off before pouting. The cutest pout I’ve seen. It was too sincere to not be not adorable. Then Paul and Adrian laughed at us like parents seeing their kids argue about childish stuff. Kyle and I looked at each other and joined them as well. 
Adrian decided to get the four of us something to drink. While Kyle, Paul, and I chatted about random topics. I then started to notice Paul. He’s also good looking but not as ripped as Kyle. He seems kinder too while Kyle seems a bit on the wilder side. Like he is the life of any party he goes to, exuding with confidence at every stride his ripped muscles make as they flex and relax. It was like a dance. A ballet of muscles of some sort that is too beautiful to describe with words alone. Yet Paul’s smile overflowed with sincerity and warmth, it seems the pain of my earlier fall seem to fade into the bright light of his perfectly white teeth. A shining beacon for any dentist...
I found out that Paul was getting fond of me as I happen to remind him of his younger brother. Kyle agreed and even told me that Paul’s brother and I share the same reaction when being teased. He also noted that we both have an air of sarcasm. The sarcasms yes, but I didn’t know I blushed a lot. Now everytime Kyle opens his mouth and tries to mess around with me, Paul kept on pointing it out. But sometimes, I feel my face grow hot just looking at Kyle. Or when I hear him talk annoyingly. 
After resting a bit, all four of us shared an inexplicable bond new friends have during these years. Like we clicked immediately and seemed destined to be bestfriends.
We then decided to climb walls again. Adrian being the naughty bestfriend suggested we switch partners. It took me a minute to realize he has the hots for Paul. As always, he was brazen enough to strategize this situation to his advantage.
So, to my surprise, I was paired with Kyle as Adrian tried his luck with Paul. 
Kyle offered “you go first. Don’t fall this time”, looking stern and at the same time trying to contain his laughter. He still can’t get the knack of embarrassing me. (I mean hey, I am cute when I want to be lol).
Wittingly, I replied, “If I do, will you catch me?” And gave him a coy look.
Shit. Was that too much? What was I thinking? He doesn’t even know I’m gay, I think. He is straight. Appears to be at the very least. What if he was a homophobe? Are there homophobes in Manila? I was beginning to space out and recall my experience with homophobes in Vermont when I noticed Kyle still unable to move even a single muscle. Oh those muscles. How hard and soft they must have felt... Focus god damn it Damien! Homophobes!
But the look of shock on his face was enough to bring me back to reality and snap me out of my internal monologue with lasted one second. It was utter disbelief which made me switch gears and burst with laughter. A perfect excuse. We Filipinos love to joke around so I’ll tread that path and see where it goes.
He then got the “joke” and looked annoyed. But what surprised me is that he started to blush and hide his eyes behind his beautiful jet black hair.
The next words that escaped from his lips gave me the feeling I’ve never felt in a long time. Those words that was only for me. Those words that nobody else heard. Not the children screaming at each other, nor their parents mindless watching over them, nor the staff busy overseeing everyone’s safety. Not even our two best friends trying to out do each other with one showing off on the wall while the other giving out directions on how to better climb it. It’s as if the whole powerplant mall fell into a perpetual silence that only Kyle’s voice emanated in my ear drums, trying to sync with the sound of my heartbeat that goes faster and faster as every second ticks and tocks. He spoke, no, whispered as he turned and tied the rope to the anchorage on the floor.
“I’m more than capable... of catching you”
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TGF Thoughts: 3x10--The One About the End of the World
I did it, I wrote recaps for all of season 3. 
Oooh, this ep starts off with the credits.
This is the season 3 finale, but it’s not written by the Kings. Maybe they were busy with Evil at this point? As I’ve mentioned before, Evil is very good. I am NOT a fan of horror, but Evil works for me for several reasons. If you haven’t seen it, you might be imagining it’s full of jumpscares and gore. It certainly has its fair share of jumpscares and gore, but they’re not the point. The show’s definition of evil isn’t just demons… it’s radicalized misogyny and slavery and racial inequalities. And, as you might expect from a show written by the Kings, evil manifests itself in misuses of technology quite frequently. 
Honestly, I think I laugh more than I cover my eyes while watching. And, to be clear, I laugh because the show is funny. It’s quirky and bizarre, serious enough to be dramatic but light enough to be watchable.
It’s also got a central myth-arc (way more serialized and puzzlebox-y than TGW/TGF/Braindead) that’s as complicated as you want it to be. If you want to look for the hidden puzzle pieces (literal puzzle pieces!) you can. If you want to be an attentive but univested viewer, you’ll be able to follow the arc just fine. The arc itself is pretty simple and the Kings use recurring guest stars to build a web that pays off over the course of the season. So if you’re used to following a TV show with lots of guest stars-- and you all are, since you’re viewers of TGF-- the mytharc isn’t going to demand a lot of effort to follow. 
Speaking of guest stars, you WILL recognize at least one familiar face per episode. And if you pay attention to the credits, you’ll recognize the names behind the scenes, too. I love it when showrunners collaborate with the same people over and over-- it makes me think they’re good to work with and look out for their friends. 
Just finishing up the most recent season of Younger before I jump into writing this and there was a Liza/Charles scene giving me MAJOR Alicia/Peter in Death of a Client vibes, mostly because of her hairdo. Then I realized: both scenes were DEFINITELY filmed in the same place. I love it. 
Confession: I don’t actually remember anything about this ep, except for the very end.
Kurt was working from home! He was prepping for 2020.
Oh we saw Julius leave the firm to become a judge? And here I thought it was a spoiler he was in a robe in the s4 trailer.
There is talk of making Lucca a partner! Yes! There’s also discussion of someone named Rosalyn, who I’m sure is great but also, have you met Lucca Quinn? But in all seriousness, if the writers want me to truly believe there’s another associate who can rival Lucca, they have to show it to me.
I do believe the partner who says Rosalyn would be better for the culture of the firm than Lucca, though. Lucca hasn’t shown herself to be that invested in getting to know her colleagues (aside from the two white girls), and I think (not sure though) Rosalyn is the one we’ve seen speaking up the last several episodes. 
Jay is going to dig into Book Club more, and I cannot wait until this is gone.
Cookies shouldn’t have photorealistic faces on them. 
Did they REALLY hire white guys for the mailroom because that consultant said to?
There is a very angry former client of RBL asking for more money from Julius. Blum put him up to it. Go away, Blum! 
Now there’s a lawsuit to make it seem like RBL is exploiting all the police brutality victims they’re represented. This is part of Blum’s plot.
Diane accidentally answers a call from Marissa, so Marissa gets to hear all the gossip about salaries and partnerships.
Now there’s weird lightning. Not in the clear yet! 
Oh RIGHT, there was that FaceTime defect. I forgot about it. 
Lucca doesn’t want to know what Marissa heard, but she’s happy to hear more once Marissa’s started the conversation. 
Is it possible for a man to say “ladies, we’ll get to you” in a work setting without sounding sexist? I don’t think it is.
Casually sexist judge likes Blum. 
Oh hello Maia. Blum says Maia became “disgusted and quit” after seeing RBL’s methods. Well, that’s a lie. You’d know it was a lie even if we hadn’t seen Maia get fired, because in order for Maia to know the firm’s methods she would have to do work. (OKAY I WILL STOP BUT THIS IS THE LAST EPISODE WHERE I CAN MAKE JOKES AND I’M GONNA MISS MY PUNCHING BAG A LITTLE BIT)
Maia is using her mom’s name and carrying the portfolio Diane gave her, just to throw Diane off.  
Diane confronts her about it and asks if this is retribution. Maia says it’s just “lawyering.”  Maia could have gone to any other firm-- like, even Canning’s firm-- and I would’ve thought she had a point. I would say trying to throw Diane off is mean but no worse than what others have done. But Blum is so hateful and malicious Maia has no ground to stand on. 
Maia says she’s coming after RBL because they’ve done wrong. She sounds like she’s convinced herself-- or maybe she’s gotten that good at lying. (It is telling that so many former clients would be willing to join this suit, though-- Maia isn’t wrong about that)
Show title spoken alert!
I am pretty sure the Diane/Maia scene right there is one I would have ripped Diane to shreds for if it had been her vs Alicia, and Blum wasn’t involved, because Maia’s being very practical (Blum is out to screw you; I am here for the clients) and Diane is on her high horse. Hell, maybe I’d even take Maia’s side if we got Blum out of the picture. But I hate him. And Maia’s on this case because Blum said so. She’s running his firm and working with all his clients; this one just happens to have a way to spin as doing good. 
Kurt has to intro 45 and is drafting a speech. Diane doesn’t know yet, so she thinks his scribbled “the last two years have been amazing/brought me a new optimism” are about her. She finds out the real meaning for the scribbles and leaves the room.
Blum’s here again. I hate him. 
Also RBL may have caught Blum and turned him in to the ACDB but Blum got disbarred all on his own by doing disbarrable shit repeatedly and knowingly. 
Lightning balls. Weird. 
Lucca asks Jay how she’s thought of. I feel like if you have to ask that question you’re probably not thought of as an integral part of the culture. This is a smart thing to show as Lucca’s weak spot. She’s never liked making friends. Lucca also worries she’s “not black enough” for the firm.
“Everyone likes you. Just, a lot of the associates think you never hang out,” Jay says. “So it’s high school? I don’t care about being popular. Who has time to hang out?” Lucca responds. That’s the problem, right there! Maybe this isn’t such a thing at RBL, but where I work, the partners always make a point of greeting everyone, sticking around at happy hours, etc. Part of their job is to create the culture. RBL doesn’t seem to have that culture, but I absolutely understand why some of the partners want it to. 
And the “not black enough” comment is coming at least in part from Lucca’s tendency to surround herself with all the white characters when she does socialize. 
“I do not have to prove myself to anyone, or perform what they think black should look like. This is 2019. I’m not playing this stupid fucking game,” Lucca responds. She’s right, I think, but I would also be curious to hear other perspectives. This situation feels pretty nuanced to me in that I think it can simultaneously be true that Lucca can act however she wants and shouldn’t be judged or typed for it AND that there’s a somewhat strong case against Lucca as a partner because of her engagement with her coworkers.
Does the fact that I like Evil!Maia so much mean I secretly liked Maia all this time??? 
Jay asks Marissa to help him create more diverse happy hours. And then it’s time for them to confront Book Club. Jay’s got some intel on Rochelle, who’s legit enough to have done polling for Eli. Overcharging a client 30% for a focus group seems like maybe not a big enough deal to blackmail someone with, but Jay tries!
Rochelle isn’t having it and tells Jay and Marissa, basically, that she’s going to escalate things. 
Oh there are very many guns in Diane and Kurt’s bedroom suite thing. 
Diane winds up writing Kurt’s speech for him by bullshiting. Kurt knows it’s bullshit. Diane’s writing a parody but it’s also not parody at all. “A parody but it’s also not parody at all’ is also true of the mindfuck that’s been the last four years. 
Jay ends up doing drawings of cartoon animals to be used in court because the judge can’t understand anything complicated. One cartoon is Judy Giraffe, who may share a name with the toy Andrew Wiley’s kids had in late season 6 (but I’m too lazy to look it up and see if I’m right about that).
This also may just be Zootopia. 
LOL there’s ASMR happening now. I could explain why but it’s more fun if I don’t. 
This scene is hilariously over the top. 
Maia was 12 in 2000. I feel like that’s inconsistent with other timelines we’ve been given but whatever. 
Lucca awkwardly tries to socialize. Lucca immediately misspeaks by saying she thinks Obama probably wished that for one day he didn’t have to be “the black president” and her colleagues freeze up and push back.
Marissa then shows up and the scene ends. Awkward. 
Now Blum’s hired actors to be disruptive in court. Ridiculous. I hate Blum. That said, this isn’t really any lower than Diane’s ASMR shenanigans. 
Blum is singing now, goodbye. 
So much COTW in this ep. Remember how it used to have meaning when the regulars got called to the stand? Like, I know this is technically character driven drama but it’s nowhere near as engaging as last episode’s internal investigations.
Rosalyn comes into Lucca’s office: she knows they’re up for the same partnership, and understands that’s why Lucca came to drinks. Rosalyn was informed by one of the partners, and as much as I like Lucca, Rosalyn is making quite a good case for herself by handling herself so professionally here. She comes to Lucca once she realizes the partners are pitting them against each other, “because that’s what people do to the black girls.” I want to hear more of what Rosalyn is about to say, but she’s cut off by BALL LIGHTNING. What the fuck? Now the power is out. 
Rosalyn thinks it’s the end times. The red skies do suggest that. Lucca is unconvinced. 
Diane pays Maia a visit. “So, you got what you wanted. A corner office,” Diane says. Had Maia expressed this wish? Or is Diane mocking her?
Maia says she knows what she’s getting with Blum, and “sometimes that’s better.” She isn’t wrong. But it’s BLUM. 
Diane offers Maia her job back. No, PARTNERSHIP at RBL. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It’s hilarious enough in isolation, but the thought of Maia getting partnership over Lucca or Rosalyn (who both seem very deserving) makes it even worse. I think half of their staff would quit if Maia was made partner. 
It’s more money and Maia is skeptical. She (wisely) guesses that she’d be forced out after six months, but Diane (has she talked to any of the other partners about this?) says that wouldn’t happen. “You’re trying to buy me out of my case,” Maia FINALLY realizes. Well, I guess it makes sense she’d believe she was actually deserving of a partnership after two years of half working. 
Diane says it’s also because she impressed Adrian. Lol, okay. If that’s what it takes to make the suit go away.
Maia says she’ll think about it and asks Diane if it’s weird that they’ve ended up in this spot. Diane says yes and smiles.
Blum overheard the whole thing, naturally. He tells Diane that Maia won’t go with her. Now he is singing. Why is he singing. Why won’t he stop singing.
Liz does not like that Adrian and Corrupt Judge are friends. Why is Corrupt Judge here?
Diane watches Kurt awkwardly avoid clapping while standing directly behind 45. It is very funny and Diane enjoys it. Kurt is then removed from the audience, which leads Diane to say “Kurt, my God, I love you.” The incident makes the news almost instantly.
This Good Fight short has the characters in it. I imagine there’s a non-zero chance we get an animated, musical S4 wrap up given that they had to halt production. 
It’s weird there’s a short that says the season is over, followed by another scene.
Lucca and Marissa discuss how Maia got the partnership offer. Why would Diane or any of the partners let that slip?! “Two black girls are up for the job and they give it to the white girl,” Lucca says. Marissa’s surprised she’s not angry, but Lucca explains-- she knows Maia’s not going to take it. Marissa thinks Maia will, but Lucca understands that Maia’s moved on. 
Lucca no longer cares about the partnership because she’s realized “the best thing is to not care.” It’s almost like she was friends with Season 7 Alicia, who said this like twice an episode. 
Then Marissa and Lucca drop acid in the office because the world is ending, I guess. 
Didn’t the s1 finale also do this end of the world thing? A less apocalyptic version.
I think this Diane and Adrian scene may be a callback to that finale.
Diane posits that love and hope will get us through the endtimes.
Aaaah the case is still happening but I’m SO CLOSE to being done with season 3. I still love what TGF is doing, but its central devices and plots for season 2 worked so much better.
RBL wins! Diane notes that Maia hasn’t responded to their offer. Does that mean someone is still considering giving Maia a fucking partnership even though the case is closed? HA. 
Maia points this out and Diane insists they really want Maia home. This is probably the worst judgment I’ve ever seen Diane have? She wants to bring her goddaughter who is three years out of law school on as a partner at her firm, OVER two extremely qualified black women? Even if Maia were truly the best lawyer ever, the optics alone are bad enough to make Maia a terrible choice.
Maia decides, instead, to head for D.C. with Blum. She gets in an elevator and sucks on a fentanyl lollipop, which, sure, why not? I think they offer her partnership purely so we the viewers can see she’s choosing to emulate Blum and she likes it. 
BYE BLUM!!!!!!!!!! BYE MAIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won’t really miss either of you, but also, what am I going to write about when I can’t complain about Maia? 
And we’re back in the opening moments of the premiere, which, as it turns out, were a flashforward to this moment in which Kurt and Diane get SWATted seconds after Diane announces she’s happy and Kurt asks what could go wrong. I hope they’re both ok because I won’t be able to deal if they do anything to Kurt. (Or Diane but I’m less concerned about them killing her off lol.)
That’s a wrap! 
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Date: 2017-10-22 (writing the dates now since old theories will probably be debunked) NOTE: I have not yet watched Ep 2.
Awwwwww yeah, LEAKS! XD It’s pretty great to start off the season debunking some major theories! I won’t lie... I was totally caught by the Grabiel/HawkMoth/Collector fakeout but I was a bit disappointed that The Collector will be not a reoccurring character. (I liked his design) I feel pretty good about myself for not posting about the Collector until the episode came out though! As a staple to confirming theories I ALWAYS WAIT for the official episodes to confirm them, since, even creator headcannons or red herrings can pop out in media and not be the final result.
Or things might simply still change along the way. So mes petits chattons, try not to get to head of yourselves until you see it with your own eyes. Now... let’s get to the meat of what we discovered:
Gabriel Agrest IS HAWKMOTH I have stated time and time again how I wished this wasn’t the case but it is. It’s unfortunately pretty predictable but I doubt the Miraculous team is going for Nancy Drew styled mystery. The FAKEOUT was reeeeeeally effective for both the viewers and the characters I think. lol
Nathalie KNOWS about Gabriel’s... illusive activities. This one actually came as a big shocker to me but this also explains some leaked imagery I saw earlier this summer. ***(If you want to know what I’m talking about, there will be another section below and you can read that after this list.) It’s still a bit difficult to say whether or not she’s aware that Gabriel is “Le méchant Papillon!” or if she’s so straight laced that she doesn’t pry into what “specifically” Gabriel is doing, but my gut is telling me she’s in on a lot of things.
The Origins of how Gabriel got the Peacock and Butterfly. So, I’m kinda gonna gloat a bit since I had to convince a few people over this blog that the Miraculous were not given to him and was kinda right. lol Also, we have confirmation that mistake Master Fu made involves the destruction of his temple. Something happened where Fuu had/was in reach of the Miraculous as child/tween?, the temple was destroyed, time went by, then Gabriel managed to obtain the 2 missing Miraculous somehow. So there’s a story there just waiting to be told! NOTICE IN THE FLASHBACK: Special Bracelet?????? Hmm..... One thing did feel odd though, since Fuu stated that this seemed to happen when he was much younger, the timing for Gabriel’s discovery of the Miraculous doesn’t line up as a direct cause for the downfall of the temple. Judging by the pictures of Adrian and his mother, he wasn’t that young when she disappeared so Gabe & Mama Agreste’s trip was probably 2 or 3 years ago. I have a sneakily strange suspicion that Gabriel’s story to how he got that book wasn’t a total lie. Seems probable that after a few decades, it could have made its way to somewhere else in Tibet and Mama Agreste just bought it from someone unaware... but that’s still speculation. I’m honestly waiting for the French version to see how they word that  story. Sometimes, there are clues in other languages that help piece things together. I speak English, Spanish & French so... maybe there’s something in there that can help. XD
Guardians of the Miraculous Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees. I feel pretty gratified right now. lol. I suspected something like this to be true, though it is surprising that they are trained from childhood to be Guardians. “Hey, Miraculous Fandom! The show has just given you a Guardian class! Change up the Miraculousonas and feed OCs into The Guardians!” LOL. Theory: Master Fuu wasn’t supposed to get the Turtle. He just used it to maybe survive the fall of the temple and to keep Wayzz, as company. XD
Soooo Gabriel is sure that Adrien is Chat Noir Yep. Seems like it. Just confiscate it Gabe... naw, too easy. VILLAIN OF THE WEEK! 8D
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MOAR Spoilers + A rando theory of mine....
*** The pictures I saw of The Peacock Holder... basically look like Nathalie... is what I think. Rando insane theory: Natalie’s name is: “Natalie Sanscoeur” ...that basically translates to: “Natalie No heart”. What if Natalie lost her heart... or memories... which is also why she doesn’t care about Gabriel’s activities....  What if what happened to her changes her color pallet from green eyes to blue... and blonde hair to black..... she has perfectly oval eyes (but droopy) and a thin nose... and he doesn’t recognize her as his wife because she’s empty... but he keeps her close as his assistant... just saying.... just saying......maybe the fandom will have created a “future” version of a mama Agreste, the peacock miraculous user.... like how the FANDOM created the Fox & Turtle design... uber old fan designs are being picked up... I hope the original artist/inspiration is getting money from Zag...*** Comment if you want me to elaborate on this theory. ^^
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survivor-kuwait · 5 years
Episode 11 - “i am the balrog elder gay” - Kait
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i am the balrog elder gay 
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Losing Chloe BROKE ME. listning to Bye Bye mariah carey and crying!!! this is for the people who just lost somebody... SHOOT. I wanted her to blurt out more of her votes in tribe chats. RIP. a fallen Goddess...
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I’m so dumb, completely missed the voting deadline, in my defense i was teaching, but still. Never again, its merge (maybe) and im not gonna jeopardise my game like that.
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I'm glad we merged but two people are returning to the game? This has been the most cracked game I have ever played.
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Renee and Chips have a chance to return. Between the both I hope Renee comes back. She was an ally for me and most probably work together again.
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Go rennee!
boo chips
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MERGEMERGEMERGEMERGE!!!! glad my zodiac sign is known for being loyal cause I sure ain’t. 
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This challenge is always weird but i think if people tell me the truth i may have cancelled out some of my stuff im getting. M&M&M are good standings hopefully. I also trust kait thomas and timmy. Hopefully i can make itndeep in the game.
This challenge was a total meh i guess this works. Hopefully i win immunity. If not hopefully im not a target. My relationship with Madison may be rocky right now cuz i blindsided her tribe friend in another game. So im kinda nervous. Hopefully she doesnt pass it her vengence here and tries to take me out.  Im slightly worried a but for this tc.
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This merge is a little different from my norm game, I usually have 2-4 alliance chats going but I don't have a single one so far this game.  All my deals have been side deals so far, I do not know if that is a good or bad thing as of this moment in time.  Corey did fill me in that there was an alliance being formed that included him, at least it's indicative of him wanting "The Bull and the Lion" to continue to work. I am also way to mentally drained to give a damn, I just needed to make a confessional to not strike. I worked for 14 hours today but I made 325 dollars and now only owe 4k on my student loans.  Thassss a win in my book even if I get voted out, I'm just gonna drink some beer, hold Jenifer and go to bed.  Good night Moon.
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THANK GOD I WON IMMUNITY. You have no idea how good it feels to not have to stress out too much this round. Considering there are 14 of us, really anything could happen, but it's great to know that I will make it through at least one more round. The only key here is just making sure that I stay on the right side of the numbers. The line will most likely be drawn in the sand, so it's important that I stay on the right side of it. So far, I think the people that trust me the most are Ian, Corey, and Matt. I talk to them the most out of everyone, and I do trust them all to an extent, Corey and Ian the most. I would love to find a way to get all three of them on the same page, but I know that will be a heard feat. Next in line would probably be Maynor, Madison, and Kait. I talk to these three a good amount, but for some reason I am having a hard time putting my full faith into them. I talk to Owen a good amount too, but he is a MAJOR threat, and someone that I do not want to be in the game for too much longer if I'm going to have a chance to win. For this round, in an ideal world, Thomas would go home. But that seems too easy. I am hoping someone starts throwing names around, but if not, I guess it will have to be me.
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WHY DOES MATT HATE ME SO MUCH?!?!  I genuinely wanted to work with him after first impressions, I bet he was the one who voted Taurus now.  My idol now has a name attached to it, so thanks for that Matt.  In a way, I guess you did end up working with me in some fashion.  Ideally this round goes down with a clear majority on Stephan and Corey can get his save a vote activated and I play the slow burn on good ole Matteo, I wanted to butt heads with Owen at merge, but Owen has been a delight while Matteo has been nothing but a thorn in my side.  
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Phew child this merge! 14 people is so so so many and I did in fact vote out Adrian and Chloe, both people who I’ve worked with. I’m left in a really interesting spot because of the warzones it’s still hard to see who has a pattern of voting together. I feel that I’ve positioned myself to be in a lot of threesomes, and hopefully nobody really catches on to that? I know Kait is my number one currently and I have trust with Madison and Devon and Corey. But I’m also fully aware that everyone is a huge threat, and I have to downplay myself as one as well. Hopefully a stepehen vote will provide me with good positioning, as we’re removing someone I personally can’t reallt work with, and lessening the numbers. I also wanna really work with chips but I’m sure everyone was chomping at that bit! Who doesn’t want a bite of chips!
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I wish I could put an image in this form bc the joke I’m about to make is so funny Anyways lol I told Kait about the idol I felt like I had to or else I’d break her trust if I ever used it. But THEN LOL SHE TOLD ME THAT matt also has one LMAO THAY HE NEVER TOLD ME ABOUT!!!! So that meme I linked above is literally me and matt with our idols Here’s my prob tho I like l.... I have to tell matt bc he knows I guess the coordinate. So I guess that’s a thing that’ll happen
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Finally have an alliance chat with Kait and Owen...it’s been so many rounds in the making tbh, it just needed to actually be made. I feel safer having that as well as us going to make one with Matt and Maynor as well, making sure that Matt is okay with it...Maynor already seems to be on board. The only name that’s been going around is Stephen so that kind of sucks because I wanted to work with him, but he isn’t around enough to try and rock the boat for in this game unfortunately. 
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I found a hidden immunity idol which is awesome! Also, everyone has been silent this round after we decided on Stephen so that’s a bit suspicious 
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This is a really hard round because I really like everyone. If any good came from it, it's that I solidified myself into a strong alliance that should be able to keep me safe for at least a few rounds. Corey did not seem to bite on my idea to vote out Owen. Matt says he is most threatened by Ian and Timmy. And everyone just seems to want to vote Stephen. I think this round will be pretty easy, but from this point on it just gets harder. I assume that Chips is in a bad spot and most likely will go next. But at final 12, it's going to be a doozy to see who can stay on top of the vote.
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So thisrounf there is an alliance of 6 however I have 0 faith in Thomas. He is a wild card and will be hard to judge and work with. No idea what’s going to happen tonight. 
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Aight a lot happening this merge!!! Fourteen people we losin our minds. First of all let me say half these ppl were kinda boring to talk to but I’m liking it a little better today. I came in wanting Stephen GONE because I lied to him during the taylor vote and we haven’t clicked since and I promised I would get out whoever lied to me in this food challenge and his bitch ass didn’t submit so I didn’t get my perfect ZERO!!!! So I was all ready to press him but suddenly Devon had already thrown out his name! Easy as pie. I rlly trust Kait and her and corey get along. I was branching out to some others too like madison is bae, Devon is fun, I like talking to Ian. My FAVORITE is Maynor I rlly like him but I’m scared matt has a hold on him. Anyways I helped set up some alliances today that I hope are solid. One is me Kait madison corey and then they wanted to add Devon and tommy which is cool. Still kinda pressed at Thomas because yesterday I said ily to him and he replied with lol but other than that it’s a good group. But then suddenly Timmy wanted something with Kait and I so I took that as an opportunity to solidify something with Maynor! Precious angel. Kait and I are worried because the tension between corey and matt lmao which is honestly kinda stupid. Matt was sus about corey after he spearheaded the renee vote which like I understand. And I stirrred the pot a little because I told corey that matt was after him lmao. But for now I’m rlly working hard to keep them from targeting each other and so is Kait. Idk how long that can last tho. Ummmm trace’s THOT HOE ASS told corey he wanted me out?!!! So he gotta GO! And Kait and matt think Ian is dangerous which I’m like ok maybe..., sure. Ummm Cullan is just mind boggling. He ate tater tots for breakfast who does that. But he’s sweet I guess. Id prefer him and Ian and trace gone soon but corey likes all those people oop. I rlly think Kait wants to stick with going to the end with me and matt which like.... I rlly will keep allegiance to Kait but matt? Idk. He kept his idol secret from me and it’s clear he doesn’t trust me as much which is fine, I wasbsure Stephen would target me tonight but apparently now he’s going for Thomas. Hopefully it’s an easy vote and Stephen goes and I get what I want and next round I’ll figure out what to do when it gets harder
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Well. Tonight the vote is Stephen. Well, for the majority of us. For little young me, I will be voting for nobody! We acquiring a save vote. Hopefully, at our next tribal, Timmy leaves! Woo! I am in 2 alliances: Mighty Happy Meal (Owen, Kait, Madison, Devon, Thomas) and Queer Eye-ish (Madison, Matt, Trace). Period... I am loyal to my own people. Madison, Owen, Ian, Devon. Kait too, to an extent. The rest need to go at their time. I do what I can. Matt is a priority for me to get rid of. Unless Timmy wants Matt gone, I want him gone too for next time. x
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Ep 11: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-fEEBtT8R4hk_587qknbxwLmB8yhN_lt/view?usp=drivesdk
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This is my placeholder confession for until I am at a computer and able to type something out. I got back in the game!
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alyssa said put ep 11: just a quick recap bc i have to play this silly flash game now before i pass out - corey and matt allegedly not liking each other is still a problem - owen found an idol - i told owen matt has an idol bc i have a big mouth - corey told owen all this shit about the vote and idk just other game sensitive stuff and not me and - there's an aliens of trace, matt, madison, and corey that trace allegedly made. this is a big question mark bc either it's just really random and people that trace wants to work with despite what they said or this beef??? between matt and corey is fake which i wouldn't be too surprised by - corey told all of this to owen before tribal but told him that he was going to wait until after tribal to tell me like.... i don't appreciate that. - i think that kind of solidifies that if/when corey v matt happens and i have to pick a side i wanna go with my matt. - im sure i will think of more tomorrow oh also i want ian to get deleted from skype thx
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EP 11 Confessional: I got an idol this round which is cool. I heard the vote was stephen however it’s been kinda quiet. Not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. 
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Aight a lot happening this merge!!! Fourteen people we losin our minds. First of all let me say half these ppl were kinda boring to talk to but I’m liking it a little better today. I came in wanting Stephen GONE because I lied to him during the taylor vote and we haven’t clicked since and I promised I would get out whoever lied to me in this food challenge and his bitch ass didn’t submit so I didn’t get my perfect ZERO!!!! So I was all ready to press him but suddenly Devon had already thrown out his name! Easy as pie. I rlly trust Kait and her and corey get along. I was branching out to some others too like madison is bae, Devon is fun, I like talking to Ian. My FAVORITE is Maynor I rlly like him but I’m scared matt has a hold on him. Anyways I helped set up some alliances today that I hope are solid. One is me Kait madison corey and then they wanted to add Devon and tommy which is cool. Still kinda pressed at Thomas because yesterday I said ily to him and he replied with lol but other than that it’s a good group. But then suddenly Timmy wanted something with Kait and I so I took that as an opportunity to solidify something with Maynor! Precious angel. Kait and I are worried because the tension between corey and matt lmao which is honestly kinda stupid. Matt was sus about corey after he spearheaded the renee vote which like I understand. And I stirrred the pot a little because I told corey that matt was after him lmao. But for now I’m rlly working hard to keep them from targeting each other and so is Kait. Idk how long that can last tho. Ummmm trace’s THOT HOE ASS told corey he wanted me out?!!! So he gotta GO! And Kait and matt think Ian is dangerous which I’m like ok maybe..., sure. Ummm Cullan is just mind boggling. He ate tater tots for breakfast who does that. But he’s sweet I guess. Id prefer him and Ian and trace gone soon but corey likes all those people oop. I rlly think Kait wants to stick with going to the end with me and matt which like.... I rlly will keep allegiance to Kait but matt? Idk. He kept his idol secret from me and it’s clear he doesn’t trust me as much which is fine, I wasbsure Stephen would target me tonight but apparently now he’s going for Thomas. Hopefully it’s an easy vote and Stephen goes and I get what I want and next round I’ll figure out what to do when it gets harder
0 notes