#also every song has a happy ending so you can just chill out and feel happy
urimaginarygirlfriend · 9 months
coco moon by owl city is genuinely the most positive, uplifting, and inspiring album that i have ever listened to
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
hello i’m attempting something for steddie week too, but it'll be one large thing probably @steddie-week
day 01: pining
2 new messages
eddie The Problem munson: —steeb —esteban —stefano  —stevie —love of my life apple of my eye pls pls tell me i can call you  —i am very chill etc etc —no i’m not  —let me call youuuu  —😠🥺🙏
Steve snorts as he picks up his phone and reads Eddie’s messages that keep coming in his usual spam of consciousness, a giddy feeling spreading in his chest as he snorts and goes to answer. 
— Call me then, coward 
Not a second later, his phone rings. Steve picks up immediately, even though he considers making Eddie wait; just to be difficult. Just to calm his racing heart that is always so lively around Eddie. 
“What,” he says, attempting to sound bored and annoyed — in vain, because even he can hear the smile on his face. Traitor, he thinks to himself. 
“Steve,” Eddie sing-songs, drawing out Steve’s name like he does every time he’s happy. “Steve, Steve, Stevie.” 
“Ed, Ed, Eddie,” he sings back, relaxing into his couch and shutting the laptop. Lesson planning can wait, he decides, shuffling all the loose pages into the text book and placing his laptop on the pile, trusting that physics won’t betray him. “What’s got you so happy, hm?” 
“Why do you think I’m happy?” Damn idiot has a smile on his face as he asks that, Steve can hear it. It makes his own grin widen and he huffs into the phone. 
“I literally know you, babe.” 
Babe. His heart flutters every time he says it — and he tries not to, because it’s meaningless, it’ll never happen. But Eddie picks it back up every time, and Steve is weak. God, he is so, so weak. 
On the other end, Eddie hums and Steve basks in the sound for a moment. It’s always so contagious, Eddie’s happiness, and he wants to soak it all up. Wants to be the reason for it. Wants, wants, wants. 
“You do,” Eddie says, his voice so light and fond it makes Steve’s whole body tingle. And his heart flutter. And it fills him with such happiness that he feels like he could take on the entire world right now, just with the way Eddie’s voice went all soft on him. 
God, he’s hopeless. So, so hopeless. But he’s also weak. An addict, leeching off Eddie’s attention, getting a kick out of the smallest dose, and absolutely certain he couldn’t survive if it were taken from him. He needs it. Even if it kills him a little bit, because— 
“She said yes.” 
Steve blinks. “Huh?” 
“Chrissy. She said— She said yes, Stevie. We’re getting married.” 
He says it and he sounds so happy. So, so happy. And Steve is the world’s worst best friend for the way he freezes, the way he almost drops his phone if it weren’t for the vice grip he has on it, frozen in time and space because his heart has stopped beating. It has stopped, surely, because no beating heart can hurt this much. No beating heart can crack open and still work the way it used to three, five, seven seconds ago. 
Eddie, bless his entire soul, laughs to fill the silence, and it’s the happiest sound. A boyish one, like there is no pain in the world and not a worry on his mind. A bit hysterical, too. Like he can’t believe it himself yet. Like this is the best day of his life and saying it again has reminded him of it. At least that’s what Steve imagines it feels like when someone wants to be married to you. He wouldn’t know, of course, as the only person he would ever ask is already engaged to someone else. Apparently. 
Eddie is engaged. 
Engaged and laughing and so, so happy. 
And Steve feels nauseous. Dizzy. Breathless. His eyes begin to sting and the hand that’s holding his phone begins to tremble, his grip so tight it hurts. 
Steve feels… too much. His hands tremble and he tries hard not to cry. 
“You’re getting married.” 
“We’re getting married.” 
They’re getting married. 
Someone has to tell Robin. Because in true Platonic Soulmate manner, Steve and Robin fell in love with the two people who are in love with each other. Like the chaotic mess they are. 
“Sorry I didn’t tell you about it sooner,” Eddie continues, a bit more sober now. Sounding genuine and sufficiently awkward about it, in true Eddie-manner. Like the big old softie he secretly is. “I would have, but…” 
But I know you’re in love with me and didn’t want to burden you with the love I carry for someone who isn’t you, Steve’s brain auto-fills helpfully. But you keep flirting with me and there was never room for someone else when I was with you. 
But, but, but— 
He swallows and drags in a deep breath past the pain in his throat where all the words he can never say are forming a massive lump. 
“Hey man, don’t worry about that, we all know I suck at keeping secrets,” he offers. And it’s a lie, because he has kept this one thing secret for years and years. This one thing, this huge and all-encompassing thing that he can feel in the tips of his fingers when he is texting Eddie, and on his tongue when they are talking, and in his heart even when he is sleeping. 
This one thing, this one secret, is his never-ending love for Eddie. 
And he will add another one to that, a lovely little friend for it. To keep it company. That other secret, of course, will be the way his heart has shattered into a million little pieces and will remain that way until he can’t even look at Eddie anymore. And even then will he look at Eddie and smile at him, and Eddie will smile back and the pain will flare up again.
Again and again and again, for the rest of their lives. Possibly even beyond that. 
“You do suck at that,” Eddie chuckles, though it is quieter this time, almost private. Fond. Gentle. Always, always like that. It used to mean something once. And if Steve closes his eyes, he can imagine that Eddie smiles his secret smile, the one Steve has only seen directed at himself. It almost breaks him. 
Eddie’s I have known you for a whole eternity and love you beyond words, silly, but you also make my life so much harder-smile. That’s what he has dubbed it because that is what Eddie had said the first time he smiled like that when Steve was drunk off his ass. 
But. But, but, but— 
It’s no use to think of that now, to reminisce and imagine what might have been if… Well. If Steve weren’t Steve. 
And that sure is a dark path he doesn’t want to trudge now, not in the face of the even darker path of Eddie getting married that he sure as hell will have to walk down for the rest of his life. 
He sighs and tries to think of something to say. Something good. Something that is not Please don’t marry Chrissy. Please don’t take yourself away from me. Please. Please don’t get married to anyone who isn’t me. Please open your eyes and see me, please listen to me, please understand what I say when I say I love you. Please.  
He kind of spaces out for the rest of the conversation, not really listening to Eddie’s words over the ringing in his ears and the pumping beat of his shattered heart. 
Eddie speaks softly to him, the undercurrent of happiness and contentment still in his voice, and it would give Steve life, it would be contagious, it would be so very precious if it didn’t also drive the knife of pain ever deeper into Steve’s entire soul, slicing him apart with no one around to put him back together again.  
Splitting him in half. One half that just wants Eddie to be happy, to sound like he does right now for ever and ever. And the other half, loathing that Eddie’s happiness is not inspired by him, not because of him, not in any sort of relation to him. 
It’s not fair. And Steve is torn. So he shuts himself off and lets Eddie ramble, tells him that he is tired after pulling an all-nighter again and wrangling the his difficult seventh graders that were particularly hard on him today when the other man asks him if he is all right. 
“Steve,” Eddie sighs, and a traitorous tear rolls down Steve’s cheek at the caring exasperation he hears there. “How often do I need to tell you that sleep is important? You’re gonna wear yourself out at this rate. And the kids just suck.”  
“I know,” he says, and sniffs, willing the tears to not fall. Not until Eddie has hung up on him. 
“Aww. That emotional, huh?” 
At that, Steve sobs out a laugh and gladly accepts the way out. “Well, excuse me, my bestest friend whom I love very much is getting married soon! Or, well, I hope it’s soon, nobody has time for all that suspense. Anyway, I am allowed to be emotional about this!” 
Eddie chuckles again and sighs gently. “Yes, you are. I’m glad you are. Thank you, Stevie.” 
Don’t thank me. Not for this. Not over this, please, don’t thank me. 
“Don’t thank me,” he says with a grin, and it hurts his cheeks from how forced it is. “Thank yourself for being brave enough to actually go through with the proposal! We both know you’re chicken shit.” 
Just like me, he thinks. Just like me. 
They laugh and it sounds hollow to Steve’s ears. He just wants the phone call to end, wants this to be over with. Wants them to not get married. Never, ever, in this life or the next. 
He wants… he wants Robin. No, he needs his best friend, his soulmate. He can’t cry alone, not about this. 
Eventually, Eddie hangs up, that smile still so audibly his lips, and that painful happiness still very clear in his voice. Steve wants to share it. But he can’t.
All he can do is stare at the phone in his trembling hand before he closes his eyes and lets himself cry, his head falling back against the couch until he slumps over to one side. He stares and he cries until he can’t anymore. 
Eddie. The love of his life. Is getting married. To Chrissy, the other, platonic love of his life, who is like a sister to him. Who, coincidentally, is the love of his real platonic soulmate’s life.
Fucking hell, the mess they find themselves in!
After a while of pitifully staring at the wall, all cried out and feeling thoroughly pathetic, he lifts his phone and speed-dials Robin. 
He sniffs, and it must sound as awful as he feels, for her next words are, “I’ll be right there. Alcohol or ice cream?” 
“Both?” he whimpers after a moment, and Robin hums right back. 
“I’ve got you. I’ll be there in ten.” 
She hangs up before he can say anything more, and he is overcome with all the love he holds for her. 
As he waits for her to come over, he does not move from the awkwardly half curled-up position on his couch, the lesson plans for tomorrow forgotten completely. This is his life now. His Eddie-less life. His engaged-Eddie life. His loveless, hopeless, endlessly pitiful life. 
come back tomorrow for: bittersweet & angst | read here
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boba-at-323 · 25 days
Stay-home dates with RIIZE !!
Note : OMG !! I had so much fun writing thisssss <333 || DID NOT PROOFREAD PLEASE || Also Idk what to tw but I have mentioned snacks a whole lot of time + I TRIED MY BEST TO MAKE IT GENDER NEUTRAL BUT LIKE SINCE IM FEMALE SO EXCUSE ME ;-; please enjoyyyy !!
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Osaki Shotaro <3 !
Hmm, not a big fan, but as long as you're happy he is too !!
Omg !!
You ask him to film TikToks with you and he's MORE THAN HAPPY !!
So like you've saved a lot of trends and dances you wanna recreate with him.
He's so excited and gets all giggly over it!
Takes it a little too seriously…
Like you're looking at him with your jaw dropped and eyes wide because how did it take him one look to literally MASTER the dance.
Laughs embarrassed when you praise him !!
But you tell him that he's too fast for you ';-; so he apologises and suggests teaching you the dance step by step!
The two of you continuously burst into fits of giggles when something goes wrong.
You'd film like 29837209 TikToks and just have fun goofing around.
You might also end up exhausted on the floor reviewing the videos you filmed.
Thinks you look very cute and asks you to do this often with him!
Might get bored if you don't have a lot to do.
Would love to talk to you about anything really.
I feel like he's someone who enjoys conversing, so you might actually start having deep conversations that will last for hours.
Hmm rating 8/10 PLS HES SO ADORABLE <3
Rest of the members under the cut !
Song Eunseok <3 !
This man is literally so chill with everything.
Like you'd suggest going for a picnic on a volcano and he'd be like "lol ok."
Okay, maybe not that much but yk what I mean !!
So yeah you're probably sitting with him binge-watching some anime or series.
He's quiet the whole time and is actually very immersed in the story.
However, he will be passing comments every now and then.
And I tell you, these comments are so out of pocket???
Like you can't help but burst out laughing.
And he's just gonna look at you like "😐".
So yeah be prepared cuz the witty comments he's gonna slip will crack you so bad.
Like it actually makes you question how his brain works
But it's okay, that just means he's having fun!
Also, it's very hard to concentrate on whatever you're watching cuz he looks so pretty next to you.
Like you keep on looking at him, smirks 100%
"Yeah I know I'm too hard to resist"
Also makes sure you get your share of snacks!!
I'd rate it a solid 9/10 cuz it's really entertaining!
Jung Sungchan <3 !
But after much convincing, he gives in.
"At least we get to spend time together, right?"
But what happens is like,
You're standing there tying your hair back, you ask him for help with your apron.
Gets a little too touchy
You have to slap his arm away and give him a death glare.
Pretends he doesn't know what he did rn 😔
Is actually a very good helping hand.
Like helps you out, follows everything you tell him to do, however...
Has his doubts, and totally shakes his head if he thinks smth is going wrong.
"Y/n are you sure it's 2 cups sugar?" "I don't think we should be using butter…"
Like he said, he takes up a large radius.
So this clumsy baby probably toppled over a lot of things, making a very big mess ;-;
Apologises repeatedly with sad puppy eyes 🥹
You kiss his cheek and tell him it's fine
Though you ask him to sit it out and let you handle the rest of the process yourself.
I'd rate it a 4/10, this man is NOT meant to be confined to a small space.
Park Wonbin <3 !
Would prefer them actually !!!
He'd absolutely LOVE to cuddle with you throughout the day.
Like he'd just be clinging onto you telling you literally everything that happened to him cuz for some reason he gives me yapper vibes
Though he'd appreciate listening to what you have to tell him, leaving a trail of kisses all over your neck.
Also he LOVES your voice so much omg !
So he can also pull out his guitar and have a serenade with you (english 💀).
Would ask you your favourite song, and if he doesn't know it WILL make sure he knows it the next time you guys have an at-home date
If he knows, he plays it for you encouraging you to sing.
you tell him you think your voice sucks.
"Nonsense idc i just wanna hear your pretty voice <3"
Literally heart eyes for you once you start singing,
Like might actually melt, give you the softest, most lovesick gaze EVER !
There is a possibility he ends up messing up the cords cuz you distracted him !!!
He's so cute pls </3
Omg also, the two of you might also end up in the kitchen cooking smth together, blasting a playlist he made for you!
But you don't know that <3
He actually so desperately wants to do cliche romantic things with you but is too shy to initiate </3
It's giving that "Idk how to flirt so I'm just gonna stare at you till you marry me" meme
Be prepared for endless back hugs because he's just so SO soft for you <333
Anyways yeah 11/10 (+1 is probably cuz I'm so down bad for him)
Hong Seunghan <3 !
My manz I miss him all day everyday ;-;
He's so sweet I tell you, agrees to literally everything.
Putting mbti and stuff aside, I think he'd actually plan out a few activities you could do together.
Like if you're going over to his place, hes prepared snacks and stuff for you.
Hmm !! Video games are a must I believe !!
Like I read he plays FIFA online???
SO yeah, if you know how to play, the both of you would spend hours playing together
I don't see him getting very competitive but will whine if you keep on beating him!
However, will also compliment on how great you are at the game!!
However, if you don't know how to play and absolutely suck (like me ;-;)
When you mess something up, or like if you can't understand something, the pout on your lips makes his heart EXPLODE.
Like he thinks you're the most adorable ever, he'd start squealing if his pride lets him.
Ends up attacking you with kisses and hugs.
The game is long forgotten, just a clingy Seunghan showering you with love because of how adorable he finds you.
Lee Sohee <3 !
Unlike Seunghan, I can see him playing board games and such with you!
For example, the two of you could be sitting on the floor playing UNO.
But that got boring CUZ HOW DO TWO PEOPLE EVEN PLAY UNO !!!
So takes out a Jenga set because he thought it was very entertaining!
Both of you are screaming SO much when either chooses the wrong piece to remove.
Which is unfair to you and you WILL whine about it.
"All is fair in war and Jenga"
Laughs at you because you're definitely the one who's going to topple the tower over.
So yeah you all spend a lot of time giggling and screaming over board games!
OMG ALSO !! Thanks to Anton, he bought some Lego sets too!!
You all start good but eventually get so frustrated because you can't find one tiny piece.
Ofc you give up and spend the rest of the evening with his karaoke machine !!
HE !! WANTS !! TO !! SING !!
And please you're just so mesmerised the whole time he's singing.
Like woah??? His voice is so good even when he's goofing around? INSANE!!
Though you aren't losing to him, so the both of you get SUPER competitive.
Lee Anton <3 !
Like Wonbin, he'd also enjoy stay-at-home dates.
I can see him enjoying doing anything, to be honest.
Like for example, the two of you could just be lying next to each other sharing with each other reels you see.
Or just him listening to you telling him some tea from your workplace/college etc.
Sitting on the bed together with a variety of snacks sprawled around.
Like Sohee, I can even see him building Legos in silence with you cuz this guy is so patient !
Oh also!
He'd pull out his laptop and shyly ask if you'd like to listen to the music he's created.
After listening, your face is the shocked Pikachu meme.
"Woahhh my boyfriend is so cool :OOO"
Get's blushy over the compliments you shower him with.
Brushes it off saying it's nothing.
NEways, teaches you how to try making music.
Laughs if you cry about how difficult it is, he thinks it's adorable.
You ask him to delete the trash you've made, but he creates a separate folder to save everything you've made with him.
Plus he treasures it so much like only if he could somehow just make you feel how much it means to him !!
Pretty cute, very cozy, overall nice experience 10/10 <3
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Thank you for reading reblogs and reviews are appreciated ! <3
Title : Stay-home dates with Riize || Word count: 1652 || Genre: fluff ! || Pairing: Riize x implied Fem!Reader (tried making it gender neutral pt.29382938)
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ja3mln · 11 months
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nct dream & their love language
cw: fluff, very slight smut (jeno, hc, jaemin & jisung), overall it's gn but use of the word "girl" in the dialogues (renjun & jaemin), also mention of period (mark & chenle), quick mention of food/eating (mark, chenle & jisung)
mark; quality time & act of service
mark loves spending time with you. his favorite moments are when you come to the studio and keep him company, even if you're just sitting here and watching him making music and helping him or doing your own stuff. loves taking you on improvised date like you're chilling and he will suddenly ask 'wanna go on a date?' at the most random times of the day. loves late night dates in the park or just walking in the dark streets and have late night talks. loves when you both are just chilling on your bed and you help him found the lyrics for his next song and you end up making out, mark stopping from time to time to write lyrics he just thought about; "damn we should make out more, i've never been so inspired". this man just loves being with you, whatever you're doing. mark is someone you can always count on when you need something. actually, you don't even have to ask, he will always make sure you have everything you need: he always brings something to eat when he comes over, when you text him about something you need to get later or something you need to do, he will always try to do it for you, sometimes without even telling you and be like: 'oh by the way, i got you those tampons you needed', like it's the most normal thing to do. he loves to cook for you when you had a long day or you're just too lazy, he always makes sure you're eating and resting well.
renjun: quality time & words of affirmation
renjun always feels the need to touch you, whether it's when you're out or just the two of you. when you're out, he always holds your hand or has one of his hands on your back to keep you close. he always needs to feel you besides him and make sure you're safe. when you two are alone, he loves when you play with his hand or his hair, or when you both cuddle and have small talks. he just loves quiet moments with you, when he gets to hear only your voice and your breath, and nothing else. renjun is kind of shy when it comes to expressing his feelings, but when it's about you, he just can't help but tell you how much he loves you and that he's happy to have you. he loves reminding you, and himself, that he's the luckiest to have you, saying things like, "i'm so glad to have you in my life" and "you're the prettiest girl i've ever seen". even though renjun is the type to enjoy stay-in dates, he loves going out with you but in quiet places like small coffee shops or flower gardens where he gets to hold your hand, have small talks with you, and even share small kisses. he just loves being in his small bubble with you.
haechan; physical touch & quality time
this man is obsessed with you (in a good way) and is going to let you know every time he has the chance to. he always has his hands on you, it could be his hand holding yours or his arm on your waist to keep you close. he loves playing with your hair; it becomes automatic when you're chilling together or watching a movie, his hand will automatically find a way to your hair. he loooooves spending time with you. he would text you every day to ask if you can come over to watch a movie or to play video games, or even just lay in his bed and chill. also, he loves when you sleep over. he loves going out with you, anywhere, anytime: to the arcade, to the park, to the grocery, and even clubbing; he loves partying with you. but his favorite moments are when you both chill on the bed, listen to your favorite songs, and talk about anything. sex with haechan is full of touching, all over your body; he just makes sure he leaves his touch on every single inch of your skin. he also loves the effect his hands have on you and will take advantage of it to drive you crazy.
jeno; physical touch & words of affirmation
jeno always needs to make sure you're feeling loved. he doesn't miss any chance to let you know that you're loved and to compliment you about small details that no one notices but him: "oh, this little mole is so cute," "is that a new set of nails? i love it, baby," "did you change the shade of your blush? it looks good on you." jeno is really comfortable with showing affection in public, so he won't hesitate to steal small kisses from you, hold your hand, or stop while you're walking to pull you by the waist and remind you how good you look today. he stares at you a lot. like a lot. he would get lost in his own thoughts and end up apologizing because he didn't even listen to what you were saying: "sorry, baby. it's so hard to concentrate when you look this beautiful," and will kiss you. when you two are alone, jeno gets even more clingy and can't take his hands off you. he loves getting you on his lap and making out for hours, praising you as much as he can. sex with jeno is something you've never experienced before, how can he make you feel so loved and good while fucking you so roughly? he loves rough sex but also soft sex where he gets to touch you gently and whispers sweet words to you (he does during rough sex too but it's another kind of sweet words lmao): "i could watch you take my cock for hours", "you're the best, baby. you're doing so good", "fuck, i love you so fucking much".
jaemin; physical touch & words of affirmation
one thing about this man is that he's always going to make sure you feel loved. he always makes sure he tells you how beautiful you are every day and how much he loves you: "i love you, okay? i'm so lucky to have this beautiful girl just for me." he needs more than words to give you the love you deserve, though, so he won't hesitate to cup your face and look at you with the softest eyes ever when he says those words and kiss you passionately. he loves praising you whenever you've accomplished the smallest things; he always needs to make sure you know how proud he is of you. he calls you every day (when you can't hang out) to remind you that he loves you and that he misses kissing you. talking about kisses, his kisses would be the sweetest you've ever had. kissing jaemin feels like heaven, and that's exactly how he wants you to feel. he would whisper sweet words between the kisses: "i'm so in love with you," "i could kiss you for hours," "i never want to stop looking at you.". when it comes to sex, whether it's rough or soft sex, jaemin will always make sure you're okay and that you're feeling good. his touch would be so gentle and he would praise you everytime he finds the chance to: "so beautiful with my cock in your mouth, baby", "good girl, you're doing so good", "be patient, angel. let me make you feel good".
chenle; quality time & act of service
chenle is a bit shy when it comes to physical touch, so he would do his best to show his love in any other way. his love language is a lot of teasing and playful interactions, so when it comes to really showing his feelings, he gets shy. he always tries to spend time with you whenever he can; he would always ask you to hang out as soon as he's free. he wants to make sure that you feel loved even if he rarely tells you how much he loves you. he loves dates that involve fun activities like the arcade, escape games, or mini-golf, but also dates where he gets to talk with you for hours, like when you eat together. he always makes sure you have everything you need; he always insists on cooking for you and going to the grocery when you're tired and need something. when you're on your period, you can always count on him to take care of you. when you two are alone, chenle gets more comfortable with physical touch and would cuddle you or play with your hair while you watch random videos, laying on the bed together. he tries to imprint every moment spent with you in his brain and make it special for him but also for you.
jisung; quality time & physical touch
when you start dating jisung, there weren't a lot of physical touch: small kisses here and there, shyly holding hands or him putting his arm around you, but nothing too physical. but once he got comfortable, he couldn't keep his hands for himself when he's with you, he always needs to feel your skin on his, even if it's just your two tights brushing or his hand on your tight. he just needs to feel you here with him. when you two are in public, he tries to be more discreet, holding your hand or letting you put your arm around his while you're walking. but once you're alone, he gets very clingy and always tries to hold you as close as possible. he loves making out with you but not too much because he likes to stare at you a lot, so he prefers when you two are just chilling together, and he gets to watch you and play with your fingers or your hair. he loves taking you on arcade and amusement park dates. he just likes having fun with you so much. he's obsessed with night dates too, like in the middle of the night when the two of you are chilling, he would just suddenly ask if you want to get ramen or if you want to go for a walk. he loves walking at night with you, holding your hand, and he gets to steal long and sweet kisses because there's only the two of us in the streets. jisung gets more shy when it comes to sex, though. he's very hesitant and gentle because he's just scared to make a bad move and hurt you or make you uncomfortable. but at the end, his touch always makes you feel loved and safe.
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vax-merstappen · 5 months
F1 boys as reputation songs
bc rep is my favorite era 🖤
Lando Norris
So It Goes:
Lando is absolutely the kind of guy who can “make everyone disappear” and mesmerize someone. He also screams “I’m not a bad girl but I do bad things with you” energy. He absolutely could make me cave and do literally anything and maybe that says more about me than him but 🤷. Also I think he is definitely a bit rough when it comes to love and “scratches down your back” would really fit with him.
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Oscar Piastri
New Year’s Day:
He is so soft and sweet and the type that would definitely feel sentimental towards his girlfriend. He is absolutely the type of guy who would want to spend time with someone even if it was just cleaning up a party after new year’s. One of the sweetest guys on the grid absolutely fits the sweetest song on reputation. I adore imagining soft moments with Oscar and this song just fits that so well.
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Max Verstappen
End Game:
Max gives big end game energy. He currently has the biggest reputation on the grid to uphold and a lot of haters, which resonates a lot with this song. I feel like people are also always trying to make drama about Max, which fits the line “I swear I don’t love the drama, it loves me.” I think he is just such a first-string, A-team driver on the grid that end game just has to go to him, at least as of right now.
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Charles Leclerc
Like look at this man. He is stunning. Also “ocean blue eyes, lookin in mine.” He also screams boyfriend I can’t have energy and I think that he just fits this song so perfectly. Can absolutely imagine staring at this man and longing for this pretty boy. He is gorgeous and I question anyone who says otherwise.
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Carlos Sainz
Don’t Blame Me:
He would be such a passionate lover that would inspire lyrics like “I get so high every time you’re loving me.” He is the diver that I can see driving someone crazy with love. I also believe he would fall from grace just for his lover. He would be fully committed to a partner and would stay with them for “the rest of my life.” Maybe it’s the ferrari red that makes me think of him as such a deep and passionate lover, but I really think he fits this song so well.
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Lewis Hamilton
Call It What You Want:
Absolutely think this song belongs to Lewis. I feel like any girlfriend of his would be a priority in his life and he would make her feel so special, à la “loves me like I’m brand new.” I also feel like he absolutely is a chill guy who is “high above the whole scene.” Lewis is the type of guy who wouldn’t want to strictly define his relationships and would want to simply focus on making his partner happy. Also me personally I think he has “starry eyes.”
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Daniel Ricciardo
He gives off major best friend who you’ve been pining for energy. I can imagine him looking at you in a brand new dress and noticing how he really feels for you for the first time. Also his positive energy really fits the lyric “even in my worst times, you could see the best in me.” The golden tattoo line fits with his tattoos as well and I can imagine getting matching tattoos with Daniel. He would be willing to take off your pretty dress you bought.
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Yuki Tsunoda
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Yuki seems like the most devoted boyfriend who would do everything he could to prevent the world from splitting you up like the line “you said there was nothing in the world that could stop it.” Yuki would also be the type of guy who would tune the world out for his girlfriend, like “can we dance through an avalanche.” If you wanted to keep dancing through an avalanche, Yuki would be right there with you. He would never want to leave your side.
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Alex Albon
He is totally the kind of sweet guy who would not care about his girl’s reputation and would love her for herself. I can picture making a late night confession to him and him just pulling you close and letting you know that everything will be okay. I could also completely imagine looking into his eyes to “pretend you’re mine all the damn time.” Just the sweetest guy who would hear you out if you needed him to listen.
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Logan Sargeant
King of My Heart:
Ok so this one might be a bit of stretch to some, but to me it just seems right. Logan is absolutely the driver I can imagine “drinking beer out of plastic cups” on a roof with. I also think the American Queen line fits perfectly because Logan is such an American king on the grid. With the “never took me quite where you do” line, Logan definitely is the guy to know a spot and take his girl there and make the place their own special meeting place.
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tahdashi · 2 years
fluff ⊹ college au
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as much as he hates to admit it to himself, osamu is struggling. 
he wants to be strong — someone you could depend on, someone you could run to when life’s wearing you down, someone you could simply feel content and safe with. his thoughts were plagued with the notion that he was anything but that someone to you. 
and that’s why he does everything in his ability to bring that radiant smile — the one he finds himself daydreaming about — to the curve of your lips. 
while his friends go out to dingy frat houses, singing at the top of their lungs as they celebrate their freedom and youth, osamu picks up the night shift at the diner by his apartment. he started working there his first year, hoping to make some extra money so his mom wouldn’t have to worry about him from miles and miles away. the owner was a sweet man, roughly in his 60s, often humming an incomprehensible tune as he chopped vegetables and meat. truthfully, osamu didn’t mind working extra shifts while his friends went out (they’d call him boring and a workaholic, but he didn’t care). in fact, he was happy to make extra money if it meant that he could take you out to a fancy dinner (a local ramen restaurant), buy you dessert afterward (a quick stop to the convenience store with a smile on his face as he watches the light from the freezer section reflect in your eyes), and surprise you with flowers to end the night (hand-picked from the field a couple miles off campus). 
perhaps he should be living like the rest — either catching up on assignments in the library or coming back home stumbling and slurring his words. perhaps he should start saving his money like you always tell him to, but he’s only twenty and feels no reason to. 
he’d much rather be here, at the silver counter at the back of the diner kitchen, experimenting with different sauces while the man next to him hums the same usual love song. this time, the aura’s a bit different. the man has a smile on his face, he’s chopping the green onion at a slow beat as if there’s a metronome playing in his head. 
“son, ya like cookin’, don’t ya?” 
“i do, sir,” osamu continues to add garlic to the simmering sauce in his pan, a sugary sheen glazing over it. 
“why not cook at home? bring that special someone ya keep thinkin’ about,” he jerks his elbow towards osamu’s arm. 
“i like working here. i like the people, and the food, and the sounds.” 
osamu also likes how you visit him every friday when your classes end. without a doubt, rain or shine, you’ll glide into the diner with a soft smile on your lips. he likes how you walk over to the counter and ask him if there’s a ‘samu around. he also likes how you look behind him, checking on the man who’s too busy tapping his wooden spoon against the pot to notice, before placing a gentle kiss to his lips. and in that moment, he lets himself close his eyes, relax a little, melt into it like softened butter. 
and when you pull away, you see the sleepiness in his eyes. you always wonder how he goes to class, comes to work, goes to the library to work on assignments, and then rushes back to the diner after he eats so he can work another shift. bringing your hand up to cradle his cheek, you ask if he’s okay. he leans into the warmth of your skin for a second before giving you a quick nod. 
“i’m almost done with my shift. wanna go out for somethin’ in a bit?” 
“we don’t have to eat out today,” you tell him, tugging on his sleeve like you always do when you insist on staying in. 
“not even ice cream? ya said ya wanted to try that shit-lookin' chocolate one.” 
“if your shit looks like that i’m a bit concerned for you,” you tell him, twirling his sleeve around your fingers. his teeth peek out from his lips in a dimply smile, one that has you swooning. "no shit-lookin' ice cream today."
"then what do ya wanna do? it's friday night, ya should do something fun." you notice the way he excludes himself from his words.
"how about we just chill at my place tonight? watch a movie or something? i still have those chips you like," you insist. "and my roommates aren't home. stay as long as you want?"
oh, how 'samu loves your place — the comfort of your bed, your sheets that smell like you. he can't help but nod a bit too eagerly, catching your hand in his larger ones.
he gets back to work as quick as he can, not wanting you to leave you waiting, but truthfully, you don't mind. you watch his back flex in his black uniform as he wipes down the counter. osamu can feel your eyes on him, and suddenly he has love songs blooming in his mind, wisps of a sweet melody coursing through his veins.
you're too good for him, he thinks. you don't mind his chaste kisses when he's in a rush, or when he decides to nap on your shoulder between classes.
he throws his boss a quick wave before throwing on his jacket, shoving his arm into the sleeve as he stumbles towards the front of the diner to see you again. you look up at him with something like ardor and solace swimming in your eyes. placing a quick kiss to the top of your head, osamu slips his hand into yours.
"sorry, babe, took me longer than usual to check inventory," he apologizes, squeezing your hand a couple times as the brisk air touches your skin.
"'s all good. i like watching you work. you're all focused in there."
"gotta be or that man's gonna throw me out. how else am i gonna pay for your expensive ass drinks?"
"all that for a matcha with sweet cream cold foam," you squeeze his hand back in appreciation.
"yeah, well, don't wan' anyone else buyin' those for ya."
osamu's cute like this — nose all red from the cold, a wrinkle in his brow at the thought of someone else surprising you with your favorite drink every morning. atsumu thinks his brother has it bad for you ("down so fuckin' bad, dude," he'd say), and honestly, osamu agrees. he never thought he'd be excited to wake up at the crack of dawn to pick up your favorite coffee before your 8 am, or watch you get distracted by online shopping when you should've been doing your assignment. if love is seeing you at the end of each day, kissing your lips even when he's covered in condiments and oil, holding your backpack for you after a long day, then osamu wants it all.
because even when he should be worrying about the quiz he has tomorrow and the fact that he hasn't slept properly in the past four weeks, he starts to hum that familiar love song when you unlock the door to your apartment (it's become familiar to you, too, because that tune escapes his lips whenever you're by his side).
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yaeran · 1 year
BIRTHDAY ★ tokyo revengers
it’s my birthday! let’s feed into my delusions (*'▽'*)
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takemitchi / takeomi / chifuyu the type to throw you a big birthday party like even if you don’t have friends or you do he’ll invite everyone you know and it would be at a kinda low grade venue but it’s the thought and memories that count!!
baji / mikey / izana would have a day planned for you if you’re up to it. he’d drive his motorcycle as being you to your favourite places. he’d park his bike in the side of the road and eat takeout. you’d go see everything there is to see whether it’s new or old. izana especially would have a camera that’s just full of pictures of you. would end the day at the beach on the cold sand watching the sunset as you’re sitting on his lap.
rindou / draken would follow your lead, you wanna go out let’s go out, you wanna spend time with your friend? sure he’ll wait for forever even if it’s a long trip, it’s your day but honestly everyday feels like a birthday when having him as your boyfriend. would ask when you’re coming back so that he can get ready fresh baked goods for you to enjoy! if you chose to spend your day with him you’d definitely wake up with breakfast in bed. perhaps do some arts and crafts or do whatever comes to your head!! movies, sports, bowling, for you they accommodate.
ran’s the chill type bit aso he still makes your birthday a big deal. he would be out of bed and would hug you as soon the clock strikes 12. he doesn’t really use sentimental words much but he does buy you gifts and on every gift is a short sweet note. when you wake up the next day, even if he’s asleep he still has a tight grip on your waist as if he’s awake, “don’t leave just relax it’s your birthday.”
sanzu would bring you to the finest restaurants, get you the nicest outfit just your taste. unfortunate for him the outfit price was just the same size as his wallet and he had only remembered this after he took the last bite of his lobster meat. “yn do you have your phone?” “why?” “don’t worry just gonna get a loan from koko”
kazutora follows your flow but he has one requirement. go to karaoke for atleast an hour. would sing happy birthday every 4 minutes then would switch to really bad cheesy romance songs but you get a good laugh out of it. he also makes it a must to take photo booth photos every birthday but he just always points out that you look as beautiful as you did the last year. and also that you don’t age.
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snowyh2o · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel Episode 7&8 Spoilers:
Ok, ok. I’ve finally calmed down a bit. I have. SO many thoughts on Alastor, that I’m just not gonna touch on them in this post, aside from I FUCKING KNEW HE WAS LOSING IT FBSKDNFBSHHDHFBS.
But what I wanna focus on is Rosie! And how she’s been described as the nicest overlord. And how Cannibal Town is like, the nicest place we’ve seen in hell??? The streets are relatively clean, no one is trynna kill each other. There’s so many people out on the streets, just? Going about their days? Aside from the fact that they’re all cannibals, it’s almost like any other town you’d visit! (I am not familiar enough with the fashion styles over the years to like, accurately date what time period Cannibal Town is supposed to reflect, but it feels old (and somewhere Alastor would fit right in with) lol).
And then we actually meet with Rosie, and she’s in the middle of consulting one of her people, where there’s a HUGE line up of others looking like they’re waiting to consult with her too! And like, even before she spoke with Charlie about her love life, she’s giving advice and comfort and support and connecting to the lady she’s speaking with who apparently wants to eat her husband. Before saying that she’ll set the man straight if the lady sends him to her, and gives her a card if she ever needs any more help.
Like. First minute into seeing Rosie and like. WOW. You can IMMEDIATELY tell that this is the reason why everyone in Cannibal Town’s so chill and happy? Why there’s such a sense of order and security in a place that’s basically just anarchy?
Rosie is both the Overlord, the unofficial mayor, the therapist and consultant and your best friend all wrapped up into one. She’s got an entire lineup of people who are waiting to tell her their woes and listen to her advice. And she’s happy to help!
Even the actual cannibalism is like, so posh and proper? Or it’s treated in Cannibal Town as like, normal food. But also it’s very telling that no one’s killing each other for said cannibalism. In fact, the only times we’ve seen them do so is after an extermination, when there’s a bunch of dead bodies that aren’t reviving lying around. (And they seem to lose their manners when eating then) It is likely tho that they just, target outsiders, since everyone we saw aside from Alastor and Charlie were a part of Cannibal Town.
Just the Juxtaposition of a town literally full of Cannibals being probably THE nicest place in hell for sinners to live in??? Immaculate.
Also, Rosie’s snide comment on how Alastor’s got no manners when it comes to being offered food LOL. And, I just LOVE their relationship and interaction. First time chatting in years and she’s already offering up place with a deal for Alastor to go make. That AMAZING little joke about him being Ace and having it COMPLETELY flying over his head. Alastor letting her touch him, and how genuinely excited and happy the two of them are just talking and interacting. Their little duet in the middle of the song, the way Rosie pulls Alastor out of his scheming to just enjoy the moment. Their dance!!! She’s never been wronged by Alastor before!!! She trusts him to follow through on his side of the unofficial bargain/favor. Looking like proud parents when Charlie finds the courage to sing her pitch. I love, everything about these two, oh my god.
Anyways!!! Back to Rosie being just, a genuinely good aunt? And giving so much good advice for Charlie. Asking her the questions that needed to be asked. Rosie has, such good insight? On what the issue was, and why Vaggie would’ve kept something from her. She didn’t shy away from how big the secret was, but she also didn’t let Charlie spiral into questioning every little part of their relationship. And that little end but when she’s saying that Vaggie is flawed, but so is everyone else down in hell. GAWD. How it’s difficult to admit your regrets. Like, if that isn’t the core of the show, the core of Charlie’s dream, then I don’t know what is. Rosie cut through to the heart of the matter, she didn’t tell Charlie what she should feel or how she should act, but asked her what she’s actually feeling, and why, and told her to trust herself and her own judgement on if Vaggie’s actions were sincere or not. Man she’s such a good therapist.
(I’m half convinced Alastor didn’t just bring Charlie to Cannibal Town and see Rosie just because they needed support and numbers to fight against the exorcists, but also because she’s the best person he knows who can give out good relationship advice and he’s getting a little tired of Charlie venting at him. Especially now that she’s past the self loathing phase and has stepped into the unrestrained anger and frustration at someone else phase)
Also, unrelated topic but here’s a thought: only angel steel/holy weapons/powers can do permanent damage to someone’s body/soul. Vaggie’s eye is torn out by Lute’s exorcist blade, but her wings were just ripped off by hand. Vaggie’s eye never regenerated or recovered, but she was able to regrow her wings. Alastor was struck by Adam’s holy weapon across his chest. What if the injury never fully recovers?
And also, Alastor’s talk about “unclipping” his wings. My friend, once a bird’s wings are clipped they can’t be unclipped! You have to wait for the feathers to shed and grow in new ones. To regenerate. Also what is this talk about you having wings??? Don’t tell me you’re ALSO a secret angel??? Probably not cause your blood is red BUT. Where are you hiding those supposed clipped wings of yours eh?!
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yayeetsonny · 4 months
Let you down (USWNT x Young!Reader)
This one was inspired by a song by a rap artist by the name of NF. Obviously I don’t own any part of the song in anyway shape or form.
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This one deals with Anxiety and Sadness and just overall not great emotions but it does have a happy ending. Also has squint and you’ll miss it Mal x reader. Mal is also younger to help fit the plot. Hope you enjoy. All mistakes are mine, Not edited.
“Feels like we're on the edge right now
I wish that I could say I'm proud
I'm sorry that I let you down
I let you down….”
“Please don't come after me
I just wanna be alone right now, I don't really wanna think at all
Go ahead, just drink it off
Both know you're gonna call tomorrow like nothing's wrong
Ain't that what you always do?
I feel like every time I talk to you
You're in an awful mood
What else can I offer you?
There's nothing left right now, I gave it all to you…”
Suddenly my earbud was ripped out of my ear cutting off the song i was listening to. “Hey! What the hell Mallory? I was listening to that!” I said angrily as I grabbed my earbud back from her and turned to walk away.
“Okay, woah, chill out dude I was just gonna ask you if you wanted to join the girls and I for lunch after practice…” She said pointing at the girl’s behind her who were watching us curiously. I sighed quietly, pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration, mostly at myself realizing I overreacted.
“No thank you. I’m sorry I snapped at you. Shouldn’t have.” I said softly before shoving my earbud back in my ear, walking away to the other side of the field, picking up a ball on the way and absentmindedly juggling it.
“What’s her deal?” Rose asked, face scrunched in confusion.
“No idea, all i did was take the earbud out of her ear to ask if she wanted to go to lunch with us and she snapped at me. She said no, which is fine but somethings wrong, I can tell.” Mal said
“that’s not like her at all, should I try and talk to her?” Christen asked popping up out of nowhere.
“You might be the right person to do that, not totally certain she seems pretty upset about something.” Mal said shrugging slightly
“I’ll give it my best shot.”
For the second time in 5 minutes my earbud was taken out of my ear cutting off the depressing music blasting out of it.
“Okay seriously, Mal if you don’t get away from me in the next 10 seconds I swear…” I trailed off as I turned to face who I thought was Mal but turned out to be Christen. “Oh s-sorry Chris I thought you were Mal. What’s up?”
“That’s okay, although your reaction when you thought I was her is a little concerning… Everything okay? Did she do something to upset you?”
“No, no, i’m sorry. She didn’t do anything, not really anyways, I’m just irritable right now.”
“What’s going on?”
“I’m just really lost in my head I guess.” I shrugged absentmindedly as I sat on the bench and changed into my slides.
“Lost in your head about what, love?” Chris asked as she moved to sit next to me, resting her hand on my knee.
“It’s nothing, it’s stupid Pressy don’t worry about it.” I said, shooting up and jogging away.
“Something is definitely up with that kid. Time to gather the vets and do some gentle prodding.”
I quietly made my way onto the bus and went all the way to that back, curling up into a seat turning to face the window so my teammates knew to leave me alone. My phone dinged and I already knew I wasn’t going to like what I read.
“You think you’re some big shot now that you made it to the national team? You know it’ll only be a matter of time before you crash and burn. Come home before you embarrass me on national television.”
It was a text from my father. He’d never been the most supportive of my dreams and my current career. These last few days however he’s been more… aggressive with his words. I don’t know why or what I did but he’s been telling me I’ll only be an embarrassment to him and my step mother. That he doesn’t need his friends asking questions when I inevitably fail. His words not mine. I haven’t told the girls anything about what he’s saying because i don’t want them to do something rash, like get on a plane and fly over and beat his ass which is something they’re not above doing. I let out a quiet sigh shoving my phone in my bag before closing my eyes and attempting to sleep.
Team Veteran’s POVs//
“Okay what’s with the kid?” Alex asked staring at our youngest teammate in concern
“She’s 18, you know?” Mal said cutting into our conversation. Megan shot her a sharp look and she went back to watching ATLA (pls tell me y'all know what that acronym stands for…) eating her mandatory after practice goldfish and drinking a juice box Tobin gave her.
“Doesn’t matter she’s still the youngest on this team so by default she’s still a kid to us.”
“That’s lame.”
“First of all, you just turned 19 like 2 seconds ago so you’re also still a kid and secondly don’t eavesdrop on other people’s conversations, it’s rude.”
“I wasn’t eavesdropping, you guys are all sitting together in front of me, it’s kind of hard not to hear what you’re saying.”
“Just put your earbuds in and pay attention to your show please.”
“Chris come on, she’s my best friend I- ”
“Mallory Diane do as I say please.”
“Okay jeeze, no need to use my government name.” She said rolling her eyes at me. I pinched the bridge of my nose and breathed in deeply to stop myself from correcting her.
“As you were saying?”
“Well she’s just acting odd, when was the last time she was like this?”
“I can’t even remember it’s been a long time.”
“What should we do?” Kelley asked reaching over into Mal’s bag of goldfish, taking a healthy handful, much to her dismay.
“Hey!” Mal slapped her hand hard enough for it to echo throughout the bus, causing everyone to look over at us in surprise, Kelley jerked her hand away, holding it like she’d been shot.
“Mallory Pugh! We do not hit people. Say you’re sorry right now.”
“Sorry Kel. I should’ve just used my words. Please don’t take my goldfish.” She said quietly.
“Thanks squirt, I accept your apology. I’m sorry too, I should’ve asked first.”
“lt’s okay, I accept your apology.”
“Good job using your words babe.” I said ruffling her hair slightly.
Once we were sure Mal was settled again we went back to our previous discussion.
“I say we just let her come to us when she’s ready, you know how she is when people push too hard.”
“I agree.”
“Usually I would agree but they way she snapped at Mal earlier tells me she’s about half a step away from either actually hitting someone or putting a hole in the wall.”
“That’s a little dramatic don’t you think?”
“When has she ever snapped at Mal, Ali?”
“Good point.”
“We still haven’t answered the question of what we’re going to do though.”
“I say we just be straight forward and honest, let her know we’re worried and that we’d like to talk to her and see if she’ll open up and tell us what’s going on.”
“Won’t that send her running for the hills?”
“Not if we don’t give her the opportunity to run.” Alex said getting a mischievous look in her eye.
“Oh no, I know that look, what do you have up your sleeve Al?”
“You’ll see” She said leaning over and whispering whatever it was she was thinking to Becky, who hummed in agreement.
After another hour we finally made it back to the hotel, got roommate assignments and got settled for the night. All the veterans on the team hung back after everyone else had left to go to bed, leaving just Alex, Tobin, Christen, Ali, Julie, Becky, Crystal, Kelley, And Alyssa in the Lobby.
“Okay Cap what’s the plan?” Tobin asked.
“The plan is we’re all going to Alex and Kelley’s room, to wait for the kid. We gave Mal a note to leave on her bed and told her to go hang out in someone else’s room so when she’s not there, she’ll have to go looking for her, and when she passes by the room we’ll grab her and lock her in with us until we get some answers about what’s going on.” Becky said, as we all huddled together and talked in hushed tones.
“So we’re kidnapping her?”
“Not kidnapping… more like, trapping out of love and concern.”
“Right… it still sounds a lot like kidnapping to me.”
“Just follow our lead.”
“Whatever you say, cap.”
We all went up to the room and waited anxiously to see if our plan would work. It only took about 10 minutes to receive our answer. A quiet knock on the door startled almost everyone in the room.
“I got it” Alex said getting up and padding over to the door.
“Hey little Lamb what’s up?” We heard her say.
“Uh… have you seen Mal anywhere?”
“No, I haven’t why?”
“It’s just we’re rooming together and she always waits for me to come up before she goes anywhere.”
“Hmm, I don’t know kid, sorry.”
“Oh okay, that’s okay, i’ll get out of your hair sorry to bother you.”
“You didn’t bother me it’s no problem.”
“Goodni-” She began to say but it was cut off when Alex quite literally grabbed her and yanked her inside, the force of which sent her stumbling forward into the room falling slightly. Alex quickly closed the door and locked it while she wasn’t looking.
“Alex, what the hell is wrong with you?”
“Hey, language.”
It was then that the young striker turned to look at who said that and saw all of us sitting on the beds.
“What the…? What is this?”
“An intervention… of sorts.” Julie said quietly.
“Intervention? For what?” She said her eyes going as wide as saucers
“For why you’re acting so weird lately.” Tobin said standing up, and crossing her arms, trying to intimidate our young teammate just slightly.
“I am not acting weird.” She said defensively.
“Yes you are.”
“No I’m not!”
“Really? Then why did you snap at Mal and technically christen today?”
“I was just irritated.”
“I don’t know, why do you guys care so much?”
“Because we’re supposed to look after you.” Christen said, raising an eyebrow when all she got in return was an eye roll. After a beat of silence she sighed loudly and sat down on the floor, hanging her head in defeat.
“Are you…okay?” Kelley asked as we all looked around at each other, unsure of what to say or do.
“I don’t know.” She said lifting up her head and rubbing her face tiredly. She took her phone out of her pocket, and after a moment threw it on the bed, and said “Read it”
We each took turns quietly reading the text conversation between her and her father, and after each person read it there was a noticeable shift in the room. Everyone was angry for her.
“Who talks to a child like that? Much less their own child?” Megan said beginning to pace around the room, angrily.
“I’ll kill him.”
“I’ll break his kneecaps.”
“You don’t need his approval you know that, right?”
“I just feel like I’ve let him down.” She said quietly, looking anywhere but at us.
“That’s not true. I won’t lie and say that he’s going to change his mind one day and say that what you’re doing is good enough for him but you don’t need validation from him, or anyone for that matter. All that matters is how you feel about yourself and the things that you do.” Ali said sitting down next to her and wrapping her arm around her, letting her lay her head on her shoulder.
“I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do now. I mean I know that what he said wasn’t cool, but i do still rely on him for stuff and at the end of the day I still have to go home at the end of camp.” she sighed.
“What could you possibly rely on him for?” Kelley scoffed
“Oh I don’t know, maybe, food, a roof over my head, things like that.” She said sarcastically.
“You don’t need him for that, you have us.”
“Oh right, like one of you is gonna want ME as a roommate.”
We all looked around at each other and a few of us shrugged.
“Why not? If you want, you can be me and kelley’s roomie.” Alex said smiling softly at the young striker who looked back at her with lots of skepticism.
“Or you could ask Mal if she’s looking to room with anyone.” Tobin said wiggling her eyebrows.
“You guys would really do that for me?” She asked, voice breaking just slightly.
“Of course we would kid.”
“Because that’s what family does.” Christen said, walking over to our youngest teammate and giving her a hand up.
“Group hug!” Tobin said as we all smushed together. The hug was brief however as we were interrupted by rapid knocking on the door.
“Okay, okay hold your horse’s I’m coming” Crystal said quickly yanking the door open, startling whoever was on the other side.
“Is Y/N here?” We heard Mal ask.
“Yeah, she is, you wanna come in?” Crystal stepped to the side to let the youngins into the room, mainly Mal, Rose, Sonnett, Trinity, Tierna, Sophia, Ashley Sanchez and Sam Mewis.
“We were wondering if-”
“Wait what’s wrong?” Sam asked, taking in Y/N’s tired and still slightly sad expression.
“Nothing Sammy, they just finished cheering me up actually.”
“Cheering you up about what? Are you okay?” Mal asked, stepping forward and wrapping her in a tight hug.
“Yeah I’m okay. My dad’s just being a little tough on me right now, that’s all.”
Ali scoffed, “I think he’s being a little more than tough on you, love. He’s being a jackass, and you don’t deserve it.”
“Wait, what did we miss? Come on, we never get to know what’s going on!” Trinity whined.
Y/N decided to show the new comers to the room, what they had missed and much like before everyone was visibly and vocally angry on behalf of our teammate all beginning to talk over one another, only stopping when Y/N loudly called out to them.
“Guys, guys, it’s okay. I don’t need you all conspiring to commit murder on my behalf, okay? It’s not necessary. I’ve already decided to take Alex and Kelley up on their offer to be their roommate.”
“Really? That’s great! We’ll get all the details sorted out before the end of camp.” Alex said wrapping her arms around her in a bear hug.
“Fine, is there anything else we can do for you then? Anything.” Mal asked.
“Movie night?”
“Anything for you.”
After everyone was changed and comfortable, everyone piled on and around the 2 beds in the room, Alex caught on to the fact that Mal and Y/N were laying together, with Y/N in between Mal’s legs, laying on her chest. She quietly nudged Julie who was the closest to them and she quickly took out her phone and snapped a picture, discreetly sending it to everyone but the 2 lovebirds.
“Awww! That’s so CUTE!” Rose said loudly, Sam quick to cover her mouth and shush her, Mal and Y/N looking at her in confusion.
“What’s so cute Rose?” Mal asked.
“Uh- nothing, nothing just a picture of Sam’s dog she just showed me.” She said nervously. Sam elbowed Rose in the ribs as she smiled sweetly at them.
“Oh yeah, just uh, it’s just a picture of Fin from the first bath he took.” She said nervously.
“Oh let me see!” Y/N said enthusiastically.
Sam quickly pulled up a picture to show her and mal and they both gushed over it quietly.
After a lot of debate and only a little bit of yelling, it was decided we would watch Monster’s inc. A Pixar classic.
While we weren’t sure how well the next few weeks would go for our youngest teammate, we all vowed to do whatever it took to show her that we would always be there for her, and that we would be the family that she had always been looking for.
This ending was awkward, and i overall don’t really like how this turned out. But hopefully it was decent.
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bucksangel · 1 year
All You Want, the Stars and the Sun
pairing: bucky x reader, reader x omc (aaron)
word count: 5.3k
summary: “Lie to me.” The request is simple, softly spoken into your hair while his lips press themselves to the top of your head. There’s a long pause as you gather yourself enough to push through the inevitable, heart turning heavier with each silent second that passes. “Please.” And, fuck. The quiver in his voice does nothing to hide the clear pain in his soul, and a small teardrop slides down his cheek as you whisper softly. “I love you, Bucky.”
warnings: 18+, angst, angst, and a little more angst, fluffy bits here and there, cheating (reader cheating on omc), unrequited love (not really), some crying and self-loathing, kinda toxic!reader???, allusions to smut, bucky needs a hug, modern!au, fluffy ending bc angsty endings hurt my heart😭
a/n: i’ve had this in my drafts forever so i hope y’all love it as much as it hurt me to write it :) (song title is from 'yours' by conan gray)
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The night sky is clear with the stars twinkling and the moon shining its light down on all who happen to be outside. There’s a chill in the air, the light wind blowing through the slit in your dress that causes goosebumps to rise on your forearms. It’s a beautiful night, perfect for being wrapped in the arms of the man you love as you point out different constellations.
And for a moment, you can almost smell his cologne, can almost hear his voice whispering soft declarations of love in your ear. For that moment, you’re able to pretend that you’re happy, that this is where you’re meant to be, wrapped in Bucky’s arms never to be let go.
But then a kiss is pressed to your temple, the arms around your waist squeezing tighter in what is supposed to be a loving gesture, but only comes across as ugly possessiveness. The voice, gruffer than Bucky’s ever could be, asks - demands - that you go to the bar and bring back another drink. And that’s when you’re snapped out of your trance, forced back into reality - a reality you wish you could escape at every waking moment. Because behind you isn’t your best friend - it’s Aaron.
Aaron, the son of a man with more wealth than anyone has any right to own, is the man whose arms are gripping you, mumbling something about a stronger drink so he can put up with the night's festivities. Those are the words he used. Put up with it.
And isn’t that just comforting, you’re fiancee, the man you’re set to marry in two months and spend the rest of your life with, feels the need to put up with your birthday celebration? Though, there is a good chance he doesn’t know what tonight is about anyway. He’d been gone at work all day and so wasn’t physically there to tell you ‘happy birthday’, and you don’t really text. He’s also been in a pretty foul mood all week, something about some case falling through at the law firm he practices at, so you wouldn’t blame him if he forgot.
Because this engagement isn’t about love, it never has been and it never will be. Simply put, your families are wealthy and think that marrying off their children is the best way to ensure the family's respective reputations. Thinking that if their children marry other high-standing social figures then that will keep them relevant.
And you’re not happy with it, far from it actually, but this is just how it is, you’ve known it even before you met Aaron. And Aaron, for all his awful qualities as a partner, isn’t the worst person. Sure, he doesn’t care too much for being engaged - and that part isn’t even about you, though he is a high-standing lawyer he really just wants to be free of the rigid social rules that come with being wealthy, and marrying into another prominent family certainly won’t help that - but he’s never been rude to you and has come to your aid multiple times if a man gets too handsy. Still, he comes off as cold more than anything.
But he’s helped you when you’ve needed it, and you return the favor when he needs it. He’s been there to let you cry on his shoulder when everything becomes too much for you. You, in turn, have been an ear for him to rant to about what, in his words, assholes his parents are. And you’d like to think that if the marriage wasn’t arranged, and your families weren’t stuck up and so concerned with their image than with their own children’s happiness, maybe you two could have tolerated each other a little more. Perhaps even become passing friends.
As it is, though, neither of you is too happy with your situation. You put up with it, of course. Your father has drilled into you the importance of what it means to be a part of such a well-known family in New York. And your mother has repeatedly and tirelessly told you that love isn’t the top priority, that you may learn to love Aaron, but it’s not important. What’s important is that the family's reputation remains clean.
So when Aaron sends you off to get more drinks, you go happily. Disentangling yourself from his hold, you place a perfunctory kiss on his cheek and saunter toward the open bar inside your - ridiculously too-large - house. Luckily, there aren’t that many people around, most of them are outside, talking business and pretending to be engaged in conversations that everyone can agree are boring beyond belief.
Upon getting to the bar, your smile turns genuine, wider. The sight before you - Bucky in a fancy suit serving drinks - calms your heavy heart. This whole ordeal is too over the top, but you’d never dare tell your parents that. If they knew you only wanted to spend your birthday with your close friends, maybe taking a road trip down to the beach, they’d call you ungrateful, selfish for not wanting to spend time with them, despite the fact that they’ve barely uttered more than two sentences to you the entire night.
“What can I get for you, old lady?” Bucky smiles at you, a twinkle in his eyes.
You laugh, shaking your head and rolling your eyes in an overexaggerated manner.
“I’m only twenty-five, and you are three years older than me so, if anything, you’re the old one here.”
Bucky chuckles, head shaking in amusement. He looks around you, noting the lack of people, before pulling out a small, rectangular box and sliding it over the counter. At your confused look, he nods towards it, silently urging you to open it. When you take it, he makes quick work of making your drink - one you don’t need to tell him seeing as he’s been your friend for years so he knows which drinks match whatever mood you’re in. But he keeps an eye on you as you open the gift, smiling wide at your gasp.
“Bucky…” Your voice goes quiet, your fingers grazing over the gold chain, beautifully braided with different small pendants. You can tell it’s real gold, the weight of it sitting heavily in your palm as you take it out of the box.
“How… how did you afford this?”
There are tears in your eyes because you know he must have worked a hell of a lot of overtime to be able to buy it. He works at his father’s mechanic shop, bartending on the side to make a little extra cash. And despite him making a fair amount of money, there’s no way he would’ve been able to afford this along with his rent and other bills just by working overtime.
“Overtime, y’know?” His voice is soft like he’s hiding something from you. And when you look up at him, his sheepish look and the red flush slowly covering his face, your eyes narrow before widening comedically.
“You didn’t use your savings for this did you?”
When he doesn’t answer, you can’t help but feel a little angry. Not at him, never at him. More so at yourself. He’s been saving that money so he could move and buy a house in the woodsy area of upstate New York. Why would he use that money for me?
“Bucky,” Your voice is sharp, and you put the bracelet back in its box. “I can’t accept this.”
“You can and you will.” He says it resolutely, like there’s no arguing with him on this. “I-I haven’t been able to get you anything nice for any of your birthdays. And before you say anything, I didn’t buy it out of guilt. You deserve nice things, and I want to give you those things. Even if it means sacrificing a little money and time to get them for you.”
Bucky’s eyes shine with an emotion you can clearly discern as love, and you can’t help the overwhelming guilt you feel. Because Bucky loves you, he loves you in a way that your parents would disapprove of simply because he’s not as rich and high-standing as they are. Truthfully, they don’t even approve of your friendship with him, and they’d only allowed him to be at your party as the bartender at your never-ending insistence. And if they knew how he felt they’d never let him within the state of you.
“Buck… I -” you’re cut off by Aaron’s voice calling for you, asking where his drink is. Both you and Bucky roll your eyes, and he makes quick work of pouring a glass of bourbon. When he slides both drinks across the counter you hold out your arm, urging him to take the bracelet.
“Put it on for me?”
He smiles, relieved that you’re not going to give him any more shit for blowing hundreds of his hard-earned money. He takes his time wrapping the chain around your wrist, his fingers ghosting over your arm as he locks it into place. And as you retract your arm he takes hold of your hand, lifting it and placing a lingering kiss on your knuckles.
“Happy birthday, plum.”
Sighing at another call of your name, you give him a smile with tears in your eyes at how lucky you are to be able to call this man your best friend.
“Thank you, Buck.”
Then you take the drinks in each hand, sparing him one last glance as you turn to head back outside.
It’s heartbreaking, really, how fucked up this whole situation is. After your party ended and everyone had gone their separate ways, you’d managed to sneak Bucky up to one of the guest rooms a hallway away from your room. You’re lucky in that you and Aaron rarely share the same bed - almost never, really. So you don’t have to worry about him catching you pulling Bucky into one of the rooms and shutting the door as quietly as possible before Bucky turns you around and pulls you into a heated kiss. It’s frenzied and rushed, as it normally is seeing as you’re always nervous about someone seeing you two.
And it’s not that you’re embarrassed. You’d never be embarrassed about being with Bucky. But being caught cheating on the man you’re set to marry wouldn’t look too good to the public eye, let alone with someone who other snobby New York residents would deem undesirable. And doesn’t that just suck? Bucky is seen as lesser just because he didn’t grow up with money falling out of his ass.
But you ignore that, drowning out any and all thoughts of anything that isn’t Bucky, anything that isn’t his large hands carefully peeling off your dress, his plush lips traveling down your jaw and to your neck, placing wet and open-mouthed kisses as he goes.
The soft and low moans of his name carry through the room, his hands gently guiding you to the bed where he lays you back onto the plush mattress. For a moment you both go quiet, your eyes growing dark with desire as he peels away the layers of the suit you’d bought him - the suit that he flat-out refused until you told him that this was the only thing your parents would allow him to wear if he was going to attend your party.
Once he’s fully undressed, he climbs on the bed and hovers over you, stopping to gaze down at you with the brightest blue eyes you’ve ever seen. And you swear you could get lost in them forever, and your heart wants to beat out of your chest at that fact. Because you shouldn’t want to. You shouldn’t want him in the way that you do, so, like always, you push it down and ignore it.
For some unknown reason, it’s always easier to pretend like your feelings don’t run deeper than lust. Somehow your brain justifies this situation - and every other time you make love with him - as okay as long as you don’t love him.
Bucky cuts off the voices in your head with a deep kiss, his tongue sneaking out of his mouth and into yours. And even though you wish this could last all night, you know you don’t have that time.
It’s rushed, heated, passionate. The way he fills you makes you feel complete, whole, and undeniably guilty at the way you push down the feelings of wanting nothing less than this for the rest of your life.
And you know he does too. He wants you to himself, not having to share you with another man. He wants your heart, not just your body, but you know he’ll take whatever he can get. And if all he can get is rushed sex then he’ll gladly take it.
And he takes it. He fucks you rough and fast, whispering softly about how good you are for him, how perfect you feel, how wonderfully you take him. You, in turn, give him similar sentiments. Because he is, without a doubt, the best lover you’ve ever had. Aaron could never compare - and, granted you’ve only had sex with him a handful of times, but, it still hangs true.
And after it’s over and you’re lying next to Bucky, both of you with labored breathing, in the darkness of the room, you’re finally able to shut out the voices of guilt.
That is, until -
“Lie to me.” The request is simple, softly spoken into your hair while his lips press themselves to the top of your head. There’s a long pause as you gather yourself enough to push through the inevitable, heart turning heavier with each silent second that passes.
“Please.” And, fuck. The quiver in his voice does nothing to hide the clear pain in his soul, and a small teardrop slides down his cheek as you whisper softly.
“I love you, Bucky.”
It’s a surprisingly cold spring evening, if you were to be outside you’d surely be freezing your ass off. Luckily you’re inside where the heater stays on full blast, warming you to the point where you’re stripped down to a simple tank top and shorts. That doesn’t stop Bucky from throwing a blanket across your lap.
Well, his lap too.
You’re in his apartment, cuddled up against him for your weekly Saturday movie marathon - a tradition you’d started years ago and have never missed. It’s nice to have a sense of normalcy in the midst of crowded galas and largely photographed public appearances.
And while it may come off as the stereotypical ‘first world problems’, you’d truly never wish the hell you live with on anyone. Because, quite frankly, you don’t care about the money. You don’t care about being seen as some ‘young and beautiful socialite’ when all you’ve ever wanted was this - quiet nights with the ones you love, without the pressure of being perfect at every waking moment.
Being with Bucky helps fill that void, that emptiness of being truly cared for instead of being used as a pawn in some greater scheme.
You and Bucky are in his living room with you nearly sitting on top of him on his couch which has plenty of space for several people to sit, but he refuses to let you out of his personal space. And you don’t mind, you love it actually. Because, again, you’re reminded that it is possible for you to be loved without the money and glamor that most people usually flock to you for.
As the third movie of the evening plays on the screen in front of you, Bucky’s hand on your hip starts rubbing in slow circles, massaging and kneading the area comfortingly. But you know him, and you know where this is going to lead, and you don’t mind it in the slightest. Though you try your hardest, you can’t help but want it, crave it, really. Throughout your relationship with Aaron - and you hate even thinking of him when you’re with Bucky - he’s never been particularly affectionate, except for public appearances.
And, granted, you’re not affectionate with him either, you both agree that there isn’t much chemistry between the two of you other than your shared loathing of the abnormalcy of your lives.
“Plum?” Bucky’s soft voice pulls you from your thoughts, and your head turns so you can stare up at him.
“I was - um…” His voice trails off, timid and low as though he’s afraid of scaring you off. But you’d never be put off by anything he could possibly say or do, something you hate thinking about because admitting it means admitting that you really do love him - and you absolutely cannot do that.
You notice how Bucky’s eyes bore into yours, gazing at you with intense, deep eyes as they then flicker down to your lips. You can’t help but do the same, and your tongue pokes out to lick at your bottom lip. For a moment, no one moves or speaks, waiting for the other to initiate what was inevitably going to happen at the end of the night.
But as Bucky leans toward your face, his lips inches away from yours, your phone rings, the alarm loud and shrill. Sighing, Bucky pulls away, allowing you to lean over to the coffee table and see that it’s Aaron calling. And you know he wouldn’t call you unless he needed something, so you start preparing yourself to end the night earlier than you wanted.
“Hello?” Your voice comes out sharp, coming across as almost annoyed because you really didn’t want to be disturbed tonight.
On the other end of the phone, Aaron says something about how your parents are ‘needing’ your presence at some dinner and they’re pissed that you’ve forgotten. You decide not to tell him that you’ve already told your parents that you couldn’t - and wouldn’t - go because you already had plans. But, instead of arguing, you tell him you’ll be there soon with a resounding sigh.
And as you end the call, you look back at Bucky, his expression having fallen and clearly showing how defeated he looks. But when he notices you looking at him, he pulls a brave smile and nods.
“It’s okay, Plum.”
“No, it’s not.” You’re frustrated, immensely so, because sometimes Bucky is just too understanding. Always telling you that nothing matters as long as he has your attention for at least some part of the day. “I’m really sorry, Bucky.”
Bucky shakes his head, pulling you forward and kissing your forehead with his lips lingering. “Don’t be sorry,” he murmurs against your hairline before leaning his head forward so he can rest his forehead against yours.
“Before you go, can you just…” He takes a deep, shuddering breath. “Can you just lie to me real quick?”
You want to die. To be pulled under the earth and forced to live out the rest of your days in hell for what you do next.
“I love you, Bucky.”
And with one final sigh, you disentangle yourself from Bucky’s hold, gathering your things and giving him one last longing glance before you leave with your heart ripping at the seams.
It’s your annual summer pool party, and, luckily, the sky is littered with a few clouds that block the sun every once in a while, giving everyone a much-needed reprieve from the usual scorching heat.
You’re lounging by the pool, clad in your modest white bathing suit while others mingle around and in the pool. You wish you could have fun, could join in on the festivities, and drink and laugh along with everyone else. But you can’t. You can’t really focus on anything at the moment because Aaron hasn’t left your side since the whole thing started. Eyes are always on you, and people cooing over how ‘cute’ you two are. Clearly, they’ve never been in love with someone if they really think you and Aaron are a good fit for each other.
Aaron doesn’t seem to be enjoying himself much either, constantly sighing and trying - and failing - to not roll his eyes any time someone comes up to congratulate you on your upcoming wedding happening in two weeks. And those faux congratulatory comments only serve as a reminder of knowing that you’ll be spending the rest of your life unhappy. But, maybe you deserve it.
You actually do deserve that unhappiness, what with how you’ve been treating Bucky. He’s been on your mind a lot lately, much more than usual. Because you know you’ll probably have to put a stop to the intimacy you share with him, and as selfish as it is, you really don’t want to. You want to have him, to be loved by him, but the constant pressure put on you by your parents to be perfect at every waking moment deters you from pursuing it.
And, speaking of the devil, your phone rings, chiming with the ringtone you’ve set specifically for Bucky. You’re prone to ignoring most messages and calls, but you’re always ready to talk to him, so setting a custom tone helps distinguish him from others.
‘Having fun?’
‘Bored as fuck, everyone keeps trying to talk to me.’
‘So you don’t want to talk to me?’
‘Ha ha, you know you’re the only person I ever actually like talking to.’
It takes him a minute to respond, but when he does it’s with a dumb meme with the caption ‘you’
This causes you to giggle, your mood lightening with every text he sends. But it isn’t until your mother comes up to stand over you and glare down as though she knows who you’re texting. Which, to be fair, she does. Despite the fact that she’s aloof and doesn’t seem to actually care about you, she only shows any kind of emotion - anger - when she knows you’re talking to Bucky.
“Stop texting with that boy,” she says like she’s disgusted. Which, yeah she is, she hates him. “Come on over, your aunt Sherry wants to speak with you.”
With that, she pulls a fake smile and turns sharply to lead you to your aunt. And you take your time getting up from the lounge chair, only quickening your movements when she looks back and glares at you. 
“Young lady, don’t you have anything to say to Aaron?” She hisses quietly, causing you to suppress an eye roll as you turn ever so slightly to your fiancee.
“I’ll be back soon, I love you.” You say it through gritted teeth, your heart turning heavy, heavier when he responds with the same sentiment.
It’s Saturday, exactly one week from your wedding. You’re, once again, curled into Bucky’s side as some random movie is played on the tv. You’ve grabbed Bucky’s hand, fiddling with his fingers nervously as too many thoughts of guilt start growing ever deeper. It’s only the second movie, and it’s only six, but your restlessness seems to capture Bucky’s attention in a concerning way.
“Are you okay, plum?”
His voice knocks you out of your thoughts, and when you turn to look at him you see his eyes, bright yet concerned with the way his eyebrows are furrowed.
“Ye - um… Can we…” You can’t seem to get your words out, mainly because you can’t really think too straight. All you know is that you need him to do something to curb your nerves. So, settling on the only thing that really works, you lean your head onto his shoulder and thread your fingers through his.
“Can we go to your room?”
Your tone is suggestive, giving away your intentions. And Bucky, ever the best man you’ve ever met, nods with a small smile. He leans down, his lips brushing over yours as he mumbles “yeah.”
After the night has calmed and you’re no longer wrapped in the throes of ecstasy and passion, the room grows quiet. Nothing but the sound of soft breathing and a hum every once in a while can be heard. Your head - still swimming with so many thoughts and emotions - rests on Bucky’s shoulder, one hand laid against his chest as you draw mindless shapes on his firm stomach.
“Bucky?” Your voice is soft, timid. Almost unsure.
“Yeah, plum?” He sounds tired, though clearly trying to fight sleep in order to stay in this moment with you.
You pause, sucking in a deep breath.
“Ask me.”
Bucky hums, confused. The arm wrapped around your waist starts rubbing in slow circles, fingers digging in ever so slightly as he massages the area.
“Ask me to lie to you.”
He sighs, knowing what’s coming. This is it, this is the part where you tell him you love him, he gives you one last kiss, and sees you off, watching you leave to go back to Aaron. He hates this part, loathes it. But he’ll take any part of you he can get, even if it means continuously breaking his heart.
“Lie to me, plum,” His voice is soft, and even without looking at him you know that there are tears forming in his eyes.
Here it goes.
“I don’t love you, Bucky.”
Silence. Neither of you is too sure if you’re breathing with how fast and heavy your heart is beating. Time seems to slow down, everything going fuzzy with how nervous you are. Your hands are clammy, curling into fists and then extending them, popping the knuckles.
Bucky shifts from under you, sitting up slightly. This causes you to roll off of him and lay on your back with Bucky now leaning over you, propped up on his elbow. There’s a furrow in his brow, his mouth parting ever so slightly as he looks down on you, desperately trying to find any ounce of humor.
But he doesn’t, because you’re not lying. Not this time.
Before he can say anything you cut him off with a chaste kiss, one of your hands coming up to rest on his cheek. Pulling away, you gaze into his eyes, shining with hope.
“I broke up with him.”
Bucky can’t help his soft gasp, and the tears in his eyes are for a completely different reason now. Because everything he’s ever wanted is now closer than ever. But despite the growing happiness, he needs to know what it all means, what it means for you, for him.
“What do you mean? When?”
“Two days ago, we were out at dinner with my parents. It was boring as hell and I was just looking around to drown out their voices. And to my left, there was this older couple. They weren’t talking, just eating quietly and occasionally the man would kiss his wife’s hand, but that was it. But the look in their eyes whenever they looked at each other spoke more than words ever could. They didn’t need words for people to know that they were in love. They were happy.”
You pause and sigh, stroking Bucky’s cheek with your thumb.
“And I realized that that is what I want. It’s what I deserve. I don’t want a husband who wouldn’t care about me, I don’t want my parents dictating how I should live my life, and I don’t want to have to pretend to love someone for the sake of public image. Especially when I’m already in love with someone else.”
Another pause, a sniffle, a teardrop falling onto your cheek from where Bucky still hovers over you.
“What I want is someone who will love me, someone who sees me for my flaws yet chooses to love me anyway, someone who looks at me like I’m the only person they’ll ever need. I want a love that shines so bright that anyone with eyes could see. I want a love that doesn’t need words, a kind of happiness that hurts. And… I’ve only ever felt that it was possible once in my life. There’s only one person I could ever see that happening with.”
You sit up now, prompting Bucky to sit up further so you can be level with him now. Both of your hands come up to his face, letting your eyes linger on how beautifully blue his eyes are, how hopeful and in awe they are.
“It isn’t Aaron. It’s never been Aaron. And I know that I’m awful. I’m selfish, I’m horrible. I’ve put you through more pain than anyone should go through. And I will never be able to express how sorry I am for that, how utterly broken I am over the fact that I’ve done nothing but hurt you. I’m so sorry Bucky, but I want to be selfish one more time. I want to be happy, I want to be loved. And you’re the only person I’ve ever seen that happiness with. You’re the only man I want for the rest of forever. And I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but if you’re able to, then I’ll spend the rest of my life doing whatever it takes to prove that you are all I want.”
Your head leans forward, resting against Bucky’s. Both of you close your eyes, your lips barely brushing over each other.
“It’s always been you, Bucky.”
A loud, heartbreaking sob makes its way through Bucky’s chest, and he nearly falls forward into your body, searching for your warmth. And you provide it. Your arms wrap themselves tightly around his body, pulling him into your chest and letting him cry. Part of you is worried that he’ll say ‘no’, that he’ll break and realize that he’s put up with your shit for too long and decide that he doesn’t want to forgive you, that you’re too late. But the way his arms are clutching you tighter than ever before makes you hopeful that everything will be fine eventually, that he’ll accept your apology and you can start working your way to mending things.
It takes a few minutes for him to stop crying, and the only reason you aren’t is that you’re trying to be strong for him, trying to give him comfort instead of making a mess of both of you. And when he does eventually stop crying he releases his hold on you just enough so he can lift his head. And the look in his eyes is heartbreaking, it physically hurts you. Because he looks like a little boy who’s been gone for years finally reuniting with the family he never thought he’d see again. He looks like a man lost at sea having finally found land. Desperate. Hopeful. Broken. Whole.
“I-” He coughs, clearing out the heaviness in his throat. “I love you. You already know that, and I think part of me always knew you loved me more than you said. But… But actually hearing it is just - it’s different. It’s everything I’ve ever needed. You are all I have ever and will ever need. And we’re going to need to talk more, maybe work through some things. But if you’re willing to let me love you, then that’s what I’ll do. Forever.”
Bucky leans forward, pressing his lips to yours. It’s not really a kiss, just resting his lips on top of yours and breathing each other in. And you stay like that for what feels like hours, wrapped in each other’s embrace and soaking in the reality that you’re finally going to be happy. As Bucky said, it’ll take time to get to where you both truly want to be, but you know that you’ll do whatever it takes to get there.
“Can you say it again?” His lips don’t move from yours, so the words are muffled, but you hear him just the same.
And with the way he smiles, he hears you when you mumble back ‘I love you, Bucky’.
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luminouslywriting · 5 days
hii! i love your domestic posts with the masters of the air guys and was wondering if you could make one for bucky?
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Nonny, I have SO MANY domestic thoughts on John Egan 🤩 and I’m happy to share! Let me know if you want more haha! Requests are still open! More below the cut, cut for length, light amounts of spice sprinkled in:
-John Egan thought he was a man bred for war but it turns out that he thrives in domesticity, loves discussing the house, and loves leading a simple life with you
-He wants his house to be the house where all of his friends and your friends can gather and where everyone feels at home. -Has a really nice yard and puts a lot of effort into making the flowers look better than everyone else’s in the neighborhood. -Absolutely on the committee for neighborhood parties
-He also gets a pool for the backyard and has no problem referring to himself as your pool boy lol
-Pool and shower sex
-Washed dishes with you and divides up the house chores equally
-Always brings you flowers and a kiss when he gets home from work
-Loves buying you different shades of lipstick or lingerie and definitely gets caught daydreaming about things at work lol
-As long as you’ve consented, he’s down for somnophilia and definitely has a thing for waking up in the middle of the night for more sex
-Grill master supreme who loves summer evenings when you two get to just chill
-Loves getting his hands dirty in the kitchen and cooking with you
-You’ve probably had sex in every room in the house; the guest room, the closet, the dining room, the laundry room, the bathroom, the garage, etc.
-He’s into playfighting, teasing, and love bites/hickies
-Will absolutely sing loudly to every song he likes in the car
-Car sex
-Is the best at coming up with fun games for summer evenings or rainy days and there’s never a dull moment
-Water fights in the kitchen and lots of laughter
-Will help you with the laundry
-Loves going shopping for clothes with you and will throw in a few opinions or recommendations of his own haha
-If he’s ever on a work trip, expect a sweet and spicy phone call at the end of the night
-Baseball games are a must in the Egan household
-Arguments are few and far between….but definitely give him some space if he’s in a foul mood. He’ll get his head on straight but it just takes a minute. -And the makeup sex? Out of this world 🤩
-Authority kink, breeding kink, so many kinks with this man
-Cuddles with him are the best
-The type of husband to brag about you at every single work function or anytime he has to interact with someone new
-Teasing in public that leads to some more scandalous and near-public sex
-Considers dates to still be an important part of a marriage and prioritizes putting you first
-Attempts to handyman everything himself and most of the time, it works out just fine. Other times, not so much. -Road trips to visit the Hundredth are a big part of summer and holidays. -Is the worst flirt, even as a married man (only with you haha). And he definitely likes to keep you on your toes with surprises and makes you feel like it’s the first meeting all over again. -Ultimate hype man and compliment king
-Please pounce on him the minute he gets home from work, he’ll feel really smug and happy about it. -And compliment his slight silver edges, he’ll adore that so much ☺️😌
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mysadblacksoul · 12 days
Let's talk about Clancy, eh? (plus the livestream)
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So I'm watching the livestream (the vod) and I decided to share my opinions about each songs!
without the first 4 singles
But tbh I think I'm an Overcompensate girly, that before hearing the rest of this album this is my top 1
With Backslide as a close second
Wait why should I increase my volume
Oh that's why
It was a trap
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Okay Midwest Indigo, let's go I'm so ready
What an outfit Mr Joseph
Omg it's so bouncy
I love the shouty lyrics
This MV is so goofy what the hell
Okay so it's so happy, so funky I love it!
The drums make want to do a lil dance
Hope the next one won't be sad
Yes Tyler, this song will go so hard live, I agree
And yes, put Josh on the mic!
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Routines In The Night everybody
Oh so it's the rap one?
It's much less bouncy, but I can still tap my leg to it so I'm fine
You think that this is like the sister song to Ode To Sleep?
The chorous is so catchy what the hell
Yes! Give me those adlibs!
The dances, the visuals, the face card that never declines
What is he eating for Lord's sake
I can't pay attention to the songs when every time one ends those fools pop up on my screen again lol
"not every video is gonna be lore based" my ass
Wait so Routines is not lore oriented? But I see so many references :((((((
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So it's a crowd's favourite? Aight
Oh it sound so nostalgic
More rap? okay, okay
Omg the vocals????
It's so different, like I can't predict where are we going with the beat
The bridge is so out of place but so in place???
What is going on
No but I see why they like it, for sure
God I love all the Joshes in the MVs
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So Jenna's version will have another MV?
Sounds fun!
Oh it's soft version
So this is a fanmade mv for Jenna, how cute
No for real it is emotional, but in the best way possible
This version is filled with so much love, I can't even explain
The flashbacks to the young dudes? I might cry too
Yeah I se the vision. Like The Craving does feel more "right" played on the ukulele. It gives it much more emotion!
Now you just bully him lol. Tyler has two hands to hold two ukuleles, this is lore guys
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Lavish whoo!
Before we start why the hell is the title of this song the only one written in different font in the lyric sheet in the CD, huh?
O damn man in black, get it I guess
The vocals are so dreamy, so different
Another leg mover
Why all of this songs are so catchy are you putting crack in it or what
It's also very chill so far
I also really like the use of the strings, it makes the song more full!
It kind of sounds like a movie soundtrack? Or is it just the MV that makes it feel this way
The silliest MV so far lmao
And seeing the amount of work that went into it makes it even better
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And now Navigating!
I have to stop myself from looking for lore
I'm 3 seconds in, why it already sounds like a bop
This might be my new favourite song from this album
The electric guitar? With the synth? 11/10
The chorous is so amazing, simply
Will the bridge be sad or will he scream
Oh come through with this bass
Where did he go irl lmao
No for real it might be my favourite now, sorry Overcompensate
The Bandito one is the real one, write that down
What the hell Tyler, we have such a different taste then
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Snap Back let's go!
What is going on
I'm like a second in
Oh no, it's broken
Instead of Snap Back premiere we have the premiere of Next Semester (ukulele version)
I'm not mad at all
Okay, let's go for real this time
Oh it's so dreamy
So this is the MV with head shaving lmao
BACKSLIDE, I heard that everyone
The drums are really shining on that song
And I love the contrast between low tone verses and more melodic, high alibs in chorous
The bridge seems sad I fear
Or are we picking up the tempo?
Nah we are putting more adlibs now!
Even better
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Oldies station better be nostalgic
And quick question before we start, what the hell did you do to Josh?
Is this ballad?
Soft, fun and with funky vocals!
The lyrics are so beautiful, god
Omg Josh lmao
What a contrast to the song lol
Oh we are switching
I don't know how to justify it, but it feels like such a twenty one pilots song
Like it just makes sense for them to make it
I really like it
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Honestly At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb sounds silly from the start
So is the MV
I really like the rollercoaster of the vocals. They are kind of all over the place, but still makes a lot of sense
It's the beat drop on the "drop"
Oh rap some more sure!
Why does he want to fight in every MV
Very fun, very chill and then you have the post chorous that are hard hitting
Love the contrast
Am I crazy or did they use kalimba in the end? I might be wrong tho
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That's so sad that we are already finishing
One last track
Paladin Strait whoo!
I'm afraid that this one will be the sad one
The tears producer
The heart clencher
The ukulele strikes back
Love those low vocals
It's a song to sway this time
The drums strikes back
I don't know why it kind of sounds like the end of the western movie. Like after the good ending the cowboy is walking towards the sun, you see my vision?
This song is full of hope, so amazing
God the lyrics sounds like Clancy is finaly free
I might cry
It sounds like good ending to the trilogy
So it feels like a scam
It's too good to be true
But I don't know, maybe after all the ending of this story is good for all of us
What, is the silence in the official audio or is it just the end of the livestream
wait guys no
Now I need the MV to see what the hell is going on
The End
Nah, I'm not leaving you like this
I still think that Navigating is my fav from the new songs
But I'm gonna go listen to the album some more and then decide for sure
It's a good mix of everything, very twenty one pilots style
I just wished for more rage and screaming, but we need to be calm sometimes, I get it
There isn't a song that I don't like, that's for sure
So yeah! This are my feelings, thoughts (and prayers)
Give me your favourite song in the comments!
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Okay, so I've been surfing tumblr and seeing all these headcanons and various other little things about the Sullies as children and it got my brain going so thanks a lot to every last person who has aided in giving me Avatar brainrot. Anyways, I've built this whole thing up in my head that goes from the time Neytiri & Ronal get pregnant to who the fuck knows, so starting with the eldest lets begin (just the Sullys as babies, if you enjoy putting your own thoughts in this one then I'll get to Ronal and Tonowari's kids and more lol).
He was a total and complete accident 100%
Jake and Neytiri were a very quick-burn romantically and got married a little over a year after they officially began dating, they were only married for like 12 seconds when surprise! Positive pregnancy test, babe.
Jake spends a good thirty minutes fully committed to the idea that Neytiri is just fucking with him. She is not.
He spends another thirty minutes wrapping his head around the fact that he's going to be a dad.
He wants so badly to talk to Tommy about it but god damnit he can't.
He's for sure the more cautious one during the pregnancy, of that I have no doubt. Neytiri will want to do some random shit like go horseback riding with Tsu'tey (this man will always live on in my heart okay let me be happy) and Jake will practically faint at the thought alone.
Eventually Neytiri will start pretending to want to do #risky shit solely for the amusement Jake's reactions bring her with zero intentions of actually following through. Nobody is sure if Jake ever ended up catching on or not.
I'm 100% convinced that Neytiri would be into all of the traditional pregnancy milestones/events and fucking live for each and every one of them regardless of Jake's thoughts because it's their baby, Jake, and don't you want to see if a necklace will actually predict the gender of him/her? (It very much did not, Neteyam wound up being a boy. Stupid necklace.)
Grandma Mo'at is your trademark superstitious/nature-inclined grandparent and I have zero doubts that Neytiri has inherited some of that. I feel like it would flare up during her first pregnancy but only, like, low-key. Do with this information what you will.
Jake has no idea what to do or buy or anything but boy does he try. (When he fails he fails hard but when he gets it right he gets it right *that cute little dinosaur mobile is just so adorable!*)
Neteyam is by far Neytiri's easiest pregnancy. She doesn't really get any morning sickness and feels pretty fine in general throughout the whole thing.
She does wind up craving a ton of different fruits though (blueberries and honeydew melon mainly, but also strawberries, watermelon, blackberries, and pretty much any other melon under the sun. Oh, there was also that one time she refused to eat anything but pomegranates for like one solid afternoon).
Neteyam is a summer baby and nobody can convince me otherwise. August, to be exact.
I imagine that, while her pregnancy was breezy, Neteyam's actual birth sucked ass.
Jake almost passes out but luckily war prepared him for the horrors he witnessed in that delivery room.
Neteyam was actually pretty quiet after his birth. Once they got him all wrapped up he was chill.
Jake was the first one to hold him since Neytiri was exhausted beyond understanding, but Jake sat really close to her and she pretty much demanded to hold their son after like 5 minutes and the nurses were all like: ma'am, you're about to pass out???
As long as one of six songs is playing everything is chill: Edith Whisker's Home, Stephan Sanchez's See the Light, Sea Wolf's The Violet Hour, The Family Crest's She Knows My Name, Mills' Born N' Raised, or Black Match's Nowhere. If one of these songs is playing, Neteyam is an angel. The moment the music stops, though? I'd hate to be anyone within a ten mile radius because that baby's got pipes.
I feel like Neteyam is actually a big daddy's boy during this time period. He's all giggly and happy around everyone, but it becomes clear around three months in that dad is indeed the favorite. And it makes sense. Jake is who he's around the majority of his day (I'm fully committed to stay-at-home dad Jake Sully). Neytiri likes to tease him, saying if she was at home more it would be no contest. Secretly, though, she's happy he's bonding so much with their baby. He needs some light in his life.
Jake is completely restless inside but at the same time has no idea what he can and cannot do with a baby (plus there's the whole "music needs to be playing" thing) so he resorts to long car rides regularly with Neteyam's coveted songs playing on repeat.
Neteyam isn't a picky eater per se, but he is very particular---oh who the fuck am I kidding this kid refuses to eat anything but banana baby food voluntarily good luck with that Jake. Eventually Jake manages to weasel in plum baby food too (sticking to the fruit theme I see) but that is it. (I just picture this man in tears trying to get Neteyam to try some peas or a chocolate bar or "something, Neteyam, anything".)
Spider enters the scene a little before Kiri is born, I like to think. He's already around a year and a half when he's plopped into Norm's lap as a temporary placement while they scramble to find him a more permanent home.
It starts out with Jake agreeing to watch the little guy while Norm does science-y stuff, but quickly Jake finds himself getting attached. Spider is just such a sweet, lively baby who's curious about everything around him, especially Neteyam.
Like seriously, baby Spider is full-on fascinated with his siblings, starting of course with Neteyam. Whenever he sees the boy, he'll squeal excitedly and make hand gestures as if to say "bring him closer!" and it's just the most adorable thing Jake has ever seen.
Wherever Neteyam is set down, Spider will make his way to him no matter what is in the way. He can't walk on his own completely yet, but he is very good at walking by holding on to furniture and other such things. As long has he can pull himself up, this dude is getting places.
Jake learns very quickly to either 1) watch Spider like a hawk at all times or 2) but Neteyam close by and let his charming baby work his magic in getting Spider's full attention.
Spider isn't picky (something that relieves Jake greatly) and will eat pretty much whatever Jake hands him, though Jake quickly learns that yogurt is his favorite.
Spider has a strange fascination with fairy lights, too. He gets a kick out of when they change color and it provides hours of entertainment as long as Neteyam is near as well, allowing Jake to get various things done with little concern. Spider especially likes it when the lights turn red and he always turns to babble nonsense at Jake when they do, most notably being "no no no!" but in, like, a happy way? Jake isn't sure if Spider understands the true meaning of the word yet, which actually concerns him for a little until Spider makes it very clear one day that he is not fond of baths with many no no no's.
Eventually Neytiri can't help but become fond of Spider as well. It starts when Norm needs someone to watch him on a Sunday but Jake can't because Sunday is the day he and Neytiri decided would be his break day, a time away from the kids and house to just relax, so he's at the beach. She reluctantly agrees to take Spider as a favor to Norm, seeing how desperate the man is and also not wanting to interrupt Jake's relaxing day out.
It doesn't get off to a great start. Spider seems perplexed when he realizes that Jake isn't at the house due to the fact that at this point he's been spending Monday through Friday with Jake and Neteyam (along with some Saturdays), and this is followed swiftly by agitation. He isn't a loud crier like Neteyam, but he might just be worse anyways because Jesus does that kid squirm. He spends the first hour whining and squirming and pushing at Neytiri as if to try and get her to put him down. Neteyam calms him considerably, but he's still fussy and babbling "no!" over and over again, along with the occasional break in pattern to sprinkle in some variety.
Neytiri cracks and texts Jake asking what to do, and when Jake asks if she's tried the fairy lights she realizes she hasn't and gives it a try. Spider's whining ceases instantly, replaced by giggles.
After that it's easier, and Neytiri puts on Cars and makes sure that they're both situated safely before going to the kitchen to grab a smoothie and then comes to sit on the couch. When a little hand comes to rest on her knee she looks down and sees Spider looking up at her curiously.
He then proceeds to reach out and ask "eat?" and how did Neytiri not notice how cute he is with his sunshine curls and cornflower eyes and chubby little cheeks and okay maybe she's beginning to understand why her husband is fond of this child.
(She lets Spider try the smoothie, btw.)
The day Norm has to take Spider to his more permanent foster placement, Jake and Neytiri come with and Jake has like a whole list of dos and don'ts and has brought all of the things Spider likes and is all like "and remember, he's super easy to give a bath to so long as you sing him the tiny turtle song while you put him in the tub. Oh, also he loves yogurt but especially the key-lime pie yogurt. And lemon, too! You know what, he likes citrus in general. Don't forget that his favorite color is red! I packed a pair of red pjs in there, they're his favorite, we got them for him when we went to the mall that one time. Also, so long as you feed him a good time before you put him to bed he should go down just fine, just make sure you don't---" and Neytiri's all like "ma Jake I think they get it," only then she begins her own lecture on how he likes it if you put ice in his apple juice and to never give him chocolate because it makes him hyper and don't bother with baby gates because that shit doesn't work and soon enough they realize that, hey, this might be our baby now.
She's born a little before Lo'ak. Definitely a spring baby.
The quietest baby you will ever fucking know. When she was born she was so quiet that the doctors were genuinely worried for a moment that she'd been stillborn.
Spider loves her immediately, to absolutely nobody's surprise. A good portion of Kiri's early days are spent being babbled to by Spider endlessly.
Unlike Neteyam, Kiri is a total mama's girl and gets all grumpy when Neytiri leaves the room unless she's sleeping when Neytiri leaves, then for some reason it's all good like? Jake will never understand. Eventually, however, this becomes a Mo'at thing. Very quickly Mo'at and her become one another's favorites and Mo'at will often find the most absurd reason to come see her.
Neytiri sings to her and takes her out to the backyard to lay on the grass and I swear this baby loves grass more than she loves the warmth of her own home.
Kiri loves carrot and pea baby food, much to Jake's surprise. Sure, Spider isn't a picky eater, but the kid was by no means a lover of vegetables. He'd eat them, but never pick them. And Neteyam? Hell, getting that baby to eat something more than plums and bananas was something he considered a win. So a child who actively eats veggies? Fucking finally.
Very interested in all of the plants around their house. Nothing else to be said. She just sort of looks at them in that weird way that only babies can look at something.
She has this purple blanket that Neytiri made for her herself and she will. not. sleep without it. Ever. She won't cry or anything like that if she doesn't have it, but you best bet that she will not be doing much of anything else either.
Whenever she has it she's asleep like 90% of the time. Jake's kind of confused actually because neither Neteyam nor Spider slept as much as she does.
Over all, Kiri is probably the chillest of the Sullys as a baby. Not very demanding, not very easy to upset, and doesn't make things difficult most days.
Neytiri's hardest pregnancy for sure. She was puking, sick, huge, and could hardly keep anything down at all. The only two things Neytiri managed to keep down throughout her whole pregnancy without puking it up at least once was orange juice (extra pulpy) and Domino's barbeque pizza, and you best bet that got old quick.
Thankfully, the birth went smoothly. He was for sure born in early, early summer---like the time when it's still cooler and sort of rainy but also sunny at the same time.
I don't want to go so far as to say that Lo'ak was a demon-baby, but this child definitely gave Jake a run for his money. One minute he likes something and wants it, the next minute how dare you even so much as think about trying to feed that poison to him. One minute he loves being held, the next minute he's screaming and tears are falling and he hates you. With Jake he was like this all of the time. With Neytiri he was better, but still fussy.
I'm convinced that him and Neteyam were, like, so close when they were little and the only person that Lo'ak was an absolute angel to was in fact little one-year-old Neteyam. Whenever Neteyam was around he would smile and giggle and try to get closer. I swear, even as a baby Neteyam's charm was unparalleled.
Lo'ak has this binky that he had with him almost 24/7. Without it he was even more. . . er, challenging, than usual. And teething hit him hard as well. The amount of teething toys and biscuits this poor family had to go through, I swear.
Lo'ak, unlike the others, did not take to solids very well at first. The struggle to get this child to eat something, anything, that wasn't breast milk was so real you don't even know. Jake just let Neytiri take care of this one, it was clear he wasn't going to get anywhere. How she managed to get him to eat, Jake will never know (it was cinnamon applesauce, she coerced him with cinnamon applesauce).
Lo'ak had this particularly fun phase where he liked pulling on pretty much anything within reach and this led to him almost getting himself killed multiple times.
Whenever Neteyam cried, Lo'ak cried. Whenever Neteyam laughed, Lo'ak laughed. Sometimes when he was particularly exhausted Jake would do his best to get Neteyam in a good mood because if Neteyam was in a good mood, so was Lo'ak.
Despite how difficult Lo'ak could be,  there were these times when he would just cry and cry until Jake picked him up, and then he would just fall asleep while Jake held him. As much as Jake hated to admit it, it felt nice to walk around the house with a sleeping Lo'ak tucked to his chest.
Neytiri would often cook with Lo'ak strapped to her. He was her "little taste-tester".
I'm sorry this got so long my brain knows no bounds I swear I go so overboard sometimes 😭 Tuk isn't in this one because in my head I'm going chronologically btw.
I don't even think there is anything to add, anon. Just know I am crying?? Thank you so much for this genuine gift you have given me.
I LOVEEEE stay at home wheelchair dad Jake Sully he means the entire world to me. Jake being convinced Neytiri was joking about being pregnant??? Obsessed. WANTING TO TALK TO TOMMY?? Dead. FOSTER DAD NORM?? You can't convince me Jake and Norm didn't become friends through the foster system they were both in okay okay. And Norm and Tommy connected over their science shit and Jake was always trying to keep them from getting bullied too hard lol. Norm is a foster parent because he believes in fixing the system through it, Jake is more disillusioned. He was all skeptical of the idea at first, but boy did he get attached to Spider quickly. Neytiri and Jake's Spider speech kills me I'll die real tears. They're like oh shit actually... you can't have him. And the days before they can petition the court about it? So sad. Neteyam is a mess without his buddy. Kiri's vibes are simply flawless, and I love Mo'at making shit up to be there lol. DEMON BABY LO'AK, iconic, please. He tries to die so often. They have to baby proof the baby proofing on the house.
Please anon, this made my week, definitely send more.
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strangermarvelss · 2 years
angel eyes- e.m
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: it’s the annual talent show at hawkins high and you decide to tell eddie how you’re feeling through song (based by “angel eyes” by abba)
Warnings: angst, insecurities, accused cheating, bullying, eddie being clueless, misunderstandings, mentions of vomit, sexual implications, cussing, happy ending
Word Count: 4.8k (oops)
A/N: ahh my first ever eddie munson fic has arrived! y’all i have become so obsessed with that fictional metalhead over the past few weeks, it’s so serious. anyway, i hope you enjoy the fic! - sava
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Chrissy. Fucking. Cunningham.
You stood from a far as you watched the cheerleader wrap her arms around your boyfriend, Eddie Munson, before taking off into the woods. They were going towards the spot where all his deals usually go down. But in the recent months, it had become your spot, and Eddie, found a new spot to deal. You let out a sigh and turn on your heel, walking in the opposite direction.
You knew about Eddie’s crush on Chrissy in middle school, as he and you shared your past relationships and crushes early on in your relationship, which was almost a year ago. You scoffed to yourself, wondering why he would sneak around with her like that. Why he didn’t just tell you he didn’t want you anymore, or whatever his excuse of a reason was. Frankly, you didn’t quite care right now, the hurt settling into your bones and making you weak.
You walked towards the buses were about to hop on one when Dustin, one of the new Hellfire club members that was slowly becoming Eddie’s right hand in the club, stopped you.
“Wait, Y/N, are you coming to Hellfire tonight? Also where is Eddie? Doesn’t he usually drive you home?” The freshman asks. You let out sigh and shake your head.
“I-I don’t know where Eddie is, but I’m not feeling the best right now so I’m gonna skip Hellfire for the night. I’ll see you tomorrow though, Dustin,” you explain, and before he can ask you anymore questions, you hop on the bus that usually took you home before you and Eddie started dating.
The concern the club had for you would usually make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, however, with how shitty you’re feeling after seeing Eddie take Chrissy to your spot, you didn’t want to even talk to anyone in the club anymore today, despite them doing nothing wrong in this situation. Although you weren’t an official member of the Hellfire Club, you would go to the meetings every week and sit on the throne with your boyfriend the dungeon master. You and Eddie would chill for a while back at his place then drive back to school and set up for the meetings, and you’d help him clean up and he’s either drive you back home, or you’d spend the night at his, with his uncle working nights and all, it usually would be the latter.
However, the meeting this week was pushed up a day to Thursday, a.k.a tonight, as the annual Talent Showcase was on Friday, which fell on the regular meeting day for Hellfire. Everyone knew that Corroded Coffin would be playing at the show, especially if Eddie was meaning what he’s been saying since the start of the school year, that this would finally be his year, and he would graduate. Which means he had to leave with a bang.
You always went to support your man whenever he played. Tuesday nights at the Hideout became one of your weekly rituals, cheering on the band from the crowd of you, plus about five drunk people. You knew they appreciated your support, Eddie especially. He didn’t have a lot of people in his corner, and you being there to rally for him in any situation he truly admired and appreciated, since he told you nearly on a daily basis.
Stepping off the bus, you walk a few houses down and walk through the front door of your house. Thankful that your parents were still at work, you climb the stairs up to your room and shut the door, tossing your bag aside and flopping on your bed. You felt the overwhelming sense of hurt wash over you now that you were in the safe space of your four bedroom walls. You felt your eyes prick with tears as you thought more about seeing Eddie and Chrissy together. Her body pressed against your man, his smile as he reciprocated the hug. It was all becoming too much.
You let out a choked sob as you grabbed a pillow for support. This was the first time Eddie had done anything to make you upset, as he was usually so sweet and attentive. You always thought it was just because he’s never been in a real relationship before and wanted to do things right, but also the selfish part of you wanted to believe it’s because he really did love you and cherishes the moments you spent together.
At least, he used to.
The more your mind started to think about everything that went down today, the puzzle pieces were coming together more. He had been pulling a way a bit lately, with the two of you not hanging out much outside of school and Hellfire. You thought it was just due to the Talent Show and him wanting to practice with his band, but maybe it was more than that. Maybe he was running off to see Chrissy. Maybe today wasn’t the first time they were acting so secretive and suspicious.
You hear your mother’s car pull into the driveway and hear her call out to you to come eat the dinner she picked up on her way home. You couldn’t even think about eating right now, your worries and sadness weighing down on you and your appetite. You slowly stand up and change into your favorite pajamas and crawl back into your bed with the covers practically suffocating you as you rest your head on your pillow. The world around soon became dull and fuzzy as you allowed yourself to glide into sleep for the night, hoping things may not be as bad tomorrow.
Popping your ABBA cassette into your walkman, you shut the door of the family car and lock it before heading towards the front doors of Hawkins High. You were thankful your mom had every other Friday off, and agreed to let you use the car today to go to school, paired with a bunch of questions as to why you even needed it. Eddie would usually be by your house early enough to pick you up for school, so it felt odd not having your usual mode of transportation for the day. You weren’t even surprised though, because he didn’t even bother calling you last night to check up on you. You know it sounds silly, but if he still cared for you, he would’ve made sure you feeling okay, right?
Placing your headphones over your head, you press play and allow the wonderful, pop-y voices of ABBA to fill your ears as you open the doors to school. Your first two periods usually went by fast, those being Science and History, your favorite subjects. It wasn’t until third period you would start to worry, as that was your English class with Ms. O’Donnell…which is the one class you shared with Eddie. You weren’t sure what to expect, which made your stomach twist in several knots at the thought of hundreds of scenarios. 
You look up to see the Hellfire boys standing by their usual spot they’d meet in the morning. You turn the corner quickly, making your way past the band room where you gave a quick wave to Robin. Aside from the Hellfire boys, you didn’t have many friends. You were a very quiet being, and everyone thought it was ironic that you were in a relationship with one of the most outgoing, obnoxious people in Hawkins. It also didn’t help that you had been held back in the 7th grade due to family circumstances that came up, so half the friends you used to have graduated last year. But besides that, the rest of the school just didn’t peak your interest. You had Eddie, Robin, Nancy, and the Hellfire Club. That was really all you needed. 
Plopping down in your usual seat, you take your headphones of and stop the cassette from playing, hearing the first bell ring. You pack your walkman up and settle your books and pencils on the desk in front of you, ready to being the day so it can finally be over.
You sigh as you exit Ms. O’Donnells classroom, completely embarrassed when Jason Carver loudly questioned why you weren’t sitting or talking to Eddie, making immature comments saying “is the resident freak couple in a fight?” or “who would’ve thought Eddie “The Freak” Munson could keep his mouth closed for so long”, with half the class bursting out into hysterics. But the worst part of it all? Eddie WAS quiet. He didn’t say a damn thing to defend himself or even you, and that wasn’t like him. There were usually quippy comebacks to what Jason had to say, or just something to defend your honor. But when you looked back at him with helpless eyes, silently begging him to do something, he was out of it, his mind focussed elsewhere, making you turn back around and slump down in defeat.
You quickly take off towards the closest bathroom, running to the biggest stall and locking yourself inside. You felt so dumb. Not because of Jason Carver or any of his kiss-ass friends, but because you weren’t sure why Eddie wasn’t talking to you at all right now. You had no idea where the two of you stood and you felt like a stupid, stereotypical, boy-crazed girl. You wipe away a few tears that managed to slip down your cheeks and try to control your breathing. 
“Hey, are you okay in there?” You hear a girl ask. The voice sounded familiar to you, so you poked your head out to see the redhead freshman who would usually talk to Dustin and his other freshman friends, Max Mayfield. 
“Y-yeah, I’m fine,” you tell her, wiping your nose with your sleeve. God you felt pathetic. 
“Hey you’re Y/N right? You’re dating Eddie? I’m friends with some people in that Hellfire Club,” she tells you, and you can tell she’s trying really hard not to poke you for answers as to why you’re crying in the bathroom while everyone else is at lunch.
“Yeah, t-that’s me. And I know who you are Max,” you tell her, gathering your backpack and wrapping it around you. 
“Well are you going to the Talent Show tonight? My friends are doing some weird routine that I’m going to make fun of them for. Plus I hear Eddie’s going to put on an amazing show for his final Showcase,” she asks you, turning more your way.
“I don’t know. Some stuff has kind of-“
“I totally get it. But if you’re up to coming, you can sit by me, and we can make fun of my friends together,” she explains, a slight smile creeping up. You return the favor and send her a smile back.
“Thanks, I’ll think on that,” you tell her. You watch as she exits the bathroom and you let out a small sigh. You appreciated her actions, trying to distract you from everything that’s happened the past few days. You kind of needed that.
Going to the sink, you run your hands under the water with soap and look at your reflection in the mirror. Your eyes were puffy and you head cry tear stains upon your cheeks, making you let out an aggravated grunt. You rest your hands on either side of the sink and hang for head there for a moment. 
When all of a sudden, it hit you.
You jolt up and look at your eyes again, all puffy and swollen, but still big and round. You quickly exit the bathroom and speed walk to the newspaper room, where you needed to talk to one individual in particular. Busting the doors open, you see dozens of pairs of eyes looking up at you, annoyed by the sudden outburst. You mumble apologies and make your way towards Nancy.
“Hey Nance, I have a question,” you whisper, trying not to disturb anyone any more than you already have. She looks up at you for a moment before speaking and going back to her work.
“Yeah what’s up-oh my god, are you okay?” She asks, looking at your disheveled demeanor. 
“Yeah I’m fine-“
“Then why do you look like you’ve been crying? Did something happen? Does Robin know about it?” She continues to press. You roll your eyes and calmly smack your hand against the table, trying to get her to focus on anything but your appearance right now.
“Nance, stop…please, we’re getting off topic. You’re running the Talent Showcase right?” you asked, raising your eyebrows.
“Do you have anymore slots available?” You asked with a smirk. If Eddie wasn’t going to give you the normal time of day you’d been used to, then maybe he’s pay more attention if there was a larger audience. 
The Talent Showcase was in full swing, with a good crowd out to see the students perform their countless variations of talents. You sat in-between Max and Robin in the crowd, waiting for your turn to be queued up to perform. Part of you was nervous, due to the fact that you haven’t performed in front of a crowd since you were in your kindergarten talent show, where you puked right after your performance after exiting the stage. So there was no pressure at all this time. You had recently just watched the freshmen of the Hellfire club perform…you had no idea how to describe what it is they did, but you giggled like Max told you you would. The next time you hung out with them, you’d be making fun of them to their faces for that one.
“Up next week have Corroded Coffin!” You heard Nancy announce as she appeared on stage. The curtains drew back and you saw the band’s signature set up, the drums with their logo and Eddie and his bandmates standing in rockstar poses. The sound of a guitar shredding filled the auditorium as they began playing their song, one you hadn’t heard before. You noticed the level of dedication that played into the band, the shear focus of hitting the notes and putting on the performance etched into their faces. Eddie’s tongue was sticking out slightly from his mouth, which was his telling sign that he was in the zone and laser focussed.
You looked around to see the crowd of parents and student ultimately not as responsive, with Hawkins only really liking “acceptable music.” But you noticed quite a few people bobbing their heads to the music and seemingly enjoying their performance, which made your heart a little happy. Even with the problems you were currently facing with Eddie, seeing his dream succeed in any form made you happy. 
The song starts to end and you hear some cheers coming from the crowd, you clapping just a bit to show your support. Despite your problems you’d been facing with your boyfriend, you still wanted to show you cared about his passion of music, because you still cared about him.
“We’ve been Corroded Coffin!” Eddie shouts in the mic, laughing and sticking his tongue out to the crowd before retreating backstage. You look to Robin next to you and lean closer to her.
“I’m up soon, so I’m gonna head backstage,” you tell her. She nods and gives you two thumbs up in support. You turn to Max and tell her the same, and she smiles and you and whispers some encouraging words in your ear. You stand from your seat and walk backstage.
“Hey Y/N,” Nancy says as she comes back from the stage where she just finished announcing the next talent show entry. You flash her a small smile, the nerves of being backstage starting to get to you.
“You have the tape all set up? On the right song?” You ask her. She simply nods and places a hand on your shoulder.
“You’re gonna do great out there. Just know why you’re really singing, and the nerves will float away. You got this,” she tells you with a smile. You give her a quick hug, a silent thank you for the encouraging words and tips. You hear the audience applaud and watch Nancy walk on stage again. 
“And our final act of the night, we have Y/N L/N!” Nancy says into the microphone. You slowly make your way out on the stage, taking in the faces that stare up at you from the crowd. Placing your hands on the mic, you swallow some nerves and shift your feet, trying to shake the remaining nerves out of your system. You see Robin and Max in the crowd where you once sat, their faces bright and supportive. You look out further in the crowd and see Eddie and his bandmates close to the door, as if they’re about to leave.
“H-hi,” you speak into the microphone, causing the sound to crackle a bit. You back up a little and try again.
“My name is Y/N L/N…and I’m going to sing a song that’s been holding some truth in my life recently.”
At that, you notice Eddie stop in his tracks and slowly turn around looking at you, shock all over his face. You quickly make point to look at the rest of the audience as you begin to hear Angel Eyes by ABBA’s intro being to fill the speakers. You let out another breath, and begin to sing to one of your favorite songs.
“Last night, I was takin a walk along the river
And I saw him together with a young girl
And the look that he gave her made me shiver
‘Cause he always used to look at me that way,”
As you sang those words, you looked Eddie’s way, as if you were singing directly at him, telling him what he’s done and how he had been making you feel. He had his arms crossed as he watched you sing, his face unreadable, which made your stomach churn for a moment, but ultimately remembering what Nancy told you.
You felt yourself calm down a bit as you started singing the chorus, moving your hips and adding some dance moves into this makeshift routine.
“Look into his angel eyes
One look and you’re hypnotized
He’ll take your heart and you must pay the price,”
You continued to sing, the audience nodding along and dancing as you continue with your act. You felt yourself becoming proud that you were able to grab the audience, despite not having performed in years. Maybe the people of Hawkins were still stuck in the 70’s. Or they just loved ABBA like you did.
Your dance moves felt more fluid as you let go of the microphone stand and moved in place, channeling your inner go-go girl and pop-star. 
The final bars of the song began to play and you sang the rest of the way, closing out with a note you weren’t sure you’d be able to hit, but, to your surprise, you did. The audience cheered as the song closed out and you felt yourself beginning to blush at the positive feedback from your performance. You saw Max and Robin cheering for you from their seats, blowing them kisses. 
You look up and see Eddie and the band clapping for you a bit, right before ducking out through the lobby of the auditorium. You exited the stage and found the backstage crew congratulating you, saying you were one of the best performances of the night.
You walk out of the auditorium with the rest of the crowd, Max, Nancy, and Robin by your side, talking about your performance and flooding you with compliments. You were starting to get dizzy from all this positive attention, it almost feeling like whiplash compared to what happened earlier in the day at school. You thanked them for your support and watched as Robin and Max piled into Nancy’s car, waving her goodbye before you started walking towards your car. 
You notice a tall, lanky figure leaning against your car, with long wavy hair and you knew it was only one person who knew which car was yours that fit that description. You sighed slightly, your eyes looking to the ground as you continued walking up to your car.
“Hi,” Eddie says, trying to make his presence known. You look u at him and he has a cigarette hanging loosely from him mouth, not yet lit.
“Hi Eddie…” you say, letting your voice trail off. You look around at everyone forming a line to exit the parking lot, almost leaving the two of you as the only ones not trying to escape the parking lot.
“That was some performance you put up there,” he told you, the tone in his voice unclear. You look back at him with the puzzled expression.
“Is that supposed to be a compliment or a diss?” You ask, crossing your arms. He takes the cigarette out of his mouth and puts it back in his pack.
“I meant it as a compliment, believe it or not.”
“Well it’s hard to tell where you’re heads been at the last few weeks,” you explained. He knew you could bite back when he did. Your feistiness is one of the things he told you he loved about you.
“So Gareth was right then. You were singing that song about me,” he says with a huff, looking towards the ground and readjusting his position against your car. You let out an aggravated sigh.
“Do you have a point you’re trying to make Eddie? Or can I get in my car and go home for the weekend?” You let out, annoyance dripping in your voice.
“Uh, yeah. I want to know why you chose to sing a damn song about me in front of nearly half the town?” He questioned. Now it was his turn to show he was annoyed.
As sweet as Eddie usually was, it was never really a shock to you to see him be defensive and rough sometimes. It was just in his nature due to his past.
“Well clearly trying to talk with you over the past few weeks wasn’t working, so I needed to get your attention somehow,” you explain to him. He gives you a puzzled look.
“What are you even talking about, Y/N?”
“What am I talking about? Eddie you’ve been distant as hell the past few weeks. Bailing on dates, not driving me home. I’ve really only seen you at school or Hellfire for the last couple weeks,” you answer. There was no way he was that clueless that he didn’t even see it himself.
“God forbid I have other shit to worry about, Y/N,” he says. Ouch, that stung a little. One thing you hated about fights with Eddie, he went for low blows or knew exactly what to say to get you riled up and upset.
“What like seeing Chrissy Cunningham?”
He freezes for a moment. Stilling all movements, as his dramatics always called for him moving as he spoke and talking with his hands. When he did this, it really could go either way. Really good, and the two of you would make up, or really bad and blow up in your face. Your sense were telling you it might be the latter tonight.
“Now I’m really lost,” he tells you, his eyebrows twisted in a pinched, angry look.
“I saw you two together yesterday. Hugging behind the school…going to our spot in the woods,” you explained, your voice growing quieter at the confession. Those damn insecurities of yours and the worries you were stressing about the previous night were crawling their way back up into your head, and it was making you feel weak and small.
“Look, Y/N, it isn’t wh-“
“No, I get it okay. You used to have a crush on her in middle school and maybe those feelings are still there and you wanted to act on them, it’s cool,” you say, tears brimming in your eyes. “I just wish you had the decency to break things off with me or, hell, even talk with me about it before doing anything.”
You look back up at him for a second and his features soften, seeing your face full of hurt and the water now spilling from your eyes. You were trying your hardest not to cry in front of him, but the love and adoration you hold for Eddie Munson is too much to let your strong demeanor stand.
“You think I’m cheating on you with Chrissy?” He asks you, his voice soft as well. You slowly nod, your sniffles growing louder as you keep trying to fight back the tears. Suddenly you feel yourself being engulfed by a pair of arms, looking up to see Eddie’s body smushed against yours. You tried to fight it away, just wanting to go home at this point, but his grasp was firm on you.
“Oh Y/N, you’re such an idiot,” he tells you. You gasp and continue to fight out of his touch.
“What the fuck Eddie?” You ask. He starts laughing a bit.
“I’m not cheating on you with Chrissy Cunningham, silly. Or anyone, for that matter,” he began to explain. You pull away from him slightly and he loosens his grip on you so he can meet your gaze. “She wanted to buy some pot for some cheerleader sleepover she was hosting tonight, and didn’t want anyone to see her in that new spot I picked by the gym. So, I suggested the old spot. That’s all that went down, okay?” He cups your cheeks and looks you in the eye, silently reassuring you with his soft expression that it truly wasn’t anything.
“W-well what about you flaking on me for the past few weeks?” You asked, sneaking your head out from around him to wipe away some tears and to rub at your nose. He smiles at your cute actions and helps you rub away all the mess your eyes made with the pad of his calloused thumb.
“I was practicing that new song we played in there! The band and I really wanted this showcase to be the best one yet and so we decided to write up a new song for it to perform. We’ve been hard at work and that was taking up all my free time besides Hellfire. Which I’m a little hurt you didn’t come to yesterday, by the way,” he added. You look away, embarrassed that he did notice your absence. 
“Well given what I thought went down yesterday, I was in no mood for watching from the throne,” you admit.
“Well next time you feel this way, and I really hope there isn’t a next time, just come talk to me okay? Don’t go singing in front of the town again about me,” he tells you before placing a soft kiss to your forehead, which you melt into.
“Mmm, okay. But only if you agree not to shut me out again or not talk to me. A relationship is a two way street, mister Munson, and putting everything aside, you not being there for me did hurt,” you explain to him, your eyes looking downward as your voice trails off again. He rests his head on yours for a moment and you feel him nodding, then pull away briefly. 
“I’m sorry for making you feel that way. and ‘M sorry for neglecting you. I promise not to shut you out anymore sweetheart,” he whispers, before ducking his head down to capture your lips with his own, leading you to wrap your arms around his neck. You tangle your fingers into his hair and give a small tug as he deepens the kiss, the two of you missing this intimacy from the last few weeks. You lowers his hands past your hips and cups your ass softly, pulling you closer to him, if that was even possible, all while slipping his tongue in your mouth. Eddie sure was a smooth rebounder after a fight, knowing just what you liked to hear and have done to you once the two of you made amends.
You pull back to catch your breath and Eddie whines in protest. You could really tell the stress he was putting on himself for getting the song down for tonight had really weighed on him, having missed his girl. You felt that way too, as you felt those butterflies fluttering in your stomach after that intense kiss. Not to mention some other feelings that came up.
“C’mon, let’s go back to the trailer. I wanna show you how truly sorry I am, sweetheart,” he smirks and tugs you along to where he parked his van for the evening. 
“But what about my car? I drove her separately, remember?”
“It’ll still be here in the morning, babe. Or should I say, afternoon? That sounds more like when I might get done making it up to you.”
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just-a-floofy-catt · 6 months
This ones another barely coherent bullet point one lol
Its based completely around the song "Rises the moon" and its lyrics :)
• The dca bois in their recovery after the virus incident in sb :(
• Like, imagine a fic where you have to help them get better/back to normal after all that trauma
• Sun is still super paranoid and has a breakdown or panic attack at even the insinuation of the lights going out
• You have to slowly get him used to it and try to chill him out
• He feels really bad for not trusting Moon, since he missed him so much after all. But he just cant help it, and ends up overworking himself and trying to stay in control as long as possible and give as little chances as he can for Moon to come out.
• So then he has warring fear and guilt eating away at him
• On the other side of this, Moon is doing a hell of alot of reflecting
• He feels absolutely awful about what has happened, despite how much others try to tell him it isnt his fault and that hes also a victim in the situation
• He becomes incredibly distant and lost in his own wallowing, avoiding literally everyone and isolating himself out of fear of hurting someone
• Just imagine a super soft scene where after a month of trying to get Moon to just properly talk to them, YN ends up catching him sat alone in the dark with only the faint glow in the dark elements in the daycare illuminating him on the balcony. Hes literally just sat there, just staring sadly at the fake stars along the ceiling.
• YN approaches him carefully and he doesnt even notice
• They sit on the edge of the ballpit, looking up at him in silence
• He finally notices them and startles
• Random note - (Metaphor in the song of how every day with sun feels different, due to both his erratic behaviour and him actually slowly improving over time, but every night is always the same with moon refusing to open up to you)
• He just waits and stares at them suspiciously
• (This isnt their usual shift. They werent supposed to be in today and theyre a later than usual too.)
• (They asked if they could go in, because they felt like they just couldnt give up on Moon and made a spur of the moment impulsive decision before going to bed that they would go and see if catching him later would help at all or make a difference. They were desperate for just anything at all to work)
• They didnt really plan this, so not only do they not know what to do or say, but their lack of sleep means theyre tired af
• After a few moments of just silent staring, they start to droop a bit, and yawn, laying their head on their knees, just waiting for any reaction at all from him.
• Theres just complete stillness between the two, and YNs body seems to give into Moon’s stubbornness, dozing slightly and causing them to fall asleep
• Moon softens slightly, programming kicking in at seeing them so tired
• He hesitates, waiting a little longer, then goes down to them
• He cautiously approaches them, then reaches down to pet their head
• They shift slightly and he smiles
• His fear of accidentally hurting someone, or suddenly becoming a monster still holds him in its grip, making him rather scared when gently lifting them into his arms
• He goes back up to the balcony, heading for his room
• He jumps slightly as they suddenly grasp onto him
• "I promise things can get better, Moon... it will soon"   "i trust you."
• Moon is shocked and emotional from their sleepily-murmured words, suddenly having the realization that- yes. He does want that to happen. He does miss being with the childern. He misses being with Sunny. He misses being happy.
• He settles down into a pile of pillows and holds YN close, protective, as they sleep.
• Moon then agrees to working with YN and they slowly start his road to recovery
• Just YN helping a very nervous Moon to get his confidence back :)
• Meanwhile though, as this progresses, whilst Sun has pretty much eradicated his issue, he gains a new one. Dealing with the daycare kids all without Moon again is really taking its toll on him again, and not only does he desperately need the help, but he also really misses Moon
• Having him so close but just out of reach was destroying him over time. He knew he needed to be patient. Every time he asked you when he could properly talk to his Moonie again, thats what you always said. That moon needed more time to get better. And he understood that, but that didnt make it any less hard
• Eventually, theyre reunited
• Just
• Omg
• Reading or writing it, i would S O B
• They finally have eachother back to take refuge in once again, and they owe it all to YN
• Cue the 3 of yall just being really sweet and all
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viridiave · 1 year
a very long post about opinions on the OT2 character themes
> disclaimer: these are the ramblings of someone who has not formally studied music or music theory and is just going off of the vibes that they got from listening to the character themes over and over. so uh please take these opinions like the opinions that they were meant to be
Ochette, the Hunter
- I love this theme. The first time I heard the samples on the Octopath website I fell in love instantly and was convinced that Ochette was going to be my starter just because of how EPIC it sounded. When the full version came out, my feelings on it being epic did not change one bit because it captures the spirit of going on a grand mission SO WELL, and the theme itself feels like it represents Toto'haha as a whole more than just Ochette, reminding us every time of the gravity of their situation. Of course I have maybe too many problems with her actual story but damn if it doesn't do a great job at being cinematic. You can just tell the dev team had so much fun making scenes with the scale of the Legendary Beasts in mind
- also I'm not the only one who hears a slight choir in the background right.
In Pursuit of Legends
- easily one of the best pre-battle themes in the game - the high wind instruments just send chills down my spine no matter what situation Ochette is put in, and when we hear it for the last time in Ochette 3 - oh BOY does it feel incredible. Speaking of Ochette 3
The Journey for Legends Ends
- Out of all the Journey Ends remixes Ochette's version of it is undoubtedly one of my favorites - easily cracks the top 3. In my first run of OT2, I saved Ochette 3 for last, and having it be against the fight against the Darkling?? The high wind instrument sounded like WAILING and I can't get over how fitting that is given everything that the Darkling had gone through until this moment. The whole island is at stake but our attention is all on the Darkling's suffering and honestly? That whole sequence made me forget about the problems I had with Ochette's story and got me to cry a bit because holy shit
Castti, the Apothecary
- I don't have too many strong feelings about Castti's theme, but I dearly appreciate how subdued and somber it sounds. It fits Castti's journey of finding her memories so well and I just generally have no complaints.
- HER LEITMOTIF HOWEVER - the theme used in every flashback sequence incorporates it so well that I cry every goddamn time that it's used. THIS IS THE THEME THAT HER CHAPTER 3 ENDED WITH. IT'S SO SAD AND LOST THAT IT JUST AKSJAKS WHAT DID NISHIKI INJECT INTO THIS THEME???
In Pursuit of Memories
- I love For Succor from the first game. Easily one of the most cinematic-sounding pre-battle themes. In Pursuit of Memories takes everything that made For Succor amazing and TURNS IT UP TO 11 AND WOW THOSE TRUMPETS ARE SENDING CHILLS UP MY SPINE. Castti's leitmotif messes up my brain a lot it's great
The Journey for Memories Ends
- As much as I wanted Castti's rendition of this song to crack the top 3 my god the renditions that DID just made me feel way more BUT HECK IF THIS DIDN'T MAKE ME FEEL A LOT OF THINGS
- Having her theme be up against Trousseau feels incredibly triumphant. Like she's being backed up by Eir's Apothecaries as she fights like Jesus they went SO HARD
Throne, the Thief
- I'm probably going to get a lot of flack for this but. I especially don't have strong feelings about Throne's theme. I like it enough, I'm a sucker for strings and I think it suits her well, but I feel like it blends too much into the rest of the soundtrack. It could be the instrument choice, it could be the chords? I promise I like the strings. I also love how it played in her ending. I feel nothing but happiness for Throne when I see her endcard I love it so much
In Pursuit of Freedom
- To be completely honest I have to strain my ears to actually hear Throne's motif in the pre-battle theme but I don't have a lot to say about it - definitely blends in too much with the violins.
The Journey for Freedom Ends
- As for the rest of it it's fine I guess? Like I like hearing it and battling with it but I think the first time around I was way too confused with the bombshells that Claude dropped on us for me to properly appreciate the music
Osvald, the Scholar
- At first I thought this was a pretty generic somber theme that REALLY loves its cellos, but in my second playthrough I grew to appreciate it a lot more. Without changing a single note, Osvald's theme goes from somber to triumphant over the course of his story and it's kind of insane to me?? Like it fits way too well with the bittersweet ending that he has but has so much room for hope and somehow his character theme captures that so well??? Gods bless you Osvald
In Pursuit of Revenge
- Gotta say - I don't have a lot of feelings on this either. Other than to say that it's badass and imposing as all hell
The Journey for Revenge Ends
- Honestly the fact that I was maybe rooting for Osvald too hard to just kick Harvey's ass because he hurt Elena probably helped BUT STILL AWESOME THEME
Partitio, the Merchant
- God. The moment I heard the electric guitars I was already sold but then the SAX kicked in and it's like 'YO ALRIGHT WE'RE BALLING'
- this post really started out with me describing actual feelings. Don't worry we're still going to talk about feelings but I don't have much to say about Partitio's theme other than it's awesomea and that people should play it in bars
In Pursuit of Happiness
- man this game is really giving me a great appreciation of the power of electric guitars. I see the appeal now. I especially see it in Partitio's leitmotif cuz man it really makes me want to end poverty. Unfortunately I don't have Partitio's business acumen OR his exuberance so I like. The most I can actually do is look into charity and volunteer work but this theme reminds me that that's good effort too
The Journey for Happiness Ends
- Gotta say? I don't have a lot of strong feelings about this rendition. Like I love Partitio and his story's ending to BITS but I think the fact that we're fighting a whole-ass steam-powered war train had the more staying power for me in this fight. Not that his theme was bad by any means because MAN that electric guitar solo goes bonkers
Agnea, the Dancer
- Gil's piano version also just flat-out brings me to tears. God bless you Agnea motif. Why is it so good at being emotional. The evolution of this song throughout Agnea's journey just hits me on so many levels. Music and dance as a form of human expression and communication is fully on display with Agnea's story and her theme reflects that perfectly
In Pursuit of Hope
- how do I gush over Agnea's leitmotif even more without just repeating myself. it's just so good. it's so hype even if the situations themselves are relatively low-stakes. like she's just having a really intense talk with the manager of the theater and the battle theme goes HARDER THAN IT SHOULD
Song of Hope
- man I wish sometimes that whenever Agnea uses her EX Song of Hope we got like. a little jingle of her theme and her singing the lyrics. I love Song of Hope so much it's my second-favorite Journey Ends theme. Yes I know it technically doesn't qualify but come onnnn
Temenos, the Cleric
- okay now I'm REALLY going to get flack for this. I actually don't like Temenos's theme. There's specific reasons for this and most of them have to do with his story. It was already one of the character themes that I felt relatively neutral on when I first heard it, and my first impression was that 'mmmm okay. what's throne's theme sound like-'. The demo came out and gave us Chapter 1, and suddenly it makes sense why it sounds so funky - it represents his character from Chapter 1 so well! It tells us a lot about Temenos - that he's lackadaisical, full of doubt, and that there's more to him than meets the eye. It's true to his character as a detective who likes to mess with his assistant sometimes
- But then Stormhail happened, and it's like. The whimsical tones of his theme really didn't suit the tone of the rest of his story OR his character going forward. Crick's death has dramatically changed the feel of his story, and from that moment on it's pretty clear that Temenos is out for revenge more than he is out for truth - but his theme doesn't reflect that. In fact it feels like it's acting in defiance of the tone shift, feeling almost dismissive of the emotional plot points of his story. On a meta level I think it's interesting how it reflects Temenos's state of mind, sticking to his pursuit in order to avenge everybody he lost and keeping his emotions bottled up. Emotionally however it feels incredibly dissonant - especially when it plays over his endcard.
In Pursuit of Truth
- Honestly for how much flack I gave his character theme I have to give it to his leitmotif for being incorporated in incredibly interesting ways for his battle themes. I did NOT think that the Celestas?? Glockenspiels??? Whatever those brass instruments were - they were INTENSE
The Journey for Truth Ends
- Same words that I have for In Pursuit of Truth like oh my god I didn't think they could make his funky-sounding leitmotif sound so badass but they DID and it felt immensely satisfying to kick Kaldena's ass as the music played. Savor that satisfaction because my god the rest of his story arc does not have a lot of that
Hikari, the Warrior
- I'm partial to Eastern instruments and chord progression! Hikari's theme sounds incredibly regal and it tells us a lot about his character - he's noble, kind, and a great leader. It's a theme that's fit for a king and honestly what more can you ask for?
- also when the bridge plays with the peaceful tones of high wind instruments my heart is just. It is at ease. All is right in the world. tHEN IT'S BACK TO THE INTENSE PARTS WAHOO
In Pursuit of Kingship
- OKAY BEFORE THE GAME CAME OUT I WAS ONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO LISTENED TO THE LEAKED SOUNDTRACK OVER AND OVER BECAUSE OH MY GOD HIKARI'S LEITMOTIF GOES SO HARD - I literally SCREAMED when I first heard the leaked version and honestly through the choppy audio and the chunky part of the video - you all know the one - this theme was the one that convinced me that Octopath Traveler 2 was going to be something special. I screamed out loud to several people I knew that this? Seamless transition into Critical Clash II?? It sounded like Latin Honors.
The Journey for Kingship Ends
- So, picture me on my first run, intending to finish the second game this time in reverse OCTOPATH order, meaning I started with Hikari's final chapters. Sure I switched Temenos and Throne around for the order but that was fine, I'm in Ku, and we're about to finally kick Mugen's ass because I fucking hate Mugen. The chapter begins with Kazan literally summoning a sandstorm to open the gates of Ku. I am already so hyped. Then Clan Mei arrives. I am even more hyped. THEN WE FINALLY GET TO KICK RITSU'S ASS, AND HEY OCTOPATH 2, WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS IS A BOSS RUSH??? I get to Mugen. I beat his first phase. I fight Hikari's intrusive thoughts and win. Mugen does some eldritch shit. AND THEN THIS FUCKING THEME KICKS IN AND I WAS JUST THROWN BACKWARDS INTO MY SEAT
so yeah i'd love to hear you guys' thoughts on the character themes. feel free to disagree with my opinions! I welcome it!
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